
    NETZERO oder JUNO ??? - 500 Beiträge pro Seite

    eröffnet am 10.06.01 14:05:52 von
    neuester Beitrag 09.08.03 02:42:13 von
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     Ja Nein
      schrieb am 10.06.01 14:05:52
      Beitrag Nr. 1 ()
      Nach der Nachricht,daß die beiden Unternehmen fusionieren und den dazugehörigen Daten der Unternehmen denke ich,daß sich hier sowohl kurz-,als auch langfristig ein enormes Potenzial ergibt!
      Die Marktkapitalisierung der Unternehmn ist gerade zu lächerlich im Vergleich zu AOL und die Kundenzahl ist nahezu gleich!
      Was denkt ihr,wie weit Juno und Netzero in den nächsten Wochennoch steigen?
      Welche von beiden Aktien würdet ihr bevorzugen oder werden sich die Kurse ähnlich entwickeln?

      gruß moneywolf
      schrieb am 10.06.01 14:31:15
      Beitrag Nr. 2 ()
      Für mich sieht der NetZero-Chart interessanter aus.

      Ausserdem hat die Aktie von NetZero auf die Fusions-Nachricht
      deutlich stärker reagiert.


      schrieb am 10.06.01 15:05:40
      Beitrag Nr. 3 ()

      Ich kenne beide Werte sehr sehr gut, da ich seit Jahren jede Meldung gelesen habe und desöfteren investiert war...

      Die Antwort lautet ganz klar Juno. Hier zwei Postings von mir aus einem anderen Thread:


      Ich war schon desöfteren Juno Aktionär.... ich kenne die aktie in und auswendig... sie hatte desöfteren 200-300%ige Ausbrüche nach oben, da sich die Shorties regelmäßig verkalkuliert haben, was mir natürlich Spass gemacht hat

      Das ganze hört sich natürlich gigantisch an. United Internet! Die große Nummer 2 in den USA mit einer lächerlichen MArktkapitalisierung, die gerade mal ein tausendstel wie der von AOL beträgt und das obwohl man fast so viele Kunden hat.

      Demnach müsste man meinen, United Internet sei die Anlagechance des Jahres und in der Tat, das könnte sie auch sein.

      Allerdings ist nicht alles Gold was glänzt, auch bei UI nicht.
      Juno Online war ganz nahe der Profitabilität und hätte sie alleine auch erreicht. Allerdings wäre es äusserst eng geworden, da die Cashreserven zuletzt doch sehr zusammengeschrumpft waren.
      Net Zeros Geschäftsmodell funktioniert nicht. Net Zero verbrennt viel zu viel Cash!! Das muss sofort gestoppt werden! Andererseits bringt Net Zero auch ne gute Menge an Cash mit ins Boot, was die Reserven wieder erhöht.

      UI wird nun das machen, was Juno schon seit Quartalen erfolgreich praktiziert!! Kosten immer weiter senken und immer mehr Leute auf zahlende Tarife umstellen. Vor allem die Vielsurfer. Und das funktioniert tatsächlich.

      Zudem hat Juno ein ziemlich interessantes Projekt in der Pipeline, dass auch die nichtzahlenden Surfer wieder wertvoller macht.

      Man hat erst vor kurzem erste Verträge mit BIOTECH Firmen geschlossen. NAch einer Testphase will man den eigenen Nutzern als Auflage machen, mit der Juno Software nebenher Biotech Daten auszuwerten. Bei 8 Millionen Kunden verfügt Juno über den größten Rechner in den ganzen USA, was den Biotechfirmen schnell Vorsprung verschaffen kann. Dies sollte gute Umsätze generieren und die Werbung überflüssig machen können (da läufts ja derzeit nicht so rosig).

      Sowohl JWEB als auch NZRO haben Verträge die nun wirksam werdenmit AOL Time Warner. Man darf alle Dienste ihres Kabelnetztes vertreiben zu den gleichen PReisen wie AOL (dies war Auflage bei der AOL TW Fusion). Ein Riesenvorteil.

      Es gibt Stimmen in den USA die sagen: Wenn man zusätzliches Gewicht zu einem sinkenden Schiff hinzufügt, dann sinkt es nur noch schneller.

      Mein Fazit: UI wird es schaffen, die Profitabilität zu erreichen. Und selbst wenn nicht. Bei diesem Schleuderkurs (JWEB grade 1,79, kommt von 85 USD) kann man getrost zuschlagen. Selbst wenn UI pleite gehen sollte, so sehen wir Aktionäre trotzdem noch mehr für unsere Aktien, als sie derzeit wert sind.

      Denn KEINER der US Provider kann es sich leisten, die 25 Millionen Kunden von UI an den anderen zu verlieren.

      Microsoft hätte sie gerne, damit könnte man AOL endlich ernsthaft Konkurrenz machen.
      AOL hätte sie auch gerne. Mit den Kunden von UI wäre man über den "Berg" auf und davon. Uneinholbar für die Konkurrenz.
      Earthlink hätte sie auch gerne da man sonst als Provider "mittendrin" nicht überlebensfähig ist.
      Und schliesslich hat auch Terra Networks Interesse (einstieg in den USA, erst vor zwei Wochen Abbruch der Verhandlungen mit Earthlink).
      Und last but not least gibts ja auch noch Bertelsmann, die zusammen mit Napster und UI den Marktführer AOL vom Thron schmeissen könnten und das mit einer lächerlichen Investition von 150 Millionen USD!

      Alsi ich würde Juno vorziehen... für den Fall, dass die Fusion plazt, muss Juno zwar eine Strafe zahlen, jedoch wäre das der Todesstoss für Net Zero. Juno schaffts auch so.

      Ausserdem muss man abwarten ob das Verhältnis Juno / Netzero nicht nochmal nachgebessert wird, da die Aktionäre von Juno sonst die Zustimmung verweigern könnten.
      Und wer weiss wie Junos Großaktionäre, CMGI, Intel & Co drüber denken....

      Aber trotzdem Bull: Führe dir die Risiken vor Auge! Sollte die Übernahme kommen, dann gibts garantiert 5 USD. Sollte sie jedoch nicht kommen, dann wird es ein haarscharfes Rennen um die Profitabilität geben, dass natürlich auch verlorengehen kann, auch wenn ich glaube sie schaffen es!

      Stellt sich nur noch die Frage ob grade der richtige Einstiegszeitpunkt ist. Für mich persönlich gilt eigentlich die Regel, bei Juno nicht über 1 USD einzusteigen, weil man dann IMMER auf der richtigen Seite ist. Eine erste Position habe ich jedoch auch bereits wieder aufgebaut. ICh sehe nicht wirklich einen Grund, weshalb es unter 1 USD rutschen könnte, auch wenn es natürlich schön wäre zum Einsteigen!
      schrieb am 10.06.01 15:08:14
      Beitrag Nr. 4 ()
      Was ich noch hinzufügen möchte:

      Gut möglich, dass UI jetzt auch leichter an frisches Kapital komm tund sich Liquiditätprobleme die in 1-2 JAhren da sien könnten, in Luft auflösen.

      In die Werte werden sicher einige Fonds nun investieren, was den Kursen auftrieb geben sollte.

      Es gibt allerdings schon einige grosse Investoren wie beispielsweise CMGI oder INTEL bei Juno!
      schrieb am 10.06.01 15:27:00
      Beitrag Nr. 5 ()
      Hier auch nochmal ein etwas längerfristiger JUNO Chart....

      Trading Spotlight

      InnoCan Pharma
      0,1865EUR 0,00 %
      Biotech-Innovation auf FDA-Kurs!mehr zur Aktie »
      schrieb am 10.06.01 15:30:19
      Beitrag Nr. 6 ()
      Der Vollständigkeit halber auch noch der eigenständige Net Zero Chart:

      schrieb am 10.06.01 18:26:02
      Beitrag Nr. 7 ()
      @ all:

      Was kann denn eurer Meinung nach schief gehen, dass die Fusion noch platzt?
      Ich bin ehrlich gesagt etwas überrascht, dass es bei beiden Werten nach der Veröffentlichung dieser Meldung "lediglich" rund 20 % nach oben ging. Beide Aktien sind absolut ausgebombt, Netzero und Juno schließen sich zusammen und werden so zu einem (zum einzigen) ernsthaften Konkurrenten von AOL, wäre ein erheblich größerer Kurssprung nicht zu erwarten gewesen? Im Intradaychartverlauf ging es ja sofort wieder etwas bergab. Ist doch Skepsis angebracht oder kann man wirklich billig einsteigen?
      Sorry für die vielen Fragen, aber ich habe Juno und Netzero bisher nur als "Zockerpapiere" gesehen und daher nur flüchtig, eher gar nicht beobachtet. Wenn das aber alles so kommt und klappt, wie vorgesehen, entsteht hier mit "United Online" (wenn ich nicht irre, wird das Unternehmen so heißen und nicht United Internet, oder flo2323?) ein zweiter Gigant, um es vielleicht ein bisschen überspitzt zu formulieren.
      Also: Einsteigen? Wer kann mir helfen?
      Besten Dank und Gruß!
      schrieb am 10.06.01 19:18:11
      Beitrag Nr. 8 ()
      Hey greenhorn

      Du hast Recht.

      Aber es gibt doch hier in Deutschland idese United Internet. Deswegen hab ichs wohl verwechselt :)

      Der mickrige Kursanstieg ist in der Tat ungewöhnlich, vor allem für Juno. Als die Kurse die letzten Male explodiert isnd, hatten wir jedoch eine etwas andere Ausgangslage. Damals notierte der Kurs unter 1 Dollar und es waren unendlich Shorties da draussen die in Kaufpanik verfielen....

      Der Witz ist: Die Shorties müssten inzwischen eigentlich shcon wieder da sein, da der Kurs unter hohen Umstäzen in nullkommanix wieder auf bis zu 1,45 USD wegbrach (also ich rede von Juno, bei NZRO siehts ähnlich aus).
      Vielleicht haben die Shorties dazugelernt und wollten keine Panik ausbrechen lassen, damit sie sich noch eindecken können.

      Ich könnte mir daher gut vorstellen, dass es jetzt jeden Tag 20% hochgeht.
      Zudem werden sich am Montag Analysten melden, garantiert. Wenn die die ampel auf grün stellen dann gehts ab!
      schrieb am 10.06.01 19:53:39
      Beitrag Nr. 9 ()
      @ flo

      Was denkst Du,bis wohin der Juno-Kurs in den nächsten 2-4 Wochen laufen dürfte!

      Ich bin der Meinung,daß man nichts falsch machen kann,wenn man Montag einsteigen sollte!

      Danke für die Infos und Gruß!
      schrieb am 10.06.01 20:58:05
      Beitrag Nr. 10 ()
      ich denke das die doch recht geringe wertsteigerung mit der fallenden nasdaq zu tun hat.
      ich glaube das viele gehofft haben vielleicht noch billiger reinzukommen.ich bin zwar nur
      in netzero drin,werde aber morgen weiter aufstocken.
      tb 2
      schrieb am 10.06.01 20:58:07
      Beitrag Nr. 11 ()

      Tja, wenn ich das immer so wüsste, wäre ich Millionär. Was nun folgt, ist also riene Spekulation.

      In letzter Zeit konnte man mehrmals mit Juno gut Geld verdienen, da es Ausbrüche in Höhe von über 300% gab, die durch weit wneiger spektakuläre Nachrichten ausgelöst wurden. Jedesmal kam der Kurs auf unter 1 Dollar zurück. Normalerweise würde ich sagen: unter einem Dollar einsteigen, dann kann einem gar nix passieren, man kann nur irre viel verdienen.

      Diesmal kam die Top NAchricht bevor derKurs wieder so extrem zurückgekommen war. Wiederholt sich das gleiche noch einmal, nur von einer höheren Ausgangsposition?

      Falls es sich wiederholt dann geht es jetzt rehct flott bis 3, wenn nicht gar 4,50 USD hoch.

      Allerdings passt dieser Anstieg diesmal nicht 100% mit dem der anderen pberein, da er diesmal durch EXTREM hohe Umsätze ausgelöst wurde.

      Dennoch. Ich denke auch man kann nicht viel falsch machen, wenn man zulangt. Habe mir bei 1,83 USD einige ins Depot gelegt am Freitag und habe also auch meine Vorsätze (unter 1 Dollar kaufen) gebrochen.

      Weshalb sollte es nach dieser guten NAchricht wieder runter gehen? Ausserdem sind viele Shorties noch da draussen, die sich eindecken müssen. Also 3 Dollar sollten in den nächsten Tag drin sein!
      schrieb am 10.06.01 21:12:02
      Beitrag Nr. 12 ()
      Dein Wort in Gottes Ohr!
      War ein schwacher Tag an der Nasdaq,daher konnte der Kurs wahrscheinlich nicht noch stärker zulegen!
      Ich dachte beim Eröffnungskurs an der Nasdaq auch,daß ich nochmal günstiger an die Aktie kommen würde und habe entschieden erst Montag einzusteigen!
      Ich denke mal,es gibt bei der niedrigen Bewertung und der Phantasie,die sich aus de Fusion ergibt keinen Grund für fallende Kurse in den nächsten Tagen!

      gruß moneywolf
      schrieb am 10.06.01 23:46:47
      Beitrag Nr. 13 ()
      @ FLO2323; all!

      "Weshalb sollte es nach dieser guten Nachricht wieder runter gehen?"

      Börse ist und bleibt zu einem großen Teil Psychologie und lebt von Phantasie. Ich denke ehrlich gesagt, dass die Chancen für beide Aktien daher sehr gut stehen, in den folgenden Tagen weiter zu steigen, und zwar deutlich. Das Vorhaben zu fusionieren ist bekannt, die Chancen, die sich daraus ergeben liegen klar auf der Hand. Ich werde mir morgen früh wohl ein paar Juno-Aktien ins Depot legen, in der Hoffnung in Deutschland keinen übertriebenen Aufschlag zahlen zu müssen.
      Allerdings werde ich auf der Hut sein. Erstens kann ja mal was schief gehen und zweitens macht mir das Umfeld doch zu schaffen. Es gibt genügend Stimmen, die der Meinung sind, die Korrektur an den Aktienmärkten, und auch immer noch bei den Techs und Internet-Titeln, sei noch nicht vorbei. Und mal ehrlich: Die Nachrichten liefern momentan auch nicht unbedingt Gründe dafür, warum man sich ausgerechnet jetzt Aktien zulegen sollte. Und inwieweit sich Juno und Netzero diesem Umfeld, trotz der Riesenstory, entziehen können, ist fraglich. Das habt ihr ja schon selbst bemerkt: Bei positiver Nasdaq hätten die Aktien wahrscheinlich deutlicher zugelegt.
      Trotzdem: es ist eine unglaubliche Chance! Wenn alles glatt läuft sehen wir mittelfristig ganz andere Kurse, > 300% . Ich will nicht pushen, aber der Vergleich mit AOL lässt dies vermuten.
      Hoffe diese Diskussion bleibt so informativ.
      Gruß, greenhorn
      schrieb am 11.06.01 00:36:06
      Beitrag Nr. 14 ()
      ich kenne flo schon recht lange und weiss das er nen totaler junofan ist.
      ich bin mir sicher das er weiterhin news und gedanken bringt.
      da ich selber in netzero investiert bin werde ich meinen beitrag auch bringen.
      du brauchst dir also keine sorgen um news machen.
      tb 2
      schrieb am 11.06.01 11:34:39
      Beitrag Nr. 15 ()
      hehe ja, solange es Juno gibt, werde ich sie immer treu beobachten *grinst*

      Ich habe euch hier nochmal die meinerMeinung nach wichtigsten Meilensteine von Juno der letzten Zeit zusammengestellt, die nun mit Net Zero gemeinsam verwirklicht werden können:

      Juno and LaunchCyte Sign Agreement for Use of Juno Virtual Supercomputer

      NEW YORK & PITTSBURGH--(BUSINESS WIRE)--May 1, 2001--Juno Online Services, Inc. (Nasdaq: JWEB) today announced that it has signed a letter of intent with LaunchCyte LLC, a pioneering bioinformatics incubator, setting forth terms for use of the Juno Virtual Supercomputer by LaunchCyte and its portfolio companies.

      Juno is one of the nation`s largest Internet access providers, with 15.9 million total registered subscribers as of March 31, 2001 and 4.1 million active subscribers in the month of March. The Juno Virtual Supercomputer Project is a distributed computing effort designed to harness unused processing power associated with the computers of Juno`s subscriber base in order to execute computationally intensive biomedical and other applications on behalf of commercial clients and research institutions.

      LaunchCyte, a firm focused on creating companies in the bioinformatics market space, expects to help start more than two dozen bioinformatics companies over the next seven years. Many of these companies are expected to focus on the development of information tools for genomics and proteomics applications such as accelerating drug discovery or extracting value from clinical data. LaunchCyte expects that many of the companies it intends to create will be able to benefit from using Juno`s distributed computing services as a tool to increase the speed at which projects can be implemented and to reduce operational costs.

      Juno and LaunchCyte currently plan to conduct an initial pilot project starting later this quarter to demonstrate the potential of the Juno Virtual Supercomputer to LaunchCyte`s portfolio companies and lay the groundwork for any revenue-generating projects such companies might engage Juno to perform under the terms of the letter of intent announced today. At least two LaunchCyte-funded development stage companies are expected to use the results of this pilot project to evaluate purchasing time on Juno`s virtual supercomputer for subsequent projects. One is a genomics endeavor that is developing tools to help identify complex clusters of relationships among genes which could potentially lead to new treatments for diseases such as cancer and heart disease. The other is a proteomics initiative being formed around a proprietary protein screening technology whose goal is to accelerate drug development.

      "Although the bioinformatics market is still in its infancy, it is already highly competitive. Anything that speeds up the development process has the potential to provide a significant competitive advantage," said Thomas Petzinger, LaunchCyte CEO. "This is why we are excited about the prospect of working with Juno. Juno`s virtual supercomputing resources could enable the companies we are launching to perform analyses in weeks that might take months on traditional supercomputers."

      "As an innovative incubator of bioinformatics companies, LaunchCyte is a natural partner for us," said Charles Ardai, Juno`s president and chief executive officer. "We believe the Juno Virtual Supercomputer Project can add significant value to the types of companies LaunchCyte backs, and we hope to contribute to the success of such companies."

      About LaunchCyte

      LaunchCyte is focused on a powerful new force in biological research and medical practice: the convergence of life sciences and information science.

      LaunchCyte creates new companies in bioinformatics by mapping technology solutions to marketplace needs and driving them toward commercialization. LaunchCyte originates deals nationwide but develops them in the emerging biotechnology capital of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. LaunchCyte is headquartered within the quadrangle defined by Carnegie Mellon University, the University of Pittsburgh, the 16 hospitals comprising the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, and the new Hillman Cancer Institute.

      For more information about LaunchCyte and its portfolio, visit

      About Juno

      Juno Online Services, Inc. is one of the nation`s leading Internet access providers, with 15.9 million total registered subscribers as of March 31, 2001, and 4.1 million active subscribers during that month.

      Founded in 1995, Juno provides multiple levels of service, including free basic Internet access, billable premium dial-up service, and (in certain markets) high-speed broadband access. The company`s revenues are derived primarily from the subscription fees charged for its billable premium services, from the sale of advertising, and from various forms of electronic commerce.

      For more information about Juno, visit To get a copy of the Juno software, go to or call 1-800-TRY-JUNO.

      Statements in this press release regarding Juno Online Services, Inc. that are not historical facts are forward-looking statements and are subject to risks and uncertainties that could cause such statements to differ materially from actual future events or results. Any such forward-looking statements are made pursuant to the safe harbor provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. The following factors, among others, could cause Juno`s actual results to differ materially from those described in a forward-looking statement: limited history of offering Juno`s billable premium services and free basic service in its current form; history of losses; possible unavailability of financing as and if needed; risks that Juno may be unable to derive significant revenues from the sale of advertising, due to market conditions or other factors; risks that Juno may be unable to derive significant revenues from the Juno Virtual Supercomputer Project due to inability of LaunchCyte or other partners to generate sufficient demand for such services, or for other reasons; inability to successfully migrate free subscribers to, or to retain subscribers in, Juno`s billable premium services; increasing competition from existing or new competitors; rapid technological change; dependence on a limited number of telecommunications carriers and other third party vendors; possible industry consolidation; and potential fluctuations in quarterly and annual results. This list is intended to identify only certain of the principal factors that could cause actual results to differ. Readers are referred to the reports and documents filed from time to time by Juno with the Securities and Exchange Commission, including the Annual Report on Form 10-K filed March 16, 2001, for a discussion of these and other important risk factors.

      CONTACT: Juno Public Relations
      Gary Baker, 212/597-9005 or
      Juno Investor Relations
      Becky Yeamans, 212/597-9274 or
      Thomas Petzinger, 412/697-2900 or


      Juno and Time Warner Cable Reach Definitive Agreement for High-Speed Internet Access Over Cable

      NEW YORK--(BUSINESS WIRE)--April 26, 2001--Juno Online Services, Inc. (Nasdaq: JWEB) and Time Warner Cable, a unit of AOL Time Warner, Inc. (NYSE: AOL), have signed a definitive agreement covering the provision of Juno`s high-speed Internet access service, Juno Express(SM), over AOL Time Warner`s cable systems. Under the agreement, both companies will be free to market the service independently.

      The agreement with Juno, which is subject to FTC approval, is the second national ISP agreement reached by Time Warner Cable, following one with EarthLink late last year. Juno and Time Warner Cable plan to begin rolling out a cable-based version of Juno Express following the completion of modifications to Time Warner Cable systems needed to accommodate multiple ISPs. The initial rollout is scheduled to begin in the second half of 2001.

      "Today marks an important step in our relationship with Time Warner Cable," said Charles Ardai, Juno`s president and chief executive officer. "Our experience working with Time Warner Cable to date has been very positive, and we are looking forward to entering the next phase."

      About Juno

      Juno Online Services, Inc. is one of the nation`s leading Internet access providers, with 15.9 million total registered subscribers as of March 31, 2001, and 4.1 million active subscribers during that month.

      Founded in 1995, Juno provides multiple levels of service, including free basic Internet access, billable premium dial-up service, and (in certain markets) high-speed broadband access. The company`s revenues are derived primarily from the subscription fees charged for its billable premium services, from the sale of advertising, and from various forms of electronic commerce.

      For more information about Juno, visit To get a copy of the Juno software, go to or call 1-800-TRY-JUNO.

      About Time Warner Cable

      Time Warner Cable owns and manages the world`s most advanced, best clustered cable television operations, with 90 percent of its 12.8 million customers in systems of 100,000 subscribers or more. It is a division of AOL Time Warner, Inc.

      Statements in this press release regarding Juno Online Services, Inc. that are not historical facts are forward-looking statements and are subject to risks and uncertainties that could cause such statements to differ materially from actual future events or results. Any such forward-looking statements are made pursuant to the safe harbor provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. The following factors, among others, could cause Juno`s actual results to differ materially from those described in a forward-looking statement: limited history of offering Juno`s billable premium services and free basic service in its current form; history of losses; possible unavailability of financing as and if needed; risks that Juno may be unable to derive significant revenues from the sale of advertising, due to market conditions or other factors; inability to successfully migrate free subscribers to, or to retain subscribers in, Juno`s billable premium services; increasing competition from existing or new competitors; rapid technological change; dependence on a limited number of telecommunications carriers and other third party vendors; risks associated with the Juno Express program, including risks relating to consumer acceptance and rollout of the cable access services described in this press release; possible industry consolidation; and potential fluctuations in quarterly and annual results. This list is intended to identify only certain of the principal factors that could cause actual results to differ. Readers are referred to the reports and documents filed from time to time by Juno with the Securities and Exchange Commission, including the Annual Report on Form 10-K filed March 16, 2001, for a discussion of these and other important risk factors.

      CONTACT: Juno Public Relations
      Gary Baker, 212/597-9005
      - or -
      Juno Investor Relations
      Becky Yeamans, 212/597-9274
      - or -
      Time Warner Cable Corporate Affairs
      Lynn Yaeger, 203/328-0669
      schrieb am 11.06.01 11:49:23
      Beitrag Nr. 16 ()
      Man hört auch viel negatives über den Deal... hier noch eine ganz ineterssante Idee, die ein Schreiber auf dem Yahoo Board hatte, der man so fast zustimmen muss: Die Gefahr die für AOL von United Online ausgeht, wird heruntergespielt:

      AOL is a powerful force. JWEB and NZRO face a mine field of thwarting efforts on the part of AOL/TW. That includes the huge influence AOL bears over the analysts, and fund managers.

      The recent analyst opinion that United Online would be insignifant to AOL future is a prime example. Your analysis is more worthwhile. In fact, JWEB/NZRO is a very big threat to AOL. But you won`t hear a peep about that, or the AOL employee responsible would be fired. Would one like to test this theorey?

      Copy this post, and paste it on the AOL Personal Finance "AOL" message board. The AOL censor`s otherwise known as your AOL "Community Leaders" will have it erased in a matter of minutes. Go JWEB! WWC

      Andererseits muss man auch mal negative Stimmen anhören, um sich des risikos bewusst zu werden, hier ein Artikel:

      Are Juno, NetZero headed for a troubled marriage?
      June 11, 2001 12:00 AM ET
      by Staff

      The defendants:

      Juno Online Services (JWEB)

      NetZero (NZRO)

      The charge:

      Creating a troubled marriage

      The prosecution:

      Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, the defendants have let their hearts get the best of them. They think that together they can challenge dominant ISPs like AOL Time Warner`s (AOL) America Online and EarthLink (ELNK). But these poor, young lovebirds, which once hated one another, can only do that by quickly and perfectly blending their lives, which probably won`t happen in time to rescue them from bankruptcy

      They should heed their elders. EarthLink`s CEO tried to warn them that "when you add more weight to a sinking ship, it just sinks faster." But they did not listen.

      A mergers and acquisition expert weighed in: "They`ll just lose money cooperatively." But the engagement held.

      The defendants are determined. But their lives are dysfunctional as individuals. The prosecution shudders to imagine what they`ll be like together.

      In their most recent quarters, these companies lost $43.2 million on sales of $41.5 million. That doesn`t include NetZero`s non-cash expenses from prior acquisitions, which would push the loss up to $101 million. Of their 7 million combined subscribers, only 1 million paid any money for the privilege.

      So don`t listen if the defendants try to tell you they are forming the second-largest ISP in the U.S. That`s like calling the federal welfare office one of the nation`s biggest banks.

      Juno should have held out for a better-heeled suitor. It brings 910,000 paying subscribers to the proposed marriage, while NetZero has just 116,000. It is thus less dependant on the horrible market for online advertising, earning 80 percent of its revenue from subscription fees.

      In its last fiscal quarter, Juno`s net loss shrank by a factor of five from the year-ago quarter and sales rose 19 percent. Over at ad-addled NetZero, losses grew and sales shrank.

      Even if Juno was close to bankruptcy, surely it could have found an older, more stable partner to hook up with, either in marriage or by trading subscribers for cash. Under the current arrangement, it can only avoid going under by combining modem banks and customer service staff and saving more than $100 million per year doing so. That`s going to be extremely, extremely difficult.

      This engagement should be ended before it is too late. Dispense for these young people a dose of common sense and find them guilty of marrying badly.

      The defense

      The defendants need each other, there are no two ways about it. Not only that, but their strengths complement one another almost perfectly. Turning a profit won`t be easy, but it is far from impossible.

      The prosecution is right that Juno had far more paying subscribers than NetZero. But it fails to point out that NetZero brings something at least as important to the marriage: money.

      NetZero, which ended the third quarter with more than $160 million in cash and short-term investments, will contribute the majority of the $209.8 million hoard the two companies will now share.

      That`s quite a dowry, and it will give both companies more time to convert free subscribers to paying ones. NetZero has fewer paying subscribers in large part because Juno was the first of the two to focus on its premium edition.

      Another key advantage of the marriage is reduced costs. Combining facilities, workforces, infrastructure, marketing and research are all goals of the merger -- far more than modems and support staff, as the prosecution says.

      Finally, the defendants will fare better in the advertising market with an audience in excess of 5 million. Brand-building advertisers don`t like to nickel and dime with smaller buys.

      "With 3 or 4 million subscribers, you have about the same pull as a magazine, but anything over 5 million subscribers is something of a magic number for many advertisers," Juno CEO Charles Ardai told The Industry Standard.

      In the end, the devil is in the details, and both of these "young" companies have been in the free ISP game long enough to know a little bit about what works and what doesn`t. NetZero, for instance, recently learned to weed out people who are online all day and all night. Juno was very close to making money after converting nearly a third of its subscribers to the paid version of its service. They just need more time.

      "The free model absolutely works when you put usage limits on it," NetZero CEO Mark Goldston told the San Jose Mercury News.

      With America Online charging nearly $24 per month starting in July, there is room for a low-cost alternative. Together, my clients can grow into that role. You should find them not guilty.
      schrieb am 11.06.01 12:07:44
      Beitrag Nr. 17 ()

      @ thebull2, flo

      Danke, davon bin ich überzeugt!

      @ all

      Bin über die Seite "Finanznachrichten" zu Heiko Thieme gelangt. Er äußerte sich persönlich nicht zu der Nachricht (Gott sei Dank), gab nur zwei verschiedene Sichtweisen wider. Viele sehen in dieser Fusion eine enorme Chance, einige geben United Online allerdings keine Chance. Das neue Unternehmen, dass voraussichtlich Ende 2001 an der Nasdaq gelisted sein wird, sei zu klein, um eine ernsthafte Konkurrenz für AOL zu werden. Meine Meinung: Ich denke bei rund 24 Mio. Nutzern, davon knapp 8 Mio. Kunden kann man nicht davon sprechen, dass United Online zu klein ist. Egal ob UO zur großen Konkurrenz von AOL wird oder nicht, der Kurs könnte sich vervielfachen, ohne dabei zu teuer zu werden. Letztlich muss der Markt entscheiden, das müssen wir eben abwarten und entsprechend reagieren. Vielleicht verläuft ja auch alles im Sande oder keinen interessiert`s. Aber das glaube ich nicht. Ich hoffe es treten irgendwann konkrete Stimmen über Juno/Netzero auf den Plan, seitens Analysten usw. Das rückt die ganze Geschichte dann in den Focus anderer Anleger, ich habe den Eindruck es ist trotz der Nachricht noch sehr ruhig. Um so besser, wir sind ja schon dabei.
      Gruß, greenhorn
      schrieb am 11.06.01 12:29:38
      Beitrag Nr. 18 ()
      Ich bin auch sehr gespannt...

      Ob die Analysten jedoch die Ampeln auf grün stellen für Juno?

      Haben sie Interesse daran? Wichtiger wird ihnen sein, AOL weiterhin als die unanfechtbare Nummer 1 darzustellen, denn der Kurs von AOL ist für Fonds, Analysten und alle anderen nunmal sehr viel wichtiger...

      Gute Kommentare über United Online als den "großen" Konkurrenten kann in den USA grad niemand brauchen!

      Fakt ist aber, dass United Onlin eimmerhin die exakt gleichen Dienste wie AOL anbieten kann, nur derzeit kosten diese grade mal ein drittel des von AOL verlangten Preises. Zudem schwärmen die amis über guten Service und hohe Geschwindigkeit!
      Wenn man nun konsequent vorangeht, könnte das schon was werden!

      Aber Hoffnung gibts schon. Vielleicht gibts bereits heute erste Kaufempfehlungen, da am Freitag eine Analystenkonferenz zu Juno und Net Zero abgehalten wurde.

      Goldman Sachs hatte Juno ausserdem erst vor einigen Monaten auf der Empfehlungsliste, damals mit einem Kursziel >10 USD
      schrieb am 11.06.01 13:53:34
      Beitrag Nr. 19 ()
      schrieb am 11.06.01 22:50:53
      Beitrag Nr. 20 ()
      Hallo zusammen!

      Von mir aus kann es natürlich so weiter gehen: Lieber etwas langsamer bergauf, dafür stetig. Dennoch bin ich etwas überrascht, man hört allgemein relativ wenig über die geplante Fusion. Vielleicht irre ich mich?
      Wie seht ihr eigentlich das langfristige Potenzial, vorausgesetzt, alles entwickelt sich nahezu optimal? Seid ihr überhaupt längerfristig investiert oder wollt ihr zügig und nach ein paar schnellen Prozent wieder aussteigen?
      Gruß, greenhorn
      schrieb am 11.06.01 23:58:51
      Beitrag Nr. 21 ()
      @ greenhorn1998
      ich bin erstwieder zu 1,60 raus,hab aber sofort wieder ne kauforder drin.
      ich denk es liegt einfach nur am schlechten umfeld.
      selbst für REMEDY die für ca 35$ übernommen werden sollen sind heute nur
      30,52$bezahlt worden.
      keep cool,das wird schon.
      tb 2
      schrieb am 13.06.01 14:35:10
      Beitrag Nr. 22 ()
      Dow Jones Business News 06/12/01 7:34PM

      NetZero-Juno Online Deal Has $2.5 Million Breakup Fee

      WASHINGTON -(Dow Jones)- NetZero Inc.`s (NZRO) proposed merger with Juno Online Services Inc. (JWEB) carries a $2.5 million termination fee, according to a Form 8-K filed Tuesday with the Securities and Exchange Commission.
      Juno will be liable for the fee if the deal is terminated because its board withdraws or changes its recommendation of the NetZero deal or because it materially breaches the merger pact with NetZero.

      Juno will also be liable for the $2.5 million fee if the deal is terminated because it receives an unsolicited proposal from a third party superior to the NetZero deal and, unless NetZero tops that offer within three days, Juno enters into a merger agreement with the third party. In such a case, Juno would also be liable for up to $1 million in NetZero`s expenses.

      In a third scenario, Juno will be liable for the fee if, after a third party has made a public acquisition offer for the company, its shareholders vote against the deal with NetZero and Juno enters into a merger pact with the third party within nine months of the deal`s termination.

      Either company may terminate the deal if it isn`t completed by Nov. 30, according to the SEC filing.

      NetZero, of Westlake Village, Calif., and Juno Online agreed June 7 to merge in an all-stock deal initially valued at $70.7 million, forming a company to be called United Online Inc. The Internet service providers expect the transaction to create the country`s second-largest Internet access provider, based on a combined total of more than 7 million active subscriber accounts, as of March 31.

      Under terms of the deal, NetZero shareholders will receive 0.20 share of United Online for each of their shares, and Juno shareholders will receive 0.357 share. NetZero shareholders will own about 61.5% of the combined company and Juno shareholders will own about 38.5%.

      The transaction, scheduled to close before the end of the year, is subject to the approval of both companies` shareholders and U.S. antitrust regulators.

      The companies also require an opinion that the deal will qualify as a reorganization for tax purposes, as well as a commitment from DE Shaw India Software Private Ltd. that it won`t change or end either a lease or services related to Juno`s operations in India for six months after the deal closes.

      As of June 7, Juno Online had 41,742,236 common shares issued and outstanding, while NetZero had 125,713,672 common shares issued and outstanding.

      Deutsche Banc Alex. Brown served as financial adviser to Juno Online, according to the SEC filing, while Morgan Stanley advised NetZero.

      -Kevin Guerrero, Dow Jones Newswires; 202-628-7667; kevin.guerrero@

      (This story was originally published by Dow Jones Newswires)

      Copyright (c) 2001 Dow Jones & Company, Inc.
      All Rights Reserved

      Copyright (C) 2001 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
      schrieb am 13.06.01 23:33:56
      Beitrag Nr. 23 ()
      Juno war heute zeitweise schon bei 1.97 USD

      Nur wurde sie halt auch wieder vom Gesamtmarkt runtergezogen... wirklich ärgerlich. Es sieht so aus, als wenn uns ein crashartiger NAsdaqverfall der gerade beginnt, unser Geschäft versaut :(
      schrieb am 10.07.01 18:49:31
      Beitrag Nr. 24 ()
      Juno and VeriSign Team to Provide Web Presence Services
      MOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif. & NEW YORK--(BUSINESS WIRE)--July 9, 2001--

      Juno to Offer VeriSign`s Web Site Building Tool to Millions of Subscribers

      Juno Online Services, Inc. (Nasdaq: JWEB) today announced a strategic agreement with VeriSign, Inc. (Nasdaq: VRSN) to provide Juno`s subscribers with access to domain name registration services and other value-added Web presence offerings, including professional Web site design services aimed at small businesses and consumers.

      One of the nation`s largest Internet access providers, Juno provides multiple tiers of billable and free services to millions of subscribers throughout the United States.

      Under the agreement with VeriSign, Juno will offer VeriSign Domain Name and value-added products and services to its subscribers through banner advertisements and text links on its portal site,

      "Through our partnership with VeriSign, Juno subscribers have access to services designed to help them establish whatever Web presence they desire, either for personal or professional use," said David Jakubowski, Juno`s vice president for business development. "VeriSign provides terrifically useful and versatile tools for our members."

      "VeriSign and Juno are helping consumers and entrepreneurs get started on the Web," said Ben Turner, VeriSign`s vice president and general manager for Value Added Services and Products. "There are great synergies in working together. Since we launched our services on Juno, Juno has become one of the top resellers of our popular Web site design tool."

      VeriSign`s registration services have expanded to include the .com, .net, .org, .tv, .cc, and .ws top-level domains. In addition, VeriSign`s value-added services include a Web site design service, which small businesses and consumers can use to build a Web site in as little as 10 minutes. The service, available through ImageCafe(TM) at, includes a unique Web address with matching e-mail, hosting, and a point-and-click Web site editing tool. Unlimited live chat customer support is free.

      About Juno

      Juno Online Services, Inc. is one of the nation`s leading Internet access providers, with 15.9 million total registered subscribers as of March 31, 2001, and 4.1 million active subscribers during that month.

      Founded in 1995, Juno provides multiple levels of service, including free basic Internet access, billable premium dial-up service, and (in certain markets) high-speed broadband access. The company`s revenues are derived primarily from the subscription fees charged for its billable premium services, and to a lesser extent from the sale of advertising and from various forms of electronic commerce.

      For more information about Juno, visit To get a copy of the Juno software, go to or call 1-800-TRY-JUNO.

      About VeriSign

      VeriSign, Inc. (Nasdaq: VRSN) is the leading provider of trusted infrastructure services to Web sites, enterprises, electronic commerce service providers, and individuals. The company`s domain name, digital certificate, and payment services provide the critical Web identity, authentication, and transaction infrastructure that online businesses require to conduct secure e-commerce and communications. VeriSign`s services are available through its Web sites ( and or through its direct sales force and reseller partners around the world.

      Forward-Looking Statements:

      For VeriSign

      Statements in this announcement other than historical data and information constitute forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933 and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. These statements involve risks and uncertainties that could cause VeriSign`s actual results to differ materially from those stated or implied by such forward-looking statements. The potential risks and uncertainties include, among others, VeriSign`s limited operating history under its current business structure, uncertainty of future revenue and profitability and potential fluctuations in quarterly operating results, increased competition, risks associated with the company`s international business and risks related to potential security breaches. More information about potential factors that could affect the company`s business and financial results is included in VeriSign`s filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission, especially in the company`s Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2000 and Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the quarter ended March 31, 2001. VeriSign undertakes no obligation to update any of the forward-looking statements after the date of this press release.

      For Juno

      Statements in this press release regarding Juno Online Services, Inc. that are not historical facts are forward-looking statements and are subject to risks and uncertainties that could cause such statements to differ materially from actual future events or results. Any such forward-looking statements are made pursuant to the safe harbor provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. The following factors, among others, could cause Juno`s actual results to differ materially from those described in a forward-looking statement: limited history of offering Juno`s billable premium services and free basic service in its current form; history of losses; possible unavailability of financing as and if needed; risks that Juno may be unable to derive significant revenues from the sale of advertising, due to market conditions or other factors; inability to successfully migrate free subscribers to, or to retain subscribers in, Juno`s billable premium services; increasing competition from existing or new competitors; rapid technological change; dependence on a limited number of telecommunications carriers and other third party vendors; possible industry consolidation; and potential fluctuations in quarterly and annual results. This list is intended to identify only certain of the principal factors that could cause actual results to differ. Readers are referred to the reports and documents filed from time to time by Juno with the Securities and Exchange Commission, including the Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q filed May 11, 2001, for a discussion of these and other important risk factors.

      VeriSign is a registered trademark of VeriSign, Inc. Network Solutions and ImageCafe are registered trademarks of Network Solutions, Inc. Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners.

      CONTACT: VeriSign
      Media Relations:
      Cheryl Regan, 703/948-4472
      Investor Relations:
      Katie Ochsner, 650/429-3512
      Public Relations:
      Gary Baker, 212/597-9005
      Investor Relations:
      Becky Yeamans, 212/597-9274

      Copyright 2001, Business Wire. All of the releases provided by Business Wire are protected by copyright and other applicable laws, treaties and conventions. Information contained in the releases is furnished by Business Wire`s members, who are solely responsible for their content, accuracy and originality. All reproduction, other than for an individual user`s reference, is prohibited without prior written permission.
      schrieb am 17.07.01 21:18:35
      Beitrag Nr. 25 ()
      Tuesday July 17, 3:05 pm Eastern Time

      NetZero founders resign to start new company

      (UPDATE: Adds interview with founder Burr)

      By Reshma Kapadia

      NEW YORK, July 17 (Reuters) - Internet service provider NetZero Inc. (NasdaqNM:NZRO - news) on Tuesday said its four founders have resigned to start a
      new company -- almost six weeks after NetZero agreed to buy rival Juno Online Inc. (NasdaqNM:JWEB - news) to form a new company called United Online.

      The company, which was founded in July 1997 and went public in September 1999, said in a statement that
      NetZero President Ronald Burr and three other founders have resigned to start a new company called Layer2
      Networks, focusing on broadband.

      The other founders that resigned were Stacy Haitsuka, senior vice president of technology; Harold MacKenzie,
      vice president of software, and Marwan Zebian, vice president of networking and communications.

      None of the executives will be replaced. Gerald Popek was named chief technology officer in October 2000
      and Randy Tamura was recently hired as NetZero`s vice president of software to take over some of the daily
      responsibilities of the founders.

      Shares of NetZero fell 2 cents, or 2.8 percent, to 70 cents on Nasdaq, down more than 94 percent from
      year-earlier levels.

      NetZero Chief Executive Mark Goldston said in a phone interview that the executives and he realized about a year ago that the company was getting to a size and
      scope where their skills were not being best used.

      Therefore, the executives had been spending much of their time looking at venture opportunities in high-speed and wireless services. However, those opportunities
      did not fit into where NetZero was going, especially with the Juno deal.

      ``As we go forward, we are going to have to rationalize the employee base from both companies. It was very clear to them that they weren`t going to have ongoing
      operational roles in the new company because they had diminished roles in the existing company,`` said Goldston, who will become president and chief executive of
      United Online.

      NetZero launched its free Internet service in October 1998, but has recently expanded beyond free access as Internet advertising spending dries up.

      It now offers paid access and aims to corner the discounted Internet access market to compete against bigger players such as market leaders AOL Time Warner
      Inc. (NYSE:AOL - news), EarthLink Inc. (NasdaqNM:ELNK - news) and Microsoft Corp.`s (NasdaqNM:MSFT - news) MSN.

      ``It`s a bittersweet decision. NetZero is something we have created and are very attached to but are very confident in the management team that exists and their
      ability to carry the company forward,`` Burr said in an interview.

      Layer2, which will soon be looking for financing, hopes to provide the connection between the ``last mile`` of broadband, or from the central office to the home.

      ``There is no provider who provides the connection from the last mile to the Internat and all ISPs have to build it themselves, which is a big reason broadband has
      run into bottlenecks in deployment`` Burr said.

      He added that there is a high probability that NetZero and Layer2 will be working together in the future.

      tb 2
      schrieb am 24.07.01 23:40:20
      Beitrag Nr. 26 ()
      ohoh - sieht alles ganz und gar nicht gut aus.
      Andererseits sind sowohl Net Zero als auch Juno massiv zugeshortet- wie immer bei sehr geringem Umsatz.
      Eine positive Nachricht und es geht wieder los.

      Juno bei 0,70 nochmal kaufen? Mensch, da muss man schon wahnsinnig Nerven haben *seufzt*

      NetZero Shares Don`t Meet Nasdaq Minimum Bid Rule

      WESTLAKE VILLAGE, Calif. -(Dow Jones)- NetZero Inc. (NZRO) received a notice from Nasdaq that its stock is subject to delisting because its bid price is below the minimum required for continued listing.
      In a press release Tuesday, the Internet access provider said it requested a hearing before a Nasdaq panel to appeal the delisting notice.

      Nasdaq is required to grant NetZero a hearing within 45 days of receiving the request.

      NetZero`s listing status will not change until a final determination has been issued by the panel following the hearing.

      NetZero is currently in compliance with all other continued listing requirements, the company said.

      NetZero`s shares closed at 89 cents, down one cent, or 1.1%, Tuesday.

      Company Web site:

      -Jacquie Jordan; Dow Jones Newswires; 201-938-5388

      (This story was originally published by Dow Jones Newswires)

      Copyright (c) 2001 Dow Jones & Company, Inc.
      All Rights Reserved

      Copyright (C) 2001 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
      schrieb am 25.07.01 00:26:29
      Beitrag Nr. 27 ()
      tja flo,ich glaub das haben wir uns alle anders vorgestellt.
      hoffe dir gehts gut.
      tb 2
      schrieb am 26.07.01 14:58:34
      Beitrag Nr. 28 ()
      WOW - ICH WUSSTE ES!!!!!


      CASH Bestand wieder gewachsen!!! 40 Mio USD Cashreserve!! Mehr als Börsenwert - weiterhin Übernahmekandidat!! JUNO HATS GESCHAFFT!!!!!!!!!

      Juno Reports Second Quarter Results
      NEW YORK--(BUSINESS WIRE)--July 26, 2001--

      Net Loss Shrinks By More Than 70% Compared With Prior Quarter, More Than 90% Year-Over-Year

      Company Achieves First-Ever Positive Pro Forma EBITDA

      Billable Service Revenues Increase 34.4% Compared With Q2 2000

      Juno Online Services, Inc. (Nasdaq: JWEB), one of the nation`s largest Internet access providers, today reported revenues of $29.4 million for the second quarter of 2001, up from $28.7 million reported for the previous quarter. Juno derives revenue primarily from subscription fees it charges for its premium Web access services, and to a lesser extent from the sale of advertising and from various forms of electronic commerce.

      The company`s net loss for the second quarter was $2.6 million ($0.06 per share), an improvement of 73.2% compared with the net loss of $9.6 million ($0.23 per share) the company reported for the first quarter of 2001, and a 94% improvement compared with the net loss of $42.9 million ($1.11 per share) reported for the year-ago quarter. Furthermore, the company reported positive pro forma EBITDA for the first time in its history: excluding expenses associated with Juno`s planned merger with and pending patent litigation involving NetZero, Juno reported positive pro forma EBITDA of $446,000 ($0.01 per share) for the second quarter.

      Management believes the significant bottom-line improvement the company achieved in the second quarter was in part the result of Juno`s successful reduction of operating expenses and improvement of billable services margin through the adoption of measures designed to increase average revenue per billable subscriber and to encourage heavier users of the company`s free service to modify their usage patterns or upgrade to a billable service. As projected, these measures (together with an 88.7% year-over-year reduction in expenditures for subscriber acquisition) contributed to both a decline in Juno`s subscriber count and an improvement in profitability per subscriber during the second quarter. Active and billable subscriber count are expected to decline further over the coming quarters, as the company continues to manage its subscriber base in a manner consistent with its goal of maximizing per-subscriber profitability and minimizing the burden imposed by the costliest segments of the base. Juno had 3.3 million active subscribers in the month of June 2001, including 884,000 billable service subscribers. Billable subscribers represented 26.4% of Juno`s active subscriber base in June, up from 22.0% in March 2001.

      At the end of the second quarter, the company had approximately $42.0 million in cash and cash equivalents, an amount management continues to believe should be more than adequate to fund Juno`s operations until the business becomes cash-flow positive. Based on current projections (without taking into account the planned merger with NetZero), management would expect the company`s net loss for the final six months of 2001 to total less than $2 million.

      "We are extremely pleased with Juno`s operating results for the second quarter and with the prospects for the business going forward," said Charles Ardai, Juno`s president and chief executive officer. "We anticipate achieving further expense reductions in the current quarter, and expect to bring to our merger with NetZero not only a large billable subscriber base and significant expertise in converting free subscribers into paying customers, but also a strong bottom line and the valuable operating experience we have gained in the course of driving the company so aggressively toward profitability."

      In the second quarter, billable services represented 84.4% of Juno`s revenues, while the remaining 15.6% came from various forms of advertising sales and electronic commerce. The company expects this ratio to continue shifting toward billable service revenues in the third quarter.

      Revenue from billable services totaled $24.8 million in the second quarter, up from $18.4 million in the year-ago quarter and $22.9 million in the first quarter of 2001. Over the coming quarters, the company plans to continue its use of measures designed to improve the "bottom-line" profitability of its billable services, and management expects that gross revenues from billable services will decline modestly, due in part to a certain amount of subscriber attrition that is projected to result from these measures.

      Revenue from advertising and transaction fees totaled $4.6 million in the second quarter of 2001, down from $10.7 million in the year-ago quarter and $5.8 million in the first quarter of 2001. This continuing decrease in advertising revenues can be attributed in large part to the widely reported decline in the market for Internet advertising, manifested in part through reduced signings and the reduction or cancellation of certain existing advertising contracts. Although advertising and transaction fee revenues are currently expected to decline in the third quarter by an amount roughly comparable to the decline in the second quarter, Juno`s backlog of advertising revenue remained relatively flat at about $7 million as of the end of the just-completed quarter, which management believes may signal improved stability in this revenue line for the fourth quarter. In response to current market conditions, however, the company is continuing to draw on the flexibility associated with its multiple revenue streams and tiered service levels to reduce its reliance on advertising revenue and to increase its focus on billable service revenues, at least for the time being.

      Cost of revenues improved sequentially as a percentage of total revenues, to 48.9% in the second quarter, as compared with 58.8% in the first quarter. Cost of revenues for billable services decreased in relation to corresponding revenues primarily as a result of a 6.5% increase in average monthly subscription fees realized per billable subscriber as well as cost efficiencies achieved in customer service operations. The cost of advertising and transaction fees as a percentage of related revenues increased principally as a consequence of a reduced advertising revenue base over which to allocate related overhead costs.

      Overall operating expenses dropped to $17.6 million in the second quarter, down from $58.8 million in the year-ago quarter and from $22.1 million in the first quarter of 2001. Savings were driven by reductions in telecommunications hours associated with the free service and in expenditures for subscriber acquisition, as well as by the positive impact of previously reported reductions in staff-related expenses. Subscriber acquisition expenses dropped to $4.3 million in the second quarter of 2001, down from $38.1 million in the year-ago quarter and $6.3 million in the first quarter of 2001. Operations, free service expenses dropped to $4.0 million in the second quarter, down from $9.5 million in the year-ago quarter and $6.3 million in the first quarter.

      On a combined basis, Operations, free service expenses and the portion of cost of revenues that is associated with the free service averaged approximately $0.62 per active free subscriber per month in the second quarter, down 23% from approximately $0.81 per month in the first quarter. This per-subscriber cost is substantially lower than Juno`s management has seen reported by other Internet access providers. In addition to the effects of the measures described above, Juno believes its cost advantage to be due in part to the use of its patented offline technology to minimize connection time per subscriber while preserving the revenue opportunity associated with offline usage hours.

      "Juno`s powerful technology and improved operating efficiencies have put us in a strong position for upcoming quarters," said Harshan Bhangdia, Juno`s chief financial officer. "The improvement in our results is attributable both to these factors and to the outstanding job our staff has done in executing on our plans. Our team is looking forward to applying the same level of dedication and talent to establishing United Online as a leader in the consumer Internet space."

      The terms of the strategic merger agreement announced on June 7, 2001 call for Juno and NetZero to become wholly owned subsidiaries of United Online, Inc., a newly formed company. United Online filed its initial Form S-4 with the Securities and Exchange Commission on June 22, 2001 and, following the closing of the merger, is expected to trade on Nasdaq under the symbol UNTD. About Juno

      Juno Online Services, Inc. is one of the nation`s leading Internet access providers, with 3.3 million active subscribers during June 2001. Founded in 1995, Juno provides multiple levels of service, including free basic Internet access, billable premium dial-up service, and (on a limited scale in selected markets) high-speed broadband access. The company`s revenues are derived primarily from the subscription fees charged for the use of its premium Web access services, and to a lesser extent from the sale of advertising and from various forms of electronic commerce.

      For more information about Juno, visit To get a copy of the Juno software, go to or call 1-800-TRY-JUNO.

      Juno Online Services, Inc. recommends that you read the registration statement on Form S-4 filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission (the "SEC") by United Online, Inc. regarding the merger between Juno and NetZero because it contains important information. You may obtain a free copy of the registration statement and other documents filed by United Online, Juno or NetZero at the SEC`s Web site at The registration statement, as well as documents filed by Juno, may also be obtained directly from Juno upon request made to Juno Online Services, Inc., 120 West 45th Street, 32nd Floor, New York, NY 10036, Attention: Secretary. Statements in this press release regarding Juno Online Services, Inc. that are not historical facts are forward-looking statements and are subject to risks and uncertainties that could cause such statements to differ materially from actual future events or results. Any such forward-looking statements are made pursuant to the safe harbor provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. The following factors, among others, could cause Juno`s actual results to differ materially from those described in a forward-looking statement: limited history of offering Juno`s billable premium services and free basic service in its current form; history of losses; possible unavailability of financing as and if needed; risks that Juno may be unable to derive significant revenues from the sale of advertising, due to market conditions or other factors; inability to successfully migrate free subscribers to, or to retain subscribers in, Juno`s billable premium services; increasing competition from existing or new competitors; rapid technological change; dependence on a limited number of telecommunications carriers and other third party vendors; risks and uncertainties related to Juno`s proposed business combination with NetZero; possible industry consolidation; and potential fluctuations in quarterly and annual results. This list is intended to identify only certain of the principal factors that could cause actual results to differ. Readers are referred to the reports and documents filed from time to time by Juno with the SEC, including the Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q filed May 11, 2001, for a discussion of these and other important risk factors. "EBITDA" is not a measurement of financial performance under generally accepted accounting principles and should not be considered an alternative to net loss. EBITDA excludes interest, taxes, and non-cash expenses such as depreciation, amortization, and charges for stock-based subscriber acquisition.

      (in thousands)

      Three Months Six Months
      Ended June 30, Ended June 30,
      ------------------ -----------------
      2001 2000 2001 2000
      ---- ---- ---- ----

      Billable services $ 24,762 $ 18,429 $ 47,675 $ 35,165
      Advertising and
      transaction fees 4,589 10,685 10,379 17,094
      Direct product sales --- 439 --- 1,341
      -------- -------- -------- --------
      Total revenues 29,351 29,553 58,054 53,600
      -------- -------- -------- --------
      Cost of revenues:
      Billable services 12,742 12,557 28,100 24,597
      Advertising and
      transaction fees 1,608 2,262 3,139 4,012
      Direct product sales --- 414 --- 1,270
      -------- -------- -------- --------
      Total cost of revenues 14,350 15,233 31,239 29,879
      -------- -------- -------- --------

      Operating expenses:
      Operations, free service 3,951 9,506 10,247 15,650
      Subscriber acquisition 4,310 38,119 10,609 82,870
      Sales and marketing 3,300 5,610 7,028 9,225
      Product development 2,129 3,100 4,519 5,563
      General and
      administrative 2,986 2,486 6,367 4,262
      Merger costs 960 --- 960 ---
      -------- -------- -------- --------
      Total operating
      expenses 17,636 58,821 39,730 117,570
      -------- -------- -------- --------
      Loss from operations (2,635) (44,501) (12,915) (93,849)

      Other income (expense):
      Interest income, net 454 1,650 1,100 3,372
      Other expense (400) --- (400) ---
      -------- -------- -------- --------
      Net loss $ (2,581) $(42,851) $(12,215) $(90,477)
      ======== ======== ======== ========
      Basic and diluted net
      loss per share $ (0.06) $ (1.11) $ (0.29) $ (2.39)
      ======== ======== ======== ========
      Weighted average shares
      outstanding used
      in basic and diluted
      per share calculations 41,711 38,715 41,538 37,901
      ======== ======== ======== ========

      (in thousands, except share data)

      June 30, December 31,
      2001 2000
      ---- ----
      Current assets:
      Cash and cash equivalents $ 41,961 $ 55,729

      Accounts receivable, net of
      allowance for doubtful accounts
      of $2,562 and $2,688 at June 30,
      2001 and December 31, 2000,
      respectively 7,767 9,420
      Prepaid expenses and other
      current assets 1,251 3,141
      -------- --------
      Total current assets 50,979 68,290

      Fixed assets, net 7,578 9,164
      Other assets 217 917
      -------- --------
      Total assets $ 58,774 $ 78,371
      ======== ========

      Liabilities and stockholders` equity
      Current liabilities:
      Accounts payable and accrued expenses $ 23,246 $ 29,287
      Current portion of capital lease
      obligations 597 1,209
      Deferred revenue 13,454 14,578
      -------- --------
      Total current liabilities 37,297 45,074

      Capital lease obligations 298 402
      Deferred rent 93 150
      Liabilities expected to be settled
      with common stock 4,000 4,000

      Stockholders` equity:
      Preferred stock--$.01 par value;
      5,000,000 shares authorized,
      none issued and outstanding --- ---
      Common stock--$.01 par value;
      133,333,334 shares authorized,
      41,746,854 and 41,134,350 shares
      issued and outstanding at
      June 30, 2001 and December 31, 2000
      respectively 417 411
      Additional paid-in capital 211,963 211,550
      Unearned compensation (192) (333)
      Cumulative translation adjustment (5) (1)
      Accumulated deficit (195,097) (182,882)
      -------- --------
      Total stockholders` equity 17,086 28,745
      -------- --------
      Total liabilities and
      stockholders` equity $ 58,774 $ 78,371
      ======== ========

      (in thousands)

      Six Months Ended
      June 30,
      2001 2000
      ---- ----
      Cash flows from operating activities:
      Net loss $ (12,215) $ (90,477)
      Adjustments to reconcile net loss
      to net cash used in operating activities:
      Depreciation and amortization 1,919 1,689
      Impairment loss on investment 400 ---
      Stock-based subscriber acquisition --- 181
      Amortization of unearned compensation 64 117
      Changes in operating assets and liabilities:
      Accounts receivable, net 1,653 (8,354)
      Prepaid expenses and other
      current assets 1,698 5,728
      Accounts payable and accrued expenses (6,050) 7,233
      Deferred revenue (1,124) 2,605
      -------- --------
      Net cash used in operating
      activities (13,655) (81,278)
      -------- --------
      Cash flows from investing activities:
      Purchases of fixed assets (189) (5,780)
      Other assets 300 (404)
      -------- --------
      Net cash provided by (used in)
      investing activities 111 (6,184)
      -------- --------
      Cash flows from financing activities:
      Payments on capital lease obligations (716) (1,135)
      Net proceeds from issuance of common stock --- 81,080
      Proceeds from issuance of common stock
      in connection with employee stock
      purchase plan 126 715
      Proceeds from issuance of common stock in
      in connection with equity line facility,
      net of offering costs 225 ---
      Proceeds from issuance of common stock
      upon exercise of stock options 145 778
      -------- --------
      Net cash (used in) provided by
      financing activities (220) 81,438
      -------- --------
      Effect of exchange rate changes on cash and
      cash equivalents (4) ---

      Net decrease in cash and
      cash equivalents (13,768) (6,024)

      Cash and cash equivalents,
      beginning of period 55,729 91,497

      Cash and cash equivalents, end of period $ 41,961 $ 85,473
      ======== ========
      Supplemental disclosure of
      cash flow information:
      Cash paid for interest $ 15 $ 96

      (in thousands)

      Three Months Ended
      June 30, March 31,
      2001 2001
      ---- ----
      Billable services $ 24,762 $ 22,913
      Advertising and transaction fees 4,589 5,790
      -------- --------
      Total revenues 29,351 28,703
      -------- --------
      Cost of revenues:
      Billable services 12,742 15,358
      Advertising and transaction fees 1,608 1,531
      -------- --------
      Total cost of revenues 14,350 16,889
      -------- --------
      Operating expenses:
      Operations, free service 3,951 6,296
      Subscriber acquisition 4,310 6,299
      Sales and marketing 3,300 3,728
      Product development 2,129 2,390
      General and administrative 2,986 3,381
      Merger costs 960 ---
      -------- --------
      Total operating expenses 17,636 22,094
      -------- --------
      Loss from operations (2,635) (10,280)

      Other income (expense):
      Interest income, net 454 646
      Other expense (400) ---
      -------- --------
      Net loss $ (2,581) $ (9,634)
      ======== ========
      Basic and diluted net loss per share $ (0.06) $ (0.23)
      ======== ========

      Weighted average shares outstanding used
      in basic and diluted per share 41,711 41,362
      calculations ======== ========

      (in thousands, except for selected subscriber data)

      EBITDA: Three Months Ended
      June 30, March 31,
      2001 2001
      ---- ----
      Net loss $ (2,581) $ (9,634)

      Depreciation and amortization 921 1,062
      Non-cash subscriber acquisition --- 884
      Interest income, net (454) (646)
      Impairment loss on investment 400 ---
      -------- -------
      EBITDA $ (1,714) $(8,334)
      ======== =======

      Selected Subscriber Data: Jun. 30, Mar. 31,
      ------------------------- -------- --------
      2001 2001
      ---- ----

      Total registered subscriber accounts
      as of (1) 16,856,000 15,890,000
      Active subscriber accounts in month
      ended (2) 3,345,000 4,133,000
      Active Web-enabled
      subscribers in month ended (3) 3,005,000 3,736,000
      Billable subscription service
      accounts as of (4) 884,000 910,000

      Selected Subscriber Data: Dec. 31, Sept. 30, Jun. 30,
      ------------------------- -------- --------- --------
      2000 2000 2000
      ---- ---- ----

      Total registered subscriber
      accounts as of (1) 14,153,000 12,771,000 11,048,000
      Active subscriber accounts
      in month ended (2) 4,001,000 3,700,000 3,379,000
      Active Web-enabled
      subscribers in month ended (3) 3,587,000 3,251,000 2,876,000
      Billable subscription service
      accounts as of (4) 842,000 750,000 730,000

      (1) Includes all subscriber accounts created since Juno`s inception,
      computed after deduction of any accounts that have since been
      cancelled, but regardless of current activity, if any.

      (2) Encompasses all registered subscriber accounts that connected at
      least once during the month, together with all subscribers to a
      billable service, in each case regardless of the type of activity or
      activities engaged in by such subscribers.

      (3) Refers to the subset of active subscriber accounts that have been
      centrally provisioned for, and provided with the client-side software
      necessary to access, not only e-mail, but also the World Wide Web,
      regardless of the extent, if any, to which such subscribers have
      actually used the Web.

      (4) Represents the subset of active subscriber accounts that carry a
      charge for premium functionality.

      CONTACT: Juno Investor Relations
      Becky Yeamans, 212/597-9274
      Juno Public Relations
      Gary Baker, 212/597-9005
      schrieb am 27.07.01 12:50:41
      Beitrag Nr. 29 ()
      warum passiert dann nix am kurs???
      hört sich doch gut an
      tb 2
      schrieb am 27.07.01 17:03:39
      Beitrag Nr. 30 ()

      Keine ahnung - keine Beachtung derzeit

      Aber spielt auch keine Rolle. Juno hats geschafft, nun keine Insolvenzgefahr mehr, da der Trend weiter anhalten dürfte. Früher oder später wird Juno eh geschluckt, nur jetzt haben wir Zeit gewonnen, VIEL Zeit!
      schrieb am 02.08.01 16:07:54
      Beitrag Nr. 31 ()
      JUNO - Short Squeeze dürfte unmittelbar bevorstehen...

      In den letzten Tagen stieg der Kurs von 0,99 auf im Moment 1,08.

      Derzeit haben wir wieder mal Rekordmengen an Short-Aktien bei JUNO ausstehen!

      Über 1,5 Millionen SHORT-Aktien die zurückgekauft werden...

      Was die letzten beiden Short Squeezes bewirkt haben, wissen wir ja (+350% auf bis zu 4,5 USD). Damals waren aber deutlich weniger Shorties unterwegs!

      Wenn jetzt auch nur irgendeine kleine positive Nachricht kommt dann schiesst das Teil unaufhaltsam hoch.

      Im Prinzip kann ichs gar nicht glauben, dass die Shorties so blöd sind und den gleichen Fehler zum dritten mal in Folge begangen haben!

      1,5 Millionen SHORTS bei nem Handelsvolumen von 120.000 Aktien täglich!!!! :laugh: :laugh:
      schrieb am 03.08.01 22:28:19
      Beitrag Nr. 32 ()
      JUNO war zeitweise fast 40% IM PLUS!!!!!!!!!!

      1.41 USD in der Spitze, 1 min vor Schluss wurde JWEB allerdings auf 1.15 runtergezogen.

      Da ist was im Busch!
      schrieb am 24.08.01 14:11:15
      Beitrag Nr. 33 ()
      Juno and HomeSide to Offer Home-Financing Services to Juno Subscribers

      NEW YORK & JACKSONVILLE, Fla.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Aug. 21, 2001--Juno Online Services, Inc. (Nasdaq: JWEB) and HomeSide Lending, Inc. today announced a marketing alliance that will make HomeSide the exclusive provider of residential mortgages to Juno subscribers.

      HomeSide is one of the largest residential mortgage companies in the world, with a $190 billion mortgage-servicing portfolio. Juno is one of the nation`s largest Internet access providers, supplying multiple tiers of billable and free services to millions of subscribers throughout the United States.

      Under the terms of the marketing agreement, HomeSide will offer Juno subscribers and other visitors to the Juno portal ( a wide variety of mortgages and home equity lines of credit. HomeSide has agreed to compensate Juno for marketing its innovative home-financing program to the Juno community. HomeSide`s new mortgage solution, which is powered by Fannie Mae`s underwriting technology, offers a streamlined loan process that is faster and easier than the traditional loan process and will provide the Juno community with the following key advantages:

      - An approval decision in as little as 10 minutes and before
      customers choose whether or not to pay an application fee

      - A loan application with up to 50 percent fewer questions than
      a traditional application

      - Choice of applying by phone toll-free at (866) 327-7753 with
      an experienced Loan Consultant or applying online at

      - A loan approval even if the customer has not yet selected a

      "HomeSide is excited to create a richer online experience for Juno subscribers by providing the tools, calculators, and mortgage products they need for fast, easy, and affordable home financing," said Kevin D. Race, president and chief operating officer of HomeSide. "We`re proud to work with one of the nation`s leading Internet service providers and to expand Juno`s e-commerce offerings into mortgage lending."

      "Working with HomeSide should provide considerable value to Juno`s subscribers," said Charles Ardai, Juno`s president and chief executive officer. "HomeSide`s proprietary loan solution and dedication to service mean that our subscribers can have a better experience when arranging to meet their home- financing needs."

      About HomeSide

      HomeSide Lending, Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of National Australia Bank (ASX: NAB), is one of the largest full-service residential mortgage companies in the world. Headquartered in Jacksonville, Florida, HomeSide has a servicing portfolio of approximately $190 billion, representing more than two million homeowners. Additional information is available at HomeSide Lending is an Equal Housing Lender.

      About Juno

      Juno Online Services, Inc. is one of the nation`s leading Internet access providers, with 3.3 million active subscribers during June 2001. Founded in 1995, Juno provides multiple levels of service, including free basic Internet access, billable premium dial-up service, and (in certain markets) high-speed broadband access. The company`s revenues are derived primarily from the subscription fees charged for its billable premium services, and to a lesser extent from the sale of advertising and from various forms of electronic commerce.

      For more information about Juno, visit To get a copy of the Juno software, go to or call 1-800-TRY-JUNO.

      Statements in this press release regarding Juno Online Services, Inc. that are not historical facts are forward-looking statements and are subject to risks and uncertainties that could cause such statements to differ materially from actual future events or results. Any such forward-looking statements are made pursuant to the safe harbor provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. The following factors, among others, could cause Juno`s actual results to differ materially from those described in a forward-looking statement: limited history of offering Juno`s billable premium services and free basic service in its current form; history of losses; possible unavailability of financing as and if needed; risks that Juno may be unable to derive significant revenues from the sale of advertising, due to market conditions or other factors; inability to successfully migrate free subscribers to, or to retain subscribers in, Juno`s billable premium services; increasing competition from existing or new competitors; rapid technological change; dependence on a limited number of telecommunications carriers and other third party vendors; risks and uncertainties related to Juno`s proposed business combination with NetZero; possible industry consolidation; and potential fluctuations in quarterly and annual results. This list is intended to identify only certain of the principal factors that could cause actual results to differ. Readers are referred to the reports and documents filed from time to time by Juno with the SEC, including the Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q filed August 14, 2001, for a discussion of these and other important risk factors.

      CONTACT: Juno Online Services, Inc., New York
      Public Relations:
      Gary Baker, 212/597-9005
      Investor Relations:
      Becky Yeamans, 212/597-9274
      HomeSide Lending, Inc., Jacksonville
      Laura Clavier, 904/538-1756

      Copyright 2001, Business Wire. All of the releases provided by Business Wire are protected by copyright and other applicable laws, treaties and conventions. Information contained in the releases is furnished by Business Wire`s members, who are solely responsible for their content, accuracy and originality. All reproduction, other than for an individual user`s reference, is prohibited without prior written permission.
      schrieb am 27.08.01 15:12:22
      Beitrag Nr. 34 ()
      Monday August 27, 9:00 am Eastern Time

      Press Release

      SOURCE: NetZero, Inc.

      NetZero Reports Fourth-Quarter Results; Billable Services Revenues Grow
      137% vs. Preceding Quarter; Cash Balances of $135 Million At Quarter End;
      Pro Forma Net Loss of $0.33 Per Share

      WESTLAKE VILLAGE, Calif., Aug. 27, 2001 (PRIMEZONE) -- NetZero, Inc. (Nasdaq:NZRO - news), a leading provider of
      Internet access services, today reported total revenues of $12.0 million for its fourth fiscal quarter ended June 30, 2001. Billable
      services revenues, which comprised $4.2 million or 35 percent of total revenues, increased 137 percent versus the March 2001
      quarter, in which billable services comprised $1.8 million or 14 percent of total revenues of $12.8 million. Billable services include
      NetZero`s new pay service introduced earlier this year, ``NetZero Platinum`` -- a $9.95 monthly subscription service with no ad
      banner window. Total revenues in the June 2000 quarter were $18.7 million and included $226,000 from billable services. The
      decrease in total revenues in the June 2001 quarter versus the June 2000 and March 2001 quarters was driven by a decline in
      advertising and commerce revenues.

      The pro forma net loss for the June 2001 quarter was $38.5 million, compared to a pro forma net loss of $23.0 million in the
      year-ago quarter and a pro forma net loss of $31.6 million in the March 2001 quarter. On a per-share basis, the pro forma net
      loss for the June 2001 quarter was $0.33 per share, compared to a pro forma net loss of $0.22 in the prior-year quarter and a
      pro forma net loss of $0.27 in the March 2001 quarter. The pro forma net loss excludes stock-based charges, amortization of
      intangible assets, and, in the March 2001 quarter, a non-cash charge of $48.6 million ($0.42 per share) associated primarily with
      a write-down of goodwill and intangible assets related to the acquisitions of AimTV, RocketCash, and Freei

      The net loss for the June 2001 quarter was $42.1 million, versus a net loss of $26.9 million for the year-ago quarter and a net loss
      of $91.4 million for the March 2001 quarter, which includes the non-cash charge to write down goodwill and intangible assets of
      $48.6 million. On a per-share basis, the net loss for the June 2001 quarter was $0.36.

      NetZero ended the June 2001 quarter with $135 million of cash and cash equivalents, short-term investments and restricted cash.
      These balances decreased during the quarter by $28.0 million versus $18.8 million during the March 2001 quarter, primarily
      reflecting increased spending in the June 2001 quarter for pre-existing marketing commitments that terminated in June, including
      the company`s ``NetZero @ the Half`` sponsorship of the NBA on NBC.

      Approximately 3.4 million users accessed NetZero`s service during the month of June 2001 (``active users``), including 210,000
      billable subscribers to the company`s pay services as of June 30, 2001. Billable subscribers grew by 180 percent during the
      quarter and represented 6 percent of total active users in June 2001, up from 2 percent in March 2001 when the company had
      3.9 million active users.

      In an effort to manage the growth in its free user base and control telecommunications costs, the company launched its ``Extended Access Pass`` in January 2001,
      which limited free access to 40 hours per month (previously unlimited) and requires users to pay $9.95 if they need to exceed that limit in a given month. As a result,
      average hours per average active user were reduced by 33 percent in the June 2001 quarter versus the December 2000 quarter. During this period,
      telecommunications cost per average active user was reduced by 22 percent and cost of revenues per average active user fell 13 percent.

      The company recently announced that is taking further actions to streamline its cost structure and improve financial results, including additional limitations on its free
      services and a reduction in personnel. Expected to be effective in October 2001, free access will be limited to 10 hours per month per household. In addition,
      NetZero`s free service will no longer be offered in certain outlying areas where high telecommunications costs make the free offering cost prohibitive. The company
      will continue to offer users in these areas a subscription service for a monthly fee. During June 2001, approximately 30 percent of NetZero`s free users accessed the
      Internet for more than 10 hours, and approximately 8 percent of NetZero`s free users accessed the Internet solely from dial-up numbers where the free service will
      no longer be available. Due to multiple users within many households, a significantly greater number of users may be impacted by the 10-hour limit.

      The company also recently announced that it has reduced its employee base by approximately 26 percent effective August 1, 2001. The reductions included the
      company`s first-ever layoffs, affecting 66 employees in six of its U.S. locations. This 26 percent workforce reduction also included an additional 27 employees at the
      company`s RocketCash business, which was sold on August 1, 2001. These employees are expected to remain at the RocketCash business under its new

      ``Over the past two quarters, we`ve made some very aggressive moves in altering NetZero`s business model to meet the demands of a rapidly changing
      environment,`` said Mark R. Goldston, chairman, president and CEO of NetZero. ``We are proud of the progress we`ve made in such a short time, particularly in
      adding more than 200,000 paying subscribers to our NetZero Platinum service less than four months after its launch. As we look ahead to our merger with Juno
      Online Services to form the new United Online, we see valuable opportunities to leverage the strengths of both these franchises to create a major force in the market
      for billable Internet access services.``

      ``As anticipated, the company`s operating expenses in the June 2001 quarter were adversely impacted by legacy marketing agreements that terminated in June,`` said
      Charles S. Hilliard, NetZero senior vice president and CFO. ``Looking ahead, we expect to reduce total operating expenses by 40 to 45 percent sequentially in the
      September 2001 quarter, excluding merger- and restructuring-related charges, as a result of decreased marketing spending, savings from the recent headcount
      reductions and the sale of the RocketCash business.``

      The terms of the strategic merger agreement announced on June 7, 2001 call for Juno and NetZero to become wholly owned subsidiaries of United Online, Inc., a
      newly formed company. United Online filed its initial Form S-4 with the Securities and Exchange Commission on June 22, 2001 and, following the closing of the
      merger, is expected to trade on the Nasdaq National Market under the symbol UNTD.

      About NetZero

      NetZero, Inc. is a leading provider of Internet access services offering a broad range of interactive marketing, research and measurement solutions. NetZero offers
      consumers high-quality Internet access, a choice of popular e-mail programs and convenient navigation tools that provide ``speed dial`` to key sites on the Internet.
      The company`s CyberTarget division offers marketers and advertisers mass-scale, online market research and measurement services. NetZero offers its access
      services in more than 5,000 cities across the United States and in Canada. For more information, please visit To obtain a CD, please call

      NetZero will be hosting a conference call today at 2 p.m. PDT to discuss its quarterly results. A live Web cast of the call can be accessed on the company`s Web
      site at A recording of the call will be available on the site for seven days.

      The release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of the ``safe harbor`` provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. These
      statements are based on management`s current expectations or beliefs and are subject to a number of risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ
      materially from those described in the forward-looking statements. The potential risks and uncertainties include, among others, NetZero`s ability to realize anticipated
      cost savings and improve financial results; that the proposed changes to NetZero`s free service will be implemented as anticipated and within the time period
      anticipated; NetZero`s ability to continue to develop, market and sell new products and services, including NetZero Platinum and Extended Access Pass; that free
      users will terminate their service, whether or not impacted by changes; that free users do not purchase pay services and there is no increase in revenues; the
      company`s ability to continue to grow its pay or free user base; that changes will not enhance stockholder value; potential delays, bugs or other problems associated
      with new products; its ability to manage growth or expenses, maintain the quality of its service or achieve profitability; its unproven business model and limited
      operating history; the opportunities in the free Internet access market; the company`s ability to generate advertising or fee-based revenues and to decrease
      telecommunications costs; the effects of competition for users and advertisers; the loss of key customers; technological problems or developments; and governmental
      regulation. Additional factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those described in the forward-looking statements include: failure of the merger
      of NetZero and Juno to close due to lack of stockholder approval or other factors; inability to successfully integrate the NetZero and Juno businesses; unexpected
      costs related to the merger or integration of the NetZero and Juno businesses; failure of anticipated synergies to materialize; inability to retain key personnel of
      NetZero or Juno; and inability to maintain or grow the United Online subscriber base. United Online`s business will be subject to the risks inherent in each of Juno`s
      and NetZero`s existing businesses. More information about potential factors that could affect the company`s business and financial results is included in the company`s
      Form 10-Q and other filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission ( including (without limitation) information under the captions
      ``Management`s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations`` and ``Risk Factors.`` NetZero(r), Defenders of the Free World(r), the
      NetZero logo, zCast(tm), NZTV(tm), CyberTarget(tm), CyberYield(tm) and The ZeroPort(tm) are trademarks of NetZero, Inc. All other names are trademarks
      and/or registered trademarks of their respective owners.

      Results of Operations
      (in thousands, except per share data)

      Three Months Ended Year Ended
      ---------------------------- -------------------
      June 30, March 31, June 30, June 30, June 30,
      2001 2001 2000 2001 2000
      -------- -------- -------- --------- --------
      Income Statement

      and commerce $ 7,753 $ 10,992 $ 18,460 $ 50,555 $ 54,917

      services 4,219 1,778 226 6,662 589
      -------- -------- -------- --------- --------
      revenues 11,972 12,770 18,686 57,217 55,506

      Costs of
      Revenues 22,374 24,597 17,815 85,527 63,515
      -------- -------- -------- --------- --------
      Gross profit
      (loss) (10,402) (11,827) 871 (28,310) (8,009)


      Sales and
      marketing 17,117 11,029 16,129 56,734 49,376

      development 5,944 5,212 4,604 21,267 9,721

      General and
      administrative 5,978 5,551 6,156 24,030 19,122

      of intangible
      assets 100 6,539 2,367 16,837 5,525

      charges 3,544 4,604 1,586 19,287 6,346

      Impairment of
      goodwill and
      assets (a) -- 48,622 -- 48,622 --
      -------- -------- -------- --------- --------
      expenses 32,683 81,557 30,842 186,777 90,090
      -------- -------- -------- --------- --------
      Loss from
      operations (43,085) (93,384) (29,971) (215,087) (98,099)

      Interest and
      other income,
      net 937 1,996 3,048 9,331 6,813
      -------- -------- -------- --------- --------
      Net loss $(42,148) $(91,388) $(26,923) $(205,756) $(91,286)
      ======== ======== ======== ========= ========
      Basic and
      diluted net
      loss per
      share $ (0.36) $ (0.79) $ (0.26) $ (1.81) $ (1.23)

      Shares used
      to calculate
      basic and
      diluted net
      loss per
      share 117,340 115,711 102,184 113,704 74,123

      Shares out-
      standing at
      end of period 125,729 125,329 116,712 125,729 116,712

      (a) The company recorded a non-cash charge in the March 2001 quarter
      due primarily to the writedown of goodwill and intangible assets
      associated with the acquisitions of AimTV, RocketCash,
      and Freei Networks.

      Balance Sheet Data: June 30, 2001 June 30, 2000
      ------------- -------------

      Cash, cash equivalents, short-term
      investments and restricted cash $134,993 $247,539
      Working capital 105,998 234,590
      Total assets 183,863 325,958
      Capital leases and notes payable,
      less current portion 3,314 10,278
      Total stockholders` equity 138,957 285,734

      Statistical Data
      (in thousands, except per share data)

      Three Months Ended Year Ended
      ------------------------------- ---------------------
      June 30, March 31, June 30, June 30, June 30,
      2001 2001 2000 2001 2000
      --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------
      of pro forma
      net loss and
      pro forma
      EBITDA (b):

      Net loss $(42,148) $(91,388) $(26,923) $(205,756) $(91,286)
      charges 3,544 4,604 1,586 19,287 6,346
      of intangible
      assets 100 6,539 2,367 16,837 5,525
      Writedown of
      assets (a) -- 48,622 -- 48,622 --
      Pro forma
      net loss (b) $(38,504) $(31,623) $(22,970) $(121,010) $(79,415)
      -------- -------- -------- --------- --------
      and other
      income, net (937) (1,996) (3,048) (9,331) (6,813)

      Depreciation 4,281 4,306 3,222 16,273 9,252
      -------- -------- -------- --------- --------
      Pro forma
      EBITDA (b) $(35,160) $(29,313) $(22,796) $(114,068) $(76,976)
      ======== ======== ======== ========= ========

      Other data:

      Pro forma
      net loss
      per share (b) $ (0.33) $ (0.27) $ (0.22)

      (in millions) 8.8 8.6 4.9

      active in
      the last
      month of
      the quarter
      (in millions) 3.4 3.9 2.0

      subscribers 210,000 75,000 --

      (a) The company recorded a non-cash charge in the March 2001 quarter
      due primarily to the writedown of goodwill and intangible assets
      associated with the acquisitions of AimTV, RocketCash,
      and Freei Networks.

      (b) Pro forma net loss and pro forma EBITDA are not measurements of
      financial performance under generally accepted accounting

      NOTE TO EDITORS: The pro forma net loss per share before
      stock-based charges, amortization of intangible assets and, in
      the March 2001 quarter, a writedown of intangible assets is the
      number that analysts use in their estimates of the company`s
      future performance. NetZero`s pro forma net loss for the quarter
      ended June 30, 2001 was $(0.33) per share versus the analyst
      consensus estimate of $(0.34) per share as reported by First Call.

      CONTACT: NetZero, Inc., Westlake Village
      Brent Zimmerman
      (877) 280-6380

      Elizabeth Gengl
      (805) 418-2076

      Peter Delgrosso
      (805) 418-2388

      SOURCE: NetZero, Inc.

      tb 2
      schrieb am 29.08.01 17:09:48
      Beitrag Nr. 35 ()
      Net Zero zeiht Juno mit in den Keller.

      In den USA wird offen drüber nachgedacht, die Fusion abzubrechen!

      Sinnvoll wäre es.

      Somit dürfte das Todesurteil für Net Zero besiegelt sein und der Befreiungsschlag von Juno ebenfalls!
      schrieb am 26.09.01 21:25:04
      Beitrag Nr. 36 ()
      Phew - Delisting entgangen - Cashbestand 177 Millionen USD - dürfte bei den nächsten Quartalszahlen zwar nochmal dezimiert werden aber danach: And UP :)

      Press Releases

      NetZero and Juno Complete Merger Creating United Online
      Combination Unites Leaders in the Value Segment of the Internet Access Market
      WESTLAKE VILLAGE, Calif., Sept. 25, 2001 -- NetZero, Inc. (Nasdaq:NZRO) and Juno Online Services, Inc. (Nasdaq:JWEB), two of the nation`s leading Internet service providers (ISPs), today announced the completion of their merger to form a new public company, United Online, Inc. United Online now owns both of these popular consumer Internet brands, which on a combined basis as of June 30, 2001, reported more than 6.7 million active users in the United States and Canada, including approximately 1.1 million billable subscribers.

      The merger was finalized today following the approval by both companies` stockholders at their respective stockholder meetings. The new company, United Online, Inc., will begin trading tomorrow, Sept. 26, 2001, on the Nasdaq National Market under the ticker symbol "UNTD."

      Based on unaudited, pro forma results for the quarter ended June 30, 2001, United Online`s revenues totaled $41.3 million. Revenues from billable services accounted for 70% of total revenues, or $29.0 million, while the remaining $12.3 million came from various forms of advertising and electronic commerce. United Online`s pro forma cash balances as of June 30, 2001 totaled $177 million, or $4.42 per share based on approximately 40 million shares of United Online common stock outstanding upon completion of the merger. Management expects to incur restructuring and other transaction costs of between $20 million and $25 million as a result of the merger.

      "This merger establishes a new and more formidable player among the leaders in the ISP market," said Mark R. Goldston, chairman, chief executive officer and president of United Online. "In just a few years, NetZero and Juno have amassed millions of users, and we see significant opportunities ahead for United Online as consumers become increasingly aware that they can get high-quality Internet service for less than half the price of many of our major competitors.

      "This management team is focused on the opportunities afforded by merging these two outstanding companies," Goldston continued. "We recently announced that, beginning in October, NetZero`s free service will be limited to 10 hours per household per month and will not be available in all areas, which we believe will decrease our free service costs. In addition, we believe the synergies resulting from the merger of NetZero and Juno will help to further reduce the per-user cost of our free and billable services. By continuing to offer cost-effective free Internet access while marketing an attractively priced, high-quality billable service, we believe we can increase billable services revenues while decreasing expenses. While we expect to continue to generate revenues from online advertising, our primary focus will be on billable services."

      "By combining two companies with similar product lines and coverage areas, there are several opportunities to reduce costs and create a single enterprise that is financially stronger and more efficient," said Charles S. Hilliard, United Online`s chief financial officer. "Upon signing the merger agreement, we had already identified the major strengths and overlap between the two companies that we believe will generate efficiencies going forward, including the elimination of telecommunications infrastructure redundancies, consolidation of billing systems, and facilities and workforce rationalization. Now that the merger is completed, we will continue to evaluate opportunities to capitalize on these synergies while looking for additional ways to create value for our stockholders."

      "Juno has built an outstanding platform of users, technologies and assets that will benefit United Online going forward," Goldston added. "These achievements are reflective of a group of outstanding employees, spearheaded by CEO Charles Ardai and CFO Harshan Bhangdia. While Charles, Harshan and certain other members of the Juno team will not continue with the new enterprise, we at United Online thank them for all of their efforts and wish them the best in their future endeavors. With respect to the many employees who will remain with Juno, I would like to welcome them to the United Online family."

      Structure of the Merger

      Under the terms of the agreement, NetZero and Juno became wholly owned subsidiaries of United Online, Inc. All outstanding shares of both companies will be exchanged for shares of United Online in an all-stock transaction. NetZero stockholders will receive 0.2000 shares of United Online stock for each share of NetZero, and Juno stockholders will receive 0.3570 shares of United Online for each share of Juno. Immediately following the closing of the transaction, United Online had approximately 40 million shares of common stock outstanding.

      Consumer Product Line

      United Online provides consumers with a high-quality Internet access that fits both their needs and their budgets. The company features two major brands of Internet access service -- NetZero and Juno -- which currently offer free, ad-supported Internet access and value-priced billable Internet access services on a monthly subscription basis.

      Both the NetZero and Juno Internet access plans offer consumers easy-to-use services and some of the best product offerings on the Internet. The pay Internet access services feature faster page-loads, no banner ad windows and are generally priced at less than half the cost of the standard service offerings from companies such as AOL, Earthlink and MSN. A user of one of the United Online services from NetZero or Juno will have the ability to exchange email with any other Internet user, use popular and widely available Instant Messaging programs such as those offered by AOL, Yahoo!, MSN and others, and access search engines, news and sports content and some of the best online shopping and financial services available.

      Advertising Opportunities

      United Online gives advertisers and sponsors various ways to get their messages to the mass Web audiences of both Juno and NetZero. Products offered include a broad range of state-of-the-art targeting techniques for online advertising, email campaigns, start page placements, channel sponsorship opportunities and the ability to run full-motion video commercials online through NZTV.

      In addition, United Online can provide advertisers with sophisticated market research capabilities through NetZero`s CyberTarget Division. With access to millions of NetZero and Juno users, CyberTarget can produce real-time market research in an Internet environment that few others can replicate. More information about CyberTarget can be found at

      About United Online

      United Online is a leading nationwide Internet Service Provider (ISP). The company commenced operations in September 2001 as the result of its acquisition of NetZero and Juno Online Services -- two of the leading Internet access brands in the United States and Canada. Through its subsidiaries, United Online offers both free and value-priced Internet access services in more than 5,000 cities. The company is headquartered in Westlake Village, Calif., with offices in New York City and Hyderabad, India. United Online`s common stock will be traded on the Nasdaq National Market under the ticker symbol "UNTD."

      For more information about United Online and its Internet access services, please visit

      Active users are defined as all registered user accounts that connected at least once during the month, together with all subscribers to a billable service, in each case regardless of the type of activity or activities engaged in by such subscribers.

      This release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of the "safe harbor" provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. These statements are based on management`s current expectations or beliefs and are subject to a number of factors and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those described in the forward-looking statement. The following factors, among others, could cause actual results to differ materially from those described in the forward-looking statements: inability to successfully integrate the NetZero and Juno businesses; unexpected costs related to the merger or integration of the NetZero and Juno businesses; failure of anticipated synergies to materialize; uncertainty of the business model and limited operating history; inability to manage growth or expenses, maintain the quality of the services or achieve profitability; failure of the current free user base to migrate to billable services; potential duplication between user bases; increased competition and its effects on pricing, spending, third-party relationships, the subscriber base and revenues; inability to establish and maintain relationships with commerce, advertising, marketing, technology and content providers; inability to generate advertising or fee-based revenues and to decrease telecommunications costs; inability to retain key personnel of NetZero or Juno; inability to maintain or grow the United Online subscriber base; inability to develop, market and sell new products and services; and potential delays, bugs or other problems associated with new products. United Online`s business will be subject to the risks inherent in each of Juno`s and NetZero`s existing businesses. More information about potential factors that could affect the combined company`s business and financial results is included in United Online`s registration statement on Form S-4, NetZero`s most recent Form 10-K and Juno`s most recent Form 10-Q and other filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission ( including (without limitation) information under the captions "Management`s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations" and "Risk Factors."

      NetZero(r), Defenders of the Free World(r), the NetZero logo, zCast(tm), NZTV(tm), CyberTarget(tm), CyberYield(tm) and The ZeroPort(tm) are trademarks of NetZero, Inc. Juno(r) is a trademark of Juno Online Services, Inc. All other names are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of their respective owners.

      CONTACT: NetZero, Inc.
      Liz Gengl, Media
      (805) 418-2076

      Peter Delgrosso, Media
      (805) 418-2388

      Brent Zimmerman, Investors
      (877) 280-6380
      schrieb am 10.01.02 10:59:40
      Beitrag Nr. 37 ()
      Sowas nennt man ein erfolgreiches Investment :)

      schrieb am 17.05.03 20:21:03
      Beitrag Nr. 38 ()
      Wow-welch Entwicklung!

      Hier hätte man dabeibleiben sollen u. nicht nach 2-4 Wochen rausgehen..........

      schrieb am 09.08.03 02:42:13
      Beitrag Nr. 39 ()
      bist du rausgegangen ? :cry:

      ich hab mir die finger wund geschrieben (und auch teilweise wund-verloren :mad: )

      aber letztendlich hat es sich dann doch mit dem
      nachlegen (verbilligen) und endlich NERVEN zeigen gelohnt :D :D :D :D :D

      ich behalt die nerven......:)

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      NETZERO oder JUNO ???