STRYKER 864952 - eine der besten Medizintechnikaktien (Seite 46)
eröffnet am 26.07.06 13:50:26 von
neuester Beitrag 14.11.24 17:26:43 von
neuester Beitrag 14.11.24 17:26:43 von
Beiträge: 459
ID: 1.073.233
ID: 1.073.233
Aufrufe heute: 0
Gesamt: 62.779
Gesamt: 62.779
Aktive User: 0
ISIN: US8636671013 · WKN: 864952 · Symbol: SYK
+0,43 %
+1,63 USD
Letzter Kurs 18.01.25 NYSE
Titel |
17.01.25 · globenewswire |
16.01.25 · wO Chartvergleich |
08.01.25 · wO Chartvergleich |
07.01.25 · wO Chartvergleich |
07.01.25 · wO Newsflash |
Werte aus der Branche Biotechnologie
Wertpapier | Kurs | Perf. % |
1,7222 | +193,54 | |
0,7000 | +127,57 | |
1,9300 | +97,73 | |
1,4800 | +34,55 | |
4,4117 | +32,45 |
Wertpapier | Kurs | Perf. % |
0,6275 | -14,25 | |
3,0300 | -27,86 | |
6,5700 | -16,09 | |
0,6901 | -15,35 | |
0,6009 | -15,50 |
Beitrag zu dieser Diskussion schreiben
Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 23.284.738 von spaceistheplace am 02.08.06 16:26:27der Anstieg hat auch seinen Grund...hier die aktuelle meldung:
Device makers lifted on Medicare plan
Cuts shallower than expected, giving aid to cardio group
By Russ Britt, MarketWatch
Last Update: 12:32 PM ET Aug 2, 2006
LOS ANGELES (MarketWatch) -- Medical device makers got a boost Wednesday as expected reductions in reimbursements from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services won't take as much of a bite as had been anticipated.
Shares of companies such as Medtronic, St. Jude Medical and Boston Scientific traded up more than 2%. Fee schedules for such devices as stents -- expected to be cut by more than 30% in some cases -- were reduced by only a few percentage points.
The news came as a welcome relief for many device makers' stocks, which have experienced volatility in recent weeks and months in anticipation of the ruling. Deutsche Bank analyst Tao Levy said in a note to clients that investors should see less volatility in the stocks.
"As a result, and given that we are now more positive on the reimbursement outlook for the med-tech sector, we would expect a slight multiple expansion," Levy wrote.
The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, or CMS, had proposed cuts of up to 34% at one time for drug-eluting stent reimbursement, but the agency's now pared that back to a little more than 2%. Implantable cardio-defibrillators had been penciled in for more than 22% in reductions, but now they will be cut between 2% and 3%.
And instead of cutting payments for pacemakers, heart valves and joint replacements, CMS will instead raise reimbursement rates.
Other stocks that gained on the news included Alphatec Holdings Inc. , Biomet Inc. , Stereotaxis , Stryker Corp. and Zimmer Holdings Inc.
Analysts cautioned, though, that there may be roadblocks for these and other companies in the future. While CMS may not cut reimbursements as much as was anticipated, there could be other demands that the agency makes.
"One of CMS's focuses has been increased pricing transparency on the hospital side, but now medical devices also seem to be on the agenda," UBS Investment Research's Kenneth Weakley wrote in a note to clients.
And Citigroup's Matthew Dodds said today's rally may not last, as many expected that the proposed CMS cuts never would see the light of day.
"From a fundamental standpoint, the aforementioned changes are not going to impact our market forecasts since we did not expect the initial cuts to hold and never lowered our estimates once they came out," Dodds said in a note to clients. "Our sense is that most of our competitors did not lower estimates either and hence are not apt to increase them today."
Russ Britt is the Los Angeles bureau chief for MarketWatch.
Device makers lifted on Medicare plan
Cuts shallower than expected, giving aid to cardio group
By Russ Britt, MarketWatch
Last Update: 12:32 PM ET Aug 2, 2006
LOS ANGELES (MarketWatch) -- Medical device makers got a boost Wednesday as expected reductions in reimbursements from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services won't take as much of a bite as had been anticipated.
Shares of companies such as Medtronic, St. Jude Medical and Boston Scientific traded up more than 2%. Fee schedules for such devices as stents -- expected to be cut by more than 30% in some cases -- were reduced by only a few percentage points.
The news came as a welcome relief for many device makers' stocks, which have experienced volatility in recent weeks and months in anticipation of the ruling. Deutsche Bank analyst Tao Levy said in a note to clients that investors should see less volatility in the stocks.
"As a result, and given that we are now more positive on the reimbursement outlook for the med-tech sector, we would expect a slight multiple expansion," Levy wrote.
The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, or CMS, had proposed cuts of up to 34% at one time for drug-eluting stent reimbursement, but the agency's now pared that back to a little more than 2%. Implantable cardio-defibrillators had been penciled in for more than 22% in reductions, but now they will be cut between 2% and 3%.
And instead of cutting payments for pacemakers, heart valves and joint replacements, CMS will instead raise reimbursement rates.
Other stocks that gained on the news included Alphatec Holdings Inc. , Biomet Inc. , Stereotaxis , Stryker Corp. and Zimmer Holdings Inc.
Analysts cautioned, though, that there may be roadblocks for these and other companies in the future. While CMS may not cut reimbursements as much as was anticipated, there could be other demands that the agency makes.
"One of CMS's focuses has been increased pricing transparency on the hospital side, but now medical devices also seem to be on the agenda," UBS Investment Research's Kenneth Weakley wrote in a note to clients.
And Citigroup's Matthew Dodds said today's rally may not last, as many expected that the proposed CMS cuts never would see the light of day.
"From a fundamental standpoint, the aforementioned changes are not going to impact our market forecasts since we did not expect the initial cuts to hold and never lowered our estimates once they came out," Dodds said in a note to clients. "Our sense is that most of our competitors did not lower estimates either and hence are not apt to increase them today."
Russ Britt is the Los Angeles bureau chief for MarketWatch.
Stryker kommt heute wieder gut in Fahrt, schon über 3% Plus. Die haben das Tief gesehen vom Juli. Die Bewertung ist auch so günstig wie schon lange nicht mehr....
Gruss mit Kaufbefehl
Gruss mit Kaufbefehl
ich habe heute noch ne Meldung gefunden zu dieser supoena-Geschichte, die sich anhört, als ob da die Untersuchungen des US-Justizministeriums, die ja gerade auf den 4 beteiliogten Firmen lastet, ein Null-Nummer sein könnte, wenn es denn so stimmt...
Gruss space
31.07.2006 16:59
S&N-Mitarbeiter versucht Absprache mit Konkurrenz
Smith&Nephew hat in einer internen Untersuchung entdeckt, daß ein unabhängiger Vertreter des Unternehmens via E-Mail sich an Wettbewerber gewandt hat, um eine möglicherweise wettbewerbswidrige Zusammenarbeit bei implantologischen Orthopädieprodukten anzuregen. Das britische Unternehmen erklärte, der Vertreter habe nicht auf Instruktionen des Unternehmens gehandelt und darüber hinaus gegen die Unternehmenspolitik des Medizintechnikers verstoßen. Aus der Kontaktaufnahme seien keinerlei Vereinbarungen mit Wettbewerbern entstanden.
Smith&Nephew erklärte weiter, die Person sei nicht mehr für das Unternehmen tätig sei. Außerdem unterhalte das Unternehmen keine Geschäftsbeziehungen mit Zimmer Holdings, Biomet, Stryker und Johnson&Johnson. Gegen alle diese Unternehmen führt das US-Justizministerium derzeit eine Untersuchung durch.
Gruss space
31.07.2006 16:59
S&N-Mitarbeiter versucht Absprache mit Konkurrenz
Smith&Nephew hat in einer internen Untersuchung entdeckt, daß ein unabhängiger Vertreter des Unternehmens via E-Mail sich an Wettbewerber gewandt hat, um eine möglicherweise wettbewerbswidrige Zusammenarbeit bei implantologischen Orthopädieprodukten anzuregen. Das britische Unternehmen erklärte, der Vertreter habe nicht auf Instruktionen des Unternehmens gehandelt und darüber hinaus gegen die Unternehmenspolitik des Medizintechnikers verstoßen. Aus der Kontaktaufnahme seien keinerlei Vereinbarungen mit Wettbewerbern entstanden.
Smith&Nephew erklärte weiter, die Person sei nicht mehr für das Unternehmen tätig sei. Außerdem unterhalte das Unternehmen keine Geschäftsbeziehungen mit Zimmer Holdings, Biomet, Stryker und Johnson&Johnson. Gegen alle diese Unternehmen führt das US-Justizministerium derzeit eine Untersuchung durch.
Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 23.068.967 von graue eminenz am 26.07.06 19:19:50Hallo graue eminenz, schön ,dass jemand schreibt, ich glaube, das ist der erste Thread zu diesem Unternehmen, eigentlich eine Schande, denn in Deutschland z.B. findest Du kaum eine Firma mit so einer Qualität. Nichts dest trotz, vielleicht bekommen wir ja ne kleine Diskussion / Gedankenaustausch ins Rollen.
ich bin über Börse Aktuell und die 100 Champions-Strategie auf Stryker gestoßen und habe gleich gedacht bei dem Langfristchart, da muss was dran sein...und so ist es, absolut! Die werden weiter gut verdienen, trotz der Konkurenz.
ZIMMER leidet auch unter dieser subpoena-Geschichte, wie auch Johnson & Johnson und Smith & Nephew, aber das ist nur von temporärer Bedeutung. Egal wie die Geschichte ausgeht, langfristig wird Stryker sein Ding machen, da bin ich sicher, denn das management arbeitet hervorragend, für mich eh eine der wichtigsten Kriterien für den Aktienkauf.
Es gibt noch ein weiteres Med-tech-Unternehmen, das einen ähnlich guten langfristchart uafweist: DENTSPLY, Zahngeschichten etc. auch in Deutschland gibt es eine Stratec Biomedical, die ich auch sehr gut positioniert sehe, jedoch viel kleiner und weitaus spekulativer. Ein Maschinenbauer, der Analysegeräte für große Pharmafirmen herstellt und gewaltig wächst, auch in den nächsten jahren...hier gibt es auch einen interessanten Thread zu der Firma.
Okay, so gut, jetzt gehts auf die Terrasse, das weizen wartet....
Gruss und bis bald
ich bin über Börse Aktuell und die 100 Champions-Strategie auf Stryker gestoßen und habe gleich gedacht bei dem Langfristchart, da muss was dran sein...und so ist es, absolut! Die werden weiter gut verdienen, trotz der Konkurenz.
ZIMMER leidet auch unter dieser subpoena-Geschichte, wie auch Johnson & Johnson und Smith & Nephew, aber das ist nur von temporärer Bedeutung. Egal wie die Geschichte ausgeht, langfristig wird Stryker sein Ding machen, da bin ich sicher, denn das management arbeitet hervorragend, für mich eh eine der wichtigsten Kriterien für den Aktienkauf.
Es gibt noch ein weiteres Med-tech-Unternehmen, das einen ähnlich guten langfristchart uafweist: DENTSPLY, Zahngeschichten etc. auch in Deutschland gibt es eine Stratec Biomedical, die ich auch sehr gut positioniert sehe, jedoch viel kleiner und weitaus spekulativer. Ein Maschinenbauer, der Analysegeräte für große Pharmafirmen herstellt und gewaltig wächst, auch in den nächsten jahren...hier gibt es auch einen interessanten Thread zu der Firma.
Okay, so gut, jetzt gehts auf die Terrasse, das weizen wartet....
Gruss und bis bald
die leiden im moment wie auch ZIMMER unter einer schlechten stimmung ... was den einstieg angeht, stimme ich dir zu ... werde auch nachlegen ... genauso wie bei WRIGLEY
und hier noch die Gewinnprognosen für Stryker, nachzulesen unter…
Wenn das nicht überzeugt....
Gewinn pro Aktie:
2005: 1,75
2006: 2,02
2007: 2,41
2008: 2,87
2009: 3,29
2010: 3,72
Gruss space…
Wenn das nicht überzeugt....
Gewinn pro Aktie:
2005: 1,75
2006: 2,02
2007: 2,41
2008: 2,87
2009: 3,29
2010: 3,72
Gruss space
Stryker verkündert heute eine weiter neue Erfindung
Stryker Orthopaedics Announces Knee System With Leading Wear-Resistant Technology
New Test Results Show Stryker's Triathlon(R) Knee System with X3(R) Advanced Bearing Technology Demonstrates up to 96% Less Wear than Competitive Premium Bearing Technology
PrintE-mailDisable live quotesRSSDigg itDel.icio.usLast Update: 7:01 AM ET Jul 26, 2006
MAHWAH, N.J., July 26, 2006 /PRNewswire-FirstCall via COMTEX/ -- In keeping with its commitment to developing effective, longer-lasting and natural-feeling joint replacements, Stryker Orthopaedics
12:07am 07/26/2006
Stryker has married two of its most recent implant innovations in a new knee system that is yielding significantly lower wear rates in the laboratory than other leading implants available on the market today.
Laboratory testing on wear simulators shows a 96 percent wear reduction over the leading competitive premium bearing technology with the combination of Stryker's X3(R), a highly crosslinked polyethylene, and the Triathlon(R) Knee System, a design noted for its improved range of motion and fit.(1,2)
The results of the lab testing are significant because implant wear is one of the major, non-clinical causes of implant failure. By reducing wear, Stryker expects to improve the longevity of its implants, which has emerged as one of patients' most fundamental concerns about knee replacement surgery, according to a new survey commissioned by Stryker Corporation and conducted by Harris Interactive(R).
Although over half of the U.S. population (53 percent) are unsure how long a total knee replacement should typically last, the poll shows that longevity (45 percent) and range of motion (54 percent) are two of the three most important factors when selecting a knee replacement system, according to U.S. adults who have either had knee surgery or considered it
"Today's knee replacement patient is younger and more active than the patients of a generation ago," said Mike Mogul, President of Stryker Orthopaedics. "And for them, the longevity of the implant is a fundamental concern. By focusing on wear reduction technologies, Stryker believes we can not only relieve the suffering of these patients, but allow them to continue their lifestyles while decreasing their worry about the life of their implants."
The X3 advanced bearing technology, only available from Stryker Orthopaedics, is the first highly crosslinked polyethylene to address three of the most common, non-clinical causes of implant failure. By utilizing a patented annealing process in which the temperature is kept below the melt point following irradiation, the material properties of the polyethylene are preserved. X3 is the first polyethylene that is sequentially irradiated annealed. This means it does not need to be "remelted" and thus, the polyethylene is not weakened, which increases the wear resistance of the material while maintaining its strength.(3, 4, 5)
Equally important is implant design. The intuitive and evolutionary design of Triathlon is predicated on the worldwide clinical success of millions of Stryker knee implantations and the latest advancements in design and materials. The Triathlon Knee System is designed to provide patients more natural motion, and the potential for greater implant longevity. It's also available in a range of sizes to more closely fit the anatomies of both men and women, with narrower implants designed to accommodate the female bone structure and improve the fit and function for women.(2)
"These latest test results demonstrating a 96 percent less wear of Stryker's X3 with the Triathlon Knee System over competitors' bearing technologies once again demonstrates our commitment to developing longer- lasting implants," says Mogul.
For additional information on knee replacement surgery and Stryker Orthopaedics' Triathlon Knee System with X3 technology, visit .
About the Survey
This survey was conducted online by Harris Interactive on behalf of Stryker Orthopaedics between July 11 and July 13, 2006 among 2,325 U.S. adults 18 years of age or older, of whom 224 have had or considered knee replacement surgery. Figures for region, age within gender, education, household income and race/ethnicity were weighted where necessary to bring them into line with their actual proportions in the population. Propensity score weighting was also used to adjust for respondents' propensity to be online.
With a pure probability sample of 2,325 adults one could say with a ninety-five percent probability that the overall results have a sampling error of 3 percentage points. The sampling error for the sub-samples of adults who have had or considered knee replacement surgery (n=224) and adults who have no experience with knee replacement surgery (n=2,101) is higher and varies. However that does not take other sources of error into account. This online survey is not based on a probability sample and therefore no theoretical sampling error can be calculated.
About Stryker Orthopaedics
Stryker Orthopaedics offers an extensive orthopaedic product portfolio including hip, knee and upper extremity reconstructive devices, bone cement, trauma implants and bone substitutes. For more information about Stryker Orthopaedics, visit .
Stryker Orthopaedics Announces Knee System With Leading Wear-Resistant Technology
New Test Results Show Stryker's Triathlon(R) Knee System with X3(R) Advanced Bearing Technology Demonstrates up to 96% Less Wear than Competitive Premium Bearing Technology
PrintE-mailDisable live quotesRSSDigg itDel.icio.usLast Update: 7:01 AM ET Jul 26, 2006
MAHWAH, N.J., July 26, 2006 /PRNewswire-FirstCall via COMTEX/ -- In keeping with its commitment to developing effective, longer-lasting and natural-feeling joint replacements, Stryker Orthopaedics
12:07am 07/26/2006
Stryker has married two of its most recent implant innovations in a new knee system that is yielding significantly lower wear rates in the laboratory than other leading implants available on the market today.
Laboratory testing on wear simulators shows a 96 percent wear reduction over the leading competitive premium bearing technology with the combination of Stryker's X3(R), a highly crosslinked polyethylene, and the Triathlon(R) Knee System, a design noted for its improved range of motion and fit.(1,2)
The results of the lab testing are significant because implant wear is one of the major, non-clinical causes of implant failure. By reducing wear, Stryker expects to improve the longevity of its implants, which has emerged as one of patients' most fundamental concerns about knee replacement surgery, according to a new survey commissioned by Stryker Corporation and conducted by Harris Interactive(R).
Although over half of the U.S. population (53 percent) are unsure how long a total knee replacement should typically last, the poll shows that longevity (45 percent) and range of motion (54 percent) are two of the three most important factors when selecting a knee replacement system, according to U.S. adults who have either had knee surgery or considered it
"Today's knee replacement patient is younger and more active than the patients of a generation ago," said Mike Mogul, President of Stryker Orthopaedics. "And for them, the longevity of the implant is a fundamental concern. By focusing on wear reduction technologies, Stryker believes we can not only relieve the suffering of these patients, but allow them to continue their lifestyles while decreasing their worry about the life of their implants."
The X3 advanced bearing technology, only available from Stryker Orthopaedics, is the first highly crosslinked polyethylene to address three of the most common, non-clinical causes of implant failure. By utilizing a patented annealing process in which the temperature is kept below the melt point following irradiation, the material properties of the polyethylene are preserved. X3 is the first polyethylene that is sequentially irradiated annealed. This means it does not need to be "remelted" and thus, the polyethylene is not weakened, which increases the wear resistance of the material while maintaining its strength.(3, 4, 5)
Equally important is implant design. The intuitive and evolutionary design of Triathlon is predicated on the worldwide clinical success of millions of Stryker knee implantations and the latest advancements in design and materials. The Triathlon Knee System is designed to provide patients more natural motion, and the potential for greater implant longevity. It's also available in a range of sizes to more closely fit the anatomies of both men and women, with narrower implants designed to accommodate the female bone structure and improve the fit and function for women.(2)
"These latest test results demonstrating a 96 percent less wear of Stryker's X3 with the Triathlon Knee System over competitors' bearing technologies once again demonstrates our commitment to developing longer- lasting implants," says Mogul.
For additional information on knee replacement surgery and Stryker Orthopaedics' Triathlon Knee System with X3 technology, visit .
About the Survey
This survey was conducted online by Harris Interactive on behalf of Stryker Orthopaedics between July 11 and July 13, 2006 among 2,325 U.S. adults 18 years of age or older, of whom 224 have had or considered knee replacement surgery. Figures for region, age within gender, education, household income and race/ethnicity were weighted where necessary to bring them into line with their actual proportions in the population. Propensity score weighting was also used to adjust for respondents' propensity to be online.
With a pure probability sample of 2,325 adults one could say with a ninety-five percent probability that the overall results have a sampling error of 3 percentage points. The sampling error for the sub-samples of adults who have had or considered knee replacement surgery (n=224) and adults who have no experience with knee replacement surgery (n=2,101) is higher and varies. However that does not take other sources of error into account. This online survey is not based on a probability sample and therefore no theoretical sampling error can be calculated.
About Stryker Orthopaedics
Stryker Orthopaedics offers an extensive orthopaedic product portfolio including hip, knee and upper extremity reconstructive devices, bone cement, trauma implants and bone substitutes. For more information about Stryker Orthopaedics, visit .
Die Antitrust-Vorladung, die in den letzten Monaten auf dem Kurs von Stryker lastete scheint jetzt langsam ein Ende zu finden...
Stryker CEO: Scope Of DOJ Subpoena 'Has Been Narrowed'
07-20-06 06:43 PM EST
The scope of a recent U.S. Department of Justice antitrust subpoena issued to orthopedic products company Stryker Corp. (SYK) has been "narrowed," Stryker's chief executive said late Thursday.
Stryker, along with multiple rivals in the orthopedics sector, announced last month that it had received a Justice Department subpoena requesting several years worth of documents regarding possible federal criminal and antitrust-law violations.
Speaking on a call with analysts following Stryker's second-quarter earnings release, Stephen P. MacMillan, Stryker's president and chief executive, offered a "modest update" on the scope of the government's probe.
"We're actually pleased to tell you that the scope of this recent subpoena has been narrowed," MacMillan said.
Asked about the matter further, MacMillan said Stryker recently learned that the probe had been narrowed either in terms of product lines or geography. He said he did not know whether this was a Stryker-specific development or an industry development.
Biomet Inc. (BMET), Zimmer Holdings Inc. (ZMH), Smith & Nephew PLC (SNN) and Johnson & Johnson (JNJ) orthopedic unit DePuy Inc. have also reported receiving Justice Department antitrust subpoenas.
On a call with analysts June 28, following Biomet's fiscal fourth-quarter earnings release, Biomet interim Chief Executive Daniel P. Hann called the subpoena Biomet received "very broad," and said the company doesn't know specifically what the investigation is about.
"The subpoena does not signal anything other than an investigation into price and bidding in our industry," Hann said on that call.
Orthopedics companies in early 2005 reported receiving a separate batch of Justice Department subpoenas regarding a probe of consulting or professional- services agreements between companies and orthopedics surgeons. It isn't clear whether that probe is linked to the most recent subpoenas.
Stryker shares were recently up 3%, or $1.30, to $44.50 in after-hours trading, according to Inet. Shares closed down 2.4% at $43.20 during Thursday's regular session.
Stryker reported after the closing bell Thursday second-quarter earnings of $ 213.9 million, or 52 cents a share, up from $177.8 million, or 43 cents a share, in the year-earlier period.
Analysts surveyed by Thomson First Call on average projected earnings of 51 cents a share in the quarter.
- By Jon Kamp; Dow Jones Newswires; 312-750-4129;
Stryker CEO: Scope Of DOJ Subpoena 'Has Been Narrowed'
07-20-06 06:43 PM EST
The scope of a recent U.S. Department of Justice antitrust subpoena issued to orthopedic products company Stryker Corp. (SYK) has been "narrowed," Stryker's chief executive said late Thursday.
Stryker, along with multiple rivals in the orthopedics sector, announced last month that it had received a Justice Department subpoena requesting several years worth of documents regarding possible federal criminal and antitrust-law violations.
Speaking on a call with analysts following Stryker's second-quarter earnings release, Stephen P. MacMillan, Stryker's president and chief executive, offered a "modest update" on the scope of the government's probe.
"We're actually pleased to tell you that the scope of this recent subpoena has been narrowed," MacMillan said.
Asked about the matter further, MacMillan said Stryker recently learned that the probe had been narrowed either in terms of product lines or geography. He said he did not know whether this was a Stryker-specific development or an industry development.
Biomet Inc. (BMET), Zimmer Holdings Inc. (ZMH), Smith & Nephew PLC (SNN) and Johnson & Johnson (JNJ) orthopedic unit DePuy Inc. have also reported receiving Justice Department antitrust subpoenas.
On a call with analysts June 28, following Biomet's fiscal fourth-quarter earnings release, Biomet interim Chief Executive Daniel P. Hann called the subpoena Biomet received "very broad," and said the company doesn't know specifically what the investigation is about.
"The subpoena does not signal anything other than an investigation into price and bidding in our industry," Hann said on that call.
Orthopedics companies in early 2005 reported receiving a separate batch of Justice Department subpoenas regarding a probe of consulting or professional- services agreements between companies and orthopedics surgeons. It isn't clear whether that probe is linked to the most recent subpoenas.
Stryker shares were recently up 3%, or $1.30, to $44.50 in after-hours trading, according to Inet. Shares closed down 2.4% at $43.20 during Thursday's regular session.
Stryker reported after the closing bell Thursday second-quarter earnings of $ 213.9 million, or 52 cents a share, up from $177.8 million, or 43 cents a share, in the year-earlier period.
Analysts surveyed by Thomson First Call on average projected earnings of 51 cents a share in the quarter.
- By Jon Kamp; Dow Jones Newswires; 312-750-4129;
ist jemand von Euch in Stryker investiert? Ich bin es seit erd. 1,5 Jahren und für mich eine der "sichersten"Aktien überhaupt, rel konstante wachstumsraten über Jahre und diese auch noch rel hoch um die 20% per anno.
Zudem in einem markt tätig, der viel Phantasie hat. Orthopädieprodukte wie kunstliche Gelenke etc. haben immer mehr Konjunktur bei steigenbdem Wohlstand in der 3. welt und immer älter werdenden menschen. Da spielen die Knochen eben immer öfters nicht mehr mit.
Die aktuelle Ruhepause im Kurs kann als Einstiegschance genutzt werden
Gruss space
Hier die aktuellen Quartalszahlen und der Langfristchart seit 1980:
20.07.2006 22:04
Stryker Operating Results for Quarter Ended June 30, 2006
KALAMAZOO, Mich., July 20 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- Stryker Corporation (Nachrichten) reported operating results for the quarter ended June 30, 2006 as follows:
Second Quarter Highlights * Net sales increased 9.0% (9.4% constant currency) to $1,328 million * Orthopaedic Implant sales increased 6.6% (7.3% constant currency) * MedSurg Equipment sales increased 14.5% (14.4% constant currency) * Net earnings increased 20.3% to $214 million * Diluted net earnings per share increased 20.9% to $.52 * 2006 and 2005 include additional compensation expense of $14.2 million and $10.1 million, respectively, to reflect the expensing of stock option compensation
"We once again delivered on our commitments in the quarter, including strong net earnings growth and the continuing turnaround of our U.S. Orthopaedics division, which reported its third straight quarter of sequentially improved sales growth," commented Stephen P. MacMillan, President and Chief Executive Officer. "We were also particularly pleased by very strong MedSurg growth overseas, which helped offset softer International implant sales growth."
Net sales were $1,327.9 million for the second quarter of 2006, representing a 9.0% increase over net sales of $1,218.6 million in the second quarter of 2005, and $2,648.8 million for the first half of 2006, representing a 9.4% increase over net sales of $2,421.1 million for the first half of 2005. Excluding the impact of foreign currency, net sales increased 9.4% for the second quarter and 10.8% for the first half.
The second quarter and first half results reflect the adoption of Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) Statement No. 123R, Share-Based Payment, which requires companies to recognize the cost of stock options as compensation expense. The Company adopted the Statement using the modified- retrospective transition method, under which all prior period amounts have been restated on a consistent basis. As a result of adopting Statement No. 123R, the Company recognized additional compensation expense of $14.2 million and $10.1 million in the second quarter of 2006 and 2005, respectively, and $29.0 million and $19.9 million in the first half of 2006 and 2005, respectively.
Net earnings for the second quarter of 2006 were $213.9 million, representing a 20.3% increase over net earnings of $177.8 million for the second quarter of 2005. Diluted net earnings per share for the second quarter of 2006 increased 20.9% to $.52 compared to $.43 in the second quarter of 2005.
The Company's net earnings for the first half of 2006 were reduced by a $52.7 million charge in the first quarter to write off purchased in-process research and development associated with the acquisition of Sightline Technologies, Ltd. (Sightline).
Excluding the impact of the $52.7 million charge to write off purchased in-process research and development, adjusted net earnings for the first half of 2006 were $414.1 million, representing a 20.2% increase over net earnings of $344.5 million for the first half of 2005, and adjusted diluted net earnings per share for the first half of 2006 were $1.01, representing a 20.2% increase over diluted net earnings per share of $.84 for the first half of 2005.
Reported net earnings for the first half of 2006 were $361.4 million, representing a 4.9% increase over net earnings of $344.5 million in the first half of 2005. Reported diluted net earnings per share for the first half of 2006 increased 4.8% to $.88 compared to $.84 in the first half of 2005.
Sales Analysis
Domestic sales were $864.0 million for the second quarter and $1,731.9 million for the first half of 2006, representing increases of 10.2% and 11.1%, respectively, as a result of higher shipments of Orthopaedic Implants and MedSurg Equipment.
International sales were $463.9 million for the second quarter and $916.9 million for the first half of 2006, representing increases of 6.8% and 6.3%, respectively, as a result of higher shipments of Orthopaedic Implants and MedSurg Equipment. The impact of foreign currency comparisons to the dollar value of international sales was unfavorable by $4.9 million in the second quarter and by $34.8 million in the first half of 2006. Excluding the impact of foreign currency, international sales increased 7.9% in the second quarter and 10.4% in the first half of 2006.
Worldwide sales of Orthopaedic Implants were $771.1 million for the second quarter and $1,534.7 million for the first half of 2006, representing increases of 6.6% and 6.8%, respectively, based on higher shipments of reconstructive (hip, knee and shoulder), trauma, spinal and craniomaxillofacial implant systems; bone cement; and the bone growth factor OP-1. Excluding the impact of foreign currency, sales of Orthopaedic Implants increased 7.3% in the second quarter and 8.9% in the first half of 2006.
Worldwide sales of MedSurg Equipment were $490.7 million for the second quarter and $981.0 million for the first half of 2006, representing increases of 14.5% and 15.0%, respectively, based on higher shipments of surgical equipment; surgical navigation systems; endoscopic, communications and digital imaging systems; as well as patient handling and emergency medical equipment. Excluding the impact of foreign currency, sales of MedSurg Equipment increased 14.4% in the second quarter and 15.5% in the first half of 2006.
Physical Therapy Services revenues were $66.1 million for the second quarter and $133.1 million for the first half of 2006, representing a decrease of 0.5% and an increase of 1.2%, respectively.
Income Tax Rate
The Company's effective income tax rates for the second quarter and first half of 2006 were 27.9% and 31.0%, respectively, as compared to effective income tax rates for the second quarter, first half and year ended December 31, 2005 of 29.2%, 29.3% and 32.6%, respectively. The effective income tax rate for the first half of 2006 reflects the impact of the non-deductibility for income tax purposes of the purchased in-process research and development charge associated with the acquisition of Sightline. The effective income tax rate, excluding the effect of the Sightline acquisition, for the first half of 2006 was reduced from 28.5% to 28.2% in the second quarter of 2006, thereby reducing income tax expense by $1.8 million. The income tax rate reduction results primarily from increased manufacturing in lower tax jurisdictions and a favorable change in U.S. tax legislation enacted during the second quarter. The effective income tax rates for the 2005 periods have been restated to reflect the adoption of FASB Statement No. 123R. The effective income tax rate for the year ended December 31, 2005 also reflects the non-deductibility for income tax purposes of the purchased in-process research and development charge associated with the acquisition of PlasmaSol Corp. as well as the third and fourth quarter 2005 income taxes associated with the repatriation of foreign earnings under the provisions of the American Jobs Creation Act.
Outlook for 2006
The Company's outlook for 2006 continues to be optimistic regarding underlying growth rates in orthopaedic procedures and the Company's broadly based range of products in orthopaedics and other medical specialties, despite the potential for increased pricing pressure on Orthopaedic Implants products in the United States, Japan and certain other foreign markets. The Company projects adjusted diluted net earnings per share for 2006 of $2.02, excluding the impact of the charge to write off purchased in-process research and development associated with the acquisition of Sightline during the first quarter of 2006. The projection represents a 21.0% increase over adjusted restated diluted net earnings per share of $1.67 in 2005.
The financial forecast for 2006 includes a net sales increase in the range of 11% to 13% as a result of growth in shipments of Orthopaedic Implants and MedSurg Equipment and higher revenue from Physical Therapy Services, offset by unfavorable foreign currency exchange rate movements. If foreign currency exchange rates hold near recent levels, the Company does not expect a significant impact on net sales in the third quarter and anticipates an unfavorable impact of 0% to 1% for the full year of 2006. Excluding the effect of foreign currency exchange rates, the Company expects annual net sales growth in the range of 11% to 13% in 2006, which is comparable to the 11% sales growth, excluding the effect of foreign currency exchange rates, reported for the first half of 2006.
Conference Call
As previously announced, the Company will conduct a conference call for financial analysts at 5:00 p.m., Eastern Time, today. To hear the conference call, dial 800/725-9961. A simultaneous webcast of the call may be accessed via the Company's website at The call will be archived on this site for 90 days. A recording of the call will also be available from 7:00 p.m., Eastern Time, today until 7:00 p.m. on Saturday, July 22, 2006. To hear this recording dial 800/633-8284 (domestic) or 402/977-9140 (international) and enter the registration number 21279877.
Forward-Looking Statements
This press release contains information that includes or is based on forward-looking statements within the meaning of the federal securities law that are subject to various risks and uncertainties that could cause the Company's actual results to differ materially from those expressed or implied in such statements. Such factors include, but are not limited to: pricing pressures generally, including cost-containment measures that could adversely affect the price of or demand for the Company's products; regulatory actions; unanticipated issues arising in connection with clinical studies and eventual United States Food and Drug Administration approval of additional OP-1 applications, the FlexiCore and CerviCore spinal implant products or other new product introductions; integration and other issues that could delay the introduction of the recently acquired Sightline product line; changes in reimbursement levels from third-party payors; a significant increase in product liability claims; changes in economic conditions that adversely affect the level of demand for the Company's products; changes in foreign exchange markets; changes in financial markets; and changes in the competitive environment. Additional information concerning these and other factors are contained in the Company's filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission, including the Company's Annual Report on Form 10-K and Quarterly Reports on Form 10-Q.
Stryker Corporation is one of the world's leading medical technology companies with the most broadly based range of products in orthopaedics and a significant presence in other medical specialties. Stryker works with respected medical professionals to help people lead more active and more satisfying lives. The Company's products include implants used in joint replacement, trauma, craniomaxillofacial and spinal surgeries; biologics; surgical, neurologic, ear, nose&throat and interventional pain equipment; endoscopic, surgical navigation, communications and digital imaging systems; as well as patient handling and emergency medical equipment. Stryker also provides outpatient physical therapy services in the United States.
ist jemand von Euch in Stryker investiert? Ich bin es seit erd. 1,5 Jahren und für mich eine der "sichersten"Aktien überhaupt, rel konstante wachstumsraten über Jahre und diese auch noch rel hoch um die 20% per anno.
Zudem in einem markt tätig, der viel Phantasie hat. Orthopädieprodukte wie kunstliche Gelenke etc. haben immer mehr Konjunktur bei steigenbdem Wohlstand in der 3. welt und immer älter werdenden menschen. Da spielen die Knochen eben immer öfters nicht mehr mit.
Die aktuelle Ruhepause im Kurs kann als Einstiegschance genutzt werden
Gruss space
Hier die aktuellen Quartalszahlen und der Langfristchart seit 1980:
20.07.2006 22:04
Stryker Operating Results for Quarter Ended June 30, 2006
KALAMAZOO, Mich., July 20 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- Stryker Corporation (Nachrichten) reported operating results for the quarter ended June 30, 2006 as follows:
Second Quarter Highlights * Net sales increased 9.0% (9.4% constant currency) to $1,328 million * Orthopaedic Implant sales increased 6.6% (7.3% constant currency) * MedSurg Equipment sales increased 14.5% (14.4% constant currency) * Net earnings increased 20.3% to $214 million * Diluted net earnings per share increased 20.9% to $.52 * 2006 and 2005 include additional compensation expense of $14.2 million and $10.1 million, respectively, to reflect the expensing of stock option compensation
"We once again delivered on our commitments in the quarter, including strong net earnings growth and the continuing turnaround of our U.S. Orthopaedics division, which reported its third straight quarter of sequentially improved sales growth," commented Stephen P. MacMillan, President and Chief Executive Officer. "We were also particularly pleased by very strong MedSurg growth overseas, which helped offset softer International implant sales growth."
Net sales were $1,327.9 million for the second quarter of 2006, representing a 9.0% increase over net sales of $1,218.6 million in the second quarter of 2005, and $2,648.8 million for the first half of 2006, representing a 9.4% increase over net sales of $2,421.1 million for the first half of 2005. Excluding the impact of foreign currency, net sales increased 9.4% for the second quarter and 10.8% for the first half.
The second quarter and first half results reflect the adoption of Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) Statement No. 123R, Share-Based Payment, which requires companies to recognize the cost of stock options as compensation expense. The Company adopted the Statement using the modified- retrospective transition method, under which all prior period amounts have been restated on a consistent basis. As a result of adopting Statement No. 123R, the Company recognized additional compensation expense of $14.2 million and $10.1 million in the second quarter of 2006 and 2005, respectively, and $29.0 million and $19.9 million in the first half of 2006 and 2005, respectively.
Net earnings for the second quarter of 2006 were $213.9 million, representing a 20.3% increase over net earnings of $177.8 million for the second quarter of 2005. Diluted net earnings per share for the second quarter of 2006 increased 20.9% to $.52 compared to $.43 in the second quarter of 2005.
The Company's net earnings for the first half of 2006 were reduced by a $52.7 million charge in the first quarter to write off purchased in-process research and development associated with the acquisition of Sightline Technologies, Ltd. (Sightline).
Excluding the impact of the $52.7 million charge to write off purchased in-process research and development, adjusted net earnings for the first half of 2006 were $414.1 million, representing a 20.2% increase over net earnings of $344.5 million for the first half of 2005, and adjusted diluted net earnings per share for the first half of 2006 were $1.01, representing a 20.2% increase over diluted net earnings per share of $.84 for the first half of 2005.
Reported net earnings for the first half of 2006 were $361.4 million, representing a 4.9% increase over net earnings of $344.5 million in the first half of 2005. Reported diluted net earnings per share for the first half of 2006 increased 4.8% to $.88 compared to $.84 in the first half of 2005.
Sales Analysis
Domestic sales were $864.0 million for the second quarter and $1,731.9 million for the first half of 2006, representing increases of 10.2% and 11.1%, respectively, as a result of higher shipments of Orthopaedic Implants and MedSurg Equipment.
International sales were $463.9 million for the second quarter and $916.9 million for the first half of 2006, representing increases of 6.8% and 6.3%, respectively, as a result of higher shipments of Orthopaedic Implants and MedSurg Equipment. The impact of foreign currency comparisons to the dollar value of international sales was unfavorable by $4.9 million in the second quarter and by $34.8 million in the first half of 2006. Excluding the impact of foreign currency, international sales increased 7.9% in the second quarter and 10.4% in the first half of 2006.
Worldwide sales of Orthopaedic Implants were $771.1 million for the second quarter and $1,534.7 million for the first half of 2006, representing increases of 6.6% and 6.8%, respectively, based on higher shipments of reconstructive (hip, knee and shoulder), trauma, spinal and craniomaxillofacial implant systems; bone cement; and the bone growth factor OP-1. Excluding the impact of foreign currency, sales of Orthopaedic Implants increased 7.3% in the second quarter and 8.9% in the first half of 2006.
Worldwide sales of MedSurg Equipment were $490.7 million for the second quarter and $981.0 million for the first half of 2006, representing increases of 14.5% and 15.0%, respectively, based on higher shipments of surgical equipment; surgical navigation systems; endoscopic, communications and digital imaging systems; as well as patient handling and emergency medical equipment. Excluding the impact of foreign currency, sales of MedSurg Equipment increased 14.4% in the second quarter and 15.5% in the first half of 2006.
Physical Therapy Services revenues were $66.1 million for the second quarter and $133.1 million for the first half of 2006, representing a decrease of 0.5% and an increase of 1.2%, respectively.
Income Tax Rate
The Company's effective income tax rates for the second quarter and first half of 2006 were 27.9% and 31.0%, respectively, as compared to effective income tax rates for the second quarter, first half and year ended December 31, 2005 of 29.2%, 29.3% and 32.6%, respectively. The effective income tax rate for the first half of 2006 reflects the impact of the non-deductibility for income tax purposes of the purchased in-process research and development charge associated with the acquisition of Sightline. The effective income tax rate, excluding the effect of the Sightline acquisition, for the first half of 2006 was reduced from 28.5% to 28.2% in the second quarter of 2006, thereby reducing income tax expense by $1.8 million. The income tax rate reduction results primarily from increased manufacturing in lower tax jurisdictions and a favorable change in U.S. tax legislation enacted during the second quarter. The effective income tax rates for the 2005 periods have been restated to reflect the adoption of FASB Statement No. 123R. The effective income tax rate for the year ended December 31, 2005 also reflects the non-deductibility for income tax purposes of the purchased in-process research and development charge associated with the acquisition of PlasmaSol Corp. as well as the third and fourth quarter 2005 income taxes associated with the repatriation of foreign earnings under the provisions of the American Jobs Creation Act.
Outlook for 2006
The Company's outlook for 2006 continues to be optimistic regarding underlying growth rates in orthopaedic procedures and the Company's broadly based range of products in orthopaedics and other medical specialties, despite the potential for increased pricing pressure on Orthopaedic Implants products in the United States, Japan and certain other foreign markets. The Company projects adjusted diluted net earnings per share for 2006 of $2.02, excluding the impact of the charge to write off purchased in-process research and development associated with the acquisition of Sightline during the first quarter of 2006. The projection represents a 21.0% increase over adjusted restated diluted net earnings per share of $1.67 in 2005.
The financial forecast for 2006 includes a net sales increase in the range of 11% to 13% as a result of growth in shipments of Orthopaedic Implants and MedSurg Equipment and higher revenue from Physical Therapy Services, offset by unfavorable foreign currency exchange rate movements. If foreign currency exchange rates hold near recent levels, the Company does not expect a significant impact on net sales in the third quarter and anticipates an unfavorable impact of 0% to 1% for the full year of 2006. Excluding the effect of foreign currency exchange rates, the Company expects annual net sales growth in the range of 11% to 13% in 2006, which is comparable to the 11% sales growth, excluding the effect of foreign currency exchange rates, reported for the first half of 2006.
Conference Call
As previously announced, the Company will conduct a conference call for financial analysts at 5:00 p.m., Eastern Time, today. To hear the conference call, dial 800/725-9961. A simultaneous webcast of the call may be accessed via the Company's website at The call will be archived on this site for 90 days. A recording of the call will also be available from 7:00 p.m., Eastern Time, today until 7:00 p.m. on Saturday, July 22, 2006. To hear this recording dial 800/633-8284 (domestic) or 402/977-9140 (international) and enter the registration number 21279877.
Forward-Looking Statements
This press release contains information that includes or is based on forward-looking statements within the meaning of the federal securities law that are subject to various risks and uncertainties that could cause the Company's actual results to differ materially from those expressed or implied in such statements. Such factors include, but are not limited to: pricing pressures generally, including cost-containment measures that could adversely affect the price of or demand for the Company's products; regulatory actions; unanticipated issues arising in connection with clinical studies and eventual United States Food and Drug Administration approval of additional OP-1 applications, the FlexiCore and CerviCore spinal implant products or other new product introductions; integration and other issues that could delay the introduction of the recently acquired Sightline product line; changes in reimbursement levels from third-party payors; a significant increase in product liability claims; changes in economic conditions that adversely affect the level of demand for the Company's products; changes in foreign exchange markets; changes in financial markets; and changes in the competitive environment. Additional information concerning these and other factors are contained in the Company's filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission, including the Company's Annual Report on Form 10-K and Quarterly Reports on Form 10-Q.
Stryker Corporation is one of the world's leading medical technology companies with the most broadly based range of products in orthopaedics and a significant presence in other medical specialties. Stryker works with respected medical professionals to help people lead more active and more satisfying lives. The Company's products include implants used in joint replacement, trauma, craniomaxillofacial and spinal surgeries; biologics; surgical, neurologic, ear, nose&throat and interventional pain equipment; endoscopic, surgical navigation, communications and digital imaging systems; as well as patient handling and emergency medical equipment. Stryker also provides outpatient physical therapy services in the United States.
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