
     540  0 Kommentare Clinical and Commercial Health Communities Maximizing Opportunities in Telemedicine's Fast-Growing Sector - Seite 3

    Inovalon Holdings, Inc (NASDAQ: INOV), a leading technology company providing advanced, cloud-based platforms empowering a data-driven transformation from volume-based to value-based models across the healthcare ecosystem, this week announced that it has entered into an agreement with Tenet Healthcare Corporation (NYSE: THC), a diversified healthcare services organization that includes general acute care and specialty hospitals, ambulatory surgery centers, urgent care centers and other outpatient facilities, to provide data, analytics, and technology platforms to benefit clinical quality outcomes, utilization and financial performance within the Post-Acute Care (PAC) services marketplace. The current post-acute care marketplace is rapidly evolving as federal and state governments and private payers are changing the way they reimburse for healthcare services. Bundled payments, accountable care organizations (ACOs), and investments in home and community-based care services are only a few of the initiatives that are transforming the way that post-acute care providers engage with the broader care continuum to serve their patients. Inovalon will deploy Vantage CPS™, a sophisticated cloud-based analytics engine, arming Tenet Healthcare with actionable insight into patient care patterns among PAC facilities. This transparency into discharge patterns, episodic spending, length of stay and readmission rates will help Tenet facilities better inform their patients about their post-acute care alternatives and better engage with post-acute resources.

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    Clinical and Commercial Health Communities Maximizing Opportunities in Telemedicine's Fast-Growing Sector - Seite 3 PALM BEACH, Florida, March 29, 2018 /PRNewswire/ - News Commentary  Telemedicine is on the rise as telehealth services are becoming increasingly available to patients across the country, especially among those seeking mental …

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