
     377  0 Kommentare Shaw Communications to Grant $75,000 to 50 Outstanding Canadians to Celebrate Canada 150 - Seite 2

    In 1989, Joe Roberts was homeless and living under a bridge. Today he is an advocate, author and Executive Director of The Push for Change (PFC). Through PFC, Joe is currently walking across Canada pushing a shopping cart to raise awareness and money to prevent youth homelessness in Canada. Joe started his 24-kilometre-a-day walk on May 1, 2016 in St. John's, NL and will finish on September 30, 2017 in Vancouver, BC.
  • Haylen Astalos, Blackfalds, AB - Ronald McDonald House Charities® Central Alberta
    Seven-year-old Haylen Astalos has been a donor of Ronald McDonald House Charities® Central Alberta since 2014, having raised $14,000 to date. Haylen began raising funds when he was only five years old when he asked friends and family to bring two $5 bills in lieu of gifts to his birthday party - one for him and one for his charity of choice. Haylen decided to give to Ronald McDonald House because he "wanted to help all the sick kids in the world". After making this donation, with the help of his parents, Haylen built an ice cream stand and quickly raised $200 selling ice cream. Now, Haylen sets fundraising goals for himself with the help of community businesses who allow him to sell ice cream to their customers.
  • Brandon Murdock, Winnipeg, MB - Bear Clan Patrol Inc.
    Brandon Murdock is a 22-year-old from the Fisher River Cree Nation in Manitoba. The youngest member of his family, Brandon became the first of five children to graduate high school and is the first in his family to attend university, in part due to the support he received through Pathways to Education. Brandon is now a full-time academic facilitator at CEDA Pathways, a dedicated basketball coach and a member of the 4Rs Youth Movement, whose goal is to bridge the gap between Indigenous and non-Indigenous people in Canada.
  • Adrian Bercovici, Montreal, QC - Generations Foundation
    Adrian Bercovici launched the Generations Foundation from the basement of his family home in 1999. The charity introduces food programs in schools to provide children the necessary nutrition they need to be successful and more self-sufficient. Under Adrian's direction, the Foundation provides breakfast, hot lunch and a daily snack without charge for over 8,500 school children in 110 schools and learning centers in Montreal and the surrounding area. Each year the Foundation sends hundreds of children to summer camp, awards laptop computers to community-minded graduating students and distributes new toys to children for the holidays along with food baskets to families.
  • Sutton Garner, Calgary, AB - I Can for Kids Foundation
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  • Verfasst von Marketwired
    Shaw Communications to Grant $75,000 to 50 Outstanding Canadians to Celebrate Canada 150 - Seite 2 CALGARY, ALBERTA--(Marketwired - June 27, 2017) - Shaw Communications Inc. today announced it would grant a total of $75,000 to recognize 50 outstanding Canadians for their work to support children and youth across Canada. In celebration of …