
    Curis - Heilungschance bei Krebs - Kurs explodiert ... - 500 Beiträge pro Seite

    eröffnet am 23.04.03 16:49:43 von
    neuester Beitrag 20.08.03 16:30:08 von
    Beiträge: 131
    ID: 724.376
    Aufrufe heute: 0
    Gesamt: 9.392
    Aktive User: 0

    ISIN: US2312693094 · WKN: A3ETJD · Symbol: CRIS
    -4,35 %
    -0,3700 USD
    Letzter Kurs 15.06.24 Nasdaq

    Werte aus der Branche Biotechnologie

    WertpapierKursPerf. %
    WertpapierKursPerf. %


    Begriffe und/oder Benutzer



     Ja Nein
      schrieb am 23.04.03 16:49:43
      Beitrag Nr. 1 ()

      Charttechnisch stehen wir evtl. ganz am Anfang einer großartigen Story. Curis hat seit Anfang des Jahres auch Ortho Biotech, ein Tochterunternehmen von Johnson & Johnson, als Partner unter Vertrag. Restruckturierung vor Abschluß. Möglicherweise steigt da ein großer ein, da Marktkap bei nur ca. 50 Mio $ liegt.

      Jedenfalls ist seit Bruch des langfristigen Abwärtstrends ziehmlich hohes Umsatzvolumen in die Aktie gekommen. Es scheint reges Interesse zu geben.

      News von Curis:
      schrieb am 23.04.03 16:57:24
      Beitrag Nr. 2 ()
      Kurs steht realtime schon bei 2,35 US$ = +63 % gegenüber gestern.... :D
      schrieb am 23.04.03 17:02:41
      Beitrag Nr. 3 ()
      Info´s auch auf der Curis Homepage

      Kurs derzeit bei 2.40 :eek:
      schrieb am 23.04.03 17:07:14
      Beitrag Nr. 4 ()
      Gute Tips gibt´s halt immer 1 Tag zu spät.......
      schrieb am 23.04.03 17:14:06
      Beitrag Nr. 5 ()

      Sorry, hätte nicht gedacht, daß die so schnell erneut nach oben ausbrechen.... und da Volumen ist echt der Hammer!

      Möcht mal wissen wer sich da die Taschen vollstopft! :lick:

      Trading Spotlight

      East Africa Metals
      0,1480EUR +0,68 %
      Hat East Africa bisher nur an der Oberfläche gekratzt?! mehr zur Aktie »
      schrieb am 23.04.03 17:22:15
      Beitrag Nr. 6 ()
      schrieb am 23.04.03 17:27:52
      Beitrag Nr. 7 ()
      Habe leider nur 2000 Stück aber besser als nichts!!

      Gruß C1
      schrieb am 23.04.03 20:10:20
      Beitrag Nr. 8 ()
      Das war ein schöner Tag !!!
      90 % Plus, weiter soooo !!!!!
      schrieb am 23.04.03 20:12:53
      Beitrag Nr. 9 ()
      Tageshoch lag heute bei 2,89... ein echter Wahnsinn. Möcht zu gern mal wissen was da wirklich losgeht. Übernahme????:look:
      schrieb am 23.04.03 20:41:55
      Beitrag Nr. 10 ()

      Hab auch nur 1000 Stück, werd sie aber noch ein bisserl behalten :cool:
      schrieb am 23.04.03 21:15:05
      Beitrag Nr. 11 ()
      schrieb am 23.04.03 22:50:11
      Beitrag Nr. 12 ()
      Morgen gehts weiter.
      In USA hat Curis mit 100% den handel beendet(2,90$).
      KZ 5 ???????
      schrieb am 23.04.03 23:31:40
      Beitrag Nr. 13 ()
      Na endlich ist die lange erwartete Erholung eingetreten.
      Für alle, die schon bei creative biomolecules eingestiegen
      sind , ist es natürlich noch ein sehr weiter Weg, um in die
      Gewinnzone zu kommen. Aber warten wir es ab, gut Ding will Weile haben
      und das Warten, ohne zu verzagen, scheint sich doch gelohnt
      zu haben. Hoffen wir auf einen weiteren Anstieg in den
      nächsten Tagen.

      Gruß BOCKNASE
      :kiss: :kiss: :kiss: :kiss: :kiss: :kiss: :kiss:
      schrieb am 24.04.03 00:09:33
      Beitrag Nr. 14 ()
      Nachbörslich liegen Curis schon bei 3.05 $:D
      schrieb am 24.04.03 09:05:05
      Beitrag Nr. 15 ()
      Wie weit wird Curis im Sog von Entremed mitschwimmen? - sehen wir heute schon die 3 USD?
      schrieb am 24.04.03 14:58:17
      Beitrag Nr. 16 ()
      Curis eröffnet in USA bei 3,20 - 3,40$
      schrieb am 24.04.03 15:56:58
      Beitrag Nr. 17 ()
      Wahnsinn :eek: - nach ein paar Gewinnmitnahmen rennt das Ding schon wieder weiter :eek:

      Schaut euch die Stückzahlen an, die gekauft werden ;)

      Aktuell schon wieder bei 3.10 USD
      schrieb am 25.04.03 17:52:13
      Beitrag Nr. 18 ()

      vielleicht doch noch nicht zu spät, derzeit wird wieder ein bischen korrigiert. Ich denke so um die 2 $ kann man getrost wieder zugreifen. Aufwärtstrend nachwievor ungebrochen.


      schrieb am 25.04.03 18:09:49
      Beitrag Nr. 19 ()
      Das denke ich auch. Waren bestimmt nicht ohne Grund ausgeführte Kauforder über z. B. 50.000 zu 2,32 und 50.000 zu 2,50 und diverse andere Käufe im 5-steligem Bereich. Abwarten. Da weiß wieder jemand mehr!

      Gruß Trullberg
      schrieb am 25.04.03 23:48:53
      Beitrag Nr. 20 ()
      Guter Rat ist ........??????

      Denke der Aktie wird es wie Geron Wkn.902213 gehen,
      nach einem Rücksetzer werden wir nochmals ca 50 % zu-

      Mein Tip für die nächste Zeit 4 Usd. ( 2-3 Wochen )
      und für 6 Monate 8 Usd. und mehr.

      :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
      schrieb am 27.04.03 12:04:20
      Beitrag Nr. 21 ()
      Ralph Acampora von Prudential schreibt heute in Euro am Sonntag:

      "Gut, es ging abwärts am Donnerstag und Freitag. Gewinnmitnahmen. Dass die Wirtschaft im ersten Quartal nur umm 1,6 Prozent gewachsen ist, hat die Anleger natürlich enttäuscht. Zumal 2,3 Prozent Plus erwartet wurden. Aber der Irak-Krieg verlangt so eben seinen Tribut. An meiner positiven Haltung ändert sich dennoch nichts. Wall Street befindet sich auf dem Weg nach oben. Und weil das in den vergangenen Tagen sehr schnell ging, sind Pausen wie die zum Wochenschluss nur normal. Ein Ende der Rally, die am 12. März begann, ist noch nicht in Sicht."

      Und seine Forsetzung wird sogar die Anhänger der Biotechs zufriedenstellen, die meines Erachtens immer noch zu hohe Bewertungen haben, da bei ihnen die weite Vorwegnahme zukünftiger Gewinne nicht wie bei den Techs ausreichend korrigiert wurde:

      "Mein wichtigstes Argument sind dabei die vielen Einzelwerte, die stark sind und vor allem stark bleiben, auch wenn der Markt insgesamt eine Pause macht. Ob die Biotechs Gilead und Medimmune oder die Internets Yahoo und Amazon oder auch die Kaffeehauskette Starbucks - das sind fünf Bespiele für Aktien, die einen wunderbaren Boden gebildet haben und auch weiterhin gute Kurs-Chancen bieten. Die hat auch der Dow Jones. Rechnet man das Potenzial aller 30 im Index abgebildeter Titel zusammen, sind zumindest aus technischer Sicht 10100 Punkte drin. Dow 10.000 - wir kommen wieder. Auch der breite S&P 500 strotzt vor Kraft. Wir haben alle 103 Branchen des Index untersucht und sehen ein Potenzial von 22 Prozent."

      Sein Fazit:

      "Es bleibt also dabei: Wir erwarten eine breite Aufwärtsbewegung bis Ende des Jahres. Die dürften vor allem Wachstumswerte anführen. Kleinere Kursrückgänge sie die vom Donnerstag oder Freitag sind daher nur Dämpfer und letztlich exzellente Möglichkeiten, das Depot aufzustocken."

      Bei dem Dow 10.000 bin ich etwas skeptisch, denn in den letzten drei Jahre sind sehr viele Anleger in die scheinbar sicheren Dow-Werte geflüchtet, die meines Erachtens daher wenig Potenzial haben. Daher halte ich seine Bevorzugung von Wachstumswerten für richtig, die vom Abbau der wohl einmaligen Risikoaversion am meisten profitieren werden, denn Hysterie dauert nie ewig.
      schrieb am 28.04.03 00:25:00
      Beitrag Nr. 22 ()
      Freue mich schon auf nächste Woche. Der Markt ist reif! :cool:
      schrieb am 02.05.03 17:04:03
      Beitrag Nr. 23 ()
      Hier eine kleine Chartanalyse zur CURIS:

      schrieb am 05.05.03 16:22:27
      Beitrag Nr. 24 ()

      schrieb am 05.05.03 17:37:26
      Beitrag Nr. 25 ()
      Hi JS, alter Kumpel,

      sach bloss Du bist auch investiert?!


      schrieb am 05.05.03 17:41:15
      Beitrag Nr. 26 ()
      Könnte sein, das wir das Kurstief bei 2 $ tatsächlich schon gesehen haben. Kurs zieht schon wieder an!

      Auf zu neuen höhen :cool:
      schrieb am 05.05.03 17:42:03
      Beitrag Nr. 27 ()
      So trifft man sich wieder;)

      Gruß C1
      schrieb am 05.05.03 19:18:14
      Beitrag Nr. 28 ()
      hallo js,

      sag bloß Du bist bei curis auch dabei.
      Wenn ich gewußt hätte das unsere LAM letzte Woche so anziehen, dann wäre ich letzte Woche nochmal rein.
      Hab aber eh noch immer meine 8100Stk. von unserem baby.:cool:

      Denke aber das curis jetzt auch wieder zu laufen beginnt.

      gruß secu;)
      schrieb am 06.05.03 17:06:44
      Beitrag Nr. 29 ()
      Curis hat seine HP etwas überarbeitet.
      Interessant und ausführlicher als vorher ist die Produktebeschreibung:
      schrieb am 07.05.03 00:04:03
      Beitrag Nr. 30 ()
      Charttechnisch müssen die 2 $ halten, ansonsten ist starker Abwärtdruck angesagt.

      Der Umsatz zeugt von regen Interesse an dem Wert. Das Volumen ist immer noch deutlich über dem Durchschnitt des gesamten Zeitraums.
      schrieb am 07.05.03 00:13:43
      Beitrag Nr. 31 ()
      Ende Januar 2001 hat sich ein GAP um die 13 $ ergeben. :cool:
      schrieb am 07.05.03 16:01:25
      Beitrag Nr. 32 ()
      wie schauts jetzt weiter aus, ist ja ziemlich ruhig geworden, lohnt sich das warten oder sollte man eher mit einem kleinen plus rausgehen?
      Der deutsche Kurs ist ja immer zu weit unter dem der nasdaq, und sehr geringer Handel!
      Was meint Ihr?

      gruß secu
      schrieb am 07.05.03 16:35:43
      Beitrag Nr. 33 ()

      werde abwarten :cool:
      schrieb am 07.05.03 18:15:23
      Beitrag Nr. 34 ()
      zahlen waren TOP! merger wird gesucht... TOP!

      upwards-volume war gegenüber dem downward-volume in potenzen! think about..
      schrieb am 07.05.03 18:48:11
      Beitrag Nr. 35 ()
      Kurzfristiger Kommentar

      Die Aktie lässt leicht nach, ist jedoch noch in einem starken Aufwärtstrend.

      Mittelfristiger Kommentar

      Mittelfristiger Preistrend für CURIS INC Änderung von aufwärts zu fallend in dieser Woche. Diese Aktie schneidet unterdurchschnittlich zum NASDAQ 100 mit -33.88% ab. Steigende Volatilität im letzten Monat. Seien Sie vorsichtig vor der Nähe eines Widerstands 1.18 und einem möglichen Einbruch von dieser Stufe. Technische Tages- und Wochenindikatoren, Alarm vor der Nähe einer Markt SPITZE. Beachten Sie mögliche Aufwärtsabweichungen auf RSI die dieses Szenario bestätigen.
      schrieb am 07.05.03 18:49:58
      Beitrag Nr. 36 ()
      vergeßt mein letztes posting!

      vom 3.10.03

      schrieb am 08.05.03 15:01:29
      Beitrag Nr. 37 ()
      Offensichtlich gab es eine Empfehlung des Newsletters "" (geklaut aus dem Yahoo-Board)

      article 1
      by: dutchtrader2003 (37/M/amsterdam, netherlands)
      Long-Term Sentiment: Strong Buy 05/08/03 07:58 am
      Msg: 11862 of 11867


      The small cap biotech rally continued this week. Curis (CRIS) is one stock I mentioned in prior alerts that has appreciated sharply in the last few weeks and is now selling at $2.43/share. I have always liked this company’s science programs but in prior years attempts to transform a group of high quality science projects ran into the walls of inadequate financing, excessive burn rates and poor management. Burn rates were extraordinary, projects were slow to materialize and the one partnered commercial product OP1 (BMP 7) was slow to get regulatory approval. Over the last year Dan Passeri (CEO) has monatized the value of much of the underlying science, decreased the burn rate by half and partnered many of the projects. The company also brought in $14 million by monatizing their royalty on OP1 while reducing the royalty they would owe Stryker in areas outside of orthopedics. CRIS is in a partnership with Ortho Biotech (J&J) looking at BMP 7 in renal disease with Ortho now taking over 100% of the costs. BMP 7 is also licensed to Ortho for neurology indications. All this recent restructuring has left CRIS with $36.5 million in cash (3/31/03), which management suggests is enough to reach 2005. In this climate that is very good—2 years of cash is a must. Investor interest, which has been moribund till now was rekindled by the recent news of an issued patent and preclinical results using a topical drug to treat a common skin cancer (basal cell carcinoma –BCC). The stock has gone from the $.80 range to $2.43 at the close (5/6/03).
      I think what is not generally appreciated is that the company’s most valuable asset is the broad IP around a particular biologic pathway called the sonic hedgehog pathway. These assets have not yet been partnered. Recent investor enthusiasm recognized this aspect but does not fully value it. The Hedgehog Pathway is involved in BCC but that is probably less important to the business plan than recent findings indicating that it may be a key player in many of the more deadly solid tumors. Recent published results have implicated this pathway in a number of cancers including small cell lung and pancreatic cancers. Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer death and although small cell cancer is only a minority of lung cancers it is the most deadly and usually widely spread at the time of diagnosis. This same pathway may also be important in neurodegenerative diseases and even female pattern baldness. Preclinical work shows that Hedgehog small molecule agonists can reverse balding in an animal model. This may be particularly pertinent to female pattern baldness in humans because in this condition the hair follicles are dormant but still present.


      article 2
      by: dutchtrader2003 (37/M/amsterdam, netherlands)
      Long-Term Sentiment: Strong Buy 05/08/03 07:58 am
      Msg: 11863 of 11867

      Passeri is now looking to make a deal with a major pharma on CRIS’ most valuable target the Hedgehog Pathway. The company has agonists and antagonists with much intellectual property. Normally in the present funding climate a deal on a validated target with developed drug leads that are still preclinical might be expected to garner about 30-50 million in milestones, a modest upfront payment and a mid single-digit royalty. My bet is that CRIS gets much more—the developing biology behind this target is just too compelling. CRIS does have to resolve a joint venture (JV) with Elan in which it owns an 80% stake. This JV concerns the neurologic indications for the Hedgehog pathway. In any deal CRIS hopes to retain the “female pattern baldness” indication for internal development.

      CRIS has a current market cap of $77.76 million with cash of $36.5 million—so it is selling at a little over 2x cash. I think the next value driver will be a partnership on the Hedgehog pathway and that should come in the next few months. This still is early technology not yet tested in humans. Normally I am reluctant to invest in such an early stage company but for Curis I will make an exception. I have been buying it in my personal account and in a fund I manage from $1 to $2/share. I think anything under $2.25 is a good entry point but I might even consider buying at the market and plan on holding long-term. My bet is that Passeri can finally get the value out of the underlying science.

      :D :cool: :D
      schrieb am 08.05.03 22:53:51
      Beitrag Nr. 38 ()
      Wirklich Klasse finde ich die erst Anfang dieses Jahres eingegangene Partnerschaft mit Ortho Biotech. Ich finde, die Strategie ist nicht schlecht.

      Offensichtlich ist es gar nicht so einfach, wirklich gute und innovative Produkte zu entwickeln. Da spricht es m. E. nur dafür, daß mehrere Kooperationen mit Mitstreitern im Wettbewerb eingegangen werden. Vier, sechs, acht und mehr Augen sehen mehr als zwei. Curis hat dadurch größere Chancen.

      Scheinbar müssen Curis recht gute Wissenschaftler im Team haben, sonst wäre das alles nicht möglich.

      Das beste! Sie werden zum Großteil durch deren Partnerschaften laufend finanziert. Woher kommt denn sonst die Gewissheit von Curis, daß die Produktivität bis zu 24 Monate gesichert ist. Soweit ich weiss hat es bisher noch keine Finanzierung durch Ausgabe neuer Aktien gegeben.

      Man sollte sich nur mal vorstellen, was dieses erst kürzlich beglaubigte Patent Wert ist! Die Rechte liegen komplett in Curis´s Händen.

      Mal sehen wie´´s weitergeht...

      schrieb am 08.05.03 23:04:05
      Beitrag Nr. 39 ()
      In FRT sind die Umsätze seit Tagen lächerlich im Vergleich mit USA.
      Egal was passiert,ich verkaufe meine eh nicht,die hab ich schon seit 2 Jahren.Hab natürlich gut verbilligt.
      schrieb am 08.05.03 23:12:14
      Beitrag Nr. 40 ()
      Wie biste denn schon vor zwei Jahren auf Curis gekommen? Von der Zeit gibts ja kaum News!? Welche Story steckte da dahinter? Würd mich echt interessieren, da ich erst seit einigen Wochen auf Curis aufmerksam geworden bin, aber offensichtlich nicht nur ich :D
      schrieb am 09.05.03 09:45:10
      Beitrag Nr. 41 ()
      Hi Boersi,
      Curis war früher mal Creative Biomoleculs.Diese fusionierten mit 2 weiteren Biotec Firmen zu Curis.
      Damals wurde Creative Biomoleculs immer im Aktionär
      heiss angepriessen.
      Saludos de Lima
      schrieb am 09.05.03 11:14:03
      Beitrag Nr. 42 ()
      Hallo Freunde der Bio-Hot Stocks und Krebsbehandlung bzw. -erkennung.
      Ich darf Euer Interesse vielleicht mal auf IBEX Tech.(883396) lenken. Insbesondere die neuesten Nachrichten dürften Euch interessieren. Aber abgesehen davon steht das Unternehmen, spätestens seit dem Deal mit Biomarin, weltklasse da. Aber ich will euch nicht zuschwätzen, mach Euch selber ein Bild.


      Quote and News:…

      schrieb am 09.05.03 16:52:41
      Beitrag Nr. 43 ()

      also hab mal Ibex überflogen, ist nix für mich... Chart sieht mir eher nach einem PennyStock aus. Könnte natürlich ein Zock sein. Aber nix für mich...


      gibt es irgendwo noch Charts aus dieser Zeit? Zu wieviel hast Du damals wann eingekauft?
      schrieb am 12.05.03 22:14:46
      Beitrag Nr. 44 ()

      Sehr positiver Bericht von einem Analyst und Fond-Manager:…
      schrieb am 13.05.03 12:24:10
      Beitrag Nr. 45 ()
      schrieb am 13.05.03 23:21:50
      Beitrag Nr. 46 () Reiterates Curis`OPS Rating of `7`
      via CDS

      May 13, 2003 announced that it has reiterated its OPS Rating of `7`for Curis, Inc. (NASDAQ:CRIS). Curis has had an OPS Rating of `7`for two consecutive quarters.`s maintaining of the OPS RatingTM is based on Curis`recently filed Cash Flow Statements for its quarter ended March 31, 2003. The company`s computed OPS TM (Operational-cashflow Per Share) for the quarter was $-0.12 per share as compared to $-0.24 per share for the comparable year earlier quarter. OPS for the most recent 12 months ended March 31, 2003 was $-0.09 per share as compared to $-0.81 per share for the 12 months ended March 31, 2002. OPS for Curis`trailing twelve months reached a one year high.

      The shares of Curis were recently trading at $2.50.

      About OPS RatingsTM -- monitors a public company`s Operational cash flow Per Share (`OPS`) and assigns it an `OPS Rating`, which measures the long term risk associated with a company`s ability to remain in business. A company`s `OPS`logically falls into a mathematical sequence that ranks it into one of eight distinctive `risk`categories. Each of the categories is based on a company`s operating cash flow for each of its last 4 quarters and its cumulative operating cash flow for its most recent 12 months. OPS Ratings are upgraded, downgraded or reiterated each time a company files a quarterly report and at any time that its financial statements are amended. Statistical research on OPS Ratings is available at" target="_blank" rel="nofollow ugc noopener">

      About -- has a proprietary data refinery that automates the process of collecting, sorting and organizing large amounts of securities pricing and financial data into comparative financial ratios. These ratios are used to identify Financial Statement anomalies and securities pricing variances to monitor changes in the performance of public companies. Go to for a description of`s patent-pending technical applications, such as OPS, OPS Ratings, The EPS Syndrome and more. Full details are available at" target="_blank" rel="nofollow ugc noopener">

      schrieb am 14.05.03 17:30:18
      Beitrag Nr. 47 ()

      Curis auf der European Techvest Conference 19.-20. Mai

      Press Release Source: Curis, Inc.

      Curis to Present at Techvest European Healthcare Conference
      Wednesday May 14, 11:13 am ET

      CAMBRIDGE, Mass.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--May 14, 2003--Curis, Inc. (NASDAQ:CRIS - News) announced today that Dr. Christopher U. Missling, CURIS` Chief Financial Officer, will speak at the upcoming Techvest annual European healthcare conference entitled "Opportunities in Global Biotech".
      The conference will be held in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, on May 19-20.

      The Techvest conference in Europe is held annually to promote continued contact between biotechnology companies and venture capitalists and institutional investors and to provide a platform to introduce new biotechnology companies to the investment community. Dr. Missling will provide an update on Curis` therapeutic product development programs and its plans for partnering with pharmaceutical companies.

      About Curis, Inc.

      Curis, Inc. is a therapeutic drug development company. The Company`s technology focus is on regulatory pathways that control repair and regeneration. Curis` product development involves the use of proteins or small molecules to modulate these pathways. Curis has successfully used this technology and product development approach to produce several promising drug product candidates in the fields of kidney disease, neurological disorders, cancer, and alopecia (hair loss). For more information, please visit the Curis web site at

      This press release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Statements concerning Curis` or management`s intentions, plans, expectations or predictions of future events are forward-looking statements. Such statements may contain the words "believes", "expects", "anticipates", "plans", "estimates" or similar expressions. Forward looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause the actual results to be materially different from those indicated by such forward-looking statements. Actual results can be affected by, among other things, uncertainties relating to product development, clinical trials, regulatory actions or delays, the ability to obtain or maintain patent or other proprietary intellectual property protection, changes in or an inability to execute Curis` realigned business strategy and other risk factors identified in Curis` most recent Annual Report on Form 10-K and subsequent reports filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Curis disclaims any intention or obligation to update any of the forward-looking statements after the date of this press release.

      Curis, Inc.
      Christopher U. Missling, Ph.D., 617/503-6587
      Marc F. Charette, Ph.D., 617/503-6629

      Source: Curis, Inc.
      schrieb am 14.05.03 17:31:38
      Beitrag Nr. 48 ()
      The European Techvest Conference und ihre Sponsoren:…

      schrieb am 14.05.03 20:29:55
      Beitrag Nr. 49 ()
      Offensichtlich gefällt den US-amerikanischen Anlegern die Meldung bez. der Techvest-Konferenz.

      Der Kurs jedenfalls hat schon deutlich angezogen. Die Umsätze sind auch höher als die letzten Tage. Der Chart ist nach wie vor Top... Und durch diese Meldung wird die Phantasie angeheizt.

      schrieb am 15.05.03 22:15:23
      Beitrag Nr. 50 ()
      Hallo Curis Interessierte!

      Ich habe vor einigen Tagen auf dem amerikanischen Curis-Yahoo-Board erfahren, daß es zur letzten Biosquare-Konferenz in Lyon, Frankreich eine PDF-Präsentation gibt. Diese habe ich natürlich gleich bei Curis direkt angefordert.

      Alles in allem finde ich sie recht aufschlußreich und möchte sie Euch nicht vorenthalten. Mich würden aufgrund der Präsentation jedoch Eure Meinungen zu Curis interessieren! Sehr interessant wäre es auch, Meinungen von Biotechnologen zu erfahren.

      Die Präsentation ist im Originalzustand, wie ich sie heute direkt von Curis erhalten habe. Viel Spass beim lesen! 2003 Versio…
      schrieb am 16.05.03 15:58:56
      Beitrag Nr. 51 ()
      Sieht so aus als ob der Kurs wieder anziehen würde... :D

      Chart ist Top... die nächste Stufe der Treppe naht :cool:

      schrieb am 16.05.03 16:30:42
      Beitrag Nr. 52 ()
      schrieb am 16.05.03 18:25:06
      Beitrag Nr. 53 ()
      was ist denn jetzt los, keine Meldung aber Riesenumsätze in Amerika. Wan stehen wir über 3$, was meint ihr?:eek:

      gruß secu :yawn: :yawn: :yawn:
      schrieb am 16.05.03 22:50:18
      Beitrag Nr. 54 ()
      hier ist die Meldung:

      Press Release Source: Curis, Inc.

      Curis and Elan Conclude Neurology Joint Venture
      Friday May 16, 3:13 pm ET

      CAMBRIDGE, Mass.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--May 16, 2003--Curis, Inc. (NASDAQ:CRIS - News) today announced that it has reached an agreement with Elan to conclude the joint venture between the companies.

      The joint venture, which has been in place since July 2001, has supported the further development of a novel set of small molecule drug candidates to treat nervous system disorders such as Parkinson`s disease and diabetic neuropathies.

      Under the terms of the agreement, all rights to manage the future development of the drug candidates will be controlled by Curis, and Elan will transfer its 19.9% interest in the venture to Curis in exchange for a percentage of Curis` income derived from the sale or licensing of certain compounds for the treatment of neurological disorders. In addition, Elan will exchange its Curis preferred stock for 2,878,782 million shares of Curis common stock.

      "The relationship with Elan has been positive, and the program has made significant progress under the joint venture," said Daniel Passeri, Curis` President and Chief Executive Officer. "Now that the rights to the program are fully controlled by Curis, we plan to capitalize on this opportunity by establishing a new partnership with a pharmaceutical company to bring the drug candidates into the clinic. We expect that Curis and Elan will both benefit from such an arrangement."

      About Curis, Inc.

      Curis, Inc. is a therapeutic drug development company. The Company`s technology focus is on regulatory pathways that control repair and regeneration. Curis` product development involves the use of proteins or small molecules to modulate these pathways. Curis has successfully used this technology and product development approach to produce several promising drug product candidates in the fields of kidney disease, neurological disorders, cancer, and alopecia (hair loss). For more information, please visit the Curis web site at

      This press release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Statements concerning Curis` or management`s intentions, plans, expectations or predictions of future events are forward-looking statements. Such statements may contain the words "believes", "expects", "anticipates", "plans", "estimates" or similar expressions. Forward looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause the actual results to be materially different from those indicated by such forward-looking statements. Actual results can be affected by, among other things, uncertainties relating to product development, clinical trials, regulatory actions or delays, the ability to obtain or maintain patent or other proprietary intellectual property protection, changes in or an inability to execute Curis` realigned business strategy and other risk factors identified in Curis` most recent Annual Report on Form 10-K and subsequent reports filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Curis disclaims any intention or obligation to update any of the forward-looking statements after the date of this press release

      Skaya ;)
      schrieb am 17.05.03 10:08:04
      Beitrag Nr. 55 ()
      Ich glaube, wir werden in der nächsten Woche wieder einen langen weißen Balken im Chart sehen.Schätze mal bis an die 4 Euro.
      schrieb am 18.05.03 22:09:27
      Beitrag Nr. 56 ()
      Aktuell: Shareholder Letter

      Dieser Passeri hats offensichtlich drauf. Seit dem er am Rädchen bei Curis dreht gehts wieder aufwärts - wirtschaftlich gesehen. :cool:
      schrieb am 18.05.03 22:13:42
      Beitrag Nr. 57 ()
      Curis sucht neue Mitarbeiter:

      We`re Hiring:

      Sr. Scientist/Director
      Working in the cancer and neuroscience areas

      Research Associate
      Drug Discovery: Assay Development

      schrieb am 18.05.03 22:35:24
      Beitrag Nr. 58 ()
      ... und noch ein sehr ausführlicher Geschäftsjahresbericht 2002. M. E. ist Curis nun auf dem richtigen Weg.
      schrieb am 18.05.03 23:33:09
      Beitrag Nr. 59 ()
      Die Analyse von sagt: 96 % Buy

      schrieb am 19.05.03 23:35:44
      Beitrag Nr. 60 ()
      War klar,wenn alle Lobeshymnen auf einen Wert singen,
      geht erst mal abwärts. -13% Mist:mad:
      schrieb am 20.05.03 16:04:01
      Beitrag Nr. 61 ()
      Wiederstand bei ca. 2.35 $ sollte halten!

      Abwarten :cool:
      schrieb am 20.05.03 16:13:58
      Beitrag Nr. 62 ()
      solltest du die "unterstützung##support##" meinen, gebe ich dir recht! der widerstand liegt IMO bei 3$ ;)

      schrieb am 20.05.03 16:54:32
      Beitrag Nr. 63 ()
      Sorry, meinte natürlich Unterstützung.... :D

      Es wird sich grad ein Kamp um diese Zone geliefert....

      Sieht gefählich aus, hoffentlich nimmt das ein gutes Ende. :mad:
      schrieb am 21.05.03 18:22:15
      Beitrag Nr. 64 ()
      Kurs zieht wieder etwas an.
      Good Luck allen Investierten.
      schrieb am 08.06.03 00:03:58
      Beitrag Nr. 65 ()
      Bin grad aus meinem ItalienUrlaub back in town und sehe den Hammerchart. Noch sind sie nicht ausgebrochen, m. E. deutet jedoch alles darauf hin. Es wird spannend. Ich glaube nächte Woche knallts wieder so richtig!

      schrieb am 09.06.03 19:26:09
      Beitrag Nr. 66 ()
      Bei dem Kursverlauf kann man eigentlich nicht meckern:yawn:
      schrieb am 10.06.03 11:04:44
      Beitrag Nr. 67 ()
      Das kann man wohl sagen. :D
      schrieb am 10.06.03 14:54:49
      Beitrag Nr. 68 ()
      DJN: *DJ Curis Gets Patent On Antibodies To Signaling Proteins
      (Dow Jones 06/10 05:42:49)
      (MORE) Dow Jones Newswires
      06-10-03 0842ET
      S.DJ CRIS
      schrieb am 10.06.03 21:08:51
      Beitrag Nr. 69 ()
      Intraday schon mal bei 4.50$:D
      schrieb am 11.06.03 23:42:29
      Beitrag Nr. 70 ()
      AH schon mal bei 5,21 usd -

      :) :kiss:
      schrieb am 12.06.03 06:49:06
      Beitrag Nr. 71 ()
      5,31 auf 52 wochen hoch geschlossen

      8 - 10 usd in den nächsten 14 tagen

      schrieb am 12.06.03 12:23:27
      Beitrag Nr. 72 ()
      Wow Leute!!!!

      Curis hat sich nach Orthobiotech (J&J) nun den nächsten BigPlayer als Partner geangelt - Genetech. Die entsprechenden News kamen gestern nachbörslich raus. Habs auch erst gespannt, als ich heute den Kurs in Frankfurt verfolgt habe: ca. + 50 % !!!!! :D

      Curis Establishes Cancer Therapeutic Partnership with Genentech

      Deal encompasses small molecule and antibody inhibitors of Hedgehog pathway for oncology applications in exchange for license payments, development milestones, product royalties, and a co-development option

      CAMBRIDGE, MA, June 11, 2003 - Curis, Inc. (NASDAQ:CRIS) has licensed its novel small molecule and antibody inhibitors of the Hedgehog signaling pathway to Genentech, Inc. (NYSE: DNA) for applications in cancer therapy.

      Abnormal activation of the Hedgehog signaling pathway has been implicated in the progression of several cancers, including basal cell carcinoma, small cell lung cancer, medulloblastoma, and others. The small molecule drug candidates and Hedgehog antibodies are specific inhibitors of the pathway that target particular points in Hedgehog signaling and do not appear to harm nearby normal cells. This selectivity contrasts with more traditional cancer treatments that often kill both cancer cells and normal cells.

      Under the terms of the agreement, Genentech has agreed to pay Curis a license fee of $8.5 million ($5 million in cash and $3.5 million in equity) and additional fees over the next two years. The agreement also provides for Genentech to make cash payments to Curis upon the successful achievement of clinical development and drug approval milestones. Genentech will also pay a royalty on net product sales which increases with increasing sales volume.

      Included among the small molecules covered by this agreement is CUR-61414, a compound that has been under development by Curis as a treatment for basal cell carcinoma, the most common form of cancer in the United States with more than 800,000 new cases diagnosed each year. A recent report in The Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences has shown that CUR-61414 can selectively kill tumor cells in models of basal cell carcinoma.

      As part of the agreement with Genentech, Curis has retained a co-development option for the fields of basal cell carcinoma and hair growth prevention in the U.S. market, pursuant to which both Curis and Genentech would co-fund program development and share a percentage of the operating profit.

      Dr. Lee Rubin, Curis` Chief Scientific Officer commented, "Recent publications and data by Curis scientists have pointed to an important role for the Hedgehog pathway in regulating tumor growth. Hedgehog protein, synthesized by different types of tumor cells, can act both to stimulate the growth of tumor cells directly and to increase the production of angiogenic and growth factors that then indirectly accelerate tumor growth. We are excited that Genentech feels that our small molecule and antibody inhibitors of this pathway complement its own cancer therapeutics and offer promise as novel new treatments for significant classes of solid tumors."

      Daniel Passeri, Curis` President and Chief Executive Officer stated, "We are very pleased to have Genentech as a partner for our Hedgehog-targeted cancer drug candidates. Genentech is a leading developer of specifically targeted cancer therapeutics, as their recent clinical success with Avastin has demonstrated and, therefore, is an excellent match with Curis` cancer drug candidates. Curis was in the fortunate position to be able to evaluate several alternatives among different companies and partnership structures. We believe that this agreement will provide the fastest clinical path forward for Curis` cancer drug candidates."

      About Curis, Inc.

      Curis, Inc. is a therapeutic drug development company. The Company`s technology focus is on regulatory pathways that control repair and regeneration. Curis` product development involves the use of proteins or small molecules to modulate these pathways. Curis has successfully used this technology and product development approach to produce several promising drug product candidates in the fields of kidney disease, neurological disorders, cancer, and alopecia (hair loss).

      This press release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Statements concerning Curis` or management`s intentions, plans, expectations or predictions of future events are forward-looking statements. Such statements may contain the words "believes", "expects", "anticipates", "plans", "estimates" or similar expressions. Forward looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause the actual results to be materially different from those indicated by such forward-looking statements. Actual results can be affected by, among other things, uncertainties relating to product development, clinical trials, regulatory actions or delays, the ability to obtain or maintain patent or other proprietary intellectual property protection, changes in or an inability to execute Curis` realigned business strategy and other risk factors identified in Curis` most recent Annual Report on Form 10-K and subsequent reports filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Curis disclaims any intention or obligation to update any of the forward-looking statements after the date of this press release.

      for Curis, Inc.

      Christopher U. Missling
      Chief Financial Officer
      (617) 503-6587

      Marc Charette, Ph.D.
      Vice President, Corporate Development
      (617) 503-6629
      schrieb am 12.06.03 16:38:20
      Beitrag Nr. 73 ()
      Shares of Curis (CRIS: news, chart, profile) surged $1.36, or 36 percent, to $5.14. The small biotech firm announced it licensed certain rights to potential cancer therapies to No. 2 biotech Genentech (DNA: news, chart, profile).

      Ausschnitt aus folgender Quelle:…
      schrieb am 12.06.03 17:46:23
      Beitrag Nr. 74 ()
      gerade noch rechtzeitig bei 3,26 eingestiegen...
      was meint ihr, wie gehts weiter? erst mal beruhigung oder gewinnmitnahmen? oder sehen wir da noch einen echten höhenflug?
      schrieb am 12.06.03 17:48:57
      Beitrag Nr. 75 ()
      jetzt kommt erstmal regen + gewitter
      schrieb am 13.06.03 16:49:15
      Beitrag Nr. 76 ()
      Wichtig: GAP ist geschlossen, Korrktur kann sich m. M. noch etwas hinziehen, bin aber davon überzeugt, daß aufgraund der fabelhaften News, die Curis die letzten Monate geliefert hat, die Aktie ein Selbstläufer wird und noch mächtig Potential hat.

      Mit all den Partnerschaften und Phase II Projekten ist Curis geschäftlich gesehen wesentlich weiter als noch zum Alltimehigh Mitte 2000. Ein Pleitegehen auch nach 2005 ist nach solch megamäßigen Partnerschaften fast unmöglich, voher werden sie eher geschluckt - nur hoffentlich nicht zu früh. :cool:
      schrieb am 13.06.03 17:46:36
      Beitrag Nr. 77 ()
      Gehe völlig conform mit Dir,lieber Boersi
      Ich bin ja auch seit Anfang an dabei(damals Creative Biomoleculs).
      Bin jetzt nur noch 16 % im Brand bei meinen 1300 shares.
      Hatte irgendwie immer an Curis geglaubt,drum verkauf ich jetzt mit Sicherheit nicht.Weil zum Traden hab ich keine Zeit .
      Gut dass Du hier so aktiv bist im Curis board!
      Hasta proxima ves
      schrieb am 13.06.03 19:26:56
      Beitrag Nr. 78 ()
      Hallo Lima,

      danke für die Blumen. :kiss:

      Ist ganz schön heftig, die Korrektur z. Zt. -10%. Da müssma durch :D

      schrieb am 13.06.03 19:32:55
      Beitrag Nr. 79 ()
      Folgende News ist m. E. vorgestern im Trubel um Genentech untergegangen:

      BIOWORLD Reports: Curis, Genentech Sign Potential $240M Hedgehog Pathway Deal

      By Brady Huggett, Associate Managing Editor

      Restructuring companies are sometimes seen as foundering entities and a reduction in head count can be viewed as a red flag or a sign of trouble within.

      Curis Inc. restructured in 2002, more than once, cutting staff and selling off or realigning programs. Some might have wondered if Curis was in trouble.

      From the looks of the deal it signed with Genentech Inc., released after the market closed Wednesday, things are fine at Cambridge, Mass.-based Curis. Genentech, seen by most as one of the top oncology companies in the world, agreed to a potential $240 million deal in which it licensed Curis` small-molecule and antibody inhibitors of the Hedgehog signaling pathway for use in cancer.

      "This is really a continuation of the focus of the company," Curis CEO and President Daniel Passeri said. "It`s a validation of the model that we put in place in February 2002. Certainly it`s a validation of the science the company has been conducting." (See BioWorld Today, Feb. 19, 2002.)

      Genentech will pay a license fee of $8.5 million - $5 million in cash and another $3.5 million in equity - and $2 million a year for two years. With committed funding of $12.5 million, the deal is tasty enough, but throw in development and approval milestones that push the deal to its potential $240 million ceiling and things get sweeter. Also, Curis would receive royalties on sales, and although exact figures were not disclosed, Passeri told BioWorld Today royalties are "south of double digits, but are solid, respectable royalties."

      The deal includes the CUR-61414 program, which Curis has been developing as a treatment for basal cell carcinoma. Lee Rubin, Curis` chief scientific officer, told BioWorld Today a joint steering committee made up equally of Curis and Genentech members will guide the partnership. Curis has done preclinical work that has pointed to different cancers the molecules might be efficacious against. Chemistry work will continue to be done by Curis, Rubin said, but once a lead is identified, Genentech will take over development, though still overseen by the steering committee.

      "That is what we think is a great advantage," Rubin said. "We think Genentech is virtually the premier company these days in the oncology area," particularly in the Hedgehog pathway area.

      Curis retains a U.S. co-development option in basal cell carcinoma. Genentech retains an option in the hair growth-prevention area. If either option is chosen, the companies would co-fund development and share a percentage of the operating profit.

      The Hedgehog protein pathway plays a part in tissue and organ development. It has been shown to be reactivated during the formation and progression of various types of cancer, including small-cell lung cancer, and thus holds promise in that field. Rubin said the development plan for the companies will "consider plans for both antibodies and small molecules in a parallel fashion," as work gets under way.

      Curis had cash and investments of $36.5 million at the end of the first quarter. Its net loss applicable to common stockholders for that quarter was about $4.5 million. Passeri said the financial aspects of the deal "takes us solidly into 2005."

      Curis` pipeline has its bone morphogenetic protein technology, which includes BMP-7, partnered with Ortho Biotech, a division of Johnson & Johnson, of New Brunswick, N.J. Ortho has rights for all indications except for the repair or regeneration of local musculoskeletal tissue defects and dental defects. Curis hopes to move that into the clinic in 2004. (See BioWorld Today, Dec. 2, 2002.)

      It also has a neurological program that it recently got back from Elan Corp. plc, of Dublin, Ireland. Passeri said that was "showing promising preclinical data."

      For the deal at hand, though, it comes at an opportune time. Genentech, of South San Francisco, is riding high on the recent success stories on the anti-angiogenesis drug Avastin and its asthma drug, Xolair. It was a bona fide star at the American Society of Clinical Oncology meeting in Chicago. The results and the ASCO conference have helped generate a wave of investor interest in cancer companies. (See BioWorld Today, May 16, 2003; May 20, 2003; and June 3, 2003.)

      When asked if he could feel the cancer momentum, Passeri said, "Absolutely."

      "The general buzz is from the fact that we are seeing positive results," he said. "The years of hard work are paying off. It`s highly encouraging to see these clinical results."

      Rubin agreed, saying: "This is perfect timing. The pathway approach is clearly what people are focusing on now and this pathway is one of the most fundamental that is used in growth regulation. It excites people right now and is what was exciting people at ASCO. We are pleased that even as Genentech is being seen as a high flyer, they have recognized what we have done."

      About Curis, Inc.

      Curis, Inc. is a therapeutic drug development company. The Company`s technology focus is on regulatory pathways that control repair and regeneration. Curis` product development involves the use of proteins or small molecules to modulate these pathways. Curis has successfully used this technology and product development approach to produce several promising drug product candidates in the fields of kidney disease, neurological disorders, cancer, and alopecia (hair loss).

      for Curis, Inc.

      Christopher U. Missling
      Chief Financial Officer
      (617) 503-6587

      Marc Charette, Ph.D.
      Vice President, Corporate Development
      (617) 503-6629

      schrieb am 13.06.03 19:52:10
      Beitrag Nr. 80 ()

      mir geht es ähnlich -

      schrieb am 14.06.03 05:24:07
      Beitrag Nr. 81 ()
      hallo zusammen
      zum welchen kurs kann man wieder kaufen?
      was meint ihr?
      kenne curis erst seit einige wochen.
      viel glück mit curis.
      schrieb am 14.06.03 17:48:05
      Beitrag Nr. 82 ()

      Beobachte Curis schon eine sehr lange Zeit. Leider habe ich unter einem Dollar nicht zugeschlagen, jetzt gucke ich blöd in die Wäsche. Ich hoffe auf einen Rücksetzer in den Bereich von zwei bis drei Dollar, was ohne weitere News auch denkbar ist. Wenn erneut Meldungen kommen, wird die Aktie wohl ohne Verschnaufpause weiterlaufen. Aber jetzt einzusteigen halte ich für sehr riskant. Ist aber nur meine Meinung.

      Gruß, greenhorn
      schrieb am 14.06.03 20:31:06
      Beitrag Nr. 83 ()
      Hi Auditt1
      prinzipiell kannst Du Dir CRIS eigentlich jetzt noch zulegen, wenn Du langfristig (Zeitraum über mehrere Jahre) denkst.
      Den günstigsten Kurs erwischt Du eh nur mit Glück(meiner ist 1,70 Euro, also auch ein Stück vom Tiefstkurs weg), aber ich glaube, dass die Aktie jetzt erst einmal weiter konsolidieren wird. Bis wohin, dass kommt auf die weitere Nachrichtenlage an. Wenns so weitergeht wie die letzten Wochen, wirds keine grösseren Kursverluste geben, aber die positiven News sind auch irgendwann einmal vorbei. Was man auch beachten sollte, ist, dass CRIS in diesem Jahr einen Tiefstkurs von 0,50 Euro!!:rolleyes:hatte. Das da Gewinne mitgenommen werden ist ganz normal.
      Ich würde Dir vorschlagen, dass Du in verschiedenen Tranchen kaufst.

      Wünsche Dir und grennhorn1998 für Euch günstige Einstiegskurse.;)
      schrieb am 15.06.03 23:41:25
      Beitrag Nr. 84 ()
      Hi Börseaugsburg,
      wir kennen uns ja noch aus C1 Zeiten.
      Bin der aus Ulm. Was tun?
      mal über Teilverkäufe nachdenken?
      Andererseits wäre es ja jammerschade , einen tollen Hype zu verpassen! Ich Halte.
      Hab den Fehler bei Freenet gemacht und bei 10 verkauft.
      Heute hammer 30€
      Grüsse von Lima
      schrieb am 16.06.03 20:25:42
      Beitrag Nr. 85 ()
      schrieb am 16.06.03 20:36:15
      Beitrag Nr. 86 ()
      hi, wieder ne Meldung;)

      in deutsch:
      Pressekommuniqué Quelle: Curis, Inc..

      Bmp-7 behandelt Niereverletzung und verhindert $blutgefäßbeschädigung in den Modellen der chronischen Nierenkrankheit
      Montag Juni 16, 10:55 morgens UND
      Mittel entwickelte sich durch Curis und genehmigte zu den Ortho Erscheinen Biotech Versprechung als mögliche Behandlung für chronische progressive Nierekrankheit

      CAMBRIDGE, Mass. -- (BUSINESS WIRE) -- Juni 16, 2003 -- Curis, Inc. (Nasdaq: CRIS - Nachrichten- ) heute verkündete, daß zwei wissenschaftliche Studien die letzte Woche veröffentlicht wurden, die das Potential des Verwendens von Bmp-7 als Behandlung, um Nierefunktion zu verbessern und zu verhindern zeigt, Gefäßkrankheit verband mit chronischer progressiver Nierekrankheit.

      Bmp-7, das von Curis für verschiedene Niere und neurologische in Verbindung stehende Störungen entwickelt wurde, wurde im November 2002 zu den Ortho Produkten Biotech, L.P genehmigt.

      Die erste Studie, "Bmp-7, eine Romantherapie für das zuckerkranke Nierenleiden" veröffentlicht von Kidney International, gezeigt, daß Behandlung mit Bmp-7 Nierefunktion in einem Diabetes-dazugehörigen Modell der chronischen Nierekrankheit verbessert. Diabetes ist eine der Hauptursachen der chronischen Nierekrankheit. Die zweite Studie, "Bmp-7 ist eine wirkungsvolle Behandlung der Gefäßkalkbildung im Mausemodell der Atherosclerose und des chronischen Nierenausfalls", die im Journal der amerikanischen Gesellschaft für Nephrologie veröffentlicht wird, gezeigt, daß Behandlung Bmp-7 die Entwicklung von Atherosclerose ($blutgefäßkrankheit) in einem Modell der chronischen progressiven Nierekrankheit verhindert. Die Herzkrankheit, die durch Atherosclerose verursacht wird, ist die führende Ursache des Todes unter Nieredialysepatienten. wurden preclinical Studien vom Dr. Keith Hruska und seine Teilnehmer an der Washingtonhochschulschule von Medizin in St. Louis, Missouri geleitet.

      Dr. Lee Rubin, Curis` der wissenschaftliche hauptsächlichoffizier, kommentiert, "chronische progressive Nierekrankheit ist ein ernstes Problem weltweit. Ein Mittel, das Nierefunktion verbessern und Gefäss-dazugehörige Krankheit verhindern könnte, würde darstellen eine Hauptzuführung auf dem Gebiet der chronischen Nierekrankheit.",

      Daniel Passeri, Präsident Curis` und der Generaldirektor, gesagt, "diese Resultate sehr regen an und polstern einen bereits großen Körper von preclinical Daten, die das therapeutische Potential von Bmp-7 als Behandlung für chronische Nierekrankheit stützt. Wir sind auch sehr erfreut, die fortfahrende Entwicklung BMP-7`s jetzt von Ortho Biotech geleitet wird. Tiefe Ortho Biotechs der Erfahrung in proteinbasierten pharmazeutischen Produkten und in der klinischen Probesachkenntnis der umfangreichen Niere läßt es den idealen Partner therapeutisches Potential BMP-7`s entwickeln.",

      Skaya ;)
      schrieb am 17.06.03 10:14:55
      Beitrag Nr. 87 ()
      und die gabs danach auch noch:

      Curis In License Pact For BMP-7 With J&J Unit
      Monday June 16, 11:13 am ET

      CAMBRIDGE, Mass. -(Dow Jones)- Curis Inc. (NasdaqNM:CRIS - News) said two studies demonstrated the potential of using BMP-7 as treatment to improve kidney function and prevent vascular disease associated with chronic progressive kidney disease.

      In a press release Monday, the drug development company said BMP-7, which was developed by Curis for various kidney and neurological related disorders, was licensed in November to Johnson & Johnson`s Ortho Biotech Products L.P.

      The first study showed that treatment with BMP-7 improves kidney function in a diabetes-associated model of chronic kidney disease.

      The second study showed that BMP-7 treatment prevents the development of atherosclerosis, or blood vessel disease, in a model of chronic progressive kidney disease.

      As reported, Curis said it added $14 million to its cash position on Oct. 1, 2002, by selling future royalty rights for the BMP-7 osteogenic protein to Stryker Corp. (NYSE:SYK - News) .

      Shares of Curis closed Friday at $4.03, down 29 cents, or 6.7%, on volume of 1.62 million shares. Average daily volume is 1.07 million shares.

      schrieb am 17.06.03 12:11:44
      Beitrag Nr. 88 ()
      hallo lima,

      naja, das war meine größte fehlinvestition aller zeiten. ich bin dabei meine verluste wieder wett zu machen, schau mer mal, ob das auch klappt, aber ich bin da guter dinge.

      cris halte ich schon ewig und so wie es derzeit aussieht wird das schon.

      gruß nach ulm

      :) ba
      schrieb am 17.06.03 17:39:51
      Beitrag Nr. 89 ()
      Mir kommt es so vor als wenn der Genetech-deal doch nicht so das gelbe vom Ei war, schliesslich hat cris Rohdiamanten verhöckert (bis auf eine Co-entwicklung für den Amiraum)oder wie seht ihr das?

      Genentechs Ziel – Die Nummer eins in der Krebsbekämpfung

      Zur Nummer eins, wenn es um die Behandlung von Krebserkrankungen geht, will die Nummer zwei der gesamten Biotechbranche, Genentech, schon bald aufsteigen und hat diesbezüglich schon wieder einen Schritt in die richtige Richtung unternommen. In einem Deal mit dem Biotechunternehmen Curis, Inc. (NASDAQ:CRIS) sicherte sich Genentech jüngst die Rechte an kleinen Molekülen und Antikörpern, die auf einen Stoffwechselweg zielen, der mit dem Fortschreiten bösartiger Tumoren in Verbindung gebracht wird. Die lizenzierten Verbindungen will Genentech nun zu neuen nebenwirkungsfreien Krebstherapien entwickeln.

      Eine abnormale Aktivierung des „Hedgehog“ Signalweges ist am Fortschreiten verschiedener Formen bösartiger Tumoren, darunter das Basalzellenkarzinom, das kleinzellige Lungenkarzinom und das vor allem Kinder betreffende Medulloblastom, einen Hirntumor, beteiligt. Das „Hedgehog“ Protein, das von verschiedenen Typen von Tumorzellen synthetisiert wird, kann auf direktem und auf indirektem Weg das Tumorwachstum stimulieren. Auf direktem Weg werden die Tumorzellen als solche Wachstum angeregt, indirekt regt das Protein die Synthese von angiogenetischen Faktoren sowie von Wachstumsfaktoren an, welche dann das Tumorwachstum beschleunigen. Die von Curis lizenzierten Substanzen und Antikörper sind spezifische Hemmstoffe, die an verschiedenen Stellen im „Hedgehog“ Signalweg eingreifen und, wie es bisher scheint, normale Zellen nicht schädigen.

      Diese selektiven Wirkstoffe sind es, auf denen die Hoffnungen der Krebsforscher liegen, und denen sich auch Genentech voll und ganz widmen will.

      Im Rahmen der mit Curis getroffenen Vereinbarung wird Genentech eine Lizenzgebühr von 8,5 Millionen Dollar zahlen. Über die nächsten zwei Jahre wird Curis noch mit weiteren Zahlungen rechnen können, zudem wird Genentech für das Erreichen bestimmter Entwicklungsstufen, sowie im Falle einer erfolgreichen Zulassung einzelner Produkte, Meilensteinzahlungen an Curis leisten. Nach dem Markteintritt eines der Produkte erhält Curis außerdem eine Beteiligung am Nettoumsatz. Unter den lizenzierten Verbindungen befindet sich auch das von Curis gegen das Basalzellenkarzinom entwickelte CUR-61414.

      Jährlich werden in den USA mehr als 800.000 neue Basalzellenkarzinome diagnostiziert. Ein erst kürzlich von Curis in der Fachzeitschrift „The Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences” publizierter Artikel, konnte bereits zeigen, dass CUR-61414 in einem Tiermodell mit Basalzellenkarzinom die Krebszellen ganz selektiv abtöten kann. Damit wäre die erste Hürde Präklinik bereits erfolgreich genommen, was Genentech für die bevorstehende klinische Entwicklung hoffen lässt. Allerdings will Curis sein erfolgversprechendes Produkt nicht ganz aufgeben, für den US-Markt hat sich das Unternehmen eine Co-Entwicklungsoption offen gehalten.

      Die Nachricht vom Lizenzdeal wurde auch an der Börse positiv aufgenommen, sowohl Curis als auch Genentech wurde mit einem Kursgewinn belohnt. Curis lag zeitweise sogar um bis zu 48 Prozent im Plus, beschloss den Handel dann aber „nur“ noch mit einem Plus von 28 Prozent.

      gruss meislo
      schrieb am 18.06.03 17:21:02
      Beitrag Nr. 90 ()
      Ich glaube das war die richtig Entscheidung. Somit ist Curis abgesichert. Sollte sich da mal ein Produkt anbahnen, hat der Big Player Genentech bestimmt die besten Vermarktungsmöglichkeiten. Da täte sich Curis schon schwer, bei den Marketingkosten. Könnte mir auch vorstellen, daß Genentech Curis irgendwann schluckt :cool:
      schrieb am 20.06.03 00:25:36
      Beitrag Nr. 91 ()
      also ich sehe in Curis gewaltiges Potential!ich kann eigentlich nicht erkennen wieso der deal schlecht sein sollte!Curis ist leider wie alle anderen Bios in den letzten Tagen in einer Konsolidierung genau wie Oxigene!Es kommt der Zeitpunkt da werden wir in Gold schwimmen!allein schon die Zahlungen an Curis dürften alle sorgen Verschwinden lassen!! :) :)
      schrieb am 20.06.03 22:24:31
      Beitrag Nr. 92 ()
      Wer die Seele verkaudft dem kann und wird es nicht gut gehen. Wer investieren will in ein Unternehmen was Zukunft hat der sollte ein Blick auf Geron werfen! Meineserachtens das beste Biotechunternehmen der Welt was Potential besitzt, wie kein anderes !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      grudd meislo
      schrieb am 21.06.03 19:54:37
      Beitrag Nr. 93 ()
      Hi meislo, so oft wie Du Geron in den verschiedenen Threads hochlobst, scheint es mir so, als hättest Du Deine Seele an Geron verkauft, oder?;)
      Nicht dass wir uns falsch verstehen, ich halte Geron auch für ein interessante Firma mit gewaltigem Potenzial ;)
      schrieb am 21.06.03 22:01:33
      Beitrag Nr. 94 ()
      hi skaxa

      Du hast recht ! Ich habe meine Seele an dieses Unternehmen verkauft. Heute noch bin ich in einem anderen Board zu Geron aus einem ähnlichen Grund befragt worden und habe diese Antwort hinterlegt

      Nun habe ich etwas Zeit da meine Freundin unsere Tochter zu Bett bringt

      Zu Deiner Frage wie ubd in welcher Grössenordnung ich investiert bin. Es sind 2000 Aktien und zwar gekauft zu 1000 2,15 Euro, 500 zu 4,21. 250 zu 4,70 und 250 zu 5,70 Euro

      Mein Depot sieht wie folgt aus

      20000 Poet zu 76 cent /Turnaroubdwert Ausbruchsversuch laüft gerade siehe auch Board Wallstreet-online)

      2000 Geron
      2000 AASTROM Bio-Wert (75 cent)
      1000 QSC Telekommunikation Kölner Unternehmen muss sein da ich Kölner bin (56 cent)
      250 Entremed Bio-Wert (3,70 Euro)

      in Klammern Einstiegskurse

      Interessant finde ich Articon(Turmaroundwert Sicherheitssofwre) ,Dendreon,Genta,Introgen (alles Biotechwerte mit Krebsphantasie), mit weniger Interesse verfolge ich Maderex, Abgenix, Illumina und GPC-Biotech als ainzigen europäischen Biotech-Wert. Europäische Werte und hier speziel deutsche hängen der Entwicklung im Biobereich Jahre hinterher (Ausnahme Quiagen (Niederlande) die Marktführer sind aber deren Entwicklungspotential beschränkt bleibt da Bio wächst aber nicht mehr mit den Raten wie in den neunziger Jahren und somit Quiagen eher unterdurchschnittlich davon partitionieren dürfte. Für mich mich kein unbedingter Kauf!

      Warum nun also Geron ?

      Diese Frage kann ich Dir garnicht so einfach beantworten

      Im Jahr 1992 habe ich CNBC gesehen. Nach der Arbeit habe ich den Fernseher eingeschaltet und bin davor eingedöst.Damals und ich glaube heute noch hatten die ein Laufband mit Aktienkürzel. Ein blaues Laufband mit weisser Schrift und damals tauchten in regelmässiger Häufigkeit vier Buchstaben auf die da hiessen CSCO und ich habe mir gedacht das muss eine tolle Aktie sein. Damals gab es kein Internet und die Börsenzeitschriften waren mässig gesäht.Das änderte sich erst mit der Einführung der T-Aktie, dem Neuen Markt 1997 und dem Internet. Jedenfalls hatte ich diese Kürzel (CSCO) zwischenzeitlich vergessen aber im Jahr 1998 bin ich nochmals darauf gestossen und musste festsstellen das hätte ich 1992 in diese Aktie investiert von der ich aber nichts weiter wusste ausser das Kürzel so wäre ich mit DM 5000 Millionär geworden

      Im Jahr 2000 war CSCO zum teuersten Unternehmen der Welt aufgestiegen und hatte Microsoft Nokia und Shell weit hinter sich gelassen. Im nachhinein finde ich diese Geschichte zwar lustig aber trotzdem ärgert sie mich auch noch heute

      Das Gefühl das mich damals bei CSCO begleitete, das habe ich auch wenn ich GERN sehe !!

      Ich weiss nicht ob Du mit der Geschichte etwas anfangen kannst, sicherlich klingt sie auch lächerlich aber ein zweites CSCO lass ich nicht mehr an mir vorbeilaufen!Und bei GERN sind bei mir die gleichen Mechanismen am Werk wie sie damals bei CSCO es waren. Es ist so ein Gefühl im Bauch!!!

      Und GERON bietet nach 13 jähriger Forschung mit über 280 Patenten und mittlerweile das Einsehen auch Prudukte zu entwicken und nicht nur Aktionärsgelder zu verforschen eine interessante Gelegenheit!! Für mich die spekulativste Biotech-Aktie weit und breit

      gruss meislo
      schrieb am 22.06.03 15:02:46
      Beitrag Nr. 95 ()
      hi meislo,
      dass ist ja eine ganz nette Geschichte;)
      Ich denke mal, dass es vielen so geht wie Dir, ich schliesse mich da auch nicht aus, aber hattest Du nicht geschrieben:

      ....Wer die Seele verkauft dem kann und wird es nicht gut gehen....;)

      ist jetzt nicht böse gemeint, aber Du solltest Dich da mal an die eigene Nase fassen.;)
      Ausserdem bin ich der Ansicht, dass es neben Geron noch einige andere Firmen gibt, die noch gewaltiges Potenzial besitzen, z. B. auch die von Dir erwähnte Aastrom oder auch Curis;
      Ich wünsch Dir, dass Du Dir mit Geron und Deinen anderen Aktien Deine Wünsche erfüllen kannst. Bei dem Mischkurs bei Geron siehts ja bis dato ganz gut aus;)

      Viele Grüße
      schrieb am 22.06.03 20:19:46
      Beitrag Nr. 96 ()
      Hi skaya

      Deine Kritik mit der Seele kann ich zwar verstehen aber schliesslich hat Geron nicht Herzstücke auslizensiert was bei CRIS aber geschehen ist. Das hat aber für CRIS nicht nur Nachteile denn CRIS wird wohl wissen was sie tun und weiss das sie einen starken Partner nun im Boot haben. Sicherlich ist es einfacher Medikamente mit starken Partnern bis zur Marktreife zu entwickeln und anschliessend auch in den Markt einzubringen.
      So gesehen sicherlich nicht nur ein Nachteil für CRIS aber ein wirklich gutes Medikament mit Blockbusterqualität an dritte auszulizensieren tut mir persönlich etwas weh!!

      gruss meislo
      schrieb am 23.06.03 12:31:37
      Beitrag Nr. 97 ()

      auf der aktuellen hotline von hordenbach wird curis als die wunderaktie angeprriesen. kann mir jemand mehr sagen?

      schrieb am 23.06.03 19:21:08
      Beitrag Nr. 98 ()
      hi sideshowmark ;)

      hier ist die Homepage von CRIS.

      Schau Dir die Nachrichten an und mach Dir ein Bild von der Firma;)Langfristig könnte das was werden. Aber mit dem Begriff "Wunderaktie" wäre ich ganz vorsichtig. Ist das die Telefonhotline von Hordenbach, wo Du das gehört hast, oder auf der Homepage von "Der Aktionaer"?

      Viele Grüße
      schrieb am 23.06.03 20:47:02
      Beitrag Nr. 99 ()
      Die senden das auf ntv Vt. S.805 mit Angabe der Hotline-nr.

      gruss meislo
      schrieb am 23.06.03 21:29:07
      Beitrag Nr. 100 ()
      Danke Meislo ;)
      schrieb am 23.06.03 21:30:48
      Beitrag Nr. 101 ()
      was ist mit CRIS los -

      täglich 10 % minus

      schrieb am 23.06.03 22:21:47
      Beitrag Nr. 102 ()
      Wenn man ein Lineal zu Hilfe nimmt und die Tiefpunhte miteinangdr verbindet so verläuft der aktuelle Aufwärtstrend in einer Spanne von 3,40- 3,50 US Dollar. An diesem Punkt ist CRIS heute angelangt. So langsam wird es spannend denn tiefer sollten Sie nicht mehr fallem sonst wäre der Aufwärtstrend in Gefahr. Das Handelsvolumen war eher niedrig (806000 gehandelte Aktien)und der bestehende Trend sollte eigentlich gehalten werden. Soweit die Theorie.

      gruss meislo
      schrieb am 23.06.03 22:37:56
      Beitrag Nr. 103 ()
      Hi Meislo,

      aufpassen mit den Charts von Yahoo, die logerithmischen taugen m. E. nix. Nimm dein Lineal und vergleiche die mal mit denen von Bigcharts, dann wirstes sehen!


      schrieb am 23.06.03 23:38:00
      Beitrag Nr. 104 ()
      Danke Boersi

      Hier aber das gleiche Bild änsert nichts an der Tatsache das CRIS heute auf dem Aufwärtsrend aufgesetzt hat. Also im Auge behalten…

      gruss meislo
      schrieb am 24.06.03 17:19:23
      Beitrag Nr. 105 ()
      Am besten von den kostenlosen Tools finde ich jedoch den Comdirekt Java Trader, da brauchste kein lineal mehr....

      Gruß :D
      schrieb am 24.06.03 23:17:53
      Beitrag Nr. 106 ()
      mal wieder echt ernüchternd der Verlauf der letzten Tage.
      Da brauchtst kein Lineal mehr um das zu erkennen.
      schrieb am 25.06.03 10:43:17
      Beitrag Nr. 107 ()

      cool bleiben noch ist nix verloren. 3.20 $ hat gehalten! :cool:

      Entremed hat das selbe letzte Woche durchgemacht und hat sich etwas höher wieder stabilisiert!

      schrieb am 28.06.03 16:24:51
      Beitrag Nr. 108 ()
      Genentech, Onyx Pharmaceutical, Bayer, Medarex, Regeneron, Discovery Lab, Epix, Axonyx, Curis

      Biotechs have been on an unbelievable tear-it seems obvious that the upward momentum will have to level off with periods of profit taking. I see most of companies as being either fully or overvalued. However this is not a rally based on hot air. There has been lots of good news in biotech starting with a new philosophy at the FDA. Recent statements about accelerated approvals using surrogate endpoints will certainly speed important drugs through the clinical trial process. Also recent announcements of major clinical trial successes at ASCO continue to validate the concept of molecular targeting and the importance of antibody technology. The most important trial results were Genentech`s Avasitin (anti-VEGF monoclonal antibody) combination trial in the upfront treatment of metastatic colon cancer and the Imclone / BMS Erbitux (anti-EGFR monoclonal antibody) trial data in second line colon cancer therapy in combination with CPT 11. Early stage trials with Genentech`s 2C4, Onyx Pharmaceutical and Bayer`s Raf kinase inhibitor, Medarex`s anti-CTLA4 antibody, Regeneron`s VEGF Trap technology and some dual acting kinase inhibitors from AZN and Pfizer all looked promising with significant clinical responses.

      Although most of the recent good new was focused on cancer drugs the rally has carried over to the whole biotech sector and this rally has legs. I would argue that although the rapidity of this upswing has been nothing short of stunning this sector was tremendously undervalued. Prior to this rally many companies were trading near cash or if they did have a late stage pipeline at low multiples of cash. This was clearly the most conservative view one could take in valuing the biotech sector. I think it is much more realistic to assign a greater technology valuation. Current prices now reflect this change in valuation. Yes we may see a retrenchment but not withstanding some major political event I think biotech has finally separated from the technology sector and will continue with a much more gradual upward momentum dictated by successful mergers, licensing agreements and clinical trial successes.

      So what have I been buying the last few weeks? There is no question that Genentech (DNA) is going to be the premier cancer company however at current prices I think it is fairly valued. I have played the Genentech upside by buying some of Roche (RHHBY), their European partner. In the long-run I like this company but currency fluctuation can affect the outcome. The clinical success of Avastin validated VEGF (vascular endothelial growth factor) as a good anti-cancer target. For this reason one has got to like Regeneron (REGN). I am long REGN both with stock and calls. They presented great Phase I data at ASCO. I expect a major deal on the VEGF Trap technology sometime this year. This is a very compelling technology and the REGN Trap has 100 times greater affinity for VEFG than Genentech`s Avastin. I am confident that a big pharma or oncology oriented biotech will negotiate a great deal with Regeneron. So forget the Axokine (obesity trial) disaster and focus on what this company does have. The rest of their Trap technologies look interesting as well. I think Regeneron is about to make the transition from a great research company with terrible clinical trials to a company that will make investors money.

      I am long Onyx (ONXX). By year-end we should see some Phase II data. ONXX is partnered with Bayer (50/50) with a Raf kinase inhibitor that has already shown partial remissions in Phase I trials (efficacy in Phase I is unusual and is a good sign getting a drug through the FDA). The target is well validated. Activating mutations are known to drive a few types of cancers including melanoma. Importantly, Raf sits downstream from Ras, which is one of the most commonly mutated genes that drive cancers. So a good inhibitor could be useful in a variety of solid tumors with Ras mutations. The target is unique, the drug appears to work and it is oral, toxicity seems to be acceptable-my only real question is whether Bayer is up to getting a cancer drug through clinical trials and will they pick the right strategy? My bet is that they can do the job and I remain long ONXX.

      I am long Medarex (MEDX), which has one of the most interesting of all the immune modulator technologies. The drug is a human monoclonal antibody to CTLA4, a molecule on T cells that down-regulates clonal expansion. This helps to abort a run-away immune response. However it can also down-regulate an anti-tumor response. Phase one data in melanoma patients presented at ASCO looked very promising with many examples of partial remissions in visceral disease and even in a metastatic brain tumor. The side effects on continued dosing mimic a generalized autoimmune process but went away when the drug was stopped. I am waiting for Phase II data on both single agent 010 trials as well as further data in combination trials with the gp100 melanoma vaccine. MEDX recently announced an HIV trial using anti-CTLA4 in the hopes of augmenting the immune response. I am long the stock and the calls.

      I am long Discovery Lab (DSCO) awaiting data from the synthetic surfactant trial in premies, which should be available in the October `03 time frame. They just announced interim results from a European trial, which they stopped. The results met all the endpoints. DSCO`s synthetic surfactant helps keep the lungs expanded in both premies and probably in a variety of adult respiratory distress syndromes. It is a no-brainer that it will be used instead of animal products (pig and bovine surfactant). The bigger market is ARDS -adult respiratory distress syndrome. This is what many sick patients in intensive care units have and is also seen in sick SARS patients. I expect the current adult Phase II trials will be positive.

      I am long Epix (EPIX) expecting great data from the last two of their Phase III MS-325 MRI imaging trials. My expectation is that EPIX will file an NDA in the fall and this product will get approved. I also think it will change how we visualize the vascular tree for any number of diseases. An important point is that it doesn`t appear to be toxic to the kidneys like other IV contrast agents (many patients with vascular disease are diabetics with bad kidneys).

      I am long Axonyx (AXYX) because of some possibly unique properties of their anticholinesterase inhibitor currently in trials for Alzheimer`s disease. Recently I got a letter from a subscriber who noted that although I bought AXYX twice in the Model Portfolio I haven`t written much about it. AXYX`s lead product, Phenserine, is possibly a better mousetrap for treating Alzheimer`s disease. Phenserine belongs to a class of drugs called cholinesterase inhibitors, which prolong the action of acetylcholine (a neurotransmitter) at synaptic junctions in the brain. This class of drugs sells over a billion dollars annually even though they only make a very modest therapeutic contribution. Perhaps best known in the US is the branded product Aricept. AXYX has tantalizing preclinical evidence that Phenserine may not only act in the traditional manner of the other inhibitors but also may have the added benefit of decreasing amyloid protein production. The most accepted theory of the cause of Alzheimer`s disease is that overproduction and aggregation of certain breakdown products of the amyloid protein are neurotoxic. Phenserine may have an interesting impact on amyloid production. There is a response element in the 5 prime end of the amyloid messenger RNA that appears to bind Phenserine resulting in a down-regulation of translation (amyloid protein production). AXYX just started a trial looking at levels of amyloid protein in the CSF (cerebral spinal fluid) of patients taking Phenserine. If these results are positive it would be a great marketing edge for a company that is selling a cholinesterase inhibitor. Also their first Phase III Phenserine trial is scheduled to start shortly. The only other drug likely to be approved in the near future for Alzheimer`s is Memantine from Forest and this will be used in combination with cholinesterase inhibitors. On another front, AXXY recently got a $1 million milestone from Serono when they commenced a Phase I trial on another AXXY molecule designed to break the folding that causes beta amyloid to aggregate. It is the soluble oligomers that seem particularly neurotoxic. This tiny company has the possibility of carving out a unique niche in treating Alzheimer`s disease. With solid preclinical data, a market cap of only $84 million and Phase III trials about to start this company looks like a good gamble-funding has been their Achilles heel.

      I am still long Curis (CRIS) in my personal account-I must say that I am in love with the hedgehog pathway and think it will be both a good anti-tumor target (CRIS just announced a deal with Genentech for this indication) and a good neurology target. Their partnered BMP 7 bone morphogen program has shown preclinical promise in chronic renal disease. The company is also quietly developing technology and intellectual property in the female pattern baldness space using a hedgehog agonist and they are keeping this indication for themselves. This could be a huge winner but of course the program is still preclinical. Staying long this stock is an aberration from my usual investment philosophy, which demands a company have a compound in clinical trials. CRIS currently has $42 million in cash and will get another $2 million a year for the next two years from Genentech. This cash should easily last through most of 2005. I`ve been very impressed with steps management has taken over the last year to control the burn rate and to partner programs. The Genentech partnership has milestones of $230 million over the course of development with royalties on sales. I am holding this stock for the long-run. Anyone who has owned this company from their origins as Creative Biomolecule certainly had a roller-coaster ride but I think the company does well from here in.

      As a matter of disclosure I want all readers to know that I own many of the stocks I write about in my personal account and always maintain a long position. I also write about many of these stocks first in Biotech Insight, a web-based newsletter published at The following is further disclosure: Dr. Garren is a member of Biotech Insight Management, LLC, a California registered investment adviser and the general partner of a hedge fund that invests in biotechnology companies, including some of the companies discussed in this newsletter ( Garren is a member of the advisory board of DBGI (Diversified Biotech Group, Inc.) and the chief biotechnology strategist. Garren also consults for following: 1- a second large hedge fund focused on the healthcare industry with a heavy emphasis on biotech. I recommend many of these same stocks to the investment funds mentioned above. It should be noted that hedge funds could go both long and short on any particular stock. Many of these disclosures were detailed in the fine print, which usually never gets read. The information in this column under no circumstances serves as a recommendation to buy or sell stocks. Please also see the disclosure about Biotech Insight archived on BioSpace.
      schrieb am 28.06.03 16:25:42
      Beitrag Nr. 109 ()

      The small cap biotech rally continued this week. Curis (CRIS) is one stock I mentioned in prior alerts that has appreciated sharply in the last few weeks and is now selling at $2.43/share. I have always liked this company`s science programs but in prior years attempts to transform a group of high quality science projects ran into the walls of inadequate financing, excessive burn rates and poor management. Burn rates were extraordinary, projects were slow to materialize and the one partnered commercial product OP1 (BMP 7) was slow to get regulatory approval. Over the last year Dan Passeri (CEO) has monatized the value of much of the underlying science, decreased the burn rate by half and partnered many of the projects. The company also brought in $14 million by monatizing their royalty on OP1 while reducing the royalty they would owe Stryker in areas outside of orthopedics. CRIS is in a partnership with Ortho Biotech (J&J) looking at BMP 7 in renal disease with Ortho now taking over 100% of the costs. BMP 7 is also licensed to Ortho for neurology indications. All this recent restructuring has left CRIS with $36.5 million in cash (3/31/03), which management suggests is enough to reach 2005. In this climate that is very good-2 years of cash is a must. Investor interest, which has been moribund till now was rekindled by the recent news of an issued patent and preclinical results using a topical drug to treat a common skin cancer (basal cell carcinoma -BCC). The stock has gone from the $.80 range to $2.43 at today`s close.

      I think what is not generally appreciated is that the company`s most valuable asset is the broad IP around a particular biologic pathway called the sonic hedgehog pathway. These assets have not yet been partnered. Recent investor enthusiasm recognized this aspect but does not fully value it. The Hedgehog Pathway is involved in BCC but that is probably less important to the business plan than recent findings indicating that it may be a key player in many of the more deadly solid tumors. Recent published results have implicated this pathway in a number of cancers including small cell lung and pancreatic cancers. Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer death and although small cell cancer is only a minority of lung cancers it is the most deadly and usually widely spread at the time of diagnosis. This same pathway may also be important in neurodegenerative diseases and even female pattern baldness. Preclinical work shows that Hedgehog small molecule agonists can reverse balding in an animal model. This may be particularly pertinent to female pattern baldness in humans because in this condition the hair follicles are dormant but still present.

      Passeri is now looking to make a deal with a major pharma on CRIS` most valuable target the Hedgehog Pathway. The company has agonists and antagonists with much intellectual property. Normally in the present funding climate a deal on a validated target with developed drug leads that are still preclinical might be expected to garner about 30-50 million in milestones, a modest upfront payment and a mid single-digit royalty. My bet is that CRIS gets much more-the developing biology behind this target is just too compelling. CRIS does have to resolve a joint venture (JV) with Elan in which it owns an 80% stake. This JV concerns the neurologic indications for the Hedgehog pathway. In any deal CRIS hopes to retain the "female pattern baldness" indication for internal development.

      CRIS has a current market cap of $77.76 million with cash of $36.5 million-so it is selling at a little over 2x cash. I think the next value driver will be a partnership on the Hedgehog pathway and that should come in the next few months. This still is early technology not yet tested in humans. Normally I am reluctant to invest in such an early stage company but for Curis I will make an exception. I have been buying it in my personal account and in a fund I manage from $1 to $2/share. I think anything under $2.25 is a good entry point but I might even consider buying at the market and plan on holding long-term. My bet is that Passeri can finally get the value out of the underlying science.

      As a matter of disclosure I want all readers to know that I own many of the stocks I write about in my personal account and always maintain a long position. I also write about many of these stocks first in Biotech Insight, a web-based newsletter published at The following is further disclosure: Dr. Garren is a member of Biotech Insight Management, LLC, a California registered investment adviser and the general partner of a hedge fund that invests in biotechnology companies, including some of the companies discussed in this newsletter ( Garren is a member of the advisory board of DBGI (Diversified Biotech Group, Inc.) and the chief biotechnology strategist. Garren also consults for following: 1- a second large hedge fund focused on the healthcare industry with a heavy emphasis on biotech. I recommend many of these same stocks to the investment funds mentioned above. It should be noted that hedge funds could go both long and short on any particular stock. Many of these disclosures were detailed in the fine print, which usually never gets read. The information in this column under no circumstances serves as a recommendation to buy or sell stocks. Please also see the disclosure about Biotech Insight archived on BioSpace
      schrieb am 01.07.03 00:40:41
      Beitrag Nr. 110 ()
      Langsam kommt newstechnisch wieder schwung in den Markt.

      Press Release Source: Millennium Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

      Millennium Enters Into Commercialization and Development Agreement With Ortho Biotech Products, L.P., for VELCADE(TM) (Bortezomib) For Injection
      Monday June 30, 5:38 pm ET
      -- Millennium retains rights to U.S. market; Companies share global development --

      CAMBRIDGE, Mass., June 30 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- Millennium Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (Nasdaq: MLNM - News) today announced that it has entered into an agreement with Ortho Biotech Products, L.P., a Johnson & Johnson company, to collaborate on the commercialization and continued clinical development of VELCADE. VELCADE, a novel, first-in-class cancer therapy, was approved for marketing by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) on May 13, 2003 and launched by Millennium on May 19, 2003.
      (Logo: )
      "We believe this collaboration with Ortho Biotech strongly positions Millennium to accomplish our near-, mid- and long-term goals, including applying significant resources to the commercialization and broad development of VELCADE, supporting our path to profitability and realizing the long-term value of this novel product," said Mark Levin, chief executive officer and chairperson, Millennium. "This collaboration also enables us to simultaneously invest in our rich pipeline to continue to deliver breakthrough treatments to patients."

      Agreement Terms

      Under the terms of the agreement, Millennium will retain all commercialization rights to and profits from VELCADE in the U.S. Following regulatory approvals of VELCADE outside the U.S., Ortho Biotech and its affiliate, Janssen-Cilag, will commercialize VELCADE outside of the U.S. and Millennium will retain an option to co-promote VELCADE at a future date in certain European countries. Millennium will receive royalties from Ortho Biotech and its affiliate Janssen-Cilag on sales outside the U.S.

      Further to the terms of the agreement, Millennium will receive an upfront payment from Ortho Biotech of $15 million. In addition, Millennium may receive payments for achieving clinical development and regulatory approvals outside of the U.S. related to multiple myeloma and sales milestones that may total up to $125 million. Additionally, Millennium will be eligible to receive payments of up to approximately $330 million for achieving pre- specified clinical and regulatory approval milestones outside of the U.S. for additional solid and/or hematological cancers, and up to $65 million upon achieving sales milestones outside of the U.S. Payments are activated by specific accomplishments over the life of the agreement.

      Millennium, in addition to Ortho Biotech and its research affiliate, Johnson & Johnson Pharmaceutical Research & Development, L.L.C., will jointly engage in a comprehensive global program for further clinical development of VELCADE in the U.S., the E.U. and Japan to maximize the clinical and commercial potential of VELCADE. This program will investigate the potential of VELCADE to treat multiple forms of solid and hematological cancers, including continued investment in multiple myeloma. Ortho Biotech will be responsible for 40 percent of the joint development costs through 2005 and for 45 percent of those costs thereafter. Total joint development costs, assuming success in multiple tumor types, may be up to $500 million based on existing development plans.

      "We believe Ortho Biotech is an outstanding commercialization and development collaborator to fully explore the potential of VELCADE and help deliver this novel oncology product to patients in need around the world," said Barry Greene, general manager of oncology, Millennium. "Ortho Biotech has earned a global reputation for its strength in oncology, and we are delighted that they have committed to VELCADE as a central component of their product portfolio."

      About VELCADE

      VELCADE, the first of a new class of medicines called proteasome inhibitors, is the first treatment in more than a decade to be approved by the FDA for patients with multiple myeloma - a cancer of the blood. Millennium received approval from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration on May 13, 2003 to market VELCADE for the treatment of multiple myeloma patients who have received at least two prior therapies and have demonstrated disease progression on the last therapy. The effectiveness of VELCADE is based on response rates. There are no controlled trials demonstrating a clinical benefit such as an improvement in survival.

      VELCADE has a generally predictable, manageable safety profile (with appropriate monitoring and, if necessary, dose modification). VELCADE is contraindicated in patients with hypersensitivity to bortezomib, boron, or mannitol.

      In 228 patients who were treated with VELCADE(TM) (bortezomib) for Injection in two phase II studies of multiple myeloma, the most commonly reported adverse events were asthenic conditions (including fatigue, malaise and weakness) (65 percent), nausea (64 percent), diarrhea (51 percent), appetite decreased (including anorexia) (43 percent), constipation (43 percent), thrombocytopenia (43 percent), peripheral neuropathy (including peripheral sensory neuropathy and peripheral neuropathy aggravated) (37 percent), pyrexia (36 percent), vomiting (36 percent), and anemia (32 percent). Fourteen percent of patients experienced at least one episode of grade four toxicity, with the most common toxicity being thrombocytopenia (three percent) and neutropenia (three percent). A total of 113 (50 percent) of the 228 patients experienced serious adverse events (SAEs). The most commonly reported SAEs included pyrexia (seven percent), pneumonia (7 percent), diarrhea (6 percent), vomiting (5 percent), dehydration (5 percent) and nausea (4 percent).

      For more information about VELCADE(TM) (bortezomib) for Injection, patients and physicians can contact the Millennium Medical Product Information Department at (866) VELCADE, or for European calls, 1-510-740-1273.

      About Millennium

      Millennium Pharmaceuticals, Inc., a leading biopharmaceutical company based in Cambridge, Mass., co-promotes INTEGRILIN® (eptifibatide) Injection, a market-leading cardiovascular product, markets VELCADE(TM) (bortezomib) for Injection, a novel cancer product, and has a robust clinical development pipeline of product candidates. The Company`s research, development and commercialization activities are focused in four disease areas: cardiovascular, oncology, inflammation and metabolic. By applying its knowledge of the human genome, its understanding of disease mechanisms, and its industrialized technology platform, Millennium is seeking to develop breakthrough personalized medicine products.

      This press release contains "forward-looking statements," including statements about our growth and future operating results, discovery and development of products, potential acquisitions, strategic alliances and intellectual property. Various risks may cause the Company`s actual results to differ materially, including: adverse results in our drug discovery and clinical development processes; failure to obtain patent protection for our discoveries; commercial limitations imposed by patents owned or controlled by third parties; our dependence upon strategic alliance partners to develop and commercialize products and services based on our work; difficulties or delays in obtaining regulatory approvals to market products and services resulting from our development efforts; the commercial success of INTEGRILIN® (eptifibatide) Injection and VELCADE(TM) (bortezomib) for Injection; and the requirement for substantial funding to conduct research and development and to expand commercialization activities. For a further list and description of the risks and uncertainties we face, see the reports we have filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission. We disclaim any intention or obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.

      Millennium will hold a live webcast of its conference call to discuss the collaboration with Ortho Biotech at 4:30 p.m. EDT on Monday, June 30, 2003. The webcast can be accessed by visiting the Investor section of the Company`s website, Following the webcast an archived version of the call will be available at the same address until July 2, 2003 at 4:30 p.m.

      Editor`s Note: This release is available under the Media section on the Company`s website at

      Adriana Jenkins (media) Gina Price Nugent (investor)
      (617) 761-6996 (617) 551-3611

      schrieb am 08.07.03 00:43:41
      Beitrag Nr. 111 ()
      "The Trend Is Your Friend!"

      schrieb am 09.07.03 17:00:10
      Beitrag Nr. 112 ()
      up...mehr sog i ned :D
      schrieb am 09.07.03 20:45:51
      Beitrag Nr. 113 ()
      Sehr erfreulich,die 4$ sind wieder da!
      schrieb am 22.07.03 22:16:00
      Beitrag Nr. 114 ()

      Curis Compound, Hedgehog, Stimulates Blood Vessel Development Following Injury

      CAMBRIDGE, Mass., Jul 22, 2003 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- Curis, Inc. (NASDAQ: CRIS)
      today announced that a Boston-based medical research group has demonstrated that
      a key signaling pathway, controlled by the Hedgehog protein, plays a crucial
      role in promoting the development of new blood vessels following tissue injury
      (deprivation of oxygen). The research points to potential therapeutic
      applications for the Hedgehog pathway in the treatment of a variety of vascular
      (blood vessel) disorders.

      The scientific report, entitled "Postnatal Recapitulation of Embryonic Hedgehog
      Pathway in Response to Skeletal Muscle Ischemia," was published last week in the
      medical research journal Circulation. The research, conducted by Dr. Douglas
      Losordo and his colleagues at Saint Elizabeth`s Medical Center in Boston,
      Massachusetts, demonstrated that the Hedgehog pathway is activated after tissue
      damage and controls the formation of new blood vessels.

      Dr. Lee Rubin, Chief Scientific Officer of Curis, commented, "This adds to a
      growing body of data demonstrating the key role that the Hedgehog pathway plays
      in tissue repair and the reestablishment of blood supply. Curis has recently
      developed drug-like small molecules that can either turn the Hedgehog pathway on
      or off. This strongly positions Curis in terms of developing drug candidates for
      disorders where one would want either to promote new blood vessel development,
      as in certain cardiovascular diseases, or where one would want to halt
      inappropriate blood vessel development, such as for macular degeneration or
      certain forms of cancer."

      Daniel Passeri, Curis` President and Chief Executive Officer, said, "In addition
      to the significant therapeutic applications, this research validates Curis` core
      technological approach to drug development. The approach that certain pathways
      responsible for the initial formation of tissues and organs are reactivated
      later in adult life in response to stress, injury, or disease, has been
      reinforced by the recent study. By developing compounds that control these
      pathways, Curis has been able to assemble a substantial portfolio of drug
      candidates to treat a wide array of critical medical problems, including kidney
      disease, neurological disorders, cancer, and others."

      About Curis, Inc.

      Curis, Inc. is a therapeutic drug development company. The Company`s technology
      focus is on regulatory pathways that control repair and regeneration. Curis`
      product development involves the use of proteins or small molecules to modulate
      these pathways. Curis has successfully used this technology and product
      development approach to produce several promising drug product candidates in the
      fields of kidney disease, neurological disorders, cancer, and alopecia (hair
      loss). For more information, please visit the Curis web site at

      This press release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of the
      Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Statements concerning Curis`
      or management`s intentions, plans, expectations or predictions of future events
      are forward-looking statements. Such statements may contain the words
      "believes", "expects", "anticipates", "plans", "estimates" or similar
      expressions. Forward looking statements involve known and unknown risks,
      uncertainties and other factors that may cause the actual results to be
      materially different from those indicated by such forward-looking statements.
      Actual results can be affected by, among other things, uncertainties relating to
      product development, clinical trials, regulatory actions or delays, the ability
      to obtain or maintain patent or other proprietary intellectual property
      protection, changes in or an inability to execute Curis` realigned business
      strategy and other risk factors identified in Curis` most recent Annual Report
      on Form 10-K and subsequent reports filed with the Securities and Exchange
      Commission. Curis disclaims any intention or obligation to update any of the
      forward-looking statements after the date of this press release.

      SOURCE: Curis, Inc.
      schrieb am 28.07.03 16:01:58
      Beitrag Nr. 115 ()
      na heute gehts mal wieder schön hoch:yawn:
      Gibts was neues?
      schrieb am 28.07.03 16:20:37
      Beitrag Nr. 116 ()
      First Report of Curis` Small Molecule Hedgehog Agonists` Therapeutic Efficacy in a Model of Neurological Disease

      Monday , July 28, 2003 08:56 ET

      CAMBRIDGE, Mass., Jul 28, 2003 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- Curis, Inc. (NASDAQ:CRIS), a therapeutic drug development company, today announced that two medical research groups directed by Drs. Nigel Calcutt and Andrew Mizisin of the University of California at San Diego have presented data which demonstrates that orally-available, drug-like, small molecule agonists of the Hedgehog signaling pathway can reduce damage and significantly improve neurological function in an experimental model of diabetic neuropathy.

      Curis, which provided the compounds for the study, has been developing small molecule Hedgehog pathway agonists for the treatment of various neurological disorders and other medical needs. Dr. Mizisin presented the report, entitled "Therapeutic Efficacy of Oral Hedgehog Agonists in Experimental Diabetic Neuropathy," on Sunday July 27, 2003 at the meeting of the Peripheral Nerve Society in Banff, Alberta, Canada.

      According to the National Center for Health Statistics, at least one third of diabetes sufferers are afflicted with severe peripheral neurological disorders. The ability of small molecule agonists of the Hedgehog pathway to stimulate recovery from diabetes-induced neurological deficits is consistent with earlier observations from these investigators and Curis collaborators showing that administration of the Hedgehog protein has significant benefits in models of diabetic neuropathy.

      Dr. Lee Rubin, Curis` Chief Scientific Officer, commented, "This is the first of what we expect will be several independent validations of Curis` small molecule Hedgehog agonist portfolio showing efficacy in different models of various neurological diseases. We, at Curis, believe that manipulation of the Hedgehog signaling pathway constitutes a significant new opportunity for the development of drugs to treat nervous system disorders."

      Daniel Passeri, Curis` President and Chief Executive Officer, said, "This is an important milestone for Curis. The demonstration that our small molecule agonist drug candidates are effective in promoting neurological recovery represents an important step forward in our own drug development activities. Neurological disorders are one of the most significant areas of unmet medical need in the pharmaceutical world. This report is an important milestone towards achieving our objectives of capitalizing on that unmet need.
      schrieb am 28.07.03 16:42:07
      Beitrag Nr. 117 ()
      Danke Ohnemoos,

      wollte ich auch grad machen :D
      schrieb am 28.07.03 23:05:12
      Beitrag Nr. 118 ()
      hier noch ein wenig komprimiert:

      9:05AM Curis announces positive Hedgehog data (CRIS) 3.28: Announces that two medical research groups have presented data which demonstrates that orally-available, drug-like, small molecule agonists of the Hedgehog signaling pathway can reduce damage and significantly improve neurological function in an experimental model of diabetic neuropathy.
      schrieb am 28.07.03 23:22:25
      Beitrag Nr. 119 ()
      Der offizielle Bericht vom Meeting am Sonntag in Kurzform:

      Mizisin AP1, Allendoerfer KL2, Mathur A2, Beiswenger K1, Dudek H2, Rubin
      LL2, Calcutt NA1. 1University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, CA; 2Curis Inc.,
      Cambridge, MA, USA.
      Expression of hedgehog proteins and their receptor, patched-1 (Ptc), in
      adult peripheral nerve suggest a role for the hedgehog pathway beyond
      modulating the embryonic development of the nervous system. Our recent
      studies demonstrating impaired expression of desert hedgehog (dhh) in
      experimental diabetic neuropathy and the efficacy of sonic hedgehog (SHh)
      protein in ameliorating hyperglycemia-induced dysfunction of large motor and
      sensory fibers support this notion and imply expression deficits of these proteins
      may contribute to nerve disorders in this and other disease states. Here the
      therapeutic utility of two different orally available small molecule agonists of the
      Hh pathway at reversing functional nerve disorders resulting from experimental
      diabetes was investigated. Control and diabetic (50 mg/kg streptozotocin by
      intraperitoneal injection) female Sprague-Dawley rats were maintained for 4
      weeks. After 4 weeks, diabetic rats were treated (5 mg/kg) thrice weekly by oral
      gavage with either of two agonists (A, B) or vehicle alone. After a further 4 weeks
      of diabetes and treatment, thermal response latency was assessed using a
      focused heat source directed onto the plantar surface of the foot. Motor and
      sensory nerve conduction velocity (MNCV and SNCV) were then measured using
      latencies of M and H waves recorded from interosseal muscles. Treatment with
      either hedgehog agonist did not prevent the diabetes-associated loss of body
      weight and had no impact on plasma glucose. Progression of diabetic rats from a
      state of transient thermal hyperalgesia toward one of protracted thermal
      hypoalgesia was prevented by both agonists, such that after 4 weeks of
      treatment agonist-treated groups remained significantly hyperalgesic (both
      P<0.05). The MNCV and SNCV deficits seen after 8 weeks in vehicle-treated
      diabetic rats when compared to control rats (P<0.01) were ameliorated by both
      agonists. Specifically, the MNCV deficit was significantly ameliorated by agonist
      A (P<0.01), while there was a nonsignificant trend for an increase with agonist B.
      In contrast, agonist B significantly ameliorated the SNCV deficit (P<0.01)
      whereas agonist A promoted a nonsignificant improvement. The efficacy of these
      orally delivered hedgehog agonists point to the therapeutic utility of these
      compounds in treating nerve dysfunction in experimental diabetes.

      schrieb am 31.07.03 21:24:08
      Beitrag Nr. 120 ()
      Curis steht chartechnisch wieder einmal vor einem entscheidendem Punkt. Ein Ausbruch steht m. E. unmittelbar bevor!

      schrieb am 06.08.03 17:07:54
      Beitrag Nr. 121 ()
      Einer der wenigen Lichtblicke heute im Biotechbereich

      gruss meislo
      schrieb am 06.08.03 20:55:48
      Beitrag Nr. 122 ()
      Wieso von Heute?? Die News ist doch schon vom 30.Juni. Hmm??:confused:

      Trotz allem zieht Curis heute ohne weitere News wieder mal kräftig an. Meine Trends aus u. g. Chart scheinen sich zu bestätigen. :cool:
      schrieb am 06.08.03 21:02:41
      Beitrag Nr. 123 ()
      Erster positiver Trendbruch (kurzfristiger Abwärtstrend) ist vollzogen. :D

      schrieb am 06.08.03 21:34:34
      Beitrag Nr. 124 ()
      Hallo börsi

      Die News sind vom 30. 7 2003 und nicht vom 30.6.2003

      Allerdings geht cris unter hohem Volumen in Richtung 4 Dollar. Was zur Zeit bei Biotechs eher die Ausnahme als die Regel ist. Bin eigentlich auch überzeugt dass das eher ne Eintagsfliege ist als kontinuität. Wir werden sehen.

      Ach, ich hab auch nicht geschrieben, dass die Newas von heute sind, nur habe ich sie ins Board gestellt da sie noch nicht eingestellt waren.

      gruss meislo
      schrieb am 06.08.03 22:05:26
      Beitrag Nr. 125 ()
      Sorry, hab mich natörlich vertan...

      schrieb am 08.08.03 17:06:12
      Beitrag Nr. 126 ()
      3,90$ + 14%:yawn:
      schrieb am 08.08.03 17:23:40
      Beitrag Nr. 127 ()
      Gerüchte über ein Übernahmeangebot:…" target="_blank" rel="nofollow ugc noopener">…
      schrieb am 11.08.03 12:40:55
      Beitrag Nr. 128 ()
      Buy on Roumors - sell on facts
      Ne Übernahme um die 7-8 § wäre doch super.:D
      schrieb am 11.08.03 16:42:01
      Beitrag Nr. 129 ()
      Kommt irgendwie nicht gut an die Kapitalerhöhung unter Ausschluss der Altaktionäre

      Press Release Source: Curis, Inc.

      Curis Announces $10.9 Million Private Financing
      Monday August 11, 9:45 am ET

      CAMBRIDGE, Mass.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Aug. 11, 2003--Curis, Inc. (NASDAQ: CRIS - News) today announced that it has entered into definitive agreements with certain institutional and other accredited investors with respect to the private placement of 3,589,700 shares of newly issued common stock, and warrants to purchase 1,076,910 shares of common stock, for a total purchase price of approximately $10.9 million. The Company intends to use the aggregate net proceeds from the private placement, approximately $10.0 million, primarily to support the Company`s clinical and research and development efforts and for other general corporate purposes. Stephens Inc. served as the private placement agent for this transaction.
      The securities sold in this private placement have not been registered under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and may not be offered or sold in the United States absent registration or an applicable exemption from registration requirements. As part of the transaction, the Company has agreed to file a resale registration statement on Form S-3 with the Securities and Exchange Commission within 30 days for purposes of registering the resale of the shares of common stock, and the shares of common stock underlying the warrants, issued in the offering.

      This notice is issued pursuant to Rule 135c under the Securities Act of 1933 and does not constitute an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to buy the securities, nor shall there be any sale of the securities in any state in which such offer, solicitation or sale would be unlawful prior to the registration or qualification under the securities laws of such state. Any offering of the securities under the resale registration statement will only be by means of a prospectus.

      gruss meislo
      schrieb am 13.08.03 19:18:26
      Beitrag Nr. 130 ()
      gibts NEWS die mann wissen sollte?Kapitalerhöhung?heisst das AUsgabe von neuen Aktien oder was?
      das verwässert den Kurs,aber die 3 $ scheinen zu halten.
      Wenn ich jetzt mit meinen letzten 500 rausgehe,gibts bestimmt ne Explosion,weils ne Übernahme gibt oder so
      natürlich alles Spekulation
      schrieb am 20.08.03 16:30:08
      Beitrag Nr. 131 ()
      Curis Issued U.S. Patent Covering Core Hedgehog Technologies
      Wednesday August 20, 9:27 am ET

      CAMBRIDGE, Mass.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Aug. 20, 2003--Curis, Inc. (NASDAQ: CRIS - News) today announced that it has been issued U.S. patent 6,607,913, entitled "Vertebrate Embryonic Pattern-inducing Proteins and Uses Related Thereto." The claims of this patent cover genes (nucleic acids) for members of the Hedgehog family of signaling proteins having certain biological activity, including materials and methods for the production of these proteins.
      The Hedgehog family of signaling proteins controls one of the major regulatory pathways responsible for the development and maintenance of tissues of the body including the central and peripheral nerve system and has been shown to be involved in the repair of these tissues when damaged or traumatized. Curis is using the Hedgehog signaling pathway as a technology platform to develop drug candidates to treat neurological disorders, cancer, blood vessel growth (angiogenesis), and hair growth disorders (alopecia). Curis recently announced a partnership with Genentech to develop Hedgehog antagonists (blockers of the Hedgehog pathway) for applications in the treatment of certain cancers.

      Dr. Lee Rubin, Curis` Chief Scientific Officer said, "Curis has made enormous progress in the last several years in expanding our understanding of the biology of the Hedgehog pathway and in using that information to develop novel drug candidates for a wide array of medical disorders. A good example of this is our recent success in developing small molecules (traditional drug-like substances) that can activate the Hedgehog pathway and promote recovery in models of nerve damage, as was reported at the annual meeting of the Peripheral Nerve Society in July."

      Daniel Passeri, Curis` President and Chief Executive Officer stated, "The issuance of this patent further bolsters Curis` intellectual property portfolio covering the Hedgehog signaling pathway. We have already announced a significant Hedgehog pathway collaboration this year that also conferred a co-development option for one of the leading indications (basal cell carcinoma). Curis intends to leverage its expertise in developing Hedgehog-based drug candidates, and its related intellectual property portfolio, into additional attractive collaborations in the future."

      About Curis, Inc.

      Curis, Inc. is a therapeutic drug development company. The Company`s technology focus is on regulatory pathways that control repair and regeneration. Curis` product development involves the use of proteins or small molecules to modulate these pathways. Curis has successfully used this technology and product development approach to produce several promising drug product candidates in the fields of kidney disease, neurological disorders, cancer, and alopecia (hair loss). For more information, please visit the Curis web site at

      This press release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Statements concerning Curis` or management`s intentions, plans, expectations or predictions of future events are forward-looking statements. Such statements may contain the words "believes", "expects", "anticipates", "plans", "estimates" or similar expressions. Forward looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause the actual results to be materially different from those indicated by such forward-looking statements. Actual results can be affected by, among other things, uncertainties relating to product development, clinical trials, regulatory actions or delays, the ability to obtain or maintain patent or other proprietary intellectual property protection, changes in or an inability to execute Curis` realigned business strategy and other risk factors identified in Curis` most recent Annual Report on Form 10-K and subsequent reports filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Curis disclaims any intention or obligation to update any of the forward-looking statements after the date of this press release.

      Curis, Inc.
      Christopher U. Missling, Ph.D., 617/503-6587
      Marc F. Charette, Ph.D., 617/503-6629

      Source: Curis, Inc.

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