
    Stans Energy / ARMZ Lithiumprojekt in Russland (Seite 139)

    eröffnet am 20.10.10 07:00:01 von
    neuester Beitrag 23.01.24 22:08:37 von
    Beiträge: 2.109
    ID: 1.160.579
    Aufrufe heute: 4
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    ISIN: CA8547221058 · WKN: A0RD0N · Symbol: HRE.H
    0,00 %
    0,0000 CAD
    Letzter Kurs 14.06.24 Toronto

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     Ja Nein
      schrieb am 23.01.12 21:37:40
      Beitrag Nr. 729 ()
      Genau das wollte ich lesen:

      "Project financing and advanced offtake terms are constantly being negotiated with end users."

      Sollten Abkommen getroffen werden über Vorabfinanzierungen im Gegenzug zu Lieferzusagen, dann könnte es Stans schaffen, um eine Verwässerung komplett herumzukommen.

      Und jetzt vergleicht mal die Sharezahl mit jener von LYC, ARU et al!
      schrieb am 23.01.12 21:31:56
      Beitrag Nr. 728 ()
      Ein erster Bericht aus Vancouver:

      Vancouver Update

      1/23/2012 2:57:13 PM | | 55 reads | Post #30575247 Rate thisclarity
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      I asked many probing questions to Robert in Vancouver, and got some answers, but he was very tight lipped on my most pressing issues. Here's a summary:

      Processing other's concentrates - They will be testing the Soviet process on external concentrates in the "near future". No definition of "near future" given. The only other's I could think of would be Soviet monazites, perhaps something from Kazakhstan, or Lynas' heavies, as they're having problems with their processing plant.

      Kyrgyz government situation - They work closely with the government to be as transparent as possible, while supporting the local community whenever they can. Rob said the Kyrgyz mining laws are attractive for investment as the country recognises the need to develop its natural resources, unlike many countries who try to prohibit mining.

      Financing (Most Important) - The west views Kyrgyzstan as a higher risk for mining than many other nations. Countries like Japan, Korea, Russia, China, and some European nationals do not attach a great risk to Central Asian projects. IMO, Stans is courting Asian bankers for the debt financing portion. Project financing and advanced offtake terms are constantly being negotiated with end users. Only country names were given for potential financiers - Germany, France, Russia, Korea, Japan, China, and the USA (likely the military contractor that Rob's referred to numerous times). So they're speaking with everyone, I'm guessing, they're trying to play one against the other to get the best terms they can, but there are only about 5-6 HREE end users would could put up the kind of dough necessary to build an new mine. Rob said Ideally, they will have 2-3 partners for the financing and initial offtakes, to reduce the risk of the project for the companies putting up the money.

      Thechnical Expertise - The company's strategy is to secure the brightest RE processing minds available outside of China in the RE sector, and they believe Valery Kosynkin to be amung the best, if not the best in the world. Based on the expectations of the people they've hired, most projects will take 5-10 years of met testing to perfect mines to optimal scale (for HREEs). Many analysts are saying the same thing (seems like there will be great shorting opportunities for those Junior RE companies with high valuations, and no metallurgy).

      Russian Projects - No comment, other than they've evaluated countless REE properties with their advisors and there and have narrowed their focus to acquiring a select few. They are only interested in HREE projects. Rob said something like, "until we own one, I won't say anything other than we're evaluating Russian projects"

      Mill - The evaluation is ongoing, and there is no word as to whether they will purchase it or not. If the cost of repairs are satisfactory, they will buy it and begin production early. Let's hope it's in decent shape!

      RE Prices - They said this is the hardest thing to predict, and because there are 15 oxides, 15 metals, and alloys, so there are many variables for a proper feasibility study. Stans is trying to get secure long term offtake contracts for the key element oxides (Yttrium, Terbium, Dysprosium, Neodymium, Erbium, Europium, and Praseodymium, according to their presentation). If they can sign those contracts, they are confident they will be able to input high prices into their financial model for their feasibility studies. Sounds to me like there will be a big range in the valuation of the feasibility study because of RE pricing forecasts. They do intend to produce to consumer's specifications, increasing the price of certain metal purities, and consistencies.

      I'm very confident in Stans after this conversation. I think the bottom line remains the same - Stans is on track to becoming the first, and the largest HRE producer outside of China. The costs of their processing will be higher than others, but the execution to production, and quality of their products will be secure enough for financiers to be confident putting up the money. If the rest of the world continues to lag HREE production, Stans should enjoy a the very least, a few years of Monopolistic RE pricing (I think even longer). There is a good chance for leveraging Stans' expertise in processing to create additional cash flows, and it sounds like their potential project pipeline is strong (I'm excited about that because they seem to be able to make great deals). They're going to be hiring Mining and Milling people in the coming year to execute the mine's development, so that Rob and Boris can focus on increasing the valuation of the company or its shareholders, rather than the day to day managment issues with running the mine in Kyrgyzstan. Music to my ears, and yours.

      Good luck to all,


      Sieht doch ganz gut aus, oder? Das bestätigt mich in meiner Hypothese, dass hier bald etwas über ein Abkommen / eine Beteiligung bekanntgegeben werden könnte.

      Außer der MA 200 scheint mir derzeit nichts im Wege zu stehen! ;)

      LG, ER
      schrieb am 23.01.12 20:32:32
      Beitrag Nr. 727 ()
      Mal schauen, wie lange wir heute noch unter dem "Widerstand" bei 1,24-1,25 CAD verharren werden. Mein Tip: Bis 21.00 oder 21.30 Uhr, dann Break und Schluß knapp unter 1,40 CAD.

      Bei 2 CAD ist mit dem ersten ernsthaften Widerstand zu rechnen:

      schrieb am 23.01.12 20:26:44
      Beitrag Nr. 726 ()
      Zitat von flaschengas: Ja, das sieht gut aus, vor allem für die, die dabei sind...

      Ich hoffe, Ihr seid / bleibt dabei!?
      Das ist / war ein anstieg mit Ansage.
      Zu den Bohrergebnissen, zur PFS, zum Japanbesuch und zu dem geplanten weiteren Vorgehen des Managements: Kein Wort ging an die Öffentlichkeit. Selbst analysten / Experten (siehe auch Brünning) bekamen keinerlei Infos. Stattdessen Insidertrades und ansteigendes Handelsvolumen...

      Was soll da schon kommen? Es kann ja nur was Großes sein!
      Und entsprechend den ankündigungen des Unternehmens wissen wir, dass wir es noch diesen Monat erfahren sollen.

      Bis dahin geht´s wohl weiter aufwärts...

      LG, ER
      schrieb am 23.01.12 18:28:57
      Beitrag Nr. 725 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 42.633.942 von Lemming123 am 23.01.12 16:54:08Ja, das sieht gut aus, vor allem für die, die dabei sind...

      Trading Spotlight

      East Africa Metals
      0,1480EUR +0,68 %
      Kennen wir bei East Africa bislang nur die Spitze des Goldberges?!mehr zur Aktie »
      schrieb am 23.01.12 16:54:08
      Beitrag Nr. 724 ()
      Sieht nach einem Handel, wie an den letzten beiden (Handels)tagen aus. Starker Anstieg bis 16 Uhr, zwischen 16:30 bis 17:30 verlieren wir wieder mittelstark um ab 19:30 bzw 20:30 bis 22:00 "neue" Höchststände zu erklimmen.
      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 23.01.12 14:31:40
      Beitrag Nr. 723 ()
      Und so sah es Intraday aus:

      Von widerstand bei 0,99 - 1,00 CAD kann man da eigentlich noch nicht einnmal sprechen!
      schrieb am 23.01.12 14:28:43
      Beitrag Nr. 722 ()
      Manchmal sagen ja auch Bilder mehr, als Worte...
      Dennoch: Beachtet mal den Verlauf des Umsatzes, das Bid-Ask-Verhältnis und die Art und Weise (wie mit einem heißen Messer durch die Butter), wie die Aktie am freitag durch den widerstand im Bereich 0,99 - 1,00 CAD durchgeflutscht ist:

      schrieb am 23.01.12 13:58:00
      Beitrag Nr. 721 ()
      All jenen, die glauben, sie könnten Stans Energy mit MCP oder LYC in eine Schublade schmeissen, sei mal das Interview mit Bryon King ans Herz gelegt. Er hat ganz gut das Potential von Stans Energy erfasst:

      Byron King: The Real REE Demand Opportunity
      Source: Brian Sylvester of The Critical Metals Report (7/12/11)
      schrieb am 23.01.12 13:42:13
      Beitrag Nr. 720 ()
      Kleine Zusammenfassung zu Stans Energy von kettl aus dem stockhouse-board:

      _the only rare earth mine with all relevant heavy REO's outside china, possesing a prooven MINING AND PROCESS know how

      _in operation around end Q3 2012 (with a processing line already operated some years back)

      _undiluted share value and debt free

      _increase of projected start up production to 1500 t/y starting by 2013

      _highest REO basket price worldwide (around 350-380 USD/kg average)

      _around 150-200Million USD/y Revenue for the initial start up

      _shares 150 Million EPS 0.5- 0.7 to be expected for the fist year

      _2013 with extended >1500 t/y Processing line 3*0.5 (0.7) =EPS 1.5-2.1

      This are just estimates, but even take halve the values, you can consider the SP value to be around 15-20 by next year, if there are not especial better news (from what we do know for now).

      So, anyone can tell me a better bet than STANS. Heavy pumping now or REASONABLE?????…
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      Stans Energy / ARMZ Lithiumprojekt in Russland