
    SYSCO (SYY, WKN 859121) Lebensmittelzulieferer - 500 Beiträge pro Seite

    eröffnet am 11.07.07 09:49:40 von
    neuester Beitrag 19.11.08 20:16:34 von
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     Ja Nein
      schrieb am 11.07.07 09:49:40
      Beitrag Nr. 1 ()

      ich wollte mal einen Thread zu SYSCO aufmachen, da dieses Unternehmen für mich aktuell sehr interessant erscheint. In der Vergangenheit gewaltige Wachstumsraten, die sich in den letzten Jahren ezwas abgeschwächt haben, aber nun wohl auf einem Level sind, die sich über jahre halten können. Ein gwwltiger Langfristchart, seit ein paar Jahren seitwärts mit entsprechendem Abbau des KGVs, Aktuell rd. 18, Wachstum 13-15% die nächsten jahre, Divi 2,5%.
      In den letzten 2 Jahren litten die vor allem an den erhöhten Benzinpreisen, da sie meist mit LKWs ausliefern.

      Die stellen zwar keine Lebensmittel her, beliefern aber in den USA über 400.000 Kunden mit Lebensmitteln etc. pp, Marktführer mit 16%, aber daher trotzdem in den USA noch Expansionspotential, kaufen meist andere Firmen auf. Bisher nur auf dem US-Markt tätig, jetzt wollen sie aner auch international expandieren, gestern ein Kauf einer Firma in Hongkong. Ich denke, da sollte man langfristig nichts falsch machen, beim SAC / Börse Aktuell / Brandmeier haben die 5 Brillis....unten noch ein Portrait im Überblick. Was meint Ihr? Bin echt kurz davor einzusteigen...

      Gruss space


      Sysco Corporation was organized under the laws of Delaware in 1969. Acting through its subsidiaries and divisions, it is a North American distributor of food and related products primarily to the foodservice or food-prepared-away-from-home industry. The Company provides its products and services to approximately 390,000 customers, including restaurants, healthcare and educational facilities, lodging establishments and other foodservice customers. The foodservice industry consists of two major customer types- traditional and chain restaurant. Traditional foodservice customers include restaurants, hospitals, schools, hotels and industrial caterers. The Company's chain restaurant customers include regional and national hamburger, sandwich, pizza, chicken, steak and other chain operations. Since its formation, the company has grown from $115 million to over $30 billion in annual sales, both through internal expansion of existing operations and through acquisitions. Through the end of fiscal 2005, the Company had acquired 130 companies or divisions of companies. In May 2005, the Company acquired Facciola Meat Company, a specialty meat and seafood distributor located in Fremont, California. In May 2005, it acquired Royalty Foods, Inc., a specialty meat distributor located in Orlando, Florida. In January 2005, it acquired Piranha Produce, a full-line fresh fruit and vegetable distributor, headquartered in Modesto, California. The company has aggregated its operating companies into a number of segments, of which only Broadline and SYGMA are reportable segments. Broadline operating companies distribute a full line of food products and a variety of non-food products to both the Company's traditional and chain restaurant customers. SYGMA operating companies distribute a full line of food products and a variety of non-food products to chain restaurant customer locations. The company's specialty produce companies distribute fresh produce and, on a limited basis, other foodservice products. Specialty meat companies distribute custom-cut fresh steaks, other meat, seafood and poultry. The Company's specialty Asian cuisine foodservice companies distribute a full line of food products and a variety of non-food products to restaurants serving Asian cuisine. The Company's lodging industry products company distributes personal care guest amenities, equipment, housekeeping supplies, room accessories and textiles to the lodging industry. The Company purchases from thousands of suppliers, which consist generally of large corporations selling brand name and private label merchandise and independent regional brand and private label processors and packers. As of July 2, 2005, the Company and its operating companies had approximately 47,500 full-time employees.
      schrieb am 11.07.07 09:59:26
      Beitrag Nr. 2 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 30.626.426 von spaceistheplace am 11.07.07 09:49:40hier noch der 5-Jahreschart mit der Seitwärtsbewegung. Es könnte noch mal auf 30 Dollar runter gehen, aber dann sollte der Kurs nach unten abgesichert sein.

      Gruss space

      schrieb am 19.07.07 07:37:37
      Beitrag Nr. 3 ()
      das sollte heute gut tun:

      18.07.2007 23:46
      Sysco OKs buyback of up to 20M shares
      HOUSTON (AP) - Sysco Corp., (Nachrichten) which supplies food and services to restaurants and hotels, said Wednesday its board approved the repurchase of up to 20 million shares.

      At Wednesday's closing share price of $31.90, the 20 million shares are valued at $638 million.

      The buyback program will begin once Sysco completes a previous buyback program, under which there are 1.8 million shares remaining.

      As of April 28, Sysco had about 618 million shares outstanding.

      Copyright 2007 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.
      schrieb am 21.11.07 09:17:45
      Beitrag Nr. 4 ()
      13.11.2007 13:40
      Sysco lifts dividend to 22 cents

      HOUSTON (AP) - Sysco Corp. (Nachrichten) raised its quarterly dividend by 15.8 percent to 22 cents per share on Friday.

      The food distributor paid a dividend of 19 cents in the prior quarter.

      The dividend will be paid Jan. 25 to shareholders of record on Jan. 4.

      Copyright 2007 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.
      schrieb am 02.01.08 12:14:59
      Beitrag Nr. 5 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 32.505.216 von spaceistheplace am 21.11.07 09:17:45Hallo Space,

      ich bin auch durch BörseAktuell auf Sysco aufmerksam geworden, hast du deine Pläne umgesetzt und den Einstieg bei Sysco gewagt? Wobei "wagen" ein wenig zu risikoreich klingt, die scheinen mir ja nicht sehr spekulativ zu sein.


      Trading Spotlight

      Grounded People Apparel
      0,9950EUR +44,20 %
      Extreme Wachstumsstory! Wo man jetzt noch rein will…mehr zur Aktie »
      schrieb am 02.01.08 17:51:32
      Beitrag Nr. 6 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 32.913.877 von 1435905 am 02.01.08 12:14:59ne, ich schaue noch zu, bin noch nicht engagieret. Werde es wohl auch nicht tun, liebe Starbucks aufstocken...

      Grundsätzlich un gutes Unternehmen, keine Frage!

      Gruss space
      schrieb am 23.01.08 17:13:54
      Beitrag Nr. 7 ()
      Inzwischen stehen wir bei 27 USD, dass hätte sicherlich niemand erwartet. :confused:

      Bin mir nicht sicher ob ich mal nen Kauflimit in den Markt legen soll, zumal Sysco nicht so ganz in meine angestrebte Depotstruktur passt. Eigentlich sind dort schon alle Branchen gewichtet und ich warte nur noch auf Kaufkurse bei JNJ,CL und BP.
      schrieb am 24.01.08 08:09:51
      Beitrag Nr. 8 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 33.145.402 von 1435905 am 23.01.08 17:13:54Inzwischen stehen wir bei 27 USD, dass hätte sicherlich niemand erwartet.
      Momentan ist eben alles möglich, nur denke ich, dass beim Einzelhandel so langsam der Boden erreicht sein dürfte. Da befinden wir uns ja schon seit Monatn im Crash...

      Bin mir nicht sicher ob ich mal nen Kauflimit in den Markt legen soll, zumal Sysco nicht so ganz in meine angestrebte Depotstruktur passt. Eigentlich sind dort schon alle Branchen gewichtet und ich warte nur noch auf Kaufkurse bei JNJ,CL und BP.

      Also wenn ich an Deiner Stelle die Wahl hätte, würde ich JNJ absolut an die Nr. 1 stellen, auch CL ganz oben, eher die als SYY. BP eher nicht, kann mir gut vorstellen, dass der Ölpreis jetzt ma endlich rückwärts geht im Preis. halte da 50 Dollar nicht für unwahrscheinlich.

      Gruss space
      schrieb am 24.01.08 21:22:28
      Beitrag Nr. 9 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 33.151.598 von spaceistheplace am 24.01.08 08:09:51Also wenn ich an Deiner Stelle die Wahl hätte, würde ich JNJ absolut an die Nr. 1 stellen, auch CL ganz oben, eher die als SYY. BP eher nicht, kann mir gut vorstellen, dass der Ölpreis jetzt ma endlich rückwärts geht im Preis. halte da 50 Dollar nicht für unwahrscheinlich.

      So habe ich meine Überlegungen auch angestellt, hab mir bei JNJ nen Limit von knapp unter 40 EUR gesetzt. Die weiteren Käufe werden deshalb auch erst einmal zurückgestellt.
      CL ist und bleibt nunmal sehr sportlich bewertet,falls die Börsen nochmal den Rückwärtsgang einlegen - und damit rechne ich - dürfte CL auch noch ein wenig davon einbüßen.

      We will see...

      schrieb am 25.01.08 07:49:58
      Beitrag Nr. 10 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 33.161.746 von 1435905 am 24.01.08 21:22:28Ja, 1435905 , mit JNJ liegst Du allemal richtig.
      Ich habe mir gerade noch mal den SYY-Kurzfristchart angeschaut, sieht aktuell interessant aus, könnte der Beginn einer Bodenbildung sein, der MACD ist weit unten. Vielleicht noch ein bisschen früh, aber um ne erste Pos. aufzubauen wohl nicht der schlechteste Zeitpunkt.
      KGV ist so niedrig wie seit den 80er jahren nicht mehr, Wachstum absolut in Takt. Divi bei 3,2%!

      Gruss space

      6 Monate:

      10 Jahre:

      schrieb am 25.01.08 08:54:34
      Beitrag Nr. 11 ()
      hiwer noch 2 sachöne Grafiken zum 5-Jahresausblick:

      Prognostizierte Wachstumsraten in den nächsten 5 Jashren

      daraus resultierende KGVs, die oberste Angabe 2007 kann man abhaken:

      schrieb am 28.01.08 14:51:24
      Beitrag Nr. 12 ()
      und hier auf Deutsch:

      Sysco kann Ergebnis im zweiten Quartal verbessern

      Houston ( AG) - Die amerikanische Sysco Corp. (ISIN US8718291078/ WKN 859121), ein auf den Vertrieb von Lebensmitteln spezialisierter Konzern, verbuchte im zweiten Quartal einen Umsatz- und Ergebnisanstieg.
      Wie aus einer am Montag veröffentlichten Pressemitteilung hervorgeht, verbesserten sich die Umsatzerlöse im Vorjahresvergleich von 8,57 Mrd. Dollar auf 9,24 Mrd. Dollar, was einem Plus von 7,8 Prozent entspricht. Der Nettogewinn lag im Berichtszeitraum bei 264,1 Mio. Dollar bzw. 43 Cents je Aktie, nach 246,5 Mio. Dollar bzw. 39 Cents je Aktie im Vorjahreszeitraum. Analysten hatten zuvor ein EPS von 43 Cents sowie einen Umsatz von 9,24 Mrd. Dollar erwartet.

      Für das laufende Quartal liegen die Analystenschätzungen bei einem EPS von 40 Cents sowie einem Umsatz von 9,22 Mrd. Dollar.

      Die Aktie notierte zuletzt bei 27,61 Dollar. (28.01.2008/ac/n/a)

      Quelle: 28.01.2008 14:41:00
      schrieb am 29.01.08 14:54:37
      Beitrag Nr. 13 ()
      Wen es interessiert, das earnings call transcript. Da gibts viel zu lesen...…
      schrieb am 31.01.08 19:16:54
      Beitrag Nr. 14 ()
      Kauf Sysco, SYY heute in NYC zur Eröffnung für 27,45
      schrieb am 07.02.08 09:29:40
      Beitrag Nr. 15 ()
      Sysco registers with SEC to sell $1 bln in debt securities
      By Wallace Witkowski
      Last update: 3:35 p.m. EST Feb. 6, 2008
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      SAN FRANCISCO (MarketWatch) -- Sysco Corp. (SYY:
      Sysco Corporation
      News, chart, profile, more
      Last: 29.30-0.06-0.20%
      4:05pm 02/06/2008
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      SYY 29.30, -0.06, -0.2%) registered to sell up to $1 billion in debt securities, according to a filing Wednesday with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Sysco said it plans to use proceeds for general corporate purposes, which may include additions to working capital, capital expenditures, acquisitions, stock repurchases and repayment of indebtedness. The company did not list underwriters in the filing. End of Story
      schrieb am 19.02.08 07:45:28
      Beitrag Nr. 16 ()
      Randall Manufacturing, Inc. Named SYSCO's Overall Operations Supplier of the Year for 2007
      Thermo King Corporation, Raymond Corporation, RefrigiWear Inc., Kimball Midwest, Orion Energy Services Also Honored as Operations Suppliers of the Year

      Last update: 12:41 p.m. EST Feb. 18, 2008
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      HOUSTON, Feb 18, 2008 (PrimeNewswire via COMTEX) -- SYSCO Corporation (SYY:
      Sysco Corporation
      News, chart, profile, more
      Last: 29.88+0.37+1.25%
      4:01pm 02/15/2008
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      Sponsored by:
      SYY 29.88, +0.37, +1.3%) , North America's largest foodservice marketer and distributor, has named six supplier corporations as 2007 Operations Suppliers of the Year, honoring Randall Manufacturing, Inc. as its Overall Operations Supplier of the Year for 2007. The honors were presented recently at SYSCO's recent Supplier Recognition Dinner which opens the company's Distribution Management Conference held in Houston, Texas each year.
      The honors awarded include:

      * Thermo King (Minneapolis, MN) - Transportation Capital Equipment
      2007 Operations Supplier of the Year

      * Kimball Midwest (Columbus, OH) - Transportation 2007 Operations
      Supplier of the Year

      * Raymond Corporation (Greene, NY) - Warehouse Capital Equipment
      2007 Operations Supplier of the Year

      * RefrigiWear Inc. (Dahlonega, GA) - Warehouse 2007 Operations
      Supplier of the Year

      * Orion Energy Services (Manitowoc, WI) - Facilities 2007 Operations
      Supplier of the Year

      * Randall Manufacturing, Inc. (Elmhurst, IL) - 2007 Overall
      Operations Supplier of the Year

      The suppliers were chosen by SYSCO's operation personnel and graded on their ability to satisfy SYSCO's requirements in a cost effective and efficient manner. These six suppliers received the highest rating in their respective categories.
      Thermo King, a unit of Ingersoll Rand Company Limited, was founded in 1938 and manufactures transport temperature control systems for a variety of mobile applications, including trailers, truck bodies, buses, shipboard containers and railway cars. Thermo King developed the first portable refrigeration units in 1942 for troops stationed overseas in World War II. With their portability, these units made a significant difference in the field, as they enabled the soldiers to enjoy fresh foods and cold drinks while on the front lines. The units were also widely used in field hospitals to store temperature-sensitive drugs and blood plasma. Today, Thermo King is a global manufacturer supplying global markets.
      The Raymond Corporation has been the leading designer and manufacturer of superior electric lift trucks for the warehousing and distribution industry. Having started as a family-owned business in 1922 and now as part of the Toyota Materials Handling Group, the largest lift truck manufacturer in the world, The Raymond Corporation continues to lead the North American materials handling industry.
      RefrigiWear Inc. is the leading manufacturer of insulated industrial outerwear. For almost fifty years, they have supplied a wide range of industries with the garments and accessories needed to keep workers warm, safe and productive. RefrigiWear quilts, cuts and sews the majority of their garments, bags and covers. For more information about them visit their website at
      Kimball Midwest is a family owned and operated distributor of high quality maintenance, repair and operations products since 1923. The company is headquartered in Columbus, Ohio with more than 600 professionally trained field sales personnel, regional sales offices and distribution centers located throughout North America. Today, Kimball Midwest is a major force in the industrial and fleet maintenance aftermarket with the ability to provide over 38,000 parts from its regularly stocked inventory.
      Orion Energy Services has been an industry leader in product innovation and development in energy and lighting fields since 1996. Orion's technology optimizes energy efficiency and maximizes lighting throughput at every facility. Orion revolutionized the industry with the development of its High Intensity Fluorescent Technology Platform. Orion's superior technology, advanced controls and its vision of the future have helped the company earn the business of many well-respected and successful companies throughout the United States. For more information about them visit their website at
      Randall Manufacturing is a manufacturer of temperature controlled products for use in refrigerated vehicles and industrial and refrigerated warehouse applications. Products manufactured by Randall for refrigerated vehicles include bulkheads, center divide systems, insulated covers and bags, and fully assembled vinyl strip doors and curtains. For more information about them visit their website at
      SYSCO is the global leader in selling, marketing and distributing food products to restaurants, healthcare and educational facilities, lodging establishments and other customers that prepare meals away from home. Its family of products also includes equipment and supplies for the foodservice and hospitality industries. For the fiscal year 2007, the company generated $35.0 billion in sales. For more information about SYSCO visit
      The SYSCO Corporation logo is available at
      This news release was distributed by PrimeNewswire,
      SOURCE: SYSCO Corporation

      SYSCO Corporation
      Toni R. Spigelmyer, Director, Media Relations
      (281) 584-1458

      (C) Copyright 2008 PrimeNewswire, Inc. All rights reserved. End of Story
      Be the first to comment
      schrieb am 19.02.08 20:00:34
      Beitrag Nr. 17 ()
      Earth Biofuels LNG Subsidiary Signs Supply Agreement With SYSCO

      Last update: 8:52 a.m. EST Feb. 19, 2008
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      DALLAS, Feb 19, 2008 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- Earth Biofuels, Inc. today announced that its subsidiary, Applied LNG Technologies, Inc. ("ALT"), has executed a new three year supply agreement to sell and deliver liquefied natural gas ("LNG") to SYSCO Food Services of Los Angeles, Inc., a subsidiary of SYSCO Corporation.
      As is the case with its numerous other West Coast customers, ALT will deliver the LNG from its plant in Topock, Arizona to SYSCO of Los Angeles for use in SYSCO's fleet of delivery trucks.
      Robert Kidder, Manager of Fleet and Facilities for SYSCO Foods of LA, stated, "Signing this long term contract with ALT provides us a secure source of LNG at costs significantly lower than diesel prices."
      ALT's Vice President of Operations, Kevin Markey, said, "This long term agreement gives ALT the opportunity to continue our relationship with an outstanding group like SYSCO Foods of LA that is dedicated to natural gas fuel alternatives."
      Transportation grade LNG helps companies meet strict emission standards in the state of California. Vehicles fueled by the transportation grade LNG produce approximately one-sixth of the nitrous oxides (NOx) and up to 15 percent less greenhouse gases than comparable petroleum diesel fueled vehicles.
      About Earth Biofuels
      Earth Biofuels produces and distributes biodiesel fuel through wholesale and retail outlets. The fuel is sold under Willie Nelson's brand name, "BioWillie(R)." Earth Biofuels also produces and markets liquefied natural gas (LNG) through its subsidiary, ALT LNG. The Company is focused on meeting the growing demand for alternative and renewable fuels in the domestic market. The Company's website is
      Forward-Looking Statements Disclosure
      This press release may contain "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the federal securities laws. In this context, forward-looking statements may address the Company's expected future business and financial performance, and often contain words such as "anticipates," "believes," "estimates," "expects," "intends," "plans," "seeks," "will," and other terms with similar meaning. These forward-looking statements by their nature address matters that are, to different degrees, uncertain. Although the Company believes that the assumptions upon which its forward-looking statements are based are reasonable, it can provide no assurances that these assumptions will prove to be correct. In connection with the "safe harbor" provisions of the federal securities laws, including the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, important factors that, among others, could cause or result in actual results and experience to differ materially from the Company's anticipated results, projections, or other expectations are disclosed in the Company's filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission. All forward-looking statements in this press release are expressly qualified by such cautionary statements, risks, and uncertainties, and by reference to the underlying assumptions.
      SOURCE: Earth Biofuels, Inc.

      Earth Biofuels, Inc.
      Investor Relations:
      Shawne Horn, 866-765-4940
      schrieb am 25.02.08 08:50:33
      Beitrag Nr. 18 ()
      na, wenn das nix iss:

      SYSCO Declares 153rd Consecutive Quarterly Dividend

      Last update: 2:22 p.m. EST Feb. 22, 2008

      HOUSTON, Feb 22, 2008 (PrimeNewswire via COMTEX) -- SYSCO Corporation announced today that its Board of Directors declared a regular quarterly cash dividend of $0.22 per share, payable on April 25, 2008, to common shareholders of record at the close of business on April 4, 2008.
      SYSCO is the global leader in selling, marketing and distributing food products to restaurants, healthcare and educational facilities, lodging establishments and other customers who prepare meals away from home. Its family of products also includes equipment and supplies for the foodservice and hospitality industries. For the fiscal year 2007 that ended June 30, 2007, the company generated more than $35 billion in sales. For more information about SYSCO visit the company's Internet home page at
      The SYSCO Corporation logo is available at
      This news release was distributed by PrimeNewswire,
      SOURCE: SYSCO Corporation

      SYSCO Corporation
      Investor Relations
      Neil A. Russell, Assistant Vice President
      (281) 584-1308
      schrieb am 04.03.08 16:51:22
      Beitrag Nr. 19 ()
      Sysco Upbeat Despite Economic Concerns
      Tuesday March 4, 9:47 am ET
      Sysco Confident on Continued Sales Growth Despite Challenging Economic Conditions

      NEW YORK (AP) -- Sysco Corp. Chairman and Chief Executive Rick Schnieders said Tuesday that the food distributor anticipates continued sales growth this year despite challenging economic conditions and inflationary pressures.

      The food sector is currently being squeezed by several factors including rising food costs, diminishing credit and recession fears.

      Speaking at Bear Stearns 14th Annual Retail, Restaurants & Consumer Conference in New York, Schnieders said the Houston-based company is looking to capitalize on the growing food service industry.

      Sysco has reported five straight quarters of double-digit earnings per share growth and is experiencing sales growth despite a high inflationary period, according to Schnieders.

      "We do better in more challenging times," he said, explaining that the company is delivering products more efficiently and looking at more ways to control costs to keep its momentum going.

      Schnieders anticipates inflation will remain relatively high for some time, but said the company watches its inventory closely and generally doesn't buy forward in order to keep an appropriate pace.

      He acknowledged that some customers are trading down products due to escalating prices and said the company is working with these clients to help them come up with more affordable options, such as buying a high-quality butter blend -- a combination of butter and oil -- instead of pure butter.

      Sysco distributes a variety of products including frozen foods, canned and dry foods, imported specialties and fresh meats and produce. Its customers include restaurants, hospitals, schools and hotels.

      Shares of the company fell 31 cents to $27.93 in morning trading.
      schrieb am 27.03.08 08:44:24
      Beitrag Nr. 20 ()
      Guten Morgen miteinander,

      will mich mal melden, denn ich habe Euch was mitzuteilen:

      Ich werde mich ab sofort aus WO und aus dem ganzen Börsengeschehen mehr oder minder zurückziehen. Ich habe mir das schon länger überlegt und bin jetzt über Ostern zu diesem Schluss gekommen.

      Ich habe gestern fast komplett meinen Aktienbestand verkloppt. Ich habe mit meiner Bank, bei der ich einen Kredit über unser Haus laufen habe, ein große Sondertilgung vereinbart und werde diese in diesen Tagen durchführen. Da fließt das Geld hinein. Lieber meinen Kredit tilgen bzw. abbezahlen als auf im Endeffekt höhere Renditen am Markt spekulieren. Das kann böse in die Hose gehen bzw. ich denke, das eben die Renditen an den Märkten in den nächsten jahren nicht zum Himmel wachsen. Nummer Sicher, fertig...

      Ein sehr kleiner Rest ist noch nicht über die Spekufrist (sind aber eh keine großen Gewinne drauf), warte diese aber ab. Bis Ende des Jahres wird dann der Rest des Kredites abbezahlt.

      Zudem bin ich auch zum Schluss gekommen, hier bei WO meine Aktivitäten einzustellen. Ich hatte ja schon öfters geschrieben, dass ich zu viel Zeit aufwende und dann doch immer wieder in die gleiche Schiene verfallen bin, einfach zu viel Zeit dafür aufzuwenden, oft auch einfach zu verbissen war, was ich als nicht gut empfinde. Daher werde ich jetzt komplett aufhören und mich auch abmelden, sonst wird das wieder nix.

      Also macht es gut, haltet den Thread auch ohne mich als Threadgrünmder warm…
      Liebe Grüße an alle
      schrieb am 16.07.08 09:16:41
      Beitrag Nr. 21 ()
      Hallo zusammen,

      I'm back on board bei WO zwar unter einem anderen Usernamen, aber immer noch der Gleiche mit den gleichen Favoriten. Ich wüsste auch nicht, was sich grundsätzlich an diesen Unternehmen groß geändert haben sollte, Krise hin oder her....

      Ich poste hier, damit der Thread nicht einschläft und werde mich gegebenfalls einbringen, wenn ich es für notwendig erachte. Die "Versorgung" mit news hier werde ich aber so nicht mehr wie gewohnt durchführen, allein schon wegen Zeitmangels.
      Vornehmlich werde ich aber im Gewinnerthread " Gewinnerbranchen der Jahre 2006 bis 2040" posten.

      Gruss space
      schrieb am 16.07.08 09:42:35
      Beitrag Nr. 22 ()

      so, ich habe mir jetzt wieder den alten Namen freischalten lassen von WO, bin also wieder wie gewohnt unter dem namen "spaceistheplace" on board.

      schrieb am 04.08.08 14:30:24
      Beitrag Nr. 23 ()
      SYY ist auf meiner watchlis. bald kommen zahlen:

      SYSCO to Webcast Fourth Quarter and Fiscal Year 2008 Earnings Conference Call

      HOUSTON, Aug. 4, 2008 (PRIME NEWSWIRE) -- SYSCO Corporation (NYSE:SYY) announced today that it will webcast its fourth quarter fiscal year 2008 earnings conference call on Monday, August 11, 2008 at 10:00 a.m. ET.

      The live webcast can be accessed online at in the Investor Relations section. A webcast replay and downloadable MP3 file of the conference call will be available shortly after the live webcast is completed. The company also will issue a news release on the morning of August 11, prior to the earnings conference call, which can be accessed online at in the Investor Relations section.

      SYSCO is the global leader in selling, marketing and distributing food products to restaurants, healthcare and educational facilities, lodging establishments and other customers who prepare meals away from home. Its family of products also includes equipment and supplies for the foodservice and hospitality industries. For the fiscal year 2007 that ended June 30, 2007, the company generated more than $35 billion in sales. For more information about SYSCO visit the company's Internet home page at
      schrieb am 09.09.08 14:37:42
      Beitrag Nr. 24 ()
      Leider one man show hier im SYSCO-Thread. Ist halt ne Langweileraktie, mit der man hier bei WO keinen Blumentopf gewinnen kann...:laugh:

      Das hielt mich aber nicht davon ab, mir gestern ein paar SYSCOs zu gönnen. Das Unternehmen gefällt mir und begleitet mich schon lange. Vielleicht nicht die besten Kennzahlen, aber stetige Gewinnreihen, seit 37 Jahren kontinuierliche Divi-Steigerung:…

      Zudem noch rel. günstig bewertet (2009er KGV: 15). Geweinsteigerungsraten von rd. 13% in den nächsten 5 Jahren:…

      Zur Erinnerung noch mal der Langfristchart ganz unten. Die lange Konsolidierung im Kurs seit 2001 geht mit weiter zweistellig steigenden Gewinnen einher und damit einem Abbau der zu hohen Bewertung in 2001 mit nem KGV von 40 auf jetzt aktuell 15.

      Jetzt kurzfristig unheimlich stark in den letzten Wochen, mit Ausbruch nach oben. Jetzt dürften neue Zwischenhochs erreicht werden.
      Zudem sehe ich da auch noch ein gutes W am rechten Ende des Charts.

      Gruss space

      hier der 5-Jahreschart:

      Und hier noch der geniale Langfristchart:

      schrieb am 12.09.08 18:12:34
      Beitrag Nr. 25 ()
      Sysco ist ein Muster an Konstanz. Was nicht im Bericht erwähnt wird, ist, dass SYY zudem auch noch jährlich seine Divi immer steigert seit Jahrzehnten. Ein Ausdruck des Unternehmenswachstums!

      Gruss space

      SYSCO Declares 155th Consecutive Quarterly Dividend

      Last update: 10:55 a.m. EDT Sept. 12, 2008
      HOUSTON, Sep 12, 2008 (GlobeNewswire via COMTEX) -- SYSCO Corporation, North America's largest foodservice marketer and distributor, announced today that its Board of Directors declared a regular quarterly cash dividend of $0.22 per share, payable on October 24, 2008, to common shareholders of record at the close of business on October 3, 2008.
      SYSCO is the global leader in selling, marketing and distributing food products to restaurants, healthcare and educational facilities, lodging establishments and other customers who prepare meals away from home. Its family of products also includes equipment and supplies for the foodservice and hospitality industries. The company operates 180 distribution facilities serving more than 400,000 customers. For the fiscal year 2008 that ended June 28, 2008, the company generated more than $37 billion in sales. For more information about SYSCO, visit the company's Internet home page at
      The SYSCO Corporation logo is available at
      This news release was distributed by GlobeNewswire,
      SOURCE: SYSCO Corporation
      schrieb am 16.09.08 19:57:55
      Beitrag Nr. 26 ()
      SYSCO Operating At Full Capacity
      95 Percent of Houston Operating Company Associates At Work 24 Hours After Ike

      Last update: 12:40 p.m. EDT Sept. 16, 2008
      HOUSTON, Sep 16, 2008 (GlobeNewswire via COMTEX) -- SYSCO Corporation (SYY:
      Sysco Corporation
      News, chart, profile, more
      Last: 34.19+0.03+0.09%
      1:54pm 09/16/2008
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      SYY 34.19, +0.03, +0.1%) announced today that, with the help of its operating companies across North America and the incredible determination and loyalty of its Houston associates, less than 24 hours after Hurricane Ike devastated the region it was operating at full capacity and delivering food to hospitals, relief agencies and customers.
      "I am gratified by the selfless loyalty of our associates across the SYSCO family, especially those in Southeast Texas who left behind difficulties of their own to provide critical service to our customers," said Rick Schnieders, SYSCO's Chairman and Chief Executive Officer.
      "Our thanks go out to Keith Miller and his team at our Houston operating company and to Sandra Carson at the corporate office, and we pass along their thanks for the support of so many other SYSCO associates that are helping deliver food to those in need," said Ken Spitler, SYSCO's President and Chief Operating Officer.
      SYSCO is the global leader in selling, marketing and distributing food products to restaurants, healthcare and educational facilities, lodging establishments and other customers who prepare meals away from home. Its family of products also includes equipment and supplies for the foodservice and hospitality industries. The company operates 180 distribution facilities serving more than 400,000 customers. For the fiscal year 2008 that ended June 28, 2008, the company generated more than $37 billion in sales. For more information about SYSCO visit the company's Internet home page at
      The SYSCO Corporation logo is available at
      This news release was distributed by GlobeNewswire,
      SOURCE: SYSCO Corporation
      schrieb am 23.09.08 18:15:25
      Beitrag Nr. 27 ()
      2 news:

      22.09.2008 14:39
      Sysco kündigt weiteres Aktienrückkaufprogramm an
      Houston ( AG) - Die amerikanische Sysco Corp. (ISIN US8718291078 (News)/ WKN 859121) hat am Montag ein Aktienrückkaufprogramm angekündigt.

      Wie der Konzern erklärte, hat das Board of Directors die Gesellschaft zum Rückkauf von insgesamt 20 Millionen eigenen Anteilsscheinen ermächtigt. Im Rahmen des zuletzt im Juli 2007 beschlossenen Aktienrückkaufprogramms stehen noch 3,0 Millionen Anteilsscheine zum Erwerb aus, teilte der Konzern weiter mit.

      Die Aktie von Sysco notierte zuletzt bei 33,43 Dollar. (22.09.2008/ac/n/a)

      Sysco unit gets FDA warning letter over 'adulterated' salads
      By Bhattiprolu Murti
      Last update: 9:32 a.m. EDT Sept. 23, 2008
      The Food and Drug Administration sent a warning letter to a unit of Sysco Corp. (SYY:
      Sysco Corporation
      News, chart, profile, more
      Last: 33.22+1.13+3.52%
      12:13pm 09/23/2008
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      SYY 33.22, +1.13, +3.5%) , the largest U.S. food-service company by sales, saying some of its ready-to-eat salads are "adulterated."
      The FDA said Sysco Food Services of Albany LLC's refrigerated, ready-to-eat seafood salads and tuna salads "are adulterated in that they have been prepared, packed, or held under insanitary conditions whereby they may have been rendered injurious to health."
      In its letter dated June 3 and released Tuesday, the agency said it found "serious violations" of the seafood hazard analysis rules during an inspection of the unit's seafood processing facility at Clifton Park, N.Y., in February.
      The agency told the company it had 15 working days from the receipt of the letter to respond with steps taken to correct the problems. If the company doesn't take corrective steps, the FDA may seize the company's products or stop the firm from operating, the agency warned.
      A Sysco representative wasn't immediately available for comment.
      -Contact: 201-938-5400 End of Story
      schrieb am 24.09.08 14:18:26
      Beitrag Nr. 28 ()
      Tootie Pie Company Opens SYSCO Atlanta
      Highlighted Links

      Tootie Pie Company Website


      BOERNE, TX--(Marketwire - September 24, 2008) - The Tootie Pie Company, Inc. (OTCBB: TOOT), a premium baker and seller of high-quality, handmade pies, is pleased to announce that we have received our first order and our pies are now being carried by the SYSCO Atlanta, Georgia operating company. Tootie Pies are now stocked in six SYSCO regions including: SYSCO Dallas, Houston, San Antonio and Austin, TX; as well as SYSCO St. Louis, MO and Atlanta, GA.

      "Beginning with our participation this past spring in the 'Atlanta Metropolitan Cooking Show With Paula Deen'; as well as prominent features of our pies in the Atlanta Journal Constitution, we are excited to be adding new restaurants and other establishments in the greater Atlanta metropolitan area with SYSCO. We also expect Atlanta to serve as a gateway for continued sales growth into the Southeastern United States," said Don Merrill, President & CEO.

      Tootie Pie Company bakes and sells high-quality, handmade pies through three basic sales channels: retail, corporate and wholesale. The retail segment serves individual consumers through in-store sales, orders via telephone and internet on the Company's website. The corporate segment serves businesses that purchase pies as a way to promote their company through client and employee appreciation programs. The wholesale segment is made up of regional and national broad-line foodservice distributors who purchase pies and then resell them to their customers. Tootie Pie Company, Inc. is a publicly traded company whose stock is traded on the NASDAQ OTC market under the symbol: "TOOT." For additional information, or to receive emails from us, please visit us at:

      Forward-Looking Statements

      This press release may contain forward-looking statements. The words "believe," "expect," "should," "intend," "estimate," and "projects," variations of such words and similar expressions identify forward-looking statements, but their absence does not mean that a statement is not a forward-looking statement. These forward-looking statements are based upon the Company's current expectations and are subject to a number of risks, uncertainties and assumptions. The Company undertakes no obligation to update any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise. Among the important factors that could cause actual results to differ significantly from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements are risks that are detailed in the Company's filings, which are on file with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).
      schrieb am 09.10.08 14:36:44
      Beitrag Nr. 29 ()
      habe gerade meine Sysco-Position aufgestockt. Sind in F. 2% unter wallstreet-Schluss.
      Motto: Gegessen wird immer...:laugh:

      Gruss space
      schrieb am 27.10.08 17:27:30
      Beitrag Nr. 30 ()
      SYSCO to Webcast First Quarter 2009 Earnings Conference Call

      Last update: 10:01 a.m. EDT Oct. 27, 2008
      HOUSTON, Oct 27, 2008 (GlobeNewswire via COMTEX) -- SYSCO Corporation (SYY:
      Sysco Corporation
      News, chart, profile, more
      Last: 23.73+0.58+2.51%
      12:26pm 10/27/2008
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      SYY 23.73, +0.58, +2.5%) announced today that it will webcast its first quarter fiscal year 2009 earnings conference call on Monday, November 3, 2008 at 10:00 a.m. EST.
      The live webcast can be accessed online at in the Investor Relations section. A webcast replay of the conference call will be available shortly after the live webcast is completed. The company also will issue a news release on the morning of November 3, prior to the earnings conference call, which can be accessed online at in the Investor Relations section.
      SYSCO is the global leader in selling, marketing and distributing food products to restaurants, healthcare and educational facilities, lodging establishments and other customers who prepare meals away from home. Its family of products also includes equipment and supplies for the foodservice and hospitality industries. The company operates 180 distribution facilities serving more than 400,000 customers. For the fiscal year 2008 that ended June 28, 2008, the company generated more than $37 billion in sales. For more information about SYSCO visit the company's Internet home page at
      The SYSCO Corporation logo is available at
      This news release was distributed by GlobeNewswire,
      SOURCE: SYSCO Corporation
      schrieb am 03.11.08 14:10:01
      Beitrag Nr. 31 ()
      aktuelle Quartalszahlen: genaus Punktlandung mit 0,46 cents

      Sysco Reports First Quarter Diluted EPS of $0.46
      Monday November 3, 8:00 am ET
      Reports Record First Quarter Operating Income of $505 Million; 11 Percent Growth Over Prior Year

      HOUSTON, Nov. 3, 2008 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Sysco Corporation (NYSE:SYY - News) today announced financial results for its 13-week first quarter of fiscal 2009 ended September 27, 2008.

      First Quarter Fiscal 2009 Highlights

      * Sales increased 5.0% to $9.9 billion from $9.4 billion in the first
      quarter of fiscal 2008.
      * Operating income increased 11.0% to $505 million compared to $455
      million in last year's first quarter.
      * Diluted earnings per share (EPS) increased 7.0% to $0.46 compared
      to $0.43 in last year's first quarter.

      Source: Sysco Corporation
      clear image
      SYSCO Corporation Logo

      · Website

      ``Our operating companies continued to generate impressive results in the midst of a prolonged and difficult business environment,'' said Richard J. Schnieders, Sysco's chairman and chief executive officer. ``We're investing in our business and our people are doing an excellent job executing our business plan. I remain confident our company is well positioned for the long term.''

      First Quarter Fiscal 2009 Summary

      Sales for the first quarter grew five percent over the same period last year. Food cost inflation, as estimated by the change in Sysco's cost of goods, was 8.3 percent for the quarter. Operating income for the first quarter grew 11.0 percent over the same period last year. As a percentage of sales, operating income increased 28 basis points to 5.1 percent. The company continued to manage high food cost inflation well, as evidenced by gross profit dollars increasing 5.3 percent while operating expenses grew only 3.4 percent for the period. Diluted EPS increased seven percent from the first quarter of fiscal 2008 to $0.46.

      Operating income for the first quarter of fiscal 2009 as compared to the prior year period was unfavorably impacted by a net $20.9 million in additional expenses. The additional expenses were partially related to the combined impact of changes in the cash surrender value of corporate-owned life insurance (COLI) and increased company-sponsored pension expense. These items were partially offset by the impact of prior year provisions related to multi-employer pension plans that were not repeated in the current year and lower current year stock compensation expense, as detailed in the table below:

      (000's) Operating Expense impact
      1Q09 1Q08 Unfavorable / (Favorable)
      Cash surrender value of
      COLI $22,908 ($7,093) $30,001
      pensions 21,102 16,460 4,642
      Multi-employer pension
      plans 0 9,410 (9,410)
      Stock compensation
      expense 10,833 15,193 (4,360)
      Net impact to operating
      expenses $54,843 $33,970 $20,873

      In addition, net earnings for the first quarter of fiscal 2009 were unfavorably impacted by a 42.5 percent tax rate for the quarter compared to 38.1 percent in the prior year's first quarter. The primary contributors to this unusually high tax rate were the $22.9 million COLI loss noted above which is not deductible for tax purposes, and a previously unidentified tax contingency arising from a recent tax audit.

      ``I'm pleased with our company-wide results, particularly at our Broadline companies,'' said Ken Spitler, Sysco's president and chief operating officer. ``We were able to leverage our sales growth, growing operating income 11 percent despite continued pressure from multiple fronts, including high inflation and the unfavorable impact of additional expenses such as the loss on COLI. Our key business initiatives continue to deliver, and our associates are doing a great job consulting with our customers and helping them succeed in this difficult environment.''

      Capital Spending

      Capital expenditures totaled $80 million for the first quarter. The primary areas for investments included facility replacements and expansions, construction of fold-out operations and additions to Sysco's fleet. In addition, we completed construction of our new fold-out facility located in East Texas and began shipping product in October 2008. For full year fiscal 2009, the company projects that capital expenditures will be in the range of $675 million to $725 million.

      Conference Call & Webcast

      Sysco's first quarter 2009 earnings conference call will be held on Monday, November 3, 2008 at 10:00 a.m. EST. A live webcast of the call, as well as a copy of this press release, will be available online at in the Investor Relations section.

      About Sysco

      Sysco is the global leader in selling, marketing and distributing food products to restaurants, healthcare and educational facilities, lodging establishments and other customers who prepare meals away from home. Its family of products also includes equipment and supplies for the foodservice and hospitality industries. The company operates 180 distribution facilities serving more than 400,000 customers. For the fiscal year 2008 that ended June 28, 2008, the company generated more than $37 billion in sales. For more information about Sysco visit the company's Internet home page at

      The Sysco Corporation logo is available at

      Forward-Looking Statements

      Certain statements made herein are forward-looking statements under the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. They include statements regarding the company's ability to leverage in current and future periods, the impact of our customer focus on Sysco's business relationships, the company being well-positioned for the long-term and projections regarding capital expenditures. These statements involve risks and uncertainties and are based on management's current expectations and estimates; actual results may differ materially. Those risks and uncertainties that could impact these statements include risks that pertain to Sysco's business, including the risks relating to the foodservice distribution industry's relatively low profit margins and sensitivity to general economic conditions, including the current economic environment and decreases in consumer spending; increased fuel costs; Sysco's leverage and debt risks; the successful completion of acquisitions and integration of acquired companies as well as the risk that acquisitions could negatively impact the Company's stock price, operating results or debt ratio or significantly increase the Company's liquidity requirements; the risk of interruption of supplies due to lack of long-term contracts, severe weather, work stoppages or otherwise; construction schedules; management's allocation of capital and the timing of capital purchases such as fleet and equipment; competitive conditions; labor issues; and internal factors such as the ability to control expenses. Earnings are also impacted by option expensing, which is based on certain assumptions regarding the number and fair value of options granted, resulting tax benefits and shares outstanding. Capital expenditures may vary from those projected based on changes in business plans and other factors, including those described above. For a discussion of additional factors that could cause actual results to differ from those described in the forward-looking statements, see the Company's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended June 28, 2008 as filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

      Sysco Corporation and its Consolidated Subsidiaries
      (In Thousands, Except for Share and Per Share Data)

      13-Week Period Ended
      Sept. 27, Sept. 29,
      2008 2007
      ------------ ------------

      Sales $ 9,877,429 $ 9,405,844
      Cost of sales 7,990,873 7,614,702
      ------------ ------------
      Gross margin 1,886,556 1,791,142
      Operating expenses 1,381,804 1,336,509
      ------------ ------------
      Operating income 504,752 454,633
      Interest expense 26,410 26,371
      Other income, net (2,813) (3,032)
      ------------ ------------
      Earnings before income taxes 481,155 431,294
      Income taxes 204,341 164,305
      ------------ ------------
      Net earnings $ 276,814 $ 266,989
      ============ ============

      Net earnings:
      Basic earnings per share $ 0.46 $ 0.44
      Diluted earnings per share 0.46 0.43

      Average shares outstanding 602,257,425 610,810,914
      Diluted shares outstanding 605,707,175 617,108,313

      Dividends declared per common share $ 0.22 $ 0.19

      Sysco Corporation and its Consolidated Subsidiaries
      (In Thousands, Except for Share Data)

      Sept. 27, June 28, Sept. 29,
      2008 2008 2007
      ------------ ------------ ------------
      (unaudited) (unaudited)
      Current assets
      Cash and cash equivalents $ 345,625 $ 551,552 $ 190,154
      Accounts and notes
      receivable, less allowances
      of $46,493, $31,730 and
      $42,953 2,873,502 2,723,189 2,765,213
      Inventories 1,933,703 1,836,478 1,865,355
      Deferred taxes 101,811 -- 91,444
      Prepaid expenses and other
      current assets 69,065 63,814 117,661
      ------------ ------------ ------------
      Total current assets 5,323,706 5,175,033 5,029,827
      Plant and equipment at cost,
      less depreciation 2,876,081 2,889,790 2,780,780
      Other assets
      Goodwill 1,421,460 1,413,224 1,394,814
      Intangibles, less
      amortization 83,709 87,528 90,393
      Restricted cash 93,077 92,587 99,755
      Prepaid pension cost 256,017 215,159 389,720
      Other assets 231,005 208,972 232,655
      ------------ ------------ ------------
      Total other assets 2,085,268 2,017,470 2,207,337
      ------------ ------------ ------------
      Total assets $ 10,285,055 $ 10,082,293 $ 10,017,944
      ============ ============ ============

      Current liabilities
      Notes payable $ -- $ -- $ 2,700
      Accounts payable 2,051,112 2,048,759 2,079,131
      Accrued expenses 757,455 917,892 779,968
      Income taxes 584,608 11,665 509,370
      Deferred taxes -- 516,131 --
      Current maturities of
      long-term debt 5,269 4,896 3,576
      ------------ ------------ ------------
      Total current liabilities 3,398,444 3,499,343 3,374,745
      Other liabilities
      Long-term debt 1,974,053 1,975,435 1,969,804
      Deferred taxes 717,587 540,330 734,169
      Other long-term liabilities 689,745 658,199 641,771
      ------------ ------------ ------------
      Total other liabilities 3,381,385 3,173,964 3,345,744
      Commitments and contingencies
      Shareholders' equity
      Preferred stock, par value
      $1 per share, Authorized
      1,500,000 shares, issued
      none -- -- --
      Common stock, par value $1
      per share, Authorized
      issued 765,174,900 shares 765,175 765,175 765,175
      Paid-in capital 727,558 712,208 655,609
      Retained earnings 6,185,935 6,041,429 5,600,065
      Accumulated other
      comprehensive (loss) income (98,308) (68,768) 61,218
      Treasury stock, 164,083,709,
      163,942,358 and 156,256,910
      shares (4,075,134) (4,041,058) (3,784,612)
      ------------ ------------ ------------
      Total shareholders' equity 3,505,226 3,408,986 3,297,455
      ------------ ------------ ------------
      Total liabilities and
      shareholders' equity $ 10,285,055 $ 10,082,293 $ 10,017,944
      ============ ============ ============

      Sysco Corporation and its Consolidated Subsidiaries
      (In Thousands)
      13-Week Period Ended
      Sept. 27, Sept. 29,
      2008 2007
      ---------- ----------
      Cash flows from operating activities:
      Net earnings $ 276,814 $ 266,989
      Adjustments to reconcile net earnings to cash
      provided by operating activities:
      Share-based compensation expense 10,833 15,193
      Depreciation and amortization 94,351 90,456
      Deferred tax provision 182,824 155,164
      Provision for losses on receivables 11,774 7,281
      (Gain) on sale of assets (20) (202)
      Additional investment in certain assets and
      liabilities, net of effect of businesses
      (Increase) in receivables (165,659) (144,184)
      (Increase) in inventories (100,650) (138,237)
      (Increase) decrease in prepaid expenses (5,171) 6,027
      and other current assets
      Increase in accounts payable 6,269 83,871
      (Decrease) in accrued expenses (149,281) (131,699)
      (Decrease) in accrued income taxes (34,982) (16,103)
      (Increase) in other assets (26,225) (10,679)
      (Decrease) increase in other long-term
      liabilities and prepaid pension cost, net (34,507) 10,672
      Excess tax benefits from share-based
      compensation arrangements (3,000) (2,783)
      ---------- ----------
      Net cash provided by operating activities 63,370 191,766
      ---------- ----------
      Cash flows from investing activities:
      Additions to plant and equipment (80,046) (131,543)
      Proceeds from sales of plant and equipment 1,023 1,071
      Acquisition of businesses, net of cash
      acquired (13,534) (25,750)
      (Increase) decrease in restricted cash (490) 2,174
      ---------- ----------
      Net cash used for investing activities (93,047) (154,048)
      ---------- ----------
      Cash flows from financing activities:
      Bank and commercial paper borrowings
      (repayments), net -- 194,120
      Other debt borrowings 1,153 771
      Other debt repayments (1,581) (880)
      Common stock reissued from treasury 73,535 52,842
      Treasury stock purchases (118,389) (189,484)
      Dividends paid (132,383) (116,339)
      Excess tax benefits from share-based
      compensation arrangements 3,000 2,783
      ---------- ----------
      Net cash used for financing activities (174,665) (56,187)
      ---------- ----------

      Effect of exchange rates on cash (1,585) 751
      ---------- ----------

      Net decrease in cash and cash equivalents (205,927) (17,718)
      Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of
      period 551,552 207,872
      ---------- ----------
      Cash and cash equivalents at end of period $ 345,625 $ 190,154
      ========== ==========

      Supplemental disclosures of cash flow
      Cash paid during the period for:
      Interest $ 44,446 $ 35,161
      Income taxes 42,425 19,834

      Sysco Corporation and its Consolidated Subsidiaries
      (In Thousands)
      13-Week Period Ended
      Sept. 27, Sept. 29,
      2008 2007
      ---------- ----------
      Broadline $7,872,567 $7,506,107
      SYGMA 1,228,235 1,134,707
      Other 895,740 878,854
      Intersegment (119,113) (113,824)
      ---------- ----------
      Total $9,877,429 $9,405,844
      ========== ==========


      Comparative Supplemental Statistical Information Related to Sales
      Comparative Sysco Brand Sales and Marketing Associate-Served Sales
      data are summarized below.

      13-Week Period Ended
      Sept. 27, Sept. 29,
      2008 2007
      ---------- ----------
      Sysco Brand Sales as a %
      of MA-Served Sales 49.45% 51.18%
      Sysco Brand Sales as a %
      of Total Broadline Sales 40.43% 42.16%
      MA-Served Sales as a %
      of Total Broadline Sales 49.51% 50.06%


      Sysco Corporation
      Neil Russell, Vice President, Investor Relations
      schrieb am 03.11.08 14:35:34
      Beitrag Nr. 32 ()
      Sysco verbucht Ergebnisplus

      Houston ( AG) - Die amerikanische Sysco Corp. (ISIN US8718291078/ WKN 859121) verbuchte im ersten Quartal einen Umsatz. udn Ergebnisanstieg.
      Wie aus einer am Montag veröffentlichten Pressemitteilung des auf die Lieferung und den Vertrieb von Lebensmitteln spezialisierten Konzerns hervorgeht, lag der Umsatz im Berichtszeitraum bei 9,88 Mrd. Dollar, nach 9,41 Mrd. Dollar im Vorjahreszeitraum. Beim Nettoergebnis wurde ein Gewinn von 276,8 Mio. Dollar bzw. 46 Cents je Aktei ausgewiesen, nach einem Nettogewinn von 267,0 Mio. Dollar bzw. 43 Cents je Anteilsschein im Vorjahreszeitraum. Dabei konnte sich der Konzern im Berichtszeitraum trotz der schwierigen Rahmenbedingungen behaupten, wobei die Margen weiter verbessert werden konnten. Analysten hatten zuvor ein EPS von 47 Cents sowie einen Umsatz von 9,88 Mrd. Dollar erwartet.

      Für das laufende Quartal liegen die Analystenschätzungen bei einem EPS von 46 Cents sowie einem Umsatz von 9,75 Mrd. Dollar.

      Die Aktie von Sysco notierte zuletzt bei 26,20 Dollar. (03.11.2008/ac/n/a)

      Quelle: 03.11.2008 14:29:00
      schrieb am 04.11.08 14:48:18
      Beitrag Nr. 33 ()
      hier noch das eranings call transcript von der gestrigen Analystenshow, wenn es überhaupt jemanden hier interessiert. der Rsonanz hier im Thread nach zu urteilen bin ich wohl der einzige SYSCO-Aktionär in bad old Germany....
      Solche Langweileraktien interssieren eben nicht, leider nur gehypte Solar- und Rohstoffklitschen...:laugh::laugh::laugh:

      Gruss space…
      schrieb am 19.11.08 20:14:13
      Beitrag Nr. 34 ()
      stetig steigende Divis schon seit Jahrzehnten bei SYY. Trotzdem will die Aktie aktuell keiner haben. Die Amis gehen eben nicht mehr so viel in Restaurants wie früher..Gruss space

      Sysco Increases Quarterly Dividend Payment Nine Percent

      Last update: 10:25 a.m. EST Nov. 19, 2008
      HOUSTON, Nov 19, 2008 (GlobeNewswire via COMTEX) -- Sysco Corporation (SYY:
      Sysco Corporation
      News, chart, profile, more
      Last: 22.92-0.12-0.52%
      2:11pm 11/19/2008
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      Sponsored by:
      SYY 22.92, -0.12, -0.5%) today announced at its annual shareholder meeting that the Board of Directors has approved a nine percent increase in the quarterly cash dividend to $0.24 per share from the current $0.22 per share. The new dividend is payable on January 23, 2009, to common shareholders of record at the close of business on January 2, 2009.
      "Annual dividend increases have been a consistent practice at Sysco ever since we went public in 1970. We are pleased to be able to raise the dividend again this year in the midst of an extremely difficult business environment," said Richard J. Schnieders, Sysco's chairman and chief executive officer. "We will continue to evaluate our dividend policy as business conditions warrant in the future."
      About Sysco
      Sysco is the global leader in selling, marketing and distributing food products to restaurants, healthcare and educational facilities, lodging establishments and other customers who prepare meals away from home. Its family of products also includes equipment and supplies for the foodservice and hospitality industries. The company operates 180 distribution facilities serving more than 400,000 customers. For the fiscal year 2008 that ended June 28, 2008, the company generated more than $37 billion in sales. For more information about Sysco visit the company's Internet home page at
      schrieb am 19.11.08 20:16:34
      Beitrag Nr. 35 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 35.823.693 von spaceistheplace am 04.11.08 14:48:18Sysco erhöht die Divi wie in den letzten Jahrzehnten auch, immer jedes Jahr aufs Neue, trotz der widrigen Umstände. Die Amis gehen eben nicht mehr so viel in Restrtaurants essen, sondern kochen zu hause und kaufen bei WMT...die habe ich auch im DEpot!:laugh::laugh::laugh:
      sozusagen der call-Schein auf Sysco...:laugh::laugh::laugh:

      Gruss space

      Sysco Increases Quarterly Dividend Payment Nine Percent

      Last update: 10:25 a.m. EST Nov. 19, 2008
      HOUSTON, Nov 19, 2008 (GlobeNewswire via COMTEX) -- Sysco Corporation (SYY:
      Sysco Corporation
      News, chart, profile, more
      Last: 22.92-0.12-0.52%
      2:11pm 11/19/2008
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      SYY 22.92, -0.12, -0.5%) today announced at its annual shareholder meeting that the Board of Directors has approved a nine percent increase in the quarterly cash dividend to $0.24 per share from the current $0.22 per share. The new dividend is payable on January 23, 2009, to common shareholders of record at the close of business on January 2, 2009.
      "Annual dividend increases have been a consistent practice at Sysco ever since we went public in 1970. We are pleased to be able to raise the dividend again this year in the midst of an extremely difficult business environment," said Richard J. Schnieders, Sysco's chairman and chief executive officer. "We will continue to evaluate our dividend policy as business conditions warrant in the future."
      About Sysco
      Sysco is the global leader in selling, marketing and distributing food products to restaurants, healthcare and educational facilities, lodging establishments and other customers who prepare meals away from home. Its family of products also includes equipment and supplies for the foodservice and hospitality industries. The company operates 180 distribution facilities serving more than 400,000 customers. For the fiscal year 2008 that ended June 28, 2008, the company generated more than $37 billion in sales. For more information about Sysco visit the company's Internet home page at

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