
    Amphion Innovations (WKN: A0J2VM) Info - Thread - 500 Beiträge pro Seite

    eröffnet am 22.09.10 10:40:07 von
    neuester Beitrag 13.11.12 07:48:30 von
    Beiträge: 31
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    ISIN: GB00B0DJNP99 · WKN: A0J2VM
    0,00 %
    0,0000 EUR
    Letzter Kurs 01.07.19 Berlin

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     Ja Nein
      schrieb am 22.09.10 10:40:07
      Beitrag Nr. 1 ()
      Da hier noch kein Thread existiert, habe ich mir mal erlaubt einen solchen zu eröffnen.

      Eins vorab bitte. Haltet euch an meine Überschrift.


      schrieb am 22.09.10 10:49:38
      Beitrag Nr. 2 ()
      Dieses Unternehmen wird erst seid kurzen auf Xetra gehandelt.

      08.07.2010 15:02


      Sitz des Unternehmens ist die Isle of man.
      schrieb am 22.09.10 10:55:31
      Beitrag Nr. 3 ()
      Name: Amphion Innovations
      ISIN: GB00B0DJNP99
      Marktkapitalisierung: 20,7 Mio.
      Umsatz 2009/10/11e: 6,5/7,5/8,4 Mio.
      schrieb am 22.09.10 11:22:42
      Beitrag Nr. 4 ()
      Hier mal ein älterer Artikel aus dem Focus Money:

      FOCUS-MONEY | Nr. 33 (2010)
      Hot StockOperation Bottle-Check
      Mittwoch 11.08.2010, 00:00 · von FOCUS-MONEY-Redakteur Hans Sedlmaier

      Flüssiges in Behältern kann eine neue Röntgentechnik erkennen – auch am Airport
      Zahnpasta und Haargel trifft es genauso wie Babynahrung oder Fläschchen – alles muss rein in den durchsichtigen Plastikbeutel. Und nichts hinter der transparenten Folie darf einen Umfang haben, der hundert Milliliter überschreitet. Sonst wandert es sofort in den Abfallbehälter. Dort liegen bereits Cola- und Wasserflaschen, die der Bannstrahl des Sicherheitspersonals schon vor dem eigentlichen Check trifft.

      Jeder Flugreisende kennt die aufwendige Prozedur beim Sicherheitscheck. Weil die unsichtbare Terrorgefahr aber immer mit am Band steht, akzeptiert sie auch jeder: lieber umständlich-sicher,als laxgefährlich. Die Zeit der nervigen Plastikbeutel neigt sich allerdings ihrem Ende zu. Seit März dürfen US-Amerikaner ihre vor dem Abflug nach Europa dutyfree gekauften Spirituosen oder Parfüms behalten, wenn sie umsteigen, um in ein anderes EU-Land weiterzufliegen – bisher wurde alles konfisziert.

      Verbotsende naht. Das 2006 erlassene Verbot fürs Handgepäck wird noch weiter gelockert. Ab Ende April 2011 dürfen Nicht-EU-Passagiere ihre im Duty-Free-Shop gekauften Flüssigkeiten eingetütet mit an Bord nehmen. Und ab 2013 können alle Passagiere in der EU generell wieder Flüssigkeiten mitnehmen – auch in großen Flaschen und Behältern.

      Die Bombengefahr ist damit allerdings noch lange nicht gebannt. Schließlich war das Flüssigkeitsverbot fürs Handgepäck 2006 nach mehreren Versuchen, Sprengstoff durch das Mischen verschiedener Flüssigkeiten in Flugzeugen zu zünden, erlassen worden. Die Flughäfen können sich aber nicht bis 2013 Zeit lassen, um eine neue Lösung zu finden, ließ EU-Verkehrskommissar Siim Kallas verlauten. Sie müssten schon früher Geräte einsatzbereit haben, mit denen sie die Flüssigkeiten durchleuchten können.

      Wodka oder Sprengstoff? Genau das können Scanner von Kromek. Der Bottle Scanner erkennt Flüssigkeiten in ungeöffneten Flaschen, aber auch in Plastik- oder Metallbehältern, der Bottle Verifier analysiert den Inhalt. Arnab Basu, der Chef von Kromek, ist erkennbar stolz auf seine Babys: „Wir können eine digitale Röntgenspektralanalyse der Flüssigkeiten als farbiges 3-D-Bild zeigen und en détail untersuchen. Unser Scanner erkennt sogar, ob in einer Flasche Wodka oder Cola ist – oder der Bestandteil eines Flüssig- oder Plastiksprengstoffs.“

      Die europäischen Flughäfen testen dem Vernehmen nach derzeit verschiedene Lösungen für die neue Sicherheitslage nach Lockerung der bisherigen Verbote. Bis Ende Oktober sollen die Ergebnisse vorliegen. Die Kosten für die Umrüstung der 2200 europäischen Systeme werden auf 66 Millionen Euro geschätzt, weltweit auf 163 Millionen Euro.

      Flughäfen unter Druck. Kromek rechnet sich große Chancen aus. Denn die Geräte sind einsatzbereit und erkennen in weniger als 20 Sekunden Alkohol, Drogen und Sprengstoff. Firmenchef Basu schweigt zum Preis, betont aber, dass es sich um eine „Niedrigkostenlösung“ für die Flughäfen handle. Bei einem angeblich mittleren fünfstelligen Betrag wäre das tatsächlich der Fall.

      Ein Artikel der Zeitschrift „Airport Business“, die vom Verband der europäischen Flughafenbetreiber herausgegeben wird, schwärmt vom Kromek-Scanner. Er sei von Zollbehörden „zu hundert Prozent durchgetestet“. Noch einen anderen Aspekt erwähnen die Autoren: Das Geschäft der Duty-Free-Shops habe unter dem Verbot sehr gelitten. Das Kromek-Gerät verfüge über eine Datenbasis von 800 verschiedenen Flaschen, die in den Shops verkauft werden. Fazit: Kromek biete eine „schnelle und einfache Methode“, Flüssigkeiten wieder in den Transitbereichen zuzulassen.

      Für den revolutionären Scanner gibt es viele denkbare weitere Anwendungen. Im Sicherheitsbereich könnte er in gefährdeten Gebäuden und Unternehmenszentralen genauso zum Einsatz kommen wie an Grenzübergängen oder Hotels in Krisengebieten. Überall da, wo ein komplettes Alkoholverbot herrscht, von arabischen Ländern bis zu Ölplattformen, wäre eine Umgehung der Vorschriften so gut wie ausgeschlossen.

      Industrieanwendung. „Wir bieten die sichere Identifikation aller möglichen Materialien auch als Dienstleistung für Firmen an“, erklärt Arnab Basu. Der Scanner könne angepasst werden und zum Beispiel Plastik in Butter erkennen. „Er analysiert genau das, was der Kunde braucht“, sagt Basu. Für Kromek soll das ein zweites Standbein werden. Denn so könnten Industriebetriebe ihre Prozesse optimieren und Rückstände von gefährlichen Materialien wie Glas in ihren Produkten entdecken, bevor diese das Haus verlassen. Zu teuren Rückrufaktionen, Imageschäden und Klagen käme es gar nicht.

      Anwendungen im Bereich der Medizin oder auf Ölfeldern werden nach Angaben des Firmenchefs derzeit von mehreren Firmen geprüft. Für militärische Zwecke eignet sich der Materialdetektor ebenfalls bestens. Das hat auch das amerikanische Verteidigungsministerium erkannt und daher einen Auftrag über vier Millionen Dollar an die Briten vergeben. Es geht um die Erkennung radioaktiver Substanzen – mehr wird nicht verraten.

      Erfolgsstory. Kromek ist eine 2003 erfolgte Ausgründung der nordenglischen Universität Durham und wurde vom Wagniskapitalgeber Amphion (siehe unten) aufgebaut. Anfangs war es nicht mehr als ein Garagenunternehmen von zwei Wissenschaftlern mit einer Idee. Sieben Jahre später arbeiten mehr als 50 Mitarbeiter für Kromek, man residiert in neuen Räumen im Technologiepark von Sedgefield. 27 Millionen Dollar sind in den vergangenen fünf Jahren in vier Finanzierungsrunden in Kromek investiert worden. Alle Unternehmensprozesse sind nach ISO 9001 zertifiziert.

      Patentgeschützt. Das Unternehmen verfügt über rund 60 Patente und hat jüngst mit dem Kauf der US-Firma Nova R&D noch weitere 22 Patente dazubekommen. Es war auch eine Investition in die Zukunft, meint Basu. Denn: „Nova ist ein wichtiger Zulieferer für uns. Diese Lieferkette kann uns nun kein Konkurrent mehr abschneiden.“

      Doch nun muss Kromek den Weg in den Markt schaffen. Außer dem Militärauftrag gibt es kaum größere Umsätze. Alles hängt an der Entscheidung der Flughäfen. Ein Großauftrag wäre der Türöffner in alle anderen anvisierten Geschäftsfelder, deren Marktvolumen Basu auf weltweit neun Milliarden Euro schätzt. Nach einer solchen Initialzündung könnte alles sehr schnell gehen. „Wir wollen in zwölf bis 24 Monaten Geld verdienen. Und in diesen Zeitraum könnte auch der geplante Börsengang fallen“, so Basu.


      Die Kromek-Mutter und der Celgene-Vater

      Bis zum Börsengang von Kromek haben risikofreudige Anleger die Möglichkeit, über die Beteiligungsgesellschaft Amphion Innovations an einem Erfolg von Kromek teilzuhaben. Amphion gehören 16,44 Prozent an Kromek. Der Rest liegt unter anderem bei Business Angels und den Gründern (je 12,65 Prozent), institutionellen Investoren (13,66), der Polymer Holding Investor Group (19,8) und der Universität von Durham (7,99).

      Amphion wurde von Richard Morgan aus der Taufe gehoben, einem Mitgründer des 20 Milliarden Euro schweren Biotech-Unternehmens Celgene. Amphion ist keine klassiche Wagniskapitalfirma, sondern steigt selbst in die Unternehmensgründung mit ein und stellt erfahrene Manager zur Verfügung. Hauptvoraussetzung für ein Engagement von Amphion sind laut Richard Morgan eine marktreife Idee und die nötigen Patente. Deshalb beteiligte man sich an Kromek. Der Wert der Scanner-Spezialisten wird auf 57 Millionen Euro geschätzt, der Amphion-Anteil beträgt 9,37 Millionen Euro.

      Dass die Kromek-Beteiligung fast den halben Amphion-Börsenwert ausmacht, spricht für eine Unterbewertung der Aktie. Denn Amphion hat sieben weitere Unternehmen im Portfolio. Einige davon gelten als sehr aussichtsreich und Börsenkandidaten: Myconostica (Amphion-Anteil 19,08 Prozent) liefert molekulare Diagnostik bei Pilzkrankheiten und verfügt dabei über wichtige Patente. Die internetbasierte Marktplattform PrivateMarkets (25,3 Prozent) zählt u. a. die Deutsche Bank zu ihren Kunden. Wellgen (14,5 Prozent) entwickelt Bio-Therapeutika gegen Entzündungen.
      schrieb am 22.09.10 11:28:25
      Beitrag Nr. 5 ()
      So noch ein Artikel von heute:

      Amphion Innovations (AMP)
      Wednesday 22 September, 2010
      Amphion Innovations
      Grant Win by Partner Company
      RNS Number : 0668T
      Amphion Innovations PLC
      22 September 2010

      Amphion Partner Company, FireStar Software, Wins Major US Federal Grant

      London and New York - September 22, 2010 - Amphion Innovations plc (LSE: AMP) ("Amphion" or the "Company"), the developer of medical and technology businesses, today announces that its Partner Company FireStar Software ("FireStar") and OMGÔ partnership with the Southeast Michigan Health Information Exchange ("SEMHIE") and the Southeast Michigan Health Authority ("SEMHA") has contributed to SEMHIE receiving contracts from the US Social Security Administration and a Beacon Community Grant from the US Department of Health and Human Services. The combined contracts received by SEMHIE are more than $19 million. FireStar anticipates they will be allocated approximately $2 million.

      FireStar is a software product company focused on allowing different organizations to automatically exchange electronic information with each other in a secure, private, indisputable, and guaranteed delivery. Amphion's fully diluted ownership stake in FireStar was 13.78% as of 30 June 2010.

      Richard Morgan, Chairman and CEO of Amphion Innovations and Chairman of FireStar, said, "Despite its success, the internet is not sufficiently robust or secure to address the major unsolved problems with the reliable exchange of information between different organizations. This award will provide the funding to develop the standards to address this problem, which, in turn, will give FireStar the opportunity to implement the standard in all medical entities. FireStar will offer a software appliance, built on its proven and patented product, EdgeNode, that will facilitate the processing and distribution of information - data based on the standard. This is an exciting multi-billion dollar marketplace opportunity".

      The partnership between FireStar and OMG will enable SEMHIE to achieve their goals of dramatically shortening the time and cost of processing Social Security disability claims (SSA Contract) and increasing the quality and decreasing the cost of the treatment of diabetes (Beacon Community Grant) for the citizens of Southeast Michigan.

      The cornerstone of this partnership is OMG's Model Driven Message Interoperability™ ("MDMI"™) Standard. MDMI was developed to achieve information exchange at the highest quality, the lowest implementation cost, and with the ability to incorporate future changes. In both the SSA and Beacon projects, FireStar will apply the MDMI standard to achieve the exchange of healthcare information.

      Richard Mark Soley, Ph.D., Chairman and CEO of OMG said, "We are pleased that SEMHIE has been recognized for its vision in applying the MDMI Standard and other standards to increase the quality of healthcare and reduce costs for all members of SEMHIE. FireStar, who has taken the leadership position in both the MDMI Standard and in working with SEMHIE, was instrumental in reaching the point where we will demonstrate the value of the MDMI Standard for the US Healthcare industry."

      Ken Lord, CEO of FireStar Software said, "We believe that the power of the MDMI standard represents a quantum improvement in quality, cost, and implementation time for healthcare interoperability situations. FireStar looks forward to working with others throughout the US Healthcare system in applying the innovative MDMI Standard so that they can achieve the same benefits as Southeast Michigan".

      "Using MDMI standards will enable SEMHIE to provide high quality, low cost exchange of secure healthcare information for all our participants, from the largest hospital systems to our small private physician practices," said Dr. Robert Jackson, President of SEMHIE.

      Southeast Michigan Health Information Exchange is an organization whose membership includes Chrysler, Ford Motor Company, General Motors, the Wayne and Oakland County Medical Societies, Greater Detroit Area Health Council, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan, Michigan State University, MPRO, and the Henry Ford Health System, Detroit Medical Center, Oakwood, Beaumont Hospitals, Trinity Health, and St. John Providence Health System and others. Its goal is to provide an interoperable health information exchange for the benefit of the residents, providers and other stakeholders in Southeast Michigan.

      For further information please contact:

      Amphion Innovations plc
      Charlie Morgan
      +44 779 953 6043

      Cardew Group
      Tim Robertson/ Jamie Milton
      +44 20 7930 0777

      Charles Stanley (Nominated Adviser)
      Mark Taylor
      +44 20 7149 6000

      About Amphion Innovations plc

      Amphion (LSE: AMP) builds shareholder value in high growth companies in the medical and technology sectors, by using a focused, hands-on company building approach, based on decades of experience in both the US and UK. Amphion has significant shareholding in 8 Partner Companies developing proven technologies targeting substantial commercial marketplaces, each in excess of $1 billion. Each Partner Company is chosen with the goal of achieving an exit valuation in excess of $100 million. The Amphion model has been refined to optimise the commercialisation of patents and other intellectual property within the Partner Companies. The Partner Companies collectively own or control over 200 separately identified pieces of intellectual property, a number that grows rapidly each year.

      On the web:

      About FireStar Software, Inc.

      FireStar Software builds software for Service Providers who build and maintain electronic information exchanges. With our flagship product, EdgeNode, FireStar directly addresses and solves the key obstacles that have limited the adoption of electronic message exchange to only the largest entities to allow a much broader and richer adoption that includes the Small and Medium Business. FireStar Software is a Partner Company of Amphion Innovations plc (AIM: AMP). For more information on FireStar, visit

      About MDMI

      Message interoperability reduces costs, increases data quality and increases revenue. By automating interoperability between disparate systems, MDMI improves communications, helps reduce errors and provides a way to address future business changes. MDMI lets institutions use standardized maps provided by message format owners (including standards bodies, financial institutions and others) to correctly map information in message formats. Facilitating and mediating information across a number of message formats is a high cost obligation for institutions in healthcare, banking, insurance, and other industries. The standard also provides a migration path to new message formats. The MDMI standard specification was submitted by FireStar Software, IBM, Informatica, IP Commerce and VISA with support from Adaptive and SWIFT, and was approved in 2009.

      For more information about MDMI Labs, see; for more information about OMG, visit Questions about membership in OMG or the MDMI Consortium and participating in MDMI Labs may be directed to Ken Berk at +1-781-444 0404 or

      About OMG

      OMG™ is an international, open membership, not-for-profit computer industry standards consortium. OMG Task Forces develop enterprise integration standards for a wide range of technologies and an even wider range of industries. OMG's modeling standards enable powerful visual design, execution and maintenance of software and other processes. For more information, visit

      Note to editors: For a listing of all OMG trademarks, visit All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

      This information is provided by RNS
      The company news service from the London Stock Exchange



      Trading Spotlight

      InnoCan Pharma
      0,1865EUR 0,00 %
      Multi-Milliarden-Wert in diesem Pennystock?!mehr zur Aktie »
      schrieb am 22.09.10 11:57:59
      Beitrag Nr. 6 ()
      Amphion Partner-Unternehmen FireStar erhält Förderung von US-Behörde
      Autor: Aktiencheck
      | 22. September 2010, 11:45 Uhr | 16 mal gelesen

      London und New York, 22. September 2010: Amphion Innovations plc (LSE: AMP, FSE:
      IAN), die Beteiligungsgesellschaft im Bereich Life Sciences und Technologie, gab
      heute bekannt, dass ihr Partner-Unternehmen FireStar Software eine Förderung in
      Höhe von ca. $2 Millionen erhalten hat.FireStar ist auf Exchange Solutions spezialisiert. Das Software-Unternehmen mit
      Sitz in den USA bietet Services für den automatischen, elektronischen Austausch
      von Informationen über eine sichere und garantierte Datenübertragung. Amphion
      ist mit 13,78 % an FireStar beteiligt.Die Förderung geht auf eine Kooperation zurück, die FireStar und die Object
      Management Group ("OMGÔ") gemeinsam mit der Southeast Michigan Health
      Information Exchange ("SEMHIE") und der Southeast Michigan Health Authority
      ("SEMHA") vereinbart haben. Auf Grundlage der Kooperation mit FireStar und OMGÔ
      konnte SEMHIE Verträge mit der US Social Security Administration abschliessen
      und erhielt darüber hinaus eine Förderung seitens des US Department of Health
      and Human Services. Die Verträge belaufen sich auf eine Gesamtsumme in Höhe von
      mehr als $19 Millionen.Die Zusammenarbeit zwischen FireStar und OMGÔ wird es SEMHIE ermöglichen, Zeit-
      und Kosteneinsparungen bei der Abwicklung von Versicherungsansprüchen und
      Qualitätsverbesserungen sowie Kostensenkungen bei der Behandlung von Diabetikern
      in Southeast Michigan zu erzielen.Richard Morgan, Chairman und CEO von Amphion Innovations und Chairman von
      FireStar kommentierte: "Trotz seiner Erfolgsgeschichte ist das Internet nicht in
      ausreichenden Maße stabil oder sicher, um den bisher ungelösten Problemen im
      Informationsaustausch zwischen Organisationen adäquat zu begegnen. Die Förderung
      sichert FireStar die nötige Finanzierung für die Entwicklung von IT-Lösungen,
      die genau diese Probleme adressieren. Damit verbunden ist das Potential, den
      entwickelten Standard in grundsätzlich allen medizinischen Einrichtungen
      implementieren zu können. FireStar wird eine Software- Anwendung anbieten, die
      auf seinem patentierten Produkt EdgeNode beruht. Auf der Grundlage von EdgeNodge
      wird die Datenübertragung von Informationen erleichtert werden. Der Einsatz
      dieser neuen Anwendung eröffnet Marktchancen in Milliardenhöhe."
      Diese Pressemitteilung ist eine verkürzte Fassung der englischen
      Originalversion. Die ausführliche englische Meldung von Amphion Innovations plc
      ist beigefügt.
      Über FireStar Software
      FireStar Software entwickelt Software für Dienstleistungsunternehmen im Bereich
      elektronischer Datenaustausch. Mit ihrem Lead-Produkt EdgeNode setzt FireStar
      direkt an den limitierenden Faktoren an, aufgrund derer bestimmte Services zum
      elektronischen Nachrichtenaustausch bisher nur größeren Unternehmen zugänglich
      war. Von den Lösungen von EdgeNodge können auch kleine und mittlere Unternehmen
      profitieren. FireStar Software ist ein Partner-Unternehmen von Amphion
      Innovations plc (AIM: AMP; FSE: IAN).www.firestarsoftware.comÜber Amphion Innovations plc
      Amphion (LSE: AMP, FSE: IAN) ist ein US-amerikanisches Beteiligungsunternehmen
      mit Beteiligungen an schnell wachsenden Unternehmen aus dem Life Sciences- und
      Technologiebereich. Das Beteiligungsunternehmen verfolgt einen Hands-on Ansatz
      und kann auf eine jahrzehntelange Erfahrung sowohl in den USA als auch in UK
      zurückblicken. Amphion hält derzeit Beteiligungen an acht Unternehmen mit
      validierten Technologien und in Märkten mit Volumina von jeweils über $1
      Milliarde. Jedes Partner-Unternehmen verfügt über ein Exitpotential von mehr als
      $100 Millionen. Das Amphion Modell ist weiterentwickelt worden, um die
      Kommerzialisierung von Patenten und weiteren IP Positionen in den
      Partner-Unternehmen zu optimieren. Die Partner-Unternehmen besitzen oder
      kontrollieren zusammen mehr als 200 Einzelpatente mit einer jährlich steigenden
      Über OMGÔ
      OMGÔ ist ein 1989 gegründetesKonsortium, das sich mit der Entwicklung von
      Standards für die herstellerunabhängige, systemübergreifende, objektorientierte
      Programmierung beschäftigt.
      Für weitere Informationen kontaktieren Sie bitte:Amphion Innovations plc
      Charlie MorganTelefon: +44 779 953 6043
      E-Mail:cmorgan@amphionplc.comMC Services AG
      Birte Stein
      Telefon: +49 89 210 228 12
      [HUG#1445996]Pressemitteilung (PDF):
      This announcement is distributed by Thomson Reuters on behalf of
      Thomson Reuters clients. The owner of this announcement warrants that:
      (i) the releases contained herein are protected by copyright and
      other applicable laws; and
      (ii) they are solely responsible for the content, accuracy and
      originality of the information contained therein.

      Source: Amphion Innovations plc via Thomson Reuters ONE…
      schrieb am 24.09.10 10:47:55
      Beitrag Nr. 7 ()
      Friday 24 September, 2010
      Amphion Innovations
      IP Licensing
      RNS Number : 2356T
      Amphion Innovations PLC
      24 September 2010

      Amphion Innovations plc

      IP Licensing

      London and New York, 24 September 2010 - Amphion Innovations plc (LSE: AMP) ("Amphion" or the "Company"), the developer of medical and technology businesses, today announces that its wholly owned subsidiary, DataTern, Inc., has settled certain pending patent infringement litigation over its U.S. Patents 6,101,502 and 5,937,402, generating total revenues of $500,000.

      DataTern has signed 22 licenses of these patents since June 2008, generating total revenues of approximately $14 million. DataTern has now licensed its intellectual property into the financial, credit card, retail, leisure, healthcare, airline, e-commerce, and software industries.

      DataTern, Inc., was originally established in order to commercialise selected intellectual property opportunities in partnership with Amphion's Partner Companies. As part of the licensing programme described above, DataTern offers to license all parties in all industries under these patents.

      For further information please contact:

      Amphion Innovations plc
      Charlie Morgan
      +44 779 953 6043
      schrieb am 29.09.10 14:31:59
      Beitrag Nr. 8 ()
      Die Welt kompakt: 06:10
      Ab 2013 dürfen Flüssigkeiten wieder mitfliegen

      Brüssel - Fluggäste dürfen von April 2013 an wieder unbegrenzt Deo, Shampoo und Getränke mit an Bord nehmen. Das seit 2006 geltende Verbot von Flüssigkeiten im Handgepäck wird die EU zu diesem Zeitpunkt aufheben, teilte die EU-Kommission mit. Einen entsprechenden Beschluss habe die Kommission bereits im April getroffen. Derzeit dürfen Passagiere Flüssigkeiten und Cremes nur in kleinen Mengen in ihrem Handgepäck mitnehmen.

      Die Welt kompakt: 06:37
      Große Flaschen dürfen wieder fliegen

      Verbot von Flüssigkeiten an Bord wird ab 2012 aufgehoben

      Montreal/Brüssel - Spätestens in zwei Jahren sollen Fluggäste nach dem Willen der Internationalen Zivilluftfahrt-Organisation ICAO in vielen Ländern wieder Flüssigkeiten in größeren Mengen mit an Bord nehmen dürfen. Die meisten Flughäfen hätten dann die notwendige Sicherheitstechnik, sagte ICAO-Generalsekretär Raymond Benjamin in Montreal. EU-weit wird das Verbot bis April 2013 aufgehoben.

      Begründet wird der Schritt damit, dass bis 2012 an den meisten Flughäfen der Welt neue Sicherheitsanlagen installiert sein werden. Diese könnten etwa Sprengstoff in Wasserflaschen, Make-up oder Zahnpasta-Tuben problemlos erkennen, so Benjamin.

      Die ICAO ist eine UN-Organisation, der auch die 27 EU-Staaten angehören. In der EU gilt für das Flüssigkeitsverbot allerdings eine Frist bis Ende April 2013. Bis dahin haben Behörden und Flughafenbetreiber Zeit, die neue Ausrüstung zu installieren. "Unsere Hoffnung war immer, dass die Flughäfen schneller sind", sagte die Sprecherin von Verkehrskommissar Siim Kallas in Brüssel. Wenn ein EU-Flughafen die Technik vor April 2013 bereit hat, können dort nach Kommissionsangaben die Passagiere auch mit Flüssigkeiten an Bord gehen. Allerdings gebe es keine Pläne, die allgemeine Frist vorzuziehen.

      Generell dürfen Fluggäste aktuell nur Flüssigkeiten in Behältern bis 100 Millilitern im Handgepäck mitführen, die zusätzlich in einem Beutel verpackt sind. Die entsprechende Regelung war im Jahr 2006 aus Sicherheitsgründen weltweit eingeführt worden.
      schrieb am 01.10.10 15:36:09
      Beitrag Nr. 9 ()
      Amphion Innovations
      Total Voting Rights
      RNS Number : 6451T
      Amphion Innovations PLC
      30 September 2010

      30 September 2010

      Amphion Innovations plc (the "Company")

      Total Voting Rights

      For the purposes of the Financial Services Authority's Disclosure and Transparency Rules, the total number of ordinary shares of 1p of the Company in issue as at the date of this notice is 133,248,923 each share carrying the right to one vote.

      The above figure may be used by shareholders as the denominator for the calculations by which they will determine if they are required to notify their interest in, or a change to their interest in the Company, under the Disclosure and Transparency Rules.

      For further information please contact:

      Amphion Innovations

      Charlie Morgan:

      +1 212 210-6224

      Charles Stanley Securities, Nominated Advisor

      Mark Taylor:

      +44 020 7149 6000

      Cardew Group

      Tim Robertson/ Jamie Milton

      +44 020 7930 0777

      On the web:
      schrieb am 25.10.10 14:32:46
      Beitrag Nr. 10 ()
      heute, 09:57 HUGIN
      Amphion Beteiligungs-Unternehmen Kromek erhält europäische Genehmigung für Einsatz von Flüssigkeitsscannern

      EU Genehmigung von Röntgen Farb-Technologie läutet das Ende des Verbots von Flüssigkeiten im Handgepäck ein

      London und New York, 25. Oktober 2010: Amphion Innovations plc (LSE: AMP, FSE: IAN), ein Beteiligungsunternehmen im Bereich Medizintechnik und Technologie, gab heute bekannt, dass sein Beteiligungs-Unternehmen Kromek die offizielle Genehmigung seitens der Europäischen Union (EU) zur Ausstattung aller europäischen Flughäfen mit ihrer Röntgentechnologie zum Nachweis von Flüssigkeiten erhalten hat. Kromek ist auf die Entwicklung von bahnbrechenden Technologie-Lösungen für ein breites Spektrum von kommerziellen Anwendungen einschliesslich Flughafen- und Grenzsicherheit spezialisiert.

      Ab April 2011 dürfen Flüssigkeiten, die im Transitbereich erworben wurden, (z.B. im Duty-Free-Shop) wieder mit an Board genommen werden. Voraussetzung hierfür ist, dass geeignete Sicherheitsvorkehrungen wie die Existenz von Durchleuchtungsverfahren an den Flughäfen zur Verfügung stehen. Die Ergebnisse der von der European Civil Aviation Conference (ECAC) durchgeführten Testläufe bestätigen, dass verfügbare Durchleuchtungsverfahren einsatzbereit sind. Diese Entwicklung sollte es den Flughäfen ermöglichen, die bestehende Frist bis 2011 einzuhalten. Ab April 2013 wird das Verbot zur Mitnahme von Flüssigkeiten komplett aufgehoben sein. Ab diesem Zeitpunkt können Passagiere Flüssigkeiten wieder mit an Board von europäischen Flügen nehmen.

      Der Flüssigkeiten-Scanner von Kromek ist als Applikation in der Kategorie B klassifiziert worden. Diese Kategorie ist zu 100% Typ 1 und Typ 2 tauglich und wurde offiziell durch die ECAC getestet, verifiziert und autorisiert. Ab sofort haben alle EU-Flughäfen die Möglichkeit, Kromeks Flüssigkeiten-Scanner einzusetzen.

      Dieser Schritt ist als ein Durchbruch in der Flughafensicherheit anzusehen, da die Bedrohung durch gefährliche Substanzen sogar noch zugenommen hat und die Behörden erkannt haben, dass sie geeignete Sicherheitsvorkehrungen treffen müssen, um die Bedrohung zu mindern. Zum ersten Mal können Flughäfen umfassend getestete, vollständig zugelassene und sichere Technologie erwerben, die es ermöglicht, auf sichere Art und Weise Flüssigkeiten auf Flügen mitzuführen.

      "Dies ist ein wirklicher Durchbruch für Kromek. Die erteilte Genehmigung ist eine offizielle Validierung unserer Röntgendetektor-Technologie," sagte Arnab Basu, CEO von Kromek. "Dies ist die nächste Generation der Röntgentechnologie in Verbindung mit einer weit entwickelten Applikation zur Erkennung bedrohlicher flüssiger Substanzen. Die Bedrohung durch flüssige, entzündliche und gelbasierte explosive Stoffen wurde im August des Jahres 2006 bei der Vereitelung eines Terroranschlages deutlich. Damals wurde der Versuch unternommen, derartige Substanzen an Bord von mehreren transatlantischen Flügen zu schmuggeln. Obwohl Kromek zu diesem Zeitpunkt noch nicht im Bereich Flüssigkeiten-Scanner aktiv war, erkannten wir schnell, dass wir über die Ressourcen und Möglichkeiten verfügten, eine Lösung für diesen Marktbedarf zu entwickeln. Die Lösung von Kromek schützt effektiv vor einer solchen Möglichkeit. Dies bedeutet einen großen Schritt vorwärts im Kampf gegen den weltweiten Terrorismus, bei dem Flüssigkeiten eine wachsende Rolle im Gebrauch von Terroristen spielen."

      Kromek's revolutionäre Technologie läutet eine neue Ära Röntgendetektor Farb- Technologie ein und eine marktumwälzende Neuerung in der Flugsicherheit. Das Unternehmen bietet der Branche ein absolut erstmaliges Nachweisverfahren an - vergleichbar mit der Einführung des Farbfernsehens in Hinblick auf Bedeutung und Marktpotential.

      Richard Morgan, CEO von Amphion und Chairman von Kromek, sagte: "Die von der ECAC erteilte Genehmigung ist ein großer Meilenstein für Kromek. Die validierte Technologie des Unternehmens bedient eine bisher unbefriedigte Nachfrage im Bereich Airport-Sicherheit. Der Flüssigkeiten-Scanner von Kromek wird einen wesentlichen Beitrag für ein effizienteres Sicherheitssystem im europäischen Markt leisten."

      Dr. Arnab Basu fügt hinzu: "Das nächste Jahr und die folgenden werden für uns sehr spannend. Wir erwarten ein starkes Wachstum über die kommenden Jahre, da unsere innovativen Lösungen bei vielen drängenden Problemstellungen einsetzbar sind. Unsere bahnbrechende Technologie stellt nicht nur Produkte für die Airline-Sicherheit zur Verfügung sondern bietet breite Anwendungsmöglichkeiten in hoch lukrativen Märkte wie z.B. im Medizintechnik- und Industriebereich. Auch in diesen Märkten beginnen wir bereits Fuss zu fassen."

      Für weitere Informationen kontaktieren Sie bitte:

      Amphion Innovations plc Charlie Morgan +1 (212) 210 6224

      MC Services AG Birte Stein

      Telefon: +49 89 210 228 12 Fax: +49 89 210 228 88

      Über Amphion Innovations plc:

      Amphion (LSE: AMP, FSE: IAN) ist ein US-amerikanisches Beteiligungsunternehmen mit Beteiligungen an schnell wachsenden Unternehmen aus dem Medizintechnik und Technologiebereich. Das Beteiligungsunternehmen verfolgt einen Hands-on Ansatz und kann auf eine jahrzehntelange Erfahrung sowohl in den USA als auch in UK zurückblicken. Amphion hält derzeit Beteiligungen an zehn Unternehmen mit validierten Technologien und in Märkten mit Volumina von jeweils über $1 Milliarde. Jedes Partner-Unternehmen verfügt über ein Exitpotential von mehr als $100 Millionen.

      Über Kromek:

      Kromek ist eine Ausgründung aus dem Fachbereich Physik der nordenglischen Universität Durham. Das Unternehmen ist auf die Entwicklung von bahnbrechenden Technologie-Lösungen für ein breites Spektrum von kommerziellen Anwendungen spezialisiert. Gegenwärtig nimmt das Unternehmen eine Pionierstellung im Bereich digitales Farb-Imaging bei Röntgenprozessen und bei zukunftsweisenden 3D- Bildgebungen für die Bereiche Medizin, Sicherheit, Industriekontrollen und Verteidigung.

      Kromek hat erstmalig eine revolutionäre 3D Röntgen-Technologie erfolgreich entwickelt, die verschiedensten Branchen hohe wirtschaftliche Vorteile eröffnet - allen voran die Airline-Sicherheit. In diesem Bereich ist das Unternehmen einzigartig positioniert, um der wachsenden, weltweiten Nachfrage nach Nachweisverfahren für Flüssigsprengstoff zu begegnen.


      Kromek Scanner III:

      Kromek Scanner II:

      Kromek Scanner I:

      Kromek CEO Arnab Basu:

      Pressemitteilung (PDF):

      This announcement is distributed by Thomson Reuters on behalf of Thomson Reuters clients. The owner of this announcement warrants that: (i) the releases contained herein are protected by copyright and other applicable laws; and (ii) they are solely responsible for the content, accuracy and originality of the information contained therein.

      Source: Amphion Innovations plc via Thomson Reuters ONE
      schrieb am 29.11.10 13:16:10
      Beitrag Nr. 11 ()
      Amphion Innovations partner Kromek secures US$1.5m contract from UMASS
      Monday, November 29, 2010

      Amphion Innovations (LON:AMP) announced that its partner company Kromek has successfully secured a four year contract with the University of Massachusetts Medical School.

      Kromek and UMASS will develop an advanced system for breast cancer detection and diagnosis, which it said could change the way this disease is detected.

      The contract, which is worth US$1.5 million to Kromek, was funded via US$4 million from the US National Institute for Health (NIH).
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      X-ray mammography, which is considered the imaging mode of choice for early detection of breast cancer, records images that represent a three-dimensional (3D) object in a two-dimensional (2D) plane, meaning that normal breast tissue versus tumour tissue can be difficult to distinguish.

      Kromek claims its technology can achieve better resolutions of breast tissue without increasing doses of radiation for patients, while the contract has potential to “significantly advance clinical diagnostics, in the field of breast cancer detection, and potentially way beyond”.

      "Kromek and NOVA possess a unique technological answer to the challenge of achieving better resolutions of breast tissue, without increasing doses of radiation for patients," Amphion said in the statement.

      “The modality we are using, which combines photon counting and cone-beam CT imaging, holds unique promise for the medical imaging market.

      “We are looking forward to working together with Kromek and NOVA towards a solution that could change the way breast cancer detection is carried out for many years to come,” said professor of radiology at the University of Massachussets Stephen Glick.

      Growth in the mammography market is influenced rising incidence of breast cancer in industrialised as well as developing nations.

      The US mammography equipment market is forecast to be worth US$585 million per annum by 2015.

      The deal will further expand Kromek’s presence in the medical imaging market, following the announcement earlier this month about our work with Siemens on CT imaging development in Germany and the US.

      Just a month ago, Kromek secured official EU certification to provide colour x-ray liquid detection systems to all European airports.

      This means that all airports on the continent are free to buy and implement Kromek’s Bottle Scanner product, marking the first time that airports can purchase tested, approved, and secure technology, allowing them to relax the liquid ban.

      The technology is set to loosen up security restrictions for air passengers as it will eliminate the ban on carrying liquids on flights by April 2013.

      Kromek is seen as the likeliest partner company of Ampion to be the next to become publicly traded.

      According to Ampion chief executive Richard Morgan, the earliest the business can be floated would be during the first quarter of 2011, at which point Amphion’s 16% stake should be worth far more than the last valuation of £9 million.

      For comparison, Amphion’s current market cap is around £6.4 million.

      Meanwhile, Kromek itself managed to raise £12.3 million in an oversubscribed financing in March this year.
      schrieb am 09.12.10 18:36:47
      Beitrag Nr. 12 ()
      Amphion Innovations plc

      New Debt Facility

      London and New York, 9 December 2010- Amphion Innovations plc (LSE: AMP) ("Amphion" or the "Company"), the developer of medical and technology businesses, today announces it has secured additional unsecured loan financing of $500,000 from R. James Macaleer, a director of Amphion, who is interested in 17.12% of the issued share capital of the Company. The loan is repayable on 31 January 2012 and carries interest at 5% per annum. This transaction is deemed a related party transaction for the purposes of the AIM Rules. As a result, the Independent Directors consider, having consulted with the Company's nominated adviser, that the terms of the loan are fair and reasonable insofar as its shareholders are concerned.

      For further information please contact:

      Amphion Innovations plc

      Charlie Morgan +44 779 953 6043

      Cardew Group

      Tim Robertson / Jamie Milton +44 20 7930 0777

      Charles Stanley (Nominated Adviser)

      Mark Taylor +44 20 7149 6000
      schrieb am 05.01.11 11:22:18
      Beitrag Nr. 13 ()
      Amphion Innovations
      IP License Agreements
      RNS Number : 9129Y
      Amphion Innovations PLC
      05 January 2011


      Amphion Innovations plc

      IP License Agreements

      London and New York, 5 January 2011- Amphion Innovations plc (LSE: AMP) ("Amphion" or the "Company"), the developer of medical and technology businesses, today announces that since September 2010 its wholly owned subsidiary, DataTern, Inc., has settled five patent infringement lawsuits involving its U.S. Patents 6,101,502 and 5,937,402, generating total revenues of $1.125 million.

      In 2010, DataTern signed a total of 10 licenses, generating total revenues of $2.750 million, of which $2.025 million was generated in the second half of the year.

      As we reported as part of our Interim results in September 2010, the flow and timing of license settlements was negatively impacted by the restructuring of the IP programme undertaken during the first half of the year. However, activity has since picked up and in October 2010 DataTern filed suit against an additional 14 companies, bringing the total number of claims outstanding to 19 following the settlements announced today.

      Together, the net proceeds of our licensing programme that we plan to receive over the next year and the new debt facility, announced 9 December 2010 should be sufficient to cover Amphion's working capital requirements.

      Amphion CEO, Richard Morgan, said, "We are confident in the quality of the patents owned by DataTern and believe that a very large number of corporations are using this technology and infringing our patents. Our primary goal remains to license this technology on terms that are fair to the users and in the process to obtain an adequate return on the investment made in the technology. We expect to see additional settlements over the next few months, and beyond.

      "Following the restructuring of DataTern, Amphion is able to retain a larger share of each settlement and now that the programme is getting back on track we believe that in the year ahead cash flow from licensing agreements should once again cover the direct operating costs of Amphion, including interest on the Convertible Promissory Note.

      "Since inception, DataTern has signed 29 licenses with companies from the financial, credit card, retail, leisure, healthcare, airline, e-commerce, and software industries for a total of about $16 million."

      For further information please contact:

      Amphion Innovations plc

      Charlie Morgan +44 779 953 6043

      Cardew Group

      Tim Robertson/ Jamie Milton +44 20 7930 0777

      Charles Stanley (Nominated Adviser)

      Mark Taylor +44 20 7149 6000

      About Amphion Innovations plc

      Amphion (LSE: AMP) builds shareholder value in high growth companies in the medical and technology sectors, by using a focused, hands-on company building approach, based on decades of experience in both the US and UK. Amphion has significant shareholding in 8 Partner Companies developing proven technologies targeting substantial commercial marketplaces, each in excess of $1 billion. Each Partner Company is chosen with the goal of achieving an exit valuation in excess of $100 million. The Amphion model has been refined to optimise the commercialisation of patents and other intellectual property within the Partner Companies. The Partner Companies collectively own or control over 200 separately identified pieces of intellectual property, a number that grows rapidly each year.

      On the web:
      schrieb am 06.01.11 13:03:45
      Beitrag Nr. 14 ()
      Amphion Innovations
      Change of Adviser
      RNS Number : 9890Y
      Amphion Innovations PLC
      06 January 2011


      06 January 2011

      Amphion Innovations PLC

      Change of Adviser

      Amphion Innovations plc (AIM:AMP), the developer of medical and technology businesses, is pleased to announce the appointment of Seymour Pierce Limited as its Nominated Adviser and Broker, with immediate effect.

      - Ends -


      Amphion Innovations plc

      Charlie Morgan

      +44 779 953 6043
      schrieb am 28.02.11 11:44:31
      Beitrag Nr. 15 ()
      Monday 28 February, 2011
      Amphion Innovations
      Trading Statement
      RNS Number : 9310B
      Amphion Innovations PLC
      28 February 2011


      Amphion Innovations plc

      Full Year Trading Update

      28 February 2011 - Amphion Innovations plc (LSE: AMP) ("Amphion" or the "Company"), provides the following trading update for the 12 month period to 31 December 2010.

      As previously indicated in the Interim Results, given the length of time since the last outside financing event, which has historically been the basis for calculating company values, the Board has decided to adopt a different approach to valuation of certain individual holdings. The Company continues to follow the International Private Equity and Venture Capital Valuation Guidelines. Under those guidelines, the price of the recent investment is likely to be the appropriate methodology for all private investments, but for only a limited period after the date of the relevant investment. In those instances where the Company concluded that length of time together with conditions in the market and at the investee company required an adjustment to the price of the recent investment, it discounted the investment. The resulting valuations, in most cases, are based on management's estimates of value, but they do also reflect the poor environment for private financing which has had a negative impact on many early stage emerging companies in our sectors. The valuation continues to include the wholly-owned subsidiary, DataTern, which generated the majority of Amphion's revenues through IP licensing, at depreciated historical cost.

      As a result, the Company expects to show a decrease in Net Asset Value ("NAV") in sterling to £0.15 being $0.23 as at 31 December 2010 (£0.26 and $0.42 as at 31 December 2009). In absolute terms, 15p per share ($0.23) equates to a total NAV of £20 million ($31 million).

      Early in the year, Amphion raised an additional $1,450,265 through the placing of additional tranches of the Convertible Promissory Note first issued in late 2008 and during the year raised a total of $952,500 in unsecured loans.

      As previously reported in June and September 2010, Amphion's intellectual property licensing programme was restructured to improve returns, which meant we fell behind plan in the first six months of the year. However, the revenue generated from this programme improved markedly in the second half of the year. In addition, the contribution margin from the programme also rose in the second six months of the year as a result of the restructuring and is now significantly higher than before.

      Amphion's wholly-owned subsidiary, DataTern, Inc., signed additional non-exclusive intellectual property license agreements with 9 leading international companies over the year, bringing the total number of licensees of the ORM technology to 27. Since the year end, DataTern has concluded an additional 3 licenses, generating revenue so far in 2011 of $850,000 and bringing the total number of licensees to 30. The total number of claims outstanding is now 14.

      Despite the renewed success of this programme, only about $1 million of value is shown on the Company's balance sheet (and Net Assets) for our intellectual property assets.

      Amphion's total revenue fell by 53% to $4,090,071 million in 2010, reflecting the shortfall in the licensing programme revenue, most of which occurred in the first six months of the year. As a result, gross profit was $3,077,490 (2009: $5,791,018). Despite a significant reduction in administrative expenses (which include some of the direct expenses of the IP programme) from $6,683,955 in 2009 to $4,963,199 in 2010, the loss from operations increased from $892,937 to $1,885,709.

      In September we warned that we remained very cautious about the current environment and the potential impact on our ability to finance our Partner Companies. The environment over the past five months has remained very difficult, although we are just beginning to see the first signs of life in the IPO market. This is the key to a more active and supportive market for financing of private technology and medical technology companies.

      We are pleased to report that we have recently reached agreement in principle to conclude a significant round of financing of our Partner Company, Motif BioSciences. The total amount of capital being committed to Motif is up to $15 million, part of it in equity financing and part of it in partnership financing of the company's programmes. We have adjusted the valuation of the holding in Motif down to reflect the essential elements of this financing, which remains subject to detailed due diligence, definitive agreements and the fulfillment of various closing conditions. Amphion's percentage ownership in Motif is expected to increase as a result of the conversion of loan capital to equity. More information will be made available in due course.

      Amphion expects to announce its preliminary results for the 12 months to 31 December 2010, in May 2011.

      Richard Morgan, Amphion's Chief Executive Officer, said:

      "2010 was an extremely challenging year for Amphion and our Partner Companies. Our model depends on being able to gain access to capital to fund and grow our Partner Companies and this has been in extremely short supply in the last twelve months. We continue to cut costs throughout Amphion and wherever possible in each of our Partner Companies, while doing what we can to preserve essential intellectual property and other critical assets. While the restructuring of our IP licensing programme proved to be extremely disruptive, with adverse consequences for the flow of settlements and revenue, we believe that the programme is now a lot stronger and the underlying economics have improved sharply as a result. We started to see a resumption of activity in this programme in the third and fourth quarters of last year and this has continued into the first part of 2011. We remain confident in the strength of the key ORM patents and believe we should continue to see progress in the programme in the months ahead.

      Our main challenge remains to get sufficient capital to support our Partner Companies. We believe we are seeing the first signs of an improvement in the overall environment but we do not expect that recovery will be rapid or broad. One key goal remains to achieve an IPO or other realization of one or more of our Partner Companies and we continue to believe that some of our companies should be able to approach the IPO market as and when it revives."

      As of 1 March 2011, Amphion's registered office will be Fort Anne, Douglas, Isle of Man, IM1 5PD.

      For further information please contact:

      Amphion Innovations

      Charlie Morgan:

      +1 (212) 210-6224

      Cardew Group

      Tim Robertson/ Jamie Milton:

      +44 020 7930 0777

      Seymour Pierce Limited, Nominated Adviser

      Freddy Crossley:

      +44 020 7107 8347

      About Amphion Innovations plc

      Amphion (LSE: AMP) builds shareholder value in high growth companies in the medical and technology sectors, by using a focused, hands-on company building approach, based on decades of experience in both the US and UK. Amphion has significant shareholding in 8 Partner Companies developing proven technologies targeting substantial commercial marketplaces, each in excess of $1 billion. Each Partner Company is chosen with the goal of achieving an exit valuation in excess of $100 million. The Amphion model has been refined to optimise the commercialisation of patents and other intellectual property within the Partner Companies. The Partner Companies collectively own or control over 200 separately identified pieces of intellectual property, a number which grows rapidly each year.

      On the web:

      This information is provided by RNS
      The company news service from the London Stock Exchange

      schrieb am 30.03.11 09:27:30
      Beitrag Nr. 16 ()
      Amphion Innovations
      IP Licences and Directorate Change
      RNS Number : 8867D
      Amphion Innovations PLC
      30 March 2011


      Amphion Innovations plc
      IP Developments and New Chairman

      London and New York, 30 March 2011- Amphion Innovations plc (LSE: AMP) ("Amphion" or the "Company"), the developer of medical and technology businesses, today announces that its wholly owned subsidiary, DataTern, Inc., has agreed further licenses involving its U.S. Patents 6,101,502 and 5,937,402, generating total revenues of $665,000.

      Since inception in 2008, DataTern has generated total revenues of approximately $17 million by signing licenses with companies from the financial, credit card, retail, leisure, healthcare, airline, e-commerce, oil and gas, insurance, and software industries.

      Richard Morgan, CEO of Amphion, commented:

      "DataTern continues to make progress. We continue to have confidence in the quality of the patents owned by DataTern and we are very active in seeking additional licensees to this important technology. In parallel we continue to look for ways to improve the economics of the programme in order to maximize cash flow and ensure a good return on investment over the next few years".

      The Company is also pleased to announce that as of 1 May 2011, R. James Macaleer will take over as Chairman of the Board of Amphion. Mr. Macaleer has been a Non-executive Director since 2005.

      For further information please contact:
      Amphion Innovations plc
      Charlie Morgan
      1 212 210 6224

      Cardew Group
      Tim Robertson/ Jamie Milton
      44 20 7930 0777

      Seymour Pierce
      Freddy Crossley/ Mark Percy
      44 20 7107 8000
      schrieb am 14.04.11 15:53:27
      Beitrag Nr. 17 ()
      Amphion Innovations subsidiary obtains patent infringement settlements for over US$17m
      Thursday, April 14, 2011 by Sergei Balashov

      Amphion Innovations (LON:AMP) announced today that its wholly owned subsidiary DataTern has successfully obtained settlements from suits brought in the U.S. against several multi-national companies.

      The suits were for the enforcement of DataTern’s U.S. Patents 5,937,402 and 6,101,502 covering Object to Relational Database Mapping technology. The settlements were reached with over 25 companies for over US$17 million.

      Last week, Microsoft Corporation (NASDAQ:MSFT) brought suit against DataTern claiming these patents are not infringed by Microsoft technology and are invalid.

      Amphion said that DataTern will strongly refute the claims and continue to enforce these patents against other infringers.

      “We will vigorously defend the validity, and intend to prove infringement, of the DataTern patents,” said chief executive of Amphion Richard Morgan.

      These patents are entitled to a presumption of validity and the 6,101,502 patent successfully completed a re-examination procedure in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office in 2009.

      All 18 claims of this patent were reaffirmed and 26 new claims were added.

      In late March, Amphion announced that DataTern had agreed further licenses involving two US patents. The latest DataTern deals generate total revenues of US$665,000.

      Since inception in 2008, the business has generated total revenues of approximately US$17 million by signing licenses with companies from the financial, credit card, retail, leisure, healthcare, airline, e-commerce, oil and gas, insurance, and software industries.

      Amphion builds shareholder value in high growth companies in the medical and technology sectors, by using a focused, hands-on company building approach, based on decades of experience in both the US and UK. Each partner company is chosen with the goal of achieving an exit valuation in excess of US$100 million. The partner companies collectively own or control over 200 separately identified pieces of intellectual property.
      schrieb am 15.04.11 10:40:29
      Beitrag Nr. 18 ()
      Amphion Innovations
      New debt facility
      RNS Number : 9916E
      Amphion Innovations PLC
      15 April 2011


      Amphion Innovations plc
      New Debt Facility

      London and New York, 15 April 2011- Amphion Innovations plc (LSE: AMP) ("Amphion" or the "Company"), the developer of medical and technology businesses, today announces it has secured additional unsecured loan financing of $500,000 from R. James Macaleer, Chairman of Amphion, who is interested in 17.12% of the issued share capital of the Company. Mr. Macaleer will also receive 500,000 five year warrants at an exercise price of 11.25 pence. The loan is repayable on 31 January 2012 and carries interest at 5% per annum.

      This transaction is deemed a related party transaction for the purposes of the AIM Rules. As a result, the Independent Directors consider, having consulted with the Company's nominated adviser, that the terms of the transaction are fair and reasonable insofar as its shareholders are concerned.

      For further information please contact:

      Amphion Innovations

      Charlie Morgan

      +1 212 210 6224
      schrieb am 24.05.11 17:40:48
      Beitrag Nr. 19 ()
      Amphion Innovations
      RNS Number : 1374H
      Amphion Innovations PLC
      24 May 2011


      Amphion Partner Company, Myconostica, Acquired by Lab21 Ltd.

      London and New York, 24 May 2011- Amphion Innovations plc (LSE: AMP) ("Amphion" or the "Company"), the developer of medical and technology businesses today announces the sale of its Partner Company, Myconostica Ltd to Lab21 Ltd ("Lab 21"). Lab21 is a privately owned medical diagnostics business based in Cambridge, England.

      Myconostica, based in Manchester, develops and supplies molecular diagnostic products to aid rapid and accurate diagnosis of life-threatening invasive fungal infections. Myconostica was established in 2006, by leading international fungal clinician Professor David Denning, as a spin out from the University of Manchester. Myconostica had made significant progress and launched well received products into the marketplace in late 2009 and through 2010; however Myconostica required significant further capital in order to achieve its full business plan.

      Prior to the transaction Amphion owned just over 16% of Myconostica, which carried a valuation of $2.3 million at 31 December 2010. Following this disposal, Amphion will have a minority shareholding in Lab21, valued at $200,000. As a result, Amphion's Net Asset Value will be reduced by approximately $2 million or 1p per share.

      Richard Morgan, Amphion's Chief Executive Officer commented, "The lack of sufficient further capital to support Myconostica's continued progress as a standalone company required exiting at a relatively early stage in its growth which ended in a disappointing outcome."

      For further information please contact

      Amphion Innovations plc

      Charlie Morgan

      +1 (212) 210 6224

      Cardew Group

      Tim Robertson/ James Milton
      schrieb am 27.06.11 11:12:48
      Beitrag Nr. 20 ()
      Amphion Innovations
      New Debt Facility
      RNS Number : 8533I
      Amphion Innovations PLC
      21 June 2011


      Amphion Innovations plc
      New Debt Facility

      London and New York, 21 June 2011- Amphion Innovations plc (LSE: AMP) ("Amphion" or the "Company"), the developer of medical and technology businesses, today announces it has secured additional unsecured loan financing of $2,000,000 from R. James Macaleer, Chairman of Amphion, who is also interested in 17.12% of the issued share capital of the Company. The loan is repayable on 31 December 2012 and carries interest at 5 per cent per annum. Should Amphion's licensing program achieve gross revenues of $10,000,000 during the term of the promissory note, the holder will receive interest of an additional 20 per cent per annum, payable at maturity.

      This transaction is deemed a related party transaction for the purposes of the AIM Rules. As a result, the Independent Directors consider, having consulted with the Company's nominated adviser, that the terms of the transaction are fair and reasonable insofar as its shareholders are concerned.

      For further information please contact:

      Amphion Innovations

      Charlie Morgan

      +1 212 210 6224
      schrieb am 30.06.11 09:22:44
      Beitrag Nr. 21 ()
      Amphion Innovations
      Final Results
      RNS Number : 4148J
      Amphion Innovations PLC
      30 June 2011

      30 June 2011

      Amphion Innovations plc

      Preliminary Results for the year to 31 December 2010

      Hier der entsprechende Link:…
      schrieb am 21.07.11 10:32:12
      Beitrag Nr. 22 ()


      Amphion Innovations (AMP)
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      Print Mail a friend Annual reports
      Thursday 21 July, 2011
      Amphion Innovations
      Director/PDMR Shareholding
      RNS Number : 7989K
      Amphion Innovations PLC
      21 July 2011


      Amphion Innovations plc

      Directors Shareholding

      London and New York, 21 July 2011 - Amphion Innovations plc (LSE: AMP) (the "Company" or "Amphion") was advised, on 20 July 2011 that Richard Morgan, CEO of Amphion, purchased 400,000 ordinary shares at 2.375 pence per ordinary shares on 20 July 2011 in the Company.

      Accordingly, Richard Morgan is now beneficially interested in 24,192,499 ordinary shares, representing 18.02 per cent of its issued ordinary share capital.

      For further information please contact:

      Amphion Innovations


      Amphion Innovations +1 212 210 6224

      Charlie Morgan

      Cardew Group +44 020 7930 0777

      Tim Robertson

      Seymour Pierce Limited +44 020 7107 8000

      Freddy Crossley/ Mark Percy
      schrieb am 22.07.11 18:35:14
      Beitrag Nr. 23 ()
      Amphion Innovations CEO Richard Morgan shows faith in firm with share purchase
      Saturday, July 23, 2011 by Jon Mainwaring

      Directors at Amphion Innovations (LON:AMP) are continuing to acquire shares in the business.

      CEO Richard Morgan remains a believer in the technology business builder, buying 400,000 more shares at 2.375 pence each in Amphion on Wednesday. Morgan’s total stake in the firm is now more than 18 per cent since he holds 24,192,499 shares.

      Meanwhile, today the firm confirmed that directors James Macaleer and Gerard Moufflet continue to be compensated in shares. Amphion issued 727,107 shares to the two directors: Macaleer, who received 577,107 new shares, saw his total shareholding increase to 23,318,019 shares; Moufflet’s holding grew to 450,000 shares after receiving 150,000 new shares.

      Fellow director Anthony Henfrey waived his fees for Q4 2010 and Q1 and Q2 2011.

      Amphion Innovations starts and builds companies based on proprietary (patented) technologies developed by universities and academic institutions in the UK and US. Each one of the companies the firm has chosen to invest in and develop was carefully selected to address established markets worth in excess of US$1 billion each, and Amphion also believes that many of them can achieve exit values of more than US$100 million each.

      The firm has struggled from difficulties in raising capital for its partner companies ever since the financial crisis began a few years ago. But Amphion’s recent annual results, released at the end of June, reported that investee company Kromek – a UK business developing digital X-ray systems for applications in security, industrial production, medicine and defence – is continuing to enjoy success in raising capital and continuing to make good progress.
      schrieb am 02.08.11 16:59:16
      Beitrag Nr. 24 ()
      Amphion Innovations Full Amphion Innovations profile here

      Amphion builds shareholder value in high growth companies in the medical and technology sectors, by using a focused, hands-on company building approach, based on decades of experience in both the US and UK.

      Amphion has a significant shareholding in 8 Partner Companies developing proven technologies targeting substantial commercial marketplaces, each in excess of $1 billion. Each Partner Company is chosen with the goal of achieving an exit valuation in excess of $100 million.
      Amphion Innovations swings into profit
      Wednesday, August 03, 2011 by Jon Mainwaring

      Technology commercialisation company Amphion Innovations (LON:AMP) saw a boost to revenue during its first half thanks to an improved performance from its DataTern intellectual property licensing business. The firm is also expected to report a net profit for its first half.

      DataTern has also been making progress with its patent disputes with a number of companies regarding its next-generation business software.

      Amphion expects to report revenue of US$2.6 million for the six months to 30 June, compared to US$1.6 million for H1 2010. The firm said the increase in revenue is mainly due to the improved performance of DataTern, which increased revenue from US$700,000 during H1 2010 to US£$2 million in H1 2011.

      Amphion’s profitability benefited from this increase in revenue, with its operating loss reducing to US$130,000 from US$1.1 million in H1 2010. Admin expenses were also reduced, to US$1.9 million from US$2.4 million in H1 2010.

      Meanwhile, the firm said it expected to have a net profit of US$190,000 for H1 2011, compared to a loss of US$2.9 million for H1 2010.

      The firm's net asset value stood at US$29.6 million (some 22 US cents per share) at 30 June, up from US$29.2 million six months earlier.

      Amphion also reported that its DataTern subsidiary has taken “concrete steps” to combat actions filed against it by Microsoft and SAP in April concerning its ‘402 and ‘502 patents. The two business software firms assert that these patents are invalid and not infringed by companies that DataTern has itself taken action against.

      DataTern has retained law firm McCarter & English, and has filed a motion in New York to dismiss, or at least stay, the actions by Microsoft and SAP, while it also intends to file an application in the US Patent and Trademark Office to re-examine the ‘402 patent. The ‘502 patent has already successfully completed re-examination by the USPTO with all 18 original claims intact and 26 new claims added.

      DataTern’s patent-protected offerings include ObjectSpark Technologies – which can be used across a range of industries to allow business users to develop their own customised data service layers. The business provides non-exclusive licences for its technologies on what it describes as reasonable and non-discriminatory terms.

      In January this year, DataTern announced it had settled five patent infringement lawsuits involving the ‘402 and ‘502 patents, generating total revenues of US$1.125 million.

      Amphion said that the market for financing of private emerging technology and med-tech companies remains “extremely challenging”. However, it said that provided its IP programme continues to make progress its need for capital at the parent company level should remain relatively small.

      During the last 10 trading days, Amphion’s shares have more than doubled their price from 2.12 pence each to 4.25 pence.

      Amphion expects to announce its complete interim results on 23 September.
      schrieb am 16.08.11 17:22:54
      Beitrag Nr. 25 ()
      Amphion Innovations Full Amphion Innovations profile here

      Amphion builds shareholder value in high growth companies in the medical and technology sectors, by using a focused, hands-on company building approach, based on decades of experience in both the US and UK.

      Amphion has a significant shareholding in 8 Partner Companies developing proven technologies targeting substantial commercial marketplaces, each in excess of $1 billion. Each Partner Company is chosen with the goal of achieving an exit valuation in excess of $100 million.
      Amphion Innovations: on the turnaround track
      Tuesday, August 16, 2011 by Jon Mainwaring

      Before the latest round of stock market turbulence began two weeks ago shares in Amphion Innovations (LON:AMP) had only recently bounced from an all-time low of 2.12 pence each. Between mid-July and the beginning of August the shares rose as high as 7.25 pence each and currently they are changing hands for 4.5 pence each.

      Richard Morgan, chief executive officer, is pleased by Amphion’s recent share price recovery but the increase had followed a long decline. “The volumes had been pitiful,” he says, putting the share price fall down to a long period of no news from the company and a few sales of shares.

      However, Morgan’s July 21 purchase of 400,000 shares, just a fraction of the approximately 24.2 million shares he now owns, appears to have been the catalyst that turned the firm’s share price progress around.

      Amphion had announced in its annual report at the end of June that “the recovery seen in the second half has continued in the first few months of the current year”. Then, on August 2, the firm issued a trading update that showed revenue and profitability had been boosted during the first half of its current financial year thanks to improved performance from its DataTern intellectual property licensing business.

      Amphion said that it expects to report revenue of US$2.6 million for the six months to 30 June, compared with US$1.6 million for H1 2010. The firm said the increase in revenue is mainly due to the improved performance of DataTern, which increased revenue from US$700,000 during H1 2010 to US$2 million in H1 2011.

      The DataTern subsidiary has been making progress with its patent-enforcement activities against a number of companies regarding its next-generation business software: ObjectSpark. DataTern has taken “concrete steps” to combat actions filed against it by Microsoft and SAP in April concerning its ’402 and ’502 patents. The two business software firms assert that these patents are invalid and not infringed by companies that DataTern itself has taken action against.

      ObjectSpark, a form of what the enterprise software industry calls ‘business objects software’, is based on processes identified in the ’402 and ’502 patents to do with how business data is stored. “’402 and ’502 are sister patents. They are distinct but very complementary,” says Morgan. “Companies are routinely getting data from the real world, and that data needs to be stored. The place they store it is in a relational database.”

      DataTern’s case is that it developed the key steps to all this work. “We figured out, before anyone else did, how to do the mapping process,” he says. “Now it has become state of the art and a completely routine, ubiquitous thing that’s used by everybody. And big software companies have incorporated this process into their tools.”

      DataTern’s ObjectSpark can be used across a range of industries to allow business users to develop their own customised data service layers, and the business provides non-exclusive licences for its technologies on what it describes as “reasonable and non-discriminatory terms”.

      And since DataTern has taken a more robust approach concerning its patents it has managed to boost revenues from the software. For example, in January this year DataTern announced it settled five patent infringement lawsuits involving the ’402 and ’502 patents, generating total revenues of US$1.125 million.

      Now, the business has retained law firm McCarter & English, and on July 22 filed a motion in New York to dismiss, or at least stay, the actions by Microsoft and SAP. Around the same time it also filed an application in the US Patent and Trademark Office to re-examine the ’402 patent. The ’502 patent already successfully completed re-examination by the USPTO with all 18 original claims intact and 26 new claims added.

      However, it should be remembered that Amphion is primarily a technology commercialisation company. Originally its purpose was and, according to Morgan, remains the starting and building of businesses that are based on proprietary (patented) technologies developed by UK and US universities and academic institutions. Each one of the businesses that Amphion has chosen to invest in and develop has been selected to address established markets worth in excess of US$1 billion, with the firm aiming to achieve exit values of more than US$100 million for each company.

      Amphion, and its share price, has suffered in recent years because the progress of its ‘Partner Companies’ has been adversely affected by difficulties in raising capital from external investors.

      In spite of this, Amphion’s eight Partner Companies still managed to raise US$16.3 million last year, with the lion’s share of this (US$10.6 million) being raised by Kromek – a UK firm that is developing digital X-ray systems for applications in security, industrial production, medicine and defence.

      Myconostica, one of Amphion’s other Partner Companies, did not enjoy similar success so in May 2011 Amphion sold its 16 per cent stake in the company to Cambridge-based Lab21, a privately-owned medical diagnostics business, in return for US$200,000 of Lab21 equity. Amphion’s stake in Myconostica was valued at US$2.3 million at the end of 2010, so Amphion’s net asset value was reduced by around US$2 million as a result of the deal.

      For now, Kromek is probably the best bet in terms of an exit opportunity for Amphion in the short-to-medium term, with the next most likely to achieve an exit being Motif BioSciences – which exploits population genetics, and novel clinical chemistry, for pharmaceuticals and diagnostics applications. “We have been talking about doing an IPO for one or two of the businesses since early 2008,” says Morgan. “If the stock market as a whole is supportive I think we should have a great opportunity to IPO Kromek and perhaps Motif during the next one to two years.”

      Meanwhile, the firm’s Partner Company FireStar Software has made great progress despite what Amphion has described as “severe financial challenges”. FireStar succeeded in getting key products and technology adopted as standard by the Object Management Group – a standards setting body for enterprise software – while managing to be included in a consortium that is developing important software products for the US government.

      FireStar’s key technology assets remain intact and this company has now had its patent application covering some of its critical messaging technologies granted by the US Patent Office. The business is starting to attract additional capital from investors other than Amphion to supplement cash flow expected from contract awards.

      Other firms that Amphion is invested in include: publically traded Axcess International – a developer of RFID systems for a range of applications, mostly revolving around “advanced workforce management” which embraces safety, efficiency and security; m2m Imaging – MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) coils and tools for clinical and research applications; PrivateMarkets – online energy trading marketplace; and WellGen – a firm developing medical foods and nutritional supplements for the health market.

      In the meantime, Morgan says that financial progress at the firm appears to be on a more positive trend. “If you look at the last three halves you will see a poor half to start with, moving to a better half in H2 2010 and then an even better half in H1 2011,” he says. “Now we’ve got a new leg to the business in the shape of Datatern, which is in a better situation, although we never expected it to become a P&L business.”
      schrieb am 09.09.11 10:52:40
      Beitrag Nr. 26 ()
      Amphion Innovations
      Issue of Equity
      RNS Number : 9085N
      Amphion Innovations PLC
      09 September 2011


      Amphion Innovations plc

      Issue of Equity

      London and New York, 9 September 2011 - Amphion Innovations plc (LSE: AMP) ("Amphion" or the "Company"), the developer of medical and technology businesses today announces that, at a Board meeting held today, the Company has issued 463,474 ordinary shares, representing 0.34% of the enlarged issued share capital, to a former non-executive director, in lieu of fees, priced at 2.625 pence, being the average of the closing mid-market price for the five days leading up to the market close on 31 May 2011, the date that payment was due.

      Admission of the 463,474 new ordinary shares, ranking pari passu with the existing ordinary shares, is expected on 16 September 2011. Following this allotment the total issued share capital of the Company will increase to 134,689,324 ordinary shares with each share holding one voting right.

      For further information please contact

      Amphion Innovations plc

      Charlie Morgan

      +1 (212) 210 6224
      schrieb am 21.11.11 13:50:15
      Beitrag Nr. 27 ()
      Monday 21 November, 2011
      Amphion Innovations
      New Suits Filed and New Debt Facilites
      RNS Number : 4373S
      Amphion Innovations PLC
      21 November 2011


      Amphion Subsidiary Files Additional Patent Infringement Suits

      For Its Object-Oriented Software/ Relational Database Patent

      New Debt Facility

      London and New York 21 November 2011 - Amphion Innovations plc (LSE: AMP) announces that DataTern, Inc., owner of U.S. Patent No. 6,101,502 ("the '502 patent") has filed patent infringement cases against a number of companies in the United States District Court for the District of Massachusetts, asserting infringement of the '502 patent. The '502 patent is directed to novel and groundbreaking methods and systems for facilitating interaction between object-oriented software programmes and relational databases. As such, the patented technology has become fundamental to the development of numerous enterprise software applications, including business intelligence and data mining products.

      According to DataTern's Chief Executive Officer, John Caruso, "numerous companies have recognized the importance of the patented technology to their software products and systems and have thus licensed the technology. We want to make sure to protect our licensees and the substantial investment made in the technology by stopping those who would use our patented technology without permission."

      DataTern, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Amphion Innovations plc., fosters innovation by helping companies develop and commercialise promising technologies, including in the IT and healthcare sectors. DataTern is represented by McCarter & English LLP in Boston.

      Amphion also today announces it has agreed additional unsecured loan financing of $500,000 from R. James Macaleer, Chairman of Amphion, who is also interested in 17.31% of the issued share capital of the Company. The loan is repayable on 15 February 2012 and carries an interest rate of 7% per annum.

      Furthermore, as part of the new debt facility agreement, outstanding loans to Mr Macaleer as announced on 15 April 2011 and 9 December 2010 which became payable on 31 January 2012 for a total of $1 million have been extended until 31 December 2012 and a loan of $2 million dollars which became payable at 31 December 2012 has been extended to 31 December 2013. All loans will carry the interest rate of 7% per annum.

      This transaction is deemed a related party transaction for the purposes of the AIM Rules. As a result, the Independent Directors consider, having consulted with the Company's nominated adviser, that the terms of the transaction are fair and reasonable insofar as its shareholders are concerned.

      For further information please contact:

      DataTern Inc.

      John Caruso +1 212 210 6248

      McCarter & English LLP

      Lee Carl Bromberg +1 617 449 6538

      Erik Paul Belt + 1 617 449 6506

      Amphion Innovations plc

      Charlie Morgan +1 212 210 6224

      Cardew Group

      Tim Robertson +44 20 7930 0777

      Seymour Pierce Limited (Nominated Adviser)

      Freddie Crossley/ Mark Percy +44 20 7149 6000
      schrieb am 06.12.11 14:16:37
      Beitrag Nr. 28 ()


      Amphion Innovations (AMP)
      Add to Alerts list
      Print Mail a friend Annual reports
      Tuesday 06 December, 2011
      Amphion Innovations
      Director/PDMR Shareholding
      RNS Number : 4225T
      Amphion Innovations PLC
      06 December 2011


      Amphion Innovations plc

      Directors' Dealings
      Directors Receive Shares in Lieu of Fees

      London and New York, 6 December 2011 - Amphion Innovations plc (the "Company") (LSE: AMP), the developer of medical and technology businesses, announces that the Company has today issued 159,228 ordinary shares, representing 0.11% of the enlarged issued share capital, to certain of its Board members as their directors' fees for the third quarter to 30 September 2011, priced at 5.13p, being the average of the closing mid-market price for the five days leading up to the market close on 30 September 2011. Following this issue, the directors' shareholdings in the Company are as follows:


      Number of New Shares

      Total Shareholding

      Percentage of voting rights

      R. James Macaleer




      Gerard Moufflet




      Director, Anthony Henfrey waived his fees for the third quarter of 2011.

      Admission of the 159,228 new ordinary shares, ranking pari passu with the existing ordinary shares, is expected on 12 December 2011. Following this allotment the total issued share capital of the Company will increase to 134,848,552 ordinary shares with each share holding one voting right.

      The Company has today granted options in respect of a further 7,250,000 Ordinary Shares at an issue price of 4 pence per Ordinary Share to certain employees and Directors which shall be exercisable from 31 December 2013 under the terms of the Share Option Scheme. This will include options in respect of 2,000,000 Ordinary Shares granted to Richard Morgan bringing his total options to 2,500,000 Ordinary Shares, 2,000,000 Ordinary Shares granted to Robert Bertoldi bringing his total options to 2,350,000 Ordinary Shares, and 1,750,000 Ordinary Shares granted to Jerel Whittingham bringing his total options to 2,000,000 Ordinary Shares. As of 1 July 2011, 6,500,000 options under the scheme expired, including 2,000,000 issued to Richard Morgan, 1,250,000 issued to Robert Bertoldi, and 1,750,000 issued to Jerel Whittingham.

      For further information please contact:

      Amphion Innovations

      Charlie Morgan:

      +1 212 210 6224

      Seymour Pierce Limited

      Freddy Crossley/ Mark Percy

      +44 020 7107 8300

      Cardew Group

      Tim Robertson

      +44 020 7930 0777
      schrieb am 09.12.11 19:08:19
      Beitrag Nr. 29 ()
      Ist heute Rosenmontag in Frankfurt.

      Oder wie erklärt sich der Tax Kurs zu 0,002€.

      Hat der Makler nicht mal nach London geschaut. Die Haben in Euro 0,04 getaxt.

      Na da scheint der dicke Finger mal eben auf eine 0 zuviel gegangen zu sein.:laugh:

      2.000.000. stellt er ins Geld:laugh::laugh::laugh:

      und 0,06€ macht er ein Bid. Der ist besoffen.:laugh::laugh::laugh:

      Schade das es solche Kursmakler gibt. Spricht für sich. Sehr seriös ist so etwas nicht gerade.

      Aber wir als Kunden sind ja solche Makler gewöhnt.

      Nur meine Meinung.:keks:

      schrieb am 19.12.11 19:05:00
      Beitrag Nr. 30 ()
      Amphion Innovations is significantly undervalued against its NAV, says broker
      Tuesday, December 20, 2011 by Giles Gwinnett

      Technology commercialisation firm Amphion Innovations (LON:AMP) is significantly undervalued against its net asset value, says Seymour Pierce analyst Dr Mike Mitchell.

      The broker has begun coverage on the firm, which focuses on the medical and technology sectors, initiating with a 'buy' targeting a price of 10 pence (current price: 4 pence a share).

      "In light of the near-term progress being made across the business, we believe Amphion is significantly undervalued against its NAV," said Mitchell.

      However, the analyst conceded that in the light of wider market conditions, that discount was justified.

      But he added: "However, with the DataTern business effectively acting as an ‘engine’ for the portfolio business of Amphion, we believe the current approximate 70 per cent discount is overdone.

      "Instead, we believe a discount of around 30 per cent is more justified," he said, adding that the broker's own target price had been worked out at 10 pence.

      Since floating in 2005, the firm's strategy has been to build high-potential companies with innovative, proprietary, and proven technology.

      This approach has delivered a portfolio of partner firms which operate across industrial sectors, and it has a wholly-owned licensing firm called DataTern.

      "While capital markets have been restrained in their desire to fund small, emerging tech businesses, Amphion has focused DataTern to deliver what is now a growing stream of IP licensing revenues," said Dr Mitchell.

      The analyst added that DataTern's ownership of ObjectSpark patents represented widely-used relational databases, which DataTern had successfully licensed to multinational companies.

      "Claims of noninfringement and patent invalidity from Microsoft, SAP AG and SAP America, Inc. have been refuted by Amphion, who continues to enforce these patents against other infringers.

      "We anticipate that licensing streams will continue to be an important and growing source of revenue for Amphion in the near-term," concluded the analyst.
      schrieb am 13.11.12 07:48:30
      Beitrag Nr. 31 ()
      Ist amphion innovations jetzt Pleite oder besteht noch die Hoffnung, das aus der Aktie irgendwann nochmal was wird?
      Gruß, seakey

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