
    SUPERKLICK +++ Online im Hotel +++ - 500 Beiträge pro Seite

    eröffnet am 14.12.04 20:06:54 von
    neuester Beitrag 14.08.08 22:52:28 von
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     Ja Nein
      schrieb am 14.12.04 20:06:54
      Beitrag Nr. 1 ()

      Nach Kursverdreifachung bei SoftNet Technology die
      nächste Kursrakete des Global Investor:
      Superclick, Inc. (OTC BB: SPCK/ ISIN: US86804U1007)
      Strong Buy mit knapp 200% Kurspotenzial!

      akt. Kurs: 0,85 USD
      Kursziel: 2,50 USD
      Börsenplatz: Nasdaq OTC BB / Frankfurt
      Rating: Strong Buy

      Eindeutige Parallele zu STTC: Auch bei Superclick scheint gerade jetzt der Einstiegszeitpunkt ideal. Wir hatten diesen hochinteressanten Titel lange auf unserer Watchlist, haben uns mit einer Empfehlung aber zunächst zurückgehalten. Allein die Tatsache, dass Superclick, Inc. (OTC BB SPCK/ ISIN: US86804U1007) trotz einer glänzenden Unternehmensentwicklung sowie exzellenten Zukunftsperspektiven von den Analysten fast sträflich vernachlässigt wurde und nach unserer Meinung deutlich unter dem fairen Wert gehandelt wird, war uns nicht ausreichend um eine Empfehlung auszusprechen. Dies war der Grund, dass wir letztendlich auf den Titel aufmerksam wurden und unter genauer Beobachtung auf unserer Watchlist hielten. Für eine Empfehlung müssen jedoch mehrere Faktoren gegeben sein, um mit dem Timing so ideal zu liegen, wie uns das zuletzt bei Softnet gelungen ist.

      Und genau dieses Timing scheint uns aufgrund der jüngsten Entwicklungen nun bei Superclick ideal:

      die spektakuläre Story wird den Titel mehr und mehr in den Blickpunkt der Öffentlichkeit rücken, so dass auch andere Analysten nicht an diesem Wert vorbei kommen

      Die Expansionspläne konkretisieren sich: Superclick will den europäischen Markt für sich gewinnen und könnte allein dadurch zum nächsten Börsenhighflyer werden

      steigendes Handelsvolumen deutet auf bevorstehenden Kursanstieg hin

      beim Ausbruch über die momentane Seitwärtsbewegung dürfte das entstehende Momentum die Aktie rasch über die 1-USD-Marke sowie das vorangegangene Hoch bei 1,13 USD führen!
      Lesen Sie nachfolgend einen kurzen Rückblick auf STTC sowie weitere Hintergundinformationen und Details, warum gerade jetzt der Einstiegszeitpunkt bei Superclick so ideal erscheint und sich die Erfolgsstory von STTC bei SPCK wiederholen sollte.

      Mit sage und schreibe 269% (!!) stehen diejenigen im Plus, die unserer Empfehlung für SoftNet Technology Corp.(OTC BB: STTC) am ersten Oktober diesen Jahres gefolgt sind. Selbst bei der zweiten Empfehlung kurze Zeit später bei 0,052 USD verbuchen Anleger bei einem aktuellen Kurs 0,15 USD von knapp 200% Gewinn. Ein absoluter Volltreffer wenn man bedenkt, dass wir damit unser Kursziel von 0,15 USD, das wir für einen Zeitraum von einem Jahr ausgegeben haben, im Eiltempo erreicht haben - nämlich in gerade einmal 10 Wochen! Dabei lag der Höchststand der Aktie mit 0,18 USD sogar noch deutlich höher und gab damit jedem die Gelegenheit, zum angegebenen Kursziel und sogar noch deutlich darüber, Teilgewinne zu realisieren. Als exzellente Strategie betrachten wir dabei nach wie vor, genau soviele Aktien zu verkaufen, um das eingesetzte Kapital zurück zu erhalten. Ihr Vorteil: Sie haben Ihren Einsatz wieder, partizipieren aber an weiteren Kurssteigerugen der Aktie.

      Davon überzeugt scheint auch der CEO von Softnet, James Farinella, zu sein, der erst letzten Mittwoch bekannt gab, weitere Käufe von STTC am freien Markt getätigt zu haben. Seit Thanksgiving kaufte der CEO weitere 50.000 Aktien von STTC zu einem Preis von bis zu $ 0.167 und hat damit binnen weniger Monate seine Position auf über 1.200.000 Aktien aufgestockt.

      Unsere Empfehlung: Insbesondere diejenigen, die noch über die gesamte Position verfügen könnten trotz aller positiven Aussichten nach einer Verdreifachung des Kapitals Teilgewinne realisieren. Denn nachdem die letzte Empfehlung des GLOBAL INVESTOR aufgrund intensiver Recherche nun bereits einige Zeit zurückliegt, haben unsere Analysten mit Superclick einen Wert für Sie entdeckt, der ohne Zeifel das Potenzial besitzt, ähnliche Kursgewinne zu generieren wie STTC!

      Dieses freigewordene Kapital aus STTC zu nehmen und in Superclick zu investieren, erscheint aus mehreren Gründen sinnvoll. Wie bereits einleitend kurz angesprochen, tendierte die SPCK-Aktie zuletzt seitwärts, wobei das untere Chartbild deutlich die Aufwärtstendenzen innerhalb der Konsolidierung zeigt. Das Handelsvolumen stieg in dieser Woche ohne signifikante Nachrichten merklich an. Und der wichtigste Punkt: Das Unternehmen steht mit der Expansion nach Europa vor nachhaltigen Veränderungen, die nach unserer Einschätzung ein Kurspotenzial von zwei Hundert Prozent birgt.

      Superclick Inc. geht einem vergleichsweise einfachen, aber dennoch äußerst lukrativem Geschäftsmodell nach. Nahezu jeder von uns wurde eventuell bereits ein- oder mehrmals mit der Superclick-Technologie konfrontiert. Das Unternehmen aus dem kalifornischen Laguna Hills entwickelt, produziert und vermarktet das sogenannte Superclick Internet Management System (kurz: SIMS™). Sicherlich kennen viele die Internetterminals die mittlerweile in immer mehr namhaften Hotels im Foyer zu finden sind und welche sich meist einer hohen Frequentierung erfreuen, sei es in Urlaubs-, oder Businesshäusern. So befindet sich mittlerweile bereits das Who-is-Who der Hotelbranche auf der Kundenliste von Superclick Inc.: Crowne Plaza, Four Points von Sheraton, Hilton, Holiday Inn Express, Hampton Inn, Marriott, Novotel, Radisson, Sheraton, Westin sowie Wyndham Hotels.

      Der Markt ist gewaltig und Superclick verfügt über eine ausgezeichnete Wettbewerbsposition. Der entscheidende Faktor, Superclick mit einem klaren Strong Buy! zu raten, ist dabei nun die Tatsache, dass sich das Unternehmen bisher in erster Linie auf den amerikanischen Markt konzentrierte. Dies soll sich nun ändern. Die Expansion nach Europa steht auf dem Programm. Wir gehen davon aus, dass dies für einen gewaltigen Wachstumsschub sorgt und bereits im Vorfeld zu steigenden Kursen führt. Dass es sich dabei nicht um vage Zukunftspläne handelt, sondern um eine sehr konkrete Strategie, beweist die Meldung von Anfang diesen Monats, als Superclick eine Vereinbarung mit Locatel, Frankreichs führendem Integrator von Video und High Speed Internet Lösungen, bekannt gab. Superclick wird dadurch zu Locatels erstem High Speed Internetanbieter für die Hotels, die zu Locatels Kundenkreis zählen. Derzeit bietet Locatel mehr als 2000 Hotels in ganz Europa ein breites Spektrum an Dienstleistungen. Locatel betonte in diesem Zusammenhang mehrmals, dass nach einer langen Evaluierung die Wahl auf Superclicks Internet Management System (SIMS) gefallen ist, da nur hierbei die hohen Qualitätsansprüche erfüllt sind. John Glazik, Superclick`s Präsident und CEO, zeigt sich hocherfreut über das Agreement mit Locatel und den damit verbundenen Markteintritt in Europa.

      Die große Chance für Superclick sehen wir nun in der Tatsache, dass das Unternhmen mit der Locatel Vereinbarung einen ersten Meilenstein bei den ergeizigen Expansionsplänen hinter sich hat. Denn bedenken Sie: Weniger als 10% der Hotels in Europa sind mit High Speed Internetzugängen ausgestattet. Dass aber High Speed Internetzugänge bereits kurzfristig ein Standart sein werden, den ein Großteil der Hotels anbieten muss, daran besteht nach unserer Ansicht kein Zweifel. Genau dies macht den europäischen Markt nach Meinung von John Glazik zu einem der wichtigsten Märkte über die nächsten Jahre.

      Interessant in diesem Zusammenhang: Entsprechend einer Studie des Researchunternhemens EHLITE wird Europa auch weiterhin die größte Hotelkapazität beibehalten und ist damit die Nummer Eins unter den von der WTO definierten weltweiten Tourismusregionen, mit über 6,2 Mio. Zimmer.

      Die Expansion läuft damit auf Hochtouren und bietet nach unserer Einschätzung auf dem aktuellen Stand eine exzellente Einstiegsgelegenheit. Denn das erfolgreiche Geschäft in den USA setzt sich weiter fort. Mitte Oktober revidierte Superclick die Umsatzzahlen für das laufende Fiskaljahr. Nach zunächst 2,25 bis 2,5 Mio. USD geht das Unternehmen nun davon aus, dass der Umsatz in der Spanne zwischen 2,6 und 2,75 Mio. USD liegen wird. Bereits im dritten Quartal ist es dem Unternehmen gelungen, den Umsatz deutlich zu steigern.

      Kaum zu glauben, dass Superclick bei rund 25 Mio. ausstehenden Aktien und einem aktuellen Kurs von lediglich 0,85 USD mit geradezu lächerlichen 21,25 Mio. USD an der Börse bewertet ist. Setzt sich das Unternehmenswachstum in der bisherigen Geschwindigkeit fort, werden diese Kurse schon in Kürze der Vergangenheit angehören. Und das interessante dabei bleibt die Tatsache, dass Superclick gerade jetzt mit der Expansion in den europäischen Markt beginnt. Der Zeitpunkt, Positionen aufzubauen, könnte aus unserer Sicht kaum günstiger sein. Aus diesem Grund nehmen wir die Aktie zum Kurs von 0,85 USD ins Musterdepot des Global Investors auf und greifen dabei auf einen Wert zurück, der keinen der vom Global Investor geforderten Qualitätsmerkmale erfüllt (Profitabilität, KGV einstellig, Gewinnsteigerung, Marktführerschaft). Wir sehen in der Aktie allerdings eine außergewöhnliche Gewinnchance und möchten Ihnen den Titel deshalb nicht vorenthalten. Nach dem gleichen Prinzip sind wir auch bei der Aktie von SoftNet verfahren und sehen uns durch diese Erfolgsstory mehr als bestätigt.

      Zusammenfassend sei noch einmal herausgestellt:

      Superclick, Inc. (OTC BB: SPCK/ ISIN: US86804U1007)

      agiert in einem hochinterssanten Betätigungsfeld, dem glänzende Zukunftsperspektiven vorausgesagt werden
      verfügt über eine außergewöhnlich gute Marktposition
      hat die Expansion nach Europa durch das Agreement mit der französischen Locatel eingeleitet und damit das Potenzial vervielfacht
      wird an der Börse mit lediglich 21,25 Mio. USD bewertet
      tritt mehr und mehr in den Fokus der Investoren und der amerikanischen Analysten
      und nicht zuletzt stimmt genau jetzt auch das Fein-Timing. Denn:
      Ein Blick auf den 6-Monatschart zeigt: Die Umsatzentwicklung während der vergangenen Monate macht deutlich, dass seit Anfang Dezember eine merkliche Zunahme des Handelsvolumens erfolgt ist. In Zusammenhang mit den deutlichen Aufwärtstendenzen innerhalb der momentanen Seitwärtsbewegung sehen wir darin ein eindeutiges Indiz dafür, dass die Aktie kurz vor einem Ausbruch nach oben steht.

      Nach unserer Ansicht bietet sich gerade jetzt die einmalige Gelegenheit, einerseits günstig in den Wert einzusteigen - bedenken Sie, dass die Marktkapitalisierung geradezu lächerliche 21,25 Mio. USD beträgt - zugleich aber schon deutliche Erholungstendenzen zu erkennen sind. Mit einem Stopp-Loss bei 0,59 USD und damit etwas unter dem vorangegangenen Tief bietet sich dem Anleger somit ein glänzendes Chance-Risiko-Profil. Das bei einer Kurschance bis rund 2,50 USD und einem Risiko bis 0,59 USD bei 6,3 liegt! Unschlagbar! Das lässt nur ein Rating zu: Strong Buy!

      Wie an dieser Stelle üblich möchten wir Sie neben dem Wachstumspotenzial, das sich in diesem Unternehmen verbirgt, andererseits auch darauf hinweisen, dass es sich bei Superclick um ein High-Risk-Investment handelt, bei dem auch der Totalverlust nicht ausgeschlossen werden kann. Für unerlässlich halten wir es deshalb ein Stopp-Loss zu setzen. Sichern Sie Ihr Kapital knapp unter dem vorangegangenem Tief bei 0,59 USD ab. Berücksichtigen Sie zudem bei der Ordererteilung, ihre Aufträge zu limitieren.

      Ihr Team vom Global Investor !

      schrieb am 14.12.04 20:19:32
      Beitrag Nr. 2 ()

      Superclick average Umsatz in USA: 28,804 :laugh::laugh::laugh:

      Last Trade: 0.80
      Trade Time: 1:46PM ET
      Change: 0.06 (6.98%)
      Prev Close: 0.86
      Open: 0.86
      Bid: 0.78 x 2500
      Ask: 0.81 x 2500
      1y Target Est: N/A

      Day`s Range: 0.78 - 0.89
      52wk Range: 0.23 - 1.16
      Volume: 173,343
      Avg Vol (3m): 28,804
      Market Cap: N/A
      P/E (ttm): N/A
      EPS (ttm): N/A
      Div & Yield: N/A (N/A)

      1d 5d 3m 6m 1y

      Add SPCK.OB to Portfolio Set Alert Download Data
      schrieb am 14.12.04 20:19:58
      Beitrag Nr. 3 ()
      Ihr Team vom Geld vernichter !:laugh:
      schrieb am 14.12.04 20:22:17
      Beitrag Nr. 4 ()
      Was für ein Zufall :D:D:D
      Börse Inside empfiehlt den Titel und am gleichen Tag noch fällt der Kurs und das Money-Flow sinkt ins Bodenlose!!!
      Das heisst, das heute massiv verkauft wurde!!

      Ein Schelm, wer böses dabei denkt!!

      Sorry, GN
      nimms nicht persönlich,aber diese Masche zieht Börse Inside regelmässig durch.

      schrieb am 14.12.04 20:27:00
      Beitrag Nr. 5 ()
      Den Ball stoppen sollte man schon können...:D...diese Info ist nicht von BÖRSE INSIDE...der GLOBAL INVESTOR ist eine Neugründung aus dem OBB und hatte bis jetzt zwei Empfehlungen...

      1. STTC
      2. DLGI

      Schaut´s euch an ihr Ballkünstler...;)


      Trading Spotlight

      InnoCan Pharma
      0,1865EUR 0,00 %
      Biotech-Innovation auf FDA-Kurs!mehr zur Aktie »
      schrieb am 14.12.04 20:36:43
      Beitrag Nr. 6 ()
      Der Chart sagt alles...

      schrieb am 14.12.04 22:18:15
      Beitrag Nr. 7 ()
      Günni Du bist so ein Cleverle!!!

      schrieb am 16.12.04 09:25:15
      Beitrag Nr. 8 ()
      Seit heute auch Handel in Berlin...mehrere Börsenplätze haben noch nie geschadet...:D

      schrieb am 16.12.04 15:42:59
      Beitrag Nr. 9 ()
      Die Party USA 0,83 zu 0,87 USD...:eek:

      schrieb am 21.12.04 17:16:10
      Beitrag Nr. 10 ()
      Schöne NEWS...die den Weg weisen...jeder, der sich für SUPERKLICK interessiert sollte sich mal ansehen welche Hotels zu INTERCONTINENTAL gehören...z.B. die Kette HOLIDAY INN...;)

      Superclick Next Generation IP Network Extends Guest Services and Drives Revenue at the InterContinental Buckhead

      The Hotel of the Future

      LAGUNA HILLS, Calif., Dec. 20, 2004 (PRIMEZONE) -- Superclick, Inc. (OTCBB:SPCK) today announced that it has completed installation of its SIMS wired and Wi-Fi network at the recently opened InterContinental Buckhead-Atlanta hotel, owned and operated by the InterContinental Hotels Group PLC (NYSE:IHG). Both guest services and building facilities are supported by Superclick`s Ethernet network with amazing results.

      General Manager Ronen Nissenbaum commented that "everything we do begins and ends with our guests." He added that "building a new hotel, we had the opportunity to create a luxurious infrastructure to truly pamper our guests, while driving revenue and managing costs. The Superclick team delivered more than just a network to provide Internet access for the guests. They created a network that tailors an array of unique capabilities for our guests and simplifies its use with an on-screen toolbar." The Superclick toolbar creates numerous revenue opportunities for the InterContinental Buckhead-Atlanta property ranging from simple plug-and-play wired and WiFi Internet access to the advanced remote printing capabilities for business users.

      In addition, Superclick`s IP-based network provides the flagship property with effortless Internet access to the guest and the capability to remotely manage its approximately 1500 devices throughout 422 rooms over the network on a per-device, per-room basis. This includes the ability to manage Inncom`s ( guestroom energy control systems as well as Bartech`s ( automatic minibars, ensuring that the property`s network administrator can reliably monitor the performance of the services, reducing downtime and eliminating inefficiencies in the network caused by "false alarms". The net results of the SIMS network are revenue savings to the hotel and a more seamless service to the hotel`s guests.

      "The InterContinental Buckhead IP network is probably unlike any hotel network in the world. We have integrated features and functions that have been separately used for some time but could not be easily combined except on a new network," remarked the hotel`s Director, Hotel Technology & Services, Jim Bailey. "Superclick addressed every request we had to leverage the IP capabilities of an Ethernet network to efficiently support numerous applications, with its SIMS gateway server to manage them as a cohesive system," Bailey added.

      Sandro Natale, Superclick`s VP of Business Development commented that "the Intercontinental Buckhead`s commitment to create a robust network and provide its guests with world-class services over its wired and wireless Internet infrastructure provided us with the opportunity to showcase the powerful capabilities of our SIMS network management gateway. We continue to remain focused on developing best-in-class Internet management solutions that will support the evolving IP-based infrastructures in the hospitality environment."

      About Superclick, Inc.

      Superclick, Inc. and its wholly owned Montreal-based subsidiary, Superclick Networks, Inc., develops, manufactures, markets and supports the Superclick Internet Management System (SIMS) in worldwide hospitality, multi-tenant unit (MTU) and hospital markets. Superclick provides hotels, MTU residences and hospital patients and visitors with cost-effective Internet access and IP-based services utilizing high-speed DSL, CAT5 wiring, wireless and dial-up modem technologies. Over 100 InterContinental Hotels Group properties have Superclick systems including Candlewood Suites, Crowne Plaza, Holiday Inn, Holiday Inn Express, Holiday Inn SunSpree, InterContinental and Staybridge Suites in Canada and the United States. For more information, please visit the Superclick website at

      About the InterContinental Buckhead-Atlanta

      The InterContinental Buckhead Atlanta offers the contemporary traveler luxury and sophistication that only comes from close to 60 years of hotelier experience on six continents. The 21-story high-rise includes 422 guest rooms, 21 suites, and the largest ballroom space of any five-star hotel in the city of Atlanta. An interior garden courtyard, which can be viewed from all public areas of the hotel, creates an oasis of calm in a vibrant urban setting. The InterContinental Buckhead-Atlanta features a three-story elliptical lobby and lounge area, day spa, and a 160-seat restaurant with exterior terrace along Peachtree Road that encompasses fine and casual dining. The hotel is ideally situated at the center of Buckhead on Peachtree Road, surrounded by premium shopping outlets and within walking distance of the business district. (

      About InterContinental Hotels & Resorts InterContinental

      Hotels & Resorts has been the preferred hotel brand for international travelers for nearly 60 years and is committed to meeting the needs of today`s travelers worldwide. InterContinental offers services and amenities specifically designed for the international business traveler and has mastered the delicate balance between providing consistent, superior service, while also capturing the local flavor of the city where each hotel is located. InterContinental continues to expand in key destinations around the globe. (

      Safe Harbor Statement:

      Statements in this press release that are not statements of historical or current fact constitute "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Such forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other unknown factors that could cause the actual results of the Company to be materially different from the historical results or from any future results expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. In addition to statements which explicitly describe such risks and uncertainties, readers are urged to consider statements with the terms "believes," "belief," "expects," "intends," "anticipates," "will" or "plans" to be uncertain and forward-looking. The forward-looking statements contained herein are also subject generally to other risks and uncertainties that are described from time to time in the Company`s reports and registration statements filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

      CONTACT: Superclick, Inc.John Bevilacqua, Investor Relations
      (866) 405-3959

      InterContinental Hotels Group
      Jim Bailey
      (770) 604-8087

      schrieb am 22.12.04 15:52:28
      Beitrag Nr. 11 ()
      Es kommt immer mehr Volumen rein...und täglich geht es aufwärts...:D

      schrieb am 31.01.05 22:02:54
      Beitrag Nr. 12 ()
      heute in meinem briefkasten: (kopiere lediglich den inhalt)

      Sehr geehrte Leserinnen und Leser,

      Nur kurz angerissen haben wir im Rahmen unseres Musterdepotüberblicks die jüngste Entwicklung der Superclick-Aktie (SPCK), die während der letzten Wochen noch nicht so richtig in Tritt gekommen ist, sich dabei allerdings deutlich fester als der Technologiesektor insgesamt präsentierte. Wir sehen Superclick nach wie vor als ein glänzend positioniertes Unternehmen, dem mit dem OEM Agreement mit Locatel, einem der führenden Anbieter von audiovisuellen und interaktiven Diensten für den europäischen Hotel- und Gesundheitssektor, ein enormer Schritt nach vorne gelungen ist. Erste Umsätze wurden über die Vereinbarung mit Locatel bereits generiert. Der Eintritt in den europäischen Markt bedeutet für Superclick ohne Zweifel einen Meilenstein in der Unternehmensentwicklung und birgt für das Unternehmen enorme Wachstumschancen. Diese Entwicklung dürfte sich auf absehbare Zeit auch im Aktienkurs widerspiegeln, den wir langfristig bei 2,50 USD sehen. Auch wenn die Aktie bisher noch keine größeren Kurssprünge machte, dürfte sich bei diesem Titel etwas Geduld auszahlen.

      Bereits am kommenden Sonntag erhalten Sie die aktuellste Empfehlung des Global Investors. Dabei präsentieren wir Ihnen keinen völlig unbekannten Wert, sondern eine Aktie, die wir seit längerem auf unserer Empfehlungsliste ganz oben stehen haben und bei der sich in jüngster Vergangenheit die Ereignisse förmlich überschlugen. Eine Erfolgsmeldung jagte die andere und eröffnet dem Unternehmen nun Wachstumspotenziale, die bisher nicht für möglich gehalten wurden. In Folge der raschen Umsetzung der angestrebten Expansion spricht der CEO bereits von einer Umsatzexplosion für dieses Jahr.

      Der Grund dafür, dass wir gerade diesen Wert noch einmal aufgreifen ist ganz einfach: Die fundamentale Situation hat sich nach den jüngsten Erfolgsmeldungen so drastisch verbessert, dass wir die Aktie auf dem aktuellen Kursniveau für deutlich unterbewertet halten und unser ursprüngliches Kursziel noch einmal deutlich nach oben korrigieren:

      Die Erfolgsmeldungen überschlagen sich seit mehreren Wochen!
      Der CEO spricht bereits von einer Umsatzexplosion für 2005!
      und kauft Aktien seines Unternehmens am freien Markt!
      Charttechnisch hat sich eine hochinteressante Formation gebildet, aufgrund derer wir das Einstiegstiming für ideal halten!
      Lesen Sie im GI-Report vom kommenden Sonntag weitere Hintergundinformationen zu diesem Unternehmen sowie eine Einschätzung zur weiteren Kursentwicklung.

      Ihr Team vom Global Investor !
      schrieb am 09.02.05 12:25:19
      Beitrag Nr. 13 ()
      ist noch jemand bei superclick dabei? Die letzten Zahlen waren vielversprechend und der rollout in Europe dürfte doch auch bald spürbar werden.
      Weiss jemand etwas? Gibts news?

      Gruss an die Gemeinde
      schrieb am 14.02.05 07:41:40
      Beitrag Nr. 14 ()
      Mit Superclick, Inc. (OTC BB SPCK/ ISIN: US86804U1007) präsentieren wir Ihnen heute erneut eine Aktie, die wir seit längerem auf unserer Empfehlungsliste ganz oben stehen haben und die wir bereits Ende letzten Jahres in unser Musterdepot aufgenommen haben.

      Nach den jüngsten Unternehmenserfolgen hat sich die fundamentale Situation aber so drastisch verbessert, dass wir die Aktie noch einmal empfehlen wollen. Das Timing erachten wir dabei als ideal, denn auch charttechnisch liegt seit Ende dieser Woche ein Einstiegssignal vor. Die Parallelen zu SoftNet sind dabei in Bezug auf die jüngsten Unternehmenserfolge sowie den Empfehlungszeitpunkt unverkennbar.

      Und genau aus diesem Grund erwarten wir bei Superclick auf höherem Kursniveau eine ganz ähnlich Kursentwicklung wie bei STTC. Werfen Sie nur einen kurzen Blick auf die jüngsten Unternehmenshighlights:

      Wie bereits einleitend geschildert, ist es Superclick gelungen, den Umsatz des am 31. Oktober 2004 zu Ende gegangenen Geschäftsjahres auf knapp 2,8 Mio. USD und damit um 327% gegenüber dem Vorjahr zu steigern. Enorme Wachstumsraten, die momentan ihres gleichen suchen. Eine Steigerung ist auch im Zuge der Quartalsfolge zu beobachten, wenn man bedenkt, das Superclick im vierten Quartal noch einmal kräftig zulegen konnte und den Umsatz um 70% gegenüber dem Vorquartal auf rd. 1,3 Mio. USD steigerte.

      Als echten Meilenstein in der Unternehmensgeschichte sehen wir die Expansion nach Europa: Superclick nimmt agressiv den europäischen Markt in Angriff und schloss ein OEM Agreement mit Locatel, einem der führenden Anbieter von audiovisuellen und interaktiven Diensten für den europäischen Hotel- und Gesundheitssektor, ab. Entscheidend dabei: Erste Aufträge wurden über die Vereinbarung mit Locatel bereits an Land gezogen. Der Eintritt in den europäischen Markt bedeutet für Superclick ohne Zweifel einen Meilenstein in der Unternehmensentwicklung und birgt für Superclick enorme Wachstumschancen. Diese Entwicklung dürfte sich auf absehbare Zeit auch im Aktienkurs widerspiegeln, den wir langfristig bei 2,50 USD sehen.

      Die große Chance für Superclick sehen wir nun in der Tatsache, dass dem Unternehmen mit der Locatel-Vereinbarung der Zugang zum europäischen Markt gelungen ist. Denn bedenken Sie: Weniger als 10% der Hotels in Europa sind mit High Speed Internetzugängen ausgestattet. Dass aber High Speed Internetzugänge bereits kurzfristig ein Standart sein werden, den ein Großteil der Hotels anbieten muss, daran besteht nach unserer Ansicht kein Zweifel. Genau dies macht den europäischen Markt nach Meinung des SPCK-Managements zu einem der wichtigsten Märkte über die nächsten Jahre.

      Ohne Zweifel fantastische Zahlen sowie eine Unternehmensentwicklung, die enormes Potenzial verspricht und dem Aktienkurs bereits kurzfristig auf die Sprünge helfen sollte.

      Aber nicht nur fundamental, und das ist der entscheidende Faktor, sondern auch charttechnisch präsentiert sich die Superclick-Aktie in glänzender Verfassung. Werfen Sie nur einen Blick auf den 6-Monats-Chart.

      Die Aktie zieht bereits deutlich an und konnte in den vergangenen Tagen rund 15% zulegen. Nachdem der Titel während der vergangenen Monate eher seitwärts tendierte, sehen wir in der jüngsten Kursentwicklung eindeutige Hinweise dafür, dass nun Momentum in die Aktie kommt. Kein Wunder, wenn man sich nur die jüngsten Zahlen sowie die positiven News der letzten Wochen vor Augen hält.

      Dieser kurzfristige Anstieg führte auch charttechnisch zu einer hochinteressanten Entwicklung: Im Zuge einer mehrmonatigen Konsolidierung entwickelte sich eine Dreiecksformation, aus der der Kurs nun nach oben ausgebrochen ist. Unter charttechnischen Gesichtspunkten ein klares Einstiegssignal!

      Kaum zu glauben, dass Superclick bei rund 25 Mio. ausstehenden Aktien und einem aktuellen Kurs von 0,86 USD mit lediglich 21,50 Mio. USD an der Börse bewertet ist. Setzt sich das Unternehmenswachstum in der bisherigen Geschwindigkeit fort, werden diese Kurse schon in Kürze der Vergangenheit angehören. Und das interessante dabei bleibt die Tatsache, dass Superclick gerade jetzt mit der Expansion in den europäischen Markt begonnen hat. Der Zeitpunkt, Positionen aufzubauen, könnte aus unserer Sicht kaum günstiger sein.

      Wie an dieser Stelle üblich möchten wir Sie neben dem Wachstumspotenzial, das sich in diesem Unternehmen verbirgt, andererseits auch darauf hinweisen, dass es sich bei Superclick um ein High-Risk-Investment handelt, bei dem auch der Totalverlust nicht ausgeschlossen werden kann. Für unerlässlich halten wir es deshalb ein Stopp-Loss zu setzen. Sichern Sie Ihr Kapital knapp unter dem vorangegangenem Tief bei 0,59 USD ab. Berücksichtigen Sie zudem bei der Ordererteilung, ihre Aufträge zu limitieren.

      Ihr Team vom Global Investor !

      mfg B.
      (gebe lediglich diese empfehlung weiter -selber bin ich nicht investiert)
      schrieb am 14.02.05 17:54:48
      Beitrag Nr. 15 ()
      danke buddy ;)
      die erneute empfehlung durch Global-Investor scheint Wirkung zu haben...
      Heute steigt superclick 25% in Frankfurt auf nun 0,77 bei sehr hohen umsaetzen.

      Wann fällt die 1€ Marke?
      schrieb am 17.02.05 23:32:56
      Beitrag Nr. 16 ()
      grad per google news alert bekommen. sehr gute aussichten für superclick zahlen.
      die chance für morgen früh:

      Superclick Announces First Quarter Guidance
      Company Expects to Achieve Another Record Setting Quarter

      DALLAS, Feb. 17, 2005 (PRIMEZONE) -- Superclick, Inc. (OTCBB:SPCK) closed its first quarter for fiscal year 2005 on January 31, and today provided an update as to its progress. Chairman Todd M. Pitcher commented, "We are pleased to see continued execution from our management team in delivering strong quarter-over-quarter and year-over year results. Our SIMS platform continues to gain recognition and validation amongst both hotel customers and our distribution partners."

      Amongst the key highlights that Superclick expects to report for the first quarter are:

      -- Revenue of at least $1,400,000, representing approximately
      380% growth over the first quarter of fiscal year 2004.
      -- The first quarter will mark the 5th consecutive quarter
      of increasing revenues.
      -- Addition of 6,922 rooms over the first quarter, bringing
      the total Superclick footprint to more than 26,000 hotel
      -- Number of hotel installs grew 22% on a quarter-over-quarter
      basis and were up more than 350% from the same period last
      -- Established initial sales into European market through
      Locatel partnership.

      "Particularly encouraging to us was the Company`s strong performance over the quarter, as it occurs in the midst of the holiday season which is typically a challenging period to execute deployments in the hospitality market," added Mr. Pitcher. Superclick remains committed to providing its customers with leading-edge data management solutions and world-class customer support.

      About Superclick, Inc.

      Superclick, Inc., through its wholly owned subsidiary, Superclick Networks, Inc., develops, manufactures, markets and supports the Superclick Internet Management System (SIMS) in the worldwide hospitality and multi-tenant unit (MTU) markets. Superclick provides customers with cost-effective Internet access and IP-based services utilizing high-speed DSL, CAT5 wiring, wireless and dial-up modem technologies. More than 100 customers throughout the United States, Canada, the Caribbean and Europe have installed Superclick`s best-in-class data management platform including the InterContinental Hotels Group, Candlewood Suites, Crowne Plaza, Holiday Inn, Holiday Inn Express, JW Marriot, and Staybridge Suites. For more information visit
      schrieb am 17.02.05 23:45:39
      Beitrag Nr. 17 ()
      ich denke, dass der letzte punkt besonders interessant ist

      Established initial sales into European market through
      Locatel partnership.

      also die partnerschaft, die ende januar erst verkündet wurde scheint unmittelbar in einnahmen zu resultieren.
      schrieb am 18.02.05 09:52:31
      Beitrag Nr. 18 ()
      Ein für mich postives zeichen ist, dass das Management einen hohen Anteil an den Aktien hält, wie aus dem letzten SEC filing zu ersehen ist:


      Robert G. MacFarlane.....3,630,611 14.4%

      Sandro Natale ..... 3,526,100 14.0%

      John Glazik ...... 368,660 1.4%

      Claude Smith ..... 50,000 *

      Todd M. Pitcher .. 53,571 *

      Hugh Renfro ...... 53,571 *

      Jacobo Melcer .... 53,571 *

      Steve Montague .... 53,571 *

      George Vesnaver .... 23,100 *

      All directors andofficers as a group ...................... 7,812,755 31%

      die Jahreshauptversammlung ist übrigens am 3.3.

      Heute springt der Kurs noch nicht an. Ich werde wohl nochmal nachlegen wenn wir die 0.60 testen.
      schrieb am 27.02.05 18:15:13
      Beitrag Nr. 19 ()
      Superclick, Inc. (OTC BB: SPCK / ISIN: US86804U1007)

      +++ Nach Rekordergebnis im abgelaufenen Geschäftsjahr erwartet Superclick in Q1 Umsatzwachstum von 380% ! +++

      +++ Gelungener Eintritt in den europ. Markt birgt riesen Wachstumspotenzial ! +++

      +++ Nach STTC (+457%) die nächste Kursrakete des Global Investor ! +++

      akt. Kurs: 0,92 USD
      Kursziel: 2,50 USD
      Börsenplatz: Nasdaq OTC BB / Frankfurt
      Rating: Strong Buy mit 170% Kurspotenzial !

      Sehr geehrte Leserinnen und Leser,

      im Rahmen der letzten GI-Reports lag der Schwerpunkt auf Unternehmen, die wir bereits seit Langem auf unserer Watchlist haben und die damit unter ständiger Beobachtung unserer Analysten stehen. Dass sich hinter diesen Unternehmen wie bei unserer heutigen Empfehlung für die Aktie von Superclick, Inc. (OTC BB SPCK/ ISIN: US86804U1007) hochinteressante Storys verbergen, ist dabei ein entscheidender Faktor. Denn Superclick Inc. geht einem vergleichsweise einfachen, aber dennoch äußerst lukrativem Geschäftsmodell nach. Nahezu jeder von uns wurde eventuell bereits ein- oder mehrmals mit der Superclick-Technologie konfrontiert. Das Unternehmen aus dem kalifornischen Laguna Hills entwickelt, produziert und vermarktet das sogenannte Superclick Internet Management System (kurz: SIMS™;). Sicherlich kennen viele die Internetterminals die mittlerweile in immer mehr namhaften Hotels im Foyer zu finden sind und welche sich meist einer hohen Frequentierung erfreuen, sei es in Urlaubs-, oder Businesshäusern. So befindet sich mittlerweile bereits das Who-is-Who der Hotelbranche auf der Kundenliste von Superclick Inc.: Crowne Plaza, Four Points von Sheraton, Hilton, Holiday Inn Express, Hampton Inn, Marriott, Novotel, Radisson, Sheraton, Westin sowie Wyndham Hotels.

      Von entscheidender Bedeutung ist neben der Story, die hinter diesem Unternehmen steckt allerdings auch der aktuelle Bezug. Das bedeutet: Erst wenn sich aktuelle Veränderungen in Bezug auf die Fundamentals ergeben, die einen nachhaltigen Einfluss auf die Unternehmensentwicklung und damit letztendlich auf den Aktienkurs haben könnten, greifen wir den Wert auf und präsentieren Ihnen die aktuellsten Fakten. Ein Paradebeispiel ist dabei ohne Zweifel die Aktie von SoftNet Technologie (STTC), die wir bereits vor Monaten das erste Mal empfohlen haben und die Anlegern, die von Anfang an dabei waren, Gewinne von mehreren hundert Prozent bescherte. Den anhaltend positiven News Flow der vergangenen Monate in Kombination mit einer Reihe mustergültig verlaufender charttechnischer Ausbrüche haben wir dabei zum Anlass genommen, die Aktie regelmäßig aufzugreifen, wobei sich jede neue Empfehlung bis zum jetzigen Zeitpunkt kräftig im Plus befindet.

      Diesem Prinzip folgend, präsentieren wir Ihnen mit der Aktie von Superclick, Inc. ein Unternehmen, dessen fundamentale Situation sich, wie von uns erwartet, laufend verbessert hat. Nicht gerechnet haben wir allerdings damit, dass das Unternehmen ein derartiges Wachstumstempo vorlegt. Nach den Rekordzahlen für das vorangegangene Jahr sprechen die Erwartungen für das am 31. Januar zu Ende gegangene Geschäftsjahr eine eindeutige Sprache. Von besonderem Interesse für Sie als Anleger ist dabei, dass die Aktie trotz der überragenden Zahlen von der breiten Anlegermasse noch nicht entdeckt wurde und auch die meisten Analysten SPCK noch nicht auf Ihrer Rechnung haben. Und genau das sehen wir nun als einmalige Chance (ähnlich wie damals bei STTC), denn bei diesem Wachstumstempo dürfte auch das momentane Kursniveau von unter einem USD schon bald der Vergangenheit angehören! Der Zeitpunkt für den Einstieg scheint nun ideal, denn neben den Rekordzahlen für das abgelaufene Geschäftsjahr, der überragenden Guidance für das am 31. Januar 2005 zu Ende gegangene erste Quartal, ist der Aktienkurs nun aus seiner Lethargie Erwartung und über die Keilformation der vergangenen Monate ausgebrochen. Ein mustergültiges Chartsignal, das nach unserer Einschätzung den Beginn eines nachhaltigen Kursanstiegs markieren sollte.

      Wie wir zu dieser Einschätzung kommen und warum wir gerade jetzt den Einstiegszeitpunkt für ideal erachten, möchten wir Ihnen schrittweise darlegen, wobei wir mit den Rekordzahlen des vergangenen Jahres beginnen und diese in Bezug zum glänzenden Ausblick für das erste Quartal 2005 setzten wollen. Im letzten Punkt zeigen wir Ihnen an Hand der aktuellen Charttechnik, warum der Empfehlungszeitpunkt aus unserer Sicht nicht besser gewählt werden könnte und warum die charttechnische Entwicklung ein unentbehrlicher Faktor für die Feinabstimmung des Einstiegstimings darstellt.

      Zum Zeitpunkt des letzten GI-Reports lagen uns nur die Zahlen für das abgelaufene Geschäftsjahr vor. Rekordzahlen mit enormen Wachstumsraten, denn für das am 31. Oktober 2004 zu Ende gegangenen Geschäftsjahres präsentierte Superclick einen Umsatzanstieg auf knapp 2,8 Mio. USD und damit einen Zuwachs von 327% gegenüber dem Vorjahr! Enorme Wachstumsraten, die momentan ihres gleichen suchen. Eine Steigerung ist auch im Zuge der Quartalsfolge zu beobachten, wenn man bedenkt, dass Superclick im vierten Quartal noch einmal kräftig zulegen konnte und den Umsatz um 70% gegenüber dem Vorquartal auf rd. 1,3 Mio. USD steigerte.

      Nun aber ist klar: Der Wachstumstrend des vergangenen Jahres setzt sich nahtlos fort. Nach dem Umsatzanstieg von mehr als 300% im abgelaufenen Geschäftsjahr 2004 rechnet das Management mit weiter kräftig steigendem Umsatzwachstum für das erste Quartal 2005. In seiner Guidance für das am 31. Januar zu Ende gegangene erste Quartal des Fiskaljahres 2005 spricht das Unternehmen bereits von einem Umsatzanstieg auf mindestens 1,4 Mio. USD und damit einem Anstieg von 380% gegenüber dem ersten Quartal des vorangegangenen Fiskaljahres. Damit wäre dieses Quartal das fünfte in Folge, in dem ein Umsatzanstieg gelingt. Zudem nimmt Superclick aggressiv den europäischen Markt in Angriff und schloss ein OEM Agreement mit Locatel, einem der führenden Anbieter von audiovisuellen und interaktiven Diensten für den europäischen Hotel- und Gesundheitssektor, ab. Entscheidend dabei: Erste Umsätze wurden über die Vereinbarung mit Locatel bereits generiert. Der Eintritt in den europäischen Markt bedeutet für Superclick ohne Zweifel einen Meilenstein in der Unternehmensentwicklung und birgt enorme Wachstumschancen.

      Ein Wachstumstempo, das seines Gleichen sucht und das sich auf absehbare Zeit auch im Aktienkurs, den wir langfristig bei 2,50 USD sehen, widerspiegeln dürfte! Nach unserer Einschätzung eine absolute Strong Buy-Empfehlung, denn auch charttechnisch hat sich die Aktie zuletzt glänzend entwickelt. Der Aktienkurs konnte zuletzt bereits merklich zulegen und hat dabei die Widerstandslinie der im 6-Monats-Chart dargestellten Keilformation nach oben durchbrochen. Charttechnisch von Bedeutung ist dabei, dass die Aktie nicht sofort wieder in den Konsolidierungsbereich zurückkehrte, sondern sich stabil über dieser Linie behauptet, die nun als Unterstützung fungiert. Nach einer kurzen Verschnaufpause gehen wir aktuell davon aus, dass die Aktie, beflügelt vom glänzenden Ausblick für das erste Quartal kräftig zulegt und bereits kurzfristig die 1,00-USD-Marke nachhaltig nach oben durchbricht.

      Diese fundamentale sowie charttechnische Entwicklung dürfte sich auf absehbare Zeit auch im Aktienkurs widerspiegeln. Setzt sich das Unternehmenswachstum in der bisherigen Geschwindigkeit fort, werden Kurse unter einem USD schon in Kürze der Vergangenheit angehören. Denn bedenken Sie, dass Superclick gerade erst mit der Expansion in den europäischen Markt begonnen hat und somit noch am Anfang seiner Entwicklung steht. Nach unserer Einschätzung könnte deshalb der Zeitpunkt, Positionen aufzubauen, kaum besser sein. Auf Jahressicht sehen wir die Aktie im Bereich von 2,50 USD, wobei langfristig deutlich mehr Potenzial in dem Titel steckt und nach unserer Einschätzung auch höhere Kurse durchaus realistisch sind.

      Wie an dieser Stelle üblich möchten wir Sie neben dem Wachstumspotenzial, das sich in diesem Unternehmen verbirgt, andererseits auch darauf hinweisen, dass es sich bei Superclick um ein High-Risk-Investment handelt, bei dem auch der Totalverlust nicht ausgeschlossen werden kann. Für unerlässlich halten wir es deshalb ein Stopp-Loss zu setzen. Sichern Sie Ihr Kapital knapp unter dem vorangegangenem Tief bei 0,74 USD ab. Berücksichtigen Sie zudem bei der Ordererteilung, Ihre Aufträge zu limitieren.

      Ihr Team vom Global Investor !
      schrieb am 27.02.05 18:39:50
      Beitrag Nr. 20 ()
      Kleiner Nachtrag, die Meldung von Global Investor wurde heute am Sonntag, den 27.02.05 per e-mail verschickt.

      Könnte ganz interessant werden ;)
      schrieb am 27.02.05 20:21:59
      Beitrag Nr. 21 ()
      Ja, Danke für die Information LaraSoft! Ich denke auch, dass sich hier bald was tun muss.
      Die fundamentalen Daten dieser Firma haben sich in letzter Zeit sehr positiv verändert. Daher scheint mir eine Neubewertung bald anzustehen. Es stimmt für mich einfach die Börsenbewertung nicht mit der neuen Situation von spck überein. Auf Jahressicht mögen 2,50 evtl. gerechtgertigt sein.

      schrieb am 28.02.05 10:55:12
      Beitrag Nr. 22 ()
      Hoppla, 10% im plus gestartet. Da haben sich ein paar kleine reingekauft. Charttechnisch sieht es von tag zu tag besser aus. Es könnten mal wieder ein paar PRs rauskommen. Mal abwarten wie es in den USA läuft.

      schrieb am 08.03.05 12:48:31
      Beitrag Nr. 23 ()
      Erneute Empfehlung im Global Investor. Aktie reagiert mit 15% kursgewinn.

      Superclick, Inc. (OTC BB: SPCK / ISIN: US86804U1007)

      +++ Nach Rekordergebnis im abgelaufenen Geschäftsjahr erwartet Superclick in Q1 Umsatzwachstum von 380% ! +++

      +++ Gelungener Eintritt in den europ. Markt birgt riesen Wachstumspotenzial ! +++

      +++ Nach STTC (+457%) die nächste Kursrakete des Global Investor ! +++

      akt. Kurs: 0,92 USD
      Kursziel: 2,50 USD
      Börsenplatz: Nasdaq OTC BB / Frankfurt
      Rating: Strong Buy mit 170% Kurspotenzial !

      Sehr geehrte Leserinnen und Leser,

      im Rahmen der letzten GI-Reports lag der Schwerpunkt auf Unternehmen, die wir bereits seit Langem auf unserer Watchlist haben und die damit unter ständiger Beobachtung unserer Analysten stehen. Dass sich hinter diesen Unternehmen wie bei unserer heutigen Empfehlung für die Aktie von Superclick, Inc. (OTC BB SPCK/ ISIN: US86804U1007) hochinteressante Storys verbergen, ist dabei ein entscheidender Faktor. Denn Superclick Inc. geht einem vergleichsweise einfachen, aber dennoch äußerst lukrativem Geschäftsmodell nach. Nahezu jeder von uns wurde eventuell bereits ein- oder mehrmals mit der Superclick-Technologie konfrontiert. Das Unternehmen aus dem kalifornischen Laguna Hills entwickelt, produziert und vermarktet das sogenannte Superclick Internet Management System (kurz: SIMS™). Sicherlich kennen viele die Internetterminals die mittlerweile in immer mehr namhaften Hotels im Foyer zu finden sind und welche sich meist einer hohen Frequentierung erfreuen, sei es in Urlaubs-, oder Businesshäusern. So befindet sich mittlerweile bereits das Who-is-Who der Hotelbranche auf der Kundenliste von Superclick Inc.: Crowne Plaza, Four Points von Sheraton, Hilton, Holiday Inn Express, Hampton Inn, Marriott, Novotel, Radisson, Sheraton, Westin sowie Wyndham Hotels.

      Von entscheidender Bedeutung ist neben der Story, die hinter diesem Unternehmen steckt allerdings auch der aktuelle Bezug. Das bedeutet: Erst wenn sich aktuelle Veränderungen in Bezug auf die Fundamentals ergeben, die einen nachhaltigen Einfluss auf die Unternehmensentwicklung und damit letztendlich auf den Aktienkurs haben könnten, greifen wir den Wert auf und präsentieren Ihnen die aktuellsten Fakten. Ein Paradebeispiel ist dabei ohne Zweifel die Aktie von SoftNet Technologie (STTC), die wir bereits vor Monaten das erste Mal empfohlen haben und die Anlegern, die von Anfang an dabei waren, Gewinne von mehreren hundert Prozent bescherte. Den anhaltend positiven News Flow der vergangenen Monate in Kombination mit einer Reihe mustergültig verlaufender charttechnischer Ausbrüche haben wir dabei zum Anlass genommen, die Aktie regelmäßig aufzugreifen, wobei sich jede neue Empfehlung bis zum jetzigen Zeitpunkt kräftig im Plus befindet.

      Diesem Prinzip folgend, präsentieren wir Ihnen mit der Aktie von Superclick, Inc. ein Unternehmen, dessen fundamentale Situation sich, wie von uns erwartet, laufend verbessert hat. Nicht gerechnet haben wir allerdings damit, dass das Unternehmen ein derartiges Wachstumstempo vorlegt. Nach den Rekordzahlen für das vorangegangene Jahr sprechen die Erwartungen für das am 31. Januar zu Ende gegangene Geschäftsjahr eine eindeutige Sprache. Von besonderem Interesse für Sie als Anleger ist dabei, dass die Aktie trotz der überragenden Zahlen von der breiten Anlegermasse noch nicht entdeckt wurde und auch die meisten Analysten SPCK noch nicht auf Ihrer Rechnung haben. Und genau das sehen wir nun als einmalige Chance (ähnlich wie damals bei STTC), denn bei diesem Wachstumstempo dürfte auch das momentane Kursniveau von unter einem USD schon bald der Vergangenheit angehören! Der Zeitpunkt für den Einstieg scheint nun ideal, denn neben den Rekordzahlen für das abgelaufene Geschäftsjahr, der überragenden Guidance für das am 31. Januar 2005 zu Ende gegangene erste Quartal, ist der Aktienkurs nun aus seiner Lethargie Erwartung und über die Keilformation der vergangenen Monate ausgebrochen. Ein mustergültiges Chartsignal, das nach unserer Einschätzung den Beginn eines nachhaltigen Kursanstiegs markieren sollte.

      Wie wir zu dieser Einschätzung kommen und warum wir gerade jetzt den Einstiegszeitpunkt für ideal erachten, möchten wir Ihnen schrittweise darlegen, wobei wir mit den Rekordzahlen des vergangenen Jahres beginnen und diese in Bezug zum glänzenden Ausblick für das erste Quartal 2005 setzten wollen. Im letzten Punkt zeigen wir Ihnen an Hand der aktuellen Charttechnik, warum der Empfehlungszeitpunkt aus unserer Sicht nicht besser gewählt werden könnte und warum die charttechnische Entwicklung ein unentbehrlicher Faktor für die Feinabstimmung des Einstiegstimings darstellt.

      Zum Zeitpunkt des letzten GI-Reports lagen uns nur die Zahlen für das abgelaufene Geschäftsjahr vor. Rekordzahlen mit enormen Wachstumsraten, denn für das am 31. Oktober 2004 zu Ende gegangenen Geschäftsjahres präsentierte Superclick einen Umsatzanstieg auf knapp 2,8 Mio. USD und damit einen Zuwachs von 327% gegenüber dem Vorjahr! Enorme Wachstumsraten, die momentan ihres gleichen suchen. Eine Steigerung ist auch im Zuge der Quartalsfolge zu beobachten, wenn man bedenkt, dass Superclick im vierten Quartal noch einmal kräftig zulegen konnte und den Umsatz um 70% gegenüber dem Vorquartal auf rd. 1,3 Mio. USD steigerte.

      Nun aber ist klar: Der Wachstumstrend des vergangenen Jahres setzt sich nahtlos fort. Nach dem Umsatzanstieg von mehr als 300% im abgelaufenen Geschäftsjahr 2004 rechnet das Management mit weiter kräftig steigendem Umsatzwachstum für das erste Quartal 2005. In seiner Guidance für das am 31. Januar zu Ende gegangene erste Quartal des Fiskaljahres 2005 spricht das Unternehmen bereits von einem Umsatzanstieg auf mindestens 1,4 Mio. USD und damit einem Anstieg von 380% gegenüber dem ersten Quartal des vorangegangenen Fiskaljahres. Damit wäre dieses Quartal das fünfte in Folge, in dem ein Umsatzanstieg gelingt. Zudem nimmt Superclick aggressiv den europäischen Markt in Angriff und schloss ein OEM Agreement mit Locatel, einem der führenden Anbieter von audiovisuellen und interaktiven Diensten für den europäischen Hotel- und Gesundheitssektor, ab. Entscheidend dabei: Erste Umsätze wurden über die Vereinbarung mit Locatel bereits generiert. Der Eintritt in den europäischen Markt bedeutet für Superclick ohne Zweifel einen Meilenstein in der Unternehmensentwicklung und birgt enorme Wachstumschancen.

      Ein Wachstumstempo, das seines Gleichen sucht und das sich auf absehbare Zeit auch im Aktienkurs, den wir langfristig bei 2,50 USD sehen, widerspiegeln dürfte! Nach unserer Einschätzung eine absolute Strong Buy-Empfehlung, denn auch charttechnisch hat sich die Aktie zuletzt glänzend entwickelt. Der Aktienkurs konnte zuletzt bereits merklich zulegen und hat dabei die Widerstandslinie der im 6-Monats-Chart dargestellten Keilformation nach oben durchbrochen. Charttechnisch von Bedeutung ist dabei, dass die Aktie nicht sofort wieder in den Konsolidierungsbereich zurückkehrte, sondern sich stabil über dieser Linie behauptet, die nun als Unterstützung fungiert. Nach einer kurzen Verschnaufpause gehen wir aktuell davon aus, dass die Aktie, beflügelt vom glänzenden Ausblick für das erste Quartal kräftig zulegt und bereits kurzfristig die 1,00-USD-Marke nachhaltig nach oben durchbricht.

      Diese fundamentale sowie charttechnische Entwicklung dürfte sich auf absehbare Zeit auch im Aktienkurs widerspiegeln. Setzt sich das Unternehmenswachstum in der bisherigen Geschwindigkeit fort, werden Kurse unter einem USD schon in Kürze der Vergangenheit angehören. Denn bedenken Sie, dass Superclick gerade erst mit der Expansion in den europäischen Markt begonnen hat und somit noch am Anfang seiner Entwicklung steht. Nach unserer Einschätzung könnte deshalb der Zeitpunkt, Positionen aufzubauen, kaum besser sein. Auf Jahressicht sehen wir die Aktie im Bereich von 2,50 USD, wobei langfristig deutlich mehr Potenzial in dem Titel steckt und nach unserer Einschätzung auch höhere Kurse durchaus realistisch sind.

      Wie an dieser Stelle üblich möchten wir Sie neben dem Wachstumspotenzial, das sich in diesem Unternehmen verbirgt, andererseits auch darauf hinweisen, dass es sich bei Superclick um ein High-Risk-Investment handelt, bei dem auch der Totalverlust nicht ausgeschlossen werden kann. Für unerlässlich halten wir es deshalb ein Stopp-Loss zu setzen. Sichern Sie Ihr Kapital knapp unter dem vorangegangenem Tief bei 0,74 USD ab. Berücksichtigen Sie zudem bei der Ordererteilung, Ihre Aufträge zu limitieren.

      Ihr Team vom Global Investor !
      schrieb am 08.03.05 18:08:00
      Beitrag Nr. 24 ()
      hm... die amis scheint dieses bei uns ach so hoch gep..wettete teil nicht übermässig zu interessieren.
      Ich denke, es gibt Besseres.
      schrieb am 09.03.05 10:02:45
      Beitrag Nr. 25 ()
      NEWS: Results Of Annual Shareholder`s Meeting

      Source: Superclick, Inc.
      Superclick Announces Results Of Its Annual Shareholder`s Meeting and Areas Of Strategic Opportunity For 2005

      DALLAS, March 8, 2005 (PRIMEZONE) -- Superclick, Inc. (OTCBB:SPCK) today announced that at its annual shareholder`s meeting in San Diego on March 3, it has re-elected Todd M. Pitcher to serve as the Company`s Chairman and Hugh Renfro to an additional term as director. In addition, Paul Gulyas was added to the board of directors.

      Mr Gulyas has more than 27 years of diverse industrial experience in IT systems and products, military/government systems, air traffic and vessel traffic management systems as well as border control and security solutions in companies from the very small to the very large. He is currently responsible for the OEM program within IBM Canada`s mid-market business unit. Previously he was President of IOTA Information Management and is a founding partner of the consulting firm TACTexe Incorporated. Mr. Gulyas has a BSc in Physics from McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario.

      Todd Pitcher commented that "we are extremely pleased to have an individual of Mr. Gulyas caliber join the board of Superclick, and we are confident that he will add substantial value to the business from an operational, business development and administrative perspective. We continue to work to create the strongest team at Superclick at both the management and at the board level to enable the Company to execute on its business plan and add shareholder value."

      In addition, Superclick`s shareholders voted to ratify Bedinger & Company as its independent public accountants through 2005. Bedinger & Company have served as independent auditors for the Company since its inception.

      The Company also held strategic business development meetings amongst management and the board wherein several key business opportunities were addressed for 2005, including:

      -- extension of the Company`s footprint into the EMEA (Europe, Middle
      East and Africa) region;
      -- further extension of the Company`s footprint into the Caribbean
      and Latin America;
      -- expansion of the Company`s product into the healthcare and travel
      market segments;
      -- further enhancement of the Company`s SIMS (Superclick Internet
      Management System) with value-added, revenue-generating IP
      applications layered over the server; and
      -- several key field-trials that are underway with leading hotel
      brands and management firms.

      Mr. Pitcher added that "we are focused on adding depth and breadth to our current product and service offering through these initiatives and are committed to continuing to provide world-class service and support to our customers."

      About Superclick, Inc.

      Superclick, Inc., through its wholly owned subsidiary, Superclick Networks, Inc., develops, manufactures, markets and supports the Superclick Internet Management System (SIMS) in the worldwide hospitality and multi-tenant unit (MTU) markets. Superclick provides customers with cost-effective Internet access and IP-based services utilizing high-speed DSL, CAT5 wiring, wireless and dial-up modem technologies. More than 100 customers throughout the United States, Canada, the Caribbean and Europe have installed Superclick`s best-in-class data management platform including the InterContinental Hotels Group, Candlewood Suites, Crowne Plaza, Holiday Inn, Holiday Inn Express, JW Marriot, and Staybridge Suites. For more information visit

      About Locatel

      Locatel is the leading French supplier of audiovisual and interactive screen-based services to the European hospitality and healthcare markets. The company currently services more than 2,000 hotels and 1,000 hospitals and clinics.
      schrieb am 09.03.05 10:44:48
      Beitrag Nr. 26 ()

      Die Strategie, jetzt auch auf Krankenhäuser, Kliniken, Pflegeheime zuzugehen und sie als Kunden zu gewinnen, finde ich äussert sinnvoll und attraktiv. Das vergrössert den Markt für superclick nochmal.

      Vielleicht bekommen wir schon bald erste positive Nachrichten diesbezüglich.

      hab mal kurz gesucht wieviele hospitals es in den US gibt:
      Number of hospitals in the U.S. in 2000: 5,810
      Source: Stanford Medicin Magazine

      Canada hat um die 700 hospitals
      schrieb am 10.03.05 09:54:29
      Beitrag Nr. 27 ()
      Wahnsinn, wie schnell superclick (254582) mit seiner Expansion in Europa vorrankommt. Anbei die news, die momentan den Kurs in die Höhe treibt. Das volumen gestern war gigantisch für diesen wert und ein sehr gutes Zeichen für was da kommt.

      DALLAS, Mar 9, 2005 (PRIMEZONE via COMTEX) --

      Superclick, Inc. (OTCBB:SPCK) today announced that it has completed its
      first three installations through its partnership with Locatel, Europe`s
      leading VOD integrator. The installations were completed within a week`s
      time in Bucharest (Romania), Florence (Italy) and Milan (Italy).

      Sandro Natale, Superclick`s VP of Business Development, commented that
      "this first EMEA (Europe, Middle East and Africa) install with Locatel
      was completed in record time. We are encouraged by our combined success
      that we will be able to focus on expanding our footprint into the EMEA

      According to European-based research firm EHLITE, Europe retains by far
      the greatest hotel capacity of the six worldwide tourism regions, as
      defined by the WTO, with about 6.2 million rooms (an estimated 38% of
      the total).

      About Superclick, Inc.

      Superclick, Inc., through its wholly owned subsidiary, Superclick
      Networks, Inc., develops, manufactures, markets and supports the
      Superclick Internet Management System (SIMS) in the worldwide
      hospitality and multi-tenant unit (MTU) markets. Superclick provides
      customers with cost-effective Internet access and IP-based services
      utilizing high-speed DSL, CAT5 wiring, wireless and dial-up modem
      technologies. More than 100 customers throughout the United States,
      Canada, the Caribbean and Europe have installed Superclick`s
      best-in-class data management platform including the InterContinental
      Hotels Group, Candlewood Suites, Crowne Plaza, Holiday Inn, Holiday Inn
      Express, JW Marriot, and Staybridge Suites. For more information visit

      About Locatel

      Locatel is the leading French supplier of audiovisual and interactive
      screen-based services to the European hospitality and healthcare
      markets. The company currently services more than 2,000 hotels and 1,000
      hospitals and clinics.
      schrieb am 10.03.05 10:10:03
      Beitrag Nr. 28 ()
      Hab mir auch mal einige ins Depot gelegt.
      Die Internetterminals in den Hotels erfreuen sich zuhnemender Beliebtheit wie in den letzten Monaten festgestellt habe.
      Es war teilweise nicht dranzukommen.
      Bin gespannt...
      schrieb am 10.03.05 10:54:34
      Beitrag Nr. 29 ()
      willkommen im board earnie,
      dachte schon ich sei hier total alleine. ;-)

      superclick dürfte so langsam an Fahrt aufnehmen. In den USA hat sie gestern die 1USD Marke durchbrochen und charttechnisch sieht es hervorragend aus. MACD ist besonders bullish. Wenn jetzt weiterhin mehr volumen reinkommt, sehen wir bald höhere Kurse.

      schrieb am 10.03.05 11:38:30
      Beitrag Nr. 30 ()
      Bleibe lieber im Hintergrund.Nich so auffallen.Nachher treibt sich mein Bearbeitender vom Finanzamt auch hier rum-dem erzähl ich immer ich hielte nur noch EM-TV. :D :D
      schrieb am 10.03.05 22:30:27
      Beitrag Nr. 31 ()
      Wahnsinn wie sich superclick entwickelt

      das volumen ist regelrecht explodiert in Deutschland mit über 350.000 gehandelten Aktien. Es kamen auffällig viele grosse orders herein. Ein gutes Zeichen und hoffentlich bringt das mehr Stabilität in den Aktienkurs. Hab das Gefühl, dass in den letzten Wochen einige DayTrader zu den immensen Kursschwanken geführt haben. Ich dagegen sehe dieses Unternehmen als ein klares langfristiges Investment.

      Meine Gründe:
      + Zukünftige Umsatzquellen werden gerade erst erschlossen
      + Gutes, erfahrenes Management mit nachweislich guten Geschäftsbeziehungen und der Fähigkeit deals/Aufträge zu generieren
      + Wichtig: Das Management hält 31% der Aktien (ist also selber am stärksten daran interessiert das Unternehmen vorran zu bringen und steigende Kurse zu sehen)
      + Klare Strategie, kein Verzetteln in Nebengeschäften sondern Konzentration auf das core business, das was superclick am besten kann

      Charttechnisch sieht es auch gut aus.

      Heute ging es in den USA nochmal 7% aufwärts.

      schrieb am 11.03.05 16:42:19
      Beitrag Nr. 32 ()
      Tach zusammen,

      bin gestern in superclick eingestiegen und nun bricht der Kurs total weg.
      Soll ich wieder raus oder long drin bleiben?
      Jemand eine GUTE Meinung dazu?
      schrieb am 11.03.05 18:44:08
      Beitrag Nr. 33 ()

      Hast Du Dir den Kursverlauf in den vergangnen wochen mal angesehen? Dann wirst Du merken, dass hier einige Daytrader am Werk sind, die an einem Tag mit einer hohen Position reingehen um sie dann ein paar Tage später wieder zu verkaufen. Das geht schon eine Weile so. Ich denke nicht dass das schlecht ist, da so mehr Volatilität in den Wert kommt. Langfristig ist es aber schon nervaufreibend und ich würde mir auch einen konstanteren Kursverlauf wünschen.

      Was ich damit sagen will, momentan scheint es nicht ungewöhnlich zu sein, wenn der Kurs mal an einem Tag 10% fällt. Das tut nur denen weh, die dachten sie könnten hier einen schnellen Trade machen.

      Wenn Du Dir den Thread durchliest und etwas weiterrecherchierst, wirst Du erkennen, dass es sich bei superclick lohnt mit einem längeren Anlagehorizont zu planen. Scheint für einen Pennystock ungewöhnlich aber in diesem Fall bin ich persönlich fest davon überzeugt, dass es sich auszahlen wird.

      mE die wichtigste Einflussgrösse auf einen Aktienpreis sind die Einnahmen des Unternehmens. Gerade die jüngsten Entwicklungen zeigen, dass superclick erfolgreich neue, bedeutende Aufträge an Land zieht, die in Kürze für weiter steigende Einnahmen sorgen. Das wird den Aktienkurs weiter nach oben treiben.

      good luck
      schrieb am 11.03.05 19:34:01
      Beitrag Nr. 34 ()
      und zum Wochenausklang nochmal echt positive Nachrichten. Das dürfte Montag honoriert werden.

      LAGUNA HILLS, Calif., March 11, 2005 (PRIMEZONE) -- Superclick, Inc. (OTCBB:SPCK) announced today the completion of installing high-speed Internet access (HSIA) systems at 73 Candlewood Suites and 20 Staybridge Suites managed by InterContinental Hotels Group, the world`s largest and most global hotel company.

      "We are very pleased to be providing high-speed Internet access systems for these Candlewood Suites and Staybridge Suites properties. Superclick brings high quality of service and uniformity of support that guests in very few hotels brands can enjoy," said Roger Fraser, Superclick vice president of Sales and Marketing. "The Superclick Toolbar, for example, simplifies the guest experience while highlighting the hotel services and favored Web sites long after the sign-on screens have disappeared. And 24x7 toll-free help desk service not only answers questions, but can see throughout the network right to the port on the desktop. The help desk engineer can even see if the guest accepted the disclaimer screen."

      "We listened to our guests who were letting us know they wanted high-speed Internet access at Candlewood and Staybridge Suites properties," said Gustaaf Schrils, VP, Technology & Services. "And in less than one year, over 99,000 Candlewood and Staybridge guests have amassed over 2.6 million hours of time accessing the Internet."

      Superclick technology makes it simple to manage all the high-speed systems and determine if there is sufficient bandwidth to support guest demands. This real time information and accessibility to a helpdesk allows IHG to take proactive measures to resolve guest issues before they reach complaint levels.

      Many hotels claim to offer HSIA and though the service may be faster than `dial up`, often during peak usage times the speed within the system slows considerably. This is when having tools that provide accurate trends and analysis can help hoteliers correctly size their bandwidth, especially when they are hosting special groups or conventions. "Superclick had the foresight to understand this requirement and we have positioned ourselves to be a full service business solutions partner," added Fraser.
      schrieb am 14.03.05 09:33:41
      Beitrag Nr. 35 ()
      Hallo MBA2005,

      vielen Dank für die Info, also ich denke auch dass es sich auszahlen wird long zu bleiben, nur Schade, dass ich zu früh (zu hoch) eingestiegen bin.
      Wenn ich könnte würde ich jetzt sogar nochmal richtig nachkaufen.;)

      Also durchhalten heißt die Devise :)

      schrieb am 16.03.05 23:26:13
      Beitrag Nr. 36 ()
      sehr gute news. sollten morgen wie eine bombe einschlagen...

      Source: Superclick, Inc.
      Superclick Inc. Announces Record First Quarter Results; Revenue Up 393 Percent on Year-Over-Year Basis

      DALLAS, March 16, 2005 (PRIMEZONE) -- Superclick, Inc. (OTCBB:SPCK) today announced record results for the first quarter ended January 31, 2005.

      Net Sales for the three months ended January 31, 2005 and 2004 was $1,437,363 and $291,422, respectively. The increase of $1,145,941 in Net Sales represents a 393% increase on a year over year basis and is directly attributable to the successful signing of significant contracts and completion of key installations. Continued successes in gaining market acceptance of our product offering contributed to winning additional competitive contracts with high profile customers.

      General and Administrative expenses for the three months ended January 31, 2005 and 2004 was $606,168 and $235,498 respectively. The increase of $370,671, approximating a 157% increase, in General and Administrative expenses is understandably the result of additional personnel costs required to fulfill the successfully acquired contracts. The increased costs resulted from adding personnel required to support the deployment, delivery, and installation of our product which drove the increased sales volume. Additionally, other associated cost increases were incurred for infrastructure such as office space, communications, etc. Since there were more installations covering a larger geographic area travel costs also increased.

      Net loss for the three months ended January 31, 2005 and 2004 was $65,528 and $112,650, respectively. Net loss was less than the previous year`s net loss because of increased Net Sales and management`s efforts to contain costs. Volume purchasing and better pricing from key vendors allowed the company to continue to move toward profitability.

      Chief Executive Officer and President of Superclick, John Glazik, remarked that "We continued our positive momentum from the 4th quarter and deployed a large number of hotels both as new installs as well as retrofits of other vendors` systems. We are achieving an ever-growing recognition of the superiority of our SIMS platform in the hotel as well as other vertical markets."

      Quarterly Business Highlights

      Amongst the key highlights that Superclick reports for the first quarter are:

      -- Revenue of at least $1,437,363, representing approximately
      393% growth over the first quarter of fiscal year 2004.
      -- The first quarter marks the 5th consecutive quarter of
      increasing revenues.
      -- Addition of 6,922 rooms over the first quarter, bringing the
      total Superclick footprint to more than 26,000 hotel rooms.
      -- Number of hotel installs grew 22% on a quarter-over-quarter
      basis and were up more than 350% from the same period last year.
      -- Established initial sales into European market through Locatel
      schrieb am 16.03.05 23:36:49
      Beitrag Nr. 37 ()
      Hey Hottie!
      "würde nachkaufen wenn ich könnte" - bedenke bitte das es sich hier um keinen Bluechip handelt.
      Ich hoffe Du hast nicht Deinen kompletten Etat da rein gebuttert.
      Trotz der Logik die hinter dem Geschäftsmodell von Superclick
      steht sollte man sich bewusst sein das es ein spekulativer Wert ist.
      Aber mit viel Potential... ;)
      schrieb am 18.03.05 09:46:19
      Beitrag Nr. 38 ()
      @ Earnie

      Hi, danke für Dein posting.
      Und "Ja" ich habe schon einen großen Brocken in spck gesteckt. Leider sind die Umsätze im Moment noch recht mau
      und es geht nur nach unten. :cry:

      Bin aber nach immer wieder guten Nachrichten überzeugt,
      dass bei steigendem Bekanntheitsgrad auch der Kurs sehr schnell und stark steigen wird. :look:

      schrieb am 18.03.05 10:19:34
      Beitrag Nr. 39 ()
      hi hotstocker,

      ich kann Deine Aussage, es ginge nur nach unten nicht teilen. Der wert ist immer noch hoch volatil und springt mächtig. Aber all das seit einigen Wochen in einer range von .65 bis .80, wobei .65 mitlerweile als Unterstützung nach unten angesehen werden kann. Dort liegt auch die 50Tage-Linie.

      Leider gehen momentan die Umsätze etwas zurück, trotz der positiven Zahlen. Vermutlich waren die aber schon eingepreist, da ja im Februar bereits Vorabzahlen veröffentlicht wurden. Trotzdem sind die jüngsten operativen ERfolge vielversprechend aus meiner Sicht.

      Ich bin von dem Modell überzeugt und bin sicher, dass wir am Jahresende bei einem bedeutend höheren Kurs stehen werden. Das ist auch der Grund warum ich dieses Unternehmen mit Freunden, die auch an der Börse aktiv sind, diskutiere und damit den Bekanntheitsgrad erhöhe. Ich kann Euch nur ermutigen, dass auch zu tun.

      so long

      schrieb am 22.03.05 22:31:23
      Beitrag Nr. 40 ()
      Tach zusammen,

      noch einer außer MBA der mich nicht versteht?
      SK 0,64 !!!:eek: :cry:

      Any news?
      Jemand der mich aufmuntert?

      Grüsse an alle
      schrieb am 24.03.05 09:23:09
      Beitrag Nr. 41 ()
      heute aus dem SmallCap Digest newsletter:

      Finally Internet concern Superclick (OTCBB: SPCK) flirted with $1 on recent earnings announcements. Shares are now sub-90 cents and look to be opportune for accumulation. Expecting snappy developments on this one over the next weeks and months, so having a position in the spec end of a portfolio makes sense.

      auch wenn sie eher aus spekulativen gründen zum kauf raten bin ich weiterhin langfristig orientiert. Bald sollten anschlussaufträge in Europa vermeldet werden und das sollte der Aktie weiteren Auftrieb bescheren.

      good luck,


      ps: hotstocker, ich verstehe dich schon, die letzten handelstage waren nicht gerade berauschend. das wird sich aber bald ändern. mehr und mehr leute werden auf die aktie aufmerksam. hast du dir mal die volumen entwicklung in FRA angeschaut? Die steigt täglich...
      schrieb am 31.03.05 17:37:06
      Beitrag Nr. 42 ()
      Was ist heute mit Superklick in den Staaten los?
      Es findet wohl kein Handel statt.
      Weiss jemand wieso?
      schrieb am 01.04.05 08:59:05
      Beitrag Nr. 43 ()
      handel fand statt jedoch zu verkürzrten handelszeiten so wie es aussieht. superclick ist kurzzeitig gefallen und erst als der handel in FRA vorbei war wieder gestiegen um bei 0,85 zu schliessen.

      also alles in ordnung. ich würde denen noch etwas zeit geben bis neue erfolgsmeldungen kommen. das operative geschäfft ist momentan das wichtigste.

      good luck
      schrieb am 05.04.05 22:54:59
      Beitrag Nr. 44 ()
      Hallo zusammen,

      nach einem fantastischen SK von $0,90:eek: in den Staaten, müssten wir morgen (06.04.) EINIGES nachzuholen haben.
      Rein bei Umrechnung ca. €0,69-0,70.:p
      (Wäre aber auch Zeit!!!)

      Grüsse an alle

      PS: Hat jemand noch News? Wer ist noch dabei? Du MBA?
      schrieb am 06.04.05 00:28:09
      Beitrag Nr. 45 ()
      klar bin ich noch an bord! ich habe hier einen horizont von einem Jahr und werde dann schauen wo die company ist. hoffe immer noch auf weitere news zur EU expansion. der anfang wurde ja nun gemacht. time will tell.

      schrieb am 06.04.05 00:33:58
      Beitrag Nr. 46 ()
      :DemoDLY&PRD=quoteUS&SYM=BB:SPCK&SPR=3:M&SFR=D&SLK=WWW&CSZ=600,400&CST=1,1&CGR=3&IMG=PNG&RGN=US&TMP=0&SCL=&TIU=0&TIO=2:7:0:,2:50:0:&TIS=1:::,8:12:26:9&XML=xmlQB" />

      sieht doch wieder gut aus. 50er EMA ist nach oben hin durchbrochen! lediglich das volumen war verdammt niedrig. wir brauchen mehr volumen!! MACD dreht positiv, bullishes signal. morgen weiter steigende kurse! und der dollar fällt noch diese woche. news muss her!

      good night
      schrieb am 06.04.05 00:36:53
      Beitrag Nr. 47 ()
      sorry, das war wohl nichts. jetzt aber:

      schrieb am 08.04.05 00:19:44
      Beitrag Nr. 48 ()
      Last Trade: 0.91
      Trade Time: 2:32PM ET
      Change: 0.08 (9.64%)
      Prev Close: 0.83
      Open: 0.82
      Bid: 0.91 x 2500
      Ask: 0.92 x 2500
      1y Target Est: N/A

      Day`s Range: 0.82 - 0.93
      52wk Range: 0.57 - 1.16
      Volume: 94,198
      Avg Vol (3m): 62,643
      Market Cap: N/A
      P/E (ttm): N/A
      EPS (ttm): N/A
      Div & Yield: N/A (N/A)

      Hat jemand eine Ahnung, woher die fast 10% Plus in den USA kommen ? Ich konnte keine News entdecken... freu mich aber natürlich trotzdem :)
      schrieb am 08.04.05 23:15:35
      Beitrag Nr. 49 ()

      es geht weiter aufwärts :kiss:
      schrieb am 19.04.05 12:30:37
      Beitrag Nr. 50 ()
      Könnt ihr mir vielleicht sagen was mit Superklick momentan los ist. Es geht nur noch ABWÄRTS.
      schrieb am 20.04.05 09:50:40
      Beitrag Nr. 51 ()
      Superclick hat nun eine starke unterstützung bei 0,60. Diese hat schon drei mal gehalten.
      Wir sind weiterhin in der sehr volatilen trading-range zw. 0,60 und 0,80 in FRA. Ich denke wir werden jetzt wieder höhere Kurse sehen. Ausserdem sollten bald mal wieder PRs veröffentlicht werden. Sind sie gut, lassen wir diesen Korridor schnell hinter uns und sehen die 1 vor dem Komma.

      Ich sehe das alles ganz gelassen, da ich einen Horizont von mindestens einem jahr habe. Dieses Unternehmen hat grosses vor und fängt gerade erst an die früchte harter arbeit zu ernten.

      schrieb am 20.04.05 20:39:57
      Beitrag Nr. 52 ()
      gabs Heute was neues ?
      bisher jedenfalls ein schönes Plus
      schrieb am 21.04.05 12:58:20
      Beitrag Nr. 53 ()
      Habe eine Frage:
      Wie kann es sein, dass der Kurs in Frankfurt steigt aber keine Aktien von Superclick gehandelt werden?
      schrieb am 21.04.05 17:15:07
      Beitrag Nr. 54 ()
      ich glaube wird vom MM ohne Handel nur getaxt
      schrieb am 25.04.05 19:09:20
      Beitrag Nr. 55 ()
      Wann kommen die Zahlen von Superclick??
      schrieb am 30.04.05 21:04:26
      Beitrag Nr. 56 ()
      Hi all,

      am 29.4. aktuelles SEC filing betreffs SEC Anerkennung des ursprünglichen reverse mergers!

      Wichtigste Folge: zukünftige goodwill amortizations entfallen und die bislang ausgewiesenen $136,000 wieder zurückaddiert.
      Zukünftige net incomes werden deutlich höher als erwartet ausfallen.

      entscheidende stelle aus dem filing:
      "In the restatement the transaction was accounted for as a recapitalization effected by a reverse merger. During the year ended October 31, 2004 the Company had written-down goodwill by $136,000. The net result of the restatement resulted in a decrease to accumulated deficit of $136,000 for the year ended October 31, 2004 and a change to the structure of stockholders` equity. The Statement of Operations for the year ended October 31, 2003 and inception to October 31, 2004 has been restated to recognize the historical financial statements of Superclick Networks, Inc".

      nochmal: decrease to deficit ist die reduzierung des verlustes!!

      an sonsten sind die Zahlen sehr sehr positiv. Aber wie ich denke die Entscheidende news ist anerkennung des reverse mergers und der entsprechend positive effekt für zukünftige income statements bzw. GuVs.

      ich denke, man sollte jetzt noch Aktien einsammeln so lange wir auf diesem niedrigen Preisniveau liegen.


      SEC link:…
      schrieb am 30.04.05 21:19:36
      Beitrag Nr. 57 ()
      OK, habe mir auch noch die Zahlen etwas genauer angesehen.

      Hier erstmal der Kommentar des Managements:

      Net Sales for the three months ended January 31, 2005 and 2004 was $1,437,363 and $291,422, respectively. The increase of $1,145,941 in Net Sales represents a 393% increase on a year over year basis is directly attributable to the successful signing of significant contracts and completing those installations. Continued successes in gaining market acceptance of our product offering contributed to winning additional competitive contracts with high profile customers.

      General and Administrative expenses for the three months ended January 31, 2005 and 2004 was $606,168 and $235,498 respectively. The increase of $370,671, approximating a 157% increase, in General and Administrative expenses is understandably the result of additional personnel costs required to fulfill the successfully acquired contracts. The increased costs resulted from adding personnel required to support the deployment, delivery, and installation of our product which drove the increased sales volume. Additionally, other associated cost increases were incurred for infrastructure such as office space, communications, etc. Since there were more installations covering a larger geographic area travel costs also increased.

      Net loss for the three months ended January 31, 2005 and 2004 was $65,528 and $112,650, respectively. Net loss was less than the previous year`s net loss because of increased Net Sales and management`s efforts to contain costs. Volume purchasing and better pricing from key vendors allowed the company to continue to move toward profitability."

      Die Aufschlüsselung der einzelnen Kosten ist sehr detailliert und erlaubt kleinere Analysen.
      Gehälter machen 54% aller kosten aus und sind um 250% gestiegen. die professional fees sind indirekt auch gehälter (für die Wirtschaftsprüfer, Anwälte, consultants und eventuelle subcontracters) und sind 14% der gesamt kosten nachdem sie in der periode ein jahr zuvor noch 27% ausmachten.
      Marketing kosten sind sehr gering mit nur 3%
      Was mir nicht so gut gefällt ist der leichte Rückgang im gross profit margin von 42% auf 38%, bedingt durch schneller wachsende COGS (cost of goods sold) + 432% als net sales +393%.


      Alles in allem sehr gute Entwicklungen. Vor allem die Tatsache positive Währungseffekte zu haben, könnte auf Einnahmen aus Europa (und Canada, Caribbean) hinweisen. Jetzt wäre es doch mal zeit für einen neuen Press Release!

      schrieb am 03.05.05 12:10:59
      Beitrag Nr. 58 ()
      wieso werden die in Deutschland öfters mit bis zu 10% Abschlag gehandelt? will wohl hier keiner
      schrieb am 04.05.05 22:50:59
      Beitrag Nr. 59 ()
      da hat jemand seine Aktien in D zu 0,63 verschenkt
      eigentlich hätten es ca. 0,7 sein müssen
      allen einen schönen Vatertag
      schrieb am 06.05.05 09:20:59
      Beitrag Nr. 60 ()
      Super News:

      23 weitere Hotels ausgestattet. Klient hat insgesammt 44 Luxus Hotels und Ressorts in USA, Canada, Mexico, EU&Middle East.

      Press release


      SAN DIEGO, May 4, 2005 (PRIMEZONE) -- Superclick, Inc. (OTC BB:SPCK.OB - News) announced today that Fairmont Hotels & Resorts has selected its Superclick Internet Management System (SIMS) platform for an aggressive rollout throughout Fairmont’s hotel properties over the next three months. Following extensive laboratory testing and successful field trials, Fairmont has verified that the SIMS platform is superior to their current system, resulting in a 30-40% decline in helpdesk tickets from their guests. To date, Fairmont has equipped 23 hotels with the SIMS solution.

      “Superclick enables our Level 1 support staff to perform added troubleshooting functions, so from a management perspective it greatly increases our operational efficiencies .” commented Paul Chin, Fairmont’s Executive Director, Technology Services. “It also provides us with a greater perspective of the guests’ room and , the status of their ports, and can isolate any issues in a timelier fashion. . Call times with guests have been reduced considerably, because we can now go right onto the server and see immediately what the guest is doing.”

      “The Intrusion Detection System function also allows us to track virus-infected PCs on the spot and gives us the ability to go right to the guest`s port and shut them down in an instant..” Mr. Chin added that, “In general, the stability and robustness of SIMS eliminates problems up front and its call center application gives us the information we need to resolve any issues quickly.”

      Sandro Natale, Superclick’s VP of Business Development noted that “This is a tremendous validation of what we’ve been saying about SIMS. We’ve had anecdotal evidence of its superiority vs. the competition but now have shown it in large hotels with established track records and using the same call center staff. One of the key features that SIMS provides is our call center application which can instantaneously verify all equipment between the call center and the guest’s PC. Additionally, SIMS scans all links periodically and automatically sends an email to hotel management advising of in-room CPE issues. This allows staff to address issues such as an unplugged DSL modem before even sending a guest to a room.”

      About Superclick, Inc.

      Superclick, Inc. (OTC BB:SPCK.OB - News), through its wholly owned, Montreal-based subsidiary Superclick Networks, Inc., develops, manufactures, markets and supports the Superclick Internet Management System (SIMS(tm)) in worldwide hospitality, multi-tenant unit (MTU) and university markets. Superclick provides hotels, MTU residences and universities with cost-effective Internet access utilizing high-speed DSL, CAT5 wiring, wireless and dial-up modem technologies. Superclick`s proprietary technology converts dial-up analog Internet calls to digital access, improves connection speeds, unclogs local trunks, consolidates Internet traffic, supports flexible billing and provides targeted advertising to end-users. Current clients include MTU residences and Crowne Plaza(r), Four Points by Sheraton(r), InterContinental Hotels Group PLC, Hilton(r), Holiday Inn(r), Holiday Inn Express(r), Hampton Inn(r), Marriott(r), Novotel(r), Radisson(r), Sheraton(r), Westin(r) and Wyndham(r) hotels in Canada and the United States.

      About Fairmont Hotels & Resorts

      Featuring a collection of fabled castles, secluded lodges, storied meeting places and modern retreats, Fairmont Hotels & Resorts opens the doors to some of the world`s most celebrated addresses. With locations throughout eight countries, our 44 distinctive hotels - including The Fairmont San Francisco, The Fairmont Banff Springs and The Fairmont Dubai - promise travelers unparalleled settings, rich experiences and lasting memories. Future Fairmont Hotels & Resorts include The Fairmont Mayakoba, Riviera Maya (fall 2005), The Fairmont Cairo and The Fairmont Abu Dhabi Resort & Villas. For more information or reservations, please call 1-800-441-1414 or visit
      schrieb am 06.05.05 13:50:52
      Beitrag Nr. 61 ()
      Global INvestor newsletter mit update zu superclick:

      +++ GI-Update: Superclick, Inc. vom 06. Mai. 2005 +++

      GI-Update: Superclick, Inc. (WKN: 254 582 / ISIN: US86804U1007)

      Brandaktuell: Fairmont Hotels & Resorts entscheidet sich für Superclicks Internet Management Plattform

      akt. Kurs: 0,62 Euro 0,88 USD
      Börsenplatz: Frankfurt / Berlin OTC BB
      ISIN/WKN US86804U1007 / 254 582 SPCK
      Kursziel 2,00 Euro 2,50 USD
      Rating: Strong Buy mit mehr als 180% Kurspotenzial!

      Um unseren Empfehlungskurs bei 0,82 USD pendelt mit aktuell 0,88 USD/ 0,62 Euro die Aktie von Superclick, Inc. (OTC BB SPCK/ ISIN: US86804U1007). In einem schwachen Gesamtmarkt, in dem sowohl der Dax als auch die amerikanischen Leitbörsen in den vergangenen Wochen massive Verluste verzeichneten, legte die Superclick-Aktie(+8%) leicht zu und zeigte damit Relative Stärke gegenüber dem Gesamtmarkt. Und genau diese Relative Stärke könnte sich nun als solide Basis für einen nachhaltigen Kursanstieg erweisen. Denn brandaktuell erreichte uns gestern Abend nach Börsenschluss in den USA die Meldung, dass sich die nordamerikanische Hotelkette Fairmont Hotels & Resorts für Superclick und seine Internet Management System (SIMS) Plattform entschieden hat und diese bereits während der nächsten drei Monate in den Fairmont-Hotels installiert werden will.

      Nach einer umfassenden Testphase kam Fairmont dabei zu dem Schluss, dass die SIM-Plattform von Superclick den aktuell verwendeten sowie den konkurrierenden Systemen deutlich überlegen ist. Fairmont will dabei keine Zeit verlieren und hat schon jetzt 23 Hotels mit der Superclick Plattform ausgestattet.


      Superclick Inc. geht einem vergleichsweise einfachen, aber dennoch äußerst lukrativem Geschäftsmodell nach. Nahezu jeder von uns wurde eventuell bereits ein- oder mehrmals mit der Superclick-Technologie konfrontiert. Das Unternehmen aus dem kalifornischen Laguna Hills entwickelt, produziert und vermarktet das sogenannte Superclick Internet Management System (kurz: SIMS™). Sicherlich kennen viele die Internetterminals die mittlerweile in immer mehr namhaften Hotels im Foyer zu finden sind und welche sich meist einer hohen Frequentierung erfreuen, sei es in Urlaubs-, oder Businesshäusern. So befindet sich mittlerweile bereits das Who-is-Who der Hotelbranche auf der Kundenliste von Superclick Inc.: Crowne Plaza, Four Points von Sheraton, Hilton, Holiday Inn Express, Hampton Inn, Marriott, Novotel, Radisson, Sheraton, Westin sowie Wyndham Hotels.

      Der Markt ist gewaltig und Superclick verfügt über eine ausgezeichnete Wettbewerbsposition. Mit der gestern bekannt gegebenen Vereinbarung mit Fairmont Hotels & Resorts ist es Superclick zweifelsohne gelungen, seine Stellung weiter zu festigen. Paul Chin der Executive Director im Bereich Technology Services von Fairmont betonte in diesem Zusammenhang noch einmal, dass mit den Superclick-Systemen eine deutliche Effizienzsteigerung erzielt werden könne. Auch auf den Sicherheitsaspekt könne nun deutlich mehr Wert gelegt werden. Nicht weniger erfreut zeigt sich Superclick, wobei Sandro Natale, der Vizepräsident im Bereich Business Development darauf hinwies, dass die Zusammenarbeit mit Fairmont ein echtes Qualitätsmerkmal für Superclick bedeutet.

      Nach unserer Einschätzung ein echter Meilenstein in der Unternehmensgeschichte von Supercklick, der sich bereits kurzfristig in steigenden Kursnotierungen widerspiegeln dürfte. Wir gehen davon aus, dass das momentane Kursniveau eine solide Basis darstellt, auf dessen Grundlage im Zuge der jüngsten Erfolgsmeldung schon in Kürze der Ausbruch über die 1-Euro-Marke gelingen könnte. Charttechnisch von Bedeutung ist in diesem Zusammenhang, dass die Aktie bei 0,60 Euro über eine solide Unterstützung verfügt, an der der Kurs erst kürzlich nach oben abprallte. Anlegern, die bereits engagiert sind, empfehlen wir daher, weiter engagiert zu bleiben, ansonsten bietet sich gerade aktuell eine exzellente Möglichkeit, Positionen aufzubauen.

      Wie an dieser Stelle üblich, möchten wir Sie neben dem Wachstumspotenzial, das sich in diesem Unternehmen verbirgt auch darauf hinweisen, dass es sich bei Superclick um ein High-Risk-Investment handelt, bei dem auch der Totalverlust nicht ausgeschlossen werden kann. Für unerlässlich halten wir es deshalb ein Stopp-Loss zu setzen. Wir belassen unser Stopp-Loss vorerst bei 0,45 Euro und sehen nach wie vor Potenzial bis in den Kursbereich von 2,00 Euro.

      Ihr Team vom Global Investor !
      schrieb am 06.05.05 16:03:36
      Beitrag Nr. 62 ()
      das sieht man was gute nachrichten bei diesem stock bewerkstelligen können: 21% in frankfurt...
      schrieb am 06.05.05 20:34:16
      Beitrag Nr. 63 ()
      Hallo MBA2005
      hoffen wir, daß jetzt noch andere Ketten aufmerksam werden!
      Ist das eigentlich das einzige Steckenpferd dieser Firma?
      Das mit dem Sicherheitsaspekt habe ich nicht eindeutig verstanden.
      Aber gut ist, es geht vorwärts.
      schrieb am 07.05.05 11:54:40
      Beitrag Nr. 64 ()

      "Current clients include MTU residences and Crowne Plaza(r), Four Points by Sheraton(r), InterContinental Hotels Group PLC, Hilton(r), Holiday Inn(r), Holiday Inn Express(r), Hampton Inn(r), Marriott(r), Novotel(r), Radisson(r), Sheraton(r), Westin(r) and Wyndham(r) hotels in Canada and the United States. "

      Das sind alles grosse Hotelketten. Gut finde ich, dass supeclick sich bei den Luxushotels etablieren konnte. Diese sind eher bereit mehr Geld für die Befriedigung ihrer Kunden auszugeben.

      In Europe ist superclick im Januar eine Koopereation mit Locatel eingegangen. Schau dir den Press Release an. Die ersten drei hotels in Europa hat superclick schon ausgestattet.
      Mehr Hotels sind in der Mache und ich erwarte in Kürze eine PR dazu. Relativ hohe travel expenses beweisen, dass das management aktiv sich um business ausserhalb der USA bemüht.

      Zum Sicherheitsaspekt:

      “The Intrusion Detection System function also allows us to track virus-infected PCs on the spot and gives us the ability to go right to the guest`s port and shut them down in an instant..” Mr. Chin added that, “In general, the stability and robustness of SIMS eliminates problems up front and its call center application gives us the information we need to resolve any issues quickly.”

      Bislang hat kein Wettbewerber so eine abgerundete Komplettlösung für hotels entwickelt.

      Superclick ist immer noch vollkommen unentdeckt! Steigt erst einmal der Bekanntheitsgrad geht es ganz schnell weiter rauf mit dem kurs.

      schrieb am 08.05.05 12:12:26
      Beitrag Nr. 65 ()

      dank für dein Schreiben. Natürlich müßten erst mal die Umsätze anziehen. Auf dieser Strecke ist alles noch sehr verschlafen. Aber ich bin mir sicher, einige Investoren werden schon sammeln.
      Beim Investment mit Spezialsoftware habe ich eigentlich gute Erfahrungen gemacht. Marktführer die sich erst einmal durchgesetzt haben, bleiben es dann meisstens auch. Oder Sie werden aufgekauft.
      schrieb am 08.05.05 13:38:38
      Beitrag Nr. 66 ()
      Hi mannvommeer,

      was hast Du gegen unser Umsatzwachstum von knapp 400% im 4.Quartal 2004 verglichen mit Vorjahreszeitraum??

      "Net Sales for the three months ended January 31, 2005 and 2004 was $1,437,363 and $291,422, respectively. The increase of $1,145,941 in Net Sales represents a 393% increase on a year over year basis is directly attributable to the successful signing of significant contracts and completing those installations. Continued successes in gaining market acceptance of our product offering contributed to winning additional competitive contracts with high profile customers."

      Umsatz zieht also gerade erst an und bringt bedeutend höhere earnings und damit EPS. und das ist es worauf es kurzfristig erst einmal ankommt.
      Wenn wir diese Umsatzwachstumsraten beibehalten können, wovon ich ausgehe, da aus Europa und non-US mehr Zustrom zu erwarten ist, werden wir bald stark steigende EPS sehen.

      Warten wir ab, was die kommende woche bringt. Bin die starken Schwankungen leid... steady growth bitte!!

      schrieb am 08.05.05 17:07:57
      Beitrag Nr. 67 ()
      ich meinte eigentlich die Aktienumsätze und damit den Bekanntheitsgrad
      aber ich glaube auch es wird schon
      schrieb am 08.05.05 18:28:37
      Beitrag Nr. 68 ()
      Autsch, Ok. Falsch verstanden.
      Sind wir eigentlich die einzigen hier? Das spricht Bände...
      schrieb am 08.05.05 19:37:04
      Beitrag Nr. 69 ()
      werden schon mehr werden oder wir schreiben den Band eben allein, eine erfolgreiche Woche
      schrieb am 23.05.05 12:26:12
      Beitrag Nr. 70 ()
      Hallo zusammen,

      in letzter Zeit ist es hier etwas ruhig geworden.
      Hat den keiner News? Kennt schon jemand den Termin
      für die Veröffentlichung der Quartalszahlen?

      schrieb am 23.05.05 20:41:36
      Beitrag Nr. 71 ()
      management ist etwas zugeknöpft. nichts neues.

      bin aber weiter fundamental überzeugt.
      schrieb am 25.05.05 20:44:56
      Beitrag Nr. 72 ()
      Die Umsätze in Übersee zeigen ein wenig, daß sich einige doch ein paar Stücke zulegen. Ich schätze es kommt bald was.
      schrieb am 25.05.05 23:26:22
      Beitrag Nr. 73 ()

      guter riecher, hier die news:

      5/25/2005 2:00 PM ET News Release Index

      Superclick Releases SIMS 100 IP Gateway to High Growth SMB Markets

      SAN DIEGO, May 25, 2005 (PRIMEZONE) -- Superclick, Inc. (OTC BB:SPCK.OB - News) today announced that it is releasing its SIMS(tm) 100 IP Gateway to the SMB (``small and midsize business``) markets, including small hotels and multi-unit dwellings. Sandro Natale, interim CEO at Superclick, commented that ``With a full-feature IP management gateway listed at less than $2,000, we can effectively address the vast and largely underserved market segment of mid-to-low tier hotels and multi-unit dwellings which have not been able to adopt a high speed Internet access solution at their properties largely due to cost constraints.``

      In North America alone, the mid-to-lower tier market segment represents more than 46,000 properties (about 3,166,900 rooms), or approximately 70 percent of the entire addressable hospitality market. Mr. Natale noted further that, ``With this easy-to-install SIMS(tm) gateway solution, now the smaller hoteliers that have felt the demand to provide guests with reliable, high-speed Internet access, can affordably and easily provide competitive Internet services.``

      The SIMS(tm) 100 Gateway is perfect for VARs selling into the SMB markets including small hotels and multi-dwelling units, with true plug-and-play functionality making it simple to install and even easier to store. Key features of the SIMS(tm) 100 IP Gateway include:

      -- Wi-Fi Access (optional)
      -- True plug-and-play appliance functionality
      -- Up to 30 simultaneous users
      -- Full features of SIMS(tm) platform including help desk support,
      intrusion detection system and MAMA(tm) remote monitoring
      -- Business hours next day hardware support
      -- Single hard drive
      -- Under $2,000!

      Superclick intends to begin rolling out the SIMS(tm) 100 Gateway to the SMB market through its direct sales and VAR channels throughout North America, Europe and the Caribbean immediately.

      About Superclick, Inc.

      Superclick, Inc. is a leading provider of IP infrastructure management solutions to the hospitality, SMB, and healthcare markets. The Superclick Internet Management Solution (SIMS(tm)) platform technology delivers IP multi-edge monitoring, multi-rate billing, Level 2 and Level 7 traffic shaping capabilities, single point of monitoring and support, multi-guest login groups, 24x7 world class customer support and Web-based IP services. The SIMS(tm) 100 Gateway for the high-growth SMB markets and the SIMS(tm) Enterprise Gateway provide property managers with differentiating service, increasing traffic and revenue.
      schrieb am 27.05.05 16:47:03
      Beitrag Nr. 74 ()
      Also was mich bei dieser Aktie stutzig macht, ist dass
      jegliche News KEINE Auswirkungen auf den Kurs hat.

      Ich hoffe nur, dass das Ergebnis gut wird.
      Stimmt es dass die Zahlen so um den 15. Juni kommen?

      Grüsse an alle Investierten
      schrieb am 28.05.05 17:51:43
      Beitrag Nr. 75 ()
      SPCK Last: 0.85 Change: -0.01 -0.58% Volume: 107,500 5/27/2005 Choose your broker

      After Hours: 1.39 +0.54 63.53% 7,000 4:13pm

      was geht denn hier ab ?????????
      habe ich irgendwas verpasst
      schrieb am 28.05.05 18:22:49
      Beitrag Nr. 76 ()

      wo hast du das her? after hours, wo bekommst Du die angezeigt. Kann nichts finden. ist weiter bei 0,85.
      schrieb am 28.05.05 18:48:07
      Beitrag Nr. 77 ()
      schrieb am 30.05.05 10:58:25
      Beitrag Nr. 78 ()

      Also das kann ja nur ein Fehler sein, oder?

      (Bitte, bitte lasst es doch kein Fehler sein ;))
      schrieb am 01.06.05 11:14:01
      Beitrag Nr. 79 ()
      Schade dass der MM den Kurs nach unten getaxt hat.
      Eigentlich kommt uns ja der immer schwächer werdende
      Euro entgegen, aber scheinbar leider nicht dem MM.:confused:

      Naja, vieleicht in ein paar Tagen, wenn die Zahlen
      veröffentlicht werden.:cool:

      Grüsse an alle die noch dabei sind.
      schrieb am 01.06.05 21:17:53
      Beitrag Nr. 80 ()
      In den letzten Tagen sind die Umsätze in den Staaten gestiegen. Hoffe, dass es auch bei uns bald soweit ist.
      schrieb am 05.06.05 15:42:28
      Beitrag Nr. 81 ()
      Sieht alles wesentlich positiver aus Heute als for 1-2 Monaten

      Kursausschlaege werde geringer mit einer tendenziellen Aufwärtsbewegung in den letzten Wochen

      sind wieder über der 38 Tage Linie

      Dreiecksformation nach oben hin durchbrochen, deutet auf klares Kaufsignal hin

      Volumen weiterhin gering, vielleicht auch durch das Abspringen von einigen daytradern (grund für geringere vola)

      Lange keine positive PR gehabt - muesste bald mal wieder was kommen

      Zahlen bringen positive Fantasie, denke wir werden hier positiv überrascht. Bin neugierig ob was über EU sales zu erfahren sein wird.

      So long

      schrieb am 14.06.05 09:55:58
      Beitrag Nr. 82 ()
      die news zu den amended financial results ist irrelevant, das einzige was zaehlt, sind die zahlen fuer die kommenden quartale. ich erwarte gute zahlen. das management scheint sehr busy gewesen zu sein und hat moeglicher weise neue kunden an land gezogen.
      die tatsache das Sandro Natale vor einigen Wochen in Europa und hier vor allem ja auch in Deutschland gewesen ist, lassen mich hoffen. vielleicht bekommen sie ja auch einen teil des WM2006 Kuchens in Deutschland ab.

      Mit dem neuen produkt SIMS 100 IP Gateway fuer mittlere und kleine Unternehmen, muessten sie eine goldgrube geoeffnet haben. bin gespannt auf erste erfolge und auftraege.

      warten auf zahlen und PR

      schrieb am 16.06.05 23:30:42
      Beitrag Nr. 83 ()
      es gibt wieder operative erfolge und zukunftsweisende Kooperationen zu vermelden. Volumen in USA scheint auch wieder leicht zu steigen.

      Source: Superclick, Inc.
      Superclick Signs Reseller Agreement with Allen Technologies to Bring Its Plug-and-Play IP Networks into Hospitals

      SAN DIEGO, June 16, 2005 (PRIMEZONE) -- Superclick, Inc. (OTCBB:SPCK) today announced that it has signed a reseller agreement with Allen Technologies -- the leader in On-Demand Patient and Staff Education Networks for hospitals. Allen Technologies currently has installed equipment at more than 40,000 beds throughout Australia, Canada, Puerto Rico and the United States.

      Under the agreement, Allen technologies will now offer the Superclick Internet Protocol (IP) wired and wireless networks in addition to its Scheduled Education, On-Demand Education, Spiritual and Relaxation Programming delivered right to the patient bedside.

      "Hospitals have demanding communication system requirements for patient care, education and entertainment," says Derek Forman, President and CEO of Allen Technologies. "With Superclick we can now offer a natural extension to our bedside TV-based services to include the growing number of IP network applications enhancing patient care and facilitating patients communicating with family and friends.

      Superclick wired and wireless IP networks are capable of supporting both public and private applications over the same network infrastructure. Public applications include fee-based plug-and-play Internet access for patients and visitors, or authorized access for doctors to check email and research on the web. These must be logically and securely separated from the private applications such as staff voice-over-WiFi calling or `pillcart` communications which are enhancing patient care.

      "We are excited about the opportunity of working with a veteran organization, Allen Technologies, to enter the burgeoning hospital IP network market. IP network diagrams may look similar, but each must be tailored to properly support the applications in use," says Sandro Natale, Superclick co-founder and interim President. "In hospitals the challenge of mixing public and private network applications is more than establishing the correct IP addresses and firewall policies. Effective Internet access must seamlessly support user plug-and-play access without changing settings on their PC; block adult and violent web sites; provide isolated connections so users can`t "see" each other or spread viruses; properly redirect email traffic; and support a mix of fee-based users that access a log-in page with previously authorized devices who reside on the network. Superclick`s systems do all this for public Internet access and facilitate private network applications while continuously monitoring the network and IP devices integrity to assure reliable and efficient communications."

      About Superclick, Inc.

      Superclick, Inc. (OTCBB:SPCK), through its wholly owned, Montreal-based subsidiary Superclick Networks, Inc., develops, manufactures, markets and supports the Superclick Internet Management System (SIMS(tm)) in worldwide hospitality, multi-tenant unit (MTU) and university markets. Superclick provides hotels, MTU residences and universities with cost-effective Internet access utilizing high-speed DSL, CAT5 wiring, wireless and dial-up modem technologies. Superclick`s proprietary technology converts dial-up analog Internet calls to digital access, improves connection speeds, unclogs local trunks, consolidates Internet traffic, supports flexible billing and provides targeted advertising to end-users. Current clients include MTU residences and Crowne Plaza(r), Four Points by Sheraton(r), InterContinental Hotels Group PLC, Hilton(r), Holiday Inn(r), Holiday Inn Express(r), Hampton Inn(r), Marriott(r), Novotel(r), Radisson(r), Sheraton(r), Westin(r), and Wyndham(r) hotels in Canada, the Caribbean, Europe and the United States.

      About Allen Technologies, Inc.

      With corporate offices overlooking California`s San Francisco Bay, Allen Technologies Inc. designs, installs and maintains Scheduled Play and On-Demand Patient/Staff Education Systems, Digital Spiritual and Relaxation Systems, Complete RF Distribution Systems, DSS and MATV Systems, 20" TVs, Swing-Arm TVs, Flat Screen TV Solutions, Pedatric Gaming Systems, Information Kiosks and E-Giftshop Solutions and IP networks. Allen Technologies has been working with television and education systems in hospitals since 1977 having installed equipment at over 40,000 beds. Current clients of Patient Education systems are in the Australia, Canada, Puerto Rico and the United States. Safe Harbor Statement:

      Statements in this press release that are not statements of historical or current fact constitute "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Such forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other unknown factors that could cause the actual results of the Company to be materially different from the historical results or from any future results expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. In addition to statements which explicitly describe such risks and uncertainties, readers are urged to consider statements with the terms "believes," "belief," "expects," "intends," "anticipates," "will" or "plans" to be uncertain and forward-looking. The forward-looking statements contained herein are also subject generally to other risks and uncertainties that are described from time to time in the Company`s reports and registration statements filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

      CONTACT: Superclick
      Investor Relations
      John Bevilacqua
      (866) 405-3959

      Allen Technologies
      Derek Forman, Chief Executive Officer
      (707) 887-1713
      schrieb am 20.06.05 17:44:20
      Beitrag Nr. 84 ()
      Tolle News/10SB.:cry:
      Und Tschüß.

      Viel Glück allen noch investierten.
      schrieb am 24.06.05 11:42:51
      Beitrag Nr. 85 ()
      printerOn ist ein interessanter partner von superclick.

      hier ein bischen background info

      Making Sure You`ve got a PrinterOn
      By Adam Stone

      How do you build a technology market? One piece at a time.

      Case in point: PrinterOn Corporation. Based in Kitchener, Ontario, the company delivers a range of wireless-printing products and services. Most recently its efforts have included a push to bring Wi-Fi printing into the hospitality arena.

      The company says the move is a natural next step. It took several years to sell hotels on the idea of Wi-Fi as a guest service. Now that Wi-Fi finally has its foot in the door, there is a new opportunity to bring in wireless peripherals.

      "The sell is a lot easier today than it was two years ago," said Janice Ferguson, product manager for public printing at PrinterOn. "We are seeing a huge interest, in part because the hotels have had these brand mandates to put in Wi-Fi. So now that they have it, they are looking for the next amenity."

      Founded in 2000 as an outgrowth of the existing document-handling firm Spicer Corp., the company`s products include a hotspot-printing package and a universal print driver. The hotel-guest printing product includes access to network printers via PDA and a customized Web portal for in-room driverless printing.

      The PrinterOn Guest Printing Service is in use in over 70,000 rooms across North America. PrinterOn is an endorsed vendor for Hilton Supply Management and Choice Hotels International, and has been mandated as a business amenity across all AmeriTel Inns, Hilton Garden Inn and Doubletree brand hotels, among others.

      PrinterOn is not the only company to have noticed the opportunity. The PrintMe product from EFI in Foster City, Calif., for example, also has functionality designed specifically for the hotel market.

      If the PrinterOn business plan appears to be on target, it is largely due to the changing habits of business travelers. So says Carola Donsig, marketing communications manager at PrinterOn.

      In spite of email and other communications mechanisms, "business travelers still need to print," she said. "At the same time, more and more hotels are setting up wireless locations, maybe in their lobbies or in restaurants. So there is still a growth possibility there for them if they can set up additional printers so that their guest can sit in the lobby or watch the game in the bar and can print without having to get up and move to the business center."

      Still, hospitality is not an easy vertical. Even if resistance to Wi-Fi has largely fallen away, it still can be difficult to reach the many thousands of hotel properties operating nationwide. To that end, PrinterOn markets at the highest levels, working with the hotel brands, the business-center providers and the high-speed providers bringing connectivity to the properties.

      The company takes a similar approach in other verticals. Recently for instance PrinterOn signed VendPrint as a North American reseller and technology partner for its higher-education and public-library products.

      PrinterOn also targets airports, cafes and bookstores through partners such as Wayport and Superclick. "It`s hard to get to the mom-and-pop ones, so you have to pick and choose," Donsig said.

      In the hotel realm, PrinterOn has sold wireless printing primarily as an amenity: Hotels are giving it away free as a way to enhance the guest experience. But that may be changing, as hotels begin charging anywhere from 10 cents to $1.50 a page for such services.

      Analysts say the ability to make money from these services may remain a secondary concern for hotels, which by and large continue to see business-support services as a value-added proposition for their guests. So says Julie Ask, a senior analyst at Jupiter Research.

      "What would be interesting is if they -- the hotels -- would use the printers for new marketing purposes, for business development, as a way to offer hotel guest services that are otherwise not possible with wired printers, things like printers in lobby, not hidden in the business center, and so on," she said.

      In the short team, PrinterOn executives say they will continue on their present course, where the rapid expansion of business services within the hotel setting is generating ample opportunity for growth.

      "There are quite a few business centers going in right now, and so we have a lot of activity in working with our business center partners," Donsig said.
      schrieb am 26.06.05 10:45:08
      Beitrag Nr. 86 ()
      Die Umsätze in den USA sind in den letzten Tagen gestiegen. Wurde auch Zeit. Jetzt müssen nur noch die Umsätze in Deutschland anziehen.
      schrieb am 27.06.05 22:11:50
      Beitrag Nr. 87 ()
      Es tut sich langsam was!!!
      schrieb am 28.06.05 14:26:16
      Beitrag Nr. 88 ()
      vor allem in USA ist das volumen in den letzten handelstage deutlich angestiegen.

      schrieb am 28.06.05 14:43:36
      Beitrag Nr. 89 ()

      ich beobachte den laden jetzt schon eine ganze Zeit lang und bin gestern das erste mal eingestiegen. iCH sehe superclick vor einem Ausbruch stehen und vermute, dass einige in USA schon mehr wissen und darum auch das Volumen so stark angestiegen ist. Sollte sich die vermutung bestaetigen, sehen wir bald sehr viel hoehere kurse.
      Ich bin sowohl spekulativ also short term als auch fundamental also longt term von superclick ueberzeugt und werde bei Gelegenheit nochmal nachlegen um einen Kernbestand an Aktien laenger zu halten.

      Viel Glueck uns allen
      schrieb am 28.06.05 14:44:24
      Beitrag Nr. 90 ()
      wird immer interessanter die aktie
      schrieb am 28.06.05 16:03:38
      Beitrag Nr. 91 ()
      welcome on board Roman

      in FRA auf 0,77 hoch heute! bis jetzt. chart sieht auch sehr lecker aus.....

      schrieb am 29.06.05 16:08:56
      Beitrag Nr. 92 ()
      kurs steigt weiter.
      in den usa sind wir schon fast beim 1$. das ist eine wichtige marke.
      in Frankfurt schon bei 0,79 !
      und das bei low volume! ich vermute der Global Investor newsletter, wird bald nochmal superclick pushen!! und dann sind wir schnell beim Euro!!

      schrieb am 29.06.05 16:17:12
      Beitrag Nr. 93 ()
      schrieb am 29.06.05 16:19:49
      Beitrag Nr. 94 ()
      Superclick, Inc. (SPCK)
      Will Grow Like Wal-Mart
      – and Produce Even Greater Shareholder Profits!

      “If you missed Wal-Mart under $1 in the 70`s – your opportunity for epic long-term growth is now Superclick, Inc.”


      I have preemptively identified the next Wal-Mart profit-machine! Superclick’s immense marketplace dominance and awesome 393% year-over-year sales growth backs up my affirmation that SPCK will go from undiscovered stock-situation to Wall Street darling in just a few short years.

      Superclick, Inc. (SPCK - OTCBB) is an “Immediate Buy” at current levels up to my $1.50 price ceiling. My profit-projection: A minimum 100% return by year-end and continued triple-digit gains each and every year.

      Those who exercise investment foresight today – just like the “pioneering” Wal-Mart investors of the 70’s – will become excessively wealthy as Superclick turns in the growth performance of the new millennium.

      Would you have recognized Wal-Mart, in its infancy, as one of the greatest future profit stories in history?

      That same question is now before you in Superclick, Inc. (SPCK)…

      Sam Walton’s Wal-Mart (WMT - NYSE) represents one of the great long-term growth stories in the annals of U.S. equities trading. Since the late 1970’s, the incredible performance of WMT shares has literally funded the financial goals and aspirations of the few thousand Americans who were fortunate enough to have been guided to this “heirloom stock” in its early stages.

      Imagine: If you had purchased $10,000 worth of WMT stock each year from 1974 to 1979 you’d now be a MILLIONAIRE MANY TIMES OVER! That’s right…one wisely chosen investment in an undiscovered company on the verge of greatness can lead to the type of extraordinary wealth that’s normally reserved for daydreaming.

      View the Wal-Mart chart below and ask yourself: Would I have recognized this “Life-Changing” investment opportunity back then – below a buck – when even Wall Street’s gigantic financial institutions were completely in the dark?

      If your answer is “probably not” – you have plenty of company.

      The fact is few investors are able to lay claim to the type of superiorinvesting prowess that goes hand in hand with an early position in a storied company like Wal-Mart. Yet… each and every year the stock market produces a select few high-powered investment opportunities that result in vast wealth-creation – but only for those who know precisely where to look!

      FACT: I have found the next “Wal-Mart” in Superclick, Inc. (SPCK) – and I’ll prove it right now!

      In this report, I recommend SPCK as your next “heirloom” stock to buy now below $1.50 a share. And like Wal-Mart, Superclick’s incredible growth curve will demand that we continue accumulating SPCK at targeted intervals up to $5 over the next few years.

      That, my friend, is how you get rich in the stock market!

      schrieb am 30.06.05 06:41:21
      Beitrag Nr. 95 ()
      Gestern wurden in den USA mehr als eine Million Aktien gehandelt. Das hat es glaube ich bis her noch nicht gegebene. Der Kurs der Aktie ging über die wichtige 1-Doller-Marke. Da steckt was dahinter. Ich freue mich.
      schrieb am 30.06.05 11:12:05
      Beitrag Nr. 96 ()
      Es haben viele an den fagan report angebissen. Sehr lesenswert uebrigens. und very encouraging!!

      den dollar lassen wir bald hinter uns.

      schrieb am 30.06.05 16:02:05
      Beitrag Nr. 97 ()
      Wir koennten Heute noch das Jahreshoch erreichen bei 0,84Euro!!
      schrieb am 30.06.05 16:41:03
      Beitrag Nr. 98 ()
      hallo 2005er

      ich denke mir, wir müssten das ganze mit einem festen fundament untermauern, ich mag keine hochgeputschten sachen,
      ich hoffe das es eine begehrte sache für alle benutzer dieser
      hotels wird, vor allem ist der bekanntheitsgrad sehr wichtig,
      denn für mich kommt diese kauflaune wieder mal nur von irgendwelchen börsenblättern,
      übrigens bin ich seit 0,83€ dabei, habe also ungünstig gekauft, aber wir werden ja sehen
      schrieb am 30.06.05 16:52:52
      Beitrag Nr. 99 ()

      gut, mal wieder von dir zu hoeren. Ich bin mit meinem EK von 0,75 auch nicht gluecklich gewesen aber jetzt ist das nicht mehr so wiechtig, da die Zukunft hoehere Kurse bringen wird und der Unterschied in unserem Gewinn minimal sein wird.
      Es sollten in der tat bald mal wieder operative neuigkeiten von seiten des managements kommen. DAnn waere die momentane action besser zu verstehen. DAs hohe volumen in den usa kann nicht nur von irgendwelchen Boersenblaettern kommen.

      Ich muss aber sagen, dass ich eine fundamentale untermauerung des kuses durchaus sehe. Die Zahlen und wachstumsraten sind atemberaubend und spck aht schon wichtige partner und kunden so dass auch der bekanntheitsgrad weiter ansteigen wird und neue auftraege hereinbringen sollte.

      Immer schoen am Ball bleiben :cool::cool::cool:
      schrieb am 30.06.05 16:55:18
      Beitrag Nr. 100 ()

      Der Hunderste Eintrag ist da!

      Weiter so und good luck everybody

      schrieb am 30.06.05 17:01:46
      Beitrag Nr. 101 ()
      hallo MBA2005

      hast ja schnell geantwortet
      alles was hier vor allem von dir geschrieben wurde habe ich verfolgt, bin also nicht weg vom fenster, meißtens halte ich mich lieber zurück, andere schreiben halt lieber etwas oder sind besser informiert, es muß nur immer objektiv bleiben
      ich fiebere natürlich mit und warte ab, mal sehen wann die nachrichten kommen in denen das unternehmen richtig durch startet
      schrieb am 01.07.05 09:59:48
      Beitrag Nr. 102 ()
      Der Grund für den gestrigen Absturz in USA ìst wohl in dieser PR von superclick zu finden. Meiner Meinung nach eine völlig überfluessige PR.

      6/30/2005 3:06:52 PM ET News Release Index

      Superclick Comments on Increase in Volume in Stock Trading Activity

      SAN DIEGO, June 30, 2005 (PRIMEZONE) -- Superclick, Inc.`s (OTC BB:SPCK.OB - News) Chairman and Interim CFO, Todd M. Pitcher, today commented on recent increase in volume in its stock trading activity: ``There has recently been an increase in volume in our Company`s stock trading. There have been no material events in the business that we can attribute as being directly related to that increase in volume. However, we have been made aware of a third party direct mail newsletter that has been disseminated which we believe could be attributed to the increase in volume in the stock. The newsletter is the result of a third party not affiliated with the Company and the Company claims no responsibility for, nor does it endorse the contents, claims, projections or recommendations made within the newsletter.``
      schrieb am 01.07.05 10:01:57
      Beitrag Nr. 103 ()
      Auf jeden fall heisst dass doch dass superclick für den newsletter nicht bezahlt hat, es also keine bezahlte PR Massnahme gewesen ist.

      Jetzt bitte wieder einen sauberen Kursanstieg zur Dollar Marke...

      schrieb am 01.07.05 10:21:54
      Beitrag Nr. 104 ()
      hallo MBA2005

      leider bin ich des englischen nicht so mächtig, kann also sachen nur einschätzen wenn ich sie auf deutsch lesen kann
      freue mich aber trotzdem über jede info von dir
      schrieb am 02.07.05 09:59:00
      Beitrag Nr. 105 ()

      in der pr hat sich spck lediglich von dem newsletter distanziert, den sie für den kursanstieg verantwortlich machen.
      ich vermute spck`s Management moechte damit Probleme mit der SEC, US Börsenaufsicht, aus dem Wege räumen.

      Der Kurssturz war überzogen und stellt eine gute Kaufgelegenheit dar. Meine Meinung.

      gruss und enjoy the weekend (und fang an Englisch zu lernen!!)
      schrieb am 03.07.05 20:55:11
      Beitrag Nr. 106 ()
      Bin jetzt eine Woche weg. Hoffe, daß der Kurs sich in dieser Zeit nach dem Fall erholen kann.
      schrieb am 04.07.05 14:37:38
      Beitrag Nr. 107 ()
      ist ja heut zu tage peinlich, ich weiss,
      schrieb am 11.07.05 02:19:16
      Beitrag Nr. 108 ()
      hi spider2005

      war auch eine woche weg, Ibiza, bei spck hat sich derweilen nicht sonderlich viel getan. der global investor hat nachgelegt und darauf gings wieder gen 0,80 in Fra. mal sehen was nun kommt. 1EUR?

      schrieb am 19.07.05 21:33:44
      Beitrag Nr. 109 ()
      Das war ja wieder einmal eine riesige Empfehlung vom Global Investor vielleicht sollten sich diese "Experten" hier mal rechtfertigen für solche besch.... Kaufempfehlungen.
      schrieb am 21.07.05 10:30:02
      Beitrag Nr. 110 ()
      Meine Fresse, ist das Ding jetzt aber abgekackt!!!
      Zum Glück bin ich vor 1 Monat trotz anderen hier im Board
      raus bei 0,95 USD und damit 0 auf 0 rausgekommen.

      Leider muss ich Louis recht geben. GI ist der totale Schrott.
      Bin leider als Anfänger zu sehr hohem Kurs in die Falle getappt,
      aber noch mit einem blauen Auge davon gekommen.
      GI-Empfehlungen werde ich NIE MEHR kaufen, davon gehen
      3/4 voll in die Hose. Für mich sind das Betrüger.:mad:
      schrieb am 21.07.05 10:34:19
      Beitrag Nr. 111 ()
      Hab gerade nochmal nachgeschaut.
      Noch 3 US ct, dann wird das Ding ausgestoppt.
      Wie 3/4 dieser Scheiss-Empfehlungen.
      schrieb am 22.07.05 21:07:29
      Beitrag Nr. 112 ()
      Das ist alles so was von lächerlich. Sobald die Amerikaner Niesen bekommen wir die Grippe.
      schrieb am 23.07.05 12:45:55
      Beitrag Nr. 113 ()
      kann den kurssturz nicht nachvollziehen und hab nochmal nachgekauft. bin weiterhin positiv und denke wir steigen bald wieder zu alten höhen. Alles was zählt sind Zahlen!

      gruss und good luck
      schrieb am 03.08.05 13:40:07
      Beitrag Nr. 114 ()
      Was ist den jetzt los???
      schrieb am 17.08.05 12:27:13
      Beitrag Nr. 115 ()
      von seinem hoch bei 0,81 im juli hat spck nun fast 50% verloren. das ist der boden.
      verwunderlich nur dass die firma kontinuierlich positive nachrichten veroeffentlicht und der kurs faellt.
      zeit nachzukaufen, die rally wird kommen.

      schrieb am 17.08.05 14:05:29
      Beitrag Nr. 116 ()
      ...soso, der Boden..?!? Woran machst Du den fest???

      Wenn diese Klitsche so toll ist, wie hier ständig angepriesen wird, dann wäre der Kurs wohl doch eher anders zu finden... Aber HALT! Wahrscheinich sind da wieder die SHORTIES am Werk!!!!!
      schrieb am 18.08.05 01:14:31
      Beitrag Nr. 117 ()
      bei diesem kurs kann einem schon angst und bange werden
      hoffe nur das der ceo mal zu irgend etwas stellung nimmt
      so richtig kann dem das ja auch nicht recht sein
      schrieb am 12.09.05 18:09:33
      Beitrag Nr. 118 ()
      Superclick Continues to Expand Its Market Presence and Growth Strategy With Acquisition of Hotel Net LLC
      Tuesday September 6, 4:10 pm ET

      SAN DIEGO, Sept. 6, 2005 (PRIMEZONE) -- Superclick, Inc. (OTC BB:SPCK.OB - News), a technology leader in IP infrastructure solutions to the hospitality industry, today announced that it has completed the acquisition of Hotel Net LLC (``Hotel Net``), an emerging leader in wired and wireless High Speed Internet Access solutions to the hospitality industry. Hotel Net, founded in 2002, has installations in approximately 160 hotels and 20,000 rooms throughout the United States.

      Pursuant to the terms of the Purchase Agreement, Superclick agreed to pay Hotel Net $800,000 in cash and 2,750,000 shares of its restricted common stock for 100% of the membership interests of Hotel Net. Also in accordance with the terms of the Purchase Agreement, and based on an ``earn-out`` provision therein, upon meeting certain objectives within the first year from the Closing Date of the Acquisition, Hotel Net will receive up to an additional 2,000,000 shares of Superclick`s restricted common stock and $200,000 in cash. In addition, Chirag Patel, one of the founding members of Hotel Net and its Chief Executive Officer, has agreed to serve in an executive capacity at Superclick in the transition period through December 31, 2006. Superclick`s board of director`s has also appointed Chirag Patel and Dipan Patel, other of Hotel Net`s founding members to its board of directors effective immediately.

      Chirag Patel has more than 14 years experience in Information Technology and its applications, as well as in finance and management. He co-founded Veriprise Wireless Corporation in 1999, which extends corporate applications to its mobile employees via handheld devices. During his tenure with Veriprise Chirag helped raise $9 million dollars to fund the company wherein he developed and implemented the company`s marketing strategies resulting in partnerships with Northwestern Mutual, Proctor & Gamble, Lotus, Motorola, PriceWaterhouseCoopers, Siebel, AT&T Wireless and Verizon Wireless. In addition he worked with the Motorola global teams to jointly penetrate the markets in South America and India.

      Dipan Patel has 16 years of experience in the Hotel industry and has worked in operations, franchising and real estate investment sales. His strong relationships and rich experience in the hospitality industry has made him instrumental in developing Hotel Net`s fast growing footprint in the United States. Currently, he is a Senior Vice President at CB Richard Ellis, a leading commercial real estate brokerage firm, and represents the Southeast Hotel Investment Sales Group. During his career he has completed over 120 transactions and has been awarded Broker of the year in 2001 for the Hospitality Investment Sales and was the leading investment sales broker for CB in the Southeast in 2002. He continues to enjoy strong success in the transaction business and has represented several major national hotel clients. Prior to hotel investment sales he worked with Cendant and Days Inn in a Franchise Sales capacity.

      Superclick`s Chairman and interim CFO, Todd M. Pitcher, commented that, ``We are excited to have Hotel Net join the Superclick team and believe that it is an incredibly synergistic transaction that will add substantial value to both our customers and shareholders. On a combined basis, we now have approximately 80,000 rooms installed. Hotel Net brings substantial expertise in wireless high speed Internet access solutions and we intend to leverage that expertise to enhance the level of service that we can bring to both existing and new customers.``

      ``Hotel Net is now synergistically integrated with the Superclick team providing a dedicated and determined focus on customer service,`` stated Chirag Patel. ``The combined company with superior HSIA server technology and pro-active customer support will strive to provide the best service in the industry for our customers. As part of Superclick, we can now look forward to the future in serving our leading edge AAHOA industry clients such as Tarsadia Hotels, Stonebridge Companies, Hersha Hospitality, JHM Hotels, Sun Companies, etc.``

      About Superclick, Inc.

      Superclick, Inc. (OTC BB:SPCK.OB - News), through its wholly owned, Montreal-based subsidiary Superclick Networks, Inc., develops, manufactures, markets and supports the Superclick Internet Management System (SIMS(tm)) in worldwide hospitality, multi-tenant unit (MTU) and university markets. Superclick provides hotels, MTU residences and universities with cost-effective Internet access utilizing high-speed DSL, CAT5 wiring, wireless and dial-up modem technologies. Superclick`s proprietary technology converts dial-up analog Internet calls to digital access, improves connection speeds, unclogs local trunks, consolidates Internet traffic, supports flexible billing and provides targeted advertising to end-users. Current clients include MTU residences and Candlewood Suites (r), Crowne Plaza(r), Four Points by Sheraton(r), InterContinental Hotels Group PLC, Hilton(r), Holiday Inn(r), Holiday Inn Express(r), Hampton Inn(r), Marriott(r), Novotel(r), Radisson(r), Sheraton(r), Westin(r) and Wyndham(r) hotels in Canada, the Caribbean and the United States.

      Statements in this press release that are not statements of historical or current fact constitute ``forward-looking statements`` within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Such forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other unknown factors that could cause the actual results of the Company to be materially different from the historical results or from any future results expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. In addition to statements which explicitly describe such risks and uncertainties, readers are urged to consider statements with the terms ```believes,`` ``belief,`` ``expects,`` ``intends,`` ``anticipates,`` ``will`` or ``plans`` to be uncertain and forward-looking. The forward-looking statements contained herein are also subject generally to other risks and uncertainties that are described from time to time in the Company`s reports and registration statements filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

      Superclick, Inc.
      John Bevilacqua
      Investor Relations
      (866) 405-3959

      Source: Superclick, Inc.
      schrieb am 21.09.05 18:24:15
      Beitrag Nr. 119 ()
      9/19/2005 5:00 PM ET News Release Index

      Superclick, Inc. Reports Third Quarter Financial Results

      Year Over Year Revenue Growth of 94 Percent on a Nine Months Basis

      SAN DIEGO, Sept. 19, 2005 (PRIMEZONE) -- Superclick, Inc. (OTC BB:SPCK.OB - News) announced today that Net Sales for the three months ended July 31, 2005 and 2004 were $459,599 and $721,551, respectively. Net Sales for the nine months ended July 31, 2005 and 2004 were $2,555,266 and $1,319,672, respectively. The three month decrease of $261,952, or 36% on a year-over-year basis, was due to fundamental changes in our executive management team which resulted in a restructuring and downsizing of our direct sales force. Superclick currently has an interim management team in place with Sandro Natale, founder, taking over the position of CEO and President

      The nine month increase of $1,235,594, or 94% on a year over year basis, is directly attributable to the successful signing of significant contracts and completing those installations during the first half of 2005. Continued successes in gaining market acceptance of our product offering contributed to winning additional competitive contracts with high profile customers.

      Selling, General and Administrative expenses for the three months ended July 31, 2005 and 2004 were $709,769 and $461,319, respectively. Selling, General and Administrative expenses for the nine months ended July 31, 2005 and 2004 were $2,160,610 and $1,211,664, respectively. The three and nine month increase of $248,450 and $948,946 represents a 54% and 78% increase, respectively, on a year over year basis and is the result of additional personnel costs required to fulfill the successfully acquired contracts. The increased costs resulted from adding personnel required to support the deployment, delivery, and installation of our product which drove the increased sales volume. Additionally, other associated cost increases were incurred for infrastructure such as office space, communications, etc. Since there were more installations covering a larger geographic area travel costs also increased.

      Net loss for the three months ended July 31, 2005 and 2004 was $431,450 and $237,458, respectively. Net loss for the nine months July 31, 2005 and 2004 were $1,068,017 and $798,977, respectively. The three and nine month increase in net loss of $193,992 and $269,040 represents a 82% and 34% increase, respectively, on a year over year basis and is due to higher costs related to professional fees, increased office expense due to expansion into larger facilities to accommodate growth, compensation of additional personnel and the expensing of stock options with less offset from lower than expected quarter revenues.

      Financial Performance, Highlights and Comments

      Todd M. Pitcher, the Company`s Chairman and interim CFO commented that ``the decline in sales on a quarter-over-quarter basis is primarily the consequence of the fact that we have been undergoing strategic changes internally, within our administrative and sales departments that undermined our ability to execute on our direct sales efforts. We believe that the changes were necessary to be re-positioned for continued growth in our business and ensure longer-term success.`` Superclick`s products continue to be validated as evidenced over the quarter ended July 31, 2005:

      -- Negotiated a Letter of Intent to acquire Hotel Net LLC, an
      Atlanta-based provider of wireless high-speed Internet Access
      -- Signed a reseller agreement with Allen Technologies to offer
      our solution to the healthcare market;
      -- Released our SIMS SMB 100 product to the small to mid-sized
      hotel market; and
      -- Was selected by Fairmont Hotels & Resorts to roll out our
      solution to their properties.

      Mr. Pitcher added that ``Subsequent to the quarter ending, Superclick has closed the Hotel Net acquisition, adding approximately 20,000 rooms to our footprint, bringing us to approximately 82,000 in total rooms installed and we have also closed a financing transaction with Chicago Venture Partners LP and Superclick Co-Investment LLC bringing in a gross $2,250,000 to be used toward the Hotel Net acquisition and operating capital. We are focusing on aggressively pursuing opportunities in four key areas: North America, Europe, South America and the Caribbean. We anticipate being able to announce progress in our efforts with strategic distribution and resellers channels in Europe through our partnership with Locatel, a leading VOD integrator; in Mexico, with TechniData S.A, a leading regional communications services firm; and in the Dominican Republic with Tricom S.A, a leading regional communications services firm.``

      About Superclick, Inc.

      Superclick, Inc. and its wholly owned Montreal-based subsidiary, Superclick Networks, Inc., develops, manufactures, markets and supports the Superclick Internet Management System (SIMS) in worldwide hospitality, multi-tenant unit (MTU) and hospital markets. Superclick provides hotels, MTU residences and hospital patients and visitors with cost-effective Internet access and IP-based services utilizing high-speed DSL, CAT5 wiring, wireless and dial-up modem technologies. Over 100 InterContinental Hotels Group properties have Superclick systems including Candlewood Suites, Crowne Plaza, Holiday Inn, Holiday Inn Express, Holiday Inn SunSpree, InterContinental and Staybridge Suites in Canada and the United States. For more information, please visit the Superclick website at

      Safe Harbor Statement:

      Statements in this press release that are not statements of historical or current fact constitute ``forward-looking statements`` within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Such forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other unknown factors that could cause the actual results of the Company to be materially different from the historical results or from any future results expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. In addition to statements which explicitly describe such risks and uncertainties, readers are urged to consider statements with the terms ``believes,`` ``belief,`` ``expects,`` ``intends,`` ``anticipates,`` ``will`` or ``plans`` to be uncertain and forward-looking. The forward-looking statements contained herein are also subject generally to other risks and uncertainties that are described from time to time in the Company`s reports and registration statements filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

      Superclick, Inc.
      John Bevilacqua
      (866) 405-3959
      schrieb am 05.10.05 19:29:24
      Beitrag Nr. 120 ()
      Kann mir jemand Verraten was los ist?
      Es geht nur Berg ab.
      schrieb am 12.10.05 20:19:24
      Beitrag Nr. 121 ()
      Wieso schreibt denn keiner mehr etwas zu diesem Wert, hat hier wirklich keiner eine Ahnung was hier abgeht oder ist hier niemand mehr in Supercklick investiert?
      Also ich finde diesen Kursrutsch schon ziemlich beängstigend:confused:
      schrieb am 13.10.05 16:46:11
      Beitrag Nr. 122 ()
      ich bin noch drin. superclick war eine empfehlung vom GI. das dürfte doch als erklärung reichen. was die empfehlen, geht doch fast immer in die hose. ich werde wohl meinen verlust aussitzen müssen.:mad:
      schrieb am 16.11.05 21:54:05
      Beitrag Nr. 123 ()
      Wenn die noch jemanden einstellen können sie eigentlich kaum pleite sein. Viel weiter kanns jetzt doch nicht mehr runter gehen, weiß jemand mehr? Lohnt sich hier vielleicht demnächst ein Einstieg?

      Form 8-K for SUPERCLICK INC



      Change in Directors or Principal Officers

      Item 5.02 Departure of Directors of Principal Officers; Election of Directors; Appointment of Principal Officers
      On November 11, 2005, the Board of Directors appointed Jean Perrotti as the Company`s Chief Financial Officer and Principal Accounting Officer. Concurrently, Todd M. Pitcher, the Company`s Chairman resigned from the role of interim Chief Financial Officer and Principal Accounting Officer.

      The resignation of Mr. Pitcher as the Company`s interim Chief Financial Officer and Principal Accounting Officer was not due to any disagreement with the Company`s operations, policies or practices.

      Mr. Pitcher commented that "we are extremely pleased to welcome Mr. Perrotti to the Company`s management team and are confident, based on Mr. Perrotti`s track record and demonstrated expertise that he will be a valuable addition to the Company in its ongoing effort to develop and execute best practices in the Company`s internal controls over financial reporting."

      Mr. Perrotti, with over 20 years of financial administrative experience, was most recently a financial consultant assisting organizations with the implementation of SOX, financing, controls and other related matters. Before managing a successful consulting career, he held various senior financial roles including CFO of Normex Telecom Inc / Cygnal Technologies Inc a leading Canadian provider of network communication solutions including. Prior to joining Cygnal, Mr. Perrotti held Corporate Controllership positions with a food ingredient manufacturer and a fashion belt manufacturer. Mr. Perrotti began his career as a senior auditor with a public accounting firm situated in Montreal. Mr. Perrotti holds a Bachelor Degree of Commerce from Concordia University

      A copy of Mr.Pitcher`s resignation letter is furnished as Exhibit 99.1 to this report.
      schrieb am 18.11.05 15:37:47
      Beitrag Nr. 124 ()
      Gibts hier noch irgendwelche Überlebende?
      Hab den Wert seit der ersten GI-Empfehlung beobachtet und bin gottseidank nicht eingestiegen.
      Heute 0,10 € in FRA und kaum Umsätze.
      Aber von den "Empfehlern" hat man nie wieder was gehört, typisch.
      Beileid an alle noch Investierten.
      schrieb am 15.12.05 21:28:33
      Beitrag Nr. 125 ()
      Bin mal zu 0,07 Dollar rein.
      Beobachte ich seit dieser Empfehlung zu 0,90.
      schrieb am 06.01.06 19:27:17
      Beitrag Nr. 126 ()
      Gibt es Superclick noch oder sind die pleite. Bzgl. news ist das ja absolut tote Hose.
      Wer weiß mehr ?
      schrieb am 11.01.06 18:26:58
      Beitrag Nr. 127 ()
      [posting]19.574.504 von BellaClara am 06.01.06 19:27:17[/posting]Gibts noch.
      Haben sich seit meinem Einstieg vom 15.12. mehr als verdoppelt auf 0,16.
      schrieb am 19.01.06 17:55:54
      Beitrag Nr. 128 ()
      Ich bin inzwischen auch wieder mit ein paar Euro investiert und hoffe auf einen Turnarround. Bisher gibt es zumindest keine Hinweise auf finanzielle Probleme der Firma. Allerdings gibt es auch schon lange keine News. Vor ein paar Tagen gab es zumindest einen kleinen Insiderkauf. Das spricht zumindest nicht für eine anstehende Pleite.

      Gruß Mehe
      schrieb am 26.01.06 14:48:26
      Beitrag Nr. 129 ()
      So konnte man sich auch in den USA vor mehr als einem halben Jahr irren:laugh:

      (Allerdings hoffe ich ja auf einen Turnarround)

      Strong Buy Signal June 2005

      Superclick, Inc. (SPCK)
      Will Grow Like Wal-Mart
      – and Produce Even Greater Shareholder Profits!

      “If you missed Wal-Mart under $1 in the 70`s – your opportunity for epic long-term growth is now Superclick, Inc.”


      I have preemptively identified the next Wal-Mart profit-machine! Superclick’s immense marketplace dominance and awesome 393% year-over-year sales growth backs up my affirmation that SPCK will go from undiscovered stock-situation to Wall Street darling in just a few short years.

      Superclick, Inc. (SPCK - OTCBB) is an “Immediate Buy” at current levels up to my $1.50 price ceiling. My profit-projection: A minimum 100% return by year-end and continued triple-digit gains each and every year.

      Those who exercise investment foresight today – just like the “pioneering” Wal-Mart investors of the 70’s – will become excessively wealthy as Superclick turns in the growth performance of the new millennium.

      Would you have recognized Wal-Mart, in its infancy, as one of the greatest future profit stories in history?

      That same question is now before you in Superclick, Inc. (SPCK)…

      Sam Walton’s Wal-Mart (WMT - NYSE) represents one of the great long-term growth stories in the annals of U.S. equities trading. Since the late 1970’s, the incredible performance of WMT shares has literally funded the financial goals and aspirations of the few thousand Americans who were fortunate enough to have been guided to this “heirloom stock” in its early stages.

      Imagine: If you had purchased $10,000 worth of WMT stock each year from 1974 to 1979 you’d now be a MILLIONAIRE MANY TIMES OVER! That’s right…one wisely chosen investment in an undiscovered company on the verge of greatness can lead to the type of extraordinary wealth that’s normally reserved for daydreaming.

      View the Wal-Mart chart below and ask yourself: Would I have recognized this “Life-Changing” investment opportunity back then – below a buck – when even Wall Street’s gigantic financial institutions were completely in the dark?

      If your answer is “probably not” – you have plenty of company.

      The fact is few investors are able to lay claim to the type of superiorinvesting prowess that goes hand in hand with an early position in a storied company like Wal-Mart. Yet… each and every year the stock market produces a select few high-powered investment opportunities that result in vast wealth-creation – but only for those who know precisely where to look!

      FACT: I have found the next “Wal-Mart” in Superclick, Inc. (SPCK) – and I’ll prove it right now!

      In this report, I recommend SPCK as your next “heirloom” stock to buy now below $1.50 a share. And like Wal-Mart, Superclick’s incredible growth curve will demand that we continue accumulating SPCK at targeted intervals up to $5 over the next few years.

      That, my friend, is how you get rich in the stock market!

      Superclick and Wal-Mart:

      Driven by dominating business models that produce WEALTHY SHAREHOLDERS

      Although Wal-Mart is currently the world’s leading retailer – and Superclick has only just begun its accelerated domination of the Internet Access Management sector – both companies employ conquering business strategies.

      Superclick is in hot pursuit of the legendary Wal-Mart…

      Superclick’s emerging supremacy in the Internet Access Management sector holds distinct similarities to Wal-Mart’s legendary growth story. The only mistake early SPCK shareholders can make is to SELL TOO EARLY!

      Conventional wisdom will say: “Take profits at a double.” Yet, Superclick’s sequential growth will be so phenomenal – we’ll be DOUBLING our position before Wall Street and the investing public converge in a monumental “Buying Frenzy.”

      — Michael Fagan, Editor

      John Huey, managing editor of Fortune Magazine, co-authored the enlightening book Sam Walton: Made in America. I urge both professional and amateur analysts to use this valuable tool to identify emerging companies destined to dominate their industries and enrich their early shareholders.

      I employed Mr. Huey’s comprehensive analysis of the Wal-Mart miracle to discover Superclick at its current, early stage of a very long-term growth curve. The direct parallel components of the two companies’ business models reveal SPCK to be our next major profit vehicle that will provide steadily increasing value over the next several years. Please follow me through just a few of the profound Superclick/Wal-Mart similarities:

      Wal-Mart’s Early Stage of Yesterday is Exactly Like Superclick’s Early Stage RIGHT NOW

      In 1962, the first Wal-Mart store opens in Rogers, Arkansas; that same year, K-Mart, Wool Co., and Target are launched; the national Discount-Retail industry is born. If you chose Wal-Mart as your early-stage investment vehicle, you’ve become very wealthy as WMT shares have since created vast shareholder fortunes as the company thoroughly vanquished its competition.

      In 2005, Superclick establishes its proprietary Internet Access Management system; the company begins capturing market share from unprepared competitors. Your wise choice of Superclick (SPCK) as your next early-stage investment vehicle will make you wealthier as the company continues to dominate its competitors and take revenue control of the expanding Internet Access Management industry.

      In Wal-Mart’s past early stage, the company entered a long-term growth curve while existing beneath Wall Street’s radar, enabling empowered investors to buy shares at deep discounts relative to major financial institution buying at much higher levels. Superclick is NOW in that same early stage.

      Proprietary Technologies Drive Initial Growth for both Superclick and Wal-Mart

      As early as 1966, Wal-Mart already had 20 stores. The company became a pioneer in computerizing merchandise controls to ensure its long term growth. Wal-Mart went on to become the icon of just-in-time inventory control and sophisticated logistics — the ultimate user of information as a competitive advantage. Today Wal-Mart’s computer database is second only to the Pentagon’s in capacity, and though he is rarely remembered that way, Walton may have been the first true information-age CEO.

      A few months ago, at the end of January 2005, Superclick’s successful and proprietary Internet Access Management System (SIMS) demonstrated and ensured this emerging company’s long-term growth. Superclick’s most recent quarterly report marked its 5th consecutive quarter of increasing revenues. The number of hotel installs grew 22% on a quarter-over-quarter basis and were up more than 350% from the same period last year. Net sales for the three months ended January 31, 2005 and January 31, 2004 was $1,437,363 and $291,422, respectively. That potent increase of $1,145,941 in net sales represents a 393% increase on a year over year basis and is directly attributable to the successful signing of major contracts and the completion of key installations.

      Superclick (SPCK) has Wal-Mart growth potential written all over it. This is one stock you can own with confidence and profit from for years!

      Superclick will soon be discovered by Wall Street

      …and your SPCK share-value will go through the roof!

      We live in a world of 24-hour news, high-speed Internet access, and continuous financial media coverage. I call it “information inundation.”

      Yet, back in the 70’s and early 80’s, the story was completely opposite. To get an update on your portfolio holdings, you had to either call your broker or check the back page of the business section for day-old information.

      SPCK is set to DOUBLE
      by year-end!

      Superclick’s immense marketplace dominance of the Internet Access Management sector and awesome 393% year-over-year sales growth backs up my affirmation that SPCK will go from undiscovered stock-situation to Wall Street darling in just a few short years.

      Superclick’s leading-edge technology is gaining unprecedented momentum in the hotel and multi-tenant unit (MTU) sectors as evidenced by the company’s 5 consecutive quarters of revenue expansion.

      Superclick’s staggering early growth is far outpacing its share price — ANY price below $1.50 a share should be considered an absolute bargain.

      Early SPCK shareholders will experience a short-term gain of at least 100 percent. BUT…instead of selling into the first major upswing, I will be announcing the next advantageous profit-window to acquire additional Superclick shares.

      And that is precisely why a behemoth like Wal-Mart, that – despite record growth – could remain totally undiscovered by Wall Street for more than a decade! If you think about it, there really was no impending urgency to buy Wal-Mart around a buck because it stayed there for years.

      Today, in our hyper-information society, that scenario is simply not possible. Emerging companies with powerful growth curves can no longer remain hidden in a news vacuum. And that is why Superclick will soon gain the attention of Wall Street and the investing public.

      Listen…you know The Fagan Report and its distinguished reputation of discovering high-potential mineral exploration companies that live and die by the drill – albeit with elevated risk. And, fortunately, we’ve been able to win most of the time.

      But here’s an investment opportunity that’s slightly different than our normal focus. Superclick is a low-risk, long-term growth stock (I would not be surprised to see Superclick announce a dividend a few years down the road!).

      Now pay attention: My projection is for a 100%-plus gain by year-end, which by itself is a very respectable return. Now…where the BIG-MONEY is going to be made on SPCK is in the longer-term. Instead of parting with your entire share position at the end of the first major price spike, Superclick’s unparalleled growth pattern will demand that we load up again and again at decisive “profit” intervals.

      Two to three years from now you will have amassed a valuable stake in a company that will dominate its sector for a very long time. And, just like the enterprising speculators who retired abundantly wealthy as a result of their vanguard accumulation of Wal-Mart shares – YOU, as an early SPCK shareholder, will be heralded as a stock market genius for your extraordinary vision and market acumen.

      Superclick, Inc. (SPCK) is currently “undiscovered” among Wall Street’s big firms — that’s why we have this brief window of opportunity to buy Superclick well below $1.50 a share. Start accumulating SPCK now at current price levels.

      One day you’ll tell your grand-children and great-grandchildren about how their college tuition was paid for by this growth stock of uncommon amplitude.

      Superclick’s Industry Dominance Reveals YOUR Path to Immense Wealth

      Superclick’s leading-edge technology is gaining unprecedented momentum in the hotel and multi-tenant unit (MTU) sectors as evidenced by the company’s impressive 393% sales growthand 5 consecutive quarters of revenue expansion.

      The market opportunity for Superclick is…in a word…HUGE.

      The U.S. hospitality industry alone spends approximately $5 billion a year on telecom services, a large part of which is being driven by Internet and other broadband-related services in the hotel environment.This is Superclick’s core area – and that means a grandiose profit windfall is in the making for early SPCK shareholders.

      And, because the big hotel chains know they must provide high quality and reliable Internet service in order to attract today’s wired travelers, this market segment should see exceptional growth in the coming years and decades.

      Superclick’s client-list already includes many of the top names in the hospitality industry such as Hilton, Four Points by Sheraton, Inter-Continental, Fairmont Hotels & Resorts, and Holiday Inn. Superclick has also established initial sales in the European market via a partnership with Locatel and has identified Latin America as its next major foreign target market.

      Similarly, $BILLIONSare being spent on ITsolutions in the high-growth MTU (multi-tenant unit) market. This is virtually a limitless market opportunity as underpinned by the fact that an incredible 7 out of 10 people work in an MTU environment.

      Nearly 80% of businesses in the MTU space are small-to-medium enterprises, almost all of which are dependent upon a reliable and cost-effective broadband solution. Look for substantial year-on-year revenue growth from this market segment in the coming quarters and beyond.

      Multi-$Billion Market Opportunity Means Vast Future Profits for Early Superclick (SPCK – OTCBB) Shareholders

      Superclick’s staggering early growth is far outpacing its share price — ANY price below $1.50 a share should be considered an absolute bargain. And remember, the only miscue you can make as an early SPCK shareholder is by selling too early.

      SPCK is on track to at least DOUBLE from current levels before year-end. YET…instead of selling into the first major upswing, I will be announcing the next advantageous profit-window to acquire additional Superclick shares.

      And remember, Superclick is a long-term wealth-building opportunity.

      In just 36 months – via my progressive guidance here and through real-time updates at – you will have methodically stockpiled a strategic position in a company that I have identified as the NEXT Wal-Mart success story.

      Now is the time to secure your initial share position in Superclick, Inc. (SPCK – OTCBB). Be sure to adhere to my current buy ceiling of $1.50 per share.

      Michael Fagan
      Editor, The Fagan Report

      PS – To receive a Superclick, Inc. corporate information package, please dial the company’s investor relations department toll-free at 866-405-3959. On the Web:

      The Fagan Report
      1155 Camino Del Mar, No. 468 • Del Mar, CA 92014 • E-mail:
      schrieb am 03.02.06 10:58:54
      Beitrag Nr. 130 ()
      Na endlich gibt es mal wieder eine Nachricht von Superclick, der den Kurs in USA schon Auftrieb gegeben hat.

      Press Release Source: Superclick, Inc.

      Fairmont Hotels & Resorts Selects Superclick to Further Enhance Its Technology Support for Guests
      Thursday February 2, 10:09 am ET

      SAN DIEGO and TORONTO, Feb. 2, 2006 (PRIMEZONE) -- Superclick, Inc. (OTC BB:SPCK.OB - News), a technology leader in IP infrastructure solutions to the hospitality industry, today announced that it has won a contract with luxury hotelier Fairmont Hotels & Resorts to provide dedicated 24/7 customer support to guests using the company`s state-of-the-art high-speed Internet services.

      Committed to offering travelers the most comprehensive digital services available, Fairmont`s new relationship with Superclick will complement its existing technical support hotline for guests, which is manned by its own IT personnel.

      Superclick President and CEO, Sandro Natale, commented, ``We continue to be impressed with Fairmont`s commitment to providing its guests with leading technology solutions in order to enhance the guest experience. Fairmont is truly an industry leader in this category and we look forward to working with them on providing dedicated customer support for their guests from our Montreal-based call center.``

      Superclick`s SIMS server is currently installed in 58 Fairmont properties worldwide and a rollout to support the hotels on this most recent initiative will be completed in early February.

      ``As high-speed Internet services are an integral part our guests` stay, we have witnessed usage growing at an exponential rate over the last few years,`` commented Paul Chin, Fairmont`s Executive Director of Technology Services. ``In order to continue to offer our clientele the same online experience they receive at home or in the office, we have chosen Superclick to further refine and enhance our guest service and support offerings.``

      About Superclick, Inc.

      Superclick, Inc. (OTC BB:SPCK.OB - News), through its wholly owned, Montreal-based subsidiary Superclick Networks, Inc., develops, manufactures, markets and supports the Superclick Internet Management System (SIMS(tm)) in worldwide hospitality, multi-tenant unit (MTU) and university markets. Superclick provides hotels, MTU residences and universities with cost-effective Internet access utilizing high-speed DSL, CAT5 wiring, wireless and dial-up modem technologies. Superclick`s proprietary technology converts dial-up analog Internet calls to digital access, improves connection speeds, unclogs local trunks, consolidates Internet traffic, supports flexible billing and provides targeted advertising to end-users. Current clients include MTU residences and Candlewood Suites(r), Crowne Plaza(r), Four Points by Sheraton(r), InterContinental Hotels Group PLC, Hilton(r), Holiday Inn(r), Holiday Inn Express(r), Hampton Inn(r), Marriott(r), Novotel(r), Radisson(r), Sheraton(r), Westin(r) and Wyndham(r) hotels in Canada, the Caribbean and the United States.

      About Fairmont Hotels & Resorts

      FHR is a leading owner/operator of luxury hotels and resorts. FHR`s managed portfolio consists of 88 luxury and first-class properties with approximately 34,000 guestrooms in the United States, Canada, Mexico, Bermuda, Barbados, United Kingdom, Monaco, Kenya and the United Arab Emirates as well as two vacation ownership properties managed by Fairmont Heritage Place. FHR owns Fairmont Hotels Inc., North America`s largest luxury hotel management company, as measured by rooms under management, with 50 distinctive city center and resort hotels including The Fairmont San Francisco, The Fairmont Banff Springs and The Fairmont Scottsdale Princess. FHR also owns Delta Hotels, Canada`s largest first-class hotel management company, which manages and franchises 38 city center and resort properties in Canada. In addition to hotel management, FHR holds real estate interests in 21 properties and an approximate 24% investment interest in Legacy Hotels Real Estate Investment Trust, which owns 24 properties. FHR owns FHP Management Company LLC, a private residence club management company that operates Fairmont Heritage Place, a vacation ownership business.

      Forward Looking Statements

      Statements in this press release that are not statements of historical or current fact constitute ``forward-looking statements`` within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Such forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other unknown factors that could cause the actual results of the Company to be materially different from the historical results or from any future results expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. In addition to statements which explicitly describe such risks and uncertainties, readers are urged to consider statements with the terms ``believes,`` ``belief,`` ``expects,`` ``intends,`` ``anticipates,`` ``will`` or ``plans`` to be uncertain and forward-looking. The forward-looking statements contained herein are also subject generally to other risks and uncertainties that are described from time to time in the Company`s reports and registration statements filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

      Superclick, Inc.
      Todd M. Pitcher
      Media and Investor Relations
      (858) 518-1387

      Fairmont Hotels & Resorts
      Mike Taylor, Manager, Public Relations
      (416) 416-874-2457

      Source: Superclick, Inc.
      schrieb am 07.02.06 17:42:58
      Beitrag Nr. 131 ()

      Change in Directors or Principal Officers

      On February 6, 2006, the Board of Directors accepted the resignation of Jacobo Melcer from the Company`s board of directors.

      The resignation of Mr. Melcer was not due to any disagreement with the Company`s operations, policies or practices. A copy of Mr. Melcer`s resignation letter is furnished as Exhibit 99.1 to this report.
      schrieb am 17.02.06 10:32:20
      Beitrag Nr. 132 ()
      Form 10KSB for SUPERCLICK INC



      Annual Report


      This report contains certain financial information and statements regarding our operations and financial prospects of a forward-looking nature. Although these statements accurately reflect management`s current understanding and beliefs, we caution you that certain important factors may affect our actual results and could cause such results to differ materially from any forward-looking statements which may be deemed to be made in this prospectus. For this purpose, any statements contained in this prospectus which are not statements of historical fact may be deemed to be forward-looking statements. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, words such as, "may", "intend", "expect", "believe", "anticipate", "could", "estimate", "plan" or "continue" or the negative variations of those words or comparable terminology are intended to identify forward-looking statements. There can be no assurance of any kind that such forward-looking information and statements will be reflective in any way of our actual future operations and/or financial results, and any of such information and statements should not be relied upon either in whole or in part in connection with any decision to invest in the shares.

      The following discussion should be read in conjunction with the Company`s Consolidated Financial Statements and the notes thereto and the other information included in this Annual Report on Form 10-K.


      The Company derives the majority of its revenue from installation of its Superclick Internet Access Management System (SIMS) and fees for the maintenance, continuing call center support, and improvements to the system. Maintenance fees are tied to number of rooms served or access points in a client`s facility. Due to the Company`s reliance on installation and/or retrofit contracts, variations in revenue levels may cause fluctuations in quarterly results. Factors such as a client`s commitment to providing internet access to their guests/tenants, general economic and industry conditions and other issues could affect the Company`s revenue and quarterly earnings. Quarterly revenue and earnings of the Company may also be impacted by the size of individual contracts relative to the annual revenues of the Company.

      In addition to its North American operations, the Company has operations and contracts in Europe and the Caribbean. With the exception of Canadian operations, the majority of transactions in other regions are denominated using the United States dollar. However, some of the Company`s transactions are in Canadian dollars; therefore, the Company is exposed to currency fluctuation risks.

      We continue to develop our product offering and IP management solutions, listening carefully to our customers. Superclick emerged from the development stage during the fiscal year ended October 31, 2005, during which substantially all of the Company`s efforts were focused on commercial activities.

      Here are some of the other significant milestones achieved during FY 2005:

      o The number of hotels installed and under contract increased from 116 to approximately 500. This represents an increase of rooms from 20,000 to approximately 80,000 over the year.
      o Concluded the acquisition of HotelNet LLC, adding close to 20,000 rooms to our footprint.
      o Concluded a round of $2.25 million in gross proceeds of a convertible debenture financing with Chicago Venture Partners LP.
      o Established global installations in Romania, the Caribbean and Latin America.


      The preparation of financial statements in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the amounts of assets, liabilities, revenues and expenses reported in the accompanying financial statements and related footnotes. Management bases its estimates and assumptions on historical experience, observance of industry trends and various other sources of information and factors. Actual results may differ from these estimates. Critical accounting policies are defined as those that are reflective of significant judgments and uncertainties, and potentially could result in materially different results under different assumptions and conditions. In consultation with our Board of Directors, we have identified six accounting principles that we believe are key to an understanding of our financial statements. These important accounting policies require management`s most difficult, subjective judgments.


      Revenue from the sale of Internet high speed connection equipment is recognized when the earning process is complete and the risk and rewards of ownership have transferred to the customer, which is generally considered to have occurred upon the delivery and installation of the equipment to the customer.

      Maintenance and support revenue is recognized ratably over the maintenance term. First-year maintenance typically is sold with the related software license and renewed on an annual basis thereafter. Estimated fair values of ongoing maintenance and support obligations are based on separate sales of renewals to other customers or upon renewal rates quoted in the contracts. For such arrangements with multiple obligations, the Company allocates revenue to each component of the arrangement based on the estimated fair value of the undelivered elements. Fair value of services, such as consulting or training, is based upon separate sales of these services. The Company at times may enter into multiple-customer contracts in which the Company allocates revenue based on the number of specified users at each customer, and recognizes revenue upon customer acceptance and satisfying the other applicable conditions of the above described accounting policy.


      Accounts receivable are reported at the customers` outstanding balances less any allowance for doubtful accounts. Interest is not accrued on overdue accounts receivable. The Company evaluates receivables outstanding greater than ninety days on a regular basis for potential reserve.


      Inventories are valued at the lower of cost or market. Cost is determined on a first-in, first-out method or market. Management performs periodic assessments to determine the existence of obsolete, slow moving and non-salable inventories, such as discontinued products, and records necessary provisions to reduce such inventories to net realizable value.


      Provisions for income taxes are based on taxes payable or refundable for the current period and deferred taxes on temporary differences between the amount of taxable income and pretax financial income and between the tax bases of assets and liabilities and their reported amounts in the financial statements. Deferred tax assets and liabilities are included in the financial statements at currently enacted income tax rates applicable to the period in which the deferred tax assets and liabilities are expected to be realized or settled as prescribed in FASB Statement No. 109, Accounting for Income Taxes. As changes in tax laws or rates are enacted, deferred tax assets and liabilities are adjusted through the provision for income taxes. Valuation allowances are established when necessary to reduce deferred tax assets to the amount expected to be realized.


      The financial statements of the Canadian subsidiary are measured using the Canadian dollar as the functional currency. Assets, liabilities and equity accounts of the company are translated at exchange rates as of the balance sheet date or historical acquisition date, depending on the nature of the account. Revenues and expenses are translated at average rates of exchange in effect during the period. The resulting cumulative translation adjustments have been recorded as a separate component of stockholders` equity. The financial statements are presented in United States of America dollars.


      In assessing the realization of deferred tax assets, management considers whether it is more likely than not that some portion or all of the deferred tax assets will not be realized. The ultimate realization of deferred tax assets is dependent upon the generation of future taxable income during the periods in which those temporary differences become deductible. Management considers the scheduled reversal of deferred tax liabilities, projected future taxable income and tax planning strategies in making this assessment. At October 31, 2004 a valuation allowance for the full amount of the net deferred tax asset was recorded because of uncertainties as to the amount of taxable income that would be generated in future years. The valuation allowance increased by approximately $1,260,923 for the year ended October 31, 2005 assuming a tax rate of 40%.


      --------------------------------------- -------------------------- ---------------- -----------------------
      Year of Loss Amount Expiration Date
      --------------------------------------- -------------------------- ---------------- -----------------------
      October 31, 2005 $4,184,331 October 31, 2025
      --------------------------------------- -------------------------- ---------------- -----------------------
      October 31, 2004 898,697 October 31, 2024
      --------------------------------------- -------------------------- ---------------- -----------------------
      October 31, 2003 53,638 October 31, 2023
      --------------------------------------- -------------------------- ---------------- -----------------------
      December 31, 2002 80,395 December 31, 2022
      --------------------------------------- -------------------------- ---------------- -----------------------
      December 31, 2001 91,564 December 31, 2021
      --------------------------------------- -------------------------- ---------------- -----------------------
      December 31, 2000 88,027 December 31, 2020
      --------------------------------------- -------------------------- ---------------- -----------------------
      December 31, 1999 18,936 December 31, 2019
      --------------------------------------- -------------------------- ---------------- -----------------------
      --------------------------------------- -------------------------- ================ -----------------------

      The expiration dates for U.S. net operating losses may be extendable under
      Section 381 of the U.S. Internal Revenue Code. After reorganization or other change in corporate ownership, the use of certain carry forwards may be limited or prohibited. After an ownership change, the amount of income that a corporation may offset each year by preacquisition NOL carry forwards is generally limited to an amount determined by multiplying the value of the equity of the corporation just prior to the ownership change by the federal long-term tax-exempt rate in effect on the date of the change. Any unused limitation may be carried forward and added to the next year`s limitation. The annual limitation is approximately $44,000.


      --------------------------------------- -------------------------- ---------------- -----------------------
      Year of Loss Amount Expiration Date
      --------------------------------------- -------------------------- ---------------- -----------------------
      October 31, 2005 $678,878 October 31, 2012
      --------------------------------------- -------------------------- ---------------- -----------------------
      October 31, 2004 151,332 October 31, 2011
      --------------------------------------- -------------------------- ---------------- -----------------------
      October 31, 2003 5,322 October 31, 2010
      --------------------------------------- -------------------------- ---------------- -----------------------
      October 31, 2002 350,910 October 31, 2009
      --------------------------------------- -------------------------- ---------------- -----------------------
      October 31, 2001 24,879 October 31, 2008
      --------------------------------------- -------------------------- ---------------- -----------------------
      --------------------------------------- -------------------------- ================ -----------------------

      At October 31, 2005 a valuation allowance for the full amount of the net deferred tax asset was recorded because of uncertainties as to the amount of taxable income that would be generated in future years.

      For the year ended October 31, 2004 the Company recognized $47,697 as receivable for research and development and accrued $35,432 as a deferred tax benefit created by research and development activities that occurred during the fiscal year then ended. No valuation allowance was recorded in connection with the deferred tax benefit, generated during the year ended October 31, 2004, as it was the opinion of management that they would have the ability to utilize it in the future.

      The Company performs research and development on an on-going basis, which is available for refund or future tax credits in Canada. Due to the recurring losses of the Company during the year ended October 31, 2005, management recognized an allowance for the full amount it anticipated to generate in connection with the research and development deferred tax benefit. We recognized a receivable of $70,766 CDN for the research and development activities in 2005.




      During the twelve months ended October 31, 2005 the Company had revenue of $3,205,696 compared to $2,552,739 for the twelve months ended October 31, 2004. The increase in net sales was the result of the acquisition of Superclick Networks, Inc., the validation of the Company`s products and the subsequent demand from customers. We completed several major contracts in 2005 that were not in place in 2004.


      Gross profit for the twelve months ended October 31, 2005 and 2004 was $810,181 and $710,008, respectively. Improvement in annual gross profit is possible through development of better buying channel partnerships. Most externally purchased networking equipment is acquired from resellers whose markup may be recovered if the Company establishes distribution channel partnerships.


      For the twelve months ended October 31, 2005 and 2004, general and administrative expense was $2,616,973 and $1,633,810, respectively. The twelve month year-over-year increase of $983,163 was primarily due to the acquisition of Hotel Net, LLC and increases in operating expenses related therein in addition to increased salaries related to increased headcount.

      Net loss before extraordinary item for the twelve months ended October 31, 2005 and 2004 was $1,692,735 and $979,395, respectively. The twelve month year-over-year increase in net loss before extraordinary items was $713,340 and primarily due to the acquisition of Hotel Net, LLC and increased salaries.

      Net loss after extraordinary items for the twelve months ended October 31, 2005 and 2004 was $4,140,235 and $979,395, respectively. The extraordinary loss of $2,447,500 represents the complete write down of the Company`s investment and goodwill in Hotel Net, LLC as a result of eliminating the Hotel Net LLC trade name, closure of the Hotel Net LLC facility, the precipitous drop in the price of Superlick, Inc. stock price from the transaction price levels of $0.64 and $0.55 to the current level of approximately $0.10 per share and significantly lower revenues than expected for the final two months of the year and which are not expected to materialize to a degree sufficient enough to warrant the existence of a related goodwill balance.


      For the twelve months ended October 31, 2005 and 2004, research and development expense was $151,822 and $136,610, respectively. The twelve month year-over-year increase in research and development expense is attributable to the ongoing development and enhancement of the Company`s products to meet evolving customer and market demands.


      Interest expense for the twelve months ended October 31, 2005 and 2004 was $48,513 and $2,112, respectively. The twelve month year-over-year increase is due to the actual interest due to the holders of our convertible debentures

      Amortization of the beneficial conversion feature contained in the convertible debentures, amortization of deferred financing costs related to the convertible debentures and the derivative gain related to warrants issued in connection with the convertible debentures for the twelve months ended October 31, 2005 was $97,632, $53,750 and $465,774, respectively. No such expenses were incurred in 2004. See Note J to the financial statements.


      From inception to October 31, 2005, we incurred an accumulated deficit of $5,496,510, and we expect to incur additional losses for the foreseeable future. This loss has been incurred through a combination of professional fees and expenses supporting our plans to acquire synergistic businesses as well as continued losses of the operating subsidiary.

      We have financed our operations since inception primarily through equity financing. During the twelve months ended October 31, 2005, we had a net increase in cash of $21,959. Total cash resources as of October 31, 2005 was $497,438 compared with $475,479 at October 31, 2004.

      Our available working capital and capital requirements will depend upon numerous factors, including progress in our distribution and sales of Internet access management solutions, the timing and cost of expanding into new markets, the cost of developing competitive technologies, changes in our existing collaborative and licensing relationships, the resources that we devote to developing new products and commercializing capabilities, the status of our competitors, our ability to establish collaborative arrangements with other organizations, our ability to attract and retain key employees and our need to purchase additional capital equipment.


      Recent operating results give rise to concerns about the Company`s ability to generate cash flow from operations sufficient to sustain ongoing viability. Net loss for the year ended October 31, 2005 was $4,140,235, while cash used for operations was $1,838,615.

      During the year ended October 31, 2005, 100,000 of the series "A" Warrants were exercised at $.60 per share, resulting in $60,000 net proceeds to the Company and the issuance of 60,000 restricted common shares.

      During the year ended October 31, 2005, 200,000 of the series "A" Warrants were exercised at $.45 per share, resulting in $90,000 net proceeds to the Company and the issuance of 200,000 restricted common shares.

      966,668 "B" Warrants were unexercised as of October 31.

      During the year ended October 31, 2005, the Company issued 127,067 shares of Common Stock in exchange for services with a total value of $96,475.

      Our independent registered public accountants, Bedinger and Company have indicated that, based on the Company`s financial statements, the Company will continue as a going concern. Moreover, Bedinger and Company has noted that the Company has suffered recurring losses from operations that raises substantial doubt about its ability to continue as a going concern.

      Management is currently in the process of seeking additional equity financing with potential investors. There can be no assurance that such additional financing will be obtained. The financial statements do not include any adjustments that might result from the outcome of this uncertainty.

      The Company`s need to raise additional equity or debt financing and the Company`s ability to generate cash flow from operations will depend on its future performance and the Company`s ability to successfully implement business and growth strategies. The Company`s performance will also be affected by prevailing economic conditions. Many of these factors are beyond the Company`s control. If future cash flows and capital resources are insufficient to meet the Company`s commitments, the Company may be forced to reduce or delay activities and capital expenditures or obtain additional equity capital. In the event that the Company is unable to do so, the Company may be left without sufficient liquidity.


      At October 31, 2005 the Company had no obligations that would qualify to be disclosed as off-balance sheet arrangements.


      CAPITAL LEASE OBLIGATIONS: Capital lease obligations relate to a copy machine used in the Company`s Montreal office.

      OPERATING LEASE OBLIGATIONS: Operating lease obligations consist of office rental commitment for the Company`s offices in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. On October 1, 2004 the Company began a lease for office space in Montreal. The lease extends through September 30, 2009 at a rate of $4,082 per month. The Company has also entered into non-cancelable operating leases for office equipment, computers. At October 31, 2005, our contractual obligations under these leases and other commitments were as follows:

      ---------------------------------- ------------------
      Year Ended October 31,
      ---------------------------------- ------------------
      2006 55,484
      ---------------------------------- ------------------
      2007 55,011
      ---------------------------------- ------------------
      2008 52,937
      ---------------------------------- ------------------
      2009 48,525
      ---------------------------------- ------------------
      2010 N/A
      ---------------------------------- ------------------
      ---------------------------------- ------------------


      Although the operations of the Company are influenced by general economic conditions, the Company does not believe inflation had a material effect on the results of operations during the year ended October 31, 2005. However, there can be no assurance the Company`s business will not be affected by inflation in the future.


      On August 1, 2005, the Company completed a private placement of convertible debentures generating gross proceeds of $1.75 million and the issuance of warrants to purchase 735,370 shares of the Company`s common stock. On August 18, 2005, the Company completed a private placement of convertible debentures generating gross proceeds of $0.5 million and the issuance of warrants to purchase 230,627 shares of the Company`s common stock. In total, the Company received $2.035 of net proceeds and issued 965,997 warrants. Third party fees totaled $215,000, which were paid in cash.

      The terms of the warrants and debentures are substantially the same. The exercise price of the warrants is calculated the same as for the conversion price of the convertible debentures described below. The warrants and debentures are immediately exercisable. The debentures bear interest of 9%, payable quarterly at the option of the Company in cash or stock. The interest Rate adjusts to 12% at maturity, or twelve months from the closing date.

      Prior to maturity, the debentures and warrants are convertible into the Company`s common stock at a conversion price equal to 70% of the average closing bid price of the Company`s common stock for the 45 trading days preceding a conversion date. If the closing bid price for the stock is less than $0.50 on a day on which the Investor converts, then during that calendar month the Investor will only be permitted to convert principal and interest in an aggregate amount of up to $175,000. This $175,000 limitation would not apply in the event that the closing bid price on such conversion date is at least 150% of the average closing bid price for the ten trading days immediately prior to such conversion. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Conversion Price during the pre-maturity period shall not be less than $.30 per share. After maturity, the debentures and warrants are convertible into the Company`s common stock at a conversion price equal to 80% of the average closing bid price of the Company`s common stock for the 45 trading days preceding a conversion date.

      Cash settlement of the unexercised portion of the debenture is required. If a cash settlement of the outstanding debt is not made in accordance with the debenture agreement on the maturity date, then a ten (10%) percent penalty of the outstanding debt balance will be added to the debt balance.

      The debentures provide that the holders of may only convert the debenture if the number of shares held by the lender or its affiliates after conversion would not exceed 4.99% of the outstanding shares of the Company`s common stock following such conversion.

      In connection with the transaction, we entered into a registration rights agreement. Pursuant to the terms of the Registration Rights Agreement, within thirty calendar days following the initial closing date, or September 1, 2005, the Company was required to file with the Securities and Exchange Commission a registration statement under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, covering the resale of all of the common stock the convertible debenture would be converted into which is at least equal to two hundred percent (200%) of the number of shares into which the Debentures and all interest thereon through the second anniversary of the initial closing date would be convertible based on an assumed Conversion Price of $0.30 per share and the common stock underlying the warrants.

      The Registration Rights Agreement further provides that if a registration statement is not filed, or does not become effective, within 100 days from the initial closing date, then in addition to any other rights the holders may have, the Company would be required to pay each holder an amount in cash, as liquidated damages, equal to an aggregate five percent (5%) of the purchase price of the debentures (2% for days 1-30, plus 2% for days 31-60, plus 1% for days 61-75). We filed an SB-2 with the SEC on September 15, 2005 effectively registering 19,215,997 shares of common stock of which 18,150,000 relates to the conversion of principle and interest of the convertible debenture and 965,997 relates to the exercise of warrants issued in connection with the convertible debenture. The SEC declared the registration of shares underlying the debentures effective within the allowed time on December 12, 2005.

      The issuance costs related to the convertible debentures of approximately $215,000 in cash were capitalized and are being amortized over the life of the debt.

      Pursuant to Paragraph 14 of EITF 00-19, Accounting for Derivative Financial Instruments Indexed to, and Potentially Settled in, a Company`s Own Stock, the warrants issued in connection with the convertible debentures meet the . . .
      schrieb am 16.03.06 18:13:40
      Beitrag Nr. 133 ()
      The Company derives the majority of its revenue from installation of its Superclick Internet Access Management System (SIMS) and fees for the maintenance, continuing call center support, and improvements to the system. Maintenance fees are tied to number of rooms served or access points in a client`s facility. Due to the Company`s reliance on installation and/or retrofit contracts, variations in revenue levels may cause fluctuations in quarterly results. Factors such as a client`s commitment to providing internet access to their guests/tenants, general economic and industry conditions and other issues could affect the Company`s revenue and quarterly earnings. Quarterly revenue and earnings of the Company may also be impacted by the size of individual contracts relative to the annual revenues of the Company.

      The Company`s working operations are based in Canada, with contracts throughout Canada, the U.S., Mexico extending into Europe and the Carribbean. With the exception of Canadian operations, the majority of transactions in other regions are denominated using the United States dollar. However, some of the Company`s transactions are in Canadian dollars; therefore, the Company is exposed to currency fluctuation risks.

      We continue to develop our product offering and IP management solutions, driven principally by customer demands. Superclick emerged from the development stage during the fiscal year ended October 31, 2005, during which substantially all of the Company`s efforts were focused on commercial activities.

      Superclick offers turnkey installations to hospitality customers, making more cost effective and efficient for them to purchase our SIMS platform. Our plan is to strengthen our sales and marketing efforts in order to more effectively brand our technology and increase our market share, and we believe that these efforts will result in greatly increased company and product recognition.

      In recognition of the growing trend for hoteliers to offer Internet services free of charge, and in anticipation of the potential scenario where the model of free Internet service is ubiquitous, we have developed our IP infrastructure management system to allow the customer to leverage their investment by promoting a growing suite of revenue generating IP services which are provided by our SIMS platform.


      The preparation of financial statements in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the amounts of assets, liabilities, revenues and expenses reported in the accompanying financial statements and related footnotes. Management bases its estimates and assumptions on historical experience, observance of industry trends and various other sources of information and factors. Actual results may differ from these estimates. Critical accounting policies are defined as those that are reflective of significant judgments and uncertainties, and potentially could result in materially different results under different assumptions and conditions. In consultation with our Board of Directors, we have identified six accounting principles that we believe are key to an understanding of our financial statements. These important accounting policies require management`s most difficult, subjective judgments.


      Revenue from the sale of Internet high-speed connection equipment is recognized when the earning process is complete and the risk and rewards of ownership have transferred to the customer, which is generally considered to have occurred upon the delivery and installation of the equipment to the customer.

      Maintenance and support revenue is recognized ratably over the maintenance term. First-year maintenance typically is sold with the related software license and renewed on an annual basis thereafter. Estimated fair values of ongoing maintenance and support obligations are based on separate sales of renewals to other customers or upon renewal rates quoted in the contracts. For such arrangements with multiple obligations, the Company allocates revenue to each component of the arrangement based on the estimated fair value of the undelivered elements. Fair value of services, such as consulting or training, is based upon separate sales of these services. The Company at times may enter into multiple-customer contracts in which the Company allocates revenue based on the number of specified users at each customer, and recognizes revenue upon customer acceptance and satisfying the other applicable conditions of the above described accounting policy.


      Accounts receivable are reported at the customers` outstanding balances less any allowance for doubtful accounts. Interest is not accrued on overdue accounts receivable. The Company evaluates receivables outstanding greater than ninety days on a regular basis for potential reserve.


      Inventories are valued at the lower of cost or market. Cost is determined on a first-in, first-out method or market. Management performs periodic assessments to determine the existence of obsolete, slow moving and non-salable inventories, such as discontinued products, and records necessary provisions to reduce such inventories to net realizable value.


      Provisions for income taxes are based on taxes payable or refundable for the current period and deferred taxes on temporary differences between the amount of taxable income and pretax financial income and between the tax bases of assets and liabilities and their reported amounts in the financial statements. Deferred tax assets and liabilities are included in the financial statements at currently enacted income tax rates applicable to the period in which the deferred tax assets and liabilities are expected to be realized or settled as prescribed in FASB Statement No. 109, Accounting for Income Taxes. As changes in tax laws or rates are enacted, deferred tax assets and liabilities are adjusted through the provision for income taxes. Valuation allowances are established when necessary to reduce deferred tax assets to the amount expected to be realized.


      The financial statements of the Canadian subsidiary are measured using the Canadian dollar as the functional currency. Assets, liabilities and equity accounts of the company are translated at exchange rates as of the balance sheet date or historical acquisition date, depending on the nature of the account. Revenues and expenses are translated at average rates of exchange in effect during the period. The resulting cumulative translation adjustments have been recorded as a separate component of stockholders` equity. The financial statements are presented in United States of America dollars.


      In assessing the realization of deferred tax assets, management considers whether it is more likely than not that some portion or all of the deferred tax assets will not be realized. The ultimate realization of deferred tax assets is dependent upon the generation of future taxable income during the periods in which those temporary differences become deductible. Management considers the scheduled reversal of deferred tax liabilities, projected future taxable income and tax planning strategies in making this assessment. At October 31, 2004 a valuation allowance for the full amount of the net deferred tax asset was recorded because of uncertainties as to the amount of taxable income that would be generated in future years. The valuation allowance increased by approximately $1,260,923 for the year ended October 31, 2005 assuming a tax rate of 40%.





      Net Sales for the three months ended January 31, 2006 and 2005 was $662,141 and $1,359,733 respectively. The year-over-year decrease of $697,592, or 105% is due to seasonally longer sales cycles during the period, and the fact that the same period last year sales activity was being driven primarily by one large customer which required an aggressive roll-out. In addition, our sales efforts in North America were negatively impacted for the period by our transition of a new sales team in the region and certain restructuring efforts.


      Gross profit for the three months ended January 31, 2006 and 2005 was $207,316 and $463,010, respectively. Gross margin for the three months ended January 31, 2006 and 2005 was 31.3% and 34.1%, respectively, or a decrease of 2.8%. The decrease in gross margin was due primarily to restructuring efforts to reduce certain fixed costs associated with the Company`s maintenance and support department in addition to a decrease in revenue that was not matched by a commensurate decrease in cost of goods.


      Selling, General and Administrative expenses for the three months ended January 31, 2006 and 2005 were $693,053 and $601,177 respectively. The year-over-year increase of $91,876, or 15.3% is the result of additional personnel costs required to fulfill the successfully acquired prior year contracts. The increased costs resulted from adding personnel required to support the deployment, delivery, and installation of our product. Additionally, other associated cost increases were incurred for infrastructure such as office space and communications.

      NET LOSS

      Net loss for the three months ended January 31, 2006 and 2005 was $633,474 and $138,380, respectively. The year-over-year increase in net loss of $495,094, or 358% is due to significantly lower sales compared to the three months ended January 31, 2005.


      Research and development expense for the three months ended January 31, 2006 and 2005 was $9,476 and $213, respectively. The year-over-year increase of $9,263 is due to development of IP-based services that can be deployed over our SIMS platform.


      From inception to January 31, 2006, we incurred an accumulated deficit of $6,129,985, and we expect to incur additional losses into the foreseeable future. This loss has been incurred through a combination of professional fees and expenses supporting our plans to acquire synergistic businesses as well as continued losses of the operating subsidiary.

      We have financed our operations since inception primarily through equity and debt financing. During the three months ended January 31, 2006, we had a net decrease in cash of $188,143. Total cash resources as of January 31, 2006 was $309,295 compared with $497,438 at October 31, 2005.

      Our available working capital and capital requirements will depend upon numerous factors, including progress in our distribution and sales of Internet access management solutions, the timing and cost of expanding into new markets, the cost of developing competitive technologies, changes in our existing collaborative and licensing relationships, the resources that we devote to developing new products and commercializing capabilities, the status of our competitors, our ability to establish collaborative arrangements with other organizations, our ability to attract and retain key employees and our need to purchase additional capital equipment.

      In addition to our financing plans, our available working capital and capital requirements will depend upon numerous factors, including progress in our distribution and sales of Internet access management solutions, the timing and cost of expanding into new markets, the cost of developing competitive technologies, changes in our existing collaborative and licensing relationships, the resources that we devote to developing new products and commercializing capabilities, that status of our competitors, our ability to establish collaborative arrangements with other organizations, our ability to attract and retain key employees and our need to purchase additional capital equipment.


      Recent operating results give rise to concerns about the Company`s ability to generate cash flow from operations sufficient to sustain ongoing viability. Net loss for the year ended October 31, 2005 and three months ended January 31, 2006 was $4,140,235 and $633,474, respectively, while cash used for operations was $1,838,615 and $178,149, respectively

      During the year ended October 31, 2005, 100,000 of the series "A" Warrants were exercised at $.60 per share, resulting in $60,000 net proceeds to the Company and the issuance of 60,000 restricted common shares.

      During the year ended October 31, 2005, 200,000 of the series "A" Warrants were exercised at $.45 per share, resulting in $90,000 net proceeds to the Company and the issuance of 200,000 restricted common shares.

      966,665 "B" Warrants were unexercised as of January 31, 2006.

      No warrants were exercised during the three months ended January 31, 2006.

      During the year ended October 31, 2005, the Company issued 127,067 shares of Common Stock in exchange for services with a total value of $96,475.

      Our independent registered public accountants, Bedinger and Company have indicated that, based on the Company`s financial statements, the Company will continue as a going concern. Moreover, Bedinger and Company has noted that the Company has suffered recurring losses from operations that raises substantial doubt about its ability to continue as a going concern.

      Management is currently in the process of seeking additional equity financing with potential investors. There can be no assurance that such additional financing will be obtained. The financial statements do not include any adjustments that might result from the outcome of this uncertainty.

      The Company`s need to raise additional equity or debt financing and the Company`s ability to generate cash flow from operations will depend on its future performance and the Company`s ability to successfully implement business and growth strategies. The Company`s performance will also be affected by prevailing economic conditions. Many of these factors are beyond the Company`s control. If future cash flows and capital resources are insufficient to meet the Company`s commitments, the Company may be forced to reduce or delay activities and capital expenditures or obtain additional equity capital. In the event that the Company is unable to do so, the Company may be left without sufficient liquidity.



      The Company`s revenue and operating results may fluctuate significantly from quarter to quarter, and fluctuations in operating results could cause its stock price to decline.

      The Company`s revenue and operating results may vary significantly from quarter-to-quarter due to a number of factors. In future quarters, operating results may be below the expectations of public market analysis or investors, and the price of its common stock may decline. Factors that could cause quarterly fluctuations include:

      o the beginning and ending of significant contracts during a quarter;
      o the number, size and scope of the installation contracts;
      o maintenance contracts can create variations in revenue levels and may cause fluctuations in quarterly results;
      o fluctuations in demand for services resulting from budget cuts, project delays, cyclical downturns or similar events, including the recent economic downturn;
      o the possibility and subsequent duration of conflicts involving the United States military could cause delays in program operations related to the Company`s hospitality clients by reducing travel;
      o clients` decisions to divert resources to other projects, which may limit clients` resources that would otherwise be allocated to solutions that the Company could provide; and
      o reductions in the prices of services offered by competitors.

      Because a significant portion of expenses are relatively fixed, a variation in the number of installations or the timing of the initiation or the completion of client contracts may cause significant variations in operating results from quarter-to-quarter and could result in losses.

      Any inability to adequately retain or protect our employees, customer relationships and proprietary technology could harm our ability to compete.

      Our future success and ability to compete depends in part upon our employees, customer relationships, proprietary technology and trademarks, which we attempt to protect with a combination of patent, copyright, trademark and trade secret claims, as well as with our confidentiality procedures and contractual provisions. These legal protections afford only limited protection and are time-consuming and expensive to obtain and/or maintain. Further, despite our efforts, we may be unable to prevent third parties from soliciting our employees or customers or infringing upon or misappropriating our intellectual property.

      Our employees, customer relationships and intellectual property may not be adequate to provide us with a competitive advantage or to prevent competitors from entering the markets for our products and services. Additionally, our competitors could independently develop non-infringing technologies that are competitive with, and equivalent or superior to, our technology. Monitoring infringement and/or misappropriation of intellectual property can be difficult, and there is no guarantee that we would detect any infringement or misappropriation of our proprietary rights. Even if we do detect infringement or misappropriation of our proprietary rights, litigation to enforce these rights could cause us to divert financial and other resources away from our business operations. The departure of certain key personnel could harm the financial condition of the Company.

      Sandro Natale, one of the Company`s founders and current CEO, is intimately involved in our business and has day to day relationships with critical customers and is also critical to our product development. Superclick is not able to afford additional staff to supplement these key personnel. Competition for highly skilled business, product development, technical and other personnel is intense, and there can be no assurance that we will be successful in recruiting new personnel or in retaining our existing personnel. A failure on our part to retain the services of key personnel could have a material adverse effect on our operating results and financial condition. We do not maintain key man life insurance on any of our employees.

      The market in which the Company competes is intensely competitive and actions by competitors could render its services less competitive, causing revenue and income to decline.

      The ability to compete depends on a number of factors outside of the Company`s control, including:

      o the prices at which others offer competitive systems, including aggressive price competition and discounting on individual contracts, which may become increasingly prevalent due to worsening economic conditions;
      o the ability of competitors to undertake more extensive marketing campaigns;
      o the extent, if any, to which competitors develop proprietary offerings that improve their ability to compete;
      o the ability of the Company`s customers to supply the solutions themselves; and
      o the extent of competitors` responsiveness to customer needs.

      The Company may not be able to compete effectively on these or other factors. If the Company is unable to compete effectively, market position, and therefore revenue and profitability, would decline.

      International business exposes the Company to various foreign requirements, which could interfere with business or operations and could result in increased expenses and declining profitability.

      International operations create special risks, including:

      o statutory requirements, which may impair the Company`s ability to expatriate foreign profits to help fund domestic operations;
      o greater difficulties in managing and supplying turnkey installation at foreign locations;
      o cultural differences that adversely affect utilization;
      o unexpected changes in trading policies, legal and regulatory requirements, tariffs and other foreign taxes;
      o greater difficulties in enforcing agreements with clients and collecting accounts receivable;

      o the tax system of foreign countries, which may tax the Company`s foreign income at higher rates than in the United States and may subject foreign earnings to withholding requirements or tariffs, exchange controls or other restrictions;
      o legal requirements and regulations of various foreign countries, which may make compliance by the Company with such laws and regulations difficult and may make enforcement of the Company`s intellectual property rights more difficult; and
      o fluctuations in currency exchange rates, which may affect demand for the Company`s products and services and may adversely affect the profitability in United States dollars of services provided by the Company in foreign markets where payment for its products and services is made in the local currency; and general economic conditions in the foreign countries into which the Company sells, which could have an adverse impact on its earnings from operations in those countries.

      If the Company and/or its product offerings fail to perform effectively on installations and other projects, its reputation, and therefore its competitive position and financial performance, could be harmed.

      Many of the Company`s new installation opportunities come from existing clients or from referrals by existing clients. Therefore, growth is dependent on the Company`s reputation and on client satisfaction. The failure to provide solutions or perform services that meet a client`s expectations may damage the Company`s reputation and harm its ability to attract new business. Damage to the Company`s reputation arising from client dissatisfaction could therefore harm financial performance.

      Inability to protect intellectual property could harm the Company`s competitive position and financial performance.

      Despite efforts to protect proprietary rights from unauthorized use or disclosure, parties, including former employees or consultants, may attempt to disclose, obtain or use the Company`s solutions or technologies. The steps the Company has taken may not prevent misappropriation of solutions or technologies, particularly in foreign countries where laws or law enforcement practices may not protect proprietary rights as fully as in the United States. Unauthorized disclosure of proprietary information could make the Company`s solutions and technologies available to others and harm its competitive position.

      There are risks associated with our planned growth.

      We have very limited assets upon which to rely for adjusting to business variations and for growing new businesses. While we are likely to look for new funding to assist in the acquisition of other profitable businesses, it is uncertain whether such funds will be available. If we are to grow and expand our operations, we will need to raise significant amounts of additional capital. There can be no assurance that we will be successful in raising a sufficient amount of additional capital, or if we are successful, that we will be able to raise capital on reasonable terms. If we do raise additional capital, our existing shareholders may incur substantial and immediate dilution. There are risks associated with forward-looking statements made by us, and actual results may differ.

      Some of the information in this 10KSB contains forward-looking statements that involve substantial risks and uncertainties. You can identify these statements by forward-looking words such as "may," "will," "expect," "anticipate," "believe," "estimate," "intend" and "continue," or similar words. You should read statements that contain these words carefully because they:

      * discuss our future expectations;
      * contain projections of our future results of operations of our financial condition; and
      * state other "forward-looking" information.

      We believe it is important to communicate our expectations. However, there will be events in the future that we are not able to accurately predict, or over which we have little or no control. The risk factors listed in this section, as well as any cautionary language in this prospectus, provide examples of risks, uncertainties and events that may cause our actual results to differ materially from the expectations we describe in our forward-looking statements. You should be aware that the occurrence of the events described in these risk factors could have an adverse effect on our business, results of operations and financial condition.

      Due to the Company`s foreign client installations in Canada, the Caribbean and Europe, the Company is exposed to transaction adjustments with respect to foreign currency.

      The Company`s functional currency is the United States dollar. However, the Company`s operating subsidiary`s functional currency is the Canadian Dollar. Under United States dollar functional currency, the financial statements of foreign subsidiaries are remeasured from the recording currency to the United States dollar. The resulting remeasurement adjustment has been recorded as separate component of stockholder`s equity. The Company believes that operating under United States dollar functional currency, combined with transacting business in countries with traditionally stable currencies mitigates the effect of any near-term foreign currency transaction adjustments on the Company`s financial position, results of operations and cash flows.

      The Company has not engaged in foreign currency hedging transactions nor does the Company have any derivative financial instruments. However, going forward, the Company will assess the need to enter into hedging transactions to limit its risk due to fluctuations in exchange rates.


      There is a limited market for our common stock.

      Our common stock is traded in the Over-the-Counter Bulletin Board market. This may cause delays in the timing of transactions, reductions in the number and quality of securities analysts` reporting on us, and the extent of our coverage in the media. Trading in our common stock has been sporadic, and at present, there is a limited market for it. There can be no assurance that a stronger market will develop. Even if such a market does develop, it may not be sustained.

      You may suffer dilution upon the exercise of outstanding options and warrants and the conversion of convertible notes.

      As of January 31, 2006, we had exercisable stock options outstanding to purchase 1,314,439 shares of common stock, warrants to purchase 4,032,661 shares of common stock, and convertible debentures convertible in accordance with a formula based on the 45 day trailing average price of our common stock. To the extent such options or warrants are exercised and convertible notes are converted, there will be further dilution. In addition, in the event that any future financing should be in the form of securities convertible into, or exchangeable for, equity securities, investors may experience additional dilution upon the conversion or exchange of such securities.

      Future sales of our common stock by existing shareholders under Rule 144 could decrease the trading price of our common stock.

      As of January 31, 2005, a total of 17,336,681 shares of our outstanding common stock were "restricted securities" and could be sold in the public markets only in compliance with Rule 144 adopted under the Securities Act of 1933 or other applicable exemptions from registration. Rule 144 provides that a person holding restricted securities for a period of one year may thereafter sell, in brokerage transactions, an amount not exceeding in any three-month period the greater of either (i) 1% of the issuer`s outstanding common stock or (ii) the average weekly trading volume in the securities during a period of four calendar weeks immediately preceding the sale. Persons who are not affiliated with the issuer and who have held their restricted securities for at least two years are not subject to the volume limitation. Possible or actual sales of our common stock by present shareholders under Rule 144 could have a depressive effect on the . . .
      schrieb am 05.05.06 21:48:50
      Beitrag Nr. 134 ()
      Gerade wieder gekauft zu 0,071, die sind noch nicht tot und immer fuer 100% gut.
      schrieb am 07.05.06 17:06:46
      Beitrag Nr. 135 ()
      Hallo ooy,

      aber es gibt keine News mehr und die homepage ist praktisch tot. Weißt Du mehr?

      Gruß Mehe
      schrieb am 12.06.06 17:13:12
      Beitrag Nr. 136 ()
      Superclick scheint noch nicht tot zu sein, obwohl der Kursverlauf dies nahelegt. Aber sie haben eine neue Homepage. Dort wird auch auf eine Veranstaltung vom 19-22.06 hingewoesen, auf der Produkte vorgestellt werden. Allerdings: der Kurs hat immer Recht!
      schrieb am 28.07.06 23:11:01
      Beitrag Nr. 137 ()
      Aufgrund der nachfolgenden Nachricht ist superclick heute in USA von sehr niedrigem Niveau aus um 100% gestiegen.

      Press Release Source: Superclick, Inc.

      Superclick Adds More InterContinental Properties to its Customer Base
      Thursday July 27, 3:35 pm ET

      SAN DIEGO, July 27, 2006 (PRIMEZONE) -- Superclick, Inc. (OTC BB:SPCK.OB - News), a technology leader in IP infrastructure solutions to the hospitality industry, today announced several updates with respect to its continued growth and commitment to expand its footprint in the marketplace.

      click here
      Superclick has recently added the InterContinental Kansas City at the Plaza, the InterContinental V Centenario Santo Domingo and the InterContinental Toronto to their customer list, and is also providing customer support to these properties through its in-house call center based in Montreal, Quebec.

      Sandro Natale, Chief Executive Officer at Superclick, commented that, ``These additions demonstrate the InterContinental's ongoing confidence in our products and services and we are committed to providing the InterContinental and its guests with world-class customer service and technical support.''

      Sam Abbas, Director of Information Technology at the IC Toronto commented, ``The efforts and hard work from everyone at Superclick were unique. Their understanding of the hospitality industry made things easier. It was a record to have everything installed in three days based on the InterContinental Toronto (floor) infrastructure.''

      About Superclick, Inc.

      Superclick, Inc. (OTC BB:SPCK.OB - News), through its wholly owned, Montreal-based subsidiary Superclick Networks, Inc., develops, manufactures, markets and supports the Superclick Internet Management System (SIMS(tm)) in worldwide hospitality, multi-tenant unit (MTU) and university markets. Superclick provides hotels, MTU residences and universities with cost-effective Internet access utilizing high-speed DSL, CAT5 wiring, wireless and dial-up modem technologies. Superclick's proprietary technology converts dial-up analog Internet calls to digital access, improves connection speeds, unclogs local trunks, consolidates Internet traffic, supports flexible billing and provides targeted advertising to end-users. Current clients include MTU residences and Candlewood Suites(r), Crowne Plaza(r), Four Points by Sheraton(r), InterContinental Hotels Group PLC, Hilton(r), Holiday Inn(r), Holiday Inn Express(r), Hampton Inn(r), Marriott(r), Novotel(r), Radisson(r), Sheraton(r), Westin(r) and Wyndham(r) hotels in Canada, the Caribbean and the United States.

      About InterContinental Hotels Group, Inc.

      InterContinental Hotels Group PLC of the United Kingdom (LON:IHG) (NYSE:IHG - News) (ADRs) is the world's largest hotel group by number of rooms. InterContinental Hotels Group owns, manages, leases or franchises, through various subsidiaries, over 3,600 hotels and 537,500 guest rooms in nearly 100 countries and territories around the world. The Group owns a portfolio of well recognised and respected hotel brands including InterContinental(r) Hotels & Resorts, Crowne Plaza(r) Hotels & Resorts, Holiday Inn(r) Hotels and Resorts, Holiday Inn Express(r), Staybridge Suites(r), Candlewood Suites(r) and Hotel Indigo(tm), and also manages the world's largest hotel loyalty programme, Priority Club(r) Rewards.

      Forward Looking Statements

      Statements in this press release that are not statements of historical or current fact constitute ``forward-looking statements'' within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Such forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other unknown factors that could cause the actual results of the Company to be materially different from the historical results or from any future results expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. In addition to statements which explicitly describe such risks and uncertainties, readers are urged to consider statements with the terms ``believes,'' ``belief,'' ``expects,'' ``intends,'' ``anticipates,'' ``will'' or ``plans'' to be uncertain and forward-looking. The forward-looking statements contained herein are also subject generally to other risks and uncertainties that are described from time to time in the Company's reports and registration statements filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission.


      Superclick, Inc.
      Todd M. Pitcher, Chairman
      (858) 518-1387
      schrieb am 28.07.06 23:15:54
      Beitrag Nr. 138 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 23.161.677 von Mehe am 28.07.06 23:11:012 Direktoren haben sich vorher noch billig eingedeckt.

      Date Insider Shares Type Transaction Value*
      12-Jul-06 VESNAVER, GEORGE
      Director 75,000 Direct Acquisition (Non Open Market) at $0.03 per share. $2,250
      12-Jul-06 PITCHER, TODD M.
      Director 100,000 Direct Disposition (Non Open Market) at $0.03 per share. $3,000
      schrieb am 07.09.06 22:08:16
      Beitrag Nr. 139 ()
      Heute Ausbruch unter Riesenvolumen!!
      schrieb am 17.09.06 18:07:51
      Beitrag Nr. 140 ()
      Es scheint weiter aufwärtd zu gehen!;)

      Superclick, Inc. Announces Improving Financial Results for Three and Nine Month Period Ended July 31, 2006
      Thursday September 14, 3:00 pm ET

      SAN DIEGO, Sept. 14, 2006 (PRIMEZONE) -- Superclick, Inc. (OTC BB:SPCK.OB - News), a technology leader in IP infrastructure solutions to the hospitality industry, today announced financial results for the three and nine-month periods ended July 31, 2006.

      click here
      Net Revenue for the three months ended July 31, 2006 and 2005 was $909,901 and $459,599, respectively. Net Revenue for the nine months ended July 31, 2006 and 2005 was $2,479,851 and $2,555,266, respectively. Compared to the same period last year, the three month increase of $450,302, or 98.0% was mainly due to an increase in the number of rooms under support. The unfavorable year-to-date revenue variance of $75,415 or 3.0% was mainly due to the first quarter unfavorable sales variance which represented the end of a large roll out from the previous fiscal year.

      Gross profit and the gross profit margin for the three months ended July 31, 2006 and 2005 was $481,173 (52.9%) and $278,319 (60.6%), respectively. The three month year-over-year increase in gross profit of $202,854 was due to the growth in installation and room support activity whereas the 7.7% decrease for the three month year-over-year period in the gross margin was due to certain competitive pricing pressures that we encountered during the period.

      Gross profit and the gross profit margin for the nine months ended July 31, 2006 and 2005 was $1,119,811 (45.2%) and $1,092,593 (42.8%), respectively. The nine month year-over-year increase in gross profit and gross profit margin of $27,218 and 2.5%, respectively, was the result of continued work in strengthening the operations activities.

      Selling, General and Administrative expenses for the three months ended July 31, 2006 and 2005 was $558,865 and $709,769 respectively. Selling, General and Administrative expenses for the nine months ended July 31, 2006 and 2005 was $1,820,655 and $2,160,610 respectively. Compared to the same periods last year, the three and nine month decrease of $150,904 or 21.7% and $339,955 or 15.9%, respectively, was mainly due to restructuring efforts which commenced during the first quarter of the year and have been completed during the current quarter.

      The loss from operations for the three months ended July 31, 2006 and 2005 was $77,692 and $431,450, respectively. Compared to the same period last year, the favorable variance of $353,758 or 82.7% was mainly due to cost reduction and certain restructuring efforts undertaken by the Company. For the nine months ended July 31, 2006 and 2005, the loss from operations was $700,844 and $1,068,017, respectively. Compared to the same period last year, the favorable variance of $367,173 or 34.7% was also due to cost reduction and restructuring efforts.

      Net loss for the three months ended July 31, 2006 and 2005 was $450,996 and $431,450, respectively. Net loss for the nine months ended July 31, 2006 and 2005 was $1,722,201 and $1,068,017, respectively. Net loss for the three and nine months ended July 31, 2006 includes $370,190 and $992,022, respectively, in non-cash costs associated with our convertible debentures, including amortization of the beneficial conversion feature, warrant discount, deferred financing costs and interest expense offset by a derivative gain on the warrants associated with the convertible debenture.

      Jean Perrotti, Chief Executive Officer at Superclick, commented that, ``This was a very good quarter for Superclick. Revenues increased 98% contributing 73% more gross profit dollars compared to the same period last year. Our continued focus on reducing selling and general administrative costs also generated positive results as the loss from operations for the quarter was 82% lower than last year. It is also important to note that SG&A for the quarter was adversely affected by a one time bad debt expense of $119K or 13%. Lastly, most of the amortization expenses for the debenture have been settled as at July 31, 2006, accordingly those costs will not continue in future quarters.''

      About Superclick, Inc.

      Superclick, Inc. (OTC BB:SPCK.OB - News), through its wholly owned, Montreal-based subsidiary Superclick Networks, Inc., develops, manufactures, markets and supports the Superclick Internet Management System (SIMS(tm)) in worldwide hospitality, multi-tenant unit (MTU) and university markets. Superclick provides hotels, MTU residences and universities with cost-effective Internet access utilizing high-speed DSL, CAT5 wiring, wireless and dial-up modem technologies. Superclick's proprietary technology converts dial-up analog Internet calls to digital access, improves connection speeds, unclogs local trunks, consolidates Internet traffic, supports flexible billing and provides targeted advertising to end-users. Current clients include MTU residences and Candlewood Suites(r), Crowne Plaza(r), Four Points by Sheraton(r), InterContinental Hotels Group PLC, Hilton(r), Holiday Inn(r), Holiday Inn Express(r), Hampton Inn(r), Marriott(r), Novotel(r), Radisson(r), Sheraton(r), Westin(r) and Wyndham(r) hotels in Canada, the Caribbean and the United States.

      Forward-Looking Statements

      Statements in this press release that are not statements of historical or current fact constitute ``forward-looking statements'' within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Such forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other unknown factors that could cause the actual results of the Company to be materially different from the historical results or from any future results expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. In addition to statements which explicitly describe such risks and uncertainties, readers are urged to consider statements with the terms ``believes,'' ``belief,'' ``expects,'' ``intends,'' ``anticipates,'' ``will'' or ``plans'' to be uncertain and forward-looking. The forward-looking statements contained herein are also subject generally to other risks and uncertainties that are described from time to time in the Company's reports and registration statements filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission.
      schrieb am 25.10.06 09:53:04
      Beitrag Nr. 141 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 23.999.660 von Mehe am 17.09.06 18:07:51Die Direktoren haben nochmal günstig eingekauft:

      Date Insider Shares Type Transaction Value*
      18-Oct-06 GULYAS PAUL
      Director 177,187 Direct Acquisition (Non Open Market) at $0.05 per share. $8,859
      18-Oct-06 VESNAVER GEORGE
      Director 177,197 Direct Acquisition (Non Open Market) at $0.05 per share. $8,859
      18-Oct-06 PITCHER TODD M
      Director 236,264 Direct Acquisition (Non Open Market) at $0.05 per share. $11,813
      schrieb am 18.11.06 17:44:34
      Beitrag Nr. 142 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 24.837.959 von Mehe am 25.10.06 09:53:04Gestern gab es einen Riesenumsatz und einen stark ansteigenden Kurs. ist noch jemand investiert? Momentan kann man ja wohl nur in USA handeln. In Deutschland gibt es keine Umsätze.

      SUPERCLICK INC (OTC BB:SPCK.OB) Delayed quote data Edit
      Last Trade: 0.0690
      Trade Time: Nov 17
      Change: Up 0.0180 (35.29%)
      Prev Close: 0.051
      Open: 0.052
      Bid: 0.0670 x 5000
      Ask: 0.0690 x 5000
      1y Target Est: N/A

      Day's Range: 0.0520 - 0.0700
      52wk Range: 0.03 - 0.19
      Volume: 844,750
      Avg Vol (3m): 212,482
      Market Cap: 2.06M
      P/E (ttm): N/A
      EPS (ttm): -0.169
      Div & Yield: N/A (N/A)
      schrieb am 30.11.06 16:53:19
      Beitrag Nr. 143 ()
      Superclick Announces Plan to Address the Online Content Delivery Market With Its Media Distribution System
      Thursday November 30, 10:26 am ET

      SAN DIEGO, Nov. 30, 2006 (PRIME NEWSWIRE) -- Superclick, Inc. (OTC BB:SPCK.OB - News), a technology leader in IP management solutions to the hospitality today announced that it is broadening its business focus to address the burgeoning online content delivery market through the distribution of its Media Distribution System (MDS(tm)) to hoteliers, conference and event centers, and marketing firms.

      click here
      Sandro Natale commented that ``We recognize that the hospitality market place for Internet service providers and management firms is becoming increasingly saturated. While we continue to leverage our leading edge SIMS (Superclick Internet Management System) and MAMA (Monitoring and Management Application) to provide our customers with a differentiated level of IP infrastructure management and customer support, we have leveraged our platform technologies to develop what we believe is a 'killer application' for marketing directors to delivery targeted marketing and branding messages to guests and users of the local IP network in the hotel and conference center environment.'' Natale concluded that ``Now, with MDS and its capability of being installed on third party IP infrastructures, we have dramatically expanded our addressable market, both in the hospitality channel and in other channels which, to this point, were not as easily accessible to us such as conference centers.''

      Natale added that ``It has been our mission as a company to deliver technology solutions for our customers that carry a demonstrable return on investment, and now, with MDS, we believe that we have crystallized that mission.''

      Superclick's MDS allows marketing directors for hotels and conference centers to leverage their local Internet network, increasing brand awareness and loyalty programs, also creating ad revenue thereby amortizing the overall cost of their communications infrastructure. MDS provides real-time reporting, flexible content management and serving and is interoperable with any third party IP network infrastructure.

      Online advertising is a $12 billion industry, according to the Internet Advertising Bureau.

      For more information about Superclick's MDS, contact Superclick's sales department at 1-866-271-0333, ext. 336.

      About Superclick, Inc.

      Superclick, Inc. (OTC BB:SPCK.OB - News), through its wholly owned, Montreal-based subsidiary Superclick Networks, Inc., develops, manufactures, markets and supports the Superclick Internet Management System (SIMS(tm)), Monitoring and Management Application (MAMA(tm)) and Media Distribution System (MDS(tm)) in worldwide hospitality, conference center and event, multi-tenant unit (MTU) and university markets. Current clients include MTU residences and Candlewood Suites(r), Crowne Plaza(r), Four Points by Sheraton(r), InterContinental Hotels Group PLC(r), Hilton(r), Holiday Inn(r), Holiday Inn Express(r), Hampton Inn(r), Marriott(r), Novotel(r), Radisson(r), Sheraton(r), Westin(r) and Wyndham(r) hotels in Canada, the Caribbean and the United States.

      Forward-Looking Statements

      Statements in this press release that are not statements of historical or current fact constitute ``forward-looking statements'' within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Such forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other unknown factors that could cause the actual results of the Company to be materially different from the historical results or from any future results expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. In addition to statements which explicitly describe such risks and uncertainties, readers are urged to consider statements with the terms ``believes,'' ``belief,'' ``expects,'' ``intends,'' ``anticipates,'' ``will'' or ``plans'' to be uncertain and forward-looking. The forward-looking statements contained herein are also subject generally to other risks and uncertainties that are described from time to time in the Company's reports and registration statements filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission.


      Superclick, Inc.
      Todd M. Pitcher
      (858) 518-1387
      schrieb am 30.11.06 17:02:48
      Beitrag Nr. 144 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 25.829.113 von Mehe am 30.11.06 16:53:19...und Kurs faellt.
      schrieb am 30.11.06 17:08:07
      Beitrag Nr. 145 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 25.829.415 von ooy am 30.11.06 17:02:48Hallo ooy,

      bist Du auch noch investiert? Der Abrutsch auf 0,047 war mit minimalen Umsatz, der Kurs ist zwischenzeitlich wieder bei 0,055.

      Allerdings gibt es derzeit auch keinen Grund für steigende Kurse wenn von Sättigung des Marktes bei den alten Produkten die Rede ist. Das heißt, dass da kaum mehr Umsatz gemacht wurde. Ob die neue Ausrichtung Erfolg zeigt bleibt abzuwarten.

      Was meinst Du?

      Gruß Mehe
      schrieb am 30.11.06 17:20:53
      Beitrag Nr. 146 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 25.829.579 von Mehe am 30.11.06 17:08:07Bin nicht mehr investiert, habe beim letzten Anstieg bei 0,07 glattgestellt...
      schrieb am 07.12.06 16:34:00
      Beitrag Nr. 147 ()
      Na schaun wir mal:

      Superclick Retains Investor Relations Firm
      Wednesday December 6, 11:08 am ET

      SAN DIEGO, Dec. 6, 2006 (PRIME NEWSWIRE) -- Superclick, Inc. (OTC BB:SPCK.OB - News), a technology leader in IP management solutions to the hospitality industry, today announced that it has retained Optimus Inc. to provide strategic investor relations and financial communications services. Sandro Natale, President and CEO, commented that ``We have made significant progress both in terms of developing our product line to better address our customers' needs and in terms of positioning the business to achieve profitability.''

      click here
      Natale added that ``We remain committed to creating a sustainable business and maximizing value to our shareholders. In light of that commitment, we are pleased to announce that we have retained Optimus Inc. to lead our efforts in shareholder communications. We believe that we have an increasingly improving story to tell, and believe that Optimus is well-suited to share that story with the investment community.'' Frank Candido, a principal at Optimus commented: ``We have been shareholders in Superclick for the past four years and have watched Superclick business and product offerings develop. We know the Company's history and management team intimately and are looking forward to supporting their efforts through shareholder communications and improving the company's relations with the financial community. This will enable the management to re-focus its efforts on building the company's business and development initiatives.''

      About Superclick, Inc.

      Superclick, Inc. (OTC BB:SPCK.OB - News), through its wholly owned, Montreal-based subsidiary Superclick Networks, Inc., develops, manufactures, markets and supports the Superclick Internet Management System (SIMS(tm)), Monitoring and Management Application (MAMA(tm)) and Media Distribution System (MDS(tm)) in worldwide hospitality, conference center and event, multi-tenant unit (MTU) and university markets. Current clients include MTU residences and Candlewood Suites(r), Crowne Plaza(r), Four Points by Sheraton(r), InterContinental Hotels Group PLC(r), Hilton(r), Holiday Inn(r), Holiday Inn Express(r), Hampton Inn(r), Marriott(r), Novotel(r), Radisson(r), Sheraton(r), Westin(r) and Wyndham(r) hotels in Canada, the Caribbean and the United States.

      About Optimus Inc.

      Optimus Inc., based in Montreal, Canada provides advisory and investor communication services to emerging companies in a number of different sectors. Optimus takes a proactive approach to investor relations that brings its clients greater financial media and analyst coverage, broader investor awareness, and puts them in a better position to market their messages and business to Wall Street.

      Forward-Looking Statements

      Statements in this press release that are not statements of historical or current fact constitute ``forward-looking statements'' within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Such forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other unknown factors that could cause the actual results of the Company to be materially different from the historical results or from any future results expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. In addition to statements which explicitly describe such risks and uncertainties, readers are urged to consider statements with the terms ``believes,'' ``belief,'' ``expects,'' ``intends,'' ``anticipates,'' ``will'' or ``plans'' to be uncertain and forward-looking. The forward-looking statements contained herein are also subject generally to other risks and uncertainties that are described from time to time in the Company's reports and registration statements filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission.
      schrieb am 18.12.06 19:13:02
      Beitrag Nr. 148 ()
      Kriegen die jetzt die Kurve?

      Superclick Files for Patent Protection for Media Distribution System
      Monday December 18, 1:03 pm ET

      SAN DIEGO, Dec. 18, 2006 (PRIME NEWSWIRE) -- Superclick, Inc. (OTC BB:SPCK.OB - News), a technology leader in IP management solutions to the hospitality industry, today announced that it has initiated patent protection filings for its Media Distribution System (MDS).

      click here
      Sandro Natale, CEO of Superclick, commented that ``We believe that our MDS application is going to change the way advertising, marketing and other targeted messages can be delivered over private networks. MDS enables hoteliers and conference center managers to more effectively brand and market their own services and amenities and importantly, it creates an unprecedented and powerful advertising solution and revenue center.''

      Superclick's MDS allows hoteliers and conference center managers to leverage the investment they have made in their IP infrastructure to create advertising revenue, deliver targeted marketing and brand messages to guests and users on their network. ``Perhaps the most powerful aspect of MDS is that it can be integrated onto any third-party managed network, not just our own proprietary SIMS network,'' Natale added, ``In addition, we have developed MDS Analytics which provides marketers with real-time network performance and usage analysis, thereby enabling them to evaluate the ROI of their marketing efforts.''

      Online advertising revenue continues to experience extremely rapid growth. According to the Internet Advertising Bureau, U.S. Internet advertising revenue is expected to reach about $12 billion this year, up from more than $9 billion in 2004.

      Natale concluded his remarks noting that ``the development of MDS is the latest addition to our leading IP management platform, and the application will enable us to add a new level of service to our customers which will both differentiate us in the marketplace and add depth to our business model.''

      About Superclick, Inc.

      Superclick, Inc. (OTC BB:SPCK.OB - News), through its wholly owned, Montreal-based subsidiary Superclick Networks, Inc., develops, manufactures, markets and supports the Superclick Internet Management System (SIMS(tm)), Monitoring and Management Application (MAMA(tm)) and Media Distribution System (MDS(tm)) in worldwide hospitality, conference center and event, multi-tenant unit (MTU) and university markets. Current clients include MTU residences and Candlewood Suites(r), Crowne Plaza(r), Four Points by Sheraton(r), InterContinental Hotels Group PLC(r), Hilton(r), Holiday Inn(r), Holiday Inn Express(r), Hampton Inn(r), Marriott(r), Novotel(r), Radisson(r), Sheraton(r), Westin(r) and Wyndham(r) hotels in Canada, the Caribbean and the United States.

      Forward-Looking Statements

      Statements in this press release that are not statements of historical or current fact constitute ``forward-looking statements'' within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Such forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other unknown factors that could cause the actual results of the Company to be materially different from the historical results or from any future results expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. In addition to statements which explicitly describe such risks and uncertainties, readers are urged to consider statements with the terms ``believes,'' ``belief,'' ``expects,'' ``intends,'' ``anticipates,'' ``will'' or ``plans'' to be uncertain and forward-looking. The forward-looking statements contained herein are also subject generally to other risks and uncertainties that are described from time to time in the Company's reports and registration statements filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission.


      Optimus Inc.
      Investor Relations
      Frank Candido
      (514) 488-3223

      Superclick, Inc.
      Todd Pitcher
      (858) 518-1387
      schrieb am 31.01.07 14:57:01
      Beitrag Nr. 149 ()
      Es scheint immer besser zu werden:

      Superclick Reports Record Annual Results
      Tuesday January 30, 4:00 pm ET
      Revenue Up 23 Percent and Gross Profit Up 105.4 Percent

      SAN DIEGO, Jan. 30, 2007 (PRIME NEWSWIRE) -- Superclick, Inc. (OTC BB:SPCK.OB - News) today announced financial results for the fiscal year-ended October 31, 2006. Sandro Natale, Chief Executive Officer commented, ``We are extremely pleased to announce record revenue for fiscal year 2006 with triple-digit growth in gross profit on a year-over-year basis.''

      click here
      During the fiscal year-ended October 31, 2006, revenue increased 23.1% to $3,946,311, an increase of $740,615 compared to $3,205,696 for the year-ended October 31, 2005. The increase in revenue was driven in large part by increases in our customer support footprint.

      Gross profit increased to $1,663,884, a gain of $853,703 or 105.4% over last year's $810,181 gross profit while gross margin for the current year was 42.2% compared to 25.3% for the previous year.

      Selling, general and administrative (``SG&A'') expenses for the year were $2,418,059 and $2,564,132, respectively. The $146,073 or 5.7% favorable variance was mainly due to benefits attained due to the restructuring efforts which commenced during the first quarter of 2006. Included in the SG&A expenses were non-cash expenses of $466,466 and $360,041 respectively.

      There was a 43.2% or $846,175 improvement in the loss from operations over the previous year. Loss from operations for 2006 was $1,112,439 and that of 2005 was $1,958,614. Excluding non-cash SG&A expenses of $466,466 and $360,041 respectively, the loss from operations was $645,973 for the year ended October 31, 2006 compared to a loss of $1,598,573 the previous year.

      The net loss for 2006 and 2005 was $2,399,604 and $4,284,225 respectively. The favorable variance was entirely due to the 2005 extraordinary loss of $2,447,500 for the write down of the company's investment and goodwill in Hotel Net, LLC.

      Superclick's CFO Jean Perrotti commented, ``This year we have made significant improvements in terms of operational efficiency across all aspects of the business which is reflected in our dramatically improved gross margins. We are committed to maintaining these financial improvements across each part of our business through fiscal 2007 while continuing to focus on top-line revenue growth through new installations, increasing our recurring customer support business and the roll-out of new products and services.''

      Milestones Achieved During Fiscal 2006

      Sandro Natale added, ``We made significant progress against our key business goals of 2006, and have built a strong foundation for continued growth going forward. Amongst our accomplishments this past year, we were selected by Fairmont Hotels & Resorts to further enhance its technology support for guests. In addition, we continued to expand our business with Intercontinental Hotels. We expanded our product and service offerings with the first generation launch of Superclick MDS (Media Distribution System). We believe that Superclick MDS is a powerful content delivery solution that will enable our hotel and convention center customers to leverage their IP infrastructure to both generate revenue over their networks and to more effectively brand their service offerings. We continue to listen to our customers and develop products and services on our platform technology responsive to their needs. This is fundamental to maintaining our technology advantage in the market place as well as driving our continued growth.''
      schrieb am 01.02.07 18:20:27
      Beitrag Nr. 150 ()
      Jetzt geht es zügig voran:

      Press Release Source: Superclick, Inc.

      Superclick Announces Reseller Agreement With Transbeam
      Thursday February 1, 11:45 am ET

      SAN DIEGO, Feb. 1, 2007 (PRIME NEWSWIRE) -- Superclick, Inc. (OTC BB:SPCK.OB - News), a technology leader in IP infrastructure solutions to the hospitality industry, announced today that it has entered into a reseller agreement with Transbeam, Inc., a leading national integrated communications provider.

      click here
      Transbeam delivers high-speed Internet access, integrated voice and data solutions, conferencing and video solutions through its privately owned network to more than 2,000 business and hotel conference centers.

      ``After working with a variety of integrated network solutions, we found Superclick's SIMS to be a far superior product,'' said Bob Wolff, Director of Event Services for Transbeam. ``We are so impressed, that we intend to standardize our solutions using Superclick's offerings. Superclick is one-stop-shopping, a complete package that significantly reduces the cost and complexity of wireless network deployments.''

      Sandro Natale, CEO of Superclick commented, ``We are excited to have Transbeam on board as a reseller. They are firm believers in our product offering and their decision to join our team as a reseller is a further validation of our company's business plan. I am confident that our relationship will prove to be a long-term win for both companies.''

      About Transbeam, Inc.

      Since its launch in 1996, Transbeam (, a leading national integrated communications provider, has been providing businesses with the most efficient communication and network solutions available in the market. As a one-stop shop, Transbeam delivers high-speed Internet access, integrated voice and data solutions, conferencing and video solutions through its privately owned network, combining next generation value-added features with maximum reliability and stability. Working with Transbeam, companies can streamline their telecommunications and data networks and enjoy advanced value-added features at the most cost-efficient price points available, while relying on the stability and security of a carrier-level network. Transbeam also offers such services as spam and virus protection, event conferencing, remote network backup, collocation facilities, web-hosting, network design, maintenance and more. More than 2,000 businesses and hotel and conference centers use Transbeam network services to facilitate their voice and data needs. Clients include, Plaza Construction, Beth Israel Medical Center, Strawberry/A&E Stores, and many more.

      About Superclick, Inc.

      Superclick, Inc. (OTC BB:SPCK.OB - News), through its wholly owned, Montreal-based subsidiary Superclick Networks, Inc., develops, manufactures, markets and supports the Superclick Internet Management System (SIMS(tm)), Monitoring and Management Application (MAMA(tm)) and Media Distribution System (MDS(tm)) in worldwide hospitality, conference center and event, multi-tenant unit (MTU) and university markets. Current clients include MTU residences and Candlewood Suites(r), Crowne Plaza(r), Four Points by Sheraton(r), InterContinental Hotels Group PLC(r), Hilton(r), Holiday Inn(r), Holiday Inn Express(r), Hampton Inn(r), Marriott(r), Novotel(r), Radisson(r), Sheraton(r), Westin(r) and Wyndham(r) hotels in Canada, the Caribbean and the United States.

      Forward-Looking Statements

      Statements in this press release that are not statements of historical or current fact constitute ``forward-looking statements''' within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Such forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other unknown factors that could cause the actual results of the Company to be materially different from the historical results or from any future results expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. In addition to statements which explicitly describe such risks and uncertainties, readers are urged to consider statements with the terms ``believes,''' ``belief,'' ``expects,'' ``intends,'' ``anticipates,'' ``will'' or ``plans'' to be uncertain and forward-looking. The forward-looking statements contained herein are also subject generally to other risks and uncertainties that are described from time to time in the Company's reports and registration statements filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission.


      Superclick, Inc.
      Investor Relations
      Frank Candido

      Source: Superclick, Inc.
      schrieb am 01.02.07 18:33:56
      Beitrag Nr. 151 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 27.352.413 von Mehe am 01.02.07 18:20:27Nur dem Kurs hilfts recht wenig...
      schrieb am 01.02.07 19:02:41
      Beitrag Nr. 152 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 27.352.675 von ooy am 01.02.07 18:33:56Liegt wahrscheinlich daran, dass der Umsatz zwar wesentlich erhöht wurde, der Verlust sich verringert hat, aber dennoch weiterhin rote Zahlen geschrieben werden. Der Markt wartet bei der ausgebombten Aktie noch ab. Was meinst Du wie es weiter geht?
      schrieb am 08.02.07 20:35:36
      Beitrag Nr. 153 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 27.353.163 von Mehe am 01.02.07 19:02:41Und wieder ein Puzzle beim Turnaround:

      Superclick Completes Installation At NY Palace Hotel
      Thursday February 8, 10:10 am ET

      SAN DIEGO, Feb. 8, 2007 (PRIME NEWSWIRE) -- Superclick, Inc. (OTC BB:SPCK.OB - News), a technology leader in IP infrastructure solutions to the hospitality industry, announced today that it has completed the installation of its SIMS (Superclick Internet Management System) at the New York Palace Hotel.

      click here
      The New York Palace Hotel, situated on New York's trendy Madison Avenue is an opulent luxury hotel named by Conde Nast Traveller as one of the ``World's Best Places to Stay''. The Palace features 806 rooms, 86 suites, and 22,000 square feet of state-of-the-art meeting and conference spaces.

      Superclick installed wireless Internet throughout the hotel (in addition to the property's existing hard wired system), and has been selected to provide the New York Palace Hotel's guests with 24/7 Support.

      The New York Palace Hotel contract is a result of the recently announced Superclick/Transbeam Reseller relationship. Bob Wolff, Director of Event Services for Transbeam commented that ``We believe in Superclick. The quality of their products and level of professionalism is first rate. Superclick is the best in the industry, and our clients deserve only the best.''

      Jeff Wolff of the NY Palace Hotel stated ``We are very impressed with Superclick's work, products and technical support. The installation into our 900 rooms and conference facilities went smoothly. Our guests are enjoying the ease of the wireless access and we find the system as a whole works extremely well. We are particularly impressed with the SIMS reporting features, as it alerts us to troubles within the network and we can get these cleared up without any inconvenience to our guests.''
      schrieb am 14.02.07 09:24:16
      Beitrag Nr. 154 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 27.525.370 von Mehe am 08.02.07 20:35:36Und weiter aufwärts:

      Superclick Completes Installation At Flagship InterContinental Boston Property
      Tuesday February 13, 9:25 am ET

      SAN DIEGO, Feb. 13, 2007 (PRIME NEWSWIRE) -- Superclick, Inc. (OTC BB:SPCK.OB - News), a technology leader in IP management solutions to the hospitality industry, today announced that it has completed its latest major installation of wired and wireless high speed Internet management services at the newly opened InterContinental flagship hotel in Boston.

      During the construction of the hotel Superclick engineered the HSIA wired & wireless Cisco Infrastructure able to support and monitor multi vendors such as Cisco VoIP, Bartech Minibars, Siemens Security system and future IP based systems. Superclick also provided onsite and offsite project management, installation of VOIP, HSIA and WiFi equipment, and provided training to the hotel staff. In addition, Superclick has been selected to provide ongoing 24x7 customer support via its state-of-the-art support call center.

      Superclick currently serves eight InterContinental hotels throughout North America and the Pacific Rim. This most recent addition of the InterContinental Boston property, with its 424 rooms and 32,000 square feet of conference and banquet facilities, further demonstrates the InterContinental Hotel Group's confidence in Superclick's products and services.

      Superclick President and CEO, Sandro Natale, commented, ``The IC Boston is a truly state-of-the-art hotel, offering the latest in-room technology to its guests. We share their commitment of providing guests with the highest quality service, and our proprietary IP management platform is designed to ensure maximum network efficiency as well as an unparalleled guest experience. We look forward to serving the IC Boston, its guests and growing our relationship with the InterContinental Hotel Group in the months and years to come.''

      Gustaaf Schrils, VP of Hotel Technology & Services for the InterContinental Hotel Group added, ``Superclick continues to impress us with their commitment to delivering us with a ''best-in-breed`` IP management solution, and a world-class call center that supports our guests on a round the clock basis.''

      ``Everything we do in technology is aimed at setting up the infrastructure to enhance the guest experience and at the same time improve staff operating efficiencies,'' said Mr. Schrils. ``This is the reason why we selected Superclick as our IP gateway technology partner for the Intercontinental Boston hotel.''
      schrieb am 14.02.07 09:29:02
      Beitrag Nr. 155 ()
      Date Insider Shares Type Transaction Value*
      7-Feb-07 PITCHER TODD M
      Director 465,789 Direct Acquisition (Non Open Market) at $0.07 per share. $32,605

      Ein Direktor kauft weiter ein, in den USA steht der Kurs bei 0,089 $ und beiuns wird der Kurs mit 0,01 getaxt. Es ist nicht zu fassen. Das Ask ist bei 0,05 €. Also unter pari ist die Aktie zu haben!
      schrieb am 15.02.07 09:26:21
      Beitrag Nr. 156 ()
      Das war gestern wohl der Ausbruch. Mal schauen wie es jetzt weitergeht. Aber der Trend zum Turnarround waren la abzusehen. Ist hier eigentlich sonst noch jemand investiert?

      SUPERCLICK INC (OTC BB:SPCK.OB) Delayed quote data Edit
      Last Trade: 0.1170
      Trade Time: Feb 14
      Change: Up 0.0280 (31.46%)
      Prev Close: 0.089
      Open: 0.089
      Bid: 0.1160 x 5000
      Ask: 0.1170 x 5000
      schrieb am 15.02.07 13:25:49
      Beitrag Nr. 157 ()
      Und gleich noch ein Abschluss:

      Superclick Grants Master License Agreement to Hospitality Services Plus Ltd.
      Thursday February 15, 5:30 am ET

      SAN DIEGO, Feb. 15, 2007 (PRIME NEWSWIRE) -- Superclick, Inc. (OTC BB:SPCK.OB - News), a technology leader in IP infrastructure solutions to the hospitality industry, announced today that it has finalized a Master License Agreement (the ``Agreement'') with Hospitality Services Plus Ltd, member of the Swisscom group (``Swisscom'').

      Sandro Natale, Superclick's CEO and President stated, ``We are pleased that Swisscom selected Superclick's suite of broadband management and content distribution applications to incorporate into its product and service offering throughout its customer base worldwide. This is just another validation of our commitment to developing relevant and leading-edge broadband solutions for the hospitality industry. We look forward to working with Swisscom to rollout a compelling product and service offering to its customer base for years to come.''

      Under the terms of the Agreement Superclick has granted to Swisscom an exclusive three-year license to use, distribute and resell its SIMS, MAMA and MDS products throughout Europe. In addition, and subject to further terms and conditions, Swisscom will retain a non-exclusive right to use, distribute and resell SIMS, MAMA and MDS outside of Europe. Superclick has received a technical support contract from Swisscom for the term of the contract in installments payable on a quarterly basis. Superclick has also retained the right to sell advertising on Swisscom Licensed Products on a world-wide basis.

      Christian Petit, CEO of Hospitality Services Plus Ltd commented, ``Swisscom is committed to serving the ever changing needs of leisure and business travelers, and to provide them and our hotel partners the most advanced broadband services. Travelers are living increasingly in an interactive world where bandwidth requirements become extremely high and its delivery critical. As travelers start to upload as much data as they download and become used to remotely storing their content, we need to upgrade our infrastructure, make it future-proof and have total control. Superclick's suite of products is a critical building block that enables us to achieve this.''

      About Hospitality Services Plus Ltd

      Hospitality Services Plus Ltd of Swisscom is the leading provider of broadband connectivity and value added services to guests of the hospitality industry. Its broadband network reaches over 2,300 hotels serving 200,000 guest rooms in Europe and North America. In addition, the company manages close to 9,000 events annually for its partner hotels, which include leading chains such as Hilton, Hyatt and NH.

      About Superclick, Inc.

      Superclick, Inc. (OTC BB:SPCK.OB - News), through its wholly owned, Montreal-based subsidiary Superclick Networks, Inc., develops, manufactures, markets and supports the Superclick Internet Management System (SIMS(tm)), Monitoring and Management Application (MAMA(tm)) and Media Distribution System (MDS(tm)) in worldwide hospitality, conference center and event, multi-tenant unit (MTU) and university markets. Current clients include MTU residences and Candlewood Suites(r), Crowne Plaza(r), Four Points by Sheraton(r), InterContinental Hotels Group PLC(r), Hilton(r), Holiday Inn(r), Holiday Inn Express(r), Hampton Inn(r), Marriott(r), Novotel(r), Radisson(r), Sheraton(r), Westin(r) and Wyndham(r) hotels in Canada, the Caribbean and the United States.
      schrieb am 26.02.07 21:02:21
      Beitrag Nr. 158 ()
      Unter sehr hohem Volumen geht es weiter zügig nach oben!

      SUPERCLICK INC (OTC BB:SPCK.OB) Delayed quote data Edit
      Last Trade: 0.1210
      Trade Time: 2:44PM ET
      Change: Up 0.0120 (11.01%)
      Prev Close: 0.109
      Open: 0.108
      Bid: 0.1205 x 5000
      Ask: 0.1210 x 5000
      1y Target Est: N/A

      Day's Range: 0.1050 - 0.1210
      52wk Range: 0.03 - 0.12
      Volume: 444,940
      Avg Vol (3m): 181,395
      Market Cap: 4.50M
      P/E (ttm): N/A
      EPS (ttm): -0.081
      Div & Yield: N/A (N/A)
      schrieb am 08.03.07 15:07:34
      Beitrag Nr. 159 ()
      relativ gute Ergebnisse, kaum mehr Verlust!

      Press Release Source: Superclick, Inc.

      Superclick Announces Financial Results for the First Quarter
      Thursday March 8, 7:00 am ET

      SAN DIEGO, March 8, 2007 (PRIME NEWSWIRE) -- Superclick, Inc. (OTC BB:SPCK.OB - News), a technology leader in IP infrastructure solutions to the hospitality industry, today announced financial results for the quarter ended January 31, 2007.

      click here
      Superclick reported net revenues of $761,635 for the first quarter, ended January 31, 2007, compared to $662,141 in net revenue for the first quarter of 2006. The $99,494 increase in revenue for the quarter on a year-over-year basis was primarily a consequence of increases in customer support revenues, which were up 47.5% for the period.

      Gross profit for the first quarter ended January 31, 2007 and 2006 was $370,992 and $207,316, respectively. This represents a year-over-year increase in gross profit of $163,676, or 79%. Gross margin for the first quarter increased by 55.6% to 48.7% compared to 31.3% for the same period last year.

      The company reported net loss for the first quarter of $61,471, or ($0.002) per share, based upon 37.4 million shares, versus net loss for the first quarter of 2006 of $790,496, or ($0.028) per share based upon 28.5 million shares.

      Superclick ended the quarter with $803,684 in cash and $312,917 in accounts receivable. The increase in cash was predominantly due to net cash from operations.

      Some of the highlights of the first quarter included:

      * Appointment of co-founder, Sandro Natale as the Company's permanent
      Chief Executive Officer;
      * Filing for patent for Media Distribution System; and
      * Announcement of record annual financial results.

      Comments from the Management

      Sandro Natale, Chief Executive Officer, stated, ``We are extremely pleased to announce continued improvement in our financial performance, which is reflected in large part by a 79% increase in gross profit on a year-over-year basis. We have continued to make significant improvements in operational efficiency across all aspects of our business. Importantly, we remain focused on delivering both world-class IP management solutions to our customers and ensuring hotel guest satisfaction using hotel products and services over our managed network services.''

      Sandro Natale and Jean Perrotti, the company's Chief Financial Officer, will hold a conference call to discuss these results. The conference call will take place at 4:30 p.m. EST on March 12, 2007. Interested participants should call 1-877-318-5455 when calling within the United States or 1-973-935-2967 when calling internationally. There will be a playback available from March 12 at 7:30 p.m. EST through March 19 at 11:59 EST. To listen to the playback, please call 1-877-519-4471 when calling within the United States or 1-973-341-3080 when calling internationally. Please use pass code 8546344 for the replay.

      About Superclick, Inc.

      Superclick, Inc. (OTC BB:SPCK.OB - News), through its wholly owned, Montreal-based subsidiary Superclick Networks, Inc., develops, manufactures, markets and supports the Superclick Internet Management System (SIMS(tm)), Monitoring and Management Application (MAMA(tm)) and Media Distribution System (MDS(tm)) in worldwide hospitality, conference center and event, multi-tenant unit (MTU) and university markets. Current clients include MTU residences and Candlewood Suites(r), Crowne Plaza(r), Four Points by Sheraton(r), InterContinental Hotels Group PLC(r), Hilton(r), Holiday Inn(r), Holiday Inn Express(r), Hampton Inn(r), Marriott(r), Novotel(r), Radisson(r), Sheraton(r), Westin(r) and Wyndham(r) hotels in Canada, the Caribbean and the United States.

      Forward-Looking Statements

      Statements in this press release that are not statements of historical or current fact constitute ``forward-looking statements'' within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Such forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other unknown factors that could cause the actual results of the Company to be materially different from the historical results or from any future results expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. In addition to statements which explicitly describe such risks and uncertainties, readers are urged to consider statements with the terms ``believes,'' ``belief,'' ``expects,'' ``intends,'' ``anticipates,'' ``will'' or ``plans'' to be uncertain and forward-looking. The forward-looking statements contained herein are also subject generally to other risks and uncertainties that are described from time to time in the Company's reports and registration statements filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission.


      Optimus Inc.
      Investor Relations
      Frank Candido
      (514) 969-5530

      Source: Superclick, Inc.
      schrieb am 15.03.07 14:37:09
      Beitrag Nr. 160 ()
      Press Release Source: Superclick, Inc.

      Superclick Announces Launch of Technology Assessment Program
      Thursday March 15, 7:30 am ET

      SAN DIEGO, March 15, 2007 (PRIME NEWSWIRE) -- Superclick, Inc. (OTC BB:SPCK.OB - News), a technology leader in IP infrastructure solutions to the hospitality industry, announced today that is launching a Technology Assessment Program (TAP) to provide hotels with a better understanding of their network environment and how to provide guests with a world-class high-speed Internet access (HSIA) guest experience.

      Sandro Natale, President and CEO of Superclick, commented, ``The market has matured significantly over the past decade and now guests are demanding a premium quality of Internet service when they stay at hotels. In fact, according to a recent JD Powers report, the number one complaint that guests have today is with HSIA. The days where hotels were able to rely on simply providing HSIA to capture and retain guests is gone. Today, guests are more seasoned Internet users and have well-defined expectations about what an acceptable level of Internet service is. Hotels need to ensure that they can provide the level of service that is expected by guests.''

      The problem many hotels have is that their networks are old and have not been maintained, bringing them up to today's standards of service. TAP is designed to provide hoteliers with critical intelligence about their networks, including network diagrams, the equipment that is running in their networks, whether it is expired, costs of replacement equipment, quality of signal, a roadmap for upgrading the network to acceptable standards and recommendations on upgrades and regular maintenance procedures.

      Mr. Natale added, ``At Superclick, we are focused on providing an HSIA and network management solution program that is pro-active. We want to develop solutions that help network managers mitigate service risks to their guests and thereby provide a much better guest experience. This is what TAP is all about.''
      schrieb am 29.03.07 18:14:24
      Beitrag Nr. 161 ()
      Press Release Source: Superclick, Inc.

      Superclick Completes Installation At Landmark Willard InterContinental Washington Property
      Thursday March 29, 8:22 am ET

      SAN DIEGO, March 29, 2007 (PRIME NEWSWIRE) -- Superclick, Inc. (OTC BB:SPCK.OB - News), a technology leader in IP management solutions to the hospitality industry, today announced that it has completed a $200,000 installation of wired and wireless high speed Internet access and management services at the historic Willard InterContinental Washington hotel in Washington D.C. Under the terms of its agreement, Superclick will provide the 323-room Willard InterContinental and its guests with ongoing 24x7 customer support via its wholly owned and operated call center based in Montreal. The property also holds 19,891 square feet for meeting and event functions.

      click here
      Superclick President and CEO, Sandro Natale, commented, ``The majestic Willard offers its guests the highest standards of luxury and comfort coupled with the latest in-room technology. Our proprietary IP management platform (''SIMS``) is designed to ensure maximum network efficiency and an unparalleled guest experience which supports Willard's commitment to providing guests with the highest quality of service. We are very pleased to be serving the Willard InterContinental Washington and its guests.''

      ``Given the rich history and prestigious clientele of our hotel, we pride ourselves on delivering the best possible guest experience. Superclick shares that commitment,'' said Dan Candido, Director of Information Technology for the Willard InterContinental Washington, ``The Superclick IP management solution and support services are first rate, and I accept nothing short of the best.''
      schrieb am 16.04.07 16:26:44
      Beitrag Nr. 162 ()
      March 26, 2007

      To Our Shareholders

      We are extremely pleased with the progress we have made over the past year in our expansion of gross profit and margins. This has been due in large part to our focus on streamlining our operations as well as increasing revenue in higher margin segments of the business such as customer support. We will remain committed in the future to building and maintaining the highest quality of revenue that is possible, so that we can achieve our goal of reaching profitability.

      Over the past year, we have also been able to reduce our selling, general and administrative (SG&A). We believe this demonstrates the higher level of efficiency that we are creating from an operational and selling perspective.

      Although we are pleased to report this progress, we will not be satisfied until we create a profitable business. We have entered the New Year prepared to capitalize on our strengths as technology innovators and leaders.

      The Marketplace

      We believe that we are in the third stage of the Internet’s evolution in the hospitality industry. In stage one, from 1999 to 2002 or so, service providers invested millions in a go-to-market strategy that entailed providing major hotel brands with their IP equipment, often relying on a revenue-share model with the hotels’ pay-per-usage Internet service model to the guests to recoup their investment. At this point, high speed Internet service was predominantly available only in the larger 4 and 5-Star Hotels. The demand for high speed Internet access was present amongst guests, but it was not a determining factor in hotel selection.

      In stage two, through 2005, small-to-mid sized hotels moved to adopt high-speed Internet access and service providers adjusted their business models to address the deployment opportunities that this segment of the market represented. Through this period, Internet usage in hotels steadily increased and guests became increasingly sophisticated therefore demanding a strong Internet signal and seamless Internet service in the room. In addition, as high-speed Internet access became ubiquitous in the hotel environment, simply offering the service was not enough to differentiate the hotel’s offering. Consequently, in order to maintain guest loyalty and retention, an increasing number of hotels and brands began to feel the pressure to offer high-speed Internet access for free to guests as an amenity. So what was once a revenue center for many hotel properties has now become commoditized and is now a straight cost center.

      Today’s environment is a complex one for hoteliers. Guests are highly sophisticated Internet users and they expect to have seamless in-room service that accommodates file-sharing, multi-media usage and other applications that tax the hotel’s network. Meanwhile, hoteliers are faced with increasing network costs driven by increased traffic and maintenance with pressure to provide superior service, and with a diminishing realizable return on investment on their infrastructure spending. JD Powers has recently reported that the number one complaint for guests in the hotel environment is poor Internet service.

      We believe that our company is positioned well to address the complexities in the market today, both to the guest and to our hotel customers. Our development path has consistently been aimed at building solutions that provide hotel customers with a heightened level of transparency on their networks and ability to effectively as well as efficiently manage them. In addition, we have differentiated our service offering by building and maintaining a world-class call center that provides guest support 24x7x365. Our IP management system is incomparable in its ability to proactively monitor and report activity on the network. The result to the hotel customer is better management capabilities, a more efficient network and reduced customer support activity.

      Content is King - Superclick MDS (Media Distribution System)

      Perhaps the most exciting development in the past year has been the Superclick MDS (“MDS”). Critical to its success, MDS addresses a significant pain that hoteliers are experiencing in today’s marketplace, which I alluded to above. Namely, MDS offers hoteliers the opportunity to recapture ROI on their network infrastructure investment.

      MDS is a powerful content delivery application that enables targeted content, advertising and affiliate purchasing opportunities to be distributed to guests accessing the Internet on any IP gateway, whether it is managed by Superclick or by one of our competitors.

      The online advertising market has become a $12 billion industry and online advertising has become a staple of every marketing director’s budget. Now, with MDS we can enable hotel and convention center customers to leverage their IP network to deliver millions of targeted impressions to their users. The power of MDS is not only its ability to deliver highly targeted content on the fly, or its flexibility to build campaigns based on number of impressions delivered, or time-based delivery, but in its interoperability with competing IP gateways. It does not matter whether the network provider has our SIMS gateway or one of our competitors’ gateways managing their network; MDS is compatible with it and can provide that network manager with a tool to leverage his or her network to create a new and powerful branding and advertising center.

      We are currently in various trials within North America with MDS select properties and convention centers and look forward to rolling MDS out on a mass scale later this year. We believe that MDS gives our customers yet another reason to stick with Superclick and it provides us with great opportunity to penetrate competitive accounts.

      Customer Support Revenue Continues to Build

      Two years ago, we recognized that the market was quickly becoming saturated and therefore realized that if we were going to survive and also thrive over the longer-term, we would need to establish a strong, recurring component of revenue to our business. We established a 24x7x365 call center in Montreal to provide customer support. Over the past two years, we have built one of the most capable support centers in the industry. Going forward, this will continue to be an important part of our business.

      Our Current Debt Obligation

      In August, 2005, we entered into a convertible debt financing with Chicago Venture Partners, a Chicago-based investment fund. Due to several challenges we faced in restructuring and streamlining our business throughout 2006, we have been slow to repay the debt owing to them. Consequently, we have recognized approximately $160,000 over the past year in interest expense.

      However, throughout this challenging period, Chicago Venture Partners has been an amicable business partner and we are now positioning ourselves to restructure our debt and to begin paying down both principal and interest in a much more timely capacity going forward. We believe that Chicago Venture Partners will continue to work with us throughout this process.

      Committed to a Strong Future

      In all of our business segments, we will continue to invest in technology and process improvements that will keep our business strategically competitive. From helping our employees to be more productive, to listening to our customers in better understand their needs we are committed to using our resources wisely in order to create the best opportunity to succeed in a competitive market place while creating value for our shareholders.

      As we position our company for the future, we will continue to strengthen our board of directors as well. Our directors have reiterated their commitment to increase and maintain a high level of independent representation, as well as its commitment to ethical business conduct and legal compliance. Our company’s growth in the past year supports this conviction.

      As we look to the future, we wish to extend our gratitude to each of you – our shareholders, our customers and our employees – for your invaluable support. These are exciting times for us all. We look forward to continuing to build on Superclick’s strength as we move through 2007.

      Thank you for investing in us.


      Sandro Natale
      President and CEO
      schrieb am 10.05.07 16:06:36
      Beitrag Nr. 163 ()
      Press Release Source: Superclick, Inc.

      Superclick Announces 51 Wireless Installs Over the 2nd Quarter
      Thursday May 10, 9:18 am ET

      SAN DIEGO, May 10, 2007 (PRIME NEWSWIRE) -- Superclick, Inc. (OTC BB:SPCK.OB - News), a technology leader in IP management solutions to the hospitality industry, today announced that it has completed 51 wireless installations over its second quarter, ended April 30.

      click here
      Sandro Natale, President and CEO of Superclick, commented that, ``Our roll-out over the quarter was a record for us and demonstrative of the fact that our recent investments in deployment are proving out in the market. In addition, 22 of the 51 wireless installs were a by-product of our relationship with Verizon Business Services, representing approximately $250,000 in revenue, so we are pleased to see that this reseller relationship with Verizon continues to yield results.''

      Guests demand high-speed Internet access in the hotel environment. With the emergence of wireless technologies providing heightened security capabilities, and levels of performance equal to wired networks, an increasing number of wired businesses are electing to add wireless to their networks or install wireless-only networks altogether.

      Superclick delivers wireless networks to customers offering critical benefits in terms of security and performance, and also in terms of unparalleled network management, supported by its proprietary SIMS platform.
      schrieb am 22.05.07 20:58:34
      Beitrag Nr. 164 ()
      Seit der letzten Veröffentlichung gibt es ein recht hohes Volumen. Leider nicht in Deutschland. Wann wird die Aktie auch bei uns mal wieder interessant. Der Kurs steht knapp unter dem 52 Wochen Hoch, die nächsten Zahlen werden sehr gut ausfallen. Der Kurs kann eigentlich nur weiter steigen.

      Narürlich nur meine meinung und keine Kaufaufforderung.

      Last Trade: 0.1440
      Trade Time: 2:37PM ET
      Change: Up 0.0140 (10.77%)
      Prev Close: 0.13
      Open: 0.13
      Bid: 0.1400 x 5000
      Ask: 0.1440 x 5000
      1y Target Est: N/A

      Day's Range: 0.1200 - 0.1470
      52wk Range: 0.03 - 0.15
      Volume: 508,575
      Avg Vol (3m): 174,895
      Market Cap: N/A
      P/E (ttm): N/A
      EPS (ttm): N/A
      Div & Yield: N/A (N/A)
      schrieb am 23.05.07 09:51:09
      Beitrag Nr. 165 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 29.425.240 von Mehe am 22.05.07 20:58:34Ist hier eigentlich noch jemand außer mir investiert oder interessiert? Mit mir selber zu diskutieren bzw, Infos weiterzugeben ist ziemlich langweilig. Wenn sich niemand meldet stelle ich meine Postings bei diesem Wert ein.

      Allerding: Ich denke der Turnaround ist bei dieser Aktie gelungen. Ich gehe von einem stetig langsam ansteigenden Kurs aus.

      Liebe Grüße und vielleicht Tschüs,

      schrieb am 24.05.07 16:51:59
      Beitrag Nr. 166 ()
      Nochmal ein Versuch jemand für die Aktie zu erwäremen. Heute geht es weiter nach oben. Und dies wird meiner Meinung nach natürlich mit Konsolidierungen weiter so gehen.

      Gruß Mehe

      Last Trade: 0.1680
      Trade Time: 10:22AM ET
      Change: Up 0.0130 (8.39%)
      Prev Close: 0.155
      Open: 0.159
      Bid: 0.1680 x 5000
      Ask: 0.1680 x 5000
      1y Target Est: N/A

      Day's Range: 0.1590 - 0.1680
      52wk Range: 0.03 - 0.16
      Volume: 475,700
      Avg Vol (3m): 208,237
      Market Cap: N/A
      P/E (ttm): N/A
      EPS (ttm): N/A
      Div & Yield: N/A (N/A)
      schrieb am 24.05.07 16:54:13
      Beitrag Nr. 167 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 29.453.666 von Mehe am 24.05.07 16:51:59Ach ich habe vergessen zu erwähnen dass der Kurs einen neuen 52 Wochen Höchstand erreicht hat.
      schrieb am 24.05.07 17:20:56
      Beitrag Nr. 168 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 29.453.714 von Mehe am 24.05.07 16:54:13Wird immer besser:)

      Last Trade: 0.1750
      Trade Time: 11:01AM ET
      Change: Up 0.0200 (12.90%)
      Prev Close: 0.155
      Open: 0.159
      Bid: 0.1720 x 5000
      Ask: 0.1790 x 5000
      1y Target Est: N/A

      Day's Range: 0.1590 - 0.1750
      52wk Range: 0.03 - 0.16
      Volume: 674,400
      Avg Vol (3m): 208,237
      Market Cap: N/A
      P/E (ttm): N/A
      EPS (ttm): N/A
      Div & Yield: N/A (N/A)
      schrieb am 24.05.07 17:23:51
      Beitrag Nr. 169 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 29.454.200 von Mehe am 24.05.07 17:20:56Das wird wohl meine Abschiedspostingsrally:

      nochmal höher:)

      Last Trade: 0.1790
      Trade Time: 11:07AM ET
      Change: Up 0.0240 (15.48%)
      Prev Close: 0.155
      Open: 0.159
      Bid: 0.1750 x 5000
      Ask: 0.1790 x 5000
      1y Target Est: N/A

      Day's Range: 0.1590 - 0.1790
      52wk Range: 0.03 - 0.16
      Volume: 739,400
      Avg Vol (3m): 208,237
      Market Cap: N/A
      P/E (ttm): N/A
      EPS (ttm): N/A
      Div & Yield: N/A (N/A)
      schrieb am 25.05.07 19:11:57
      Beitrag Nr. 170 ()
      Heute gab es ja wirklich mal Umsatz in Fra, vielleicht jemand der hier mitposten möchte. Ich bin allerdings jetzt erst mal im Urlaub. Letzte Chance. Wenn sich hier bis nach meiner Rückkehr niemand meldet, stelle ich meine Beiträge hier ein.

      Gruß Mehe
      schrieb am 13.06.07 20:31:45
      Beitrag Nr. 171 ()
      Aufgrund dieser guten Nachrcht mache ich doch nochmal einen Versuch, ob nicht doch noch jemand Interesse an dieser Aktie hat:

      Press Release Source: Superclick, Inc.

      Superclick Announces $2.1 Million Support and Deployment Contract From Large Telecom Carrier
      Wednesday June 13, 8:30 am ET

      SAN DIEGO, June 13, 2007 (PRIME NEWSWIRE) -- Superclick, Inc. (OTC BB:SPCK.OB - News), a technology leader in IP management solutions to the hospitality industry, today announced that it has signed an agreement for $2.1 million contract from a large telecom carrier to provide customer support for more than 13,000 rooms over the next 48 months through its wholly owned and operated Montreal call center. In addition, under the terms of the contract, Superclick will assume management of one of the telecom carrier's key accounts, replacing the account's incumbent HSIA gateway with Superclick's SIMS product, and managing performance over the existing wired network and the addition of a wireless network.

      ``Superclick is pleased to extend its relationship with this partner,'' said Sandro Natale, President and CEO of Superclick. ``This contract is confirmation of the confidence and satisfaction our customers have in Superclick and an important validation of our commitment to providing and maintaining the highest levels of customer and guest satisfaction.''

      Superclick's call center offers Tier One through Tier Three support to approximately 100,000 rooms throughout North America, Europe and the Caribbean. Superclick is a strategic outsourced call center solution for the hotel industry, delivering skilled people and industry leading technology to clients in need of guest support.
      schrieb am 14.06.07 15:51:09
      Beitrag Nr. 172 ()
      Auch das Ergebnis möchte ich, entgegen meiner Absicht kein Alleinunterhalter zu sein, hier reinstellen, weil Superclick auf Quartalsbasis erstmals seit langem Gewinn erwirtschaftet. Dies ist der letzte Schritt im beginnenden Turnarround. Ich halte die weiteren Aussichten weiterhin für strong buy. Natürlich nur meine Meinung.

      Press Release Source: Superclick, Inc.

      Superclick Announces Financial Results For the Second Quarter of Fiscal Year 2007
      Thursday June 14, 8:30 am ET

      SAN DIEGO, June 14, 2007 (PRIME NEWSWIRE) -- Superclick, Inc. (OTC BB:SPCK.OB - News), a technology leader in IP infrastructure solutions to the hospitality industry today announced financial results for the quarter ended April 30, 2007.

      Superclick reported net revenues of $1,237,649 for the second quarter, ended April 30, 2007, compared to $907,809 in revenue for the second quarter of 2006. The increase of $329,840 in revenue, or 36.3%, for the second quarter on a year-over-year basis, was attributable to improving installation revenue and the strengthening of support contracts. In particular, the company improved revenue performance in customer support revenues for the second quarter on a year-over-year basis by 64.7%.

      For the six months ended April 30, 2007, revenues were $1,999,284 compared to the $1,569,950 that the company reported for the same period in 2006. This increase of $429,334, or 27.3% was driven by increases in services revenue.

      Gross profit for the second quarter ended April 30, 2007 was $688,554, or 55.6% compared with the $431,322, or 47.5% reported for the second quarter ended April 30, 2006. For the second quarter, gross profit increased $257,232 or 59.6% on a year-over-year basis, while margins expanded by 8.1%.

      For the six months ended April 30, 2007, Superclick reported gross profit of $1,059,546, or 53.0% compared to $638,638, or 40.7% reported for the six months ended April 30, 2006. Gross profit increased for the period by $420,908 or 65.9% and margins improved by 12.3%. The key drivers for improvements in both gross profit and margins for the six months ended April 30, 2007 on a year-over-year basis were increased efficiencies in our service department, strengthening of support contracts and more effective management of our resources.

      Selling, general and administrative (SG&A) expenses for the three months ended April 30, 2007 and 2006 were $435,703, or 35.2% and $492,846 or 54.3% respectively. For the period, the company realized a $57,143 or 11.6% favorable variance for the period.

      For the six months ended April 30, 2007 and 2006, SG&A was $740,281 or 37.0% and $1,111,490, or 70%, respectively. The company realized a $371,209 or 33.4% favorable variance for the period. In both the three month and six-month periods, the improvements in SG&A expenses were a consequence of our restructuring plan that we undertook in 2006.

      The company reported net income after cumulative effect adjustment for the second quarter of $54,001 compared to a net loss of $534,710 for the three months ended April 30, 2006.

      For the six months ended April 30, 2007, after cumulative effect adjustment, net loss was $7,470 compared to a net loss of $1,263,734 for the six months ended April 30, 2007.

      Superclick ended the quarter with $650,553 in cash and $932,378 in accounts receivable.

      Some of the highlights of the second quarter included:

      * Completed a company record 51 wireless installs for the quarter
      * Launch of Technology Assessment Program (TAP)
      * Grant of Master License Agreement for Europe to Hospitality
      Services Plus Ltd.
      * Continuation of key install wins at flagship properties
      including InterContinental Boston, Willard InterContinental
      in Washington D.C. and the NY Palace.
      * Continued progress in trials for Media Distribution System
      (MDS) application.

      Comments from the Management

      Sandro Natale, Chief Executive Officer, commented that ``we continue to be pleased with the progress we are making on many levels. From an operational standpoint, we have substantially streamlined our operations and are now committed to investing into core areas that will enable us to further scale revenue on a more profitable basis. On the technology front, we continue to demonstrate the depth of our SIMS platform and MAMA application and believe that we are truly differentiated in terms of our ability to provide customers with management transparency and performance over their networks. In terms of our development for the future, we are excited about the prospects we see developing for our Media Distribution System (MDS) application and hope to begin announcing successes here over the quarters to come. Our approach of developing services and products focused on resolving customer needs first and foremost is yielding strong results and this will continue to be our catalyst for growth moving forward.''

      Sandro Natale and Jean Perrotti, the company's Chief Financial Officer, will hold a conference call to discuss these results. The conference call will take place at 4:30 p.m. EST on Tuesday, June 19, 2007. Interested participants should call 1-877-318-5455 when calling within the United States or 1-973-935-2967 when calling internationally. There will be a playback available from June 19 at 7:30pm EST through June 26 at 11:59 EST. To listen to the playback, please call 1-877-519-4471 when calling within the United States or 1-973-341-3080 when calling internationally. Please use pass code 8921968 for the replay.
      schrieb am 14.06.07 18:05:49
      Beitrag Nr. 173 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 29.892.239 von Mehe am 14.06.07 15:51:09Bin schon länger inverstiert und habe immer dran geglaubt. Das Kommunikationsniveau in den meisten Threads gefällt mich nicht, deswegen bleibe ich gern außen vor und guck mir das ganze an. Aber keine Angst, Du bist hier nicht allein.
      Superclick ist gut geführt und wird weiter wachsen.
      Also: Grüße aus dem Off.
      schrieb am 14.06.07 21:30:49
      Beitrag Nr. 174 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 29.895.785 von Oberhemd am 14.06.07 18:05:49Hallo Oberhemd,

      herzlich willkommen im thread. Das die kommunikation in vielen threads zu wünschen übrig lässt stimme ich Dir vollkommen zu. Allerdings ist eine einseitige Kommunikation auch nicht gerade befriedigend. Deshalb hoffe ich, dass du wenigstens ab und zu hier postest, damit mir nicht wirklich endgültig die Lust dazu ausgeht.

      Der Rebound vom Tiefstand 0,05 $ auf heute derzeit 0,21 $ ist ja schon mal nicht schlecht. Allerdings ist das nur der Anfang, wenn man sich den Kursverlauf ansieht. Der Wert war vollkommen ausgebombt, weil er nur noch rote Zahlen schrieb. Dies hat sich jetzt kontinuierlich verbessert und die Zukunftsaussichten sind gut. In den USA wurden heute schon über 1 Mio Aktien gehandelt mit einem Kursanstieg von ca. 14%. Sogar in D wurde nach langer Pause eine kleine Stückzahl gehandelt. Bis in D das Volumen steigt wird es aber wohl noch eine Weile andauern, außer ein Börsenbrief puscht die Aktie mal wieder.

      Gruß Mehe
      schrieb am 14.06.07 22:16:09
      Beitrag Nr. 175 ()
      Ja Wahnsinn. Zum Handelsschluss in USA liegt der Kurs bei 0,225 $. Eine Steigerung des Kurses von 22,3%. Nicht schlecht, oder?
      schrieb am 16.06.07 18:27:50
      Beitrag Nr. 176 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 29.903.852 von Mehe am 14.06.07 22:16:09Hallo Mehe,
      Superclick nimmt den Weg, wie einige Werte hier im w:o. Erst kommt ein Börsenbrief (Global Invstor), der das Paradies verspricht, dann der Hype, dann rote Zahlen und der Absturz. Manche Werte brauchen eher Kenntnisse um das Geschäftsmodell, Glauben und einen langen Atem bis der Knoten platzt.
      Die Marktkapitalisierung ist glaube ich jetzt schon wieder so gut, dass ab jetzt die Zukunft gehandelt wird. Hast Du kenntnisse über den aktuellen Stand der Shares? Bei Yahoo Finance wird sie nicht mehr angezeigt.
      schrieb am 18.06.07 15:04:19
      Beitrag Nr. 177 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 29.956.330 von Oberhemd am 16.06.07 18:27:50Hallo Oberhemd,

      bei Onvista wird folgendes angegeben:

      Anzahl Aktien 41.408.000 Stk.

      Die Empfehlung des Global Investors stammt von Dez 2005:

      akt. Kurs: 0,85 USD
      Kursziel: 2,50 USD
      Börsenplatz: Nasdaq OTC BB / Frankfurt
      Rating: Strong Buy

      Danach ist der kurs nicht mehr oder kaum gestiegen, sondern bis unter 0,05 $ kontinuierlich gefallen.

      Ich denke bis 0,6 $ könnte der Kurs laufen. Eigentlich sehe ich bis knapp unter 1 $ keinen signifikanten Widerstand, aber ich bin kein Chartexperte.

      Leider bin ich auch nicht in der Lage einen Chart hier reinzustellen.

      Also mein erstes Kursziel nach all den positiven News liegt bei 0,60 $, allerdings ohne Zeitraumangabe. Dies wäre immerhin fast eine Verdreifachung des Kurses.

      Gruß Mehe
      schrieb am 19.06.07 20:29:13
      Beitrag Nr. 178 ()
      Na ja anrufen wird da wahrscheinlich niemand, aber ich stelle es zur Info trotzdem mal rein:

      Superclick Announces Second Quarter Financial Conference Call
      Tuesday June 19, 10:12 am ET

      SAN DIEGO, June 19, 2007 (PRIME NEWSWIRE) -- Superclick, Inc. (OTC BB:SPCK.OB - News), a technology leader in IP infrastructure solutions to the hospitality industry, will host a conference call today to discuss financial results for the quarter ended April 30, 2007.

      Sandro Natale and Jean Perrotti, the company's Chief Financial Officer, will hold a conference call to discuss these results. The conference call will take place at 4:30 p.m. EST on Tuesday, June 19, 2007. Interested participants should call 1-877-318-5455 when calling within the United States or 1-973-935-2967 when calling internationally. There will be a playback available from June 19 at 7:30pm EST through June 26 at 11:59 EST. To listen to the playback, please call 1-877-519-4471 when calling within the United States or 1-973-341-3080 when calling internationally. Please use pass code 8921968 for the replay.
      schrieb am 20.06.07 18:45:49
      Beitrag Nr. 179 ()
      Income Statement Get Income Statement for:
      View: Annual Data | Quarterly Data All numbers in thousands
      PERIOD ENDING 30-Apr-07 31-Jan-07 31-Oct-06 31-Jul-06
      Total Revenue 1,238 762 1,466 910
      Cost of Revenue 549 391 922 429
      Gross Profit 689 371 544 481
      Operating Expenses
      Research Development 36 38 280 (8)
      Selling General and Administrative 436 305 772 436
      Non Recurring - - - -
      Others 15 16 (100) 136

      Total Operating Expenses - - - -
      Operating Income or Loss 202 12 (408) (83)
      Income from Continuing Operations
      Total Other Income/Expenses Net 4 8 (411) (483)
      Earnings Before Interest And Taxes 206 21 (820) (566)
      Interest Expense 79 82 (142) (115)
      Income Before Tax 128 (61) (677) (451)
      Income Tax Expense - - - -
      Minority Interest - - - -

      Net Income From Continuing Ops 128 (61) (677) (451)
      Non-recurring Events
      Discontinued Operations - - - -
      Extraordinary Items - - - -
      Effect Of Accounting Changes (74) - - -
      Other Items - - - -
      Net Income 54 (61) (677) (451)
      Preferred Stock And Other Adjustments - - - -
      Net Income Applicable To Common Shares $54 ($61) ($677) ($451
      schrieb am 21.06.07 10:02:42
      Beitrag Nr. 180 ()
      WASHINGTON, D. C. 20549

      FORM 8-K

      Pursuant to Section 13 OR 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934

      Date of Report (Date of earliest Event Reported) June 20, 2007

      (Name of Small Business Issuer in its charter)


      (State or other jurisdiction of

      (IRS Employer Identification No.)
      incorporation or organization)

      10222 St Michel Suite 300 Montreal, Qc H1H-5H1
      (Address of principal executive offices) (Zip Code)

      Issuer's Telephone Number (858) 518-1387

      Issuer's Fax Number (858) 279-1799

      Check the appropriate box if the Form 8-K filing is intended to simultaneously satisfy the filing obligation of the registrant under any of the following provisions:


      Written communications pursuant to Rule 425 under the Securities Act (17 CFR 230.425)


      Soliciting material pursuant to Rule 14a-12 under the Exchange Act (17 CFR14a-12)


      Pre-commencement communications pursuant to Rule 14d-2(b) under the Exchange Act (17 CFR 14d-2(b))


      Pre-commencement communications pursuant to Rule 13e-4(c) under the Exchange Act (17 CFR 13e-4(c))

      Item 7.01 Regulation FD Disclosure

      On June 19, 2007 at approximately 4:30 p.m. Eastern Standard Time (EST), the Company’s Chief Executive Officer, Sandro Natale and the Company’s Chief Financial Officer, Jean Perrotti, hosted a quarterly financial update via conference call. There will be a playback available from June 19 at 7:30pm EST through June 26 at 11:59 EST. To listen to the playback, please call 1-877-519-4471 when calling within the United States or 1-973-341-3080 when calling internationally. Please use pass code 8921968 for the replay.

      The information in this report is filed pursuant to Item 7.01and shall not be deemed to be “filed” for the purposes of Section 18 of the Securities and Exchange Act of 1934 or otherwise subject to the liabilities of that Section. The information in this report and the exhibit hereto may contain “forward-looking statements” within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act and Section 21E of the Exchange Act. Such statements are made based on the current beliefs and expectations of the Company’s management and are subject to significant risks and uncertainties. Actual results or events may differ from those anticipated by forward-looking statements. Please refer to the italicized paragraph at the end of the attached press release and various disclosures by the Company in its press releases, stockholder reports, and filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission for information concerning risks, uncertainties, and other factors that may affect future results.

      Item 9.01. Financial Statements and Exhibits

      (c) Exhibits

      The following exhibits are furnished herewith:

      Exhibit No.

      Exhibit Description


      Transcript of conference call dated June 19, 2007.


      Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned hereunto duly authorized.

      Superclick, Inc.

      Date: June 20, 2007


      /s/ Jean Perrotti

      Jean Perrotti

      Chief Financial Officer and Principal Accounting Officer

      Exhibit 99.1

      Ronald Fon (Optimus Asset Management) : For the purposes of the Safe Harbor provisions and the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, our statements today may include certain forward-looking statements that involve risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially. Such statements are based upon among other things, assumptions made by the information currently available to the management, including management’s own assessment of Superclick’s industry and competitive landscape.

      Now for opening remarks and introductions, I’d like to turn the conference over to Mr. Sandro Natale, CEO of Superclick, Inc. Please go ahead, sir.

      Sandro Natale : Thank you. Good afternoon and welcome. I am Sandro Natale, Chief Executive Officer of Superclick. With me here today is Mr. Jean Perrotti, the company’s Chief Financial Officer.

      Jean will give an overview of the numbers for the second quarter of fiscal 2007. I will then give a brief market overview and synopsis of the industry and our company’s performance, and then we’ll open the call to questions you may have.
      At this point, I would like to turn the call over to Jean.

      Jean Perrotti : Thank you, Sandro, and good afternoon everyone.
      Net sales for the quarter ended April 30, 2007 were $1,237,649 compared to $907,809 for the comparable period a year ago, an increase of approximately $330K or 36.3%.

      Overall gross profit margin for the quarter was 55.6% as compared to 47.5% of the prior year’s quarter.

      Operating expenses decreased $72,730 to $486.5K for the three months ended April 30, 2007 from $559,261 for the same period one year ago, a decrease of approximately 13%.

      Net income for the quarter was $54,001 compared to a loss of $534,710 for the second quarter of last year, an increase of approximately 111.2%.

      For the six months ended April 30, 2007, net sales increased $429,334 from $1,570,000 to just under $2Million; an increase of 27.3%.

      Overall gross profit margin for the six-month period was 53.0% compared to 40.7% a year ago.
      Operating expenses for the six-month period ended April 30, 2007 decreased $416.7K to 845,107 from 1,261,789 in the prior period; a 33% decrease. Operating expenses as a percentage of sales decreased to 39.3% from 61.6% for the quarter and to 42.3% from 80.4% for the six months ended April 30, 2007.

      Net income for the first half of fiscal 2007 was a loss of $7,470 compared to a loss of $1,271,204 in the comparable period of last year, an increase of approximately 99.4%

      I would like to now speak for a few moments towards our balance sheet, and in particular, our convertible debenture with Chicago Venture Partners. This, and the potential for substantial dilution to our capital structure, has been an understandably considerable source of questions and concern to many of our shareholders and those considering becoming shareholders of our company. Our Chairman, Todd Pitcher also addressed this issue to a large extent with those in attendance at our Annual Shareholder’s meeting held in Montreal this past April.

      We closed the $2.25 million financing in August of 2005 and it was a critical infusion of capital at that point for our company. We were in the midst of initiating wholesale changes in our business internally that we needed to create an opportunity to build a sustainable and viable business model. We invested in our business throughout 2006 and made several key strategic changes that have made us a better and stronger business today.

      In addition to the key changes we have made, which have brought about stronger operating margins and a reduction of SG&A that we reported last week, we also have seen stronger cash flows in large part by increased customer support revenue and from the master license agreement that we closed with Swisscom January of 07. As a consequence of strengthening of our cash flow, we have been able to increase the pace of our payments in terms of principal and interest on the debenture.

      To date, Chicago Venture Partners has been a great partner and they have honored our requests to refrain from substantial conversion of their debt to equity.

      It is important to us, and our shareholders that we continue to work with CVP to convert as little debt to equity as possible. We have communicated to CVP that as our cash flow continues to improve, that we will pay down the principal of the debenture as aggressively as we possibly can. We are also working with CVP to restructure the conversion terms of the debt so that we can provide our shareholders with more assurance and transparency as to our payment plan for the debt. We expect to be able to make a joint statement to this end within the next 30 days.

      Now, I’ll turn the call back over to Sandro.

      Sandro Natale : Thank you Jean. In the second fiscal quarter, we continued to show improving financial performance which I believe is a strong validation of both our business model and our commitment to delivering value to our customers.

      Our market and business development approach continues to be customer-centric and customer-driven. Rather than move in the direction that many of our competitors have, toward developing a “triple-play” approach, we have continued to focus on connectivity and the management of data through the customer’s IP network. Our objective has been to add more product depth, network manageability and network transparency for our customers. This advanced IP management will enable our customers to offer a higher quality of service for their guests.

      The first six months of this year have been exciting for us on many fronts. As Jean noted earlier, our financial performance to date on a quarter and six-month basis over last year is much improved. We are achieving a substantially higher level of operational efficiency in running our business. And, as I will discuss in a few moments, our opportunities on the business development front are promising.

      One of the keys to our business success is our customer support business . As many of you on this call are aware, we own and operate a 24x7x365 customer support center where we provide level one through level three support for both our SIMS platform as well as certain 3 rd party gateways . Over the past year we have increased our total number of rooms under management to approach the 100,000 room milestone. Consequently, we have seen the recurring revenue contribution from customer support strengthen our monthly cash flow, and we are committed to continuing to grow that component of our business.

      We recently announced a million dollar plus customer support contract from a major telecom carrier that is spread out over the next four years that validates the progress we are making with our customer support business and validates our value proposition.

      Our HSIA business is making great strides. We continue to grow our footprint with the world’s leading brands with key installs over the quarter and past six months with the InterContinental Hotel Group. We are now one of the three approved HSIA providers for the Four Seasons brand. We are currently in discussions with several other leading global brands that we hope to announce over the second half of the year, this will demonstrate further expansion of our brand footprint as well as expansion into other key growth markets around the world.

      I believe that one of the key reasons for our continued success in the HSIA IP management is the depth of our product offering. We have heard this from our customers and our competitors. Our MAMA application provides a centralized unparalleled monitoring and reporting capability to our customers and in a market where JD Powers reports that the number one hotel guest complaint is the quality of Internet service, we are confident with our proactive monitoring approach we are well positioned.

      I mentioned above that our approach to the market has been very customer-driven. What I mean by this comment is that we believe as a solution provider we should focus on where our customers’ pains are and develop solutions that directly address those pains. Our suite of HSIA products addresses the “pain” of guest complaints about Internet service while providing our customers with a stronger, more manageable and more efficient IP management solution.
      Another area of pain that our customers are feeling right now is the fact that many of their legacy networks are outdated and desperately need to be upgraded, but finding the budget to do so is not an easy task. We have responded to this pain in two ways.

      First, we announced earlier this year that we have developed a Technology Assessment Program (TAP) that is aimed at providing our customers with critical knowledge and understanding of their IP networks. We continue to get a strong response from our customers that the TAP program is both timely and a value-add. Moreover, it sends a message that we are committed to providing tools and resources to our customers that meet their direct needs.

      Second, we are in the midst of several successful trials with our new Media Distribution System (MDS) application. Our hotel customers have been frustrated by the lack of visibility and “stickiness” that their branded landing pages have achieved. In a typical guest experience, the guest accepts the terms and conditions of Internet service and then surfs away from the hotel’s landing page as fast as they can to their Internet destination of choice. This is a lost opportunity for the hotel to further extend their brand, loyalty programs and other key messaging to the guest.

      Our MDS acts as a “meta-browser” that scrolls non-invasively across the Internet screen of the guest browser which enables the hotel to “push” targeted content to the guest. We call this the “iFrame”. What is key to the success of the iFrame and MDS application is that its presence does not impede the guest’s Internet surfing experience. Through our trials we believe that we have struck the right balance to the iFrame experience and distribution throughout the hotel IP network.

      The MDS application is powerful on a number of levels. As noted above, it enables our customers to recapture the opportunity to extend their branded messaging to the guest. In addition, it provides our customers with the opportunity to leverage their IP network and guest surfing traffic to generate an entirely new revenue stream, thereby turning the hotel or convention center network from a cost center to a profit center.

      One of our objectives in the development of our MDS application is to provide our customers with a means to subsidize the much needed investments that our TAP program recommends they make to their networks and to providing a truly world-class guest experience.

      The investments we have made to become the world’s leading IP management business are showing success. We still have many challenges ahead of us, but our suppliers and customers are validating our model every day. The industry recognizes our value-add, and we are fulfilling their needs. We are confident that we will continue to increase our market share on a global basis.

      As I noted previously, the feedback that we are getting on our MDS application trials and demonstrations has been nothing short of promising and we look forward to announcing installs and deployments of the MDS product over the second half of the year.

      I would like to close by stating that we have made significant progress both in terms of financial and operational performance and we remain committed to executing our business model, adding value for our customers and adding value to our shareholders. Thank you for your interest in our business.

      I would now like to open the floor for any questions.
      schrieb am 21.06.07 18:45:14
      Beitrag Nr. 181 ()
      Press Release Source: Superclick, Inc.

      Superclick Announces Reseller Agreement for MDS With One Media Wireless and Plans for Initial Trial in the Atlanta Region
      Thursday June 21, 12:00 pm ET

      SAN DIEGO, June 21, 2007 (PRIME NEWSWIRE) -- Superclick, Inc. (OTC BB:SPCK.OB - News), a technology leader in IP infrastructure solutions to the hospitality industry, announced today that it has entered into an agreement with One Media Wireless which will resell Superclick's new Media Distribution System (``MDS'') to customers throughout the hospitality marketplace. Phase one of the agreement calls for One Media Wireless to launch a 90-day trial in approximately 23 properties across Atlanta.

      Superclick's MDS application enables network operators to deliver branded content and advertising to the end user in a real-time manner and in a format that is virtually transparent to the guest Internet experience. The application is designed to provide our customers with a powerful marketing edge as well as the ability to subsidize network infrastructure, administration and support expenses through the additional revenues generated by the product.

      Todd Pitcher, Superclick's Chairman and also responsible for overseeing the MDS program, commented that, ``we are encouraged by the early feedback we have received from a number of select trials at our HSIA customers. We are excited about working with One Media Wireless to roll out the product and look forward to building a mutually rewarding longer-term relationship.''

      ``Through our strategic partnership with Superclick, One Media Wireless has delivered best-of-class solutions to our existing and new HSIA clients,'' said One Media Wireless CEO Mike Gompers, adding that `` With the introduction of Media Distribution System (MDS), One Media Wireless is now positioned to provide incremental revenue to hotel ownership groups via the advertising component of the platform, while still promoting the hotel brand experience and frequent guest and loyalty programs. MDS content delivery via the guest laptop will change the way advertising is approached in the hospitality industry today and in the future. Collectively, MDS presents a tremendous opportunity for both One Media Wireless and Superclick.''

      About One Media Wireless, Inc.

      One Media Wireless, L.L.C. is a privately held firm headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia. One Media Wireless was founded in 2006 with the goal of providing High-Speed, Wireless Internet Access in an affordable and scalable manner, layering additional technology and services over the infrastructure.

      In support of that goal, One Media Wireless forms strategic partnerships with leading technology and service delivery companies. These relationships utilize the proven expertise of partner companies, facilitating the development of multi-faceted marketing and technology opportunities, and providing unique best-of-class offerings to venues and end-users.

      About Superclick, Inc.
      schrieb am 05.07.07 18:17:26
      Beitrag Nr. 182 ()
      Ist da was in Anmarsch? In Deutschland wird gehandelt und in USA steigt der Kurs bis jetzt um 15%. Und das nachdem in den letzten Tagen eher ruhe eingekehrt war.

      Mal sehen.

      Gruß Mehe
      schrieb am 12.07.07 21:30:56
      Beitrag Nr. 183 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 30.508.977 von Mehe am 05.07.07 18:17:26Kann mir mal jemand erklären, warum sich kein mensch für diesen Wrert interessiert. Von Februar bis heute ist der Kurs von 0,05 $ auf bisher 0,27$ gestiegen. Ich denke, dass geht noch weiter so, weil der Aktienkurs total ausgebombt war.

      Last Trade: 0.27
      Trade Time: 3:07PM ET
      Change: Up 0.04 (17.39%)
      Prev Close: 0.23
      Open: 0.24
      Bid: 0.25 x 5000
      Ask: 0.27 x 5000
      1y Target Est: N/A

      Day's Range: 0.24 - 0.27
      52wk Range: 0.04 - 0.25
      Volume: 804,600
      Avg Vol (3m): 282,130
      Market Cap: N/A
      P/E (ttm): N/A
      EPS (ttm): N/A
      Div & Yield: N/A (N/A)
      Superclick Inc. (SPCK.OB)
      1d 5d 3m 6m 1y 2y 5y
      Market Updates Hourly from Fox Business Now. Watch.
      NEW Add Quotes to Your Web Site Add SPCK.OB to Portfolio Set Alert Download Data
      schrieb am 14.08.07 11:24:13
      Beitrag Nr. 184 ()
      So ich denke die kleine Konsolidierung dürfte demnächst beendet sein:

      Press Release Source: Superclick, Inc.

      Superclick Announces Entrance into Asian Market with Initial Installs at Leading Hotel Brand
      Monday August 13, 8:19 am ET

      SAN DIEGO, Aug. 13, 2007 (PRIME NEWSWIRE) -- Superclick, Inc. (OTC BB:SPCK.OB - News), a technology leader in IP infrastructure solutions to the hospitality industry, announced today that it has been awarded three new properties and more than 1,000 rooms with a prestigious Asian-based brand for its HSIA SIMS gateway platform. Installations have been completed at the two of the three properties, and Superclick expects to complete its installation within the next few weeks.

      Under the terms of its agreement with the customer, Superclick will provide the properties with level 2 customer and service support through its wholly owned and operated customer support center based in Montreal, Quebec.

      Sandro Natale, CEO of Superclick, commented that ``we are proud to have been selected by this prestigious brand. Its commitment to world-class guest service mirrors our own commitment to providing an IP infrastructure management product to our customers that allows unparalleled High-Speed Internet Access service to the guest. This is a great fit for us and we look forward to developing our relationship with this customer for years to come.'' The installations are Superclick's first in the burgeoning Asian hospitality market.

      According to Ashok Kumar of New Media Systems, ``The hospitality market in Asia is estimated at 40,000 hotels and 1.8 million guest rooms and growing, according to industry analyst firm New Media Systems, Inc. The rate of growth overall in Asia is quite brisk at over 10% per year, with the hot markets being in China, India and Macau. The Chinese hospitality market growth is fueled by the 2008 Beijing Summer Olympics. The Indian hotel market is driven by business demands and Macau is now establishing itself as the gambling capital in Asia. The rate of rooms growth in these countries is expected to be 15% per year for the next two years. Other growth markets in the region include Hong Kong, Japan, South Korea, Malaysia and Singapore.''

      Sandro Natale concluded that ``the opportunity for growth into the APAC (Asia-Pacific) region is significant and we expect to announce further traction in the region over the second half of the year.''
      schrieb am 24.08.07 18:00:20
      Beitrag Nr. 185 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 31.151.372 von Mehe am 14.08.07 11:24:13INSIDER TRANSACTIONS REPORTED - LAST TWO YEARS
      Date Insider Shares Type Transaction Value*
      6-Aug-07 GULYAS PAUL
      Director 14,583 Direct Acquisition (Non Open Market) at $0.22 per share. $3,208
      6-Aug-07 VESNAVER GEORGE
      Director 14,583 Direct Acquisition (Non Open Market) at $0.22 per share. $3,208

      Auch die Insiderkäufe deuten darauf hin, dass es bald weiter aufwärts geht mit dem Kurs.
      schrieb am 30.08.07 15:34:57
      Beitrag Nr. 186 ()
      So kann es doch weitergehen:)

      Press Release Source: Superclick, Inc.

      Superclick Announces Financial Results for Third Quarter and Nine Months Ended July 31, 2007
      Thursday August 30, 9:08 am ET

      SAN DIEGO, Aug. 30, 2007 (PRIME NEWSWIRE) -- Superclick, Inc. (OTC BB:SPCK.OB - News), a technology leader in IP infrastructure management solutions to the hospitality industry today announced financial results for the quarter ended July 31, 2007.

      Second Quarter Financial and Business Highlights

      * Entrance into Asian market with leading five-star brand

      * Revenue of $1.4 million, an increase of $490 thousand, or
      53.9% on a year-over-year basis

      * Net Income of $124 thousand, or $0.003 per share on a basic
      and $0.002 per share on a diluted basis.

      Financial Results for the Third Quarter Ended July 31, 2007

      Superclick reported net revenues of $1,400,346 for the third quarter, ended June 30, 2007, compared to $909,901 for the same period last year. The year-over-year increase in net revenue of $490,445, or 53.9% was mainly due to a 99.8% favorable variance in installation revenue. Revenue generated from installation work was $410,683 more than the previous year for the same period.

      Gross profit for the three months ended July 31, 2007 and 2006 was $733,799 or 52.4% and $481,173 or 52.9% of net revenue, respectively. Gross profit improved $252,626 or 52.5% mainly due to the increase in sales for the period.

      Selling, General and Administrative (SG&A) expenses for the three months ended July 31, 2007 and 2006 were $461,915 or 33.0% of net revenue and $508,658 or 55.9% of net revenue, respectively. The favorable variance was $46,743 or 9.2% was a result of continued efforts to streamline business operations.

      Net income for the three months ended July 31, 2007 was $124,651 or 8.9% of net revenue compared to a loss of $450,996 or -32.2% of net revenue last year for the same period. On a per share basis, basic earnings per share for the period were $0.003 and diluted earnings per share were $0.002.

      Financial Results for the Nine Month Period Ended July 31, 2007

      Net Revenue for the nine months ended July 31, 2007 and 2006 was $3,399,630 and $2,479,851, respectively. The year-over-year increase in net revenue of $919,779, or 37.1% was due to increased activities in both support and installation. The year-over-year increase in installation work and support was approximately 34.9% and 39.4% respectively.

      Gross profit for the nine months ended July 31, 2007 and 2006 was $1,793,345 or 52.8% and $1,119,811 or 45.2% of net revenue, respectively. Gross profit improved by $673,534, or 60.1% and the margin increased by 7.6% compared to the same period last year. The improvement in gross profit for both the quarter and year-to-date was mainly due to the efficient and streamlined running of the services department.

      For the nine months ended July 31, 2007 and 2006 SG&A was $1,202,196 or 35.4% of net revenue and $1,620,149 or 65.3% of net revenue, respectively. The year-over-year variance was favorable at $417,953 or 25.8%.

      For both the quarter and year-to-date, the favorable variances were the result of the implementation of a restructuring plan in 2006 that addressed overall SG&A costs. The plan has been successful and as a result, the business is operating more efficiently and material savings in SG&A have been realized.

      For the nine months ended July 31, 2007 net income was $117,181 or 8.4% of net revenue compared to a loss of $1,722,201, or -123.0% for the same period last year. Net income for the nine months ended July 31, 2007 on a basic basis was $0.003 and on a fully diluted basis net income for the nine month period was $0.002.

      ``The third quarter marked the sixth consecutive quarter of double-digit year-over-year growth for revenue at Superclick,'' said Sandro Natale, Superclick's President and CEO. ``During the quarter, we continued to make substantial progress in extending our brand throughout North America and are pleased to have secured entrance into Asia with a leading five-star brand in the region. We are seeing strengthening demand for IP infrastructure management solutions in hospitality and believe that we have anticipated the market's demand correctly through focusing on enabling the customer to achieve better network transparency and the ability to proactively monitor edge devices.''
      schrieb am 05.09.07 16:20:50
      Beitrag Nr. 187 ()
      Der Nettogewinn steigt und dier kURS FÄLLT LEICHT: Wann steigt der Kurs weiter?

      Income Statement Get Income Statement for:
      View: Annual Data | Quarterly Data All numbers in thousands
      PERIOD ENDING 31-Jul-07 30-Apr-07 31-Jan-07 31-Oct-06
      Total Revenue 1,400 1,238 762 1,466
      Cost of Revenue 667 549 391 922
      Gross Profit 734 689 371 544
      Operating Expenses
      Research Development 44 36 38 280
      Selling General and Administrative 462 436 305 772
      Non Recurring - - - -
      Others 17 15 16 (100)

      Total Operating Expenses - - - -
      Operating Income or Loss 212 202 12 (408)
      Income from Continuing Operations
      Total Other Income/Expenses Net (85) 4 8 (411)
      Earnings Before Interest And Taxes 127 206 21 (820)
      Interest Expense 76 79 82 (142)
      Income Before Tax 51 128 (61) (677)
      Income Tax Expense - - - -
      Minority Interest - - - -

      Net Income From Continuing Ops 51 128 (61) (677)
      Non-recurring Events
      Discontinued Operations - - - -
      Extraordinary Items - - - -
      Effect Of Accounting Changes 74 (74) - -
      Other Items - - - -
      Net Income 125 54 (61) (677)
      Preferred Stock And Other Adjustments - - - -
      Net Income Applicable To Common Shares $125 $54 ($61) ($677)
      schrieb am 11.09.07 16:26:47
      Beitrag Nr. 188 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 31.399.237 von Mehe am 05.09.07 16:20:50:p:p:p:p Hallo Mehe ich bin auch investiert und glaube an SPCK wir werden noch sehr viel Freude daran haben,nur in D steigt der Kurs nicht mit.Ein Börsenbrief müsste die Aktie einmal herausstellen und
      bekannt machen.Ich wünsche Dir und mir noch viel Freude mit SPCK.
      schrieb am 11.09.07 16:57:58
      Beitrag Nr. 189 ()
      Hallo OOY2,

      wenn die Firma wieder bekannter wird und das Vertrauen zurückkommt, werden wir sicherlich noch Freude an der Wertentwicklung haben.

      Nach dem Conference Call steigt jetzt auch wieder der Kurs. Bin gespannt, ob demnächst der Jahreshöchstkurs übertroffen wird.

      Aus gutem Grund wird der Gewinn steuerfrei sein:laugh:
      schrieb am 13.09.07 13:33:15
      Beitrag Nr. 190 ()
      Press Release Source: Superclick, Inc.

      Superclick Announces Two Additional InterContinental Hotel Group Purchase Orders
      Thursday September 13, 7:00 am ET

      SAN DIEGO, Sept. 13, 2007 (PRIME NEWSWIRE) -- Superclick, Inc. (OTC BB:SPCK.OB - News), a technology leader in IP management solutions to the hospitality industry today announced that it has received purchase orders for installation of two additional Intercontinental Hotel Group brand properties located in Los Angeles and San Francisco.

      The installations will bring an additional 913 rooms and 39 conference rooms to Superclick's footprint. Under the terms of the contracts, Superclick will provide the properties with customer support through its Montreal-based customer support center. The total first year value of the contracts collectively is more than $400,000.

      Sandro Natale, Superclick's CEO, commented that, ``We are happy to see continued growth and development of our partnership with InterContinental. These wins are further indications that our product and service development strategy is working. We are committed to developing solutions for our customers that more effectively addresses their primary need in the hotel environment, which is world-class service and support to the guest and manageable, transparent network infrastructure to the hotelier. We look forward to continued success with InterContinental and are proud to serve it and its guests.''
      schrieb am 13.09.07 16:21:51
      Beitrag Nr. 191 ()
      Hallo Mehe Könntest du wenn es geht in Deutsch übersetzen,Besten Dank, weiter gute Kurse.
      schrieb am 13.09.07 16:48:37
      Beitrag Nr. 192 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 31.562.077 von OOY2 am 13.09.07 16:21:51Hallo OOY2,

      die google-übersetzungen sind scheußlich, aber mein englisch hält sich auch in Grenzen. Das wichtigste ist, dass sie in 2 Hotels Installationen vornehmen und die Betreuung und dafür $400000 einnehmen.

      Gruß Mehe

      Superclick verkündet zwei zusätzliche Interkontinentalhotel-Gruppe Kaufaufträge
      Donnerstag, die 13.,7. September: 00 morgens UND

      SAN DIEGO, Sept. 13, 2007 (HAUPTNEWSWIRE) -- Superclick, Inc. (OTC BB: SPCK.OB - Nachrichten), ein Technologieführer in den IP Managementlösungen zur Gastfreundschaftindustrie verkündeten heute, daß sie Kaufaufträge für Installation von zwei zusätzlichen Interkontinentalhotel-Gruppe Marke Eigenschaften empfangen hat, die in Los Angeles und in San Francisco gelegen sind.

      Die Installationen holen zusätzliche 913 Räume und 39 Konferenzräume zum Abdruck Superclicks. Unter den Vertragsbedingungen, versieht Superclick die Eigenschaften mit Kundenbetreuung durch seine Montreal-gegründete Kundenbetreuung Mitte. Der Gesamterste Jahrwert der Verträge ist zusammen mehr als $400.000.

      Sandro Natale, CEO Superclicks, kommentiert dem, „wir sind glücklich, anhaltendes Wachstum und Entwicklung unserer Teilhaberschaft mit Interkontinental zu sehen. Diese Gewinne sind weitere Anzeigen, die unsere Produkt- und Service-Entwicklung Strategie bearbeitet. Wir werden an sich entwickelnden Lösungen für unsere Kunden festgelegt, daß effektiv ihre Primärnotwendigkeit im Hotelklima adressiert, das Weltkategorie Service zum Gast und handlichen, transparenten zur Netzinfrastruktur zum Hotelier ist. Wir schauen vorwärts zu anhaltendem Erfolg mit Interkontinental und sind stolz, es und seine Gäste zu dienen.“

      Eine bessere Übe
      schrieb am 14.09.07 13:30:45
      Beitrag Nr. 193 ()
      Superclick, Inc.

      Date: September 13, 2007


      /s/ Jean Perrotti

      Jean Perrotti

      Chief Financial Officer and Principal Accounting Officer

      Exhibit 99.1

      Ronald Fon (Optimus Asset Management) : For the purposes of the Safe Harbor provisions and the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, our statements today may include certain forward-looking statements that involve risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially. Such statements are based upon among other things, assumptions made by the information currently available to the management, including management’s own assessment of Superclick’s industry and competitive landscape.

      Now for opening remarks and introductions, I’d like to turn the conference over to Mr. Sandro Natale, CEO of Superclick, Inc. Please go ahead, sir.

      Sandro Natale : Thank you. Good afternoon and welcome. I am Sandro Natale, Chief Executive Officer of Superclick. With me here today is Mr. Jean Perrotti, the company’s Chief Financial Officer. We are pleased with our continued improving financing performance and look forward to discussing our results today with you as well as sharing with you our outlook for the remainder of fiscal 2007 and into 2008.

      Jean will give an overview of the numbers for the third quarter of fiscal 2007. I will then give a brief update on the overall market conditions and our company’s performance against that backdrop. Then, we’ll open the call to questions you may have.

      At this point, I would like to turn the call over to Jean.

      Jean Perrotti: Thank you, Sandro, and good afternoon everyone.

      Net revenue for the quarter ended July 31, 2007 was $1.4 million compared to $900 thousand for the comparable period a year ago, an increase of approximately $490 thousand, or about 54%. The favorable variance was mainly due to an almost 100% increase in revenue derived from installation work when compared to the same quarter last year.

      Gross profit for the quarter was $733 thousand, compared to $481 thousand reported for the same quarter last year. Our gross profit margins for the respective periods remain constant, at approximately 53%.

      SG&A expenses for the quarter were $462 thousand, down over 9% from the $509 thousand reported in the third quarter last year. As a percentage of sales, SG&A was only 33% this quarter compared to almost 56% for the same quarter last year.

      Net income for the quarter was $125 thousand, or about 8.9% of net revenue compared to a loss of $451 thousand or -32.2% a year ago.

      For the nine month period, net revenue was $3.4 million, up $920 thousand, or approximately 37% from the $2.5 million reported for the nine month period ended July 31, 2006. We are especially pleased with the progress as compared to last year, the year to date favorable variance was a result of all departments pulling together and contributing to the growth. Revenue from both the installation and support increased almost evenly at 35% and 39% respectively.

      Gross profit for the nine month period was $1.8 million or 52.8%, compared with $1.1 million or 45.2% for the same period last year - a 60% increase in gross profit dollars or a 7.6 percent improvement in margin.

      SG&A expenses for the nine month period were $1.2 million, or 35.4% of net sales, compared to $1.6 million, or 65.3% of net sales for last year’s nine month period.

      Net income for the nine month period was $117 thousand, or 8.4% of net sales, compared to a loss of $1.7 million or -123% of net sales for the same period last year.

      As I mentioned above, we are pleased with the YTD progress made and as we noted in our press release, the third quarter marked the sixth consecutive quarter of double-digit, year-over-year revenue growth for our business. Over the past year we have made strategic changes in our operational infrastructure aimed at achieving lower operating costs and maximizing our operating margins. As demonstrated in our past couple quarterly reports, we feel that we have been successful in achieving these goals and remain committed to finding further ways to operate efficiently.

      We continue to make substantial progress in paying down our debt and cleaning up our balance sheet. This is a top priority for us, and our improved cash flow over the past few quarters has enabled us to do so at a pace that we believe is aggressive.

      Now, I’ll turn the call back over to Sandro.

      Sandro Natale : Thank you Jean. In the third fiscal quarter, we continued to make substantial progress in extending our brand throughout North America and have made recent announcements that we have begun to penetrate the vast Asia markets through selection of SIMS our HSIA product by a five-star brand in the region. We are proud of this win, and believe it reflects the level of dedication that our team has had in the past number of years to developing an IP management solution for hoteliers that is truly state-of-the-art, and allows for true world-class service for the hotel and their guests.

      The market for our services continues to be customer-driven. Hotel owners continue to look for ways to differentiate their services amongst their peers while ensuring that their guests remain loyal to their brands. Internet service in the hotels remains paramount amongst hotel challenges and remains one of the top complaints guests report. So the opportunity, in our opinion remains strong for us to grow.

      We continue to gain traction with our existing accounts, winning new build-projects as well as taking over property accounts where the incumbent HSIA service provider contract expire. Notably, the InterContinental, Fairmont and other brands continues to be a widening opportunity for Superclick and we are proud of the relationships that we continue to build with it.
      We have also had over the past nine months major account win such as the Four Seasons Hotels Group and the Mandarin Oriental Hotels which will continue to support our growth. But both are five-star brands that are well known and trafficked across the content and overseas.

      We continue to develop our core product platform with the focus to offering our hotel customers more transparent and scalable IP management solutions that allow them to remain pro-active, as opposed to re-active amongst their guests in the hotel environment. In fact, the level of network management our platform offers is so powerful that we have recently concluded an agreement with the City of Laval to provide network management over the Wi-Fi service that it provides on a municipal basis to their residence. Our product truly scales.

      We have also been sharing with you over the past couple quarters the progress we are making in the development and commercialization of our Media Distribution System (MDS). We have undergone several pilots and tests in various environments and are confident in the functional and technical capabilities of MDS.

      For those of you who do not know what MDS is, it is effectively an application that allows for the ability to content in a non-invasive capacity to the online guest whereby the hotel can effectively push loyalty programs, guest services and even marketing and advertising content. The content is pushed to the guest during the guest’s Internet session in a 90 pixel frame that scrolls across the top of the guest’s web page.

      The implications of the product are powerful, we think. Hoteliers are increasingly compelled to offer up their Internet service for free to the guest based on competitive pressures. Meanwhile, they are also faced with the need to upgrade their network infrastructure to ensure quality of service to an increasing number of guests that are using the Internet in the hotel environment. Guest Internet usage has increased over the past five years from about 5% to 25% in the hotel. So costs are moving higher, and revenue is trending lower.

      The MDS application enables hoteliers to leverage their network infrastructure investment to maximize loyalty building content and even to generate revenue through advertising. We are in the midst of discussions with some leading national marketing firms that we intend to work with to roll this product out in a manner that maximizes the value we can deliver to the hotel, as well as our ability to build a compelling new stream of revenue at Superclick and we look forward to continued announcements of our progress through the fourth quarter and into 2008.

      We think the future is bright at Superclick. We have established our core IP management product as best-of-class. Our customer support business continues to build, and the recurring revenue it brings is important to providing us with the cash-flow strength to invest in and develop new, high-growth opportunities such as MDS. MDS is truly a blue-sky opportunity for us. We think the addressable market goes well beyond hospitality but our focus first and foremost is to prove it out in the markets that we think it will get the most success the quickest - larger properties and convention centers. These target markets represent, in our opinion, the best fit for this product.

      We are committed to adding depth and breadth to our products, and maintaining the technology advantage that we think we have in the market place. We believe this is the way we can continue to deliver strong revenue growth and maximize the value to our shareholders.

      Thank you for your participation in this call, and thank you for your interest in our business.

      Now, I will open the call for questions….
      schrieb am 06.11.07 15:49:50
      Beitrag Nr. 194 ()
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      Press Release Source: Superclick, Inc.

      Superclick Announces Progress Report with Leading Brands
      Tuesday November 6, 8:23 am ET

      SAN DIEGO, Nov. 6, 2007 (PRIME NEWSWIRE) -- Superclick, Inc. (OTC BB:SPCK.OB - News), a technology leader in IP infrastructure solutions to the hospitality industry, announced today that top tier hospitality brands continue to select Superclick for their HSIA wired and wireless needs:

      * We are currently working with Fairmont Raffles Hotels
      International, Inc. to develop a wireless overlay project
      for all of their hotels.
      * Leading Asian 5 star luxury hotel operator is entering the
      Mexican market with Superclick as its HSIA provider.
      * InterContinnental Hotel Group has recently chosen Superclick
      to install wired and wireless solutions in its properties in
      Los Angeles, San Francisco, Miami West and Kansas City.
      * Noble's Westin Hotels have deployed a Teledex/Cisco LRE
      converged wired and wireless network using the Superclick
      SIMS advanced IP management applications.

      Sandro Natale, Superclick's CEO commented that, ``We continue to see acceptance of the Superclick value proposition in the marketplace by leading brands. During the quarter ended October 31, 2007, we completed approximately 21 installations adding another 5,000 rooms to our call centre. We remain committed to developing and offering HSIA and IP management solutions that meet the evolving needs of the hospitality environment, including demand for world-class service and customer support from guests and optimal transparency and manageability of the network by hotel administrators.''
      schrieb am 28.01.08 15:23:26
      Beitrag Nr. 195 ()
      Form 10KSB for SUPERCLICK INC


      Annual Report



      This report contains certain financial information and statements regarding our operations and financial prospects of a forward-looking nature. Although these statements accurately reflect management's current understanding and beliefs, we caution you that certain important factors may affect our actual results and could cause such results to differ materially from any forward-looking statements which may be deemed to be made in this prospectus. For this purpose, any statements contained in this prospectus which are not statements of historical fact may be deemed to be forward-looking statements. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, words such as, "may", "intend", "expect", "believe", "anticipate", "could", "estimate", "plan" or "continue" or the negative variations of those words or comparable terminology are intended to identify forward-looking statements. There can be no assurance of any kind that such forward-looking information and statements will be reflective in any way of our actual future operations and/or financial results, and any of such information and statements should not be relied upon either in whole or in part in connection with any decision to invest in the shares.

      The following discussion should be read in conjunction with our Consolidated Financial Statements and the notes thereto and the other information included in this Annual Report on Form 10-KSB.


      We derive the majority of our revenue from the installation of our Superclick Internet Access Management System (SIMS) and from revenue generated from our call center. Support fees are tied to the number of rooms serviced in a client's property. Due to our reliance on installations, variations in revenue levels may cause fluctuations in quarterly results. Factors such as a client's commitment to providing internet access to their guests, general economic and industry conditions and other issues could affect our revenue and earnings.

      In addition to our North American operations, we have installations and contracts in Europe and the Caribbean. With the exception of Canadian operations, the majority of transactions in other regions are denominated using the United States dollar. However, some of our transactions are in Canadian dollars; therefore, we are exposed to currency fluctuation risks.

      We continue to develop our product offering and IP management solutions, listening carefully to our customers to determine development paths that most directly meet their needs. Superclick emerged from the development stage during the fiscal year ended October 31, 2005.

      Here are some of the significant milestones achieved during FY 2007:

      · March 15, 2007, launched a Technology Assessment Program (TAP) to provide its hotel customers with a better understanding of their network environment and how to provide guests with a world-class high-speed Internet access (HSIA) guest experience.

      · March 29, 2007 completed a $200,000 installation of wired and wireless high speed Internet access and management services at the historic Willard InterContinental Washington hotel in Washington DC.

      · June 5, 2007, announced a $2.1 Million support and deployment contract from large Telecom carrier.

      · October 3, 2007, announced appointment of new member to the board of Directors
      - Wendy Borow-Johnson.

      · October 31, 2007, prepared for full patent application for MDS.

      Critical Accounting Policies

      The preparation of financial statements in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the amounts of assets, liabilities, revenues and expenses reported in the accompanying financial statements and related footnotes. We base our estimates and assumptions on historical experience, observance of industry trends and various other sources of information and factors. Actual results may differ from these estimates. Critical accounting policies are defined as those that are reflective of significant judgments and uncertainties, and potentially could result in materially different results under different assumptions and conditions. In consultation with our Board of Directors, we have identified six accounting principles that we believe are key to an understanding of our financial statements. These important accounting policies require management's most difficult, subjective judgments.

      Revenue Recognition

      Revenue from the sale of Internet high speed connection equipment and installation is recognized when the earning process is complete and the risk and rewards of ownership have transferred to the customer, which is considered to have occurred after the delivery and installation of the equipment to the customer.

      Maintenance and support revenue is recognized ratably over the maintenance term. First-year maintenance typically is sold with the related software license and renewed on an annual basis thereafter. Estimated fair values of ongoing maintenance and support obligations are based on separate sales of renewals to other customers or upon renewal rates quoted in the contracts. For such arrangements with multiple obligations, we allocate revenue to each component of the arrangement based on the estimated fair value of the undelivered elements. Fair value of services, such as consulting or training, is based upon separate sales of these services. At times, we may enter into multiple-customer contracts in which we allocate revenue based on the number of specified users at each customer, and recognizes revenue upon customer acceptance and satisfying the other applicable conditions of the above described accounting policy.

      Accounts receivable

      Accounts receivable are reported at the customers' outstanding balances less any allowance for doubtful accounts. Interest is not accrued on overdue accounts receivable. We evaluate receivables outstanding greater than ninety days on a regular basis for potential reserve.


      Inventories are valued at the lower of cost or market. Cost is determined on a first-in, first-out method or market. Management performs periodic assessments to determine the existence of obsolete, slow moving and non-salable inventories, such as discontinued products, and records necessary provisions to reduce such inventories to net realizable value.

      Income taxes

      Provisions for income taxes are based on taxes payable or refundable for the current period and deferred taxes on temporary differences between the amount of taxable income and pretax financial income and between the tax bases of assets and liabilities and their reported amounts in the financial statements. Deferred tax assets and liabilities are included in the financial statements at currently enacted income tax rates applicable to the period in which the deferred tax assets and liabilities are expected to be realized or settled as prescribed in FASB Statement No. 109, Accounting for Income Taxes. As changes in tax laws or rates are enacted, deferred tax assets and liabilities are adjusted through the provision for income taxes. Valuation allowances are established when necessary to reduce deferred tax assets to the amount expected to be realized.

      Foreign Currency Translation

      The financial statements of our Canadian subsidiary are measured using the Canadian dollar as the functional currency. Assets, liabilities and equity accounts of the company are translated at exchange rates as of the balance sheet date or historical acquisition date, depending on the nature of the account. Revenues and expenses are translated at average rates of exchange in effect during the period. The resulting cumulative translation adjustments have been recorded as a separate component of stockholders' equity. The financial statements are presented in United States of America dollars.

      Deferred Taxes

      In assessing the realizability of deferred tax assets, management considers whether it is more likely than not that some portion or all of the deferred tax assets will not be realized. The ultimate realization of deferred tax assets is dependent upon the generation of future taxable income during the periods in which those temporary differences become deductible. Management considers the scheduled reversal of deferred tax liabilities, projected future taxable income and tax planning strategies in making this assessment.

      At October 31, 2006 a valuation allowance for the full amount of the net deferred tax asset was recorded because of uncertainties as to the amount of taxable income that would be generated in future years. The valuation allowance increased by approximately $312,500 for the year ended October 31, 2006, assuming a tax rate of 40%.

      During the year ended October 31, 2007, our U.S. based operation had net income of approximately $233,500. Upon application of the subsidiary's NOL the remaining NOL is $5,748,198. If the Company did not have an NOL carry forward taxes payable of approximately $93,400, based on a 40% tax rate, would have been payable as of October 31, 2007.

      United States Corporation Income Taxes

      Year of Loss Amount Expiration Date
      October 31, 2006 $ 781,283 October 31, 2026
      October 31, 2005 3,969,331 October 31, 2025
      October 31, 2004 898,697 October 31, 2024
      October 31, 2003 53,638 October 31, 2023
      December 31, 2002 45,349 December 31, 2022
      $ 5,748,298

      The expiration dates for U.S. net operating losses (NOL) may be extendable under
      Section 381 of the U.S. Internal Revenue Code.

      During the year ended October 31, 2007, our wholly owned Canadian subsidiary generated net income for tax purposes of approximately $948,000 CDN (approximately $997,900 USD). However, application of the subsidiary's NOL resulted in zero tax liability as of October 31, 2007. If the Canadian subsidiary did not have an NOL carry forward approximately $320,000 would have been payable to the Federal and Provincial authorities based on a combined tax rate of approximately 32%. The subsidiary's Federal and Provincial NOL carry forward balances as of November 1, 2007 are as follows:

      Canadian Income Taxes (Stated in CAD)

      Year of Loss Federal Provincial Expiration Date
      October 31, 2006 $ 221,790 $ 312,532 October 31, 2025
      October 31, 2005 - 43,125 October 31, 2014
      $ 221,790 $ 355,657

      The Company receives tax credits for research and development activities from Revenue Canada, as illustrated below. Deferred tax credits from Revenue Canada associated with its research and development activities were fully allowed for in the fiscal year ended October 31, 2006 and prior. Given the results of operations during the year ended October 31, 2007, the Company determined that it was more likely than not that the credits would be available for use, thus no valuation allowance was made for the year ended October 31, 2007. As a result, the Company has recognized approximately $74,000 USD in tax credits available for future use.

      (Amounts in Canadian Dollars) October 31, 2007

      Deferred tax asset 245,467
      Less: Valuation allowance (175,151 )
      Net deferred tax asset 70,316

      In addition, the Company receives reimbursement of research and development activities from the Province of Quebec beyond the tax credits described above. As of October 31, 2007, the Company recognized approximately $44,000 as a receivable for those research and development activities.

      Results of Operations

      Twelve Months Ended October 31, 2007 And 2006


      During the year ended October 31, 2007, revenue increased $836,392 or 21.2% to $4,782,703 compared to $3,946,311 for the year ended October 31, 2006. The favorable sales variance was mainly due to increases in support activity. During the year, we were able to secure and put into place support contracts with existing and newly acquired clients thus resulting in an increase in recurring support revenue.

      Gross Profit

      Gross profit for the year ended October 31, 2007 increased by $686,835 or 41.3% to $2,350,719 compared to $1,663,884 for the year ended October 31, 2006. Gross margin for the current year was 49.2% compared to 42.2% the previous year. The improvement in gross profit was mainly due to increased efficiency in the operation of the services department. This, along with securing more support contracts, produced favorable gross profit and margin variances.

      Selling, General and Administrative

      For the years ended October 31, 2007 and 2006, selling, general and administrative expenses were $1,388,927 and $2,418,059, respectively. The $1,029,132 or 42.6% favorable variance was the result of the implementation of a restructuring plan in 2006 that addressed overall SG&A costs. The plan has been successful and as a result, the business was operating more efficiently and material savings in SG&A were realized during the fiscal year ended October 31, 2007.

      Research and Development

      For the years ended October 31, 2007 and 2006, research and development expense was $164,614 and $282,915, respectively. The $118,301 year-over-year decrease was mainly due to the recording of SR&ED tax credits and receivable in the amount of $116,762 which reduces the expense by the same amount.

      Income (Loss) from operations

      The Company experienced income from operations for the year ended October 31, 2007 of $732,403 or 15.3% of net revenue compared to a loss from operations for the year ended October 31, 2006 of ($1,112,439) or (28.2%) of net revenue - a $1,844,842 or 165.8% improvement. Due to favorable variances in essentially all areas of the business, the Company reported significant operational income compared to the previous year.

      Other Income and Expense

      Interest expense for the years ended October 31, 2007 and 2006 was $281,308 and $266,378, respectively. The expense represents interest due on notes payable to the former shareholders of Hotel Net LLC, as well as to Chicago Venture Partners, and Superclick Co-Investment Fund as holders of our convertible debentures.

      With respect to the convertible debentures, during the year ended October 31, 2006, we recognized non-cash amortization expense related to the beneficial conversion feature, deferred financing costs and warrant discount in the amount of $292,896, $161,250 and $514,983, respectively, compared to no such expense during fiscal year 2007. In addition, during the years ended October 31, 2007 and 2006, we recognized a derivative loss of $17,771 and gain of $193,006, respectively, related to the warrants which were issued in connection with the convertible debentures.

      During the year ended October 31, 2007, we recognized a $357,078 gain on the forgiveness of debt related to the renegotiation of certain notes payable to the former shareholders of Hotel Net LLC, which resulted in a gain of $45,671; the forgiveness of $100,000 of our convertible debentures and, $211,407 of accounts payable which were assessed as not due.

      As a result, the total other income and expense for the year ended October 31, 2007 was $85,004 income compared to an expense of ($1,287,165) the previous year.

      Net Income (Loss)

      The net income for the year ended October 31, 2007 was $817,407 or 17.1% of net revenue compared to a loss of ($2,399,604) or (60.8%).

      Net Income (Loss) Per Common Share

      For the years ended October 31, 2007, the net income per common share basic was $0.020 and $0.011 fully diluted, compared to a loss per common share of ($0.081) basic and diluted for the year ended October 31, 2006. The basic and fully diluted weighted average shares for the current fiscal year end was 40,389,388 and 72,293,556, respectively. The basic weighted average shares for the year ended October 31, 2006 was 29,755,285.


      From inception to October 31, 2007, we have incurred an accumulated deficit of $7,423,997. This loss has been incurred through a combination of professional fees and expenses supporting our plans to acquire synergistic businesses as well as continued operating losses. However, in the current year we have experienced notable organic growth resulting in a larger customer base. Net revenue has grown 21.2% producing a net profit margin of 17.1% for the year ended October 31, 2007.

      We have financed our operations since inception primarily through debt and equity financing. During the year ended October 31, 2007 we had a net decrease in cash of $130,329. Total cash resources as of October 31, 2007 was $789,591 compared with $919,920 at October 31, 2006.

      Our available working capital and capital requirements will depend upon numerous factors, including the deployment and sale of Internet access management solutions, the timing and cost of expanding into new markets, the cost of developing competitive technologies, changes in our existing collaborative and licensing relationships, the resources that we devote to developing new products and commercializing capabilities, the status of our competitors, our ability to establish collaborative arrangements with other organizations, and our ability to attract and retain key employees.

      The Company's Liquidity Plan

      Recent operating results have slightly alleviated concerns about our ability to generate cash flow from operations. Net income for the year ended October 31, 2007 was $817,407 compared to a net loss of $2,399,604 for the year ended October 31, 2006 and the operations provided $686,376 of cash versus $431,673 for the year ended October 31, 2006.

      During the year ended October 31, 2007, the Company has financed operations solely with cash generated through sales and the collection of its accounts receivable.

      The Hotel Net LLC notes matured on January 1, 2007. Four of the five notes were canceled and replaced with new notes that do not accrue interest and mature December 31, 2009. The remaining note is anticipated to be renegotiated in the near future. The new balance for notes payable at October 31, 2007 is $283,000.

      During the year ended October 31, 2007, we issued 4,846,359 shares of Common Stock in exchange for $202,512 of principle debt and accrued interest of our convertible debentures.

      During the year ended October 31, 2007, we issued 867,429 shares of Common Stock in exchange for services with a total value of $89,706. Subsequent to year end we issued an additional 141,656 shares for directors services performed in fiscal 2007 for which a payable was accrued in the amount of $19,832.

      Our independent registered public accountants, Bedinger and Company, have indicated that our financial statements have been prepared assuming our company will continue as a going concern. As such, Bedinger and Company has noted that our company has suffered past recurring losses from operations resulting in an accumulated deficit and significant debt that raise doubt about our ability to continue as a going concern.

      Our need to raise additional equity or debt financing and our ability to generate cash flow from operations will depend on its future performance and our ability to successfully implement business and growth strategies. Our performance will also be affected by prevailing economic conditions. Many of these factors are beyond our control. If future cash flows and capital resources are insufficient to meet our commitments, we may be forced to reduce or delay activities and capital expenditures or obtain additional equity capital. In the event that we are unable to do so, we may be left without sufficient liquidity.

      Off-Balance Sheet Arrangements

      At October 31, 2007 we had no obligations that would qualify to be disclosed as off-balance sheet arrangements.

      Contractual Obligations

      Equipment loan obligation: Loan obligation relates to computer equipment used in our Montreal office. The loan term extends through September 28, 2009 at a rate of $1,575 per month.

      At October 31, 2007, our equipment loan obligation is as follows:

      2008 $ 15,440 2009 $ 20,780 $ 36,220

      Operating lease obligations: Operating lease obligations consist of office rental commitment for our offices in Montréal, Québec, Canada. On October 1, 2004 we began a lease for office space in Montréal. The lease extends through September 30, 2009 at a rate of $5,669 per month.

      At October 31, 2007, our contractual obligations under this lease were as follows:

      2008 $ 68,028 2009 $ 62,689 $ 130,717


      Although our operations are influenced by general economic conditions, we do not believe inflation had a material effect on the results of operations during the year ended October 31, 2007. However, there can be no assurance our business will not be affected by inflation in the future.
      schrieb am 28.01.08 15:24:52
      Beitrag Nr. 196 ()
      Press Release Source: Superclick, Inc.

      Superclick Announces Record Financial Results for the Year Ended October 31, 2007
      Monday January 28, 7:30 am ET
      Record Net Income for the Year

      SAN DIEGO, Jan. 28, 2008 (PRIME NEWSWIRE) -- Superclick, Inc. (OTC BB:SPCK.OB - News), a technology leader in IP infrastructure management solutions to the hospitality industry, today announced record financial results for the fiscal year ended October 31, 2007.

      Financial Results for the Year Ended October 31, 2007

      Superclick reported net revenues of $4,782,703 for the year ended October 31, 2007, an increase of 21% from $3,946,311 reported for fiscal year 2006. The Company is pleased to report net income of $817,407, which represents 17.1% of net revenue, compared to a net loss of $2,399,604 for fiscal year 2006. This resulted in net income of $0.02 basic and $0.01 on a fully diluted basis for the fiscal year 2007. On a non-fully diluted basis, net loss per share for fiscal 2006 was ($0.08).

      The increase in net revenues was due in large part to increases in the Company's support activity, which is a recurring component of the Company's total revenues. During the year, Superclick was able to secure and implement upgrades to existing customer contracts while adding a material amount of contracts from new clients.

      Cost of goods sold increased $149,557 to $2,431,984 for the year ended October 31, 2007 from cost of goods sold of $2,282,427 for fiscal year 2006. This represents an increase of 6%. Consequently, gross profit increased on a year-over-year basis by $686,835, or 41%. The Company's gross margin percentage for the fiscal year 2007 was 49% compared to 42% in fiscal year 2006.

      Selling, general and administrative (SG&A) expenses for the years ended October 31, 2007 and 2006 were $1,388,927 and $2,418,059 respectively. The decrease of $1,029,132, or 42.6% in SG&A expenses were a result of the Company's implementation of a cost-cutting plan and focus on more efficiency across all levels of its business.

      Superclick ended the year with cash on hand of $789,591 and accounts receivable of $834,813.

      ``We are extremely pleased with our year-end results,'' commented Sandro Natale, CEO of Superclick. ``We have been committed to building better and more cost-effective IP management solutions for the hospitality market place and continue to see validation of that commitment through the expansion of our footprint with leading brands such as InterContinental Hotel Group, Fairmont Hotels, Mandarin and Four Seasons. While challenges in the market place persist and we expect that to be the case for the foreseeable future, we believe that our dramatically improving business economics in the midst of this climate are demonstrative of the fact that the right mix of product, service and support is the key to success.''

      Highlights for the Year Include:

      * $2.1 million support and deployment contract from large telecom
      * Entrance into Asian market with leading five-star brand
      * Completed a company record 51 wireless installs in one quarter
      during Q2
      * Launched its Technology Assessment Program (TAP)
      * Signed a Master License Agreement for Europe with Hospitality
      Services Plus Ltd.
      * Filed patent for Media Distribution System (MDS)

      Mr. Natale added that, ``Moving into 2008, our goal is to continue our aggressive strategy of increasing market share in our core business of high speed internet. As always, our product and services rollout will be focused on addressing the challenges our customers face in realizing optimal total cost of ownership by providing more value on the network and continued world-class services and support to the guest. We also expect that 2008 will mark a significant milestone for Superclick and the Hospitality Industry through the market acceptance of our proprietary Media Distribution System (MDS).''
      schrieb am 28.01.08 16:13:37
      Beitrag Nr. 197 ()
      Hallo MEHE kannst du das einmal übersetzen,besten Dank.

      Habe aber das Gefühl das es gut aussieht.

      Trotzdem müsste diese Aktie besser bekannt werden,auf Dauer geht doch hier bestimmt einmal die POST ab.Bin seit langen investiert.
      schrieb am 29.01.08 08:37:47
      Beitrag Nr. 198 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 33.190.934 von Mehe am 28.01.08 15:24:52Ja sieht gut aus, schade, dass der Kurs nochmal so absackte. mal schaun wie es weitergeht. Es bleibt abzuwarten, wie sich die wirtschaftliche Entwicklung in den USA sich auf die Firmna auswirkt.

      Hier die google-Übersetzung mit Schönheitsfehlern:

      SAN DIEGO, Jan. 28, 2008 (PRIME NEWSWIRE) - Superclick, Inc. (OTC BB: SPCK.OB - News), ein führendes Technologie-und IP-Infrastruktur-Management-Lösungen für die Gastfreundschaft der Industrie, gab heute bekannt, Rekord finanziellen Ergebnisse für das Geschäftsjahr Geschäftsjahr zum 31. Oktober 2007.

      Finanz-Ergebnisse für das Geschäftsjahr endete mit 31. Oktober 2007

      Superclick Netto-Umsatz von 4782703 Dollar für das Geschäftsjahr zum 31. Oktober 2007, was einer Zunahme um 21% von $ 3946311 berichtet für das Geschäftsjahr 2006. Die Firma ist erfreut zu berichten Nettogewinn von 817407 Dollar, dies entspricht 17,1% des Netto-Einnahmen, verglichen mit einem Nettoverlust von $ 2399604 für das Geschäftsjahr 2006. Dies führte zu einem Nettogewinn von $ 0,02 $ 0,01 Basis-und auf einem vollständig verwässerter Basis für das Geschäftsjahr 2007. Auf einem nicht vollständig verwässerter Basis, Nettoverlust pro Aktie wurde für das Geschäftsjahr 2006 (0,08 Dollar).

      Der Anstieg der Netto-Umsatz lag zum großen Teil auf die Erhöhung der Aktivität des Unternehmens unterstützt, das ist ein wiederkehrendes Element des gesamten Umsatzes. Im Laufe des Jahres, Superclick war in der Lage zu sichern und zu implementieren Upgrades für bestehende Kunden Verträge, während eine Menge Material von Verträgen aus den neuen Kunden.

      Kosten der verkauften Produkte stiegen um $ 149557 $ 2431984 für das Geschäftsjahr zum 31. Oktober 2007 aus Kosten für die verkauften Waren von 2282427 Dollar für das Geschäftsjahr 2006. Dies entspricht einer Zunahme von 6%. Folglich, die Bruttomarge erhöhte sich auf ein Jahr-over-year basis von 686835 $ oder 41%. The Company's Rohertragsmarge für das Geschäftsjahr 2007 betrug 49% im Vergleich zu 42% im Geschäftsjahr 2006.

      Vertriebs-und allgemeine Verwaltungskosten (SG & A) Aufwendungen für die Geschäftsjahre zum 31. Oktober 2007 und 2006 wurden $ 1388927 und 2418059 Dollar. Der Rückgang von $ 1029132 oder 42,6% in SG & A-Aufwendungen ein Ergebnis des Unternehmens bei der Implementierung eines Kostensenkungs-Plan und den Schwerpunkt auf mehr Effizienz in allen Ebenen ihrer Geschäftstätigkeit.

      Superclick endete das Jahr mit einem Kassenbestand von $ 789591 und Forderungen von $ 834813.

      `` Wir sind sehr zufrieden mit unseren Ergebnissen Jahresende,''kommentiert Sandro Natale, CEO von Superclick. `` Wir haben sich verpflichtet haben, besser und kostengünstiger IP-Management-Lösungen für die Gastfreundschaft Marktplatz und weiter, um zu sehen, die Validierung von dieser Verpflichtung durch den Ausbau unserer Fußabdruck mit führenden Marken wie InterContinental Hotel Group, Fairmont Hotels, Mandarin und Four Seasons. Während die Herausforderungen auf dem Markt bestehen, und wir erwarten, dass der Fall zu sein, für die absehbare Zukunft, wir glauben, dass unsere dramatische Verbesserung der Betriebswirtschaftslehre in der Mitte dieses Klima sind demonstrative der Tatsache, dass die richtige Mischung aus Produkt-, Service-und Support ist Der Schlüssel zum Erfolg.''

      Highlights für das Jahr Inklusive:

      * $ 2,1 Millionen Unterstützung und Bereitstellung von großen Telekom-Vertrag
      * Eintritt in die asiatischen Markt mit führenden Fünf-Sterne-Marke
      * Abgeschlossene ein Unternehmen record 51 Installationen in drahtlosen ein Viertel
      Während Q2
      * Launched seiner Technology Assessment Program "(TAP)
      * Unterzeichnung eines Master License Agreement für Europa mit Hospitality
      Service Plus GmbH
      * Gespeichert Patent für Media Distribution System (MDS)

      Herr Natale fügte hinzu, dass, `` Umzug in 2008, unser Ziel ist es, weiterhin unsere aggressive Strategie der steigenden Marktanteil in unserem Kerngeschäft der high-speed Internet. Wie immer, unsere Produkt-und Service-Rollout wird sich mit der Bewältigung der Herausforderungen unserer Kunden bei der Realisierung Gesicht optimalen Total Cost of Ownership, indem sie mehr Wert auf das Netzwerk und weiterhin Weltklasse-Service und Support für die Gäste. Wir erwarten, dass auch 2008 wird ein wichtiger Meilenstein für die Superclick und Hospitality Industrie durch die Marktakzeptanz unserer proprietären Media Distribution System (MDS).''



      Wir leiten die Mehrheit unserer Einnahmen aus der Installation unserer Superclick Internet-Access-Management-System (SIMS) und aus Einnahmen aus unserem Call-Center. Support-Gebühren sind unabhängig von der Zahl der Zimmer bedient in einer Client-Immobilien. Aufgrund unserer Abhängigkeit von Installationen, Schwankungen bei den Einnahmen Ebenen kann dazu führen, dass Schwankungen in den Quartalsergebnissen. Faktoren wie ein Client's Engagement für die Bereitstellung von Internet-Zugang zu ihren Gästen, allgemeine wirtschaftliche Bedingungen und die Industrie und andere Fragen können sich auf unsere Umsatz-und Ergebnisentwicklung.

      Zusätzlich zu unseren nordamerikanischen Operationen, haben wir Verträge und Anlagen in Europa und der Karibik. Mit Ausnahme der kanadischen Operationen, die Mehrheit der Geschäfte in anderen Regionen mit der lauten United States Dollar. Allerdings sind einige unserer Geschäfte sind in kanadischen Dollar, deshalb sind wir von Währungsschwankungen ausgesetzt Risiken.

      Wir entwickeln unser Produktangebot und IP-Management-Lösungen, hört aufmerksam zu unseren Kunden, um zu ermitteln, die Entwicklung, dass die meisten Wege direkt ihren Bedürfnissen gerecht zu werden. Superclick aus der Entwicklungsphase in das Geschäftsjahr endete der 31. Oktober 2005.

      Hier sind einige der wesentlichen Meilensteine erreicht, während GJ 2007:

      15. März 2007, hat eine Technology Assessment Program "(TAP), um seinen Kunden des Hotels mit einem besseren Verständnis ihrer Umwelt-und Netzwerk-how und bietet seinen Gästen mit einem Weltklasse-High-Speed-Internet-Zugang (HSIA) Bewertung der Erfahrung.

      29. März 2007 ein 200.000 Dollar Installation von drahtgebundenen und drahtlosen High-Speed-Internet-Zugangs-und Management-Dienstleistungen in der historischen Willard InterContinental Washington Hotel in Washington DC.

      5. Juni 2007, kündigte ein $ 2,1 Millionen Unterstützung und Bereitstellung von großen Vertrag Telecom Carrier.

      3. Oktober 2007, kündigte Ernennung neuer Mitglieder in den Verwaltungsrat of Directors
      -- Wendy Borow-Johnson.

      31. Oktober 2007, vorbereitet für die vollständige Patentanmeldung für MDS.



      Von Anfang an bis zum 31. Oktober 2007 haben wir ein entstandenen kumulierten Defizit von 7423997 Dollar. Dieser Verlust wurde die durch eine Kombination der Honorare und Spesen unterstützen unsere Pläne zum Erwerb synergistischer Unternehmen sowie anhaltende operative Verluste. Allerdings, und das laufende Jahr haben wir erlebt bemerkenswerte organische Wachstum in einem größeren Kundenstamm. Umsatzerlöse 21,2% hat sich die Produktion einen Reingewinn-Marge von 17,1% für das Geschäftsjahr zum 31. Oktober 2007.

      Wir haben unsere Operationen finanziert seit Gründung in erster Linie durch Fremd-und Eigenkapitalfinanzierung. Im abgelaufenen Geschäftsjahr zum 31. Oktober 2007 hatten wir einen Rückgang der Netto-Cash-von 130.329 Dollar. Total Cash-Ressourcen zum 31. Oktober 2007 war $ 789.591, verglichen mit 919.920 Dollar am 31. Oktober 2006.

      Unsere verfügbar Working Capital und Kapital-anforderungen wird, hängt von zahlreichen Faktoren ab, einschließlich der Bereitstellung und dem Verkauf von Internet-Zugangs-Management-Lösungen, den Zeitplan und die Kosten für die Expansion in neue Märkte, die Kosten für die Entwicklung wettbewerbsfähiger Technologien, Änderungen in der bestehenden Zusammenarbeit und Lizenzierung Beziehungen, Die Ressourcen zu widmen, dass wir die Entwicklung neuer Produkte und die Kommerzialisierung von Fähigkeiten, den Status unserer Mitbewerber, unsere Fähigkeit zu Kooperationen mit anderen Organisationen, und unsere Fähigkeit, wichtige Mitarbeiter einzustellen und zu halten.

      Die Liquidität des Unternehmens planen

      Jüngste operativen Ergebnisse haben etwas gemildert Bedenken hinsichtlich unserer Fähigkeit zur Generierung von Cash-Flow aus der Betriebstätigkeit. Der Nettogewinn für das Geschäftsjahr zum 31. Oktober 2007 war $ 817.407, verglichen mit einem Nettoverlust von 2399604 Dollar für das Geschäftsjahr zum 31. Oktober 2006 und die Operationen, die von 686.376 Dollar gegenüber 431.673 Dollar Bargeld für das Geschäftsjahr zum 31. Oktober 2006.

      Im abgelaufenen Geschäftsjahr zum 31. Oktober 2007 hat die Gesellschaft finanziert Operationen ausschließlich mit Bargeld generiert durch den Verkauf und die Sammlung von seinen Forderungen aus Lieferungen und Leistungen.

      Das Hotel Net LLC stellt fest, fällig am 1. Januar 2007. Vier der fünf Noten wurden abgebrochen und durch neue ersetzt, stellt fest, dass die Zinsen nicht ausgereift und 31. Dezember 2009. Die restlichen beachten wird voraussichtlich neu in der nahen Zukunft. Das neue Gleichgewicht für die Noten zahlbar am 31. Oktober 2007 beträgt $ 283.000.

      Im abgelaufenen Geschäftsjahr zum 31. Oktober 2007, haben wir 4846359 Namenaktien mit einem Stock im Austausch für 202.512 Dollar an Schulden und Rückstellungen grundsätzlich Interesse unserer Wandelschuldverschreibungen.

      Im abgelaufenen Geschäftsjahr zum 31. Oktober 2007 haben wir 867429 Namenaktien mit einem Stock im Tausch für Dienstleistungen mit einem Gesamtwert von 89.706 Dollar. Nachfolgende bis zum Jahresende haben wir einen weiteren 141656 Aktien für die Direktoren Leistungen im Geschäftsjahr 2007 zu zahlen, für die eine Rückstellung wurde in der Höhe von 19832 Dollar.

      Unsere eingetragenen unabhängigen Wirtschaftsprüfern, Bedinger and Company, haben gezeigt, dass unsere Jahresrechnung wurde vorausgesetzt, unser Unternehmen wird auch weiterhin als "going concern". Als solche Bedinger und Unternehmen hat festgestellt, dass unser Unternehmen hat gelitten Vergangenheit wiederkehrende Verluste infolge von Operationen in einem kumulierten Defizit und Verschuldung, die signifikante Erhöhung Zweifel über unsere Fähigkeit, auch weiterhin als "going concern".

      Unser Bedarf an zusätzlichem Eigenkapital erhöhen oder Fremdfinanzierung und unsere Fähigkeit zur Generierung von Cash-Flow aus der Betriebstätigkeit wird davon abhängen, ob seine Zukunft und unsere Fähigkeit zur erfolgreichen Umsetzung von Unternehmens-und Wachstums-Strategien. Unsere Leistung wird auch beeinträchtigt werden, indem herrschenden wirtschaftlichen Bedingungen. Viele dieser Faktoren liegen außerhalb unserer Kontrolle. Wenn zukünftige Cash-Flows und finanziellen Ressourcen reichen nicht aus, um unsere Verpflichtungen erfüllen können, können wir gezwungen werden, zu verringern oder zu verzögern Aktivitäten und Investitionen in Sachanlagen oder zusätzliche Eigenkapital. Für den Fall, dass wir nicht in der Lage sind, so zu tun, wir können ohne ausreichende Liquidität.


      Am 31. Oktober 2007 hatten wir keine Verpflichtungen, die offen zu qualifizieren, als Off-Balance Sheet Arrangements.

      Vertragliche Verpflichtungen

      Ausstattung Darlehen unverbindlich: Loan Verpflichtung bezieht sich auf Computer-Hardware verwendet, in unserem Büro Montreal. Der Begriff erstreckt sich über Darlehen 28. September 2009 mit einer Rate von 1.575 Dollar pro Monat.

      Am 31. Oktober 2007, unsere Ausrüstung Darlehen Verpflichtung ist wie folgt:

      2008 2009 $ 20.780 $ 36.220

      Operating Lease: Operating Lease Verpflichtungen aus der Anmietung von Büros Engagement für unsere Niederlassungen in Montréal, Québec, Kanada. Am 1. Oktober 2004 begannen wir, ein Mietvertrag für Büroräume in Montréal. Der Mietvertrag erstreckt sich bis zum 30. September 2009 mit einer Rate von 5.669 Dollar pro Monat.

      Am 31. Oktober 2007, unseren vertraglichen Verpflichtungen aus diesem Mietvertrag waren wie folgt:

      2008 2009 $ 62.689 $ 130.717


      Obwohl unsere Maßnahmen sind beeinflusst durch die allgemeinen wirtschaftlichen Bedingungen, wir glauben nicht, die Inflation hatte einen wesentlichen Einfluss auf die Ergebnisse der Aktivitäten im Laufe des Jahres endete der 31. Oktober 2007. Aber es kann nicht zugesichert werden, wird unser Geschäft nicht betroffen von der Inflation in der Zukunft.
      schrieb am 29.01.08 22:53:50
      Beitrag Nr. 199 ()
      MEHE besten Dank ganz hervorragend,dann kann es ja nur aufwärts gehen.Aber das grosse Interresse fehlt noch wie gesagt an dieser Aktie.
      schrieb am 01.02.08 18:23:31
      Beitrag Nr. 200 ()
      ncome Statement Get Income Statement for:
      View: Annual Data | Quarterly Data All numbers in thousands
      PERIOD ENDING 31-Oct-07 31-Jul-07 30-Apr-07 31-Jan-07
      Total Revenue 1,383 1,400 1,238 762
      Cost of Revenue 826 667 549 391
      Gross Profit 557 734 689 371
      Operating Expenses
      Research Development 48 44 36 38
      Selling General and Administrative 190 458 436 305
      Non Recurring - - - -
      Others 17 17 15 16

      Total Operating Expenses - - - -
      Operating Income or Loss 303 215 202 12
      Income from Continuing Operations
      Total Other Income/Expenses Net 368 (14) 4 8
      Earnings Before Interest And Taxes 671 201 206 21
      Interest Expense 44 76 79 82
      Income Before Tax 627 125 128 (61)
      Income Tax Expense - - - -
      Minority Interest - - - -

      Net Income From Continuing Ops 627 125 128 (61)
      Non-recurring Events
      Discontinued Operations - - - -
      Extraordinary Items - - - -
      Effect Of Accounting Changes - - - -
      Other Items - - - -
      Net Income 627 125 128 (61)
      Preferred Stock And Other Adjustments - - - -
      Net Income Applicable To Common Shares $627 $125 $128 ($61
      schrieb am 26.02.08 18:16:17
      Beitrag Nr. 201 ()
      omisch, dass der Kurs trotz positiver finanzieller Entwicklung von Superclick fällt. Die Insider sollten die weitere Entwicklung eigentlich beurteilen können.

      Gruß Mehe

      Date Insider Shares Type Transaction Value*
      14-Feb-08 GULYAS PAUL
      Director 34,990 Direct Acquisition (Non Open Market) at $0.13 per share. $4,548
      14-Feb-08 VESNAVER GEORGE
      Director 34,990 Direct Acquisition (Non Open Market) at $0.13 per share. $4,548
      14-Feb-08 PITCHER TODD M
      Director 33,333 Direct Acquisition (Non Open Market) at $0.13 per share. $4,333
      schrieb am 05.03.08 17:40:19
      Beitrag Nr. 202 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 33.481.272 von Mehe am 26.02.08 18:16:17Press Release Source: Superclick, Inc.

      Superclick Announces Financial Results for the First Quarter of Fiscal Year 2008
      Wednesday March 5, 11:02 am ET
      90 Percent Increase in Revenue On a Year-Over-Year Basis

      SAN DIEGO, March 5, 2008 (PRIME NEWSWIRE) -- Superclick, Inc. (OTC BB:SPCK.OB - News), a technology leader in IP infrastructure management solutions to the hospitality industry today announced financial results for the first quarter ended January 31, 2008.

      Financial Results

      Superclick reported net revenues of $1,447,855 for the first quarter ended January 31, 2008, an increase of 90.1% from the $761,635 reported for the same period last year. The positive variance in the Company's revenue was driven by a 208% increase in installation revenue, and a 37% increase in help desk revenue. Superclick added approximately 14,700 rooms to its help desk for the period.

      Gross profit for the three months ended January 31, 2008 and 2007 was $646,734 and $370,992, respectively. The 74.3% increase in gross profit on a year-over-year basis was driven by higher revenue across all parts of the Company's business.

      Selling, general and administrative (``SG&A'') expenses for the three months ended January 31, 2008 and 2007 were $375,607 and $304,578, respectively. On a percentage basis, SG&A for the quarter represented approximately 26% of net revenue, compared with 40% net revenue for the same period last year.

      Research and development expenses for the three months ended January 31, 2008 and 2007 were $45,315 or 3.1% of net revenue and $37,684 or 4.9% of net revenue, respectively. The three month year-over-year increase of $7,631 was due primarily to the unfavorable foreign exchange effect as a result of the stronger Canadian dollar compared to the United States dollar.

      Superclick is pleased to report net income for the three months ended January 31, 2008 of $178,348 or 12.3% of net revenue compared to a loss of ($61,471) for the same period last year. For the respective periods, net income per share was $0.004 and ($0.002). On a fully diluted basis, net income per share for the current quarter was $0.002. Total cash on hand as of January 31, 2008 was $826,296 compared with $789,591 at October 31, 2007.

      The basic and fully diluted weighted average shares for the current quarter was 42,255,740 and 72,732,431 respectively. The basic weighted average shares for the quarter ended January 31, 2007 was 37,429,465.

      Sandro Natale, Superclick's CEO, commented that ``We are pleased to have reported another strong financial quarter with improving business economics to our shareholders. Our products and services continue to receive validation in the market place and we are committed to maintaining our technology lead to offer reliable and world-class IP infrastructure management to our customers.''

      Highlights for the Quarter Include:

      * Increase in rooms under customer support of approximately
      * Continued expansion in the market with leading brands both in
      the U.S. and Asia
      * Expansion of help desk support offering to deliver world-class
      VOD support
      * Increase of sales force to address growth opportunities

      Mr. Natale stated further that: ``Our stated goals heading into fiscal 2008 were to continue our aggressive strategy to increase market share for our IP infrastructure management solutions on an organic basis and we are pleased to announce that strategy is succeeding. We will look forward to sharing more on the progress of our company and on its financial results of the past quarter and for the fiscal year ended October 31, 2007 at our Annual Shareholder Meeting in Montreal on April 24, 2008.''
      schrieb am 05.03.08 17:53:18
      Beitrag Nr. 203 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 33.559.434 von Mehe am 05.03.08 17:40:19Form 10QSB for SUPERCLICK INC


      Quarterly Report
      schrieb am 09.04.08 20:07:32
      Beitrag Nr. 204 ()
      Schön wärs, wenn sich diese sehr gute Entwicklung endlich auch mal im Kurs widerspiegeln würde.

      Liebe Grüße Mehe

      Exhibit 99.1

      Letter from the President
      To Our Shareholders and Clients

      Superclick achieved strong performance in sales, earnings and cash flow for 2007. With improving business economics as a result of increased rooms under customer support, it was an excellent year.

      Total sales reached a record $4.7 million, up 21 percent over 2006. In fact this is our 4th year of consecutive sales growth.

      Record net income of $817,407 and diluted earnings per share of $0.01 represented growth of 134% and 114% respectively. As noted above, increases in our customer support activity, which represent a recurring component of our total revenues, favorably affected our financial performance.

      Cost of goods sold increased $149,557 to $2,431,984 for the year, up 6.6% on a year-over-year basis, while gross profit increased $686,835, or 41.3 %. Our gross margin percentage for fiscal year 2007 was 49.2 % compared with 42.2 % in 2006.

      Selling, general and administrative expenses decreased in 2007 by $1,029,132, or 42.6%. This decrease was a result of our cost-cutting initiatives and focus on greater levels of efficiency across all of our business.

      We accomplished all of this while reducing debt by $991,353 and ending the year with cash on hand of $789,591.

      Our financial accomplishments were solid, but they tell only part of the story of 2007. While financial achievements are important in themselves, also significant are the advances in our technology development that are the foundation of our future.

      We made important progress in advancing our SIMS platform, MAMA and MDS applications during the period covered by this report. For example:


      The hotel industry is experiencing very aggressive high speed internet usage growth, thus creating a “need for speed”. With speed increasingly becoming an issue for both the guest and the hotel, we have developed and launched a “Multihoming” product designed to address the “need for speed”. This has been a terrific success. For example, after a successful pilot with one management company, we quickly received a purchase order to integrate the product into an additional 120 hotels under its management. We believe this product will be a great up sell to the other 600 hotels in our portfolio and is a much needed solution for the hotel industry. We have demonstrated once again how our SIMS platform can reduce overall network investment while achieving superior performance

      Our MaMA application continues to create value to the customer. In the field we continually hear hotels and property management companies tell us that they need one single point of management and monitoring over their network. As a result of minibars, door locks, phones, TVs, security systems and employee time clocks all moving to IP, network managers at hotels have been traditionally faced with the need to purchase numerous products often from multiple service providers to monitor and manage all of these IP devices on their network. We are proud to demonstrate to the market that with Superclick MaMA, hotels need to have only one source of monitoring which results in reduced costs and fault distribution.


      As technology changes, so do the needs of the hotel guest and hotel IP network. These changes and demands require investment and hotels are continue to search for ways to increase existing revenue centers as well as to create new ones that support these additional investment requirements. This is often done by promoting the hotel’s room service or other services and amenities. Our MDS platform is able to establish a direct promotional opportunity with the guest designed to improve hotel guest awareness of its amenities, services and loyalty programs and ultimately, to increase revenues. In turn, these revenues help reduce total cost of technology ownership. We have had several successful tests in the field to demonstrate the power of MDS and we are now focused on building a more targeted and analytical system to improve reporting and to offer a more compelling application for marketing and advertising purposes, as well as to provide the hotel with a greater level of transparency into guest demographics.


      In addition, we have deepened our world-class customer support center based in Montreal, allowing for even greater levels of service that we can provide to our customers. In the hospitality industry, customer service is fundamental.

      Additional highlights for the year included:


      $2.1 million support and deployment contract from Verizon;


      Entrance into the Asian market with Mandain Oriental Hotels and Fairmont;


      Completion of a record 51 wireless installs in a single quarter;


      Launch of our Technology Assessment Program; and


      An extension of our Intellectual Property strategy with the filing of a patent for our Media Distribution System (MDS).

      These are just a few of the highlights. Throughout the year, progress was made across our business.

      Moving into 2008, our goal is to continue our aggressive strategy of increasing market share in our core business of high speed internet. As always, our product and services rollout will be focused on addressing the challenges our customers face in realizing optimal cost of ownership by providing more value on the network and continued world-class service and support to the guest.

      We fully expect that in 2008 we will continue to face stiff competition. We are prepared. We have confidence in the performance of the SIMS platform and we continue to make important advances in new generations of the product.

      Indeed, we had a strong year in 2007. Our results added to a foundation of strength, as described in this report, and enabled us to advance our brand and standing in the hospitality industry.

      The Marketplace

      Exiting 2007 and looking forward into 2008, we recognize that the industry is experiencing unprecedented pressures. In an increasingly competitive environment, hoteliers are becoming more focused on realizing a complicated mix of value and differentiation in their technology investments.

      Although we are seeing an economic slowdown in the US we are experiencing a very active hospitality growth. For example, recently, Intercontinental Hotels Group announced a 300 hotel opening over the next 300 business days, with Schrills Gustaaf reporting that “We are opening 1 hotel per day for the next 300 says”. Starwood Hotels is opening 400 Hotels over the next 48 Months. Four Seasons, Mandarin and Fairmont Raffles Hotels International are also opening properties at a torrid pace.

      I believe that our products and services are a vital part of every guest’s stay and our focus is to continue developing new products and features to improve their experience. Technology continues to change and evolve, as to guest expectations and requirements for hotels to keep pace. We will always focus on the future and remain a technology and service leader in our space.

      30 years ago the hotel industry was a technology leader being the first to bring color TVs or Air-conditioning. Today, hotels are under similar pressures with services delivered over the IP network. We are working to improve the guest experience by providing tools to manage and maintain the network on the leading edge, while remaining healthy and service oriented. Imagine being able to order room service, reserve time at the SPA, order hotel dry cleaning service or buy tickets from the local Broadway show right from your laptop while having all it all charged to your room bill.

      Imagine having a system that delivering and surpassing guest expectations in terms of services and support while generating incremental revenues for the hotel. We are working hard to deliver on those ideals and to bringing that reality to the hotel industry, proving that we are the leaders and that we are committed to remaining leaders.

      So we begin 2008 with confidence that we can build our future on a foundation of strength. We have a strong brand and an experienced management team that will take us into a future of boundless opportunities. It is challenging, but exciting. And we are up to the challenge. We are committed to strategic principles that have stood the test of time…to a business based in hospitality technology, management for the long-term in a unique environment that keeps us close to our customers, on a foundation of ethical values embodied in Our Mission Statement and Charter.

      On my behalf, the Superclick team and our Board of Directors, we would like to thank our customers, partners, employees, and shareholders for your continued confidence and support. I want you to know that the Superclick team remains committed to pursuing initiatives that maximize value for all our Superclick stockholders. This is a great company and we continue to strive to make it even better.

      Sandro Natale
      Chief Executive Officer and President
      April 7, 2008

      Safe Harbor Statement

      The Letter to Shareholders contains forward-looking statements, particularly but limited to statements regarding our new market opportunities resulting from innovation; growing our market share; attracting new customers. These forward-looking statements involve risks and uncertainties, and actual results may differ materially from those predicted in any such forward-looking statements. Such factors include, but are not limited to, increased competition; increased pricing pressures; foreign exchange; the U.S. economy; and the importance of and the other factors described in the section entitled "Risk Factors" contained in the annual report filed January 28, 2008 under form 10KSB. Superclick assumes no obligation to, and does not currently intend to, update these forward-looking statements except as required by law.
      schrieb am 24.04.08 20:28:56
      Beitrag Nr. 205 ()
      Press Release Source: Superclick, Inc.

      Superclick Announces Purchase Order for New Multi-Homing Application
      Thursday April 24, 8:06 am ET
      To be Integrated At 111 InterContinental Hotel Properties Throughout North America

      SAN DIEGO, April 24, 2008 (PRIME NEWSWIRE) -- Superclick, Inc. (OTC BB:SPCK.OB - News), a technology leader in IP infrastructure solutions to the hospitality industry, announced today that it has received a purchase order from the InterContinental Hotels Group for the integration of its newly developed multi-homing application to 111 properties throughout North America. The total value of the purchase order is approximately $400,000.

      Increasing guest internet activity and usage of other devices over the IP infrastructure is good for the hotel's service and differentiation, but also creates additional challenges for the hotelier including vulnerability to loss of service and higher costs. Moreover, there are varying degrees of importance of IP traffic and for the hotelier, the ability to route traffic to appropriate service connections based on priority, time of day, traffic type and bandwidth requirements can result in substantial cost savings as well as increased performance and better service to the guest.

      Superclick's multi-homing application provides hotels with load balancing and bandwidth management features that guarantee connection reliability and reduce network costs. Hotels can more effectively scale their IP usage and services more intelligently and cost effectively while enhancing guest satisfaction and maximizing ROI.

      Sandro Natale commented that, ``Our SIMS platform and MAMA remote monitoring application constantly monitor the health of our customer's network and can now utilize multi-homing to maintain higher availability access for inbound traffic. In turn, our load balancing and bandwidth management for outbound traffic create more efficient bandwidth usage. Our monitoring and multi-homing capabilities manage the most efficient path for different types of traffic based on the status of each link and the capacity of the connection, and allow for integrated management to assure that critical traffic is allocated the necessary bandwidth.''
      schrieb am 28.04.08 18:19:34
      Beitrag Nr. 206 ()
      Press Release Source: Superclick, Inc.

      Superclick Announces Purchase Order for New Multi-Homing Application
      Thursday April 24, 8:06 am ET
      To be Integrated At 111 InterContinental Hotel Properties Throughout North America

      SAN DIEGO, April 24, 2008 (PRIME NEWSWIRE) -- Superclick, Inc. (OTC BB:SPCK.OB - News), a technology leader in IP infrastructure solutions to the hospitality industry, announced today that it has received a purchase order from the InterContinental Hotels Group for the integration of its newly developed multi-homing application to 111 properties throughout North America. The total value of the purchase order is approximately $400,000.

      Increasing guest internet activity and usage of other devices over the IP infrastructure is good for the hotel's service and differentiation, but also creates additional challenges for the hotelier including vulnerability to loss of service and higher costs. Moreover, there are varying degrees of importance of IP traffic and for the hotelier, the ability to route traffic to appropriate service connections based on priority, time of day, traffic type and bandwidth requirements can result in substantial cost savings as well as increased performance and better service to the guest.

      Superclick's multi-homing application provides hotels with load balancing and bandwidth management features that guarantee connection reliability and reduce network costs. Hotels can more effectively scale their IP usage and services more intelligently and cost effectively while enhancing guest satisfaction and maximizing ROI.

      Sandro Natale commented that, ``Our SIMS platform and MAMA remote monitoring application constantly monitor the health of our customer's network and can now utilize multi-homing to maintain higher availability access for inbound traffic. In turn, our load balancing and bandwidth management for outbound traffic create more efficient bandwidth usage. Our monitoring and multi-homing capabilities manage the most efficient path for different types of traffic based on the status of each link and the capacity of the connection, and allow for integrated management to assure that critical traffic is allocated the necessary bandwidth.''
      schrieb am 16.06.08 16:20:20
      Beitrag Nr. 207 ()
      Rekordergebnis bei Superclick!!!

      Press Release Source: Superclick, Inc.

      Superclick Announces Financial Results for the Second Quarter of Fiscal Year 2008
      Monday June 16, 8:33 am ET

      - 48% Increase in Revenue and 107% Increase in Net Income for the
      Three Month Period on a Year-Over-Year Basis

      - 569% Increase in Net Income for the Six Month Period on a
      Year-Over-Year Basis

      SAN DIEGO - June 16, 2008 (PRIME NEWSWIRE) - Superclick, Inc. (OTC BB:SPCK.OB - News), a technology leader in IP infrastructure management solutions to the hospitality industry, today announced financial results for the second quarter ended April 30, 2008.

      Financial Results for the Three Months Ended April 30, 2008

      Superclick reported net revenues of $1,838,306 for the second quarter ended April 30, 2008, an increase of $390,451, or 27% on a sequential basis and $600,657, or 48% year-over-year. Product sales contributed $1,075,888 to the total net revenues, an increase of $408,171, or 61% year-over-year, while services contributed $762,418 to total net revenues, an increase of $192,486, or 33% year-over-year. Factors that contributed to growth in all areas of the business were increased sales and increases in rooms under support.

      Gross profit for the three months ended April 30, 2008 was $1,019,243, an increase of $372,509, or 57% on a sequential basis and $330,689, or 48% year-over-year. Gross margin for the period ended April 30, 2008 was 55%, the same as reported during last year's same quarter period.

      Selling, general and administrative (``SG&A'') expenses for the three months ended April 30, 2008 were $390,674, an increase of $15,067, or 4% on a sequential basis and a decrease of $45,029, or 10% year-over-year. The decrease in SG&A for the period was mainly due to decreases in investor relations and marketing related expenses as well as lower professional fees.

      Research and development expenses for the three months ended April 30, 2008 were $44,228, a decrease of $1,087, or 2% on a sequential basis, and an increase of $8,713, or close to 25% year-over-year.

      Net income for the three months ended April 30, 2008 was $264,549, or $0.006 basic and $0.004 on a fully diluted basis. Sequentially, net income increased $86,201, or about 48%, and on a year-over-year basis, net income increased for the period by $136,848, or 107%. Weighted average shares outstanding basic and fully diluted for the three month period ended April 30, 2008 were 43,704,356 and 74,522,332, respectively.

      Financial Results for the Six Months Ended April 30, 2008

      Net revenues for the six months ended April 30, 2008 were $3,286,161, an increase of $1,286,877, or 64% year-over-year. Product sales contributed $1,807,505 to total net revenues, an increase of $902,003, or 99% year-over-year, while services contributed $1,478,656 to total net revenues, an increase of $384,874, or 35% year-over-year.

      Gross profit for the six months ended April 30, 2008 was $1,665,977, an increase of $606,431, or 57% year-over-year. Gross margin for the six months ended April 30, 2008 was 50% compared to gross margins of 52% reported for the same period last year.

      SG&A expenses for the six months ended April 30, 2008 were $766,281, an increase of $26,000, or almost 4% year-over-year. The increase in SG&A expenses for the six month period is attributed primarily to differences in foreign exchange rates.

      Research and development expense for the six months ended April 30, 2008 were $89,543, an increase of $16,344, or about 22% year-over-year.

      Net income for the six month period ended April 30, 2008 was $442,897, an increase of $376,667, or about 569% year-over year. Earnings per share on a basic and fully diluted basis were $0.1 and $0.006, respectively, for the six month period ended April 30, 2008. Weighted average shares outstanding basic and fully diluted for the six month period ended April 30, 2008 were 42,980,048 and 74,934,863, respectively.

      Sandro Natale, Superclick's CEO, commented that, ``Our business economics have continued to improve, which is a validation of our commitment to product development and technology leadership in the hospitality industry for IP infrastructure management. We remain committed to maintaining our leadership position on this level and bringing value throughout the customer chain, from the guest to the hotelier.''

      Natale commented further, ``This quarter was a record quarter for our business in terms of several key financial achievements, including net income and revenue. One of the key highlights was the purchase order we received from the InterContinental Hotel Group for 111 properties to deploy our Multi-Homing application. We are focused on building on this momentum in the market place to increase and maximize value to our shareholders. I want to take this opportunity to thank those shareholders in attendance at our annual meeting this last April.''
      schrieb am 14.08.08 22:52:28
      Beitrag Nr. 208 ()
      Superclick Rooms Under Management up 23% Fiscal Year-to-Date
      Thursday August 14, 8:32 am ET

      MONTREAL, Aug. 14, 2008 (PRIME NEWSWIRE) -- Superclick, Inc. (OTC BB:SPCK.OB - News), a technology leader in IP infrastructure solutions to the hospitality industry, announced that it has surpassed 116,000 rooms under management, demonstrating added-room growth of 23% for its fiscal year-to-date.

      Sandro Natale, Superclick co-founder and CEO, said: ``We are pleased to see the continued growth of rooms to our portfolio, and believe this is another validation of our commitment to providing better technology and better service to hoteliers. Perhaps as important as adding new customers and rooms is the fact that we have done such a great job maintaining these relationships year in and year out. The hospitality services industry is extremely competitive and we understand that our hotel customers rely on us to ensure that their guests receive truly world class service.''

      To ensure better Internet service in the hotel environment, Superclick recently announced the release of its multi-homing application that provides hotels with load balancing and bandwidth management features, guarantees connection reliability and much-needed internet speed improvement.

      Natale added, ``We are also continuing development on our Media distribution system which will be the catalyst to addressing the gowning need for a revenue model that will address the High Speed Internet total cost of ownership for the hospitality industry.''

      Please visit our website to learn more on our complete range of cutting edge solutions.

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