
    Rockhopper Exploration ehemals FALKLAND OIL & GAS +++ 270% mit Öl (Seite 230)

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     Ja Nein
      schrieb am 13.07.08 17:05:08
      Beitrag Nr. 2.216 ()
      Saturday, July 12, 2008
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      PM Brown urged to discuss Falklands issues with Kirchner
      A FOREIGN Affairs Select Committee has urged the Prime Minister to pin down the Argentine president about concerns relating to the Falklands when the visit by President Kirchner, which was cancelled earlier this year, is rearranged.

      They recommended that the Prime Minister call for an end to Argentina’s ban on flights to the Falklands crossing its airspace and that he highlight “the logistical issues” if Argentine families are allowed to fly in to visit the graves of their war dead.

      Also recommended was that the Prime Minister should press the Argentine president to agree to the establishment of a Regional Fisheries Management Organisation for the South West Atlantic and reiterate the Islands’ right to develop a hydrocarbon industry.

      The Committee, which was formed to examine the way the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) had carried out its responsibilities with regard to the UK’s 14 Overseas Territories, released its report on Sunday.

      Among the recommendations is that consideration should be given by the FCO Secretary of State as to whether improvements could be made in the ways in which the views of Overseas Territories residents be made known in the UK Parliament.

      With specific regard to the Falklands, the committee called for the FCO to work with the Falkland Islands government and the Ministry of Defence to ensure that the future air bridge allows the Islands to further develop its tourism industry.

      They also recommend that in its response to their report, the FCO clearly states what, if any, it considers the UK’s entitlement would be in respect of potential gas and oil revenue from the Falklands and other Overseas Territories.

      The issue of de-mining is also touched on by the document. The committee reports: “We conclude that there are a number of issues to be considered, including cost, practicability, safety and environmental impact, before a decision can be taken on whether to carry out demining in the Falkland Islands.

      “We therefore welcome the government’s announcement that it has sought an extension of the deadline to meet the UK’s obligations under the Ottawa Convention.

      We recommend that the government should discuss the results of its recent feasibility study with Falkland Islanders before coming to any decision about landmine clearance.” Penguin News…
      schrieb am 11.07.08 11:11:46
      Beitrag Nr. 2.215 ()
      übrigens, wer etwas zeit hat kann sich ja den film hier mal anschauen

      ist wirklich gut;)

      the end of suburbia…
      schrieb am 11.07.08 10:49:26
      Beitrag Nr. 2.214 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.485.063 von Thoemme am 11.07.08 02:07:25in england werden zwei neue flugzeugträger gebaut,

      extragross und modern

      wofür die wohl gedacht sind?:rolleyes:

      Portsmouth gains in naval carrier deals

      By Brian Milligan
      Business reporter, BBC News, Portsmouth

      The shipyard is taking on extra staff to complete the work

      Putting together what is in effect the largest jig-saw puzzle ever made in Europe is not an easy task.

      The two most expensive Royal Navy ships yet - HMS Queen Elizabeth and HMS Prince of Wales - will be partly built in Portsmouth, before they are finally assembled in Rosyth.

      "Of course, the whole thing will shrink a bit when it goes to Scotland," grins a casual Phil Rood of VT ship-building, referring to the fact that average temperatures in there are a couple of degrees cooler than in Portsmouth.

      Building yards in Barrow in Furness and Govan will also take part in the construction of the four huge cross-sections of the UK's next generationaircraft carriers.

      Every pipe, cable and steel section will need to match up perfectly. Mistakes will be costly.

      Shrinkage on the aircraft carriers is therefore a big issue.

      Portsmouth base

      It is an expensive business.

      HMS Elizabeth and HMS Prince of Wales
      Displacement: 65,000 tonnes
      Max Speed: 25 knots
      Range: 10,000 nautical miles
      Length: 285 metres
      Runways: 3
      Aircraft: 40 F-35 Joint Strike Fighters plus EH 101 Merlin Helicopters
      Crew: 1,200, including 600 flight crew
      Cost: £3.9bn
      Due dates: 2014/2016

      Every adult in Britain will be contributing about £85 each. Together the two ships are expected to cost a shade under £4bn, and that is even before a single piece of steel has been laid.

      In the giant assembly hall, where the huge bow section of a Type 45 destroyer is nearly complete, they are preparing to do just that.

      Hammers and cranes boom out like the bass section of an orchestra enjoying the lack of noise limits; the sparks from welders' torches fly through the gloom like coruscating tracers.

      One belongs to welder Paul Comber, 37.

      "The two aircraft carriers are going to be the pride of the Royal Navy fleet," he says.

      "So to have a hand in building them will be fantastic."

      When finished, both ships will be based in Portsmouth, so workers will see the results of their labours first hand.

      "The day you see them come in to Portsmouth; that will be a proud day," says Mr Comber.

      Pride and joy

      Across the yard, in the design section, work on the project first began several years ago.


      Some of the people working on the new aircraft carrier parts
      Stuart Manvell joined VT (then Vosper Thorneycroft) as a young apprentice.

      He has now been designing ships for 26 years.

      On his computer he shows the section of the carriers that he has been working on.

      Technically it is the "forward midship" section. To the casual observer, that is the bit just behind the bow, making up about a quarter of the ship's 285m length.

      While the statistics may be a little prosaic, the ships and their ultimate purpose inspire considerable passion.

      "When you see it on the news, with all the sailors on the deck, it gives you a good feeling that you had something to do with that," says Mr Manvell.

      Extra workers

      So after 14 years of talking about the so-called CVF project, construction is set to begin in four months' time.

      When finished, both ships will be based in Portsmouth
      But what does CVF stand for?

      "No one's ever quite got to the bottom of that," says Phil Rood.

      "But I suppose it's something like Carrier Vessel Future."

      In any case, the yard is more concerned with the imminent steel-laying than with fancy acronyms.

      And it has taking on 200 new workers to get the sections ready on time.

      On their lunch-break, existing staff look out at the grey hulk of HMS Invincible, one of the Navy's previous generations of carriers, that saw action in the Falklands, Bosnia and Iraq.

      Now decommissioned, it is both an inspiration and a warning to them: an inspiration, as it reminds the workforce that lives may well depend on the ships they are building.

      But given the advances in the technology of unmanned aircraft, it is also a warning that these may be the latest, but also potentially the last aircraft carriers to be built in Britain.

      schrieb am 11.07.08 10:36:10
      Beitrag Nr. 2.213 ()
      Who remembers the Falklands War?

      Category: Archaeology, Sociology, & History
      Posted on: June 24, 2008 7:32 AM, by Peter Etnoyer

      falkland_oil.gifIn 1982, following years of civil unrest and economic crisis in Argentina, the Argentine military government invaded the Falkland Islands in the South Atlantic in an effort to reclaim the territory from the British. This is known as the Falklands War. Nearly 900 people died in the conflict, mostly Argentines. At the time, few knew of the Falkland Islands, and fewer knew Argentina was capable of mounting an amphibious attack.

      Now, 25 years later, the secret's out. It was all about oil. Plans are underway to start drilling within the Falklands EEZ. "The area might hold 60 billion barrels of oil - equivalent to the North Sea's estimated original reserves", says

      The website reports:

      "...preparations are under way in the South Atlantic to ensure that the islands can cope with sudden wealth" and "the successful extraction of oil could bring billions of pounds to the 3,000 islanders, in a cash bonanza similar to that enjoyed by Gulf states after the development of oil fields there."

      Just in case you were wondering if first world imperialism was alive and can read this story, too from the Telegraph UK. Apparently from the British perspective, the real problem is how to cope with all this sudden wealth. Argentina continues to maintain their claim over the Falklands, as they have since the 19th century, and this is now embedded in the Argentine constitution since 1994.

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      I'm from Argentina, and we do remember about the war. I don't think that the war was about oil at that time, I think that at that time was about strategic position (the Islands are near to the Straits of Magellan and from there you can control the passing from the atlantic to the pacific). And I also think that the United Kingdom wouldn't allow another country to take over one of their (many) colonial posessions, because it can encourage others to do the same.
      But now that they know that there is oil there I don't think that they where willing to leave for a long time...

      Posted by: Adrian | June 24, 2008 8:44 AM

      We do remember the war in a very active way!!!
      I manage a discussion forum since 1996:
      The proposal there is "Peace and Development in the South Atlantic," and we foster peaceful interactions between Falkland Islanders, argentines and british ....

      auf der seite gibt es nen haufen leserbriefe zu der story:…
      schrieb am 11.07.08 02:07:25
      Beitrag Nr. 2.212 ()
      Ich hab mal ein bischen rumgegoogelt, um mir ein Bild der momentanen argentinischen Praesidentin zu machen:

      Sie traegt gerne pompige Kleidung und Glitzer, ist meist sehr geschminkt und haelt sich gerne unter der High Snobbiety auf.
      Im Wahlkampf gab sie keine interviews, und hat sich auch nicht einem Fernsehduell mit dem Konkurenten gestellt. Fuer soziale Belange interessiert sie sich kaum. Sie gilt als sehr impulsiv und authoritaer. Politisch gilt sie als Peron-Anhaengerin, und musste sich zusammen mit ihrem Mann waehrend der Militaerdiktatur aus der Politik zurueckziehen und wurde im Immobiliengeschaeft reich.

      Sie hat von ihrem Mann, (ihr Vorgaenger im Praesidentenamt) ein Land mit gestaerkter Wirtschaft uebernommen, aber auch ein Land mit viel Armut, Korruption und hoher Inflationsrate.

      Um die Staatseinnahmen aufzubessern, hat sie sofort mal die Exportsteuer eininiger Agrarprodukte stark erhoeht, was den eh schon meist recht armen Bauern geringere Einnahmen einbrachte. Diese reagierten dann mit einem massiven Generalstreik, und schliesslich musste die Praesidentin nachgeben und Teilzugestaendnisse machen.

      Die juengste Nachricht war nicht ein aktueller politischer Schachzug, sondern kam bei einem traditionell sich jaehrlich am 9. Juli wiederholenden Treffen von Politikern und 200 Militaer-Offizieren zustande. Sie hielt eine weit ausschweifende Rede ueber das Militaer, prangerte die geschichtlichen Fehlgriffe des Militaers an (Militaer-Diktatur-Epoche), und definierte dann die momentane Aufgabe des Militaers als aussenpolitische Sicherung argentinischer Interessen....

      Was mir aber weniger gefaellt, ist, dass sie dem Militaer eine 20% Etat-Erhoehung versprach (Ok, bei einer Inflationsrate von 10-15% !). Ihr Mann hatte zuvor das Militaer recht stiefmuetterlich behandelt, und auch die Streitkraefte reduziert.

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      schrieb am 10.07.08 21:20:12
      Beitrag Nr. 2.211 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.480.178 von Blacksidi am 10.07.08 15:02:21:laugh:
      bin nur dämlicherweise mit meiner ersten pos bei 1,92 € eingestiegen... aber verbilligen macht ja mehr spass als vertreuern von daher alels paletti :laugh:
      schrieb am 10.07.08 21:10:37
      Beitrag Nr. 2.210 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.480.428 von schlangenmeister am 10.07.08 15:21:12Sehe ich auch so.


      Ich denke, daß wir insgesamt sehr zuversichtlich sein können, aus verschiedenen Gründen.

      Zum einen härten häufige Drohungen aus Argentinien ab und der Kurs sackt dann nicht mehr ab.

      Zum anderen ist z.B. Desire Petroleum schon seit langem "bohrfertig". Die haben schon vor Jahren Geräte und Bohrzubehör gekauft und gelagert.
      Partner Sea Drill muß die kompletten Bohrungen (2 oder 3) und auch den teuren Transport in die Falkland-Region alleine zahlen, bekommt dafür einen Teil des Öls.

      Ich bin mir deswegen sehr sicher, daß Sea Drill nicht auf etliche Millionen Dollar verzichtet, die sie von BHP Billiton und FOGL für den Transport bekommen können, die sich auch noch freuen, wenn sie ein Rig kriegen.

      Es ist deswegen möglich, daß zunächst Desire und Sea Drill ihre 2-3 Bohrungen machen, danach BHP Billiton und FOGL ihre 2 Bohrungen schon ab Januar 2009.

      Es wäre der Hammer, wenn dieser Deal demnächst käme.

      Wer noch nicht oder wenig investiert ist, kann zu diesen günstigen Kursen gut zugreifen.

      schrieb am 10.07.08 15:21:12
      Beitrag Nr. 2.209 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.480.178 von Blacksidi am 10.07.08 15:02:21das tief vom januar scheint zu halten

      alles wird gut

      schrieb am 10.07.08 15:02:21
      Beitrag Nr. 2.208 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.475.641 von Boersenkrieger am 09.07.08 22:59:42so ist es :laugh:

      schrieb am 09.07.08 22:59:42
      Beitrag Nr. 2.207 ()
      das übliche gezappel eben bei falkland

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      Rockhopper Exploration ehemals FALKLAND OIL & GAS +++ 270% mit Öl