
    KODIAC ENERGY, dass wird der neue Ölsuperstar!!! - 500 Beiträge pro Seite

    eröffnet am 04.12.06 22:15:19 von
    neuester Beitrag 28.04.11 17:13:54 von
    Beiträge: 73
    ID: 1.098.256
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    Gesamt: 13.741
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    ISIN: US5001171066 · WKN: A0DP90 · Symbol: KDKN
    0,00 %
    0,0000 USD
    Letzter Kurs 25.04.24 Nasdaq OTC

    Werte aus der Branche Öl/Gas

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    Begriffe und/oder Benutzer



     Ja Nein
      schrieb am 04.12.06 22:15:19
      Beitrag Nr. 1 ()
      Heute kam der obb mit einer Kaufempfehlung + Musterdepotaufnahme von Kodiac Energy. Ich denke mla, dass dies erst der Anfang sein wird. Weitere Börsenbriefe werden folgen und dann steht das Papier bei 2,00 €. Die Empfehlung hat sich ganz gut gelesen und wenn ich mich recht erinnere stand da was von 4,00 € als Kursziel drin. 2,00 € würden mir aber auch schon reichen :D :D :cool:
      also viel Spaß beim Kaufen.
      schrieb am 05.12.06 14:46:56
      Beitrag Nr. 2 ()
      Hallo Leute!

      Hat jemand was genaueres zu der Aktie über Vorkommen, menge.

      Ist es ein Explorer oder fördern die schon selber?
      schrieb am 05.12.06 14:53:33
      Beitrag Nr. 3 ()
      25.10.2006 08:32
      FFN / Kodiak Energy vor Milliardenprojekt mit Oel und Gas in Nordamerika
      Frankfurter Finance Newsletter (FFN) -


      AKTIE IM FOKUS: Kodiak Energy (Nachrichten) vor Milliardenprojekt mit Öl und Gas in Nordamerika


      Redaktionsschluss: 24.10.2006 Redaktion: Jürgen Felger (Diplom-Volkswirt)




      Sehr geehrte Abonnentin, Sehr geehrter Abonnent,

      Das kanadische Öl- und Gasunternehmen Kodiak Energy, Inc (US5001171066, KDKN, ) weist derzeit eine Marktkapitalisierung von 143,6 Mio. USD auf. Das Unternehmen stellt mit seinen Projekten in den nächsten Jahren potenziell insgesamt 528 Mrd. Kubikfuß Gasäquivalent und 172 Mio. Barrel Öl in Aussicht. Dies entspräche einem Wert von mehreren Milliarden US-Dollar!

      Die Analysen und Hinweise des Frankfurter Finance Newsletter für professionelle Investoren sind für Sie gratis und unverbindlich. Eine Abmeldung ist mit dem Link ganz am Ende dieses E-Mails jederzeit möglich.

      Mit freundlichen Grüßen

      Jürgen Felger Chefredakteur


      Haftungsausschluss Offenlegung der Interessen Copyright ________________________________

      _/\_AKTIE IM FOKUS: Kodiak Energy vor Milliardenprojekt mit Öl und Gas in Nordamerika

      Aktienkurs 24. Oktober 2006: 1,60 USD oder umgerechnet 1,27 Euro

      Anzahl umlaufender Aktien 88,8 Mio.

      Kodiak Energy mit Hunderten an Bohrzielen in Montana und Alberta

      Das kanadische Öl- und Gasunternehmen Kodiak Energy, Inc (US5001171066, KDKN, ) hält in seinen gepachteten Grundstücken im US-Bundesstaat Montana mindestens 210 Bohrziele und will auf seinen beiden Grundstücken im Südosten der kanadischen Provinz Alberta das laufende Bohrprogramm mit 150 weiteren Zielen fortführen. Auch in Utah verfügt Kodiak Energy über größere Projekte, so die letzten Informationen. Neben den kürzlich vorgenommen neuen Projekt-Akquisitionen in New Mexico und vor wenigen Tagen in British Columbia begeistert sich das Management vor allem für die Neuerwerbung in der kanadischen Provinz Northwest Territories. Das Projekt könnte zum "company maker" werden. Für das Unternehmen ist der Erwerb produktionsnaher Vermögensgegenstände in Nordamerika die strategische Leitlin ie - mit der klaren Zielsetzung einer schnellen Produktion großer Öl- und Gasprojekte und eines damit verbundenen Cashflows.

      Testbohrungen für Milliardenprojekt diesen Winter in der Provinz Northwest Territories

      Kodiak kann 56,25 % an dem Projekt Mackenzie River Valley in der kanadischen Provinz Northwest Territories erhalten. Das Unternehmen wird diesen Winter zwei Testbohrungen durchführen. Mögliche weitere Bohrziele hat sich Kodiak gesichert. Im Falle des Erfolges könnte man die geplante, nahe gelegene Mackenzie Valley Pipeline nutzen. Bei dem Projekt Mackenzie River Valley handelt es sich um die Erkundungslizenz Little Chicago in den so genannten Grandview Hills. 5 Mio. CAD will das Unternehmen bis 30. Juni 2007 für das Projekt aufwenden. Um eine Vorstellung vom Potenzial zu geben, zitiert Kodiak Energy ein unabhängiges Gutachten eines qualifizierten Ingenieurs, der sich dabei auf die Betrachtung nur einer einzigen der seismischen Strukturen des Grundstückes beschränkt. Er gibt als "best estimate" einen Wert von 107 Mio. Barrel Öläquivalent potenzieller Ölreserven an. Bei einem Kalkulat ionspreis von etwa 15 USD pro Barrel ergäbe sich ein Wert allein für dieses Projekt von 1,6 Mrd. USD. Ein Erfolg unter solchen Voraussetzungen würde selbstverständlich einen entscheidenden Auftrieb für die Aktie bedeuten.

      Produktion in Alberta hat begonnen

      Das Öl- und Gasentwicklungsunternehmen Kodiak Energy konnte laut Unternehmensangaben vor kurzem die Produktion starten, erste Umsätze also für die Firma. In der Pressemitteilung vom 18. September verkündete die Öl- und Gasgesellschaft, dass das Joint Venture täglich 375.000 Kubikfuß Gas auf dem Grundstück Granlea im Süden von Alberta fördert. Man könne damit auch die Voraussage der Produktionshöhe vom Juni in etwa einhalten. Kodiak Energy ist zu 50 % beteiligt. Zwei weitere Quellen sind auf dem Grundstück Manyberries geplant, wo das Unternehmen bereits Anfang des Jahres erfolgreich war. Die Tests gleich mehrerer Hundert Quellen stehen im Süden Albertas und im Norden Montanas auf der Agenda.

      Kodiak stellt Milliardenwerte in Aussicht

      Schon Mitte 2006 stellte Kodiak in Aussicht, in den nächsten Jahren potenziell insgesamt 528 Mrd. Kubikfuß Gasäquivalent und 172 Mio. Barrel Öl fördern zu können. Die Marktpreise liegen derzeit bei etwa bei 7 USD pro 1000 Kubikfuß Gas und 60 USD pro Barrel Öl. Die folgende Berechnung berücksichtigt die üblichen deutlichen Abschläge: Bei 2 USD pro 1000 Kubikfuß Gas und 15 USD pro Barrel Öl läge der Wert der in Aussicht gestellten Öl- und Gasmengen durch Joint Ventures und Projekte bei 3,64 Mrd. USD (1,06 Mrd. USD + 2,58 Mrd. USD)! Dabei sind die Chancen aus dem Projekt in der Provinz Northwest Territories nicht enthalten. Kodiak Energy schickt sich an, zu den wirklich großen Öl- und Gasherstellern aufzurücken. In einer der kommenden Ausgaben im Frankfurter Finance Newsletter erhalten Sie über diese und andere Zukunftsvisionen des Unter nehmens weitere Einschätzungen und Informationen.

      Sichtbar werdender Wachstumsprozess

      Die heutigen und die zukünftigen Gas- und Ölreserven von Kodiak Energy könnten nach Unternehmensangaben einen Wert darstellen, der die momentane Marktkapitalisierung von 143,6 Mio. USD bei weitem überträfe. Es laufen 88,8 Mio. Aktien bei einem Aktienkurs von 1,60 USD oder umgerechnet 1,27 Euro um. Kodiak wird in den USA als OTC-Wert und in Frankfurt im Freiverkehr gehandelt, mit entsprechend geringeren Transparenzanforderungen und erhöhtem Risiko auf der einen Seite sowie erheblichen Kurschancen auf der anderen Seite. Wir denken, dass Kodiak Energy erst am Anfang eines immer mehr sichtbar werdenden Wachstumsprozesses steht.

      zur Übersicht nach oben ->


      Haftungsausschluss: Diese Unternehmensanalyse wurde von Jürgen Felger vom Frankfurter Finance Newsletter (FFN) erstellt. Jegliche Meinungen oder Aussagen in der Analyse spiegeln die Überlegungen des FFN wider. Die enthaltenen Aussagen sind Meinungen des FFN und nicht als Ratschlag oder Angebot zum Kauf, Verkauf oder Halten von Wertpapieren zu verstehen und können sich ohne weitere Benachrichtigung ändern. Obwohl die in der Analyse enthaltenen Informationen des FFN mit der angemessenen Sorgfalt erstellt wurden, übernimmt der FFN und dessen Autoren keinerlei Verantwortung oder Haftung für Fehler, Versäumnisse oder falsche Angaben in Analysen oder Interviews. Der FFN oder dessen Ersteller haften trotz sorgfältiger Analyse nicht für die Richtigkeit, Vollständigkeit oder Genauigkeit und nicht für Verluste oder Schäden finanzieller bzw. jedweder Art, die im Zusammenhang mit dem Inhalt dieser Studie stehen. Autoren und Redaktion können für Vermögensschäden grundsätzlich nicht haftbar gemacht werden. Die Analyseerstellung benötigt Zeit und ist nicht notwendigerweise taggenau an den Veröffentlichungstermin der Analyse geknüpft. Das Investieren in Aktien erlaubt die Partizipation an Erfolgen eines Unternehmens, aber kann auch den Totalverlust des eingesetzten Kapitals bedeuten. Tendenziell besonders risikoreich sind Aktien von Unternehmen mit geringer Marktkapitalisierung. Die hier vorgestellten Unternehmen werden zumeist in der risikoreichsten Wertpapierklasse "Open Market" mit den geringsten Transparenzanforderungen geführt. Anleger müssen sich bewusst sein, dass die dort verfügbaren Informationen geringer sind und höhere Risiken bestehen. Es sollten nur qualifizierte Anleger, die in der Lage sind, etwaige erhöhte Risiken im Zusammenhang mit der Anlage in Aktien dieser Gesellschaft einschätzen und übernehmen zu können, als Anleger in diesem Segment agieren. Vor dem Kauf oder Verkauf von Wertpapieren ist die Beratung durch qualifiziertes Fachpersonal daher ggf. dringend anzuraten. Die Veröffentlichungen des FFN enthalten eine Reihe sogenannter "Forward Looking Statements". Die enthaltenen Informationen beruhen auf Annahmen, deren Eintreten nicht sichergestellt sind und bei denen mit erheblichen Abweichungen gerechnet werden muss.

      Die Veröffentlichugnen des FFN dürfen weder direkt noch indirekt in die USA, nach Kanada, nach Japan oder an deren Staatsangehörige verteilt werden. Die Veröffentlichungen des FFN dürfen in Großbritannien nur bestimmten Personen im Sinne des Financial Services Act 1986 zugänglich gemacht werden. Personen, die unsere Publikation erhalten, müssen diese und alle anderen Restriktionen beachten und sich hierüber entsprechend informieren. Werden diese Einschränkungen nicht beachtet, kann dies als Verstoß der jeweiligen Ländergesetze der genannten und analog dazu möglicherweise auch nicht genannter Länder gewertet werden.

      "Kaufen" = Höhere Kurse sowohl kurz- als auch langfristig erwartet; "Spekulativer Kauf" = Kurzfristig Kaufen, ohne langfristigen Absichten. Zeitliche Perspektive Tage oder Wochen; "Watchlist": Günstige Gelegenheit abwarten.

      Offenlegung der Interessen: Da unsere Dienstleistungen des Finanzjournalismus und der Analyse für Aktienunternehmen und Kunden hier veröffentlicht werden und im Interessenkonflikt zur unabhängigen Analyse gedeutet werden müssen, teilen wir hiermit folgendes mit: Die Leistungen des Frankfurter Finance Newsletter (FFN) umfassen den Finanzjournalismus und die Wertpapier- und Finanzmarktanalyse. Der FFN betreut börsennotierte Aktiengesellschaften durch spezifische Research-Analysen oder regelmäßiges Coverage; durch Unternehmensanalysen, Branchenresearch und Manager-Porträts; sowie insbesondere durch ausführliche Interviews. Dem FFN wird diese Betreuung direkt oder indirekt finanziell durch das hier besprochene Unternehmen Kodiak Energy honoriert. Der FFN strebt weitere von diesem und anderen Emittenten finanzierten Börsenjournalismus und geschäftliche Beziehungen an. Da der FFN für Interviews oder Analysen in der Regel vom Emittenten bezahlt wird, sollte der Leser durchgängig von einem vom hier besprochenen Unternehmen bezahlten Börsentext ausgehen. Der Leser der hier dargestellten Texte sollte diese Informationen bei der Betrachtung der FFN-Texte berücksichtigen und von dem Emittenten unabhängige Analysen durchführen (lassen) bzw. von dem hier besprochenen Unternehmen gänzlich unabhängige Meinungen einholen.

      Gemäß unserer Selbstverpflichtung geht der Herausgeber bei den vorgestellten Werten eine Position erst ein, wenn diese im FFN-Musterdepot Eingang gefunden haben . In diesem zeitlichen Rahmen behält sich der Herausgeber das Recht vor, nach einer Veränderung im Musterdepot die hier besprochene Aktie zu handeln. Der Herausgeber und/oder dessen Auftraggeber können Short- oder Long-Positionen in den im FFN besprochenen Aktien halten oder eingehen. Immer noch können sich damit massive Interessenkonflikte mit der unabhängigen Analyse ergeben.

      Copyright: Die Texte des Frankfurter Finance Newsletter (FFN) oder Auszüge davon dürfen ohne vorherige Genehmigung der Autoren nicht vervielfältigt werden.




      Frankfurter Finance Newsletter Inhaber Diplom-Volkswirt Jürgen Felger Windeckstr. 23, 60314 Frankfurt


      Dies ist eine Mitteilung von Frankfurter Finance Newsletter - FFN. Für den Inhalt ist ausschließlich Frankfurter Finance Newsletter - FFN verantwortlich.

      Klicken Sie hier, um weitere aktuelle Nachrichten zum Unternehmen zu finden:

      schrieb am 05.12.06 14:56:17
      Beitrag Nr. 4 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 25.956.430 von kuhbauer am 05.12.06 14:46:56Mühldorf am Inn ( AG) - Die Experten vom "Oberbayerischen Börsenbrief" stufen die Aktie von Kodiak Energy (ISIN US5001171066/ WKN A0DP90) mit dem Rating "strong buy" ein.

      Erst vor wenigen Wochen sei Kodiak Energy vom Explorer zum Produzenten aufgestiegen. Das so genannte Granlea well in der kanadischen Provinz Southern Alberta habe in Produktion genommen werden können und fördere täglich zwischen 375.000 und 400.000 Kubikfuß Gas. Weitere Projekte könnten teilweise über diesen Cash-Flow finanziert werden.


      Die Testbohrungen für das Milliarden-Projekt in den Northern Territories würden in Kürze durchgeführt. Dieses Projekt mit dem Namen "Little Chicago" könnte zum absoluten "company maker" avancieren und Kodiak Energy bei positiven Ergebnissen quasi "über Nacht" auf ein absolut neues Bewertungsniveau katapultieren. Die Chancen hierfür stünden laut der Einschätzung der Experten vom "Oberbayerischen Börsenbrief" sowie der von einschlägigen Fachleuten sehr gut. Auch in New Mexiko würden die viel versprechenden seismischen Tests im ersten Quartal 2007 laufen.

      Der über die letzten beiden Monate zurückgekommene Aktienkurs habe nichts mit der fundamentalen Lage des Unternehmens zu tun, sondern sei bei sehr niedrigem Handelsvolumen und mangelnden News Richtung Süden gesunken. Aktuell scheine ganz klar ein Boden gefunden worden zu sein. Die Gegenbewegung, die man erwarte, sollte deutlich ausfallen und habe die letzten beiden Handelstage bereits begonnen. Für Öl- und Gas-affine Anleger sehe man eine einmalige Chance auf sehr günstigem Niveau um einen Euro in den Wert zu investieren. Diese Gelegenheit dürfte sich nicht mehr lange bieten - denn neben den zu erwartenden bahnbrechenden Fundamentals würden auch die charttechnischen Indikatoren einen Kursaufschwung andeuten.

      Die aktuellen und zukünftigen Gas- und Ölreserven von Kodiak Energy könnten nach Unternehmensangaben sowie dem einschlägigen Research von Fachleuten einen Wert darstellen, der die momentane Marktkapitalisierung von rund 135 Mio. USD bei weitem überträfe. Zwar brauche Kodiak ausreichend finanzielle Mittel, um die zahlreichen Projekte im Zeitplan voranzutreiben, doch seien die Experten vom "Oberbayerischen Börsenbrief" der Auffassung, dass dies gelingen sollte, zumal sich hier immer mehr herauskristallisiere, dass es sich um wirklich erstklassige Liegenschaften handle und das Gesamtportfolio von Kodiak Energy einen immensen Wert aufweise.

      Die Aktie sehe man aktuell deshalb klar unterbewertet. Der Einstiegszeitpunkt sollte gerade jetzt clever gewählt sein, zumal Kodiak erst vor wenigen Wochen zum Produzenten aufgestiegen sei, die Testbohrungen für das Milliardenprojekt in den Northern Territories in Kürze beginnen würden und der über die letzten beiden Monate zurückgekommene Aktienkurs nichts mit der fundamentalen Lage des Unternehmens zu tun habe.

      Neben dem Wachstumspotenzial, das sich hinter Kodiak Energy, Inc. verberge, dürfe nicht vergessen werden, dass es sich hierbei um ein absolutes High-Risk-Investment handle, bei dem auch der Totalverlust nicht ausgeschlossen werden könne. Für unerlässlich würden es die Experten vom "Oberbayerischen Börsenbrief" halten, Positionen mit einem Stopp-Loss abzusichern. Unter charttechnischen Aspekten biete sich dabei aus ihrer Sicht die Marke von 0,65 Euro an. Sie würden raten, zudem bei der Ordererteilung zu berücksichtigen, die Aufträge stets zu limitieren, um keine marktfernen Ausführungen zu erhalten.

      Die Experten vom "Oberbayerischen Börsenbrief" sprechen deshalb eine klare "strong buy"-Empfehlung (mit mehr als 330% Kurspotenzial) für die Kodiak Energy-Aktie aus, die sie zum aktuellen Kurs ins OBB-Musterdepot aufnehmen. Das Kursziel sehe man bei 4,00 Euro. (Ausgabe vom 04.12.2006) (05.12.2006/ac/a/a)
      schrieb am 05.12.06 15:25:10
      Beitrag Nr. 5 ()
      NOVEMBER 24, 2006 - 13:54 ET

      Kodiak Energy to File Its Quarterly Report Late

      CALGARY, ALBERTA--(CCNMatthews - Nov. 24, 2006) - Kodiak Energy, Inc. (OTCBB:KDKN) announced that it will be filing its September 30, 2006 quarterly report on Form 10-QSB after the November 20, 2006 extension deadline. The Company will restate its 2005 10KSB and its 2006 10-QSB for March 31 and 10-QSB for June 30 in the fiscal quarter ended September 30, 2006. The work required by the Company to prepare this quarterly report exceeded what usually would be expected for an ordinary fiscal quarter. The Company has been working diligently to integrate the information into its existing reporting framework and the Company will employ its utmost efforts to remedy in a timely fashion the delinquency in filing its quarterly report on Form 10-QSB.

      This press release contains forward-looking statements. The words or phrases "would be," "will" "intends to," "will likely result," "are expected to," "will continue," "is anticipated," "estimate," or similar expressions are intended to identify "forward-looking statements." Actual results could differ materially from those projected in the Company's proposed oil and gas related business. The Company's business is subject to various risks, which are discussed in the Company's filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC"). The Company's filings may be accessed at the SEC's Edgar system at Statements made herein are as of the date of this press release and should not be relied upon as of any subsequent date. The Company cautions readers not to place reliance on such statements. Unless otherwise required by applicable law, we do not undertake, and we specifically disclaim any obligation, to update any forward-looking statements to reflect occurrences, developments, unanticipated events or circumstances after the date of such a statement.

      Trading Spotlight

      3,3700EUR -15,11 %
      Die nächste 700% NASDAQ-Crypto-Chance? mehr zur Aktie »
      schrieb am 07.12.06 11:31:40
      Beitrag Nr. 6 ()
      Hallo Leute!

      Jetzt geht es wieder los! nächster Halt 1,20€. Sehe im nächsten Jahr 2€+X. :laugh::laugh:
      schrieb am 11.12.06 18:23:36
      Beitrag Nr. 7 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 25.992.516 von kuhbauer am 07.12.06 11:31:40Hat jemand ne Ahnung warum der Kurs so fällt ?
      schrieb am 12.12.06 13:38:31
      Beitrag Nr. 8 ()
      Da liegt daran, das sie heute wieder gestiegen ist, immerhin über 17 %

      Du musst nur immer an den :laugh:richtigen Tagen nach dem :laugh:Kurs schauen.
      schrieb am 10.01.07 10:02:20
      Beitrag Nr. 9 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 26.123.780 von boersentrader02 am 12.12.06 13:38:31;)siehe auch mal
      tradersreport 07/07
      schrieb am 14.02.07 12:41:11
      Beitrag Nr. 10 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 26.107.699 von umistra am 11.12.06 18:23:36keine news.;)
      schrieb am 07.03.07 11:55:27
      Beitrag Nr. 11 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 27.700.696 von Gsa am 14.02.07 12:41:11 March 05, 2007
      Seismic Program is Over 75% Complete


      Calgary, March 5, 2007 - Kodiak Energy, Inc. (OTC-BB: KDKN) is pleased to announce that the Seismic Program for Little Chicago is progressing well - with the strong cooperation of the Aboriginal workers and contractors, the project is over 75% complete (140km of access ice roads, 2 km of ice bridges, 100% clearing of right of ways, 40% drilling of shot holes, and data acquisition to start on March 8) and is expected to be finished on schedule for March 15/16, 2007 and on budget.

      This work included the building of ice bridges and 140 km of access ice roads to the worksite. It included mobilization of a 56 man sleigh camp to the site. It includes 85 km of seismic acquisition. Once completed, the equipment and personnel will return to origin and all accesses reclaimed.

      Upon the completion of the seismic and the Thunder River acquisition, Kodiak's control or working interest will rise to 56.25% of the acreage.

      An independent evaluation of the Little Chicago Exploration license was completed by a qualified engineering analyst. This report bases its evaluation of potential reserves in only one of the several seismic structures observed on the property. The report compares the potential of this feature to the Keg River B pool at Rainbow Lake Alberta. The 200,000 acres Mackenzie River block EL 413 is believed to potentially contain up to 1 billion barrels oil and in excess of 600 bcf of natural gas.

      Kodiak Energy, Inc is a Calgary based oil and gas company focused on creating a portfolio of North American assets that offer not only immediate production and cash flow but growth through exploration. The Company has lease holdings in Montana, South Eastern Alberta, North Eastern Alberta, an agreement to purchase mineral rights both in the North West Territories and New Mexico.

      This press release contains forward-looking statements. The words or phrases "would be," "will" "intends to," "will likely result," "are expected to," "will continue," "is anticipated," "estimate," or similar expressions are intended to identify "forward-looking statements." Actual results could differ materially from those projected in the Company's proposed oil and gas related business. The Company's business is subject to various risks, which are discussed in the Company's filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC"). The Company's filings may be accessed at the SEC's Edgar system at Statements made herein are as of the date of this press release and should not be relied upon as of any subsequent date. The Company cautions readers not to place reliance on such statements. Unless otherwise required by applicable law, we do not undertake, and we specifically disclaim any obligation, to update any forward-looking statements to reflect occurrences, developments, unanticipated events or circumstances after the date of such a statement.
      schrieb am 09.03.07 18:57:18
      Beitrag Nr. 12 ()

      Mitteilung, übermittelt durch die DGAP - ein Unternehmen der EquityStory AG. Für den Inhalt der Mitteilung ist der Herausgeber verantwortlich. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

      Calgary 5. März, 2007 -- Kodiak Energy, Inc. (OTC-BB: KDKN und WKN: A0DP90) ist erfreut bekannt geben zu dürfen, dass sie mit ihrem Seismikprogramm in Little Chicago gut vorankommen - in guter Zusammenarbeiten mit einheimischen Arbeitern und Baufirmen wurde das Projekt zu 75% fertig gestellt. 140km Zufahrtsstrassen auf Eis und Eisbrücken mit einer Gesamtlänge von 2 km wurde fertig gestellt und die noch zu bauenden Zufahrtsstrassen wurden zu 100% gerodet. Bisher wurden 40% des Gebietes mit seismischen Wellen in den Untergrund geschossen. Mit der Datenauswertung wird am 8. März begonnen und es wird erwartet das die Auswertung am 15/16. März beendet sein wird und innerhalb des vorhergesehenen Budgets.

      Die Arbeiten beinhalteten den Bau von Eisbrücken und 140 Km Zufahrtstrassen auf Eis zum Grundstück um 85 Km Seismik-Daten zu erhalten. Zudem wurden 56 Arbeitern per Schlitten zum Camp mobilisiert. Nach Abschluss der Arbeiten werden die Arbeiter und die Geräte wieder an ihr Ursprungsort zurückbeordert.

      Mit dem Abschluss des Seismikprogramm und der Übernahme von Thunder River wird Kodiak''s Projektbeteilung auf 56.25% ansteigen.

      Eine unabhängige Beurteilung der Little Chicago Explorationslizenz wurde durch einen qualifizierten Ingeneure vorgenommen. Im Bericht basieren die potentiellen Reserven auf nur einer von mehreren seismischen Strukturen, welche auf dem Grundstück entdeckt wurden. Der Bericht vergleicht das Potential dieser Entdeckung mit dem Keg River B Reservoir in Rainbow Lake Alberta. Dadurch wird angenommen, dass der 200,000 Acre Mackenzie River Block EL 413 potentielle Reserven von 1 Milliarde Barrel Öl und über 600 Bcf Naturgas haben könnte.

      Kodiak Energy, Inc. ist eine in Calgary niedergelassene Öl- und Gas Unternehmung, ausgerichtet auf den Aufbau und Entwicklung von nordamerikanischen strategischen Erdöl- und Erdgas-Liegenschaften, die nicht nur sofortige Produktion und Cash-Flow gewährleisten, sondern auch stetiges Wachstum durch Explorationsmöglichkeiten bieten. Die Unternehmung besitzt Pachtgrundstücke in Montana wie auch im Südosten und Nordosten der Provinz von Alberta sowie Vereinbarungen um Mineralrechte in Northwest Territories und New Mexico zu erwerben.
      schrieb am 11.03.07 19:40:22
      Beitrag Nr. 13 ()
      meint ihr die taugen was? oder ist das auch nur eine von bb gepuschte firma, die ihr geld nicht wert ist?
      wäre nett wenn jemand was wüßte. ich habe heute auch einen bb mit einer empfehlung bekommen;)
      schrieb am 11.03.07 20:03:55
      Beitrag Nr. 14 ()

      ich denke schon, dass sich ein invest in kodiak lohnt. schau dir nur den stetig positiven newsflow an und speziell die letzte meldung. bin selber investiert. es ist deine entscheidung, aber ich werde kein stück verkaufen.

      schrieb am 11.03.07 20:06:32
      Beitrag Nr. 15 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 28.240.189 von gartenjoe am 11.03.07 19:40:22schau mal in den letzten Q-Bericht vom 24.01.07…

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      On January 13, 2006 16,000,000 shares were issued pursuant to two private placements for which a portion closed December 22, 2005 (13,650,000 shares for gross proceeds of $300,000 - Note 9) and December 30, 2005 (910,000 shares, $500,000) respectively reported as "Shares to be Issued" at December 31, 2005 in the amount of $773,637 (net of share issue costs of $26,363) as the share certificates were not issued until January 13, 2006.


      On February 20, 2006 the Company's stock split forward by paying a stock dividend to our existing shareholders. All shareholders of record on February 14, 2006 received 1 dividend share for every share they owned amounting to 18,407,362 shares of common stock issued.


      On May 1, 2006 the Company's stock split forward by paying a stock dividend to our existing shareholders. All shareholders of record on April 28, 2006 received 1 dividend share for every share they owned amounting to 44,315,184 shares of common stock issued.

      Nun rechne dir mal aus, wieviel Millionen Aktien hier im Umlauf sind bzw auf Käufer warten, für die deren Eigentümer kaum etwas bezahlt haben. Ich denke, das beantwortet dir Frage, ob man hier investieren sollte
      schrieb am 12.03.07 11:45:24
      Beitrag Nr. 16 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 28.241.179 von MFC500 am 11.03.07 20:06:32ma wieder typisch:) 2 antorten und ich habe 5 meinungen:confused:
      Bin unschlüssig, da auf der einen seite schon cash flow da ist , aber auf der anderen seite mit einer badewanne voll rohöl nix zu verdienen ist:(
      Trotzdem danke für eure Mühe
      schrieb am 24.03.07 12:52:58
      Beitrag Nr. 17 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 28.251.533 von gartenjoe am 12.03.07 11:45:24hallo,

      also ich finde das die bis zu 1 Millarde Barrel Öl, von der angenommen wird das sie im Mackenzie River Block unter den 600 Bcf Naturgas schlummern könnte schon eine recht große Badewanne wäre. :look:

      Außerdem finde ich das Vorhaben mit 6,867,412 Aktien die Mehrheit an Thunder River Energy zu erwerben, ist ein kluger Schachzug.

      Ich für meien Teil bin jedenfalls gespannt, wie Kodiak performen wird.
      schrieb am 01.04.07 20:51:59
      Beitrag Nr. 18 ()
      der geneigte aktionär muss sich halt im klaren darüber sein,das er sowohl die chance auf einen kursverdoppeler hat,wie auch die chance auf einen total-verlust.
      ist halt ein explorer,der verdammt viel geld benötigt.
      wer sich also mit dem casino nicht so gut auskennt,investiert hier...:D

      schrieb am 01.04.07 21:40:34
      Beitrag Nr. 19 ()
      Kodiak Energy: Fündig in Nordkanada (EuramS)

      Kodiak Energy ist spezialisiert auf die Entdeckung großer Öl und Gasfelder.

      von Joachim Spiering

      Die kanadische Firma Kodiak Energy hat sich auf die Entdeckung großer Öl- und Gasfelder spezialisert. Jüngste Untersuchungen haben gezeigt, dass vor allem ein in Nordkanada liegendes Gebiet mehr Öl- und Gasreserven enthält als gedacht. Zudem ist die Übernahme des Konkurrenten Thunder River geglückt. Damit hat Kodiak Zugang zu weiteren großen Rohstoffvorkommen. Zwar macht Kodiak noch Verluste, allerdings wurden in anderen, bereits erschlossenen Gebieten Ende 2006 mit der Gasproduktion begonnen. Das macht Kodiak auch als Übernahmeziel interessant. 01/04/2007 00:24
      schrieb am 16.04.07 20:32:01
      Beitrag Nr. 20 ()
      Kodiak Energy unter der Lupe (Frankf. Finance Newsletter)

      Frankfurt ( AG) - Die Experten vom "Frankfurter Finance Newsletter" nehmen die Aktie von Kodiak Energy (ISIN US5001171066/ WKN A0DP90) unter die Lupe.
      Das Hauptprojekt des Öl- und Gasunternehmens Kodiak Energy ( sei Little Chicago in den Northwest Territories (NWT). Im Interview mit dem Frankfurter Finance Newsletter visiere der COO Bill Tighe hierfür eine Gasproduktion von insgesamt 4 TCF an, also vier Billionen Kubikfuß Gas. Das sei doppelt so viel wie die potenziellen Reserven, die in einem unabhängigen Bericht errechnet worden seien. Zuletzt habe Kodiak Energy in einer der auch auf Deutsch verfassten Pressemitteilungen das Ergebnis genau dieses unabhängigen Berichts mitgeteilt. Ob nun 2 oder 4 TCF Gas im Boden - Das entspreche einem kalkulativem Wert von 2 bzw. insgesamt vielleicht 4 Mrd. USD bei 1 USD je MCF (1000 cubic feet) im Boden. Der tatsächliche Marktpreis für 1 MCF Gas sei in den letzten Tagen auf 7,4 USD gestiegen (US-Kürzel: NGAS).

      Dabei sei Little Chicago bei weitem nicht das einzige Projekt von Kodiak Energy. Die Marktkapitalisierung der Öl- und Gasgesellschaft betrage 140,1 Mio. Euro bei 89,8 Mio. Aktien und einem Aktienkurs von derzeit 1,56 Euro. Die große geologische Struktur des Projekts Little Chicago habe es dem Management besonders angetan. Bill Tighe schildere im Interview mit dem "Frankfurter Finance Newsletter" die Erwartungen: "Die Struktur, die wir durch seismische Arbeiten ausmachen, der geologische Ölverschluss und die vorhandene Gasfalle geben uns Hoffnung auf ein großes Öl- und Gasprojekt. Auf Grund der Art und der Qualität der Erkundungsergebnisse gehen wir von einem signifikanten Fund aus."

      Die seismischen Arbeiten am Projekt hätten den Bau von zwei Kilometer Eisbrücken und 140 km Zugangsstraßen zum Arbeitsort beinhaltet. Trotz durchschnittlicher Temperaturen zwischen -35 und -55 Grad Celsius während sehr wichtiger Phasen und Problemen mit Geräten habe das seismische Programm praktisch beendet werden können. Ein umfassendes Bohrprogramm sei für den Winter angesetzt.

      Die Öl- und Gasgesellschaft Kodiak Energy sei auf den Aufbau und die Entwicklung strategischer Erdöl- und Erdgas-Liegenschaften in Nordamerika ausgerichtet. Der größte mögliche Auftrieb für den Aktienkurs sei mit dem Projekt Little Chicago in den Northwest Territories (NWT) verbunden. Um nicht nur im Winter Zugang zu haben und die Entwicklung vorantreiben zu können, diversifiziere der Vorstand das Projektportfolio unter anderem mit dem firmeneigenen Projekt in New Mexico. Die Unternehmung besitze lizensierte Grundstücke außerdem in Montana sowie im Südosten und Nordosten der Provinz von Alberta. Zwar könnte Kodiak durch die offenbar vorzüglichen Kontakte des Managements auch internationale Projekte in Indonesien, China oder Südostasien erwerben, man wolle sich jedoch auf Nordamerika konzentrieren. Dort, so sei sich das Board of Directors sicher, könne Kodiak Energy im Moment die größte Wirkung entfalten.

      Die Arbeiten von Kodiak Energy würden sich auch auf die Bohrarbeiten in den hochqualitativen und mit geringem Risiko behafteten Arealen in Montana und Alberta konzentrieren. Das Unternehmen schätze, dass sich in Montana bis zu 200 potenzielle Bohrziele befinden würden, für die Areale im Südosten Albertas kalkuliere man bis zu 144 Zielgebiete. Bill Tighe, der Chief Operating Officer, gehe davon aus, dass die Produktion in Montana kurzfristig die beste Chance biete, Cashflow zu erzielen.

      Die weitaus größte Bedeutung für das Unternehmen hätten jedoch die Northwest Territories, gefolgt von New Mexico. So könnten die höchsten Gewinne für das Unternehmen in den NWT und in New Mexico erzielt werden. In den NWT müssten allerdings erst noch die Gas-Reserven geprüft werden, um zu sehen, wie substantiell die Potenziale seien. Derzeit überprüfe das Unternehmen, ob das zu Tage kommende Öl nicht schon nächsten Sommer Cashflow generieren könnte. Die seismischen Arbeiten und das Bohrprogramm in New Mexico sollten bis September oder November durchgeführt werden, um nicht später als Dezember, so COO Bill Tighe, eine Ölproduktion von 300 bis 500 Barrel pro Tag einzubringen. Unter der Vorgabe, die Entwicklungskosten gering zu halten, könnte Montana die besten Chancen haben, schnell Cashflow einzuspielen.

      Thunder River Inc. sei eine in Alberta ansässige Unternehmung, die eine Beteiligung an der Explorationslizenz 413 in NWT erworben habe. Kodiak halte über Thunder River einen Anteil der Landfläche von 56,25% und somit als Mitbetreiber dieses Projektes damit zurzeit den größten Projektanteil. Mit der Beendigung des Bohrprogramms, planungsgemäß im Jahr 2008, könne sich der Anteil auf 78,12% erhöhen. Die Explorationslizenz Little Chicago sei kürzlich von qualifizierten Ingenieuren fertig gestellt worden. In sehr kurzer Zeit hätten nach Angaben des Unternehmens wichtige Verträge mit privaten und behördlichen Parteien abgeschlossen werden können. Dabei sei es um eine Abklärung mit Nutznießern betreffend Landansprüchen, Umweltstudien und Abkommen zu Land- und Bodennutzungen gegangen.

      Den größten Einfluss auf das Unternehmen und den Aktienkurs werde also bei weitem die Provinz NWT haben, gefolgt von New Mexico. Die Gasmenge des Projektes Little Chicago entspreche 5 bis 10% der gesamten heutigen und zukünftigen erwarteten Gasmengen in der Region Yukon/NWT zusammengenommen! In dem Gebiet werde bis 2011 erwartungsgemäß die über 1.200 Kilometer lange Gaspipeline MacKenzie gebaut und solle durch das firmeneigene Lizenzgebiet verlaufen! Cashflow aus den anderen Projekten sei bereits geflossen. Einnahmequellen für ein organisches Wachstum würden die Projekte in Montana oder New Mexico bilden. Die entsprechenden Pachtgebiete seien gut dokumentiert und würden in der Umgebung eine gute Infrastruktur bieten. Zurzeit notiere Kodiak Energy bei 1,56 Euro mit seit zwei Monaten steil nach oben verlaufendem Trend. Der langfristig steigende Ölpreis dürfte offensichtlich auch beflügeln.

      Die Experten vom "Frankfurter Finance Newsletter" nehmen den Wert Kodiak Energy demnächst in das FFN-Musterdepot auf. (Ausgabe vom 16.04.2007)
      (16.04.2007/ac/a/a) Analyse-Datum: 16.04.2007

      Analyst: Frankf. Finance Newsletter
      Rating des Analysten: 16/04/2007 13:06
      GruSs BarfuSs
      schrieb am 23.04.07 21:12:03
      Beitrag Nr. 21 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 28.843.646 von BarfuSs am 16.04.07 20:32:01:cool:
      schrieb am 24.04.07 17:20:57
      Beitrag Nr. 22 ()
      Kann jemand den kanadischen realtimechart bitte einstellen ?


      schrieb am 25.04.07 19:59:03
      Beitrag Nr. 23 ()
      So macht die erste Aktie richtigen Spaß!!!!!!!!!
      schrieb am 26.04.07 18:13:46
      Beitrag Nr. 24 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 28.999.731 von Entenhaus2 am 25.04.07 19:59:03in zwei Monaten + 180% das kann sich sehen lassen.:lick:;)
      schrieb am 30.04.07 08:19:46
      Beitrag Nr. 25 ()
      Kodiak Energy Has Huge Resource Upside Potential Of $49 Per Share In Its Little Chicago Prospect, 'Speculative Buy' Rating Reaffirmed By Investrend Research Affiliate SISM ResearchWednesday April 25, 8:30 am ET

      NEW YORK--(BUSINESS WIRE)--(Investrend Research Syndicate) In a report dated April 23, 2007, SISM analyst Ernest Schlotter, a senior analyst with Investrend affiliate SISM Research and a four star analyst according to StarMine, has reiterated a "Speculative Buy/4" rating for Kodiak Energy Inc. (OTCBB: KDKN - News) in his most recent research update.
      schrieb am 05.05.07 21:16:07
      Beitrag Nr. 26 ()
      Endlich sind die Zittrigen abgesprungen. Jetzt kanns nur noch nach oben gehen!!!!!!!!!!!!!
      schrieb am 05.05.07 21:24:34
      Beitrag Nr. 27 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 29.156.523 von Entenhaus2 am 05.05.07 21:16:07ich war auch vorübergehend "abgesprungen" und bin am freitag nachmittag wieder eingestiegen (so kann man nämlich sparen):D

      war am freitag abend noch ein super Rebound :kiss:
      schrieb am 14.05.07 15:16:25
      Beitrag Nr. 28 ()
      Kodiak Continues to Staff Up in Preparation of Upcoming Drilling Programs
      Monday May 14, 9:00 am ET

      CALGARY, ALBERTA--(MARKET WIRE)--May 14, 2007 -- Kodiak Energy, Inc. (OTC BB:KDKN.OB - News), is pleased to announce that the seismic data for the North West Territories 2007 Little Chicago Seismic Program has been fully processed. An independent evaluation of the Little Chicago Exploration Licence (EL413) is now being prepared by a qualified engineering analyst. This report will provide an evaluation of the potential reserves on the property and is expected to be completed within 4 weeks.
      Kodiak is also very pleased to announce the hiring of 2 new members of the Geology and Geophysics team which will provide invaluable support in analyzing the seismic data and moving forward with the upcoming NWT drilling programs, planned for the winters of 2008/2009, and all other Kodiak development programs.

      Mel Marshall has joined Kodiak as a consulting Geophysicist/Explorationist, integrating both Geology and Geophysics, and combining the exploration play with engineering and business strategies based on economics and corporate needs. Mel has over 20 years of oil and gas experience and is familiar with all aspects of oil and gas geophysics/geology including acquisitions, processing, VSP's, gravity, magnetic and various other geophysical and geological methods used for hydrocarbon detection. He has a solid background in engineering and economics for 'prospect and play' generation and easily applies this at the drill level or the strategic corporate level. Mel has extensive experience working in the Western Canadian Sedimentary Basin (WCSB) and additionally the last two companies he has worked with have given him Frontiers and International experience in both a technical and management roles.

      Gary Graf has joined Kodiak as a consulting Geologist and has extensive experience in prospect evaluation and generation in the WCSB. Gary has over 20 years of oil and gas experience and has many multidisciplinary skills including mapping, log and core interpretations, formation evaluation, DST interpretation and water analysis evaluation which are used to develop prospects of all risk levels. Gary also has a fundamental knowledge of basic engineering principles and land strategies and has been involved in evaluating farm-in/out opportunities as well as acquisition candidates.

      Kodiak Energy, Inc is a Calgary based oil and gas company focused on creating a portfolio of North American assets that offer not only immediate production and cash flow but growth through exploration. The Company has lease holdings in Montana, South Eastern Alberta, North Eastern Alberta, an agreement to purchase mineral rights both in the Northwest Territories and Northeast New Mexico.

      This press release contains forward-looking statements. The words or phrases "would be," "will allow," "intends to," "will likely result," "are expected to," "will continue," "is anticipated," "estimate," "project," or similar expressions are intended to identify "forward-looking statements." Actual results could differ materially from those projected in the Company's proposed oil and gas related business. The Company's business is subject to various risks, which are discussed in the Company's filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC"). The Company's filings may be accessed at the SEC's Edgar system at Statements made herein are as of the date of this press release and should not be relied upon as of any subsequent date. The Company cautions readers not to place reliance on such statements. Unless otherwise required by applicable law, we do not undertake, and we specifically disclaim any obligation, to update any forward-looking statements to reflect occurrences, developments, unanticipated events or circumstances after the date of such a statement.

      Kodiak Energy, Inc.
      Mark Hlady
      (403) 262-8044
      Website (English):
      Website (German):

      Source: Kodiak Energy, Inc.
      schrieb am 31.05.07 18:25:36
      Beitrag Nr. 29 ()
      die Auswertung der Seismik-Daten sollte also bis Mitte Juni abgeschlossen sein ? Dann heißt es ja wohl, sich von nun an auf die Lauer zu legen und den Kurs scharf im Blick halten, falls jemand schon vorher was erfährt........Aktie kommt mir vor wie ein Tiger vor dem Sprung......

      schrieb am 05.06.07 18:23:57
      Beitrag Nr. 30 ()
      For More Information About This Company:

      Press Release - Kodiak Exploration Limited (TSX-V : KXL)
      Kodiak Intersects Nickel Sulphides at Caribou
      June 4, 2007 9:18:00 AM
      Kodiak Exploration Limited is pleased to report drilling has confirmed the presence of abundant sulphide mineralization in Kodiak's Caribou Lake layered intrusion, near Yellowknife, NT. The intrusion has a tholeiitic composition similar to the Duluth Intrusive Complex in Minnesota, and magmatic nickel and copper sulphides are widespread over a strike length of 9 kilometres.

      During the initial stages of the current drill program, coarse and fine grained magmatic sulphides were intersected in two holes CL-07-05 and CL-07-06 drilled nearly one km apart along strike near the centre of a large gravity anomaly in the northern part of the intrusion. Highlights include 1.1 metres grading 0.21% nickel and 0.31% copper in drill hole CL-07-05 (see table below). The sulphides occur in coarse to very coarse grained gabbro and pyroxenite.Mineralographic analysis of very coarse grained gabbro from hole CL-07-05 showed that pentlandite granules comprise up to 5% of the total sulphide content, with pentlandite exsolution lamellae making up an additional 1 to 5% of the sulphide fraction. The sample was described by Dr. Walter Peredery, P.Geo., who noted that the sulphides are similar to those previously described from other parts of the intrusion, with the exception that the pentlandite from this years drill hole CL-07-05 is much coarser grained.

      Significant intercepts, drill holes CL-07-05 and CL-07-06

      Hole From (m) To (m) Width (m) Estimated total sulphide Ni(%)Cu(%)
      CL-07-05 7.00 13.00 6.00 3% 0.11 0.14
      and 56.68 59.18 2.50 3% 0.06 0.10 and 133.0 145.6 12.60 2-5%0.08 0.10 and
      465.93 469.65 4.43 4-5% 0.08 0.10 and 479.65 483.00 3.35 3-5% 0.12 0.17 Incl. 479.65 480.66 1.11 3-5% 0.21 0.31
      and 585.00 591.00 6.00 5% 0.08 0.11
      and* 596.75 601.00 4.25 2.5% 0.09 0.13 CL-07-06 392.00 397.00 5.00 5-8% 0.10 0.15 *ultramafic

      When the above drill intercepts are recalculated to estimate nickel grade in 100% massive sulphide, the results confirm that associated massive sulfide would likely have grades similar to
      those seen in economic nickel deposits.

      Kodiak Intersects Nickel Sulphides at Caribou Interstitial mineralization was observed over wide intervals in drill holes CL-07-01, CL-07-02, CL-07-03 and CL-07-04. For example, hole CL-07-03 had 178.85 metres with disseminated mineralization ranging from 1% to 10% total sulphide. Even though these drill holes did not contain significant concentrations of nickel, clouds of disseminated sulphides frequently form haloes or lateral extensions around massive sulphide bodies.

      Multiple targets remain to be tested, and drilling is expected to continue until late July or early August. The drilling is planned to be followed up with a thorough program of borehole geophysics, including borehole UTEM and radioimaging (RIM) surveys, which are expected to identify specific targets that may represent economic concentrations of nickel sulphides. The RIM system is capable of imaging not only massive and net-textured but also disseminated sulphides, which frequently form haloes around massive sulphide ore bodies.

      Drill cores show evidence of multiple phases of intrusion, with fine grained marginal gabbro followed by pyroxenite-peridotite, then coarse to very coarse grained anorthositic gabbrogabbro- pyroxenite. These three phases all contain disseminated nickel and copper-bearing sulphides. Drill intersections correlate well with three-dimensional magnetic models of the subsurface, confirming the overall geometry of the intrusion.

      Kodiak's consulting geologists are pleased with the results to date, in particular the large volumes of sulphides encountered, the composition of the sulphides, and the overall geological picture all support that Caribou Lake has the potential to emerge as a significant new nickel discovery. The team looks forward to reporting the results from the remaining two thirds of the
      drill program.

      Drill core is logged on site by Kodiak's consulting geologists, under the supervision of Dr.
      Walter Peredery, P. Geo., and Christopher Marmont, P. Geo. Core is then split under their supervision. One half is retained and stored on site for reference, and one half is sent for analysis. Blanks and duplicates are routinely inserted as quality control. Additional standards,
      blanks and replicate analyses are inserted into the sample stream by Acme Analytical Laboratories (Vancouver) Limited.

      Core samples are delivered to Acme Analytical Laboratories' Yellowknife preparation facility
      for crushing and pulverizing. Pulps are forwarded to Acme's Vancouver laboratory and assayed
      for Au, Pt and Pd by Fire Assay-ICP using a 30 gm inquart (method 3B-MS) and for multiple trace element geochemical analysis by ICP-MS using an aqua regia digestion (method 1DX). Selected samples are analyzed by ICP-MS following using a 4-acid total digestion (method G1TMS). Samples exceeding 0.5% copper or nickel and more than 0.1% cobalt are assayed using a hot 4-acid digest and ICP-ES (method code 7TD).

      Kodiak Intersects Nickel Sulphides at Caribou

      The information contained in this news release has been reviewed and approved by Dr. Walter Peredery, P. Geo., and Trevor Bremner, P. Geo., who are qualified persons for the Caribou Lake project under the definitions established by National Instrument 43-101. Dr. Peredery and Mr. Bremner are independent consultants to Kodiak.

      Kodiak is a mineral exploration company with properties located in Canada. Maps, photographs,
      geological details and additional information may be reviewed on its web site at:

      On behalf of the Board of Directors
      William S. Chornobay, Director, President
      For further information contact:
      (604) 688-9006
      or by email:

      Visit Kodiak Exploration Limited Website:


      This email was sent to you from STOCKGROUP's Newshotline
      schrieb am 05.06.07 20:01:43
      Beitrag Nr. 31 ()
      Kannst du lesen?
      Dieser Thread ist zu Kodiak energy, nicht Kodiak Exploration!!!!!
      schrieb am 13.06.07 08:50:25
      Beitrag Nr. 32 ()
      Kodiak Starts Initial Work for New Mexico Siesmic Program

      Wednesday June 13, 12:05 am ET

      CALGARY, ALBERTA--(MARKET WIRE)--Jun 13, 2007 -- Kodiak Energy, Inc. (OTC BB:KDKN.OB - News), is pleased to announce that initial work has started on the planned seismic program for the New Mexico properties. Kodiak expects to initiate and complete the seismic program by end of Q3, 2007.
      schrieb am 15.06.07 15:48:57
      Beitrag Nr. 33 ()
      Kann jemand den Realtimechart einstellen ? Geht´s jetzt los ? 8% plus........
      schrieb am 15.06.07 17:35:26
      Beitrag Nr. 34 ()
      Ich hoffe doch. Die News stimmen mich weiterhin positiv.
      Aber leider sind viele auf dieses Unternehmen noch nicht aufmerksam geworden.

      stay long

      schrieb am 18.06.07 16:43:34
      Beitrag Nr. 35 ()
      Kodiak to Participate in Live MN1 Interview
      Kodiak Energy, Inc. (OTCBB: KDKN), is pleased to announce that it will be featured in a live Market News First interview on June 15, 2007 at 11:30am MST. Mr. Glenn Watt, V.P. Operations, will talk with MN1 host Saul Albom about Kodiak and its upcoming operations. Investors are invited to view the live interview at

      Hier rollt was schönes an!!!!!
      schrieb am 22.06.07 10:21:53
      Beitrag Nr. 36 ()
      Kodiak Announces $800,000 Exploration Program for Ten Otish Uranium Properties
      June 21, 2007 9:02:00 AM


      Kodiak Exploration Limited (TSX VENTURE: KXL) is pleased to report that it has contracted to have 11,000 line kilometres of airborne surveys flown over ten uranium prospects staked by it in the Otish Basin of Quebec during 2006. The airborne survey and follow-up ground exploration will be used to identify radioactive targets for a drilling program.

      The Otish Basin has been considered prospective for uranium for many years. It is frequently compared to the Athabasca Basin of Saskatchewan, which accounts for approximately one third of global uranium supply. It made headlines recently after Strateco Resources Inc. intersected 2.13% U3O8 over 15.2 metres in a 2006 drill hole on its Matoush property, which is contiguous with Kodiak's Matoush north and south properties and 1.3 km east of Kodiak's Matoush west claim block. Kodiak's other seven prospects are known as the UR, UR East, 308 West, 308 East, and RIM 1, 2 and 3. Kodiak holds a 100% interest in all ten claim blocks, which collectively cover approximately 105,000 acres.

      Exploration conducted on Kodiak's UR claim block during the 1970's by Uranerz, a large European uranium company, identified more than 100 radioactive boulders within a 3 km x 2 km area. Those boulders returned uranium values ranging from 0.12% U308 to 4.13% U308. Kodiak's exploration programs will be directed at locating the source of those mineralized boulders. Since the boulders were deposited at their current locations by glacial ice flows, they form a pattern which allows the company to follow them "up-ice" to a potential source. The particular pattern of the radioactive boulders discovered by Uranez indicates that a regional fault located 3 km up-ice may be the source of those boulders and, therefore, prospective for a uranium deposit. That fault is covered by mineral claims which are 100% owned by Kodiak.

      Kodiak will fly radiometric, magnetic and electromagnetic surveys, all of which are designed to identify radioactive targets within the basinal sediments and radioactive fault zones which cut the bedrock up-ice from the boulder trains, which are near the basin margin. Kodiak has budgeted $800,000 for the airborne program and follow-up surface exploration. The airborne survey is scheduled to begin in early August, 2007.

      Kodiak's ten uranium prospects include a wide range of geological settings, with potential to host a variety of deposit types. These include perched deposits within the basinal sediments (like Matoush), classic unconformity-style deposits at the bedrock interface (like Key Lake), and deep unconformity deposits within the crystalline bedrock (like Rabbit Lake).

      Kodiak's properties were acquired to cover specific target areas identified by Uranerz in the late 1970s, but relinquished after the uranium price collapsed in the early 1980s. These prospects were developed by Kodiak's geologic team in collaboration with Roscoe Postle Associates, and Charles Beaudry, P. Geo. This summer's exploration program is to be conducted under the direct supervision of Kodiak consulting geologist Chris Marmont, P.Geo. Mr. Marmont has considerable past uranium exploration experience, including a position as manager of Urangesellschaft Canada Limited's Baker Lake program in the late seventies. That program included the initial drilling of the Kiggavik uranium deposit.

      The information contained in this news release has been reviewed and approved by Chris Marmont, P.Geo who is the qualified person for the Otish project under the definitions established by National Instrument 43-101.

      Kodiak is a mineral exploration company with properties located in Canada. Maps, photographs, geological details and additional information may be reviewed on its web site at

      On behalf of the Board of Directors


      William S. Chornobay, Director, President

      This document contains certain forward looking statements which involve known and unknown risks, delays, and uncertainties not under the Company's control which may cause actual results, performance or achievements of the Company to be materially different from the results, performance or expectation implied by these forward looking statements.

      Kodiak Exploration Limited
      William S. Chornobay Director, President
      (604) 688-9006
      Fax:(604) 688-9029

      Visit Kodiak Exploration Limited Website:
      schrieb am 22.06.07 11:37:20
      Beitrag Nr. 37 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 30.143.084 von boom2 am 22.06.07 10:21:53interessant, aber falscher Thread!!
      schrieb am 28.06.07 07:10:59
      Beitrag Nr. 38 ()
      Kodiak Energy Announces Project Financing and Plans to Continue Development of the NWT Farmin
      Thursday June 28, 12:10 am ET

      CALGARY, ALBERTA--(MARKET WIRE)--Jun 28, 2007 -- Kodiak Energy, Inc. (OTC BB:KDKN.OB - News) is pleased to announce that upon review by management, and the Board of Directors, that it will move forward EL 413 (Little Chicago) to further define the project with plans for additional seismic to be followed up with drilling programs based on that work.
      Kodiak is currently actively seeking the required benefits and access agreements from the Beneficiaries of the Land Claims agreements. This is expected to be completed shortly and upon completion of that process, Kodiak will then seek the necessary license approvals.

      The Company has obtained a credit facility with a Swiss based group that will provide Project Financing as required to develop this substantial asset. The credit facility is in the form of non convertible debt, paying annual interest at a rate of 9.5% and can be repaid by the Company at any time. Access to this credit facility is a major advantage to the Company in that it establishes access to Capital for its projects with no dilution in the short term.

      This press release contains forward-looking statements. The words or phrases "would be," "will" "intends to," "will likely result," "are expected to," "will continue," "is anticipated," "estimate," or similar expressions are intended to identify "forward-looking statements." Actual results could differ materially from those projected in the Company's proposed oil and gas related business. The Company's business is subject to various risks, which are discussed in the Company's filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC"). The Company's filings may be accessed at the SEC's Edgar system at Statements made herein are as of the date of this press release and should not be relied upon as of any subsequent date. The Company cautions readers not to place reliance on such statements. Unless otherwise required by applicable law, we do not undertake, and we specifically disclaim any obligation, to update any forward-looking statements to reflect occurrences, developments, unanticipated events or circumstances after the date of such a statement.

      Kodiak Energy, Inc.
      Mark Hlady
      (403) 262-8044
      schrieb am 14.07.07 00:57:36
      Beitrag Nr. 39 ()
      Kodiak Energy, Inc.

      OTC Bulletin Board: KDKN

      Jul 12, 2007 00:05 ET

      Jul 12, 2007 00:05 ET
      Kodiak Energy Announces it Has Entered Into a Binding Agreement to Acquire 100 Percent of the Assets of Thunder River for $27,000,000
      CALGARY, ALBERTA--(Marketwire - July 12, 2007) -

      All amounts are in USD.

      Kodiak Energy, Inc. (OTCBB:KDKN) is pleased to announce it has concluded a binding agreement to acquire 100% of the assets of Thunder River Energy Inc. for a purchase price of up to $27,000,000.

      The purchase price is comprised of $1,000,000 in cash and $26,000,000 in common shares issued at the previously agreed price of $2.00 per share, which was set under the original share purchase agreement signed January 16, 2007. 6 million shares will be subject to performance of the assets. The balance of the shares issued will be subject to the applicable restrictions under SEC regulations. Under that agreement which was negotiated prior to completion of the 2007 winter seismic program, Kodiak would have effectively only acquired indirectly 57% of the assets.

      With this agreement in place, the previously announced engineering study can now be concluded as expeditiously as possible.

      Thunder River is an Alberta private company with 2 principal major assets.

      Little Chicago or EL 413 comprising 200,000 acres in the Canadian Mackenzie River Valley Corridor in the North West Territories. A previous engineering study completed on EL 413, estimated a potential of up to 1 billion barrels and 600 bcf. The 2007 winter seismic, recently completed by Kodiak, has identified multiple new structures and potential drill targets. Additional seismic is being permitted to assist in finalizing drill locations for the next season.

      In addition to Little Chicago, Thunder through its subsidiary, CIMA Holding Inc. - has 95% of 55,000 acres of P&NG leases in New Mexico. Natural gas potentials and commercial volumes of CO2 have been identified in existing wells on or adjacent to property - estimated at 587 bcf of CO2. This opportunity will provide for long term cash flow and growth. In addition, there are potential oil and helium resources at shallow depths offering the possibility of dynamic short term growth and significant near term cash flow.

      By acquiring 100% of the Thunder assets, a very aggressive development program can now be initiated to exploit these major assets.

      This press release contains forward-looking statements. The words or phrases "would be," "will" "intends to," "will likely result," "are expected to," "will continue," "is anticipated," "estimate," or similar expressions are intended to identify "forward-looking statements." Actual results could differ materially from those projected in the Company's proposed oil and gas related business. The Company's business is subject to various risks, which are discussed in the Company's filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC"). The Company's filings may be accessed at the SEC's Edgar system at Statements made herein are as of the date of this press release and should not be relied upon as of any subsequent date. The Company cautions readers not to place reliance on such statements. Unless otherwise required by applicable law, we do not undertake, and we specifically disclaim any obligation, to update any forward-looking statements to reflect occurrences, developments, unanticipated events or circumstances after the date of such a statement.

      For more information, please contact
      Kodiak Energy, Inc.
      Mark Hlady
      (403) 262-8044
      Website: Menge shares für 2 $ abgegeben. heißt das und der fallende Kurs, daß jetzt erstmal Kasse gemacht wird in der nächten Zeit ?

      schrieb am 13.08.07 16:07:16
      Beitrag Nr. 40 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 30.677.887 von tenai am 14.07.07 00:57:36langsam gehts wieder gegen norden.;)
      schrieb am 27.08.07 12:26:19
      Beitrag Nr. 41 ()

      Kodiak Announces Reciept of New Engineering Report on Its Northwest Territories Little Chicago Project

      Monday August 27, 2:05 am ET

      CALGARY, ALBERTA--(MARKET WIRE)--Aug 27, 2007 -- Kodiak Energy, Inc. (OTC BB:KDKN.OB - News) is pleased to announce that it has received the new engineering report on its Little Chicago project. The abridged report will be announced shortly and posted on the company's website.
      Kodiak Energy, Inc. is a Calgary based oil and gas company focused on creating a portfolio of North American assets that offer not only immediate production and cash flow but growth through exploration. The Company has lease holdings in Montana, South eastern Alberta, North eastern Alberta and an agreement to purchase mineral rights both in the Northwest Territories and Northeast New Mexico.

      This press release contains forward-looking statements. The words or phrases "would be", "will allow", "intends to", "will likely result", "are expected to", "will continue", "is anticipated", "estimate", "project", or similar expressions are intended to identify "forward-looking statements." Actual results could differ materially from those projected in the Company's proposed oil and gas related business. The Company's business is subject to various risks, which are discussed in the Company's filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC"). The Company's filings may be accessed at the SEC's Edgar system at Statements made herein are as of the date of this press release and should not be relied upon as of any subsequent date. The Company cautions readers not to place reliance on such statements. Unless otherwise required by applicable law, we do not undertake, and we specifically disclaim any obligation, to update any forward-looking statements to reflect occurrences, developments, unanticipated events or circumstances after the date of such statements.

      Kodiak Energy, Inc.
      Mark Hlady, CEO
      (403) 262-8044
      Website (English):
      Website (German):

      Source: Kodiak Energy, Inc.
      schrieb am 04.09.07 07:02:06
      Beitrag Nr. 42 ()

      Kodiak Energy, Inc.: Status of Publication of El 413 Report

      Tuesday September 4, 12:05 am ET

      CALGARY, ALBERTA--(MARKET WIRE)--Sep 4, 2007 -- Kodiak Energy, Inc. (OTC BB:KDKN.OB - News) ("Kodiak" or the "Company") is pleased to announce that it has posted the abridged copy of the Chapman Engineering Report dated August 2007, on the Company web site.…As well the Company has posted a Management Discussion of EL 413 and the Report on the Company web site also.
      Kodiak Energy, Inc. is a publicly traded oil and gas exploration and development company. The Company is focused on efficient and low cost development of low risk oil and gas properties in southern Alberta and through its United States subsidiary, Kodiak Petroleum (Montana), Inc., in Montana and high impact prospects located in the central Mackenzie River Valley ("Little Chicago prospect") of the Northwest Territories ("NWT") in Canada, Ft McMurray Alberta, Lucy area of British Columbia and the Tucumcari Basin area in north-eastern New Mexico.

      This information in the Management Discussion and the Report the terms "prospective resources". The Company advises investors that although these terms are recognized and required by Canadian securities regulations (under National Instrument 51-101 Standards of Disclosure for Oil and Gas Activities), the US Securities and Exchange Commission does not recognize these terms. Investors are cautioned not to assume that any part or all of the resources in this category will ever be converted into reserves. In addition, "prospective resources" have a great amount of uncertainty as to their existence, and economic and legal feasibility. It cannot be assumed that any part of an prospective resource will ever be upgraded to a higher category. Under Canadian rules, estimates of prospective resources may not form the basis of feasibility or pre-feasibility studies, or economic studies except for a "preliminary assessment" as defined under National Instrument 51-101. Under US rules, Investors are cautioned not to assume that part or all of a prospective resource exists, or is economically or legally recoverable.

      This press release contains forward-looking statements. The words or phrases "would be," "will" "intends to," "will likely result," "are expected to," "will continue," "is anticipated," "estimate," or similar expressions are intended to identify "forward-looking statements." Actual results could differ materially from those projected in the Company's proposed oil and gas related business. The Company's business is subject to various risks, which are discussed in the Company's filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC"). The Company's filings may be accessed at the SEC's Edgar system at Statements made herein are as of the date of this press release and should not be relied upon as of any subsequent date. The Company cautions readers not to place reliance on such statements. Unless otherwise required by applicable law, we do not undertake, and we specifically disclaim any obligation, to update any forward-looking statements to reflect occurrences, developments, unanticipated events or circumstances after the date of such a statement.

      Kodiak Energy, Inc.
      Mark Hlady
      (403) 262-8044
      Source: Kodiak Energy, Inc.
      schrieb am 17.09.07 11:21:43
      Beitrag Nr. 43 ()
      über dieses papier werden sich noch einige ganz schön wundern (im positivem sinne)!
      schrieb am 17.09.07 15:39:35
      Beitrag Nr. 44 ()
      James L. Rapholz
      B.A.M.S. Economics
      Economic Advice

      Our 2006 Stock Picks on
      Gold, Silver, Natural Gas,
      Oil and Coal WERE UP 192.41%!

      Company: Kodiak Energy
      Symbol: KDKN
      Recommendation: Aggressive Buy NOW below $3.50!


      This spring, I emailed you that Kodiak Energy (OTCBB: KDKN)
      had just completed $5 million worth of seismic testing to
      confirm that its Little Chicago prospect in the Northwest
      Territories contained:

      40 billion barrels of recoverable crude! Oil/gas reserves worth
      $210 billion!

      After months of tedious analysis, the Report is done and I just
      got my first sneak peek at the 75-page Certified Evaluation.
      What it shows goes beyond my wildest expectations!

      The Seismic Data Suggests that Kodiak Energy (OTCBB: KDKN) is
      sitting on another Prudhoe Bay!

      I hate to say I told you so. . .but after I emailed you last
      spring about Kodiak Energy (OTCBB: KDKN), the stock popped
      by 240% in a matter of about 10 weeks!

      But that's chicken feed compared to what's about to happen!

      When I first emailed you, the company had just completed a $5
      million program of seismic mapping designed to confirm historic
      estimates of up to 40 billion barrels of crude.

      The old data, gathered back in the 1960s by Richfield Oil,
      suggests that Kodiak Energy could be sitting on one of the
      biggest untapped oil reserves in North America. . .possibly
      equal to 15% of all the oil in Saudi Arabia. . .30% as big as
      all the oil in Iran!

      I emailed you back then urging you to act before the seismic
      results were made public. If you'd pounced back in March, you
      might have been able to load up on the stock at $1.25 a

      By early May, about 10 weeks later, the stock traded at $4.25.
      . .a nice gain of 240%! If you'd put $10,000 in. . . you could
      have taken $24,000 out! Not bad for a little over 2 months.

      If you missed your shot at Kodiak Energy then, don't fret.
      Because. . .

      The findings of last winter's $5 million seismic mapping have
      just been released and they're stunning!

      The Company has finally released a Certified, 65-Page
      Evaluation Report prepared by one of Canada's most-respected,
      independent petroleum engineering firms.

      I just got my first advanced peek at this Certified report and
      what it shows is absolutely mind-boggling. It reveals oil
      reserves beyond my wildest expectations. And so far, Wall
      Street hasn't reacted!

      I was expecting the seismic work done in the limited area of
      the Bear Rock prospect would tend to confirm the huge estimates
      >from the 1960s for the entire Little Chicago area. It does.
      While we still don't know how much oil is in all of the Little
      Chicago, we now know for sure there's a lot of it in Bear Rock.
      And all that speculation about "another Prudhoe Bay" it seems
      is well founded.

      We're talking about some serious oil reserves for such a small,
      exploration-stage oil company!

      But there were 2 absolutely stunning surprises buried in the
      August Evaluation of Prospective Resources, two genuine
      jaw-droppers! Two additional reasons why this time (even more
      than the last time I emailed you) you need to run, not walk to
      your phone or computer and invest some money in Kodiak

      Last winter, in addition to confirming the huge oil reserves
      that were suspected all along, field geologists, using the
      latest 3D technologies also located. . .

      * "A second target reservoir, a new structure not seen on
      previous evaluation work!"
      * "Plus a third deep target which is the largest structure
      seen on the seismic."

      Wow! Not only did last winter's seismic work confirm the
      existence of the previously studied reserves, thought to be
      evidence of as much as 40 billion barrels of crude, it seems
      as if the new mapping found entirely unsuspected targets for
      additional exploration!

      What really has me excited is the fact that in the "Management
      Discussion" released along with the 65-page study, the company
      side-steps the entire issue of the "third deep target, the
      largest structure seen" by simply stating it will discuss it
      "at a later date!" What's that all about?

      I'm telling you there's something huge about to happen here.

      My name is James Rapholz, I'm editor and publisher of Economic
      Advice, a widely-read and respected monthly investment advisory
      that's been helping readers build wealth for over 20 years.

      I'll be glad to tell you more about my background a bit later,
      but for now, all you need to know is that energy and natural
      resource stocks are my forte. In addition to my early call on
      Kodiak Energy this past spring, I've recently steered readers
      to gains of 237% on Magellan Petroleum. . .683% on Teton
      Energy. . .and 772% on Consol Energy.

      I make my living picking through dull, technical reports like
      the one that just came out on Kodiak Energy and finding the
      line or two that's pure pay dirt! And apparently either Wall
      Street hasn't seen the report yet, or the small-cap energy
      analysts haven't taken the time to read this report

      What this just-released report says to me is that: Kodiak
      Energy is about to become a major player! They've got control
      of a huge, I mean truly significant untapped oil reserve.

      Either Kodiak Energy (OTCBB: KDKN) will make $billions itself
      or it will be swallowed up by one of the petro giants.

      Either way the stock is worth way. . .way. . .way more than
      it's trading for now. I mean at less than $4, it's not even in
      the ball park. Buy it now and hang on. If Chevron, or one of
      the energy giants already active in the area, were to buy
      Kodiak Energy, I wouldn't be shocked to see the stock go for
      $200. . .$250. . .maybe more than $300 as share. After all,
      we're talking about the potential here for biggest new oil find
      since Prudhoe Bay! Billions upon billions worth of oil.

      Meanwhile, unbelievably, the stock is just sitting there, not
      doing much. Which is why you need to act on this quickly.
      When Wall Street gets around to digging into this just-posted
      Report. . .once they truly understand the information it
      contains. . . Kodiak Energy is going to take off.

      I'll be glad to give you all the important details from the
      Certified 65-page Evaluation.

      And I'll tell you the entire fascinating "David-and-Goliath"
      story of how this small, exploration stage oil and gas company
      has succeeded in beating out some of the world's most powerful
      energy giants to gain control of what may be the biggest new
      oil find in North American since Prudhoe Bay.

      For details from the Certified Report prepared by Chapman
      Petroleum Engineering Ltd and for the complete story of Kodiak
      energy and why at less than $3.50 a share, this may be the most
      under-valued energy stock on Wall street. . .

      Read More. . .…
      schrieb am 25.10.07 09:34:20
      Beitrag Nr. 45 ()…

      habe ich eben gefunden was sagt ihr dazu, die gefundenen Ressourcen sind ja riesig:confused::lick:
      schrieb am 25.10.07 21:54:22
      Beitrag Nr. 46 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 32.143.201 von Missfine67 am 25.10.07 09:34:20es dauert noch ein weilchen, das wird eine richtige perle!
      schrieb am 07.11.07 23:25:44
      Beitrag Nr. 47 ()
      Nov 02, 2007 18:05 ET
      Kodiak Energy, Inc. Announces Completion of Brokered Private Placement

      CALGARY, ALBERTA--(Marketwire - Nov. 2, 2007) -


      Kodiak Energy, Inc. (OTCBB:KDKN) ("Kodiak" or the "Corporation") is pleased to announce that it has closed a brokered private placement (the "Offering") of common shares (the "Common Shares") and common shares issued on a "flow-through" basis (the "Flow-Through Shares"). Pursuant to the Offering, and on October 30, 2007, the Corporation issued 1,000,000 Common Shares at a purchase price of US$2.50 per Common Share and 50,000 Flow-Through Shares at a purchase price of US$3.00 per Flow-Through Share, for total gross proceeds of US $2,650,000.00. The Corporation issued an additional 400,000 Common Shares pursuant to the Offering on November 1, 2007 at a purchase price of US$2.50 per Common Share for gross proceeds of US$1,000,000.00.

      In connection with the closings of the Offering, Research Capital Corporation (the "Research"), as agent, was paid fees and commission which in the aggregate totaled 8.0% of the gross proceeds to Kodiak. Research was also granted options to purchase: (a) until April 30, 2009: (i) 80,000 Common Shares at a purchase price of US$2.50 per Common Share, and (ii) 4,000 Common Shares at a purchase price of US$3.00 per Common Share; and (b) until May 1, 2009, 32,000 Common Shares at a purchase price of US$2.50 per Common Share.

      All of the Common Shares and Flow-Through Shares issued pursuant to the Offering will be subject to a four month hold period in Canada and an indefinite hold period in the United States.

      About the Corporation

      Kodiak Energy, Inc. is a Calgary based publicly traded oil and gas exploration and development Corporation focused on creating a portfolio of North American assets that offer not only immediate production and cash flow but growth through exploration. The Corporation, either directly or through its subsidiaries has lease holdings in Montana, south eastern Alberta, north eastern Alberta and high impact prospects located in the central Mackenzie River Valley of the Northwest Territories ("Little Chicago") and the Tucumcari Basin area in north-eastern New Mexico ("Sophia" and "Spear Draw").

      This press release may contain forward-looking statements. The words or phrases "would be," "will" "intends to," "will likely result," "are expected to," "will continue," "is anticipated," "estimate," or similar expressions are intended to identify "forward-looking statements." Actual results could differ materially from those projected in the Corporation's proposed oil and gas related business. The Corporation's business is subject to various risks, which are discussed in the Corporation's filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC"). The Corporation's filings may be accessed at the SEC's Edgar system at and on SEDAR in Canada. Statements made herein are as of the date of this press release and should not be relied upon as of any subsequent date. The Corporation cautions readers not to place reliance on such statements. Unless otherwise required by applicable law, we do not undertake, and we specifically disclaim any obligation, to update any forward-looking statements to reflect occurrences, developments, unanticipated events or circumstances after the date of such a statement.

      Further information relating to Kodiak may be found on and as well as on Kodiak's website at
      schrieb am 05.12.07 08:58:39
      Beitrag Nr. 48 ()
      DECEMBER 3, 2007

      CALGARY, ALBERTA -- (MARKET WIRE) -- 12/03/07 -- Kodiak Energy, Inc.
      (OTCBB: KDKN.OB) ("Kodiak" or the "Corporation") is pleased to announce the appointment of William Tighe as Chief Executive Officer (CEO).

      Mark Hlady has resigned as CEO but will remain as Chairman of the Board of Directors and will continue to be actively involved.
      Mark Hlady says "I have been pleased with the success of the Company to date and the Management assembled by Mr. Tighe. I expect continued success of the Company as it moves into the Development Stages in the next year."

      William Tighe stated "The Company's position with large land blocks, the recently completed financing and a very capable management and technical team with which to execute our exploration and development programs - will result in the largest exploration and development activity in the Company's history."

      Kodiak Energy, Inc is a Calgary based publicly traded oil and gas exploration and Development Company focused on creating a portfolio of North American assets that offer not only immediate production and cash flow but growth through exploration. The Company has lease holdings in Montana, South eastern Alberta, North eastern Alberta and high impact prospects located in the central Mackenzie River Valley ("Little Chicago prospect") of the Northwest Territories ("NWT") in Canada, and the Tucumcari Basin area in north-eastern New Mexico.

      This press release contains forward-looking statements. The words or phrases "would be," "will" "intends to," "will likely result," "are expected to," "will continue," "is anticipated," "estimate," or similar expressions are intended to identify "forward-looking statements."
      Actual results could differ materially from those projected in the Corporation's proposed oil and gas related business. The Corporation's business is subject to various risks, which are discussed in the Corporation's filings with the US Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC"). The Corporation's filings may be accessed at the SEC's Edgar system at Statements made herein are as of the date of this press release and should not be relied upon as of any subsequent date. The Corporation cautions readers not to place reliance on such statements. Unless otherwise required by applicable law, we do not undertake, and we specifically disclaim any obligation, to update any forward-looking statements to reflect occurrences, developments, unanticipated events or circumstances after the date of such a statement.

      Further information relating to Kodiak may be found on and as well as on Kodiak's website at

      Kodiak Energy, Inc.
      William Tighe
      (403) 262-8044
      schrieb am 06.12.07 09:06:19
      Beitrag Nr. 49 ()
      PROPERTY =======================================================================

      DECEMBER 6, 2007

      CALGARY, ALBERTA -- (MARKET WIRE) -- 12/06/07 -- Kodiak Energy, Inc.
      (OTCBB: KDKN.OB) ("Kodiak" or the "Corporation") is pleased to announce commencement of a drilling program for its project known as Lucy Property located in NE British Columbia

      Kodiak has given "Independent Operations Notice" to its partners for the Lucy Property. Kodiak has concluded negotiations for the new
      partnership levels of the Lucy Project resulting in, Kodiak being the
      operator of the drilling project and having a working interest of 67.5%
      - an increase from the 7.5% original working interest. After an internal geophysical review based on additional seismic that was acquired, Kodiak is currently licensing a drill location. A drilling rig has been contracted, the site surveyed and the expected spud date is December 20, 2007. An abridged independent engineering report -- which will be posted on our web site and filed on SEDAR and EDGAR -- estimates "prospective resource" at a low of 3.2 bcf to a high of 15.3 bcf and a best estimate of 7.67 bcf of marketable gas. The estimated drilling costs are $2.4 million - gross. Upon realization of successful drilling results, management believes that the well can be tied in and generating cash flow by end of Q2 2008.

      Kodiak Energy, Inc is a Calgary based publicly traded oil and gas exploration and development company focused on creating a portfolio of North American assets that offer production opportunities and asset growth through exploration. The Kodiak has lease holdings in Montana, Southeastern Alberta, Northeastern Alberta and high impact prospects located in the central Mackenzie River Valley of the Northwest Territories in Canada, and in north-eastern New Mexico.

      This press release contains forward-looking statements. The words or phrases "would be," "will" "intends to," "will likely result," "are expected to," "will continue," "is anticipated," "estimate," or similar expressions are intended to identify "forward-looking statements."
      Actual results could differ materially from those projected in the Corporation's proposed oil and gas related business. The Corporation's business is subject to various risks, which are discussed in the Corporation's filings with the US Securities and Exchange Commission. The Corporation's filings may be accessed at the SEC's Edgar system at Statements made herein are as of the date of this press release and should not be relied upon as of any subsequent date. The Corporation cautions readers not to place reliance on such statements.
      Unless otherwise required by applicable law, we do not undertake, and we specifically disclaim any obligation, to update any forward-looking statements to reflect occurrences, developments, unanticipated events or circumstances after the date of such a statement.

      The information in the Engineering Report referred to herein contains the terms "prospective resources". Kodiak advises investors that although these terms are recognized and required by Canadian securities regulations (under National Instrument 51-101 Standards of Disclosure for Oil and Gas Activities), the US Securities and Exchange Commission does not recognize these terms. Investors are cautioned not to assume that any part or all of the resources in this category will ever be converted into reserves. In addition, "prospective resources" have a great amount of uncertainty as to their existence, and economic and legal feasibility. It cannot be assumed that any part of a prospective resource will ever be upgraded to a higher category. Under Canadian rules, estimates of prospective resources may not form the basis of feasibility or pre-feasibility studies, or economic studies except for a "preliminary assessment" as defined under National Instrument 51-101. Under US rules, investors are cautioned not to assume that part or all of a prospective resource exists, or is economically or legally recoverable. Further information relating to Kodiak may be found on and as well as on Kodiak's website at

      Kodiak Energy, Inc.
      William Tighe
      (403) 262-8044

      Copyright (c) 2007 KODIAK ENERGY INC. (KDKN) All rights reserved. For more information visit our website at or send Message sent on Wed Dec 5, 2007 at 3:51:19 PM Pacific Time =======================================================================
      schrieb am 07.12.07 09:04:59
      Beitrag Nr. 50 ()
      Lucy Evaluation posted on Website

      Following todays announcement that Kodiak Energy Will commence drilling program on it's Lucy Property, Kodiak Energy has now posted the Evaluation of Prospective Resources Report to it's website.

      The document is entitled "Evaluation of Prospectice Resources - Lucy 2007" and is available for viewing or download at the following page ....

      Copyright (c) 2007 KODIAK ENERGY INC. (KDKN) All rights reserved. For more information visit our website at or send Message sent on Thu Dec 6, 2007 at 12:18:12 PM Pacific
      schrieb am 16.01.08 09:30:55
      Beitrag Nr. 51 ()
      Kodiak Energy, Inc. Has Commenced Drilling Program on Its Lucy Property

      Wednesday January 16, 1:00 am ET
      schrieb am 24.01.08 09:34:00
      Beitrag Nr. 52 ()
      So das Pushen geht wieder los. Rapholz schickt wieder seine Spammails. Wieso steigt Kodiak langfriszig nicht? Er hat die Aktie schon vor Jahren beworben und immer wieder war das nur ein kurzes Strohfeuer. Wenn dort wirklch soviel im Boden liegt, warum wird da niemand richtig darauf aufmerksam?
      Ich habe auch schon Mails mit Fragen an Kodiak geschickt. Kam auch nichts zurück. Was soll das für eine tolle Firma sein?

      bye entenhaus
      schrieb am 28.01.08 20:26:44
      Beitrag Nr. 53 ()
      Kodiak Energy, Inc. Has Completed Drilling to Depth on Its Lucy Property.

      Monday January 28, 2:17 pm ET

      CALGARY, ALBERTA--(MARKET WIRE)--Jan 28, 2008 -- Kodiak Energy, Inc. (CDNX:KDK.V - News) (OTC BB:KDKN.OB - News) ("Kodiak" or the "Corporation") is pleased to report that the Lucy well was drilled and cased to depth on January 27, 2008.
      During the drilling of the well several zones of interest were encountered and Kodiak elected to case the well. Testing will be required to demonstrate commercial volumes of gas. Of interest is the Muskwa formation which had elevated gas readings and the logs indicated a pay zone thickness of up to 60m.

      The Muskwa formation is the major exploration focus recently in the area by both major and junior E&P companies. Kodiak will advise as testing programs are developed to evaluate this formation.

      Kodiak Energy, Inc is a Calgary based publicly traded oil and gas exploration and development company focused on creating a portfolio of North American assets that offer production opportunities and asset growth through exploration. Kodiak has lease holdings in Montana, Southeastern Alberta, Northeastern Alberta and high impact prospects located in the central Mackenzie River Valley of the Northwest Territories, Canada and in north-eastern New Mexico.
      schrieb am 01.02.08 07:26:10
      Beitrag Nr. 54 ()
      Kodiak Energy, Inc. Announces Increased Working Interest in the Lucy Property

      Friday February 1, 1:00 am ET

      CALGARY, ALBERTA--(MARKET WIRE)--Feb 1, 2008 -- Kodiak Energy, Inc. (OTC BB:KDKN.OB - News) and (CDNX:KDK.V - News) ("Kodiak" or the "Corporation") is pleased to announce that it has increased its working interest in the Lucy property to 80%.
      These lands comprise 1920 gross acres and are highly prospective for the emerging Muskwa and Evie shale gas play, which is attracting major industry interest and is strongly supported by the British Columbia Government with attractive royalties.

      Kodiak recently drilled and cased a well on this property. During the drilling, the well encountered several zones of interest and Kodiak elected to case the well. Testing will be required to evaluate the commercial viability of the property. The Muskwa formation had elevated gas readings and logs indicated a pay zone of up to 60 meters. Kodiak will seek approval for a continuation to the lease based on these results.

      Recent Crown land sales for shale gas mineral rights, adjacent to this acreage, have aggregated more than C$325 million, with certain individual bids exceeding $ 2,000 per hectare.

      Last week, a major international oil/gas company said it will re-enter the natural-gas business in Western Canada with a $1-billion unconventional gas play in British Columbia. A US based major has also revealed that it spent $224-million in December buying up land in British Columbia.

      Kodiak Energy, Inc. is a Calgary based publicly traded oil and gas exploration and development company focused on creating a portfolio of North American assets that offer production opportunities and asset growth through exploration. Kodiak has lease holdings in Montana, southeastern Alberta, northeastern Alberta and high impact prospects located in the central Mackenzie River Valley of the Northwest Territories, Canada and in northeastern New Mexico.

      This press release contains forward-looking statements. The words or phrases "would be," "will" "intends to," "will likely result," "are expected to," "will continue," "is anticipated," "estimate," or similar expressions are intended to identify "forward-looking statements." Actual results could differ materially from those projected in the Corporation's proposed oil and gas related business. The Corporation's business is subject to various risks, which are discussed in the Corporation's filings with the US Securities and Exchange Commission and with Canadian Securities Commission. The Corporation's filings may be accessed at or at

      Statements made herein are as of the date of this press release and should not be relied upon as of any subsequent date. The Corporation cautions readers not to place reliance on such statements. Unless otherwise required by applicable law, we do not undertake, and we specifically disclaim any obligation, to update any forward-looking statements to reflect occurrences, developments, unanticipated events or circumstances after the date of such a statement.

      Further information relating to Kodiak may be found on and as well as on Kodiak's website at

      The TSX Venture Exchange has not reviewed this news release and does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

      Kodiak Energy, Inc.
      William Tighe
      (403) 262-8044

      Source: Kodiak Energy, Inc.
      schrieb am 05.02.08 09:11:19
      Beitrag Nr. 55 ()
      Kodiak Energy Continues Program On 57,000 Acres In New Mexico( via COMTEX News Network) --

      February 5, 2008

      (FinancialWire) Kodiak Energy, Inc. (OTCBB: KDKN) (TSX Venture: KDK) has commenced its exploration/development program for its New Mexico properties and provide a operations update to the project.

      Kodiak is the operator with 100% working interest in the project comprising of approximately 57,000 acres in northeastern New Mexico.

      Kodiak continues to define the New Mexico CO2 project in multiple parallel paths, acquiring additional lands through the state land auction process and tendering offers to private holders of mineral leases, which if successful will increase its land position by approximately 25%. A 38 mile seismic program has been defined and Kodiak is currently obtaining bids on equipment. Licensing process has been started and the program is expected to commence within 30 to 45 days.

      In addition, the company continues to work at getting a drilling rig for a 3-4 well drilling program. Four drill locations have been surveyed and licensing has been initiated. This drilling program combined with the seismic program will assist to further define the project with testing for deliverability, pay thicknesses, reserve estimates, helium potential and other hydrocarbons and thus overall project economics.

      An engineering report is expected to be commissioned upon obtaining results. Work is ongoing to identify a potential deeper gas/oil target. The seismic will help to define this, and depending upon results, a drilling license will be applied for this target also.

      Engineering firms have been contracted to assist with completion of a plan of development which will lead to a detailed plan for this project for the next five to ten years, to maximize the return of investment and determine the optimum capitalization plan for the project. Targets are May 1, 2008 for POD, financing sourced by July 1, 2008, sufficient engineering complete by September 1, 2008 for a construction start very soon afterwards. Target goal of first production of commercial volumes of CO2 by end of 2008. CO2 would be sold into the existing pipeline systems feeding the Permian Basin.

      Kodiak Energy was enrolled in Investrend Research affiliate SISM Research's professional analyst program. Complete information is available at the company's InvestorPower(tm) page, which is accessible from .

      For up-to-the-minute news, features and links click on…
      schrieb am 07.02.08 09:03:25
      Beitrag Nr. 56 ()
      Kodiak Energy, Inc. Announces Commencement of New EL 413 Seismic Program

      Thursday February 7, 2:07 am ET

      CALGARY, ALBERTA--(MARKET WIRE)--Feb 7, 2008 --

      Kodiak Energy, Inc. (OTC BB:KDKN.OB - News) and (CDNX:KDK.V - News) ("Kodiak" or the "Corporation") is pleased to announce that it has received on February 1/2008, all the required permits for the 2008 Winter Seismic Program on EL 413 "Little Chicago".
      Work has commenced immediately and crews and equipment have been mobilized. The project is expected to be completed March 31, 2008. At which time the data will be sent for analysis and processing.

      This exploration licence comprises 200,000 acres in the Northwest Territories of which Kodiak has majority working interest at 56.25% and is operator. Work continues to define the drilling program with the partners on the licence.

      Kodiak completed a successful 84 km seismic acquisition program on these properties in the winter of 2006 - 2007.

      Kodiak Energy, Inc. is a Calgary based publicly traded oil and gas exploration and development company focused on creating a portfolio of North American assets that offer production opportunities and asset growth through exploration. Kodiak has lease holdings in Montana, southeastern Alberta, northeastern Alberta and high impact prospects located in the central Mackenzie River Valley of the Northwest Territories, Canada and in northeastern New Mexico.

      This press release contains forward-looking statements. The words or phrases "would be," "will" "intends to," "will likely result," "are expected to," "will continue," "is anticipated," "estimate," or similar expressions are intended to identify "forward-looking statements." Actual results could differ materially from those projected in the Corporation's proposed oil and gas related business. The Corporation's business is subject to various risks, which are discussed in the Corporation's filings with the US Securities and Exchange Commission and with Canadian Securities Commission. The Corporation's filings may be accessed at or at
      schrieb am 25.02.08 14:05:04
      Beitrag Nr. 57 ()

      Kodiak Energy, Inc. Announces Commencement of Drilling on New Mexico Properties

      Monday February 25, 7:41 am ET

      CALGARY, ALBERTA--(MARKET WIRE)--Feb 25, 2008 -- Kodiak Energy, Inc. (CDNX:KDK.V - News)(OTC BB:KDKN.OB - News) ("Kodiak" or the "Corporation") is pleased to announce that it has received all the required permits and licenses for its drilling program in New Mexico.
      schrieb am 02.03.08 19:52:42
      Beitrag Nr. 58 ()
      Press Release - Kodiak Exploration Limited (TSX-V : KXL)

      Kodiak's Drilling Intercepts Deep Gold Zones, Significantly Expands Resource Potential

      February 29, 2008 8:39:00 AM


      Kodiak Exploration Limited (KXL - TSXV; KX3 - Frankfurt) is pleased to report that the first two deep holes drilled along the central portion of the Golden Mile, 100 metres apart, have confirmed the continuity of gold mineralization down hole to a depth of almost 300 metres. Additional drilling has confirmed excellent continuity of high grade mineralization to a depth of approximately 100 metres. Exploration drilling continues on the company's 100% controlled Hercules project in western Ontario.

      These drill results show that gold mineralization in the central Golden Mile has excellent internal continuity and that the mineralization extends to almost triple the depth previously tested, greatly increasing the resource potential of the Hercules project. In addition, a series of previously unknown gold bearing veins has been discovered in the one kilometre area between the Marino and the Golden Mile, indicating that the known veins may be part of a much larger overall system.

      Kodiak currently has drill rigs working in three distinct areas of the Hercules property: The central portion of the Golden Mile (named Area 51 after drill hole HR07-51, the original discovery hole), Area 29 (approximately one kilometre along the Golden Mile to the southeast of Area 51 and also named for its discovery hole), and the Marino vein, which runs parallel to the Golden Mile vein approximately one kilometre to the northeast. All assay results received to date from our 2008 program are shown in the table below. Please refer to maps on Kodiak's website for locations of the recent drilling.

      Area 51 Initial Results - Central Portion of the Golden Mile

      The first two deep holes drilled in Area 51 of the Golden Mile have intersected gold mineralization at down hole depths of 250 metres and 300 metres respectively. Spaced 100 metres apart, they have defined a broad envelope of gold mineralization, similar to that seen in the near surface drilling, within which high grade mineralization is typically found. This gold mineralized zone remains open, and additional drilling will test it at greater depths and further along strike in the immediate future.

      Highlights from Area 51 include hole HR08-74, which intersected 3.8 metres grading 10.37 gpt (0.3 opt) gold, including 0.5 metres grading 25.72 gpt (0.75 opt). Hole HR08-74 was drilled as part of an in-fill drilling program in the high grade central Golden Mile. The assay results from hole 74 and adjacent drill holes were designed to confirm in-house grade-thickness modeling of this zone and have generated important gold grade vectors to guide the deeper drilling required to target this shoot at depth. The long section shown below illustrates how the close spaced drilling has confirmed the continuity of the high grade zone and suggests a flatter plunge to the gold mineralization. Kodiak has already used this information to successfully guide deeper drilling in Area 51.

      Drill holes HR08-81 and HR08-117, the first two deep drill holes on the Golden Mile, have confirmed a wide open and very large envelope of gold mineralization at depth. This envelope, similar in grade and thickness to the gold envelope that surrounds higher grade gold mineralization found in the shallower holes, is a prime target for additional deep drilling aimed at intersecting new high grade gold mineralized shoots at greater depths. The fact that the first two deep holes have confirmed gold mineralization to 300 metres down hole and 100 metres apart along the main structure is an important milestone for Kodiak, because it demonstrates significant exploration potential at depth on the Golden Mile vein system. The Company's 60,000 metre drill program continues, and additional drill results will be reported from this area as they become available.

      Area 29 Initial Results - Southeastern Extension of the Golden Mile

      Kodiak has commenced follow-up drilling in Area 29. The first hole in this area (previously reported) was hole HR07-29, which intersected 2 metres grading 54.0 gpt gold. Encouraging mineralization has now been intersected in HR08-103 (0.4 metres grading 12.4 gpt gold), indicating that the gold mineralization intersected in hole HR07-29 continues along strike and is open both to the southeast and at depth, at a distance of more than one kilometre from the original discovery hole in Area 51. Also, elevated base metals intersected in this section of the Golden Mile indicate close proximity to a potential source for the gold mineralization. Ongoing drilling in this area is designed to outline the geometry and scale of this mineralized zone. Additional drill results will be reported as they become available.

      Marino Area Initial Results

      Assay results from the first two drill holes of the winter Marino campaign have also confirmed encouraging gold mineralization. Hole HR08-106 intersected a newly discovered vein system that parallels the main Marino vein at a depth of over 100 metres, indicating the presence of "stacked" quartz veining which is intensifying at depth. The Marino program was designed to test the extent of gold mineralization in the area of previously reported drill hole HR07-16 (1.6 metres grading 38.47 gpt gold).

      This new parallel vein system greatly expands potential of the Marino area and indicates that stacked veining may occur in other nearby gold bearing veins such as the extensive Yellow Brick Road and the newly discovered series of gold bearing veins located between and parallel to the Golden Mile and Marino systems. Those veins all remain to be drill tested. Initial drilling has shown vein widths at Marino increase dramatically at depth. The discovery of these stacked veins greatly increase the width of the target zone for each structure, and Kodiak's drilling program in this area will need to be expanded accordingly, to explore the full potential of this area to host high grade gold shoots. Additional drill results from this zone will be reported as they become available.

      The Ongoing 2008 Drill Program at Hercules

      The strategy for the current Hercules drill program remains unchanged. These drill results reinforce the interpretation that the Golden Mile vein system has large, plunging zones or “shoots” of high grade gold mineralization that are enveloped by large volumes of significant gold mineralization. Kodiak will continue to explore extensions to the Golden Mile and Marino vein systems while drilling deeper holes in Area 51 of the central Golden Mile. The initial deeper drilling in Area 51 has confirmed gold mineralization to almost 300 metres along the main structure and this gold mineralization remains open at depth. With the Golden Mile structure intersected at depth, additional drill holes will be required to identify the zones of higher grade gold mineralization within the structure and to provide focus for more detailed drilling to depths beyond 300 metres. Unlike the original shallow drill holes, which were targeted based on surface channel samples, the deeper drilling will be guided only by drill intercepts. This means multiple drill holes will be required to identify the geometry and scale of the host structure. As a consequence, the deep drilling will be a long term program, planned to continue with one rig throughout the year. Simultaneously, another rig will be mobilized to explore previously undrilled sections of the Golden Mile, including the one kilometre section between Area 51 and Area 29 at the southeast extension of the Golden Mile.

      Mr. Brian J. Maher, Vice President - Exploration, comments: "I am particularly excited that drilling has confirmed gold mineralization to a depth of 300 metres on The Golden Mile. Documenting such a large area of significant gold mineralization at these depths greatly expands the resource potential of the Golden Mile and surrounding area. This confirms that the system is strongly mineralized at depth, similar to other Archean vein systems such as at Red Lake, Timmins and Kirkland Lake. Recognition of the main Golden Mile structure at depth, in precisely the position projected by our geologic team, suggests that the regular and linear outcrop pattern seen on the surface also continues at depth, greatly simplifying the exploration program."

      Mr. Bill Chornobay, President, adds: "We continue to intersect gold mineralization in virtually every drill hole, regardless of which structure or how deep we test. That is a strong indication of the intensity of gold mineralization within this large system. We are in the very early stages of our 2008 drill program and yet this early drilling has already resulted in the discovery of new gold mineralization that substantially increases the overall resource potential of the entire area. With $50,000,000 in cash and the ability to add drills and manpower over the course of our current program, we have the capacity to expand our program as needed. There can be no doubt that we will keep our geologic team very busy throughout 2008."

      Hercules Project Drill Hole Summary
      Hole Id
      From (metres)
      To (metres)
      Interval (metres)
      Gold (gpt)
      Gold (opt)
























      Anomalous Gold














      Kodiak QA/QC procedures are as follows: Kodiak channel samples are 5 cm wide cut perpendicular to the strike of the vein and/or shear zone from mapped alteration in the footwall continuously through the vein and/or shear zone and into mapped alteration in the hanging wall. Channels are cut with a motorized circular saw to a depth of 20 cm and removed with a hammer. Channel sample spacing is nominally every 20m along strike, dependent on outcrop size and geometry. Sample intervals are selected according to geologic contacts and visible mineralization, placed into a sample bag, and shipped to the assay lab for quantitative analysis of select elements. Kodiak drill cores are split down the center with a typical table feed circular rock saw. Sample intervals are selected according to geologic contacts, visible mineralization, and alteration, placed into sample bags and shipped to the assay lab where they are quantitatively analyzed for select elements. Drill cores are boxed, covered, and sealed at the drill rig and moved to the Kodiak logging and sample preparation facilities by Kodiak personnel. Kodiak angle core holes are directed perpendicular to the mapped dip of the vein therefore reported drill hole intercepts approximate true thickness of the vein. All Kodiak samples are currently being assayed by TSL Laboratories Inc., Saskatoon, SK S7K 6A4 and Accurassay Laboratories, Thunder Bay, ON, P7B5X5. Blank and standard samples are routinely submitted with all sample batches sent to the lab for assay. Screened metallic assays are routinely run on all anomalous gold results as a check on nugget effects. Samples are routinely sent to other labs for additional checks.

      Update on Land Holdings in Geraldton-Beardmore Belt

      Kodiak continues to add properties of merit to its land package in the Beardmore-Geraldton gold belt as its team continues its geological review. Kodiak has been granted an option to acquire an undivided 100% interest in 7 mineral claims located in Kassagimini Lake and Klotz Lake Townships, Thunder Bay Mining Division, subject to a 3% net smelter returns royalty. Kodiak may exercise the option by making an initial payment of $10,000 and issuing 5,000 shares, and thereafter making payments totaling $20,000 in cash and issuing 15,000 shares between October 31, 2009 and October 31, 2010. Kodiak may purchase the entire royalty for $1,000,000 for each 1% at any time.

      Kodiak has also entered into an agreement to purchase an undivided 100% interest in three mineral claims in Errington Township for 12,000 Kodiak shares. No royalty has been reserved by the vendors. The subject claims are contiguous to claims previously staked by Kodiak.

      The proposed option and purchase arrangements are both subject to acceptance by the TSX Venture Exchange.

      Update on Kodiak's Energy Division

      Kodiak also continues to add properties of merit to the land package of its Energy Division. Kodiak has been granted an option by Geomode Minerals Ltd. to acquire the "West Millennium" property in Saskatchewan's Athabasca Basin, a world-class mining district responsible for nearly a third of global uranium production. The West Millennium property consists of 10 mineral claims covering 18,027 hectares and is contiguous to additional mineral claims recently staked by Kodiak, covering approximately 3,200 hectares and dubbed the "Big Yellow", bringing the total land holdings to approximately 21,230 hectares.

      Kodiak may acquire a 100% interest in the West Millennium property, subject to a 1% royalty, by making an initial payment of $100,000 in cash and 53,802 Kodiak shares, and thereafter, between January 31, 2010 and January 31, 2013, an additional $1,450,000 in cash or, at the option of Kodiak, shares of Kodiak priced at the time of issue, as well as incurring exploration expenses totaling $5,000,000 over a period of 5 years. Kodiak may purchase the 1% royalty for $1,000,000 at any time.

      The West Millennium property is strategically located only 3,600 metres west of UEM's (formerly Uranerz Exploration and Mining Ltd.) world class Millennium deposit (37.5 million lb U3O8 grading 3.81%) and on trend with both the former Key Lake mine (183 million lb U3O8 grading 1.98%, 30 km to the south) and the McArthur River Mine (367.0 million lb grading 20.6%, 40 km to the north). UTEM surveys have outlined four large conductive trends extending over 14 km that remain virtually unexplored. A lithogeochemical survey of boulders in the same area revealed a strong uranium anomaly. These are all very favourable indicators for the discovery of structurally controlled unconformity-type uranium deposits, which in the Athabasca Basin are found at or below the sediment-basement contact at the intersection of faults with conductive graphite horizons, and are known to be some of the largest and richest uranium deposits in the world.

      With multiple untested conductive trends located in a world class uranium environment, the Kodiak team feels that the West Millennium property and surrounding area have excellent potential for a significant new uranium deposit, and that Kodiak is on track for a discovery in the Athabasca Basin.

      Otish Basin Uranium Update: The fall reconnaissance prospecting program was successful in returning encouraging results. With this new information in hand Kodiak is actively preparing for a much more extensive exploration program which is planned to include drilling

      With large, 100% controlled uranium prospects in both the Athabasca and Otish basins of Canada, and a strong management and technical team in place, Kodiak's Energy Division is on track to achieve its overall corporate objectives.

      Qualified Persons for NI 43-101

      The information contained in this news release relating to Kodiak's Hercules project has been reviewed and approved by Robert B. Hawkins, Kodiak's Chief Geologist, who is the qualified person for Kodiak's gold projects under the definitions established by National Instrument 43-101.

      The information contained in this news release relating to Kodiak's uranium projects, including the West Millennium property, has been reviewed and approved by Charles Beaudry, P.Geo, who is the qualified person for Kodiak's uranium projects under the definitions established by National Instrument 43-101.

      Kodiak is a mineral exploration company with properties located in Canada. You can now view an interactive map, as well as additional photographs, geological details and other information, on our Web site:

      On behalf of the board of Directors
      William S. Chornobay, Director, President
      For further information contact:
      (604) 688-9006 or by email at

      Visit Kodiak Exploration Limited Website:
      schrieb am 10.03.08 10:18:29
      Beitrag Nr. 59 ()
      Re: News Releases - Monday, March 10, 2008
      KODIAK ENERGY, INC - Completes EL 413 Northwest Territories New
      Seismic Program "Little Chicago"

      10 March, 2008

      CALGARY, ALBERTA -- (MARKET WIRE) --10/03/08 -- Kodiak Energy, Inc.
      (TSX-V:KDK) and (OTCBB: KDKN.OB) ("Kodiak" or the "Corporation") is pleased to announce that the new seismic acquisition program for the high impact Little Chicago project located in the Northwest Territories
      (NWT) for 2008 is now complete.

      The seismic data is now on the way to the lab, for processing followed by evaluation.
      The project was completed on schedule, within budget and with maximum local content from the stakeholders - at temperatures averaging -30 deg
      C and -55 deg C at times. The Corporation continues to prove that it
      is an effective operator in this challenging area.

      45 km of 2D seismic was shot, consisting of over 500 shots and high resolution data acquisition. Field review indicates it is excellent quality data.

      This seismic program expanded the total area covered by the seismic on EL 413. Combined with the information from the seismic program in the winter of 2007, the knowledge base on the area and the structures beneath EL 413 has been substantially enhanced. This will assist in the evaluation of the prospective resources identified in the previous two engineering studies and management believes it will show an increase in those prospective resources. A Gravity Survey was also conducted over the same area to supplement the 2007 Gravity Survey.

      The previously released (August 2007) "prospective resource" report identified 13 possible drill targets in the Bear Rock and has estimated possible initial production for these wells at about 1000 barrels of oil per day from each well. That report provided current "best estimate" for the identified drill targets at 100.2 million stock tank barrels of oil recoverable on a "fully risked" basis (oil in place can be extrapolated to approximately 500 to 600 million barrels).

      Additionally the previously seen and largest structure on the 2007
      seismic, which is deeper, continues to be evaluated.

      Kodiak is the operator of and is a 56.25% working interest owner in the Little Chicago project which comprises approximately 200,000 acres gross in the Northwest Territories.

      Kodiak Energy, Inc. is a Calgary based publicly traded oil and gas development company focused on creating a portfolio of North American assets that offer production opportunities and asset growth through exploration. Kodiak has lease holdings in Montana, southeastern Alberta, northeastern Alberta and high impact prospects located in the central Mackenzie River Valley of the Northwest Territories, Canada and in northeastern New Mexico.

      This press release contains forward-looking statements. The words or phrases "would be," "will" "intends to," "will likely result," "are expected to," "will continue," "is anticipated," "estimate," or similar expressions are intended to identify "forward-looking statements."
      Actual results could differ materially from those projected in the Corporation's proposed oil and gas related business. The Corporation's business is subject to various risks, which are discussed in the Corporation's filings with the US Securities and Exchange Commission and with Canadian securities commissions. The Corporation's filings may be accessed at or at

      Statements made herein are as of the date of this press release and should not be relied upon as of any subsequent date. The Corporation cautions readers not to place reliance on such statements. Unless otherwise required by applicable law, we do not undertake, and we specifically disclaim any obligation, to update any forward-looking statements to reflect occurrences, developments, unanticipated events or circumstances after the date of such a statement.

      This information in the Press Release contains the terms "prospective resources". The Company advises investors that although these terms are recognized and required by Canadian securities regulations (under National Instrument 51-101 Standards of Disclosure for Oil and Gas Activities), the US Securities and Exchange Commission does not recognize these terms. Investors are cautioned not to assume that any part or all of the resources in this category will ever be converted into reserves. In addition, "prospective resources" have a great amount of uncertainty as to their existence, and economic and legal feasibility. It cannot be assumed that any part of an prospective resource will ever be upgraded to a higher category. Under Canadian rules, estimates of prospective resources may not form the basis of feasibility or pre-feasibility studies, or economic studies except for a "preliminary assessment" as defined under National Instrument 51-101.
      Under US rules, Investors are cautioned not to assume that part or all of a prospective resource exists, or is economically or legally recoverable.

      Further information relating to Kodiak may be found on and as well as on Kodiak's website at

      The TSX Venture Exchange has not reviewed this news release and does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

      Kodiak Energy, Inc.
      William Tighe
      (403) 262-8044
      schrieb am 10.03.08 21:28:16
      Beitrag Nr. 60 ()
      Kodiak Energy, Inc.- Announces Initial Results of Testing of Muskwa Formations Lucy Project

      Monday March 10, 4:14 pm ET

      CALGARY, ALBERTA--(MARKET WIRE)--Mar 10, 2008 -- Kodiak Energy, Inc. (CDNX:KDK.V - News) and (OTC BB:KDKN.OB - News) ("Kodiak" or the "Corporation") is pleased to announce that the first set of lab results relating to the Lucy Project has been returned to the company on March 7, 2008 - revealing average Total Organic Compounds (TOC) values of 3.68% with peaks of 5.7%. The formation thickness demonstrated by the drilling logs shows approximately 60 meters. Kodiak will receive additional lab results as they become available in the near future. Management's data and calculations suggest 20bcf of gas per section as a baseline Muskwa resource estimate.
      Management believes that these results are typical for the regional Muskwa shale gas formation - see British Columbia website…
      schrieb am 11.03.08 14:13:42
      Beitrag Nr. 61 ()
      Press Release Source: Kodiak Energy, Inc.

      Kodiak Energy, Inc.- Announces Initial Results of Testing of Muskwa Formations Lucy Project

      Tuesday March 11, 9:00 am ET

      CALGARY, ALBERTA--(MARKET WIRE)--Mar 11, 2008 -- Kodiak Energy, Inc. (CDNX:KDK.V - News) and (OTC BB:KDKN.OB - News) ("Kodiak" or the "Corporation") is pleased to announce that the first set of lab results relating to the Lucy Project has been returned to the company on March 7, 2008 - revealing average Total Organic Compounds (TOC) values of 3.68% with peaks of 5.7%. The formation thickness demonstrated by the drilling logs shows approximately 60 meters. Kodiak will receive additional lab results as they become available in the near future. Management's data and calculations suggest 20bcf of gas per section as a baseline Muskwa resource estimate.
      Management believes that these results are typical for the regional Muskwa shale gas formation - see British Columbia website…
      schrieb am 12.03.08 06:19:29
      Beitrag Nr. 62 ()

      Kodiak Energy, Inc.-New Mexico First Well Operations Update

      Wednesday March 12, 12:05 am ET

      CALGARY, ALBERTA--(MARKET WIRE)--Mar 12, 2008 -- Kodiak Energy, Inc. (CDNX:KDK.V - News) and (OTC BB:KDKN.OB - News) ("Kodiak" or the "Corporation") is pleased to announce that the Sofia #2 well in northeastern New Mexico, was spudded on March 1/2008 and was drilled to total depth and cased on March 11/2008. CO2 was found in three formations, two of which were the targeted formations. Well site samples showed 100% quality CO2 from the formations. CO2 is in high demand for enhanced recovery of oil in the Permian Basin of southwest Texas.
      schrieb am 26.03.08 21:38:50
      Beitrag Nr. 63 ()
      schrieb am 26.03.08 22:06:04
      Beitrag Nr. 64 ()
      was ist denn hier los?
      schrieb am 14.04.08 16:25:56
      Beitrag Nr. 65 ()
      Kodiak Energy's ``Speculative Buy/4'' Rating And US$ 6.00 Target Price Reaffirmed in SISM Research Update

      Monday April 14, 9:54 am ET

      Calculated Appraised Net Worth Per Share Is $6.01 Based On Combined Valuation Given by Third Party Engineering Reports

      NEW YORK--(BUSINESS WIRE)--(Investrend Research Syndicate) In a report dated April 11, 2008, Ernest C. Schlotter, a senior analyst with SISM Research and a four star analyst according to StarMine, has reiterated his "Speculative Buy/4" rating for Kodiak Energy, Inc. (OTCBB: KDKN) (TSX Venture: KDK) and maintains its 12-18 month target price of $6.00.
      The full Update Report, including important disclosures and disclaimers, is available at and, or may be directly accessed via this link:… 1208177894.pdf. Investors are advised to read disclosures carefully before trading in the equities of any enrolled company. (Due to its length, the URL above may need to be copied/pasted into your Internet browser's address field. Remove any extra spaces if they exist.)

      According to analyst Schlotter:

      “In early March, Kodiak Energy commenced its exploration program, consisting of drilling, testing, and seismic operations in New Mexico. Three wells were successfully drilled and showed the expected high quality CO² from the formations that were previously mapped. In addition, a third potentially productive formation, not seen in other offset wells, will be evaluated. The three wells will be completed by logging, perforating, and flow testing the productive formations in order to get the best data to support the development of the project. The completions operations are scheduled to be finished by the middle of April. The New Mexico asset could become a company-making asset. If economically successful, the Company could become a CO² producer by the end of 2008. Kodiak Energy is now beginning to delineate the project reserves, increasing value to maximum levels.

      Schlotter added; “All together we have arrived at a heavily risked-adjusted Appraised Net Worth of $609.5 million or $6.01 per share. Our 12 to 18 month target price of $6.00 is based on around 1.00x P/ANW valuation metric.”

      The company’s website is at

      Additional information for investors is available at the company’s “InvestorPower™ Page”, accessible via , and the company’s website is at . Anyone interested in receiving alerts regarding Kodiak Energy research should email or with “KDKN” in the subject line.

      SISM Research is a private investment research firm, based in Zurich, Switzerland, offering independent, fundamental research on public companies since 1995. SISM Research publishes research on micro- to small-cap companies trading on the OTC, NASDAQ and AMEX. This coverage is geared toward institutional and individual investors in both North America and in Europe.

      SISM Research takes steps to ensure independence, including setting fees in advance and utilizing analysts who must abide by CFA Institute Code of Ethics and Standards of Professional Conduct, the CFA-NIRI Guidelines (, the exacting “Standards for Independent Research Providers” ( and in accordance with Guidance set forth by U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission’s Advisory Committee on Smaller Public Companies at… Additionally, analysts may not trade in any security under coverage.

      Morgarten Financials, the Company’s IR firm, has retained and is paying SISM Research $1,850 per month over a two-year period to ensure independent coverage.

      Please be aware that statements in this announcement that are not historical facts are forward-looking statements that are subject to risks and uncertainties. Words such as "expects", "intends", "plans", "may", "could", "should", "anticipates", "likely", "believes" and words of similar import also identify forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements are based on current facts and analyses and other information that are based on forecasts of future results.

      The Investrend Research Syndicate distributes reports published by sources dedicated to unbiased, reliable analytics and complete transparency. The primary measure for determining those sources is the “Standards for Independent Research Providers” ( The Investrend Research Syndicate is a proprietary entity of Investrend Communications, Inc., a financial intelligence and information firm, serving the financial community with neutral platforms and fundamentally-based material since 1996.

      Kodiak Energy, Inc.
      William Tighe, 403-262-8044
      Investrend Research
      Div. Investrend Communications, Inc.
      R. Hempel, 212-709-8075
      Source: Kodiak Energy, Inc.…
      schrieb am 22.04.08 19:39:36
      Beitrag Nr. 66 ()
      Kodiak Energy, Inc.- New Mexico Operations Update- Seismic Acquisition Complete

      Tuesday April 22, 1:26 pm ET

      CALGARY, ALBERTA--(MARKET WIRE)--Apr 22, 2008 -- Kodiak Energy, Inc. (CDNX:KDK.V - News) and (OTC BB:KDKN.OB - News) ("Kodiak" or the "Corporation") is pleased to provide an operations update relative to its New Mexico project.
      The New Mexico exploration program, located in northeastern New Mexico, continues to be on schedule. The program consists of drilling, testing and seismic operations. Kodiak is operator and 100% working interest owner of this high impact project, currently comprising approximately 62,000 acres with signed letters of intent to purchase another 24,000 acres.

      To date, three wells have been drilled, cased and the completion program underway. Besides the expected high quality CO2, early gas tests also show helium, which is used in medical, science, technology and fabrication industries in addition to space programs. An engineering report has been commissioned and is anticipated approximately the end of May.

      The 38 mile seismic program was completed April 20, 2008 and the data has been sent to the labs for processing.

      Target dates are subject to change as new information becomes available.

      About Kodiak

      Kodiak Energy, Inc. is a Calgary based publicly traded oil and gas development company focused on creating a portfolio of North American assets that offer production opportunities and asset growth through exploration. Kodiak has lease holdings in Montana, southeastern Alberta, northeastern Alberta and high impact prospects located in the central Mackenzie River Valley of the Northwest Territories, Canada and in northeastern New Mexico.

      This press release contains forward-looking statements. The words or phrases "would be," "will" "intends to," "will likely result," "are expected to," "will continue," "is anticipated," "estimate," or similar expressions are intended to identify "forward-looking statements." Actual results could differ materially from those projected in the Corporation's proposed oil and gas related business. The Corporation's business is subject to various risks, which are discussed in the Corporation's filings with the US Securities and Exchange Commission and with Canadian securities commissions. The Corporation's filings may be accessed at or at

      Statements made herein are as of the date of this press release and should not be relied upon as of any subsequent date. The Corporation cautions readers not to place reliance on such statements. Unless otherwise required by applicable law, we do not undertake, and we specifically disclaim any obligation, to update any forward-looking statements to reflect occurrences, developments, unanticipated events or circumstances after the date of such a statement.

      Further information relating to Kodiak may be found on and as well as on Kodiak's website at

      The TSX Venture Exchange has not reviewed this news release and does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

      Kodiak Energy, Inc.
      William Tighe
      Chief Executive Officer
      (403) 262-8044

      Source: Kodiak Energy, Inc.
      schrieb am 21.05.08 17:13:27
      Beitrag Nr. 67 ()
      20 May, 2008

      CALGARY, ALBERTA -- (MARKET WIRE) --20/05/08 -- Kodiak Energy, Inc.
      and (OTCBB: KDKN.OB) ("Kodiak" or the "Corporation") is pleased to announce that an updated Lucy Prospective Resource report has been completed. A full copy of the report dated May 2008, will be posted on the Corporations website ( for Tuesday, May 20th, 2008.

      The Corporation will also be filing a Form 51-102F3 Material Change Report regarding its Lucy BC Properties on Sedar and an 8K report on Edgar.

      The following is an excerpt from the Chapman Petroleum Engineering Ltd. Evaluation of Prospective Resources report (May 2008). This report presents an overview and analysis of Kodiak's Lucy project which includes 1,974 acres (3 sections) of leased mineral rights within the Horn River Basin regional shale gas play.

      "Work Program
      During 2008, the Company is planning to perforate, fracture and test the Evie Shale in well a-79-A to determine the deliverability of this zone from a vertical well bore. In 2009, the company intends to drill a horizontal leg into the Evie shale from well d-90-A and perform a multi-stage completion. This would enable a comparison between the productive capabilities of horizontal vs vertical completions.

      Resource Potential
      We have prepared an assessment of the prospective resources of this work program for the Evie gas shale. For the low case, we considered only the free gas in the zone and estimated this to be approximately 16 Bcf/section of original gas in place. For the high case, we used published resource estimates provided by an operator in the Horn River Basin, adjusted to the shale thickness in this part of the basin which resulted in 48 Bcf/section of original gas in place. For our best estimate, we took the average of high and low estimates which was 32 Bcf/section of original gas in place. From published reservoir parameters provided by the B.C. Oil and Gas Commission, we estimated recovery factor to be 55% and surface loss to be 10%.

      Based on this data, we have established an estimate of total marketable prospective resources for this project to be 3,011 MMscf for the low estimate, 10,322 MMscf for the best estimate and 17,635 MMscf for the high estimate, based on the drainage area for the horizontal completion to be twice of the vertical completion.

      A summary of the gross prospective resources is presented in Table 2.

      Productivity Estimates
      Initial production rates for the vertical completion were estimated to be 0.5 MMscf/d (low estimate), 0.75 MMscf/d (best estimate), and 1.0 MMscf/d (high estimate). Initial production rates for the horizontal completion were estimated to be 1.0MMscf/day (low estimate), 2.0 MMscf/d (best estimate), and 3.0 MMscf/d ( high estimate). These estimated initial production rates are based on reported rates from operators in the Horn River Basin.

      Target dates are subject to change as new information becomes available

      About Kodiak
      Kodiak Energy, Inc. is a Calgary based publicly traded oil and gas development company focused on creating a portfolio of North American assets that offer production opportunities and asset growth through exploration. Kodiak has lease holdings in Montana, southeastern Alberta, northeastern Alberta and high impact prospects located in the central Mackenzie River Valley of the Northwest Territories, Canada and in northeastern New Mexico.

      This press release contains forward-looking statements. The words or phrases "would be," "will" "intends to," "will likely result," "are expected to," "will continue," "is anticipated," "estimate," or similar expressions are intended to identify "forward-looking statements."
      Actual results could differ materially from those projected in the Corporation's proposed oil and gas related business. The Corporation's business is subject to various risks, which are discussed in the Corporation's filings with the US Securities and Exchange Commission and with Canadian securities commissions. The Corporation's filings may be accessed at or at

      The information in the Engineering Report referred to herein contains the terms "prospective resources". Kodiak advises investors that although these terms are recognized and required by Canadian securities regulations (under National Instrument 51-101 Standards of Disclosure for Oil and Gas Activities), the US Securities and Exchange Commission does not recognize these terms. Investors are cautioned not to assume that any part or all of the resources in this category will ever be converted into reserves. In addition, "prospective resources" have a great amount of uncertainty as to their existence, and economic and legal feasibility. It cannot be assumed that any part of a prospective resource will ever be upgraded to a higher category. Under Canadian rules, estimates of prospective resources may not form the basis of feasibility or pre-feasibility studies, or economic studies except for a "preliminary assessment" as defined under National Instrument 51-101. Under US rules, investors are cautioned not to assume that part or all of a prospective resource exists, or is economically or legally recoverable.

      Statements made herein are as of the date of this press release and should not be relied upon as of any subsequent date. The Corporation cautions readers not to place reliance on such statements. Unless otherwise required by applicable law, we do not undertake, and we specifically disclaim any obligation, to update any forward-looking statements to reflect occurrences, developments, unanticipated events or circumstances after the date of such a statement.

      Further information relating to Kodiak may be found on and as well as on Kodiak's website at

      The TSX Venture Exchange has not reviewed this news release and does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

      Kodiak Energy, Inc.
      William Tighe, Chief Executive Officer
      Phone: +1 (403) 262-8044

      Copyright (c) 2008 KODIAK ENERGY INC. (KDKN) All rights reserved. For more information visit our website at or send Message sent on Tue May 20, 2008 at 3:53:32 PM Pacific Time =======================================================================
      schrieb am 06.06.08 19:11:26
      Beitrag Nr. 68 ()
      Ich hab mich mit dem Management getroffen und wenn die Planungen aufgehen, dann haben wir einen Tenbagger :)

      Im Moment machen die ein Financing - es bleibt spannend.

      private placement of up to US$7,500,000 at the price of US$2.50 per Unit. Each Unit consists of one common share of Kodiak (a "Common Share") and one warrant to purchase a Common Share for two years at US$3.50 per share.

      Hier die Pressemitteilung dazu. Falls jemand Interesse hat bitte melden.

      May 26, 2008

      CALGARY, ALBERTA -- (MARKET WIRE) -- 05/26/08 -- Kodiak Energy, Inc. (TSXV:KDK)
      (OTCBB: KDKN) ("Kodiak" or the "Company") is pleased to announce that subject to regulatory approvals, it intends to complete a private placement of up to US$7,500,000 in principal amount of units of Kodiak (the "Units") at the price of US$2.50 per Unit (the "Offering"). Each Unit will consist of one common share of Kodiak (a "Common Share") and one warrant to purchase a Common Share for two years at US$3.50 per share. Kodiak may pay finder's fees to certain individuals or firms in connection with the Offering. The Common Shares and warrants issued pursuant to the Offering will be subject to a four month hold period in Canada.

      The Offering is being made on the basis of an exemption from registration in the United States under Regulation S. The Offering will not be offered to or sold in the United States or to any United States persons outside of the United States. The securities being offered and sold will not be and have not been registered under the Securities Act of 1933 and may not be offered or sold
      in the United States absent registration or an applicable exemption from registration requirements of the United States. The Company will be taking special measures to assure that the securities will not be sold in the United States to comply with these requirements.

      Proceeds from the Offering will be used by Kodiak towards the continued exploration of the Company's oil and gas properties, namely permitting for the drilling program on the "Little Chicago" project in the Northwest Territories, further seismic on the New Mexico properties, other such prospects in various locations within Canada and the United States and for generalworking capital purposes.

      About Kodiak

      Kodiak Energy, Inc. is a Calgary based publicly traded oil and gas development company focused on creating a portfolio of North American assets that offer production opportunities and asset growth through exploration. Kodiak has lease holdings in Montana, southeastern Alberta, northeastern Alberta and high impact prospects located in the central Mackenzie River Valley of the Northwest Territories, Canada and in northeastern New Mexico.

      This press release contains forward-looking statements. The words or phrases "would be," "will" "intends to," "will likely result," "are expected to," "will continue," "is anticipated," "estimate," or similar expressions are intended to identify "forward-looking statements." Actual results could differ materially from those projected in the Corporation's proposed oil and gas related business. The Corporation's business is subject to various risks, which
      are discussed in the Corporation's filings with the US Securities and Exchange Commission and with Canadian securities commissions. The Corporation's filings may be accessed at or at

      Statements made herein are as of the date of this press release and should not be relied upon as of any subsequent date. The Corporation cautions readers not to place reliance on such statements. Unless otherwise required by applicable law, we do not undertake, and we specifically disclaim any obligation, to update any forward-looking statements to reflect occurrences, developments, unanticipated events or circumstances after the date of such a statement.

      Further information relating to Kodiak may be found on and as well as on Kodiak's website at

      The TSX Venture Exchange has not reviewed this news release and does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

      Kodiak Energy, Inc.
      William Tighe, Chief Executive Officer
      Phone: +1 (403) 262-8044
      schrieb am 17.09.08 10:16:40
      Beitrag Nr. 69 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.257.314 von Smallcappicker am 06.06.08 19:11:26servus,

      kanst du mich per board mail mit infos versorgen über das treffen? würde gern einsteigen, danke

      schrieb am 15.11.08 22:48:18
      Beitrag Nr. 70 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 35.145.035 von jumanii am 17.09.08 10:16:40Da sind news im anmarsch :)
      Ich kann und werde dazu keine Informationen weitergeben.
      Vielleicht will ich nur pushen...oder doch nicht?
      Ich sag nur ihr werdet es in spätestens 2 Wochen herausfinden..
      schrieb am 13.03.09 04:19:04
      Beitrag Nr. 71 ()
      Das Ding steht auf der Abschußliste.:laugh:
      schrieb am 26.05.09 17:49:09
      Beitrag Nr. 72 ()…
      Wenn der Laden 2012 noch existiert und produziert, gehts vielleicht weiter.
      schrieb am 28.04.11 17:13:54
      Beitrag Nr. 73 ()
      Will hier nur mal ein Lesezeichen setzen. Der Kursverlauf ist ja schrecklich, müsste mich jetzt aber mal reinlesen was hier passiert ist und welche Chancen es überhaupt noch gibt.

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      Bitte wenden Sie sich an und erfragen Sie die Reaktivierung der Diskussion oder starten Sie
      eine neue Diskussion.
      KODIAC ENERGY, dass wird der neue Ölsuperstar!!!