
    Gold auf 6400? - 500 Beiträge pro Seite

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      schrieb am 19.05.01 13:08:13
      Beitrag Nr. 1 ()

      As we examine 6000 years of monetary history, several very clear "Monetary
      Constants" seem to emerge. These very same constants have appeared
      throughout time and millennia, regardless of the empire, ruler or social structure of
      the day. While there are several, three of these constants are important to our
      journey into history today;

      1.Money is the result of the function of the free market. As long as man has
      traded his goods and services in a market place, money (or a medium of
      exchange) has always emerged as a result of this free market process.
      Almost without exception, gold and silver have always appeared as the "free
      market money" of choice. No other form of money has functioned as well or
      as long as the precious metals. Gold, reserved for larger transactions and
      international trade, and silver, the money of everyday trade, have emerged
      naturally and not as the result of some government or ruler`s decree.

      2.Government has always intervened. As long as money has existed, the
      rulers or governments of the day, have entered and become deeply involved
      in this free market process, in an attempt to control, manipulate and ultimately
      debase money and the process of its issuance. Often we observe the rulers
      of the day working closely with the moneychangers or bankers to achieve this
      end. Ultimately government intervention has led to the ruin of entire empires
      and economies along with the government issued and controlled money.

      3.The free market always wins. Eventually the free market process overrides
      the process of government interference. As government intervention and
      regulation of markets and money eventually fails, the free market again
      emerges, leading to a resurgence of "free market" gold and silver money.

      Over recent centuries, while money itself and methods of government intervention
      have changed, and become increasingly more sophisticated, these basic
      immutable laws of the free market have not changed.

      In recent months, due in large to the work of GATA, speculation as to whether there
      has been covert manipulation within the gold market has again taken center-stage
      amongst the last of the faithful "goldbugs" and contrarian investors.

      In light of almost overwhelming evidence, still for many, the possibilities of powerful
      central banks and financial institutions concluding to suppress the price of gold
      seems unlikely, if not farfetched and extreme. However, one only needs to turn to
      the pages of history to realize that there have been several examples of
      governments` unsuccessful intervention into the gold market in recent decades,
      including the US Treasury gold auctions of the mid 70`s, and most notable, the
      London Gold Pool of the 1960`s. As in any other time in history, this government
      intervention into the gold market was motivated by a monetary issue, namely to
      shore-up and protect the world`s reserve currency, the US dollar.

      London Gold Market
      Throughout the first half of last century, London enjoyed the elite position of the
      world`s premier gold market. Since the early 1900`s virtually all of South Africa`s
      gold production was shipped to London for sale. Rhodesian, Ghanaian and even a
      large amount of the Russian gold production found its way to the London Market. In
      fact up until the Gold Crisis of 1968, nearly 80% of all newly mined gold passed
      through London.

      Each morning all eyes turned to London as the world eagerly awaited the London
      Gold Fix, a daily ritual that was shrouded with mystery since its inception in
      September 1919. It was not until 1968 that a 3 p.m. "afternoon Gold Fix" was
      introduced, to coincide with the opening of the US markets. Interestingly,
      throughout the post war years of the 50`s and most of the 1960`s, the daily price of
      gold rarely moved outside of a 20 cent trading range of $35 to $35.20. During this
      era, a daily move of 2 cents made headlines.

      The US Dollar Era
      In 1944, the Bretton Woods Conference saw the US dollar emerge as the sole
      reserve currency of the world. Under Bretton Woods, nations currencies were
      pegged to the US dollar which in-turn was pegged to gold at $35.20 dollars per oz.
      Under the terms of the Bretton Woods Agreement, foreign central banks and
      treasuries were entitled to convert US dollars to gold at the rate of $35.20 per oz.

      Throughout the early 1950`s there was generally a shortage of dollars
      internationally. However, as years went by, the US began to send ever-larger
      amounts of dollars overseas to fund their increasing trade deficits with the rest of
      the world. Overtime, the glut of US dollars held abroad began to threaten U.S. gold
      reserves. By the late 50`s, US gold reserves, which had peaked in 1949, began to
      rapidly dwindle. Worldwide, demand for gold had increased dramatically,
      particularly during any perceived crisis.

      $40 Gold
      Critically important to maintaining US gold reserves was the London gold price. If it
      could be maintained at $35.20, it would be cheaper to purchase gold through
      London than across the Atlantic, where shipping and insurance would add another
      20 cents or more.

      Late 1960 was election time in the US. Concern and speculation prevailed whether
      the incoming President would do anything to solve the balance of payments
      problem, or even devalue the US dollar. Reacting to this uncertainty, one October
      afternoon, sudden panic buying of gold saw a drastic price rise to over $40 per oz.
      An agreement was reached, after emergency overnight calls between the Bank of
      England and the US Federal Reserve, that the Bank of England should make
      available for market substantial supply to reduce and stabilize the price.

      The London Gold Pool
      President Kennedy was inaugurated in January 1961. Throughout that year,
      reports circulated of government and banks formulating policy and safeguards to
      prevent future price rises. The US had made it clear that it wanted to stop the drain
      on its own gold reserves.

      Newly-appointed Under-Secretary of the US Treasury Robert Roosa and officials
      of the Federal Reserve suggested that the U.S., the Bank of England and the
      central banks of the West Germany, France, Switzerland, Italy, Belgium, the
      Netherlands, and Luxembourg should set up a sales consortium to prevent the
      market price of Gold from exceeding $US 35.20 per oz.

      Under the "London Gold Pool" arrangement, member banks provided a quota of
      gold into a central pool, with the Federal Reserve matching the combined
      contributions on a one to one basis. During a time of rising prices, the Bank of
      England, the agent, could draw on the gold from the pool and sell into the market to
      cap or lower prices. In the fall of 1961, London gold prices again began to creep
      up. In November, with the scheme now up and running, prices were once more
      stabilized in the $35 - $35.20 range.

      By February 1962, the gold pool was buying gold as the price dipped and selling
      as the price rose. This pattern continued over the next few years, somewhat
      stabilizing London gold prices, despite extraordinary demand during the Cuban
      Crisis and as a result of increasing tensions between Washington and Moscow.

      Fires on all Fronts
      By 1965 the gold pool was consistently supplying more gold to cap prices than it
      was winning back. The beginning of the end for the London Gold Pool was the
      devaluation of the pound sterling in November 1967, causing yet another run to
      gold. Through December that year, London sold close to 20 times its usual amount
      of gold at market. Under pressure from the pool, both London and Zurich ceased
      the sale of forward gold. In a matter of weeks the pool had laid out in excess of
      1000 ton, in those days valued at the not insignificant amount of over $1.1 billion.

      Meanwhile France, led by outspoken Charles de Gaulle and his fiery economist
      Jacques Rueff, withdrew from the pool and confirmed their position to send dollars,
      earned by exporting to the U.S., back, in demand for US gold rather than US
      Treasury debt. At this point, the drain on U.S. gold became acute. Escalation in the
      Vietnam War in early 1968 brought renewed pressure on the dollar, with the US
      now running massive balance of payment deficits with the world. As in all of history,
      during a crisis, gold was again on center stage; demand was skyrocketing.

      World Gold Crisis
      On Friday March 8th, London sold 100 ton of gold at market, up from around 5 ton
      on a normal day. The following Sunday evening, the pool released the statement
      "the London Gold Pool re-affirm their determination to support the pool at a fixed
      price of $35 per oz". Fed chairman William McChesney-Martin announced the US
      would defend the $35 per oz gold price "down to the last ingot". That week the
      London Gold Pool continued to fight the free market process and defend $35.20
      gold. By midweek it had emergency airlifted several planeloads of gold from the US
      to London to meet demand. On Wednesday the London market sold 175 ton, 30
      times its normal daily turnover, and by Thursday demand exceeded 225 tons.

      That evening emergency meetings were held in Buckingham Palace, with the
      Queen subsequently declaring Friday 15th March a "bank holiday". Roy Jenkins,
      Chancellor of the Exchequer, announced that the decision to close the gold market
      had been taken "upon the request of the United States".

      Two-tier Market
      The London gold market remained closed for two weeks, during which time the
      London Gold Pool was officially disbanded. During that two weeks, Zurich and
      French markets continued to trade with open market prices for gold exceeding $44
      per oz (up 25% from London`s official price of $35.20 per oz).

      A fortnight later, an official "two-tiered" price was announced to the world, where
      the official price of $35.20 would remain for central banks dealings, while the free
      market could find its own price, the London market re-opening again on the 1st

      Lessons from the London Gold Pool
      The ill-fated London Gold Pool affords us many clear lessons today.

      1.Manipulation of markets by governments, aided by central bankers and
      powerful financial institutions does exist, especially when nations` currencies,
      and particularly the world`s reserve currency, are at risk. As stated at the
      outset, throughout all of history, governments have eventually become deeply
      involved in the free market process, for their own ends. It is not unreasonable
      to expect that, if governments became heavily involved in suppressing the
      price of gold in the 1960`s, there is no reason why they would not today.

      2.History has conclusively shown that manipulation of the free market process
      ultimately fails; no amount of government control, regulation or price
      manipulation can change the workings of the free market over the long term,
      the London Gold Pool being no exception. No amount of gold, air-shipped to
      market by the gold pool could satisfy demand when investors decided, on
      mass, to storm the market.

      3.Those behind orchestrating market intervention suffer great loss when their
      efforts eventually end. By the time the gold pool was officially disbanded in
      early 1968, it had cost the member countries many billions of dollars (a lot of
      dollars in those days). The Bank of England never again regained its former
      position and prestige within the world gold market after the collapse of the
      London Gold Pool. As one London bullion dealer put it "the Bank of England
      are no longer the masters, they are just a post office or warehouse where
      gold is stored before it comes to the market".

      4.Markets that have been artificially capped, catapult dramatically when market
      suppression ends. In the 12 years from 1968 to the peak of the bull market,
      the price of gold had rallied by 2300%. It has been said that "the greater and
      the longer the manipulation, the greater the eventual price is going be".
      Today, with far greater amounts of gold involved in the price suppression
      scheme (10,000 – 15,000 ton versus 3,000 ton in the gold pool era), over a
      longer period of time, and with far more at stake, it can only be concluded
      that the eventual price of gold may well run much higher than the 2300% of
      the late 60`s and 70`s. At today`s prices, a similar move of just 2300% would
      price gold at a staggering $6,400 per oz.

      May 21, 2001

      Philip Judge

      Philip Judge is an administrator of the Gold Heritage Certificate, an offshore silver
      and gold bullion fund, and editor of He was producer
      and director of the 2-hour feature documentary "Millennium Money" which won a
      1st place Gold Award at the 1998 US International Film Festival. Philip can be
      reached at and
      schrieb am 19.05.01 16:18:15
      Beitrag Nr. 2 ()
      21.mai 2001??

      aha, soso

      habe ich heute sooo lang geschlafen??
      schrieb am 19.05.01 21:46:30
      Beitrag Nr. 3 ()

      ist es wirklich so klug, einen thread mit dieser Zahl 6400 zu überschreiben ? Wo fängt das Marktschreierische an ?

      Ich wäre froh, wir sehen jetzt erst mal die 325, dann ist die Zone zwischen 380 und 420 zu überwinden. Wenn das zu schnell geht, laufen wir womöglich in eine Zwangsphase.

      Ob die Minen pleite gehen, oder die Beitzer der Minen, die Bullionbanken, ist für uns letztlich gleich schlecht. Gehen die Bullionbanken den Bach runter, dann ist alles Gold (der Minen) womöglich wieder in den Tresoren der Notenbanken.

      Noch ist es ja Hypothese, daß beispielsweise die Buba ihre ausgeliehenen Goldmassen einfach bilanzmäßig als "verkauft" umbucht.
      schrieb am 19.05.01 22:24:37
      Beitrag Nr. 4 ()
      wieso, die 6400 sind am Ende des Artikels doch sehr solide
      und vernünftig begründet. Natürlich geht es erst über 300
      und 350, aber als der Dow bei 600 stand (und Gold auch bei 600)
      da hat man einen Dow von 12.000 auch für absurd gehalten. Im
      übrigen ist natürlich die Frage, was dann ein Dollar ist, wenn Gold
      auf 6400 Dollar pro Unze steht.

      schrieb am 19.05.01 22:34:42
      Beitrag Nr. 5 ()
      also mal ganz ehrlich 6400$/oz ist schon ziemlicher humbug
      mit vorläufig 320-360 und am pike vielleicht 480-640$ unzenpreis
      wär ich schon vollends zufrieden aber noch ist ein langer(steiniger?)
      weg dorthin
      die zeit wirds weisen


      Trading Spotlight

      East Africa Metals
      0,1390EUR +11,20 %
      East Africa Metals: Geht jetzt der Kurs durch die Decke? mehr zur Aktie »
      schrieb am 19.05.01 23:40:44
      Beitrag Nr. 6 ()

      was ist eine solide und vernünftige Begründung ?

      Daß es von 35 US$ auf 800 US$ 2300% waren,

      und von 280 aus gerechnet dann diese 2300 % erneut in Ansatz gebracht, dies sich zu 6400 errechnet, das ist
      schon eine vernünftige und solide Begründung ?

      Die Begründung, daß alles denkbar sei, scheint mir da aber sehr viel plausibler zu sein.

      Ist 2300% irgendwie eine Größe, deren Bedeutung mir bisher entgangen ist ?

      Gold und Dow standen gleichzeitig bei 600, sagst Du, der Dow steht nun über 11 000.

      Warum dann also nicht Gold bei 11 000 prognostizieren ?

      schrieb am 19.05.01 23:45:24
      Beitrag Nr. 7 ()
      Punkt 3 sagt, free market always wins...
      es waere genauer zu sagen, energy always rules and wins...
      schrieb am 20.05.01 09:36:12
      Beitrag Nr. 8 ()
      Ja - stimmt SEP, es gibt eine Theorie die besagt, dass Dow und Gold sich
      immer wieder angleichen. Also Dow wird fallen auf 6400 und
      Gold wird steigen auf 6400 - im Laufe der nächsten 10 Jahre :-))
      schrieb am 20.05.01 10:03:17
      Beitrag Nr. 9 ()
      sollte natürlich peak-nicht pike(so ein blödsinn) heissen
      aber nach 2gläsern rotem kommt es schon mal vor dass wörter
      durcheinander geraten

      nicht dass ich falsch verstanden werde,hätte natürlich absolut
      nichts dagegen wenn der goldpreis irgendwann bei1000 oder mehr
      stünde,täumen ist erlaubt

      schrieb am 20.05.01 12:19:52
      Beitrag Nr. 10 ()

      taumeln auch

      schrieb am 20.05.01 13:51:55
      Beitrag Nr. 11 ()

      Warum dann nicht 11 000 für Gold, hatte ich gefragt ?


      Die Antwort:

      Ja - stimmt SEP, es gibt eine Theorie die besagt, dass Dow und Gold sich immer wieder angleichen. Also Dow wird fallen auf 6400 und Gold wird steigen auf 6400 - im Laufe der nächsten 10 Jahre :-))


      Dann ist also 2300% sozusagen eine ausgemachte Sache, und die 6400 stehen bereits fest.

      Und weil es dazu noch eine weitere Theorie gibt, wonach DOW und Gold sich immer wieder angleichen, muß also der Dow auf 6400 runterkommen.

      Und dazu dann gleich auch noch der dazugehörige Zeitrahmen.

      Was will man mehr.

      Ist ja insgesamt doch eine recht übersichtliche Sache mit der Börse und der Spekulation, gelle?

      schrieb am 20.05.01 14:44:13
      Beitrag Nr. 12 ()
      Meine Güte wie habt ihr nur die Löffel der Weisheit gefressen? :eek:
      schrieb am 20.05.01 18:49:26
      Beitrag Nr. 13 ()
      aber Sep - muß man alles nicht so ernst nehmen. Mein
      Smiley hinter den 10 Jahren war offenbar nicht auffällig genug. Wie macht man
      denn die dicken Smileys?

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      Gold auf 6400?