
    PetroFrontier Corp. - the new Bakken Shale? - 500 Beiträge pro Seite (Seite 2)

    eröffnet am 02.07.11 19:41:45 von
    neuester Beitrag 26.07.16 20:36:58 von
    Beiträge: 620
    ID: 1.167.341
    Aufrufe heute: 0
    Gesamt: 73.314
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     Ja Nein
      schrieb am 26.12.12 22:05:34
      Beitrag Nr. 501 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 43.960.303 von pihu am 26.12.12 12:06:34Morgen gehts doch...
      schrieb am 26.12.12 22:06:58
      Beitrag Nr. 502 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 43.960.551 von Alf14 am 26.12.12 16:10:34Ne, muss ich nicht...
      schrieb am 27.12.12 12:41:50
      Beitrag Nr. 503 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 43.960.406 von pihu am 26.12.12 13:25:30Siehst du,frankfurt +60%!!das hab ich gemeint,ich hoffe hast nicht zu 0.19cent verkauft!:-)lg huki
      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 27.12.12 12:52:39
      Beitrag Nr. 504 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 43.961.774 von Hukiandima am 27.12.12 12:41:50ging doch gar nicht....

      die 0,19 standen da weil in deutschland kein handel war
      und dadurch auch keine neue kursangabe..

      man brauchte ja nur umrechnen ..da war ja klar was kommt.

      pari ist übrigends ca 0,33

      schrieb am 27.12.12 14:54:29
      Beitrag Nr. 505 ()
      Zitat von ooy: Ne, muss ich nicht...

      Klar mußt du nicht, aber ich finde 30% Unterschied eine Menge Holz und keinen Grund zum Jubeln...
      Aber Market-Maker an illiquiden Börsenplätzen wollen halt auch leben. Nette Geste von dir, an der Börse mit deinem Geld für sozialen Ausgleich zu sorgen. ;) :D
      4 Antworten

      Trading Spotlight

      East Africa Metals
      0,1390EUR +11,20 %
      East Africa Metals: Widerstand gebrochen und neues Jahreshoch! mehr zur Aktie »
      schrieb am 27.12.12 16:21:56
      Beitrag Nr. 506 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 43.962.190 von Alf14 am 27.12.12 14:54:29Gerne, mein bester Trade im Dezember...
      3 Antworten
      schrieb am 27.12.12 16:53:43
      Beitrag Nr. 507 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 43.962.482 von ooy am 27.12.12 16:21:56

      Drinnbleiben oder noch abwarten wie ist euere einschätzung.
      2 Antworten
      schrieb am 27.12.12 17:08:01
      Beitrag Nr. 508 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 43.962.627 von Montekaolino am 27.12.12 16:53:43Ich bin raus, aber, wer weiss das schon...
      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 27.12.12 17:20:24
      Beitrag Nr. 509 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 43.962.692 von ooy am 27.12.12 17:08:01
      Da haste recht gewinnmitnahmen ist immer das beste nur nicht zu gierig werden
      das kann gefählich werden warte jetzt noch mal die nächsten drei Stunden ab.
      schrieb am 31.12.12 18:56:59
      Beitrag Nr. 510 ()
      Uff - im Moment dickes Plus:

      Quote for PetroFrontier Corp. (PFC:CA)
      $ 0,39 RT 0,085 (+27.87%) Volume: 372,08 k 12:55 EST 31.12.2012

      News Mangelware?
      schrieb am 01.01.13 15:46:32
      Beitrag Nr. 511 ()
      Hey wie seit ihr investierten eingestellt??meint ihr das überwinden der fiskalklippe wird von den börsen positiv goutiert??lg huki
      schrieb am 11.01.13 18:50:35
      Beitrag Nr. 512 ()
      Nachdem eine kurzzeitige Erholung beim PFC Kurs stattgefunden hat,gehts jetzt wieder nur noch abwärts.Zur Zeit braucht man wirklich starke Nerven bei den Ölexplorern.
      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 11.01.13 18:57:53
      Beitrag Nr. 513 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 44.012.107 von sheriffxl am 11.01.13 18:50:35Dann bin ich auch mal wieder dabei...
      schrieb am 11.01.13 18:58:28
      Beitrag Nr. 514 ()
      insbesondere schade, mit wie wenig shares der preis letztlich so dermaßen gedrückt werden kann...
      schrieb am 14.01.13 18:38:51
      Beitrag Nr. 515 ()
      schrieb am 14.01.13 19:15:52
      Beitrag Nr. 516 ()
      wirklich neu sind die Informationen aber nicht...
      schrieb am 14.01.13 20:54:42
      Beitrag Nr. 517 ()
      Naja, paar neue infos sind schon da

      ich frage mich aber, wieso diese News grade jetzt veröffentlicht wird, wenn sie nicht wirklich neues aussagt...

      wollte/will man den kursfall stoppen?

      was glaubt die runde?
      schrieb am 17.01.13 19:19:19
      Beitrag Nr. 518 ()
      hm, tagestief, 25,5 kanadische cents, derzeit steht der kurs bei 32 kanadischen cents, viele käufer bei relative gutem volumen, ist da was im busch?
      schrieb am 17.01.13 21:02:09
      Beitrag Nr. 519 ()
      Ähm, hier sit feuer drin heute, gutes Volumen

      derzeit 38 kanadische cents, tendenz steigend...
      schrieb am 18.01.13 08:21:33
      Beitrag Nr. 520 ()

      Bin auch schon seid wochen an PFC interessiert :) und nach dem schließen des GAPS bei 0,265 CAN eingestiegen .
      Allerdings habe ich in CANADA gekauft und lese auch meistens im SH mit.
      Leider ist bei uns in D diese Aktie nicht bekannt . Macht aber auch nix :laugh:
      Den wenigen die drin sind ....herzlichen Glückwunsch .

      Salut Xepher
      schrieb am 18.01.13 17:37:58
      Beitrag Nr. 521 ()
      oh man, die aktie explodiert und keinen scheint es zu interessieren...48 kanadische cents derzeit
      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 18.01.13 17:43:50
      Beitrag Nr. 522 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 44.038.564 von Seczet am 18.01.13 17:37:58

      Ich schon.
      schrieb am 18.01.13 17:53:48
      Beitrag Nr. 523 ()
      Zitat von Montekaolino: Ich schon.

      was denkst du was könnte hier noch so gehen? also ich gehe von mind 1,50 dollar aus, irgendwas großes läuft da doch im hintergrund

      und heritage hat damals schon bei über 3 kanadische dollar aktien gekauft, die werden ihre anteile doch jetzt nicht verschenken...zumal....
      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 18.01.13 18:03:30
      Beitrag Nr. 524 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 44.038.657 von Seczet am 18.01.13 17:53:48
      Ja vieleicht kommt Statoil auch zu zuge aber es ist was im busche
      da laufen bestimmt verhandlungen hinter verschlossenen türen.
      Sollten mal nächste woche abwarten die 1,50 cad wären schon schön
      schau ma mal wie heute geschloßen wird. Wie ist deine Meinung.
      schrieb am 18.01.13 18:13:47
      Beitrag Nr. 525 ()
      ich weiß nicht wie gesagt, Heritage oil kauft schon seit jahren zu(zu sharepreisen von einigen cents bis hin zu mehreren Dollarn),

      außerdem hat heritage im november seine warrants eingelöst, warum grade da? die halten jetzt 20 prozent an petrofrontier

      schon lange befindet sich der großteil der aktien von petrofrontier(über 60 prozent) in institutionellen händen

      viele haben zu dollarkursen gekauft......

      alleine dadurch, das verhältnismäßig wenig aktien frei handelbar sind, hoffe ich, das es einen großen anstieg gibt, außerdem hoffe ich, das mehrere parteien ein konkurrenzhaftes interesse an petrofrontier haben und heritage letztlich kein abkommen z.b. mitstatoil hat

      ich will sagen, statoil übernimmt den laden und heritage wird dann beteildigt und gibt dafür aktien günstiger ab....sollte das nicht der fall sein

      so denke ich , das es eine sehr positive überraschung gibt, wenn ich mich festlegen muss

      dann würde ich sagen shareprice > 1,80 kanadische dollar

      die grundfrage ist ja, warum ist das interesse so dermaßen groß an petrofrontier, ich glaube wir wissen einfach nicht alles...

      ich persönlich fand schon den relative kurzen frakingtest ende letzten jahres komisch....
      schrieb am 18.01.13 18:19:24
      Beitrag Nr. 526 ()…

      hier, mal ein link aus alten zeiten, da hatte heritage bereits 10 prozent von petrofrontier, der damalige shareprice lag bei 3,22 dollar.....

      ist aber schon ca 18 monate her...
      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 18.01.13 18:21:24
      Beitrag Nr. 527 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 44.038.792 von Seczet am 18.01.13 18:19:24

      Hab dir mal eine Boardmail geschickt.
      schrieb am 18.01.13 18:44:22
      Beitrag Nr. 528 ()
      ... hat hier einer aktuelle Infos vom company-maker zur Situation bei petrofrontier?
      schrieb am 21.01.13 12:25:31
      Beitrag Nr. 529 ()
      schrieb am 23.01.13 10:54:56
      Beitrag Nr. 530 ()
      na schon alle brav eingekauft ?
      Hier ein interessantes Posting aus Stochouse:

      Hi stockbaby. Nice to see you coming around to the idea that market interest in this company is impressive. I have to admit that I agree with you. If you are a youngster (as your tag name might imply), you are fortunate to witness a very interesting phenomenon - that of experiencing a bidding war. That is what the huge daily volumes are all about. There is a whole lot of accumlating going on, and though the volatility is enough to stand your hair on end, it is plain for all to see that something dynamic is afoot.

      To put things in perspective, the amount of ground covered by PFC's mineral licences dwarfs the size of several European countries.

      And what is remarkable is that. years ago, this "ground" was staked for exploration by some very savvy petro-geologists from Alberta Canada who have a strong command of the science of oil and gas extraction fracking technology. The company wasn't called "PetroFrontier" by accident. Australia's proximity to robust and burgeoning Asian makets put it ahead of the Middle East distance-wise, and given the news out of Algeria and other parts of North Africa lately, it's likely that some very experienced petroleum industry personnel would be delighted to offer their services to help develop Australia's oil and gas reserves. It is a friendly-enough place, and that counts for something in these geopolitically iffy times! Skilled labour to bring the wells to market will be easily relocated to this region - and swiftly - if the whiff of gas and oil becomes a gusher.

      When one witnesses a multi-party bidding play underway, in my opinion one is playing Russian roulette if one day-trades this puppy. Don't be frieked out if we do not receive news in the very near future. We know that Statoil finds this company's mineral licences interesting, and we know that Heritage Oil has liked what it sees to the tune of owning 20% of the outstanding shares. No doubt PFC's electronic data room will be visited by other companies as well. We haven't even mentioned the likes of Petro-China, Exxon, BP, Shell, or Petrobas. Who knows - maybe one of these 'whales' will enter the bidding ring as time moves on. i for one am a patient soul. Give the suitors time to digest what, through their confidentiality agreements, they will glean. I see a deal being consumated within the next 60 days. I am not expecting any news from the company until the deal is proposed, and I am prepared to wait this one out

      So I invoke the mantra of "hold long and prosper". It may not be an original thought, but by George it is good advice. I refuse to put a final price on this one. Who knows - however one thing is for certain, and that is that this company with only 80 million shares outstanding, will be selling for a heck of lot more that a few pennies more! If you were to direct the monies you put into your TFSA into PFC, I suspect that you will be one happy camper by year's end. However do your own proper due diligence, as it is your money and not mine! I am not registered investment industry advisor - just a student of history who senses that continental Australia is going to be the next big thing oil and gas wise. It all boils down to "location location location". Oh and yes, its not in the Middle East! What is not to like about that?

      Carpe Diem
      schrieb am 23.01.13 11:12:38
      Beitrag Nr. 531 ()
      Vor 2 tagen gab es einen Bericht zum Fraking in den USA im Fernsehen

      In Texas dürfen dort die Ölunternehmen fraken, wie die wollen, die müssen nicht mal angeben, was genau die da in den Boden jagen(welche chemie etc)

      worauf ich aber hinnaus will

      die Ölreserven, welche die USA durch das Fraking hat, sind so gigantisch, das es sein könnte, das die USA zukünftig kein Öl mehr importieren müsste und zu einem der größten ölproduzenten der welt werden könnte

      nun ja, was könnte diese entwicklung für Petrofrontier beteuten?

      globales Fraking rückt zunehmend in den Fokus auch größerer und weltweit aggierender Ölunternehmen

      man könnte, sagen die Fraking Technologie wird immer ausgereifter, immerhin wird das öl in texas aus über 5 km tiefe geholt...


      dadurch, das es viele mögliche frakingreserven großen ausmaßes geben könnte,(USA,Russland, aber auch argentinien etc, hoffentlich auch australien:) ) könnte der ölpreis sinken, was uns als autofahrer etc entgegen kommt, als aktionär von PFC weniger
      Das thema umwelt etc spare ich hier mal aus...:laugh:…" target="_blank" rel="nofollow ugc noopener">…
      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 23.01.13 11:15:58
      Beitrag Nr. 532 ()
      schrieb am 23.01.13 11:22:56
      Beitrag Nr. 533 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 44.053.014 von Seczet am 23.01.13 11:12:38
      Zur Info.

      Fracking ist nicht gerade kostengünstig die brauchen einen hohen ölpreis
      sonst können sie es vergessen.
      schrieb am 23.01.13 11:33:03
      Beitrag Nr. 534 ()…

      auf das fraking in den USA bezogen geht man davon aus, das der ölpreis mind 50 dollar je barrel sein muss, damit sich das Fraken lohnt…

      - Abhängigkeit vom Ölpreis (fiele dieser unter 50 Dollar, würde sich die Erschließung von Schiefergas und -öl nicht mehr lohnen)

      wenn man 50 dollar als untergrenze sieht, glaube ich, ist das risiko der Profitabilität gering, allerdings

      habe ich auch schon andere Quellen gesehen, die eine Profitabilitätsgrenze zwischen 75 und 90 dollar je barrel sehen...da ist das Provitabilitätsrisiko schon deutlich höher

      außerdem sollte man die USA und australien nicht 1 zu 1 vergleichen, ich denke die USA würden ihre Öl reserven grundsätzlich viel intensiver schützen und die Öl förderung unterstützen(gegebenenfalls sogar bezuschussen)
      3 Antworten
      schrieb am 23.01.13 11:44:42
      Beitrag Nr. 535 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 44.053.119 von Seczet am 23.01.13 11:33:03Der Ölverbrauch wird trotzdem steigen. Das Öl aus dem Fracking wird der Zusatz sein damit der Ölpreis nicht noch mehr steigt. Aber billiger wird da nix....schön wäre es ....
      2 Antworten
      schrieb am 23.01.13 11:55:24
      Beitrag Nr. 536 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 44.053.169 von Rohstoffinvestor am 23.01.13 11:44:42

      Die chinesen wirds freuen wenn sie alles öl aus Arabien bekommen könnten
      nur wenn die USA mal da weg sind brauchen sie dort nicht mehr zurückkehren
      sie werden auch weiterhin alles öl was sie bekommen können einsammlen.
      Die bleiben noch sehr lange in Saudi.
      Der Ölpreis wird weiter steigen und auf Kuse von 120-150 $ werden wir uns einstellen müßen nicht heute aber in absehbarerzeit.
      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 23.01.13 12:17:39
      Beitrag Nr. 537 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 44.053.221 von Montekaolino am 23.01.13 11:55:24Stabile Preise - gut für die Ölaktien - auch für PFC. :D:D
      schrieb am 23.01.13 14:30:09
      Beitrag Nr. 538 ()
      Zitat von Montekaolino: Zur Info.…

      sehe ich das falsch, oder befinden sich derzeit nur noch 34 prozent der aktien von petrofrontier in händen institutioneller anleger?

      es waren ja mal über 60 prozent.....zumindest geht das aus diesem dokument seite 3 hervor...…
      schrieb am 23.01.13 17:17:17
      Beitrag Nr. 539 ()
      schrieb am 07.02.13 09:05:39
      Beitrag Nr. 540 ()
      Der Aktionär hat heute einen report über das fracking online. Weiß jemand was genaueres??
      schrieb am 22.02.13 19:48:13
      Beitrag Nr. 541 ()
      Kackt auch wieder gnadenlos ab heute,-10%,alles keine freude momentan.Sitzfleisch ist gefragt.
      schrieb am 16.03.13 13:16:08
      Beitrag Nr. 542 ()
      `Gibts neues zu diesem Wert von Companymaker?
      schrieb am 19.03.13 17:06:57
      Beitrag Nr. 543 ()
      Alle warten auf Die News, welche hoffentlich positive ist

      während es hier im Forum in den letzten Wochen nahezu tod ist, nimmt die aktivität im Stockhouse Forum täglich zu, vor allem werden erstellte beiträge innerhalb kürzeter zeit relative oft gelesen

      die spannung steigt, vermutet wird vieles, im Stockhouse forum geht man tendenziell von einer Übernahme aus, der Grundtenor an sich ist sehr positive, hoffe die Jungs und Mädels behalten recht

      positive stimmt vor allem die Tatsache, das immer mehr große Ölfirmen in den letzten Wochen zunehmend Interesse am potentiell neuem Ölland Ausstralien zeigen,

      hoffen wir das Beste
      schrieb am 29.05.13 21:54:17
      Beitrag Nr. 544 ()
      Langsam hab ich hier auch so das Gefühl,dass das eine weitere "Griff ins Klo" Empfehlung des CM war.85% in den Miesen jetzt,alles nicht lustig zur Zeit.Ist noch jemand investiert,der einem Leidgenossen ein paar tröstende Worte spendiert?
      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 29.05.13 22:26:34
      Beitrag Nr. 545 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 44.744.345 von sheriffxl am 29.05.13 21:54:17Ja leider, aber Trost kann ich nicht spenden... :rolleyes:
      schrieb am 30.05.13 18:57:01
      Beitrag Nr. 546 ()
      bin ebenso noch dabei und bleibe das auch trotz derzeit roter zahlen....ich glaube an die Sache

      die Fakten haben sich nicht verändert, weiterhin hat petrofrontier keine Schulden und über 11 millionen dollar zur Verfügung
      (Stand 31.03.2013)

      Einzig die warterei frustriert, vor allem weil der Kurs parallel unter wenig Umsatz(abgesehen von den letzten ca 8 tagen) dermaßen nachgibt

      zeitweise fällt der kurs um 10 und mehr prozent bei einem Umsatz von 1000 Dollarn und weniger....frustrierend

      aber, Die News, auf die alle warten ist einfach noch nicht raus, und wenn man sich die Barmittel anschaut ist nicht davon auszugehen, das Petrofrontier vor dem Abschluss des Review Prozesses pleite gehen wird...

      Im Sto0ckhouse forum wird weiterhin sehr aktive geschrieben und vermutet, meist eher positive, aber das heißt leider nichts....hat denn der CM mal wieder was geschrieben, gerne auch per BM

      schrieb am 11.06.13 15:12:14
      Beitrag Nr. 547 ()
      moin,moin..bin auch noch dabei



      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 11.06.13 15:14:17
      Beitrag Nr. 548 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 44.827.259 von pihu am 11.06.13 15:12:14Sehr schoen...
      schrieb am 11.06.13 15:22:30
      Beitrag Nr. 549 ()
      mal sehen, was daraus der kurs heute macht!
      schrieb am 11.06.13 15:23:33
      Beitrag Nr. 550 ()
      PetroFrontier Corp. announces Statoil to fully fund a US$50 million 2013/2014 exploration program in the Southern Georgina Basin

      CALGARY, June 11, 2013 /PRNewswire/ - (TSX-V: PFC) - PetroFrontier Corp. ("PetroFrontier") is pleased to announce that it has agreed to amend the existing farmin agreement with Statoil Australia Oil & Gas AS ("Statoil") whereby Statoil has committed to spend the next US$50 million throughout the remainder of 2013 and 2014 to fully fund up to a 385 km 2D seismic program and the drilling and stimulation of four to six vertical test wells (the "Amended Farmin Agreement").

      Throughout 2012 and the first half of 2013, PetroFrontier and Statoil jointly spent approximately US$30 million on exploration in the Southern Georgina Basin, thereby gaining valuable geological information. Under the Amended Farmin Agreement, Statoil could spend a total of up to US$175 million by the end of 2016 before PetroFrontier will be required to contribute further. Statoil will also become the operator effective September 1, 2013.

      "We have worked with our financial advisor, GMP Securities L.P., over the past five months reviewing various strategic opportunities and feel that we have reached a transaction best representing the interests of our shareholders," said Paul Bennett, President and CEO of PetroFrontier. "We are very pleased that Statoil is clearly interested in the exploration of the Southern Georgina Basin. Its commitment to further explore the basin is a very positive indication of their belief in the prospectivity of the area. In addition, while retaining a significant working interest, we eliminate our US$10 million capital commitment and our need to raise additional financing."

      "We believe the Southern Georgina Basin asset to be potentially very prospective and we are happy to assume operatorship for this 14 million acre area. This deal is in line with our exploration strategy where we pursue access early and at scale to de-risk the plays and grow organically through exploration activities. We will continue the good work done by PetroFrontier with the aim of clarifying the prospectivity", said Vice President Vidar Skjæveland in Statoil's onshore exploration unit.

      With working capital of approximately $11.3 million at March 31, 2013, no debt and reduced operating expenses going forward, as a result of the Amended Farmin Agreement, PetroFrontier is now positioned for new growth opportunities.

      Under the terms of the Amended Farmin Agreement, up to the next US$160 million of exploration costs will be fully funded by Statoil over three phases to the end of 2016, in return for 80% of PetroFrontier's working interest ("WI") in EP 103/EP 104 (100% WI), EP 127/EP 128 (75% WI) and EPA 213/EPA 252 (100% WI) in the Southern Georgina Basin, Northern Territory, Australia (collectively the "Permits").
      • Phase 1 & 2A (2013 and 2014):
      ◦ Statoil will spend the next US$50 million on exploration (PetroFrontier - nil) and assume operatorship on September 1, 2013

      ◦ At the end of Phase 2A, Statoil will have the option to continue to Phase 2B; if Statoil elects not to continue, it must return to PetroFrontier 50% of its former WI in the Permits, such that ownership will then be: Statoil (30%), PetroFrontier (70%)
      • Phase 2B (2015):
      ◦ Upon proceeding to Phase 2B, Statoil will spend the next US$30 million on exploration (PetroFrontier - nil)

      ◦ At the end of Phase 2B, Statoil will have the option to continue to Phase 3; if Statoil elects not to continue to Phase 3, then it must return to PetroFrontier 25% of its former WI in the Permits, such that ownership will then be Statoil (55%), PetroFrontier (45%)
      • Phase 3 (2016):
      ◦ Upon proceeding to Phase 3, Statoil will spend the next US$80 million on exploration (PetroFrontier - nil)

      ◦ At the end of Phase 3, Statoil will own 80% and PetroFrontier will own 20% of PetroFrontier's former WI in the Permits

      At the end of Phase 3, Statoil will have completed its funding obligations under the Amended Farmin Agreement and the sharing of future costs between Statoil and PetroFrontier will be based on their then respective ownership interests.

      These amendments are subject to satisfaction of certain conditions precedent, including the approval of the Foreign Investment Review Board of Australia and the approval of the TSX Venture Exchange. Upon satisfaction of the conditions precedent (expected to be satisfied on or before July 1, 2013), PetroFrontier's strategic review process announced on December 4, 2012 will have been successfully completed.
      schrieb am 11.06.13 15:24:16
      Beitrag Nr. 551 ()
      With working capital of approximately $11.3 million at March 31, 2013, no debt and reduced operating expenses going forward, as a result of the Amended Farmin Agreement, PetroFrontier is now positioned for new growth opportunities.
      schrieb am 11.06.13 15:25:17
      Beitrag Nr. 552 ()
      In addition, while retaining a significant working interest, we eliminate our US$10 million capital commitment and our need to raise additional financing."
      schrieb am 11.06.13 16:12:34
      Beitrag Nr. 553 ()
      Ein sehr guter Deal!
      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 11.06.13 16:38:55
      Beitrag Nr. 554 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 44.827.809 von bvasel am 11.06.13 16:12:34Ja, bin nach der Explosion heute trotzdem wieder raus...
      schrieb am 12.06.13 12:19:34
      Beitrag Nr. 555 ()
      geht doch erst richtig los
      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 12.06.13 12:33:36
      Beitrag Nr. 556 ()
      Ich träume immer noch davon,dass ich meine 0,63 Eurocent Einstiegskurs wieder bekomme.
      schrieb am 12.06.13 14:00:03
      Beitrag Nr. 557 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 44.833.683 von omnivagus am 12.06.13 12:19:34Kommt drauf an, momentan war es zumindest mal richtig...
      schrieb am 12.06.13 20:08:10
      Beitrag Nr. 558 ()
      Zitat von sheriffxl: Ich träume immer noch davon,dass ich meine 0,63 Eurocent Einstiegskurs wieder bekomme.

      ich Esel habe auf den Companymaker gehört und bin zu 0,80 € rein

      bei Petrodorado habe ich auch auf ihn gehört und kräftig in die Kacke gepackt
      schrieb am 12.06.13 22:54:13
      Beitrag Nr. 559 ()
      Na dann mal hallo,Leidensgenosse,ähnliche Story bei mir,mit PDQ bin ich auch mit nem 5-stelligen Betrag im minus.Gott sei Dank läuft AOI besser,aber am Schluss zählt man zusammen,wird schon schiefgehn.
      schrieb am 14.06.13 21:05:46
      Beitrag Nr. 560 ()
      Und wieder 10% runter,kaum dass es mal ein paar Tage besser läuft,schon wird wieder abverkauft.Ist zu ner absoluten Zockeraktie verkommen.Im Rohstoff- und Edelmetallsektor wird einem zur Zeit schon einiges abverlangt.
      schrieb am 14.06.13 21:32:54
      Beitrag Nr. 561 ()
      Zitat von sheriffxl: Im Rohstoff- und Edelmetallsektor wird einem zur Zeit schon einiges abverlangt.

      Ja, aber leider nicht nur "zur Zeit" sondern schon seit Längerem. Manchmal steigen die Kurse, manchmal fallen sie - der Einstiegspunkt ist entscheidend und da hatte leider ich ein schlechtes Händchen/Timing...

      Quote for PetroFrontier Corp. (PFC:CA)
      $ 0,255 RT -0,03 (-10.53%) Volume: 485,25 k 15:30 EDT 14.06.2013
      schrieb am 15.07.13 22:04:15
      Beitrag Nr. 562 ()
      Was für ein Trauerspiel hier,und wieder Richtung Totalverlust.
      schrieb am 19.07.13 22:27:57
      Beitrag Nr. 563 ()
      was für ein anstieg heute, ctp in down under braucht dafür schon etwas länger!
      schrieb am 19.07.13 22:41:03
      Beitrag Nr. 564 ()
      CALGARY, July 19, 2013 /CNW/ - (TSX-V: PFC) - PetroFrontier Corp. ("PetroFrontier") is very pleased to announce that the Foreign Investment Review Board of Australia ("FIRB") has no objection to, and the TSX Venture Exchange ("TSXV") has conditionally approved, the Amended Farmin Agreement between Statoil Australia Theta B.V., a wholly owned subsidiary of Statoil ASA ("Statoil") and PetroFrontier. Subject to final approval of the TSXV upon filing of final documents, these approvals satisfy the last condition precedent of the Amended Farmin Agreement announced on June 11, 2013.
      schrieb am 22.07.13 15:57:07
      Beitrag Nr. 565 ()
      Hallo zusammen
      Ist das der Grund für den Anstieg ???

      per Investors-Mail: heute mittag 14:00 Uhr

      PetroFrontier Corp. announces seismic program on Southern Georgina Basin, Australia

      CALGARY, July 22, 2013 /CNW/ - (TSXV: PFC) - PetroFrontier Corp. ("PetroFrontier") announces that it has begun recording the "AMY" 2D proprietary seismic acquisition program (approximately 385 km in length) on its four exploration permits ("EP"), EP 103, EP 104, EP 127 and EP 128, in the Southern Georgina Basin, Northern Territory, Australia.

      This seismic survey, contracted to Terrex Seismic of Australia, will fulfill the Northern Territory government work commitments for permit retention, will delineate the southern and northwest basin margins and help outline prospective hydrocarbon target areas. PetroFrontier and its partners, Statoil Australia Theta B.V., a wholly owned subsidiary of Statoil ASA ("Statoil") and Baraka Energy & Resources Limited, will interpret the data gathered to target conventional hydrocarbons in the Cambrian Thorntonia and other formations and unconventional hydrocarbons in the Lower Cambrian Arthur Creek Formation. The most promising areas will be seismically mapped out and the data will aid in identifying locations for exploration wells to be drilled as part of the 2013/2014 capital exploration program in the Southern Georgina Basin.

      About Statoil

      Statoil is an international technology-oriented energy company focused on upstream oil and gas operations and currently produces 2 million barrels of oil equivalents per day. Statoil has high ambitions for international growth and is active in 35 countries around the world. Statoil's shares are listed on both the Oslo Børs ("STL") and the New York Stock Exchange ("STO"). Statoil has a market capitalization of around US$72 billion and has 23,000 employees worldwide.

      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 22.07.13 17:12:02
      Beitrag Nr. 566 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 45.091.323 von pihu am 22.07.13 15:57:07

      Und gleich geht ROZ mit hoch.
      schrieb am 23.07.13 19:17:35
      Beitrag Nr. 567 ()
      schrieb am 09.09.13 17:54:30
      Beitrag Nr. 568 ()
      PetroFrontier Ends Seismic Program at Southern Georgina Basin Permits

      Canada-listed PetroFrontier Corp. reported Friday that it has completed the “AMY” 2D proprietary seismic acquisition program consisting of 188.9 miles (304 kilometers) on its Southern Georgina Basin exploration permits in the Northern Territory, Australia. Interpretation of the data gathered will be the next step in determining drilling locations for conventional and unconventional exploration wells as part of the 2013/2014 capital exploration program in the Southern Georgina Basin to be announced at a later date.
      Corporate Updates

      Pursuant to the Amended Farmin Agreement announced June 11, Statoil Australia Theta B.V. (Statoil) has assumed operatorship of PetroFrontier’s four exploration permits (EP 103, EP 104, EP 127, EP 128) and exploration permit applications (EPA 213 and EPA 252) effective Sept. 1. Consequently, PetroFrontier has released all staff in its operations office in Adelaide, Australia and that office is now closed.

      With working capital of approximately $9.2 million (CAD 9.6 million) June 30, no debt and no ongoing exploration expenses as a result of the recent Amended Farmin Agreement with Statoil, PetroFrontier is now well positioned to pursue new growth opportunities. The Board of Directors and senior management will now focus on evaluating the best strategy going forward for the benefit of all shareholders.…
      schrieb am 10.09.13 19:29:32
      Beitrag Nr. 569 ()
      Was machen die jetzt mit 9.6 Millionen Cash in der Kasse? In diesen schlechten Zeiten sollte man sich nach einer Beteiligung an einem weiteren Projekt umschauen...
      schrieb am 07.01.14 20:30:30
      Beitrag Nr. 570 ()
      PetroFrontier announces 2014 work plan and budget for the Southern Georgina Basin…
      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 08.01.14 04:04:57
      Beitrag Nr. 571 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 46.176.721 von rolleg am 07.01.14 20:30:30Hört sich ganz gut an...
      schrieb am 21.03.14 10:17:16
      Beitrag Nr. 572 ()
      Was geht hier ab??
      schrieb am 21.03.14 10:22:40
      Beitrag Nr. 573 ()
      Das hab ich mich Gestern auch schon gefragt. Sind wohl irgendwelche News durchgesickert könnt ich mir vorstellen.
      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 21.03.14 10:59:01
      Beitrag Nr. 574 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 46.672.327 von Cashmar am 21.03.14 10:22:40War ja auch ein schoener Kauf...
      schrieb am 21.03.14 13:24:30
      Beitrag Nr. 575 ()
      Hallo zusammen

      Hat wohl hiermit zu tun....

      Managing director Alv Sigve Teigen says with approval from the Northern Territory Department of Mines and Energy, it will begin drilling the new wells in April.…" target="_blank" rel="nofollow ugc noopener">…

      Bullboard Canada :…" target="_blank" rel="nofollow ugc noopener">…

      mal schauen wie es weiter geht

      schrieb am 02.04.14 16:10:21
      Beitrag Nr. 576 ()
      PetroFrontier Spuds Oz-Alpha 1

      CALGARY, April 2, 2014 /CNW/ - (TSX-V: PFC) - PetroFrontier Corp. ("PetroFrontier") is very pleased to announce that the first well in its 2014 Work Plan and Budget (the "2014 WP&B") has now spud and drilling is underway. The Oz-Alpha 1 well is a vertical exploration well located approximately 50 km south west of the Owen 2 well on Exploration Permit 104. This is the first of up to five vertical test wells to be drilled as part of the 2014 WP&B. All wells will include an extensive open hole evaluation program and up to three of the wells will be cased for future hydraulic fracture stimulation and production testing.

      Statoil Australia Theta B.V., PetroFrontier's joint venture partner and the operator of the 2014 WP&B, is progressing the program as approved by the Joint Operating Committee. Procurement of completions and testing services is moving ahead with stimulation and testing operations expected to commence in Q3 2014.

      Road and lease construction for the second well, Oz-Beta 1 is also underway and progressing on schedule.
      schrieb am 28.04.14 16:22:37
      Beitrag Nr. 577 ()
      per Mail

      PetroFrontier Corp. provides operational update on the "OzAlpha-1" well

      CALGARY, April 28, 2014 /CNW/ - (TSX-V: PFC) - PetroFrontier ("PetroFrontier") is pleased to announce that the OzAlpha-1 well located in Exploration Permit 104 in the Northern Territory, Australia has been successfully drilled and cased by Statoil Australia Theta B.V. (the "Operator"). All of the planned open hole well evaluation activities have been completed and are now being analyzed. A total of 196 metres of core were recovered in a continuous coring process, which penetrated the Lower Arthur Creek and Thorntonia formations.

      The 2014 Work Plan includes the drilling of up to five wells and the completion and testing of up to three wells. The decision by the Operator to case the well is encouraging; however, it is too early to tell if this well will be selected for completion and testing, as that decision has to consider the ongoing evaluation work and the results of future wells, not yet drilled.

      The vertical exploration well design and continuous coring process, developed by PetroFrontier in early 2013 as a means of more cost effectively exploring the South Georgina Basin, has been successfully demonstrated by the Operator, as the well was drilled without incident, on schedule and within budget. "We are truly pleased with how the Operator was able to take the new well design, and execute the program without incident," said Earl Scott, President and Chief Executive Officer of PetroFrontier.

      The Operator has moved the rig to the former Owen-3H location to abandon that well in accordance with Australian regulations. Subsequent to that work, the rig will be moved to the second well location of the five well program, OzBeta-1, located in Exploration Permit 127. Readers are encouraged to review the current investor presentation online to see both the well locations and seismic cross sections.
      schrieb am 29.04.14 15:49:40
      Beitrag Nr. 578 ()
      Recht ruhig hier geworden...Im Forum in Kanada ist ordentlich Leben drin (, mit einigen Interessanten Recherchen um das Georgin Basin, Statoil usw. Statoil wird in den nächsten 3-4 Monaten bis zu 5 Wells drillen, da ist ordentlich Musik drin, halte es nicht für ausgeschlossen das, dass Ding wieder auf 1 CAD hüpft (Im kanadischen Forum 2-3 Dollar bis Jahresende).

      Nur knapp 80 Mio Aktien ausgegeben davon, hat allein Heritage OIL als Großaktionär knapp 16 Mio Aktien, sowie verschiedene Insider zusätzlich 10 Mio Aktien. Statoil ist seit diesem Jahr Operator auf dem Gebiet und ich traue den Jungs einiges zu. Petrofrontier hat meines Erachtens einfach nicht die nötige Erfahrung gehabt allein was zu reißen, hat man ja die letzten 2 Jahre gesehen. Statoil verfügt über ein sehr gutes Expertenteam und verfügt über Erfahrung im Georgina Basin.

      Allein Statoil finanziert die Bohrkampagne dieses Jahr, Petrofrontier muss nicht 1 $ Dollar für die Kampagne zahlen. Mich wundert daher die Zurückhaltung hier in Deutschland, das kann eine zweite Africa Oil werden, vorausgesetzt Statoil hat erfolg mit der Bohrkampagne.

      Shareprice TSX-V: 0,32

      Market Cap: 25.00 Mio $

      Cash: ca. 7.5 Mio$

      Was meint ihr dazu ?
      schrieb am 07.05.14 15:43:22
      Beitrag Nr. 579 ()
      all we can do is sit and wait.....

      Per Mail
      CALGARY, May 7, 2014

      PetroFrontier Spuds OzBeta-1
      /CNW/ - (TSX-V: PFC) - PetroFrontier Corp. ("PetroFrontier") is very pleased to announce that the second well in its 2014 Work Plan and Budget (the "2014 WP&B") has now spud and drilling is underway. The OzBeta-1 well is a vertical exploration well located in Exploration Permit 127. This is the second of up to five vertical test wells to be drilled as part of the 2014 WP&B. All wells will include an extensive open hole evaluation program and up to three of the wells will be cased for future hydraulic fracture stimulation and production testing.

      Prior to the spud of the OzBeta-1 well, Statoil Australia Theta B.V., PetroFrontier's joint venture partner and the operator of the 2014 WP&B, used the rig to successfully abandon the Owen-3H well in accordance with Australian regulations. The 2014 WP&B is progressing on schedule and as approved by the Joint Operating Committee.

      Subsequent to drilling the OzBeta-1 well, the rig will be moved to the third well location of the five well program, OzGamma-1, located in Exploration Permit 103. Readers are encouraged to review the current investor presentation online to see both the well locations and seismic cross sections.
      schrieb am 30.05.14 16:02:12
      Beitrag Nr. 580 ()
      Und weiter geht´s

      PetroFrontier Spuds OzGamma-1

      CALGARY, May 30, 2014

      /CNW/ - (TSX-V: PFC) - PetroFrontier Corp. ("PetroFrontier") is very pleased to announce that the third well in its 2014 Work Plan and Budget (the "2014 WP&B") has now spud and drilling is underway. The OzGamma-1 well is a vertical exploration well located in Exploration Permit 103. This is the third of up to five vertical test wells to be drilled as part of the 2014 WP&B. All wells will include an extensive open hole evaluation program and up to three of the wells will be cased for future hydraulic fracture stimulation and production testing.

      Prior to the spud of the OzGamma-1 well, Statoil Australia Theta B.V., PetroFrontier's joint venture partner and the operator of the 2014 WP&B, successfully drilled and cased the second well of the 2014 WP&B, OzBeta-1. All of the planned open hole well evaluation activities have been completed and are now being analyzed. A total of 99.1 metres of core were recovered in a continuous coring process, which penetrated the Lower Arthur Creek and Thorntonia formations.

      Subsequent to drilling the OzGamma-1 well, the rig will be moved to the fourth well location of the five well program, OzDelta-1, located in Exploration Permit 128. Readers are encouraged to review the current investor presentation online to see both the well locations and seismic cross sections.

      schrieb am 23.06.14 19:24:26
      Beitrag Nr. 581 ()
      per Mail 19:09 Uhr

      PetroFrontier Spuds OzDelta-1

      CALGARY, June 23, 2014

      - (TSX-V: PFC) - PetroFrontier Corp. ("PetroFrontier") is very pleased to announce that the fourth well in its 2014 Work Plan and Budget (the "2014 WP&B") has now spud and drilling is underway. The OzDelta-1 well is a vertical exploration well located in Exploration Permit 128. This is the fourth of up to five vertical test wells to be drilled as part of the 2014 WP&B. All wells will include an extensive open hole evaluation program and up to three of the wells will be cased for future hydraulic fracture stimulation and production testing.

      Prior to the spud of the OzDelta-1 well, Statoil Australia Theta B.V., PetroFrontier's joint venture partner and the operator of the 2014 WP&B, successfully drilled and cased the third well of the 2014 WP&B, OzGamma-1. All of the planned open hole well evaluation activities have been completed and are now being analyzed. A total of 96 metres of core were recovered in a continuous coring process, which penetrated the Lower Arthur Creek and Thorntonia formations.

      Subsequent to drilling the OzDelta-1 well, the rig will be moved to the fifth well location of the five well program, OzEpsilon-1, located in Exploration Permit 128. Readers are encouraged to review the current investor presentation online to see both the well locations and seismic cross sections.

      Die Spannung steigt.....noch 2 Löcher ...Hop oder Top

      schrieb am 02.07.14 18:27:55
      Beitrag Nr. 582 ()
      Schöner Kauf kurz nach Börsenstart

      200,000 x .28 cents = $56,000.00

      schrieb am 08.07.14 17:24:52
      Beitrag Nr. 583 ()
      per Mail:

      PetroFrontier Spuds OzEpsilon-1

      CALGARY, July 8, 2014
      /CNW/ - (TSX-V: PFC) - PetroFrontier Corp. ("PetroFrontier") is very pleased to announce that the fifth well in its 2014 Work Plan and Budget (the "2014 WP&B") has now spud and drilling is underway. The OzEpsilon-1 well is a vertical exploration well located in Exploration Permit 128. This is the fifth and final vertical test well to be drilled as part of the 2014 WP&B. All wells will include an extensive open hole evaluation program and up to three of the wells will be considered for future hydraulic fracture stimulation and production testing.

      Prior to the spud of the OzEpsilon-1 well, Statoil Australia Theta B.V., PetroFrontier's joint venture partner and the operator of the 2014 WP&B, successfully drilled and cased the fourth well of the 2014 WP&B, OzDelta-1. All of the planned open hole well evaluation activities have been completed and are now being analyzed. A total of 32 metres of core were recovered in a continuous coring process, which penetrated the Lower Arthur Creek and Thorntonia formations.

      Subsequent to drilling the OzEpsilon-1 well, the drilling rig will be demobilized and the hydraulic fracture stimulation and production testing of up to three of the previously drilled wells will commence in due course. Readers are encouraged to review the current investor presentation online to see both the well locations and seismic cross sections.

      On January 7, 2014, PetroFrontier announced that Baraka Energy & Resources, a 25% working interest owner in EP127 and EP128, was disputing the 2014 WP&B on these blocks. All three parties (PetroFrontier, Statoil Australia Theta B.V., and Baraka Energy & Resources Ltd.) have recently agreed to settle the court action subject to the execution of a deed of settlement and release reflecting the agreed terms. As Baraka has elected not to contribute to the 2014 WP&B, its working interest will be diluted proportionally to its cash calls. The working interest will then be transferred to Statoil Australia Theta B.V. in accordance with the terms of the Amended Farm-In Agreement between Statoil Australia Theta B.V. and PetroFrontier.
      schrieb am 22.07.14 17:17:24
      Beitrag Nr. 584 ()
      schrieb am 22.07.14 17:25:33
      Beitrag Nr. 585 ()
      Kann den Abverkauf heute nicht nachvollziehen, ist zwar kein Riesenvolumen aber eigentlich verläuft alles nach Plan. 2 Löcher werden mit Sicherheit gefracket,Epsilon war wohl nichts. 2 Wells werden noch untersucht und eins von den beiden ebenfalls gefrackt oder habe ich was falsch verstanden ? Erinnert mich irgendwie an den übertriebenen sell-off Ende 2012...
      schrieb am 22.07.14 17:43:23
      Beitrag Nr. 586 ()
      Sehe ich auch so..machen genau das wie es geplant ist.

      Haben wohl einige eine 50m Ölfontäne erwartet.
      Fraking ist aber ne andere Geschichte.
      Bis zur endgültigen Klarheit bez. Menge etc. wird es wohl noch etwas dauern.

      schrieb am 22.07.14 17:59:08
      Beitrag Nr. 587 ()
      Ja glaube auch das die Erwartungen im Vorfeld einfach viel zu groß war bei manchen. Das aktuelle Niveau ist schon verlockend zum nachkaufen. Es dürften noch ca. 6-7 Mio CAD an Cash da sein, aktuell bewertet man PFC mit 15 Mio CAD...bin mir aber noch nicht so schlüssig, orderbuch in Kanada ist bei 0,19 und 0,20 mit größeren Verkäufen gefüllt
      schrieb am 23.07.14 04:50:44
      Beitrag Nr. 588 ()
      Was war das den? Schwerer Einbruch!!

      PetroFrontier Corp. Provides Operational Update

      CALGARY, July 22, 2014 /CNW/ - (TSX-V: PFC) - PetroFrontier Corp. ("PetroFrontier") is pleased to announce that Statoil Australia Theta B.V. ("Statoil"), PetroFrontier's joint venture partner and the operator of the 2014 work program and budget ("2014 WP&B") has initially selected two of the wells from the 2014 WP&B for completion and testing. The OzAlpha-1 and OzBeta-1 wells are believed to provide the best opportunities to test the concept of extracting oil from the Lower Arthur Creek and Thorntonia formations. Statoil has developed comprehensive completion and testing programs and has commenced operations on the OzBeta-1 well.


      The OzAlpha-1 well was drilled to a total vertical depth ("TVD") of 1,250 metres and encountered a combined total of approximately 88 metres of Lower Arthur Creek Hot Shale and Thorntonia formations, which is very near prognosis. Multiple oil shows were recorded while drilling and a continuous coring operation recovered approximately 196 metres of core. PetroFrontier's independent third party petrophysical analysis has identified a total net oil pay of 20 metres within the Arthur Creek and Thorntonia formations utilizing a porosity cut off of 2% and a water saturation cut-off of 58%. Statoil has developed a completion and testing program for this well which includes perforating a three metre interval, performing a hydraulic fracture stimulation and testing the well with a jet pump. The main objective of the completion is to test the concept of oil production from these formations which has yet to be proven. Subject to contractor availability, weather and regulatory approvals, testing operations are anticipated to be completed early in the fourth quarter of 2014.


      The OzBeta-1 well was drilled to a TVD of 1,442 metres and encountered a combined total of approximately 124 metres of Lower Arthur Creek Hot Shale and Thorntonia formations, which is also very near prognosis. Multiple oil shows were recorded while drilling and a continuous coring operation recovered approximately 99 metres of core. PetroFrontier's independent third party petrophysical analysis has identified a total net oil pay of 29 metres within the Arthur Creek and Thorntonia formations utilizing a porosity cut off of 2% and a water saturation cut-off of 58%. Statoil has developed a completion and testing program for this well and operations have commenced. The program includes perforating a three metre interval, performing hydraulic fracture stimulation and testing the well with a jet pump. As with the OzAlpha-1 well, the main objective of the completion is to test the concept of oil production from these formations which has yet to be proven. Subject to contractor availability, weather and regulatory approvals, testing operations are anticipated to be completed early in the fourth quarter of 2014.


      Statoil has successfully drilled and evaluated the fifth and final well of the 2014 WP&B, OzEpsilon-1. This well is located in Exploration Permit 128 and provides stratigraphic information, which reinforces regional seismic and geological interpretations. The well was drilled to a TVD of 665m and encountered a combined total of approximately 81m of Lower Arthur Creek Hot Shale and Thorntonia formations. A total of 67 metres of core were recovered in a continuous coring process, which penetrated the Lower Arthur Creek and Thorntonia formations. All of the planned open hole well evaluation activities have been completed. The well has been abandoned as anticipated due to its shallow depth and additionally, a lack of hydrocarbon indicators while drilling.

      OzGamma-1 and OzDelta-1

      Evaluation of these wells is currently in progress. These wells will be abandoned as part of the 2014 WPB. However, the decision to test prior to abandonment will be influenced by the test results of OzAlpha-1 and OzBeta-1.
      schrieb am 26.08.14 19:06:05
      Beitrag Nr. 589 ()
      War wohl nix.....

      Per Mail

      PetroFrontier Corp. Provides Operational Update

      CALGARY, Aug. 26, 2014
      /CNW/ - (TSX-V: PFC) - PetroFrontier Corp. ("PetroFrontier") announces that Statoil Australia Theta B.V. ("Statoil"), PetroFrontier's joint venture partner and the operator of the 2014 work program and budget has completed testing operations at the OzBeta-1 well. The OzBeta-1 well was perforated over a 3 meter interval within the Arthur Creek Hot Shale from 1,347 to 1,350 meters depth. A small water based hydraulic stimulation was successfully completed and a total of 137 m3 of water and 14.1 tonnes of sand were pumped into the well. Testing operations, utilizing a coiled tubing conveyed jet pump were then carried out. A total of 157 m3 of water was produced with no measurable volume of hydrocarbons. No oil or gas was produced and Statoil has informed PetroFrontier that the OzBeta-1 well will now be abandoned.

      These results are disappointing and technically challenging considering the positive hydrocarbon indicators measured while drilling and subsequently derived from log data.

      Statoil will now proceed with completion and testing operations at the OzDelta-1 well, as it is now considered to be the technically preferred location over the OzAlpha-1 location as previously announced.


      The OzDelta-1 well was drilled to a total vertical depth of 840 metres and encountered a combined total of approximately 98 metres of Lower Arthur Creek Hot Shale and Thorntonia formations. Multiple oil shows were recorded while drilling and a continuous coring operation recovered approximately 32 metres of core. PetroFrontier's independent third party petrophysical analysis has identified a total net pay of approximately 19 metres within the Arthur Creek and Thorntonia formations utilizing a porosity cut off of 2% and a water saturation cut-off of 58%. Statoil has developed a completion and testing program for this well which includes perforating a three metre interval, performing a hydraulic stimulation and testing the well with a jet pump. The main objective of the completion is to test the concept of oil production from these formations which has yet to be proven. Subject to contractor availability, weather and regulatory approvals, testing operations are anticipated to be completed early in the fourth quarter of 2014.

      About PetroFrontier Corp.

      PetroFrontier is an international oil and gas exploration company engaged in the exploration, acquisition and development of both conventional and unconventional petroleum assets in Australia's Southern Georgina Basin where, subsequent to its Amended Farmin Agreement with Statoil Australia Theta B.V., it holds a net carried 20% working interest in approximately 13.1 million gross acres. PetroFrontier's head office is based in Calgary, Alberta and its common shares are listed on the TSX Venture Exchange under the symbol "PFC".

      schrieb am 26.08.14 19:47:18
      Beitrag Nr. 590 ()
      jupp 1 Versuch von 3 war schonmal nur Wasser :( Naja warten wir es mal ab was OZ-Alpha und Delta so macht...
      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 27.08.14 10:17:29
      Beitrag Nr. 591 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 47.615.421 von fishermannfriend am 26.08.14 19:47:18Schwupps - und wieder reingerutscht...
      schrieb am 28.08.14 05:25:48
      Beitrag Nr. 592 ()
      STOP SELLING! FOOLS! Statoil will go hositle takeover!

      30 million would offer shareholders 22 cents. Plus they would get 100% of the working ownership, and a 90 million dollar lawsuit. Why would they contine to spend 30 million 2015 + then 80 million 2015 for 80 percent ownership? They know you spooked PFC investors will accept a hostile bid at 22 cents! Statoil will not go along with this farm-in unless the owners (you spooked share holders) stop selling and hold out! STOP SELLING!

      Read more at…
      schrieb am 28.08.14 17:30:43
      Beitrag Nr. 593 ()
      Stopplosfischen oder ausverkauf ??

      schrieb am 29.08.14 06:59:11
      Beitrag Nr. 594 ()
      PetroFrontier Corp. Releases Second Quarter 2014 Financial and Operating Results

      CALGARY, Aug. 28, 2014 /CNW/ - (TSX-V: PFC) - PetroFrontier Corp. ("PetroFrontier") today released its second quarter 2014 financial and operating results. A copy of PetroFrontier's condensed consolidated interim financial statements and related management's discussion and analysis ("MD&A") can be obtained through PetroFrontier's website and on SEDAR at

      About PetroFrontier Corp.

      PetroFrontier is an international oil and gas company engaged in the exploration, acquisition and development of both conventional and unconventional onshore petroleum assets in Australia's Southern Georgina Basin. Founded in 2009, PetroFrontier is one of the first companies to undertake onshore exploration in the Southern Georgina Basin in Australia's Northern Territory. PetroFrontier's head office is based in Calgary, Alberta. PetroFrontier's common shares are listed on the TSX Venture Exchange under the symbol "PFC".

      Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

      SOURCE PetroFrontier Corp.

      Earl Scott, President and CEO
      Shane Kozak, Vice President Finance and CFO

      PetroFrontier Corp.
      Suite 520, 1011 1st Street SW, Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2R 1J2
      Telephone: (403) 718-0366
      Fax: (403) 718-3888
      schrieb am 29.08.14 09:01:30
      Beitrag Nr. 595 ()

      Was machen die mit der ganzen Kohle...

      Aus Stockhouse Bullbord:

      Ja zwei Menschen ist in der Tat mager, aber bei einer Durchschnittskosten von $ 134.241 pro Monat?
      StaOil ist der Betreiber und nicht das Unternehmen.

      Können Sie bitte sagen, was sie taten, während das Sammeln von mehr als 3 X das Gehalt der Premierminister von Kanada.

      Seite 15 Bericht

      Entschädigung $ 1.246.897, von denen 511.707 $ ist Bargeld ...wofür ??

      was genau tun sie?

      Haben Sie die Pressemitteilungen in letzter Zeit gelesen?
      schrieb am 10.10.14 16:21:20
      Beitrag Nr. 596 ()
      PetroFrontier Corp. Provides Corporate Update

      CALGARY, Oct. 10, 2014 /PRNewswire/ - (TSX-V: PFC) - PetroFrontier Corp. ("PetroFrontier") announces that Statoil Australia Theta B.V. ("Statoil"), PetroFrontier's joint venture partner and the operator of the 2014 work program and budget has completed testing operations at the OzDelta-1 well. The OzDelta-1 well was perforated at 737.5 and 736 meters using an abrasion jetting tool within the Lower Arthur Creek Hot Shale formation. A small water based hydraulic stimulation was successfully completed and a total of 122 m3 of water and 16.5 tonnes of sand were pumped into the well. Testing operations, utilizing a coiled tubing conveyed jet pump were then carried out. A total of 129 m3 of water was produced with no measurable volume of hydrocarbons. The water recovered was of low salinity, suggesting it to be primarily completion fluid pumped into the well. No oil or gas was produced and the Operator is now in the process of abandoning the well.

      These test results, along with those of the OzBeta-1 well suggest insufficient reservoir permeability to allow hydrocarbon flow. This is clearly disappointing considering the positive hydrocarbon indicators measured while drilling and subsequently derived from log data. This activity completes the drilling and testing plans for the 2014 Work Plan & Budget.

      Statoil Amended Farm-In Agreement

      Upon completion of the current Phase 2A of the Amended Farm-In Agreement ("A-FIA"), Statoil is to serve notice to PetroFrontier that the agreed work has been completed, and then has 120 days to elect to move forward with the next Phase 2B and commit to spending an additional amount of approximately $30 million US or elect to relinquish the majority of its' working interest back to PetroFrontier. Should Statoil elect to relinquish, they will remain as operator and hold a 30% working interest in EP 103 and EP 104, with PetroFrontier holding 70%. For EP 127 and EP 128, and not accounting for the dilution in Baraka working interest due to its election not to participate in the 2014 Work Program and Budget, Statoil will retain 22.5% (plus the diluted Baraka portion), PetroFrontier 52.5% and Baraka will retain 25% (less the diluted portion).

      2014 Work Program & Budget

      Statoil is the registered operator of the work permits and is obligated by the regulator and the farm-in agreement to satisfactorily abandoned and reclaim all wells and seismic lines. It is anticipated that the abandonment of the Baldwin and Macintyre wells will be completed prior to year end. Completion of surface reclamation work and final certification from the regulator will likely not occur until 2015.

      2015 Work Program & Budget

      Should Statoil elect to move to the next phase of the farm in agreement (Phase 2B), then a Work Program and Budget will be proposed and an Operating Committee meeting would be held to review and approve it. The timing of this is uncertain if it occurs at all.

      Research & Development Tax Claim

      PetroFrontier has recently filed for a Research & Development tax incentive with the Australian Taxation Office for a claim that could net PetroFrontier up to $4,196,203 (Australian Dollars). The outcome of this tax filing is uncertain and is expected to be resolved prior to year end.
      schrieb am 10.10.14 16:26:52
      Beitrag Nr. 597 ()
      Jooo, das wars dann wohl erst mal.

      Mal schaun ob das überhapt weitergeht.....

      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 10.10.14 16:32:17
      Beitrag Nr. 598 ()
      Keine Meldung auf der Homepage...

      diesmal keine E-Mail...

      sieht nicht so gut aus.
      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 10.10.14 16:35:18
      Beitrag Nr. 599 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 48.000.016 von pihu am 10.10.14 16:32:17der letzte macht das licht aus!
      schrieb am 10.10.14 16:36:06
      Beitrag Nr. 600 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 47.999.956 von pihu am 10.10.14 16:26:520,035 - habe gekauft - auch wenn Petrodordo nicht laeuft..
      schrieb am 10.10.14 16:43:25
      Beitrag Nr. 601 ()
      Was für ein Licht ausmachen ??

      Hier war schon lange keins mehr an !!
      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 10.10.14 20:34:11
      Beitrag Nr. 602 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 48.000.211 von pihu am 10.10.14 16:43:25Abwarten...
      schrieb am 11.10.14 10:18:37
      Beitrag Nr. 603 ()

      Was ist der Grund für deinen Optimissmus..??

      Die 6,9 Mio Cash...oder die Klage ....

      oder jetzt der Antrag bei der Steuerbehörde...

      Bis da was kommt ist bei den Gehältern das Cash verbraucht..

      Daher interssiert das den Kurs nicht...meine Meinung.

      Irre mich gerne...

      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 11.10.14 16:58:29
      Beitrag Nr. 604 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 48.006.481 von pihu am 11.10.14 10:18:37Dass nach wir vor andere Aussichten da sind und die jetzt geringe Marktkapitalisierung, wenn man sich des extremen Risikos bewusst ist...
      schrieb am 11.10.14 17:29:59
      Beitrag Nr. 605 ()
      CASH VALUE = $0.085 PER SHARE.....Thanks CDNX

      This was just a crazy sale Day yesterday and it looks like those who picked some up should be laughing in days-weeks to come. mean $0,085 cents Cash per Share on Balance sheet. Sheesh! I'm okay with buying a few at 6 cents. Goofed up venture exchange is giving away steals all over the place...But Stocks being Given away WELL BELOW THEIR CASH BALANCE ...with a $30 MILLION Possible OPTION by a LARGE INTERNATIONAL OIL COMPANY to Drill your 14 Million acres Property going for FREE. Had to Buy. Decision was lready made when I saw those prices last week. Easy Triple...evcen if nothing really Happens for a while.

      Read more at…
      schrieb am 31.10.14 17:50:09
      Beitrag Nr. 606 ()
      per Mail....

      PetroFrontier Corp. Provides Update on Research & Development Tax Claim
      CALGARY, Oct. 31, 2014 /CNW/ - (TSX-V: PFC) - PetroFrontier Corp. ("PetroFrontier") is pleased to announce that its wholly owned subsidiary, PetroFrontier (Australia) Pty Ltd ("PetroFrontier Australia") has received $2,971,884 (Australian Dollars) in respect of Research & Development tax incentives from the Australian Taxation Office plus accrued interest of $101,783.

      PetroFrontier's other wholly owned subsidiary, Texalta Australia Pty Ltd ("Texalta"), has also filed for a Research & Development tax incentive with the Australian Taxation Office in respect of the same project during the same time period as PetroFrontier Australia. Texalta could net up to $1,447,834 (Australian Dollars) as a result of its claim. The outcome of the Texalta tax filing is uncertain and is expected to be resolved prior to year end.

      aber wirklich interessieren tuts niemanden ....kaum umsatz

      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 31.10.14 18:12:57
      Beitrag Nr. 607 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 48.189.727 von pihu am 31.10.14 17:50:09PetroFrontier Corp. (PFC)

      Market: CDN Consolidated

      $ 0.06

      Oct 31, 2014, 12:54 PM EDT

      Change: 0.015 (33.33%)

      Volume: 609,650
      schrieb am 31.10.14 18:15:21
      Beitrag Nr. 608 ()



      Price Range

      31 788,000 0.04000-0.06000


      Price Range



      0.07000-0.10000 66,000 10
      schrieb am 13.11.14 16:05:38
      Beitrag Nr. 609 ()
      Per mail

      PetroFrontier Corp. Provides Update on Research & Development Tax Claim and Status of Amended Farmin Agreement with Statoil
      CALGARY, Nov. 13, 2014 /CNW/ - (TSX-V: PFC) - PetroFrontier Corp. ("PetroFrontier") is pleased to announce that its wholly owned subsidiary, Texalta Australia Pty Ltd has received $1,447,834 (Australian Dollars) in respect of Research & Development tax incentives from the Australian Taxation Office plus accrued interest of $51,679.

      PetroFrontier has also received a notice from Statoil Australia Theta B.V. ("Statoil") indicating that expenditures in excess of US$50 million have been incurred under the Amended and Restated Farmin Agreement (the "Amended Farmin Agreement"), thus fully satisfying all of Statoil's Phase 2A commitments thereunder. Statoil is not expected to perform additional exploration expenditures beyond the approved 2014 Work Program and Budget and PetroFrontier anticipates receiving a notice from Statoil in due course that it will not be proceeding to Phase 2B in accordance with the Amended Farmin Agreement

      Gute nacht Marie..

      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 14.11.14 08:18:08
      Beitrag Nr. 610 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 48.311.542 von pihu am 13.11.14 16:05:38Was ist daran neu?
      Kannst Du mich bitte aufklaeren?
      schrieb am 14.11.14 08:35:04
      Beitrag Nr. 611 ()

      der letzte Absatz:

      PetroFrontier has also received a notice from Statoil Australia Theta B.V. ("Statoil") indicating that expenditures in excess of US$50 million have been incurred under the Amended and Restated Farmin Agreement (the "Amended Farmin Agreement"), thus fully satisfying all of Statoil's Phase 2A commitments thereunder. Statoil is not expected to perform additional exploration expenditures beyond the approved 2014 Work Program and Budget and PetroFrontier anticipates receiving a notice from Statoil in due course that it will not be proceeding to Phase 2B in accordance with the Amended Farmin Agreement

      vielleicht interpretiere ich das auch immer so eine Sache mit der Googleübersetzung.
      Aber für mich heist das ...Statoil macht nicht weiter....

      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 14.11.14 16:11:01
      Beitrag Nr. 612 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 48.317.002 von pihu am 14.11.14 08:35:04Hatte man am 10.10. ja wohl auch schon erwartet, jetzt ist es aber amtlich...
      schrieb am 13.12.14 09:03:20
      Beitrag Nr. 613 ()
      moin,moin per mail:

      PetroFrontier Corp. announces annual general meeting results
      CALGARY, Dec. 12, 2014 /CNW/ - (TSX-V: PFC) - PetroFrontier Corp. ("PetroFrontier") announces that all of the resolutions put forward in the Instrument of Proxy were passed at its Annual and Special Meeting of shareholders held on December 10, 2014. The full text of each resolution is contained in the Management Information Circular, which is available on SEDAR at The directors re-elected to the Board were Robert Iverach, Earl Scott, Al Kroontje, Martin McGoldrick, Michael Hibberd and Kent Jespersen.

      As neither stood for re-election, the Board of Directors of PetroFrontier would like to recognize and thank Dr. James Buckee and Donald Rae for their service and valuable contributions to PetroFrontier as directors over the past few years and wish them both success in their future endeavors.

      Auf Sedar ist nix ....Hompage ist auch down ...

      können wir wohl abschreiben

      Schöne Weihnachten
      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 16.12.14 03:19:09
      Beitrag Nr. 614 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 48.562.874 von pihu am 13.12.14 09:03:20Dann schreib sie mal ab:

      PetroFrontier currently has in excess of $10 million in cash and no debt
      schrieb am 16.12.14 03:20:29
      Beitrag Nr. 615 ()
      ...and is now focusing its attention on identifying and evaluating a range of options which could include a recapitalization of PetroFrontier, a merger or other business combination of PetroFrontier with another entity or the sale of PetroFrontier as a whole. Included in PetroFrontier's ongoing evaluation are a number of new oil and gas exploration and development investment opportunities, all of which are still in the early stages of review.
      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 28.01.15 16:11:43
      Beitrag Nr. 616 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 48.580.034 von ooy am 16.12.14 03:20:29Was die wohl damit machen??

      About PetroFrontier Corp.

      PetroFrontier has been an international oil and gas exploration company engaged in the exploration, acquisition and development of both conventional and unconventional petroleum assets in Australia's Southern Georgina Basin. PetroFrontier currently has in excess of $10 million in cash and no debt and is now focusing its attention on identifying and evaluating a range of options which could include a recapitalization of PetroFrontier, a merger or other business combination of PetroFrontier with another entity or the sale of PetroFrontier as a whole. Included in PetroFrontier's ongoing evaluation are a number of new oil and gas exploration and development investment opportunities, all of which are still in the early stages of review.

      PetroFrontier's head office is in Calgary, Alberta and its common shares are listed for trading on the TSX Venture Exchange under the symbol "PFC".
      schrieb am 02.03.15 19:27:29
      Beitrag Nr. 617 ()
      PetroFrontier Corp. retains GMP Securities L.P.

      CALGARY, March 2, 2015 /PRNewswire/ - (TSX-V: PFC) – PetroFrontier Corp. ("PetroFrontier" or the "Corporation") announces that it has retained GMP Securities L.P. ("GMP") as the Corporation's exclusive financial advisor. PetroFrontier currently has in excess of $10 million in cash and no debt and has been identifying and evaluating a wide range of options for the Corporation. A resulting transaction could include a merger or other business combination of PetroFrontier with another entity, a recapitalization, a purchase of assets, a joint venture, a farm-in or the sale of PetroFrontier as a whole.

      PetroFrontier cautions that there are no guarantees that this focused effort and the engagement of a financial advisor will result in a transaction or, if a transaction is undertaken, as to its terms or timing. The Corporation has not set a definitive schedule to complete its evaluation and does not intend to disclose developments with respect to this process until either a definitive agreement has been reached or the process has been terminated, unless otherwise determined or required by law.

      PetroFrontier's head office is in Calgary, Alberta and its common shares are listed for trading on the TSX Venture Exchange under the symbol "PFC".
      schrieb am 17.05.15 07:19:53
      Beitrag Nr. 618 ()
      Geiler Kurs, hat sich das staendige nachkaufen doch gelohnt...
      schrieb am 26.07.16 20:29:41
      Beitrag Nr. 619 ()
      Da schau an .... , es fängt an zu rumoren im Depot-Leichenkeller ..

      mal schauen was das wird...…

      schrieb am 26.07.16 20:36:58
      Beitrag Nr. 620 ()
      Der Grund....

      CALGARY, ALBERTA--(Marketwired - July 21, 2016) - PetroFrontier Corp. ("PetroFrontier") (TSX VENTURE:PFC) is pleased to announce that it has closed its previously announced acquisition of certain resource assets (the "Assets") in the Cold Lake area of northeastern Alberta (the "Acquisition") from Kasten Energy Inc. ("Kasten").

      The Acquisition price was approximately $17.49 million for the Assets payable as follows:

      by the issuance of 70 million common shares of PetroFrontier ("PetroFrontier Shares") at a deemed value of $0.157 per share;

      by the payment of $3.5 million in cash at closing, net of the secured loan in the amount of $525,000 which was advanced to Kasten prior to closing; and

      by the issuance by PetroFrontier of a secured debenture (the "Debenture") in the amount of $3 million in favor of Kasten, which may be convertible into PetroFrontier Shares at a price of $0.157 per common share under certain conditions.…

      Handel wieder seit Montag .... vielleicht krieg ich ja mein Geld wieder ;-)

      • 2

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      PetroFrontier Corp. - the new Bakken Shale?