DEAG Plans Re-IPO on Frankfurt Stock Exchange's Prime Standard Market
DEAG Deutsche Entertainment AG, a leading player in the live entertainment industry, has announced plans for a Re-IPO on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange's Regulated Market. The move, which includes a capital increase and an additional offering of existing shares, aims to fuel the company's growth strategy, particularly in high-margin ticketing businesses.
- DEAG Deutsche Entertainment Aktiengesellschaft announces its intention to Re-IPO on the Regulated Market (Prime Standard) of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange.
- The company plans a listing and offering consisting of a capital increase of approximately EUR 40 -50 million together with an additional offering of existing shares from the holdings of current shareholders.
- In 2022, DEAG achieved revenues of EUR 324.8 million and an EBITDA of EUR 30.9 million, with approximately 50% of the revenue generated in German speaking countries and 50% internationally, primarily from the UK.
- The proceeds from the Re-IPO will be primarily used to further accelerate DEAG's growth in line with its Buy & Build acquisition strategy with a focus on high margin ticketing businesses and other high margin opportunities in the Live Entertainment segment.
- DEAG intends to re-segment the business into new Live Entertainment and Ticketing and Services segments to reflect the growing importance and focus on ticketing, having almost tripled the revenue, with an achieved EBITDA margin of 40%.
- The Company has increased the share of its own event tickets sold via its own platforms from 1 million out of 5.3 million tickets (19%) in 2019 to a targeted 3 million out of 10 million in 2023 (30%) and targets a continued mid-term increase in this percentage.
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