
    Union Capital -- Wird die Schnecke zum Windhund Kurspotential 10000%?? - 500 Beiträge pro Seite

    eröffnet am 05.01.02 12:56:33 von
    neuester Beitrag 18.05.13 12:13:25 von
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     Ja Nein
      schrieb am 05.01.02 12:56:33
      Beitrag Nr. 1 ()
      leider hört man keine News zur Zeit.
      Bin aber relativ sicher, wenn die die jetzige Zeit überleben, und daran glaube ich , sind ja ganz gut aufgestellt, dann :rolleyes:
      schrieb am 05.01.02 14:16:08
      Beitrag Nr. 2 ()
      Hallo Dr.Spezialist,habe edliche 100.000 Stücke "TOT"
      rumliegen.Du bist Dir relativ sicher,daß die kommen werden.
      Was stimmt Dich so positiv ??Der Moser ist Direktor von
      diesem Unternehmen.Überall wo der mit von der Partie ist,
      gibt es nur Verluste von über 90% für die Anleger.Bitte um
      Rückantwort.Danke Dir im voraus.
      schrieb am 05.01.02 14:44:52
      Beitrag Nr. 3 ()
      kurs 0.01 :laugh:

      Umsatz 271 Stck. :laugh::laugh::laugh:
      schrieb am 05.01.02 15:18:58
      Beitrag Nr. 4 ()
      #3 von hmmmm

      du bist verhaftet!

      falsche angaben!!!

      umsatz ist 271 euro

      stückzahl 35773

      ist aber trotzdem zum lachen. und für sowas machen leute einen thread auf.

      schrieb am 05.01.02 20:08:06
      Beitrag Nr. 5 ()
      Warum ich so sicher bin, sind halt die 3 unterschiedlichen Geschäftsfelder in denen UC drin ist.

      Finde den Beitrag von hmmmmm mehr als blöd. Hat halt keine Ahnung.
      Zudem bin ich der Meinung daß die totgeglaubten langsam kommen.
      Die letzte New von UC hat mich persönlich auch überzeugt.
      Nefprak man kann zwar nie sicher sein.Aber wie mein Thread schon andeutet, wenn die starten dann starten die, und daß wird mit der nächsten positiven News sein;)
      Ich werde auf jeden Fall noch ein paar zukaufen, aber wenn ich mehrere 100 000 St+ck hätte würde ich wohl nur halten.
      Schönen Abend noch:):)

      Trading Spotlight

      East Africa Metals
      0,1480EUR +0,68 %
      East Africa Metals – die Aktie mit dem Sonderstatus! mehr zur Aktie »
      schrieb am 05.01.02 21:30:28
      Beitrag Nr. 6 ()
      Wenn du mehrere 100.000 hättest....ja

      dann hättest du mehrere 10.000 Verlust.

      Oder sehe ich das Falsch???

      Was ist mit NEFPRAK...alias Karpfen rückwärts gelesen!!!

      Oder KIRA analog Andi Rieti in kognito!!!!HaHaHaHa.

      cu gab mal einen Mantis ,der war wenigstens witzig
      schrieb am 06.01.02 14:21:34
      Beitrag Nr. 7 ()
      Fakt ist wenn solche Aktien zurückkommen dann sind ein paar 100 % allemal drin. Und wer zur Zeit 500 Euro investiert, riskiert nicht viel, bei einer ganz guten Zockerchance.
      Denn Werte wurden allemal aufgebaut!

      Zumal macht Amerika zur Zeit den ersten Schritt, dann wird wohl Japan/China kommen und dann Australien.
      Also warten wir mal ab und selbst eine 100 % Chance macht diesen Thread sinnvoll.
      Also :look: und nutz den Augenblick wenn er kommt.
      schrieb am 06.01.02 14:44:15
      Beitrag Nr. 8 ()
      Noch mal für alle die letzte New vom 16.12.01

      Union Capital Limited announces that the Board of Directors of Eastern Telecommunications of the Philippines ("Eastern") have decided that Eastern will complete its planned capital investment in two new international cables that are expected to significantly reduce costs of telecommunications traffic between the USA and Asia.

      Eastern is part of two international cable consortiums that are currently laying new state of the art optic fibre cables through Asia (APCN 2) which links a number of Asian countries including the Philippines to Japan, and also (J-US) cable linking Japan to the USA.

      Eastern`s total capital contribution to these cables is US$5.94 million, of which US$2.63 million has already been paid and the balance of US$3.31 million is payable early in 2002. The funding for this capital investment will come from a combination of cash flow and borrowings.

      Eastern will then have a capacity of 2xSTM-1 between the Philippines and the USA sufficient to meet its projected growth for the next 5 years. Eastern has become the leading supplier of internet broadband in the Philippines with a 200% growth over the past 12 months.

      The commissioning of the cables and associated cost management exercises currently being carried out by the company are expected to reduce operating costs by US$3 million per annum.

      The cost reductions are expected to have a significant positive impact on the EBITDA in 2002, with an increasing positive impact in 2003. In line with other international telecommunications companies, Eastern is projecting a lower EBITDA for 2001 than it achieved in 2000, but the EBITDA for 2001 is still expected to be positive.

      Union Capital holds an indirect equity interest in Eastern of around 18% by way of a debenture holding which if exercised entitles Union to around 45% of the shares in Australian Gigahertz Networks International (AGNI), who through a wholly owned Philippines subsidiary holds 40% of the equity in Eastern.
      schrieb am 06.01.02 20:01:03
      Beitrag Nr. 9 ()
      Hallo Dr.Spezialist,vielen Dank für den Bericht vom 06.12.01
      Wie es aussieht gibt es ja doch noch Hoffnung.Habe damals
      zu 0,03 und 0,04Euro stark zugeschlagen.Zur Zeit 0,01Euro.
      Hoffentlich bleibt dieses Forum sauber und wird nicht mit
      als Zirkusarena oder Lügenkarussel benützt.
      Vielen Dank und einen schönen Abend.
      schrieb am 08.01.02 17:19:09
      Dieser Beitrag wurde vom System automatisch gesperrt. Bei Fragen wenden Sie sich bitte an
      schrieb am 15.01.02 19:12:23
      Beitrag Nr. 11 ()
      11 January

      Union Capital Limited announces that metallurgical column leaching testwork on two representative composite samples of low grade oxidized zinc ore from the Mehdiabad Zinc Project has been completed by Hydrometallurgy Research Laboratories in Brisbane. The final zinc recoveries were 63% and 55% respectively leached over a period of 17 days. Whilst it is felt that these recoveries could be optimized further, the results compare favorable with the zinc recovery used in the Pre feasibility study of 55% for heap leaching.

      The head grade of the two sample tested was only 2.9% Zn and 3.0 % Zn respectively, and the samples were only crushed to minus 19 mm. The kinetics of leaching were very rapid with approximately 50% of the zinc being leached within 24 hours. Acid consumption was very low, being 87kg/t and 43kg/t respectively. The zinc was extracted from the sample using solvent extraction.

      The results are very encouraging for heap leaching of the low grade mineralisation in the range of 2-4% zinc. There is a large quantity of mineralisation in this grade range over lying the higher grade mineralisation.

      Union Capital Limited originally held a 25% interest in the Mehdiabad Zinc Project located in Iran, but through dilution of one of its partners Itok GmbH, Union has effectively increased its interest to in excess of 30%, whilst Itok`s economic interest has been diluted to below 20%. The Iranian Government 50% partner in the project has been recently changed by Ministry of Mines and Industry from General Iranian Mining Company (GIMCO), which has been dissolved, to a new organization called Iran Mines and Mineral Industry Development and Renovation Organisation (IMMIDRO) has been formed to replace GIMCO.

      Union understands that the change will make it easier for the Government partner to become a shareholder in the incorporated Joint Venture Company envisaged in the Foundation and Basic Agreements which were signed between the parties and the Ministry of Mines and Industry in 1999.

      Talks are scheduled to commence in Tehran later this month to seek ways for IMMIDRO to become more involved in the Project within the framework of the existing agreements.

      From meetings that were held in Tehran last month with Ministry officials, Union understand that once the above round of meetings are satisfactorily concluded, and the Joint Venture Company is incorporated, then consideration will be given to granting the Exploitation Licence. The Licence will be granted to the Joint Venture Company in accordance with the Foundation Agreement.

      The Exploitation Licence was applied for only recently, following completion of a $US 3 million Pre Feasibility Study in July 2001. The Pre-Feasibility Study report showed Mehdiabad to be one of the largest undeveloped zinc projects in the world, and upon development has the potential to be one of the lowest cost zinc, lead and silver producers at an operating cost of less than US 20 cents per pound of zinc metal produced. The Joint Venture plans to commence the Bankable Feasibility Study upon the granting of the Exploitation
      nachzulesen bei Union Capital News.
      geht immer noch langsam aber vielleicht doch schon ein bisschen schneller:):)
      schrieb am 15.01.02 19:20:28
      Beitrag Nr. 12 ()
      So wie ich es verstehte : eine der größten Zinkminen der Welt und die Ausbeutung kostet pro Pfund nur 20 Cent, also im Verhältnis zu anderen Minenausbeutungen absolut unterstes Level.
      Also dann mal ran !
      gebt mal :
      rein, da könnt ihr es nachlesen.
      schrieb am 24.01.02 08:55:02
      Beitrag Nr. 13 ()
      Nur der Vollständigkeit halber,

      24 January

      Re: Listed Options (UCLOC) Expiring 31/1/2002

      Union Capital Limited ("Union") advises that there are 182,615,845 listed options on issue ("UCLOC") that are due to expire on 31st January 2002. These options are exercisable into new shares upon the payment of 20 cents per option.

      Details of the underlying securities (the shares) to which these options relate is as follows:

      Last Date

      Latest traded market price (being at close of trading)
      1.4 cents

      Highest traded market price during the last 3 months
      1.9 cents

      Lowest traded market price during the last 3 months
      1.3 cents

      Under ASX Listing Rules, quotation of UCLOC ceased last night. These options appear to have not traded on market in the last three months. No buyers were shown on the ASX Boards and the last known sale price of UCLOC was 0.1 cent ($0.001).

      The Directors of Union recommend to all optionholders, to let these options lapse on 31st January 2002, and not be converted or exercised into shares, as the exercise payment of 20 cents per option, far exceeds the current share traded market price. Inadvertently, notices under ASX Listing Rule 6.1 have not been sent to each individual holder, however a copy of this announcement will be mailed forthwith to all 1,081 UCLOC optionholders as a matter of record.

      schrieb am 30.01.02 13:54:51
      Beitrag Nr. 14 ()
      30 January
      Also wenn nu die Ankündigung vom Oberfeldherrn Bush nicht wäre, dann wäre ich sehr zuversichtlich. Aber seine gestern genannten Länder , Irak, I r a n ! , und Nordkorea.
      Ist das nun noch einen Zock wert oder erstmal warten:confused:
      Union Capital Limited ("Union") advises that it has agreed to a placement of 25 million ordinary shares (UCL) at 1.2 cents per share to Whitloyd Nominees Pty Ltd and further agreed that upon completion of the placement, will put a resolution to shareholders in General Meeting that the applicant be issued a free attaching option (UCLO) for every share issued, exercisable at 10 cents each by 31st March 2005.

      The $300,000 funds raised will be used for working capital in support of Union`s investment in the Mehdiabad Zinc Exploration Project in Iran, Union`s internet marketing technology division, and to seek new business opportunities for the Company.
      schrieb am 30.01.02 18:12:19
      Beitrag Nr. 15 ()
      Hallo UCL-er!

      Ich Versuche seit Tagen ein paar Tausend UCL mit Limit für 0,008 EUR zu bekommen, nichts zu machen. Warum will mir den keiner welche verkaufen? Tiefer geht es wolh nicht mehr.....
      schrieb am 30.01.02 21:49:05
      Beitrag Nr. 16 ()
      Kauf doch für 0,01 .
      Wer von UCL überzeugt ist verkauft sowieso nicht unter 0,10
      schrieb am 01.02.02 02:39:14
      Beitrag Nr. 17 ()
      es gibt zig news zur zeit, wo lebt ihr?
      schrieb am 01.02.02 04:00:59
      Beitrag Nr. 18 ()
      zu#14:hinter Whitloyd steckt Moosie.

      Da wird euch geholfen!!

      @ Nefprak: ein Board bleibt sauber,wenn du nicht mitpostetst.:D

      cu DL
      schrieb am 01.02.02 09:40:46
      Beitrag Nr. 19 ()
      Der 1/4 Jahr Bericht bis 31.12.2001 ist raus!
      schrieb am 16.02.02 12:53:41
      Beitrag Nr. 20 ()
      Union Capital Limited ("Union") advises that it has issued 14,402,100 new ordinary shares to Johnson Taylor Potter Nominees Limited, being the annual interest component, payable in shares, on the $2 million of Convertible Unsecured Notes that matured on 18th January 2002 and which as previously announced on 23rd January 2002, has been converted into 40 million new ordinary shares.

      An Appendix 3B is attached detailing the above interest and conversion issues, and two recent placements announced on 14th and 30th January 2002.

      Da kommt wieder Geld in die Kriegskasse, kann nur gut sein!
      Mit welchem Kursziel die rechnen ist schon interessant:D:D
      schrieb am 16.02.02 16:07:04
      Beitrag Nr. 21 ()
      Hallo Mithoffende,

      wer um alles in der Welt hat denn gestern in FRA richtig viele Stücke für € 0,007 verscherberlt ? Und warum ???

      Und das kurz nach der wieder mal zigfachen Teilausführung meiner Kauforder zu € 0,008 ...

      Trotzdem, ich bleib´ dabei: UCL wird wieder kommen !

      schrieb am 16.02.02 17:02:51
      Beitrag Nr. 22 ()
      na, dr. spezialist,
      dann kommentiere den artikel doch mal!
      schrieb am 18.02.02 08:52:17
      Beitrag Nr. 23 ()
      Issue price or consideration
      (a) 25 m shares issued at 1.2 cents each, with 25 m free attaching options, raising $300,000 cash
      (b) 25 m shares issued at 1.2 cents each, raising $300,000 cash (the issue of 25 m attaching options to this issue is subject to shareholders approval at a future General Meeting)
      (c) 40 m shares, being conversion at 5 cents per share, of $2 m of Unsecured Convertible Notes.
      (d) 14,402,100 shares, issued at a price of 1,3887 cents per share, representing the $200,000 interest payable on the $2 m of Unsecured Convertible Notes.

      Purpose of the issue
      (If issued as consideration for the acquisition of assets, clearly identify those assets)

      (a) & (b) Working capital to fund in approx equal proportions, investments in Iran Mehdiabad Zinc Project and Jab e-mail marketing systems, and funding to seek new business opportunities for the Company.

      (c) Conversion of $2 m Unsecured Convertible Notes.

      (d) Interest payable (as shares) on $2 m Unsecured Convertible Notes.

      Dates of entering +securities into uncertificated holdings or despatch of certificates

      (a) 9/1/02

      (b) 30/1/02

      (c) 23/1/02

      (d) 14/2/02

      Number and +class of all +securities quoted on ASX (including the securities in clause 2 if applicable)

      Die Verwendung der Gelder wird unter a,b,c und d doch dargestellt.
      Natürlich führen diese Ausgaben zu einer weiteren Verwässerung des Kurses. Sollten sich die Investitionen aber als stark gewinnbringend herausstellen, dann fragt da keiner mehr nach.Und man erhofft sich bei UCL eben einiges bei der Ausbeutung der Zinkmine. Wenn die angegebenen Werte wirklich stimmen, dann sollte man da nun schon bald einen ordentlichen Reibach machen. Und meine persönliche Meinung ist, das die 3 Geschäftsfelder nach einer Beruhigung der Weltsituation, gerade was Iran und Phillipinen angeht , stark lukrativ sind.Und man sucht weitere Geschäftmöglichkeiten. Stillstand ist Rückschritt sagt mal jemand!
      Oder siehst du da etwas anders?? Kann ja sein daß ich etwas nicht richtig verstehe, dann klär mich bitte auf:confused:
      schrieb am 20.02.02 12:28:06
      Beitrag Nr. 24 ()
      Kann mir jemand sagen, wo ich den aktuellen Kurs von der Australischen Börse finde.
      Wußte ich schon mal hab wieder vergessen:(
      schrieb am 20.02.02 19:57:23
      Beitrag Nr. 25 ()
      @ Dr.Spezialist
      Bei findest du die australischen Kurse oder bei Bloomberg Australien.
      Hier der Link zu UCL:…
      schrieb am 20.02.02 20:58:39
      Beitrag Nr. 26 ()
      Trapper John Danke!;)
      schrieb am 01.03.02 22:11:42
      Beitrag Nr. 27 ()
      28 February

      The Directors of Union Capital Limited (“Union”) are pleased to announce that they will invite shareholders to subscribe for between $500 and $3,000 worth of shares in Union under the terms of a Shareholder Share Purchase Plan (“the Plan”) that complies with ASIC class order 00/194 and the ASX Listing Rules.

      Details are:

      1. The share registry record date to determine those shareholders to receive this offer is at close of trading Friday 8th March 2002.

      2. The issue price of the shares will be at an approximate 25% discount to the average weighted traded price of the shares for the five trading days ended 1st March 2002.

      3. This offer can only be made under permissible legal jurisdictions to shareholders with registered addresses in Australia and New Zealand.

      4. Because Union has approximately 7,500 eligible shareholders to this Plan, it is possible that acceptances in total may exceed the companies ability to issue new shares under ASX Listing Rule 7.1 (issues exceeding 15% of capital) and accordingly a General Meeting of the Company is to be held as soon as practicable to ensure all applications can be accepted.

      5. Union optionholders who wish to participate in the Plan may exercise all or any of their holdings up to the closing date of trading Friday 8th March 2002.

      6. Union will be seeking an ASX waiver to allow Directors and their associates to participate in the Plan.
      schrieb am 02.03.02 12:05:12
      Beitrag Nr. 28 ()
      Wer kann das denn mal übersetzen bzw. kommentieren?
      schrieb am 04.03.02 14:35:15
      Beitrag Nr. 29 ()
      Wenn du in Australien oder New Seeland wohnst kannst du die Aktien zeichnen. bekommst 25 % Nachlaß , zu dem Kurs der die letzten 5 Tage vor dem 1.03. besteht(Durchschnittswert) !. Mußt halt 500 oder 3000 investieren.
      Finde es schon befremdend, daß wir das nicht dürfen, obwohl ich es auch nicht gemacht hätte.
      Ist wirklich ein Langfristinvestment, also auf 3 Jahre muß man diese Investition wohl sehen. Aber wenn es gut geht, gute Chancen. Aber die 25 % kann man relativ schnell wieder mitnehmen wenn Umsatz und Kurs stabil bleiben:rolleyes:
      Lese ich daß richtig, ist soetwas erlaubt, nur auf bestimmte Länder zu beziehen.
      schrieb am 12.03.02 12:17:58
      Beitrag Nr. 30 ()
      so habe nun von meiner Bank auch die Mitteilung bekommen.
      Habt ihr sicherlich auch bekommen. 25 % sollte man sich eigentlich nicht entgehen lassen. Werd noch ein paar Tage warten und sollte UCL sich stabil halten bin ich dabei;)
      schrieb am 12.03.02 16:36:49
      Beitrag Nr. 31 ()
      Ja, ich bin auch dabei - auch wenn den "return on investment" zur Zeit niemand garantieren kann.

      Wo bleiben eigentlich die Protestschreie nach dem Motto "Die Altaktionäre werden mal wieder gemolken - reine Abzocke" ?

      OK, ich weiß auch nicht, ob UCL die Schwächephase überlebt. Einiges spricht aber dafür !

      Was meint Ihr ?

      Gruß aussiefan
      schrieb am 12.03.02 16:50:21
      Beitrag Nr. 32 ()
      Wenn man bedenkt wie bedeutsam Zink geworden ist, wundert es mich eigentlich, da´ß die damit noch nicht Riesengewinne machen:confused:
      Aussiefan, daß ist ein Zock wert,natürlich kann dir keiner Erfolg garantieren. Aber hier wissen wir wo wir stehen, daß hat bei Ceyoniq wohl bis gestern kaum einer ausser die Bosse gewußt.:(
      also viel werd ich nicht investieren, aber rein geh ich!
      Die Geschäftfelder sind einfach gut;)
      schrieb am 12.03.02 17:45:50
      Beitrag Nr. 33 ()
      Ich bleibe auch optimistisch, tiefer kann es ja eigentlich gar nicht mehr gehen. Irgendwann wird es auch wieder aufwärts gehen und dann bin ich mit dabei.

      Viel Glück allen UCL-ern!
      schrieb am 13.03.02 11:52:10
      Beitrag Nr. 34 ()
      hallo dr spezialist du hast post.
      gruß sneake
      schrieb am 13.03.02 12:03:27
      Beitrag Nr. 35 ()
      sneake du auch;)
      No risk no fun.
      schrieb am 13.03.02 12:48:44
      Beitrag Nr. 36 ()

      HOMEX - Brisbane

      Union Capital Limited ("Union") advise that as a result of the recent
      increase in gold prices and a greater interest in the metal, Union is
      reviewing the possibilities of floating a specialized gold
      exploration company. The new company would be based around Union`s
      gold assets, but is likely to include otherprojects as well.

      Union`s key gold assets comprise:


      Union holds a 60% interest in two significant gold resources located
      on Fergusson Island, in Papua New Guinea, which total 682,000 ounces.
      Canadian listed Yamana Resources Inc holds the remaining 40%.

      Details of the previously announced resources are:

      Wapolu: 7.6 million 1.55 g/t 378,100
      Gameta: 4.0 million 2.36 g/t 304,400
      Total: 11.6 million 1.83 g/t 682,500

      Wapolu is located on the NW corner of Fergusson Island, within the
      Milne Bay Province Papua New Guinea, where Union has an established
      exploration base under care and maintenance. Gameta is located, on
      the NE corner of the Island.

      At Wapolu about 18,000 metres have been drilled to date to outline
      the resource quoted above, whist at Gameta about 11,907 metres have
      been drilled, with intersections including 49 metres @ 3.9 g/t Au.

      The Joint Venture feels that there is an excellent chance that
      further exploration identifying a multi-million ounce resource, in
      particular through deeper drilling and evaluation of surrounding
      areas. For example there are over 15 sq kms of prospective
      inadequately tested geochemical anomalies around the Wapolu Deposit.
      The Joint Venture holds around 100 sqkms under Exploration Licence
      on Fergusson Island.


      Newcrest Mining is earning a 70% interest in a number of Exploration
      Licences and Mining Leases held by Union within the Croydon
      Goldfields in Northern Queensland by carrying out a program of
      regional exploration for gold. To earn the interest Newcrest is to
      spend $3 million by October 2002. To date around $1.6 million has
      been spent.

      The Croydon Goldfield is a highly prospective geological terrain,
      that has the potential to host large tonnage gold deposits. Newcrest
      have tested a broad range of regional targets using a variety of
      exploration techniques, including 5,663 metres of drilling.
      Encouraging gold grades have been intersected in a number of
      locations, with the best drill intersection being 10 metres @ 10.8
      g/t Au.

      Union`s geologists are currently assessing a number of other gold
      projects that might be included within the proposed new gold
      exploration company.

      Further information on the new company will be released at the
      appropriate time.

      R Murdoch
      schrieb am 13.03.02 13:26:04
      Beitrag Nr. 37 ()
      und was bedeutet das?
      schrieb am 14.03.02 00:32:49
      Beitrag Nr. 38 ()
      alles wird gut
      schrieb am 15.03.02 12:33:39
      Beitrag Nr. 39 ()
      Genau und deshalb habe ich heute ein paar neue Aktien gezeichnet.
      Und sollte es wirklich nicht klappen, dann hole ich meinen Spaten aus dem Keller und buddele selbst nach Gold :laugh:
      Ihr macht doch mit;)
      schrieb am 15.03.02 13:10:48
      Beitrag Nr. 40 ()
      consors hat mir noch keine zeichnungsunterlagen zugeschickt...
      schrieb am 15.03.02 16:07:28
      Beitrag Nr. 41 ()
      Der Eingang der Unterlagen muß an die Banken bis zum 07.04.02 erfolgen!!
      schrieb am 27.03.02 15:58:15
      Beitrag Nr. 42 ()
      25 March

      Re: Eastern Telecoms Update

      Union Capital Limited announces the following update from Eastern Telecommunications of the Philippines (Eastern), in which Union has an 18% indirect interest.

      A new president/CEO, Attorney Emile Jurado, has been elected from among the existing board of directors to replace former president Pablo Lobergat, who has resigned, due to pressure of personal commitments. Mr Jurado is supported by deputy president/deputy CEO Nenita Cruz and together they have re-invigorated the management team, in particular adding depth and experience through the appointments of new CFO and Vice Presidents for sales and human resources.

      The focus of the new management team is to build revenues and reduce costs. This strategy is showing positive early signs, with the new sales team exceeding year to date local line sales targets, and cash operating expenses are below budget, resulting in a better than expected positive EBITDA. A positive EBITDA is seen as very encouraging at this time, following the loss to Eastern of a significant amount of cable business late last year between Hong Kong and the Philippines from major Philippines telecommunications carrier Philippines Long Distance Telecommunications Company (PLDT). Eastern is looking to replace the lost revenues by aggressive marketing of its extensive international cable network to second and third level carriers in other countries in the Asia-Pacific region.

      The success with the sales of local telephone lines is a result of Eastern bundling together, under the brand Access Power Phone, a combined voice and internet package of innovative services.

      Eastern continues to grow its position as the Philippines’ largest supplier of broadband services. Eastern is bundling its Internet products and services with business solutions for its clients and partners to capture a bigger market share. At least six partners are now carrying Eastern services in their basket of solutions and services.

      One partner is Q Linux Solutions, whose quality products/services can complement Eastern’s internet services, such as DSL, to make them more attractive and responsive to the requirements of Q Linus Solutions customers.

      Recently Wavenet Philippines Inc, the internet arm of telecommunication competitors Capwire Telecoms and PT&T, signed a peering agreement with Eastern Telecom’s Manila Internet Exchange (MIX), the country’s biggest local internet exchange. The agreement will add significant opportunity to grow MIX with new customers and new local internet content.

      Eastern has established a New Product Division to evaluate and introduce new, value-added services and the technology to provide low-cost broadband access to the entire Metro Manila area.

      Eastern is focused on developing as a niche provider of value-added internet, data and landline voice services, and as a provider of international carrier services of second and third level carriers regionally throughout the Asia-Pacific Region.

      Union holds convertible notes in Australian Gigahertz Network International (AGNI) which, if converted, would entitle Union to approximately 46% of the equity in AGNI. AGNI in turn owns 40% of Eastern through a wholly owned Filippino subsidiary.

      Eastern was EBITDA positive for calendar 2001, but Union expects the company will report an after-tax loss. Audited accounts are expected to be released within the next 1-2 months. Current net assets of Eastern total $US 93 million, comprising current assets, domestic telecommunication infrastructure, property, plant and equipment, and interests in numerous international fibre optic cable consortiums.

      Union is taking a medium-term view of its investment in Eastern, with the aim of growing the value of the business by increasing its profitability as quickly as is possible and looking at opportunities that fit with the direction of Union’s long-term growth of its Telecommunications & Technology Division in the Asia-Pacific Region.

      Union has investments in mineral resources as well as telecommunications & technology, and strives to add value to these investments for its shareholders before exiting.
      schrieb am 27.03.02 15:59:14
      Beitrag Nr. 43 ()
      27 March



      Union Capital Limited advises that the Research & Development section of its wholly owned subsidiary U-Marketing Limited is in the final stages of completing the development of a unique, cost-effective method for business to bundle invoicing, payment and ordering functionality, along with marketing and other information, in one interactive email.

      The new product, currently called the U-Invoice Project, is designed to reduce costs and improve cash flows and customer relationship management.

      The new product will be officially launched around Australia in May and then made available internationally. A brand name has not yet been chosen.

      Applications for a patent on the software have been lodged in all major countries.

      The U-Invoice Project software will enable businesses to:

      · Send individualised invoices to customers using U-Marketing`s unique bulk email launching software, effecting a considerable saving in time and postage costs. Marketing and other information can be included with the email invoice. Each invoice can be digitally signed, enabling authentication of the sender.

      · The customer can view the invoice and select one or more of several options:

      (a) To pay the invoice immediately or at a future date, using the convenience of an inbuilt

      e-commerce module or, if the customer prefers, by other means.

      (b) To dispute all or part of the invoice by inbuilt reply email, which can be directed to the appropriate account manager to follow up.

      (c) To view and respond by inbuilt reply email to marketing and other information, providing an effective tool for managing customer relationships.

      (d) To order and arrange delivery of additional or new products by inbuilt reply email.

      · The technology allows businesses to monitor:

      (a) Which options the customer has selected.

      (b) The length of time spent viewing the marketing information.

      The inbuilt monitoring functionality allows business to collect more timely information about customers` reactions to invoices, marketing and other information.

      · Union feels the technology will:

      (a) With appropriate discounts or other incentives for immediate payment, considerably improve business cash flows through receipt of payment from some customers possibly even within minutes of the invoice being launched.

      (b) Significantly reduce the cost of sending invoices, statements, and marketing and other information.

      While invoices will be initially launched from U-Marketing`s email launching facility in Brisbane, it will be possible to install the software at client premises and U-Marketing expects that, within about six months, the software will be commercially available.

      The U-Marketing launch service will use a module that will automatically encrypt the data prior to launch. The module will accept data that has been exported directly from third party accounting software.

      U-Marketing provides services in bulk email marketing campaigns, using the unique embedded rich media Jabmail product, as well as HTML, text and video streaming. U-Marketing also provides video streaming for conferences, meetings, events, training and educational information via the internet.

      Further information on the U-Invoice Project can be obtained from Union Capital Managing Director Rob Murdoch, phone 0418 712 011, or Daryl Burns, Manager, U-Marketing, phone 0413 998 095.

      Union Capital Limited has investments in mineral resources and telecommunications & technology, and strives to add value to these investments for its shareholders.

      schrieb am 27.03.02 16:01:21
      Beitrag Nr. 44 ()
      Da müssen wir nur noch Geduld haben;)
      Oder sieht das jemand anders:rolleyes:
      schrieb am 29.03.02 12:03:52
      Beitrag Nr. 45 ()
      hab hier was gefunden was einen doch mal zu denken geben sollte.aber no risk no fun.

      Australische Aktien sind die heißesten Zockerwerte – ganz besonders, wenn es um kleine Goldminen geht. In Deutschland unrühmlich bekannt sind die Aktien von Gesellschaften, hinter denen der Australier Reg Gillard und der Schweizer Finanzier Hans-Rudolf Moser stehen. Beide sind schillernde Figuren der australischen Finanzszene und sitzen in mehreren Vorständen und Aufsichtsräten ehemaliger Kleinstminen, die zu dot.coms und Technologie-Unternehmen mit interessant klingenden Geschäftsideen umgewandelt worden sind. Moser vertritt dort die Interessen der "europäischen Investoren".
      Turnaround der besonderen Art
      Die Minen gaben ihr ursprüngliches Geschäft auf und erwarben Beteiligungen an High-Tech-Firmen. So wurde aus Terex Resources Global Doctor, aus Australian Mineral Processors Maxe-Tec oder aus Western Minerals Alle „Turnaround-Geschichten“ liefen nach dem gleichen Muster ab: Nach der Refokussierung wurde die Aktie mit viel Aufwand propagiert, es erfolgten Übernahmen. Das Handelsvolumen stieg binnen weniger Wochen astronomisch. Ein paar Beispiele.

      Kurze Höhenflüge
      - Knapp ein Drittel, der in sechs Jahren gehandelten Aktien von Southpointe, in Deutschland besser bekannt als Third Rail, wurden im Februar/März 2000 gehandelt. Die damaligen Kurse hat die Aktie nie wieder gesehen. Kursverlust seitdem: 97%.
      - 31% der jemals von Global Doctorgehandelten Aktien wurden zwischen dem 17.12.1999 und dem 4.3.2000 gehandelt. Auch hier erreichte die Aktie in dieser Zeit Höchstkurse, die sie nie wieder sah. Kursverlust seitdem: 92%.
      - 24% des Handels von Union Capitalfanden zwischen Januar und März 2000 statt. Auch die damaligen Kurse wurden nie wieder erreicht. Kursverlust seitdem: 97,5%.

      Der aktuelle Kandidat heißt Dolomatrix, der sich im letzten Sommer zum Entsorgungsunternehmen wandelte. 43% des Handelsvolumens vollzogen sich in den letzten zehn Wochen - wieder zu Höchstkursen.
      Erfolglos auf der ganzen Linie
      Die Bilanz der Unternehmen ist jedenfalls schäbig. Gerade einmal 20 Mio. Euro - zum Großteil dank der verbliebenen Minen - setzen 14 von 17 betroffenen Unternehmen zusammen genommen im Jahr 2000 um. 2001 stieg die Summe auf 35 Millionen Euro, vor allem dank, auf die 45% der Umsätze entfielen. Noch grausamer ist die Ertragsrechnung: 2000 häuften die Unternehmen in der Addition einen Betriebsverlust von 53 Millionen Euro auf und vervierfachten ihn im Jahr darauf. Hatten sie 2000 noch für jeden Euro Umsatz 2,65 Euro drauf, so waren es 2001 schon 5,70 Euro. Selbst wenn man den Unternehmen einen gewährt - sie machen ja noch nicht einmal wirklich Umsätze!

      Das kann auch nicht verwundern. Beispiel: Die Unternehmensführung bei Surfboardwurde von dem aus Amerika ausgewanderten Don Hagans übernommen. Laut australischen Zeitungen gilt der ehemalige texanische Anwalt bei der Anwaltskammer des US-Bundesstaats als "schwarzes Schaf" und musste einen Offenbarungseid leisten, bevor er sich zur Auswanderung entschloss. Bei früheren Arbeitgebern hat Hagans laut "Sydney Morning Herald" einen miserablen Ruf als Streithansel. Bei Surfboard drängte er die Gründer aus dem Unternehmen, verschleuderte 3,6 Millionen Euro auf die Entwicklung einer Handelsplattform, bevor er im November 2001 auf Druck der Aktionäre zurücktrat. Umsätze machte Surfboard übrigens ausschließlich im Bergbau. Seit gestern heißt man auch wieder Grange Resources und ist wieder eine Minengesellschaft.

      Eins ist kontinuierlich gestiegen: die Zahl der Aktien. Gegenüber 1998 hat sich die Zahl der durch die betreffenden Unternehmen ausgegeben Aktien verdreifacht - ohne dass man die Bereinigungen berücksichtigt. Daran verdient der Investor Moser allerdings mitunter doch: Mehrfach hat seine Investa AG Hilfestellung bei der Platzierung von Optionen und neuen Aktien geleistet und dafür Gebühren von in der Regel über fünf Prozent kassiert. Dass dabei nicht immer als korrekt abläuft, zeigt das Beispiel Gegen den Sexladen lief im vergangenen Jahr eine Untersuchung der Börsenaufsicht. Grund: Zahlungen an Mosers Investa AG für Platzierung und Public Relations wurden nicht korrekt verbucht.

      In der Krise
      Es vermag kaum zu überraschen, dass sich die Unternehmen in der Krise befinden. Access One und Shield Telecommunications haben vor kurzem wieder einmal das Geschäftsfeld gewechselt und heißen jetzt Didasko bzw. Afminex. Völlig unklar ist die Lage bei Aussie Online.

      Überlegungen zu Hintergründen
      Unklar ist dabei, was für Moser und Gillard das Geschäft an der Sache ist. Darüber lässt sich nur spekulieren. Die Ertragsaussichten der Unternehmen sind es jedenfalls nicht. Ein "Pump-and Dump" etwa, bei dem kaum gehandelte Aktien wertlose Unternehmen durch Pressearbeit aufgeblasen werden und die Altaktionäre Aktien auf den Markt werfen? Einiges spricht dafür.

      Erstens: Moser, Gillard, die Investa AG und andere sitzen zwar in allen Aufsichtsräten, tauchen aber als Anteilseigner kaum auf. Die Aktien werden mehrheitlich von "Nominees" gehalten: "Nominees" sind spezielle Tochterfirmen von australischen Banken, die Aktien treuhänderisch halten - zumeist für ausländische Investoren, um so Dividendenzahlungen zu ermöglichen. Doch dann geschehen Merkwürdigkeiten: Webspy gab am 12.12.2000 bekannt, die Investa AG halte 4,5% am Unternehmen. Doch der viertgrößte Aktionär taucht weder davor noch danach in offiziellen Statements als Aktionär auf. Demnach müsste Mosers Investa AG nach dem 21.9.2000 4,5% von Webspy erworben und diese vor dem 28.9.2001 wieder verkauft haben - oder Investa agiert über "Nominees". Dass Gillard und Mosers Beteiligungen nicht immer offensichtlich sind, zeigt z.B. der Fall Euroz Securities. Früher Nicht-Eisen-Gießerei, jetzt Brokerfirma hieß der Aufsichtsratvorsitzende bis Ende März noch Gillard. Doch die australische Zeitung "The Age" weiß noch am 23.11.2001 wer der Hauptaktionär von Euroz ist: nämlich Afminex, einst Shield Equities. Und "The Age" weiß auch wem Shield/Afmines gehört: Moser und Gillard. Euroz platzierte nebei auch Bezugsrechte für adultshop. Bezeichnend auch das Fazit der Zeitung: "... Herr Moser und seine geschlossene Gesellschaft aus der Schweiz werden wohl weiter mit australischen Unternehmen herumspielen und die anderen auf Trab halten".

      Zweitens: Bei allen Unternehmen klafft zwischen Propaganda und Realität eine riesige Lücke - Ankündigungen von Übernahmen, die nicht stattfinden, neue Geschäftsfelder, die nie aufgebaut werden, steigende Kundenzahlen, doch mickrige Umsätze usw. Bei Mosers australischen Aktien spielte in Deutschland besonders der „Aktionär“ eine unrühmliche Rolle.

      Aktie Empfehlungskurs Kursverlust Kursziel Lücke
      Didasko/ Access 1 0,39 € 92,0% 0,85 € 96,5% 0,26 € 42,2% 1,50 € 89,3%
      Aussie online 0,15 € 96% 0,30 € 98%
      Davnet 3,70 € 99,4% 6 € 99,6%
      Global Doctor 0,04 € 80% 0,10 € 92%
      My Casino 0,49 € 95,9% 0,90 € 97,8%
      Maxe-Tec 0,05 € 70% 0,30 € 95%
      Surfboard 0,23 € 82,6% 0,40 € 90%
      Spinifex 0,94 € 94,1% 1,50 € 96,3%
      Southpointe/ Third Rail 0,28 € 92,5% 0,80 € 97,4%
      Union Capital 0,19 € 92,6% 0,50 € 97,2%

      Börsenmagazin in Erklärungsnöten
      Chefredakteur Bernd Förtsch räumte zwar im November 2000 gegenüber der Wirtschaftswoche ein, sich "ein- oder zweimal" mit Moser getroffen zu haben, bestreitet aber die Existenz von Geschäftsbeziehungen oder gar selbst Geld oder Gratisaktien erhalten zu haben. Indes hat er laut seiner Aussage "keine Ahnung", ob das auch für seine Mitarbeiter gilt. Er hält es für möglich, dass "der ein oder andere Redakteur zu optimistisch war". Jedenfalls gehöre der betreffende Mitarbeiter sowieso nicht mehr der Redaktion an.

      Welche Gelder Moser in die australischen Marginalunternehmen steckt, ist unklar. Der TELEBÖRSE sagte er jedenfalls zu einem früheren Zeitpunkt, es handele sich um „Spielgeld“ europäischer Privatinvestoren. Wer diese Investoren seien? Wieviel Geld er denn verwalte? Das, lächelte Moser, könne er nun wirklich nicht sagen. Das reizt zu wilden Spekulationen.
      schrieb am 29.03.02 18:27:52
      Beitrag Nr. 46 ()
      sneake, einen besseren beitrag als du hier über den abzocker
      moser geschrieben hast, habe ich in wallstreet online noch
      niemals lesen können. einen größeren gauner als dieser
      dubiose moser gibt es nach meiner ansicht nicht. der hat
      schon hunderte von aktionären betrogen. irgendwann in naher
      zukunft knöpfe ich mir dieses miststück vor. da wird ihm
      sein bodyguard auch nicht helfen.
      schrieb am 03.04.02 13:55:39
      Beitrag Nr. 47 ()
      Toll recherchiert.
      Was soll ich nun von den UCL news halten:confused:
      Größte Zinkmine der Welt, ist das ein Sandkasten?? Kann man denn solche Aussagen ungestraft machen!!
      Kann ich mir nicht vorstellen , oder :rolleyes:
      Vielleicht kannst du auch deine Meinung zu UCL abgeben.
      schrieb am 17.04.02 10:05:19
      Beitrag Nr. 48 ()
      Mr. Präsident Murdoch erhöht sein Wochen seinen Anteil !!!
      Zeugt das von Zuversicht.


      HOMEX - Brisbane

      Union Capital Limited announces that it has negotiated through
      Nautilus Management Consulting GmbH of Vienna, Austria, a private
      placement for the issue 16,666,667 shares and 16,666,667 free
      attaching options (exercisable at 10 cents by 31/3/05) at 1.2 cents
      per share to raise $200,000.

      The funds raised will be utilized as working capital for the ongoing
      pre-feasibility of the Mehdialbad Zinc Project in Iran, and
      corporate overhead costs of the Company`s other investments in
      U-Marketing internet e-mail technology, gold exploration prospects
      and the Eastern Telco investment in the Philippines.

      An appendix 3B (and the Corporations Act declarations) will be
      completed and lodged in conjunction with the issue of shares pursuant
      to the Shareholder Share Purchase Plan which closes tomorrow.
      Applications received under the Shareholder Share Purchase Plan to
      date total approximately $420,000.

      PR Sauerberg
      schrieb am 19.04.02 17:52:15
      Beitrag Nr. 49 ()
      moin moin
      Ich möchte mich mal an dieser Stelle bei
      allen UCLer recht herzlich bedanken.
      Wenn es mier mal echt schlecht geht dann
      schaue ich mal kurtz bei euch rein
      und lese dinge wie Zink Börsen Gäng
      10000 % Kurssteigerung und solch TOLLE
      (Glucks Schnief )
      Das bringt mich echt wieder nach vorn


      (echt gut glugs einfach genial das Teil
      geht immer
      bin gut drauf DANKE)
      is nicht böse gemeint

      schrieb am 19.04.02 21:47:16
      Beitrag Nr. 50 ()
      :laugh: wir wären auch mit 1000 zufrieden.
      So ein Unternehmen wie UCL kann uns aber auch tierisch verar...., Wenn das Management aber was drauf hat, dann sollten bald die ersten wirklich guten Zahlen kommen.
      Moin moin;)
      schrieb am 19.04.02 23:35:52
      Beitrag Nr. 51 ()
      Dr. Spezi

      Woraus schließt du, daß Murdoch seit Wochen seinen Anteil erhöht? Sehe ich nirgend wo.

      Nautilus .... ist Roeggla

      und viel Spaß mit den 1.000 imaginären Gewinnen, noch mehr Spaß mit den ursprünglichen 10.000 imaginären Gewinnen. Hoffentlich wird es nicht ein Drama von 10.000 imaginären Verlusten oder 1.000 imaginären Verlusten in nicht vorherkalkulierbaren Prozenten der privaten Kapitalerhöhungen oder sind es -verschiebungen? Gel?...der Name Roeggla garantiert....(was?), der Name Murdoch grantiert....(was?)

      Weidmann`s Heil Genossen UCL-Aktionäre! Eure Stunde schlägt... ganz sicher...und wenn es nur "0" imaginäre Prozente sein sollten, die da zum Jagen freigegeben werden. Ihr schafft das, Leute!

      0% UCL-Profite erobern, ist sozusagen ein leichtes Spiel, 100% Verluste eroben ist unter diesen Voraussetzungen sogar ein Kinderspiel. Ich schlage vor, Ihr kauft mindestens 10.000% nach, kümmert Euch 1.000% nicht mehr um Details und seid dann letztendlich 100% zufriedene UCL-Aktionäre, die schon immer "0" Ahnung hatten, worauf sie sich eingelassen haben.

      (*was anderes als "Grinsen" :D fällt mir jetzt nicht ein*) und auch ich meine es nicht "böse" genau wie Mr. Wuscher
      schrieb am 27.04.02 11:48:05
      Beitrag Nr. 52 ()
      Hallo T4Two,
      kam leider jetzt erst dazu dir zu antworten.
      findest du unter:…

      schrieb am 03.05.02 16:50:14
      Beitrag Nr. 53 ()
      moin moin

      Einfach Super!!!!!!!!

      Vieleicht kaufe ich zwei!! ??

      Absolut klasse das Teil

      schrieb am 14.05.02 02:28:24
      Beitrag Nr. 54 ()
      moin moin
      es geht wohl zu ende
      mit der Firma
      schrieb am 14.05.02 09:23:39
      Beitrag Nr. 55 ()
      Meinst du nur weil der Kurs fällt oder gibt es News.
      Die Q1 März Zahlen sind doch nicht schlecht.!!
      schrieb am 14.05.02 11:38:10
      Beitrag Nr. 56 ()
      vielleicht meint er den blödsinn mit der ankündigung kleinstaktionäre rauszuschmeissen
      alle unter 25 000 stück müssen zurückgegeben werden
      wegen des kurses angeblich, das heisst sie recnen auch mit keinem höhenflug...

      schrieb am 14.05.02 12:54:20
      Beitrag Nr. 57 ()
      xnasenmann wo steht das.:confused:
      stell doch mal rein!!
      Echt witzig:(
      schrieb am 14.05.02 13:09:25
      Beitrag Nr. 58 ()
      dafür bin ich zu blöd
      bin im e-mail verteiler von ucl
      und die haben vorgestern diese mail verschickt
      steht sicher auch bei asx und auf deren homepeage
      schrieb am 14.05.02 14:10:53
      Beitrag Nr. 59 ()
      Markier dein E-mail und drück dann die rechte Maustaste , dann steht da kopieren,das anklicken, dann gehst du wieder in diesen Schriftverkehr.
      Drückst wieder die rechte Maustaste und klickst einfügen an!
      Dann sollte der Text in diesem Feld stehen!

      Habe auch gezeichnet vielleicht steht bei mir Zuhause auch was drin, aber wenns dir nix ausmacht, kannst du es ja mal versuchen es rein zu stellen:)
      schrieb am 14.05.02 14:19:28
      Beitrag Nr. 60 ()

      This notice is important and should you have any queries, you should consult with your professional advisor or contact the Company Secretary of Union Capital Limited.

      Over the past few years, mail communications by Union Capital Limited, (“Union” or “the company”) to its shareholders, particularly in relation to Notices of Shareholder Meetings, has identified a significant amount of undelivered and returned mail. In addition, when Union’s share price traded at much higher levels, many of the share purchases were in smaller quantities, and/or were distributed around family members, and/or shareholders held several shareholdings.

      A meeting of Union’s shareholders held on 17th April 2002 approved a resolution to include in the Company’s Constitution a mechanism to review and sell small shareholdings, which can be an inordinate cost burden to the Company. Article 26A of the Company’s Constitution now authorises a procedure for the Directors of the Company to implement a sale of inactive small shareholdings.

      Firstly, the Directors of the Company wish to state that they value ALL Union shareholders and accordingly recommend you elect to retain your small shareholding and continue to play a role in the Company’s future. This exercise is simply targeted at inactive shareholdings, or is a convenient cost free method for shareholders to quit their small shareholding and take advantage of a possible tax loss before 30th June 2002. It is recognized that the brokerage costs involved in selling small shareholdings is a large part of the sales proceeds, or may even exceed the sales proceeds, and Union is offering to sell these small shareholdings free of costs.

      The Directors have resolved to issue this Notice to all Union’s shareholders with less than 25,000 shares, ie approximately $250 in market value at current prices, despite this value still being below an ASX defined marketable parcel of $500 value.

      The Directors invite you to retain your small shareholding, and if you wish to do so, YOU MUST sign the enclosed letter and forward it to the Company’s Share Registry in the reply paid envelope or fax to (07) 3229 9860 no later than 5 pm Wednesday 25th June 2002 (“the closing date”).

      If you do not reply by 5 pm 25th June 2002, you are deemed to permit the Company to sell your small shareholding on the following terms:

      1. At 5 pm 25th June 2002, the Company will determine a schedule of shares to be sold under the terms of this Sale of Small Shareholding Notice, ie those with less than a holding of 25,000 units who have not provided notice to retain their small shareholdings.

      2. The sale of shares will occur in an orderly manner through the ASX at the market price then prevailing. This process may take time to ensure an orderly market price, however if possible it will be targeted to be completed by 30th June 2002 principally to meet end of year Australian tax deadlines for affected small shareholders.

      3. Union will bear the costs associated with the sale, and an average sale price of all the shares sold will be determined.

      4. If your shares are sold under this process, you will be mailed your proceeds of sale by cheque to the address recorded on the register of shareholders as soon as possible after receipt of the proceeds of sale.

      To assist with your decision whether to retain or sell your small shareholding we remind you that the Company makes regular announcements on its operations and activities which can be accessed through the Company’s website, or through, or your broker.

      As an adjunct to this exercise, where you have several shareholdings in your name, or your family or friends names, we invite you to consolidate them into the one holding, which can be achieved by:

      (a) For same holdings – if a CHESS holding, by notice to your stockbroker, or if an “Issuer Sponsored” holder by writing to the Company’s Share Registry with details of holdings to be amalgamated.
      (b) For holdings in different names – by obtaining an “off-market share transfer form” from the Share Registry, completing and returning to your broker (if a CHESS holding) or the Share Registry (if an “Issuer Sponsored” holding).

      If you have any questions concerning the procedures above, you may phone, fax or email Union’s Company Secretary for assistance.

      Yours faithfully

      Rob Murdoch
      Managing Director

      10th May 2002

      man lernt nie aus, ein echter spezialist!!!
      schrieb am 14.05.02 14:21:14
      Beitrag Nr. 61 ()
      Annexure “A”



      26A.1 This Article has effect notwithstanding any other provision of this Constitution, either express or implied, to the contrary and shall override the same to the extent of any inconsistency.

      26A.2 In this Article:
      "Continuation Election" means an election by a Small Holder contained on or enclosed with a Continuing member Notice notifying the Company that this Article is not to apply to that Small Holder so that that Small Holder may remain as the holder of the securities registered in its name;

      "Continuing member Notice" means a notice issued pursuant to Article 28.3 below;

      "Election Deadline" means 5.00pm (Brisbane time) on a date specified in a Continuing member Notice, being a date not less than six (6) weeks after the date of dispatch of that Continuing member Notice;

      "Marketable Parcel" shall have the meaning ascribed to it in the Listing Rules;

      "Minimum Holding" means a holding of securities the maximum of which shall be one Marketable Parcel of securities, of the same class in the Company at the time of reference as determined by the Board from time to time;

      "Small Holders" means persons registered, either alone or jointly with any other persons, as the holders of less than a Minimum Holding.

      26A.3 Subject to the provisions of this Article, the Board may determine no more than once in any twelve (12) month period, to require all (and not merely some) of the Small Holders of any class of securities in the Company to elect whether they wish to remain as the holders of the securities of that class in the Company registered in their name by:

      (a) forwarding to each such Small Holder (including all persons registered jointly) a Continuing member Notice containing or enclosing:

      (i) details of the securities of that class in the company held by the Small Holder;
      (ii) statements to the effect that:

      (A) the Company intends to invoke the provisions of this Article which allows for the sale of securities of that particular class held by all Small Holders in the Company;
      (B) if any such Small Holder does not forward a Continuation Election signed in accordance with the instructions contained therein so as to be received by the Company by the Election Deadline, the Company will be, subject to this Article, entitled to sell the securities of that particular class held by those particular Small Holders in its absolute discretion; and
      (C) in the case of a member whose securities are in a CHESS holding shall advise that the Company may, without further notice, after the Election Deadline, move the securities from the CHESS holding to an Issuer Sponsored or certificated holding for the purpose of sale.

      (iii) Continuation Election;
      (iv) a reply?paid envelope;
      (v) a copy of the text of this Article; and
      (vi) any other information which the Directors may desire to include; and

      (b) lodging, on the same day as the Continuing member Notices are despatched, for publication in a newspaper circulating generally throughout Australia a notice including statements to the effect of those specified in Article (a)(ii) hereof.

      26A.4 After the Election Deadline has expired, the Company shall be entitled to sell, subject to this Article, all securities in the Company held by Small Holders of the particular class in respect of which Continuing member Notices were dispatched and for which the Company did not receive a Continuation Election signed in accordance with the instructions contained therein prior to the Election Deadline. Any such sale may be made on such terms and conditions, in such manner, at such prices and to such persons (including the Company itself where authorised by law) as the Board may in its absolute discretion think fit and, for the purposes of such sale, each such Small Holder shall be deemed to have appointed the Company as its agent and the Directors at the relevant time jointly and severally as its attorney in its name and on its behalf to effect a transfer of the securities so sold. Unless the securities are non-SCH-regulated any transfer of securities sold pursuant to this Article may be registered by the Company without the production of the certificates in respect of such securities.

      26A.5 Any transferee of any securities sold pursuant to this Article shall not be bound to see to the regularity of any procedure herein or to the application of the purchase consideration in respect of such sale nor shall any transferee be required to produce the certificates in respect of such securities to enable registration. Once the transferee has been registered as the holder of such securities his title shall not be affected by any irregularity or invalidity in any procedure hereunder and the only remedy of any Small Holder aggrieved by the sale of its securities shall be in damages only and against the Company exclusively and shall be limited to the amount of the sale consideration received (less any unpaid calls instalments or interest (if any) thereon).

      26A.6 The costs and expenses of any sale of securities pursuant to this Article (including legal costs and disbursements, brokerage and stamp duty) shall be borne and paid by the Company.

      26A.7 The sale consideration received for the sale of any securities (less any unpaid calls instalments or interest (if any) accrued thereon) shall be forthwith paid by the Company into a bank account opened and maintained for no other purpose and shall be held by the Company in trust for the Small Holder whose securities have been so sold. The Company shall then forthwith notify such Small Holder in writing that the relevant class of securities held by it have been sold and that the relevant sale consideration is being held by the Company pending the receipt by the Company of written instructions as to how such moneys are to be dealt with and, unless such certificates have been cancelled pursuant to this Constitution, the certificates in respect of such securities or evidence satisfactory to the Board that such certificates have been stolen lost or destroyed and have not been pledged sold or otherwise disposed of prior to their sale under this Article. The sale consideration for any securities sold pursuant to this Article shall be dealt with in accordance with Section 544 of the Corporations Law or the Public Trustee Act 1978 (Qld) as the case may be.

      26A.8 Except where the securities are non?SCH?regulated securities the Company shall cancel all certificates relating to securities sold pursuant to this Article.

      26A.9 Notwithstanding any provision of this Article, either express or implied, to the contrary:

      (a) the Board shall not be bound to exercise the powers conferred by this Article and shall be entitled, at any time prior to a sale of securities being effected, to suspend or terminate its use by written notice to the Small Holders affected;

      (b) the accidental omission by the Company to give any notice required under this Article or the non?receipt of any such notice by any Small Holder shall not invalidate any action undertaken in good faith pursuant to this Article;

      (c) the Board may in its absolute discretion settle any ambiguity difficulty anomaly or dispute which may arise in relation to the operation of this Article;

      (d) no sale of any securities pursuant to this Article shall be commenced if prior to such sale a takeover bid (within the meaning of Section 9 of the Corporations Law) to acquire securities of the same class as the securities which are to be sold pursuant to this Article has either been announced as being intended to be made or has been made and is still open for acceptance; and

      (e) where a Continuing member Notice has been dispatched to any person who at a particular time was a Small Holder but, prior to the Election Deadline in relation thereto, that person acquires such number of securities in the Company of the same class in respect of which the Continuing member Notice was dispatched so that the total number of securities of that class to which the Small Holder is registered or is entitled to be registered becomes greater than or equal to a Minimum Holding of securities of that class and a transfer for such securities acquired has been lodged for registration with the Company, then this Article shall not apply to that person in respect of that Continuing member Notice notwithstanding that that person may not have forwarded a continuation Election to the Company prior to the relevant Election Deadline in relation thereto.

      26A.10 This Article shall be subject to the potential operation of the Listing Rules or the SCH Business Rules (as the case may be) to the securities intended to be sold hereunder.
      schrieb am 15.05.02 10:17:35
      Beitrag Nr. 62 ()
      xnasenmann hast es ja geschafft.
      Habe es nicht bekommen. Liegt wohl daran daß ich 2 mehr habe als 25000:D
      So erstmal lesen. Der erste Satz ist ja schon Amtsdeutsch:rolleyes:
      schrieb am 15.05.02 12:22:59
      Beitrag Nr. 63 ()
      xnasenmann, so wie ich es verstehe, wird da keiner gezwungen es wird angeboten, ohne Kosten !
      Find ich garnicht mal so schlecht. Was der Kurs bei diesen geringen Umsätzen dann macht??? Wollen die einen RS von 1000 zu 1:confused:
      Aber negativ sehe ich es nicht, würd schon Sinn machen. Die Kostenersparnis ist für das Unternehmen ebenso sinnvoll.
      Dies § Geschwätz ist wirklich schwer zu verstehen.:rolleyes:
      schrieb am 15.05.02 20:51:58
      Beitrag Nr. 64 ()
      hallo dr.s
      es setht aber auf der 1. seite you must (im original fett gedruckt)
      aber wenn sie kosten senken ist es ja immer gut
      grüße xnasenmann
      schrieb am 17.05.02 12:52:07
      Beitrag Nr. 65 ()
      Na endlich gehts in Australien auch mal wieder aufwärts!!
      Hoffentlich nicht nur technisch bedingt:rolleyes:
      Code Company Name Last $ +/- Bid Offer Open High Low Vol Options Warrants Chart
      UCL UNION CAPITAL 0.010 0.001 0.009 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.009 427,727 Options Warrants
      schrieb am 17.05.02 17:34:15
      Beitrag Nr. 66 ()
      moin moin
      Das Teil ist eine
      schrieb am 17.05.02 17:44:32
      Beitrag Nr. 67 ()
      Wuscher ich glaube das werden wir schon bald sehen, wo es hin geht. so oder so:rolleyes:
      Denke die sind uns nun ein paar positive Nachrichten schuldig. :mad:
      Und nicht nur Nachrichten;)
      schrieb am 22.05.02 20:37:46
      Beitrag Nr. 68 ()
      Die unter 25000 verkaufen wohl , Freudlicherweise für UCL.
      In Australien, Kurs weiterhin stabil , bei gemäßigten Umsätzen. 0,09 Cent
      schrieb am 24.05.02 08:37:30
      Beitrag Nr. 69 ()
      UCL lebt noch,
      kurze Zusammenstellung:
      über ein E-mail -programm können geschäftliche Vorgänge für ein paar Cent abgewickelt werden, die zur Zeit , noch mehrere Dollar kosten.
      Dieses Programm wurde in vielen Monaten entwickelt und wird nun als Testversion bei den Unternehmen laufen und nach erfolgreicher Einführung auf den Markt gebracht!

      Dann hoffen wir mal, daß auch in diesem Geschäftsbereich ein entscheidender Durchbruch gelingt. :):):)
      Re: "U-Invoice" Technology First Stage Release.

      Union Capital Limited ("Union") announces that demonstrations of the new "U-Invoice" technology will be held next week to selected businesses as a first stage release. From the demonstrations, several companies will be selected to trial use of the software and associated services in their businesses. Once the trials are completed and the product branded, it will be released universally onto the market as a second stage release.

      The U-Invoice technology is the culmination of more than 18 months of research & development, funded by Union Capital Limited, originally in email marketing and more recently in the uses of email technology as a financial tool.

      The U-Invoice technology is very flexible and offers a range of Customer Relationship Management functions to users. It can send invoices, credit notes and other financial transactions out to a business`s customers, reducing to a few cents what now costs several dollars per invoice. Other functions within the technology toolset allow the customer to pay the invoice by a variety of secure, low-cost electronic methods, either immediately or at some later time by reply email. Other functions allow the user to include marketing material, order forms and other interactive material right inside the email, thus reducing printing and mailing costs and improving customer relationships. Besides invoicing, the technology can be used by charities seeking donations, large organisations seeking memberships and for numerous other applications.

      The technology is particularly suited to businesses which send out lots of invoices each month, as this is where big cost savings can be generated. However, the software can be used by any business for its regular invoicing.

      U-Marketing demonstrations will be in Brisbane on Monday (May 27), Sydney on Wednesday (May 29) and Melbourne on Thursday (May 30).

      The U-Invoice software embeds the invoice and other information inside the email itself, taking the invoice direct to the customer`s inbox, without the need for recipients to go to a website to view information about the company or pay the bill. Top-level encryption means the associated payment transaction is as secure as current technology allows. The software uses U-Marketing`s bulk email launching software, which allows large numbers of emails to be launched at once.

      U-Marketing Limited is a wholly owned subsidiary of Union Capital Limited and offers services in the set up, transmission and management of financial and marketing information by email and the internet.
      schrieb am 24.05.02 08:59:45
      Beitrag Nr. 70 ()
      Ganz kurz: U-invoice soll eine
      Einsparung bei Geschäftvorfällen im Zahlungsverkehr von mehreren Dollar bringen. Hoffen wir mal , daß es erfolgreich wird.

      Re: "U-Invoice" Technology First Stage Release.

      Union Capital Limited ("Union") announces that demonstrations of the new "U-Invoice" technology will be held next week to selected businesses as a first stage release. From the demonstrations, several companies will be selected to trial use of the software and associated services in their businesses. Once the trials are completed and the product branded, it will be released universally onto the market as a second stage release.

      The U-Invoice technology is the culmination of more than 18 months of research & development, funded by Union Capital Limited, originally in email marketing and more recently in the uses of email technology as a financial tool.

      The U-Invoice technology is very flexible and offers a range of Customer Relationship Management functions to users. It can send invoices, credit notes and other financial transactions out to a business`s customers, reducing to a few cents what now costs several dollars per invoice. Other functions within the technology toolset allow the customer to pay the invoice by a variety of secure, low-cost electronic methods, either immediately or at some later time by reply email. Other functions allow the user to include marketing material, order forms and other interactive material right inside the email, thus reducing printing and mailing costs and improving customer relationships. Besides invoicing, the technology can be used by charities seeking donations, large organisations seeking memberships and for numerous other applications.

      The technology is particularly suited to businesses which send out lots of invoices each month, as this is where big cost savings can be generated. However, the software can be used by any business for its regular invoicing.

      U-Marketing demonstrations will be in Brisbane on Monday (May 27), Sydney on Wednesday (May 29) and Melbourne on Thursday (May 30).

      The U-Invoice software embeds the invoice and other information inside the email itself, taking the invoice direct to the customer`s inbox, without the need for recipients to go to a website to view information about the company or pay the bill. Top-level encryption means the associated payment transaction is as secure as current technology allows. The software uses U-Marketing`s bulk email launching software, which allows large numbers of emails to be launched at once.

      U-Marketing Limited is a wholly owned subsidiary of Union Capital Limited and offers services in the set up, transmission and management of financial and marketing information by email and the internet.
      schrieb am 04.06.02 00:12:02
      Beitrag Nr. 71 ()
      Auch wenn es derzeit vielleicht noch etwas lächerlich klingt, so sind die letzten Umsätze mit Blick auf die vergangenen Monate beachtlich und lassen Hoffnung aufkommen. Ohne Grund sind diese Umsätze nicht entstanden...
      schrieb am 04.06.02 17:55:31
      Beitrag Nr. 72 ()
      habe ich auch schon bemerkt, vielleicht weiß da jemand mehr als wir und es geht tatsächlich mal wieder aufwärts.....
      schrieb am 07.06.02 01:03:51
      Beitrag Nr. 73 ()
      es gibt neue meldungen
      grüße xnasenmann
      schrieb am 08.06.02 17:12:20
      Beitrag Nr. 74 ()
      Union Capital Ltd. Quick Quote: X.UCL 0.01 (0.00)
      Also Umsatz war wohl in Deutschland 114000 Stück, da liegt ein Fehler bei WO oder die wissen mehr.
      Also 2001 noch ein Verlust nach Steuern.Paar Änderungen in der Vorstandetage . Aber 2002 sehr aussichtsreich. Da Mr. Murdoch sich nun selbst drum kümmern kann!! Mal sehen:rolleyes:

      Update on Eastern Telecoms
      6/6/02 3:11:23 PM
      HOMEX - Brisbane
      Union Capital Limited (Union) advise that the following alterations
      have been made to the Board of Directors of Eastern
      Telecommunications of the Philippines (Eastern Telecoms).
      Attorney Emile Jurado has resigned as President but will remain as a
      director of Eastern Telecoms.
      Mr Robert Murdoch has resignedas a director and Ms Nenita Cruz has
      been appointed in his place as Union`s representative to the Board.
      The Board of Eastern Telecoms then appointed Ms N Cruz as President
      and CEO of the Company. She was previously Deputy President & CEO of
      Eastern Telecoms.
      Ms Cruz has been the driving force behind bringing new management
      skills to the Company particularly in restructuring the senior
      management team and directing sales, marketing and improving
      financial controls. Eastern Telecoms is ahead of its budget in
      selling and connecting telephone services in its local service area
      in Manila City. Union supported the appointment of Ms Cruz as a
      Director of Eastern Telecoms and her subsequent appointment as President and CEO based on her performance over the last nine months.
      As a result of this restructuring of the Board of Eastern Telecoms,
      Mr Murdoch will be freed up to focus on advancing Union`s exciting
      and undervalued gold assets.
      Recent market news from Eastern Telecoms includes;
      1. Various strategic alliances have been entered into by Eastern
      Telecoms to enhance its provision of services, specifically in the
      area of broadband Internet services. Eastern Telecom`s Vice President
      for Product Management, Marketing and Channels Virgil Pedro has
      been heading up the development of these strategic alliances. So that
      the company focuses more specifically in to further enhance its
      position in the market. Specific initiatives have been taken with:-

      a. Partnering agreement with Q Linux Solutions Inc, to enhance the
      range of value added services in Linux that could be jointly offered
      by Eastern Telecoms and Q Linux Solutions.

      b. Partnering with Hypertech has allowed Eastern Telecoms to provide
      customer hardware support services for their LANS and thus reduce the
      cost of installation and connection cost to customers.

      2. Mr Joevel Rivera, Vice President of the Internet Business Unit of
      Eastern Telecoms has been successful in further extending the
      dominant position of Eastern Telecom`s Manila Internet Exchange [MIX]
      by getting Wavenet Phillipines an Internet Service Provider [ISP] of
      a competitive Telecom Carrier [Capwire] to joint MIX - this brings
      the number of ISP connected to MIX to 30.

      3. Mr Bing Bochoco, Chief Financial Officer of Eastern Telecoms has
      successfully commissioned a meditation device between the Alcatel
      E-10 Exchange and the IBM ICMS Billing System provided by Telegence
      Corp. This mediation device will enable Eastern Telecoms to provide
      near "real time" billing and reduce potential fraud by monitoring
      call profile of subscribers.
      Union holds an Indirect interest of around 18% in Eastern Telecoms,
      by way of a convertible note holding in Australian Gigahertz Networks
      International Pty Ltd, which if exercised, would entitle Union to
      around a 46% stake in AGNI. AGNI holds a 40% interest in Eastern
      telecoms through a wholly owned Philippines subsidiary.
      Eastern Telecoms is focused on developing as a niche provider of
      "value added" Internet, data and landline voice services, and
      international carrier services to second and third level carriers in
      the Asia Pacific Region.
      The Company is EBITDA positive, but expects to report an after tax
      loss for 2001. Union is taking a medium term view of its investment
      in Eastern Telecoms and is ensuring that first class
      telecommunication management experience is in place to grow the
      company into a strong profit position over the next few years.
      R Murdoch
      schrieb am 14.06.02 19:09:28
      Beitrag Nr. 75 ()
      moin moin
      war da mal was mit
      Das Teil ist so schlecht.
      Ich war auch mal Investiert und habe geglaubt.
      Und das soll keine Rache sein ich bin mit Plus raus.
      Ich komme von etwa 0,35
      und sehe was mit diesen Teil passiert!!!!!!
      Versprechungen Aussichten
      waren zu meiner zeit noch größer
      Was ist geblieben 0,05
      Ich habe realiesiert und Gewinne
      statt Träume gemacht.
      Trotzdehm euch GLÜCK
      Für mich ist Union Capital
      und eine totale VERARSCHUNG
      schrieb am 15.06.02 18:16:00
      Beitrag Nr. 76 ()
      hallo wuscher, endlich mal einer der erkannt hat, was da
      läuft. nochmals, solange der gangster und oberganove
      rudi moser dort mit vo der partie ist, kann und wird aus
      solch einem unternehmen nichts werden. lügen und betrügereien überall wo dieser drecksack seine finger mit im spiel hat. da sollte auch mal die steuerfahndung dieses
      schwein kontrollieren, falls dies noch nicht geschehen
      gruß von einem der sich dieses schein trotz leibwächter
      kaufen wird.
      schrieb am 24.06.02 10:17:29
      Beitrag Nr. 77 ()
      Sale of unmarketable parchels of shares/Form of sep gold co
      21-06 1543

      Further to the Notice to Shareholders in Union Capital Limited
      ("Union") issued on the 10th May 2002, relating to the intention of
      the company to reduce its small inactive and unmarketable
      shareholdings (less than 25,000 shares), effected shareholders are
      reminded that they have only until 5pm on 25th June 2002 to advise
      Union`s share registry as to whether they wish to retain their

      Effected shareholders who do not advise the share registry by that
      date will have their shares sold by the Company in an orderly manner
      through the ASX at the prevailing market price.

      Further to earlier announcements that as a result of recent increases
      in the gold price and a greater interest in the metal, Union was
      reviewing the possibilities of floating a specialized gold
      exploration company, the company advises that this objective has been
      advanced with the aim to maximize the value of the company`s assets
      for shareholders.

      The new gold exploration company will be called Gold Aura Limited, a
      subsidiary of Union. Gold Aura is working on a prospectus and holding
      discussions with potential underwriters regarding an IPO. Gold Aura
      will acquire all the gold assets of Union.

      Gold Aura is targeting to have its prospectus released in August
      2002. However, that date is not yet firm.

      In accordance with the Listing Rules, any float of Gold Aura Limited
      will involve participation on a priority basis being afforded to
      Shareholders at that time. The actual nature and extent of any
      participation has yet to be finalized.

      R Murdoch

      ends - AAP
      schrieb am 24.06.02 11:31:14
      Beitrag Nr. 78 ()
      Würdest Du das bitte mal ins Deutsche übersetzen ?
      schrieb am 24.06.02 12:00:33
      Beitrag Nr. 79 ()
      Die Kleinstaktionäre bis 25 000 Aktien haben bis letztmalig 25.06. die Möglichkeit UCL mitzuteilen, daß Sie Ihre Aktien behalten möchten. Wenn keine Registrierung erfolgt, erfolgt über UCL ein Verkauf an der ASX(Börse) .
      Zudem wird UCL alle Goldaktivitäten über ein demnächst neu gegründetes Subunternehmen laufen lassen. Gold Aura wird alle Vermögenswerte von UCL erwerben. :)
      Also kurzum , der Goldpreis ist so attraktiv, daß man das geschäft wieder mal nutzt für ein IPO.
      schrieb am 25.06.02 12:14:37
      Beitrag Nr. 80 ()
      diese Information kann doch wohl nicht ganz stimmen, man kann mir doch nicht meinen Wert zum Verkauf reinstellen, wenn ich keinen Auftrag gegeben habe. Das kann ja wohl nur umgekehrt heissen, wenn ich mich bis zu 26. nicht melde, aus der Aktie raus möchte, werde ich von einer anderen Firma übernommen. Habe auch keine Benachrichtigung von meiner Bank bekommen, das ich mich so verhalten soll.Ich bitte um nochmalige Prüfung. Danke mfg MH
      schrieb am 25.06.02 13:29:21
      Beitrag Nr. 81 ()
      Wäre nämlich sehr schade, da ich "nur" 17824 Stücke besitze!
      schrieb am 25.06.02 20:31:13
      Beitrag Nr. 82 ()
      das ist doch bitte schön, keine Antwort auf meine Frage,muß ich jetzt das Behalten meiner Aktien beantragen oder nicht. Ich möchte sie nicht verkaufen, wäre dankbar für eine wertende `Anwort danke mfg. MH
      schrieb am 26.06.02 09:30:52
      Beitrag Nr. 83 ()
      mfierke , jankrist, kann es leider nicht anders übersetzen!
      UCL bot ja an, kostengünstig oder sogar frei , weiß nicht mehr genau, für Kleinstanleger zu verkaufen.
      Denke , daß sie das damit meinen. Ich fände es auch nicht gut
      Vielleicht liest es ja jemand ander!! ??? :confused:
      Further to the Notice to Shareholders in Union Capital Limited
      ("Union" issued on the 10th May 2002, relating to the intention of
      the company to reduce its small inactive and unmarketable
      shareholdings (less than 25,000 shares), effected shareholders are
      reminded that they have only until 5pm on 25th June 2002 to advise
      Union`s share registry as to whether they wish to retain their

      ! Kann mir nur vorstellen, daß die dann selber die Aktien kaufen, weil das Geschäft endlich läuft. Das wäre dann aber mehr als unfair.
      Habe von so einem Fall auch noch nie gehört, wahrscheinlich betrifft es nur die die den Verkauf gewünscht haben:rolleyes:
      Sehr unglücklich formuliert!!
      schrieb am 26.06.02 09:41:57
      Beitrag Nr. 84 ()
      hallo es gibt wieder was (altes) neues:

      mfierke, jankrist:
      "wether they wish to retain" meint ihr sollt bescheid sagen, wenn ihr sie (hättet) behalten (wollen)(?)ist ja abgelaufen, oder?

      Tel: +61 7 3833-3833 Suite 1, Level 3, 200 Creek Street, Brisbane Postal Address:
      Fax: +61 7 3833-3888 PO Box 728 Spring Hill Q
      Australia 4004

      21 June 2002

      Company Announcements Office
      Australian Stock Exchange Limited
      Fax No. 1300 300 021

      Dear Sir

      Further to the Notice to Shareholders in Union Capital Limited (“Union”) issued on the 10th May 2002, relating to the intention of the company to reduce its small inactive and unmarketable shareholdings (less than 25,000 shares), effected shareholders are reminded that they have only until 5pm on 25th June 2002 to advise Union’s share registry as to whether they wish to retain their shares.

      Effected shareholders who do not advise the share registry by that date will have their shares sold by the Company in an orderly manner through the ASX at the prevailing market price.

      Further to earlier announcements that as a result of recent increases in the gold price and a greater interest in the metal, Union was reviewing the possibilities of floating a specialized gold exploration company, the company advises that this objective has been advanced with the aim to maximize the value of the company’s assets for shareholders.

      The new gold exploration company will be called Gold Aura Limited, a subsidiary of Union. Gold Aura is working on a prospectus and holding discussions with potential underwriters regarding an IPO. Gold Aura will acquire all the gold assets of Union.

      Gold Aura is targeting to have its prospectus released in August 2002. However, that date is not yet firm.

      In accordance with the Listing Rules, any float of Gold Aura Limited will involve participation on a priority basis being afforded to Shareholders at that time. The actual nature and extent of any participation has yet to be finalized.

      Yours faithfully

      Rob Murdoch
      Managing Director
      Union Capital Limited.
      Ref UCL000223
      schrieb am 27.06.02 09:31:35
      Beitrag Nr. 85 ()
      Eine taktische Meisterleistung!!
      Das sind wohl die , die das Angebot angenommen haben, oder verkauft worden sind:rolleyes:
      Denk ich mal.
      Und nu haben sich die Herren billig eingedeckt! gutes Zeichen wenn es so ist:)
      Dann schauen wir mal was der Kurs ab morgen macht!
      Oder sieht es jemand anders??
      UNION CAPITAL 0.007 -0.001 0.007 0.008 0.008 0.008 0.007 19,432,107 Options Warrants Chart
      schrieb am 28.06.02 01:04:40
      Beitrag Nr. 86 ()

      Steht Ihr namentlich im australischen Aktionärsregister? ...dann seid Ihr eure Aktien ohne Mitteilung an die Firma los.

      Aber ich gehe mal davon aus, dass Ihr eure Aktien bei einer deutschen Bank haltet, also seid ihr bei der ANZ zusammengefasst. Demnach können die eure Aktien gar nicht verkaufen. Sollte dies aber doch der Fall sein, dann bitte ich um Nachricht. Das würde mein Weltbild komplett verändern ;-)

      schrieb am 28.06.02 06:42:28
      Beitrag Nr. 87 ()
      Habe meine Stücke bei der Comdirect. Bin echt gespannt ob die in den nächsten Tagen ausgebucht werden:(, bis jetzt sind sie noch da. Hatte aber mehrmals Angebote meiner Bank bezüglich Kapitalerhöhung (Zeichnung). Aber die Kohle ist alle:cry:, bzw. bin ich nicht bereit, noch mehr Geld in den Gully zu stecken. Warum hattet Ihr UC gekauft ? Doch nicht etwa weil der Aktionär die damals bei 13 Cent mit KZ 45 Cent :laugh: empfahl ! Oder ? ;)
      schrieb am 28.06.02 19:00:35
      Beitrag Nr. 88 ()
      moin moin
      ich behaupte mal das 95% der anleger nur wegen dem aktionär drinn sind.
      die klitsche kannte doch vorher kein mensch.
      und nun ??? !!!
      die aktionäre wissen nicht mal was mit ihren
      aktien passiert. !!!!!!!!!!!!!


      bin ich raus ist die kohle weg ??????
      bin ich drin oder was ??????

      so etwas habe ich ja noch nie erlebt
      man man das teil ist der hammer
      schrieb am 28.06.02 19:12:27
      Beitrag Nr. 89 ()
      nochmals an alle, überall wo hans-rudolf moser aus der
      schweiz drin steckt bzw. drin gesteckt hat, stinkt es nach
      abzocke oder betrug. my casino, davnet, union capital,
      global doctor usw. sind nur einige beispiele dieses
      gnadenlosen gangsters. der wird noch richtig bluten was
      er vielen investoren angetan hat. hoffentlich erstickt er
      ganz langsam an seinem eigenen verfluchten blut.
      schrieb am 28.06.02 20:22:41
      Beitrag Nr. 90 ()
      Es gab mal einen Saulus oder so ähnlich.
      Aber viel wichtiger ist, wenn solche Leute mal in den Machtbereich kommen, dann geben sie ihn nicht auf. D.h. der wird wenn es läuft auch alles tun, um den Laden zu halten.
      Wenn?s läuft.
      Und irgenwie glaub ich das schon. Allerdings noch ein Bauchgefühl:rolleyes:
      schrieb am 29.06.02 00:22:00
      Beitrag Nr. 91 ()

      Moser hockt nicht mehr in Union Capital, sondern sein früherer Partner Jurg Walker. Die beiden haben sich überworfen. habt ihr nicht den Artikel in der Financial Review gelesen über Davnet? (ich kopier das Ding hier rein). Moser ist angeblich nicht mehr bei der Investa. Ihr träumt ganz einfach. Übrigens hat sich T. Roeggla als Underwriter für die letzte Kapitalerhöhung eingeschaltet vor kurzem, konnte man ja nachlesen. Hier scheinen sich Fronten massiv zu verschieben und auch Interessen. Mich interessiert UCL nicht, aber ich kann Euch nur raten, ein Augenmerk auf die neue Tochter "Gold Aura" zu richten. Das Ganze stinkt gewaltig. Also paßt besser auf anstatt zu träumen.

      Setback in bid to control DVT

      Author: Tony Boyd
      Date: 15/04/2002
      Words: 652
      Publication: Australian Financial Review
      Section: Computers
      Page: 45

      Takeover merchant Farooq Khan has suffered another setback in his bid to
      control cashed-up data storage company DVT Holdings, as Swiss-based director
      and major shareholder Jurg Walker has confirmed his support for the
      incumbent board of directors.
      Mr Walker, the longest-serving director of DVT (formerly high-flying
      internet telco Davnet), backed the existing directors at a board meeting in
      Switzerland last week.

      DVT chairman Jean-Marie Simart said Mr Walker was fully supportive of the
      board and its strategic direction.

      ``He wants to progress the company," Mr Simart said. ``He was uncertain
      about the direction, but after the board meeting he said he had a better
      understanding of where we are headed."

      Mr Walker`s stated support removes uncertainty in the market about whether
      he backed Mr Khan`s efforts to grab control of DVT and its $16 million in

      Earlier this month Mr Khan`s sent a letter to DVT saying that
      Bigshop and ``certain shareholders of DVT" wanted to call a general meeting
      to replace most of the directors.

      Mr Khan never revealed who the shareholders were, but said he wanted to dump
      Mr Simart, Mark Hubbard and Ted Rule and replace them with three Bigshop
      directors: himself, Brett McKeon and Victor Ho.

      Mr Khan made no mention of Mr Walker, leading to speculation that Mr Walker,
      who represents Investa AG, supported Mr Khan.

      In a notice to the stock exchange, Mr Khan said Bigshop had spent about
      $500,000 in March and April buying 13 million DVT shares, about 2.4 per cent
      of the issued capital.

      He said that as of April 8, ``requisitioning parties" who backed the spill
      owned 3.4 per cent of DVT.

      A former business partner of Mr Walker and a shareholder in DVT, Hans-Rudi
      Moser, is believed to support Mr Khan. Mr Moser, a director of, WebSpy and, works out of the same offices as
      Mr Walker in Switzerland.

      But it is understood that Mr Moser and Mr Walker are no longer joint
      managers of Investa AG, which has a shareholding in DVT. Investa AG invests
      funds on behalf of wealthy European investors and has about 13 per cent of
      DVT`s issued capital.

      Mr Simart said on Friday that the DVT board was united in its opposition to
      Mr Khan, who had yet to reveal a plan for DVT that was different to the
      current strategy.

      DVT told the ASX on Friday that Mr Khan`s requisition for a general meeting
      to oust the board was invalid because it was ``not executed by members
      holding a sufficient number of shares in the company".

      ``Accordingly, no meeting will be held pursuant to the requisitions
      received," the company said.

      A minimum of 5 per cent of the issued capital is needed to requisition a
      general meeting.

      DVT has also announced the purchase of a data storage business, XSI
      Technology, for an undisclosed sum from Powerlan. It intends combining it
      with its existing business, eData Group. The combined business will have
      revenue of $40 million and is projected to earn a profit this year.

      Mr Simart said the computer storage tape business of eData complemented
      XSL`s computer disk storage services. ``We are not going to give this
      company to someone who has no plan," he said.

      DVT said it was examining three acquisition proposals and one investment
      proposal out of the dozen it had received since January 31, when it sold its
      49 per cent interest in Davnet Telecommunications for $16 million.

      Mr Khan`s strategy of taking over cashed-up former dot com companies began
      with a successful proxy battle last year for Bigshop, which has $5.5 million
      in cash. He recently launched a bid for CommSecure, which has $6 million in


      * Farooq Khan wanted to replace three other DVT directors.

      * Speculation was that he had major shareholder Jurg Walker`s support.

      * Mr Walker has backed the existing directors at a meeting.

      Quelle: Australian Financial Review
      schrieb am 03.07.02 22:19:10
      Beitrag Nr. 92 ()
      was soll denn schon wieder 0.05???
      schrieb am 04.07.02 09:42:16
      Beitrag Nr. 93 ()
      Also folgende Nachrichten, sinngemäß !!
      Die Transaktion Umtausch abgeschlossen. Es wurden 21 Millionen Aktien umgetauscht.
      Was aber viel wichtiger ist: Murdoch hat sich selbst über 5 MIllionen Aktien einverleibt!!
      Hat nun seinen Bestand von über 14 auf 20 Millionen erhöht!
      Der heutige Handel mit 2,4 Millionen und Abschluß 0,08 bei ASX macht Hoffnung.
      Macht eigentlich nur Sinn, wenn er selbst an die Firma bzw . steigende Kurse glaubt:):):)
      Dann schauen wir mal:D
      schrieb am 04.07.02 16:55:13
      Beitrag Nr. 94 ()
      Danke Dr.
      Es wird langsam Zeit.
      schrieb am 05.07.02 19:06:12
      Beitrag Nr. 95 ()
      Auch heute wieder steigende Umsätze 4 Mill. und von 0,08 auf 0,09 . s. UCL
      Es kommte Bewegung ins Spiel.

      Es fehlt jetzt eine umsatzstarke News um das Schiff vom Stapel zu lassen:rolleyes:
      schrieb am 18.07.02 10:19:38
      Beitrag Nr. 96 ()
      17 July

      Re: Gold Aura Limited in Species Distribution

      Union Capital Limited ("Union") announces that, subject to shareholder`s approval, there will be an equal capital reduction ("in species") distribution to Union shareholders of one Gold Aura Limited share for every 150 Union Capital Limited shares held.

      Gold Aura Limited (formerly Croydon Gold Pty Ltd) is a wholly owned subsidiary of Union. Union`s substantial gold assets in North Queensland and on Fergusson Island off the South East coast of Papua New Guinea, are presently being consolidated into Gold Aura Limited as the first part of a longer-term strategy to place Union`s diversified assets into separate, listed, industry-focused entities. At a later date, and as and where opportunity occurs, Union will "unlock" the company`s other assets in mineral resources, technology and telecommunications.

      The distribution of Gold Aura shares will be based on the number of Union shares registered in the name of each shareholder as at 9pm on 25 July 2002 (the record date). It is anticipated that the Shareholder`s Meeting to consider the equal capital reduction will be held in late August or early September and, if approved, the Gold Aura shares would be allocated shortly afterwards.

      Further to previous announcements, it is anticipated that the Gold Aura Limited Prospectus will be lodged with the Australian Securities & Investment Commission before the end of July 2002. It is the intension of Gold Aura Limited to apply for Listing on the Australian Stock Exchange.


      16 July

      Union Capital Limited advises it has issued 13,493,725 ordinary shares, being the number of new shares calculated under the terms of the Company`s Convertible Note Issue, as consideration for the $100,000 annual interest which was due on 25th June 2002.
      schrieb am 20.07.02 12:40:00
      Beitrag Nr. 97 ()
      Change of Record Date

      Document date: Fri 19 Jul 2002 Published: Fri 19 Jul 2002 13:26:04
      Document No: 147517 Document part: A
      Market Flag: Y
      Classification: Issued Capital - Other

      HOMEX - Brisbane

      Further to the Company`s announcement of 17th July 2002 concerning an
      In-Species Distribution to Union`s shareholders of one free Gold
      Aura Limited share for every 150 Union Capital Limited shares held,
      the Company now advises that the record date is changed from 25th
      July 2002, to a record date five (5) business days after Union
      shareholder approval to the distribution in General Meeting, expected
      late August. This change is to comply with ASX Listing Rules
      timetable Appendix 7A.5.

      However, as soon as it becomes available for release, registered
      shareholders in Union Capital Limited will be forwarded a copy of the
      Gold Aura Limited Prospectus and an advice of their estimated
      in-species entitlement to Gold Aura Limited shares. Any change in
      holdings in Union`s shares between this dispatch date and the new
      record date will generate a revised in-species entitlement advice to
      be dispatched after the record date.

      The Notice of General Meeting is expected to be dispatched next week.

      R B Murdoch
      schrieb am 25.07.02 11:31:12
      Beitrag Nr. 98 ()
      Deep Gold Intersections Croydon Gold Project

      Document date: Wed 24 Jul 2002 Published: Wed 24 Jul 2002 12:46:04
      Document No: 147578 Document part: A
      Market Flag: Y
      Classification: Progress Report

      HOMEX - Brisbane

      Union Capital Limited ("Union") announces that joint venture partner
      Newcrest Mining Limited ("Newcrest") has intersected gold
      mineralisation to 11.3 g/t gold in quartz veins up to a depth of 330
      metres at Croydon.

      Union considers this result to be a significant finding for the
      Croydon Goldfield in that high grade quartz veins, albeit of narrow
      widths (<0.2 m), are developed to considerable depths. The potential
      for significant deep mineralisation to be developed within major
      structures in other parts of the Project area is considerably

      The drilling results come from a three hole program totalling 1,382
      metres of combined reverse Circulation/core drilling completed
      recently by Newcrest at the Jumbo and Gilded Rose Prospects.

      At Croydon, Newcrest Mining Limited is currently earning a 70%
      interest in a number of Exploration Licences and Mining Leases held
      by Union`s wholly owned subsidiary Gold Aura Limited. To earn the
      interest Newcrest has to spend $3 million by October 2003. To date
      Newcrest has spent around $1.45 million. Exploration targets are both
      high grade gold mineralisation and larger lower grade gold
      mineralisation of the Kidston style.

      Previous drilling by Newcrest at the Gilded Rose and Jumbo Prospects
      has located shallower high grade intersections of 10m at 10.9 g/t
      gold and 5 m at 11.6 g/t gold indicating that the area is
      prospective for high grade gold deposits below old workings.

      The potential for shallow large tonnage low grade quartz stockwork
      mineralisation is also evident with intersections of 34.Om at 2.32
      g/t gold, 27m at 1.27 g/t gold and 94.0m at 0.46 g/t gold also
      obtained at Gilded Rose and Jumbo Prospects.

      Croydon historically has been one of Australia`s largest and most
      productive goldfields producing over 760,000 ounces gold from high
      grade veins mined by underground methods from 1886 until 1935 at an
      average grade of 32 g/t gold and 34 g/t silver. Between 1987 and 1990
      Barrack Mining Limited and Pancontinental Limited mined over 83,000
      ounces of gold and 140,000 ounces of silver from ten separate open
      pits at an average grade of 2.3 g/t gold.

      RB Murdoch
      schrieb am 25.07.02 11:33:19
      Beitrag Nr. 99 ()
      Document date: Thu 25 Jul 2002 Published: Thu 25 Jul 2002 12:00:55
      Document No: 147592 Document part: A
      Market Flag: Y
      Classification: Progress Report

      HOMEX - Brisbane

      Union Capital announces that its wholly owned gold exploration
      subsidiary, Gold Aura Limited, has applied for two Exploration
      Permits covering approximately 360 square kilometres immediately
      north of the Croydon Goldfield in North Queensland. The Croydon
      Goldfield has historically been one of Australia`s largest and most
      productive goldfields producing over 840,000 ounces of gold.

      The area, to be referred to as the Wallabadah Gold Project, covers a
      series of interesting geophysical features interpreted from recent
      aeromagnetic and gravity geophysical data. They include a major
      gravity high (20 milligals), two small aeromagnetic "bullseye" highs
      (Al and A2) and a series of prominent WNW-ESE trending lineaments.
      The aeromagnetic highs are located along separate lineaments and
      situated on the eastern margin of the gravity high.

      These geophysical features represent a different domain to the
      outcropping segment of the Croydon Volcanics to the south where the
      magnetic highs are associated with a broad gravity low. The magnetic
      highs in the Project area are expected to represent shallow
      intrusives and their association with major lineaments raises the
      possibility that hydrothermal mineralising systems may have been

      The geology of the Wallabadah Gold Project comprises recent alluvials
      and Cainozoic sediments overlying expected basement of Croydon
      Volcanics. The depth to the basement is not known but is considered
      to be relatively shallow.

      Nearby in the northern part of the Croydon Project area, Gold Aura
      has interpreted the presence of a major eruptive centre or raiders
      area from aeromagnetic and geological data. The feature is defined by
      a circular pattern on the aeromagnetic image. As most calderas
      exhibit collapse structures which are often gold mineralised, the
      feature offers an attractive target for drill testing.

      As field investigations indicate that the area is at least partly
      covered with younger volcanics, testing of the targets will require
      deep drilling.

      The Wallabadah Gold Project area and the Croydon Gold Project area
      around the interpreted caldera feature are considered to offer
      considerable "greenfields" potential.

      R Murdoch
      schrieb am 25.07.02 11:41:32
      Beitrag Nr. 100 ()
      Das Tauschen soll wohl schmackhaft gemacht werden.
      Glaube 15:1 . Danach werden dann die anderen Felder der Reihe nach zum Tausch angeboten, So daß auch hierdurch die Anzahl der Aktien wieder überschaubarer wird.
      Allerdings tauscht man in eine Blase, dann hört man nur einen Knall.
      Wie seht ihr das.
      Ich möchte eigentlich nicht tauschen. :rolleyes:
      schrieb am 28.07.02 10:35:44
      Beitrag Nr. 101 ()
      Hallo Doc.,
      schaut so aus als ob Du der Alleinunterhalter hier bist ?
      Tausch hin oder her, schlimmer gehts nimmer, oder doch ?
      Ich denke, dass die Infos genausoviel aussagen wie die damaligen "alle XNASE lang" gemeldeten News.
      Na, dann schaun mer mal was mit der Post eintrudelt.
      schrieb am 29.07.02 05:11:53
      Beitrag Nr. 102 ()
      hab neuen brief bekommen am wird doch nicht getauscht.die haben es sich anders überlegt.

      gruß sneake
      schrieb am 31.07.02 12:47:54
      Beitrag Nr. 103 ()
      Schaut euch mal die news an.
      Kurzzeichen für Union Capital ist: UCL
      schrieb am 31.07.02 20:00:33
      Beitrag Nr. 104 ()
      machen die jetzt auch in gold?
      schrieb am 01.08.02 10:15:42
      Beitrag Nr. 105 ()
      Hallo sneake,

      die machen nicht JETZT AUCH in Gold, sondern haben ursprünglich NUR in Gold gemacht (die Gesellschaft hieß vorher Union Mining und war - wie viele andere AU-Pennystocks - ein reiner Gold-Explorer).

      Gruß aussiefan
      schrieb am 01.08.02 11:38:22
      Beitrag Nr. 106 ()
      das das frueher so war wusste ich auch die sind doch dann umgesattelt auf zinn und internet und haben andere beteiligungen wie radio city in den philippinen.

      gruss sneake
      schrieb am 04.08.02 00:56:25
      Beitrag Nr. 107 ()
      Crash oder Beginn einer Hausse,
      wo stehen wir heute,
      s. Grafik: Auswahl 1 - 19 ?
      Tragt eure Meinung ein bei
      Der typische Investor...…
      schrieb am 14.08.02 09:23:04
      Beitrag Nr. 108 ()
      Heute kein Handel in Australien.!
      schrieb am 14.08.02 17:24:42
      Beitrag Nr. 109 ()
      moin moin
      schaut mal in den neuen
      unter Leserbriefe nach !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      Rette sich wer noch kann !!!!!!!!!
      schrieb am 14.08.02 21:38:49
      Beitrag Nr. 110 ()

      Meines Erachtens haben die diese Aktie mal empfohlen.
      Lass Dich nicht erschrecken, denn was im Aktionär steht ist sowieso nur Mist.

      schrieb am 15.08.02 11:09:47
      Beitrag Nr. 111 ()
      moin moin
      Also auch die Empfehlung !!!!!!
      WEG DAMIT !!!!
      schrieb am 16.08.02 09:38:36
      Beitrag Nr. 112 ()
      Release of Prospectus for Gold Aura Limited

      Document date: Fri 16 Aug 2002 Published: Fri 16 Aug 2002 15:49:26
      Document No: 147975 Document part: A
      Market Flag: N
      Classification: Disclosure Document

      HOMEX - Brisbane

      Union Capital Limited ("Union") advise that the Gold Aura Limited
      ("Gold Aura") Issue has opened. Gold Aura is seeking to raise $3
      million by issuing 12 million ordinary 25 cent shares and listing on
      the Australian Stock Exchange. The Lead Manager to the Issue is WHI
      Securities Pty Ltd. Prospectuses have been mailed to all Union
      shareholders and those who have already requested copies.
      Prospectuses will also be mailed to all new shareholders that are
      registered up until 2nd September 2002.

      Additional copies can be obtained by contacting Gold Aura either
      by phone: 07 38333833
      by fax: 07 38333888 or
      by emailing: ""

      Directors of Gold Aura and representatives of the lead manager will
      visit a number of Australian cities over the next two weeks to meet
      with brokers and prospective investors and to answer question on the
      issue. Public seminars are planned at 5.l5pm in the following cities
      and on the following dates:

      Melbourne August 20th Adelaide August 21st
      Perth August 22nd Brisbane August 26th
      Gold Coast August 27th Sydney August 28th

      Details of these seminars can be obtained and bookings to attend can
      be made by contacting Gold Aura.

      Union shareholders as registered by 2nd September 2002 and who then
      invest in Gold Aura will receive one free Gold Aura share for every
      five shares subscribed and paid for, provided that the shareholder
      will hold a minimum parcel of at least 8,000 Gold Aura shares after
      the completion of this Issue. In addition, Union shareholders will
      receive one free option exercisable at 25 cents and expiring on 31st
      March 2005 for every two shares subscribed and paid for. Public
      investors who invest in Gold Aura will receive three options for
      every two shares subscribed and paid for.

      Gold Aura Limited holds interests in advanced projects with known
      gold resources in North Queensland and on Fergusson Island, Papua New
      Guinea. Upon listing, exploration will focus on drilling specific
      targets to determine whether the gold resources are adequate to
      justify mining.

      R Murdoch


      For best results when printing announcements, select landscape rather than portrait as
      schrieb am 16.08.02 18:52:18
      Beitrag Nr. 113 ()
      moin moin
      murdoch find ich gut.
      ich hatte mal eine
      die hieß auch so.
      Sachen giebs ts ts ts
      schrieb am 23.08.02 16:57:17
      Beitrag Nr. 114 ()
      moin moin
      Aber das Teil Funzt
      Alle zwei Wochen 25% rauf
      und dann wieder runter.
      Wie ein Uhrwerk.
      Einfach Genieal.
      schrieb am 11.09.02 11:48:37
      Beitrag Nr. 115 ()
      Wieso ist der Umsatz heute auf 13,5 Mill gestiegen. Hat einer eine Erklärung. ??
      schrieb am 11.09.02 17:05:36
      Beitrag Nr. 116 ()
      Hallo Doc,

      schön, daß Du wieder mal reinschaust.

      Eine Erklärung habe ich auch nicht auftreiben können, die wird aber sicher bald kommen ...

      Merkwürdig ist auch, daß von UCL direkt (E-Mail-Abo) lange keine Infos mehr gekommen ist. Ruhe vor dem Sturm ?

      Gruß aussiefan
      schrieb am 17.09.02 14:40:13
      Beitrag Nr. 117 ()
      bekommen die das zeug nicht los???
      dachte alle welt kauft goldminen...

      17 September 2002

      Company Announcements Office
      Australian Stock Exchange Limited
      Fax No. 1300 300 021

      Dear Sir

      Re: Gold Aura Limited Extension of the Issue

      Union Capital Limited (Union) advises that Gold Aura Limited (Gold Aura) has extended the closing date of its Prospectus Based Issue until 28th October 2002.

      Whilst both Union and Gold Aura have been very encouraged by the number of applications received to date, it has been necessary to extend the Issue to;

      1. Ensure that European based Union investors who collectively own around 50% of the total number of Union shares on issue and who have suffered delays in hearing that they now hold shares in Gold Aura, have an opportunity to increase their holding in Gold Aura under the Issue. Unfortunately that information may have to pass through as many as 4 separate banks, often by post, to reach the beneficiary shareholder. The Company understands that some of these shareholders are now just hearing of the offer and they require time to understand the offer (for many English documents are difficult to understand) and to discuss the opportunity with their banks and advisors and participating in the offer. Union’s advisors in Europe feel that another month is required to allow adequate time for the European shareholders to decide about the Issue.

      2. There also appears to be a growing interest in gold investment by the investing public in both Australia and Europe. Gold Aura represents an opportunity to invest in a company with existing gold resources. There is a general feeling is that the interest in gold by the investing public may grow further over the next month.

      3. Gold Aura is encouraged by the number of Union shareholders that have subscribed for extra Gold Aura shares so far under the Issue. However, considerable delays did occur in the mailing out of the Gold Aura Prospectus and the shareholder entitlements. As a result some shareholders have requested extra time to consider the attractive offer to increase their holdings in Gold Aura to a minimum marketable parcel of 8,000 GOA shares.

      Union and Gold Aura are confident that the extended issue period will enable the Issue to be successfully completed.

      Yours Faithfully

      Rob Murdoch
      Managing Director

      grüße xnasenmann
      schrieb am 20.09.02 09:15:13
      Beitrag Nr. 118 ()
      Aber nur wenn was drin ist. Weiß man wieviel.
      Wenn man schon auf die Käufer aus Deutschland angewiesen ist, ist das eigentlich kein gutes Zeichen. Diese Fairniss trau ich denen nicht mehr zu, daß die uns auch etwas gutes zukommen lassen wollen. Aber wer weiß:confused:
      Hoffentlich ist nur die momentane Situation daran schuld.
      Aber ich denke einen Goldesel kauft man auch zu schlechten Zeiten.
      Also Vorsicht, denk ich mal:rolleyes:
      schrieb am 24.09.02 01:34:34
      Beitrag Nr. 119 ()
      Grüß Gott liebe Union Capital Freunde,

      @ Nefpark wer ist denn dieser Direktor Moser bitte, und wo hat er denn überall seine Finger drin gehabt, würde mich mal interessieren.

      Ich habe mich in letzter Zeit sehr für unterbewertete Aktien interessiert und bin u.a. auch auf Union Capital gestoßen. Eigentlich sind die wirklich sehr gut aufgestellt und sehr innovativ. Haben auch niemals aufgegeben und das sind doch Merkmale, welche durchaus positiv zu bewerten sind. Auch sagen mir diese Beteiligungen klar aus, daß das Management sicherlich noch weiter an der positiven Entwicklung des Unternehmens interessiert sind. Klarer Fall von Unterbewertung und ich meine, daß eine Aktie auf diesem Niveau sicherlich eine Sünde wert ist und gute Chancen haben könnte sich wieder im Markt zu etablieren. Ich muß noch ein wenig Research betreiben, und es könnte wirklich gut sein, daß dieses Unternehmen auch wieder bessere Zeiten sehen wird. Klar, daß in diesen Zeiten gerade solche Unternehmen es schwer im Markt haben und News gab es ja auch lange nicht mehr. Wenn ich etwas herausfinde werde ich es Euch wissen lassen.

      Grüße The-real-McLeod
      schrieb am 26.09.02 10:06:58
      Beitrag Nr. 120 ()
      Mal kurz zusammengefasst:
      Die Ausgabe wird am oder vor dem 22 Oktober abgeschlossen.
      Sie sind überzeugt, daß die Ausgabe erfolgreich sein wird.
      Es gibt schon eine oberflächliche sehr positive Analyse über das Goldvorkommmen. Man vermutet aber noch viel mehr

      Vielleicht erleben wir ja doch noch das Wunder:rolleyes:

      Re: Gold Aura Limited Issue

      In order to satisfy ASX timeframes to secure approval for listing, Union and Gold Aura wish to advise that Gold Aura anticipates closing the Issue on or before 22 October 2002. Accordingly, it is essential that both Union shareholders and members of the public who are wishing to apply for Gold Aura shares do so by that date.

      Union and Gold Aura have been encouraged by the number of applications received to date, and together with lead manager WHI Securities, they are confident of successfully completing the issue on or even before the revised closing date.

      Union is confident the recent increase in the gold price will gradually generate a renewed interest in gold exploration and speculation as new gold discoveries are required urgently to replace depleted gold mines.

      Gold Aura`s leading projects are the Gameta and Wapolu deposits on Fergusson Island in PNG. Funds raised through the Gold Aura issue will be used to follow recently developed geological models. The area is situated on a major deep regional South West Pacific structure, along which several very large gold deposits have been developed.

      Drilling on Fergusson Island will be focused below un-bottomed, high-grade gold intersections, such as 10 metres at 10.5 g/t and 49 metres at 4.1g/t, to determine whether the Gameta and Wapolu gold deposits, as outlined by past exploration, are just the surface expression of much larger and deeper gold ore bodies.

      Union advises that the holding statements for Union shareholders who received shares in Gold Aura as a result of the equal capital reduction will be despatched to shareholders at the same time as the holding statements are sent out in respect to the issue. It is estimated that this date will be 30th October 2002.

      Yours faithfully
      Rob Murdoch
      Managing Director
      schrieb am 04.10.02 00:03:40
      Beitrag Nr. 121 ()
      Tel: +61 7 3833-3833 Suite 1, Level 3, 200 Creek Street, Brisbane Postal Address:
      Fax: +61 7 3833-3888 PO Box 728 Spring Hill Q
      Australia 4004
      3 October 2002

      Company Announcements Office
      Australian Stock Exchange Limited
      Fax No. 1300 300 021

      Dear Sir

      Re: Promotion in Europe

      Union Capital Limited (Union) advises that it has engaged Artemis Research Limited a Munich Germany based investor relations company to assist in informing Union’s European based shareholders of activities within both Union and Gold Aura.

      About half of Union’s and now Gold Aura’s shareholding is held in Europe. Over half of that amount is held by small German Investors through the OTC German listings. Information to these shareholders has to pass through up to four banks.

      Many shareholders do not have a good command of English and require assistance in understanding the information.

      Initial Internet based enquiries made by Artemis on German based investor websites has drawn a large response from European shareholders, who said they had lost touch with the company and wanted to know more about its latest activities. Many were not aware of the current Gold Aura offer to shareholders.

      Under the agreement Union shall pay Artemis $A 6000 per month plus issue 32 million unlisted options in Union exercisable at 1 cent Australian and expiring on 1st January 2004 which are only exerciseable upon the attainment of various milestones.

      The options shall be issue free of any other consideration and will be exercisable in whole or part in three tranches as follows:

      (a) 9 million of the options are exercisable at any time after the 30 day market average in Germany is the Euro equivalent of 2 cents Australian.
      (b) 9 million of the options are exercisable at any time after the 30 day market average in Germany is the Euro equivalent of 6 cents Australian.
      (c) 14 million of the options are exercisable at any time after the 30 day market average in Germany is the Euro equivalent of 10 cents Australian.

      The appointment of the German public relations consultants is designed to make European investors more informed about the potential and value of Union’s and its subsidiaries assets.

      For more details European shareholders can contact Mr Jens Peek at Artemis Research.
      Phone + 49 89 263599-66 Fax + 49 89 286377-99 or by email at

      Yours faithfully

      Rob Murdoch
      und xnasenmann

      wer möchte billiger übersetzten
      ich mach es für $5000.-im monat und nur 25.000.000 optionen
      was soll die sch...
      schrieb am 11.10.02 11:24:16
      Beitrag Nr. 122 ()
      Tel: +61 7-38333833 Level 3, 200 Creek Street, Brisbane PO Box 728
      Fax: +61 7-38333888 Spring Hill Qld Australia 4004

      Media Release

      Gold Aura IPO closes October 22

      Investors seeking to participate in the float of Gold Aura Ltd have only until October 22 to apply for a share allocation.

      Rob Murdoch, Gold Aura’s executive corporate director, said the float was very close to the minimum subscription level, but there were still opportunities to participate.

      “Given current market conditions, the response rate has been good so far,” he said.

      Gold Aura Ltd, which is a spin off of the gold assets of Union Capital Ltd, is taking advantage of the rise in the gold price, which is creating a renewed interest in gold exploration.

      Gold Aura Ltd’s key assets are the Gameta and Wapolu deposits on Fergusson Island, off Papua New Guinea, and three gold projects in north Queensland.

      Preliminary drilling at Fergusson Island has demonstrated that both deposits have potential to be expanded into multi-million-ounce gold resources. The current resource of 680,000 ounces indicates there is probably greater potential at depth. “What we are seeing may be the top of a bigger resource,” Mr Murdoch said.

      Funds raised will be used to explore at greater depth to determine the extent of the ore body.

      Three of Gold Aura’s four separate properties have gold resources already identified and the fourth is a grass roots project. The company also has a gold processing plant at Georgetown, north Queensland.



      Rob Murdoch, Executive Corporate Director, Gold Aura Ltd, phone (07) 3833 3833 or 0418 712011.

      Released by: Kate Tilley, KT Journalism, phone (07) 3831 7500 or 0418 741606.

      hoffentlich klappt das alles

      schrieb am 11.10.02 19:00:41
      Beitrag Nr. 123 ()
      xnasenmann, kannst du mir erklären wieso dann Murdoch so nett zu den Deutschen ist,er müßte doch überall Abnehmer finden wenn das Goldvorkommen anscheinend sehr aussichtsreich ist.
      Das er etwas gutmachen will halte ich für ein Gerücht. Möglich ist zwar alles:rolleyes: aber ?
      schrieb am 11.10.02 20:24:47
      Beitrag Nr. 124 ()
      hallo dr.
      ich habe einen neuen thread eröffnet
      neue aktie: gold aura

      und da hat ein kollege etwas gepostet, ist etwas unangenehm...
      schrieb am 17.10.02 11:31:35
      Beitrag Nr. 125 ()
      Denke wir wissen alle , daß die Aktie sehr spekulativ ist, wenn es bis Anfang 2003 nicht läuft , mache ich meinen Verlust geltend.Theoretisch besteht janoch die Chance! Verkaufen auf diesem Niveau nicht mehr:rolleyes: 17.10. 10:49
      Neue Spekulationssteuer ab 2003

      (©BörseGo -
      Der Koalitionsvertrag der Rot-Grünen Regierung steht und wurde am gestrigen Mittwoch vorgestellt. Darin enthalten war auch eine neue Regelung für die Spekulationssteuer, die nun ab dem 1. Januar 2003 in Kraft treten soll. Neu an der Regelung ist, dass die Spekulationsfrist von einem Jahr wegfallen wird. Auch Gewinne, die durch den Erwerb und Verkauf von Immbobilien realisiert werden, sollen in Zukunft versteuert werden. Bisher war eine Steuerbefreiung nach 10 Jahren möglich. Eine neue Regelung für Fonds bezüglich der Spekulationssteuer soll in den nächsten Wochen gefunden werden.
      schrieb am 18.10.02 02:43:28
      Beitrag Nr. 126 ()
      18 October 2002

      Company Announcements Office
      Australian Stock Exchange Limited
      Fax No. 1300 300 021

      Dear Sir

      Re: Directors Converting Note

      Union Capital Limited announces that it has entered into a $200,000 converting note with certain directors and major shareholders to providing funding for the company and its projects. That portion relating to directors will require shareholder approval in General Meeting.

      The converting note can at the election of the lenders be either:
      (a) wholly or partially converted into shares in Union Capital
      (b) not convert any of the principal into shares and have the loan repaid by the company to the lender in cash.

      The note in the case of the directors participating cannot be converted until shareholder approval has been obtained and an election must be made by the lenders before 30th June 2003.

      In the event that the lenders elect to convert all or part of the loan to shares, then Union shall issue ordinary shares at an issue price being a 20% discount to the weighted average trading price on the ASX over the 20 business days immediately prior to the conversion date.

      The interest payable will be 10% per annum and the lenders can elect to have the interest paid either in cash or in shares at a 20% discount to market. The notes are unsecured.

      The parties who have made application for the converting note are:

      Mr Robert Murdoch – a director $ 55,000
      Mr Hans Moser – a director $ 25,000
      Mr Ian Burton – a director $ 20,000
      Nautilus Management Consulting GmbH $100,000
      Total $200,000

      Union believes the involvement of shareholders and directors in providing on-going operating capital at a time when the issuing of shares through placements would be very dilutionary shows the commitment of the directors and shareholders to support the company whilst there is an orderly transfer of its diverse investments into industry focused companies in a manner that maximize opportunity for Union’s shareholders.

      The divestment of Union’s assets into gold exploration and mining focused new float Gold Aura Limited is an example of that opportunity. The float, which will close on 22nd October 2002, is proceeding well considering the state of the current market. Union believes the float will be will be successful if well supported in the last few days, by Union shareholders who have not at this time subscribed for a minimum marketable parcel of 8,000 Gold Aura Limited shares under the “top up” offer contained in the Prospectus.

      The directors feel that a successful Gold Aura float at this difficult time may significantly improve investor confidence specifically in Union Capital, heading into any general return of confidence in the global share markets.

      Yours faithfully
      schrieb am 18.10.02 03:28:33
      Beitrag Nr. 127 ()
      wo finde ich den thread? Gold Aura? Scheint ja ganz interessant zu sein für ´ne Gold Mine.
      schrieb am 18.10.02 03:35:23
      Beitrag Nr. 128 ()
      Das Fax hat ein Freund von mir erhalten. Wird denn bei Union noch etwas gehen, oder pfeifen die auf dem letzten Loch? Mit der Gold Mine könnte ja schon etwas passieren, aber ich bin mir nicht sicher ob die das Kapital bis zum 22. Okt. rein bekommen. Wie laufen denn die Tel. Beteiligungen, das war doch immer das ganz große Ding vom Moser, oder wie auch immer der hieß. Spekulativ bin ich eigentlich ein Buyer, denn viel mehr kann ja nich´passieren. Ich hörte nur von vielen frustrierten Aktionären, aber die gibt es ja mittlerweile überall- gerade bei diesen Beteiligungsfirmen.
      Merci im Voraus Connor McLeod

      Werde mal versuchen meinerseits herauszubekommen wo die Infos herkommen und wen man da am Besten kontaktiert.
      schrieb am 18.10.02 23:27:16
      Beitrag Nr. 129 ()
      @ säralmklaud
      ich machs kurz,bin im stress, normalerweise bin ich netter.... ist die adresse
      ich bin bis mo unterwegs

      @ alle
      sagt mal was ist das für eine granatenscheisse
      die haben für die aktionärsbetreuung einen hochbezahlten deutschen als übersetzer und was macht der depp?
      er übersetzt nicht, nein , er schickt den blödsinn ein zweites mal per mail in englisch....
      witer so!
      und ich machte letzte woche noch den scherz , dass ich das besser und billiger mache.......

      schönes wochenende
      schrieb am 19.10.02 09:52:27
      Beitrag Nr. 130 ()
      Zunächst hat UCL die falsche Tel.Nr. des Herrn Peek
      in den Announcements angegeben. Und wenn Ihr dann
      trotzdem die Nr. vom Jens P. rausbekommt, dann weiß
      der von (fast) gar nix und nen Kontrakt mit UCL hat
      er auch noch nicht. Hat keiner Kontakt zur Austral.
      Börsenaufsicht, vielleicht interessieren die sich für
      Bob Murdochs Märchenstunden (sofern dort der
      Hans-Ruedi nicht auch schon Direktor ist)....
      schrieb am 21.10.02 16:13:52
      Beitrag Nr. 131 ()
      Heute + 100 % , weiß da eine/r mehr:rolleyes:
      schrieb am 21.10.02 16:35:01
      Beitrag Nr. 132 ()
      1 mio aktien umsatz 4000.-
      ist was wenig, oder?
      wird nur ein kleinanleger sein...
      schrieb am 22.10.02 08:24:21
      Beitrag Nr. 133 ()
      xnasenmann schon richtig doch heute UCL * UNION CAPITAL 0.007 0.001 0.006 0.007 0.006 0.007 0.005 3,028,003


      1 - 1,000 125
      1,001 - 5,000 616
      5,001 - 10,000 607
      10,001 - 100,000 2,276
      100,001 and over 728

      TOTAL 4,352



      ANZ Nominees Ltd 229,507,420 29.20
      Bell Potter Nominees Pty Ltd 82,806,956 10.53
      McNeil Nominees Pty Ltd 56,502,691 7.19
      Austex Mining NL 35,995,357 4.58
      Brislan Nominees Pty Ltd 13,514,286 1.72
      BB Nominees Pty Ltd 13,215,798 1.68
      J & G Wolton 5,849,600 0.74
      National Nominees Ltd 5,296,762 0.67
      K Pai 4,500,000 0.57
      Dabvale Pty Ltd 4,000,000 0.51
      B Abas 2,973,727 0.38
      Proper T Pty Ltd 2,340,000 0.30
      M R & V J Warnecke 2,316,344 0.29
      Citicorp Nominees Pty Ltd 2,212,933 0.28
      V Warnecke 2,135,400 0.27
      L Kohl 2,037,727 0.26
      D Hong 2,000,000 0.25
      HSBS Custody Nominees (Australia) Ltd 1,875,530 0.24
      R Davies 1,800,000 0.23
      P & S Pavliuk 1,652,727 0.21

      TOTAL 472,533,258 60.10



      1 - 1,000 -
      1,001 - 5,000 -
      5,001 - 10,000 1
      10,001 - 100,000 2
      100,001 and over 167

      TOTAL 170



      ANZ Nominees Ltd 46,750,000 15.02
      McNeil Nominees Pty Ltd 45,121,667 14.50
      B Abas 32,000,000 10.28
      Proper T Pty Ltd 2,300,000 0.74
      J P Nugent-Smith 15,509,501 4.98
      Goffacan Pty Ltd 10,000,000 3.21
      Nomial Pty Ltd 8,000,000 2.57
      Sampala Investments Pty Ltd 8,000,000 2.57
      Zipparo Holdings Pty Ltd 6,000,000 1.93
      DMD Holdings Pty Ltd 5,000,000 1.61
      L Teofilova 5,000,000 1.61
      D Allen 3,000,000 0.96
      R Chandra 3,000,000 0.96
      Gegenteil Investments Pty Ltd 3,000,000 0.96
      Jefmont Pty Ltd 3,000,000 0.96
      Ninth Erra Pty Ltd 3,000,000 0.96
      C E Benger 2,500,000 0.80
      J Liang 2,500,000 0.80
      J P F & J De Vetten 2,000,000 0.64
      P Forster 2,000,000 0.64

      TOTAL 207,681,168 66.70

      A full copy of the Annual Report is available in PDF format on Alternatively it is available for purchase from
      ASX Customer Service on 1 300 300 279.


      For best results when printing announcements, select landscape rather than portrait as your print option.

      Retrieving the edited text of a company announcement indicates your acceptance of the conditions.
      schrieb am 23.10.02 10:48:20
      Beitrag Nr. 134 ()
      Tel: +61 7 3833-3833 Suite 1, Level 3, 200 Creek Street, Brisbane Postal Address:
      Fax: +61 7 3833-3888 PO Box 728 Spring Hill Q
      Australia 4004

      22nd October 2002

      Company Announcements Office
      Australian Stock Exchange Limited
      Fax No. 1300 300 021

      Dear Sir


      Union Capital Limited (Union) advises that it will underwrite any shortfall in the present Gold Aura Limited Issue to ensure that Gold Aura reaches at least the minimum subscription and the minimum number of shareholders holding marketable parcels by the end of this week.

      Union shareholders that have not already done have now one last chance to take up the “top up” offer made to them, so that they will have at least a marketable parcel when trading in Gold Aura shares commences. Similarly the general public may also take up shares in the company before it floats. Final applications must be received by close of business on October 24th 2002.

      Gold Aura shares are expected to be listed on the Australian Stock Exchange by November 11th.

      Most of the Issue has been taken up as expected by Union shareholders under the top up offer, with only minor take up by the general public.

      The directors of Union Capital have elected to get in behind the Gold Aura float so that Union shareholders will have an opportunity to trade their stock. Therefore the success of the float will depend on the attitude Union shareholders take once trading commences. If they elect to hold their Gold Aura shares until the market improves then the float can be expected to do well and hence be sort after in the future.

      Yours faithfully

      Rob Murdoch
      Managing Director

      Ref UCL000256
      schrieb am 23.10.02 12:52:13
      Beitrag Nr. 135 ()
      Noch was zur Artemis Research GmbH des Jens Peek.
      Die Firma ist nicht im Handelsregister eingetragen
      und an der offiziellen Adresse nicht auffindbar.
      Schon etwas mysteriös, daß sich der Dir.Murdoch eine
      Scheinfirma raussucht, um Promotion in Form von ASX-
      Announcements zu machen - um nicht zu sagen KRIMINELL!
      schrieb am 24.10.02 08:59:03
      Beitrag Nr. 136 ()
      gestern gab´s folgende ASX-Nachricht los:

      UNION CAPITAL LIMITED 2002-10-23
      ASX-SIGNAL-GHOMEX - Brisbane
      Reference is made to the above announcement. Please be advised that the issue of $100,000 of notes shown as issued to Nautilus Management Consulting Gmbh should have been shown as issued to AG.
      R Murdoch

      schrieb am 25.10.02 09:27:55
      Beitrag Nr. 137 ()
      wcq kenne Aktieninvestor nicht. Sind das welche die ihr Geld zum Fenster rauswerfen :confused:
      Gold Aura Frist gestern abgelaufen, bin gespannt wie der Kurs am 9.11. notiert, bzw. ob er überhaupt dazu kommt:rolleyes:
      schrieb am 25.10.02 12:51:09
      Beitrag Nr. 138 ()
      @ dr.spezialist
      zwischen NAUTILUS und AKTIENINVESTOR gibt es die
      Verbindung der Brüder Thomas und Markus Roeggla.
      Der Wechsel hat nur interne steuerliche Gründe.
      schrieb am 27.10.02 16:56:43
      Beitrag Nr. 139 ()
      an wcq Danke;)
      Das nenne ich abgezockt, hoffentlich verstehen die das andere Geschäft auch so gut:rolleyes:
      Die Geschäftsfelder sind ja nicht schlecht, aber die Nachrichten um UCL alles andere als gut.
      Na ja vielleicht geschieht ja doch noch ein Wunder:rolleyes:
      schrieb am 28.10.02 09:08:56
      Beitrag Nr. 140 ()
      Tel: +61 7 3833-3833 Suite 1, Level 3, 200 Creek Street, Brisbane Postal Address:
      Fax: +61 7 3833-3888 PO Box 728 Spring Hill Q
      Australia 4004

      28th October 2002

      Company Announcements Office
      Australian Stock Exchange Limited
      Fax No. 1300 300 021

      Dear Sir

      RE: Reconstruction of Capital

      Subject to shareholders’ approval and in accordance with the Listing Rules of the Australian Stock Exchange Limited, Union Capital Limited (“Union”) proposes to undertake a reconstruction of the capital of the Company. The reconstruction will involve the consolidation of all the issued capital of the Company, on the basis of every ten (10) existing fully paid shares in the capital of the Company being consolidated into one (1) fully paid ordinary share. The consolidations are to take effect on the fifth (5th) business day after shareholder approval, anticipated to be at the forthcoming Annual General Meeting on 29th November 2002.

      The board of directors of Union feels the company’s current share price is not reflective of either the real or potential value of the Company’s diversified investments. The board sees the proposed consolidation to a lower number of shares on issue as an important step in its present restructuring plans for the Company.

      Post consolidation, it is estimated there will be 78, 608,626 ordinary shares on issue, 31,119,666 listed options exercisable at one dollar each and 1,060,000 unlisted directors and employee options at three dollars each. In addition the $ 1 million of convertible notes on issue will have their conversion rights amended to a ten times higher price. Other securities in the process of being issued will be similarly adjusted in price.

      The board considers that, with this number of shares on issue, the company will achieve better market support than with the current number.

      Managing Director

      Yours faithfully
      schrieb am 28.10.02 14:42:13
      Beitrag Nr. 141 ()
      Die Begründung ist schon lächerlich:laugh: dann sollen sie doch mal Gewinne ausweisen wenn sie den Kurs höher sehen wollen. aber nicht durch ein 10:1 Reversesplit!
      Scheiß Laden:mad:
      Glaube langsam auch nicht mehr dran! :rolleyes:
      Aber zu dem Kurs kann man ja nicht verkaufen:(
      schrieb am 28.10.02 22:17:22
      Beitrag Nr. 142 ()
      natürlich sch....,
      aber wenigstens sehen jetzt alle ein, dass das eine komische klitsche sein muss,
      binn seit jahren dabei und es geht immer weiter runter..
      ich habe damals die teueren optionen gekauft, lach mich tot
      und trotzdem
      alles wird gut,ähm, oder???
      schrieb am 29.10.02 09:09:25
      Beitrag Nr. 143 ()
      News. Gold Aura abgeschlossen,Mindestkapital von 2 Mill. wurde erreicht. Notierung wird wohl Ende nächster , Anfang übernächster Woche stattfinden:rolleyes:
      Da bin ich mal gespannt:rolleyes:
      schrieb am 29.10.02 12:05:33
      Beitrag Nr. 144 ()
      Hallo Doc, hallo XNASE...,

      Ihr habt doch wohl nicht GoldAura gezeichnet ?

      Nee, dieses Mal hab´ ich nicht mitgemacht, nachdem ich damals mit der Zeichnung auch auf die Nase gefallen bin. Nun sitze ich immer noch auf 300.000 Stck (fast) wertlosen USC und lecke meine Wunden.

      Aber die Erinnerung an die "schöne Zeit" kann mir keiner mehr nehmen ...

      Gruß aussiefan
      schrieb am 29.10.02 12:42:11
      Beitrag Nr. 145 ()
      aussiefan, hab ich nicht!
      Ich mache da nur noch was, wenn ich Zahlen sehe die eine starke Entwicklung aufweisen:rolleyes:
      schrieb am 29.10.02 14:25:22
      Beitrag Nr. 146 ()
      habe die einbuchunng leicht aufgerundet...
      hier noch was neues:

      Tel: +61 7 3833-3833 Suite 1, Level 3, 200 Creek Street, Brisbane Postal Address:
      Fax: +61 7 3833-3888 PO Box 728 Spring Hill Q
      Australia 4004

      29th October 2002

      Company Announcements Office
      Australian Stock Exchange Limited
      Fax No. 1300 300 021

      Dear Sir,

      Re: Converting Note to Rob Murdoch.

      Union Capital Limited ( “Union”) announces that subject to shareholders approval the Company has entered into a $ 800,000 Converting Note Agreement with Managing Director, Mr Robert Murdoch or his nominee to provide the funding necessary to complete the Gold Aura Limited Issue.

      The Murdoch Converting Notes shall be considered by shareholders at the Annual General Meeting of the Company to be held on 29th November 2002. The Murdoch Converting Notes cannot be converted until shareholder approval has been obtained and an election must be made by 30th June 2003.

      Upon approval the Company will grant a maximum of 800,000 Murdoch Convertible Notes at a face value of $ 1.00 as directed by Mr Murdoch. The Murdoch Convertible Notes shall be secured on appropriate commercial terms.

      The lender will be able to convert all or part of the Converting Notes into shares at any time up until the maturity date at a price determined by applying a 20% discount to the weighted average market price of Union’s shares on the ten trading days on the ASX after the proposed consolidation of shares announced earlier today. However, if the weighted average market price of Union’s shares at the time of conversion is less than the Initial Price, then the shares shall be issued at a 20% discount to the lower price. The Company can also elect to repay the Converting Notes either fully or partially in cash.

      The Converting Notes shall attract an interest rate of 10% per annum payable all or part in shares or cash. Where the interest is paid in shares then the shares will be issued at a 20% discount to the market price at that time.

      The funds provided have been used to assist in the closing of the Gold Aura Limited Issue, seen to be in the interest of all Union’s shareholders, as it will
      (a) Provide funding to evaluate the potential of the Gold Aura projects.
      (b) Reduce Union’s administration costs by the two companies sharing facilities.
      (c) Assist in the re-establishment of market confidence in the Company as it goes forward, seeking new opportunity.

      This Converting Note along with others recently announced clearly show the commitment directors have to Union to ensuring that maximum value is achieved for the company’s assets.

      Yours Faithfully
      Union Capital Limited.

      Rob Murdoch
      Managing Director

      Ref UCL000259
      schrieb am 29.10.02 14:31:30
      Beitrag Nr. 147 ()
      hat einer zeit zum lesen?
      bitte kurz zusammenfassen, bin unterwegs...

      ABN 40 002 118 872


      Notice is given that the Annual General Meeting of shareholders of Union Capital Limited ("the Company") will be held at the registered office of the Company, Level 3, 200 Creek Street, Brisbane, on Friday 29th November at 11 am (Brisbane time).


      1. To consider the Financial Statements and the Reports of the Directors and Auditors thereon, for the year ended 30 June 2002.

      2. To re-elect Mr Jurg Walker as a director of the Company.

      3. To appoint Douglas, Heck and Burrell as auditors to the Company.


      To consider and, if thought fit, pass the following resolutions as ordinary resolutions:


      To ratify the previous issue of 13,493,725 ordinary shares in the Company on 25th June 2002, representing the $100,000 annual interest due, payable in shares, on the $1 million Convertible Note on issue by the Company.

      a) The rights attaching to the issued shares are identical in all respects to the existing ordinary shares on issue in the Company.
      b) These shares were issued as consideration of the $100,000 annual interest due on the Company’s Convertible Notes.
      c) The Company will disregard any votes cast on this resolution by
      · Nautilus Management Consulting GmbH
      · Any person who, for the purpose of Division 2 of Part 1.2 of the Corporations Law would be regarded as an associate of Nautilus Management Consulting GmbH, including Equitas Nominees.

      However, the Company need not disregard a vote if:
      · It is cast by a person as proxy for a person who is entitled to vote, in accordance with the directions on the proxy form; or
      · It is cast by the person chairing the meeting as proxy for a person who is entitled to vote in accordance with the direction on the proxy form to vote as the proxy decides.

      That, in accordance with, and pursuant to, Section 254H of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth), the shareholders of the Company approve a consolidation of all of the issued capital of the Company on the basis that every ten (10) existing fully paid shares in the capital of the Company be consolidated into one (1) fully paid ordinary share with such consolidations to take effect on the fifth business day after the resolution is passed.

      [Note: In accordance with Section 254H of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth), a copy of this resolution, if passed, shall be lodged with the Australian Securities and Investments Commission within one (1) month from the date of this meeting.]


      That in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 2E of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cwlth) and Listing Rules 7.3 and 10.11 of the ASX, and for all other purposes, the Directors be and are hereby authorised and directed to issue to Robert Boutflower Murdoch or an entity nominated by him up to a maximum of 800,000 Convertible Notes at a face value of $1.00 (“Murdoch Convertible Notes”) on the terms and conditions herein and otherwise upon the terms and conditions set out in the Explanatory Statement:

      · Because Mr Murdoch is a director of the Company, the issue of the Murdoch Convertible Notes will proceed as an "excluded issue" under section 708(12) of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cwlth).
      · The Murdoch Convertible Note will be issued post the Consolidation.
      · It is intended that the Murdoch Convertible Notes will be issued and allotted as soon as practicable after the meeting and, in any event, not later than one month from the date of this meeting.
      · The intended use of funds raised by the Murdoch Convertible Notes will be to assist Union in subscribing for further shares in the initial public offering of Gold Aura Limited and working capital for general administration and operating costs.


      That, in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 2E of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cwlth) and Listing Rules 7.3 and 10.11 of the ASX, and for all other purposes, the Directors be and are hereby authorised and directed to issue to the following persons, or an entity nominated by them, $100,000 Convertible Notes at a face value of $1.00 (“Convertible Notes”) on the terms and conditions herein and otherwise upon the terms and conditions set out in the Explanatory Statement:

      Name of Holder Amount
      Hans Moser $25,000.00
      Ian Burton $20,000.00
      Robert Boutflower Murdoch $55,000.00
      · Because each of the above are directors of the Company, the issue of the Convertible Notes will proceed as an "excluded issue" under section 708(12) of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cwlth).
      · The Convertible Notes will be issued post the Consolidation.
      · It is intended that the Convertible Notes will be issued and allotted as soon as practicable after the meeting and, in any event, not later than one month from the date of this meeting.
      · The intended use of funds raised by the Convertible Notes will be to provide working capital for general administration and operating costs.
      Dated this 18th day of October 2002.

      Peter Sauerberg,
      Company Secretary
      Union Capital Limited

      ABN 40 002 118 872


      This Explanatory Memorandum forms part of a Notice convening a Meeting of Shareholders of the Company to be held on Friday 29th November, 2002. This Memorandum is to assist Shareholders in understanding the background to and the legal and other implications of the Notice and the reasons for the Resolutions proposed. Terms used in this Explanatory Memorandum are defined in Section 10.

      The financial statements of the Company and the economic entity for the year ended 30th June 2002 were released to the Australian Stock Exchange Limited on 30th September 2002, and are enclosed in the Company’s Annual Report. These are placed before the shareholders for any discussion. No voting is required for this item.
      Mr Jurg Walker retires in accordance with Clause 11.3 of the Company’s Constitution and, being eligible, offers himself for re-election. Mr Walker’s experience is stated in the Annual Report enclosed with this notice.
      Arthur Andersen resigned as auditor to the Company and, pursuant to Section 327(5) of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cwlth), the Directors appointed Ernst & Young to conduct the audit of the Company for the year ended 30th June 2002. Since the finalisation of the year end statutory accounts, Ernst & Young has submitted its resignation as auditor and Douglas Heck & Burrell has consented in writing to act as auditor for the Company for the future periods. Ernst & Young indicated to the Company that its proposed charges for services would increase substantially, and your Directors are of the view that a more appropriate and cost effective audit service would be available from Douglas Heck & Burrell.
      On 25th June 2002, an interest installment of $100,000 fell due on the $1 million of Convertible Notes on issue by the Company. This interest is payable in ordinary shares issued at a 20% discount to the weighted ASX trade price of Union’s ordinary shares over the ten (10) trading days period to the date the interest falls due. That being, $.0074.

      While the issue and terms of the Convertible Notes were approved in General Meeting on 10th October 2001, the quantum of shares issued as interest (when payable) has increased substantially due to the Company’s lower share price. In accordance with past practices, the Company seeks subsequent shareholder approval, under paragraph 7.4 of the ASX Listing Rules, for the previous issue of 13,493,725 shares on 25th June 2002 for a consideration of $100,000 to Equitas Nominees Pty Ltd (the recipient nominated by the holder of the Convertible Notes).

      (a) Purpose of the Resolution

      The purpose of Resolution 5 is to enable the Company to consolidate its shares into a smaller number.

      As previously outlined to shareholders, it is the Board’s view that the Company’s current market price is not reflective of either the real or potential value of the Company’s diversified investments. The Board sees the proposed Consolidation as an important step in its present restructuring plans for the Company.

      The Board believes that, in addition to making the Company more attractive to potential investors, the Consolidation will also have immediate cost saving benefits in terms of listing fees and other administrative costs.

      (b) Fractional Entitlements
      With respect to fractional entitlements, where a share holding is not a multiple of ten (10), which would result in a fraction of a share following the proposed share consolidation, it is proposed that those shareholders shall be issued, for no consideration, the additional fraction of the ordinary share necessary to increase their holding to the next whole number after the share consolidation. Where the number of options to subscribe for ordinary shares in the Company, held by an option holder, is not a multiple of ten (10), it is proposed that any resulting fractional option following the proposed share consolidation be rounded up to the next whole number.

      (c) Effect on Shareholdings
      As at the date of the Meeting, the Board estimates that, assuming all Existing Options and Notes are not exercised before the Meeting, there will be 787,086,266 Shares on issue (Scenario One). In the unlikely event that all Existing Options are exercised and Notes converted before the Meeting, the Board estimates there will be a total of 1,188,882,933 Shares on issue (Scenario Two). The Directors do not expect any Existing Options or Notes to be converted before the Meeting.

      The proposed Consolidation will have the effect, under Scenario One, of reducing the number of shares on issue to approximately 78,708,627. Under Scenario Two, the reduced number of shares would be approximately 188,888,293. The Consolidation will only have an effect on the number of shares held by shareholders. Shareholders proportionate interests in the Company`s share capital will remain unchanged by the Consolidation.

      The average market price of the Company’s shares in the five (5) days before and including 18 October 2002 was $0.52c.

      The Directors believe the effect of the Consolidation on the share price will be to raise the share price above prevailing share price levels because, while the Company will have the same net assets, it will have a tenth of the shares on issue at the record date. The Directors cannot predict with any certainty what price the shares will trade at after the Consolidation. No guarantee can be given that shares will trade at ten times the prevailing share price at the record date.

      (d) Effect on Option Holdings
      Listing Rule 7.22.1 requires a company, when consolidating its shares, to also consolidate its options in the same ratio as the shares. It also requires that the exercise price of the options be amended in inverse proportion to the ratio. The resultant effect on the number of Existing Options and their exercise price is set out in the table below:

      Class of Options Number pre Consolidation Exercise Price pre Consolidation Number post Consolidation Exercise Price post Consolidation
      Listed 311,196,667 9.7 cents 31,119,667 $0.97
      Employees (Unlisted) 10,600,000 29.7 cents 1,060,000 $2.97

      (e) Effect on Note Holders

      Listing Rule 7.21 requires a company, on a consolidation of its capital, to ensure that, in relation to its Convertible Securities (excluding options), the number and/or the conversion price are amended so a holder of Convertible Securities will not receive a benefit that holders of ordinary securities do not receive. In order to comply with this Listing Rule the terms of the Notes have been amended to amend the conversion price in the same proportion as the shares under the Consolidation.

      The resultant effect on the number of Notes and their conversion price is set out in the table below:

      Number of $1 Notes pre Consolidation Conversion Price Pre Consolidation Conversion Price Post Consolidation
      1,000,000 $0.022 or at 80% of the ASX traded price if lower than $0.022 $0.22 or at 80% of ASX traded price if lower than $0.22

      7.1 Introduction
      The Company proposes to issue, subject to shareholder approval, up to a maximum of 800,000 Murdoch Convertible Notes to Robert Murdoch, a director of the Company or his nominee (“Murdoch Entity”), all subject to and upon the terms and conditions set out below. They will be issued post the Consolidation.
      In order for the Murdoch Convertible Notes to be granted to the Murdoch Entity, the requirements of Chapters 2E of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cwlth) and ASX Listing Rule 10.11 need to be observed.
      7.2 Chapter 2E of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cwlth)
      Chapter 2E of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cwlth) prohibits a public company which is listed on the ASX from giving a financial benefit to a related party of the public company unless the benefit falls within one of various exceptions to the general prohibition. One of the exceptions includes where the company first obtains the approval of its shareholders in general meeting in circumstances where the requirements of Chapter 2E in relation to the convening of that meeting have been met.
      A “related party” for the purposes of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cwlth) is defined widely and it includes a director of the public company.
      A “financial benefit” for the purposes of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cwlth) has a very wide meaning. It includes the public company paying money or issuing securities to the related party. In determining whether or not a financial benefit is being given, it is necessary to look to the economic and commercial substance and effect of what the public company is doing (rather than just the legal form). Any consideration which is given for the financial benefit is to be disregarded, even if it is full or adequate.
      This proposed resolution, if passed, will confer financial benefits to the Murdoch Entity and the Company seeks to obtain member approval in accordance with the requirements of Chapter 2E of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cwlth) and for this reason and for all other purposes the following information is provided to shareholders.
      (a) The related party to whom the resolution would permit the financial benefit to be given:
      Robert Murdoch, being a director of the Company.
      (b) The nature of the financial benefit
      The nature of the proposed financial benefit to be given is:
      (i) the grant of a maximum of 800,000 Murdoch Convertible Notes to the Murdoch Entity as referred to in the resolution;
      (ii) the Murdoch Convertible Notes shall have a face value of $1.00; and
      (iii) the Murdoch Convertible Notes shall be exercisable into fully paid shares on the terms set forth herein.
      (c) Directors’ Recommendation
      Each of the Directors of the Company (save for Mr Murdoch) was available to consider the putting of this resolution to shareholders.
      Your Directors urge you to read the notice of meeting (incorporating and including this explanatory memorandum) in its entirety before forming a view as to the vote you will cast and each of your Directors (save for Mr Murdoch) recommend the passing of this resolution for the following reasons:
      (i) the Murdoch Convertible Notes secure on appropriate commercial terms the repayment of funding to a maximum of $800,000.00 to be provided by Robert Murdoch to the Company; and
      (ii) the terms of the funding are considered to be no more favourable to Mr Murdoch than if the Company had been dealing with him at arms’ length.
      (d) Directors’ Interest
      Save for Mr Murdoch, none of the Directors has a material personal interest in the outcome of the resolution.
      (e) Any other information that is reasonably required by shareholders to make a decision and that is known to the Company or any of its Directors
      The resolution will have the effect of requiring the Directors to grant a maximum total of 800,000 Murdoch Convertible Notes which will be exercisable at a price which is:
      (A) the price determined by applying a 20% discount to the weighted average market price of the Company shares on the ten (10) trading days on the ASX after the Consolidation (“ Murdoch Issue Price “) ; or
      (B) in the event that the weighted average market price of the Company shares on the ten (10) trading days on the ASX prior to receipt of a valid conversion notice is less than the Murdoch Issue Price then this will become the Murdoch Issue Price for the purposes of the conversion notice.
      Accordingly, at the time of any conversion, the issue price will be potentially less than the current market price of the Company`s shares.
      Value Attribution to Murdoch Convertible Notes
      As a general proposition, convertible securities (such as the Murdoch Convertible Notes) which provide for a discounted right to subscribe for ordinary fully paid shares in a company have value. Various factors impact upon the value of Murdoch Convertible Notes including things such as:
      (i) the period outstanding before the expiry date of the Murdoch Convertible Notes;
      (ii) the exercise price of the Murdoch Convertible Notes relative to the underlying price or value of the securities into which they may be converted;
      (iii) the proportion of the issued capital as expanded consequent upon exercise of the Murdoch Convertible Notes represented by the shares issued upon exercise (ie whether or not the shares that might be acquired upon exercise of the Convertible Notes represent a controlling or other significant interest);
      (iv) the value of the shares into which the Murdoch Convertible Notes may be converted; and
      (v) whether or not the Murdoch Convertible Notes are listed (ie readily capable of being liquidated);
      and so on.
      There are various formulae which can be applied to determining the theoretical value of convertible securities which provide for a discounted right to subscribe for ordinary fully paid shares in the Company in the future (including the formulae known as Black-Scholes option valuation formula).
      One can postulate as to the potential value of the Murdoch Convertible Notes but, at the end of the day, valuing convertible securities is an imprecise art. Simplistically, if the Murdoch Convertible Notes are exercised on the day of grant and the price for ordinary fully paid shares in the Company is then in excess of the exercise price then each Murdoch Convertible Note can be said to have a value equal to the excess. Such a valuation approach does not attribute any time value to the Murdoch Convertible Notes and, for this reason, it is likely that the Murdoch Convertible Note could be sold for a premium to the excess.
      In the circumstances of the Company under Resolution 5 seeking shareholder approval to a Consolidation and the necessary uncertainties as to the value at which the Company`s shares will trade as a consequence of that Consolidation and the inherent deficiencies of relying upon theoretical formulae, the Directors believe it to be unhelpful or even potentially misleading to attribute a value to the Murdoch Convertible Notes but they do not in any sense wish to give the impression that the Murdoch Convertible Notes are valueless or that there is no opportunity cost to the Company in granting the Murdoch Convertible Notes.
      Robert Murdoch`s existing security holdings Ordinary Shares Options
      Austex Pty Ltd 35,995,379 1,000,000
      Robert MurdochMurdoch Geophysics Super FundRob Murdoch Super Fund 1,294,746684,7271,147,727 Nil1,000,000nil

      Taxation Consequences
      Stamp duty at mortgage rates will be payable in respect of the grant of the Murdoch Convertible Notes at the rate of 40 cents per $100 of the amount secured. The Company, in accordance with usual practice, is responsible for paying this.
      No GST will be payable by the Company in respect of the grant of the Murdoch Convertible Notes (or, if it is, it will be recoverable as an input credit).
      In so far as the Company is aware, there are no other adverse taxation consequences to the Company arising from the proposed grant of Murdoch Convertible Notes.
      Save as above disclosed, the Company does not believe it will be exposed to any additional (unrecoverable) tax liability to the Company under the existing or proposed tax rules by granting the Murdoch Convertible Notes.
      Save as set out in this Explanatory Memorandum, the Directors are not aware of any other information that would be reasonably required by shareholders to make a decision in relation to the benefits contemplated by the proposed resolution.
      7.3 ASX Listing Rule 10.11
      The grant of Murdoch Convertible Notes to the Murdoch Entity is to be made pursuant to ASX Listing Rule 10.11, which provides that a company may not issue securities to a related party (subject to certain exceptions set out in ASX Listing Rule 10.12, none of which is presently relevant) unless the issue is approved by the holders of ordinary shares.
      Where securities are to be issued pursuant to ASX Listing Rule 10.11, ASX Listing Rule 10.13 requires that the following information be provided in the notice of meeting:
      (a) The name of the allottees
      The resolution seeks the approval to grant a maximum of 800,000 Murdoch Convertible Notes to the Murdoch Entity, all upon and subject to the terms and conditions set out herein.
      (b) The date by which the Murdoch Convertible Notes will granted
      The grant of the Murdoch Convertible Notes will occur within a period of one (1) month from the date upon which this resolution is passed.
      (c) Term and Conditions of Murdoch Convertible Notes
      The Murdoch Convertible Notes will be granted on the following terms and conditions:
      (i) The Murdoch Convertible Notes will not be listed for official quotation on the ASX.
      (ii) The Murdoch Convertible Notes can be converted at any time up to the maturity date of 30 June 2003 at the written request of the registered holder of the Murdoch Convertible Notes at the issue price being :
      (A) the price determined by applying a 20% discount to the weighted average market price of the Company shares on the ten (10) trading days on the ASX after completion of deferred trading after the Consolidation (“Murdoch Issue Price“) ; or
      (B) in the event that the weighted average market price of the Company shares on the ten (10) trading days on the ASX prior to receipt of a valid conversion notice is less than the Murdoch Issue Price then this becomes the Murdoch Issue Price for the purposes of the conversion notice.
      Full or partial conversion of the Murdoch Convertible Notes into shares may occur at any time up to the Maturity Date. Request for conversion of Murdoch Convertible Notes into ordinary shares of Union must be made in writing in a suitable format and ordinary shares will be issued within three working days of receipt of such a valid conversion notice.
      (iii) Should, at the Maturity Date of 30 June 2003, Union`s share price be the Murdoch Issue Price or less, the holder shall be entitled to elect to extent the Maturity Date of the Murdoch Convertible Notes for a further term of two (2) years. Such new date will then become the Maturity Date of the Murdoch Convertible Notes.
      (iv) The Murdoch Convertible Notes will, if requested by the holder, be secured by a first ranking charge over all of the assets of the Company.
      (v) Should, at maturity, the holder have not elected to convert the remainder of the Murdoch Convertible Notes into Union shares then, provided Union share price exceeds the Murdoch Issue Price, the Directors of Union may either:
      (A) Elect to convert all or part of the remaining Murdoch Convertible Notes on issue into Union shares, such shares to be issued at a 20% discount to the weighted average market price of Union shares traded on ASX over the ten (10) trading days before the Maturity Date ("Issue Price") in respect of each $1.00 Murdoch Convertible Note within fourteen (14) days of the Maturity Date of the Murdoch Convertible Note; or
      (B) Repay in cash, the face value of the remaining Murdoch Convertible Notes on issue to the holder of those Murdoch Convertible Notes.
      (vi) Interest will be paid quarterly yearly in arrears as from the date of receipt of funding under the Murdoch Convertible Notes at 10% per annum, at the election of Union;
      (A) in cash ; or
      (B) not in cash but in Union shares at a 20% discount to the prevailing weighted average market price of Union shares traded on the ASX averaged over the 10 trading days prior to the day the interest payment falls due and should conversion of all or any of these Murdoch Convertible Notes into Union shares occur during an interest period, then interest due will be pro-rated for the unpaid term for that quantity of the Murdoch Convertible Notes converted, and the pro-rata interest calculated and paid as if the conversion date was the anniversary of the Murdoch Convertible Notes so converted. New Union shares issued arising from the interest payment shall be issued under ASX Listing Rule 7.1 and be included in the issue of 15% capital without prior shareholder approval.
      (vii) New Union shares issued as a result of conversion of the Murdoch Convertible Notes and interest payable will rank equally in all respects with all other issued Union shares and applications for listing for official quotation on the ASX will be made as soon as practicable.
      (viii) The Murdoch Convertible Notes are transferable any time in full or in part upon presentation of the original Murdoch Convertible Note certificate and a duly signed and stamped transfer acceptable to Union.
      (ix) These Murdoch Convertible Notes are issued in accordance with the Constitution of Union, the Corporations Law of Australia and the Listing Rules of the Australian Stock Exchange. The Rules and Regulations applicable to other issued securities of Union Capital Limited shall be read, where appropriate, to these Murdoch Convertible Notes in relation to matters of bonus issues, and any capital reconstructions. These Murdoch Convertible Notes may not participate in any dividend, rights issue, voting or other entitlement, unless converted into ordinary shares before any record date set by Directors.

      The Company will disregard any votes cast on this resolution by Robert Murdoch and any person who, for the purposes of Part 1.2 Division 2 of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cwlth), would be regarded as a person (“Associate”) associated with Robert Murdoch. However, the Company will not disregard a vote if:
      (a) it is cast by Robert Murdoch or an Associate as proxy for a person who is entitled to vote in accordance with the directions on the proxy form; or
      (b) it is cast by Robert Murdoch or his Associate who is chairing the meeting, as proxy for a person who is entitled to vote in accordance with the direction on the proxy form to vote as the proxy decides.
      (d) Examples
      Outlined below are examples of the effect of a full conversion of all the Murdoch Convertible Notes, depending whether the Murdoch Issue Price in the future at the time of conversion is 8 cents, 5 cents or 2 cents.

      Share Price 8 cents 5 cents 2 cents
      Discounted Price 6.4 cents 4 cents 1.6cents
      Number of shares 12,500,000 20,000,000 50,000,000

      8.1 Introduction
      The Company proposes to issue, subject to shareholder approval, 100,000 Convertible Notes to the following persons (“Recipients”) all subject to and upon the terms an conditions set out below:
      Name of Holder Amount
      Hans Moser $25,000.00
      Ian Burton $20,000.00
      Robert Boutflower Murdoch $55,000.00
      In order for the Convertible Notes to be granted to the recipients, the requirements of Chapters 2E of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cwlth) and ASX Listing Rule 10.11 need to be observed.
      8.2 Chapter 2E of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cwlth)
      Chapter 2E of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cwlth) prohibits a public company which is listed on the ASX from giving a financial benefit to a related party of the public company unless the benefit falls within one of various exceptions to the general prohibition. One of the exceptions includes where the company first obtains the approval of its shareholders in general meeting in circumstances where the requirements of Chapter 2E in relation to the convening of that meeting have been met.
      A “related party”, for the purposes of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cwlth), is defined widely and it includes a director of the public company.
      A “financial benefit”, for the purposes of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cwlth), has a very wide meaning. It includes the public company paying money or issuing securities to the related party. In determining whether or not a financial benefit is being given, it is necessary to look to the economic and commercial substance and effect of what the public company is doing (rather than just the legal form). Any consideration which is given for the financial benefit is to be disregarded, even if it is full or adequate.
      This proposed resolution, if passed, will confer financial benefits to the recipients and the Company seeks to obtain member approval in accordance with the requirements of Chapter 2E of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cwlth) and for this reason and for all other purposes the following information is provided to shareholders.
      (a) The related party to whom the resolution would permit the financial benefit to be given:
      Hans Moser, Ian Burton and Robert Murdoch, each being a director of the Company.
      (b) The nature of the financial benefit
      The nature of the proposed financial benefit to be given is:
      (i) the grant of 100,000 Convertible Notes to the recipients as referred to in the resolution;
      (ii) the Convertible Notes shall have a face value of $1.00; and
      (iii) the Convertible Notes shall be exercisable into fully paid Union shares on the terms set forth herein.
      (c) Directors’ Recommendation
      Each of the Directors of the Company (save for Messrs Moser, Burton and Murdoch) was available to consider the putting of this resolution to shareholders.
      Your Directors urge you to read the notice of meeting (incorporating and including this explanatory memorandum) in its entirety before forming a view as to the vote you will cast and each of your Directors (save for Messrs Moser, Burton and Murdoch) recommend the passing of this resolution for the following reasons:
      (i) the Convertible Notes secure on appropriate commercial terms the repayment of funding to a maximum of $100,000.00 to be provided by the recipients to the Company; and
      (ii) the terms of the funding are considered to be no more favourable to the recipients than if the Company had been dealing with them at arms’ length.
      (d) Directors’ Interests
      Save for Messrs Moser, Burton and Murdoch, none of the Directors has a material personal interest in the outcome of the resolution.
      (e) Any other information that is reasonably required by shareholders to make a decision and that is known to the Company or any of its Directors
      The resolution will have the effect of requiring the Directors to grant a 100,000 Convertible Notes, which will be exercisable at a price which is at a 20% discount to the weighted average market price of the Company shares over the twenty (20) trading days on the ASX prior to receipt of a valid conversion notice. Accordingly, at the time of any conversion, the issue price will be potentially less than the current market price of the Company`s shares.
      Value Attribution to Convertible Notes.
      As a general proposition, convertible securities (such as the Convertible Notes) which provide for a discounted right to subscribe for ordinary fully paid shares in a company have value. Various factors impact upon the value of the Convertible Notes including things such as:
      (i) the period outstanding before the expiry date of the Convertible Notes;
      (ii) the exercise price of the Convertible Notes relative to the underlying price or value of the securities into which they may be converted;
      (iii) the proportion of the issued capital as expanded consequent upon exercise of the Convertible Notes represented by the shares issued upon exercise (ie whether or not the shares that might be acquired upon exercise of the Convertible Notes represent a controlling or other significant interest);
      (iv) the value of the Union shares into which the Convertible Notes may be converted; and
      (v) whether or not the Convertible Notes are listed (ie readily capable of being liquidated);
      and so on.
      There are various formulae which can be applied to determining the theoretical value of convertible securities which provide for a discounted right to subscribe for ordinary fully paid shares in the Company in the future (including the formulae known as Black-Scholes option valuation formula).
      One can postulate as to the potential value of the Convertible Notes but, at the end of the day, valuing convertible securities is an imprecise art. Simplistically, if the Convertible Notes are exercised on the day of grant and the price for ordinary fully paid shares in the Company is then in excess of the exercise price, then each Convertible Note can be said to have a value equal to the excess. Such a valuation approach does not attribute any time value to the Convertible Notes and for this reason it is likely that the Convertible Note could be sold for a premium to the excess.
      In the circumstances of the Company under Resolution 5 seeking shareholder approval to a Consolidation and the necessary uncertainties as to the value at which the Company`s shares will trade as a consequence of that Consolidation and the inherent deficiencies of relying upon theoretical formulae, the directors believe it to be unhelpful or even potentially misleading to attribute a value to the Convertible Notes but they do not in any sense wish to give the impression that the Convertible Notes are valueless or that there is no opportunity cost to the Company in granting the Convertible Notes.
      Recipients’ existing security holdings Ordinary Shares Options
      Austex Pty Ltd 35,995,379 1,000,000
      Robert MurdochMurdoch Geophysics Super FundRob Murdoch Super Fund 1,294,746684,7271,147,727 Nil1,000,000nil
      Hans Moser 2,500,000 nil
      Ian Burton 200,000 nil

      Taxation Consequences
      Stamp duty at mortgage rates will be payable in respect of the grant of the Convertible Notes at the rate of 40 cents per $100 of the amount secured. The Company, in accordance with usual practice, is responsible for paying this.
      No GST will be payable by the Company in respect of the grant of the Convertible Notes (or, if it is, it will be recoverable as an input credit).
      As far as the Company is aware, there are no other adverse taxation consequences to the Company arising from the proposed grant of the Convertible Notes.
      Save as above disclosed, the Company does not believe it will be exposed to any additional (unrecoverable) tax liability to the Company under the existing or proposed tax rules by granting the Convertible Notes.
      Save as set out in this Explanatory Memorandum, the Directors are not aware of any other information that would be reasonably required by shareholders to make a decision in relation to the benefits contemplated by the proposed resolution.
      8.3 ASX Listing Rule 10.11
      The grant of the Convertible Notes to the recipients is to be made pursuant to ASX Listing Rule 10.11, which provides that a company may not issue securities to a related party (subject to certain exceptions set out in ASX Listing Rule 10.12, none of which is presently relevant) unless the issue is approved by the holders of ordinary shares.

      Where securities are to be issued pursuant to ASX Listing Rule 10.11, ASX Listing Rule 10.13 requires that the following information be provided in the notice of meeting:
      (a) The names of the allottees
      Robert Murdoch
      Hans Moser
      Ian Burton
      (b) The date by which the Convertible Notes will granted
      The grant of the Convertible Notes will occur within a period of one (1) month from the date upon which this resolution is passed.
      (c) Term and Conditions of the Convertible Notes
      The Convertible Notes will be granted on the following terms and conditions:
      (i) The Convertible Notes will not be listed for official quotation on the ASX
      (ii) Once issued, the Convertible Notes can be converted at any time up to 30 June 2003.
      (iii) Upon the written request of the registered holder of the Convertible Notes, Union shall issue Union shares at the issue price being at a 20% discount to the weighted average market price of Union shares traded on the ASX over the twenty (20) trading days prior to receipt of a valid conversion notice. Full or partial conversion of the Convertible Notes into Union shares may occur at any time up to the Maturity Date. Request for conversion of Convertible Notes into Union shares must be made in writing in a suitable format and Union shares will be issued within three working days of receipt of such a valid conversion notice.
      (iv) The recipients shall be entitled to elect to:
      (A) convert all the funds secured by the Convertible Notes, together with any accrued interest, into Union shares in accordance with the terms herein;
      (B) convert part of the funds secured by the Convertible Notes, together with any accrued interest, into Union shares, with the balance not converted being repayable in cash;
      (C) not convert any the funds secured by the Convertible Notes, or accrued interest, into Union shares and that such amount be repayable by Union in cash only;
      provided that the election referred to in paragraphs (iv) and (B):
      (D) is subject to and conditional upon this Resolution 7 being approved ; and
      (E) must be made on or before 30 June 2003.
      (v) The Convertible Notes are unsecured
      (vi) Should at maturity the holder have not elected to convert the remainder of the Convertible Notes into Union shares, the balance of the moneys secured thereunder (including interest) shall be paid in full in cash.
      (vii) Interest will be paid in arrears as from the date of receipt of funding under the Convertible Notes at 10% per annum on the date the recipients make an election under (iv) above and should conversion of all or any of these Convertible Notes into shares occur during an interest period, interest due will be pro-rated for the unpaid term for that quantity of the Convertible Notes converted, and the pro-rata interest calculated and paid as if the conversion date was the anniversary of the Convertible Notes so converted. New shares issued arising from the interest payment shall be issued under ASX Listing Rule 7.1 and be included in the issue of 15% capital without prior shareholder approval.
      (viii) New Union shares issued as a result of conversion of the Convertible Notes and interest payable will rank equally in all respects with all other Union shares and applications for listing for official quotation on the ASX will be made as soon as practicable.
      (ix) The Convertible Notes are non-transferable
      (x) These Convertible Notes are issued in accordance with the Constitution of Union, the Corporations Law of Australia and the Listing Rules of the Australian Stock Exchange. The Rules and Regulations applicable to other issued securities of Union Capital Limited shall be read, where appropriate, to these Convertible Notes in relation to matters of bonus issues, and any capital reconstructions. These Convertible Notes may not participate in any dividend, rights issue, voting or other entitlement, unless converted into ordinary shares before any record date set by the Directors.
      The Company will disregard any votes cast on this resolution by the recipients and any person who, for the purposes of Part 1.2 Division 2 of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cwlth), would be regarded as a person (“Associate”) associated with the recipients. However, the Company will not disregard a vote if:
      (i) it is cast by the recipients or an Associate as proxy for a person who is entitled to vote in accordance with the directions on the proxy form; or
      (ii) it is cast by the recipients or an Associate who is chairing the meeting, as proxy for a person who is entitled to vote in accordance with the direction on the proxy form to vote as the proxy decides.
      (d) Examples
      Outlined below are examples of the effect of a full conversion of all of the Convertible Notes depending whether the determined issue price in the future at the time of conversion is 8 cents, 5 cents or 2 cents.

      Share Price 8 cents 5 cents 2 cents
      Discounted Price 6.4 cents 4 cents 1.6cents
      Number of Shares 1,562,500 2,500,000 6,250,000

      The Board has made a determination that all the shares of the Company will be taken, for the purposes of determining the right of shareholders to attend and vote at the Meeting, to be held by the persons who held them at 10 pm on 27th November 2002 (being a time that is not more than 48 hours before the Meeting).

      There is no other information known to the Company that is material to a shareholder`s decision on how to vote on the resolutions set out in the Notice of Meeting. However, should any shareholder be in doubt as to how he/she should vote on the resolutions and/or as to how it may affect him/her, he/she should seek advice from his/her accountant, solicitor or other professional advisor as soon as possible. Queries as to the lodgment of proxies and other formalities in relation to the Meeting to be held on 29th November 2002 should be directed to the Company Secretary (telephone (07) 3833 3833).

      Attached to the Notice of Meeting accompanying this Explanatory Memorandum is a proxy form for use by shareholders. All shareholders are invited and encouraged to attend the Meeting or, if they are unable to attend in person and are eligible to vote, to complete, sign and return the proxy form and the Notice of Meeting. Lodgment of a proxy form will not preclude a shareholder from attending and voting at the meeting in person.

      "Board" means the Directors of the Company from time to time.

      "Business Day" has the meaning ascribed to it by the Listing Rules.

      “Listed Options” means the 311,196,667 listed options exercisable at 9.7 cents per option on or before 31 March 2005.

      “Employee Unlisted Options” means the 10,600,000 unlisted directors and employees’ options exercisable at 29.7 cents per option on or before 30 September 2005.

      "Company" or "Union" means Union Capital Limited ABN 40 002 118 872.

      "Constitution" means the constitution of the Company.

      “Consolidation” means the proposed consolidation of the share capital of the Company on the basis that every ten (10) existing fully paid ordinary shares in the capital of the Company be consolidated into one (1) fully paid ordinary share, rounded upwards for any fractional holding.

      “Convertible Securities” means securities which are convertible by the holder, or automatically by their terms of issue, into equity securities.

      "Directors" means the Directors of the Company.

      "Eligible Holder" means shareholders and Existing Option Holders on the register at the Record Date.

      "Existing Options" means the following options granted over unissued shares by the Company and "Existing Optionholders" has a corresponding meaning:

      (a) 311,196,667 listed options exercisable at 9.7 cents per option on or before 31 March 2005; and
      (b) 10,600,000 unlisted directors and employees’ options exercisable at 29.7 cents per option on or before 30 September 2005.
      "Existing Shares" means the 786,086,266 Shares issued by the Company as at the date of this Explanatory Memorandum.

      "Listing Rules" means the official listing rules of the ASX.

      "Meeting" means the meeting of shareholders convened by the Notice for 29th November 2002 and any adjournment thereof.

      “Shareholder” means a shareholder in the Company on the Record Date.

      "Notes" means the $1,000,000 convertible notes issued by the Company convertible on or before 25th June 2003 into shares at an issue price of 22 cents or, if the ASX traded price is lower, at a 20% discount to the current traded market price per share. The noteholder may extend the term for a further two years if the Company’s share price is below 2.2 cents for the 10 trading days prior to 25th June 2003.

      "Notice" means the notice in respect of the Meeting.

      "Shares" or “Union shares” means ordinary fully paid shares in the capital of the Company.
      "Shareholders" has a corresponding meaning.

      In this Explanatory Memorandum references to "Sections" are to Sections hereof.

      To: The Secretary
      Union Capital Limited
      Suite 1, Level 3, 200 Creek Street
      Brisbane Q 4000
      (PO Box 728, Spring Hill Q 4004)
      Fax: +61 7 3833 3888

      I/We (1) ..........................................................................................................................................

      of ...................................................................................................................................................
      Being a shareholder of Union Capital Limited (ABN 40 002 118 872) and eligible to vote, hereby appoint:

      Name (2) .........................................................................................................................................

      or in their absence or if no appointee is named, the Chairman of the Meeting, as my proxy to vote and act for me on my behalf at the Meeting of the Company to be held at Level 3, 200 Creek Street, Brisbane, on Friday, 29th November 2002 at 11am Brisbane time and at any adjournment of that meeting. If no directions are given, the Chairman will vote in favour of each resolution.

      I direct my proxy to vote in the following manner:
      Voting instructions are to be indicated by placing a mark in the appropriate box. If no instructions are given, the proxy may abstain or vote at their discretion. Proxies lodged in favour of the Chairman which do not indicate a vote and are not excluded from voting under any exclusion statement, will be used to vote in favour of the resolutions.

      1 No vote required

      2 Re-elect Mr Jurg Walker a director

      3 Appoint Douglas, Heck & Burrell as auditors

      4 Ratify the previous issue of 13,493,725 ordinary shares

      5 To approve the Consolidation of the share capital of the Company

      6 To approve the issue of Convertible Notes to Robert Murdoch or nominee

      7 To approve the issue of Convertible Notes to Related Parties

      If your proxy is in favour of the Chairman, and you HAVE NOT given a voting direction on a resolution, then under ASX Listing Rule 14.2.3, you MUST mark the box below and by doing so you acknowledge that the Chairman may exercise your proxy even if he has an interest in the outcome of the resolution and votes cast by him other than as a proxy holder will be disregarded because of that interest.
      Please mark this box or otherwise your proxy may be invalid.

      Signature(s)(3) ........…………..….............................................Date......................................................

      (if applicable) ……………………………………………………

      Notes to Proxy Form
      (1) Insert name and address of shareholder in block letters, as it appears in the register of shareholders.
      (2) Insert name of proxy in block letters, or leave blank if you wish to appoint the Chairman. The proxy need not be a shareholder of Union Capital Limited.
      (3) All holders and, where applicable, joint holders of shares, or their attorney must sign this proxy form. A corporation must sign under seal or by its duly authorised officer. If signed under the Power of Attorney, the attorney hereby states that no notice of revocation of the power has been received.


      Shareholders must sign
      (i) This proxy form must be signed by Union Capital Limited shareholders or by their attorney or, if a corporation, in accordance with Section 127 of the Corporations Act, or under the hand of an authorised officer or attorney who has not received any notice of revocation of that authority.

      If this proxy form is signed by a person who is not the registered Union Capital Limited shareholder, the relevant authority or a certified copy of it should either have been exhibited previously to Union Capital Limited or be enclosed with this proxy form. If sent by fax, the authority must be certified. In the case of joint shareholders, the proxy form must be signed by each of the shareholders personally or by attorney.

      Appointment of another proxy
      A Union Capital shareholder is entitled to appoint up to two proxies (whether Union Capital Limited shareholders or not) to attend the meeting and vote. A separate proxy form (which will be supplied on request, should be used for each proxy. If you appoint a second proxy, you must state in the box on the front of this proxy form the proportion and number of votes given to the proxy appointed on this Proxy Form. If you appoint a second proxy and do not specify the proportion or number of votes the proxy may exercise, the proxy may exercise half of your votes. A proxy need not be a shareholder of the Company.

      Deadline for receipt of proxy form
      Your completed proxy form (and relevant authorities) must be received at the registered office of Union Capital Limited 48 hours before the meeting time (Postal: PO Box 728, Spring Hill, Q, 4004).

      Your signed proxy form (and relevant authorities) may be lodged by the above time and date by facsimile on 07 3833 3888.

      NOTE: If your holding is CHESS sponsored, contact your sponsoring broker, who is the only person who can make a change to your address details.

      To: Computershare Investor Services Pty Ltd
      Level 27, 345 Queen Street, Brisbane Q 4000
      Fax No. 3229 9860

      Dear Sir
      I/We ..............................................................................................................................................

      of (insert new address) ...................................................................................................................

      formerly of (insert old address) ......................................................................................................

      being an Issuer Sponsored shareholder and/or optionholder of Union Capital Limited, request you to record my new address detailed above.

      Signed (all holders to sign) .............................................................................................................
      Date ............./............./.............

      Robert Boutflower Murdoch
      PO Box 728
      SPRING HILL Q 4004

      15 October 2002

      Company Secretary
      Union Capital Limited
      Level 3
      200 Creek Street
      BRISBANE Q 4004

      Dear Sir


      I, Robert Boutflower Murdoch, a shareholder of Union Capital Limited, pursuant to Section 328 (1) of the Corporations Act 2001, hereby nominate Douglas, Heck and Burrell of 300 Queen Street, Brisbane, for appointment as auditors of the company at the next Annual General Meeting, or any adjournment thereof, following the resignations of Arthur Andersen and Ernst & Young.

      Yours faithfully

      Robert Boutflower Murdoch
      schrieb am 31.10.02 11:16:36
      Beitrag Nr. 148 ()
      Tel: +61 7 3833-3833 Suite 1, Level 3, 200 Creek Street, Brisbane Postal Address:
      Fax: +61 7 3833-3888 PO Box 728 Spring Hill Q
      Australia 4004

      31st October 2002

      Company Announcements Office
      Australian Stock Exchange Limited
      Fax No. 1300 300 021

      Dear Sir,


      GOLD INVESTMENTS: (Gold Aura Limited- 49% Union)

      · After a successful Prospectus Issue, Gold Aura Limited was admitted for quotation on the Australian Stock Exchange on 1 November, 2002. The official quotation will be for 14,485,465 ordinary shares each fully paid and 9,184,787 options exercisable at 25 cents each, on or before 31 March, 2005. The ASX codes are “GOA” and GOAO”

      · The capitalisation of Gold Aura before the IPO was 12 million ordinary shares, based on the valuation by independent geologists Taylor Wall and Associates with a mid-range of $4.3 million for projects vendored into Gold Aura by Union. A gold processing plant at Georgetown has been separately valued at $120,000.

      · On 26 August, 2002, Union shareholders voted for an equal capital reduction (or “in-specie” distribution) of 5,238,920 Gold Aura shares to the Company’s shareholders as registered on 2 September, 2002, on a pro-rata basis. Each Union shareholder received one Gold Aura share free for each 150 Union shares registered.

      · Under a “top-up” offer set out in the Gold Aura Prospectus, Union shareholders received one free Gold Aura share for every five Gold Aura shares to which they subscribed. On this basis, a further 734,302 Gold Aura shares have been transferred from Union to its shareholders.

      · The remaining 5,546,778 ordinary shares held by Union will be escrowed for a period of 24 months. In addition, a further 539,083 ordinary shares issued to directors of either Gold Aura or Union or their associates will also be escrowed.

      · The total issued capital of Gold Aura will then be 20,571,326 shares and 9,184,787 options.

      · On 26 July, 2002, Gold Aura acquired from Union all the issued shares in Union Mining (PNG) Limited. Union Mining (PNG) holds a 60% interest in the Fergusson Island Project, with Canadian listed company Yamana Resources Inc holding 40%. Fergusson Island is considered extremely prospective for epithermal gold deposits. The island is situated within a regional orogenic zone of major gold/copper ore bodies (all multi-million ounce gold deposits). Two gold deposits have been found to date (Gameta and Wapolu).

      · Gameta and Wapolu currently have a combined resource of 680,000 ounces of gold. However, Gold Aura’s geologists feel the deposits have the potential to be much bigger. The best chance of increasing the gold resources rapidly will be to drill to depth below the known resources. Now that the funds for exploration have been raised, drilling will start as soon as possible. The potential exists for multi-million ounce gold resources to ultimately be defined.

      · At Croydon, Newcrest Mining is earning a 70% interest by spending $3 million by October 2003 exploring Gold Aura’s tenements. To date, Newcrest has spent around $1.8 million on the project. The Croydon area is considered to be highly prospective, with the potential to host large tonnage gold deposits. The most significant drilling assay results to date are from the Gilded Rose Prospect included 10m@10.85g/t Au and 5m@11.56g/t Au. At the nearby Jumbo Prospect, intercepts of 94m@0.54g/t Au indicate that the area is prospective for larger lower grade stockworks style deposits.

      · North of Croydon, Gold Aura has applied for exploration licences covering a series of interesting geophysical features interpreted from recent aeromagnetic and gravity geophysical data. These features combine to reflect a geology consideredprospective for gold and hence are targets for “grassroots” exploration drilling.

      · On 26 July, 2002, Gold Aura acquired from Union various exploration licences, mining leases and the gold plant at Georgetown. At Georgetown, five separate prospective gold targets have been delineated ready for drill testing. The intersections available include 25m@2.2 g/t gold at the Big Wonder Prospect and 20m@1.6 g/t gold at Mountain Creek Prospect. On the Georgetown tenements there are near-surface resources in locations other than the targets of 183,000 tonnes at 3.1 g/t gold.

      BASE METAL INVESTMENTS: ( Mehdiabad Zinc Project, Iran – Union around 30%).

      · This project is largely on hold awaiting the granting of an exploitation licence to the Medhiabad Zinc Joint Venture in which Union currently has around a 30% interest.

      · A series of meetings of the Joint Venture Management Committee was held in Tehran in September 2002. The purpose of the meetings was to resolve several outstanding matters and plan the way forward for the joint venture, required before the Ministry of Mines and Industry agrees to grant the exploitation licence.

      · While it is Union’s clear understanding that all issues of concern to all parties were amicably resolved, the Company is still awaiting formal ratification of that from Iranian Government partner IMIDRO before announcing any details.

      · The meetings in Tehran coincided with an Australian Trade Mission to Iran, during which a meeting was held between the Iranian Minister for Mines and Industry Mr Jahangiri and Australian Trade Minister Mr Vaile, attended by Union’s representatives. During the meeting Mr Jagangiri expressed Iran’s satisfaction with its relationship with Union, and a desire for work to resume on the project as soon as possible.

      · Neither increased global terrorism, nor the threat of war in the region has had any impact on the project to date. New foreign investment laws have been recently approved by the Iranian cabinet, which Union expects will improve the level of foreign investment in Iran, particularly in the private sector.

      · Union believes patience will still be required with respect to the granting of an exploitation licence at Mehdiabad, because of the involvement of a government company as a partner in the project. However, President Khatami is actively encouraging privatisation of government projects, which Union’s Iranian advisers feel could be very positive in the future for Union and Mehdiabad, once such a policy is actually implemented.

      · A pre-feasibility study completed in 2001 has shown the Mehdiabad deposit to be one of the world’s largest undeveloped zinc projects. The current “in-ground” metal is 15.7 million tonnes of zinc, 5.1 million tonnes of lead and 11,100 tonnes of contained silver. The deposit is open to both the north and south.

      · The cash operating cost of a mine and processing plant is now expected, as a result of inflation in Iran, to be around US $0.23 per lb of zinc produced, still making this operation potentially one of the world’s lowest-cost operations.

      · Currently studies are being carried out into refining the process flow-sheet for the operation. As part of that process, a recent flotation test, conducted by Metcon Laboratories in Sydney, has produced very encouraging results. The sample tested is a drill core composite from the western side of the Mehdiabad deposit. The 1kg sample was crushed to nominally 80% passing 45 microns and subjected to non-optimised lead/zinc flotation conditions.

      · The prime conclusion from this sighter test is that the sample was amenable to selective lead flotation followed by selective zinc flotation. With optimisation of the flotation conditions it is envisaged that separate zinc and lead concentrates will be able to be produced with relative high zinc and lead recoveries.

      · The lead recovery to the lead cleaner concentrate was 84.1% at a grade of 59.9% lead. The zinc recovery to the zinc cleaner concentrate was 67.2% at a grade of 48.6% zinc. The areas of zinc losses were 5.4% to the lead concentrate giving a grade of 1.1% zinc in the lead concentrate, which is considered satisfactory, and 27.4% to the tails stream.

      · Further work is underway to analyse the tails stream and investigate zinc recovery from the tails.

      · Once the exploitation licence is granted, work will start on the feasibility study which Union feels is most likely. At this stage, the most interest in funding this study is coming from certain parts of Europe and the Middle East.


      · During the quarter Jabmail has continued research and development of its email technology. The focus now is on preparing the Jabmail Click-n-Pay electronic bill presentation and payment and Jabmail Click-n-Tell marketing emails for commercialisation.

      · A business plan is in the advanced stage of preparation. Under the plan, a new company will be formed, in conjunction with others, to use the technology and Union’s specific expertise in email technology developed over the past few years.

      · In the next few months, the focus will be in finding key strategic partners to move forward with Union in commercialisation of these exciting products. Union will also seek alliance/joint-venture opportunities to build new business in association with others to use the Jabmail range of products to generate revenues in more traditional forms of business.

      · The core to the new business will be a range of email products, all branded “Jabmail®”. The focus will on building the Jabmail® name and a business as an electronic information dissemination provider.

      · Jabmail’s core products are:
      (a) Electronic bill presentation and payment, and
      (b) Email marketing

      · Union feels Jabmail’s electronic bill presentation and payment products will be the key to early commercial success, and that its email marketing products will become supplementary to the finance applications. Jabmail will use its expertise to turn the monthly invoice into a powerful focused marketing tool.

      · Union feels we are currently seeing the birth of the electronic bill presentation and payment industry. The Tower Group reports that almost 50 million consumer bills and 10 million B2B items were presented and paid via electronic transactions globally in 2001. It predicts that, by 2005, these transactions will increase to 2.4 billion.

      · Jabmail Click-n-Pay will allow faster debt collection, information flow and information dissemination. Electronic bill presentation and payment is in its infancy. While some accounting systems offer individual bill presentation capability, none offers payment facilities by email and all are generally web linked. Jabmail Click-n-Pay enables a smooth, seamless delivery of attractive, market focused invoices from the accounting system to the recipient’s email inbox, from where, by a few simple “clicks” and inserting payment preferences, the recipient can pay the account electronically. That information can then be relayed back into the accounting system and the payment into the supplier’s account.

      · Jabmail Click-n-Pay provides the highest security of information for senders and end users alike. Commercial trials are underway using the Click-n-Pay product with two different accounting systems in common use. The successful completion of the trials will enhance the scalability of Click-n-Pay products for future client sales. The trials are progressing well and no major technical problems are expected in completing commercialisation of this process. Three pilot campaigns have already been successfully launched and completed.

      · To cater for the present market, the original Jabmail technology has been used to develop a range of lower-cost email marketing products which provide maximum creative capability and penetration to the majority of computer platforms. The new product is branded as Jabmail Click-n-Tell and it takes low-cost HTML messages a step further with limited rich media.

      TELECOMMUNICATIONS INVESTMENTS (Eastern Telecommunications of the Philippines Inc. (AGNI 40% - Union has a 46% interest in AGNI)

      · Union Capital Limited advises that Eastern has recently upgraded its estimated EDITDA for 2003 by 50% from $US 2 million to $US 3 million and is currently developing an aggressive business going forward into 2003. The improved performance is a direct result of the new CEO Ms Nenita Cruz (Union’s representative on the board of Eastern) and her senior management team installed earlier this year.

      · The increased EBITDA is mainly the result of reduced the operating expenses. Cost reductions have occurred across several areas, with the most notable being a reduction of the cost of “hauling” traffic from the cable station to Eastern’s international gateway switch in Makati, through the purchase of a high-capacity IRU.

      · Better than expected revenues have come from increases in IDD traffic from USA, Australia and Japan, and frame relay services. The worldwide awareness of terrorism has seen increased use of video conferencing, with a positive impact on the demand for ISDN services.

      · The Eastern Telecom Franchise Bill (Republic Act No. 9172) has successfully passed through and been signed by both the Senate and House of Representatives of the Philippines Parliament. The bill gives Eastern Telecom the rights to operate a full new “mega-franchise” telecommunications company in the Philippines for the next 25 years. The franchise bill has become law and supersedes the previous franchise bill that gave Eastern Telecom limited rights to operate telecommunication services.

      · The new franchise will allow Eastern to offer within the Philippines and between the Philippines and other countries, wire and wireless telecommunications systems, mobile, cellular, paging, fibre optic, multi-channel distribution systems (MMDS), local multi-point distribution systems (LMDS), satellite transmit and receive systems, and switches.

      · The new franchise also covers value-added services relating to the telecommunication systems such as voice, data, facsimile, control signs, audio and video, information service bureaus and all other telecommunications systems technologies which are presently available or will be made available through technological advances or innovations in the future.

      · Eastern may also construct, acquire, lease and operate or manage transmitting or receiving stations, lines, cables or systems to operate the franchise, subject to appropriate approvals by the National Telecommunications Commission of the Philippines.

      · In September, Asean Cableship Private Limited (ACPL), in which Eastern has a 16.7% interest, launched a new $US38.3 million cable ship ASEAN Explorer in Singapore. ACPL has a 70% interest in the ASEAN Explorer. Ms N L Cruz, President & CEO of Eastern Telecom, was invited to officially launch the ship.

      · During the quarter, Eastern continued to actively build on the company’s strength in the data and internet business. Eastern’s view is that, for a telecommunications company, providing pure connectivity alone is no longer enough, and hence it is very actively adding to and varying its product range with a focus on value-added products. To achieve this objective, Eastern is partnering with foreign and local companies with products and solutions which Eastern’s customers can use. As a result, the company now manages half the Manila internet traffic. Key initiatives this quarter were:

      · Eastern signed an agreement with Reach Networks to sell global ATM and frame relay services in the Philippines. This service is expected to benefit Filipino and international business needing a flexible, resilient and cost -effective data transmission service from the Philippines to single or multiple sites overseas.

      · Eastern signed a peering agreement with Reach to improve traffic throughput within the Manila Internet Exchange (MIX) administered by Eastern.

      · Eastern has established an information node at Ayala Port Makati (APMI) to extend its network and ensure wide-range uninterrupted services for customers in the southern part of the Philippines prime business centre.

      · Eastern has contracted Q Linux to upgrade its existing email software platform. The new email server solution will better equip Eastern’s public electronic mail service to meet the evolving needs of its growing base of internet clients.

      · Q Linux, Eastern and IBM have partnered together to offer a new an innovative messaging solution called Mailpost. Mailpost is a customised messaging system that reliably handles the reception, distribution and transmission of electronic mail, allowing clients access to their information from any web browser. Eastern is providing the DSL access for the service.

      · Eastern has entered into a partnership agreement with Linksys Philippines and International Micro Village (IMVI). The partnership will allow Eastern and IMVI to offer Linksys products and Eastern connectivity to existing and prospective customers. The partnership will allow Eastern to offer more valued-added services and cost-effective broadband solutions to its customers.

      · Eastern is now the official internet service provider of the Philippines Securities and Exchange Commission website.

      · In addition to its successes in data services, Eastern’s fixed-line operations have picked up significantly this year, with several thousand lines being connected each month.

      · It would appear that Eastern is now turning the corner and, with its low debt position and strategic position within the Asia-Pacific, will become a stronger performer for Union in the future.

      · Union holds an indirect 18% interest in Eastern Telecom, through a convertible note in Australian Gigahertz Networks International (AGNI) which, if exercised, would entitle Union to a 46% interest in AGNI. AGNI in turn holds a 40% interest in Eastern Telecom through a wholly owned Philippines subsidiary AGNP.

      · The Philippines is a natural hub for communications between North America and Asia. Union is currently seeking partners to assist Eastern to market its services and broaden revenues. A key attraction of a potential partner for Eastern is not only its internet and telephony product set but its considerable undersea optic fibre cable interconnectivity between the two continents and regionally within the Asia-Pacific region.

      · Eastern is the largest supplier of internet broadband and the second largest provider of services in data transmission within the Philippines. It is the seventh largest provider of voice services.

      Yours faithfully

      Rob Murdoch
      Managing Director

      schrieb am 31.10.02 11:21:42
      Beitrag Nr. 149 ()
      Tel: +61 7 3833-3833 Suite 1, Level 3, 200 Creek Street, Brisbane Postal Address:
      Fax: +61 7 3833-3888 PO Box 728 Spring Hill Q
      Australia 4004

      31st October 2002

      Company Announcements Office
      Australian Stock Exchange Limited
      Fax No. 1300 300 021

      Re: Medhiabad Zinc Project

      Union Capital Limited (“Union”) advises that a series of meetings of the Medhiabad Zinc Project Joint Venture Management Committee were held in Tehran in September 2002. The purpose of the meetings, were to resolve a number of matters and to plan the way forward for the Joint Venture, prior to the Ministry of Mines and Industry granting the Exploitation License.

      Whilst it is Union’s clear understanding that all the issues of concern to the various parties were resolved during these meetings, the Company is still awaiting formal ratification of that from Iranian Government partner (IMIDRO) prior to announcing any details.

      The meetings in Tehran coincided with an Australian Trade Mission to Iran. During the Trade Mission a meeting was held between the Iranian Minister for Mines and Industry Mr Jahangiri and Australian Trade Minister Mr Vaile, which was attended by Union’s representatives. During this meeting Mr Jagangiri expressed Iran’s satisfaction with their relationship with Union, and a desire for work to re-commence on the project as soon as possible.

      Neither increased global terrorism, nor the threat of war in the region has had any impact on the project to date. On the positive side new foreign investment laws have been recently approved by the Iranian cabinet, which Union expect will improve the level of foreign investment in Iran, particularly in the private sector. However, Union believes that patience will still be required with respect to the granting of an Exploitation License at Mehdiabad, because of the involvement of a government company as a partner. President Khatami is actively encouraging the privatisation of government projects, which Union’s Iranian advisors feel could be very positive in the future for Union and Mehdiabad, once the decree is actually implemented.

      The pre-feasibility study completed in 2001 has shown the Mehdiabad Deposit to be one of the world’s largest undeveloped zinc projects. The current “in-ground” metal is 15.7 million tonnes of zinc, 5.1 million tonnes of lead and 11,100 tonnes of contained silver. The deposit is open to both the north and south. The cash operating cost of a mine and processing plant is now expected as a result of inflation in Iran to be around US $ 0.23 per lb of zinc produced, still making this operation potentially one of the world’s lowest cost operations.

      Currently, studies are being carried out into refining the process flow-sheet for the operation. As part of that process, a recent flotation test was been carried out by Metcon Laboraties in Sydney, which has produced very encouraging results. The sample tested is a drill core composite from the western side of the Mehdiabad deposit. The 1 kg sample was crushed to nominally 80% passing 45 microns and was subjected to non-optimised lead/zinc flotation conditions.

      The prime conclusion from this sighter test is that the sample was amenable selective lead flotation followed by selective zinc flotation. With optimisation of the flotation conditions it is envisaged that zinc and lead concentrates will be able to be produced with relative high zinc and lead recoveries.

      The lead recovery to the lead cleaner concentrate was 84.1% at a grade of 59.9% lead. The zinc recovery to the zinc cleaner concentrate was 67.2% at a grade of 48.6 % zinc. The areas of zinc losses were 5.4% to the lead concentrate giving a grade of 1.1% zinc in the lead concentrate, which is considered satisfactory and 27.4% to the tails stream.

      Further work is underway to analyse the tails stream and investigate zinc recovery from the tails.

      Once the Exploitation License is granted then work will commence on the feasibility study which Union feels is most likely. At this stage the most interest in funding this study is coming from certain parts of Europe and the Middle East.

      Yours faithfully

      Rob Murdoch
      Managing Director

      schrieb am 31.10.02 11:22:48
      Beitrag Nr. 150 ()
      Tel: +61 7 3833-3833 Suite 1, Level 3, 200 Creek Street, Brisbane Postal Address:
      Fax: +61 7 3833-3888 PO Box 728 Spring Hill Q
      Australia 4004

      30th October 2002

      Company Announcements Office
      Australian Stock Exchange Limited
      Fax No. 1300 300 021

      Re. Eastern Telecom

      Dear Sir,

      Union Capital Limited advises that Eastern Telecom has recently upgraded its estimated EDITDA for 2003 by 50% from $US 2 million to $US 3 million and is currently developing an aggressive business plan going forward into 2003.

      The improved performance is a direct result of the new CEO Ms Cruz and her team taking over the management of the company earlier this year. Their focus is on improving revenues and high margin services, and reducing any unprofitable services.

      The increased EBITDA is largely the result of reduced costs. Operating expenses have been reduced in a number of areas, with the most notable in the reduction of cost of “hauling” traffic from the cable station to Eastern’s International Gateway Switch in Makati, through the purchase of a high capacity IRU.

      There has been increased revenue in IDD traffic from USA, Australia and Japan. Frame Relay services have continued to increase in revenue, and the world wide awareness of terrorism has seen an increased used of Video Conferencing, with a positive impact on the demand for ISDN services.

      Eastern Telecom Franchise Bill (Republic Act No. 9172) has successfully passed through and been duly signed by both the Senate and House of Representatives of the Philippines Parliament. The bill gives Eastern Telecom the rights to operate a full new “mega- franchise” telecommunications company in the Philippines for the next 25 years. The Franchise Bill has become law and supersedes the previous Franchise Bill that gave Eastern Telecom limited rights to operate telecommunication services. The new franchise will allow Eastern to offer within the Philippines and between the Philippines and other countries, wire and wireless telecommunications systems. This includes mobile, cellular, paging, fibre optic, multi-channel distribution systems (MMDS), local multi-point distribution system (LMDS), satellite transmit and receive systems and switches. Also covered are value added services such as voice, data, facsimile, control signs, audio and video, information service bureau and all other telecommunications systems technologies as are presently available or will be made available through technological advances or innovations in the future. Eastern also has the rights to construct, acquire, lease and operate or manage transmitting or receiving stations, lines, cables or systems to operate the franchise, subject to appropriate approvals by the National Telecommunications Commission.

      In September Asean Cableship Private Limited (ACPL) in which Eastern has a 16.7% interest launched a new $US 38.3 million cable ship ASEAN Explorer in Singapore. ACPL has a 70% interest in the ASEAN Explorer. Ms N L Cruz, the President & CEO of Eastern Telecoms was invited to officially launch the ship.

      During the quarter Eastern continued to actively build on the company’s strength in the data and Internet business. Eastern’s view is that for a telecommunication company, providing pure connectivity alone is no longer enough, and hence it is very actively adding to and varying its product range with a focus on “value added products”. To achieve this objective Eastern is partnering with both foreign and local companies with products and solutions with which Eastern’s customers can utilise. As a result the company now manages half of the Manila Internet traffic.

      Key initiatives this quarter were:

      · Eastern signed an agreement with Reach Networks to sell global ATM and frame relay services in the Philippines. This service is expected to benefit both Filippino and international business needing a flexible resilient and cost effective data transmission service from the Philippines to either a single or multiple sites overseas.

      · Eastern signed a peering agreement with Reach to improve traffic throughput within the Manila Internet Exchange (MIX) administered by Eastern.

      · Eastern has established an information node at Ayala Port Makati (APMI) to extend their network and to ensure wide range uninterrupted services for customers in the southern part Philippines prime business centre.

      · Eastern has contracted Q Linux to upgrade its existing email software platform. The new email server solution will better equip Eastern’s public electronic mail service to meet the evolving needs of its growing base of Internet clients.

      · Q Linux, Eastern and IBM have partnered together to offer a new an innovative messaging solution called “Mailpost”. “Mailpost” is a customised messaging system that reliably handles the reception, distribution and transmission of electronic mail, allowing clients access to their information from any web browser. Eastern is providing the DSL access for the service.

      · Eastern has entered into a partnership agreement with Linksys Philippines and International Micro Village (IMVI). The partnership will allow Eastern and IMVI to offer Linksys products and Eastern connectivity to its existing and prospective customers. The partnership will allow Eastern to offer more valued added services and cost-effective broadband solutions to its customers.

      Eastern is now the official Internet service provider of the Philippines Securities and Exchange Commission website.

      Yours Faithfully
      Union Capital Limited.

      Rob Murdoch
      Managing Director

      Ref UCL000261
      schrieb am 31.10.02 17:22:43
      Beitrag Nr. 151 ()
      Na bitte, da passiert doch einiges und es sollte nur noch eine Frage der Zeit sein wann und wie sich diese Infos auf die Börse niederschlagen. Ich sitze in Lauerstellung wie so viele anderen auch. Aber vergleicht man dieses Unternehmen mal mit anderen Buiz Ideen der Vergangenheit, bleibt doch festzustellen, daß sich die Firma eigentlich ganz gut schlägt. Nur wird man sich extreeeem schwer tuen auf diesem Börsenkurs weitere Käufer zu finden. Da muß das Unternehmen ein wenig " laß es mal als Schönheitspflege bezeichnen" betreiben um wieder Neuaktionäre anzulocken. Das muß die Hauptaufgabe bleiben. Ich bin auch mal gespannt inwiefern sich das Gold Aura Projekt in der näheren Zukunft schlagen wird. Wie ich hörte fand diese Woche der Börsengang in Aus statt.
      So long
      schrieb am 01.11.02 02:13:58
      Beitrag Nr. 152 ()
      .........ganz gut schlägt
      so ein blödsinn
      ich werde mal gelegentlich nachrechnen, wieviele 100% ich benötige, bis mein einstandskurs wieder da ist......
      war aber keine beleidigung, bin ja froh , dass jemand so positiv denkt
      schrieb am 01.11.02 17:59:50
      Beitrag Nr. 153 ()
      # 151 Dein ORIGINALTEXT :

      Da muß das Unternehmen ein wenig

      " laß es mal als Schönheitspflege bezeichnen" betreiben

      um wieder Neuaktionäre anzulocken.

      Das muß die Hauptaufgabe bleiben.


      So, so
      die Hauptaufgabe der AG ist Schönheitspflege um Neuaktionäre anzulocken.

      Du bist wirklich ein intelligentes Kerlchen und hast es auf den Punkt gebracht.

      Damit wird die Firmengeschichte der letzen 10 Jahre fortgesetzt

      schrieb am 01.11.02 19:36:41
      Beitrag Nr. 154 ()
      Anbei das letzte Update, ich glaube fest daran, daß sich in der näheren Zukunft etwas tuen wird. So viel Warterei muß ja auch dann belohnt werden.
      Toi Toi Toi!

      31st October 2002

      Company Announcements Office
      Australian Stock Exchange Limited
      Fax No. 1300 300 021

      Dear Sir, Re: Medhiabad Zinc Project

      Union Capital Limited ( “Union”) advise that a series of meetings of the Medhiabad Zinc Project Joint Venture Management Committee were held in Tehran in September 2002. The purpose of the meetings, were to resolve a number of matters and to plan the way forward for the Joint Venture, prior to the Ministry of Mines and Industry granting the Exploitation Licence.

      Whilst it is Union’s clear understanding that all the issues of concern to the various parties, were resolved during these meetings, the Company is still awaiting formal ratification of that from Iranian Government partner (IMIDRO) prior to announcing any details.

      The meetings in Tehran coincided with an Australian Trade Mission to Iran. During the Trade Mission a meeting was held between the Iranian Minister for Mines and Industry Mr Jahangiri and Australian Trade Minister Mr Vaile, which was attended by Union’s representatives. During this meeting Mr Jagangiri expressed Iran’s satisfaction with their relationship with Union, and a desire for work to re-commence on the project as soon as possible.

      Neither increased global terrorism, nor the threat of war in the region has had any impact on the project to date. On the positive side new foreign investment laws have been recently approved by the Iranian cabinet, which Union expect will improve the level of foreign investment in Iran, particularly in the private sector. However, Union believes that patience will still be required with respect to the granting of an Exploitation Licence at Mehdiabad, because of the involvement of a government company as a partner. President Khatami is actively encouraging the privatisation of government projects, which Union’s Iranian advisors feel could be very positive in the future for Union and Mehdiabad, once the decree is actually implemented.

      The pre-feasibility study completed in 2001 has shown the Mehdiabad Deposit to be one of the world’s largest undeveloped zinc projects. The current “in-ground” metal is 15.7 million tonnes of zinc, 5.1 million tonnes of lead and 11,100 tonnes of contained silver. The deposit is open to both the north and south. The cash operating cost of a mine and processing plant is now expected as a result of inflation in Iran to be around US $ 0.23 per lb of zinc produced, still making this operation potentially one of the world’s lowest cost operations.

      Currently studies are being carried out into refining the process flow-sheet for the operation. As part of that process a recent flotation test was been carried out by Metcon Laboraties in Sydney, which has produced very encouraging results. The sample tested is a drill core composite from the western side of the Mehdiabad deposit. The 1 kg sample was crushed to nominally 80% passing 45 microns and was subjected to non-optimised lead/zinc flotation conditions.

      The prime conclusion from this sighter test is that the sample was amenable selective lead flotation followed by selective zinc flotation. With optimisation of the flotation conditions it is envisaged that zinc and lead concentrates will be able to be produced with relative high zinc and lead recoveries.

      The lead recovery to the lead cleaner concentrate was 84.1% at a grade of 59,9% lead. The zinc recovery to the zinc cleaner concentrate was 67.2% at a grade of 48.6 % zinc. The areas of zinc losses were 5.4% to the lead concentrate giving a grade of 1.1% zinc in the lead concentrate, which is considered satisfactory and 27.4% to the tails stream.

      Further work is underway to analyse the tails stream and investigate zinc recovery from the tails.

      Once the Exploitation Licence is granted then work will commence on the feasibility study which Union feels is most likely. At this stage the most interest in funding this study is coming from certain parts of Europe and the Middle East.

      Yours faithfully

      Rob Murdoch
      Managing Director

      schrieb am 01.11.02 19:41:10
      Beitrag Nr. 155 ()
      30th October 2002

      Company Announcements Office
      Australian Stock Exchange Limited
      Fax No. 1300 300 021

      Re. Eastern Telecom

      Dear Sir,

      Union Capital Limited advises that Eastern Telecom has recently upgraded its estimated EDITDA for 2003 by 50% from $US 2 million to $US 3 million and is currently developing an aggressive business plan going forward into 2003.

      The improved performance is a direct result of the new CEO Ms Cruz and her team taking over the management of the company earlier this year. Their focus is on improving revenues and high margin services, and reducing any unprofitable services.

      The increased EBITDA is largely the result of reduced costs. Operating expenses have been reduced in a number of areas, with the most notable in the reduction of cost of “hauling” traffic from the cable station to Eastern’s International Gateway Switch in Makati, through the purchase of a high capacity IRU.

      There has been increased revenue in IDD traffic from USA, Australia and Japan. Frame Relay services have continued to increase in revenue, and the world wide awareness of terrorism has seen an increased used of Video Conferencing, with a positive impact on the demand for ISDN services.

      Eastern Telecom Franchise Bill (Republic Act No. 9172) has successfully passed through and been duly signed by both the Senate and House of Representatives of the Philippines Parliament. The bill gives Eastern Telecom the rights to operate a full new “mega- franchise” telecommunications company in the Philippines for the next 25 years. The Franchise Bill has become law and supersedes the previous Franchise Bill that gave Eastern Telecom limited rights to operate telecommunication services. The new franchise will allow Eastern to offer within the Philippines and between the Philippines and other countries, wire and wireless telecommunications systems. This includes mobile, cellular, paging, fibre optic, multi-channel distribution systems (MMDS), local multi-point distribution system (LMDS), satellite transmit and receive systems and switches. Also covered are value added services such as voice, data, facsimile, control signs, audio and video, information service bureau and all other telecommunications systems technologies as are presently available or will be made available through technological advances or innovations in the future. Eastern also has the rights to construct, acquire, lease and operate or manage transmitting or receiving stations, lines, cables or systems to operate the franchise, subject to appropriate approvals by the National Telecommunications Commission.

      In September Asean Cableship Private Limited (ACPL) in which Eastern has a 16.7% interest launched a new $US 38.3 million cable ship ASEAN Explorer in Singapore. ACPL has a 70% interest in the ASEAN Explorer. Ms N L Cruz, the President & CEO of Eastern Telecoms was invited to officially launch the ship.

      During the quarter Eastern continued to actively build on the company’s strength in the data and Internet business. Eastern’s view is that for a telecommunication company, providing pure connectivity alone is no longer enough, and hence it is very actively adding to and varying its product range with a focus on “value added products”. To achieve this objective Eastern is partnering with both foreign and local companies with products and solutions with which Eastern’s customers can utilise. As a result the company now manages half of the Manila Internet traffic.

      Key initiatives this quarter were:

       Eastern signed an agreement with Reach Networks to sell global ATM and frame relay services in the Philippines. This service is expected to benefit both Filippino and international business needing a flexible resilient and cost effective data transmission service from the Philippines to either a single or multiple sites overseas.

       Eastern signed a peering agreement with Reach to improve traffic throughput within the Manila Internet Exchange (MIX) administered by Eastern.

       Eastern has established an information node at Ayala Port Makati (APMI) to extend their network and to ensure wide range uninterrupted services for customers in the southern part Philippines prime business centre.

       Eastern has contracted Q Linux to upgrade its existing email software platform. The new email server solution will better equip Eastern’s public electronic mail service to meet the evolving needs of its growing base of Internet clients.

       Q Linux, Eastern and IBM have partnered together to offer a new an innovative messaging solution called “Mailpost”. “Mailpost” is a customised messaging system that reliably handles the reception, distribution and transmission of electronic mail, allowing clients access to their information from any web browser. Eastern is providing the DSL access for the service.

       Eastern has entered into a partnership agreement with Linksys Philippines and International Micro Village (IMVI). The partnership will allow Eastern and IMVI to offer Linksys products and Eastern connectivity to its existing and prospective customers. The partnership will allow Eastern to offer more valued added services and cost-effective broadband solutions to its customers.

      Eastern is now the official Internet service provider of the Philippines Securities and Exchange Commission website.

      Yours Faithfully
      Union Capital Limited.

      Rob Murdoch
      Managing Director

      Das sind ja fantastische Aussichten. Wenn sich diese Nahricht bestätigen sollte bin ich wieder absolut bullish für die Zukunft eingestellt. Da sollte man doch eigentlich mal wieder kaufen. Diese Aktie verfügt über ein riesen Potential und ist meiner Ansicht nach spottbillig.
      Bis denne und Happy Trading
      The real McLeod
      schrieb am 01.11.02 20:37:57
      Beitrag Nr. 156 ()
      Oh, Ups! Sorry hat der XNASEMANN schon gebracht. Nix für ungut.
      Ja UCL ist so ein Kapitel in meinem Börsenleben. Aber mal ganz ehrlich, wir alle haben doch in diesem Marktsegment sehr heftig auf die Fresse bekommen. Mir gefallen auch so ein paar Dinge nicht bei UCL, vorallem die netten Postings über den netten Herrn aus der Schweiz. Womit der sein Geld gemacht hat möchte ich wirklich nicht genau wissen, aber da stinkt etwas gewaltig. Egal in der ganzen Börseneuphorie hat man an neue und auch an alt bewährte Ideen geglaubt. Australien ist weit weg und der Markt hat so seine eigene Dynamik und Gesetze. Das man hier nur mit hochspekulativem Kapital arbeiten sollte ist wohl allgemein bekannt. Doch wenn man jetz mal genau nachdenkt, liegt die Vermutung doch sehr nahe, daß die Herren da unten irgendetwas im Schilde führen um bald wieder anständige Kurse zu sehen. Ich kann mir nicht vorstellen, daß hier wieder dumme Investoren gesucht werden, sondern, daß man aus der Vergangenheit gelernt hat und selbst versucht mit konserativen und legalen Mitteln den Kurs ein wenig nach oben rutschen zu lassen. Und auf diesem Niveau kann es doch nur in eine Richtung gehen. Ich werde langsam versuchen mich wieder schön mit UCL einzudecken, zu verbilligen und auf eine kleine Rally zu warten. Diese wird bestimmt von den Herren eingeleitet und wenn auch nur mit eigenen Mitteln oder Geld von der lieben Verwandschaft. Und wie schnell hat man da einen Verdoppler oder gar noch mehr erzielt, auf deren Rücken. Ich trau mich mal, obwohl ich auch ganz schön Respekt vor diesem Unterfangen habe. Ist halt hochspekulativ.
      Auf jeden Fall gut beobachten was da so bald passieren wird.
      @XNASEMANN- alles klar ich fühle mich überhaupt nicht beleidigt, denn Kritik ist gut und da ich ja sowieso aus den Highlands komme und auch gerne mal in Whisky bade mit meinem Clan, freue ich mich mehr über Dein Angagement hier am Board, als alles andere!
      Happy Trading und vielleicht bald auch wieder mit UCL
      Connor McLeod vom Clan der McLeods
      schrieb am 06.11.02 18:19:28
      Beitrag Nr. 157 ()
      Es tut sich was bei UCL: Seit einigen Wochen zumindest tageweise steigende Umsätze, heute zwische 0,003 und 0,005. Damit sind alle bids zu 0,003 abverkauft und die letzten Pessimisten das Boot verlassen.

      Nächstes Jahr dürfte der Zink-Abbau (Mehdiabad) beginnen. Hier winken trotz des (noch) niedrigen Zinkpreises beträchtliche Gewinne aufgrund günstiger Förderbedingungen und Mineralisierung des Gesteins. UCL-Anteil 25 %.

      Eastern Telecom verpasst sich derzeit unter neuem Management eine Sparkur bei gleichzeitiger Neuausrichtung des Segmentes und Marktes. Geplantes EDITDA für 2003 =3 Mio US$. UCL-Anteil 17 %.

      GoldAura, an der UCL nach dem spin out noch rd. 50 % hält und so an 4 Goldprojekten beteiligt ist, hat als Partner mit der canadischen Yamana Resources Inc. für das Fergusson Island-Projekt (680.000 Unzen Gold) und mit der Newcrast Mining für das Croydon-Projekt erfahrene Partner gewonnen und wird m.E. nächstes Jahr mit der Goldförderung zumindest in Fergusson Island beginnen. Hier scheint der Erfolg recht aussichtsreich zu sein, muss aber mit Blick auf die Goldpreisentwicklung abgewartet werden.

      Bei JabMail unternimmt UCL zwar auch Anstrengungen, in den Markt zu kommen, hier bleibe ich jedoch eher skeptisch.

      UCL ist eine Risikokapitalgesellschaft und bleibt vor diesem Hintergrund ein mittel- bis langfristiges Engagement. Allein aus dem Zink-Projekt und Eastern Telecom rechne ich bis 2005 mit Beteiligungserträgen von 25 Mio A$ p.a., was umgerechnet etwa 2 Eurocent pro Aktie entspricht. KGV und Aktienkurs darf jeder selbst festlegen.

      Und noch etwas ist zu berücksichtigen: Das UCL-Management hat einen Erfolgsbeitrag in Form von Optionen zu 0,10 A$, Verfall 31.03.05, erhalten. Und die werden mit Sicherheit alles tun, um aus diesen Optionen Geld zu machen.

      Und um allen Anfeindungen vorzubeugen: Ich arbeite weder direkt noch indirekt für UCL oder sonst irgendjemanden. Dies ist auch keine Kaufempfehlung, denn ein Risiko wie beim Fehlgriff Identikey, der massgeblich zu dem Kursverfall führte, bleibt. Es ist meine eigene Meinung aufgrund meiner Recherchen, und darauf aufbauend habe ich mein persönliches Risikokapital in den letzten Monaten zu günstigen Kursen eingesetzt. Und jetzt habe ich Zeit und warte, bis die ersten Gewinne in 2005 fließen werden.
      schrieb am 07.11.02 08:35:07
      Beitrag Nr. 158 ()
      @ mr watch

      lieber jens (Peek) , nur weil Du´s schreibst, daß Du nix
      mit UCL zu tun hast, muß man´s ja nicht glauben.....
      Deine Artemis GmbH ( auch nur
      ein Luftschloß. Die GMBH ist nicht im Handelsregister ein-
      getragen (das ist strafbar, hehehe)und unter der Münchner
      Adresse, die Du angibst, ist gar nix.

      Aufgrund dieser Tatsachen passt Du ganz gut zu der
      Verbrecherbande aus dem Dreieck BRISBANE - WIEN - BASEL....
      schrieb am 07.11.02 12:06:03
      Beitrag Nr. 159 ()
      was Du glaubst oder nicht glaubst, ist Deine Sache. Aber unwahre Behauptungen und Diffamierungen in einem öffentlichen Board zu verbreiten, nur weil ich positiv für UCL gestimmt bin (bin ich übrigens nicht allein, sonst würde sich kein Käufer für diese Papiere finden), solltest Du sein lassen.

      Ich heiße G...., bin ein ganz normaler Büroangestellter und lebe im Rhein-Main-Gebiet. Jetzt kannst Du Dir das von W:O bestätigen lassen (wozu ich hiermit W:O ermächtige) oder weiter glauben was Du willst.

      Hier im Board möchte ich gern über Inhalte streiten.
      schrieb am 07.11.02 14:01:38
      Beitrag Nr. 160 ()
      wo bitte bestätigen! Danke
      schrieb am 07.11.02 15:10:38
      Beitrag Nr. 161 ()
      @ jens p.

      und ich bin vom Nordpol
      gez. Santa Claus
      schrieb am 14.11.02 16:55:09
      Beitrag Nr. 162 ()
      hallo ihr optimisten,

      wenn der kurs mal wieder bei 0,1 steht, vielleicht 2015,
      dann erinnert mich, ich habe hier noch 75000. stck rumliegen,

      bis die jahre, aber vielleicht möchte ja einer von euch welche haben, ihr muesst euch nur melden.

      schrieb am 15.11.02 23:00:01
      Beitrag Nr. 163 ()
      na, da musst du nicht erst bis 2015 warten.
      das kommt dieses jahr noch.
      hab es per brief von meiner bank bekommen:

      10:1 resplit

      d.h. der kurs wird sich so auf 1, im besten fall auf 2 cent
      mit dem kleinen schönheitsfehler, dass du nur noch 7500 aktien hast ;)
      schrieb am 26.11.02 19:02:37
      Beitrag Nr. 164 ()
      Also Ihr könnt ja rumwettern wie Ihr wollt, ich bin nicht der Besagte und als Verbrecher sollte man den Armen ganz und gar nicht bezeichnen. Glaubt mir, der ist alles andere als glücklich mit diesen Leuten, und gezahlt haben diese ihn bestimmt noch nicht, denn sonst hätte er mich sicherlich schon mal auf ein Bier eingeladen.Die Geschäftspraktiken der UCL sind mehr als dubios und das ist eine ganz seltsame Bande, immer nur auf neues Geld aus.
      Ich habe mir deren Jahresabschluß mal mit meinem Finanzberater angeschaut und werde aus den ganzen Zahlen nicht besonders schlau. Die versuchen einiges zu verschleiern, wie schon häufig auch in diesem Board beschrieben. Fakt bleibt aber trotzdem, daß Gold weiterhin steigt und Gold Aura zur Cash Cow werden könnte. Man betrachte den Konjunktiv. Von dem Reverse Split habe ich noch nichts gehört, könnte sich aber ganz positiv auf die Aktie auswirken, vorausgesetzt die Märkte ziehen in AUS wieder an. Und bei dieser Waldwiesenbörse habe ich so meine Probleme. Aber das Potential ist auf jeden Fall da und das Management muß Interesse an höheren Kursen haben, denn sonst gibt es auch keine neuen Investoren. Man sollte vielleicht trotz der negativen Vergangenheit nicht so negativ an die Sache rangehen. Denn Aktien haben wir ja noch alle, welche mächtig im Keller steh´n.
      In diesem Sinne
      Connor McLeod
      schrieb am 26.11.02 19:20:22
      Beitrag Nr. 165 ()
      wieso werden jetzt plötzlich die optionen taxiert?
      ist da was im busch??
      schrieb am 27.11.02 13:06:42
      Beitrag Nr. 166 ()
      @ xnasemann

      keine Ahnung, mußt Du mal die Checker fragen!
      schrieb am 27.11.02 21:37:40
      Beitrag Nr. 167 ()
      :p egal wenns steigt,
      hab 1 mio wertloser optionen...
      schrieb am 04.12.02 13:02:33
      Beitrag Nr. 168 ()
      Re: Union Capital Limited - Reorganisation of Capital

      Participating Organisations are advised that at today’s annual general meeting for Union Capital Limited (the “Company”;), shareholders among things, approved a resolution for the reorganisation of the Company’s capital via a consolidation on a 1 for 10 basis.
      The following timetable will apply to the reorganisation of capital.

      Friday, 29 November 2002: Shareholder meeting held and results of meeting released to market. Last day for trading Company securities on a pre-reorganisation basis.
      Monday, 2 December 2002: Trading in the Company’s reorganised securities on a deferred settlement basis commences. [ASX Code: UCLDA, UCLDB]
      Friday, 6 December 2002: The last day for Company to register transfers on a pre-reorganisation basis.
      Monday, 9 December 2002: The first day for the Company to register securities on a post reorganisation basis and first day for issue of holding statements.
      Friday, 13 December 2002: Despatch date. Deferred settlement market ends.
      Monday, 16 December 2002: Normal T+3 trading recommences. [ASX Code: UCL, UCLO]
      Thursday, 19 December 2002: First settlement date for trades conducted on a T+3 basis and the first settlement of on market trades on a deferred settlement basis.

      For further information, please refer to the Company’s notice of annual general meeting released to the market on 29 October 2002.

      ASX Contact: Melissa Grundy
      Business Unit Companies [Brisbane]
      Ext.No: 4000
      Date: 29 November 2002

      schrieb am 17.12.02 09:15:17
      Beitrag Nr. 169 ()
      13 December 2002

      Re: Union Capital Limited

      Consequent upon the consolidation of the issued capital of Union Capital Limited as approved by shareholders in general meeting on 29th November 2002, the company advises that the securities now on issue have been reconstructed as follows.

      Quoted securities:
      78,608,889 ordinary shares
      31,119,668 options exercisable at $ 1 on or before 31st March 2005

      Unquoted securities:
      1,060,000 employee and directors options exercisable at $3 on or before 30 September 2005
      1,000,000 convertible notes issued at $1, exercisable into ordinary shares at a 20% discount to market, expiry 25/6/2005
      450,000 convertible notes issued at $1, exercisable into ordinary shares at a 20% discount to market, expiry 30/6/2003
      800,000 secured convertible notes issued at $1, exercisable into ordinary shares at a 20%discount to market, expiry 30/6/2003

      The company advises that the holding statements containing the new reconstructed capital were mailed to shareholders and optionholders on 11th December 2002.

      schrieb am 13.01.03 09:25:12
      Beitrag Nr. 170 ()
      Lest auch ruhig mal den heutigen Artikel von Adultshop:cry:
      Ich kann nur hoffen, daß es nicht auch unsere UCL betrifft.
      Irgendwie glaube ich ja noch an einen möglichen Saulus/Paulus-Trend.
      10 January 2003
      Gold Aura Limited (ASX code GOA) has obtained full ownership of a new gold zone recently discovered northeast of the old gold mining town of Croydon in North Queensland.

      The new discovery is in the Gilded Rose Area situated about 30 kilometres from Croydon, which was the focal point of the historic diggings that have yielded in excess of 840,000 ounces of gold and 940,000 ounces of silver since 1886.

      The Managing Director of Gold Aura Limited, Mr Rob Murdoch said a preliminary inferred resource estimate by the company has delineated a high-grade zone of 200,000 tonnes at 7.0 grams per tonne of gold (close to 50,000 ounces, contained gold).

      The high-grade mineralisaton is located within a lower grade zone of 2 million tonnes at 2.05 grams of gold per tonne containing approximately 130, 000 ounces of gold.

      Gold Aura Limited feels there is potential to extend this resource, both along strike and at depth.

      Mr Murdoch said $2 million had been expended on exploration in the Croydon Project Area in the past two years.

      He said Gold Aura was seeking investment partners to develop the resource further.

      The gold mineralisation within the Croydon Goldfield is considered to be of Permo-Carboniferous age, similar to the world class Kidston and Mount Leyshon Gold deposits.

      "Gold Aura also owns the Georgetown gold plant and its associated infrastructure located 150 kilometres from the deposit, which could be used to recover the gold, subject to feasibility study.” Mr Murdoch said.

      The geology of the Croydon Goldfield consists of extruded Proterozoic volcanics that have been intruded by granitic rocks of similar age. Younger Permo-Carboniferous volcanics are also interpreted to crop out in the area. Gold mineralisation is contained within quartz veins developed within major fault structures as at Gilded Rose or within the granites and volcanics in close proximity to areas where these two rock types are in contact with each other.

      From the available regional aeromagnetic data, Gold Aura’s geologists have identified the likely location of the eruption point or caldera zone for the ejected volcanic rocks. Such major eruptive centres elsewhere in the word have subsequently developed major caldera collapse structures, which are often associated with later extensive hydrothermal alteration, intrusive activity and significant gold mineralisation. This interpreted feature offers an attractive target for drill testing.

      Approximately 35 kilometres to the north of Croydon at Wallabadah, Gold Aura’s geologists have also identified two “bullseye” type aeromagnetic highs under shallow cover. These lie to the east of a large gravity high. Being located on the margin of a major goldfield, these features are considered to offer prospective targets for drill testing.

      Gold Aura Limited, which listed on the Australian Stock Exchange on 1 November 2002 also has exploration projects at Georgetown in North Queensland and on Fergusson Island in Papua New Guinea.


      6 January 2003


      Gold Aura Limited (Gold Aura) advises that Newcrest Mining Limited has withdrawn from the Croydon Project Joint Venture effective 9 January 2003, with full ownership reverting back to Gold Aura.

      During the Joint Venture Newcrest has spent approximately $2 million on exploration. Gold Aura considers that the work has been of a high standard and the company will benefit from the data produced when future exploration is undertaken. The Croydon Goldfield is one of Australia’s major historical gold producing areas. The exploration has delineated a new gold zone and a considerable number of highly prospective areas elsewhere within the project area remain untested.

      In the Gilded Rose Prospect area, situated within the north eastern part of the project area, a preliminary inferred resource estimate by Gold Aura has identified a high grade gold zone of 200,000 tonnes at 7.0 g/t Au (approximately 50,000 ounces contained gold), located within a lower grade zone of 2.0 million tonnes at 2.05 g/t Au containing approximately 130,000 ounces gold.

      To the north west of Gilded Rose Prospect, Gold Aura has identified a circular feature from geophysical data, which when considered in light of the known geology, could be interpreted as a major volcanic eruptive centre or caldera. As most major calderas develop post extrusion collapse structures and as these are often gold mineralised, the circular feature offers an attractive target for drill testing.

      Deep drilling has identified values of up to 11.3 g/t Au in narrow quartz veins at depths up to 330 metres in the Croydon Project area. This enhances the potential for significant deep mineralisation to be developed within major structures in other parts of the project area.

      Gold Aura will now evaluate the gold zone discovered to determine its full potential and seek a new joint venture to evaluate the untested targets.

      schrieb am 13.01.03 14:04:10
      Beitrag Nr. 171 ()
      Die Kurse an der ASX haben jedenfalls freundlich reagiert:

      Kurs Veränderung Volumen
      UCL: 0,035 0 % 931.892
      GOA: 0,17 +41 % 335.660
      GOAO: 0,04 +60 % 73.692
      schrieb am 13.01.03 23:28:26
      Beitrag Nr. 172 ()
      und was haben wir beim zeichnen der goa bezahlt?
      da brauchen wir noch ein paar mal +40%
      meine ucl optionen sind soviel wert wie die aktie selbst
      sehe mehr und mehr schwarz, aber verkaufen bringt nix..
      schrieb am 14.01.03 11:02:02
      Beitrag Nr. 173 ()
      nicht schwarzsehen !

      Gold Aura hat plus
      Aurora Gold fusioniert und der kurs ist um 50% gestiegen
      st.francis (auch gold) gewann letzte woche 50%

      es ist einfach nur eine frage der zeit, bis ucl auch
      wieder dran ist. die jungs haben doch einige vielversprechende ideen auf die beine gestellt.

      lasst ucl schlafen - wir sprechen uns in spätestens einem jahr wieder !

      schrieb am 27.01.03 13:10:28
      Beitrag Nr. 174 ()
      24 January 2003

      Re: UCL share placement

      Union Capital Limited advises that it has placed 7.7 million ordinary shares and 4 million (new class) options to raise $231,000 for the purposes of supplementing working capital for the company.

      The new class of options will be unlisted and are exercisable at 10 cents each at any time up to 31st March 2006.

      An Appendix 3B (Application for Quotation) for the shares will be lodged shortly in conjunction with convertible notes interest due at the end of January 2003, which is likely to be paid as ordinary shares.
      schrieb am 28.01.03 19:52:59
      Beitrag Nr. 175 ()
      und wie geht es nun weiter mit ucl? Der Kurs kennt ja leider nur eine Richtung :(
      schrieb am 29.01.03 10:26:26
      Beitrag Nr. 176 ()
      Ischlich , das weiß doch keiner , wir sind zu weit weg vom Geschehen oder.? . Das Umfeld ist so bescheiden, daß man es zur Zeit auch auf das Umfeld schieben kann. Wird wohl erst Mitte - Ende 2003.
      Aber wer will bei diesem Kurs noch verkaufen???:cry:
      GOA meldet folgendes. da haben wir ja ein paar Gratisaktien von;)
      Also bohrt fleißig Jungs!
      29 January 2003

      Re: Drilling to Commence at Gameta
      Gold Aura Limited (Gold Aura) announces that it has let a contract for the drilling of 1,000 metres of combined reverse circulation (RC) and diamond core drilling at its Gameta Project on Fergusson Island in PNG. The work will be undertaken by United Pacific Drilling (UPD), a company based in Madang, PNG.

      UPD have already commenced mobilisation of their drilling equipment to site and Gold Aura have commenced site preparations and mobilisation of personnel for the programme. It is expected that drilling will be commenced by mid February 2003 and is expected to take between 4 to 6 weeks to complete. Three holes are planned with each being commenced in RC with a diamond core tail from around 100 metres to a total depth of up to 400 metres.

      The Fergusson Island Project comprises two main gold resources at Wapolu and Gameta. Together they contain total inferred resources of 680,000 ounces of gold. GOA has a 60% interest in the Project with Yamana Resources Inc holding the remaining 40%. GOA is the manager and joint venture operator.

      The drilling at Gameta will focus on deep drilling below the existing inferred gold resource in an attempt to increase the resource size several fold. Previous near surface drill intersections include ; 49 metres at 4.1 g/t Au and 10 metres at 10.5 g/t Au.

      Re-interpretation of the geological data from Gameta has provided evidence for a diatreme (in-filled volcanic vent), the presence of which had been suspected for some time. A significant and economic gold mineralised diatreme occurs in a similar geological/structural setting at Wau in central mainland PNG. The drilling will also test this interpretation.

      Joint Venture partner Yamana Resources Inc of Canada has elected not to contribute their share of the drilling costs at Gameta and hence are diluting their 40% equity in the project. GOA will sole fund the upcoming programme then seek a new contributing joint venture partner to help share future costs.

      schrieb am 03.02.03 08:13:24
      Beitrag Nr. 177 ()
      Re: Union Capital to focus back in the resources industry

      Union Capital Limited advises that during this year the Company will turn back the clock to 1999 and focus its future investments exclusively within the resources industry, going forward.

      Union`s focus in mineral resources will result in the Company offering for sale its non-resource assets in telecommunications and email technology.

      Union`s record in minerals resources is impressive for a small company;
      (a) 2002: Successful listing of Gold Aura Limited, completed during a period when there were very few new gold listings in Eastern Australia.
      (b) 2000-1 Successful exploration and pre-feasibility study at Mehdiabad Iran, culminating in the discovery of a world class silver and lead-zinc resource, at a time when there were very few new major minerals discoveries globally. This project should proceed to development in the next few years.
      (c) 1996-7 The successful exploration of Fergusson Island in PNG culminating in the discovery of significant gold resources at Gameta, where new owner Gold Aura will shortly drill under the known gold resources.
      (d) 1994-6 A successful gold miner in North Queensland.

      Union expects the Exploitation Licence for the Mehdiabad Zinc and Silver Project in Iran (Union 32.5%) to be granted fairly soon, after which work will commence on the bankable feasibility study.

      New mineral projects will be introduced as opportunity occurs.
      schrieb am 21.02.03 09:16:40
      Beitrag Nr. 178 ()
      19 February 2003

      Re: Issue of Shares on Convertible Note

      Union Capital Limited advises that it has today received notice from Austex Mining NL to convert $380,000 of the $800,000 Converting Notes it holds on behalf of Mr Robert Murdoch, into ordinary shares in Union Capital Limited.

      The effect of this notice is to issue 15,260,002 ordinary shares, as conversion of 380,000 $1 notes and an additional 100,340 ordinary shares as interest payable on the notes being converted. The issue price of the shares is $0.0249017 per share, being a 20% discount to the weighted average price of Union’s shares traded over the previous ten trading days

      Consequent upon this notice and issue of new shares, Austex Mining NL will hold 19.9% of the issued capital of Union Capital Limited.
      schrieb am 23.02.03 00:30:01
      Dieser Beitrag wurde vom System automatisch gesperrt. Bei Fragen wenden Sie sich bitte an
      schrieb am 23.02.03 11:54:54
      Beitrag Nr. 180 ()
      schrieb am 24.02.03 00:29:11
      Beitrag Nr. 181 ()
      sag mal ,was jetzt?
      heute war nach doktors posting noch ein anderes(?)
      also doc
      mein posting bezieht sich nicht auf dein ( immer ) qualifiziertes posting...
      schrieb am 27.02.03 22:17:16
      Beitrag Nr. 182 ()
      Moin Moin liebe Aussi Stock Freunde,

      was gibt es Neues von der südlichen Halbkugel?
      Manchmal glaube ich wirklich, daß die da unten zu viel Sonne auf den Kopf bekommen haben und da sie eh auf dem Kopf stehen müßen ist einfach zu viel Blut im Schädel.
      Diese Tatsache mit der Kombination zu viel Sonne erklärt vieles. Sehr wahrscheinlich auch die wahnwitzige Idee Geld in den IRAN!!!!! zu investieren.
      Wie seht ihr das? Ich glaube, man sollte doch Murdoch und Freunde samt Moser mal in die kalte Seite der Erde einladen. Wie denkt Ihr darüber??????
      schrieb am 28.02.03 20:27:57
      Beitrag Nr. 183 ()
      ich habe mich bevor ich hier nun post sehr intensiv mit dem Iran beschäftigt.
      Natürlich siehst du wahrscheinlich die Kriegsgefahr.j

      Ich denke der Iran entwickelt sich wie fast kein anderes Land, noch nicht einmal die Türkei!!! , nach westlichen Werten. Schau dir mal die wirtschaftlichen Gegebenheiten an. Die Studenten dort wie auch hier wollen eine Trennung von Politik und Religion.
      Ich gebe dir recht , daß wenn dieser Großkotz Busch den Irak angreift, es hier wieder in "ALLEN ISLAMISCHEN LÄNDERN" wieder zu einem Fanatismus kommen kann und wahrscheinlich auch wird, daß Gelder die zur Zeit reingesteckt werden verloren gehen.
      Aber Iran ist ein Land mit sehr viel Zukunft, wenn es doch anders kommt.
      Fazit: es ist eine Change die genauso prozentual verteilt ist wie , die Aktien von UCL zu kaufen. Wiederum hat man bei UCL , GOA keine großen Möglichkeiten mehr den großen Turnaround zu schaffen.
      Ich denke für mich, daß Risiko finde ich gut, denn hier gilt wie bei vielen (ICGE;CMGI,etc) alles oder nix.
      Schönes Wochenend. :look:
      schrieb am 05.03.03 23:53:08
      Beitrag Nr. 184 ()

      4 March 2003

      Company Announcements Office
      Australian Stock Exchange Limited
      Fax No. 1300 300 021

      Dear Sir

      Enclosed is an Explanatory Memorandum and Notice of General Meeting of Shareholders to be held on 3 April 2003.

      Yours faithfully

      PR Sauerberg
      Company Secretary

      Total – 5 pages

      Tel: +61 7 3833-3833 Suite 1, Level 3, 200 Creek Street, Brisbane Postal Address:
      Fax: +61 7 3833-3888 PO Box 728 Spring Hill Q
      Australia 4004

      Notice of Extraordinary General Meeting

      Notice is hereby given that an Extraordinary General Meeting of Union Capital Limited (“the Company”) is to be held at the registered office of the Company, Level 3, 200 Creek Street, Brisbane, Queensland on 3 April 2003 at 10 am (Brisbane time).

      Ordinary Business

      1. That in accordance with the provisions of Listing Rule 7.4 of the Official Listing Rules of the Australian Stock Exchange Ltd, and for all other purposes, the shareholders ratify the previous issue, on 24th January 2003, of 4,000,000 ordinary shares of the Company at an issue price of 3 cents each, together with the issue of 4,000,000 free attaching options to acquire ordinary shares exercisable at an exercise price of 10 cents each at any time up to 31st March 2006, for a consideration of $120,000 to McNeil Nominees Pty Ltd (“McNeil”).

      a) The rights attaching to the Shares are identical in all respects to the existing ordinary shares on issue in the Company.
      b) The funds raised by the issue are being used to fund working capital requirements of the Company.
      c) The Company will disregard any votes cast on this resolution by:
      · McNeil; or
      · Any person who, for the purpose of Division 2 of Part 1.2 of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cwth) would be regarded as an associate of McNeil.

      However, the Company need not disregard a vote it:

      · It is cast by a person as proxy for a person who is entitled to vote, in accordance with the directions on the proxy form; or
      · It is cast by the person chairing the meeting as proxy for a person who is entitled to vote in accordance with the direction on the proxy form to vote as the proxy decides.

      2. That in accordance with the provisions of Listing Rule 7.4 of the Official Listing Rules of the Australian Stock Exchange Ltd, and for all other purposes, the shareholders ratify the previous issue, on 24th January 2003, of 3,700,000 ordinary shares of the Company at an issue price of 3 cents each for a consideration of $111,000 to Westglade Pty Ltd (“Westglade”).

      a) The rights attaching to the Shares are identical in all respects to the existing ordinary shares on issue in the Company.
      b) The funds raised by the issue are being used to fund working capital requirements of the Company.
      c) The Company will disregard any votes cast on this resolution by:
      · Westglade; or
      · Any person who, for the purpose of Division 2 of Part 1.2 of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cwth) would be regarded as an associate of Westglade.

      However, the Company need not disregard a vote it:

      · It is cast by a person as proxy for a person who is entitled to vote, in accordance with the directions on the proxy form; or
      · It is cast by the person chairing the meeting as proxy for a person who is entitled to vote in accordance with the direction on the proxy form to vote as the proxy decides.

      3. That in accordance with Listing Rule 7.1 of the Official Listing Rules of the ASX, and for all other purposes, the Company and the Directors of the Company are hereby authorised to issue up to 50,000,000 ordinary shares, at an issue price of 3 cents ($0.03) each pursuant to the Company’s Shareholders’ Share Plan (“Plan”) as described in the Explanatory Memorandum accompanying this Notice of Meeting.

      a) The terms and conditions relating to the Plan are set out more particularly in the attached Explanatory Memorandum.

      b) The rights attaching to the shares to be issued pursuant to the Plan will be identical in all respects to existing ordinary shares in the capital of the Company.

      c) The Company will issue the shares pursuant to the Plan on a date not later than three (3) months after the date of this General Meeting.

      d) If this Resolution 3 is approved, the offer of shares under the Plan will close subject to the Directors discretion on 5.00 pm (Brisbane time) on April 4th 2003.

      e) The intended use of the funds raised pursuant to the issue of shares under the Plan is:

      · the further development of the Company’s Mehdiabad zinc deposits (”Deposits”);
      · procurement of a bankable feasibility study for the Deposits; and
      · general working capital purposes.

      By Order of the Board

      Peter Sauerberg
      Company Secretary


      This Explanatory Memorandum is provided to shareholders of Union Capital Limited (“the Company”) to explain the resolutions to be put to shareholders at the Extraordinary General Meeting to be held at the registered office of the Company, Level 3, 200 Creek Street, Brisbane, Queensland on 3 April 2003 at 10 am (Brisbane time).


      Resolutions 1 and 2

      Resolutions 1 and 2 seek shareholder ratification of the previous issue of shares to the recipients specified in the attached Notice of Meeting. The Company believes that all relevant information concerning such resolutions is included in the text, and accompanying notes, of these resolutions in the Notice of Meeting, and therefore no further comment on these resolutions is made.

      Resolution 3

      The Company intends to make a small scale offering of new ordinary shares to all of its shareholders as at 28 February 2003 (the “Record Date”), pursuant to ASIC Class Order CO 02/831 (the “Share Plan”).

      Under the Share Plan, each registered shareholder in the Company, as at the Record Date, will be entitled to subscribe for a maximum of $2,000 of new shares in the capital of the Company, at an issue price of 3 cents ($0.03) each.

      Under the terms of ASIC Class Order CO 02/831, the issue price of the shares under the Share Plan must represent a discount on the market price of the Company’s shares during a specified period in the 30 days prior to either the date of the offer or the date of issue. The issue price of shares under the Share plan, being 3 cents ($0.03) each, will represent a discount of approximately 11% on the weighted average trading price of the Company’s ordinary shares over the five (5) day period 17 February 2003 to 21 February 2003, being a period in the 30 days prior to the date of the offer.

      The Company is unable to offer the opportunity to shareholders with an address in a jurisdiction in which it would be unlawful to make such an offer, otherwise the Company would not be entitled to rely upon the exemption in Class Order CO 02/831.

      It has been determined by the Board that the maximum number of shares to be issued under the Share Plan will be 50,000,000, and that if the total number of subscriptions received exceeds this number, applications will be accepted on a “first in first served” basis.

      In the event that, for any reason, shareholder approval pursuant to this resolution is not obtained, the Company intends to reserve the right to issue shares under the Share Plan, up to the maximum level permitted pursuant to Listing Rule 7.1 without shareholder approval. In such case, applications will be accepted on a “first in first served” basis.

      It is not intended that ”related parties” (as that term is defined in the Corporations Act 2001 (Cwth)) of the Company will participate in the issue of shares under the Share Plan.

      The full terms of the Share Plan are as set out in the Application Form, and Terms of the Share Plan.

      The Company will not be preparing a prospectus in relation to the Share Plan, as the Share Plan offer will be made to shareholders pursuant to Class Order CO 02/831, which permits the offer of shares to shareholders, without the requirement for a prospectus, on the terms set out in that Class Order.

      The ASX has allowed the Company a technical waiver from the application of Listing Rule 7.3.8, to allow subscribers under the Share Plan to vote on Resolution 3.

      teil 1 grüße xnasenmann
      schrieb am 05.03.03 23:57:03
      Beitrag Nr. 185 ()
      28 February 2003

      Company Announcements Office
      Australian Stock Exchange Limited
      Fax No. 1300 300 021

      Dear Sir

      The Company refers to its announcement of 24th February 2003 concerning the offer to invite shareholders to subscribe for up to $2,000 worth of shares under the terms of a Shareholder Share Purchase Plan that complies with ASIC class order 00/194 and the ASX Listing Rules.

      The price for new shares has been determined as 3.0 cents per share, a discount of 11% to the weighted average trading price of the Company’s ordinary shares over the five (5) day period commencing 17th February 2003 to 21st February 2003.

      Enclosed is a copy of the Application Form and Terms of the Plan, and a letter from the Managing Director, which are being dispatched to shareholders this week.

      Yours faithfully

      PR Sauerberg
      Company Secretary

      Tel: +61 7 3833-3833 Suite 1, Level 3, 200 Creek Street, Brisbane Postal Address:
      Fax: +61 7 3833-3888 PO Box 728 Spring Hill Q
      Australia 4004
      28 February 2003

      Dear Shareholders

      On behalf of the Board of Directors of Union Capital Limited, I would like to invite you to participate in the Company’s Share Purchase Plan. I feel that the time is right for shareholders to take a ‘new look’ at the company.

      I appreciate we have been through a very tough time together, but it is time to move on and create new opportunities. The market has long been critical of our diverse portfolio of investments. Union’s strengths are in mineral resources and the outlook in that sector seems positive. Now seems to be a good time for the Company to focus in that industry and ‘stay there’.

      Recently, Union announced that it would sell its ‘non-resource’ projects. We have already started to look for buyers for our investments in Eastern Telecoms in the Philippines and the Jabmail e-mail technology. An orderly sale of the former may return significant cash to the Company.

      Going forward I feel that Union should specialise in providing ‘seed capital’ for major resource projects. In the right market our shareholders will be invited to participate in new floats and share issues in resource projects vetted by our experts.

      Last year’s float of Gold Aura Limited by Union, under very difficult business circumstances, has been the first tentative step in this new direction.

      In the coming year, we will start the process of listing our major zinc project in Iran. We are currently working with the Iranians on the final stages of the granting of the mining titles. The project seems to be viewed very positively by financial institutions in Europe and it may be best to ultimately list the asset there.

      Other opportunities will be presented to shareholders for consideration, as we go forward.

      My view is that Union is heading in the right direction. My commitment and leadership is shown by recently having my investment company, Austex Mining NL, convert sufficient of its converting notes held in Union into shares, to become a substantial shareholder.

      I look forward to you participating in this new share and option package being offered under the Share Purchase Plan. Please call me at any time you have queries or require further information on Union and its projects. I am always available to talk to shareholders.

      Kindest regards

      Rob Murdoch
      Managing Director


      I/We the above mentioned being registered as ordinary shareholder(s) in the Company as at 28 February 2003 do hereby apply for the number of new shares as stated below at an issue price of 3 cents ($0.03) per share issued in accordance with the terms of the Union Capital Limited Shareholders’ Share Plan and the Constitution of the Company.

      AT 3 CENTS ($0.03) PER SHARE $ __________________
      The maximum number of new shares you can apply for is 66,667, which will cost you $2,000


      I/We enclose payment of 3 cents ($0.03) for each new fully paid ordinary share applied for, and hereby authorise you to place my/our name(s) on the register of members in respect of the new fully paid shares allotted to me/us and I/We agree to be bound by the terms of the Union Capital Limited Shareholders’ Share Plan and the Company’s Constitution.

      Insert details of your cheque or bank cheques - please complete in BLOCK LETTERS

      Name of Drawer Cheque No. Bank Branch Amount

      Please debit my credit card: Mastercard Bankcard Visa

      Card No.:

      NOTE: Return of the Application Form, together with your cheque(s) or credit card payment for the application monies, will constitute your offer to subscribe for new shares in the Company, and your acceptance of the Terms and Conditions of the Union Capital Limited Shareholders’ Share Plan. No signature is required on this form unless you wish to pay for your new shares by way of credit card, in which case please sign in the box above where indicated.

      By completing and returning this Application Form, with my cheque(s) or credit card payment for the application monies, I/We hereby certify that the amount of shares subscribed for by me/us pursuant to the Union Capital Limited Shareholders’ Share Plan (being a maximum of $2,000 worth of shares), and any similar arrangement at any time in the 12 months prior to the date of my/our application, does not exceed $5,000.


      Completion of Application Form
      Insert the number of new shares you wish to subscribe for in the box headed “Number of New Shares”. The maximum number of new shares that you may apply for is 66,667 (or $2,000 worth of shares).
      Insert the total amount of your subscription payment in the box headed “Amount Enclosed”. This amount should be the number of new shares applied for, multiplied by the issue price of 3 cents ($0.03) per share applied for.
      Please complete all relevant sections of the Application Form using BLOCK LETTERS.
      Please see the instructions below under the heading “Payment” in relation to how you may pay for the new shares subscribed for.
      How to Lodge your Application
      The completed Application Form, together with your payment for the full amount of new shares applied for, should be forwarded to the Company located at the addresses set out below and must reach that address by 5:00pm (Brisbane time) on 4th April 2003.
      Union Capital Limited
      Level 3,200 Creek Street
      BRISBANE QLD 4000
      PO Box 728,
      Spring Hill QLD 4004

      Applications with payment by CREDIT CARD may be faxed to (07) 3833 3888. If your Application Form is faxed in this manner, please DO NOT send the originals.
      It is recommended that you lodge your Application Form and payment as soon as possible. Applications must be received by no later than 5:00 pm (Brisbane time) on 4th April 2003.
      You may pay for the new shares applied for by cheque or by credit card. Cash payment will not be accepted. The amount of your payment must be equal to the total number of new shares for which you apply, multiplied by the issue price of 3 cents ($0.03) each.
      Payments must be made in Australian Currency and cheque(s) must be drawn on an Australian Bank.
      Complete cheque details as requested. Cheque(s) must be made payable to “Union Capital Limited Share A/C ” and crossed “not negotiable".
      Cheque(s) not properly drawn will be rejected. Cheques will generally be deposited on the day of receipt. If cheque(s) are dishonoured the application will be rejected.
      If you wish to pay with your credit card, please complete and sign the credit card payment authorisation on the Application Form.

      In this Plan, unless the context otherwise indicates:
      ASX means the Australian Stock Exchange Ltd;
      Board means the board of directors of the Company;
      Company means Union Capital Limited ABN 40 002 118 872;
      1.1 Eligible Shareholders has the meaning ascribed to it in clause 2.1;
      1.2 Listing Rules means the official listing rules of the ASX (as amended from time to time);
      1.3 Offer means a non-renounceable offer of up to $2,000 worth of ordinary fully paid shares in the Company to Eligible Shareholders under the Plan;
      Plan means the Union Capital Limited Shareholders’ Share Plan approved by the Board;
      1.4 Record Date means 28 February 2003;
      Shares means new shares in the Company issued pursuant to the Plan;
      Subscription Price means 3 cents ($0.03) per Share subscribed for.
      Those shareholders of the Company that will be eligible to apply for Shares under the Plan (“Eligible Shareholders”) must:
      be recorded in the Company’s register of Shareholders at 5:00 pm (Brisbane time) on the Record Date; and
      have an address in a jurisdiction in which it is lawful and practical for the Company to issue the Shares (in the reasonable opinion of the Board).
      The Offer does not constitute an offer in any jurisdiction in which, or to any person to whom, it would not be lawful to make such an Offer.
      The Offer shall open at 9:00 am (Brisbane time) on 3 March 2003 (“Opening Date”) until, subject to the discretion of the Board, 5:00pm (Brisbane time) on 4 April 2003 ("Closing Date"). The Board reserves the rights to close the Offer early, or to otherwise vary the Opening Date or Closing Date, without further notice.
      The maximum number of Shares that will be issued by the Company under the Plan is 50,000,000. In the event that the Company receives subscriptions for more than the maximum 50,000,000 Shares, the Company intends to accept subscriptions for Shares on a “first come first served” basis.
      All application monies will be deposited into a trust account and shall be refunded by the Company without interest in the event that shareholder approval (as specified in clause 3.4) is not received, or if the relevant application is refused by the Board for any reason.
      The issue of the Shares pursuant to and in accordance with the Plan is conditional upon the prior approval of shareholders at a duly convened meeting of shareholders to be held on 3 April 2003 (or at any adjournment thereof). In the event that shareholder approval to the issue of Shares under the Plan is not received, the Company reserves the right to issue such number of Shares under the Plan as it is permitted to under Listing Rule 7.1 without shareholder approval. In such event, the Company intends to accept subscriptions for Shares on a “first come first served” basis.
      The Board reserves the right to reject any application for Shares, including (without limitation) if an Application Form is not correctly completed or exact payment for the number of Shares applied for is not received. In such circumstances, no Shares will be issued to the relevant applicant(s), and any application monies paid will be refunded to the relevant applicant(s) without interest.

      If there is a consolidation or re?organisation of the issued share capital of the Company, prior to the Closing Date, the number of Shares to be issued pursuant to and in accordance with the Plan shall be consolidated in the same ratio as the issued capital of the Company.
      The Company intends to issue the Shares under the Plan by 11 April 2003 (“Issue Date”). The Company reserves the right to vary the Issue Date without further notice in the event that the Closing Date is varied pursuant to clause 3.1.
      The Company intends to apply for listing of the Shares issued pursuant to the Plan on the ASX.
      The Eligible Members may apply for up to a maximum of TWO THOUSAND DOLLARS ($2,000) worth of Shares under the Plan, at the Subscription Price of 3 cents ($0.03) per Share.
      The Subscription Price represents a discount of approximately 11% on the weighted average trading price of the Company’s shares on the ASX, over the five (5) day period 17 February 2003 to 21 February 2003 (the “Calculation Period"), and as a result is less than the “market price” during the Calculation Period.
      Although the Purchase Price was a substantial discount at the time of the calculation, the Shares are a speculative investment and the market price of the Shares may change between the Calculation Period and the Issue Date or between the Opening Date and the Issue Date.
      2 GENERAL
      2.1 The Board may change or terminate the Plan at any time. In the event that the Board does so, it will advise the ASX. Any omission to give notice of changes to, or termination of, the Plan, or the non-receipt of any such notice, will not invalidate the change or termination.
      2.2 In addition to any rights of the Board to reject applications set out in these Terms, the Board also reserves the right to allocate fewer Shares than an Eligible Shareholder applies for, or no Shares to an Eligible Shareholder, if the Board believes that the allotment of those Shares would contravene any of the Listing Rules. In any such case, any application monies paid will be refunded to the relevant applicant(s) without interest.
      schrieb am 06.03.03 00:01:55
      Beitrag Nr. 186 ()
      :( schon wieder neue aktien?
      ich habe die seit 4 jahren und alle paar monate verwässern die mehr,wer kauft denn da noch???
      schrieb am 06.03.03 00:04:11
      Beitrag Nr. 187 ()
      :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: und wo bitte ist der hochbezahlte übersetzer????????
      schrieb am 06.03.03 17:16:18
      Beitrag Nr. 188 ()
      Wie wärs mit einem Investment von ca. 10000 Stück zu 0,0017

      zu einem bestimmten Tag fange ich mit Euch an zu kaufen.
      Wäre doch gelacht, wenn wir als community nicht den Kurs auf 0,02 kriegen. Wie siehts aus, macht jemand mit ?

      Bin mal aufs Feedback gespannt !
      schrieb am 11.03.03 12:58:34
      Beitrag Nr. 189 ()
      Also bohrt Jungs und holt ordentlich Gold raus,... wir wollen mal wieder Wurst aufs Brot:cry:
      10 March 2003
      Re: Drilling Commenced at Gameta

      Union Capital Limited announces that Gold Aura Limited has commenced the combined reverse circulation (RC) and diamond core drilling programme at its Gameta Project on Fergusson Island in PNG has commenced.

      Gold Aura advises that the first hole, GDH-007, is currently at a depth of 33 metres in the RC pre-collar. The vertical hole is located approximately 390 metres to the SE of previous hole GRC-091 which intersected 49 metres at 4.1 g/t Au. If the dip of this gold mineralised zone remains constant, the hole will intersect it at a depth of around 300 metres, although a shallower intersection is anticipated. Planned hole depth is at least 400 metres.

      Union Capital holds a 49.16% interest of the issued capital of Gold Aura Limited.
      schrieb am 12.03.03 07:25:28
      Beitrag Nr. 190 ()
      also mit Union Capital ist doch nicht mehr viel los, oder? Die sollen erst mal einen anständigen Geschäftsbericht mit Gewinn auf den Tisch legen, erst wenn kein Geld mehr verbrannt wird kann auch die Aktie wieder etwas anziehen. Aber das kann dauern, wenn es überhaupt geschafft wird, momentan ist das Papier aber doch völlig uninteressant.

      schrieb am 13.03.03 21:48:59
      Beitrag Nr. 191 ()
      Stimmt recht hast du:cry:
      Aber sie sind schon nah an viel Gold . hoffe ich:rolleyes:
      schrieb am 19.03.03 00:29:53
      Beitrag Nr. 192 ()
      :confused: :laugh: :) ;) :look: :yawn: :kiss: :confused: :) Tel: +61 7 3833 3833 Suite 1, Level 3, 200 Creek Street, Brisbane Postal Address:
      Fax: +61 7 3833 3888 “Interim Technology House” PO Box 728
      Mobile: +61 418 712 011 Spring Hill Q
      Australia 4004
      March 18, 2003

      The Company Announcement Office
      Australian Stock Exchange

      Dear Sir,


      Union Capital Limited (“UZL”) announces that following a series of recent meetings in Tehran, the “green light” has now been given for the granting of an Exploitation Licence and the commencement of a bankable feasibility study over the world class Mehdiabad Zinc, Lead and Silver Project in Yadz Province of Central Iran.

      The Mehdiabad Project is considered to be the largest undeveloped zinc project in the world and contains commercial grades of lead, silver and barite.

      A pre-feasibility completed in 2001, established the combined indicated and inferred the resources at:

      218 million tonnes at 7.2% zinc, 2.3% lead and 51 g/t silver.

      However, the ore body, which is 2 kilometres long, is “open” over a width of 1.8 kms at the north end and 400 metres at the south end, and hence could be much larger.

      The present “in ground” mineral resources are at least 15 million tonnes of zinc, 5 million tonnes of lead and 11,000 tonnes of silver.

      The pre-feasibility study indicated no major technical impediment to development of the project. Mining will be initially by open cut for around 20 years and then by underground methods. The mine life is expected to be at least 50 years. The mineralisation occurs partly as oxides and partly as sulphides. Acid leaching will be used to process the oxide and floatation followed by pressure leaching to process the sulphides.

      The operating cost is expected to be around 20 cents US per pound, making Mehdiabad one of the world’s lowest cost zinc mines.

      The capital cost of the plant is expected to be around US$ 300 million. Union feel that much of the development funding will come from Europe and the Middle East where there is considerable interest in involvement in the project post the forthcoming US-Iraq War.

      The development is subject to the bankable study, which will commence as soon as a “Exploitation Licence” is granted to the Joint Venture Company (JVC). The bankable study is expected to take 12-18 months and cost around $ US 4 million.

      At current metal prices the NPV of the project is $US 266 million. The project is likely to have a pay back period of only 3-4 years and generate free cash flows in excess of $US 50 million per annum.

      Currently Union’s share price, reflect little if any, of Union’s share of this potential, that is now much closer to being ultimately realized than it was.

      Approval was been recently given by the Ministry of Mines and Industry for Iran Mines Procurement and Supply Company (IMPASCO) and its nominees to be a 50% shareholder in the JVC, with Union and its private Iranian partners holding the other 50%.

      As a result formation of the JVC is now underway and as soon as it is registered both the Exploration Licence over the Mehdiabad district and a Provisional Exploitation Licence over the Mehdiabad deposit will be granted to the JVC for 25 years, in accordance with the Foundation Agreement signed by Union and its partners with the Ministry of Mines and Industry in 1999.

      The “provision” attached to the Exploitation Licence will be that the bankable feasibility study be completed before mining commences. This is needed as under Iranian Law, mining must start on an Exploitation Licence within 12 months of the Licence being granted and the JVC may need longer than 12 months to complete their studies and raise the money required for development.

      The board of the JVC will comprise a mixture of Australian and Iranian mining and exploration experts with the proven ability to get this project off the ground both in Iran and internationally. The board will be led by Mr Rob Murdoch the Managing Director of Union, as its Chairman and Mr Massoud Fanian as its Managing Director.

      Mr Fanian, originally from the Mehdiabad area, has degrees in geology and industrial management from Iranian Universities and has been previously involved in coal and iron ore mining project at the management level. He has been Managing Director of National Iranian Steel Company (NISCO) Alloy Division and is currently a consultant to the Ministry of Mines and Industry. He is widely considered to be one of Iran’s best mining project managers and will have control of the day-to-day activities supported by specialist consultants from Australia.

      Union is the first foreign company to successfully achieve equity participation in a major mining project in Iran. Until recently the Government of Iran could only develop major mines.

      Under the Joint Venture Agreement signed between the parties in 1999 Union and local partner Itok were given 25% equity each, provided they spent the first $US 10 million required by the project. Union and Itok have now invested over $US 3.7 million in the project. By way of dilution of Itok initial interest, Union currently holds more than a 32 % and Itok less than 18 % equity. Union and Itok have now been given formal permission to combine their equity and negotiations are underway to achieve a merger of the full 50% into Union Zinc Limited as soon as possible.

      Upon completion of the merger, Union Zinc will invite outside equity participation in the company and investigate an AIM listing in London.

      The pending war in neighboring Iraq may affect the project, but only in a minor way provided the war is limited to Iraq. The war may delay certain aspects of the feasibility study requiring foreign consultants to be on site, and limit board meetings. More importantly it may also delay third party investment decisions into Union Zinc, until it is over.

      Yours Faithfully

      Managing Director
      schrieb am 19.03.03 18:23:23
      Beitrag Nr. 193 ()
      und schon wieder runter auf 0,03. Ich hätte ja im Moment keine Lust im Iran nach Zink zu schürfen, wenn es nebenan kracht und knallt. Naja obwohl, für die Arbeiter ist es evt. sicherer unter Tage zu arbeiten wie in einem anderen Job. Sozusagen ein kostenloser Platz im Bunker :laugh:

      schrieb am 26.03.03 06:46:20
      Beitrag Nr. 194 ()

      HOMEX - Brisbane

      Union Capital Limited (Union) announces that Gold Aura Limited have
      advised that the first hole (GHD-007) of the current drilling program
      at Gameta on Fergusson Island (PNG) has now been completed.

      GRD - 007 was drilled vertically from a position about 400 metres
      east (and down dip) of the known gold resources at Gameta.

      The hole intersected a zone of altered and iron stained oxidised
      ultramafic rock from 71.7 metres to 108 metres (a 36m down-hole
      interval). The ultramafics, which can be a host for mineralisation at
      Gameta, were not expected until a depth around 280 metres within

      At this stage it is not clear whether the shallower intersection is
      the result of the ultramafics "flattening out" down dip of the known
      gold resources, or whether the intersection represents a large block
      of ultramafic sitting within an alluvial profile.

      From 108 metres to a final depth of 188 metres, the hole intersected
      a variety of altered breccias. Samples have been collected for
      petrographic investigation to determine whether the breccias are
      tectonic in origin (and hence represent basement) or indurated old

      The hole was terminated at 188.0 metres due to drilling difficulties.
      The assay results from samples taken from GHD - 007 are expected in
      the next 1-2 weeks.

      The second hole, (GDH-008), located 130 metres along strike from
      GHD-07 and a similar distance out from the known gold resources at
      Gameta, has been commenced and is currently at a depth of 70 metres.

      Union holds 49.2% of the shares on issue in Gold Aura Limited.

      R Murdoch
      schrieb am 26.03.03 15:21:25
      Beitrag Nr. 195 ()
      Also das mit dem Iran stimmt schon mal positiv.;)
      Gold fällt sowieso bald wieder;)
      schrieb am 26.03.03 15:39:20
      Beitrag Nr. 196 ()
      News : Geld reicht noch eine Weile:cool:
      Gold Aura Limited and Controlled Entity
      Condensed Consolidated Statement of Financial Performance
      for the half year ended 31 December 2002
      Notes 2002
      Revenues from ordinary activities
      Salaries and employee entitlements
      Other expenses from ordinary activities
      Loss from ordinary activities before income tax expense (138,279)
      Income tax expense relating to ordinary activities -
      Net loss (138,279)
      Total changes in equity other than those resulting from
      transactions with owners as owners attributable to
      members of Gold Aura Limited (138,279)
      Basic loss per share (cents per share) (0.67)
      Diluted loss per share (cents per share) (0.67)
      The accompanying notes form an integral part of the Cond2002
      Cash assets 1,473,040
      Receivables 23,033
      TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS 1,496,073
      Receivables 5,685
      Exploration and Evaluation Expenditure 3,156,530
      Property, Plant and Equipment 120,000
      TOTAL ASSETS 4,778,288
      Payables 85,030
      Provisions 10,774
      NET ASSETS 4,682,484
      Parent Equity Interest
      Contributed equity 3,798,765
      Reserves 1,021,998
      Retained Losses (138,279)
      TOTAL EQUITY 4,682,484ensed Statement of Financial Performance
      schrieb am 26.03.03 15:48:28
      Beitrag Nr. 197 ()
      Ups, die kann sich jeder selbst mal anschauen. Isse nich so gut. Wird Zeit das die Zinkgrube was hergibt.
      schrieb am 29.03.03 14:52:11
      Beitrag Nr. 198 ()
      26 March 2003
      Re: First Drill Hole Completed at Gameta - announced by Gold Aura

      Union Capital Limited (Union) announces that Gold Aura Limited have advised that the first hole (GDH-007) of the current drilling program at Gameta on Fergusson Island (PNG) has now been completed.

      GDH-007 was drilled vertically from a position about 400 metres east (and down dip) of the known gold resources at Gameta.

      The hole intersected a zone of altered and iron stained oxidised ultramafic rock from 71.7 metres to 108 metres (a 36m down-hole interval). The ultramafics, which can be a host for mineralisation at Gameta, were not expected until a depth around 280 metres within GDH-007.

      At this stage it is not clear whether the shallower intersection is the result of the ultramafics "flattening out" down dip of the known gold resources, or whether the intersection represents a large block of ultramafic sitting within an alluvial profile.

      From 108 metres to a final depth of 188 metres, the hole intersected a variety of altered breccias. Samples have been collected for petrographic investigation to determine whether the breccias are tectonic in origin (and hence represent basement) or indurated old alluvium.

      The hole was terminated at 188.0 metres due to drilling difficulties. The assay results from samples taken from GDH-007 are expected in the next 1-2 weeks.

      The second hole, (GDH-008), located 130 metres along strike from GDH-007 and a similar distance out from the known gold resources at Gameta, has been commenced and is currently at a depth of 70 metres.

      Union holds 49.2% of the shares on issue in Gold Aura Limited.
      schrieb am 02.04.03 22:59:11
      Beitrag Nr. 199 ()
      Na da kann man ja wieder über ein sehr sehr sehr spekulatives Investment bei GOA nachdenken. Wäre ja
      schon toll wenn mal irgendein Deal von den Herrn aufgehen würde...

      schrieb am 08.04.03 13:01:05
      Beitrag Nr. 200 ()
      nur zur Erinnerung.:rolleyes:

      04 April 2003
      Re: Results of General Meeting

      The General Meeting of the Company scheduled for today has been held and all resolutions on the agenda were passed, namely:

      • To ratify the previous issue of 4 million shares and 4 million options on 24thJanuary 2003.

      • To ratify the previous issue of 3.7 million shares on 24th January 2003.

      • To approve the issue of up to 50 million shares at 3 cents each under theCompany’s Shareholder Share Purchase Plan that closes 4th April 2003.
      schrieb am 10.04.03 09:22:12
      Beitrag Nr. 201 ()
      Steigender Umsatz:eek: weiß da jemand mehr:rolleyes:
      UCL UNION CAPITAL 0.033 0.000 0.032 0.035 0.034 0.035 0.033 420,370 Options Warrants
      schrieb am 10.04.03 10:36:02
      Beitrag Nr. 202 ()
      was ist denn mit dem übersetzer?
      fragen über fragen....
      schrieb am 15.04.03 11:58:16
      Beitrag Nr. 203 ()
      Gameta Gold Projekt:
      2 Löcher umsonst gebohrt und die Kurse steigen :confused:

      14 April 2003

      Re: Gameta Gold Project: Drilling update

      Union Capital Limited (Union) announces that Gold Aura Limited (GOA) have advised that the second hole (GHD-008) of the current drilling program at the Gameta Gold Project in Papua New Guinea has now been completed, reaching a final depth of 356.6 metres.

      GHD-008 was drilled 130 metres along strike from the first hole (GHD–007) and approximately 400 metres down dip of the known gold resources at Gameta.

      The aim of the current program is to test the prospective Detachment Fault Zone (DFZ), within which the known gold resource at Gameta Gold occurs, at depths in the order of 300 metres below surface.

      GHD-008 has intersected the DFZ over an interval of 71.8 metres, at depths between 244.7 and 316.5 metres.

      The zone appears to be an intensely altered, tectonically brecciated, mixture of ultramafic and metamorphic rocks. The zone is charactered by both micro and macro stockwork veining, with quartz, patchy magnetite, minor carbonate and some sulphides present. Much of the zone is soft and clayey, similar to its character closer to the surface.

      Metamorphic gneissic basement was intersected below the DFZ, from 316.5 metres to the final depth of 356.6 metres. The 40.1 metre interval contains steeply dipping narrow quartz-sulphide veins throughout, with very close spacing developed in some zones. The hole was terminated when the veining intensity reduced.

      Assays are expected within two weeks.

      Meanwhile, the assays from GHD–007 show that no significant gold grades were encountered. Unfortunately this hole had to be terminated at a depth of only 188 metres (well above the target of 280 metres) due to drilling difficulties. Whilst there was some geological interest in a possible high level zone of altered ultramafics, petrological results indicate all units intersected in this hole are of clastic or surface origin and hence show that the hole did not reach the prospective DFZ. The drilling difficulties encountered in that hole have been overcome by diamond coring GHD-008 from the surface.

      Whilst disappointing, the assays of the first hole are not considered by GOA to be a reflection of the potential for deep gold mineralisation at Gameta.

      Union holds 49.2 % of the shares on issue in Gold Aura Limited.
      schrieb am 15.04.03 12:41:11
      Beitrag Nr. 204 ()
      Dann schreibt man halt den vorletzten Satz und alles könnte noch gut werden.
      Ich glaube die sollten da eher nach Wasser bohren:rolleyes:

      Aber im Iran könnte es nun wieder ruhiger werden und die Zinkmine scheint eher ein heißes Eisen.
      Das Goldzeitalter ist erstmal wieder vorbei;)
      schrieb am 02.05.03 11:19:31
      Beitrag Nr. 205 ()
      Besonders schön wäre es ja wenn da nicht nur zink wäre

      30 April 2003

      Highlights of the March 2003 Quarterly Report


      Union Capital Limited (UCL) is focusing new investment solely in mineral resources. UCL provides “seed capital” to funding either the drilling or feasibility studies relating to resource projects of world class. UCL is currently organising the funding of the bankable feasibility study for the Medhiabad Zinc Project.

      Details of UCL’s mineral resource assets are set out below.

      (A) Mehdiabad Zinc/ Silver Project – (at least 33% UCL)

      • During the quarter, UCL received the “green light” for the eventual granting of the Exploitation Licence over the Mehdiabad Zinc and Silver Deposit in Iran. The actual licence is expected around mid-year, but its granting is now only a matter of following the Iranian Mining Law. Once the Exploitation Licence is granted UCL will commence the bankable feasibility study. Into the ultimate development of this world class resource project.

      • Medhiabad is one of the world’s largest and potentially lowest cost zinc and silver projects. The in-ground resources are massive at 15.7 million tonnes of zinc, 5 million tonnes of lead and 11,100 tonnes of silver. This resource is as large as any other known zinc deposit in the world.

      • The geological resources are 218 million tonnes at 7.2% Zn, 2.3% Pb and 51 g/t Ag. Some of the later drill holes have not been included in this resource calculation. The ore body is “open” over a width of 1.8 klms at the northern end and 400 metres wide at the southern end. Therefore the ultimate resource at Medhiabad could be significantly larger.

      • A US$3.5 million Pre-Feasibility study completed by UCL in 2001, suggests that there is no major technical impediment to development. Mining will involve both oxide ore (25%) and sulphide ore (75%). Either tank, heap or dump leaching with a dilute acid will be used to liberate the zinc mineralisation from the oxide ore, depending on grade and further metallurgical testing. Flotation, followed by acid leaching of the concentrates is likely to be used to obtain zinc from the sulphide ore. The zinc leachate from both the separate oxide and sulphide circuits will be recovered by solvent or zinc dust extraction followed by electrowinning.

      • The operating costs are likely to be under 20 cents per lb of zinc produced. The project is likely to produce a minimum of 225,000 tonnes of zinc a year and 160,000 tonnes of lead / silver concentrates. The lead concentrates will be removed prior to the zinc processing.

      • Now that the “green light” has been given for the project to go forward, an Iranian Joint Venture company (Mehdiabad Zinc Company (MZC)) is expected to be registered in a month to hold the various licences required for the development, including the Exploration Licence and Exploitation Licence.

      • UCL has increased its equity in the Project to at least 33%, by funding most of the expenditure to date. Private equity partner Itok GmbH has diluted its equity to below 17%. The remaining 50% interest is held by the Iranian Government, who have recently changed their nominee to the Iranian Mining Procurement and Supply Company (IMPASCO). IMPASCO has the necessary authority to be a shareholder in a private Iranian Company, which hitherto had been holding up the project.

      (B) Gold Aura Limited (49% Union)

      • During the quarter Gold Aura Limited (GOA) drilled three diamond drillholes down-dip of the known gold resources at the Gameta Gold Project on Fergusson Island in PNG. A fourth hole is in progress.

      • The drilling target was the “Detachment Fault Zone” (DFZ), a broad tectonic zone separating the basement metamorphics and overlying ultramafics. The DFZ is the main host of gold mineralisation at shallow depth at both Gameta and nearby Wapolu.

      • The known gold resources at Gameta and Wapolu are 680,000 ounces. The current drilling program will give a better idea on the ultimate potential size of gold deposits on Fergusson Island.

      • The first two holes (GDH – 007 and (GDH – 008) were designed to test the mineralisation some 400 metres down dip of the known gold resources and hole (GDH – 009), only 200 metres down-dip. GDH – 007 was a combined reverse circulation and diamond drillhole. It terminated at a depth of 188 metres, about 100 metres short of the target due to drilling difficulty.

      • GDH – 008 was diamond drilled from surface to a depth of 357 metres and intersected the DFZ over an interval of 72 metres from 245 to 316 metres and the underlying metamorphic basement below 316 metres. However, the gold mineralisation is not well developed with a best intersections of 3 metres at 0.79 g/t Au and 2 metres at 0.49 g/t Au.

      • This hole may have intersected the DFZ below the limit of gold mineralisation. Selected sections will now be analysed for Cu to test for the possible presence of porphyry copper style mineralisation.

      • GDH-009, located approximately 200 metres down-dip of the known resource, has been drilled to 195.4 metres and intersected 85.9 metres of the targeted DFZ from 73.6 to 159.5 metres. Gold assays from this hole should be available in approximately two weeks.

      • GDH-010, located approximately 100 metres down-dip of the known Gameta gold resource has been commenced. This will be the last hole in this program.

      • Holes GDH – 009 and GDH – 010 will test at depth below such high-grade near surface drill intersections as:
      • 49 metres @ 4.1 g/t Au
      • 10 metres @ 10.5 g/t Au

      • GOA is increasing its 60% interest by funding the drilling program. Joint Venture partner, Yamana Resources Inc of Canada has elected not to contribute their share of drilling costs and hence has commenced to dilute their interest below 40%.

      • GOA also has a 100% interest in the Croydon and Wallabadah Gold projects in North Queensland. At Gilded Rose, 30 klms north of the old gold mining centre of Croydon, GOA has a 130,000 ounce potential gold resource. The mineralisation extends over at least 600 metres of strike length and includes drilling intersections such as (10 metres @ 10.8 g/t Au, 8 metres @ 9.2 g/t Au and 5 metres @ 11.6 g/t Au).

      • GOA has 20.5 million shares and 9 million options on issue. Union holds 49% of the issued capital in GOA and 67 % of the options on issue.


      • In line with UCL’s decision to focus only in minerals resources, the company is actively working to either sell or find alternate commercial solutions for its non- resource projects that provide an attractive return to shareholders. Given the current economic climate for telecommunications and technology an orderly disposal may take time. However, in the interim these assets are no longer draining UCL’s cash resources.

      • In fact Jabmail has contributed positively to UCL’s cash flow this quarter by $84,000. Eastern Telecom is also improving its EBITDA and is self-funding. Details of UCL’s non resource assets are set out below.

      (A) Eastern Telecoms – (UCL indirectly 22%)

      • Eastern Telecoms is the largest supplier of broadband services in the Philippines. It is the second largest data transmission company and has extensive international and local telecommunication assets.

      • Eastern’s net revenues for the March quarter were US$5.1 million and operating costs US$4.4 million. The company has maintained a positive EBITDA at US$700,000 and has projected a full year result of around US$4 million up 33% on last years result. Due to capital investment in new cable in order to grow the business into the future, a dividend is not expected.

      • Eastern’s auditored net assets (after allowing for all debt) are US$74 million. The assets including buildings, international cables and cable laying ships, and telecommunications infrastructure.

      • Eastern’s has a very low debt position for a telecommunications company. The current loans payable are US$6 million and hence is in better shape that most telecommunications companies, to take advantage on any market upturn.

      • Eastern has a full new “mega franchise” granted only in 2002 for 25 years to supply a full range of telecommunication services both within the Philippines and internationally. The company employs around 600 people within the Philippines.

      • UCL holds 54.8% of the debentures on issue in Australian Gigahertz Networks International, which in turn holds a 40% interest in Eastern. This is then an indirect interest of 22%.

      (B) Email Technology Investments (Jabmail Limited- Union 100%)

      • During the quarter Jabmail contributed positively to the cash flows of UCL by $84,000.

      • Jabmail Limited has developed a range of financial and marketing innovative e-commerce enabled and interactive email tools, including Jabmail Click n Pay which has the potential to favourably compete with web based payments systems by providing more convenience to the recipient.

      • Jabmail is seeking strategic partners to whom to accelerate the commercialisation of the product. A valuation by independent consultant InterFinancial Limited has valued the software in the current market at between A$2.2 – A$2.7 million.

      • In preparation for commercialisation, Jabmail is building a sophisticated interactive website whereby the technology can be used to sell the Jabmail range of products by email and the web. Once the website is fully developed, Jabmail will undertake a “soft” launch of its products electronically.


      29 April 2003

      Highlights of the Gold Aura March 2003 Quarterly Report

      • Gold Aura commenced drilling the highly prospective Gameta Gold Deposit on Fergusson Island PNG 15 February 2003. The drilling contract is being undertaken by PNG based United Pacific Drilling (UPD).

      • The drilling was designed to determine the potential for a down dip extension of the known gold resources at Gameta. The first two holes were drilled some 400 metres down dip of the known resources. Subsequent holes are being drilled closer to the known deposit.

      • The first hole (GDH-007) was terminated at 188 metres due to drilling difficulties well short of the 280 metres target.

      • The second hole of the programme, GDH-008, was drilled to 356.6 metres and was successful in intersecting the Detachment Fault Zone (DFZ) target over 72 metres from 245 to 316 metres and the underlying metamorphic basement below 316 metres. However, the gold mineralisation is not well developed with best intersections of 3 metres at 0.79 g/t Au and 2 metres at 0.49 g/t Au.

      • It appears that GDH-008 may have intersected the DFZ below the limit of gold mineralisation. Petrological work undertaken from GDH-008 indicates the presence of strongly altered ultramafic rocks and K-feldspathisation of the basement metamorphics. Selected sections will now be analysed for Cu to test for the possible presence of porphyry copper style mineralisation.

      • The third hole of the programme, GDH-009, located approximately 200 metres downdip of the known resource, was drilled to 195.4 metres and was successful in intersecting the DFZ target zone and the underlying metamorphic basement. The hole intersected 33.6 metres of altered ultramafic from 40.0 to 73.6 metres, followed by 85.9 metres of the targeted DFZ from 73.6 to 159.5 metres, before intersecting 35.9 metres of basement metamorphics from 159.5 to the end of hole at 195.4 metres. Assays should be available in approximately two weeks.

      • A fourth and final hole for this program, GDH-010, located approximately 100 metres down-dip of the known Gameta gold resource, has been commenced.

      • Holes GDH-009 and GDH-010 will test at depth below such high-grade near surface drill intersections as: 49 metres @ 4.1 g/t Au 10 metres @ 10.5 g/t Au.

      • The known gold resources on Fergusson Island are 680,000 ounces contained within two deposits (Gameta and Wapolu). The current drilling program will give a better idea on the ultimate potential size of gold deposits on Fergusson Island.

      • In North Queensland, Gold Aura has a potential gold resource at Gilded Rose near Croydon of 50,000 ounces. The Company is seeking a new joint venture partner for further exploration at Croydon as well as the prospective “grassroots” Wallabadah area to the north.

      • Gold Aura continues to evaluate gold project opportunities as they arise.

      schrieb am 02.05.03 15:06:53
      Beitrag Nr. 206 ()

      sind auch nicht nur 15,7 Mio t Zink (Marktpreis 11,9 Mrd USD) drin, sondern auch noch 5 Mio t Blei (Marktpreis 3,7 Mrd USD) und 11.100 t Silber (Marktpreis rd. 1,6 Mrd USD).

      Insgesamt liegen dort also 17,2 Mrd USD im Boden, die nur noch auszubuddeln sind. Und davon gehören UCL 33 %. Los Jungs, holt das Zeug raus, damit meine shares endlich steigen.
      schrieb am 02.05.03 17:44:55
      Beitrag Nr. 207 () wenn das stimmt,dann gehts aber richtig ab. Aber das Vertrauen ist wohl im Moment nicht da:(
      schrieb am 05.05.03 17:38:29
      Beitrag Nr. 208 ()
      Doc, möchte mein posting #205 noch mit einer einfachen Milchmädchenrechnung würzen:

      Da die Erzförderung aufgrund der geringen Tiefe im Tagebau erfolgen kann, belaufen sich die veranschlagten Kosten (operating-cost) auf 400 USD/t. Bei rd. 20 Mio Tonnen belaufen sich also die Produktionskosten auf insgesamt 8 Mrd USD = 9,2 Mrd USD Gesamtgewinn. Bei einer veranschlagten Ausbeutungszeit von 50 Jahren wären das 184 Mio USD Gewinn p.a. Für UCL also 33% = 60 Mio USD p.a. Bruttogewinn. Bei rd. 150 Mio shares = 0,40 USD/Aktie. Lassen wir die Hälfte für Overheadkosten, Afa, Steuern etc. draufgehen, dann blieben immer noch 20 USCent pro Aktie nur aus der Medhiabad-Beteiligung. Dann sehe ich Kurschanchen bis zu 2 EURO.

      Wie gesagt, eine Milchmädchenrechnung, bei der alles aufgehen muss. Aber meiner Meinung besser, als gar nicht zu rechnen. Und an diesem Potenzial orientiere ich mich erst einmal bei meiner Entscheidung, weiter an meinem bestehenden Investment festzuhalten. Vielleicht geht es ja nicht so reibungslos wie geplant, ober das muss beobachtet und zu gegebener Zeit überdacht werden.
      schrieb am 06.05.03 10:01:19
      Beitrag Nr. 209 ()
      ich habe auch das Gefühl das UCL noch profitable wird.
      Schaun mer mal;)
      schrieb am 06.05.03 18:09:48
      Beitrag Nr. 210 ()
      auf dass unsere noch spekulativeren optionen explodieren
      ich glaube das zwar nicht, aber, wer weiss...
      grüße xnasenmann
      schrieb am 06.05.03 18:28:49
      Beitrag Nr. 211 ()
      ich glaube daran, aber nicht vor 2005. Weil - sofern politisch im Iran nichts dazwischenkommt - in 2004 mit dem Abbau bekonnen wird und erste positive Ergebnisse dann nach Veröffentlichung des 2004-Abschlusses zu erwarten sind. Bleib ruhig, es ist ein langfristiges Risikokapitalengagement, das bisher trotz aller Unkenrufe völlig nach Plan läuft. Das, was UCL so in Verruch gebracht hat, waren die Fehlinvestitionen im Tech-Bereich.

      Was macht eigentlich das XNASE-Board? Das sollte doch nach geplanter Überarbeitung wiederkommen.

      schrieb am 07.05.03 11:02:26
      Beitrag Nr. 212 ()
      Wieso die Telekomsparte ist doch positiv. Aus dem Ergebnis sollten sich die eigenen Gehälter finanzieren lassen.
      schrieb am 07.05.03 13:32:21
      Beitrag Nr. 213 ()
      ich meinte damit hauptsächlich die Schlappe mit Identikey im Jahr 2000, die Geld und vor allen Dingen einen riesigen Vertrauensverlust gekostet hat. Und auch bei Jabmail ist bisher außer Spesen nichts gewesen.

      Eastern Telecom sehe ich eher neutral (soll ja auch abgestossen werden, genauso wie Jabmail).
      schrieb am 07.05.03 13:59:56
      Beitrag Nr. 214 ()
      Na dann weg mit dem Schrott und lass uns lieber buddeln.
      Und wenn die Hilfe brauchen ich habe noch einen Spaten zu Hause:D
      Denn ich möchte nicht meine Ansprüche senken wie klein Mäxchen
      In der Grundschule ist das Thema Berufsleben an der Reihe.
      > Der kleine Max wird gefragt, was er denn später mal werden möchte.
      > Er ganz stolz: "Ich will mal ein Rocker werden!"
      > Die Lehrerin fragt: "Ja, sag mal: weißt du eigentlich, was das ist: ein
      > "Na klar: `n fettes Motorrad unterm Arsch, Bier saufen und Weiber
      > Die Lehrerin läuft rot an,schreit rum und schickt ihn schließlich
      > nach Hause mit der Auflage, daß er es seinen Eltern erzählt.
      > Der Max kommt schließlich viel zu früh heim und da fragt ihn natürlich
      > gleich der Vater,warum er denn schon so früh daheim sei."
      > Weil mich die Lehrerin nach meinem Berufswunsch gefragt hat."
      > "Ja und was hast Du gesagt?"
      > "Na, daß ich Rocker werden will!"
      > "Hä?"
      > "Na: fettes Motorrad unterm Arsch, Bier saufen ohne Ende und Weiber
      > Darauf schmiert ihm sein Vater eine; wutentbrannt schickt er den Max in
      > sein Zimmer:"...und bis zum Abendessen überlegst Du Dir einen
      vernünftigen Beruf!"
      > Nun es wird Abend und Max kam wieder aus seinem Zimmer. Der Vater fragt
      > ihn: "Na, und was haben wir denn jetzt für `nen Berufswunsch?"
      > Max ist ganz kleinlaut: "Ja ähm: ich werde ... Mini Rocker."
      > "Was soll denn das nun wieder?"
      > "Nun .... .... Fahrrad fahren, Milch trinken und wichsen..."
      schrieb am 07.05.03 23:32:39
      Beitrag Nr. 215 ()
      tja doc , war auch nur user...
      alles wird gut...
      schrieb am 09.05.03 12:36:39
      Beitrag Nr. 216 ()
      Könnt Ihr nicht einmal wieder etwas fundamentales zu UCL sagen?

      Die Beteiligungen und Mineralien müssten doch nach dem Irakkrieg wieder gefragt sein. Der Kurs ist zwar noch niedrig, aber wie lange noch?
      schrieb am 09.05.03 17:27:47
      Beitrag Nr. 217 ()

      tapezier Deine Wohnung mit den Shares, da kommt nicht mehr viel.

      schrieb am 15.05.03 08:27:11
      Beitrag Nr. 218 ()
      Nimm aber guten Kleister:D
      14 May 2003

      Interest and Conversion of Convertible Notes

      Union Capital Limited advises that it has received notice from the James Burton Superfund to convert $20,000 Convertible Notes into ordinary shares in Union Capital Limited.

      The effect of this notice is to issue 864,932 ordinary shares, as conversion of 20,000 $1 notes and an additional 54,503 ordinary shares as interest payable on the notes being converted. The issue price of the shares is $0.0231232 per share, being a 20% discount to the weighted average price of Union’s shares traded over the previous twenty trading days.

      Union Capital Limited advises that it has also received notice from the H.R. Moser & Associates to convert $25,000 Convertible Notes into ordinary shares in Union Capital Limited.

      The effect of this notice is to issue 1,081,165 ordinary shares, as conversion of 25,000 $1 notes and an additional 66,055 ordinary shares as interest payable on the notes being converted. The issue price of the shares is $0.0231232 per share, being a 20% discount to the weighted average price of Union’s shares traded over the previous twenty trading days.


      14 May 2003

      Interest on Convertible Notes

      Union Capital Limited advises that it has issued 402,003 ordinary shares as a consideration for quarterly interest of $10,356.16 due on the $420,000 converting notes held by Austex Mining NL.
      schrieb am 05.06.03 14:57:26
      Beitrag Nr. 219 ()
      Da vertrauen doch noch welche der UCL:cool:

      03 June 2003

      Interest and Conversion of Convertible Notes

      Union Capital Limited advises that it has received notice from a European Investor to convert $100,000 Convertible Notes into ordinary shares in Union Capital Limited.

      The effect of this notice is to issue 4,746,355 ordinary shares, as conversion of 100,000 $1 notes and an additional 305,587 ordinary shares as interest payable on the notes being converted. The issue price of the shares is $0.0210688 per share, being a 20% discount to the weighted average price of Union’s shares traded over the previous twenty trading days.
      schrieb am 10.06.03 09:07:39
      Beitrag Nr. 220 ()
      Jawohl schön bohren, dann findet ihr auch was:cool:

      06 June 2003

      Re: Extension of Gold Mineralisation - Gameta Project – PNG. – Announced by Gold Aura Limited.

      Union Capital Limited announces that Gold Aura Limited have advised that the drilling program at the Gameta Gold Project in Papua New Guinea has now been completed.

      The program involved four (4) diamond cored holes for a total of 875.4 metres. Three of the holes were successful in intersecting the targeted “Detachment Fault Zone” (DFZ) within which the known surface and near surface gold resource at Gameta is hosted. Two of the holes encountered intersections with gold grades in excess of 2 g/t Au, which indicates that the gold mineralisation extends down-dip for a least 200 metres from the previously known Gameta resource.

      Assays for the two holes not yet reported are as follows;
      GDH-009 (195.4m) (Located 200 metres down-dip of the known Gameta gold resource)

      Significant gold intersections were;
      5 metres @ 2.4 g/t Au (from 57- 62 metres)
      3 metres @ 1.14 g/t Au. (from 65-68 metres)
      GDH-010 (134.5m) (Located 100 metres down-dip of the known Gameta gold resource)

      Significant gold intersections were;
      6 metres @ 2.6 g/t Au. (112.0-118.0m)

      The drilling has demonstrated that gold mineralisation extends a distance of at least 200 metres down dip of the known resources. It is considered that further drilling is required to determine the strike extent of this extension. Closer to outcrop, the mineralisation extends over a strike length of around 1000 metres.

      Given the above encouragement, Gold Aura will now seek a joint venture partner to continue the drilling and evaluation of this Project and the nearby Wapolu Project.
      The combined known inferred in ground gold resources at Gameta and Wapolu total 680,000 ounces.

      schrieb am 13.06.03 12:53:51
      Beitrag Nr. 221 ()
      Heute + 80 % :eek:
      weiß da einer mehr:rolleyes: :D
      schrieb am 13.06.03 14:38:14
      Beitrag Nr. 222 ()
      keine Ahnung, aber vielleicht kommt ja doch noch mal Bewegung in die Aktie, wäre ja schön. Hatte die eigentlich schon gedanklich abgeschrieben.
      schrieb am 03.07.03 17:42:07
      Beitrag Nr. 223 ()
      Angstverkäufer oder vertippt um eine Null zu viel eingegeben ist heute die Frage. 0,002 oder 0,02 Euro pro Stück im Xetra.

      schrieb am 04.07.03 12:20:27
      Beitrag Nr. 224 ()
      So schön ruhig , gefällt mir:cool:
      Das mit 0,002 war sicherlich ohne Limit über Xetra. Da kassieren einige immer noch gut Kohle mit;)
      schrieb am 04.07.03 12:25:26
      Beitrag Nr. 225 ()
      Der Identikey auf der Cebit war schon ein Highlight :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
      schrieb am 04.07.03 12:27:31
      Beitrag Nr. 226 ()
      Nochmal zur Erinnerung warum es so ruhig ist:D

      7 June 2003

      Union Capital Limited advises that it has issued 5,952,380 ordinary shares as a consideration for yearly interest of $100,000 due on the $1,000,000 converting notes held by our European investor.


      27 June 2003

      Union Capital Limited advises that it has received notice from Robert Boutflower Murdoch under clause 6 (Extension of Maturity Date) of the Converting Note Deed to extend the Maturity Date of the 420,000 $1 convertible notes for a further term of two (2) years. The affect of this notice is to revise the Maturity Date (Extended Maturity Date) of the 420,000 $1 convertible notes to June 30th 2005.

      The Company advises that Robert Boutflower Murdoch has requested that the Expiry Date of the 55,000 $1 unsecured convertible notes be varied from June 30th 2003 to June 30th 2005. He has asked that this variation to the terms of the Convertible Unsecured Note Certificate be subject to the approval of shareholders at the next General Meeting of the Company.

      The affect of this request is to vary the expiry date of the 55,000 $1 unsecured convertible notes in the name of Robert Boutflower Murdoch from June 30th 2003 to June 30th 2005 under the deed of variation.

      The Company received notice from our European Investor under clause 2 (Conversion and Maturity) of the Convertible Unsecured Note Certificate to extend the Maturity Date of the 1,000,000 $1 convertible notes for a further term of two (2) years. The affect of this notice its to revise the Maturity Date of the 1,000,000 $1 convertible notes to June 25th 2005.

      The Company advises that our European Investor has requested that the Expiry Date of the 200,000 $1 unsecured convertible notes be varied from June 30th 2003 to June 30th 2005.

      The affect of this request is to vary the expiry date of the 200,000 $1 unsecured convertible notes in the name of our European Investor from June 30th 2003 to June 30th 2005 under the deed of variation.


      26 June 2003


      Union Capital Limited (Union) advises that it has commenced studies into the feasibility of a staged development of its Mehdiabad Zinc, Silver and Lead Project in Iran.

      The Mehdiabad deposit is unique amongst the world`s major zinc ore-bodies in that it is by far the largest known of only a "handful" of " zinc oxide" deposits, amenable to processing by acid leaching. Acid leaching offers the potential for very low cost zinc metal production at the mine site.

      Acid leaching has the potential to produce zinc at costs below $US 500 per tonne, whereas most zinc mines, where conventional flotation and smelting are required, have operating costs above US$700 per tonne.

      The world`s first sizeable zinc oxide mine has been recently commissioned in Southern Africa by Anglo American Corporation at Skorpion.

      Union`s research suggests that Iran has the largest zinc oxide resources with up to 35% of the world`s known resources contained within significant deposits. Hence Iran is expected to become an important supplier of low cost zinc in the future.

      The Medhiabad deposit is located in Central Iran, and Union`s research suggests that its contains up to 25% of the world`s known zinc oxide resources contained in significant deposits.

      In addition the Medhiabad deposit contains significant zinc sulphide resources, that underlie the zinc oxide. Laboratory tests suggest that the sulphide concentrate produced is also amenable to low cost acid leaching.

      Union is of the opinion that the time is now right to accelerate the development of the Mehdiabad Project, so that the First Production Stage will be on line by 2006. Industry projections point to a shortage of zinc from existing mines and improved prices around that time.

      It is expected that Stage One of the development will involve the establishment of a zinc production level between 25,000 - 50,000 tpa zinc metal. Stage One will provide a valuable cash flow to Union, and a "launch-pad" for the development of two further stages in subsequent years as economics and market permit.

      The ultimate zinc production, once the Mehdiabad is fully developed, is now expected to be in the range 300,000 - 500,000 tpa. Such a production level would rank the Mehdiabad Project amongst the world`s largest zinc producers. In addition it will also be amongst the cheapest of all producers. Fully developed the life of mine would still be in excess of 30 years.

      The Mehdiabad Project is a Joint Venture between Union, Iranian Government Company (IMPASCO) and Itok GmbH. Under the Joint Venture Agreement signed between the parties in 1999, IMPASCO were given a US$10 million credit in recognition of the exploration carried out prior to the commencement of the Joint Venture.

      Since then Union and Itok have spent approximately US$3.6 million on further exploration and a pre-feasibility study. This work has successfully transformed the Mehdiabad deposit into a world class resource containing 218 million tonnes of ore grading 7.2% Zn, 2.3% Pb and 51 g/t Ag.

      Union and Itok are obliged to spend the next US$6.4 million on the project or dilute their interest. Union has provided the major proportion of the funding to date and Union`s current interest is expected to have increased from an initial 25% to above 33%.

      Union can continue as the lead funder, further increasing its equity in accordance with international dilution formula. Once US$10 million is spent then IMPASCO must also contribute its share or dilute below their current 50% interest.

      The cost of the Bankable Feasibility Study is expected to be around US$3 million. Union is now examining its various funding options, with a range of parties in a number of countries.

      The Joint Venture`s Iranian operating company Mehdiabad Zinc Company (MZC) is now in the advance stages of the process of registration. Following registration of MZC the Exploration Licence (held in trust for the Joint Venture by the Ministry, under a Foundation Agreement signed in 1999) will be transferred to MZC.

      After the Exploration Licence is transferred to MZC, it can be granted a 25 year Exploitation Licence and mining can commence This Licence will be issued by the Provincial Mines Office, based on the final mining schedule once that is established during the feasibility study.
      schrieb am 04.07.03 12:29:26
      Beitrag Nr. 227 ()
      Also da glaubt noch jemand an UCL und wenn die Info stimmte dann ist das Bergwerk im Iran Milliarden wert.
      Vielleicht sollte man zukaufen, wenn nur das Vertrauen da wäre. :rolleyes:
      Schönes Wochenend;)
      schrieb am 04.07.03 13:34:31
      Beitrag Nr. 228 ()
      Der Kurs gibt die Antwort. Er geht in Richtung 0,20 Euro. Kann jemand das Fachenglisch kurz auf Deutsch zusammenfassen?
      schrieb am 08.07.03 09:11:22
      Beitrag Nr. 229 ()
      ... ich habe mir die Aktie jetzt mal genauer über einen längeren Zeitraum angeschaut und stelle fest, daß dies alles Augenwischerei ist und mit Börsenhandel recht wenig zu tuen hat. Auch die Herren im Hintergrund scheinen nicht die seriösten zu sein. News gibt es zwar wie Sand am Meer, aber Papier ist halt geduldig. Dieser Murdoch und Kompanen sind höchst unseriös und haben damls Schwein beim Börsenhype gehabt. Wird Zeit, daß denen mal zeigt wo der Hammer hängt. Seltsam auch, daß man sich immer genau auf die Marktsegmente stürzt, welche gerade angesagt sind.
      man sucht permanent neue Kunden und neues Geld. Ein Exit für den Kunden gibt es nicht, da sofort wieder alles in andere Taschen läuft. Außerdem habe ich erfahren, daß die Herren ihre Rechnungen nicht zahlen. Vielleicht sollte man die mal auf die schwarze Liste setzen, damit ihnen die Einreise verwehrt wird. Verdient haben die Aussis das allemal.
      Es kann nur einen geben
      The real Mcleod
      schrieb am 16.07.03 19:58:02
      Beitrag Nr. 230 ()
      der Makler in Frankfurt hat das Papier schon wieder runtergetaxt auf 0,014 Euro obwohl alle Umsätze heute zu 0,015 Euro waren.
      schrieb am 17.07.03 08:09:10
      Beitrag Nr. 231 ()
      Union Capital im Moment noch etwas im Minus an der ASX, kann sich aber in den letzten Minuten noch ändern:

      Last Movement Bid Ask Open High Low Trades Volume

      0.025 -0.002 -7.41% 0.025 0.027 0.026 0.026 0.025 5 177,500

      Es hat wieder jemand seine Wandelanleihen gewandelt, im Wert von ca. 120.000 $.

      schrieb am 17.07.03 08:27:50
      Beitrag Nr. 232 ()
      Vorsicht Leute!! Laßt Euch von diesen Pushern nicht verarschen. Gestern Abend wurden mehrer UCL-Threads gelöscht und eine Menge ID`s gesperrt!! FINGER WEG!!
      schrieb am 17.07.03 09:02:54
      Beitrag Nr. 233 ()
      ist ja gut Thorpe, bist wohl ziemlich engagiert um arme Aktionäre vor vermeintlichen Pushern zu beschützen.

      Die Firma Union Capital hat glänzende Aussichten und daran wird sich nichts ändern.

      schrieb am 17.07.03 10:02:44
      Beitrag Nr. 234 ()
      kannst du etwas genauer werden?
      schrieb am 17.07.03 10:23:26
      Beitrag Nr. 235 ()
      @xnasemann: Es gab hier noch 2 weitere 10.000%-UCL Threads. Diese wurden von WO gesperrt, weil dort praktisch nur 1 User mit zig ID`s gepusht hat (taigawolf, Bahnhofstrae, etc.). Mal schaun wie`s weiter geht, ann die nächsten ID`s fallen. :laugh:
      schrieb am 17.07.03 10:30:13
      Beitrag Nr. 236 ()
      Thorpe ich habe nie gepusht, ich habe immer auf das sehr hohe Risiko hingewiesen!
      Aber ich persönlich sehe eine Riesenchange für ein paar Euro , hier in 2-3 Jahren ein Haufen Geld zu verdienen.
      Ich persönlich habe 2 % meines Geldes hier drin.Also wirklich nicht viel! Zu mehr kann ich nicht raten, muß aber jeder selbst wissen.
      Aber die Change ist 100000 mal höher als im Lotto 4Richtige zu bekommen!
      Wenns los geht mit der Zincmine, ist m.E. schon alles gelaufen
      schrieb am 17.07.03 10:34:46
      Beitrag Nr. 237 ()
      Heute wurde die Ausgabe von weiteren 6,3 Mio. neuen Aktien mit einem Rabatt von 20% auf den aktuellen Börsenkurs bekanntgegeben.

      Gestern waren es 6,05 Mio. neue Aktien, ebenfalls 20% unter dem Börsenkurs.

      Beide Male geschah dies durch die Ausübung von Wandelanleihen (Convertible Notes). Somit hat sich die Aktienzahl alleine in den letzten beiden Tagen um gut 12,3 Mio. erhöht. Dabei ist auffällig, daß plötzlich sehr viele Aktien in Deutschland auf den Markt kommen.

      Naja, bei einer Firma, bei der Hans-Rudolf Moser im Vorstand ist, ist sowas ja nicht ganz untypisch ... ;)
      schrieb am 17.07.03 10:44:23
      Beitrag Nr. 238 ()
      Big -Apple was glaubst du denn ist die größte Zincmine der Welt wert??
      Sollen die jetzt kurz vor dem Ziel alles hinwerfen? Wie würdest du es machen an Geld zu kommen?
      schrieb am 17.07.03 11:04:00
      Beitrag Nr. 239 ()
      Was meinst Du ist das Papier wert, auf dem eine Firma mit Hans-Rudolf Moser im Vorstand ihre Announcements schreibt?

      Man erinnere sich an die Vorgänge vor einem Jahr bei Adultshop. Im Mai gab`s eine hervorrangende Prognose, im Juli verkaufte Moser seine 2004 ablaufenden Optionen und im September flogen die falschen Ankündigungen auf.…
      schrieb am 17.07.03 12:29:55
      Beitrag Nr. 240 ()
      Ob Moser im Vorstand sitzt oder nicht ist mir egal. Wichtig ist dass die Firma Fortschritte macht bei der Erschließung des Zinkgebietes im Iran. Und wenn jetzt einige Wandelanleihen gewandelt werden, dann erhöht sich zwar die Aktienanzahl etwas, aber das bringt auch Geld in die Kasse von Union.

      schrieb am 17.07.03 12:40:12
      Beitrag Nr. 241 ()
      :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

      Ich bin sicher, infoagent, will Euch nur objektiv mit Informationen versorgen:

      Threads des Users

      Thread Postings Ansicht Autor Datum
      ►►► !Verhundertfachung möglich! ◄◄◄ Diese Aktie könnte zur Kursr 15 infoagent 14.07.03 12:45:58
      Der brandheiße Iran-Zock 2003 *Part I* >1.000 % möglich, wer ist jetzt schon dabei? 31 infoagent 11.07.03 17:44:35
      noch ► 1043 % ◄ bis zu Buchwert, das ist ja Wahnsinn!? 29 infoagent 11.07.03 08:05:16

      :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

      Sorry, infoagent, aber Du bist ein so offensichlicher Dummpusher, wie es schlimmer nicht mehr geht! :D
      schrieb am 17.07.03 14:24:51
      Beitrag Nr. 242 ()
      was willst due eig. Thorpe? Union ist ein heißer Zock, das ist hier jedem klar.

      Würde sich ja mächtig lohnen so ein hochspekulatives Teil um 0,001 Cent hochzutreiben...

      Nein ich bin langfristig investiert und werde auch langfristig Infos zu Union hier ins Board stellen. Sorry thorpe, daran wirst auch Du nichts ändern können.

      Macht Dir das eig. Spaß Leute anzugreifen. Union sitzt im Iran auf den weltgrößten Zinkvorkommen, das ist und bleibt unbestritten. Ebenso die Marktkapitalisierung von gerade mal 1,5 Mio. Euro. Wieso sollte das keine langfristige Chance sein?

      schrieb am 17.07.03 14:43:21
      Beitrag Nr. 243 ()
      ich bin für jede info dankbar, sowohl posi als auch negativ. letztendlich kann doch jeder für sich entscheiden was er für seriös hält und nicht.:)
      schrieb am 17.07.03 16:05:27
      Beitrag Nr. 244 ()
      :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

      infoagent, wenn ich Deine Threadüberschriften lese und mir dann ansehe, wie Du hier einen auf seriösen Langfristanleger machst, könnte ich mich wegschmeissen vor Lachen. :laugh:

      Du bist ein kleiner Dummpusher und Deine ID wird den gleichen weg gehen wie die von Bahnhofstrae etc.. :D
      schrieb am 17.07.03 18:14:01
      Beitrag Nr. 245 ()
      @favoriten: nur dass Thorpe keine fundamentalen oder sachlichen Beiträge zu Union bringt, sondern nur jammert, gegen andere Boardteilnehmer stänkert und gegen jedem Furz gleich bei W-O Meldung erstattet. Wahrscheinlich jemand der schon im Kindergarten immer alles der Kindergärtnerin gepetzt hat. :laugh:

      Union Capital wird seinen Weg gehen, egal was hier geschrieben oder nicht geschrieben wird.

      @Thorpe: Werden wir ja sehen, ich gehe jede Wette mit dir ein dass ich in 1 und 2 Jahren immer noch in gleichem Umfang zu Union posten werde wie aktuell. Es sei denn es gibt ein Erdbeben im Iran oder sonst ein Unglück, so dass das Zinkprojekt nicht fortgeführt werden kann. Aber das glaube ich nicht, denn ich bin im Gegensatz zu dir ein Optimist.

      schrieb am 24.07.03 23:36:31
      Beitrag Nr. 246 ()
      :laugh: dr. spezi,
      hier gibt es ein paar spinner, die pushen wollen, mir solls recht sein...
      gibt es wieder eien neuen frötsch auf dem markt, männer?
      wieso gibt es so viele neue ucl threads???
      grüsse xnasenmann
      ps bin selber spinner hab sogar ucl optionen...
      schrieb am 25.07.03 12:01:02
      Beitrag Nr. 247 ()
      @xnasenmann: Kannst du mir evt. eine WKN von den Optionsscheinen geben? Danke!!!
      schrieb am 25.07.03 20:06:27
      Beitrag Nr. 248 ()
      ich hab mich bezüglich der Wandelanleihen mal schlau gemacht. Insgesamt existierten laut Bilanz Ende 2002 Wandelanleihen im Wert von 1 Mio $. Ein Teil wurde ja schon gewandelt.

      Wann diese gewandelt werden und ob der Kurs bei 0,025 $ oder 0,1 $ steht spielt überhaupt gar keine Rolle. Denn das Volumen in $ bleibt bei diesen Anleihen das selbe und der Discount für den Inhaber auch. Jetzt bekommt er viele Aktien zu einem niedrigen Kurs, ansonsten wären es wenig Aktien zu einem hohen Kurs. -> Die Existenz und Anzahl dieser Anleihen sind grundsätzlich bekannt und haben daher auch keine negativen Auswirkungen auf den Kurs!

      Bei einem angestrebten Umsatz im Bereich von mehreren Mio. Euro und einem Eigenkapital von 24 Mio $ sollten die 1 mio. $-Wandelanleihe keine Belastung für den kurs darstellen.

      schrieb am 26.07.03 22:55:16
      Beitrag Nr. 249 ()
      mensch jürgen
      fällig am 31.03.05
      bis dahin...
      ps. woher kommt ihr plötzlich alle?
      hab das zeug schon jahre...
      schrieb am 27.07.03 16:52:20
      Beitrag Nr. 250 ()
      finde diese WKN nicht !!??
      schrieb am 28.07.03 14:14:58
      Beitrag Nr. 251 ()
      meine watchlist von consors auch nicht, stimmt aber...
      schrieb am 05.08.03 22:57:26
      Beitrag Nr. 252 ()

      BASE METALS INVESTMENTS (Mehdiabad Zinc Project – around 33% UCL)

      · Union Capital Limited (UCL) has an approximate 33% interest in the Mehdiabad Project Joint Venture in Iran. The Mehdiabad Project is one of the world’s largest undeveloped deposits of zinc. The deposit also contains potentially commercial quantities of lead, silver and barite.

      · The present total resource calculated in accordance by independent geologists SRK Consulting, is 218 million tonnes of ore grading 7.2% Zn, 2.3% Pb and 51 g/t Ag. The in-ground metal resources are 15.7 million tonnes of zinc, 5 million tonnes of lead and 11,100 tonnes of silver. About a third of the resource is zinc oxide mineralisation and the remainder zinc sulphides.

      · The resource is “open” over a width of 1.8 klms at the northern end and 400 metres wide at the southern end and hence the ultimately resource could be considerably larger.

      · Ore bodies of the Mehdiabad type are often “nested”, and hence there is potential for addition ore bodies to be found in the area.

      · It is proposed to develop the project in four stages over a period of time. Recently UCL announced the commencement of a feasibility study into the First Stage of the project. This study is expected to take around 12 months, and the mine and processing plant is expected to be commissioned in early 2006.

      · The First Stage is likely to produce 35,000 tonnes of zinc metal per annum and involve an open cut mine being developed along the eastern side of the deposit, plus an “oxide processing plant” to treat the ore mined and produce zinc metal.

      · The “oxide processing plant” is likely to involve the use of sulphuric acid to initially dissolve the zinc metal from the ore. The leachate will then be purified to remove all the contaminate metals. The zinc will be recovered from the leachate by electro-winning. The slab zinc from the cell house will be cast into SHG zinc ingots.

      · The commissioning of the First Stage will provide a valuable cash flow to the joint venture, and will represent an excellent “launch-pad” for the development of up to three further stages.

      · The Second Stage is likely to be commissioned in the 4th year of the Project and involve an expansion of the “oxide processing plant” to a total capacity of 110,000 tonnes per annum of zinc metal.

      · The Third Stage is likely to be commissioned in the 7th year of the Project and involve an addition of a “sulphide processing plant” of equal size to the oxide plant, expanding the operation to 220,000 tonnes per annum of zinc metal.

      · In the “sulphide processing plant” it is envisaged that the ore will be initially concentrated using conventional floatation methods. The zinc concentrate will then be acid leached to produce zinc metal in the same manner as will occur in the “oxide processing plant”.

      · The Fourth Stage will involve a doubling of capacity of the “sulphide processing plant” to a total capacity of 330,000 tonnes per annum of zinc from Mehdiabad.

      · Fully developed, the life of mine would still be in excess of 30 years.

      · Deposits containing substantial “zinc oxide” resources are limited in number, and unique in that they facilitate the use of “acid leach” technology, which can substantially reduce the cost of production.

      · The “oxide” resource at Mehdibad is thought by UCL to total around 25% of the world’s known “zinc oxide” resources, located within substantial zinc deposits.

      · Fully developed the cost of production at Mehdiabad is expected to be under US$500 per tonne, compared to a current zinc selling price of US$850 per tonne.

      · The Mehdiabad Project is a Joint Venture between UCL, Iranian Government Company (IMPASCO) and Itok GmbH. IMPASCO have a US$10 million credit in recognition of the past exploration carried out by the Iranian Ministry of Mines. UCL and Itok have spent approximately US$3.6 million on additional exploration and a Pre-feasibility Study, and have to provide the next US$6.4 million before IMPASCO need either contribute, or dilute their interest below 50%.

      · By funding the bulk of the work to date UCL has increased its equity under the Joint Venture Agreement to around 33%. UCL’s equity in the Project will, upon the completion of the registration of Mehdiabad Zinc Company (MZC), comprise 25% of the foundation shares plus debentures equal in value to UCL’s sunk expenditure. The debentures will mature and be convertible to shares in MZC, after the full US$10 million has been spent on the project.

      · Following the completion of the registration of MZC, the Exploration Licence (held in trust for the Joint Venture by the Ministry, under a Foundation Agreement signed in 1999) will be transferred to MZC.

      · Once a final exploration report and a mine plan can be submitted thereafter, MZC can then be granted a 25 year Exploitation Licence over the deposit.

      · The Net Present Value of the Project was calculated in the Pre feasibility study to be US$408 million at a discount rate of 10% per annum and a zinc selling price of US$770 per tonne.

      GOLD INVESTMENTS: (Gold Aura 49% Union)

      · Gold Aura Limited (GOA) is a separately listed ASX Company specialising in gold exploration. UCL holds 49% of the issued capital in GOA and 67% of the options on issue. GOA has focussed on the Fergusson Island gold deposits (Gameta and Wapolu) in Papua New Guinea.

      · During the quarter, Gold Aura completed the drilling programme at the Gameta Gold Deposit. Four holes were completed for a total of 875.4 metres. The aim of the program was to determine the potential for down-dip extensions of the known gold resources.

      · The program successfully encountered gold mineralisation up to 200 metres down-dip from the previously known resources. The best intersections were:

      · Hole GDH-009 (200m down-dip) 5m (57-62m) at 2.4 g/t Au
      Plus 3m (65-68m) at 1.1 g/t Au

      · Hole GDH-010 (100m down-dip) 6m (112-118m) at 2.6 g/t Au

      · The known indicated and inferred gold resources at Gameta and Wapolu total approximately 680,000 ounces. As the known near surface strike extent of the Gameta resource is at least 1,000 metres, it is possible that further drilling along strike of holes GDH – 009 and 010 may add significantly to the resource.

      · The thrust of further exploration is expected to be towards following up “high grade”, possibly structurally controlled gold targets, such as those intersected in previous drilling such as:
      Hole GRC 191: 49m at 4.1 g/t Au (grades up to 23.1 g/t Au over one metre)
      Hole GRC 097: 10m at 10.5 g/t Au (grades up to 22.4 g/t Au over one metre)
      Hole GRC 108: 8m at 7.0 g/t Au (grades up to 19.0 g/t Au over one metre)
      Hole GRC 037: 26m at 6.2 g/t Au (grades up to 16.3 g/t Au over one metre)
      Hole GRC 045: 12m at 6.8 g/t Au (grades up to 16.7 g/t Au over one metre)

      · The persistence of gold mineralisation down-dip at Gameta generates encouragement for the potential to similar expansions to the Wapolu resource, which has a similar geological setting.

      · The Fergusson Island Project is a joint venture between Gold Aura (60%) and Yamana Resources Inc of Canada (40%). Gold Aura funded the recent drilling program and hence will now have increased its interest in the project above 60%.

      · In North Queensland, Gold Aura is currently negotiating with potential joint venture partners to undertake further exploration of the encouraging gold resources delineated to date in the Croydon Project area as well as the prospective “grassroots” Wallabadah area to the north.

      · At the Gilded Rose prospect, located 30 km north of the old gold mining centre of Croydon, Gold Aura has identified a 130,000 ounce inferred gold resource. The mineralisation extends over at least a 600 metre strike length and includes drill intersections of 10 metres at 10.8 g/t Au, 8 metres at 9.2 g/t Au and 5 metres at 11.6 g/t Au.

      · Gold Aura continues to evaluate gold project opportunities as they arise.

      (Eastern Telecoms – UCL indirectly 22%)

      · Eastern Telecoms is a “mega franchised” telecommunication company based in the Philippines. The company supplies services in voice, data and the internet. Eastern is also an international cable carrier.

      · Eastern Telecoms is the largest supplier of broadband services in the Philippines. It is the second largest data transmission company and has extensive international and local telecommunication assets (net assets US$74 million.)

      · Eastern’s net revenues for the six months to June 2003 were US$10 million and operating costs US$9 million. The company has maintained a positive EBITDA over the period of around US$1 million.

      · UCL holds 54.8% of the debentures on issue in Australian Gigahertz Networks International, which in turn holds a 40% interest in Eastern. (Indirect 22% interest).

      · In line with UCL’s decision to focus solely in mineral resources in the future, it has placed its interest in Eastern on the market. During the quarter discussions were held with several interested parties and some of these discussions are continuing.

      EMAIL TECHNOLOGY INVESTMENTS (Jabmail Limited - Union 100%)

      · Jabmail Limited is a specialist company that has developed a range of innovative financial and marketing e-commerce enabled email tools. The company is at the early stages of commercialisation of its technology.

      · Email is the fastest growing and most significant application of the Internet age. Jabmail’s business strategy is based on achieving growth through strategic business partners with existing customer channels who will benefit from the advantages that low-cost business service delivery Jabmail technology offers.

      · During the quarter, Mr Stephen Ioannides was appointed as Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Jabmail Limited. Mr Ioannides brings to Jabmail 20 years sales and business development, consulting, product development and IT software experience in Australia and overseas. In particular Mr Ioannides has a strong business building background in technology solutions and services having successfully established and grown a number of start-up businesses such as Trysoft Corporation, Co-Cam and Dialog.

      · Mr Ioannides will focus on the commercialisation of the Jabmail range of email technology. He feels that the “application content” capabilities of Jabmail are a key differentiator for delivery of interactive business services using the Jabmail application system.

      · Mr Michael Ilett, the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) for Union Capital Limited and its subsidiaries, will assist Mr Ioannides in the management of Jabmail. Mr Illett is a chartered accountant and brings to Jabmail a wealth of business and financial experience having been a successful businessman, venture capitalist and consultant with organisations such as Dreamworld, Paul Morgan Securities, Fisher & Paykel, and Aus Industry.

      · The management and staff of Jabmail will be granted shares equal in number to up to 25% of the shares of current shares held by UCL in the event that certain Key Performance Indictors are achieved over a two year period.

      · During the quarter Jabmail contributed positively to the cash flows of UCL by $44,000.

      · Jabmail is seeking strategic partners and outside investment to accelerate the commercialisation of the product.

      Yours faithfully

      :eek: :rolleyes:
      managing director:D

      bis 2088 sind wir millionär!!!!!!!!
      schrieb am 06.08.03 19:30:02
      Beitrag Nr. 253 ()
      Weiß eigentlich jemand wer der Ansprechpartner im Iran für diese Zinkgeschichte ist?
      Man könnt ja mal anrufen, oder ist das zu blöd:rolleyes:
      schrieb am 06.08.03 19:32:30
      Beitrag Nr. 254 ()
      Project awarded to the Mehdiabad Joint Venture (MJV), under a Foundation Agreement signed with Ministry of Mines in October 1999.

      MJV partners are UCL, Itok GmbH (Itok) and the Iranian Mining and Procurement Supply Company (IMPASCO).

      Current project equity position is IMPASCO 50%, UCL 33%, Itok 17%.

      UCL is the project manager and is co-ordinating the on-going funding of the Project.

      Das können doch nicht alles nur Scheinfirmen sein, weiß jemand da etwas drüber:rolleyes:
      schrieb am 06.08.03 21:15:06
      Beitrag Nr. 255 ()
      6- Mehdiabad Zinc Joint Venture
      ITOK GmbH and the Ministry of Mines & Metals and Genaral Iranian Mining Company and
      an Australian Company Union Capital Limited have entered in Fundation Agreement on 30,11,1999
      to carry out a program of works aiming at exploring and development of mine and processing plant
      of Mehdiabad Zinc deposit located in central of Iran.

      GIMCO Shall be entitled to fifty Percent(50%)of the equity, of the joint venture, Union
      and ITOK each shall be entitled to twenty-five percent(25%) of the equity of the
      Mehdiabad Zinc Joint Venture.
      (For more Information )
      schrieb am 06.08.03 21:33:40
      Beitrag Nr. 256 ()

      2001: Indicated 75.2 Mt @ 7.38% Zn 2.38 Pb, 62 g/t Ag at 4% Zn cutoff

      The Mehdiabad Zinc Project, in Central Iran, is one of the world’s largest undeveloped zinc, lead and silver resources. The project is a joint venture between Union, private Iranian partner Itok GmbH (Itok) and the Government-owned Iranian Mining and Industries Development and Renovation Organisation (IMIDRO). The purpose of the joint venture is to undertake exploration, feasibility studies and, if bankable, to develop the Mehdiabad Zinc Project into a world-class mine. The joint venture holds development rights to the Mehdiabad Zinc Project through a foundation agreement signed with the Ministry of Mines and Industry in October 1999. Initially Union and Itok were granted 25% of the project each, with the Government GIMCO 50%. In 2001, GIMCO’s interest was transferred to IMIDRO. The business relationships between the joint venture partners are set out in a basic joint-venture agreement, signed in November 1999. Union and Itok together have to spend US$10 million before IMIDRO has to contribute, in recognition of government exploration expenditure before the start of the joint venture. About US$3 million has been spent on the first stage of the project. By funding most of Itok’s share of this work, Union’s interest in the project has appreciated to more than 30% under the terms of the basic agreement. Union`s rights to manage the project are set out in a management agreement signed between the parties in February 2001
      schrieb am 07.08.03 08:17:19
      Beitrag Nr. 257 ()
      nach dem positiven Quartalsausblick werde ich immer zuversichtlicher was die Zukunft für Union bringen könnte.

      Zweifellos jett sind erst einmal gute News fällig, und zwar dass man Beteiligungen zu schönen Preisen veräußert.

      Dann können die nächsten Schritte beim Zinkprojekt zügig angegangen werden.

      schrieb am 07.08.03 10:14:00
      Beitrag Nr. 258 ()
      Für alle Zweifler: hier mal ein paar Bilder von unserem geliebten Mehdiabad-Projekt

      schrieb am 07.08.03 15:23:15
      Beitrag Nr. 259 ()
      @ all

      wie schon erwähnt werde ich am sonntag in den iran fliegen. ich versuche infos über das zink-projekt von meinen cousin einzuholen, der in der branche tätig ist.

      ich hoffe mit aktuellen infos zurückzukommen.
      bis dahin allen investierten viel glück!!
      ich persönlich bin momentan in isteelasia ( langfristig ) investiert. aber wenn mein cousin mich aufklären + überzeugen sollte werde ich natürlich auch union capital aktien kaufen.

      schrieb am 07.08.03 20:38:10
      Beitrag Nr. 260 ()
      klasse Samy, vielen Dank!

      Sammle alles an Infos was Du kriegen kannst, da sich Union von der Marktkapitalisierung her wirklich zu einer 1.000-Prozentrakete entwickeln könnte ist jede Info Gold wert.

      schrieb am 08.08.03 15:10:55
      Beitrag Nr. 261 ()
      Welcher Spezialist hat den heute auf Xetra 200 Aktien zum Wert von 1€ verkauft? Gebühren ca. 10€?

      Da wartet Geld für 20000. :laugh:


      schrieb am 11.08.03 09:57:42
      Beitrag Nr. 262 ()
      # 260

      Der wollte sich halt ´n Eis kaufen bei de Hitze :D
      schrieb am 13.08.03 09:40:14
      Beitrag Nr. 263 ()
      Was´n los hier - täglich Umsätze - is was im Busche :confused:
      schrieb am 13.08.03 12:57:30
      Beitrag Nr. 264 ()
      Kaum mehr Angebote zu 0,013. Es wird wohl bald losgehen ... ;o)))

      Komet ;)
      schrieb am 14.08.03 10:22:56
      Beitrag Nr. 265 ()
      umgerechnet liegt UNM bei etwas über 0,015 Euro. Ich denke auch dass sich was tun könnte.

      Vielleicht steht ja der Verkauf von Eastern Telecoms unmittelbar bevor...?

      schrieb am 14.08.03 10:33:15
      Beitrag Nr. 266 ()
      #264 Und wo steht dann der Kurs,Deiner Meinung nach?
      schrieb am 14.08.03 10:35:31
      Beitrag Nr. 267 ()
      kommt auf den Verkaufspreis drauf an. Wenn Union dann auf einmal unter Cash notiert, dann gibts wohl ein enormes Nachholpotenzial...

      schrieb am 16.08.03 18:52:09
      Beitrag Nr. 268 ()
      aktuell in FRA 0,014 :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
      Die Umsätze in Australien ziehen an ...

      Komet ;)
      schrieb am 18.08.03 08:37:11
      Beitrag Nr. 269 ()
      heute wieder kaum Umsätze in Australien. Hm, aber ich bin trotzdem zuversichtlich dass sich bald mal was tun könnte. Und dann werden die, die kurzfristig mit Verlusten wieder raus sind sich ganz schön ärgern!

      schrieb am 18.08.03 13:08:08
      Beitrag Nr. 270 ()
      Nächste Woche werd ich wohl auch noch mal nachlegen,es sei denn wir machen jetzt schon ein riesigen Sprung nach Norden.
      schrieb am 18.08.03 21:11:38
      Beitrag Nr. 271 ()
      lang kanns wohl nicht mehr dauern bis sich mal richtig was tut. Ich erwarte jeden Tag das Announcement zum Verkauf von Eastern Telecoms.

      schrieb am 19.08.03 13:56:01
      Beitrag Nr. 272 ()
      Was geht ab Jungs? Lange nix mehr von Euch gelesen.Nicht traurig sein,auch hier geht bald die Post ab. Wird mächtig stauben. Das Niveau ercheint im Hinblick auf das Iran Projekt deutlich zu tief.Habe zwar schwere Bedenken an der Seriosität des Management,aber hier könnte mit knackigen news schnell was abgehen.

      Gruß :p
      schrieb am 19.08.03 19:55:16
      Beitrag Nr. 273 ()
      Haben unser troianische Pferd hingeschickt. Denke wir werden den Laden bei guten News ganz übernehmen:cool:
      schrieb am 19.08.03 21:18:40
      Beitrag Nr. 274 ()
      langsam wirds interessant.


      schrieb am 21.08.03 10:16:39
      Beitrag Nr. 275 ()
      Kommt wohl wieder langsam Leben inne Bude :lick:
      schrieb am 22.08.03 16:27:48
      Beitrag Nr. 276 ()
      Der Markt ist bei lächerlichen 0,014 bald trocken. Der Verkauf der Telekombranche spült Bares in die Kasse und das Projekt im Iran startet. Besser können die Aussichten nicht sein. Bald sind 0,20 Euro überschritten m. E.

      Aufwärts :kiss:
      schrieb am 22.08.03 19:06:28
      Beitrag Nr. 277 ()
      0,20€ glaub ich nicht,daß wird wohl noch Monate oder gar Jahre dahin dümpeln. Max. 0,10 € wenn überhaupt.
      schrieb am 22.08.03 19:22:57
      Beitrag Nr. 278 ()

      ich hab seit 14Uhr ne Order über 50K in Frankfurt, aber der Markler gibt mir keine, es erscheint nichtmal, dass ich kaufen will?? Eigenartig..............

      Verkauft noch schnell einer in FRA??

      Lars :cool:
      schrieb am 22.08.03 19:36:58
      Beitrag Nr. 279 ()
      So, in Berlin gabs noch 50K für mich!

      Schaut euch mal das Orderbuch in AUS an!!!!!!!!! Montag gehts aufwärts :laugh:

      schrieb am 22.08.03 22:25:26
      Beitrag Nr. 280 ()
      78 IQ ?
      aber habe das zeug schon seit jahren...
      management ist halt obersch...
      bei unserem glück wird sicher das zinkprojekt wenns gut läuft noch enteignet...
      alles wird gut:look: :look:
      schrieb am 23.08.03 13:48:07
      Beitrag Nr. 281 ()
      Warte mal ab was Montag passiert hast halt zu zeitig gekauft :laugh:


      ps iq von 78 ist besser wie ne xnase:D
      schrieb am 23.08.03 17:52:55
      Beitrag Nr. 282 ()
      fresh money for the zink-projekt??

      22 August 2003


      The Directors of Union Capital Limited ("Union") are pleased to announce that they propose to invite shareholders to subscribe for up to $3,000 worth of shares in Union under the terms of a Shareholder Share Purchase Plan ("the plan").

      Details are:

      1. The share registry record date to determine those shareholders to receive this offer is at close of trading Friday 22nd August 2003.

      2. The issue price of the shares will be two [2] cents per share.

      3. This offer can only be made under permissible legal jurisdictions to shareholders with registered addresses in Australia and New Zealand.

      4. Union has approximately 4,000 eligible shareholders to this Plan, it is possible that acceptances in total may exceed the companies ability to issue new shares under ASX Listing Rule 7.1 (issues exceeding 15% of capital) and accordingly a General Meeting of the Company is to be held as soon as practicable to ensure that applications can be accepted.
      schrieb am 23.08.03 20:15:41
      Beitrag Nr. 283 ()
      Ins Deutsche übersetzt heißt das ungefähr so:

      AKTIONÄR-ANTEIL-ERWERB PLAN die Direktoren von Anschluß-Haupt begrenzt ("Anschluß" freuen sich, zu verkünden, daß sie vorschlagen, Aktionäre einzuladen, für Wert bis $3.000 der Anteile am Anschluß unter den Bezeichnungen eines Aktionär-Anteil-Erwerb Planes zu unterzeichnen ("der Plan". Details sind:

      1. Der Stopptag des Anteilregisters, zum jener Aktionäre festzustellen, um dieses Angebot zu empfangen ist am Ende des Handelns von von Freitag August 22. 2003.

      2. Der Emissionskurs der Anteile ist zwei [ 2 ] Cents pro Anteil.

      3. Dieses Angebot kann unter zulässigen zugelassenen Jurisdiktionen zu den Aktionären mit eingetragenen Adressen in Australien und in Neuseeland nur gebildet werden.

      4. Anschluß hat ungefähr 4.000 geeignete Aktionäre zu diesem Plan, ist es möglich, daß Annahmen in der Gesamtmenge die Firmenfähigkeit übersteigen können, neue Anteile unter ASX Auflistung Richtlinie 7.1 (die Ausgaben, die 15% von Kapital übersteigen) herauszugeben und dementsprechend soll eine Generalversammlung der Firma stattfinden, sobald durchführbar, um sicherzugehen, daß Anwendungen angenommen werden können.

      Auf eine grüne Woche ab Montag
      :cool: :cool:
      schrieb am 24.08.03 09:55:35
      Beitrag Nr. 284 ()
      ...und wie geht es weiter?:confused: :confused: :confused:
      schrieb am 24.08.03 11:15:22
      Beitrag Nr. 285 ()
      @ janolo
      Vielen Dank für Deine Übersetzung.
      Ich bin jedoch genau so schlau wie vorher.Mir fehlen Zusammenhänge.
      Wer kann den Text deuten oder erklären.
      Lasst bitte einen Blinden etwas sehen.
      Danke an alle.
      schrieb am 24.08.03 17:11:22
      Beitrag Nr. 286 ()
      Also für mich ist der Fall klar ...
      Kapitalerhöhung pro Aktionär können max AUD3000 a 2cent gezeichnet werden, d.h. 150.000 Stck a 2cent
      Aktuell steht UCL bei 2,4 cent in Australien. Das entspricht einem Discount von 16%, wenn der Kurs hält.
      Wer von Euch zeichnet?

      Komet ;)
      schrieb am 24.08.03 17:31:46
      Beitrag Nr. 287 ()

      Endlich jemand mit Durchblick!!!
      Danke für die einleuchtende Erklärung!

      schrieb am 24.08.03 18:37:17
      Beitrag Nr. 288 ()
      Danke Komet,
      glaubst Du,dass ohne weitere Informationen und Garantien
      seitens der Gesellschaft ein Aktionär zeichnet.
      Wie soll das Prozedere ablaufen,-über die Bank?
      Warum überhaupt Kapitalerhöhung,ich dachte die wollten Teile von ucl verkaufen.
      Na da wird es schon ein paar Schlaue geben die das alles
      schön reden.
      schrieb am 26.08.03 07:44:53
      Beitrag Nr. 289 ()
      auch ich bin etwas skeptisch, da UCL scheinbar Geld benötigt, um weiter wirtschaften zu können. Allerdings ist es bei Risiko-Kapitalgesellschaften völlig normal. Man muss wissen, dass das Risiko in diesem Gewerbe sehr hoch ist (siehe z.B. Knorr Cap.). Wenn allerdings doch eines Tages ein guter Fisch an Land gezogen wird, dann sind auch risike Gewinne drin.

      Stay long,

      Komet ;)
      schrieb am 26.08.03 19:12:19
      Beitrag Nr. 290 ()
      User Infoagent ist immer zur Stelle.
      Aber jetzt ist er auch ganz still geworden.
      Und der Aktien kurs kriegt die Schwindsucht.
      Was ist das für ein sch... Laden.
      schrieb am 26.08.03 22:15:51
      Beitrag Nr. 291 ()
      In Down Under steht ULC stabil bei 0,023 AUD

      Schaut mal auf die Umsätze. Kein Verkaufsdruck erkennbar ...

      Komet :kiss:
      schrieb am 27.08.03 07:57:37
      Beitrag Nr. 292 ()
      aber ich hab so einen Druck, daß ich verkaufen möchte

      und zwar ganz schnell :rolleyes:
      schrieb am 27.08.03 20:32:14
      Beitrag Nr. 293 ()
      Da kauft einer aber immer schön dazu.
      Weiß da schon jemand mehr:rolleyes:
      gibt es schon Nachrichten von unserem Iranischen Freund:look:
      schrieb am 28.08.03 09:16:09
      Beitrag Nr. 294 ()
      28 August 2003

      Re: Share Purchase Plan

      Dear Shareholders

      On behalf of the Board of Directors of Union Capital Limited (UCL), I would like to invite you to participate in the Company`s Share Purchase Plan whereby you are able to subscribe for up to $3,000 worth of new UCL shares at 2 cents per share.

      Funds raised in the issue will be directed towards a feasibility study into the “world class” Mehdiabad Zinc, Lead and Silver Project (Mehdiabad) and for the provision of working capital.

      Mehdiabad has the potential to become a world cost leader in the production of zinc and other base metals.

      The following factors will contribute to our sustainable competitive advantage:

      UCL and its partners control the largest undeveloped zinc deposit in the World. The current resources at Mehdiabad are 218 million tonnes at 7.3% Zinc. The deposit is open to both the north (over 1.8 klms) and south (over 400 metres). Significantly other deposits may occur nearby as “mega-sized” sedimentary zinc deposits of this geological style typically occur in groups.

      The zinc mineralisation in the upper third of the deposit is oxidized. This resource alone comprises 25% of the world’s known zinc oxide deposits. Such deposits have the potential to be the lowest cost source of zinc metal through the application of acid leach and SX-EW technology that was originally developed for the copper industry.

      In addition, the zinc concentrate that would be derived from the underlying sulphide mineralisation is also amenable to this technology, allowing Mehdiabad to produce zinc metal on site at costs of under $US 500 per tonne for at least a 30 year period. The cost is typically in the order of 25-30% less than for zinc sulphide deposits that are mineralogy dependent on the high cost of smelting sulphide concentrate. Most of the world`s deposits are of the later type and hence Mehdiabad has a competitive advantage.

      Industry analysts rate the Medhiabad project "amongst the cheapest six world producers" by 2007 and the cheapest of the world`s 3-4 “mega producers.” Mehdiabad has the capability to ultimately produce up to 5% of world zinc production. Our project is economically robust and able withstand zinc prices over 30% below current LME prices. Industry economists predict a rise in the price of zinc of around 15-20% in real terms in the period leading up to 2006, about the time we would hope to commission the First Stage of Mehdiabad.

      Whilst there is a short term over supply in zinc metal, there is a widely held industry view that the world will need new zinc mines to come into production by year 2006. These mines are needed to fill an “ever widening” gap between the world demand for low cost zinc and expected diminishing supply from that time. World demand has averaged 3% growth for the past 20 years. The consumption of zinc is tied to construction and automobile industries and we are seeing strong growth in many developing markets. Iran alone is currently building five new galvanising plants and other developing counties are also modernising their plants.

      The company is committed to realising the value of the Mehdiabad project to its shareholders. Outlined below is the company`s current strategic plan to develop its resource:

      The Net Present Value of the project is around $US 440 million based on a zinc price of $US 850 per tonne and a discount rate of 15%. The capital expenditure requirements have been managed through the proposed developed of the project in 3 stages over a period of around 10 years. Work on the feasibility study into the development of First Stage of the project has commenced. This study is expected to cost around $US 3 million and take around 12 months to complete.

      UCL plans to divest itself of its non-resource assets. The Asian telecommunications industry is now showing signs of recovery and there has been some interest in Eastern Telecommunications (Eastern) from industry participants. I expect an orderly divestment of Eastern at around its commercial value. The eventual sale of Eastern will return an amount of cash in excess of our current market capitalisation

      Going forward UCL plans to concentrate on its core competencies in the mining resource sector. The initial focus will be on realising the obvious potential of the Mehdiabad Project. A partial or even a total divestment of our interest at an appropriate time will enable us to realise a substantial profit and allow us to seek other resource opportunities with similar potential. It is my view that the best opportunities for small mining companies exist in major resource projects in developing countries. The maximum return comes from turning projects with obvious world class potential into “ready to mine projects” through the completion of “bankable feasibility studies”. Mehdiabad obviously fits this business strategy and has the potential to turn our $US 6-10 million investment into an asset with our share of the NPV close to $US 200 million.

      The mining industry recognises that UCL has achieved outstanding technical success in Iran. We now have to turn that into commercial success and we need your continued support to achieve that. The recent signs of a stock market recovery are encouraging and UCL`s market capitalisation is only 1% of our share of Mehdiabad`s Net Present Value. In my opinion the market has grossly undervalued UCL`s assets. The continued support from dedicated shareholders and the perseverance by our small technical team will ensure “our day in the sunshine” will come.

      European fund managers have demonstrated their market confidence in UCL by recently electing to convert their convertible notes into shares. I have also through my investment company Austex Mining NL converted a significant amount of my converting notes into UCL shares.

      In summary, UCL shareholders should consider this opportunity to invest in our management team, our strategic plan and the absolutely outstanding prospects in one of the world’s most basic of commodities, “zinc”.

      I look forward to your active participation in the enclosed share purchase plan. I also encourage shareholders to complete the enclosed "annual report election and email notification service request" that will enable UCL to reduce its annual report production and distribution costs and enable you to receive through email major public announcements made to the Australian Stock Exchange.

      Please call me if you have queries on any matter or require further information on UCL or its projects.

      Kindest regards

      Rob Murdoch
      Managing Director

      View the Application Form in PDF format

      Application MUST contain all the shareholder details, HIN number and the
      applicant must be a registered UCL shareholder before 25th August 2003

      To download Acrobat Reader to view the PDF file click here
      schrieb am 28.08.03 14:01:41
      Beitrag Nr. 295 ()
      Danke dr.spezialist,
      gibt es da vielleicht noch jemand der für mich verständlich
      die Sache erklären kann,oder gut übersetzt.

      zu Deiner Frage,sammy3110 schrieb am 7.8.03 das er
      am Wochenende (9.-10.08.03)zu seinen Verwandten in
      den Iran wollte.Dabei wollte er sich über das Zink-Projekt
      informieren und uns berichten.
      Ich hoffe er kommt nach drei Wochen am jetzigen Wochen-
      ende und kann uns Neuigkeiten berichten.
      schrieb am 28.08.03 18:10:01
      Beitrag Nr. 296 ()
      Was habt ihr denn für ´ne komische Aktie, daß man sich im Iran darüber informieren muß? Geht´s noch!? Kann man sein Geld nicht in was durchschaubarerem anlegen...? Naja, müßt ihr wissen.
      Wenn das Ding doch mal Gewinne abwirft, lacht ihr sicher über mich. Aber bis dahin schüttel ich meinen Kopf über sowas.
      schrieb am 29.08.03 09:17:55
      Beitrag Nr. 297 ()
      propus, heißt nix anderes als wir brauchen nochmal Geld , wir haben die größte Zinkmine der Welt!!
      Wenn man soetwas öffentlich behauptet und es nicht stimmt, dann ist das für mich vorsätzlicher Betrug!
      Kann sich noch nicht einmal ein Moser leisten:cool:

      Trotzdem vorsichtig bleiben;)
      schrieb am 29.08.03 09:56:09
      Beitrag Nr. 298 ()
      Wenn man wirklich die größte Zinkmine der Welt hat, bekommt man auch Geld von den Banken.
      schrieb am 29.08.03 11:02:43
      Beitrag Nr. 299 ()
      Da kennst du aber die Banken schlecht. Wo ist denn die Sicherheit, bei der politischen Lage!!
      Wenn alles gut ist , dann ja. Aber eine iranische Bank müsste da durchaus Interesse dran haben!!:rolleyes:
      schrieb am 29.08.03 11:12:09
      Beitrag Nr. 300 ()
      ok. wir werden sehen was wird, dauert ja bestimmt noch ein paar Jahre bis hier vieleicht richtig was geht. schönes Wochenend.
      schrieb am 03.09.03 10:47:18
      Beitrag Nr. 301 ()

      macht euch doch einfach euer Bild und begrabt den Moser in euren Gehirnen. Der ist vielleicht kriminell aber nicht blöd, so eine Chance lässt sich soeiner nicht entgehen.
      Hier wird ein Anfang gemacht und wenn die politische Lage stabiler wird, gehts heiß ab!!
      schrieb am 03.09.03 12:40:07
      Beitrag Nr. 302 ()
      Gebe spezialist völlig Recht.
      Die Situation ist eine ganz Andere wie 2000.
      Wie viele andere Unternehmen lagen 2000 bei 200 Euro
      und sind jetzt Pennystocks.
      Für dieses Zinkprojekt im Iran muß UC die feasibility studie
      (Machbarkeitsstudie) bezahlen in Höhe von wohl 3-5 Mill.
      Dollar.Der Preis für die Höhe der Studie ist sicher gerecht-
      Die Studie,wenn sie positiv ist,ist die Grundvoraussetzung
      für eine Finanzierung durch Banken.
      Ursprünglich sollten dafür Beteiligungen von UC verkauft
      Wieso jetzt der Sinneswandel mit der Kapitalerhöhung???
      Das ist der Punkt,den ich gern wissen möchte.
      Denn kommt nicht genügend Geld aus der Kapitalerhöhung
      kommt keine feasibility studie, kommt kein Geld von den
      Banken stirbt das Projekt.
      Für mich gibt es also nur zwei Alternativen,aussteigen oder
      Darüber sollten wir diskutieren.

      schrieb am 12.09.03 09:38:05
      Beitrag Nr. 303 ()
      heute bei 2 Mio. Stücken Umsatz in Australien rauf auf 0,025 AUD. Ist (endlich mal) was im Busch?

      schrieb am 12.09.03 10:35:32
      Beitrag Nr. 304 ()
      Sieht fast so aus.

      Man konnte es förmlich spüren, da war Ruhe vor dem Sturm.

      Seit gestern weht auf einmal ein anderer Wind. :eek:
      schrieb am 20.09.03 08:58:12
      Beitrag Nr. 305 ()
      Endlich tut sich mal was, aber warten wird wohl belohnt. Es sieht so aus, als ob die Kapitalerhöhung erfolgreich wird, da sonst der Kurs Richtung 0,020 AUD sinken würde. Die Phantasie aus den Zink-Projekt ist scheinbar größer!
      Die Umsätze in Australien ziehen stark an und in FRA sind endlich die 0,014€ überwunden. Chartechnisch gute Ausgangslage. In Australien steht der Ausbruch über 0,026 noch bevor.

      Komet ;)
      schrieb am 20.09.03 11:10:33
      Beitrag Nr. 306 ()
      ja sieht gut aus!!
      bin gestern eingestiegen!!
      die Kapitalerhöhung scheint offensichtlich erfolgreich zu verlaufen....dann kann es nur noch gen Norden gehen!!
      Iran Projekt wäre gesichert und das ist eine wahre Goldquelle!!
      schrieb am 20.09.03 17:13:36
      Beitrag Nr. 307 ()
      Was hast du denn gestern noch bezahlt? Gab es noch stücke zu 0,014?

      Komet :kiss:
      schrieb am 22.09.03 11:09:19
      Beitrag Nr. 308 ()
      Der windhund wird gerade rausgelassen. Ein klarer Verdoppler.In Frankfurt schon bei 0,16.Kurse um die 0,02 in den nächstwn tagen sind durchaus realistisch.

      gruß :D
      schrieb am 22.09.03 12:18:51
      Beitrag Nr. 309 ()
      nein zu 0,014 gabs leider nix mehr.....0,015....heute wäre ich jedoch schon nicht mehr reingekommen ;))!!!
      nur Verdoppler??
      Luete schwache Kursphantasie...aber Stück für Stück da habt ihr recht das sit mir auch am liebsten!!!
      schrieb am 22.09.03 12:49:36
      Beitrag Nr. 310 ()
      #307 Dröpche für Dröpche,echte Qualität !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
      Wenn das Zinkvorkommen nur ein Bruchteil der Erwartungen halten kann steht Union bald locker 1000% höher. Aber schön langsam.Ist beser.:D
      schrieb am 23.09.03 16:08:09
      Beitrag Nr. 311 ()
      @ alle

      am 25.09.03 hält UCL die Generalversammlung (Haupt-
      versammlung) ab.
      Ist Euch bekannt was beschlossen werden soll ??????

      schrieb am 24.09.03 15:17:34
      Beitrag Nr. 312 ()
      schrieb am 24.09.03 15:27:54
      Beitrag Nr. 313 ()
      ;) ;)
      schrieb am 24.09.03 15:51:08
      Beitrag Nr. 314 ()
      ;) ;) ;)
      schrieb am 24.09.03 15:52:25
      Beitrag Nr. 315 ()
      ;) ;) ;) ;)
      schrieb am 24.09.03 18:40:31
      Beitrag Nr. 316 ()
      Eure geistigen Smilieergüsse sind beeindruckend.

      schrieb am 24.09.03 19:09:49
      Beitrag Nr. 317 ()
      Die Kapitalerhöhung wird morgen als Erfolg gemeldet. Dann ist der Knoten geplatzt ...

      Komet :kiss:
      schrieb am 25.09.03 03:37:49
      Beitrag Nr. 318 ()
      was soll man hier auch anders reinstellen, bei soviel Enttäuschung, die diese Aktie gebracht hat.

      mfg. mfierke

      die von diesen Aktionärs-Schrott noch viele im Depot hat aus den 2000 sender Jahren:cry:
      schrieb am 25.09.03 12:33:47
      Beitrag Nr. 319 ()
      Klassischer Fall von falschem Timing. Die Situation sieht heute viel besser aus. Wenn das Iranprojekt einschlägt, dann tickt hier eine Rakete.

      Komet :kiss:
      schrieb am 25.09.03 12:56:04
      Beitrag Nr. 320 ()
      an Komet##

      wie würdest du denn jetzt weiter machen????? Zukauf??????? noch mehr Verluste??????? freue mich über eine ehrliche Meinung
      schrieb am 25.09.03 18:33:30
      Beitrag Nr. 321 ()
      Ich bin im Moment für Zukauf. Die Phantasie des Iranprojektes wird noch einige Monate für Zündstoff sorgen. Wenn die Kapitalerhöhung durch ist, dann geht es wieder aufwärts. Vielleicht verkaufen auch ein paar Zocker nächste Woche, da die Aktein aus der Kapitalerhöhung zu 0,02 AUD zugeteilt werden. Danach ist der Weg frei. siehe Chart ...

      Good Luck, Komet ;)
      schrieb am 27.09.03 12:25:13
      Beitrag Nr. 322 ()
      @ alle
      was war denn zur HV los????????
      Gibt es Neuigkeiten??????

      schrieb am 28.09.03 11:44:50
      Beitrag Nr. 323 ()
      Email: Internet:
      Union Capital Limited
      A.B.N. 40 002 118 872
      Tel: +61 7 3833-3833 Level 6, 200 Creek Street, Brisbane Postal Address:
      Fax: +61 7 3833-3888 PO Box 728
      Spring Hill Q
      Australia 4004
      25 September 2003
      Company Announcements Office
      Australian Stock Exchange Limited
      20 Bridge Street
      Sydney NSW 2000
      Dear Sir
      A General Meeting of the Company was held today as scheduled.
      The result was that all of the resolutions were passed, namely, the approval of
      three previous placements made on 8th August 2003, totally 11 million shares
      at 2 cents raising $220,000, and the approval to issue up to 50 million shares
      at 2 cents under the Shareholder Share Purchase Plan, or a placement at a
      price not less than 80% of the prevailing weighted average market price over
      the last five (5) days preceding such placement.
      Yours faithfully
      PR Sauerberg
      Company Secretary
      schrieb am 28.09.03 14:16:44
      Beitrag Nr. 324 ()
      das heißt, dass die kapitalerhöhung erfolgreich war ... jezt bin ich auf den Kurs nächste Woche gespannt. Wann werden die Aktien zugeteilt und eingebucht?
      schrieb am 28.09.03 15:11:49
      Beitrag Nr. 325 ()
      @ Komet
      ich sehe das nicht ganz so.
      50 Mill Aktien zu 0,002 Cent waren vorgesehen,ergiebt
      1 Mill austr.§.
      Gezeichnet wurden 11 Mill.Aktien, ergiebt 220.000 austr.§.
      Wird dieses Geld reichen ????????????????

      Oder sieht es jemand anders.

      schrieb am 28.09.03 15:14:13
      Beitrag Nr. 326 ()
      Sorry,soll 0,02 Cent lauten.
      schrieb am 29.09.03 21:54:29
      Beitrag Nr. 327 ()

      Das Einbuchen nach dem 26.09 würde in DE ca. 1Woche dauern. Aus dem Ausland wohl noch um einiges länger. Ich schätze mal 3 Wochen.

      Was mich interessieren würde: Was ist der Grund für ein so geringen Umsatz in Australien? Gibt es so wenige freie Aktien oder ist UCL unbekannt oder hat den Geruch nach Insolvenz?

      Danke Grüsse Goldrose
      schrieb am 29.09.03 23:45:04
      Beitrag Nr. 328 ()
      ...habe gar kein angebot bekommen...consors...
      schrieb am 30.09.03 12:20:58
      Beitrag Nr. 329 ()
      Zur Erinnerung
      Also auch der Verkauf von Jabmail, etc könnte genug Kohle für das Zinc project einbringen:rolleyes:
      Für mich heißt das so wie das Ding startet, wird etwas verkauft und das wäre für mich ein gutes Zeichen zum weiteren Zukauf:)

      Union Capital Limited (UCL) is focusing new investment solely in mineral resources.

      UCL provides “seed capital” to funding drilling, feasibility studies or IPO’s of world class resource projects.

      UCL is currently seeking to raise $US 4 million to fund the bankable feasibility study for the massive Mehdhiabad Zinc Project.
      1. Mehdiabad Zinc Project; ( 33% UCL)

      Mehdiabad is located in central Iran, 590 kms south of Tehran.

      Project awarded to the Mehdiabad Joint Venture (MJV), under a Foundation Agreement signed with Ministry of Mines in October 1999.

      MJV partners are UCL, Itok GmbH (Itok) and the Iranian Mining and Procurement Supply Company (IMPASCO).

      Current project equity position is IMPASCO 50%, UCL 33%, Itok 17%.

      UCL is the project manager and is co-ordinating the on-going funding of the Project.

      Massive world-class carbonate – hosted zinc mineral resource with associated commercial grades of lead, silver and possibly barite. Open over 1.8 klms at the northern end and 400 metres at the southern end. It is shallow on both the east and west side and extends to depths of 400 metres in the centre.

      Extensive “dolomitization” and ankerite alteration pre-mineralisation has reduced the bulk density. Sulphide mineralisation are is predominantly sphalerite and galena. The zinc oxide ores are is predominantly smithsonite.

      Exploration involved 35,438 metres of diamond coring, a 334 metre deep exploratory shaft and a pre-feasibility study.

      The ore resources calculated by SRK Consulting Limited in accordance with the Australian JORC Code. Resource Category Tonnes Zn(%) Pb(%) Ag(%)
      Indicated 75 million 7.4 2.4 62
      Inferred 143 million 7.1 2.3 46
      Total 218 million 7.2 2.3 51

      The “in-ground” metal resources are:
      (a) 15.7 million tonnes of zinc metal.
      (b) 5 million tonnes of lead metal.
      (c) 11,000 tonnes of silver metal.

      25% of the total ore resources are oxide and 75% are sulphides. Only oxide ore will be mined for at least the first 5 years. Then both oxide and sulphide ore will be mined for up to 20 years, and only sulphide ore thereafter.

      The oxide will be divided into (+ 4% Zn) for tank leaching and (+2%, - 4% Zn) for dump heap leaching. The sulphide ore will be processed by floatation. The zinc concentrate will then be acid leached probably under pressure in autoclaves.

      Lead and silver will be removed by floatation prior to tank leaching or zinc floatation

      The leachate solution from both circuits will neutralising using lime. Thence the solution upgraded by either solvent extraction or zinc dust precipitation and the zinc metal recovered in an electrowinning plant.

      The project is extremely well appointed with respect to infrastructure, power, water, acid and labour.

      There appears to be no environmental impacts that cannot be controlled.

      The NPV is $US 408 million at a zinc price of $US 770 per tonne. The IRR is 26%. Sensitivity studies show that the Project is very robust.

      Mehdiabad had the potential to be in the lowest quartile of operating cost zinc mines in the world. (20 cents US per pound.)

      The mine life of 50 years is anticipated at an annual production of 225,000 tonnes of zinc metal per annum. Production could be increased to 400-500,000 tonnes.

      Initial capital cost is expected to be $US 250 million.

      2. Gold Aura Limited (49% Union)

      Gold Aura’s main focus is the Fergusson Island Gold Project in PNG.

      There are two known gold deposits on Fergusson Island
      Wapolu 7.6 million tonnes @ 1.6 g/t
      Gameta 4 million tonnes @ 2.4 g/t
      Total 11.6 million tonnes @ 1.8 g/t

      The known gold resources at Gameta and Wapolu are 680,000 ounces.

      The mineralisation is contained within a “Detachment Fault Zone” (DFZ) and the contact zone with the underlying metamorphics. The DFZ is a broad tectonic zone separating the basement metamorphics and overlying ultramafics.

      Gameta has some higher-grade zones within this resource that have potential if sufficient additional tonnage at these grades can be located.

      These include; Hole Interval
      (metres) Intercept
      (metres) Gold
      GRC – 191 42 – 91* 49 4.1
      GRC – 097 23-33* 10 10.5
      GRC – 180 42-49* 7 4.4
      GDH - 002 3-43 40 3.

      * ( open at depth).

      During the March quarter 2003, GOA drilled three diamond drillholes down-dip of these intersections. A fourth hole is in progress.

      The first two holes (GDH – 007 and (GDH – 008) were designed to test the mineralisation some 400 metres down dip., At GDH – 008 where the DFZ occurs from depths of 245 to 316 metres. This hole may have intersected the DFZ below the limit of gold mineralisation. Selected sections will now be analysed for Cu to test for the possible presence of porphyry copper style mineralisation occurring below the gold intersection. The best intersections of 3 metres at 0.79 g/t Au and 2 metres at 0.49 g/t Au.

      GDH-009, located approximately 200 metres down-dip of the known resource, has been drilled to 195.4 metres and intersected 85.9 metres of the targeted DFZ from 73.6 to 159.5 metres. Gold assays from this hole should be available shortly.

      GDH-010, located approximately 100 metres down-dip of the known Gameta gold resource has been commenced. This will be the last hole in this program.

      GOA is increasing its 60% interest by funding the drilling program. Joint Venture partner, Yamana Resources Inc of Canada has elected not to contribute their share of drilling costs and hence has commenced to dilute their interest below 40%.

      GOA also has a 100% interest in the Croydon and Wallabadah Gold projects in North Queensland. At Gilded Rose, 30 klms north of the old gold mining centre of Croydon, GOA has a 130,000 ounce potential inferred gold resource. The mineralisation extends over at least 600 metres of strike length and includes drilling intersections such as (10 metres @ 10.8 g/t Au, 8 metres @ 9.2 g/t Au and 5 metres @ 11.6 g/t Au).

      GOA has 20.5 million shares and 9 million options on issue. Union holds 49% of the issued capital in GOA and 67 % of the options on issue.


      UCL is actively seeking to dispose of its non- resource projects, and invite enquiries from parties interested in the following assets.
      (A) Eastern Telecoms – (UCL indirectly 22%)

      Eastern Telecoms is the largest supplier of broadband services in the Philippines. It is the second largest data transmission company and has extensive international and local telecommunication assets.

      Eastern’s net revenues for the March 2003 quarter were US$5.1 million and operating costs US$4.4 million. The company has maintained a positive EBITDA at US$700,000 and has projected a full year result of around US$4 million for 2003 up 33% on last years result. Due to capital investment in new international cables in order to both grow the business and reduce costs into the future, a dividend is not expected.

      Eastern’s auditored net assets (after allowing for all debt) are US$74 million. The assets including buildings, international cables and cable laying ships, and telecommunications infrastructure.

      Eastern’s has a very low debt position for a telecommunications company. The current loans payable are US$6 million. Eastern is in good shape to take advantage on any market upturn.

      Eastern has a full new “mega franchise” granted only in 2002 for 25 years to supply a full range of telecommunication services both within the Philippines and internationally. The company employs around 600 people within the Philippines.

      UCL holds 54.8% of the debentures on issue in Australian Gigahertz Networks International, which in turn holds a 40% interest in Eastern.
      (B) Email Technology Investments (Jabmail Limited- Union 100%)

      Jabmail Limited has developed a range of financial and marketing innovative e-commerce enabled and interactive email tools, including Jabmail Click- n- Pay which has the potential to favourably compete with web based payments systems by providing much more convenience in use to the recipient.

      During the quarter Jabmail contributed positively to the cash flows of UCL by $84,000.

      Jabmail is seeking strategic partners to with whom to accelerate the commercialisation of the product.

      A valuation by independent consultant InterFinancial Limited has valued the software in the current market at between A$2.2 – A$2.7 million.
      schrieb am 30.09.03 13:10:56
      Beitrag Nr. 330 ()
      schliesse mich voll Deiner Meinung an.
      Die KE ist operatives Geld und wird zur Abwicklung
      der Beteiligungen genommen.
      Das Geld aus den Beteiligungen wiederum wird vorrangig
      für die Machbarkeitsstudie verwendet,denn dafür hat sich
      UCL vertraglich verpflichtet und erhöht bei erfolgreicher
      Studie die prozentuale Beteiligung auf 33%.

      schrieb am 30.09.03 16:24:59
      Beitrag Nr. 331 ()
      also ich bin mit der aktuellen Kursentwicklung voll zufrieden, bei den nächsten pos. Nachrichten könnte es weiter nach Norden gehen.

      nur Geduld

      schrieb am 01.10.03 12:37:45
      Beitrag Nr. 332 ()
      weiß schon jemand, wann die zuteilung der gezeichneten aktien erfolgt?
      ucl soll sich mal 1 beispiel an tournigan gold nehmen!
      3 probebohrungen - 3 satte treffer.
      so kann es auch gehen.
      schrieb am 02.10.03 10:24:49
      Beitrag Nr. 333 ()
      @ Brooker

      Bei so einem hervorragenden Wert solltest Du vielleicht
      alles in Tournigan investieren.
      Wieviel hat denn Deine Aktie zugelegt ????
      Ich werde bei UCL nachkaufen.

      schrieb am 13.10.03 12:30:24
      Beitrag Nr. 334 ()

      KOMET :)
      schrieb am 13.10.03 13:05:17
      Beitrag Nr. 335 ()
      war heute Auszüge holen.
      Habe für meine 150K noch keine Gutschrift.
      Wie siehts denn in Australien aus.
      schrieb am 13.10.03 19:28:32
      Beitrag Nr. 336 ()
      Hallo Zusammen,

      hab meine schon letzte Woche eingebucht bekommen (comdirect). Von mir aus kanns jetzt auch abgehen...

      Gruss Goldrose
      schrieb am 13.10.03 19:36:38
      Beitrag Nr. 337 ()
      habe die Aktie auch schon seit "" den Aktionär´s" Zeiten.
      Habe eine ganz blöde Frage, was sollte da eingebucht werden?? Habe ich da was übersehen oder verpasst?????

      mfg. mfierke

      die sich auf eine ANTWORT FREUT, da ich dieser Aktie gar keine Achtung mehr geschenkt habe:rolleyes:
      schrieb am 13.10.03 21:18:00
      Beitrag Nr. 338 ()
      Falls du an der Kapitalerhöhung teilgenommen hast, müßtest du nun deine Stücke im Depot haben.
      Es gab 150.000 Stck zu 0,02 AUD abzustauben.

      Komet :kiss:
      schrieb am 14.10.03 05:46:45
      Beitrag Nr. 339 ()
      nein habe ich nicht,danke für die Antwort.
      Ich glaube, da habe ich was verkehrt gemacht , oder?????
      mfg. mfierke
      schrieb am 14.10.03 11:44:48
      Beitrag Nr. 340 ()
      Schnallt Euch an Freunde.Die kapitalerhöhung ist durch.Der Druck sollte weg sein.Jede Meldung aus dem iran wird hier einschlagen wie eine Bombe.Freut Euch auf die nächsten Wochen.

      schrieb am 14.10.03 11:51:50
      Beitrag Nr. 341 ()
      @ alle
      Mir wurden die 150.000 Aktien heute auch eingebucht.

      schrieb am 14.10.03 20:55:14
      Beitrag Nr. 342 ()
      Heute +8% in Australien. Die KE ist durch. Hier die Umsätze von heute:
      Börse: Australien
      Datum: 14.10.03

      Zeit Kurs Volumen

      02:08:55 0,024 10828.0
      02:08:55 0,024 89172.0
      02:53:39 0,024 50000.0
      02:53:39 0,024 200000.0
      02:53:39 0,024 150000.0
      03:03:35 0,024 7000.0
      03:03:35 0,024 93000.0
      03:10:23 0,024 100000.0
      03:31:21 0,024 7000.0
      03:33:39 0,024 64500.0
      03:43:39 0,024 60928.0
      03:48:27 0,024 67572.0
      05:03:18 0,024 132428.0
      05:03:18 0,024 150000.0
      05:03:18 0,024 150000.0
      06:41:28 0,025 195000.0
      06:41:28 0,025 30000.0
      06:41:28 0,025 75000.0
      06:47:18 0,025 75000.0
      06:47:18 0,025 100000.0
      06:47:18 0,025 25000.0
      07:26:50 0,025 75000.0
      07:26:50 0,025 25000.0
      07:26:50 0,025 75000.0
      07:26:50 0,025 25000.0
      07:50:43 0,025 39033.0

      Es sind nur vereinzelt 150.000er Pakete zu erkennen. Es verkauft keiner ...

      Komet ;)
      schrieb am 15.10.03 06:13:36
      Beitrag Nr. 343 ()
      Zur Zeit liegt der Wert bei +28% 0.032 A$ bei einem Umsatz
      von doch immerhin 10 Mio. Stk.
      Hoffe es geht nun weiter nach oben.
      schrieb am 15.10.03 12:55:58
      Beitrag Nr. 344 ()
      jetzt schon +40% in Australien. Dabei sind die deutschen Preise noch zu billig. Rechnet mal um!
      Der Knoten ist geplatzt!

      schrieb am 15.10.03 12:58:31
      Beitrag Nr. 345 ()
      0,021 wäre korrekt!;)
      schrieb am 15.10.03 19:42:55
      Beitrag Nr. 346 ()
      Wer hier gestern verkauft hat, ärgert sich heute
      Wer heute verkauft hat, wird sich erst Morgen
      Oder sieht das einer anders???
      schrieb am 15.10.03 19:53:30
      Beitrag Nr. 347 ()
      bin seit 3 jahren dabei, war schon öfters soooo hoffnungsvoll......
      hatten zwischenzeitlich sogar eine null wegbekommen!!!
      nun gut, habe wenigstens 100 000 optionen bekommen, kann aber nirgends einen chart finden
      763999 wer kann mit den chart liefern?
      und trotzdem:
      alles wird gut, gell?
      schrieb am 15.10.03 19:55:10
      Beitrag Nr. 348 ()
      aber das ist auch schon wieder ein problem, die geben alle paar monate optionen raus uns verwässern immer weiter...
      schrieb am 15.10.03 20:46:33
      Beitrag Nr. 349 ()
      xnasenmann weißt du welchen Wert die größte Zinkmine mit den geringsten "Ausbeutungskosten" mit eventuellen Goldfunden wirklich hat.
      Dann sind die 0,02-0,04 oder was immer das morgige Ergebnis sein wird geschenkt.
      Schönen Abend noch;)
      schrieb am 15.10.03 21:13:46
      Beitrag Nr. 350 ()

      Auch hier ist Hans-Rudolf Moser noch immer im Vorstand ...
      schrieb am 15.10.03 21:24:41
      Beitrag Nr. 351 ()
      So sieht ein mustergültiger Ausbruch aus! Die Umsätze passen ...

      Komet ;)
      schrieb am 16.10.03 10:37:46
      Beitrag Nr. 352 ()
      wie gewonnen, so zeronnen...
      aber das ist typisch für ucl!!!!!
      schrieb am 16.10.03 21:24:00
      Beitrag Nr. 353 ()
      Positiv gesehen!

      Wer bei 0,018 verkauft hat, kann bald wieder bei 0,012 Euro
      einsteigen. Von den 5 % kann man gut leben.

      schrieb am 17.10.03 08:16:46
      Beitrag Nr. 354 ()
      @ Mainstern
      0,014 vielleicht, aber 0,012 nein, die sehen wir nicht mehr.

      schrieb am 17.10.03 08:41:18
      Beitrag Nr. 355 ()
      ja, ja, immer die spekulationen. Ich habe in meinem Depot aus den Jahren 2001 für ca. 10.000 Euro davon gekauft,immer wieder voller Hoffnung verbilligt, letztmalig bei 0,07. Wieviel die heute noch wert sind weiß jeder. Ich werde einen Teufel tun und da nochmals was dazu kaufen, wie ihr alle jetzt kund gegeben habt, (150.000 Stück ).
      Entweder sie kommt in ein paar jahren oder das Geld ist futsch. Einmal muß Schluß sein. Wie ich ja jetzt sehe, habe gut getan, keine mehr gekauft zu haben, denn wir stehen bald wieder da ( 99,9 % ) im Verlust.

      mfg. mfierke

      die damit nur ihre Meinung dazu gesagt hat. Jeder handelt für sich udn das ist ok.
      schrieb am 17.10.03 09:50:24
      Beitrag Nr. 356 ()
      Die neuen Berichte sind raus.
      Vergleich zu 2002
      Erstauntlich die Gehälterausgaben gesunken, die Kosten für neue Projekte massiv gestiegen.
      Dadurch natürlich Verlust pro share höher, macht aber nix:D
      Denke da versuchen die Jungs wirklich mal ein faires Spiel zu spielen.
      Schaut selbst!! ;)
      schrieb am 17.10.03 13:39:34
      Beitrag Nr. 357 ()
      ...vielleicht steht nun nach den News mal wieder eine Neubewertung der UCL durch die Analysten an...?!!!;) :lick: ;)

      :lick: :lick: :lick:
      schrieb am 17.10.03 22:30:46
      Beitrag Nr. 358 ()
      Obwohl hier der Moser mitmischt.

      Wenn hier Kursgewinne anstehen, dann sollte man
      Chart macht schon mal einen guten Eindruck.

      Nach unten ist ja nicht mehr viel Luft.

      Haben diese nicht mal bei 4 Euro gestanden, oder so
      schrieb am 18.10.03 00:14:04
      Beitrag Nr. 359 ()
      2000/01 standen die mal bei 7 AD.
      1989/90 standen die mal bei etwa 27 AD !!!!!!!!!!!!
      Seht Euch mal den Langfristchart an, da gehen Euch die Augen über!

      Gruss Araberfan
      schrieb am 18.10.03 12:17:35
      Beitrag Nr. 360 ()
      Sollten die mal auf 0,10 A.Dollar steigen, dann
      wären das ja rund 500 bis 600 %.

      Von 7 Dollar oder noch höher wollen wir lieber
      nicht sprechen.
      Das wäre utopisch.
      schrieb am 18.10.03 14:25:47
      Beitrag Nr. 361 ()
      Sicher ist zur Zeit nur...

      ...daß das luktrative Erzprojekt im Iran durch massive Investitionen in Angriff genommen wurde, und UCL hier 100% der Anteile hält.;)
      ...und das sie 58% an einer Goldminen LTD (Gold Aura) beteiligt sind. Man bedenke nur die Entwicklung des Goldpreises der letzten Monate !;)
      ...und auch im Hitec-Sektor sind sie vertreten bei der e-mail Company Jabmail zu 100% und im Telecombereich zu 18% bei Eastern Telecoms !;) Und das bei den vor kurzem stark hinaufgestuften Aussichten in diesem Tec-Bereich im asiatischen Raum !

      ...und das tollste sie werden immer noch weit unter dem Buchwert gehandelt!;)

      Trotzdem dürfen wir nicht vergessen das der Kurs selbstverstänlich in Australien gemacht wird. Aber nach den letzten Berichten wird diese vergleichsweise kleine Company, auch nicht zuletzt durch die Schlagzeilen in der Vergangenheit, weiter in den Focus der Öffentlichkeit rücken !;)

      Schätze auf Sicht von wenigen Monaten ist das Papier einige 100% mehr wert!;)

      Wünsche allen Investierten und auch allen Interessiertn ein tolles sonniges Wochenende.:)

      :lick: :lick: :lick:
      schrieb am 18.10.03 14:58:29
      Beitrag Nr. 362 ()
      zu 359###

      wenn ich das mal nur glauben könnte ich würde mir sofort am Montag mal so 200.000 Stück holen, könnte meinen Einstieg damit auf fast 0,07 runter holen. Es steckt leider einfach zu viel Geld drin, das ich einfach keinen Mut mehr habe nachzukaufen. ( nicht noch mehr verlieren )

      Trotz allem, wünsche ich ein schönes Wochenende , am Montag kämpfen wir auf ein neues weiter
      mfg. mfierke
      schrieb am 18.10.03 16:54:03
      Beitrag Nr. 363 ()
      ...wieso kämpfen...?

      ...das waren harte Fakten...!!!;)

      :lick: :lick: :lick:
      schrieb am 18.10.03 18:48:10
      Beitrag Nr. 364 ()
      Na das war aber nichts mit harten Fakten.
      UCL hält am Mehdiabad Projekt (Zink Iran) wenn alle
      klappt 33%.
      Wenns schief geht sind es nur 12,50 %.
      Ich zweifle aber auch nicht an einer positieven
      Bankable Feasibility Study. Die Finanzierung die UCL zu tragen hat soll wohl stehen.
      Da die Studie aber erst im Sommer 2004 fertig ist,sollten wir vom Kurs keine Wunder erwarten.
      Auch mfierke kann also ganz in Ruhe alles verfolgen und
      gegebenenfalls verbilligen. Wer weiß?????
      Am 17.10.erschienen Chairman`s Letter von Ian Burton.
      Dort wurde über alle Beteiligungen berichtet.
      Nur über Gold Aura wurde nicht gesagt. Weiß einer mehr?

      schrieb am 19.10.03 09:05:40
      Beitrag Nr. 365 ()
      an mfierke

      Du hast anscheinend damals zuviel gekauft, sonst
      hätte man jetzt mit derselbsen Summe den Kurs
      erheblich drücken können.
      schrieb am 19.10.03 13:23:15
      Beitrag Nr. 366 ()
      Bin mal auf heute Nacht gespannt.

      Irgendwas muss da los sein.

      Interesse scheint überall zuzunehmen.
      schrieb am 19.10.03 20:54:59
      Beitrag Nr. 367 ()
      Kann mir jemand einen Link geben, wie ich am besten Realtime Kurse in Australien verfolgen kann?

      mfG Araberfan
      schrieb am 19.10.03 22:18:45
      Beitrag Nr. 368 ()

      anschliessend "ucl" eingeben.
      schrieb am 19.10.03 23:07:49
      Beitrag Nr. 369 ()

      mfG Araberfan
      schrieb am 20.10.03 03:21:40
      Beitrag Nr. 370 ()
      :) Aktueller Preis in AUS 0,36 ... (+ 0,04)

      Das würde umgerechnet 0,021 bedeuten... Das Ding fängt an permanent zu steigen. Wer jetzt noch verkauft, dem ist nicht mehr zu helfen!

      schrieb am 20.10.03 04:21:50
      Beitrag Nr. 371 ()
      ja LIsa, das hat sie letzte Woche auch mal, da wollte ich auch verbilligen, aber dann war sie bald wieder da wo sie her kam.:laugh: :laugh:
      schrieb am 20.10.03 06:08:52
      Beitrag Nr. 372 ()
      Company Information Search Results


      Diversified Industrial Mineral Exploration and investigations in Australia, PNG, Vanuatu, Guinea, Sierra Leone and Iran; and investment in information technology organisations.
      On this page you will find:

      Delayed share price Company details
      Company announcements Closing prices
      Price history chart Dividends
      Exchange Traded Options Warrants

      Delayed share price

      Prices are delayed by at least 20 minutes. Retrieving any price indicates your acceptance of the Conditions.

      Code Last % Change Bid Offer Open High Low Vol
      UCL 0.035 9.37% 0.035 0.036 0.034 0.036 0.034 4,138,745

      Company details

      Jetzt schon über 4 Mio. Stck. Umsatz und extrem steigende

      + 9,37% bisher.

      Börse läuft ja noch.
      schrieb am 20.10.03 06:30:29
      Beitrag Nr. 373 ()
      Wahnsinn die Nachfrage bei 3,3 oder 3,4
      kann man nicht genau erkennen.

      ISIN AU000000UCL4
      Bezeichnung UNION CAP FPO
      Börse Australian Stock Exchange
      Datum/Zeit 20.10.03/06:04:34
      Letzter Kurs 0,03
      Volumen/Trade 100.000
      Volumen/Tag 4.351.078
      Geld Brief
      Kurs 0,03
      1.200.000 Stck.
      schrieb am 20.10.03 10:12:46
      Beitrag Nr. 374 ()
      JA,ja,ja !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
      Die Zeit ist unser freund.Jeden tag wird die Umsetzung des Iran-Projekts wahrscheinlicher. Eigentlich kann sich kein großer Rohstoffwert dieser Welt erlauben dort nicht mitzumischen.Rechne auch in den nächsten Tagen mit Empfehlungen von Börsenbriefen.Das feld Union Capital ist bestellt.In 2 Jahren werden wir eine gigantische Ernte einfahren.Das Chance/Risiko Ratio ist für einen Spekulanten einfach gigantisch.

      schrieb am 20.10.03 10:38:05
      Beitrag Nr. 375 ()
      Nachfrage/Angebotsverhältnis sieht an der ASX
      super aus.

      Umrechnungskurs müsste hier rd. 0,021 €-Cents
      Aber noch gibt es sie erheblich unter den
      Wie lange noch???
      schrieb am 20.10.03 11:39:35
      Beitrag Nr. 376 ()

      Börse Datum/Zeit Akt. Kurs Diff.%
      Australien 20.10./07:45 0,04 +9,37%
      Berlin-Bremen 20.10./10:16 0,019 +5,56%
      XETRA 15.10./13:42 0,018 +50,00%
      Frankfurt 20.10./10:32 0,019 +5,56%
      schrieb am 20.10.03 13:41:27
      Beitrag Nr. 377 ()
      Dr. Spezialist schrieb es schon im Jan. 02

      #11 von Dr.Spezialist 15.01.02 19:20:28 Beitrag Nr.: 5.341.927 5341927
      Dieses Posting: versenden | melden | drucken | Antwort schreiben UNION CAPITAL LTD

      So wie ich es verstehte : eine der größten Zinkminen der Welt und die Ausbeutung kostet pro Pfund nur 20 Cent, also im Verhältnis zu anderen Minenausbeutungen absolut unterstes Level.
      Also dann mal ran !
      gebt mal :
      rein, da könnt ihr es nachlesen.
      schrieb am 20.10.03 13:43:53
      Beitrag Nr. 378 ()
      sonderbar ???

      Die UCL wird nach wie vor mit 10 % Abschlag zu Australien gehandelt. ;)
      Das Vertrauen der Anleger muß wohl erst wieder aufgebaut werden. Noch vor 3Jahren zahlte man in der Regel hier in Deutschland 20 % mehr wie in Australien.

      :lick: :lick: :lick:
      schrieb am 20.10.03 19:23:42
      Beitrag Nr. 379 ()

      genau deshalb kann man hier kaufen und in
      Australien verkaufen.

      Natürlich sollte man einen gewissen Bestand
      immer halten, um bei weiter anziehenden
      Kursen zu profitieren.
      Allerdings machen nicht alle Banken das
      Spiel mit. (Übertragung der Aktien usw.)
      schrieb am 20.10.03 22:53:01
      Beitrag Nr. 380 ()
      ...und welche sogenannte Bankinstitute spielen da mit...?:)

      :lick: :lick: :lick:
      schrieb am 21.10.03 08:14:33
      Beitrag Nr. 381 ()
      Wegen der Bank frag einmal bei deiner Hausbank
      Ich habe Bedenken, dass das dann bei meiner
      Bank nachher nicht mehr klappt.

      ISIN AU000000UCL4
      Bezeichnung UNION CAP FPO
      Börse Australian Stock Exchange
      Datum/Zeit 21.10.03/07:22:38
      Letzter Kurs 0,03
      Volumen/Trade 28.400
      Volumen/Tag 3.305.006
      Kurs 0,03 Volumen 332.000

      Geld-Brief-Verhältnis fast 10 : 1
      Nach der jetzigen kleinen Konsolidierung dürfte
      es weiter Richtung Norden gehen.

      Da die Kurse gerundet sind, weiss ich nicht, ob
      der Geldkurs bei 3,2 oder 3,3 Cents in Australien
      Umgerechnet= ca. 2 €-Cents.
      schrieb am 21.10.03 19:37:55
      Beitrag Nr. 382 ()
      Die Beilegung des Atomstreites mit den USA
      müsste doch den Kurs wachrütteln.

      Mal sehen was da heute Nacht in Australien
      schrieb am 22.10.03 19:03:41
      Beitrag Nr. 383 ()
      Möchte euch auch mal auf Goldaura und meinen Thread: Gold Aura - was ist hier im Busch ??? aufmerksam machen. Die sind letzte Nacht nach oben geschossen.

      Schliesslich gehört goa ja UCL und ein paar Kleinaktionären, die diese Papiere von UCL geschenkt bekamen.
      schrieb am 24.10.03 10:47:33
      Beitrag Nr. 384 ()
      OHHHHH UCL war beim Frisör. Hat neue Aufmachung:cool:
      wirkt schon sehr viel seriöser:D
      schrieb am 24.10.03 15:37:08
      Beitrag Nr. 385 ()
      UCL der Anfang ist gemacht.

      Jetzt fehlt noch der Kursanstieg.
      schrieb am 24.10.03 19:31:02
      Beitrag Nr. 386 ()
      Hallo Leute
      Ich geb mal nen unverbindlichen Tip ab:
      2006: UCL 1AUD
      Was meint Ihr dazu??

      Gruss Araberfan
      schrieb am 26.10.03 21:30:30
      Beitrag Nr. 387 ()

      Die Zeiten müssen nur beschie.. genug werden, dann sind auch höhere Kurse drin.
      Bis jetzt sind nur Zocker drin, für ein paar Cent Gewinn am Kurs.
      Wenn Silberpreis bis 10 € oz geht, kommen die alten Höchstkurse von UCL, wie damals die reine Phantasie.

      schrieb am 26.10.03 22:06:34
      Beitrag Nr. 388 ()
      Zuerst muss diese Zinkmine Mehdiabad mal ins laufen kommen.Die grössten Hürden wird die Bürokratie in diesem Land sein. Hoffentlich haben die ein paar fähige Leute in Mehdiabad mit genug Schmiergeld in der Tasche, sonst läuft da gar nichts.
      So sind sie eben, die Orientalen.
      Andere Länder andere Sitten.

      Gruss Araberfan
      schrieb am 27.10.03 07:32:49
      Beitrag Nr. 389 ()
      27/10/2003 Change in substantial holding for GOA 2 PDF

      Kurs 2,9 zu 3,1 in SYD
      schrieb am 31.10.03 09:12:55
      Beitrag Nr. 390 ()

      dann gibst UCL oder GOA ein , dann hast den Kurs:)
      schrieb am 31.10.03 09:20:36
      Beitrag Nr. 391 ()
      30 October 2003

      Re: Mehdiabad Zinc Project

      Union Capital Limited (UCL) advises that steady progress continues to be made with respect to the advancement of the Mehdiabad Base Metal Deposit towards development.

      Since the last update, a geo-statistical study to determine the drill space required for conversion of the resource to an indicated and measured status has been completed by geological consultants Hellman & Schofield Pty Ltd. The study concluded that a final drill spacing of 100 metres is expected to be sufficient, except in areas of structural complexity, where a greater drilling density may be required. The report recommended a further 9500 metres of drilling to adequately delineate the indicated and measured resource within the Stage 1 Pit. (first 5 years of production). The recommended drilling program has been further divided into three stages, with a “first stage” drilling program, totalling around 2000 metres, likely to commence in the next month.

      A study has been commenced by zinc refining consultant Dr Bob Pammeter to determine whether a disused zinc refinery, situated 38 kms from Mehdiabad can be converted to be used as the first acid leach plant, to “fast track” development of a 20-30,000 tonnes per annum zinc metal production. If this option is feasible then this would form Stage 1 of the development, acting as a “pilot” to gain operations experience for the full scale development to a production of 500,000 tonnes of zinc metal and 120,000 tonnes of lead concentrates per annum, which is currently planned to occur over a 10 year time frame.

      A comprehensive program of metallurgical testwork on representative samples of the zinc oxide ore that will be mined over the first five years at Mehdiabad has been commenced by Xstrata Queensland’s Hydrometallurgy Research Laboratories. Previous metallurgical testwork has shown that zinc metal can be economically produced at the mine site, using low cost acid leaching to liberate the zinc from the zinc oxide ore and from sulphide concentrate. It is anticipated that a combination of tank leaching, heap leaching and dump leaching will be used to process the oxide ore. However, the ultimate cut off grades and the final circuit for each process will be determined by the results of the current metallurgical test work.

      An updated economic study of the project has been completed subsequent to the Whittle Pit Optimisation. The study has determined that the Net Present Value of the Project is $US 543 million based on the current zinc price of $US 900 per tonne, using straight line projections and discounted at 15% per annum. The present value cost of production of zinc is now expected to be in the order of $US 450 per tonne, placing Mehdiabad amongst the world’s future lowest cost zinc producers.

      The operational cash surplus for the total project is estimated at $US 50 million per annum when the First Main Stage is operational and to over $US 200 million per annum when the plant is fully developed.

      The total capital cost to full development is expected to be $US 600 million. It is considered possible that the bulk of the capital cost can be obtained from either loan funds or from cash flow. At this time UCL expects that the shareholders of Medhiabad Zinc Company will need to raise about $US 80 million for the equity component of the development.

      The economic study will be further updated as the metallurgical testwork evolves. It is likely that the engineering design and bankable report will commence in about 2-3 months time.

      Clearly very little of UCL’s share of the NPV is actually reflected in the company’s share price. It is reasonable to assume that the continued positive progress towards establishing a strong cash flow from this project will result in considerable long term corporate growth.


      29 October 2003

      Re: Jabmail

      Union Capital Limited advises that its 100% owned email technology company, Jabmail Limited is currently preparing to release a new suite of email technology products, geared at addressing the growing requirement for corporate email based business services.

      Jabmail has previously developed and commercialized high-impact multi-media style email e-marketing technology. However, with the release of the Company’s new “Enterprise Application Server” platform, the emphasis has shifted to business services including electronic invoicing and payment services, customer relationship management and smart email reporting.

      Stephen Ioannides, CEO of Jabmail explained, “The Enterprise Application Server platform will enable organizations to create, deliver, and track high volume, highly personalized email messages, including alerts, account statements, promotions and related communications with customers and business partners. Improvements over earlier Jabmail technology include a more robust technical architecture to allow for scalability in medium and large corporate enterprise implementations and closer adherence to evolving standards-based Internet protocols “.

      “In the case of email bill presentment, the electronic invoice can display related products or services, allow customer feedback and opinion, or include creative media advertising and promotional data within the same email. Information can be organised to include simple menus to guide the customer through the email, This type of business link with customers offers enormous economies of scale associated with customer service, branding, merchandising and relationship management”. Mr Ioannides said.

      Jabmail is also releasing a series of business specific applications, each of which utilise the facilities provided for by the core Jabmail Enterprise Application Server technology. The objective is to facilitate the early adoption of Jabmail technology within specific high-value industries and markets. The industry specific applications have been branded as “Jabmail Business Application Packs” and will be progressively released throughout the 2003-2004 financial year. The first two application packs scheduled for release are Jabmail Shareholder Express and Jabmail Invoice Express.

      Shareholder Express is an email service designed to automate the management, delivery and monitoring of corporate communications including announcement, reports etc, to shareholders of listed companies. The service provides facilities to ensure listed companies comply with the new CLERP9 requirements impacting electronic communications to shareholders.

      Jabmail Invoice Express is a secure email bill presentment and payment system. Targeted to small-medium companies, It provides invoices, statements and secure payment options via email.

      Jabmail Invoice Express is suitable for clients who wish to evaluate electronic bill presentment and payment services prior to implementing more extended and tailored billing and payment facilities, which can incorporate a direct interface to in-house accounting systems, online e-payments and other innovations provided for by Jabmail’s Enterprise Application Server platform.

      Further Business Application Packs will be announced as these are finalised for release during 2004.
      schrieb am 31.10.03 09:36:26
      Beitrag Nr. 392 ()
      Hallo UCL-Fans,

      hier die computerübersetzte Version, etwas holprig zu lesen aber dennoch verständlich.

      Oktober 30 2003

      Betr.: ZinkcProjekt Mehdiabad

      Anschlußhauptbegrenztes (UCL) rät, daß unveränderlicher Fortschritt fortfährt, in Bezug auf die Zuführung der Metallablagerung Mehdiabad gebildet zu werden in Richtung zur Entwicklung.

      Seit dem letzten Update, einer geo-statistischen Studie zum Feststellen des Bohrgerätraumes angefordert für Umwandlung des Hilfsmittels zu einem angezeigten und gemessenen Status ist durch geologische Berater Hellman u. Pty Ltd. Schofield durchgeführt worden. Die Studie stellte fest, daß ein abschließender Bohrgerätabstand von 100 Metern erwartet wird, um, ausgenommen in Bereiche der strukturellen Kompliziertheit genügend zu sein, in der eine grössere bohrendichte angefordert werden kann. Der Report empfahl weitere 9500 Meter Bohrung zum ausreichend Abgrenzen des angezeigten und gemessenen Hilfsmittels innerhalb der Grube des Stadiums 1 (erste 5 Jahre der Produktion). Das empfohlene bohrenprogramm ist weiter in drei Stadien, mit einem?firststadium geteilt worden? bohrenprogramm, herum 2000 Meter zusammenzählend, wahrscheinlich, im folgenden Monat zu beginnen.

      Eine Studie ist vom Zinkraffinierungsberater Dr Bob Pammeter begonnen worden feststellen ob eine veraltete Zinkraffinerie, aufgestellt 38 kms von Mehdiabad kann umgewandelt werden, als die erste Säure verwendet zu werden auslaugen Betrieb, zur?fastschiene? Entwicklung 20-30.000 Tonnen zinc pro Jahr Metallproduktion. Wenn diese Wahl dann durchführbar ist, würde diese das Stadium 1 der Entwicklung bilden und dienen würde als ein?pilot? Betriebserfahrung für die maßstäbliche Entwicklung zu einer Produktion von 500.000 Tonnen Zinkmetall und von 120.000 Tonnen Leitung zu gewinnen konzentriert sich pro Jahr, das z.Z. geplant wird, um über einem Zeitrahmen des Jahres aufzutreten 10.

      Ein komplettes Programm des metallurgischen testwork auf Repräsentativproben des Zinkoxiderzes, das gewonnener Over die ersten fünf Jahre bei Mehdiabad ist, ist durch Forschungslabors Xstrata Queensland?s Hydrometallurgy begonnen worden. Vorhergehendes metallurgisches testwork hat gezeigt, daß Zinkmetall am Grubenaufstellungsort mit dem Säureauslaugen der niedrigen Kosten ökonomisch produziert werden kann, das Zink vom Zinkoxiderz und vom Sulfidkonzentrat zu befreien. Es wird vorweggenommen, daß eine Kombination des Behälters auslaugend, der Haufen, der auslaugt und das auslaugende Dump, verwendet wird, um das Oxiderz zu verarbeiten. Jedoch werden die entscheidenden abgeschnittenen Grade und der abschließende Stromkreis für jeden Prozeß durch die Resultate der gegenwärtigen metallurgischen Testarbeit festgestellt.

      Eine aktualisierte ökonomische Studie des Projektes ist der Whittlegrubeoptimierung abgeschlossenes folgendes gewesen. Die Studie hat festgestellt, daß der Kapitalwert des Projektes 543 $$US Million basiert auf dem gegenwärtigen Zinkpreis von 900 $$US pro Tonne ist mit Projektionen der geraden Geraden und pro Jahr diskontiert bei 15%. Die Herstellungskosten des anwesenden Wertes des Zinks werden jetzt erwartet, um im Auftrag von 450 $$US pro Tonne zu sein und setzen Mehdiabad unter den Zinkproduzenten der niedrigsten Kosten der world?s zukünftigen.

      Der funktionsfähige Kassenüberschuß für das Gesamtprojekt wird bei 50 $$US Million pro Jahr geschätzt, wenn das erste Hauptstadium und bis über 200 Million $$US pro Jahr funktionsfähig ist, wenn der Betrieb völlig entwickelt wird.

      Die Hauptgesamtkosten zur vollen Entwicklung werden erwartet, um 600 $$US Million zu sein. Es gilt als möglich, daß der Hauptteil der Hauptkosten von den Kreditmitteln oder vom Bargeldumlauf erhalten werden kann entweder. Diesmal erwartet UCL, daß die Aktionäre von Medhiabad Zinc Company ungefähr 80 Million $$US für den Billigkeitsbestandteil der Entwicklung anheben müssen.

      Die ökonomische Studie wird weiter aktualisiert, wie das metallurgische testwork entwickelt. Es ist wahrscheinlich, daß das Technikdesign und der bankfähige Report in ungefähr 2-3 Monaten Zeit beginnen.

      Offenbar sehr wird wenig des UCL?s-Anteiles des NPV wirklich im company?santeilpreis reflektiert. Es ist angemessen, anzunehmen, daß der anhaltende positive Fortschritt in Richtung von dem Herstellen eines starken Bargeldumlaufs von diesem Projekt beträchtliches langfristiges Unternehmenswachstum ergibt.


      Oktober 29 2003

      Betr.: Jabmail

      Anschluß, den Hauptbegrenztes, daß sein 100% emailtechnologiefirma besassen, Jabmail rät, das begrenzt wird, bereitet z.Z. vor, sich einen neuen Suite der emailtechnologieprodukte freizugeben, übersetzt am Adressieren der wachsenden Anforderung für korporative email gegründete Dienstleistungen.

      Jabmail hat vorher sich und in den Handel gebrachte high-impact multi-media Art-emailEmarketing-Technologie entwickelt. Jedoch mit der Freisetzung von dem?Enterprise-Anwendungsbediener Company?s neuen? Plattform, das Hauptgewicht hat sich auf Dienstleistungen einschließlich der elektronischen Fakturierungs- und Zahlungsdienstleistungen, des Kunden-Verhältnis-Managements und des intelligenten emailberichtes verschoben.

      Stephen Ioannides, CEO von Jabmail erklärt, ermöglicht Organisationen, hohe Ausgabe, in hohem Grade personifizierte emailanzeigen, einschließlich der Alarme, der Kontoaussagen, der Förderungen und der bezogenen Kommunikationen mit Kunden und Teilhabern zu verursachen, zu liefern und aufzuspüren. Umfassen frühere Technologie Jabmail des Verbesserungsover eine robustere technische Architektur, um scalability in den mittleren und großen korporativen Unternehmenimplementierungen und in der genaueren Haftfähigkeit zum Entwickeln der Standard-gegründeten Internet-Protokolle zuzulassen?.

      ?In der Fall von der emailrechnungsdarstellung, die elektronische Rechnung kann in Verbindung stehende Produkte oder Dienstleistungen anzeigen, Kundenfeedback und Meinung erlauben, oder die kreativen annoncierenden Mittel und die fördernden Daten innerhalb des gleichen email umfassen. Informationen können organisiert werden, um einfache Menüs zu umfassen, um den Kunden durch das email, diese Art zu führen der Geschäftsverbindung mit den enormen Wirtschaftssystemen der Kundenangebote der Skala dazugehörig mit Kundendienst und einbrennen, Verkaufen und Verhältnis-Management?. Herr Ioannides sagte.

      Jabmail gibt auch eine Reihe spezifische Anwendungen des Geschäfts frei, von denen jede den Service verwenden, der für durch die Unternehmenanwendungs-Bedienertechnologie KernJabmail bereitgestellt wird. Die Zielsetzung ist, die frühe Annahme der Technologie Jabmail innerhalb der spezifischen high-value Industrien und der Märkte zu erleichtern. Die spezifischen Anwendungen der Industrie sind eingebrannt worden wie? GeschäftscAnwendungscSätze Jabmail? und wird nach und nach während des Geschäftsjahres 2003-2004 freigegeben. Die ersten zwei Anwendungssätze, die für Freigabe festgelegt werden, sind der Aktionär Jabmail, der ausdrücklich sind und die ausdrückliche Rechnung Jabmail .

      Der Aktionär, der ausdrücklich ist, ist ein emailservice, der entworfen wird, um das Management, Anlieferung und Überwachung von Unternehmenskommunikationen einschließlich der Ansage, Reports usw., zu den Aktionären der aufgeführten Firmen zu automatisieren. Der Service liefert Service, um aufgeführte Firmen sicherzustellen einwilligen mit den neuen Anforderungen CLERP9, die elektronische Kommunikationen zu den Aktionären auswirken.

      Die ausdrückliche Rechnung Jabmail ist ein sicheres emailrechnungsdarstellung- und -zahlungssystem. Gezielt zu den Kleinmittelfirmen, liefert sie Rechnungen, Aussagen und sichere Zahlungswahlen über email.

      Die Rechnung Jabmail, die ausdrücklich ist, ist für Klienten verwendbar, die elektronische Rechnungsdarstellung- und -zahlungsservices vor dem Einführen auswerten möchten verlängerte und hergestelltere Gebührenzählung und Zahlungsmöglichkeiten, die eine direkte Schnittstelle zu den innerbetrieblichen Rechnungssystemen, zu den on-line-Ezahlungen und anderen zu den Innovationen enthalten können, die für durch Anwendungs-Bedienerplattform Jabmail?s Enterprise bereitgestellt werden.

      Weitere Geschäftsanwendungssätze werden als diese werden beendet für Freigabe während 2004 verkündet.

      schrieb am 31.10.03 12:22:44
      Beitrag Nr. 393 ()
      Silberpreis zieht an schonüber 5!!
      UCL wird der Performer 2004 da bin ich mir sicher!!
      die lasse ich als Altersvorsorge im DP liegen ;))!!
      schrieb am 31.10.03 15:07:29
      Beitrag Nr. 394 ()

      nach den Meldungen der letzten Tage hab ich mir auch mal welche geholt. Witzig ist nur, dass man die in Dtld. 10% billiger wie in AUS bekommt. Tja die Pisa-Studie lässt mal wieder grüßen!:D Wir solls Recht sein, wirds billiger!

      schrieb am 01.11.03 11:32:37
      Beitrag Nr. 395 ()
      Wenn die das so durchziehen was sie vor haben, könnte ich vieleicht in 2 Jahren doch schon in Rente gehen. ;)
      schrieb am 01.11.03 15:55:25
      Beitrag Nr. 396 ()
      Was macht die Beteiligung Gold Aure.
      Ich kenne mich bei Gold überhaupt nicht aus.
      Kann ein Spezialist von Euch nicht mal in wenigen Sätzen
      für mich verständlich berichten.
      Wie ist der Stand ????????
      Ich danke schon jetzt dem herzlich der das übernimmt.

      schrieb am 04.11.03 11:56:00
      Beitrag Nr. 397 ()
      Bis Mittag noch kein Umsatz in D???

      Was ist los?

      schrieb am 04.11.03 13:27:54
      Beitrag Nr. 398 ()
      #395 Ist wohl der selbe Makler wie Investika.Sitzt nur so zum Spaß da und wird für nichts bezahlt.Schlußtaxe für Union war in Austrlien nur 1 Cent tiefer als Investika.In Deutschland ist der Kurs 0,04 Euro tiefer. Warum ????????:confused:
      schrieb am 10.11.03 11:24:15
      Beitrag Nr. 399 ()
      Kurs in Australien zum Ende: 0,031 AD

      Bid: 0,029
      Ask: 0,031

      Wechselkurs Euro zu AD: 1,62310 am 10. Nov

      Folgliche Entsprechungen:

      0,029 AD = 0,0179 --> handelbar/gerundet 0,018 €
      0,030 AD = 0,0185 --> handelbar/gerundet 0,019 €
      0,031 AD = 0,0191 € :D

      Mir völlig unverständlich warum hier in Deutschland die Leute so du.. sind, und sogar unterhalb des australischen BID-Wertes verkaufen!!!

      AKTUELLER KURS sollte bei 0,19 liegen, wer darunter verkauft verschenkt Geld, da er seine Anteile in AUS besser losbekommen würde. Ihr müsst nur eurer Bank Bescheide sagen in Sydney zu ordern!
      schrieb am 10.11.03 13:54:18
      Beitrag Nr. 400 ()
      Auch die Kursfeststellungen von manchen MAKLERN
      geben zu denken.
      Ob die wohl die falschen Umrechnungskurse vorliegen
      schrieb am 11.11.03 13:56:57
      Beitrag Nr. 401 ()
      nach cambrian, ivk sollte man auch ucl
      jetzt im Auge behalten.
      schrieb am 11.11.03 18:31:18
      Beitrag Nr. 402 ()
      Hallo UCLer!
      Wir liegen hier in Deutschland immer noch 0.002 cent in der Umrechnung zu Australien hinten, das sind über 10%. Wer verkauft bloß zu diesem Kurs?? Im Moment ist noch die Unsicherheit die die Region zwangsläufig mit sich bringt ( Nähe zw. Iran und Irak ) im Markt, aber solte sich dort die Lage beruhigen wird ucl die erste Aktien sein die nach oben schnellt. Bei der nächsten positiven Studie zur Machbarkeit wird das Teil hier explodieren. Noch ist der Kurs ein echter Witz. Ich bin vor ca. 3 Monaten bei 0.013 mit 100000 eingestiegen und werde weiter kaufen sobald der erste Anstieg beginnt, denn ich bin davon überzeugt das wir hier auf einer Goldgrube sitzen. Wenn da vor Ort alles unter Dach und Fach ist geht ucl ab wie ne Rakete mit einem kurzen Zwischenstopp bei 1 Euro. Sich schon mal jetzt, auch bei der noch bestehenden Gefahr des Totalverlustes, zu positionieren ist mit Sicherheit der richtige Weg. Noch bekommt ihr, sagen wir mal 50000 Stücke, für unter 1000 Euro, nachdem alles unter Dach und Fach ist sind hier locker daraus 50000 Euro zu machen. Denkt an meine Worte, hier wird es demnächst gewaltig abgehen. Und sollte es trotz der hervorragenden Aussichten aufgrund widriger Umstände ( soll heißen die ganze Region fällt in den Kriegszustand )zum Totalverlust kommen haben wir halt ca. 1000 Euro verloren. Wäre Pech, aber für einen echten Highriskzocker wohl noch kein Beinbruch. Denn hier bei ucl sind locker mehrere 1.....%%% drin, denn die Story ist genial.
      Gruß Gilmore ( der hier nach Investika mal so richtig viel Geld riecht :D :D :D :D :D ;) )
      schrieb am 11.11.03 19:41:07
      Beitrag Nr. 403 ()
      werde auch bei positiven Meldungen weiter
      schrieb am 11.11.03 19:42:03
      Beitrag Nr. 404 ()
      Hallo Gilmore
      Ich bin in etwa der gleichen Meinung wie du.
      Das Teil hier ist auf jeden Fall ein Pulverfass, hochexplosiv. Entweder wir treffen damit in die volle, oder es trifft uns.
      Ich habe mir zu 0,019 einige Teile besorgt.
      Wenn der Kurs noch weiter runtergeht, werde ich noch mal einige 1000 Shares vom Markt holen und dann einfach liegenlassen.

      Good Trade
      schrieb am 12.11.03 18:50:09
      Beitrag Nr. 405 ()

      natürlich ist das hie ein Pulverfaß.

      Die ganze Weltwirtschaft ist ein Pulverfaß.

      Bei Union Capital ist demnächst Musik drin.

      ISIN AU000000UCL4
      Bezeichnung UNION CAP FPO
      Börse Australian Stock Exchange
      Datum/Zeit 12.11.03/04:41:19
      Letzter Kurs 0,03
      Volumen/Trade 267.801
      Volumen/Tag 500.000
      Geld Brief
      Kurs 0,03 0,03
      Volumen 400.000 132.199
      Datum/Zeit 12.11./04:41 12.11./04:41
      schrieb am 13.11.03 19:56:14
      Beitrag Nr. 406 ()
      Heute Morgen lagen wieder 400.000 Stck. Geld
      200.000 Stck. Brief in SYDNEY.

      Chart macht weiterhin einen guten Eindruck.
      schrieb am 13.11.03 20:55:10
      Beitrag Nr. 407 ()
      Mehdiabad Zinc Project
      Back to Articles

      Union Capital Limited (UCL) advises that steady progress continues to be made with respect to the advancement of the Mehdiabad Base Metal Deposit towards development.
      Since the last update, a geo-statistical study to determine the drill space required for conversion of the resource to an indicated and measured status has been completed by geological consultants Hellman & Schofield Pty Ltd. The study concluded that a final drill spacing of 100 metres is expected to be sufficient, except in areas of structural complexity, where a greater drilling density may be required. The report recommended a further 9500 metres of drilling to adequately delineate the indicated and measured resource within the Stage 1 Pit. (first 5 years of production). The recommended drilling program has been further divided into three stages, with a “first stage” drilling program, totalling around 2000 metres, likely to commence in the next month.
      A study has been commenced by zinc refining consultant Dr Bob Pammeter to determine whether a disused zinc refinery, situated 38 kms from Mehdiabad can be converted to be used as the first acid leach plant, to “fast track” development of a 20-30,000 tonnes per annum zinc metal production. If this option is feasible then this would form Stage 1 of the development, acting as a “pilot” to gain operations experience for the full scale development to a production of 500,000 tonnes of zinc metal and 120,000 tonnes of lead concentrates per annum, which is currently planned to occur over a 10 year time frame.
      A comprehensive program of metallurgical testwork on representative samples of the zinc oxide ore that will be mined over the first five years at Mehdiabad has been commenced by Xstrata Queensland’s Hydrometallurgy Research Laboratories. Previous metallurgical testwork has shown that zinc metal can be economically produced at the mine site, using low cost acid leaching to liberate the zinc from the zinc oxide ore and from sulphide concentrate. It is anticipated that a combination of tank leaching, heap leaching and dump leaching will be used to process the oxide ore. However, the ultimate cut off grades and the final circuit for each process will be determined by the results of the current metallurgical test work.
      An updated economic study of the project has been completed subsequent to the Whittle Pit Optimisation. The study has determined that the Net Present Value of the Project is $US 543 million based on the current zinc price of $US 900 per tonne, using straight line projections and discounted at 15% per annum. The present value cost of production of zinc is now expected to be in the order of $US 450 per tonne, placing Mehdiabad amongst the world’s future lowest cost zinc producers.
      The operational cash surplus for the total project is estimated at $US 50 million per annum when the First Main Stage is operational and to over $US 200 million per annum when the plant is fully developed.
      The total capital cost to full development is expected to be $US 600 million. It is considered possible that the bulk of the capital cost can be obtained from either loan funds or from cash flow. At this time UCL expects that the shareholders of Medhiabad Zinc Company will need to raise about $US 80 million for the equity component of the development.
      The economic study will be further updated as the metallurgical testwork evolves. It is likely that the engineering design and bankable report will commence in about 2-3 months time.
      Clearly very little of UCL’s share of the NPV is actually reflected in the company’s share price. It is reasonable to assume that the continued positive progress towards establishing a strong cash flow from this project will result in considerable long term corporate growth.

      Das waren die letzten News.
      schrieb am 15.11.03 11:00:56
      Beitrag Nr. 408 ()
      Union Zinc, which was formed in January 2001 as a wholly-owned subsidiary of ASX-listed Union Capital Ltd, has a 25 per cent interest in the Medihabad Zinc Project located approximately 550km from Tehran in central Iran.

      The zinc, lead and diamond deposit, which is currently undergoing pre-feasibility studies, is a joint venture between Union Capital, Itok GmbH and the General Iranian Mining Company.

      Union Capital was one of the first foreign investors in the mining industry in Iran after the Iranian government decided to privatise government-owned projects to attract foreign investment.

      Union Capital will retain an 85 per cent stake in Union Zinc upon completion of the Offer.


      Union Capital shareholders on the register on Wednesday June 20, 2001 holding 1000 or more shares will receive a priority allocation to Union Zinc share under the IPO.


      Union Zinc lodged a Supplementary Prospectus with the Australian Securities and Investments Commission on June 22, 2001 to advise potential investors it has entered into an agreement with Itok GmbH to acquire Itok`s 25 per cent holding in the Mehdiabad Zinc Project.

      The Itok Agreement, which is subject to shareholder approval, would lift Union Zinc`s interest in the Project to 50 per cent., with the balance to be held by the General Iranian Mining Company.

      Union Zinc will also have an additional 63 million shares on issue following the transaction, lifting its market capitalisation to $31.6 million at the issue price (from $19 million under the original prospectus), while Union Capital`s holding in Union Zinc will fall to 52.5 per cent (from 85 per cent).
      schrieb am 15.11.03 17:57:34
      Beitrag Nr. 409 ()
      tu mir doch den Gefallen und bring das mal ins Deutsche rüber.

      Gruss Araberfan
      schrieb am 15.11.03 20:03:06
      Beitrag Nr. 410 ()

      das musst du selbst erledigen.
      schrieb am 15.11.03 20:38:37
      Beitrag Nr. 411 ()
      USA wollen Macht im Irak schon im Sommer abgeben

      Bremer stellt Regierungsrat neue Strategie vor - 400. amerikanischer Soldat getötet - Japan entsendet Erkundungsteam.

      Bagdad (APA) - Die USA wollen die Macht im Irak bereits im Sommer kommenden Jahres an eine Übergangsregierung abgeben. US-Zivilverwalter Paul Bremer wollte die neue Strategie am (heutigen) Samstag offiziell dem irakischen Regierungsrat vorstellen, wie ein Mitglied des Gremiums am Freitag ankündigte. Unterdessen stieg die Zahl der seit Kriegsbeginn im Irak getöteten US-Soldaten am Samstagmorgen auf 400.

      Bremer informierte am Freitag Jalal Talabani, den derzeitigen Vorsitzenden des Regierungsrats, über die neuen Pläne der USA, wie Ratsmitglied Mahmud Othman mitteilte. Die Strategie sehe einen Übergang zur Souveränität schon im Juni vor. Wie die Nachrichtenagentur AP aus US-Regierungskreisen erfuhr, sind Wahlen bereits in der ersten Jahreshälfte 2004 geplant. Noch vor der Ausarbeitung einer neuen Verfassung soll eine neue irakische Regierung eingesetzt werden. bisher hatten die USA stets darauf bestanden, dass Wahlen erst nach In-Kraft-Treten einer Verfassung abgehalten werden sollten.

      Wie die US-Streitkräfte mitteilten, wurde am Samstag ein US-Soldat bei der Explosion eines Sprengsatzes am Straßenrand getötet. Er war das 400. amerikanische Opfer. Zwei weitere Soldaten wurden bei dem Anschlag verletzt. Bereits am Freitagabend hatte eine am Straßenrand versteckte Bombe einen Soldaten das Leben gekostet und drei weitere Soldaten verletzt, wie die Streitkräfte mitteilten.

      Die britischen Streitkräfte haben seit Beginn des Kriegs am 20. März 52 Soldaten verloren. Bei einem Anschlag auf das italienische Hauptquartier zu Beginn dieser Woche wurden zwölf Carabinieri, vier Soldaten und drei Zivilpersonen getötet. Dänemark, Spanien, Polen und die Ukraine haben je einen Toten zu beklagen.

      Die USA respektieren nach den Worten von Verteidigungsminister Donald Rumsfeld die Entscheidung Japans, zunächst keine Truppen in den Irak zu entsenden. Die US-Regierung habe kein Problem damit, dass sich die japanische Regierung für die Entscheidung mehr Zeit lassen wolle, sagte Rumsfeld am Samstag auf einer Pressekonferenz in Tokio. "Wir sind zuversichtlich, dass unsere Freunde hier die Entscheidungen treffen, die ihnen angemessen erscheinen, und das ist es, was wir wollen", sagte Rumsfeld.

      Der japanische Verteidigungsminister Shigeru Ishiba erklärte, Tokio hoffe, so bald wie möglich über eine Entsendung von Soldaten entscheiden zu können. Die japanische Regierung hatte nach dem Anschlag auf eine italienischen Kaserne in der südirakischen Stadt Nassiriya am Mittwoch beschlossen, die geplante Abstimmung über die Stationierung von Truppen zu vertagen.

      Am Samstag brach ein zehnköpfiges Erkundungsteam der japanischen Streitkräfte in den Irak auf, um die Sicherheitslage vor Ort zu prüfen. Das bestätigte ein Sprecher des Verteidigungsministeriums. Über die voraussichtliche Dauer der Reise machte er keine Angaben.

      Der australische Verteidigungsminister Robert Hill räumte unterdessen ein, möglicherweise habe die Koalition das Ausmaß des Widerstands im Nachkriegsirak unterschätzt. Australien werde sich davon jedoch nicht abschrecken lassen und seine Soldaten nicht aus dem Irak abziehen, sagte Hill laut einer Meldung der australischen Nachrichtenagentur AAP
      schrieb am 28.11.03 09:55:38
      Beitrag Nr. 412 ()
      Friday, November 28, 2003
      Results of Annual General Meeting
      Back to Articles

      The following information regarding the results of the Annual General Meeting of Union Capital Limited held on 25 November 2003 is provided in accordance with Section 251AA(2) of the Corporations Act.

      In accordance with the results set out below, all the resolutions were passed by the required majority of votes.

      Ordinary Business
      Resolution No. 2
      Re-elect Mr RB Murdoch as a Director

      This resolution was passed on a show of hands.
      The total number of proxy votes exercisable by all proxies validly appointed was 5,800,458.
      Instructions in respect of the proxies:



      Ordinary Business
      Resolution No. 3
      Re-elect Mr IJ Burton as a Director

      This resolution was passed on a show of hands.
      The total number of proxy votes exercisable by all proxies validly appointed was 5,800,458.
      Instructions in respect of the proxies:



      Ordinary Business
      Resolution No. 4
      Issues of 800,000 Shares to non-executive directors

      This resolution was passed on a show of hands.
      The total number of proxy votes exercisable by all proxies validly appointed was 5,800,458.
      Instructions in respect of the proxies:


      schrieb am 01.12.03 06:35:33
      Beitrag Nr. 413 ()
      ISIN AU000000UCL4
      Bezeichnung UNION CAP FPO
      Börse Australian Stock Exchange
      Datum/Zeit 01.12.03/06:05:22
      Letzter Kurs 0,03
      Volumen/Trade 55.797
      Volumen/Tag 150.000
      Geld Brief
      Kurs 0,03 0,03
      Volumen 564.099 120.000

      Die Kurse müssten so 2,6 bis 2,7 sein.

      Ich denke, dass sind gerundete Kurse.
      Aber die Nachfrageseite super.
      schrieb am 02.12.03 06:09:24
      Beitrag Nr. 414 ()
      2,7 zu 2,8 CEnts in Australien.
      schrieb am 02.12.03 18:02:52
      Beitrag Nr. 415 ()
      Nach dem Anstieg von rd. 8% in Australien
      liegt hier der Kurs nur bei 1,6 Cents.

      Hier soll noch Briefmaterial sein. Wer weiß??
      schrieb am 02.12.03 18:32:28
      Beitrag Nr. 416 ()
      In FFM liegt UCL über der 200 Tage-Linie und
      haarschaf an der 38 Tage-Linie.
      schrieb am 03.12.03 04:10:36
      Beitrag Nr. 417 ()
      Es ist sehr ruhig um UCL geworden.

      Vielleicht ein gutes Zeichen.

      Ähnlich bei Investika.
      schrieb am 03.12.03 06:15:34
      Beitrag Nr. 418 ()
      Jetzt mit 2,8 sieht es wieder freundlich aus.
      schrieb am 04.12.03 06:25:13
      Beitrag Nr. 419 ()
      Brief erst bei 2,9 Cents. Geldkurs bei 2,6 Cents
      in Australien.

      Aber schaut euch mal die Nachfragestellung an:

      ISIN AU000000UCL4
      Bezeichnung UNION CAP FPO
      Börse Australian Stock Exchange
      Datum/Zeit 04.12.03/00:26:06
      Letzter Kurs 0,03
      Volumen/Trade -
      Volumen/Tag 50.000
      Geld Brief
      Kurs 0,026 0,029
      Volumen 243.100 35.700
      Datum/Zeit 04.12./06:01 04.12./06:01
      schrieb am 04.12.03 19:23:05
      Beitrag Nr. 420 ()
      Was ist hier nur los.

      Kurse um 1,5 Cents.

      Ist mir momentan unverständlich.
      schrieb am 09.12.03 13:44:27
      Beitrag Nr. 421 ()
      Kurs liegt über der 200-Tage-Linie und steht
      vor dem Versuch die 38-Tage-Linie nach oben zu durchbrechen.
      schrieb am 09.12.03 19:01:08
      Beitrag Nr. 422 ()
      Na, wer sagt es denn.

      Anti-Terror-Deal zwischen USA und Iran in Sicht?

      Von Christian Kreutzer

      Vereint im " Krieg gegen Terror" ? König Abdullah von Jordanien und Irans Chatami (Foto: dpa)
      Iran will offenbar rund 70 mutmaßliche El-Kaida-Terroristen an die USA ausliefern. Das meldet die in London erscheinende arabische Zeitung " Al Hayat" unter Berufung auf einen hochrangigen Beamten in Washington. Im Gegenzug sollen die USA den Iranern angeboten haben, die Aktivitäten der mit ihnen verbündeten iranischen Volksmudschaheddin stärker als bisher zu unterbinden. Eingefädelt hat den Deal der jordanische König Abdullah II.

      El Kaida zieht um Irak statt Afghanistan

      Grünes Licht aus Washington
      Laut " Al Hayat" hat Abdullah bei seinem jüngsten USA-Besuch im Oktober grünes Licht erhalten, um mit der iranischen Frührung die Einzelheiten zu verhandeln. Er habe seine Vermittlertätigkeit bereits durch intensive Gespräche mit der Führung in Teheran vorbereitet.

      Iran klopft seit langem an Washingtons Tore
      Der Handel ist offenbar die abgespeckte Form eines Abkommens, den der Golf-Staat bereits seit über einem Jahr anstrebt. So soll der Iran laut einem Bericht der " Welt am Sonntag" von Anfang September bereits seit dem Oktober 2002 den USA immer wieder angeboten haben, ranghohe El-Kaida-Führer auszuliefern. Im Gegenzug wollte Iran von der Liste der " Schurkenstaaten" gestrichen werde

      N.B. Falls die Politik des Iran mitspielt dürften demnächst
      auch Geschäfte mit der EU oder Amerika kein Problem mehr sein.
      Das könnte auch bei UCL von Interesse sein.
      schrieb am 10.12.03 06:23:37
      Beitrag Nr. 423 ()
      Kurs 2,7 zu 3 CEnts in Australien.
      schrieb am 10.12.03 21:07:34
      Beitrag Nr. 424 ()
      Während bei UCL in FFM bei 1,6 bG war

      konnte man IVK zu 1,6 Brief kaufen.

      Wer hätte das gedacht.

      Union Capital profitiert evtl. von der
      Entspannung Iran/USA.

      Wer weiß???
      schrieb am 13.12.03 16:53:40
      Beitrag Nr. 425 ()
      Ab und zu hört man also doch etwas von UCL.

      11December 2003

      Company Announcements Office
      Australian Stock Exchange Limited
      20 Bridge Street
      Sydney NSW 2000

      Dear Sir

      Union Capital Limited announces that Gold Aura Ltd.
      has completed a 16 hole, 1207 metre reverse circulation
      drilling program at the Gilded Rose Project in North Queensland.

      The drilling was accompanied by 92 metres of backhoe trenching and channel sampling. The aim of the program
      was to evaluate the gold resources at depths to 100 metres.

      Assay results are a waited.

      Yours faithfully
      Union Capitl Limited

      Rob Murdoch
      Managing Director
      schrieb am 18.12.03 06:19:46
      Beitrag Nr. 426 ()
      Strikes More Gold at Gilded Rose
      schrieb am 09.01.04 11:00:28
      Beitrag Nr. 427 ()
      Friday, January 09, 2004
      Drilling extends Gold Zones at Gilded Rose
      Back to Articles

      Union Capital Limited announces that Gold Aura Limited has received the results of the last four holes recently drilled at the Gilded Rose Project in North Queensland. Two of the holes intersected significant gold mineralisation.


      Hole GRRC 037: 16 metres at 1.1 g/t Au from 23 metres to 39 metres, including 2 metres at 2.6 g/t Au, 2 metres at 2.2 g/t Au and 2metres at 2.0 g/t.

      This hole demonstrates the continuation of the mineralisation, westward within the Gilded Rose Zone. The Zone is now established by drilling to have a strike length of at least 400 metres and surface evidence shows it may continue for 1300 metres.


      Hole GRRC 041: 9 metres at 1.7 g/t Au from 31 metres to 40 metres, including 2 metres at 5.1 g/t Au.

      This hole demonstrates the continuation of the mineralisation within the Jumbo Zone over a strike length of 300 metres and the surface evidence shows it may continue for 1000 metres.

      Gold Aura is impressed with the widths of the gold zones that have been encountered at Gilded Rose in the recent drilling program. As a result, Gold Aura will focus exploration in the area this year, with the aim of increasing the known gold resource as quickly as possible.

      Consultants have been engaged to carry out specific target generation prior to commencement of the field program.

      A major target is the nearby Caldera Project Area, where aeromagnetic data suggests a large eruptive area may occur under cover rocks. In such a geological setting, the type of structural preparation conducive to hosting larger gold deposits than those historically located in the area could occur. EPM 11597, on which the Caldera Project is located, is expected to be granted to Gold Aura in time for the forthcoming field season.

      Other drilling targets to be evaluated in 2004 will be the extensions of the Gilded Rose and Jumbo Zones and other nearby gold bearing structural targets, plus any new targets identified by target generation work.

      The mineral resources information in this Report is based on, and accurately reflects, information compiled by Mr Rob Murdoch who is a Corporate Member of the Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy. Mr Murdoch is an Executive Director of Gold Aura Limited. Mr Murdoch has the relevant experience in relation to the mineralisation being reported upon to qualify as a Competent Person as defined in the Australasian Code for Reporting of Identified Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves.
      schrieb am 09.01.04 13:45:42
      Beitrag Nr. 428 ()
      Das war heute schon mal ganz erfreulich.
      schrieb am 11.01.04 22:29:09
      Beitrag Nr. 429 ()
      Mal sehen was da heute am Montag so läuft?

      Einige Stunden vor Eröffnung liegt der Nachfrage-
      kurs bei 3 Cents.

      Ist das evtl. der Eröffnungskurs???
      schrieb am 11.01.04 23:55:53
      Beitrag Nr. 430 ()
      Wird auch Zeit, das sich UCL mal bewegt.
      Momentan aufgrund von GoldAura, wenn jetzt noch gute News von Mehdiabad kämen, könnte es aufwärts gehen.
      schrieb am 13.01.04 07:12:55
      Beitrag Nr. 431 ()
      Australien: 0,30 AD
      Es tut sich was.
      Vielleicht kann UCL die 0,30 diese Woche halten oder sogar nachhaltig überschreiten.

      Gruss Araberfan
      schrieb am 14.01.04 19:44:37
      Beitrag Nr. 432 ()
      Kann nicht mal einer Gold schreien, so ganz laut
      habe schon Eimer und Sandschüppe bereit
      Hier heißt es wohl Ruhe bewahren.:D
      schrieb am 14.01.04 21:09:13
      Beitrag Nr. 433 ()
      Dann warten wir mal die guten Meldungen ab.

      Immerhin bei 3 Cents in Australien.

      Habt ihr heute den Beitrag
      Investika und Union Capital gesehen mit wieviel
      mal dieser angeklickt wurde.

      schrieb am 15.01.04 06:15:17
      Beitrag Nr. 434 ()
      Immerhin 3 zu 3,1 in Sydney. Börse läuft noch.
      schrieb am 15.01.04 18:25:30
      Beitrag Nr. 435 ()
      Immer ruhig bleiben.
      Bei UCL braucht man ne mords Geduld.
      schrieb am 15.01.04 19:39:18
      Beitrag Nr. 436 ()
      Schau dir mal IVK an. Hier scheint es

      Nachfrageseite hat sich heute in SYD enorm

      Kurse in Deutschland auch fest. Läßt auch
      Gutes für UCL erwarten.

      INVESTIKA LTD. Registered Shar...
      Frankfurt 15.01.04
      15:05:00 0,019
      EUR 0,00
      +18,75% 0,02
      0,02 250.000
      INVESTIKA LTD. Registered Shar...
      schrieb am 19.01.04 05:56:37
      Beitrag Nr. 437 ()
      Da laust mich doch derAffe:

      AU:UCL Union Capital (Sydney ASX) 1/19/2004 3:26 PM
      hide quote detailed quote
      add to favorites list favorites
      chart help

      0.032 Change:
      +0.003 Open:
      0.03 High:
      0.032 Low:
      0.03 Volume:
      Percent Change:
      +10.34% Yield:
      n/a P/E Ratio:
      n/a 52 Week Range:
      0.018 to 0.039


      schrieb am 19.01.04 06:23:14
      Beitrag Nr. 438 ()
      Dann schaut euch mal heute die Umäszte an.

      3,2 zu 3,5 Cents in Austalien.

      Es wird spannend.
      schrieb am 19.01.04 09:41:04
      Beitrag Nr. 439 ()
      was gibt es neues?
      schrieb am 19.01.04 10:00:10
      Beitrag Nr. 440 ()
      #437 Wach auf!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Verbillige dein Zeug. Jetzt wird mal was mit Substanz gemacht.Der Internetunfug ist beendet.Jetzt schlummert im Iran ein Mega-Deal. Es gibt auch Risiken.Aber hier ist man in der frühphase dabei.Wenn die Zinkmíne ins Laufen gebracht wird werden wir über andere Kurse sprechen.GANZ ANDERE !!!!!
      Wer Geduld und ein Herz mitbringt kann sich hier in den nchsten Jahren reich machen

      schrieb am 19.01.04 12:28:27
      Beitrag Nr. 441 ()
      bei UCL. 1,2Millionen Aktien bei 0,019+0,020 gehandelt.
      Der Umsatz bei UCL war lange nicht so hoch.
      Bei Werte sind im Moment im Aufwind..
      Investika schäft noch vor sich hin, aber nicht mehr lange....
      schrieb am 19.01.04 19:41:07
      Beitrag Nr. 442 ()

      MACD: steigend
      RSI: steigend
      Money Flow: steigend

      Meine persönliche Analyse:
      Der Wert steigt noch 1,2 vielleicht auch drei Tage und dann kommen wahrscheinlich Gewinnmitnahmen fürs erste und Konsolidierung.
      Mal schauen, ob meine Vorhersage eintrifft.
      Mir persönlich ist es gleich, weil ich eh minimum auf 1 bis 2 Jahre halte.
      Mein persönliches Ziel: 3 Aussie Dollar

      :D :D :D

      schrieb am 19.01.04 20:16:16
      Beitrag Nr. 443 ()
      übrigens unseren Freunden bei UCL herzlichen Glückwunsch,
      läuft da Super SK Frankfurt 0,019
      Umsatz 1,45Millionen, das ist nicht von Pappe.....
      schrieb am 19.01.04 20:22:17
      Beitrag Nr. 444 ()
      Thanks Wurm
      habe auch lange genug darauf gewartet.

      :lick: :lick: :lick:

      schrieb am 19.01.04 21:04:35
      Beitrag Nr. 445 ()
      In Australien liegt noch Material bei
      3,4 Cents.

      Schaut euch mal das stark zunehmende Interesse

      Date Last % Change High Low Vol
      19 Jan 2004 0.034 17.24% 0.035 0.030 3,897,322
      16 Jan 2004 0.029 -3.33% 0.029 0.029 667,359
      15 Jan 2004 0.030 0% 0.030 0.028 963,729
      14 Jan 2004 0.030 0% 0.030 0.030 200,000
      13 Jan 2004 0.030 3.45% 0.030 0.027 284,112
      schrieb am 20.01.04 19:23:47
      Beitrag Nr. 446 ()
      na, was sieht mein Adlerauge da, seit tagen bewegt sie sichin kleinen Schritten vorwärts. Schon wieder eien Dopotleiche am aufwachen, ich glaube da könnte man langsam ans verbilligen denken.:lick: :lick:
      schrieb am 21.01.04 05:07:21
      Beitrag Nr. 447 ()
      AU:UCL Union Capital (Sydney ASX) 1/21/2004 2:22 PM
      hide quote detailed quote
      add to favorites list favorites
      chart help

      0.042 Change:
      +0.009 Open:
      0.035 High:
      0.042 Low:
      0.035 Volume:
      Percent Change:
      +27.27% Yield:
      n/a P/E Ratio:
      n/a 52 Week Range:
      0.018 to 0.039
      :eek: :eek: :eek:
      schrieb am 21.01.04 09:37:41
      Beitrag Nr. 448 ()
      Wednesday, January 21, 2004
      Commencement of Mining Reserve Drilling Mehdiabad Zinc Project
      Back to Articles

      Union Capital Limited (UCL) advises that a diamond-drilling program has commenced at the Medhiabad Zinc Project in Iran designed to convert part of the resource from the inferred category to the indicated category, ready for the First Stage of the proposed development.

      The drilling program has been divided into three stages, with the first stage involving 1700 metres of drilling on East Ridge where mining will first commence. This program is being carried out by an Iranian contractor and may take up to 3 months to be completed. Two other stages of drilling are planned and will be commenced progressively as the project goes forward.

      The rise in the zinc price over recent months from US$850 per tonne to US$1000 per tonne has had a very positive impact on the economics of the project.

      Metallurgical batch bench scale testing is in progress at HRL Laboratories. The focus of the testing to date is on finding the optimum conditions to maximise zinc dissolution with minimum manganese and other potentially deleterious elements in an acid solution. Testwork is now being planned and will commence in January to determine the purification steps necessary to achieve a zinc solution suitable for electrowinning.

      Zinc extractions of around 70% have been achieved in the recent testwork and these results will be reviewed when mineralogical results of the leach residues come to hand.

      It is considered possible that the project may be in a position to establish a pilot plant in about 6-9 months time.

      Union Capital Ltd (UCL) holds a 33% beneficial interest in the Mehdiabad Project through both shares and entitlements in the Iranian incorporated joint venture company Mehdiabad Zinc Company (MZC).
      schrieb am 21.01.04 09:45:02
      Beitrag Nr. 449 ()
      kann mir jemand von euch sagen, wie union das projekt ohne reverse split und folgende ausgabe neuer aktien finanzieren will?:confused:

      ich hab` bei uc so meine zweifel...
      schrieb am 21.01.04 09:50:48
      Beitrag Nr. 450 ()
      #447 Da mach Dir mal keine Sorgen.Das ist das größte Zinkvorkommen der Welt.Die Investoren werden bei Union Schlange stehen.Und Und Union wird benötigt,da sie üwohl über ein sehr gutes Verhältnis zu den iranischen Politik haben.

      schrieb am 21.01.04 09:56:47
      Beitrag Nr. 451 ()
      :confused:The capital cost of the First Stage is expected to be US$167 million in real terms.

      wenn uc nicht so eine klitsche wär und schon mehrere hundert millionen aktien draussen hätte, dann wärs interessant...aber rechne mal aus, wieviel aktien noch ausgegeben werden müssten.:rolleyes:

      schrieb am 21.01.04 10:15:42
      Beitrag Nr. 452 ()
      #449 Schau auf den Zinkpreis und dieses gigantische Zinkfeld.Die investoren werden Schlange stehen und union mit Geld zuschmeißen. Die können gar nicht anders

      schrieb am 21.01.04 10:18:29
      Beitrag Nr. 453 ()
      mehrere 100%%% möglich

      BLINK MODELS, WKN 875656


      Australien heute wieder + 8.11%!!

      :eek: :eek:

      schrieb am 21.01.04 10:24:42
      Beitrag Nr. 454 ()
      wallgrekk lass das spamen sein.:laugh:


      und wie stellst du dir das vor? die geben das geld nicht einfach nur so her...die wollen meistens eine gegenleistung.

      schrieb am 21.01.04 13:29:54
      Beitrag Nr. 455 ()
      Ich bin mal gespannt wie diese Sache weitergeht.
      schrieb am 21.01.04 13:56:52
      Beitrag Nr. 456 ()
      Ich bin sehr optimistisch.Die story hat einfach alles,für eine richtig tolle 1000% Aktie. Entweder gibts Union in 5 Jahren nicht mehr oder der Kurs steht locker über 2 Euro. Ein Risikoprofil,das mir sehr zusagt.

      Gruß :lick:
      schrieb am 21.01.04 15:30:48
      Beitrag Nr. 457 ()
      Da tauchten Fragen auf zur Finanzierung. UC hat mit Aktien in der Vergangenheit um sich geworfen. Bis zur Stunde stieg der Kurs auf 0,024 €/ Aktie heute.

      Bei einem Schnitt von 10:1 würde der Wert auf 0,24 € kommen und weitere Aktien könnten dann ausgegeben werden. Der Wert wäre dann kein Pennystock mehr.

      UC würde Kreditfähiger.
      schrieb am 21.01.04 18:53:17
      Beitrag Nr. 458 ()
      Hallo Jungs,kann mir mal jemand die Marktkapitaliesierung von UC sagen?:confused:
      schrieb am 21.01.04 19:59:48
      Beitrag Nr. 459 ()
      Das war heute schon mal was.

      Frankfurt 21.01.04
      19:36:00 0,024
      EUR 0,01
      +26,32% 0,02
      0,02 690.685
      UNION CAPITAL LTD. Registered ...

      Berlin-Bremen 21.01.04
      14:48:09 0,023
      EUR 0,00
      +21,05% 0,02
      0,02 52.500
      UNION CAPITAL LTD. Registered ...

      XETRA 21.01.04
      13:45:42 0,024
      EUR 0,01
      +50,00% 0,02
      0,02 6.000
      schrieb am 21.01.04 20:26:59
      Beitrag Nr. 460 ()
      :mad: #455mainstern
      das hatten wir schon vor 1 jahr!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
      so ein blödsinn!!! andere machen einen split und unsere werden immer weniger
      schrieb am 21.01.04 22:48:00
      Beitrag Nr. 461 ()
      Denke der Kurs spiegelt zur Zeit noch nicht die Möglichkeit eines großen Geschäftes wieder.
      Der Kurs ist für die Kreditfähigkeit so unwichtig wie , ein SacK Zement.
      wie hatten schon einen reverse-split. !!
      die Ausgabe der zusätzlichen Aktien hat diesen Split längst nicht ausgeglichen.
      Die politischen Verhältnisse stabilisieren sich rapide.
      Alles läuft zur Zeit gut. Und auch die "Nebengeschäfte" von UCL sind nicht uninteressant!
      Hoffe die Mine hält das, was sie verspricht;)
      schrieb am 22.01.04 00:51:38
      Beitrag Nr. 462 ()
      Hardcore! ;)
      Sekt oder Selters! :D
      We will see! :) :D

      (Hätte mit einem ordentlichen Gewinn das Zeug gestern in D-Land verscherbeln können - aber siehe oben!)
      schrieb am 22.01.04 11:11:41
      Beitrag Nr. 463 ()

      Richtig, der Kurs spiegelt noch lange nicht das wieder was in 2 Jahre interessant wird. So lange wird es dauern bis der Zinkabbau im Iran richtig läuft. Anlaufkosten bis dahin sind enorm.

      Das Geld bis zum Anlauf des Zinkabbaus muß beschafft werden, wie das möglich ist, war die Fragestellung. Bankenkredite sind wegen der Absicherung immer ein Problem.
      Die Größe von UCL bzw. die Finanzdecke ist ebenfalls schwierig. Eigenkapital und somit Ausgabe neuer Aktien wäre eine Möglichkeit, Wagniskapital eine Weitere.
      schrieb am 22.01.04 12:16:10
      Beitrag Nr. 464 ()
      Zur Finanzierung habe ich bereits im Herbst 2003 in einem anderen Thread Stellung bezogen. Habe jetzt nur mein Posting vom 12.09.2003 gefunden, dass ich im folgenden noch mal reinstelle. UCL und ITOK haben zwischenzeitlich gezahlt, wodurchh sich der UCL-Anteil am Joint-venture bekanntlich auf 33 % erhöht hat. Danach ist das Joint venture jetzt schuldenfrei und hat noch Liquiditätsreseven zur Bezahlung der laufenden Machbarkeitsstudie, die ja hauptsächlich dafür gemacht wird, Bankkredite zu erhalten. Die Finanzierung wird also über Banken laufen, Kreditnehmer ist nicht UCL, sonder das Joint venture. Zur Not dürfte der iranische Staat noch mit Garantien oder Direktkrediten (wie bereits die 10 Mio) zur Verfügung stehen, da der Staat ein großes Interesse an der Verwirklichung dieses Projektes hat.

      Nun aber mein altes Posting vom 12.09.2003

      Ich habe nochmal weiter recherchiert wegen der 3 Mio-Zahhlung. Hier mein Ergebnis (ich hole zum besseren Verständnis etwas aus):

      Derzeit besteht ein Joint Venture zwischen Iranian Government Comp. (IMPASCO), UCL bzw. UZL (die Mehdiabad-Beteiligung wird über Union Zink Ltd gehalten, die zu 100% in UCL-Besitz ist) und Itok. IMPASCO hat von der iranischen Regierung einen 10 Mio US$-Kredit erhalten, auf den bisher 3,6 Mio US$ durch Zahlungen von UCL und Itok getilgt wurden. Dafür hat UCL eine 25%-Beteiligung und Itok eine 9%-Beteiligung (natürlich bei entsprechend quotierten Zahlungen) und eine Option auf je weitere 8% erhalten, wenn sie die restlichen 6,4 Mio US$ an IMPASCO zur Tilgung des Regierungskredites zahlen.

      Die bisherigen 3,6 Mio US$ wurden für die bisherigen Forschungen und Bohrungen verbraten, jetzt hat IMPASCO die Studie in Auftrag gegeben (übrigens an AME, hier der Link: und verlangt von den beiden Partnern das Restgeld zur Kreditrückführung.

      Wird das Geld gezahlt, erhöhen sich die Beteiligungen von UCL auf 33% und von Itok auf 17%, die dann zusammen 10 Mio US$ gezahlt haben. Die restlichen 50% verbleiben bei IMPASCO, die dann bis dahin keinen finanziellen Aufwand hatte (so ist es halt, wenn man Ausländer an einem Projekt im eigenen Land teilnehmen lässt). Wird das Geld nicht gezahlt, verringern sich die Beteiligungsquoten von UCL und Itok um die Hälfte (Vertrag!).

      Die Erfolgschancen für das Mehdiabad-Projekt schätze ich - nach allem was ich bisher recherchiert habe - auf 90:10 (10 % politisches Risiko).

      Die Frage ist, in welcher Höhe UCL künftig an dem Mehdiabad-Projekt teilhaben darf, 12,5% oder 33%. Das ist jetzt von der Zahlung abhängig, für die die Kapitalerhöhung dient.

      Also bitte zeichnen. Die Ausgangslage ist heute eine vielfach bessere als vor 2 Jahren, als hauptsächlich auf Technologie (Identikey, Jabmail etc.) gesetzt wurde.

      so habe ich die Zusammenhänge jedenfalls verstanden (alles englisch, deshalb o.m.O).

      Zu weiteren Infos gern bereit, sofern ich sie habe. beobachtet
      schrieb am 22.01.04 20:10:17
      Beitrag Nr. 465 ()
      # 462
      Informatives Posting,
      man darf nicht vergessen, das Gold Aura momentan auch Einfluss auf den Kurs ausübt.
      Das Hauptgewicht wird zukünftig sicher die Zinkmine sein.
      Und dort steht als nächstes der Abschluss, bzw. die Veröffentlichung der Machbarkeitsstudie an.
      Fragt sich nur wann ??
      Ich zweifle nicht, dass die Machbarkeitsstudie positiv sein wird, nur in welchem Rahmen, das bleibt abzuwarten.
      schrieb am 23.01.04 06:18:05
      Beitrag Nr. 466 ()
      Immerhin schon wieder 3,6 zu 3,7

      Kurs 3,7 A.Cents
      schrieb am 23.01.04 06:27:05
      Beitrag Nr. 467 ()
      SK 0,036
      UCL ist endlich aufgewacht.
      Bin gespannt auf die nächsten Wochen, was sich da tut.

      schrieb am 23.01.04 13:47:32
      Beitrag Nr. 468 ()
      Ist keine Empfehlung für eine andere Aktie, aber wie wir sehen , geht man davon aus, das Zink von den Chinesen stark nachgefragt wird:D
      Berlin (ots) - Favorit unter den umsatzstärksten Werten unter den
      Berliner HotStocks blieben Obducat AB (WKN: 922 032), die mit
      anhaltendem Schwung in den Handel starteten. Die zweite Position bei
      den Geschäften nahmen Providential Holding (WKN: 935 160) ein. Der
      Fokus des dritten HotStocks - gemessen an der Anzahl der Geschäfte -
      richtete sich auf Gold. Gold, das Edelmetall, dass schon seit Ur-
      Zeiten die Fantasie der Menschen bewegte, steht seit einiger Zeit
      immer wieder im Blickpunkt. Diskutiert wurde offensichtlich heute
      unter Anlegern darüber, über welche Explorationen das Unternehmen
      Tasgold (WKN: 264 601) verfügt. Dieser Gold-Explorateur arbeitet
      hauptsächlich in Tasmanien und belebte heute die Berliner HotStock-
      Liste mit anziehender Nachfrage und deutlichen Kursverbesserungen.
      Edelmetalle und Rohstoffe sind auch der Schwerpunkt von 41 neuen
      australischen Aktien, für die heute in Berlin der Handel aufgenommen
      wurde. Darunter sind allein 24 Minen und Rohstoff-Unternehmen, deren
      Geschäftszweck die Exploration von Gold, Nickel oder Kupfer ist. Dass
      Australien ein rohstoffreiches Land ist, ist keine neue Erkenntnis.
      Allerdings ranken sich seit einiger Zeit um australische
      Minen-Unternehmen noch weitere Fantasien im Hinblick auf den
      Rohstoffbedarf Chinas. In Marktkreisen werden Überlegungen
      angestellt, dass der Rohstoffbedarf Chinas sehr groß sei, dass Zink,
      Nickel oder Kupfer im Reich der Mitte zunehmend begehrt sein könnten.
      Mit 467 australischen Aktien ist Berlin hervorragend positioniert und
      bietet das " Who is Who" der australischen Wirtschaft.
      Google will an die Börse - dies war schon seit einiger Zeit in
      allen Zeitungen zu lesen. Das Warten hat bald ein Ende. Der
      Handelsstart der Aktien des Unternehmens, das die
      Internet-Suchmaschine Google betreibt, ist auf den 2. April 2004
      terminiert. Selbstverständlich werden zeitgleich die Aktien auch am
      Berliner Börsenplatz gehandelt .
      So kurz vor dem Wochenende interessierten sich die Marktteilnehmer
      aber vor allem auch dafür, wie es an den Börsen insgesamt weitergeht.
      Ein wichtiger Indikator für diese Frage steht heute Nachmittag zur
      Veröffentlichung an, das Bruttoinlandsprodukt der USA. Dies
      betrachten viele Börsianer als Gradmesser für die weitere
      wirtschaftliche Entwicklung. Sollte diese Kennzahl nicht so gut
      ausfallen, könnte das die erwartete Konjunkturerholung wieder in
      Frage stellen, so die Einschätzungen.
      ots-Originaltext: Börse Berlin-Bremen
      Digitale Pressemappe:
      Eva Klose
      Leiterin PR/Marketing
      Börse Berlin-Bremen
      Fasanenstr. 85
      10623 Berlin
      Telefon: 030 / 31 10 91 25
      Fax: 030 / 31 10 91 78
      schrieb am 23.01.04 14:06:36
      Beitrag Nr. 469 ()

      Ist Dir bekannt wann die bankable feasibility study
      abgeschlossen ist?

      Ein Bekannter der sich beruflich mit Explorern beschäftigt
      meinte, dies wäre gegenwärtig nur eine Vorstudie.

      Das Unternehmen teilte aber am 19,09.03 zum mehdiabad Base Metal Project mit: Die bankfähige Durchführbarkeitsanalyse
      wird erwartet, um die Mitte von 2004 durchgeführt zu werden.Anfang der Entwicklung des ersten Stadiums beginnt
      kurz danach, ausgesetzt die Finanzierung.

      Ich bin der Meinung die Machbarkeitsstudie läuft seit 2003
      und ist Mitte 2004 fertig.
      Danach beginnt die erste Ausbaustufe (vorausgesetzt die Finanzierung steht)

      Welche Meinung hast Du ?????????????????????????????

      schrieb am 23.01.04 16:40:04
      Beitrag Nr. 470 ()

      die Vorstudie wurde bereits letztes Jahr abgeschlossen. Zur Zeit läuft die Machbarkeitsstudie durch die beauftragte ausländische Firma, die bis jetzt positiv verlaufen aber noch nicht abgeschlossen ist. Dauert noch ca. 6 Monate. Dann wird eine Versuchsanlage aufgebaut, mit der "erstes richtiges Zink" produziert werden soll.

      Nachfolgend die Computer-Übersetzung der UCL-Meldung vom 21.01.2004 (zum Verständnis: Anschlusskapital ist die Übersetzung für UnionCapital).

      Der Anfang der gewinnenreserve Zinkprojekt Mehdiabad zurück zu Artikelanschluß-Hauptbegrenztem bohrend (UCL) rät, daß ein Diamant-bohrenprogramm am Zinkprojekt Medhiabad im Iran begonnen hat, der entworfen wird, um Teil des Hilfsmittels von der geschlossenen Kategorie in die angezeigte Kategorie umzuwandeln, bereit zum ersten Stadium der vorgeschlagenen Entwicklung. Das bohrenprogramm ist in drei Stadien geteilt worden, wenn das erste Stadium mit einbezieht 1700 Meter Bohrung auf Ostkante, in der Bergbau zuerst beginnt. Dieses Programm wird von einer iranischen Fremdfirma durchgeführt und kann zu 3 durchzuführenden Monaten aufnehmen. Zwei andere Stadien Bohrung werden geplant und werden nach und nach begonnen werden, während das Projekt vorwärts geht. Der Aufstieg in den neuen Monaten des Zinkpreisover von USS850 pro Tonne zu USS1000 pro Tonne hat eine sehr positive Auswirkung auf die Volkswirtschaft des Projektes gehabt. Die metallurgische Reihenbank-Skalaprüfung ist an den HRL-Labors in Bewegung. Der Fokus von bis jetzt prüfen ist auf dem Finden der optimalen Bedingungen, um Zinkauflösung mit minimalem Mangan und andere möglicherweise gesundheitsschädliche Elemente in einer sauren Lösung zu maximieren. Testwork wird jetzt geplant und wird im Januar beginnen, die Reinigungschritte festzustellen, die notwendig sind, eine Zinklösung zu erzielen, die für das Electrowinning verwendbar ist. Zinkextraktionen von herum 70% sind im neuen testwork erzielt worden und diese Resultate werden wiederholt, wenn mineralogische Resultate der Laugeüberreste kommen zu übergeben. Es gilt als möglich, daß das Projekt in einer Position sein kann zum Herstellen einer Versuchsanlage in ungefähr 6-9 Monaten Zeit. Anschlußhauptltd. (UCL) hält ein 33% vorteilhaftes Interesse im Projekt Mehdiabad durch beides Anteile und Bezeichnungen in der iranischen enthaltenen Joint Venture Firma Mehdiabad Zinc Company (MZC).
      schrieb am 24.01.04 16:46:48
      Beitrag Nr. 471 ()
      danke für Deine Ausführungen.
      Ich fühle mich in meiner persönlichen Meinung bestätigt.
      Na dann, auf ein gutes Gelingen.

      schrieb am 24.01.04 17:11:02
      Beitrag Nr. 472 ()
      ISIN AU000000UCL4
      Bezeichnung UNION CAP FPO
      Börse Australian Stock Exchange
      Datum/Zeit 23.01.04/06:06:15
      Letzter Kurs 0,04
      Volumen/Trade -
      Volumen/Tag 2.664.794
      Geld Brief
      Kurs 0,036 0,037
      Volumen 590.900 43.640
      Datum/Zeit 23.01./06:06 23.01./06:06

      Fällt euch die enorme Nachfrage zum schwachen
      Angebot auf???

      Mal sehen wie dieses hier weitergeht.
      schrieb am 25.01.04 22:32:24
      Beitrag Nr. 473 ()
      23/01/2004 Conversion of Convertible Notes
      schrieb am 27.01.04 18:11:23
      Beitrag Nr. 474 ()
      Das Material bei 2,3 Cents scheint in Deutschland
      abgeräumt zu sein.
      schrieb am 27.01.04 20:09:36
      Beitrag Nr. 475 ()
      Aber der Frankfurter Makler stellt zum
      Schluß 2,3 Cent Brief.
      Liest der hier vielleicht mit????
      schrieb am 28.01.04 19:27:39
      Beitrag Nr. 476 ()
      Heute wieder weiter nordwärts.

      Frankfurt 28.01./16:47 0,024 +9,09%
      Australien 28.01./05:59 0,04 +5,41%
      schrieb am 28.01.04 20:56:32
      Beitrag Nr. 477 ()
      Seit Jahresbeginn ist der Kursverlauf eine wahre Augenweide, und die Indikatoren haben durchweg noch Potential nach oben:

      Bin auf den weiteren Verlauf gespannt, obwohl in naher Zukunft auch einmal mit einer Konsolidierung zu rechnen ist.
      schrieb am 29.01.04 06:27:26
      Beitrag Nr. 478 ()
      3,7 zu 3,8 Cent.
      in Australien
      schrieb am 29.01.04 13:45:38
      Beitrag Nr. 479 ()
      an Araberfan

      Danke für die schönen Chartverläufe.
      schrieb am 30.01.04 00:29:52
      Beitrag Nr. 480 ()
      wer kann mir sagen, ob der vor 2 jahren uns angebotene optionsschein 0,3 oder 0,03 basis hat? bis o5
      schrieb am 30.01.04 05:21:27
      Beitrag Nr. 481 ()
      Guten Morgen all

      Last Traded Code Buy Sell Last Change %
      2:23pm UCL 0.038 0.04 0.04 +0.003 +8.1%

      Börse läuft noch

      schrieb am 30.01.04 06:03:15
      Beitrag Nr. 482 ()
      4 zu 4,1 in Australien.

      Supermeldungen wieder von Aurora Gold.
      schrieb am 30.01.04 06:21:14
      Beitrag Nr. 483 ()
      Die europäischen Anleger konnten auf die
      Meldungen bisher noch gar nicht reagieren.
      schrieb am 30.01.04 07:23:32
      Beitrag Nr. 484 ()
      na,das sieht ja schon wieder sehr gut aus heute.

      gruß mfierke

      die sich langsam ärgern kann,nicht früher verbilligt zu haben:cry:
      schrieb am 30.01.04 11:56:41
      Beitrag Nr. 485 ()
      feine Sache Heute in Aussiland :)

      Berlin 0,027 +28,571 :cool: die haben ein offenes Oderbuch - viele haben kein Tradingsystem und kaufen da
      schrieb am 30.01.04 12:12:11
      Beitrag Nr. 486 ()


      was bedeutet ein "offenes Orderbuch"? Wie kann man dort konkret einsehen?

      Was heißt "kein Tradingsystem"? Direkthandel in Bln?

      Das dürfte auch einige Andere hier interessieren.
      Danke vorab für die Erklärung. :p
      schrieb am 30.01.04 13:30:14
      Beitrag Nr. 487 ()
      In Berlin liegt Material zu 2,9 Cents.

      Aber in FFM soll noch etwas zu 2,7 bzw. 2,6
      cent liegen.
      Eingegebener Briefkurs 2,7 Cent.

      Wer weiß??
      schrieb am 30.01.04 20:41:47
      Beitrag Nr. 488 ()
      #484 von Mainstern

      kostenlos anmelden und Aktien suchen und du siehst bis zur 5 stelle Markttiefe

      Das offene Orderbuch


      schrieb am 30.01.04 20:49:50
      Beitrag Nr. 489 ()
      #484 von Mainstern

      Tradingsystem ist wie der ActiveTrader (PremiumTrader
      PlatinumTrader)von Consors oder
      Powertrader von E Trade

      wo du Kurse in Echtzeit siehst mit Markttiefe.

      schrieb am 31.01.04 09:15:21
      Beitrag Nr. 490 ()
      Der Freitag hat hier den Kurssprung in SYD
      In FFM wurde bis 2,6 Cents gehandelt.
      Zum Schluß 2,4 Geld zu 2,7 Cent Brief.

      Funktionen ISIN
      Börse Datum
      Zeit akt. Kurs
      Währung Diff.
      Diff.% Hoch
      Tief Volumen

      UNION CAPITAL LTD. Registered ...
      Berlin-Bremen 30.01.04
      11:20:13 0,027
      EUR 0,01
      +28,57% 0,03
      0,02 100.000
      UNION CAPITAL LTD. Registered ...

      Frankfurt 30.01.04
      16:36:54 0,024
      EUR 0,00
      +4,35% 0,03
      0,02 710.200
      schrieb am 31.01.04 09:22:42
      Beitrag Nr. 491 ()
      wie gehts, ich war vor langer zeit ins asiatische feld abgwandert.
      hab noch ein paar ucl leichen rumliegen aus unserer glanzvollen xnase zeit.
      abzocke hoch drei:laugh:
      die lass ich auch noch liegen, wahrscheinlich werden die mit mir beerdigt:laugh:

      good luck
      schrieb am 01.02.04 02:37:23
      Beitrag Nr. 492 ()
      :eek: hi,
      freut mich dich zu sehen gopassau
      hier ist purer optimismus ausgebrochen
      muss aber sagen, hatte verbilligt und mit goldaura und all den optionen kommt bald ein gewinn
      wie gesagt, alles wird gut
      wenigstens die laune der neuen aktionäre...
      schrieb am 01.02.04 21:45:52
      Beitrag Nr. 493 ()
      So, wollen wir mal sehen, was diese Woche UCL zu bieten hat.
      Wie ich in #475 beschrieben habe:
      Der Chart sieht gut aus. Mir persönlich ist er fast zu steil, ein bisschen weniger und dafür konstant wäre mir lieber.
      Allerdings stehen ziemlich alle Indikatoren noch auf Buy.
      MACD,RSI, Momentum,Money Flow und andere sind alle noch am steigen.

      :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

      Na denn auf eine gute Woche
      schrieb am 02.02.04 18:29:19
      Beitrag Nr. 494 ()
      Wer hat denn da heute wieder überall gekauft??
      schrieb am 02.02.04 22:09:00
      Beitrag Nr. 495 ()
      EUR 0,027 0,003 +12,50%
      Berlin-Bremen (EUR) Frankfurt (EUR) Xetra (EUR) 19:38 02.02.
      Bid 0,026 0
      Letzter Umsatz 0 Tagesumsatz 253.080
      Ask 0,027 0
      schrieb am 02.02.04 22:37:54
      Beitrag Nr. 496 ()
      Es scheint, dass doch so mancher in den letzten Tagen auf den Wert aufmerksam wurde.
      Ich bin mal gespannt, wann die erste Empfehlung kommt.
      schrieb am 02.02.04 23:56:28
      Beitrag Nr. 497 ()
      Ich habe vor bis 2006 zu warten,egal wie es läuft,
      bei meinem Einstiegskurs von 1,6 Cent bzw. 1,9 und 2,2Cent sehe ich das völlig gelassen,da habe ich gegenüber anderen die anscheinend schon zu deutlich höheren Kursen eingestiegen sind einen großen Vorteil,wenn ucl nicht Pleite macht,könnte es ein sehr lohnendes Investment werden.Oder was meint Ihr dazu ? :D
      schrieb am 03.02.04 06:20:23
      Beitrag Nr. 498 ()
      Es scheinen in der Tat immer mehr Leute
      auf UCL aufmerksam zu werden.

      Aber vergeßt auch die IVK nicht.
      Dürften jetzt bald interessant werden.
      schrieb am 03.02.04 15:17:01
      Beitrag Nr. 499 ()

      Danke für die sehr nützlichen Infos.
      schrieb am 03.02.04 22:05:52
      Beitrag Nr. 500 ()
      #10279 von Wertpapierkorb 03.02.04 21:20:59 Beitrag Nr.: 12.047.477 12047477
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      Der " Gustloff-Börsenbrief" empfiehlt heute Union Capital und sieht bis Anfang April eine Kursverdoppelung:
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      Union Capital -- Wird die Schnecke zum Windhund Kurspotential 10000%??