
    2007 Paramount Gold – Übernahme – Produzent NI 43-101 - 500 Beiträge pro Seite

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     Ja Nein
      schrieb am 02.01.07 11:11:26
      Beitrag Nr. 1 ()

      Paramount Gold Mining Corp.OTC.BB:PGDP

      Liebe Paramount-Gemeinde

      Was ist Paramount Gold um was handelt es sich? Was sind die Ziel und Absichten dieses Unternehmens?
      Was hat das Unternehmen bisher erreicht und wie wird es weitergehen?

      Bei der Paramount Gold Mining Corp. handelt es sich um ein mit der Exploration und der Entwicklung von Edelmetallvorkommen beschäftigtes Unternehmen. Das Ziel des Managements besteht darin, Paramount durch die Entwicklung der Projekte San Miguel und Linda in Mexiko und Peru und durch die Übernahme anderer Projekte, die sich bereits in einem fortgeschrittenen Stadium befinden, bzw. bereits produzierender Minen in den reichsten Edelmetallgebieten der Welt, zu einem wichtigen Gold- und Edelmetallproduzenten zu machen. Das Unternehmen wird am OTC-Markt unter dem Symbol ‚PGDP' und an der Frankfurter Börse unter dem Symbol ‚P6G' gehandelt. Ausführliche Informationen finden Sie auf der Internetseite von Paramount unter (diese ist ab sofort in folgenden Sprachen verfügbar: Englisch, Deutsch, Französisch, Spanisch und Chinesisch).

      Es gibt Projekte in Mexiko, Peru, Argentinien und Chile in Joint Venture Partnerschaften mit Unternehmen wie Barrick Gold, dem weltweit größten Goldförderungsunternehmen, und Teck Cominco, einem Bergbaukonglomerat im Wert von 18Mrd.

      Paramount Gold MNG
      WKN: A0HGKQ
      Symbol FFM: P6G
      USA Kürzel: PGDP
      Aktienanzahl: ca. 30 Mio. Aktien + 100.000 Optionen
      Marktkapitalisierung: ca. 69 Mio. USD

      Präsentation von PARA:
      Interview Geologist Interviews…
      Interview Reed:
      Interview Crupi
      Interview BV mit Struthers:
      Hier der Link für die US-Kurse:
      Struthers besucht Para:
      SEC Infos:$/SEC/Filings.asp?D=11Ekh.vk

      Rohstoffguru und unabhängige Analyst Ron Struthers :
      TTS Zürich:
      Stockwatch: Wies darauf hin, dass es ein Spitzenunternehmen in seinem Segment ist.
      Und viele mehr……

      Management and Directors—over 250 years of combined mining experience
      Chris Crupi, CA –President & CFO
      Former VP at PricewaterhouseCoopers
      Over $1 Billion in major capital market transactions over past 10 years

      Larry Segerstrom, MBA, MSc. Geo –COO
      30 years experience, largely in Latin America
      Geology Manager with Freeport-McMoRan (Indonesia)
      Exploration positions with other Majors include Newmont, Phelps Dodge, Noranda

      John Carden, Ph.D. Geology –Director
      1998 to 2001, John was President of Latitude Minerals Corporation
      1986 to 1998, John discovered the 600,000 ounce Lamefoot deposit, Echo Bay's highest-grade
      and lowest cost producer, and the Easy Junior -a 250,000 oz. gold deposit in Nevada
      From 1992 through 1998 he was Director of U.S. Exploration for Echo Bay Mines

      Dan Hachey, B.Sc., MBA–Director
      20 year investment banking history
      Director experience with public and private companies on TSX, NASDAQ

      Jean Depatie –Senior Advisor
      Longest serving Board member of Glamis Gold, recently acquired by Goldcorp
      30 years experience in the mining industry
      Significant Board experience with U.S. and Canadian listed resource companies

      Bill Reed, Geologist, P.R.Geo. –Manager of Exploration, Mexico, and Director
      Former Chief Geologist, Mexico, for Hecla Mining
      Former Regional Geologist for Echo Bay Mining
      Identified area in Mexico with 44 million oz. silver and 2.5 million oz. gold

      Alain Vachon, P.Eng. Geologist –Manager of Exploration, South America
      Former Senior Geologist for Barrick Gold
      Former Exploration Manager for Sulliden Exploration
      Nomination for the prestigious “Prospector of the Year”award in Peru, 2000

      Marc Slauenwhite, B.Sc., P.Geol. –Sr. Project Geologist, South America
      Former Senior Project Geologist with Barrick Gold and Inco
      1995 to 2006, Marc worked as a Senior Project Geologist for Barrick Gold in Peru, which discovered the Alto Chicama deposit (10 M oz. of gold), and the Pierina deposit (7.2 M oz. gold)
      Project Geologist for 11 years at Inco

      Nancy Reardon, M.Sc., P.Geol., SEG Fellow –Sr. Technical Advisor, Mexico
      20 years experience in mineral exploration. Nancy acted as the exploration manager and qualified person for Radius Gold from May 2004 to January 2006
      For the 10 year period prior, she acted as a geological consultant for such companies as Miramar Mining Corporation, Kennecott, and Atna Resources

      John Simons, Mining Engineer –Sr. Technical Advisor
      Drilled the San Miguel project in 1970’s with spectacular results
      Co-discovered La Caridad copper-molybdenum deposit, now largest mining operation in Mexico

      Das Management hat Topreputationen - alte erfahrene Hasen sind am Start, die genau wissen, was sie tun und auf ausgezeichnete Ergebnisse in ihren Karrieren verweisen können.

      Current Project Portfolio
      San Miguel: Sierra Madre Gold-Silver Belt, Mexico
      Under option to earn 70% of San Miguel Groupings
      More than seven kilometers of strike length on mineralized structural corridor.
      6 miles from Palmarejo’s 3.1 million oz. (gold eq.) mine, currently under construction.
      40 miles from Gammon Lake’s new Ocampo Mine (10 million oz.) and 20 miles from Glamis’El Sauzal mine.
      Paramount controls 100% of 100,000 hectare Andrea claim between San Miguel project and Glamis’El Sauzal mine.

      Andean Gold Alliance with Teck Cominco Limited:
      South America
      21 projects in Chile, Argentina and Peru
      Six priority projects identified and slated for drilling in early 2007
      First target, Santos property (Peru), will be drilled starting in late January

      Sehr interessant und immer noch aktuell!!
      STOCKCAST.TV - Interview vom 15.09.2006…

      Bei uns zu Gast heute Abend ist Greg Wilson von der EMT Capital, Guten Abend Greg

      GREG WILSON: Guten Abend

      Bitte erzählen Sie uns etwas über EMT Capital - Womit genau befasst sich ihr Unternehmen?

      EMT Capital ist eine Beteiligungs- und Finanzierungsgesellschaft, die hauptsächlich im Bereich Ressourcen agiert. Einer unserer Kunden ist Paramount Gold, für die wir als Finanzdienstleiter tätig sind. Unsere Abteilung Skyline Communications kümmert sich auch um die Investor Relations arbeit.

      Könnten Sie uns Paramount Gold ein bisschen besser beschreiben?

      Ich gebe ihnen gern einen Überblick über Paramount Gold. Bei Paramount Gold handelt es sich um eine Gesellschaft zur Exploration von Edelmetallvorkommen, hinter dem ein erfahrenes Management Team steht, das bisher sehr erfolgreich im Auffinden von abbaufähigen Lagerstätten, in einigen der reichsten Gold und Silber - Gebieten auf der ganzen Welt war.

      Es gibt Projekte in Mexiko, Peru, Argentinien und Chile in Joint Venture Partnerschaften mit Unternehmen wie Barrick Gold, dem weltweit größten Goldförderungsunternehmen, und Teck Cominco, einem Bergbaukonglomerat im Wert von 18Mrd.

      Wir werden uns gleich noch über die Projekte unterhalten, aber da Sie gerade das Management angesprochen haben. Stellen Sie es uns bitte kurz vor.

      Das tue ich gerne, aber ich möchte zuvor noch etwas zu den Zielen von Paramount sagen. Wir haben es uns zur Aufgabe gemacht Projekte, die sich im fortgeschrittenen Stadium befinden, in bewährten Bergbauregionen weltweit zu akquirieren, und außerdem selbst Aktionen zu starten um solche Lagerstätten aufzufinden. Haben wir das erreicht, so ist unser nächstes Ziel, dieses Projekt durch einen mittelgroßen oder großen Gold- bzw. Silberproduzenten abbauen zu lassen.

      STOCKCAST.TV: In Ihrem Team müssen also anerkannte Geologen sein.

      Sehr anerkannte und das bringt mich nun zu den Qualitäten unseres Management Teams. Christopher Crupi ist der Vorsitzende; er war vorher Vizepräsident bei Pricewaterhouse Coopers, einer der größten Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaften. Chris ist ein Experte im Bereich Finanzierung. Er hat ein Netzwerk internationaler Kontakte, das sehr wertvoll ist wenn es darum geht Geld aufzubringen. Außerdem kennt er sich bestens mit den Bestimmungen für öffentliche Unternehmen z.B. mit. der SEC aus. Unser Chefgeologe in Mexiko ist Bill Reed; er war zuvor Chefgeologe in Mexiko bei Hecla Mining, einem Bergbauunternehmen im Wert von $ 600 Mio.

      Er war es, der das allererste Vorkommen im Raum Mexiko ermittelt hat, in dem Paramount arbeitet und das jetzt eine produzierende Mine mit dem Namen Dolores ist. Er arbeitet seit 30 Jahren in Mexiko, er kennt die Geologie und die Menschen dort und hat in Mexiko ein tolles Geologenteam zusammengestellt. Unser Leiter im Bereich Geologie und Exploration in Südamerika ist Alain Vachon, der zuvor ein Seniorgeologe bei der bereits erwähnten Barrick Gold war; Alain managed ein Team von 12 Geologen in Südamerika bei unseren Projekten in Peru, Chile und Argentinien. In Alains Geologenteam sind interessanterweise, außer ihm noch 5 weitere Geologen die vorher für Barrick Gold gearbeitet haben. 2 von ihnen haben Barrick Gold gerade erst verlassen um sich Paramount anzuschließen und das zeigt welches Vertrauen sie in das, was wir tun haben.

      Unser Entlohnungsplan für die Geologen sieht so aus, dass sie, wenn Sie Minenvorkommen finden ein äußerst attraktives Entgelt bekommen. Ich finde das ist eine einzigartiger Weg sie zu entlohnen, da die Interessen der Geologen so eins mit denen der Investoren werden.

      STOCKCAST.TV: Eine gute Motivation.


      STOCKCAST.TV: Dann lassen sie uns nun über die Projekte sprechen. Sie haben Peru erwähnt.

      Ja, in Peru haben wir ein Joint Venture mit Barrick Gold, das wir das „Linda Projekt“ nennen. Erst vor kurzem haben wir Bohrungsergebnisse von Linda bekannt gegeben. 4 von 5 unserer Bohrlöcher wiesen starke Spuren von Gold auf, im besten 2,75 g pro Tonne auf fast 13 Metern. Es ist interessant zu wissen, dass es in dem Gebiet in dem wir in Peru arbeiten, operierende Minen gibt mit durchschnittlichen Goldanteilen von weniger als 1g Gold pro Tonne. 2,75g sind also ein hoher Anteil. Definitiv wirtschaftlich. Es sind größtenteils Massenlagestätten, denn danach suchen wir: Ressourcen im Bereich von 5-10 Mio. Unzen. Es werden den Herbst über weitere Bohrungen bei Linda stattfinden, immer mit dem Ziel abbaufähige Lagerstätten nachzuweisen. Das Interessante an unserer Zusammenarbeit mit Barrick ist, dass wenn wir ein Vorkommen von mindestens 2 Mio. Unzen finden, sie das Recht haben, es zu übernehmen und auszubeuten; dafür bekommen wir einen Anteil in Höhe von 35% für die Dauer der Arbeiten . Zusätzlich übernimmt Barrick alle Kosten um die Mine in Betrieb zu nehmen.

      STOCKCAST.TV: Sie haben also nicht nur Barricks Team, sie lassen sie auch für die Kosten des Projektes aufkommen...

      Nun ja, wir müssen erst etwas finden. Dieses Risiko nehmen wir auf uns; aber wir kooperieren viel mit Barrick und haben die nötigen Experten, so dass das Ganze zu unseren Gunsten laufen sollte.

      STOCKCAST.TV: Sprechen wir nun über Mexiko, ich habe gehört, dass San Miguel sich als äußerst interessantes Projekt erweist.

      Das stimmt, aber ich würde gern zuerst über unser anderes Projekt in Südamerika sprechen, die „Anden-Gold Allianz“. Fast ein Zungenbrecher im englischen... es handelt sich um ein Joint Venture mit Teck Cominco, einem Bergbaukonglomerat im Wert von 18 Mrd. $, wie schon gesagt, ein riesiges Unternehmen und....

      STOCKCAST.TV: Warum hat Teck Cominco sie ausgewählt?

      Das ist eine gute Frage und natürlich haben wir sie sie ihnen auch gestellt. Sie sagten uns, dass unser Team von Geologen das Beste aller Junior Explorationsunternehmen, mit denen sie Kontakt haben, sei. Wenn man ein Joint Venture mit einem Unternehmen eingeht setzt man natürlich auch seine Reputation aufs Spiel, deshalb haben sie sich ein Unternehmen ausgesucht, von dem sie denken, dass es ihre Vorhaben bereichert.

      STOCKCAST.TV: Ein großes Kompliment von solch einem Unternehmen für Sie...

      Absolut. Ich glaube nicht, dass der Markt unser Joint Venture mit Teck wirklich zu schätzen weiß. Es besteht aus 21 verschiedenen Projekten im Joint Venture Portfolio. Es gibt Projekte in Chile, Argentinien und Peru und wir haben erst vor kurzem bekannt gegeben, dass bei frühen Untersuchungen unseres Geologenteams vor Ort, 5 von diesen 21 als stark mineralisiert identifiziert wurden. Eine von ihnen in Chile, zeigte einen Goldanteil in Höhe von 73g pro Tonne, auf einer beachtlichen Breite.

      Diese Untersuchungen wurden von Teck Cominco und unserem Geologenteam durchgeführt. Es gibt ein weiteres unter diesen 5 Feldern, dass sich z.B. in unmittelbarer Nähe zu Barricks 15 Mio. Unzen Mine befindet. Unsere Zusammenarbeit mit Teck Cominco ist also unheimlich wertvoll und die 21 Felder haben es auch in sich. Wir stecken viel Arbeit hinein und machen große Fortschritte. Ich glaube wirklich nicht, dass der Markt den wahren Wert dieses Projektes für unser Unternehmen zu schätzen weiß.

      STOCKCAST.TV: Der Markt ist oder war ja generell etwas zögerlicher. Was erwarten sie künftig? Wird es vielleicht wieder eine Herbstrallye geben?

      Ja, ich glaube die Zeit von Juni bis Anfang August war eine Phase, die der vom letzten Sommer und dem davor sehr ähnlich war. In diesen beiden Jahren gab es ab Ende August bis zum Jahresende ein eine starke Goldrallye. Unserer Einschätzung nach wird der Goldpreis die 800$-Marke Ende des Jahres überschreiten. Wir befinden uns ja erst im Frühstadium dieses Haussemarktes für Gold und Silber, der 2001 begonnen hat. Diese Haussemärkte haben ungefähr eine Dauer von 7 – 8 Jahren, so dass vor uns noch 3-5 Jahre, in denen der Goldpreis auf 1200-1500 $ steigen kann liegen.

      Einige Analysten glauben sogar, dass er auf 2000 $ steigen kann. Das mag hoch erscheinen, nicht aber historisch gesehen. 1980/81 erreichte der Goldpreis 851 $ pro Unze und das entspricht einem heutigen Wert von über 2000 $.

      STOCKCAST.TV: Ihre nächsten Pressemitteilungen werden sich also wahrscheinlich größerer Beachtung erfreuen dürfen.

      Das hoffen wir! Aber sie haben vorher das San Miguel Projekt erwähnt: darauf würde ich gerne genauer eingehen. Auf ihm liegt auch bis jetzt die Hauptaufmerksamkeit der Investoren, ich denke aus dem einfachen Grund, dass dort jetzt Bohrungen stattfinden. Es gibt einen Hintergrund für unser Interesse für dieses Gebiet in Mexiko, dem Sierra Madre Gold Belt, nämlich die Anzahl der bereits produzierenden Minen und deren jüngste Funde in diesem Gebiet. Die El Sauzal Mine z.B., ist die neuste Mine von Glamis Gold und produziert dieses Jahr knapp 200.000 Unzen Gold bei durchschnittlichen Produktionskosten von weniger als 150 $. Nimmt man also die 630 $ von heute, nicht zu sprechen von den möglichen 800 oder 1000 $ für Gold, so ist dies eine sehr profitable Mine. Außerdem gibt es noch das Ocampo Projekt der Gammon Lake Ressource, ein 10 Mio. Unzen Goldvorkommen dessen Produktion sehr bald im Bereich von 300.000 Unzen pro Jahr liegen wird, wieder zu Produktionskosten die unter 150 $ liegen.

      Und dann gibt es da noch Palmarejo, das gleich neben San Miguel liegt. Dort wurden in weniger als 12 Monaten seit Beginn der Bohrungen 3,1 Mio. Unzen Goldäquivalent nachgewiesen. Das zeigt, was ein aggressiv operierendes Unternehmen mit einem guten Geologenteam in kurzer Zeit erreichen kann. Viele Analysten vergleichen Paramount mit Palmarejo, was die Qualität des Projekts betrifft, seine Lage und den Goldanteil den wir bekommen. John Simons, ein besonderer Berater von Paramount, hat sich ursprünglich für das San Miguel Gelände interessiert. Wir wollten ihn als Berater, weil er das Gebiet so gut kennt, praktisch seit den 60er Jahren. Er hat San Miguel Palmarejo abgejagt, weil die Anteile höher sind und wir 6 km zu beiden Seiten offener Fläche, ebenso wie in die Tiefe haben.

      STOCKCAST.TV: Und Sie bohren jetzt.

      Ja, wir bohren jetzt. San Miguel besteht aus 14 verschiedenen Konzessionen, in 4 von ihnen haben wir gebohrt. Die San Luis Konzession war früher schon eine produzierende Goldmine, in der wir jetzt wieder Goldanteile von 85g pro Tonne Gold erzielen und 339g pro Tonne Silber. Auf Grund dieser Hohen Anteile wollten wir natürlich dort bohren, um diese Zahlen zu bestätigen und wir haben vor kurzem Bohrergebnisse veröffentlicht, die dies tatsächlich tun. Ein Bohrloch brachte über 35 g pro Tonne auf 4-5 Metern. Das ist sehr viel versprechend und wir werden die Bohrungen dort fortsetzen. Bill Reed und wir sind der Meinung, dass es ein Lagerstättentpotenzial von plus minus 3 Mio. Unzen allein in San Luis gibt, aus dem einfachen Grund, weil San Luis früher schon eine Goldmine war in der aber nicht mit moderner Technologie gearbeitet wurde und man deshalb heute noch mehr Gold abbauen kann, als früher.

      STOCKCAST.TV: Das klingt als ob das Projekt prädestiniert für eine Übernahme ist.

      Nun ja es ist eben ein sehr gutes Projekt. Allein auf Grund all der operierenden Minen in diesem Gebiet, gibt es eine Reihe mittlerer bis großer Unternehmen, die $ 30-40 Mio. für den Bau von Mühlanlagen ausgegeben haben und unbedingt nachgewiesene Lagerstätten erwerben wollen, um eine wirtschaftlichere Auslastung für die Hohen Investitionen, die sie getätigt haben, zu schaffen. Nun, zusätzlich zu San Miguel haben wir eine Silberkonzession mit Namen San Jose. Bei der San Jose Konzession haben frühere Proben einen durchschnittlichen Silberanteil von 225 g pro Tonne aufgewiesen und das auf einem riesigen Gelände von 100 auf 250 Meter. Und auch hier offen zu beiden Seiten und in die Tiefe. Ein weiteres Gebiet also in dem wir sehr bestrebt sind zügig weiter zu bohren.

      In San Jose sind die Bohrungen jedoch vorerst abgeschlossen, die Proben sind bereits im Labor und wir werden die Ergebnisse in der Woche vom 4. September veröffentlichen. Es herrscht gespannte Aufregung, wie hoch die Anteile sein werden, aber wir sind sehr zuversichtlich, vor allem wegen dem was Bill bis jetzt gesehen hat, die erwähnten durchschnittlichen Silberanteile von 225g pro Tonne. Und das sind nur Durchschnittswerte; eigentlich erhalten wir Anteile von über einem Kilo, also über 1000g pro Tonne in einigen der Proben, daher sind wir wirklich sehr zuversichtlich, dass die Bohrergebnisse, diese Zahlen nicht nur bestätigen, sondern sie auch noch übertreffen werden.

      STOCKCAST.TV: Dann hoffe ich, dass sich diese Neuigkeiten diesmal im Kurs widerspiegeln werden.

      Ich denke das Timing wird gut sein, mit der erwarteten Erholung auf dem Goldmarkt werden wir hoffentlich endlich die angemessene Aufmerksamkeit bekommen und Paramount die gebührende Wertschätzung, auf Grund der Zahlen, die wir in diesem Herbst bekannt geben.

      STOCKCAST.TV: Welche Auswirkungen wird das, ihrer Meinung nach, auf den Aktienpreis auf dem Markt haben? Oder was erhoffen sie sich?

      Nun, natürlich hoffen wir, dass der Preis zurück auf frühere Niveaus klettern wird. Als wir das Joint Venture mit Teck Cominco eingegangen sind, um die Anden Gold-Allianz zu gründen, hat Teck Cominco eine halbe Million Dollar investiert, bei 4 $ 25ct pro Aktie. Sie erhielten einen Optionsschein für einen Preis von 4 $ 85ct pro Aktie. Am Markt wurde damals zu über 4 $ gehandelt und heute hat das Unternehmen einen höheren Wert als zum Zeitpunkt als es zum damaligen Niveau gehandelt hat. Der Goldmarkt erholt sich, bei einem langfristig andauernden Bullenmarkt und mit den bevorstehenden neuen Bohrergebnissen, wird der Aktienpreis wohl wieder dahingelangen wo er stehen sollte.
      Zusätzlich zu San Jose haben wir 7 weitere Konzessionen und Ziele, wo wir Ende des Jahres bohren werden.

      Für Investoren dürfte dabei interessant sein, dass Bill Reed, unser Chefgeologe im Dezember/Januar genug Bohrdaten haben dürfte um eine Ressource zu definieren. Und das führt uns zurück zu der Aussage die wir bezüglich unserer Ziele gemacht haben. Das ist es, wonach Investoren Ausschau halten: Wir zeigen fantastische Werte, gute Tiefen auf gutem Gelände, aber sie wollen natürlich auch wissen was die wahre Größe der Lagerstätte ist. Wir wissen, dass sie wirtschaftlich ist, die Anteile bestätigen das, aber ist sie groß genug um sie zu abzubauen? Bill ist sehr zuversichtlich, dass wir allein mit San Luis und zusätzlich San Jose eine Ressource haben werden, die wirtschaftlich und abbaubar ist. Sobald wir sie in den nächsten 3-4 Monaten als solche definieren, werden all die mittleren bis großen Unternehmen, die ich vorher erwähnt habe auf unserer Türschwelle stehen. Sie haben uns bereits im Visier, sie stehen mit uns in Kontakt und sind sehr an den laufenden Bohrergebnissen interessiert.

      STOCKCAST.TV: Sie kennen Ihre Mitarbeiter.....

      Sie kennen unser Team sehr gut, es ist also nur eine Frage der Zeit bis wir über Übernahmen und JV´s sprechen werden. Das freut uns natürlich besonders für unsere Investoren.

      STOCKCAST.TV: Wie hoch sind die Kosten? Sie bohren momentan ja sehr intensiv.

      Ja, momentan haben wir in Mexiko eine Bohranlage, die 24h am Tag arbeitet und geben ca. 250.000 $ im Monat aus. Im September werden wir eine weitere Bohranlage in Betrieb nehmen, weil die Werte die wir bekommen und die Ziele die wir untersuchen wollen einfach die größtmögliche Anzahl von Bohranlagen rechtfertigen. Wegen der hohen Aktivität auf dem Junior Explorations- Markt ist es zwar schwer eine Bohranlage zu bekommen, aber wir haben uns die 2., die im September in Betrieb geht schon gesichert und werden sehr aktiv und aggressiv weiter bohren, um die Lagerstätte in dem uns von uns gesetzten Zeitrahmen bis Ende des Jahres zu definieren.

      STOCKCAST.TV: In Mexiko werden sie keine wetterbedingte Winterpause machen müssen und können weiter bohren

      Genau, besonders da wo wir bohren. Das Gebiet ist recht flach, mit kleinen Hügeln, aber nicht wirklich Bergen. Wir haben guten Zugang zu Wasser und Energie, die Infrastruktur ist gut, was auch die Strassen betrifft, eine wirkliche ideale Situation. Auf Grund der anliegenden Minen ist die Infrastruktur sehr gut entwickelt.

      STOCKCAST.TV: Woher bekommen sie das Geld das sie unter anderem auch für weitere Bohrungen brauchen?

      Wir waren bis jetzt sehr erfolgreich im Auftreiben von Geld. Die letzte Finanzierung basiert auf Optionen, die zu einem deutlich höheren Preis ausgegeben wurden, als der zu dem wir momentan gehandelt werden.

      STOCKCAST.TV: Die Finanzierung ist also gesichert?

      Ja, das ist sie. Um sie machen wir uns, angesichts der guten Bohrergebnisse die wir zeigen und der Tatsache, dass Unternehmen wie Barrick und Teck Cominco mit uns Geschäfte machen wollen, am wenigsten Sorgen. Wir werden bei der Finanzierung auch stark aus Europa unterstützt. Dort sitzen ca. 30% unserer Aktionäre. Sie ist wirklich die kleinste unserer Sorgen. Im Bereich der Finanzierung sind wir sehr erfolgreich.

      STOCKCAST.TV: Wie viele Aktien sind momentan ausgegeben?

      Es wurden ca. 30 Mio. Aktien ausgegeben und ca. 100.000 Optionen z.B. für Teck Cominco, wie gesagt mit 4 $ 85ct, die auf ihrer Investition von 500.000 $ basiert, die wie gesagt, ein großes Zeichen ihres Vertrauen in uns war.

      STOCKCAST.TV: Sind momentan an den Pink Sheets in den USA gelistet.

      Ja, wir sind auf den Pink Sheets in den USA gelistet und natürlich in Frankfurt in Europa. Wir beenden gerade unser Audit zum Jahresende, danach haben wir vor eine besondere Ausnahme zu beantragen, die uns auf das Bulletin Board bringen wird; aber unser eigentliches Ziel ist es auf die AMEX zu kommen. Dort sind Unternehmen wie wir gelistet und dort sehen wir selbst. Wir haben bereits Gespräche mit Vertretern der AMEX, das ist kein Geheimnis. Wir entsprechen den meisten ihrer Kriterien, mit Ausnahme des Audits, das sie vollständig sehen möchten und das bis Anfang September fertig sein sollte. Es ist ein Prozess der 3 - 4 Monate dauern kann, aber ich hoffe zum Winteranfang werden wir auf der AMEX sein, wir werden definierte Ressourcen haben und dann dürften unsere Investoren sehr zufrieden sein.

      STOCKCAST.TV: Das klingt gut! Aber jetzt muss ich sie trotzdem fragen, ob sie nicht doch irgendwelche Risiken für Investitionen in ihr Unternehmen sehen.

      In Junior Exploration Unternehmen zu investieren bringt immer gewisse Risiken mit sich, aber Paramount ist mit diesen Risiken bisher gut umgegangen und hat sie äußerst minimiert. Als Gold – und Silberexplorationsunternehmen wissen wir von den Risiken, gerade im Bezug auf den Gold – und Silberpreis, aber auch da haben wir ja positive Erwartungen für mindestens 3-5 Jahre wegen des längerfristigen Bullenmarktes. Es gibt das Risiko, dass eine von uns definierte Lagerstätte sich als unwirtschaftlich erweist, aber die Werte, die wir erhalten, lassen auf eine hohe Wirtschaftlichkeit schließen. Investitionen bergen immer Risiken, aber Paramount ist sehr gewissenhaft im Umgang mit ihnen und ihrer Minimierung.

      STOCKCAST.TV: Und wie steht es um das Gehalt, das ihre Geologen und ihr Team bekommen?

      Unsere Geologen erhalten ein unterdurchschnittliches Gehalt, weil sie sich einverstanden erklärt haben, im Rahmen des Entlohnungsplans, Belegschaftsaktien zu nehmen. Es ist uns sehr wichtig, dass die Interessen unserer Mitarbeiter sich mit denen unserer Investoren decken. Wenn die Aktienpreise hoch gehen profitieren unsere Investoren und das Managementteam. Die Geologen werden also unterdurchschnittlich bezahlt, der President, der Controller oder andere in leitenden Positionen werden ausschließlich durch Belegschaftsaktien bezahlt, die sie erst in 1-3 Jahren veräußern dürfen. Sind sie erfolgreich, so bilden sie längerfristige Werte für die Aktionäre. Diese Vorgehensweise ist bei den Investoren auf Zustimmung gestoßen. Buchstäblich 99ct von jedem Dollar den wir aufbringen fließen in den Boden und nur ein sehr geringer Anteil in Gemeinkosten.

      STOCKCAST.TV: Das klingt wirklich sehr gut und ich wünsche ihnen mit Paramount viel Erfolg in der Zukunft, sie scheinen ein stabiles Unternehmen aufbauen zu wollen......

      Wie ich bereits sagte ist unser erklärtes Ziel Lagerstätten zu finden, die Ressource zu definieren, nachzuweisen, dass es wirtschaftlich ist sie abzubauen und uns darum zu kümmern, dass das Projekt von einem größeren Unternehmen erworben wird. Um Investoren einen kleinen Einblick zu geben, ob jetzt der richtige Zeitpunkt ist Paramountaktien zu kaufen, oder welches Potenzial das Unternehmen letztendlich hat, werde ich gleich kurz auf eine vor nicht langer Zeit stattgefundene Übernahme eingehen, um die Größenverhältnisse zu verdeutlichen. Aber vorher möchte ich noch sagen, dass jetzt ein sehr guter Zeitpunkt ist um Aktien von Paramount oder anderer Junior Explorationsunternehmen zu kaufen, weil wir die Sommerflaute überstanden haben und erwarten, dass der Markt sich im Herbst weiter erholt.

      Was nun speziell Paramount angeht: Wir werden bis Ende des Jahres alle 3 Wochen Bohrergebnisse aus Mexiko bekannt geben und das ist der Zeitpunkt zu dem man ein Junior Explorationsunternehmen besitzen möchte, nämlich während der Aufgeregtheit um die Bohrergebnisse, besonders dann wenn man solch eindrucksvolle Ergebnisse erzielt wie wir bisher. Ich habe vorher eine Übernahme erwähnt, die Investoren einen Eindruck vom Potenzial geben wird; es gibt natürlich keine Garantie, es zeigt aber das Potenzial, das die Aktie ausschöpfen könnte. Western Silver, ein Unternehmen nahe dem San Miguel Projekt von Paramount, hat eine 330 Mio. Unzen Silberlagerstätte nachgewiesen, das ist eine ca. 5 Mio. Unzen Goldäquivalent Lagerstätte. Sie wurden von Glamis Gold übernommen, die sich genau auf der anderen Seite von San Miguel befinden, für 1,2 Mrd. US$.

      Wenn wir in San Luis also 3 Mio. Unzen nachweisen können, denn es ist immerhin eine ehemals produzierende Goldmine und wir haben somit gute Chancen, und wenn in San Jose auch noch eine Silberressource von ca. 100-150 Mio. Unzen nachgewiesen werden kann, kämen wir auf ca. 4-5 Mio. Unzen Goldäquivalent. Betrachtet man also niedrige Evaluierungen von 700-800 Mio.$, basierend auf dieser Ressource und der Glamis Übernahme und andererseits hohe Evaluierungen von 1,2 Mrd. aufgeteilt auf 30 Mio. ausgegebener Aktien, kommt man auf Aktienpreise von 20-30$, wie gesagt ohne Garantie, aber das ist das Potenzial, wenn man die stattgefundenen Übernahmen betrachtet, und bei Bullenmärkten verlaufen Übernahmen immer zu einem sehr viel höheren Kaufpreis; da wird das ganze erst interessant.

      STOCKCAST.TV: Und wir sprechen von nur einem Projekt

      Das ist der Punkt. Hier geht es nur um Mexiko, da ist ja noch die Anden Gold-Allianz und das Joint Venture mit Barrick und ich glaube wirklich, dass der Markt uns nicht genügend Anerkennung für das, was wir Südamerika leisten, gibt.

      STOCKCAST.TV: Das Timing war vielleicht nicht das Beste, aber hoffentlich werden sie sich bald auf dem Markt festigen....

      Genau, die Anlage ist einfach zu stark, und das müsste bald Früchte tragen

      STOCKCAST.TV: Sie konzentrieren sich ja auf Gold und Silber und suchen nicht nach beispielsweise Kupfer....

      GREG WILSON: Nein, wir sind ein reines Gold- und Silberexplorationsunternehmen.

      STOCKCAST.TV: Vielen Dank für das Gespräch, es ist inzwischen ziemlich spät geworden. Danke das sie zu uns gekommen sind und viel Glück für die Zukunft.




      Frankfurt (15 min)

      OTC-BB (RT)

      GOLD 24 h (USD)

      Silber 24 h (USD)

      Highlights from Drill Program at San Miguel
      • SJ-01, 5.0 meters of 263.6 g/t silver
      • SL-02, 4.0 meters of 35.5 g/t gold and 17.0 g/t silver
      • SJ-03, 5.0 meters of 0.1 g/t gold and 873.6 g/t silver
      • SJ-04, 6.5 meters of 552.9 g/t silver
      • SJ-05, 19.7 meters of 263.0 g/t silver
      • SJ-06, 6.6 meters of 354.0 g/t silver
      • LU-01, 16.4 meters of 0.7 g/t gold and 225.0 g/t silver with 0.85% lead and 0.83% zinc
      • LU-02, 17.6 meters of 1.6 g/t gold and 279.0 g/t silver with 0.26% zinc
      • LU-09, 105.4 meters of 0.26 g/t gold and 28.0 g/t silver with 0.52% lead and 1.45% zinc
      • LU-11, 101.5 meters of 0.08 g/t gold and 13.5 g/t silver with 0.66% lead and 1.93% zinc

      (Das wichtigste Projekt)[/b

      Joint Venture mit Barrick Gold für das Linda Projekt
      Joint Venture mit Teck Cominco um die Anden Gold-Allianz zu gründen

      Das Projekt San-Miguel ist bisher voll durchfinanziert (für die Probebohrungen).
      Derzeitiger Kassenbestand ca. 2,5 Mio USD.
      Laut GREG WILSON (siehe oben) ist PARA finanziell gut aufgestellt und dürfte keine Probleme haben weitere Projekte zu finanziernen.
      Herr Crupi ist der Chef der Firma EMT Capital
      EMT Capital acts as a Value Accelerator, applying financial advice, strategic consulting, private equity and executive recruiting to assist companies in the Energy, Mining and Technology sectors.

      Wir (PARA) haben es uns zur Aufgabe gemacht Projekte, die sich im fortgeschrittenen Stadium befinden, in bewährten Bergbauregionen weltweit zu akquirieren, und außerdem selbst Aktionen zu starten um solche Lagerstätten aufzufinden. Haben wir das erreicht, so ist unser nächstes Ziel, dieses Projekt durch einen mittelgroßen oder großen Gold- bzw. Silberproduzenten abbauen zu lassen.
      Projektverkauf San-Miguel bei 4-5 Mio. Goldäquivalent einen Erlös von 20 – 30 USD je Aktie.
      Listing an der Nasdaq oder AMEX

      Laut Struthers sind hier zwischen 14 USD und 22 USD möglich
      Laut GREG WILSON (siehe weiter oben) sind hier nur für ein Projekt 20 – 30 USD möglich.
      Laut Bullvestor sind ebenfalls bis zu 14 USD möglich.

      Bei PARA handelt es sich um einen der aussichtsreichtesten Explorer der Welt, wenn nicht sogar der Erfolgversprechenste.
      Jedes Unternehmen fängt einmal klein an, Para hat von den Pinks an die OTC-BB gewechselt und will bis Februar an die TSX.
      Struthers hat einen Namen und den wird er nicht für Dump hergeben!
      BV selber schrieb über Struthers: Ron Struthers ist ein "Genius" im Rohstoffsektor in Kanada, konnte er mit seinen Empfehlungen in der Vergangenheit immer überdurchschnitlich performen.
      Das Projekt San Miguel soll bis Jahresende erschlossen sein (Probebohrungen).
      Im Januar soll die erste Resourcenschätung kommen, dann werden wir es wissen!!!!!

      Ich weise ausdrücklich darauf hin, dass das Vorgenannte nur meine Meinung widerspiegelt und keine Kauf- oder Verkaufsempfehlung darstellt.
      Jeder soll bitte selbst recherchieren und selbst seine Entscheidung für einen Kauf oder Verkauf treffen. Investments in Explorationsunternehmen bergen sehr hohe Risiken und können zum Totalverlust führen.

      Firmen, die ihre Aktien in den Pink Sheets oder am OTC Bulletin Board notieren lassen, sind oft das Werkzeug von Betrügern. Die Gewinnchancen der Anleger sind begrenzt. Gleichzeitig ist das Risiko eines Totalverlustes extrem.

      Hinweis gemäß § 34 WpHG: Ich halte Aktien der PARAMOUNT GOLD AG.

      Für Investoren:
      Investor Relations
      Skyline Communications Inc.
      T: (613) 226-9881
      F: (613) 226-5106

      Viel Erfolg allen Investierten

      schrieb am 02.01.07 11:13:15
      Beitrag Nr. 2 ()
      Und schon die neuen HAMMER NEWS!!!!!

      Paramount Gold Reports on Five More Trenches in the San Antonio - Carmen Zone with Assays up to 887 Grams Silver at the San Miguel Project, Mexico

      CHIHUAHUA, Mexico--(Business Wire)--Paramount Gold Mining Corp. (OTCGDP) (Frankfurt6G) (WKN:A0HGKQ) is pleased to release the results of a trenching program in the central part of its San Miguel concession block near Temoris, Chihuahua, Mexico. The five trenches reported are located in the San Antonio - Carmen zone which is adjoining and to the north of the San Luis zone where Paramount reported drill results that included 35.5 g/t gold across 4.0 meters (see news release dated August 1 2006).

      Trenches nine through thirteen span approximately 175 meters along strike on the San Antonio - Carmen zone. Trench ZSA-09 starts approximately 50 meters north from trench ZSA-08 (88.4 meters averaging 50.2 g/t silver, including 1.0 meters of 1,300 g/t silver). Trench ZSA-10 is approximately 90 meters north of ZSA-09. Trenches ZSA-11 and ZSA-13 continue across strike to the west of ZSA-10 with approximately 50 meters between them. Trench ZSA-12 is approximately 70 meters north of ZSA-10.

      Paramount\'s Manager of Exploration in Mexico, Bill Reed, commented: "The trenching results at San Antonio compare very well with earlier trenches in the San Luis, San Jose and La Union zones. These recently completed trenches in the San Antonio - Carmen zone have exposed a series of sub-parallel en echelon veins that extend 175 meters to the north of those previously reported trenching results with a width of more than 200 meters. This confirms our prior observation that this mineralized system is strengthening to the north. We will continue drilling this zone immediately after the start of the New Year."

      The highlights of the trenching include:

      ZSA-09 - 61.9 meters averaging 79.0 g/t Ag, including 2.1 meters of 625 g/t Ag with 1.24% lead, and 1.0 meters of 887 g/t Ag with 5.59% lead.

      ZSA-10 - 36.5 meters averaging 56.3 g/t Ag, including 17.5 meters of 87 g/t Ag.

      ZSA-12 - 30.0 meters averaging 87.7 g/t Ag, including 3.0 meters of 422 g/t Ag, and 7.0 meters of 195 g/t Ag with 1.6% zinc.

      ZSA-13 - 1.0 meters 62.0 g/t Ag and 0.79% lead.

      The trenches are excavated to a depth of 2-3 meters and extend from west to east across the quartz veins and stockwork quartz veins that host silver and gold mineralization in the Guazapares mining district. The trenches were cut through thin overburden to better define drill targets and spaced approximately 50 to 75 meters apart. The geology of the trenches is mapped in detail and continuous rock chip samples of no more than one meter in length are collected from the trench walls.

      Drill holes have been completed on the San Antonio zone based on the trench assays listed below and the drill will continue to move north along the mineralized zone as defined by the trenches.

      Area Trench From To Interval Au
      (m) (m) (m) (g/t)
      San Antonio ZSA-09 10.10 44.20 34.10 0.00
      --------------------------------- ------ ------ -------- -----
      44.20 46.30 2.10 0.00
      ------ ------ -------- -----
      46.30 63.00 16.70 0.00
      ------ ------ -------- -----
      63.00 64.00 1.00 0.00
      ------ ------ -------- -----
      64.00 72.00 8.00 0.00
      ------ ------ -------- -----

      ------ ------ -------- -----
      Average 10.10 72.00 61.90 0.00

      San Antonio ZSA-10 25.00 44.00 19.00 0.00
      --------------------------------- ------ ------ -------- -----
      44.00 61.50 17.50 0.00
      --------------------------------- ------ ------ -------- -----
      Average 25.00 61.50 36.50 0.00
      --------------------------------- ------ ------ -------- -----

      San Antonio ZSA-11 7.00 10.00 3.00 0.00
      --------------------------------- ------ ------ -------- -----
      19.00 28.00 9.00 0.00
      ------ ------ -------- -----
      43.00 63.00 20.00 0.00

      San Antonio ZSA-12 10.00 13.00 3.00 0.00
      --------------------------------- ------ ------ -------- -----
      33.00 40.00 7.00 0.00
      ------ ------ -------- -----
      40.00 56.00 16.00 0.00
      ------ ------ -------- -----
      Average 10.00 49.00 30.00 0.00

      San Antonio ZSA-13 24.50 25.50 1.00 0.00
      --------------------------------- ------ ------ -------- -----
      48.50 61.50 13.00 0.00

      Area Trench Ag AuE Pb Zn
      (g/t) (g/t) (%) (%)
      San Antonio ZSA-09 58.00 0.97
      ----------------------------------- ------- ------ ----- -----
      625.00 10.42 1.24 0.20
      ------- ------ ----- -----
      25.00 0.41
      ------- ------ ----- -----
      887.00 14.78 5.59 0.17
      ------- ------ ----- -----
      39.00 0.65
      ------- ------ ----- -----

      ------- ------ ----- -----
      Average 79.00 1.32 0.21 0.17

      San Antonio ZSA-10 28.00 0.47 0.08 0.15
      ----------------------------------- ------- ------ ----- -----
      87.00 1.46 0.10 0.16
      ----------------------------------- ------- ------ ----- -----
      Average 56.30 0.94 0.09 0.15
      ----------------------------------- ------- ------ ----- -----

      San Antonio ZSA-11 30.00 0.50 0.10 0.15
      ----------------------------------- ------- ------ ----- -----
      11.00 0.18 0.05 0.11
      ------- ------ ----- -----
      13.00 0.21 0.01 0.10

      San Antonio ZSA-12 422.00 7.04 0.20 0.55
      ----------------------------------- ------- ------ ----- -----
      195.00 3.25 0.17 1.60
      ------- ------ ----- -----
      12.00 0.20 0.15 0.03
      ------- ------ ----- -----
      Average 87.70 1.46 0.06 0.43

      San Antonio ZSA-13 62.00 1.01 0.79 0.08
      ----------------------------------- ------- ------ ----- -----
      8.00 0.14 0.03 0.09

      Quality Control Person

      C.W. (Bill) Reed, B. Sc. Mineralogy, is acting as qualified person and has prepared the detail and review with respect to this news release.

      Recent Paramount Gold Highlights


      *T 12/20/06 Appoints new senior mining executive 12/14/06 Extends Zone 800 meters

      12/11/06 Strengthens team with addition of COO and independent

      12/06/06 Commissions independent NI-43101 Technical Report to

      establish first Gold/Silver resource at San Miguel, Mexico 11/08/06 Strike zone extended 500 meters with Polymetallic intersects 10/13/06 Announces Above-Market $1 Million Financing at $2.60 Per

      10/12/06 Drills 6.7 g/t Gold Equivalent over 17.6 Meters and 4.8 g/t
      Gold Equivalent over 16.4 Meters at San Miguel
      10/10/06 Acquires an 80% Interest in over 6,000 Hectares Surrounding
      San Miguel Project in Mexico
      9/27/06 Outlines a High Potential Gold-Silver Target at Santos, Peru
      9/21/06 Drills silver intersects of 354 g/t (11.4 ozs) over 6.6
      meters and 263 g/t (8.5ozs) over 19.7 meters at San Miguel.
      9/19/06 Trench Results at San Miguel, Mexico, Extend Silver/Gold
      Zone another 175 Meters
      9/14/06 Drills 874 g/t (28 ozs) silver over 5.2 meters and 553 g/t
      (17.8 ozs) over 6.5 meters at the San Jose zone, San Miguel
      8/10/06 Hits gold in 4 of 5 drill holes at Linda property in Peru.
      8/2/06 First drill results at San Miguel Project in Mexico include
      bonanza gold grade of 35.5 g/t gold over 4 meters
      6/29/06 Recruits key geologists from Barrick Gold.
      6/28/06 Identifies 5 High Priority Properties in Argentina and Chile
      5/17/06 Creates the Andean Gold Alliance with Tech Cominco Limited
      covering 21 properties in Chile, Peru and Argentina.
      5/12/06 Closes $1,000,000 financing @ $4.25 with participation by
      Teck Cominco Limited for 117,500 shares.
      5/03/06 Acquires 100,000 Hectares in Sierra Madre Gold-Silver Belt,
      Between the Guazapares and El Sauzal Mining District,
      2/22/06 Channels 11.3 g/t gold across 25.8 meters at the San Luis
      zone, San Miguel project in Mexico.

      About San Miguel

      San Miguel is currently comprised of 16 concessions covering an estimated 6 kms strike of silver and gold mineralization. It is located in Chihuahua, Mexico and lies in the Guazapares mining district, part of the gold-silver belt of the Sierra Madre Occidental. Paramount signed an agreement in August 2005 with Amermin S.A. de CV, a subsidiary of Tara Gold Resources, to acquire a 70% interest in the San Miguel project.

      About Paramount Gold

      Paramount Gold is a precious metals exploration company listed on the OTCBB under the symbol PGDP and on the Frankfurt stock exchange under the symbol P6G (WKN: A0HGKQ). The Company\'s objectives are to a) aggressively explore and develop the San Miguel project, located in Chihuahua, Mexico within the Sierra Madre Occidental gold/silver belt; and b) fully develop the potential of the strategic alliance with Teck Cominco for gold exploration in South America. For more information, please visit the Company\'s web site at: (now available in the following languages: English, German, French, Spanish, and Mandarin).

      Safe Harbor Statement under the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995: The statements contained herein which are not historical are forward-looking statements that are subject to risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed in the forward-looking statements, including, but not limited to, certain delays beyond the company\'s control with respect to market acceptance of new technologies or products, delays in testing and evaluation of products, and other risks detailed from time to time in the Company\'s filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

      Investor Relations:
      Skyline Communications, 613-226-9881
      Toll-free: 1-866-481-2233
      schrieb am 02.01.07 11:16:59
      Beitrag Nr. 3 ()
      RT 1,75 - 1,76 :eek:
      schrieb am 02.01.07 11:29:32
      Beitrag Nr. 4 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 26.634.355 von drscan am 02.01.07 11:16:59jawohl, weiter so, kollege - egal in welchem thread! gutes gelingen! und viele grüsse aus dem sternenabteil....:kiss:
      schrieb am 02.01.07 11:32:00
      Beitrag Nr. 5 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 26.634.496 von milkymaid am 02.01.07 11:29:32Nur schade das die Amis heute geschlossen haben :D
      Aber die können ja über Frankfurt kaufen :eek:

      Trading Spotlight

      East Africa Metals
      0,1480EUR +0,68 %
      Kennen wir bei East Africa bislang nur die Spitze des Goldberges?!mehr zur Aktie »
      schrieb am 02.01.07 11:32:21
      Beitrag Nr. 6 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 26.634.278 von drscan am 02.01.07 11:11:26:eek:
      schrieb am 02.01.07 11:41:03
      Beitrag Nr. 7 ()
      Hi Doc, super Zusammenfassung!
      Spitzen Arbeit! Da hast du dir viel Mühe gemacht und extrem viel Zeit investiert!!!
      Danke. ;)
      schrieb am 02.01.07 11:47:28
      Beitrag Nr. 8 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 26.634.601 von Eyk am 02.01.07 11:41:03Da nicht für.

      Hoffe nur das alle Links funktionieren.

      Bin schon gespannt auf die MEGA-Finanzierung :eek:
      schrieb am 02.01.07 12:08:05
      Beitrag Nr. 9 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 26.634.278 von drscan am 02.01.07 11:11:26@drscan

      Vielen Dank für die zusammengestellten Infos und auf ein erfolgreiches Jahr allen Investierten.
      schrieb am 02.01.07 12:09:54
      Beitrag Nr. 10 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 26.634.679 von drscan am 02.01.07 11:47:28super arbeit scan weiter so ;)
      schrieb am 02.01.07 12:38:08
      Beitrag Nr. 11 ()
      Doc, ich glaube nicht, dass wir uns Sorgen müssen. Ich für meinen Teil sehe es wieder gelassener. Bisher wurden alle Schritte umgesetzt, in naher Zukunft sollte es auch weiter so sein. Para wird aus meiner Sicht schneller wieder kurstechnisch erfolgreich sein, wie wir es uns im Moment vorstellen können. Sowohl die charttechnischen und indikatorischen als auch newstechnischen Voraussetzungen sind prima. ;)
      schrieb am 02.01.07 13:41:44
      Beitrag Nr. 12 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 26.635.304 von Eyk am 02.01.07 12:38:08Mal sehen was die Amis nachher machen, heute müssen sie ja über unsere börse kaufen, da bei denen zu ist.

      Alle Zeichen stehen auf grün. :eek:
      schrieb am 02.01.07 13:43:49
      Beitrag Nr. 13 ()
      Bullvestor wird sich sicher auch noch zu den News melden und die heutige News weißt wirkliche TOP-Werte auf.
      schrieb am 02.01.07 13:51:24
      Beitrag Nr. 14 ()
      Hat schon jemand die beliebten Hochrechnungen über künftige Erträge angestellt ?
      schrieb am 02.01.07 13:57:49
      Beitrag Nr. 15 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 26.636.126 von hasi22 am 02.01.07 13:51:24Nun mal locker bleiben ;) soweit ist das Unternehmen nun auch noch nicht.

      Fakt ist das man direkt an der Oberfläche abbauen kann und die Infrastruktur vorhanden ist.

      Nach dem NI 43-101 Bericht wird sich die Wirtschaftlichkeit zeigen.

      Und noch was, PARA besitzt nicht nur 1 Projekt sondern 22-23 Projekte (je nach Aufteilung).
      schrieb am 02.01.07 14:10:07
      Beitrag Nr. 16 ()
      Super Infos Doc. Dankeschön.
      schrieb am 02.01.07 14:10:20
      Beitrag Nr. 17 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 26.636.201 von drscan am 02.01.07 13:57:49ok. herzlichen Dank,
      bis wann ist mit diesem Bericht zu rechnen ?

      halte noch eine kleine Altposition (derzeit etwas im Minus), habe sich zum Glück vor den Festtagen nicht verscherbelt !!

      Alles Gute allen Anwesenden
      schrieb am 02.01.07 14:13:52
      Beitrag Nr. 18 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 26.636.361 von hasi22 am 02.01.07 14:10:20der bericht sollte bis ende januar oder anfang februar fertig sein.
      schrieb am 02.01.07 14:20:07
      Beitrag Nr. 19 ()
      Der wahre Kostolany, also nicht der WO-Clown, sagte sinngemäß, dass nur die Geduldigen, die wirklich Erfolgreichen an der Börse sein werden. Die "Hüpfer" - die von einer Chance zur anderen hupfen, werden nie wirklich erfolgreich sein.

      Fazit: GEDULD!

      Zudem sagte er, dass erst die Schmerzen kommen und dann der Gewinn!

      Fazit: GEDULD!

      schrieb am 02.01.07 14:52:27
      Beitrag Nr. 20 ()
      Ich glaube unsere PARA wird die neue Blue Pearl in 2007 :D
      schrieb am 02.01.07 14:53:09
      Beitrag Nr. 21 ()
      Respekt Doc. Danke für diesen Arbeit.

      Also nach sovielen Mühen glaube ich, schuldet Para dir etwas...;)

      Das Management von Para soll dich dafür belohnen, nämlich sollen die jetzt etwas tun, damit der Kurs nach oben bewegt.
      schrieb am 02.01.07 14:53:31
      Beitrag Nr. 22 ()
      rt = 1,81
      schrieb am 02.01.07 14:57:50
      Beitrag Nr. 23 ()
      1,81 zu 1,85 :eek::eek::eek:
      schrieb am 02.01.07 15:06:32
      Beitrag Nr. 24 ()
      BV hat eben Stellung zur letzten News genommen.
      Ich muß BV Recht geben:
      Die letzte News ist nicht weltbewegend!
      schrieb am 02.01.07 15:08:08
      Beitrag Nr. 25 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 26.637.091 von dtses am 02.01.07 15:06:32Sehr geehrte Leserinnen und Leser

      Parmount Gold, WKN: A0HGKQ

      News bei Paramount!
      Das Unternehmen gab weitere Explorationsergebnisse bekannt, die sich durchaus sehen lassen. Beim Trenching* des "Carmen" Abschnittes des San Miguel Projektes wurden z.B. über eine Grabenlänge von 62 Meter durchschnittlich 79g Silber gefunden. an der konzentriertesten Stelle erreichten die Werte sogar 887g Silber + 5,6% Blei!

      Weitere hervorragende Ergebnisse finden Sie in der Original News:

      *Trenching: Man durchzieht ein Explorationsgebiet mit Gräben und lässt das Gestein in Labors auf Ihre Werthaltigkeit untersuchen. In der Regel gilt: findet man beim Trenching an der Oberfläche viel, so wird es aller Voraussicht nach in der Tiefe noch mehr sein.

      Die Bohrungen auf dem Carmen Abschnitt wurden im selben Atemzug wie die Trenching Resultate bekannt gegeben. Für mich ist dies eine Bestätigung meiner Annnahme, dass man sich gerade auf "Carmen" in der Tiefe sehr gute Resultate erwartet.

      Diese News wird nicht alle Dämme brechen lassen aber sie ist ein wichtiger Baustein des immer deutlicher werdenden Gesamtbildes von Paramount, das da lautet: NÄCHSTE MEGAENTDECKUNG IM MEXIKO DURCH PARAMOUNT!

      Wenn Sie wollen, dann können sie dabei sein, wenn sich der Marktwert von Paramount (70 Mio. USD) stetig dem Marktwert des nur 6 Meilen entfernten Nachbarn Palmarejo (750. Mio. CAD) nähert. Dazu brauchen sie nur ein paar Paramount Aktien zu erwerben. Heute bis maximal 1,75 Euro. Lassen Sie sich Zeit, denn Sie haben keine Eile, denn die US Börsen haben heute wegen dem Tod von Ex Präsident Ford geschlossen.


      Helmut Pollinger

      Das Gesamtpaket stimmt, die Mine kann kommen oder der Projektverkauf.
      schrieb am 02.01.07 15:10:15
      Beitrag Nr. 26 ()
      Man sollte nicht vergessen, die Grabungen sind direkt unter der Erdoberfläche.

      Da kommt in den nächsten Tagen noch viel viel mehr an News.

      Schaut mal wie viele News letztes Jahr im Januar gekommen sind.
      schrieb am 02.01.07 15:16:14
      Beitrag Nr. 27 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 26.636.022 von drscan am 02.01.07 13:41:44hallo drscan,
      erstmal frohes neues jahr. habe para seit längerer zeit schon auf meiner watchlist und ich gebe dir recht mit deiner erwartungshaltung hinsichtlich des aktienkurses, wobei ich mir in der vergangenheit nie diese große diskrepanz zwischen aktienkurs und den realen gegebenheiten bei para erklären konnte. wahrscheinlich ging das vielen so. dies hielt mich auch von einer investition in diesen wert ab.
      das letzte struthers statement hat mich jedoch voll überzeugt und ich werde wohl demnächst mit einer position dabeisein.
      ps.1)vielen dank für deine "aufklärungsarbeit" bzgl. para!!!
      ps.2)in usa wird heut´ nicht gehandelt (begräbnis von ;)
      mfg campi
      schrieb am 02.01.07 15:31:55
      Beitrag Nr. 28 ()
      ups...gibt´s nen neuen thread..hab ich was verpasst ?

      euch allen ein glückliches und erfolgreiches Neues !
      schrieb am 02.01.07 15:33:34
      Beitrag Nr. 29 ()
      1,91 - 1,93 was geht denn jetzt ab! :eek::eek:
      schrieb am 02.01.07 15:36:24
      Beitrag Nr. 30 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 26.637.496 von drscan am 02.01.07 15:33:34doc..eine super zusammenfassung - hut ab ! vielen dank
      schrieb am 04.01.07 09:45:19
      Beitrag Nr. 31 ()
      Neu von BV

      Sehr geehrte Leserinnen und Leser,

      Sie werden sich sicherlich fragen: Warum reitet der Pollinger schon zum wiederholten male auf dieser verdammten Paramount herum. Ja, und sie haben recht! Aber auch auf die Gefahr hin langweilig zu werden - es ist meine Pflicht Sie noch einmal auf

      Paramount Gold, WKN A0HGKQ


      Die "Allianz in den Anden", die Paramount und der kanadische Bergbaugigant Teck Cominco (Marktwert ca. 16 Mrd. CAD) zusammen gegründet haben ist bedeutungsvoller als viele bisher annahmen. Teck steuerte die Gebiete bei und Paramount sein hervorragendes Personal. Nehmen wir einmal ein paar dieser 21 Gebiete umfassenden Allianz näher unter die Lupe.

      Das Maduro Gebiet weist eine hochwertige Gold/Silber Mineralisation auf. Spitzenwerte von 73,8g Gold pro Tonne
      Das Conali Projekt beinhaltet nach Schätzungen von Teck Cominco bis 50 Millionen Unzen Goldäquivalent! Produzierende Barrick Minen in der Nähe!

      Espota glänzt mit bis zu 25g Gold pro Tonne aus Gesteinsproben. Großes Porphyr System (2x3km)
      Auf Fortuna findet an Gold, Silber, Blei und Zink!
      Die Gesteinsproben auf Castanos ergaben Werte bis rund 20g Gold und bis 1,6kg(!!) Silber

      Das Santos Gebiet liegt in einem Minengürtel mit mehreren produzierenden Minen, deren Eckdaten aufhorchen lassen. Der Durchschnittsgoldgehalt der Chimpo Mine ist 17g/Tonne! Noch extremer ist es bei der Ares Mine. 22g Gold und 11 Unzen(!!) Silber pro Tonne. Bodenproben auf Santos ergaben Goldgehalte bis 8g Gold und 300g Silber pro Tonne!

      Im Jänner soll die Exploration auf Santos losgehen. Gute Resultate sind hier beinahe "unabwendbar"!

      Aber ein zweiter Blick auf das Flaggschiff Projekt, San Miguel, wird sie erfreuen!

      Sehen sie, wie groß das Paramount Gebiet ist? Es erstreckt sich zwischen den beiden Minen von Palmarejo und von Glamis Gold! Die so genannten Garibaldi Konzessionen hat sich Paramount zum Teil durch ein Joint Venture einverleiben können!

      Wägen Sie die Fakten ab und entscheiden Sie selbst. Wenn Sie zur Überzeugung gelangen wie ich, dass man bei Paramount in einer Gewinnsituation ist, dann sollen Sie schon bald zuschlagen. Werfen Sie einen Blick auf den Chart. Deutlicher kann ein Ausbruch nicht signalisiert werden!


      Helmut Pollinger
      schrieb am 04.01.07 15:37:43
      Beitrag Nr. 32 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 26.667.634 von drscan am 04.01.07 09:45:19So langsam kommt wieder Leben in die Bude. Umsatz DL und US ist deutlich besser ;)
      schrieb am 04.01.07 17:39:41
      Beitrag Nr. 33 ()
      Danke Doc für die tolle Zusammenfassung. :)
      schrieb am 05.01.07 08:51:46
      Beitrag Nr. 34 ()
      Bullvestor gibt wieder Gas!

      Sehr geehrte Leserinnen und Leser,

      Merken Sie sich diesen Satz des Analysten Ron Struthers:
      "Es gibt keinen Grund, warum wir nicht über 1000% mit dieser Aktie in absehbarer Zeit machen können."

      Oft kann man aber aus bildlichen Veranschaulichungen mehr herauslesen als aus bloßen Worten! Ich denke, dass dies gerade bei

      Paramount Gold, WKN A0HGKQ

      der Fall ist. Werfen Sie einen Blick auf die nachfolgenden Bilder und Sie werden erkennen, dass Paramount nicht nur charttechnisches sondern auch besonders erhebliches fundamentales Potential hat.

      Zuerst das Fundamentale:
      Sehen Sie die vielen gekreuzten Spitzhacken in der Abbildung? Gold/Silver Mines & Prospects - so steht es in der Legende der Grafik, die ich aus der neuesten Präsentation habe! Sie können diese HIER herunterladen! Stellen Sie sich vor, dass die gesamten Zeichen in der Grafik Stellen sind, an denen man schon Gold/Silber gefunden hat. Und der Maßstab ist nicht groß. Der Bildausschnitt umfass gerade einmal 8 x 8 Kilometer und es sind über 40 Stellen bekannt, die prospektiv sind.
      Die gestrichelten Linien sind Verwerfungen (so genannte "Strikes") entlang derer exploriert wird. El Carmen, San Antonio, San Luis, San Jose, La Union nord und La Union süd sind die Abschnitte die bisher von Paramount exploriert wurden und es besteht laut dem Analysten Struthers durchaus Potential, dass sich die Mineralisierung weiter nach Norden zieht. Und er weiß wovon er spricht, denn er war Vorort.

      Vom Chartverlauf wurde gestern ein sehr klares Kaufsignal gesetzt!

      Nutzen Sie jetzt die Chance! die ersten 30% haben Sie schon versäumt, die nächsten Prozente sollten Sie nicht liegen lassen!

      Kaufen Sie heute bis 1,91 Euro!
      schrieb am 05.01.07 15:17:41
      Beitrag Nr. 35 ()
      Sehr geehrte Leserinnen und Leser,

      Meine Analysen und Tips werden jetzt auch zu einem großen Teil von der Citibank übernommen.

      Lesen Sie HIER dazu mehr!

      In meinem morgentlichen Newsletter unterlief mit ein Fauxpas. Die erste Grafik konnte nicht richtig angezeigt werden. Darum noch einmal:

      Paramount Gold, WKN A0HGKQ

      Zuerst das Fundamentale:
      Sehen Sie die vielen gekreuzten Spitzhacken in der Abbildung? Gold/Silver Mines & Prospects - so steht es in der Legende der Grafik, die ich aus der neuesten Präsentation habe! Sie können diese HIER herunterladen! Stellen Sie sich vor, dass die gesamten Zeichen in der Grafik Stellen sind, an denen man schon Gold/Silber gefunden hat. Und der Maßstab ist nicht groß. Der Bildausschnitt umfass gerade einmal 8 x 8 Kilometer und es sind über 40 Stellen bekannt, die prospektiv sind.
      Die gestrichelten Linien sind Verwerfungen (so genannte "Strikes") entlang derer exploriert wird. El Carmen, San Antonio, San Luis, San Jose, La Union nord und La Union süd sind die Abschnitte die bisher von Paramount exploriert wurden und es besteht laut dem Analysten Struthers durchaus Potential, dass sich die Mineralisierung weiter nach Norden zieht. Und er weiß wovon er spricht, denn er war Vorort.

      Zusätzlich sollten Sie sich vor Augen halten, dass Ron Struthers, der Analyst anlässlich seines Besuches auf San Miguel folgendes veröffentlichte:

      Laut Struthers ist die Topographie des Gebiets exzellent. Die sehr gute Infrastruktur und der Zugang zu dem Gebiet lassen auf geringere Explorations- und Entwicklungskosten schließen. Nahe der Oberfläche sei eine hohe Mineralisierung festzustellen, die mit zunehmender Tiefe auf hochgradige Goldvorkommen hindeuten, so Struthers.

      Und erst kürzlich kam Struthers zu dem Schluss:
      "Es gibt keinen Grund, warum wir nicht über 1000% mit dieser Aktie in absehbarer Zeit machen können."

      Was können wir in den nächsten Tagen und Wochen erwarten?
      Sachen, die die Anlegerherzen höher schlagen lassen. Ergebnisse von San Miguel, Explorationsstart in Peru, Kapitalzufluß duch Private Placement, weitere hochkarätige Mitarbeiter.

      Ich erneuere meine Empfehlung heute bis 1,91 Euro zu akkumulieren.

      Im Auge sollten sie auch Zecotek Medical (A0JKHL) behalten! Die geringste News wird diese Aktie weit über 1,00 CAD (0,65 Euro) bringen!

      Ihr Helmut Pollinger
      schrieb am 05.01.07 15:18:56
      Beitrag Nr. 36 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 26.692.517 von drscan am 05.01.07 15:17:41Paramount Gold bis 2,20 USD kaufen bullVestor
      Datum: 28.12.2006 1,90 +0,06 +3,26%
      Stimmungsindikator: 2,00

      Die letzten Empfehlungen von bullVestor zu
      04.01.07 Paramount Gold zuschlagen
      03.01.07 Paramount Gold akkumulieren
      02.01.07 Paramount Gold bis maximal 1,67 Euro kaufen
      29.12.06 Paramount Gold bis 2,20 USD kaufen
      22.12.06 Paramount Gold weiter akkumulieren
      Weitere Empfehlungen zu
      St. Valentin ( AG) - Die Experten von "bullVestor" empfehlen, die Aktie von Paramount Gold (<->/ WKN A0HGKQ) bis maximal 2,20 USD zu kaufen.

      Aus Paramount werde, wenn nicht alle Stricke reißen würden, im Jahr 2007 ein Unternehmen, das die internationalen Anleger begeistern werde. Diese Begeisterung werde den Kurs, aller Voraussicht nach, in ungeahnte Höhen treiben. Die Wertpapierexperten würden am besten mit dem Finanziellen anfangen: Explorationsunternehmen würden Kapital brauchen und das bisher benötigte Kapital sei von den Kapitalgebern zum Großteil zu wesentlich höheren Kursen bereitgestellt worden als sie derzeit vorherrschen würden. 2,00 USD, 2,60 USD und 4,25 USD seien die Marken gewesen an denen dem Unternehmen Kapital zugeführt worden sei. Dies lasse den Schluss zu, dass die Institutionellen Anleger wesentlich mehr von Paramount halten würden als die Kleinanleger.

      Das Gebiet, in dem Paramount exploriere, befinde sich in einer exzellenten Lage. Paramount habe das San Miguel Projekt durch Bohrungen getestet und sei in 37 von 45 gebohrten Löchern fündig geworden und habe potenziell abbaubare Konzentrationen "erbohrt". Es sei entlang einer geologischen Verwerfung gebohrt worden und die Mineralisierung habe über eine Länge von über 3km verfolgt werden können. Der angesehene Analyst Ron Struthers gehe davon aus, dass Paramount die nächste große Entdeckung in Mexiko machen werde und dass das Unternehmen in absehbarer Zeit zu den Marktkapitalisierungen der Nachbarn aufschließen werde. Gehe man von einer Verwässerung des Aktienkapitals von 10 Mio. Aktien aus, die für weitere Finanzierungen gebraucht würden, so würde das einen rechnerischen Aktienpreis von 14,30 USD ergeben.

      Es sei beinahe unglaublich, dass ein Unternehmen wie Paramount, mit derartig guten Chancen auf Erfolg, mit nur 40 Millionen Euro bewertet sei. Hier liege die Chance für alle interessierten Aktionäre. Zurzeit klebe der Kurs noch zwischen 2,00 und 2,15 USD aber das werde sich schon sehr bald ändern, wenn Paramount vom Schattendasein der OTCBB in das Licht der AMEX oder TSX wechsle. Ein weiteres Zeichen werde eine große Finanzierung sein. Derweil könne man Paramount noch ruhig akkumulieren aber das werde nach Ansicht der Experten schon sehr bald ein Ende haben, denn es würden wichtige Meldungen anstehen, die das Gesamtbild von Paramount komplett ändern würden.

      Die Experten von "bullVestor" empfehlen die Paramount Gold-Aktie bis maximal 2,20 USD zu kaufen. (28.12.2006/ac/a/a)
      schrieb am 09.01.07 09:13:17
      Beitrag Nr. 37 ()
      Paramount Gold, WKN A0HGKQ

      Diese Aktie hat den bullVestor Lesern schon einmal mehrere hundert Prozent Kursgewinn beschert und wissen Sie was!? - Sie wird es wieder tun, denn das Unternehmen entwickelt sich stetig weiter und dokumentiert dies durch regelmäßige gute News! Ich würde mir wünschen, noch viele andere Unternehmen könnten so mit Fakten glänzen wie Paramount, denn dann wären Gewinne an der Börse so gut wie sicher! Seit ein paar Tagen weise ich Sie immer wieder auf die gewaltigen Gewinnchancen mit Paramount hin, glauben Sie mir, das hat seinen Grund! Diese Aktie wird nicht billiger werden, ganz im Gegenteil: Diese Aktie wird Anlegern, die JETZT die Zeichen der Zeit erkennen, fantastische Gewinne bescheren.

      Ich bitte Sie, nehmen Sie sich ein paar Minuten Zeit und schauen Sie sich das Interview mit Paramount von an! Die Zeit wird sich lohnen, denn welche Zeit lohnt sich nicht, wenn es um Gewinne für Ihr Depot geht!?

      Das Audiointerview wird Ihnen klar machen: Paramount ist aktuell gnadenlos unterbewertet, diesen Umstand werden in den nächsten Wochen und Monaten immer mehr erkennen. In wenigen Wochen werden Sie wissen, warum ich in diesen Tagen immer ganz besonders auf Paramount hinweise! Deshalb zögern Sie nicht zu lange, denn schon bald wird es mit der Aktie des Unternehmens ruckartig nach oben gehen.

      Kaufen Sie heute bis 1,90 Euro!
      schrieb am 09.01.07 13:05:37
      Beitrag Nr. 38 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 26.634.278 von drscan am 02.01.07 11:11:26:eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:

      :kiss::kiss::kiss: Unglaubliche Arbeit!!! :kiss::kiss::kiss:

      Ist ja wie eine Doktorarbeit, der reine Wahnsinn!!!

      Bin leider erst heute darauf gestossen!!! :rolleyes:

      Aber nach wie vor von Para überzeugt!!!

      schrieb am 10.01.07 08:40:56
      Beitrag Nr. 39 ()
      Ganz frisch

      Sehr geehrte Leserinnen und Leser,

      Sie werden sich fragen, warum ich Ihnen schon wieder die Aktie von

      Paramount Gold, WKN A0HGKQ

      zu Kauf empfehle. Ganz einfach! Ich weiß, dass Paramount schon sehr bald sehr viel höher stehen wird und ich will, dass Sie von dieser Aktie profitieren.

      Derzeit gibt es noch einen kleinen charttechnischen Widerstand bei 2,40 USD (1,85 Euro), der aber schon in Kürze überwunden sein dürfte. Nehmen Sie die Gelegenheit wahr und positionieren sie sich für den nächsten Paramount Run, der schon in Kürze starten wird.

      Kauf heute bis 1,90 Euro


      Helmut Pollinger
      schrieb am 10.01.07 08:44:09
      Beitrag Nr. 40 ()
      Also, gut, ich bin auch investiert, aber so langsam hört sich das Pollinger Gerede wie plumpe Durchhalteparolen an.
      Kann der nicht einfach mal still sein. Seit einer Woche schreibt er zum fünften mal das Gleiche. Ich glaube so langsam haben wir sein Anliegen verstanden:rolleyes:
      schrieb am 10.01.07 09:55:40
      Beitrag Nr. 41 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 26.805.359 von HomoEconomicus am 10.01.07 08:44:09Willkommen :cool:
      schrieb am 11.01.07 09:35:28
      Beitrag Nr. 42 ()
      Es geht immer teiter :laugh:

      Sehr geehrte Leserinnen und Leser,

      Ich habe es Ihnen gesagt, dass der Ausbruch bei

      Paramount Gold, WKN A0HGKQ

      bevorsteht! Und so kam es auch! Die Paramount Aktie schloß gestern nicht nur auf Tageshoch sondern auch auf dem höchsten Schlußkurs seit 3 Monaten! Ein kurzer Blick auf den Chart der Heimatbörse in den USA wird Ihnen sofort sagen, dass Sie mit dem Kauf von Paramount Aktien möglicherweise ein wenig zu lange gewartet haben, denn der Zug ist bereits im rollen!

      Der Zug rollt aber er ist noch nicht abgefahren! In den letzten Tagen konnten Sie zwischen 1,80 und 1,90 Euro Paramount Aktien einsammeln. Diese Zeiten sind wohl Vergangeneheit. In den nächsten Tagen werden Sie schon ein wenig tiefer in die Tasche greifen müssen um die selbe Anzahl A0HGKQ zu ordern, als noch Ende Dezember. Aber es wird sich dennoch für Sie auszahlen, wenn Sie den Schritt wagen, der eigentlich kein Wagnis ist, denn es gibt viele Fakten, die eindeutig für ein Investment in Paramount sprechen. Sei es die über mehrere Kilometer verfolgbare Mineralisierung, die Umgebung zu vielen Mutimillionen Unzen Minen oder auch das hochklassige Geologenteam.

      Aber halten Sie sich auch stets den Satz von Ron Struthers vor Augen, der erst kürzlich verlautete:
      Es gibt keinen Grund, warum wir mit dieser Aktie nicht 1000% machen können!

      Kaufen Sie heute Paramount bis 1,96 Euro!
      schrieb am 12.01.07 09:14:41
      Beitrag Nr. 43 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 26.825.579 von drscan am 11.01.07 09:35:28Sehr geehrte Leserinnen und Leser,

      Paramount Gold, WKN A0HGKQ

      Rund 30% hat Paramount schon vom Tief zugelegt aber das ist erst der Anfang einer entspannten Reise zu den alten Höhen von Paramount.

      Das Allzeithoch von 3,42 Euro, war schon seinerzeit institutionellen Investoren nicht zu hoch um in Paramount Gold zu investieren, die beinhart 4 USD pro Aktie bezahlten. Und nun, ein Jahr später, nach vielen grandiosen Ergenbissen, kurz vor AMEX und TSX Listing, soll das Unternehmen nur noch einen Bruchteil wert sein? Die Börse ist schon manchmal verrückt. Aber solche Anomalien muß man beinhart ausnutzen.

      Wenn Sie jetzt Paramount Aktien kaufen, erwerben Sie Papiere eines Unternehmens, dass eine Marktkapitalisierung von ca. 75 Mio. USD hat. Lächerlich wenig, wenn man die exorbitanten Chancen betrachtet. Der unmittelbare Nachbar Plamarejo (TSX: PJO)hat einen Marktwert von 750 Mio. CAD schon erreicht und noch kein einziges Gramm Gold oder Silber gefördert.
      18 Monate hat es bei Palmarejo gedauert, dann hatte sich die Aktie rund verzehnfacht und bei Paramount könnte es ebenso schnell funktionieren.

      Wirsft man einen Blick auf die Bohrergebnisse von Palmarejo, dann wird man feststellen, dass die Resultate von Paramount sogar besser sind.

      Kaufen Sie heute Paramount Gold bis 1,97 Euro!
      schrieb am 15.01.07 09:01:09
      Beitrag Nr. 44 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 26.852.243 von drscan am 12.01.07 09:14:41Ein absolut gewinnbringender Gratistipp für Sie ist

      Paramount Gold, WKN A0HGKQ

      Ein Investment, dass sich für Sie schon in absehbarer Zukunft überproportional auszahlen wird, denn die Zeichen stehen auf Sturm! Konstanter Umsatz, verbunden mit kontinuierlichem Drang nach oben, zeigen, dass die Aktie wieder in den Blickpunkt der Anleger rückt. Und das passiert nicht von ungefähr denn die Paramount Aktionäre werden im ersten Quartal 2007 sicherlich mit positiven News überhäuft.

      Ich habe die neue Firmenpräsentation schon gesehen und diese bringt einige neue sehr interessante Aspekte an den Tag! Beachten Sie die Angaben der Mineralisierungen der Probebohrungen in Goldäquivalent! Jetzt wird für viele deutlich werden, dass es sich bei Paramount um eine absolute Top Firma handelt.

      Ich habe die Berechtigung des Unternehmens Ihnen dieses exkusive Dokument zukommen zu lassen, noch bevor es auf der Webseite von Paramount veröffentlicht wird:…

      Und nun sollten Sie noch wissen, dass man Paramount eingeladen hat, sich in Zürich vor zahlreichen Fondsmanagern zu präsentieren. Diese Präsentation wird in der Mitte der aktuellen Woche stattfinden! Ich kann mir ohne weiteres vorstellen, dass es nach gelungener Präsentation zu einem verstärkten Handel kommt, der für einen sprunghaft steigenden Kurs sorgen wird!

      Kaufen Sie heute Paramount Gold bis 1,95 Euro


      Helmut Pollinger
      schrieb am 15.01.07 09:14:14
      Beitrag Nr. 45 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 26.928.675 von drscan am 15.01.07 09:01:09Danke für die guten News. Ich blicke weiter sehr zuversichtlich in die Zukunft von Paramount Gold.
      schrieb am 16.01.07 11:01:32
      Beitrag Nr. 46 ()
      Sehr geehrte Leserinnen und Leser!

      Paramount Gold, WKN A0HGKQ

      Eigentlich wollte ich Ihnen heute nur den Chart von Paramount zeigen. Der müsste eigentlich vielen die Augen öffnen und einschlagen wie eine gute News. Doch ein paar Daten aus der neuesten Präsentation sollen auch den heutigen Newsletter würzen!

      Highlights der Bohrergebnisse in Mexiko :eek::eek:
      16m zu 4,5g Goldäquivalent
      17m mit 6,29g Goldäquivalent
      19m mit 4,5g Goldäquivalent
      5m mit 14,5g Goldäquivalent
      6m mit 9g Goldäquivalent
      26m mit 3,3g Goldäquivalent
      14m mit 3 g Goldäquivalent

      Das sind Bohrergebnisse wie sie Moto Goldmines in Kongo hat und niemand zweifelt an der Wirtschaftlichkeit dieses Unternehmens!

      Alle diese Bohrergebnisse sind auf eine Länge von 3,3km verteilt. Das heißt, das sich die Mineralisierung über diese Länge verfolgen lässt. Die Spezialisten gehen aber davon aus, dass sich die Mineralisierung noch sehr viel weiter nachvollziehen lässt. Da wundert es einem nicht, dass Ron Struthers, der Analyst, davon ausgeht, dass Paramount dazu auserkoren ist, die nächste große Entdeckung in Mexiko zu machen. Nachbar Palmarejo (MK 750 Mio. CAD) hat es vorgemacht und Paramount folgt exakt den Fußstapfen.

      Paramount heute bis 1,95 Euro kaufen!


      Helmut Pollinger
      schrieb am 17.01.07 10:45:32
      Beitrag Nr. 47 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 26.952.644 von drscan am 16.01.07 11:01:32Sehr geehrte Leserinnen und Leser,

      Gestern um 22:00 Uhr führte ich noch ein langes, ausführliches Telefongespräch, speziell um für Sie Neuigkeiten in Sachen Paramount Gold, WKN A0HGKQ und Ammex Gold Mining A0KE72 einzuholen. Und es ist mir gelungen einen "Wissenden" für Sie ein wenig auszuquetschen und ich kann Ihnen in der Tat einiges berichten, was Sie sicherlich interessieren wird!

      Paramount Gold, WKN A0HGKQ

      Normalerweise startet ein Bergbauunternehmen an der TSX und wechselt bei Erfolg dann an die AMEX, der zweitgrößten Börse der USA. Paramount ist anders! Gestartet an den Pinksheets hat das Unternehmen in Windeseile das Listing an der OTCBB gepackt und strebt nun das TSX und in weiterer Folge das AMEX Listing an. Ich darf Ihnen nun verraten, dass das TSX Listing, laut meinem Informanten, schon in greifbarer Nähe ist.
      Diesen Weg wählen nur wenige Unternehmen, da alles andere als leicht ist, denn zu einem TSX Listing gehört mehr. Es muß ein "Sponsor" gefunden werden, der über ein Private Placement die Aktie an der TSX einführt. Und der "Sponsor" ist bereits in den Startlöchern und das mit einer Summe im zweistelligen Millionenbereich!

      Diese Info und der folgende Chart sollten Ihnen eigentlich sagen, dass Sie mit Paramount nur noch gewinnen können!

      Kaufen Sie heute Paramount bis 1,98 Euro!

      Der kleine Bruder von Paramount ist nicht minder interessant, denn dieser wird zum Teil von den Paramount Vorständen geleitet.
      schrieb am 17.01.07 22:07:48
      Beitrag Nr. 48 ()
      Sehr geehrte Leserinnen und Leser,

      Ron Struthers vergleicht das Unternehmen

      Paramount Goldmines, WKN A0HGKQ

      immer wieder mit Palmarejo (TSX: PJO). Palmarejo hat einen Marktwert von mehr als 700 Millionen CAD und Paramount hat zur Zeit einen Marktwert von rund 100 Mio. CAD.

      Nun habe ich die heutigen Bohrergebnisse von Palmarejo zum Anlass genommen um einen Vergleich anzustellen.
      Palmarejo gibt heute einen Spitzenwert von 24m zu knapp 4 Gramm Gold pro Tonne bekannt!

      Das kann Paramount zumindest gleich gut! In der Vergangenheit wurden zum Beispiel

      LU-01 16.4 m zu 4.48 Goldäquivalent
      LU-02 17.6 m zu 6.29 Goldäquivalent
      LU-11 13.5 m 0.3636g Gold + 2.4% Blei, 7.1% Zink


      Warum wird Paramount immer mit Palmarejo vergleichen? Ganz einfach! Es gibt fast eine idente geologische Struktur und auch das ist nachvollziehbar, denn das Palmarejo Gebiet ist nur 10 Kilomenter entfernt und grenzt direkt an die Paramount Lizenz!

      Und warum ist Paramount nur ein Siebentel von Palmarejo wert? Weil Palmarejo ungefähr 1,5 Jahre Vorsprung hat. Wenn Sie ein paar Monate für eine Versiebenfachung ihres Kapitals Zeit haben, dann sollte Ihre Entscheidung für Paramount leicht fallen!

      Kaufen Sie heute Paramount Gold bis 1,95 Euro
      schrieb am 22.01.07 14:25:41
      Beitrag Nr. 49 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 26.993.924 von Frakmaster am 17.01.07 22:07:48Sehr geehrte Leserinnen und Leser

      Bedingt durch das Management, kann man die Aktien von Paramount Goldmining (A0HGKQ) und Ammex Goldmining (A0KE72) getrost als Schwestern bezeichnen. Die Schärfe ergibt sich aus den Projekten.

      Stellen sie sich vor Ihr Nachbar hat einen Oldtimer geschenkt bekommen. die Schätzer taxieren ihn, weil er eine sehr gute Restaurierungsqualität hat, auf 200.000 Euro. Der Aufwand den Oldtimer so hinzubekommen war nur ein Zehntel des Schätzpreises.
      Sie haben den haargenau den gleichen Oldtimer erworben, die Substanz ist genauso, wenn nicht besser als bei der Karre des Nachbarn.

      Glauben Sie, dass ihr Auto den Wert des Nachbarn erreichen wird?

      Und genauso verhält es sich bei

      Paramount Goldmines, WKN A0HGKQ

      Nachbar Palmarejo ist nur ein wenig weiter mit der "Restauration", sprich Exploration! Aber die Eckdaten der Bohrergebnisse sind bei Palmarejo und Paramount von den Werten her fast ident nur das Plamarejo in der Entwicklung ca. 18 Monate voraus und 7 mal so viel Wert ist.

      Kaufen Sie Paramount weiter bis 1,95 Euro!

      Ammex Goldmining, WKN A0KE72

      Eine der am meisten unterschätzten Aktien! Auf News kann die Aktie schnell über die 1 Euro Marke schießen! Bleiben Sie her unbedingt am Ball, denn schon bald wir es hier gewaltig knallen!

      Ammex bis 0,55 Euro kaufen!


      Helmut Pollinger
      schrieb am 26.01.07 07:10:09
      Beitrag Nr. 50 ()
      Der Report ist nun da!

      38 000 000 Unzen Silber!!!

      Dem Kurs wird das sehr gut tun!:D
      schrieb am 26.01.07 10:45:42
      Beitrag Nr. 51 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 27.191.141 von mdecker1 am 26.01.07 07:10:09Paramount Gold Reports NI 43-101 Technical Report; a preliminary resource estimate at their San Miguel Project, Mexico

      Chihuahua, Mexico - (BUSINESS WIRE) - January 26, 2007 - Paramount Gold Mining Corp. (OTC: PGDP) (Frankfurt: P6G, WKN: A0HGKQ), is pleased to report the results of an NI 43-101 technical report completed on their San Miguel Project near Temoris, Chihuahua, Mexico. The report was completed by Dana Durgin of Delve Consultants LLC., Sparks, Nevada, USA.

      The results of the report are based on only 39 of the 53 shallow drill holes completed to date and have only considered higher grade ore as an inferred resource that could potentially be mined by underground methods. The drill holes used to compile this report are widely spaced and primarily test only the upper 100 meters of the vein system. Paramount is confident that they can continue to increase their resource, both down dip and along strike, as well as between the targets tested initially.

      Chris Crupi, President and CFO stated: "I am very pleased with the progress our exploration team has made at San Miguel, Mexico. At the time of this report, our exploration expenditures were roughly US$2,500,000 and we identified 38,000,000 ounces of silver equivalent. This gives us a very low finding cost of less than US$0.07 per ounce of silver. I am very confident that we can continue to add substantial silver resources and eventually reserves, at a very low cost, which will dramatically increase shareholder value."

      San Miguel - Report Highlights

      Mineralization at San Miguel is controlled primarily by the 8-kilometer long, NNW trending Guazapares fault zone. Within this fault zone, which may be up to 300 meters wide, a series of en echelon, and to a lesser extent sub-parallel, quartz veins have developed. Each of these en echelon veins has a strike length of 250 to 400 meters, and an unknown down-dip extent. Drilling at San Miguel at the date of this report includes 47 drill holes irregularly distributed along 2.7 kilometers of this strike length. Six additional holes are in the La Blanca and Montecristo zones to the north, which are not considered here.

      Only 39 of these 47 holes were used in the resource calculation. Of the other eight holes, six are in the southern part of La Union, where there was no significant resource identified. The remaining two holes were considered too isolated to include in the calculations. Drilling has not yet been done on a regularly spaced grid. The abundance and spacing of drilling in any given area is insufficient at this time to produce a rigorous resource calculation.

      This resource estimate was done manually, using vertical cross sections drawn perpendicular to the strike of the principal vein in each zone. Mineralization is polymetallic with silver, gold, lead and zinc contributing to the dollar value. The boundaries were defined by using current metal prices (Au @ $600/oz, Ag @ $13/oz, Pb @ $0.65/pound, Zn @ $2.00/pound) to calculate a gold-equivalent dollar value. Boundaries were arbitrarily drawn at a $50 metal value cut-off., which was chosen as a simply defined, consistent method to define these boundaries.

      The San Miguel resource is only in the early stages of definition, with the bulk of the resource so far relating to the near surface drill results in the San Antonio and El Carman zones where assay results remain incomplete.

      The inferred resource is calculated to be 4.8 million metric tones, grading the US dollar equivalent of 246.6 grams of silver per tonne, or 38 million ounces of silver as shown in the table below:

      Table 17.6 San Miguel Inferred Resource Summary

      # holes
      Ag eq Grade
      Ag eq Oz

      La Union 9 675,000 244.6 g/t 5,307,700
      San Jose 10 1,010,000 234.5 g/t 7,615,400
      San Luis
      Below 300 ft 7 155,400 513.6 g/t 2,566,200
      Above 300 ft 1 150,000 430.7 g/t 2,076,900
      San Antonio* 6 1,510,000 236.8 g/t 11,499,200
      El Carmen* 6 1,300,000 215.3 g/t 9,000,000
      Totals 39 4,800,400 246.6 g/t 38,065,400 Ag eq oz
      * Drilling at San Antonio and El Carmen are ongoing and assay results are incomplete. These figures will be refined in February 2007 when all assay data are complete.

      Resource Potential - Report Highlights

      Approximately 1800 meters of trenching has been completed in 34 trenches. Most of these exposed excellent mineralization for sampling and geologic mapping. In addition, grid-based rock sampling over a large area in the San Jose zone indicated the presence of zone, of at least 150 by 250 meters that averaged 150 g/t silver. This suggests that Paramount may be able to develop a mineable near surface silver/gold body that may be amenable to heap leaching, in addition to polymetallic mineralization which may be mineable underground. This is not included in the resource noted above.

      Ongoing exploration is expected to add to the resources in areas not considered in this estimation. Few of the drill holes have reached more than 120 meters below the surface. Drilling below these depths is expected to add to mineral resources. In precious metal systems like this, such as at nearby Palmarejo, ore shoots are known to persist to depths of 300 meters or more down dip.

      In addition, the resources described in this report remain open along strike to the NNW and SSE, as well as down dip. The ongoing San Miguel drilling program has tested only 2.7 kilometers of the 8-kilometer strike length of the system with rather widely spaced holes. Also, the San Miguel vein system in a parallel fault zone two kilometers to the west has excellent silver/gold mineralization at the surface, but has not yet been drilled. Additional drilling is clearly warranted in these highly prospective areas.

      Background Comment

      Paramount initiated diamond core drilling in April 2006, using Layne de Mexico as the contractor. As of early December 2006, a total of 7233 meters of HQ (2.5 inch core) drilling had been completed in 53 drill holes. All drill, trench and surface samples were analyzed by ALS Chemex.

      Most of the intercepts in both trenching and drilling in the La Union South zone had significantly higher than normal zinc and lead values (in the 1-2% zinc range), including one 13.5 meter interval in hole LU-11 containing 2.38 % lead and 7.07% zinc. At today's metal prices, that material has a gross metal value of nearly $300 per ton, without including precious metals. The relative abundance of lead and zinc leads the author to believe that the erosion level in this portion of the Gauzapares district, is deeper than the areas further north, such as San Antonio.

      The resources defined in this report, are correctly classified as Inferred Resources due to the level of check arraying, the spacing of drill holes, and the preliminary stage of the deposit modeling and estimation process. The classification of these resources as Inferred indicates that the resources have been estimated on the basis of geological evidence and reasonably assumed, not verified, geological and grade continuity. While it cannot be assumed that all of the Inferred Resources noted here will be upgraded to Indicated or Measured Resources, the author believes that improvements in the drill hole spacing, the deposit modeling and the estimation procedures will lead to conversion of at least a significant portion of these resources to higher classifications.

      The complete NI 43-101 report can be viewed or downloaded at Paramount's website ( or

      Qualified Person

      The report was written in compliance with disclosure and reporting requirements set forth in the Canadian Securities Administrators' National Instrument 43-101, Companion Policy 43-101CP, and Form 43-101F1. The resource estimate for the San Miguel deposits were prepared by Dana Durgin in December 2006 of Delve Consultants LLC. Mineral Exploration and Development, Sparks, Nevada, USA ; no mineral reserves were estimated. Mr. Durgin (the author) is a qualified person under Canadian Securities Aministrators' National Instrument 43-101 and a member of the American Institute of Professional Geologists (CPG #10364), a Registered Professional Geologist in Wyoming (PG-2886), and a member of the Geological Society of Nevada. The author has independently investigated the data provided to him by Paramount Gold Mining Corp., to the extent deemed necessary in his professional judgment to be able to reasonably rely on this information.

      About San Miguel
      San Miguel is currently comprised of 16 concessions covering an estimated 6 kms strike of silver and gold mineralization. It is located in Chihuahua, Mexico and lies in the Guazapares mining district, part of the gold-silver belt of the Sierra Madre Occidental. Paramount signed an agreement in August 2005 with Amermin S.A. de CV, a subsidiary of Tara Gold Resources, to acquire a 70% interest in the San Miguel project.

      About Paramount Gold
      Paramount Gold Mining Corp. is a precious metals exploration and development company. It is management's objective to grow Paramount into a significant gold and precious metals producer by developing the Andean Gold Alliance with Teck Cominco in South America, the San Miguel and Linda projects in Mexico and Peru, and by acquiring other advanced-stage projects and/or producing mines in the most prolific precious metal districts in the world. The Company trades on the OTC market under the symbol “PGDP” and on the Frankfurt Exchange under the symbol “P6G”. For more information, please visit the Company’s web site at: (now available in the following languages: English, German, French, Spanish, and Mandarin).

      Safe Harbor Statement under the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995: The statements contained herein which are not historical are forward-looking statements that are subject to risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed in the forward-looking statements, including, but not limited to, certain delays beyond the company's control with respect to market acceptance of new technologies or products, delays in testing and evaluation of products, and other risks detailed from time to time in the Company's filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission.


      Investor Relations:
      Skyline Communications
      Tel: 1-613-226-9881
      Toll-free: 1-866-481-2233
      schrieb am 26.01.07 10:46:29
      Beitrag Nr. 52 ()
      schrieb am 26.01.07 11:16:35
      Beitrag Nr. 53 ()
      schrieb am 26.01.07 11:23:13
      Beitrag Nr. 54 ()
      Sehr geehrte Leserinnen und Leser,

      Paramount Gold, A0HGKQ

      Ni 43-101 Ressourcenschätzung des San Miguel Projektes! Mit nur 2,5 Millionen USD Kapitaleinsatz hat Paramount eine Gesamtressource von 38 Millionen Unzen Silberäquivalent „erbohrt“. Pro Unze Silber fallen also nur 7 Cent „Findungskosten“ an!

      Lesen Sie hier die News in Original!

      Paramount Gold ist mit der NI43-101 konformen Schätzung reif für die TSX. Es wird immer klarer, dass Paramount in der Lage ist, eine 2. Palmarejo zu werden. Dies bedeutet für den Anleger, dass er bei Paramount getrost auf einen Marktwert von 500 – 700 Millionen USD spekulieren darf (derzeit ca. 100 Millionen Euro).
      Ron Struthers, der Rohstoffexperte aus Kanada, geht sogar noch weiter und glaubt, dass Paramount sogar die „bessere Palmarejo“ sein könnte und weiters meinte er erst vor kurzem: „Es gibt keinen Grund, warum wir mit Paramount nicht 1000% machen sollten.“ Die heute veröffentlichten Daten belegen, dass alle „Paramounties“ auf dem richtigen Weg sind!

      Das wichtige Durchbrechen des 2,50 USD Widerstandes steht unmittelbar bevor. Kurse von über 3,50 USD auf eine Sicht von 4-6 Wochen würden mich nicht überraschen!

      Ich setze weiterhin auf Paramount und würde heute bis 2,00 Euro kaufen


      Ihr Helmut Pollinger
      schrieb am 26.01.07 11:32:24
      Beitrag Nr. 55 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 27.195.362 von drscan am 26.01.07 11:23:13Wenigsten da stimme ich dem Pollinger mal zu, obwohl mir lieber wäre er hält die Sch...ze! :)
      schrieb am 30.01.07 13:58:20
      Beitrag Nr. 56 ()
      DGAP-News: Tara Gold Resources Corp.: Technischer Bericht empfiehlt weitere Exploration von San Miguel zur Ressourcenerweiterung
      Leser des Artikels: 62

      Tara Gold Resources Corp. / Sonstiges/Sonstiges


      Corporate News übermittelt durch die DGAP - ein Unternehmen der EquityStory AG.Für den Inhalt der Mitteilung ist der Emittent verantwortlich.---------------------------------------------------------------------------

      Chicago, 26. Januar, 2007 (Marketwire) - Tara Gold Resources Corp.(Börsenkürzel OTC: TRGD.PK und Börse Frankfurt WKN: AOJEFM) - im Folgendenkurz ´die Gesellschaft´ genannt - gibt ihren Aktionären wie auch derÖffentlichkeit den Eingang des neuesten technischen Berichtes bekannt.Dieser Bericht hat das San Miguel Projekt zum Inhalt, welches sich nahe derStadt Temoris im mexikanischen Bundesstaat Chihuahua findet.

      Der Bericht schließt eine Analyse der bisher geleisteten Arbeiten ein,leitet daraus vorläufige Schätzungen der vorhandenen Ressourcen ab,bestätigt das beachtliche Potential der Liegenschaft und empfiehlt dieInangriffnahme weitere Explorationsarbeiten.

      Im August 2005 hatte Tara Gold Resources einen Vertrag mit Paramount Gold Mining Corp. abgeschlossen. Dieser sah den Erwerb eines Anteiles am Projektvon bis zu 70% vor, solange 2,5 Mio. US $ in dasselbe investiert, 700.000Aktien übereignet sowie diverse weitere Zahlungen an die Gesellschaftgeleistet werden.

      Der Ingenieurbericht des amtlichen Formats 43-101 wurde von Dana Durgin vonder Firma Delve Consultants LLC, aus Sparks im US-Bundesstaat Nevadaerstellt. Als Auftraggeber zeichnete Paramount Gold als der physischeBetreiber des Projektes. Basierend auf 39 im weiten Abstandniedergebrachten Bohrungen, die 2,7 Kilometer der insgesamt 8 Kilometerlangen Struktur abdecken, kalkuliert die Verfasserin des Berichtes eineabgeleitete Ressource von 4,8 Millionen metrischer Tonnen Erz. Die Tonnewurde zu 246,6 Gramm Silber pro Tonne (g/t) bewertet, was 38 MillionenFeinunzen Silber entspricht.

      Die Ressource, wie sie der Bericht beschreibt, ist in RichtungNord-Nordwest wie auch nach Süd-Südosten hin, ihren Ausdehnungen nach nochvöllig offen. Ein Gleiches gilt für die Dimension der Tiefe. Nur wenige derBohrlöcher erreichten eine Tiefe von mehr als 120 Meter von der Oberflächeaus gerechnet. In edelmetallhaltigen Systemen wie diesem, oder aber demnahe gelegenen Palmarejo Projekt, stoßen die Ausläufer der Erzbahnen oft inTiefen von 300 Meter oder sogar noch weiter nach unten vor. Hinzu kommt,dass das bisherige Bohrprogramm nur 2,7 Kilometer des sich über insgesamt 8Kilometer erstreckenden Lagers abdeckt. Außerdem gibt es eine parallelverlaufende Abbruchzone, die 2 Kilometer weiter westlich verläuft. DieseZone weist bereits an der Oberfläche ganz ausgezeichnete Gold- undSilber-Mineralisationen auf. Diese parallel zum bisher teilweiseexplorierten System verlaufende Zone sah bisher noch überhaupt keineBohraktivitäten.

      Die Verfasserin des Ingenieurberichtes empfiehlt Auffüllbohrungen, um diebereits sicher existierende Ressource besser und umfassender definieren zukönnen. Weiterhin werden Empfehlungen zwecks metallurgischer Testreihensowie weitere Explorationen in der Hauptrichtung, in der das Vorkommenverläuft, ausgesprochen.

      Über San Miguel

      San Miguel setzt sich derzeit aus 16 Konzessionen zusammen, die infortlaufender Richtung eine etwa 6 Kilometer lange Zone von Silber- undGold-Mineralisation aufweisen. Das Vorkommen liegt im mexikanischenBundesstaat Chihuahua, genauer, im Guazapares Minen - Distrikt. Dieserwiederum ist Teil des Gold- und Silber-Gürtels der Sierra Madre Occidental.

      Über Tara Gold Resources Corp.

      Tara Gold Resources Corp. ist ein im Explorations- und Entwicklungsbereichaktives wachstums-orientiertes Unternehmen der Edelmetall-Branche mitbereits laufender Produktion. Die leitende Zielstellung des Managementsbesteht im Streben, zu einem bedeutenden Produzenten von Edelmetall - undhier ganz besonders Gold - aufzusteigen. Dies soll insbesondere durch dieAusweitung der gegenwärtig laufenden Produktion von La Currita, dieWiederaufnahme bergbautechnischer Produktion von Lluvia de Oro und Picacho,wie auch durch die Weiterentwicklung der Projekte von San Miguel, LaMillonaria, Pilar De Mocoribo und Las Minitas in Mexiko erreicht werden.Außerdem werden wir fortfahren, Projekte im fortgeschrittenen Stadium und /oder bereits produzierende Minen im Bereich eines der am reichlichsten mitEdelmetallen gesegneten Gebiete der Welt zu akquirieren.

      Für weitere Informationen besuchen Sie bitte die Webseite der Gesellschaftunter

      Safe Harbor Statement unter dem Gesetz ´Private Securities LitigationReform Act´ von 1995:Die Feststellungen dieser Veröffentlichung sind -sofern sie nicht historischen Charakters haben - in die Zukunft gerichtetund unterliegen somit Risiken und Unsicherheiten. Diese wiederum könnenbewirken, dass die sich später ergebenden wirklichen Resultate vondenjenigen Feststellungen, die hier mit Zukunftsbezug genannt wurden,deutlich abweichen. Dies schließt unter anderem auch bestimmteVerzögerungen in der Entwicklung ein, die die Gesellschaft nichtbeeinflussen kann. Hier wären beispielsweise zu nennen: Markt-Akzeptanzneuer Technologien oder neuartiger Produkte, Verzögerungen von Tests odervon Bewertungs- und Auswertungs-Prozessen von Produkten wie auch andereRisiken. Diese werden von Zeit zu Zeit in den an die Securities andExchange Commission gerichteten offiziellen Berichten detailliertdargestellt.

      So finden Sie uns:

      Tara Gold Resources Corp.: OTC: TRGD.PK und Frankfurt Freiverkehr: T8N.FSE

      Webseite: http://www.TaraGoldResources.comE-Mail IR: angie@taragoldresources.comTel. Unternehmenssitz: 001-630-462-2079Tel. Investor Relations: 001-630-551-7802

      DGAP 26.01.2007 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
      schrieb am 30.01.07 14:10:35
      Beitrag Nr. 57 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 27.294.588 von milkymaid am 30.01.07 13:58:20Paramount Gold drills 683 g/t silver across 8.25 meters and 296 g/t silver across 10.7 meters at their San Miguel Project, Mexico

      Chihuahua, Mexico - (BUSINESS WIRE) - January 30, 2007 - Paramount Gold Mining Corp. (OTC: PGDP) (Frankfurt: P6G, WKN: A0HGKQ), is pleased to release the most recently reported assays from its ongoing drill program at the San Miguel Project near Temoris, Chihuahua, Mexico. The following results are four drill holes completed in the San Antonio area and are in fill holes between drill holes SA-01 to SA-09 reported on Dec 14th, 2006. These four drill holes span a distance along strike of about 325 meters.

      Drill hole SA-10 intersected 8.25 meters (107.30 to 115.55) of 683 g/t silver, 16.70 meters (11.3 to 28.0) of 129.0 g/t silver and 8.4 meters (44.6 to 53.0) of 137 g/t silver with 1.19% combined lead and zinc. This hole hit 51.6 meters that averaged 78 g/t silver with 0.57% combined lead and zinc from 11.3 to 62.9 meters. SA-11 intersected 5.4 meters (35.4 to 40.8) of 217 g/t silver and had a number of shorter intersects down hole such as 0.90 meters (131.5 to 132.4) of 427 g/t silver. SA-12 intersected 34.5 meters (40.8 to 75.3) of 134 g/t silver and had another intersect above that of 0.70 meters (31.5 to 32.2) of 684 g/t silver. SA-13 intersected 10.7 meters (53.0 to 63.7) of 296 g/t silver.

      Bill Reed, Exploration Manager, Mexico said, "These drill results continue to confirm continuity and grades over substantial widths as drill holes SA-11 and SA-13 fill in about 130 meters of the 300 meter gap between step out holes SA-01 and SA-10. The mineralized system appears to be getting stronger as we step out along strike to the north and our drilling to date has been quite shallow with most drill holes between 100 and 150 meters deep. I believe we have tremendous potential to expand this discovery, not only by continuing to drill along strike but by drill testing to depth as well. The Alaska Juneau company was still mining high grade silver and gold at depths of 200 meters at the San Luis mine located on this mineralized trend and old mine records indicated higher grade ore below that depth."

      San Antonio zone Highlights

      SA-10 cut 8.25 meters from 107.30 to 115.55 of 683 g/t silver
      and 16.70 meters from 11.3 to 28.0 meters of 129.0 g/t silver
      and 8.4 meters from 44.6 to 53.0 meters of 137 g/t silver with 1.19% combined lead and zinc.

      SA-11 cut 5.4 meters from 35.4 to 40.8 of 217 g/t silver
      and 3.5 meters from 55.5 to 59.0 of 122 g/t silver
      and 0.90 meters from 131.5 to 132.4 of 427 g/t silver.

      SA-12 cut 34.5 meters from 40.8 to 75.3 averaging 134 g/t silver
      and 0.60 meters from 24.2 to 24.8 of 138 g/t silver
      and 0.70 meters from 31.5 to 32.2 of 684 g/t silver

      SA-13 cut 10.7 meters (53.0 to 63.7) of 296 g/t silver

      Drill Hole locations

      A drill hole and trench location map can be found at Paramount's website

      SA-10 steps out approximately 60 meters to the south of SA-09 that reported three silver intersects, including 5.7 meters of 152 g/t silver and 6.1 meters of 149 g/t silver, see Dec. 14, 2006 news release:

      SA-12 is a step out of approximately 40 meters to the south of SA-01 that reported four silver intersects and averaged 44.85 meters of 133.4 g/t silver see Dec. 14, 2006 news release:

      SA-13 steps out approximately 40 meters to the north of SA-01

      SA-11 is about 85 meters north of SA-13 and under trench ZSA-09 that reported 61.9 meters averaging 79.0 g/t Ag, including 2.1 meters of 625 g/t Ag, and 1.0 meters of 887 g/t Ag with 5.59% lead, se news release Jan 2 2007

      Quality Control Person

      Paramount takes detailed photos of the entire core before it is cut to half core which is assayed at ALS Chemex's Vancouver laboratory. As part of quality assurance, quality control (QAQC), a blank (sterile) sample is submitted every 20th sample. Later, pulps from a number of intervals will be renumbered and pulps from known standards will be inserted between them in numerical order. These will then be submitted for reanalysis. The results will then be compared to the original values reported, and the known values of the inserted standards. Half-core samples have been retained on site for verification and reference purposes.

      C.W. (Bill) Reed, B. Sc. Mineralogy, is acting as qualified person and has prepared the detail and review with respect to this news release.

      Drill hole


      SA - 10









      SA - 11









      SA - 12







      SA - 13




      About San Miguel
      San Miguel is currently comprised of 16 concessions covering an estimated +7 kms strike of silver and gold mineralization. It is located in Chihuahua, Mexico and lies in the Guazapares mining district, part of the gold-silver belt of the Sierra Madre Occidental. Paramount signed an agreement in August 2005 with Amermin S.A. de CV, a subsidiary of Tara Gold Resources, to acquire a 70% interest in the San Miguel project.

      About Paramount Gold
      Paramount Gold Mining Corp. is a precious metals exploration and development company. It is management's objective to grow Paramount into a significant gold and precious metals producer by developing the Andean Gold Alliance with Teck Cominco in South America, the San Miguel and Linda projects in Mexico and Peru, and by acquiring other advanced-stage projects and/or producing mines in the most prolific precious metal districts in the world. The Company trades on the OTC market under the symbol “PGDP” and on the Frankfurt Exchange under the symbol “P6G”. For more information, please visit the Company’s web site at: (now available in the following languages: English, German, French, Spanish, and Mandarin).

      Safe Harbor Statement under the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995: The statements contained herein which are not historical are forward-looking statements that are subject to risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed in the forward-looking statements, including, but not limited to, certain delays beyond the company's control with respect to market acceptance of new technologies or products, delays in testing and evaluation of products, and other risks detailed from time to time in the Company's filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission.


      Investor Relations:
      Skyline Communications
      Tel: 1-613-226-9881
      Toll-free: 1-866-481-2233
      schrieb am 01.02.07 22:43:18
      Beitrag Nr. 58 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 27.294.863 von drscan am 30.01.07 14:10:35Paramount Gold to Acquire 100% of the Cotaruse Cu-Ag-Au Property in Southern Peru

      Lima, Peru - (BUSINESS WIRE) - February 1, 2007 - Paramount Gold Mining Corp. (OTC: PGDP)(Frankfurt: P6G, WKN: A0HGKQ) and its Peruvian subsidiary, Compania Minera Paramount SAC, are pleased to announce that they have signed a Letter of Intent with a private owner to acquire a 100% interest in the Cotaruse property, located in the Department of Apurimac, Southern Peru.

      The project consists of a 1,000 hectare mining concession with main infrastructures in place, including highway, electricity and water, which are readily accessible within 5 kms of the center of the property.

      Alain Vachon, Manager of Exploration in South America commented, "We are very pleased to acquire the Cotaruse property, which has the potential to host a medium sized bulk tonnage open pit Cu + Ag +/-Au skarn deposit. Surface sampling to date shows average grades of >1% copper, 20 g/t Ag and 0.25 g/t Au. The property is ideally situated very close to major infrastructures including electricity and a highway. Helping matters is the fact that the locals in the area are well acquainted with and generally receptive to mining. We are currently conducting legal and technical due diligence that we expect will lead to the signing of a formal agreement in early March, at which point field work will commence."

      Paramount Gold's due diligence thus far has identified four distinct mineralized areas on the property that could be forming one single mineralized zone, taking into account the effect of overburden cover and sparse sampling completed to date. Copper mineralization is primarily composed of Cu-oxide, chalcopyrite, malachite, chalcocite and azurite. The mineralization appears to be strongest nearest the granite contact, and weaker to the southwest closer to the core of the fold. Based on a compilation of 129 samples taken in 2004 by the previous owner and 24 samples collected by Paramount, the mineralized zones yielded the following average grades:

      Zone 1 - The Northeast Zone; 2.56% Cu, 20 g/t Ag and 0.12 g/t Au
      Zone 2 - The Southern Zone ; 1.15% Cu, 9.7 g/t Ag and 0.06 g/t Au
      Zone 3 - The South Center Zone; 1.06% Cu, 5.7 g/t Ag and 0.095 g/t Au
      Zone 4 - The West Zone; 0.35% Cu, 3.18 g/t Ag and 0.8 g/t Au

      Cotaruse is located along the northern edge of the Inflection of Abancay where the volcanic rocks are host to an unprecedented amount of hydrothermal activity and mineralization within the district. The property lies at the north edge of the Selene - Explorador mining camp, which covers a crudely circular area measuring 22 kilometers in diameter. Several Au-Ag low and high sulphidation deposits are currently being mined in this area by Horschild, Orovega and Buenaventura. Considering the multitude of other veins and structures in the camp aside from the aforementioned, the amount of hydrothermal activity and the particular structural setting prevailing in this area, it can be said that the Cotaruse property has a very favorable metallogenical address.

      The Cotaruse Project is mainly occupied by limestones of the Ferrobamba formation that form a tight nearly vertical anticline that is dominant across a kilometer in the center of the property. The limestones are intruded by some fresh granodiorite. Alteration is restricted to limestones and is observed as intense dark green diopside-garnet skarn development which is traced over a minimum distance of 1.2 kilometers in length, with widths exceeding 200 meters and between 250 to 400 meters of vertical extent.

      In order to acquire a 100% interest, Paramount will pay the owner, Ing Miguel Picasso, an aggregate amount totaling US$3,000,000 and will incur exploration expenditures of US$2,000,000 over a period of 4 years. The first year's payment is US$150,000, followed by payments of US$750,000 in year two, US$800,000 at the end of year three and US$1,300,000 at the end of year four. The owner will also receive a 2.5% NSR of which 1.5% can be bought back at any time by Paramount for a lump sum payment of US$ 2,000,000.

      Quality Control Person
      Alain Vachon, P.Eng., Manger of Exploration, South America, is acting as the qualified person and has prepared the detail and review with respect to this news release.

      About Paramount Gold
      Paramount Gold Mining Corp. is a precious metals exploration and development company. It is management's objective to grow Paramount into a significant gold and precious metals producer by developing the Andean Gold Alliance with Teck Cominco in South America, the San Miguel and Linda projects in Mexico and Peru, and by acquiring other advanced-stage projects and/or producing mines in the most prolific precious metal districts in the world. The Company trades on the OTC market under the symbol “PGDP” and on the Frankfurt Exchange under the symbol “P6G”. For more information, please visit the Company’s web site at: (now available in the following languages: English, German, French, Spanish, and Mandarin).

      Safe Harbor Statement under the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995: The statements contained herein which are not historical are forward-looking statements that are subject to risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed in the forward-looking statements, including, but not limited to, certain delays beyond the company's control with respect to market acceptance of new technologies or products, delays in testing and evaluation of products, and other risks detailed from time to time in the Company's filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission.


      Investor Relations:
      Skyline Communications
      Tel: 1-613-226-9881
      Toll-free: 1-866-481-2233
      schrieb am 08.02.07 09:10:53
      Beitrag Nr. 59 ()
      Paramount Goldmining, WKN A0HGKQ
      "Es gibt keinen Grund, warum wir mit Paramount nicht 1000% machen sollten", sagte Ron Struthers erst vor kurzem. Und ich sage: "Er hat vollkommen recht!"
      Überzeugen Sie sich heute um 19:30 live davon und lassen Sie sich überzeugen. Gehen Sie auf und hören Sie Cris Crupi, den Boss von Paramount live im Interview!
      Aber eines kann ich Ihnen jetzt schon verraten. Paramount hat mit einem Minimum an Kapitalaufwand ein Maximum an Resource festgestellt. Das unterstreicht die Hochwertigkeit der Ressource.
      Paramount ist ein absolutes "must have" in jedem Depot!
      Helmut Pollinger

      Explore the Prolific Sierra Madre Gold-Silver Belt With Paramount Gold Live On

      OTTAWA, Feb 7, 2007 (PrimeNewswire via COMTEX News Network) --
      Mr. Chris Crupi, President of Paramount Gold Mining Corp. (OTCBB:PGDP) (Frankfurt:P6E), will be featured live on Market News First ( for an exclusive interview with Market News First's Saul Albom in an on-air interview Feb. 8, 2007 at 12:30 p.m. CST.
      Paramount Gold is a precious metals exploration company that has made a significant discovery at their San Miguel project, located along the prolific Sierra Madre gold-silver belt in northern Mexico.
      Paramount has just released an independent technical report that established an inferred resource at San Miguel. This drill-indicated deposit is now of a size and scale that makes it economic to mine, with significant Blue-Sky potential as only 40% of the 8 kms of mineralized strike has been drilled to-date.
      Join Chris Crupi as he discusses Paramount's aggressive drill program at San Miguel, and how the Company plans to prove up a world-class silver-gold deposit in 2007.
      Market News First is an online, market news provider that brings investors current news on the market. Market News First is the only online, live IPTV web site that brings real market news to investors and features live interaction with companies from the Bulletin Board to NYSE.
      Through daily, live interviews, we bring you up to date on all the established companies and inform the investors of the newest opportunities within the market. Market News First offers one-on-one interviews with the presidents and CFOs of companies to deliver answers to the questions that investors may ask and provides them insight into the companies' present condition and future plans.
      The Market News First logo is available at
      This news release was distributed by PrimeNewswire,
      SOURCE: Market News First; Paramount Gold Mining Corp.
      Market News First John Bryant (214) 461-3417 Stay up to date with MN1 NewsWire "NEWS YOU CAN TRUST" at
      (C) Copyright 2007 PrimeNewswire, Inc. All rights reserved
      schrieb am 08.02.07 09:43:37
      Beitrag Nr. 60 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 27.503.328 von drscan am 08.02.07 09:10:53Wurde vor einem Jahr auch schon geschrieben ... mir eagl.

      Hoffentlich gehts heute noch auf 1,5x dann kann ich endlich wieder nachkaufen ...
      schrieb am 19.02.07 10:43:54
      Beitrag Nr. 61 ()
      Paramount Gold spekulativ kaufen


      Die Experten von "Performaxx" stufen die Aktie von Paramount Gold Mining (US69924P1021/ WKN A0HGKQ) in ihrer Ersteinschätzung mit "spekulativ kaufen" ein.

      Ein Investment in Paramount Gold Mining habe Venture-Capital-Charakter. Trotz der ersten positiven Indikationen lasse sich die Erfolgswahrscheinlichkeit der Explorationstätigkeiten in einem so frühen Projektstadium kaum quantifizieren. Darüber hinaus müsse die Gesellschaft noch erhebliche Mittel aufbringen, um die eingegangen Verpflichtungen in den nächsten Jahren finanzieren zu können.


      Auf der anderen Seite sei allerdings festzuhalten, dass die Gesellschaft sich in einem sehr attraktiven Markt bewege, in dem das im Unternehmen zweifelsohne vorhandene Know-how von ausschlaggebender Bedeutung sein könne. Allein die Tatsache, dass die vielfältigen Vertragspartner von Paramount sich zu einem großen Teil in Gesellschaftsaktien bezahlen lassen würden, deute darauf hin, dass die Erfolgsaussichten des Unterfangens in der Branche durchaus anerkannt würden. Das signalisiere auch die aktuelle Marktkapitalisierung, die nach mehrfachen Kapitalerhöhungen und einer starken Kursrally im Januar mittlerweile bei etwa 100 Mio. US-Dollar stehe.

      Ob sich die darin zum Ausdruck kommende Erwartung von ökonomisch ausbeutbaren Gold- und Silberfunden allerdings erfülle, sei nach wie vor noch sehr ungewiss. Sollte dies bei keinem der Projekte der Fall sein, drohe der Totalverlust.

      Für einen Investor, den das Konzept überzeugt und der die hohen Risiken der "Goldsuche" nicht scheut, bietet sich die Aktie von Paramount Gold Mining als spekulativer Kauf an, wobei aufgrund der niedrigen Liquidität auf strenge Limitierung und zur Begrenzung des Verlustpotenzials unbedingt auf einen Stop-Loss zu achten ist, so die Experten von "Performaxx".
      schrieb am 21.02.07 13:35:35
      Beitrag Nr. 62 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 26.634.278 von drscan am 02.01.07 11:11:26:confused:
      schrieb am 26.02.07 07:46:50
      Beitrag Nr. 63 ()
      Hello folks, this is a note I am sending out to numerous brokers and fund managers :eek::D I know that sums up Paramount's progress and future at San Miguel

      Feel free to pass this on to your friends :lick:

      Paramount is in Vancouver Tuesday and London :cool: and Paris :cool: this week as well. At PDAC
      in Toronto at the Novotel, 45 The Esplanade
      Tel: 416.367.8900

      Suite number 221 Sunday March 4th to Tuesday 9am to 5 PM

      Paramount is finding a 43-101 defined silver resource at just US$0.07 cents per ounce.

      38 million ounces defined with only 6 months of drilling in 39 drill holes, at a cost thus far of US$2.5 million. This is an exceptional ore body and discovery that will easily hit 200 to 300 million ounces.

      I have been around long enough to know a spectacular discovery when I see it.

      Nobody will want to miss the biggest silver discovery in 2007, and neither would their clients, .

      Paramount Gold, PGDP (also listing on TSXV) has become known for having the strongest technical team in Latin America and that is why Barrick and Teck Cominco have teamed up with them in South America.

      In Mexico, their San Miguel silver discovery is been defined by Bill Reed and his experienced Mexican team. Bill was the former chief geologist for Hecla Mining and Echo Bay Mines, focusing in Mexico.
      Larry Segerstrom, recently Geology Manager for Freeport-McMoRan and before that with Newmont, Phelps Dodge and Noranda joined the company, as CCO

      President, CFO is Chris Crupi, former VP with PricewaterhouseCoopers, and John Carden director was former Director of U.S. Exploration for Echo Bay. Senior Advisors are Jean Depati, longest serving director of Glamis Gold and John Simons discovered/developed the La Caridad copper-molybdenum deposit, now the largest mining and smelting operation in Mexico, with 4,000 employees.

      Paramount has defined the 38 million ounces with only shallow drilling (100 meters deep) and on just 2.7 kms of the 8 kms of strike that has been identified. The old San Luis mine on their property and the nearby (10 Kms away) Palmarajo discovery (200M ozs) easily go down dip to at least 300 meters.

      It would be quite easily for Paramount to triple the 38M ozs to 114M ounces by drilling down dip. Drilling along strike for the remaining 5.3 kms of strike could easily double and triple the 114M ounces. You see the picture.

      And this discovery all starts at surface and these numbers do not consider lower grade bulk tonnage targets. The resource is defined at 4,800,400 tonnes with a grade 246.6 g/t silver.

      Paramount also has another 2 kms of strike on their nearby Empalme claim that has been defined by several trenches including 1.09 g/t Au and 330 g/t Ag across 12 meters, but no drilling yet

      The drill results have not only come up with high grades but across considerable widths, drill highlights:
      SA-01 25.8 meters at 194 g/t Ag
      SA-05 13.8 meters at 213 g/t Ag
      SJ-03 5.2 meters at 873 g/t Ag
      SJ-04 6.5 meters at 552 g/t Ag
      SJ-05 19.7 meters at 263 g/t Ag
      SJ-06 6.6 meters at 354 g/t Ag
      LU-01 16.4 meters at 225 g/t Ag, 0.73 g/t Au
      Lu-02 17.6 meters at 279 g/t Ag, 1.64 g/t Au
      LU-09 105.4 meters at 28 g/t Ag, 0.26 g/t Au, 0.52% Pb, 1.45% Zn
      LU-11 13.5 meters at 36 g/t Ag, 0.36 g/t Au, 2.40% Pb, 7.1% Zn
      SA-05 13.8 meters at 213 g/t Ag
      SA-10 8.25 meters at 683 g/t Ag
      SA-13 10.7 meters at 296 g/t Ag
      DH#11 29.0 meters at 51.1 g/t Gold
      SL-02 4.0 meters at 35.5 g/t Gold

      Right now some of the most prominent Precious Metals and Hedge funds are pouring millions of $$ into the company for an aggressive 25,000 meters or more of drilling for 2007

      Paramount has only 33 million shares out for a market cap of just C$84 million.

      Nearby Palmarajo - PJO has found a 3.1 million ounce gold equivalent resource or about 180 million ounces of silver and with 91 M shares out has a market cap of C$865 million.

      Should Paramount prove up 200M ounces in 2007/08 and dilute with another 8 million shares to 41 million, a similar $865M market cap as Palmerajo would equate to $21 a share for Paramount.

      The stock price is going to ignite in 2007 as this deposit gets drilled out.

      BTW, When I met and spoke with John Simons who is one of the property vendors, he also looked at Palmarajo and staked San Miguel over Palmarajo because he believed it was better and higher grade

      Struther's Resource Stock Report
      PO Box 1020, Owen Sound, Ont. Canada N4K 6H6
      519-374-9332 Editor: Ron Struthers
      Email Web " "
      Investment Opportunities & Strategies in the Markets for Tomorrow
      schrieb am 07.03.07 11:05:33
      Beitrag Nr. 64 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 27.971.252 von drscan am 26.02.07 07:46:50:eek::eek:

      Beste Chancen für deutliche Kurssteigerungen bietet auch

      Paramount Gold Mining (WKN: A0HGKQ, Symbol: P6G, Reuters: PGDP,

      Mit unserer extrem positiven Einschätzung über Paramount Gold liegen wir goldrichtig. Gestern nahm das renommierte Brokerhaus Dundee Securities die Aktie auf seine "2007 Exploration Stocks Watch List". Noch vergab das Finanzhaus kein Rating. Wie wir im Rahmen der Torontoer Rohstoffmesse PDAC exklusiv aus Finanzkreisen erfahren haben, ist es aber nur eine Frage der Zeit, bis Dundee mit einem Kursziel aufwartet. Dass dieses überaus positiv sein wird, zeigt allein die Tatsache der jüngsten Aufnahme auf die viel beachtete Watchlist.

      Wie wir erfahren haben, arbeiten auch andere Analyse-Gesellschaften am Erst-Coverage von Paramount Gold. Dadurch rückt die Aktie zwangsläufig auf den Radar einer Vielzahl neuer Anleger. Kombiniert mit den anstehenden - erstklassigen - News wird daraus ein explosiver Mix mit der Lizenz zum Gewinn. Geben Sie hier kein Stück aus der Hand! Wer noch nicht dabei ist, positioniert sich umgehend neu!

      Mit den besten Erfolgswünschen!


      Eric H. Baumgartner & Team

      Profiler: von Profis - für Anspruchsvolle
      schrieb am 07.03.07 18:13:35
      Beitrag Nr. 65 ()
      Musterdepot: Vor der Neubewertung
      Alleine der Chart verspricht schon einen deutlichen Ausbruch der Notierungen nach oben.

      Die Verantwortlichen für das Musterdepot des Commodity Stocks Investor wollen 9.000 Aktien von Paramount Gold Mining (WKN A0HGKQ) aufnehmen. Die Gesellschaft suche vor allem nach Silber und dieses Edelmetall dürfte auch wegen der sich ständig vergrößernden Angebotslücke in diesem Jahr deutlich teuerer werden. Paramount hat eine „Allianz in den Anden“ für 21 Explorationsgebiete in Peru, Chile und Argentinien mit dem Elf-Milliarden-Euro-Unternehmen Teck Cominco geschlossen. Bei Teck heißt es: „Wir sind überzeugt vom hochklassigen Expertenteam von Paramount.“ Insider schätzen, dass alleine im „San-Miguel“-Projekt 200 bis 300 Millionen Unzen Silber liegen könnten. Konkurrent Palmajero sucht in unmittelbarer Nachbarschaft nach Silber, hat aber fast zwei Jahre Vorsprung. Wenn Paramount auch nur mit der Hälfte der Marktkapitalisierung von Palmajero bewertet würde, müsste sich der Kurs je Anteilschein auf knapp 5,50 Euro verdreifachen. Aus dem Umkreis von Paramount ist zu hören, dass derzeit mehrere Fonds Millionen von US-Dollar investieren, die für ein großes Bohrprogramm ausgegeben werden sollen. Zudem soll in Kürze eine Kaufempfehlung aus dem Investmenthaus Dundee veröffentlicht werden. Kaufempfehlungen von Canaccord oder Raymond James und Haywood sollen später folgen.
      schrieb am 14.03.07 12:25:39
      Beitrag Nr. 66 ()
      Ottawa, Canada - (BUSINESS WIRE) - Paramount Gold Mining Corp. (OTC: PGDP) (Frankfurt: P6G, WKN: A0HGKQ) is pleased to announce that it has engaged Mine Development Associates (MDA- to perform the deposit modeling, resource estimations, and National Instrument 43-101 (Canadian Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects) reporting on its San Miguel project in Chihuahua, Mexico. MDA is a full service mine engineering company based in Reno, Nevada, that has worked on significant projects throughout North, Central and South America.

      Paramount has also engaged the services of Tony Starling of London, England to provide technical consulting with respect to its San Miguel project. Mr. Starling is an expert structural geologist and has a tremendous wealth of experience in the Sierra Madre region.

      Paramount has contracted Orthoshop - Mexico to generate detailed topographic maps, digital orthophotos, and a digital terrain model for the San Miguel project. The ground control and aerial photography has recently been completed by Orthoshop and the initial results of their work are expected to be received next week.

      Paramount COO, Larry Segerstrom stated: "We are very pleased to have acquired the high-quality services of MDA, with whom we can expand the resources of our San Miguel project with a great degree of confidence."

      About Paramount Gold
      Paramount Gold is a precious metals exploration company listed on the OTCBB under the symbol PGDP and on the Frankfurt stock exchange under the symbol P6G (WKN: A0HGKQ). The Company\'s objectives are to aggressively explore and develop the San Miguel project, located in Chihuahua, Mexico within the Sierra Madre Occidental gold/silver belt; and to fully develop the potential of the strategic alliance with Teck Cominco for gold exploration in South America. For more information, please visit the Company\'s web site at: (now available in the following languages: English, German, French, Spanish, and Mandarin).

      Safe Harbor Statement under the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995: The statements contained herein which are not historical are forward-looking statements that are subject to risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed in the forward-looking statements, including, but not limited to, certain delays beyond the company\'s control with respect to market acceptance of new technologies or products, delays in testing and evaluation of products, and other risks detailed from time to time in the Company\'s filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission.


      Investor Relations:
      Tel: 1-613-226-9881
      Toll-free: 1-866-481-2233
      schrieb am 16.03.07 10:19:03
      Beitrag Nr. 67 ()

      Exploratory Drilling Program to Commence on the Santos Gold Property in Peru
      Freitag, 16. März 2007 10:00:06 (GMT+01:00)
      Provided by: Business Wire
      OTTAWA--(Business Wire)--Paramount Gold Mining Corp. ("Paramount") (OTCZunge rausstreckenGDP) (FrankfurtZunge rausstrecken6G) (WKN:A0HGKQ) is pleased to announce that they have retained the services of Bradley - MDH to conduct its exploratory drilling program at the Santos property in Peru. This project is under option by Paramount Gold Mining Corp.\'s Peruvian subsidiary Cia. Minera Paramount SAC ("CMP") from Teck Cominco Peru S.A. and is part of the Andean Gold Alliance agreement (AGA) signed with Teck Cominco Limited ("Teck Cominco") (TSX:TCK.B) in May 2006, for certain exploration properties in Chile, Argentina and Peru.

      The 1,500 meter drill program is scheduled to commence on March 19th,, 2007 and should be completed in May 2007. The program will be comprised of 6 holes that will test for gold and silver targeted deposits at 100 to 200 meters below the surface.

      Alain Vachon, exploration manager, stated, "We are quite anxious to drill the first holes into this mineralized system as no drilling has ever been done on the property. The property is in close proximity to existing mining operations. The objective of the program is to find the boiling zone which has the potential for deposits of gold and silver."

      The Santos project is comprised of 12 mining concessions totalling 9,300 hectares located in the Department of Ayacucho, which is 400 km SSE of the city of Lima and 60 km NE of the city of Nasca.

      Under the terms of the AGA, Paramount and/or its subsidiaries must incur minimum expenditures of US$3,000,000 on the properties over 3 years, with US$1,000,000 in expenditures (including a minimum of 3,000 metres of drilling on 3 properties) per year. In addition, Paramount must issue Teck Cominco 50,000 units a year over the three years. Each unit will include a common share and a 2 year stock purchase warrant that shall be priced at a 30% premium to the 20 day trading average prior to issue.

      Upon Paramount vesting in the AGA, CMP may earn a 100% interest in the Santos Property, subject to a retained 2% NSR Royalty and back-in right (as outlined below) to Teck Cominco, by incurring an aggregate expenditure of US$250,000 (including a US$50,000 minimum annual commitment) with respect to Santos.

      Teck Cominco may exercise its back-in right on the Santos property at any time up to 60 days after CMP delivers notice that CMP has spent US$3,000,000 on Santos. Teck Cominco may earn a 60% interest by incurring 2 times the expenditures incurred by CMP to a maximum requirement of US$6,000,000. Upon earning back a 60% interest, Teck Cominco shall extinguish the retained NSR Royalty and may elect to earn an additional 10% interest by completing, at its sole cost, a feasibility study on Santos.

      About Teck Cominco Limited

      Teck Cominco Limited (TSX:TCK.B) is an $18 billion diversified mining company, headquartered in Vancouver, Canada. The company is a leader in the production of zinc and metallurgical coal and is also a significant producer of copper, gold and specialty metals.
      schrieb am 19.03.07 14:09:47
      Beitrag Nr. 68 ()
      Paramount Gold Announces Plan for its 50,000 Meter Drilling Program at its San Miguel Project, Mexico
      OTTAWA, Mar 19, 2007 (Canada NewsWire via COMTEX News Network) --

      Paramount Gold Mining Corp. (OTCZunge rausstreckenGDP)(FrankfurtZunge rausstrecken6G)(WKN:A0HGKQ), is pleased to announce that it plans to drill a total of 50,000 meters in 2007aufmerksamaufmerksam on the San Miguel project, using a combination of core and reverse circulation methods.

      Layne Christensen (Layne de Mexico, S.A de C.V) has committed the necessary drills to Paramount Gold to execute this program. Founded over 100 years ago, Layne Christensen Company\'s Mineral Exploration provides drilling services for geological assessment, in-situ mining and mineral exploration with over 150 drilling rigs worldwide.

      Paramount\'s objectives in the upcoming drill program at San Miguel are to upgrade and expand their present inferred resource by infill and down-dip drilling, to extend the known mineralized zones along strike, and to find new zones by drilling the untested portions of the primary mineralized structural zone.

      Paramount COO, Larry Segerstrom stated: "We are very fortunate to be working with Layne de Mexico to provide the necessary drill equipment and crews to achieve our drilling goals this year."
      schrieb am 20.03.07 00:43:19
      Beitrag Nr. 69 ()
      promotion und werbung bullvestor

      BlueEdition 19.März 2007
      Paramount Gold Mining (Frankfurt A0HGKQ, OTCBB: PGDP, )
      Wissen Sie jetzt warum ich die Aktie bei 1,87 Euro in das bullVestor Musterdepot aufgenommen habe? Diese Aktie wird weiter steigen, da gibt es kein Wenn und Aber.

      "Es gibt keinen Grund, warum wir mit Paramount NICHT 1000% erreichen können"

      Sie werden an diese Worte von Ron Struthers schon sehr bald denken, denn große Investoren haben die Klasse von Paramount bereits erkannt.

      Erkennen auch Sie die Klasse von Paramount!

      keine verkaufs- oder kaufempfehlung! gd
      schrieb am 20.03.07 00:49:56
      Beitrag Nr. 70 ()
      weiter promotion und werbung aus dem kostenlosen e-mail bb profiler

      Paramount Gold Mining (WKN: A0HGKQ, Symbol: P6G, Reuters: PGDP,

      vermeldet heute das 50.000 Meter Bohrprogramm auf der Liegenschaft San Miguel. Aus der Präsentation des Unternehmens war dies den "Füchsen" unter den Anleger schon letzte Woche bekannt. Uns freut es, dass Paramount Gold nun Farbe bekennt und mit gezielten Schritten nach vorn geht.

      Die sehr anerkannte Firma von Layne Christensen (Layne de Mexico, S.A de C.V) ( stellt Paramount die gesamte Ausrüstung zu Verfügung, die für das umfangreiche Bohrprogramm benötigt wird. Zu einem erfolgreichen Bohrprogramm gehört auch eine Firma, die erstklassiges Equipment und know how zu liefern hat. Das Ziel der Bohrungen ist es, die derzeitige "Inferred" Ressource auf San Miguel durch sogenannte "In-Fill"- und "Down-Dip"-Bohrungen aufzuwerten und gleichzeitig zu erweitern. Dabei sollen die bekannten mineralisierten Zonen erweitert und neue Mineralzonen gefunden werden.

      Die nächsten Tage werden die erstklassigen Meldungen bei Paramount weitergehen, denn es steckt wohl noch so einiges Großes in der Pipeline!

      Was sagt der Chart bei Paramount?

      Sowohl kurs- und charttechnisch als auch indikatorisch zeigt Paramount gerade, dass die Post abgeht. Wir haben Ihnen im Chart mit den drei grünen Pfeilen eingezeichnet was wir damit meinen.

      Sämtliche auf dem Weg nach oben liegenden Widerstände wurden übergangen, als wären sie nicht da. Paramount springt regelrecht von einem Hoch zum nächsten. Verstehen die ungeduldigen Leser jetzt, warum es auf ein paar Tage Warten nicht ankommt? Geduld zahlt sich immer aus!
      Es wurde sogar der neu gebildete hellgrüne Aufwärtstrend nach oben verlassen und ein neuer steilerer Aufwärtstrend hat sich etabliert. Wenn das kommt, was in der Gerüchteküche gekocht wird, dann sollten wir demnächst das Allzeithoch wiedersehen.
      Ich schrieb Ihnen als Tipp in der letzten Woche: "Seien Sie unbedingt dabei, es geht erst richtig los! Kleine Rücksetzer zum Kauf nutzen! Sollte die 2-Euro-Marke gebrochen werden, kommen diese niedrigen Kurse in absehbarer Zeit nicht wieder."

      Sind Sie dabei? Warum noch immer nicht?

      Nutzen Sie die kleine Konsolidierung für sich! Diese tut nach dem heftigen "Durchmarsch" sehr gut, denn sie schafft neues Aufwärtspotential. Nutzen Sie diese Rücksetzer, wenn Sie noch nicht dabei sind oder aufstocken wollen!
      Mein Tipp heute: Paramount wird das Silber in Ihrem und unserem Depot weiter zum Glänzen bringen. Seien Sie dabei!

      Ich stelle dieses frei erhältliche Posting / E-mail zur allgemeinen Information zur Verfügung.
      Keine Kauf- oder Verkaufsempfehlung für Paramount.
      Keine Bewertung dieser Aussage meiner Person

      schrieb am 20.03.07 01:46:13
      Beitrag Nr. 71 ()
      viell. ganz interessante seite allgemein:


      1 Watch Resources Inc. WR.V 0.27 1.35 1.08 400.0%
      2 Serengeti Resources Inc. SIR.V 0.58 1.95 1.37 236.2%
      3 Ditem Explorations Inc. DIT.V 0.69 2.27 1.58 229.0%
      4 Golden Eagle International Inc. MYNG.OB 0.01 0.03 0.02 225.3%
      5 BacTech Mining Corp. BM.V 0.10 0.29 0.19 190.0%
      6 First Narrows Resources Corp. UNO.V 0.18 0.49 0.32 180.0%
      7 Panoro Minerals Ltd. PML.V 0.21 0.56 0.36 173.2%
      8 Searchgold Resources Inc. RSG.V 0.13 0.34 0.21 157.7%
      9 Wits Basin Precious Minerals Inc. WITM.OB 0.39 0.99 0.60 155.2%
      10 Cypress Development Corp. CYP.V 0.19 0.45 0.27 143.2%
      11 Dios Exploration Ltd. DOS.V 0.45 1.00 0.55 122.2%
      12 Capella Resources Ltd. CPS.V 0.65 1.42 0.77 118.5%
      13 Canadian Arrow Mines Ltd. CRO.V 0.24 0.52 0.28 116.7%
      14 Copper Fox Minerals Inc. CUU.V 0.60 1.30 0.70 116.7%
      15 Terra Nova Gold Corp. TGC.V 0.07 0.14 0.08 115.4%
      16 Northland Resources Inc. NAU.V 1.48 3.14 1.66 112.2%
      17 Victoria Resources VIT.V 0.65 1.32 0.67 103.1%
      18 Zappa Resources Ltd. ZPA.V 0.09 0.18 0.09 100.0%
      19 Majescor Resources Inc. MAJ.V 0.15 0.29 0.15 100.0%
      20 Colibri Resource Corp. CBI.V 0.21 0.41 0.20 95.2%
      21 Oriental Minerals Inc. OTL.V 1.49 2.80 1.31 87.9%
      22 Brett Resources Inc. BBR.V 0.71 1.29 0.58 81.7%
      23 Franklin Mining Inc. FMNJ.PK 0.01 0.02 0.01 81.5%
      24 Geologix Explorations Inc. GIX.V 0.58 1.05 0.47 81.0%
      25 Bishop Gold Inc. BSG.V 0.03 0.05 0.02 80.0%
      26 Hinterland Metals Inc. HMI.V 0.13 0.23 0.10 80.0%
      27 Aurea Mining Inc. MXA.V 0.15 0.26 0.11 73.3%
      28 QGX Ltd. QGX.TO 1.83 3.13 1.30 71.0%
      29 Solitaire Minerals Corp. SLT.V 0.17 0.29 0.12 70.6%
      30 Pujma exploration Inc. PUM.V 0.25 0.42 0.17 69.4%
      31 Alexis Minerals Corp AMC.V 0.60 1.01 0.41 68.3%
      32 Golden Goose Resources Inc. GGR.V 0.48 0.80 0.32 66.7%
      33 Auramex Resource Corp. AUX.V 0.15 0.25 0.10 66.7%
      34 Vannessa Ventures Ltd. VVV.V 0.27 0.45 0.18 66.7%
      35 Gold Resource Corp. GORO.OB 1.80 2.99 1.19 66.1%
      36 Jinshan Gold Mines Inc. JIN.TO 1.53 2.52 0.99 64.7%
      37 Fortuna Silver Mines Inc. FVI.V 1.96 3.22 1.26 64.3%
      38 Tribute Minerals Inc TBM.V 0.22 0.35 0.14 62.8%
      39 Golden Goliath Resources Ltd. GNG.V 0.24 0.39 0.15 62.5%
      40 Vane Minerals VML.L 12.93 21.00 8.07 62.4%
      41 Continuum Resources Ltd. CNU.V 0.34 0.55 0.21 61.8%
      42 Amarillo Gold Corp. AGC.V 0.85 1.37 0.52 61.2%
      43 Cardero Resources Corp. CDU.TO 1.71 2.75 1.04 60.8%
      44 New Pacific Metals Corp. NUX.V 1.70 2.71 1.01 59.4%
      45 Starcore International Ventures Ltd. SAM.V 0.60 0.95 0.35 58.3%
      46 Eastern Platinum ELR.TO 1.27 2.00 0.73 57.5%
      47 Vedron Gold Inc. VG.V 0.35 0.55 0.20 57.1%
      48 Navasota Resources Ltd. NAV.V 0.14 0.22 0.08 57.1%
      49 Appalaches Resources Inc APP.V 0.12 0.18 0.07 56.5%
      50 Oromin Exploration Ltd. OLE.V 2.03 3.16 1.13 55.7%
      51 Thunder Mountain Gold Inc. THMG.OB 0.11 0.17 0.06 54.5%
      52 VanGold Resources Ltd. VAN.V 0.40 0.61 0.22 54.4%
      53 Wealth Minerals Ltd. WML.V 2.59 3.99 1.40 54.1%
      54 Canasil Resources Ltd CLZ.V 0.35 0.53 0.18 51.4%
      55 TLC Ventures Corp. TLV.V 0.49 0.74 0.25 51.0%
      56 New Jersey Mining Co. NJMC.OB 0.51 0.77 0.26 51.0%
      57 Odyssey Resources Limited ODX.V 0.12 0.18 0.06 50.0%
      58 Murgor Resources Inc. MUG.V 0.26 0.39 0.13 50.0%
      59 Tenajon Resources Corp. TJS.V 0.26 0.39 0.13 50.0%
      60 Grand Cru Resources Corp. GR.V 0.14 0.21 0.07 50.0%
      61 Vena Resources Inc. vem.v 1.02 1.51 0.49 48.0%
      62 Rio Narcia Gold mines Inc. RNG.TO 2.87 4.24 1.37 47.7%
      63 Paramount Gold Mining Corp. PGDP.OB 2.10 3.10 1.00 47.6%
      schrieb am 21.03.07 09:04:41
      Beitrag Nr. 72 ()
      danke doc,
      bin so frei und stelle es ohne das nette foto rein!:D

      Paramount Gold Earns 70% Interest in the
      San Miguel Groupings, Mexico

      Ottawa, Canada - (BUSINESS WIRE) - March 21, 2007 - Paramount Gold Mining Corp. (OTC: PGDP) (Frankfurt: P6G, WKN: A0HGKQ), is pleased to announce that it has earned its 70% working interest in the San Miguel Groupings located in Mexico.

      In August 2005, Paramount Gold signed an agreement with Tara Gold Resources which entitled Paramount to earn up to a 70% working interest in the San Miguel Groupings, provided that Paramount spend $2.5 million in exploration and development costs on or before May 2008.

      The project lies in the Temoris mining district of Mexico, part of the gold-silver belt of the Sierra Madre Occidental, just a few kilometers northwest of the town of Temoris. It can be accessed by vehicle and railway and has well-developed infrastructure with a recently constructed 33,000 volt power line. The project area encompasses the historic Guazapares gold/silver mining district where mining initiated in the year 1620.

      About Paramount Gold
      Paramount Gold is a precious metals exploration company trading on the OTCBB under the symbol PGDP and listed on the Frankfurt stock exchange under the symbol P6G (WKN: A0HGKQ). The Company\'s objectives are to explore and develop the San Miguel project, located in Chihuahua, Mexico within the Sierra Madre Occidental gold/silver belt and fully develop the potential of the strategic alliance with Teck Cominco for gold exploration in South America. For more information, please visit the Company\'s web site at: (now available in the following languages: English, German, French, Spanish, and Mandarin).

      Safe Harbor Statement under the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995: The statements contained herein which are not historical are forward-looking statements that are subject to risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed in the forward-looking statements, including, but not limited to, certain delays beyond the company\'s control with respect to commencement of drilling operations, concentraion in mineral deposits, delays in testing and evaluation of ore samples, and other risks detailed from time to time in the Company\'s filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission.


      Christopher Crupi, President
      Chris Halkai, Corporate Relations
      Toll-free: 1-866-481-2233
      schrieb am 28.03.07 14:19:57
      Beitrag Nr. 73 ()
      (BSNS WIRE) Paramount Gold Drills 569 g/t Silver Across 3.0 meters and 184 g/
      Silver Across 61.90 meters, Ending in Mineralization
      Paramount Gold Drills 569 g/t Silver Across 3.0 meters and 184 g/t Silver Across
      61.90 meters, Ending in Mineralization of 438 g/t Silver at their San Miguel Pro
      ect, Mexico

      Business Editors / Mining Editors

      CHIHUAHUA, Mexico--(BUSINESS WIRE)----
      Paramount Gold Mining Corp. (OTC: PGDP) (Frankfurt: P6G, WKN:
      A0HGKQ), is pleased to announce the most recently reported assays from
      its ongoing drill program at the San Miguel Project near Temoris,
      Chihuahua, Mexico. The following results are six in-fill drill holes
      completed in the San Antonio area, between drill holes SA-10 (10.7
      meters of 296 g/t silver) reported on Jan. 30th, 2007 and SA-01 (44.85
      meters averaging 133.4 g/t silver) reported Dec. 14th, 2006. These six
      drill holes span a distance along strike of approximately 360 meters.

      Drill hole SA-19 had numerous high grade intersects of silver,
      including 1.75 meters of 1,294 g/t silver and 4.40 meters of 1,162 g/t
      silver. SA-19 intersected 61.9 meters that averaged 184 g/t silver
      with 0.41% combined lead and zinc from 25.0 to 86.9 meters. The hole
      ended in strong mineralization at 89.10 meters with a 0.90 meter
      intersect from 88.20 to 89.10 meters of 438 g/t silver with 2.36%
      combined lead/zinc. SA-19 was drilled at a 55 degree angle, and with
      most drill holes being drilled at 55 to 65 degrees, true widths are
      estimated to be 80% of reported drill core lengths.

      SA-17 intersected 4.3 meters (45.0 to 49.3) of 218 g/t silver and
      7.0 meters (57.0 to 64.0) of 253 g/t silver. The best intersect for
      SA-16 was 3.0 meters (59.5 to 62.5) of 569 g/t silver.

      Bill Reed, Exploration Manager for Mexico said, "The recent
      results in the San Antonio zone fill in some of our previous wide
      spaced drill holes. Not only does it potentially expand our silver
      resource, but it also gives us more confidence in the continuity of
      this zone. The mineralized zone appears to widen out in the San
      Antonio area as witnessed by drill hole SA-19 that intersected 61.9
      meters of strong silver mineralization and the hole was still in
      strong mineralization when it ended."

      San Antonio zone Highlights (see the drill table below)

      SA-15 cut 2.30 meters from 25.3 to 27.6 of 196 g/t silver with 1.18%
      combined lead/zinc and
      0.80 meters from 106.7 to 107.5 of 199 g/t silver with 1.71% combined

      SA-16 averaged 12.9 meters from 49.6 to 62.5 of 172 g/t silver
      including 0.8 meters from 49.6 to 50.4 of 362 g/t silver
      including 3.0 meters from 59.5 to 62.5 of 569 g/t silver.

      SA-17 averaged 19.0 meters from 45.0 to 64.0 of 156 g/t silver
      including 4.3 meters from 45.0 to 49.3 of 218 g/t silver
      including 7.0 meters from 57.0 to 64.0 of 253 g/t silver.

      SA-19 averaged 61.9 meters from 25.0 to 86.9 of 184 g/t silver with
      0.41% combined lead/zinc
      including 1.75 meters from 37.0 to 38.75 of 1,294 g/t silver
      including 1.80 meters from 57.0 to 58.8 of 287 g/t silver.
      including 6.50 meters from 76.0 to 82.5 of 172 g/t silver
      including 4.40 meters from 82.5 to 86.9 of 1,162 g/t silver.

      The hole ended in strong mineralization at 89.10 meters with a
      0.90 meter intersect from 88.20 to 89.10 meters of 438 g/t silver with
      2.36% combined lead/zinc

      Drill Hole Locations

      A drill hole and trench location map can be found at Paramount's
      web site

      SA-19 is located approximately 50 meters to the south of SA-10
      which reported 51.6 meters that averaged 78 g/t silver with 0.57%
      combined lead and zinc from 11.3 to 62.9 meters, including 8.25 meters
      of 683 g/t silver, 16.70 meters of 129.0 g/t silver and 8.4 meters of
      137 g/t silver with 1.19% combined lead and zinc.

      SA-16, SA-17 and SA-18 were collared from the same location,
      between previous drill holes SA-11 (5.4 meters of 217 g/t silver) and
      SA-13 (10.7 meters of 296 g/t silver) and approximately 180 meters
      south of SA-19. SA-16 was drilled vertical (90 degrees), SA-17 was
      drilled towards the east (60 degrees) at a 55 degree angle and SA-18
      was drilled towards the southwest (240 degrees) at a 55 degree angle.

      SA-14 is located approximately 60 meters east of SA-01 (44.85
      meters averaging 133.4 g/t silver) and SA-15 is located approximately
      50 meters north of SA-14.

      Quality Control Person

      Paramount takes detail photos of the entire core before it is cut
      to half core which is assayed at ALS Chemex's Vancouver laboratory. As
      part of quality assurance, quality control (QAQC), a blank (sterile)
      sample is submitted every 20th sample. Later, pulps from a number of
      intervals will be renumbered and pulps from known standards will be
      inserted between them in numerical order. These will then be submitted
      for reanalysis. The results will then be compared to the original
      values reported, and the known values of the inserted standards.
      Half-core samples have been retained on site for verification and
      reference purposes.

      C.W. (Bill) Reed, B. Sc. Mineralogy, is the qualified person and
      has prepared the detail and review with respect to this news release.

      Drill hole From To Width Gold Silver Gold Lead Zinc
      Meters Meters Meters g/t g/t Equiv % %
      SA - 14 0.00 7.40 7.40 0.03 19.00 0.34 0.01 0.09
      44.80 49.05 4.25 0.00 19.00 0.31 0.12 0.32
      191.05 194.10 3.05 0.00 4.00 0.06 0.92 0.45
      199.10 201.10 2.00 0.00 5.00 0.08 0.31 0.59
      208.90 210.00 1.10 0.00 41.00 0.68 0.42 0.65

      SA - 15 20.40 25.30 4.90 0.00 29.00 0.48 0.07 0.33
      25.30 27.60 2.30 0.04 196.00 3.97 0.49 0.69
      29.10 30.75 1.65 0.00 115.00 1.92 0.45 1.21
      32.30 34.80 2.50 0.00 28.00 0.47 0.11 0.29
      82.00 84.80 2.80 0.00 33.00 0.54 0.15 0.39
      99.00 101.00 2.00 0.00 112.00 1.86 0.07 0.13
      101.00 104.70 3.70 0.00 27.00 0.44 0.46 0.21
      106.70 107.50 0.80 0.00 199.00 3.32 0.53 1.18
      107.50 112.50 5.00 0.00 20.00 0.32 0.14 0.27

      SA - 16 0.00 14.35 14.35 0.00 24.00 0.40 0.02 0.27
      27.45 28.50 1.05 0.00 90.00 1.50 0.03 0.11
      49.60 50.40 0.80 0.00 362.00 6.03 0.10 0.13
      50.40 59.50 9.10 0.00 25.00 0.42 0.02 0.12
      59.50 62.50 3.00 0.00 569.00 .9.49 0.04 0.10
      62.50 68.00 5.50 0.00 39.00 0.64 0.02 0.09
      90.00 90.85 0.85 0.00 71.00 1.18 0.10 0.31
      108.80 112.15 3.35 0.00 8.00 0.13 0.26 0.82
      182.60 183.20 0.00 0.00 71.00 1.18 0.72 1.93
      Average 49.60 62.50 12.90 0.00 172.00 2.87 0.03 0.12

      SA - 17 0.00 6.00 6.00 0.00 46.00 0.76 0.05 0.26
      6.00 23.50 17.50 0.00 13.00 0.21 0.03 0.24
      23.50 29.00 5.50 0.00 46.00 0.77 0.02 0.18
      37.50 39.50 2.00 0.00 73.00 1.22 0.05 0.18
      45.00 49.30 4.30 0.00 218.00 3.64 0.08 0.16
      49.30 57.00 7.70 0.00 32.00 0.53 0.06 0.18
      57.00 64.00 7.00 0.00 253.00 4.22 0.23 0.24
      64.00 66.70 2.70 0.00 44.00 0.74 0.19 0.18
      95.90 105.00 9.10 0.00 33.00 0.55 0.19 0.47
      105.00 108.80 3.80 0.00 106.00 1.17 0.33 0.90
      108.80 128.80 20.00 0.00 33.00 0.56 0.22 0.60

      Average 45.00 64.00 19.00 0.00 156.00 2.59 0.13 0.20
      Average 95.90 128.80 32.90 0.00 41.00 0.69 0.22 0.60

      SA - 18 37.50 38.70 1.20 0.00 92.00 1.53 0.09 0.25
      42.00 43.00 1.00 0.00 46.00 0.77 0.03 0.23
      53.25 54.05 0.80 0.00 66.00 1.10 0.04 0.10

      SA - 19 0.00 21.00 21.00 0.00 52.00 0.87 0.05 0.14
      25.00 28.00 3.00 0.00 199.00 3.31 0.20 0.31
      28.00 37.00 9.00 0.00 25.00 0.42 0.05 0.12
      37.00 38.75 1.75 0.00 1294.00 21.57 0.61 0.44
      38.75 57.00 18.25 0.01 78.00 1.30 0.19 0.43
      57.00 58.80 1.80 0.00 287.00 4.78 1.33 0.62
      61.25 61.60 0.35 0.00 347.00 5.78 0.70 0.59
      76.00 82.50 6.50 0.00 172.00 2.87 0.21 0.38
      82.50 86.90 4.40 0.05 1162.00 19.37 0.12 0.25
      86.90 88.20 1.30 pending pending
      88.20 89.10 0.90 0.00 438.00 7.30 1.06 1.30

      Average 37.00 61.60 24.60 0.00 176.00 2.93 0.29 0.40
      Average 76.00 86.90 10.90 0.02 572.00 9.53 0.18 0.33
      Average 25.00 86.90 61.90 0.00 184.00 3.06 0.16 0.25

      About San Miguel

      San Miguel is currently comprised of 16 concessions covering an
      estimated +8 kms strike of silver and gold mineralization. It is
      located in Chihuahua, Mexico and lies in the Guazapares mining
      district, part of the gold-silver belt of the Sierra Madre Occidental.
      Paramount signed an agreement in August 2005 with Amermin S.A. de CV,
      a subsidiary of Tara Gold Resources, and has earned a 70% interest in
      the San Miguel project.

      About Paramount Gold

      Paramount Gold is a precious metals exploration company quoted on
      the OTCBB under the symbol PGDP and listed on the Frankfurt Stock
      Exchange under the symbol P6G (WKN: A0HGKQ). The Company's objectives
      are to explore and develop the San Miguel project, located in
      Chihuahua, Mexico within the Sierra Madre Occidental gold/silver belt
      and fully develop the potential of the strategic alliance with Teck
      Cominco for gold exploration in South America. For more information,
      please visit the Company's web site at: (now
      available in the following languages: English, German, French,
      Spanish, and Mandarin).

      Safe Harbor Statement under the Private Securities Litigation
      Reform Act of 1995: The statements contained herein which are not
      historical are forward-looking statements that are subject to risks
      and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially
      from those expressed in the forward-looking statements, including, but
      not limited to, certain delays beyond the company's control with
      respect to commencement of drilling operations, concentration in
      mineral deposits, delays in testing and evaluation of ore samples, and
      other risks detailed from time to time in the Company's filings with
      the Securities and Exchange Commission.

      SOURCE: Paramount Gold Mining Corp.

      Paramount Gold Mining Corp.
      Charles W. Reed, 520-907-9986
      Exploration Manager, Mexico
      Chris Halkai, 613-226-9881
      Corporate Relations
      Toll-free: 1-866-481-2233

      *** end of story ***
      schrieb am 29.03.07 08:22:44
      Beitrag Nr. 74 ()
      Von Struthers

      Resource Stock Update - V13 #7.3, - Markets, Gold/silver, PGDP, ELR March, 28, 2007

      PO Box 1020 Owen Sound, Ontario, Canada N4K 6H6 Yearly subscription $185 cdn/year or US$149

      Web Site "" Phone-519-374-9332

      Lots of significant news on Paramount today and while I was away,
      also a breakout on the stock price. Before I get to that some comments
      on the markets

      S&P500 chart

      The jury is still out on whether this will turn into a short term
      correction or is the beginning of a larger correction or bear market.
      The chart is looking pretty sick with a fall back from a rally
      attempt. However, there seems to be way too much pessimism in the
      market for this to be the start of a serious correction or bear
      market. Too many market participants are anticipating this.

      These are a few things I noticed last week from some market reports I

      The New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), revealing a 9.5-percent jump in
      the shorted shares not yet closed out on the NYSE. The monthly period
      measured for short interest stretched from February 15 through March
      15, encompassing the pullback in the market. This is an off-the-charts
      increase in short interest, these monthly short-interest changes tend
      to be in the one- to two-percent range.

      A second sign of the growing pessimism on Wall Street comes from
      mutual fund investors. Recently, the NAV–adjusted assets for the Rydex
      Nova fund has plunged to a more than three-year low as investors have
      fled the mutual fund. The Nova fund is designed to have a target beta
      of 1.5. In other words, using shares of equities, stock index futures
      contracts, and options on those securities and futures, the fund has a
      target performance benchmark equal to 150 percent of the SPX. The fund
      is a real good proxy for the market.

      A final sentiment indicator that is pointing toward extremely heavy
      levels of pessimism is the equity put/call open interest ratio, which
      measures put and call open interest across all equities using their
      front three months of options. This ratio has soared to its highest
      level in more than four years, as put positions have been added at a
      faster pace than call positions during the past couple of weeks. In
      fact, this ratio is near the highs achieved in 2002 when the market
      was searching for its ultimate bottom at the tail-end of a multi-year
      bear market. Some very bullish contrarian implications in the fact
      that this major level of negativity was generated among equity option
      players by a pullback this brief and this shallow.

      In the short term, I doubt the market will get much weaker, but could be volatile
      within a trading range.

      The housing market and the U.S. economy is what will drive the market.

      There was some news on housing that was taken as positive, but I
      don't see it that way and the jump in sales volumes could just be
      a short term quirk in the numbers

      Existing home sales rose by the biggest amount in nearly three years
      in February amid a sharp increase in sales in the Northeast, the
      National Association of Realtors said. The 3.9 percent increase was
      the largest since a similar jump in March 2004; analysts had been
      expecting a decrease.

      Still, the report did have some downbeat aspects -- the median price
      of a home fell year-over-year for the seventh straight month and
      inventories rose.

      When you consider there is going to be a steady wave of foreclosures
      hitting the market as the Adjusted Rate Mortgages come due, add to
      this about a 10% or more drop in demand because speculators have left the
      market and another drop in demand from the 2nd tier of buyers (those
      that put 5% down), the U.S. housing market is going to get much worse
      before it gets better.

      How much this plays on the economy is the question

      There is one thing that continues to go up and that is inflation. You
      can also see by this weekly chart of the old CRB index, the commodity
      correction has run its course and is heading back up gain. Oil prices
      have recovered, metals and uranium continue strong.

      CRB chart

      I also have a very strong feeling that we are very close to a major
      breakout and run up in the gold and silver price.

      While many comment on the old 1981 high for gold around $800, this was
      just a short term blip, and if you use a long term monthly chart on
      gold, the current price has already broken above the 1981 high. Taking
      a look at this weekly gold chart, you can see that a new uptrend is
      established and we should soon test the $700 high of last year


      The fundamentals are also very bullish. Gold has been rising in all
      currencies for almost 2 years now and the central banks are losing
      control of the market. The recent news that IMF is changing accounting
      practices on how central banks report their gold holdings is probably
      coming at a time when it will not matter. By the time the changes are
      implemented, the CBs will have already lost control of the gold market
      and when market players learn that much of their gold holdings were
      actually loaned out and they can't get them back, it won't really
      matter. Don't be surprised if gold is well north of $800 by then

      You can find Resource Investor's report, "IMF Posts First Draft of
      Changes to Gold Loan Accounting," here:

      GFMS reports that it expects the gold dehedging figure to pick up in
      2007 from its forecast at the end of 2006. We've already seen about 3
      million ounces dehedged in just the first quarter. GFMS now tags the
      expected reductions at 7.5 million ounces in 2007.

      I highlighted this to you once before and we seen a big gain in gold
      stocks. The XAU tail does not wag the gold bullion dog. The Globe
      and Mail featured a technical analyst that says the XAU is a “buy”
      when the gold-to XAU ratio crosses the 5.0 threshold as it did on last
      Tuesday’s close. When reaching such a ratio in the past, the average
      one-year return for the XAU has been 40%. If you think that’s
      interesting, consider that the analyst has found that the past 32
      times with the ratio at 5.0 there has been only one occasion when an
      investor lost money on the XAU with a one-year horizon (the loss on
      that occasion was 12%). It may be that now that “everyone” knows this
      it will cease to work but bullion drives the XAU and not the other way

      It will still be a long time before gold production rises. As gold
      companies merge, their production has actually been declining. Another
      factor, with higher gold prices, companies are milling lower grades
      which brings down production.

      The South African Chamber of Mines reports the country’s gold
      production fell by 7.2% in 2006 to its lowest level of production
      since 1922.

      silver chart

      The weekly silver chart even looks better than gold. You can see that
      the uptrend is stronger and we already seen a breakout to new highs in
      early March. Silver out performed gold in 2006 and I expect it will do
      so again in 2007.

      The number one silver stock you should hold in your portfolio is
      Paramount Gold and number two is Palmarejo. I say Paramount as number
      one because they will get the added boost from being earlier on in a
      major discovery. Much of the rise in the stock is in the months ahead
      as they prove up a larger discovery.

      However, both companies are in Mexico's Sierra Madre and that is the
      best place to be for a silver company. Mexico is known for silver, is
      miner friendly and stocks in Mexico and in particular Sierra Madre get
      the highest valuations.

      Paramount Gold OTC:PGDP, Frankfurt:P6G Recent Price US$3.10
      Entry Price $1.00 Opinion - buy

      The stock finally broke out of the trading range as I suspected, and
      now we can look forward to much larger gains. By the way the stock
      moved up, I would think their major financing was over subscribed and
      is completed. We will probably see news to that effect very soon, once
      the red tape is dealt with.

      stock chart

      Paramount announced that they have completed their 70% earn in at San
      Miguel and also announced a very aggressive 50,000 meter drill
      program. This will mean lots of drill news and it is going to be a
      very exciting year for this story and stock price. The company has
      good support from Lanye drilling, remember,their COO Larry Segrestrom
      was a manager at Layne.

      Another very important announcement is they hired two new consultants.

      Mine Development Associates (MDA- to perform the deposit
      modeling, resource estimations, and National Instrument 43-101
      reporting on San Miguel. MDA did all the work for Palmarejo and is
      very familiar with the type of deposit Paramount has

      Paramount has also engaged the services of Tony Starling of London,
      England to provide technical consulting with respect to its San Miguel
      project. Mr. Starling is an expert structural geologist and has a
      tremendous wealth of experience in the Sierra Madre region. I met Mr.
      Starling at the PDAC and he is simply one of the best in the business.

      Working with these consultants well give a lot of confidence to the
      analysts and funds that are now behind Paramount. I did hear that
      pretty much all the financing was institutional. More than likely, the
      stock will soon fall under control of the institutions and will trade
      much stronger.

      This will also be aided when the get their Canadian listing and off
      the OTC on to the Amex exchange. I expect this will happen within the
      next 2 - 3 months.

      They also put out some more awesome drill news today. Hole SA-19 was
      excellent, with 61.9 meters that averaged 184 g/t silver. That is about
      6 ounces silver per ton. And the hole ended in strong mineralization
      of 438 grams (14 ozs/ton). The hole seen some high grade hits over
      1,000 grams. Here is some of the details from the news release

      Drill hole SA-19 had numerous high grade intersects of silver,
      including 1.75 meters of 1,294 g/t silver and 4.40 meters of 1,162 g/t
      silver. SA-19 intersected 61.9 meters that averaged 184 g/t silver
      with 0.41% combined lead and zinc from 25.0 to 86.9 meters. The hole
      ended in strong mineralization at 89.10 meters with a 0.90 meter
      intersect from 88.20 to 89.10 meters of 438 g/t silver with 2.36%
      combined lead/zinc. SA-19 was drilled at a 55 degree angle, and with
      most drill holes being drilled at 55 to 65 degrees, true widths are
      estimated to be 80% of reported drill core lengths.

      SA-17 intersected 4.3 meters (45.0 to 49.3) of 218 g/t silver and 7.0
      meters (57.0 to 64.0) of 253 g/t silver. The best intersect for SA-16
      was 3.0 meters (59.5 to 62.5) of 569 g/t silver.

      Bill Reed, Exploration Manager for Mexico said, "The recent results in
      the San Antonio zone fill in some of our previous wide spaced drill
      holes. Not only does it potentially expand our silver resource, but it
      also gives us more confidence in the continuity of this zone. The
      mineralized zone appears to widen out in the San Antonio area as
      witnessed by drill hole SA-19 that intersected 61.9 meters of strong
      silver mineralization and the hole was still in strong mineralization
      when it ended."

      I think the stock is still an excellent buy here on the technical
      break out, especially if you don't own any or not too over weight.
      Definitely it is way too early for profits and we should continue to
      hold and add to our positions

      Investor Relations: Skyline Communications
      Tel: 1-613-226-9881
      Toll-free: 1-866-481-2233

      Website -…

      Eastern Platinum TSX:ELR Recent Price C$2.04
      Entry Price $1.47 Opinion - hold

      Eastern Platinum (Eastplats) recently reached an agreement to acquire
      42.39% of Gubevu Consortium Investment Holdings, its Black Economic
      Empowerment (BEE) partner, which holds 26% of Barplats. The shares
      will be purchased for ZAR43 million (C$6.9 million) plus settlement of
      Gubevu’s financial obligations, which total ZAR197 million (C$26.8
      million). In a separate transaction, Eastplats agreed to buy back a 1%
      net smelter royalty on future Spitzkop production for US$6.5 million
      and 12 million shares in Eastplats. The company further secured its
      interest in Barplats against potential changes to BEE legislation in
      the future by entering an option agreement with its BEE partner. These
      transactions tighten Eastplats’ control over the Barplats assets and
      represent further steps towards a simpler corporate structure.
      Ownership of Barplats has increased by 11% to 85%.

      The company has attributable resources totalling 75 million ounces of
      PGMs but production this year of just 110,000 ozs of total PGMs.
      Eastplats might be considered a buyout target, given the ongoing
      consolidation process in the area, which is due in part to the higher
      expectation on future PGM prices held by most corporates.…

      (c) Copyright 2007, Struther's Resource Stock Report

      All forecasts and recommendations are based on opinion. Markets change direction with consensus
      beliefs, which may change at any time and without notice. The author/publisher of this publication
      has taken every precaution to provide the most accurate information possible. The information & data
      were obtained from sources believed to be reliable, but because the information & data source are
      beyond the author's control, no representation or guarantee is made that it is complete or accurate.
      The reader accepts information on the condition that errors or omissions shall not be made the basis
      for any claim, demand or cause for action. Because of the ever-changing nature of information &
      statistics the author/publisher strongly encourages the reader to communicate directly with the
      company and/or with their personal investment advisor to obtain up to date information. Past results
      are not necessarily indicative of future results. Any statements non-factual in nature constitute
      only current opinions, which are subject to change. The author/publisher may or may not have a
      position in the securities and/or options relating thereto, & may make purchases and/or sales of
      these securities relating thereto from time to time in the open market or otherwise. Neither the
      information, nor opinions expressed, shall be construed as a solicitation to buy or sell any stock,
      futures or options contract mentioned herein. The author/publisher of this letter is not a qualified
      financial advisor & is not acting as such in this publication. Struther's Resource Stock Report is
      not a registered financial advisory. Investors are advised to obtain the advice of a qualified
      financial & investment advisor before entering any financial transaction.

      Struther's Resource Stock Report
      PO Box 1020, Owen Sound, Ont. Canada N4K 6H6
      519-374-9332 Editor: Ron Struthers
      Email Web " "
      Investment Opportunities & Strategies in the Markets for Tomorrow
      schrieb am 29.03.07 08:35:40
      Beitrag Nr. 75 ()
      wie ist der parikurs von paramount???
      schrieb am 29.03.07 08:40:45
      Beitrag Nr. 76 ()
      2,30 €
      schrieb am 29.03.07 09:16:41
      Beitrag Nr. 77 ()
      ich versteh das nicht, super news und der kurs steht ;(:cry::cry::(:(
      schrieb am 02.04.07 14:35:02
      Beitrag Nr. 78 ()
      New. bzgl. des PP´s

      Paramount Gold Mining Corp. Completes US$21.7 Million Financing
      Ottawa, Canada - April 2, 2007 - (BUSINESS WIRE) - Paramount Gold Mining Corp. (OTCBB: PGDP) (Frankfurt: P6G, WKN: A0HGKQ) (the "Company" or "Paramount Gold") is pleased to announce that on March 30, 2007, it closed a US$21.7 Million private placement. Approximately US$20.6 Million of the financing was secured through brokered selling agents (the "Brokered Offering") and the remaining balance was secured separately by the Company. In connection with the financing, the Company issued a total of 10,398,496 units ("Units"), including 319,710 Units issued upon exercise of an over-allotment option, at a price of US$2.10 per Unit for gross proceeds of approximately US$21.7 Million. Each Unit is comprised of one share of restricted common stock ("Common Share") and one-half of one Common Share purchase warrant ("Warrant"). Each Warrant is exercisable to acquire one Common Share at an exercise price of US$2.90 on, or prior to, March 29, 2009. The Units were sold to qualified and accredited investors located primarily in Canada and the United States in reliance upon exemptions from registration and prospectus requirements of applicable securities legislation. The proceeds of the private placement were derived primarily from institutional investors. Blackmont Capital Inc. acted as lead agent in connection with the Brokered Offering and the syndicate included Haywood Securities Inc., Canaccord Capital Corporation and Raymond James Ltd. (collectively, the "Agents").

      Proceeds from the private placement will be used to fund the ongoing drill and exploration programs of Paramount Gold\'s properties in Mexico and South America. Paramount Gold plans to drill a total of 50,000 meters in 2007 on its San Miguel project in Mexico, using a combination of core and reverse circulation methods. Layne Christensen has committed the drills required for this drill program.
      schrieb am 03.04.07 14:57:20
      Beitrag Nr. 79 ()
      NEws über die Vertragsverlängerung mit Bill Reed.

      Paramount Gold Signs Chief Geologist for an Additional Two Years
      Ottawa, Canada - (BUSINESS WIRE) - April 3, 2007 - Paramount Gold Mining Corp. (OTC: PGDP) (Frankfurt: P6G, WKN: A0HGKQ), is pleased to announce that Charles William (Bill) Reed, Director and VP Exploration, Mexico, has agreed to extend his contract with Paramount Gold Mining Corp. for an additional two years. Bill Reed will continue to oversee Paramount's San Miguel project in Mexico while continuing to aggressively build the Company's land property portfolio.

      Mr. Reed has been a catalyst in the acquisitions and recent discoveries at Paramount's San Miguel project in Chihuahua, Mexico.

      Bill Reed has significant mining experience in Mexico, as he was formerly Chief Geologist - Mexico for Minera Hecla a subsidiary of Hecla Mining (NYSE:HL) from 1998 to 2004, and Regional Geologist, Mexico and Central America for Echo Bay Exploration from 1993 to 1998. While at Hecla, Mr. Reed supervised detailed exploration at the Noche Buena project in Sonora, and the San Sebastian silver and gold mine in Durango. He also discovered and drilled the Don Sergio vein that was later put into production. While at Echo Bay, Mr. Reed identified the potential of the Dolores mining district, Chihuahua, Mexico and recommended acquisitions that resulted in the discovery of more than 44 million ounces of silver and 2.5 million ounces of gold.

      Mr. Reed has a Bachelor of Science Degree in Mineralogy from the University of Utah and is a Registered Professional Geologist in the State of Utah. He is also fluent in Spanish.

      About Paramount Gold
      Paramount Gold is a precious metals exploration company quoted on the OTCBB under the symbol PGDP and listed on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange under the symbol P6G (WKN: A0HGKQ). The Company's objectives are to explore and develop the San Miguel project, located in Chihuahua, Mexico within the Sierra Madre Occidental gold/silver belt and fully develop the potential of the strategic alliance with Teck Cominco for gold exploration in South America. For more information, please visit the Company's web site at: (now available in the following languages: English, German, French, Spanish, and Mandarin).

      Safe Harbor Statement under the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995: The statements contained herein which are not historical are forward-looking statements that are subject to risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed in the forward-looking statements, including, but not limited to, certain delays beyond the company's control with respect to commencement of drilling operations, concentraion in mineral deposits, delays in testing and evaluation of ore samples, and other risks detailed from time to time in the Company's filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission.


      Christopher Crupi, CEO
      Chris Halkai, Corporate Relations
      Toll-free: 1-866-481-2233
      schrieb am 11.04.07 10:46:28
      Beitrag Nr. 80 ()

      11.04.2007 10:31
      Paramount Gold's Trenching Discovers Mineralized Zone 2,000 Meters along Strike to the North in the New La Veronica Zone with Assays up to 241 g/t Silver at San Miguel, Mexico
      Paramount Gold Mining Corp. (Nachrichten) (OTC: PGDP) (Frankfurt: P6G, WKN: A0HGKQ) is pleased to announce trenching results from its ongoing exploration program in the central part of its San Miguel (Nachrichten) concession block near Temoris, Chihuahua, Mexico. These four trenches are located in the La Veronica zone, which is adjoining and up to 2,000 meters to the north of the San Antonio/El Carmen zone where Paramount reported drill results up to 1,162 g/t silver across 4.40 meters (see news release dated March 28th 2007).

      Trenches 00 through 03 span approximately 225 meters along strike on the La Veronica zone. Trench ZLV-00 is located approximately 1,780 meters north of and along strike from drill hole SA-08 in the San Antonio zone, which is the most northerly reported drill hole to date. SA-08 reported 2.5 meters of 212 g/t silver with 0.78% combined lead/zinc and 12.8 meters of 84 g/t silver with 1.16% combined lead/zinc and 5.1 meters of 107 g/t silver with 1.25% combined lead/zinc (see news release dated Dec 14, 2006).

      Trench ZLV-01 is just 10 meters north of and extends trench ZLV-00 while trenches ZLV-02 to ZLV-03 continue along strike to the northwest with approximately 110 meters between each trench.

      Paramount's Manager of Exploration in Mexico, Bill Reed, commented: “The trench results at La Veronica compare very well with earlier trenches from the San Antonio, San Jose and La Union zones, and constitute the discovery of a new mineralized zone. Preliminary indications from surface sampling of sparse outcrops and old mine workings in the 1,780 meter gap between San Antonio and La Veronica suggest that the mineralization represented by the new La Veronica zone may extend for at least 1 km south, along strike, towards the San Antonio zone."

      The highlights of the trenching include:

      ZLV-00 - 12.0 meters averaging 134.0 g/t Ag, including 2.7 meters of 241 g/t Ag with 0.14 g/t Au and 3.0 meters of 222 g/t Ag with 0.10 g/t Au.

      ZLV-01 - 45.0 meters averaging 121.0 g/t Ag, including 10.0 meters of 201 g/t Ag and 11.0 meters of 180 g/t Ag.

      ZLV-02 - 30.8 meters averaging 82.0 g/t Ag, including 8.0 meters of 161 g/t.

      ZLV-03 - 19.5 meters averaging 87.0 g/t Ag, including 8.0 meters of 128 g/t silver.

      In the La Union zone, trench ZLU-07 was extended with trench ZLU-07A that reported 13.5 meters of 69 g/t Ag, which expands this trench (ZLU-07 + ZLU-07A) to 36.1 meters averaging 82 g/t Ag.

      The trenches are excavated to a depth of 2-3 meters and extend from west to east across the quartz veins and stockwork quartz veins that host silver and gold mineralization in the Guazapares mining district. The trenches were cut through thin overburden to better define drill targets and spaced approximately 110 meters apart. The geology of the trenches is mapped in detail and continuous rock chip samples of no more than one meter in length are collected from the trench walls.

      Drill holes have been completed on the San Antonio zone and the drill will continue to move north along the mineralized zone as defined by the trench assays defined below.

      Area Trench From To Width Au Ag AuE Lead Zinc
      Â Â (m) (m) (m) (g/t) (g/t) (g/t) (%) (%)
      La Veronica ZLV-00 0.00Â 2.70Â 2.70Â 0.14Â 241.00Â 4.02Â 0.16Â 0.17Â
      2.70Â 9.00Â 6.30Â 0.01Â 46.00Â 0.76Â 0.07Â 0.24Â
      9.00Â 12.00Â 3.00Â 0.10Â 222.00Â 3.70Â 0.04Â 0.19Â
      12.00Â 21.00Â 9.00Â 0.00Â 38.00Â 0.63Â 0.02Â 0.10Â
      Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â
      Â Average 0.00Â 12.00Â 12.00Â 0.06Â 134.00Â 2.23Â 0.08Â 0.21Â
      Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â
      La Veronica ZLV-01 0.00Â 10.00Â 10.00Â 0.04Â 201.00Â 3.35Â 0.07Â 0.06Â
      10.00Â 16.50Â 6.50Â 0.00Â 28.00Â 0.47Â 0.03Â 0.06Â
      16.50Â 20.40Â 3.90Â 0.00Â 145.00Â 2.41Â 0.02Â 0.08Â
      20.40Â 34.00Â 13.60Â 0.00Â 54.00Â 0.89Â 0.10Â 0.14Â
      34.00Â 45.00Â 11.00Â 0.02Â 180.00Â 2.99Â 0.16Â 0.33Â
      45.00Â 54.00Â 9.00Â 0.06Â 25.00Â 0.42Â 0.05Â 0.20Â
      Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â
      Â Average 0.00Â 45.00Â 45.00Â 0.03Â 121.00Â 2.02Â 0.09Â 0.15Â
      Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â
      La Veronica ZLV-02 0.00Â 31.50Â 31.50Â 0.00Â 27.00Â 0.45Â 0.04Â 0.05Â
      31.50Â 38.00Â 6.50Â 0.00Â 111.00Â 1.85Â 0.10Â 0.11Â
      38.00Â 54.30Â 16.30Â 0.02Â 31.00Â 0.52Â 0.05Â 0.06Â
      54.30Â 62.30Â 8.00Â 0.08Â 161.00Â 2.69Â 0.17Â 0.20Â
      Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â
      Â Average 31.50Â 62.30Â 30.80Â 0.03Â 82.00Â 1.36Â 0.09Â 0.11Â
      Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â
      La Veronica ZLV-03 2.00Â 10.00Â 8.00Â 0.03Â 128.00Â 2.13Â 0.04Â 0.06Â
      10.00Â 16.00Â 6.00Â 0.00Â 28.00Â 0.47Â 0.01Â 0.03Â
      16.00Â 21.50Â 5.50Â 0.00Â 93.00Â 1.54Â 0.04Â 0.08Â
      35.50Â 39.50Â 4.00Â 0.04Â 86.00Â 1.43Â 0.07Â 0.10Â
      Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â
      Â Average 2.00Â 21.50Â 19.50Â 0.01Â 87.00Â 1.45Â 0.03Â 0.06Â
      La Union ZLU-07 4.00Â 26.60Â 22.60Â 0.40Â 89.00Â 1.88Â Â
      La Union ZLU-07-A 69.30Â 82.80Â 13.50Â 0.01Â 69.00Â 1.15Â Â
      La Union ZLU-07 + 07A 69.30Â 105.40Â 36.10Â 0.25Â 82.00Â 1.61Â Â

      C.W. (Bill) Reed, B. Sc. Mineralogy, is the qualified person and has prepared all the detail and review with respect to this news release.

      About San Miguel

      San Miguel is currently comprised of 16 concessions covering a +8 km long structural zone that hosts silver and gold mineralization. The concessions also include other structural zones that host mineralization but have not yet been tested. It is located in Chihuahua, Mexico and lies in the Guazapares mining district, part of the gold-silver belt of the Sierra Madre Occidental. Paramount signed an agreement in August 2005 with Amermin S.A. de CV, a subsidiary of Tara Gold Resources, and has earned a 70% interest in the San Miguel project.

      About Paramount Gold

      Paramount Gold is a precious metals exploration company quoted on the OTCBB under the symbol PGDP and listed on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange under the symbol P6G (WKN: A0HGKQ). The Company's objectives are to explore and develop the San Miguel project, located in Chihuahua, Mexico within the Sierra Madre Occidental gold/silver belt and fully develop the potential of the strategic alliance with Teck Cominco for gold exploration in South America. For more information, please visit the Company's web site at: (now available in the following languages: English, German, French, Spanish, and Mandarin).

      Safe Harbor Statement under the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995: The statements contained herein which are not historical are forward-looking statements that are subject to risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed in the forward-looking statements, including, but not limited to, certain delays beyond the company's control with respect to commencement of drilling operations, concentration in mineral deposits, delays in testing and evaluation of ore samples, and other risks detailed from time to time in the Company's filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission.
      schrieb am 11.04.07 13:18:22
      Beitrag Nr. 81 ()
      in Deutsch

      11.04.2007 - 10:08 Uhr, Paramount Gold [Pressemappe]
      241 g/t Silber auf der neuen La Veronica Zone auf San Miguel,

      (ots) - Chihuahua/Mexico (OTS) -
      ots.CorporateNews Deutschland. Für den Inhalt der Mitteilung ist
      das Unternehmen verantwortlich.

      Paramount Gold Mining Corp. (Frankfurt WKN A0HGKQ, ISIN
      US69924P1021) freut sich, Ergebnisse von Grabenziehungen von seinem
      laufenden Explorationsprogramm im zentralen Teil seiner San Miguel
      Konzession nahe Temoris, Chihuahua in Mexiko bekannt zu geben. Diese
      vier Grabenziehungen wurden in der La Veronica Zone vorgenommen,
      welche direkt angrenzend und bis zu 2000 Meter nördlich der San
      Antonio/El Carmen Zone verläuft, wo Paramount Bohrergebnisse von bis
      zu 1162 g/t Silber entlang 4,40 Meter erzielte.

      Die Grabenziehungen 00 bis 03 umspannen etwa 225 Meter entlang der
      Streichlänge auf der La Veronica Zone. Grabenziehung ZLV-00 liegt
      etwa 1780 Meter nördlich der und entlang der Streichlänge von
      Bohrloch SA-08 in der San Antonio Zone, welches das nördlichste
      berichtete Bohrloch bis dato ist. SA-08 ergab 2,5 Meter zu 212 g/t
      Silber mit 0,78% kombiniertem Blei/Zink und 12,8 Meter zu 84 g/t
      Silber mit 1,16% kombiniertem Blei/Zink und 5,1 Meter zu 107 g/t
      Silber mit 1,25% kombiniertem Blei/Zink.

      Grabenziehung ZLV-01 liegt nur 10 Meter nördlich davon und
      erweitert ZLV-00, während die Grabenziehungen ZLV-ß2 und -03 entlang
      der Streichlänge nordwestlich schätzungsweise 110 Metern zwischen
      jeder Grabenziehung fortlaufen.

      Paramounts Explorationsmanager in Mexiko, Bill Reed, meinte: "Die
      Ergebnisse der Grabenziehungen auf La Veronica sind ähnlich wie die
      der früheren Grabenziehungen der Zonen in San Antonio, San Jose und
      La Union. Dies könnte möglicherweise die gesamte Streichlänge um 2000
      Meter Richtung Norden erweitern. Unsere Bohr- und
      Grabenziehungsergebnisse von La Union, San Jose, San Luis, San
      Antonio und La Veronica haben nun eine mineralisierte Zone über eine
      beträchtliche Länge von etwa 5,2 Kilometern identifiziert, die offen
      in alle Richtungen ist. Ein Teil unseres diesjährigen
      Explorationsprogramms wird Testbohrungen durch seichten Abraum in der
      1780 Meter Lücke zwischen San Antonio und La Veronica beinhalten."

      Die Höhepunkte der Grabenziehungen:
      ZLV-00 - 12,0 Meter mit durchschnittlich 134,0g/t Ag, inklusive 2,7
      Meter zu 241 g/t Ag und 0,14 g/t Au und 3,0 Meter zu 222 g/t Ag und
      0,10 g/t Au.

      ZLV-01 - 45,0 Meter mit durchschnittlich 121,0 g/t Ag, inklusive
      10,0 Meter zu 201 g/t Ag und 11,0 Meter zu 180 g/t Ag.

      ZLV-02 - 30,8 Meter mit durchschnittlich 82,0 g/t Ag, inklusive
      8,0 Meter zu 161 g/t.

      ZLV-03 - 19,5 Meter mit durchschnittlich 87,0 g/t Ag, inklusive
      8,0 Meter zu 128 g/t Silber.

      In der Zone La Union wurde die Grabenziehung ZLU-07 mit der
      Grabenziehung ZLU-07A erweitert, welche 13,5 Meter zu 69 g/t Ag
      ergab, was diese Grabenziehung (ZLU-07 + ZLU-07A) auf 36,1 Meter mit
      82 g/t Ag im Durchschnitt erweiterte.

      Die Grabenziehungen sind in einer Tiefe von 2-3 Metern gemacht
      worden, von Westen nach Osten quer über die Quarzadern und
      "Stockwork"-Quarzadern, welche im Guazapares Minendistrikt Silber-
      und Goldmineralisierung beherbergen. Die Grabenziehungen wurden durch
      dünne Abräume gemacht, um die Zielflächen besser zu definieren, und
      fanden 50 bis 75 Meter voneinander entfernt statt. Die Geologie der
      Grabenziehungen ist detailliert in einer Karte aufgezeichnet und
      Gesteinssplitterproben von nicht mehr als einem Meter Länge wurden
      von den Grabenwänden gesammelt.

      Die Bohrlöcher auf der San Antonio Zone sind beendet und die
      Bohrungen werden nach Norden entlang der mineralisierten Zone
      fortgesetzt, welche bei den Grabenziehungen definiert wurde.

      Gebiet Graben- Von Bis Breite Au Ag AuE Blei Zink
      (m) (m) (m) (g/t) (g/t) (g/t) (%) (%)
      La ZLV-00 0.00 2.70 2.70 0.14 241.00 4.02 0.16 0.17
      2.70 9.00 6.30 0.01 46.00 0.76 0.07 0.24
      9.00 12.00 3.00 0.10 222.00 3.70 0.04 0.19
      12.00 21.00 9.00 0.00 38.00 0.63 0.02 0.10
      Durchschnitt 0.00 12.00 12.00 0.06 134.00 2.23 0.08 0.21
      La ZLV-01 0.00 10.00 10.00 0.04 201.00 3.35 0.07 0.06
      10.00 16.50 6.50 0.00 28.00 0.47 0.03 0.06
      16.50 20.40 3.90 0.00 145.00 2.41 0.02 0.08
      20.40 34.00 13.60 0.00 54.00 0.89 0.10 0.14
      34.00 45.00 11.00 0.02 180.00 2.99 0.16 0.33
      45.00 54.00 9.00 0.06 25.00 0.42 0.05 0.20
      Durchschnitt 0.00 45.00 45.00 0.03 121.00 2.02 0.09 0.15
      La ZLV-02 0.00 31.50 31.50 0.00 27.00 0.45 0.04 0.05
      31.50 38.00 6.50 0.00 111.00 1.85 0.10 0.11
      38.00 54.30 16.30 0.02 31.00 0.52 0.05 0.06
      54.30 62.30 8.00 0.08 161.00 2.69 0.17 0.20
      Durchschnitt 31.50 62.30 30.80 0.03 82.00 1.36 0.09 0.11
      La ZLV-03 2.00 10.00 8.00 0.03 128.00 2.13 0.04 0.06
      Veronica 10.00 16.00 6.00 0.00 28.00 0.47 0.01 0.03
      16.00 21.50 5.50 0.00 93.00 1.54 0.04 0.08
      35.50 39.50 4.00 0.04 86.00 1.43 0.07 0.10
      Durchschnitt 2.00 21.50 19.50 0.01 87.00 1.45 0.03 0.06
      La Union
      ZLU-07 4.00 26.60 22.60 0.40 89.00 1.88
      La Union
      ZLU-07-A 69.30 82.80 13.50 0.01 69.00 1.15
      La Union
      ZLU-07 + 07A 69.30 105.40 36.10 0.25 82.00 1.61

      C.W. (Bill) Reed, B. Sc. Mineralogy, ist die qualifizierte Person,
      welche die Details in dieser Pressemitteilung vorbereitet hat.

      Über San Miguel

      San Miguel besteht derzeit aus 16 Konzessionen, die
      durchschnittlich 8 km Streichlänge an Silber- und Goldmineralisierung
      abdecken. Es liegt in Chihuahua, Mexiko, im Guazapares Minendistrikt,
      der Teil des Gold/Silber-Gürtels der Sierra Madre Occidental ist.
      Paramount unterschrieb im August 2005 eine Vereinbarung mit Amermin
      S.A. de CV, einem Tochterunternehmen von Tara Gold Resources, und hat
      einen 70%-igen Anteil am San Miguel Projekt erworben.

      Über Paramount Gold

      Paramount Gold Mining Corp. ist ein
      Edelmetall-Explorationsunternehmen, das an der OTCBB unter dem Symbol
      PGDP und an der Frankfurter Börse unter dem Symbol P6G gehandelt
      wird. Das Ziel des Unternehmens ist es, das San-Miguel-Projekt zu
      explorieren und entwickeln, das in Chihuahua, Mexiko, innerhalb der
      Sierra Madre Occidental Gold/Silber Gürtels liegt, sowie das
      Potential der strategischen Allianz mit Teck Cominco für die
      Goldexploration in Südamerika voll auszuschöpfen. Für weitere
      Informationen besuchen Sie bitte die Webseite des Unternehmens unter (nun verfügbar in den folgenden Sprachen:
      Englisch, Deutsch, Französisch, Spanisch und Mandarin).

      Die Übersetzung der Original-Unternehmensmeldung ist ohne jede
      Gewähr (Haftung) auf Vollständigkeit und Richtigkeit.

      Charles W. reed, Explorationsmanager Mexiko
      Tel.: +1 520-907-9986
      Chris Halkai, Corporate Relations
      Tel.: +1 613-226-9881
      schrieb am 19.04.07 14:04:53
      Beitrag Nr. 82 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 28.756.230 von globaldigger am 11.04.07 13:18:22Paramount Gold Appoints Michel Yvan Stinglhamber to the Board of Directors

      Ottawa, Canada - (BUSINESS WIRE) - April 19, 2007 - Paramount Gold Mining Corp. (OTC: PGDP) (Frankfurt: P6G, WKN: A0HGKQ) is pleased to announce that Michel Yvan Stinglhamber has been appointed to the Board of Directors.

      Commenting on the appointment, Christopher Crupi, CEO, stated, "The appointment of Michel to Paramount's Board of Directors continues our commitment to building a strong, experienced and results-oriented team of financial and mining professionals."

      Mr. Stinglhamber has a long and distinguished career in the Mexican mining industry. He currently represents Umicore Belgium in Mexico ( acting as proxy and Director for Unimet SA de CV, a company 100% owned by Umicore Belgium a US$4.7 billion public company (ISIN: BE0003626372, Frankfurt: NVJ), active in Precious Metals Products and Catalysts, Advanced Materials and Zinc specialties. Mr. Stinglhamber is also the Chairman of the Mining Group - Compañia Minera Misiones SA de CV.; he is on the Board of Directors of Marina Costa Baja, Mexico; and is also on the Advisory Board of "Sea Watch" and member of Pronatura, both conservation NGOs.

      Between 1991 and 2000, Mr. Stinglhamber was on the Board of Directors and also sat on the Technical Board of Mexicana de Cananea SA de CV. In 1990, he was instrumental in the Union Miniére team that worked in Mexico for the pre-financing of the recuperation of La Caridad copper mine from Nafinsa for "Mexicana de Cobre" of the Larrea Group, Grupo Mexico. Between 1980 and 1986, he represented Aquaroc International in Mexico, a filial of the Consortium "BURRUS" Switzerland. Mr. Stinglhamber was President of the Belgo Luxemburg Mexican Chamber of Commerce in 1987, and in 2002, was awarded the Belgian decoration of "Officer of the Crown".

      About Paramount Gold
      Paramount Gold is a precious metals exploration company quoted on the OTCBB under the symbol PGDP and listed on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange under the symbol P6G (WKN: A0HGKQ). The Company's objectives are to explore and develop the San Miguel project, located in Chihuahua, Mexico within the Sierra Madre Occidental gold/silver belt and fully develop the potential of the strategic alliance with Teck Cominco for gold exploration in South America. For more information, please visit the Company's web site at: (now available in the following languages: English, German, French, Spanish, and Mandarin).

      Safe Harbor Statement under the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995: The statements contained herein which are not historical are forward-looking statements that are subject to risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed in the forward-looking statements, including, but not limited to, certain delays beyond the company's control with respect to commencement of drilling operations, concentration in mineral deposits, delays in testing and evaluation of ore samples, and other risks detailed from time to time in the Company's filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission.


      Chris Crupi, President
      Chris Halkai, Corporate Relations
      Toll-free: 1-866-481-223
      schrieb am 19.04.07 20:54:24
      Beitrag Nr. 83 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 28.898.595 von drscan am 19.04.07 14:04:53Doppelnews heute:


      Pressemitteilungsquelle: Paramount Gold Mining Corp.

      Paramount Gold meldet sich Vereinbarung zu 100% der Cotaruse Eigenschaft in Südperu
      Donnerstags19. April, 11:30 a.m. ET

      Lima, Peru - (Geschäftsdraht) Paramount Gold Mining Corp. (OTCGDP - Nachrichten; Frankfurt6G, WKN : A0HGKQ) und sein peruanische Tochtergesellschaft, Compania Minera Paramount Sack hat ihre nötige Sorgfalt beendet und sind erfreut, um das Unterschreiben einer definitiven Vereinbarung anzukündigen, ein 100% Interesse an der Cotaruse Eigenschaft zu erwerben, sich in der Abteilung von Apurimac, Südperu befindend.

      Das Projekt besteht aus einer 1.000 Hektarbergbaukonzession mit Hauptinfrastrukturen am Ort und bezieht Autobahn, Elektrizität und Wasser in 5 km des Zentrums der Eigenschaft ein, die leicht zugänglich sind.

      Alain Vachon, Manager der Erkundung in Südamerika kommentiert, "ich bin sehr erfreut, zu einer Vereinbarung gekommen zu sein, die Cotaruse Eigenschaft zu erwerben, welches hat das Potential, um eine Größentonnage offen zu präsentieren, entsteinen Cu+Ag+/- au skarn deponieren. Wir sind im Begriff, unser Erkundungsprogramm zu beginnen, das aus detaillierten Angleichung, Stichprobenerhebung und Geophysik (Magazin +IP) besteht, welches liefert uns die technische Information, die wir das Ziel zu bohren verlangen."

      Als in einer 1. Februar 2007 ( datierten Pressemitteilung bestimmt.

      Paramount Gold hat bisher vier deutliche mineralisierte Bereiche auf der Eigenschaft identifiziert, die eine einzelne mineralisierte Zone, Aufnahme zu Konto gestalten konnte, die Wirkung überlasten Abdeckung und spärliche Stichprobenerhebung, die gestellt sind, um zu datieren, fertig. Kupfer mineralization wird in erster Linie aus Cu Oxid, chalcopyrite, Malachit chalcocite und azurite zusammengesetzt. Das mineralization scheint am stärksten am nächsten der Granitkontakt zu sein und zum Kern der Falte zur südwestlichen Verschlussvorrichtung schwächer. Auf Grundlage von einer gebrachten Kompilation von 129 im Jahr 2004 vom vorherigen Eigentümer genommenen Proben und 24 von Paramount, den mineralisierten Zonen gesammelten Proben klassifiziert der folgende Durchschnitt:

      Zone 1 - die Nordostzone; 2,56% Cu, 20 g/t Ag und 0,12 g/t au

      Zone 2 - die Südzone; 1,15% Cu, 9,7 g/t Ag und 0,06 g/t au

      ***Zone 3 - The South Center Zone; 1.06% Cu, 5.7 g/t Ag and 0.095 g/t Au

      Zone 4 - die westzone; 0,35% Cu, 3,18 g/t Ag und 0,8 g/t au

      Um einen 100% Zins zu erwerben, bezahlt Paramount den Eigentümer, einen Gesamtbetrag, US-$ 3.000.000 zusammenzählend, und zieht in einer Periode von 4 Jahren Erkundungsausgaben von US-$ 2.000.000 auf sich. Das erste Jahr\Zahlung ist von Zahlungen von US-$ 750.000 im Jahr zwei, US-$ 800.000 am Ende des Jahres drei und US-$ 1.300.000 am Ende des Jahres vier gefolgtes US-$ 150.000. Der Eigentümer empfängt auch eine 2,5% NSR, von der 1,5% jederzeit von Paramount für eine Pauschalbetragzahlung von US-$ 2.000.000 zurückgekauft werden kann.


      Alain Vachon, P.Eng., Krippe von Erkundung Südamerika tritt als die qualifizierte Person auf und hat in Bezug auf diese Nachrichtenfreigabe das Detail und die Überprüfung vorbereitet.

      Über Paramount Gold

      Paramount Gold ist ein Schatz Metalle Erkundungsgesellschaft zitierte auf dem OTCBB unter dem Symbol PGDP und führte in der Frankfurter Börse unter dem Symbol auf P6G (WKN: A0HGKQ). Die Gesellschaft\Ziele sind, das San Miguel Projekt zu erkunden und zu entwickeln, und befinden sich in Chihuahua Mexiko innerhalb der Sierra Madre abendländisches Gold/versilbert Riemen und entwickelt das Potential des strategischen Bündnisses mit Teck Cominco für goldene Erkundung vollständig in Südamerika. Zwecks weiterer Informationen bitte besucht die Gesellschaft\Website an: (in den folgenden Sprachen jetzt verfügbar: Englisch, Deutsch, Französisch, Spanisch und Mandarin).

      Press Release Source: Paramount Gold Mining Corp.

      Paramount Gold Signs Agreement for 100% of the Cotaruse Property in Southern Peru
      Thursday April 19, 11:30 am ET

      LIMA, Peru--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Paramount Gold Mining Corp. (OTCGDP - News; Frankfurt6G, WKN:A0HGKQ) and its Peruvian subsidiary, Compania Minera Paramount SAC, have concluded their due diligence and are pleased to announce the signing of a definitive agreement to acquire a 100% interest in the Cotaruse property, located in the Department of Apurimac, Southern Peru.

      The project consists of a 1,000 hectare mining concession with main infrastructures in place, including highway, electricity and water, which are readily accessible within 5 kms of the center of the property.

      Alain Vachon, Manager of Exploration in South America, comments, "I am very pleased to have come to an agreement to acquire the Cotaruse property, which has the potential to host a bulk tonnage open pit Cu + Ag +/-Au skarn deposit. We are about to commence our exploration program that will consist of detailed mapping, sampling and geophysics (MAG + IP) which will provide us with the technical information we require to drill the target."

      As stated in a press release dated February 1st, 2007, (

      Paramount Gold has thus far identified four distinct mineralized areas on the property that could be forming one single mineralized zone, taking into account the effect of overburden cover and sparse sampling completed to date. Copper mineralization is primarily composed of Cu-oxide, chalcopyrite, malachite, chalcocite and azurite. The mineralization appears to be strongest nearest the granite contact and weaker to the southwest closer to the core of the fold. Based on a compilation of 129 samples taken in 2004 by the previous owner and 24 samples collected by Paramount, the mineralized zones yielded the following average grades:

      Zone 1 - The Northeast Zone; 2.56% Cu, 20 g/t Ag and 0.12 g/t Au

      Zone 2 - The Southern Zone; 1.15% Cu, 9.7 g/t Ag and 0.06 g/t Au

      Zone 3 - The South Center Zone; 1.06% Cu, 5.7 g/t Ag and 0.095 g/t Au

      Zone 4 - The West Zone; 0.35% Cu, 3.18 g/t Ag and 0.8 g/t Au

      In order to acquire a 100% interest, Paramount will pay the owner, an aggregate amount totaling US$3,000,000 and will incur exploration expenditures of US$2,000,000 over a period of 4 years. The first year\'s payment is US$150,000, followed by payments of US$750,000 in year two, US$800,000 at the end of year three and US$1,300,000 at the end of year four. The owner will also receive a 2.5% NSR of which 1.5% can be bought back at any time by Paramount for a lump sum payment of US$ 2,000,000.

      Quality Control Person

      Alain Vachon, P.Eng., Manger of Exploration, South America, is acting as the qualified person and has prepared the detail and review with respect to this news release.

      About Paramount Gold

      Paramount Gold is a precious metals exploration company quoted on the OTCBB under the symbol PGDP and listed on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange under the symbol P6G (WKN: A0HGKQ). The Company\'s objectives are to explore and develop the San Miguel project, located in Chihuahua, Mexico within the Sierra Madre Occidental gold/silver belt and fully develop the potential of the strategic alliance with Teck Cominco for gold exploration in South America. For more information, please visit the Company\'s web site at: (now available in the following languages: English, German, French, Spanish, and Mandarin).

      Safe Harbor Statement under the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995: The statements contained herein which are not historical are forward-looking statements that are subject to risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed in the forward-looking statements, including, but not limited to, certain delays beyond the company\'s control with respect to commencement of drilling operations, concentration in mineral deposits, delays in testing and evaluation of ore samples, and other risks detailed from time to time in the Company\'s filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

      Paramount Gold Mining Corp.
      Alain Vachon, Manager of Exploration, South America
      011 511 9871 0933
      Chris Halkai, Corporate Relations
      Toll-free: 1-866-481-2233

      Source: Paramount Gold Mining Corp.
      schrieb am 27.04.07 09:54:23
      Beitrag Nr. 84 ()
      iNTERVIEW aus Can. April 25 2007
      News Story
      What a rush: Paramount lands $21.7M financing for gold exploration
      By Julie Fortier, Ottawa Business Journal Staff
      Wed, Apr 25, 2007 2:00 PM EST

      Chris Crupi, CEO of Paramount Gold Inc. (Darren Brown, OBJ)

      Chris Crupi believes thar's gold in them thar hills, and he's not afraid to go and get it. Apparently, neither are investors.

      As a former vice-president of PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC), the new chief executive of junior mining company Paramount Gold is familiar with working with numbers. Right now, he's dealing with some nice numbers indeed. Numbers like drilling that averaged 184 grams per tonne of silver across 61.9 meters and 569 grams per tonne of silver across three meters. These were some of the findings of the company's drilling projects in the San Miguel project near Temoris, Chihuahua, Mexico in late March.

      As of April 2, Mr. Crupi is also working with $21.7 million, which is the amount his company secured through the sale of 10.4 million shares of Paramount at US$2.10 each. Proceeds of the private placement were mostly from institutional investors, with approximately US$20.6 million of the financing secured through brokered selling agents. The stock is now listed at close to $2.71.

      "The industry is extremely interesting. It's like the old high tech days. It's extremely hard to find people, it's hard to find equipment like drill rigs, trucks, backhoes. Consultants are in demand and the price of acquiring land is skyrocketing," said Mr. Crupi.

      "But we already have all those bases covered: we have great people, we have committed equipment and we have locked-up land. We were lucky with our timing and we put a lot of forethought into those things."

      Harish Srinivasa, research associate for mining at Dundee Securities, who listed Paramount on its 2007 Stocks to Watch list, said that the $21.7 million was impressive for Paramount to pull off. "For the size of the company it is quite good. We were predicting $12 to $15 million, $21 is very reasonable. For the current state of the product it is quite good," he said.

      Mr. Crupi may be only 38-years-old, but he has plenty of experience to bring to the table. While working at PwC during the Ottawa Senator's financial crisis in 2003, he worked with provincial and municipal governments as well as the banks, as the Sens restructured under the Companies' Creditors Arrangement Act (CCAA). He then went on to run his own firm, Markham, Crupi and Associates, with partner Peter Markham, in which he had a hand in high profile transactions such as the sale of Titan Consulting to Calian Technology.

      Now he finds himself as the executive director of a new junior mining firm, but said the expertise required is the same.

      "The skills that I learned (in chartered accountant roles) are what I'm using today: the analytical skills, the business experience, learning how to deal with lawyers, auditors, transfer agents, the public. It's all the same thing, it's just in a different context," Mr. Crupi told the OBJ.

      Shortly after Mr. Crupi joined, Paramount was listed on the OTCBB and then on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange. A listing on the Toronto Stock Exchange is expected during the current quarter.

      "We have a solid geological team. The goal was to take the company public, but they didn't know how to do that. They thought with my background, as I had worked in an international accounting firm, I would be ideal considering all the new rules like Sarbanes-Oxley and things I had been exposed to for many years.

      "It sort of evolved into a full-time CEO role and we have done a number of financings over the last couple of years. The last one was the biggest one," Mr. Crupi said.

      At the San Miguel project, Paramount is planning a 50,000 meter drilling program with a goal to confirm the presence of the resources believed to be in the ground. Also, ongoing exploration work will continue along the current eight-kilometre strike to test known mineralization. The company expects this additional data will be used to carry out a technical or resource update report, which is expected later this year.

      "The company is in its exploration stage. To define a deposit, it needs to be drilled. Based on the results from the drill holes and the assay results, the geologist will model a resource deposit so that they can get to know how many silver equivalent ounces are in the deposit," explained Mr. Srinivasa. "Drilling is always better for any company. The more drilling, the better the confidence (regarding) resources in the ground."

      Until the April announcement, Paramount's funding rounds have been quite small, ranging from $250,000 to $2 million. Mr. Crupi said the latest financing could go even higher, thanks to warrant options. "We have future financing already built in so this company will have a substantial amount of financing to carry it to the next phase of project development," he said.

      Paramount is the junior partner with Canadian mining giant Teck Cominco Ltd. Paramount does all of its gold exploration work in Chile, Argentina and Peru.

      "In the whole lifecycle, they (Teck Cominco) have to get someone to walk over a piece of land and say 'I think there's something here.' That's what we do. Then they pull the metal out of the ground," Mr. Crupi explained.

      Paramount finds the sites using satellite imagery, which it buys from organizations like NASA, photo imagery from flying over a property and looking at the alterations in the landscape, as well as geophysical and geochemical analysis methods, before it does any drilling.

      "It's a crazy industry right now in terms of the amount of capital that is flowing into the deals. As long as there is scarcity of precious metals and the prices keep going up, and as long as big mining companies need little guys like us to go out and find them mine-able deposits, this industry will keep going. And it will keep going for a long time," said Mr. Crupi.
      schrieb am 03.05.07 16:22:38
      Beitrag Nr. 85 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 29.025.730 von globaldigger am 27.04.07 09:54:23Paramount Gold Drills Multiple Silver Intersects, Including 606 g/t Silver Across 4.8 Meters and 1,025 g/t Silver Across 1.30 meters, at their San Miguel Project, Mexico

      CHIHUAHUA, Mexico, May 03, 2007 (BUSINESS WIRE) --
      Paramount Gold Mining Corp. (OTC:PGDP, Frankfurt:P6G), is pleased to announce the most recently reported assays from its ongoing drill program at their San Miguel Project near Temoris, Chihuahua, Mexico. The following results are five drill holes completed in the San Antonio area, and are in-fill holes between drill holes SA-11 (5.4 meters of 217 g/t silver and 0.90 meters of 427 g/t silver) reported on Jan. 30, 2007, and SA-07 (2.3 meters of 123 g/t silver with 0.81% lead/zinc) reported Dec. 14, 2006. These five drill holes span a distance along strike of about 180 meters with approximately 40 to 50 meters between each hole. Holes are being drilled at 55 to 65 degrees to cut across the veins and true widths are estimated to be 80% to 90% of reported drill core lengths.

      All five drill holes reported numerous high grade intersects of silver that assayed between 191 g/t to 1,025 g/t silver over widths between 0.40 meters and 4.8 meters. The high grade veins combined with the stockwork in between resulted in silver grades with lead and zinc over considerable widths such as: 36.1 meters of 113 g/t silver; 28.2 meters averaging 117 g/t silver with 0.95% lead/zinc and; 71.1 meters averaging 19 g/t silver with 1.4% lead/zinc.

      The five drill holes, SA-20 to SA-24, were drilled to intersect mineralized zones at depths of 40 to 110 meters, with an average of 75 meters vertically below the surface. The drill rig has completed SA-25 through SA-27 and is currently drilling SA-28.

      Bill Reed, Exploration Manager for Mexico said, "These recent results fill in gaps between some of our previous widely spaced drill holes and show the continuity of the mineralization, both along and across strike of the mineralized structural zone in the San Antonio/El Carmen area."

      Drill Highlights, see the drill table belowSA-20 averaged 36.1 meters from 0.0 to 36.1 of 113 g/t silverincluding 4.8 meters from 17.0 to 21.8 of 606 g/t silverand 3.5 meters from 85.0 to 88.5 of 229 g/t silver.SA-21 averaged 5.45 meters from 35.55 to 41.0 of 190 g/t,including 1.6 meters from 39.4 to 41.0 of 488 g/t silverand 3.3 meters from 53.2 to 56.5 of 254 g/t silver with 1.29% combinedlead/zincSA-22 had numerous high grade silver intersects and elevated lead andzinc, 3.3 meters from 82.0 to 85.3 meters of 371 g/t silver,0.4 meters from 109.45 to 109.85 meters of 1,015 g/t silverand 1.0 meters from 167.5 to 168.50 meters of 365 g/t silverincluding 71.1 meters from 157.20 to 228.30 averaging 19 g/t silverwith 1.4% lead/zincSA-23 intersected 1.3 meters from 79.9 to 81.2 of 1,025 g/t silverand 28.2 meters from 147.0 to 175.2 meters averaging 117 g/t silverwith 0.95% lead/zinc including 1.8 meters from 164.9 to 166.7 of664 g/t silver and 1.9 meters from 247.0 to 248.9 of 365 g/t silver.SA-24 intersected 2.2 meters from 120.1 to 122.3 of 696 g/t silverand 2.1 meters from 160.5 to 162.6 of 414 g/t silver with 2.2%combined lead/zinc
      Quality Control Person

      Paramount takes detail photos of the entire core before it is cut to half core which is assayed at ALS Chemex's Vancouver laboratory. As part of quality assurance, quality control (QAQC), a blank (sterile) sample is submitted every 20th sample. Later, pulps from a number of intervals will be renumbered and pulps from known standards will be inserted between them in numerical order. These will then be submitted for reanalysis. The results will then be compared to the original values reported, and the known values of the inserted standards. Half-core samples have been retained on site for verification and reference purposes.

      C.W. (Bill) Reed, B. Sc. Mineralogy, is the qualified person and has prepared all the detail and review with respect to this news release.

      Hole No. From To Interval Au Ag Au Equiv.Lead Zinc Meters Meters Meters g/t g/t g/t % %SA - 20 0.00 17.00 17.00 0.00 35.00 0.58 0.06 0.16 ------------------------------------------------------- 17.00 21.80 4.80 0.00 606.00 10.10 0.19 0.24 ------------------------------------------------------- 21.80 26.00 4.20 0.00 53.00 0.88 0.02 0.15 ------------------------------------------------------- 32.50 36.10 3.60 0.00 100.00 1.66 0.06 0.12 ------------------------------------------------------- 61.20 70.20 9.00 0.00 80.00 1.34 0.29 0.39 ------------------------------------------------------- 85.00 88.50 3.50 0.00 229.00 3.82 0.06 0.19 ------------------------------------------------------- 88.50 95.70 7.20 0.00 31.00 0.52 0.05 0.19 ------------------------------------------------------- 101.00 102.65 1.65 0.00 149.00 2.48 0.06 0.13 ------------------------------------------------------- 132.00 139.85 7.85 0.02 50.00 0.83 0.60 0.73 ------------------------------------------------------- 154.15 166.70 12.55 0.00 35.00 0.59 0.41 0.79 ------------------------------------------------------- 179.00 183.45 4.45 0.00 53.00 0.88 0.71 1.35 ------------------------------------------------------- 192.10 196.00 3.90 0.00 40.00 0.66 0.44 1.06 ------------------------------------------------------- 231.30 241.60 10.30 0.00 50.00 0.83 0.21 0.62 ------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------- Average 0.00 36.10 36.10 0.00 113.00 1.89 0.06 0.14 ------------------------------------------------------- Average 85.00 97.50 12.50 0.00 83.00 1.38 0.06 0.19 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------SA - 21 0.00 5.85 5.85 0.00 98.00 1.63 0.15 0.22 ------------------------------------------------------- 5.85 15.00 9.15 0.00 26.00 0.43 0.02 0.15 ------------------------------------------------------- 20.70 35.55 14.85 0.00 21.00 0.36 0.05 0.15 ------------------------------------------------------- 35.55 39.40 3.85 0.00 66.00 1.10 0.05 0.17 ------------------------------------------------------- 39.40 41.00 1.60 0.00 488.00 8.13 0.18 0.24 ------------------------------------------------------- 53.20 56.50 3.30 0.00 254.00 4.53 0.76 0.53 ------------------------------------------------------- 58.50 73.00 14.50 0.00 74.00 1.24 0.29 0.46 ------------------------------------------------------- 75.00 94.90 19.90 0.00 44.00 0.73 0.17 0.43 ------------------------------------------------------- 105.00 107.00 2.00 0.00 60.00 1.00 0.16 0.29 ------------------------------------------------------- 117.00 118.00 1.00 0.00 135.00 2.25 0.36 0.80 ------------------------------------------------------- 128.20 129.90 1.70 0.00 43.00 0.72 0.04 0.11 ------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------- Average 35.55 41.00 5.45 0.00 190.00 3.16 0.09 0.19 ------------------------------------------------------- Average 53.20 73.00 19.80 0.00 98.00 1.63 0.35 0.45 ------------------------------------------------------- Average 53.20 94.90 41.70 0.00 68.00 1.13 0.26 0.43 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------SA - 22 16.60 23.10 6.50 0.00 49.00 0.81 0.17 0.29 ------------------------------------------------------- 35.00 40.05 5.05 0.00 27.00 0.45 0.13 0.27 ------------------------------------------------------- 54.10 64.00 9.90 0.01 23.00 0.38 0.19 0.40 ------------------------------------------------------- 64.00 68.00 4.00 0.00 139.00 2.31 0.29 0.31 ------------------------------------------------------- 82.00 85.30 3.30 0.00 371.00 6.19 0.13 0.18 ------------------------------------------------------- 109.45 109.85 0.40 0.00 1015.00 16.92 0.28 0.22 ------------------------------------------------------- 128.20 131.20 3.00 0.00 78.00 1.31 0.20 0.20 ------------------------------------------------------- 135.00 139.00 4.00 0.00 41.00 0.68 0.60 0.75 ------------------------------------------------------- 161.00 165.00 4.00 0.00 39.00 0.65 0.73 1.60 ------------------------------------------------------- 167.50 168.50 1.00 0.16 665.00 11.08 0.70 1.00 ------------------------------------------------------- 168.50 236.00 67.50 0.00 8.00 0.14 0.41 0.89 ------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------- Average 157.20 228.30 71.10 0.00 19.00 0.31 0.45 0.95 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------SA - 23 0.00 11.00 11.00 0.00 41.00 0.68 0.07 0.22 ------------------------------------------------------- 21.30 23.00 1.70 0.00 80.00 1.33 0.32 0.33 ------------------------------------------------------- 79.90 81.20 1.30 0.00 1025.00 17.08 0.08 0.30 ------------------------------------------------------- 88.10 100.70 12.60 0.00 36.00 0.60 0.17 0.24 ------------------------------------------------------- 134.70 138.00 3.30 0.00 48.00 0.80 0.32 0.90 ------------------------------------------------------- 147.00 161.80 14.80 0.00 80.00 1.34 0.38 0.78 ------------------------------------------------------- 164.90 166.70 1.80 0.00 664.00 11.06 0.47 0.34 ------------------------------------------------------- 166.70 175.20 8.50 0.00 103.00 1.72 0.28 0.54 ------------------------------------------------------- 184.60 189.60 5.00 0.00 70.00 1.16 0.32 0.80 ------------------------------------------------------- 212.90 214.55 1.65 0.18 104.00 1.92 0.61 2.03 ------------------------------------------------------- 227.40 247.00 19.60 0.00 19.00 0.32 0.05 0.12 ------------------------------------------------------- 247.00 248.90 1.90 0.00 365.00 6.08 0.21 0.27 ------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------- Average 147.00 175.20 28.20 0.00 117.00 1.95 0.33 0.62 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------SA - 24 8.00 18.60 10.60 0.00 27.00 0.45 0.05 0.17 ------------------------------------------------------- 22.00 29.00 7.00 0.00 98.00 1.63 0.07 0.19 ------------------------------------------------------- 41.00 45.00 4.00 0.00 100.00 1.66 0.15 0.28 ------------------------------------------------------- 48.80 51.60 2.80 0.00 67.00 1.12 0.10 0.21 ------------------------------------------------------- 77.65 79.50 1.85 0.00 56.00 0.94 0.34 0.40 ------------------------------------------------------- 120.10 122.30 2.20 0.00 696.00 11.61 0.18 0.19 ------------------------------------------------------- 122.30 129.70 7.40 0.00 31.00 0.51 0.10 0.25 ------------------------------------------------------- 137.00 142.40 5.40 0.00 34.00 0.57 0.32 0.81 ------------------------------------------------------- 150.70 152.00 1.30 0.00 191.00 3.18 0.81 1.00 ------------------------------------------------------- 160.50 162.60 2.10 0.08 414.00 6.98 0.49 1.71 ------------------------------------------------------- 166.00 167.00 1.00 0.00 66.00 1.10 0.37 1.43 ------------------------------------------------------- 239.00 240.60 1.60 0.03 73.00 1.22 0.25 0.71 -------------------------------------------------------
      About San Miguel

      San Miguel is currently comprised of 16 concessions covering a +8 km long structural zone that hosts silver and gold mineralization. The concessions also include other structural zones that host mineralization but have not yet been tested. It is located in Chihuahua, Mexico and lies in the Guazapares mining district, part of the gold-silver belt of the Sierra Madre Occidental. Paramount signed an agreement in August 2005 with Amermin S.A. de CV, a subsidiary of Tara Gold Resources, and has earned a 70% interest in the San Miguel project.

      About Paramount Gold

      Paramount Gold is a precious metals exploration company quoted on the OTCBB under the symbol PGDP and listed on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange under the symbol P6G (WKN: A0HGKQ). The Company's objectives are to explore and develop the San Miguel project, located in Chihuahua, Mexico within the Sierra Madre Occidental gold/silver belt and fully develop the potential of the strategic alliance with Teck Cominco for gold exploration in South America. For more information, please visit the Company's web site at: (now available in the following languages: English, German, French, Spanish, and Mandarin).

      Safe Harbor Statement under the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995: The statements contained herein which are not historical are forward-looking statements that are subject to risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed in the forward-looking statements, including, but not limited to, certain delays beyond the company's control with respect to commencement of drilling operations, concentration in mineral deposits, delays in testing and evaluation of ore samples, and other risks detailed from time to time in the Company's filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

      SOURCE: Paramount Gold Mining Corp.
      schrieb am 04.05.07 10:23:13
      Beitrag Nr. 86 ()
      Struther's Resource Stock Report

      Paramount Gold OTC:PGDP, Frankfurt:P6G Recent Price US$3.04
      Entry Price $1.00 Opinion - strong buy

      With Paramount continuing with these excellent drill results, I still
      see the stock as a great buy at these levels, it is still a fraction
      of the market cap of Palmarejo with all the potential ahead of it. The
      stock probably also moved up today with the Palmarejo news

      Paramount reported five more drill holes in the San Antonio area

      All five drill holes reported numerous high grade intersects of silver
      that assayed between 191 g/t to 1,025 g/t silver over widths between
      0.40 meters and 4.8 meters. The high grade veins combined with the
      stockwork in between resulted in silver grades with lead and zinc over
      considerable widths such as: 36.1 meters of 113 g/t silver; 28.2
      meters averaging 117 g/t silver with 0.95% lead/zinc and; 71.1 meters
      averaging 19 g/t silver with 1.4% lead/zinc.

      The five drill holes, SA-20 to SA-24, were drilled to intersect
      mineralized zones at depths of 40 to 110 meters, with an average of 75
      meters vertically below the surface. The drill rig has completed SA-25
      through SA-27 and is currently drilling SA-28.

      These results as with the previous ones will continue to add
      substantially to the silver resource as they are being drilled where
      there was large gaps between the drill holes used in the first
      resource calculation.

      With the Palmarejo news we now have a very good idea of a valuation,
      at US$5 per ounce

      At $3.00 stock price and 46.4 million shares out Paramount has a market cap of
      $139.2 million less $20 million cash and at $5 per ounce silver - the
      market is giving credit for $119.2 / 5 = 23.8 million ounces silver discovery.

      We know they already have 26.6 million (38 million X their 70%

      The 38 M oz resource is still inferred and needs more drilling to
      bring up to measured and indicated and is one reason why it may be
      valued lower, but with the last couple rounds of drill results, we
      know the resource is growing.

      It is easy to see where this can go now. I think it is going to be
      very easy to prove up 150 million ounces and at $5 per ounce we are
      looking at a $750 million value.

      Assume all the warrants are exercised bringing the shares outstanding
      to 54.2 we come up with a value of $13.84 a share.

      If they prove up 300 million ounces, it works out to $27.68 per share.

      You can play with the number ounces discovered and figure out the
      potential stock price, whatever, even modest assumptions the biggest
      gains in the stock price will be in the months and year ahead.

      Investor Relations: Chris Halkai
      Tel: 1-613-226-9881
      Toll-free: 1-866-481-2233

      Website -…
      schrieb am 07.05.07 08:13:05
      Beitrag Nr. 87 ()
      das darf hier auch nicht fehlen, das es hierbei um die direkten nachbarn von paramount gold geht!!!

      kopiertes posting aus dem hauptthread (04.05.07) von globaldigger!!!

      ein Auszug aus einem BB, der Para nicht promotet.

      ich muss schon sagen: wow ! es wird sich logischer weise was tun.
      ich ärgere mich schon, dass ich meinen Bestand auf 8k reduziert habe traurig Para wird nicht unter Preis verkauft. Die Liegenschaft passt genau ins Konzept und würde logistisch einmalig zu handeln sein. lecker

      Da hat der Profiler den Mund nicht zu voll genommen IMHO.
      Hatte das letzte Woche absolut für übertrieben gehalten.

      Sehr geehrte Leser!

      Megafusion im Silbersektor!

      Palmarejo Silver (CAD-Kürzel PJO) sowie Bolnisi Gold (WKN 871821) wollen mit Coeur d`Alene (CAD-Kürzel CDM; WKN 868071) fusionieren, um so den größten Silberproduzenten der Welt zu erschaffen. Das Volumen dieses per Aktientausch finanzierten Vorhabens beträgt 1,1 Mrd. US-Dollar. Für das Jahr 2009 ist eine Silberproduktion von 39 Mio. Unzen und knapp 300.000 Unzen Gold in Aussicht gestellt. Damit zeigt sich immer deutlicher, was wir zu Jahresbeginn prognostizierten: nämlich das Dilemma der großen Produzenten. Diese können Ihre schwindenden Ressourcen nur noch durch Übernahmen und Fusionen ausbauen oder erhalten!
      Bolnisi – Aktionäre sollen 0,682 Coeur-Aktien erhalten und Palmarejo-Aktionäre sollen 2,715 Coeur-Aktien erhalten.

      Unserer Meinung nach ist das Angebot von Coeur D’Alene zu niedrig! Denn die Gesellschaft „glänzte“ in den letzten Jahren mit schwachen Ergebnissen und hat mit schwindenden Ressourcen zu kämpfen, während insbesondere bei den beiden anderen Gesellschaften mit Erschließung des Palmarejo-Projektes, einem der absoluten Weltklssse-Silber-Projekte, hervorragende Arbeit geleistet wurde.
      schrieb am 07.05.07 08:18:21
      Beitrag Nr. 88 ()
      aus der sonntägigen (06.05.07) Profiler-Ausgabe:

      Paramount Gold Mining (WKN: A0HGKQ, Symbol: P6G, Reuters: PGDP, Homepage Paramount)

      Wie wir aus gut unterrichteten Kreisen erfahren haben, wird es in den nächsten Wochen bei Paramount einige positive Überraschungen geben. Vor allem erwarten wir uns von drei Marktgerüchten sehr viel:

      1. Mit dem Listing an der TSX werden weitere Anlegerkreise auf unsere Silberperle aufmerksam, und die kanadischen Broker können die Aktie intensiv im eigenen Kundenkreis bewerben. Letztendlich wollen die Finanzierungsbeteiligten deutlich höhere Kurse sehen und werden dazu, wie üblich in der Branche, einiges an PR-Leistung beitragen.

      2. Die Übernahme- und Beteiligungsgerüchte reißen nicht ab. Das weist in den meisten Fällen auf eine entsprechende Entwicklung hin.

      3. Ein Ressourcenupdate wäre langsam fällig. Können die Ressourcen von 38 Mio. Unzen Silber nach oben korrigiert werden? Die beiden letzten Bohrergebnisse sprechen dafür.

      Unser Tipp: Nutzen Sie die Minikorrekturen zum Kauf oder zum Aufstocken Ihrer Position.

      Die nächsten Tage und Wochen sollten also "siedend heiss" werden!
      schrieb am 09.05.07 12:22:54
      Beitrag Nr. 89 ()
      Paramount Gold Appoints Michel Yvan Stinglhamber to the Board of Directors
      Wednesday May 9, 5:00 am ET

      OTTAWA, CANADA--(MARKET WIRE)--May 9, 2007 -- Paramount Gold Mining Corp. (OTC BBGDP.OB - News)(Frankfurt6G.F - News)(WKN: A0HGKQ) is pleased to announce that Michel Yvan Stinglhamber has been appointed to the Board of Directors.

      Commenting on the appointment, Christopher Crupi, CEO, stated, "The appointment of Michel to Paramount's Board of Directors continues our commitment to building a strong, experienced and results-oriented team of financial and mining professionals."

      Mr. Stinglhamber has a long and distinguished career in the Mexican mining industry. He currently represents Umicore Belgium (formerly Union Miniere) in Mexico ( acting as proxy and Director for Unimet SA de CV, a company 100% owned by Umicore Belgium, a US$5.57 billion public company (ISIN:BE0003626372, Frankfurt:NVJ), active in Precious Metals Products and Catalysts, Advanced Materials and Zinc specialties. Mr. Stinglhamber is also the Chairman of the Mining Group - Compania Minera Misiones SA de CV.; he is on the Board of Directors of Marina Costa Baja, Mexico; and, is also on the Advisory Board of "Sea Watch" and member of Pronatura, both conservation NGOs.

      click here
      Between 1991 and 2000, Mr. Stinglhamber was on the Board of Directors and also sat on the Technical Board of Mexicana de Cananea SA de CV. In 1990, he was instrumental in the Union Miniere team that worked in Mexico for the pre-financing of the acquisition of La Caridad copper mine from Nafinsa for "Mexicana de Cobre" of the Larrea Group, Grupo Mexico. Between 1980 and 1986, he represented Aquaroc International in Mexico, a filial of the Consortium "BURRUS" Switzerland. Mr. Stinglhamber was President of the Belgo Luxemburg Mexican Chamber of Commerce in 1987, and in 2002, was awarded the Belgian decoration of "Officer of the Crown".

      About Paramount Gold

      Paramount Gold is a precious metals exploration company quoted on the OTCBB under the symbol PGDP and listed on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange under the symbol P6G (WKN: A0HGKQ). The Company's objectives are to explore and develop the San Miguel project, located in Chihuahua, Mexico within the Sierra Madre Occidental gold/silver belt and fully develop the potential of the strategic alliance with Teck Cominco for gold exploration in South America. For more information, please visit the Company's web site at: (now available in the following languages: English, German, French, Spanish, and Mandarin).

      Safe Harbor Statement under the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995: The statements contained herein which are not historical are forward-looking statements that are subject to risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed in the forward-looking statements, including, but not limited to, certain delays beyond the company's control with respect to commencement of drilling operations, concentration in mineral deposits, delays in testing and evaluation of ore samples, and other risks detailed from time to time in the Company's filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

      Paramount Gold Mining Corp.
      Chris Crupi, President
      Toll-free: 1-866-481-223
      schrieb am 10.05.07 13:54:23
      Beitrag Nr. 90 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 29.228.793 von drscan am 09.05.07 12:22:54Paramount Gold's Trenching Discovers New Santa Clara zone - 1,380 meters along strike to the South with Assays up to 282 g/t Silver, 1.2 g/t gold and 1.38% lead/zinc at San Miguel, Mexico

      Chihuahua, Mexico - (BUSINESS WIRE) - May 10, 2007 - Paramount Gold Mining Corp. (OTC: PGDP) (Frankfurt: P6G, WKN: A0HGKQ) is pleased to announce trenching results from its ongoing exploration program in the southern part of its San Miguel concession block near Temoris, Chihuahua, Mexico. These ten trenches are located in the Santa Clara zone, which is adjoining and up to 1,380 meters along strike to the south of the La Union zone where Paramount reported drill results that included 105.35 meters averaging 1.45% zinc, 0.52% lead, 28 g/t silver and 0.26 g/t gold in hole LU-09 (see news release dated November 8th 2006).

      Trenches 01 through 10 span approximately 375 meters and identified the Santa Clara zone on surface and along strike for approximately 300 meters. At the south end, trench ZSC-06 reported 5.7 meters of 1.24 g/t gold, 101 g/t silver with 0.42% combined lead/zinc and is located approximately 1,380 meters south of and along strike from drill hole LU-09 in the La Union zone (one of the most southerly reported drill holes to date). ZSC-02 is approximately 20 meters north of ZSC-06 and reported 4.3 meters of 1.2 g/t gold, 282 g/t silver with 1.38% combined lead/zinc. Intersections of 3.0 to 4.0 meters continued to the north in ZSC-09, ZSC-08 and ZSC-04 until reaching ZSC-03 approximately 225 meters north of ZSC-2 where the zone widened to 12.1 meters averaging 0.2 g/t gold and 153 g/t silver, including 6.1 meters of 0.20 g/t gold and 224 g/t silver. Another 60 meters north of ZSC-03 is ZSC-10 the most northerly trench in this zone and reported 3.0 meters of 95 g/t silver. ZSC-10 is approximately 1,080 meters from La Union drill hole LU-09. The trenches are exploratory in nature, through thin overburden and as such trenches 01, 05 and 07 missed the zone and reported no values.

      Paramount's Manager of Exploration in Mexico, Bill Reed, commented: "I am very pleased that our trenching and drilling programs are consistently identifying mineralization along the entire strike length that we have explored thus far. These latest trench results at Santa Clara compare very well with earlier trenches from the La Veronica, San Antonio, San Jose and La Union zones, and constitute the discovery of another new mineralized zone. The surface expression at Santa Clara does not appear to be as wide as other zones, but more importantly, this could possibly extend the total strike length of the system about 1,380 meters to the south and it remains open in all directions. Part of our exploration program this year will include drill testing the newly discovered Santa Clara zone."

      The highlights of the trenching include:

      ZSC-02 - 4.3 meters of 1.2 g/t Au, 282 g/t Ag with 1.38% combined lead/zinc
      ZSC-03 - 12.1 meters averaging 0.2 g/t Au and 153 g/t Ag
      including 6.1 meters of 0.20 g/t Au and 224 g/t Ag
      ZSC-04 - 4.0 meters of 0.09 g/t Au and 49 g/t Ag
      ZSC-06 - 5.7 meters of 1.24 g/t Au, 101 g/t Ag with 0.42% lead/zinc
      ZSC-08 - 3.0 meters of 0.11 g/t Au, 68 g/t Ag with 0.39% lead/zinc
      ZSC-09 - 4.0 meters of 0.13 g/t Au, 41 g/t Ag with 0.23% lead zinc
      ZSC-10 - 3.0 meters of 95 g/t Ag with 0.08% lead/zinc

      The trenches are excavated to a depth of 2-3 meters and extend from west to east across the quartz veins and stockwork quartz veins that host silver and gold mineralization in the Guazapares mining district. The trenches were cut through thin overburden to better define drill targets and spaced approximately 50 to 75 meters apart. The geology of the trenches is mapped in detail and continuous rock chip samples of no more than one meter in length are collected from the trench walls.

      A location map of these trenches can be found on Paramount's web site

      Au Eq.


      Santa Clara
      No Values

      Santa Clara

      Santa Clara




      Santa Clara

      Santa Clara
      No Values

      Santa Clara

      Santa Clara
      No Values

      Santa Clara

      Santa Clara

      Santa Clara

      C.W. (Bill) Reed, B. Sc. Mineralogy, is the qualified person and has prepared the detail and review with respect to this news release.

      About San Miguel
      San Miguel is currently comprised of 16 concessions covering a +8 km long structural zone that hosts silver and gold mineralization. The concessions also include other structural zones that host mineralization but have not yet been tested. It is located in Chihuahua, Mexico and lies in the Guazapares mining district, part of the gold-silver belt of the Sierra Madre Occidental. Paramount signed an agreement in August 2005 with Amermin S.A. de CV, a subsidiary of Tara Gold Resources, and has earned a 70% interest in the San Miguel project.

      About Paramount Gold

      Paramount Gold is a precious metals exploration company quoted on the OTCBB under the symbol PGDP and listed on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange under the symbol P6G (WKN: A0HGKQ). The Company's objectives are to explore and develop the San Miguel project, located in Chihuahua, Mexico within the Sierra Madre Occidental gold/silver belt and fully develop the potential of the strategic alliance with Teck Cominco for gold exploration in South America. For more information, please visit the Company's web site at: (now available in the following languages: English, German, French, Spanish, and Mandarin).

      Safe Harbor Statement under the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995: The statements contained herein which are not historical are forward-looking statements that are subject to risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed in the forward-looking statements, including, but not limited to, certain delays beyond the company's control with respect to commencement of drilling operations, concentration in mineral deposits, delays in testing and evaluation of ore samples, and other risks detailed from time to time in the Company's filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission.



      Charles W. Reed, Exploration Manager, Mexico
      Chris Halkai, Corporate Relations
      Toll-free: 1-866-481-2233
      schrieb am 15.05.07 23:25:05
      Beitrag Nr. 91 ()
      silberinfo (Zürich) Die derzeit schwachen Notierungen für das weiße Metall haben, wie immer im Leben, auch ihrer guten Seiten. Vor allem Schnäppchenjäger sind im Moment damit beschäftigt, ihre Lager zu füllen. In diese Bresche schlägt auch der aktuelle Bericht der CPM Group zum Silbermarkt. Die Experten von CPM gehen davon aus, dass der Silberpreis im Jahr 2008 bei durchschnittlich 15,85 US$/ Unze liegen wird. CPM geht davon aus, dass der Silberpreis, aufgrund der fundamentalen Daten, den Goldpreis weiterhin outperformen wird. Dieser Einschätzung können und möchten wir uns nur anschließen. Silber bleibt DAS Investment für die nächsten Jahre! Aus technischer Sicht befinden wir uns nun in überverkauftem Terrain, so dass man nun eine Aufstockung bestehender Investments bzw. einen Einstieg durchaus in Erwägung ziehen könnte. Die nächsten Widerstände befinden sich bei 13,30 US$ bzw. 13,36 US$. Unterstützungen finden sich im Bereich von 13,16 US$ bzw. 13,08 US$.

      Die Lagerbestände der NYMEX Lagerhäuser werden mit 131908759 Unzen angegeben, eine Zunahme um 746`594Unzen.

      Der Bestand des iShares Trust wird unverändert mit 135`821`754 Unzen angegeben.

      Der Silberindex SIX, welcher die Entwicklung von 16 Unternehmen aus dem Silbersektor abbildet, notiert bei 125,527 Punkten (15.05.2007 si/as/tw).
      schrieb am 15.05.07 23:25:36
      Beitrag Nr. 92 ()
      ich muss zu meiner schande gestehen, dass ich das sec-filing total verpennt hab *peinlich*
      ich hab es mir mal angesehen und werde darüber noch ein wenig nachdenken.

      gundsätzlich finde ich die Lindasache keinen Beinbruch, denn es war nur ein kleines Nebenprojekt. Ich finde aber, dass Para das ruhig offen in einer News mitteilen sollte. Hier hätten 2mio Unzen gefunden werden müssen. Klappt nicht - weg damit.
      Soweit ich mich erinnern kann ist die Infrastruktur dort auch denkbar schlecht.

      Der Hauptfocus liegt natürlich in Mexico und darauf sollten sie sich auch konzentrieren...

      ach so nochmals für OpaDAGO - Einstellung von Para Produzent zu werden:
      Paramount does not expect to generate revenues from either the San Miguel or Cotaruse projects in the next 2 years. Further, it is not Paramount’s objective to enter the mine management business, but rather hopes to identify a resource that will enable them to attract a larger company to partner with who has experience developing and managing a mine.

      Das TSX-Listing wird wohl jetzt kurzfristig kommen. Mir ist immer noch nicht klar, ob damit die TSX-Venture oder wirklich die TSX gemeint ist. Ein Börsenwechsel bringt kurzfristig schnell etwas für den Kurs, allerdings wäre ein Listing an der TSX um Klassen besser als der nahezu ungeregelter OTC-BB Markt. Dies würde Para natürlich sehr gut tun und Anlegervertrauen befördern.

      Jetzt nur mal so mein Eindruck, wie gesagt... will darüber noch mehr nachdenken.

      Paramount ist schnell und gut in Geld ausgeben.
      mal abgesehen von den Stock Based Compensation - 2mio US$ haben die im letzten Quartal rund 4,2 mio $ gebraucht. Dieses Level ist mit Sicherheit auch in den nächsten Quartalen nötig (50.000m bohrprogramm). Leute werden neu eingestellt, bla bla.

      beachtenswert neben dem grossem pp ist folgedes:
      neue Aktien:
      400k shares an TARA Gold ( - ich dachte das ist längst erledigt)
      920k shares an Mitarbeiter, quasi compensation.
      gut, ich denke das ist im Grunde als Gehaltszahlung zu verstehen, denn die kriegen glaub ich kaum Gehälter - daher Shares und Optionen.
      zusätzlich nochmals ein pp mit 721.500 zu 2 $

      Alles im Allen ist das schon ein ganzer Haufen Aktien und das drückt natürlich den Kurs, bzw. sehe ich innerh. der nächsten Monate (bis Jahresende) die Chance, dass Para auf über 4-5$ steigen kann.

      Wieso? - weil die alleine viel Zeit zum bohren brauchen und einfach so viele Leute "billige" shares haben.

      Daher muss man wirklich hier einen langen Atem haben!

      Ausser: San Miguel liefert uns viel schneller, als erwartet ein leckeres Ressourcenupdate. Die BE´s waren ganz ok und bei 50.000m wird das zug um zug steigen.
      Wisst Ihr, was mich ein wenig wundert???
      Die haben wie bekloppt Geld für Exploration ausgegeben, ein riesiges pp durchgeführt und im Grunde relativ wenig Bohrergebnisse geliefert.
      Ich will ja nicht pushen, aber ich glaube, dass Para einen Ergebnisnewsstau hat und nicht alles rausgelassen hat....

      Macht Euch auch mal Gedanken und ich freue mich über eine Diskussion.

      Euer GD
      schrieb am 15.05.07 23:27:39
      Beitrag Nr. 93 ()
      wichtige aktuelle links zum secfiling - quartalsbericht q3 bzw. q1 2007…
      schrieb am 30.05.07 14:11:27
      Beitrag Nr. 94 ()
      Paramount Gold Drills Multiple Silver Intercepts, Including 5,370 g/t Silver Across 0.40 Meters

      CHIHUAHUA, MEXICO, May 30, 2007 (CCNMatthews via COMTEX News Network) --
      Paramount Gold Mining Corp. (OTC:PGDP)(FRANKFURT:P6G)(WKN:A0HGKQ), is pleased to announce the most recently reported assays from its ongoing drill program at the San Miguel Project near Temoris, Chihuahua, Mexico. The following are results from four drill holes completed in the San Antonio area. Drill holes SA-25, SA-26 and SA-27 were drilled to fill in gaps in the mineralized body between drill holes SA-11 (5.4 meters of 217 g/t silver and 0.90 meters of 427 g/t silver) reported on January 30, 2007 and SA-07 (2.3 meters of 123 g/t silver with 0.81% lead/zinc) reported December 14, 2006. Drill hole SA-28 was drilled 50 meters north of hole SA-07. Results from SA-28 show that the mineralized body in the San Antonio - El Carmen area continues to extend along strike to the northwest of previous drilling.

      Bill Reed, Exploration Manager for Mexico said "Hole SA-25 has yielded our highest grade intercept to date and is indicative of the bonanza type silver grades that can be encountered in this silver district. I am also very pleased that step-out hole SA-28 continues to show that the San Antonio - El Carmen mineralized zone is open north towards the new La Veronica zone, the south end of which is 710 meters north of hole SA-28. The La Veronica zone, which has been identified by our trenching program, is at least 1 km long."

      Drill Highlights, with approximate true widths; see drill table below for more details

      SA-25 reported 7 intercepts with grades between 159 g/t and 5,370 g/t silver, including

      1. 10.2 meters (6.5 meters of true width) from 40.3 to 50.5 averaging 468 g/t silver with 0.81% lead + zinc, including:

      a. 0.5 meters (0.4 meters true width) from 40.3 to 40.8 of 522 g/t silver

      b. 0.5 meters (0.4 meters true width) from 40.8 to 41.3 of 5,370 g/t silver, and

      c. 9.2 meters (5.8 meters true width) from 41.3 to 50.5 of 210 g/t silver

      2. 4.6 meters (3.7 meters true width) from 30.1 to 34.7 of 136 g/t silver

      SA-26 had intercepts of:

      1. 3.2 meters (2.6 meters true width) from 11.3 to 14.5 of 276 g/t silver

      2. 1.5 meters (1.2 meters true width) from 132.0 to 133.5 of 207 g/t silver

      3. 1.1 meters (0.8 meters true width) from 139.7 to 140.8 of 447 g/t silver with 2.02% lead + zinc.

      SA-27 intersected 1.8 meters (1.3 meters true width) from 230.8 to 232.6 of 165 g/t silver, and numerous other intercepts of 24 g/t to 165 g/t silver

      SA-28 intersected 3.7 meters (2.2 meters true width) from 33.5 to 37.2 meters of 314 g/t silver, and 4 intercepts between 51.6 to 73.0 meters of 134 g/t to 217 g/t silver

      Quality Control

      Paramount takes detailed photos of the entire core before it is cut to half core which is assayed at ALS Chemex's Vancouver laboratory. As part of quality assurance, quality control (QAQC), a blank (sterile) sample is submitted every 20th sample. Later, pulps from a number of intervals will be renumbered and pulps from known standards will be inserted between them in numerical order. These will then be submitted for reanalysis. The results will then be compared to the original values reported, and the known values of the inserted standards. Half-core samples have been retained on site for verification and reference purposes.

      C.W. (Bill) Reed, B. Sc. Mineralogy, is the qualified person and has prepared the detail and review with respect to this news release.

      -------------------------------------------------------------------Hole No. From To Interval Au Ag Au Eq Pb Zn Meters Meters Meters g/t g/t g/t % %-------------------------------------------------------------------SA - 25 13.90 16.50 2.60 0.00 267.00 4.45 0.17 0.19 -------------------------------------------------------- 30.10 32.50 2.40 0.00 215.00 3.59 0.06 0.35 -------------------------------------------------------- 32.50 34.70 2.20 0.00 49.00 0.81 0.02 0.11 -------------------------------------------------------- 40.30 41.30 1.00 0.07 2934.00 48.90 1.01 1.14 --------------------------------------------------------including 40.30 40.80 0.50 0.00 522.00 8.70 0.75 0.98 --------------------------------------------------------including 40.80 41.30 0.50 0.14 5370.00 89.64 1.27 1.30 -------------------------------------------------------- 41.30 43.10 1.80 0.00 159.00 2.66 0.08 0.19 -------------------------------------------------------- 43.10 50.50 7.40 0.00 210.00 3.49 0.34 0.43 -------------------------------------------------------- 50.50 63.00 12.50 0.00 21.00 0.35 0.06 0.25 -------------------------------------------------------- 63.00 63.90 0.90 0.00 110.00 1.83 0.02 0.15 -------------------------------------------------------- 63.90 74.05 10.15 0.00 22.00 0.36 0.08 0.23 -------------------------------------------------------- 83.60 85.90 2.30 0.00 74.00 1.24 0.12 0.28 -------------------------------------------------------- 96.80 107.90 11.10 0.00 44.00 0.73 0.12 0.37 -------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------- Average 30.10 34.70 4.60 0.00 136.00 2.26 0.04 0.23 -------------------------------------------------------- Average 40.30 43.10 2.80 0.03 1150.00 19.17 0.41 0.53 -------------------------------------------------------- Average 40.30 50.50 10.20 0.01 468.00 7.80 0.36 0.45 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------SA - 26 0.00 11.30 11.30 0.00 25.00 0.41 0.03 0.18 -------------------------------------------------------- 11.30 14.50 3.20 0.00 276.00 4.59 0.08 0.13 -------------------------------------------------------- 14.50 25.60 11.10 0.00 28.00 0.47 0.04 0.13 -------------------------------------------------------- 32.35 34.95 2.60 0.02 47.00 0.78 0.09 0.14 -------------------------------------------------------- 38.55 43.00 4.45 0.00 61.00 1.01 0.09 0.11 -------------------------------------------------------- 45.75 47.65 1.90 0.00 177.00 2.96 0.18 0.22 -------------------------------------------------------- 47.65 74.40 26.75 0.00 40.00 0.67 0.10 0.20 -------------------------------------------------------- 114.80 116.40 1.60 0.00 107.00 1.79 0.05 0.08 -------------------------------------------------------- 132.00 133.50 1.50 0.00 207.00 3.45 0.21 0.24 -------------------------------------------------------- 139.70 140.80 1.10 0.00 447.00 7.44 0.95 1.07 -------------------------------------------------------- 179.25 180.95 1.70 0.00 47.00 0.78 0.54 1.19 -------------------------------------------------------- 189.20 241.10 51.90 0.00 8.00 0.13 0.25 0.65 -------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------- 0.00 74.40 74.40 0.00 46.00 0.76 0.07 0.16 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------SA - 27 0.00 13.10 13.10 0.01 24.00 0.40 0.08 0.19 -------------------------------------------------------- 76.00 86.40 10.40 0.00 27.00 0.44 0.10 0.18 -------------------------------------------------------- 108.00 115.40 7.40 0.01 41.00 0.68 0.27 0.56 -------------------------------------------------------- 119.40 138.60 19.20 0.00 24.00 0.40 0.24 0.52 -------------------------------------------------------- 145.80 148.20 2.40 0.00 64.00 1.07 0.31 0.66 -------------------------------------------------------- 163.00 170.30 7.30 0.00 35.00 0.58 0.04 0.12 -------------------------------------------------------- 178.10 189.70 11.60 0.01 43.00 0.72 0.16 0.37 -------------------------------------------------------- 200.40 205.30 4.90 0.00 29.00 0.48 0.15 0.42 -------------------------------------------------------- 205.30 209.10 3.80 0.02 16.00 0.26 0.20 0.57 -------------------------------------------------------- 230.80 232.60 1.80 0.00 165.00 2.75 0.27 0.44 -------------------------------------------------------- 240.00 240.80 0.80 0.00 128.00 2.13 0.08 0.30 -------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------SA - 28 0.00 11.20 11.20 0.00 17.00 0.28 0.04 0.18 -------------------------------------------------------- 24.00 26.10 2.10 0.00 61.00 1.02 0.07 0.14 -------------------------------------------------------- 33.50 37.20 3.70 0.00 314.00 5.23 0.08 0.27 -------------------------------------------------------- 45.00 47.00 2.00 0.00 56.00 0.93 0.11 0.26 -------------------------------------------------------- 51.60 52.90 1.30 0.00 211.00 3.52 0.08 0.16 -------------------------------------------------------- 59.00 60.45 1.45 0.00 217.00 3.62 0.11 0.25 -------------------------------------------------------- 64.80 65.60 0.80 0.00 161.00 2.68 0.43 0.60 -------------------------------------------------------- 72.00 73.00 1.00 0.00 134.00 2.23 0.10 0.25 -------------------------------------------------------- 97.20 100.00 2.80 0.00 68.00 1.13 0.10 0.24 -------------------------------------------------------- 116.55 117.15 0.60 0.00 70.00 1.17 0.27 0.94 -------------------------------------------------------- 120.40 122.70 2.30 0.00 23.00 0.38 0.28 0.85 -------------------------------------------------------- 192.10 193.50 1.40 0.00 53.00 0.88 0.07 0.21 --------------------------------------------------------
      About San Miguel

      San Miguel is currently comprised of 16 concessions covering a +8 km long structural zone that hosts silver and gold mineralization. The concessions also include other structural zones that host mineralization but have not yet been tested. It is located in Chihuahua, Mexico and lies in the Guazapares mining district, part of the gold-silver belt of the Sierra Madre Occidental. Paramount signed an agreement in August 2005 with Amermin S.A. de CV, a subsidiary of Tara Gold Resources, and has earned a 70% interest in the San Miguel project.

      About Paramount Gold

      Paramount Gold is a precious metals exploration company quoted on the OTCBB under the symbol PGDP and listed on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange under the symbol P6G (WKN:A0HGKQ). The Company's objectives are to explore and develop the San Miguel project, located in Chihuahua, Mexico within the Sierra Madre Occidental gold/silver belt and fully develop the potential of the strategic alliance with Teck Cominco for gold exploration in South America. For more information, please visit the Company's web site at: (now available in the following languages: English, German, French, Spanish, and Mandarin).

      Safe Harbor Statement under the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995: The statements contained herein which are not historical are forward-looking statements that are subject to risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed in the forward-looking statements, including, but not limited to, certain delays beyond the company's control with respect to commencement of drilling operations, concentration in mineral deposits, delays in testing and evaluation of ore samples, and other risks detailed from time to time in the Company's filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

      SOURCE: Paramount Gold Mining Corp.

      Paramount Gold Mining Corp. Charles W. Reed Exploration Manager, Mexico (520) 907-9986 Paramount Gold Mining Corp. Chris Halkai Corporate Relations Toll Free: 1-866-481-223 or (613) 226-9881

      Copyright (C) 2007 CCNMatthews. All rights reserved.
      schrieb am 30.06.07 21:58:07
      Beitrag Nr. 95 ()
      Hallo zusammen!

      letzte Ausgabe Rohstoffspiegel... betrifft Gold , Silber und REE, ist natürlich informative Lektüre...
      schrieb am 01.08.07 08:22:04
      Beitrag Nr. 96 ()
      Paramount Gold meldet Listing an der AMEX
      Las Vegas ( AG) - Paramount Gold Mining Corp. (ISIN US69924P1021/ WKN A0HGKQ) gibt bekannt,
      Leser des Artikels: 343

      Las Vegas ( AG) - Paramount Gold Mining Corp. (ISIN US69924P1021/ WKN A0HGKQ) gibt bekannt, dass die American Stock Exchange (AMEX) einem Listing zugestimmt hat.

      Die Aktien von Paramount Gold können voraussichtlich ab dem 1. August 2007 unter dem neuen Symbol "PZG" gehandelt werden.

      Christopher Crupi, CEO von Paramount Gold, kommentierte hierzu, dass das Listing an der AMEX ein bedeutender Schritt bei den anhaltenden Bemühungen des Unternehmens sei, die Aktionärsbasis zu vergrößern. Durch das Listing an der AMEX könnten kanadische und US-amerikanische Investoren besser an dem laufenden Explorationsprogramm auf der Gold-Silber-Liegenschaft San Miguel im Mexiko partizipieren, so Crupi. (30.07.2007/ac/n/a)
      schrieb am 09.08.07 11:05:19
      Beitrag Nr. 97 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 30.961.446 von T.E.D. am 01.08.07 08:22:04Paramount Gold Rings the Bell on the American Stock Exchange

      New York - (MarketWire) – August 09, 2007 - Paramount Gold Mining Corp. (AMEX: ‘PZG’) is pleased to announce that they are ringing the bell on the American Stock Exchange this morning, at 9:30 am EST.

      Christopher Crupi, Chief Executive Officer of Paramount Gold Mining Corp. said, "Our listing on the Amex is an important milestone in the development of Paramount Gold. We are honored to be among the small selected group of metals and mining companies listed on the Amex and believe this will provide our shareholders with greater liquidity, allowing better access for US and Canadian investors to participate in our extensive exploration program at our San Miguel silver and gold project in Mexico."

      About Paramount Gold
      Paramount Gold is listed on the AMEX under the symbol PZG and on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange under the symbol P6G (WKN: A0HGKQ). Paramount Gold is a precious metals mining exploration company, presently in the early stages of an extensive exploration program at their San Miguel project in the Sierra Madre, Temoris mining district of Mexico. Paramount has completed 15,000 meters of drilling, totaling 98 drill holes on the project with results pending on the last 25 of these holes. In early 2007, Paramount began a 50,000 meter drill program, of which 8,000 meters have been completed to date. In March 2007, Paramount completed a $21.8 million financing which is being utilized to develop their San Miguel project and other opportunities.

      "Safe-Harbor" Statement: This press release contains forward-looking information within the meaning of Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. All statements that are not statements of historical fact regarding the intent, belief or current expectations of the Company may not be realized. Investors are cautioned that any such forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future performance and involve risks and uncertainties, many of which are beyond the Company's ability to control, and that actual results may differ materially.


      Christopher Crupi, CEO
      Chris Halkai
      Corporate Relations
      Toll-free: 1-866-481-223
      schrieb am 23.08.07 14:38:24
      Beitrag Nr. 98 ()
      (Market Wire) Paramount Gold Receives Their Environmental Permits; A Second Dri
      l Rig will Commence Drilling in Early September

      OTTAWA, CANADA -- (MARKET WIRE) -- 08/23/07 -- Paramount Gold Mining Corp. (AME
      : PZG)(FRANKFURT: P6G)(WKN: A0HGKQ) is pleased to announce that they have recent
      y received their environmental and soil use permits which will allow them to con
      inue their drill program at their San Miguel project in Mexico.

      These permits allow Paramount to employ a second drill rig which will start dril
      ing in early September, and will be operated on a double shift, 24 hour per day
      asis. The second rig is a track-mounted Atlas Copco CS 1500. This was just built
      and supplied to Paramount by Layne Drilling, and is the same model as the one cu
      rently on the project.

      About Paramount Gold

      Paramount Gold is listed on the AMEX under the symbol PZG and on the Frankfurt S
      ock Exchange under the symbol P6G (WKN: A0HGKQ). Paramount Gold is a precious me
      als mining exploration company, presently in the early stages of an extensive ex
      loration program at their San Miguel project in the Sierra Madre, Temoris mining
      district of Mexico. Paramount has completed 15,000 meters of drilling, totaling
      8 drill holes on the project with results pending on the last 25 of these holes.
      In early 2007, Paramount began a 50,000 meter drill program, of which 8,000 met
      rs have been completed to date. In March 2007, Paramount completed a $21.8 mill
      on financing which is being utilized to develop their San Miguel project and oth
      r opportunities.

      \"Safe-Harbor\" Statement: This press release contains forward-looking information
      within the meaning of Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. All st
      tements that are not statements of historical fact regarding the intent, belief
      r current expectations of the Company may not be realized. Investors are caution
      d that any such forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future performa
      ce and involve risks and uncertainties, many of which are beyond the Company\'s a
      ility to control, and that actual results may differ materially.

      Larry Segerstrom, COO

      Chris Halkai, Corporate Relations
      schrieb am 04.09.07 16:51:34
      Beitrag Nr. 99 ()
      vom polli:

      Paramount Gold & Silver, Frankfurt WKN A0HGKQ, AMEX: PZG, TSX: PZG,

      Heute gibt das Unternehmen den Handelsbeginn am Main Board der TSX bekannt!

      Paramount Gold & Silver Corp. to Commence Trading on the Toronto Stock Exchange

      Nun ist Paramount an zwei Senior Börsen notiert Wenn man auf die Geschichte zurückblickt ist dies eigentlich in so kurzer Zeit eine reife Leistung. Die Pinksheets Shell "Panelmaster" wurde in Paramount umbenannt und man begann zu arbeiten.Aufstieg an die OTCBB und vor wenigen Wochen weiter hoch an die AMEX. Nun wird Paramount auch an der TSX am Mainboard gehandelt!

      Ich denke, das der Verlauf guten Aufschluss über die Qualität des Unternehmens gibt!
      schrieb am 25.09.07 01:33:03
      Beitrag Nr. 100 ()
      schrieb am 25.09.07 01:35:51
      Beitrag Nr. 101 ()
      schrieb am 25.09.07 01:42:15
      Beitrag Nr. 102 ()
      all together

      Departure of Directors or Certain Officers; Election of Directors; Appointment of Certain Officers; Compensatory Arrangements of Certain Officers.

      At a meeting of the Company’s Board of Directors held August 23, 2007, Lucie Letellier was appointed our new Chief Financial Officer and Michael Clancey was appointed corporate secretary.

      Prior to her appointment as our new Chief Financial Officer, since January 2006, Ms. Letellier served as our controller, in charge of day to day accounting operations with respect to the Company’s mining exploration operations. She has been responsible for the proper maintenance of our joint venture accounting and consolidation accounting with respect to our two wholly-owned subsidiaries. Ms. Letellier prepares and delivers quarterly and annual financial statements in accordance with US GAAP for review or audit.

      Ms. Letellier also currently serves as the controller for AmMex Gold Mining Corp. and is responsible for AmMex’s accounting and financial functions. From 1990 to 2005, Ms. Letellier was Senior Accountant in the Office of Marc S. Chabot, Chartered Accountant.

      Ms. Letellier currently receives a salary of $10,000 per month. In connection with her appointment as the new Chief Financial Officer, the Board of Directors authorized the issuance of 150,000 stock options at a strike price of $2.42 per share representing the closing bid price of the Company’s common stock on the day immediately preceding the option grant.
      Concurrently with the appointment of our new Chief Financial Officer, Michael Clancy was appointed corporate secretary. In connection therewith, Mr. Clancy was granted 75,000 stock options at a strike price of $2.42 per share. Mr. Clancy is a partner in the Ottawa office of Gowling Lafleur Henderson LLP. Mr. Clancy practices business law and has been with Gowlings since 1989. Mr. Clancy completed two years of a Bachelor of Arts at Carleton University and obtained his Bachelor of Laws from Osgoode Hall Law School.

      In addition to the appointment of Mr. Clancy and Ms. Letellier, our compensation committee met to discuss the proper compensation awards to existing officers and directors. Our entire Board later met and agreed that each member of our Board should be issued a minimum of 150,000 stock options. In addition, our chief executive officer and vice president should be granted stock options which would vest immediately for an additional 250,000 shares. Finally, the Board, on the recommendation of the compensation committee agreed that committee members would receive 15,000 stock options based on the jnumber of committees each would serve on. The strike price for all of the newly issued stock options is $2.42 per share. Based on the foregoing, we have issued the following stock options:



      Christopher Crupi


      William Reed


      Daniel Hachey


      Ian Talbot


      John Carden


      Michel Yvan Stinglhamber


      All stock options described herein were issued pursuant to the Company’s 2007/08 Stock Incentive and Equity Compensation Plan which was approved by our shareholders at the annual meeting held August 23, 2007.
      schrieb am 04.12.07 22:30:29
      Beitrag Nr. 103 ()

      December 4, 2007
      Paramount Gold and Silver Identify Gold-Silver and Porphyry Copper Targets on its 86,300-Hectare Andrea Concession
      OTTAWA, CANADA--(Marketwire - Dec. 4, 2007) - Paramount Gold Mining Corp. (TSX:PZG)(AMEX:PZG)(FRANKFURT:P6G)(WKN:A0HGKQ) is pleased to announce that it has identified several encouraging targets during field follow-up of its detailed stream sediment sampling and imagery analysis programs on its wholly owned Andrea Concession. The 86,300 hectare Andrea concession covers most of the ground between Paramount's San Miguel Project and GoldCorp's El Sauzal gold mine in the Sierra Madre gold-silver belt.

      Paramount has completed an extensive stream sediment sampling program over the entire Andrea concession. A total of 308 drainage basins were sampled. Stream sediment and heavy mineral concentrate samples were collected at each site, both of which were analyzed for Au and Ag plus a 34-element ICP package. Approximately 70 % of the analytical results have been received to date. Several drainages with anomalous gold, silver, copper and zinc contents have been identified from these partial results.

      In conjunction with the stream sediment program, Paramount completed a hydrothermal alteration mineral mapping study over the same area using in-house Aster satellite imagery analysis. This work has identified several areas with strongly anomalous clay and silica alteration.

      Boot and hammer ground follow-up work has begun on these anomalies. Both gold-silver and porphyry copper targets have been identified in the Andrea Concession; for example:

      - Mesa Colorada, a gold-silver target: clay-rich and intensely iron-stained soils in an area with reported historic gold/silver mine workings. Around Mesa Colorada is a cluster of drainages that comprise the most intense and largest group of stream sediment gold anomalies found in the Andrea Concession to date. The area is located in a zone of intersection of regional lineaments in the southeastern part of the Concession and is surrounded by a zinc halo in stream sediments.

      - Marimara, a porphyry copper target: 120-hectare area of intensely fractured, altered and iron stained rock with 2-5% original pyrite content. The system extends under post-mineral volcanic cover and is located along an E-NE trending drainage that follows a major regional fault zone. The area contains historic mine workings, some of which followed gold-silver quartz veins.

      Please visit our website at for up to date maps and photos of the Andrea concession.

      Analytical results from rock chip samples and from the remaining stream sediment samples are pending. Ground follow-up work in these and other target areas will evolve as results become available.

      Christopher Crupi, CEO, stated, "It is very exciting to see that our integrated program of regional geochemistry, satellite imagery analysis and on-the-ground follow-up work has produced attractive target areas so rapidly. We expect the pending assay results to produce additional high priority targets."

      The qualified person who has reviewed this news release is Dana C. Durgin, M. Sc. Economic Geology. He is a Certified Professional Geologist (CPG #10364) with the American Institute of Professional Geologists, and a Registered Professional Geologist in Wyoming (PG-2886).

      About Paramount Gold

      Paramount Gold is listed on the AMEX and TSX under the symbol PZG and on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange under the symbol P6G (WKN: A0HGKQ). Paramount Gold is a precious metals mining Exploration Company presently in the early stages of an extensive exploration program at their San Miguel project in the Temoris mining district of the Sierra Madre Occidental in Mexico. Paramount has completed over 27,000 meters of core drilling, totaling 155 drill holes on the project, with results pending on the last 27 of these holes. In April 2007, Paramount began a 50,000 meter drill program, of which 20,000 meters have been completed to date. In March 2007, Paramount completed a $21.8 million financing which is being utilized to develop their San Miguel and Andrea projects and other opportunities.

      "Safe-Harbor" Statement: This press release contains forward-looking information within the meaning of Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. All statements that are not statements of historical fact regarding the intent, belief or current expectations of the Company may not be realized. Investors are cautioned that any such forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future performance and involve risks and uncertainties, many of which are beyond the Company's ability to control, and that actual results may differ materially.
      schrieb am 22.12.07 07:26:48
      Beitrag Nr. 104 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 26.634.278 von drscan am 02.01.07 11:11:26Paramount changed it's name a few months ago to " PARAMOUNT GOLD AND SILVER CORPORATION " It also changed to being traded on the AMEX stock exchange under the symbol " PZG " . Paramount also trades on the Toronto stock exchange under the symbol " PZG.TO ".
      Paramount / PZG has had remarkable success in it's recent drill results which one can read on the headlines on YAHOO FINANCE. ON that website in the upper left corner type in the symbol PZG where the newest headlines are posted.
      This discussion regarding PZG here is being renewed and your input is welcome
      schrieb am 26.12.07 03:42:07
      Beitrag Nr. 105 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 26.634.278 von drscan am 02.01.07 11:11:26Paramount Gold and Silver Corporation ist der Firmenname seit einigen Monaten. Seit mehreren gebohrten Versuchsloechern hat man festgestellt dass es sich wirklich um einen wertvollen Fund handelt. Die Firma wird, so heisst es, im Januar die bisherigen Ergebnisse bekannt geben. Letzte Ergebnisse deuten auf grossen Erfolg und sind auf der website von Paramount zu sehen. Das jetzige Symbol ist PZG an der Amerikanischen "AMEX" und PZG.TO an der Kanadischen Boerse in Toronto. Paramount Gold and Silver is ja eine Kanadische Firma die in hauptsaechlich Mexico Erfolge sucht und gefunden hat.PZG hat sein Hauptbuero in Ottawa ( Hauptstadt von Kanada)
      schrieb am 29.12.07 04:52:35
      Beitrag Nr. 106 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 32.868.921 von pecuniajh am 26.12.07 03:42:07
      RESEARCH Disclosures 1,2,3,4 5956 N.W. 213th, Portland, Oregon 97229
      Paramount Gold and Silver Corp. (AMEX, TSX: PZG, $1.77)
      Mike Niehuser, 503-307-3188
      DECEMBER 26, 2007
      Analyst Day at Paramount’s San Miguel Project
      We recently toured the projects of several companies
      in the southeast corner of the State of Chihuahua,
      Mexico. One of our favorites was Paramount Gold
      and Silver Corp. (AMEX,TSX: PZG). This was due to
      the combination of management, project(s) potential,
      and the fact that Paramount’s aggressive exploration
      activities are relatively unknown. The Company’s
      exploration program provides both near-term catalysts
      for appreciation as well as opportunity for sustained
      growth and creation of value over the longer term.
      Paramount reports having completed over 27,000 meters
      of core drilling, totaling 157 drill holes on the project,
      with results pending on 43 of these holes. In
      April of 2007, Paramount commenced a 50,000 meter
      drill program, of which 20,000 meters have been completed
      to date.
      Paramount should soon receive a large number of assays
      which may be very positive. We anticipate that
      upcoming drill results on the Company’s San Miguel
      target (one of many targets in the San Miguel Project)
      may resemble other better known names in the area
      which should resonate with investors (Fig. 1). In addition,
      Paramount has a very large and very prospective
      land position between two well known projects, Palmarejo
      Silver and Gold Corporation’s (TSX Venture:
      PJO) Trogan project, hosting a 3.1 million ounce gold
      resource to the west, and Goldcorp Inc’s (NYSE: GG)
      El Sauzal mine, with a 2.5 million ounce gold resource
      to the southeast.
      schrieb am 31.12.07 08:27:46
      Beitrag Nr. 107 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 32.893.076 von pecuniajh am 29.12.07 04:52:35The report from Beaconrock Research is available now. The analyst, Mike Niehuser, visited the extensive Paramount exploration area and wrote this preliminary report. You can read it in total lenght at YAHOO FINANCE , click PZG, then click MESSAGE BOARD. There are 8 pages. MR Niehuser is very impressed by the magnitude of the exploration findings and of the quality of the management. More reports will follow when the latest assay results verify further successes........pecuniajh
      schrieb am 01.01.08 03:30:25
      Beitrag Nr. 108 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 32.893.076 von pecuniajh am 29.12.07 04:52:35A group of analysts visited the Paramount San Miguel project in Mexico recently. They were very impressed with the potential there and the quality of the team running it. Beaconrock research did a report on their finding and releaesed on December 26 / 07 .The report reads as follows :

      Beacon Rock Research, LLC 1
      December 26, 2007
      This Information is obtained for sources believed to be reliable, but its accuracy and completeness are not guaranteed. Copying, faxing, replicating, or quoting from this report without permission is in direct violation of
      copyright laws. Beacon Rock Research employees and affiliates may have positions and effect transactions in the securities or options of the issuers reported herein. Please refer to the company index in the back of this
      issue for additional disclosures.
      RESEARCH Disclosures 1,2,3,4 5956 N.W. 213th, Portland, Oregon 97229
      Paramount Gold and Silver Corp. (AMEX, TSX: PZG, $1.77)
      Mike Niehuser, 503-307-3188
      DECEMBER 26, 2007
      Analyst Day at Paramount’s San Miguel Project
      We recently toured the projects of several companies
      in the southeast corner of the State of Chihuahua,
      Mexico. One of our favorites was Paramount Gold
      and Silver Corp. (AMEX,TSX: PZG). This was due to
      the combination of management, project(s) potential,
      and the fact that Paramount’s aggressive exploration
      activities are relatively unknown. The Company’s
      exploration program provides both near-term catalysts
      for appreciation as well as opportunity for sustained
      growth and creation of value over the longer term.
      Paramount reports having completed over 27,000 meters
      of core drilling, totaling 157 drill holes on the project,
      with results pending on 43 of these holes. In
      April of 2007, Paramount commenced a 50,000 meter
      drill program, of which 20,000 meters have been completed
      to date.
      Paramount should soon receive a large number of assays
      which may be very positive. We anticipate that
      upcoming drill results on the Company’s San Miguel
      target (one of many targets in the San Miguel Project)
      may resemble other better known names in the area
      which should resonate with investors (Fig. 1). In addition,
      Paramount has a very large and very prospective
      land position between two well known projects, Palmarejo
      Silver and Gold Corporation’s (TSX Venture:
      PJO) Trogan project, hosting a 3.1 million ounce gold
      resource to the west, and Goldcorp Inc’s (NYSE: GG)
      El Sauzal mine, with a 2.5 million ounce gold resource
      to the southeast.
      Figure 1—San Miguel Project Map
      Source: Delve Consultants, LLC, Technical Report (July 2007)
      Beacon Rock Research, LLC 2
      December 26, 2007
      This Information is obtained for sources believed to be reliable, but its accuracy and completeness are not guaranteed. Copying, faxing, replicating, or quoting from this report without permission is in direct violation of
      copyright laws. Beacon Rock Research employees and affiliates may have positions and effect transactions in the securities or options of the issuers reported herein. Please refer to the company index in the back of this
      issue for additional disclosures.
      Paramount’s land position was too large to visit all of
      their projects and targets in one day. The primary group
      of analysts had only one day at the San Miguel project
      (Fig. 2), which included review of drill holes, trenches,
      and historic workings at San Antonio (see Fig. 3) plus
      the Montecristo target to the north. The visit was sufficient
      for analysts to grasp the potential of the 10 km
      strike length of mineralization extending well beyond
      the current resource.
      We were fortunate to spend an additional day at the San
      Miguel project while the group went on to visit other
      companies. This second day consisted of both the San
      Miguel target to the northeast, and the area south of San
      Antonio, including the area along strike from the historic
      San Luis mine south to La Union. The additional time
      afforded us the opportunity to grasp an even greater vision
      of the potential of the entire San Miguel project.
      Unfortunately, we lacked the time to visit the adjacent
      wholly owned Andrea project and the Paramount/
      Garibaldi JV, to the south and east of the San Miguel
      project (Fig. 4), which dwarfs the San Miguel project,
      and may eventually prove to have an even greater number
      of promising targets. The map below clearly outlines
      Paramount’s dominant land position between Palmarejo’s
      project to the west and the El Sauzal mine to
      the southeast.
      Figure 2—San Miguel Project Map
      Source: Delve Consultants, LLC, Technical Report (July 2007)
      Figure 3—COO Larry Segerstrom and Portfolio Manager
      Exploration Trench, San Antonio
      Source: Analyst
      Figure 4—San Miguel, Paramount/Garibaldi JV, and Andrea Concessions
      Delve Consultants, LLC, Technical Report (July 2007)
      Beacon Rock Research, LLC 3
      December 26, 2007
      This Information is obtained for sources believed to be reliable, but its accuracy and completeness are not guaranteed. Copying, faxing, replicating, or quoting from this report without permission is in direct violation of
      copyright laws. Beacon Rock Research employees and affiliates may have positions and effect transactions in the securities or options of the issuers reported herein. Please refer to the company index in the back of this
      issue for additional disclosures.
      San Miguel Project Targets
      Paramount owns 70% of the San Miguel project, west of
      Palmarejo’s 3.1 million ounce gold Trogan Project, recently
      acquired by Coeur D’Alene Mines Corp. (NYSE:
      CDE) for about $1.1 billion. The primary mineralized
      structure of San Miguel consists of two sub-parallel
      mineralized zones with an approximate strike length of
      10 kilometers. Presently, only 7 km of the 10 km strike
      length has been tested, and this only to a depth of 50 to
      150 meters.
      The most significant historic mining activity in the area
      focused on the San Luis mine, located in the town of
      Guazapares (Fig. 6). The Alaska-Juneau Mining Company
      operated a 150 tpd flotation mill at the mine from
      1959 to 1968. The mine reached a depth of 800 feet,
      which has since filled with water up to 300 feet from the
      top of the shaft (Fig. 7). Production records record historic
      average grades of 12 g/t gold and 350 g/t silver,
      with more than 10% lead and zinc. In addition, the
      weighted average of 92 face samples on Alaska-Juneau
      longitudinal mine section calculated 155 g/t gold and
      144 g/t silver. Operations at the San Luis mine were
      discontinued due to operating issues at Alaska-Juneau.
      It is believed that operating difficulties at Alaska-Juneau
      stopped the San Luis mine well short of mining mineralized
      zones. Considering the previous high cut-off rates
      it would appear that the veins trailing to the south to the
      La Union target may host significant gold mineralization.
      Paramount’s projects include the 70% owned San Miguel project, the wholly owned Andrea project, and the joint venture
      on the Garibaldi project. All of the projects are located in the Guazapares Mining District part of the Sierra Madre Occidental
      gold-silver belt of Mexico. In April of 2007 the Company embarked upon an aggressive 50,000 meter drill program, of
      which they have completed about 20,000 meters to date. They are now waiting on drill results for the San Miguel target.
      Figure 5—San Miguel Project Map
      Source: Paramount
      Figure 6—San Luis Area Geology
      Source: Paramount
      Figure 7—Historic San Luis Mine Shaft,
      Current Water Supply for Town of Guazapares
      Source: Analyst
      Beacon Rock Research, LLC 4
      December 26, 2007
      This Information is obtained for sources believed to be reliable, but its accuracy and completeness are not guaranteed. Copying, faxing, replicating, or quoting from this report without permission is in direct violation of
      copyright laws. Beacon Rock Research employees and affiliates may have positions and effect transactions in the securities or options of the issuers reported herein. Please refer to the company index in the back of this
      issue for additional disclosures.
      The San Luis mine is interesting due to high grades from historic
      operation and potentially untapped mineralized zones. Samples
      taken by Paramount included 11.31 g/t gold and 87 g/t silver
      across 25.8 meters. We don’t expect Paramount to dewater and
      restart the mine, but they are likely to use information from the
      mine to locate other similar high-grade occurrences near surface
      along strike between the historic San Luis mine and the La Union
      target to the south.
      Initial Resource Established
      In January of 2007 Paramount established an initial Inferred resource
      of 4 million tonnes of 273 g/t silver equivalent (35 million
      oz. silver equivalent), based on 39 drill holes. Since April of 2007
      the company has drilled an additional 118 holes at the San Miguel
      project, including in-fill and step-out drill holes, many of which
      are still pending. Overall, it would appear that the current drill
      program is confirming mineralization along strike. Paramount is
      scheduled to complete a resource upgrade by the end of 2Q08.
      San Antonio-El Carmen Target
      Paramount reported assays from drilling at its San Antonio-El Carmen
      target in early October, 2007 to the north of the historic San
      Luis mine (Fig. 9). Drill results demonstrate continuity of mineralization
      and the deposit remains open along strike and down dip.
      Results including SA-52 intercepting 2.85 meters of 6.7 g/t gold
      and 632 g/t silver, including 0.85 meters of 17.75 g/t gold and
      1,600 g/t silver. Later in the month, Paramount reported additional
      results from 12 holes further demonstrating consistency of the
      zone of mineralization at good grades. For example, SA-32 intercepted
      0.9 meters of 0.26 g/t gold and 692.0 g/t silver. In addition,
      SA-40 intercepted 2.0 meters of 891.0 g/t silver and SA-38 intercepted
      3.75 meters of 239.0 g/t silver and 0.8 meters of 932 g/t
      Figure 8—Former San Luis Mine Office
      Alaska-Juneau Mine Company
      Source: Analyst
      Figure 9—San Antonio Area Geology
      Source: Paramount
      Figure 10—Historic Workings
      San Antonio Deposit
      Source: Analyst
      Beacon Rock Research, LLC 5
      December 26, 2007
      This Information is obtained for sources believed to be reliable, but its accuracy and completeness are not guaranteed. Copying, faxing, replicating, or quoting from this report without permission is in direct violation of
      copyright laws. Beacon Rock Research employees and affiliates may have positions and effect transactions in the securities or options of the issuers reported herein. Please refer to the company index in the back of this
      issue for additional disclosures.
      Paramount reported early drill results at its La Veronica target (Fig. 5) including a 10.2 meter intersection of 468 g/t silver
      with 0.81% lead and zinc (including 5,370 g/t silver across 0.4 meters). In October of 2007, the Company reported drill results
      from an additional ten holes. Highlights include LV-02 intersecting 3.81 meters with 0.32 g/t gold, 439.0 g/t silver
      (7.64 g/t Au eq), LV-06 with over 0.69 meters intersecting 8.25 g/t gold, and five holes with intersections ranging from 2.42
      to 12.95 meters, which reported gold equivalent grades of 3.68 to 7.64 g/t. The Company reported additional drill results in
      November including LV-12 intersecting 1.64 meters of 189 g/t silver, with a total of six drill holes ranging from 0.87 to 13.0
      meters with gold equivalent grades of 1.13 g/t to 3.15 g/t.
      The Montecristo target to the north of San Antonio is a
      bulk tonnage gold-silver target. The Company appears
      early in its understanding of Montecristo but it does
      have the potential of being large (Fig. 12). Montecristo
      is a dome complex intruded into tertiary volcanics with a
      hydrothermal breccia developed along the contact.
      Three drill holes were completed in 2006. These include
      MC-01 which intercepted 19.5 meters of 0.39 g/t
      gold and 80.6 g/t silver (1.74 Au eq.), and MC-03 intercepting
      29.5 meters of 0.61 g/t gold and 11.3 g/t silver
      (0.80 Au eq).
      Figure 11—San Miguel Project Looking North from El Carmen (San Miguel , Montecristo, and La Veronica Targets, left to right)
      Source: Analyst
      Figure 12—Montecristo Area Geology
      Source: Paramount
      Beacon Rock Research, LLC 6
      December 26, 2007
      This Information is obtained for sources believed to be reliable, but its accuracy and completeness are not guaranteed. Copying, faxing, replicating, or quoting from this report without permission is in direct violation of
      copyright laws. Beacon Rock Research employees and affiliates may have positions and effect transactions in the securities or options of the issuers reported herein. Please refer to the company index in the back of this
      issue for additional disclosures.
      The San Miguel target, situated in the northeast portion
      of the San Miguel project (Fig. 5), is a gold rich silver
      vein open for two kilometers and at depth. The mineralization
      appears concentrated in a thick zone at the contact
      of andesites and rhyolites (Fig. 13). We believe that
      drilling through this zone of structural change may elevate
      San Miguel to primary area of interest for Paramount
      and offer a potential catalyst should results provide
      some resemblance to the nearby Palmarejo project.
      Paramount has conducted a sampling of historic workings
      and a trenching program in this mineralized zone
      (Fig. 14). Results of initial programs included 1.09 g/t
      gold and 330 g/t silver across 12 meters. Surface samples
      across the vein average 9 meters at 0.85 g/t gold
      and 202 g/t silver. The Company is currently drilling at
      San Miguel (Fig. 15) and is anticipating results of a 25
      hole drill program.
      Figure 14—COO Larry Segerstrom in Historic Workings at San Miguel
      Source: Analyst
      Figure 13—San Miguel Area Geology
      Source: Paramount
      Figure 15—Drilling from Tracked Drill Rig at San Miguel
      Source: Analyst
      Beacon Rock Research, LLC 7
      December 26, 2007
      This Information is obtained for sources believed to be reliable, but its accuracy and completeness are not guaranteed. Copying, faxing, replicating, or quoting from this report without permission is in direct violation of
      copyright laws. Beacon Rock Research employees and affiliates may have positions and effect transactions in the securities or options of the issuers reported herein. Please refer to the company index in the back of this
      issue for additional disclosures.
      Other Projects (Andrea)
      The Andrea project is 100% owned by Paramount and contains an 86,300 hectare concession. Andrea dominates the area
      between the Company’s San Miguel project and Goldcorp’s El Sauzal gold mine (Fig. 15). Paramount has conducted an
      aggressive pre-drilling exploration campaign at Andrea including regional geochemistry, satellite imagery analysis and follow-
      up work. This includes an extensive stream sediment sampling program (308 drainage basins-including stream sediment
      and heavy mineral concentrate samples at each site). In addition, they completed a hydrothermal alteration mineral
      mapping program using in-house Aster satellite imagery analysis. These programs identified several areas with anomalous
      gold, silver, copper and zinc and strong hydrothermal alteration. While early in the exploration of Andrea, the Company has
      exposed several prospective targets.
      Marimara is a porphyry copper target, covering a 120-hectare area of intensely fractured, altered and iron stained rock with
      2-5% original pyrite content. The system extends under volcanics and may be considerable. The area contains historic mine
      workings, some of which followed gold-silver quartz veins. Mesa Colorada is a gold-silver target with intense alterations, in
      an area of historic mine workings. This area contains the largest group of stream sediment anomalies in the Andrea concession,
      and is located at a major intersection of regional lineaments. Maty is a gold-silver target with initial results from sampling
      showing contents ranging from 3.4 to 19.2 g/t gold and 76 to 702 g/t silver in vein material. While Paramount’s understanding
      is still very early at Andrea, the project is very large and very well situated, producing targets to follow up in 2008.
      Figure 15—Paramount Land Position Highlighting Most Promising Exploration Targets
      Source: Paramount
      Beacon Rock Research, LLC 8
      December 26, 2007
      This Information is obtained for sources believed to be reliable, but its accuracy and completeness are not guaranteed. Copying, faxing, replicating, or quoting from this report without permission is in direct violation of
      copyright laws. Beacon Rock Research employees and affiliates may have positions and effect transactions in the securities or options of the issuers reported herein. Please refer to the company index in the back of this
      issue for additional disclosures.
      Area Tonnes Au g/t Ag g/t % Pb % Zn Ag Eq g/t Ag Eq Oz
      La Union 675,000 1.54 63.8 0.28% 1.06% 245 5,307,700
      San Jose 1,010,000 0.17 72.9 0.06% 1.51% 234.5 7,615,400
      San Luis 305,400 1.36 177.4 0.90% 5.00% 472.2 4,643,100
      San Antonio-El Carmen 2,050,000 0.006 214.1 0.30% 0.49% 270.7 17,841,200
      Total 4,040,400 0.42 150.9 0.28% 0.96% 272.7 35,841,200
      Management Comments
      We were quite impressed with management we met on
      site. The activities and organization at the project
      reflected the “large company” background of the
      Chief Operating Officer Larry Segerstrom. Mr.
      Segerstrom is a geologist and appeared to have a very
      good understanding of the project. In addition, his
      prior management experience with a drilling company
      was evident in the manner in which we observed the
      drill program in process. We were also impressed
      with the organization of the core shack in Temoris.
      We understand Paramount has about 60 employees, 17
      of which are geologists. It was also evident upon visiting
      the project office in Temoris the high quality of
      consultants the Company is utilizing to better understand
      the project.
      Corporate Comments
      Paramount reported cash of $13.2 million on its balance sheet as of the end of September 30, 2007. The Company completed
      a $21.8 million financing in March 2007 at $2.10 per share with Blackmont Capital as the lead. A subsequent $2.4
      million financing was completed in November 2007 at $2.40 per share with Fondi Anima of Milan, Italy. Currently there
      are 47.4 million shares outstanding (57.6 million diluted). Paramount’s current resource are detailed below.
      The visit to the project provided an opportunity to witness
      a significant level of activity and progress which should
      lead to additional resources for Paramount. We would
      expect that assays from San Miguel target in the near future
      should illuminate potential comparisons with Palmarejo’s
      Trogan project to the west. The Company is also
      scheduled to produce a resources update following the drill
      program in the first half of 2008 leading to commencement
      of a Scoping Study later in the year. The Company plans
      to complete additional drilling to extend known zones by
      drilling along strike, down-dip, and by drilling subparallel
      structures. This would include the San Miguel, San Luis,
      El Carmen North, and San Jose West gold rich zones.
      They also intend on drilling targets on Andrea concession
      and reconnaissance activities at the adjacent 7,000 hectare
      joint venture with Garibaldi. In our opinion, Paramount’s
      exploration and development activities with ample targets
      appear to provide more upside than is readily apparent in
      their identified resources.
      Figure 16—Temoris Core Shack
      Source: Analyst
      Source: Analyst
      Figure 16—Montecristo Target with Analyst in Foreground
      Source: Felipe Holzhacker Alves
      Beacon Rock Research, LLC 9
      December 26, 2007
      This Information is obtained for sources believed to be reliable, but its accuracy and completeness are not guaranteed. Copying, faxing, replicating, or quoting from this report without permission is in direct violation of
      copyright laws. Beacon Rock Research employees and affiliates may have positions and effect transactions in the securities or options of the issuers reported herein. Please refer to the company index in the back of this
      issue for additional disclosures.
      Beacon Rock Research, LLC provides information and analysis on selected companies, with a focus on small-cap and micro-cap companies.
      This report has been written in accordance with current SEC regulations and the Standards of Practice developed by the Chartered Financial Analyst Institute
      (CFAI). Our research has been conducted by employing analytical practices generally accepted as standard within the analytical industry. In this instance, a
      comparison of financial strength, a bottom-up earnings projection based on a recovery in the U.S. economy, and relative multiples, were employed. Target prices
      are calculated on comparative EPS, sales and book value multiples, and our knowledge of small-cap markets when enjoying both a sector and a cyclical rebound.
      Our conclusions are, by the very nature of forecasting, speculative, but are also reasonable, supportable and consistent.
      Key to disclosures:
      1. The research analyst or a member of the research analyst’s household do not have a financial interest in the securities of the Subject
      2. The Subject Company is a prospect of SLB Equity Research, LLC., one of its affiliates, to arrange research, institutional introductions
      and other awareness building services.
      3. The research analyst principally responsible for preparing this research report receives compensation based upon various factors including
      SLB Equity Research, LLC total revenue.
      4. This report was prepared exclusively for the benefit of institutional investors and may or may not receive compensation directly or in
      soft dollar arrangements.
      The analyst, Mike Niehuser, hereby certifies that the research conclusions and recommendation contained herein accurately reflects his personal views about the
      industry, company and shares and also hereby certifies that no part of his research compensation was or will be directly or indirectly related to the earnings estimates,
      target price or recommendation about the security.
      The research provided herein should not be considered a complete analysis of every material fact regarding the companies, industries or securities named above.
      The opinions expressed herein reflect the analysis and judgment of the author on the date of publication and are subject to change without notice. Facts have been
      obtained from sources considered reliable but should not be construed as complete and are not guaranteed to be accurate. Beacon Rock Research, LLC; its members;
      employees and their families may have positions in the securities covered within the research material above and may make purchases or sales while this
      report is in circulation. Additional information on the subject companies is available upon request.
      Strong Buy Immediate purchase is recommended. The security is expected to outperform the market over the next six to 12 months.
      Buy Immediate purchase is recommended. The security is expected to outperform the market over the next 12 to 18 months.
      Hold Holding the stock is recommended because the share price’s appreciation potential is less than or equal to the market.
      Sell The stock has reached the target price objective and/or conditions have changed sufficiently to alter the outlook for the stock.
      High The security is more volatile than the market and/or the company is more leveraged than its peer group.
      Moderate The security has about the same volatility as the market and/or the company carries a level of leverage in line with its peer group.
      Low The security is less volatile than the market and/or the company is less leveraged than its peer group.
      At this time, there are an insufficient number of companies under coverage to generate usable distribution information or draw any conclusions regarding bias
      about the research methodology. Prospective companies are screened and evaluated by sales personal and research analysts with the investment thesis and overall
      research recommendation developed before the commission is established.
      schrieb am 03.01.08 18:59:39
      Beitrag Nr. 109 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 32.907.754 von pecuniajh am 01.01.08 03:30:25
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      Paramount Gold and Silver Exploration Program Update

      Ottawa, Canada - (MARKETWIRE) – January 02, 2008 - Paramount Gold and Silver Corp. (AMEX: PZG) (TSX: PZG.TO) (Frankfurt: P6G, WKN: A0HGKQ) is pleased to announce its 2008 exploration plans.

      In early 2007, Paramount released its first NI 43-101 Resource Estimate, which established an inferred resource of 35 Million ounces of silver equivalent. This report was based on the results of 39 drill holes from the San Antonio Zone, at the San Miguel project, during our 2006 exploration program. At its flagship San Miguel project, Paramount has completed an additional 100 drill holes for a total of approximately 24,000 meters in 2007. In 2007, Paramount closed US$25 Million in private placement financings in order to fund its ongoing exploration and development programs.

      The San Miguel project has been divided into four areas, each with different geology, and thus, with a different development strategy, including San Antonio (initial resource estimate), San Luis Mine (former bonanza-grade gold producer), Montecristo (bulk tonnage target), and San Miguel.

      Paramount has commenced a comprehensive geophysical program (IP-resistivity) in the region, in order to better understand and target the mineralization at depth.

      Paramount completed early reconnaissance work at its wholly owned 86,300 hectare Andrea concession, including its own satellite image analysis and a thorough sampling of sediment from 371 drainage basins. The results of this identified several gold and silver targets, and a porphyry copper target. Plans for 2008

      Paramount intends to complete an update to its initial resource estimate, incorporating the 100 drill holes completed in 2007, and the 30 holes pending assay. Paramount’s drill program will target deeper mineralized zones using intelligence obtained by geophysics and detailed structural analysis. Paramount will commence a program to explore and drill the high grade, formerly producing San Luis Mine. Three new target areas have been identified in its San Miguel project, and Paramount will conduct initial evaluation and follow up drilling on these targets. Paramount intends to conduct geologic mapping and surface sampling with a view to establish drill targets in our joint venture with Garibaldi Resources. In late 2008, Paramount will commence a scoping study as it approaches mine development.

      Paramount is building its project portfolio through the addition of precious metals projects in Mexico and South America, and is also considering strategic corporate initiatives in Mexico with other exploration/development companies.

      Analyst Site Visits
      In December 2007, Paramount was the host to a group analyst site visit, and the first independent research report has been released by Beacon Rock Research ( The report can be viewed in its entirety at… Paramount will be hosting three analyst group tours in the first quarter of 2008.

      About Paramount Gold
      Paramount Gold is listed on the AMEX and TSX under the symbol PZG and on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange under the symbol P6G (WKN: A0HGKQ). Paramount Gold is a precious metals mining Exploration Company presently in the early stages of an extensive exploration program at their San Miguel project in the Temoris mining district of the Sierra Madre Occidental in Mexico. Paramount has completed over 27,000 meters of core drilling, totaling 155 drill holes on the project, with results pending on the last 30 of these holes. In April 2007, Paramount began a 50,000 meter drill program, of which 20,000 meters have been completed to date. In March 2007, Paramount completed a $21.8 million financing which is being utilized to develop their San Miguel and Andrea projects and other opportunities.

      "Safe-Harbor" Statement: This press release contains forward-looking information within the meaning of Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. All statements that are not statements of historical fact regarding the intent, belief or current expectations of the Company may not be realized. Investors are cautioned that any such forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future performance and involve risks and uncertainties, many of which are beyond the Company's ability to control, and that actual results may differ materially.


      Charles William Reed, VP Exploration

      Chris Halkai, Corporate Relations
      Toll-free: 1-866-481-2233


      ©Copyright Paramount Gold & Silver Inc. All rights reserved.
      schrieb am 15.01.08 01:57:55
      Beitrag Nr. 110 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 32.903.477 von pecuniajh am 31.12.07 08:27:46Warum soll ich in Gold anlegen ? Erstmals moechte ich mein Geld nicht verlieren und auch keinen Teil davon. Das investierte Geld ist teuerer da ich ja schon meine Steuern bezahlen musste bevor ich ueberhaupt Geld uebrig hatte zum investieren.Der Amerikanische Dollar sitzt im Dreck wegen der dummen Hypothekengeschichte. Der wirkliche Schaden wird noch kommen da das Amerikanische Volk individuell auch so hoch verschuldet ist,wie der Staat. Touristen,die in Indien die TAJ Mahal besuchen melden dass keiner mehr dort den Dollar annimt. Auch mehrere der suedost asiatischen Laender wollen nicht mehr in Amerikanischen Dollar handeln weil sie in Zukunft damit Verluste erwarten. Paramount bieted mir die Moeglichkeit entweder hier in Frankfurt oder in Toronto ( PZG.TO )dem Amerikanischen Dollar auszuweichen. Das ist wichtig denn wenn ich eines Tages verkaufen will dann bekomme ich mein Geld in einer hoeheren Waehrung ausbezahlt. Paramount hatte viel Glueck in den Ergebnissen der Probeloecher und mehrere werden noch erwartet. Mehrere Research Firmen haben angesagt das in Kuerze genauere Berichte ueber die eimaligen Funde heraus kommen werden.Paramount erforscht ja in der gleichen Nachbarschaft wo soviel Gold und Silber gefunden wurde dass eine Firma das fuer 1.2 Milliarden Dollar glatt uebernommen hat um es physikalisch auszubeuten. So, die Chancen sind hoch fuer Paramount und damit habe ich als Kleininvestierer Sicherheit und Gewinn zu erwarten.Was auch noch gut dabei ist, Paramount ist noch nicht allgemein bekannt und noch ziemlich billig zu kaufen bevor die Ergebnisse lauter in die Maerkte schreien.
      schrieb am 15.01.08 07:29:28
      Beitrag Nr. 111 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 33.048.261 von pecuniajh am 15.01.08 01:57:55du kannst ein devisenkursrisiko nie umgehen, indem du das wertpapier in einer anderen währung kaufst. beispiel: pzg verharrt in den usa auf dem gleichen kursniveau, aber der usd fällt 5%, wird in frankfurt der kurs von pzg auch tiefer stehen. ansonsten würde das arbitragegeschäft blühen...

      nichtsdestotrotz: ich persönlich erwarte von pzg derartige kurssteigerungen, dass auch allfällige usd-verluste nicht gross ins gewicht fallen. ich glaube auch nicht, dass der usd auf jetzigem niveau eine grosse gefahr darstellt. wir sind rund 30% unterbewertet was die kaufkraftparität angeht. mittel- bis langfristig könnten sogar devisengewisse winken...
      schrieb am 21.01.08 03:36:03
      Beitrag Nr. 112 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 33.048.477 von FL74 am 15.01.08 07:29:28Paramount ‘s CEO…von ‘ dazumal ‘ ……. bis jetzt
      Kuerzlich blaetterte ich durch den Jahresbericht der Paramount Gold exploration Firma. Was mir auffiel war dass der Chef nur 38 Jahre alt ist ( Part 3, Item 10 ) und es schon so weit gebracht hat in seinem kurzen Leben. Da ich gerne Bibliografien lese wurde ich neugierig wie so seine Laufbahn im Beruf war. So da habe ich ein bischen herumgestoebert und folgendes gefunden.
      Als 23 ig jaehriger hatte er sich von der Universitaet von Ottawa / Kanada ein ‘ Bachelor of Commerce ‘ erworben und in 1995 bestand er die wichtige Pruefung als vollwertiger Procurist. Er war unter den 10 besten Kandidaten in Ontario.
      Waehrend seines Studiums hat er schon damals fuer den stellvertretenden Finanz Minister Dan Mazankowsky als Correspondent, Researcher und Speechwriter gearbeitet.
      Seine bisherige 15 jaehrige Laufbahn ist ebenso imponierend und viefaeltig. Zusaetzlich erwarb er alle Zweige der Procura : Trustee in Bankruptcies, Chartered Insolvency und Restructuring Professional. Also eine totale Business Procura.
      Zum Beispiel arbeite er fuer die grosse Firma Price Waterhouse Coopers von 2000 bis 2004 als ‘ Bonded Trustee ‘ in ‘Acquisitions, Bankruptcies settlements, und fehlende Betriebe wieder auf finanzielle Beine zu bringen. Auch war er der Leitende der das Ottawa Hockey Team insgesammt der Hockey Arena bewerted und verkauft hat Auch leitete er die Bewertung und den Verkauf der Winnipeg Firma Kraus Industries an internationale Kaeufer. Die Ontario Firma ‘ White Rose Crafts and Nursery’ mit ihren 32 Filialen hat es ihm zu verdanken dass sie heutzutage eine erfolgreiche Firma sind. Er uebernahm damals das totale Geschaeftswesen um es vom Untergang zu retten. Einen aehnlichen Erfolg hatte er mit “Dynasty Components Inc’ . deren Finanzen ( Restructuring ) er als Retter diente. In der Zeit als er fuer die Weltfirma ‘Ernest and Young’ arbeite war es unter Anderem seine Aufgabe die ganzen Blut-Spender Angelegenheiten vom Kanadischen Roten Kreuz auf eine neue Firma “ Canadian Blood Services zu uebertragen. Fuer diese hat er auch deren Geschaeftsplan entwickelt und alles finanzielle gehandelt, einschliesslich wiedergutsmachungs Gelder fuer die Beschaedigten
      ( HIV und andere Blutkrankheiten durch Blutuebertragungen ) im Werte von 50 Millionen Dollar.
      Insgesammt sind ueber eine Milliarde Dollar durch seine Geschaeftsverbindingen durch seine Finger geflossen. Noch viele andere Leistungen in seiner kurzen Laufbahn waeren anzuerkennen, aber das Bild eines erfolgreichen Mannes it hieraus schon zu sehen.
      In 2005 hat Chris Crupi eigenhaendig die Gold und Silber Erforschungsfirma ‘Paramount ‘ gegruendet. Heutzutage in 2008 ist es ein massiver ‘ Exploration Concern’.
      Hohe Goldwerte und Silberwerte sind schon durch die vielen Bohrungen bewiesen worden . Die Bohrungen gehen staendig weiter um die ganzen Gelaender geologisch zu erforschen und bewerten . Mehrere Analytiker haben es schon in der Hand und verfolgen die zuhnehmenden Funde mit grossem Interesse.
      Ich selbst, als investierender “Shareholder “ bin sicher dass ich mein Geld diesmal gut angelegt habe. Ich habe volles Vertrauen mit der Firmenleitung denn solch ein erfolgreicher CEO weiss auch erfolgreiche Mitarbeiter in seinen Dienst zu stellen.
      schrieb am 23.01.08 20:55:56
      Beitrag Nr. 113 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 33.048.477 von FL74 am 15.01.08 07:29:28danke fuer die deviesen erklaerung FL74.Der Amerikanische Dollar,in meiner Meinung wird noch viel schwaecher werden. Bush will das damit die Amerikanischen Exporte global konkurrenz faehiger angesehen werden. Damit deren Wirtschaft verbessert wird.Auch die Auslands-Schulden werden damit billiger fuer die USA.
      PZG ist auch in Toronto auf der TSZ Boerse. Hauptsaechlich ist PZG eine Kanadische eingetragene Firma und hat ihren Hauptsitz in Ottawa, Kanada's Hauptstadt.
      schrieb am 23.01.08 20:58:16
      Beitrag Nr. 114 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 32.930.407 von pecuniajh am 03.01.08 18:59:39View all Topics | View all Messages < Newer Topic | Older Topic >
      New, independend report on Paramount Gold 14 second(s) ago DESJARDINS is a huge conglomerate in multifaceted market analysis. They have over 500 brokers researching companies. What is important to note is that they are independent and that their following report is neither solicited nor paid for.They choose their research projects according to their own criteria and felt that seemingly the recent,promising data from Paramount Gold was of sufficient merit.

      1 Contributed by Desjardins Securities Gold Analyst Craig Stanley (416) 867-3424,

      Metals & Mining Weekly
      PAGE 6
      JANUARY 21, 2008
      John Redstone
      Cristina Rossi, Associate
      Sarah Zhu, Associate
      John Hughes
      Sophie Chung, Associate
      Paramount Gold and Silver Corp.—site tour of San Miguel project1
      Paramount Gold and Silver Corp. (PZG, TSX/AMEX) is an Ottawa-based exploration company focused on silver-gold projects in
      northern Mexico. The company has 59.36m fully diluted shares outstanding and working capital of approximately US$14.35m
      as at September 30, 2007.
      On January 15–16, we had the opportunity to tour the San Miguel project with Charles Reed, Manager of Exploration (Mexico)
      and a director of Paramount, and Lawrence Segerstrom, Chief Operating Officer.
      Exhibit 9: Location of the San Miguel project, Chihuahua, Mexico
      Source: Company reports
      The San Miguel project is located in the state of Chihuahua in the Sierra Madre Occidental mountain range, approximately
      400 km from the city of Chihuahua and 20 km north of the town of Temoris (population 1,500). Paramount has earned a 70%
      stake in the project, with the other 30% held by Tara Gold Resources Corp. (TRGD, OTCBB).
      Less than 10 km to the east is the Palmarejo project, operated by Palmarejo Silver and Gold Corporation before it was bought
      by Coeur d’Alene Mines Corporation (CDM, TSX/CDE, NYSE) in 2007 for US$1.1b. At the time of the purchase, the project hosted
      measured and indicated resources of 88.7m ounces of silver and 1.0m ounces of gold, and an inferred resource of
      61.4m ounces of silver and 0.7m ounces of gold. The Palmarejo project is expected to begin production in early 2009 at an
      annualized rate of 10.4m ounces of silver and 115,000 ounces of gold and an initial minelife of nine years.
      Mining in the San Miguel district dates back to 1620 and occurred as recently as the 1970s though on a small-scale basis.
      Intermittent drilling occurred from the 1950s to the 1990s. Paramount has embarked on the first major modern exploration
      effort on the concessions with geologic mapping, trenching and diamond drilling beginning in the spring of 2006.
      To date, Paramount has diamond-drilled a total of approximately 27,000 metres (20,000 metres in 2007). One drill is currently
      turning at the San Miguel target, with another scheduled to arrive on the property in February. Assay results from
      approximately 9,000 metres are still to be released.
      1 Contributed by Desjardins Securities Gold Analyst Craig Stanley (416) 867-3424,
      schrieb am 24.01.08 22:51:24
      Beitrag Nr. 115 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 33.148.431 von pecuniajh am 23.01.08 20:58:16Fast unglaublich. Sehen Sie sich diese heutig herausgebrachten Ergebnisse an.Bohrloch SM 4 fast 50 gramm gold per tonne....und auch viel Silber. Auch die anderen Bohrloecher zeigen sehr gute Gold und Silberwerte an.

      Press Release Source: Paramount Gold and Silver Corp.
      Paramount Gold and Silver Corp. Announces High Grade Gold and Silver Results from the First Holes in its San Miguel Vein in Mexico
      Thursday January 24, 1:00 pm ET
      CHIHUAHUA, MEXICO--(MARKET WIRE)--Jan 24, 2008 -- Paramount Gold and Silver Corp. (Toronto:PZG.TO - News)(AMEX:PZG - News)(Frankfurt:P6G.F - News)(WKN: A0HGKQ) is pleased to announce assay results from its first four drill holes in the San Miguel vein of its San Miguel project, in the Guazapares Mining District, Mexico. Drill holes SM-01 TO SM-04 were drilled 40-50 meters apart and were designed to intercept the previously undrilled San Miguel structure approximately 70 meters below the surface (see map). The San Miguel structure is exposed for at least 1 kilometer and appears to be open along strike to the northwest.

      The area in which these four holes were drilled (see map) was selected because of very good grades in 12 surface channel samples across the vein, which averaged 9 meters at 4.22 g/t Au Eq. This area also has several shallow old mine workings, which had high precious metal grades according to local miners. In addition, geologists quite familiar with the nearby Palmarejo deposit have said that the veins here have an appearance virtually identical to those at Palmarejo. The assay results tabulated below support that suggestion. These results are particularly exciting because the ratio of gold to silver is significantly higher than at other portions of the property.
      Highlights of these assay results are (see table at for further details and maps):

      True Gold
      Hole From To Interval Width Gold Silver Equiv.
      Number meters meters Meters Meters Grams/ton grams/ton grams/ton
      SM-01 42.00 72.00 30.00 19.29 0.32 113.00 2.20
      Including: 4.82 0.51 296.00 5.45
      72.00 86.00 14.00 9.00 2.99 149.00 5.48
      Including: 2.57 7.08 373.00 13.30
      SM-02 50.45 65.00 14.55 11.15 0.47 220.00 4.13
      Including: 0.31 2.93 3160.00 55.60
      SM-03 34.50 48.10 13.60 10.42 0.48 410.00 7.33
      Including: 0.77 1.86 2610.00 45.36
      48.10 48.55 0.45 0.34 Cavity
      48.55 60.50 11.95 9.15 0.37 105.00 2.12
      Including: 0.77 1.26 384.00 7.66
      SM-04 30.20 36.00 5.80 4.44 0.13 595.00 10.05
      52.70 56.80 4.10 3.14 0.96 545.00 10.03
      Including: 0.61 1.93 1445.00 26.01
      95.30 100.00 4.70 3.60 13.93 115.00 15.85
      Including: 0.69 47.90 138.00 50.20
      Larry Segerstrom, COO of Paramount Gold and Silver Corp., commented, "These results from the first four drill holes in the San Miguel Vein confirm the continuity of the gold and silver mineralization from the surface down to at least 70 meters of depth. These precious metals grades and thicknesses are consistent with and may represent the discovery of a high-grade ore shoot similar to those at nearby Palmarejo. The geological characteristics of the structure strongly suggest that these first four holes are in the upper levels of the vein system and that similar mineralization may persist to a depth of 200 meters or more."
      Quality Control
      Paramount takes detailed digital photos of the entire core before it is cut by saw to half core which is assayed at ALS Chemex's Vancouver laboratory. As part of quality assurance, quality control (QA/QC), Paramount has put into place a detailed program of periodically introducing certified standards, blanks and duplicates into the sample stream. Half-core samples are being retained on site for verification and reference purposes.
      The qualified person who has reviewed this news release is Dana C. Durgin, M. Sc. Economic Geology. He is a Certified Professional Geologist (CPG #10364) with the American Institute of Professional Geologists, and a Registered Professional Geologist in Wyoming (PG-2886).
      About Paramount
      Paramount Gold is listed on the AMEX and TSX under the symbol PZG and trades on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange under the symbol P6G (WKN: A0HGKQ). Paramount Gold is a precious metals mining exploration company presently in the early stages of an extensive exploration program at their San Miguel project in the Guazapares Mining District, part of the Sierra Madre Occidental gold-silver belt of Mexico. Paramount has completed over 27,000 meters of core drilling, totaling 157 drill holes on the project, with results pending on 43 of these holes. In April 2007, Paramount began a 50,000 meter drill program, of which 20,000 meters have been completed to date. In 2007, Paramount completed $25 million in financing which is being utilized to develop their San Miguel and Andrea projects and other opportunities.
      "Safe-Harbor" Statement: This press release contains forward-looking information within the meaning of Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. All statements that are not statements of

      Paramount Gold and Silver Corp.
      Larry Segerstrom

      Chris Halkai
      Corporate Relations
      Toll-free: 1-866-481-2231

      Source: Paramount Gold and Silver Corp.

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      • RedChip Announces 30 Companies to Present At Small-Cap Investor Conference in Scottsdale - PrimeNewswire (Wed Jan 23)
      • Paramount Gold and Silver Exploration Program Update - CCNMatthews (Wed Jan 2)
      • Paramount Gold and Silver Exploration Program Update - Marketwire (Wed Jan 2)
      • Analyst Day at Paramount Gold and Silver Corporation's San Miguel Project - at Seeking Alpha (Sun Dec 30)

      • By industry: Industrial Metals & Minerals



      Press Release Source: Paramount Gold and Silver Corp.
      Paramount Gold and Silver Corp. Announces High Grade Gold and Silver Results from the First Holes in its San Miguel Vein in Mexico
      Thursday January 24, 1:00 pm ET
      CHIHUAHUA, MEXICO--(MARKET WIRE)--Jan 24, 2008 -- Paramount Gold and Silver Corp. (Toronto:PZG.TO - News)(AMEX:PZG - News)(Frankfurt:P6G.F - News)(WKN: A0HGKQ) is pleased to announce assay results from its first four drill holes in the San Miguel vein of its San Miguel project, in the Guazapares Mining District, Mexico. Drill holes SM-01 TO SM-04 were drilled 40-50 meters apart and were designed to intercept the previously undrilled San Miguel structure approximately 70 meters below the surface (see map). The San Miguel structure is exposed for at least 1 kilometer and appears to be open along strike to the northwest.

      The area in which these four holes were drilled (see map) was selected because of very good grades in 12 surface channel samples across the vein, which averaged 9 meters at 4.22 g/t Au Eq. This area also has several shallow old mine workings, which had high precious metal grades according to local miners. In addition, geologists quite familiar with the nearby Palmarejo deposit have said that the veins here have an appearance virtually identical to those at Palmarejo. The assay results tabulated below support that suggestion. These results are particularly exciting because the ratio of gold to silver is significantly higher than at other portions of the property.
      Highlights of these assay results are (see table at for further details and maps):

      True Gold
      Hole From To Interval Width Gold Silver Equiv.
      Number meters meters Meters Meters Grams/ton grams/ton grams/ton
      SM-01 42.00 72.00 30.00 19.29 0.32 113.00 2.20
      Including: 4.82 0.51 296.00 5.45
      72.00 86.00 14.00 9.00 2.99 149.00 5.48
      Including: 2.57 7.08 373.00 13.30
      SM-02 50.45 65.00 14.55 11.15 0.47 220.00 4.13
      Including: 0.31 2.93 3160.00 55.60
      SM-03 34.50 48.10 13.60 10.42 0.48 410.00 7.33
      Including: 0.77 1.86 2610.00 45.36
      48.10 48.55 0.45 0.34 Cavity
      48.55 60.50 11.95 9.15 0.37 105.00 2.12
      Including: 0.77 1.26 384.00 7.66
      SM-04 30.20 36.00 5.80 4.44 0.13 595.00 10.05
      52.70 56.80 4.10 3.14 0.96 545.00 10.03
      Including: 0.61 1.93 1445.00 26.01
      95.30 100.00 4.70 3.60 13.93 115.00 15.85
      Including: 0.69 47.90 138.00 50.20
      Larry Segerstrom, COO of Paramount Gold and Silver Corp., commented, "These results from the first four drill holes in the San Miguel Vein confirm the continuity of the gold and silver mineralization from the surface down to at least 70 meters of depth. These precious metals grades and thicknesses are consistent with and may represent the discovery of a high-grade ore shoot similar to those at nearby Palmarejo. The geological characteristics of the structure strongly suggest that these first four holes are in the upper levels of the vein system and that similar mineralization may persist to a depth of 200 meters or more."
      Quality Control
      Paramount takes detailed digital photos of the entire core before it is cut by saw to half core which is assayed at ALS Chemex's Vancouver laboratory. As part of quality assurance, quality control (QA/QC), Paramount has put into place a detailed program of periodically introducing certified standards, blanks and duplicates into the sample stream. Half-core samples are being retained on site for verification and reference purposes.
      The qualified person who has reviewed this news release is Dana C. Durgin, M. Sc. Economic Geology. He is a Certified Professional Geologist (CPG #10364) with the American Institute of Professional Geologists, and a Registered Professional Geologist in Wyoming (PG-2886).
      About Paramount
      Paramount Gold is listed on the AMEX and TSX under the symbol PZG and trades on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange under the symbol P6G (WKN: A0HGKQ). Paramount Gold is a precious metals mining exploration company presently in the early stages of an extensive exploration program at their San Miguel project in the Guazapares Mining District, part of the Sierra Madre Occidental gold-silver belt of Mexico. Paramount has completed over 27,000 meters of core drilling, totaling 157 drill holes on the project, with results pending on 43 of these holes. In April 2007, Paramount began a 50,000 meter drill program, of which 20,000 meters have been completed to date. In 2007, Paramount completed $25 million in financing which is being utilized to develop their San Miguel and Andrea projects and other opportunities.
      "Safe-Harbor" Statement: This press release contains forward-looking information within the meaning of Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. All statements that are not statements of historical fact regarding the intent, belief or current expectations of the Company may not be realized. Investors are cautioned that any such forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future performance and involve risks and uncertainties, many of which are beyond the Company's ability to control, and that actual rresults may differ materially.

      Paramount Gold and Silver Corp.
      Larry Segerstrom

      Chris Halkai
      Corporate Relations
      Toll-free: 1-866-481-2231

      Source: Paramount Gold and Silver Corp.

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      Related News Stories
      • RedChip Announces 30 Companies to Present At Small-Cap Investor Conference in Scottsdale - PrimeNewswire (Wed Jan 23)
      • Paramount Gold and Silver Exploration Program Update - CCNMatthews (Wed Jan 2)
      • Paramount Gold and Silver Exploration Program Update - Marketwire (Wed Jan 2)
      • Analyst Day at Paramount Gold and Silver Corporation's San Miguel Project - at Seeking Alpha (Sun Dec 30)

      • By industry: Industrial Metals & Minerals


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      schrieb am 15.02.08 01:59:57
      Beitrag Nr. 116 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 33.163.001 von pecuniajh am 24.01.08 22:51:24
      Neuester Press Release von Paramount.GUADALUPE DE LOS REYES. Eines der mehreren Projekte der Firma. Beachten Sie die Konzentration der beiliegenden Ergebnisse:

      Press Release Source: Paramount Gold and Silver Corp.
      Paramount Gold and Silver Corp. Reports High Grade Gold Results from Surface and Underground Sampling of a New Area in its San Miguel Project
      Thursday February 14, 1:30 pm ET
      CHIHUAHUA, MEXICO--(MARKET WIRE)--Feb 14, 2008 -- Paramount Gold and Silver Corp. (Toronto:PZG.TO - News) (AMEX:PZG - News) (Frankfurt:P6G.F - News) (WKN: A0HGKQ) is pleased to announce assay results from sampling of veins and breccias in the previously untested Guadalupe de Los Reyes area in its San Miguel project, in the Guazapares Mining District, Mexico.
      The Guadalupe de Los Reyes area is inside the large rhyodacite dome complex that is exposed between the San Miguel and Montecristo Zones. The higher precious metals grades are associated with northeast and northwest trending fault zones, which is consistent with our project exploration model. In this area, gold and silver occur in quartz veins and hydrothermal breccias along the faults, as well as in adjacent quartz veinlet stockworks and breccias. The principal structure is exposed for approximately 100 meters along strike, and appears to continue under cover to the northeast. The Guadalupe de Los Reyes mine is found on this principal structure, and is the site of historic, small-scale, high-grade gold production.
      Sampling and geologic mapping are ongoing, tracing these and parallel structures along strike, with the goal of defining drilling targets. These results are particularly exciting because they indicate that this is a gold dominant part of the system with excellent gold grades and high gold-to-silver ratios. As noted in the table below, the mineralization exposed on the surface is several meters wide with gold grades in the range of 3.7 to 6.6 g/t. Underground sampling of accessible portions of the old Guadalupe de Los Reyes mine, down to a depth of 20 meters from the surface, included intervals with gold grades of up to 20.7 g/t.
      Highlights of the assay results from Guadalupe de Los Reyes concession (see table at for further details):
      Surface samples:

      Width (m) Au (g/t) Ag (g/t)
      5.8 3.69 35.0
      5.4 6.64 10.0

      Underground samples (Guadalupe de Los Reyes Mine):

      Width (m) Au (g/t) Ag (g/t)
      1.0 20.7 30.0
      1.0 18.45 64.0
      1.8 11.05 34.0
      Larry Segerstrom, COO of Paramount Gold and Silver Corp., comments, "These analytical results confirm the presence of excellent gold grades across mineable widths in surface and near-surface exposures within the dacite dome complex. They also seem to be pointing us in the direction of a gold-dominant part of the system. These results further advance our objective of discovering and developing more gold rich, high-grade bodies, such as the ones in the San Miguel and San Luis Zones."
      Quality Control
      Samples were collected from surface exposures and from shallow older artisanal workings. They are channel samples rather than selected high grades specimens. As part of quality assurance, quality control (QA/QC), Paramount has put into place a detailed program of periodically introducing certified standards, blanks and duplicates into the sample stream.
      The qualified person who has reviewed this news release is Dana C. Durgin, M. Sc. Economic Geology. He is a Certified Professional Geologist (CPG #10364) with the American Institute of Professional Geologists, and a Registered Professional Geologist in Wyoming (PG-2886).

      Paramount Gold and Silver Corp.
      Larry Segerstrom
      Chief Operating Officer

      Paramount Gold and Silver Corp.
      Chris Halkai
      Corporate Relations
      613-226-9881/Toll-free: 1-866-481-2231
      schrieb am 15.02.08 04:54:37
      Beitrag Nr. 117 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 33.376.229 von pecuniajh am 15.02.08 01:59:57It has been estimated that about one third of the silver currently in circulation was produced in Mexico. Mexico has been the world’s largest silver producer for most of the past five centuries, perhaps longer. Silver mining in Mexico started in earnest with the conquest of the Aztecs by the Spanish Conquistadors in 1521. Columbus established a Spanish beachhead in the Caribbean on his second voyage to the New World. From there, Queen Isabella sent a law-school-dropout-turned-explorer named Hernando Cortez in search of gold and tin. The year was 1519. What Cortez found when he landed on the Mexican coast at Vera Cruz was a much more sophisticated society than Columbus found in 1492. Montezuma ruled an Aztec Empire that was already mining metals and drinking hot chocolate from golden goblets.
      Prior to the Spanish exploitation, Mexico’s rich mining history dated back as far as 950AD. The Totec and Mayan civilizations had huge mining operations. They were master craftsmen and are credited with being some of the first metallurgists; melting their gold, silver and copper and creating masterpieces that defined the term “precious metal”.
      In a few short years Cortez had worked his way inland and defeated Montezuma. The once proud Aztecs were reduced to being miners and laborers filling the galleons with Mexican riches headed for Spain. Under Spanish rule, Mexico produced hundreds of million ounces of gold and silver for over 300 years. In 1810, during the War of Independence from Spain, the mining industry was literally shut down. Political unrest in Mexico lasted over 100 years and included a Civil War in the 1850’s. Continued meddling by the Europeans and US support of the dictator Porfirio Díaz Mory led to the Mexican Revolution in 1910. Even though the Mexican Constitution was established in 1917, it would be another 20 years before civil unrest in Mexico would subside and post-revolutionary industrialization could truly begin.
      The vast mineral riches of Mexico extend from Sonora to Oaxaca, principally in the Sierra Madre Mountains. Early mining was very easy. Gold and especially silver/copper were simply found on the surface and dug until the ore was depleted or digging got too difficult. They then moved in either direction and began digging again. Industrialized mining through much of the mid 1900’s was not much different. Cutoff grades for pit mining were typically 15gpt gold and 300gpt silver. Most of the mines were privately held by the richest families who had vast land holdings and mined the “easy pickings”. While Mexican silver production has regained its earlier prominence, they were literally just scratching the surface of the underlying ore.
      Tales of riches soon began to attract the miners and prospectors longing for the gold rush days in America. They did not have to go very far. The Sierra Madre in Northern Mexico were underexplored compared to the traditional mining regions of Taxco, Pachuca and Zacatecas, closer to Mexico City. These tales were depicted in B. Tavern’s 1935 novel, “The Treasure of the Sierra Madre”. Captivated by the timeless story of gold, greed and betrayal, John Huston immortalized the story with his 1948 film by the same name. Starring Humphrey Bogart, the movie was one of the first films ever to be shot on location and is a timeless classic to this day.
      Industrias Penoles (established in 1887) was one of a few companies strong enough to survive the chaos and revolt in Mexico. In the 1960’s, new law mandated that all mining companies must be majority owned by Mexican Nationals. Penoles became a diversified company and dominated mining in Mexico. Backed by a public offering on the Mexican Bolsa in 1968 and $500MM in loans from US banks, Penoles launched an eight year exploration program. By 1977, they had increased reserves ten-fold and re-established Mexico as the world’s largest silver producer.
      The next big change in the Mexican mining industry came in the early 1990’s. In 1992, mining laws were changed to allow foreign ownership of Mexican mines. In 1994 the North American Free Trade Agreement [NAFTA] was implemented and the Peso was devalued. Low metal prices and a devalued peso caused many mines to be shut down. Many, already enriched families, “threw in the towel” and moved on to other businesses.
      But, a new boom was just beginning as private investors, geologists and Canadian miners quietly began to accumulate these established mining concessions in Mexico.
      Today, mining in Mexico may be more exciting than ever. Many of the old mines, closed in the 1990’s, are being re-opened by junior mining companies. For the most part they are fully permitted. Many have existing reserves and working (or upgradable) infrastructure. This has allowed many juniors to move from IPO or “shell company” and into production without doing years of drilling to determine feasibility. This “boot strap” mining method is proving to be very viable in Mexico. Several companies have chosen to use their capital to re-open existing mines and quickly generate cash flow for developmental drilling to expand reserves. The old saying is “the best place to find gold is at a gold mine”. This is proving to be true in Mexico where modern engineering, geological modeling and drilling techniques have never been implemented.
      schrieb am 15.02.08 22:57:42
      Beitrag Nr. 118 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 33.376.273 von pecuniajh am 15.02.08 04:54:37The following is from the new slide show that PZG just did:( FEB 08)

      Approx. 100 M shares outstanding
      :.$800 M Market Cap at time of acquisition
      :.3.1 Million ounce Au equivalent resource
      :.Gold was approx. $660/oz at time of sale
      :.Purchase price was valued at $354/oz Au
      :.Acquired for $1.1 Billion (40% premium to previous day closing price @ $11 share)


      Approx. 55 M shares outstanding
      :.$110 M Market Cap
      :.Potential 2-4 million ounce Au equiv. resource
      :.Gold presently over $800/oz
      :.Potential share price, based on PJO comparables, with equivalent resource, could be $22/share
      schrieb am 16.02.08 23:29:24
      Beitrag Nr. 119 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 33.388.109 von pecuniajh am 15.02.08 22:57:42Exerpt from Struthers Research report.
      Auszug als Ueberblick vom Jetzigen in die unmittelbare Zukunft.
      Diese Fachleute kennen ihr Geschaeft.

      "What I see as a buy of a lifetime and also a take over target in 2008
      is one of my favorites, Paramount Gold and Silver, recently $1.70. I have been quite surprised by the recent weakness in the stock, even with the year end selling. There is definitely a seller in the market for some reason. I have followed their exploration closely and it looks to be going very well, but I was concerned whether I have
      missed something. I got a hold of Bill Reed who I have become to know
      quite will over the years and have been impressed with his honesty and
      the fact he is a quite conservative geologist and also very

      ...Bill Reed is no longer running the detailed exploration program which is now been handled by Larry Segerstrom, another very well qualified geologist that over saw exploration at Freeport-McMoran, but Mr. Reed is still over seeing the exploration and is keeping a pulse on the project. Paramount has been doing a lot of drilling as part of a 50,000 meter program. I put a blunt question to Mr. Reed and that was: Do you see any reason why the next resource estimate will not go over 100 million ounces silver? Mr Reed said he did not see any problem and that was a very obtainable target.

      Even if one was to be very conservative and say they 43-101'd just 73 million ounces like Orko. Orko has a market cap of $162 million which is more than double Paramount's current $77 million market cap. Based on only 73 million ounces, the stock should more than double to over $3.50 a share...However, I have every reason to believe they will go over 100 million ounces and this would put Paramount in the big league with a superior valuation. The brokerage and fund analysts would no longer be able to ignore the stock like they have done so far...

      While perhaps the analysts and news letter writers have been ignoring Paramount, the major mining companies have not, with many already visiting the project and others going on site in early 2008. They all have deep pockets and are willing to pay what a project is worth. Imagine a major stepping in and buying this (I doubt it would happen until after the next 43-101 which will probably be in the next few months), but imagine if this happens in several months at between $5 and $10 a share and not one analyst or major newsletter has covered the stock. I have never seen this happen, so it is only a matter of time before everyone jumps on the band wagon, in the meantime, I have little doubt this is one of or maybe the best buy out there among advanced exploration stocks."(12/28/07)
      - Struthers Resource Stock Report
      schrieb am 22.02.08 03:22:01
      Beitrag Nr. 120 ()
      Kanadischer Bericht vom 21 Febr./08.
      Die " GLOBE & MAIL" Toronto, ist eine der besten Zeitungen in Kanada. Ein heutiger Bericht it ueber die groesste Gold Firma der Welt : Barrick Gold. ( Der Gruender und Chef ist ein Ungar der vor langen Jahren nach Kanada ausgewandert ist )Im letzten Jahr bekamen sie im Durchschnitt $ 799 Amerikanische Dollar pro Unze. Davon gingen $ 375 pro Unze um es aus der Erde zu holen und verkaufsbereit zu machen. So die festen Unkosten liegen bei 46 % .
      Mit diesem Prozentsatz kan man dann den ungefaehren Wert von Paramount Gold und Silber erschaetzen. ( in manchen Bohrungen findet man 40 bis 50 gramm pro Tonne ) Wenn man diese Unkosten auf den heutigen Goldpreis verrechnet dann kaeme das auf 40 % )....Und Gold wird immer teuerer wegen der weltlichen Wirtschaftslage und politischer Unsicherheit. Gold war schon immer die letzte und beste Sparungsweise. Paramount Gold ist kein Risiko mehr wie so viele andere Firmen. Es handelt sich nur noch um wieviel mehr NOCH gefunden wird. Kuerzlich at die Firma noch ein weiteres gold -haltiges Gebiet erworben. Insgesamt sind es jetzt schon 5 erfolgreiche Zonen fuer Bohrungen.
      schrieb am 01.03.08 03:19:50
      Beitrag Nr. 121 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 33.443.107 von pecuniajh am 22.02.08 03:22:01Wieder was Neues von San Miguel und PZG

      Gestern frueh erschienen die neuesten Ergebnisse aus dem Test- Labor ALS CHEMEX Vancouver / Kanada. Sie zeigen die wirklichen Werte der Bohrloecher SM 5 , SM 6 , usw. bis SM 18 einschliesslich.Einzelheiten findet man von der Paramount Gold and Silver Website at oder in Yahoo Finance , Ticker : PZG aber auch unten anschliessend. Um es kurz zu fassen handelt es sich von einer grossen, langen Goldader die sich vergroessert je tiefer man bohrt. Speziell SM 11, Goldwerte von 64.70 und 93.70 Gramm pro Tonne wurde gemessen. Auch SM 15 ist sehr hochwertig wie man das an der unteren Tabelle ersieht. Diese Goldader wird noch weiter " erobert " Bis jetzt sind schon Bohrungen bis zu SM 34 erfolgt aber sind vom Labor noch nicht freigegeben. Das Ziel ist tiefer zu bohren um den ganzen Umfang der Ader zu ermitteln. Deshalb wird jetzt auf 250 Meter Tiefe gebohrt. Diese Goldader heisst " CLAVO 99 " Die Nummer borgten sie sivh vo Wayne Gretzky, dem Eis Hockey Star von Nord Amerika un ihn zu ehren. Er ist ja auch gebohrener Kanadier, genau wie Paramount Gold and Silver eine Kanadische Firma ist.CLAVO ist 275 Meter breit und soweit 150 Meter tief. und scheint noch tiefer zu gehen. Das naechste Ziel ist 250 Meter Tiefe. Aber man sollte nicht vergessen dass auch die gefundenen Silberwerte ungeheuerlich massive sind. Momentan is die Silber-Unze $ 19.30 wert. Man sieht auch diese Werte in der unteren Tabelle. Diese, bisherigen Gold- und Silberwerte vergleichen sich zu den Funden in Palmarejo, fast nebenan. Dieses Gelaende wurde letztes Jahr zur Ausbeutung fuer 1.1 Billion ( Milliarden ) verkauft. Damals war der Goldpreis noch unter $ 700 . Heute ist's schon $ 970 pro Unze, das sind 31.10 Gramm pro Unze ( TROY OUNCE )
      Bis heute hat PZG scon 162 loecher gebohrt, insgesammt 22 000 Meter. Das sind wirklich gesehen 22 Kilometer. Kann man sich kaum vorstellen. PZG aber bohrt weiter . Das Ziel wird auf 50 000 Meter kommen. 33 neue Bohrungen sind scon wieder im Labor, doch noch nicht freigegeben. Bald werden auch diese Ergebnisse bekannt werden. Es wird Ueberraschungen geben. Im letzten Jahr hat Paramount Gold 25 Millionen Dollar zur Finanzierung bekommen. So, genuegend Geld ist vorhanden zum weiteren explorieren.
      Die "assay " Ergebnisse vom Labor werden alle ueberprueft und bestaetigt von Experten und Diplom Geologen des " American Istitute of Professional Geologists "

      Hier, meine Kollegen, werden wir Geld machen. Mal Glueck gehabt dies zi finden.
      schrieb am 01.03.08 04:39:55
      Beitrag Nr. 122 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 33.522.678 von pecuniajh am 01.03.08 03:19:50

      Press Release Source: Paramount Gold and Silver Corp.

      Paramount Gold and Silver Corp. Expand High Grade Gold and Silver Mineralization to Depth and Confirm Their First High Grade Zone (Clavo) Within the San Miguel Vein
      Friday February 29, 3:11 am ET

      CHIHUAHUA, MEXICO--(MARKET WIRE)--Feb 29, 2008 -- Paramount Gold and Silver Corp. (Toronto:PZG.TO - News)(AMEX:PZG - News)(Frankfurt:P6G.F - News)(WKN: A0HGKQ) is pleased to announce assay results from 14 drill holes in the San Miguel Zone of its San Miguel project in the Guazapares Mining District, Mexico. Drill holes SM-05 to SM-18 were drilled 30-90 meters apart and were designed to intercept the San Miguel vein structure approximately 50-150 meters below the surface.
      These drill holes extend the high grade gold and silver mineralization found in holes SM-01 to SM-04 (reported Jan. 24, 2008 (" target="_blank" rel="nofollow ugc noopener"> The nature of this mineralization suggests that we have found what is commonly known in Mexico as a Clavo; a mineralized body inside a vein with small dimensions and high grades. In light of these assay results, this part of the area in the San Miguel zone will be referred to as 'Clavo 99'. The mineralization in 'Clavo 99' was extended by approximately 100m down dip: SM-13 (12.53m of 1.38 g/t Au Eq. and 1.03m of 9.26 g/t Au), SM-15 (4.02m of 13.87 g/t Au Eq.) and SM-18 (8.03m of 2.22 g/t Au Eq.), and 100m along strike to the southeast: SM-05 (5.06m of 3.71 g/t Au Eq.) and SM-07 (6.65m of 5.18 g/t Au Eq.). For a complete view of all drill hole locations from the San Miguel vein, please see the attached longitudinal section at the end of this press release.

      Highlights of these assay results are seen in the table below (visit for further assay details, map of project showing the location of the San Miguel Zone, map of the southern part of the Zone itself, and a longitudinal section of the vein structure):

      Gold Gold
      True Gold Silver Equiv. Equiv.
      Hole From To Interval Width (grams/ (grams/(grams/(grams x
      Number (Meters) (Meters) (Meters) (Meters) ton) ton) ton) meters)
      SM-05 50.75 57.90 7.15 5.06 1.05 159.00 3.71 18.76
      Including: 3.01 0.99 258.86 5.30 15.95

      SM-06 51.90 62.00 10.10 7.14 0.82 41.00 1.50 10.71
      Including: 1.34 2.28 120.00 4.29 5.76
      98.50 115.00 16.50 10.94 0.75 18.00 1.05 11.49
      Including: 1.00 4.49 19.00 4.81 4.81

      SM-07 45.00 48.60 3.60 2.55 0.48 60.00 1.48 3.77
      48.60 50.80 2.20 1.56 Cavity
      50.80 56.00 5.20 3.68 0.46 67.00 1.58 5.81
      56.00 56.60 0.60 0.42 Cavity
      56.60 66.00 9.40 6.65 0.93 255.00 5.18 34.43

      SM-09 74.35 75.15 0.80 0.57 2.70 129.00 4.85 2.74
      84.20 86.50 2.30 1.63 1.03 147.00 3.47 5.64
      102.65 108.00 5.35 3.78 2.44 216.47 6.05 22.87
      Including: 1.27 6.75 15.00 7.00 8.91
      Including: 0.71 0.00 1050.00 17.50 12.37
      133.00 135.00 2.00 1.15 4.30 88.00 5.75 6.59

      SM-10 54.90 58.90 4.00 2.83 1.23 207.00 4.69 13.26
      134.00 134.80 0.80 0.40 3.94 107.00 5.72 2.29
      134.80 136.30 1.50 0.75 Cavity
      136.30 137.10 0.80 0.40 3.61 91.00 5.13 2.05

      SM-11 26.50 28.20 1.70 1.30 0.28 140.00 2.60 3.39
      65.30 69.30 4.00 3.06 2.10 15.00 2.35 7.20
      85.00 86.00 1.00 0.77 64.70 0.00 64.70 49.56
      154.10 155.30 1.20 0.77 93.70 0.00 93.70 72.19

      SM-13 122.10 123.70 1.60 1.03 6.39 172.00 9.26 9.52
      including 0.51 12.65 231.00 16.50 8.48
      123.70 143.20 19.50 12.53 0.76 37.23 1.38 17.30
      including 4.82 1.22 78.23 2.52 12.15
      157.00 163.80 6.80 4.37 1.04 5.76 1.13 4.94

      SM-14 38.00 41.00 3.00 2.60 0.48 33.00 1.03 2.68

      SM-15 130.80 132.70 1.90 1.14 3.30 502.95 11.68 13.32
      including 0.48 6.02 1090.00 24.19 11.61
      139.00 145.70 6.70 4.02 4.32 572.73 13.87 55.76
      including 0.60 4.85 1785.00 34.60 20.76
      including 0.60 15.40 186.00 18.50 11.10
      148.40 151.10 2.70 1.62 7.94 35.00 8.53 13.82

      SM-16 45.50 49.70 4.20 3.64 0.51 323.00 5.89 21.42
      140.00 148.00 8.00 6.93 0.98 4.00 1.05 7.27

      SM-18 93.30 99.00 5.70 3.66 0.10 292.00 4.96 18.15
      99.00 105.40 6.40 4.11 0.06 55.00 0.97 3.99
      139.00 151.60 12.60 8.03 1.53 41.00 2.22 17.82
      including 1.28 4.90 118.00 6.86 8.81
      including 1.28 3.41 6.00 3.50 4.49

      Gold Gold
      True Gold Silver Equiv. Equiv.
      Hole From To Interval Width (grams/ (grams/(grams/(grams x
      Number (Meters) (Meters) (Meters) (Meters) ton) ton) ton) meters)

      Larry Segerstrom, COO of Paramount Gold and Silver Corp., commented, "These results confirm the continuity of the gold and silver mineralization from the surface down to at least 150 meters of depth. They also extend the mineralization to 250 meters along strike and it remains open. These grades and volumes are consistent with and substantiate the discovery of a high-grade ore shoot similar to those at nearby Palmarejo. The geological characteristics of the vein structure strongly suggest that similar mineralization may persist to a depth of 250 meters or more."

      Currently, 'Clavo 99' is approximately 275 m wide and goes to a depth of 150 m. Assays are pending on holes SM-19 to SM-24, which were drilled to test the strike length potential of the system. Paramount is currently drilling the San Miguel vein deeper and along strike to better define 'Clavo 99' and to test for other Clavos. Holes SM-34 and SM-35, which have just been sent to ALS Chemex for assaying, were drilled to test the Clavo to 200 m of depth. SM-34 was drilled 50 meters below SM-15, and SM-35 was drilled 50 meters below SM-18 and SM-20.

      Quality Control

      Paramount takes detailed digital photos of the entire core before it is cut by saw to half core which is assayed at ALS Chemex's Vancouver laboratory. As part of quality assurance, quality control (QA/QC), Paramount has put into place a detailed program of periodically introducing certified standards, blanks and duplicates into the sample stream. Half-core samples are being retained on site for verification and reference purposes.

      The qualified person who has reviewed this news release is Dana C. Durgin, M. Sc. Economic Geology. He is a Certified Professional Geologist (CPG #10364) with the American Institute of Professional Geologists, and a Registered Professional Geologist in Wyoming (PG-2886).

      About Paramount

      Paramount Gold is listed on the AMEX and TSX under the symbol PZG and trades on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange under the symbol P6G (WKN: A0HGKQ). Paramount Gold is a precious metals mining exploration company presently in the early stages of an extensive exploration program at their San Miguel project in the Guazapares Mining District, part of the Sierra Madre Occidental gold-silver belt of Mexico. Paramount has completed over 29,000 meters of core drilling, totaling 162 drill holes on the project, with results pending on approximately 33 holes. In April 2007, Paramount began a 50,000 meter drill program, of which 22,000 meters have been completed to date. In 2007, Paramount completed $25 million in financing which is being utilized to develop their San Miguel and Andrea projects and other opportunities.

      Paramount Gold and Silver Corp. is the operator of the San Miguel project, which is a joint venture with Tara Gold Resources Corp. (Other OTC:TRGD.PK - News) (30%). Tara Gold is required to contribute 30% of exploration costs to maintain their interest.

      "Safe-Harbor" Statement: This press release contains forward-looking information within the meaning of Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. All statements that are not statements of historical fact regarding the intent, belief or current expectations of the Company may not be realized. Investors are cautioned that any such forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future performance and involve risks and uncertainties, many of which are beyond the Company's ability to control, and that actual results may differ materially.

      A map of the San Miguel Area is available on the Marketwire website at the following address:

      - Longitudinal Section of the southern part of the San Miguel vein structure.

      - Note: AuEq60 is gold-equivalent calculated at a 60:1 silver to gold ratio.

      Paramount Gold and Silver Corp.
      Larry Segerstrom

      Paramount Gold and Silver Corp.
      Chris Halkai
      Corporate Relations
      schrieb am 13.03.08 18:01:10
      Beitrag Nr. 123 ()
      Heute wurde der Boersenhandel von 26 Firmen von der Amerikanischen SEC ( Securities Exchange Commission ) vorlaeufig zeitweilig eingestellt. Paramount Gold ist eine dieser Firmen. Das wird bis zum 27 ten Maerz so bleiben. In der Zwischenheit wird in Toronto TSX und hier in Frankfurt soweit alles beim Alten bleiben. Es bezieht sich auf buerokratische Dinge als Paramount ( und die anderen Firmen )zum allererstenmal als Firmen registriert wurde. Ansonsten geht alles weiter wie immer. Paramount hat einen guten Namen mit ther Amex Boerse. Alle finanziellen, periodischen Berichte waren immer puenktlich und genau. Als Paramount mit der Amerikanischen Amex registrierte alles wurde gruendlich geprueft und alles war in ordnung.Auch an der Kanadischen TSX ist mit PZG alles in Ordnung. So es gibt nichts um sich Sorgen zu machen. Eine reine buerokratische Angelegenheit mit diesen 26 Firmen.
      schrieb am 13.03.08 18:49:31
      Beitrag Nr. 124 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 33.633.620 von pecuniajh am 13.03.08 18:01:10Fortsetzung der Amex Sache : Als vor mehreren Jahren Paramount Gold und Silver Corporation Sich als neue Firma anmeldete war ein buerokratischer Fehler unterlaufen der damals erkannt wurde und damals corrigiert war. Anscheinend haben die Amex die damalige Correspondenz verlegt oder verloren. ( zusammen mit 26 anderen Firmen ).
      Alle Maechte der Paramount Firma sind dabei diese dumme Sache so schnell wie moeglich zu erledigen.
      Um weiteren Schaden , momentan gesehen, zu vermeiden hat Paramount freiwillig den Boersenhandel in Toronto und Frankfurt kurzfristig unterbrochen um Panik zu vermeiden. Sobald die Sache geklaert ist wird der Handel weitergehen. Das kann schon in ein paar Tagen der Fall sein. Also, wie gesagt, das normale Geschaeft der Firma geht weiter wie immer.
      WICHTIG : Am Dienstag, Maerz 18, um 1.15 Amerikanischer Zeit, also um 18.15 Frankfurter Zeit hat Paramount einen CONFERENCE CALL den wir uns anhoeren koennen. Die weitere Information dazu finden Sie auf oder auch in der Yahoo Finance unter dem PZG symbol. Dort wird der CEO Chris Crupi alle gegenwaertigen geschaeftlichen Angelegenheiten besprechen und Fragen beantworten.
      schrieb am 14.03.08 00:26:37
      Beitrag Nr. 125 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 33.634.159 von pecuniajh am 13.03.08 18:49:31Mr. Christopher Crupi, the Company's chief executive officer and a board member stated: "We do not believe that the SEC's allegations contained in the press release accurately reflect the corporate history of the Company. We intend to immediately address the SEC's concerns regarding both our corporate status and operating history." Mr. Crupi also noted that: "There is no known relationship or affiliation between Paramount and the other companies identified in the SEC's release."

      Dieser Auszug ist ein Teil der Antwort in Verteidigung des falschen Berichtes den die SEC heute herausgab. Wenn Sie deren Zeilen genau lesen werden sie sehen dass die Sache eine Vermutung ist. Doch haben sie die Uebermacht und es scheint sie koennen machen wie sie es so wollen.
      schrieb am 14.03.08 09:16:13
      Beitrag Nr. 126 ()
      ist denn paramount gold mining ( P6G) und paramount gold and silver ( PZG ) die gleiche company ??
      schrieb am 14.03.08 09:47:20
      Beitrag Nr. 127 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 33.637.999 von rockmaster am 14.03.08 09:16:13Paramount Gold Mining wurde letztes Jahr umbenannt in Paramount Gold and Silver.

      P6G = deutsches Tickerkürzel
      PZG = US Tickerkürzel
      schrieb am 14.03.08 13:50:13
      Beitrag Nr. 128 ()

      NEWS soeben im STOCKWATCH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      Paramount Gold to resume trading effective at the open

      2008-03-14 08:33 ET - Resume Trading

      Paramount Gold and Silver Corp. will resume trading at 6:30 a.m. Pacific Time on March 14, 2008, an announcement having been made.
      schrieb am 14.03.08 13:53:10
      Beitrag Nr. 129 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 33.641.464 von Golfbladerunner am 14.03.08 13:50:13Attention Business Editors
      Market Regulation Services - Trade Resumption - Paramount Gold and Silver Corp. - PZG

      TORONTO, March 14 /CNW/ - Trading resumes in:

      Issuer Name: Paramount Gold and Silver Corp.
      TSX Ticker Symbol: PZG
      Resumption Time: Market Open
      schrieb am 14.03.08 13:57:06
      Beitrag Nr. 130 ()
      schrieb am 14.03.08 13:57:19
      Beitrag Nr. 131 ()
      schrieb am 14.03.08 14:43:15
      Beitrag Nr. 132 ()
      Alles ist wieder beim Alten. Die Boerse ist fuer Paramount Gold wieder offen. Die Sache war reine Vermutung, die wie es jetzt steht, belanglos war. Man wuerde denken dass in solch hoher Position, als auf der SEC, die Koepfe haetten gescheiter sein sollen. Aber das ist heutzutage Amerika. Keiner traut sich zu denken aus Furcht Fehler zu machen. Jeder hat Angst seine Stellung zu verlieren. Schade dass in Panik gestern so viele Investierer verkauften. Doch in ein paar Tagen wird es wieder flott sein
      schrieb am 14.03.08 16:21:29
      Beitrag Nr. 133 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 33.642.177 von pecuniajh am 14.03.08 14:43:15Ich muss mich entschuldigen. Mir ist ein Fehler unterlaufen. Die AMEX Boerse ist noch nicht offen, aber die TSX und Frankfurt ist offen. Was ich einfach nicht verstehen kann ist dass die Amex diese 26 Firmen fuer 10 Geschaeftstage zappeln laesst und vorhinein den Oeffnungstag angegeben hat. Falls wirkliche Substanz da waere wuerde kein moeglicher Oeffnungstag vorausgesagt werden koennen.
      Als PZG vor einiger Zeit ihr Geschaeft auf AMEX verlegte wurde alles gruendlich untersucht. Das dauerte Monate. Im Allgemeinen hat die Amex einen sehr guten Ruf und deren Firmen haben strenge Regeln zu beachten. Diese Boerse ist auf der gleichen Ebene als der NASDAQ und die NYSE in Amerika. Die anderen haben weniger Kontrolle wie z.B. die PINK SHEETS ( pk ) oder das BULLETIN BOARD ( .OB )Als Beispiel: die Firma " TARA GOLD RESOURCE CORP " mit dem Symbol TRGD.PK ist eine solch niedrige Kategorie. Seit 2 Jahren haben die keine finanziellen Berichte mehr herausgegeben und doch koennen sie so weiter machen,so muss man mit denen sehr vorsichtig sein.
      schrieb am 18.03.08 03:47:09
      Beitrag Nr. 134 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 33.643.904 von pecuniajh am 14.03.08 16:21:29ALSO..... NICHT VERGESSEN....CONFERENCE CALL MIT ceo chris crupi UM 18.30 DEUTSCHE ZEIT. MEHR INFO @ ,wie Tel.Nummer usw.
      schrieb am 18.03.08 06:19:05
      Beitrag Nr. 135 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 33.667.408 von pecuniajh am 18.03.08 03:47:09Press Release Source: Paramount Gold and Silver Corp.

      Paramount Gold and Silver Corp. Responds to SEC
      Monday March 17, 9:49 am ET

      OTTAWA, CANADA--(MARKET WIRE)--Mar 17, 2008 -- Paramount Gold and Silver Corp. (Toronto:PZG.TO - News)(AMEX:PZG - News) (Frankfurt:P6G.F - News)(WKN: A0HGKQ) - Christopher Crupi, CEO, is pleased to announce that today Paramount has responded to inquiries from the American Stock Exchange and the SEC regarding the temporary trading halt in the USA. Paramount disputes all allegations made in the SEC order. Management is working expeditiously to resolve the matter to the satisfaction of all regulatory bodies.

      Trading of PZG common stock continues on the Toronto Stock Exchange. Business operations continue in the ordinary course as the San Miguel project in Mexico continues to be developed into a producing resource.

      The investor call is scheduled for 1:15 pm EDT on Tuesday March 18, 2008 (see press release… from Thursday, March 13th, 2008 for call details).
      schrieb am 18.03.08 06:21:32
      Beitrag Nr. 136 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 33.667.408 von pecuniajh am 18.03.08 03:47:09Home | RSS Feed | eAlerts English | Deutsch .NACHRICHTENZENTRUM
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      Home | Nachrichtenzentrum | Neueste | Pressemitteilungen | Pressemitteilungen

      Paramount Gold and Silver Corp. hält am Dienstag, 18. März 2008, 13.15 Ostküstenzeit (EST) eine Telefonkonferenz für Investoren ab

      Ottawa, Kanada - (Market Wire) – 13. März 2008 – Christopher Crupi, CEO, Charles (Bill) Reed, VPR Exploration, und John Carden, Direktor von Paramount Gold and Silver Corp., (AMEX: PZG) (TSX: PZG) (Frankfurt: P6G, WKN: A0HGKQ), halten eine Telefonkonferenz ab, um die Investoren über die jüngsten Fortschritte bei Paramount zu unterrichten und alle Fragen der Aktionäre zu beantworten.

      Um an der Telefonkonferenz teilzunehmen, wählen Sie bitte am Dienstag, 18. März 2008 um 13.15 EST folgende Telefonnummer 1-800-926-4425. Wenn Sie außerhalb von Nordamerika wohnen, gehen Sie bitte auf unsere Website, um für Ihr Land die entsprechende Telefonnummer herauszusuchen.

      Über Paramount Gold

      Paramount Gold ist an der AMEX und TSX unter dem Symbol PZG gelistet und an der Frankfurter Börse unter dem Symbol P6G (WKN: A0HGKQ). Paramount Gold ist ein Edelmetall-Explorationsunternehmen, das sich zurzeit im Frühstadium eines umfassenden Explorationsprogramms für das San-Miguel-Projekt befindet, welches im Guazapares-Minendistrikt von Mexiko, einem Teil des Gold-Silber-Gürtels im Sierra Madre Occidental, liegt. Paramount schloss auf diesem Projekt über 30.000 Meter Kernbohrungen mit insgesamt 165 Bohrlöchern ab (7000 m vor April 2007), wofür die Ergebnisse der letzten 31 Bohrlöcher noch ausstehen. Im April 2007 begann Paramount mit einem 50.000-Meter-Bohrprogramm, wovon bis jetzt bereits 23.000 Meter niedergebracht wurden. In 2007 schloss Paramount eine Finanzierung in Höhe von 25 Millionen US-Dollar ab, welche zur Entwicklung des San-Miguel-Projekts, des Andrea-Projekts und anderer Projektmöglichkeiten dient.

      "Safe Harbour Statement" (zukunftsorientierte Aussagen): Diese Pressemitteilung enthält zukunftsorientierte Aussagen im Sinne des Paragraphen 21E aus dem Securities Exchange Act von 1934. Alle Aussagen, die in Bezug auf Absicht, Glauben oder heutige Erwartungen des Unternehmens keinen historischen Tatsachen entsprechen, müssen nicht unbedingt eintreten. Investoren werden gewarnt, dass jegliche zukunftsorientierte Aussagen keine Garantien auf zukünftige Ergebnisse darstellen und Risiken und Unsicherheiten beinhalten, von denen viele außerhalb der Kontrolle des Unternehmens liegen, und dass die tatsächlichen Ergebnisse erheblich davon abweichen können.


      Paramount Gold and Silver Corp.
      Christopher Crupi, CEO
      Chris Halkai, Unternehmensbeziehungen
      schrieb am 18.03.08 06:29:44
      Beitrag Nr. 137 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 33.667.408 von pecuniajh am 18.03.08 03:47:09

      Press Release Source: Paramount Gold and Silver Corp.

      Paramount Gold and Silver Corp. Extends Southern Limit of 'Clavo 99' Within the High Grade San Miguel Vein
      Monday March 17, 11:51 am ET

      CHIHUAHUA, MEXICO--(MARKET WIRE)--Mar 17, 2008 -- Paramount Gold and Silver Corp. (Toronto:PZG.TO - News)(AMEX:PZG - News)(Frankfurt:P6G.F - News)(WKN: A0HGKQ) is pleased to announce assay results from two additional drill holes in the San Miguel Zone of its San Miguel project in the Guazapares Mining District, Mexico. Drill hole SM-19 was drilled at the southern end of the drill pattern, and SM-20 was drilled below mineralized SM-08 and SM-09, designed to test the vein approximately 50 meters below these two holes (see attached longitudinal section below for drill hole locations available at the following address:
      Hole SM-20 had two excellent gold and silver intercepts as shown in the table below: 2.65m of 1.23 g/t Au and 834 g/t Ag, and 6.26m of 2.41 g/t Au and 20 g/t Ag. It extends the southern limit of the high grade body called 'Clavo 99' an additional 50 meters horizontally, to a total width of at least 350 meters. 'Clavo 99' is also now shown to be mineralized for 200 meters down dip and it remains open down dip and to the north, as indicated on the attached longitudinal section.

      Highlights of these assay results are seen in the table below (visit for further assay details, map of project showing the location of the San Miguel Zone, map of the southern part of the Zone itself, and a longitudinal section of the vein structure):

      Hole From To Interval True Gold Silver Gold Gold
      Number (m) (m) (m) Width (g/t) (g/t) Equiv. Equiv.
      (m) (g/t) (g/m)
      SM-19 53.00 54.10 1.10 0.95 1.10 5.00 1.18 1.12

      SM-20 117.55 121.30 3.75 2.65 1.23 834.00 15.12 40.09
      Including: 0.92 2.51 1615.00 29.43 27.05
      129.50 138.35 8.85 6.26 2.41 20.00 2.75 17.21

      Larry Segerstrom, COO of Paramount Gold and Silver Corp., commented, "Hole SM-20 was a pleasant surprise. The excellent grades in this hole suggest that the southern boundary of 'Clavo 99' rakes to the south and that this high grade body may be much larger than previously thought. In appearance, grade and mineralogy, this body of mineralization remains very similar to that at nearby Palmarejo."

      Paramount's 'Clavo 99' is now at least 350 m wide and persists to a depth of at least 200 m. Assays are expected shortly on holes SM-21 to SM-24 to the north and south of the clavo. As noted in the previous news release (February 29, 2008) holes SM- 34 and 35 were recently completed below SM-15 and SM-18 with the objective of extending the Clavo an additional 50 meters down dip. Assay results should be available in April. Drilling continues at depth with the intention of extending the Clavo down dip.

      Quality Control

      Paramount takes detailed digital photos of the entire core before it is cut by saw to half core which is assayed at ALS Chemex's Vancouver laboratory. As part of quality assurance, quality control (QA/QC), Paramount has put into place a detailed program of periodically introducing certified standards, blanks and duplicates into the sample stream. Half-core samples are being retained on site for verification and reference purposes.

      The qualified person who has reviewed this news release is Dana C. Durgin, M. Sc. Economic Geology. He is a Certified Professional Geologist (CPG #10364) with the American Institute of Professional Geologists, and a Registered Professional Geologist in Wyoming (PG-2886).

      About Paramount

      Paramount Gold is listed on the AMEX and TSX under the symbol PZG and trades on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange under the symbol P6G (WKN: A0HGKQ). Paramount Gold is a precious metals mining exploration company presently in the early stages of an extensive exploration program at their San Miguel project in the Guazapares Mining District, part of the Sierra Madre Occidental gold-silver belt of Mexico. Paramount has completed over 30,000 meters of core drilling (7,000m before April 2007), totaling 165 drill holes on the project, with results pending on approximately 31 holes. In April 2007, Paramount began a 50,000 meter drill program, of which 23,000 meters have been completed to date. In 2007, Paramount completed $25 million in financing which is being utilized to develop their San Miguel and Andrea projects and other opportunities.

      Paramount Gold and Silver Corp. is the operator of the San Miguel project, which is a joint venture with Tara Gold Resources Corp. (Other OTC:TRGD.PK - News) (30%). Tara Gold is required to contribute 30% of exploration costs to maintain their interest.

      "Safe-Harbor" Statement: This press release contains forward-looking information within the meaning of Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. All statements that are not statements of historical fact regarding the intent, belief or current expectations of the Company may not be realized. Investors are cautioned that any such forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future performance and involve risks and uncertainties, many of which are beyond the Company's ability to control, and that actual results may differ materially.

      Paramount Gold and Silver Corp.
      Larry Segerstrom, COO

      Paramount Gold and Silver Corp.
      Chris Halkai
      Corporate Relations

      Source: Paramount Gold and Silver Corp.
      schrieb am 22.03.08 07:18:10
      Beitrag Nr. 138 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 33.667.471 von pecuniajh am 18.03.08 06:29:44
      Hole From To Interval True Width Gold Silver Gold Equiv. Gold Equiv.
      Number Meters Meters Meters Meters grams/ton grams/ton grams/ton grams x meters
      SM-19 53.00 54.10 1.10 0.95 1.10 5.00 1.18 1.12
      SM-20 117.55 121.30 3.75 2.65 1.23 834.00 15.12 40.09
      Including: 0.92 2.51 1615.00 29.43 27.05
      129.50 138.35 8.85 6.26 2.41 20.00 2.75 17.21

      Larry Segerstrom, COO of Paramount Gold and Silver Corp., commented, “Hole SM-20 was a pleasant surprise. The excellent grades in this hole suggest that the southern boundary of ‘Clavo 99’ rakes to the south and that this high grade body may be much larger than previously thought. In appearance, grade and mineralogy, this body of mineralization remains very similar to that at nearby Palmarejo.”

      Paramount’s ‘Clavo 99’ is now at least 350 m wide and persists to a depth of at least 200 m. Assays are expected shortly on holes SM-21 to SM-24 to the north and south of the clavo. As noted in the previous news release (February 29, 2008) holes SM- 34 and 35 were recently completed below SM-15 and SM-18 with the objective of extending the Clavo an additional 50 meters down dip. Assay results should be available in April. Drilling continues at depth with the intention of extending the Clavo down dip.

      Die neuen Ergebnisse: SM-19 und SM-20 fuer CLAVO 99
      Clavo 99 ist eine Fundgrube von Silber und Gold. Man weiss nur noch nicht was die eigentliche Groesse ist. Diese letzten Ergebnisse beweisen im Moment eine 350 m Breite und mindestens 200 m Tiefe. Von der oberen Tabelle kann man die Werte sehen. Einfach praechtig !!
      Im April werden die naechsten Ergebnisse erwarted : SM 21 und SM 24 noerdlich und suedlich des jetzigen Clavo.
      Wie schon im Februar bekannt gegeben war SM 34 und SM 35 sind schon gebohrt und zwar 50 m tiefer unter SM 15 und SM 18 um zu sehen ob Clavo 99 noch so tief geht.
      Seitdem man vermuted dass Clavo’s tiefe noch viel tiefer sein koennte sind Bohrungen schon “ unterwegs ‘ .
      Larry Segerstrom, der leitende Geologe, sieht ein Ebenbild des wuchtigen Fundes von Palmajero, fast nebenan.
      schrieb am 24.03.08 05:12:35
      Beitrag Nr. 139 ()
      Schon wirder neue Ergebnisse. CLAVO 99 ist groesser. Dieser neue Bericht ist vom 20. Maerz /08

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      Paramount Gold and Silver Corp. Reports 10.4m of 4.5 g/t Gold and Extends Northern Limit of Clavo 99 within the High Grade San Miguel Vein

      Chihuahua, Mexico - (Market Wire) – March 20, 2008 - Paramount Gold and Silver Corp. (AMEX: PZG) (TSX: PZG) (Frankfurt: P6G, WKN: A0HGKQ) is pleased to announce assay results from four additional drill holes in the San Miguel Zone of its San Miguel project in the Guazapares Mining District, Mexico. Drill holes SM-21, 22, and 23 were drilled 50 meters below the upper row of holes in the southern portion of the vein to test the depth extent of that mineralization. Hole SM-24 was drilled 50 meters north of well-mineralized SM-13, and was designed to extend the northern margin of the high grade ‘Clavo 99’ (see attached longitudinal section below for drill hole locations).

      Holes SM-21, 22, and 23, are south of ‘Clavo 99’ and demonstrate that the mineralization present in the near-surface holes along the vein persist to as much as 150 meters below the surface and is open to greater depths; follow-up drilling in this area is planned.

      As anticipated, hole number SM-24 intersected high grade mineralization, with the best intercept of 10.39 m of 3.52 g/t Au and 60 g/t Ag. This intercept is within ‘Clavo 99’ and extends ‘Clavo 99’ an additional 50 meters to the north, for a total length of approximately 400 meters and a depth of 200 meters down dip, as indicated on the attached longitudinal section.

      Highlights of these assay results are seen in the table below (visit for further assay details, map of project showing the location of the San Miguel Zone, map of the southern part of the Zone itself, and a longitudinal section of the vein structure):

      Hole From To Interval True Width Gold Silver Gold Equiv. Gold Equiv.
      Number Meters Meters Meters Meters grams/ton grams/ton grams/ton grams x meters
      SM-21 76.80 82.85 6.05 5.48 0.22 47.00 1.01 5.54
      including: 0.91 0.18 139.00 2.50 2.27

      SM-22 69.90 73.50 3.60 2.95 0.96 47.00 1.74 5.13

      SM-23 87.50 88.50 1.00 0.87 3.74 26.00 4.17 3.61

      SM-24 132.50 144.50 12.00 10.39 3.52 60.00 4.53 47.08

      2.86 2.91 134.85 5.15 14.72

      0.87 12.65 190.00 15.82 13.70

      6.67 2.61 11.35 2.80 18.65

      146.60 147.80 1.20 1.04 4.13 16.00 4.40 4.57

      154.70 155.40 0.70 0.61 1.70 6.00 1.80 1.09

      132.50 155.40 22.90 19.83 2.19 32.88 2.74 54.29

      Larry Segerstrom, COO of Paramount Gold and Silver Corp., commented, “As indicated in holes SM-21, 22, and 23, mineralization in the southern portion of the San Miguel vein continues to greater depth, but the best news comes from hole SM-24. A 10.4 m intercept of 4.5 grams gold-equivalent demonstrates the persistence and strength of mineralization in ‘Clavo 99’. We are eagerly anticipating the assays from holes SM 34 and 35, which could potentially extend ‘Clavo 99’ to a depth of 250 m, and assays from SM 36 to 39 which could extend ‘Clavo 99’ deeper to 300 m.”

      SM-24 shows that ‘Clavo 99’ is now at least 400 m long and persists to a depth of at least 200m. The gold content appears to be increasing relative to silver with depth. Drilling continues with the intention of extending ‘Clavo 99’ along strike and to greater depths.

      Quality Control

      Paramount takes detailed digital photos of the entire core before it is cut by saw to half core which is assayed at ALS Chemex's Vancouver laboratory. As part of quality assurance, quality control (QA/QC), Paramount has put into place a detailed program of periodically introducing certified standards, blanks and duplicates into the sample stream. Half-core samples are being retained on site for verification and reference purposes.

      The qualified person who has reviewed this news release is Dana C. Durgin, M. Sc. Economic Geology. He is a Certified Professional Geologist (CPG #10364) with the American Institute of Professional Geologists, and a Registered Professional Geologist in Wyoming (PG-2886).

      About Paramount

      Paramount Gold is listed on the AMEX and TSX under the symbol PZG and trades on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange under the symbol P6G (WKN: A0HGKQ). Paramount Gold is a precious metals mining exploration company presently in the early stages of an extensive exploration program at their San Miguel project in the Guazapares Mining District, part of the Sierra Madre Occidental gold-silver belt of Mexico. Paramount has completed over 31,000 meters of core drilling (7000 m before April 2007), totaling 169 drill holes on the project, with results pending on approximately 28 holes. In April 2007, Paramount began a 50,000 meter drill program, of which 24,000 meters have been completed to date. In 2007, Paramount completed $25 million in financing which is being utilized to develop their San Miguel and Andrea projects and other opportunities. Paramount Gold and Silver Corp. is the operator of the San Miguel project, which is a joint venture with Tara Gold Resources Corp. (OTC: TRGD.PK) (30%). Tara Gold is required to contribute 30% of exploration costs to maintain their interest.

      "Safe-Harbor" Statement: This press release contains forward-looking information within the meaning of Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. All statements that are not statements of historical fact regarding the intent, belief or current expectations of the Company may not be realized. Investors are cautioned that any such forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future performance and involve risks and uncertainties, many of which are beyond the Company's ability to control, and that actual results may differ materially.


      Paramount Gold and Silver Corp.
      Larry Segerstrom, COO

      Chris Halkai, Corporate Relations

      Longitudinal Section of the southern part of the San Miguel vein structure
      Note: AuEq60 is gold-equivalent calculated at 60:1 silver to gold ratio


      ©Copyright Paramount Gold & Silver Inc. All rights reserved.
      schrieb am 28.03.08 00:42:55
      Beitrag Nr. 140 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 33.710.991 von pecuniajh am 24.03.08 05:12:35Der Fehler in der originalen Registrierung der Firma Paramount Gols and Silcer Corp. ist hiermit ermittelt. Es scheint dass Paramount dazu nicht beigetragen hat. Die Schuldigen werden von der Securities Exchange Commision zur Rechenschaft gezogen. Ab morgen frueh wird alles wieder zum Alten zurueck sein. Nur Schade dass dies einen negativen Eindruck ergab. Das Folgende ist eine Erklaerung in Einzelheiten der Sache.

      Press Release Source: Paramount Gold and Silver Corp.

      Paramount Gold and Silver Corp. Update on SEC Temporary Trading Suspension
      Thursday March 27, 6:30 pm ET

      OTTAWA, CANADA--(MARKET WIRE)--Mar 27, 2008 -- Paramount Gold and Silver Corp. formerly known as Paramount Gold Mining Corp. (Toronto:PZG.TO - News)(AMEX:PZG - News)(Frankfurt:P6G.F - News)(WKN: A0HGKQ) (the "Company") today confirmed that the reincorporation of the Company was erroneously reported in its Form 10-SB filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC" or the "Commission") on November 2, 2005 under Item 1 "Description of Business". Specifically, the Company was referred to as reincorporated on March 29, 2005. In fact the Company was incorporated on March 31, 2005. As a result, certain subsequent filings made with the Commission, may also reflect this error either directly or indirectly. The Company's attorney in Delaware confirmed that there were no records filed with the Delaware Secretary of State confirming any type of reincorporation, reinstatement or statutory merger.

      In connection with the Company's review of the SEC allegations leading to the trading suspension, the Company has identified two attorneys operating in Houston, Texas, and an individual located in Toronto, Ontario, who apparently engaged in a scheme to use a defunct "shell" company by the name of Panelmaster Corporation and change its name to Paramount Gold Mining Corp. on April 14, 2005.

      Based on documentation that we have obtained, as well as other documentation within the care, custody and control of the Commission, the Company understands that these same two Houston attorneys, either individually or acting in concert, facilitated the formation of PanelMaster Corp. and its subsequent name change to Paramount Gold Mining Corp. by preparing and/or authorizing the appropriate corporate filings with the Delaware Secretary of State. Next, these same attorneys applied for and obtained a new CUSIP number with Standard & Poor's CUSIP Department. In filing the application for a new CUSIP number, these attorneys represented that the Company was previously issued a CUSIP number. This was a misrepresentation as the Company was only incorporated on March 31, 2005 and no CUSIP number was previously issued. Also in connection with falsifying the CUSIP number, these same attorneys contacted NASDAQ in connection with the reorganization of the Company with respect to its new name and new CUSIP number. The actions by these individuals resulted in the Company, an entity formed in March 2005, securing a trading symbol from the defunct entity PanelMaster Corporation, a company with a similar name to the Company's original name, PanelMaster Corp.

      According to Mr. Christopher Crupi, the Company's current chief executive officer, Mr. Crupi originally retained Canadian counsel to incorporate a company which would facilitate capital formation and ultimately enable the Company, to go public in either the US or Canadian market. There was never any discussion regarding purchasing a "shell" company. Canadian counsel then engaged the services of one or both of the attorneys in Houston to facilitate the formation of a new corporate entity. Mr. Crupi had no knowledge of the involvement of these individuals. It is unclear at this time whether or not Canadian counsel had knowledge as to the true nature of the actions undertaken by these attorneys. Subsequent to the formation of the Company, Canadian counsel advised Mr. Crupi of the formation of the entity, its name change, CUSIP number and its trading symbol. From Mr. Crupi's perspective, Canadian counsel had done their job and there was no reason to question the actions or statements of a duly licensed attorney in the province of British Columbia. However, with the Commission's temporary trading suspension, Mr. Crupi only recently discovered that the facts as represented to him by the Company's former legal counsel were not accurate.

      Mr. Crupi, the Company's chief executive officer, on learning of these events remarked: "I am outraged that such an event could happen and that two attorneys who were never introduced to the Company could perpetuate such a scheme and place the Company under scrutiny with the SEC, AMEX, and investing public. Since filing its initial registration statement in November 2005, the Company has always made, to the best of its knowledge at the time, full and accurate disclosure in its public filings."

      In order to insure the integrity of the markets, and full and complete disclosure, the Company's Board of Directors has established an independent committee of the Board to study all aspects of the matter. The committee has been authorized to hire professionals, make recommendations to the entire Board, including possible legal action against the culpable parties as well as determining whether further public disclosure is required.

      The Company also remains committed to taking whatever remedial action recommended by either the SEC or the AMEX.

      Mr. Crupi further remarked that "While these events have been an unfortunate diversion for management, the Company continues to expand its exploratory operations in its mining concessions in the San Miguel properties in Mexico. Investors have enabled us to focus on these activities and management will not lose sight of its overall business objectives."

      Based on the foregoing information, investors should not rely on the Company's prior assertions that the Company denies the allegations contained in the SEC's trading suspension. Rather the facts and allegations made by the Commission should be reviewed in conjunction with the Company's ongoing initiatives to identity the culpable parties, disclosure issues and undertake to take such curative measures as required by either the SEC, AMEX or other regulatory bodies.

      Pursuant to the order issued by the Commission, the trading suspension in the United States terminates at 11:59 p.m. E.T on March 27, 2008.

      "Safe-Harbor" Statement: This press release contains forward-looking information within the meaning of Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. All statements that are not statements of historical fact regarding the intent, belief or current expectations of the Company may not be realized. Investors are cautioned that any such forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future performance and involve risks and uncertainties, many of which are beyond the Company's ability to control, and that actual results may differ materially.

      Paramount Gold and Silver Corp.
      Christopher Crupi, CEO

      Source: Paramount Gold and Silver Corp.

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      schrieb am 01.04.08 20:31:40
      Beitrag Nr. 141 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 33.745.984 von pecuniajh am 28.03.08 00:42:55Paramount Gold and Silver Corp. hat in verschiedenen Teilen des San Miguel Gelaendes Bohrungspreojekte die unabhaengig voneinander sind. Diese Bohrungen beginnen mit LV ( im anderen Gebiet SM ).
      LV ist in der Montechristo Zone.
      Das folgende ist der neue Pressebericht:( Leider ist die grafische Tabelle hier nicht deutlich gedruckt wie ich gerade sehe. Gehen sie zu PARAMOUNTGOLD.COM website wo es sehr deutlich ist. Warum es sich hier nicht so drucken laesst ist mir unklar...... UND beachten sie die hohen Silberwerte )

      Paramount Gold and Silver Corp. Report Gold and Silver Assays from
      the Montecristo Zone at their San Miguel Project
      Chihuahua, Mexico - (MarketWire) – April 1, 2008 - Paramount Gold and Silver Corp.
      (AMEX: PZG) (TSX: PZG.TO) (Frankfurt: P6G, WKN: A0HGKQ) announces assay
      results from 12 drill holes in the Montecristo Zone of its San Miguel project, in the
      Guazapares Mining District, Mexico. These holes (LV 15-17, 19-23, and 25-28) were
      drilled in the southeastern margin of the Montecristo Zone (see location map at
      This first pass of drilling of the southeastern margin of the Montecristo Zone was
      designed to test areas of old mine workings and significant surface geochemistry. The
      Montecristo Zone contains bulk-tonnage, gold-silver targets associated with a rhyodacite
      dome complex. Gold and silver occur there largely as veinlets and disseminations in the
      silicified and brecciated margins of the intrusive bodies of the dome complex. This
      silicified breccia is cut by higher grade veins.
      Highlights of the results from this southeastern margin of the Montecristo include: 2.63
      meters of 6.82 g/t of gold equivalent, 6.07 meters of 2.36 g/t of gold equivalent, and
      18.61 meters of 0.85 g/t of gold equivalent.
      Highlights of these assay results are as follows: (go to for
      further assay details and drill maps)
      Hole From To Interval
      Width Gold Silver
      Number (meters) (meters) (meters) (meters)
      LV-15 31.70 33.50 1.80 1.56 0.26 175.00 3.76
      LV-19 53.70 78.00 24.30 18.61 0.09 37.54 0.85
      LV-20 39.00 46.90 7.90 6.47 0.19 66.00 1.51
      LV-21 33.30 40.00 6.70 6.07 0.00 118.00 2.36
      52.10 55.00 2.90 2.63 0.04 339.00 6.82
      LV-22 84.00 91.00 7.00 6.07 0.19 56.57 1.32
      LV-23 126.00 155.00 29.00 22.21 0.46 4.00 0.54
      including: 3.06 1.32 0.00 1.32
      205.30 206.10 0.80 0.51 3.31 106.00 5.43
      LV-25 81.00 83.00 2.00 1.53 0.31 136.00 3.03
      LV-26 26.70 32.35 5.65 4.89 0.00 89.00 1.78
      including: 0.95 0.00 209.00 4.18
      71.70 78.40 6.70 5.80 0.10 53.00 1.16
      These drill holes, in combination with holes SC-01 to -11 (released March 18, 2008),
      show that the Montecristo Zone is more than one kilometer in strike length. In addition,
      these results together with those from LV-01 to 10 (reported on October 22, 2007), and
      LV-11 to 14, 18 and 24 (reported on November 6, 2007) indicate that much of the
      distance along strike and between the Montecristo and San Antonio Zones is mineralized.
      Larry Segerstrom, COO of Paramount Gold and Silver Corp., commented, “These latest
      drill results, as well as those from holes SC-01 to 11, are being combined with the
      interpretations from our structural and geophysical analysis to develop more drill targets
      in the Montecristo Zone. We believe that the Zone has significant potential for both bulk
      tonnage and higher grade mineralization.”
      Quality Control
      Paramount takes detailed digital photos of the entire core before it is cut by saw to half core
      which is assayed at ALS Chemex's Vancouver laboratory. As part of quality assurance,
      quality control (QA/QC), Paramount has put into place a detailed program of periodically
      introducing certified standards, blanks and duplicates into the sample stream. Half-core
      samples are being retained on site for verification and reference purposes.
      The qualified person who has reviewed this news release is Dana C. Durgin, M. Sc.
      Economic Geology. He is a Certified Professional Geologist (CPG #10364) with the
      American Institute of Professional Geologists, and a Registered Professional Geologist in
      Wyoming (PG-2886).
      About Paramount
      Paramount Gold is a precious metals mining exploration company presently in the early
      stages of an extensive exploration program at their San Miguel project in the Guazapares
      Mining District, part of the Sierra Madre Occidental gold-silver belt of Mexico. Paramount
      Gold and Silver Corp. is the operator of the San Miguel project, which is a joint venture with
      Tara Gold Resources Corp. (OTC: TRGD.PK) (30%) who is required to contribute 30% of
      exploration costs to maintain their interest.
      The Toronto Stock Exchange has not reviewed and therefore does not accept
      responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.
      "Safe-Harbor" Statement: This press release contains forward-looking information within
      the meaning of Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. All statements that are
      not statements of historical fact regarding the intent, belief or current expectations of the
      Company may not be realized. Investors are cautioned that any such forward-looking
      statements are not guarantees of future performance and involve risks and uncertainties,
      many of which are beyond the Company's ability to control, and that actual results may
      differ materially.
      Paramount Gold and Silver Corp.
      Larry Segerstrom, COO
      Chris Halkai, Corporate Relations
      schrieb am 11.04.08 19:00:40
      Beitrag Nr. 142 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 33.782.274 von pecuniajh am 01.04.08 20:31:40Im Moment wird Paramount Gold and Silver Corp. noch nicht an den Boersen gehandelt da die Sache mit der originellen Registrierungsnummer der Paramount und der SEC noch nicht geklaert ist. Doch die Rechtsanwaelte sind daran. Nichts geht schnell bei den Behoerden. Man muss halt warten bis die CUSIP Nummer Geschichte geklaert ist.
      In der Zwischenzeit das Geschaeft geht weiter. Die beiden Seiten, die Cusip Nummer und das eigentliche Unternehmen haben nichts miteinander zu tun. Die Auswertungen der Funde sind im vollen Schwung. Wie man im folgenden neuesten Bericht ersehen kann, Paramount arbeited an der naechsten Stufe die ganzen Werte der bisherigen Funde zu ermitteln. Das wird eine klare neue Uebersicht ergeben.

      April 11, 2008
      Paramount Gold and Silver Corp. Adds Senior Technical Advisor to Team
      CHIHUAHUA, MEXICO--(Marketwire - April 11, 2008) - Paramount Gold and Silver Corp (TSX:PZG)(AMEX:PZG)(FRANKFURT:P6G)(WKN:A0HGKQ) is pleased to announce the addition of Danny Sims as Senior Technical Advisor. Dr. Sims has a bachelor's degree from the University of Cincinnati, M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in economic geology from the University of Arizona, and a J.D. degree from the University of Arizona. Dr. Sims is a fellow member of the Society of Economic Geologists, a California licensed Professional Geologist, and a member of the Arizona Bar. He has over 20 years of experience in the industry with a wide array of skills.

      Dr. Sims' first task and priority as part of the Paramount team is to lead the upcoming National Instrument 43-101 compliant resource estimate at their San Miguel Project in Mexico.

      Dr. Sims started his career as an exploration geologist, working first for Newmont Exploration, and later for Cominco Alaska Exploration. He began working in active mines while conducting his Ph.D. research at Cominco's Red Dog Mine, where his study of the relationship of ore and structural geology predicted the location of the yet undiscovered Aqquluk deposit (published inferred reserve of 76 Mt grading 13.7% zinc, 3.6% lead, and 66 g/t silver).

      After graduate school, Dr. Sims became Senior Geologist and Partner with Call & Nicholas, Incorporated. While at Call & Nicholas, he supported engineers in the design of open pit and underground mines throughout North America, South America, and Asia by developing detailed structural geology maps, databases, and interpretations. Some of the mines that Dr. Sims conducted significant work at as a consultant include Freeport McMoRan's Grasberg, IOZ, DOZ, and Kucing Liar mines (copper-gold); Cuajone, Tyrone, Chino, and Sierrita (porphyry copper); Thompson Creek (molybdenum); Refugio, Lone Tree and Twin Creeks (gold); Diavik (diamonds); Calaveras (limestone); Rasmussen Ridge (phosphate), and Boron (borax). Dr. Sims coauthored an invited paper that describes the methodology that Call & Nicholas developed for structural geology analysis of ore deposits in a publication titled Collecting and Using Geologic Structure Data for Slope Design, in, Slope Stability in Surface Mining, SME (2000).

      Dr. Sims also practiced mining law and commercial litigation with Ryley Carlock & Applewhite. At RCA he conducted legal due diligence for the purchase of mining properties, worked with federal regulators, and did extensive work to successfully secure legal title of disputed mining claims.

      "Safe-Harbor" Statement: This press release contains forward-looking information within the meaning of Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. All statements that are not statements of historical fact regarding the intent, belief or current expectations of the Company may not be realized. Investors are cautioned that any such forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future performance and involve risks and uncertainties, many of which are beyond the Company's ability to control, and that actual results may differ materially.

      The Toronto Stock Exchange has not reviewed and therefore does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

      Paramount Gold and Silver Corp.
      Christopher Crupi, CEO
      Chris Halkai, Investor Relations
      schrieb am 02.05.08 19:29:56
      Beitrag Nr. 143 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 33.869.541 von pecuniajh am 11.04.08 19:00:40Endlich ist das originale Registrierungsproblem geklaert. Ein fuer allemal. Das war ein Gewinn fuer Rechtsanwaelte von beiden Seiten. Alle Aktien die in der USA gekauft oder verkauft werden, muessen durch die Amerikanische monopolistische Firma DTCC ( Depository Trust and Clearing Corp. ) geklaert werden. Sozusagen ein SIEB das die individuellen Boersen unterstuetzt.
      Ein ganzer Monat ist seidem vergangen. In der Zwischenzeit hat sich viel fortschrittliches in der Firma Paramount ereignet. Eine weitere Bohrmaschine hat man eingesetzt um den groesseren Fund von Silber und Gold in der CLAVO 99 genauer und schneller zu ermessen.Clavo 99 ist eine reichhaltige Erdmasse dessen Grenzen immer groesser werden mit jedem Bohrergebnis. Wie es jezt steht, mit drei Bohrmaschinen staendig in Betrieb man hat eine 250 Meter Tiefe erforscht und das Ende des gefundenen Reichtums ist noch nicht in Sicht.
      Das gebohrte Loch, SM 34, hat eine Goldader entdeckt die in Stellen 49 Centimeter im Durchmesser ist und 10 Gramm Gold per Tonne enthaelt ( und 27 Gramm Silber per Tonne )

      Mit den 3 Bohrern die naechsten Ergebnisse werden schneller kommen.

      Das Laboratorium in Vancouver "ALS CHEMEX" durch welches alle Ergebnisse bewiesen werden hat sich in der Zwischenzeit auch vergroessert um schneller zu pruefen und berichten zu koennen.
      schrieb am 05.05.08 19:02:47
      Beitrag Nr. 144 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.018.717 von pecuniajh am 02.05.08 19:29:56Paramount Gold and Silver Corp. sind im Moment dabei eine strategische Verbindung mit einem " Nachbarn " in Mexico ( Sierra Madre / Guazaparez ) auszukluegeln. Es handelt sich um eine Erforschungsfirma auf der geichen fundreichen Ebene wie Paramount .Beide Firmen wollen sich strategisch vereinen um zusammen beide Gelaende auszuwerten. Zusammen geworfen werden die zwei reichhaltigen Gold und Silber Gelaende, die Experten beider Firmen und sonstige Ueberschneidungen. Die andere Firma hat sehr, sehr hohe ( specielle ) Silberwerte. Dadurch werden die total Ausgaben verringert die sehr viel Auslagen ersparen. Anhand der Beschreibung die folgt werden wir die Einzelheiten genauer erkennen. Im Grossen und Ganzen scheint es den Wert des ganzen Unternehmens zu vervielfachen. Chris Crupi, der alles uebersieht ist ein Genius. Er wird die total Leitung auch selbst uebernehmen.
      schrieb am 05.05.08 19:08:24
      Beitrag Nr. 145 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.018.717 von pecuniajh am 02.05.08 19:29:56

      Paramount Gold and Silver Corp.
      AMEX: PZG
      TSX: PZG

      Other Recent News

      May 5, 2008
      Paramount Gold and Silver Corp. Enters Into Strategic Alliance with Mexoro Minerals Ltd. in Mexico
      CHIHUAHUA, MEXICO--(Marketwire - May 5, 2008) - Paramount Gold and Silver Corp. (TSX:PZG)(AMEX:PZG)(FRANKFURT:P6G)(WKN:A0HGKQ) is pleased to announce that it has signed a Letter of Intent to enter into a strategic alliance with Mexoro Minerals Ltd. (OTCBB:MXOM)(FRANKFURT:OYA1). The strategic alliance contemplates both companies combining their mining and exploration expertise including resources such as management, personnel, exploration equipment and mining concessions to maximize shareholder value creating an exciting alignment of interest between the companies. Both companies operate projects in the Sierra Madre gold-silver belt in Chihuahua, Mexico. The synergy of this transaction will be evident as the companies work together in the Guazapares region. The combined position in the area creates a large land position allowing opportunities for exploration and development strategies to maximize shareholder value as per figure 1, which may be viewed at" target="_blank" rel="nofollow ugc noopener">

      The companies will also combine Paramount's recently discovered "Clavo 99" with Mexoro's Encino Gordo project for a land package in excess of 1,000 hectares situated immediately east of Coeur d'Alene's Palmarejo Trogan Project. The location map, figure 2, which may be viewed at illustrates Paramount's 'Clavo 99' which trends north-northwest into Mexoro's Encino Gordo project.

      In addition, the companies will establish an exploration team to co-develop Paramount's 86,000 hectare Andrea concession with the neighboring Mexoro Cieneguita Mine. Cieneguita was last in production by Glamis Gold Ltd. between 1995 and 1998 prior to its acquisition by Goldcorp Inc. Please see figure 3, the location map of Paramount's Andrea Concession and Mexoro's Cieneguita Mine at" target="_blank" rel="nofollow ugc noopener">

      The agreement calls for Paramount to invest a minimum of $4 million and maximum of $6 million into Mexoro, fixed at a price of $0.50 per unit by June 23, 2008. Each unit will consist of 1 common share of Mexoro and one half warrant to purchase additional common shares at a price of $0.75 per share exercisable immediately for a period of four years from closing. Should Paramount subscribe for the maximum, it would receive 12 million shares and 6 million warrants in the offering. The closing price of Mexoro shares quoted on the OTCBB on May 2, 2008 was $0.59 per share. The Letter of Intent contemplates that Paramount will provide an immediate cash infusion into Mexoro in the amount of $500,000 in the form of a secured convertible debenture bearing interest at a rate of 8% per annum for a term of one year. Paramount will have the option to convert the debt into units as part of the overall financing. Paramount will retain the first right of refusal on all future financings of Mexoro for a period of four years.

      Christopher Crupi, Paramount's Chief Executive Officer, will be appointed President of Mexoro upon completion of the financing and Mario Ayub will remain the Chairman of Mexoro. Paramount will have the right to appoint two members to the board of directors of Mexoro. Mr. Ayub may also be appointed to the board of directors of Paramount and will act as strategic advisor to Paramount. Mario Ayub is a chemical engineer and is a specialist in metallurgy. Mr. Ayub has served as President of the Chihuahua Mining Association from 2002- 2005 and from 1998 to 2002 was president of the National Miners Association of Mexico.

      The companies will form a joint exploration and development management committee with the responsibility of reviewing and planning the exploration programs of both companies. Charles William (Bill) Reed and Barry Quiroz will remain Vice President of Exploration for Paramount and Mexoro respectively. Barry Quiroz is a geologist and has held a management position with BHP Billiton.

      Christopher Crupi commented on the transaction, "Combining our exploration assets with those of Mexoro, particularly our San Miguel concessions in the Guazapares region, will give the companies significant property holdings for exploration in the mineral rich and prolific Sierra Madre gold-silver belt. Together, the companies control over 100,000 hectares within three historic mining districts and the combined exploration teams of over 100 people will be one of the most experienced in Mexico."

      Mario Ayub, President of Mexoro, said "This transaction results in synergies on many levels. Paramount is a well managed and well financed company trading on senior exchanges. The strategic geographical positioning of our properties in relation to Paramount, coupled with our common vision of an aggressive exploration program in this prolific area provides the potential for significant success going forward."

      About Paramount

      Paramount Gold is a precious metals mining exploration company presently in the early stages of an extensive exploration program at their San Miguel project in the Guazapares Mining District, part of the Sierra Madre Occidental gold-silver belt of Mexico. Paramount Gold and Silver Corp. is the operator of the San Miguel project.

      "Safe-Harbor" Statement: This press release contains forward-looking information within the meaning of Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. All statements that are not statements of historical fact regarding the intent, belief or current expectations of the Company may not be realized. Investors are cautioned that any such forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future performance and involve risks and uncertainties, many of which are beyond the Company's ability to control, and that actual results may differ materially.

      The Toronto Stock Exchange has not reviewed and therefore does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

      Paramount Gold and Silver Corp.
      Christopher Crupi


      Paramount Gold and Silver Corp.
      Chris Halkai
      Corporate Relations


      Mexoro Minerals Ltd.
      Mario Ayub

      INDUSTRY: Financial Services - Investment Services and Trading, Manufacturing and Production - Mining and Metals
      schrieb am 08.05.08 04:36:56
      Beitrag Nr. 146 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.031.094 von pecuniajh am 05.05.08 19:08:24Die neuesten Ergebnisse des Clavo 99 Bereiches zeigen an dass das Ende der Fundgrube noch nicht sichtbar ist.
      Paramount kommentierte: ´Wie erwartet, dehnen die Ergebnisse von Bohrloch
      SM-35 die exzellente Mineralisierung aus, die wir schon in Löchern SM-18
      und SM-20 über weitere 50 m am Einfallen und in Loch SM-34 über mindestens
      100 m südlich entlang der Strecke gesehen haben. ´Clavo 99´ zeigt
      eindeutig, dass die Mineralisierung bis in eine Tiefe von mindestens 250 m
      besteht und am Einfallen offen bleibt. Frühere Bohrungen zeigten an, dass
      sich ´Clavo 99´ mindestens 400 m entlang der Strecke ausdehnt. Wir
      erwarten, dass diese ungewöhnlich große hochgradige Zone noch wachsen
      schrieb am 10.05.08 07:17:54
      Beitrag Nr. 147 ()
      In der letzten kurzen Zeit hat sich wirder viel ereignet zu Gunsten Paramounts. Clavo 99, das reichhaltige Gebiet das vor Kurzem entdeckt war hat neuen Anlass zur Verbesserung geboten. Vor Millionen von Jahren haben sich die Erdmassen in Sierra Madre zusammengequetscht and etwas im Druck nachgelassen. Dadurch entstanden Spalten die sich dann im Laufe der Zeit von unten unter Druck mit mineral haltigen Lava fuellten. Dann mit der Zeit ist es hart geworden. Diese gefuellte Masse ist in der geologischen Zusammensetzung reich an Mineralen wie Gold, Silber, Blei, Zink usw. Clavo ist eine der groesseren Spalten deren Umfang und Tiefe noch immer nicht festgestellt ist. Mit jeder Bohrung erweitert sich Clavo99. Jetzt aber weis man schon dass es sich ueber das Gelaende von Paramount zieht und zwar teiweise zum Nachbern MEXORO.
      Mexoro ist wie Paramount eine Edelmetall suchende Firma. Es it ja logisch dass beide Firmen sich dann in ein Verbuendniss einladen um gemeinsam die reichen Werte finden. So das ist jetzt unterwegs.Chris Crupi von Paramount wird die Geschaeftsfuehrung beider Firmen ueber sich haben. Die expert Geologen werden beibehalten da sie ja ihr Gebiet gut kennen. Ersparnisse in Bohrwerkzeugen und anderen Arbeiten kann man erwarten da jetzt beide Firmen zusammen arbeiten. Insgesammt hat Paramount jetzt hundert tausend Hektare als Forschungsgebiet unter sich. Wenn das alles einmal ermessen und zum Ausgraben verkauft wird kann es eine schoene Menge Geld einbringen. Ich werde meine Aktien schoen behalten bis dorthin. Weltweit gibt's Tausende von Firmen die Edelmetalle suchen, aber wenige haben das Glueck das Paramount in den Schoss fiel
      schrieb am 22.05.08 04:57:40
      Beitrag Nr. 148 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.069.675 von pecuniajh am 10.05.08 07:17:54Wie calkulieren "Hedge Funds " in Amerika den Kaufswert von Firmen die Edelmetalle suchen ? Wie Paramount Gold and Silver Corp.als Beispiel ?

      Kuerzlich las ich einen Artikel bei David Chapman. Er ist technischer Analyst mit " Union Securities. Er erklaert dass die Formel sehr niedrige Resultate erreicht ,da die Hedge Funds niedrig kaufen um massig Gewinn heraus zu schinden.

      Sie nehmen den professionel geschaetzten Wert des Metalles der im Boden ist. 10 Prozent davon wird bei der Nummer der Aktien ( shares ) geteilt. Das ergiebt ihnen den Einkaufswert pro Aktie.

      Das Beispiel in meiner Rechnung hier beruht sich nur auf Paramount's Silber. Den Goldwert werde ich anschliessend errechnen.Beide, dann als Summe, gibt den momentanen Peis pro Aktie. Die gesammten Aktien im Umlauf habe ich auf 50 Millionen aufgerunded ( 48.5 M )
      Die erschaetzten,bestaetigten Silber Mengen sind 100 Millionen Unzen. Als Preis pro Unze Silber nehme ich 20 Dollar gerunded.

      10% sind 10 Millionen Unzen, mal $ 20 sind $ 200 Millionen, geteilt durch 50 Millionen ( Aktien ) ergiebt $4.00 pro Aktienwert vom Silber alleine.

      Jetzt zum vorhandenen ( im Boden )Gold sind erwiesene 2 Millionen Unzen.( Welt Preis pro Unze Gold auf $ 1000 Dollar gerechnet). Dies errechnet mit der gleichen Formel giebt auch $ 4.00 .
      So, 4 for Silber und nochmal 4 fuer Gold giebt 8 Dollar Wert pro Aktie. Das ist der guenstigste Einsteigs Preis fuer PZG. Der eigentliche Wert ist ja hoeher da die Bonzen ja auf Gewinn sehen.

      Der heutige Preis pro Aktie ist laecherlich niedrig. Das hat mit der Amerikanischen Wirtschaft zu tun. Wenn eine Ausbau Firma das ganze kaueft sit es ja dann auf dem internatinalen Markt und nicht auf Amerika beschraenkt, wie zum Beispiel fie Gebiete von Palmarejo nebenan ,welches im letzten Jahr 1.1 Milliarden Dollar brachte
      schrieb am 22.05.08 08:11:22
      Beitrag Nr. 149 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.069.675 von pecuniajh am 10.05.08 07:17:54Paramount und Mexoro Verbindung. Die ersten Bohrergebnisse dieser neuen, strategischen 'EHE'.
      Wie schon frueher erwaehnt, Paramount hat Mexoro financiell ausgeholfen und sich dabei sehr billig als Partner ein Riesengebiet erworben welches jetzt beide Firmen zusammen ' erobern um noch mehr Edelmetalle zu finden. Mexoro's Concessionen und Paramounts Concessionen sind jetzt ueber 100 Tausend Hektare.
      Die ersten 6 Bohrergebnisse dieser Zusammenarbeit sind jetzt frei gegeben worden. Die Gold und noch mehr die Silberwerte sind versprechend . Es betrifft das 'CIENEGUITA' Projekt. Es ist nur 20 km von der groessten, produzierenden Goldgrube Mexico's entfernt;die Goldcorp's EL Sauzai Mine.Paramount's concession, das ANREA PROJECT und EL Sauzai sind wahre Nachbarn, gleich angeschlossen,nebenan. Die Ergebnisse in Werten ( Gold und auch Silber sind so versprechend dass die originell geplanten Bohrungen von 4 000 Meter auf 10 000 Meter geaendert worden sind.

      Die folgende Erklaerung ( english )und Tabellen kaann man auch auf der PARAMOUNT website finden, oder auf Yahoo Finance unter PZG.

      Press Release Source: Mexoro Minerals Ltd.

      Mexoro Announces First Assay Results Under the New Strategic Alliance With Paramount Gold From the Cieneguita Mine Including 74 Meters of 1.72g/t Gold and 119.77g/t Silver
      Wednesday May 21, 4:35 pm ET

      CHIHUAHUA, Mexico, May 21 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- Mexoro Minerals Ltd. (OTC Bulletin Board: MXOM - News) is pleased to announce their first assay results under the newly signed strategic alliance with Paramount Gold and Silver Corp. (Amex/TSX: PZG). These results are from 6 additional drill holes from the Cieneguita project (CI-13 to CI-18) and partial results from three other holes: CI-19, CI-20 and CI-21 (only Au and Ag for the upper part of the drill holes). These assays continue to intersect significant gold and silver mineralization at the Cieneguita project in the Urique District, 375 km to the southwest of Chihuahua City, Mexico. It is in the same mineralized trend and only 20 km away from Goldcorp's El Sauzal mine, Mexico's largest producing gold mine and adjacent to Paramount's Andrea project. Cieneguita was last in production by Glamis Gold Ltd. between 1995 and 1998 prior to its acquisition by Goldcorp Inc. A total of 25 diamond core holes have been drilled (CI-01 to CI-25) totaling 5,323 core meters since drilling began at Cieneguita in early December 2007. Assays from CI-01 - CI-12 were released in March and April of 2008.
      Due to the encouraging assay results from the drilling at Cieneguita, the diamond drilling program initially consisting of 4,000 meters has been extended to a minimum of 10,000 meters. The drill program will focus on:

      -- Exploring high-grade mineralization areas within known pit limits
      -- Testing the potential of three new recently identified high-grade zones
      -- Determining the oxide-sulfide interface and characterizing the gold and
      silver mineralization contained in the sulfide zone
      -- Exploring Piedras Blancas, a recently identified mineralized area 500m
      south of the Cieneguita main ore body. In this area the gold anomalies
      at surface are greater than the ones at Cieneguita

      Drill hole CI-21 identified a new gold zone to the south of Pit 2 and expanded the deposit at depth. Highlights from CI-21 include an intercept of 74 meters of 1.72 g/t Au and 119.77 g/t Ag; which included 10.50 meters of 2.42 g/t Au and 244.36 g/t Ag and 16.50 meters of 2.66 g/t Au and 135.22 g/t Ag.

      Drill holes CI-13, CI-14 and CI-17 were collared beyond the known limits of the mineralization intersecting only anomalous gold in most of the intervals.

      Holes CI-15 and CI-16 were collared in the Pit 1 area to the northeast of the Cieneguita system. The drill holes were designed to test the near-surface oxide mineralization identified at the Pit 1 area. The results show that gold mineralization is associated to an oxidation zone exhibiting a thickness of up to approximately 25 meters. Gold mineralization is also hosted in this area by a dacitic tuff and hydrothermal breccia bodies.

      Holes CI-18 and CI-21 were collared on, and to the south of, Pit 2 in a southeast direction. The drill holes were designed to test anomalous and high grade gold values obtained from surface samples taken during the mapping process carried out in 2007. The results indicate the continuation to the southeast of both the near surface oxide mineralization and the deeper sulfide gold-silver (+Pb-Zn) mineralization. Follow-up drill holes will be programmed to test the extension of the mineralized intervals to the east and at depth. Gold and silver mineralization intersected in drill hole CI-21 may represent a new hydrothermal mineralization center at the southwestern margin of the Cieneguita system that could increase the potential of the Cieneguita project significantly.

      Ongoing core drilling of the Cieneguita mineralization system has confirmed that mineralization occurs mainly as disseminations hosted by dacitic tuffs and hydrothermal breccia bodies. Due to the disseminated character of the mineralization, several follow-up holes will be drilled to define lateral and vertical extensions of the three newly identified mineralized areas.

      For a complete assay table and maps of Cieneguita, please visit our website at

      Hole ID From(m) To(m) Interval(m) Au(g/t) Ag(g/t) Pb(%) Zn(%)

      CI-13 84.40 92.00 9.10 0.45
      111.50 123.25 11.75 0.81
      210.50 213.50 3.00 0.50 0.85
      282.50 293.00 10.50 0.55 0.94
      CI-14 114.50 117.50 3.00 1.53
      135.00 144.00 9.00 0.95
      CI-15 0.0 10.50 10.50 2.15 34.62
      CI-16 0.0 19.30 19.30 1.57 26.50
      CI-18 0.0 14.50 14.50 1.10 26.95
      81.50 93.50 12.00 0.37 100.64
      102.50 149.00 46.50 0.47 58.75
      165.50 170.00 4.50 0.58 37.90
      171.50 186.59 15.00 0.44 27.15
      189.50 197.00 7.50 0.29 82.12 0.26 0.56
      197.00 207.50 10.50 0.53 42.64
      215.00 228.50 13.50 0.93 50.47
      248.00 251.00 3.00 0.14 20.30 0.38 0.46
      258.50 263.00 4.50 0.11 16.00 0.57 0.81
      264.50 276.50 12.00 0.18 21.01 0.64 1.02
      Including 264.50 269.00 4.50 0.21 28.33 1.03 1.82
      CI-19 15.50 32.50 15.00 0.75 106.14
      Including 17.50 23.50 6.00 1.33 145.17
      CI-20 0.0 19.00 19.00 0.89
      Including 11.50 14.50 3.00 1.09
      CI-21 42.50 116.50 74.00 1.72 119.77
      Including 42.50 53.00 10.50 2.42 244.36
      Including 76.00 92.50 16.50 2.66 135.22
      Including 98.50 110.50 12.00 1.66 71.69

      Quality Control

      Mexoro takes digital photographs of the entire core before sampling. The samples are analyzed by ALS Chemex Labs in Vancouver, Canada. Samples are analyzed by Au (Atomic Absorption) plus an ICP multi-element package. We inserted certified standards, blankets and duplicates into all samples shipment to the laboratory. Half-core samples are retained in our storage for verification, reference and all other purposes

      These results have been prepared under the supervision of Barry Quiroz, MSc., Mexoro VP of Exploration. He has the expertise and authority to verify the authenticity and validity of this data.

      About Mexoro:

      Mexoro Minerals Ltd., is an exploration and production company focused on mining precious metals in the traditionally mineral rich Sierra Madre region of Chihuahua, Mexico which controls three historical gold-silver mines for which additional exploration has confirmed significant mineral potential. The Company also has claims on additional properties, in the Chihuahua area near Paramount's San Miguel projects. Mexoro recently signed a Strategic Alliance with Paramount Gold and Silver Corp. (AMEX/TSX: PZG).

      Contact Information:
      Investor Relations

      Related News Stories
      · Paramount Announces First Assay Results Under the New Strategic Alliance With Mexoro From the Cieneguita Mine Including 74 Meters of 1.72g/t Gold and 119.77g/t Silver - Marketwire (Wed May 21)
      · InPlay: Paramount Gold and Silver announces first assay results under the new strategic alliance with Mexoro from the Cieneguita Mine - (Wed May 21)
      · Paramount Gold and Silver Corp. Intersects Mineralization at 300m Expanding 'Clavo 99' at Depth at its San Miguel Project - Marketwire (Tue May 20)
      · MEXORO MINERALS LTD Files SEC form 8-K, Entry into a Material Definitive Agreement, Creation of a Direct Financial Ob - EDGAR Online (Fri May 16)
      schrieb am 22.05.08 08:24:33
      Beitrag Nr. 150 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.148.029 von pecuniajh am 22.05.08 04:57:40San Miguel, neue Nummern von Clavo 99

      3 neue Bohrergebnisse sind frei gegeben worden. Die vorherigen Bohrungen gingen auf 250 Meter Tiefe. Das zeigte dass die Spalte 'Clavo 99 noch tiefer gehen muesste. ...Und so war es bewiesen. Aber die endgueltige Tiefe der reichen Funde ist noch immer nicht festgestellt. Aber soweit weiss man dass in der 300 Meter Tiefe Clavo 99 ist mindestens 450 Meter breit. Auch eine wuchtige Goldader ist durchbohrt worden.
      Der Haupt-Geologe von Paramount ist ein Genius. Fast kann man denken er riecht unterirdisch. So weit, so gut !!!
      schrieb am 30.05.08 18:16:53
      Beitrag Nr. 151 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.148.256 von pecuniajh am 22.05.08 08:24:33Press Release Source: Paramount Gold and Silver Corp.

      Paramount Gold and Silver Corp's Trenching Reveals a New Mineralized Structure at its San Miguel Project
      Friday May 30, 9:00 am ET

      CHIHUAHUA, MEXICO--(MARKET WIRE)--May 30, 2008 -- Paramount Gold and Silver Corp. (Toronto:PZG.TO - News) (AMEX:PZG - News) (Frankfurt:P6G.F - News) (WKN: A0HGKQ) reports assay results from recent exploration trenching in the San Antonio zone of its San Miguel Project in Mexico.

      Paramount excavated two trenches for a total of 156 meters in the San Antonio zone to investigate an area of sparse outcrop with attractive surface geochemical sampling results, and to test the projection to the surface of precious metal-bearing veins intersected in its previous drilling program. The assay results are tabulated below:

      Trench From To Interval Au ppm Ag ppm AuEq ppm Pb % Zn%
      Meters Meters Meters
      ZSJ-1 0.00 12.50 12.50 0.01 20.00 0.42 0.13 0.58
      12.50 18.50 6.00 0.01 87.00 1.74 0.20 0.61
      18.50 21.50 3.00 0.02 357.00 7.17 0.40 0.52
      21.50 33.50 12.00 0.00 70.00 1.41 0.09 0.36
      ZSJ-2 24.00 38.00 14.00 0.03 12.00 0.28 0.16 0.54
      38.00 39.20 1.20 0.29 77.00 1.83 5.50 14.25
      39.20 43.00 3.80 0.05 14.00 0.34 0.08 0.27
      43.00 44.00 1.00 0.07 76.00 1.59 0.51 0.65
      44.00 45.00 1.00 6.48 485.00 16.18 2.45 0.37
      45.00 46.00 1.00 0.30 23.00 0.76 0.70 0.79
      46.00 47.00 1.00 2.34 105.00 4.44 0.39 1.02
      47.00 82.50 35.50 0.06 24.00 0.54 0.17 0.77
      82.50 110.50 28.00 0.00 16.00 0.32 0.04 0.79

      It is apparent that values in gold, silver, lead, and zinc were highly anomalous over significant widths in both trenches. The high gold values in ZSJ-2 were a pleasant surprise, as gold values are generally lower in the San Antonio holes drilled more than 100 meters to the east. Lead and zinc values were also higher than anticipated. The four meter interval in ZSJ-2 from 43 to 47 meters averages 2.30 g/t Au, 172.25 g/t Ag, 5.75 g/t AuEq, 1.01% Pb and 0.71% Zn. This mineralization appears to represent the projection to the surface of veins intersected in drill holes SJ-04 and SJ-05.

      The mineralized zones in the trench ZSJ-02 align with small old workings extending approximately 30 meters to the northwest along strike. The mineralized zone is roughly parallel to the main San Antonio workings and provides an opportunity to develop additional resources along this parallel structures with a drilling program planned for the area in 2008.

      The geologic map and others of the San Antonio area are posted on the Paramount website (
      schrieb am 04.06.08 03:00:15
      Beitrag Nr. 152 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.206.970 von pecuniajh am 30.05.08 18:16:53SAN-MIGUEL-PROJEKT
      :. Paramount kontrolliert mehr als 100.000 ha im Gold-Silber-Gürtel des
      Sierra Madre
      :. Sierra-Madre-Gürtel – historische Produktion von 40 Millionen Unzen
      Au und 2 Milliarden Unzen Ag
      :. nahe liegende Entdeckungen – Palmarejo (Palmarejo Silver), Mulatos
      (Alamos Gold), Dolores (Minefinders), Ocampo (Gammon Lake) und
      El Sauzal (Glamis/Goldcorp)
      :. laufendes Bohrprogramm, in dem 54 der letzten 61 Bohrlöcher auf
      ökonomisch verwertbares Silber, Gold, Zink und Blei gestoßen sind
      :. über 8 km Mineralisierungen – bis jetzt nur 30% der Streichlänge von
      den Hauptadern durch Bohrungen mit einer Durchschnittstiefe von 100
      Meter untersucht
      :. im Januar 2007 veröffentlichter NI 43-101 Bericht über San Miguel
      bezifferte das Vorkommen vorerst auf schätzungsweise 4,8 Mio.
      Metertonnen mit 246,6 g/t Ag (38 Mio. Unzen Silberäquivalent)
      :. am 19. März 2007 gab Paramount einen 12-Monats-Plan für ein
      50.000-Meter-Bohrprogramm in San Miguel, Mexiko, bekannt – Layne
      Christensen stellte die notwendigen Bohrer zur Verfügung, um dieses
      bereits im Gang befindliche Programm durchzuführen
      - vorläufig angenommene Ressourcen durch Infill- und Down-dip-
      Bohrungen in den besten vorhandenen Zonen aufwerten und erweitern
      - bekannte Zonen ausweiten und neue identifizieren, indem Bohrungen
      in Streichlängen, die über die bis jetzt erkundeten 3,3 km hinausgehen,
      und in parallelen Adern vorgenommen werden
      Paramount Gold & Silver | 346 Waverley Street, Suite 110, Ottawa, ON K2P 0W5 | Telefon: (613) 226-9881
      AMEX: PZG
      TSX: PZG
      Frankfurt: P6G
      46,5 Mio.
      55,4 Mio.
      30. Juni
      :. eröffnete am 1. August 2007 Handel an der AMEX
      und am 5. September 2007 an der TSX; beide unter
      dem Symbol ‚PZG’
      :. Finanzierung in Höhe von 21,7 Mio. USD am 30.
      März 2007 abgeschlossen
      :. im Januar 2007 veröffentlichter NI 43-101 Bericht
      über San Miguel bezifferte das Silberäquivalent auf
      schätzungsweise 38 Mio. Unzen
      :. laufendes Bohrprogramm in San Miguel erbrachte
      kürzlich 468 g/t Ag entlang 10,2 Meter, einschließlich
      5.370 g/t Ag entlang 0,5 Meter
      :. Andean Gold Alliance, Südamerika – Exploration von
      28 Liegenschaften seit Vertragsunterzeichnung mit
      Teck Cominco
      Paramount Gold & Silver | 346 Waverley Street, Suite 110, Ottawa, ON K2P 0W5 | Telefon: (613) 226-9881
      :. Paramount startete im März 2007 ein 50.000-Meter-Bohrprogramm
      in San Miguel, Mexiko
      :. San Miguel ist mit dem Trojan-Projekt in Palmarejo geologisch
      vergleichbar (3,1 Mio. Unzen Silberäquivalent)
      :. vor kurzem 86.300 ha zwischen der San-Miguel-Mine und der El-Sauzal-
      Mine (Goldcorp Inc.) in Mexiko als Andrea-Konzession abgesteckt
      :. evaluiert ständig zusätzliche Liegenschaften in Mexiko
      :. Andean Gold Alliance, eine strategische Partnerschaft mit Teck Cominco
      :. ausgezeichnete Akquisitionsmöglichkeiten in etablierten
      Minengebieten Perus
      :. Standorte durch Joint Venture und/oder direkte Akquisition ausweiten
      :. SL-02, 4,0 Meter mit 35,5 g/t Gold und 17,0 g/t Silber
      :. SJ-01, 5,0 Meter mit 263,6 g/t Silber
      :. SJ-03, 5,0 Meter mit 0,1 g/t Gold and 873,6 g/t Silber
      :. SJ-04, 6,5 Meter mit 552,9 g/t Silber
      :. SJ-05, 19,7 Meter mit 263,0 g/t Silber
      :. SJ-06, 6,6 Meter mit 354,0 g/t Silber
      :. LU-01, 16,4 Meter mit 0.7 g/t Gold und 225,0 g/t Silber mit
      0,85% Blei und 0,83% Zink
      :. LU-02, 17,6 Meter mit 1,6 g/t Gold und 279,0 g/t Silber mit 0,26% Zink
      :. LU-09, 105,4 Meter mit 0,26 g/t Gold und 28,0 g/t Silber mit
      0,52% Blei und 1,45% Zink
      :. LU-11, 101,5 Meter mit 0,08 g/t Gold und 13,5 g/t Silber mit
      0,66% Blei und 1,93% Zink
      :. SA-10, 8,25 Meter mit 683 g/t Silber mit 0,78% Blei und 0,97% Zink
      :. SA-19, durchschnittlich 61,9 Meter mit 184 g/t Ag, einschließlich
      4,4 Meter mit 1.162 g/t Ag
      :. SA-25, 0,5 Meter mit 0,14g/t Au, 5.370,0 g/t Ag mit 1,27% Blei und
      1,30% Zink
      Christopher Crupi, CA – Direktor, Präsident, ehemaliger
      Vizepräsident von PricewaterhouseCoopers. Chris war an
      Transaktionen von insgesamt über 1 Milliarde Dollar beteiligt,
      einschließlich Verkauf des Ottawa Senators Hockey Club sowie
      Verkauf eines Teils des Kanadischen Roten Kreuzes.
      Larry Segerstrom MBA, M.Sc. (Geologie) – leitender Geschäftsführer
      (COO) mit über 25 Jahren Erfahrung, zuletzt Manager von Geologic
      Services Group für Freeport-McMoRan und Geschäftsführer der
      Zweigstelle Mexiko der Bohrfirma Layne Christensen. Zuvor
      Explorationsgeologe bei Newmont, Noranda und Phelps Dodge.
      John R. Carden, PhD Geologie – Direktor mit über 20 Jahren
      Erfahrung, einschließlich Beratertätigkeit für Minefinders, Metallica,
      Castleworth Ventures und Corex Gold. Zuvor Präsident von Latitude
      Minerals Corporation und Direktor bei Exploration U.S. für Echo
      Bay Exploration.
      Daniel Hachey, B.Sc., MBA – Direktor mit über 20 Jahren Erfahrung
      in Führungspositionen des Investmentbanking bei Firmen in
      Toronto, New York und Montreal, derzeit Präsident/CEO von
      Greenwich Global Capital Inc., beteiligt an Equity-Finanzierungen,
      IPOs und Privatplatzierungen einschließlich Glamis Gold, Canico
      Resource, Research in Motion und JDS Uniphase.
      Jean Depatie – Senior Advisor, eine hochangesehene Führungskraft
      mit über 30 Jahren Erfahrung in der Bergbauindustrie. Er ist
      Vorstandsmitglied in mehreren Aktiengesellschaften der
      Rohstoffindustrie und war bis vor kurzem das dienstälteste
      Vorstandsmitglied bei Glamis Gold, welches soeben durch Goldcorp
      in einer 8-Milliarden-Dollar-Transaktion übernommen wurde.
      Charles W. (Bill) Reed, B.Sc. Mineralogie – Direktor, Exploration
      Manager für Mexiko, 30 Jahre Erfahrung einschließlich
      Chefgeologe in Mexiko für Hecla Mining (NYSE:HL), Bezirksgeologe
      für Echo Bay Exploration und Geologe bei Kennecott Exploration
      und Occidental Petroleum.
      Marc Slauenwhite B.Sc. Geologie – leitender Projektgeologe für
      Südamerika mit 23 Jahren Erfahrung. Bevor er sich Paramount
      anschloss, war Mark leitender Projektgeologe bei Barrick Gold
      und davor bei Inco Ltd.
      John Simons, Bergbauingenieur – leitender technischer
      Fachberater, leitete das San-Miguel-Bohrprojekt in den Siebzigern
      mit aufsehenerregenden Ergebnissen und war Mitentdecker der
      Kupfer-Molybdän-Lagerstätte bei La Caridad, heute die größte
      Mine in Mexiko.
      Michel Yvan Stinglhamber – Direktor, eine lange und
      bemerkenswerte Karriere in der mexikanischen Bergbauindustrie.
      Vertritt derzeit Umicore Belgium in Mexiko und fungiert als
      Bevollmächtigter und Direktor für Unimet SA de CV, ein 100-
      prozentiges Unternehmen von Umicore Belgium, einer
      Aktiengesellschaft im Wert von 5,57 Milliarden USD, die in den
      Bereichen Edelmetallprodukte und –katalysatoren, hochmoderne
      Materialien und Zinkspezialitäten aktiv ist.
      Ian Talbot – Direktor, Jurist und Geologe mit über 20 Jahren
      Erfahrung in Bergbau- als auch Explorationsunternehmen,
      einschließlich BHP Billiton. Gründer, Präsident und CEO von
      Arcus Development Group Inc., einem Jungunternehmen für
      Bergbau und Exploration. Derzeit als Direktor bei Rimfire Minerals
      Corporation tätig.
      schrieb am 04.06.08 03:49:17
      Beitrag Nr. 153 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.232.158 von pecuniajh am 04.06.08 03:00:15Paramount Gold and Silver Corporation hat wieder neue Bohrergebnisse zu berichten. Wie schon frueher bestaetigt, ein reichhaltiges Gelaende innerhalb San Miguel, Clavo99 ist entdeckt und erbohrt worden. Paramount hat Clavo 99 auf ihrer eigenen concession zur Grenze erforscht. Dabei hat sich ergeben dass das reichhaltige Clavo99 sich aufs Nachbarland herauszieht. Paramount hat sich dann letzten Monat das Gelaende erworben. Es heisst " ELYCA". die fortsetzung von Elyca und auch Clavo99 streckt sich durch Elyca in die "EMPALME" concession. Diese aber war schon im Besitz von Paramount von frueher her. So damit kann Paramount sich wunderbar verbessern. Der andere Partner ( 30 % ) des restlichen frueheren San Miguel Fundes ( Tara Gold Resources Inc. / TRGD.PK ) hat aus finanziellen Gruenden aufgegeben sich zu beteiligen und laut Vertrag sind dann nur mit 10 % Mitglied. Das heisst, von nun an hat Paramount Gold and Silver volle 90 %. Paramount bohrt und graebt an mehreren Stellen gleichzeitig und die Erfolge fliegen ihnen glatt in den Schoss. Auch wie schon erwaehnt vor einem Monat haben sie sich mit Mexoro, einer Nachbar Firma, zusammengeschlossen und damit das Erforschungs Gelaende vielfach erweitert. Mexoro hat auch bedeutende Funde schon erwiesen.
      In Kuerze, noch in diesen Monat ( Juni ) werden sie ein Gesammt-Ergebnis einschliesslich aller festgestellten und bewiesenden Edelmineralwerte bekannt geben - NI 43 - 101 -
      Die letzte NI 43-101 war im Januar 2007 . Seitdem hat sich so viel geaendert, so viele neue Edelmetallwerte sind bewiesen. Auch der globale Goldpreis hat sich wesentlich verbessert.
      Anschliessend doe Presseausgabe von Paramount selbst:

      JUNE 3 / /2008 drill results in Elyca and Empalme

      Press Release Source: Paramount Gold and Silver Corp.
      Paramount Gold and Silver Corp. Reports Drill Results From its San Miguel Vein in Mexico
      Tuesday June 3, 1:30 pm ET
      CHIHUAHUA, MEXICO--(MARKET WIRE)--Jun 3, 2008 -- Paramount Gold and Silver Corp. (Toronto:PZG.TO - News)(AMEX:PZG - News)(Frankfurt:P6G.F - News)(WKN: A0HGKQ) reports assay results from drill holes SM-25 through SM-33 in the San Miguel target area in the northwest portion of the project. This series of first pass exploratory holes was drilled to the northwest of 'Clavo 99' on the newly acquired Elyca concession and the Empalme concession. Many of these holes intersected significant mineralization which will be followed up by additional drilling.

      Drill holes SM-25, 26, 27 and 28 were step-out holes immediately to the northwest of 'Clavo 99' with highlights as follows:

      SM-25 0.91m @ 1.78 g/t Au, 9.0 g/t Ag, 1.96 g/t Au Eq.
      SM-27 0.82m @ 0.03 g/t Au, 241 g/t Ag, 4.85 g/t Au Eq.
      Drill holes SM-29, 30 and 31 were drilled on the Empalme concession. SM-29 was drilled near old workings 750 meters northwest along strike from SM-27. SM-30 and 31 were drilled 600 meters northwest of SM-27. Most had grades worthy of follow-up exploration.

      SM-29 0.77m @ 0.09 g/t Au, 141 g/t Ag, 2.91 g/t Au Eq.
      SM-30 0.58m @ 2.49 g/t Au, 13.0 g/t Ag, 2.75 g/t Au Eq.
      Drill holes SM-32 and 33 were drilled 200 meters northwest of the inferred boundary of 'Clavo 99' and deeper than the series SM-25 to SM-28. Intercepts were somewhat less narrow and grades were better than the shallower holes, suggesting that there may be further improvement with depth. Additional drilling will be done in this area.

      SM-32 0.90m @ 5.60 g/t Au, 15 g/t Ag, 5.90 g/t Au Eq.
      SM-33 1.64m @ 6.20 g/t Au, 47.5 g/t Ag, 7.13 g/t Au Eq.
      Highlights of these assay results are seen in the table below (visit for further assay details, map of project showing the location of the San Miguel Zone, a map of the southern part of the Zone itself, and a longitudinal section of the vein structure):

      True (Ag:Ag Gold
      Hole From To Interval Width Gold Silver equals 50) Equiv.
      Number (m) (m) (m) (m) (g/t) (g/t) (g/t) (g x m)
      SM-25 126.0 127.0 1.0 0.91 1.78 9 1.96 1.78

      SM-26 19.0 30.7 11.7 8.96 0.08 36 0.80 7.15

      SM-27 17.0 18.0 1.0 0.82 0.03 241 4.85 3.98
      30.0 31.7 1.7 1.39 0.31 140 3.11 4.32
      144.6 145.0 0.4 0.33 5.18 14 5.46 1.80

      SM-28 68.8 88.5 19.7 16.13 0.68 5 0.78 12.57

      SM-29 32.3 33.3 1.0 0.77 0.09 141 2.91 2.24
      68.5 71.4 2.9 2.22 1.79 12 2.03 4.51

      SM-30 83.0 87.6 4.6 2.64 1.02 5 1.12 2.96
      105.0 106.0 1.0 0.57 2.49 13 2.75 1.57

      SM-31 No Major Intercepts

      SM-32 94.3 97.2 2.9 2.38 2.62 13 2.88 6.84
      159.0 160.0 1.0 0.82 2.17 5 2.27 1.86
      172.9 174.0 1.1 0.90 5.60 15 5.90 5.31

      SM-33 136.0 138.0 2.0 1.64 0.08 97 2.02 3.31
      147.4 148.9 1.5 1.23 0.15 176 3.67 4.51
      159.2 166.5 7.3 5.98 2.17 29 2.74 16.38
      incl. 164.5 166.5 2.0 1.64 6.20 48 7.13 11.69


      Larry Segerstrom, COO of Paramount Gold and Silver Corp., commented, "This group of drill holes was designed to test areas of old workings along strike to the northwest on a first pass basis. We are excited that most holes cut interesting mineralization. Results from holes SM-32 and 33 suggest that further drilling may extend 'Clavo 99' toward them."
      Tara Gold Resources Inc. has elected not to participate in the Elyca concession and pursuant to the joint venture, Tara Gold has a 10% interest in the Elyca concession.
      Quality Control
      Paramount takes detailed digital photos of the entire core before it is cut by saw to half core which is assayed at ALS Chemex's Vancouver laboratory. As part of quality assurance, quality control (QA/QC), Paramount has put into place a detailed program of periodically introducing certified standards, blanks and duplicates into the sample stream. Half-core samples are being retained on site for verification and reference purposes.
      The qualified person who has reviewed this news release is Dana C. Durgin, M. Sc. Economic Geology. He is a Certified Professional Geologist (CPG #10364) with the American Institute of Professional Geologists, and a Registered Professional Geologist in Wyoming (PG-2886).

      Paramount Gold and Silver Corp.
      Larry Segerstrom, COO

      Chris Halkai, Corporate Relations

      Source: Paramount Gold and Silver Corp.
      schrieb am 04.06.08 21:00:03
      Beitrag Nr. 154 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.232.176 von pecuniajh am 04.06.08 03:49:17Grüße...darf ich mich mal kurz einmischen? Die 90% working interest für Para gelten aber nur für die Elyca-Liegenschaft, bei den verbleibenden Konzessionen, die im Zusammenhang mit Tara stehen, bleibt es bei den 70%. Die bleiben, wenn Tara 30% der Explorationskosten übernimmt. Laut dem letzten Para-Quartalsbericht sind derartige Gelder bisher noch nicht geflossen; bei Para steht eine entsprechende Forderung in der Bilanz. Kann Tara nicht zahlen, vermindert sich deren Anteil Stück für Stück.

      schrieb am 10.06.08 19:40:54
      Beitrag Nr. 155 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.239.999 von contactman am 04.06.08 21:00:03Contactmann......Sie haben recht wenn sie meinen dass sich die 10 % nur auf Elyca beziehen.Da Clavo99 sich ueber die Grenzen der frueheren Beteiligung hinziehen musste Paramount Elyca erwerben. Es scheint dass Tara finanziell nicht in der Lage war, mitzusteuern. Clavo's Grenzen sind gluecklicherweise noch nicht erforscht. Es kann sich noch ueber weitere Grenzen ziehen. Die Tatsache, dass Tara nicht mehr genuegend Geld aufbringen kann um weiterhin alles mitmachen zu koennen liegt bei Tara's Geschaeftsfuehrung. Seit Jahren haben sie nie ein klares finanzielles Bild von sich gegeben, nur Einzelnes ausgespuckt.
      Paramount ist ueber Tara's Kopf gewachsen und ist in der Lage, so scheint es, mit Erfolgen ( bewiesen )noch groesser zu werden.Tara's System verwirrt einen. Zu viele " Unterfirmen ". Jetzt haben sie TARM, Tara Minerals, die mit der eigenen TRGD conkuriert. Man kann sich kein genaues finanzielles Bild von Tara machen. Doch dass ist deren Sache.
      schrieb am 10.06.08 20:18:42
      Beitrag Nr. 156 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.276.690 von pecuniajh am 10.06.08 19:40:54

      10. Juni. 2008
      Paramount Gold and Silver Corp. gibt Untersuchungsergebnisse seiner San-Miguel-Ader in Mexiko bekannt 3. Juni. 2008 Hier weiterlesen...
      In Gräben vom San-Miguel-Projekt legt Paramount Gold and Silver Corp. eine neue mineralisierte Struktur frei 30. Mai. 2008 Hier weiterlesen...
      Paramount Gold and Silver Corp. schließt zweite Phase der Exploration am Andrea-Projekt in Chihuahua in Mexiko ab 28. Mai. 2008 Hier weiterlesen...
      Paramount gibt erste Untersuchungsergebnisse unter der neuen strategischen Allianz mit Mexoro für die Cieneguita-Mine bekannt, einschließlich 74 Meter mit 1,72g/t Gold und 119,77g/t Silber 21. Mai. 2008 Hier weiterlesen... Ein Managementteam mit ber 500 Jahren gemeinsamer Minenerfahrung

      Paramount Gold and Silver Corp. ist ein Edelmetall-Explorationsunternehmen, das an der TSX-Brse (Toronto Stock Exchange) und an der AMEX-Brse (American Stock Exchange) unter dem Symbol PZG gelistet ist und an der Frankfurter Brse unter dem Symbol P6G.

      Die Ziele des Unternehmens sind:
      a) die Exploration und Entwicklung des San-Miguel-Projekts, das in Chihuahua,
      Mexiko, innerhalb des Gold-Silber-Grtels von Sierra Madre Occidental liegt;

      Das San-Miguel-Projekt - Ein bedeutender Fund

      Bis heute sind auf nur 7 km der mehr als 10 km langen Streichlnge mehr als 27.000 Meter gebohrt und mehr als 3.700 Meter Grben gezogen worden. In einem technischen Bericht (NI 43-101) vom 26. Januar 2007 wurde mitgeteilt, dass sich das Silberquivalent des Fundes schtzungsweise auf 38 Millionen Unzen beluft, wobei die Kosten pro Unze Silber unter 0,10 US-Dollar liegen. Paramount geht davon aus, diesen Fund in den Jahren 2007/2008 mit einem 50.000-Meter-Bohrprogramm bedeutend auszuweiten.

      Northern Miner - June 2, 2008
      schrieb am 10.06.08 20:56:50
      Beitrag Nr. 157 ()
      Kein nennenswertes Volumen, kein Kursanstieg. Para hat wohl tatsächlich jegliches Vertrauen verspielt.:(
      schrieb am 13.06.08 17:54:25
      Beitrag Nr. 158 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.276.961 von pecuniajh am 10.06.08 20:18:4213. Juni 2008
      Schon wieder neue Ergebnisse. Paramount hat festgestellt dass Clavo99 an der Sued-Seite zu einer Mindest-Breite von 650 Metern gewachsen ist. Die Gold und Silber Werte ( UNTEN BESCHRIEBEN ) sind bedeutend. Die Clavo Tiefe soweit ist 400 Meter. Wie man so sagt : Dies ist eine wirkliche Goldgrube.

      Paramount Gold and Silver Corp. Extends Clavo 99 to a width of
      650 Meters with 5.85 meters grading 6.06 g/t Au
      Chihuahua, Mexico - (Market Wire) – June 13, 2008- Paramount Gold and Silver Corp.
      (AMEX: PZG) (TSX: PZG) (Frankfurt: P6G, WKN: A0HGKQ) reports assay results
      from drill holes SM-42, 43 and 44 in southeastern part of the San Miguel Vein. Drill hole
      SM-42 intersected the vein 80 meters to the southeast and 50 meters above recently
      reported SM-39. Hole SM-43 pierced the vein 80 meters to the south and at the same
      elevation as SM-42. SM-44 intercepted the vein 100 meters directly below SM-43, and is
      180 meters southeast of SM-39.
      These new assay results have extended ‘Clavo 99’ to a known width of at least 650
      meters and demonstrated continuity of mineralization from the surface to a depth of
      nearly 400 meters.
      Hole SM-42 had a significant vein intercept of 5.85 meters (true width) grading 6.06 g/t
      Au and 16.1 g/t Ag. It also contained 0.93% Pb and 2.56% Zn, not shown in the table.
      The best intercept from SM-43 was 1.67 meters at 2.74 g/t /Au and 20.5 g/t Ag. Finally,
      SM-44 had several intercepts including 0.43 meters at 5.59 g/t Au and 3,070 g/t Ag as
      part of a wider, not quite so high grade intercept.
      Highlights of these assay results are seen in the table below (visit for further assay details, map of project showing the
      location of the San Miguel Zone, map of the southern part of the Zone itself, and a
      longitudinal section of the vein structure):
      Hole From To Interval
      Width Gold Silver
      # (m) (m) (m) (m) (g/t) (g/t) (g/t) (g x m)
      SM-42 195.7 204.8 9.1 5.85 6.06 16.1 6.38 37.32
      incl. 199.0 200.6 1.6 1.03 9.15 19.0 9.53 9.82
      SM-43 163.0 180.7 17.7 11.36 0.89 30.0 1.49 16.93
      incl. 168.6 169.6 1.0 0.64 1.56 30.0 2.16 1.38
      incl. 173.6 176.2 2.6 1.67 2.74 20.5 3.15 5.26
      incl. 178.2 180.7 2.5 1.61 1.62 15.9 1.94 3.12
      SM-44 104.1 236.2 132.1 59.97 0.33 55.0 1.43 85.76
      incl. 118.0 122.9 4.9 2.22 1.77 954.0 20.85 46.38
      incl. 121.95 122.9 0.95 0.43 5.59 3070.0 66.99 28.89
      incl. 145.0 154.0 9.0 4.09 1.17 13.0 1.43 5.84
      incl. 233.6 236.2 2.6 1.18 4.06 42.0 4.90 5.78
      Larry Segerstrom, COO of Paramount Gold and Silver Corp., commented, “The Clavo 99
      zone just keeps going and going to the southeast and continues to show very good grades
      and thicknesses. We have now turned our attention to exploring the extent of the clavo
      on the northwest side. The vein intercepts appear to be good from examining the core
      from the newest holes.”
      Quality Control
      Paramount takes detailed digital photos of the entire core before it is cut by saw to half
      core which is assayed at ALS Chemex's Vancouver laboratory. As part of quality
      assurance, quality control (QA/QC), Paramount has put into place a detailed program of
      periodically introducing certified standards, blanks and duplicates into the sample stream.
      Half-core samples are being retained on site for verification and reference purposes.
      The qualified person who has reviewed this news release is Dana C. Durgin, M. Sc.
      Economic Geology. He is a Certified Professional Geologist (CPG #10364) with the
      American Institute of Professional Geologists, and a Registered Professional Geologist in
      Wyoming (PG-2886).
      About Paramount
      Paramount Gold is a precious metals mining exploration company presently in the early
      stages of an extensive exploration program at their San Miguel project in the Guazapares
      Mining District, part of the Sierra Madre Occidental gold-silver belt of Mexico.
      Paramount Gold and Silver Corp. is the operator of the San Miguel project, which is a
      joint venture with Tara Gold Resources Corp. (OTC: TRGD.PK) (30%) who is required
      to contribute 30% of exploration costs to maintain their interest. Paramount recently
      signed an LOI announcing a Strategic Alliance with Mexoro Minerals (OTC:
      "Safe-Harbor" Statement: This press release contains forward-looking information within the
      meaning of Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. All statements that are not
      statements of historical fact regarding the intent, belief or current expectations of the Company
      may not be realized. Investors are cautioned that any such forward-looking statements are not
      guarantees of future performance and involve risks and uncertainties, many of which are beyond
      the Company's ability to control, and that actual results may differ materially.
      Paramount Gold and Silver Corp.
      Larry Segerstrom, COO
      Chris Halkai, Corporate Relations
      schrieb am 20.06.08 16:29:01
      Beitrag Nr. 159 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.299.453 von pecuniajh am 13.06.08 17:54:25Schon wieder Neues. Paramount hat sich das ganze Clavo99 gesichert.Da die wirklichen Grenzen des Clavo's noch lange nicht erforscht sind hat sich Para durch Verbuendungen den Clavo gesichert. Die Concessionen / Nachbarn waren damit einverstanden und vertragliche Sicherheit liegt in the nHaenden der Paramount Firma. Lesen Sie weiter. Dies ist der heutige Bericht :

      Paramount Gold and Silver Corp.
      AMEX: PZG
      TSX: PZG

      Other Recent News

      June 20, 2008
      Paramount Gold and Silver Corp. Expands its San Miguel Project by 17,200 hectares
      CHIHUAHUA, MEXICO--(Marketwire - June 20, 2008) - Paramount Gold and Silver Corp. (TSX:PZG)(AMEX:PZG)(FRANKFURT:P6G)(WKN:A0HGKQ) has signed an agreement with Garibaldi Resources Inc. (Garibaldi) (TSX VENTURE:GGI) to form a joint venture agreement, and acquire an interest in 17,208 hectares of property. The new agreement will cover approximately 6,657 hectares previously optioned in 2006 and adds several new parcels totalling 10,543 hectares under the umbrella of a joint venture.

      The land package in the Guazapares mining district, Mexico, will consist of several parcels as outlined in the cross-hatched areas on the current Paramount Land Status map, available on the Marketwire Website at the following address:

      As part of the transaction, Garibaldi will provide Paramount with its geologic data, including the results of its recent regional hyperspectral airborne survey. Paramount will be the exploration manager under the joint venture.

      Christopher Crupi, CA, Chief Executive Officer of Paramount said, "This agreement provides Paramount a strategic piece of significant ground surrounding our flagship San Miguel Project. Our contiguous land position in the region now stands at over 100,000 hectares. We believe that the Guazapares mining district hosts a world class precious metals deposit and this agreement marks one further step toward securing and fully developing the potential of this region."

      Paramount has made an initial payment to Garibaldi in the amount of $100,000. Paramount will earn a 50% interest by making an additional payment of $400,000, issuing 600,000 restricted common shares, and spending $700,000 on exploration. To increase its interest to 70%, Paramount must spend an additional $1,000,000 in exploration expenditures within 30 months, make an additional payment of $500,000, and issue an additional 400,000 restricted common shares.

      Upon earning a 70% joint venture interest, Paramount may increase its interest to 80% within 30 months of the signing of the Agreement, exclusively and limited to the approximately 6,657 hectares referred to in the October 6, 2006, agreement.

      About Paramount

      Paramount Gold ( is a precious metals mining exploration company presently in the early stages of an extensive exploration program at their San Miguel project in the Guazapares Mining District, part of the Sierra Madre Occidental gold-silver belt of Mexico. Paramount Gold and Silver Corp. is the Manager of the San Miguel project, which is a joint venture with Tara Gold Resources Corp. (TRGD.PK) (30%). Paramount recently signed a Strategic Alliance with Mexoro Minerals Ltd. (MXOM.OB).

      "Safe-Harbor" Statement: This press release contains forward-looking information within the meaning of Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. All statements that are not statements of historical fact regarding the intent, belief or current expectations of the Company may not be realized. Investors are cautioned that any such forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future performance and involve risks and uncertainties, many of which are beyond the Company's ability to control, and that actual results may differ materially.

      Paramount Gold and Silver Corp.
      Christopher Crupi, CEO
      Chris Halkai, Investor Relations

      INDUSTRY: Financial Services - Investment Services and Trading, Manufacturing and Production - Mining and Metals
      schrieb am 24.06.08 04:23:00
      Beitrag Nr. 160 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.342.485 von pecuniajh am 20.06.08 16:29:01......und schon wieder Neues von Paramount. Die Verbuendung con Paramount und Mexoro dient beiden Firmen. Paramount hatte das Geld und Mexoro hatte viel Land zum " erobern " An Hand des nachfolgendem Presseberichts kann ein guter Silberwert weiter erwartet werden. Mexoro bohrte schon frueher, bevor der Verbuendung. Auch etwas Blei und Zink ist dabei. Alles Sachen dass die Industrien brauchen.

      Paramount Announces Assay Results Under the Strategic Alliance With Mexoro From the Cieneguita Mine Including 59.5 Meters of 1.31 g/t Gold and 60.38 g/t Silver
      Monday June 23, 12:32 pm ET

      CHIHUAHUA, MEXICO--(MARKET WIRE)--Jun 23, 2008 -- - Paramount Gold and Silver Corp. (AMEX:PZG - News) (Toronto:PZG.TO - News) (Frankfurt:P6G.F - News)(WKN: A0HGKQ) announces assay results from their strategic alliance with Mexoro Minerals (Other OTC:MXOM.OB - News). The assays are from three additional holes from the Cieneguita project, located in Chihuahua, Mexico. Drill holes CI-21 to CI-24 were part of the recently completed drill project at Cieneguita, consisting of 31 core holes totaling 7,166 meters. The Company has also included the complete assay results for hole CI-21 (partially reported results from CI-21 in a press release dated May 21, 2008 included 74 meters of 1.72 g/t gold and 119.77 g/t silver).
      Partial results from Hole CI-22 stopped in mineralization, including a 5 meter mineralized interval of 1.17 g/t Au and 157 g/t Ag (intercepted at the end of the hole). In addition, the complete assay results from CI-21 included 111.50 meters of 1.24 g/t Au, 99.59 g/t Ag, 0.45% Pb and 0.73% Zn, and 74 meters of 1.72 g/t Au and 119.77 g/t Ag. Hole CI-24 yielded 59.50 meters of 1.31 g/t Au and 60.38 g/t Ag. Hole CI-23 did not encounter economic mineralization.

      The Summary of these assay results are seen in the table below (visit for a map showing the locations of holes CI-01 to CI-31).

      Hole ID From To Interval Au Ag Pb Zn
      (m) (m) (m) (g/t) (g/t) (%) (%)
      CI-21 42.50 154.0 111.50 1.24 99.59 0.45 0.73
      Including 42.50 116.50 74.00 1.72 119.77 0.49 0.79
      CI-22 0.0 89.50 89.50 0.57 50.98 0.10 0.17
      Including 15.00 30.00 15.00 1.03 59.58
      Including 21.00 27.00 6.00 1.68 75.07 0.40 0.81
      Including 77.00 89.50 12.50 0.84 79.96
      Including 84.50 89.50 5.00 1.17 157.03
      CI-24 0.0 59.50 59.50 1.31 60.38
      Including 12.50 42.05 29.55 1.65 90.90
      Including 15.50 29.00 13.50 1.70 161.81
      Including 47.85 52.00 4.15 1.32 38.55 0.50 1.25

      (i) True widths are not known at this time

      In a press release dated May 21, 2008, Hole CI-21 was collared to the south of Pit 2 in a southeast direction. This drill hole was designed to test anomalous and high grade gold values obtained from surface samples taken during the mapping process carried out in 2007. The results indicate an expansion of both the near surface oxide mineralization and the deeper sulfide gold-silver (+lead-zinc) mineralization. Gold, silver and base metals mineralization intersected in drill hole CI-21 may represent a new hydrothermal mineralization center at the southwest portion of the Cieneguita system that could significantly increase the potential of the project. ALS Chemex is responsible for the assay results of these drill holes and assay results from CI-26 to CI-31, which are still pending.

      Barry Quiroz, VP Exploration for Mexoro, comments, "We are very pleased to see these extensions of the mineralization, and the consistency in grades provides evidence of large bulk tonnage precious metals (ï¿1/2 base metals) deposit."

      Paramount and Mexoro have agreed to extend the deadline to close the transaction to July 21, 2008 and Paramount has advanced to Mexoro an additional $370,000 under the terms of a new secured convertible debenture.
      schrieb am 24.06.08 13:31:57
      Beitrag Nr. 161 ()
      Mexoro Minerals Commences Drilling at the Guazapares Project in Chihuahua, Mexico

      CHIHUAHUA, Mexico, June 24 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- Mexoro Minerals Ltd. (OTC Bulletin Board: MXOM) is pleased to announce that a 6,000 meter diamond drilling program is underway at the Guazapares project, located in Chihuahua, Mexico. The drill program will test alteration and mineralization targets, as well as additional areas identified during a drill campaign completed in December 2007.

      There are three main target areas that include San Antonio (SA), San Francisco (SF), and El Cantilito (EC). Drilling will initially test alteration and mineralization centers located along these structural trends. The high priority target is where SA, SF and EC mineralized structures intersect each other in the central part of the project area (drill holes GU-20, GU-22 and GU-23 are located within that target). Continuation along strike and at depth of the SA, SF and EC mineralized structures will be tested with this second stage diamond drilling program. Drilling will consist of 150-200 meter drill holes, with deeper drilling reserved for areas that show the best results.

      In addition, targets Montana de Oro (MO) and Blanquita (BT) -- which were identified during recent detailed mapping and geochemical sampling program at 1:1 scale -- will be also tested during this drill program.

      Barry Quiroz, VP Exploration for Mexoro, commented, 'The last round of drilling completed in December 2007 at Guazapares, reported very attractive gold and silver mineralization. We are very excited about the extension and intersection of these three mineralized structures in the central part of the project that may represent a large mineralized system. The geology and mining history in the district, combined with our exploration work and results indicate that there is a significant potential for a new discovery.'

      About Mexoro

      Mexoro Minerals Ltd. is a precious metals mining exploration company focused on the development of advanced stage projects in the Sierra Madre Gold/Silver belt in Chihuahua, Mexico. Mining operations are through a 100%-owned Mexican subsidiary, Sunburst de Mexico, S.A. de C.V. ('Sunburst Mexico'). Sunburst Mexico owns or has options on three historical gold-silver mines for which additional exploration has confirmed significant mineral potential. Mexoro recently signed an LOI announcing a Strategic Alliance with Paramount Gold and Silver Corp (AMEX/TSX: PZG).

      This Press Release contains certain forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. The Company has tried, whenever possible, to identify these forward-looking statements using words such as 'anticipates', 'believes', 'estimates', 'expects', 'plans', 'intends', 'potential' and similar expressions. Forward-looking statements in this press release include our belief the extension and intersection of these three mineralized structures in the central part of the project that may represent a large mineralized system. Furthermore, we believe that the geology and mining history in the district, combined with our exploration work and results indicate that there is a significant potential for a new discovery. These statements reflect the Company's current beliefs and are based upon information currently available to it. Accordingly, such forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors which could cause the Company's actual results, performance or achievements to differ materially from those expressed in or implied by such statements. The Company undertakes no obligation to update or advise in the event of any change, addition or alteration to the information catered in this Press Release including such forward-looking statements.
      schrieb am 25.06.08 12:22:24
      Beitrag Nr. 162 ()
      vom polli... :D:D:D

      Sehr geehrte Leserinnen und Leser,

      Paramount Gold & Silver, WKN A0HGKQ

      Erfreuliche News bei Paramount!

      Sie wissen, ich habe das Ressourcenupdate schon erwartet und ich habe eine Ressource Zwischen 1,2 und 1,5 Mi. Unzen Goldäquivalent erwartet. Aber es ist weitaus besser gekommen. Paramount hat soeben 108,3 Mio Unzen Silber (2,08 Mio. Unzen Goldäquivalent) veröffentlicht. Diese Bewertung ist voll nach kanadischem Minenstandard Ni 43 101 verifiziert.

      Der Arbeitsfortschritt wird ebenfalls dokumentiert. 176 Bohrlöcher und 69 Trench Gräben wurden durchgeführt.

      Fazit: Paramount hat mit Riesenschritten die Exploration weitergeführt und die Unzenanzahl gegenüber der ersten Ressourcenschätzung Verdreifacht. Das Unternehmen ist immer noch gut finanziert und wird wohl die Schlagzahl beibehalten. Paramount kann nun auf eine solide Grundlagebauen, die man Stück für Stück erweitern kann und auch wird. Am Erfolg von Paramount wird nun wohl keiner mehr zweifeln können.

      Link zum Ni 43-101 Report: (Seite 5 = Übersichtsressourcenkalkulation)

      Lesen Sie hier die News im Original:


      Paramount Gold and Silver Corp. has completed an updated National Instrument 43-101-compliant mineral resource estimate for its San Miguel project, located in the Guazapares mining district Chihuahua, Mexico, within the Sierra Madre occidental gold/silver belt.

      For the full NI 43-101 technical report, please visit the company's website.

      ACA Howe International Ltd. has prepared the technical report and resource estimate. The company plans to file a report on the resources in accordance with Canadian National Instrument 43-101 on SEDAR later today. National Instrument 43-101 is a rule developed by the Canadian Securities Administrators which established standards for certain public disclosure of scientific and technical information concerning mineral projects. The requirements of National Instrument 43-101 are not the same as those of the SEC.

      Resource estimation detail

      To carry out the resource estimate, ACA Howe carefully verified and then imported Paramount's drilling database into Micromine modelling software. Mineralized zones were outlined on cross sections to provide geologic boundaries. A 25-gram-per-tonne-silver-equivalent cut-off was used in the outlining process. Assay data were treated statistically using variography and ordinary point kriging. A single block model was created using wire frames to provide geologic control to the modelling.

      Paramount initiated diamond core drilling in April, 2006. As of April 30, 2008, 176 HQ size diamond drill holes have been completed totalling 34,926 metres in various exploration areas. One hundred thirty-two of the holes have been drilled in mineralized areas along the Guazapares fault structure and 44 holes have targeted the San Miguel vein in the Batosegachic fault. Paramount has also completed 69 trenches totalling 3,899 metres. Paramount's exploration efforts to date have focused on the diamond drilling of segments of the Guazapares fault structure over a seven-kilometre strike length between the La Union and Montecristo zones and most recently, on the San Miguel vein hosted by the subparallel Batosegachic fault structure approximately three kilometres west of the Guazapares structure. Drilling to date along the Guazapares structure has been largely preliminary in nature. Drilling on the San Miguel vein began in August, 2007, and has been the focus of drilling since November, 2007, through to the time of ACA Howe's visit at the end of April, 2008. Drilling at the San Miguel vein has generally been more intensive than that completed along the Guazapares structure in an effort to delineate the higher-grade mineralized shoot referred to as "Clavo 99." Ground magnetic and IP geophysical surveys were conducted over the Project area from September, 2007, to March, 2008. At the time of ACA Howe's site visit, Paramount was integrating the geophysical data with surface geologic mapping, drilling and trenching data into a Vulcan-based model. Integration and interpretation of the multidisciplinary data has generated additional drill targets. Drilling continues at the San Miguel project with two diamond drill rigs.

      Qualified person

      Mineral resources for the San Miguel deposit have been estimated by Douglas Roy, MASc, PEng (Nova Scotia registered professional engineer No. 7472), with assay quality control reviewed by Gary Lustig, MSc, PGeo. Ian D. Trinder, MSc, PGeo (APGO No. 452), authored the remainder of the report. All three are the qualified persons for the purpose of National Instrument 43-101.

      mit freundlichen Grüßen

      Helmut Pollinger
      schrieb am 26.06.08 14:10:44
      Beitrag Nr. 163 ()
      vom polli... :)

      Sehr geehrte Leserinnen und Leser,
      Paramount Gold, WKN A0HGKQ,

      Gestern meldete sich Ron Struthers, Rohstoffanalyst aus Kanada bei Paramount wieder zu Wort. In einer sehr fundierten Vergleichsanalyse kam er zum Urteil STRONG BUY! Hier die freie Übersetzung des Newsletters von gestern.

      Resource Stock Report - V14 #7.1 - PZG,- June, 24, 2008
      PO Box 1020 Owen Sound, Ontario, Canada N4K 6H6 Yearly subscription $199 cdn/year or US$209

      In den letzten Tagen haben wir 43-101 Ressourcen Schätzungen von zwei von unseren mexikanischen Silberfirmen gesehen. Normabec und Paramount

      Es gibt hier 4 vergleichbare Unternehmen in Mexiko, die Silberressourcen festgestellt haben. Ich nahm Palmarajo weil diese an Paramount angrenzen und Mag Silver weil diese ebenfalls letzte Woche einen NI 43-101 Report veröffentlichten und Minefinders weil Sie Vergleichbares veröffentlicht haben. Oroko deshalb, weil sie auf unserer Auswahlliste stehen. Die Normabec Ressource ist zurzeit klein, sodass Sie nicht direkt mit den größeren Entdeckungen vergleichbar ist aber dennoch in dieselbe Richtung steuert.

      Unweit wurde Plamarajo für eine Milliarde gekauft. 200 Mio. Unzen bedeuten eine Bewertung von 5$ pro Unze.

      Mag Silver gab 104 Mio. Unzen Silber bekannt. Die Aktie ist bei 10$ was eine Bewertung von 4,70$ pro Unze bedeutet.

      Orko Silver hat 103 Mio. Unzen und ist mit 1,70$ pro Unze bewertet.

      Minefinders haben 272 Mio. Unzen und sind mit 2,05$ pro Unze bewertet.

      Paramount Gold & Silver, AMEX/TSX: PZG
      Einstiegspreis 1,00$
      Letzer Preis: 2,05$
      Option: Strong Buy

      Einen interessanten Punkt fand ich im 43-101 Report

      Eine große Anzahl an Bodenproben (6815) die schon mit verschiedenen Methoden überprüft wurden, wurden noch einmal mit dem (für Paramount) jetzt gültigen Standard, AG-OG62, überprüft. Aus den Bodenproben mit einem Silbergehalt, der größer ist als 25g/Tonne, wurde eine durchschnittliche Zunahme des Silberanteils von 10g/Tonne festgestellt. Die durchschnittlichen Silberanteile wurden in dieser Kategorie um durchschnittlich 31% angehoben.

      Dies bedeutet, dass die frühen Bohrergebnisse substantiell unterbewertet waren und wenn Paramount in diesen Zonen wieder in die Tiefe bohrt, dann könnten wir sehr viel höhere Zahlen erwarten und das ist es was wir auch schon teilweise gesehen haben.

      ACA Howe International Ltd. of Toronto führte den technischen Report und die Ressourcenschätzung durch.

      Ein 25g/Tonne “Cutoff” Gehalt für Silberäquivalent wurde für den die Berechnung verwendet. Mineralisierte Zonen (247 gesamt) wurden in 8 Hauptzonen und 116 Querzonen umrissen.

      Bei einem “Cutoff” von 25g/Tonne Silberäquivalent ergibt das eine unverwässerte “indicated” Ressource von gesamt 1,36 Mio. Tonnen mit 71g/tonne Silber und 0,27g/Tonne Gold. Die “inferred” Ressource umfasst total 29,5 Mio. Tonnen mit 67g/Tonne Silber und 0,43g/Tonne Gold.

      Die Ressourcenschätzung beläuft sich auf 4,5 Mio. Unzen Silberäquivalent in der “indicated” Kategorie und 104 Mio. Unzen Silberäquivalent in der “inferred” Kategorie. Gesamt 108,5 Mio Unzen Silber. Dies stellt eine signifikante Vergrößerung der Ressource seit der letzten Schätzung um das Dreifache dar.

      Wenn man einen konservativen Wert von 2$ pro Unze hernimmt, dann sollte das Unternehmen 216 Mio. $ oder 4,45$ pro Aktie wert sein. Bei 3$ pro Unze würde sich ein Aktienpreis von 6,70$ ergeben. Über die nächsten Monate erwarte ich, dass sich die Aktie in den Bereich zwischen 4$ und 5$ bewegen wird.

      Die Orko Aktie bewegte sich von 0,80$ bei 2,10$ in nur 3 Monaten nach Veröffentlichung des 43-101 Reportes. Die Mag Silver Ressource war bereits eingepreist.

      mit freundlichen Grüßen

      Helmut Pollinger
      schrieb am 26.06.08 14:18:51
      Beitrag Nr. 164 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.380.356 von leinad.w am 26.06.08 14:10:44Bei aller Euphorie bitte immer schon daran denken, dass Para zur Zeit nur zu 70% am Projekt beteiligt ist.

      Beste Grüße. CM.
      schrieb am 17.07.08 04:51:38
      Beitrag Nr. 165 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.380.437 von contactman am 26.06.08 14:18:51Es stimmt nicht genau. Paramount hat 70 % nur auf San Miguel.Die andere Partie ist Tara Gold Resources Inc. Alle anderen Concessions sind Paramounts. Tara hat mit denen nichts zu tun.
      schrieb am 17.07.08 04:52:46
      Beitrag Nr. 166 ()
      Jedes neue Bohrergebnis ist erfolgreich. Mit ’ Paramount Gold And Silver Corp.’ wird man leicht verwoehnt und so gewoehnt man sich dann nicht weniges zu erwarten. Also hier schon wieder :
      In der San Antonio Zone das Bohrloch SA 55 hat drei Mineral- haltige Adern durchschnitten. Die Erste nur wenig unter der Erde, die Zweite ist 110 Meter unten und die Dritte ist in 300 Meter Tiefe senkrecht ( Im Winkel gebohrt , schraeg, 450 Meter )Diese Ader ist 2.55 Meter breit und enthaelt 3.36 gr/Tonne Gold und wahre 585 gr / /Tonne Silber. Diese Bohrung beweist dass mit zunehmender Tiefe die Gold und Silberwerte auch zunehmen. Diese Bestaetigung kommt von Larry Segerstrom, Paramount’s Chef-Geologe. Er erkennt damit dass die San Antonio Adern bisweilig mindestens 360 Meter in die Tiefe gehen. Weitere Bohrungen scheinen hoehere Ergebnisse zu bringen. ( Der Mann muss eine richtige Goldnase haben…..oder viel Erfahrung
      schrieb am 22.07.08 19:29:06
      Beitrag Nr. 167 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.525.647 von pecuniajh am 17.07.08 04:52:46Paramount Announces Intersection of High Grade Mineralization at the Cieneguita
      Project, Mexico Under the Strategic Alliance with Mexoro Minerals
      Chihuahua, Mexico – July 22, 2008 – Paramount Gold and Silver Corp. (AMEX: PZG)
      (TSX: PZG) (Frankfurt: P6G, WKN: A0HGKQ) announces assay results from six additional
      drill holes at its Cieneguita Project from their strategic alliance with Mexoro Minerals (OTC:
      MXOM.OB). It is in the same mineralized trend and only 20 km away from Goldcorp’s El
      Sauzal mine, Mexico’s largest producing gold mine and adjacent to Paramount’s Andrea
      project. Cieneguita was last in production by Glamis Gold Ltd. between 1995 and 1998
      prior to its acquisition by Goldcorp Inc.
      Drill hole CI-25 intersected 46.50 m of 1.10 g/t Au, 332.60 g/t Ag, 0.35% Pb & 0.66% Zn,
      including: 10.95 meters of 2.13 g/t Au, 976 g/t Ag, 0.38% Pb & 0.96% Zn; and 13.45
      meters of 1.30 g/t Au, 149.53 g/t Ag, 0.57%Pb & 0.68% Zn. Within CI-25 there were two
      very narrow high grade veins which intersected 0.15 m of 8.23 g/t Au, 5500 g/t Ag and 0.1
      m of 8.84 g/t Au, 3130 g/t Ag
      Drill hole CI-27 intersected 85.50 m of 0.70 g/t Au & 54.46 g/t Ag including: 7.50 meters of
      1.54 g/t Au, 148.66 g/t Ag, 0.15% Pb & 0.32%Zn and 9.00 meters of 1.07 g/t Au, 82.47 g/t
      Ag, 0.18 % Pb & 0.22% Zn
      Drill hole CI-29 intersected 30 m of 0.66 g/t Au, 58.75 g/t Ag, 0.45% Pb & 0.58% Zn
      including: 10.50 meters of 1.01 g/t Au, 92.71 g/t Ag, 0.37% Pb & 0.33% Zn,; 15 m of 1.77
      g/t Au & 66.65 g/t Ag including 6 m of 3.55 g/t Au and 116.75 g/t Ag; 64.60 m of 0.56% Pb
      & 0.80% Zn; and 12.80 m of 0.28% Pb & 0.70% Zn.
      The current drill program continues to intersect high grade mineralization both along strike
      and at depth. Drilling continues at this project to help better understand this mineralized
      system and to test its depth potential.
      The Summary of these assay results are seen in the table below (visit for a map showing the
      locations of holes CI-01 to CI-31).
      Hole ID From
      (m) To (m) Interval (m) Au (g/t) Ag (g/t) Pb
      (%) Zn (%)
      CI-25 0.00 25.20 25.20 0.53 66.34 0.44 0.74
      52.00 98.50 46.50 1.10 332.60 0.35 0.66
      Including 56.95 69.05 10.95 2.13 976.05 0.38 0.96
      Including 69.05 82.50 13.45 1.30 149.53 0.57 0.68
      279.30 293.90 14.60 0.19 110.31 0.25 0.63
      CI-27 11.10 24.60 13.50 0.60 26.84 0.24 0.35
      44.10 126.60 85.50 0.70 54.46
      Including 56.10 63.60 7.50 1.54 148.66 0.15 0.32
      Including 110.10 119.10 9.00 1.07 82.47 0.18 0.22
      CI-28 61.50 158.00 96.50 0.62 61.75
      Including 42.50 87.40 44.90 0.40 69.44
      Including 113.00 120.50 7.50 1.16 143.24
      Including 125.00 137.00 12.00 1.04 114.71
      CI-29 5.00 56.00 51.00 0.50 55.03 0.34 0.46
      Including 26.00 56.00 30.00 0.66 58.75 0.45 0.58
      Including 45.50 56.00 10.50 1.01 92.71 0.37 0.33
      81.50 96.50 15.00 1.77 66.65
      Including 90.50 96.50 6.00 3.55 116.75
      132.50 197.00 64.60 0.56 0.80
      End of hole 225.50 238.30 12.80 0.28 0.70
      CI-31 0.00 11.30 11.30 0.80 9.71
      59.50 66.10 6.60 1.07 162.42 0.37 0.74
      101.50 104.50 3.00 1.46
      CI-32 4.10 7.55 3.45 0.90 68.75
      46.50 61.00 14.50 1.89 84.01 0.22 0.29
      76.50 80.30 3.80 1.10
      *True widths are not known at this time
      About Paramount
      Paramount Gold is a precious metals mining exploration company presently in the early
      stages of an extensive exploration program at their San Miguel project in the Guazapares
      Mining District, part of the Sierra Madre Occidental gold-silver belt of Mexico. Paramount
      recently signed a Strategic Alliance with Mexoro Minerals (OTC: MXOM.OB).

      Paramount Gold and Silver Corp.
      Larry Segerstrom, COO
      Chris Halkai, Investor Relations
      866.481.2233 / 613.226.9881
      schrieb am 23.07.08 04:52:40
      Beitrag Nr. 168 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.563.338 von pecuniajh am 22.07.08 19:29:06Im vorherigem Pressebericht sind unter anderem die Ergebnisse der CI 25 Bohrung. Zwei reichhaltige , duenne Adern sind durchschnitten worden. Eine ist 15 centimeter breit und enthaelt 8.23 gramm/tonne Aurum und 5500 gramm /tonne Silber. Das ist eine fast whansinnige Zahl. Ich konnte es nicht glauben und suchte ob ich vielleicht einen Dezimalpunkt uebersehen hatte. Doch NEIN, das sind wirklich 5 einhalb Kilo Silber. Wahnsinnig hoch !!!! Die andere Ader is 10 Centimeter breit am Durchschnittspunkt, hat 8.8 Gramm Gold pro Tonne und 3130 Gramm pro Tonne Silber. Wenn man bedenkt dass in einem Bohrloch zwei Adern gefunden werden, kann man daraus schliessen dass bestimmt noch mehrere da sind. Auch bleiben die Adern nicht in der gleichen Breite.Sie koennen groesser werden. Man weiss auch jetzt noch nicht wie sich die Ader in die Laenge zieht. Sie kann sich auf Kilometer hinziehen.
      Paramount war schlau sich mit Mexoro zusammen zu tun. Als Nachbarn zu erfolgreichen Ausbau Minen sind sie wirklich in der Mitte der reichen Gold und Silber Fundzone.Von Risiko ist hier keine Rede mehr. Das war einmal. In den Sommer Monaten ist die Boerse traditionell langsam. Das ist aber auch die Zeit wo man sich die Aktien
      am billigsten erwerben kann und damit groessere Gewinne in der Zukunft sichern kann.
      Und noch eins: Hier hat Tara keinen Anteil.
      schrieb am 24.07.08 23:35:01
      Beitrag Nr. 169 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.525.646 von pecuniajh am 17.07.08 04:51:38@pecuniajh...ich darf nochmals korrigieren? Das gesamte San Miguel-Projekt besteht aus einer Vielzahl von Konzessionen, eine davon ist die gleichnamige San Miguel-Zone. Für fast alle Konzessionen gilt das Verhältnis 70% Para, 30% Tara (...reimt sich sogar!). übrigen: Locker bleiben...Risiken sind bei Para allgegenwärtig. Die besten Bohrungen helfen nichts, wenn morgen das Geld alle ist. Daher muss zunächst die ein erfolgreicher Abschluss der 15 Mio.$-Finanzierung über Blackmont gemeldet werden; sonst gehen hier die Lichter aus.

      Und mir persönlich sind 20m a 200g Silber wesentlich wichtiger als 15cm mit 5000g Silber; die Adern können nämlich nicht nur breiter werden, sondern auch schmaler...und sie müssen sich auch nicht über Kilometer erstrecken...

      Beste Grüße. CM.
      schrieb am 26.07.08 15:43:19
      Beitrag Nr. 170 ()
      Vom lieben und geschätzen :cool: Pollinger:

      Warum die Aktie noch immer auf diesem Level notiert ist mir ein Rätsel. Wer ist der unmittelbare Nachbar von Paramount? Plamarejo ist es! Wer ist um 1 Mrd. USD übernommen worden? Palmarejo war es! Wer hat beinahe idente Bohrergebnisse? Paramount und Palmarejo!
      Börse kann so logisch sein!
      schrieb am 29.07.08 03:23:50
      Beitrag Nr. 171 ()
      Paramount Gold and Silver Corp.
      AMEX: PZG
      TSX: PZG

      Other Recent News

      July 28, 2008
      Paramount Announces Further Assay Results Under the Strategic Alliance With Mexoro From the Cieneguita Project
      CHIHUAHUA, MEXICO--(Marketwire - July 28, 2008) - Paramount Gold and Silver Corp. (TSX:PZG)(AMEX:PZG)(FRANKFURT:P6G)(WKN:A0HGKQ) is pleased to announce assay results from three additional drill holes at the Cieneguita Project under the strategic alliance with Mexoro Minerals. Mexoro continues drilling at the Cieneguita project with great success. To date, 42 holes have been completed with assay results back from 33 drill holes. The new assays reported today include drill holes CI-30, CI-33 and CI-35. Drill hole CI-33 has not intersected economic mineralization as it was drilled outside the known limit of the economic mineralization trying to extend the zone to the northwest. Drill holes CI-30 and CI-35 (drilled 80 meters to the south east of CI-30) have confirmed the presence of a gold zone and have significantly expanded the deposit at depth encountering Au-Ag + (Pb-Zn).

      The current drill program continues to intersect high grade mineralization both along strike and at depth. Drilling continues at this project to help better understand this mineralized system and to test its depth potential.

      The results from holes C-30 includes from 0 to 94.0 meters for a total of 94 meters containing 1.21 g/t Au, 79.81 g/t Ag, 0.78% Pb and 1.19% Zn. Hole CI-35 includes from 0 to 31.0 meters for an interval of 31 meters containing 1.72 g/t Au, 67.36 g/t AG, 0.56% Pb and 0.72% Zn.

      The Summary of these assay results are seen in the table below (visit for a map showing the locations of holes CI-01 to CI-31).

      Hole ID From (m) To (m) Interval (m) Au (g/t) Ag (g/t) Pb (%) Zn(%)
      CI-30 0.0 154.0 154.0 0.88 58.34 0.61 0.93
      Including 0.0 94.0 94.0 1.21 79.81 0.78 1.19
      CI-35 0.0 103.0 103.0 0.75 63.64 0.39 0.52
      Including 0.0 31.0 31.0 1.72 67.36 0.56 0.72
      - True widths are not known at this time
      Holes CI-30 and CI-35 ended in mineralization at a depth of 248.50 meters and 272.60 meters respectively. CI-30 intersected from 238.0 to 248.50 (10 meters) 17.24 g/t Ag, 0.49% Pb and 0.76% Zn. CI-35 intersected 11.60 meters (from 261 to 272.60) 0.34% Pb and 0.54% Zn. These drilling results have confirmed the presence of a near surface sulfide mineralization characterized by Au + Ag (more or less Pb-Zn) by and the deeper sulfides Ag + Pb + Zn (more or less Au) mineralization.

      Paramount Gold is a precious metals mining exploration company presently in the early stages of an extensive exploration program at their San Miguel project in the Guazapares Mining District, part of the Sierra Madre Occidental gold-silver belt of Mexico. Paramount recently signed a Strategic Alliance with Mexoro Minerals (OTC:MXOM.OB).

      The qualified person who has reviewed this news release is Dana C. Durgin, M. Sc. Economic Geology. He is a Certified Professional Geologist (CPG #10364) with the American Institute of Professional Geologists, and a Registered Professional Geologist in Wyoming (PG-2886). These samples were assayed by ALS Chemex in Vancouver.
      schrieb am 07.08.08 17:21:00
      Beitrag Nr. 172 ()
      Paramount Gold and Silver Corp. Completes Private Placement Financing

      OTTAWA, CANADA--(Marketwire - Aug. 7, 2008) - Paramount Gold and Silver Corp. (TSX:PZG)(AMEX:PZG)(FRANKFURT:P6G)(WKN:A0HGKQ) has completed a private placement financing of 1,071,429 million units priced at $1.40 per unit (all funds in CDN dollars) for proceeds of $1.5 million. Each unit consists of one common share and 1/2 of one common share purchase warrant with a strike price of $2.10 and an expiry of one year or at a strike price of $2.50 and an expiry of two years.

      This financing was completed by Oriental Overseas Development Co. of Hong Kong and Banque Pasche Liechtenstein pursuant to Regulation S of the Securities and Exchange Act of 1933 with a restriction from sale of 6 months in the USA and 4 months in Canada and is conditional upon stock exchange approvals.
      schrieb am 08.08.08 02:26:05
      Beitrag Nr. 173 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.673.013 von prozentsucher am 07.08.08 17:21:00> Paramount's Chef, Christopher Crupi hatte ein " INTERVIEW " mit dem Kanadischen Business-Channel. Das Folgende wurde kurz besprochen:

      CEO / PZG Business Channel Interview 6-Aug-08 03:18 pm It was a very relaxed and informative question and answer session. For those who had no chance to view it I will highlite the themes discussed.
      The first point brought out the northern Mexican location of PZG's operational area. The advantages are that besides being very close to the US border it is very much central within the most lucrative Mexican mining belt. Neighbouring mining giants and historic mines being re-activated are scattered abound.
      Chris Crupi alluded to the fact that Paramount has a verified Silver deposit of at least a hundred million ounces( aside from gold ) and that it is growing constantly with each assay.
      The actual Paramount workforce in Mexico is 60, with Canadian components to supervise the ongoing business.
      it was also brought out the Mr. Crupi is an accountant by profession which is viewed as a distinct advantage in running this kind of business and advancing it acording to the high standard demonstrated sofar. The technical / geological matters are handled by experts on the ground.
      The interview ended with a brief explanation of how the idea of exploring for precious metals came about three years ago. Mr. Crupi met a geologist of 40 years expertise under his belt and things started from there.
      It was a brief,yet to the point, informative session.
      schrieb am 12.08.08 23:14:21
      Beitrag Nr. 174 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.678.843 von pecuniajh am 08.08.08 02:26:05
      Fast unglaublich ! An manchen Stellen 19 Gramm und 27 Gramm Gold, auch bis zu 375 Gramm Silber pro Tonne. San Miguel ist ueber Nacht im Wert ziemlich nach oben gegangen.

      Paramount Gold and Silver Corp.
      AMEX: PZG
      TSX: PZG

      Other Recent News

      August 12, 2008
      Paramount Gold and Silver Corp. Expands Clavo 99 to a 600 Meter Width at a Depth of 400 Meters at its San Miguel Project With Gold Grades Increasing With Depth
      CHIHUAHUA, MEXICO--(Marketwire - Aug. 12, 2008) - Paramount Gold and Silver Corp. (TSX:PZG)(AMEX:PZG))(FRANKFURT:P6G)(WKN:A0HGKQ) is pleased to announce assay results from six additional drill holes in the San Miguel Vein. Diamond drill holes SM-48 through SM-54 were drilled to intercept the vein below and to the northwest of the recently reported excellent intercepts in holes SM-45, 46 and 47, below the northwestern margin of Clavo 99. Intercepts below the surface ranged from 200 meters (SM-48 and 49) to 350 meters (SM-53) depth.

      The most interesting aspect of this group of holes is that the grades of the principal intercepts are clearly increasing with depth. As displayed on the long section (, holes SM-49 and 51 had modest intercepts shown as green dots. The deeper holes, SM-50 and 52, as well as SM-48, are higher grade as indicated by the blue dots. Below those, SM-53(and possibly SM-54 - assays pending)-was very high grade, as shown in the table below. An additional hole is currently being drilled 50 meters above, and 50 meters to the southeast (up and to the right on the section) of SM-54.

      The pattern of the distribution of gold and silver grades in these holes indicates that in addition to the previously reported main Clavo 99 zone which trends downward to the southeast, there is also a high grade wing that trends downward to the northwest. SM-53 demonstrates that Clavo 99 is at least 600 meters wide along strike, at a depth of nearly 400 meters. It is open in both directions along strike and the gold grades are increasing with depth. This is best seen through the intercept in SM-53 which has a true thickness of 0.84 meters (2m downhole width) grading 19.98 g/t Au, 375 g/t Ag, or a AuEq of 27.48 g/t and a grade x thickness of 23.08. This recently discovered extension of Clavo 99 has the potential to add substantially to the San Miguel resource.

      Larry Segerstrom, COO of Paramount Gold and Silver Corp., commented, "The earlier results from SM-32 and 33 suggested that grades were increasing with depth. Holes SM-48 through 53 demonstrated that this interpretation was correct. We are very excited by the high grade gold intercept in SM-53, and the potential for extending this high grade zone along strike and to greater depths."

      Highlights of these assay results are seen in the table below (visit for complete assay details and detailed maps of the

      Inter- True Gold Gold
      Hole From To val Width Gold Silver Equiv. Equiv.
      # (m) (m) (m) (m) (g/t) (g/t) (g/t)(g x m)
      SM-48 127.00 128.00 1.00 0.77 0.09 286.00 5.81 4.45
      143.60 146.70 3.10 2.37 0.23 12.00 0.46 1.09
      146.70 150.00 3.30 2.53 2.56 14.00 2.83 7.16
      150.00 151.90 1.90 1.46 0.24 5.00 0.34 0.49
      SM-49 164.00 168.00 4.00 2.56 0.53 71.20 1.95 4.99
      182.00 183.00 1.00 0.64 1.26 26.20 1.79 1.15
      SM-50 214.10 215.20 1.10 0.63 4.39 22.30 4.84 3.05
      215.20 222.30 7.10 4.07 1.54 10.90 1.76 7.16
      222.30 240.90 18.60 10.67 0.52 13.30 0.79 8.39
      SM-51 177.30 179.50 2.20 0.93 0.53 86.30 2.26 2.10
      195.00 196.00 1.00 0.42 3.12 12.90 3.38 1.42
      SM-52 199.80 202.00 2.20 1.03 4.88 165.00 8.17 8.43
      204.50 212.00 7.50 3.52 0.36 8.30 0.52 1.83
      219.10 224.00 4.90 2.30 0.97 16.00 1.29 2.97
      SM-53 238.00 240.00 2.00 0.85 3.62 7.35 3.77 3.20
      246.00 247.00 1.00 0.42 1.13 1.00 1.15 0.48
      250.00 251.00 1.00 0.42 1.85 6.80 1.99 0.84
      265.00 267.00 2.00 0.84 19.98 375.00 27.48 23.08
      Paramount takes detailed digital photos of the entire core before it is cut by saw to half core which is assayed at ALS Chemex's Vancouver laboratory. As part of quality assurance, quality control (QA/QC), Paramount has put into place a detailed program of periodically introducing certified standards, blanks and duplicates into the sample stream. Half-core samples are being retained on site for verification and reference purposes. The qualified person who has reviewed this news release is Dana C. Durgin, M. Sc. Economic Geology. He is a Certified Professional Geologist (CPG #10364) with the American Institute of Professional Geologists, and a Registered Professional Geologist in Wyoming (PG-2886).

      "Safe-Harbor" Statement: This press release contains forward-looking information within the meaning of Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. All statements that are not statements of historical fact regarding the intent, belief or current expectations of the Company may not be realized. Investors are cautioned that any such forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future performance and involve risks and uncertainties, many of which are beyond the Company's ability to control, and that actual results may differ materially.

      Paramount Gold and Silver Corp.
      Larry Segerstrom, C.O.O.
      Chris Halkai, Investor Relations

      INDUSTRY: Financial Services - Investment Services and Trading, Manufacturing and Production - Mining and Metals
      schrieb am 27.08.08 17:25:30
      Beitrag Nr. 175 ()
      August 27, 2008
      Paramount Gold and Silver Corp. Acquires 100% of the San Miguel Project
      CHIHUAHUA, MEXICO--(Marketwire - Aug. 27, 2008) - Paramount Gold and Silver Corp. (AMEX:PZG)(TSX:PZG)(FRANKFURT:P6G)(WKN:A0HGKQ) has signed an agreement to acquire 100% of its San Miguel project in Chihuahua, Mexico. Paramount Gold and Silver Corp. (Paramount) will purchase the remaining 30% of the San Miguel project from Tara Gold Resources Corp. for all stock consideration of 7.35 million restricted common shares of Paramount. The transaction is expected to close on September 10, 2008 and is subject to stock exchange approvals and other conditions.

      Christopher Crupi, CEO of Paramount Gold commented, "We are very excited to acquire the entire San Miguel Project. As we complete our second major round of drilling, we will be in a stronger position to build the resource and to plan for the next stage of project development including the future mining potential of the region."

      The San Miguel Project hosts a National Instrument 43-101 compliant silver-gold inferred resource of 108.5 million ounces of silver (Eq.) or 2.085 million ounces of gold (Eq.).


      Paramount Gold and Silver Corp.
      Christopher Crupi, CEO
      613-226-9881 / 866-481-2233
      schrieb am 28.08.08 06:22:55
      Beitrag Nr. 176 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.880.267 von leinad.w am 27.08.08 17:25:30Paramount Gold and Silver Corporation ( 70 % ) haben mit Tara Gold Resources ( 30 % )verhandelt. Paramount hat jetzt 100 Prozent. Tara ist mit Aktien ausgeglichen worden. Der Vorteil ist dass ein eventueller Kaeufer des gesammten Unternehmens nicht mit zwei Parteien zu verhandeln hat. Die Tara Firma hatte es schwer mitzukommen mit den laufenden hohen Beteiligungs-Dollars. Jetzt sind sie eingegliedert. Der Gewinn liegt by Paramount in dieser Sache.
      schrieb am 28.08.08 07:34:41
      Beitrag Nr. 177 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.885.729 von pecuniajh am 28.08.08 06:22:55Das ist deine Sichtweise. Du stellst Tara sehr schlecht da. Wo sind die Quellen für deine Aussage?
      schrieb am 30.08.08 02:21:38
      Beitrag Nr. 178 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.885.729 von pecuniajh am 28.08.08 06:22:55Tara hat ein gutes, geschaeftliches Modell in Theorie. Lesen Sie die Beitraege der letzten paar Monate z.B.: an INVESTOR'S HUB wo die knappe finanzielle Lage der letzten paar Jahre oft erwaehnt wurde. Die finanziellen Quartalberichte und Jahresberichte sind absichtlich zuruekgehalten worden um die Lage nicht bekannt zu machen. Tara braucht ihre mageren Finanzen um andere ( Ramon ) Geschaeftszweige zu foerdern. Deshalb scheint es mir dass die Entscheidung, sich in Paramount einzugliedern, zu deren Vorteil war.
      schrieb am 02.09.08 22:27:33
      Beitrag Nr. 179 ()
      ( San Miguel ) Gold und andere Minerale sind schon wieder an einer anderen Stelle entdeckt worden. Die Stelle ist unweit des ersten Clavo ( 99 ) Dieser Fund wurde Clavo 66 genannt und befinded sich im " LA UNION " Gebiet.Fruehere gebohrte Loecher wurden weiter ausgebeutet und sie gingen tiefer. Je weiter nach unten, je mehr Gramme per Tonne: Gold, Silber, Blei und Zink. Ein Teil der Ader zeigt ueber 26 Gramm Gold pro Tonne. Das ist die hoechste Zahl im ganzen Gebiet. Und weiter wird geforscht.
      Es ist ja unglaublich wie niedrig P6G im Moment auf der Boerde steht. Sommer Monate sind eigentlich immer langsam.Doch wie in jedem Herbst alles wird wieder aufleben und mit dieser neuen Entdeckung P6G wird neue Hoehen erreichen. Ueberlegt man sich....26 Gramm Gold pro Tonne...das sind 26 mal 800 Dollar $ 20 800.-- ungefaehr, wenn das in meiner Hand waere. Das Folgende ist der Presse Ausschnitt dieser neuen Geschichte.

      Paramount Gold and Silver Corp.
      AMEX: PZG
      TSX: PZG

      Other Recent News

      September 2, 2008
      Paramount Gold and Silver Corp. Discovers New High Grade Gold Body Named Clavo 66 With 26 g/t Au Over 2.2 Meters in the La Union Area at its San Miguel Project in Mexico
      CHIHUAHUA, MEXICO--(Marketwire - Sept. 2, 2008) - Paramount Gold and Silver Corp. (AMEX:PZG)(TSX:PZG)(FRANKFURT:P6G)(WKN:A0HGKQ) announces assay results of four holes from its new discovery named Clavo 66 at its San Miguel Project. The La Union area, in the southern portion of the Guazapares structure, was drilled to shallow depths early in the project's history. A re-interpretation of the earlier drilling based on knowledge gained from deeper exploration at the San Miguel and San Antonio mineralized zones, led Paramount to drill the La Union at greater depth along the principal vein, near the better early intercepts.

      Diamond drill holes LU-14 through LU-17 were drilled to intercept the La Union vein at more than 100 meters depth below good intercepts in the first round of drilling. The significant intercepts are noted in the table below.

      For further details visit

      True (i)Gold (Gold
      Hole From To Interval Width Gold Silver Equiv. Equiv.)
      Number (Meters) (Meters) (Meters) (Meters) (grams/ (grams/ (grams/ (grams x
      ton) ton) ton) meters)
      LU-14 142.00 143.00 1.00 0.50 3.58 3.00 3.64 1.82
      175.80 176.65 0.85 0.42 1.90 6.00 2.02 0.85
      215.30 218.65 3.35 1.68 4.55 11.00 4.77 8.01
      283.00 284.00 1.00 0.50 2.28 9.00 2.46 1.23
      LU-15 125.00 126.00 1.00 0.71 1.75 3.00 1.81 1.28
      131.00 134.15 3.15 2.23 26.07 9.00 26.25 58.54
      incl 131.00 133.00 2.00 1.41 37.45 12.00 37.68 53.13
      and 133.00 134.15 1.15 0.81 6.27 5.0 6.37 5.16
      140.9 143 2.10 1.48 3.66 2.00 3.71 5.49
      LU-16 91.25 99.20 7.95 6.18 3.93 32.00 4.56 28.18
      incl 96.00 97.00 1.00 0.78 11.40 11.00 11.62 9.06
      LU-17 85.90 88.10 2.20 1.91 1.27 673 14.73 28.13
      incl 85.90 87.00 1.10 0.95 0.03 1320.00 26.43 25.11
      and 87.00 88.10 1.10 0.95 2.52 26.00 3.04 2.89
      (i) calculated at 1 gram Au = 50 grams Ag
      LU-14 was drilled below LU-4, extending the mineralization 50 meters deeper with gold grades increasing at depth.

      Hole LU-15 intercepted the vein 125 meters down dip from the intercept in LU-06 and cut 2.23 meters grading 26.07 g/t Au in the main vein, the highest gold grade in the southern half of the Guazapares structure.

      Hole LU-16 was drilled approximately 50 meters to the south of LU-15 at slightly shallower depth and showed a wide zone of precious and base-metal mineralization (6.18m @ 3.93 g/t Au and 32 g/t Ag, plus 1.97% Pb and 1.29% Zn).

      LU-17 was drilled an additional 50 meters to the south of LU-16 and intercepted high-grade silver and base-metal mineralization over a mineable width (1.91 metres @ 1.27 g/t Au, 673 g/t Ag, plus 2.63% Pb and 5.81% Zn.

      These four new drill holes at La Union indicate the presence of a new mineralized zone containing areas of high gold, silver and base metals values. This new body of mineralization which we designate as Clavo 66 remains open to the north and south along strike and down dip.

      Larry Segerstrom, COO of Paramount Gold and Silver Corp., commented, "these excellent intercepts at La Union demonstrate that the first pass drilling here and elsewhere on the property only tested the shallow levels of the San Miguel system. As we have drilled deeper at the San Miguel vein, the San Antonio area and now the La Union area, gold values have increased dramatically. All three of these areas remain open for resource expansion down dip and along strike. We have now found two clavos (high-grade bodies), Clavos 99 and 66, and believe that there are more to be found."

      Quality Control

      Paramount takes detailed digital photos of the entire core before it is cut by saw to half core which is assayed at ALS Chemex's Vancouver laboratory. As part of quality assurance, quality control (QA/QC), Paramount has put into place a detailed program of periodically introducing certified standards, blanks and duplicates into the sample stream. Half-core samples are being retained on site for verification and reference purposes.

      The qualified person who has reviewed this news release is Dana C. Durgin, M. Sc. Economic Geology. He is a Certified Professional Geologist (CPG #10364) with the American Institute of Professional Geologists, and a Registered Professional Geologist in Wyoming (PG-2886).

      Paramount Gold is a precious metals mining exploration company presently in the early stages of an extensive exploration program at their San Miguel project in the Guazapares Mining District, part of the Sierra Madre Occidental gold-silver belt of Mexico.

      Larry Segerstrom
      Chief Operating Officer


      Chris Halkai
      Investor Relations
      866-481-2233 / 613-226-9881

      INDUSTRY: Financial Services - Investment Services and Trading, Manufacturing and Production - Mining and Metals
      schrieb am 03.09.08 13:28:24
      Beitrag Nr. 180 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.953.563 von pecuniajh am 02.09.08 22:27:33Unze nicht gleich Gramm!!:look:
      Ueberlegt man sich....26 Gramm Gold pro Tonne...das sind 26 mal 800 Dollar $ 20 800
      schrieb am 05.09.08 04:34:31
      Beitrag Nr. 181 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.961.847 von BInGleichDa am 03.09.08 13:28:24Hast recht....mein Fehler ( Unze / Gramm ). Sind's nicht 21 Gramm pro Unze ?
      schrieb am 10.09.08 08:30:21
      Beitrag Nr. 182 ()
      September 9, 2008
      Paramount Gold and Silver Corp. Remains Positive on Underlying Asset Value of Properties
      OTTAWA, CANADA--(Marketwire - Sept. 9, 2008) - Paramount Gold and Silver Corp. (TSX:PZG)(AMEX:PZG)(FRANKFURT:PZG)(WKN:A0HGKQ) President and CEO, Christopher Crupi, commented today that despite overall market declines in mining stocks, that he remains encouraged with the success of the Company's exploration program and the overall strength of the mining sector.

      "Day to day fluctuations in our share price do not necessarily reflect the true value of our underlying assets. Investor fears about commodity prices and the overall economies in both the United States and Canada have seen mining stocks experience a precipitous decline in market value, wiping out billions of dollars in shareholder value. While no one can predict where the market is headed in the short term, long term investment opportunities within the mining sector present unique opportunities for long term investors."

      Mr. Crupi went on to state that the Paramount Board of Directors remain committed to strengthening shareholder value by focusing ongoing drilling strategies on those areas showing the most encouraging drilling results and by expanding its land holdings in the San Miguel region.

      Paramount Gold and Silver Corp. is a precious metals mining exploration company presently in the early stages of an extensive exploration program at their San Miguel project in the Guazapares Mining District, part of the Sierra Madre Occidental gold-silver belt of Mexico.


      Paramount Gold and Silver Corp.
      Christopher Crupi
      613-226-9881 / 866-481-2233
      schrieb am 01.10.08 03:07:32
      Beitrag Nr. 183 ()
      Der nachfolgende, neueste Pressebericht giebt die Gold und Silberwerte der drei letzten Bohrloecher auf Clavo 99. Man sieht darin dass Clavo 99 noch nicht zu Ende ist und mehr zu erwarten ist.
      Der jetzige Boersenzustand in America hat ueberhaupt nichts mit dem eigentlichen Wert der Aktie zu tun. Es wird sich doch wieder normalisieren wenn die dummen Politiker sich einig werden. Da ja im Moment alle wiedergewaehlt werden wollen muessen sie sich den Gefuehlen ihrer Waehler fuegen. Ansonsten haetten sie untereinander gehandelt wie es in America so ueblich ist. Man muss auch bedenken dass die meisten Amerikanischen Politiker Slaven der Bank-Bonzen sind und nicht frei tun und lassen koennen was ihr Gewissen sagt.
      Paramount Gold und Silver hat ja gute Werte gefunden und damit ist's ja kein Risiko mehr. Es wird bald in die Hoehe platzen, so sehe ich das. Jetzt is's eigentlich die beste Zeit mehr Aktien einzusammeln.Die hoechsten Prozent Gewinne sind in der unmittelbaren Zukunft

      Paramount Gold and Silver Corp.
      AMEX: PZG
      TSX: PZG

      Other Recent News

      September 30, 2008
      Paramount Gold and Silver Corp. Reports 13.25 m of 1.57 g/t Au and 107.2 g/t Ag at Clavo 99 (Incl. 5.25 m of 2.47 g/t Au and 251.2 g/t Ag)
      CHIHUAHUA, MEXICO--(Marketwire - Sept. 30, 2008) - Paramount Gold and Silver Corp. (AMEX:PZG)(TSX:PZG)(FRANKFURT:P6G)(WKN:A0HGKQ) reports assay results from three drill holes at Clavo 99. The higher good grades in the deeper, northwestern extension of Clavo 99 have been confirmed by diamond drill holes SM-54, 60 and 61.

      As seen in previously reported holes SM-46, 50 and 52 close by to the northwest, hole SM-60 had both modest grades over a modest thickness, suggesting that it is near the margin of Clavo 99. Hole SM-54 was an excellent hole (4.33m @ 3.27 g/t Au, 215.9 g/t Ag), fairly typical of the Clavo as a whole. However, SM-61 was further into the clavo and deeper. It had similarly good grades, but a greater thickness of 13.2 m of 1.57 g/t Au and 107.2 g/t Ag.

      For assays and maps visit

      Hole From To Interval True Gold Silver Gold Gold
      Width Equiv.(i) Equiv.(i)
      Number (Meters)(Meters) (Meters)(Meters)(grams/ (grams/ (grams/ (grams
      ton) ton) ton) x meters)
      SM-54 211.70 212.70 1.00 0.57 1.79 338.0 8.55 4.87
      222.80 223.80 1.00 0.57 1.53 120.0 3.93 2.24
      245.90 262.50 7.60 4.33 3.27 215.9 7.59 32.86

      SM-60 161.20 166.40 5.20 2.98 0.13 17.8 0.49 1.46
      172.3 178.20 5.90 3.38 0.61 20.60 1.02 3.45
      204.10 208.50 4.40 2.52 1.29 6.1 1.41 3.55

      SM-61 183.85 192.00 8.15 5.35 1.04 88.9 2.82 15.09
      incl. 186.00 190.30 4.30 2.82 1.52 156.6 4.65 13.11
      197.00 205.00 8.00 5.25 2.47 251.2 7.49 39.32
      205.00 208.50 3.05 2.00 0.32 8.3 0.49 0.98
      208.50 213.00 4.95 3.25 2.03 21.9 2.47 8.03
      213.00 217.20 4.20 2.76 0.21 5.4 0.32 0.88

      197.00 217.20 20.20 13.25 1.57 107.2 3.71 49.17
      (i) Calculated at Ag/Au = 50
      Larry Segerstrom, COO of Paramount Gold and Silver Corp., commented, "Drill holes SM-54, 60 and 61 revealed additional high grade gold and silver intercepts at Clavo 99. These latest results maintain our excitement for the potential of extending this high grade zone along strike and to greater depths."

      Quality Control

      Paramount takes detailed digital photos of the entire core before it is cut by saw to half core which is assayed at ALS Chemex's Vancouver laboratory. As part of quality assurance, quality control (QA/QC), Paramount has put into place a detailed program of periodically introducing certified standards, blanks and duplicates into the sample stream. Half-core samples are being retained on site for verification and reference purposes.

      The qualified person who has reviewed this news release is Dana C. Durgin, M. Sc. Economic Geology. He is a Certified Professional Geologist (CPG #10364) with the American Institute of Professional Geologists, and a Registered Professional Geologist in Wyoming (PG-2886).

      Paramount Gold and Silver Corp.
      Larry Segerstrom, COO
      866-481-2233 / 613-226-9881


      Paramount Gold and Silver Corp.
      Chris Halkai, Investor Relations
      866-481-2233 / 613-226-9881

      INDUSTRY: Financial Services - Investment Services and Trading, Manufacturing and Production - Mining and Metals
      schrieb am 07.10.08 09:46:29
      Beitrag Nr. 184 ()
      Paramount Gold and Silver Corp. Reports 7.97 g/t Gold Equivalent Across 5.97 meters at its San Miguel Project (incl. 18.76 g/t Gold Equivalent over 2.32 meters)
      2008-10-06 11:00 ET - News Release

      CHIHUAHUA, MEXICO -- (MARKET WIRE) -- 10/06/08

      Paramount Gold and Silver Corp. (TSX: PZG)(AMEX: PZG)(FRANKFURT: P6G)(WKN: A0HGKQ) reports assay results from SA-61, a deeper drill hole in the northern part of its San Antonio resource area, approximately 2 kilometers north of Clavo 66 at the La Union resource area. This hole was drilled as a step-out from hole SA-55 which was described in a press release dated July16, 2008. Results from both holes are tabulated below.

      Holes SA-55 and now SA-61 were drilled from west to east across the north-central part of the San Antonio vein system. Both were drilled to test the San Antonio system 150 to 200 meters below the earlier shallow drilling, as shown on the longitudinal section. The geology and mineral intercepts in both holes were quite similar. Both showed several intercepts closer to the surface with their metal values almost entirely in silver (and some Pb and Zn, not shown in the table below). The deeper intercepts contained much higher grades overall with very significant amounts of gold contributing to their value. The best intercepts in SA-55 (3.96m @10.08 AuEq) and SA-61 (2.32m @ 18.76 g/t AuEq) were very similar and both contained higher grade zones, as noted below.

      For assays and maps visit

      These deeper holes at San Antonio show that there is a dramatic change in the character and grade of the mineralization with increasing depth. The nearer surface material is in a swarm of smaller veins and vein breccias, with good silver values but very little gold. In the deeper holes, mineralization is consolidated into much fewer veins with excellent gold grades in addition to silver. If the San Antonio system follows the pattern seen at the San Miguel vein (Clavo 99), at La Union (Clavo 66), and elsewhere on the property, the gold to silver ratio should continue to increase with depth and the mineralization will be focused into a few stronger veins rather than the myriad of smaller veins seen at the surface.

      Larry Segerstrom, COO of Paramount Gold and Silver Corp., commented, "the results of this deeper drilling at San Antonio confirm our interpretation that the mineralization exposed at the surface and exploited by miners 100 years ago is in the upper silver-rich portion of the vein systems at the San Miguel project. We are just now getting into the deeper gold-rich portions with our drilling at San Antonio and La Union. The most recent holes in both areas are very encouraging regarding the increasing gold potential at greater drilling depths."
      schrieb am 07.10.08 09:46:43
      Beitrag Nr. 185 ()
      Paramount Gold and Silver Corp. to Update Resource Estimate
      OTTAWA, CANADA--(Marketwire - Oct. 7, 2008) -

      Paramount Gold and Silver Corp. (TSX Zunge rausstrecken ZG)(AMEX Zunge rausstrecken ZG)(FRANKFURT Zunge rausstrecken 6G)(WKN:A0HGKQ) has engaged Delve Consultants to prepare a new NI 43-101 Technical Report at its San Miguel Project, in Chihuahua, Mexico. The report will be based on all drilling to date in the San Miguel and La Union zones, including Clavo 99 and Clavo 66, based on the excellent drilling results reported during the past few months. This will be a first pass estimate, intended to demonstrate the tons, grade and gold-equivalent ounces potentially present.

      From the recent drill intercepts Paramount envisions that both of these zones can quickly be converted to measured and indicated reserves by infill and step-out drilling and metallurgical testing. That would put these two deposits on a fast track toward production.
      schrieb am 11.10.08 00:46:05
      Beitrag Nr. 186 ()
      Paramount Gold and Silver hat vor Kurzem eine zweite, neue Goldader gefunden und Clavo 66 genannt. Der Goldgehalt uebertrifft bei weitem die Erste ( Clavo 99 )Hier haben wir Werte von 18 und 11 Gramm Gold pro Tonne. Die Ader ist auf 3.52 Meter dick gemessen. Diese Zahlen hat man seit langem nicht mehr gehoert. Die gabs als die Spanier Mexico auspluenderten.
      Das ist fuer viele Investierer die beste Nachricht in der jetzigen,traurigen, finanziellen Situation die sich weltweit ausgebreitet hat. Gold ist eigentlich schon immer die beste Zuflucht gewesen. Heutzutage ist der Immobilienmarkt auch nicht mehr verlaesslich. Auf den Amerikanischen Boersen geht es im Moment naerrisch zu. Die sich\'s leisten koennen parken ihr Geld auf kurzfristigen Konten da diese ja zum Teil versichert sind.
      Von den vielen Firmen die nach Edelmetallen weltweit suchen sind nur wenige die solche Funde wie Paramount nachweisen koennen. Es ist leicht vorauszusagen dass der Paramount Aktienpreis sich sehr schnell wieder erholen wird, da er ja in dem Getruemmel der letzten Wochen mitgerissen wurde wie alle anderen gesunden Aktien.
      Ausserdem wie es der Zufall so will, wird in Muenchen im Olympiapark die jaehrliche Edelmetall und Wertstoff stattfinden, und zwar am 7 ten und 8 ten November ( 9.30 / 16.30 ). Paramount, wie letztes Jahr, wird auch diesmal dort eine Bude haben. So jeder, der\'s ernst nimmt und mit Paramount mitverdienen will hat Gelegenheit mehr information dort zu erhamstern.
      Im Fruehjahr brachte Paramount eine NI 43-101 ( Resource Estimate ) heraus. Da ja seither die neue, reichhaltige Clavo 66 gefunden wurde ist dies \'Altgeschichte\' geworden. Eine neue wird sicherlich bald bekannt gegeben die die neuen werte zeigt. Alles hat sich ja sozusagen verdoppelt.

      Paramount Gold and Silver Corp.
      AMEX: PZG
      TSX: PZG

      Other Recent News

      October 10, 2008
      Paramount Gold and Silver Corp. Reports High Grade Gold Assays at Clavo 66 (11.35 g/t Au Over 3.5 Metres)
      CHIHUAHUA, MEXICO--(Marketwire - Oct. 10, 2008) - Paramount Gold and Silver Corp. (TSX:PZG)(AMEX:PZG)(FRANKFURT:P6G)(WKN:A0HGKQ) has received the assays from drill hole LU-18 from the heart of Clavo 66, which intersected the main mineralized structure at a depth of approximately 80 meters from the surface drilled to expand the resource. The structure contained a 3.52 meter (true width) intercept of 11.35 g/t gold with additional 1.48 to 1.85 g/t Au Eq. mineralization for approximately 2 meters in the hanging wall and 1 meter in the footwall.

      Highlights are below (visit for further details):
      Gold Gold
      Inter- True Equiv. Equiv.
      Hole From To val Width Gold Silver (i) (i) Pb Zn
      Number (m) (m) (m) (m) (g/t) (g/t) (g/t) (g x m) % %
      LU-18 108.00 108.85 0.85 0.80 0.06 65.0 1.36 1.09 3.63 4.89
      110.85 112.00 1.15 1.08 1.08 9.0 1.26 1.36 0.10 0.23
      117.00 119.00 2.00 1.88 1.80 3.0 1.85 3.47 0.03 0.15
      119.00 122.75 3.75 3.52 11.35 13.0 11.62 40.92 0.14 0.63
      122.75 123.75 1.00 0.94 1.48 0.0 1.48 1.39 0.01 0.04
      156.00 157.00 1.00 0.94 0.78 1.0 0.80 0.75 0.00 0.01
      177.00 180.00 3.00 2.82 0.57 1.0 0.59 1.66 0.00 0.01
      180.00 181.00 1.00 0.94 2.28 5.0 2.38 2.23 0.00 0.01

      (i) Calculated at Ag/Au = 50
      Larry Segerstrom, COO of Paramount Gold and Silver Corp., commented, \"LU-18 is very encouraging in its confirmation of the continuity of thick high gold mineralization at Clavo 66 and supports Paramount\'s decision to proceed to prefeasibility studies at Clavo 66.\"

      Also reported is important drill hole SJ-13, which was drilled to test a geophysical anomaly below surface mineralization in the San Jose area. Surface mapping and earlier drilling indicated that the mineralized zone generally dips east. However, there are some veins at the surface that also dip west, towards a strong geophysical anomaly. Drill hole SJ-13 confirmed that veining dips west. The geophysical anomaly appears to be owing to the steep side of a shallow intrusion that underlies the San Jose area to the immediate east at a much higher level than where it was intersected in this hole. Further drill testing is planned in this area.

      Quality Control

      Paramount takes detailed digital photos of the entire core before it is cut by saw to half core which is assayed at ALS Chemex\'s Vancouver laboratory. As part of quality assurance, quality control (QA/QC), Paramount has put into place a detailed program of periodically introducing certified standards, blanks and duplicates into the sample stream. Half-core samples are being retained on site for verification and reference purposes.

      The qualified person who has reviewed this news release is Dana C. Durgin, M. Sc. Economic Geology. He is a Certified Professional Geologist (CPG #10364) with the American Institute of Professional Geologists, and a Registered Professional Geologist in Wyoming (PG-2886).

      Paramount Gold and Silver Corp. is the operator and 100% owner of the San Miguel Project.

      Paramount Gold and Silver Corp.
      Larry Segerstrom, COO
      866-481-2233 / 613-226-9881


      Paramount Gold and Silver Corp.
      Chris Halkai, Investor Relations
      866-481-2233 / 613-226-9881

      INDUSTRY: Financial Services - Investment Services and Trading, Manufacturing and Production - Mining and Metals

      Paramount Gold and Silver Corp.
      AMEX: PZG
      TSX: PZG

      Other Recent News

      October 7, 2008
      Paramount Gold and Silver Corp. to Update Resource Estimate
      OTTAWA, CANADA--(Marketwire - Oct. 7, 2008) - Paramount Gold and Silver Corp. (TSX:PZG)(AMEX:PZG)(FRANKFURT:P6G)(WKN:A0HGKQ) has engaged Delve Consultants to prepare a new NI 43-101 Technical Report at its San Miguel Project, in Chihuahua, Mexico. The report will be based on all drilling to date in the San Miguel and La Union zones, including Clavo 99 and Clavo 66, based on the excellent drilling results reported during the past few months. This will be a first pass estimate, intended to demonstrate the tons, grade and gold-equivalent ounces potentially present.

      From the recent drill intercepts Paramount envisions that both of these zones can quickly be converted to measured and indicated reserves by infill and step-out drilling and metallurgical testing. That would put these two deposits on a fast track toward production.

      Paramount Gold and Silver Corp.
      Larry Segerstrom, COO
      866-481-2233 / 613-226-9881


      Paramount Gold and Silver Corp.
      Chris Halkai, Investor Relations
      866-481-2233 / 613-226-9881

      INDUSTRY: Financial Services - Investment Services and Trading, Manufacturing and Production - Mining and Metals
      schrieb am 12.10.08 08:04:01
      Beitrag Nr. 187 ()
      News Story
      Golden opportunity: Paramount ready to hit the motherlode with $8.7M buyout deal
      By Krystle Chow, Ottawa Business Journal Staff
      Wed, Oct 8, 2008 3:00 PM EST

      Christopher Crupi. (Darren Brown, OBJ)

      Paramount Gold and Silver Corp. is on its way to becoming a precious metals producer – or perhaps even towards a lucrative exit – with its buyout of a partner in its main Mexico mine, says CEO Christopher Crupi.

      "This opens the door to a whole bunch of opportunities; we can now move into the production stage, or ... we can have some companies prepay (for output) and take a royalty, which we weren't able to do before.

      "We're in the driver's seat," Mr. Crupi says. "And there's the ultimate end game – to sell the company – which now becomes a lot cleaner and more marketable."

      Last week, the company said it had bought out Tara Gold Resources Corp.'s 30-per-cent share in its San Miguel mining project, increasing its inferred gold and silver resources for the property by 32.6 million ounces to 108.5 million ounces. Paramount issued 7.35 million restricted common shares as its payment to Tara, based on an average trading price of $1.19 per share, making the value of the deal about $8.7 million.

      It also agreed to pay 26.8 cents per ounce of silver-equivalent resource in the ground for the remaining 32.6 million ounces.

      While the crash of the U.S. financial markets has hit mining companies hard, Mr. Crupi says it was a blessing in disguise for the Tara deal.

      "The wonderful thing about this terrible market is that we got a great deal; we got to grab it at a very good price," he says, adding it's a good play since long-term prospects for precious metals markets are trending upwards, despite the current bleakness.

      Paramount has increased its San Miguel project area from 2,000 hectares to more than 100,000 hectares since Mr. Crupi took over the reins of the company three years ago. However, up until this point the company has still only been an exploration-stage firm, making it highly reliant on the health of the equity markets in order to obtain funding.

      The acquisition, Mr. Crupi says, will hopefully help Paramount move into the production stage, allowing the company to become self-sustaining as it would then be able to reinvest the proceeds from the gold it produces and sells.

      "As well, the valuation for producers is higher than for explorers, since there's less risk," he adds. "This is how mining companies like Barrick Gold are built."

      Mr. Crupi notes the mining project's inferred resources are still growing, with the expectation that Paramount will announce even higher numbers next month, at which point it will begin to examine different production processes and to "economically quantify" the value of its gold and silver resources.

      "We've also identified all kinds of areas to expand our resources, but it may make a lot more sense to start producing first, then explore to grow the project in size and scope," he says.

      Paramount has been ramping up its mining operations in Mexico in recent months after deciding in August 2007 to kill several projects in South America to focus on its Mexican properties. The company also announced in the spring a partnership with Chihuahua's Mexoro Minerals, which added Mexoro's program in the Sierra Madre gold-silver belt to Paramount's holdings.

      "What we're trying to do is consolidate the land position in our backyard, that is, our project area," explains Mr. Crupi.

      "We want a very large mine built in this area, and (this deal) was one big hurdle to get over."

      schrieb am 14.10.08 15:50:32
      Beitrag Nr. 188 ()
      October 14, 2008
      Paramount Gold and Silver Corp. Reports High Grade Gold Assays at Clavo 66
      CHIHUAHUA, MEXICO--(Marketwire - Oct. 14, 2008) - Paramount Gold and Silver Corp. (TSX:PZG)(AMEX:PZG)(FRANKFURT:P6G)(WKN:A0HGKQ) reports assays from hole LU-19 drilled at a shallow level of Clavo 66 to test continuity between the surface and relatively deeper intercepts of significant gold mineralization. Drill hole LU-19 has expanded the resource by intercepting a hanging wall structure grading 3.27 g/t gold and 133 g/t silver across a true thickness of 6.75 meters. The main targeted structure contained a 0.85 meter (true width) intercept of 12.56 g/t gold.

      Highlights are below (visit for further details):

      Gold Gold
      Inter- True Equiv. Equiv.
      Hole From To val Width Gold Silver (i) (i) Pb Zn
      Number (m) (m) (m) (m) (g/t) (g/t) (g/t) (g x m) % %
      LU-19 53.35 60.10 6.75 6.60 3.27 133.0 5.93 39.15 2.87 2.77
      60.10 66.00 5.90 5.77 0.25 4.0 0.32 1.85 0.04 0.01
      82.90 83.75 0.85 0.83 12.55 13.0 12.81 10.65 1.21 0.11
      83.75 100.00 16.25 15.89 0.26 1.0 0.28 4.45 0.01 0.02
      121.00 122.00 1.00 0.98 2.98 2.0 3.02 2.95 0.01 0.01

      (i) Calculated at Ag/Au = 50

      Larry Segerstrom, COO of Paramount Gold and Silver Corp., commented, "Continued good results at Clavo 66 support Paramount's decision to proceed with prefeasibility studies."

      Drill hole SJ-14 was one of three holes drilled to test a geophysical anomaly below surface mineralization. Surface mapping and earlier drilling indicated that the mineralized zone generally dips east. However, there are some veins at the surface that also dip west, towards a strong geophysical anomaly. As with drill hole SJ-13, this hole confirmed that minor veining dips west. The geophysical anomaly appears to be owing to the steep side of a shallow intrusion that underlies the San Jose area to the immediate east at a much higher level than where it was intersected in this hole and drill hole SJ-13.

      Quality Control

      Paramount takes detailed digital photos of the entire core before it is cut by saw to half core which is assayed at ALS Chemex's Vancouver laboratory. As part of quality assurance, quality control (QA/QC), Paramount has put into place a detailed program of periodically introducing certified standards, blanks and duplicates into the sample stream. Half-core samples are being retained on site for verification and reference purposes.

      The qualified person who has reviewed this news release is Dana C. Durgin, M. Sc. Economic Geology. He is a Certified Professional Geologist (CPG #10364) with the American Institute of Professional Geologists, and a Registered Professional Geologist in Wyoming (PG-2886).

      Paramount Gold and Silver Corp. is the operator and 100% owner of the San Miguel Project.


      Paramount Gold and Silver Corp.
      Larry Segerstrom, COO
      Chris Halkai, Investor Relations
      866-481-2233 / 613-226-9881
      schrieb am 14.10.08 16:43:43
      Beitrag Nr. 189 ()
      schrieb am 15.10.08 01:10:49
      Beitrag Nr. 190 ()
      Wie gesagt, immer mehr wird gefunden je weiter man geht mit den Bohrloechern. Clavo 66 scheint mehr zu ergeben als Clavo 99. Es kann sich aber auch aendern. Es wird ja weitergebohrt. Vergesst nicht die Muenchner Messe am 7. und 8. November im Olympiapark: Edelmetalle und andere Wertstoffe. Precious Metals and Commodities.

      Hier ist der heutige Pressebericht:

      Paramount Gold and Silver Corp. Reports High Grade Gold Assays at Clavo 66
      Tuesday October 14, 9:30 am ET

      CHIHUAHUA, MEXICO--(MARKET WIRE)--Oct 14, 2008 -- Paramount Gold and Silver Corp. (Toronto:PZG.TO - News)(AMEX:PZG - News)(Frankfurt:P6G.F - News)(WKN: A0HGKQ) reports assays from hole LU-19 drilled at a shallow level of Clavo 66 to test continuity between the surface and relatively deeper intercepts of significant gold mineralization. Drill hole LU-19 has expanded the resource by intercepting a hanging wall structure grading 3.27 g/t gold and 133 g/t silver across a true thickness of 6.75 meters. The main targeted structure contained a 0.85 meter (true width) intercept of 12.56 g/t gold.

      Highlights are below (visit for further details):

      Gold Gold
      Inter- True Equiv. Equiv.
      Hole From To val Width Gold Silver (i) (i) Pb Zn
      Number (m) (m) (m) (m) (g/t) (g/t) (g/t) (g x m) % %
      LU-19 53.35 60.10 6.75 6.60 3.27 133.0 5.93 39.15 2.87 2.77
      60.10 66.00 5.90 5.77 0.25 4.0 0.32 1.85 0.04 0.01
      82.90 83.75 0.85 0.83 12.55 13.0 12.81 10.65 1.21 0.11
      83.75 100.00 16.25 15.89 0.26 1.0 0.28 4.45 0.01 0.02
      121.00 122.00 1.00 0.98 2.98 2.0 3.02 2.95 0.01 0.01

      (i) Calculated at Ag/Au = 50

      Larry Segerstrom, COO of Paramount Gold and Silver Corp., commented, "Continued good results at Clavo 66 support Paramount's decision to proceed with prefeasibility studies."

      Drill hole SJ-14 was one of three holes drilled to test a geophysical anomaly below surface mineralization. Surface mapping and earlier drilling indicated that the mineralized zone generally dips east. However, there are some veins at the surface that also dip west, towards a strong geophysical anomaly. As with drill hole SJ-13, this hole confirmed that minor veining dips west. The geophysical anomaly appears to be owing to the steep side of a shallow intrusion that underlies the San Jose area to the immediate east at a much higher level than where it was intersected in this hole and drill hole SJ-13.

      Quality Control
      schrieb am 20.10.08 17:04:24
      Beitrag Nr. 191 ()
      Clavo 66 hat sich wieder gemeldet.Eine 4 Meter dicke, haengende Wand mit einem Goldgehalt von 8 bis 9 Gramm pro Tonne. Paramount hat wirklich Glueck. Bestimmt wird's nicht lange dauern bis sie sich entscheiden selbst zu produzieren anstelle es zu verkaufen.
      An beiden Goldadern 66 und 69 die Grenzen der Adern sind noch unbekannt und koennen noch mehrere Ueberraschungen bringen. Ich bin ein Enthusiast hier und verfolgte fast vom Anfang die Fortschritte dieser Firma.

      Hier nun die letzten Ergebnisse :

      Press Release Source: Paramount Gold and Silver Corp.

      Paramount Gold and Silver Corp. Reports High Grade Gold Assays at Clavo 66
      Monday October 20, 9:30 am ET

      CHIHUAHUA, MEXICO--(MARKET WIRE)--Oct 20, 2008 -- Paramount Gold and Silver Corp. (Toronto:PZG.TO - News)(AMEX:PZG - News)(Frankfurt:P6G.F - News)(WKN: A0HGKQ) has received assays from hole LU-20 drilled at depth in Clavo 66 to test continuity between existing holes previously intercepting significant gold mineralization. Drill hole LU-20 intercepted a hanging wall structure grading 9.60 g/t Gold across a true thickness of 4.40 meters. Immediately adjacent lower-grade mineralization included 5.04 meters (true width) grading 0.43 g/t gold and 2.00 g/t silver. The main targeted structure contained a 0.60 meter (true width) intercept grading 13.35 g/t gold and 135 g/t silver. The immediately adjacent footwall mineralization contained an average grade of 1.44 g/t Gold across a true width of 4.01 meters.

      Highlights are below (visit for further details).

      Hole From To Inter- True Gold Sil- Gold Grade Pb Zn
      Val Width ver Equiv. Thick-
      (i) ness
      Number(Meters)(Meters)(Meters)(Meters)(grams(grams(grams (grams % %
      /ton) /ton) /ton) x
      LU-20 116.50 117.80 1.30 0.74 0.44 0.0 0.44 0.33 0.01 0.11
      117.80 122.20 4.40 2.52 9.60 8.0 9.76 24.61 0.07 0.17
      122.20 131.00 8.80 5.04 0.43 2.0 0.47 2.37 0.01 0.03
      131.00 132.30 1.30 0.74 1.48 10.0 1.68 1.25 0.01 0.03
      144.60 145.80 1.20 0.69 0.75 2.0 0.79 0.54 0.01 0.03
      160.40 161.00 0.60 0.34 13.35 135.0 16.05 5.52 10.10 10.30
      161.00 186.00 7.00 4.01 1.44 12.0 1.68 6.74 0.08 0.12
      168.00 182.00 14.00 8.02 0.54 1.0 0.56 4.49 0.01 0.02
      (ii) 251.80 252.80 1.00 0.57 11.90 3.0 11.96 6.85 0.01 0.04

      (i) Calculated at Ag/Au equals 50
      (ii) Hole ended at 252.8 meters
      schrieb am 25.11.08 06:09:55
      Beitrag Nr. 192 ()
      Bald ein neues ' RESOURCE ESTIMATE '
      Vor Kurzem hat Paramount Gold / Silber angedeuted dass eine neue Schaetzung seiner Edelmetallwerte am Ende von November zu erwarten ist. Craig Stanley von Blackmont Capital sagte ( Okt 21 / 08 ) dass die neuen Werte dramatisch hoeher sein werden da sie sich hauptsaechlich auf San Miguel ,Clavo 99 und La Union, Clavo 66 beziehen werden. In diesen beiden Schuerfgebieten conzentrieren sich bisher die besten Ergebnisse. Im Juni 08, NI 43-101, bezog sich auf alle Gebiete und ergab 416 Unzen Gold, sowie 66.3 milionen Unzen Silber. Diese neuen 'Estimate Werte' werden damit erstaunlich reicher sein da sie nicht auf alle 8 sondern nur auf 2 Gebiete rechnen. Bin ja gespannt !!!
      schrieb am 25.11.08 06:22:02
      Beitrag Nr. 193 ()
      Ueber MEXORO :
      Paramount und Mexoro haben frueher ein Verbuendniss eingegangen, eine 'Strategic Alliance' wobei Paramount Mexoro finanziell unterstuetzte.( Clavo 99 laeuft von San Miguel auf Mexoro's Grund hinueber )
      Kuerzlich ist Mexoro auch in ein anderes Verbuendnis mit MRT eingestiegen. MRT ist eine private Firma im Mexico und hilft Mexoro aus mit etwa 9 Millionen Dollar. Damit kann dann Mexoro's Schuerfgelaende ' Cieneguita ' weiter bearbeited werden.
      Paramount Gold and Silver ist natuerlich damit im ' Geschaeftsplan' mit eingeschlossen.
      schrieb am 27.11.08 02:13:43
      Beitrag Nr. 194 ()
      Heute, Nov.26, war Paramount Gold and Silver 17 Procent ( Mittags ) gestiegen. So ist das auch deutlich anerkannt ( unten )

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      Today's 5-Star Movers
      By Motley Fool Staff
      November 26, 2008 | Comments (0)

      As fundamentals-focused long-term investors, Fools never base an investment decision on the daily gyrations of the market. But the market's daily price movements can be useful when looking for new stock ideas for further research, or to keep tabs on watch-list stocks.

      Below you'll find today's biggest movers among our five-star stocks -- the highest rating awarded by our CAPS community of more than 120,000 investors. Have a look, and then visit us on CAPS to dig in further on each of them.

      Company Up Today
      Sector Past 30 Days
      Fools Saying Outperform

      FNX Mining Company

      (Nasdaq: FNXMF)
      Metals and Mining
      51 of 54

      Sterling Construction Company
      (Nasdaq: STRL)
      Construction and Engineering
      98 of 101

      Astec Industries
      (Nasdaq: ASTE)
      262 of 269

      Other Five-Star Metals and Mining:
      China Precision Steel (Nasdaq: CPSL) up 18.75%

      Paramount Gold Mining (AMEX: PZG) up 17.65

      Other Five-Star Construction and Engineering
      Fluor (NYSE: FLR) up 10.11%
      Integrated Electrical Services (Nasdaq: IESC) up 9.97%
      Other Five-Star Machinery
      Altra Holdings (Nasdaq: AIMC) up 9.87%
      Mueller Water Products (NYSE: MWA) up 5.09%
      schrieb am 27.11.08 06:46:20
      Beitrag Nr. 195 ()
      Press Release Source: Paramount Gold and Silver Corp.

      Paramount Gold and Silver Corp. Reports Drilling Results From its San Miguel Project
      Wednesday November 26, 10:45 am ET

      CHIHUAHUA, MEXICO--(MARKET WIRE)--Nov 26, 2008 -- Paramount Gold and Silver Corp. (Toronto:PZG.TO - News) (NYSE.A: PZG) (FRANKFURT:P6G, WKN: A0HGKQ) has received the assays from recently completed drill holes in the northern portion of its San Antonio resource area. These holes were drilled to test the northern extensions of the San Antonio vein system and to follow up an interesting gold intercept.
      Holes SA-57 and 59 were drilled from east to west across the northern part of the San Antonio vein system. SA-57 intersected three gold-silver vein-breccias and SA-59 intersected a single 3.4 meter vein structure.

      Holes SA-56 and 58 were drilled eastward into the El Carmen North structure. SA-56 was drilled below SA-53, which had better gold grades than is common in the San Antonio area. SA-56 had three intercepts with good gold and silver grades; it appears to be the same structure as intersected in the earlier SA-53. SA-58 intersected only a thin gold-silver vein with modest grades.

      Highlights are below (visit for further details).

      Hole From To Inter- True Gold Silver Gold Grade
      val Width Equiv.(i) Thickness
      Number (m) (m) (m) (m) (g/t) (g/t) (t/t) (g x m)
      SA - 53 29.00 31.00 2.00 1.78 2.13 273.00 6.68 11.89
      31.00 34.00 3.00 2.17 0.12 18.00 0.30 0.65
      72.00 73.00 1.00 0.67 0.22 0.00 0.22 0.15
      103.40 104.20 0.80 0.53 0.17 0.00 0.17 0.09
      108.70 109.55 0.85 0.47 0.16 0.00 0.16 0.08
      SA-56 10.00 11.95 1.95 1.46 0.17 137.2 2.91 4.25
      130.90 138.00 7.10 5.33 0.15 54.6 1.24 6.62
      150.80 157.00 6.20 4.65 0.23 143.2 3.09 14.39
      SA-57 0.00 5.20 5.20 3.99 0.03 46.7 0.96 3.83
      9.00 11.00 2.00 1.54 0.01 103.5 2.08 3.20
      13.00 14.00 1.00 0.77 0.02 108.0 2.18 1.68
      SA-58 63.00 64.20 1.20 0.69 0.08 113.0 2.34 1.61
      SA-59 0.00 5.90 5.90 3.39 0.11 43.3 0.98 3.32

      (i) Calculated at Ag/Au equals 50

      In general, this group of drill holes confirmed that the good silver grades in the San Antonio vein-breccias extend to the stream at the north end of the zone. Additional drilling is planned in an effort to trace northward other mineralized structures to the west of SA-57, and perhaps north of the stream, west of SA-58. It also demonstrated that the good gold grades in the veins in SA-53 continue down-dip. Additional trenching followed by drilling is needed to trace that structure to the north.

      Larry Segerstrom, COO of Paramount Gold and Silver Corp., commented, "The stream valley at the north end of San Antonio appears to occupy a fault zone. South of the fault, the San Antonio mineralization continues right up to the fault as expected. Additional planned drilling is expected to increase the San Antonio resource up to that fault and further to the west."

      Paramount will meet investors at its booth at the San Francisco Gold show November 30 and December 1.

      Quality Control

      Paramount takes detailed digital photos of the entire core before it is cut by saw to half core which is assayed at ALS Chemex's Vancouver laboratory. As part of quality assurance, quality control (QA/QC), Paramount has put into place a detailed program of periodically introducing certified standards, blanks and duplicates into the sample stream. Half-core samples are being retained on site for verification and reference purposes.

      The qualified person who has reviewed this news release is Dana C. Durgin, M. Sc. Economic Geology. He is a Certified Professional Geologist (CPG #10364) with the American Institute of Professional Geologists, and a Registered Professional Geologist in Wyoming (PG-2886).

      Paramount Gold and Silver Corp. is the operator and 100% owner of the San Miguel Project.

      Paramount Gold and Silver Corp.
      Larry Segerstrom, COO
      Chris Halkai, Corporate Relations

      schrieb am 28.11.08 21:46:49
      Beitrag Nr. 196 ()
      Vorwaertz, immer vorwaertz, das scheint das Motto hier zu sein. 'Paramount'wird am 1.Dezember auf der New York Stockexchange Boerse gehandelt. Das ist eine wesentliche Verbesserung da die Regeln strenger kontrolliert werden....und werden muessen. An der Amex sind sie nicht so genau gewesen in Hinsicht " naked short selling'...auch im abwaerts Momentum. PZG wird das Symbol weiterhin sein. Das nenne ich Fortschritt.

      Press Release Source: Paramount Gold and Silver Corp.

      Paramount Gold and Silver Corp. to Trade on the New York Stock Exchange Alternext
      Friday November 28, 2:56 pm ET

      OTTAWA, ONTARIO--(MARKET WIRE)--Nov 28, 2008 -- Paramount Gold and Silver Corp. (NYSE-A: PZG)(Toronto:PZG.TO - News)(Frankfurt:P6G.F - News) advises that effective December 1st, 2008, its common shares will trade on the New York Stock Exchange trading floor under the NYSE's Alternext. This new platform has important market structure enhancements, resulting from significant investments in technology and ensuring the highest quality trading systems in terms of reliability and flexibility. The Company will continue to trade under the symbol PZG.
      schrieb am 29.11.08 10:24:04
      Beitrag Nr. 197 ()
      ich werde dort sein in san francisco an der konferenz! ist im marriot hotel, ca. 6 min. zu fuss, das laesst sich einrichten*g*
      schrieb am 14.12.08 03:01:26
      Beitrag Nr. 198 ()
      Haftungsausschluß: Die Inhalte dieser Seite dienen ausschließlich zu Informationszwecken. Für die Richtigkeit, Vollständigkeit und Aktualität der Inhalte können wir jedoch keine Gewähr
      übernehmen. Alle Informationen stammen aus frei zugänglichen Quellen. Eine Kauf- oder Verkaufsempfehlung ist damit nicht verbunden.
      Paramount Gold and Silver Corp. ist ein
      Edelmetall-Explorationsunternehmen mit
      Börsennotiz an der TSX, AMEX und in
      Frankfurt. Das Unternehmen führt derzeit ein
      umfangreiches Explorationsprogramm auf dem
      San Miguel-Projekt im Guazapares- Bergbaudistrikt
      in Mexiko durch.
      Eine neue Silber-Gold-Entdeckung in der Sierra
      Madre, Mexiko
      • Paramount Gold kontrolliert über 100.000 ha im
      Sierra Madre Gold-Silber-Gürtel
      • In der Nachbarschaft finden sich bekannte Entdeckungen
      wie Palmarejo (Palmarejo Silver and Gold),
      Mulatos (Alamos Gold), Dolores (Minefinders),
      Ocampo (Gammon Lake) und El Sauzal (Goldcorp).
      • Kürzlich wurde die Landposition um 17.200 ha über
      ein Jointventure mit Garibaldi Resources erweitert.
      Dieser Landblock besitzt eine Reihe von Zielen, die
      San Miguel und Palmarejo ähneln.
      Paramount ist zu 100% Eigentümer des San Miguel-
      Projekts, das über 8 km Verlaufslänge einer mineralisierten
      Hauptstrukturzone verfügt und mindestens
      zwei kleinere, halb-parallele mineralisierte Zonen im
      Westen aufweist. Die bis dato durchgeführten Bohrungen
      und Grabun-gen auf San Miguel belaufen sich auf
      47.560 m Bohrungen in 213 Löchern und 3.740 m
      Grabungen in 69 Gräben. Die Bohrungen haben meist
      die flachen Teile der mineralisierten Strukturen getestet.
      Die tieferen Teile enthalten goldhaltige, hochgradige
      Mineralisierung. Ein NI 43-101 Bericht von ACA
      Howe vom 13. Juni 2008 weist bei einem cut- off von 25
      g/t Silberäquivalent eine unverwässerte angezeigte
      Mineralressource von 1,36 Mio. t mit 71 g/t Silber und
      0,27 g/t Gold (4,5 Mio. oz Silberäq.) und eine abgeleitete
      Ressource von 29,5 Mio. t mit 67 g/t Silber und 0,43 g/t
      Gold (104,5 Mio. oz Silberäq.) aus. Die beiden hochgradigen
      Erzkörper besitzen die folgenden abgeleiteten
      Ressourcen bei einem cut- off von 4,5 g/t Goldäquivalent:
      a) Clavo 99: 1,30 Mio. t mit 10,51 g/t Gold (436.400
      oz Goldäquivalent) b) Clavo 66: 0,46 Mio. t mit 13,04 g/t
      Gold (190.600 oz Goldäquivalent)
      - NI 43-101 Ressourcenschätzung vom Juni 2008 mit
      insgesamt 108,5 Mio. oz Silberäquivalent abgeleiteter
      und angezeigter Ressource (2,1 Mio. oz Goldäquivalent)
      - Zwei hochgradige Zonen entdeckt, Clavo 99 und 66-
      werden mit Bohrungen erweitert.
      - Zahlreiche andere hochgradige, goldhaltige Zonen
      finden sich auf anderen Teilen des San Miguel-
      Projekts, darunter San Antonio, El Carmen, Guadalupe
      de los Reyes und die San Luis- Mine.
      - Zum Beispiel enthielt Loch SA-61 vom tiefen
      Zielgebiet San Antonio 6 m mit 3,89 g/t Gold und 204
      g/t Silber, darunter 2,3 m mit 8,64 g/t Gold und 504 g/t
      Silber. Die Mineralisierung könnte Teil einer neuen
      hochgradigen Zone sein.
      - Eine neue NI 43-101 Ressourcenschätzung, die die
      Bohrungen der letzten Monate einschließt, ist in
      - Paramount denkt, dass Clavo 99 und 66 mittels
      Einfüll- und Ausfallbohrungen schnell in gemessene
      und angezeigte Ressourcen aufgestuft werden können
      und die Lagerstätten so auf den Weg zur Produktion
      Christopher Crupi, Präsident & Direktor,
      ist ein früherer Vizepräsident von Pricewaterhouse
      Coopers. Er hat an Deals mit über 1 Mrd. $, darunter
      der Verkauf des Ottawa Senators Hockey Club und der
      Verkauf einer Abteilung des kanadischen Roten
      Kreuzes, teilgenommen.
      Larry Segerstrom, COO,
      besitzt über 30 Jahre Erfahrung, zuletzt als Manager
      der Geologic Service Group bei Freeport-McMoRan
      und als Generalmanager von Layne Christensen
      Drilling (Mexiko).
      Charles W. Reed, Vizepräsident Exploration & Direktor,
      besitzt über 40 Jahre Erfahrung, darunter
      Führungspositionen bei Hecla Mining (Mexiko), Echo
      Bay (Lateinamerika) und Occidental Petroleum (USA,
      Mexiko). Er war beratender Geologe (USA,
      Lateinamerika, Westafrika).
      Danny Sims, Technischer Berater mit über 20 Jahren
      Berater für Struktur-Geologie und Geotechnologie bei
      Freeport Indonesien, Rio Tinto, U.S. Borax, Kennecott,
      Phelps Dodge, BHP, Cyprus, Southern Peru Copper,
      Thompson Creek und anderen. War Explorationsgeologe
      bei Newmont und Cominco Alaska. Basierend auf
      Strukturinterpretationen in den Studien seiner
      Doktorarbeit wurde die Bohrung der Aqqaluk-
      Lagerstätte angebracht, die die Ressource von Red Dog,
      der weltweit größten Zinklagerstätte, wesentlich vergrößerte.
      John R. Carden, Direktor,
      besitzt über 30 Jahre Erfahrung. Er war u.a. bei
      Minefinders, Metallica, Castleworth Ventures und
      Corex Gold beratend tätig. Er war auch Präsident von
      Latitude Minerals Corp. und Direktor für Exploration
      bei Echo Bay Exploration. 07 beratender Geologe der
      Goldcorp. Inc.
      Paramount Gold
      and Silver Corp.
      Suite 110 – 346 Waverley Street
      Ottawa, Ontario, K2P 0W5, Kanada
      Tel. (613) 226-9881
      50 Messeprogramm • Minen
      schrieb am 30.12.08 07:52:34
      Beitrag Nr. 199 ()
      Mir ist zu Ohren gekommen das Paramount einige neue Millionen Dollar als Neu-Investierung sichern konnte. Noch zu Ende diesen Jahres ( 2008 ) wird alles abgeschlossen werden. Somit kann man damit rechnen dass das wirklich Tatsache ist.
      Heutzutage, in einer schwierigen wirtschaftlichen Weltlage, wo viele Firmen ueberall staatliche Unterstuetzungen betteln, ist Paramount in der Lage Privatgelder zu sichern. Das heisst schon was. Investierer mit solchen Geldern sind nicht leichtsinnig. Die wissen genau dass Paramount eine reiche Zukunft haben wird. Auch werden sie wissen dass der Chef, Chris Crupi, ein erfahrener und erfolgreicher Prokurist schon mehrere Erfolge in seiner Laufbahn geleisted hat. Auch die Spezialisten in seinem Team sind Spitze, wie z.b. Larry Segerstrom the Haupt-Geologe.
      Eine zweite Neuigkeit: Es scheint dass Paramount eine frueher produzierende Goldmine kaufen wird ( oder schon gekauft hat )Vielleicht kommt das mit allen Geraeten und Maschinen. Das waere gut. Auch kommt jetzt das Jahresende als viele Investierer aus Steuergruenden Aktien verkaufen und dann nach 30 Tagen wiederkaufen. Im Grossen und Ganzen kann man sagen dass der Preis pro Aktie schon vor einiger Zeit seinen Tiefpunkt erreicht hatte and daher nur vorwaerts gehen kann.
      schrieb am 22.02.09 04:01:23
      Beitrag Nr. 200 (),Engelbert Hoermannsdorfer, Chefredakteur hatte letzte Woche ein INTERVIEW mit Chris Crupi, them CEO der Paramount Gold and Silver Corp. Falls sie den Artikel nicht gesehen haben, hier sind die Hauptsachen:
      Paramount's Bohrungen haben etwa 30 % Gold und 60 % Silber ergeben.Der Rest ist Kupfer.Anfang 2009 konnte Crupi ueber 2 Millionen Canadische Dollar in einer Finanzierungsrunde sichern. Das heisst schon was, gerade am Jahreswechsel wo fast nichts fuer andere zu holen war.Vor wenigen Tagen hat Paramount 54 000 Hektar sich angeeignet. Jetzt hat Paramount alle Gelaender um Palmarejo rund herum. Palmarejo hatte seinem frueheren Explorer ueber eine Milliarde US $ vor kurzem eingebracht. Sicherlich ein reiches Gebiet. Crupi erhofft noch bis Mai Resultate des neuen Gebietes zu zeigen. ....Und was noch ueberraschender ist dass Paramount in Kanada eine genze Goldmine erworben hat. Die fruehere Firma hat wegen Geldknappheit aufgeben muessen. ...Und was hat's gekosted ? Kein Geld...nur eine halbe Million Aktien. Das ist ja fast geschenkt. Das Geld wird besser fuer Bohrungen behalten. Diese Goldmine wird in Kuerze die NI 43-101 fertig haben.
      Fuer das ANDREA PROJECT sucht sich Crupi einen 20 % Partner.
      Auch beide Clavos, 66 und 99 , wurden besprochen. Clavo 99 hat ein Abbauvolumen von 1.3 Mil. Tonnen das pro Tonne 10.78 Gramm Gold hat. Clavo 66 hat ein Abbauvolumen von .46 mit 14.75 Gramm pro Tonne.

      Als Shareholder / Aktionaer schon fast vom Anfang bin ich fest davon ueberzeugt das der CEO ein einmaliges Talent hat Geschaeftsvorteile vorauszusehen und sofort zugreifen kann.Wo war Paramount for 2 Jahren und wo sind sie heute. Alle Grossen haben klein angefangen
      schrieb am 05.03.09 17:40:23
      Beitrag Nr. 201 ()
      Paramount hat Zukunft.Das ist sicher. Wenn man bedenkt dass ueberall auf der Welt in Moment Entwicklungsgelder ausgetrocknet sind da hat Paramount volle 9 Millionen Kanadische Dollar einhamstern koennen. Das kann man nicht nur auf Glueck anrechnen. Die Geldgeber sind vom Goldhandel, verstehen ihr Geschaeft und sehen eine versprechende Zukunft fuer ihr Investment.
      Paramount hat vor Kurzem mehr Aktien auf den Markt gebracht um die Moeglichkeit zu sichern mit Aktienbezahlungen sich zu vergroessern.
      Cash, Bargeld wird wahrscheinlich hauptsaechlich nur fuer Forschungen verwendet.
      Paramount hat jetzt alle umliegenden Teile der allergroessten Gold / Silber Mine ( Palmarejo ) rundherum in der Hand. Was kann man da noch von Risiko reden ? Ueberhaupt nicht !!
      Ich bleib' dabei und hol' mir noch ein paar Aktien dazu wie meine Geldsituation es erlaubt. Mit kleineren, wachsenden Firmen wie Paramount, kann man die groesten Gewinne erwarten.
      schrieb am 08.04.09 07:08:10
      Beitrag Nr. 202 ()
      Paramount Gold wurde eingeladen an dem Zuericher "DENVER GOLD FORUM " teilzunehmen. Es laeuft vom 27 ten bis 30 ten April. Paramount's chef, Chris Crupi, wird dort am Dienstag abend an seinem Empfangstisch selbst die Firma vertreten.

      Anschliessend wird er in Luxemburg am Montag Investoren treffen.
      schrieb am 15.04.09 04:22:14
      Beitrag Nr. 203 ()
      Fast unglaublich !!!! Paramount ist abends -Americanische Boerse- auf $ 1.35 gestiegen. Am Ende des normalen Handels 16.oo Uhr war es auf $0.74 . Das sind ueber 60 % Sowas kann nur geschehen wenn eine massige Investierung stattgefunden hat. Na,ja, wir wollen hoffen dass es jetzt weiter nach oben geht. Wo es schon frueher war.
      schrieb am 15.04.09 07:47:11
      Beitrag Nr. 204 ()
      schrieb am 15.04.09 07:55:08
      Beitrag Nr. 205 ()
      schrieb am 15.04.09 17:48:37
      Beitrag Nr. 206 ()
      Das Neuste, unglaubliche ist geschehen. Ihr habt's ja selbst gesehen. Der Aktienpreis, der durch die Amerikanischen Wirtschaftssuenden mit nach unten gerissen wurde, ist am Erholen. Wie schon frueher erwaehnt, Gold und Dinge verbunden mit Gold, bieted das sicherste in der weiteren Zukunft.
      Nach Information der Paramount Website hat Chris Crupi, der chef der Firma, in Amerika, Europa und Kanada mit mehreren, finanziellen Haeusern gesprochen und den naechsten Weg der Firma klargelegt. Laut Ergebnissen von allen bisherigen Bohrungen ist der eigentliche Wert der Aktie wohl ueber 3 Amerikanische Dollar. Heute kann man an der Handelsmenge ( volume of shares traded before noon ) sehen das es wirklich Grossanleger sind. Wie gesagt, der Chef der Paramount Firma hat seine Hausaufgaben gut gemacht.
      schrieb am 15.04.09 20:17:51
      Beitrag Nr. 207 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 36.973.613 von pecuniajh am 15.04.09 17:48:37Soeben hat mich ein Freund angerufen und gesagt dass sich ein Geruecht verbreitet in Hinsicht der steigenden Aktie von P6G. Es sagt dass sich wahrscheinlich ein Gross-Investor ( Minenbauer ) Stueck bei Stueck so viele Atien kauft als Vorbereitung um dann die ganze Firma an sich zu reissen. Wie gesagt das ist im Moment ein grosses Fragezeichen, doch die Logik kann stimmen.
      schrieb am 23.04.09 21:03:06
      Beitrag Nr. 208 ()
      Die Zeitschrift " Northern Miner ", April 13/19 Ausgabe hat sich Mit einem ausgiebigen Paragraf der Firma Paramount gewiedmet.
      Chris Crupi, der Chef, hat vor die beiden reichhaltigen Gebiete, San Miguel und La Union, noch weiter zu erforschen. Momentan hat San Miguel 4 Millionen " inferred " Tonnen mit 2.24 Gramm Gold und 89,8 Gramm Silber,0.18 % Blei , 0.35 % Zink. La Union hat 2,7 Millionen "inferred " Tonnes of 1,4 Gramm Gold, 60.4 Gramms Silber, 0.62 % Blei und 1.45 % Zink.
      Crupi sagte dass er nicht daran interessiert ist selbst eine Mine zu bauen, da dies eine ganz andere Sache ist. Damit waeren zu viele Schwierigkeiten fuer eine kleinere Firma zu ueberwinden. Er baut darauf durch mehrere,zusaetzliche Bohrungen die gefundenen Gold und Silberwerte zu vergroessern. Soweit hat sich's ergeben dass gie Gold und Silberwerte mehhr werden je tiefer und breiter gebohrt wurde. Noch ist kein Ende zu sehen...und das ist versprechend. Das Ziel ist die Werte zu vergroessern und damit werden die Moeglichkeiten alle offen stehen. Dieses Ziel wird am meisten in der Zukunft einbringen. Je tiefer,desto mehr Gold und weniger Silber.
      Der Plan ist fuer eine 4 Million / 30 000 Meter Bohrprogramm. In diesem Jahr ist 2 Millionen geplant.
      schrieb am 29.04.09 21:01:38
      Beitrag Nr. 209 ()
      Re Mexoro : Es hat den Anschein das Paramount bald das Gebiet von Mexoro in seiner Hand haben wird. Damit wird Paramount in der Lage sein San Miguel ( Clavo 99 ) weiter zu definieren da ja das weitere nach dorthin weist. Auch eignet sich das Gebiet fuer spaetere Minen Gebaeude von wo das Ausbaeuten beginnen koennte.
      Doch Paramount alleine hat kein Interesse, nur mit einem Partner der das Zeug ung das Wissen zum Minenbau schom bewiesen hat.
      schrieb am 04.05.09 09:08:02
      Beitrag Nr. 210 ()
      Paramount Gold and Silver Corp. listing with Deutsche Borse
      Ottawa, Canada - (Market Wire) – May 4, 2009- Paramount Gold and Silver Corp.
      (NSYE: PZG) (TSX: PZG) (Frankfurt: P6G, WKN: A0HGKQ) advises that its common
      shares will be listed for trading on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange within the Open Market
      (Entry Standard) effective today. F.I.B Frankfurter Investmentbank AG acted as
      applicant to the exchange on behalf of Paramount.
      Christopher Crupi, CEO of Paramount commented, “The listing of our shares for trading
      with the Deutsche Borse will provide our European investors access to our common
      shares for purchase on a regulated market in Euros. Paramount took the step of obtaining
      the listing as it has many resident European shareholders and will now be one of the
      precious metals companies trading on the Deutsche Borse.”
      Paramount Gold and Silver Corp.
      Chris Theodossiou Investor Relations
      schrieb am 19.05.09 15:12:41
      Beitrag Nr. 211 ()
      May 19, 2009
      Paramount Gold and Silver Corp. Expands its San Miguel Project through Acquisition of Key Mining Concessions in its District Consolidation Strategy
      OTTAWA, CANADA--(Marketwire - May 19, 2009) - Paramount Gold and Silver Corp. ("Paramount") (NYSE Amex:PZG)(TSX:PZG)(Frankfurt:P6G)(WKN:A0HGKQ) has signed a letter of agreement with Mexoro Minerals Ltd (OTCBB: MXOM)(FRANKFURT:OYA1) to acquire all its legal and beneficial interest to 12 mining concessions adjacent to Paramount's San Miguel Project resource areas in Chihuahua, Mexico as seen in the map at the following link

      The purchase price is $3.7 million and all underlying property payments are to be deferred for 36 months and further, if Paramount or its assets are sold within this period an additional payment will be made to the vendors. The transaction is subject to due diligence and other conditions and is expected to close within 90 days.

      "We are excited about securing the ground immediately surrounding our flagship San Miguel Project" stated Paramount CEO, Christopher Crupi. "These concessions will be part of an extensive drill program that is expected to commence shortly and will enhance the geologic potential of San Miguel and its current 2.6 million ounce gold equivalent resource."

      The following is a link to the updated land status map of Paramount highlighting the new concessions


      Paramount Gold and Silver Corp.
      Christopher Crupi, CEO
      Chris Theodossiou, Investor Relations
      866-481-2233 / 613-226-9881
      schrieb am 19.05.09 15:18:07
      Beitrag Nr. 212 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 37.208.889 von leinad.w am 19.05.09 15:12:41
      schrieb am 20.05.09 04:45:25
      Beitrag Nr. 213 ()
      Endlich hat Paramount das Mexoro Gebiet in seiner hand. Die Strategie, alles rund herum um Palmarejo einzuhamstern, wird sich sehr bezahlt machen. Clavo 99 begint ja in San Miguel und laeuft nach Mexoro's fruehere Land hinueber. Bald werden sie wieder mit den Bohrungen weitermachen um die Ader zu verfolgen. Aber auch in den anderen Schuerfrecht-Gebieten wie z.b. La Union und den Anderen wird noch viel zu Tage kommen. Der Anschein it ja da von frueheren Bohrungen.
      schrieb am 27.05.09 21:06:53
      Beitrag Nr. 214 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 37.208.889 von leinad.w am 19.05.09 15:12:41Das Sierra Madre Berggebiet ist das bekannte, reichhaltige Edelmetallgebiet Mexico's das schon vor hunderten Jahren ergiebig war.
      In der unmittelbaren Nachbarschaft von Paramount befinden sich mehrere Minen mit aktiven Ausgrabungen :
      Palmarejo ( Coeur d'Alene ) erwartet in diesem Jahr eine Produktion von 5.3 Millionen Silberunzen und 72 000 Unzen Gold.
      Mexiko's groesster Goldlieferer "ElSauzal (Goldcorp) produzierte in 2007 300 000 Goldunzen.
      Auch "Dolores" (Minefinders), Mulatos (Alamos Gold) und Ocampo ( Gammon Gold )
      schrieb am 02.06.09 09:04:02
      Beitrag Nr. 215 ()
      ein paar infos:

      hier ab dem ersten drittel... :D

      Tara Gold Raises $4.9 Million From Sale of Investment Holding

      By: Marketwire .
      Jun. 1, 2009 09:25 AM

      CHICAGO, IL -- (Marketwire) -- 06/01/09 -- Tara Gold Resources Corp. (PINKSHEETS: TRGD) (FRANKFURT: T8N) announces that it has monetized its Paramount Gold and Silver Corp. equity holdings. A portion of the holdings were used to acquire 2,147,000 shares of Tara Minerals Corp. common stock held by investors, a portion was used to pay off existing loans, and the remainder was sold to investors.

      On October 2, 2008, Tara Gold closed the sale of its remaining San Miguel project interest to Paramount Gold and Silver Corp. for common shares of Paramount. With this divestiture, Tara Gold no longer holds a majority interest in Paramount.

      With this sale, Tara Gold has strengthened its holdings in Tara Minerals Corp., eliminated its long term debt, and has set aside $4.5 million for working capital.

      Mr. Francis Biscan Jr., President of Tara Gold Resources Corp., stated, "Without diluting our shareholders, we now have a strong cash position which will be used to advance our priority projects, including the commencement of full scale mining and production start-up at Don Ramon."

      About Tara Gold Resources Corp.

      The principal business of Tara Gold Resources Corp. is the acquisition, exploration and development of high-quality precious metals projects with potential for economic commercial value. Tara provides investors growth exposure with a diversified exploration portfolio, multiple multi-million ounce targets and several near term production scenarios. Tara Gold is currently focused on generating revenue from the Don Ramon and Lourdes project owned 100% by the subsidiary Tara Minerals Corp. For more information, please visit the Company's web site at:

      Safe Harbor Statement under the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995: The statements contained herein which are not historical are forward-looking statements that are subject to risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed in the forward-looking statements, including, but not limited to, certain delays beyond the company's control with respect to market acceptance of new technologies or products, delays in testing and evaluation of products, and other risks detailed from time to time in the Company's filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

      Francis Biscan Jr.
      Phone: (630) 462-2079
      E-mail: Email Contact
      schrieb am 03.06.09 17:28:27
      Beitrag Nr. 216 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 37.299.689 von leinad.w am 02.06.09 09:04:02Es scheint dass Tara das Geld notwendig brauchte und sich damit voellig von Paramount trennte. Paramount hingegen schreitet systematisch vorwaertz.

      “ GOLDMINERPULSE “, eine analytische Firma., hat einen Blog herausgebracht im Falle dass Paramount Gold und Silver von einer anderen Firma gekauft / uebernommen wuerde. Das ist zwar im Moment nicht der Fall. Es handelt sich hier nur wegen der Schaetzung der Firma..
      Goldminerpulse errechnete den heutigen, fairen, richtigen Wert von Paramount als $ US 2.85 . Die folgende Tabelle zeigt eine Uebermahme-Praemie die in solchen Umstaenden Tatsachen sind:
      Falls dies eine Wirklichkeit waere sollte 40 % angebracht sein.

      GoldMinerPulse Blogs: Estimating a Fair Market Price for Paramount Gold and Silver (PZG)
      Estimating a Fair Market Price for Paramount Gold and Silver (PZG)
      Dennis Boyko, GoldMinerPulse
      June 1, 2009 (version 1.03)

      PZG Takeover Price Estimates based on Current Fair Market Price
      Based on Metrics as of 2009-06-02 (yyyy-mm-dd)
      Takeover Price Pemium Cdn$ US$
      0% $3.08 $2.85
      10% $3.39 $3.14
      20% $3.70 $3.42
      30% $4.01 $3.71
      40% $4.31 $3.99
      50% $4.63 $4.28
      Takeover Stock Price =
      Fair Market Stock Price * (1 + ( Price Premium / 100 ))

      Note: The estimates in this blog are revaluated after the close of each TSX/TSXV trading session and updated based on the spot market metal prices, exchange rates, (NI) 43-101 resource counts, and stock prices at that time.

      40% is highlighted as a likely price premium for the possible takeover price in a strong market.

      The Fair Market Price Estimate follows below.
      Fair Market Price Estimate
      for Paramount Gold and Silver
      Factor US$
      Unadjusted in ground gold Metal Value Per Share (MVpSh) using current spot market prices $9.99
      Gold MVpSh reduced 50% to account for future mine/mill development $5.00
      Gold Metal Value Per Share (MVpSh) After Adjustment $5.00
      MVL (Metal Value Leverage) for gold ideal in current market 2.94
      Fair Market Price for PZG Gold Reserves
      =Gold MVpShAdjusted /MVLIdeal $1.70

      Unadjusted in ground silver Metal Value Per Share (MVpSh) at current spot market prices $14.32
      schrieb am 03.06.09 20:10:09
      Beitrag Nr. 217 ()
      Vergleich der Entwicklung von Coeur d’Alene’s “ PALMAREJO “ Mine zu “ PARAMOUNT GOLD AND SILVER CORP.

      Palmarejo, ( Chihuahua, Mexiko ) wurde in 2007 von der grossen Minengesellschaft “ Coeur d’Alene fuer die unheimlich stattliche Summe von 1.1 Milliarden US Dollar erworben. Es liegt in dem bekannten “ Sierra Madre Occidental “ Gold und Silber Guertel. Die Firma erweiterte die Exploration mit 300 Millionen $ um die Gueter genauer zu bestaetigen.
      Es ist gesagt dass Palmarejo heutzutage das groesste und qualitaetsmaessig beste Gold und Silber Projekt der Welt ist. Es hat die Kapazitaet jaehrlich 9 Millionen Unzen Silber und 120 000 Unzen Gold zu Tage zu bringen.
      Es wird auch gesagt dass die umliegende Gegend, Ost, Nord und West ebenfalls in den Bodenschaetzen gleichwertig zu Palmarejo ist. Dieses Gebiet, 247 000 Acker ist von Paramount Gold and Silver Corp. 100 % ig controlliert. Paramount hat die besten und meist erfahrenen Geologen. Im Laufe der letzten Zeit haben sie die Gebiete zusammengestellt auf Basis der ungefahr geschaetzten Werte bevor Bohrungen stattgefunden haben. Deren Geschaeftsplan ist nicht selbst die Minen zu bauen, sei es denn mit einer erfahrenen Firma zusammen. Das Resultat waere Bargeld oder Tantieme / Gewinnbeteiligung. Falls das Projekt massig ist werden sie es verkaufen und das Gleiche wieder neu anfangen / wiederholen.
      Paramount kaufte die San Miguel, Temoris und Andrea Projekte zwischen 2007 und dem Anfang von 2009 und seit Kurzem beraten sie 12 weitere Konzessionen zu erhamstern, fuer 3.7 Millionen Dollar.
      An der geografischen Karte ( www.paramountgold .com kann man erkennen dass sie schon alle Konzessionen rings um Palmarejo in ihrer Hand haben.
      Im Inbergriff dieser Daten sieht man dass von Risiko ueberhaupt keine Rede mehr sein kann. Es geht nur vorwaertz und in die Hoehe. In den letzten paar Wochen haben sich die Aktien verfuenffacht.
      schrieb am 22.06.09 14:17:00
      Beitrag Nr. 218 ()
      vom polli:

      Paramount Gold (TSX: PZG, WKN: A0HGKQ)

      Auszug aus dem NewWorldInvestor Börsenbrief!
      My experience is that a stock does not know where you bought it, and does not care. It is going to go where it is going to go, with our without you. Selling winners is an amateur’s game, so I was surprised to see him fall into that trap. As far as I know, he did not turn bearish on gold, and if you like gold, you have to love PZG. They will be updating their resource statistics in the fall - I am going to get an exact date out of them - and the stock will skyrocket. PZG remains a Top Buy under $2 for my $10 minimum target.

      PZG bleibt ein Top Kauf unter 2,00 USD für mein Kursziel 10,00 USD.
      schrieb am 26.06.09 08:01:30
      Beitrag Nr. 219 ()
      June 25, 2009
      Paramount Gold and Silver Corp. Added to Russell Indexes
      OTTAWA, CANADA--(Marketwire - June 25, 2009) - Paramount Gold and Silver Corp. ("Paramount") (NYSE Amex:PZG)(TSX:PZG)(Frankfurt:P6G)(WKN:A0HGKQ) is pleased to announce, effective June 29, 2009 that it will be added to several Russell indexes including the Russell 3000 and Russell Global.

      Christopher Crupi, CEO of Paramount Gold and Silver Corp. stated, "We are looking forward to being added to the Russell indexes and the institutional interest that will now follow the Paramount story."

      Paramount currently has no weighting in the Russell Index.

      About Russell Indexes:

      Over the past 25 years, Russell's innovative methodology has helped their indexes become the benchmarks most used by institutional investors. Currently, institutional investment professionals responsible for over $4.3 trillion in assets use Russell indexes to guide their portfolios


      Paramount Gold and Silver Corp.
      Christopher Crupi, CEO
      Chris Theodossiou, Investor Relations
      866-481-2233 / 613-226-9881

      INDUSTRY: Financial Services - Investment Services and Trading, Manufacturing and Production - Mining and Metals
      schrieb am 03.07.09 08:24:49
      Beitrag Nr. 220 ()
      Jul 02, 2009 12:21 ET
      Paramount Gold and Silver Corp Amends Morelos Option Agreement

      OTTAWA, CANADA--(Marketwire - July 2, 2009) - Paramount Gold and Silver Corp. (NYSE Amex:PZG)(TSX:PZG)(FRANKFURT:P6G)(WKN:A0HGKQ) has entered into an amendment of its Property Option Agreement on its Morelos Project situated in the State of Chihuahua, Mexico. The Morelos Project was recently acquired by Paramount and is currently under option to Garibaldi Resources Corp. The amendment eliminates certain payments by Garibaldi and extends the due date for the US$2,000,000 balloon payment to be made by Garibaldi to Paramount. In consideration of the amendments, Garibaldi has agreed to make a one-time payment to Paramount of 400,000 common shares of Garibaldi.

      Jul 02, 2009 12:21 ET
      Paramount Gold and Silver Corp ändert Morelos Optionsvereinbarung

      Ottawa, Kanada - (Durchschnitt - 2. Juli 2009) - Paramount Gold and Silver Corp (NYSE AMEX: PZG) (TSX: PZG) (FRANKFURT: P6G) (WKN: A0HGKQ) hat eine Änderung ihrer Immobilie Option Einigung über seinen Morelos-Projekt befindet sich im Bundesstaat Chihuahua, Mexiko. Die Morelos-Projekt wurde vor kurzem von Paramount und wird derzeit Option Garibaldi Resources Corp Die Änderung beseitigt bestimmte Zahlungen von Garibaldi und verlängert die Frist für den US-$ 2.000.000 Ballon Zahlung, die von Garibaldi zu Paramount. Unter Berücksichtigung der Änderungen, Garibaldi hat sich bereit erklärt, eine einmalige Zahlung an Paramount von 400.000 Stammaktien von Garibaldi.
      schrieb am 08.07.09 16:45:30
      Beitrag Nr. 221 ()
      July 8, 2009
      Paramount Gold and Silver Corp Signs Definitive Agreement to Expand its San Miguel Project
      OTTAWA, CANADA--(Marketwire - July 8, 2009) - Paramount Gold and Silver Corp. (TSX:PZG)(NYSE:PZG)(FRANKFURT:P6G)(WKN:A0HGKQ) has signed definitive agreements to acquire the Guazapares project located in southwestern Chihuahua, Mexico from Mexoro Minerals Ltd. (OTCBB:MXOM) for a purchase price of $3.7 million.

      The Guazapares project comprises 12 claims surrounding Paramount's San Miguel discovery which can be seen in the map at the following link The first payment will be released from escrow when certain conditions are met. An additional payment is due to Mexoro if, within 36 months the project is put into commercial production or the project is sold by Paramount.

      Paramount CEO, Christopher Crupi stated, "We are extremely excited with the acquisition of these concessions immediately surrounding our flagship San Miguel project. With drilling expected to commence soon, our team will have many new targets at the Guazapares project and we expect that this will add to our growing resource and resource potential."

      The following is a link to the updated land status map of Paramount highlighting the new concessions


      Paramount Gold and Silver Corp.
      Christopher Crupi, CEO
      Chris Theodossiou, Investor Relations.
      866-481-2233 / 613-226-9881
      schrieb am 14.07.09 14:08:38
      Beitrag Nr. 222 ()
      July 14, 2009
      Paramount Gold and Silver Corp. Commences Drilling at their San Miguel Project Focusing on Gold-Rich Targets
      CHIHUAHUA, MEXICO--(Marketwire - July 14, 2009) - Paramount Gold and Silver Corp. ("Paramount") (TSX:PZG)(NYSE:PZG)(FRANKFURT:P6G)(WKN:A0HGKQ) is pleased to announce that the drilling campaign on the San Miguel project was restarted. This drilling program will be conducted in 2 distinct stages, target testing and follow-up resource delineation. Exploration drilling is focusing on the gold-rich parts of the San Miguel mineral system with the goal of defining 2 million gold ounces within the next 12 months. It is anticipated that a significant silver credit would accompany successfully attaining this goal. The initial target testing stage is utilizing 1 diamond core drill contracted from Layne de Mexico S.A. de C.V.

      Ongoing surface exploration and compilation of past drilling have identified 7 target zones and additional work is expected to identify more zones. Three different geological concepts have been recognized among the identified target zones:

      - Synvolcanic structural basins with gold concentrations along the basin margin in veins, breccias and as detritus within the basin (Monte Cristo Target).

      - Quartz veins with localized high-grade gold concentrations in plunging shoots distributed along the strike of the vein (GdlR Target, San Francisco Target, La Tinaja Target, and San Miguel Target).

      - Sheeted quartz vein zones where a broad zone of subparallel quartz veins provides potential for bulk minable targets (San Antonio Target, Alisitos Target).

      It is anticipated that the ongoing surface exploration will identify additional target zones. These areas will be compared to existing opportunities and the best targets will be tested. The initial target testing is designed for 8,000 meters of drilling and is expected to be completed in October. The resource delineation stage of the program would begin upon completion of this first stage of drilling.

      Exploration activities at San Miguel are being conducted by Paramount de Mexico personnel under the supervision of Bill Threlkeld a Qualified Person as defined by National Instrument 43-101. An ongoing and rigorous quality control/quality assurance protocol is being employed during the program including blank, duplicate and reference standards in every batch of assays. Cross-check analyses are being conducted at a second external laboratory on 10% of the samples. Samples are being assayed at ALS Chemex., Vancouver, B.C., using fire assay atomic absorption methods for gold and aqua regia digestion ICP methods for other elements.

      Paramount Gold and Silver holds a 100% interest in several North American gold projects. The Corporation's principal asset is the San Miguel property in Chihuahua State, Mexico. For more information on the Corporation visit the Company's website at


      Paramount Gold and Silver Corp.
      Christopher Crupi
      866-481-2233 / 613-226-9881


      Paramount Gold and Silver Corp.
      Chris Theodossiou
      Investor Relations
      866-481-2233 / 613-226-9881
      schrieb am 21.07.09 00:55:50
      Beitrag Nr. 223 ()
      Paramount Gold and Silver Corp. and Klondex Mines Ltd.
      Announce Business Combination

      Ottawa, Ontario and Vancouver, British Columbia – July 20, 2009 – Paramount Gold and Silver Corp. (NYSE /TSX: PZG) (Frankfurt: WKN: A0HGKQ) (“Paramount”) and Klondex Mines Ltd. (TSX:KDX; Other OTC: KLNDF) are pleased to announce that they have entered into a binding letter agreement (the “Letter Agreement”) to combine the two companies under a plan of arrangement, in a transaction valued at approximately C$80 million (the “Transaction” or the “Paramount Transaction”). The Letter Agreement has been unanimously approved by the Board of Directors of each of Paramount and Klondex, as well as by the Special Committee of the Board of Directors of Klondex.

      Pursuant to the Letter Agreement, each Klondex share will be exchanged for 1.45 Paramount shares, implying a purchase price of C$2.32 per Klondex share using closing share prices on the TSX on July 17, 2009. The Transaction represents a premium of 33.3% to the closing price of Klondex shares and a 30.3% premium to the implied value of the unsolicited proposal by Silvercorp Metals Inc. (“Silvercorp.”) as of July 17, 2009. The Silvercorp proposal was announced on June 8, 2009, and was rejected by the Klondex Board of Directors as providing inadequate consideration for Klondex shareholders.

      Klondex recommends that shareholders SUPPORT the Paramount Transaction and REJECT the Silvercorp offer by NOT TENDERING their shares to the Silvercorp offer. Any Klondex Shareholder who has tendered their Klondex Shares to the Silvercorp offer should WITHDRAW those Klondex Shares.

      A shareholder meeting will be scheduled for Klondex shareholders to approve the Transaction. Klondex shareholders with questions on how to support the Paramount Transaction may contact David Collins, Ratula Velez Roy or Jim Leahy at Jaffoni & Collins toll free at 877-882-2587 or 212/835-8500 or via e-mail at

      William Solloway, President and director of Klondex stated, “The Transaction with Paramount is the result of our strategic review process and delivers significant value to Klondex shareholders while creating a powerful North American Gold & Silver Exploration platform with substantial growth potential. We are very excited to be associated with the Paramount team and are confident that the Transaction will provide substantially greater value for Klondex shareholders than was contemplated in Silvercorp’s hostile bid. We urge all shareholders to join us in supporting the Transaction, which combines two high-quality gold ore bodies in the Americas, proven exploration professionals and avoids many of the risks inherent in the Silvercorp bid.”

      Highlights of Combination

      Christopher Crupi, CEO of Paramount stated, “The combination of Paramount and Klondex will create an exciting new company focused on developing high-grade gold projects in North America. Our two major projects will be located in excellent mining jurisdictions, near major producers and close to infrastructure. Both projects have unusual potential for growing resources with compelling economics. Our largest stockholder, Albert Friedberg, provides a strong and proven track record with the financial leadership to bring the combined company to a significantly higher valuation over time.”

      The combination of Paramount and Klondex will move Paramount closer to its goal of increasing value for its stockholders through property acquisition and aggressive development. The Transaction adds Klondex’s Fire Creek and other projects in Nevada to Paramount’s existing San Miguel property in Chihuahua, Mexico, which significantly increases the combined entity’s resource base. In addition to the 2.65 million ounce gold-equivalent inferred resource Paramount has established at San Miguel, Klondex has established a high-grade resource at Fire Creek of 1.64 million gold-equivalent ounces in the indicated category, grading 10.11 g/t Au(eq.) at a cut off of 5 g/t, plus an additional 0.51 million ounces in the inferred category, grading 8.63 g/t Au(eq.) at a cut off of 5 g/t. Summaries of the mineral resources contained on Paramount’s properties are available in Paramount’s public filings with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) at and with the applicable Canadian securities regulators at, and summaries of the mineral resources contained on Klondex’s properties are available in Klondex’s public filings with the applicable Canadian securities regulators at Other highlights of the combined entity are:

      • Expanded and diversified operations with significant reserve/resource upside on two flagship projects, San Miguel and Fire Creek;
      • Expanded resource base of 1.69 million ounces indicated and 3.15 million ounces inferred
      • Paramount’s experienced personnel is poised to aggressively explore and develop its flagship projects;
      • Enhanced market presence with pro forma market capitalization of approximately C$210 million; and
      • Strategic position and management experience to enhance market valuation of the combined entity under Paramount.

      Upon completion of the Transaction, Paramount will have approximately 132.4 million shares of its common stock issued and outstanding. Existing Paramount stockholders will retain approximately 62.4% ownership while Klondex shareholders will have approximately 37.6% ownership in the combined company.

      Both Paramount and Klondex have agreed to obtain support agreements from each of their respective directors and certain of their shareholders to vote any shares which they control in favor of the Transaction. Shares to be voted with respect to support agreements would represent approximately 29% and 18% of the shares outstanding for Paramount and Klondex, respectively, on a fully diluted basis.

      Transaction Details

      The Transaction is expected to be structured as a statutory plan of arrangement. Under the terms of the Transaction, Klondex shareholders will receive 1.45 shares of common stock of Paramount for each common share of Klondex. All options and warrants of Klondex outstanding at the time of the Transaction will also be exchanged for options and warrants of Paramount on the same basis. On closing of the Transaction Klondex will become a wholly-owned subsidiary of Paramount. Following closing of the Transaction, one Klondex director, Robert Sibthorpe, will join the Paramount Board of Directors.

      The letter agreement setting out the Transaction includes a commitment by Klondex not to solicit alternative transactions to the proposed Transaction. Paramount has also been provided with certain other rights customary for a transaction of this nature, including the right to match competing offers made to Klondex. The letter agreement also provides a reciprocal break fee of US$2.85 million to be payable by each of the parties under certain circumstances.

      The letter agreement will provide a basis for the preparation of a definitive agreement which will also include representations and warranties and covenants customary for a transaction of this nature.

      Klondex & Paramount have agreed to hold meetings of their shareholders to secure their approval by not later than October 31, 2009, and the Transaction is expected to be completed in the fourth quarter of 2009. Completion of the Transaction is subject to a number of conditions, including: the approval of the Supreme Court of British Columbia, the approval of not less than 66 2/3% of the outstanding shares of Klondex being voted in favor of the Transaction at a meeting of Klondex shareholders, the approval of not less than 50% plus one of the outstanding shares of Paramount being voted in favor of the Transaction at a meeting of Paramount shareholders and certain customary conditions, including receipt of all necessary regulatory approvals and third party consents.

      Dahlman Rose & Company, LLC (“Dahlman Rose”) is acting as financial advisor to Paramount, and the Board of Directors of Paramount has received an opinion from Dahlman Rose that the exchange ratio contemplated in the Letter Agreement is fair, from a financial point of view, to Paramount. Gowling Lafleur Henderson LLP and Troutman Sanders LLP are acting as legal counsel to Paramount.

      Scotia Capital is acting as financial advisor to Klondex, and the Board of Directors of Klondex has received an opinion from Scotia Capital that the consideration to be received by Klondex shareholders pursuant to the Letter Agreement is fair, from a financial point of view, to Klondex. Lang Michener LLP is acting as legal counsel to Klondex and Lawson Lundell LLP is acting as legal counsel to the Special Committee of the Board of Directors of Klondex.

      Full details of the Transaction will be included in a management information circular to be filed with the regulatory authorities and mailed to Klondex shareholders in accordance with applicable securities laws. Investors are cautioned that, except as disclosed in that management information circular, any information released or received with respect to the Transaction may not be accurate or complete and should not be relied upon.

      Klondex shareholders are cautioned that an arrangement where Klondex shareholders will receive Paramount shares directly may result in a taxable event for Canadian shareholders. The parties have committed to establish a structure for the merger before the execution of the definitive agreement, having regard to relevant securities, corporate and regulatory laws, stock exchange requirements and the tax planning considerations of each of the parties and their shareholders, including in particular, consideration of a share exchange structure to allow Klondex shareholders to receive Paramount securities on a tax-deferred basis. There is no guarantee the parties will be able to establish such a structure. Shareholders should consult with their own advisors.

      About Paramount Gold and Silver Corp.

      Paramount Gold and Silver Corp. is a precious metals exploration company listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange (TSX) and the NYSE Amex under the symbol "PZG", and listed on the Deutsche Borse under the symbol "P6G" (WKN: A0HGKQ).

      Paramount holds a 100% interest in the San Miguel Project and has completed 47,560 meters of diamond drilling on 213 holes and 3,743 meters of exploration trenching at San Miguel since the summer of 2006. Paramount has recently expanded its land holdings by acquiring a 100% interest in the Temoris Project from Garibaldi Resources; a land package of over 54,000 hectares. Paramount's land package now includes most of the ground surrounding Coeur d'Alene Mines (NYSE:CDE) Palmarejo Mine project and is in excess of 140,000 hectares.

      About Klondex Mines Ltd.

      Klondex Mines Ltd. (TSX: KDX; Other OTC: KLNDF) is engaged in acquiring, exploring and developing high-grade gold and silver properties in North Central Nevada and has to date identified an Indicated Mineral Resource in excess of 1.6 million ounces of gold and an Inferred Mineral Resource of over 0.5 million ounces of gold via its deep drilling program at its 100% owned Fire Creek Property.

      Klondex is focused on the exploration and development of Fire Creek on the Northern Nevada Rift in North Central Nevada, an area of substantial mining activity which has produced in excess of 100 million ounces of gold. Klondex's property portfolio covers over 12,615 acres or 19.7 square miles and includes three other gold exploration located in areas with strong gold exploration prospects. For more information, visit

      Paramount Gold and Silver Corp. Klondex Mines Ltd.
      Christopher Crupi, CEO William Solloway, President
      866-481-2233 / 613-226-9881 604-638-3273

      David Collins, Ratula Roy, James Leahy
      Jaffoni & Collins Incorporated

      Additional Information About the Transaction and Where to Find It

      In connection with the Transaction, Paramount expects to file with the SEC a proxy statement which will be sent to the shareholders of Paramount seeking their approval of the merger. In addition, Paramount may file other relevant documents concerning the Transaction with the SEC. Security holders are urged to read the proxy statement and other relevant documents when they become available because they will contain important information about the Transaction.

      Security holders of Paramount may obtain free copies of these documents through the website maintained by the SEC at Security holders of Paramount may also obtain free copies of these documents by directing a request by telephone or mail to Paramount Gold and Silver Corp., 346 Waverley Street, Suite 100, Ottawa, Ontario Canada K2P OW5 (telephone: (613) 226-9881) or by accessing these documents at Paramount's website: under "Investors". The information on Paramount's website is not, and shall not be deemed to be, a part of this release or incorporated into other filings made with the SEC.

      Paramount and its directors, executive officers and members of management may be deemed to be participants in the solicitation of proxies from the shareholders of Paramount in connection with the Transaction. Information about the directors and executive officers of Paramount is set forth in the proxy statement for its 2009 annual meeting of shareholders filed with the SEC on January 8, 2009. Information regarding the interests of these participants and other persons who may be deemed participants in the Transaction may be obtained by reading the proxy statement regarding the Transaction when it becomes available.

      Cautionary Note to U.S. Investors Concerning Estimates of Indicated and Inferred Resources: This press release uses the terms “indicated resources” and “inferred resources”. We advise U.S. investors that while these terms are defined in and permitted by Canadian regulations, these terms are not defined terms under SEC Industry Guide 7 and are normally not permitted to be used in reports and registration statements filed with the SEC. “Inferred resources” have a great amount of uncertainty as to their existence, and great uncertainty as to their economic and legal feasibility. It cannot be assumed that all or any part of an inferred mineral resource will ever be upgraded to a higher category. Under Canadian rules, estimates of inferred mineral resources may not form the basis of a feasibility study or prefeasibility studies, except in rare cases. The SEC normally only permits issuers to report mineralization that does not constitute SEC Industry Guide 7 compliant “reserves” as in-place tonnage and grade without reference to unit measures. U.S. investors are cautioned not to assume that any part or all of mineral deposits in this category will ever be converted into reserves. U.S. investors are cautioned not to assume that any part or all of an inferred resource exists or is economically or legally minable.


      Statements in this document regarding the Transaction, the expected timetable for completing the Transaction, benefits and synergies of the Transaction, future opportunities for the combined company, expectations regarding the value and benefits of the Transaction and any other statements about Paramount or Klondex managements’ future expectations, beliefs, goals, plans or prospects constitute forward-looking statements within the meaning of the United States Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 and other applicable securities laws. Any statements that are not statements of historical fact (including statements containing the words “believes,” “plans,” “anticipates,” “expects,” estimates and similar expressions) should also be considered to be forward-looking statements. There are a number of important factors that could cause actual results or events to differ materially from those indicated by such forward-looking statements, including, but not limited to: the ability of the parties to consummate the Transaction and satisfy the conditions thereunder; the ability to obtain, and the timing of, the necessary exchange, regulatory and shareholder or stockholder approvals for the Transaction; the impact of any actions taken by Silvercorp. or any other party to complicate, delay or prevent the Transaction; the ability to realize the anticipated synergies and benefits from the Transaction and the combined company; and the other factors described in Paramount’s Annual Report and Annual Information Form on Form 10-K for the year ended June 30, 2008 and its most recent quarterly reports filed with the SEC available on and applicable Canadian securities regulators available on and Klondex’s filings with the applicable Canadian securities regulators available on Except as required by applicable law, each of Paramount and Klondex disclaims any intention or obligation to update any forward-looking statements as a result of developments occurring after the date of this document.
      schrieb am 22.07.09 20:43:09
      Beitrag Nr. 224 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 37.610.971 von pecuniajh am 21.07.09 00:55:50Eine kurze Erklaerung auf Deutsch

      Die letzten Ereignisse die Parampunt betrifft, naehmlich die Uebernahme von der Firma ‘ KLONDEX ‘, wird Paramount als Firma tatsaechlich veraendert.. Klondex wird als Tochterfirma eingegliedert. Damit vergroessert sich Paramount erheblich. Zusammen wird es dann eine Bewertung von Kanadischen 210 Millionen Dollar sein.
      Die gemeinsame Aktienzahl wird so ungefaehr auf 132 Milionen laufen.
      Klondex befinded sich in Nevada / Amerika. Ihr Hauptprojekt ist ‘ FIRE CREEK ‘ ( neben 2 anderen Projekten in Nevada und ergiebt 1.6 Millionen ‘INDICATED’ Goldunzen. Parammount’s San Miguel Projekt, hauptsaechlich both Clavos 66 und 99 zeigt soweit 2,65 Millionen Unzen ‘ inferred Gold equivalent Zusammen wird das 4,3 Millioneb Unzen ergeben. Paramount’s Ziel ist 10 Millionen Unzen.

      Soweit ich weiss werden Gold equivalent Werte in 3 veschiedenen Kategorien eingeteilt.
      Das Hoechste ist die ‘ PROVEN “ Kategorie. Nach deren Zahlen wird der eigentliche Wert einer Firma errechnet.
      Die ersten Bohrungen und deren Kermwerte sind in der ‘ inferred ‘Kategorie. Das sind mehr oder weniger intelligente Schaetzungen der Geologen. Hiermit hat man dann schon den Beweis wo noch genauere Zwischenbohrungen stattfinden sollten. Meistens werden diese Bohrungen noch nehr konzentrrierte Stellen wahrnehmen Viele dieser Loecher werden in gewissen, kalkulierten Winkeln schraeg gebohrt. Die Ergebnisse kommen dann in die ‘INDICATED’ Kategorie. Nach noch mehreren fein ausgekluegelten Bohrungen konzentriert nach geologischen Rechnungen koennen die explorierten Daten dann in der glaubwuerdigen ‘ PROVEN ‘ Kategorie sein.

      Albert Friedberg ist momentan der groesste Aktionaer mit Paramount. Seine Firma hat massig Geld durch explorationen gemacht. Sein Mitmachen hier gibt mir Sicherheit…..und auch will ich mal massig Geld machen.
      schrieb am 25.07.09 20:03:05
      Beitrag Nr. 225 ()
      Dieser neuste Pressebericht des 24 ten Juli ist eine zusatzliche Erklaerung mit mehr Einzelheiten. Das Folgende sind nur Auszuege des totalen Berichts. Das Ganze ist wie immer an 'YAHOO FINANCE ' unter PZGzu finden.
      Paramount gold and silver corp.
      OTTAWA, ONTARIO--(Marketwire - 07/24/09) - Paramount Gold and Silver Corp. (NYSE:PZG - News)(TSX:PZG - News)(Frankfurt:P6G - News)(WKN: A0HGKQ) ("Paramount") announces that Silvercorp Metals Inc. ("Silvercorp") has terminated its unsolicited offer to acquire all the outstanding shares of Klondex Mines Ltd. (TSX:KDX - News)(OTC.BB:KLNDF - News) ("Klondex").
      Paramount and Klondex have signed a binding letter agreement (the "Letter Agreement") to combine the two companies under a plan of arrangement, in a transaction valued at approximately C$80 million (the "Transaction"). Pursuant to the Letter Agreement, each Klondex share will be exchanged for 1.45 Paramount shares, implying a purchase price of C$2.32 per Klondex share and representing a premium of 33.3% using closing share prices on the TSX on July 17, 2009.
      The termination of the Silvercorp unsolicited proposal clears the way for the creation of powerful North American gold and silver exploration platform that offers substantial value to both Klondex shareholders and Paramount stockholders:
      - Strong financial position with a combined cash position of over C$10 million and an additional C$32 million upon the exercise of currently outstanding options and warrants on a fully-diluted basis;
      - Expanded and diversified operations with the potential for significant reserve/resource upside at two flagship projects in North America, San Miguel (Mexico) and Fire Creek (Nevada);
      - Expanded resource base of 1.69 million ounces (indicated) and 3.15 million ounces (inferred);
      - Paramount's experienced personnel are poised to aggressively explore and develop the combined company's flagship projects;
      - Enhanced market presence with a current pro forma market capitalization of approximately C$200 million; and
      - Strategic position and management experience to enhance market valuation of the combined entity under Paramount.
      Both Paramount and Klondex have agreed to obtain support agreements from each of their respective directors and certain of their shareholders to vote any shares which they control in favor of the Transaction, subject to certain exceptions contained therein. The Transaction is subject to customary approvals including shareholder approvals by both companies.
      FCMI Financial Corp., a corporation controlled by Albert D. Friedberg and Paramount's largest stockholder, has committed to provide a minimum of $5 million and up to a maximum of $15 million to fund future development at both the San Miguel and Fire Creek Projects.
      For further details of the Transaction, please see the Paramount/Klondex joint news release dated July 20, 2009, Paramount's filings with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (the "SEC") available on and the applicable Canadian securities regulators available on and Klondex's filings with the applicable Canadian securities regulators available on
      About Paramount Gold and Silver Corp.
      Paramount Gold and Silver Corp. is a precious metals exploration company listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange and the NYSE Amex under the symbol "PZG", and listed on the Deutsche Borse under the symbol (WKN: A0HGKQ).
      Paramount holds a 100% interest in the San Miguel Project and has completed 47,560 meters of diamond drilling on 213 holes and 3,743 meters of exploration trenching at San Miguel since the summer of 2006. Paramount has recently expanded its land holdings by acquiring a 100% interest in the Temoris Project from Garibaldi Resources; a land package of over 54,000 hectares. Paramount's land package now includes most of the ground surrounding Coeur d'Alene Mines (NYSE:CDE - News) Palmarejo Mine project and is in excess of 140,000 hectares. For more information, visit The information on Paramount's website is not, and shall not be deemed to be, a part of this release or incorporated into any filings with the SEC or Canadian securities regulatory authorities.
      schrieb am 07.08.09 08:35:47
      Beitrag Nr. 226 ()
      August 6, 2009
      Paramount Gold and Silver Corp. Executes Agreements with Major Stockholders in Support of Klondex Transaction
      OTTAWA, ONTARIO--(Marketwire - Aug. 6, 2009) - Paramount Gold and Silver Corp. (NYSE Amex:PZG)(TSX:PZG)(FRANKFURT:P6G)(WKN:A0HGKQ) ("Paramount") has executed agreements with its two largest stockholders supporting the proposed transaction with Klondex Mines Ltd. (TSX:KDX)(OTCBB:KLNDF) ("Klondex") representing 30,000,000 shares of common stock on a fully diluted basis, of which 18,000,000 shares of common stock are currently issued and outstanding.

      Paramount and Klondex have signed a binding letter agreement (the "Letter Agreement") to combine the two companies under a plan of arrangement, in a transaction valued at approximately C$80 million (the "Transaction") based upon the closing price for Klondex's common shares on July 17, 2009. Pursuant to the Letter Agreement, each Klondex share will be exchanged for 1.45 Paramount shares, implying a purchase price of C$2.32 per Klondex share and representing a premium of 33.3% using closing share prices on the TSX on July 17, 2009, when the Paramount bid was announced.

      FCMI Financial Corp. ("FCMI"), a corporation controlled by Albert D. Friedberg and Paramount's largest stockholder, has committed its 12,000,000 shares of common stock and its 12,000,000 warrants to purchase shares of common stock (exercisable commencing September 20, 2009) in support of the proposed transaction. FCMI has further indicated its financial support of a minimum of C$5,000,000 to a maximum of C$15,000,000 to fund future development programs at both the San Miguel and Fire Creek projects.

      Garibaldi Resources Corp. (TSXV:GGI) has also pledged its 6,000,000 shares of common stock in support of the proposed transaction. Steve Regoci, President of Garibaldi Resources Corp. stated, "We support this transaction on the basis that it is accretive to the Paramount stockholders and the company has the expertise and financial backing to bring the Fire Creek Project through the development stage and deliver significant stockholder value."

      Paramount and Klondex are currently preparing the materials for the meetings of their security holders and to submit to the appropriate regulators to obtain the approvals necessary to consummate the Transaction.

      For further details of the Transaction, please see the Paramount/Klondex joint news release dated July 20, 2009, Paramount's filings with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (the "SEC") available on and the applicable Canadian securities regulators available on and Klondex's filings with the applicable Canadian securities regulators available on

      About Paramount Gold and Silver Corp.

      Paramount Gold and Silver Corp. is a precious metals exploration company listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange and the NYSE Amex under the symbol "PZG", and listed on the Deutsche Borse (WKN:A0HGKQ).

      Paramount holds a 100% interest in the San Miguel Project and has completed 47,560 meters of diamond drilling on 213 holes and 3,743 meters of exploration trenching at San Miguel since the summer of 2006. Paramount has recently expanded its land holdings by acquiring a 100% interest in the Temoris Project from Garibaldi Resources Corp.; a land package of over 54,000 hectares. Paramount's land package now includes most of the ground surrounding Coeur d'Alene Mines (NYSE:CDE) Palmarejo Mine project and is in excess of 140,000 hectares. For more information, visit The information on Paramount's website is not, and shall not be deemed to be, a part of this release or incorporated into any filings with the SEC or Canadian securities regulatory authorities.

      Additional Information About the Transaction and Where to Find It

      In connection with the Transaction, Paramount expects to file with the SEC a proxy statement which will be sent to the stockholders of Paramount seeking their approval of the merger. In addition, Paramount may file other relevant documents concerning the Transaction with the SEC. Security holders are urged to read the proxy statement and other relevant documents when they become available because they will contain important information about the Transaction.

      Security holders of Paramount may obtain free copies of these documents through the website maintained by the SEC at Security holders of Paramount may also obtain free copies of these documents by directing a request by telephone or mail to Paramount Gold and Silver Corp., 346 Waverley Street, Suite 100, Ottawa, Ontario Canada K2P OW5 (telephone: (613) 226-9881) or by accessing these documents at Paramount's website: under "Investors". The information on Paramount's website is not, and shall not be deemed to be, a part of this release or incorporated into other filings made with the SEC or Canadian securities regulatory authorities.

      Paramount and its directors, executive officers and members of management may be deemed to be participants in the solicitation of proxies from the stockholders of Paramount in connection with the Transaction. Information about the directors and executive officers of Paramount is set forth in the proxy statement for its 2009 annual meeting of stockholders filed with the SEC on January 8, 2009 and in its Form 8-K filed with the SEC on March 23, 2009. Information regarding the interests of these participants and other persons who may be deemed participants in the Transaction may be obtained by reading the proxy statement regarding the Transaction when it becomes available.


      Statements in this document regarding the Transaction, approvals to consummate the Transaction, the expected timetable for completing the Transaction, benefits and synergies of the Transaction, future opportunities for the combined company, expectations regarding the value and benefits of the Transaction and any other statements about Paramount or Klondex managements' future expectations, beliefs, goals, plans or prospects constitute forward-looking statements within the meaning of the United States Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 and statements containing the words "believes," "plans," "anticipates," "expects," estimates and similar expressions) should also be considered to be forward-looking statements. There are a number of important factors that could cause actual results or events to differ materially from those indicated by such forward-looking statements, including, but not limited to: the ability of the parties to consummate the Transaction and satisfy the conditions thereunder; the ability to obtain, and the timing of, the necessary exchange, regulatory and shareholder or stockholder approvals for the Transaction; the impact of any actions taken by Silvercorp. or any other party to complicate, delay or prevent the Transaction; the ability to realize the anticipated synergies and benefits from the Transaction and the combined company; and the other factors described in Paramount's Annual Report and Annual Information Form on Form 10-K for the year ended June 30, 2008 and its most recent quarterly reports filed with the SEC available on and applicable Canadian securities regulators available on and Klondex's filings with the applicable Canadian securities regulators available on Except as required by applicable law, each of Paramount and Klondex disclaim any intention or obligation to update any forward-looking statements as a result of developments occurring after the date of this document.


      Paramount Gold and Silver Corp.
      Christopher Crupi
      schrieb am 13.09.09 08:30:52
      Beitrag Nr. 227 ()

      A Hollow Victory for Top Investment Newsletters


      The best performers over the past 12 months did things that likely undermine longer-term performance.

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      OVER HOW LONG A PERIOD should you judge performance?

      Many who otherwise concede that advisers should be judged on the basis of long-term returns nevertheless think the last 12 months are different: The past year, they argue, has been so momentous that, when we're picking an adviser, an investor should give extra weight to how the adviser performed over the last year.

      I disagree.

      Let's start by considering the newsletters with the best record over these eventful 12 months. Ranked first is Michael Murphy's New World Investor, with a 45.2% gain over the year through the end of August, in contrast to an 18.4% loss for the overall stock market, as judged by the Wilshire 5000 index.

      The second place newsletter, TimingCube, edited by Frank Minssieux and Serge Dacic, performed nearly as well, with a 32.1% gain. (All newsletter performances were calculated by the Hulbert Financial Digest; the full top ten list is provided in the accompanying table.)

      With such market-beating performances, you might think that these newsletters are well ahead of the market and buy-and-hold strategies over longer periods as well. Yet, believe it or not, they on average are not.

      This means that many of these services paid a very high long-term price in the process of producing an impressive short-term gain. And that, in turn, means that we may want to think twice before choosing an adviser on the basis of 12-month performance alone.

      The dominant strategies of half of these top performers are based on security selection.

      But market-beating security selection is notoriously difficult to pull off consistently well. In addition, it turns out that the kind of stocks that beat a buy-and-hold approach at the end of a bear market, or at the beginning stages of a new bull market, tend not to market leaders the rest of the time.

      For both reasons, it is risky to pick a stock selector based on his returns over just the last 12 months.

      Consider Murphy's newsletter, whose first-place 12-month Hulbert Financial Digest ranking can be traced primarily to stock selection. In selecting stocks, Murphy pursues what some have referred to as a rifle-shot approach: Of the stocks that appear on the horizon, he pulls the trigger when he spots one through his rifle scope that looks promising. Right now, for example, Murphy's buy list includes stocks as diverse as Arena Pharmaceuticals (ticker: ARNA), Paramount Gold & Silver (PZG), and US Geothermal (HTM).

      While Murphy's lead over the market is more than 60 points over the last 12 months, over the trailing five years he is ahead by just 5.7 percentage points, annualized. From this we know that his performance over the first four of those five years was well behind the market, and that is indeed the case -- 7.8 percentage points behind, annualized, in fact.

      Market timing is the dominant strategy of the bottom half of the top ten list. Market timing is so difficult, however, that we must focus on performance over far longer than just one year to determine if a timer has made enough good calls to make him worth betting on for the future.

      Take the TimingCube service, whose good record is dependent primarily on market timing. Even though it beat the market by more than 50 percentage points over the last year, its lead over a buy-and-hold approach for the trailing five years is a lot less -- 2.8 percentage points on an annualized basis.

      Why? Over the first four years of this five-year period, it lagged the market by 8.9 percentage points per year.

      What's true for Murphy's newsletter and TimingCube is also true, on average, for the other newsletters at the top of the 12-month leader board. Their average lead over the market quickly evaporates as we focus on longer periods. By the 15- and 20-year horizons, in fact, they on average are behind.

      To appreciate this, it is helpful to imagine what your response would have been 12 months ago had a genie offered you the following trade-off: In return for a guarantee that you would be following one of the top ten newsletters for performance over the next year, a period that would include the worst bear market since the Great Depression, you had to retroactively accept its past returns as well.

      If you're like most investors, you would have eagerly accepted that offer. Making money during a terrible bear market seems like such a no-brainer.

      And, yet, the data suggest that you should not have accepted the genie's offer.

      The bottom line: Short-term performance is an unreliable guide to the future, even when that short-term encompasses something as momentous as what happened over the last 12 months.
      schrieb am 19.09.09 12:47:16
      Beitrag Nr. 228 ()
      September 18, 2009
      Paramount Gold and Silver Corp. Confirms Date of Stockholder Meeting
      OTTAWA, ONTARIO--(Marketwire - Sept. 18, 2009) - Paramount Gold and Silver Corp. (NYSE:PZG)(TSX:PZG) (FRANKFURT:P6G)(WKN:A0HGKQ) ("Paramount") is confirming that it has set the date for its an annual and special meeting (the "Meeting") of its stockholders for October 28, 2009 for its stockholders of record as of the close of business on September 21, 2009 subject to applicable regulatory approvals. The agenda for the Meeting will include, among other things, routine corporate items as well as a resolution for Paramount's stockholders to consider related to the issuance of securities to the security holders of Klondex Mines Ltd. (TSX:KDX) pursuant to the news release dated July 20, 2009 (the "Transaction"). The Meeting is currently scheduled to take place on such date at 11 AM (Eastern Time) in the Wentworth Room of the Sheraton Hotel in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

      Klondex Mines Limited has also set its record date for September 21, 2009 with a special meeting of security holders to be held on October 28, 2009 at Suite 1500-1055 West Georgia Street, Vancouver, BC.

      Additional Information About the Transaction and Where to Find It

      In connection with the Transaction, Paramount expects to file with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (the "SEC") a proxy statement which will be sent to the stockholders of Paramount seeking their approval of the issuance of securities related to the Transaction. In addition, Paramount may file other relevant documents concerning the Transaction with the SEC. Security holders are urged to read the proxy statement and other relevant documents when they become available because they will contain important information about the Transaction.

      Security holders of Paramount may obtain free copies of these documents through the website maintained by the SEC at Security holders of Paramount may also obtain free copies of these documents by directing a request by telephone or mail to Paramount Gold and Silver Corp., 346 Waverley Street, Suite 100, Ottawa, Ontario Canada K2P OW5 (telephone: (613) 226-9881) or by accessing these documents at Paramount's website: under "Investors". The information on Paramount's website is not, and shall not be deemed to be, a part of this release or incorporated into other filings made with the SEC.

      Paramount and its directors, executive officers and members of management may be deemed to be participants in the solicitation of proxies from the stockholders of Paramount in connection with the Transaction. Information about the directors and executive officers of Paramount is set forth in the proxy statement for its 2009 annual meeting of stockholders filed with the SEC on January 8, 2009. Information regarding the interests of these participants and other persons who may be deemed participants in the Transaction may be obtained by reading the proxy statement regarding the Transaction when it becomes available.


      Statements in this press release regarding the Transaction, the expected timetable for the Meeting and completing the Transaction and any other statements about Paramount or Klondex managements' future expectations, beliefs, goals, plans or prospects constitute forward-looking statements within the meaning of the United States Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 and statements containing the words "believes," "plans," "anticipates," "expects," "estimates" and similar expressions should also be considered to be forward-looking statements. There are a number of important factors that could cause actual results or events to differ materially from those indicated by such forward-looking statements, including, but not limited to: the ability of the parties to consummate the Transaction and satisfy the conditions thereunder; the ability to obtain, and the timing of, the necessary exchange, regulatory and shareholder or stockholder approvals for the Transaction; the impact of any actions taken by Silvercorp. or any other party to complicate, delay or prevent the Transaction; the ability to realize the anticipated synergies and benefits from the Transaction and the combined company; and the other factors described in Paramount's Annual Report and Annual Information Form on Form 10-K for the year ended June 30, 2008 and its most recent quarterly reports filed with the SEC available on and applicable Canadian securities regulators available on Except as required by applicable law, Paramount disclaims any intention or obligation to update any forward-looking statements as a result of developments occurring after the date of this press release.


      Paramount Gold and Silver Corp.
      Christopher Crupi, CEO
      866-481-2233 / 613-226-9881
      schrieb am 25.09.09 08:30:04
      Beitrag Nr. 229 ()
      September 24, 2009
      Klondex Advises Paramount of its Decision to Terminate Agreement
      OTTAWA, ONTARIO--(Marketwire - Sept. 24, 2009) - Paramount Gold and Silver Corp. (NYSE:PZG)(TSX:PZG)(FRANKFURT:P6G)(WKN:A0HGKQ) ("Paramount") announced today that it has been advised by Klondex Mines Limited ("Klondex") that the Klondex board of directors has withdrawn its support and therefore breached its binding letter agreement of July 20, 2009 ("Agreement") in which it had agreed to support a combination of the two companies on the basis of 1.45 shares of common stock of Paramount for each common share of Klondex ("Transaction").

      Paramount CEO Chris Crupi said "the decision by the Klondex board of directors to withdraw its support and breach the July 20, 2009 letter agreement between Paramount and Klondex triggers a break fee of US$2.85 million payable to Paramount as set out in this agreement. We believe that Paramount may also be entitled to significant damages resulting from the Klondex board of directors decision."

      Klondex claims that it is not proceeding with the Agreement due to an alleged misstatement of material facts by Paramount in Paramount's NI-43-101 Technical Report dated November 20, 2008. Paramount specifically and emphatically rejects these allegations, noting that the issues raised by Klondex with respect to the Paramount NI-43-101 Technical Report are minor, not material and have no adverse impact on the valuation of Paramount. "This is a frivolous claim designed to entrench Klondex management without having to pay the break fee that would otherwise be due on termination of Paramount's letter agreement with Klondex," said Mr. Crupi. As a show of good faith, Paramount engaged the Qualified Persons who authored the November 2008 Technical Report to assess Klondex's stated concerns, and this updated Technical Report was filed on SEDAR on September 17, 2009. The authors concluded that Paramount's mineral resource did not require restatement in response to Klondex's allegations because the potential variances were "small amounts ... within the margin of error in such estimates. Thus they are of little practical consequence."

      "We are now considering all of our options in connection with Klondex's breach of Paramount's letter agreement with Klondex," said Mr. Crupi.


      Statements in this press release regarding the status of the Transaction, potential for significant damages for Klondex payable to Paramount, Paramount's considerations of all options available to it under the Letter Agreement and otherwise and any other statements about Paramount or Klondex managements' future expectations, beliefs, goals, plans or prospects constitute forward-looking statements within the meaning of the United States Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 and statements containing the words "believes," "plans," "anticipates," "expects," "estimates" and similar expressions should also be considered to be forward-looking statements. There are a number of important factors that could cause actual results or events to differ materially from those indicated by such forward-looking statements, including, but not limited to: the ability of the parties to consummate the Transaction and satisfy the conditions thereunder; legal and other remedies available to Paramount and the success of any action taken by Paramount; the impact of any actions taken by any other party to complicate, delay or prevent the Transaction or any other actions taken by Paramount; and the other factors described in Paramount's Annual Report and Annual Information Form on Form 10-K for the year ended June 30, 2008 and its most recent quarterly reports filed with the SEC available on and applicable Canadian securities regulators available on Except as required by applicable law, Paramount disclaims any intention or obligation to update any forward-looking statements as a result of developments occurring after the date of this press release.


      Paramount Gold and Silver Corp.
      Christopher Crupi, CEO
      866-481-2233 / 613-226-9881
      schrieb am 02.10.09 08:57:11
      Beitrag Nr. 230 ()
      October 1, 2009
      Paramount Gold and Silver Reports Positive Drilling Results at San Miguel Deposit

      Resource Expansion Likely from Higher Grade Gold Zones
      CHIHUAHUA, MEXICO--(Marketwire - Oct. 1, 2009) - New diamond drilling by Paramount Gold and Silver Corp. ("Paramount Gold") (TSX:PZG)(NYSE:PZG) (FRANKFURT:P6G)(WKN:A0HGKQ) on its San Miguel (Clavo 99) deposit in the Palmarejo District of North Central Mexico confirms: (1) gold grades increase with depth; (2) gold is concentrated in southwest plunging zones; and (3) a significant strike extension which should lead to resource expansion.

      "These are the best drill results obtained to date from San Miguel and they demonstrate that we are beginning to understand the distribution of high-grade gold in this very large system," Paramount Gold CEO Chris Crupi said. "We are now certain that a number of gold occurrences previously explored in shallow holes could represent much richer deposits at depth."

      Paramount Gold owns 188,461 hectares (approximately 466,000 acres) of mining claims in the Palmarejo District, making it the largest land owner in this rapidly emerging precious metals mining camp. The San Miguel deposit is a north-northwest trending quartz vein containing about 50% of Paramount's current reported mineral resource. Results of the most recent drilling are:

      Hole No. From (m) To (m) Interval (m) Au g/t Ag g/t
      SM-09-62 211.6 216.5 4.9 1.72 193.4
      235.9 241.5 5.6 1.25 14.5
      SM-09-63 287.4 307.8 20.4 4.03 103.4
      Includes 288.7 295.7 7.0 10.56 267.1
      SM-09-64 199.4 227.0 27.6 1.5 146.2
      Includes 215.7 224.5 8.8 12.7 369.0
      344.0 347.6 3.6 5.6 1.4

      The above reported drill holes were designed to intersect the structures at right angles. Although the above reported intervals are believed to be close to true widths, additional drilling will be required to confirm this.

      A map of CLAVO 99 SAN MIGUEL VEIN is available on the Marketwire website at the following address:

      Paramount Gold's current drilling program is evaluating three different types of potentially gold-rich targets: (1) north-northwest trending epithermal veins like San Miguel, of which three trends are known to date with typical widths of around 10 meters and strike lengths of one kilometer or more; (2) volcanic basin prospects of which the best known is Monte Cristo; and (3) northwest trending vein swarms ranging from 100 to 600 meters wide and one to two kilometers long such as the Temoris prospect where surface sampling is in progress.

      "Our aim in this first pass drilling program is to identify targets for further definition drilling so that we can add to gold resources early next year. We will be following up the San Miguel results with additional work in this area and evaluating the potential of other similar targets that have only been tested with shallow drill holes. Results from the Monte Cristo target also appear to be promising and we expect to release them shortly," Mr. Crupi said.

      Exploration activities at San Miguel are being conducted by Paramount de Mexico personnel under the supervision of Bill Threlkeld a Qualified Person as defined by National Instrument 43-101. An ongoing and rigorous quality control/quality assurance protocol is being employed during the program including blank, duplicate and reference standards in every batch of assays. Cross-check analyses are being conducted at a second external laboratory on 10% of the samples. Samples are being assayed at ALS Chemex, Vancouver, B.C., using fire assay atomic adsorption methods for gold and aqua regia digestion ICP methods for other elements. Paramount Gold and Silver holds a 100% interest in several North American gold projects. The Corporation's principal asset is the San Miguel property in Chihuahua State, Mexico.


      Statements in this press release regarding Paramount's future expectations, beliefs, goals, plans or prospects constitute forward-looking statements within the meaning of the United States Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 and statements containing the words "believes," "plans," "anticipates," "expects," "estimates" and similar expressions should also be considered to be forward-looking statements. There are a number of important factors that could cause actual results or events to differ materially from those indicated by such forward-looking statements as described in Paramount's Annual Report and Annual Information Form on Form 10-K for the year ended June 30, 2009 filed with the SEC available on and applicable Canadian securities regulators available on Except as required by applicable law, Paramount disclaims any intention or obligation to update any forward-looking statements as a result of developments occurring after the date of this press release.


      Paramount Gold and Silver Corp.
      Christopher Crupi, CEO
      Larry Segerstrom, COO
      Chris Theodossiou, Investor Relations
      866-481-2233 / 613-226-9881
      schrieb am 02.10.09 12:10:00
      Beitrag Nr. 231 ()
      Paramount Gold and Silver gibt positive Bohrergebnisse für San-Miguel-Lagerstätte bekannt

      Ressourcenerweiterung von hochgradiger Goldzone wahrscheinlich

      Chihuahua, Mexiko – 1. Oktober 2009STRONG (MarketWire) – Die neuen Diamantbohrungen von der Paramount Gold and Silver Corp. („Paramount Gold“) (NYSE/TSX: PZG) (Frankfurt: P6G, WKN: A0HGKQ) auf seiner San-Miguel-Lagerstätte (Clavo 99) im Palmarejo-Distrikt im Norden von Zentralmexiko bestätigen: (1) Goldgehalt nimmt mit der Tiefe zu; (2) Goldablagerungen konzentrieren sich im Südwesten in den in die Tiefe abzweigenden Zonen; und (3) eine signifikante Ausdehnung der Streichlänge, die zu einer Ressourcenerweiterung führen sollte.

      „Das sind die besten Bohrergebnisse, die es je in San Miguel gab, und sie zeigen, dass wir jetzt anfangen zu verstehen, wie sich die hochgradigen Goldablagerungen in diesem sehr großen System verteilen“, sagte Paramount Gold-CEO Chris Crupi. „Wir sind jetzt ganz sicher, dass eine Reihe von Goldvorkommen, die zuvor in geringen Lochtiefen gefunden wurden, in der Tiefe viele reichere Lagerstätten verkörpern könnten.”

      Paramount Gold besitzt 188.461 Hektar (ungefähr 466.000 Acre) Grubenfelder im Palmarejo-Distrikt, womit das Unternehmen der größte Grundbesitzer in diesem sich schnell entwickelnden Metallabbaugebiet ist. Die San-Miguel-Lagerstätte ist eine in Richtung Nord-Nordwesten verlaufende Quarzader, die ungefähr 50% der gegenwärtig von Paramount notierten Mineralienressourcen umfasst. Die Ergebnisse der jüngsten Bohrungen sind wie folgt:

      Lochnr. von(m) bis (m) Mächtigkeit(m) Au g/t Ag g/t
      SM-09-62 211.6 216.5 4.9 1.72 193.4
      235.9 241.5 5.6 1.25 14.5
      SM-09-63 287.4 307.8 20.4 4.03 103.4
      einschl. 288.7 295.7 7.0 10.56 267.1
      SM-09-64 199.4 227.0 27.6 1.5 146.2
      einschl. 215.7 224.5 8.8 12.7 369.0
      344.0 347.6 3.6 5.6 1.4

      Die oben dargestellten Bohrlöcher sind so gewählt worden, dass sie die Strukturen im rechten Winkel kreuzen. Obgleich davon ausgegangen wird, dass die obigen Angaben zur Mächtigkeit der tatsächlichen Mächtigkeit sehr nahekommen, werden zusätzliche Bohrungen benötigt, um diese Angaben zu bestätigen.

      Eine Karte von der San-Miguel-Ader Clavo 99 ist auf der Marketwire-Website unter folgender Adresse brufbar:

      Das derzeitige Bohrprogramm von Paramount Gold untersucht gerade drei verschiedene Arten von möglicherweise stark goldhaltigen Zielobjekten: (1) in Richtung Nord-Nordwest verlaufende epithermale Adern wie San Miguel, wobei bis jetzt drei Verläufe bekannt sind, die jeweils typische Breiten von ungefähr 10 Metern und Streichlängen von einem oder mehr Kilometern aufweisen; (2) Vorkommen in vulkanischen Becken, von denen Monte Cristo die bekannteste ist; und (3) nordwestlich verlaufende Aderanhäufungen, die von 100 bis 600 Meter breit und ein bis zwei Kilometer lang sind, wie z.B. das Temoris-Projekt, wo derzeit Oberflächenprobenahmen durchgeführt werden.

      „Im Rahmen dieses First-Pass-Bohrprogramms ist es unser Ziel, Zielobjekte für weitere Bestimmungsbohrungen zu identifizieren, so dass wir zu Beginn des neuen Jahres die Goldressourcen erweitern können. Wir werden die Bohrergebnisse von San Miguel weiterverfolgen, indem wir zusätzliche Untersuchungen in diesem Gebiet vornehmen und das Potenzial anderer ähnlicher Zielobjekte, in denen bisher nur Bohrungen mit niedrigen Lochtiefen niedergebracht wurden, überprüfen. Die Ergebnisse vom Monte-Cristo-Zielobjekt, die in Kürze veröffentlicht werden sollen, scheinen auch sehr vielversprechend zu sein”, teilte Mr. Crupi mit.

      Die Explorationsaktivitäten in San Miguel werden von den Mitarbeitern von Paramount de Mexico unter der Leitung von Bill Threlkeld, einer im Sinne von National Instrument 43-101 qualifizierten Person, durchgeführt. Während des Programms wird fortlaufend ein strenges Protokoll zur Qualitätskontrolle/Qualitätssicherung befolgt, einschließlich unbeschriftete Proben, Duplikate und Standardproben in jeder Untersuchungscharge. Die Analyse für 10% der Proben wird durch ein zweites externes Labor gegengeprüft. Die Proben werden im Labor von ALS Chemex in Vancouver (B.C.) untersucht, wobei für Gold Flammen-Atomabsorptionsmethoden und für andere Elemente ICP-Spektroskopie mit Königswasser zur Anwendung kommen. Paramount Gold and Silver besitzt einen 100-Prozent-Anteil an mehreren nordamerikanischen Goldprojekten. Der Hauptvermögensgegenstand des Unternehmens ist die San-Miguel-Liegenschaft im Staat Chihuahua, Mexiko. Für weitere Informationen zum Unternehmen besuchen Sie bitte die Website des Unternehmens unter

      Paramount Gold and Silver Corp.
      Christopher Crupi, CEO
      Larry Segerstrom, COOAderanhäufungen
      Chris Theodossiou, Aktionärspflege.
      866.481.2233 / 613.226.9881


      Bei den in dieser Pressemitteilung enthaltenen Aussagen hinsichtlich der zukünftigen Erwartungen, Hoffnungen, Ziele, Pläne oder Vorhaben von Paramount handelt es sich im Sinne des United States Private Securities Litigation Reform Act von 1995 um zukunftsorientierte Aussagen. Und jede Aussage, die Begriffe wie „glauben“, „planen“, „erhoffen“, „erwarten“, „schätzen“ und ähnliche Ausdrücke enthält, ist ebenfalls als zukunftsorientierte Aussage zu betrachten. Es gibt eine Reihe von wichtigen Faktoren, die dazu führen können, dass die tatsächlichen Ergebnisse oder Ereignisse deutlich von denjenigen abweichen, die sich in solchen zukunftsorientierten Aussagen widerspiegeln, und diese sind in Paramounts Jahresbericht und Formblatt 10-K für den Jahresabschluss vom 30. Juni 2008 bei der SEC veröffentlicht (abrufbar unter sowie in den Unterlagen bei den zuständigen kanadischen Börsenaufsichtsbehörden (abrufbar unter Paramount lehnt hiermit jegliche Absicht oder Verpflichtung ab, irgendeine der zukunftsorientierten Aussagen aufgrund von Entwicklungen, die nach dem Erscheinen dieser Pressemitteilung eintreten, zu aktualisieren – es sei denn, geltende rechtliche Bestimmungen verpflichten das Unternehmen zu einer Aktualisierung.
      schrieb am 03.10.09 09:40:05
      Beitrag Nr. 232 ()
      October 2, 2009
      Paramount Gold and Silver Corp. Commences Litigation Against Klondex Mines Ltd.
      OTTAWA, ONTARIO--(Marketwire - Oct. 2, 2009) - Paramount Gold and Silver Corp. (TSX:PZG)(NYSE:PZG) (FRANKFURT:P6G)(WKN:A0HGKQ) ("Paramount") has filed a statement of claim in the Supreme Court of British Columbia, Canada (the "Statement of Claim") naming Klondex Mines Ltd. ("Klondex") as the defendant in connection with the termination by Klondex of the binding Letter Agreement (the "Agreement") dated July 20, 2009 between Paramount and Klondex whereby Klondex had agreed to be acquired by Paramount on the basis of 1.45 shares of Paramount common stock for each common share of Klondex (the "Transaction").

      In the face of a hostile take over bid launched by Silvercorp Metals Inc. in July 2009 (the "Silvercorp Bid"), Klondex sought out preferable, alternate options to such bid and approached Paramount as a white knight to determine the prospect of an alternative arrangement with Paramount. Paramount negotiated and entered into the Agreement and proceeded in good faith towards closing the Transaction. The Statement of Claim states that in contrast, Klondex never had any intention to close the Transaction and, after using Paramount to thwart the Silvercorp Bid, Klondex sought any way out of the Agreement and terminated the Agreement on September 24, 2009.

      The Statement of Claim alleges that Klondex acted in bad faith and in breach of the Agreement and, as a result, that Paramount is entitled to the break fee of US$2.85 million as set out in the Agreement along with damages for breach of contract and, in addition, damages for malicious falsehood and defamation.


      Statements in this press release regarding Paramount's future expectations, beliefs, goals, plans or prospects constitute forward-looking statements within the meaning of the United States Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 and statements containing the words "believes," "plans," "anticipates," "expects," "estimates" and similar expressions should also be considered to be forward-looking statements. There are a number of important factors that could cause actual results or events to differ materially from those indicated by such forward-looking statements including, but not limited to: the success of any action taken by Paramount; Klondex having sufficient funds available to pay the break fee and all other applicable damages sought; the impact of any other actions taken by Klondex or any third party; and the other factors described in Paramount's Annual Report and Annual Information Form on Form 10-K for the year ended June 30, 2009 filed with the SEC available on and applicable Canadian securities regulators available on Except as required by applicable law, Paramount disclaims any intention or obligation to update any forward-looking statements as a result of developments occurring after the date of this press release.


      Paramount Gold and Silver Corp.
      Christopher Crupi, CEO
      Chris Theodossiou, Investor Relations
      866-481-2233 / 613-226-9881
      schrieb am 05.10.09 13:49:45
      Beitrag Nr. 233 ()
      October 5, 2009
      Paramount Gold and Silver Announces Common Stock Offering
      OTTAWA, ONTARIO--(Marketwire - Oct. 5, 2009) - PARAMOUNT GOLD AND SILVER CORP. (TSX:PZG)(NYSE Amex:PZG)(FRANKFURT:P6G)(WKN:A0HGKQ) (the "Company" or "Paramount"), a precious metals exploration company, is pleased to announce that it intends to offer 16 million shares of its common stock pursuant to its shelf registration statement filed with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (the "SEC") and a shelf prospectus filed with the securities regulatory authority in Ontario, Canada.

      Paramount intends to use the net proceeds of the offering for exploration of its San Miguel project, for newly acquired projects in the Palmarejo mining district, for the acquisition and exploration of new precious metals projects, if any, and for general corporate purposes.

      FCMI Financial Corporation, a Toronto based corporation controlled by Albert D. Friedberg and the Company's largest stockholder, intends to purchase shares of common stock in the offering.

      The Company intends to grant the underwriters a 30-day option to purchase up to 2.4 million additional shares of common stock to cover over-allotments, if any.

      Dahlman Rose & Company, LLC is acting as book-running manager for the offering and Blackmont Capital Inc. is acting as joint lead-manager for the offering.

      The offering is being made by way of a registration statement, which has been declared effective by the SEC, and a base shelf prospectus and a prospectus supplement, each of which has been filed with the SEC and the securities regulatory authority for the Province of Ontario, Canada. A copy of the preliminary prospectus supplement relating to the offering may be obtained by accessing the SEC website at, by accessing the website maintained by the Canadian securities regulatory authorities at, or by contacting the underwriters, in the United States, c/o Dahlman Rose & Company, LLC, Attn: Prospectus Dept., 142 West 57th Street - 18th Floor, New York, NY 10019, phone: 212-702-4521, fax: 212-920-2945, email:, and in Canada, c/o Blackmont Capital Inc., Attn: Equity Capital Markets, 900 - 181 Bay Street, Toronto, Ontario, M5J 2T3, phone: 416-864-2082, fax: 416-864-9151, email:

      This news release shall not constitute an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to buy, nor shall there be any sale of these securities in any state or jurisdiction in which the offer, solicitation or sale would be unlawful prior to registration or qualification under the securities laws of any such state or jurisdiction. The securities being offered have not been approved or disapproved by any regulatory authority, nor has any such authority passed upon the accuracy or adequacy of the prospectus supplement, the base prospectus or the Company's shelf registration statement.

      Cautionary "Safe Harbor" Statement under Applicable Securities Laws

      With the exception of historical matters, the matters discussed in this press release include forward-looking statements that involve risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from projections or estimates contained herein. Such forward-looking statements include statements regarding future sales of common stock and the use of proceeds from such sales. Factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from projections or estimates include, among others, precious metals prices, economic and market conditions, as well as other factors described in our Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2009 and our other filings with the SEC. Most of these factors are beyond the Company's ability to predict or control. The Company disclaims any obligation to update any forward-looking statement made herein, except as required by law. Readers are cautioned not to put undue reliance on forward-looking statements.


      Paramount Gold and Silver Corp. is a precious metals exploration company listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange and the NYSE Amex under the symbol "PZG", and on the Frankfurt Exchange under the symbol "P6G".

      Paramount holds a 100% interest in the San Miguel project and has completed 47,560 meters of diamond drilling on 213 holes and 3,743 meters of exploration trenching at San Miguel since the summer of 2006. Paramount has recently expanded its land holdings by acquiring a 100% interest in the Temoris Project from Garibaldi Resources Corp., a land package of over 54,000 hectares. Paramount's land package now includes most of the ground surrounding the Coeur d'Alene Mines Palmarejo Mine project, and is comprised of total claims in excess of 180,000 hectares.


      Paramount Gold and Silver Corp.
      Christopher Crupi, CEO
      Larry Segerstrom, COO
      Chris Theodossiou, Investor Relations.
      866-481-2233 / 613-226-9881
      schrieb am 09.10.09 08:28:30
      Beitrag Nr. 234 ()
      October 8, 2009
      Paramount Gold and Silver Announces Pricing of Common Stock Offering
      OTTAWA, ONTARIO--(Marketwire - Oct. 8, 2009) - PARAMOUNT GOLD AND SILVER CORP. (NYSE:PZG) (TSX:PZG) (FRANKFURT:P6G) (the "Company" or "Paramount"), a precious metals exploration company, is pleased to announce the pricing of its previously announced public offering of 16 million shares of its common stock pursuant to the Company's shelf registration statement filed with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (the "SEC") and a shelf prospectus filed with the Ontario Securities Commission. The Company has granted the underwriters a 30-day option to purchase up to 2.4 million additional shares of common stock to cover over-allotments, if any.

      Proceeds to the company from the offering, net of commissions and expenses, are expected to be approximately US$18.7 million (assuming the underwriters' over-allotment option is not exercised). The offering is expected to close on October 15, 2009.

      Paramount intends to use the net proceeds of the offering for exploration of its San Miguel project, for newly acquired projects in the Palmarejo mining district, for the acquisition and exploration of new precious metals projects, if any, and for general corporate purposes.

      FCMI Financial Corporation, a Toronto based corporation controlled by Albert D. Friedberg and the Company's largest stockholder, is purchasing shares of common stock in the offering.

      Dahlman Rose & Company, LLC is acting as book-running manager for the offering and Blackmont Capital Inc. is acting as joint lead-manager for the offering.

      The offering is being made by way of a registration statement, which has been declared effective by the SEC, a base shelf prospectus and a prospectus supplement, each of which has been filed with the SEC and the Ontario Securities Commission. A copy of the final prospectus supplement including the base prospectus relating to the offering may be obtained by accessing the SEC website,, by accessing the website maintained by the Canadian securities regulatory authorities, SEDAR, at, or by contacting the underwriters, in the United States, c/o Dahlman Rose & Company LLC, Attn: Prospectus Dept., 142 West 57th Street - 18th Floor, New York, NY 10019, phone: 212-702-4521, fax: 212-920-2945, email:, and in Canada, c/o Blackmont Capital Inc., Attn: Equity Capital Markets, 900 - 181 Bay Street, Toronto, Ontario, M5J 2T3, phone: 416-864-2082, fax: 416-864-9151, email:

      In accordance with Multilateral Instrument 61-101 of the Canadian Securities Administrators, given that the offering is scheduled to close within two weeks of the date upon which the offering was first announced, it is necessary that the material change report to be filed in the Province of Ontario be filed within 21 days of the date of closing of the offering.

      This news release shall not constitute an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to buy, nor shall there be any sale of these securities in any state or jurisdiction in which the offer, solicitation or sale would be unlawful prior to registration or qualification under the securities laws of any such state or jurisdiction. The securities being offered have not been approved or disapproved by any regulatory authority, nor has any such authority passed upon the accuracy or adequacy of the prospectus supplement, the base prospectus or the Company's shelf registration statement.

      Cautionary "Safe Harbor" Statement under Applicable Securities Laws

      With the exception of historical matters, the matters discussed in this press release include forward-looking statements that involve risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from projections or estimates contained herein. Such forward-looking statements include statements regarding the closing of the offering, the expected net proceeds from the offering and the anticipated use of proceeds. Factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from projections or estimates include, among others, precious metals prices, economic and market conditions, as well as other factors described in our Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended June 30, 2009 and other filings with the SEC. Most of these factors are beyond the Company's ability to predict or control. The Company disclaims any obligation to update any forward-looking statement made herein. Readers are cautioned not to put undue reliance on forward-looking statements.


      Paramount Gold and Silver Corp. is a precious metals exploration company listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange and the NYSE Amex under the symbol "PZG", and on the Frankfurt Exchange under the symbol "P6G".

      Paramount holds a 100% interest in the San Miguel Project and has completed 47,560 meters of diamond drilling on 213 holes and 3,743 meters of exploration trenching at San Miguel since the summer of 2006. Paramount has recently expanded its land holdings by acquiring a 100% interest in the Temoris Project from Garibaldi Resources Corp., a land package of over 54,000 hectares. Paramount's land package now includes most of the ground surrounding Coeur d'Alene Mines (NYSE:CDE) Palmarejo Mine project and is in excess of 180,000 hectares.


      Paramount Gold and Silver Corp.
      Christopher Crupi, CEO
      866-481-2233 / 613-226-9881


      Paramount Gold and Silver Corp.
      Larry Segerstrom, COO
      866-481-2233 / 613-226-9881


      Paramount Gold and Silver Corp.
      Chris Theodossiou, Investor Relations
      866-481-2233 / 613-226-9881
      schrieb am 12.10.09 08:50:31
      Beitrag Nr. 235 ()
      October 9, 2009
      RETRANSMISSION: Paramount Gold and Silver Announces Pricing of Common Stock Offering
      OTTAWA, ONTARIO--(Marketwire - Oct. 9, 2009) - PARAMOUNT GOLD AND SILVER CORP. (NYSE Amex:PZG)(TSX:PZG)(FRANKFURT:P6G)(the "Company" or "Paramount"), a precious metals exploration company, is pleased to announce the pricing of its previously announced public offering of 16 million shares of its common stock pursuant to the Company's shelf registration statement filed with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (the "SEC") and a shelf prospectus filed with the Ontario Securities Commission. The Company has agreed to sell the shares at a price of US$1.25 per share and has granted the underwriters a 30-day option to purchase up to 2.4 million additional shares of common stock to cover over-allotments, if any.

      Proceeds to the company from the offering, net of commissions and expenses, are expected to be approximately US$18.7 million (assuming the underwriters' over-allotment option is not exercised). The offering is expected to close on October 15, 2009.

      Paramount intends to use the net proceeds of the offering for exploration of its San Miguel project, for newly acquired projects in the Palmarejo mining district, for the acquisition and exploration of new precious metals projects, if any, and for general corporate purposes.

      FCMI Financial Corporation, a Toronto based corporation controlled by Albert D. Friedberg and the Company's largest stockholder, is purchasing shares of common stock in the offering.

      Dahlman Rose & Company, LLC is acting as book-running manager for the offering and Blackmont Capital Inc. is acting as joint lead-manager for the offering.

      The offering is being made by way of a registration statement, which has been declared effective by the SEC, a base shelf prospectus and a prospectus supplement, each of which has been filed with the SEC and the Ontario Securities Commission. A copy of the final prospectus supplement including the base prospectus relating to the offering may be obtained by accessing the SEC website,, by accessing the website maintained by the Canadian securities regulatory authorities, SEDAR, at, or by contacting the underwriters, in the United States, c/o Dahlman Rose & Company LLC, Attn: Prospectus Dept., 142 West 57th Street - 18th Floor, New York, NY 10019, phone: 212-702-4521, fax: 212-920-2945, email:, and in Canada, c/o Blackmont Capital Inc., Attn: Equity Capital Markets, 900 - 181 Bay Street, Toronto, Ontario, M5J 2T3, phone: 416-864-2082, fax: 416-864-9151, email:

      In accordance with Multilateral Instrument 61-101 of the Canadian Securities Administrators, given that the offering is scheduled to close within two weeks of the date upon which the offering was first announced, it is necessary that the material change report to be filed in the Province of Ontario be filed within 21 days of the date of closing of the offering.

      This news release shall not constitute an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to buy, nor shall there be any sale of these securities in any state or jurisdiction in which the offer, solicitation or sale would be unlawful prior to registration or qualification under the securities laws of any such state or jurisdiction. The securities being offered have not been approved or disapproved by any regulatory authority, nor has any such authority passed upon the accuracy or adequacy of the prospectus supplement, the base prospectus or the Company's shelf registration statement.

      Cautionary "Safe Harbor" Statement under Applicable Securities Laws

      With the exception of historical matters, the matters discussed in this press release include forward-looking statements that involve risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from projections or estimates contained herein. Such forward-looking statements include statements regarding the closing of the offering, the expected net proceeds from the offering and the anticipated use of proceeds. Factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from projections or estimates include, among others, precious metals prices, economic and market conditions, as well as other factors described in our Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended June 30, 2009 and other filings with the SEC. Most of these factors are beyond the Company's ability to predict or control. The Company disclaims any obligation to update any forward-looking statement made herein. Readers are cautioned not to put undue reliance on forward-looking statements.


      Paramount Gold and Silver Corp. is a precious metals exploration company listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange and the NYSE Amex under the symbol "PZG", and on the Frankfurt Exchange under the symbol "P6G".

      Paramount holds a 100% interest in the San Miguel Project and has completed 47,560 meters of diamond drilling on 213 holes and 3,743 meters of exploration trenching at San Miguel since the summer of 2006. Paramount has recently expanded its land holdings by acquiring a 100% interest in the Temoris Project from Garibaldi Resources Corp., a land package of over 54,000 hectares. Paramount's land package now includes most of the ground surrounding Coeur d'Alene Mines (NYSE:CDE) Palmarejo Mine project and is in excess of 180,000 hectares.


      Paramount Gold and Silver Corp.
      Christopher Crupi, CEO
      866-481-2233 / 613-226-9881


      Paramount Gold and Silver Corp.
      Larry Segerstrom, COO
      866-481-2233 / 613-226-9881


      Paramount Gold and Silver Corp.
      Chris Theodossiou, Investor Relations
      866-481-2233 / 613-226-9881
      schrieb am 16.10.09 08:15:16
      Beitrag Nr. 236 ()
      October 15, 2009
      Paramount Gold and Silver Closes $23 Million Financing
      OTTAWA, CANADA--(Marketwire - Oct. 15, 2009) - Paramount Gold and Silver Corp. (NYSE Amex:PZG)(TSX:PZG)(FRANKFURT:P6G) (the "Company") is pleased to announce the closing of its public offering of 16 million shares of its common stock at $1.25 per share. In addition, due to overwhelming demand the underwriters also exercised all of its overallotment of 2.4 million shares generating net proceeds of approximately $ 21.7 million. There are no warrants issued in connection with this financing.

      Paramount intends to use the net proceeds to aggressively explore the San Miguel project and area and further consider acquisition of new precious metals projects. Christopher Crupi, CEO, commented, "We are extremely excited about new target testing on the recently acquired claims in the areas surrounding the San Miguel Project. We will also continue to look for new gold projects in favorable jurisdictions."

      FCMI Financial Corporation, a Toronto based corporation controlled by Albert D. Friedberg and the Company's largest stockholder, purchased 4 million shares of common stock in the offering.

      Dahlman Rose & Company, LLC of New York was book-running manager for the offering, Blackmont Capital Inc., of Toronto was joint lead-manager, and Sutter Securities Incorporated of San Francisco participated as a selling group member.

      The offering was made by way of an effective registration statement, a base shelf prospectus and a final prospectus supplement, each of which has been filed with the Securities Exchange Commission (SEC) and the Ontario Securities Commission. A copy of the final prospectus supplement including the base prospectus relating to the offering may be obtained by accessing the SEC website,, and in Canada (SEDAR), at, or by contacting the underwriters, in the United States, c/o Dahlman Rose & Company LLC, Attn: Prospectus Dept., 142 West 57th Street - 18th Floor, New York, NY 10019, phone: 212-702-4521, fax: 212-920-2945, and in Canada, c/o Blackmont Capital Inc., Attn: Equity Capital Markets, 900 - 181 Bay Street, Toronto, Ontario, M5J 2T3, phone: 416-864-2082, fax: 416-864-9151.

      This news release shall not constitute an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to buy, nor shall there be any sale of these securities in any state or jurisdiction in which the offer, solicitation or sale would be unlawful prior to registration or qualification under the securities laws of any such state or jurisdiction. The securities being offered have not been approved or disapproved by any regulatory authority, nor has any such authority passed upon the accuracy or adequacy of the prospectus supplement, the base prospectus or the Company's shelf registration statement.

      Cautionary "Safe Harbor" Statement under Applicable Securities Laws

      With the exception of historical matters, the matters discussed in this press release include forward-looking statements that involve risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from projections or estimates contained herein. Such forward-looking statements include statements regarding the anticipated use of proceeds. Factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from projections or estimates include, among others, precious metals prices, economic and market conditions, as well as other factors described in our Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended June 30, 2009 and other filings with the SEC. Most of these factors are beyond the Company's ability to predict or control. The Company disclaims any obligation to update any forward-looking statement made herein. Readers are cautioned not to put undue reliance on forward-looking statements.


      Paramount Gold and Silver Corp.
      Christopher Crupi, CEO
      Chris Theodossiou, Investor Relations
      866-481-2233 / 613-226-9881
      schrieb am 21.10.09 15:33:15
      Beitrag Nr. 237 ()
      October 21, 2009
      Paramount Gold and Silver Reports Positive Results from Monte Cristo Target

      Drilling Expands Target Area Fivefold
      CHIHUAHUA, MEXICO--(Marketwire - Oct. 21, 2009) - New diamond drilling by Paramount Gold and Silver Corp. ("Paramount Gold") (NYSE Amex:PZG)(TSX:PZG) (FRANKFURT:P6G) on its 100% owned Monte Cristo target in the Palmarejo District of North Central Mexico has substantially expanded the target's size and verified new, highly prospective bulk-mineable styles of gold and silver mineralization.

      Part of the Monte Cristo target is located on ground recently acquired from Mexoro Minerals Ltd. Their drilling confirmed economic gold concentrations in east-west trending structures at very shallow depths. Paramount Gold geologists have reinterpreted the Monte Cristo feature as a volcanic basin on the margin of a volcanic dome complex with potential for larger stratigraphic gold occurrences in the basin as well as richer deposits along north-northwest and east-west trending structures. Recent drilling by Paramount Gold on its nearby San Miguel deposit has demonstrated that these north-northwest trending structures host better gold grades at depth. The original Monte Cristo target area of about 300 meters by 400 meters has now been expanded to more than 700 meters by 1,000 meters, reflecting the new drill results, surface mapping and integration of the Mexoro drill data.

      Results of Paramount Gold's recent drilling at Monte Cristo are as follows:

      Hole No. From (m) To (m) Interval Au g/t Ag g/t
      MC-09-04 120.5 149.5 29.0 0.69 106.1
      incl. 120.5 133.0 12.5 1.52 109.9
      MC-09-05 No significant assay intervals
      MC-09-06 170.9 175.3 4.4 1.14 4.5
      187.5 223.5 36.0 0.05 52.2
      MC-09-07 261.5 283.0 21.5 0.09 35.6
      295.7 298.7 TD 3.0 3.71 4.0
      MC-09-08 No significant assay intervals
      MC-09-09 No significant assay intervals
      MC-09-10 236.2 240.7 4.5 0.03 36.7
      MC-09-11 No significant assay intervals

      The true width of these intersections is unknown at this time due to lack of certainty as to the orientation of the structures. Additional drilling will be required to determine true widths.

      Paramount Gold CEO Chris Crupi noted that the first pass drill results (above) "have extended Mexoro's historic results on the east-west trending structures and confirmed the potential for richer deposits at depth on the north-northwest trending structures. Geologic interpretation of the core also points towards the existence of stratigraphic gold mineralization which will be targeted in the next round of drilling. Stratigraphic deposits would likely be larger and bulk mineable."

      Paramount Gold owns 188,461 hectares (approximately 466,000 acres) of mining claims in the Palmarejo District, making it the largest claim holder in this rapidly emerging precious metals mining camp. Paramount Gold's current drilling program is evaluating three different types of potentially gold-rich targets: (1) north-northwest trending epithermal veins like San Miguel, of which three trends are known to date with typical widths of around 10 meters and strike lengths of one kilometer or more; (2) volcanic basin prospects of which the best known is Monte Cristo; and (3) northwest trending vein swarms ranging from 100 to 600 meters wide and one to two kilometers long such as the Temoris prospect where surface sampling is in progress.

      Exploration activities in Mexico are being conducted by Paramount Gold de Mexico personnel under the supervision of Bill Threlkeld a Qualified Person as defined by National Instrument 43-101 and Bill supervised the writing of this press release. An ongoing and rigorous quality control/quality assurance protocol is being employed during the program including blank, duplicate and reference standards in every batch of assays. Cross-check analyses are being conducted at a second external laboratory on 10% of the samples. Samples are being assayed at ALS Chemex, Vancouver, B.C., using fire assay atomic adsorption methods for gold and aqua regia digestion ICP methods for other elements. Paramount Gold and Silver holds a 100% interest in several North American gold projects. The Corporation's principal asset is the San Miguel property in Chihuahua State, Mexico. For more information on the Corporation visit the Company's website at


      Statements in this press release regarding Paramount's future expectations, beliefs, goals, plans or prospects constitute forward-looking statements within the meaning of the United States Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 and statements containing the words "believes," "plans," "anticipates," "expects," "estimates" and similar expressions should also be considered to be forward-looking statements. There are a number of important factors that could cause actual results or events to differ materially from those indicated by such forward-looking statements as described in Paramount's Annual Report and Annual Information Form on Form 10-K for the year ended June 30, 2009 filed with the SEC available on and applicable Canadian securities regulators available on Except as required by applicable law, Paramount disclaims any intention or obligation to update any forward-looking statements as a result of developments occurring after the date of this press release.


      Paramount Gold and Silver Corp.
      Christopher Crupi, CEO
      Larry Segerstrom, COO
      Chris Theodossiou, Investor Relations
      866-481-2233 / 613-226-9881
      schrieb am 08.01.10 13:40:54
      Beitrag Nr. 238 ()
      Paramount Gold and Silver Corp. Discovers Bulk Mineable Gold Targets at San Miguel Project

      Delineation drilling to begin immediately on disseminated gold deposits

      Chihuahua, Mexico - (MarketWire) – January 7, 2010 The initial phase of target test drilling at Paramount`s 100% owned San Miguel Project in the Palmarejo Mining Camp, Chihuahua State, Mexico has discovered a new, gold-rich, bulk-mineable style of deposit with the potential to meet Paramount`s goal of adding two million ounces of gold resources in the current program.

      The test phase has to date drilled 10,191 meters of core into seven different targets. Three of these targets with bulk mineable potential have been moved to the next phase of work-- resource definition drilling-- to begin in January 2010 using a diamond core drill and a reverse circulation drill both contracted from Layne de Mexico SA de CA. Another three targets will continue in the test phase.

      Chris Crupi, CEO of Paramount, commented that "our efforts during the past year have focused on understanding the different target styles within our very large property position and identifying the controls governing gold concentrations. With these questions largely answered, we can now focus on resource expansion at the highest priority targets. We are most excited about a new, gold-rich bulk deposit style which could rapidly expand the size and quality of our project." The bulk targets were defined by the following drill hole intersections:

      Drill Hole Number Drill Hole Length From (meters) To (meters) Interval Length Au g/t Ag g/t
      SF-09-01 362.75 116.0 124.7 8.7 1.01 38.4
      151.8 163.6 11.8 2.10 9.4
      SF-09-02 356.65 109.0 112.2 3.2 1.01 65.3
      157.0 188.0 31.0 1.35 7.2
      GU-30* 194.00 51.3 54.4 3.1 1.27 16.8
      103.60 106.6 3.0 2.38 22.4
      135.6 190.8 55.2 0.74 9.5
      Diamond drill hole GU-30 was completed by a previous operator and re-split and sampled by Paramount, results are Paramount re-assay results.

      Paramount owns a 100% interest in the 188,461 hectare (approximately 466,000 acre) San Miguel property in the Palmarejo District of northwest Mexico, making it the largest claim holder in this rapidly emerging precious metals mining camp. Four target styles are now recognized on the San Miguel Property which have evolved out of surface work by Paramount geologists, compilation and interpretation of past drilling by Paramount and previous operators and the first phase target testing just completed.

      1. Disseminated gold-dominant synvolcanic occurrences: This style of target is intimately associated with intrusive feeder zones to fissure eruptions and small volcanic dome complexes that follow roughly east-west trending structures. These occurrences are represented by quartz veins, stockwork and breccia that surround and crosscut the intrusive rocks. Mineralized bodies are believed to be several hundreds of meters along strike and up to 100 meters across. (San Francisco area and Monte Cristo area)
      2. Gold-rich quartz sulfide veins: These targets are restricted to north-northwest or north-northeast trending structures, in well developed and discrete quartz veins. Pyrite and chalcopyrite are the principal sulfide minerals associated with this occurrence. This style of occurrence is found along the margins of subvolcanic intrusive within vein structures. (North San Miguel Vein)
      3. Polymetallic silver veins: This target type is restricted to north-northwest or north-northeast trending structures, in well developed and discrete quartz veins. Pyrite, galena, hypogene hematite and carbonate minerals are associated with this occurrence. (San Antonio Target)
      4. Polymetallic silver-gold veins: These targets are restricted to north-northwest or north-northeast trending structures, in well developed and discrete quartz veins. Sphalerite and argentite with less abundant pyrite are the key minerals in this occurrence. This style of target is recognized as a later event superimposed on the previous target styles. (La Union Target)

      The resource delineation program will begin in the San Francisco area, drilling three disseminated gold-dominant targets. It is anticipated that this stage of drilling will be completed by the end of March, 2010. Target testing will continue on a fourth target at San Francisco, on the Monte Cristo target area and on North San Miguel Vein. Results from these targets are expected in early March and if warranted, would be included in the delineation drilling program during April 2010. Geological modeling and resource estimations will be initiated as results are received and completion of a revised National Instrument 43-101 resource report is expected in the third quarter of 2010.

      Exploration activities at San Miguel are being conducted by Paramount de Mexico personnel under the supervision of Bill Threlkeld a Qualified Person as defined by National Instrument 43-101. An ongoing and rigorous quality control/quality assurance protocol is being employed during the program including blank, duplicate and reference standards in every batch of assays. Cross-check analyses are being conducted at a second external laboratory on 10% of the samples. Samples are being assayed at ALS Chemex., Vancouver, B.C., using fire assay atomic adsorption methods for gold and aqua regia digestion ICP methods for other elements.

      Paramount Gold and Silver holds a 100% interest in its principal asset - the San Miguel Project in Chihuahua State, Mexico. For more information visit the Company’s website at

      Paramount Gold and Silver Corp.
      Christopher Crupi, CEO
      Chris Theodossiou, Investor Relations.
      866.481.2233 / 613.226.9881
      schrieb am 08.01.10 14:10:05
      Beitrag Nr. 239 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 38.222.972 von leinad.w am 21.10.09 15:33:15Was soll das, willst Du uns mit dem alten Kram todschlagen ??
      schrieb am 08.01.10 15:26:56
      Beitrag Nr. 240 ()
      ... kann mal jemand kurz reinstellen,
      ... wie hoch Para noch klettert -sagen wir mal bis Mai?:D:D
      ... Ich möchte nämlich den Ausstieg nicht verpassen.:cool::laugh::laugh:
      schrieb am 08.01.10 15:30:40
      Beitrag Nr. 241 ()
      ... Mal sehen, was da heute so abgeht:
      schrieb am 13.01.10 09:15:48
      Beitrag Nr. 242 ()
      Email I received from PZG

      Hello XXXXX,

      I hope all is well and hope you had a nice holiday season. I wish you all the best in 2010 – Happy New Year !!

      I trust that you saw the news last week regarding the drill assays from the San Francisco Target at San Miguel.
      We are currently drilling and should have a second drill rig turning by next week. With regards to the NI 43-101, we are aiming to complete an updated report towards Q3 or Q4 this year.

      I hope this helps.


      Chris Theodossiou
      Corporate Development
      Paramount Gold & Silver Corp.
      T: 613.226.9881 x.201
      F: 613.226.5106
      C: 613.266.9866
      schrieb am 13.01.10 10:27:19
      Beitrag Nr. 243 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 38.723.712 von leinad.w am 13.01.10 09:15:48traurig traurig wie das Teil nach unten gezogen wird
      schrieb am 15.01.10 11:14:50
      Beitrag Nr. 244 ()

      News Story Announces Investment Opinion on Wallbridge Mining Company Limited, Enteromedics Inc., Paramount Gold and Silver Corp., Green Energy Live Inc. and Gold Wheaton Corp.
      Thursday January 14, 2010 15:32:00 EST
      CALGARY, Alberta, Jan 14, 2010 (BUSINESS WIRE) --

      PicksThatMove is pleased to bring investors special situation stocks which have a high potential for price appreciation. These companies have interesting business models and they have to execute on the business development level to bring value to shareholders. Some of our past picks had soared over 200%. To view some of our profiled stocks, please visit our website at

      At PicksThatMove, our team scours the technical and financials of hundreds of companies to identify those stocks showing the greatest potential for growth.

      The investment opinions offered below and in this press release are provided by Nick Hunter, RIA, of

      Paramount Gold and Silver Corp. (AMEX Zunge rausstrecken ZG), $2.03, +0.17, 9.14%, holds a 100% interest in the San Miguel Project and has completed 47,560 meters of diamond drilling San Miguel since the summer of 2006. Paramount is making gains today trading between 1.81 and 2.08, surpassing its 52 week-high of 1.92. The company reported on the initial phase of target test drilling at its project in San Miguel, Mexico citing discovery of new, gold-rich, bulk-mineable style of deposit which has potential to meet its goal of adding two million ounces of gold resources in the current program.
      schrieb am 18.01.10 08:51:52
      Beitrag Nr. 245 ()
      January 15, 2010
      Paramount Gold and Silver Announces Exercise of Warrants and Changes to its Board of Directors
      OTTAWA, ONTARIO--(Marketwire - Jan. 15, 2010) - Paramount Gold and Silver Corp. (NYSE Amex:PZG)(TSX:PZG)(FRANKFURT:P6G) (the "Company") announces that the MineralFields Group has exercised warrants to purchase a total of 3,636,362 shares of common stock in the capital of the Company at a price per share of $1.25 for gross proceeds of C$4,454,525. The shares are not registered and thus currently restricted from trading. The Company plans to use the funds for the ongoing exploration of the San Miguel Project and area and general working capital.

      The Company is also pleased to announce the election of Robert Dinning, CA as Chairman of the Board and Christopher Reynolds, CGA as the Chair of the Company's audit committee, replacing Mr. Dinning in that role. Mr. Dinning has been an independent director of the Company since March 2008 and is a Chartered Accountant with an extensive background in corporate finance in the mining industry. "With the growing size and scope of the Company, we felt it was appropriate to separate the functions of Chairman from those of the CEO to provide for more effective corporate governance," said Paramount CEO Christopher Crupi.

      Mr. Reynolds was recently elected as an independent director of the Company. A Certified General Accountant with 20 years of mining industry and public accounting experience, he is currently the Vice President, Finance and Chief Financial Officer of Norsemont Mining Inc., a TSX listed corporation. He previously served as Senior Vice President, CFO and Secretary of SouthernEra Diamonds Inc. and has held various finance and accounting positions at Southern Platinum Corp., TVX Gold Inc., Inmet Mining Corporation and PricewaterhouseCoopers. He also served as a director of Arizona Star Resource Corp.

      The Company also formed a Corporate Governance Committee comprised of the independent directors of the board.


      Paramount Gold and Silver Corp.
      Christopher Crupi, CEO
      866-481-2233 / 613-226-9881


      Paramount Gold and Silver Corp.
      Chris Theodossiou, Investor Relations
      866-481-2233 / 613-226-9881
      schrieb am 18.01.10 09:23:35
      Beitrag Nr. 246 ()
      Das wird wieder eine GRUENE Woche .... das warten wird doch belohnt.
      schrieb am 18.01.10 09:30:52
      Beitrag Nr. 247 ()
      Paramount Gold and Silver gibt bekannt, Ausübung von Warrants und Änderungen in das Board of Directors

      Ottawa, Kanada (15. Januar 2010) Paramount Gold and Silver Corp (NYSE / TSX: PZG) (das "Unternehmen") gibt bekannt, dass die MineralFields Group Optionsscheine ausgeübt hat, auf insgesamt 3636362 Aktien von Stammaktien am Kapital des Unternehmens zu erwerben bei einem Preis pro Aktie von $ 1,25 für einen Bruttoerlös von C $ 4454525. Die Aktien sind nicht registriert und damit derzeit vom Handel beschränkt. Das Unternehmen plant, die Mittel für die laufende Exploration des San-Miguel-Projekt und seine Region und als allgemeines Betriebskapital verwendet.

      Das Unternehmen freut sich auch auf die Wahl von Robert Dinning, CA als Vorsitzender des Verwaltungsrates und Christopher Reynolds, CGA, als der Vorsitzende des Audit Committee des Unternehmens sein, in Vertretung von Herrn Dinning in dieser Rolle zu verkünden. Herr Dinning hat einen unabhängigen Direktor des Unternehmens seit März 2008 und ist ein Chartered Accountant mit einem umfassenden Hintergrundwissen im Bereich Corporate Finance in der Bergbauindustrie. "Mit der wachsenden Größe und Umfang des Unternehmens, hielten wir es für angebracht, die Funktionen des Chairman von denen der CEO zu trennen, um weitere effektive Corporate Governance bieten", sagte Paramount CEO Christopher Crupi.

      Herr Reynolds wurde vor kurzem als unabhängiger Direktor des Unternehmens gewählt. Ein Certified General Accountant mit 20 Jahren der Bergbau und das öffentliche Rechnungswesen Erfahrung ist er derzeit Vice President, Finance und Chief Financial Officer von Norsemont Mining Inc., ein an der TSX aufgeführten Unternehmen. Er war zuvor als Senior Vice President, CFO und Sekretär des SouthernEra Diamonds Inc. und hat in verschiedenen Finanz-und Rechnungswesen Positionen an der Southern Platinum Corp, TVX Gold Inc., Inmet Mining Corporation und PricewaterhouseCoopers. Er war auch als Regisseur von Arizona Star Resource Corp

      Das Unternehmen gründete auch ein Corporate Governance-Ausschuss, bestehend aus den unabhängigen Mitgliedern des Verwaltungsrats.

      Paramount Gold and Silver Corp
      Christopher Crupi, CEO
      Chris Theodossiou, Investor Relations
      866-481-2233 / 613-226-9881
      schrieb am 15.02.10 08:46:43
      Beitrag Nr. 248 ()
      neuer CFO:
      Carlo A. Buffone, CMA, was appointed as the Company’s Chief Financial Officer by the Board of Directors replacing Lucie Letellier who tendered her resignation. There were no disagreements between Ms. Letellier and the Company regarding its operations or procedures. A copy of this Form 8-k has been provided to Ms. Letellier.

      Mr. Buffone has been a Certified Management Accountant (CMA) since 1995 and is presently 39 years old. From 1995 to 1999 Mr. Buffone was Corporate Controller form Huber Suhner Canada and in 1999 he was Chief Financial Officer of ivyNet Corporation in Toronto, a public company. From April 2001 to April 2005, Mr. Buffone was employed as a Corporate Development Specialist for CMA Holdings Group a wealth management firm with over $23 billion in assets under administration where he was responsible for mergers and acquisitions. In April 2005 he founded Mama’s Boy Wines and has since inception served as its president. The company develops wholesale sales channels for artisanal wine makers both domestically and in Europe.

      Mr. Buffone received a Bachelor of Commerce Degree from the University of Ottawa in 1993 and studied mergers and acquisitions at the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University in 2004.
      schrieb am 15.02.10 08:47:25
      Beitrag Nr. 249 ()
      schrieb am 02.03.10 14:30:03
      Beitrag Nr. 250 ()
      kopie aus dem hauptthread:

      #59395 von Golfbladerunner Benutzerinfo Nachricht an Benutzer Beiträge des Benutzers ausblenden 02.03.10 11:41:26 Beitrag Nr.: 39.039.567
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      Folgende Antwort bezieht sich auf Beitrag Nr.: 39.037.868 im neuen Fenster öffnen von leinad.w am 02.03.10 08:13:59 hallo
      Ich glaube das beantwortet Deine Frage und den gestrigen Kursanstieg !

      Ich (Smallcap investor) habe zwei heiße Gerüchte aufgeschnappt!

      1. Garibaldi (WKN A0H1JD) und Paramount Gold (WKN A0HGKQ)

      Wie meine Informanten berichten, soll Paramount Gold mit einer extrem wichtigen News kommen. Sollte dieses Gerücht stimmen, würde es natürlich Sinn machen, wenn diese News noch vor oder während der PDAC präsentiert werden.

      Aus zweierlei Sicht könnten diese News auch wichtig für Garibaldi Resources sein. Erstens, das Unternehmen hat Paramount Gold ein Projekt verkauft und ihnen durch eine neue Technologie auch noch gleich gesagt wo sie bohren müssen, sollte es sich bei diesen News um Bohrergebnisse dieses Projektes handeln, wäre das ein wichtige Bestätigung für die Technologie von Garibaldi und erhöht natürlich die Erwartungen für ihre eigenen Projekte die gerade gebohrt werden. Und zweitens besitzt Garibaldi 6 Mio. Aktien von Paramount Gold und würde unmittelbar vom steigenden Aktienkurs der Paramount Gold profitieren.

      Wie gesagt, es handelt sich dabei leider nur um ein Gerücht, jedoch sind beide Aktien schon gestern gestiegen, ich glaube man sollte versuchen hier Abstauberlimits zu setzen.

      Für mein Resource & Energy Depot versuche ich - 30.000 Stück Garibaldi Resources (WKN A0H1JD) mit Limit von 0,20 Euro in Frankfurt tagesgültig zu kaufen

      5.000 Stück Paramount Gold (WKN A0HGKQ) mit einem Limit von 1,66 US$ an der AMEX gültig bis Freitag.

      #59397 von Golfbladerunner Benutzerinfo Nachricht an Benutzer Beiträge des Benutzers ausblenden 02.03.10 11:54:15 Beitrag Nr.: 39.039.695
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      Folgende Antwort bezieht sich auf Beitrag Nr.: 39.039.616 im neuen Fenster öffnen von IceBraker76 am 02.03.10 11:46:37 hi
      Das hab ich vor ca. 1Std von meinen Premiumabo von Smallcap investor bekommen ist brandheiß ,ich habe den schon seit jahren der ist absolut seriös und trifft sehr oft ins Schwarze !

      lg Blade
      schrieb am 02.03.10 16:19:41
      Beitrag Nr. 251 ()

      Small-Cap Miner Is Bullish on Mexico

      NEW YORK (TheStreet) -- As gold prices stay above $1,000 an ounce, small-cap miners like Paramount Gold and Silver(PZG Quote) could be big winners.

      I recently talked with Paramount Gold CEO Christopher Crupi about development of the company's San Miguel mine in Mexico and the miner's prospects.

      Mining is a risky business. It can take as much as 10 years for a junior to start extracting metal, during which the company might have to undergo a series of equity offerings and asset sales to raise capital.

      Mining stocks typically offer a 3 to 1 leverage to gold's spot price. The popular physically backed gold ETF, SPDR Gold Shares(GLD Quote), is averaging a year-to-date return of 27.12% while the Market Vectors Junior Gold Miners ETF(GDX Quote), a basket of large-cap miners, has a year-to-date return of 37.28%. Small-cap mining stocks could offer even more leverage.

      Junior miners typically have a market cap of under $1.5 billion. They are also primarily in the exploration or developmental stage of production. As above ground gold supply tightens and investment demand grows, gold prices will keep rising, providing big opportunities for investors who can gamble with the juniors.

      TheStreet: When do you expect to actually pull metal out of the ground?

      Crupi: The project would be on schedule for three years from now. And we'd be looking for a partner to [help] do that. We're an exploration group so there are ample partners in Mexico looking for [our] type of project.

      Do you have names?

      You know pretty much all the major silver and gold producers that are in Mexico and many of them that are Canadian. And no, I can't [reveal their names]. We've signed confidentiality [agreements] with many of them so I wouldn't be able to tell you who they are.

      Many other small-cap miners are hoping for the same thing, either a partnering or a buyout. But there are really only six major large-cap mining companies that have the resources to do that. So why does your company measure better than others?

      Well first of all, there are actually dozens of them, but the thing is that Mexico has become the jurisdiction of choice. [During] the recent financial crisis in '08, '09 there was a lot of pullout [from] Mexico in the junior space so the few juniors that are left and who have actually raised money to develop [mines] to the next stage are the ones who are looking fairly bright.

      When you start producing, what is your targeted reserves per share?

      We don't measure that, we're building an asset. If you want to look at it that way, we're targeting a 5 million an ounce gold equivalent deposit, broken down into 2 million ounces of gold and 150 million ounces of silver, so that would be about 5 ounces per share.

      I recently saw the news that the San Miguel project in Mexico has the potential to meet your targets, but that you recently abandoned your Vidette Lake project. Could you tell me about that?

      We didn't believe [the project] would be big enough to cost-effectively build a producing mine there ... So we abandoned it in favor of investing into our project in Mexico. We did that, acquired some more concessions, raised some money ... and added some people. We really wanted to focus on one specific area and dedicate all of our resources there to get much more leverage for the shareholders.

      How's it going in Mexico? Are there any geopolitical or currency issues?

      Actually Mexico is going really well. There is an abundant supply of people right now. Energy prices are much lower than they are in the U.S. and Canada. There is a supply of drill rigs and geologists [day] it's very good compared to the rest of the world. We don't have any risk whatsoever. We're far south of the border, in a fairly remote area around five other producing mines, so the infrastructure is well built up. It's an ideal place. You can work there 12 months of the year without any climatic issues either.

      So three years until production is considerably better than some other miners, but it's still three years. Are you going to need additional financing?

      No, we've got more than enough financing. We've also got $12 million in warrants that are well in the money, so we've got $40 million to $45 million of capital, including what cash we have on hand. We've got more than three years of cash in the bank based on our current exploration burn rate.

      Are you looking to develop any more assets?

      Absolutely, we're always looking. We like jurisdictions like Nevada [and] some parts of Canada and Mexico. We want to stick in that sort of corridor, where people are known and [where] we can move in and out very quickly.

      Do you anticipate buying any of those assets before those three years are up? Before you start producing?

      We've been looking at a few projects and it wouldn't surprise me if we picked up some gold assets. ...Assets with already existing resources on them, so that we can get some real leverage and accretion. Leverage to gold is one of the big theories we believe in.

      Would that bleed your cash?

      No, because most of the assets that we [would buy] would be fairly well developed ... [so we would only] need to take it from the mid-exploration stage into the development stage. Effectively we can probably get some incredible leverage. There are some companies that are trading at sub-par valuation ... that [could] be extremely beneficial from a cash perspective.

      What's your long-term exit strategy?

      We have 450,000 acres in our project in Mexico, one of the largest [in the country]. We've only developed about 1% of that. We could effectively move along as an exploration company through our district and develop assets [and] partner [assets] or sell them off. [We] have a very long life as an exploration project generator.

      Meaning that you would prefer to stay independent and go it alone?

      Short of someone coming in tomorrow to buy the company, which I don't think anybody should ever bank on, our business plan is to develop assets. ...Our people are really exploration people and they're truly good at that. We're very happy to sell off pieces as we bring them closer to the production phase and let someone else bring them into [actual] production and [let us] keep an interest in it. That would be the kind of the ideal scenario I would imagine.

      Gold and silver, which one is the more lucrative metal for the next 10 years, five years?

      Well, absolutely gold. Gold is ... the investment metal of choice. Gold, particularly in Mexico, recovers better. It costs less on a per ounce basis ... and it's the one that everybody wants right now. ...Silver is a little brother that always seems to follow gold, but never seems to do better. ...[But] at the end of the day, we're mining [both] gold and silver.

      Do you have an idea of what your finding costs would be?

      Well, to date, we've had incredible luck. Our discovery cost has been less than a dollar per ounce. ...We're quickly expanding the size of the project so when we put out our next resource estimate update at the end of this year, there's going to be a significant increase in the size of the asset [which will] drive discovery costs fairly low. If you're looking at silver, it's in the cents per ounce and gold is several dollars per ounce, as low as $10 an ounce. ...It's very, very cost effective. ...[The cost to mine in Mexico for] gold is around $250-$300 an ounce.

      Do you have a long term price target for gold and silver?

      We're fairly cautious ... we're banking our projections on $850 an ounce and that's fairly low, but we just like to be conservative as a company.

      How many more people do you expect to hire in 2010?

      We'll probably increase [our workforce] by another 25 people. We probably have about 80 people [in Mexico] right now, 80 to 100 on any given day. We're running 24 hours a day -- so its three shifts a day -- so we'll increase that over the course of the year as we ramp this project up another 25 people.

      The stock is speculative. What do you want to tell investors?

      Well, my view is that if you're looking at [our stock] on a per ounce basis, we're trading somewhere at around $55 and gold is selling for $1,100, so that's a very reasonable price. As long as gold holds in that range, you're going to see stocks like this get a lot of attention. And as we put more ounces of resource on the books, you're going to see the value per share go up fairly substantially and very significantly. So not only do we get the price appreciation on the commodity, but you get the leverage in adding more ounces.
      schrieb am 03.03.10 09:53:46
      Beitrag Nr. 252 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 39.042.369 von leinad.w am 02.03.10 16:19:41;)
      schrieb am 08.03.10 14:44:18
      Beitrag Nr. 253 ()
      March 8, 2010
      Paramount Gold and Silver Corp. Discovers Second Bulk-Mineable Gold Target at San Miguel Project in new San Francisco Area as Resource Delineation Continues
      CHIHUAHUA, MEXICO--(Marketwire - March 8, 2010) - Paramount Gold and Silver Corp. (NYSE Amex:PZG)(TSX:PZG)(FRANKFURT:P6G) -

      Resource definition drilling is progressing successfully on a bulk-mineable gold target discovered by Paramount last December in the south San Francisco area of the San Miguel Project (see news release of January 7, 2010). A second bulk-mineable target has also been discovered in the north San Francisco area, generating some unusually high assay results.

      Christopher Crupi, CEO of Paramount said; "we are on track to develop new resources at San Miguel with results exceeding our expectations. As the complexities of this mineral system are unraveled we become more and more impressed with the quality of our asset." Paramount owns a 100% interest in the 188,461 hectare (approximately 466,000 acre) San Miguel Project in the Palmarejo District of northwest Mexico, making it the largest claim holder in this rapidly emerging precious metals mining camp

      The South Target of the San Francisco area has been the focus of initial definition drilling (San Francisco maps). This target consists of two stacked flat-lying disseminated gold zones hosted by tuffaceous rocks, with true thicknesses of about 5.0 meters in the upper zone and 35.0 meters in the lower zone. Flat-lying (sill-like) dacite intrusions found immediately above the gold zones seem to have provided a cap forcing gold-bearing fluids to spread into the receptive stratigraphy beneath. In addition, higher grade gold and silver concentrations are found in north-northwest and east-west trending structures, within a wider envelope of lower grade gold. These envelopes have an overall true thickness of about 30 meters while the true thickness of the mineralized structures is up to 8 meters wide.

      The South Target has been defined over 200 meters in an east-west direction and 250 meters north-south. The zone remains open east-west and to the north where drilling is continuing to extend the zone towards another east-west structure. Recent intersections include:

      Drill Hole From To Length Au g/t Ag g/t Target Style
      (meters) (meters) (meters)
      RCSF-10-01 50.3 65.5 15.2 0.56 17.0 Flat-laying
      105.2 134.1 28.9 1.22 13.3 Flat-laying
      RCSF-10-02 13.7 21.3 7.6 0.62 3.4 Flat-laying
      140.2 160.0 19.8 0.57 2.2 Flat-laying
      179.8 224.0 44.2 0.51 7.0
      RCSF-10-04 179.8 185.9 6.1 0.70 59.0 disseminated
      199.6 242.3 42.7 1.09 5.6 disseminated
      including 225.6 237.7 12.1 2.40 7.1 Structural zone
      RCSF-10-05 12.2 18.3 6.1 0.62 90.7
      51.8 61.0 9.2 0.69 11.2 Flat-laying
      167.6 216.4 48.8 1.56 5.9 Flat-laying

      Exploration drilling in the northern part of the San Francisco area has discovered a second bulk-mineable target. This North Target consists of at least one pyretic breccia pipe (hydrothermal breccia pipe) of unknown dimensions and disseminated gold concentration in the surrounding country rock. Core drilling is currently being used to better define the geometry of this target in advance of aggressive definition drilling. This blind target zone contains bonanza gold grades in the breccia pipe. Surrounding rock represents the collapsed upper part of a volcanic complex and disseminated gold concentrations have been encountered in these rocks. Results include:

      Drill Hole From To Length Au g/t Ag g/t Target tyle
      (meters) (meters) (meters)
      SF-10-05 125.4 146.1 20.7 6.26 813.6 Breccia pipe
      Including 132.5 139.7 7.2 17.22 2,256.3
      161.1 166.4 5.3 0.81 55.1 Disseminated
      184.8 192.0 7.2 0.61 28.8 disseminated
      471.9 483.2 11.3 1.17 7.5 NNE vein
      SF-10-06 109.0 127.3 18.3 1.31 16.7 disseminated

      Paramount continues to pursue its goal of defining 2 million ounces of new gold resource on the San Miguel Project. Achieving this goal would significantly increase the current NI 43-101 compliant resource the company has defined on the project. Current drilling will concentrate on 4 priority target areas, however, this program and detailed surface geology is providing insight into other new target areas that have never been tested.

      Exploration activities at San Miguel are being conducted by Paramount de Mexico personnel under the supervision of Bill Threlkeld a Qualified Person as defined by National Instrument 43-101. An ongoing and rigorous quality control/quality assurance protocol is being employed during the program including blank, duplicate and reference standards in every batch of assays. Cross-check analyses are being conducted at a second external laboratory on 10% of the samples. Samples are being assayed at ALS Chemex., Vancouver, B.C., using fire assay atomic adsorption methods for gold and aqua regia digestion ICP methods for other elements.

      Paramount Gold and Silver holds a 100% interest in the San Miguel property in Chihuahua State, Mexico. For more information on the Corporation visit the Company's website at


      Paramount Gold and Silver Corp.
      Christopher Crupi, CEO,


      Paramount Gold and Silver Corp.
      Chris Theodossiou, Investor Relations.
      schrieb am 16.03.10 17:03:54
      Beitrag Nr. 254 ()
      Paramount Gold and Silver Corp. entdeckt zweites in größeren Mengen abbaubares Goldvorkommen im neuen San-Francisco-Gebiet des San-Miguel-Projekts, während die Ressourcenbeschreibung weitergeht

      Chihuahua, Mexiko - (MarketWire) –8. März 2010 Die Bohrung zur Ressourcenbeschreibung eines in größeren Mengen abbaubaren Goldvorkommens, das im Dezember letzten Jahres im südlichen San-Francisco-Gebiet des San-Miguel-Projekts (siehe Pressemitteilung vom 7. Januar 2010) von Paramount entdeckt worden war, entwickelt sich sehr erfolgreich. Ein zweites in größeren Mengen abbaubares Vorkommen ist ebenfalls in der nördlichen Region des San-Francisco-Gebiets entdeckt worden, womit einige ungewöhnlich hohe Untersuchungsergebnisse erzielt wurden.

      Christopher Crupi, CEO von Paramount, teilte mit: „Wir liegen voll im Plan, die neuen Ressourcen von San Miguel zu entwickeln, und zwar mit Ergebnissen, die unsere Erwartungen übersteigen. Je mehr wir die Komplexität des Mineralsystems enträtseln, umso mehr sind wir von der Qualität unserer Liegenschaft beeindruckt.“ Paramount besitzt einen 100-Prozent-Anteil and den 188.461 Hektar (ungefähr 466.000 Acres) der San-Miguel-Liegenschaft im Palmarejo-Distrikt im Nordwesten von Mexiko, womit das Unternehmen der größte Grundeigentümer in diesem sich schnell entwickelnden Bergbaugebiet für Edelmetallvorkommen ist.

      Das Zielgebiet im Süden des San-Francisco-Gebiets war der Schwerpunkt für die anfänglichen Bohrungen (San-Francisco-Karten). Dieses Zielgebiet weist zwei übereinanderliegende flache Goldimprägnationen in tuffartigem Gestein auf, und zwar in der tieferen Zone mit einer tatsächlichen Mächtigkeit von ungefähr 5,0 Metern. Die flachen, „gangartigen“ Daziteinschlüsse, die direkt über den Goldvorkommen gefunden wurden, scheinen als eine Art Kappe gewirkt zu haben, wodurch goldhaltige Flüssigkeiten zur Ausbreitung in den stratigrafisch empfänglichen Schichten darunter gezwungen wurden. Außerdem wurden höhere Gold- und Silberkonzentrationen in Strukturen gefunden, die sich in nord-nordwestlicher sowie ost-westlicher Richtung erstrecken und in einen Bereich von geringeren Goldkonzentrationen eingebettet sind. Die letzteren Bereiche weisen eine tatsächliche Mächtigkeit von ungefähr 30 Metern auf, wobei die tatsächliche Mächtigkeit der mineralisierten Strukturen bis zu 8 Metern beträgt.

      In Ost-West-Richtung sind für das südliche Zielgebiet über 200 Meter beschrieben, und in Nord-Süd-Richtung 250 Meter. Die Zone bleibt sowohl in Richtung Ost-West offen als auch im Norden, wo Bohrungen die Zone in Richtung einer zusätzlichen Ost-West-Struktur kontinuierlich erweitern. Ausgewählte Abschnitte der jüngsten Bohrungen:

      Bohrloch von (meters) bis (meters) länge (meters) Au g/t Ag g/t Art des Zielgebiets
      RCSF-10-01 50.3 65.5 15.2 0.56 17.0 flache Gänge
      105.2 134.1 28.9 1.22 13.3 flache Gänge
      RCSF-10-02 13.7 21.3 7.6 0.62 3.4 flache Gänge
      140.2 160.0 19.8 0.57 2.2 flache Gänge
      179.8 224.0 44.2 0.51 7.0
      RCSF-10-04 179.8 185.9 6.1 0.70 59.0 Imprägnationen
      199.6 242.3 42.7 1.09 5.6 Imprägnationen
      einschließlich 225.6 237.7 12.1 2.40 7.1 Strukturzone
      RCSF-10-05 12.2 18.3 6.1 0.62 90.7
      51.8 61.0 9.2 0.69 11.2 flache Gänge
      167.6 216.4 48.8 1.56 5.9 flache Gänge

      Die Explorationsbohrungen im nördlichen Teil des San-Francisco-Gebiets haben ein zweites in großen Mengen abbaubares Vorkommen entdeckt. Dieses nördliche Zielgebiet enthält mindestens einen pyritischen Brekzien-Schlot (hydrothermalen Brekzien-Schlot) unbekannter Abmessungen und Konzentrationen der Goldimprägnationen im den Schlot umgebenden Gestein. Derzeit werden Kernbohrungen niedergebracht, um die Geometrie dieses Vorkommens besser beschreiben zu können, bevor aggressive Definitionsbohrungen eingesetzt werden. Diese Blindzone enthält unerwartet große Goldvorkommen im Brekzien-Schlot. Das den Schlot umgebende Gestein stellt den eingestürzten oberen Teil eines Vulkankomplexes dar und in dieser Art von Gestein ist man schon auf Goldimprägnationen gestoßen. Ausgewählte Ergebnisse:

      Bohrloch von (meters) bis (meters) länge (meters) Au g/t Ag g/t Art des Zielgebiets
      SF-10-05 125.4 146.1 20.7 6.26 813.6 Brekzien-Schlote
      einschließlich 132.5 139.7 7.2 17.22 2,256.3
      161.1 166.4 5.3 0.81 55.1 Imprägnationen
      184.8 192.0 7.2 0.61 28.8 Imprägnationen
      471.9 483.2 11.3 1.17 7.5 NNO-Ader
      SF-10-06 109.0 127.3 18.3 1.31 16.7 Imprägnationen

      Paramount verfolgt weiterhin sein Ziel, 2 Millionen Unzen an neuen Goldvorkommen auf der San-Miguel-Liegenschaft zu beschreiben. Mit Erreichung dieses Ziels würde sich die derzeit NI-43-101-konforme Ressourceneinschätzung des Unternehmens für das Projekt beträchtlich erhöhen. Auch wenn sich die derzeitigen Bohrungen auf die 4 Hauptzielgebiete konzentrieren, liefert dieses Programm und seine ausführliche Oberflächengeologie Einsichten in andere neue Zielgebiete, die noch gar nicht untersucht worden sind.

      Die Explorationsaktivitäten in San Miguel werden von den Mitarbeitern von Paramount de Mexico unter der Leitung von Bill Threlkeld, einer im Sinne von NI43-101 qualifizierten Person, ausgeführt. Während des Programms wird ein strenges Protokoll zur ständigen Qualitätskontrolle/Qualitätssicherung befolgt, einschließlich unbeschriftete Proben, Duplikate und Standardproben in jeder Untersuchungscharge. Die Analyse für 10% der Proben wird durch ein zweites externes Labor gegengeprüft. Die Proben werden im Labor von ALS Chemex in Vancouver (B.C.) untersucht, wobei für Gold Flammen-Atomabsorptionsmethoden und für andere Elemente ICP-Spektroskopie mit Königswasser zur Anwendung kommen.

      Paramount Gold and Silver besitzt einen 100-Prozent-Anteil an seinem Hauptvermögensgegenstand, dem San-Miguel-Projekt im Chihuahua State, Mexiko. Besuchen Sie für weitere Informationen die Website des Unternehmens unter

      Paramount Gold and Silver Corp.
      Christopher Crupi, CEO
      Chris Theodossiou, Aktionärspflege.
      866.481.2233 / 613.226.9881
      schrieb am 16.03.10 18:08:39
      Beitrag Nr. 255 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 39.151.582 von leinad.w am 16.03.10 17:03:54Und wer erklärt jetzt den seit Tagen andauernden Kurssturz?:cry:
      schrieb am 17.03.10 09:56:11
      Beitrag Nr. 256 ()
      da wurde etwas geheimnisvoll eine wichtige News angekündigt, und was dann kam, war "nicht Fisch und nicht Fleisch". Eine dünne Suppe, substanzlos! Und dann haben halt einige enttäuscht reagiert.
      Vom vorherigen raschen Anstieg haben sicher auch einige gut profitiert.
      schrieb am 17.03.10 10:06:55
      Beitrag Nr. 257 ()
      Und dann haben halt einige enttäuscht reagiert.

      Zur Enttäuschung: Ich meine enttäuscht im Sinne einer
      Ent- Täuschung, also der Aufhebung einer Täuschung, und das ist ja auch durchaus was positives.
      schrieb am 21.04.10 08:17:17
      Beitrag Nr. 258 ()


      Annual Report

      Item 7.

      Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations.


      We are an exploratory stage mining company that currently has mining concessions in Mexico and options to acquire additional mining concessions in Mexico and Canada. Our current drilling program will concentrate on our San Miguel. We have determined not to pursue a drilling program at Vidette Lake. We have no proven reserves at San Miguel.

      Comparison of Operating Results for the year ended June 30, 2009 as compared to June 30, 2008


      We are an exploratory mining company with no revenues from operations to date. All of our revenues to date represent interest income which we have earned as a result of our cash holdings. Our cash holdings were generated from the sale of our securities. Interest income for the year ended June 30, 2009 was $249,082 as compared to $457,562 for the year ended June 30, 2008. Interest income since inception totals $982,109. Interest income decreased by approximately 46% from the prior year. The significant decrease in our interest income is primarily due to significantly declining cash balances which were not reversed until the completion of a financing at the end of December 2008. Our funds are deposited in an interest bearing account subject to transfer to our operating account to meet ongoing expenses. We intend to utilize our cash reserves for ongoing exploration activities, land acquisitions and general working capital expenditures.

      Operating Expenses:

      We incurred expenses totaling $7,490,261 as compared to $18,867,523 for the year ended 2008, a decrease of approximately $11.37 million. The significant decrease in our expenses is primarily attributable to a decrease in exploration expenses of approximately $6 million and a decrease in stock based compensation totaling approximately $4.5 million. Other areas experiencing less significant cost reductions included travel and lodging, corporate communications and marketing. The only area where we saw a significant increase in costs was with respect to office and administrative expenses which increased by approximately $350,000.

      During our last fiscal year, we incurred exploratory costs of $1,548,330, professional fees totaling $1,244,792, geologist fees and expenses of $824,291, marketing fees of $542,279 and office and administrative expenses totaling $881,726. These fees compare to exploratory fees of $7,575,155, professional fees of $3,235,090, geologist fees and expenses of $1,121,187, marketing fees of $932,777, and office and administrative expenses of $511,096 for the year ended June 30, 2008. The significant decline in our overall expenses as identified in our Consolidated Statement of Operations is primarily attributable to management's decision to reduce drilling operations to preserve capital and to further evaluate drilling results. While we continue to rely on stock based compensation, we have not relied on this financing source as much as in the past. During our latest fiscal year stock based compensation declined from $6,061,101 to $1,733,052. We issued shares of our common stock for consulting and geological services. With fewer personnel involved in our drilling program, stock based compensation has declined.

      Net Income (loss):

      Our Net Loss for the year ended June 30, 2009 was $7,241,179 as compared to a Net Loss of $18,409,961 in our prior year. Our Net Loss per share was $(0.11) as compared to a Net Loss per share of $(0.38) for the comparable periods in 2008. The decline in our net loss per share is directly attributable to an increase in the number of our issued and outstanding shares of common stock. The weighted average number of shares of common stock

      outstanding for 2009 was 65,423,659 as compared to 47,703,566 for 2008. Until such time as we are able to identify mineral deposits which we believe can be extracted in a commercially reasonable manner, of which there can be no assurance, we anticipate that we will continue to incur ongoing losses.

      Liquidity and Capital Resources:

      Assets and Liabilities

      At June 30, 2009 we had cash and cash equivalents totaling $7,040,999 as compared to $3,199,848 at June 30, 2008, an increase of approximately 120%. The significant increase in our cash reserves is a direct result of a private placement of our securities with FCMI in the amount of $7.2 million in March 2009. Accounts receivable declined from $1,384,492 at June 30, 2008 to $221,267 at June 30, 2009. Similarly, prepaid deposits and expenses declined from $379,348 to $82,583. We had total current assets of $8,499,986 at June 30, 2009, as compared to $5,833,688 at June 30, 2008, an increase of approximately 30%.

      Our mineral properties were valued as of June 30, 2009 at $18,436,951 as compared to $4,738,747, an increase of approximately 300%. The significant increase in the value of our mineral properties this past year is directly attributable to an increase in the size of our holdings. During this past year, we issued 16,200,000 shares of our common stock for the acquisition of additional mineral properties valued at $13,698,204. Approximately $9.04 million of this total is attributable to our San Miguel concession and $3.97 million is attributable to our Temoris concession. (See Footnotes 4 and 7.) We also have a short term receivable of $1,063,772 which is non-redeemable until May 7, 2010 and bears interest at the rate of 3.25% per annum. Fixed assets totaled $520,858 as compared to $354,996. Our long term assets at June 30, 2009 totaled $18,957,809 as compared to $6,098,640 at June 30, 2008, almost all of which is attributable to the increase in our mineral properties.

      Total assets at June 30, 2009 were $27,457,795 as compared to $11,932,328 at June 30, 2008, an increase of approximately 130%.

      Our current liabilities as of June 30, 2009 totaled $383,445 as compared to $1,714,620 as of June 30, 2008. We have a working capital surplus of $8,116,541 as compared to a working capital surplus of $4,119,068 at June 30, 2008. We believe that our working capital surplus will enable us to meet our anticipated drilling and operational needs, subject to any costs that we incur with respect to the acquisition of additional mineral properties. Acquisition of additional mineral properties will likely require a cash infusion from either debt or equity financing, of which there can be no assurance.

      Results of Operations for the year ended June 30, 2009:

      With respect to our short term liquidity, our "Current Ratio" (current assets divided by current liabilities) as of June 30, 2009 was 22.17 as compared to 3.4 as of June 30, 2008. The current ratio is a commonly used as a measure of a company's liquidity. Our management believes, however, that with a company still in the exploratory stage, the ratio may not be as significant as with an ongoing business in comparing the Company with others in the industry. In analyzing our liquidity, we look at actual dollars; we compare our cash on hand and other short-term assets with our bills payable and other short-term obligations. Since our only source of funds has been from the periodic sale of securities, it will be very difficult for us to meet our current and anticipated obligations for a significant period of time without raising additional capital. If we are not able to raise adequate capital and to do so in a timely manner, we will not be able to fully implement our business plan or sustain ongoing operations.

      If and when we are able to begin production, which is highly uncertain, we will make an evaluation to determine whether cash reserves should be established or other steps taken to minimize possible adverse consequences due to environmental matters. Such evaluation will consider, among other factors, the land or other sources from which the raw materials are taken and the land upon which the processing is done, the nature of any chemicals used in the processing, and the nature, extent, and means of disposition of the residue from the processing.

      Since our inception, we have funded our activities by issuing common stock. Although we will continue periodically to seek external sources of funds, there can be no assurance that we will be able to raise sufficient

      capital to fund our operations. If we do raise equity capital, depending on the number of shares issued and the issue price of the shares, current stockholders' interests may be diluted.

      The Company's consolidated financial statements were prepared on a going concern basis, which assumes that the Company will be able to realize assets and discharge liabilities in the normal course of business. The ability to continue as a going concern is dependent on the Company's ability to generate profitable operations in the future , to maintain adequate financing, and to achieve a positive cash flow. There is no assurance it will be able to meet any or all of such goals.

      Plan of Operation - Exploration:

      Our plan of operation for the next twelve months is to focus our exploratory efforts on the San Miguel groupings. It is very difficult to forecast with any degree of certainty the extent of our drilling program for 2010. We are currently in month three of a twelve month exploratory drill program in Mexico with a budgeted cost of $6 million. A portion of our working capital may be utilized to acquire additional mineral properties in which case we will have to carefully manage our exploratory program to preserve capital.

      Critical Accounting Policies

      Financial Reporting Release No. 60, which was released by the SEC, encourages all companies to include a discussion of critical accounting policies or methods used in the preparation of financial statements. The Company's consolidated financial statements include a summary of the significant accounting policies and methods used in the preparation of the consolidated financial statements. Management believes the following critical accounting policies affect the significant judgments and estimates used in the preparation of the financial statements.

      Use of Estimates - Management's discussion and analysis of financial condition and results of operations is based upon the Company's consolidated financial statements, which have been prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles. The preparation of these financial statements requires management to make estimates and judgments that affect the reported amounts of assets, liabilities, revenues, and expenses, and related disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities. On an ongoing basis, management evaluates these estimates, including those related to allowances for doubtful accounts receivable and long-lived assets. Management bases these estimates on historical experience and on various other assumptions that are believed to be reasonable under the circumstances, the results of which form the basis of making judgments about the carrying value of assets and liabilities that are not readily apparent from other sources. Actual results may differ from these estimates under different assumptions or conditions.

      We review the carrying value of property and equipment for impairment at least annually or whenever events or changes in circumstances indicate that the carrying amount of an asset may not be recoverable. Recoverability of long-lived assets is measured by comparison of its carrying amount to the undiscounted cash flows that the asset or asset group is expected to generate. If such assets are considered to be impaired, the impairment to be recognized is measured by the amount by which the carrying amount of the property, if any, exceeds its fair market value.

      Our consolidated financial statements are prepared using the accrual method of accounting and according to the provision of Statement of Financial Accounting Standard ("SFAS") No. 7, "Accounting and Reporting for Development Stage Enterprises", as it was devoting substantially all of its efforts to acquiring and exploring mineral properties. It is industry practice that mining companies in the development stage are classified under Generally Accepted Accounting Principles as exploration stage companies. Until such properties are acquired and developed, the Company will continue to prepare its consolidated financial statements and related disclosures in accordance with entities in the exploration or development stage.

      Effective January 1, 2006, we adopted the provisions of SFAS No. 123(R), "Share-Based Payment," under the modified prospective method. SFAS No. 123(R) eliminates accounting for share-based compensation transactions using the intrinsic value method prescribed under APB Opinion No. 25, "Accounting for Stock Issued to Employees," and requires instead that such transactions be accounted for using a fair-value-based method. Under the modified prospective method, we are required to recognize compensation cost for share-based payments to employees based on their grant-date fair value from the beginning of the fiscal period in which the recognition
      schrieb am 17.06.10 15:14:51
      Beitrag Nr. 259 ()
      June 17, 2010
      Paramount Gold and Silver Corp.: Drilling Expands New Gold/Silver Target at San Miguel

      South San Francisco Bulk Mineable Discovery Adding Resource Potential
      CHIHUAHUA, MEXICO--(Marketwire - June 17, 2010) - Paramount Gold and Silver Corp. (TSX:PZG)(NYSE Amex:PZG)(FRANKFURT:P6G) -

      Resource definition drilling continues to progress successfully on bulk-mineable gold targets discovered by Paramount in December and January in the South San Francisco area of the San Miguel Project. Exploration work is also finding additional similar targets on the large San Miguel land package.

      Christopher Crupi, CEO of Paramount stated, "drilling confirms that the San Francisco area is an important discovery with bulk-mineable resource potential we can define this year. We are also finding a number of new target opportunities where we can apply the knowledge gained at San Francisco to make new discoveries." Paramount owns a 100% interest in the 188,461 hectare (approximately 466,000 acre) San Miguel Project in the Palmarejo District of northwest Mexico, making it the largest claim holder in this rapidly emerging precious metals mining camp.

      Mineralization at South San Francisco is shaped by a favorable combination of permissive volcanic and intrusive rock units along with structural intersections which together provide several controls for concentrating gold. Intermediate to acidic composition volcanic rocks and intermediate composition intrusions are host to the gold occurrences discovered at South San Francisco. These rocks are in contact with acidic composition shallow intrusive or extrusive dome rocks that have little gold in them but have served to create an intensive fracture system in the surrounding rocks. Structural intersections between northwest trending and east-west trending faults have also created an extensive fracture system that localized gold. Superimposing these different phases of rock preparation has created a mineralized zone extending about 400 meters in an east-west direction and more than 750 meters in a northwest direction.

      Ongoing research at South San Francisco has identified several distinguishing characteristics that differentiate its style of gold occurrence from deposits elsewhere in the Palmarejo District. Hydrothermal alteration in the South San Francisco area has produced a more subtle surface expression and unique clay mineralogy distinguishing it from the vein-associated deposits like Palmarejo and San Miguel. In general, the precious metals are disbursed in the volcanic rocks in association with narrow fractures and quartz stockwork veins, rather than within well-defined quartz veins. The vertical zonation of quartz vein systems typical of the Palmarejo District are not in evidence at South San Francisco where gold concentrations are recognized at very shallow depths with less silver. South San Francisco type targets seem to be high level gold-rich systems geologically separate from the vertically zoned silver-gold systems previously identified in the Palmarejo District.

      Recent results from the South San Francisco target area include:

      South San Francisco Target Area

      Drill Hole Drill Hole Type From To Length Au g/t Ag g/t
      (meters) (meters) (meters)
      RCSF-10-06 Reverse circulation 141.7 147.8 6.1 0.85 19.6
      182.9 185.9 3.0 1.33 52.8
      224.0 272.8 48.8 0.91 5.6
      300.2 306.3 6.1 1.08 2.4
      RCSF-10-7 Reverse circulation 73.2 102.1 28.9 1.74 29.8
      176.8 192.0 15.2 1.49 2.6
      RCSF-10-08 Reverse circulation 25.9 36.6 10.7 0.98 19.7
      140.2 182.9 42.7 1.48 7.4
      RCSF-10-09 Reverse circulation 192.0 199.6 7.6 0.43 3.3
      RCSF-10-10 Reverse circulation 111.3 115.8 4.5 1.02 10.5
      140.2 153.9 13.7 1.36 9.9
      167.6 176.8 9.2 1.43 5.1
      195.1 198.1 3.0 1.30 12.7
      RCSF-10-11 Reverse circulation 153.9 169.2 15.3 2.05 8.7
      RCSF-10-12 Reverse circulation 45.7 54.9 9.2 1.33 27.7
      83.8 111.3 27.5 1.73 10.9
      138.7 153.9 15.2 0.55 3.2
      176.8 190.5 13.7 1.07 0.8
      RCSF-10-13 Reverse circulation 9.1 13.7 4.6 1.11 10.2
      62.5 74.7 12.2 1.76 42.4
      RCSF-10-14 Reverse circulation 109.7 112.8 3.1 1.03 5.3
      SF-10-11 CORE 19.8 29.3 9.5 0.71 5.2
      82.8 88.9 6.1 8.78 36.4
      SF-10-12 CORE 36.1 51.0 14.9 0.97 23.8
      SF-10-15 CORE 20.0 24.5 4.5 0.90 9.5
      108.8 136.9 28.1 1.26 7.0
      SF-10-16 CORE No significant results

      Map of the San Francisco South Target may be seen at the following link:…

      Paramount continues to pursue its goal of defining 2 million ounces of new gold resource on the San Miguel Project. Achieving this goal would significantly increase the current NI 43-101 compliant resource (… ) the company has defined on the project. Drilling and surface exploration is also continuing on the project. This work is providing insight into other new target areas that have never been tested.

      Exploration activities at San Miguel are being conducted by Paramount Gold de Mexico SA de CV personnel under the supervision of Bill Threlkeld a Qualified Person as defined by National Instrument 43-101. An ongoing and rigorous quality control/quality assurance protocol is being employed in the program including blank, duplicate and reference standards in every batch of assays. Cross-check analyses are being conducted at a second external laboratory on 10% of the samples. Samples are being assayed at ALS Chemex in Vancouver, using fire assay atomic adsorption methods for gold and aqua regia digestion ICP methods for other elements. For more information on the Corporation visit the Company's website at

      Cautionary Note to U.S. Investors Concerning Estimates of Indicated and Inferred Resources: This press release uses the terms "indicated resources" and "inferred resources". We advise U.S. investors that while these terms are defined in and permitted by Canadian regulations, these terms are not defined terms under SEC Industry Guide 7 and are normally not permitted to be used in reports and registration statements filed with the SEC. "Inferred resources" have a great amount of uncertainty as to their existence, and great uncertainty as to their economic and legal feasibility. It cannot be assumed that all or any part of an inferred mineral resource will ever be upgraded to a higher category. Under Canadian rules, estimates of inferred mineral resources may not form the basis of a feasibility study or prefeasibility studies, except in rare cases. The SEC normally only permits issuers to report mineralization that does not constitute SEC Industry Guide 7 compliant "reserves" as in-place tonnage and grade without reference to unit measures. U.S. investors are cautioned not to assume that any part or all of mineral deposits in this category will ever be converted into reserves. U.S. investors are cautioned not to assume that any part or all of an inferred resource exists or is economically or legally minable.


      Paramount Gold and Silver Corp.
      Christopher Crupi
      866.481.2233 / 613.226.9881


      Paramount Gold and Silver Corp.
      Chris Theodossiou
      Investor Relations
      866.481.2233 / 613.226.9881

      INDUSTRY: Financial Services - Investment Services and Trading, Manufacturing and Production - Mining and Metals
      schrieb am 23.06.10 09:22:09
      Beitrag Nr. 260 ()
      June 22, 2010
      Paramount Gold and Silver Corp. Acquires X-Cal Resources Ltd. and Sleeper Gold Mine in Nevada
      OTTAWA, ONTARIO--(Marketwire - June 22, 2010) - Paramount Gold and Silver Corp. (NYSE Amex:PZG)(TSX:PZG)(FRANKFURT:P6G) ("Paramount") has entered into an agreement with X-Cal Resources Ltd. (TSX: XCL)("X-Cal") to acquire all of the common shares of X-Cal in a transaction valued at approximately C$31.8 million (the "Transaction" or the "Paramount Transaction"). The Transaction has been unanimously approved by the Board of Directors of each of Paramount and X-Cal. The President of X-Cal has executed a support agreement in favor of the Transaction.

      Pursuant to the definitive agreement, eight (8) X-Cal shares will be exchanged for one (1) Paramount share. The Transaction implies a purchase price of C$0.18 per X-Cal share, representing a premium of 73% over closing market prices on the TSX as of June 21, 2010.

      X-Cal recommends that shareholders SUPPORT the Paramount Transaction.

      X-Cal Resources has retained Salman Partners Inc. to provide a fairness opinion to the Independent Committee of its Board of Directors and its shareholders. A shareholder meeting will be called for August 2010, at which X-Cal shareholders will be asked to approve the Transaction. The Transaction requires the approval of two-thirds (2/3) of X-Cal shareholders who vote at the shareholder meeting. X-Cal shareholders with questions on the Paramount Transaction may contact the company at (604) 662-8245.

      Shawn Kennedy, President and director of X-Cal stated, "The Transaction with Paramount delivers significant immediate value to X-Cal shareholders and creates a North American gold and silver resource and land platform with excellent growth potential. Paramount`s financial and technical resources will advance the Sleeper Project and X-Cal shareholders will participate in Paramount`s San Miguel Project. Shareholders of both companies will benefit from risk diversification and cost-reducing synergies to be realized by combining two public entities."

      The main asset of X-Cal is the former Sleeper gold mine in Nevada, a historic open pit mine which was operated by AMAX Gold from 1986 to 1996 when it produced 1.7Moz of Au and 2.3M oz of Ag at an average cash cost of $158/ounce Au. The Sleeper Gold Project is a 30 square mile gold district located in Humboldt County, Nevada. A National Instrument 43-101 resource estimation for the Project was completed by X-Cal in November of 2009 which calculated an indicated resource totaling 750,000 ounces of gold and 5 million ounces of silver (26,960,000 tonnes with a 0.40 gpt Au cutoff, grading 0.87 gpt Au and 5.80 gpt Ag) plus an additional 380,000 ounces of gold and 4.2 million ounces of silver in the inferred category (20,000,000 tonnes with a 0.40 gpt Au cutoff grading 0.59 gpt Au and 6.60 gpt Ag. X-Cal has an extensive database for use in targeting ongoing development drilling and exploration at Sleeper.

      Highlights of Combination

      Christopher Crupi, CEO of Paramount stated, "Our two major projects will be located in excellent mining jurisdictions, near major producers and close to infrastructure. Both projects have unusual potential for growing resources with compelling economics. Our largest stockholder, Albert Friedberg, provides the combined company with the financial leadership needed to unlock the value in our asset base over time."

      Other highlights of the combined entity are:

      -- Expanded and diversified operations with significant reserve/resource
      upside on two flagship projects, San Miguel and Sleeper mine;
      -- Expanded resource base of 900,000 Au Eq ounces indicated and 3.8 million
      Au Eq. ounces inferred;
      -- Paramount's experienced personnel are poised to aggressively explore and
      develop its flagship projects;
      -- Enhanced market presence with pro forma market capitalization of
      approximately C$210 million; and
      -- Strategic position and management experience to enhance market valuation
      of the combined entity under Paramount.

      Upon completion of the Transaction, Paramount will have approximately 135.7 million shares of its common stock issued and outstanding. Existing Paramount stockholders will retain approximately 86% ownership while X-Cal shareholders will hold approximately 14% ownership in the combined company.

      Transaction Details

      The Transaction is structured as a statutory plan of arrangement under the Business Corporations Act (British Columbia). Under the terms of the Transaction, X-Cal shareholders will receive one (1) share of common stock of Paramount for eight (8) common shares of X-Cal. All warrants of X-Cal outstanding at the time of the Transaction will also be exchanged for warrants of Paramount on the same basis. Following closing of the Transaction, X-Cal President Shawn Kennedy, will join the Paramount Board of Directors.

      The agreement also provides a reciprocal break fee of US$1million to be payable by each of the parties under certain circumstances.

      X-Cal will hold a meeting of its shareholders to secure their approval not later than August 20, 2010, and the Transaction is expected to be completed in the third quarter of 2010. Completion of the Transaction is subject to a number of conditions, including: approval of at least 66 2/3% of the outstanding shares of X-Cal at a meeting of X-Cal shareholders and certain customary conditions, including receipt of all necessary regulatory approvals and third party consents.

      About X-Cal Resources Ltd.

      X-Cal Resources Ltd has a portfolio of gold properties. In addition to the Sleeper Gold Project, X-Cal has three other gold exploration projects in Nevada. Mill Creek and Reese River are also located in the Battle Mountain-Eureka trend. X-Cal also controls 38 lode mineral claims in Spring Valley.

      Cautionary Note to U.S. Investors Concerning Estimates of Indicated and Inferred Resources: This press release uses the terms "indicated resources" and "inferred resources". We advise U.S. investors that while these terms are defined in and permitted by Canadian regulations, these terms are not defined terms under SEC Industry Guide 7 and are normally not permitted to be used in reports and registration statements filed with the SEC. "Inferred resources" have a great amount of uncertainty as to their existence, and great uncertainty as to their economic and legal feasibility. It cannot be assumed that all or any part of an inferred mineral resource will ever be upgraded to a higher category. Under Canadian rules, estimates of inferred mineral resources may not form the basis of a feasibility study or prefeasibility studies, except in rare cases. The SEC normally only permits issuers to report mineralization that does not constitute SEC Industry Guide 7 compliant "reserves" as in-place tonnage and grade without reference to unit measures. U.S. investors are cautioned not to assume that any part or all of mineral deposits in this category will ever be converted into reserves. U.S. investors are cautioned not to assume that any part or all of an inferred resource exists or is economically or legally minable.


      Statements in this document regarding the Transaction, the expected timetable for completing the Transaction, benefits and synergies of the Transaction, future opportunities for the combined company, expectations regarding the value and benefits of the Transaction and any other statements about Paramount or X-Cal managements' future expectations, beliefs, goals, plans or prospects constitute forward-looking statements within the meaning of the United States Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 and other applicable securities laws. Any statements that are not statements of historical fact (including statements containing the words "believes," "plans," "anticipates," "expects," estimates and similar expressions) should also be considered to be forward-looking statements. There are a number of important factors that could cause actual results or events to differ materially from those indicated by such forward-looking statements, including, but not limited to: the ability of the parties to consummate the Transaction and satisfy the conditions thereunder; the ability to obtain, and the timing of, the necessary exchange, regulatory and shareholder or stockholder approvals for the Transaction; the impact of any actions taken by any other party to complicate, delay or prevent the Transaction; the ability to realize the anticipated synergies and benefits from the Transaction and the combined company; and the other factors described in Paramount's Annual Report and Annual Information Form on Form 10-K for the year ended June 30, 2009 and its most recent quarterly reports filed with the SEC available on and applicable Canadian securities regulators available on and X-Cal's filings with the applicable Canadian securities regulators available on Except as required by applicable law, each of Paramount and X-Cal disclaims any intention or obligation to update any forward-looking statements as a result of developments occurring after the date of this document.


      Paramount Gold and Silver Corp.
      Christopher Crupi, CEO
      Chris Theodossiou, Investor Relations
      866-481-2233 / 613-226-9881


      X-Cal Resources Ltd.
      Shawn Kennedy, CEO

      INDUSTRY: Financial Services - Investment Services and Trading, Manufacturing and Production - Mining and Metals
      schrieb am 24.06.10 09:27:53
      Beitrag Nr. 261 ()
      June 23, 2010
      REMINDER: Paramount Gold and Silver Corp. Acquires X-Cal Resources Ltd. and Sleeper Gold Mine in Nevada
      OTTAWA, ONTARIO--(Marketwire - June 23, 2010) - Paramount Gold and Silver Corp. (NYSE Amex:PZG)(TSX:PZG)(FRANKFURT:P6G) ("Paramount") has entered into an agreement with X-Cal Resources Ltd. (TSX: XCL)("X-Cal") to acquire all of the common shares of X-Cal in a transaction valued at approximately C$31.8 million (the "Transaction" or the "Paramount Transaction"). The Transaction has been unanimously approved by the Board of Directors of each of Paramount and X-Cal. The President of X-Cal has executed a support agreement in favor of the Transaction.

      Pursuant to the definitive agreement, eight (8) X-Cal shares will be exchanged for one (1) Paramount share. The Transaction implies a purchase price of C$0.18 per X-Cal share, representing a premium of 73% over closing market prices on the TSX as of June 21, 2010.

      X-Cal recommends that shareholders SUPPORT the Paramount Transaction.

      X-Cal Resources has retained Salman Partners Inc. to provide a fairness opinion to the Independent Committee of its Board of Directors and its shareholders. A shareholder meeting will be called for August 2010, at which X-Cal shareholders will be asked to approve the Transaction. The Transaction requires the approval of two-thirds (2/3) of X-Cal shareholders who vote at the shareholder meeting. X-Cal shareholders with questions on the Paramount Transaction may contact the company at (604) 662-8245.

      Shawn Kennedy, President and director of X-Cal stated, "The Transaction with Paramount delivers significant immediate value to X-Cal shareholders and creates a North American gold and silver resource and land platform with excellent growth potential. Paramount`s financial and technical resources will advance the Sleeper Project and X-Cal shareholders will participate in Paramount`s San Miguel Project. Shareholders of both companies will benefit from risk diversification and cost-reducing synergies to be realized by combining two public entities."

      The main asset of X-Cal is the former Sleeper gold mine in Nevada, a historic open pit mine which was operated by AMAX Gold from 1986 to 1996 when it produced 1.7Moz of Au and 2.3M oz of Ag at an average cash cost of $158/ounce Au. The Sleeper Gold Project is a 30 square mile gold district located in Humboldt County, Nevada. A National Instrument 43-101 resource estimation for the Project was completed by X-Cal in November of 2009 which calculated an indicated resource totaling 750,000 ounces of gold and 5 million ounces of silver (26,960,000 tonnes with a 0.40 gpt Au cutoff, grading 0.87 gpt Au and 5.80 gpt Ag) plus an additional 380,000 ounces of gold and 4.2 million ounces of silver in the inferred category (20,000,000 tonnes with a 0.40 gpt Au cutoff grading 0.59 gpt Au and 6.60 gpt Ag. X-Cal has an extensive database for use in targeting ongoing development drilling and exploration at Sleeper.

      Highlights of Combination

      Christopher Crupi, CEO of Paramount stated, "Our two major projects will be located in excellent mining jurisdictions, near major producers and close to infrastructure. Both projects have unusual potential for growing resources with compelling economics. Our largest stockholder, Albert Friedberg, provides the combined company with the financial leadership needed to unlock the value in our asset base over time."

      Other highlights of the combined entity are:

      -- Expanded and diversified operations with significant reserve/resource
      upside on two flagship projects, San Miguel and Sleeper mine;
      -- Expanded resource base of 900,000 Au Eq ounces indicated and 3.8 million
      Au Eq. ounces inferred;
      -- Paramount's experienced personnel are poised to aggressively explore and
      develop its flagship projects;
      -- Enhanced market presence with pro forma market capitalization of
      approximately C$210 million; and
      -- Strategic position and management experience to enhance market valuation
      of the combined entity under Paramount.

      Upon completion of the Transaction, Paramount will have approximately 135.7 million shares of its common stock issued and outstanding. Existing Paramount stockholders will retain approximately 86% ownership while X-Cal shareholders will hold approximately 14% ownership in the combined company.

      Transaction Details

      The Transaction is structured as a statutory plan of arrangement under the Business Corporations Act (British Columbia). Under the terms of the Transaction, X-Cal shareholders will receive one (1) share of common stock of Paramount for eight (8) common shares of X-Cal. All warrants of X-Cal outstanding at the time of the Transaction will also be exchanged for warrants of Paramount on the same basis. Following closing of the Transaction, X-Cal President Shawn Kennedy, will join the Paramount Board of Directors.

      The agreement also provides a reciprocal break fee of US$1million to be payable by each of the parties under certain circumstances.

      X-Cal will hold a meeting of its shareholders to secure their approval not later than August 20, 2010, and the Transaction is expected to be completed in the third quarter of 2010. Completion of the Transaction is subject to a number of conditions, including: approval of at least 66 2/3% of the outstanding shares of X-Cal at a meeting of X-Cal shareholders and certain customary conditions, including receipt of all necessary regulatory approvals and third party consents.

      About X-Cal Resources Ltd.

      X-Cal Resources Ltd has a portfolio of gold properties. In addition to the Sleeper Gold Project, X-Cal has three other gold exploration projects in Nevada. Mill Creek and Reese River are also located in the Battle Mountain-Eureka trend. X-Cal also controls 38 lode mineral claims in Spring Valley.

      Cautionary Note to U.S. Investors Concerning Estimates of Indicated and Inferred Resources: This press release uses the terms "indicated resources" and "inferred resources". We advise U.S. investors that while these terms are defined in and permitted by Canadian regulations, these terms are not defined terms under SEC Industry Guide 7 and are normally not permitted to be used in reports and registration statements filed with the SEC. "Inferred resources" have a great amount of uncertainty as to their existence, and great uncertainty as to their economic and legal feasibility. It cannot be assumed that all or any part of an inferred mineral resource will ever be upgraded to a higher category. Under Canadian rules, estimates of inferred mineral resources may not form the basis of a feasibility study or prefeasibility studies, except in rare cases. The SEC normally only permits issuers to report mineralization that does not constitute SEC Industry Guide 7 compliant "reserves" as in-place tonnage and grade without reference to unit measures. U.S. investors are cautioned not to assume that any part or all of mineral deposits in this category will ever be converted into reserves. U.S. investors are cautioned not to assume that any part or all of an inferred resource exists or is economically or legally minable.


      Statements in this document regarding the Transaction, the expected timetable for completing the Transaction, benefits and synergies of the Transaction, future opportunities for the combined company, expectations regarding the value and benefits of the Transaction and any other statements about Paramount or X-Cal managements' future expectations, beliefs, goals, plans or prospects constitute forward-looking statements within the meaning of the United States Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 and other applicable securities laws. Any statements that are not statements of historical fact (including statements containing the words "believes," "plans," "anticipates," "expects," estimates and similar expressions) should also be considered to be forward-looking statements. There are a number of important factors that could cause actual results or events to differ materially from those indicated by such forward-looking statements, including, but not limited to: the ability of the parties to consummate the Transaction and satisfy the conditions thereunder; the ability to obtain, and the timing of, the necessary exchange, regulatory and shareholder or stockholder approvals for the Transaction; the impact of any actions taken by any other party to complicate, delay or prevent the Transaction; the ability to realize the anticipated synergies and benefits from the Transaction and the combined company; and the other factors described in Paramount's Annual Report and Annual Information Form on Form 10-K for the year ended June 30, 2009 and its most recent quarterly reports filed with the SEC available on and applicable Canadian securities regulators available on and X-Cal's filings with the applicable Canadian securities regulators available on Except as required by applicable law, each of Paramount and X-Cal disclaims any intention or obligation to update any forward-looking statements as a result of developments occurring after the date of this document.


      Paramount Gold and Silver Corp.
      Christopher Crupi, CEO
      Chris Theodossiou, Investor Relations
      866-481-2233 / 613-226-9881


      X-Cal Resources Ltd.
      Shawn Kennedy, CEO

      INDUSTRY: Financial Services - Investment Services and Trading, Manufacturing and Production - Mining and Metals
      schrieb am 23.08.10 17:00:14
      Beitrag Nr. 262 ()
      Paramount Gold and Silver Corp. Closes Acquisition of X-Cal Resources and the Sleeper Gold Project

      Winnemucca, Nevada – August 23, 2010
      – Further to our press release dated June 22, 2010, Paramount Gold and Silver Corp. (NYSE /TSX: PZG) (Frankfurt: WKN: A0HGKQ) (“Paramount”) advises that its previously announced acquisition of X-Cal Resources Ltd. (TSX: XCL)(“X-Cal”) has been approved by 100% of the X-Cal shareholders present or represented by proxy at its recent meeting. The Supreme Court of British Columbia has approved the transaction and the acquisition is now closed.

      Christopher Crupi, CEO of Paramount stated, “We are pleased that the shareholders of X-Cal voted in favor of our offer by an overwhelming majority. We feel that we have strengthened our shareholder base, which is a very important aspect of any resource company.”

      “The combination of Paramount and X-Cal creates an unusually strong base of advanced stage exploration projects with outstanding potential for resource growth in secure jurisdictions, within established mining camps, close to existing producers. The gold exploration business is inherently risky for investors but we believe these risks can be substantially reduced with the right strategy. Our strategy aims to enhance the prospects for investor returns by [1] working in North America only [2] acquiring and expanding deposits that already have defined resources within large-scale geological environments and [3] focusing on projects near producers in established camps where mine-building can be joint-ventured using existing infrastructure,” Crupi said.

      The main asset of X-Cal is the former Sleeper gold mine in Nevada, a historic open pit mine which was operated by AMAX Gold from 1986 to 1996 when it produced 1.7Moz of Au and 2.3M oz of Ag at an average cash cost of $158/ounce Au. The Sleeper Gold Project is a 30 square mile gold district located in Humboldt County, Nevada. A National Instrument 43-101 resource estimation for the Project was completed by X-Cal in November of 2009 which calculated an indicated resource totaling 750,000 ounces of gold and 5 million ounces of silver [26,960,000 tonnes with a 0.40 gpt Au cutoff, grading 0.87 gpt Au and 5.80 gpt Ag] plus an additional 380,000 ounces of gold and 4.2 million ounces of silver in the inferred category [20,000,000 tonnes with a 0.40 gpt Au cutoff grading 0.59 gpt Au and 6.60 gpt Ag. X-Cal has an extensive database which will help to pursue a series of outstanding exploration targets identified at Sleeper.

      Other highlights of the combined entity are:

      · Two flagship projects, the San Miguel [northern Mexico] and the Sleeper mine [Nevada] both with National Instrument 43-101 resources and significant additional exploration potential;

      · Experienced personnel poised to aggressively explore and develop its flagship projects;

      · Enhanced market presence with pro forma market capitalization of approximately USD$166 million; and

      · Strong balance sheet and cash position

      Shawn Kennedy, former CEO and Director of X-Cal, joined the board of directors of Paramount on closing.

      The common shares of X-Cal are expected to be de-listed from the TSX and the company will apply to the relevant securities regulators to cease to be a reporting issuer. Paramount has moved its head office to Nevada on closing.

      BNY Mellon will be mailing the letters of transmittals to the X-Cal shareholders on or about August 27, 2010 after which It is expected that the Toronto Stock Exchange ("TSX") will de-list the common shares of X-Cal at the close of business one or two trading days after the mailing. From the time the Arrangement became legally effective and the TSX de-listing of the X-Cal shares, the X-Cal shares represent the appropriate number of Paramount common shares pursuant to the terms of the Arrangement.

      Paramount Gold and Silver Corp.

      Christopher Crupi, CEO

      Chris Theodossiou, Investor Relations

      866-481-2233 / 613-226-9881

      Cautionary Note to U.S. Investors Concerning Estimates of Indicated and Inferred Resources: This press release uses the terms “indicated resources” and “inferred resources”. We advise U.S. investors that while these terms are defined in and permitted by Canadian regulations, these terms are not defined terms under SEC Industry Guide 7 and are normally not permitted to be used in reports and registration statements filed with the SEC. “Inferred resources” have a great amount of uncertainty as to their existence, and great uncertainty as to their economic and legal feasibility. It cannot be assumed that all or any part of an inferred mineral resource will ever be upgraded to a higher category. Under Canadian rules, estimates of inferred mineral resources may not form the basis of a feasibility study or prefeasibility studies, except in rare cases. The SEC normally only permits issuers to report mineralization that does not constitute SEC Industry Guide 7 compliant “reserves” as in-place tonnage and grade without reference to unit measures. U.S. investors are cautioned not to assume that any part or all of mineral deposits in this category will ever be converted into reserves. U.S. investors are cautioned not to assume that any part or all of an inferred resource exists or is economically or legally minable.


      Statements in this document regarding the Transaction, the expected timetable for completing the Transaction, benefits and synergies of the Transaction, future opportunities for the combined company, expectations regarding the value and benefits of the Transaction and any other statements about Paramount or X-Cal managements’ future expectations, beliefs, goals, plans or prospects constitute forward-looking statements within the meaning of the United States Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 and other applicable securities laws. Any statements that are not statements of historical fact (including statements containing the words “believes,” “plans,” “anticipates,” “expects,” estimates and similar expressions) should also be considered to be forward-looking statements. There are a number of important factors that could cause actual results or events to differ materially from those indicated by such forward-looking statements, including, but not limited to: the ability of the parties to consummate the Transaction and satisfy the conditions thereunder; the ability to obtain, and the timing of, the necessary exchange, regulatory and shareholder or stockholder approvals for the Transaction; the impact of any actions taken by any other party to complicate, delay or prevent the Transaction; the ability to realize the anticipated synergies and benefits from the Transaction and the combined company; and the other factors described in Paramount’s Annual Report and Annual Information Form on Form 10-K for the year ended June 30, 2009 and its most recent quarterly reports filed with the SEC available on and applicable Canadian securities regulators available on and X-Cal’s filings with the applicable Canadian securities regulators available on Except as required by applicable law, each of Paramount and X-Cal disclaims any intention or obligation to update any forward-looking statements as a result of developments occurring after the date of this document.


      Chris Theodossiou
      Paramount Gold & Silver Corp.
      Manager of Corporate Development
      (t) 613.226.9881 x 201
      (f) 613.226.5106
      (m) 613.266.9866
      schrieb am 23.08.10 17:02:32
      Beitrag Nr. 263 ()
      mit transe übersetzt!!!

      Paramount Gold and Silver Corp schließt Übernahme von X-Cal-Ressourcen und die Sleeper-Gold-Projekt

      Winnemucca, Nevada - 23. August 2010
      - Ergänzend zu unserer Pressemitteilung vom 22. Juni 2010, Paramount Gold and Silver Corp (NYSE / TSX: PZG) (Frankfurt: WKN: A0HGKQ) ("Paramount") teilt mit, dass seine zuvor angekündigte Akquisition von X-Cal Resources Ltd (TSX: XCL) ("X-Cal") wurde von 100% des X-Cal anwesenden Aktionäre genehmigt worden oder durch Vollmacht vertreten auf ihrer jüngsten Tagung. Der Oberste Gerichtshof von British Columbia hat die Transaktion genehmigt und die Übernahme ist nun geschlossen.

      Christopher Crupi, CEO von Paramount erklärte: "Wir freuen uns, dass die Aktionäre der X-Cal für unser Angebot stimmten mit überwältigender Mehrheit. Wir fühlen, dass wir unsere Aktionärsbasis, die ein sehr wichtiger Aspekt jeder Rohstoff-Unternehmen wird gestärkt. "

      "Die Kombination von Paramount und X-Cal schafft eine ungewöhnlich starke Basis der fortgeschrittenen Explorations-Projekten mit herausragender Potenzial für Ressourcen-Wachstum in sicheren Ländern, in etablierten Zechenorten, in der Nähe existierenden Herstellern. Die Goldexploration Geschäft ist inhärent riskant für die Investoren, aber wir glauben, dass diese Risiken im wesentlichen mit der richtigen Strategie reduziert werden. Unsere Strategie zielt darauf ab, die Aussichten für Anleger Renditen von [1] funktioniert nur in Nordamerika [2] Erwerb stärken und auszubauen Einlagen, die bereits definierten Ressourcen innerhalb großen geologischen Umgebungen und [3] mit Schwerpunkt auf Projekte in der Nähe von Produzenten in Lagern, in denen festgelegt mine-Gebäude kann Joint wagte der vorhandenen Infrastruktur ", sagte Crupi.

      Der wichtigste Vorzug der X-Cal ist der ehemalige Sleeper Goldmine in Nevada, einem historischen Tagebau, die von Amax Gold von 1986 bis 1996, wenn es 1.7Moz der Au und 2,3 m produziert oz Ag bei einer durchschnittlichen Cash-Kosten betrieben wurde Au $ 158/ounce. Der Sleeper-Gold-Projekt ist ein 30 quadratische Meile Gold District in Humboldt County, Nevada. Ein National Instrument 43-101 Ressourcenschätzung für das Projekt wurde von X-Cal im November des Jahres 2009, die eine angezeigte Ressource von insgesamt 750.000 Unzen Gold und 5.000.000 Unzen Silber [26,96 Mio. Tonnen mit einem 0,40 g / t Au Cutoff berechnet abgeschlossen, Grading 0,87 gpt Au und 5,80 gpt Ag] plus eine zusätzliche 380.000 Unzen Gold und 4.200.000 Unzen Silber in der abgeleiteten Kategorie [20 Mio. Tonnen mit einem 0,40 g / t Au Cutoff-Gehalt 0,59 g / t Au und 6,60 g / t Ag. X-Cal hat eine umfangreiche Datenbank, die dazu beitragen, eine Reihe von herausragenden Explorationsziele auf Sleeper identifiziert verfolgen wird.

      Weitere Highlights des zusammengeschlossenen Unternehmens sind:

      · Zwei Vorzeigeprojekte, die San Miguel [Nordmexiko] und die Mine Sleeper [Nevada] sowohl mit National Instrument 43-101 Ressourcen und erhebliche zusätzliche Explorations-Potential;

      · Erfahrener Personal bereit, um aggressiv zu erforschen und zu entwickeln sein Flaggschiff-Projekte;

      · Verbesserte Marktpräsenz mit einem Proforma-Marktkapitalisierung von rund USD 166.000.000 $, und

      · Starke Bilanz und Cash-Position

      Shawn Kennedy, ehemaliger CEO und Direktor des X-Cal, trat der Vorstand von Paramount auf Schließen.

      Die Stammaktien von X-Cal wird erwartet, dass de-von der TSX gelistet und das Unternehmen wird an die zuständigen Wertpapieraufsichtsbehörden gelten nicht mehr ein Emittent sein. Paramount hat ihren Sitz nach Nevada umgezogen auf Schließen.

      BNY Mellon werden die Briefe von Mailing-Einsendungen an die X-Cal Aktionäre am oder um den 27. August 2010, nach dem Es wird erwartet, dass die Toronto Stock Exchange ("TSX") wird de-list Stammaktien der X-Cal auf der Geschäftsschluss ein oder zwei Handelstage nach dem Mailing. Ab dem Zeitpunkt der Vereinbarung wurde rechtswirksam und die TSX de-listing der X-Cal Aktien repräsentieren die X-Cal teilt die entsprechende Anzahl von Paramount Stammaktien gemäß den Bedingungen der Vereinbarung.

      Paramount Gold and Silver Corp

      Christopher Crupi, CEO

      Chris Theodossiou, Investor Relations

      866-481-2233 / 613-226-9881

      Warnhinweis für US-Anleger hinsichtlich Schätzungen der angezeigten und geschlussfolgerten Ressourcen: Diese Pressemitteilung verwendet die Begriffe "angedeutete Ressourcen" und "vermutete Ressourcen". Wir weisen US-Anleger, dass, während diese Begriffe werden definiert und in der kanadischen Bestimmungen zulässig, diese Begriffe keine Bedingungen, unter SEC Industry Guide 7 definiert und sind in der Regel nicht gestattet, in Berichten und Registration Statements bei der SEC eingereicht werden. "Abgeleitete Ressourcen" haben eine große Menge an Unsicherheit in Bezug auf ihre Existenz und große Unsicherheit hinsichtlich ihrer wirtschaftlichen und rechtlichen Machbarkeit. Es kann nicht davon ausgegangen werden, dass alle oder ein Teil einer abgeleiteten Mineralressource jemals in eine höhere Kategorie eingestuft werden. Nach kanadischen Vorschriften dürfen Schätzungen von Inferred Resources nicht die Grundlage einer Machbarkeitsstudie oder vorbereitende Studien, außer in seltenen Fällen. Die SEC normalerweise nur erlaubt Emittenten Mineralisierung, dass die keine SEC Industry Guide 7 konformen "Reserven" in-place Tonnage und Grad, ohne Bezug auf Unit-Maßnahmen zu berichten. US-Investoren werden gewarnt, nicht anzunehmen, dass irgendein Teil oder alle der Mineralvorkommen in dieser Kategorie jemals in Reserven umgewandelt werden. US-Investoren werden gewarnt, nicht anzunehmen, dass irgendein Teil oder alle eine abgeleitete Ressource existiert oder ist wirtschaftlich oder rechtlich minable.


      Aussagen in diesem Dokument Bezug auf die Transaktion, den erwarteten Zeitplan für den Abschluss der Transaktion, Vorteile und Synergien der Transaktion, zukünftige Chancen für das kombinierte Unternehmen, die Erwartungen bezüglich der Wert und die Vorteile der Transaktion und alle anderen Aussagen über Paramount oder X-Cal Geschäftsleitungen "zukünftigen Erwartungen, Überzeugungen, Zielen, Plänen oder Aussichten sind zukunftsgerichtete Aussagen im Sinne des United States Private Securities Litigation Reform Act von 1995 und anderen anwendbaren Wertpapierrecht. Jegliche Aussagen, die keine Aussagen über historische Tatsachen (einschließlich Aussagen, die Wörter "glaubt", "plant", "antizipieren", "erwartet", schätzt und ähnliche Ausdrücke) sollten ebenfalls berücksichtigt werden zukunftsgerichtete Aussagen sein. Es gibt eine Reihe von wichtigen Faktoren, dass die tatsächlichen Ergebnisse oder Ereignisse dazu führen könnten, wesentlich abweichen von den in diesen zukunftsgerichteten Aussagen, einschließlich angedeutet, aber nicht beschränkt auf: die Fähigkeit der Parteien zum Vollzug der Transaktion und die Bedingungen darunter, die Fähigkeit zu erlangen, und das Timing, den notwendigen Austausch, regulatorischen und Gesellschafter oder Aktionär Genehmigungen für die Transaktion, die Auswirkungen der durch Handlungen eines anderen Partei getroffen, um zu erschweren, verzögern oder verhindern die Transaktion, die Fähigkeit, die erwarteten Synergien und realisieren Vorteile aus der Transaktion und dem kombinierten Unternehmen, und die anderen Faktoren in Paramount's Geschäftsbericht und Jahresbericht-Formular auf Formular 10-K für das Geschäftsjahr zum 30. Juni 2009 und seiner jüngsten vierteljährlichen Berichte bei der SEC eingereicht verfügbar www.sec . gov und geltenden kanadischen Wertpapierregulierungsbehörden auf und X-Cal-Akten bei der geltenden kanadischen Wertpapierregulierungsbehörden auf Soweit nicht gesetzlich vorgeschrieben, übernimmt jeder der Paramount und X-Cal jede Absicht oder Verpflichtung ab, zukunftsweisende Aussagen aufgrund der Entwicklungen nach dem Datum dieses Dokuments zu aktualisieren.

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      Chris Theodossiou
      Paramount Gold & Silver Corp
      Manager Corporate Development
      (T) x 201 613.226.9881
      (F) 613.226.5106
      (M) 613.266.9866
      schrieb am 13.09.10 15:23:52
      Beitrag Nr. 264 ()
      September 13, 2010
      Paramount Gold Announces Plans to Advance Sleeper Project

      Program Designed to Expand/Upgrade Resources and Define Economics
      WINNEMUCCA, NEVADA--(Marketwire - Sept. 13, 2010) - Paramount Gold (NYSE:PZG)(TSX: PZG) (Frankfurt:PG6)(WKN:A0HGKQ) ("Paramount") announced today a $3 million exploration program designed to expand and upgrade resources at our 100% owned Sleeper Gold Mine Project in Nevada. Paramount is also commencing a study to determine the feasibility for near-term exploitation of the property`s large surface mineral inventory of gold in tailings and heaps. The Sleeper Project was acquired in the recently completed takeover of X-Cal Resources. (See our news release announcing the closing of the acquisition dated August 23, 2010 (…

      The exploration program has three main objectives: (1) definition drilling to up-grade resources at the West Wood deposit and prepare it for a Preliminary Assessment ('PA') of its economic potential; (2) delineation drilling to expand and evaluate resources at the Facilities deposit for possible inclusion in the PA; and (3) drill evaluation of up to six new priority targets on the property identified by Paramount's geological team. (See Property Map for targets (…

      Paramount CEO Christopher Crupi noted, "The exploration program will focus on expanding and upgrading in-situ resources on two known gold deposits using core and reverse circulation drilling. We will also begin the process of evaluating the wealth of less explored targets where new deposits could be found. This program has been greatly facilitated by the professional work and the high quality data base contributed by X-Cal management." This first phase of exploration is expected to run until March 2011.

      Paramount is also proceeding with a study of the economic potential of the independently estimated 50.3 million tonnes of gold-bearing heaps and tailings on the Sleeper property grading 0.44 grams per tonne (g/t) of gold, containing an estimated 714,000 ounces of indicated gold resources. Detailed sampling and metallurgical testing are being initiated to estimate the value of this resource with the aim of upgrading it to reserves and joint-venturing it with a producer.

      "We believe Sleeper's surface mineral inventory could represent an early cash flow opportunity for Paramount," Crupi said.

      West Wood Vein Target

      The West Wood target is on the southwest corner of the Sleeper Pit and has been extensively drilled to reveal a high grade core zone surrounded by lower grade gold concentrations. With characteristics similar to the original Sleeper deposit, this target has NI 43-101 compliant estimated resources of:

      -- Indicated Resources of 16.96 million tonnes grading 0.98g/t of gold and
      4.6g/t of silver containing 530,000 ounces of gold and 2.5 million
      ounces of silver at a 0.4g/t Au cutoff;
      -- Inferred Resources of 390,000 tonnes grading 0.56g/t of gold and 2.3g/t
      of silver containing 10,000 ounces of gold and 30,000 ounces of silver
      at a 0.4g/t Au cutoff.

      An eight hole core program of about 3,200 meters is planned for the West Wood target. This work will concentrate on obtaining sample material for metallurgical testing and collecting geotechnical information for conceptual pit planning. In addition, work is planned to determine the north and south limits for the West Wood target and to upgrade resources. Results are not expected to add significantly to resources but should increase confidence in resource classification and provide fresh material for basic processing and engineering studies required for a PA.

      Facilities Target Area

      The Facilities Target is on the eastern side of the Sleeper pit and is a broad area of continuous lower grade gold-bearing material. Several drill holes encountered bonanza grade intersections. At present, however, the drill spacing is too wide to define the extent and distribution of the higher grade material. It is anticipated that defining the limits of the higher grade intervals in the Facilities Target should have a positive effect on the grade of this resource. The current NI 43-101 resource estimate is the following:

      -- Indicated Resources of 10 million tonnes grading 0.69g/t of gold and
      7.8g/t of silver containing 220,000 ounces of gold and 2.5 million
      ounces of silver at a 0.4g/t Au cutoff;
      -- Inferred Resources of 19.6 million tonnes grading 0.60g/t of gold and
      6.7 g/t of silver containing 370,000 ounces of gold and 4.2 million
      ounces of silver at a 0.4g/t Au cutoff.

      A program of 20 reverse circulation drill holes totaling approximately 5,000 meters is planned on the Facilities Target. These holes will be closely spaced horizontal and vertical off-sets to existing bonanza-grade intersections.

      New Targets

      Approximately 1,250 meters will be drilled to test priority exploration concepts and refine exploration drill strategies. Results from this program are expected to lead to definition of up to six targets for developing additional resources on the project.

      This news release has been reviewed by Larry G. Martin, CPG, a Qualified Person pursuant to National Instrument 43-101. Although Paramount Gold is a U.S. domiciled corporation and a full SEC registrant, Paramount reports its mineral resources according to the Canadian standard known as National Instrument 43-101 to facilitate comparison with other similar companies that trade on the TSX.

      Cautionary Note to U.S. Investors Concerning Estimates of Indicated and Inferred Resources:

      This news release uses the terms "indicated resources" and "inferred resources". We advise U.S. investors that while these terms are defined in, and permitted by, Canadian regulations, these terms are not defined terms under SEC Industry Guide 7 and are normally not permitted to be used in reports and registration statements filed with the SEC. "Inferred resources" have a great amount of uncertainty as to their existence, and great uncertainty as to their economic and legal feasibility. It cannot be assumed that all or any part of an inferred mineral resource will ever be upgraded to a higher category. Under Canadian rules, estimates of inferred mineral resources may not form the basis of a feasibility study or prefeasibility studies, except in rare cases. The SEC normally only permits issuers to report mineralization that does not constitute SEC Industry Guide 7 compliant "reserves", as in-place tonnage and grade without reference to unit measures. U.S. investors are cautioned not to assume that any part or all of mineral deposits in this category will ever be converted into reserves. U.S. investors are cautioned not to assume that any part or all of an inferred resource exists or is economically or legally minable.

      Safe Harbor for Forward-Looking Statements:

      This release and related documents may include "forward-looking statements" including, but not limited to, statements related to the interpretation of drilling results and potential mineralization, future exploration work at the Sleeper Gold Mine Project and the expected results of this work. Forward-looking statements are statements that are not historical fact and are subject to a variety of risks and uncertainties which could cause actual events to differ materially from those reflected in the forward-looking statements including fluctuations in the price of gold, inability to complete drill programs on time and on budget, and future financing ability. Paramount's future expectations, beliefs, goals, plans or prospects constitute forward-looking statements within the meaning of the United States Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 and other applicable securities laws. Words such as "believes," "plans," "anticipates," "expects," "estimates" and similar expressions should also be considered to be forward-looking statements. There are a number of important factors that could cause actual results or events to differ materially from those indicated by such forward-looking statements, including, but not limited to: uncertainties involving interpretation of drilling results, environmental matters, lack of ability to obtain required permitting, equipment breakdown or disruptions, and the other factors described in Paramount's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended June 30, 2009 and its most recent quarterly reports filed with the SEC available on and applicable Canadian securities regulators available on and X-Cal's filings with the applicable Canadian securities regulators available on

      Except as required by applicable law, Paramount disclaims any intention or obligation to update any forward-looking statements as a result of developments occurring after the date of this document.


      Paramount Gold and Silver Corp.
      Christopher Crupi, CEO
      Chris Theodossiou, Investor Relations
      866-481-2233 / 613-226-9881

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      2007 Paramount Gold – Übernahme – Produzent NI 43-101