
     602  0 Kommentare Drug Developers Expecting Significant Clinical and Economic Benefits by Targeting Newest Drug Therapies - Seite 3

    MediciNova, Inc. (NASDAQ: MNOV), a biopharmaceutical company this week announced clinical data from ad-hoc subgroup analyses of MediciNova's completed clinical trial of MN-166 (ibudilast) in ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis), which was conducted at Carolinas HealthCare System's Neuromuscular/ALS-MDA Center at Carolinas HealthCare System Neurosciences Institute. The ad-hoc subgroup analyses include data from (1) the "Early ALS subgroup" which is 31 subjects who had either bulbar onset or upper limb onset out of a total of 49 subjects without non-invasive ventilation in the full analysis set and (2) the "Early ALS + NIV subgroup" which is 39 subjects who had either bulbar onset or upper limb onset out of a total of 67 subjects with and without non-invasive ventilation in the full analysis set.

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    Drug Developers Expecting Significant Clinical and Economic Benefits by Targeting Newest Drug Therapies - Seite 3 PALM BEACH, Florida, July 11, 2018 /PRNewswire/ - News Commentary  Clinical trial development is advancing ways to support sponsors and partnerships as biotech and pharmaceutical companies race to find, develop and deliver …

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