    Profil monkley84 auf wallstreetONLINE

    Offline seit 25.08.14, 11:31

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    25.08.14, 11:30
    This is about MONEY and INVESTMENT not about a witch hunt or revenge.

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    63 von

    25.08.14, 11:15
    Seems like other people are actually thinking about this now as they realise there is no second chance and that the investment may not be lost.

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    25.08.14, 10:56
    Wotany, you are right the listing fee has not been paid, but the payment is not overdue.

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    63 von

    21.08.14, 10:38
    Mach Two - That listing fee is not overdue, it has been paid.

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    21.08.14, 10:34
    Thanks Dragon Knight. This is our only chance to get our steel mill built with minimal dilution.

    Previous management have milked our funds and they were not Australian.
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    13.08.14, 09:21
    Ask questions lets build up this trust and create a good relationship, this is something worth fighting for.

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    13.08.14, 07:32
    The case is not 46:1 dilution, it is a very complicated situation and you have to trust me that you do retain 68% of your holding.

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    63 von

    13.08.14, 00:00
    There is no contempt, no body here realised that Germans weren't being told the full story, now we know we want to help each other.

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    63 von

    12.08.14, 14:05
    Ostana gets the Boulder Steel shell. Gladstone Steel Project gets assets, wish etc. The shares end up 68% of original holding. Dilution that is stated in Boulder Steel doesn't apply to Gladstone …
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    63 von

    12.08.14, 13:27
    Ostana gets the Boulder Steel shell. Gladstone Steel Project gets assets, wish etc. The shares end up 68% of original holding. Dilution that is stated in Boulder Steel doesn't apply to Gladstone …
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    63 von

    12.08.14, 13:21
    First off: Options conversion is 1 for every 4.5 options as simple as thar

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    63 von

    12.08.14, 12:31
    Why don't you trust me, I'm a shareholder like you, looking not to lose my money in this investment. Why vote no?

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    63 von

    12.08.14, 12:31
    Why don't you trust me, I'm a shareholder like you, looking not to lose my money in this investment. Why vote no?oskings84

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    63 von

    12.08.14, 12:07
    Talk to me, Why vote no?

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    63 von

    12.08.14, 11:54
    Niespe We are doing this now because it's not to late to get this problem sorted, we didn't realise there was a problem before but once we have realised we want to come together and sort it out. …
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    12.08.14, 07:22
    The project has been dragged out for long enough and people of this forum are only hearing one side of the story. Those currently involved in the management of the company are not responsible for the …
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    63 von

    12.08.14, 06:03
    You're perception of the current situation is misinformed, all Australian shareholders are behind this joint venture option as it's the only way forward with minimal dilution. There is an official …
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    63 von

    12.08.14, 05:26
    Du bist Wahrnehmung der aktuellen Situation ist falsch informiert, sind alle australischen Aktionäre hinter diesem Joint-Venture-Option, da es der einzige Weg nach vorn mit minimalen Verdünnung. Es …
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