
    Stans Energy / ARMZ Lithiumprojekt in Russland (Seite 154)

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     Ja Nein
      schrieb am 27.12.11 16:14:44
      Beitrag Nr. 579 ()
      China treibt Preise für Seltene Erden hoch:,1518,805927,0…
      schrieb am 27.12.11 08:45:29
      Beitrag Nr. 578 ()
      Zitat von prallhans: Sagt mal, ist da was im Busch? HRE hält sich verdächtig gut, sieht mir fast nach einer doppelten Bodenbildung aus - was meint ihr?

      Sehe ich auch so! Charttechnisch m.E. ein klarer Kauf.
      Ich habe die letzten Tage genutzt, um hier erneut einzusammeln!
      LG, ER
      schrieb am 26.12.11 23:38:25
      Beitrag Nr. 577 ()
      Sagt mal, ist da was im Busch? HRE hält sich verdächtig gut, sieht mir fast nach einer doppelten Bodenbildung aus - was meint ihr?
      schrieb am 16.12.11 21:17:54
      Beitrag Nr. 576 ()
      Wann sehen wir mal eine grüne Woche bei Stans E. ?
      schrieb am 14.11.11 15:15:35
      Beitrag Nr. 575 ()
      "Stans Energy Options Existing Mill for Kutessay II Mine

      Stans Energy Corp (TSX-V: HRE) (Pink Sheets: HREEF)('Stans' or 'The Company') is pleased to announce the signing of an exclusive option on the existing Aktyuz mill used for the beneficiation of Kutesay II rare earths ores. The company has also acquired a surface rights lease for the life of the mine for 365 hectares surrounding the property for infrastructure build out...

      Trading Spotlight

      East Africa Metals
      0,1480EUR +0,68 %
      Kennen wir bei East Africa bislang nur die Spitze des Goldberges?!mehr zur Aktie »
      schrieb am 13.11.11 19:48:54
      Beitrag Nr. 574 ()
      Wie gehts mit Stans E. in der kommenden Woche , kann einer mal in die _Glaskugel schauen :-))

      Gruß H.
      schrieb am 02.11.11 20:21:42
      Beitrag Nr. 573 ()
      good performance today !!!
      schrieb am 29.10.11 13:33:45
      Beitrag Nr. 572 ()
      gerade auf der seite von stans entdeckt, news vom 25.10.:…
      schrieb am 26.10.11 13:50:19
      Beitrag Nr. 571 ()
      sehr guter artikel zum letzten update von stans auf seekingalpha

      This brings us to Stans Energy (HREEF.PK) which has probably had the most interesting news since our article, as it is company generated (not from analysts or newsletter writers) and of significance both on a company level and an industry perspective. The company put out a press release late last week which on the surface does not say much, however we believe that it provides enough information to say that the company will in fact be one of the first supplies of HREEs to the marketplace. The press release can be found here.

      Stans has had a relationship with VNIIHT, which is a Russian state rare earths company. This is the company which was behind Russia’s rare earth industry and was behind the technology at Stans’s processing plant as well as the plant in Estonia which Molycorp purchased. Also of interest is the fact that VNIIHT is the one entity outside of China which has consistently researched REEs over the years and never stopped, not even when prices plummeted as cheap Chinese production flooded the market.

      Of importance to investors, the company finally admitted what many already knew; that over the past 2 years Fortune 500 companies have been onsite and discussed with Stans the possibility of helping bring Kutessay II into production. Nothing has been signed as of now, but the fact that this management team felt comfortable enough to discuss the subject we believe to be telling, from past interaction with the CEO and others at the company we find them never wanting to over promise or lead a stray. It is our guess something will happen in the next 3-6 months in regards to Kutessay II.

      From the press release, the company states it has, “finalized a framework agreement with VNIIHT that specifically outlines the short and long term joint program of activities.” We believe this to be very important, but most investors probably were scratching their head in regards to the Kashka Rare Earths Plant section of the news release which read:

      “Stans has recently hired Mr. Victor Kashtanov to lead the team of experts to restart production of Heavy Rare Earth Elements (HREEs) from outsourced concentrates at Plant #3 in 2012, and to assist our engineering team to design of a new Plant #1 (a thorium extraction facility) and a solvent extraction [SX] plant with a 1500 t.p.y. capacity. Stans is actively engaged in the selection of an existing facility and site to host the new SX plant. Going forward the plan is to have both the first module of Plant #1 and the 500 t.p.y. SX plant in operation by 2013.”

      The number of people that the company has been hiring over the past year indicated to us that something was up, but there was but one idea we had that they could be up to, which was a long shot. The fact that the company stated they expect to have the Plant #3 (the HREE section of the process) restarting production of HREEs in 2012, “from outsourced concentrates,” was enough to convince us our idea is not that long of a shot anymore.

      As many of our readers know, Russia continues to possess large above ground stockpiles from their centralized planning days, the most widely known is the uranium from their decommissioned nuclear warheads. What many do not know is that Russia also has a large stockpile of HREE concentrates. This was first reported via Rare Metal Blog here on June 28, 2011. The article stated that, “the Russians have studied four possible sites for processing the concentrate. These could between them produce lanthanum carbonate and oxides, cerium, neodymium, praseodymium, samarium, terbium, dysprosium, europium, erbium, gadolinium and yttrium. Production at one plant in the Sverdlovsk region will include manufacturing magnets. It is expected that production of magnets containing REE will be possible from 2016.” Stans’s plant is the only facility outside of China to have produced the full spectrum of REEs and most certainly one of the four sites the Russians have already looked at, and most likely why VNIIHT has been assisting the company in their endeavors thus far and working on securing a Russian project together (of which Stans Energy’s CEO said at a recent conference they had settled upon – 1 out of about 300!).

      The article from Rare Metal Blog stated that 2,500 tons of TREO would be possible for production on a per annum basis (an amount far exceeding the initial plans Stans indicated via the press release) and at the same time be highly profitable. So if it is the Russian REE concentrate then Stans will be doing only part of the production due to production capacity constraints with their plant (not having enough capacity to take on all of the work themselves). We think this stockpile will eventually feed Stans, but until the Thorium separation plant is up they will be getting concentrate from elsewhere (notice there is a 2012 and 2013 date in the press release). Most likely a company with the ability to separate the LREEs, but lacking the expertise to extract the HREEs is our guess. This is all based on that window of actually being in production however not having the Thorium separation capacity/ability on their end.

      We already knew that the company would be continuing exploring the property to prove up what the Russians have recorded as being there, and we think that it is likely that the company will be successful as they move forward, however that is a long-term project and the company is more concerned with getting the plants up and running at this point. The one real question mark from our readers was in regards to the Beryllium deposit (Kalesay) next door to the Kutessay II deposit. The company will most likely mine both the REEs and the Beryllium at the same time as the deposits are together, however they indicated in the press release that they would have to resample as their previous samples were open to weathering. This is not a big deal in our opinion as the exact same issue arose when the company was conducting the sampling program for the REE JORC. The results were skewed due to weathering on the host rock providing results which were not indicative of historical records from the Russians, which the company had obtained when they purchased the property and its plant. Stans will simply go in, resample from rock within the shaft which is unexposed to weathering and the elements and get ore which is more indicative of the deposit as a whole.

      It is possible that we have not connected the dots correctly, but last week we increased our holdings in Stans by roughly 10%, and although we own a large portion of our shares at prices cheaper than today’s, we also have a fair number of shares purchased at prices far north of here in the $1-2.50 range. We think that news of a Russian project is worth US$1.00/share to current prices as it cements the company’s legitimacy in the region and ‘proves’ to investors that the company has political cover. Our guess is that Stans Energy becomes to REEs what UraniumOne is to U3O8 (uranium) for the Russians (for those who do not know, UraniumOne was a Canadian/South African company operating in the Kazakhstan uranium industry threatened with the prospect of losing their projects to the government until the Russians came in and gave the company cover.).

      This news puts Stans in-line with Great Western Minerals (GWMGF.PK) in regards to initial production of HREEs, although Great Western will be actually mining their ore (keep in mind that Stans has enough ore already onsite to begin production, it is just a matter of expanding the plants’ capacity and having all aspects (the various plants in the overall process open). At this point it appears that Stans Energy’s production will be sold on the open market while Great Western will use the HREEs for their own manufacturing needs. So investors need only ask themselves what they want to invest in, a company focused on supplying the market, or one who is focused on the entire supply chain. Great Western and Stans both have the ability to reward shareholders should both get into production, but at this point only one has the man power to pull this off.

      The HREE space is constantly changing. Keeping up with the different timelines which are continually being altered is a task in-and-of-itself, however based on what we know have been told we think that the way to play the HREEs for the short-term at this time, and possibly the longer-term going forward, is to focus on those companies with potentially significant HREE production. Due to recent events we have moved Stans Energy back up into our top buy list as we believe the political fears are overblown, production is near-term and the company should have news regarding a joint venture or new project in Russia in the near future.…" target="_blank" rel="nofollow ugc noopener">…
      schrieb am 25.10.11 11:53:20
      Beitrag Nr. 570 ()
      Teil 2:

      Die Seltenen Erden, die unter anderem für die Produktion von Smartphones, Elektromotoren oder Windrädern benötigt werden, sind seit Jahren ein Konfliktthema zwischen China und den westlichen Industrienationen. Länder wie die USA, Deutschland und Japan werfen der chinesischen Regierung vor, mit der künstlichen Verknappung gegen die Regeln der Welthandelsorganisation (WTO) zu verstoßen. Die Volksrepublik behauptet dagegen, nur ihre "natürlichen Interessen zu schützen".

      Durch den Produktionsstopp fehlen 5000 Tonnen Seltene Erden

      Ökonomen der Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS) sind überzeugt, dass die Produktionsunterbrechung sich schnell auf die Preise auswirken wird. Immerhin hat Baotou einen Weltmarktanteil von 47 Prozent. Ein einmonatiger Förderstopp führe dazu, dass 5000 Tonnen weniger zur Verfügung stehen.

      Mehr als 95 Prozent der weltweit verwendeten Seltenerdmetalle stammen aus der Volksrepublik, und lange Zeit war der Preis der chinesischen Exporte so billig, dass andere Länder ihre Förderung sogar ganz einstellten. Doch dann erkannten die Chinesen, welche Marktmacht mit ihrem Beinahe-Monopol einhergeht und begannen, die Exporte zu beschränken. Mit der folgenden Preisexplosion verdient China viel Geld. Hatte der weltweite Markt für Seltenerdmetalle 2008 noch ein Volumen von 2,4 Milliarden Euro, so sind es dieses Jahr 27 Milliarden. Auch zu politischen Zwecken setzte Peking seine raren Rohstoffe ein. Als die japanische Küstenwache vergangenes Jahr ein chinesisches Fischerboot festsetzte, das nahe einer umstrittenen Inselgruppe angeblich in japanisches Gewässer eingedrungen war, stoppte China kurzerhand die Lieferung von Seltenerdmetallen. Auf Druck der japanischen Wirtschaft wurden das Boot und seine Besatzung schließlich an China zurückgegeben.

      Doch je mehr China von dem Druckpotential Gebrauch macht, umso intensiver wird auch andernorts wieder nach Abbaumöglichkeiten gesucht. So geht es etwa bei der vergangene Woche von Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel in der Mongolei unterzeichneten Rohstoffpartnerschaft auch um die Versorgung mit Seltenen Erden. Auch in anderen Ländern wird gesucht: Siemens beteiligte sich kürzlich an einer Mine in Australien. Japanische Unternehmen orientieren sich nach Indien und Kasachstan. Allerdings müssen all diese Vorkommen noch erschlossen werden. Bis dahin ist die Weltindustrie weiterhin auf China angewiesen. Vor allem für mittelständische Unternehmen werde das allmählich kritisch, warnte kürzlich das Beratungsunternehmen Roland Berger.
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      Stans Energy / ARMZ Lithiumprojekt in Russland