
    ++ Halo Resources ++ - 500 Beiträge pro Seite

    eröffnet am 26.04.05 09:56:45 von
    neuester Beitrag 16.12.05 14:44:25 von
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     Ja Nein
      schrieb am 26.04.05 09:56:45
      Beitrag Nr. 1 ()
      So da mir der Wert und dauch die Story auf diesem Niveau ziemlich gut gefallen, will ich an dieser Stelle eine Thread eröffnen und würde mich auch über andere Meinungen freuen.
      schrieb am 26.04.05 10:02:47
      Beitrag Nr. 2 ()
      Hier auch die aktuellste Empfehlung zu dem Wert.…
      schrieb am 26.04.05 10:48:53
      Beitrag Nr. 3 ()
      Sehr gut gefällt mir vor allem der Deal mit Wolfden Resources. Die bringen eine Menge Know How mit in die Firma rein. Und das sich der Chef von Wolfden auch gleich einen Dirctor Posten bei Halo geangelt hat, halte ich für ein sehr gutes Zeichen.
      schrieb am 26.04.05 11:34:41
      Beitrag Nr. 4 ()
      Halo Resources – ein steigender Stern im Rohstoffsektor!

      Die letzten Wochen waren für Rohstoffunternehmen und deren Investoren sehr schmerzhaft. Viele Kursrückgänge waren zu beklagen und auch wir haben einige Werte per Stopp Loss verloren. Wir empfehlen jedoch: „Kaufen, wenn die Kanonen donnern“, insbesonders weil der Markt sich gerade gefangen hat. Heute nehmen wir Halo Resources (WKN: A0DQZ4) ( neu ins Musterdepot auf.

      Die Gründe sind: Nach einem Kursrückgang können zuerst die Unternehmen zulegen, deren Aktien erstens in festen und renommierten Händen sind und zweitens über Phantasie hinaus über viel Cash und ein handfestes Business verfügen: Daher Halo Resources!

      Halo Resouces ist ein relativ junges Unternehmen, gerade einmal 1,5 Jahre alt. Aber die Manager und Investoren, die das Unternehmen gründeten, gehören zu den erfolgreichsten und renommiertesten der Branche. Bereits jetzt können sich die Assets des Unternehmens und die Kursentwicklung nach dem Börsengang sehen lassen. Im März erreichte die Aktie bei 1,5 CAN-Dollar ein neues Hoch. Der Kursanstieg war definitiv fundamental begründet. Beispielsweise verfügt Halo mit dem Durport-Projekt über gesicherte Goldvorkommen und Produktionsanlagen, so dass bereits in diesem Jahr die Förderung von Gold beginnen wird. Nicht zuletzt der erstklassigen Aussichten wegen ist ein neuer Direktor in den Vorstand gekommen, der in der Branche bereits als Gold-Geologe des Jahres prämiert wurde und der für den Direktorenposten ein Projekt eingebracht hat, welches in seinem bereits sehr erfolgreichen und vielfach größeren Unternehmen, Wolfden Resources, bislang einen hohen Stellenwert einnahm. Den gleichen Schritt planen weitere große und bekannte Unternehmen der Branche, da sie sich sicher sind, dass Halo einzigartige Fähigkeiten und Möglichkeiten besitzt, diese Projekte in kürzester Zeit zum Erfolg zu bringen. Der jüngste Kursrückgang auf 90 Cent eröffnet nun neuen Investoren die Chance auf einen Einstieg in dem auf aggressive Expansion ausgerichteten Unternehmen, denn wir glauben nicht, dass der Rückhalt, den das Unternehmen durch die Investoren genießt, die Aktie weiter fallen lässt.

      Wie erwähnt hat Halo trotz seiner recht jungen Historie schon sehr viel erreicht und man scheint hier aber noch sehr viel größeres vor zu haben. Mit der Ende letzten Jahres von Wolfden Resources erworbenen 50 Prozent-Option am Bachelor Lake Projekt hat Halo nicht nur ein sehr aussichtsreiches Projekt bekommen, sondern sich einen Partner mit ins Boot geholt, der die Geschicke und vielleicht auch irgendwann die Geschichte der Firma deutlich prägen könnte. So ist der Präsident und CEO von Wolfden Resources, Ewan Downie, nun mit im Board of Directors bei Halo Resources. Ewan Downie ist ebenso Chairman von Sabina Resources. Für beide Firmen, Wolfden und Sabina, sammelte er 75 Mio. Dollar in Finanzierungen ein. Im Jahr 2003 gewann er mit Wolfden den renommierten Bill Dennis Goldsucher des Jahres-Preis, für seinen Erfolg bei der Exploration, wobei man verschiedene signifikante Mineralentdeckungen in 2003 machte. Was die wenigsten realisiert haben, ist die Tatsache, das Wolfden nach diesem Deal knapp 10 Prozent an Halo halten wird. Und bereits jetzt, nach nur zwei Jahren Firmengeschichte wird schon spekuliert, wann Wolfden komplett zuschlägt. Grund genug gäbe es, so ist Halo fantastisch positioniert und um neue Projekte braucht man sich anscheinend auch nicht mal aktiv bemühen, werden diese doch von größeren Firmen an Halo herangetragen. Hier greift das, was wir bereits anfangs erwähnt haben. Mit seinem hervorragenden Netzwerk hat es Halo in kürzester Zeit geschafft, sich einen Namen in der Branche zu machen.

      Die allerneuesten Gespräche fanden wohl mit einem Großen aus der Uranbranche statt. Nicht nur das Halo sein Portfolio um ein weiteres Projekt bereichern könnte, man könnte sogar eine Diversifizierung im Bereich der Rohstoffe vornehmen – und was für eine! So ist Uran im Augenblick einer der begehrtesten Rohstoffe der Branche, dem aufgrund wieder steigendem Interesse bei der Kernenergie noch sehr viel Potenzial zugebilligt wird. Kein Wunder, wenn man sich auch einmal mit der Angebots- und Nachfragesituation beschäftigt. So steht einem jährlichen Bedarf von ca. 170 Mio. Pfund gerade einmal eine Produktionsmenge von 70 Mio. Pfund gegenüber. Der Rest konnte seither durch Lagerbestände oder durch Wiederaufbereitung kompensiert werden. Dies dürfte aber bei der aktuell gesteigerten Nachfrage kaum mehr auszugleichen sein. Also müssen neue Lagerstätten gefunden und erschlossen werden. Dies dauert allerdings.

      Zwar ist dies im Augenblick noch Zukunftsmusik, doch kann diese sehr schnell zur Gegenwart werden. Es soll nur aufzeigen, mit welchen Adressen hier schon gesprochen wird und welche an Halo herantreten! Für den Moment wollen wir Ihnen aber die drei aktuellen Projekte von Halo kurz vorstellen, da sich aufgrund derer schon ein immenses Potenzial bietet. Wir sind aber sicher, dass wir Ihnen im Rahmen unserer Updates in Zukunft auch neue interessante Projekte vorstellen können.


      Aber man braucht gar nicht den Blick soweit in die Zukunft schweifen zu lassen, sitzt Halo doch jetzt schon auf sehr aussichtsreichen Projekten. Das Hauptaugenmerk liegt dabei auf dem Duport Gold Projekt. Aktuell geht man hier von knapp 700.000 Unzen Gold aus. Dieser Wert könnte sich aber im Zuge des großangelegten Drillprogrammes, welches aktuell läuft, noch deutlich ändern. Im März diesen Jahres konnte man mit den ersten Ergebnissen der ersten Bohrungen aufwarten. Und diese können sich sehen lassen. So weisen drei der ersten fünf Bohrungen einen High Grade Goldgehalt auf. Das Drilling läuft im Augenblick auf Hochtouren und wir erwarten täglich neue Ergebnisse. In welche Richtung diese gehen, haben die ersten Ergebnisse eindrucksvoll bewiesen. Für Ende April erwartet man einen detaillierten Bericht, wie die verschiedenen Varianten zum Produktionsstart aussehen könnten. Laut Halo hat das Projekt ein Potenzial von gut bis 30.000 bis 50.000 Unzen Goldproduktion pro Jahr.

      Allerdings dauert der Bau einer Produktionsanlage, welche eine kommerzielle Produktion sinnvoll macht, ca. 18-24 Monate. Beginnen könnte Halo zwar schon dieses Jahr mit der Produktion. Allerdings müsste das geförderte Erz komplett verschifft werden, was noch keiner kommerziellen Produktion entsprechen würde. Bis zur Fertigstellung der entsprechenden Anlagen hat man also noch etwas Zeit um die Ressourcen durch weitere Drillings weiter zu erhöhen. Schließlich hat man noch nicht einmal die Hälfte der für dieses Jahr anvisierten Fläche exploriert. Also dürfen wir hier auch noch einige gute Ergebnisse erwarten. Halo selbst erwartet hier Ressourcen von über 1 Million Unzen Gold.

      Das zweite Projekt hatten wir ja in der Gesamtbetrachtung schon einmal kurz angerissen. Hierbei handelt es sich um das Bachelor Lake Projekt, welches man von Wolfden erworben hat. Nach Abschluss dieser Transaktion wird nicht nur der CEO von Wolfden das Board of Directors von Halo zieren, sondern Wolfden wird mit 10 Prozent an Halo beteiligt sein. Bei dem besagten Bachelor Lake handelt es sich um das Projekt, welches für Halo am schnellsten den ersten Cash Flow und daraus resultierend auch die ersten Gewinne generieren könnte. So erwartet Halo den Produktionsstart bereits Ende diesen Jahres. Aktuell läuft das Drillprogramm auf Bachelor Lake an und man erwartet, wörtlich, „sagenhafte“ Resultate präsentieren zu können. Es wird von mindestens einer Verdoppelung der Ressourcen ausgegangen. Die Betonung liegt hier auf dem „mindestens“. Die bisherigen Daten beziehen sich auf Drillingergebnisse von Hecla Mining.

      Die Infrastruktur für einen schnellen Produktionsstart ist hervorragend. Dazu könnte Halo eine vorhandene Goldproduktionsanlage nutzen.
      Deren Kapazität wird bei ca. 500 Tonnen pro Tag liegen. Die benötigte Kapazität bei Produktionsbeginn liegt, laut Halo, bei 250–300 Tonnen pro Tag. Die Kosten für die vollständige Inbetriebnahme der Anlage dürften bei ca. 5 Mio. Dollar liegen, was sich als zusätzliches Asset in den Büchern niederschlagen wird, sobald die Anlage läuft. Der Wert dieses Assets dürfte dann mit 25–30 Mio. Dollar zu Buche schlagen. Wir halten die Erwartungen für die Inbetriebnahme der Anlage Ende diesen Jahres für durchaus realistisch und erwarten für nächstes Jahr schon einen signifikanten Cash Flow von diesem Projekt.

      Last but not least bleibt das neueste Pferd im Stall von Halo, das kürzlich erworbene Quarter Moon Projekt. Hierbei handelt es sich um eine ganz junge Entdeckung. Die ersten Untersuchungen auf diesem Projekt ergaben teilweise spektakuläre Ergebnisse.

      Diese reichten teilweise bis zu 29g Gold pro Tonne. „Dieses Projekt alleine“, sagt Marc Chernovitch, Präsident von Halo Resources, „kann schon ein Projekt sein, welches eine erfolgreiche Firma in diesem Bereich ausmacht.


      Das Potenzial der aktuellen Projekte, gepaart mit dem hervorragenden Netzwerk und der damit verbundenen Finanzkraft von Halo, veranlassen uns diese Aktie heute in unser Musterdepot aufzunehmen. Wir sind der Ansicht, dass von der Firma noch einiges zu erwarten sein wird. Wie schon erwähnt, hat es das Unternehmen trotz ihres jungen Alters bereits geschafft, dass die Großen der Branche auf sie aufmerksam geworden sind. Und dieser Trend dürfte sich weiter fortsetzen und beschleunigen. Wir erwarten, dass Halo bis zum Ende des Jahres sein Portfolio von aktuell drei Projekten wenigstens verdoppeln sollte. Und hier liegt eine gehörige Portion Phantasie drin. Wir erwarten, wie oben bereits erwähnt, nicht nur eine Diversifizierung der Projekte, sondern auch der Rohstoffe. Nach der aktuellen Finanzierung hat Halo knapp 5 Mio. Dollar in der Bank. Mit dieser Kriegskasse kann man schon auf Projektsuche gehen oder man zeigt, wie beschrieben, den Großen damit, das man in der Lage ist, Projekte zu finanzieren und zu explorieren. Mit einem aktuellen Projektwert von 30 Mio. Dollar, verglichen mit einer Marktkapitalisierung von knapp 15 Mio. CAN-Dollar erscheint uns der Wert deutlich unterbewertet. Bei der Berechnung des aktuellen Projektwertes sind noch keinerlei zukünftige Daten bzw. Ergebnisse berücksichtigt, sodass sich daraus zusätzliches Potenzial für die Aktie ergeben sollte. Von neuen Projekten mal ganz zu schweigen.
      schrieb am 26.04.05 11:57:14
      Beitrag Nr. 5 ()
      Hi soeren1,
      ich habe Halo schon einige Zeit auf meiner Watchlist. ;)
      Für die Aktie scheint wenig/bis kein Interesse vorhanden, könnte sich sehr schnell ändern. :D

      Trading Spotlight

      2,6400EUR -22,35 %
      Jetzt Countdown zum “Milliarden-Deal” gestartet!mehr zur Aktie »
      schrieb am 26.04.05 12:02:01
      Beitrag Nr. 6 ()
      Wenig bis kein Interesse sind mir die liebsten Phasen um zu investieren, wenn ich eine Aktie mag. ;)
      schrieb am 26.04.05 12:03:12
      Beitrag Nr. 7 ()
      Exeter (893955) halte ich für interessanter.
      schrieb am 26.04.05 12:14:15
      Beitrag Nr. 8 ()

      Also der Vergleich der beiden Firmen würde glaube ich etwas hinken.

      Außerdem ist bei Exeter in den letzen Wochen und Monaten nichts unversucht gelassen worden um den Kurs hier in Deutschland zu pushen. Ich glaube Exeter hält hier auf WO den absoluten Rekord mit neu eröffneten Threads. Das ist nicht mehr wirklich ruhig und unbeachtet. Das soll allerdings nichts über die langfristigen Chancén der Firma aussagen.
      schrieb am 26.04.05 12:29:41
      Beitrag Nr. 9 ()
      Die Erfolgstory von Halo Resources – Übernahme oder Expansion

      Das Business Modell von Halo konzentriert sich auf eine Art Outsourcing, was allen Beteiligten Vorteile bringt. Zumeist halten größere Unternehmen einen Anteil an den Projekten von Halo, wodurch Sie ihr finanzielles Engagement reduzieren können. Halo kann sehr viel leichter am Kapitalmarkt Geld aufnehmen als große Unternehmen und diese Investition zahlt sich oftmals nicht nur für die an Halo „outsourcenden“ Unternehmen, sondern speziell für deren Aktionäre aus.

      Am Ende kommt es auf den Erfolg des Projektes an. Bei Erfolg steht zumeist eine Übernahme – hier in diesem Fall bei Halo – an, was für die Aktionäre in der Regel sehr lukrativ ist. Aber auch wenn eine große Firma dann den kleineren Partner nicht übernimmt, muss das nicht heißen, dass das Projekt schlecht oder unrentabel ist, sondern es kommt oft vor, dass es nicht die „kritische Größe“ für den Riesen erreicht. „Kritische Größen“ sind dabei von den großen Bergbauunternehmen festgelegte Mindestgrößen im Hinblick auf Reserven, die ein Projekt aufweisen muss um von dieser Firma ins Portfolio aufgenommen zu werden. Und bei den Dinos der Branche hängen diese Maßstäbe verdammt hoch. Sollten diese Kriterien erfüllt werden, ist es in der Mehrheit der Fall, dass der Große den kleinen Partner komplett schluckt. Diese Variante hat sich in der Historie stets als sehr fruchtbar erwiesen.

      In manchen Fällen hat es sich für die kleinen Explorationsfirmen allerdings als Glücksgriff erwiesen, wenn diese Kriterien nicht ganz erfüllt wurden. Denn für diese Gesellschaften sind solche Projekte oftmals nicht nur extrem profitabel, sondern dienen als Cash-Cow für weitere Expansionen. So haben kleinere Firmen die Möglichkeit, in die Riege der größeren aufzusteigen.

      Grundvoraussetzung, und das erscheint uns mit der wichtigste Aspekt in dieser Branche, ist der Background einer solchen Firma. Sowohl der Aspekt Human Resources als auch der Aspekt der Financial Resources entscheiden hier über die Erfolgsaussichten einer Firma. Bei Halo sind wir der Meinung, genau diese eben beschriebene Kombination in einer perfekten Art und Weise gefunden zu haben.
      Finanziell scheint Halo auf der Sonnenseite zu stehen. So ist der Support, welchen Halo aus dem Bereich der Minen-Finanziers in Canada erhält, schon sehr bemerkenswert. Hier scheint sich speziell ein ganz Großer der Branche in die Firma verliebt zu haben. So wurde Halo nicht nur durch dieses Brokerhouse bei seinen Finanzierungen unterstützt, sondern der eine oder andere wichtige Kopf dieses Hauses ist wohl auch privat bei der Firma eingestiegen. Und das sehen wir als eines der besten Zeichen an, wenn Leute, welche sich jahrelang in dieser Branche bewegen und sich bestens auskennen, hier engagieren. Schließlich sind nicht die Investments, welche von den Leuten gepredigt und „verkauft“ werden die Besten, sondern diejenigen, bei welchen sie sich auch selbst mit eigenem Geld engagieren und wo man noch nicht den großen Rummel darum macht. Nun, bei Halo haben wir also solch einen Fall und die ersten Früchte, welche das noch recht junge Unternehmen ausweisen kann, sind schon beachtlich. Nicht zuletzt profitiert man natürlich hier von den Verbindungen und vom Know How, welche einige der Investoren und Mitarbeiter von Halo mitbringen.
      schrieb am 26.04.05 13:11:50
      Beitrag Nr. 10 ()
      Nach dem kleinen Ausverkauf mehr als eine Sünde wert.

      schrieb am 26.04.05 14:35:15
      Beitrag Nr. 11 ()
      Halo Provides Additional Information on Beginning of Drilling Deep Gold Resources at Bachelor Lake Property-Quebec

      VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA, Apr 25, 2005 (CCNMatthews via COMTEX) --
      Marc Cernovitch, President & CEO of Halo Resources Ltd. (TSX VENTURE:HLO)(OTCBB:HLOSF)(FWB:HRL) is pleased to announce the commencement of a 12,000 m exploration drill program at its Bachelor Lake gold project in Quebec. This news follows the announcement that Halo has signed a definitive agreement pursuant to which the Company will acquire from Wolfden Resources Inc. (TSX:WLF) an option to earn a 50% interest of the Bachelor Lake Property in Quebec, Canada, owned by Metanor Resources Inc. (TSX VENTURE:MTO).

      The Bachelor Lake Property is located in the Le Sueur Township, Desmaraisville sector of Quebec and has excellent exploration potential. The mine site includes an office, a shop, a warehouse complex, a compressor room, a head-frame and a 500 ton per day mill with a cyanidation plant and crusher room.

      The main exploration target has been previously identified as the 300 m area below 12th level, the lowest extent of the previous mine operations. The bulk of the ore mined was derived from the "Main Vein", with a subordinate amount from a strongly sheared zone known as the "A vein" which cuts and offsets the "Main Vein". The average width of the "Main Vein", above the 6th level, was 1.82 m, and increased to an average of 2.44 m below. Drilling below the 12th level has indicated that the average width of the zone might increase to 4.27 m (averaged on 16 drill intersections). This vein system, which constitutes the main mineralized zone, is recognized over 1150 m (N110 degrees- N290 degrees trend) and was mined over 460 m from the western limit of the property to the western contact of the O`Brien pluton.

      In 1988, a "B Vein" was discovered, and in January 1990, a 34-hole diamond drill program was conducted by Hecla Mining Company of Canada. The drilling yielded significant results (see Table 1 below) suggesting that the mineralization there is not merely a down-dip extension of the mined out deposit, but that the deposit enters into a different structural setting at depth. The "B Vein" is similar to the "Main Vein" but narrower (about 1.98 m) above the 12th level. Below the 12th level, drilling has indicated a strike length of at least 180.0 m and an average width of 3.17 m (average of 12 drill intersections). The "B Vein" was first discovered on the 12th level and may also represent a potential for additional resources.

      Table 1. Selected Drill Intercepts----------------------------------------------------------Main Vein---------------------------------------------------------- Core CoreElevation Hole Grade Length Grade Length(Level) Number (opt) (ft) (g/t) (m)----------------------------------------------------------11-12 11-34 0.385 20.00 13.20 6.10 12-02 0.434 12.50 14.88 3.81 11-10 0.273 14.60 9.36 4.45 11-13 0.348 6.70 11.93 2.04----------------------------------------------------------12-13 11-35 0.307 6.50 10.53 1.98 12-14 0.238 8.20 8.16 2.50 12-11 0.241 16.50 8.26 5.03 12-09 0.216 16.00 7.41 4.88 12-12 0.400 17.00 13.71 5.18 12-30 0.330 9.00 11.31 2.74 11-11 0.490 28.10 16.80 8.56 11-38 0.260 16.60 8.91 5.06----------------------------------------------------------13-14 12-15 0.303 9.90 10.39 3.02 12-04 0.320 80.10 10.97 24.41 12-31 0.260 36.40 8.91 11.09 12-33 0.240 34.20 8.23 10.42----------------------------------------------------------"B" Vein----------------------------------------------------------12-13 12-23 0.285 11.00 9.77 3.35 12-14 0.481 10.80 16.49 3.29 12-09 0.320 6.20 10.97 1.89 12-01 0.340 6.00 11.66 1.83 12-31 0.233 3.60 7.99 1.10----------------------------------------------------------13-14 12-15 0.425 8.00 14.57 2.44 12-22 0.250 30.00 8.57 9.14 12-18 0.150 32.50 5.14 9.91 12-26 0.373 13.80 12.79 4.21 12-32 0.280 38.40 9.60 11.70----------------------------------------------------------15-16 12-13 0.256 9.00 8.78 2.74 12-37 0.140 8.30 4.80 2.53----------------------------------------------------------
      The NI 43-101 compliant resources (1) below 12 level, using the Hecla drill holes almost exclusively, are as follows in Table 2:

      -----------------------------------------------------------Table 2. Undiluted and in situ resources estimate(12 - 15 level)(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)----------------------------------------------------------- Metric Grade Total TotalCategory Tonne (t) (g/t) Gold (Kg) Gold (oz)-----------------------------------------------------------Indicated 196,572 10.80 2,123 68,256-----------------------------------------------------------Inferred 232,497 10.42 2,423 77,911-----------------------------------------------------------
      (1) The effective date of the resource estimate is December 20, 2004.

      (2) The Qualified Person for the mineral resource estimates as defined by National Instrument 43-101 was Alan Carrier, M.Sc., P.Geo, Innovexplo Inc.

      (3) Mineral resources which are not mineral reserves do not have demonstrated economic viability.

      (4) The resources were compiled using a cut-off grade of 3.43 g/t Au (0.10 ounces/short ton). A cut-off grade of 0.10 oz/st roughly represent a value of 55$/t the actual gold price and exchange rate. This cut-off grade must be re-evaluated in light of the present market conditions: gold price, exchange rate and mining cost. A fixed density of 12ft3 per short ton was used. All diamond drill hole intercepts were calculated at a minimum of 1.5 m (5`) horizontal width, using the grade of the adjacent material when assayed or a value of zero when not assayed. On the basis of historical work performed by BACHELOR GOLD MINE`s personnel while operating the mine, high grade assays were cut to 34.3 g/t Au (1.0 ounces/short ton) for the Main Vein, and to 22.3 g/t Au (0.65 ounces/short ton) for the B Vein. No statistical studies support this threshold, but since it is the equivalent of general rule of thumb used in the mining industry, it was accepted as such, by INNOVEXPLO.

      (5) The company is not aware of any known environmental, permitting, legal, title, taxation, socio-political, marketing, or other relevant issues that could materially afect the mineral resource estimate.

      While the Hecla Drill program only partially tested the mineral potential below 12th level, the results suggested that both the grade and thickness of the gold veins are significantly greater than in the previously mined out area. The proposed 12, 000 m (66 holes) drill program is expected to confirm this assumption and will improve the geological knowledge of the complex gold vein system immediately below 12 level and substantially expand the known gold resources in this area. It will also provide a basis for future development decisions and additional exploration at depth and also along the full strike extent of the property.

      Two drill rigs are currently on site and are operating from existing stations located on 12 level. Since drilling commenced on April 6, 2005, a total of 9 holes have been completed for a cumulative amount of more than 1300 m. Initial interpretation of the core from these holes has indicated excellent core intervals (up to 5.66 m) and strong mineralization in all 3 vein systems. Drill results will be released on a regular basis as assay results become available over the next 4 months

      Quality Control and Quality Assurance Program

      All core will be logged on site and samples prepared from the drill core will be submitted for gold analysis to ALS Chemex in Val d`Or, an assay laboratory accredited by the Standards Council of Canada. A quality assurance quality control (QA/QC) program will be maintained consistent with the Mining Standards Task Force recommendations of 1999. This program consists of submitting duplicate, standard and blank samples. Rejects and pulps from a range of grades will be submitted to a second accredited laboratory and all QA/QC data will be analyzed following the completion of the program.

      Qualified Person

      The exploration program is under the direct supervision of Yves Buro, who is designated as a "Qualified Person", under the definition of NI 43-101, and who has the ability and authority to verify the authenticity and validity of the exploration data. In addition to over 25 years of experience on exploration and mining projects, Yves has specific prior experience on the Bachelor Lake Property.

      Additional Information

      For further information on the Bachelor Lake Property, please see the Bachelor Lake Gold Mine Property NI 43-101 - Technical Report dated December 20, 2004 (Revised Version), filed on SEDAR at

      Halo Resources Ltd.

      Halo Resources Ltd. (TSX VENTURE:HLO)(OTCBB:HLOSF)(FWB:HRL) is a Canadian-based resource company focused on the acquisition of near production base and precious base metal deposits. Currently the Company owns or has an interest 3 projects: Duport, which is an advanced stage gold project with an on going drill program of up to 20,000 meters; an option on Bachelor Lake gold exploration project with an ongoing 12,000 meter drill program; and a letter of intent regarding Quarter Moon, which is a grass roots gold project with a 2,000 meter drill program scheduled for May. The Company is operated by an experienced management team and backed by a strong network of mining financiers. Currently the Company has a treasury of $4.5 million, to carry forward its operations. The Company`s growth strategy is to develop a diversified portfolio of advanced mining projects. Website:


      Marc Cernovitch, President & CEO

      Except for the historical statements contained herein, this news release presents forward-looking statements that involve inherent risks and uncertainties. Although the management and officers of Halo Resources Ltd. believe that the expectations reflected in such forward-looking statements are based upon reasonable assumptions, they give no assurance that their expectations will be achieved. Certain risks and uncertainties inherent in the Company`s operations include political, economic, environmental and geological issues, including but not limited to, the continued need for additional capital, the competition within the mining industry, and other risks detailed from time to time in the Company`s periodic reports filed with the British Columbia Securities Commission and the United States Securities and Exchange Commission. Investors are cautioned that, except as disclosed in the materials to be prepared in connection with the transaction, any information released or received with respect to the transaction may not be accurate or complete and should not be relied upon. Trading in the securities of Halo Resources Ltd. should be considered highly speculative. The TSX Venture Exchange has in no way passed upon the merits of the proposed transaction and has neither approved nor disapproved the contents of this press release.

      Halo Resources Ltd.Marc CernovitchPresident & CEO(604) 484-0068 or Toll Free: 1-866-841-0068(604) 484-0069 (FAX)
      NEWS RELEASE TRANSMITTED BY CCNMatthews The TSX Venture Exchange has not reviewed and does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.
      Copyright (C) 2005, CCNMatthews. All rights reserved
      schrieb am 27.04.05 08:30:51
      Beitrag Nr. 12 ()
      Resource Investor
      By David J. DesLauriers
      22 Apr 2005 at 03:48 AM EDT

      TORONTO ( - Halo Resources [TSXv:HLO] is a TSX-Venture listed vehicle that took its present form in the fourth quarter of 2004, when the company completed the acquisition of its flagship Duport gold property in Shoal Lake, Ontario, and raised CDN$6.37 million by way of a combination flow-through and straight equity unit offering.

      One of the things that makes Halo an interesting story is the presence of Ewan Downie. Downie is President and CEO of Wolfden Resources [TSX:WLF] which he has built up from a junior explorer to a developer that has J/V`s with Placer Dome [TSX:PDG] and Bema [TSX:BGO] among others, and a present market capitalization of around CDN$170 million.
      He is also one of Halo`s founders, directors, and largest shareholders.

      Resource Investor had the opportunity to speak with Halo President & CEO Marc Cernovitch and Senior VP & COO Tom Healy this week, and both emphasized the importance of Mr. Downie`s contribution. His role as a Director "extends to helping to source new projects", and he has been
      instrumental in "coming in and helping the company", applying his "leverage in the business", namely his reputation and success at Wolfden, to the benefit of Halo.

      This has resulted in Halo acquiring three projects, one in each of Quebec, Ontario and Manitoba. Fitting with the company`s strategy of acquiring advanced stage assets, two of these projects have the potential for relatively near-term production.


      This year Halo has planned 30,000 metres of drilling across its three projects [Duport, Bachelor Lake, Quarter Moon Lake], at a cost of about CDN$3 million, making it one of Canada`s largest drill programs.

      The 100% owned Duport deposit in Ontario is an underground vein system with a historical resource of 700 thousand ounces, and the company believes that it may be possible to double this number, and make it 43-101 compliant. This is what the team is working on now, having already done some drilling this year. In the next couple of months,
      Halo will do an internal scoping study, the results of which will determine the timeline going forward. If results are positive, Duport could be in production within 3 years, the beauty being that with facilities nearby both in Ontario and Manitoba ready to take on extra
      ore, capital costs and permitting would be kept to a minimum. COO Tom Healy speculated that if Halo built a concentrator, and final gold recovery and processing took place at a third party facility, the trade-off between lower capital costs and higher operating costs could
      be quite an agreeable one. Indeed, though there are no specific numbers at this point, it is apparent that this sort of a scenario could make for a short payback period and possibly, a high IRR. The next couple of months should prove illuminating.

      At Bachelor Lake in Quebec, where the company has a 50% interest, 2 rigs have been mobilized and will be running for 3.5 months as the company aims to complete a 12,000 metre drill program. Bachelor Lake has a historical resource of 200,000 ounces of gold and already has a
      500 tonne per day mill on site which, according to the company, could be refurbished in a matter of months for, as a general guesstimate, a cost somewhere in the CDN$4-CDN$6 million range. With the existing resource averaging in the neighbourhood of 8 g/t, here again it is not
      difficult to envision a situation where rapid paybacks and solid cash flow could eventuate.

      The less advanced, wholly owned, Quarter Moon project in Manitoba will also be the subject of a drilling campaign, starting within the month. At least two thousand metres of drilling are expected to be completed, a number that could grow significantly if the company finds what it is
      looking for. Previous grab samples returned values as high as 29 g/t.

      Despite the amount of drilling Halo expects to do on these three properties in the next several months, President and CEO Cernovitch told Resource Investor that "Halo is much more than its present portfolio of three properties, and the team is in fact evaluating a number of opportunities, not all of which are gold."


      With CDN$4.5 million in the bank, Halo has enough money to take them through the remainder of 2005. The company also has a clean capital structure. Management has a stake of 40% in the company`s 20 million shares outstanding. Institutions control another 25% including RAB
      Capital out of London, and 10% is owned by Downie`s Wolfden. The remaining 25% or 5 million share float is mostly in friendly hands, including some well-known Vancouver brokerage industry figures.

      The junior market has been moribund for some time now, but with a market capitalization net of cash of about CDN$14 million, several advanced-stage projects, and a well-known and capable team, Halo could be one for investors to look at as the next leg of the secular gold bull rediscovers explorers and developers.

      Copyright (c) 2005 HALO RESOURCES LTD. (HLO) All rights reserved. For
      more information visit our website at or send or call Toll Free: 1-866-841-0068
      Message sent on Tue Apr 26, 2005 at 8:46:31 AM Pacific Time
      schrieb am 27.04.05 08:37:51
      Beitrag Nr. 13 ()
      Besonders das fett gedruckte ist es wert mal ein Auge auf die Firma zu werfen.
      schrieb am 27.04.05 11:34:14
      Beitrag Nr. 14 ()
      bin auch mit von der Partie
      Bis jetzt wurde lediglich das letzte Gap geschlossen.Hoffentlich reichts für mer;)
      schrieb am 27.04.05 14:44:33
      Beitrag Nr. 15 ()
      Halo Retains Roscoe Postle Associates Inc. for Duport Economic Assessment

      VANCOUVER, British Columbia, Apr 27, 2005 (PRIMEZONE via COMTEX) --
      Mr. Marc Cernovitch, President and CEO of Halo Resources Ltd. (TSX-V:HLO)(OTCBB:HLOSF) is pleased to announce that the company has retained the firm of Roscoe Postle Associates Inc. (RPA) for the purposes of an in-house Scoping Study of the Duport Gold Property. RPA will review the Company`s existing geologic database and interpretation of the Duport project with respect to the feasibility of proceeding to the next phase of exploration or development. The Scoping Study will be for Halo`s internal use at this time and will be used as a guide in decision making to determine the timing and future exploration and development plans for the Project. The Scoping Study will be of sufficient detail and estimation accuracy (+/- 30%) to allow the preparation of a Pre-Feasibility Study as the next stage, should Halo decide to proceed.

      The Scoping Study will present a summary of the currently available information, the historical work, a new resource model, and a preliminary economic assessment of the potential mining of the deposit. The preliminary economic assessment will be developed from a Life of Mine Plan, using preliminary estimates of physical requirements and cost factors, grades and metallurgical recovery factors.

      RPA is an independent firm of Geological and Mining Consultants based in Toronto with an office in Vancouver. Since its establishment in 1985, RPA has carried out almost 1,000 consulting assignments for more than 450 clients, including major mining companies, junior mining and exploration companies, financial institutions, governments, law firms and individual investors.

      RPA`s business primarily involves providing independent opinions on mineral resources and mineral reserves, technical aspects and economics of mining projects, valuation of mining and exploration properties and scoping, pre-feasibility, and feasibility studies. For chartered banks and offshore banks, RPA has carried out a number of due diligence and project monitoring assignments. RPA have completed assignments on projects located in all parts of Canada, the United States, Russia, Latin America, Australia, and in other countries in Africa and Asia.

      Halo Resources Ltd. (TSX-V:HLO) (OTCBB:HLOSF) is a Canadian-based resource company focused on the acquisition of near production base and precious base metal deposits. Currently the Company owns or has an interest in 3 projects: Duport, which is an advanced stage gold project with an on going drill program of up to 20,000 meters; an option on the Bachelor Lake Mine gold project with an ongoing 12,000 meter drill program; and a letter of intent regarding Quarter Moon, which is a grass roots gold project with a 2,000 meter drill program scheduled for May. The Company is operated by an experienced management team and backed by a strong network of mining financiers. Currently the Company has a treasury of $4.5 million, to carry forward its operations. The Company`s growth strategy is to develop a diversified portfolio of advanced mining projects. Website:

      ON BEHALF OF THE BOARD "Marc Cernovitch" President and CEO

      The TSX Venture Exchange has not reviewed and does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release. Except for the historical statements contained herein, this news release presents forward-looking statements that involve inherent risks and uncertainties. Although the management and officers of Halo Resources Ltd. believe that the expectations reflected in such forward-looking statements are based upon reasonable assumptions, they give no assurance that their expectations will be achieved. Certain risks and uncertainties inherent in the Company`s operations include political, economic, environmental and geological issues, including but not limited to, the continued need for additional capital, the competition within the mining industry, and other risks detailed from time to time in the Company`s periodic reports filed with the British Columbia Securities Commission and the United States Securities and Exchange Commission. Investors are cautioned that, except as disclosed in the materials to be prepared in connection with the transaction, any information released or received with respect to the transaction may not be accurate or complete and should not be relied upon. Trading in the securities of Halo Resources Ltd. should be considered highly speculative. The TSX Venture Exchange has in no way passed upon the merits of the proposed transaction and has neither approved nor disapproved the contents of this press release.

      SOURCE: Halo Resources Ltd.

      Halo Resources Ltd. Marc Cernovitch President and CEO Tel: (604) 484-0068 Fax: (604) 484-0069 Toll Free: (866) 841.0068

      (C) 2005 PRIMEZONE, All rights reserved.
      schrieb am 27.04.05 20:30:23
      Beitrag Nr. 16 ()
      [posting]16.457.301 von soeren1 am 26.04.05 12:14:15[/posting]Ein kanadischer Wert lässt sich in Deutschland kaum pushen. In 2-3 Monaten kriegt Exeter die US-Zulassung. Dann wird der Kurs gegen 2USD gehen.
      schrieb am 27.04.05 21:00:11
      Beitrag Nr. 17 ()

      Ein kanadischer Wert lässt sich in Deutschland kaum pushen.

      Richtig bemerkt, deshalb soll dieser Thread über HALO informieren und dabei nach Möglichkeit eine rege Diskussion in Gang gesetzt werden. ;)
      Nichts für ungut Rainolaus, Exeter ist chancenreich, besitzt aber schon einen eigenen Thread. :cool:
      schrieb am 29.04.05 16:55:15
      Beitrag Nr. 18 ()
      Oje – was für eine "Empfehlung"!

      von Michael Vaupel

      Gestern, am Morgen, war mal wieder eine dieser reißerischen Emails in meinem Posteingang: Da wurden "1.000 % Kurspotenzial" versprochen, mit einer "neuen, heißen Firma". Den Namen der Aktie hatte ich noch nie gehört. Ich hatte keinerlei Lust, mich mit diesem Titel näher zu beschäftigen – denn wie üblich scrolle ich bei solchen Emails zuerst ganz nach unten und lese das "Kleingedruckte". Danach wandern solche Emails meist umgehend in den virtuellen Papierkorb.

      So auch in diesem Fall – denn im klein gedruckten Disclaimer fand ich diesen Hinweis: "Die "Eigentümer und Mitarbeiter können Long- oder Shortpositionen in den beschriebenen Wertpapieren und/oder Optionen, Futures und andere Derivate, die auf diesen Wertpapieren basieren, halten. Wir möchten beispielsweise davon profitieren, wenn die Aktien der von uns dargestellten Unternehmen an Wert gewinnen. Diese Wertpapiere mögen von Zeit zu Zeit liquidiert werden, auch wenn wir uns positiv über das Unternehmen geäußert haben."

      Im Klartext: Die empfohlenen Titel – sehr kleine, extrem marktenge Titel, bei denen schon relativ wenige Käufe zu einer Kursexplosion führen können – können von diesen Herren (wieso sind das eigentlich immer nur Männer, oder täusche ich mich da?) gekauft werden, BEVOR sie diese Aktien empfehlen. Und wenn dann die Empfehlung verschickt wird und einige Kleinanleger freudig kaufen, verkaufen die Empfehlenden in diese steigenden Kurse hinein ("Diese Wertpapiere mögen von Zeit zu Zeit liquidiert werden, auch wenn wir uns positiv über das Unternehmen geäußert haben.")

      Klassisches "Frontrunning", was viele von Ihnen vielleicht noch aus den Zeiten des Neuen Marktes und den Empfehlungen der "Börsengurus" z.B. in der 3SatBörse kennen. Jetzt ist es also wieder so weit – und nicht erst seit gestern.

      Ein weiterer Aspekt kommt hinzu: Im Disclaimer steht auch, dass die Empfehlenden "für die Vorbereitung und elektronische Verbreitung der Veröffentlichungen und für andere Dienstleistungen entlohnt" werden. Von wem werden sie entlohnt? Das steht da nicht. Aber ein furchtbarer Verdacht schleicht sich ein: Vielleicht werden sie von den Unternehmen entlohnt, die sie da empfehlen?

      Das wäre durchaus nichts Neues: Ich habe hier im Trader`s Daily bereits darauf hingewiesen, dass dies durchaus vorkommt. Kleine Unternehmen bezahlen "Analysten" dafür, dass diese das eigene Unternehmen positiv herausstellen. Offiziell ist eine solche Empfehlung deshalb auch keine Empfehlung, sondern eine "Information" oder "Präsentation". Es wundert mich deshalb überhaupt nicht, dass in diesem Fall im Disclaimer folgender Satz steht: "Die Aussagen und Meinungen ( ...) stellen keine Empfehlung zum Kauf oder Verkauf eines Wertpapiers dar." Die Empfehlenden profitieren in einem solchen Fall doppelt: sie werden a) vom Unternehmen bezahlt, und b) kaufen sie die betreffenden Aktien vor Empfehlung selbst und verkaufen sie dann in die steigenden Kurse (durch Käufe von Kleinanlegern verursacht) hinein. Alles auf Kosten der Kleinanleger, denn der erste Kursanstieg (von ihnen selbst verursacht) löst sich meist wieder in Luft auf, da die Anschlusskäufe ausbleiben.

      Solche "brandheißen" Empfehlungen gehören in den virtuellen Mülleimer! Seien Sie wachsam.

      Viele Grüße,

      Michael Vaupel
      schrieb am 29.04.05 17:12:43
      Beitrag Nr. 19 ()

      ... was möchtest Du mit dem Artikel zum Ausdruck bringen?
      Eine kurzes Statement deinerseits wäre nett. ;)
      schrieb am 29.04.05 17:22:21
      Beitrag Nr. 20 ()
      wer lesen kann,ist klar im vorteil.
      die gestrigen umsätze gegenüber dem heutigen handel sprechen
      ja wohl eine deutliche sprache.
      das geld wurde gestern verdient,heute hoffen nur noch die lemminge.
      das leben schreibt immer noch die besten geschichten.
      schrieb am 29.04.05 17:32:00
      Beitrag Nr. 21 ()

      Bei dem kurzen Anlagehorizont hast Du wohl Recht.
      ... was bin ich froh, dass ich immer noch von Profis dazu lernen kann. ;)
      schrieb am 03.05.05 12:52:17
      Beitrag Nr. 22 ()
      hallo an alle!
      bin auch in der glücklichen lage halo resources zu haben und ich denke, wir sehen bald wieder bessere kurse.
      es kann ja nicht immer nur nach unten gehen.

      lg aus österreich
      schrieb am 05.05.05 11:18:53
      Beitrag Nr. 23 ()
      Ich glaube, hier sind eine Menge Leute dem Börsenbrief von Smallcap Investor auf den Leim gegangen.
      Zur Zeit sind die Herrschaften aller Börsenbriefe ja mal wieder besonders aktiv und "fricken" ihre Depotleichen kurz hoch.:rolleyes:
      schrieb am 05.05.05 11:26:35
      Beitrag Nr. 24 ()
      Ich glaube weniger, daß die Aktie auf 1 - 3 Wochen Frist emphohlen wurde. Das würde nämlich nicht ganz zu dem Entwicklungs-Zyklus von Explorationsunternehmen im Allgemeinen passen.

      Desweiteren genügt ein Blich auf die meisten Explorationsfirmen , welche in den letzten Tagen und Wochen unter die Räder gekommen sind. Man sollte dies eher als Chance betrachten.

      Aber so kann und soll sich jeder seine eigene Meinung bilden.
      schrieb am 05.05.05 11:48:57
      Beitrag Nr. 25 ()
      Ein hilfreicher Tipp:
      Egal wer empfiehlt, schaut euch nach der Empfehlung den Chart und die Indikatoren und sucht nach weiteren kernigen Aussagen im Web, dann kann ein Empfehlungsfehlkauf kaum passieren. Aber: Man verpasst natürlich auch mal eine Chance. Doch: Man verliert wesentlich weniger!
      Schönen Papatag.
      schrieb am 10.05.05 17:09:47
      Beitrag Nr. 26 ()
      Hallo an alle!
      Hat jemand Infos, weshalb sich in den letzten Tagen bei Halo sehr wenig bzw. garnichts tut?
      Es scheint, als ob sich das Interesse ziemlich in Luft aufgelöst hat.

      MfG trimatec
      schrieb am 11.05.05 10:09:22
      Beitrag Nr. 27 ()
      Weil es nach kurzer Erholung bis ca. 0,55 weiter abwärts gehen wird.
      schrieb am 19.05.05 21:25:51
      Beitrag Nr. 28 ()
      Das wiederum klingt sher gut:

      Halo Completes Phase 1 Drill Program at Duport

      VANCOUVER, British Columbia, May 11, 2005 (PRIMEZONE) -- Marc Cernovitch, President and CEO of Halo Resources Ltd. (TSX-V:HLO); (OTCBB:HLOSF); (FSE:HRL) is pleased to announce the successful completion of the Phase 1 exploration program at its Duport gold project in Ontario.

      A total of 23,262 ft. (7090 m) of drilling in 23 holes was completed on March 28th, 2005 as part of the Phase 1 drill program on the Duport Property near Kenora, Ontario. A total of 20 significant gold intersections were made with an average intercept of 4.7 ft. at a grade of 0.380 opt (1.4 m at 13.0 g/t). Table 1 provides a summary of significant assay results from Holes 05-01 to 23 inclusive and highlights the latest significant results for Holes 05-18 to 23. As well, a total of 70 line km of magnetometer surveying was completed to the north and south of the Duport deposit. (See Figure 2005 Drilling and Groundwork below)

      The Phase 1 drill program has:

      -- confirmed and extended the 8,600N shoot with Hole 05-02
      returning 0.584 opt Au (uncut) over a core length of 13 ft
      (20.02 g/t over 4.0 m), and Hole 05-06 returning 0.406 opt
      Au over a core length of 5.0 ft (13.92 g/t over 1.5 m) at a
      vertical depth of 256 ft.(78 m), and Hole 05-08 returning
      0.386 opt Au over a core length of 3.4 ft. (13.23 g/t over
      1.0 m) at a vertical depth of 680 ft.(207 m)

      -- extended a potentially significant shoot at 7,500N with Hole
      05-17 returning 0.215 opt Au over a core length of 9.0 ft.
      (7.37 g/t over 2.7 m), at a vertical depth of 225 ft.(69 m)
      Limited historical drilling in the 7500N area returned up to
      0.240 opt Au over a true width of 9.1 ft. (8.23 g/t over
      2.8 m).

      -- intersected additional gold mineralization at 7,000N with
      Hole 05-22 returning 0.329 opt Au over a core length of
      3.0 ft. (11.28 g/t over 0.9 m) at a vertical depth of 360 ft.
      (110 m) and Hole 05-18 returning 0.226 opt Au over a core
      length of 4.0 ft. (7.75 g/t over 1.2 m) at a vertical depth
      of 920 ft. (280 m) This area is located about 2000 ft
      (610 m) south of the main body of the deposit.

      -- returned promising gold values from the East Zone at shallow
      depths in the 7500N area with Hole 05-13 intercepting 0.206
      opt Au over a core length of 2.3 ft.(7.06 g/t over 0.7 m) at
      a vertical depth of 450 ft (137 m), Hole 05-16 returning
      0.426 opt Au over a core length of 5.0 ft.(14.61 g/t over
      1.5 m) at a vertical depth of 680 ft (207 m), and Hole 05-17
      returning 0.238 opt Au over a core length of 4.8 ft.
      (8.16 g/t 1.5 m) at a vertical depth of 250 ft. (76 m).

      -- delineated structural complexities within prospective
      lithologies related to major shear zones in the vicinity of
      the Duport deposit.

      In summary, the Phase 1 drilling has expanded the zone of gold mineralization and potential mineral resources.

      Quality Control and Quality Assurance

      A total of 2000 core samples were submitted to Accurassay Laboratories (an independent assay laboratory accredited by the Standards Council of Canada) in Thunder Bay, Ontario for gold analysis using fire assaying techniques. Accurassay received 56 CDN GS-5A standard samples and 39 CDN GS-12 standard samples. About 5% of the samples were submitted as standards, which are blind to the laboratory. The standards test the precision and accuracy of the assaying process, and will also identify any numbering problems. Mr. Kevin Leonard, an independent consulting geologist and a Qualified Person, supervised the logging, splitting and sampling of the drill core and has reviewed and verified the technical information provided in this news release.

      Immediate Plans

      Roscoe Postle and Associates are carrying out an up-to-date resource calculation as part of an in-depth scoping study incorporating the results of the Phase 1 drill program. The scoping study will provide the framework to advance the project to the next stage of evaluation.

      A detailed compilation program and synthesis of the historical database are being carried out to assess and prioritize regional gold targets for follow-up exploration. Future exploration will focus on identifying lithological contact zones as important targets for gold mineralization particularly where the contact zones have been disrupted by faulting and/or folding and show the presence of sulphides.

      Additional work contemplated will include environmental baseline studies, examination (i.e. re-logging and re-assaying) of existing drill core, structural analysis on the controls of gold mineralization on the property and initiation of a regional airborne EM and magnetometer survey.

      Table 1. Selected Drill Intercepts

      (Ft) (ft) (ft) (opt Au) (m) (g/t)
      05-01 10,200N 655.8 658.8 3.0 0.997 0.91 34.18
      05-02 8,400N 222.0 226.4 4.4 0.239 1.34 8.19
      240.0 253.0 13.0 0.584 3.96 20.02
      05-04 8,400N 1,028.0 1,033.0 5.0 0.146 1.52 5.01
      05-05 9,100N 972.0 976.0 4.0 0.337 1.22 11.55
      05-06 8,600N 287.5 292.2 5.0 0.406 1.52 13.92
      314.0 317.6 3.6 0.780 1.10 26.74
      05-07 8,900N 578.0 584.0 6.0 0.214 1.83 7.34
      05-08 8,500N 761.1 764.5 3.4 0.386 1.04 13.23
      05-11 8,300N 922.2 928.5 6.3 0.110 1.92 3.77
      992.7 993.7 1.0 0.738 0.30 25.30
      05-13 7,400N 480.7 483.0 2.3 0.206 0.70 7.06
      05-14 8,200N 777.9 782.0 4.1 0.234 1.25 8.02
      05-16 8,100N 346.7 350.8 4.1 0.542 1.25 18.58
      720.5 725.5 5.0 0.460 1.52 15.77
      05-17 7,500N 232.3 241.3 9.0 0.215 2.74 7.37
      261.6 265.9 4.3 0.239 1.31 8.19
      05-18 7,500N 989.0 993.0 4.0 0.226 1.22 7.75
      05-19 8,100N 766.2 769.2 3.0 0.215 0.91 7.37
      05-22 7,000N 383.2 386.2 3.0 0.329 0.91 11.28

      Note: Core lengths above are the actual vein intercepts and are not true widths.

      Geological Controls on Gold Mineralization

      Gold mineralization associated with the Main and East Zones of the Duport deposit represents epigenetic replacement style, shear-zone hosted mineralization commonly found in other Archean-aged rocks of the Superior Province (of the Canadian Shield) most notably, the world-class Red Lake and Campbell Mines in Red Lake, Ontario.

      The Main Zone is found at and/or near the contact between two lithological units. The competency contrast of these two units has provided the plumbing system for hydrothermal fluids to migrate. An ultramafic unit in the footwall contact of the Main Zone may have acted as a chemical trap for gold-bearing fluids allowing the precipitation of higher grade gold values. The Duport deposit has been traced by drilling over a strike length of 3500 ft and to a vertical depth of 1600 ft. The mineralization remains open in all directions.

      Gold values are stratigraphically controlled and spatially associated along a major "break" referred to as the Duport Deformation Zone (i.e. DDZ). The DDZ has been identified for several kilometers along the entire length of the property and represents a major gold exploration target.

      The DDZ is a reactivated fault zone that has undergone more than one mineralizing event, an earlier being responsible for a broad sulphide-bearing gold system. Within that gold system are discrete high sulphide, high grade gold intersections that can and do form shoots. These shoots are structurally controlled, and are resolved into a series of north plunging structures the periodicity of which may be predictable.

      The recently completed 70 line-km magnetometer survey has outlined structural complexities correlating with the DDZ about 4,000 ft. south of the deposit. In addition, the survey has mapped out a prominent anorthositic gabbro unit over a strike length of 4,500 ft. This unit underlies a portion of the Stevens Island sub-volcanic complex and lies along the eastern margin of the Stevens Island Deformation Zone. The Stevens Island Deformation Zone lies parallel to the DDZ and comprises the second of three major, regional trending fault zones on the property, the third being the Sirdar Deformation Zone.

      Additional Information

      For further information on the Duport Property, please see the Technical Report on the Duport Property, Northwestern Ontario, Canada dated November 8, 2004, filed on SEDAR at

      Halo Resources Ltd. (TSX-V:HLO); (OTCBB:HLOSF); (FSE:HRL) is a Canadian-based resource company focused on the acquisition of near production base and precious base metal deposits. Currently the company owns or has an interest in 3 projects: Duport, which is an advanced stage gold project with an on going drill program of up to 20,000 meters; an option on Bachelor Lake, which has an ongoing 12,000 meter drill program; and a letter of intent regarding Quarter Moon, which is a grass roots gold project with a 2,000 meter drill program scheduled for May. The Company is operated by an experienced management team and backed by a strong network of mining financiers. Currently the Company has a treasury of $4.5 million, to carry forward its operations. The Company`s growth strategy is to develop a diversified portfolio of advanced mining projects. Website:

      The TSX Venture Exchange has not reviewed and does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release. Except for the historical statements contained herein, this news release presents forward-looking statements that involve inherent risks and uncertainties. Although the management and officers of Halo Resources Ltd. believe that the expectations reflected in such forward-looking statements are based upon reasonable assumptions, they give no assurance that their expectations will be achieved. Certain risks and uncertainties inherent in the Company`s operations include political, economic, environmental and geological issues, including but not limited to, the continued need for additional capital, the competition within the mining industry, and other risks detailed from time to time in the Company`s periodic reports filed with the British Columbia Securities Commission and the United States Securities and Exchange Commission. Investors are cautioned that, except as disclosed in the materials to be prepared in connection with the transaction, any information released or received with respect to the transaction may not be accurate or complete and should not be relied upon. Trading in the securities of Halo Resources Ltd. should be considered highly speculative. The TSX Venture Exchange has in no way passed upon the merits of the proposed transaction and has neither approved nor disapproved the contents of this press release.

      CONTACT: Halo Resources Ltd.
      Marc Cernovitch, President
      (866) 841-0068
      (604) 484-0069, fax
      schrieb am 21.05.05 10:51:48
      Beitrag Nr. 29 ()
      Halo Closes Acquisition of the Option to Acquire a 50% Interest in the Bachelor Lake Property-Quebec
      FRIDAY, MAY 20, 2005 4:03 PM
      - CCNMatthews

      0.68 -0.02

      VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA, May 20, 2005 (CCNMatthews via COMTEX) -- Marc Cernovitch, President & CEO of Halo Resources Ltd. (TSX VENTURE:HLO)(OTCBB:HLOSF)(FWB:HRL) is pleased to announce the closing of the previously-announced acquisition of the option to acquire an undivided ownership interest of 50% in and to the Bachelor Lake Property in Quebec, Canada from Wolfden Resources Inc. (CA:WLF) ("Wolfden"). Metanor Resources Inc. (CA:MTO) currently holds an undivided ownership interest of 100% in and to the Bachelor Lake Property.

      The Company paid $650,000 in acquisition costs and $1,293,123 as reimbursement for exploration expenditures, for a total of $1,943,123 and issued 2,100,000 common shares to Wolfden as consideration for the assignment to the Company of all of Wolfden`s right, title and interest in and to an Option Agreement dated April 24, 2003 between Wolfden and GeoNova Explorations Inc. and the Bachelor Lake Property.

      The Bachelor Lake Property is located in the Le Sueur Township, Desmaraisville sector of Quebec and has excellent exploration potential.

      grüße derschweizer :cool:
      schrieb am 27.05.05 04:33:25
      Beitrag Nr. 30 ()
      Halo Underground Drilling at Bachelor Lake (Quebec) Yields High Grade Gold Results

      VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA, May 26, 2005 (CCNMatthews via COMTEX) --
      Marc Cernovitch, President & CEO of Halo Resources Ltd. (TSX VENTURE:HLO)(OTCBB:HLOSF)(FWB:HRL) is pleased to announce the first results from its ongoing 12,500m underground drilling program at Bachelor Lake, Quebec. The Bachelor Lake "Main" zone was originally mined underground between surface and the 12th Level. The "B" and "A" zones are new mineralized zones. New significant assay results were returned from the "Main", "B" and "A" mineralized zones. Highlighted results are from below Level 12 and the intercepts are listed below:

      Bachelor Lake "Main Zone":

      - Hole 12-38 returned 5.68 g/t Au over 1.82 m contained within 3.89 g/t Au over 3.70m;

      - Hole 12-40 returned 23.83 g/t Au over 2.70m contained within 12.69 g/t Au over 8.50m;

      - Hole 12-42 returned 23.68 g/t Au over 1.53m contained within 9.21 g/t Au over 6.36m;

      - Hole 12-44 returned 24.54 g/t Au over 2.29m contained within 14.94 g/t Au over 5.03m;

      - Hole 12-46 returned 13.72 g/t Au over 1.90m contained within 4.48 g/t Au over 8.78m;

      Bachelor Lake "B Zone":

      - Hole 12-38 returned 6.82 g/t Au over 2.75 m contained within 4.81 g/t Au over 5.50m;

      - Hole 12-40 returned 26.26 g/t Au over 2.40m contained within 11.70 g/t Au over 7.10m;

      - Hole 12-42 returned 18.58 g/t Au over 1.26m contained within 4.47 g/t Au over 8.28m;

      - Hole 12-44 returned 14.77 g/t Au over 1.40m contained within 10.37 g/t Au over 2.00m;

      - Hole 12-46 returned 21.06 g/t Au over 1.92m contained within 12.35 g/t Au over 4.25m;

      - Hole 12-46 returned 27.49 g/t Au over 2.78m contained within 17.22 g/t Au over 4.70m;

      Bachelor Lake "A Zone":

      - Hole 12-44 returned 6.12 g/t Au over 2.37m contained within 5.19 g/t Au over 3.50m;

      Please note that all the intervals are indicated over core lengths, not true vein widths. See Table 1, for detailed assay results.

      Drilling Results

      Geological and assay results from drill holes 12-42 and 12-46 confirms known indicated resources at Bachelor Lake. The drill holes 12-38 and 12-40 are located within known inferred resources. The drill intercept from hole 12-44 is located outside the known resources and potentially adds resources to the project. Preliminary analysis of this hole suggests that the "Main" zone may now be connected to the east with the Hewfran deposit that was recently acquired by Metanor Resources Ltd (MTO.V), owner of the Bachelor Lake property. The "Main", "B" and "A" mineralized zones remain open laterally and at depth.

      Two drill rigs are operating from existing stations located on 12th level. Since drilling commenced on April 6, 2005, a total of 38 holes have been completed for a cumulative amount of more than 6,096m. Initial interpretation of the core from these holes has indicated excellent core intervals (up to 5.66m) and strong mineralization in all 3 vein systems. Drill results will be released on a regular basis as assay results become available over the next 4 months.

      Table 1. - Bachelor Lake underground drilling program detailed assay results. Please note that all the intervals are indicated over core lengths, not true vein widths.

      Qualified Person

      The above information has been prepared under the supervision of Consulting Geologist Alain Carrier, M.Sc., P.Geo., InnovExplo Inc., an independent Qualified Person under National Instrument 43-101("NI 43-101"). Alain Carrier is supervising the field work and has verified the authenticity and validity of the data. Assay results presented here were done under the direct supervision of Consulting Geologist Yves Buro. Mr. Buro is a "Qualified Person", under NI 43-101 and has the ability and authority to verify the authenticity and validity of the exploration data. In addition to over 25 years of experience on exploration and mining projects, Yves has specific prior experience on the Bachelor Lake Property. Messrs. Carrier and Buro have reviewed and approved of the contents of this press release.

      Quality Control and Quality Assurance Program

      Assay samples are taken from drill core (BQ size) sawed in half with one half sent to a commercial laboratory and other half retained for future reference. A strict QA/QC program is followed which includes mineralized standards, blank and duplicate for each batch of samples. Significant assay results are duplicated at the original laboratory. The gold assaying method uses a 30-gram sample Fire Assays (atomic absorption with gravimetric finish for sample over 10 g/t Au) on splits from an initial 250-gram pulverized sample. Assays were performed by ALS Chemex - Chimitec of Val-d`Or (Quebec), an assay laboratory accredited by the Standards Council of Canada. Metallic screen fire assay are completed on samples with visible gold or where initial multiple duplicates show any variability.

      Additional Information

      The Bachelor Lake Property is located in the Le Sueur Township, Desmaraisville sector of Quebec and has excellent exploration potential. The mine site includes an office, a shop, a warehouse complex, a compressor room, a head-frame and a 500 ton per day mill with a cyanidation plant and crusher room, and the following NI 43-101 compliant resource estimate (1) in Table 2, previously disclosed in a press release dated April 21st, 2005:

      --------------------------------------------------------------------Table 2. Undiluted and in situ resources estimate (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)--------------------------------------------------------------------- Metric Tonne Grade Total Gold Total GoldCategory (t) (g/t) (Kg) (oz)---------------------------------------------------------------------Measured (above 12 level) 185,477 8,81 1,634 52,535---------------------------------------------------------------------Indicated (below 12 level) 196,572 10.80 2,123 68,256---------------------------------------------------------------------Inferred (below 12 level) 232,497 10.42 2,423 77,911---------------------------------------------------------------------(1) The effective date of the resource estimate is December 20, 2004.(2) The Qualified Person for the mineral resource estimates as defined by National Instrument 43-101 was Alan Carrier, M.Sc., P.Geo, Innovexplo Inc.(3) Mineral resources which are not mineral reserves do not have demonstrated economic viability.(4) The resources were compiled using a cut-off grade of 3.43 g/t Au (0.10 ounces/short ton). A cut-off grade of 0.10 oz/st roughly represent a value of 55$/t the actual gold price and exchange rate. This cut-off grade must be re-evaluated in light of the present market conditions: gold price, exchange rate and mining cost. A fixed density of 12ft3 per short ton was used. All diamond drill hole intercepts were calculated at a minimum of 1.5 m (5`) horizontal width, using the grade of the adjacent material when assayed or a value of zero when not assayed. On the basis of historical work performed by BACHELOR GOLD MINE`s personnel while operating the mine, high grade assays were cut to 34.3 g/t Au (1.0 ounces/short ton) for the Main Vein, and to 22.3 g/t Au (0.65 ounces/short ton) for the B Vein. No statistical studies support this threshold, but since it is the equivalent of general rule of thumb used in the mining industry, it was accepted as such, by INNOVEXPLO.(5) The company is not aware of any known environmental, permitting, legal, title, taxation, socio-political, marketing, or other relevant issues that could materially affect the mineral resource estimate.
      Halo has an option to earn a 50% interest of the Bachelor Lake Property in Quebec, Canada, owned by Metanor Resources Inc. (TSX VENTURE:MTO).

      For further information on the Bachelor Lake Property, please see the Bachelor Lake Gold Mine Property NI 43-101 - Technical Report dated December 20, 2004 (Revised Version), filed on SEDAR at

      Halo Resources Ltd. (TSX VENTURE:HLO)(OTCBB:HLOSF)(FWB:HRL) is a Canadian-based resource company focused on the acquisition of near production base and precious base metal deposits. Currently the Company owns or has an interest in 3 projects: Duport, which is an advanced stage gold project with an ongoing drill program of up to 20,000 meters; Bachelor Lake, which is a gold exploration project with an ongoing 12,500 meter drill program; and a letter of intent regarding Quarter Moon, which is a grass roots gold project with a 2,000 meter drill program scheduled for the near future. The Company is operated by an experienced management team and backed by a strong network of mining financiers. The Company`s growth strategy is to develop a diversified portfolio of advanced mining projects.


      Marc Cernovitch, President & CEO
      schrieb am 06.06.05 20:58:21
      Beitrag Nr. 31 ()
      Gute Bohrergebnisse doch keinerlei Bewegung bei der Aktie.Weder bei uns noch in Canada.:confused::confused::confused:
      schrieb am 09.06.05 09:23:01
      Beitrag Nr. 32 ()
      Gestern hat sich mal was getan,Umsatz in CAD 130143 Stk.
      Das ist so viel wie sonst an 10 Tagen. Geht vieleicht doch mal was?:confused:
      schrieb am 09.06.05 16:44:08
      Beitrag Nr. 33 ()
      Hier noch mal was zu den vielversprechenden Bohrergebnissen.:D:D

      Wed Jun 8, 2005
      Halo Underground Drilling Yields New High Grade Gold Results At Bachelor Lake (Quebec)


      VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA, June 8, 2005 -- Marc Cernovitch, President & CEO of Halo Resources Ltd. (TSX.V:HLO; OTC.BB:HLOSF; FSE:HRL) is pleased to announce new results from its ongoing 12,500m underground drilling program at Bachelor Lake, Quebec. New significant assay results were returned from the "Main", "B" and "A" mineralized zones (see also Press Release of May 26, 2005). Highlights of the latest drill results from below Level 12 are listed below:

      Bachelor Lake "Main Zone":
      - 22.19 g/t Au over 3.77 m contained within 12.07 g/t Au over 11.65 m (hole 12-48);
      - 16.57 g/t Au over 1.58 m contained within 6.97 g/t Au over 5.05 m (hole 12-50);
      - 13.59 g/t Au over 1.50 m contained within 8.38 g/t Au over 4.50 m (hole 12-53).

      Bachelor Lake "A" and "B Zone" junction:
      - 18.81 g/t Au over 4.70 m contained within 8.12 g/t Au over 14.75 m (hole 12-50).

      Please note that all the intervals are indicated over core lengths, not true vein widths.

      View Map (PDF)

      Drilling Results

      Results from drill hole 12-53 are of importance as they could add significantly to the known resources. This hole is located in a 60 m wide "gap" area between the T1 fault and the A Zone that is currently being tested by additional holes. Visible gold has been documented in this hole and several others drilled in the same area. Assay results however are still pending. Geological and assay results from drill hole 12-48 confirms known indicated resources at Bachelor Lake. The drill hole 12-50 is located within known inferred resources and will up-grade the resource category.

      Previous results (see Press Release of May 26, 2005) also suggest that the "Main" zone may now be connected to the west with the Hewfran deposit that was recently acquired by Metanor Resources Ltd, owner of the Bachelor Lake property. Drilling of two (2) holes (holes 12-86 an 12-88) is currently underway to extend the exploration drilling into this newly acquired area while two (2) additional holes (12-58 and 12-80) have been drilled in the vicinity of the previously announced hole 12-44 and both have shown impressive mineralization. Assay results are however, still pending. Planning is underway to drill additional holes to further test the extension of mineralization towards the Hewfran deposit. The "Main", "B" and "A" mineralized zones remain open laterally and at depth.

      Two drill rigs are operating from existing stations located on 12th level. Since drilling commenced on April 6, 2005, a total of 45 holes have been completed for a cumulative amount of more than 7,200 m. Initial interpretation of the core from these holes has indicated excellent core intervals (up to 5.66m) and strong mineralization in all 3 vein systems. Drill results will be released on a regular basis as assay results become available over the next 2 months.

      See Table 1, for detailed assay results and Figure 1 for approximate hole locations.
      View Table 1 (PDF)

      Qualified Person

      The above information has been prepared under the supervision of Consulting Geologist Alain Carrier, M.Sc., P.Geo., InnovExplo inc., "Qualified" and "Independent" Person under 43-101 guidelines. Alain Carrier is actually supervising the field work and has verified the authenticity and validity of the data. Consulting Geologist, Yves Buro who was designated as a "Qualified Person", under the definition of NI 43-101, also has the ability and authority to verify the authenticity and validity of the exploration data. In addition to over 25 years of experience on exploration and mining projects, Yves has specific prior experience on the Bachelor Lake Property.

      Quality Control and Quality Assurance Program

      Assay samples are taken from drill core (BQ size) sawed in half with one half sent to a commercial laboratory and other half retained for future reference. A strict QA/QC program is followed which includes mineralized standards, blank and duplicate for each batch of samples. Significant assay results are duplicated at the original laboratory. The gold assaying method uses a 30-gram sample Fire Assays (atomic absorption with gravimetric finish for sample over 5 g/t Au) on splits from an initial 250-gram pulverized sample. The current drilling program seems to indicate that more visible gold occurs at depth at Bachelor Lake. The assay protocol was revised considering these coarse gold occurrences. Gold assaying is now obtain from a 50-gram sample on splits from an initial 1000-gram pulverized sample (crushing 90% <2mm and pulverization 90% <200 mesh). Assays were performed by ALS Chemex - Chimitec of Val-d`Or (Québec), an assay laboratory accredited by the Standards Council of Canada. Metallic screen fire assay are completed on samples with visible gold or where initial multiple duplicates show any variability.

      Additional Information

      The Bachelor Lake Property is located in the Le Sueur Township, Desmaraisville sector of Québec and has excellent exploration potential. The mine site includes an office, a shop, a warehouse complex, a compressor room, a head-frame and a 500 ton per day mill with a cyanidation plant and crusher room, and the following NI 43-101 compliant resource estimate (1) in Table 2, previously disclosed in a press release dated April 21st, 2005:
      View Table 2 (PDF)

      Halo has an option to earn a 50% interest of the Bachelor Lake Property in Quebec, Canada, owned by Metanor Resources Inc. (TSX.V: MTO).

      For further information on the Bachelor Lake Property, please see the Bachelor Lake Gold Mine Property NI 43-101 - Technical Report dated December 20, 2004 (Revised Version), filed on SEDAR at

      Halo Resources Ltd. (TSX.V:HLO; OTC.BB:HLOSF; FSE:HRL) is a Canadian-based resource company focused on the acquisition of near production base and precious base metal deposits. Currently the Company owns or has an interest in 3 projects: Duport, which is an advanced stage gold project with an ongoing drill program of up to 20,000 meters; Bachelor Lake, which is a gold exploration project with an ongoing 12,500 meter drill program; and a letter of intent regarding Quarter Moon, which is a grass roots gold project with a 2,000 meter drill program scheduled for the near future. The Company is operated by an experienced management team and backed by a strong network of mining financiers. The Company`s growth strategy is to develop a diversified portfolio of advanced mining projects.


      "Marc Cernovitch"
      President & CEO
      schrieb am 10.06.05 06:32:17
      Beitrag Nr. 34 ()
      Diese Arschgeigen von Small-Cap ....
      Seidem Dieses Ding:mad: empfohlen wurde geht es nur noch Abwärts!:mad:
      schrieb am 11.06.05 16:41:26
      Beitrag Nr. 35 ()
      Vieleicht geht es ja doch mal in die richtige Richtung.
      Sah ja gestern in Canada ganz gut aus.Volumen ist den 2.Tag recht hoch.

      HLO $0.74 +0.08/+12.12% Vol.111,214
      schrieb am 15.06.05 09:31:13
      Beitrag Nr. 36 ()
      Das versteh wer will.:(

      Schlusskurs Canada 0,60 -0,07 -10,45% Vol.76070 :confused:
      schrieb am 15.06.05 14:21:40
      Beitrag Nr. 37 ()
      Frage: Kann hier einer von den "alten Hasen" ;) mal ne Zahl für die gefundenen Vorkommen von Halo nennen? Der Goldanteil pro t scheint ja relativ hoch zu sein. Aber ich bin, was Explorer angeht, nicht so bewandert, so dass ich aufgrund der Angaben für Bohrlöcher/-tiefen ne Schätzung machen könnte.


      schrieb am 15.06.05 15:35:31
      Beitrag Nr. 38 ()…

      da steht meiner meinung nach viel drinnen.

      aber auf der hp gibt es noch mehr news.

      schrieb am 15.06.05 17:31:02
      Beitrag Nr. 39 ()
      [posting]16.896.005 von schwarenthorer am 15.06.05 15:35:31[/posting]Danke für die Links - ein paar Stücke im Depot können nicht schaden;)

      schrieb am 16.06.05 09:41:51
      Beitrag Nr. 40 ()
      Schlusskurs Canada 0,63 +0,03 +5% Vol.2000:(

      @#39 von strangefloor
      Waren das deine 1200Stk. heute Morgen?

      Wait & see:D
      schrieb am 16.06.05 11:11:41
      Beitrag Nr. 41 ()
      [posting]16.902.312 von odin1603 am 16.06.05 09:41:51[/posting]Auf deine Frage: Nein, war nicht mein Kauf. In meinem letzten posting sollte es auch heissen, "noch ein paar...". Will noch nachkaufen.... Hatte die guten letzten Meldungen gelesen, nur mir war der Gesamtumfang der Vorkommen nicht so ganz klar.

      Story wirkt interessant, hier gibs ne Menge positive Aspekte, wie:

      - ich mag den chart, (ok, die länger dabei sind, vielleicht nicht;))

      - werden produzieren (ich mag nicht, wenn einfach nur die gefundenen Vorkommen ala Moto wie bei einer Kaffeefahrt verscherbelt werden sollen)

      - hoher Goldanteil in den gefundenen Vorkommen (aufgrund der günstigen Produktionskosten pro Unze sollten sich auch bei einem niedrigen Goldpreis noch Gewinne erwirtschaften lassen)

      - geringes Risiko im gesellschaftspolitischem Umfeld (keine Pygmäen, die plötzlich mit einer aka hinter einem stehen)

      - momentan ist es sehr ruhig um den Wert (schön diese Stille:D)

      Auch auf die Gefahr hin, dass ich in einem Monat ebenfalls über den Kurs schimpfe, werde ich demnächst noch ein paar nachlegen.

      so long

      schrieb am 16.06.05 18:06:14
      Beitrag Nr. 42 ()
      Hab auch vor eventl. nachzukaufen weil einfach die Fakten zu verlockend sind.;)
      Muss nur erst mal wieder Cash freibekommen:p
      schrieb am 17.06.05 08:25:28
      Beitrag Nr. 43 ()
      Schlusskurs CAN 0,64 +0,01 +1,59% Vol.17785 :rolleyes:
      schrieb am 17.06.05 09:52:30
      Beitrag Nr. 44 ()
      Halo fällt mal wieder ohne Handel.:(

      RT 9:06Uhr Frankfurt 0,40 Vol. 0:mad:

      CAD/EUR 0,6664 RT CAD 0,64 entspr. 0,426 Eur

      schrieb am 17.06.05 17:43:24
      Beitrag Nr. 45 ()
      angeblich hochgradige Goldvorkommen übertage abbaubar. Produktion sollte im Herbst anlaufen; nach neuesten Aussagen aber erst in 24 Monaten kommerzielle Gewinnung. anfängl. Kursziel 1,10€, neu 0,60€.
      schrieb am 17.06.05 18:11:19
      Beitrag Nr. 46 ()
      Woher hast du das Kursziel?:confused:
      schrieb am 17.06.05 18:45:52
      Beitrag Nr. 47 ()
      1.Kursziel 1,10€ vom Smallcap Investor mit Hinweis auf vorh. Prod.anlagen (war jedoch teilweise schwammig und widersprüchlich formuliert; zunächst wird hingewiesen auf vorh. Anlagen beim Durport-Projekt, dann wieder abgewiegelt, weil der Ausbau der Anlage 18 - 24 Monate dauert und wieder mit Hinweis darauf, dass Halo schon dieses Jahr mit der Produktion beginnen könnte, das geförderte Erz aber verschifft werden müsste). Das 2.Kursziel von 0,60€ ist im Gespräch im Zusammenhang mit der Minenkonferenz in Frankfurt. Hier wurden zwar die Resourcen soweit bestätigt, eine kommerzielle Gewinnung aber erst in 24 Monaten möglich sein.
      Grüße ab
      schrieb am 17.06.05 19:31:13
      Beitrag Nr. 48 ()
      RT CAN 0,67 +0,03 +4,69% Vol.8500:rolleyes:
      schrieb am 20.06.05 08:35:48
      Beitrag Nr. 49 ()
      entspr. 0,445 Euro
      schrieb am 20.06.05 18:12:00
      Beitrag Nr. 50 ()
      Halo Resources Appoints Mr. Ken R. Pride, P. Geo to the Company`s Advisory Board

      VANCOUVER, British Columbia, Jun 20, 2005 (PRIMEZONE via COMTEX) --
      Mr. Marc Cernovitch, President and CEO of Halo Resources Ltd. (TSX-V:HLO) (OTCBB:HLOSF) (FSE:HRL) is pleased to announce that it has augmented the Company`s advisor Board with the addition of Mr. Ken R. Pride, P. Geo.

      Mr. Pride is an exploration geologist with more than 30 years of experience spanning the globe in a wide range of geological environments and deposit-types. He is competent in several levels of exploration including regional early-stage mapping and geochemical surveys, target development, project and property evaluation, due diligence audits, geophysical interpretation, diamond drilling and resource definition. During 1997-2001, Mr. Pride was a global exploration manager with Cominco Ltd, a major international mining company. He has a strong background in strategic planning, exploration and business development, team leadership, synergy management, budget control and technical implementation. Mr. Pride has extensive Canadian and international exploration experience, recognizes international business opportunities, and adapts easily to cultural sensitivities as well as socio-economic and political challenges. Mr. Pride was successful in locating and developing base and precious metal targets in Australia, Canada, Iran, Indonesia, Mexico, Morocco, Namibia, South Africa, Saudi Arabia, Tunisia and Turkey. He has a proven track record for identifying early-stage exploration target - "plays" that can develop into significant projects with large, high grade reserves.

      Halo Resources Ltd. (TSX-V:HLO) (OTCBB:HLOSF) (FSE:HRL) is a Canadian-based resource company focused on the acquisition of near production base and precious base metal deposits. Currently, the Company owns or has an interest in 3 projects: Duport, which is an advanced stage gold project with an ongoing drill program of up to 20,000 meters; Bachelor Lake, which is a gold exploration project with an ongoing 12,500 meter drill program; and a letter of intent regarding Quarter Moon, which is a grass roots gold project with a 2,000 meter drill program scheduled for the near future. The Company is operated by an experienced management team and backed by a strong network of mining financiers. The Company`s growth strategy is to develop a diversified portfolio of advanced mining projects.

      ON BEHALF OF THE BOARD "Marc Cernovitch" President & CEO

      The TSX Venture Exchange has not reviewed and does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release. Except for the historical statements contained herein, this news release presents forward-looking statements that involve inherent risks and uncertainties. Although the management and officers of Halo Resources Ltd. believe that the expectations reflected in such forward-looking statements are based upon reasonable assumptions, they give no assurance that their expectations will be achieved. Certain risks and uncertainties inherent in the Company`s operations include political, economic, environmental and geological issues, including but not limited to, the continued need for additional capital, the competition within the mining industry, and other risks detailed from time to time in the Company`s periodic reports filed with the British Columbia Securities Commission and the United States Securities and Exchange Commission. Investors are cautioned that, except as disclosed in the materials to be prepared in connection with the transaction, any information released or received with respect to the transaction may not be accurate or complete and should not be relied upon. Trading in the securities of Halo Resources Ltd. should be considered highly speculative. The TSX Venture Exchange has in no way passed upon the merits of the proposed transaction and has neither approved nor disapproved the contents of this press release.

      SOURCE: Halo Resources Ltd.
      schrieb am 20.06.05 19:16:49
      Beitrag Nr. 51 ()
      RT CAN 0,68 +0,01 +1,49% Vol.12500;)
      schrieb am 20.06.05 22:20:23
      Beitrag Nr. 52 ()
      Schlusskurs Canada 0,68 +0,02 +2,99% Vol.43000:)
      schrieb am 21.06.05 23:13:20
      Beitrag Nr. 53 ()
      langsam schleicht sich der Kurs nach oben;)

      S-Kurs CAN 0.70 +0.010 +1.45% Vol. 19,500

      schrieb am 22.06.05 17:40:32
      Beitrag Nr. 54 ()
      RT Can 0,74 +0,04 +5,71% Vol. 75000:D
      schrieb am 22.06.05 23:14:45
      Beitrag Nr. 55 ()
      Schlusskurs Canada 0,74 +0,04 +5,71%

      Vol.477585 !!!:D:D:D
      schrieb am 23.06.05 12:29:07
      Beitrag Nr. 56 ()
      Diese Empfehlung ist wahrscheinlich Grund für das hohe Volumen in Canada vorigen Abend.:D:D:D

      Halo Resources Ltd has been gaining momentum over the past few weeks as our drill program continues to yield excellent results. Please see the attachment to download a recently written article about our near production gold company.

      The Editors of the Hard Rock Analyst Subscribers Services

      HRA is written by David and Eric Coffin, brothers born in a mining town and raised in the industry. They took different paths, David lured by the thrill of discovery that drives all explorers while Eric was drawn to the intricacies and ever changing face of the markets. Ultimately, their paths converged again, first to build a consultancy to the resource industry, then to create the HRA family of publications, passing on that hard won knowledge of the ingredients needed for success in the field and in the market to their readers.

      David Coffin
      David, the "geology side" of HRA, has been active in prospecting, resource calculation, and feasibility studies for resource companies for 29 years. He attended the Haileybury School of Mines, has authored numerous qualifying reports for resource companies, and managed and designed field programs for over 15 years. He was one of the first to promote the use of detailed mineral studies early in the exploration cycle, and is a strong believer in using a varied sampling program to tie geophysical and geochemical studies to local geology. He was also one of the first to urge a return to high grade underground mining which was the saving grace for many companies during the bear market in the late 1990`s. David is a regular speaker at Cambridge House and various American conferences, and has been interviewed numerous times on radio and TV and in third party news articles for his opinions on the gold sector and resource stocks in general. David logs literally tens of thousands of miles every year, visiting exploration sites on six continents in order to bring back the real goods for HRA subscribers.

      Eric Coffin
      Responsible for the "financial analysis" side of HRA, Eric has a degree in Corporate and Investment Finance. Fifteen years ago, he and David co-founded Vanguard Consulting, a firm that specialized in providing field management services to early phase exploration companies, as well as reconnaissance studies for producing companies. He has extensive experience in merger and acquisitions and small company financing and promotion. For many years he tracked the financial performance and funding of all exchange listed Canadian mining companies. He has been interviewed on CBC Television`s Business News for his opinions on resource trends and is a frequent contributor to several third party publications and a number of resource, gold, metals and market related Internet sites and regularly speaks at a number of North American gold and resource conferences. He was one of the first analysts (along with David) to point out the disastrous effects of gold hedging (1997) and to predict the start of the current secular bull market in commodities based on the movement of the US Dollar (2001).

      Two new near term producers for a rising market.

      As always, a copy can also be found on the website Customer service at 1-800-528-0559 if you have any questions or comments, or" target="_blank" rel="nofollow ugc noopener">" target="_blank" rel="nofollow ugc noopener">

      HRA is written by David and Eric Coffin, brothers born in a mining town and raised in the industry. They took different paths, David lured by the thrill of discovery that drives all explorers while Eric was drawn to the intricacies and ever changing face of the markets. Ultimately, their paths converged again, first to build a consultancy to the resource industry, then to create the HRA family of publications, passing on that hard won knowledge of the ingredients needed for success in the field and in the market to their readers.

      David Coffin
      David, the "geology side" of HRA, has been active in prospecting, resource calculation, and feasibility studies for resource companies for 29 years. He attended the Haileybury School of Mines, has authored numerous qualifying reports for resource companies, and managed and designed field programs for over 15 years. He was one of the first to promote the use of detailed mineral studies early in the exploration cycle, and is a strong believer in using a varied sampling program to tie geophysical and geochemical studies to local geology. He was also one of the first to urge a return to high grade underground mining which was the saving grace for many companies during the bear market in the late 1990`s. David is a regular speaker at Cambridge House and various American conferences, and has been interviewed numerous times on radio and TV and in third party news articles for his opinions on the gold sector and resource stocks in general. David logs literally tens of thousands of miles every year, visiting exploration sites on six continents in order to bring back the real goods for HRA subscribers.

      Eric Coffin
      Responsible for the "financial analysis" side of HRA, Eric has a degree in Corporate and Investment Finance. Fifteen years ago, he and David co-founded Vanguard Consulting, a firm that specialized in providing field management services to early phase exploration companies, as well as reconnaissance studies for producing companies. He has extensive experience in merger and acquisitions and small company financing and promotion. For many years he tracked the financial performance and funding of all exchange listed Canadian mining companies. He has been interviewed on CBC Television`s Business News for his opinions on resource trends and is a frequent contributor to several third party publications and a number of resource, gold, metals and market related Internet sites and regularly speaks at a number of North American gold and resource conferences. He was one of the first analysts (along with David) to point out the disastrous effects of gold hedging (1997) and to predict the start of the current secular bull market in commodities based on the movement of the US Dollar (2001).

      Two new near term producers for a rising market.

      As always, a copy can also be found on the website Customer service at 1-800-528-0559 if you have any questions or comments, or" target="_blank" rel="nofollow ugc noopener">
      schrieb am 23.06.05 16:49:18
      Beitrag Nr. 57 ()
      Noch was neues von HLO:cool:

      VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA, June 23, 2005 -- Marc Cernovitch,
      President & CEO of Halo Resources Ltd. (TSX.V:HLO; OTC.BB:HLOSF;
      FSE:HRL) & Serge Roy, President & CEO of Metanor Resources Inc.
      (TSX.V:MTO) are pleased to announce the most recent results from the
      ongoing 12,500m underground drilling program at Bachelor Lake, Quebec.
      Significant assay results were returned from five (5) new holes within
      the deep extension (below Level 12) of the "Main", "A" and "B"
      mineralized zones (see also Press Release of May 26, and June 8, 2005).
      Highlights of the latest drill results from below Level 12 are listed

      Bachelor Lake "A Zone":
      - 14.10 g/t Au over 2.25 m contained within 9.70 g/t Au over 4.55 m
      (hole 12-55).
      - 17.71 g/t Au over 1.50 m (hole 12-57).

      Bachelor Lake "B Zone":
      - 8.53 g/t Au over 3.45 m (hole 12-54);
      - 8.30 g/t Au over 3.40 m contained within 5.80 g/t Au over 5.80 m
      (hole 12-55);
      - 17.90 g/t Au over 1.80 m contained within 8.57 g/t Au over 6.42 m
      (hole 12-56);
      - 19.41 g/t Au over 1.50 m 9.68 g/t Au over 1.65 m contained within
      4.40 g/t Au over 13.15 m (hole 12-57);

      Bachelor Lake "Main Zone":
      - 8.85 g/t Au over 1.90 m contained within 7.06 g/t Au over 2.70 m
      (hole 12-49);
      - 9.28 g/t Au over 2.20 m contained within 4.84 g/t Au over 8.35 m
      (hole 12-56);
      - 6.97 g/t Au over 1.70 m contained within 4.13 g/t Au over 3.40 m
      (hole 12-57);

      Please note that all the intervals are uncut and indicated over core
      lengths, not true vein or horizontal widths. See Table 1, for detailed
      assay results and Figure 1 and 2 for approximate hole locations.

      Figure 1 : Bachelor Lake Main Zone Longitudinal View

      Figure 2 : Bachelor Lake B Zone Longitudinal View

      Drilling Results

      The results highlighted above are from holes located in the western
      block (West of the T1 fault; holes 12-54 and 56), in the "gap zone"
      (between the T1 and "A" Zone; hole 12-57) and also within the eastern
      block (East of the "A" Zone; holes 12-49 and 55). These latest results,
      together with data obtained from earlier holes drilled in this program
      (see previous Press Release), are providing a better understanding of
      the geological features and continuity of the Bachelor Lake gold
      deposit below 12 level.

      Western Extension (Hewfran) and Waconichi fault

      It has been previously interpreted that the "Main" Zone may not be
      present in the foot-wall of the Waconichi fault (Big Wac). The current
      drilling program has, documented the presence of the "Main" Zone in
      this area and furthermore, has shown that the Waconichi fault shows
      only minor displacement. It is now suggested that the "Main" Zone
      resource can be extended several hundred feet beyond the Big Wac and
      connect with the "East" Zone of the just recently acquired Hewfran

      Compilation of drill hole and geological data from the Bachelor and
      Hewfran resource areas is currently underway in order to confirm this
      model and also to determine if this area may also host the "B", and
      perhaps other mineralized zones.

      Late Stage Gold Enrichment

      Drill results from the area, referred to as the "gap zone" (between the
      T1 fault and "A" Zone), has potential to positively impact the
      economics of the project. This area was previously interpreted to
      contain granite dykes but the latest drill results (such as hole 12-57)
      show that the "Main" and "B" zones continue through this area.
      Furthermore, this area appears to be the locus for late stage gold
      emplacement which is associated with strong hematite alteration,
      silica-flooding and the occurrence of conspicuous visible gold. ..
      Additional drilling and geological interpretation will be conducted to
      better understand this mineralizing event and to determine the resource
      potential of this area.

      Gold Production Potential of the "A" Zone

      The "Main" and the "B" Zone form a sub-parallel relationship along
      strike and are cross-cut at an oblique angle by the mineralized "A"
      shear zone, with some minor displacements associated. Historic gold
      production at Bachelor Lake was almost exclusively from the "Main" and
      "B" zones with only a negligible portion being mined form the "A" zone.
      The current drilling program, has indicated that the "A" Zone may also
      have the potential to become an additional production source. For
      example, the junction between the "B Zone" and the "A" mineralized
      shear zone in hole 12-57 has resulted in a broad gold zone grading 5.64
      g/t Au over 18.0m. A program to better understand the geological
      controls of this higher grade shoot related to the "A" Zone is
      currently underway.

      A 12,500m on-going Drill Program

      Two drill rigs are operating from existing stations located on 12th
      level. Since drilling commenced on April 6, 2005, a total of 53 holes
      have been completed for a cumulative total of greater than 8,630m.
      Initial interpretation of drill core indicate that the intersections
      show both significant width and strong mineralization in each of the 3
      vein systems. Drill results will be released on a regular basis as
      assay results become available over the next months.

      As a result of the outstanding success of the current drilling, a
      supplementary drill program is currently been considered to further
      extend the mineralized gold resource envelop and to establish the basis
      for future exploration endeavours. Details of this additional program
      will be forthcoming.

      Table 1. -- Bachelor Lake underground drilling program detailed assay
      Please note that all the intervals are indicated over core lengths, not
      true vein widths.

      Qualified Person

      The above information has been prepared under the supervision of
      Consulting Geologist Alain Carrier, M.Sc., P.Geo., InnovExplo inc.,
      "Qualified" and "Independent" Person under 43-101 guidelines. Alain
      Carrier is actually supervising the field work and has verified the
      authenticity and validity of the data. This release has also been
      reviewed by Yves Buro who is designated as a "Qualified Person", under
      the definition of NI 43-101, and who has also the ability and authority
      to verify the authenticity and validity of the exploration data. In
      addition to over 25 years of experience on exploration and mining
      projects, Yves has specific prior experience on the Bachelor Lake

      Quality Control and Quality Assurance Program

      Assay samples are taken from drill core (BQ size) sawed in half with
      one half sent to a commercial laboratory and other half retained for
      future reference. A strict QA/QC program is followed which includes
      mineralized standards, blank and duplicate for each batch of samples.
      Significant assay results are duplicated at the original laboratory.
      The gold assaying method uses a 30-gram sample Fire Assays (atomic
      absorption with gravimetric finish for sample over 5 g/t Au) on splits
      from an initial 250-gram pulverized sample. The current drilling
      program seems to indicate that more visible gold occurs at depth at
      Bachelor Lake. The assay protocol was revised considering these coarse
      gold occurrences. Gold assaying is now obtain from a 50-gram sample on
      splits from an initial 1000-gram pulverized sample (crushing 90% <2mm
      and pulverization 90% <200 mesh). Assays were performed by ALS Chemex -
      Chimitec of Val-d`Or (Québec), an assay laboratory accredited by the
      Standards Council of Canada. Metallic screen fire assay are completed
      on samples with visible gold or where initial multiple duplicates show
      any variability.

      For further information on the Bachelor Lake Property, please see the
      Bachelor Lake Gold Mine Property NI 43-101 - Technical Report dated
      December 20, 2004 (Revised Version), filed on SEDAR at

      - 30 -

      The TSX Venture Exchange has not reviewed and does not accept
      responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release. Except for
      the historical statements contained herein, this news release presents
      forward-looking statements that involve inherent risks and
      uncertainties. Although the management and officers of Halo Resources
      Ltd. believe that the expectations reflected in such forward-looking
      statements are based upon reasonable assumptions, they give no
      assurance that their expectations will be achieved. Certain risks and
      uncertainties inherent in the Company`s operations include political,
      economic, environmental and geological issues, including but not
      limited to, the continued need for additional capital, the competition
      within the mining industry, and other risks detailed from time to time
      in the Company`s periodic reports filed with the British Columbia
      Securities Commission and the United States Securities and Exchange
      Commission. Investors are cautioned that, except as disclosed in the
      materials to be prepared in connection with the transaction, any
      information released or received with respect to the transaction may
      not be accurate or complete and should not be relied upon. Trading in
      the securities of Halo Resources Ltd. should be considered highly
      speculative. The TSX Venture Exchange has in no way passed upon the
      merits of the proposed transaction and has neither approved nor
      disapproved the contents of this press release.

      For further informations, please contact:

      Serge Roy, President and CEO Marc Cernovitch, President & CEO
      Metanor Resources Inc. Halo Resources Inc.
      819-825-8678 or 819-856-8435 Tel: 604-484-0068
      Fax: 604-484-0069
      Ghislain Morin, Toll Free: 1-866-841-0068
      V.P. Corporate Development
      Metanor Resources Inc.

      819-825-8678 or 819-354-9439

      2872, Sullivan Road, suite 2, Val-d`Or (Quebec) J0Y 2N0
      Phone : (819) 825-8678 Fax. : (819) 825-8224
      schrieb am 25.06.05 04:56:20
      Beitrag Nr. 58 ()
      Hier noch was positives zum Wochenende.

      Schlusskurs Canada

      0,74 +0,04 +5,71%

      schrieb am 27.06.05 07:25:10
      Beitrag Nr. 59 ()
      Da Kann ja die Woche eigentlich nur positiv beginnen.

      0,74CAD = 0,494EUR :D:D:D
      schrieb am 02.07.05 14:07:27
      Beitrag Nr. 60 ()
      Hier mal ein kleines Rechenbeispiel zum Thema Unterbewertung von Halo.:cool:

      Bachelor Lake Property

      Kap. Der Muele 500t pro Tag x 6 g/t (durchscnittlicher Goldgehalt der bisherigen Bohrlöcher) ergibt
      3000 Gramm pro Tag.

      Eine Fein-Unze Gold entspricht 31,1035 g

      3000g geteilt durch 31,1035g = ca. 96Feinunzen x 428$(akt.Goldpreis)= 41088 $

      41088 $ x 365Tage = 14.997.120,- USD

      14.997.120,-USD x 1,2411 = 18.612.925,-CAD:D:D:D

      Halo Res. ist gerade mal mit 13.992.123,-CAD an der Boerse in Canada bewertet.
      Aus meiner Sicht erheblich unterbewertet!:cool:

      Und da habe ich die anderen sehr aussichtsreichen Projekte noch nicht mit eingerechnet.

      Da kann sich jeder sein Urteil bilden. Für mich ein klarer Kauf.:D:D:D
      schrieb am 05.07.05 08:48:51
      Beitrag Nr. 61 ()
      Hat jemand einen link, wo man die aktuellen Kurse
      in Kanada verfolgen kann ?
      schrieb am 05.07.05 09:23:17
      Beitrag Nr. 62 ()
      Die Kurse von TSX Venture gibt es bei comdirect.

      Unter Börsenplatz TSX wählen.

      Tickliste ebenfalls einsehbar.
      schrieb am 05.07.05 09:39:21
      Beitrag Nr. 63 ()
      ...wie konnte smallcap-investor am 5. juli 2005 zu 0,46 euro kaufen ???
      schrieb am 05.07.05 09:45:09
      Beitrag Nr. 64 ()
      weiß nicht, wie smallcap das gemacht hat, ich hatte gestern gegen 19.30 Uhr keine Probleme ein wenig Spielgeld auf Halo zu setzen (bei 0,46) und heute bei 0,57 zu verkaufen.

      War nett und finanziert und kleinen Restaurant-Besuch....


      schrieb am 05.07.05 10:01:06
      Beitrag Nr. 65 ()
      ab und zu bringt es doch was wenn man bei den börsenbriefe direkt registriert ist!!:laugh:

      das mail hatte ich gestern um 19:33:D

      euer wbmaier
      schrieb am 05.07.05 10:02:59
      Beitrag Nr. 66 ()
      Offensichtlich kaufen hier manche wegen dieser "Guruempfehlung" ohne sich den Kurs und die Indis in Canada anzuschauen. Na dann viel Spass für diejenigen, die zu 0,58 kaufen, während der Kurs in Can bei 0,51 steht. ;)
      schrieb am 05.07.05 10:07:16
      Beitrag Nr. 67 ()
      dann warte einmal ab - wie hoch der kurs heute in canada stehen wird - ich bin mir sicher unter 0,85 bis 0,90 wirst du da keine stücke mehr bekommen!
      schrieb am 05.07.05 10:10:18
      Beitrag Nr. 68 ()
      Schlusskurs Canada $0.75 +0.08/+11.94% Vol.97,500:D:D

      Kurs von Canada
      schrieb am 05.07.05 10:26:47
      Beitrag Nr. 69 ()
      Na schaun wir mal. Ich denke, wir kommen leicht zurück oder gehen kurz seitwärts und brechen dann nach oben aus dem 0,75 Block aus.
      schrieb am 05.07.05 10:47:35
      Beitrag Nr. 70 ()
      Hallo Eyk.Schön das du auch hier dabei bist.:)

      Du mischst wohl auch überall mit?:)

      Ich denke das man hier bei Halo in nächster Zeit recht gut den einen oder anderen Euro verdienen kann.:D

      Das Potential ist da.

      Wait & See
      schrieb am 05.07.05 10:55:49
      Beitrag Nr. 71 ()
      Vol. 224.321 :D
      RT FFM 0,56

      Das gabs die ganzen letzten Wochen nicht.

      0,75CAD x 0,6756 = 0,5067EUR
      Bin gespannt ob Canada heute Nachmittag nachzieht.:cool:
      schrieb am 05.07.05 11:13:05
      Beitrag Nr. 72 ()
      [posting]17.135.853 von odin1603 am 05.07.05 10:47:35[/posting]Kennen wir uns schon?
      Bin noch nicht dabei. Habe Halo vor ein paar Wochen mit gutem Gewinn verkauft und überlege gerade wieder einzusteigen. Schau mir das bis nach dem Mittag mal an. Gruß Eyk
      schrieb am 05.07.05 11:38:11
      Beitrag Nr. 73 ()
      [posting]17.135.079 von wbmaier am 05.07.05 10:01:06[/posting]glückwunsch den glücklichen - trotzdem. datiert war es auf den 5.juli 2005 - und da gab es keine 0.46...
      schrieb am 05.07.05 12:13:12
      Beitrag Nr. 74 ()
      was war auf 5 juli datiert??
      schrieb am 05.07.05 12:50:16
      Beitrag Nr. 75 ()
      a ok! du meinst den depot-alert vom smallcap-investor. sehr gerade der ist mit 5 juli datiert. ist doch klar die abonnenten bekommen es früher (so wie ich - gestern um 19:30) und der rest erst heute!!

      wenn du dir eine abendzeitung kaufst steht ja auch schon das datum vom nächsten tag drauf!!!

      wo siehst du da das problem??
      schrieb am 05.07.05 17:02:09
      Beitrag Nr. 76 ()
      An der TSX z.Z. 0,80 Can$ das entspricht 0,54 €.

      Die Kanadier ziehen also mit.
      schrieb am 05.07.05 17:24:14
      Beitrag Nr. 77 ()
      schrieb am 05.07.05 17:55:07
      Beitrag Nr. 78 ()
      nutzt eure gewinne - fanta (924382) wird wahrscheinlich heute noch los/hochgehen...
      schrieb am 05.07.05 18:49:57
      Beitrag Nr. 79 ()
      [posting]17.136.200 von Eyk am 05.07.05 11:13:05[/posting]Hab schon deine Postings zu Tennant gelesen.Fand die Postings meistens gut.:D

      Bin halt immer an Infos und Link´s interessiert.Leider kommt von den meisten Leuten bei W.O.nur Sch... .:)
      schrieb am 06.07.05 20:00:27
      Beitrag Nr. 80 ()
      Bin jetzt auch in HALO drin.

      Nach Torrent Energy mein zweites Investment in einen soliden, nicht spekulativen Wert :laugh:
      schrieb am 06.07.05 20:38:40
      Beitrag Nr. 81 ()
      hi bin auch seit gestern in Halo investiert mal schauen wie sich der kurs weiterentwickelt. mfg robert
      schrieb am 07.07.05 21:11:20
      Beitrag Nr. 82 ()
      Bisschen schwache Umsätze :(
      schrieb am 08.07.05 08:25:37
      Beitrag Nr. 83 ()
      tja heute werden wir ein ein schönes minus sehen:(:(:( lg robert
      schrieb am 08.07.05 11:51:00
      Beitrag Nr. 84 ()
      Kann ein minus schön sein? :confused::confused:
      schrieb am 08.07.05 13:50:06
      Beitrag Nr. 85 ()
      hi midgbridg, hi schau dir mal denn kurs in canada(0,70) an. da müßte es in frankfurt eigentlich schön bergab gehen. lg robert
      schrieb am 09.07.05 13:58:09
      Beitrag Nr. 86 ()
      Freitag +12% in USA :D
      schrieb am 10.07.05 00:04:12
      Beitrag Nr. 87 ()
      [posting]17.181.388 von Robert023 am 08.07.05 13:50:06[/posting]:lick:
      gut abgeschlossen in CAD für den Freitag
      0.77 CAD = 0.528 Euro !!!
      Sei nicht so pessimistisch ROBERT023
      schrieb am 10.07.05 20:52:58
      Beitrag Nr. 88 ()
      hi mandarinxy, bin ja gar nicht pessimistisch.bin gespannt wie sich die aktie weiterentwickelt lg robert
      schrieb am 10.07.05 21:37:00
      Beitrag Nr. 89 ()
      Hier braucht niemand pessimistisch zu sein, seht euch nur mal das Rechenbeispiel Posting#60 an!:D
      Damit wäre die momentane Bewertung locker abgedeckt.:D:D:D

      Lasst mal einen der grösseren institutionellen Anleger drauf aufmerksam werden was Halo da alles im Boden hat.Denkt Ihr Wolfden Res. hält umsonst 10% an Halo?

      Egal was irgend ein Börsenbrief tönt.Für mich ist Halo immer noch ein klarer kauf!!!!

      Meiner Meinung nach jederzeit für 100% gut.Bis ende des Jahres.

      Wait & See
      schrieb am 11.07.05 09:16:33
      Beitrag Nr. 90 ()
      hi odin1603, na ja an eine kursverdoppelung glaub ich nicht. vielliecht ihn 1-2 jahren lg robert
      schrieb am 13.07.05 10:54:27
      Beitrag Nr. 91 ()
      Hohe Wertsteigerung! Sowohl auf Unternehmensseite, als auch in Ihrem Depot!

      Vielversprechende Projekte, verteilt in mehreren Goldregionen der Welt. Goldreserven im Millionen Unzen Bereich, teilweise sogar im 43-101 Format. Dazu noch andere Rohstoffe in wirtschaftlichem Rahmen abbaubar. Die Wiedereröffnung einer Mine. Die Phantasie, diese Werte durch weitere große Drillprogramme zu steigern. Ein Management, welches sein Können schon unter Beweis stellen konnte. Millionen auf der Bank und dabei schuldenfrei. Und das Ganze bekommen Sie für gerade einmal knapp 20 Mio. CAN-Dollar.

      Neugierig? Dann halten Sie morgen Ausschau nach unserem Smallcap Investor Depot - Alert ! 13.07.2005

      Joachim Brunner MBA

      meinen die halo?????
      lg robert
      schrieb am 13.07.05 11:06:15
      Beitrag Nr. 92 ()
      hey robert könnte sein stell diese meldung doch auf die startseite einige wissen es ;) bin auch in halo inv.
      schrieb am 13.07.05 12:32:19
      Beitrag Nr. 93 ()
      Da Halo Res. Projekte in Kanada am Laufen hat, kann wohl die Aussage "verteilt in mehreren Goldregionen der Welt" nicht ganz zutreffen.

      schrieb am 13.07.05 12:33:37
      Beitrag Nr. 94 ()
      ja das hab ich mir auch gedacht strangefloor. lg robert
      schrieb am 13.07.05 15:59:03
      Beitrag Nr. 95 ()
      93,strangefloor: Könnte sein, dass es sich hierbei um halo handelt. Es war mal vor einiger Zeit die Rede davon, dass große Adressen an halo herantreten, um unter anderem auch vermutete Uranvorkommen zu explorieren. Gold könnte sich dabei als fündiges "Nebenprodukt" eingestellt haben. Das ist aber meine persönliche Meinung und spekulativ.
      schrieb am 13.07.05 15:59:42
      Beitrag Nr. 96 ()
      Da hat gerade einer 100.000 Shares abgeholt. Vielleicht wegen folgender Meldung:

      Press Release Source: METANOR RESOURCES INC.

      New Results From Halo & Metanor Underground Drilling Program at Bachelor Lake, Quebec
      Wednesday July 13, 9:33 am ET

      VAL-D`OR, QUEBEC--(CCNMatthews - July 13, 2005) - Marc Cernovitch, President & CEO of Halo Resources Ltd. (TSX VENTURE:HLO - News; OTCBB:HLOSF - News; FSE:HRL) & Serge Roy, President & CEO of Metanor Resources Inc. (TSX VENTURE:MTO - News) are pleased to announce new results from the ongoing 12,500m underground drilling program at Bachelor Lake, Quebec. Significant assay results were returned from the deep extension (below Level 12) of the "Main", "A" and "B" mineralized zones (see also Press Release of May 26, June 8 and June 23, 2005). New highlighted results are from below Level 12 and the intercepts are listed below:
      Bachelor Lake "A Zone":
      - 17.77 g/t Au over 3.25 m contained within 9.19 g/t Au over 8.20 m
      (hole 12-59);

      Bachelor Lake "B Zone":
      - 11.08 g/t Au over 1.75 m contained within 4.16 g/t Au over 13.20
      m (hole 12-59);
      - 7.40 g/t Au over 3.20 m contained within 4.59 g/t Au over 7.25 m
      (hole 12-61);
      - 12.22 g/t Au over 2.15 m contained within 6.01 g/t Au over 6.30 m
      (hole 12-61);
      - 5.90 g/t Au over 1.85 m contained within 3.56 g/t Au over 5.85 m
      (hole 12-64);
      - 8.81 g/t Au over 2.90 m contained within 6.19 g/t Au over 7.10 m
      (hole 12-64);

      Bachelor Lake "Main Zone":
      - 7.10 g/t Au over 0.80 m contained within 4.46 g/t Au over 5.50 m
      (hole 12-59);
      - 11.75 g/t Au over 1.85 m contained within 3.25 g/t Au over 15.70
      m (hole 12-60);
      - 9.28 g/t Au over 1.35 m contained within 7.66 g/t Au over 2.25 m
      (hole 12-62);
      - 27.43 g/t Au over 1.25 m contained within 9.29 g/t Au over 5.05 m
      (hole 12-66);
      - 6.89 g/t Au over 1.70 m contained within 3.56 g/t Au over 6.05 m
      (hole 12-76);
      - 12.22 g/t Au over 1.65 m contained within 5.55 g/t Au over 5.35 m
      (hole 12-80).

      Please note that all the intervals are uncut and indicated over core lengths, not true vein or horizontal widths. See Table 1, for detailed assay results and Figure 1 and 2 for approximate hole locations.

      Figure 1 : Bachelor Lake Main Zone Longitudinal View

      Figure 2 : Bachelor Lake B Zone Longitudinal View

      A 12,500m on-going drilling program

      Two drill rigs are operating from existing stations located on 12th level. Since drilling commenced on April 6, 2005, a total of 59 holes have been completed for a cumulative amount of more than 10,970m. Initial interpretation of the core from these holes has indicated excellent core intervals and strong mineralization in all 3 vein systems. Drill results will be released on a regular basis as assay results become available over the next month.

      End of the drilling program and new resource estimate

      The underground drilling program should be completed in the next two weeks. Compilation of actual and historic results and geological interpretation will lead to a new geologic model and resource estimate. Halo and Metanor will then proceed with an intermediate economic study within two months of the end of underground works. This study`s target is to prepare a sound development framework and to ensure that a favourable economic mining and production plan can be established and thereby justify the commencement of a fully bankable feasibility study. This intermediate study will also identify any specific additional data requirements and including the need for an advanced underground exploration program.

      Table 1. - Bachelor Lake underground drilling program
      detailed assay results.

      Please note that all the intervals are indicated over core lengths, not true vein widths.

      Qualified Person

      The above information has been prepared under the supervision of Consulting Geologist Alain Carrier, M.Sc., P.Geo., InnovExplo inc., "Qualified" and "Independent" Person under 43-101 guidelines. Alain Carrier is actually supervising the field work and has verified the authenticity and validity of the data.

      Quality Control and Quality Assurance Program

      Assay samples are taken from drill core (BQ size) sawed in half with one half sent to a commercial laboratory and other half retained for future reference. A strict QA/QC program is followed which includes mineralized standards, blank and duplicate for each batch of samples. Significant assay results are duplicated at the original laboratory. The gold assaying method uses a 30-gram sample Fire Assays (atomic absorption with gravimetric finish for sample over 5 g/t Au) on splits from an initial 250-gram pulverized sample. The current drilling program seem to indicates that more visible gold occurs at depth at Bachelor Lake. The assay protocol was revised considering these coarse gold occurrences. Gold assaying is now obtain from a 50-gram sample on splits from an initial 1000-gram pulverized sample (crushing 90% less than2mm and pulverization 90% less than200 mesh). Assays were performed by ALS Chemex - Chimitec of Val-d`Or (Quebec), an assay laboratory accredited by the St!
      andards Council of Canada. Metallic screen fire assay are completed on samples with visible gold or where initial multiple duplicates show any variability.

      Halo has an option to earn a 50% interest of the Bachelor Lake Property in Quebec, Canada, owned by Metanor Resources Inc. (TSX Venture:MTO - News).

      For further information on the Bachelor Lake Property, please see the Bachelor Lake Gold Mine Property NI 43-101 - Technical Report dated December 20, 2004 (Revised Version), filed on SEDAR at

      The TSX Venture Exchange has not reviewed and does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release. Except for the historical statements contained herein, this news release presents forward-looking statements that involve inherent risks and uncertainties. Although the management and officers of Halo Resources Ltd. believe that the expectations reflected in such forward-looking statements are based upon reasonable assumptions, they give no assurance that their expectations will be achieved. Certain risks and uncertainties inherent in the Company`s operations include political, economic, environmental and geological issues, including but not limited to, the continued need for additional capital, the competition within the mining industry, and other risks detailed from time to time in the Company`s periodic reports filed with the British Columbia Securities Commission and the United States Securities and Exchange Commission. Investors are cautioned that, !
      except as disclosed in the materials to be prepared in connection with the transaction, any information released or received with respect to the transaction may not be accurate or complete and should not be relied upon. Trading in the securities of Halo Resources Ltd. should be considered highly speculative. The TSX Venture Exchange has in no way passed upon the merits of the proposed transaction and has neither approved nor disapproved the contents of this press release.


      Metanor Resources Inc.
      Serge Roy
      President and CEO
      (819) 825-8678 or (819) 856-8435
      Metanor Resources Inc.
      Ghislain Morin
      V.P. Corporate Development
      (819) 825-8678 or (819) 354-9439
      Halo Resources Inc
      Marc Cernovitch
      President & CEO
      (604) 484-0068 or 1-866-841-0068 (toll free)
      Fax: (604) 484-0069

      schrieb am 13.07.05 16:16:27
      Beitrag Nr. 97 ()
      klingt interessant. aber mal abwarten wie die börs in canada reagiert. lg robert
      schrieb am 13.07.05 19:50:49
      Beitrag Nr. 98 ()
      hi weiß wer was neues. gibt es irgendeine aktuelle empfehlung. lg robert
      schrieb am 14.07.05 05:35:42
      Beitrag Nr. 99 ()

      HLO 0.760 +0.010 +1.33 183,071 :D

      Wait & See
      schrieb am 14.07.05 05:38:21
      Beitrag Nr. 100 ()

      Sk heute 0,54 ?????
      schrieb am 14.07.05 05:39:36
      Beitrag Nr. 101 ()
      [posting]17.231.528 von odin1603 am 14.07.05 05:38:21[/posting]Euro natürlich.:D:D
      schrieb am 14.07.05 15:25:41
      Beitrag Nr. 102 ()
      zu 91: Gemeint war North American Gold (WKN A0EAMB)
      schrieb am 14.07.05 15:39:53
      Beitrag Nr. 103 ()
      schrieb am 16.07.05 09:23:43
      Beitrag Nr. 104 ()
      Wer hat warum die Dinger denn in Berlin für`n Appel und nen Ei abgeben :eek:
      schrieb am 16.07.05 14:27:18
      Beitrag Nr. 105 ()
      [posting]17.252.454 von CorpusHermeticus am 16.07.05 09:23:43[/posting]Die Stücke hätte ich auch gerne für nen Appel + Ei genommen :D:cry:
      schrieb am 16.07.05 15:09:22
      Beitrag Nr. 106 ()
      Die 5000 sind nicht für 0,47 übern Tisch gegangen (waren 0,57... Respekt, das nenn ich vorausschauend;)). Der MM hat kurz vor Handelsschluss ohne Volumen einfach mal auf Bid runtergetaxt.

      Ich weiss auch nicht, warum manche Jungs in Berlin immer so ein Blödsinn taxen. Der Spread in Berlin ist auch immer gigantisch.

      schrieb am 18.07.05 20:01:40
      Beitrag Nr. 107 ()
      schrieb am 18.07.05 20:50:13
      Beitrag Nr. 108 ()
      Neue Empfehlung mit wiederholten alten Infos. Naja, dürfte ein paar Cent wert sein.;)

      Mich würde mal interessieren, wer da letzte Woche die 100.000 Stücke zu 0,52 in D weggekauft hat? Weiss da jemand näheres?

      schrieb am 19.07.05 12:01:51
      Beitrag Nr. 109 ()
      tja das wär wirklich interessant zu wissen. lg robert
      schrieb am 20.07.05 14:50:15
      Beitrag Nr. 110 ()
      Aber Hallo :laugh:

      sieht aus, als ob hier jemand kräftig am Sammeln ist. Dabei war doch die gestrige Empfehlung nur ne Wiederholung.
      Oder sammeln da weitere Kräfte ein, welche das Pushen besser können? :D

      Immerhin heute schon beinahe 200% mehr Umsatz als gestern! ;)
      schrieb am 20.07.05 15:19:28
      Beitrag Nr. 111 ()
      ja komisch. obwohl es ja in canada gestern gefallen ist. lg robert
      schrieb am 25.07.05 21:10:54
      Beitrag Nr. 112 ()
      Wieso wir HALO heute in Kanada nicht gehandelt?

      während ENERGULF

      und EXETER

      gehandelt werden? :confused:
      schrieb am 26.07.05 09:05:37
      Beitrag Nr. 113 ()
      der einzige grund ist es gibt keine umsätze lg robert

      Ps: schau dir die umsätze gestern in frankfurt an
      schrieb am 28.07.05 09:30:36
      Dieser Beitrag wurde vom System automatisch gesperrt. Bei Fragen wenden Sie sich bitte an
      schrieb am 03.08.05 08:29:18
      Beitrag Nr. 115 ()
      Halo & Metanor Announce New High Grade Results from Underground Drilling Program at Bachelor Lake (Quebec)


      VAL-D`OR, QUÉBEC, August 3rd, 2005 - Marc Cernovitch, President & CEO of Halo Resources Ltd. (TSX.V:HLO; OTC.BB:HLOSF; FSE:HRL) & Serge Roy, President & CEO of Metanor Resources Inc. (TSX.V:MTO) are pleased to announce new results from the ongoing underground drilling program at Bachelor Lake, Quebec. Significant assay results were returned from the deep extension (below Level 12) of the "Main", "A" and "B" mineralized zones (see also News Releases of May 26, June 8, June 23, and July 13, 2005). New highlighted results are from below Level 12 and the intercepts are listed below:

      Bachelor Lake "B Zone":
      6.33 g/t Au over 9.95 m contained within 5.29 g/t Au over 14.45 m (hole 12-68);
      5.11 g/t Au over 1.80 m contained within 2.89 g/t Au over 4.20 m (hole 12-72);
      12.90 g/t Au over 6.10 m contained within 8.06 g/t Au over 10.30 m (hole 12-88);
      Bachelor Lake "Main Zone":
      10.50 g/t Au over 3.48 m contained within 4.39 g/t Au over 9.20 m (hole 12-68);
      6.53 g/t Au over 3.90 m contained within 3.29 g/t Au over 9.60 m (hole 12-74);
      22.30 g/t Au over 1.60 m contained within 11.69 g/t Au over 3.60 m (hole 12-77);
      6.20 g/t Au over 4.55 m contained within 4.90 g/t Au over 5.25 m (hole 12-86);
      Please note that all the intervals are uncut and indicated over core lengths, not true vein or horizontal widths. See Table 1, for detailed assay results and Figure 1 and 2 for approximate hole locations.

      Figure 1 : Bachelor Lake Main Zone Longitudinal View

      Figure 2 : Bachelor Lake B Zone Longitudinal View

      Geological and structural interpretation and new resource estimate

      The underground diamond drilling program was completed during the last week of July 2005 with a total of 13,242.6 m, all assay results will be available in early August. A thorough compilation and review, including data entry and data validation of all historic drilling records, including those from the recently acquired Hewfran property, is currently in progress. Date from both historical and new drill holes will be merged into one common database representing more than 400 drill holes.

      The Main Zone (MZ) has now been drill tested to a vertical depth below surface of 825 m over a strike length of 500 m. Both the horizontal and vertical components of the MZ have been substantially extended. Two recently completed holes suggest a two-fold increase in the strike extent of this structure which remains open at depth and along strike to the west. In addition, Hole 12-95 which tested the MZ at a distance of 170 m down plunge from previous Hole 12-60 (i.e. 11.75 g/t Au over 1.85 m) intersected sulphide mineralization and alteration over a core length of 8.3 m.

      Geological and structural interpretation will lead to a complete review of the Hewfran-Bachelor Lake gold deposit, a new 3D geological model and revised resource estimate.

      Table 1. - Bachelor Lake underground drilling program detailed assay results

      Please note that all the intervals are indicated over core lengths, not true vein widths.

      Qualified Person

      The above information has been prepared under the supervision of Consulting Geologist Alain Carrier, M.Sc., P.Geo., InnovExplo inc., "Qualified" and "Independent" Person under 43-101 guidelines. Alain Carrier is actually supervising the field work and has verified the authenticity and validity of the data.

      Quality Control and Quality Assurance Program

      Assay samples are taken from drill core (BQ size) sawed in half with one half sent to a commercial laboratory and other half retained for future reference. A strict QA/QC program is followed which includes mineralized standards, blank and duplicate for each batch of samples. Significant assay results are duplicated at the original laboratory. The gold assaying method uses a 30-gram sample Fire Assays (atomic absorption with gravimetric finish for sample over 5 g/t Au) on splits from an initial 250-gram pulverized sample. The current drilling program seem to indicates that more visible gold occurs at depth at Bachelor Lake. The assay protocol was revised considering these coarse gold occurrences. Gold assaying is now obtain from a 50-gram sample on splits from an initial 1000-gram pulverized sample (crushing 90% <2mm and pulverization 90% <200 mesh). Assays were performed by ALS Chemex - Chimitec of Val-d`Or (Québec), an assay laboratory accredited by the Standards Council of Canada. Metallic screen fire assay are completed on samples with visible gold or where initial multiple duplicates show any variability.

      Halo has an option to earn a 50% interest of the Bachelor Lake Property in Quebec, Canada, owned by Metanor Resources Inc. (TSX.V: MTO).

      For further information on the Bachelor Lake Property, please see the Bachelor Lake Gold Mine Property NI 43-101 - Technical Report dated December 20, 2004 (Revised Version), filed on SEDAR at

      - 30 -

      The TSX Venture Exchange has not reviewed and does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release. Except for the historical statements contained herein, this news release presents forward-looking statements that involve inherent risks and uncertainties. Although the management and officers of Halo Resources Ltd. believe that the expectations reflected in such forward-looking statements are based upon reasonable assumptions, they give no assurance that their expectations will be achieved. Certain risks and uncertainties inherent in the Company`s operations include political, economic, environmental and geological issues, including but not limited to, the continued need for additional capital, the competition within the mining industry, and other risks detailed from time to time in the Company`s periodic reports filed with the British Columbia Securities Commission and the United States Securities and Exchange Commission. Investors are cautioned that, except as disclosed in the materials to be prepared in connection with the transaction, any information released or received with respect to the transaction may not be accurate or complete and should not be relied upon. Trading in the securities of Halo Resources Ltd. should be considered highly speculative. The TSX Venture Exchange has in no way passed upon the merits of the proposed transaction and has neither approved nor disapproved the contents of this press release.
      schrieb am 05.08.05 08:28:25
      Beitrag Nr. 116 ()
      sehr geehrter herr cernovitch,

      wann wird am Bachelor Lake gold abgebaut. mfg robert raffer

      Wir befinden uns dabei eine Feasibility Study (Machbarkeitsstudie) zu
      vollenden, welche uns eine genaue Übersicht über Zeiträume und Kosten geben
      wird. Diese Studie wird Ende September fertiggestellt sein. Ab diesem
      Zeitpunkt liegen unsere internen Erwartungen für den Produktionsstart bei
      12 - 18 Monaten.

      thank you,

      schrieb am 05.08.05 21:03:55
      Beitrag Nr. 117 ()
      Time Price Shares $ Chng Buyer Seller
      13:58 0.780 4,500 +0.050 Canaccord Pacific
      13:58 0.770 8,000 +0.040 Canaccord Canaccord
      13:57 0.760 4,000 +0.030 Canaccord First Assoc.
      13:57 0.750 500 +0.020 Canaccord Interactive
      13:57 0.750 8,000 +0.020 Canaccord Canaccord
      schrieb am 05.08.05 21:29:03
      Beitrag Nr. 118 ()
      hi odin1603, leider sind das nur kleine umsätze. am montag sind wir dann wieder bei 0.73. mfg robert

      Ps: frankfurt war heute null umsatz

      schönen abend noch
      schrieb am 06.08.05 11:37:16
      Beitrag Nr. 119 ()
      HALO ist momentan a bissl markteng, aber war gestern trotzdem netter Schlusskurs in CAN (0,80 CAN$).:D

      schrieb am 06.08.05 16:22:49
      Beitrag Nr. 120 ()
      Duport klingt wirklich vielversprechend...............

      Höhepunkte des Projekts
      Programme in der Vergangenheit berichten von durch Bohrungen angezeigte Reserven von 1,61 Millionen short tons mit 0,35 oz gold/st (12,00g/Tonne)
      Bohrungen von insgesamt 243.442 ft wurden in Duport durchgeführt: 171.588 ft von der Oberfläche; 71.884 ft von Untertage
      Intensive Explorationsaktivitäten in der Vergangenheit führte zur Punzierung von mehr als 20.000 Bohrkern- und Sammelproben
      Insgesamt 12.340 ft Erschliebung Untertage hat die Kontinuität der Goldmineralisation festgestellt.
      Anhaltende aggressive Bohrprogramme über 15-20.000 Meter


      Die ursprüngliche Akquisition und wichtigstes Projekt ist das Duport Gold Objekt in der Nähe von Kenora, Ontario, Kanada.

      Das Duport Objekt ist ein teilweise entwickeltes Goldprojekt mit aubergewöhnlichem Explorationspotential. Halos Pläne für Duport bestehen darin, bekannte Resourcen durch weitere Bohrungen und Explorationen zu vergröbern und damit das Objekt in Richtung der kommerziellen Produktion voranzutreiben.

      DIE GOLDENE GESCHICHTE DES DUPORT PROJEKTES. Das Duport Gold Objekt befindet sich am Shoal Lake etwa 20km südlich des Trans-Canada Highway, unmittelbar östlich der Grenze zwischen den Provinzen Manitoba und Ontario und umfasst 67 Mineral-Claims, die 3012 Acres besetzen.

      Erste Aufzeichnungen über Arbeiten auf dem Duport Objekt stammen aus dem Jahr 1897. Seitdem sind die Arbeiten mit Unterbrechungen fortgeführt worden. Innerhalb des Duport Objektes sind drei separate mineralisierte Zonen festgestellt worden: die "Hauptzone", die "Ostzone" und die "nördlichen hängenden Wände" (eine nördliche Verlängerung der Hauptzone).

      Mitte der 1930er Jahre haben beschränkte Sammelproben und Bergbautätigkeiten etwa 1218 short tons Material mit 3,36 oz au/ton hervorgebracht. Anschliebende Diamantenbohrungen in den 1950er Jahren erweiterten die goldhaltige Zone sowohl lateral als auch vertikal. Es wird geschätzt, dass Duport in den 1980er Jahren eine durch Bohrungen festgestellte Reserve von insgesamt 1,61 Millionen short tons (st) mit 0,35 oz au/st über eine "strike length" von 3000 ft bis zu einer durchschnittlichen Tiefe von 1000 ft hatte (siehe "NI 43-101 Disclaimer".)

      UMFANGREICHE EXPLORATIONSPROGRAMME. Das Duport Objekt wurde von Consolidated Professor Mines Ltd. ("CPM") im Jahre 1973 erworben. Das Unternehmen investierte geschätzte $10 bis 15 Millionen in das Objekt. In den Jahren 1983 -- 84 hat CPM im Anschluss an zusätzliche Oberflächenbohrungen ein umfangreiches Untertage-Explorationsprogramm durchgeführt, dass ein spurloses Gefälle von 3600 ft von Stevens Island bis zur 530 ft-Ebene der Hauptzone beinhaltete.

      Das Untertage-Bohrungsprogramm in Duport beinhaltete 157 Bohrlöcher von insgesamt 45.100 ft und einer Streichlänge von 1700 ft. Eine Analyse der Daten zeigt einen ziemlich tiefen Abfall der Hauptzone nach Norden, mit einer etablierten Kontinuität bis zu einer Tiefe von 1600 ft. Es wurden insgesamt 162 Schnitte mit Graden und Weiten, die die oberen Grenzen überschritten, erzielt. Individuelle Schnnitte reichten bis zu 1,0 oz au/ton (cut) über 23,0 ft mit einem gewichteten Mittelwert von 0,46 oz au/ton über 5,1 ft für alle Schnitte.

      Das zuletzt getestete Gebiet war die nördliche Verlängerung der Hauptzone, die sieben parallel hängende Wände beinhaltet, in denen bei mehren Gelegenheiten aubergewöhnliche Grade angetroffen wurden. Der Schwerpunkt des agressiven Bohrungs- und Explorationsprogramms von Halo Resources wird darin bestehen, die Ausdehnung, Kontinuität und Qualität dieser parallelen Adern zu etablieren.

      Von 1951 bis 1988 sind im Zuge der Exploration der Duport Lagerstätte insgesamt 665 Diamantenbohrlöcher an der Oberfläche und Untertage fertiggestellt worden, vor allem in den Haupt- und Ostzonen. Dies entspricht insgesamt 243.442 feet Bohrungen, 171.588 von der Oberfläche und 71.884 feet von Untertage.

      Wright Engineers Limited hat im Jahre 1989 für Consolidated Professor einen Machbarkeits- und Umweltbericht bezüglich des Duport Objektes fertiggestellt (siehe "NI 43 -- 101 Haftungsausschluss" auf dieser Seite).

      Unter Verwendung einer Obergrenze von 0,20 Unzen Gold pro Tonne über eine Minimalbreite von 4 ft berichtete Wright Engineers von einer unverdünnten bewiesenen Reserve von 113.000 st mit einem Grad von 046 Unzen Gold pro short ton (15,77 Gramm/Tonne) mit einer durchschnittlichen Breite von 8,98 feet. Mögliche Reserven wurden mit 846.400 short tons zu 0,36 oz/st (12,34 g/Tonne) angegeben, mit einer durchschnittlichen Breite von 7,99 ft.

      Der Wrigth-Bericht stellt darüber hinaus mögliche Reserven von 337.000 short Tons zu 0,34 oz/st (11,66 g/Tonne) fest und gefolgerte Reserven von 672.000 short tons zu 0,32 oz/ton (10,97 g/Tonne).

      ZUSAMMENFASSUNG Mit 20.000 untersuchten Bohrkern- und Sammelproben seit 1973 glaubt das Halos Management-Team, dass die Kontinuität der mineralisierten Goldzonen sowohl in den Haupt- als auch in den Ostzonen gut dargestellt wurde.

      Die nördliche Zone der hängenden Wände wurde von den Wright-Ingenieuren als unterexploriertes Gebiet bezeichnet, das das Potential besitzt, zusätzliche Goldresourcen hervorzubringen. Halo Resources ist zuversichtlich, dass das für Frühjahr 2005 vorgesehene 20.000 Meter-Explorationsprogramm bedeutende zusätzliche Resourcen hervorbringen wird und das Duport Gold Objekt der kommerziellen Entwicklung noch näher bringen wird.
      schrieb am 07.08.05 12:00:52
      Beitrag Nr. 121 ()
      ja der schlußkurs war nicht schlecht.aber ich glaube morgen wird der kurs wieder um 3 bis 4 cent fallen mfg robert raffer

      Ps: hätte aber nichts dagegen wenn ich mir irre
      schrieb am 08.08.05 20:09:11
      Beitrag Nr. 122 ()
      tja da bin ich ja wieder goldrichtig gelegen. lg robert
      schrieb am 08.08.05 21:49:54
      Beitrag Nr. 123 ()
      HLO $0.76 -0.04/-5%
      schrieb am 09.08.05 07:29:04
      Beitrag Nr. 124 ()
      Press Release Source: Media Inc. Spotlights Halo Resources, Ltd.
      Monday August 8, 8:01 am ET

      MISSISSAUGA, Ontario, August 8, 2005 (PRIMEZONE) -- Media, Inc. (, a leading penny stock / small-cap information site, released its latest spotlight company Halo Resources, Ltd. (OTC BB:HLOSF.OB - News) (Vancouver:HLO.V - News).

      Halo Resources Ltd is a Canadian based mineral company engaged in the acquisition of near production precious and base metal deposits. The company`s initial acquisition and primary project is the Duport Gold Property located near Kenora, Ontario. The Duport Property hosts a well-defined gold deposit with exceptional exploration upside. Increasing known reserves through further drilling and advancing the Duport Gold Property towards commercial production are key objectives. Halo is operated by an experienced management team and backed by a strong network of resource exploration and mining financiers. To further diversify the Company`s portfolio of advanced projects and further increase shareholder value, the company is carrying out an on-going program of property identification, examination and acquisition.

      A complete Halo Resources profile can be viewed at:… or…

      About Media Inc.: is focused on the small-cap / penny stock market and has become a reputable name in the investment community. runs a Canadian and U.S. site to provide investors in Canada as well as the United States with informative and unique content and information. runs weekly penny stocks to watch, has a weekly market write-up, provides company spotlights, runs a unique most active pages strictly for penny stocks trading on the TSX, TSX Venture, Nasdaq and OTC BB, and much more information for the average investor.

      Although the majority of reports are independent, it has received compensation for carrying the report on Halo Resources, Ltd. (OTC BB:HLOSF.OB - News) (Vancouver:HLO.V - News); the amount is three thousand five hundred dollars from a non-affiliated third-party, This creates an inherent conflict of interest and readers are encouraged to view the full disclaimer at….

      Contact: Media, Inc.
      Peter Szafranski -- President
      Phone: (905) 361-5680

      Source: Media Inc.
      schrieb am 09.08.05 20:18:08
      Beitrag Nr. 125 ()
      tja wenn das nicht ein gewaltiger kurssturz ist 0,67 lg robert
      schrieb am 09.08.05 20:58:55
      Beitrag Nr. 126 ()
      HLO $0.67 -0.09/-11.84%

      Nicht wirklich nachvollziehbar??
      schrieb am 09.08.05 21:01:54
      Beitrag Nr. 127 ()
      Bestimmt war diese Nachricht der Grund…

      Tue Aug 9, 2005
      Roscoe Postle Associates Inc. Study Concludes Further Work Required at Duport

      VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA, August 9, 2005 - Marc Cernovitch, President & CEO of Halo Resources Ltd. (TSX.V:HLO; OTC.BB:HLOSF; FSE:HRL) is pleased to announce that the recently completed study by Roscoe Postle Associates Inc. (RPA) concluded that further work is required at the company`s Duport Gold Property.

      A key element of the study is an updated resource estimate incorporating historical drilling information converted to digital format for the first time. The resource estimation was largely based on 74,227 m of historical diamond drilling from 1951 to 1988, as well as 7,054 m drilled by the Company in 2005. The resource was estimated using the contour method. The resource estimate by RPA, which conforms to Canadian NI 43-101 standards, was as follows:

      (1,000) Au (g/t) Au (oz)
      Indicated 424,000 13.4 (183,000)
      Inferred 387,000 10.7 (133,000)

      1. The effective date of the resource estimate is June 1, 2005.
      2. The resources were estimated using a cut-off grade of 6.86 g/t Au, a minimum thickness of 1.5 m, a gold price of US$400 per oz, a gold recovery of 91%, and all assays were capped at 68.56 g/t,
      3. Mineral resources which are not mineral reserves do not have a demonstrated economic viability.

      The principal conclusions of the RPA study were as follows:

      1. A larger, higher-grade resource is required to generate positive economic results at current prices.

      2. To source additional potential mill-feed a regional exploration program should include:
      * Exploration focused on determining which rock characteristics or structures may host thicker or higher-grade ore intersections, i.e. relating the morphology of Duport grade, thickness, and grade-thickness to the morphology of host shear zones.
      * Compilation of regional assessment data.
      * Conduct satellite imagery studies to facilitate structural interpretation.
      * Conduct and interpret airborne geophysical surveys.
      * Relate airborne survey results to structural geology studies.
      * Follow-up most favourable targets with ground geophysics.
      * Test the most favourable targets with diamond drilling.

      RPA estimates that the direct cost of such a program will be $500,000 to $700,000, depending upon the amount of diamond drilling, excluding any off-site costs.

      Qualified Person

      Graham G. Clow, a principal of RPA and a Qualified Person as defined in NI 43-101, has reviewed this news release and has verified the technical information provided herein.

      Additional Information

      For additional information on the Duport Property, please see the Technical Report on the Duport property, Northwestern Ontario, Canada, dated November 8, 2004, filed on SEDAR at

      Halo Resources Ltd. (TSX.V:HLO; OTC.BB:HLOSF; FSE:HRL) is a Canadian-based resource company focused on the acquisition of near production base and precious base metal deposits. Currently the Company owns or has an interest in 3 projects: Duport, which is an advanced stage gold project; Bachelor Lake, which is a gold exploration project; and a letter of intent regarding Quarter Moon, which is a grass roots gold project. The Company is operated by an experienced management team and backed by a strong network of mining financiers. The Company`s growth strategy is to develop a diversified portfolio of advanced mining projects.



      "Marc Cernovitch"
      President & CEO

      For more information contact:

      Marc Cernovitch
      President & CEO
      Tel: 604-484-0068
      Toll Free: 1-866-841-0068

      The TSX Venture Exchange has not reviewed and does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

      Except for the historical statements contained herein, this news release presents forward-looking statements that involve inherent risks and uncertainties. Although the management and officers of Halo Resources Ltd. believe that the expectations reflected in such forward-looking statements are based upon reasonable assumptions, they give no assurance that their expectations will be achieved. Certain risks and uncertainties inherent in the Company`s operations include political, economic, environmental and geological issues, including but not limited to, the continued need for additional capital, the competition within the mining industry, and other risks detailed from time to time in the Company`s periodic reports filed with the British Columbia Securities Commission.

      You can view the Previous News Releases item: Wed Aug 3, 2005, Halo & Metanor Announce New High Grade Results From Underground Drilling Program at Bachelor Lake (Quebec)

      You can return to the main News Releases page, or press the Back button on your browser.
      schrieb am 09.08.05 21:14:16
      Beitrag Nr. 128 ()
      HLO $0.71 -0.05/-6.58%
      schrieb am 09.08.05 21:19:24
      Beitrag Nr. 129 ()
      HLO $0.69 -0.07/-9.21%
      schrieb am 09.08.05 21:23:54
      Beitrag Nr. 130 ()
      [posting]17.496.860 von strangefloor am 09.08.05 21:01:54[/posting]Meldung ist doch aber nicht schlecht.?
      schrieb am 09.08.05 22:04:02
      Beitrag Nr. 131 ()
      Also ich kann die News nur wie folgt interpretieren.

      Die momentan gefundenen Duport-Goldvorkommen rechtfertigen keinen Abbau.

      Hier gibt es ja nicht viele Möglichkeiten:

      Der Goldpreis steigt in naher Zukunft enorm - momentan eher unwahrscheinlich;)

      Die Exploration betreffs Duport-Projekt wird erstmal auf Eis gelegt. Aufgebrachter Explorationsaufwand vorerst mal fürn A****.

      Exploration wird weiterbetrieben - hohes Risiko, dass nochmehr Geld verbrannt wird.

      Ich würde die 2 Variante bevorzugen, aber wahrscheinlich läuft es auf das Fortführen der Exploration hinaus.

      Na mal schauen, was die nächsten Tage bringen.

      Eure Meinung?

      schrieb am 09.08.05 22:22:40
      Beitrag Nr. 132 ()
      [posting]17.497.597 von strangefloor am 09.08.05 22:04:02[/posting]Ich hielt das Bachelor Lake Property und das Quarter Moon Lake property bis jetzt eh für aussichtsreicher.Zumal ja beim Bachelor Lake schon die Mühle steht.

      Stay Long
      schrieb am 09.08.05 22:55:41
      Beitrag Nr. 133 ()
      Wenn ich mal die Zahlen grob überschlage,was soll sich da nicht lohnen?

      133000 oz. x 430USD = 57.190.000 USD abzüglich der Förderkosten 133000 oz. x 150USD = 19.950.000 USD ergibt einen Gewinn von 37.240.000 USD

      Das ist mehr als die Bude Wert ist.

      Es gibt ganz andere Firmen die bauen das Gold schon bei 2g/t ab.
      schrieb am 10.08.05 16:43:04
      Beitrag Nr. 134 ()
      na ja 0,65 lg robert
      schrieb am 10.08.05 16:46:41
      Beitrag Nr. 135 ()
      VANCOUVER, BRITISCH-KOLUMBIEN, August 9, 2005 - Treber Cernovitch, Präsident u. CEO von Halo-Betriebsmitteln Ltd. (TSX.V:HLO; OTC.BB:HLOSF; FSE:HRL) freut sich, zu verkünden, daß die vor kurzem abgeschlossene Studie durch Roscoe Postle Associates Inc. (RPA) feststellte, daß weitere Arbeit an der eigenschaft Duport der Firma Goldangefordert wird. Ein Schlüsselelement der Studie ist eine aktualisierte Hilfsmittelschätzung, welche die historischen bohreninformationen enthält, die zum ersten Mal in digitales Format umgewandelt werden. Die Hilfsmittelschätzung basierte groß auf 74.227 m des historischen Diamanten von 1951 bis 1988, sowie 7.054 m bohrend, das von der Firma 2005 gebohrt wurde. Das Hilfsmittel wurde mit der Formmethode geschätzt. Die Hilfsmittelschätzung durch RPA, der an kanadische Ni 43-101 Standards sich anpaßt, war, wie folgt: (1.000) des Au-(g/t) Tonnen des Au-(Unze) zeigten an, daß 424.000 13.4 (183.000) 387.000 10.7 schloß (133.000) Das wirkungsvolle Datum der Hilfsmittelschätzung ist Juni 1, 2005. Die Betriebsmittel wurden mit einem Abkürzunggrad von 6.86 g/t Au, eine minimale Stärke von 1.5 m, ein Goldstandard von USS400 pro Unze, eine Goldwiederaufnahme von 91% geschätzt, und alle Proben wurden bei 68.56 g/t, Mineralbetriebsmittel mit einer Kappe bedeckt, die nicht Mineralreserven haben nicht eine demonstrierte ökonomische Entwicklungsfähigkeit sind. Die Hauptzusammenfassungen der RPA Studie waren, wie folgt: Ein größeres, Hochgrad Hilfsmittel wird angefordert, um positive ökonomische Resultate zu Tagespreisen zu erzeugen. Zur Quelle, die zusätzliche mögliche ein regionales Erforschungprogramm Mühle-einziehen, sollte einschließen: Erforschung konzentrierte auf die Bestimmung, welche Felseneigenschaften oder -strukturen dick bewirten können oder Hochgrad Erzdurchschnitte und die Morphologie des Duport Grades, der Stärke und der Grad-Stärke auf der Morphologie der Wirt Scherzonen d.h. beziehen. Kompilation der regionalen Einschätzung Daten. Führung Satellitenbilder studieren, um strukturelle Deutung zu erleichtern. Leiten Sie und deuten Sie zerstreute geophysikalische Übersichten. Beziehen Sie zerstreute Übersicht Resultate auf strukturellen Geologiestudien. Anschluß die meisten vorteilhaften Ziele mit Grundgeophysik. Prüfen Sie die vorteilhaftesten Ziele mit der Diamantbohrung. RPA schätzt, daß die direkten Kosten solch eines Programms $500.000 bis $700.000 sind und nach der Menge des Diamanten bohrend abhängen, ausschließlich aller möglicher Wegaufstellungsort Kosten. Qualifizierte Person Graham G. Clow, eine Direktion von RPA und eine qualifizierte Person, wie in Ni 43-101 definiert, hat diese Nachrichten Freigabe wiederholt und hat die technischen Informationen überprüft, die hierin bereitgestellt werden. Zusätzliche Informationen Zu zusätzlicher Information über die Duport Eigenschaft, sehen Sie bitte den technischen Bericht über die Duport Eigenschaft, nordwestliches Ontario, Kanada, datiert November 8, 2004, eingeordnet auf SEDAR an Halo-Betriebsmittel Ltd. (TSX.V:HLO; OTC.BB:HLOSF; FSE:HRL) ist eine Kanadisch-gegründete Hilfsmittelfirma, die auf den Erwerb der nahen Produktion Unterseite und der kostbaren Metallablagerungen gerichtet wird. Z.Z. besitzt die Firma oder hat ein Interesse an 3 Projekten: Duport, das ein vorgerücktes Stadium Goldprojekt ist; Bachelor See, der ein Golderforschungprojekt ist; und ein Absichtsschreiben betreffend Viertelmond, der ein Graswurzel-Goldprojekt ist. Die Firma wird von einer erfahrenen Managementmannschaft bearbeitet und unterstützt durch ein starkes Netz der gewinnenfinanziere. Die Wachstumstrategie der Firma ist, eine variierte Mappe der vorgerückten gewinnenprojekte zu entwickeln.
      schrieb am 10.08.05 17:37:41
      Beitrag Nr. 136 ()
      [posting]17.507.928 von Robert023 am 10.08.05 16:46:41[/posting]Am besten gefällt mir dieser gebabelte Satz:

      "..... Grad-Stärke auf der Morphologie der Wirt Scherzonen d.h. beziehen "

      Außerdem gibbet schon wieder jüngere News (für unsere englischmächtigen Freunde):

      Halo to Use Fugro to Perform Airborne Magnetometer and EM Survey at Duport
      Wednesday August 10, 9:45 am ET

      VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(CCNMatthews - Aug. 10, 2005) - Marc Cernovitch, President & CEO of Halo Resources Ltd. (TSX VENTURE:HLO - News; OTCBB:HLOSF - News; FWB:HRL) is pleased to announce that it has commissioned Fugro Airborne Surveys to carry out a helicopter-supported airborne magnetometer and EM survey totaling 2,400 line km on the Duport Property located 60 km west of Kenora, Ontario.

      The geophysical survey will include detailed coverage of the Duport deposit and related gold showings in the vicinity of Duport as well as high resolution coverage of regional gold targets located on the property.

      The objectives of the program will be to:

      1. Locate and delineate extensions to and define parallel zones in proximity to the Duport deposit;

      2. Cost effectively discover new gold targets associated with regional structures that include the Duport, Stevens Island and Sirdar deformation zones which are known to contain significant gold mineralization;

      3. Help guide the Phase II drill program toward targets considered to have potential for the discovery of high-grade ounces. Drill holes targeting the south Main Lens at Duport from the recently completed Phase I program intersected 20.02 g/t Au over a core length of 3.96 m in Hole 05-02 and 7.37 g/t Au over a core length of 2.74 m in Hole 05-17;

      4. Efficiently maintain the large area landholdings in good standing with respect to assessment requirements.

      Previous operators at Duport carried out only limited exploration on additional targets such as the Golden Reef and Sirdar Peninsula gold showings. These zones offer attractive targets for the discovery of additional ounces located only a short distance from Duport. The preponderance of clustered gold showings spatially associated with the Stevens Island sub-volcanic complex is compelling evidence for the existence of major gold mineralization along strike of and at depth at Duport.

      Regional, well-developed shear zones that contain high-grade gold values, as observed at Duport remain virtually untested along their northern and southern extensions. On the northern portion of the property, the auriferous Duport Deformation Zone intersects a prominent east-west trending lineament that hosts the historic Crown Point Mine. The area where these two structures intersect represents an exciting satellite target for the high resolution airborne EM and magnetometer survey. An anomalous airborne response associated with this target will be aggressively followed-up for drill testing.

      The geophysics program will employ a DIGHEM electromagnetic (EM) system, designed and manufactured by Fugro, with 5 frequencies and multi-coil geometry. The DIGHEM EM system has the widest range of frequencies in the industry and provides the interpretation benefits that can only be realized by a system employing both horizontal coplanar and transmitter-receiver coil-pairs. A total of ten EM channels of information will be sampled at 0.1 second intervals or approximately 4 metres along the survey line, with a time constant of 0.2 seconds.

      A Scintrex CS-2 or Geometrics G822 cesium magnetometer with a sampling interval of 0.1 seconds and an in-flight sensitivity of 0.01 nT, will be utilized. The magnetometer will perform continuously in areas of high magnetic gradient with the ambient range of the sensor approximately 20,000 - 100,000 nT.

      The detailed, high resolution survey will be flown at 50- and 100 line spacings in order to:

      1. Effectively map out anomalous sulphide concentrations within areas showing contrasting lithologies and structural complexity;

      2. Outline extensions to known mineralization, particularly those parallel to and along strike to the north and south of Duport;

      3. Geometrically define the gold targets more accurately.

      The geophysical survey is currently underway and is expected to be completed by August 15, 2005.

      Additional Information

      For additional information on the Duport Property, please see the Technical Report on the Duport property, Northwestern Ontario, Canada, dated November 8, 2004, filed on SEDAR at

      Halo Resources Ltd. is a Canadian-based resource company focused on the acquisition of near production base and precious base metal deposits. Currently the Company owns or has an interest in 3 projects: Duport, an advanced stage gold project; Bachelor Lake, a gold exploration project; and a letter of intent regarding Quarter Moon, which is a grass roots gold project. The Company is operated by an experienced management team and backed by a strong network of mining financiers. The Company`s growth strategy is to develop a diversified portfolio of advanced mining projects.


      Marc Cernovitch, President & CEO

      Except for the historical statements contained herein, this news release presents forward-looking statements that involve inherent risks and uncertainties. Although the management and officers of Halo Resources Ltd. believe that the expectations reflected in such forward-looking statements are based upon reasonable assumptions, they give no assurance that their expectations will be achieved. Certain risks and uncertainties inherent in the Company`s operations include political, economic, environmental and geological issues, including but not limited to, the continued need for additional capital, the competition within the mining industry, and other risks detailed from time to time in the Company`s periodic reports filed with the British Columbia Securities Commission.


      Halo Resources Ltd.
      Marc Cernovitch
      President & CEO
      (604) 484-0068 or Toll Free: 1-866-841-0068
      Fax: (604) 484-0069
      schrieb am 10.08.05 18:57:06
      Beitrag Nr. 137 ()
      Ich weiß nicht, warum Anteilpreis über die letzten Tage gefallen ist.
      Grundlegend hat nichts geändert.

      Marc Cernovitch
      President & CEO
      Halo Resources Ltd.
      1280-625 Howe Street
      Vancouver, BC V6C 2E5
      schrieb am 11.08.05 21:27:21
      Beitrag Nr. 138 ()
      HLO $0.66 +0.02/+3.13%
      schrieb am 12.08.05 20:30:10
      Beitrag Nr. 139 ()
      Vieleicht werden wir ja heute mal im plus schließen.

      HLO 0.690 +0.030 +4.55 42,428 VN :D:D:D
      schrieb am 12.08.05 20:32:52
      Beitrag Nr. 140 ()
      Hier noch mal die Google übersetzte Version der letzten Meldung.:cool:

      Heiraten Sie am 10. Aug, 2005 Heiligenschein, Fugro Zu Benutzen, in der Luft Befindliche Magnetometer und EM

      Durchzuführen, Vermesst an Duport

      -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- . VANCOUVER, Britisch-Kolumbien, am 10. August, 2005 - Marc Cernovitch, Präsident & Generaldirektor von Heiligenschein Ressourcen Ltd. (TSX.V:HLO; OTC. BB: HLOSF; FSE: HRL) wird erfreut anzukündigen, dass es Fugro in der Luft Befindliche Vermessungen beauftragt hat, ein auszuführen, Hubschrauber in der Luft befindlich magnetometer und EM Vermessung hat unterstützt, die 2.400 Linien km auf dem Duport Eigentum summieren, haben sich befunden 60 km Westen von Kenora, Ontario.

      Die geophysische Vermessung wird ausführliche Abdeckung die Duport Einzahlung miteinschließen und hat goldene Schauen in der Umgebung von Duport sowie hohe Auflösungsabdeckung regionaler goldener Ziele erzählt, die auf dem Eigentum sich befunden sich worden sind.

      Die Ziele vom Programm werden zu sein: Befinden Sie sich und beschreiben Sie Verlängerungen zu und definieren Sie parallele Zonen in Nähe zur Duport Einzahlung; Kosten entdecken effektiv, dass neue goldene Ziele, die mit regionalen Strukturen verbunden werden, die den Duport, Stevens Insel und Sirdar Verformung Zonen miteinschließen, die gekannt werden, bedeutsamen goldenen mineralization zu enthalten; Hilft Führer den das Phasenii Drillprogramm nach Zielen bedacht zu haben Potential für die Entdeckung von Hochgradunzen. Drillelöcher, die auf die südliche Haupt Linse an Duport abzielen, von der kürzlich vollendeten Phase, die ich programmiere, hat sich gekreuzt 20,02 g/t Au über eine Kernlänge von 3,96 m in Loch 05-02 und 7,37 g/t Au über eine Kernlänge von 2,74 m in Loch 05-17; behält Wirksam die großen Gebietegrundbesitze in gutem Stehen in Bezug auf Einschätzungsbedingungen bei.

      Vorherige Bediener an Duport haben nur begrenzte Erforschung auf zusätzlichen Zielen wie zum Beispiel das Goldene Riff und die Sirdar Halbinsel goldene Schauen ausgeführt. Diese Zonen bieten anziehende Ziele für die Entdeckung zusätzlicher Unzen haben befunden sich nur eine kurze Entfernung von Duport an. Das Übergewicht gesammelter goldener Schauen, die räumlich mit der Stevens Insel U-Boot ungestümer Komplex verbunden werden, zwingt Beweis für die Existenz von haupt goldenem mineralization entlang Streiks von und an Tiefe an Duport.

      Regionale, gut entwickelte Schere teilt das enthält Hochgradgoldwerte ein, während beobachtet an Duport praktisch unerprobt entlang ihrer nördlichen und südlichen Verlängerungen bleibt. Auf dem nördlichen Anteil vom Eigentum sich kreuzt die goldhaltige Duport Verformung Zone einen auffallenden Ostenwesten trending Gesichtszug, der der historische Kronenpunkt Meiner ausrichtet. Das Gebiet, wo diese zwei Strukturen sich kreuzen, vertritt ein Aufregen Satellitenziel für die hohe Auflösung in der Luft befindlichen EM und magnetometer vermesst. Eine anomale in der Luft befindliche Erwiderung, die mit diesem Ziel verbunden worden ist, wird aggressiv zur Drill von Prüfung aufdatiert werden.

      Geophysikprogramm wird ein DIGHEM elektromagnetisch (EM) System, entworfen einstellen und hat durch Fugro, mit 5 Frequenzen und Mehrfachwindungsgeometrie hergestellt. Das DIGHEM EM System hat den breitesten Bereich der Frequenzen in der Industrie und versorgt die Interpretationenvorteile, die nur von einem System erkannt werden können, sowohl horizontal coplanar als auch Senderempfängerwindungspaare einstellend. Eine Summe von zehn EM Kanälen der Informationen wird an 0,1 zweiten Abständen oder ungefähr 4 Meter entlang der Vermessungslinie, mit einer Zeit Konstante von 0,2 Sekunden probiert werden.

      Ein Scintrex CS-2 oder Geometrisch G822 cesium magnetometer mit einem Probenabstand von 0,1 Sekunden und einer während des Fluges Empfindlichkeit von 0,01 nT, wird verwendet werden. Der magnetometer wird ununterbrochen in Gebieten hoher magnetischer Neigung mit dem Umgebungsbereich vom Sensor ungefähr 20.000 - 100.000 nT durchführen.

      Die ausführliche, hohe Auflösungsvermessung wird an 50 geflogen werden- und 100 Zeilenabstände in Reihenfolge zu: Effektiv Karte aus anomalen Sulfidkonzentrationen innerhalb Gebieten zeigend vergleichend lithologies und strukturelle

      Komplexität; Skizzenverlängerungen zu bekanntem mineralization, besonders die Parallelen zu und entlang Streiks zum Norden und dem Süden von Duport; definiert Geometrisch die goldenen Ziele mehr genau. Die geophysische Vermessung ist

      momentan unterwegs und wird erwartet, bis 15 August 2005 vollendet zu werden.

      Zusätzliche Informationen

      Für zusätzliche Informationen über das Duport Eigentum sieht bitte den Technischen Bericht auf dem Duport Eigentum, Nordwestlichem Ontario, Kanada, datiert am 8. November, 2004, abgelegt auf SEDAR an

      Heiligenschein Ressourcen Ltd. ist ein Kanadier, den auf der Basis Ressourcenfirma auf die Erwerbung die Einzahlungen von nahe Produktionsbasis und kostbarem Grundmetall sich konzentriert hat. Momentan besitzt die Firma oder hat ein Interesse in 3 Projekten: Duport, ein höheres Phase goldenes Projekt; Junggesellesee, ein goldenes Erforschungsprojekt; und eine Absichtserklärung betreffend Viertel Monds, der ein Gras ist, das goldene Wurzeln planen. Die Firma wird von einer erfahrenen Unternehmensleitung bedient und hat durch ein starkes Netz von Bergbaufinanzexperten unterstützt. Die Wachstumsstrategie von der Firma soll eine verschiedenartige Mappe von höher abbauend Projekte entwickeln.



      "Marc Cernovitch" Präsident & Generaldirektor

      Für mehr Informationen kontaktiert:

      Marc Cernovitch Präsident & Generaldirektor Tel: 604-484-0068 der Zoll Befreien: 1-866-841-0068

      Der TSX Wagnis Umtausch hat nicht überprüft und nimmt Verantwortung für die Angemessenheit oder die Genauigkeit von dieser Entlassung nicht an.

      Außer den historischen Aussagen hat hierin enthalten, geben diese Nachrichten Geschenke zuversichtliche Aussagen frei, die zugehörende Risiken und Ungewissheiten verwickeln. Obwohl die Leitung und die Offizier von Heiligenschein Ressource Ltd. glaubt, dass die Erwartungen, werden reflektiert die in solchen zuversichtlichen Aussagen auf vernünftigen Annahmen basiert sind, sie keine Zusicherung geben, dass ihre Erwartungen erreicht werden werden. Gewisse Risiken und Ungewissheiten die zugehörend sind in den Betrieben von der Firma schließen politische, wirtschaftliche, umwelt und geologische Ausgaben, einschließlich mitein aber nicht begrenzt zu, der fortgesetzte Bedarf an zusätzlicher Hauptstadt, die Konkurrenz innerhalb der Bergbaus-Industrie, und anderer Risiken werden geausführlich die von Zeit messen Zeit in den periodischen Berichten von der Firma wird abgelegt die mit dem Britisch-kolumbien Wertpapiere Beauftragen.
      schrieb am 12.08.05 20:52:49
      Beitrag Nr. 141 ()
      Umsatz steigt langsam und immer noch im Plus.

      HLO 0.690 +0.030 +4.55 53,428 :D:D:D
      schrieb am 12.08.05 22:19:02
      Beitrag Nr. 142 ()
      Geschlossen: 0.70 0.04 (6.06%) :p
      schrieb am 13.08.05 09:26:06
      Beitrag Nr. 143 ()
      Nicht gerade schön anzusehen.Könnte aber laut Bollinger wieder nach oben gehen.:(

      schrieb am 16.08.05 09:21:58
      Beitrag Nr. 144 ()
      Wer soll das verstehen?

      HALO stieg gestern in USA um 14%. Umgerechnet lägen wir dadurch bei guten 0,51 €!!.

      Letzter VK Kurs: 0,42€ :eek: Ja habt ihr sie denn noch alle?
      schrieb am 16.08.05 11:02:46
      Beitrag Nr. 145 ()
      Träume ich oder lassen mich meine augen im stich? eben war doch hier noch eine eintragung vom 16.8., die jetzt weg ist??? in hinblichh auf anstieg in den usa der in deutschland bisher nicht nachvollzogen wurde.......:confused::confused:

      auf jeden fall habe ich versucht, mich inzwischen näher zu informieren und bin bei auf ein halo-profil gestossen, das aber nur mit zustimmung von kopiert werden darf. also bei interesse bitte dort nachsehen.
      auf habe ich folgende presse-info von halo gefunden:

      Halo to Use Fugro to Perform Airborne Magnetometer and EM Survey at Duport

      VANCOUVER, British Columbia, Aug. 10, 2005 (PRIMEZONE) -- Marc Cernovitch, President & CEO of Halo Resources Ltd. (TSXV:HLO; OTCBB:HLOSF; FSE:HRL) is pleased to announce that it has commissioned Fugro Airborne Surveys to carry out a helicopter-supported airborne magnetometer and electromagnetic (EM) survey totaling 2,400 line kilometres on the Duport property located 60 kilometres west of Kenora, Ontario.

      The geophysical survey will include detailed coverage of the Duport deposit and related gold showings in the vicinity of Duport, as well as high-resolution coverage of regional gold targets located on the property.

      The objectives of the program will be to:

      -- Locate and delineate extensions to, and define parallel zones in,
      proximity to the Duport deposit;
      -- Cost-effectively discover new gold targets associated with
      regional structures that include the Duport, Stevens Island, and
      Sirdar deformation zones which are known to contain significant
      gold mineralization;
      -- Help guide the Phase II drill program toward targets considered
      to have potential for the discovery of high-grade ounces. Drill
      holes targeting the south Main Lens at Duport from the recently
      completed Phase I program intersected 20.02 g/t Au over a core
      length of 3.96 metres in Hole 05-02 and 7.37 g/t Au over a core
      length of 2.74 metres in Hole 05-17;
      -- Efficiently maintain the large area landholdings in good standing
      with respect to assessment requirements.

      Previous operators at Duport carried out only limited exploration on additional targets such as the Golden Reef and Sirdar Peninsula gold showings. These zones offer attractive targets for the discovery of additional ounces located only a short distance from Duport. The preponderance of clustered gold showings spatially associated with the Stevens Island sub-volcanic complex is compelling evidence for the existence of major gold mineralization along strike of and at depth at Duport.

      Regional, well-developed shear zones that contain high-grade gold values, as observed at Duport remain virtually untested along their northern and southern extensions. On the northern portion of the property, the auriferous Duport Deformation Zone intersects a prominent east-west trending lineament that hosts the historic Crown Point Mine. The area where these two structures intersect represents an exciting satellite target for the high resolution airborne EM and magnetometer survey. An anomalous airborne response associated with this target will be aggressively followed-up for drill testing.

      The geophysics program will employ a DIGHEM EM system, designed and manufactured by Fugro, with five frequencies and multi-coil geometry. The DIGHEM EM system has the widest range of frequencies in the industry and provides the interpretation benefits that can only be realized by a system employing both horizontal coplanar and transmitter-receiver coil-pairs. A total of 10 EM channels of information will be sampled at 0.1 second intervals or approximately four metres along the survey line, with a time constant of 0.2 seconds.

      A Scintrex CS-2 or Geometrics G822 cesium magnetometer with a sampling interval of 0.1 seconds and an in-flight sensitivity of 0.01 nT, will be utilized. The magnetometer will perform continuously in areas of high magnetic gradient with the ambient range of the sensor approximately 20,000 -- 100,000 nT.

      The detailed, high-resolution survey will be flown at 50- and 100-line spacings in order to:

      -- Effectively map out anomalous sulphide concentrations within areas
      showing contrasting lithologies and structural complexity;
      -- Outline extensions to known mineralization, particularly those
      parallel to and along strike to the north and south of Duport;
      -- Geometrically define the gold targets more accurately.

      The geophysical survey is currently underway and is expected to be completed by August 15, 2005.

      Additional Information

      For additional information on the Duport Property, please see the technical report on the Duport property, Northwestern Ontario, Canada, dated November 8, 2004, filed on SEDAR at

      Halo Resources Ltd. is a Canadian-based resource company focused on the acquisition of near production-base and precious-base metal deposits. Currently the Company owns or has an interest in 3 projects: Duport, an advanced stage gold project; Bachelor Lake, a gold exploration project; and a letter of intent regarding Quarter Moon, which is a grass roots gold project. The Company is operated by an experienced management team and backed by a strong network of mining financiers. The Company`s growth strategy is to develop a diversified portfolio of advanced mining projects.

      The TSX Venture Exchange has not reviewed and does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

      Except for the historical statements contained herein, this news release presents forward-looking statements that involve inherent risks and uncertainties. Although the management and officers of Halo Resources Ltd. believe that the expectations reflected in such forward-looking statements are based upon reasonable assumptions, they give no assurance that their expectations will be achieved. Certain risks and uncertainties inherent in the Company`s operations include political, economic, environmental, and geological issues, including but not limited to, the continued need for additional capital, the competition within the mining industry, and other risks detailed from time to time in the Company`s periodic reports filed with the British Columbia Securities Commission.

      Halo Resources Ltd.
      Marc Cernovitch, President & CEO
      Tel: (604) 484-0068
      Toll Free: (866) 841-0068

      Alles in allem scheint mir das doch ein sehr interessanter wert zu sein. hoffe, ich konnte mit dieser info weiterhelfen!
      lg midgbridg
      schrieb am 16.08.05 13:48:54
      Beitrag Nr. 146 ()
      kurs in de ist momentan nicht aussagekräftig

      schrieb am 17.08.05 18:13:14
      Beitrag Nr. 147 ()
      Hier mal wieder was positives von Halo.:D:D:D

      Halo and Metanor Drilling Reveals Thicker, High-Grade, Potential Bulk Mining Areas at Bachelor Lake Gold Project -- Quebec

      VANCOUVER, British Columbia, Aug 17, 2005 (PRIMEZONE via COMTEX) --
      Marc Cernovitch, President & CEO of Halo Resources Ltd. (TSX-V:HLO) (OTCBB:HLOSF) (Frankfurt:HRL) & Serge Roy, President & CEO of Metanor Resources Inc. (TSX-V:MTO) are pleased to announce new results from the recently completed 13,346m underground drilling program at Bachelor Lake, Quebec. Significant assay results were returned from both lateral and deep extensions (below Level 12) of the "Main," "A" and "B" mineralized zones (see also Press Release of May 26, June 8, June 23, July 13, August 2, and August 3, 2005).

      Interpretation of drill data indicate a significant increase in both gold values and mineralized thickness, in particular where the B Zone is intersected by the crosscutting A Zone. A pattern is beginning to develop whereby the intersection of these structures may be predictable. Future drilling will test this hypothesis, as the recognition of zones of structural dilatency together with the corresponding elevated gold mineralization may have a positive impact on project economics.

      Recent drill results have also confirmed the extension of known resources into the recently acquired Hewfran property west of Bachelor Lake. This area remains highly prospective and the potential to further extend the known Bachelor Lake gold resource beyond the Hewfran East deposit to the Hewfran West mineralization deposit remains untested. Data acquired from this area is currently being integrated into the Bachelor Lake data base.

      Highlights of the latest drill results are from below Level 12 and are listed below:

      Bachelor Lake "Main Zone": -- 12.35 g/t Au over 2.80 m contained within 7.97 g/t Au over 5.35 m (hole 12-80); -- 8.07 g/t Au over 5.05 m contained within 7.30 g/t Au over 5.80 m (hole 12-89); -- 15.64 g/t Au over 1.95 m and 13.49 g/t Au over 1.90 m contained within 6.97 g/t Au over 9.85m (hole 12-102); -- 26.50 g/t Au over 2.75 m contained within 11.28 g/t Au over 6.75 m (hole 12-106); -- 25.12 g/t Au over 1.95 m contained within 10.23 g/t Au over 5.60 m (hole 12-112); -- 7.93 g/t Au over 2.25 m contained within 5.10 g/t Au over 8.55 m (hole 12-114). Bachelor Lake "A Zone": -- 6.70 g/t Au over 2.35 m (hole 12-69); -- 7.43 g/t Au over 0.55 m (hole 12-85). Bachelor Lake "B Zone": -- 9.50 g/t Au over 3.10 m (hole 12-69); -- 7.92 g/t Au over 3.00 m (hole 12-70); -- 6.01 g/t Au over 1.10 m (hole 12-79); -- 14.26 g/t Au over 4.10 m contained within 9.12 g/t Au over 8.00 m (hole 12-83); -- 5.69 g/t Au over 3.05 m (hole 12-87); -- 7.90 g/t Au over 1.20 m (hole 12-87); -- 14.90 g/t Au over 3.65 m (hole 12-90); -- 12.48 g/t Au over 6.05 m contained within 10.37 g/t Au over 7.80 m (hole 12-93); -- 9.03 g/t Au over 2.35 m (hole 12-100); -- 6.33 g/t Au over 2.15 m (hole 12-108); -- 15.40 g/t Au over 2.40 m contained within 6.75 g/t Au over 6.00 m (hole 12-110); -- 8.93 g/t Au over 1.90 m (hole 12-112); -- 7.40 g/t Au over 7.05 m (hole 12-114).
      Please note that all the intervals are uncut and presented as drilled core lengths, not true vein widths or horizontal widths. Drilling has been done as azimuth oriented holes from two (2) underground drill stations located at the 12th Level. See Table 1, for the detailed assay results and Figure 1 and 2 for the approximate hole locations.

      Figure 1 : Bachelor Lake Main Zone Longitudinal View Figure 2 : Bachelor Lake B Zone Longitudinal View

      Highlights and significance of new geological and structural interpretation

      Results from the drilling program and the interpretation from the Hewfran and Bachelor vertical sections has highlighted features that show the potential for a substantial increase in resources:

      1. The continuity of the "Main Zone" has been extended substantially (over a total strike length of 1,500 feet (450m)) from the Bachelor Lake to the East Zone" on to the recently acquired Hewfran property; hence, opening the potential for adding resources. The "Main Zone" has been intersected on the Hewfran property ("East Zone" now part of the Bachelor Lake property) some 107 m (350 feet) west of the old Hewfran / Bachelor Lake property boundary and it is still open westward as drilling has not been performed west of the 850`W section. Furthermore, the mineralization is known to exist as far as Hewfran "West Zone" some several hundred feet further west (1000 feet (300m). It should be noted however, that details of the "East Zone" and "West Zone" gold resources are not yet fully integrated with the Bachelor Lake data base and remain non-compliant with NI 43-101. 2. Significant bulging of the mineralized zones, apparent at the junction of several major structural features, has created the potential for high productivity, lower cost mining methods. This bulging is illustrated as follows: a. At the junction of "B Zone" and "A Zone" on sections 0`E, 50`W, 100`W, 150`W, 200`W and 250`W. This thicker zone has a potential strike length of 45 m, a down-dip length of 35 m and an estimated true width of 10 m. This is also the area where the increased presence of visible gold has been noted. b. Proximal stacking of mineralization at the junction of the "B Zone" with the "Main Zone" (hole BLM12-04 has an estimated true width intersection of 12 m with the "Main Zone" and the "B Zone" is only 5.2 m from the Main Vein on the hanging-wall side. This zone also has the potential to increase the resources. c. At the junction of the structures "A Zone" with "B Zone" and the "B Zone" approaching the "Main Zone" and "Big Wac" fault. 3. The drill hole 12-116, drilled eastward towards the O`Brien late granitic stock has put the granite-volcanic contact further east opening the possibility of extending the mineralized "Main Zone" to the east and in addition opens new areas for additional resources. Prior to hitting the O`Brien granite contact several granitic dykes are cut and on some of the sections (e.g. 450`E and 500`E), it is observed that the "Main Zone" is flanked by granitic dykes.
      As the interpretation progresses, these observations will be strengthened and there are opportunities to discover more such intersection structures.

      Drilling program

      The drilling program was completed on July 26, 2005 for a total of 13,346 m achieved by drilling 69 drill holes. This release presents new assay results obtained from this underground diamond drilling program. The assay results have all been received, a total of 3555 samples were analysed.

      It is noted from the schematic longitudinal views that some of the holes may have intercepted the zones closer to each other than originally planned. The drilling program has been performed with azimuth oriented holes from two (2) drill stations located at the 12th Level of the Bachelor Lake mine. The deviation of certain holes has been more than expected and has resulted in them being closer than expected. All collars location have been surveyed and down-hole surveys of the holes have been completed using a Flex-It(tm) instrument with measurements every 3 m.

      Table 1. -- Bachelor Lake underground drilling program detailed assay results

      Please note that all the intervals are uncut and presented as drilled core lengths, not true vein widths or horizontal widths. Drilling has been done as azimuth oriented holes from two (2) underground drill stations located at the 12th Level.

      Qualified Person

      The above information has been prepared under the supervision of Consulting Geologist Alain Carrier, M.Sc., P.Geo., InnovExplo inc., "Qualified" and "Independent" Person under 43-101 guidelines. Field work has been done by Julien Davy, M.Sc., P.Geo. and Eddy Canova, B.Sc., P.Geo. "Qualified" and "Independent" persons under 43-101 guidelines. Alain Carrier has supervised the field work and has verified the authenticity and validity of the data.

      Quality Control and Quality Assurance Program

      Assay samples are taken from drill core (BQ size) sawed in half with one half sent to a commercial laboratory and other half retained for future reference. A strict QA/QC program is followed which includes mineralized standards, blank and duplicate for each batch of samples. Significant assay results are duplicated at the original laboratory. The gold assaying method uses a 30-gram sample Fire Assays (atomic absorption with gravimetric finish for sample over 5 g/t Au) on splits from an initial 250-gram pulverized sample. The current drilling program seem to indicates that more visible gold occurs at depth at Bachelor Lake. The assay protocol was revised considering these coarse gold occurrences. Gold assaying is now obtain from a 50-gram sample on splits from an initial 1000-gram pulverized sample (crushing 90% less than 2 mm and pulverization 90% less than 200 mesh). Assays were performed by ALS Chemex -- Chimitec of Val-d`Or (Quebec), an assay laboratory accredited by the Standards Council of Canada. Metallic screen fire assay are completed on samples with visible gold or where initial multiple duplicates show any variability.

      Halo has an option to earn a 50% interest of the Bachelor Lake Property in Quebec, Canada, owned by Metanor Resources Inc. (TSX-V:MTO).

      For further information on the Bachelor Lake Property, please see the Bachelor Lake Gold Mine Property NI 43-101 -- Technical Report dated December 20, 2004 (Revised Version), filed on SEDAR at

      The TSX Venture Exchange has not reviewed and does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release. Except for the historical statements contained herein, this news release presents forward-looking statements that involve inherent risks and uncertainties. Although the management and officers of Halo Resources Ltd. believe that the expectations reflected in such forward-looking statements are based upon reasonable assumptions, they give no assurance that their expectations will be achieved. Certain risks and uncertainties inherent in the Company`s operations include political, economic, environmental and geological issues, including but not limited to, the continued need for additional capital, the competition within the mining industry, and other risks detailed from time to time in the Company`s periodic reports filed with the British Columbia Securities Commission and the United States Securities and Exchange Commission. Investors are cautioned that, except as disclosed in the materials to be prepared in connection with the transaction, any information released or received with respect to the transaction may not be accurate or complete and should not be relied upon. Trading in the securities of Halo Resources Ltd. should be considered highly speculative. The TSX Venture Exchange has in no way passed upon the merits of the proposed transaction and has neither approved nor disapproved the contents of this press release.

      SOURCE: Halo Resources Ltd.
      schrieb am 18.08.05 14:06:40
      Beitrag Nr. 148 ()
      [posting]17.589.814 von odin1603 am 17.08.05 18:13:14[/posting]Nicht schlecht die News,

      dann bin ich auch dabei.
      MK liegt aktuell bei 14,6 Mio $Can.

      warum so niedrig ?
      schrieb am 18.08.05 20:33:11
      Beitrag Nr. 149 ()
      hi, na ja der kurs gibt gewaltig nach 0,66. naja wird wohl nix aus einer schnellen erholung. lg robert

      Ps: wieso sollte das unternehmen mehr wert. kannst mir sagen wieviel das in Euro ist
      schrieb am 18.08.05 21:09:57
      Beitrag Nr. 150 ()
      [posting]17.599.919 von jseyffer am 18.08.05 14:06:40[/posting]Die Bohrergebnisse vom Bachelor Projekt waren bis jetzt eigentlich immer Super.Ich denke die haben immer noch mit den etwas schlechteren Ergebnissen ihres Duport-Projekt zu kämpfen.

      Aber langfristig wird es wieder nach oben gehen,da ich das Bachelor-Projekt mommentan sowieso für das beste Projekt halte.
      Für das Quarter-Moon gibt es leider noch nicht genug Ergebnisse.
      Bei Halo schau ich mir zu Weihnachten den Kurs an und entscheide dann ob es sich lohnt investiert zu bleiben.

      Stay Long
      Wait & See
      schrieb am 18.08.05 21:58:13
      Beitrag Nr. 151 ()
      Sieht doch recht stabil aus.:D

      Time Price Shares $ Chng Buyer Seller
      15:18 0.690 3,500 -0.010 Canaccord W.D. Latimer
      14:07 0.660 5,000 -0.040 First Assoc. CIBC
      12:01 0.660 1,000 -0.040 First Assoc. CIBC
      11:47 0.700 1,000 +0.000 Scotia Penson
      10:51 0.660 2,000 -0.040 W.D. Latimer TD Securities
      10:51 0.690 100 OLT Canaccord Raymond James
      10:51 0.660 2,500 -0.040 Pacific TD Securities
      10:51 0.660 5,000 -0.040 W.D. Latimer TD Securities
      10:51 0.670 500 -0.030 First Assoc. TD Securities
      10:49 0.670 5,500 -0.030 First Assoc. Union
      schrieb am 21.08.05 10:35:27
      Beitrag Nr. 152 ()
      Sehr geehrter Herr ......,

      der Kursverlust bei Halo ist bedauerlich, aber nicht beunruhigend. Explorer
      sind leider sehr schwankungsfreudig, aber wir sind sehr zuversichtlich, das
      sich die Aktie bald wieder in unsere Richtung bewegen wird. Die letzten News
      waren ja sehr erfreulich.

      schrieb am 24.09.05 01:51:15
      Beitrag Nr. 153 ()
      September 23, 2005 1:36:00 PM


      Mr. Marc Cernovitch, President and CEO of Halo Resources Ltd. (TSX.V: HLO, OTC.BB: HLOSF, FSE: HLR) is pleased to announce that the Company has issued 1,675,500 units, at $0.60 per unit, and 2,319,642 flow-through common shares, at $0.70 per share, on the initial closing of the private placement announced on August 22, 2005, for gross proceeds of $2,629,049. The units consist of one common share and one common share purchase warrant. Each common share purchase warrant entitles the holder thereof to acquire one common share of the Company, at a price of $0.70 per share, until September 14, 2007. The Company also issued 395,515 warrants, having the same terms as the warrants noted above, and paid $195,078.75 to various finders. All of the securities issued have a hold period expiring on January 15, 2006.

      A final tranche of the private placement is expected to close on or about September 23, 2005, subject to certain customary conditions, including, but not limited to, the execution of definitive subscription agreements with subscribers as well as the receipt of applicable regulatory approvals, including the approval of the TSX Venture Exchange.

      The proceeds of the financing will be used for the exploration of the Company’s mineral properties in Canada, for potential acquisitions and for general corporate purposes. The Company is actively conducting due diligence on other precious and base metal properties that are being presented to the Company.
      schrieb am 21.10.05 21:33:21
      Beitrag Nr. 154 ()
      Time Price Shares $ Chng Buyer Seller
      14:43 0.830 500 +0.030 Scotia Canaccord
      14:01 0.750 350 OLT Raymond James Penson
      14:01 0.780 1,500 -0.020 Scotia Penson
      14:00 0.790 4,000 -0.010 E*TRADE Sec. Penson
      14:00 0.790 3,000 -0.010 CIBC Penson
      13:56 0.830 500 +0.030 Scotia Canaccord
      13:56 0.820 7,500 +0.020 Scotia Canaccord
      11:37 0.790 3,000 -0.010 CIBC Canaccord
      11:34 0.790 4,000 -0.010 CIBC Canaccord
      10:14 0.800 1,000 +0.000 Canaccord Canaccord
      schrieb am 27.10.05 19:41:43
      Beitrag Nr. 155 ()
      hi, kann mir jemand diesem kursverfall erklären mfg robert raffer
      schrieb am 03.11.05 09:54:27
      Beitrag Nr. 156 ()
      Hier ist ja gar nichts mehr los im HALO Board.

      News von gestern:

      VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(CCNMatthews - Nov. 2, 2005) - Mr. Marc Cernovitch, President and CEO of Halo Resources Ltd. (TSX VENTURE:HLO - News; OTCBB:HLOSF - News; FWB:HRL) is pleased to announce that Halo has staked and submitted for recording 21 mining claims comprising approximately 4,300 hectares in the Sherridon area in North-Central Manitoba.

      The claims are located approximately 70 kilometres north of Flin Flon Manitoba in the immediate vicinity of the historic Sherritt Gordon Mine. Halo considers the area to be under-explored and represents a unique exploration opportunity for the potential discovery of high-grade Volcanogenic Massive Sulphide (VMS) deposits similar to those found in the nearby Snow Lake area of Manitoba.

      Halo has submitted an application to record the claims with the office of the Mining Recorder. There is a 30 day period from submission of the staked claims to the formal recording of the claims. All claims are subject to inspection.

      Halo is actively analyzing strategic opportunities for the development of the area comprising the claims, including the sourcing of a potential strategic alliance, joint venture or sale transaction.
      schrieb am 03.11.05 15:57:35
      Beitrag Nr. 157 ()
      [posting]18.552.041 von xTRADERx am 03.11.05 09:54:27[/posting]es ist ganz schoen ruhig hier gibt es niemanden der mir ein paar aktuelle Infos hat??? Bitte
      schrieb am 16.11.05 15:21:55
      Beitrag Nr. 158 ()
      Metanor-Halo Release NI-43-101 Resource Estimate on Bachelor Lake Joint Venture Project, Quebec

      VAL-D`OR, QUEBEC, Nov 16, 2005 (CCNMatthews via COMTEX) --
      Serge Roy, President and CEO of Metanor Resources Inc. (TSX VENTURE:MTO) and Marc Cernovitch, President and CEO of Halo Resources Ltd. (TSX VENTURE:HLO)(OTCBB:HLOSF) (FSE:HRL) are pleased to announce the results of an NI-43-101 compliant resource estimate for the Bachelor Lake Joint Venture property located near Desmaraisville, Quebec.

      The resource was estimated using a block model and inverse square distance interpolation. An additional 13,346 meters of underground diamond drilling from 69 holes completed between April and July, 2005 as well as the inclusion of the East and West Zone deposits located on the recently acquired, contiguous Hewfran property comprise this new resource estimate. The resource estimate is summarized below:

      Au Au Tonnes (g/t) (oz)Bachelor / HewfranMeasured 192,594 8.80 54,504Indicated 648,997 7.49 156,352-----------------------------------------------------------------Measured + Indicated 841,591 7.79 210,857Inferred 426,148 6.52 89,366(1) The effective date of the resource estimate is October 5, 2005.(2) The Qualified Person for the mineral resource estimate, as defined by National Instrument 43-101, is Alain Carrier, M.Sc., P.Geo, Innovexplo Inc.(3) Mineral resources are not reserves and do not have demonstrated economic viability.(4) The resources were compiled using a assay composite cut-off grade of 3.43 g/t Au (0.10 oz/t Au) and a fixed density of 2.755 g/cm3 (11.636 ft3/t).
      Innovexplo Inc. Geological Services, an independent qualified consulting firm based in Val-d`Or, Quebec was mandated by the joint venture partners to produce the resource estimate on the property where they have been extensively involved in data acquisition, data management, geological interpretation, 3D modeling, QA/QC analyses, basic statistics, variography studies and resources calculations. The geological interpretation of the mineralized zones was carried out using transverse sections and also plan views. Results of the interpretation were digitized and linked as 3D solids using Gems software. Wire frame solids were built for the six (6) estimated zones. The database used for the resource estimate included 15,192 assay results from 394 diamond drill hole records, and relies upon 3,684 composite intervals.

      The estimate of measured resources incorporated information from underground mapping and face sampling results. Indicated and inferred resources were determined from drill hole results using a block model approach. Results from the resource estimate are presented undiluted and in-situ and some resource blocks may be locked in pillars and unrecoverable.

      The complete NI 43-101 technical report from Innovexplo describing the procedures and parameters involved in the resource estimate will be filed by both companies and available on SEDAR within 30 days. The report states: "Innovexplo by virtue of its calculated estimate of the project resource affirms the resource estimate in accordance with NI 43-101 technical standards."

      Innovexplo is recommending a two-phase work program leading to the preparation of a feasibility study that will confirm the economic viability of the mineral resource.

      Halo and Metanor are both very pleased with the significant progress achieved at the Bachelor Lake Joint Venture project to date, and are now discussing and planning the next phases of work. A surface drill program is currently underway and is actively testing the western extension of the deposit near and across the historic boundary between the Bachelor Lake and Hewfran properties. An in-house scoping study is being updated on the basis of the new resource estimate and will be used as a basis for continued exploration and the design of the feasibility study program.

      Qualified Person

      Alain Carrier, M.Sc., P.Geo of Innovexplo Inc. is an Independent Qualified Person under National Instrument 43-101 and lead author of the Bachelor Lake Property Resource Estimate Report. He has reviewed and approved this release.

      The TSX Venture Exchange has not reviewed and does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release. Except for the historical statements contained herein, this news release presents forward-looking statements that involve inherent risks and uncertainties. Although the management and officers of Halo Resources Ltd. believe that the expectations reflected in such forward-looking statements are based upon reasonable assumptions, they give no assurance that their expectations will be achieved. Certain risks and uncertainties inherent in the Company`s operations include political, economic, environmental and geological issues, including but not limited to, the continued need for additional capital, the competition within the mining industry, and other risks detailed from time to time in the Company`s periodic reports filed with the British Columbia Securities Commission and the United States Securities and Exchange Commission. Investors are cautioned that, except as disclosed in the materials to be prepared in connection with the transaction, any information released or received with respect to the transaction may not be accurate or complete and should not be relied upon. Trading in the securities of Halo Resources Ltd. should be considered highly speculative. The TSX Venture Exchange has in no way passed upon the merits of the proposed transaction and has neither approved nor disapproved the contents of this press release.


      Metanor Resources Inc.Serge RoyPresident and CEO(819) 825-8678 or (819) 856-8435Metanor Resources Inc.Ghislain MorinV.P. Corporate Development(819) 825-8678 or (819) 354-9439ressources.metanor@cablevision.qc.cawww.metanor.caHalo Resources Inc.Marc CernovitchPresident & CEO(604) 484-0068 or 1 (866) 841-0068 (toll free)(604) 484-0069 (FAX)
      Copyright (C) 2005 CCNMatthews. All rights reserved.
      schrieb am 16.11.05 22:21:04
      Beitrag Nr. 159 ()
      Time Price Shares $ Chng Buyer Seller
      15:44 0.620 3,500 +0.000 TD Securities W.D. Latimer
      11:52 0.640 1,000 +0.020 Canaccord Raymond James
      11:50 0.630 1,000 +0.010 Canaccord Canaccord
      09:30 0.630 5,000 +0.010 Canaccord Norstar
      09:30 0.630 10,000 +0.010 Canaccord Canaccord
      schrieb am 16.12.05 14:44:25
      Beitrag Nr. 160 ()
      Welches ist ein vernünftiges Kursziel?

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