
    Norwegisches Eisen von Northern Iron Ltd. und die Recherche von tommy-hl - 500 Beiträge pro Seite

    eröffnet am 04.03.08 18:14:24 von
    neuester Beitrag 19.11.15 21:51:20 von
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    ISIN: AU000000NFE7 · WKN: A0M744
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    0,0000 EUR
    Letzter Kurs 29.12.15 Frankfurt


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     Ja Nein
      schrieb am 04.03.08 18:14:24
      Beitrag Nr. 1 ()
      Der übliche Weg führt zur Mittelmäßigkeit und darum wurde der Thread hier eröffnet!

      Quelle: Thread: Geovic Mining Corp NO:1 cobalt play!
      #995 von tommy-hl 04.03.08 10:21:47 Beitrag Nr.: 33.542.023

      Auf meiner Suche nach aussichtsreichen Explorern bin ich auf diesen gestoßen:

      Northern Iron Ltd. (NFE)
      Umsatz/Gewinn-Kalkulation (1. grobe Schätzung)
      WKN: A0M744 - NFE – - ISIN: AU000000NFE7

      Ein australischer Explorer auf dem Weg zum Eisernerz-Produzenten in 2009

      NFE hat die frühere Eisenerz-Mine „Sydvaranger“ in Norwegen gekauft und will die Produktion bereits in 2009 starten.

      Aktienanzahl: 169 Mio.
      Marktkapitalisierung: 358 Mio. EUR (Aktienkurs: 2,12 EUR)
      Cash-Position: ca. 130 Mio. A$

      Infrastruktur ist vorhanden!
      Bahngleise mit Anschluss an Verladehafen, Straßen, Strom und Wasser sind vorhanden.

      Ressourcen: Zurzeit geschätzt 300 Mio. t Eisenerz mit Fe-Gehalt 29%. Bestätigung nach JORC ist in Arbeit.

      Minenleben: 19 Jahre mit dem geplanten Produktionsvolumen. Erweiterung der Ressourcen steht auf der Agenda.


      Niedrige Capex ohne Kredit!

      Behörden-Genehmigungen sind beantragt und werden Mitte 2008 erwartet.

      1. Kalkulations-Parameter

      1.1 Produktionsvolumen/start
      Die feasibility study ist in Arbeit. Interne Studien gehen von einem Produktionsstart in Q2-2009 aus.
      Produktionsvolumen geplant: 7 Mio. t Roherz, das dann konzentriert wird auf 2,9 Mio. Eisenerz-Konzentrat mit 67% Fe-Gehalt.
      Ab 2010 soll eine Prozessanlage 3 Mio. pellets erarbeiten.
      Ab 2011 ist eine Vergrößerung der Förderung auf 7 Mio. pellets geplant.

      1.2 Umsatzerlös für Eisenerz
      Per Januar 2008 wurden C&F-Preise von 139 US-Cents/dmtu für Sinter erlöst. Die in den letztgenannten News erwähnten Preissteigerungen von 65% beziehen sich auf die zum 1.4.2007er-Preise und liegen bei 150-155 US-Cents/dmtu (entsprechend 120-125 US-Cents/dmtu auf FOB Brazil port Basis). Ich wähle deshalb für NFE einen Erlös von 125 US-Cents/dmtu für das Konzentrat und 155 US-Cents/dmtu für die pellets .

      1.3 Operating Costs
      Der Tagebaubetrieb macht eine Förderung günstig und die Transportkosten sind durch kurze Strecken relativ niedrig. Vergleichbare Minen haben operating cost von 40 $/t. Ich gehe deshalb von 40 $/t für das Konzentrat und 50 $/t für die pellets aus.

      1.4 Capex p. a.
      Angenommen wurden 105 Mio. $ die durch Eigenkapital gedeckt sind.
      Für die Vergrößerung des Produktionsvolumen ab 2011 werden weitere 60 Mio. $ angesetzt, die aus dem cashflow bezahlt werden.

      1.5 Finanzierungskosten
      Null, da kein Kredit erforderlich!

      1.6 Steuer
      Es wurde ein Steuersatz von 30% verwendet.

      1.7 Gewinn pro Aktie
      Es wurde eine Stückzahl von 169 Mio. Aktien zugrunde gelegt.

      2. Umsatz/Gewinn-Kalkulation (1. grobe Schätzung)
      Geschätztes Ergebnis für 2009 ….. 2010 …. 2011
      Produktion Eisenerz (67%) 1,5 Mio. t .. 3 Mio. t .. 6 Mio. t
      Gesamtumsatz USD ........ 125 Mio. . 310 Mio. . 620 Mio.
      operating cost FOB ............ 60 Mio. . 150 Mio. . 305 Mio.
      AfA / Capex ........................ 10 Mio. ... 15 Mio. ... 15 Mio.
      = EBIT ................................ 55 Mio. . 134 Mio. .. 300 Mio.
      Finanzierungskosten .......... 0 Mio. .... 0 Mio. ..... 0 Mio.
      -------------------------------------------------- ----------------------
      = Bruttogewinn ……........... 55 Mio. ...134 Mio. . 300 Mio.
      minus Steuer ……….... ..... 16 Mio. .... 40 Mio. .... 90 Mio.
      -------------------------------------------------- --------------------------
      = Nettogewinn ……..…..… 39 Mio. … 94 Mio. . 210 Mio.
      = Gewinn pro Aktie: ……… 0,23 $ …. 0,56 $ ….. 1,24 $ (169 Mio. Stück)
      = Gewinn pro Aktie: ……… 0,15 EUR . 0,37 EUR . 0,83 EUR

      = KGV (Kurs 2,12 €): ……. KGV 14 … KGV 5,7 ... KGV 2,6

      Kurs bei KGV 10: …………. ---------- .. 3,70 EUR .. 8,30 EUR
      Kurspotenzial: ……………... --------- …. 75% ……. 290%

      3. Chancen/Risiken

      3.1 Chancen

      + kein Länderrisiko (Norwegen)
      + Niedrige Marktkapitalisierung im Verhältnis zu den Eisenerz-Ressourcen
      + Tagebaubetrieb mit niedrigen Produktionskosten
      + Eisenerz-Preis im Aufwärtstrend (auch für die nächsten Jahre erwarte ich hier Preissteigerungen)
      + Produktionsstart in ca. 1 Jahr
      + Minenleben ca. 19 Jahre, erweiterbar
      + Niedrige Capex
      + Kein Kredit erforderlich
      + Hoher Cash-Bestand

      3.2 Risiken
      - 43-101 Ressourcengutachten steht noch aus
      - Ausstehende feasibility study
      - Ausstehende Genehmigungen der Behörden

      4. Kursziel / Rating

      Aufgrund der relativ niedrigen Risiken und der hohen Wahrscheinlichkeit, dass die Produktion bis Mitte 2009 starten wird, sehe ich Kurse von EUR 3,00 in 2009, EUR 4,50 in 2010 und EUR 8,00 in 2011.

      Mein rating: KAUFEN (erste Position aufbauen, bei Kurs-Rücksetzer weitere Posi)

      Obige Daten wurden nach bestem Wissen ermittelt und erheben nicht den Anspruch auf Richtigkeit/Vollständigkeit. Die Schlussfolgerungen sind meine persönliche, und damit subjektive Meinung.

      ... do your own research ...

      tommy :)

      Research report:…
      schrieb am 04.03.08 19:36:15
      Beitrag Nr. 2 ()
      Tja, kommt mir irgendwie bekannt vor :laugh:

      Der Makler in FRA will mir die Aktie nicht zu meinem Kauflimit geben ... Evtl. könnte es morgen klappen, sollte Australien der Vorgabe der anderen Börsen folgen, und tiefere Kurse ermöglichen ...

      Sonst müsste ich mein Kauflimit erhöhen ...

      tommy :)
      schrieb am 04.03.08 21:31:40
      Beitrag Nr. 3 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 33.549.096 von tommy-hl am 04.03.08 19:36:15Ich wünsche Dir viel Glück! Habe diese Aktie sofort in meine Watchlist aufgenommen und steht dort an dritter Stelle meiner Investmentliste der Begierde!°:rolleyes:
      schrieb am 04.03.08 21:35:59
      Beitrag Nr. 4 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 33.550.684 von Albatossa am 04.03.08 21:31:40steht auch auf meiner watchlist mit ferrexpo (Ukr) an der Spitze der Erzinvestitionsexplorer.
      schrieb am 05.03.08 00:04:27
      Beitrag Nr. 5 ()

      Trading Spotlight

      East Africa Metals
      0,1390EUR +11,20 %
      East Africa Metals: Geht jetzt der Kurs durch die Decke? mehr zur Aktie »
      schrieb am 05.03.08 17:23:23
      Beitrag Nr. 6 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 33.549.096 von tommy-hl am 04.03.08 19:36:15Hi Thommy

      ich denke heute hast du sie gell?:)
      schrieb am 05.03.08 18:09:16
      Beitrag Nr. 7 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 33.559.186 von Vampirchen am 05.03.08 17:23:23Ja, habe heute eine Teil-Ausführung bekommen ...
      Werde morgen eine neue Order abgeben, dann übermorgen usw. bis der Makler endlich merkt, dass diese Aktie langsam in Mode kommen wird.

      Übrigens schaut Euch mal Consolidated Thompson an, wie der Kurs steigt, und die ja auch nä. Jahr in Produktion mit iron gehen werden ...

      Sobald Northern Iron bekannter werden wird, könnten wir mit Northern Iron ähnliches erleben. Man muss sich nur rechtzeitig positionieren, bevor der hype losgeht.

      Citi geht davon aus, dass iron nä. Jahr nochmal 30% im Preis steigen wird. Dann wird Northern noch besser dastehen ...

      Gruß @ all

      tommy :)
      schrieb am 05.03.08 20:29:13
      Beitrag Nr. 8 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 33.559.846 von tommy-hl am 05.03.08 18:09:16Ja,ja die Makler...
      Nun, die meisten aber kennen Northern nicht.
      Nur Focus Money hatte sie mit Mt.Gibson erwähnt.Ganz versteckt.
      Aber meine Adleraugen sehen u.hören alles, oder sagen wir fast alles.:laugh::laugh:
      schrieb am 06.03.08 04:59:21
      Beitrag Nr. 9 ()
      Forecasts for metal prices upgraded
      Andrew Trounson | March 06, 2008

      ANALYSTS continue to upgrade their metal, iron ore and coal price forecasts because of tight supplies and production disruptions.

      According to Macquarie Equities, the relative strength in commodity markets means that some mining stocks are set to be resilient amid the global stock market uncertainty.

      "In the context of day-to-day turmoil in the financial sector, we continue to believe that specific sections of the resources market should be viewed as a safe haven for equity investors," Macquarie said.

      It noted, in particular, strong gold prices, long-term strength in iron ore and coal and an improving outlook for aluminium.

      Macquarie yesterday upgraded its short-term forecasts for aluminium by 15-18 per cent, while also raising its near-term copper forecasts by 9-13 per cent and its nickel forecasts by 4-16 per cent.

      China's aluminium production has been hit by temporary power shortages, while South African output faces longer-term power restrictions.

      In iron ore, Citigroup expects supply to remain tight for at least another year and is tipping prices to rise a further 30 per cent in 2009-10 on top of the 65-71 per cent contract price rise secured by Brazil's Vale.

      Reflecting the tight market, Rio Tinto and BHP Billiton are still to agree prices, negotiating hard to secure at least the upper end of the Vale deal.

      Spot prices for Indian iron ore into into China continue to rise.

      "The market is set to remain tight for at least another year with demand increasing and producers struggling to keep pace," Citigroup said in a report this week.

      Goldman Sachs JBWere has also upgraded its 2009-10 iron ore price forecast from rollover to a 20 per cent rise. It sees prices falling back 15 per cent in 2010-11.

      Goldman has also increased its 2008-09 hard coking coal price forecast by $US50 a tonne to $US250 a tonne, a huge 155 per cent rise on last year's $US98 a tonne settlement.

      It has increased its thermal coal forecast by $US20 to $US130 a tonne, a 134 per cent increase on 2007-08 prices.
      schrieb am 06.03.08 15:44:58
      Beitrag Nr. 10 ()
      PDAC: Lawrence Roulston on Commodity Bull
      Wednesday, March 5, 2008 - By Robert Arber

      Newsletter writer talks biggest bull argument in the room.

      On the first day of the Prospectors & Developers Association of Canada (PDAC) conference in Toronto, I had the pleasure of sitting in on the afternoon session at the Investors Forum. Bold-speaking newsletter writers – most, if not all, well known by Stockhouse readers – took to the stage to regale listeners with various interpretations, histories and forecasts of and for the macro-economy.

      Resource guru Lawrence Roulston of the famed Resource Opportunities newsletter spoke with great conviction on the current state of the commodity markets. In his view, it really IS different this time. Dangerous words to be sure, but Roulston is convinced. Why?

      Roulston believes that there is a lot of "misinformation about the base metal markets." Our skewed North American perspective is obscuring, for many, the fact that "most of the rest of the world is booming," and that "infrastructure growth in China is nothing short of extraordinary." If anyone out there believes that the U.S. economy has decoupled from the Asian markets in a real way it's Roulston, who went so far as to say that the U.S. economic slowdown will have "no impact whatsoever" on international base metals demand, which is instead "going to accelerate."

      Without getting into detail about the macro-economic picture, Roulston noted that "there is a great diversity of opinion about what's going on in the economy right now," and investors are losing sight of the big picture. No matter which way you slice it, in Roulston's view of the base metal markets there is one simple fact that ought to underpin the investment strategy of everyone: "This is a secular bull market."

      Roulston cited two waves of demand and assured the audience that while wave two is just now beginning, it doesn't mean the end of wave one – wave one will continue to rage. Wave one is made up of base metals demand for infrastructure projects, and it has provided the underpinning for the most recent leg of the bull run. Now wave two is hitting, which is the wave based on consumer demand for "stuff." All this stuff – from cars to refrigerators to TVs to houses – requires base metals. And if you think by consumer demand Roulston is referring to North American buyers, think again.

      Combined with these two waves of demand, you have the compounding problem of shrinking supply: "The low hanging fruit is gone," says Roulston. It's no mystery what happens to prices when increased demand is met with decreasing supply.

      If you're not convinced that the base metals commodity bull is here to stay, Lawrence Roulston would have no problem setting you straight.
      source: interview PDAC
      schrieb am 07.03.08 17:33:14
      Beitrag Nr. 11 ()
      Vale settles 2008 iron ore fines prices with ArcelorMittal
      London (Platts)-- 7 Mar 2008

      Companhia Vale do Rio Doce has concluded the iron ore price negotiations for 2008 with ArcelorMittal Sourcing, the world's largest steelmaker, securing a 65% price increase in line with the deals already agreed with number of other steelmakers, the Brazilian miner said.

      The iron ore prices for Southern System fines, FOB Tubarao, increased by 65% relative to 2007; at the same time, due to its recognized superior quality, it was agreed that the price for Carajas iron ore fines would have a premium of $0.0619/dry metric ton Fe unit over the 2008 price for Southern System fines, Vale said.

      The new reference prices per dry metric ton Fe unit for 2008 [/b]are $1.3441 for Southern System fines and $1.4060 for Carajas fines.

      "The magnitude of the price increase for 2008 reflects the continuity of very tight conditions still prevailing in the global iron ore market," Vale said in a statement.
      schrieb am 08.03.08 06:54:10
      Beitrag Nr. 12 ()
      ISTANBUL – Turkish Daily News
      Ereğli Demir & Çelik to invest in iron ore
      Saturday, March 8, 2008

      Turkey's largest steel producer, Ereğli Demir & Çelik, might spend $350 million on a mining venture this year, the company's chief executive officer told a press conference in Istanbul Friday.

      “We have long-term investment plans in southern Turkey's Hasan Çelebi mine, which has 700 million tons of iron ore reserves,” Oğuz Özgen said during a press conference held to announce the company's 2007 financial status as well as its investment plans for this year. Erdemir will start work on the mine in the second quarter of this year and complete the investment by the second half of 2010, he added.

      The company, which invested $947 million last year, plans to invest nearly $800 million in various sectors this year. The company is also planning to invest $4.2 billion by 2012 on projects including upgrading factories and expanding production, said Özgen. The company last week posted a net income of YTL 679.4 million ($550 million) for last year, little changed from the previous year, on sales of YTL 5.45 billion.

      Global raw steel production was slightly above 1.34 billion tons last year, with an increase of 7 percent from a year earlier, said Özgen. “China is a great factor. Raw steel production in China increased by 15 percent to reach 489 million tons. Turkey, with its 25.7 million tons of production ranks second, following China in the list of countries which recorded the biggest production increase last year. Turkey maintains its 11th spot at the global list of steel production.” Erdemir, with its steel production, ranks 58th in a global listing, 18th in Europe and eighth among European Union countries, said Özgen.

      The flat production in the company's southern factory İşdemir, located in the Mediterranean coast's İskenderun, and in its northern factory Erdemir, located in the Black Sea's Ereğli, total 4.206 million tons. “Prior to the privatization the figure was 3.500 tons. Within the last two years out northern factory saw a production increase of 700 million tons,” said Özgen. The northern factory exported 656,000 tons last year, while the southern factory's experts reached 269,000 tons, he added.

      "For example, 70 percent of our direct and indirect exports are to the automotive and white goods sectors. Our export provides an advantage for us. A possible economic crisis imposes the minimum threat to our group,” said Özgen. “In case of an economic crisis we will be affected by global fluctuations just like all other global companies. Like I said, exports are our advantage.”

      Concerning the recession debate related the subprime mortgage crisis in the United States, Özgen said, “Personally, I look at this situation not as an economic crisis, but a banking and liquidity problem.”
      schrieb am 08.03.08 07:01:56
      Beitrag Nr. 13 ()
      Mittal open to acquiring iron ore mines other than Chiria

      New Delhi, Friday , March 07, 2008
      Arcelor-Mittal is open to securing independent mines other than Chiria, which has seen many claimants including state-run steel giant SAIL and other steel makers—a move that could help resolve the impasse over the rich-quality iron ore mines.

      “All I am saying is that we are open to either acquiring a different mine which fulfills our iron ore requirement or getting a direct allocation in Chiria or working it out on a joint basis. I mean we are open, we are not a closed company,” Aditya Mittal, Arcelor-Mittal’s chief financial officer, said. Arcelor-Mittal accounts for at least 10% of the global steel production and has pledged to build two new 12 million tonne integrated plants — one each in Jharkhand and Orissa — at a total cost of Rs 80,000 crore.

      “We will do what we believe will ensure the viability of our project and that is important. The situation is open,” he said.

      Stating that the company’s focus was to acquire iron ore capability both in Jharkhand and Orissa projects, he said, “As far as the organisation is concerned, we are open to good ideas. It is not that it has to be only one way. Anything that allows viability to our project is acceptable to us.”

      When asked whether Arcelor-Mittal would be ready for sourcing iron ore from the domestic market pending the settlement of the Chiria issue, Mittal said, “Our focus is we want to be vertically integrated. It has to be a low-cost situation.”

      Unfazed by the delay in setting up the projects in the wake of uncertainty in allocation of captive mines, he made it clear that his company was determined to execute them.

      “Fundamentally, I would say two things. First thing is that people for some reason have this belief that we are not committed or are not serious enough. We are serious that these projects will happen and there are no doubts about it. We are making good progress,” Mittal pointed out.

      “We have capitalised the company and we are in the process of land acquisition,” he said. When asked to comment on the possibility of expanding in India through acquisitions, Aditya said “on the global basis, we are always interested in acquisitions. However, our focus on India is greenfield and we are very much committed to our greenfield projects in Orissa and Jharkhand.”

      He argued that in the Indian context, ArcelorMittal was “doing a good job.” The company has identified land in both the states and has secured a coal mine allocation. “We have announced our corporate social responsibility programmes (CSR) in these areas and we have committed $50 million for CSR and R&R efforts,” he said.

      Referring to the problems being faced by Korean steel giant Posco in fructifying its project in Orissa, Aditya said those problems were localised and that he did not anticipate similar problems for his company’s project in the coastal state.
      schrieb am 08.03.08 12:50:36
      Beitrag Nr. 14 ()
      Merrill Lynch bullisch für Metallpreise u. insbesonders Kupfer Datum 07.03.2008

      New York ( - Die Investmentbank Merrill Lynch hat ihre Prognosen im Bereich der Metallpreise nach oben angepasst. Dies betrifft vor allem Kupfer, wo die Sichtweise für 2008 um 22 Prozent und für 2009 um 50 Prozent angehoben wird. Zu 2010, 2011 und 2012 erfolgen Aufwärtsrevidierungen von 54 Prozent, 39 Prozent und 31 Prozent.

      “Zwar gehen wir für sämtliche Rohmaterialpreise von höher als ursprünglich erwarteten Niveaus aus, aber am positivsten sind wir für große Mengenrohstoffe wie Eisenerz und Kohle sowie für Edelmetalle wie Gold und Platin gestimmt.

      Lieferschwierigkeiten beeinflussen die Preise für nahezu alle Rohstoffe. So beeinträchtigt etwa der Regen in Australien die Kohleproduktion. Die Förderung von Platin sieht sich mit operativen Problemen und Schwierigkeiten im Kraftwerksbereich konfrontiert. Zu den Top-Werten im Metall-Minen-und Stahlsektor zählen Anglo American, Xstrata, Vedanta und ArcelorMittal”, heißt es weiter von den Experten.…
      schrieb am 11.03.08 07:39:27
      Beitrag Nr. 15 ()
      The Iron Ore Surge Continues

      Fortescue Metals will not wait for its railway line form the Pilbara to Port Hedland to be completed. Completion was originally slated for May or earlier, but inevitable delays have set this target back. Instead, Fortescue intends to truck its iron ore to port from the end of the line as it creeps closer. There is no time to lose.

      There is no time to lose because the iron ore price is running amok, and if Twiggy Forest wants to be able to crystallise his status as Australia's richest man then he needs to start selling into this market as soon as possible. Analysts have now moved ahead to forecast prices for the 2009, 2010 and 2011 Japanese financial years, expecting further increases in the first two before the iron ore price levels out.

      We now know that Brazil's Vale - the world's largest individual producer of iron ore - has settled with the Japanese and Koreans on price increases for Itabira fines of 65%, and of 71% for the higher grade Carajas fines. While these are significant increases, Merrill Lynch analysts are surprised Vale didn't twist arms further. China is currently being forced to buy in lower grade Indian ore at spot for as much as US$216/t. The new Carajas price represents only US$146/t. Chinese buyers will expect to pay the same as their neighbours.

      The answer probably lies in the speed with which Vale settled with the Japanese and Koreans, the analysts suggest. Vale is presently attempting to merge with Swiss mining giant Xstrata and needs to settle a deal with Swiss-based metal trader Glencore (Marc Rich's creation) which owns 34.6% of Xstrata. So it was better to sort out the iron ore price with expedience.

      Analysts agree that its fair to thus assume BHP Billiton will negotiate a 65-71% price increase as well. It is understood the two Aussies will be pushing for more, given the Brazil-Australia freight differential. Australia currently receives US$37/t less for its iron ore than Brazil because of an antiquated agreement based on the fact it's a lot further to Asia from Brazil. The differential is no longer justified, so the Aussies are expected to push for a price rise of up to 100%. However, the Asians are likely to stand firm and despite world iron ore supply constraint they can now wave a potential US recession - and a subsequent drop in steel demand - in BHP's and Rio's faces. Negotiations are still underway.

      As are negotiations between BHP and Rio, as the former tries to swallow the latter. A BHP Tinto would then become a bigger iron ore producer than Vale and thus in a better position to dictate terms. But that's not going to happen before negotiations are over for the year, if at all.

      So analysts believe the two will have to settle on an equivalent price increase this year, but not yet an equivalent price. What happens thereafter will depend on two factors - the supply/demand balance, and the possible introduction of an iron ore index.

      It is China driving demand. In 2007, China represented 80% of the growth of iron ore exports from Brazil/Australia, or 46% of the total. Imports were 384mt in 2007, up 17.6% from 2006. Merrill Lynch is forecasting 446mt of imports in 2008. ABN Amro notes Chinese steel production is forecast to maintain its current growth trend, as new capacity additions are only replacing the closure of smaller, inefficient mills. The analysts also suggest the higher costs of both iron ore and coal should be able to be passed on into steel prices, meaning there won't suddenly be a big drop in demand at that end.

      On the supply side of the equation, constraint of supply has nothing to do with a lack of ore and everything to do with insufficient infrastructure and spiralling costs. All of Vale, BHP and Rio are planning capacity expansions from next year, with Vale hoping to go from 296Mtpa to 450Mtpa by 2013, BHP from 135Mtpa to 235Mtpa, and Rio from 180Mtpa to 350Mtpa (and don't forget Fortescue's targeted 100Mtpa or greater). But it all requires more equipment, labour, rail and port expansion, and new processing plants. Merrills notes Vale's last expansion cost US$112/t - twice as much as the company's previous expansion.

      But another bombshell may soon hit he seaborne iron ore market. Merrills coyly suggests BHP is coercing Chinese steel giant Baosteel to support and help develop a global traded iron ore index. Apparently BHP is no longer writing new individual benchmark contracts and will only renew at an "agreed annual market price". This is seen as a precursor to the index. Iron ore is the only major commodity left without an index.

      What this means is that producers and consumers will be able to agree on contract prices across a forward curve. What it also means is that speculators could then enter the market for paper-traded iron ore. To date, an investor wishing to "play" the iron ore market has had to be content with investment in shares of iron ore producers. Create an index, and the next thing you will have is derivatives. The prices of all commodities have surged recently ahead of consumer demand because of the growing popularity of investment in ETFs and other products.

      Merrills is now forecasting another 20% price increase in JFY09. With the JFY08 Australian price increase expected to be 71%, The analysts suggest this forecast is "at the top end of consensus", with the current average suggested at 14%. However, GSJB Were is also expecting 20% and Citi recently shifted to as high as 30%. Merrills does, however, suggest its forecast is conservative.

      Thereafter, Merrills sees another 10% increase in JFY10 (consensus minus 4%), a flat price in JFY11 (consensus minus 20%), and then falls of 25%, 20% and 20% respectively in JFY12-14. At this point, increased production should see iron ore move into surplus.

      The good news is that Merrills believes the share prices of Australian iron ore producers are not yet reflecting such near term increases. Macquarie chimes in by suggesting that despite general global equity market weakness, certain sections of the resources sector continue to offer a safe haven.
      schrieb am 11.03.08 17:49:58
      Beitrag Nr. 16 ()
      Schiffbau verbraucht viel Stahl ... und für Stahl braucht man EISENERZ ...

      Vietnam becomes world shipbuilding giant

      11.03.08 - Vietnam has been listed as one of the top five shipbuilders in the world by Fairplay magazine.

      Vietnam Shipbuilding Industry Group (Vinashin) President Pham Thanh Binh says the country’s shipbuilding sector is on track to becoming the fourth largest in the world by 2015.

      He says the industry has never had such bright prospects and cites the delivery of two 53,000-tonne ships to the UK in June last year as Vietnam’s passport to the world market.

      Vinashin now has almost 200 shipyards nationwide and the capacity to build oil tankers greater than 300,000 tonnes.

      It has received orders to build ships worth about US $6 billion, including US $4 billion from countries with advanced shipbuilding technology such as the UK, Japan, the Netherlands and Germany.

      This year, Vinashin’s subsidiary Pha Rung Shipbuilding Company began construction of a 13,000 DWT oil tanker for a Greek partner. Nam Trieu Shipbuilding Company also won a US $280 million contract to build four car carrying ships, one of which is now under construction.

      However, Vinashin General Director Nguyen Quoc Anh says that while the company has now made its initial 2015 target to be the fifth biggest shipbuilder in the world, there are still some issues that need to be addressed.

      Currently, only about 30% of the materials and services required to build ships comes from Vietnam. The industry has to import most of the materials and engines and use international consultants and supervisers on building projects.

      In the quest to have 60% locally-made materials supplying the industry by 2010, and 75% by 2015, Vinashin has set up large shipyards in three regions of the country.

      It has invested heavily in subsidiaries and now owns 18 industrial parks and diesel hydraulic engine and steel plants.

      Vinashin has also invested in developing the industry’s labour force and says this is an important element in its strategy to develop the sector.

      The group annually sends technicians to Poland, Japan and Denmark for training.
      schrieb am 11.03.08 18:02:04
      Beitrag Nr. 17 ()
      Wie wichtig doch die günstigen Transportkosten für Lieferungen von Northland Resources und Northern Iron aus Skandinavien an europäische Abnehmer sind ...

      China talks with iron ore suppliers stall over transport costs-industry official

      11.03.08 - BEIJING (XFN-ASIA) - Talks on prices of iron ore between China's steel makers and their Anglo-Australian suppliers are now snagged over shipping costs, a Chinese steel industry official said.

      Zhang Xiaogang, general manager of Angang Steel Group and the director of the China Iron and Steel Association, said that suppliers BHP Billiton and Rio Tinto want to add transport costs to an overall supply agreement that has already included a 65 pct price hike.

      "Australia is trying to add transportation costs" to the 65 pct increase already agreed on for iron ore supplies this year, Zhang told a news conference.

      "The Chinese side doesn't want to accept that."

      Zhang declined to give further details, saying only that negotiations continue between the suppliers and Baosteel, China's top steel producer and the lead company on the Chinese side.

      Deng Qilin, general manager at Wuhan Iron and Steel general manager, said the price rises were "abnormal" and "unprincipled."

      The price hikes are having a big impact on the downstream sector, he told reporters. Another industry executive, also speaking at the news conference, said that higher prices are producing some benefits for the domestic industry as it now
      looks for supplies at home.

      "High iron ore prices are at least encouraging us to explore for domestic iron ore," said Li Xiaobo, general manger of Taiyuan Iron and Steel.

      source: Thomson Financial News Limited
      schrieb am 12.03.08 08:04:58
      Beitrag Nr. 18 ()
      Vale iron ore goes up 66pc
      March 12, 2008

      CIA Vale do Rio Doce, the world's biggest iron ore producer, says Tata Steel's Corus unit has agreed to pay 66 per cent more for shipments from the Carajas mine through the Ponta da Madeira port in northern Brazil.

      Corus will pay 65 per cent more than last year for iron ore shipped from the Tubarao port in southeastern Brazil, Vale said.

      The price accord matches those Vale signed with European steelmakers Ilva and ArcelorMittal in recent weeks.

      Settlements at slightly lower levels in dollar terms have been made between Vale and Asian steelmakers, because the cost of freight from Brazil to Asia is higher than to Europe. Vale is the first big iron ore producer to settle 2008 benchmark prices.

      source: Bloomberg
      schrieb am 12.03.08 08:13:02
      Beitrag Nr. 19 ()
      Rio Tinto eyes more spot market iron ore sales
      Wed Mar 12, 2008

      SYDNEY, March 12 Reuters) - World No. 2 iron ore miner Rio Tinto Ltd/Plc said on Wednesday it may sell more ore in spot markets, where returns still exceed long-term contract prices despite a big rise in the price some steel mills are preparing to pay.

      Rio has been pushing its customers to pay a premium for Australian ore from the Pilbara region to compensate for a price differential on shipping costs versus material from Brazil's Vale.

      "Despite repeated urging on our part, Rio Tinto iron ore from the Pilbara continues to be sold without the premium we believe it merits for being so much cheaper to import than iron ore from elsewhere, a fair return for the saving on freight, the natural premium of geographic proximity," Sam Walsh, chief executive of Rio's iron ore arm, told an industry conference in Perth.

      "Until some recognition of the natural premium of geographic proximity is possible, and while the spot market continues to reward those without long-term benchmark supply contracts with customers, then we will do what we can to secure an appropriate return for our shareholders," Walsh said.

      Contract iron ore prices are set each year by the big three mining companies -- Vale, Rio and BHP Billiton Ltd/Plc -- after closed negotiations with big steel producers in Europe, Japan and more recently China

      Vale last month reached agreements with steelmakers to sell its ore for 65 percent to 71 percent more in 2008 than in the previous year. Rio and BHP have yet announce any price deals.

      "There is nothing imminent, but we are patient people," local media quoted Walsh as saying at the conference.

      "A couple of years ago it wasn't until June that the price was settled," he said.

      Spot iron ore sells for about $200 a ton, versus around $108 based on Vale's latest agreements, while it costs roughly about $67 a ton to ship ore to China from Brazil versus $23 a ton from Australia, according to Australia & New Zealand Banking Corp commodities strategist, Mark Pervan.

      "You can see why Rio wants to sell more into spot," Pervan said. "Right now they are leaving a lot on the table."

      Rio had said in December it would become more active in the spot market while the discrepancy existed, announcing it would initially sell up to 15 million tons of iron ore at spot. Before that, Rio had little, if any, exposure to spot sales.

      BHP has launched a hostile offer worth $139 billion for Rio, arguing both companies' operations would benefit from a unified group. Rio has rejected to offer, saying it sees plenty of scope to grow on its own.

      Rio is expanding production at its Australian Pilbara iron ore operations to 220 million tons by 2009.

      Rio said separately on Wednesday it has approved a $475 million project to boost iron ore concentrate production at its Iron Ore Company of Canada (IOC) unit to help meet strong global demand.

      (source: Reuters - Reporting by James Regan)
      schrieb am 12.03.08 15:54:00
      Beitrag Nr. 20 ()
      Kleine Präsentation von Fortescue mit interessanten Fotos ...…
      schrieb am 13.03.08 05:13:21
      Beitrag Nr. 21 ()
      India's NMDC in iron ore talks
      11 March 2008

      INDIAN miner NMDC is talking with companies in Australia, Canada and Brazil, hoping to secure an interest in overseas iron ore assets.

      Demand from steelmakers and construction projects in China, India and the Middle East has made iron ore a highly-sought commodity and supplies are dominated by just three big miners.

      The mismatch between supply and demand has caused prices to spike in the last year and triggered a global race to bring more to the market.

      “We have just started the process. The talks are at an initial stage,” chairman of the state-run miner, Rana Som, said in an interview. “We have got some offers from Brazil and Australia, apart from Canada.

      “NMDC, being a navaratna company, can invest up to 10 billion rupees abroad ($270 million), if the project is viable, attractive and compatible with long-term strategies,” Mr Som said, referring to the maximum amount it can invest overseas without seeking government approval.

      Navaratna is a term used to describe a handful of major and profitable state-run firms.

      NMDC, which accounts for about 15 per cent of iron ore production in India, is setting up a separate unit called the Global Exploration Centre for investing abroad.

      “This exploration centre will be used in India and abroad for mining projects. The funds will be decided on the basis of the projects,” Mr Soma said.

      NMDC is India's leading state-run miner, with three iron ore mines in the country, and is expecting iron ore production in the financial year ending March 2008 of 30 million tonnes.

      Mr Som said the company wanted to build up its iron ore reserves with domestic steel consumption expected to rise 10-15 per cent annually over the coming years.

      I think iron ore prices will continue on an upward trend over the next three to four years,” he added.

      Brazilian miner Vale recently said its big clients agreed to a 65 per cent increase in iron ore prices for 2008.

      NMDC sets its contracted iron ore prices based on those of the world's top miners.

      Mr Som said the company was also looking to process more of its low-value material called slime and convert it into pig iron.

      “We are sending a team to Australia for the technology,” he said.

      Mr Som said NMDC was setting up a pig iron plant with a capacity of 800,000 tonnes per annum and an iron ore pelletisation plant with an annual capacity of 1 million tonnes.
      schrieb am 13.03.08 05:22:24
      Beitrag Nr. 22 ()
      Rio holds firm on push for big iron ore price rise

      Thursday, 13/03/2008

      Takeover target Rio Tinto is standing firm on plans to get 70 per cent more for its iron ore this year.

      That would take the benchmark price to about US$110 a tonne.

      The company is still negotiating the price with Chinese steel mills and is working off the back of a 60 per cent rise, recently given to Brazilian iron ore miner, Vale.

      Rio Tinto's head of iron ore, Sam Walsh, says the company will stick to its guns on the issue of price, and current market conditions will back it up.

      "The Indian suppliers are heading into monsoon season, freight rates are increasing," he says.

      "There are a number of projects that are due to come on stream that we expect will be a little bit slower than the proponents have been commenting and we expect the market will continue to be tight as it is right now."
      schrieb am 17.03.08 06:17:39
      Beitrag Nr. 23 ()
      Ressourcen-Messung für Tverrdalen 43 Mio. Tonnen á 32% Fe:…
      schrieb am 19.03.08 10:45:36
      Beitrag Nr. 24 ()
      schrieb am 09.04.08 07:04:15
      Beitrag Nr. 25 ()
      Northern Iron is pleased to announce that the Norwegian Ministry of Trade and Industry has granted the Industrial Concession covering the right to conduct mining activities on the Company's Sydvaranger Iron Project in Norway.

      To view the full report please click the link below:…
      schrieb am 15.04.08 19:10:56
      Beitrag Nr. 26 ()
      Northern Iron ist im Musterdepot Rohstoffe in Focus Money zu finden. ;)
      schrieb am 30.04.08 10:22:58
      Beitrag Nr. 27 ()
      schrieb am 30.04.08 10:25:38
      Beitrag Nr. 28 ()
      schrieb am 30.04.08 11:44:49
      Beitrag Nr. 29 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 33.999.773 von tommy-hl am 30.04.08 10:25:38Danke tommy-hl,

      für den Bericht!


      schrieb am 30.05.08 09:31:53
      Beitrag Nr. 30 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 33.999.773 von tommy-hl am 30.04.08 10:25:38Hallo Thomas,

      bin hier seid dieser Woche mit an Bord.
      In AU gab es schönes Volumen heute, konnte aber leider noch nichts finden?

      Hast du eventl. eine Info.?

      schrieb am 29.06.08 15:01:58
      Beitrag Nr. 31 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.202.211 von SKGold am 30.05.08 09:31:53…

      Letzte News vom 16.06. "Change in substantial holding"

      Anstieg auf 6,05 %:)
      schrieb am 29.06.08 15:02:49
      Beitrag Nr. 32 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.399.571 von SKGold am 29.06.08 15:01:58damit ich nicht immer suchen muss

      schrieb am 30.06.08 19:07:30
      Beitrag Nr. 33 ()

      ich weiß nicht ob ihr schon die Präsentation kennt:…

      Es sind auch interessante Fotos enthalten!


      Tommy :)
      schrieb am 30.06.08 19:40:50
      Beitrag Nr. 34 ()
      Das ist das Interessante (sozusagen die Sahne obendrauf):

      Expansion study
      • A systematic study of all of these resources will be conducted with a view to expanding production to between 12Mtpa to 15Mtpa of ore to produce in the order of 6Mtpa of concentrate

      • Potential to
      – Install secondary and tertiary crushing facility at mine site and increase efficiency of cobbing plant
      – Install a primary crusher at the southern deposits and convey ore to the cobbing plant to save
      haulage costs
      – Construct a new pelletising plant – benefit from price premium

      • Operating costs are forecast to average US$32.56/t concentrate over project life
      – 60% is fixed
      – Significant cost savings with increase in mill throughput

      • The existing infrastructure is larger than required for the base case production of 7Mtpa of ore
      • An expansion of the throughput rate can be achieved in a capital efficient manner due to the excess capacity in the infrastructure
      • Expansion study is schedule for completion in the December quarter 2008

      Wenn das mit der Produktionserhöhung kommen sollte, sind meine Kursziele (siehe Anfang dieses threads)... v i e l ... zu niedrig ... Dann werden wir zweistellige Euro-Kurse (statt "nur" 8 EUR) sehen - IMHO ... ;)

      Fazit: Aktie festhalten und kein Stück aus der Hand geben ...
      Diese Aktie wird ohne Beachtung von BB oder Pusher-Blättern noch anfangen zu fliegen ...

      Evtl. mache ich mal eine Gewinn-Kalkulation auf Basis der (noch zu untersuchenden) höheren Produktionsrate (besteht Interesse?).

      Tommy :)
      schrieb am 30.06.08 19:56:34
      Beitrag Nr. 35 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.406.582 von tommy-hl am 30.06.08 19:40:50Hallo Thomas,

      das wäre natürlich klasse wenn du bei Gelegenheit mal eine neue Rechnung machen könntest.

      Damit sollte das Potenzial noch deutlicher werden.

      Gruß und schönen Abend

      schrieb am 01.07.08 12:01:55
      Beitrag Nr. 36 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.406.582 von tommy-hl am 30.06.08 19:40:50
      ja ich habe intresse

      danke für deine arbeit

      Gruß Walter
      schrieb am 04.07.08 19:48:14
      Beitrag Nr. 37 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.406.722 von SKGold am 30.06.08 19:56:34Leider weiß ich nicht ob man und wie man hier eine Excel-Tabelle reinstellen kann.

      Deshalb ganz kurz ein paar Daten meiner Neuberechnung:

      Jahr ................ 2009 ..... 2010 ..... 2011
      KGV € 2,3 0: ..... 11 ........ 6 .......... 2
      Kurs bei KGV 10: 2,07 € .. 4,08 € .. 9,50 €
      Kurspotenzial: ............... 78% ..... 313%

      Fazit: Kursziel EUR 9,50

      Tommy :)
      schrieb am 07.07.08 06:58:54
      Beitrag Nr. 38 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.441.996 von tommy-hl am 04.07.08 19:48:14Hallo tommy,

      danke für deine Kurzinfo.

      schrieb am 24.07.08 08:45:39
      Beitrag Nr. 39 ()
      Award of mine fleet supply contracts and fleet finance:…
      schrieb am 29.07.08 11:37:32
      Beitrag Nr. 40 ()
      News und eine interessanter Überblick.…
      schrieb am 07.08.08 06:13:08
      Beitrag Nr. 41 ()
      schrieb am 05.09.08 11:53:01
      Beitrag Nr. 42 ()
      Da werden die Chinesen wie „HB-Männchen“ in die Luft gehen … :eek:

      Zwar sind die Spotpreise für Eisenerz in den letzten Wochen gefallen, aber Vale macht seinen chinesischen Kunden die „Empfehlung“, die langfristigen Vertragspreise um 86-92% anzuheben …

      05.09.08 Macquarie Research
      Just as the market was absorbing this bearish development, news came through from China that the Brazilian producer, Vale, had written to some Chinese steel mills proposing to raise its contract prices for iron ore fines on 1 September to the same fob levels as it currently sells in Europe. Following the recent Australian annual contract settlement for the April 2008-March 2009 contract year at an 80% rise compared with Vale’s February 2008 settlements of +65% for Southern system fines (SSF) and +71% for Carajas fines, Vale has apparently suggested to Chinese steel mills new rises of 86.4% and 92.4%, respectively for their SSF and Carajas products.
      schrieb am 11.09.08 06:33:19
      Beitrag Nr. 43 ()
      Kurzer Überblick aus dem Report:

      - Die letzte, noch ausstehende Minengenehmigung (für den Schienenweg) wurde im Juli erteilt. Damit liegen sämtliche Genehmigungen vor.

      - Cashbestand ca. $ 124 Mio.

      - Es wird weiter gebohrt um die Ressourcen zu erhöhen

      - Ressourcen ca. 446 Mio. t mit 31% Fe-Gehalt

      Sieht meiner Meinung nach alles sehr gut aus!

      Tommy :)
      schrieb am 09.10.08 19:17:10
      Beitrag Nr. 44 ()
      October 09, 2008
      Indian iron ore spot prices drop

      China Chamber of Commerce of Metals, Minerals and Chemicals Importers & Exporters has released the average reference prices for import transactions of ferrous 63.5% Indian iron ore concluded last week on October 6th 2008 as under

      Delivery ............ This week ......... Last week
      FOB Indian port ...... 80 to 85 ............ 105 to 120
      CIF Chinese port ... 110 to 115 .......... 130 to 135

      Price in USD per tonne

      The change is with reference to that posted on September 22nd 2008

      The reference price practice is intended to regulate the domestic trading of Indian iron ore and avoid speculation on the raw material for China's booming steel industry. The China Chamber of Commerce of Metals, Minerals and Chemicals Importers & Exporters are the largest trading association in China.
      schrieb am 13.10.08 20:39:13
      Beitrag Nr. 45 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 35.500.485 von tommy-hl am 09.10.08 19:17:10Bis zum 3.10. hielt sich Northern Iron "stabil" über 2,5 AUD. Gibts einen fundamentalen Grund für den finalen Absturz von 60%? Insbesondere da sich der Kurs auch heute in Australien bei minimalem Volumen, nicht wirklich bewegt hat?
      schrieb am 15.10.08 12:32:48
      Beitrag Nr. 46 ()
      Die Aussichten für Preiserhöhungen für Eisenerz in 2009 sind schlecht. Das belastet den Kurs für Northern Iron u. a. Fe-Explorern:

      October 15, 2008
      Iron ore price negotiations - Macquarie cuts iron ore prices

      Bloomberg said that Rio Tinto Group and BHP Billiton Limited have to cut annual contract iron ore prices in 2009 because oversupply may send spot rates lower.

      Macquarie said that spot prices are now at about USD 90 per tonne. Benchmark contract prices for Australian fines ore were settled this year at USD 144.66 a dry tonne.

      Mr Jim Lennon a Macquarie analysts said that reports from China indicate that spot prices are likely to fall further amid continuing oversupply. He added that "If this is the case, it would appear likely that the pressure on Australian suppliers to lower their 2009 benchmark prices will grow and grow.''

      UBS AG is forecasting contract iron ore prices will drop 15% in 2009. Cash prices for ore sold to China plunged 20% last week to about CNY 820 per tonne as mills cut output on slowing demand from carmakers and builders.

      BHP, Rio and Cia Vale do Rio Doce, usually begin annual contract talks in October to set prices for the following year beginning April 1. The Baltic Dry Index, a measure of shipping costs for commodities, has plunged 77% since the end of June 2008.

      Steel mills in China are cutting demand for iron ore and asking mines to postpone deliveries because of slower sales and a lack of credit. Mount Gibson Iron Limited said on October 9th 2008 that some of its customers want shipments delayed until the Q2 of the financial year.
      schrieb am 31.10.08 12:11:37
      Beitrag Nr. 47 ()
      Vale will die Eisenerz-Produktion um 30 Mio. Tonnen pro Jahr kürzen ...

      Brazil Vale says to cut iron-ore output 30Mt/y
      By: Reuters - Published on 31st October 2008

      SAO PAULO - Brazil's Vale, the world's largest iron-ore miner, said Friday it would cut its iron ore output by 30-million tons a year from November to adjust to what it sees as a new economic outlook under the current credit crisis.

      Vale said a 20% reduction in world steel industry output was having a direct impact on demand for iron-ore.
      schrieb am 04.11.08 06:20:33
      Beitrag Nr. 48 ()
      Vale will den Preis für Eisenerz nicht reduzieren, um die Verkäufe zu pushen ...

      Clients want iron ore delays, not price drops:

      by John Kolodziejski | November 04, 2008

      BRAZILIAN mining giant Vale said it will not reduce the price of its iron ore to push sales volumes higher.

      “Price isn’t the problem. Clients aren’t asking for discounts, they’re asking for delays in shipments,” Vale's chief executive Roger Agnelli said in a presentation overnight.

      According to Mr Agnelli, the volumes of iron ore stocks in Australia and Brazil have dropped dramatically, and this is worrying.

      “If possible, we need to build our inventory. Our ports are completely empty and we need to have 3 million to 4 million tonnes at each port,” Mr Agnelli said.

      He added that the heated demand before the onset of the economic crisis was unsustainable. “I thought it wasn’t possible to produce at 110 per cent to 115 per cent nominal capacity, delaying maintenance, etc.," Mr Agnelli said.

      “I also thought the $US55,000-a-tonne nickel price last year was not sustainable, likewise the heavy investment by hedge funds in commodities.” Mr Agnelli said Vale needed to be flexible and, at the moment, it was best to act calmly.

      “All our options are open, investments, acquisitions. We’ll be in this position for one or two months,” the chief executive said.

      “We face one simple reality: the market reality.”

      When asked whether now was the best time to make an acquisition, given depreciated stock prices, Mr Agnelli said” “The best accusation we can make is buying back our shares. We’re in good shape, I don’t know about the other companies. Our investments (in Vale) bring in more shareholder value than acquisitions. Our projects bring in a higher return.”

      Mr Agnelli conceded that any acquisition could be considered if it consolidated Vale operations, such as in the coal sector.

      Furthermore, he said recent production cuts were a response to market conditions. He cited the announced suspension of alumina output at the company’s Valesul unit in Rio de Janeiro.

      “We felt Valesul was about to lose money in one or two months, so we closed it down,” he said.

      Vale recently cut its iron ore output by 30 million tonnes a year, suspended ferroalloy and alumina production in some of its units, and also reduced nickel output.

      “There’s no market for manganese and nickel. Some are selling nickel at $US8,000 a tonne. We don’t need to sell. We’re cutting costs and keeping cash,” Mr Agnelli said.

      “We have a lot of cash right now, and we need to wait a little bit. In late January, we will have a clearer idea of the (market) situation.” In addition, Mr Agnelli continued to express optimism about future prospects.

      “China in the long and medium term is good, as are the prospects for Latin America and Brazil,” he said.

      He dismissed “as gossip” press reports of conflict with Chinese steel mills. In fact, he said: “We’re very close to our (Chinese) clients.” Mr Agnelli said the downturn in iron ore demand would mean that 50 per cent of producers would be out of the market.

      “The next two to three months will clarify who is in the market and who is out.”
      schrieb am 25.11.08 15:18:31
      Beitrag Nr. 49 ()
      0,205€ fallend

      Der Boden ist noch nicht in Sicht.

      Jetzt kommt erstmal der Winter - dort oben.

      Da hat man Zeit um die "alte" Lokomotive und die noch älteren Eisenerzwagen zu überarbeiten - Lach

      mal sehen, ob ich hier Geld verbrenne ?!
      schrieb am 28.11.08 07:06:02
      Beitrag Nr. 50 ()
      November 27, 2008

      Northern Iron Is Norway’s Quiet Achiever
      minesite: By Our Man in Oz

      Imagine a mining company with a project under construction that’s ahead of schedule and under budget, which has the near-certainty of being profitable when production starts in little more than six months, and which has more cash in the bank than its worth on the stock market. Imagine no more.

      Welcome to Northern Iron, an emerging Australian-managed iron ore miner with a choice asset in Norway, a company which is doing what any sensible business ought to do in a post-boom environment – under promising and over-delivering (even if no-one is looking), and whose management recognises the futility of wasting words when actions speak louder.

      Last year, the world turned its back on Northern Iron because it was just part of the background noise of a pack of promising iron ore miners keen to jump aboard the Chinese dragon. This year, the world can’t see Northern Iron because of the smoke still rising from the global stock market wreck. But, next year, as work nears completion on the Sydvaranger iron project at the top end of Norway, the world will discover a company that’s building production from a start-up rate of around 2.65 million tonnes a year towards a steady-state target of 2.9 million tonnes a year.

      The product itself will be a premium grade magnetite concentrate which should fetch a premium price because of low impurity levels and because it will come from a mine which many steel mills already know well, in a politically stable country.

      Northern Iron’s chief executive Mick McMullen says that site development work at Sydvaranger is approaching the halfway mark, with production of first concentrate scheduled for early July - precisely what was promised in last year’s prospectus when the stock was floated on the Australian Stock Exchange. No major problems have thus far been encountered at the project, one of Europe’s oldest sources of iron ore and analogous to the famous Kiruna mine across the border in Sweden.

      The big difference is that while the Swedes kept their mine operating the Norwegians struggled, partly because of a shortage of mining skills, and partly because the mine fell under the control of government which then kept it afloat through the 1980s and 1990s as a make-work social project. In that role it provided jobs for 1,400 locals when a fraction of that number could have done the job.

      The most recent end for Sydvaranger, located near the Barents Sea port of Kirkenes on the historic route to Murmansk, came when Asia caught financial flu in 1997 and the world iron ore price collapsed. It wasn’t until three years ago, when the Norwegian family-owned Tschudi shipping company gained control that a revival plan took shape.

      Joining the Norwegians, who retained a 51 per cent stake in Northern Iron, was the Australian investment bank Macquarie, and a team of Australian mining experts, including McMullen and Peter Bilbe. In a nifty division of roles, the Aussies are doing what they do best, revitalising the open pits and drilling for more ore, while the Norwegians are doing what they do best, operating the pelletising and shipping side of the business.

      During the September quarter Northern Iron continued to refurbish rail lines in the project area, virtually finalised the procurement of equipment, poured concrete foundations, upgraded power supplies and continued to refurbish the concentrator. Pre-strip mining work was underway at two pits, exploration results came in from the first 31 holes of the 2008 drilling season, and the best of these returned 32.9 metres at 49.7 per cent iron and starting at a depth of just 2.7 metres.

      Good as all that was, the most interesting comment in the latest quarterly was that two big Caterpillar trucks are expected to arrive on site two months ahead of schedule – in what is a fascinating comment on how good projects are moving up the equipment delivery pipeline as weaker projects are postponed. “Work on site is going extremely well,” McMullen tells Minesite during a chat in his Perth office. “Most indicators point to the project being completed on schedule and budget, and perhaps a bit better.”

      Physical construction is one important part of a new project. Selling the output from said new project is another, and that’s where Northern Iron might also have an advantage. “The product we’ll be producing is nothing like conventional Australian iron ore,” McMullen says. “There’s a long history of steel mills using our product. It’s low silica, low phosphorous, and low in alumina. We don’t see an issue in selling, but having said that it’s obvious that price is important. What we’ll get is the benchmark price, and that benchmark price is going down.”

      Since McMullen introduces the price question Minesite probes a bit deeper, asking what the financial outlook looks like. “Well, our benchmark price this year would be about US$110 a tonne,” McMullen says. “Next year, who knows what it will be? But I’m suggesting it will be down 35 per cent, taking our price down to around U$77 a tonne.”

      That best guess from McMullen opens the way for some interesting “back-of-the-envelope” calculations by Minesite’s Man in Oz. We start out with the aforementioned US$77 a tonne, deduct a first year production cost estimate of around US$50 a tonne, and then move to a long-run production cost of around US$38 a tonne by the end of 2009.

      What this translates into is a company on track to generate positive cash flow in the order of around US$71.5 million at its start-up rate of an annualised 2.65 million tonnes, with a margin of US$27 a tonne. As production rises to 2.9 million and costs drop to US$38 a tonne, the cash flow rises to an annualised US$113 million.

      Those numbers are from the calculator of Minesite’s Man in Oz, punched in over a stiff cup of tea on a windy afternoon. Doubtless different numbers can be produced, with variations on the pricing and cost components, so use them as a guide only. But, when you do that, remember that this is a mining business on track to actually make an operating profit at a time when others are posting losses. Remember too that it’s a business which at 30th September had more than A$100 million cash in the bank, but nevertheless a share price which had fallen from A$4.40 to A51 cents, making it worth around A$84 million.

      That’s after allowing for the escrow shares which lift the number of shares issued from the 65.1 million which appears in most data bases to 165 million. However, even after counting shares in escrow you end up with a stock which is trading close to the value of the company’s cash in the bank with the promise of solid future profits, even if the iron ore price slumps sharply.

      No-one is running around shouting buy, not at the moment and not in these markets. But if anyone stops you and suggests you take the time to have a look at something interesting happening on the road to Murmansk, it might just be worth a minute of your time.
      schrieb am 07.12.08 11:30:46
      Beitrag Nr. 51 ()
      Der Chef von Klöckner& Co. erwartet steigende Stahlpreise in 2009, das wäre natürlich auch gut für die Eisenerz-Preise ...

      Stahl-Konferenz in Paris Dezember 2008
      Klöckner-Chef sieht steigende Stahlpreise

      Die zuletzt deutlich gesunkenen Stahlpreise könnten sich nach Einschätzung des Stahlhändlers Klöckner & Co (KlöCO) in den ersten Monaten des neuen Jahres wieder erholen.

      Bereits im Februar/März 2009 gebe es die Chance dafür, sagte KlöCo -Chef Thomas Ludwig der Nachrichtenagentur Reuters am Dienstag am Rande einer Stahlkonferenz in Paris. Die angekündigten Produktionskürzungen großer Stahlkonzerne würden zur Preiserholung beitragen.
      Quelle: Handelsblatt
      schrieb am 05.01.09 06:13:45
      Beitrag Nr. 52 ()
      Offtake agreement with Corus and operational update:…
      schrieb am 06.01.09 06:58:49
      Beitrag Nr. 53 ()
      Corus signs agreement to bridge ore gap
      New Deal - Calcutta, Jan. 5

      Tata Steel entity Corus has signed a purchase deal for iron ore with Australia’s Northern Iron.

      According to the agreement, Corus will buy six million tonnes of iron ore concentrate from the company, which operates a mine in Norway.

      The agreement will come into force from April 1, 2009 and remain valid for five years.

      During the period, the Anglo-Dutch firm can procure another 2.25mt of the concentrate from the Norway mine.

      The price of iron ore will depend on the benchmark prices offered by Brazil’s Vale for similar products delivered to Europe on a free-on-board basis.

      This is the second long-term agreement signed by Corus in the last three months.

      In October, Tata Steel had signed an agreement with Brazil’s Vale to service Corus’s European facilities. According to the terms of the contract, it would procure 63mt of iron ore over five years beginning 2009.

      The contract with Northern Iron comes at a time when the demand for ore is likely to drop because of global recession.

      Steel makers have cut production across the globe following a drop in offtake from construction, automobile and consumer durables firms. They have also deferred the delivery of contracted iron ore from miners.

      Corus is dependant on the market purchase of iron ore as it does not have its own mine. It requires about 27mt every year.

      The short distance between the Northern Iron mine and Corus’s plants in the UK and the Netherlands will result in lower freight cost.

      Australian Stock Exchange-listed Northern Iron, with its headquarter in Perth, was formed to acquire the Sydvaranger iron project in northern Norway.
      schrieb am 30.01.09 15:04:31
      Beitrag Nr. 54 ()
      Iron ore price may decline 20% in 2009
      Dilip Kumar Jha / Mumbai January 30, 2009

      Iron ore prices are likely to decline by 15-20 per cent this year on falling demand from global steel producers because of production cut, according to the latest Fitch Ratings report.

      After four years of continuous price hikes, the price of steelmaking raw material declined from the peak of $145 per tonne in July to $65 per tonne by December on China’s disinterest on revamping closed steel mills after the Beijing Olympics. Although, China has already started working on these mini steel mills, the action is inadequate to help raise Indian iron ore prices.

      This is in contrast with Indian miners’ observation as they were expecting a better price this year after the lull of 2008. Last year, about 42 mini steel mills in and around Shanghai were forced to suspend production because of a preventive measure for the Olympic Games preparation in September.

      But, these steel mills delayed resumption because of global economic slowdown that resulted into lower steel demand. These mills are gradually coming into stream which is likely to revive iron ore demand from India, an exporter said.

      With the downside risks partly offset by the production cuts by major steel producers, the demand for steelmaking raw materials is likely to decline heavily this year. However, any upturn in demand from China and infrastructure spending in India may boost domestic iron ore and steel demand, the report added.

      In 2008, the highs seen by iron ore prices in most of 2008 were a function of the convergence of a number of factors related to demand and supply, freight and foreign exchange that are now unwinding and leaving iron ore exposed to potentially significant falls. Given the steel inventory is piling up on fewer construction and infrastructure activities, the existing capacities will be under tremendous pressure despite limited capacity additions coming up in 2009.

      Fitch believes steel demand in India would improve following the aggressive expansion of Central Bank liquidity provisions since early September, in combination with major fiscal injections into the US and European banking systems, as well as major stimulus packages announced for China and expected for the US.

      Steel demand slowed in major consumer regions like China and other Asian markets on global economic slowdown. This has also resulted into a huge inventory pile-ups which, with declining exports diverting supply to domestic markets, are likely to put domestic prices under more pressure. The report further said that the capacity utilisation levels will be under pressure despite limited capacity additions coming up in 2009.
      schrieb am 05.02.09 05:23:15
      Beitrag Nr. 55 ()
      So langsam erholt sich der Eisenerz-Preis wieder

      Iron ore prices up on China stock draw down
      Reuters - Posted: Wed, 04 Feb 2009

      [] -- A massive build-up of iron ore stockpiles in China that prompted suppliers to defer millions of tonnes in shipments last year is ending, pushing spot prices higher, BHP Billiton Ltd/Plc said on Wednesday.

      Around 68 million tonnes of ore had piled up at Chinese ports by late November with another 125 million tonnes stored at steel mills, according to analysts' estimates.

      The build-up had led BHP, the world's biggest diversified miner, to defer delivery on 6 million tonnes, or around 5 percent of its annual production, which it sold at a discount on the spot market instead, further depressing prices.

      As a result of China's destocking, spot market prices for ore had rebounded to within 10 or 15 percent of last year's contract price, BHP Chief Executive Marius Kloppers said.

      "The destocking is essentially complete," Kloppers said, after BHP reported a 2.2 percent rise in first-half profit to $6.13 billion before writedowns that pared net profit to $2.62 billion.
      schrieb am 16.02.09 05:03:52
      Beitrag Nr. 56 ()
      schrieb am 19.02.09 06:47:53
      Beitrag Nr. 57 ()

      Northern Iron requests a trading halt regarding a capital raising:…
      schrieb am 20.02.09 06:44:35
      Beitrag Nr. 58 ()

      The Company has raised a total of $17.5 million from an institutional placement of 17.5 ordinary shares at an issue price of $1 representing a 14.5% discount to the closing price on Tuesday 17 February. The issue will be made within the Company’s 15% limit without shareholder approval.

      The Company is scheduled to commence production in July of this year. Funds raised will be applied to accelerate the case for an incremental expansion of production, ordering the long lead…
      schrieb am 27.02.09 09:34:28
      Beitrag Nr. 59 ()
      schrieb am 02.03.09 16:40:08
      Beitrag Nr. 60 ()
      0,430€ fallend

      Einsteigen mit absoluter Zockerkohle bei 0,10€ - vorher nicht

      LEIDER :cool:
      schrieb am 10.03.09 06:30:14
      Beitrag Nr. 61 ()
      China will soon lift demand for commodities

      UBS analyst Mr Glyn Lawcock said iron ore was much more leveraged to a recovery in China, which he said was expected to come out of the downturn before the rest of the world. He said that "The medium-term story for iron ore is still quite attractive and Australia will still do well because of the good-quality ore and the proximity to market."

      China is not expected to achieve any growth in iron ore imports in 2008-09 after average increases of 25% in the past five years. But ABARE said imports were expected to recover strongly as Chinese steel production increased from 2009 to 2010.

      (Sourced from The Australian Business)
      schrieb am 01.04.09 06:52:28
      Beitrag Nr. 62 ()
      RIO Tinto and BHP Billiton have agreed to a temporary 40 per cent cut to iron ore prices, China's steel mills say.

      The China Iron and Steel Association (CISA) said reduced prices would be in place until a formal benchmark deal was done, according to a Merrill Lynch report.

      The present benchmark price of about $US92 per tonne for iron ore fines and $US129 for iron ore lump was negotiated when prices were at historic highs, but ends for many contracts this week.

      Steelmakers typically continue paying last year's prices until the new benchmark rate is settled, but have asked that a lower temporary rate be established.

      The iron ore price is traditionally negotiated between steel makers and the three largest iron ore producers -- Brazil's Vale, Rio and BHP.

      "We think it is possible that a temporary price deal has been done between the iron ore majors and China's steel mills," Merrill Lynch analysts led by Tom Price said in a note to clients.

      Spokesmen at both BHP and Rio refused to comment on the price negotiations while they were ongoing.

      Demand for iron ore has fallen steeply in recent times, after steel production rates dropped between 30 and 50 per cent in key markets as the global economic crisis took hold.

      The Merrill Lynch report said BHP was likely to set the final benchmark deal, with Brazil's iron ore giant Vale taking a back seat in the talks.

      Rio might also stay out of the talks while it developed a corporate relationship with consumers, the report said. Chinese steelmakers are the world's largest buyers of iron ore.
      schrieb am 07.04.09 10:01:06
      Beitrag Nr. 63 ()
      schrieb am 23.04.09 10:56:39
      Beitrag Nr. 64 ()
      Appendix 3B - Ankündigung neuer Aktien (praktisch eine offizielle Bestätigung der vor einigen Wochen gemachten Ankündigung - also nichts wirklich neues)…
      schrieb am 06.05.09 06:27:37
      Beitrag Nr. 65 ()
      Trading Halt
      finalisation of funding arrangements…
      schrieb am 07.05.09 19:43:29
      Beitrag Nr. 66 ()
      0,64€ steigend

      Der Trick hier wäre,

      falls die wirklich produzieren und dazu China mit dem Schiff über die Nordostpassage beliefern könnten - ja Dann ginge es ab nach "Norden".
      Aber so recht glaube ich nicht daran. Da wird eine alte Grube "im unwirtlichen, äussersten Norden unserer "Ecke" mit viel Sachverstand (ohne Zweifel) und mit einer großen Hoffnung (Stadt)auf Wiederinbetriebnahme getrimmt - aber die Hoffnung ist trügerisch.

      Siehe Eisenerzpreise in Australien (auch relativ nahe zu China) und schlussendlich Brasilien (da sind ziemlich große Gesellschaften tätig)

      Übrigens Australien - werft mal ein Auge auf -- Sundance, immerhin ein Schnäppchen für 0,07€ das Teil ?!

      schrieb am 17.05.09 10:32:34
      Beitrag Nr. 67 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 37.122.951 von R1712D am 07.05.09 19:43:2945% der Produktion wurde vorverkauft (5-Jahresvertrag mit Corus)
      Für die verbleibenden 55% laufen derzeit Verhandlungen.

      Die Vorbereitungen für die Produktion (wie z. B. Sprengungen) laufen bereits.

      Das Gehäuse für die Erzmühle wurde mit 1 Monat Verspätung vom Lieferanten geliefert. Deshalb verzögert sich der Beginn für die Produktion um einen Monat.

      Negativ ist natürlich der erhöhte Kapitalbedarf von $ 12 Mio. Dazu läuft momentan eine KE.

      Produktionsstart ca. Aug/Sept 2009

      Ich bleibe investiert.

      Tommy :)

      Offtake and Sales
      Discussions continue to be held with parties interested in offtake from the Sydvaranger Iron Ore project. There continues to be strong interest in the product from Middle Eastern and Chinese customers. The Company has signed a 5 year offtake agreement with Corus for 45% of its forecast production as previously announced.
      schrieb am 01.06.09 10:55:32
      Beitrag Nr. 68 ()
      Sobald Einigung zwischen den drei Großen und den Chinesen erzielt wurde, sollte das auch Sicherheit für (baldige) Kleinproduzenten, wie Northern Iron bringen ...

      MOUNT Gibson Iron said large Chinese steel mills will likely accept the iron ore price struck between Rio Tinto and Nippon Steel.

      "My view is that those large steel mills that require quality feed and large volume will be looking very seriously at falling into line," managing director Luke Tonkin said.

      Mount Gibson said today it has advised its customers that its long-term contract prices will be in line with the price cuts set by Rio Tinto and Nippon relating to Rio's Hammersley products.

      While Japanese steelmakers have accepted the Rio price, the Chinese have yet to do so and have been pushing for a bigger cut.

      Mr Tonkin said all of Mount Gibson’s existing contracts have prices based on the Hamersley settlement, and now that had been set by Rio there was no question of customers not accepting the prices.

      "The customer doesn't have the ability to come back and say they don't want to pay that price - that is the price," he said.

      Rio Tinto’s new agreements for its Hamersley products with Nippon Steel and Posco, will see the price for fines decline - for the first time in seven years - to around 33 per cent to $US62 a tonne and the price for lump fell 44 per cent to around $US71 a tonne. The spot price is tracking around $US67.50.

      Mount Gibson’s customers include China’s Shougang Concord International and APAC Resources, which launched a bail-out of the miner last year when other steelmaking customers reneged on long-term contracts amid falling demand and prices.
      schrieb am 11.06.09 10:07:51
      Beitrag Nr. 69 ()
      Mit den reduzierten Eisenerz-Preisen kann Northern Iron auch noch leben ...

      Vale victorious on iron ore prices in Japan, South Korea
      The world's most profitable mining franchise secures further confirmation that it will turn in multi billion dollar profits for 2009.
      Author: Barry Sergeant - Posted: Wednesday , 10 Jun 2009

      Vale, the world's biggest miner of seaborne iron ore has announced certain cuts for 2009 contract prices that equal reductions announced by Rio Tinto, No 2 in the game, for lump, the more expensive form of iron ore, but less than Rio Tinto for fines, the far bigger product in terms of volume. Year-on-year cuts for lump are at 44.5%, and 32.9% by Rio Tinto for fines, compared to 28.2% announced by Vale.

      The Rio Tinto numbers apply to Japan's Nippon Steel, while Vale's numbers apply to key Japanese and South Korean steelmakers. It remains to be seen whether similar cuts will be accepted by Chinese mills, but the outcome achieved so far, for Vale shareholders, stands as highly positive, given the number of steel mills, and ultimate steel users, that had vowed that deeper cuts would be achieved than those announced by Rio Tinto.

      Vale also announced that its blast furnace pellet price decreased by 48.3% relative to 2008; pellets are the smallest iron ore market, after fines and lump.

      The news follows last week's dramatic announcement that Rio Tinto was abandoning its erstwhile near-USD 20bn capital injection from smaller rival Chinalco, replaced instead by the announcement of a general rights issue to raise the equivalent of USD 15.2bn, and agreeing a monster joint venture with BHP Billiton, No 3 in seaborne iron ore, over the two companies' West Australian iron ore assets.

      Amid globally frayed nerves, the world's three, and totally dominant, seaborne iron names were already turning in super profits from iron ore during 2006, followed by further rounds of such profits in 2007 and 2008, with good signs of more to come. The latest cuts in iron ore contract prices put prices back to levels seen in 2007, and, indeed, ahead of such levels.

      Contract iron ore prices

      USD per dry metric ton unit (mtu)


      Southeastern System fines

      Carajás sinter feed

      Southeastern System lump

      Southern System lump

      Rio Tinto

      Yandicoogina Fines

      Pilbara Blend Fines

      Pilbara Blend Lump
      schrieb am 15.06.09 07:31:03
      Beitrag Nr. 70 ()
      Goldman Sachs + Credit Suisse prognostizieren steigende Eisenerz-Preise in 2010+2011:

      Iron prices to rebound next year, say analysts
      June 15, 2009 - Article from: The Australian

      ANALYSTS are predicting iron ore prices will rebound by more that 10 per cent next year as Chinese infrastructure investment picks up, shifting negotiating power to the suppliers.

      Goldman Sachs JBWere and Credit Suisse have raised their price forecasts for iron ore contract and spot prices over the next 12 to 18 months, with the former claiming the rebound could be stronger if steel production outside China recovered sooner than expected.

      In a note to clients on June 11, Goldman Sachs analyst Malcolm Southwood said Australia, which was the lowest cost, high-quality supplier of iron ore, was well-positioned to gain share in the Chinese market.

      BHP Billiton and Rio Tinto, which are among the top three iron ore producers in the world and have announced a plan to combine their Western Australian iron ore assets, are the obvious beneficiaries, along with emerging producer Fortescue Metals Group.

      Mr Southwood said recent data from Port Hedland suggested that China was on track to import more than 25 million tonnes of Australian ore this month.

      "After conceding contract price cuts in 2009 ranging from 28 per cent to 48 per cent ... we believe the balance of pricing power will shift back in favour of the suppliers in 2010 and we have raised our benchmark price forecast for Australian iron ore fines to (plus) 10 per cent," he said.

      The bullish forecasts come as signs emerge that the Chinese government's $US770bn ($951bn) stimulus policy is starting to work. The country's investment in fixed assets -- such as roads and power plants -- grew 32.9 per cent in the first five months of the year -- the largest increase recorded for five years.

      Iron ore prices have fallen this year for the first time in seven years as construction in China eased and traditional iron ore markets including Japan, South Korea and Europe were hit by the global financial crisis.

      China's steel mills are the only major buyers of iron ore that have yet to agree to this year's benchmark price and have threatened to walk away from negotiations if BHP Billiton and Rio Tinto do not accept steep price cuts.

      Noting that Brazil's Vale had concluded iron ore and pellet price negotiations with Nippon Steel and Pohang Iron and Steel Company in South Korea, Credit Suisse has reviewed its 2010 and 2011 price forecasts for iron ore fines.

      The broker expects fines prices to rise 5 per cent in 2011.

      In its report, titled "What goes up must come down", Credit Suisse also predicts spot iron ore prices will improve on the back of stronger demand from markets outside China.

      CommSec has yet to revise its own numbers -- it currently forecasts prices will fall 10 per cent -- but commodities analyst Lachlan Shaw said they were constantly under review.

      "It's certainly fair to say that the market looks to be tightening up a little in favour of the suppliers," Mr Shaw said. "The strengthening in China in terms of imports and steel production has probably surprised a number in the market."

      He said any impact on BHP's and Rio's earnings would depend on whether the Australian dollar appreciated. Both companies are paid US dollars for iron ore, but export value is recorded in Australian currency.

      "In general terms, a higher price for iron ore is a good thing for both BHP and Rio," Mr Shaw said.

      Australia was the top iron ore exporting country in 2007 and last year, and any improvements in production levels and miners' earnings are expected to have positive flow-on effects for national economic growth.
      schrieb am 09.07.09 11:02:00
      Beitrag Nr. 71 ()
      Die Chinesen übernehmen die mit den Japanern/Koreanern beschlossenen Eisenerzpreise:

      China concedes on iron ore prices - but for 6 months only
      Author: Reuters - Posted: Wednesday , 08 Jul 2009

      China's steel mills have agreed to a 33 percent cut in iron ore prices after failing to win a bigger reduction than their Asian rivals, but only for a six-month period rather than a full year, the Chinese Business News said on Wednesday, citing informed sources it did not name.

      The deal, which could not be immediately confirmed, would conclude some nine months of tense negotiations that threatened to scupper the decades-old annual pricing ritual, and which took an unexpected turn this week when four Rio Tinto employees in Shanghai were detained by Chinese authorities.

      Several Chinese steel officials contacted by Reuters on Wednesday said they were unaware of any settlement, but two sources not directly involved in the discussions said they had had heard of a possible agreement, but could not confirm it.

      "All news should be subject to the statement from CISA and Baosteel. I have nothing to say about the news," Chen Xianwen, head of the market research department at the China Iron and Steel Association industry body, told Reuters.

      The Shanghai-based business newspaper, backed by a local government agency, said China had agreed to pay $0.97 per dry metric tonne unit for Pilbara blend fines and $1.12 per dmtu for Plibara Blend lump, but only for April through October. It said negotiations were already underway for the following period.

      But the newspaper said its sources could not say which of the big iron ore suppliers had signed the deal.

      A 33 percent cut would be in line with what analysts have been expecting as Rio Tinto showed no inclination to let up its "take it or leave it" stance on the initial deal, and an economic recovery lifted spot market prices above new contract levels, leaving China with little leverage.

      If confirmed, it would mean China's steel sector had conceded to the same price that Japanese and South Korean rivals accepted from Rio and BHP Billiton, but for only half the time, giving China's mills the chance to argue for cheaper rates if a tentative economic recovery that has revived steel prices falters.

      China, the world's biggest steel producer and buyer of more than half of all traded iron ore, had initially sought a bigger price cut of up to 45 percent versus 2008, but last week softened those demands after the June 30 deadline for agreeing terms lapsed, giving miners the right to suspend term deals.

      An agreement would provide more certainty for mills' costs and miners' earnings, but is a setback in China's effort to play a bigger and more influential role in commodity markets; this suffered another blow last month when Rio scrapped a $19.5 billion deal with Chinese state-owned metals group Chinalco.

      With a mechanism to review prices more frequently, the vast 800 million tonne a year trade in iron ore moves a small step toward becoming a more liquid commodity market, which would give miners more opportunity to profit from rising prices and open up trading and hedging opportunities for global banks.
      schrieb am 30.07.09 10:00:26
      Beitrag Nr. 72 ()
      Die Eisenerz-Spotpreise erholen sich mächtig von ihren Tiefs ...

      China spot iron ore prices reach $100/t - more pressure on CISA
      Posted: Thursday , 30 Jul 2009 - SHANGHAI (Reuters) -

      China spot iron ore prices have jumped 74 percent off April lows fuelled by active buying, rising freight rates and is now well above contract prices negotiated with Japanese, Korean and European mills.

      Benchmark spot prices of iron ore in China, the world's biggest consumer, surged above $100 a tonne on Thursday, driven by active buying, industry consultancy Mysteel said, marking a 74 percent jump from April lows.

      Ore of 63/63.5 percent iron content traded at $99-101 a tonne, including freight costs, Mysteel said in a client message.

      "Whether the prices will rise further or not depends on how soon Chinese steel mills announce a long-term price deal with overseas miners," said a trader based in the eastern province of Zhejiang, who asked to be unidentified.

      "Speculation in the market drives the prices up, without a specific market reference, as steel mills are muted," he added.

      The prices have gained 74 percent from a bottom of $58 a tonne in April after slumping for months as demand weakened during the global financial crisis. They hit an all-time peak of about $150 a tonne during April and May last year in China.

      The prices are also 33 percent higher than Australian long-term iron ore prices with freight costs to China, which stood at around $76 a tonne on Thursday.

      The China Iron and Steel Association (CISA), the de facto negotiator for the country's steel mills in annual term iron ore price talks, is still holding out for a better deal than a cut of 33 percent earlier agreed by Japanese counterparts with Australian miner Rio Tinto (RIO.AX).

      China's talks with BHP Billiton (BHP.AX)(BLT.L), Rio Tinto (RIO.L) and Vale (VALE5.SA) were clouded this year by Rio's rejection of a further tie-up with Chinese aluminium firm Chinalco, and the country's detention of four Shanghai-based Rio employees for allegedly stealing state secrets.

      Some industry executives and analysts said CISA, seeking to salvage its pride, may announce a face-saving compromise such as a hybrid pricing solution at a meeting of Chinese steel executives this week in Beijing, as rising spot prices diminish chances for a bigger cut.

      The boost in spot iron ore prices in China was also aided by rising freight rates. The Baltic Exchange's main sea freight index .BADI, which tracks rates to ship dry commodities, rose 0.69 percent on Wednesday, with appetite for iron ore cargoes in China helping to keep rates stable.
      schrieb am 05.08.09 15:03:03
      Beitrag Nr. 73 ()
      1,12€ steigend

      bin angenehm überrascht

      siehe #66 vom 7.5.09 - da standen wir bei 0,64€
      übrigens bei Sundance stehen wir nun schon bei 0,119€

      so kann es weitergehen :D
      schrieb am 12.08.09 07:02:51
      Beitrag Nr. 74 ()
      11 iron ore "winners
      August 12, 2009 - Article from: The Australian

      TAKE the possible 21 iron ore stocks - outside the two Pilbara majors, of course - and Petra Capita of Sydney has found 11 they can recommend as value buys.

      The broker tried to make it a level playing field - comparing apples with apples, if you like - by converting magnetite resources to their haematite equivalent; they did the sums on the amount of beneficiation required to produce a concentrate. Current benchmark iron ore prices were used to calculate enterprise value and that was all mixed up with expected EDITDA for the companies concerned.

      Then they were handicapped into three divisions by market cap - one above and two below the $500 million threshold.

      Four got the big tick in the heavyweight category: Murchison Metals with its Jack Hills project in the Mid West region of Western Australia; Gindalbie Metals which is also in that region with its Mungada and Karara projects; Fortescue Metals Group, the “new force” in the Pilbara; and Mount Gibson Iron which has Tallering Peak, Koolan Island and Extension Hill.

      Middleweight contenders that got the nod from Petra Capital were Brockman Resources with its Pilbara iron ore deposit, Sundance Resources toiling away in tropical Cameroon, Northern Iron - a surprise winner - with the Sydvaranger deposit in Norway and - back to the Pilbara - United Minerals Corp.

      In the lightweight division, there’s Western Plains Resources drilling away in the South Australia at Peculiar Knob and Buzzard, Strike Resources over there in Peru, BC Iron which has kneeled at the foot of FMG in return for access to the latter’s Pilbara railway and as a consdequence will be in production next year, and Flinders Mines and its Hamersley project. In regard the last mentioned, FMS yesterday received a speeding ticket from the ASX, the company responding that the price and volume surge may have been due to a new broker’s report.

      It was interesting to see which companies got taken out in the cull. Notably there was Atlas Iron which is one of the great Pilbara junior success stories - but remember, this was all about finding stocks that are still value buys, not ones whose achievements and prospects have already been factored into their price.
      schrieb am 31.08.09 07:35:59
      Beitrag Nr. 75 ()
      Das wird wohl leider einen Kursrutsch auslösen ... :cry:

      Northern Iron Limited (“Northern Iron”) today launched a 1 for 5 pro-rata accelerated nonrenounceable entitlement offer (the “Entitlement Offer”) to raise A$61.4 million at an offer price of A$1.45 per share.…
      schrieb am 31.08.09 07:40:18
      Beitrag Nr. 76 ()
      schrieb am 01.09.09 15:26:06
      Beitrag Nr. 77 ()
      0,94€ fallend

      nun, ziehe hier die Reisleine !

      +57,31% sind genug - rechnete mit mehr

      behalte das Ding mal im Focus
      schrieb am 16.10.09 19:02:49
      Beitrag Nr. 78 ()
      1,12€ steigend

      bin ich zu früh raus ? Nein, aber zum Neueinstieg
      ist sie zu teuer !
      schrieb am 30.11.09 05:18:37
      Beitrag Nr. 79 ()
      So langsam geht es voran ... erstes Fe-Erz verschifft ...

      First Commercial Iron Ore Concentrate Shipment
      Northern Iron Limited (ASX Code: NFE) wishes to advise that the Company’s first commercial shipment of 69,500 wet metric tonnes of iron ore concentrate departed Kirkenes on the 22nd November, bound for a customer in China. The departure of the vessel indicates completion of the commissioning of the shiploading facilities and is an important milestone for the Company.

      Sales and Marketing
      The Company continues to work with existing and new customers to facilitate sales of the higher silica product currently being produced by the project in its ramp up phase. A number of firm offers from customers to purchase concentrate at a price greater than production cash costs have been received.
      The Company remains confident that all product currently being produced by the project will be sold at a reasonable price, above its cash cost.

      Mining Update
      Mining rates continue to be adjusted to match the ore requirement for the concentrator. A total of 550,000 tonnes of ore, grading 32% remains stockpiled, and the waste:ore ratio for the month of November to date is 0.9:1. Mined Ore grades have averaged between 33.1% Fe and 35.6% Fe since the commencement of operations, which are in line with the reserve grade of 32.3% Fe after adjustment for the 5% upgrade as a result of the cobbing plant. All other elements in the ore and concentrate are in line with expectations.

      Financial Update
      The Company has negotiated an in-principle agreement with a customer for a USD 5 million pre-payment facility linked to an FOB spot sales agreement for 400,000 dmt of concentrate. The agreement involves a prepayment in early December and the customer will start
      receiving shipments from the Company in February 2010. The facility will be repaid from the proceeds of the sales agreement over a six month period with the excess funds from the sales agreement received as revenue. Pricing of the concentrate under the sales agreement is linked to a recognised iron ore index as adjusted for grade, quality and freight.

      The facility is being offered by MRI Trading AG, a company associated with Non Executive Director Ashwath Mehra, and is subject to final documentation and execution of the final sales agreement.
      schrieb am 05.01.10 20:18:24
      Beitrag Nr. 80 ()
      0,84€ abwärts

      liegt wohl am harten Winter

      mh, bei 0,60€ zukaufen - womöglich
      schrieb am 28.01.10 09:06:25
      Beitrag Nr. 81 ()
      So kann das leider nichts werden ...

      22 January 2010
      Northern Iron Limited (“Northern Iron”) is pleased to announce it has completed its A$14.3m institutional placement of 9.86 million new fully paid ordinary shares (“Institutional Offer”) announced yesterday at a price of A$1.45 per share. The Institutional Offer was well supported with very strong demand from both new and existing institutional investors.

      The Institutional Offer was part of a A$55.3m equity raising that included OM Holdings Limited (“OMH”) agreeing to subscribe for 28.25 million new shares at A$1.45 per share to raise A$41.0m (“OMH Placement”), equating to a 10% shareholding interest. Proceeds from the Institutional Offer and OMH Placement will be used to fund capital rectification works required to address plant performance at the Sydvaranger iron ore project and provide Northern Iron additional working capital flexibility.

      Commenting on the Institutional Offer, Northern Iron Chairman Neil Hamilton said: “The investment by OMH combined with its additional technical expertise and input, and the ongoing support from existing shareholders is a strong endorsement of Northern Iron’s outlook as its completes the transition to iron ore producer”. The Institutional placement will settle on Thursday 28 January 2010. The trading halt, which has been in place since 10.00am Wednesday 20 January 2010, will be lifted prior to the commencement of trading on the ASX today (Friday 22 January 2010). For and on behalf of the Board.
      schrieb am 28.04.10 19:14:28
      Beitrag Nr. 82 ()
      0,99€ seitwärts
      schrieb am 30.08.10 14:25:23
      Beitrag Nr. 83 ()
      1,19€ steigend
      schrieb am 17.09.10 15:27:32
      Beitrag Nr. 84 ()
      1,27€ ????

      wo will den die hin 1,50 - 2,00€
      schrieb am 10.12.10 06:39:22
      Beitrag Nr. 85 ()
      Guten Morgen,

      vielleicht ist ja jemand in Northern Iron investiert und kann eine Auskunft geben, wann hier die Produktion beginnt!?!

      Ich ahbe mcih lange nicht mehr mit der Firma auseinandergesetzt, vielleicht gibt es jemanden der im Bilde ist.

      2 Antworten
      schrieb am 10.12.10 07:00:38
      Beitrag Nr. 86 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 40.685.963 von SKGold_2 am 10.12.10 06:39:22Also wenn du im Thread etwas gelesen hättest wüsstest du das sie schon seit Oktober 09 produzieren oder meintest du was anderes ?

      LG Tommi
      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 10.12.10 08:20:40
      Beitrag Nr. 87 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 40.685.977 von Tommi33 am 10.12.10 07:00:38War mir jetzt nicht so bewusst, aber wie gesagt, ich habe mich ehrlicherweise auch nicht mehr mit Northern beschäftigt.

      Aber der Kurs ist jetzt nicht so explosiv gestiegen.

      schrieb am 03.02.12 12:24:23
      Beitrag Nr. 88 ()
      Hallo @all,

      bin seit gestern mit ner kleinen Posi dabei- 7% über Nacht gestiegen, d.h., alles im grünen Bereich. Man darf ja auch mal Glück haben.

      Hier mal n link bez Director Dealings. MAn beachte die Options :0)) Zeigt hoffentlich, wo es hingeht.
      schrieb am 03.02.12 12:30:21
      Beitrag Nr. 89 ()
      schrieb am 03.02.12 13:30:39
      Beitrag Nr. 90 ()

      iron ore price chart.

      Gehts tiefer?
      schrieb am 06.02.12 11:39:37
      Beitrag Nr. 91 ()…

      Gutes Volumen in Australien. +12% in Frankfurt. So kann es weitergehen.
      schrieb am 13.02.12 11:56:23
      Beitrag Nr. 92 ()
      schrieb am 01.06.12 06:37:34
      Beitrag Nr. 93 ()
      Artikel von minesite:

      May 31, 2012
      Northern Iron Secures A Sizable Chinese Off-Take Agreement For Product From Its Hot Briquetted Iron Project In Ontario
      By Ryan Jackson in Vancouver

      It’s been nearly a year since Northern Iron began exploration on the five Red Lake Properties in Ontario, with the goal of upgrading the historic 560 million tonne resource to a NI 43-101 compliant resource. Basil Botha, president of Northern Iron, says drilling at the key Karras property has now “practically finished”. He is now, he says, “hoping to get the report back in late June”.

      The Karas project

      But in the meantime, Northern Iron has been keeping inventors on their toes by announcing further drill results and a major offtake agreement. What’s more, Basil hints that the company is still involved in a number of additional negotiations: “internationally with offtake agreements, joint ventures, strategic partners, and even the potential sale of the company, it’s all in the cards”, he says. “We’ve made a lot of headway in that area by turning over a lot of stones and kissing a lot of frogs.”

      What’s attracting all the players to the table is the company’s plan to produce hot briquetted iron (HBI), a high purity product which can be delivered directly to the nearby Great Lakes steel industry or to the international shipping port at Prince Rupert. Currently the primary suppliers of HBI into the market are Trinidad, Venezuela, and from time to time Qatar.

      China is especially keen on hot briquetted iron, says Basil. “China in its twelfth five year plan has mandated that it’s going to double its import of HBI and metallics by the year 2013”, he says, “from 14 million tonnes 28 million tonnes. This is simply because the Chinese want to clean up their environment and doing so will reduce the amount of carbon dioxide produced and make the system more energy efficient. China is struggling with energy right now so it is interested in ways to reduce energy consumption. HBI is a way that it can do that.”

      While the Chinese are keen, the advantages of HBI are not lost on policy makers in Canada either. According to Basil, politicians in Ontario have taken notice. Northern Iron is planning to produce a value added product in the province which could offer North American steel makers with a material, he says, that “is much better for making steel out of than hematite - simply because emissions are lower, less electricity is used, less slag is produced, and no coking coal is required”.

      With Beijing’s mandate in mind, Northern Iron was able successfully to court China Railway Materials Import and Export, the 59th largest company in China, and close out an off-take agreement valued at over US$350 million. This is exactly the type of de-risking agreement which Basil has been hinting at for months - the order is for 900,000 metric tonnes of hot briquetted iron, to be delivered in 2016, representing approximately two thirds of anticipated production.

      With a buyer found, the next step for Northern Iron is proving up the historical resources to the NI 43-101 level. The first resource will be on the Karas Property where the company currently has a non-NI 43-101 compliant historical resource of 21 million tonnes, grading 22.8% iron, available in an open pit to a depth of 500 feet.

      To date there have been 33 holes drilled on the Karas Property and results have routinely been better than those from historical holes. An especially intriguing 443.15 metres of mineralization was discovered last year, illustrating the scale of the structures at depth. Basil, enthused by the huge intersection comments: “The intersection is just short of half a kilometre of magnetite mineralisation and is still open at depth, which is an excellent result and stands out as one of the best drill holes to date. The tightly folded banded iron formation on the Karas property demonstrates a continuous formation from surface to depth with a magnetic signature of 800 metres by 500 metres at surface.”

      What’s more, the company has recently hit an even wider intersection - 474 metres of magnetite, ending 550 metres below surface, grading 23.28% ferric oxide, including 158 metres at 31.44% ferric oxide. The plan now is to drill one more deep hole at Karas, “just to convince ourselves”, says Basil, “that this magnetite goes down a really long way”.

      Despite the exciting results from deep drilling, exploration is now going on the back burner at Karas, since Basil expects the coming resource to provide a good foundation upon which to begin development. The last deep hole planned for Karas should provide enough data to outline an inferred resource at depth, and the company will hold off on further drilling until it reaches steady stage 1 production. Basil argues that despite the usual megaproject approach to iron ore, the coming resource should be more than adequate for the planned operation: “What I try to emphasize is that this project does not need a billion tonnes to work. 350 million tonnes will give us 50 odd years of supply”.

      Meanwhile, as the company waits for the 43-101 report to be completed on Karas, attention has moved to permitting at the Griffith Property. Griffith is where Basil plans to define the second NI 43-101 resource, early next year. Preliminary drilling of the material below the previous pit at Griffith returned an intersection of 87.78 metres at 32.38% ferric oxide including 80 metres at 43.27% and 58 metres at 39.09%.

      But what sort of resource can Northern Iron expect to define at Griffith? As a pointer, Basil points to the historical reserve: “The really important fact is that historically they said there is 120 million tonnes there but they only mined a total of 85 million tonnes out of that pit. The pit design is to 325 metres and we’ve only gone, at the deepest point, 85 metres in that pit. From that, I suspect that there’s way more there.” Between the two properties, currently being explored, Basil would like to define 350 million tonnes measured and indicated, which would give the company more than 50 years of mine life producing high quality hot briquetted iron.

      The company expects to have metallurgical and geotechnical studies on Karas in the third quarter, and a measured an indicated resource on Griffith early next year. A preliminary economic assessment should come in 2014, followed by first production in the fourth quarter. Having completed the second largest financing on the Venture Exchange last year, Northern Iron still has around C$6.8 million in the treasury. Basil sees himself as, “quite fortunate because the company has the money in the bank to move towards its objectives”, despite the squirrely markets.
      schrieb am 07.06.13 17:30:25
      Beitrag Nr. 94 ()
      hallo greedy und Tommy, wie siehts eigentlich aus, seit ihr komplett draussen oder steigt ihr bei diesem Hammerpreis wieder ein.....
      schrieb am 20.06.13 20:29:56
      Beitrag Nr. 95 ()
      Hi boersehp,
      bin hier schon vor über einem Jahr komplett raus. Ich bin auch nicht auf dem Laufenden,werde mich kommende Woche aber erneut einlesen.
      Best wishes,
      schrieb am 29.07.13 20:26:33
      Beitrag Nr. 96 ()
      Heut gabs mal nen leckeren Aufschlag von 12% bei über 2 Mio Umsatz. Das ist mal wieder nen echtes Lebenszeichen, nachdem andere zu Niedrigstpreisen ausgestiegen sind....
      schrieb am 10.10.13 18:16:53
      Beitrag Nr. 97 ()
      Habt ihr ne persönliche Einschätzung, wie das Quartal gelaufen sein könnte?
      schrieb am 17.10.13 17:51:17
      Beitrag Nr. 98 ()
      also die Börse sagt ganz gut mit Plus über 20% an einem Tag.......

      schrieb am 10.11.13 09:51:14
      Beitrag Nr. 99 ()
      Northern Iron der Chart im Aufwärtstrend
      auf - findet man den Fiananzbericht vom 30.10. zum 30.9.

      Ich hatte am Tief 6.000 Stck. aufgestockt auf 10.000 - für 430 €
      Mein Durchschnitspreis liegt damit bei 0,28 €
      Ich hoffe, dass das im nächsten Jahr erreichbar ist.
      Eigentlich sollte die Norwegische Eisenmine nicht in Australien gelistet sein - in London
      wäre viel besser.

      schrieb am 26.01.14 13:44:44
      Beitrag Nr. 100 ()
      Ganz langsam ist der Quartalsreport überfällig und seit ein paar Tagen fällt der Kurs verdächtig........

      Gibts von irgendwoher noch andere Infos ?
      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 02.02.14 10:26:37
      Beitrag Nr. 101 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 46.308.499 von boersehp am 26.01.14 13:44:44Auf ist der Quartalsbericht da -
      Auf den Kurs in Australien bisher KEINE Reaktion - am Freitag fast
      kein Handel.
      Die sind an der falschen Börse - die müssten in London notiert sein,
      dann wäre der Kurs wesentlich besser und besser handelbar.

      In Australien interessiert sich kein Kängeruh für diesen Norwegischen
      schrieb am 16.07.14 07:25:23
      Beitrag Nr. 102 ()
      Hmmm hier kommt endlich mal wieder nen Bissel was Positives von northern iron:
      schrieb am 29.10.14 05:09:20
      Beitrag Nr. 103 ()
      Und nun ist auch der Quartalsbericht draußen.
      Bei dem schlechten Preis schon fast erstaunlich, das Sie im Quartal nur 0,8 Mio minus gemacht haben....
      Produktionskosten konnten im September nochmals gesenkt werden.
      schrieb am 29.10.14 13:50:45
      Beitrag Nr. 104 ()
      wie erzielt man bei C1 Cash Cost von $72/dmt und einem Verkaufspreis von $67/dmt ein EBITDA von 0,8 Mio???
      schrieb am 29.10.14 17:10:00
      Beitrag Nr. 105 ()
      Im September haben Sie unter der dort produzierten Menge zu C1 von 65 gearbeitet und weiterhin haben Sie auch aus dem vorhandenen Lagerbestand verkauft...... Das hilft ein wenig das Ganze zu erklären. Sprich man zehrt ein wenig aus den Vorquartalen.
      schrieb am 14.06.15 20:28:01
      Beitrag Nr. 106 ()
      Wow Marktkapitalisierung nur noch bei 5Mio A$.

      Bin mal gespannt wie es ab Ende Juni weitergeht.
      schrieb am 03.11.15 18:27:32
      Beitrag Nr. 107 ()
      Quartalsbericht gefällt mir jetzt mal gar nicht so schlecht, Sie arbeiten deutlich an ihren Kosten.
      schrieb am 19.11.15 21:51:20
      Beitrag Nr. 108 ()
      Und schwupps melden Sie Insolvenz an......
      Unglaublich gibt es eigentlich noch irgendwelche Unternehmen, die nicht nur dazu da sind die teuren Managergelter zu zahlen?

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      WertpapierPerf. %
      Norwegisches Eisen von Northern Iron Ltd. und die Recherche von tommy-hl