
    Davnet 100 % :-) - 500 Beiträge pro Seite

    eröffnet am 11.10.00 11:25:51 von
    neuester Beitrag 19.10.00 23:53:46 von
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    ISIN: AU000000UXC9 · WKN: 157030


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     Ja Nein
      schrieb am 11.10.00 11:25:51
      Beitrag Nr. 1 ()
      Ich weiss nicht was das soll. Aktien fallen und sie werden auch wider steigen ,man sollte einfach die Auge zu machen und durch. Oder ??
      Ich bin zwar nicht lange dabei aber bin der Meinung das in diesem Bord viel mißt geschrieben wird.
      Wenn ihr wirklich Geld verdienen wollt dann bringt fakten.
      schrieb am 11.10.00 11:49:02
      Beitrag Nr. 2 ()
      hast prinzipiell ja nicht unrecht....aber wenn du schon was postest, dann lies dir das vorher wenigstens durch, bevor du`s abschickst...
      schrieb am 11.10.00 12:36:24
      Beitrag Nr. 3 ()
      Siehe mein Posting unter Davnet was nun ??? von heute
      schrieb am 12.10.00 02:43:48
      Beitrag Nr. 4 ()
      Wednesday 11 October 7:04 PM

      Davnet plans to invest S$53 mln in S`pore
      By Angela Tan
      SINGAPORE, Oct 11 (Reuters) - Australian telecom company Davnet Ltd plans to invest S$53 million over five years to roll out broadband products and services in Singapore, Davnet Asia`s managing director Eric Chan said on Wednesday.

      "The total investment over a five-year-period plan is S$53 million to cover a whole bunch of buildings in key hub areas in Singapore," the Hong Kong-based Chan told a news briefing.

      Davnet will officially launch its operations in Singapore on Thursday, six months after winning one of the country`s five facilities-based operator licences.

      Davnet, which has already installed cables in five office blocks at Singapore`s Suntec City, will complete the second hub in the city`s main shopping belt along Orchard Road this month.

      A third hub is being considered at Raffles Place near Suntec.

      The company is focusing on the data segment of the telecom market, he said.

      "In Singapore, the data market is the fastest growing market...That segment is growing about 45 percent annually...That is the market we are addressing domestically," he said.

      The global broadband market is expected to be worth US$120 billion by 2002, he said.

      As of June, Davnet had 1.6 percent of the world market, with operations in Australia, North America and Asia. It planned to capture six percent by 2001, Chan said.

      In Asia, potential target cities include Seoul, Taipei, Tokyo, Kuala Lumpur and Shanghai.

      Chan said broadband use in Singapore still lags behind Hong Kong, though it has a higher Internet user penetration rate than the former British colony.

      "Hong Kong has a faster broadband user growth over the past three, four months. The issue is pricing and content development," Chan said.

      "Over the past six months, the number of local broadband content in Hong Kong has been exploding. People have been going into online trading, online entertainment, and that has been a key catalyst to drive demand for speed," he said.

      The price war over high-speed Internet access using ADSL (asymmetric digital subscriber line) also helped spur broadband growth in Hong Kong, he said.

      "I see the need for per unit pricing to fall dramatically in Singapore," he added.

      Leaseline charges for 128Kbps access in Singapore are about S$1,300 per month, while the average cost of Internet services is estimated at S$1,000-1,5000 a month for corporate users.

      Asked about Davnet`s prospects in light of the plethora of services and products that would be made available with third generation (3G) networks, Chan was unfazed.

      "They are different markets. I am addressing the fixed line office market...3G is an alternative for high speed access for mobile users. It is complimentary rather than competitive."

      Davnet shares ended up two cents at A$1.08 on Wednesday.

      (c) Reuters Limited 2000

      schrieb am 12.10.00 02:48:43
      Beitrag Nr. 5 ()
      Die Zukunft sieht wohl gut aus (in 1 bis 2 Jahren), doch wie sieht es in den kommenden Monate aus? Wird dies zusätzliche Inverstition wieder de Kurs drücken? Ich glaube an Davnet, dabei bleiben ist alles und die Kursentwicklung der letzten Tagen gbt mir wohl recht. Alles fällt, nur Davnet liegt ruhig im Wasser. Der Boden ist wohl entgültigt erreicht. Wird trotzdem der Kurs noch ein wenig fallen, werde ich entsprechend nachkaufen. Bin nach der heutigen Nachricht engültig von Der Zukubft von Davnet überzeugt..

      Also jetz noch einsteigen, wenn ihr mit dabei sein wollt...

      Trading Spotlight

      East Africa Metals
      0,1480EUR +0,68 %
      Hat East Africa bisher nur an der Oberfläche gekratzt?! mehr zur Aktie »
      schrieb am 12.10.00 08:07:37
      Beitrag Nr. 6 ()
      Aussie telcos in tie-up before getting
      IDA nod

      TELSTRA and Davnet, two Australian phone companies with
      separate licences to build phone networks and offer services in
      Singapore, may have jumped the gun in forging a marketing alliance

      Last Friday, both said they will sell jointly voice and data services.
      They are among a dozen or so companies from more than 100 new
      players on the island who won approval to build their own networks
      instead of leasing from other phone companies.

      The two had set up operations after Singapore opened its market in

      At this stage, neither Telstra nor Davnet, won the Singapore phone
      regulator`s approval for the alliance.

      After Friday`s announcement, neither sent in a proposal, the
      Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore (IDA) said.

      ""In this instance, the licensees will be required to submit their plans
      for IDA`s assessment,`` said IDA spokesman Chia Sher Ling.

      ""IDA will determine the permissibility of the agreement by assessing
      its likely effect on the market -- where the effect of the joint activity
      is found to be anti-competitive, the licensees would be in
      contravention of the code.``

      At stake is the $1 billion market for phone usage by large
      corporations, which Davnet and Telstra are targeting. It is also the
      business that former monopoly Singapore Telecom (SingTel) is
      defending aggressively and new operators such as MCI WorldCom
      and StarHub are eyeing.

      Ms Chia`s reference to the ""code`` points to IDA`s ""Code of
      Practice for Competition``, unveiled last month to ensure phone
      infrastructure builders and new operators who buy phone
      connections from them have a level playing field.

      IDA may allow such joint marketing efforts as long as they do not
      hurt competition, and instead increase phone usage and reduce
      prices, the code said.

      Davnet re-cables phone networks in existing buildings and connects
      them to existing carriers.

      Telstra -- which teamed up with Singapore-based Keppel
      Telecommunications & Transportation for the licence -- said it
      expects to get a fifth of Singapore`s phone market in three years and
      become the island`s No 2 phone company after SingTel.

      Keppel owns Singapore`s second-biggest cellphone company. Its
      venture with Telstra is called ""Harmony``. --Bloomberg News
      schrieb am 12.10.00 21:28:24
      Beitrag Nr. 7 ()
      mein englisch nicht besonders gut ! wer kann letzte nachricht mal in kurzfassung übersetzen ?
      besten dank

      salü roju
      schrieb am 12.10.00 22:07:34
      Beitrag Nr. 8 ()
      LETZTE NACHRICHT HIER WAR UNTER Sonderschulnivea - mir guckt nur ab und zu mal nach dem linken. DAT dav net wahr sein.

      schrieb am 12.10.00 23:10:50
      Beitrag Nr. 9 ()
      Was ist eigentlich neues über das Nasdaq-Listing bekannt?
      Gibt es da überhaupt Informationen?
      Bleibt es bei November?
      schrieb am 13.10.00 12:16:49
      Beitrag Nr. 10 ()
      Hi Leutz,
      heut haben wir ja nun die 0,56Eur gesehen also meiner meinung nach sollte man jetzt sehen das man einsteigt oder noch bissel nachlegt.
      Allen treuen Davnetern wünsche ich endlich mal wieder steigende Kurse das die Aktie endlich auf dem Kurs kommt denn sie schon lange verdient hat. (4-6EUR) ich bleib dabei jetzt zu verkaufen wäre eh quatsch !
      MFG Skotty
      schrieb am 13.10.00 12:22:40
      Beitrag Nr. 11 ()
      Genau ! Neben der allgemeinen Marktlage spielt die Investionsaktion von Davnet in Singapur eine Rolle.
      Langfristig ein Muß !


      schrieb am 19.10.00 23:53:46
      Beitrag Nr. 12 ()
      Skotty hat recht,jetzt zu verkaufen ist Quatsch .
      Ich hab schon 3mal nachgelegt um zu verbilligen.
      Jetzt hab ich 5000 Stück im Schnitt von 1,24 Euro.
      Jeder 0,01 Cent,den die Aktie steigt sind 50 Euro weniger Verlust.
      Toll,wie ich rechnen kann,gell!
      Also ich bleib drin bis zum bitteren Ende oder vieleicht
      kommt ja mal der final Break out.

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      Davnet 100 % :-)