
    CMGI geht.....HHGP(911428)kommt ! Neben Internet gibt es Biotech und Software als Zugabe. mkT. - 500 Beiträge pro Seite

    eröffnet am 26.01.00 22:48:31 von
    neuester Beitrag 08.06.03 09:27:43 von
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     Ja Nein
      schrieb am 26.01.00 22:48:31
      Beitrag Nr. 1 ()
      Den Vergleich mit CMGI hat übrigens kein geringerer als Thom
      Callandra im Dez.1999 geprägt. Heute, bei dem schwachen Umfeld HHGP + 8 % !
      Weitere Börsengänge von Beteiligungen werden erwartet.
      Aber bitte selbst etwas arbeiten, vor dem Geld verdienen:
      anklicken und recherchieren.
      schrieb am 26.01.00 23:13:52
      Beitrag Nr. 2 ()
      schaut euch das an:
      per 30-09-99 hatte HHGP 1.7 Mio US$ in folgende Stocks Investiert:

      (Markt Kapitalisierung und Wertzuwachs seit 09-99 in Prozent)

      ALLP 530.2 Mio US$ +130%
      NANX 86.9 Mio US$ +250%
      SQST 1.715 Mld US$ +125%
      SILK 2.676 Mld US$ +225%

      Ueber den Daumen so 180% Wertsteigerung. Die Marktkapitalisierung von HHGP
      beträgt aktuell 109.7 Mio US$.

      das ist für mich kein huge portfolio. Wie seht Ihr das?

      Kommentar einfügen
      schrieb am 26.01.00 23:35:45
      Beitrag Nr. 3 ()
      Bitte um Meinungen Danke
      schrieb am 27.01.00 06:56:16
      Beitrag Nr. 4 ()
      In US-Boards wird als nächster Börsengang von HHGP
      die Beteiligung GENOMICA diskutiert.
      Bio-Bereich: da wäre doch gerade jetzt der richtige
      Zeitpunkt !?
      HHGP hat von GENOMICA 1.209.703 Aktien !!!!
      schrieb am 27.01.00 12:10:41
      Beitrag Nr. 5 ()
      Wenig Resonanz ?!
      ...was mich sehr freut, dann ist HHGP in Deutschland noch
      unentdeckt !

      Trading Spotlight

      East Africa Metals
      0,1390EUR +11,20 %
      East Africa Metals: Geht jetzt der Kurs durch die Decke? mehr zur Aktie »
      schrieb am 27.01.00 12:39:58
      Beitrag Nr. 6 ()
      danke für deine erinnerung,
      ich hatte harris&harris vor einiger zeit einmal beobachtet. da sind sie nur gefallen und gefallen. jetzt hat sich da ja einiges geändert (auch fundamental), so daß ich heute eingestiegen bin.
      viele grüße
      schrieb am 28.01.00 18:47:14
      Beitrag Nr. 7 ()
      warum hast Du sie damals eigentlich gekauft? Was/wer war der
      Auslöser ?
      schrieb am 29.01.00 10:33:37
      Beitrag Nr. 8 ()
      Bei dem schwachen Gesamtmarkt gestern + 2,27 %!
      Vielleicht kommt diesmal nicht von den
      Internet-Beteiligungen, sondern von der Biotech-Tochter GENOMICA
      demnächt eine positive Nachricht. Das würde HHGP weiter
      aus den Startlöchern ziehen:
      s going public?
      Post rated (max 5)
      By biggame (rating 2.75) on 00:01 01.28.00 | Read 253 times | Post 5750

      One of Harris` major private holdings is Genomica. I called their CFO last week in Boulder who left a message that HE
      WAS IN MEETINGS ALL WEEK LONG IN NYC. Make of this what you will be Genomica (
      has a major contract for genomic database with National Cancer Institute. Genomics cos are the hottest thing on the
      Street right now. It makes perfect sense. I`m sure there is pressure to do this from HHGP as well as some of the other
      investors including the Kauffman Fund.

      I`m not saying it is certain, but it sure looks like it makes sense. HHGP IR of course would not discuss it at this phase.
      schrieb am 01.02.00 18:06:56
      Beitrag Nr. 9 ()
      im folgenden US-Beitrag wird bei den Beteiligungen
      ein Vergleich zwischen CMGI und HHGP gezogen:
      Fazit: CMGI wird mit dem 10-fachen seiner
      Beteiligungen an der Börse bewertet,
      während HHGP(911428) gerade mit dem 1,8-fachen bewertet ist.

      Analyzing the NAV
      by: able-heart
      2/1/00 9:38 am
      Msg: 1945 of 1950
      When analyzing the NAV, it is important to remember that it is primarily used in the stock world as a reference in
      determining the value of Mutual Funds. HHGP is NOT a Mutual Fund, it`s a Venture Capital Stock, and Stocks trade at
      many multiples of their book value. Consider CMGI, a close relative of HHGP. Its Book Value is $14.49 but trades almost
      10 times that at around $112.00.

      HHGP is a lessor known Stock, so it may take awhile to reach a 10 times multiple, but with a new Book Value of $5.75 and
      currently trading at only 2 times multiple… HUGE GROWTH POTENTIAL AHEAD!

      Lassen wir doch Mal nur die 5-fache Bewertung
      einfließen, so wäre das ein
      Kurs von über 28,-- für HHGP !
      schrieb am 01.02.00 19:31:23
      Beitrag Nr. 10 ()
      Hallo forward,
      da Du den Wert der Beteiligungen scheinbar nur am Buchwert festmachst
      hätte ich noch einen Tip für Dich:

      CHS (NYSE:HS)
      Buchwert: 8,26$
      Cash: 2,52$
      Kurs: 1,25$

      Deinem Vergleich zwischen CMGI und HHGP kann ich auch nicht so recht folgen. Sicher, die Story von HHGP hört sich nach einem ersten Überfliegen der Homepage und der Meldungen recht gut an, aber
      CMGI ist bereits einer der BigPlayer im Inet, AltaVista geht an die Börse, JV mit PCCW in Asien,
      am Jahresende will man 120 Beteiligungen halten und und und.

      schrieb am 01.02.00 21:59:03
      Beitrag Nr. 11 ()
      ...könnte jetzt antworten: " dafür hat HHGP auch Biotech-Beteiligungen
      neben der ausgelutschten Internet-Branche ".
      Tue dies aber nicht und empfehle eher: "kauf doch Beide " !
      Gruß -forward-
      schrieb am 02.02.00 00:37:21
      Beitrag Nr. 12 ()
      Hallo an alle die sich mit H+H beschäftigen!

      Bin per Zufall auf Harris&Harris gekommen. Klingt eigentlich ganz interessant; allerdings mach ich mir bzgl. des Volumens in D Sorgen!!! Da gehen durchschnittlich gerade einmal 1000 Stk. um - am Freitag waren es sogar nur 68 !!!!

      Sollte man da besser in USA kaufen?

      Bitte um Meinungen und Tips.

      schrieb am 02.02.00 07:09:32
      Beitrag Nr. 13 ()
      Wenn, dann besser in den USA !
      Ich sehe es übrigens als gutes Zeichen an, wenn eine
      Gesellschaft in Deutschland noch gänzlich
      unentdeckt (ungepusht !) ist.
      schrieb am 02.02.00 08:49:42
      Beitrag Nr. 14 ()
      @forward: Danke für die Reaktion.

      Wie groß ist Deiner Meinung nach das Rückschlagpotential? Die Aktie ist ja noch vor ca. 4 Monaten sehr lang tief unten gestanden. Sie hat sich mittlerweile schon ver-4-facht.

      Hab leider bis dato keinerlei Analysteneinschätzungen o.ä. gefunden.
      Gibts denn da schon Meinungen?

      schrieb am 02.02.00 17:58:51
      Beitrag Nr. 15 ()
      ..vervierfacht...stimmt, aber schau Mal den Chart an, in geordneten
      Bahnen, sprich nicht alles an einem Tag, wie bei den Pusherwerten.
      Die Beteiligungen von HHGP haben sich
      in dieser Zeit auch entsprechend entwickelt.
      Rückschlagspotential: nach meiner Meinung nicht mehr als der
      Gesamtmarkt bei einer evtl.Irritation.
      Chancen: mehr als der Gesamtmarkt !
      Nur meine Meinung - keine unbedingte Kaufempfehlung !
      Ach ja, die Spekulation über den Börsengang der Beteiligung
      GENOMICA ist in den USA in vollem Gang:
      Gene Logic Secondary Financing
      by: acricketeer
      2/2/00 11:41 am
      Msg: 1973 of 1973
      Largest in biotech history. In case, you are not familiar with this company, this is much more closely aligned to the type of
      business Genomica does than Sequenon, yesterday`s genomics IPO play. Financing was completed today and the stock has
      been very resilient.
      This is an excellent sign for Genomica; the financing environment is right.
      I`ll be checking Fed Filings regularly on an intraday basis and will post any news on Genomica on this board. Of course, this
      is all speculation. Venture capitalists must protect their reputation through silence, or they risk losing the next deal.
      Smart buyer is still nibbling, accumulating off the bid, until the supply is exhausted. Stock has lacked volatility due to a
      balanced sell order by those nervous about SQST, ALLP, NANX and recent attention in Genomica, which has attracted a
      few new buyers. We haven`t seen real institutional buying in a while. Once the 10,000+ blocks hit, the stock will start to
      move. Right now, I`m only seeing 5,000 share blocks. This shows me that we have a very patient buyer.
      schrieb am 02.02.00 18:36:01
      Beitrag Nr. 16 ()
      @forward: Wieder einmal Danke für Deine Meinung.
      Dieser Thread gehört ganz bestimmt nicht zu den meißt gelesenen bzw. besuchten - macht aber gar nichts...hab den Eindruck, als könnte man hier noch sachlichen Meinungsaustausch fortführen.
      In diesem Sinne...bis demnächst ;)

      schrieb am 03.02.00 21:21:07
      Beitrag Nr. 17 ()
      .....demnächst ist schon heute:
      Der HHGP-Zug ist bereits im Bahnhof eingelaufen !
      Abfahrt in wenigen Minuten !
      Bitte einsteigen, er hält hier das letzte Mal !
      schrieb am 03.02.00 21:43:56
      Beitrag Nr. 18 ()
      ...tatsächlich! Und ich hab mal wieder zu lang gezögert.
      Momentan fast 14% im Plus!
      Falls HHGP nochmal etwas runter kommen sollte, dann werd ich hoffentlich schneller zuschlagen. ...falls...

      schrieb am 04.02.00 07:44:25
      Beitrag Nr. 19 ()
      ...runterkommen ist im Momant schwierig.
      Denn seit heute Nacht sind die Board-Teilnehmer vom US - Raging-Bull
      auch aufmerksam geworden.
      Und wenn die Mal einen Wert "besprechen", macht er gleich Sprünge nach oben.
      Denke, dass wir heute über 15,-- gehen.
      Schade, wollte eigentlich keine Kursexplosionen, sondern
      meine monatlichen 15 - 20 % , um dann nach einem Jahr
      steuerfreie.....% mitzunehmen.
      schrieb am 04.02.00 08:57:48
      Beitrag Nr. 20 ()
      noch eine bericht aus der businessweek online. das datum ist leider nicht zu erkennen:

      Venture Capitalists to Invest In: H&H

      There`s nothing like ground-floor investing--the way venture-capital pros do it. One alternative: buying shares of undervalued venture-capital companies with big stakes in private entities and companies that they have taken public. One outfit, which some investors think might be the next CMGI or Safeguard Scientifics, is Harris & Harris Group (HHGP). Its stock has bolted from 4 in November to 14 in December, before easing to 11 on Feb. 2.

      ``H&H is one of the least-known, most undervalued incubators of tech and Internet outfits around,`` says a New York money manager who has a 6% stake. He notes that, while CMGI trades at 16 times its net asset value, H&H trades at just twice its ``understated`` asset value of $5.75 a share. (H&H`s net asset value is close to $10, he figures.)

      Chairman and CEO Charles Harris says H&H invests in startups that are filing patents for new technologies, most of which come from the labs of Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Currently, H&H has stakes in 14 companies, including four it has taken public: H&H owns 4.5% of Nanophase Technologies, which has a market cap of $74 million; 3.6% of SciQuest, with a market value of $1.5 billion; 2% of Alliance Pharmaceuticals, with a cap of $482 million; and 1% of Silknet Software, with $2.3 billion.

      Harris won`t comment on which outfit in H&H`s portfolio will go public next. But some pros are betting that the two likely to do so this year are NeuroMetrix, of which H&H owns 16%, and 4%-owned Genomica. NeuroMetrix has developed a line of diagnostic devices that analyze neuromuscular disorders. Genomica has software that makes sense of human-genome data. Genomica has licensed the software, called Discovery Manager, to the National Cancer Institute.

      One investor estimates that NeuroMetrix is worth $200 million and Genomica $250 million. Based on H&H`s stakes in its stable of private and public companies, the stock is worth 20, he says.

      viele grüße
      schrieb am 04.02.00 12:29:38
      Beitrag Nr. 21 ()
      wobei GENOMICA noch gar nicht an die Börse
      gebracht wurde. Dies ist zwar derzeit im Gespräch bei HHGP
      und bei tatsächlicher Umsetzung und der derzeitigen
      Biotech-Euphorie, sind da auch mehr als die 250 Mio.Gesamtwert
      als Börsenwert möglich !
      schrieb am 04.02.00 18:01:16
      Beitrag Nr. 22 ()
      was ich vermeiden wollte: zu große Sprünge.
      Nach heutigen weiteren + 23 %, steigen jetzt die ersten,
      von mir ungeliebten Zocker aus (nur noch 15 % Plus).
      Gut so !
      schrieb am 04.02.00 22:34:13
      Beitrag Nr. 23 ()
      ..bzw. "nur "noch 16,28 %.
      Denke, der nächste große push kommt, wenn die Beteiligung
      e n d l i c h an die Börse kommt !
      Kann aber auch erst im nächsten Monat sein , entsprechend
      meiner 20 % (-monatlich)-Zielsetzung !
      schrieb am 15.02.00 22:06:02
      Beitrag Nr. 24 ()
      nun wird man also so langsam auch in anderen Boards
      auf HHGP (911428) aufmerksam. Hier rüberkopiert aus BO-Board:

      "HHGP: Folgendes hat sich seit....mT."

      Eingefügt am:
      15.02.2000 21:59:00

      ...der letzten NAV-Veröffentlichung über die wichtigsten börsennotierten Beteiligungen
      (in Klammer die Kurse per Anf.Jan.):
      Silk 195,-- (109,50) +90 %
      Allp 12 1/4 (8,81) + 40 %
      Sqst 76,-- (60,--) + 30 %
      Nanx 10,25 ( 5,--) + über 100 %

      morgen nochmals Nachkaufgelegenheit, denn die obigen Zwächse werden erst im
      Bericht über die NAV des I. Q.2000 erscheinen !!!!
      schrieb am 16.02.00 19:36:51
      Beitrag Nr. 25 ()
      sorry, die gestrigen Zahlen sind schon wieder alt. Heute
      wieder Zuwächse bis 20 % bei den genannten Beteiligungen!
      Und HHGP reagiert noch kaum. Bis jemand......!
      schrieb am 16.02.00 22:30:13
      Beitrag Nr. 26 ()
      ..die Amis lesen wohl meine Postings, denn nach obigem ging es
      bergauf. Nun + 9,85 % !
      Aber immer noch weit entfernt von CGMI !
      Ach ja. ALLP-Tochter heute wieder + 14 % ( 800.000 Aktien bei HHGP)
      schrieb am 17.02.00 07:13:55
      Beitrag Nr. 27 ()
      und hier die neuesten news der Beteiligung SQST:
      (Anm.heutiger Wert von SQST: 36.800.000,--$):
      Harris & Harris Group Notes Announcement

      NEW YORK--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Feb. 16, 2000--Harris & Harris Group, Inc. noted today that (Nasdaq:
      SQST - news; announced that Monsanto Company (NYSE: MTC - news; will
      utilize the e-marketplace for the purchase of its laboratory supplies and equipment.

      The information contained in the press release was not independently verified by Harris & Harris Group, which
      takes no responsibility for its content nor for any actions that anyone may take in reaction to it.

      Harris & Harris Group owns 461,039 shares of at an historical cost of $850,000. completed its
      successful IPO on November 19, 1999.

      Harris & Harris Group is a Business Development Company with 9,240,831 common shares outstanding.

      Detailed information about Harris & Harris Group and its holdings can be found on its Website at
      schrieb am 17.02.00 13:41:56
      Beitrag Nr. 28 ()
      Hi, Leute

      Schaut euch doch heute unser Baby an !

      In Berlin z.Zt bei 21 , so kanns weitergehen, +19,3 %

      Viel Spaß noch !

      schrieb am 17.02.00 14:28:05
      Beitrag Nr. 29 ()
      hallo boarder
      zur ergänzung:
      allein die beteiligung an sqst ist stand heute 37 mio & wert. hhgp hatte gestern (noch) eine marktkapitalisierung von 167 mio. $
      viele grüße
      schrieb am 17.02.00 19:04:30
      Beitrag Nr. 30 ()
      die Liste könnte man fortsetzen:
      Z.B. Beteiligung ALLP (heute wieder + 26% bisher)
      wurde Ende Dez. mit 8,-- bewertet, heute bei 18,--.
      HHGP beitzt auch hiervon 800.000 Stück !
      Interessenten sollte aber limitiert oder in USA kaufen, da der Berliner Makler öfters
      etwas locker rechnet.
      schrieb am 21.02.00 07:41:41
      Beitrag Nr. 31 ()
      hier eine US-Meinung:
      by: biohacker_2000 (32/M/New York, NY)
      2/18/00 3:44 pm
      Msg: 2641 of 2662
      I was calculating today, how many shares of HHGP investments would you own if you had 1000 shares of HHGP?
      For every 1000 shares of HHGP you would own (approx) shares of the following:
      SILK = 4
      SQST = 50
      ALLP = 87
      NANX = 73
      Tresury notes = $500

      Non-public (assuming ~12,000,000 shares at the IPO)
      Neurometrix = ~ 150
      Genomica = ~ 50
      Sundial = ~ 200

      Can`t calculate the others since I dont know % ownership.
      Put numbers into your spreadship and have fun!

      Interessant wird es natürlich, wenn die GENOMICA-IPO bekannt wird ;-))
      schrieb am 22.02.00 07:35:57
      Beitrag Nr. 32 ()
      HHGP Investment UPDATE
      by: HHHX4
      2/21/00 10:52 pm
      Msg: 2693 of 2694
      SYDNEY, Feb 22 (Reuters) - Kana Communications Inc (NasdaqNM:KANA - news), a Nasdaq-listed customer service
      software company, said on Tuesday it planned to set up its Asia-Pacific headquarters in Sydney and was on the lookout for
      local alliances and acquisitions.

      ``We are in acquisition mode ... we`re looking for companies everywhere in the world, and last time I checked Australia was
      in there,`` Alex Evans, Kana`s vice president-international told a media briefing.

      Kana was also holding discussions with local tech companies interested in representing it in Australia, Gary Munden, general
      manager for Australia and New Zealand said. While just three Australian corporate customers, including a large
      telecommunications carrier, have been signed up to date, Kana said it was talking to around 10 potential clients. Besides the
      local Australian market, it also has its sights fixed on Hong Kong and Singapore, and was looking to expand into mainland
      China further down the track.

      HHGP -Owns approx. 39,000 shares of KANA due to the merger with SILK.
      schrieb am 28.02.00 22:41:35
      Beitrag Nr. 33 ()
      Die US-Börsenpublikation kennt jeder...jeder Großanleger
      Und gerade Barrons nimmt sich in seiner heutigen (28.02.00) Ausgabe
      Harris & Harris ( HHGP # 911428) an.
      Hier der Ausschnitt:
      (HHGP ganz unten)

      Wave in Barrons here`s text:
      Undressed Window:
      Click on their site and watch these money managers at work

      (Copyright (c) 2000, Dow Jones & Company, Inc.)

      An Interview With Donald L. Luskin, H. Davis Nadig and Maurice

      OpenFund is a $28 million mutual fund that runs stark naked. Window
      dressing is impossible. That`s because the South San Francisco-based
      manager of the fund, MetaMarkets Investments, posts the entire portfolio
      on its Website,, along with every trade -- and even a
      constant Web-cam view of the trading desk. Most money managers try to
      disguise every move. But OpenFund`s three managers, Luskin, Nadig and
      Werdegar, argue that other mutual funds are really cloaked in the
      Emperor`s New Clothes. In the following Q&A, the MetaMarkets team tells
      us why their style of investment management is more than just an
      attention-grabbing gimmick. They say their constant interaction with
      customers has contributed to OpenFund`s winning streak of 157% gained
      since its admittedly recent start on August 31, 1999.
      -- Bill Alpert

      Barron`s: You`re doing an educational public service, but do you have
      a self-sustaining business here?

      Luskin: What we`re building here is an Internet company, not just a
      mutual fund. Our ambitions are larger than just managing a mutual fund.

      Q: Whisper your grandiose ambitions in our ear.

      Luskin: We don`t have a grandiose ambition. You can understand our
      business as a media business that provides investment information and
      insight, and the ability to participate in an investment process. Many
      customers, we expect, will never own shares of the fund. So we see
      ourselves as performing a valuable online service that is actually a
      unique form of financial journalism.

      Q: In which you put your money where your mouths are.

      Luskin: Putting your money in -- you could say -- is the ultimate
      form of interactivity. We take that very seriously. Not only can a
      holder in OpenFund share his fortunes directly with our own fortunes --
      we are all invested in this, too -- he can also share his ideas with us.
      This is a two-way medium: not television, but the Internet.

      Q: Why should a lurker pay in, when they can immorally watch you and
      ape your moves?

      Nadig: We know and expect that people will come and participate and
      be part of our community. And because it is a community of ideas, they
      will get their own ideas. If somebody is managing his own account and is
      just using us for another source of ideas, that`s great. We obviously
      think that over time people will see what we are doing and think we are
      doing a professional job and they will become shareholders. And we
      feature advertising.

      Q: Tell us about your backgrounds.

      Luskin: I was vice chairman of Barclays Global Investors [formerly
      Wells Fargo Nikko Investment Advisors], which is the world`s largest
      indexer. It was a great experience because it was an opportunity to
      manage literally the world`s most complex and largest-scale investment
      process, and work with the world`s most sophisticated clients -- who are
      corporate, governmental and university pension funds, endowments and
      central banks, governments. And you really couldn`t ask for a greater
      contrast between what Dave and I were doing there and what all of us are
      doing here. It is going from a quantitative indexed environment to an
      extremely active environment. And from an institutional-investor
      customer orientation to a retail customer orientation.

      The Internet has made it possible for businesses to deal with
      thousands and thousands of retail customers with the same intimacy and
      empowerment that businesses used to reserve for their biggest
      institutional customers. What most customers want is information. In the
      old economy, the only way you can get people information is by a
      traditional sales relationship, where you have a large customer covered
      by a big institutional salesman who is highly compensated. Now in the
      world of the Internet, you have a low-cost way of providing all kinds of
      information on demand. You can see that by our showing you what`s inside
      the fund, by letting you see tick-by-tick every trade we`ve made with
      the money you`ve invested -- that is, giving our retail customers
      actually better, more realtime, more immediate access to information,
      than Wells Fargo/Barclays institutional customers ever had. We are on a
      crusade. We are transforming the retail customer`s landscape.

      Q: What`s the benefit to a mutual-fund investor of your fishbowl
      style of operation?

      Luskin: Look at the position a mutualfund investor is in right now.
      The only way he can pick a fund is by looking through the rear-view
      mirror. What you need to make a competent decision about how to invest,
      when to invest, when to disinvest, is to understand profoundly what the
      investment philosophy is, what the investment process of your fund is.
      The same kind of thing you would want to understand if you were marrying
      a personal financial adviser. You can go to our site and, using our
      discussion board and our trading archive, you can see every trade we`ve
      ever made since the beginning of the fund. You can see every idea we`ve
      ever had, every statement we`ve ever made -- you can find out exactly
      what makes this clock tick.

      We just don`t think investing ought to be like open-heart surgery,
      where you have to anesthetize yourself and go to sleep during the
      process. That alone is a great reason for doing what we are doing. But
      more importantly, this is the way to achieve superior performance. The
      reason mutual funds underperform the market year in and year out is that
      they are all playing the same old tired games, using the same old tired
      research. How could they possibly expect to win, if you don`t do
      something daring, something original? If they don`t look for insights in
      different places?

      We are definitely looking in different places. We are listening to
      unique forms of investment-insight input, through a unique medium. We
      are the first investment managers to say, "We are going to listen to the
      whole world, not just that little five-square-mile block at the lower
      tip of Manhattan." And I think the results speak for themselves.

      Q: What about the problem of people seeing your trades? We see Warren
      Buffett this past week arguing with the SEC over which of his cards he`s
      got to turn over through public disclosure. A lot of institutional
      investors are obsessed with using surreptitious ways to put on and take
      off their positions.

      Luskin: The problem with Buffett and all these mutual-fund complexes
      is simply that they are giants. You can`t disguise the fact that a giant
      is tromping through the forest and flattening trees everywhere he goes,
      just by asking everyone to whisper.

      Q: What happens when in the fullness of time you are running $1
      billion and making 50,000-share block trades?

      Luskin: If we are fortunate enough to be trusted with that kind of
      money to invest, I will be delighted to revisit that question at that
      time. Right now, it would be a dream come true to have that kind of

      Q: Tell us about some of the new sources of ideas and information you
      are exploiting.

      Nadig: The first time I remember this happening was with a small
      company called Harris & Harris Group, here in New York. It`s like CMGI
      Inc. or Safeguard Scientifics. A publicly-traded venture-investment
      company. That is a company model we have a lot of belief in.

      So the community at large knew that was a model we were interested
      in, and a user basically just pointed out to us that this stock existed.
      And so we did what any investment manager does with a new piece of
      information: We checked it out. We did the research.
      schrieb am 29.02.00 18:09:39
      Beitrag Nr. 34 ()
      ...gestern 10 % plus , heute bisher 11 % plus, so langsam kommen auch
      die (langsamen) Amis nach !
      Wir wissen das alles ja schon seit Anf. Jan.
      Wer ist eigentlich seitdem noch dabei ?
      Antwort-Posting wäre mir Mal recht !
      schrieb am 29.02.00 19:24:18
      Beitrag Nr. 35 ()
      @ forward
      bin auch seit Ende Januar mit dabei. Wurde erst durch Deinen
      Thread auf diese Aktie aufmerksam und bin seitdem ganz gut
      damit gefahren. Bin zwar nicht so groß in die Aktie investiert
      (1% des Depots), aber es reicht um beim Anblick des Depots
      glücklich zu werden. Im übrigen halte ich diese Aktie sowieso
      für einen Kandidaten nach der Devise "hinlegen, einschlafen,
      aufwachen und freuen". Danke für den Tip
      mfg Aktienkasper
      schrieb am 01.03.00 18:34:18
      Beitrag Nr. 36 ()
      Hallo, doch ein Glücklicher an Board.
      Übrigens, wenn du an die Aussage "HHGP, die nächste CMGI" glaubst,
      dann sind schwächere Tage selbst jetzt noch Nachkauftage.
      Heute vielleicht nicht, bisher schon wieder + 15 %..und so wird diese
      Position automatisch ein immer größer werdender Posten in unserem
      Depot! Seit meiner Erstbesprechnung Anf.Jan. sind es nun + 120 % !
      Nicht schlecht für einen "Nicht-Zockerwert" oder ?
      schrieb am 02.03.00 13:37:58
      Beitrag Nr. 37 ()
      Hi, forward !

      Wie du aus einem Posting weiter oben entnehmen kannst, bin ich auch in dem Wert dabei, allerdings erst seit 17 Euro, also ca. 4-5 Wochen.

      Ich bin, genau wie Aktienkasper, erst duch den Thread auf die Aktie aufmerksam geworden.

      Um so größer ist meine Freude über die momentane Entwicklung. Aus meiner Sicht sind immerhin auch schon um die 50 % geschafft.

      So kanns weitergehen.

      Viel Spaß noch


      PS aktuell: 25,50 in Berlin = +2,50
      schrieb am 05.03.00 15:06:29
      Beitrag Nr. 38 ()
      Wer weiß genau, wieviel Aktien von HHGP es gibt und ob irgendwo
      Kursziele von Analysten vorliegenden?

      Gruß Naguli
      schrieb am 06.03.00 20:20:34
      Beitrag Nr. 39 ()
      ..Kursziel war von mir am Mitte Jan. 2000 bei 200 - 300 % in einem Jahr
      (weil steuerfrei).
      Damals Kurs 11,-- heute 33,-- (hab mich also um 10 Monate vertan)
      schrieb am 06.03.00 21:42:29
      Beitrag Nr. 40 ()
      @ forward
      Das macht doch überhaupt nichts. Solche Missverständnisse sind mir
      die liebsten. Woraus ist dieser Sprung um 50% zu erklären, denn
      ich habe mich die letzten Wochen doch mit anderen Aktien und
      Zertifikaten beschäftigt. Mir wird das ganze Aktiengetue in Deutsch-
      land langsam unheimlich (siehe Infineon). Auch regt mich auf, dass
      inzwischen jede Emission bis zum Platzen überzeichnet ist und meine
      Erfolgsquote bei Emissionszuteilungen langsam gegen null geht. Also
      muss ich mich noch mehr mit Einzelaktien beschäftigen.
      Stichwort Einzelaktie : Schon mal was von Creative Master International
      gehört. Ist ein B2B-Wert mit lächerlicher Marktkapitalisierung (von
      der Beschreibung in Yahoo nicht stören lassen, von wegen Spielzeug-
      firma) und meiner Meinung nach großen Chancen.

      schrieb am 06.03.00 21:46:38
      Beitrag Nr. 41 ()
      Warum schiesst HHGP heute um fast 30 % nach oben? B2B-Phantasie?
      schrieb am 06.03.00 23:57:30
      Beitrag Nr. 42 ()
      Na der Aufschwung ist doch klar !!

      Da wird eben eine neue Zusammenarbeit zwischen Metrocall Inc und Sundial Marketplace bekannt gegeben. Und an Sundial hat unser Baby Harris & Harris eine kleine Beteiligung !

      Orginalmeldung von
      Article for Harris & Harris Group Inc (NASDAQ NM:HHGP) 12:34 PM

      Metrocall/Sundial Marketplace Announcement
      MONDAY, MARCH 06, 2000 12:34 PM
      - BusinessWire

      NEW YORK, Mar 6, 2000 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- Harris & Harris Group, Inc. noted today that Metrocall, Inc. (NASDAQ:MCLL) announced today a partnering agreement with Sundial Marketplace Corporation. Sundial Marketplace ( is a business-to-business internet provider of wireless telecommunications products and services.

      The information contained in the Metrocall press release was not independently verified by Harris & Harris Group, which takes no responsibility for its content nor for any actions that anyone may take in reaction to it.

      Harris & Harris Group purchased a 20 percent fully diluted ownership interest in privately-held Sundial on August 17, 1999 for $500,000. On December 15, 1999, Harris & Harris Group increased its investment in Sundial by purchasing from Sundial a $250,000 note with equity features under certain circumstances.

      Harris & Harris Group is a Business Development Company with 9,240,831 common shares outstanding.

      Detailed information about Harris & Harris Group and its holdings can be found on its Website at

      This press release may contain statements of a forward-looking nature relating to future events. Statements contained in this press release that are forward looking statements are intended to be made pursuant to the Safe Harbor Provisions for the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. These forward-looking statements are subject to the inherent uncertainties in predicting future results and conditions. These statements reflect the Company`s current beliefs, and a number of important factors could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed in this press release. Please see the Company`s Annual Report on Form 10-K filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission for a more detailed discussion of the risks and uncertainties associated with the Company`s business, including but not limited to the risks and uncertainties associated with venture capital investing and other significant factors that could affect the Company`s actual results. Except as otherwise required by Federal securities laws, Harris & Harris Group, Inc. undertakes no obligation to update or revise these forward looking statements to reflect new events or uncertainties.

      Copyright (C) 2000 Business Wire. All rights reserved.

      30 +6

      Aber am schönsten ist doch die letzte Zeile: HHGP + 6 !!
      Intraday USA sogar bis auf 35 !!!!!!!!!

      Viel Spaß noch !!

      schrieb am 07.03.00 09:36:21
      Beitrag Nr. 43 ()
      Danke forward. Bin seit 22 Euro drin und bleibe long, da bei dieser
      Aktie nicht nur die Fundamentals stimmen, sondern der Name (rein
      gefühlsmäßig) irgendwie positiv klingt.

      schrieb am 07.03.00 09:48:32
      Beitrag Nr. 44 ()
      FORWARD, hier mal ein dickes Dankeschön an Dich. Bin seit 9 usd
      dabei werde diesen Wert in diesem Jahr nicht mehr hergeben!

      FORWARD, Hut ab.

      schrieb am 07.03.00 13:38:34
      Beitrag Nr. 45 ()
      habe heute morgen HHGP gekauft und dafür gestern meine DAB Aktien verkauft.
      ich hoffe, der Wechsel wird sich auszahlen

      Neuzugang: Hinnerk
      schrieb am 07.03.00 14:17:47
      Beitrag Nr. 46 ()
      Das mit dem Namen stimmt. Ich kann mir gut vorstellen, so in zwei
      Jahren, wenn Markus Koch in der Telebörse von der NASDAQ berichtet.

      "Harris & Harris Group weiter im Aufwärtstrend. Seit ihrem Börsen-
      gang vor 3 Jahren hat sich der Wert vertausendfacht. Eine schier
      unglaubliche Story, die NASDAQ kann sich glücklich schätzen, unter
      ihren Blue Chips ein derart fundamental gutes Unternehmen zu haben."

      So wirds kommen! Allerdings erst in zwei Jahren :-(

      Gruß, Pringle
      schrieb am 07.03.00 14:17:51
      Beitrag Nr. 47 ()
      Nun bin endlich auch ich auf HHGP aufmerksam geworden und innerhalb von 2 Stunden überzeugt. Der gestrige und heutige Anstieg ist zwar wunderbar für die, die den Wert haben, für die anderen scheint es doch so zu sein, schon wieder mal beobachten und auf den Zeitpunkt warten zu müssen - schade ein paar Tage zu spät.
      Ich bleibe dran.
      schrieb am 07.03.00 18:50:51
      Beitrag Nr. 48 ()
      ...warten kann hier gefährlich sein (im Moment i.d. USA wieder + 13 % )
      Aber ich warte auch auf eine kleine Korrektur, um nachzukaufen.
      Gefährlich wird es halt nur, wenn eine IPO ansteht, dann
      sind die heutigen Kurse "Schnee von gestern" und "the sky is the limit"
      -Keine Kaufempfehlung, nur Diskussionsbeitrag !-
      schrieb am 07.03.00 22:32:53
      Beitrag Nr. 49 ()
      HHGP steigt, CMGI fällt!

      Wieviel "Nachholpotential" seht ihr bei HHGP?
      Wird HHGP wirklich die zweite CMGI?

      Was meint ihr? Wieviele gute News (B2B, Biotech etc.) kommen noch?
      schrieb am 08.03.00 13:35:45
      Beitrag Nr. 50 ()
      Gute news ? Wenn man das wüsste.
      Als nächstes wird aus dem Biotech-Bereich eine IPO
      erwartet: GENOMICA. Bisher aber nur Spekulation, doch die
      derzeitige Biotech-Euphorie wäre dafür günstig.
      Ansonsten, durch die börsennotierten Beteiligungen
      kommen alle paar Tage positive news: SILK NANX SQST ALLP.
      Und SUNDIAL -als noch nicht börsennotierte Beteiligung-
      war dieser Tage auch in den Schlagzeilen.
      Wie immer keine Kaufempfehlung-nur Diskussionsbeitrag-
      Selbst recherchieren unter:
      schrieb am 14.03.00 07:29:29
      Beitrag Nr. 51 ()
      HHGP weiterhin sehr stabil in dem ansonsten recht schwachen Umfeld !
      Dazu tragen auch die regelmäßig guten news der börsennotierten Beteiligungen
      von HHGP bei.
      Bitte beachtet die Daten über die ehemaligen Kosten der Beteiligung
      und den heutigen Wert von SQST:
      Monday March 13, 12:49 pm Eastern Time

      Company Press Release

      Harris & Harris Group Notes
      Announcement of Agreements With Vista Capital
      Corporation and Shimadzu Scientific Instruments,

      NEW YORK--(BUSINESS WIRE)--March 13, 2000--Harris & Harris Group, Inc. (Nasdaq: HHGP - news) noted today
      the announcements by, Inc. (Nasdaq: SQST - news; that has entered into
      agreements with Vista Capital Corporation ( and Shimadzu Scientific. Please see the
      press releases for more details.

      The information contained in the press releases was not independently verified by Harris & Harris Group, which
      takes no responsibility for their content nor for any actions that anyone may take in reaction to them.

      Harris & Harris Group owns 417,639 shares of at a historical cost of approximately $769,985. Harris & Harris
      Group valued these shares on December 31, 1999, the most recent date on which Harris & Harris Group valued its holdings,
      at approximately $29,741,126. completed its successful IPO on November 19, 1999.

      Harris & Harris Group is a Business Development Company with 9,240,831 common shares outstanding.

      Detailed information about Harris & Harris Group and its holdings can be found on its Website at
      schrieb am 15.03.00 17:02:08
      Beitrag Nr. 52 ()
      die lange erwartete IPO einer HHGP-Beteiligung,
      die neues Geld in die HHGP-Kassen spült steht an:
      Wednesday March 15, 8:31 am Eastern Time

      Company Press Release

      SOURCE: Genomica Corporation

      Genomica Corporation Files for Initial Public

      BOULDER, Colo., March 15 /PRNewswire/ -- Genomica Corporation today announced
      the filing of a registration statement with the Securities and Exchange Commission for a proposed initial public offering of its
      common stock. All of the shares registered will be offered by Genomica. CIBC World Markets Corp. is acting as lead
      manager of the offering. Dain Rauscher Wessels and Prudential Vector Healthcare Group, a unit of Prudential Securities, are
      acting as co-managers.

      Genomica is a leading provider of software products and services that enable pharmaceutical and biotechnology researchers to
      accelerate the drug discovery and development process. Our Discovery Manager product is used for genomics research,
      including genetic research, gene discovery and pharmacogenomics.

      A registration statement relating to these securities has been filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission but has not yet
      become effective. A written prospectus for this offering is not yet available. These securities may not be sold nor may offers to
      buy be accepted prior to the time the registration statement becomes effective. This announcement shall not constitute an offer
      to sell or the solicitation of an offer to buy, nor shall there be any sale of these securities in any state in which such offer,
      solicitation or sale would be unlawful prior to registration or qualification under the securities laws of any such state.

      Statements in the Company`s press releases and other reports and information disclosures, including statements about
      Discovery Manager and future products and their prospects for development and commercialization, other than statements of
      historical facts, are forward-looking statements and are subject to a number of uncertainties that may cause actual events or
      results to differ materially from the statements made. Factors that could affect actual events or results include the success of our
      sales and marketing efforts, progress of our product development activities and progress and scope of our strategic alliances.
      schrieb am 22.03.00 01:06:48
      Beitrag Nr. 53 ()
      Ipo hin Ipo her, Fakt ist doch, daß der Kurs zunehmend wieder auf ein Niveau von USD 20 hin will.

      Ich könnte mich ärgern, daß ich einen Tag zu spät meinen Verkauf bei 34 Euro gestellt habe, wären exakt 100 % gewesen. Nun sind wir bald wieder bei meinen Einstiegskursen.

      Wie seht Ihr, liebe Boarder, die weitere Entwicklung und warum gehts momentan so drastisch zurück ?

      schrieb am 22.03.00 19:59:38
      Beitrag Nr. 54 ()
      Nicht so hektisch. 200 - 300 % in 1 Jahr (weil steuerfrei) ist das Ziel !
      Und warum ging es bergab? HHGP ist eine Art Aktienfonds
      mit Internet-Biotech-Software-und
      Nanotechnologie - Beteiligungen.
      Und was macht ein Aktienfonds, wenn die
      in seinem Portf.enthaltenen Beteiligungen sinken, er
      sinkt auch. So einfach ist das.
      Übeltäter SQST, der in den letzten Tagen schwer gefallen ist,
      erholt sich gerade wieder um über 30 % mit der Folge für HHGP.....
      (überlege Mal selbst).
      Übrigens, im BörseOnline-Board -Auslandsaktien-
      ist jeden morgen zwischen 7.00 und 8.00 Uhr ein gewisser
      -treffer- an Board, der sehr sachlich und relativ neutral so eine
      Art "HHGP am morgen" veröffentlicht.
      Lese ich auch (kein Pusher). Ruhig Mal dort morgens reinschauen !
      Und...immer die Ruhe !
      schrieb am 23.03.00 00:57:35
      Beitrag Nr. 55 ()
      Na, dein Wort in Gottes Ohr !

      So wollen wir also mal abwarten, wie die Aktie am 24.Februar 2001
      notiert. Habe mich aufgrund deines Postíngs soeben entschieden, Harris & Harris bis dato zu behalten, es sei denn wir haben dazwischen mehr als 500 % + .

      Dann wird gnadenlos realisiert.

      Ein hoffnungsfroher
      schrieb am 27.03.00 07:23:22
      Beitrag Nr. 56 ()
      Aus BörseOnline-Board(Auslandsaktien) soeben übernommen:
      "HHGP : Zahlen sind raus...mT."

      Eingefügt am:
      27.03.2000 07:12:46

      ....und beinhalten keine Überraschungen.
      Wenn die Analysten diese Woche den Bericht "auseinander genommen" haben kann es
      Anm.: das NAV per 30.03.00 dürfte wieder 40 - 50 % höher liegen, als das unten
      ausgewiesene per 30.12.99:


      Financial Position as of December 31:

      1999 1998 1997 1996 1995

      Total assets $65,320,768 $25,358,859 $39,273,784 $38,555,290 $37,524,555

      liabilities $11,685,963 $ 2,802,150 $ 5,618,850 $ 2,622,687 $ 962,646

      Net asset
      value $53,634,805 $22,556,709 $33,654,934 $35,932,603 $36,561,909

      Net asset
      value per
      share $ 5.80 $ 2.13 $ 3.15 $ 3.44 $ 3.54

      Dividends paid $ 0.35 $ 0.75 $ 0.0 $ 0.0 $ 0.0

      outstanding 9,240,831 10,591,232 10,692,971 10,442,682 10,333,902

      Operating Data for year ended December 31:

      1999 1998 1997 1996 1995

      income $ 287,684 $ 585,486 $ 561,546 $ 1,013,417 $ 1,109,517

      Net operating
      loss (9,636,336) (2,815,112) (1,550,641) (1,291,065) (1,099,409)

      Net realized
      gain (loss)
      on investments 8,615,670 (1,718,528) (2,027,177) (2,465,175) 1,371,349

      Net realized
      (loss) income (1,020,666) (4,533,640) (3,577,818) (3,756,240) 271,940

      Net increase in
      on investments 38,102,047 1,655,830 969,243 2,967,248 158,219

      Net increase
      (decrease) in
      net assets
      from operations 37,081,381 (2,877,810) (2,608,575) (788,992) 430,159

      Increase (decrease)
      in net
      resulting from
      operations per
      share $ 4.01 $ (0.27) $ (0.24) $ (0.08) $ 0.04

      Dem bleibt nichts hinzuzufügen.

      Übrigens, für HHGP-Fans gibt dieser "treffer" dort fast jeden
      Morgen um diese Zeit ein kurzes , sachliches Statement !
      Ich schaue immer kurz rein und erspare mir dadurch viele eigenes Research.
      schrieb am 31.03.00 15:10:33
      Beitrag Nr. 57 ()
      ..., nun nach vielleicht überstandener Korrektur sind wir wieder
      in der Range, die ich mir selbst auch für die nächsten Monate gewünscht habe.
      Wie geht es weiter ?
      Unten ein Bericht aus einem US-Board, dem ich mich teilweise
      anschliessen möchte. Der dortige "Boardler" geht dabei von einem
      Kursziel bis 111,--$ bis zum Jahre 2003 aus:

      Good Analysis Srf, On the Way to $111
      by: acricketeer
      3/31/00 7:52 am
      Msg: 4211 of 4212
      which translates to a billion dolar market cap, Sir Charles` Goal (perhaps for FY 2003).
      Think Ahead. Each portfolio-paring, margin call shakeout quarter end should bring us to new higher highs.
      And you`re right, the real moves up will be news-related. Before people engage in Cohenesque reflexive selling, put on your
      projection sunglasses and see where HHGP and its core companies will be in 2003. Remember, the stock market always
      thinks ahead and in the case of venture capital firms, a 3 - 7 year horizon. Alliance will have at least one approval and a
      powerhouse partner, for their hemoglobin carrying product. When the royalty stream comes in, it will be an R & D cash
      machine and should go to at least $100 (post-split). Nanophase will be in the darling subsector of nanomaterials companies
      with partnerships in the semi-equipment, cosmetic, chemical, military and aerospace industries. NANX should go to $100
      (post double-split due to lower liabilities in non-pharmaceutical sector). KANA will be absorbed by another giant (possibly
      ARBA) and will quintuple along the way. Genomica will have had a successful IPO and secondary and emerge as one of the
      premier genomics software companies, sporting a market cap above 2 billion (as the software companies come out on top in
      a crowded genomic patent shakeout). Neurometrix will have had a successful IPO and secondary and their field tests will be
      used in occupational medicine by industries who do on-site diagnostic screening for carpal tunnel and related injuries. This
      type of testing will revolutionize diagnostics as we know it and have an indirect effect on tort reform and HMO DRGs.
      Neurometrix will remnain fiercely independent, thwarting takeover bids and sporting a market cap above $1 billion. HHGP
      retains ints post-IPO fully-diluted stake of 15%. Sundial gets absorbed by one of the public telephony distributors, such as
      Metrocall or even Net2Phone and HHGP retains its stake. Kriton debuts its IPO and enters the clinic for its backup heart
      and forms a partnership with one of the big stent companies (e,g, Medtronic, Boston Scientific, Guidant).
      In the next 3 years we will have at least a dozen announcements of new investments, based on research at MIT. The
      company may even pay a dividend every year, to qualify on many institutions buy list.
      This margn call shakeout has been nerve-racking, so say the least, but one must always look ahead. The cascade which
      culminated in yesterday`s selloff was precipitated by A.J.C., who succeeeded in raising 5% cash. Shorts smelled blood and
      shorted into the correction. These shorts cover on a dime. We saw a false recovery yesterday morning in Nasdaq, which
      showed that the longs are dying to get back in, but need a confirmation signal. The 5% cash is not going to stay in money
      markets for long. It always gravitates to the category of greed and is reinvested in investors` favorite stocks. Mine happens to
      be HHGP.
      schrieb am 09.04.00 22:23:32
      Beitrag Nr. 58 ()
      Nach den letzten Tagen, an denen es stetig bergab ging, scheint nun der Boden irgendwo gefunden zu sein. Zumindest lassen das die jetzt seit zwei, drei Tagen wieder steigenden Kurse hoffen.

      Also, wie weiter oben gesagt : Stay long bis 24.2.2001

      schrieb am 16.05.00 20:35:18
      Beitrag Nr. 59 ()
      Keine Aktionäre mehr ?

      Oder macht der Kurs nur keinen Spaß mehr ?

      schrieb am 18.05.00 09:20:24
      Beitrag Nr. 60 ()
      Doch ich mit sagenhaften 50 Stück bei 25 Euro gekauft.

      schrieb am 21.05.00 11:02:36
      Beitrag Nr. 61 ()

      ich bin noch Aktionär bei H&H zu stolzen 17E eingestiegen,
      hatte ich schon 100%, nun habe ich glaube ich mehr als 50%
      Verlust, das ist Börse.
      Ich glaube die Schreiblinge kommen wieder, wenn der Kurs
      mal wieder eine andere Richtung einschlagen sollte, wovon
      ich allerdings in nächster Zeit nicht so überzeugt bin.

      Ich denke wir werden ein müdes nächstes halbes Jahr sehen
      in dem wir bis Oktober nochmal um die 20% im Nasdaq und
      30-40% im Neuen Markt verlieren werden. Wäre schön, wenn
      ich mich irre.

      Gruß, Wump.
      schrieb am 22.05.00 22:15:22
      Beitrag Nr. 62 ()
      Hi, Naguli und Wump

      Ich habe mit euch was gemeinsam :

      a) momentane Stückzahl auch 50 St., nachdem ich weitere 50 bei rund 27 € verkauft hatte (leider nicht alle)

      b) Einstieg ebenfalls 17 € für meine damals 100 St.

      Bei dem heutigen Schlußkurs in Berlin , 7 € , ists doch bald wieder lohnenswert, mal nachzukaufen. Ist schließlich immer noch ne Holding, die ganz gute Beteiligungen hat. Momentan stehen wir ja wieder auf dem Oktober-November Niveau.

      Aber wie weiter oben geschrieben, bleib ich eh "long", bis irgendwann m Februar 2001 oder so.

      schrieb am 29.05.00 23:45:03
      Beitrag Nr. 63 ()
      Hallo HHGPler, ich habe mittlerweile 1500 Stück eingesammelt. Jetzt heisst es zurücklehnen und abwarten, bis der Zug wieder anspringt. nicht vergessen: Der NAV zum 31.03. ist bei 5,1 USD. Da tradet er gerade herum. Wo soll der Kurs denn noch hingehen? Ich rate: jetzt kaufen, in ein paar Wochen/Monaten darüber freuen.
      Gruß, pete66
      schrieb am 30.05.00 23:38:33
      Beitrag Nr. 64 ()
      Was ist los mit Euch? Alles tot? Gibt doch keinen Grund zum schweigen. Alle Beteiligungen (ALLP,KANA,NANX) haben im plus geschlossen. Der Boden ist gefunden, es geht aufwärts.
      schrieb am 01.06.00 18:17:05
      Beitrag Nr. 65 ()
      Momentan 17% im Plus. Vielleicht ist ja wirklich die Trendwende eingeleutet!
      schrieb am 02.06.00 02:08:24
      Beitrag Nr. 66 ()
      HHGP schließt mit 33%(!) im plus. Das ist satt. Zeit wird`s aber auch. Mal schauen wie`s weitergeht. Kopf hoch Leute, das schlimmste ist überstanden. Wer ist denn außer mir noch dabei???
      schrieb am 02.06.00 20:23:02
      Dieser Beitrag wurde vom System automatisch gesperrt. Bei Fragen wenden Sie sich bitte an
      schrieb am 03.06.00 01:55:30
      Beitrag Nr. 68 ()
      Hallo Tobbedia, das ist wohl unser Privatclub hier. Naja, ist mir auch lieber so, wenn die Wichtig-Pseudos, Pusher und Studenten raus sind... Die wichtigsten börsennotierten (Nasdaq-)Beteiligungen sind KANA, ALLP und NANX, Nähere Infos bekommst du auf der homepage unter Dort findest du auch die Infos zu Geonomica. (Das ist der nächste IPO von HHGP. Der stand glaube ich im April schon an, wurde aber wegen dem schlchten Börsenumfeld verschoben.) Meine Strategie wird jetzt wohl so sein, daß ich die Teile zu 6,5 USD bald mal zu Geld machen werde. Denn bei etwa 11-12 USD ist ein starker Widerstand, den HHGP jetzt erst einmal nehmen muß. Geht er da drüber wird er wohl bis 18 marschieren, aber erst mal ist die 11 dran. KANA läuft schon super, ALLP und NANX haben noch Nachholbedarf, springen die an, kann auch die 11 geschafft werden. Aber mit einem Großteil werde ich auch länger drin bleiben und bei Schwäche immer wieder mal einsammeln. Solange keiner von den dreien wegbricht ist der Wert nach unten sehr gut abgesichert. Gruß und happy trading, Pete66
      schrieb am 06.06.00 00:37:09
      Beitrag Nr. 69 ()
      HHGP schließt heute bei 10$ oder 10,6 Euro. Gegenüber dem Tief von Montag bei 6$ nun schon ein Plus von 66% in einer Woche. Das kann sich doch sehen lassen, was? Habe wie gesagt einen Teil jetzt zu cash gemacht und schau mal, was passiert. HHGP müßte über die 12$ gehen, um wieder ein deutliches Kaufsignal zu senden, dann wäre der Weg frei bis zu 17-18$. Alle Beteiligungen auch positiv. Habe übrigens eine vergessen - SQST. Grüße an alle HHGP belivers...
      schrieb am 12.06.00 23:00:18
      Beitrag Nr. 70 ()
      tja, war wohl noch nix mit dem Ausbruch nach oben ?
      Aktuell: USD 8,8125

      Aber wie weiter oben gesagt, bleiben wir ja eh alle long, oder ?

      schrieb am 17.06.00 23:41:33
      Beitrag Nr. 71 ()
      Naja, es tut sich wirklich nichts. Eine News gibts es: die SQST Beteiligung wurde nun komplett veräußert. Schöner Gewinn für HHGP und der soll wieder in neue Beteiligungen investiert werden. Näheres auf der Homepage Ich glaube, solange keine News bzgl. Geonomica-IPO rauskommen oder der Markt wieder einen Boost erhält, wird auch die nächsten Tage/Wochen nix passieren. Aber wenn der Kurs Richtung 6 USD runter kommt, steige ich wieder mit ein bischen Kleingeld ein. Mit dem Rest bleibe ich auch long, eh klar...
      schrieb am 23.06.00 21:00:50
      Beitrag Nr. 72 ()
      Hallo, da bin ich wieder. Der "Deutschland-Importeur" von HHGP.
      Anf.Jan. zu 11,-- von mir besprochen, konnten Trader bis zu 200 % innerh.
      von 2-3 Monaten mitnehmen.
      Seitdem hat HHGP ein Blutbad hinter sich.
      Größter Übertäter war wohl SQST, die man jetzt trotzdem
      mit ordentlichem Gewinn rausgeworfen hat.
      Ich persönlich melde mich gerade jetzt wieder, weil
      A.) KANA (vor der Fusion Silknet) sich ordentlich von seinen Tieftstständen erholt hat
      und vor allem
      b.) NANX die letzten Tage "explodiert" - heute wieder + 24 % -

      HHGP hat meines Erachtens noch nicht richtig darauf reagiert.

      Die oben angesprochene GENOMICA - IPO wurde wegen des schlechten Börsenumfelds
      zum Glück verschoben und könnte somit täglich wieder für Gesprächsstoff sorgen.

      Ihr fragt, was hat der steuerehrliche -forward- mit seinen HHGP`s gemacht.
      Nun, er hat nachgekauft und freut sich nun wieder auf das anvisierte Ziel
      von 200 - 300 % bis Anf. Jan.2001 -zumindest mit dem dann steuerfreien Bestand -
      Der Nachkauf-Bestand sollte natürlich bis Sommer 2001 noch etwas mehr bringen !

      Wie immer nur Diskussionsbeitrag, keine Kaufempfehlung !
      schrieb am 29.06.00 21:48:03
      Beitrag Nr. 73 ()
      Und endlich kommen wieder news, die ich mir gefallen lasse.
      Wieder einmal hat Harris & Harris es geschafft, aus 1,3 Mio. stolze 10 Mio. zu machen:

      Thursday June 29, 3:22 pm Eastern Time

      Company Press Release

      Harris & Harris Group Notes Announcement Of
      Acquisition Of Sundial Marketplace By

      NEW YORK--(BUSINESS WIRE)--June 29, 2000-- Harris & Harris Group, Inc. (NASDAQ/NMS SYMBOL: HHGP -
      news) noted today that Sundial Marketplace Corporation ( and, inc. (
      announced today that has acquired Sundial Marketplace in a transaction structured to qualify as a tax-free

      Harris & Harris Group owned approximately 29 percent of Sundial Marketplace prior to this transaction and will receive
      approximately 29 percent of the consideration from in this transaction. Prior to this transaction, filed
      an S-1 Registration Statement.

      The common shares of privately owned being transferred to the shareholders of Sundial Marketplace have a
      negotiated valuation of approximately $10 million. The shares of that will be held by Harris & Harris Group will
      be valued by the Investment and Valuation Committee of its board of directors at its next regularly scheduled meeting, following
      the close of the quarterly period ended June 30, 2000. Harris & Harris Group purchased its interest in Sundial Marketplace for
      approximately $1.3 million. Prior to this transaction, Harris & Harris Group had valued its interest in Sundial Marketplace at

      Harris & Harris Group is a Business Development Company with 9,240,831 common shares outstanding.

      Detailed information about Harris & Harris Group and its holdings can be found on its Website at

      This press release may contain statements of a forward-looking nature relating to future events. Statements contained in this
      press release that are forward looking statements are intended to be made pursuant to the Safe Harbor Provisions for the
      Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. These forward-looking statements are subject to the inherent uncertainties in
      predicting future results and conditions. These statements reflect the Company`s current beliefs, and a number of important
      factors could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed in this press release. Please see the Company`s
      Annual Report on Form 10-K filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission for a more detailed discussion of the risks
      and uncertainties associated with the Company`s business, including but not limited to the risks and uncertainties associated with
      venture capital investing and other significant factors that could affect the Company`s actual results. Except as otherwise
      required by Federal securities laws, Harris & Harris Group, Inc. undertakes no obligation to update or revise these
      forward-looking statements to reflect new events or uncertainties.
      schrieb am 04.07.00 20:21:48
      Beitrag Nr. 74 ()
      Hallo, Leute !

      Wollte mich nur auch wieder mal zum dahindümpelnden Kurs äussern.

      Mir bleibt da nur eine Hoffnung: Wenns im Hernst allgemein wieder freundlichere Börsen gibt, wird hoffentlich auch HHGP wieder etwas an Fahrt aufnehmen.

      Ich muß natürlich sagen, daß ich nach wie vor von der Aktie überzeugt bin, allerdings enttäuscht mich die momentane Entwicklung wie wahrscheinlich alle von euch, die noch im Wert drin sind.

      Bei einem Kurs um die 7 - 7,5 € würde ich gerne noch ein paar Stücke nachlegen, da ich wie gesagt langfistig die Meinung von forward über die Kursentwicklung teile.

      Mal sehen, wie weit es noch zurückkommt. Heute 8,60 €.

      schrieb am 05.07.00 13:13:40
      Beitrag Nr. 75 ()
      Habe Mal nachgesehen, wie sich die börsennotierten Beteiligungen von ihren Tiefstständen
      inzw.erholt haben:

      KANA jetzt 65,-- (April 29,--)
      ALLP jetzt 12,-- ( 6,50)
      NANX 11,-- (6,88)

      Das müssen auch die Analysten demnächst erkennen !

      Ausserdem stehen 2 - 3 Börsengänge an !

      schrieb am 09.07.00 14:08:08
      Beitrag Nr. 76 ()
      Hallo Forward,
      bin mit meinen HHGP auch long. Was mich ein wenig skeptisch macht, ist daß die BioTechs gut ziehen, HHGP jedoch nicht zuckt. Trotzdem ist bei 7-8$ offensichtlich ein Boden gefunden. Im Yahoo/Biz geistert die Meldung herum, daß der Genomica IPO in den nächsten Wochen käme. Nasdaq-Kürzel sei GNOM, Bookbuilding zwischen 15- 17 $. HHGP hält meines Wissens 4%. Kannst du diese Info bestätigen? Wenn ja, wäre jetzt ein guter Einstieg...
      schrieb am 10.07.00 07:41:37
      Beitrag Nr. 77 ()
      Der Termin für die GENOMICA-IPO stand ja schon einmal fest,
      wurde aber wegen dem sich verschlechternden Umfeld (April)
      zum Glück verschoben.
      Diese IPO kann also täglich bekanntgegeben werden.
      Ach ja noch was zu den HHGP-Beteiligungen,
      die sich fast wieder dem Stand v.Ende März genähert haben: ( NANX heute 11,25 im März 16,25,
      KANA 62,-- im März 68,-- und ALLP jetzt wie im März wieder bei 15,--)
      und HHGP: heute 7,75 aber im März 16,75 !
      Da wären erstmal 100 % Nachholbedarf, bevor andere Nachrichten zusätzlich
      in den Kurs einfliessen.
      schrieb am 10.07.00 08:44:18
      Beitrag Nr. 78 ()
      hallo pete66

      GNOM ist richtig :-))) ipo ist on the run.....

      schrieb am 13.07.00 00:34:47
      Beitrag Nr. 79 ()
      Soso, schau an, schau an. Jetzt haben wir dieselbe Situation wie Anfang Juni. Er zuckt und kratzt wieder an der 9$ Marke. Jetzt müßte er da drüber. Die Umsätze an der Nasdaq waren gut. Ich bin sehr optimistisch für die nächsten Wochen. Was meint ihr?
      schrieb am 13.07.00 07:36:33
      Beitrag Nr. 80 ()
      ich denke, dass schon heute und morgen die Weichen gestellt werden.
      Der "grosse Bruder" CMGI hat es ja gestern vorgemacht, in welchen Schritten eine Erholung
      abläuft. Und über 11,-- gilt für HHGP "the sky is the limit".
      Aber auch fundamental dürfte einiges auf uns zukommen !
      Viel Glück
      schrieb am 14.07.00 18:53:02
      Beitrag Nr. 81 ()
      Hallo forward,
      meinst du über 11 Dollar oder Euro? ;-))) Heute HHGP +10% bei 9,6$ oder etwa 10,3 EUR. Das ist noch kein Ausbruch, er müßte noch was draufpacken. Aber du hast vollkommen recht. Knackt er die 11 (was auch immer) signifikant, dann ist der nächste Widerstand erst bei 17-18 (was auch immer). Ich glaube, das hängt stark vom NAV für das abgelaufene Quartal ab. Geht man nach den notierten Anteilen komme ich allein für diese auf einen NAV von ca. 4,5. Leider weiß man nicht, was die für außerbörsliche Investments haben. Hat sich aber nichts verändert, komme ich auf etwa 7-8. Hast Du auch mal nachgerechnet???
      Gruß an alle, pete66
      schrieb am 15.07.00 13:00:23
      Beitrag Nr. 82 ()
      Das NAV p.30.06.00 wird sicherlich nicht so hoch sein wie in den
      Vorquartalen. Dies ist im Kurs eingepreist.
      Um so sicherer ist, dass, normales Börsenumfeld vorausgesetzt,
      p.30.09.00 wesentlich bessere Zahlen kommen und.....die Börse investiert ja in die
      Zukunft !
      Das scheinen seit gestern, 14.7.00, auch schon die ersten US-Fonds zu erkennen und kaufen
      unsere HHGP, hier 10.000 Stck. zu 9,75 $ ( mit Begründung,s.ganz unten):

      On The Trading Desk

      As advisor, we have made 82 trades in OpenFund on 07/14/2000 with a total value of $26,214,840.02

      07.14 04:32
      Sell 1,000 ANEN @ 124.38 ITG

      Maurice Werdegar>> Trimming Anaren Microwave at day`s end.

      07.14 04:29
      Buy 6,000 ISRG @ 15.44 ITG

      Maurice Werdegar>> Adding a final 6000 shares to our Intuitive Surgical stake. Quietly, the
      medical device sector is moving higher, offering an alternative emerging growth diversification to
      pure technology. ISRG has Lehman research support, FDA approval and momentum.

      07.14 04:11
      Buy 2,400 LMNX @ 47.04 ITG

      Maurice Werdegar>> Adding 2400 shares of Luminex at the bell. LMNX is poised to have an
      explosive recovery if the biotech equipment sector stages a rally next week. Based on the
      revitalized interest in the biotechs today, this seems like a possibility. Adding.

      07.14 04:09
      Buy 4,000 LMNX @ 46.62 Lehman

      Maurice Werdegar>> Initiating a position in Luminex, developer of proprietary technologies that
      simplify biological testing for the life sciences industry. A hyper-volatile issue that was oversold

      07.14 04:07
      Short 7,500 HHH @ 119.35 ITG

      Maurice Werdegar>> Shorting 7500 HHH internet index at the end of a spectacular week of
      rally mode in this index. Looking for some consolidation early next week.

      07.14 04:06
      Buy 4,000 TERN @ 80.99 ITG

      Maurice Werdegar>> Gilder favorite Terayon continues its nice advance. Buying 4000.

      07.14 04:05
      Buy 6,000 PKTR @ 41.68 Robertson

      Maurice Werdegar>> Opening a position in Packeteer, a second wave next generation
      networking rally candidate. Stock is enjoying Day Two of momentum trading and has a long way
      to go if it can follwo the recoveries of stocks like EXTR.

      07.14 04:03
      Buy 400 NMTC @ 57.88 ITG

      Maurice Werdegar>> Overreaction in Numerical Technology. Buying 400 at the bell.

      07.14 04:01
      Sell 2,000 GERN @ 25.72 ITG

      Maurice Werdegar>> Scaling down Geron by 2000 shares, reducing portfolio weighting in this
      hibernating former high flier.

      07.14 04:00
      Sell 500 WAT @ 131.88 ITG

      Maurice Werdegar>> Spilling 500 more shares of Waters, reducing exposure.

      07.14 03:55
      Buy 2,000 PMCS @ 220.62 H & Q

      Maurice Werdegar>> Buying a position in PMC Sierra for next week. We`re not concerned by
      today`s 20 point drop -- just a sell-the-news overreaction to a great quarter.

      07.14 03:52
      Buy 6,000 CPN @ 75.40 ITG

      Maurice Werdegar>> Opening a new position in Calpine, the leading independent power
      producer in the US. Provider of clean, reliable power in California and about a dozen other states,
      CPN is positioned to be a huge beneficiary of the burgeoning need for clean energy.

      07.14 03:45
      Sell 1,500 JNPR @ 175.42 ITG

      Maurice Werdegar>> Taking gain number 3 on Juniper and closing up shop here for the

      07.14 03:37
      Buy 1,000 EXAR @ 107.38 ITG

      Maurice Werdegar>> Adding another 1000 EXAR in advance of anticipated strong earnings.

      07.14 03:35
      Cover 15,000 QQQ @ 100.38 ITG

      Maurice Werdegar>> Banking the trading profit on the Nasdaq retreat.

      07.14 03:34
      Buy 1,500 JNPR @ 174.49 ITG

      Maurice Werdegar>> Looking for a hat trick in Juniper, leveraging a more positive late day
      sentiment than we anticipated. Buying a careful 1500.

      07.14 03:29
      Sell 2,000 SIMG @ 71.62 ITG

      Maurice Werdegar>> Check out the huge surge in Silicon Image going on here. We`ve learned
      to use moves like this as trading opportunities. Selling 2000, long 5000 still.

      07.14 03:22
      Sell 1,000 CMTN @ 113.70 ITG

      Maurice Werdegar>> Pocketing gains on 1000 Copper Mountain ahead of the weekend,
      Barrons, and all the long, deep thinking and analysis that will be going on at every brokerage firm
      in the country. Where do these telecom stocks go from here?

      07.14 03:22
      Short 15,000 QQQ @ 100.66 ITG

      Maurice Werdegar>> Anticipating a rash of profit taking in this final hour before the weekend.
      Shorting 15000 QQQ.

      07.14 03:14
      Sell 7,000 SMH @ 100.46 ITG

      Maurice Werdegar>> Taking the profits on the SMH trade.

      07.14 03:13
      Sell 2,500 AETH @ 182.41 ITG

      Maurice Werdegar>> Taking our 10 points on Aether Systems. We`ll revisit ownership of this
      ultra-volatile, market-sensitive wireless issue. For now, signing off at the intraday top of a 12
      point range is good enough.

      07.14 03:05
      Sell 1,000 GSPN @ 145.12 Robertson

      Maurice Werdegar>> Trimming 1000 GlobeSpan, tapering down by 20%.

      07.14 03:03
      Buy 7,000 SMH @ 100.25 ITG

      Maurice Werdegar>> Hearing that Micron is telling customers that THEY are setting prices,
      not the customers. A real sign of strong demand. Lehman is out with the call. Buying the SMH
      semiconductor holders for an intraday advance.

      07.14 02:52
      Sell 2,500 JNPR @ 176.81 ITG

      Maurice Werdegar>> Closing our gains on Juniper. If Juniper announces over the weekend that
      they are buying Extreme Networks, as has long been rumored, the issue will probably trade
      down on the news. EXTR, up 13 now, is acting like something is up. Worth considering.

      07.14 02:45
      Sell 10,500 NGEN @ 35.77 ITG

      Maurice Werdegar>> Nanogen fails to carry through on earlier signs of rally attempts. Cutting.

      07.14 02:41
      Sell 1,500 JNPR @ 176.80 ITG

      Maurice Werdegar>> Taking gains on 1500 Juniper. This is shaping up to be a volatile close

      07.14 02:40
      Sell 6,000 NVDA @ 73.38 H & Q

      Maurice Werdegar>> Taking the 11 point gains in Nvidia, a stock that has treated us very well
      during these past several weeks. We`re concerned that NVDA may retest the mid-50s before it
      challenges new highs.

      07.14 02:35
      Buy 1,500 FDRY @ 132.62 H & Q

      Maurice Werdegar>> These networking plays appear unstoppable. Adding 1500 Foundry.

      07.14 02:34
      Sell 5,000 CCMP @ 52.99 ITG

      Maurice Werdegar>> Selling the rest of our Cabot Microelectronic, taking the 2 point victory
      and fleeing the building. CCMP traded into the high 40s this morning, rocking our sense of

      07.14 02:30
      Sell 7,200 EXEL @ 41.60 ITG

      Maurice Werdegar>> Cutting another small cap genomics name -- Exelixis. Money continues
      to seep out of these issues, probably back into safer names ahead of the weekend.

      07.14 02:29
      Buy 2,000 AMGN @ 71.50 Lehman

      Maurice Werdegar>> Adding another 2000 lot of Amgen as the large cap biotech recovery
      continues to unfold.

      07.14 02:24
      Sell 4,000 ONIS @ 109.43 ITG

      Maurice Werdegar>> Offloading our ONI Systems, probably taking a hit today along with
      Sonus Networks & other high profile, high octane recent winners. ONIS could easily reverse
      course any moment, but we`re doing our best to read the tea leaves. Taking a small profit.

      07.14 02:12
      Sell 15,000 ASKJ @ 15.25 Robertson

      Maurice Werdegar>> Cutting our final Ask Jeeves.

      07.14 02:11
      Buy 4,000 TRCD @ 21.96 ITG

      Maurice Werdegar>> Tricord, moving higher. Adding again. Feels like something is going on

      07.14 02:01
      Cover 3,000 YHOO @ 127.34 ITG

      Maurice Werdegar>> Covering the intraday Yahoo short call for a small loss.

      07.14 02:00
      Buy 4,000 AMGN @ 71.19 Lehman

      Maurice Werdegar>> After an unsettling 24 hour correction, large cap biotech is moving
      higher. Buying back our second favorite large cap name in the group: Amgen.

      07.14 01:58
      Buy 10,000 HHGP @ 9.75 ITG

      Maurice Werdegar>> Should the internet sector rally continue (and all signs are pointing that
      direction), HHGP could make a big move.
      schrieb am 17.07.00 07:24:54
      Beitrag Nr. 83 ()
      GENOMICA - IPO wahrscheinlich nun Ende Sept. !!!!
      schrieb am 25.07.00 13:19:15
      Beitrag Nr. 84 ()
      Bin ich jetzt eigentlich der einzige deutsche HHGP-Aktionär?
      schrieb am 25.07.00 13:26:06
      Beitrag Nr. 85 ()
      mit Sicherheit nicht ! Siehe Posting weiter oben(Halten bis 02/2001)

      schrieb am 25.07.00 20:00:33
      Beitrag Nr. 86 ()
      Hi Forward, ich habe noch 1000 Babies und warte ab. Keep cool, wenn nix los ist, ist nix los. Auch in den Ami-Boards steht nur Müll, also lassen wir sie liegen. Wenn ich was weiß rühr ich mich schon. Wie wäre es mit einem neuen HHGP-Thread? Wer weiß wie das geht??? Ich nicht, bin wohl zu doof ;-)))
      schrieb am 28.07.00 17:16:27
      Beitrag Nr. 87 ()
      mal noch zwei Meldungen der letzten Tage :

      NEW YORK, Jul 25, 2000 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- Harris & Harris Group, Inc. reported today that its net asset value per share (NAV) as of June 30, 2000 was $3.88. The net decline during the second quarter ended June 30, 2000 in the valuation of the four publicly held stocks in the Company`s portfolio at March 31, 2000 totaled $11,483,331. This net decline exceeded the Company`s decline in net asset value during the second quarter ended June 30, 2000. These publicly held positions at March 31, which had originally been private equity investments of the Company, were:

      -- 800,000 shares of Alliance Pharmaceutical Corp. (NASDAQ:ALLP)
      -- 40,864 shares of Silknet Software, Inc. (NASDAQ:SILK), which
      were exchanged for 67,834 shares of Kana Communications, Inc.
      (NASDAQ:KANA) on April 19, 2000
      -- 672,916 shares of Nanophase Technologies Corporation (NASDAQ:
      -- 417,639 shares of, Inc. (NASDAQ:SQST), which
      were sold during the quarter ended June 30.

      As of March 31, 2000, all of these holdings, with the exception of Nanophase Technologies, were subject to lock-up agreements. By June 30, 2000, all of these holdings, with the exception of 6,791 shares of Kana Communications, became freely tradeable.

      June 30, March 31, December 31, June 30,

      2000 2000 1999 1999

      (Unaudited) (Unaudited) (Audited) (Unaudited) Total Assets $44,815,295 $56,873,700 $65,320,768 $29,181,881 Net Assets $35,863,725 $46,972,221 $53,634,805 $24,267,561 Accrued Profit

      Sharing $4,293,344 $6,758,435 $9,434,467 $2,742,129 Total Income

      Tax Liability $4,036,883 $2,548,088 $1,517,774 $1,734,606 Net Asset Value

      per Share $3.88 $5.08 $5.80 $2.35 Shares Outstanding 9,240,831 9,240,831 9,240,831 10,321,400 Dividends Paid

      During Quarter $0 $0 $0 $0

      Harris & Harris Group is a Business Development Company with 9,240,831 common shares issued and outstanding.

      Detailed information about Harris & Harris Group and its holdings can be found on its website at htpp://

      This press release may contain statements of a forward-looking nature relating to future events. Statements contained in this press release that are forward looking statements are intended to be made pursuant to the Safe Harbor Provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. These forward-looking statements are subject to the inherent uncertainties in predicting future results and conditions. These statements reflect the Company`s current beliefs, and a number of important factors could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed in this press release. Please see the Company`s Annual Report on Form 10-K filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission for a more detailed discussion of the risks and uncertainties associated with the Company`s business, including but not limited to the risks and uncertainties associated with venture capital investing and other significant factors that could affect the Company`s actual results. Except as otherwise required by Federal securities laws, Harris & Harris Group, Inc. undertakes no obligation to update or revise these forward looking statements to reflect new events or uncertainties.

      CONTACT: Harris & Harris Group, Inc.
      Charles E. Harris
      Tel. No. 212/332-3606

      Finde ich schon ganz interessant , und jetzt die zweite Meldung

      WEDNESDAY, JULY 26, 2000 4:09 PM
      - BusinessWire

      NEW YORK, Jul 26, 2000 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- Harris & Harris Group, Inc. (NASDAQ:HHGP) noted NeuroMetrix, Inc.`s ( announcement today that it has received approval to affix the CE Mark, which will allow NeuroMetrix to market within the European marketplace, to its NC-stat(TM) nerve conduction monitoring system. The NC-stat system, which has been available in the U.S. for approximately one year, diagnoses and monitors neuromuscular disorders of the hand and wrist, such as carpal tunnel syndrome. NeuroMetrix is a spin-off from the Harvard-MIT Division of Health Sciences and Technology.

      The information contained in the NeuroMetrix press release was not independently verified by Harris & Harris Group, which takes no responsibility for its content nor for any actions that anyone may take in reaction to it.

      Harris & Harris Group owns a fully diluted 15.91 percent equity interest in privately owned NeuroMetrix. In addition, on June 30, 2000, Harris & Harris Group increased its investment in NeuroMetrix by $750,000 in the form of a note convertible into equity at a price to be determined. Including this note, Harris & Harris Group valued its interest in NeuroMetrix on June 30, 2000, the most recent date on which it valued its holdings, at $6.7 million. As of that date, NeuroMetrix was Harris & Harris Group`s most highly valued private equity investment.

      Harris & Harris Group is a Business Development Company with 9,240,831 common shares issued and outstanding. Detailed information about Harris & Harris Group and its holdings can be found on its website at

      Also, bis später und erkläre mir mal einer die momentane Schwäche in den USA, bei 6,50 USD nur !

      schrieb am 30.07.00 22:10:16
      Beitrag Nr. 88 ()
      Das NAV wird sich sicher gravierend ändern, wenn die IPO`s durchgezogen sind.
      Habe die letzten Tage weiter aufgestockt und rechne (= nur mein pers.Kursziel) bis
      Jahresende wenigstens mit der 20,-- !
      Liegenlassen und überraschen lassen !
      schrieb am 05.08.00 12:48:42
      Beitrag Nr. 89 ()
      Ok, folks! In USA gings runter bis nahe an 6$. Der NAV ist mies. Jetzt beobachten!!!!!
      Hält die 6 => einsteigen, ansonsten kann er noch runter gehen bis auf 4,5 - aber dann einsteigen! HHGP ist in US furchtbar überverkauft!!!! Gruß, Pete66
      schrieb am 23.08.00 20:42:09
      Beitrag Nr. 90 ()
      Überall laufen die Biotech-Aktien - nur eine Biotech-Holding kommt nicht aus den Puschen . . .

      Auf der HHGP-Homepage wurden vor 2 Tagen wieder News veröffentlicht:

      NEW YORK, NEW YORK 10020 AUGUST 21, 2000
      TEL. NO. (212) 332-3606


      Harris & Harris Group, Inc. noted today the announcement by Alliance Pharmaceutical Corp. (NASDAQ: ALLP) ( "that it has received a letter from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) stating that the FDA has completed its review of the New Drug Application (NDA) for Imagent® (AF0150), and found it to be approvable. Imagent, an ultrasound contrast agent, is being developed jointly by Alliance and Schering AG, Germany." Please see the Alliance Pharmaceutical press release for more detail.

      The information contained in the Alliance Pharmaceutical press release was not independently verified by Harris & Harris Group, which takes no responsibility for its content nor for any actions that anyone may take in reaction to it.

      Alliance Pharmaceutical was founded by Harris & Harris Group in 1983 and was Harris & Harris Group`s first private equity investment. Harris & Harris Group owns 600,000 common shares of Alliance Pharmaceutical at a cost of $1,200,000 or $2.00 per share.

      Harris & Harris Group is a Business Development Company with 9,240,831 common shares outstanding.

      Auf der Seite von ALLP sthet zu dem neuen Mittel das folgende:

      Imagent® is a diagnostic contrast agent being codeveloped with Schering AG. A New Drug Application (NDA) has been filed with the FDA for approval of Imagent. Two Phase 3 studies demonstrated that the use of Imagent provided a clinically and highly statistically significant improvement in visualization of the walls of the heart (endocardial border delineation) compared to standard ultrasound imaging. Enhanced visualization of the heart may allow better detection of cardiac abnormalities such as structural and functional defects. Additional clinical studies are planned to evaluate the ability of Imagent to improve detection of myocardial perfusion, blood flow abnormalities, and solid tumors in liver, kidney, breast, and prostate.

      Ich meine neues Produkt in Phase 3, ein großer deutscher Pharma-Konzern, und in den USA fällt der Kurs . . . was will man mehr?

      Hat jemand weitere Infos zu HHGP oder soll man sich still und heimlich eindecken und hoffen?
      schrieb am 23.08.00 23:12:27
      Beitrag Nr. 91 ()
      Hi Pimpii, ich glaube, bei dem Kurs kannst du dich ohne großes Risiko eindecken. Nur solltest du wissen, daß HHGP keine Biotech-Holding ist, obwohl ALLP die größte börsennotierte Beteiligung ist. (z.B. NANX ist im Bereich Nanotechnologie) Das entscheidende Moment für HHGP ist der NAV (net asset value), der durch den Verkauf der SQST Anteile im letzten Quartal gelitten hat. Andererseits stehen einige Beteiligungen zur Börsennotiz an und HHGP hat durch SQST etwa 8 Mio$ in cash für neue Investments. Also kaufen und abwarten. HHGP ist aber zur Zeit nichts für Zocker, bevor im Oktober neue Q-Zahlen rauskommen oder Geonomica an die Börse kommt. Die bottom line ist einfach die langfristige Chance und die erfodert Geduld.
      schrieb am 31.08.00 19:04:22
      Beitrag Nr. 92 ()
      + 17% in New York!!! Kennt jemand die Gründe für den Kursanstieg?
      Wär ja schön, wenn wir mal wieder an Fahrt zulegen könnten.

      schrieb am 31.08.00 21:59:16
      Beitrag Nr. 93 ()
      ...diese Ad Hoc scheint wohl der Auslöser für den Anstieg gewesen zu sein:
      Harris & Harris Group Notes Agreement With Niagara Mohawk

      NEW YORK, Aug 31, 2000 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- Harris & Harris Group, Inc.
      (Nasdaq: HHGP) noted an announcement by, Inc. (
      today that it has entered into a reseller agreement with Niagara Mohawk Energy
      Marketing, Inc., an affiliate of Niagara Mohawk Holdings (NYSE:NMK), under which will resell electricity supply throughout the Mid-Atlantic and
      Northeast regions. Harris & Harris Group is an equity holder in as
      a result of`s acquisition of Sundial Marketplace Corporation on
      June 29, 2000.

      The information contained in the press release was not
      independently verified by Harris & Harris Group, which takes no responsibility
      for its content nor for any actions that anyone may take in reaction to it.

      Harris & Harris Group is a Business Development Company with 9,240,831 common
      shares outstanding.

      Detailed information about Harris & Harris Group and its holdings can be found
      on its website at

      schrieb am 01.09.00 17:17:06
      Beitrag Nr. 94 ()
      Nein, nicht nur. Ich habe gehört, daß der Geonomica-IPO nun für die Woche vom 25.09. definitiv sei. Kann das jemand bestätigen? (Denn die Message über rechtfertigt keine 15%)
      Gruß, pete66
      schrieb am 03.09.00 18:42:39
      Beitrag Nr. 95 ()
      ....könnte stimmen mit dieser IPO noch diesen Monat.

      Aber hier noch was zur Kenntnis:

      Die größten Beteiligungen wurden per 31.03.00 zu folgenden Kursen gehandelt:

      NANX 16,75, heute knapp15,--
      ALLP 15,--, heute über 16,--

      und HHGP am 31.03.00 : bei 16,75 , heute (noch) bei 7,5 !!!!

      Wäre also schon noch Spielraum nach oben.

      KANA ließ ich unberücksichtigt, da nur kleine Beteiligung, und SQST wurde ja Ende Juni mit hohem
      Gewinn verkauft.

      Bitte alles andere selbst recherchieren.
      schrieb am 04.09.00 01:30:10
      Beitrag Nr. 96 ()
      Also, habe mal ein bisserl recherchiert:
      Genomica-IPO (GNOM) ist tatsächlich in der letzten Septemberawoche. 6 Mio Aktien werden zu 15-17$ an die Börse gebracht. 21 Mio gehen noch nicht in den Handel. Das ergäbe (sagen wir bei 16$) einen U-Wert von knapp über 400 Mio$. HHGP hält 1,2 Mio Aktien, also knapp 20 Mio USD.
      Jetzt sollte es langsam losgehen, was? Ich hol mir auf alle Fälle noch ein paar Stück ;-)))))
      schrieb am 06.09.00 16:34:42
      Beitrag Nr. 97 ()
      ...schon wieder + 11% ! (und das bei steigenden Umsätzen). Anscheinend beflügelt die Genomica-Phantasie den Kurs doch immer zunehmender. Was könnte noch dahinter stecken?

      schrieb am 06.09.00 17:11:07
      Beitrag Nr. 98 ()
      ...da soll noch einer schlau werden! Erst dümpeln wir wochenlang vor uns hin, und jetzt geht innerhalb von ein paar Tagen die Post ab!
      Mittlerweile schon + 25% !!! Hoffentlich ist jetzt endgültig der Knoten geplatzt und der Weg zu alten Höhen offen.

      schrieb am 06.09.00 18:20:14
      Beitrag Nr. 99 ()
      hab `ne order über 2000 stück in ny mit limit 7,5$ liegen, seit heute morgen.
      dummerweise eröffnen die natürlich mit 6 cent höher !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
      auf island nachbörslich gestern noch auf 7,25 zurückgekommen, da hab ich gedacht
      mein limit geht i.o, aber denkste was !
      werde jetzt beobachten, wie das spiel weitergeht. wenn sich der trend bestätigt, bin ich dabei.
      ich habe nur immer probleme nach solchen sprüngen einzusteigen.dummerweise
      schaue ich dann meistens den kursen hinterher, leider !
      interessanter wert auf jeden fall !
      schrieb am 06.09.00 19:35:06
      Beitrag Nr. 100 ()
      @bbe: ähnlich ging´s mir Anfang Februar. Ständig gezögert und gewartet...und dann, naja, der Chart sagt alles! Jetzt hoffe ich, daß wir ähnliche Höhen wie im 1. Quartal erleben werden - doch diesmal bin ich rechtzeitig rein...

      Und diese Ad-Hoc scheint wohl der Grund für den heutigen (und hoffentlich nicht letzten) Kurssprung gewesen zu sein. Bin ja gespannt, was passiert, wenn Genomica endlich an der Börse platziert wurde...

      Harris & Harris Group Notes Announcement by PE Biosystems and Genomica

      NEW YORK, Sep 6, 2000 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- Harris & Harris Group, Inc. noted
      today the announcement by PE Biosystems (NYSE:PEB) and Genomica Corporation
      ( that they have signed a software technology license agreement
      and a separate $3 million equity investment agreement.

      Prior to this investment, Harris & Harris Group owned a 4.06 percent fully
      diluted interest in privately owned Genomica, which it valued at June 30, 2000,
      the most recent date in which it valued its holdings, at $3,040,250.

      The information contained in the PE Biosystems and Genomica press releases was
      not independently verified by Harris & Harris Group, which takes no
      responsibility for their content nor for any actions that anyone may take in
      reaction to them.

      Harris & Harris Group is a Business Development Company with 9,240,831 common
      shares outstanding.

      Detailed information about Harris & Harris Group and its holdings can be found
      on its website at

      schrieb am 14.09.00 19:58:22
      Beitrag Nr. 101 ()
      Das ist ja lustig!!! HHGP aktuell plus mehr als 23% im plus!!!! Das werden ja morgen über 10 Euros, wenn das so weitergeht. Ich würde nur gerne wissen, ob das Shorties oder Institutionelle sind. Was meint ihr denn?
      schrieb am 14.09.00 21:36:39
      Beitrag Nr. 102 ()
      ...und Heavy Volume dazu. Bloß den Grund kenn ich noch nicht. Genomica?
      schrieb am 15.09.00 07:28:31
      Beitrag Nr. 103 ()
      Vorrangig natürlich die Genomica-IPO Ende des Monats.
      Aber ansonsten war HHGP alleine auch deshalb schon unterbewertet, weil die grössten
      Beteiligungen ALLP und NANX in den letzten Wochen teilw über 50 % zulegen konnten !
      Anf.Okt. wird dann das NAV p.30.09.00 bekanntgegeben. Dann ist die krasse Unterbewertung
      wieder öffentlich.
      Bin selbst sehr optimistisch und bleibe bei meinem KZ von 20,-- bis Jahresende.
      schrieb am 16.09.00 14:49:56
      Beitrag Nr. 104 ()
      und nochmal 8% drauf. Jetzt sind wir wieder an fast der magischen 10 Dollar Grenze. Jetzt muß er doch mal drüber, Jungs!!! Helft schieben!!!
      schrieb am 29.09.00 21:27:56
      Beitrag Nr. 105 ()
      Bitte eine Erklärung, warum heute, am Tag des IPO von GNOM das ja nicht so schlecht verlaufen ist, HHGP so dramatisch fällt.

      schrieb am 12.10.00 22:39:50
      Beitrag Nr. 106 ()
      ..vergessen wir die letzten 6 Monate und beginnen von vorne.
      Heute, Nasdaq minus 3 % und HHGP schließt im Plus.
      Auch das Management hat die derzeitige Unterbewertung erkannt und beginnt mit Aktienrückkauf:

      Thursday October 12, 12:41 pm Eastern Time

      Press Release

      Harris & Harris Group Reports September 30, 2000
      NAV of $4.64, Increases Liquidity and Authorizes
      Share Repurchase Program

      NEW YORK--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Harris & Harris Group, Inc. reported today that its net asset value per share (NAV) as
      of September 30, 2000 was $4.64.

      The most significant contribution to the change in NAV during the quarter was the initial public offering (IPO) of Genomica
      Corp. (Nasdaq: GNOM - news), in which Harris & Harris Group owns 731,111 shares.

      Primary liquidity (defined as cash and equivalents and receivables) increased during the quarter from $8,039,791 to
      $13,499,123. Secondary liquidity (defined as freely marketable securities net of appropriate discounts) decreased from
      $18,648,240 to $15,556,531. Tertiary liquidity (defined as restricted securities of publicly traded companies net of appropriate
      discounts) increased from $0 to $11,173,375. Since the quarter ended, primary liquidity has increased to approximately
      $16,569,884 currently, reflecting the sale in the open market of an additional 250,000 shares of Alliance Pharmaceutical Corp.
      (Nasdaq: ALLP - news) for $3,785,477 and the purchase in the open market of 28,000 shares of, Inc.
      (Nasdaq: SQST - news), in which the Company had originally owned as a result of private placements a total of 461,039
      shares which it had subsequently sold in the open market for a total of $8,257,377. Prior to September 30, 2000, the
      Company had purchased in the open market 222,000 shares of and currently holds a total of 250,000 shares for
      which it paid $1,814,327. The Company`s holdings continue to include 50,000 shares of Alliance Pharmaceutical.

      The Board of Directors of Harris & Harris Group authorized a repurchase program in the open market of up to $2 million
      worth of the Company`s Common Stock, at the discretion of management. In 1998 and 1999, the Company repurchased a
      total of 1,482,447 shares of its Common Stock through a combination of open market repurchases and a tender offer.


      Sept. 30, June 30, December 31, Sept. 30,
      2000 2000 1999 1999
      (Unaudited) (Unaudited) (Audited) (Unaudited)

      Total Assets $55,663,252 $44,815,295 $65,320,768 $28,396,294
      Net Assets $42,921,075 $35,863,725 $53,634,805 $23,474,023
      Accrued Profit
      Sharing $6,108,434 $4,293,344 $9,434,467 $2,747,383
      Total Income
      Tax Liability $5,474,091 $4,036,883 $1,517,774 $1,705,509
      Net Asset Value
      per Share $4.64 $3.88 $5.80 $2.54
      Shares Outstanding 9,240,831 9,240,831 9,240,831 9,240,831
      Dividends Paid
      During Quarter $0 $0 $0 $0

      Harris & Harris Group is a Business Development Company with 9,240,831 common shares issued and outstanding. Detailed
      information about Harris & Harris Group and its holdings can be found on its website at
      schrieb am 13.10.00 00:09:06
      Beitrag Nr. 107 ()
      Hi, forward

      ich hab mir die zahlen auch angeschaut und die vergleiche der letzten 4 quartale.

      das drückt die aktuelle marktlage voll aus, wenn das (der) NAV gerade mal dem Kurswert entspricht , im Frühjahr hatten wir immerhin im Hoch rund das 5-fach im Kurs von HHGP.

      Ich hoffe, daß der Kurs zumindest mal einen Aufschlag von 100 % erfährt, daß wäre im Beraich 9-10 USD oder rund 10 €.

      Good Times !

      schrieb am 12.12.00 15:12:19
      Beitrag Nr. 108 ()
      Hier ist es ziemlich still geworden...
      Allerdings scheint hhgp allmählich auch in D wieder "entdeckt" zu werden; zumindest gab es soviel Umsatz wie heute schon lang nicht mehr.

      Wäre schön hier mal wieder was wirklich neues und kursbewegendes zu hören.
      schrieb am 12.12.00 19:34:45
      Beitrag Nr. 109 ()
      naja, wir sind im Kursverlauf ja wieder auf dem Stand wie im Oktober 99, von da an gings ja auch steil nach oben.

      Vielleicht läufts ja dieses Jahr/nächstes Jahr auch wieder so. Heute wäre ja mal zumindest ein kleiner Anfang mit einem Miniplus gemacht.


      schrieb am 14.01.01 13:33:55
      Beitrag Nr. 110 ()
      Zwischendurch dies:

      Cash z.Zt. ca. 18 Mio.
      Börsenwert ca.25 Mio.
      Alle bekannten börsennotierten-und noch nicht notierten
      Beteiligungen gibts also für 7 Mio !?
      Darunter 672.916 Aktien von NANX a. ca. 9,--$
      oder 731.111 Aktien von GNOM z.Zt. bei 6,--
      und 350.000 SQST zu 2,--
      und und und.....die vielen wertvollen Privatfirmen die
      auch teilw.demn. als IPO erscheinen.....
      Also ich habe verg.Woche nochmals aufgestockt.
      Dieses Missverhältnis muss höheren Kursen seinen Niederschlag finden !
      Viel Glück
      schrieb am 17.01.01 10:31:07
      Beitrag Nr. 111 ()
      An alle noch nicht Investierten (die anderen dürften dies schon wissen):

      Laut Unternehmensveröffentlichung beträgt der "Net Asset Value Per Outstanding Share" 4,64 $ - der momentane Kurs jedoch nur 2,78 $!

      ...da kann ich mich nur forward anschließen - denn auch dieses Mißverhältnis wird schließlich durch steigende Kurse ausgeglichen.
      schrieb am 17.01.01 16:01:09
      Beitrag Nr. 112 ()
      noch ein kleiner Nachtrag:
      aus charttechnischer Sicht stehen die Signale für HHGP nun auch endlich wieder vollends auf GRÜN !
      Seit Mitte Dezember hat HHGP einen Boden zwischen 2,40 $ und 2,75 $ ausgebildet.
      Die obere Widerstandslinie zwischen 2,75 $ und 2,8 $ wurde seit gestern nachhaltig geknackt:
      Momentaner Stand 3,125 $

      schrieb am 24.01.01 07:37:56
      Beitrag Nr. 113 ()
      Es geht weiter. Wieder + 12 %, also rund 20 % seit dem 17.01.2001.

      Nun kommen auch wieder news. Hier von einer
      (noch !) nicht börsennotierten fünfzehnprozentigen Beteiligung :

      Harris & Harris Notes NeuroMetrix 510K Clearance
      NEW YORK--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Jan. 23, 2001--Harris & Harris Group, Inc. (Nasdaq/NMS:HHGP - news) noted today the announcement from NeuroMetrix, Inc. on January 22, 2001 that ``it has received clearance from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to market its NC-stat® nerve conduction monitoring system for the evaluation of sensory nerves.``

      ``NeuroMetrix, Inc., a development stage company located in Cambridge MA, is a spin-off from the Harvard-M.I.T. Division of Health Sciences and Technology. Based on advances in neuroscience and microelectronics, NeuroMetrix is developing a new class of non-invasive products for point-of-care testing of neuromuscular disorders. The company anticipates that its technology will provide physicians with immediate and cost-effective information to be used as an aid in the diagnosis of common neuromuscular conditions repetitive stress injuries, peripheral and toxic neuropathies and low back pain.``

      Harris & Harris Group owns approximately a 15 percent fully diluted interest in privately held NeuroMetrix.

      Harris & Harris Group is a Business Development Company with 9,064,231 shares outstanding.

      Detailed information about Harris & Harris Group and its holdings can be found on its website at
      schrieb am 24.01.01 16:36:53
      Beitrag Nr. 114 ()
      Und weitere 9 % bis jetzt.
      Charttechnisch interessant .
      Erinnert mich irgendwie an den Kursverlauf von vor einem Jahr.
      Nur dieses Mal aufbauend auf einer niedrigeren Basis.
      Muss also nicht unbedingt bis über 30,--$ gehen.
      Und......wie immer....keine Kaufempfehlung, nur Diskussionsbeitrag !
      schrieb am 24.01.01 22:16:55
      Beitrag Nr. 115 ()
      Harris & Harris Group Repurchases Shares, Sells Position in

      NEW YORK, Jan 24, 2001 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- Harris & Harris Group, Inc. announced
      today that it has repurchased a total of 176,600 of its common shares at an
      average net price of $3.00 per share including transaction fees, pursuant to its
      Board authorization in late 2000 to repurchase up to $2 million of its common
      stock in the open market. In 1998 and 1999, the Company had repurchased a total
      of 1,482,447 shares of its common stock, pursuant to previously authorized
      repurchase plans.

      The Company also announced that it has sold in the open market its entire
      position of 350,000 shares of, Inc. common stock (NASDAQ: SQST) at
      an average net price of $2.08 per share, resulting in a realized loss of
      approximately $1,258,587. These 350,000 shares had been purchased in the open
      market at an average net price of $5.68 per share. The Company had originally
      purchased 461,039 shares of as a private equity investment, prior
      to its initial public offering, at an average price of $1.84 per share.
      Subsequently, in 2000, the Company realized a profit of $7,407,377 on these
      461,039 shares, having sold them in the open market at an average net price of
      $17.91 per share.

      Harris & Harris Group is a Business Development Company with 9,064,231 common
      shares outstanding.

      Detailed information about Harris & Harris Group and its holdings can be found
      on its website at

      Da bleibt unterm Strich immerhin noch ein schöner Gewinn von ca. 6.150.000 $ - nicht schlecht.
      Und durch den Ankauf eigener Anteile bei einem durchschnittlichen Kaufkurs von 3 $ hat HHGP auch schon wieder 33 % Kursgewinn gemacht.
      Weiter so!
      schrieb am 27.01.01 11:44:44
      Beitrag Nr. 116 ()
      Nun kommen tatsächlich auch wieder aus dem Hause Harris & Harris.
      Ich denke, man hat sich während des Aktienrückkaufs mit Nachrichten zurückgehalten um den Kurs nicht nach oben zu treiben.
      Die neuesten news über die erste Beteiligung im neuen Jahr
      gefallen mir sehr:

      Harris & Harris Group Invests in Schwoo, Inc.
      NEW YORK--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Jan. 26, 2001--Harris & Harris Group, Inc. announced today that it has invested $750,000 in a Series B Convertible Preferred security for approximately a 10 percent fully diluted equity interest in Schwoo, Inc., (

      Schwoo, Inc. is a privately held Pittsburgh-based corporation. The company is developing software that automatically manages e-commerce security infrastructure. The Schwoo system is designed to operate on an integrated basis across network, host and application layers to defend systems from security attacks.

      Harris & Harris Group is a Business Development Company with 9,064,231 common shares outstanding.

      Detailed information about Harris & Harris Group and its holdings can be found on its website at

      Wenn man über den dortigen Firmengründer weiter recherchiert, sieht man, dass dieser keine kleine Nummer ist, das Engagemant also nicht als hochspekulativ angesehen werden muss.
      schrieb am 02.03.01 08:11:34
      Beitrag Nr. 117 ()

      Harris & Harris Group, Inc. noted today that privately owned NeuroMetrix, Inc. has announced that it has secured $13 million in third round venture financing. Harris & Harris Group invested $750,000 in this round through the conversion of its previously existing debt security of the same amount.

      NeuroMetrix is a spin-off from the Harvard-MIT Division of Health Sciences and Technology. It is developing a new class of non-invasive products for point-of-care testing of neuromuscular disorders.

      Harris & Harris Group is a Business Development Company with 9,064,231 common shares outstanding.

      Detailed information about Harris & Harris Group and its holdings can be found on its website at

      This press release may contain statements of a forward-looking nature relating to future events. Statements contained in this press release that are forward looking statements are intended to be made pursuant to the Safe Harbor Provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. These forward-looking statements are subject to the inherent uncertainties in predicting future results and conditions. These statements reflect the Company`s current beliefs, and a number of important factors could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed in this press release. Please see the Company`s Annual Report on Form 10-K filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission for a more detailed discussion of the risks and uncertainties associated with the Company`s business, including but not limited to the risks and uncertainties associated with venture capital investing and other significant factors that could affect the Company`s actual results. Except as otherwise required by Federal securities laws, Harris & Harris Group, Inc. undertakes no obligation to update or revise these forward looking statements to reflect new events or uncertainties.

      cu fasty :cool:
      schrieb am 30.04.01 19:38:42
      Beitrag Nr. 118 ()
      Ist schon witzig, dass der innere Wert der Beteiligungen von H&H mit 3,09 USD per 31.3.01 genannt wird und die Aktie so bei 2,30 - 2,50 rumdümpelte.

      Aber zur Zeit gehts etwas nach oben.

      Wollen wir mal hoffen, daß der Aufwärtstrend nicht nur ne Eintagsfliege ist.

      Harris & Harris Group Reports Net Asset Value of $3.09 Per Share as of March 31, 2001
      TUESDAY, APRIL 24, 2001 1:03 PM
      - BusinessWire

      NEW YORK, Apr 24, 2001 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- Harris & Harris Group, Inc. announced today that its unaudited net asset value and net asset value per share (NAV) at March 31, 2001 were $28,036,135 and $3.09, respectively.


      March 31, 2001 December 31, 2000 March 31, 2000
      (Unaudited) (Audited) (Unaudited)

      Total Assets $30,814,330 $43,343,423 $56,873,700
      Net Assets $28,036,135 $31,833,475 $46,972,221
      Total Income Tax
      Liability $1,364,470 $7,116,036 $2,548,088
      Accrued Profit
      Sharing $544,386 $3,483,241 $6,758,435
      Net Asset Value
      per Share $3.09 $3.51 $5.08
      Shares Outstanding 9,064,231 9,064,231 9,240,831

      Harris & Harris Group is a Business Development Company with 9,064,231 common shares issued and outstanding.

      Detailed information about Harris & Harris Group and its holdings can be found on its website at

      Zum besseren Verständnis und um die Zahlen richtig dargestellt sehen zu können, hier der Link zu Big…

      Bis bald

      schrieb am 09.06.01 11:04:39
      Beitrag Nr. 119 ()
      ....wobei der Wert der Beteiligungen durch die Erholung der beiden börsennotierten Gesellschaft GNOM und NANX sich nun eher bei 3,50 $ bewegen sollte.

      Auffallend sind die "last-minute-Käufe" gestern u.vorgestern, die weit mehr als die (immer noch zu geringe) Hälfte der derzeitigen Tagesumsätze ausmachten:

      15:58:02 3.0000 100 REGULAR
      15:58:01 3.0000 200 REGULAR
      15:58:01 3.0000 1500 REGULAR
      15:58:00 3.0000 400 REGULAR
      15:58:00 3.0000 600 REGULAR
      15:57:01 3.0000 1000 REGULAR
      15:57:01 2.9900 1000 REGULAR
      15:56:04 2.9800 100 REGULAR
      15:56:02 2.9700 1000 REGULAR
      15:56:02 2.9700 1000 REGULAR

      Die nächste IPO wird auf jeden Fall wieder Schwung in die Aktie bringen, deren Tagesumsätze letztes Jahr öfters auch über 1 Mio.Stück (z.Zt. bei 20 - 30 Tausend) waren.
      schrieb am 30.07.01 22:41:07
      Beitrag Nr. 120 ()
      Die letzte Wertermittlung der Beteiligungen brachte ein respektables Ergebnis. Es Der NAV wird mit 3,29 USD pro share angegeben. Ist schon komisch, daß man momentan den NET-Asset von 3,29 an der Börse für 2,30 USD bekommt.

      Harris & Harris Group Reports Net Asset Value of $3.29 Per Share as of June 30, 2001
      WEDNESDAY, JULY 25, 2001 1:12 PM
      - BusinessWire

      NEW YORK, Jul 25, 2001 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- Harris & Harris Group, Inc. (NASDAQ:HHGP) announced today that its unaudited net asset value and net asset value per share (NAV) at June 30, 2001 were $29,860,794 and $3.29, respectively.


      June 30, March 31, December 31, June 30,
      2001 2001 2000 2000
      (Unaudited) (Unaudited) (Audited) (Unaudited)

      Total Assets
      $33,375,034 $30,814,330 $43,343,423 $44,815,295
      Net Assets
      $29,860,794 $28,036,135 $31,833,475 $35,863,725
      Total Income
      Tax Liability
      $1,381,137 $1,433,786 $7,116,036 $4,036,883
      Accrued Profit
      $1,257,369 $544,386 $3,483,241 $4,293,344
      Net Asset Value
      per Share
      $3.29 $3.09 $3.51 $3.88
      Shares Outstanding
      9,064,231 9,064,231 9,064,231 9,240,831

      Harris & Harris Group is a Business Development Company with 9,064,231 common shares issued and outstanding.

      Detailed information about Harris & Harris Group and its holdings can be found on its website at

      Also hoffen wir mal, daß die Aktie zumindest wieder auf den "inneren Wert" steigt. Ich hoffe, daß die Zahlen so einigermassen verständlich sind.

      schrieb am 02.08.01 19:37:59
      Beitrag Nr. 121 ()
      HHGP trennt sich von der Nanophase-Beteiligung (NANX)

      Harris & Harris Group Sells Shares of Nanophase Technologies Corporation
      WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 01, 2001 4:47 PM
      - BusinessWire

      NEW YORK, Aug 1, 2001 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- Harris & Harris Group, Inc. announced today that it has sold all of its shares of common stock of publicly traded Nanophase Technologies Corporation (Nasdaq:NANX).

      As of June 30, 2001, Harris & Harris Group owned a total of 705,916 shares of NANX, or approximately 5.2 percent of the NANX shares outstanding, at a cost of $1,500,418. It has sold those shares for net proceeds of approximately $4,263,242, thus realizing a net long-term capital gain of approximately $2,762,824.

      Harris & Harris Group initially invested in Nanophase in 1994, when Nanophase was a privately held technology spinoff from Argonne National Laboratory. Nanophase is a nanotechnology company engaged in research and commercial production and sales of nanocrystalline materials. Harris & Harris Group remains intensely interested in the burgeoning field of nanotechnology. Currently, Harris & Harris Group is actively engaged in investment meetings, discussions and negotiations with several privately held, early-stage companies with proprietary nanotechnologies that are in various stages of commercialization of products for a variety of markets.

      Thus, Harris & Harris Group may eventually invest all or some portion of the proceeds of its sale of its shares of Nanophase in other nanotechnology companies. There can be no assurance however that Harris & Harris Group will be successful in investing any of the proceeds of this sale in other nanotechnology companies.

      Harris & Harris Group is a publicly traded venture capital company organized as a Business Development Company. Harris & Harris Group has with 9,064,231 common shares issued and outstanding.

      Detailed information about Harris & Harris Group and its holdings can also be found on its website at

      Grüße V.Mac
      schrieb am 10.08.01 01:17:02
      Beitrag Nr. 122 ()
      weitere News:

      Trennung von Genomica - Anteilen mit rund einer Mio USD realisiertem Gewinn.

      Harris & Harris Group Sells Shares of Genomica Corporation
      FRIDAY, AUGUST 03, 2001 11:41 AM
      - BusinessWire

      NEW YORK, Aug 3, 2001 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- Harris & Harris Group, Inc. announced today that it has sold all of its shares of common stock of publicly traded Genomica Corporation (Nasdaq:GNOM). Harris & Harris Group owned a total of 731,111 shares of GNOM, or approximately 2.94 percent of the GNOM shares outstanding, at a cost of $1,500,304. It has sold those shares for net proceeds of approximately $2,523,274, thus realizing a net long-term capital gain of approximately $1,022,970.

      In 1996, Harris & Harris Group was a founding investor in Genomica, which was a spinoff from Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory. Today, Genomica is a publicly held provider of software products and services that are designed to enable pharmaceutical and biotechnology researchers to accelerate the drug discovery and development process.

      Harris & Harris Group intends to invest all or some portion of the proceeds of the sale of its shares of Genomica in other private equity situations. Currently, Harris & Harris Group is actively engaged in investment meetings, discussions and negotiations with several privately held, early-stage companies with proprietary nanotechnologies that are in various stages of commercialization of products for a variety of markets. There can be no assurance however that Harris & Harris Group will be successful in investing any of the proceeds of this sale in nanotechnology companies.

      Harris & Harris Group is a publicly traded venture capital company organized as a Business Development Company. Harris & Harris Group has 9,064,231 common shares issued and outstanding.

      Detailed information about Harris & Harris Group and its holdings can also be found on its website at


      und weiter gehts mit den Zahlen und vielen Zeilen Text. Ne Erklärung/Übersetzung gibts vielleicht bald oder erst nach meinem wohlverdienten Urlaub.

      THURSDAY, AUGUST 09, 2001 2:01 PM
      - Edgar Online

      (EDGAR Online via COMTEX) -- Item 2. Management`s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations

      The Company accounts for its operations utilizing accounting principles generally accepted in the United States for investment companies. On this basis, the principal measure of its financial performance is captioned "Net increase (decrease) in net assets resulting from operations," which is the sum of three elements. The first element is "Net operating income (loss)," which is the difference between the Company`s income from interest, dividends, and fees and its operating expenses. The second element is "Net realized (loss) gain on investments," which is the difference between the proceeds received from dispositions of portfolio securities and their stated cost, net of applicable income tax provisions (benefits). These two elements are combined in the Company`s financial statements and reported as "Net realized (loss) income." The third element, "Net increase (decrease) in unrealized appreciation on investments," is the net change in the fair value of the Company`s investment portfolio.

      "Net realized (loss) gain on investments" and "Net increase (decrease) in unrealized appreciation on investments" are directly related. When a security is sold to realize a (loss) gain, net unrealized appreciation (increases) decreases and net realized (loss) gain increases (decreases).

      Financial Condition

      The Company`s total assets and net assets were, respectively, $33,375,034 and $29,860,794 at June 30, 2001, compared with $43,343,423 and $31,833,475 at December 31, 2000.

      Among the significant changes in the six month ended June 30, 2001 were: (1) the payment of $5,709,884 in federal income taxes as a result of the Company`s deemed dividend distribution; (2) decline in the value of the Company`s holdings in and Experion Systems, Inc. of $2,204,000 and $480,000, respectively; (3) the increase in the valuation of the Company`s holdings in Nanophase Technologies Corporation of 800,290; and (4) the payment of the 2000 realized gain profit sharing of $2,092,565.

      In accordance with recently published SEC guidelines as of March 31, 2001, the Company changed its valuation policy by no longer discounting publicly held securities for liquidity considerations. (See "Asset Valuation Policy Guidelines" in the "Footnote to Consolidated Schedule of Investments" contained in "Item 1. Consolidated Financial Statements.")

      Net asset value per share ("NAV") was $3.29 at June 30, 2001, versus $3.51 at December 31, 2000.

      The Company`s shares outstanding remained unchanged during the six months ended June 30, 2001.

      The Company`s financial condition is dependent on the success of its investments. The Company has invested a substantial portion of its assets in private development stage or start-up companies. These private businesses tend to be thinly capitalized, unproven, small companies that lack management depth and have little or no history of operations. At June 30, 2001, $10,944,149 or 32.8 percent of the Company`s total assets consisted of investments in publicly traded securities (these investments were private equities at the time the Company made the investments), of which net unrealized appreciation was $7,943,427; $13,396,684 or 40.1 percent of the Company`s total assets consisted of non-publicly traded securities at fair value in private businesses, of which net unrealized depreciation was $679,884.

      At December 31, 2000, $10,240,018 or 23.6 percent of the Company`s total assets consisted of investments in four publicly traded securities (three of which were private businesses at the time the Company made the investments), of which net unrealized appreciation was $5,539,997; $16,782,438 or 38.7 percent of the Company`s total assets consisted of non-publicly traded securities at fair value in private businesses, of which net unrealized appreciation was $3,406,915.

      The increase in the value of publicly traded securities from $10,240,018 at December 31, 2000 to $10,944,149 at June 30, 2001 is primarily owing to the increase in the value of Nanophase Technologies Corporation offset by the sale of shares of The value of the Company`s investments may vary significantly on a quarterly basis (see "Risk Factors").

      The decrease in the value of the non-publicly traded securities from $16,782,438 at December 31, 2000 to $13,396,685 at June 30, 2001 resulted primarily from the decreases in the Company`s valuation of its holdings in and Experion Systems of $2,204,000 and $480,000, respectively, as well as the dissolution and liquidation of Harris Newco for approximately $2,000,000 at no material gain or loss. This decrease was partially offset by the Company`s new investment in Schwoo, Inc.

      The changes in the values of, Nanophase Technologies and reflect the extreme volatility of private and publicly traded, small capitalization, high technology stocks in the past 24 month period.

      A summary of the Company`s investment portfolio is as follows:

      June 30, 2001 December 31, 2000
      Investments, at cost. . . . . . $ 24,074,230 $ 33,620,631
      Unrealized appreciation . . . . 8,620,955 8,947,928
      ------------- ----------------
      Investments, at fair value. . . $ 32,695,185 $ 42,568,559
      ============= ================

      The accumulated unrealized appreciation on investments net
      of deferred taxes is $6,990,449 at June 30, 2001, versus
      $7,317,422 at December 31, 2000.

      Following an initial investment in a private company, the Company may make additional investments in such investee in order to: (1) increase its ownership percentage; (2) exercise warrants, options or convertible securities that were acquired in the original or subsequent financing; (3) preserve the Company`s proportionate ownership in a subsequent financing; or (4) attempt to preserve or enhance the value of the Company`s investment. There can be no assurance that the Company will make follow-on investments or have sufficient funds to make additional investments. The Company has the discretion to make follow-on investments as it determines, subject to the availability of capital resources. The failure to make such follow-on investments may, in certain circumstances, jeopardize the continued viability of the investee company and the Company`s initial investment or may result in a missed opportunity for the Company to increase its participation in a successful operation. Even if the Company has sufficient capital to make a desired follow-on investment, it may elect not to make a follow-on investment either because it does not want to increase its concentration of risk, because it prefers other opportunities, or because it is inhibited by compliance with BDC or RIC requirements, even though the follow-on investment opportunity appears attractive.

      The following table is a summary of the cash investments made by the Company in its private placement portfolio during the six months ended June 30, 2001:

      New Investments:
      Schwoo, Inc.. . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 750,000

      Additional Investments:
      Experion Systems, Inc.. . . . . . . . 80,000

      Exercise of Warrants Held: Schwoo, Inc.. . . . . . . . . . . . . 138,577

      Loans: Schwoo, Inc.. . . . . . . . . . . . . 210,250

      Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1,178,827

      Results of Operations
      Investment Income and Expenses:

      The Company realized a net operating (loss) income of ($560,690) and $3,047,705 for the six months ended June 30, 2001 and June 30, 2000, respectively. The Company`s net operating income in the six months ended June 30, 2001 and June 30, 2000 reflected decreases in the employee profit-sharing accrual that resulted in credits to expenses of $133,308 and $4,116,427, respectively. When unrealized appreciation as of a certain date subsequently decreases the profit-sharing accrual will be decreased accordingly, resulting in a credit to expenses.

      The Company`s principal objective is to achieve capital appreciation. Therefore, a significant portion of the investment portfolio is structured to maximize the potential for capital appreciation and provides little or no current yield in the form of dividends or interest. The Company does earn interest income from fixed-income securities, including U.S. Government and Agency Obligations. The amount of interest income earned varies with the average balance of the Company`s fixed-income portfolio and the average yield on this portfolio.

      The Company had interest income from fixed-income securities of $270,376 and $144,815 for the six months ended June 30, 2001 and June 30, 2000, respectively. The increase of $125,561 or 86.7 percent reflects an increase in the balance of the Company`s fixed income portfolio during the six months ended June 30, 2001 versus the six months ended June 30, 2000.

      The Company had interest income from affiliated companies of $11,382 and $34,058 for the six months ended June 30, 2001 and June 30, 2000, respectively. The decrease of $22,676 or 66.6 percent is owing to a decrease in the outstanding loans to investee companies. Therefore, the amount of outstanding loans to investee companies varies on a quarterly basis.

      The Company had other income of $47,162 and $35,064 for the six months ended June 30, 2001 and June 30, 2000, respectively. Other income represents rental income from subletting office space to an unaffiliated party and, in 2001, a gain on the sale of Company property.

      Operating expenses were $889,610 and ($2,833,768) for the six months ended June 30, 2001 and June 30, 2000, respectively. The operating expenses of the six months ended June 30, 2001 and 2000 reflect decreases in the employee profit-sharing accrual of $133,308 and $4,116,427, respectively, owing to decreases in unrealized appreciation of investments for the respective six month periods. Salaries and benefits increased $33,630 or 6.4 percent. Administration and operations decreased $28,162 or 11.49 percent and professional fees decreased $114,195 or 55.4 percent. The remaining expenses are related to office and rent expenses and director compensation.

      The Company had interest income from fixed-income securities of $117,846 and $60,861 for the three months ended June 30, 2001 and June 30, 2000, respectively, reflecting net changes in the Company`s investments in short-term fixed income securities and prevailing interest rate levels.

      The Company had interest income from affiliated companies of $1,765 and $12,376 for the three months ended June 30, 2001 and June 30, 2000, respectively. The amount of outstanding loans to investee companies varies; typically, loans made to investee companies are bridge loans and are converted into equity at the next round of equity financing.

      The Company had other income of $17,350 and $19,252 for the three months ended June 30, 2001 and June 30, 2000, respectively. This other income represents rental income; in December of 1999, the Company started subleasing office space to an unaffiliated party.

      Operating expenses were $1,207,528 and ($1,860,143) for the three months ended June 30, 2001 and June 30, 2000, respectively. The operating expenses of the second quarter of 2000 reflect a decrease in the employee profit-sharing accrual, owing to a decrease in unrealized appreciation of investments for the three months ended June 30, 2000, resulting in a credit to expenses of $2,465,091. The operating expenses of the second quarter of 2001 reflect an increase in the employee profit-sharing accrual, of $712,982 owing to an increase in unrealized appreciation of investments for the three months ended June 30, 2001. Salaries and benefits increased $11,472 or 4.7 percent. Administration and operation decreased $28,845 or 18.91 percent and professional fees decreased $88,091 or 73 percent. The remaining expenses are related to rent expenses and director compensation.

      The Company has in the past relied, and continues to rely to a large extent, upon proceeds from sales of investments, rather than investment income, to defray a significant portion of its operating expenses. Because such sales cannot be predicted, the Company attempts to maintain adequate working capital to provide for fiscal periods when there are no such sales.

      Realized Gains and Losses on Sales of Portfolio Securities:

      During the six months ended June 30, 2001 and 2000, the Company realized (losses) gains of ($1,032,743) and $8,095,682, respectively. The 2001 losses of $1,032,743 consist primarily of a loss on the sale of 350,000 shares of common stock offset by a gain of $277,177 from the Company`s partnership interest in PHZ Capital Partners L.P.

      During the six months ended June 30, 2000, the Company realized a total gain of $8,095,682 consisting primarily of a gain of $7,407,377 on the sale of its position in; $241,025 on the sale of Nanophase Technologies shares and $147,528 on the realization of a reserve for an escrow for part of the Company`s share of the proceeds of the NBX/3Com transaction (the Company received in full the escrowed funds on March 31, 2000).

      During the three months ended June 30, 2001 and June 30, 2000, the Company realized gains of $161,909 and $4,332,410, respectively. During the three months ended June 30, 2001, the Company realized a net gain of $161,909 consisting primarily of a gain of $204,744 from its partnership interest in PHZ Capital Partners L.P. and a loss of $38,890 on the sale of its position in Kana Communications. During the three months ended June 30, 2000, the Company realized a total gain of $4,332,410, consisting primarily of a net gain of $4,142,388 on the sale of 417,639 shares of

      Unrealized Appreciation and Depreciation of Portfolio Securities:

      The Board of Directors values the portfolio securities on a quarterly basis pursuant to the Company`s Asset Valuation guidelines in accordance with the 1940 Act. (See "Footnote to Consolidated Schedule of Investments" contained in "Item 1. Consolidated Financial Statements.")

      Net unrealized appreciation on investments decreased by $326,973 or 3.6 percent during the six months ended June 30, 2001, from $8,947,928 to $8,620,955, primarily as a result of the decline in the value of the Company`s holdings of and Experion Systems, Inc. of $2,204,000 and $480,000, respectively. This decrease was offset by an increase in the value of Nanophase Technologies Corporation of $800,290 and an increase in unrealized appreciation of $1,528,082 as a result of the realization of the loss on the sale of the Company`s position in

      Net unrealized appreciation on investments decreased by $26,536,339 or 56.6 percent during the six months ended June 30, 2000, from $46,882,521 to $20,346,182, primarily as a result of declines in the value of, Kana Communications and Questech of $31,981,750, $1,622,027 and $1,165,879, respectively, offset by increases in the value of Nanophase Technologies, Alliance Pharmaceutical, Genomica and of $3,368,786, $3,019,000, $1,330,520 and $854,467, respectively.

      Net unrealized appreciation increased by $2,755,958 or 47.0 percent during the three months ended June 30, 2001, from $5,864,997 to $8,620,955, owing primarily to the increase in the value of the Company`s position in Nanophase Technologies Corporation of $3,088,204, offset by a decline in the value of the Company`s investment in Experion Systems, Inc. of $480,000.

      Net unrealized appreciation on investments decreased by $15,936,083 or 43.9 percent during the three months ended June 30, 2000, from $36,282,265 to $20,346,182, owing primarily to declines in the value of, Nanophase Technologies, Alliance Pharmaceutical and Questech of $9,247,287, $3,823,004, $2,794,900 and $1,165,879, respectively, offset by an increase in and Kana Communications of $854,467 and $239,472, respectively.

      The changes in the values of, Silknet Software, Nanophase Technologies, and Alliance Pharmaceutical reflected the extreme volatility of private and publicly traded, small capitalization, high technology stocks in the past 18 month period.

      Liquidity and Capital Resources

      The Company`s primary sources of liquidity are cash, receivables and freely tradable marketable securities. The Company`s secondary sources of liquidity are restricted securities of companies that are publicly traded. At June 30, 2001 and December 31, 2000, respectively, the Company`s total primary liquidity was $19,441,306 and $23,039,736. On the corresponding dates, the Company`s total secondary liquidity was $0 and $3,040,679, respectively. The Company`s tertiary source of liquidity is its holding of PHZ Capital Partners, L.P., from which the Company received net after-tax distributions in the six months ended June 30, 2001 of $62,500.

      The decrease in the Company`s primary source of liquidity from December 31, 2000 to June 30, 2001 is primarily owing to the (1) payment of income taxes, primarily federal, of $5,787,174; (2) payment of the 2000 employee profit sharing of approximately $2,092,565; (3) investment of $1,098,827 in Schwoo, Inc. and $80,000 in Experion Systems, Inc.; and (4) the use of funds for operating expenses. These decreases were offset by (1) the receipt of approximately $2,000,000 of the funds from the liquidation of Harris Newco, Inc. and (2) an increase in value in the Company`s investment in Nanophase Technologies Corporation of $800,290.

      The decrease in the Company`s secondary source of liquidity from December 31, 2000 to June 30, 2001 is owing to the expiration of the lock-up period on Genomica Corporation, which increased the Company`s primary liquidity corresponding.

      From December 31, 2000 to June 30, 2001, the Company`s liabilities for accrued employee profit sharing and deferred income tax liability decreased significantly. Accrued profit sharing decreased by $2,225,872 or 63.9 percent to $1,257,369 as a result of payment of $2,092,565 of the 2000 profit sharing. The remaining 2000 profit sharing accrual, approximately $228,374, was paid in July 2001 upon the completion and filing of the Company`s 2000 federal tax return.

      The Company`s total income tax liability decreased by $5,734,899 or 80.6 percent to $1,381,137 primarily as a result of the payment of taxes in connection with the deemed dividend distribution.

      Sub-Chapter M Status Recent Developments

      On March 8, 2001, the Company received SEC certification and qualified for RIC treatment for 2000 (as it had for 1999). Although the SEC certification for 2000 was issued, there can be no assurance that the Company will receive such certification for subsequent years (to the extent it needs additional certification as a result of changes in its portfolio) or that it will actually qualify as a RIC for subsequent years. In addition, under certain circumstances, even if the Company qualified for Sub-Chapter M treatment in a given year, the Company might take action in a subsequent year to ensure that it would be taxed in that subsequent year as a C Corporation, rather than as a RIC.

      On December 14, 2000, the Company announced that its Board of Directors, in accordance with rules governing a RIC under Sub- Chapter M of the Code, declared a designated undistributed capital gain dividend (also known as a deemed dividend) of $1.78 per share, for a total of $16,253,987 and paid corporate taxes on behalf of shareholders of $0.62 per share, for a total of $5,688,896.

      Risk Factors

      Investing in the Company`s Stock is Highly Speculative and the Investor Could Lose Some or All of the Amount Invested

      The value of the Company`s common stock may decline and may be affected by numerous market conditions, which could result in the loss of some or all of the amount invested in the Company`s shares. The securities markets frequently experience extreme price and volume fluctuations which affect market prices for securities of companies generally, and technology and very small capitalization companies in particular. Because of the Company`s focus on the technology and very small capitalization sectors, its stock price is likely to be impacted by these market conditions. General economic conditions, and general conditions in the Internet and information technology, life sciences, material sciences and other high technology industries, will also affect the Company`s stock price. The recent decimalization of the stock exchanges, particularly Nasdaq, is a new risk factor that may decrease liquidity of smaller capitalization issues such as the Company`s own common stock and that of its publicly traded holdings.

      Investing in the Company`s Shares May be Inappropriate for the Investor`s Risk Tolerance

      The Company`s investments, in accordance with its investment objective and principal strategies, result in a far above average amount of risk and volatility and may well result in loss of principal. The Company`s investments in portfolio companies are highly speculative and aggressive and, therefore, an investment in its shares may not be suitable for investors for whom such risk is inappropriate.

      The Market for Venture Capital Investments is Highly Competitive. In Some Cases, the Company`s Status as a Regulated Business Development Company May Hinder its Ability to Participate in Investment Opportunities.

      The Company faces substantial competition in its investing activities from private venture capital funds, investment affiliates of large industrial, technology, service and financial companies, small business investment companies, wealthy individuals and foreign investors. As a regulated business development company, the Company is required to disclose quarterly the name and business description of portfolio companies and value of any portfolio securities. Most of the Company`s competitors are not subject to this disclosure requirement. The Company`s obligation to disclose this information could hinder its ability to invest in certain portfolio companies. Additionally, other regulations, current and future, may make the Company less attractive as a potential investor to a given portfolio company than a private venture capital fund not subject to the same regulations.

      The Company Operates in a Regulated Environment

      The Company is subject to substantive SEC regulations as a BDC. Securities and tax laws and regulations governing the Company`s activities may change in ways adverse to the Company`s and its shareholders` interests and interpretations of such laws and regulations may change with unpredictable consequences. Any change in the laws or regulations that govern the Company`s business could have an adverse impact on the Company or its operations.

      The Company is Dependent Upon Key Management Personnel for Future Success

      The Company is dependent for the selection, structuring, closing and monitoring of its investments on the diligence and skill of its senior management and other management members. The future success of the Company depends to a significant extent on the continued service and coordination of its senior management team, and particularly on the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer. The departure of any of the executive officers or key employees could materially adversely affect the Company`s ability to implement its business strategy. The Company does not maintain key man life insurance on any of its officers or employees.

      Investment in Small, Private Companies

      There are significant risks inherent in the Company`s venture capital business. The Company has invested a substantial portion of its assets in private development stage or start-up companies. These private businesses tend to be thinly capitalized, unproven, small companies with risky technologies that lack management depth and have not attained profitability or have no history of operations. Because of the speculative nature and the lack of a public market for these investments, there is significantly greater risk of loss than is the case with traditional investment securities. The Company expects that some of its venture capital investments will be a complete loss or will be unprofitable and that some will appear to be likely to become successful but never realize their potential. The Company has been risk seeking rather than risk averse in its approach to venture capital and other investments. Neither the Company`s investments nor an investment in the Company is intended to constitute a balanced investment program. The Company has in the past relied, and continues to rely to a large extent, upon proceeds from sales of investments rather than investment income to defray a significant portion of its operating expenses. Such sales are unpredictable and may not occur.

      Illiquidity of Portfolio Investments

      Most of the investments of the Company are or will be equity securities acquired directly from small companies. The Company`s portfolio of equity securities are and will usually be subject to restrictions on resale or otherwise have no established trading market. The illiquidity of most of the Company`s portfolio of equity securities may adversely affect the ability of the Company to dispose of such securities at times when it may be advantageous for the Company to liquidate such investments. In addition, the imposition of decimalization on the stock exchanges, particularly Nasdaq, may reduce liquidity and increase volatility and riskiness of small, thinly traded public companies because it may create a disincentive for dealers to market smaller issues.

      Volatility and Illiquidity of Publicly Traded Holdings

      When companies in which the Company has invested as private entities complete initial public offerings, they are by definition unseasoned issues. Typically, they have relatively small capitalizations. Thus, they can be expected to be highly volatile and of uncertain liquidity. If they are perceived as suffering from adverse news or developments and/or the capital markets are in a negative phase, not only their market prices, but also their liquidity can be expected to be impacted negatively. Historically, the Company has also invested in unseasoned publicly traded companies with similar characteristics and thus with similar exposure to potential negative volatility and illiquidity. The decimalization of the stock markets, particularly Nasdaq, may decrease liquidity of stocks in general and smaller capitalization issues in particular.

      The Inability of the Company`s Portfolio Companies to Successfully Market Their Products Would Have a Negative Impact on its Investment Returns

      Even if the Company`s portfolio companies are able to develop commercially viable products, the market for new products and services is highly competitive and rapidly changing. Commercial success is difficult to predict and the marketing efforts of the Company`s portfolio companies may not be successful.

      Valuation of Portfolio Investments

      There is typically no public market of equity securities of the small privately held companies in which the Company invests. As a result, the valuation of the equity securities in the Company`s portfolio is subject to the good faith estimate of the Company`s Board of Directors. (See "Asset Valuation Policy Guidelines" in "Footnote to Consolidated Schedule of Investments.") In the absence of a readily ascertainable market value, the estimated value of the Company`s portfolio of equity securities may differ significantly from the values that would be placed on the portfolio if a ready market for the equity securities existed. Any changes in estimated net asset value are recorded in the Company`s statement of operations as "Change in unrealized appreciation on investments." (See "Management`s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations.")

      Fluctuations of Quarterly Results

      The Company`s quarterly operating results could fluctuate as a result of a number of factors. These factors include, among others, variations in and the timing of the recognition of realized and unrealized gains or losses, the degree to which the Company encounters competition in its markets and general economic conditions. As a result of these factors, results for any one quarter should not be relied upon as being indicative of performance in future quarters. (See "Management`s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations.")

      Risk of Loss of Pass Through Tax Treatment

      If the Company meets certain diversification and distribution requirements under the Code, it may qualify as a RIC under the Code for pass-through tax treatment. The Company would cease to qualify for pass-through tax treatment if it were unable to comply with these requirements, or if it ceased to qualify as a BDC under the 1940 Act. The Company also could be subject to a four percent excise tax (and, in certain cases, corporate level income tax) if it failed to make certain gain on income distributions. The lack of Sub-Chapter M tax treatment could have a material adverse effect on the total return, if any, obtainable from an investment in the Company. If the Company fails to qualify as a RIC, the Company would become subject to federal income tax as if it were an ordinary C Corporation, which tax would result in a corresponding reduction in the Company`s net assets and the amount of income available for distribution to the Company`s stockholders.

      Because the Company Must Distribute Income, the Company Will Continue to Need Additional Capital

      The Company will continue to need capital to fund investments and to pay for operating expenses. The Company must distribute at least 90 percent of its net operating income other than net realized long-term capital gains to its stockholders to maintain its RIC status. As a result, such earnings will not be available to fund investments. If the Company fails to generate net realized long-term capital gains or to obtain funds from outside sources, it could have a material adverse effect on the Company`s financial condition and results. The Company does not normally establish reserves for taxes on unrealized capital gains. To the extent that the Company retains capital gains,

      either as a C corporation or as a Sub-Chapter M corporation, it will have to make provisions for federal taxes and possibly state and local taxes. In addition, as a BDC, the Company is generally required to maintain a ratio of at least 200 percent of total assets to total borrowings, which may restrict its ability to borrow in certain circumstances.

      Reserves for Taxes

      As a Sub-Chapter M corporation, the Company does not have to pay federal income taxes on realized capital gains to the extent that such gains are distributed to shareholders. Accordingly, it does not establish reserves for taxes on its unrealized capital gains. If the Company were not to qualify for Sub- Chapter M tax status, it would have to establish such reserves for taxes, which would reduce its net asset value, net of a reduction in the reserve for employee profit sharing, accordingly. To the extent that the Company as a Sub-Chapter M corporation were to decide to make a deemed distribution of net realized capital gains and were to retain such net realized capital gains, it would have to establish appropriate reserves for taxes upon making such a decision.


      Wers bis hier hin geschafft hat: Glückwunsch und gute Nacht für heute !!

      schrieb am 10.08.01 01:22:59
      Beitrag Nr. 123 ()
      Und am geilsten ist der Kurs, der momentan in Berlin gestellt wird:

      32,70 G

      immerhin plus ca 1150 Prozent gegenüber gestern.

      Nur schade, daß der Makler warsteinlich beim Eingeben von 2,70 € leider einen zu dicken Finger hatte und die 3 mit erwischte.


      PS: Mit diesem ( momentan Fantasie-) Kurs wäre mein Kursziel erreicht.
      schrieb am 07.09.01 18:50:18
      Beitrag Nr. 124 ()
      bereits vom 14.8.01, aber nicht eher gelesen:

      Harris & Harris Group Invests in Nantero, Inc.
      TUESDAY, AUGUST 14, 2001 11:04 AM
      - BusinessWire

      NEW YORK, Aug 14, 2001 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- Harris & Harris Group, Inc. announced today that it has invested $490,000 in a Series A Convertible Preferred security in Nantero, Inc., a company developing advanced semiconductors using nanotechnology.

      Harris & Harris Group is a publicly traded venture capital company organized as a Business Development Company. Harris & Harris Group has 9,064,231 common shares issued and outstanding.

      Detailed information about Harris & Harris Group and its holdings can also be found on its website at

      schrieb am 03.10.01 19:16:46
      Beitrag Nr. 125 ()
      wieder mal News:

      Harris & Harris Group Warns of Impact of Economy and Markets On Investee Companies
      TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 2001 2:46 PM
      - BusinessWire

      NEW YORK, Sep 25, 2001 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- Harris & Harris Group, Inc. (NASDAQ/NMS:HHGP) warned today that the effects on its investee companies of the economic slowdown and financial bear market prior to September 11 have been exacerbated by the disaster and its aftermath.

      These negative forces will make it more difficult in general for the types of high-technology, early-stage companies in which the Company makes private equity investments to meet budgets and will make additional financing more expensive and more difficult to obtain. The degree of vulnerability of each of the Company`s specific private equity holdings ranges from indiscernible to quite high. Thus it would not be surprising if the Company wrote down in value one or more of its private equity investments when the Company next values it holdings. The Company`s next regularly scheduled meeting to value its holdings will take place on October 17, 2001, at which time it will value its assets as of September 30, 2001.

      As of June 30, 2001, the last date on which the Company valued its holdings, the Company`s private equity portfolio had a gross value of $13,396,684. At June 30, 2001, the Company also had publicly traded stocks, with a value of $10,944,149, in companies in which the Company had invested prior to their going public. As previously announced, these publicly traded stocks were sold in the open market prior to September 11 for net proceeds of $6,786,516. As of June 30, 2001, the Company`s net asset value was $29,860,794, and its net asset value per share (NAV) was $3.29. As of today`s date, the Company has approximately $14 million in cash and equivalents and is debt free.

      Harris & Harris Group is a publicly traded venture capital company organized as a Business Development Company. Harris & Harris Group has 9,064,231 common shares issued and outstanding.

      Detailed information about Harris & Harris Group and its holdings can also be found on its website at

      Und einen Aktienrückkauf gabs auch

      Harris & Harris Group Repurchases 200,000 Shares of Stock
      WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 2001 1:54 PM
      - BusinessWire

      NEW YORK, Sep 26, 2001 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- Harris & Harris Group, Inc. (NASDAQ/NMS:HHGP) announced today that its has repurchased 200,000 shares of its common stock at a net price of $1.69 per share for a total of $338,000.

      This transaction was pursuant to a repurchase program authorized by the Company`s Board of Directors, as announced on October 12, 2000. This repurchase program authorized repurchase of up to $2 million of the Company`s stock. Prior to today`s block purchase, since October 12, 2000, the Company had repurchased a total of 176,600 shares of its common stock at approximately $3.00 per share for a total of $530,051.

      Altogether, since 1998, the Company has now repurchased a total of 1,859,047 of its shares for a total of $3,496,388 or $1.88 per share. The Company now has 8,864,231 common shares outstanding.

      Harris & Harris Group is a publicly traded venture capital company organized as a Business Development Company.

      schrieb am 18.10.01 21:47:55
      Beitrag Nr. 126 ()
      Net Assets mit 2,92 USD !

      Ist dan die Aktie bei 1,80 USD nicht unterbewertet ?

      Harris & Harris Group Reports Net Asset Value of $2.92 Per Share as of September 30, 2001
      WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 17, 2001 1:39 PM
      - BusinessWire

      NEW YORK, Oct 17, 2001 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- Harris & Harris Group, Inc.(NASDAQ/NMS:HHGP) announced today that its unaudited net asset value and net asset value per share (NAV) at September 30, 2001, were $25,922,620 and $2.92, respectively.

      Most of the reduction in net asset value in the third quarter ended September 30, 2001, was owing to declines in value of the Company`s publicly held holdings in Nanophase Technologies Corporation (Nasdaq:NANX) and Genomica Corporation (Nasdaq:GNOM) prior to the Company`s complete sale of those holdings in the third quarter. These sales took place prior to September 11, 2001. Nanophase and Genomica had been private equity investments of the Company prior to their initial public offerings in November 1997 and September 2000, respectively.

      To date, the tragic events of September 11, 2001, have not had a significant overall measurable effect on the value of the Company`s private equity holdings. However, we are mindful that the aftershocks of the September 11 disaster are still working their way through the economy and that the vulnerability to economic shocks of thinly capitalized, high technology, start-up companies with negative cash flows is always high. Thus, it may well be that the full negative effects on the Company`s private equity portfolio of September 11 lie ahead. Meanwhile, the Company has maintained liquidity for working capital, follow-on investments and new private equity investments. Cash and equivalents at September 30, 2001, totaled $14,158,263.

      After repurchasing 200,000 shares of its common stock late in the third quarter, Harris & Harris Group now has 8,864,231 common shares outstanding. Since 1998, the Company has repurchased a total of 1,859,047 of its common shares. The Company is a Business Development Company. Detailed information about the Company and its holdings can also be found on its website at

      Sept. 30, June 30, December 31, Sept. 30,
      2001 2001 2000 2000
      (Unaudited) (Unaudited) (Audited) (Unaudited)
      Total Assets $28,567,728 $33,375,034 $43,343,423 $55,663,252
      Net Assets $25,922,620 $29,860,794 $31,833,475 $42,921,075
      Total Income
      Tax Liability $1,407,246 $1,381,137 $7,116,036 $5,474,091
      Accrued Profit
      Sharing 0 $1,257,369 $3,483,241 $6,108,434
      Net Asset Value
      per Share $2.92 $3.29 $3.51 $4.64
      Outstanding 8,864,231 9,064,231 9,064,231 9,240,831

      schrieb am 08.11.01 18:07:31
      Beitrag Nr. 127 ()
      Nantero, Inc. Announces $6MM in Funding; Aims to Rapidly Develop Nanotube-Based Universal Memory
      TUESDAY, OCTOBER 23, 2001 10:00 AM
      - PRNewswire

      Nantero, Inc. Announces $6MM in Funding; Aims to Rapidly Develop Nanotube-Based Universal Memory

      WOBURN, Mass., Oct 23, 2001 /PRNewswire via COMTEX/ -- Nantero announced today that it received a first round of investment to develop a nanotube-based universal memory. Investors included Draper Fisher Jurvetson, a leader in nanotechnology investing, along with East Coast semiconductor investor Stata Venture Partners. Also participating in the round were Harris and Harris Group from New York, an early investor in Nanophase , and Alex d`Arbeloff, Chairman of MIT and founder of Teradyne , who joins Nantero`s Board of Directors.

      Nantero is currently developing NRAM(TM) -- a high-density nonvolatile random access memory chip using nanotechnology. The company expects to deliver a product that will replace all existing forms of memory, such as DRAM, SRAM and flash memory, with a high-density nonvolatile RAM -- `universal memory.` Jennifer Fonstad, Managing Director of DFJ, noted that "The potential applications for the nonvolatile RAM Nantero is developing add up to over $100B in revenue potential, including the ability to enable instant-on computers and to replace flash memory in devices such as MP3 players, digital cameras, and PDAs -- not to speak of the applications in the networking arena."

      A complete scientific team consisting of specialists in multiple disciplines in the fields of nanotechnology and semiconductors has already been formed and is led by Dr. Thomas Rueckes, co-founder and Chief Scientific Officer.

      "Our new NRAM(TM) design uses carbon nanotubes as the active memory elements, and we are now developing a straightforward way to manufacture the memory chip and integrate it with standard semiconductor processes," says Dr. Rueckes, inventor of the nanoelectromechanical NRAM(TM) design.

      Greg Schmergel, Nantero`s co-founder and CEO, added, "We are pleased to have completed this round of funding and expect to be making further product and partnership announcements in the near future."

      For more information on Nantero, Inc. contact SGN Public Relations & Marketing at

      das klingt doch hochinteressant, was da am Entstehen ist. Eine neuartige Generation von Chips, die ein enormes Marktpotential haben (sollen). Wenn da der Durchbruch gelingt, kanns doch auch bei HHGP nur aufwärts gehen.

      schrieb am 02.12.01 10:20:44
      Beitrag Nr. 128 ()
      Zur Frage, ob HHGP unterbewertet ist (was ich denke),hier untenstehende Zahlen.

      Interessant ist, dass HHGP Ende Juni noch bei 2,77 $, also 55 % über dem 30.09.2001 notierte, die Beteiligungswerte damals aber "nur" rd. 15 % höher lagen, als zum 30.09.

      Eine ordentliche Differenz, die sich bald ausgleichen sollte.

      Period Ending Sep 30, 2001 Jun 30, 2001 Mar 31, 2001 Dec 21, 2000
      Current Assets
      Cash And Cash Equivalents $953,880 $504,011 $449,546 $253,324
      Short Term Investments N/A N/A N/A N/A
      Net Receivables $11,283 $1,848 $82 $40,970
      Inventory N/A N/A N/A N/A
      Other Current Assets N/A N/A N/A N/A
      Total Current Assets N/A N/A N/A N/A

      Long Term Assets
      Long Term Investments $27,464,692 $32,706,073 $30,156,158 $42,568,559
      Property Plant And Equipment N/A N/A N/A N/A
      Goodwill N/A N/A N/A N/A
      Intangible Assets N/A N/A N/A N/A
      Accumulated Amortization N/A N/A N/A N/A
      Other Assets $137,873 $163,102 $208,544 $480,570
      Deferred Long Term Asset Charges N/A N/A N/A N/A
      Total Assets $28,567,728 $33,375,034 $30,814,330 $43,343,423

      Current Liabilities
      Accounts Payable $1,354,140 $2,130,494 $1,392,135 $4,370,009
      Short Term And Current Long Term Debt N/A N/A N/A N/A
      Other Current Liabilities N/A N/A N/A N/A
      Total Current Liabilities N/A N/A N/A N/A
      Long Term Debt N/A N/A N/A N/A
      Other Liabilities N/A N/A N/A $5,751,566
      Deferred Long Term Liability Charges $1,290,968 $1,383,746 $1,386,060 $1,388,373
      Minority Interest N/A N/A N/A N/A
      Negative Goodwill N/A N/A N/A N/A
      Total Liabilities $2,645,108 $3,514,240 $2,778,195 $11,509,948

      Stock Holders Equity
      Misc Stocks Options Warrants N/A N/A N/A N/A
      Redeemable Preferred Stock N/A N/A N/A N/A
      Preferred Stock N/A N/A N/A N/A
      Common Stock $106,930 $106,930 $106,930 $106,930
      Retained Earnings $2,386,985 $6,990,449 $4,162,500 $7,959,840
      Treasury Stock ($3,405,531) ($3,067,531) ($3,067,531) ($3,067,531)
      Capital Surplus $26,834,236 $26,834,236 $26,834,236 $26,834,236
      Other Stockholder Equity N/A ($1,003,290) ($1,003,290) ($1,003,290)
      Total Stockholder Equity $25,922,620 $29,860,794 $28,036,135 $31,833,475
      Net Tangible Assets $25,922,620 $29,860,794 $28,036,135 $31,833,475
      schrieb am 22.12.01 18:34:49
      Beitrag Nr. 129 ()
      endlich mal wieder ein kleines Hoch !

      Allerdings habe ich keine Meldungen gefunden.

      schrieb am 19.01.02 15:30:36
      Beitrag Nr. 130 ()
      Also meines Erachtens zeigt sich HHGP in letzter Zeit auffallend stark.

      Die Direktoren kaufen auch wieder fest die eigenen Aktien (Insiderkäufe).

      Falls demn. eine IPO -z.B. NANTERO oder SCHWOO- bekannt werden sollte, sehen wir die 5,-- $ bestimmt auch sehr schnell wieder.

      schrieb am 23.01.02 21:35:24
      Beitrag Nr. 131 ()
      Zeit zur Freude !

      Es soll wieder eine fette Dividende geben für alle Aktionäre per 31.12.2001

      Hier die Meldung:

      Harris & Harris Group Declares Deemed Dividend
      TUESDAY, JANUARY 22, 2002 11:14 AM
      - BusinessWire

      NEW YORK, Jan 22, 2002 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- Harris & Harris Group, Inc. (HHGP) announced today that its Board of Directors, in accordance with rules governing a Regulated Investment Company ("RIC") under Sub-Chapter M of the Internal Revenue Code, has declared a designated undistributed capital gain dividend (also known as a deemed dividend) for 2001.

      The Company intends to qualify as a RIC for 2001, but there can be no assurance that the Company will so qualify as a RIC for 2001.

      This deemed dividend will be an amount equal to $775,620 or $0.0875 per share. It is payable to shareholders of record as of December 31, 2001. Shareholders of record on the record date will be provided with the exact amount of the deemed dividend attributable to their shares by their stock broker if their shares are held in electronic format or by the Bank of New York if their shares are held directly. This information will be reported on IRS Form 2439.

      The following simplified example illustrates the tax treatment under Sub-Chapter M of the Internal Revenue Code for the Company and its individual shareholders with regard to the $775,620 or $0.0875 per share net long-term capital gain retained by the Company and designated as an undistributed capital gain or deemed dividend:

      1. The Company will pay a corporate-level federal income tax of 35 percent or $271,467 on the undistributed capital gain, or approximately $0.030625 per share.
      2. Individual shareholders who are taxable at the highest
      marginal rate will increase their cost basis in their stock by approximately $0.056875 per share. They will pay a 20 percent federal capital gains tax on 100 percent of the undistributed capital gain of $0.0875 per share or approximately $0.0175 per share in tax. Offsetting this tax, shareholders will receive a federal tax credit equal to 35 percent of the undistributed capital gain, or $0.030625 per share.
      3. The above information will be reported on IRS Form 2439.

      For more complete information about the Company`s tax status and the implications for the Company`s shareholders, please see the Company`s 2000 Annual Report on Form 10-K.

      Harris & Harris Group is a Business Development Company with 8,864,231 common shares outstanding.

      so weit so gut

      und noch ne Meldung zu einer HHGP-Beteiligung:

      Harris & Harris Group Notes Announcement of NeuroMetrix 510k Approval
      TUESDAY, JANUARY 22, 2002 2:27 PM
      - BusinessWire

      NEW YORK, Jan 22, 2002 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- Harris & Harris Group, Inc. noted that, "NeuroMetrix, Inc. today announced that it has received clearance from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to market its NC-stat nerve conduction testing system for the evaluation of lower extremity nerves.... The addition of lower extremity nerve measurements significantly expands the clinical utility of the NC-stat system to include the evaluation of common causes of low back pain, such as sciatica, as well as other neuromuscular conditions affecting the back and legs."

      Harris & Harris Group owns approximately a 13.51 percent fully diluted interest in privately held NeuroMetrix.

      Harris & Harris Group is a publicly traded venture capital company organized as a Business Development Company. Harris & Harris Group has 8,864,231 common shares issued and outstanding.

      Es wird schon wieder besser werden, mit dem Kurs !

      schrieb am 27.01.02 00:20:23
      Beitrag Nr. 132 ()
      Erste Reaktionen auf die Ankündigung ?

      Sattes Plus in den USA von knapp 10% auf 2,31 !

      Zeit wirds !

      schrieb am 25.02.02 20:42:19
      Beitrag Nr. 133 ()
      zwei Meldungen von Mitte Februar


      Harris & Harris Group Reports Net Asset Value of $2.75 Per Share as of December 31, 2001 THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 2002 12:00 PM- BusinessWire

      NEW YORK, Feb 14, 2002 (BUSINESS WIRE) --
      Harris & Harris Group, Inc. (HHGP) announced today that its audited net asset value and net asset value per share (NAV) as of December 31, 2001, were $24,334,770 and $2.75, respectively.
      On January 22, 2002, the Company declared a deemed dividend of $0.0875 per share to shareholders of record on December 31, 2001 (please see the Company`s website,, for details). Harris & Harris Group is a publicly traded venture capital company organized and operating as a Business Development Company.
      Historically, the Company has specialized in early stage, high technology, private equity investments. The Company made its first investment in a nanotechnology company in 1994, which it sold in 2001, Nanophase Technologies Corporation (NANX); its second such investment in August of 2001, Nantero, Inc.; and its third such investment on February 12, 2002, Nanopharma Corp. The Company`s new
      business activities are now focused on nanotechnology. Detailed information about the Company and its holdings can be found on its website,

      December 31, September 30, December , 31 2001 2001 2000
      (Audited) (Unaudited) (Audited)
      Total Assets $39,682,367 $28,567,728 $43,343,423
      Net Assets $24,334,770 $25,922,620 $31,833,475
      Total Income Tax Liability $ 1,619,539 $ 1,407,246 $ 7,116,036
      Net Asset Value per Share $ 2.75 $ 2.92 $ 3.51
      Shares Outstanding 8,864,231 8,864,231 9,064,231

      und b)

      Harris & Harris Group Invests in Nanopharma
      TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 2002 11:56 AM
      - BusinessWire

      NEW YORK, Feb 12, 2002 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- Harris & Harris Group, Inc. announced today that it has led a seed-round financing in which it has purchased for $700,000 approximately a 15 percent fully diluted equity interest in Nanopharma Corp.

      Nanopharma is a privately-held, Massachusetts-based, spinoff from Massachusetts General Hospital.

      Nanopharma is a research-based company founded to develop advanced drug delivery systems. Nanopharma`s main goal is to provide fully biodegradable nanoscopic drug delivery vehicles based on proprietary molecular constructs and "biological stealth" materials. Nanopharma`s proprietary materials and molecular constructs are essentially "biomimetic." They utilize mechanisms employed by the biological interface and nutrient transport systems to transport drugs and circumvent host defense mechanisms.

      Fleximer(R) is Nanopharma`s proprietary family of fully biodegradeable "biological stealth" materials. Fleximer technology provides "stealth" modules that enable a drug to circulate up to three orders of magnitude longer. Fleximer-based drug carriers may be designed to target particular tissues of the body, enter aberrant vasculature as opposed to normal endothelium, and interact with specific cell surface receptors through either single receptor or multi-receptor occupancy.

      Nanocassette(TM) is a drug transport/release module, about the size of a typical blood protein. Nanocassette is a molecule specifically designed to carry nucleic acid (DNA, RNA) binding drugs in a sterically hindered form and without chemical alterations in drug structure.

      Lymph Node Drug Delivery System (LNDD(TM)) is based on modular molecular constructs that deliver drugs to the lymph nodes after systemic (e.g., intravenous) administration. Unlike other systems, which deliver drugs to only a few lymph nodes upon local administration, LNDD(TM) is capable of targeting all nodes of the body.

      The scientific Founder of Nanopharma is Mikhail Papisov, Ph.D., of Harvard and Massachusetts General Hospital. The acting Chief Executive Officer is Michael Tarnow, former President and Chief Executive Officer, Merck Frosst Canada, Inc. Nanopharma was co-founded by the Boston-based PureTech Ventures, a life sciences venture creation company (

      Nanopharma`s technology has been licensed from Massachusetts General Hospital. Fleximer(R)technology is covered by U.S. patents 5,811,510; 5,863,990; and 5,958,398; and by pending foreign applications. Nanocassette(TM)technology is covered by U.S. patent applicaiton 60/147,919 and subsequent U.S. and foreign applications. Lymph node targeting technology is covered by U.S. patent 5,582,172 and associated foreign patents and applications.

      Harris & Harris Group is a Business Development Company with 8,864,231 common shares outstanding.

      Leider nicht ganz aktuell, aber eher hab ich es auch nicht gelesen.

      schrieb am 26.02.02 18:22:02
      Beitrag Nr. 134 ()
      HHGP heute in "Small Times":


      By Jack Mason
      Small Times Correspondent
      NEW YORK, Feb. 26, 2002 – Charles Harris made his first small tech investment in 1994, a $500,000 initial stake in nanopowders-maker Nanophase Technologies Corp., then a privately held spinoff of Argonne National Laboratory.

      He even eventually made money on the deal. His total investment of $1.16 million, made in several stages before Nanophase`s 1997 IPO, netted a profit of more than $3.1 million in August 2001 for shareholders in Harris & Harris Group, an early-stage, high-tech venture capital firm that also happens to be a public company.

      Today H&H is focusing all new business activity on small tech.

      It recently announced a $700,000 seed investment in Nanopharma Corp., a spinoff from Massachusetts General Hospital that is developing nanoscale drug delivery systems. In August it invested $490,000 in Nantero Inc., a company developing carbon nanotube-based memory chips. Harris was part of a group that invested a total of $6 million in Nantero, including Draper Fisher Jurvetson, Stata Venture Partners, and Alex d`Arbeloff, chairman of MIT and founder of Teradyne Inc.

      Harris, CEO of six-person H&H since 1984, says that the decision to concentrate on small tech evolved over years. "I became more and more convinced that this was going to be a major area of technology development for the rest of our lives."

      As a veteran venture capitalist, he also came to the conclusion that small tech would be "the next frontier for capital formation and company building." With nano and MEMS applications running the gamut from information technology to medical and biotech devices to industrial materials and coatings, Harris also believes that H&H`s portfolio can remain diverse, even with a small tech focus.

      Harris and Mel Melsheimer, chief operating officer, say that while much of small tech may be new, their fundamental approach to evaluating small tech startups is not. It begins with four key criteria: does the prospect have solid management, a product or service that fills a real need, proprietary technology and is it aimed at a market of significant size?

      Another factor H&H gauges when considering a startup is "ease of market entry," or how challenging it may be for a company to land real customers. Companies with truly new products – nano or not – often have a "disruptive" technology, one that may require a customer company to drastically change manufacturing processes, invest in new equipment or develop new employee expertise. For the moment, Harris and Melsheimer think that market entry is something of a disadvantage for small tech concerns.

      While technological innovation often has to wait for industry to catch up, Melsheimer and Harris say they are confident many industries are approaching the point where benefits of embracing small tech solutions will outweigh adaptation costs.

      As early-stage investors, H&H also looks at a startup`s ability to attract additional capital, whether in later rounds of financing or through an IPO or acquisition. On this front, they believe that despite the economic "nuclear winter" that has sent many VC firms into hibernation, small tech companies focused on large market opportunities are in relatively good position to attract capital.

      Still, right now Harris is seeing only "a handful" of the very best small tech prospects getting funded by VCs, with the rest either still on the sidelines or reliant on "angels," wealthy individuals with an interest in helping a company get off the ground. That`s not unusual – even in better economic conditions, most new companies aren`t funded by venture capital.

      They are, however, seeing a surge in the number of small tech ventures approaching them. "We`re getting several inquiries a week. A year ago it was maybe one every few months," says Harris.

      Harris says that it is vital for a startup team to include someone with proven experience launching and building a company. While in his experience scientists and engineers are much more knowledgeable and sophisticated about what it takes to create a company than they were a decade ago, a startup`s chances are greatly improved with professional management and legal advice from people who know the drill.

      Overall, Harris looks for technologies that can be a "good building block" around which a company can grow, with people involved who care deeply about what they`re doing.

      When H&H identifies a small tech company it wants to consider seriously, it begins the due diligence process, which can last from weeks to months. A large part of the time and money in "DD" is, Harris notes, spent on evaluating a company`s intellectual property. The firm looks at factors such as how well a patent can be protected, whether its scope can be extended and if its production can scale.

      One issue Harris is finding with IP is that as the number of small tech patents rises around the globe, "it`s always possible that someone in Japan may have published `prior art` that hasn`t yet been translated into English or seen by the U.S. Patent Office."

      Once H&H makes an investment, its involvement can be very close to arm`s length. While Harris says that the firm is not a business incubator, it may guide a very early stage venture through the important hoops of finding accounting and legal services, setting up its corporate structure, or recruiting senior management. In some instances Harris or Melsheimer may serve on a startup`s board of directors.

      Lita Nelsen, director of MIT`s technology licensing office, which has helped the university start more than 200 companies including 25 in 2001, knows H&H from the startup side of the equation.

      "Charlie Harris has good instincts about people and technology," she says. Because H&H may get involved in a startup when it is at a very formative stage, Nelsen sees Harris as a unique blend of angel investor and venture capitalist.

      What also sets H&H apart from other VCs is that as a public company, it has a "permanent" capital base (of about $14 million) that Harris says allows the company to pursue long range investment goals, including holding stock in a company even after it might go public. In contrast, Harris says VCs set up as private partnerships may, for example, have to liquidate assets after a number of years.

      H&H, structured under SEC rules as a "Business Development Company," also offers the public an opportunity to participate in pre-IPO companies and provides certain tax advantages.

      "We may live with a company for six, seven years or even longer," says Harris. "We`re committed to small tech in the long run, and we have the corporate and capital structure to do that."
      schrieb am 11.03.02 19:49:24
      Beitrag Nr. 135 ()
      neues Personal an Board:

      Harris & Harris Group Elects Kelly Kirkpatrick to Board of Directors
      FRIDAY, MARCH 08, 2002 2:43 PM
      - BusinessWire

      NEW YORK, Mar 8, 2002 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- Harris & Harris Group, Inc. (NASDAQ/NMS SYMBOL:HHGP) announced today that its Board of Directors has expanded its size from eight to nine and has elected Kelly S. Kirkpatrick to fill the vacancy thus created.

      Ms. Kirkpatrick is a consulting materials scientist based in San Francisco, California, focusing on areas of nanotechnology, genomics, advanced materials, biotechnology, transportation and environmental technologies. From 2000 to 2002, she served in the Office of the Executive Vice Provost of Columbia University as Director, Columbia Nanotechnology Initiative and Director for Research and Technology Initiatives. From 1998 to 2000, she served in the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy as a Senior Policy Analyst, where her responsibilities for the National Nanotechnology Initiative included managing representatives from six federal agencies on strategies research and development plan, implementation plan and a $495 million budget, organizing the Presidential review panel and co-writing the panel report. From 1997-1998, she was a Science Policy Coordinator for Sandia National Laboratories. From 1995-1996, she served in the Office of Senator Joseph J. Lieberman as Legislative Assistant, Congressional Science and Engineering Fellow. She received her Ph.D. in Materials Science and Engineering from Northwestern University in 1997.

      The addition of Ms. Kirkpatrick to the Board of Directors reflects Harris & Harris Group`s recent decision to focus its new business activities exclusively on small technology (small tech), including nanotechnology, microsystems technology and microelectromechanical (MEMS) technology. In 1994, Harris & Harris Group invested in its first small tech company, Nanophase Technologies Corporation, a spinoff from Argonne National Laboratory, which completed an initial public offering in 1997. Harris & Harris Group sold its interest in Nanophase in 2001 and invested part of the proceeds of the sale in August, 2001, in privately held Nantero, Inc., a company developing advanced seminconductors using nanotechnology and in February, 2002, in Nanopharma Corp., a research-based company founded to develop advanced drug delivery systems.

      Harris & Harris Group is a Business Development Company with 8,864,231 common shares outstanding.

      Wenns dem Kurs hilft....................

      schrieb am 13.03.02 22:57:37
      Beitrag Nr. 136 ()
      eine neue Beteiligung über USDd 1 Mio wurde eingegenagen:

      Harris & Harris Group Notes Announcement of NeoPhotonics Corp. Financing
      WEDNESDAY, MARCH 13, 2002 12:55 PM
      - BusinessWire

      NEW YORK, Mar 13, 2002 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- Harris & Harris Group, Inc. (NASDAQ/NMS SYMBOL: HHGP) noted today that ( has disclosed that NeoPhotonics Corp. has raised $25 million in venture funding and that Harris & Harris Group participated in this financing. Harris & Harris Group`s investment was in the amount of $1 million.

      For additional details about this financing, shareholders may wish to go to ( For information about NeoPhotonics, shareholders may wish to go to

      This investment in NeoPhotonics reflects Harris & Harris Group`s recent decision to focus its new business activities exclusively on small tech, including nanotechnology, microsystems and microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) technology. In 1994, Harris & Harris Group invested in its first small tech company, Nanophase Technologies Corporation, a spinoff from Argonne National Laboratory, which completed an initial public offering in 1997. Harris & Harris Group sold its interest in Nanophase in 2001 and invested part of the proceeds of the sale in August, 2001, in privately held Nantero, Inc., a Harvard University spinoff developing advanced semiconductors using nanotechnology and in February 2002, in NanoPharma Corp., a Massachusetts General Hospital spinoff founded to develop advanced drug delivery systems.

      Wenns dem Kurs hilft...

      schrieb am 14.03.02 22:00:59
      Beitrag Nr. 137 ()
      scheinbar hats dem Kurs heute schon geholfen, die Meldung von gestern.
      Immerhin plus 16,25 % in USA und merklich höheres Handelsvolumen. Ist da noch mehr im Busch ?

      schrieb am 15.03.02 08:18:53
      Beitrag Nr. 138 ()
      ....sogar + 20 %.

      Ich denke, dieser Kursgewinn (und folgende) spiegelt nun das Engagement von HHGP in der Nanotechnologie wieder.

      Wenn nur eine einzige dieser Firmen die nächste Zeit an die Börse geht, wird HHGP explodieren. Die Marktkapitalisierung von HHGP ist derzeit ja nur bei 20 Mio.

      Viel Glück !
      schrieb am 15.03.02 13:32:11
      Beitrag Nr. 139 ()
      und in den USA werden zur Zeit Kurse getaxt zwischen 2,65 zu 3,88 USD !
      Das lässt ja auf einen positiven Wochenausklang hoffen.

      schrieb am 15.03.02 22:33:01
      Beitrag Nr. 140 ()
      Diese Woche war sicher der Anfang. Man entdeckt inzwischen HHGP...und vor allem was in HHGP drin steckt.

      schrieb am 19.03.02 18:49:14
      Beitrag Nr. 141 ()
      Mit dem heutigen Handelstag haben wir in den letzten 5 Sitzungen sage und schreibe einen Kursverdoppler gehabt.

      100% in 5 Tagen, nicht schlecht , muß ich sagen.

      Was mich nur nach wie vor stutzig macht, ist, daß ich keine News finde. Alles was ich bisher gefunden habe, steht schon hier im Thread.

      Und das Handelsvolumen hat auch merklich zugenommen. Sonst warens pro Tag in den USA so 5000 bis 30-40000 St. die gehandelt wurden.

      Aber soll mir egal sein, hauptsache wir sehen in den nächsten 5 Tagen weitere 100 % plus !


      schrieb am 27.03.02 00:00:36
      Beitrag Nr. 142 ()
      positiv ist vor allem das es kaum gewinnmitnahmen
      gibt und geringe kursrückgänge zum nachkauf bzw. neu
      investitionen genutzt werden.

      heute wieder 26% plus ,unglaublich wie stark diese
      aufw. bewegung ist.

      gruss herby
      schrieb am 27.03.02 12:54:49
      Beitrag Nr. 143 ()
      Ich kann mir nur vorstellen, dass demnächst ein Börsengang einer Beteiligung ansteht.......und einige Insider das schon umsetzen.
      schrieb am 27.03.02 16:39:56
      Beitrag Nr. 144 ()
      nun, die aus HHGP entstandene TINY wird hoffentlich genau so viel Freude machen wie HHGP.

      Heute an ihrem "ersten" Handelstag bisher + 9 % und vor allem.....über 5,-- $ !
      schrieb am 27.03.02 21:04:00
      Beitrag Nr. 145 ()
      für alle Interessierten:

      HHGP hat das Tickersymbol und auch den Namen geändert, zu Recht , wie ich meine, da es den wahren Unternehmenssinn doch so vielmehr aufzeigt.

      Harris & Harris Group Proposes Name Change To Small-Technology Venture Capital, Inc.
      TUESDAY, MARCH 26, 2002 3:57 PM - BusinessWire

      NEW YORK, Mar 26, 2002 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- Harris & Harris Group, Inc. (NASDAQ/NMS SYMBOL: HHGP) announced today that its board of directors will submit to shareholders for approval at the 2002 Annual Meeting a proposal to change the name of the Company to Small-Technology Venture Capital, Inc.

      The date of the 2002 Annual Meeting has not been set.

      The Company`s management and board believes that the name, "Small-Technology Venture Capital, Inc.," now best describes the Company`s business. The Company will continue to function as a publicly traded venture capital firm specializing in early-stage, high technology companies commercializing proprietary intellectual property. But earlier in 2002, the Company announced that it will now focus its new business activities exclusively on small technology (small tech), including nanotechnology, microsystems and microelectromechanical systems (MEMS).

      In 1994, the Company invested in its first small-tech company, Nanophase Technologies Corporation, a spinoff from Argonne National Laboratory, which subsequently completed an initial public offering in 1997. The Company sold its interest in Nanophase in 2001 and invested part of the proceeds of the sale in August, 2001, in privately held Nantero, Inc., a Harvard University spinoff developing advanced memory devices using carbon nanotubes. In February, 2002, the Company invested in privately held Nanopharma Corp., a research-based Massachusetts General Hospital spinoff founded to develop advanced drug delivery systems. On March 13, 2002, the Company also noted its investment in NEO Photonics Corporation, a privately held producer of novel materials compositions to enable a unique optical integration platform. In March, 2002, the Company also elected two new directors to its board, Dr. Kelly S. Kirkpatrick and Lori D. Pressman, whose professional backgrounds are particularly well suited to the Company`s small-tech focus.

      Harris & Harris Group is a Business Development Company with 8,864,231 common shares outstanding.

      Detailed information about Harris & Harris Group and its holdings can be found on its website at

      Harris & Harris Group Announces New Nasdaq Symbol: TINY
      TUESDAY, MARCH 26, 2002 11:33 AM - BusinessWire

      NEW YORK, Mar 26, 2002 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- Harris & Harris Group, Inc. announced today the Nasdaq National Market will change the Company`s symbol to TINY effective with the beginning of the trading day on Wednesday, March 27, 2002.

      The Company has chosen TINY as its new trading symbol to reflect the Company`s recent decision to focus its new business activities exclusively on small technology (small tech), including nanotechnology, microsystems and microelectromechanical systems (MEMS).


      wie immer: wenns dem Kurs hilft.......

      schrieb am 28.03.02 16:14:36
      Beitrag Nr. 146 ()
      ...was sehen denn meine entzündeten Augen da!!! HHGP bei fast 6 €...dass ich das nochmal erleben durfte! Aber Beharrlichkeit zahlt sich scheinbar doch noch aus. Da hatte der alte Kostolany wohl doch recht.

      Ich hatte mir die Stücke Anfang 2000 und dann nochmal 2001 gekauft, und eigentlich schon die Hoffnung aufgegeben, nicht mehr dran gedacht und beinahe vergessen...aber eben nur beinahe...und so schau ich heute einmal wieder nach dem Kurs und... welch´Freude!!!

      Na hoffentlich geht´s so weiter!

      Grüsse und schöne Feiertage!
      schrieb am 31.03.02 21:41:07
      Beitrag Nr. 147 ()
      Bin vor ein paar Wochen zufällig im Internet auf HHGP gestoßen und schaue zum ersten mal in dieses Board. Mein erster Gedanke war... HHGP die zukünftige CMGI der Nanos ?? und gleich der erste Thread stellt den Vergleich an :D .. drehen wir die Zeit ein bischen voraus. Der ".com"-Frust ist vergessen, Nanotechnologie findet erste sinnvolle Anwendungen, die für die breite Masse greifbar sind (schnellere PC´s, Chips die Strichcodes ersetzen, kratzfreie Gebrauchsgegenstände usw.)... erinnert doch ein wenig an den Erfolg der Internets :D. Evtl. steht HHGP eine ähnliche Performance wie einer CMGI bevor... ob´s dann wieder bergab geht kann uns dann egal sein, denn noch ist der Berg nicht bestiegen. ;)
      Meine Meinung: Wenn man sehr spekulativ investiert, dann immer am besten in Werte wo zur Zeit kein Schwein drüber redet. allerdings scheint die Zeit der Entdeckung zu kommen. Werde mal weite dran bleiben und hoffe, daß es nach dem rasanten Anstieg wieder eine etwas günstigere Einstiegchance gibt... Was kennt ihr sonst noch für Werte von morgen ?

      Bislang hab ich: Nanopierce, Dynasil, Stocker&Yale, Nanophase, Corvis. Fantasie ist in den Bereichen Nano und Optoelektronik (DWDM,AON) gegeben. Hab auch einige Bios im Depot, allerdings dürfte da die beste Zeit schon vorbei sein, auch wenn zu vermuten ist, daß die Branche erneut hypen wird, wenn mehr Medikamente und sehr große Umsatzsteigerungen anstehen, wovon ich für die nächsten Jahre überzeugt bin.

      Gibt es sonst noch Branchen, wo ein Hype bevorstehen könnte ? Was Wasser und alternative Energien angeht, bin ich nicht so begeistert, da das Wachstum recht langsam sein dürfte und mittlerweile auch eingepreist ist, gilt auch für Brennstoffzellen, vor allem letzteres...
      schrieb am 03.04.02 20:40:42
      Beitrag Nr. 148 ()
      wenns auch weh tut, aber die gerade laufende Korrektur ist nach 100 % Kurs Plus seit Anfang März nötig und für die weitere positive Entwicklung der Aktie unbedingt erforderlich.
      schrieb am 03.04.02 21:18:22
      Beitrag Nr. 149 ()
      naja zum jahreswechsel war der wert noch unter 2 $ zu haben. die umbenennung hatte sicherlich auch zu den kurssprüngen beigetragen. ich werde das ding mal beobachten und versuchen bei 3 $ oder möglichst drunter reinzukommen. wenn so ein wert hyped dann gehts eben in die wolken, war bei dynasil letztes jahr nicht anders. von knapp über 1 $ auf über 4 $ in den Sommermonaten. hab sie zu neulich 0,55 $ gekauft und warte auf den nächsten hype. den kursen hinterhezulaufen hat noch nie was gebracht
      schrieb am 04.04.02 22:40:54
      Beitrag Nr. 150 ()
      Korrektur schon vorüber ? (Siehe Chart oben)


      Wenn du eine Aktie willst, warte nicht.....und sei Mal ehrlich, wenn die wieder unter 3,-- ginge, würdest du sagen...."warten wir auf 2,--".

      Und so hat man nie ein gutes Pferd im Stall.

      Viel Glück !
      schrieb am 05.04.02 01:47:22
      Beitrag Nr. 151 ()

      Zurück kommen sie alle wieder... Mein größter Fehler war meist auf fahrende Züge aufzuspringen. Tiny ist für mich bei Kursen über 4 $ uninteressant, sollte es keinen Rücksetzer mehr geben kauf ich eben was anderes. Die Aktie die ich wirklich unbedingt will, gibt es nicht !! ch hab ca 20 Werte die ich beobachte und davon wähle icheinen aus aber aus dem "die Aktie ist gut die kauf ich ! warum ? weil sie steigt" bin ich längst raus. So mancher kleiner Wert hat ähnlich gehyped und warum ? Weil er grad "in Mode" war. Zurück kamen sie alle und Fantasie hatten sie genug. Dynasil ist nur ein Beispiel.... aktien muß man dann kaufen wenn grad keiner mehr Bock drauf hat. Ok Acamabis ging mir durch die Lappen damals bei knapp über 1 €, aber wenn der Zug mal fährt muß man halt auch einsehen wenn man zu spät kommt. ;)
      Werde nach Tiny mal wieder im August schauen, entweder stehen sie da dann auf 8, dann vergeß ich sie, oder auf 2-3 dann kauf ich sie.
      schrieb am 05.04.02 09:33:42
      Beitrag Nr. 152 ()
      recht so !

      Aber TINY solltest du vielleicht schon Ende Mai Mal wieder ansehen.

      (Wegen den 8,-- oder den 2,-- bis 3,--)
      schrieb am 05.04.02 19:24:39
      Beitrag Nr. 153 ()

      Tiny beobachte ich täglich... der Wert ist einfach zu spannend. Kann mir natürlich auch passieren, daß es auf 8 geht und dann auf 6 und ich bei 6 kaufe. Mir war halt der Anstieg etwas zu heftig... Bei 3,5 $ würde ich evtl. mal ne kleine Position aufbauen und später nachkaufen. Davon mal abgesehen hab ich die nächsten 3 Wohen ohnehin kein Cash ;)
      schrieb am 05.04.02 21:28:04
      Beitrag Nr. 154 ()
      spannend ist der richtige Ausdruck.

      War das vielleicht schon die allseits erwartete Korrektur ?

      schrieb am 06.04.02 00:01:07
      Beitrag Nr. 155 ()
      wobei ich natürlich sagen würde, dass mir die USD 8 bis Ende Mai wesentlich lieber wären als die USD 3, da ich immer noch fett im Verlust bin. Und bei 8, na dann wäre ein kleines Plus da.

      Wäre ja schön.

      schrieb am 06.04.02 02:59:44
      Beitrag Nr. 156 ()
      Bei solchen Anstiegen hab ich früher dazu geneigt zu kaufen was bislang immer ein Fehler war. Dynasil hatte damals auch einen Anstieg von knapp über 1 $ auf 4 $ pber Monate hinweg hielten sie sich prima. plötzlich wollte keiner mehr was von dem papier wissen als evtl. highflyer im optoelektronik-markt und dann ging es schnell auf 0,3 $ runter ! ich fühle mich einfach sehr wohl dabei die zu 0,55 $ gekauft zu haben und hoffe auf einen erneuten hype. jedenfalls hab ich die angewohnheit immer das zu kaufen was grad keienr haben will obwohl sih fundamental und in der fantasie nichts geändert hat !! ist jedenfalls immer ertsaunlich wenn grad was in mode ist wie schnell und gnadenlos es wieder fallengelassen wird. vor allem bei kleineren werten. 50% sind da mal schwups in 3 tagen weg, ohne grund ! 3 $ sehe ich als guten eintsiegskurs, solange das papier davonzurauschen scheint werde ich jedenfalls nicht kaufen. da sind viele trader dabei, sobald die richtung nach unten dreht wird tiny fallengelassen. von 5 auf 2 von 2 auf 5 und so mit den jahren auf 10, 20 oder so kann ich mir da allerdings auch gut vorstellen. aber was zu schnell steigt sinkt genauso schnell wieder. sind jedenfalls meine erfahrungswerte und ich will die gleichen fehler nicht wieder machen. trotzdem wünsch ich euch weiterhin langfristig steigende kurse... ein kurzer abstecher auf 3 würde mit allerdings ganz gut gefallen ;)
      schrieb am 06.04.02 15:46:10
      Beitrag Nr. 157 ()
      Was auch sehr interessant ist: Es gibt nur Insiderkäufe, keiner verkauft ! Das P/E-Ratio liegt bei unter 2 !…
      Evtl. besteht die "Gefahr", daß der Kurs weiter davonläuft und erst weiter oben konsolidiert.
      schrieb am 08.04.02 20:07:34
      Beitrag Nr. 158 ()
      Hallo Zusammen! Habe immer noch ein paar TINYs und jetzt geht der Nano-Hype langsam los. Wenn es so läuft wie 99, dann ist der erste Widerstand 2xNAV also etwa 5,50 $. Ich verkaufe über 5 und warte auf den Rückschlag. Denn der wird kommen, machen wir uns nichts vor. Die Frage ist nur wie weit er runtergeht. Meinungen?
      schrieb am 08.04.02 21:49:49
      Beitrag Nr. 159 ()
      Nun, TINY korrigiert heute auch schon wieder.

      Und letzte Woche ging es ebenfalls kurz auf 3,75 zurück, bevor man sich wieder über 5,-- traf.

      Man kann also nicht von einer Einbahnstrasse sprechen.

      Ich spielte auch schon mit dem Gedanken, Gewinne mitzunehmen, wenn da die Angst nicht wäre, den nächsten Zwischenspurt zu versäumen, falls auch nur eine positive Nachricht aus dem Beteiligungskreis bekannt gegeben wird.

      Viel Glück !
      schrieb am 16.04.02 18:54:32
      Beitrag Nr. 160 ()
      die nun 4. Beteiligung im Nanotech-Bereich wird heute bekannt gegeben:

      Harris & Harris Group Invests in NanoOpto

      Business and Technology Editors

      NEW YORK--(BUSINESS WIRE)--April 16, 2002--Harris & Harris Group, Inc. (NASDAQ/NMS SYMBOL: TINY) announced today that it has invested $625,000 in privately held NanoOpto Corp. (

      NanoOpto, a New Jersey-based spinout of Princeton University, is applying propriety nano-optics and nano-manufacturing technology to design and make components for optical networking.

      This investment in NanoOpto reflects Harris & Harris Group`s recent decision to focus its new business activities exclusively on small tech, including nanotechnology, microsystems and microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) technology. In 1994, Harris & Harris Group invested in its first small tech company, Nanophase Technologies Corporation, a spinoff from Argonne National Laboratory, which completed an initial public offering in 1997. Harris & Harris Group sold its interest in Nanophase in 2001 and invested part of the proceeds of the sale in August, 2001, in privately held Nantero, Inc., a Harvard University spinoff developing advanced semiconductors using nanotechnology. In February 2002, Harris & Harris Group invested in NanoPharma Corp., a Massachusetts General Hospital spinoff founded to develop advanced drug delivery systems. On March 13, 2002, Harris & Harris Group noted that it had also invested in NEO Photonics Corporation, a privately held company that develops patented technology that enables the manufacture of unique nanoscale optical compositions for the telecommunications industry.

      Harris & Harris Group is a Business Development Company with 8,864,231 common shares outstanding.

      Detailed information about Harris & Harris Group and its holdings can be found on its website at
      schrieb am 17.04.02 08:08:32
      Beitrag Nr. 161 ()
      noch kurz zur Technologie von NanoOpto:

      Optical networking growth is driven by an ever-increasing demand for bandwidth and connectivity. However service provider’s abilities to economically meet demand is limited, in part, by performance and cost shortfalls in today’s conventional bulk optical components.

      NanoOpto is applying two revolutionary technologies – subwavelength optical structures and nano-imprint lithography – to overcome these roadblocks by delivering increased network and architecture flexibility, and lower overall costs.

      NanoOpto subwavelength optical elements (SOEs) utilize structures with dimensions in the tens of nanometers to interact with transmitted light. On this subwavelength scale, the nano-structure and light interact according to physical principles not observable on the macro-scale of current bulk optical components. Microns thin, SOEs exhibits broad wavelength bandwidth, wide beam acceptance angles, and a high damage threshold. SOEs can also be configured in dense, multi-layer structures to create “optical chips” with highly integrated optical processing functionality.

      NanoOpto fabricates SOEs using proprietary nano-imprint lithography methods to form optical nano-structures. By utilizing manufacturing processes similar to those used to fabricate semiconductors, NanoOpto is able to achieve high volumes and yields. The resulting benefits are a high degree of product consistency and an ability to scale to demand
      schrieb am 25.04.02 23:40:53
      Beitrag Nr. 162 ()
      Harris & Harris Group Reports Net Asset Value of $2.63 Per Share as of March 31, 2002
      TUESDAY, APRIL 23, 2002 1:31 PM
      - BusinessWire

      NEW YORK, Apr 23, 2002 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- Harris & Harris Group, Inc. announced today that its unaudited net asset value and net asset value per share (NAV) at March 31, 2002 were $23,297,836 and $2.63, respectively.

      March 31, December 31, March 31,
      2002 2001 2001
      (Unaudited) (Audited) (Unaudited)
      Total Assets
      $35,005,570 $39,682,367 $30,814,330
      Net Assets
      $23,297,836 $24,334,770 $28,036,135
      Total Income Tax Liability
      $1,362,663 $1,619,538 $1,364,470
      Accrued Profit Sharing
      $306,241 $178,282 $544,386
      Net Asset Value per Share
      $2.63 $2.75 $3.09
      Shares Outstanding
      8,864,231 8,864,231 9,064,231

      Harris & Harris Group is a Business Development Company with 8,864,231 common shares issued and outstanding.

      schrieb am 29.04.02 16:36:50
      Beitrag Nr. 163 ()
      Nur noch 3,62 USD !!! Wat is denn nu schon wieder los? Hätte man besser bei 5 USD verscherbeln sollen oder habt ihr eine Erklärung warum TINY schon wieder gen Süden abtaucht?!?

      Grübel grübel...
      schrieb am 29.04.02 20:13:08
      Beitrag Nr. 164 ()
      Dieser Kopie aus dem BO-Board ist von meiner Seite aus nur noch hinzuzufügen, dass ich bei der "Kapitalerhöhung" mitmachen werde

      "Scheinbar können die Amerikaner mit solchen Kapitalmassnahmen nicht viel anzufangen.

      (auf schwäbisch "die blickens net")

      So erscheint es mir , wenn ich durch die US-Message-Baords wandele.

      Dabei handelt handelt es sich um nichts anderes, als um eine "Kapitalerhöhung" 3:1 mit einem attraktiven Bezugspreis um 2,25 $. Mit der Erhöhung des free-float wird die Aktie auch für Institutionlle interessanter.

      Wer an die Nanotechnologie glaubt, kauft in diesem geistigen Durcheinander jetzt oder nimmt, falls bereits investiert an der Kapitalerhöhung teil."
      schrieb am 29.04.02 21:15:27
      Beitrag Nr. 165 ()
      @ the hun,

      lies dir doch das posting # 162 durch.

      Net asset value USD 2,63 , da bist du mit 3,37 ja noch richtig gut bedient.

      so long
      schrieb am 29.04.02 22:02:24
      Beitrag Nr. 166 ()
      Ich verstehe nicht was du meinst !?

      Eine VC-Gesellschaft beteiligt sich an privaten Firmen und start-ups, um diese später -idealerweise nach einem Börsengang- mit Gewinn wieder zu verkaufen.

      TINY besitzt z.Zt. nur private Beteiligungen.

      D.h. diese werden eben recht konservativ bewertet. Was in diesen 2,65 NAV wirklich drin steckt, erfährt man erst bei einer IPO.

      Und darauf warte ich.

      Viel Glück
      schrieb am 30.04.02 13:21:05
      Beitrag Nr. 167 ()
      Ach ja, so nebenbei:

      Mrs. und Mr. Harris haben noch gestern ihr Statement (SEC Filing) abgegeben, dass sie alle ihr zustehenden neuen Aktien beziehen werden.

      Einen besseren Vertrauensbeweis in eine Firma als einen solchen gibt es nicht.

      Mrs. Susan T. Harris and Mr. Charles E. Harris, intend to
      purchase 263,973 shares of Common Stock of the Company, by exercising
      all of their Rights to purchase shares of Common Stock in an offering
      to be made by the Company pursuant to the Form N-2 Registration
      Statement under the Securities Act of 1933 filed on April 26, 2002
      by the Company. They intend to subscribe for such shares as
      promptly as practicable after the offering commences.

      Item 5. Interest in Securities of the Issuer.

      Currently, Mr. Charles E. Harris and Mrs. Susan T. Harris,
      may be deemed to be the beneficial owners of 791,919 shares of Common
      Stock of the Company. Such shares represent 8.93% of the outstanding
      Common Stock.

      Page 4 of 7

      After giving effect to the proposed exercise of Rights to
      purchase shares of Common Stock referred to above, Mr. Charles E.
      Harris and Mrs. Susan T. Harris may be deemed to be the beneficial
      owners of 1,055,892 shares of Common Stock of the Company. Such
      shares would represent 8.93% of the outstanding Common Stock if all
      of the Rights to purchase 2,954,743 shares of Common Stock in the
      proposed offering were exercised.

      After giving effect to the exercise of Rights referred to above,
      Mr. Harris would have sole power to vote and dispose of 11,334 shares
      of Common Stock and Mrs. Harris would have sole power to vote and
      dispose of 1,044,559 shares of Common Stock.

      Mr. and Mrs. Harris make independent decisions with respect to
      the shares beneficially owned or controlled by them individually and
      specifically disclaim that they are members of a group.

      Mr. Harris disclaims beneficial ownership of the 783,419 shares
      of Common Stock over which Mrs. Harris has sole voting and dispositive
      power. Mrs. Harris disclaims beneficial ownership of the 8,500 shares
      of Common Stock over which Mr. Harris has sole voting and dispositive

      Item 6. Contracts, Arrangements, Understanding or Relationships
      with Respect to Securities of the Issuer.

      The Employment Agreement between Harris & Harris Group, Inc. and
      Charles E. Harris, dated October 19, 1999, is hereby incorporated by
      reference from the Company`s Form 8-K as filed with the Securities
      and Exchange Commission October 27, 1999.

      Item 7. Material to be Filed as Exhibits.


      Page 5 of 7


      After reasonable inquiry, and to the best of my knowledge and
      belief, I certify that the information set forth in this statement is
      true, complete and correct.

      Date: April 29, 2002
      schrieb am 30.04.02 13:58:13
      Beitrag Nr. 168 ()
      Hallo circuit,
      woher hast Du das mit den neuen Aktien. Ich finde darüber nichts.
      Welches Zuteilungsverhältniss zu welchem Preis usw.
      Vielleicht könntes Du mal eine Quelle posten.

      danke clem
      schrieb am 30.04.02 13:59:24
      Beitrag Nr. 169 ()
      Zusammenfassung: Bezugspreis 2,25$ + NAV 2,63$ + Kurs bei 3,35$ und das ganze in schwachem Börsenumfeld. Ich kann mir gut vorstellen, daß wir bald wieder Kurse kleiner 3$ sehen. Obwohl ich meine Bezugsrechte ausüben werde (habe noch 500), werde ich bei Kursen unter 3$ auch wieder zukaufen. Denn ich glaube der Kurs wird in nächster Zeit kräftig hin und her pendeln zwischen 3$ und 5$.
      schrieb am 30.04.02 14:03:06
      Beitrag Nr. 170 ()
      Danke mitlerweile selbst gefunden:

      Harris & Harris Group Announces a Rights Offering

      NEW YORK, Apr 26, 2002 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- Harris & Harris Group, Inc.
      ("Company") (Nasdaq National Market: TINY) filed today a registration statement
      in connection with a rights offering to its shareholders.

      Subject to the registration statement becoming effective under the Securities
      Act of 1933, it is anticipated that the Company will issue to shareholders of
      record, one non-transferable right for every three shares held by the
      shareholder on the record date. A shareholder is entitled to subscribe for one
      share for each right held.

      The subscription price for each share to be issued pursuant to the offer will
      represent a discount from the net asset value per share. In addition,
      shareholders who exercise all of the rights issued to them are entitled to
      subscribe for shares which are not otherwise subscribed for by others in the
      primary subscription. If sufficient shares are not available to honor all
      over-subscriptions, the available shares of common stock will be allocated pro
      rata among those shareholders on the record date who over-subscribe based on the
      number of rights originally issued to them. The offer will be made only by means
      of an effective prospectus. The rights are transferable and will be admitted for
      trading on the Nasdaq National Market ("NNM"). The Company`s shares of common
      stock are listed, and the shares issued pursuant to this offer will be listed,
      on the NNM under the symbol "TINY."

      The Company is a venture capital investment company operating as a Business
      Development Company under the Investment Company Act of 1940. Its investment
      objective is to achieve long-term capital appreciation rather than current
      income from its investments. Recently the Company decided to focus its new
      business activities exclusively on small technology, including but not limited
      to nanotechnology, microsystems and microelectromechanical systems "MEMS"
      technology. On March 27, 2002, the Company changed its NNM symbol to "TINY," and
      at the 2002 Annual Meeting of Shareholders, shareholders will be asked to
      approve changing the name of the Company to Small-Technology Venture Capital,
      Inc. Although small technology is multidisciplinary and theoretically applicable
      to a wide variety of fields, small technology in general is new and has
      significant science and engineering risk as well as commercialization risk.
      Information about the Company may be obtained by contacting your local
      investment professional. For additional information about the offer please feel
      free to contact Charles E. Harris at 212-332-3606. Banks and broker-dealers
      should contact Charles E. Harris at 212-332-3606.

      A registration statement relating to the securities has been filed with the
      Securities and Exchange Commission but has not yet become effective. These
      securities may not be sold nor may offers to buy be accepted prior to the time
      the Registration Statement becomes effective. This press release shall not
      constitute an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to buy nor shall
      there be any sale of the securities in any state in which such offer,
      solicitation or sale would be unlawful prior to registration or qualification
      under the securities laws of any such state.

      Harris & Harris Group is a Business Development Company with 8,864,231 common
      shares outstanding.

      Detailed information about Harris & Harris Group and its holdings can be found
      on its website at

      This press release may contain statements of a forward-looking nature relating
      to future events. Statements contained in this press release that are forward
      looking statements are intended to be made pursuant to the Safe Harbor
      Provisions for the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. These
      forward-looking statements are subject to the inherent uncertainties in
      predicting future results and conditions. These statements reflect the Company`s
      current beliefs, and a number of important factors could cause actual results to
      differ materially from those expressed in this press release. Please see the
      Company`s Annual Report on Form 10-K filed with the Securities and Exchange
      Commission for a more detailed discussion of the risks and uncertainties
      associated with the Company`s business, including but not limited to the risks
      and uncertainties associated with venture capital investing and other
      significant factors that could affect the Company`s actual results. Except as
      otherwise required by Federal securities laws, Harris & Harris Group, Inc.
      undertakes no obligation to update or revise these forward-looking statements to
      reflect new events or uncertainties.

      CONTACT: Harris & Harris Group, Inc., New York

      Charles E. Harris, 212/332-3606


      Today`s News On The Net - Business Wire`s full file on the Internet

      with Hyperlinks to your home page.

      Copyright (C) 2002 Business Wire. All rights reserved.
      schrieb am 30.04.02 14:06:33
      Beitrag Nr. 171 ()
      Harris & Harris Group Announces a Rights Offering

      NEW YORK--(BUSINESS WIRE)--April 26, 2002--Harris & Harris Group, Inc. ("Company") (Nasdaq National Market: TINY) filed today a registration statement in connection with a rights offering to its shareholders.

      Subject to the registration statement becoming effective under the Securities Act of 1933, it is anticipated that the Company will issue to shareholders of record, one transferable right for every three shares held by the shareholder on the record date. A shareholder is entitled to subscribe for one share for each right held.

      The subscription price for each share to be issued pursuant to the offer will represent a discount from the net asset value per share. In addition, shareholders who exercise all of the rights issued to them are entitled to subscribe for shares which are not otherwise subscribed for by others in the primary subscription. If sufficient shares are not available to honor all over-subscriptions, the available shares of common stock will be allocated pro rata among those shareholders on the record date who over-subscribe based on the number of rights originally issued to them. The offer will be made only by means of an effective prospectus. The rights are transferable and will be admitted for trading on the Nasdaq National Market ("NNM"). The Company`s shares of common stock are listed, and the shares issued pursuant to this offer will be listed, on the NNM under the symbol "TINY."
      schrieb am 30.04.02 14:46:36
      Beitrag Nr. 172 ()
      Bezugsrecht 3 alte 1 neue Aktie
      Preis der neuen Aktie 2,25 $ ?? ( hab ich aus einem anderen Board )
      Stimmt das ?

      Wie läuft das technisch ab ?
      Bis wann gilt die Ausübungsfrist ?
      Habt Ihr schon Eure Bezugsrechte im Depot ?

      Wäre dankbar um eine Anwort.

      gruss clem
      schrieb am 10.05.02 23:44:44
      Beitrag Nr. 173 ()
      neues Investment von TINY ehemals HHGP

      Harris & Harris Group Invests In Nanotechnologies, Inc.
      MONDAY, MAY 06, 2002 8:13 AM
      - BusinessWire

      NEW YORK, May 6, 2002 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- Harris & Harris Group, Inc. (NASDAQ/NMS SYMBOL: TINY) announced today that it has invested $750,000 as part of a $6.3 million Series B Convertible Preferred financing of Nanotechnologies, Inc.

      Nanotechnologies was founded in 1999 to develop and commercialize a novel process for synthesizing nanoscale materials by utilizing a proprietary plasma-based technology to produce a wide variety of materials. Nanotechnologies is based in Austin, Texas.

      This investment in Nanotechnologies reflects Harris & Harris Group`s recent decision to focus its new business activities exclusively on small tech, including nanotechnology, microsystems and microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) technology. In 1994, Harris & Harris Group invested in its first small tech company, Nanophase Technologies Corporation, a spinoff from Argonne National Laboratory, which completed an initial public offering in 1997. Harris & Harris Group sold its interest in Nanophase in 2001 and invested part of the proceeds of the sale in August, 2001, in privately held Nantero, Inc., a Harvard University spinoff developing advanced semiconductors using nanotechnology. On February 12, 2002, Harris & Harris Group invested in NanoPharma Corp., a Massachusetts General Hospital spinoff founded to develop advanced drug delivery systems. On March 7, 2002, Harris & Harris Group invested in NanoOpto Corp. which is applying proprietary nano-optics and nano-manufacturing technology to design and make components for optical networking. On March 8, 2002, Harris & Harris Group invested in NEO Photonics Corporation, a privately held company that develops patented technology that enables the manufacture of unique nanoscale optical compositions for the telecommunications industry.

      Harris & Harris Group is a Business Development Company with 8,864,231 common shares outstanding.

      schrieb am 14.05.02 20:26:14
      Beitrag Nr. 174 ()
      ich liege immer noch auf der lauer. meint ihr tiny zieht bald wieder an oder gibt es vorher noch einen deutlicheren rückschlag ? ansonsten hab ich noch LAMP im auge. weiß aber noch nicht genau auf was ich mich stürzen soll..
      schrieb am 15.05.02 13:48:04
      Beitrag Nr. 175 ()

      Ein bisschen LAMP, ein bisschen HHGP/TINY, ein bisschen ALTAIR, ein bisschen NEXIA-BIOTECH, und die Rente ist dir fast sicher.

      Im Ernst, im Moment würde ich in alle einsteigen, wenn ich nicht schon drin wäre!

      schrieb am 15.05.02 21:14:25
      Beitrag Nr. 176 ()
      naja... was LAMP angeht. ist da äußerst kritisch, im Forum steht einiges drüber. Da ich mich mit biotechnologie nicht auskenne, nehm ich mir sowas zu herzen ;).
      schrieb am 07.06.02 08:06:41
      Beitrag Nr. 177 ()

      Stichtag für die "Kapitalerhöhung" 3:1 zu 2,25 $ ist der 14.06.2002:


      We are issuing transferable rights ("Rights") to our shareholders. These Rights will allow you to subscribe for new shares of our common stock. For every Right that you receive, you may buy one new share of our common stock. You will receive one Right for every three shares of our common stock that you own on June 14, 2002 (the "Record Date"). Fractional Rights will not be issued. Accordingly, we will round up the Rights issued to you to the next whole Right. In the case of shares of common stock held of record by Cede & Co. ("Cede"), as nominee for the Depository Trust Company ("DTC"), or any other depository or nominee, the number of Rights issued to Cede or such other depository or nominee will be adjusted to permit rounding up (to the next whole Right) of the Rights to be received by beneficial owners for whom it is the holder of record only if Cede or such other depository or nominee provides to us on or before the close of business on June 20, 2002 written representation of the number of Rights required for such rounding. Also, you can purchase shares not acquired by other shareholders in this Rights offering (the "Offer"), subject to limitations discussed in this prospectus.
      schrieb am 07.06.02 18:30:16
      Beitrag Nr. 178 ()
      Aus der Kapitalerhöhung wird TINY in den nächsten 12 Monaten weitere 6,5 Mio. $ in "small technology", also wohl überwiegend in Nanotechnologie investieren.

      TINY, der "erste Nanotech-Fonds" der Welt wächst also weiter !

      As previously discussed in the Annual Report for the year 2001, part of this reorientation was the addition to our Board of Directors of two of the outside consultants who help us evaluate small-technology opportunities, Dr. Kelly S. Kirkpatrick and Lori D. Pressman. Also, we are interviewing a number of candidates with strong backgrounds in science and technology, as well as other relevant qualifications, for a senior position within the Company. And to add to our liquid capital, we have filed a transferable rights offering with the Securities and Exchange Commission. If declared effective and fully subscribed, this rights offering would raise net proceeds of approximately $6.5 million. As noted in the prospectus, which should be read in its entirety by shareholders when it becomes available, we intend to invest all of the net proceeds of the offering in small technology within a 12-month period.
      schrieb am 10.06.02 17:36:17
      Beitrag Nr. 179 ()
      @ circuit,

      dank Dir.

      Also man bekommt für die am 16.06.02 im Depot befindlichen
      Aktien Bezugsrechte. 3 Aktien = 1 Bezugsrecht für eine Neue.
      Um die neuen Aktien zu beziehen muss man 2,25$ zahlen.
      Soweit verstanden.

      Erneut die Frage:
      Wann ist die Ausübungsfrist zu ende ??
      Und wann werden die Bezugsrechte ins Depot eingebucht ??

      Ich misstraue einfach meiner Bank.
      Werde da mal am 17.06.02 anrufen müssen.

      Vielen Dank nochmal

      schrieb am 10.06.02 21:52:21
      Beitrag Nr. 180 ()
      Mach das !


      .....anscheinend sind neben uns auch noch andere Investoren von TINY`s Geschäftsmodell überzeugt.

      Ein neuer Großinvestor outete sich heute:

      WASHINGTON (Dow Jones)--A group including investor Jonathan Rothschild
      reported having a 6.4% stake in Harris & Harris Group Inc. (TINY), according
      to a filing Monday with the Securities and Exchange Commission.
      The group beneficially owned 570,243 shares of Harris & Harris common stock
      after buying 1,400 shares and selling 32,800 shares between April 9 and May 29
      for $3.70 to $4.74 a share, the filing said.
      The group said it intends to participate in the company\`s rights offering by
      purchasing a portion of the shares it\`s entitled to under the offering.
      On April 26, Harris & Harris said it would offer shareholders one transferable
      right to buy one share for $2.25 for every three shares already held.
      Harris & Harris invests in small technology firms.
      -Robert L. Grant; Dow Jones Newswires; 202-393-7851;

      (END) DOW JONES NEWS 06-10-02
      02:58 PM- - 02 58 PM EDT 06-10-02
      schrieb am 19.06.02 08:03:15
      Beitrag Nr. 181 ()
      Zwei weitere gute Nachrichten aus dem Hause "Nanotech-Fonds":

      Harris & Harris Group Invests in Optiva, Inc.
      NEW YORK--(BUSINESS WIRE)--June 18, 2002--Harris & Harris Group, Inc. (NASDAQ/NMS SYMBOL:TINY - News) announced today that it has invested $500,000 as part of a $9.0 million Series C Convertible Preferred financing of privately held Optiva, Inc.

      Optiva is developing and commercializing a new class of nanomaterials for advanced optical applications initially for the flat panel display industry. Optiva is based in South San Francisco, California.

      NEW YORK--(BUSINESS WIRE)--June 18, 2002--NeoPhotonics Corporation (NASDAQ: TINY - News) announced today that the financing round in which Harris & Harris Group had previously announced that it had participated with a $1 million investment is now oversubscribed, with the investments in it totaling approximately $35 million.

      Privately held NeoPhotonics develops and manufactures advanced planar optical devices by monolithically integrating active and passive optical materials using the company`s proprietary nanomaterials-based process solutions. NeoPhotonics Corporation (NEO(TM) = Nano Enabled Optics) is on the web at
      schrieb am 19.06.02 10:37:16
      Beitrag Nr. 182 ()
      Wie zu erwarten stellt sich meine Bank dumm und ich hab noch keine Bezugsrechte im Depot.
      Wie schaut es denn bei Euch aus?

      Zur Info: habe meine HHGPs damals in NY gekauft. Vielleicht liegts ja daran.

      gruss clem
      schrieb am 19.06.02 13:29:50
      Beitrag Nr. 183 ()

      .....die Kapitalerhöhung läuft bis zum 19.7. Da den Depotbanken noch keine näheren Infos vorliegen, konnten auch noch keine Mitteilungen an die Aktionäre ausgegeben werden
      schrieb am 27.06.02 20:42:35
      Beitrag Nr. 184 ()
      "Stichtag" also der 28.06.

      Harris & Harris Group Will Seek Effective Date of June 28 for Rights Offering
      NEW YORK--(BUSINESS WIRE)--June 26, 2002--Harris & Harris Group, Inc. (the "Company") announced today that it will seek the effective date of Friday, June 28, 2002, for its Rights Offering.

      Details of the Rights Offering will be in a Prospectus which, along with certain other subscription related documents,will be mailed to shareholders.The Prospectus will be accessible on the World Wide Web through The Prospectus should be read in its entirety. Once the Rights Offering has been declared effective, all questions or inquiries relating to the Offer should be directed to our information agent:

      Innisfree M&A Incorporated
      501 Madison Avenue
      New York, NY 10022
      Telephone: Banks and brokers call collect to (212) 750-5833;
      All others call tollfree to (888) 750-5834

      Assuming the Rights Offering is declared effective on June 28, shareholders of Harris & Harris Group will be entitled to purchase one share of Harris & Harris Group, Inc. common stock at $2.25 per share for each three shares they own on June 28, 2002. The Rights will be transferable until the Expiration Date. The Company expects that the Rights will be eligible for listing on the Nasdaq National Market System under the symbol TINYR and that the Rights will be eligible for trading on July 1, 2002. Although the Offering will be limited to 2,954,743 shares of common stock, in the event that any shares are unsubscribed, there will be an over-subscription privilege. Under this over-subscription privilege, shareholders who fully exercise all Rights initially issued to them are entitled to buy shares of common stock that were not bought by other Rights holders.

      Certain officers and directors of the Company intend to exercise Rights pursuant to the primary subscription which will result in a subscription of an aggregate of 323,352 shares.
      schrieb am 04.07.02 19:31:33
      Beitrag Nr. 185 ()
      So, TINYR wird gehandelt, ich hab meine Bezugsrechte immer noch nicht im Depot.
      Wie sieht´s denn bei Euch aus.

      gruss clem
      schrieb am 11.07.02 09:57:57
      Beitrag Nr. 186 ()
      Hallo Leute!

      Entschuldigt bitte, aber ich habe mal zwei wahrscheinlich ziemlich dumme Fragen.

      a) Wann will Harris & Harris eigentlich genau umfirmieren?

      b) Hat sich TINY mit seinen Nanotechnologie-Investments komplett neu ausgerichtet oder hält das Unternehmen zusätzlich auch noch seine älteren Beteiligungen? Wenn nicht, was ist damit geschehen?

      Wäre für eine Antwort sehr dankbar!

      Schönen Tag noch,
      schrieb am 15.07.02 08:07:32
      Beitrag Nr. 187 ()
      (ganz unten eine Zusammenfassung der Beteiligungen)

      zu a.) Bisher wurde nur das Nasdaq-Kürzel geändert

      zu b.) seit kurzem sind "wir" auch bei Continuum dabei:

      Continuum Photonics Raises Over $14 Million in Second Round of Financing

      July 10, 2002 08:00:00 (ET)

      BILLERICA, Mass., Jul 10, 2002 /PRNewswire via COMTEX/ -- Continuum Photonics, Inc., an emerging leader in high-performance photonic subsystems and components, today announced it has closed on over $14 million in its Series B financing. New investors, Flagship Ventures and Prism Venture Partners, co-led the Series B investment round, with additional new equity participation from Harris & Harris. Series A investors Massachusetts Technology Development Corporation (MTDC), Gainesborough LLC, and private individuals also participated in the round. With the completion of the round, Steve Ricci and Robert Fleming, General Partners of Flagship and Prism, respectively, have joined Continuum`s Board of Directors.

      "We`re very excited about this infusion of capital and the broad-based company building experience our new investors bring," commented Jeffrey Farmer, Continuum`s CEO. "Given the challenging market conditions and investment environment, this is a tremendous vote of confidence in our team, our technology and our ability to deliver."

      "We looked long and hard at Continuum and were impressed from the start," noted Steve Ricci, General Partner at Flagship Ventures. "Continuum`s track record, unique technology, company culture and the quality of the team they`ve assembled, all point to great things in the future. In our opinion, they have the key elements required to be successful and we look forward to working with them as they move forward."

      This financing provides Continuum with the funds required to continue executing on its development plan and to bring demonstration units to customers. Continuum Photonics` initial product is a family of photonic switch subsystems that meet the critical needs of future dynamic optical networks: high performance, low loss and low cost in a scalable switching platform that is wavelength, bit-rate and protocol independent.

      Robert Fleming, Co-Founder General Partner, Prism Venture Partners, observed, "Continuum is one of the most exciting companies we`ve seen in a long time. With a clear understanding of what will motivate carriers and equipment manufacturers to implement new technologies, Continuum`s photonic switch subsystems offer price and performance unmatched by competitors. Prism`s investment is a direct reflection of our confidence in the company`s ability to deliver exceptional products to a broad telecom customer base."

      Charles Harris, Chairman and CEO of Harris & Harris, commented, "Continuum fits extremely well in our investment portfolio, as we seek to invest in promising young companies deploying nanotechnology and microsystems into large emerging markets where their technology gives a truly dominating edge. Continuum`s track record of bringing unique products to market, combined with their deep technical expertise will make this a winning strategy."

      Alle wichtigen Beteiligungen:

      Continuum Photonics, Inc. is developing a family of unique and value-added optical networking subsystems that will enhance the flexibility and reliability of optical networks by offering equipment manufacturers capabilities heretofore unavailable.

      Experion Systems, Inc. provides software to credit unions.

      Kriton Medical, Inc. is developing ventricular assist devices.

      NanoOpto is developing innovative, high performance, integrated optical communications sub-components in a chip. It plans to apply revolutionary technologies to overcome roadblocks in market demand for optical networking by delivering increased network and architecture flexibility and lower overall costs.

      Nanopharma Corp. is a research-based company developing fully biodegradable nanoscopic drug delivery vehicles based on proprietary molecular constructs and "biological stealth" materials.

      Nanotechnologies, Inc. is developing for production a wide variety of high-performance nanoscale materials for industry.

      Nantero, Inc. is developing a high-density, nonvolatile random access memory (NRAM) chip using nanotechnology.

      NeoPhotonics Corp. develops and manufactures advanced planar optical devices by monolithically integrating active and passive optical materials using the company`s proprietary nanomaterials-based process solutions.

      NeuroMetrix, Inc. develops and sells medical devices for monitoring neuromuscular disorders.

      Optiva, Inc. is developing and commercializing a new class of nanomaterials for advanced optical applications, initially for the flat panel display industry.

      PHZ Capital Partners Limited Partnership organizes and manages investment partnerships utilizing its proprietary algorithms.

      Questech Corporation manufactures and markets proprietary metal decorative tiles and signs.
      schrieb am 21.07.02 22:18:04
      Beitrag Nr. 188 ()
      vom 17.7.2002

      Harris & Harris Group, Inc. Net Asset Value Increases to $2.68 Per Share
      WEDNESDAY, JULY 17, 2002 5:03 PM
      - BusinessWire

      NEW YORK, Jul 17, 2002 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- Harris & Harris Group, Inc. (the "Company" ) reported today that, in the quarter ended June 30, 2002, its net asset value per share ("NAV" ) increased from $2.63 to $2.68.

      This increase in the Company`s NAV reflected the strong performance of PHZ Capital Partners, L.P. ("PHZ" ) during the second quarter. The valuations of the Company`s other private equity holdings were unchanged during the quarter.

      The Company owns 20 percent of privately held PHZ, a non-controlled affiliated company of the Company. PHZ is a non-registered investment advisor utilizing proprietary algorithms to manage third-party assets through private limited partnerships investing primarily in global financial futures, long/short equities and interbank FX. Although PHZ has been profitable and has made cash distributions to its partners, including the Company, for several years, PHZ was especially profitable in the second quarter of 2002. There can be no assurance that PHZ will be profitable in future quarters or years. The Company values PHZ at its book value.

      In 1994, the Company invested in its first tiny-technology company, Nanophase Technologies Corporation, a spinoff from Argonne National Laboratory, which completed an initial public offering in 1997. It sold its interest in Nanophase in 2001 and invested part of the proceeds of the sale in August 2001 in privately held Nantero, Inc., a Harvard University spinoff developing advanced semiconductors using nanotechnology. Including Nantero, its last seven private equity investments have been in tiny-technology enabled companies.

      Harris & Harris Group, Inc. is a Business Development Company with 8,864,231 common shares outstanding. Detailed information about Harris & Harris Group, Inc. and its holdings can be found on its website at

      Der genannte Net Asset Value bezieht sich wohl immer noch auf die aktuelle Aktienanzahl VOR Kapitalerhöhung. Das klingt doch ganz gut.

      schrieb am 15.08.02 21:47:14
      Beitrag Nr. 189 ()
      mal wieder zwei Infos vom August.

      PS: meine Bezugsrechte wurden wertlos ausgebucht.

      Harris & Harris Group Confirms Sale of 2,634,614 Shares of Stock Through Rights Offering
      THURSDAY, AUGUST 01, 2002 8:08 AM
      - BusinessWire

      NEW YORK, Aug 1, 2002 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- Harris & Harris Group, Inc. confirmed today that it has received payment for the sale of all 2,634,614 shares of its common stock that were subscribed in its Transferable Rights Offering, which expired on July 26, 2002.

      Thus, the Company now has 11,498,845 shares issued and outstanding. For the quarter ended June 30, 2002, please find below the summary financial information as reported and on a proforma basis for the sale of the new shares, net of the $176,726 in expenses for the Rights Offering as estimated in the Prospectus.


      und weiter gehts:

      Harris & Harris Group Sets Annual Meeting for September 26, 2002
      FRIDAY, AUGUST 09, 2002 11:44 AM
      - BusinessWire

      NEW YORK, Aug 9, 2002 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- Harris & Harris Group, Inc. (TINY) has announced that its 2002 Annual Meeting of Shareholders, for shareholders of record on August 16, 2002, will be held at 3:00 p.m. on September 26, 2002 on the Concourse Level at 780 Third Avenue in New York City.

      Harris & Harris Group had intended to ask shareholders at the Annual Meeting to approve changing the name of the company to Tiny Technology Venture Capital, Inc. However, the Company now believes that a recently adopted rule of the Securities and Exchange Commission under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended, (Rule 35d-1) would apply to business development companies and would require, if the Company changed its name, that the Company maintain investment of at least 80 percent of its total assets in tiny-technology companies. In light of its need to maintain liquidity for follow-on investments, the Company believes that it would not be in the best interest of shareholders to adopt a name that would prevent such liquidity. Accordingly, the Company will not ask shareholders to approve a name change at the Annual Meeting, and the Company will retain its name.

      In 1994, we invested in our first tiny-technology company, Nanophase Technologies Corporation, a spinoff from Argonne National Laboratory, which completed an initial public offering in 1997. We sold our interest in Nanophase in 2001 and invested part of the proceeds of the sale in August 2001 in privately held Nantero, Inc., a Harvard University spinoff developing advanced semiconductors using nanotechnology. Including Nantero, our last seven private equity investments have been in tiny-technology enabled companies.

      Bis bald.

      schrieb am 16.08.02 12:44:16
      Beitrag Nr. 190 ()
      Nur reinkopieren gilt nicht.

      Bitte (eigene?)Kommentare beifügen.
      schrieb am 02.10.02 19:49:23
      Beitrag Nr. 191 ()
      die geschichte hört sich ja ganz interessant an-werde mir TINY am Freitag mal genauer anschauen-wenn ich wieder ein bloomberg-terminal zur verfügung habe...

      was mich etwas verwundert ist folgendes:

      .....anscheinend sind neben uns auch noch andere Investoren von TINY`s Geschäftsmodell überzeugt.

      Ein neuer Großinvestor outete sich heute:

      WASHINGTON (Dow Jones)--A group including investor Jonathan Rothschild
      reported having a 6.4% stake in Harris & Harris Group Inc. (TINY), according
      to a filing Monday with the Securities and Exchange Commission.
      The group beneficially owned 570,243 shares of Harris & Harris common stock
      after buying 1,400 shares and selling 32,800 shares between April 9 and May 29
      for $3.70 to $4.74 a share, the filing said.
      The group said it intends to participate in the company\`s rights offering by
      purchasing a portion of the shares it\`s entitled to under the offering.
      On April 26, Harris & Harris said it would offer shareholders one transferable
      right to buy one share for $2.25 for every three shares already held.
      Harris & Harris invests in small technology firms.
      -Robert L. Grant; Dow Jones Newswires; 202-393-7851;

      ...oder hab ich das falsch verstanden:confused:

      schrieb am 27.11.02 19:52:25
      Beitrag Nr. 192 ()
      Wenn wir früher ein Mal TINY als die "kleine CMGI" bezeichnet haben, dann sollten wir heute (Kurs 2,36) das Nachholpotential erkennen:
      schrieb am 29.11.02 07:51:50
      Beitrag Nr. 193 ()
      Die Insider greifen auch so langsam (und bedacht) zu:

      11/22/2002 MELVYN P MELSHEIMER
      President 9,682 TINY Open Market Purchase
      Cost $22,536.79

      11/21/2002 LORI D PRESSMAN
      Director 1,400 TINY Open Market Purchase
      Cost $3,304.98

      11/20/2002 MELVYN P MELSHEIMER
      President 5,100 TINY Open Market Purchase
      Cost $11,645.76
      schrieb am 02.05.03 07:57:14
      Beitrag Nr. 194 ()
      Ich möchte diesen "Alt-Thread" zu TINY wieder aufleben lassen, obwohl inzwischen auch andere TINY "entdeckt" haben (wollen).

      Fast 100 % in 5 Monaten ist nicht schlecht.

      Es darf als heute ruhig ein Mal an diesen Wert erinnert werden:

      schrieb am 27.05.03 19:43:21
      Beitrag Nr. 195 ()
      schrieb am 02.06.03 21:22:02
      Beitrag Nr. 196 ()
      Jetzt wird sogar mal in Deutschland was über unser Baby TINY geschrieben, erklärt wohl auch die enormen Umsätze heute.

      Harris & Harris: Interessant (EurAmS) Sonntag, 01.06.03, 11:33

      Harris & Harris kennt an der Nasdaq zurzeit nur eine Richtung: nach oben. Die Venture-Capital-Gesellschaft hat sich auf Nanotechnologie spezialisiert. Einige Investoren haben hier den neuen Mega-Trend ausgemacht – vergleichbar mit dem Internet-Boom der 90er-Jahre. Da die Auswahl an Aktien hier noch sehr begrenzt ist, bezahlen Anleger derzeit mehr als das Doppelte des Portfolio-Wertes von umgerechnet zwei Euro, den Harris & Harris zum 31. März ausgewiesen hatte. Das ist nicht ganz so dumm, wie es aussieht: Dem inneren Wert des Beteiligungs-Portefeuilles hat nämlich auf die Sprünge geholfen, dass auch alle anderen Nanotech-Titel gestiegen sind. Die US-Gesellschaft, die sich demnächst in Tiny Technology Venture Capital umbenennen will, bietet eine gute Möglichkeit, mit breit gestreutem Risiko am Nano-Hype zu partizipieren.

      Mutige spekulieren mit kleinen Summen auf eine Fortsetzung des Booms.

      ISIN US4138331040
      Akt. Kurs 4,97 Euro
      Hoch/Tief 5,07 Euro / 1,95 Euro
      Stopp 3,45 Euro
      Quelle: Euro am Sonntag 22/03

      Vielleicht gehts ja jetzt wieder weiter rauf.

      schrieb am 08.06.03 09:27:43
      Beitrag Nr. 197 ()
      Im Moment scheint die TINY-Hype von Deutschland aus "gemacht" zu werden.
      Das gefällt mir nicht (wohl aber der Kursanstieg).

      Beitrag zu dieser Diskussion schreiben

      Zu dieser Diskussion können keine Beiträge mehr verfasst werden, da der letzte Beitrag vor mehr als zwei Jahren verfasst wurde und die Diskussion daraufhin archiviert wurde.
      Bitte wenden Sie sich an und erfragen Sie die Reaktivierung der Diskussion oder starten Sie
      eine neue Diskussion.
      13.05.24 · globenewswire · 180 Degree Capital Registered (Old)
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      01.02.24 · globenewswire · 180 Degree Capital Registered (Old)
      CMGI geht.....HHGP(911428)kommt ! Neben Internet gibt es Biotech und Software als Zugabe. mkT.