
    Lifecell, Produkte und Zukunftsaussichten eines Tissue Unternehmens - 500 Beiträge pro Seite

    eröffnet am 02.06.01 19:52:35 von
    neuester Beitrag 06.05.08 01:57:50 von
    Beiträge: 252
    ID: 414.477
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    Gesamt: 21.343
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     Ja Nein
      schrieb am 02.06.01 19:52:35
      Beitrag Nr. 1 ()

      Auf der Suche nach Tissue Unternehmen ist mir unter anderem Lifecell aufgefallen. Lifecell ist ein kleines Biotechnologie Unternehmen das 1986 in Houston, Texas gegründet wurde. Mittlerweile hat es seine Zentrale nach New Jersey verlegt.
      Das Unternehmen hat drei zugelassene Produkte auf dem Markt.

      Das erste Produkt ist AlloDerm® eine Zellenlose Haut, die aus gespendeter Menschlicher Haut hergestellt wird. Die Anwendung von AlloDerm® ist hier bildlich dargestellt.

      Schritt 1: Hautgewebe bestehend aus Collagen(1), Fibroblasten(2), Eiweiß(3), und Blutgefäßen(4).

      Schritt 2: Die Oberhaut (5) wird abgelöst.

      Schritt 3: Die Hautzellen werden entfernt.

      Schritt 4: Die Haut Matrix wird trocken gefroren, ohne die wesentlichen organischen Komponenten zu beschädigen.

      Schritt 5: Die biologische Grundierung, AlloDerm® wird bei dem Patienten aufgetragen.

      Schritt 6: Die Wiedererweiterung der Blutgefäße beginnt.

      Schritt 7: Neue Hautzellen beginnen in AlloDerm® zu wachsen.

      Schritt 8: AlloDerm® hat sich zur eigenen Haut des Patienten umgewandelt.

      Anwendungsgebiete von AlloDerm® sind Zellgewebe Austausch, Hauttransplantation, Hautverbrennungen, Zahnwurzelhaut Austausch und bei Mittelgesichtslähmung als Hilfsmuskulatur.

      Das zweite Produkt von Lifecell ist Cymetra™, eine micronisierte Form von AlloDerm® welches die gleichen Eigenschaften besitzt, aber dem Patienten gespritzt wird. Cymetra™ wird zur Korrektur von Akne, Narben und Falten eingesetzt, so wie zur Lippen Korrektur.

      Das dritte seit 1999 zugelassene Produkt von Lifecell heißt Repliform™ wirkt wie AlloDerm® und wird bei Inkontinenz und Becken Boden Verbesserungen angewendet. Vermarktet wird Repliform™ durch Boston Scientific einem Unternehmen das im Bereich von medizinischen Geräten und der Urologie tätig ist.


      In der Entwicklung sind zur Zeit eine Zellenlose Matrix mit geringem Durchmesser für den Einsatz als Herzkranz Arterie und periphere Arterie unterhalb des Knies.

      Ein Sehnen und Bänder Ersatz. (Lifecell erhielt am 31.01.01 eine 2.3 Millionen Dollar Spende des U.S. Verteidigungsministeriums für zukünftige Forschungen in dem Gebiet des Orthopädischen Gewebes. )

      Lifecell entwickelt außerdem Produkte zur Zellen Konservierung. Das erste Produkt dieser Art ist ThromboSol™ (trocken gefrorene Blutplättchen) und wird vor allem von Patienten benötigt die sich einer Chemotherapie unterziehen.

      Soviel also erst mal zu den Produkten von Lifecell. Die finanziellen Daten die Ich hier rein stelle kommen direkt von der Nasdaq und sollten sich automatisch aktualisieren.

      Das erwartete KGV :

      Das Verkaufswachstumim Vergleich :

      Die Profit Margen im Vergleich:

      Hier ist der sechs Monats Chart:

      Ein paar Daten konnte Ich nicht verfügbar machen deswegen stelle ich sie offline rein.

      Umsatz: $ 6,424,000 (1. Quartal 2001)
      Marktkap.: $ 28,739,480 (01.06.01)
      Außenstehende Aktien: 16,709,000 (01.06.01)

      und zuletzt noch ein Link zu den neuesten Nachrichten von Lifecell.…

      Ein abschließendes Fazit möchte Ich zur Zeit noch nicht abgeben, hoffe aber das sich eine Diskussion zu Lifecell entwickelt.
      Besonders würde Ich mich über Meinungen zu folgenden Fragen freuen.

      1. Wie sind die Zukunftsaussichten der eingesetzten Technologie. (Tissue Produkt aus Spender Haut)
      2. Warum ist die Firma so niedrig bewertet? (KUV von 1, erwartetes KGV für 2002 von 4)

      Erfolgreiches handeln wünscht
      schrieb am 02.06.01 20:13:49
      Beitrag Nr. 2 ()
      das ist gut ausgearbeited und zeigt die möglichkeiten für einen guten kursanstieg in der nächsten zeit.aber wer sich viel mühe gibt wie du, hat sich sicher auch schon schön eingedeckt,was nicht negativ bewerted werden soll.bin in der aktie investiert und denke an guten kursanstieg.übriegens habe ich zwei jahre auf einer schwerbrandverletzten intensivstation gearbeited(BG DUISBURG-BG BOCHUM).damit ist gut geldverdienen.(kunsthaut ect.)
      grüße t.1
      schrieb am 02.06.01 22:12:06
      Beitrag Nr. 3 ()
      Dein posting ist eine schöne und vor allem informative Grundlage für einen Lifecell-thread.
      Warum der Kurs nicht auf die Beine kommt?
      Lifecell vollzog letztes Jahr einen Standortwechsel, der das Ergebnis im falschen Moment belastete.
      Etwas enttäuschte VK-Zahlen (durch vorher von Analysten zu hoch pognostizierte Ergebnisse) führten zu weiteren Kursverlusten.
      Eine durch die allgemeine Situation bedingte Überreaktion!! (Momentan will man nur Gewinne sonst wird abgestraft.)
      Aber der Standortwechsel, verbunden mit den Kosten, war richtig und die im letzten Jahr geschlossenen Partnerschaften müssen erst mal richtig anlaufen.
      Selbst bin selbtvertändlich ordentlich investiert. Bei diesem Kursniveau MUSS man diesen Wert einsammeln. ;)
      Das Umsatzwachstum bei Alloderm ist gut. Bei den anderen eingeführten Produkte sollten in diesem Jahr überzeugendere Zahlen veröffentlicht werden.

      schrieb am 03.06.01 14:13:29
      Beitrag Nr. 4 ()
      Hallo zusammen

      Freut mich, daß hier mal wieder eine Diskussion über LifeCell zustande kommt.

      Ein Grund für das geringe KGV wird sein, daß der Wert einfach viel zu klein für Aktienfonds ist und somit auch von keinem Analysten beobachtet wird.
      Aktienfonds investieren nur in Unternehmen, bei denen sich auch 10 oder 100 Millionen Dollar investieren dürfen.
      In den USA gibt es strenge Richtlinien. Dort dürfen Fonds nicht mehr als 10 % des Unternehmens halten. Wenn man nun die Marktkapitalisierung von 28 Millionen Dollar nimmt, dann dürfte ein Fond gerade max. 2,8 Millionen investieren. Für viele Fond sind das absolute Peanuts. Hier würde sich ein Engagement gar nicht rentieren.

      Unter Yahoo
      Sieht man, daß 56 % der Aktien im Besitz von Insidern sind. Das ist ein wirklich beachtlicher Prozentsatz.

      Unter sieht man die Analysten, die LifeCell beobachten. Die letzte Änderung ist von August 2000. Fast ein Jahr ohne Veränderungen zeigt auch, daß LifeCell für Analysten nicht interessant ist, da sie hier wenig verdienen können.

      Unter kann man die institutionellen Besitzer anschauen und unter die Aktienfonds die in LifeCell investieren.

      Problematisch find ich momentan an der Firma, daß sie in der Nähe der 1 $ Marke ist. Wenn eine Aktie für (ich glaube) 30 Tage unter einem Dollar liegt, wird sie aus dem Nasdaq entfernt. Dieses De-Listing würde mehr oder weniger das Aus für den Kurs von LifeCell bedeuten.

      Ich denke, wenn der Kurs mal richtig loslegt, also nach Lynch ein Tenbagger wird, dann ist das Unternehmen auch so groß, daß Institutionelle auf den Wert aufmerksam werden.

      So, ich hoffe, es entsteht hier eine lebhafte Debatte über LifeCell.

      Gruß Mitch
      schrieb am 03.06.01 20:30:16
      Beitrag Nr. 5 ()
      Sehr entscheidend werden die Partnerschaften sein.
      Nicht immer waren die ersten Partner die besten. Ich erinnere an COB.
      Wenn Lifecell die richtigen Jungs an die Seite geholt haben, müßte man an einem konstanten Umsatzanstieg die zukünftige Richtung deutlich erkennen.
      Deshalb sehe ich dieses Jahr als richtungsweisend an.
      Eigentlich müßte Lifecell sich zu einem "ten bagger" entwickeln können, denn der ganze kosmetische Bereich ist doch so ertragsreich!!!
      Ich gebe in dieser Argumentation t.1 100% recht.


      Trading Spotlight

      InnoCan Pharma
      0,1975EUR +5,90 %
      InnoCans LPT-Therapie als Opioid-Alternative?! mehr zur Aktie »
      schrieb am 03.06.01 22:26:55
      Beitrag Nr. 6 ()
      Warum bekomme ich aber hier keine :confused:
      Habe öfters order aufgegeben z.T. mit weit drüberliegenden kursen trotzdem ist die order nicht zustandegekommen. Da ich aber leider ein kleinaktionär bin (will ca 500ST. kaufen) kann ich es mir nicht leisten eine order mit 500St. in amerika aufzugeben, weil die meistens dann auch in teilorderausgeführt werden!!
      Deshalb bitte um info!!
      Danke :) im voraus

      schrieb am 03.06.01 23:15:10
      Beitrag Nr. 7 ()
      n´abend burna

      Lifecell ist gerade in Deutschland ein sehr Marktenger Titel. An dem Chart kannst du aber erkennen das immer mal wieder Aktien gehandelt werden. Am besten gibst du eine limitierte Order auf, die eine o. zwei Wochen gültig bleibt.

      schöne Feiertage
      schrieb am 03.06.01 23:16:21
      Beitrag Nr. 8 ()
      Sahnethread...lifc könnte aber noch etwas vor sich hintrödeln, wenn man die daily und weklycharts nimmt: aber die stoch ist schon unten beim monatschart. etwas wird es noch dauern

      generell sind die knochen- und gewebezüchter äußerst günstig bewertet, schaut euch IART oder macropore an. IART dürtfte neben Adv.Tissue zur creme de la creme gehören, lifc ist der billigste wert, weil die finanzierung beschwerlich ist. man hat nur 3 mio cash...macropore z.B. ist der Trendsetter für Schädelflächenersatz weltweit. Auch interessant, aber kein verzehnfacher, max.200 % in 2 Jahren, was aber auch nicht übel ist.

      bei Lifc würde ich auf größere umsatzbewegungen warten und dann erst einsteigen, was natürlich zumindest die wöchentliche Beobachtung erfordert. An ein delisting von der nasdaq glaube ich nicht, da der wert fundamental in ordnung ist. bei 16 mio ausstehenden aktien können noch genug aktien ausgegeben werden für eine kapitalerhöhung, vielleicht 5 mio zu 2 $, was LIFC ungemein helfen würde. der kurs dürfte dadurch kaum belastet werden, weil dies privatplatzierungen sein werden.

      wenn beim broker der zusatz all or none gewählt wird, gibts keine teilausführungen in usa. bei der diraba ist das seit april leider nicht mehr möglich, weshalb ich auch schon teilausführungen hatte, aber dann zu den üblichen deutschen gebühren, und nicht hunderte von mark, also bei 500 stck zu 1,70 $ werdens max. 2 Ausführungen zu 35 mark insgesamt bei der diraba. wenn du aber 2-5 cent drauflegst( je nach briefkurs) bekommst du volle ausführung. In deutschland würde ich nicht handeln wegen der mangelnden liquidität, und überzogenen preisen sowie dem europroblem, wenn die währung erstmal offizielles zahlungsmittel ist, werden sich einige wundern, wie stark der euro werden kann, unter 0,80 wird es ihn kaum geben, dafür später um 0,9 bis 1:1
      schrieb am 03.06.01 23:38:05
      Beitrag Nr. 9 ()

      Es ist vollkommen egal (abgesehen von der Liquidität) ob du eine Aktie in Euro o. Dollar hältst.

      mfg Kubrick
      schrieb am 04.06.01 10:07:26
      Beitrag Nr. 10 ()
      @kubrick, es ist nicht egal! Allein schon die mangelnde liquidität verbietet fast einen kauf hier, wenn du die dinger haben willst, zahlst du einen aufschlag ($1,70-E 2,15) oder ständig den briefkurs, willst du sie loswerden, dann kannst du fast nur zum geldkurs abgeben (E 2,00)das heisst, du verzichtest in jedem fall auf mind. 5-10 %, sollten die kurse steigen-kannst du natürlich mit einem premium verkaufen, aber auch nur, wenn die dinger liquider werden, es soll jeder machen wie er denkt, aber egal ist es nicht, und die liquidität ist das schlagende argument, eine mögliche dollarschwäche sekundär, mir würde es schon etwas ausmachen zu 2,15 zu kaufen bei uskurs von 1,70---später dann aber zu 3 E zu verkaufen bei uskurs 3 oder 2,90 $. Ihr macht nicht mal 40 % wenns dumm läuft, obwohl in den usa knapp 80 % anfallen...
      schrieb am 04.06.01 10:55:00
      Beitrag Nr. 11 ()

      Das die Liquidität ein Problem ist, habe Ich oben schon geschrieben. Wenn man aber immer 5-10% über dem Kaufpreis ordert ist man selber schuld. Bedenke das zu einem Aktiendeal immmer zwei gehören. Wenn einer zu teuer kauft, verkauft der andere über dem Marktpreis. Man kann also auch von der Marktenge profitieren, wenn man die Nerven hat und den Kursen nicht hinterherrrennt.(hinterherrrenen schreibt man das so?)

      mfg Kubrick
      schrieb am 04.06.01 12:38:46
      Beitrag Nr. 12 ()
      genug jetzt davon, ich will jedenfalls nicht tagelang warten bis sich jemand meiner aktien annimmt oder ich dem käufer hinterher renne. was sagt der duden übrigens dazu?;)
      schrieb am 04.06.01 19:40:15
      Beitrag Nr. 13 ()
      sieht heute doch schon nach ausbruch aus, im moment 120.000 stck gehandelt, 4 mal soviel wie gestern;)
      schrieb am 05.06.01 00:08:57
      Beitrag Nr. 14 ()
      Hallo zusammen

      Wen es interessiert: es gab hier schon mal ein paar Threads zu Lifecell. Sind bestimmt 3 oder 4 Stück.

      Heute war ein Volumen in den USA.... wirklich beachtlich.

      schrieb am 05.06.01 00:58:37
      Beitrag Nr. 15 ()
      Steigender Kurs bei (für diesen Wert) sehr hohen Umsätzen!!!!!

      Was wollen wir mehr???

      Der charttechnische Widerstand bei 1.80 US$ wurde heute genommen!!!

      In der aktuellen Ausgabe von Medical Strategie ein unverändertes Rating:

      Kauf unter 6 US$, Kursziel 12 US$.

      MfG Pieselwitz!!
      schrieb am 05.06.01 16:55:41
      Beitrag Nr. 16 ()
      Sieht doch jetzt charttechnisch und umsatzmäßig wirklich gut aus!!!
      schrieb am 05.06.01 23:09:44
      Beitrag Nr. 17 ()
      Hab` mir den Wert genauer angeschaut - und bin heute rein. Ich denke, wir werden noch Freude an LifeCell haben!

      Gruß ubo
      schrieb am 05.06.01 23:47:28
      Beitrag Nr. 18 ()
      Bin froh wenn wir 6€ sehen würden geschweige denn 6$
      aber mir soll es recht sein!!
      schrieb am 06.06.01 15:55:57
      Beitrag Nr. 19 ()
      Das fängt ja gut an heute. Trotz schwacher Biotechs zur Nasdaq Eröffnung, ist LIFC 12.09% 15min. nach Handelsbeginn im plus. Mal schauen ob so weiter geht!

      Hier ist der intraday

      viel geld
      schrieb am 06.06.01 21:33:40
      Beitrag Nr. 20 ()
      Dafür, dass der BIO-Index heute ziemlich - um die -1,9 % -runtergekommen ist ( leider die charttechnische Marke von 1100 nicht geschafft ), hält sich LIFC ganz ordentlich.

      Zum heutigen Verlauf ein Bericht von CBS:

      NEW YORK (CBS.MW) -- "Biotech stocks` four-session winning streak appeared to be coming to an end Wednesday, with shares of Affymetrix among those giving back some recent gains.

      The Amex Biotechnology Index (BTK: news, msgs, alerts) lost 3.9 percent and the Nasdaq Biotechnology Index (NBI: news, msgs, alerts) slipped 2.6 percent in recent action. Both biotech indexes posted gains in the previous four sessions and the Amex index touched a six-month high Tuesday.

      On Wednesday, though, the sector reversed course and headed lower, as did technology stocks generally. The Nasdaq Composite Index ($COMPQ: news, msgs, alerts) lost 0.7 percent in recent action. See full story.

      Shares of Affymetrix (AFFX: news, msgs, alerts) dropped $2.23, or 4.4 percent, to $48.19. Affymetrix`s stock had surged Tuesday after an analyst at Thomas Weisel Partners upgraded his rating on the stock from "buy" to "strong buy." In a note to clients, the analyst said Affymetrix has captured 80 percent of a market that`s growing at a 50-percent annual rate. Affymetrix makes sophisticated equipment used in genetic research. ..."

      Bis dann, ubo
      schrieb am 07.06.01 17:45:32
      Beitrag Nr. 21 ()
      Hallo miteinander,

      heute siehts bei den Bios wieder sonniger aus:


      Und gleich legt auch lifecell wieder überproportional zu: z.Zeit 10 cent:)

      Gruß ubo
      schrieb am 07.06.01 18:19:36
      Beitrag Nr. 22 ()
      schrieb am 08.06.01 15:23:16
      Beitrag Nr. 23 ()

      Allen Freunden von LifeCell

      schaut doch gut aus - oder?

      schrieb am 08.06.01 15:27:09
      Beitrag Nr. 24 ()
      sorry - meine diesen Chart

      schrieb am 08.06.01 21:31:34
      Beitrag Nr. 25 ()
      Wow, heute macht LIFC 10% und steht bei rund 2.55$ - und da verkauft in Frankfurt jemand für 2,72 EU. WHY?

      Ich denke, wir werden noch weiterhin viel Freude an dem Wert haben :) :)

      schrieb am 08.06.01 23:53:24
      Beitrag Nr. 26 ()
      @ mitch
      Weist Du was neues von Lifecell ?

      Gruß Markus
      schrieb am 08.06.01 23:58:23
      Beitrag Nr. 27 ()
      Hallo zusammen

      Ich hab mich mal bei Medical Strategy erkundigt ob es irgendwas Neues gibt.

      Sie meinten, daß ihnen keine Neuigkeiten bekannt sind.

      Das Volumen der letzten Tage war ja wirklich beachtlich.

      Vielleicht gibt es gute Neuigkeiten und manche der Insider haben sich eingedeckt oder der Wert wurde in einem US-Börsenbrief empfholen oder oder oder.
      Ich weiß es also auch nicht.
      Aber ich vermute, daß wir bald Neuigkeiten erfahren werden.

      Gruß Mitch
      schrieb am 09.06.01 00:07:59
      Beitrag Nr. 28 ()
      Hallo !

      Ich denke LIFC wird sich kurzfristig wieder in der range zwischen 4 und 6 $ US einpendeln.
      Schaut euch mal den 2 Jahreschart an.......

      MfG Dauphin
      schrieb am 11.06.01 19:57:38
      Beitrag Nr. 29 ()
      @ Hallo mitch

      Ist eigentlich auch egal,ob oder ob nicht . Hauptsache es
      geht Aufwärts. Meine Boston Biomedica sind auch wieder gesucht. Sieht im Moment wieder generell gut für Biotech -
      Titel aus.
      Danke jedenfalls für dein Anruf.

      schrieb am 12.06.01 09:06:13
      Beitrag Nr. 30 ()
      Danke nochmals an Kubrick2001 für die excellente
      Einleitung. Das nennt man Qualität.
      schrieb am 12.06.01 16:50:14
      Beitrag Nr. 31 ()
      Zur Zeit knüppelt`s die Bios ganz schön runter: Der Index ( NBI ) liegt schon wieder -5%; AFFX hat`s richtig erwischt:

      "SANTA CLARA, Calif. (CBS.MW) -- Shares of Affymetrix lost a third of their value in early trading Tuesday after the maker of biotech research equipment warned its second-quarter financial results will fall well short of Wall Street`s expectations."

      LIFC lässt ebenfalls nach und wird wohl auf 2$ zurückkommen ;)

      schrieb am 14.06.01 16:19:08
      Beitrag Nr. 32 ()
      Hallo zusammen

      Weiß jemand, warum Lifecell heute in den USA nicht gehandelt wird?
      Hab leider keine Infos dazu gefunden.

      Gruß Mitch
      schrieb am 14.06.01 16:29:18
      Beitrag Nr. 33 ()
      Hat sich erledigt. Es wird wieder gehandelt.

      schrieb am 18.06.01 22:02:08
      Beitrag Nr. 34 ()
      Geht wieder aufwärts - gegen den Nasdaq Abwärts-Trend
      schrieb am 19.06.01 23:33:35
      Beitrag Nr. 35 ()

      Habe mir heute nach dem Kursrückgang mal die Vorgehensweise der Fonds in Bezug auf Lifecell angeschaut. Das Ergebnis nicht sehr positiv. Vier von 23 Fonds haben alle ihre Aktien verkauft, nur einer ist neu eingestiegen. Insgesamt haben die Institutionellen 251.643 Aktien verkauft und 56.032 gekauft.

      (quelle`&selected… )

      Jetzt frage Ich mich was wissen die was Ich nicht weiß?
      Wißt ihr irgend etwas?

      schönen Abend
      schrieb am 19.06.01 23:40:34
      Beitrag Nr. 36 ()
      Ach ja, Ich wollte mich auch noch für die netten Kommentare zu meinen Eröffnungsposting bedanken. Es hat mir viel Freude bereitet sie zu lesen.
      schrieb am 20.06.01 00:24:28
      Beitrag Nr. 37 ()
      Hallo Kubrick

      Fonds und Institutionelle machen mir grundstätzlich wenig Sorgen.
      Die müssen oft sehr kurzfristig handeln.
      Les dazu mal das Buch von Lynch "Der Börse einen Schritt voraus".

      Auch Insiderverkäufe können viele Gründe haben.
      Das trifft hier ja momentan nicht zu.

      Das einzig Interessante finde ich, wenn Insider kaufen.
      Das kann nur einen Grund haben. Sie denken, dass es sich lohnt.

      Fonds hauen oft Aktien raus, die sich nicht so gut entwickelt haben. Die Fondmanager bekommen oft Druck von oben und bereinigen dann ihre Fonds um "Verlierer".

      In 1 Monat oder in 5 Jahren steigen die dann wieder ein, haben dann aber den großen Aufschwung schon verpasst.

      Gruß Mitch
      schrieb am 23.06.01 15:28:11
      Beitrag Nr. 38 ()
      Da es von Lifecell fast keine Meldungen zwischen den Quartalsberichten gibt, stelle Ich hier den conference call zum 1. quarter 01 rein.
      Ich habe ihn mir noch nicht ganz angehört, da Ich Probleme habe das amerikanische "Genuschel" in Internet Qualität zu verstehen.
      Vielleicht fällt aber einem von euch was interressantes auf.

      (werde ihn mir später auch mal ganz anhören)

      schönes Wochende
      schrieb am 27.06.01 16:35:47
      Beitrag Nr. 39 ()

      inzwischen mal reingehört? Wäre schön wenn du eine kurze Zusammenfassung hier reinstellen könntest? (für dieses Genuschel reicht mein Englisch leider nicht ;-) )
      schrieb am 28.06.01 17:01:53
      Beitrag Nr. 40 ()
      Nach dem fulminanten Zwischenspurt auf 2.70 $ Anfang Juni war lifecell ja wieder zurückgekommen auf ~ 1.80$ bei minimalen Umsätzen. Heute aber gibt es endlich wieder Bewegung - und zwar in die richtige Richtung :) Mittlerweile - bei steigenden Umsätzen - wieder bei 1.94$.

      Hoffen wir also auf die nächste Rallye!

      schrieb am 28.06.01 17:32:56
      Beitrag Nr. 41 ()
      Hi kuschelbauch!

      Ich habe es mir jetzt zwei mal angehört, aber den ceo oder wer immer da spricht von lifecell verstehe ich auch nur teilweise. Im Diskussionsboard von yahoo
      habe ich mir dann ein paar Meinungen zum conferencecall durchgelesen, und die einhellige Meinung ist das nichts neues gesagt wurde. Der erste Teil behandelt nur die bekannten Zahlen zum 1. quarter, und bei den gestellten Fragen hat sich auch nichts neues ergeben.
      Besonders bedauert wird im yahoo board das kein Ausblick zu ThromboSol™ gegeben wird, was wohl mal das richtig große Geld bringen soll.
      Auf der Website von Lifecell
      und auch bei biospace
      bekommt man leider keine Infos über den derzeitigen Stand der Produktpipeline. (Im Quartalbericht schreibt Lifecell das sie aus Geldmangel, das eine oder andere Projekt vielleicht auf Eis legen wollen.)

      1. Weiß einer von euch was über den F/E Stand von ThromboSol™, und wie schätzt Ihr die Aussichten für ein solches Produkt ein?
      2. Wann kommt der nächste Quartalsbericht?

      sonnige Grüße
      schrieb am 28.06.01 23:52:26
      Beitrag Nr. 42 ()

      Habe eine im May 2001 von einem Prof. Vicente Vicente García veröffentlichte Studie zu ThromboSol gefunden. Ich finde die Daten positiv, wenn es auch kein Wundermittel zu sein scheint. Aber der Vorteil einer längeren Lagerung von Blutkonserven durch ThromboSol scheint ja im Versuch zu funktionieren.

      Hier ist der Original Text:

      Effect of cold-storage on the accumulation of bioreactive substances in platelet concentrates treated with second messenger effectors
      Francisca Ferrer, José Rivera, Maria Luisa Lozano, Javier Corral, Vicente Vicente
      Correspondence: Prof. Vicente Vicente García, M.D., Centro Regional de Hemodonación, Ronda de Garay s/n, 30003 Murcia, Spain.
      Phone: international 968-341990 - Fax: international 968-261914
      Background and Objectives. The mandatory 5-day of shelf-life platelet concentrates (PCs) creates outdating and inventory control problems in blood banking. Moreover, storage of PCs at 22-24ºC has been associated with a time-dependent accumulation of pyrogenic cytokines, potentially harmful for recipients. Previous studies have shown that supplementation of PCs with ThromboSol, a mixture of second-messengers effectors, might allow storage of functionally active platelets at refrigerated temperature to be extended. This study further investigates this storage approach by comparing the accumulation of bioactive compounds in standard and refrigerated PCs.

      Design and Methods. The PCs were supplemented with ThromboSol or a control solution and stored in parallel at 22ºC with continuous agitation or undisturbed at 4ºC. Samples were removed on days 1, 5, 9 of storage, and assayed for their content of interleukin (IL)-6, IL-8, tumour necrosis factor (TNF)-a transforming growth factor (TGF)-b1, and anaphylatoxins C3a and C4a.

      Results. Throughout storage, refrigerated PCs, both ThromboSol-treated and untreated units, displayed a slightly lower level of IL-6 and significantly lower concentration of IL-8 than conventionally stored PCs. ThromboSol slightly reduced the level of these cytokines in PCs. Throughout storage at 22ºC, an accumulation of anaphylatoxins C3a and C4a was seen both in both control and ThromboSol-treated PCs. This accumulation was significantly reduced in control PCs stored at 4ºC, but not in refrigerated PCs supplemented with ThromboSol. Cold-storage, with or without ThromboSol, had a minor effect on the accumulation of TGF-b1 in PCs.

      Interpretation and Conclusions. Our data confirm that release of bioactive compounds during in vitro storage of PCs is a temperature-sensitive process. The ThromboSol-refrigeration system could be a useful alternative for extending storage of PCs, without increasing the accumulation of cytokines (IL-6, IL-8), known to be involved in febrile reactions in recipients. Nevertheless, this storage system has no benefit on the level of other bioactive compounds (TGF-b1, anaphylatoxins C3a and C4a) in PCs.

      ©2001, Ferrata Storti Foundation
      Key words: refrigerated PCs, storage, cytokines, anaphylatoxins, ThromboSol


      Wäre schön wenn sich ein Mediziner, Biologe oder sonst jemand, der sich mit sowas auskennt, seine Meinung zu den Ergebnissen äußern könnte.

      schrieb am 29.06.01 15:16:02
      Beitrag Nr. 43 ()

      Du hast die Studie ja auch ins Yahoo-Board gestellt. Wenn du eine vernünftige Antwort bekommst, postest du sie bitte auch hier hinein?

      Grüße von

      schrieb am 29.06.01 15:30:43
      Beitrag Nr. 44 ()
      Im Überblick stelle ich mal die Produkte rein, die in der Pipeline sind:

      Vascular Grafts

      On the basis of its technology for matrix processing and preservation, LifeCell is developing an acellular matrix, small-diameter arterial graft as a potential alternative to autografted blood vessels in coronary bypass and peripheral (below knee) bypass procedures.

      Like AlloDerm®, LifeCell vascular grafts provide a cell-free matrix of human arterial tissue that once implanted, quickly repopulates with cells to become a living artery. Successfully developed, such grafts could offer significant benefits over autograft blood vessels in terms of improved function, reduced patient morbidity, greater convenience, and reduced cost.

      Orthopedic Tissues

      Preclinical studies suggest that LifeCell`s cell-free tissue matrix also can remodel tendon and ligament tissues. Thus, the company`s technology platform may offer further opportunities to develop products for a wide range of orthopedic applications for which improved treatments are greatly needed.

      LifeCell received a $2.3 million grant from the U.S. Deparment of Defense to further investigate uses of its cell-free, tissue-matrix technology in this field of research. See press release.

      Cell Preservation Programs

      LifeCell is developing products to preserve and extend the storage capabilities of transfusable blood cells. The company`s first product of this kind, ThromboSol™, is undergoing initial clinical evaluation for the low temperature storage of donated platelets.

      In a program fully supported by the US Department of Defense, LifeCell is collaborating with the University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center to evaluate ThromboSol in 2 M. D. Anderson-sponsored clinical trials. The first is investigating the use of ThromboSol to freeze and store donated TPO-stimulated platelets for reinfusion as needed into patients undergoing chemotherapy. The second is studying the use of ThromboSol-stored platelets in patients undergoing treatment for leukemia.

      The Department of Defense also is funding research at LifeCell focused on the prolonged frozen or freeze-dried storage of red blood cells for transfusion.

      Terminal Sterilization

      Thanks to the comprehensive processing and screening procedures used in their manufacture, LifeCell`s products have an extensive history of safety. Committed to continuous product improvement, LifeCell further aims to develop new methods for the terminal sterilization of its products. Such methods will provide LifeCell with additional flexibility and cost-efficiencies in its manufacturing processes. The company expects to put these new processes in place during 2001.

      Quelle: http//

      schrieb am 30.06.01 10:33:10
      Beitrag Nr. 45 ()
      Lifecell platziert 3.125 Millionen seiner "common stocks" zum 5-Tagesdurchschnitt von 1.92$. Damit ist die Finanzierung der Forchungsprojekte erstmal sichergestellt. Der Verkauf der Aktien soll nahe an der 1. Juli Woche erfolgen.

      schönes Wochenende
      schrieb am 09.07.01 14:03:38
      Beitrag Nr. 46 ()
      Nächste Woche wird Lifecell wahrscheinlich seine Zahlen zum 2. Quartal veröffentlichen. Ich glaube zwar nicht, das der "break even" schon erreicht wird wie GRUNTAL & CO., INC. behaupten. Aber eine weitere Umsatzsteigerung und ein geringerer Verlust als im Vergleichsquartal sind bestimmt drin.
      Lassen wir uns überraschen!

      schrieb am 10.07.01 16:18:33
      Beitrag Nr. 47 ()
      Was geht denn in FSE ab ???
      Ask 8€ :confused:
      schrieb am 12.07.01 14:45:52
      Beitrag Nr. 48 ()
      @ kubrick2001 / Mitch

      Wo kann Ich mir den gehandelten Kurs in NY anschauen bzw. wo verflogt Ihr den Kurs / Umsatz ?
      Von der Kurssteigerung ausgehend dürften die nächsten Zahlen doch positiv sein.

      Gruß Markus
      schrieb am 12.07.01 16:09:56
      Beitrag Nr. 49 ()

      Ich verfolge die Kurse direkt bei der Nasdaq.
      Gib einfach das Kürzel von lifecell (lifc) ein.
      Unter "Portfolio Tracking" kannst du dir auch eine watchlist anlegen.

      schrieb am 12.07.01 16:12:35
      Beitrag Nr. 50 ()
      an erkilein,
      Du scheinst ja ziemlich fit zu sein. Erklär mir mal bitte Schritt für Schritt wie ich am günstigsten an die Aktie komme. Ich bin ein absolutes Greenhorn. Danke!!!
      schrieb am 12.07.01 17:49:29
      Beitrag Nr. 51 ()
      Hallo MarkusJ

      Einfach unter oben links in den Kasten das Kürzel eingeben: lifc

      Und schon hast Du Umsatz und Kurs von Lifecell.

      Gruß Mitch
      schrieb am 12.07.01 20:20:10
      Beitrag Nr. 52 ()
      Danke Euch . Hatte falsches Kürzel ( LF3 )benuzt.
      z.Z 50000 Stücke umgesetzt und in Deutschland ist auch ganz schön was los.
      schrieb am 14.07.01 09:57:17
      Beitrag Nr. 53 ()
      Freitag den 13. ganz schön abgesackt!!! warum ???

      schrieb am 14.07.01 20:08:30
      Beitrag Nr. 54 ()
      Hi DoktorKulka!
      Ich schätze das der Kursrückgang am Freitag durch Gewinnmitnahmen zu erklären ist, aufgrund des geringen Umsatzes (12.400 St.) muss man sich aber vermutlich keine Sorgen machen.

      Da nächste Woche die Quartalszahlen rauskommen müssten, scheinen Käufer abzuwarten da Lifecell bis jetzt noch nie die Analystenschätzungen erfüllen konnte.

      schrieb am 14.07.01 21:18:50
      Beitrag Nr. 55 ()
      Hallo zusammen

      Für mich sind die Kurse und Umsätze in den USA viel interessanter als die in Deutschland.
      In D. kommen nur das geringe Handelsvolumen auch manchmal überzogene Kurse zustande.
      Wenn man sich also mal die Kursentwicklung in den USA anschaut, dann sind die 6 % für mich nichts was mir Sorgen machen würde.

      Gruß Mitch
      schrieb am 14.07.01 21:36:12
      Beitrag Nr. 56 ()
      Hi Mitch,

      mein posting bezog sich auf Amerika, die Abweichung des Kurses in Deutschland ist ohne Aussagekraft.

      schrieb am 14.07.01 23:06:27
      Beitrag Nr. 57 ()
      Hallo Kubrick2001

      Es war mir klar, daß Du Dich auf USA bezogen hast, aber DoktorKulka hat wohl den deutschen Kurs gemeint.

      In D. ist es ja um (ich glaube) 11 % runter gegangen.

      Gruß Mitch
      schrieb am 16.07.01 21:41:11
      Beitrag Nr. 58 ()
      Morgen am 17.07.01 wird Lifecell seine Zahlen für Q2 melden. Laut CNBC wird, im Gegensatz zu den Zahlen an der Nasdaq, ein EPS von -0.07 erwartet (nasdaq -0.03).

      Ich denke wenn der Verlust unter 10 Cent bleibt, können wir eine Flasche Sekt aufmachen. Ich bin auf jeden Fall sehr gespannt wie die Zahlen aussehen.

      schrieb am 17.07.01 12:48:18
      Beitrag Nr. 59 ()
      bin gerade eingestiegen... dann wollen wir mal schauen, ob man was zum Entkorken hat

      hab mal 2ooo `Stück im Depot

      schrieb am 17.07.01 22:43:03
      Beitrag Nr. 60 ()

      So wie es aussieht war CNBC falsch informiert!

      LifeCell Corporation Invites You to Join Its Second Quarter 2001 Results Conference Call

      PRNewswire via COMTEX

      Jul 17, 2001 4:01:00 PM
      BRANCHBURG, N.J., Jul 17, 2001 /PRNewswire via COMTEX/ -- In conjunction with LifeCell Corporation`s Second Quarter 2001 Earnings Release, Paul G. Thomas, Chairman, President and CEO of LifeCell Corporation will be hosting a conference call on Tuesday, July 24, 2001 at 10:00 AM EST. A listen-only, live webcast of the conference call will be available at the following link: http// (Minimum requirements to listen to the webcast: The RealPlayer software, downloadable free from, and at least a 14.4Kbps connection to the Internet.)

      What: LifeCell Corporation Second Quarter 2001 Earnings Release Conference Call When: 10:00 AM EST, Tuesday, July 24, 2001 Conference Call Information Call-in #: 800-540-0559 Access Code: LifeCell Replay #: 800-695-2122 -- Available approximately 2 hours after event ends. From July 24, 2001 through July 31, 2001 Contact: Steven Sobieski, VP, CFO, 908-947-1100

      Wir werden uns wohl bis zum nächsten Dienstag gedulden müssen.

      schöne Grüße
      schrieb am 24.07.01 15:01:07
      Beitrag Nr. 61 ()
      Tuesday July 24, 8:02 am Eastern Time

      Press Release

      SOURCE: LifeCell Corporation

      LifeCell Reports Second Quarter 2001 Product Revenues
      Increased 30%; Net Loss Decreased 69%

      BRANCHBURG, N.J., July 24 /PRNewswire/ -- LifeCell Corporation (Nasdaq: LIFC -
      news) today announced that second quarter 2001 total revenues increased 27% to $7.5
      million from $5.9 million in the second quarter of 2000. Product revenues of $7.0 million
      were 30% above the $5.4 million reported in the second quarter of 2000. This increase was
      largely due to higher revenues from Repliform(TM) and AlloDerm®. On a consecutive
      quarter basis, product revenues increased $587,000, or 9%, over first quarter 2001 revenues.
      Net loss in the second quarter of 2001 decreased 69% to $657,000 compared to $2.1 million
      in the second quarter of 2000. The reduction in net loss resulted principally from the positive
      contribution from the increase in product revenues and a reduction in general and
      administrative expenses. The second quarter 2001 net loss represents a decrease of
      $659,000, or 50%, from the first quarter 2001 net loss of $1.3 million.

      Total revenues in the six months ended June 30, 2001 increased 33% to $14.2 million from
      $10.7 million in the first six months in 2000. Product revenues of $13.4 million were 37%
      above the $9.8 million reported in the first six months of 2000. This increase was largely due
      to higher revenues from Repliform, Cymetra® and AlloDerm. Net loss in the first six months
      of 2001 decreased 40% to $2.0 million compared to $3.3 million in the same period in 2000.

      The Company ended the quarter with cash and short-term investments of $2.6 million, down
      from $3.0 million at March 31, 2001. Following the end of the second quarter, the Company
      completed a $6.0 million private financing led by OrbiMed Advisors LLC.

      ``I am very pleased with our operating performance through the first six months of this year,``
      said Paul G. Thomas, LifeCell`s Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer. ``The
      positive impact of continued revenue growth combined with the benefits realized through
      expense reductions and operating efficiencies has resulted in a significant decrease in our net loss and negative cash flows``
      he added. ``Additionally, the $6.0 million private placement we completed earlier this month strengthened our financial
      position`` stated Mr. Thomas.

      As previously reported, a conference call will be hosted by Paul G. Thomas on Tuesday, July 24, 2001 at 10:00 a.m. EDT to
      discuss these operating results and related matters. You may listen to the conference call by calling (800) 540-0559 and
      indicating access code: LifeCell. The conference call will be recorded and an automated playback of the conference call
      will be available through July 31, 2001 by dialing (800) 695-2122 and indicating access code: LifeCell.

      A listen-only, live web cast of the conference call will be available at If you
      are unable to listen during the live webcast, the call will be archived on LifeCell`s web site

      LifeCell Corporation is a leader in the emerging field of regenerative medicine engaged in developing and marketing
      biologic solutions for the repair, replacement and preservation of human tissue. The Company`s core technology removes all
      cells from the tissue and preserves the tissue without damaging the essential biochemical and structural components
      necessary for normal tissue regeneration. LifeCell currently markets three human tissue products based on its technology:
      AlloDerm® for plastic reconstructive and burn procedures through LifeCell`s direct sales force and for periodontal
      procedures through BioHorizons, Inc.; Cymetra®, a version of AlloDerm in particulate form for the correction of soft tissue
      defects, through LifeCell`s direct sales force and a co-promotion agreement with OMP, Inc.; and Repliform(TM), a version
      of AlloDerm for urology and gynecology procedures, through a marketing and distribution agreement with Boston Scientific
      Corporation. The Company`s development programs include the application of its core technology to process small diameter
      blood vessel grafts as an alternative to blood vessel grafts taken from the patient; investigation of potential orthopedic
      applications of its technology; investigation of human tissues as carriers for therapeutics; Thrombosol(TM), a formulation
      for extended storage of platelets and technologies to enhance the storage of red blood cells for transfusion.

      This release contains forward-looking statements made pursuant to the safe harbor provisions of the Private Securities
      Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Forward-looking statements represent management`s judgment regarding future events.
      Although management believes that the expectations reflected in such statements are reasonable, they give no assurance that
      such expectations will prove to be correct and you should be aware that actual results could differ materially from those
      contained in the forward-looking statements due to a number of factors. These factors include the risks detailed in the
      Company`s Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2000 and other reports filed with the Securities
      and Exchange Commission.

      Financial Highlights

      June 30, December 31,
      2001 (1) 2000

      Cash and cash equivalents
      and short-term investments $2,576,000 $5,535,000
      Working capital 3,159,000 5,330,000
      Total assets 20,687,000 25,410,000
      Total stockholders` equity 10,855,000 12,789,000

      Three Months Ended Six Months Ended
      June 30, June 30,
      2001 2000 2001 2000

      Product revenues $7,011,000 $5,387,000 $13,435,000 $9,825,000
      Research grant
      revenues 440,000 475,000 787,000 853,000
      Total revenues 7,451,000 5,862,000 14,222,000 10,678,000

      Costs and Expenses:
      Cost of products
      sold 2,358,000 1,912,000 4,853,000 3,100,000
      Research and
      development 1,164,000 1,299,000 2,289,000 2,518,000
      General and
      administrative 1,247,000 1,627,000 2,340,000 2,843,000
      Selling and
      marketing 3,141,000 3,013,000 6,338,000 5,291,000
      Total costs and
      expenses 7,910,000 7,851,000 15,820,000 13,752,000

      Loss from Operations (459,000) (1,989,000) (1,598,000) (3,074,000)
      Interest and other
      expense, net (198,000) (160,000) (375,000) (231,000)
      Net Loss $(657,000) $(2,149,000) $(1,973,000) $(3,305,000)

      Loss per Common Share -
      Basic and Diluted $(0.05) $(0.16) $(0.14) $(0.26)
      Shares Used in Computing
      Loss per Common Share -
      Basic and Diluted 16,709,368 14,021,629 16,709,368 13,639,714

      (1) Balances at June 30, 2001 do not include $6.0 million proceeds from
      the private placement of common stock and warrants completed in
      July 2001.

      SOURCE: LifeCell Corporation

      MfG Dauphin
      schrieb am 25.07.01 15:43:11
      Beitrag Nr. 62 ()
      Freuen wie uns. Diese Zahlen sind doch alle mal gut für eine Flasche Champagner.

      Verlust um 69 Prozenz reduziert, auf 5 cent pro Aktie und Umsatz um 30 Prozent gesteigert, auf fast 42 cent pro Aktie für diese Quartal.

      Die Verluste gestern an der Nasdaq sind, denke ich irrational, und werden keinen Bestand haben. Wahrscheinlich geht es schon heute oder spätestens nächste Woche wieder deutlich nach oben.

      Sonnige Grüße
      schrieb am 25.07.01 16:57:10
      Beitrag Nr. 63 ()

      CEO Paul G. Thomas hat im Confrence Call zum 2. Quartal erklärt, daß Lifecell zuversichtlich ist, den break even in der zweiten Jahreshälfte zu erreichen.

      Wie ist den eure Meinung zu den Zahlen?

      Schöne Grüße
      schrieb am 30.07.01 22:08:52
      Beitrag Nr. 64 ()
      Hi Jungs und Mädels, (gibt es hier welche?)

      habe den Grund gefunden warum Lifecell nach den Q2 Zahlen nicht so gut gelaufen ist.

      GRUNTAL & CO., INC. haben die Aussichten für das Q3 von $0,00 auf $-0.07 cent gesenkt, und die Aussichten für das Geschäftsjahr 2001 von $-0.04 auf $-0.22.

      Nach $-0.09 in Q1 und $-0.05 in Q2, sowie dem Ausblick von CEO Paul G. Thomas in den letzten 6 Monaten ein ausgeglichenes Ergebnis zu erreichen, müßte Lifecell jetzt eigentlich in der Lage sein die Erwartungen deutlich zu toppen. Vielleicht war es ja der Wunsch des Managements, die Erwartungen zurückzunehmen, sie positiv zu schlagen, und so langfristig eine höhere Bewertung zu erreichen. Mir erscheint das zumindest besser als zu hohe Prognosen ständig zu verfehlen.

      P.S. Es ist ruhig hier geworden in den letzten Wochen, meldet euch mal!

      Gruß Kubrick
      schrieb am 07.08.01 08:46:27
      Beitrag Nr. 65 ()
      Hi Leute!

      Ich bin auch noch da. Die Q. Zahlen waren gut, das wird dem Kurs auftrieb geben. Bin schon seit November investiert und warte schon lange auf positive Singnale von Lifecell. Mich stört das winzige Handelsvolumen, selbst die kleinsten Verkaufsorders drücken den Kurs um viele Prozente. Hat den niemand aus den USA Interesse an diesem Wert?

      schrieb am 11.08.01 11:42:38
      Beitrag Nr. 66 ()
      Hallo zusammen,

      Freitag hatten wir ja mal endlich wieder einen schönen Anstieg des Kurses. Da auch das Handelsvolumen wieder etwas anzog, können wir darauf hoffen, daß nächste Woche die 3 Dollar Marke getestet wird.

      Im Yahoo board wird darüber spekuliert, ob der Anstieg von Lifecell, mit der Rede von W. zusammenhängt. Amis zu blöd um Stammzellen und Lifecell zu unterscheiden? Liegt nicht so fern, da auch in einem board bei w:o lifc in Verbindung mit Stammzellen genannt wurde.
      Da die Kurse von Stammzellen Aktien aber am Freitag größtenteils nachgaben, kann man das wohl ausschließen.

      Auf einen signifikanten Ausbruch wartend
      schrieb am 11.08.01 12:43:28
      Beitrag Nr. 67 ()
      Hallo zusammen

      Leider weiß ich auch nichts neues über LifeCell. Auch im neuesten Medical Strategy stand eigentlich nichts drin.

      Interessant finde ich aber das hohe Volumen.

      Irgendwie scheint da jemand Interesse an der Aktie zu haben.

      Das Volumen ist ja jetzt schon eine ganze Weile hoch.

      Die Vermutung, daß die Amis so blöd sind, LifeCell und Stammzellen in Verbindung zu brinen, glaube ich eigentlich nicht.

      Sie sind zwar etwas dumm, aber sooo nun auch wieder nicht. (-;

      Gruß Mitch
      schrieb am 08.09.01 11:55:34
      Beitrag Nr. 68 ()

      Fonds und Investmenthäuser bieten 5.209.211 Aktien von Lifecell zum Verkauf an. Hier ist das "SEC Fillings" von der Nasdaq.


      The selling stockholders listed on pages 19-21 are offering for resale 5,209,211 shares of our common stock under this prospectus.

      Our common stock is listed on the Nasdaq National Market under the symbol "LIFC". On September 5, 2001, the closing price of the common stock on the Nasdaq National Market was $2.15 per share.


      Neither the Securities and Exchange Commission nor any state securities commission has approved or disapproved of these securities or passed upon the accuracy or adequacy of this prospectus. Any representation to the contrary is a criminal offense.


      The date of this prospectus is September 6, 2001.



      The Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
      Risk Factors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
      Special Note Regarding Forward-Looking Statements . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
      Where You Can Find More Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
      Use of Proceeds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
      Selling Stockholders. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
      Plan of Distribution. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
      Legal Matters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
      Experts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23



      LifeCell Corporation develops and markets biologic solutions for the repair, replacement and preservation of human tissue. Our core technology removes all cells from the tissue and preserves the tissue without damaging the essential biochemical and structural components necessary for normal tissue regeneration. We currently market three human tissue products based on this technology:

      - AlloDerm(R) for plastic reconstructive, burn and periodontal procedures;
      - Cymetra(TM), a version of AlloDerm(R) in particulate form for the correction of soft tissue defects; and - Repliform(TM), a version of AlloDerm(R) for urology and gynecology procedures.

      Our development programs include the application of our technology to process small diameter blood vessel grafts as an alternative to blood vessel grafts taken from the patient, investigation of potential orthopedic applications of our technology, investigation of human tissue as carriers for therapeutics, ThromboSol(TM), a formulation for extended storage of platelets and technologies to enhance the storage of red blood cells for transfusion.

      We were incorporated in the State of Delaware in 1992 as the successor to a Delaware corporation that was incorporated in 1986. Our address is 1 Millennium Way, Branchburg, New Jersey 08876 and our phone number is (908) 947-1100.



      You should carefully consider these risk factors in addition to our financial statements. In addition to the following risks, there may also be risks that we do not yet know of or that we currently think are immaterial that may also impair our business operations. If any of the following risks occur, our business, financial condition or operating results could be adversely affected, the trading price of our common stock could decline and you might lose all or part of your investment.


      Since our inception in 1986, we have generated only limited revenues from product sales and have incurred substantial net losses of approximately:

      - $7.3 million for the year ended December 31, 1998;

      - $9.2 million for the year ended December 31, 1999;

      - $7.1 million for the year ended December 31, 2000; and

      - $2.0 million for the six months ended June 30, 2001.

      At June 30, 2001, we had an accumulated deficit of approximately $64.4 million. We expect to incur additional operating losses as well as negative cash flow from operations in the short term as we continue to expand our marketing efforts with respect to our current products and to continue our product development programs. Our ability to increase revenues and achieve profitability and positive cash flows from operations will depend on:

      - increased market acceptance and sales of AlloDerm, Repliform and Cymetra; and

      - commercialization of products under development.

      We may not achieve profitability and positive cash flows from operations.


      We intend to expend funds for:

      - product research and development;

      - expansion of sales and marketing activities;


      - product education efforts; and
      - other working capital and general corporate purposes, including potential acquisitions of complementary technologies or products.

      We may need additional capital, depending on:

      - the costs and progress of our research and development efforts;

      - the number and types of product development programs undertaken;

      - the costs and timing of expansion of sales and marketing activities;

      - the costs and timing of expansion of manufacturing capacity;

      - the amount of revenues from our existing and new products;

      - changes in, termination of, and the success of existing and new distribution arrangements;

      - the cost of maintaining, enforcing and defending patents and other intellectual property rights;

      - competing technological and market developments; and

      - developments related to regulatory and third party reimbursement matters.

      We have no commitments for any future funding and there can be no assurance that we will be able to obtain additional financing in the future from either debt or equity financings, bank loans, collaborative arrangements or other sources on terms acceptable to us, or at all. If adequate funds are not available, we expect that we will be required to delay, scale back or eliminate one or more of our product development programs. Any additional equity financing may be dilutive to stockholders, and debt financing, if available, may involve significant restrictive covenants. Collaborative arrangements, if necessary to raise additional funds, may require us to relinquish our rights to certain of our technologies, products or marketing territories.


      The FDA generally permits transplanted human tissue to be commercially distributed without obtaining prior FDA approval of the product. In contrast, products regulated as medical devices or biologics usually must undergo a lengthy, uncertain and expensive approval process. In 1996, the FDA determined


      that AlloDerm used for the repair or replacement of damaged or inadequate integumental tissue (i.e. "tissue lining the surface of the body or a body cavity") would be regulated as transplanted human tissue. On that basis, we continued commercial distribution of this product for plastic reconstructive, burn and periodontal surgery. In its decision with respect to the regulation of AlloDerm, the FDA stated that the regulatory status of any different uses, such as a void filler for soft tissue, for cosmetic augmentation procedures or as a wound healing agent, would need to be determined on a case-by-case basis.
      In 1999, we began marketing the following products as human tissue:

      - Repliform, a version of AlloDerm, for urological and gynecological surgical procedures; and

      - Cymetra, a version of AlloDerm in a particulate form, for non-surgical correction of soft tissue defects.

      Repliform is used as a bladder sling for the treatment of urinary incontinence and for the repair of pelvic floor defects. Cymetra is used for the correction of soft tissue deficits, such as acne or other depressed scars, and to restore tissue loss from disease. In November 2000, the FDA wrote to us and requested detailed information about Repliform and Cymetra, including copies of existing labeling and advertising, a description of product composition and processing, and other information supporting our belief that each of these products is human tissue. In February 2001, we provided a detailed submission responding to the FDA`s request. In June 2001, we received a letter from the FDA indicating that each of these products, as currently marketed, meet the definition of transplanted human tissue.

      We cannot assure that products we develop in the future will similarly be regulated as human tissue. The regulation of each new product we develop will be decided by the FDA on a case-by-case basis. If the FDA chooses to regulate any of our future products as a medical device or biologic, the process of obtaining FDA approval would be expensive, lengthy and unpredictable. We anticipate that it could take from one to three years or longer to obtain such approval. We do not know if such approval could be obtained in a timely fashion, or at all. Such approval process would almost certainly include a requirement to provide extensive supporting clinical data.

      In addition, the FDA requires that devices and biologics be produced in accordance with the Quality System Regulation for medical devices or Good Manufacturing Practice regulation for biologics.

      As a result, our manufacturing and compliance costs would increase and our device and biologic products would be subject to more comprehensive development, testing, monitoring and validation standards.


      A few states impose their own regulatory requirements on transplanted human tissue. We believe that we are in compliance with such regulations. There can be no assurance that the various states in which our products are sold will not impose additional regulatory requirements or marketing impediments on our products.

      Failure to comply with any applicable FDA requirements could result in civil and criminal enforcement actions and other fines and penalties that would increase our expenses and adversely affect our cash flows. Tissue establishments must engage in:

      - donor screening and infectious disease testing; and

      - stringent record keeping.

      As a result, our involvement in the processing and distribution of human tissue requires us to ensure that proper donor screening and infectious disease testing are done appropriately and conducted under strict procedures. In addition, we must maintain records, which are available for FDA inspectors documenting that the procedures were followed. The FDA has authority to conduct inspections of tissue establishments and to detain, recall, or destroy tissue if the procedures were not followed or appropriate documentation is not available.

      The FDA has issued proposed rules that would impose additional donor suitability and Current Good Tissue Practice requirements on manufacturers of tissue-based products. If these or similar requirements actually become law, we will likely incur additional manufacturing and compliance costs for our tissue-based products, including AlloDerm, Repliform and Cymetra.

      Labeling and promotional activities are also subject to scrutiny by the FDA and, in certain instances, by the Federal Trade Commission. From time to time, the FDA may modify such requirements, imposing additional or different requirements which may require us to alter our business methods.


      Procurement of certain human organs and tissue for transplantation is subject to the restrictions of National Organ Transplant Act, which prohibits the acquisition of certain human organs, including skin and related tissue for valuable consideration, but permits the payment of reasonable expenses associated with the procurement, transportation, processing, preservation, quality control and storage of human tissue, including skin. We reimburse tissue banks for expenses incurred that are associated with the recovering and transportation of donated human skin that we process into AlloDerm, Repliform, Cymetra and allograft skin as a temporary wound dressing. In addition to


      amounts paid to tissue banks to reimburse them for their expenses associated with the procurement and transportation of human skin, we include in our pricing structure certain costs associated with:
      - processing;

      - preservation;

      - quality control and storage of the tissue; and

      - marketing and medical education expenses.

      National Organ Transplant Act payment allowances may be interpreted to limit the amount of costs and expenses that we may recover in our pricing for our products thereby negatively impacting our revenues and profitability. We also are potentially subject to enforcement sanctions if we are found to have violated the National Organ Transplant Act`s prohibition on the sale of human tissue.


      We distribute some of our products in countries outside the United States. The regulation of our products in these countries varies. Certain countries regulate our products as a pharmaceutical product, requiring us to make extensive filings and obtain regulatory approvals before selling our product. Certain countries classify our products as transplant tissue but may restrict its import or sale. Other countries have no applicable regulations regarding the import or sale of products similar to our products, creating uncertainty as to what standards we may be required to meet.

      The uncertainty of the regulations in each country may delay or impede the marketing of our products in these countries in the future or impede our ability to negotiate distribution arrangements on favorable terms. Certain foreign countries have laws similar to National Organ Transplant Act. These laws may restrict the amount that we can charge for our products and may restrict our ability to export or distribute our products to licensed not-for-profit organizations in those countries. Noncompliance with foreign country requirements may include some or all of the risks associated with noncompliance with FDA regulation as well as other risks.


      Much of our ability to increase revenues and to achieve profitability and positive cash flows from operations will depend on:

      - expanding the use and market penetration of our current products; and


      - the successful introduction of our products in development.
      Products based on our technologies represent new methods of treatment. Physicians will not use our products unless they determine that the clinical benefits to the patient are greater than those available from competing products or therapies. Even if the advantage of our products is established as clinically significant, physicians may not elect to use such products for any number of reasons.

      Consequently, physicians, health care payers and patients may not accept our current products or products under development. Broad market acceptance of our products may require the training of numerous physicians and clinicians, as well as conducting or sponsoring clinical studies to demonstrate the benefits of such products. The amount of time required to complete such training and studies could result in a delay or dampening of such market acceptance. Moreover, health care payers` approval of reimbursement for our products in development may be an important factor in establishing market acceptance.

      We may be required to undertake time-consuming and costly development activities and seek regulatory clearance or approval for new products. Although we have conducted animal studies on many of our products under development which indicate that the product may be feasible for a particular application, results obtained from expanded studies may not be consistent with earlier trial results or be sufficient for us to obtain any required regulatory approvals or clearances. The completion of the development of any of our products under development remains subject to all the risks associated with the commercialization of new products based on innovative technologies, including:

      - unanticipated technical or other problems;

      - manufacturing difficulties; and

      - the possibility of insufficient funds for the completion of such development.


      We have engaged:

      - Boston Scientific Corporation as our exclusive worldwide sales and marketing representative for Repliform for use in the urology and gynecology markets; and


      - OMP Inc. as the exclusive sales and marketing representative of Cymetra for office-based dermatologists and plastic surgeons.
      Additionally, we have granted distributors exclusive distribution rights and may grant additional distribution rights in the future. For the year ended December 31, 2000 and for the six month period ended June 30, 2001, sales of our products through Boston Scientific Corporation, OMP Inc. and our distributors represented approximately 28%, 13% and 6% and 35%, 9% and 10% respectively, of our total product revenues. We expect sales of our products through our marketing agents and distributors to continue to increase as a percentage of total revenues. If an exclusive marketing agent, such as Boston Scientific Corporation or OMP Inc., or a distributor fails to adequately promote, market and sell our products, our revenues could be adversely affected until a replacement agent or distributor could be retained by us. Finding replacement agents and distributors could be a time consuming process during which our revenues could be negatively impacted.


      Our business is dependent on the availability of donated human tissue. We currently receive human tissue from approximately 20 United States tissue banks. We estimate that there are at least 100 tissue banks in the United States. Although we have established what we believe to be adequate sources of donated human tissue to satisfy the expected demand for our products in the foreseeable future, we cannot be sure that donated human tissue will continue to be available at current levels or will be sufficient to meet our needs. If our current sources can no longer supply human tissue or our requirements for human tissue exceed their current capacity, we may not be able to locate other sources. Any significant interruption in the availability of human tissue would likely cause us to slow down the processing and distribution of our products.


      Although we do not promote the use of our products for cosmetic applications, clinicians may use our products in applications or procedures that may be considered "cosmetic." Negative publicity concerning the use of donated human tissue in cosmetic procedures could reduce the demand for our products or negatively impact the willingness of families of potential donors to agree to donate tissue or tissue banks to provide tissue to us for processing.


      The biomedical field is undergoing rapid and significant technological change. Our success depends upon our ability to develop and commercialize efficient and effective products based on our technologies. There are many companies, including Regeneration Technologies, Inc., Collagenesis, Inc., Cook, Inc. and its affiliates, Cryolife, Inc., Organogenesis, Inc., Advance Tissue Sciences, Inc. and Integra Life Sciences Holdings Corporation, and academic institutions, including Rice University, The University of Pittsburgh and Georgia Institute of Technology, that are capable of developing products based on similar technology. Some or all of these competitors have developed and are capable of developing products based on other technologies, which are or may be competitive with our products. Many of these companies and academic institutions are well-established, and have substantially greater financial and other resources, research and development capabilities and more experience in conducting clinical trials, obtaining regulatory approvals, manufacturing and marketing than we do. These companies and academic institutions may succeed in developing competing products that are more effective than our products, or that receive government approvals more quickly than our products, which may render our products or technology uncompetitive, uneconomical or obsolete.


      Generally, hospitals, physicians and other health care providers purchase products, such as the products being sold or developed by us, for use in providing care to their patients. These parties typically rely on third-party payers, including:

      - Medicare;

      - Medicaid;

      - private health insurance; and

      - managed care plans

      to reimburse all or part of the costs of acquiring those products and costs associated with the medical procedures performed with those products. Third-party payers have adopted cost control measures in recent years that have had and may continue to have a significant effect on the purchasing practices of many health care providers, generally causing them to be more selective in the purchase of medical products. Significant uncertainty exists as to the reimbursement status of newly approved health care products. We believe that certain third-party payers provide reimbursement for medical procedures at a specified rate without additional reimbursement for products, such as those being sold or developed by us, used in such procedures. Adequate third-party


      payer reimbursement may not be available for us to maintain price levels sufficient for realization of an appropriate return on our investment in developing new products. The FDA generally permits transplanted human tissue to be commercially distributed without obtaining prior FDA approval of the product. In contrast, products regulated as medical devices usually require such approval. Certain government and other third-party payers refuse, in some cases, to provide any coverage for uses of products for indications for which the FDA has not granted marketing approval. Further, certain of our products are used in medical procedures that typically are not covered by third-party payers or for which patients sometimes do not obtain coverage. These and future changes in third-party payer reimbursement practices regarding the procedures performed with our products could adversely affect the market acceptance of our products.

      Our ability to compete effectively with other companies is materially dependent upon the proprietary nature of our technologies. We rely primarily on patents and trade secrets to protect our technologies. We currently license:

      - the exclusive right to nine United States patents and related foreign patents; and

      - non-exclusive rights to 14 patents.

      In addition, we:

      - have been issued one United States design patent and five United States utility patents; and

      - have seven United States patent applications pending.

      Third parties may seek to challenge, invalidate, circumvent or render unenforceable any patents or proprietary rights owned by or licensed to us based on, among other things:

      - subsequently discovered prior art;

      - lack of entitlement to the priority of an earlier, related application; or

      - failure to comply with the written description, best mode, enablement or other applicable requirements.


      In general, the patent position of biotechnology and medical product firms is highly uncertain, still evolving and involves complex legal, scientific and factual questions. We are at risk that:
      - other patents may be granted with respect to the patent applications filed by us; and

      - any patents issued or licensed to us may not provide commercial benefit to us or will be infringed, invalidated or circumvented by others.

      The United States Patent and Trademark Office currently has a significant backlog of patent applications, and the approval or rejection of patents may take several years. Prior to actual issuance, the contents of United States patent applications are generally not made public. Once issued, such a patent would constitute prior art from its filing date, which might predate the date of a patent application on which we rely. Conceivably, the issuance of such a prior art patent, or the discovery of "prior art" of which we are currently unaware, could invalidate a patent of ours or our licensor or prevent commercialization of a product claimed thereby.

      Although we generally conduct a cursory review of issued patents prior to engaging in research or development activities, we may be required to obtain a license from others to commercialize any of our new products under development. If patents that cover our existing or new products are issued to other companies, there can be no assurance that any necessary license could be obtained on favorable terms or at all.

      There can be no assurance that we will not be required to resort to litigation to protect our patented technologies or other proprietary rights or that we will not be the subject of additional patent litigation to defend our existing or proposed products or processes against claims of patent infringement or other intellectual property claims. Any of such litigation could result in substantial costs and diversion of our resources.

      We also have applied for patent protection in several foreign countries. Because of the differences in patent laws and laws concerning proprietary rights, the extent of protection provided by United States patents or proprietary rights owned by or licensed to us may differ from that of their foreign counterparts.

      We may decide for business reasons to retain certain knowledge that we consider proprietary as confidential and elect to protect such information as a trade secret, as business confidential information or as know-how. In that event, we must rely upon trade secrets, know-how and continuing technological innovation to maintain our competitive position. There can be no assurance that others will not independently develop substantially equivalent proprietary information or otherwise gain access to or disclose such information.


      Our business exposes us to potential product liability risks inherent in the testing, manufacturing and marketing of medical products. We cannot be certain that:

      - our insurance will provide adequate coverage against potential liabilities;

      - adequate product liability insurance will continue to be available in the future; or

      - our insurance can be maintained on acceptable terms.

      The obligation to pay any product liability claim in excess of whatever insurance we are able to acquire would increase our expenses.

      We use donated human tissue as the raw material for our products. The non-profit organizations that supply such tissue are required to follow FDA regulations for screening donors for potential disease transmission. Such procedures include donor testing for certain viruses, including HIV. Our manufacturing process also has been demonstrated to inactivate concentrated suspensions of HIV. While we believe such procedures are adequate to reduce the threat of disease transmission, there can be no assurance that:

      - our products will not be associated with transmission of disease; or

      - a patient otherwise infected with disease would not erroneously assert a claim that the use of our products resulted in the disease transmission.

      Any such transmission or alleged transmission could have a material adverse effect on our ability to manufacture or market our products and could result in litigation.


      Our research and development and processing techniques generate waste that is classified as hazardous by the United States Environmental Protection Agency and the New Jersey Natural Resources Commission. We segregate such waste and dispose of it through licensed hazardous waste transporters. Although we believe we are currently in compliance in all material respects with applicable environmental regulations, our failure to comply fully with any such regulations could result in the imposition of penalties, fines or sanctions.


      We are a party to litigation in the Superior Court of California, Los Angeles County, Central District, captioned Regner, et al., on behalf of themselves and others similarly situated, v. Inland Eye & Tissue Bank of Redlands, et al. The complaint alleges among other things, defendants, including us, make profits from the storing, processing, and distribution of human tissue in contravention of California law. We are also a party to litigation in the Superior Court of California, Los Angeles County, Central District, captioned Thacker, et al., on behalf of themselves and others similarly situated, v. Inland Eye & Tissue Bank of Redlands, et al. This complaint contains similar allegations to the Renger complaint. These actions are not denominated class actions and do not involve tort theories.

      Both actions were brought under a statute that allows individuals to sue on behalf of the people of California for unfair business practices, with the court having the power to award injunctive relief and disgorgement of all profits from the alleged illegal practices. The plaintiffs in each of the actions are seeking injunctive relief, disgorgement of illegal profits, restitution, statutory penalties, fines and attorney`s fees. We intend to vigorously defend such actions, which we believe are without merit.

      Litigation is subject to many uncertainties and management is unable to predict the outcome of the pending actions. It is possible that the results of operations or liquidity and capital resources of the Company could be adversely affected by the ultimate outcome of the pending litigation or as a result of the costs of contesting such actions.


      Sales of a substantial number of shares of our common stock in the public market could cause a reduction in the market price of our common stock. We had 19,834,368 shares of common stock issued and outstanding as of August 23, 2001. As of that date, all of those shares were eligible for sale under Rule 144 or are otherwise freely tradeable, including the 5,209,211 shares registered for resale under this prospectus. In addition, 8,309,549 options and warrants were outstanding as of August 23, 2001, including warrants to purchase shares being registered herein. As of August 23, 2001, 7,214,637 of those stock options and warrants are vested and the remainder will vest within the next five years. We also have 100,232 shares of Series B preferred stock issued and outstanding as of August 23, 2001, which are convertible, at the option of the holders or automatically, in certain instances, into 3,541,798 shares of our common stock. We may also issue additional shares in connection with our business and may grant additional stock options to our employees, officers, directors and consultants under our stock option plan.

      This prospectus contains forward-looking statements made pursuant to the safe harbor provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995.


      Forward-looking statements typically are identified by use of terms such as "may," "will," "should," "plan," "expect," "anticipate," "estimate" and similar words, although some forward-looking statements are expressed differently. Forward-looking statements represent our management`s judgment regarding future events. Although we believe that the expectations reflected in such forward-looking statements are reasonable, we can give no assurance that such expectations will prove to be correct. All statements other than statements of historical fact included in this prospectus regarding our financial position, business strategy, products, products under development and clinical trials, markets, budgets, plans, or objectives for future operations are forward-looking statements. We cannot guarantee the accuracy of the forward-looking statements, and you should be aware that our actual results could differ materially from those contained in the forward-looking statements due to a number of factors, including the statements under "Risk Factors" set forth above.

      We are subject to the information requirements of the Exchange Act. We file annual, quarterly, and current reports, proxy statements, and other documents with the SEC. You may read and copy any document we file at the SEC`s public reference rooms at the following locations:

      - Main Public Reference Room Judiciary Plaza Building 450 Fifth Street, N.W.

      Washington, D.C. 20549
      - Regional Public Reference Room 75 Park Place, 14th Floor New York, New York 10007

      You may obtain information on the operation of the SEC`s public reference rooms by calling 1-800-SEC-0330. We are required to file these documents with the SEC electronically. You can access the electronic versions of these filings at the SEC`s website, located at

      This prospectus is part of a registration statement that we filed with the SEC. The registration statement contains more information than this prospectus regarding LifeCell and its common stock, including certain exhibits. You can get a copy of the registration statement from the SEC at the address listed above or from its web site.

      The SEC allows us to "incorporate" into this prospectus information we file with it in other documents. This means that we can disclose important information to you by referring to other documents that contain that information. The information incorporated by reference is considered to be part of this prospectus, and information we file later with the SEC will automatically update and supersede this information. For further information about the Company and our common stock, you should refer to the registration


      statement and the following documents which we are incorporating by reference except to the extent information in those documents is different from the information contained in this prospectus:
      - Our Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2000, filed with the SEC on March 30, 2001;

      - Our Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the quarter ended March 31, 2001, filed with the SEC on May 15, 2001;

      - Our Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the quarter ended June 30, 2001, filed with the SEC on August 13, 2001;

      - Our Current Reports on Form 8-K filed with the SEC on July 2, 2001 and July 11, 2001;

      - Our definitive Proxy Statement for our 2001 Annual Meeting of Stockholders on Schedule 14A filed with the SEC on April 26, 2001;

      - The description of our common stock set forth in our registration statement on Form 8-A filed pursuant to Section 12 of the Exchange Act and declared effective by the SEC on February 27, 1992 and any amendment or report filed for the purpose of updating such description; and

      - All documents we file pursuant to Sections 13(a), 13(c), 14 and 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act after the date of this prospectus until we terminate the offering of these shares.

      We will provide without charge to each person, including any beneficial owner of common stock to whom this prospectus is delivered, upon written or oral request of such person, a copy of any and all of the documents that have been incorporated by reference in this prospectus (not including exhibits to such documents unless such exhibits are specifically incorporated by reference therein). Requests for such copies should be directed to: LifeCell Corporation, 1 Millennium Way, Branchburg, NJ 08876, Attention: Secretary (telephone (908) 947-1106).

      You should rely only on the information contained or incorporated by reference in this document. We have not authorized anyone to provide you with information that is different. The common stock is not being offered in any state where the offer is not permitted. You should not assume that the information in this prospectus is accurate as of any date other than the date on the front of this prospectus.



      We will not receive any of the proceeds from the sale of the common stock by the selling stockholders named in this prospectus. All proceeds from the sale of the common stock will be paid directly to the selling stockholders. We may receive proceeds from the exercise of the warrants. If all of the warrants exercisable for shares of common stock being registered in this offering are exercised, we could receive net proceeds of up to approximately $4.76 million. The holders of the warrants are not obligated to exercise the warrants and we cannot assure that the holders of the warrants will choose to exercise all or any of the warrants. The warrants contain a cashless exercise provision. If the holders of the warrants elect the cashless exercise provision, we will not receive any proceeds from the exercise of the warrants.

      We intend to use the estimated net proceeds received upon exercise of the warrants, if any, for working capital and general corporate purposes.

      The shares are being registered to permit public secondary trading of the shares, and the selling stockholders, or their pledgees, donees, transferees or other successors-in interest, may offer all or any portion of the shares for resale from time to time. See "Plan of Distribution."

      We have filed with the Commission under the Securities Act a registration statement on Form S-3, of which this prospectus forms a part, relating to the resale of the shares. We have agreed to pay expenses in connection with the registration and sale of the shares being offered by the selling stockholders. See "Plan of Distribution."

      2001 Private Placement

      In June 2001, we and the selling stockholders entered into a series of securities purchase agreements under which we sold an aggregate of 3,125,000 shares of our common stock along with warrants to purchase an additional 1,750,000 shares of our common stock at an exercise price of $1.92 per share to such selling stockholders in a private placement. In consideration for the issuance of the common stock and warrants, the selling stockholders paid us an aggregate of $6,000,000 in cash. We agreed to register the shares of common stock purchased by such selling stockholders as a condition to the purchase of such shares of common stock.

      Prudential and Gruntal

      In September 2000, we entered into a series of purchase agreement under which we sold an aggregate of 2,500,000 shares of our common stock to certain investors, with Prudential Vector HealthCare Group, a division of Prudential Securities Incorporated, and Gruntal & Co., L.L.C. acting as placement agents. In connection with that private placement, Prudential Vector HealthCare Group and Gruntal & Co., L.L.C. each received fees in the amount of $325,000 for acting as placement agents. In addition, under the terms of the engagement,


      each received warrants to purchase 125,000 shares of our common stock. In May 2001, Prudential transferred its warrants to VSI Advisors, L.L.C. We are registering the shares of common stock issuable upon the exercise of the warrants at the request of VSI Advisors and Gruntal pursuant to registration rights contained in the warrant.

      In December 1999, we entered into a loan and security agreement with Transamerica Business Credit Corporation pursuant to which we were extended a term loan and a revolving credit loan in the aggregate amount of $5.5 million. Under the terms of the agreement, Transamerica received a loan fee in the amount of $60,000 and warrants to purchase 84,211 shares of our common stock. We are registering the shares of common stock issuable upon the exercise of the warrants at the request of Transamerica pursuant to registration rights contained in the warrant.

      Based on information provided by the selling stockholders, the following table lists:

      - the name of the selling stockholders;

      - the number of shares of common stock beneficially owned before the commencement of the offering;

      - the number of shares of common stock offered for resale in this offering; and

      - the number of shares and percentage of common stock owned after this offering, assuming the sale of all shares offered in this offering by each selling stockholder.

      Number of
      Shares of Common stock beneficially
      Common owned after the offering
      Stock ------------------------
      Selling Beneficially Shares Being Number Percent of
      Stockholders Owned Offered of Shares Outstanding
      -------------------------- ------------ -------------- ----------- -----------
      Caduceus Private 2,512,833 2,512,833 0 0
      Investments, L.P.

      OrbiMed Assoicates, LLC 52,306 52,306 0 0

      PW Juniper Crossover 1,091,111 1,091,111 0 0
      Fund, L.L.C.

      Special Situations Fund 1,473,975(1) 609,375 864,600 4.4
      III, L.P.

      Special Situations Private 1,109,388(1) 402,188 707,200 3.6
      Equity Fund, L.P.


      Number of
      Shares of Common stock beneficially
      Common owned after the offering
      Stock ------------------------
      Selling Beneficially Shares Being Number Percent of
      Stockholders Owned Offered of Shares Outstanding
      -------------------------- ------------ -------------- ----------- -----------

      Special Situations 497,187(1) 207,187 290,000 1.5
      Cayman Fund, L.P.

      VSI Advisors, L.L.C. 125,000 125,000 0 0

      Gruntal & Co., L.L.C. 261,040(2) 125,000 136,040 0.7

      TBCC Funding Trust II 84,211 84,211 0 0
      * Less than 1%
      (1) Includes shares of common stock purchased in a private placement in
      September 2000 which shares have been previously registered for resale
      by us.
      (2) Includes shares issuable upon the exercise of warrants acquired
      pursuant to the issuance of our Series B Preferred Stock in November
      1996 which shares have been previously registered by us.

      The selling stockholders, their pledgees, donees, transferees or other successors-in-interest may from time to time, sell all or a portion of the shares in privately negotiated transactions or otherwise, at fixed prices that may be changed, at market prices prevailing at the time of sale, at prices related to these market prices or at negotiated prices.

      The selling stockholders may sell the shares by one or more of the following methods:

      - a block trade in which the broker or dealer so engaged will attempt to sell the shares as agent but may position and resell a portion of the block as principal to facilitate the transaction;

      - purchases by a broker or dealer as principal and resale by such broker or dealer for its account pursuant to this prospectus;

      - an exchange distribution in accordance with the rules of the applicable exchange;

      - ordinary brokerage transactions and transactions in which the broker solicits purchasers;

      - privately negotiated transactions;

      - short sales;

      - a combination of any such methods of sale; and


      - any other method permitted pursuant to applicable law.
      The selling stockholders are not restricted as to the price or prices at which they may sell their shares. Sales of shares by the selling stockholders may depress the market price of our common stock since the number of shares which may be sold by the selling stockholders is relatively large compared to the historical average weekly trading of our common stock. Accordingly, if the selling stockholders were to sell, or attempt to sell, all of such shares at once or during a short time period, we believe such transactions could adversely affect the market price of our common stock.

      From time to time the selling stockholders may engage in short sales, short sales against the box, puts and calls and other transactions in our securities or derivatives of our securities, and can sell and deliver the shares in connection with any of these transactions or in settlement of securities loans. From time to time the selling stockholders may pledge their shares under margin provisions of their customer agreements with their brokers. Upon a default by the selling stockholders, the broker may offer and sell the pledged shares from time to time.

      In effecting sales, brokers and dealers engaged by the selling stockholders may arrange for other brokers or dealers to participate in the sale. Brokers or dealers may receive commissions or discounts from the selling stockholders or, if the broker-dealer acts as agent for the purchaser of such shares, from the purchaser in amounts to be negotiated. Broker-dealers may agree with the selling stockholders to sell a specified number of such shares at a stipulated price per share, and to the extent the broker-dealer is unable to do so acting as agent for the selling stockholders, to purchase as principal any unsold shares at the price required to fulfill the broker-dealer commitment to the selling stockholders. Broker-dealers who acquire shares as principal may then resell those shares from time to time in transactions:

      - in the over-the counter market or otherwise;

      - at prices and on terms then prevailing at the time of sale;

      - at prices then related to the then-current market price; or

      - in negotiated transactions.

      These resales may involve block transactions or sales to and through other broker-dealers, including any of the transactions described above. In connection with these sales, these broker-dealers may pay to or receive from the purchasers of those shares commissions as described above. The selling stockholders may also sell the shares under Rule 144 under the Securities Act, rather than under this prospectus.

      The selling stockholders and any broker-dealers or agents that participate with the selling stockholders in sales of the shares may be deemed to be "underwriters" within the meaning of the Securities Act in connection with these


      sales. In this event, any commissions received by these broker-dealers or agents and any profit on the resale of the shares purchased by them may be deemed to be underwriting commissions or discounts under the Securities Act. Because selling stockholders may be deemed to be "underwriters" within the meaning of the Securities Act, the selling stockholders will be subject to the prospectus delivery requirements of the Securities Act.
      We are required to pay all fees and expenses incident to the registration of the shares. We have agreed to indemnify the selling stockholders against certain losses, claims, damages and liabilities, including liabilities under the Securities Act. The selling stockholders may agree to indemnify any agent, dealer or broker-dealer that participates in transactions involving sales of the shares against certain liabilities, including liabilities arising under the Securities Act. The selling stockholders will be required to pay commissions and brokerage expenses on their sales, if any.

      At the time a particular offer of shares is made, to the extent required, a supplement to this prospectus will be distributed which will identify and set forth the following:

      - the names of the selling stockholders;

      - the number of shares being sold;

      - the price;

      - commissions being paid;

      - that there has been no investigation by broker-dealer; and

      - any other facts material to the transaction.

      The selling stockholders are subject to applicable provisions of the Exchange Act and the Commission`s rules and regulations, including Regulation M, which provisions may limit the timing of purchases and sales of the shares by the selling stockholders. We will make copies of this prospectus available to the selling stockholders and have informed them of the need to deliver copies of this prospectus to purchasers at or prior to the time of any sale of the shares.

      In order to comply with certain states` securities laws, if applicable, the selling stockholders may sell the shares in those jurisdictions only through registered or licensed brokers or dealers. In certain states the selling stockholders may not sell the shares unless the shares have been registered or qualified for sale in such state, or unless an exemption from registration or qualification is available and is obtained.



      The validity of the securities offered hereby have been passed upon for us by Lowenstein Sandler PC, Roseland, New Jersey.

      The financial statements incorporated by reference in this prospectus and elsewhere in the registration statement have been audited by Arthur Andersen LLP, independent public accountants, as indicated in their reports with respect thereto, and are included herein in reliance upon the authority of said firm as experts in accounting and auditing in giving said report.


      Prospective investors may rely only on the information contained in this prospectus. LifeCell Corporation has not authorized anyone to provide prospective investors with information different from that contained in this prospectus. This prospectus is not an offer to sell nor is it seeking an offer to buy these securities in any jurisdiction where the offer or sale is not permitted. The information contained in this prospectus is correct only as of the date of this prospectus, regardless of the time of the delivery of this prospectus or any sale of these securities.


      5,209,211 SHARES OF COMMON STOCK


      September 6, 2001

      So was ist ja kaum positiv zu sehen, und müßte den Kurs kurz und mittelfristig unter Druck bringen. Verstehen kann ich die Verkäufer allerdings nicht. Die letzten Zahlen von Lifecell waren super. Die Analysten Zahlen wurden nicht verfehlt wie an der Nasdaq veröffentlicht, sondern um 1 Cent pro Aktie übertroffen. (Die Nasdaq hatte eine ältere Prognose von Gruntal nicht aktualisiert.) Die Erreichung der Gewinnschwelle sollte in den nächsten beiden Quartalen gelingen. Das KUV auf den Zahlen von 2000 von 1,59 beim Kurs von 2,15$ ist wirklich sehr niedrig.(Erwartetes Umsatzwachstum 2001 30%) Ich jedenfalls bleibe long auf Lifecell und hoffe das die Fonds mit ihrer Entscheidung zu 100% falsch liegen.

      Wie ist eure Meinung?

      Eurer Kubrick
      schrieb am 17.09.01 10:23:08
      Beitrag Nr. 69 ()
      Information alert for Doctors, Hospitals and Tissue Banks during this time of special need...

      All of us at LifeCell are deeply saddened by the recent events in New York City, Washington, D.C., and southwestern Pennsylvania, and we extend our sympathies and condolences to all families touched by this tragedy.

      LifeCell is committed to support those who have been injured by focusing its processing capabilities, procurement partnerships, and business resources on delivering tissue grafts needed for the treatment of burn and other trauma victims during this time of need.

      This information is provided for Doctors / Hospitals requesting allograft tissue for treating patients and Tissue Banks sending allograft skin to LifeCell for processing.

      16-Sep-01, 03:31 PM

      Doctor and Hospital Information Page

      Placing Orders

      Our Customer Support Center is open Monday through Friday from 8:00am to 6:00pm at 1-800-367-5737. An on-call representative is available at all other times for emergency orders via pager at 1-800-224-6574. Please call our Customer Support Center to place orders, track shipments or request information about an order or our products.

      Shipping Orders

      During this period of air-shipping disruption, emergency orders and orders required for surgery will be shipped as Federal Express and local transportation schedules become reliable. Emergency surgery needing LifeCell`s allograft tissue within the Northeast U.S., should be discussed with our Customer Support Representative to schedule delivery. All orders placed for stocking purposes will be shipped beginning the week of September 17, 2001 in accordance with our normal shipping procedures.

      schrieb am 19.09.01 21:50:06
      Beitrag Nr. 70 ()
      Lifcell Kursziel 1$

      schrieb am 20.09.01 21:08:29
      Beitrag Nr. 71 ()

      Ich habe heute an Lifecell eine Anfrage, zu dem Klinischen Entwicklungsstand von Thrombosol geschickt. Außerdem habe Ich nach dem genauen Datum gefragt, an dem sie die Zahlen zum 3. Quartal veröffentlichen.
      Ich bin mir nicht sicher ob Sie anworten da LIFC für ihre miserable I.R. Politik berüchtigt ist. Wenn ich eine Antwort erhalte werde ich sie direkt hier veröffentlichen.

      das Kursziel für Lifecell heißt entweder 0$, wenn Sie nicht den break even schaffen. (halte ich persönlich für unwahrscheinlich)

      oder aber ab dem nächsten Jahr >10$ (meine Meinung)

      Gruß Kubrick
      schrieb am 11.10.01 10:53:38
      Beitrag Nr. 72 ()
      Hallo Lifecellinvestoren,

      damit es noch mal ein bisschen was zu lesen gibt, stelle ich mal eine recht dürftige und oberflächliche Analyse von dem Biotech-Report vom 27.07.01 hier rein.

      BIOTECH-REPORT: LifeCell spekulativ kaufen
      Datum: 27.07.2001

      Für das Researchteam vom Biotech-Report ist die Aktie der LifeCell Corporation ein risikobehaftetes, aber aussichtsreiches Investment. (WKN 888910) Das kleine Unternehmen habe bereits drei Medikamente auf dem Markt. Eins davon werde bei Hauttransplantationen und -Verbrennungen eingesetzt, das Zweite zur Korrektur von Akne, Falten und Narben injiziert und das Dritte bei Inkontinenz gespritzt. Zudem habe LifeCell einige vielversprechende Präparate in der Pipeline. Im ersten Halbjahr 2001 habe LifeCell den Umsatz um 33% auf 14,2 Millionen US-Dollar gesteigert und damit die Analystenerwartungen geschlagen. Für das Gesamtjahr rechne das Researchteam mit Erlösen in Höhe von 34 Millionen US-Dollar. Im nächsten Jahr sollen rund 52 Millionen US-Dollar in den Büchern stehen. Zudem peile LifeCell in 2002 das Erreichen der Gewinnschwelle an. Mit Boston Scientific und BioHorizons habe die Gesellschaft starke Partner im Rücken. Zudem seien einige vielversprechende Produkte in der Pipeline. Daher sollten sich risikobewusste Anleger einige Aktien ins Depot legen, so die Analysten.

      Interessanter dürfte es Anfang November werden, wenn die Zahlen zum 3. Quartal herauskommen. An der Nasdaq wird eine Analystenerwartung von -4 cent angegeben. Bei CNNBC stehen -3 cent. CNNBC hat glaube ich die korrekten Daten von Gruntal & Co.. Wenn es wegen des Flugverbotes keine größeren Probleme mit der Auslieferung gab, wird Lifecell wahrscheinlich die Erwartungen schlagen können.

      Schöne Grüße
      schrieb am 15.10.01 15:51:18
      Beitrag Nr. 73 ()

      10:00 AM EST, Montag 22.10.01 Conference Call zum 3. Quartal. Hier ist der direkte link.
      Available approximately 2 hours after event ends. From October 22, 2001 through October 29, 2001

      schöne Grüße
      schrieb am 22.10.01 15:29:26
      Beitrag Nr. 74 ()
      Here we are:

      LifeCell Corporation Reports Third Quarter 2001 Results
      Net Loss Decreased 88% Compared to Third Quarter 2000

      BRANCHBURG, N.J., Oct. 22 /PRNewswire/ -- LifeCell Corporation (Nasdaq: LIFC - news)
      today reported that its net loss for the third quarter of 2001 decreased 88% to $199,000 compared
      to $1.6 million net loss in the third quarter ended September 30, 2000. The reduction in net loss
      resulted principally from a reduction in operating expenses and the positive contribution from
      increased product revenues. On a consecutive quarter basis, net loss decreased $458,000, or 70%,
      compared with the second quarter ended June 30, 2001.

      Total revenues for the third quarter of 2001 were $6.7 million, up 7% from $6.2 million reported in
      the third quarter of 2000. Product revenues of $6.5 million were 9% above the $5.9 million reported
      in the third quarter of 2000. This increase was largely due to higher revenues from Repliform(TM)
      and AlloDerm® which was partly offset by lower Cymetra® revenues. On a consecutive quarter
      basis, product revenues decreased $557,000, or 8%, compared with second quarter 2001 product
      revenues. Revenues in the current quarter were negatively impacted by the Company`s inability to
      ship products to its customers for several days following the tragic events of September 11, 2001.

      Total revenues for the nine-month period ended September 30, 2001 were $20.9 million, up 23%
      from the same nine-month period in 2000. Product revenues of $19.9 million were 26% above the
      $15.7 million reported in the first nine months of 2000. This increase was largely due to higher
      revenues from Repliform and AlloDerm. Net loss for the first nine months of 2001 decreased 56%
      to $2.2 million compared to $5.0 million net loss in the same nine-month period in 2000.

      The Company ended the quarter with cash and short-term investments of $5.4 million. During the
      third quarter, the Company also reduced its short-term debt by $3.0 million. As previously
      reported, in July 2001, the Company completed a $6.0 million private financing led by OrbiMed
      Advisors LLC.

      ``Although I was disappointed with our product revenue in the third quarter, I continue to be
      pleased with the turn around in our operating performance,`` commented Paul G. Thomas, LifeCell`s
      Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer. ``Continued revenue growth combined with the benefits realized through expense
      reductions and operating efficiencies has significantly reduced our net loss and negative cash flow,`` he added. ``Based on our third
      quarter results, we expect our full year 2001 product revenues to be approximately $27 million,`` stated Mr. Thomas.

      As previously reported, a conference call will be hosted by Paul G. Thomas at 10:00 a.m. EST today (October 22, 2001) to discuss
      these operating results and related matters. You may listen to the conference call by calling (800) 540-0559 and indicating access
      code: LifeCell. The conference call will be recorded and a replay will be available through October 29, 2001 by dialing (800)
      695-2122 and indicating access code: LifeCell.

      A listen-only, live webcast of the conference call will be available at the following link: If you are unable to listen during the live webcast, the call will be archived on
      LifeCell`s web site

      LifeCell Corporation is a leader in the emerging field of regenerative medicine engaged in developing and marketing biologic
      solutions for the repair, replacement and preservation of human tissue. The Company`s core technology removes all cells from the
      tissue and preserves the tissue without damaging the essential biochemical and structural components necessary for normal tissue
      regeneration. LifeCell currently markets three human tissue products based on its technology: AlloDerm® for plastic reconstructive
      and burn procedures through LifeCell`s direct sales force and for periodontal procedures through BioHorizons, Inc.; Cymetra®, a
      version of AlloDerm in particulate form for the correction of soft tissue defects, through LifeCell`s direct sales force and a
      co-promotion agreement with OMP, Inc.; and Repliform(TM), a version of AlloDerm for urology and gynecology procedures,
      through a marketing and distribution agreement with Boston Scientific Corporation. The Company`s development programs include
      the application of its core technology to process small diameter blood vessel grafts as an alternative to blood vessel grafts taken
      from the patient; investigation of potential orthopedic applications of its technology; investigation of human tissues as carriers for
      therapeutics; Thrombosol(TM), a formulation for extended storage of platelets and technologies to enhance the storage of red blood
      cells for transfusion.

      This release contains forward-looking statements made pursuant to the safe harbor provisions of the Private Securities Litigation
      Reform Act of 1995, including the Company`s expectation for full year 2001 product revenues. Forward-looking statements
      represent management`s judgment regarding future events. Although management believes that the expectations reflected in such
      statements are reasonable, they give no assurance that such expectations will prove to be correct and you should be aware that
      actual results could differ materially from those contained in the forward-looking statements due to a number of factors. These
      factors include the risks detailed in the Company`s Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2000 and other
      reports filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

      Financial Highlights

      September 30, December 31,
      2001 2000
      Cash and cash equivalents
      and short-term investments $5,376,000 $5,535,000
      Working capital 8,695,000 5,330,000
      Total assets 23,387,000 25,410,000
      Total stockholders` equity 16,522,000 12,789,000

      Three Months Ended Nine Months Ended
      September 30, September 30,
      2001 2000 2001 2000
      Product revenues $6,454,000 $5,919,000 $19,889,000 $15,744,000

      Research grant
      revenues 200,000 316,000 987,000 1,169,000

      Total revenues 6,654,000 6,235,000 20,876,000 16,913,000

      Costs and Expenses:
      Cost of products
      sold 1,949,000 1,693,000 6,802,000 4,793,000

      Research and
      development 998,000 901,000 3,287,000 3,419,000
      General and
      administrative 937,000 1,673,000 3,277,000 4,516,000
      Selling and
      marketing 2,847,000 3,411,000 9,185,000 8,702,000
      Total costs and
      expenses 6,731,000 7,678,000 22,551,000 21,430,000

      Loss from
      Operations (77,000) (1,443,000) (1,675,000) (4,517,000)
      Interest and other
      expense, net (122,000) (206,000) (497,000) (437,000)
      Net Loss $(199,000) $(1,649,000) $(2,172,000) $(4,954,000)

      Loss per Common Share -
      Basic and Diluted $(0.02) $(0.13) $(0.15) $(0.39)

      Shares Used in Computing
      Loss per Common Share -
      Basic and Diluted 19,529,000 14,192,000 17,659,000 13,825,000
      schrieb am 22.10.01 16:17:39
      Beitrag Nr. 75 ()

      Die Zahlen zum 3.Quartal haben die Erwartungen klar geschlagen. Der Operative Verlust in diesem Quartal beträgt nur noch $77.000. Der Netto Verlust $199.000. Das ergibt ein EPS von $-0.02. Der einzige Wehrmutstropfen bei den Zahlen ist ein Vergleich zum 2. Quartal geschrumpfter Umsatz den Lifecell aber plausibel erklärt: "Revenues in the current quarter were negatively impacted by the Company`s inability to ship products to its customers for several days following the tragic events of September 11, 2001."

      Lifecell wird wohl im nächsten Quartal die Profitablität erreichen, und das hoffentlich mit wieder stark ansteigenden Umsätzen bei Alloderm u. Repliform. (Cymetra scheint leider nicht richtig einzuschlagen)

      schöne Grüße
      schrieb am 24.10.01 21:04:53
      Beitrag Nr. 76 ()
      News zu Lifecell!

      LifeCell Receives Research Grant From the U.S. Army to Develop Vascular and Nerve Applications of the Company`s Tissue Processing Technology

      BRANCHBURG, N.J., Oct. 24 /PRNewswire/ -- LifeCell Corporation (Nasdaq: LIFC) announced today that it received final approval for a $2.1 million research grant from the Department of Defense, through the U.S. Army Medical Research Acquisition Activity, to investigate the application of its acellular tissue matrix technology to the regeneration of vascular and nerve tissues. LifeCell retains all rights to commercialize products resulting from this collaboration. "This grant allows us to accelerate our research and product development efforts while maintaining our goal of achieving positive operating income and cash flows," stated Paul G. Thomas, LifeCell`s Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer.

      The two-year program will support application of the Company`s tissue matrix technology beyond the well established tissue regeneration applications currently used clinically with AlloDerm(R), Repliform(TM) and Cymetra(TM). "We will assess the remodeling capabilities of specific acellular tissue matrices in vascular and nerve tissues to allow the regeneration of the patient`s tissue with full restoration of function," commented Stephen A. Livesey, MD, Ph.D., LifeCell`s Chief Science Officer.

      "The development of an off-the-shelf small diameter vascular graft which could function as well as vessels taken from the patient would fundamentally change the approach to bypass surgery," said Dr. Bruce Rosengard, MD, a cardiothoracic surgeon from the University of Pennsylvania. "With the aging of America, repeat procedures are now common and the lack of available vessels is becoming a very significant challenge. LifeCell`s approach is innovative, has a sound technology base and directly addresses these issues," he added.

      In Erwartung eine schwarzen Bilanz und neuen Produkten
      schrieb am 08.11.01 23:03:44
      Beitrag Nr. 77 ()
      Hier mal ein Kommentar aus dem Yahoo-Board, auf die Frage warum Lifecell unter $2 gehandelt wird.

      Why it`s under $2...
      by: toppedout2000
      Long-Term Sentiment: Strong Buy 11/05/01 09:24 pm
      Msg: 5086 of 5086

      That is a good question. Lifc sells more product than two of its competitors, Org and Atis combined. Yet Lifc has only a $30 million market cap while Atis has a $325 million market cap, and Org has a $200 million market cap. It is clearly undervalued. One thing to think about, Iart, another artificial skin company traded at about 4 bucks a few years ago, it now trades at over $30! Lifc may soon be profitable or at least at breakeven, who knows when Org or Atis will turn a profit.

      link zum Yahoo-Board:

      Schönen Freitag
      schrieb am 10.11.01 22:27:41
      Beitrag Nr. 78 ()

      Hier ein Interview mit dem CEO von Lifecell, von der

      Werde Sonntag o. Montag mal reinhören und meine Meinung zu dem Interview schreiben.

      Schöne Grüße
      schrieb am 20.11.01 07:35:42
      Beitrag Nr. 79 ()

      Bin leider noch nicht dazu gekommen einen Übersetzung des Interviews mit Paul G. Thomas zu schreiben.
      Am 27.11.01 dürfte es aber ein weitaus interessanteres Interview vom Herrn Thomas geben, dann nämlich wird ein Ausblick über die Zukunfts-Produkte von LIFC gegeben.


      Monday November 19, 4:37 pm Eastern Time
      Press Release
      SOURCE: LifeCell Corporation
      LifeCell CEO to Present at The Robertson Stephens Medical Conference
      BRANCHBURG, N.J., Nov. 19 /PRNewswire/ -- LifeCell Corporation (Nasdaq: LIFC - news) announced today that Paul G. Thomas, Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer, will present at the Robertson Stephens Medical Conference on Tuesday, November 27th at 8:30am EST at The Pierre hotel in New York City.

      Mr. Thomas will review the Company`s proprietary technology platform, current products as well as the outlook for future products and 2002 milestones. LifeCell recently announced final approval for a $2.1 million research grant from the Department of Defense, through the U.S. Army Medical Research Acquisition Activity, to investigate the application of its acellular tissue matrix technology to the regeneration of vascular and nerve tissues.

      LifeCell Corporation is a leader in the emerging field of regenerative medicine engaged in developing and marketing biologic solutions for the repair, replacement and preservation of human tissue. The Company`s core technology removes all cells from the tissue and preserves the tissue without damaging the essential biochemical and structural components necessary for normal tissue regeneration. LifeCell currently markets three human tissue products based on its technology: AlloDerm® for plastic reconstructive and burn procedures through LifeCell`s direct sales force and for periodontal procedures through BioHorizons, Inc.; Cymetra(TM), a version of AlloDerm in particulate form for the correction of soft tissue defects, through LifeCell`s direct sales force and a co-promotion agreement with OMP, Inc.; and Repliform(TM), a version of AlloDerm for urology and gynecology procedures, through a marketing and distribution agreement with Boston Scientific Corporation. The Company`s development programs include the application of its core technology to vascular, nerve and orthopedic tissues; investigation of human tissues as carriers for therapeutics; Thrombosol(TM), a formulation for extended storage of platelets and technologies to enhance the storage of red blood cells for transfusion.

      This release contains forward-looking statements made pursuant to the safe harbor provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Forward-looking statements represent management`s judgment regarding future events. Although management believes that the expectations reflected in such statements are reasonable, they give no assurance that such expectations will prove to be correct and you should be aware that actual results could differ materially from those contained in the forward-looking statements due to a number of factors. These factors include the risks detailed in the Company`s Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2000 and other reports filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

      SOURCE: LifeCell Corporation

      schöne Woche
      schrieb am 21.11.01 21:45:51
      Beitrag Nr. 80 ()
      Brechen heute bei außerordentlich hohen Umsatzvolumen nach oben aus. wer da wohl wieder mal mehr weiß???

      MfG Pieselwitz!!
      schrieb am 22.11.01 00:06:30
      Beitrag Nr. 81 ()
      Hi Pieselwitz,

      schön mal hier wen anderes als mich selber zulesen.

      Deine Frage habe Ich mir auch schon gestellt. Bei Lifecell steigen definitiv dicke Jungs ein. In den letzten zwei Monaten haben institutionelle Käufer über 5.5 Millionen Lifecell Aktien aufgekauft. Damit halten sie über 42% aller Lifecell Aktien!!!

      Total Number of Holders 23
      Total Shares Held 8,464,119 42.67% of Shares Outstanding Total Value of Holdings $17,774,650
      Number of Buys 7 Number of Shares Bought 5,506,650
      Number of Sells 6 Number of Shares Sold 45,951

      Number of New Buyers 4
      Number of Shares Newly Acquired 4,713,400
      Number of Closed Out Positions 6
      Number of Shares Closed Out 45,951…

      Ich bin sehr gespannt was der CEO von Lifecell am 27.11 zu berichten hat. Hoffe die big guys wissen mehr als wir.

      schöne Grüße
      schrieb am 22.11.01 00:39:53
      Beitrag Nr. 82 ()
      Hi Kubrick,

      na als investierter Anleger muß ich bei Auffälligkeiten ja auch mal meinen Senf dazu geben!

      Lifecell hat sich in den letzten Tagen wirklich gut entwickelt und hatte gestern (was mir eben auffiel) ein für diesen Wert sehr hohes Umsatzvolumen!!

      Aber die 2.60$ Marke scheint im Moment ein (noch) unüberwindbares Hindernis darzustellen, sind ja schon mehrmals von dort aus wieder nach unten abgeprallt :-(

      Wäre suuper nett von Dir, wenn Du die News des CEO (27.11.) hier reinstellen würdest?!

      Ach übrigens, Medical Strategy gibt in der November-Ausgabe für LIFC immer noch ein Kurziel von 12$ aus (Kauf unter 6$)!

      Na dann mal los.....(geb jetzt noch ne` kleine Kauforder für Select Therapeutics auf)!!

      Gruß Pieselwitz!!
      schrieb am 22.11.01 21:17:47
      Beitrag Nr. 83 ()
      Sers Leude,
      zunächst mal nen Dank an Kubrick für die regelmäßigen Infos...bin seit knapp einem Jahr Lifeceller (nachdem ich mir meine jugendlichen Hörner kräftigst bei PCCW abgestoßen habe *fg*). Mich hat das Kozept der Firma damals schon überzeugt, auch die Zusammenarbeit mit der US-Regierung (Army) stimmten mich zuversichtlich... Hoffe das jetzt die fetten Jahre anbrechen ...


      PS to Kubrick ... mach weiter so...
      schrieb am 23.11.01 23:03:52
      Beitrag Nr. 84 ()

      Was haltet ihr von Biotissue???

      ehrliche antworten bitte,


      schrieb am 10.12.01 15:24:19
      Beitrag Nr. 85 ()

      danke für die Blumen!


      LifeCell Appoints David Fitzgerald to Board of Directors

      Former President and CEO of Howmedica Joins the Board

      BRANCHBURG, N.J., Dec. 10 /PRNewswire/ -- LifeCell Corporation (Nasdaq: LIFC) announced today that David Fitzgerald, former President and CEO of Howmedica, will join the Company`s Board of Directors. Mr. Fitzgerald will replace David A. Thomson who has resigned from the Company`s Board of Directors for personal reasons.

      "David Fitzgerald`s industry knowledge and successful track record in the medical device field makes him a valuable addition to our Board of Directors at this exciting time in our history," said Paul G. Thomas, President and Chief Executive Officer of LifeCell. "With profitability on the horizon, LifeCell is at a critical inflection point. In addition to further penetrating existing markets for our three product lines, we can leverage our technology platform in larger markets such as vascular grafting and orthopedic applications," he added. "We would also like to thank David Thomson for his invaluable contributions as a board member since 1997."

      Mr. Fitzgerald began his career in 1970 at Howmedica. By 1980, he was President and CEO of the Company and remained in that role until 1995. Additionally, in 1988, Mr. Fitzgerald was appointed Executive Vice President of Pfizer Hospital Products Group, a $1.3 billion group of medical device companies including Howmedica. In 1992, Mr. Fitzgerald was also named Vice President of Pfizer Inc. Since his retirement from Pfizer in 1995, Mr. Fitzgerald has served as a director and a consultant to a number of different start-up and development stage companies.

      "I am pleased to join LifeCell at this important time in the Company`s development and look forward to helping the Company realize the full potential of its valuable technology platform," said David Fitzgerald.

      Mr. Fitzgerald scheint ja ein sehr erfahrener Mann zu sein, als ehemaliger Vize Präsident von Pfizer hat er wahrscheinlich viele Kontakte die Lifecell hilfreich sein können.

      Positiv fande Ich ausserdem was Paul G. Thomas sagt: "With profitability on the horizon,...we can leverage our technology platform in larger markets such as vascular grafting and orthopedic applications,"

      Schöne Grüße
      schrieb am 10.12.01 15:24:25
      Beitrag Nr. 86 ()

      danke für die Blumen!


      LifeCell Appoints David Fitzgerald to Board of Directors

      Former President and CEO of Howmedica Joins the Board

      BRANCHBURG, N.J., Dec. 10 /PRNewswire/ -- LifeCell Corporation (Nasdaq: LIFC) announced today that David Fitzgerald, former President and CEO of Howmedica, will join the Company`s Board of Directors. Mr. Fitzgerald will replace David A. Thomson who has resigned from the Company`s Board of Directors for personal reasons.

      "David Fitzgerald`s industry knowledge and successful track record in the medical device field makes him a valuable addition to our Board of Directors at this exciting time in our history," said Paul G. Thomas, President and Chief Executive Officer of LifeCell. "With profitability on the horizon, LifeCell is at a critical inflection point. In addition to further penetrating existing markets for our three product lines, we can leverage our technology platform in larger markets such as vascular grafting and orthopedic applications," he added. "We would also like to thank David Thomson for his invaluable contributions as a board member since 1997."

      Mr. Fitzgerald began his career in 1970 at Howmedica. By 1980, he was President and CEO of the Company and remained in that role until 1995. Additionally, in 1988, Mr. Fitzgerald was appointed Executive Vice President of Pfizer Hospital Products Group, a $1.3 billion group of medical device companies including Howmedica. In 1992, Mr. Fitzgerald was also named Vice President of Pfizer Inc. Since his retirement from Pfizer in 1995, Mr. Fitzgerald has served as a director and a consultant to a number of different start-up and development stage companies.

      "I am pleased to join LifeCell at this important time in the Company`s development and look forward to helping the Company realize the full potential of its valuable technology platform," said David Fitzgerald.

      Mr. Fitzgerald scheint ja ein sehr erfahrener Mann zu sein, als ehemaliger Vize Präsident von Pfizer hat er wahrscheinlich viele Kontakte die Lifecell hilfreich sein können.

      Positiv fande Ich ausserdem was Paul G. Thomas sagt: "With profitability on the horizon,...we can leverage our technology platform in larger markets such as vascular grafting and orthopedic applications,"

      Schöne Grüße
      schrieb am 11.12.01 12:49:28
      Beitrag Nr. 87 ()
      Hallo Jungs,

      Ich habe gerade beim Stöbern auf der N-TV Seite eine "Analyse" von "DER AKTIONÄR-ONLINE" zu Lifecell entdeckt.

      DER AKTIONÄR-ONLINE: LifeCell kaufen
      Datum: 28.11.2001

      Die Analysten von "Der Aktionär-online" empfehlen die Aktie LifeCell Corp. zum Kauf. (WKN 888910) Die vergangene Woche sei ganz ohne Zweifel die Woche der Stammzellenaktien gewesen. Nach der Veröffentlichung von Advanced Cell Technology (nicht börsennotiert), dass man zum ersten Mal im Ansatz einen Menschen habe klonen können, seien die Stammzellenaktien rasant angestiegen. Zudem habe sich LifeCell auf der Robertson Stephens Medical Conference erfolgreich präsentieren und verschiedene Projekte für 2002 vorstellen können. Im Bereich von 2,50 US-Dollar (etwa 2,90 Euro) befinde sich ein massiver Widerstand, den es nun zu überwinden gelte. Die Empfehlung der Analysten von "Der Aktionär-online" für die Aktie LifeCell lautet "kaufen".

      So einen dillethantischen Bericht habe Ich bisher selten gelesen. Erst erweckt der Redakteur den Eindruck Lifecell würde mit Stammzellen arbeiten (wahrscheinlich glaubt er das sogar). Dann schreibt er von einer erfolgreichen Präsentation und verschieden Projekten für 2002, und erwähnt mit keinem weiteren Wort was das für Projekte sind.

      Die Print-Ausgabe habe Ich noch nie gelesen, jetzt bin mir sicher, das daß wohl auch nie geschehen wird.

      Schöne Grüße
      schrieb am 08.01.02 22:44:10
      Beitrag Nr. 88 ()
      Die starken Käufe von institutioneller Seite halten bei Lifecell an. Heute berichtete der Tail Wind Fond über 5,5% an Lifecell erworben zu haben. Hier ist der link zu dem zugehörigen SEC-Filling.…

      Schöne Grüße
      schrieb am 14.01.02 21:04:37
      Beitrag Nr. 89 ()
      Hier mal zur Abwechslung eine Verkaufsempfehlung zu Lifecell.

      Lifecell nicht kaufen

      Datum: 11.01.02 Uhrzeit: 12:18

      Die Analysten von BioTech-World raten derzeit von einem Engagement in die Aktien von Lifecell ab. (WKN 888910) Lifecell sei ein Unternehmen des Tissue-Engineering Bereichs. Lifecell generiere bereits Umsätze und habe zur Zeit drei Präparate auf dem Markt, die auf der Grundlage von biotechnologischen Prozessen entwickelt worden seien. Diese Lösungen würden ihren Einsatz in mehreren Einsatzgebieten finden. So werde das Präparat Allodem bei plastischen Hautkonstruktionen verwendet und finde nach Brandverletzungen und peridontalen Eingriffen ihren Einsatzschwerpunkt. Das Präparat Cymetra sei eine spezielle Version von Allodem. Cymetra bestehe aus dem Grundstoff von Allodem und sei plastisch modellierbar, so dass Cymetra bei nichtchirurgischen Korrekturen von Weichgewebedefekten (Schönheitsoperationen wie z.B. Lippengestaltung "aufspritzen" u.ä.) verwendet werden könne. Das Präparat Repliform, eine weitere Version die auf Alloderm basiere und bei urologischen und gynäkologischen Eingriffen als Gewebeersatz diene. Lifecell gebe an, in Zukunft im Labor durch biotechnologische Prozesse gezüchtete Arterien auf den Markt zu bringen, die bei Patienten zum Einsatz kommen sollten, die an Arteriosklerose erkrankt seien. Die Arteriosklerose und die damit einhergehenden Krankheitsbilder seien in den Industrie- und Wohlstandsländern noch immer Todesursache Nummer eins, dicht gefolgt von den Krebserkrankungen. Somit komme der medizinischen Forschung im Bereich der Arteriosklerose sowie seit neuestem auch der Angiogenese extreme Wichtigkeit für die Volksgesundheit und damit natürlich im Falle von sensationellen Forschungsergebnissen auch extremes finanzielles Potential zu. Lifecell habe in den ersten neun Monaten 2001 einen Umsatz von 20,9 Millionen US-Dollar generiert. Der Vertrieb erfolge durch das US-Unternehmen Boston Scientific. In den zwölf Monaten seit September 2000 habe Lifecell einen Umsatz von 26,7Millionen US-Dollar generiert. Das Umsatzwachstum vom dritten Quartal 2000 zum dritten Quartal 2001 habe sich auf 23 Prozent belaufen. Lifecell werde zur Zeit an der Börse mit 45,8 Millionen US-Dollar bewertet und sei damit im Marktkapitalisierung/Umsatz-Vergleich billig. Die Cashreserven würden sich momentan auf 5,38 Millionen US-Dollar belaufen. Diese Mittel würden beim Stagnieren im Umsatz und im Gewinn/Verlust voraussichtlich ca.18 Monate reichen. Optimistische Analysten würden für 2002 von einem Umsatz von 39 Millionen US-Dollar ausgehen. Gegenüber einem geschätzten Umsatz für 2001 von 29 Millionen US-Dollar wäre dies eine Steigerung von 35,9 Prozent. Sollten diese Planzahlen tatsächlich eintreffen, so würde in 2002 ein Gewinn von 0,08 US-Dollar je Aktie anfallen. BioTech-World sei hier jedoch skeptisch, es werde in naher Zukunft mehrere Unternehmen geben, die Konkurrenzprodukte auf den Markt bringen würden und zudem sogar noch besser sein sollten als die bereits von Lifecell vertriebenen. BioTech-World rate Investoren, die sich für den Tissue-Engineering Bereich interessieren würden, zumindest bei Lifecell ein in Betracht bezogenes Investment zurückzustellen! In den nächsten 24 Monaten sollte man Lifecell genauestens beobachten. Würden sich auf der fundamentalen Seite Fakten ergeben, die die fundamentale Situation aufhellen würden, könne über ein Investment nachgedacht werden. Positiv zu werten sei allerdings das weitere Boomen von Schönheitsoperationen in der vor allem jungen US-Bevölkerung, von der Lifecell ja schon jetzt profitiere. Auch sei zu erwähnen, dass man seit kurzem einen Forschungsauftrag vom US-Verteidigungsministerium erhalten habe. Das Gesamtvolumen betrage hier 2,1 Millionen US-Dollar, die allerdings branchenüblich erfolgsabhängig seien. BioTech-World sei nach Abwägen von allen verfügbaren Daten letztendlich der Meinung, weder kurz noch langfristig in Lifcell zu investieren, da das Chance/Risiko-Profil hier nicht optimal sei. Sollten in der Medizintechnik Fortschritte bezüglich der Verbindung bei Arterien gemacht werden, so sei immer noch Zeit in den Wert zu investieren. Auch werde hier sehr viel davon abhängen, wie teuer Lifecells Ersatzarterien seien. Denn seien diese zu teuer, dürfte die Entnahme von patienteneigenem Gewebe weiterhin sinnvoller sein. Wer den Wert bereits im Depot habe, sollte die fundamentale Situation genauestens im Fokus haben. Die Zeit für ein Investment sei hier noch nicht gekommen. Lifecell sollte in den nächsten Monaten höchstens ein Marketperformer werden (zum S&P500). Vor diesem Hintergrund raten die Analysten von BioTech-World die Aktien von Lifecell nicht zu kaufen.


      Meiner Meinung nach sehr verwegen so kurz vor dem erreichen des break-evens eine Verkaufsempfehlung zu geben.

      schöne Grüße
      schrieb am 17.01.02 17:45:12
      Beitrag Nr. 90 ()

      Gute nachrichten zu Lifecell!!!

      LifeCell to Post Record Product Revenues for 2001
      BRANCHBURG, N.J., Jan. 17 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- LifeCell Corporation (Nasdaq: LIFC - news), a leader in developing and commercializing biological solutions to repair or replace the body`s damaged tissue, announced today that the Company expects to report record product revenues for the year ended December 31, 2001. LifeCell currently markets three products, AlloDerm® for plastic reconstructive and burn procedures, Cymetra(TM) for the correction of soft tissue defects, and Repliform(TM) for urology and gynecology procedures.

      LifeCell`s product portfolio is derived from the Company`s versatile acellular matrix technology platform and is used for the repair, replacement and preservation of tissue in numerous different clinical applications. The Company expects to report 2001 product revenues of approximately $26.6 million, up 25% from the previous year.

      ``In addition to record product revenues for the year, we expect to report an operating profit in the fourth quarter of 2001, the first ever in the Company`s history,`` said Paul Thomas, President and CEO of LifeCell. ``With several products on the market and consistent double-digit revenue growth, we look forward to an exciting 2002 as we leverage LifeCell`s technology base to enter into larger target markets such as orthopedics and cardiovascular.``

      LifeCell`s audited financial results for the twelve-month period ended December 31, 2001, are scheduled to be released on Tuesday, February 26, 2002.

      LifeCell Corporation is a leader in developing and marketing solutions for the repair, replacement and preservation of human tissue. The Company`s core technology removes all cells from the tissue and preserves the tissue without damaging the essential biochemical and structural components necessary for normal tissue regeneration. LifeCell currently markets three human tissue products: AlloDerm® for plastic reconstructive and burn procedures through LifeCell`s direct sales force and for periodontal procedures through BioHorizons, Inc.; Cymetra(TM), a version of AlloDerm in particulate form for the correction of soft tissue defects, through LifeCell`s direct sales force and a co-promotion agreement with OMP, Inc.; and Repliform(TM), a version of AlloDerm for urology and gynecology procedures, through a marketing and distribution agreement with Boston Scientific Corporation. The Company`s development programs include the application of its core technology to vascular, nerve and orthopedic tissue repair; investigation of human tissues as carriers for therapeutics; Thrombosol(TM), a formulation for extended storage of platelets and technologies to enhance the storage of red blood cells for transfusion.

      This release contains forward-looking statements made pursuant to the safe harbor provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, such as our expectation for revenue growth, profitability and product development. Forward-looking statements represent management`s judgment regarding future events. Although management believes that the expectations reflected in such statements are reasonable, they give no assurance that such expectations will prove to be correct and you should be aware that actual results could differ materially from those contained in the forward-looking statements due to a number of factors. These factors include the risks detailed in the Company`s Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2000 and other reports filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

      SOURCE: LifeCell Corporation

      schöne Grüße
      schrieb am 17.01.02 23:33:44
      Beitrag Nr. 91 ()
      Das war heute ein guter tag für Lifecell.
      Die Produktumsätze haben nach dem etwas enttäuschenden 3. Quartal wieder angezogen.

      Produktumsätze Lifecell:

      1. Quartal: 6.424.000
      2. Quartal: 7.011.000
      3. Quartal: 6.454.000
      4. Quartal: ca. 6.711.000

      Mit echten Massen Produkten in der Pipeline (voll funktionstüchtige Arterien und Orthopädischen Applikationen sowie Thrombosol) und einem positiven Cash-Flow könnte Lifecell einer der Big-Player im Tissue-Bereich werden.

      schöne Grüße
      schrieb am 18.01.02 17:34:39
      Beitrag Nr. 92 ()
      Na dann hoffen wir mal das beste. Charttechnisch gesehen, ist der Weg nach oben erst einmal frei....
      schrieb am 20.01.02 12:52:52
      Beitrag Nr. 93 ()
      Hornblower Fischer BioStocks Daily (18.01.2002)

      LifeCell (LIFC; 888910) erwartet für 2001 mit einem Umsatzwachstum von +25,5% auf 26,6 Mio. USD ein Rekordergebnis. Für das 4. Quartal 2001 wird zudem zum ersten Mal mit einem operativen Gewinn gerechnet. Mit drei Produkten, die sich bereits auf dem Markt befinden, will LifeCell versuchen, in diesem Jahr in neue Zielgebiete wie z.B. Herzkreislauf oder Orthopädie vorzudringen. LifeCell ist ein Biotechunternehmen, das biologische Lösungen für den Ersatz oder die Wiederherstellung von geschädigtem Gewebe (Tissue Engineering) anbietet. LifeCell gehörte gestern mit einem Kurssprung um +30,20% auf ein neues 52-Wochenhoch bei 3,32 USD zu den Gewinnern im Biotechsektor. Auch im nachbörslichen Handel tendierte die Aktie weiterhin freundlich.

      Gruß Kubrick
      schrieb am 21.01.02 08:23:46
      Beitrag Nr. 94 ()
      Hier ein posting aus dem Yahoo board.

      Lifc Vs. Org & Atis...

      by: toppedout2000
      Long-Term Sentiment: Strong Buy 01/20/02 03:43 pm
      Msg: 5182 of 5183

      Lifc has nearly the same revenue of Atis and Org combined! Yet Lifc has the smallest market cap of them all. Lifc is also near being a profitable company. Org & Atis lose millions and may never turn a profit. Atis has a market cap of $315 million, nearly 5 times more than Lifc. If Lifc had the same market cap of Atis, and I feel it should, then Lifc would be trading at $15. Org has a market cap of $146 million. If Lifc had the same market cap of Org, then Lifc would be trading at $8. It is very clear that Lifc is very undervalued.


      "LifeCell Corp. is a bioengineering company engaged in the development and commercialization of tissue regeneration and cell preservation products. For the nine months ended 9/30/01, total revenues rose 23% to $20.9 million. Net loss applicable to Common fell 52% to $2.6 million. Revenues reflect increased demand for Repliform and AlloDerm. Lower loss reflects decreased product development and lower employee related expenses."


      "Organogenesis, Inc. designs, develops and manufactures medical therapeutics containing living cells and/or natural connective tissue. For the nine months ended 9/30/01, total revenues fell 13% to $7.6 million. Net loss before accounting change increased 52% to $22.6 million."


      "ATIS is a tissue engineering company, engaged in the development of human-based tissue products for therapeutic applications. ATIS focuses on wound care, orthopedics, aesthetic, reconstructive and cardiovascular products. For the nine months ended 9/30/01, revenues rose 7% to $20.8 million. Net loss applicable to Common fell 9% to $19.3 million. Results reflect a $5 million Dermagraft PMA approval milestone and lower research and development expenses."

      Gruß Kubrick
      schrieb am 28.01.02 14:03:22
      Beitrag Nr. 95 ()

      Lifecell hoch riskant Datum: 24.01.2002
      Zeit: 14:39

      Nach Ansicht der Analysten des Anlegermagazins "Die Telebörse" ist die Aktie Lifecell Corp. ein hoch riskantes Investment. (WKN 888910) Das Unternehmen habe bisher in erster Linie Hautersatz für Verbrennungswunden hergestellt. Man wolle die hier zu Grunde liegende Technologie nach und nach erweitern. Das erste Ziel sei die Herstellung von Blutgefäßen, die bei Bypassoperationen zum Einsatz kämen. Des weiteren forsche der Konzern daran, neues Knochengewebe zu züchten. Die schonende Lagerung von gespendeten Blutzellen sei ein drittes neues Feld. Aufgrund der Terroranschläge in den USA habe Lifecell seine Umsatzprognosen auf 30,5 Mio. Euro für 2001 reduziert. Der Kurs sei auf Talfahrt gegangen. Das Unternehmen erwarte nun 25% Umsatzzuwachs auf 30,1 Mio. Euro in 2001. Zudem werde in Aussicht gestellt, im 4. Quartal erstmals Gewinne zu verzeichnen. Die Aktie Lifecell ist gemäß den Analysten von "Die Telebörse" ein hoch riskantes Investment mit einer 100%-Chance.

      Gruß Kubrick
      schrieb am 30.01.02 19:05:29
      Beitrag Nr. 96 ()

      LifeCell and LifeNet Partner to Increase Availability of Allograft Skin Tissue for Burn Victims
      BRANCHBURG, N.J., Jan. 30 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- LifeCell Corporation (Nasdaq: LIFC - news), a leader in developing and commercializing biologically based solutions to repair or replace the body`s damaged tissue, announced today that it has entered into an agreement with LifeNet, the largest organ procurement based tissue bank in the United States.

      Under the terms of the agreement, LifeNet will supply donated allograft skin tissue to LifeCell for processing into cryopreserved skin and Alloderm® graftable tissue on a priority basis for treatment of burn victims. LifeNet will discontinue processing cryopreserved skin, however, it will continue to distribute cryopreserved skin processed by LifeCell. LifeCell is one of the largest processors of allograft tissue for burn victims in the United States. Additionally, LifeCell provides other tissue grafts for plastic reconstructive, urology and gynecology procedures.

      ``LifeNet is an accredited and well-respected organization and we are pleased that they have chosen LifeCell as a partner to process their allograft skin,`` said Paul Thomas, President and CEO of LifeCell. ``We share a common vision of maximizing the clinical benefit of donated human tissue and we look forward to a successful partnership.``

      LifeCell`s tissue grafts are processed using the Company`s proprietary and patented tissue matrix technology platform and are used for the repair and replacement of damaged or inadequate tissue in numerous different clinical applications.

      ``We are extremely pleased to work together with LifeCell to ensure that allograft skin tissue is available on a priority basis for burn victims,`` said Bill Anderson, LifeNet`s President and Chief Executive Officer. ``LifeNet and its affiliated OPO partners are dedicated to ensuring that donated human tissue is available to help as many patients as possible. Our responsibility to donor families is to see that others benefit from the gift of donated human tissues and we are confident that this agreement will help us to meet that objective.``

      LifeCell is a leader in developing and marketing biologically based solutions for the repair and replacement of damaged or inadequate tissue in numerous different clinical applications. The Company`s proprietary patented tissue matrix technology removes all cells from allograft tissue and preserves the tissue without damaging the essential biochemical and structural components necessary for normal tissue regeneration. LifeCell currently markets three human tissue based products: AlloDerm® for plastic reconstructive and burn procedures through LifeCell`s direct sales force and for periodontal procedures through BioHorizons, Inc.; Cymetra(TM), a version of AlloDerm in particulate form for the correction of soft tissue defects, through LifeCell`s direct sales force and a co-promotion agreement with OMP, Inc.; and Repliform(TM), a version of AlloDerm for urology and gynecology procedures, through a marketing and distribution agreement with Boston Scientific Corporation. The Company`s development programs include the application of its tissue matrix technology to vascular, nerve and orthopedic tissue repair; investigation of human tissues as carriers for therapeutics; Thrombosol(TM), a formulation for extended storage of platelets and technologies to enhance the storage of red blood cells for transfusion.

      LifeNet is the largest, full-service, non-profit allograft tissue bank in the United States. LifeNet provides quality tissue allografts to nearly 200,000 patients a year and related services to thousands of hospitals and clinicians -- worldwide. LifeNet was founded in 1982 to address the need for human organs and tissues for transplantation. LifeNet is also a non-profit, federally-designated, Organ Procurement Organization, providing donation services for heart, liver, kidney, pancreas, lung, and other organs for transplantation. LifeNet is an accredited member of the American Association of Tissue Banks, an institutional member of the United Network for Organ Sharing, an accredited member of the Association of Organ Procurement Organizations and is registered to the ISO 9001 quality management system. LifeNet is headquartered in Virginia Beach, Virginia, with regional offices across the country.

      This release contains forward-looking statements made pursuant to the safe harbor provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, such as our expectation for product development. Forward-looking statements represent management`s judgment regarding future events. Although management believes that the expectations reflected in such statements are reasonable, they give no assurance that such expectations will prove to be correct and you should be aware that actual results could differ materially from those contained in the forward-looking statements due to a number of factors. These factors include the risks detailed in the Company`s Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2000 and other reports filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

      SOURCE: LifeCell Corporation

      Gruß Kubrick
      schrieb am 31.01.02 15:53:05
      Beitrag Nr. 97 ()

      LifeCell spek. Verdopplungschance Datum: 29.01.2002
      Zeit: 10:49

      Die Analysten von Aktienservice Research empfehlen derzeit dem Anleger die Aktien von LifeCell zum Kauf. (WKN 888910) LifeCell sei ein Biotech-Unternehmen, das biologische Lösungen für Ersatz und Wiederherstellung von geschädigtem Gewebe (Tissue-Engineering) anbiete. Im Hinblick auf Terroranschläge habe LifeCell seine Umsatzprognosen reduziert. Der Kurs habe zu diesem Zeitpunkt deutlich nachgegeben. Zum Jahresbeginn habe sich jedoch der NewsFlow bei LifeCell verbessert, so erwarte man nun 25 Prozent Umsatzzuwachs auf 26,6 Millionen Euro in 2001. Zudem werde in Aussicht gestellt, im vierten Quartal erstmals operative Gewinne zu erzielen. Dies habe dem Kurs wieder deutlich Auftrieb verliehen. Mit einer Marktkapitalisierung von 65 Millionen US-Dollar (02e-Umsatzmultiple liege lediglich ca. zwei) sei der Titel für ein prosperierendes Biotech-Unternehmen sehr günstig bewertet. Befürchtungen, wonach dem Unternehmen in ca. 24 Monaten auf Grund der anhaltenden Verlustsituation die Mittel ausgehen könnten, seien durch den jüngsten Vorstoß in die operative Gewinnzone abgeschwächt bzw. widerlegt worden. Auch die fundamentalen Aussichten würden sich bei LifeCell recht positiv gestalten. LifeCell habe bisher vornehmlich Hautersatz für Verbrennungswunden hergestellt und habe hier bereits drei Produkte auf den Markt bringen können. Die hierbei entwickelte Technologie und die erworbene Kompetenz solle nun auf weitere Indikationsgebiete erweitert werden, so zum Beispiel auf die Herstellung von Blutgefäßen, die bei Beipassoperationen zum Einsatz kämen, und auf die Züchtung von neuem Knochengewebe. LifeCell verfolge mehrere hochinteressante Entwicklungsprojekte, so bspw. die Züchtung durch biotechnologische Prozesse von Arterien für Patienten, die an Arteriosklerose erkrankt seien. Da dies und damit verbundene Krankheitsbilder in den Industriestaaten immer noch Todesursache Nummer eins seien, adressiere LifeCell hiermit einen immensen Markt. Weitere Forschungserfolge würden vor diesem Hintergrund mit der Konkretisierung eines extremen finanziellen Potenzials einher gehen. Ferner komme dem Unternehmen im Kerngeschäftsbereich Tissue-Engineering die wachsende Nachfrage nach kosmetischen Operationen zu Gute. Dieses Geschäftsfeld erscheine langfristig attraktiv, selbst bei Nicht-Berücksichtigung der laufenden Entwicklungsprojekte auf anderen Gebieten sei die Aktie nach Einschätzung von Aktienservice Research derzeit attraktiv bewertet. Im prosperierenden Bereich Tissue-Engineering sei die marktführende LifeCell erste Wahl, erziele bereits nachhaltige Umsätze mit drei auf Basis von biotechnologischen Prozessen eigenentwickelten Produkten (AlloDerm, Cymetra und Repliform), die erfolgreich auf den Markt gebracht worden seien. Das sei erheblich mehr, als andere im Bereich Bio-Tissue angesiedelte Unternehmen vorweisen könnten. Vielversprechend positioniert sehe Aktienservice Research LifeCell hierbei im Heimatmarkt USA, da die Nachfrage nach Hautprodukten gerade auf Grund der boomenden Schönheitschirurgie gerade in den USA schnell ansteige. Nach Einschätzung von Aktienservice Research sichere die aussichtsreiche Entwicklung des Kerngeschäfts alleine das heutige Kursniveau ab. Sollten erste Forschungserfolge bei der Züchtung von Arterien verzeichnet werden können, werde der Aktienkurs von LifeCell voraussichtlich explodieren. Vor diesem Hintergrund sehe Aktienservice Research bei LifeCell ein langfristig positives Chance/Risiko-Profil. Mit Sicht auf zwölf Monate werde das Kursziel bei sieben US-Dollar gesehen. Das Rating der Analysten von Aktienservice Research für die LifeCell-Aktie lautet auf spekulativ kaufen. Auf Grund der jüngsten Kursbewegungen könnte zunächst eine Konsolidierung eintreten. Der Stoppkurs sollte bei 2,90 US-Dollar platziert werden.

      Gruß Kubrick
      schrieb am 11.02.02 23:31:20
      Beitrag Nr. 98 ()
      Lifecell ist heute bei starken Umsätzen nach oben ausgebrochen. Meldungen gab es keine aber so wie Ich die Lage einschätze, wissen ein paar Institutionelle Käufer mal wieder mehr als wir.
      Vielleicht erfahren wir ja in den nächsten Tagen, etwas neues über den Entwicklungsstand der Arterien von Lifecell.

      schöne Grüße
      schrieb am 12.02.02 08:37:44
      Beitrag Nr. 99 ()
      Die jüngste Kursexplosion wundert mich überhaupt nicht.
      Mich überrascht eher, daß die Bude 1 Jahr nicht gestiegen
      ist. Bei Betrachtung der Produktpipeline, der Kennzahlen
      und des explosiven Wachstums halte ich Kurse jenseits der
      20 $ mittelfristig für absolut realistisch. Das Kgv
      ist nieddrig und wenn der Umsatz explodiert, muß der Kurs
      mitziehen. Ehernes Naturgesetz.
      Evtl fertigt Lifecell mal als 4 Produktlinie für
      einige W.O ler gezüchtete Ersatzgehirne.
      schrieb am 12.02.02 15:29:50
      Beitrag Nr. 100 ()

      Lifecell vorbörslich bei $3.99.

      schrieb am 12.02.02 21:45:42
      Beitrag Nr. 101 ()
      Das hier ist wohl der Grund für den gestriegen Anstieg.


      The selling stockholders listed on pages 18-19 are offering for resale 478,001 shares of our common stock under this prospectus.

      Our common stock is listed on the Nasdaq National Market under the symbol "LIFC". On February 11, 2002, the closing price of the common stock on the Nasdaq National Market was $3.82 per share.


      Neither the Securities and Exchange Commission nor any state securities commission has approved or disapproved of these securities or passed upon the accuracy or adequacy of this prospectus. Any representation to the contrary is a criminal offense.


      The date of this prospectus is February 12, 2002.




      The Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

      Risk Factors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

      Special Note Regarding Forward-Looking Statements . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

      Where You Can Find More Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

      Use of Proceeds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

      Selling Stockholders. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

      Plan of Distribution. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

      Legal Matters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

      Experts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22



      LifeCell Corporation develops and markets biologic solutions for the repair, replacement and preservation of human tissue. Our core technology removes all cells from the tissue and preserves the tissue without damaging the essential biochemical and structural components necessary for normal tissue regeneration. We currently market three human tissue products based on this technology:

      - AlloDerm(R) for plastic reconstructive, burn and periodontal procedures;
      - Repliform(TM), a version of AlloDerm(R) for urology and gynecology procedures.; and
      - Cymetra(TM), a version of AlloDerm(R) in particulate form for the correction of soft tissue defects.

      Our development programs include the application of our technology to process small diameter blood vessel grafts as an alternative to blood vessel grafts taken from the patient, investigation of potential orthopedic applications of our technology, investigation of human tissue as carriers for therapeutics, ThromboSol(TM), a formulation for extended storage of platelets and technologies to enhance the storage of red blood cells for transfusion.

      We were incorporated in the State of Delaware in 1992 as the successor to a Delaware corporation that was incorporated in 1986. Our address is 1 Millennium Way, Branchburg, New Jersey 08876 and our phone number is (908) 947-1100.



      You should carefully consider these risk factors in addition to our financial statements. In addition to the following risks, there may also be risks that we do not yet know of or that we currently think are immaterial that may also impair our business operations. If any of the following risks occur, our business, financial condition or operating results could be adversely affected, the trading price of our common stock could decline and you might lose all or part of your investment.


      Since our inception in 1986, we have generated only limited revenues from product sales and have incurred substantial net losses of approximately:

      - $7.3 million for the year ended December 31, 1998;

      - $9.2 million for the year ended December 31, 1999;

      - $7.1 million for the year ended December 31, 2000; and

      - $2.2 million for the nine months ended September 30, 2001.

      At September 30, 2001, we had an accumulated deficit of approximately $64.7 million. We expect to incur additional operating losses as well as negative cash flow from operations in the short term as we continue to expand our marketing efforts with respect to our current products and to continue our product development programs. Our ability to increase revenues and achieve profitability and positive cash flows from operations will depend on:

      - increased market acceptance and sales of AlloDerm, Repliform and Cymetra; and

      - commercialization of products under development.

      We may not achieve profitability and positive cash flows from operations.


      We intend to expend funds for:

      - product research and development;

      - expansion of sales and marketing activities;


      - product education efforts; and
      - other working capital and general corporate purposes, including potential acquisitions of complementary technologies or products.

      We may need additional capital, depending on:

      - the costs and progress of our research and development efforts;

      - the number and types of product development programs undertaken;

      - the costs and timing of expansion of sales and marketing activities;

      - the costs and timing of expansion of manufacturing capacity;

      - the amount of revenues from our existing and new products;

      - changes in, termination of, and the success of existing and new distribution arrangements;

      - the cost of maintaining, enforcing and defending patents and other intellectual property rights;

      - competing technological and market developments; and

      - developments related to regulatory and third party reimbursement matters.

      We have no commitments for any future funding and there can be no assurance that we will be able to obtain additional financing in the future from either debt or equity financings, bank loans, collaborative arrangements or other sources on terms acceptable to us, or at all. If adequate funds are not available, we expect that we will be required to delay, scale back or eliminate one or more of our product development programs. Any additional equity financing may be dilutive to stockholders, and debt financing, if available, may involve significant restrictive covenants. Collaborative arrangements, if necessary to raise additional funds, may require us to relinquish our rights to certain of our technologies, products or marketing territories.


      The FDA generally permits transplanted human tissue to be commercially distributed without obtaining prior FDA approval of the product. In contrast, products regulated as medical devices or biologics usually must undergo a lengthy, uncertain and expensive approval process. In 1996, the FDA determined that AlloDerm used for the repair or replacement of damaged or inadequate integumental tissue (i.e. "tissue lining the surface of the body or a body cavity") would be regulated as transplanted human tissue. On that basis, we


      continued commercial distribution of this product for plastic reconstructive, burn and periodontal surgery. In its decision with respect to the regulation of AlloDerm, the FDA stated that the regulatory status of any different uses, such as a void filler for soft tissue, for cosmetic augmentation procedures or as a wound healing agent, would need to be determined on a case-by-case basis.
      In 1999, we began marketing the following products as human tissue:

      - Repliform, a version of AlloDerm, for urological and gynecological surgical procedures; and

      - Cymetra, a version of AlloDerm in a particulate form, for non-surgical correction of soft tissue defects.

      Repliform is used as a bladder sling for the treatment of urinary incontinence and for the repair of pelvic floor defects. Cymetra is used for the correction of soft tissue deficits, such as acne or other depressed scars, and to restore tissue loss from disease. In November 2000, the FDA wrote to us and requested detailed information about Repliform and Cymetra, including copies of existing labeling and advertising, a description of product composition and processing, and other information supporting our belief that each of these products is human tissue. In February 2001, we provided a detailed submission responding to the FDA`s request. In June 2001, we received a letter from the FDA indicating that each of these products, as currently marketed, meet the definition of transplanted human tissue.

      We cannot assure that products we develop in the future will similarly be regulated as human tissue. The regulation of each new product we develop will be decided by the FDA on a case-by-case basis. If the FDA chooses to regulate any of our future products as a medical device or biologic, the process of obtaining FDA approval would be expensive, lengthy and unpredictable. We anticipate that it could take from one to three years or longer to obtain such approval. We do not know if such approval could be obtained in a timely fashion, or at all. Such approval process would almost certainly include a requirement to provide extensive supporting clinical data.

      In addition, the FDA requires that devices and biologics be produced in accordance with the Quality System Regulation for medical devices or Good Manufacturing Practice regulation for biologics.

      As a result, our manufacturing and compliance costs would increase and any such future device and biologic products would be subject to more comprehensive development, testing, monitoring and validation standards.


      A few states impose their own regulatory requirements on transplanted human tissue. We believe that we are in compliance with such regulations. There can be no assurance that the various states in which our products are sold will not impose additional regulatory requirements or marketing impediments on our products.

      Failure to comply with any applicable FDA requirements could result in civil and criminal enforcement actions and other fines and penalties that would increase our expenses and adversely affect our cash flows. Tissue establishments must engage in:

      - donor screening and infectious disease testing; and

      - stringent record keeping.

      As a result, our involvement in the processing and distribution of human tissue requires us to ensure that proper donor screening and infectious disease testing are done appropriately and conducted under strict procedures. In addition, we must maintain records, which are available for FDA inspectors documenting that the procedures were followed. The FDA has authority to conduct inspections of tissue establishments and to detain, recall, or destroy tissue if the procedures were not followed or appropriate documentation is not available.

      The FDA has issued proposed rules that would impose additional donor suitability and Current Good Tissue Practice requirements on manufacturers of tissue-based products. If these or similar requirements actually become law, we will likely incur additional manufacturing and compliance costs for our tissue-based products, including AlloDerm, Repliform and Cymetra.

      Labeling and promotional activities are also subject to scrutiny by the FDA and, in certain instances, by the Federal Trade Commission. From time to time, the FDA may modify such requirements, imposing additional or different requirements which may require us to alter our business methods.


      Procurement of certain human organs and tissue for transplantation is subject to the restrictions of National Organ Transplant Act, which prohibits the acquisition of certain human organs, including skin and related tissue for valuable consideration, but permits the payment of reasonable expenses associated with the procurement, transportation, processing, preservation, quality control and storage of human tissue, including skin. We reimburse tissue banks for expenses incurred that are associated with the recovering and


      transportation of donated human skin that we process into AlloDerm, Repliform, Cymetra and allograft skin as a temporary wound dressing. In addition to amounts paid to tissue banks to reimburse them for their expenses associated with the procurement and transportation of human skin, we include in our pricing structure certain costs associated with:
      - processing;

      - preservation;

      - quality control and storage of the tissue; and

      - marketing and medical education expenses.

      National Organ Transplant Act payment allowances may be interpreted to limit the amount of costs and expenses that we may recover in our pricing for our products thereby negatively impacting our revenues and profitability. We also are potentially subject to enforcement sanctions if we are found to have violated the National Organ Transplant Act`s prohibition on the sale of human tissue.


      We distribute some of our products in countries outside the United States. The regulation of our products in these countries varies. Certain countries regulate our products as a pharmaceutical product, requiring us to make extensive filings and obtain regulatory approvals before selling our product. Certain countries classify our products as transplant tissue but may restrict its import or sale. Other countries have no applicable regulations regarding the import or sale of products similar to our products, creating uncertainty as to what standards we may be required to meet.

      The uncertainty of the regulations in each country may delay or impede the marketing of our products in these countries in the future or impede our ability to negotiate distribution arrangements on favorable terms. Certain foreign countries have laws similar to National Organ Transplant Act. These laws may restrict the amount that we can charge for our products and may restrict our ability to export or distribute our products to licensed not-for-profit organizations in those countries. Noncompliance with foreign country requirements may include some or all of the risks associated with noncompliance with FDA regulation as well as other risks.


      Much of our ability to increase revenues and to achieve profitability and positive cash flows from operations will depend on:

      - expanding the use and market penetration of our current products; and


      - the successful introduction of our products in development.
      Products based on our technologies represent new methods of treatment. Physicians will not use our products unless they determine that the clinical benefits to the patient are greater than those available from competing products or therapies. Even if the advantage of our products is established as clinically significant, physicians may not elect to use such products for any number of reasons.

      Consequently, physicians, health care payers and patients may not accept our current products or products under development. Broad market acceptance of our products may require the training of numerous physicians and clinicians, as well as conducting or sponsoring clinical studies to demonstrate the benefits of such products. The amount of time required to complete such training and studies could result in a delay or dampening of such market acceptance. Moreover, health care payers` approval of reimbursement for our products in development may be an important factor in establishing market acceptance.

      We may be required to undertake time-consuming and costly development activities and seek regulatory clearance or approval for new products. Although we have conducted animal studies on many of our products under development which indicate that the product may be feasible for a particular application, results obtained from expanded studies may not be consistent with earlier trial results or be sufficient for us to obtain any required regulatory approvals or clearances. The completion of the development of any of our products under development remains subject to all the risks associated with the commercialization of new products based on innovative technologies, including:

      - unanticipated technical or other problems;

      - manufacturing difficulties; and

      - the possibility of insufficient funds for the completion of such development.


      We have engaged:

      - Boston Scientific Corporation as our exclusive worldwide sales and marketing representative for Repliform for use in the urology and gynecology markets; and


      - OMP Inc. as the exclusive sales and marketing representative of Cymetra for office-based dermatologists and plastic surgeons.
      Additionally, we have granted distributors exclusive distribution rights and may grant additional distribution rights in the future. For the year ended December 31, 2000 and for the nine month period ended September 30, 2001, sales of our products through Boston Scientific Corporation, OMP Inc. and our distributors represented approximately 28%, 13% and 6% and 35%, 9% and 10% respectively, of our total product revenues. We expect sales of our products through our marketing agents and distributors to continue to increase as a percentage of total revenues. If an exclusive marketing agent, such as Boston Scientific Corporation or OMP Inc., or a distributor fails to adequately promote, market and sell our products, our revenues could be adversely affected until a replacement agent or distributor could be retained by us. Finding replacement agents and distributors could be a time consuming process during which our revenues could be negatively impacted.


      Our business is dependent on the availability of donated human tissue. We currently receive human tissue from approximately 20 United States tissue banks. We estimate that there are at least 100 tissue banks in the United States. Although we have established what we believe to be adequate sources of donated human tissue to satisfy the expected demand for our products in the foreseeable future, we cannot be sure that donated human tissue will continue to be available at current levels or will be sufficient to meet our needs. If our current sources can no longer supply human tissue or our requirements for human tissue exceed their current capacity, we may not be able to locate other sources. Any significant interruption in the availability of human tissue would likely cause us to slow down the processing and distribution of our products.


      Although we do not promote the use of our products for cosmetic applications, clinicians may use our products in applications or procedures that may be considered "cosmetic." Negative publicity concerning the use of donated human tissue in cosmetic procedures could reduce the demand for our products or negatively impact the willingness of families of potential donors to agree to donate tissue or tissue banks to provide tissue to us for processing.


      The biomedical field is undergoing rapid and significant technological change. Our success depends upon our ability to develop and commercialize efficient and effective products based on our technologies. There are many companies, including Regeneration Technologies, Inc., Collagenesis, Inc., Cook, Inc. and its affiliates, Cryolife, Inc., Organogenesis, Inc., Advance Tissue Sciences, Inc. and Integra Life Sciences Holdings Corporation, and academic institutions, including Rice University, The University of Pittsburgh and Georgia Institute of Technology, that are capable of developing products based on similar technology. Some or all of these competitors have developed and are capable of developing products based on other technologies, which are or may be competitive with our products. Many of these companies and academic institutions are well-established, and have substantially greater financial and other resources, research and development capabilities and more experience in conducting clinical trials, obtaining regulatory approvals, manufacturing and marketing than we do. These companies and academic institutions may succeed in developing competing products that are more effective than our products, or that receive government approvals more quickly than our products, which may render our products or technology uncompetitive, uneconomical or obsolete.


      Generally, hospitals, physicians and other health care providers purchase products, such as the products being sold or developed by us, for use in providing care to their patients. These parties typically rely on third-party payers, including:

      - Medicare;

      - Medicaid;

      - private health insurance; and

      - managed care plans

      to reimburse all or part of the costs of acquiring those products and costs associated with the medical procedures performed with those products. Third-party payers have adopted cost control measures in recent years that have had and may continue to have a significant effect on the purchasing practices of many health care providers, generally causing them to be more selective in the purchase of medical products. Significant uncertainty exists as to the reimbursement status of newly approved health care products. We believe that certain third-party payers provide reimbursement for medical procedures at a specified rate without additional reimbursement for products, such as those being sold or developed by us, used in such procedures. Adequate third-party payer reimbursement may not be available for us to maintain price levels sufficient for realization of an appropriate return on our investment in


      developing new products. The FDA generally permits transplanted human tissue to be commercially distributed without obtaining prior FDA approval of the product. In contrast, products regulated as medical devices usually require such approval. Certain government and other third-party payers refuse, in some cases, to provide any coverage for uses of products for indications for which the FDA has not granted marketing approval. Further, certain of our products are used in medical procedures that typically are not covered by third-party payers or for which patients sometimes do not obtain coverage. These and future changes in third-party payer reimbursement practices regarding the procedures performed with our products could adversely affect the market acceptance of our products.

      Our ability to compete effectively with other companies is materially dependent upon the proprietary nature of our technologies. We rely primarily on patents and trade secrets to protect our technologies. We currently license:

      - the exclusive right to nine United States patents and related foreign patents; and

      - non-exclusive rights to 14 patents.

      In addition, we:

      - have been issued one United States design patent and five United States utility patents; and

      - have seven United States patent applications pending.

      Third parties may seek to challenge, invalidate, circumvent or render unenforceable any patents or proprietary rights owned by or licensed to us based on, among other things:

      - subsequently discovered prior art;

      - lack of entitlement to the priority of an earlier, related application; or

      - failure to comply with the written description, best mode, enablement or other applicable requirements.


      In general, the patent position of biotechnology and medical product firms is highly uncertain, still evolving and involves complex legal, scientific and factual questions. We are at risk that:
      - other patents may be granted with respect to the patent applications filed by us; and

      - any patents issued or licensed to us may not provide commercial benefit to us or will be infringed, invalidated or circumvented by others.

      The United States Patent and Trademark Office currently has a significant backlog of patent applications, and the approval or rejection of patents may take several years. Prior to actual issuance, the contents of United States patent applications are generally not made public. Once issued, such a patent would constitute prior art from its filing date, which might predate the date of a patent application on which we rely. Conceivably, the issuance of such a prior art patent, or the discovery of "prior art" of which we are currently unaware, could invalidate a patent of ours or our licensor or prevent commercialization of a product claimed thereby.

      Although we generally conduct a cursory review of issued patents prior to engaging in research or development activities, we may be required to obtain a license from others to commercialize any of our new products under development. If patents that cover our existing or new products are issued to other companies, there can be no assurance that any necessary license could be obtained on favorable terms or at all.

      There can be no assurance that we will not be required to resort to litigation to protect our patented technologies or other proprietary rights or that we will not be the subject of additional patent litigation to defend our existing or proposed products or processes against claims of patent infringement or other intellectual property claims. Any of such litigation could result in substantial costs and diversion of our resources.

      We also have applied for patent protection in several foreign countries. Because of the differences in patent laws and laws concerning proprietary rights, the extent of protection provided by United States patents or proprietary rights owned by or licensed to us may differ from that of their foreign counterparts.

      We may decide for business reasons to retain certain knowledge that we consider proprietary as confidential and elect to protect such information as a trade secret, as business confidential information or as know-how. In that event, we must rely upon trade secrets, know-how and continuing technological innovation to maintain our competitive position. There can be no assurance that others will not independently develop substantially equivalent proprietary information or otherwise gain access to or disclose such information.


      Our business exposes us to potential product liability risks inherent in the testing, manufacturing and marketing of medical products. We cannot be certain that:

      - our insurance will provide adequate coverage against potential liabilities;

      - adequate product liability insurance will continue to be available in the future; or

      - our insurance can be maintained on acceptable terms.

      The obligation to pay any product liability claim in excess of whatever insurance we are able to acquire would increase our expenses.

      We use donated human tissue as the raw material for our products. The non-profit organizations that supply such tissue are required to follow FDA regulations for screening donors for potential disease transmission. Such procedures include donor testing for certain viruses, including HIV. Our manufacturing process also has been demonstrated to inactivate concentrated suspensions of HIV. While we believe such procedures are adequate to reduce the threat of disease transmission, there can be no assurance that:

      - our products will not be associated with transmission of disease; or

      - a patient otherwise infected with disease would not erroneously assert a claim that the use of our products resulted in the disease transmission.

      Any such transmission or alleged transmission could have a material adverse effect on our ability to manufacture or market our products and could result in litigation.


      Our research and development and processing techniques generate waste that is classified as hazardous by the United States Environmental Protection Agency and the New Jersey Natural Resources Commission. We segregate such waste and dispose of it through licensed hazardous waste transporters. Although we believe we are currently in compliance in all material respects with applicable environmental regulations, our failure to comply fully with any such regulations could result in the imposition of penalties, fines or sanctions.


      Sales of a substantial number of shares of our common stock in the public market could cause a reduction in the market price of our common stock. We had 20,312,504 shares of common stock issued and outstanding as of January 15, 2002. As of that date, all of those shares were eligible for sale under Rule 144 or are otherwise freely tradable, excluding the 478,001 shares registered for resale under this prospectus. In addition, 5,564,630 options and warrants were outstanding as of January 15, 2002. As of January 15, 2002, 4,087,155 of those stock options and warrants are vested and the remainder will vest within the next four years. We also have 101,726 shares of Series B preferred stock issued and outstanding as of January 15, 2002, which are convertible, at the option of the holders or automatically, in certain instances, into 3,685,736 shares of our common stock. We may also issue additional shares in connection with our business and may grant additional stock options to our employees, officers, directors and consultants under our stock option plan.



      This prospectus contains forward-looking statements made pursuant to the safe harbor provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Forward-looking statements typically are identified by use of terms such as "may," "will," "should," "plan," "expect," "anticipate," "estimate" and similar words, although some forward-looking statements are expressed differently. Forward-looking statements represent our management`s judgment regarding future events. Although we believe that the expectations reflected in such forward-looking statements are reasonable, we can give no assurance that such expectations will prove to be correct. All statements other than statements of historical fact included in this prospectus regarding our financial position, business strategy, products, products under development and clinical trials, markets, budgets, plans, or objectives for future operations are forward-looking statements. We cannot guarantee the accuracy of the forward-looking statements, and you should be aware that our actual results could differ materially from those contained in the forward-looking statements due to a number of factors, including the statements under "Risk Factors" set forth above.

      We are subject to the information requirements of the Exchange Act. We file annual, quarterly, and current reports, proxy statements, and other documents with the SEC. You may read and copy any document we file at the SEC`s public reference rooms at the following locations:

      - Main Public Reference Room Judiciary Plaza Building 450 Fifth Street, N.W.

      Washington, D.C. 20549

      - Regional Public Reference Room
      75 Park Place, 14th Floor
      New York, New York 10007
      You may obtain information on the operation of the SEC`s public reference rooms by calling 1-800-SEC-0330. We are required to file these documents with the SEC electronically. You can access the electronic versions of these filings at the SEC`s website, located at

      This prospectus is part of a registration statement that we filed with the SEC. The registration statement contains more information than this prospectus regarding LifeCell and its common stock, including certain exhibits. You can get a copy of the registration statement from the SEC at the address listed above or from its web site.

      The SEC allows us to "incorporate" into this prospectus information we file with it in other documents. This means that we can disclose important information to you by referring to other documents that contain that


      information. The information incorporated by reference is considered to be part of this prospectus, and information we file later with the SEC will automatically update and supersede this information. For further information about the Company and our common stock, you should refer to the registration statement and the following documents which we are incorporating by reference except to the extent information in those documents is different from the information contained in this prospectus:
      - Our Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2000, filed with the SEC on March 30, 2001;

      - Our Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the quarter ended March 31, 2001, filed with the SEC on May 15, 2001;

      - Our Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the quarter ended June 30, 2001, filed with the SEC on August 13, 2001;

      - Our Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the quarter ended September 30, 2001, filed with the SEC on November 13, 2001;

      - Our Current Reports on Form 8-K filed with the SEC on July 2, 2001, July 11, 2001 and December 11, 2001;

      - Our definitive Proxy Statement for our 2001 Annual Meeting of Stockholders on Schedule 14A filed with the SEC on April 26, 2001;

      - The description of our common stock set forth in our registration statement on Form 8-A filed pursuant to Section 12 of the Exchange Act and declared effective by the SEC on February 27, 1992 and any amendment or report filed for the purpose of updating such description; and

      - All documents we file pursuant to Sections 13(a), 13(c), 14 and 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act after the date of this prospectus until we terminate the offering of these shares.

      We will provide without charge to each person, including any beneficial owner of common stock to whom this prospectus is delivered, upon written or oral request of such person, a copy of any and all of the documents that have been incorporated by reference in this prospectus (not including exhibits to such documents unless such exhibits are specifically incorporated by reference therein). Requests for such copies should be directed to: LifeCell Corporation, 1 Millennium Way, Branchburg, NJ 08876, Attention: Secretary (telephone (908) 947-1106).

      You should rely only on the information contained or incorporated by reference in this document. We have not authorized anyone to provide you with information that is different.


      The common stock is not being offered in any state where the offer is not permitted. You should not assume that the information in this prospectus is accurate as of any date other than the date on the front of this prospectus.

      We will not receive any of the proceeds from the sale of the common stock by the selling stockholders named in this prospectus. All proceeds from the sale of the common stock will be paid directly to the selling stockholders.

      The shares are being registered to permit public secondary trading of the shares, and the selling stockholders, or their pledgees, donees, transferees or other successors-in interest, may offer all or any portion of the shares for resale from time to time. See "Plan of Distribution."

      We have filed with the Commission under the Securities Act a registration statement on Form S-3, of which this prospectus forms a part, relating to the resale of the shares. We have agreed to pay expenses in connection with the registration and sale of the shares being offered by the selling stockholders. See "Plan of Distribution."

      1999 Private Placement

      On November 17, 1999, LifeCell and The Tail Wind Fund, Ltd. entered into a purchase agreement under which we issued to TailWind 925,000 shares of the Company`s common stock and a warrant to purchase up to an additional 200,000 shares of our common stock, subject to certain adjustments. In consideration for the issuance of the common stock and warrant, Tail Wind paid us an aggregate of $3,885,000 in cash. Under the terms of the Warrant as issued, Tail Wind is entitled to exercise the Warrant at a price of $5.46 per share of common stock, subject to certain adjustments, for an aggregate of $1,092,000 if all 200,000 shares are exercised. The exercise price of the Warrant is also subject to anti-dilution adjustments.

      The shares being registered herein were issued to Tail Wind pursuant to certain purchase price protection provisions contained in the purchase agreement. In addition, the exercise price of the Warrant has been adjusted to $1.96 per share pursuant to similar provisions contained in the Warrant. As a result of the adjustment of the exercise price of the Warrant, we would receive an aggregate of $392,000 if all 200,000 shares are exercised.

      Based on information provided by the selling stockholders, the following table lists:

      - the name of the selling stockholders;

      - the number of shares of common stock beneficially owned before the commencement of the offering;


      - the number of shares of common stock offered for resale in this offering; and
      - the number of shares and percentage of common stock owned after this offering, assuming the sale of all shares offered in this offering by each selling stockholder.

      Number of Common stock beneficially
      Shares of owned after the offering
      Common -----------------------------
      Stock Shares
      Selling Beneficially Being Number Percent of
      Stockholders Owned Offered of Shares Outstanding
      ------------------------- -------------- ------- ---------------- -----------

      The Tail Wind Funds, Ltd. 660,637 (1)(2) 478,001 1,138,636 (1)(2) 5.5

      (1) Includes shares of common stock purchased in a private placement in
      November 1999 which shares have been previously registered for resale
      by us.
      (2) Includes 200,000 shares of common stock issuable upon the exercise of
      warrants purchased in November 1999.

      The selling stockholders, their pledgees, donees, transferees or other successors-in-interest may from time to time, sell all or a portion of the shares in privately negotiated transactions or otherwise, at fixed prices that may be changed, at market prices prevailing at the time of sale, at prices related to these market prices or at negotiated prices.

      The selling stockholders may sell the shares by one or more of the following methods:

      - a block trade in which the broker or dealer so engaged will attempt to sell the shares as agent but may position and resell a portion of the block as principal to facilitate the transaction;

      - purchases by a broker or dealer as principal and resale by such broker or dealer for its account pursuant to this prospectus;

      - an exchange distribution in accordance with the rules of the applicable exchange;

      - ordinary brokerage transactions and transactions in which the broker solicits purchasers;

      - privately negotiated transactions;

      - short sales;

      - a combination of any such methods of sale; and


      - any other method permitted pursuant to applicable law.
      The selling stockholders are not restricted as to the price or prices at which they may sell their shares. Sales of shares by the selling stockholders may depress the market price of our common stock since the number of shares which may be sold by the selling stockholders is relatively large compared to the historical average weekly trading of our common stock. Accordingly, if the selling stockholders were to sell, or attempt to sell, all of such shares at once or during a short time period, we believe such transactions could adversely affect the market price of our common stock.

      From time to time the selling stockholders may engage in short sales, short sales against the box, puts and calls and other transactions in our securities or derivatives of our securities, and can sell and deliver the shares in connection with any of these transactions or in settlement of securities loans. From time to time the selling stockholders may pledge their shares under margin provisions of their customer agreements with their brokers. Upon a default by the selling stockholders, the broker may offer and sell the pledged shares from time to time.

      In effecting sales, brokers and dealers engaged by the selling stockholders may arrange for other brokers or dealers to participate in the sale. Brokers or dealers may receive commissions or discounts from the selling stockholders or, if the broker-dealer acts as agent for the purchaser of such shares, from the purchaser in amounts to be negotiated. Broker-dealers may agree with the selling stockholders to sell a specified number of such shares at a stipulated price per share, and to the extent the broker-dealer is unable to do so acting as agent for the selling stockholders, to purchase as principal any unsold shares at the price required to fulfill the broker-dealer commitment to the selling stockholders. Broker-dealers who acquire shares as principal may then resell those shares from time to time in transactions:

      - in the over-the counter market or otherwise;

      - at prices and on terms then prevailing at the time of sale;

      - at prices then related to the then-current market price; or

      - in negotiated transactions.

      These resales may involve block transactions or sales to and through other broker-dealers, including any of the transactions described above. In connection with these sales, these broker-dealers may pay to or receive from the purchasers of those shares commissions as described above. The selling stockholders may also sell the shares under Rule 144 under the Securities Act, rather than under this prospectus.

      The selling stockholders and any broker-dealers or agents that participate with the selling stockholders in sales of the shares may be deemed to be "underwriters" within the meaning of the Securities Act in connection with these


      sales. In this event, any commissions received by these broker-dealers or agents and any profit on the resale of the shares purchased by them may be deemed to be underwriting commissions or discounts under the Securities Act. Because selling stockholders may be deemed to be "underwriters" within the meaning of the Securities Act, the selling stockholders will be subject to the prospectus delivery requirements of the Securities Act.
      We are required to pay all fees and expenses incident to the registration of the shares. We have agreed to indemnify the selling stockholders against certain losses, claims, damages and liabilities, including liabilities under the Securities Act. The selling stockholders may agree to indemnify any agent, dealer or broker-dealer that participates in transactions involving sales of the shares against certain liabilities, including liabilities arising under the Securities Act. The selling stockholders will be required to pay commissions and brokerage expenses on their sales, if any.

      At the time a particular offer of shares is made, to the extent required, a supplement to this prospectus will be distributed which will identify and set forth the following:

      - the names of the selling stockholders;

      - the number of shares being sold;

      - the price;

      - commissions being paid;

      - that there has been no investigation by broker-dealer; and

      - any other facts material to the transaction.

      The selling stockholders are subject to applicable provisions of the Exchange Act and the Commission`s rules and regulations, including Regulation M, which provisions may limit the timing of purchases and sales of the shares by the selling stockholders. We will make copies of this prospectus available to the selling stockholders and have informed them of the need to deliver copies of this prospectus to purchasers at or prior to the time of any sale of the shares.

      In order to comply with certain states` securities laws, if applicable, the selling stockholders may sell the shares in those jurisdictions only through registered or licensed brokers or dealers. In certain states the selling stockholders may not sell the shares unless the shares have been registered or qualified for sale in such state, or unless an exemption from registration or qualification is available and is obtained.



      The validity of the securities offered hereby have been passed upon for us by Lowenstein Sandler PC, Roseland, New Jersey.

      The financial statements incorporated by reference in this prospectus and elsewhere in the registration statement have been audited by Arthur Andersen LLP, independent public accountants, as indicated in their reports with respect thereto, and are included herein in reliance upon the authority of said firm as experts in accounting and auditing in giving said report.


      Prospective investors may rely only on the information contained in this prospectus. LifeCell Corporation has not authorized anyone to provide prospective investors with information different from that contained in this prospectus. This prospectus is not an offer to sell nor is it seeking an offer to buy these securities in any jurisdiction where the offer or sale is not permitted. The information contained in this prospectus is correct only as of the date of this prospectus, regardless of the time of the delivery of this prospectus or any sale of these securities.




      February 12, 2002


      Gute news wären mir wesentlich lieber gewesen, aber Ich denke wir haben trotzdem auf das richtige Pferd gesetzt.

      Gruß Kubrick
      schrieb am 13.02.02 12:53:52
      Beitrag Nr. 102 ()

      Der Aktionär

      LifeCell spekulativ kaufen Datum: 12.02.2002
      Zeit: 17:01

      Die Analysten des Anlegermagazins "Der Aktionär" empfehlen die Aktie von LifeCell für spekulativ orientierte Anleger zum Kauf. (WKN 888910) Mit einer Marktkapitalisierung von aktuell rund 63,5 Millionen US-Dollar sei das US-Unternehmen eine der aussichtsreichsten Gesellschaften aus dem Small-Cap-Segment. Im Gegensatz zu vielen anderen Gesellschaften der Biotech/Pharma-Branche könne LifeCell bereits mit drei am Markt zugelassenen Produkten gegen Brandwunden, Akne, sowie falten und Narben aufwarten. Der Break-even werde im laufenden Geschäftsjahr bei einem Umsatz von circa 40 Millionen US-Dollar erwartet. Möglich sei ein Gewinn von 0,42 US-Dollar je Aktie. Für das kommende Jahr gehe man von einer signifikanten Umsatzsteigerung auf rund 64 Millionen US-Dollar aus. Mit einem Kurs/Gewinn-Verhältnis von 7 auf Basis der Schätzungen für 2002 und einem Kurs/Umsatz-Verhältnis von 1,6 sei die Aktie von LifeCell nicht nur im Branchenvergleich äußerst günstig bewertet. Von daher ist die Aktie von LifeCell für die Experten des Anlegermagazins "Der Aktionär" ein spekulativer Kauf.

      Gruß Kubrick
      schrieb am 20.02.02 17:45:23
      Beitrag Nr. 103 ()
      Press Release
      SOURCE: LifeCell Corporation
      LifeCell Corporation Invites You to Join Its FOURTH Quarter 2001 AND FULL YEAR Results Conference Call
      BRANCHBURG, N.J., Feb. 20 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- In conjunction with LifeCell Corporation`s Fourth Quarter 2001 and Full Year Earnings Release, Paul G. Thomas, Chairman, President and CEO of LifeCell Corporation will be hosting a conference call on Tuesday, February 26, 2002 at 10:00 AM EST. A listen-only, live webcast of the conference call will be available at the following link: (Minimum requirements to listen to the webcast: The RealPlayer software, downloadable free from, and at least a 14.4Kbps connection to the Internet.)

      What: Fourth Quarter 2001 and Full Year Earnings Release

      When: Tuesday, February 26, 2002
      10:00 AM EST

      Conference Call Information

      Participants: 800-711-5301

      Access Code: LifeCell

      Replay #: 888 566-0175

      -- Available approximately 2 hours after event ends.
      From February 26, 2002 through March 5, 2002

      Contact: Steven Sobieski, VP, CFO, 908-947-1100

      LifeCell is a leader in developing and marketing biologically based solutions for the repair and replacement of damaged or inadequate tissue in numerous different clinical applications. The Company`s proprietary patented tissue matrix technology removes all cells from allograft tissue and preserves the tissue without damaging the essential biochemical and structural components necessary for normal tissue regeneration. LifeCell currently markets three human tissue based products: AlloDerm® for plastic reconstructive and burn procedures through LifeCell`s direct sales force and for periodontal procedures through BioHorizons, Inc.; Cymetra(TM), a version of AlloDerm in particulate form for the correction of soft tissue defects, through LifeCell`s direct sales force and a co-promotion agreement with OMP, Inc.; and Repliform(TM), a version of AlloDerm for urology and gynecology procedures, through a marketing and distribution agreement with Boston Scientific Corporation. The Company`s development programs include the application of its tissue matrix technology to vascular, nerve and orthopedic tissue repair; investigation of human tissues as carriers for therapeutics; Thrombosol(TM), a formulation for extended storage of platelets and technologies to enhance the storage of red blood cells for transfusion.

      If you are unable to participate during the live webcast, the call will be archived on the Web site

      SOURCE: LifeCell Corporation

      schrieb am 21.02.02 19:17:36
      Beitrag Nr. 104 ()
      Neues Geld von der Armee für die Thrombosol Entwicklung!

      Office of Naval Research Awards LifeCell Grant for Cell Preservation Program Development

      BRANCHBURG, N.J., Feb. 21 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- LifeCell Corporation (Nasdaq: LIFC), a leader in developing and commercializing biological solutions to repair or replace the body`s damaged tissue, announced today that the Office of Naval Research has awarded the Company with an $824,000, three-year grant to continue funding of LifeCell`s cell preservation program.

      LifeCell currently markets three biologic products -- AlloDerm(R), Cymetra(TM) and Repliform(TM) -- which are based on the Company`s proprietary tissue matrix technology that directs cellular repopulation enabling the products to become the patient`s own tissue.

      The Company`s cell preservation program has been funded by, and conducted in collaboration with, the US Department of Defense and includes initiatives to develop biologic products that would enable practical blood storage and mass availability.

      "We are pleased to add the Office of Naval Research to LifeCell`s long list of reputable academic and government agency collaborations," said Paul Thomas, President and CEO of Lifecell. "This agreement as well as existing relationships with the Department of Defense and the National Institute of Health further underscores LifeCell`s position as a leader in developing new solutions for cell preservation."

      LifeCell is a leader in developing and marketing biologically based solutions for the repair and replacement of damaged or inadequate tissue in numerous different clinical applications. The Company`s proprietary patented tissue matrix technology removes all cells from allograft tissue and preserves the tissue without damaging the essential biochemical and structural components necessary for normal tissue regeneration. LifeCell currently markets three human tissue based products: AlloDerm(R) for plastic reconstructive and burn procedures through LifeCell`s direct sales force and for periodontal procedures through BioHorizons, Inc.; Cymetra(TM), a version of AlloDerm in particulate form for the correction of soft tissue defects, through LifeCell`s direct sales force and a co-promotion agreement with OMP, Inc.; and Repliform(TM), a version of AlloDerm for urology and gynecology procedures, through a marketing and distribution agreement with Boston Scientific Corporation. The Company`s development programs include the application of its tissue matrix technology to vascular, nerve and orthopedic tissue repair; investigation of human tissues as carriers for therapeutics; Thrombosol(TM), a formulation for extended storage of platelets and technologies to enhance the storage of red blood cells for transfusion.

      The Office of Naval Research coordinates, executes, and promotes the science and technology programs of the United States Navy and Marine Corps through schools, universities, government laboratories, and nonprofit and for-profit organizations. It provides technical advice to the Chief of Naval Operations and the Secretary of the Navy and works with industry to improve technology manufacturing processes. For additional information visit:

      This release contains forward-looking statements made pursuant to the safe harbor provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, such as our expectations for product development. Forward-looking statements represent management`s judgment regarding future events. Although management believes that the expectations reflected in such statements are reasonable, they give no assurance that such expectations will prove to be correct and you should be aware that actual results could differ materially from those contained in the forward-looking statements due to a number of factors. These factors include the risks detailed in the Company`s Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2000 and other reports filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

      Schöne Grüße
      schrieb am 21.02.02 19:27:03
      Beitrag Nr. 105 ()
      Entschuldigung, diesmal kommt das Geld nicht von der Armee, sondern von der Navy.

      schrieb am 26.02.02 14:48:47
      Beitrag Nr. 106 ()
      Jahresabschlußbericht 2001 Lifecell

      LifeCell Reports Fourth Quarter and Full Year 2001 Financial Results

      Reports Record Product Revenues for 2001 and Fourth Quarter Net Income

      BRANCHBURG, N.J., Feb. 26 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- LifeCell Corporation (Nasdaq: LIFC), a leader in the development and commercialization of biological solutions to repair or replace the body`s damaged tissue, today reported financial results for the fourth quarter and year ended December 31, 2001.

      * 2001 product revenues of $26.6 million, a 25 percent increase over 2000
      * First time net income in the fourth quarter of 2001
      * A decrease in net loss to $2.1 million in 2001 from $7.1 million in

      Fourth Quarter 2001

      The Company reported product revenue of $6.7 million for the fourth quarter of 2001, up 19 percent from $5.6 million for the same period in 2000. The increase in product revenues in the fourth quarter of 2001 was largely due to increased demand for the Company`s AlloDerm(R) and Repliform(TM) products.

      Net income for the fourth quarter rose to $102,000 compared to a net loss of $2.2 million in the fourth quarter of 2000. The improvement in net income was principally due to an increase in net contribution resulting from the increase in product revenue, improved efficiency in our tissue processing and reduced general and administrative expenses. At the same time, LifeCell was able to maintain its previous level of investment in research & development activities to fuel future growth of new products.

      "Reaching profitability is an important milestone for LifeCell," said Paul Thomas, President and CEO of LifeCell. "We have turned our operating performance around, succeeded in our existing markets and are poised for substantial growth as we target the larger orthopedic and cardiovascular markets." Full Year 2001 Results

      Product revenues for the year increased 25 percent to $26.6 million from $21.3 million in 2000. The increase in product revenues in 2001 was largely due to increased demand for the Company`s AlloDerm(R) and Repliform(TM) products.

      Net loss for the year decreased to $2.1 million compared to a net loss of $7.1 million in 2000. The decrease in net loss was principally due to an increase in net contribution resulting from the increase in product revenue and a reduction in general and administrative expenses. Conference Call

      As previously reported, a conference call will be conducted by LifeCell management today, February 26, 2002 at 10:00 a.m. Eastern time to discuss these operating results and related matters. You may listen to the conference call by calling (800) 711-5301 and indicating access code: LifeCell. The conference call will be recorded and an automated playback of the conference call will be available through March 5, 2002 by dialing (888) 566-0175 and indicating access code LifeCell.

      A listen-only, live webcast of the conference call will be available at If you are unable to listen during the live webcast, the call will be archived on LifeCell`s web site through March 5, 2002. About LifeCell

      LifeCell is a leader in developing and marketing biologically based solutions for the repair and replacement of damaged or inadequate tissue in numerous different clinical applications. The Company`s proprietary patented tissue matrix technology removes all cells from allograft tissue and preserves the tissue without damaging the essential biochemical and structural components necessary for normal tissue regeneration. LifeCell currently markets three human tissue based products: AlloDerm(R) for plastic reconstructive and burn procedures through LifeCell`s direct sales force and for periodontal procedures through BioHorizons, Inc.; Cymetra(TM), a version of AlloDerm in particulate form for the correction of soft tissue defects, through LifeCell`s direct sales force and a co-promotion agreement with OMP, Inc.; and Repliform(TM), a version of AlloDerm for urology and gynecology procedures, through a marketing and distribution agreement with Boston Scientific Corporation. The Company`s development programs include the application of its tissue matrix technology to vascular, nerve and orthopedic tissue repair; investigation of human tissues as carriers for therapeutics; Thrombosol(TM), a formulation for extended storage of platelets and technologies to enhance the storage of red blood cells for transfusion.

      This release contains forward-looking statements made pursuant to the safe harbor provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, such as our expectations for growth, product development and entry into target markets. Forward-looking statements represent management`s judgment regarding future events. Although management believes that the expectations reflected in such statements are reasonable, they give no assurance that such expectations will prove to be correct and you should be aware that actual results could differ materially from those contained in the forward-looking statements due to a number of factors. These factors include the risks detailed in the Company`s Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2000 and other reports filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

      Financial Highlights

      Statement of
      Operations Data: Three Months Ended Year Ended
      December 31, December 31,
      2001 2000 2001 2000
      Product revenues $6,671,000 $5,586,000 $26,560,000 $21,330,000
      Research grant
      revenues 222,000 273,000 1,209,000 1,442,000

      Total revenues 6,893,000 5,859,000 27,769,000 22,772,000

      Costs and Expenses:
      Cost of products
      sold 2,060,000 2,156,000 8,862,000 6,949,000
      Research and
      development 1,064,000 1,104,000 4,351,000 4,523,000
      General and
      administrative 821,000 1,664,000 4,098,000 6,180,000
      Selling and
      marketing 2,793,000 3,077,000 11,978,000 11,779,000
      Total costs and
      expenses 6,738,000 8,001,000 29,289,000 29,431,000

      Income (Loss) from
      Operations 155,000 (2,142,000) (1,520,000) (6,659,000)

      Interest and other
      expense, net (53,000) (42,000) (550,000) (479,000)

      Net Income (Loss) 102,000 (2,184,000) (2,070,000) (7,138,000)

      Preferred Stock
      and Deemed
      Dividends (a) (1,151,000) (187,000) (1,591,000) (636,000)

      Net Loss Applicable
      to Common
      Stockholders $(1,049,000) $(2,371,000) $(3,661,000) $(7,774,000)

      Loss per Common Share -
      Basic and Diluted $(0.05) $(0.15) $ (0.20) $(0.54)

      Shares Used in Computing
      Loss per Common Share -
      Basic and
      Diluted 19,964,000 16,001,000 18,240,000 14,372,000

      December 31, December 31,
      Balance Sheet Data: 2001 2000
      Cash and cash equivalents
      and short-term investments $4,900,000 $5,535,000
      Working capital 8,851,000 5,330,000
      Total assets 23,131,000 25,410,000
      Common Stock, subject to redemption (b) 1,935,000 3,885,000
      Total stockholders` equity (b) 14,833,000 8,904,000

      (a) The Company recorded a deemed dividend resulting from the issuance of
      additional shares of common stock in November 2001 to one of its
      investors pursuant to the terms of an investment made in 1999.

      (b) The 2000 stockholders` equity balance was revised to reclassify
      certain shares from stockholders` equity to common stock, subject to

      Hier der link…

      Schöne Grüße
      schrieb am 26.02.02 15:07:20
      Beitrag Nr. 107 ()
      Nichts überraschendes im Bericht.
      Vielleicht gibt es aber etwas interessantes im conference call um 16:00 Uhr Mitteleuropäischer Zeit.
      Einfach auf den link klicken und zuhören.

      schrieb am 26.02.02 16:52:47
      Beitrag Nr. 108 ()
      Der conference call war für Europäer mal wieder nur äußerst schwer zu verstehen. Die wichtigsten Infos, die Ich mitbekommen habe dürften diese sein:

      -Umsatz für 2002 etwas über $30.000.000
      -Operating Profit 2002 $1.000.000
      -Umsatzwachstum in den nächsten Jahren min. 20%
      -Die Othopädischen Produkte von Lifecell sollen 2002 verfügbar sein. Dafür wird ein Partner gesucht. (noch nicht sicher ob es dieses Jahr klappt)
      -Thrombosol ist noch in einem sehr frühen Entwicklungsstadium.
      -Repliform zeigt das stärkste Wachstum der Lifecell Produkte

      Zu den von Lifecell entwickelten Arterien, habe Ich leider nichts aufgeschnappt. (habe es mit Sicherheit verpasst, aber es war klar, das als nächstes die orthopädischen Produkte die Marktreife erlangen)

      Insgesamt bin Ich sehr zu frieden mit der Entwicklung von Lifecell. Es gibt ein konstantes Umsatzwachstum, neue Produkte sollen 2002 verfügbar sein und ein erwarteter operating profit von 1 Millionen Dollar (ca. 0.05 Cent pro Aktie).

      Wie ist eure Meinung zum Jahresabschluß von Lifecell und zum Ausblick auf 2002?

      Schöne Grüße
      schrieb am 26.02.02 17:14:15
      Beitrag Nr. 109 ()
      Wie ich schon im anderen Thread sagte:
      Weder positive noch böse Überraschungen , was bei dem zuletzt aüßerst positiven News-Flow ja eigentlich nicht schlecht ist.
      Das mit den orthopädischen Produkten habe ich z.B. verpasst , dafür hab ich drüben was zu den c. grafts stehen.

      Hold on.
      schrieb am 27.02.02 19:18:58
      Beitrag Nr. 110 ()
      Die Aktie von Lifecell hat nach dem positiven Jahresabschlußbericht, für viele sicherlich überraschend, nachgegeben. Der Kursrutsch erklärt sich mir durch zwei verschiedene Faktoren. Zum einen steht unter Analyst Info bei noch immer eine total veraltete Prognose von GRUNTAL & CO., INC welche 43 Cent Gewinn pro Aktie für 2002 veranschlagt. Ich vermute das sich einige Anleger daran orientiert haben und jetzt ihre Aktien abstoßen. Der zweite Grund ist, daß auch die aktuelle Prognose mit dem Ausblick verfehlt urde. Gruntal haben mit einem Gewinn von 8 Cent pro Aktie gerechnet, das wäre ein Gewinn von 1.6 Millionen Dollar. Lifecell hat in seinem Ausblick aber 1 Millionen Dollar für 2002 genannt.

      Das alles kann mich allerdings nicht Schrecken. Lifecell hat sich in den letzten Jahren sehr gut entwickelt. Noch vor einigen Jahren waren sich viele Anleger sicher das sich Lifecell gegen Konkurenten wie ATIS, ORG oder IART nicht wird durchsetzen können. Lifecell hat Organogenesis bei Umsatz und Marketcap. mittlerweile hinter sich gelassen, mit Atis ist man bei dem Umsatz fast gleich auf (Atis meldet allerdings einen Verlust in Höhe des Umsates zum Jahresabschluß). Der einzige Wettbewerber welcher sich klar von Lifecell absetzen konnte ist IART mit einem Umstaz von über 90 Millionen Dollar und einem Gewinn von 26 Millionen Dollar. Bei einer Marktkapitalisierung von 860 Millionen Dollar erscheint mir IART im Gegensatz zu Lifecell allerding nicht als Schnäppchen.

      Lifecell hat sich einen festen Platz im Tissue Markt erarbeitet. Mit Verfügbarkeit der neuen Produkte wird Lifecell in neue Umsatzbereiche vordringen können und auch der Aktienkurs sollte sich dann dauerhaft in einem höheren Bereich etablieren können. Lifecell ist profitabel, praktisch schuldenfrei, hat steigende Umsätze und verfügt über aussichtsreiche Produkte in der Entwicklung. Kurzfristige Rückschläge im Aktienkurs sollten uns also nicht nervös werden lassen.

      schöne Grüße
      schrieb am 27.02.02 19:45:02
      Beitrag Nr. 111 ()
      Ob das nun wirklich auf Gruntal zurückzuführen ist , bezweifle ich. Viele Investierte (darunter auch Zocker ,denke ich) haben auf eine Überraschung irgendeiner Art gesetzt. Konkret wollte man doch vor allem zu den "grafts" oder anderen Produkten mal ein genaueres Einführungsdatum oder Projektionen was damit an Umsatz generiert werden könnte.

      Ansonsten bin ich voll auf deiner Linie und sehe bei meinem Einstiegskurs so oder so keinen Grund zur Sorge.
      Wir werden uns hier mit Sicherheit auch nochmal an besseren Tagen unterhalten.
      schrieb am 28.02.02 21:28:15
      Beitrag Nr. 112 ()
      LifeCell Management Reviews 2001 Operating Results and Provides Guidance for 2002

      BRANCHBURG, N.J., Feb. 28 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- LifeCell Corporation (Nasdaq: LIFC), a leader in developing and commercializing biological solutions to repair or replace the body`s damaged tissue, provided a review of operating results for 2001 and guidance regarding the financial outlook for 2002 during its conference call on February 25, 2002, following the release of its financial results for the fourth quarter and year ended December 31, 2001. 2001 Operating Results

      During the conference call, Paul Thomas, President and CEO, remarked that the Company increased product revenues in 2001 by 25% to $26.6 million, while at the same time achieving improved efficiency in its tissue processing operations and reducing general and administrative expenses by more than $2 million on a full year comparative basis. Net loss for 2001 was $2.1 million compared to $7.1 million in 2000. He also noted that the Company had net income of $102,000 in the fourth quarter of 2001 representing the first profitable quarter in LifeCell`s history. 2002 Guidance

      Mr. Thomas also provided the following guidance for 2002 during the conference call:

      * Product revenues are expected to grow approximately 20% with full year
      2002 product revenues in the range of $31 - $33 million.
      * Product gross margins are expected to be approximately 68%, consistent
      with full year 2001.
      * Operating expenses are expected to grow at a lower percentage than the
      expected 20% growth rate in product revenues.
      * The Company is planning to increase research and development spending to
      approximately $5 million, or 15% of product revenues; however the
      increase will be offset by higher grant revenues.
      * Net income is expected to grow steadily on a quarter-by-quarter basis
      with full year 2002 projected net income of approximately $1 million.
      * The Company expects to generate positive cash flow from operations and
      to remain essentially cash flow neutral for the year after funding
      capital asset purchases and debt service.

      Mr. Thomas added, "Overall, our focus in 2002 will be to look for opportunities to market additional products through our direct sales organization, aggressively expand our research and development efforts in our target orthopedic and cardiovascular applications and pursue partnerships in sports medicine and orthopedics, and to accomplish all of this while maintaining a positive bottom line." About LifeCell

      Schöne Grüße
      schrieb am 11.03.02 18:02:28
      Beitrag Nr. 113 ()

      Der Fernsehbericht gestern in ABC hat dem Kurs zum laufen gebracht. Hier ist der Bericht als streaming-video.

      Unser Lifecell Investment fängt an eine passable Rendite abzuwerfen.

      Schöne Grüße
      schrieb am 27.09.02 13:16:34
      Beitrag Nr. 114 ()

      Bin wieder in Lifecell investiert. Die Entwicklung in den letzten drei Quartalen war konstant positiv. Der Aktienkurs von unter 2 Dollar birgt meiner Meinung nach ein sehr geringes Risiko, im Vergleich zu den sich bietenden Chancen.

      Schöne Grüße
      schrieb am 23.10.02 10:46:54
      Beitrag Nr. 115 ()

      Quartalsbericht wird am 28.10. o. am 29.10. veröffentlicht.

      schrieb am 07.11.02 21:28:51
      Beitrag Nr. 116 ()

      LifeCell Announces Third Quarter Financial Results

      Product Revenues Increase 35 Percent

      BRANCHBURG, N.J., Nov. 7 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- LifeCell Corporation (Nasdaq: LIFC), a leader in the development and commercialization of biologically based solutions to repair or replace the body`s damaged tissue, today reported financial results for the third quarter ended September 30, 2002.

      Third Quarter Highlights:

      * Record product revenues of $8.7 million representing a 35 percent
      increase compared to third quarter 2001;
      * Growing operating income of $471,000 versus an operating loss of $77,000
      in the same quarter last year;
      * Fourth consecutive quarter of net income;
      * Signed an agreement with Harvest Technologies to market the
      SmartPReP(TM) Platelet Concentration System through LifeCell`s direct
      sales organization; and
      * Announced publication of two studies demonstrating the potential of
      LifeCell`s acellular allograft tissue for normal tissue regeneration in
      vocal cord paralysis and arterial replacement.

      "Strong revenue growth in our Alloderm(R) product line demonstrates that we are making progress in expanding its use beyond ENT, burn and plastic reconstructive procedures into new surgical specialties," said Paul Thomas, President and CEO of LifeCell. "As previously indicated, we expect our year-over-year product revenue increase to be in the range of 20 percent and full year 2002 net income of approximately $1.0 million, excluding a $248,000 tax benefit realized in the first quarter of this year." Third Quarter Financial Results:

      The Company reported total revenues of $9.1 million for the third quarter of 2002, up 37 percent from $6.7 million for the same period in 2001. Product revenues of $8.7 million were 35 percent above the $6.5 million reported for the third quarter of 2001. Revenues in the third quarter of last year were negatively impacted by the Company`s inability to ship product to its customers for several days following the tragic events of September 11, 2001.

      The increase in product revenues in the current quarter was largely due to a 54 percent increase in AlloDerm revenues, which grew to $4.7 million in the quarter compared to $3.1 million in the third quarter of 2001. Repliform(TM) revenues were $2.6 million in the third quarter of 2002, up $300,000 compared to the third quarter of 2001. The balance of the increase resulted from higher shipments of cryopreserved allograft skin, which is used as a temporary wound dressing in the treatment of burns. Cymetra(R) revenues were $1.0 million in the third quarter of 2002 and 2001.

      Net income for the third quarter of 2002 rose to $344,000, or $0.2 per share ($.01 diluted net income per share), compared to a net loss of $199,000 or $.02 per share, in the third quarter of 2001. The improvement in net income was principally due to the increase in product revenues compared to the third quarter of 2001. Year-To-Date Financial Results:

      Total revenues for the nine months ended September 30, 2002 increased 20 percent to $25.2 million from $20.9 million in the same period in 2001. Product revenues of $24.1 million were 21 percent above the $19.9 million reported in the first nine months of 2001.

      Net income for the nine months ended September 30, 2002 rose to $994,000, or $.05 per share ($.04 diluted net income per share), compared to a net loss of $2.2 million, or $.15 per share, in the same period in 2001. Net income for the first nine months of 2002 improved as a result of higher product revenues and improved gross margin reflecting continued emphasis on operating efficiencies. Net income in the first nine months of 2002 also included a $248,000 tax benefit related to the sale of state tax net operating losses, which was partly offset by a $98,000 state income tax provision.

      As of September 30, 2002, the Company had cash and short-term investments of $5.4 million. During the first nine months of this year the Company reduced its long-term debt from $2.2 million to $1.2 million. Conference Call:

      A conference call will be conducted by LifeCell management today, November 7, 2002 at 11:00 a.m. Eastern time to discuss these operating results and related matters. You may listen to the conference call by calling (800) 245-3043 and indicating access code LifeCell. The conference call will be recorded and an automated playback of the conference call will be available through November 14, 2002 by dialing (800) 934-8340 and indicating access code LifeCell.

      A listen-only, live webcast of the conference call will be available at the following links:… or If you are unable to listen during the live webcast, the call will be archived on LifeCell`s web site through November 14, 2002. About LifeCell

      LifeCell is a leader in developing and marketing biologically based solutions for the repair and replacement of damaged or inadequate tissue in numerous different clinical applications. The Company`s proprietary tissue matrix technology removes cells from allograft tissue and preserves the tissue without damaging the essential biochemical and structural components necessary for normal tissue regeneration. LifeCell currently markets four proprietary human tissue based products: AlloDerm for plastic reconstructive and burn procedures through LifeCell`s direct sales force and for periodontal procedures through BioHorizons, Inc.; Cymetra, a version of AlloDerm in particulate form for the correction of soft tissue defects, through LifeCell`s direct sales force and a co-promotion agreement with OMP, Inc.; Repliform, a version of AlloDerm for urology and gynecology procedures, through a marketing and distribution agreement with Boston Scientific Corporation; and Graft Jacket, an acellular periostium replacement graft through a distribution agreement with Wright Medical Group, Inc. The Company is also the exclusive marketing agent for the SmartPReP(TM) Platelet Concentration System in the United States to ENT, plastic reconstructive and general surgeons in hospitals. The Company`s development programs include the application of its tissue matrix technology to vascular, nerve and orthopedic tissue repair; investigation of human tissues as carriers for therapeutics; Thrombosol(TM), a formulation for extended storage of platelets and technologies to enhance the storage of red blood cells for transfusion. Visit our website at

      This release contains forward-looking statements made pursuant to the safe harbor provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, such as the Company`s guidance for 2002 revenues and net income expectations, ability to acquire and market additional products, product development efforts and entry into target markets. Forward-looking statements represent management`s judgment regarding future events. Although management believes that the expectations reflected in such statements are reasonable, they give no assurance that such expectations will prove to be correct and you should be aware that actual results could differ materially from those contained in the forward-looking statements due to a number of factors. These factors include the risks detailed in the Company`s Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2001 and other reports filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

      Financial Highlights

      Three Months Ended Nine Months Ended
      Statement of September 30, September 30,
      Operations Data: 2002 2001 2002 2001
      Product revenues $8,711,000 $6,454,000 $24,071,000 $19,889,000
      Research grant
      revenues 391,000 200,000 1,084,000 987,000
      Total revenues 9,102,000 6,654,000 25,155,000 20,876,000

      Costs and expenses:
      Cost of products sold 2,642,000 1,949,000 7,551,000 6,802,000
      Research and
      development 1,295,000 998,000 3,594,000 3,287,000
      General and
      administrative 1,293,000 937,000 3,490,000 3,277,000
      Selling and marketing 3,401,000 2,847,000 9,555,000 9,185,000
      Total costs and
      expenses 8,631,000 6,731,000 24,190,000 22,551,000

      Income (loss) from
      operations 471,000 (77,000) 965,000 1,675,000)

      Interest and other
      expense, net (29,000) (122,000) (121,000) (497,000)

      Income (loss) before
      income taxes 442,000 (199,000) 844,000 (2,172,000)

      Income tax
      (provision) benefit (98,000) -- 150,000 --

      Net income (loss) 344,000 (199,000) 994,000 (2,172,000)

      Preferred stock dividends -- (150,000) -- (440,000)

      Net income (loss) applicable
      to common stockholders $344,000 $(349,000) $994,000 $(2,612,000)

      Net Income (loss) per
      common share
      Basic $ 0.02 $ (0.02) $ 0.05 $ (0.15)
      Diluted 0.01 (0.02) 0.04 (0.15)

      Shares used in
      computing net income
      (loss) per common
      Basic 21,307,000 19,529,000 21,131,000 17,659,000
      Diluted 24,231,000 19,529,000 24,751,000 17,659,000

      September 30, December 31,
      Balance Sheet Data: 2002 2001
      Cash and cash equivalents
      and short-term investments $5,364,000 $4,900,000

      Working capital 10,519,000 8,851,000

      Total assets 23,576,000 23,131,000

      Long-term debt
      (including current portion) 1,200,000 2,197,000
      Total stockholders` equity 16,250,000 14,833,000


      schrieb am 07.11.02 21:58:48
      Beitrag Nr. 117 ()
      Moin Kubrick , läuft ja alles wie geschmiert bei Lifecell.
      Bin (leider) nicht mehr dabei. Falls ATIS aber wirklich pleite geht , sollte man sich ein Investment ernsthaft überlegen.
      schrieb am 30.01.03 20:56:27
      Beitrag Nr. 118 ()

      LifeCell Secures $4 Million Credit Facility From Silicon Valley Bank

      BRANCHBURG, N.J., Jan 30, 2003 /PRNewswire-FirstCall via COMTEX/ -- LifeCell Corporation (Nasdaq: LIFC) today announced that it has secured a $4 million credit facility through Silicon Valley Bank, a leading banking firm serving emerging and mature companies in the high-tech and life sciences industries. The credit facility consists of a $2 million revolving line of credit and an equipment line for up to an additional $2 million. The credit facility will be used to replace $900,000 of existing term debt and will provide access to additional working capital to support the Company`s growth.

      "We are pleased with the confidence Silicon Valley Bank has shown in our business model by extending this credit facility," said Steven Sobieski, Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of LifeCell. "Silicon Valley Bank provides us a broad range of financial product offerings and the experience to meet the needs of our growing company," Mr. Sobieski added.

      About LifeCell

      LifeCell is a leader in developing and marketing biologically based solutions for the repair and replacement of damaged or inadequate tissue in numerous different clinical applications. The Company`s proprietary tissue matrix technology removes cells from allograft tissue and preserves the tissue without damaging the essential biochemical and structural components necessary for normal tissue regeneration. LifeCell currently markets four proprietary human tissue based products: AlloDerm(R) for plastic reconstructive and burn procedures through LifeCell`s direct sales force and for periodontal procedures through BioHorizons, Inc.; Cymetra(R), a version of AlloDerm in particulate form for the correction of soft tissue defects, through LifeCell`s direct sales force and a co-promotion agreement with OMP, Inc.; Repliform(TM), a version of AlloDerm for urology and gynecology procedures, through a marketing and distribution agreement with Boston Scientific Corporation; and Graft Jacket(TM), an acellular periostium replacement graft through a distribution agreement with Wright Medical Group, Inc. The Company is also the exclusive marketing agent for the SmartPReP(TM) Platelet Concentration System in the United States to ENT, plastic reconstructive and general surgeons in hospitals. The Company`s development programs include the application of its tissue matrix technology to vascular, nerve and orthopedic tissue repair; investigation of human tissues as carriers for therapeutics; Thrombosol(TM), a formulation for extended storage of platelets and technologies to enhance the storage of red blood cells for transfusion. Visit our website at

      About Silicon Valley Bank

      Silicon Valley Bank serves emerging growth and mature companies in the technology and life sciences markets, as well as other targeted industries. Through its focus on specialized markets and extensive knowledge of the people and business issues driving them, Silicon Valley Bank provides a level of service and partnership that measurably impacts its clients` success. Founded in 1983 and headquartered in Santa Clara, California, the Bank services more than 9,500 clients across the country through 27 regional offices. More information on the Bank can be found at

      This release contains forward-looking statements made pursuant to the safe harbor provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, such as the Company`s ability to develop and market new products and continue to grow its business in 2003 and beyond. Forward-looking statements represent management`s judgment regarding future events. Although management believes that the expectations reflected in such statements are reasonable, they give no assurance that such expectations will prove to be correct and you should be aware that actual results could differ materially from those contained in the forward-looking statements due to a number of factors. These factors include the risks detailed in the Company`s Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2001 and other reports filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

      SOURCE LifeCell Corporation

      Steven Sobieski, CFO of LifeCell Corporation, +1-908-947-1100,

      MfG Kubrick
      schrieb am 26.02.03 20:32:51
      Beitrag Nr. 119 ()
      Press Release Source: LifeCell Corporation

      LifeCell Corporation Invites You to Join Its Fourth Quarter 2002 Results Conference Call
      Tuesday February 25, 8:30 am ET

      BRANCHBURG, N.J., Feb. 25 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- In conjunction with LifeCell Corporation`s Fourth Quarter 2002 Earnings Release, Paul G. Thomas, Chairman, President and CEO of LifeCell Corporation will be hosting a conference call on Tuesday, March 4, 2003 at 11:00 AM ET. A listen-only, live webcast of the conference call will be available at the following link:… . (Minimum requirements to listen to the webcast: The RealPlayer software, downloadable free from , and at least a 14.4Kbps connection to the Internet.)
      What: LifeCell Corporation Announces Fourth Quarter 2002 Results &
      Conference Call

      When: Tuesday, March 4, 2003 Time: 11:00 a.m. ET

      Conference Call Information

      Call-in #: 800-451-7724

      Access Code: LifeCell

      Replay #: 800-839-4198 -- Available approximately 2 hours after event
      From March 4, 2003 through March 11, 2003

      Contact: Steven Sobieski, VP, CFO, 908-947-1100

      Gruß Kubrick
      schrieb am 28.02.03 16:19:48
      Beitrag Nr. 120 ()

      Press Release Source: LifeCell Coporation

      LifeCell Announces Management Change
      Friday February 28, 9:01 am ET
      Dr. Stephen Livesey to Join The National Stem Cell Center in Australia

      BRANCHBURG, N.J., Feb. 28 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- LifeCell Corporation (Nasdaq: LIFC - News) announced today that Dr. Stephen Livesey, LifeCell`s Chief Scientific Officer, will join the newly formed National Stem Cell Center ("NSCC") in Australia as Director of Tissue Regeneration and Professorial Fellow (Tissue Engineering) at the Victorian Institute of Forensic Medicine. NSCC was recently awarded $(AUD) 43.5 million in funding over the next four years to conduct stem cell research and establish Australia`s first biotechnology center of excellence.

      Effective April 1, 2003, Dr. Livesey`s role with LifeCell will transition from Chief Science Officer to Chief Scientist. He will continue his involvement in several of the Company`s ongoing research and development programs as a technical resource and will also provide support in operational areas as needed. Dr. Livesey plans to relocate to Australia during the first half of 2003.

      One of NSCC`s key research initiatives will focus on combining stem cells with acellular tissue matrices. Lifecell and NSCC have initiated discussions to explore a possible collaborative arrangement that would grant LifeCell rights to commercialize future products that combine stem cell technology developed by NSCC with tissue matrices produced using LifeCell`s proprietary technology. NSCC is also interested in commercializing acellular dermal tissue products in Australia based on LifeCell`s tissue matrix technology.

      "One of my first priorities will be to establish a collaborative relationship between LifeCell and NSCC," said Dr. Livesey. "I believe that the combination of stem cells with tissue matrices is the merging of two synergistic technologies with the potential to deliver the next generation of regenerative products."

      "Stephen Livesey is a recognized leader in the field of regenerative medicine and his contributions to LifeCell have been invaluable," said Paul G. Thomas, President and CEO of LifeCell. "A collaboration between LifeCell and NSCC would certainly represent a unique opportunity for LifeCell to gain access to potentially exciting stem cell research that will be conducted by NSCC."

      Auf Kommentare und Meinungen wartend
      schrieb am 04.03.03 18:04:50
      Beitrag Nr. 121 ()

      LifeCell Announces Fourth Quarter and Full Year 2002 Results

      Management Provides 2003 Guidance

      BRANCHBURG, N.J., Mar 4, 2003 /PRNewswire-FirstCall via COMTEX/ -- LifeCell Corporation (Nasdaq: LIFC), a leader in the emerging field of regenerative medicine through the development and commercialization of biological products to repair or replace the body`s damaged tissue, announced today financial results for the fourth quarter and year ended December 31, 2002.

      2002 Highlights

      * Record product revenues of $8.9 million in the fourth quarter and
      $32.9 million in the full year;
      * Fifth consecutive profitable quarter and first ever full year of net
      * $1.4 million full year net income versus $2.1 million net loss in 2001;
      * Operating cash flow improved by $4.2 million versus 2001.

      "Revenue growth in 2002 was primarily driven by extending the use of AlloDerm(R), our acellular tissue matrix into new and innovative clinical applications," said Paul Thomas, President and CEO of LifeCell. "AlloDerm is rapidly becoming a recognized brand name within the surgical community and a more commonly used critical component of advanced biological wound healing medicine."

      Fourth Quarter 2002

      The Company reported product revenues of $8.9 million for the fourth quarter of 2002, up 33 percent from $6.7 million for the same period in 2001. The increase in product revenues in the fourth quarter of 2002 was largely due to increased demand for the Company`s AlloDerm(R) products which grew 38 percent compared to the fourth quarter of 2001.

      Net income for the fourth quarter rose to $435,000 compared to $102,000 in the fourth quarter of 2001. The improvement in net income was principally due to an increase in net contribution resulting from higher product revenues and processing efficiencies. At the same time, LifeCell increased its level of research and development investment by approximately $350,000 in the quarter, with part of the increase offset by higher grant revenues.

      Full Year 2002 Results

      Product revenues for the year increased 24 percent to $32.9 million from $26.6 million in 2001. The increase was largely due to a 35 percent increase in demand for the Company`s AlloDerm(R) product line.

      The Company reported its first ever, full year net income in 2002. Net income for the year was $1.4 million, representing a $3.5 million improvement from the $2.1 million net loss in 2001. The improvement in net income was principally due to the positive contribution from higher product revenues and improved gross margin resulting from higher volume and process improvements.

      In 2002, the Company generated cash flow from operations of $2.5 million compared with net cash used to fund operations of $1.7 million in 2001. The Company ended the year with cash and short-term investments of $5.5 million.

      2003 Outlook

      Management provided the following guidance for 2003:

      * Product revenues are expected to be in the range of $38 to $40 million.
      * Product gross margins are expected to remain in the same range as 2002.
      * The Company is planning to increase its research and development
      spending approximately 20 percent, with part of the increase offset by
      higher grant revenues.
      * Operating income is expected to grow to approximately $2 million and
      the Company expects to be profitable in each quarter.
      * The Company expects to generate positive cash flow from operations and
      to remain essentially cash flow neutral for the year after funding
      capital asset purchases and debt service.

      Mr. Thomas added, "Overall, our focus in 2003 will be to increase product revenues, while continuing to invest in our infrastructure and expand our research and development efforts targeted at orthopedic and cardiovascular applications. Our goal is to accomplish all of this while maintaining a positive bottom line."

      Conference Call

      As previously reported, a conference call will be conducted by LifeCell management today, March 4, 2003 at 11:00 a.m. Eastern time to discuss these operating results and related matters. You may listen to the conference call by calling (800) 451-7724 and indicating access code: LifeCell. The conference call will be recorded and an automated playback of the conference call will be available through March 11, 2003 by dialing (800) 839-4198 and indicating access code LifeCell.

      A listen-only, live webcast of the conference call will be available at… . If you are unable to listen during the live webcast, the call will be archived on LifeCell`s web site through March 11, 2003.

      About LifeCell

      LifeCell is a leader in the emerging field of regenerative medicine through the development and commercialization of biological products for the repair and replacement of damaged or inadequate tissue in numerous different clinical applications. The Company`s proprietary tissue matrix technology removes cells from allograft tissue and preserves the tissue without damaging the essential biochemical and structural components necessary for normal tissue regeneration. LifeCell currently markets four proprietary human tissue based products: AlloDerm(R) for plastic reconstructive and burn procedures through LifeCell`s direct sales force and for periodontal procedures through BioHorizons, Inc.; Cymetra(R), a version of AlloDerm in particulate form for the correction of soft tissue defects, through LifeCell`s direct sales force and a co-promotion agreement with OMP, Inc.; Repliform(TM), a version of AlloDerm for urology and gynecology procedures, through a marketing and distribution agreement with Boston Scientific Corporation; and Graft Jacket(TM), an acellular periosteum replacement graft through a distribution agreement with Wright Medical Group, Inc. The Company is also the exclusive marketing agent for the SmartPReP(TM) Platelet Concentration System in the United States to ENT (ear, nose and throat), plastic reconstructive and general surgeons in hospitals. The Company`s development programs include the application of its tissue matrix technology to vascular, nerve and orthopedic tissue repair; investigation of human tissues as carriers for therapeutics; Thrombosol(TM), a formulation for extended storage of platelets and technologies to enhance the storage of red blood cells for transfusion. Visit our website at .

      This press release contains preliminary earnings results that are subject to review and finalization in connection with the preparation of the Company`s Form 10-K report. This release contains forward-looking statements made pursuant to the safe harbor provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, such as the Company`s ability to develop and market new products and continue to increase its product revenues in 2003 and beyond, remain profitable and generate positive cash flow from operating activities. Forward-looking statements represent management`s judgment regarding future events. Although management believes that the expectations reflected in such statements are reasonable, they give no assurance that such expectations will prove to be correct and you should be aware that actual results could differ materially from those contained in the forward-looking statements due to a number of factors. These factors include the risks detailed in the Company`s Reports as filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

      Financial Highlights

      Statement of
      Operations Data: Three Months Ended Year Ended
      December 31, December 31,
      2002 2001 2002 2001
      Product revenues $8,864,000 $6,671,000 $32,935,000 $26,560,000
      Research grant
      revenues 409,000 222,000 1,493,000 1,209,000
      Total revenues 9,273,000 6,893,000 34,428,000 27,769,000

      Costs and Expenses:
      Cost of products
      sold 2,583,000 2,060,000 10,134,000 8,862,000
      Research and
      development 1,421,000 1,064,000 5,015,000 4,351,000
      General and
      administrative 1,100,000 821,000 4,590,000 4,098,000
      Selling and
      marketing 3,733,000 2,793,000 13,288,000 11,978,000
      Total costs and
      expenses 8,837,000 6,738,000 33,027,000 29,289,000

      Income (loss) from
      operations 436,000 155,000 1,401,000 (1,520,000)

      Interest and other
      expense, net (8,000) (53,000) (129,000) (550,000)

      Income (loss) before
      income taxes 428,000 102,000 1,272,000 (2,070,000)

      Income tax benefit,
      net 7,000 -- 157,000 --

      Net income (loss) 435,000 102,000 1,429,000 (2,070,000)

      Preferred stock and
      deemed dividends -- (1,151,000) -- (1,591,000)

      Net income (loss)
      applicable to
      common stockholders $435,000 $(1,049,000) $1,429,000 (3,661,000)

      Net income (loss) per
      common share:
      Basic $0.02 $(0.05) $0.07 $(0.20)
      Diluted $0.02 $(0.05) $0.06 $(0.20)
      Shares used in computing
      net income (loss)
      per common share:
      Basic 21,307,000 19,964,000 21,176,000 18,240,000
      Diluted 24,580,000 19,964,000 24,696,000 18,240,000

      Balance Sheet Data: December 31,
      2002 2001
      Cash and cash equivalents
      and short-term investments $5,458,000 $4,900,000
      Working capital 11,466,000 8,851,000
      Total assets 24,116,000 23,131,000
      Long-term debt (including current portion) 863,000 2,197,000
      Total stockholders` equity 17,719,000 14,833,000

      SOURCE LifeCell Corporation

      Steve Sobieski, CFO of LifeCell, +1-908-947-1106,

      Gruß Kubrick
      schrieb am 04.03.03 22:27:29
      Beitrag Nr. 122 ()
      Tja, da verstehe einer die Börse.
      Lifecell meldet mal wieder einen Rekordumsatz inkl. eines Rekordgewinns und der Kurs fällt. hier aber noch einmal die Highlight´s des Q4 auf Deutsch zusammengefasst.

      8.900.000 Dollar Produkt Umsätze in Q4, eine Steigerung von 33% zum Vergleichsquartal!

      435.000 Dollar Gewinn ín Q4, eine Steigerung von über 400% zum Vergleichsquartal!

      Das fünfte Quartal in Folge mit positivem Ergebnis!

      2.500.000 Dollar positiver cash flow in 2002!

      20% Wachstum für 2003 in Aussicht gestellt!

      Jedes Quartal soll ein positives Ergebnis bringen!

      Die Orthopädischen Applikationen sollen Mitte 2003 vermarktet werden (Conference Call)!

      Die Investitionen in Produktentwicklungen sollen um 20% steigen!

      5.500.000 Dollar Cash!

      860.000 Dollar Schulden!

      Ein KGV von 33, bei erst kürzlich erreichter Profitablität!

      KUV von 1.5!

      Hier der Link zum Q4 Bericht:…

      Und warum fällt der Kurs:confused:
      Da habe ich leider keine Ahnung. Ich werde diesen niedrigen Kurs aber nutzen um weitere Lifecell Aktien zukaufen.

      Schöne Grüße
      schrieb am 05.03.03 16:53:11
      Beitrag Nr. 123 ()
      Habe Heute auch nochmal zugekauft!:)
      schrieb am 05.03.03 17:56:57
      Beitrag Nr. 124 ()
      Sei doch froh, daß die Börse so ist! Wie sollte man sonst leicht Geld verdienen? Habe gerade gekauft...
      schrieb am 06.03.03 18:58:44
      Beitrag Nr. 125 ()
      warum wird heute lifecell in amerika nicht gehandelt??
      schrieb am 06.03.03 20:03:28
      Beitrag Nr. 126 ()
      Lifecell wird wird normal gehandelt in den USA. Allerdings werden sich Käufer und Verkäufer nicht einig. Wir hatten das schon häufiger in den letzten Monaten, daß das Volumen von Lifecell gegen Null ging.

      Schöne Grüße
      schrieb am 07.03.03 10:04:18
      Beitrag Nr. 127 ()
      Hier der direkte link zum CC.…

      Gruß Kubrick
      schrieb am 07.03.03 17:34:51
      Beitrag Nr. 128 ()

      ist mit den orthopädischen produkten die ARTERIEN -VENEN prothesen gemeint ? meines wissens ist die forschung bei LIFC noch gar nicht soweit für die vermarktung.über eine antwort bzw link hierfür danke.

      grüße t.1
      schrieb am 07.03.03 18:13:26
      Beitrag Nr. 129 ()
      Hallo t.1,
      ich meine nicht die Arterien welche Lifecell entwickelt, sondern die "Accelular Allografts for Sports Medicine" hier die "alte" Meldung zur Entwicklung dieses Produktes:

      LifeCell, (LIFC) LifeNet And Arthrex Tissue Systems Team Up To Deliver Acceluar Allografts For Sports Medicine

      BRANCHBURG, N.J., May 9 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- LifeCell Corporation (Nasdaq: LIFC), a leader in developing and commercializing biologically based solutions to repair or replace the body`s damaged tissue, announced today that it entered into an agreement with LifeNet and Arthrex Tissue Systems, Inc. (ATSI) to develop and market acellular allografts for sports medicine applications. LifeNet is the largest organ procurement based tissue bank in the United States and ATSI is a leading provider of medical products for sports medicine. The three parties formed the alliance to combine their expertise to produce acellular allografts for sports medicine that will be used in procedures such as anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) repair.

      Under the terms of the agreement, LifeCell will use its proprietary tissue matrix technology to process allograft tissue recovered by LifeNet and its Recovery and Alliance Partners into acellular allografts that will be marketed by ATSI to their extensive network of orthopedic surgeons.

      "Based on the success of our three marketed products, we are excited about the potential use of our acellular allografts in sports medicine applications. We anticipate these acellular allografts will demonstrate benefits to patients and minimize the need to harvest the patient`s own tissue for the replacement of damaged tendons and ligaments," said Paul Thomas, President and CEO of LifeCell.

      Industry reports estimate that over 100,000 ACL injuries occur every year in the U.S. With the aging of the population and the active lifestyle of the "baby-boomer" generation, ACL and other soft tissue injuries are growing at a rate of at least 10 percent annually.

      "We are partnering with LifeCell and ATSI to provide patients with what we believe will be a superior product that should help to eliminate certain complications associated with the use of an autograft and traditional frozen, freeze dried and cryopreserved allografts," said Bill Anderson, LifeNet`s President and Chief Executive Officer. "We are confident this collaboration will help us with our goal of ensuring that donated human tissue is available to help as many patients as possible."

      Dieses neue Produkt soll, wenn ich im CC richtig zugehört habe, im 3. Quartal auf den Markt kommen. Des weiteren soll im 3. Quartal, das SmartPReP(TM) Platelet Concentration System auf den Markt gebracht werden.…

      Die Arterien von Lifecell brauchen glaube Ich noch etwas länger. Die letzte veröffentlichte Tierversuchstudie war aber sehr positiv. Hier die Zusammenfassung:

      "A second study conducted by the Company in collaboration with the U.S. Army Institute of Surgical Research examining the use of a small diameter allograft for arterial replacement was published in Cell Preservation Technology, Volume One, Number One, 2002. In the study, arterial grafts - measuring 3-4 mm in diameter - were processed using LifeCell`s proprietary tissue matrix technology and implanted in 18 male Angoran goats. As a control graft, cephalic veins of similar diameter were harvested at the time of surgery and implanted in the goats. Grafts were removed from half the goats after three months and from the remaining goats at six months.

      Upon removing the grafts, researchers noted that the processed grafts were 100 percent patent and uniform in diameter without evidence of dilation, versus the unprocessed cephalic vein grafts, which exhibited dilation with aneurysm formation in a majority of the grafts. The investigators concluded that the use of a decellularized allograft for arterial replacements may address the fundamental problems that lead most small diameter substitute vascular prostheses to fail.

      "These studies underscore the versatility and value of our proprietary tissue matrix technology platform," said Paul Thomas, CEO of LifeCell Corporation. "The results also indicate that LifeCell`s tissue-based products offer physicians the potential to greatly improve patients` health and quality-of-life and may potentially provide benefits across other important therapeutic areas such as arterial tissue replacement through the use of processed allografts.""

      Gruß Kubrick
      schrieb am 07.03.03 19:48:19
      Beitrag Nr. 130 ()
      Alloderm erfolgreich bei Herzoperation eingesetzt.

      Docs use freeze-dried human tissue to patch damaged heart

      March 03, 2003

      In what doctors said was a first-time procedure, a patch of freeze-dried human tissue was used to repair a paper-thin wall of a woman`s heart that was damaged by an orange-sized aneurysm.
      Doctors at Abington Memorial Hospital said Monday that they were not aware of any other case in which a type of dried skin typically used for covering burns and plastic surgery was used to patch a heart.

      After suffering a massive heart attack, the patient developed the life-threatening aneurysm on her heart`s left ventricle, creating a bubble that stretched the ventricle until it became "thin as a piece of tissue paper," Dr. V. Paul Addonizio, Abington`s chief of cardiac surgery, said Monday.

      Janet McSherry, 58, of Yardley, Bucks County, opted for surgery to patch her heart rather than undergo a heart transplant. But doctors were unhappy with the typical repair options _ cow tissue or synthetic patches.

      "Synthetic materials don`t have the natural characteristics of tissue; it doesn`t lend itself to shaping and it`s relatively porous so you can have bleeding," said Addonizio, who performed the Feb. 26 operation. "With bovine tissue, the problem is that it remains bovine tissue forever" and there`s a risk of rejection, he said.

      Addonizio said the hospital`s chief of plastic surgery recommended the freeze-dried human tissue, which comes from human cadavers and is manufactured by New Jersey-based LifeCell Corp. under the name AlloDerm. The tissue has the strength and structure of human skin, but not the elements of the tissue that cause rejection, he said.

      Dr. Timothy Gardner, spokesman for the American Heart Association, said the bovine and synthetic heart patches have been used with excellent results. He said the cow tissue is "rendered biologically inert" and rejection generally is not a concern in such surgeries.

      "This new tissue may be a good idea ... but it`s not really a breakthrough," he said.

      During surgery, McSherry`s heart was patched with a piece of the material roughly the size and shape of a guitar pick. The bubble was stretched so tightly it ruptured to the touch as surgeons began to operate, doctors said.

      McSherry, who was not immediately available for comment, could be released from the hospital in a matter of days, a hospital spokeswoman said.

      "Her heart function should continue to improve and I think her long-term prognosis is great," Addonizio said. "She has either been spared a heart transplant forever or delayed it into the future."

      Gruß Kubrick
      schrieb am 07.03.03 19:50:33
      Beitrag Nr. 131 ()

      Gleiche Story andere Zeitung:

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      Press Release Source: Abington Memorial Hospital

      Abington Memorial Hospital`s Addonizio Performs Rare Life-Saving Heart Surgery on Woman With Orange-Sized Aneurysm Using Frozen Human Skin
      Monday March 3, 10:35 am ET

      ABINGTON, Pa., March 3 /PRNewswire/ -- Janet McSherry, a 58-year-old supervisor at an automotive fleet leasing company, went her whole life without ever having surgery or being in the hospital. Then a routine physical with an EKG revealed that something was about to change.

      Further testing and a cardiac catheterization showed that McSherry had an orange-sized tumor on the left ventrical of her heart that was life- threatening. Her cardiologist, Dr. Asoka Balaratna, offered her two options: heart transplantation or a resection and repair of her own heart. McSherry opted for the latter.

      The Bucks County resident was referred to V. Paul Addonizio, M.D., chief of Cardiac Surgery at Abington Memorial Hospital. After reviewing her case, Addonizio was charged with finding the best material to repair the wall of her left ventricle, which was rendered paper-thin from the sheer size of the aneurysm.

      Three standard options were available to him -- bovine (cow) tissue and two synthetic products. Addonizio, unhappy with these options for a variety of reasons, consulted with Chief of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Dr. Brian Buinecwicz. He recommended using a product called AlloDerm, a human tissue product commonly used for burns, incontinence treatment, and most recently, abdominal wall hernia repair.

      This human tissue product offered many benefits, according to Addonizio. "It is not a foreign body so there is less chance of rejection," said Addonizio. "The body vascularizes it. There will be an ingrowth of tissue, and the AlloDerm cells will eventually become `McSherry` cells. AlloDerm was also a good choice because of its thickness and strength, critical properties in the repair of the heart`s pumping chamber."

      Company representatives from LifeCell Corporation in Branchburg, NJ, the manufacturers of AlloDerm, indicate that it has never been used in heart surgery before.

      Gruß Kubrick
      schrieb am 18.03.03 18:57:01
      Beitrag Nr. 132 ()
      BRANCHBURG, N.J., March 18 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- LifeCell Corporation , a leader in the emerging field of regenerative medicine through the development and commercialization of biological products to repair or replace the body``s damaged tissue, announced today that CEO and President, Paul Thomas will present at the SG Cowen 23rd Annual Health Care Conference on March 20th at 10:15 AM at The Boston Marriott Copley Place, Massachusetts.

      Mr. Thomas will provide an overview of the Company``s core technology, current products as well as product development programs and the outlook for 2003.

      About LifeCell

      LifeCell is a leader in the emerging field of regenerative medicine through the development and commercialization of biological products for the repair and replacement of damaged or inadequate tissue in numerous different clinical applications. The Company``s proprietary tissue matrix technology removes cells from allograft tissue and preserves the tissue without damaging the essential biochemical and structural components necessary for normal tissue regeneration. LifeCell currently markets four proprietary human tissue based products: AlloDerm(R) for plastic reconstructive and burn procedures through LifeCell``s direct sales force and for periodontal procedures through BioHorizons, Inc.; Cymetra(R), a version of AlloDerm in particulate form for the correction of soft tissue defects, through LifeCell``s direct sales force and a co-promotion agreement with OMP, Inc.; Repliform(R), a version of AlloDerm for urology and gynecology procedures, through a marketing and distribution agreement with Boston Scientific Corporation; and Graft Jacket(TM), an acellular periosteum replacement graft through a distribution agreement with Wright Medical Group, Inc. The Company is also the exclusive marketing agent for the SmartPReP(TM) Platelet Concentration System in the United States to ENT (ear, nose and throat), plastic reconstructive and general surgeons in hospitals. The Company``s development programs include the application of its tissue matrix technology to vascular, nerve and orthopedic tissue repair; investigation of human tissues as carriers for therapeutics; Thrombosol(TM), a formulation for extended storage of platelets and technologies to enhance the storage of red blood cells for transfusion. Visit our website at

      This release contains forward-looking statements made pursuant to the safe harbor provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, such as the Company``s ability to develop and commercialize new products. Forward-looking statements represent management``s judgment regarding future events. Although management believes that the expectations reflected in such statements are reasonable, they give no assurance that such expectations will prove to be correct and you should be aware that actual results could differ materially from those contained in the forward-looking statements due to a number of factors. These factors include the risks detailed in the Company``s Reports as filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

      LifeCell Corporation

      :confused: :confused: :confused:
      schrieb am 17.04.03 08:45:27
      Beitrag Nr. 133 ()

      Lifecell Corporation First Quarter 2003 Results Conference Call
      Scheduled to start Thu, Apr 24, 2003, 11:00 am Eastern

      Gruß Kubrick
      schrieb am 24.04.03 15:36:48
      Beitrag Nr. 134 ()

      LifeCell Corporation Announces 2003 First Quarter Financial Results
      Thursday April 24, 8:00 am ET

      BRANCHBURG, N.J., April 24 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- LifeCell Corporation (Nasdaq: LIFC - News), a leader in the emerging field of regenerative medicine through the development and commercialization of biological products to repair or replace the body`s damaged tissue, announced today financial results for the first quarter ended March 31, 2003.
      First Quarter 2003 Highlights:

      -- Product revenues of $8.6 million, up 17 percent from $7.3 million in
      first quarter of 2002;
      -- Income before taxes of $364,000, up 94 percent from $188,000 in first
      quarter of 2002;
      -- Secured a $4 million credit facility through Silicon Valley Bank; and
      -- Commenced full commercial launch of Graft Jacket(TM) through our
      previously announced partnership with Wright Medical Technology.

      "Our core business is solid and growing," commented Paul Thomas, President and CEO of LifeCell. "We remain committed to delivering consistently improving operating results while investing in our future to create long-term growth and returns for our shareholders."

      First Quarter Financial Results:

      The Company reported total revenue of $9.0 million for the first quarter of 2003, up 17 percent from $7.7 million for the same period in 2002. Product revenues of $8.6 million were 17 percent above the $7.3 million reported for the first quarter of 2002. The increase in product revenues was largely due to increased demand for the Company`s AlloDerm® products which grew 27 percent to $4.8 million in the quarter compared to $3.8 million in the first quarter of 2002. Repliform® revenues increased slightly in the quarter to $2.4 million from $2.3 million in the same quarter in 2002. All other product revenue, which includes Cymetra®, Graft Jacket, SmartPReP(TM) and cryopreserved allograft skin, increased 17 percent, contributing $1.4 million in the first quarter of 2003 compared to $1.2 million in the same period in 2002. Research grant revenues were $410,000, up $61,000 from the first quarter of 2002.

      Income before income taxes in the first quarter of 2003 was $364,000 compared to $188,000 in the first quarter of 2002. The improvement in operating results for 2003 was principally due to the increase in net contribution resulting from higher product revenues and improved gross margin resulting from the higher volume and operating efficiencies.

      Net income for the first quarter of 2003 rose to $562,000 compared to net income of $436,000 in the first quarter of 2002. Net income in 2003 includes a $235,000 tax benefit related to the sale of state tax net operating losses compared to a $248,000 tax benefit realized in the first quarter of 2002.

      The Company ended the quarter with cash and short-term investments of approximately $5.4 million.

      Conference Call:

      As previously reported, LifeCell will host a live conference call and webcast to discuss its first quarter 2003 operating results today at 11:00 a.m. Eastern time. The dial-in number to access the live call is (800) 362-0574, access code: lifecell. A replay of the conference call will be available through May 1, 2003 at (800) 938-2243.

      To access the listen-only, live webcast of the conference call please visit LifeCell`s web site at and click on the webcast icon located in Corporate Information - Investor Relations. A replay of the webcast will be available through May 1, 2003.

      Gruß Kubrick
      schrieb am 05.06.03 16:31:01
      Beitrag Nr. 135 ()
      BRANCHBURG, N.J., June 5 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- LifeCell Corporation , a leader in tissue regeneration through the development and commercialization of biological products to repair or replace the body``s damaged tissue, announced today that it has entered into an exclusive marketing services agreement with Stryker Howmedica Osteonics, the orthopedic implant division of Stryker Corporation .

      Stryker Howmedica Osteonics, a leading provider of orthopedic implants, will serve as the exclusive marketing agent in the United States for a new human tissue based bone-grafting product that is being developed by LifeCell. Once introduced into the market, this new product, which utilizes LifeCell``s proprietary tissue processing technology in combination with demineralized bone matrix, will provide orthopedic surgeons with a new option for bone grafting. LifeCell currently expects to complete its development efforts and have product available for market introduction by the end of 2003.

      "We are extremely pleased to add Stryker Howmedica Osteonics to our family of world-class sales and marketing partners," stated Paul G. Thomas, LifeCell``s President and CEO. "We believe that our innovative approach to tissue regeneration combined with Stryker``s strength in the orthopedic market is a winning combination."

      Under the terms of the agreement, LifeCell will be responsible for product development, tissue processing and distribution. Stryker Howmedica Osteonics will be responsible for marketing, customer education and solicitation of orders through its network of representatives and distributor agents.

      About LifeCell

      LifeCell is a leader in the emerging field of tissue regeneration through the development and commercialization of biological products for the repair and replacement of damaged or inadequate human tissue in numerous different clinical applications. The Company``s patented tissue processing methods produce a unique regenerative tissue matrix -- a complex three dimensional structure that contains proteins, growth factors and vascular channels -- that provides a complete template for the regeneration of normal human tissue. LifeCell currently markets a broad range of products: AlloDerm(R), regenerative tissue matrix for skin grafting for burn and cancer patients as well as for reconstructive surgical procedures, through LifeCell``s direct sales organization, and for periodontal surgery through BioHorizons, Inc.; Cymetra(R), a version of AlloDerm in particulate form for the correction of soft tissue defects, through LifeCell``s direct sales organization and a co-promotion agreement with OMP, Inc.; Repliform(R), regenerative tissue matrix for urologic and gynecologic procedures, through a marketing agreement with Boston Scientific Corporation; and Graft Jacket(TM), regenerative tissue matrix for orthopedic applications, through a distribution agreement with Wright Medical Technology, Inc. The Company is also the exclusive marketing agent for the SmartPReP(TM) Platelet Concentration System in the United States to ear, nose and throat, plastic reconstructive and general surgeons in hospitals. The Company``s ongoing product development programs include the application of its tissue matrix technology to vascular, nerve and orthopedic tissue repair; investigation of human tissues as carriers for therapeutics; Thrombosol(TM), a formulation for extended storage of platelets and technologies to enhance the storage of red blood cells for transfusion. Visit our website at

      About Stryker Howmedica Osteonics

      Stryker Howmedica Osteonics, a global leader in the development, manufacture and sale of orthopedic products and services, is the orthopedic implant division of Stryker Corporation. Stryker Corporation develops, manufactures and markets specialty surgical and medical products worldwide, including reconstructive implants, spinal, trauma and craniomaxillofacial systems, the bone growth factor osteogenic protein-1, powered surgical instruments, endoscopic and surgical navigation systems and patient care and handling equipment and provides outpatient physical therapy services in the United States. Please visit for more information about Stryker Corporation and for more information about Stryker Howmedica Osteonics.

      This release contains forward-looking statements made pursuant to the safe harbor provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, such as LifeCell``s ability to develop and or commercialize new products including the bone-grafting product described in this press release. Forward-looking statements represent management``s judgment regarding future events. Although management believes that the expectations reflected in such statements are reasonable, they give no assurance that such expectations will prove to be correct and you should be aware that actual results could differ materially from those contained in the forward-looking statements due to a number of factors. These factors include the risks detailed in the Company``s reports as filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

      LifeCell``s annual report on Form 10-K, quarterly reports on Form 10-Q, current reports on Form 8-K and all other documents filed by the Company or with respect to its securities with the Securities and Exchange Commission are available free of charge through its website at

      LifeCell Corporation

      © PR Newswire
      :) :) :) ;) ;)
      schrieb am 18.06.03 16:38:09
      Beitrag Nr. 136 ()
      LifeCell initiated with "strong buy"

      Wednesday, June 18, 2003 9:23:47 AM ET
      Roth Capital

      NEW YORK, June 18 (New Ratings) – Analyst Jason Kroll of Roth Capital initiates coverage of LifeCell (LIFC) with a “strong buy” rating. The 12-month target price is set to $8.

      A detailed report will follow.

      na also geht doch:) :) :)
      schrieb am 19.06.03 00:59:26
      Beitrag Nr. 137 ()
      :) :) :)
      schrieb am 23.06.03 23:42:26
      Beitrag Nr. 138 ()
      BRANCHBURG, N.J., June 23 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- LifeCell Corporation , a leader in tissue regeneration through the development and commercialization of biological products to repair or replace the body``s damaged tissue, announced today that it has entered into a license and collaboration agreement with the newly formed National Stem Cell Centre ("NSCC") in Australia.

      The NSCC was recently awarded $(AUD) 43.5 million in funding from the Australian Commonwealth Government and $(AUD) 10 million from the Victorian State Government over the next four years to conduct stem cell research and establish Australia``s first biotechnology center of excellence. The NSCC is an initiative to develop and commercialize products based on stem cell, immune tolerance and tissue repair technology. Researchers from institutions throughout Australia will be participating in NSCC programs, and such programs will integrate the complementary strengths of these researchers to develop therapeutic outcomes.

      One of NSCC``s key research initiatives will focus on combining stem cells with acellular tissue matrices. Stem cells perform an important role in the body``s normal process of tissue regeneration. The collaborative agreement grants LifeCell the rights, in conjunction with the NSCC, to commercialize future products that combine stem cell technology developed by the NSCC with LifeCell``s proprietary tissue matrix technology.

      "This collaboration represents a unique opportunity for LifeCell to gain access to exciting stem cell research that will be conducted by the NSCC," said Paul G. Thomas, President and CEO of LifeCell. "The combination of our proprietary regenerative tissue matrix with stem cells has the potential to deliver the next generation of tissue regeneration products."

      In addition to granting the NSCC rights to use the proprietary LifeCell technology in its internal research, LifeCell will grant the NSCC an exclusive license to processing technology and distribution of regenerative tissue matrix products for specific indications in Australia and New Zealand. NSCC will be responsible for all costs associated with obtaining regulatory clearance and commercialization of such products in Australia and New Zealand. LifeCell will receive royalties from products distributed by the NSCC in those markets.

      The CEO of the NSCC, Prof. Alan Trounson stated, "The LifeCell technology is world leading and will add a fundamental component to the NSCC``s research strategy. We are very excited by the opportunity to combine Australia``s cutting edge research in stem cells and immunology with the LifeCell matrix technology to develop therapies for diseases and disorders having significant unmet clinical need."

      Dr. Stephen Livesey, formerly Chief Science Officer of LifeCell, will lead the NSCC tissue repair initiatives and will be responsible for coordination of the efforts to develop products based on LifeCell and NSCC technology. As previously announced, effective April 1, 2003, Dr. Livesey``s role with LifeCell transitioned from Chief Science Officer to Chief Scientist. He continues to be involved in several of the Company``s ongoing research and development programs as a technical resource.

      About LifeCell

      LifeCell is a leader in tissue regeneration through the development and commercialization of biological products for the repair and replacement of damaged or inadequate human tissue in numerous different clinical applications. The Company``s patented tissue processing methods produce a unique regenerative tissue matrix -- a complex three dimensional structure that contains proteins, growth factors and vascular channels -- that provides a complete template for the regeneration of normal human tissue. LifeCell currently markets a broad range of products: AlloDerm(R), regenerative tissue matrix for skin grafting for burn and cancer patients as well as for reconstructive surgical procedures, through LifeCell``s direct sales organization, and for periodontal surgery through BioHorizons, Inc.; Cymetra(R), a version of AlloDerm in particulate form for the correction of soft tissue defects, through LifeCell``s direct sales organization and a co-promotion agreement with OMP, Inc.; Repliform(R), regenerative tissue matrix for urologic and gynecologic procedures, through a marketing agreement with Boston Scientific Corporation; and Graft Jacket(TM), regenerative tissue matrix for orthopedic applications, through a distribution agreement with Wright Medical Technology, Inc. The Company is also the exclusive marketing agent for the SmartPReP(TM) Platelet Concentration System in the United States to ear, nose and throat, plastic reconstructive and general surgeons in hospitals. The Company``s ongoing product development programs include the application of its tissue matrix technology to vascular, nerve and orthopedic tissue repair; investigation of human tissues as carriers for therapeutics; Thrombosol(TM), a formulation for extended storage of platelets and technologies to enhance the storage of red blood cells for transfusion. Visit the LifeCell website at

      About the National Stem Cell Centre

      The primary mission of the NSCC is to develop therapeutic products to treat human disease and injury using stem cells and related technologies. The NSCC will combine expertise in biological and artificial tissue matrices with stem cell technology and expertise in immunology to develop therapeutic products for specific indications. Exemplary products include those based on matrix products for replacement of tissues such as skin and other soft tissues, and cell-based therapies for the repair of damaged or diseased tissues such as cardiac tissue. The NSCC was founded as an initiative of the Australian Commonwealth Government through the Department of Industry, Tourism and Resources and the Australian Research Council to establish an Australian Biotechnology Centre of Excellence. Additional funds have been obtained from the Major National Research Facility program of the Commonwealth Government, Department of Education, Science and Training, and Victorian State Government under their Science, Technology and Innovation program to establish a facility to provide stem cell and tissue repair researchers with infrastructure and research capabilities in these areas of research. Visit the NSCC website at

      This release contains forward-looking statements made pursuant to the safe harbor provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, such as LifeCell``s ability to develop and or commercialize new products, including products that combine stem cells with tissue matrices processed using the LifeCell``s proprietary tissue matrix technology. Forward-looking statements represent management``s judgment regarding future events. Although management believes that the expectations reflected in such statements are reasonable, they give no assurance that such expectations will prove to be correct and you should be aware that actual results could differ materially from those contained in the forward-looking statements due to a number of factors. These factors include the risks detailed in LifeCell``s Reports as filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

      LifeCell``s annual report on Form 10-K, quarterly reports on Form 10-Q, current reports on Form 8-K and all other documents filed by the Company or with respect to its securities with the Securities and Exchange Commission are available free of charge through the LifeCell website at

      LifeCell Corporation

      © PR Newswire

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      schrieb am 14.07.03 00:31:19
      Beitrag Nr. 139 ()
      das läuft ja prächtig, ich kenne keinen schlechten Nachrichten,,,,:kiss:
      schrieb am 23.07.03 22:58:15
      Beitrag Nr. 140 ()
      heute :) :) :) :) :) :) :)
      schrieb am 28.07.03 23:54:21
      Beitrag Nr. 141 ()
      4,99 $ :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)
      schrieb am 21.08.03 19:43:14
      Beitrag Nr. 142 ()
      Dieser Wert gehört heute auch mal wieder nach oben.

      25 %
      schrieb am 03.09.03 13:34:14
      Beitrag Nr. 143 ()
      Hört sich gut, oder!?:

      Biotech-Kolumne: Wachstum bei Tissue Engineering hält an
      30 Prozent Wachstum pro Jahr - auch LifeCell wird davon profitieren! Wachstum im Bereich Tissue Engineering ist noch lange nicht ausgereizt! Mit einer jährlichen Wachstumsrate von über 30 Prozent kann neuesten Markforschungen zufolge das Tissue Engineering, als die Herstellung körpereigener Gewebe im Labor, auch in den nächsten Jahren noch glänzen.

      03. September 2003

      Die steigende Nachfrage nach körpereigenen Ersatzgeweben, gezüchtet in den Laboratorien und Sterilräumen der Industrie, die weder Abstoßung noch andere Nebenwirkungen hervorrufen, steigt kontinuierlich an und hat ihren Hochpunkt noch lange nicht erreicht. Wenn es nach den Spezialisten im Forschungsbereich Tissue Engineering geht, sollen künftig aber nicht nur einfache Gewebe wie Haut, Knorpel und Knochen, die bereits erfolgreich in der ersten Anwendung getestet werden, im Labor synthetisiert werden, sondern bald auch schon ganze Organe. Von ganzen Bauchspeicheldrüsen im Kampf gegen Diabetes ist da die Rede, Dialyse soll mit den im Labor gezüchteten Nieren bald ein Fremdwort sein und neurodegenerative Erkrankungen wie Parkinson oder Alzheimer will man mit Nervenzellen aus dem Labor ebenfalls besiegen. Ein Markt, der angesichts der zunehmenden Nachfrage an Spenderorganen, die jedoch immer knapper werden, über ein Milliardenpotenzial verfügt und gerade erst den Kinderschuhen entwachsen ist.

      Tissue Engineering heißt es also, das neue Zauberwort, das Ärzten und Patienten den Anbruch eines neuen Zeitalters verspricht und die synthetischen Produkte schon in absehbarer Zeit aus den Operationssälen verdrängen will. Ein interessantes Unternehmen, das ebenfalls der Anziehungskraft des Tissue Engineerings erlegen ist nennt sich LifeCell. Nicht einmal zwei Wochen ist es her, da konnten die Aktien von LifeCell einen Kurssprung von 22 Prozent verzeichnen, da auch Analysten so langsam das Potenzial erkennen, das in LifeCells Produkten schlummert.

      LifeCell ist auf die Entwicklung von biologischen Produkten spezialisiert, die der Reparatur oder dem Ersatz von menschlichen Geweben dienen und somit in den Bereich Tissue Engineering fallen. Das Hauptgeschäft von LifeCell ist gegenwärtig noch die Entwicklung und Herstellung von Haut und anderen Weichgeweben für die Wiederherstellungs-Chirurgie, doch LifeCell arbeitet bereits am Ausbau seiner Produkte. Vor allem der Markt für orthopädische und kardiovaskuläre Produkte könnte LifeCell in den nächsten zwei Jahren ein Marktvolumen von bis zu 2 Mrd. Dollar versprechen.

      Ein Grund, weshalb auch die Pacific Growth Equities Inc. sich kürzlich positiv zu LifeCell äußerte und das Papier auf "Übergewichten" aufstufte. Zu den Schlüsselprodukten von LifeCell gehört AlloDerm, das für Anwendungen in der plastischen Wiederherstellungs-Chirurgie, bei Verbrennungen sowie im Dentalbereich zur Anwendung kommt. Auch Cymetra wird in der plastischen Wiederherstellungs-Chirurgie sowie in der Dermatologie verwendet. Das dritte Produkt des Unternehmens Repliform findet seinen Einsatz bei Operationen im Urogenital-Bereich. Lange waren es die synthetischen Ersatzteile, die überwiegend zum Einsatz kamen, doch ihre biologischen Pendants werden immer perfekter. Dies merken seit längerem auch die Chirurgen, weshalb die Nachfrage nach den innovativen biologischen Geweben und Ersatzteilen von LifeCell seit geraumer Zeit stetig zunimmt. Ein Paradigmenwechsel, von dem mit Sicherheit auch LifeCell profitieren wird.

      Wie der Gesamtmarkt Tissue Engineering dürfte auch LifeCell über die nächsten fünf Jahre ein Umsatz- und Gewinnwachstum von 30 Prozent zu erwarten haben. Für 2003 and 2004 wird ein Umsatz zwischen 40,6 und 50,7 Mio. Dollar erwartet. Der Gewinn soll in diesem Zeitraum bei 8 bis 12 Cents pro Aktie liegen. Allerdings sind diese Schätzungen wohl eher konservativ und berücksichtigen noch nicht vollständig die Umsätze, die das Unternehmen mit den potenziellen Produkten in den Bereichen Herzkreislauf und Orthopädie erzielen könnte. AlloCraft, eine Art Knochenzement, wird erwartungsgemäß bis Ende 2003 oder Anfang 2004 auf den Markt kommen und dürfte ein nicht unerhebliches Marktpotenzial vorfinden. Positiv gestalten sich für das künftige Wachstum von LifeCell auch die Distributionspartnerschaften mit den Unternehmen Boston Scientific Corp. (NYSE: BSX), Wright Medical Group Inc. (NASDAQ: WMGI), Arthrex Inc. und Stryker Corp. (NYSE: SYK).

      Nach Absolvierung ihres naturwissenschaftlichen Studiums an der TU München war Frau Hörrlein sechs Jahre in der medizinischen Forschung in den Bereichen Humangenetik, Molekularbiologie, Zellbiologie, Proteinchemie und Pharmakologie tätig. Weitere Schwerpunkte waren die Ermittlung der Chemosensensitivität von humanen Tumorzellen mittels sensorgestützter Messverfahren sowie das Verfassen von Forschungsergebnisberichten in deutscher und englischer Sprache. Infos unter

      Disclaimer: Für den Inhalt dieses Artikels ist ausschließlich der Autor verantwortlich. Der Inhalt ist nicht als Anlageempfehlung der Consors Discount-Broker AG zu verstehen.

      Viel Erfolg!
      schrieb am 21.10.03 00:59:04
      Beitrag Nr. 144 ()
      BRANCHBURG, N.J., Oct. 20 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- LifeCell Corporation , a leader in tissue regeneration through the development and commercialization of biological products to repair or replace the body``s damaged tissue, announced today financial results for the third quarter ended September 30, 2003.

      Third Quarter 2003 Highlights: -- Record product revenues of $10.1 million, up 16 percent from $8.7 million in third quarter of 2002; -- Record net income of $506,000, up 47 percent from $344,000 in third quarter of 2002; and -- The private placement of 3.7 million shares of common stock with net proceeds of $14.6 million.

      "Revenue growth in the quarter was primarily driven by a 38 percent increase in demand for our AlloDerm(R) regenerative tissue matrix," commented Paul Thomas, President and Chief Executive Officer of LifeCell. Mr. Thomas added, "Net proceeds from the recently completed private placement will be used to continue product development programs, expand sales and marketing and for potential acquisitions of complementary technologies or products."

      Third Quarter Financial Results:

      The Company reported total revenue of $10.5 million for the third quarter of 2003, up 15 percent from $9.1 million for the same period in 2002. Product revenues of $10.1 million were 16 percent above the $8.7 million reported for the third quarter of 2002. The increase in product revenues was largely due to increased demand for the Company``s AlloDerm(R) products which grew 38 percent to $6.4 million in the quarter compared to $4.7 million in the third quarter of 2002. Repliform(R) revenues decreased in the quarter to $2.1 million from $2.6 million in the same quarter in 2002. Research grant revenues were $402,000, up slightly from the third quarter of 2002.

      Net income for the third quarter of 2003 rose to $506,000 compared to net income of $344,000 in the third quarter of 2002. Net income per diluted share was $0.02 compared to $0.01 in the third quarter of 2002.

      During the quarter, the Company completed the private placement of 3.7 million shares of newly issued common stock at $4.25 per share. No warrants were issued in connection with the transaction.

      Year-To-Date Financial Results:

      The Company reported total revenue of $29.2 million for the nine months ended September 30, 2003, up 16 percent from $25.2 million for the same period in 2002. Product revenues of $27.8 million were 16 percent above the $24.1 million reported for the first nine months of 2002. The increase in product revenues was largely due to increased demand for the Company``s AlloDerm(R) products which grew 33 percent to $16.7 million in the nine months compared to $12.5 million in the first nine months of 2002. Repliform(R) revenues were $6.8 million in the first nine months of 2003, down 8 percent compared to $7.4 million in the same period in 2002. Research grant revenues were $1.3 million, up $265,000 from the first nine months of 2002.

      Net income for the nine months ended September 30, 2003 rose to $1.4 million compared to net income of $1.0 million in the same period of 2002. Net income per diluted share was $0.06 compared to $0.04 in the first nine months of 2002.

      The improvement in operating results for 2003 was mostly due to the increase in net contribution from higher product revenues and improved gross margin resulting from the higher volume and operating efficiencies.

      The Company reaffirms previously stated full-year 2003 outlook of product revenues in the range of $38 to $40 million and operating income of approximately $2 million.

      Conference Call:

      As previously reported, LifeCell will host a live conference call and webcast to discuss its third quarter 2003 operating results today at 11:00 a.m. Eastern time. The dial-in number to access the live call is (800) 362-0574, access code: lifecell. A replay of the conference call will be available through October 27, 2003 at (800) 677-6124. To access the listen-only, live webcast of the conference call please visit LifeCell``s web site at and click on the webcast icon located in Corporate Information - Investor Relations. A replay of the webcast will be available through October 27, 2003.

      About LifeCell

      LifeCell is a leader in tissue regeneration through the development and commercialization of biological products for the repair and replacement of damaged or inadequate human tissue in numerous different clinical applications. The Company``s patented tissue processing methods produce a unique regenerative tissue matrix -- a complex three dimensional structure that contains proteins, growth factors and vascular channels -- that provides a complete template for the regeneration of normal human tissue. LifeCell currently markets a broad range of products: AlloDerm(R), regenerative tissue matrix for skin grafting for burn and cancer patients and for reconstructive surgical procedures, through LifeCell``s direct sales organization, and for periodontal surgery through BioHorizons, Inc.; Repliform(R), regenerative tissue matrix for urologic and gynecologic procedures, through a marketing agreement with Boston Scientific Corporation; Cymetra(R), a version of AlloDerm in particulate form for the correction of soft tissue defects, through LifeCell``s direct sales organization and a co-promotion agreement with OMP, Inc.; and Graft Jacket(TM), regenerative tissue matrix for orthopedic applications, through a distribution agreement with Wright Medical Technology, Inc. The Company``s ongoing product development programs include the application of its tissue matrix technology to orthopedic, vascular and nerve tissue repair; investigation of human tissues as carriers for therapeutics; Thrombosol(TM), a formulation for extended storage of platelets and technologies to enhance the storage of red blood cells for transfusion. Visit the LifeCell website at

      This release contains forward-looking statements made pursuant to the safe harbor provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, such as the Company``s outlook for full-year 2003 product revenues and operating income. Forward-looking statements represent management``s judgment regarding future events. Although management believes that the expectations reflected in such statements are reasonable, they give no assurance that such expectations will prove to be correct and you should be aware that actual results could differ materially from those contained in the forward-looking statements due to a number of factors. These factors include the risks detailed in the Company``s Reports as filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

      LIFECELL CORPORATION Financial Highlights (Unaudited) Three Months Ended Nine Months Ended Statement of Operations Data: September 30, September 30, 2003 2002 2003 2002 Revenues: Product revenues $10,103,000 $8,711,000 $27,831,000 $24,071,000 Research grant revenues 402,000 391,000 1,349,000 1,084,000 Total revenues 10,505,000 9,102,000 29,180,000 25,155,000 Costs and expenses: Cost of products sold 2,995,000 2,642,000 8,355,000 7,551,000 Research and development 1,667,000 1,295,000 4,150,000 3,594,000 General and administrative 1,387,000 1,293,000 4,165,000 3,490,000 Selling and marketing 3,816,000 3,401,000 11,017,000 9,555,000 Total costs and expenses 9,865,000 8,631,000 27,687,000 24,190,000 Income from operations 640,000 471,000 1,493,000 965,000 Interest and other expense, net (9,000) (29,000) (43,000) (121,000) Income before income taxes 631,000 442,000 1,450,000 844,000 Income tax (provision) benefit (125,000) (98,000) (2,000) 150,000 Net income $506,000 $344,000 $1,448,000 $ 994,000 Net Income per common share Basic $0.02 $0.02 $0.07 $0.05 Diluted 0.02 0.01 0.06 0.04 Shares used in computing net income per common share Basic 23,323,000 21,307,000 21,603,000 21,131,000 Diluted 28,426,000 24,231,000 25,817,000 24,751,000 September 30, December 31, Balance Sheet Data: 2003 2002 Cash and cash equivalents and short-term investments $19,124,000 $5,458,000 Working capital 27,280,000 11,466,000 Total assets 41,492,000 24,116,000 Long-term debt, including current portion -- 863,000 Total stockholders`` equity 35,165,000 17,719,000

      LifeCell Corporation

      © PR Newswire

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      ;) ;) ;)
      schrieb am 21.10.03 01:07:00
      Beitrag Nr. 145 ()
      BRANCHBURG, New Jersey, Okt. 20/PRNewswire-FirstCall/-- LifeCell Corporation, ein Führer in der Geweberegeneration durch die Entwicklung und die Kommerzialisierung der biologischen Produkte zum Reparieren oder Ersetzen des beschädigten Gewebes der body`s, verkündete heute finanzielle Resultate während des dritten Trimesters beendete September 30, 2003.

      Höhepunkte Des Dritten Trimesters 2003: -- Rekordprodukteinkommen von $10,1 Million, herauf 16 Prozent von $8,7 Million im dritten Trimester 2002; -- Rekordreineinkommen von $506.000, herauf 47 Prozent von $344.000 im dritten Trimester 2002; und -- die Privatplazierung von 3,7 Million Anteilen von Stammaktien mit Nettoerträgen von $14,6 Million.

      "Einkommenswachstum im Viertel wurde hauptsächlich durch eine 38-Prozent-Zunahme der Nachfrage nach unserer verbessernden Gewebematrix AlloDerm(R)," kommentierter Paul Thomas, Präsident und Generaldirektor von LifeCell gefahren. Erweitert Herr Thomas fügte, "Netzerträge von der vor kurzem abgeschlossenen Privatplazierung wird verwendet, Produktentwicklungsprogramme fortzusetzen, Verkäufe und Marketing und für möglichen Erwerb von ergänzende Technologien oder Produkte." hinzu,

      Finanzielle Resultate Des Dritten Trimesters:

      Die Firma berichtete über Gesamteinkommen von $10,5 Million während des dritten Trimesters von 2003, herauf 15 Prozent von $9,1 Million während der gleichen Periode 2002. Produkteinkommen von $10,1 Million waren 16 Prozent über den $8,7 Million, die während des dritten Trimesters von 2002 berichtet wurden. Die Zunahme der Produkteinkommen lag an erhöhter Nachfrage nach den Produkten AlloDerm(R) des Company`s groß, die 38 Prozent bis $6,4 Million im Viertel wuchsen, das bis $4,7 Million im dritten Trimester von 2002 verglichen wurde. Einkommen Repliform(R) Verringerung des Viertels bis $2,1 Million von $2,6 Million im gleichen Viertel 2002. Forschungsbewilligungseinkommen waren $402.000, herauf etwas vom dritten Trimester von 2002.

      Reineinkommen während des dritten Trimesters von 2003 stieg bis $506.000 verglichen mit Reineinkommen von $344.000 im dritten Trimester von 2002. Reineinkommen pro verdünnten Anteil war $0,02 verglichen bis $0,01 im dritten Trimester von 2002.

      Während des Viertels führte die Firma die Privatplazierung von 3,7 Million Anteilen der eben herausgegebenen Stammaktien bei $4,25 pro Anteil durch. Keine Ermächtigungen wurden in Zusammenhang mit der Verhandlung herausgegeben.

      Finanzielle Resultate Des Jahr-Zu-Datums:

      Die Firma berichtete über Gesamteinkommen von $29,2 Million für die neun Monate beendet September 30, 2003, herauf 16 Prozent von $25,2 Million während der gleichen Periode 2002. Produkteinkommen von $27,8 Million waren 16 Prozent über den $24,1 Million, die für die ersten neun Monate von 2002 berichtet wurden. Die Zunahme der Produkteinkommen lag an erhöhter Nachfrage nach den Produkten AlloDerm(R) des Company`s groß, die 33 Prozent bis $16,7 Million in den neun Monaten wuchsen, die bis $12,5 Million in den ersten neun Monaten von 2002 verglichen wurden. Einkommen Repliform(R) waren $6,8 Million in den ersten neun Monaten von 2003, hinunter 8 Prozent, die bis $7,4 Million in der gleichen Periode 2002 verglichen wurden. Forschungsbewilligungseinkommen waren $1,3 Million, herauf $265.000 von den ersten neun Monaten von 2002.

      Reineinkommen für die neun Monate beendete September 30, 2003 stieg bis $1,4 Million verglichen mit Reineinkommen von $1,0 Million in der gleichen Periode von 2002. Reineinkommen pro verdünnten Anteil war $0,06 verglichen bis $0,04 in den ersten neun Monaten von 2002.

      Die Verbesserung in Betriebsergebnis für 2003 lag an der Zunahme des Nettobeitrags von den höheren Produkteinkommen und von verbessertem grobem Seitenrand meistens, resultierend aus der höheren Ausgabe und den betrieblichen Leistungsfähigkeiten.

      Die Firma versichert vorher angegebene Volljahr-Aussicht 2003 der Produkteinkommen in der Strecke $38 bis $40 Million und des Betriebseinkommens von ungefähr $2 Million nochmals.

      ;) ;) ;)
      schrieb am 21.10.03 20:31:26
      Beitrag Nr. 146 ()
      Lifecell "strong buy," target price raised

      Tuesday, October 21, 2003 11:27:32 AM ET
      Roth Capital

      NEW YORK, October 21 (New Ratings) – Analyst Jason Kroll of Roth Capital Partners maintains his “strong buy” rating on Lifecell (LIFC). The target price has been raised from $8.00 to $10.00.

      © 2003 New Ratings
      :) :) :)
      schrieb am 26.02.04 18:12:34
      Beitrag Nr. 147 ()
      LifeCell "strong buy"
      Roth Capital


      Die Analysten vom Investmenthaus Roth Capital stufen die Aktie von LifeCell (ISIN US5319271012/ WKN 888910) unverändert mit "strong buy" ein. Das Kursziel werde bei 10 USD gesehen.

      :) :) :)
      schrieb am 19.04.04 21:25:43
      Beitrag Nr. 148 ()
      BRANCHBURG, N.J., April 16 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- LifeCell Corporation , today announced that Paul Thomas, President and Chief Executive Officer, will host a conference call on Tuesday, April 27, 2004 at 11:00 a.m. Eastern, to discuss the Company``s operating results for its first quarter 2004. Operating results will be released at 8:00 a.m. Eastern that day.

      The dial-in number for the live call is 877-407-9205 (domestic) / 201-689-8054 (international). A simultaneous webcast of the call will be available via LifeCell``s website at Corporate Information - Investor Relations. The call will be archived on the Company``s website for twelve months.

      A recording of the call will be available from 1:00 p.m. Eastern on April 27, 2004 until 11:59 p.m. Eastern on April 30, 2004. The dial-in number to listen to the recording is 201-612-7415. The replay passwords are: Account # 1628 / Conference ID # 102114.

      About LifeCell

      LifeCell is a leader in the development and commercialization of products made from human (allograft) tissue for use in reconstructive, urogynecologic and orthopedic surgical procedures. The Company``s patented tissue processing technology produces a unique regenerative tissue matrix -- a complex three dimensional structure that contains proteins, growth factor binding sites and vascular channels -- that provides a complete template for the regeneration of normal human tissue. LifeCell currently markets a broad range of products: AlloDerm(R), regenerative tissue matrix for reconstructive surgical procedures and skin grafting for burn patients through LifeCell``s direct sales organization and for periodontal surgery through BioHorizons, Inc.; Cymetra(R), a version of AlloDerm in particulate form, through LifeCell``s direct sales organization; Repliform(R), regenerative tissue matrix for urogynecologic procedures, through a marketing agreement with Boston Scientific Corporation; Graft Jacket(TM), regenerative tissue matrix for orthopedic applications, through a distribution agreement with Wright Medical Technology, Inc.; and AlloCraft(TM)DBM, regenerative tissue matrix for bone grafting, through a marketing agreement with Stryker Corporation. The Company``s ongoing product development programs include the application of its tissue matrix technology to vascular and orthopedic tissue repair; investigation of human tissues as carriers for therapeutics; Thrombosol(TM), a formulation for extended storage of platelets and technologies to enhance the storage of red blood cells for transfusion. Visit the LifeCell website at

      LifeCell Corporation
      :) :) :)
      schrieb am 25.06.04 20:41:15
      Beitrag Nr. 149 ()

      läuft doch super.

      schrieb am 26.10.04 21:03:02
      Beitrag Nr. 150 ()
      um diesen thread mal wieder n bißchen zu beleben ;)...
      kann mir jemand sagen warum lc die letzten wochen so derb abgestraft wurde? das sind doch nicht nur gewinnmitnahmen...
      schrieb am 28.04.05 06:52:55
      Beitrag Nr. 151 ()
      [posting]14.907.406 von SilverSurferX am 26.10.04 21:03:02[/posting]Jetzt, 6 Monate später, fängt Lifecell plötzlich an zu steigen. :)
      Ich finde aber nirgends Nachrichten! Hast Du nähere Infos?
      Gruß Hattti
      schrieb am 02.05.05 14:53:22
      Beitrag Nr. 152 ()
      Yop, hab da was für Dich vom 26.04.2005

      26.04.2005 20:19
      LifeCell: Kursrallye nach starken Zahlen

      Das Biotech-Unternehmen LifeCell (Nachrichten) legte am Dienstag überraschend starke Zahlen vor: So erlöste das Unternehmen 2,1 Mill US$ oder 7 Cent pro Aktie im ersten Quartal. Letztes Jahr war noch ein Gewinn von 883.000 US$ oder 3 Cent pro Anteilsschein angefallen. Entsprechend kräftig legte auch der Umsatz von 13,8 Mill auf 19,8 Mill US$ zu.
      Das Unternehmen ist auch optimistisch für die Zukunft und prognostiziert für 2005 einen Gewinn von 27 bis 31 Cent je Aktie. Zuvor war man lediglich von 22 bis 24 Cent ausgegangen.

      Das Papier hat auf die Zahlen euphorisch reagiert und liegt akuell mit fast 20 % im Plus bei 11,08 US$.


      So kanns weitergehn :D
      schrieb am 11.05.05 04:46:40
      Beitrag Nr. 153 ()
      LifeCell Stopp-Kurs anheben

      Die Experten vom Anlegermagazin "Der Aktionär" empfehlen den Stopp-Kurs der Aktie von LifeCell (ISIN US5319271012/ WKN 888910) auf 6 Euro anzuheben. Der Anteilsschein des Biotechnologie-Unternehmen habe einen erheblichen Sprung gemacht, nachdem die Gesellschaft Zahlen für das erste Quartal des laufenden Jahres präsentiert habe. Diese hätten über den Erwartungen gelegen. Der Gewinn sei gegenüber dem ersten Quartal im letzten Jahr um 133 Prozent auf 7 Cent je Anteilsschein geklettert. Der Umsatz habe um 44 Prozent auf 19,8 Millionen Euro zulegen können. Derzeit notiere das Papier bei 9,20 Euro, das entspreche einer Marktkapitalisierung von 269 Millionen Euro. Das 2006er KGV liege bei 29. Nach Ansicht der Experten von "Der Aktionär" sollten Investoren den Stopp-Kurs der LifeCell-Aktie auf 6 Euro anheben. Das Kursziel liege bei 12 Euro.
      Quelle: AKTIENCHECK.DE
      schrieb am 21.07.05 01:06:06
      Beitrag Nr. 154 ()
      Nicht mehr ganz neu ist dieser Beitrag, aber vielleicht ganz interessant:…

      schrieb am 25.07.05 20:39:06
      Beitrag Nr. 155 ()
      25.07.2005 20:16
      LifeCell: Kurssprung nach Zahlen

      Das Biotech-Unternehmen LifeCell (Nachrichten) hat im zweiten Quartal einen Nettogewinn von 3,6 Millionen Dollar oder 11 Cents je Aktie erwirtschaftet. Im Vorjahresquartal lag dieser bei 1 Million Dollar. Das Ergebnis enthielt eine Steuergutschrift im Umfang von 295.000 Dollar. Der Umsatz sprang im gleichen Zeitraum von 15,1 auf 22,7 Millionen Dollar nach oben.

      Wie das Unternehmen berichtete, habe sich vor allem das Präparat "AlloDerm" zur Verbesserung von Gewebeschäden im Zuge von operativen Eingriffen als Verkaufsschlager entpuppt. Vor allem im Zusammenhang mit Bruch-Operationen wurde eine beträchtliche Nachfrage festgestellt. Vor diesem Hintergrund hob das Unternehmen auch seinen Ausblick auf das laufende Geschäftsjahr an. Erwartet wird nun ein Gewinn zwischen 12,1 und 13,3 Millionen statt zuvor 9 bis 10,2 Millionen Dollar.

      An der Nasdaq springen LifeCell aktuell um 24,77 Prozent nach oben auf 20,45 Dollar.


      :cool: was soll ich dazu noch sagen? et läuft!!! :cool:

      Silver Surfer X

      PS: Quartalsbericht als pdf:

      und zum Anhören:

      Viel Spaß dabei!!!
      schrieb am 27.07.05 00:25:19
      Beitrag Nr. 156 ()
      Piper Jaffray stufen LifeCell auf

      Die Titel des Biotech-Unternehmens LifeCell (Nachrichten) wurden von Piper Jaffray (Nachrichten) von "market perform" auf "outperform" aufgestuft. Das Kursziel wurde von 16 auf 26 Dollar angehoben.
      schrieb am 24.08.05 00:38:44
      Beitrag Nr. 157 ()
      Fastest-Growing Companies Rank: No. 16

      With a market cap of less than $700 million, Lifecell is the second-smallest stock among our picks—and probably the most speculative. Just two products account for a whopping 87% of the biotech company’s $67 million in revenues. Lifecell’s flagship products, AlloDerm and GraftJacket, are surgical substitutes for human skin and tendon used for burn treatment, repair of diabetic foot ulcers, post-mastectomy breast reconstruction, and more. Lifecell is expensive, but after boosting earnings 117% last year, Lifecell is on pace for a 200% gain in 2005.,23288,1095587-5,0…
      schrieb am 24.08.05 01:43:26
      Beitrag Nr. 158 ()
      Schnell-Wachsender Firmen-Rank: Nr. 16

      Mit einer Marktkappe von weniger als $700 Million, ist Lifecell der zweit-kleinste Vorrat unter unserer Auswahl—und vermutlich dem spekulativsten. Gerade zwei Produkte erklären ein whopping 87% des biotech company.s $67 Million in den Einkommen. Lifecell.s Flaggschiffprodukte, AlloDerm und GraftJacket, sind chirurgischer Ersatz für menschliche Haut und die Sehne, die für Brandbehandlung, Reparatur der zuckerkranken Fußgeschwüre, Pfosten-Brustamputation Brustrekonstruktion und mehr benutzt wird. Lifecell ist kostspielig, aber, nachdem es Einkommen 117% aufgeladen hat, ist letztes Jahr, Lifecell auf Schritt für einen 200% Gewinn 2005.
      schrieb am 12.09.05 14:47:41
      Beitrag Nr. 159 ()
      Sehen wir die 20 € diese Woche noch?
      schrieb am 13.09.05 14:06:49
      Beitrag Nr. 160 ()
      Ja, heute !!! :cool:
      schrieb am 17.09.05 13:52:47
      Beitrag Nr. 161 ()
      Wer auf Tissue Engineering steht, kommt an co.don nicht mehr vorbei. WKN 517360
      schrieb am 06.10.05 13:09:21
      Beitrag Nr. 162 ()
      10% gen Süden allein heute schocken ... das kann doch nicht nur an den "Vielleicht-Konkurenz-Produkten" von MTF liegen ... weiss jemand mehr?
      schrieb am 09.10.05 14:31:33
      Beitrag Nr. 163 ()
      Der Kursrutsch ist auf einen Rückruf bestmmiter Alloderm- Lieferungen zurückzuführen.

      Hier der Artikel dazu:

      LifeCell Voluntarily Recalls Product from One Tissue Recovery Organization
      FRIDAY, OCTOBER 07, 2005 1:09 PM
      PR Newswire

      BRANCHBURG, N.J., Oct 07, 2005 /PRNewswire-FirstCall via COMTEX/ -- LifeCell Corporation (LIFC) initiated a voluntary recall of certain AlloDerm(R), Repliform(R) and GraftJacket(R) product from the marketplace on September 30, 2005. The recall was prompted when internal quality processes raised questions about the donor documentation received from one tissue recovery organization. Specifically, the company recalled all lots of product that were produced using tissue from Biomedical Tissue Services (BTS). LifeCell promptly notified the FDA and all relevant hospitals and medical professionals. All other BTS inventory remains on hold until the discrepancies in the donor documentation can be resolved. LifeCell works with more than 40 other tissue recovery organizations that are not affected by this recall.

      "While no adverse events have been reported we took this prudent and precautionary measure because LifeCell is committed to patient safety and quality," stated Paul G. Thomas, Chairman of the Board, President and Chief Executive Officer for LifeCell.

      LifeCell does not expect that the recall will have a material impact on its third quarter product revenues. If the company is unable to resolve the questions regarding donor documentation, it will not distribute the BTS inventory. The inability to distribute this product would result in a charge to operating income of approximately $1.5 million. As a result of the uncertainties caused by the recall, LifeCell is withdrawing its 2005 annual financial guidance. The company expects to provide updated 2005 financial guidance in connection with the release of its third quarter operating results.

      Independently, a story was published in today`s edition of the New York Daily News which reports on alleged criminal acts by BTS. "If the allegations in the news article are proven true, we are sickened and outraged by BTS` activities," Thomas said.

      schrieb am 10.10.05 12:27:11
      Beitrag Nr. 164 ()
      Dank für Deine schnelle info cyberworker!
      schrieb am 11.10.05 12:18:18
      Beitrag Nr. 165 ()

      folgender Artikel stand gestern im Trend-Trader:

      Skandal dei Lifecell

      Fast schon makaber muten die Geschehnisse bei Lifecell an. BTS, einer der Lieferanten von Lifecell hat Informationen der New York Daily News zufolge einen Teil seiner Hautersatzstoffe aus nicht für die Forschung freigegebenen, geklauten Leichen gewonnen:eek:. Lifecell reagierte zwar sofort und gab bekannt, dass alle Alloderm, Repliform und GraftJacket Produkte die aus BTS-Materialien gewonnen wurden, bis zur kompletten Aufklärung des Falles aus dem Verkehr gezogen wurden. Trotzdem viel die kurzfristig sogar vom Handel ausgesetzte Lifecell-Aktie unter Rekordvolumen auf fast 15 Euro (...)
      schrieb am 17.10.05 17:59:45
      Beitrag Nr. 166 ()
      Servus LIFC-Freunde!

      Wollte nur nochmal die aktuelle Problematik bzgl. dem Zulieferer BTS aufgreifen und eure Meinungen dazu hören. Viele scheinen ja sowieso nicht (mehr) in LIFC zu sein, aber ich versuchs einfach mal...

      Halte LIFC schon ne ganze Weile (damals ca. 2,5 EUR) und konnte mich bislang nur von einer kleinen Position trennen bei zuletzt ca. 21 USD. Bin ursprünglich einer Empfehlung von HealthCare-News gefolgt, sitze aber jetzt auf dem `trockenen` was neue Informationen betrifft.

      Mal kurz zusammengefasst:
      - BTS ist nur einer von ca. 40 Zulieferer LifeCells?
      - bei BTS wäre angeblich kriminelle Energie im Spiel?
      - die Geschichte könnte LIFC mit ca. 1,5 Mio. USD belasten?
      - Revenues für 2005 sind also somit nicht unbedingt gefährdet?
      - die vorläufigen Zahlen von heute waren sehr gut
      - die `richtigen` Zahlen am 26.10. sollten nicht dramatisch abweichen
      - einer weiteren positiven Entwicklung LIFC`s sollte eigetnlich nichts im Wege stehen, es sei denn: es kämen weitere, ähnliche Skandale bzw. die Sache jetzt beruhigt sich gar nicht wieder.

      Was ist eigentlich mit diesem eventl. Konkurrenzprodukt für Alloderm?

      Bin gespannt auf eure Meinungen...

      schrieb am 21.10.05 09:46:26
      Beitrag Nr. 167 ()
      keiner da, der ne meinung/info zu LifeCell hat?
      schrieb am 28.10.05 20:45:34
      Beitrag Nr. 168 ()
      Lifecell (LIFC:Nasdaq - commentary - research - Cramer`s Take) dropped 10% after the company lowered its 2005 earnings guidance. The company, which develops products made from human tissue for use in surgical procedures, reported third-quarter earnings of $2.5 million, or 7 cents a share, on sales of $24.5 million. Results were hurt by a pretax charge related to the write-off of $1.4 million in inventory and by a $469,000 reserve for product returns related to a recall. Analysts expected earnings of 10 cents a share, with sales of $24.4 million. A year ago, the company earned $1.1 million, or 3 cents a share, on sales of $15.6 million.

      For the full year, LifeCell now expects earnings of $11.7 million to $12.3 million, or 35 cents to 36 cents a share. Previously, the company projected it would earn $12.1 million to $13.3 million, or 37 cents to 40 cents a share. The company narrowed its sales projection to $92 million to $94 million from $90 million to $94 million. Analysts had forecast earnings of 39 cents a share and sales of $93.1 million. Shares were trading down $1.92 to $17.03.…
      schrieb am 12.12.05 19:31:29
      Beitrag Nr. 169 ()
      Red Herring Announces Inaugural Red Herring Small Cap 100 List
      schrieb am 18.12.05 02:01:26
      Beitrag Nr. 170 ()
      Lifecell steht chartechnisch auf Kaufen - Kursziel alte Hochs.

      schrieb am 07.01.06 10:26:50
      Beitrag Nr. 171 ()
      LifeCell initiated with "buy"

      Friday, January 06, 2006 11:15:30 AM ET
      Needham & Co

      NEW YORK, January 6 ( - Analysts at Needham & Co initiate coverage of LifeCell (LIFC.NAS) with a "buy" rating. The 12-month target price is set to $21.

      In a research note published yesterday, the analysts mention that LifeCell’s near-term growth is likely to depend primarily on the ability of the company’s AlloDerm product to penetrate the reconstructive, orthopedic and urogynecologic markets. The analysts expect LifeCell to witness a healthy increase in AlloDerm revenues and operating margins until 2007. The company is likely to post its 4Q preliminary revenues and EPS in-line with expectations, Needham & Co says.

      schrieb am 13.01.06 00:21:18
      Beitrag Nr. 172 ()
      BRANCHBURG, New Jersey, Jan. 12/PRNewswire-FirstCall/-- LifeCell Corporation ( Nachrichten ), verkündete heute Pläne, um Einkommen des 4. Viertels 2005 und der Einleitung freizugeben finanzielle Anleitung 2006 am Dienstag, Januar 24, 2006 um 8:00 a.m.. Östlich. Paul Thomas, Präsident und Generaldirektor, bewirtet einen Konferenzanruf um 10:00 a.m.. Östlich, der besprechen Viertels 2005 Firma die Einkommen des 4. und erwartete finanzielle Leistung für 2006:):):)
      schrieb am 13.01.06 20:45:51
      Beitrag Nr. 173 ()
      Neuer Artikel über LIFC:

      January 13, 2006 10:54 AM ET
      Lifecell Shares Climb As Concerns Fade :eek:

      NEW YORK (AP) - Lifecell Corp., a biotech company that gleans skin-graft materials from cadavers, saw its shares climb Thursday after an analyst suggested worries about competition and a past recall were not as grave as expected.

      "As we continue to track the issues, we are growing increasingly convinced that neither will have a significant effect on the company`s results in the near term," said Piper Jaffray analyst Raj S. Denhoy in a note to clients. Meanwhile, fourth-quarter results are likely to top expectations and prospects for sales growth in 2006 look promising, he said.

      Denhoy raised the stock`s rating "Outperform" from "Market Perform," and lifted its price target to $25 from $18.

      The Musculoskeletal Transplant Foundation has been developing a skin product that could feasibly compete with Lifecell`s products, the analyst said. But the foundation has "yet to secure a distribution partner for the all important general surgery segment" and Denhoy doesn`t forecast any major developments for several months.

      Regarding last year`s recall, the analyst said effects from the illegal activities of tissue bank BTS appear to be passing, and there still have been no claims of disease transmitted by tissue from Lifecell.

      Lifecell shares rose $1.22, or 6.1 percent, to $21.30 in morning trading on the Nasdaq. The stock has moved in a 52-week range of $8.20 to $25.57.

      The company`s products include Alloderm, which is used in reconstructive burn surgeries, and Repliform, which is used in urologic and gynecological procedures.

      © 2006 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.…
      schrieb am 13.01.06 23:20:39
      Beitrag Nr. 174 ()
      Pfeifer Jaffray Ups LifeCell, Um An Leistung zu übertreffen > LIFC

      Freitag, Januar 13, 2006 7:58:26 Morgens UND
      Dow Jones Newswires

      New York (Dow Jones) -- Pfeifer Jaffray verbesserte LifeCell Corp. (LIFC) um vom marketperform an Leistung zu übertreffen, weil neue Interessen auftauchende Überkonkurrenz und ein Geweberückruf unwahrscheinlich sind, einen bedeutenden Effekt auf kurzfristigen Resultaten zu haben.

      schrieb am 13.01.06 23:24:39
      Beitrag Nr. 175 ()
      New York (AP) - Lifecell Corp., eine biotech Firma, die Haut-Transplantation Materialien von den Kadavern aufliest, sah, daß seine Anteile, die Aufstieg Donnerstag, nachdem ein Analytiker vorschlug um Konkurrenz und a hinter Rückruf sich sorgt, nicht so ernst wie erwartet waren.

      "während wir fortfahren, die Ausgaben aufzuspüren, wachsen wir in zunehmendem Maße, daß keine einen bedeutenden Effekt auf den Resultaten der Firma in naher Zukunft haben," sagten Pfeifer Jaffray Analytiker Raj S. Denhoy in einer Anmerkung zu den Klienten überzeugt. Unterdessen sind Resultate des vierten Viertels wahrscheinlich, Erwartungen zu übersteigen und Aussichten für Verkäufe Wachstum im versprechenden Blick 2006, sagte er.

      Denhoy warf die Bewertung des Vorrates "an Leistung übertreffen" "vom Markt durchführen," und anhoben sein Preisziel bis $25 von $18 auf.

      Die Musculoskeletal Transplant-Grundlage hat ein Hautprodukt entwickelt, das mit Produkten Lifecells durchführbar konkurrieren könnte, den gesagten Analytiker. Aber die Grundlage hat ", noch, einen Verteilung Partner für das alles wichtige allgemeine Chirurgiesegment" und Denhoy zu sichern prognostiziert keine Hauptentwicklungen für einige Monate.

      Betreffend Rückruf des letzten Jahres scheinen der gesagte Analytiker Effekte von den ungültigen Tätigkeiten von Gewebebank BTS, zu überschreiten, und es noch hat keine Ansprüche der Krankheit übertragen durch Gewebe von Lifecell gegeben.

      Lifecell Anteile stiegen $1.71 oder 8.5 Prozent, zum Ende bei $21.79 auf dem Nasdaq. Der Vorrat hat in eine Strecke 52-week $8.20 bis $25.57 bewogen.

      Die Produkte der Firma schließen Alloderm, das in den reconstructive Brandoperationen verwendet wird, und Repliform mit ein, das in den urologic und gynäkologischen Verfahren verwendet wird.

      © 2006 Die Verbundene Presse. Alle Rechte vorbehalten. Dieses Material kann möglicherweise nicht veröffentlicht werden, Sendung, neu geschrieben werden oder neuverteilt werden
      schrieb am 17.01.06 08:22:53
      Beitrag Nr. 176 ()
      Nachrichten - LIFECELL CORP.
      16.01. LifeCell outperform


      16.01.2006 - 11:25 Uhr
      LifeCell outperform
      Die Aktienanalysten von Piper Jaffray stufen die Aktie des US-amerikanischen Unternehmens LifeCell (ISIN US5319271012/ WKN 888910) von "market perform" auf "outperform" herauf.

      Die Analysten hätten LifeCell im September aus Besorgnis über drohende Konkurrenzprodukte der "Musculoskeletal Transplant Foundation" (MTF) herabgestuft. Man sei jedoch inzwischen der Ansicht, dass MTF in den nächsten Monaten keine erhebliche Konkurrenz für LifeCell darstellen werde. LifeCell habe die FDA-Zulassung für "AlloCraft" erhalten, für 2006 würden die Analysten mit Einnahmen von 1,6 Mio. USD rechnen. Des Weiteren verzeichne das Unternehmen weiterhin eine große Nachfrage nach "Alloderm".

      LifeCell werde sowohl die vorläufigen Ergebnisse des vierten Quartals als auch die Vorgaben für 2006 am 24. Januar bekannt geben. Für die Geschäftsjahre 2005 und 2006 würden die Analysten ein EPS von 0,37 USD bzw. 0,60 USD erwarten, hieraus ergebe sich ein KGV von 54,3 bzw. 33,5. Das Kursziel der durchschnittlich volatilen Aktie habe man von 18 USD auf 25 USD angehoben.

      Vor diesem Hintergrund vergeben die Analysten von Piper Jaffray nun das Rating "outperform" für die Aktie von LifeCell.:):):)
      schrieb am 18.01.06 02:13:04
      Beitrag Nr. 177 ()
      LifeCell "buy," target price raised

      Tuesday, January 17, 2006 11:37:18 AM ET
      Needham & Co

      NEW YORK, January 17 ( - Analysts at Needham & Co reiterate their "buy" rating on LifeCell (LIFC.NAS). The target price has been raised from $21 to $25.

      schrieb am 19.01.06 19:21:41
      Beitrag Nr. 178 ()
      LifeCell Shares Fall After Competitor Seen Entering Hernia Market

      NEW YORK (AP) -- LifeCell Corp. stock fell Wednesday after implant-product maker Tutogen Medical Inc. sold its distribution rights of a product that may compete with LifeCell`s lead product AlloDerm, a human tissue-based product used in hernia repair.

      Shares of Branchburg, N.J.-based LifeCell, which makes products to repair or replace damaged human tissue, fell $2.75, or 12 percent, to $20.17 in afternoon trading on the Nasdaq Stock Market.

      Roth Capital Partners analyst Jason Kroll said concerns over a competitive product entering the marketplace are "prematurely being discounted in the stock price at this time."

      A LifeCell spokesperson had no comment.

      Alachua, Fla.-based Tutogen, a tissue products maker, sold the distribution rights to its human-tissue hernia repair product to Murray Hill, N.J.-based C.R. Bard Inc. subsidiary Davol Inc.

      Tutogen stock rose 44 cents, or 15 percent, to $3.43 on the American Stock Exchange.

      While AlloDerm and the Tutogen product are both slated for use in hernia repair, the two products may not be direct competitors.

      "The product appears on the surface to be similar to AlloDerm. However, it is not known for certain at this time," said Piper Jaffray analyst Raj S. Denhoy, who rates LifeCell stock at "outperform."

      Piper`s Denhoy said more troubling is that C.R. Bard is the product`s distributor. He said C.R. Bard is a sizable competitor in the hernia repair market, generating nearly $220 million from those products in 2004.
      schrieb am 19.01.06 19:35:03
      Beitrag Nr. 179 ()
      Vorrat LifeCell unten auf Bewegung des Konkurrenten
      Mittwoch Januar 18, 3:09 P.M. UND
      AnteilcFall LifeCell Nach Konkurrent Gesehenem Hereinkommendem Hernia Market

      NEUES YORK (AP) -- Vorrat LifeCell Corp. fiel Mittwoch nach Einpflanzenprodukthersteller, den Tutogen Medical Inc. seine Vertriebsrechte eines Produktes, das mit Leitungprodukt AlloDerm konkurrieren kann LifeCells, ein menschliches Gewebe-gegründetes Produkt verkaufte, das in der Herniereparatur benutzt wurde.
      Anteile von Branchburg, N.J.-based LifeCell, das Produkte reparieren läßt, oder zu ersetzen menschliches Gewebe beschädigte, fielen $2,75 oder 12 Prozent, auf $20,17 am Nachmittag, der auf der Börse Nasdaq handelt.

      PARTNERANALYTIKERJason Roth werden Hauptbesagte Interessen Kroll über einem konkurrierenden Produkt, das den Markt kommt, "vorzeitig diskontiert im Aktienpreis diesmal.",

      Ein Spokesperson LifeCell hatte keine Anmerkung.

      Alachua, Fla.-based Tutogen, ein Gewebeprodukthersteller, verkaufte die Vertriebsrechte an sein Menschlichgewebehernie-Reparaturprodukt an Murray Hill, N.J.-based C.R. Bard Inc. TochterDavol Inc..

      Vorrat Tutogen stieg 44 Cents oder 15 Prozent, bis $3,43 auf der amerikanischen Börse.

      Während AlloDerm und das Produkt Tutogen für Gebrauch in der Herniereparatur beides schiefergedecktes sind, können die zwei Produkte möglicherweise nicht direkte Konkurrenten sein.

      "das Produkt scheint auf der Oberfläche, AlloDerm ähnlich zu sein. Jedoch bekannt es nicht für sicheres diesmal, "sagte Analytiker Raj S. Denhoy, dem Piper Jaffray Vorrat LifeCell an" veranschlägt, übertreffen Sie."an Leistung,

      Das besagte Bemühen Denhoy Pipers ist, daß C.R. Bard der Verteiler des Produktes ist. Er sagte, daß C.R. Bard ein beträchtlicher Konkurrent im Herniereparaturmarkt ist und fast $220 Million von jenen Produkten 2004 erzeugt.
      schrieb am 19.01.06 19:40:05
      Beitrag Nr. 180 ()
      Tutogen Medical, Inc. führt weltweite Verteilungsvereinbarung für Herniereparaturgewebe

      ALACHUA, Fla., Jan. 18/PRNewswire-FirstCall/-- Tutogen Medical, Inc., ein führender Hersteller von sterilem biologischem pflanzen die Produkte, die vom Menschen (allograft) gebildet werden und das Tier (xenograft) Gewebe, heute verkündet einer vierjährlichen exklusiven weltweiten Verteilungsvereinbarung mit Davol Inc., eine Tochtergesellschaft von C. R. Bard Inc., zu fördern ein, vermarkten und verteilen medizinische Linie Tutogen der biologischen Gewebe des allograft für Herniereparatur und die Rekonstruktion des Kastens und der Abdominal- Wand.

      Davol, zusätzlich zum Kaufen des Produktes von Tutogen, zahlt Tutogen ungefähr $3,3 Million in den Gebühren. Tutogen erkennt in Einkommen ungefähr $825.000 jedes Jahr, für die vierjährliche Bezeichnung der Vereinbarung.

      Halteseil Mayer, der Generaldirektor von Tutogen medizinisch, kommentiert, "wir freuen uns, mit Davol in diesem wichtigen Marktsegment zu arbeiten. Davol wird weit erkannt, da der Marktführer für Herniereparaturprodukte in den VEREINIGTEN STAATEN unsere Produkte (allograft) menschliche Gewebe sind und die einzigen Herniereparaturprodukte auf dem Markt heute sind, die schnelle Rehydrierung und das Sicherheitsprofil, das durch unseren Prozeß Tutoplast angeboten wird anbieten. Wir glauben, daß diese Attribute Chirurgen mit erweiterten Wahlen versehen, die zu verbesserte geduldige Resultate führen können.",

      Tutogen 2002, das dem europäischen Markt mit einer sterilen biologischen Membrane für Hernie und Abdominal- Wand betreten wird, reparieren Sie die Aufmachung des eigenen Prozesses Tutoplast der Firma. Die Gewebe sind sehr gut in Europa empfangen worden und sind erfolgreich in der Abdominal- Wandchirurgie der Neugeborener und der Kinder mit Herniedefekten benutzt worden. Es wird geschätzt, daß, in den VEREINIGTEN STAATEN, ungefähr 1 Million Herniereparaturverfahren jedes Jahr durchgeführt werden und einen geschätzten Markt $150 Million verursachen.

      Über Tutogen Medizinisch, Inc..

      Tutogen Medical, Inc. stellt steriles biologisches einpflanzen die Produkte her, die vom Menschen- (allograft) gebildet werden und Tier(xenograft) Gewebe. Tutogen verwendet sein Tutoplast Process(R) der Gewebebewahrung und die Vireninaktivierung zum Herstellen und Liefern steriles Bio-pflanzt verwendet in spinal/trauma, im Urology, in zahnmedizinischem, Augenheilkunde und allgemeine Chirurgieverfahren ein. Die Produkte Tutoplast(R) der Firma werden weltweit von Zimmer Spine und zahnmedizinisches Zimmer, Tochtergesellschaften von Zimmer Holdings, Inc., Mentor Corporation, IOP, Inc. und durch unabhängige Verteiler und Tochtergesellschaften in den VEREINIGTEN STAATEN und im Deutschland verkauft und verteilt. Zu mehr Information besuchen Sie die Web site der Firma an

      na da werde ich mir aus Sicherheit auch noch ein paar ins Depot legen
      schrieb am 24.01.06 16:13:26
      Beitrag Nr. 181 ()
      LifeCell berichtet über Einleitung-viertem Viertel 2005 Einkommen und liefert 2006 finanzielle Anleitung

      BRANCHBURG, New Jersey, Jan. 24 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- LifeCell Corporation (Nachrichten) berichtete heute über einleitende nichte geprüft Einkommen für das vierte beendete Viertel Dezember 31, 2005 und vorausgesetzt finanzielle Anleitung für das Jahr beendend Dezember 31, 2006. Paul Thomas, Präsident und Generaldirektor, bewirtet einen Konferenzanruf heute um 10:00 a.m.. Östliche Zeit, einleitende Einkommen des vierten Viertels und erwartete finanzielle Leistung für 2006 zu besprechen.

      2005 Einleitende Produkt-Einkommen

      Einleitende Produkteinkommen für das vierte Viertel waren $27.0 Million, herauf 69%, das bis $16.0 Million berichtet während der gleichen Periode 2004 verglichen wurde. Die Zunahme des Produkteinkommens lag an einer bedeutenden Zunahme der Nachfrage nach dem reconstructive chirurgischen Produkt des Flaggschiffs der Firma, AlloDerm(R) verbessernde Gewebe-Matrix hauptsächlich, die 84% bis $22.0 Million im gegenwärtigen Viertel erhöhte, das bis $12.0 Million im vierten Viertel von 2004 verglichen wurde. Orthopädische Produkteinkommen, die Transplantation Jacket(R) und AlloCraft(TM)DBM einschließen, erhöhten 24% bis $2.0 Million im Viertel von $1.6 Million im vierten Viertel von 2004. GraftJacket(R) Einkommen stellten $1.6 Million im Viertel dar, das bis $1.1 Million im vorherigen Jahrviertel verglichen wurde. Repliform(R) Einkommen erhöhten sich des Viertels bis $2.0 Million von $1.7 Million im gleichen Viertel 2004.

      Einleitende Produkteinkommen für volles Jahr 2005 waren $93.3 Million, herauf 59%, das bis $58.8 Million 2004 verglichen wurde. AlloDerm(R) Produkteinkommen erhöhten 74% bis $73.8 Million verglichen bis $42.5 Million 2004. Orthopädische Produkteinkommen erhöhten 32% bis $7.8 Million im Jahr von $5.9 Million 2004. Repliform(R) Einkommen waren $7.1 Million verglichen bis $6.8 Million 2004.

      Die Firma nimmt volles Jahr 2005 verdünnte Jahresüberschuß je Aktie, um in der vorher geführten Strecke $0.35 bis $0.36 zu sein vorweg. Die Firma hat nicht die Vorbereitung seiner Finanzberichte für 2005 durchgeführt und zusätzliche Details in Bezug auf 2005 Resultate der Betriebe sind nicht noch vorhanden. Die Firma plant, finanzielle Resultate für das vierte Viertel und das volle Jahr 2005 freizugeben Anfang März.

      Finanzielle Aussicht 2006

      Für das volle Jahr 2006, nimmt die Firma Produkteinkommen in der Strecke $124.0 Million bis $130.0 Million vorweg, die auf ein Jahr bezogenes Wachstum zwischen 33% und 39% darstellt, die mit EinleitungProdukteinkommen 2005 von $93.3 Million verglichen werden. Die Firma erwartet seine Produkteinkommen Mischung 2006, um ungefähr 86%, das reconstructive sind, orthopädisches 8% und das 6% urogynecology zu sein.

      Paul Thomas, Präsident und CEO, kommentierte, "wir erwarten die Majorität unseres Produkteinkommen Wachstums 2006, durch die Erhöhung des Gebrauches AlloDerm(R) in den komplizierten Bauchdeckeverfahren und in den Brustrekonstruktionverfahren für Krebspatienten gefahren zu werden. Wir glauben, daß es gibt starkes Momentum für anhaltenden Marktanteildurchgriff in jeden dieser Schlüsselmärkte."

      Die Firmaschätzungen 2006 Betriebseinkommen in der Strecke $25.0 Million bis $27.5 Million, die ungefähr $8 Million von erwartetem gegen Sacheinlagen emittiertem miteinschließt, gründeten Ausgleich Kosten, expensed unter Aussage über Finanzbuchhaltung-Standards Nr. 123(R), Anteil-Gegründete Zahlung. Verdünnter Jahresüberschuß je Aktie wird erwartet, um in der Strecke $0.42 bis $0.46, einschließlich erwarteten Vorrat gegründeten Ausgleich von ungefähr $0.17 pro Anteil zu sein. Die Strecke für verdünnten Jahresüberschuß je Aktie ausschließlich des Vorrat gegründeten Ausgleiches ist $0.59 bis $0.63. Verdünnten Jahresüberschuß je Aktie ausschließlich des auf lager gegründeten Ausgleiches gilt non-GAAP als finanzielle Informationen. Die Firma hat diese Informationen als Ergänzung zur GAAP Grundlage Darstellung eingeschlossen, um das gesamte Verständnis der erwarteten zukünftigen finanziellen Leistung der Firma zu erhöhen. Tatsächliche Resultate der Betriebe in 2006 schließen die Auswirkung des Vorrat gegründeten Ausgleiches ein.

      Herr Thomas, der, "wir gemerkt wird, bleiben am Liefern der festen Betriebsgewinnspannen festgelegt, bei der Erhöhung unserer Investition in der Forschung und in der Produktentwicklung und der klinischen Programme mit einem Fokus auf dem Wirksam einsetzen unserer Kerngewebe-Matrixtechnologie auf unmet medizinische Notwendigkeiten." Die Firma erwartet Nettoforschung und Entwicklung Ausgabe 2006, um ungefähr 13% von erwartetem Produkteinkommen 2006 darzustellen.

      schrieb am 27.01.06 18:06:35
      Beitrag Nr. 182 ()
      LIFC an erster Stelle in der Liste "Fastest-Growing Technology Companies" bei…
      schrieb am 03.02.06 16:45:17
      Beitrag Nr. 183 ()
      Cramer`s `Mad Money` Recap: Skin Tight

      By Staff
      2/2/2006 7:21 PM EST

      The Skin He`s In

      "When I go hunting for stocks ... I look for jaw droppingly good earnings," Jim Cramer told "Mad Money" viewers Thursday, which is why he said to take a look at LifeCell (LIFC:Nasdaq - commentary - research - Cramer`s Take).

      The company makes artificial skin to repair the body and reduce scarring after complex hernia procedures, he said. While this doesn`t sound like the most attractive business, Cramer said that LifeCell has very little competition.

      And, he added, the competitors are using pigskin.

      With 133,000 complex hernia procedures a year, Cramer sees room for growth. Plus, he said, the company could expand into the breast implant market to reduce scarring in these cosmetic procedures.

      The company says it will see more than 30% sales growth a year, a number Cramer said is probably radically conservative, and better than any company he follows.

      A caller wanted to know if the company was exposed to litigation risks. Cramer said that like all medical stocks, the company would have to deal with lawsuits and the threat of lawsuits.

      However, Cramer said it would be no more of a concern for LifeCell than for other companies in the sector and that it would not dissuade him from buying the stock.
      schrieb am 06.03.06 16:46:21
      Beitrag Nr. 184 ()
      Aus dem Yahoo-Thread:

      Re: POP!
      by: Send me a message! tillerman58 (44/M/PA)
      Long-Term Sentiment: Strong Buy 03/06/06 10:26 am
      Msg: 23303 of 23305

      Very nice today so far. High volume too which bodes well for us. We`ve already blown throught the days average volume and not quite an hour in to trading yet. We could see 1.5 million traded today.

      Maybe something got leaked somewhere and we we`re anticpating a great CC? In any case, I wold expect we`ll now see this close between 23.25 and 23.40 by day`s end. It wouldn`t surprise me to see a lot of shorting at day`s end as this stock does have a history of dropping after CC`s.

      But that is a dangerous game to play with this stock. A good CC with some good questions/answers could push us close to or over 25.00.

      schrieb am 07.03.06 19:08:55
      Beitrag Nr. 185 ()
      07.03.2006 17:23
      LifeCell nach Zahlen unter Druck

      Beim Biotech-Unternehmen LifeCell (Nachrichten) ist der Nettogewinn im abgelaufenen Quartal um 8 Prozent auf 3,8 Millionen Dollar zurückgegangen. Dies entspricht 13 Cents je Aktie. Im Vorjahr war der Hersteller von Haut-Transplantaten allerdings in den Genuss einer üppigen Steuergutschrift gekommen. Der Umsatz stieg auf Jahressicht um 64 Prozent auf 27,3 Millionen Dollar. Die Analystenschätzungen hatten laut Thomson Financial bei einem Gewinn von 11 Cents je Aktie und 26,8 Millionen Dollar Umsatz gelegen.

      Für 2006 rechnet das Unternehmen mit einem Gewinn zwischen 42 und 46 Cents je Aktie. Ohne Optionsprogramme sollen 59 bis 63 Cents erreicht werden.

      An der Nasdaq rutschen LifeCell aktuell um 11,41 Prozent auf 21,20 Dollar ab.
      schrieb am 08.03.06 16:07:58
      Beitrag Nr. 186 ()
      Coverage Reit/Price Tgt Changed

      Company Ticker Brokerage Firm Ratings Change Price Target
      LifeCell LIFC Piper Jaffray Outperform $25 » $28…
      schrieb am 10.03.06 14:26:27
      Beitrag Nr. 187 ()
      09.03.2006 09:19
      LifeCell Corp.: outperform (Piper Jaffray)
      Die Börsenanalysten von Piper Jaffray bewerten den Anteilschein des US-amerikanischen Biotechnologiekonzerns LifeCell (Nachrichten) (ISIN US5319271012/ WKN 888910) unverändert mit "outperform".

      Der Umsatz des vierten Quartals habe mit 27 Mio. USD die Analystenprognose getroffen. Auch das EPS sei mit 0,11 USD im Rahmen der Erwartungen ausgefallen. Das EPS des Gesamtjahres 2005 habe 0,38 USD betragen (KGV: 55,6). Die Nachfrage nach "AlloDerm" sei weiterhin stark, entsprechend habe das Unternehmen im vierten Quartal den Umsatz von "AlloDerm" im Vergleich zum vorherigen Quartal um 2,7 Mio. USD steigern können. Die Befürchtungen einiger Marktteilnehmer bezüglich potenzieller Konkurrenzprodukte für "AlloDerm" halte man für überzogen.

      Die Analysten würden nun davon ausgehen, dass LifeCell im Jahr 2006 einen Umsatz von 133,5 Mio. USD erzielen werde, bisher seien sie von 132,5 Mio. USD ausgegangen. LifeCell habe hingegen einen Umsatz von 124-130 Mio. USD in Aussicht gestellt. Die EPS-Schätzungen der Analysten würden für die Fiskaljahre 2006 und 2007 bei 0,62 USD bzw. 0,93 USD liegen, hieraus lasse sich ein KGV von 34,1 bzw. 22,7 errechnen. Das Kursziel der durchschnittlich volatilen Aktie werde von 25 USD auf 28 USD angehoben.

      Auf dieser Grundlage lautet das Rating der Börsenanalysten von Piper Jaffray für das Wertpapier von LifeCell weiterhin "outperform".

      Analyse-Datum: 08.03.2006
      schrieb am 27.04.06 16:46:15
      Beitrag Nr. 188 ()
      Shares of LifeCell (LIFC:Nasdaq - commentary - research - Cramer's Take) were among the best-performing health-related stocks Wednesday, jumping 16% after the company posted higher-than-expected first-quarter results and raised its full-year guidance.

      The company, which develops products made from human tissue for use in surgical procedures, earned $4.1 million, or 12 cents a share, on total revenue of $30.7 million. Analysts polled by Thomson First Call expected earnings of 9 cents a share and revenue of $29.5 million. During the year-earlier quarter, the company earned $2.1 million, or 7 cents a share, on revenue of $19.9 million.

      LifeCell now sees 2006 earnings of 50 cents to 56 cents a share, up from an earlier view of 42 cents to 46 cents a share. The projection includes stock-based compensation costs of 17 cents a share. Analysts project earnings of 45 cents a share, including the stock-based compensation costs. LifeCell boosted its full-year product revenue projection to $130 million to $138 million from an earlier forecast of $124 million to $130 million. Analysts project revenue of $130.1 million. Shares were trading up $3.71 to $27.03.…
      schrieb am 05.06.06 16:15:44
      Beitrag Nr. 189 ()
      schrieb am 14.06.06 20:28:19
      Beitrag Nr. 190 ()
      schrieb am 26.06.06 18:38:18
      Beitrag Nr. 191 ()
      schrieb am 13.07.06 16:45:55
      Beitrag Nr. 192 ()
      Hilfe - Was ist denn hier los ??? Warum fällt das Ding denn teilweise gigantisch an einem Tag ? Hat jemand Infos ?:(
      schrieb am 27.07.06 16:05:29
      Beitrag Nr. 193 ()
      LifeCell Reports Record Financial Results: Second Quarter 2006 Product Revenues Up 60%
      schrieb am 28.07.06 17:25:43
      Beitrag Nr. 194 ()
      roth capital reiterates BUY.
      upgrades target price from 35 to 38 USD on…
      schrieb am 29.09.06 16:09:38
      Beitrag Nr. 195 ()
      Aus dem yahoo thread

      We've climbed in the past two weeks because of the Bard takeover rumors. So I guess you could consider this a "bad sign" if you don't want LIFC to be bought out. But otherwise, I don't see how a slowly and steadily climbing price could be a bad sign if you're long.

      And that's what has got my interest piqued - the way that LIFC is displaying a whole new personality. We haven't been seeing the usual wild and unpredictable interday swings with $2-$3 ranges that we've all grown used to. Those kind of ranges, with it ultimately closing up $1+ one day, and closing down $1+ the next day, used to be the norm.

      I wouldn't exactly call LIFC predictable now - but lately it's no longer like a riding a bucking-bronco. Maybe it's just me, but I take this sudden change of character to be a positive.

      But none of that matters if you believe in the management of this company, and the solid science and medical needs behind their products and their R&D efforts. With that level of confidence, it's not a matter of "if" good news is coming, it's simply a matter of "when" good news is coming. And even then, if you are a LT investor, the "when" doesn't matter much at all.
      schrieb am 05.10.06 13:52:12
      Beitrag Nr. 196 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 24.281.985 von kevin.lomax am 29.09.06 16:09:38Na ja, von ruhigen Gewässern ist hier ja wohl keine Rede, wenn das Ding an einem Tag über 5% abschmiert. Ich hoffe auf positive GJ-Zahlen, obwohl etwas besser als erwartet scheint hier schon eingepreist zu sein - siehe letztes Quartal.
      schrieb am 14.10.06 16:46:08
      Beitrag Nr. 197 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 24.418.959 von Knapfel am 05.10.06 13:52:12Ich denke LIFC sollte längerfristig betrachtet werden. :eek:

      schrieb am 14.10.06 16:47:28
      Beitrag Nr. 198 ()
      schrieb am 20.10.06 19:36:17
      Beitrag Nr. 199 ()
      The Bull Case for LifeCell Corp.: Pig's Skin Means Potential Outperformance
      Posted on Sep 22nd, 2006 with stocks: LIFC

      Ann Sosnowski submits: Americans around the country donate 22,000 tissue and organ samples post-mortem to banks across the country every year. This tissue needs to be used within 24 to 48 hours in order to remain in the high threshold of acceptance by a patient’s body.

      But a company called LifeCell Corp. (LIFC) is extending the amount of time that skin grafts may be used for medical procedures. LifeCell makes human-derived tissue-based grafts for use in reconstructive, orthopedic, and urogynecologic surgery. The grafts made from 6,000 tissue samples provided to LIFC annually are frozen and available for use for an entire year.

      The company’s main product is called AlloDerm, a tissue replacement that is used in 20% of major hernia procedures and post-mastectomy breast reconstructions. AlloDerm adheres to damaged skin and teaches it how to start growing again, and according to the company, hardly leaves a scar.

      But 22,000 tissue donations a year is still low and leaves LIFC with a limited supply of natural material in order to make their grafts. The small supply of human tissue makes it almost impossible to use for frivolous plastic surgeries that have become the norm.

      Although LifeCell already commands a market cap of $1.04 billion in the biotech industry, it could triple that with the introduction of its new product in 2007 called XenoDerm. XenoDerm uses pig’s tissue instead of human tissue, and offers a solution to the company’s limited supply problem. LifeCell could begin to market XenoDerm for use in cosmetic surgery, as it could reduce, or even prevent, hardening around breast implants.

      290,000 breast enlargements occur every year. If XenoDerm works as it’s expected to, LifeCell could practically own the breast enlargement industry.

      Of course, XenoDerm will be a blessing to burn victims and those undergoing major surgery, who now must wait years for skin graft donations, and undergo ten to fifteen surgeries with synthetic grafts that leave bad scarring.

      How Do They Do It?

      LifeCell was originally formed in 1986 to market Dr. Stephen Livesey and his University of Texas colleagues’ unique tissue preservation technology. This technology is called “cryopreservation,” where biological tissues and cells are freeze-dried without compromising structural or biochemical integrity. It also prevents any freezer burn on the tissues that could make the sample unusable.

      Now, scientists at LifeCell can cryoperserve a variety of tissues, like dermis (skin), blood vessels, and nerves. They have created an “acellular tissue matrix” which is able to resist infection and rejection, be stored for long time periods, and have the strength of synthetics while still being pliable. These tissue matrices help burn victims, for example, regenerate lost tissue as naturally as it does throughout a human life cycle.

      In essence, LifeCell makes regenerative human tissue that teaches normal yet damaged human tissue how to begin growing again.

      AlloDerm is the company’s most popular product and has been available since 1994. This patented tissue product is useful for plastic surgery, general surgery, burn, and periodontal procedures. It can be used for anything, from “gingival grafting to abdominal wall reconstruction.”

      The AlloDerm product has been used in more than 800,000 grafts and implants over the past decade according to recent information on LifeCell’s website. Its patented technology makes it the leader in tissue regeneration science.

      In order for LifeCell to be able to create their product, donors and their families must first gift body tissues and organs to banks across the nation. LifeCell receives some of these donations and removes cellular components from the tissues and organs that could lead to graft failure or rejection by the patient. LIFC’s scientists preserve critical biochemical and structural components that help the body naturally regenerate the necessary organ or tissue. These components stay in their natural state and are recognized as human tissue and are able to easily transform into what is called “host tissue.”

      The National Institute of Health [NIH] awarded LIFC a $1.1 million grant for research and development in 2003. The company currently has ten major research projects underway, helping the company to understand tissue and cellular engineering technology more thoroughly so that they can develop new products for currently unmet regenerative needs for patients. LIFC plans to branch into new markets, like breast reconstruction in the short-term.

      Best of all, the company takes its sales profits and recycles them into research. In 2005, 14% of its product sales went into continuing tissue research.

      Historical Evidence Points to Continued Upside

      In one-year, the stock has returned 22.61%. It’s returned 338.66% in three years, and a whopping 1,571% over the past five years.

      Volume continues to increase over the long-term. What I like most about LIFC’s stock chart is its comfort level with corrections.

      The daily price chart for LIFC is phenomenal. Since April 2005 (when the stock traded for $9.15 per share) price has stayed very tight to the 10-day Moving Average for support. 200-day Moving Average support has been wholly consistent as well, as volume continues to climb, pushing past its average of 179,000 shares consistently.

      LifeCell Corp. is a consecutively profitable company because of the growing demand for its patented technology. Over the past six quarters, they have been able to increase their revenue at 48% or higher clips.

      Year-to-date for 2006, revenues are at $66.2 million, up 58% compared to the same six-month period in 2005. Net income is currently $0.27 per diluted share, or $9.2 million. In the first quarter, AlloDerm sales increased 69% to $25.3 million for the quarter. In the second quarter, they increased by 73%.

      To further its business, LIFC secured a $4 million credit facility from Silicon Valley Bank in early January 2003, to help support continued research developments.

      The company holds $61.7 million in cash and no debt.

      Currently, LIFC’s trailing P/E is 67.35. That’s pretty high. But, its forward P/E going into 2007 is better at 36.21.

      Future Outlook

      Current analysts’ earnings estimates for LifeCell are as follows:

      $0.16 per share for the current third quarter.
      $0.18 per share for the fourth quarter.
      A total of $0.61 for the 2006 fiscal year.

      In its second-quarter earnings announcement, LifeCell’s forward-looking statement anticipated $143 million to $148 million in product revenues, compared to a previously stated range of $130 million to $138 million.

      We should expect to hear more about LifeCell’s continued research. First on the docket is LifeCell’s XenoDerm version of AlloDerm derived from pig skin. Supply limitations will be lifted drastically for this company and its sales could go through the roof.

      XenoDerm is so promising because many tissue banks do not particularly like their donations to be used for cosmetic surgery… a nonetheless burgeoning industry in the 21st century. XenoDerm will be made available to plastic surgeons around the country for suitable use, and could revolutionize the cosmetic industry.

      According to LifeCell CEO Paul Thomas, XenoDerm is “the real platform” for LifeCell’s international growth, because of various market and cultural factors that make the use of human tissues problematic or unethical.

      The company has proved that it can continue to turn strong quarterly profits based on its patent technology and specialized biotech field. Continued investor support can make this stock worth $70.00 per share as it begins to market its new XenoDerm product to alleviate limited human tissue supply. In the short term, I expect $35.00 per share from LIFC going into its third-quarter earnings announcement and its full fiscal year report.

      Disclosure: Author does not hold a position in stocks mentioned
      schrieb am 23.10.06 21:46:18
      Beitrag Nr. 200 ()
      #15 von Pieselwitz 05.06.01 00:58:37 Beitrag Nr.: 3.663.154
      Dieses Posting: versenden | melden | drucken | Antwort schreiben LIFECELL CORP.

      Steigender Kurs bei (für diesen Wert) sehr hohen Umsätzen!!!!!

      Was wollen wir mehr???

      Der charttechnische Widerstand bei 1.80 US\$ wurde heute genommen!!!

      In der aktuellen Ausgabe von Medical Strategie ein unverändertes Rating:

      Kauf unter 6 US\$, Kursziel 12 US\$.

      MfG Pieselwitz!!

      das war 2001......Wär ich mal damals drin geblieben :cry:
      schrieb am 25.10.06 17:47:34
      Beitrag Nr. 201 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 24.808.337 von Pieselwitz am 23.10.06 21:46:18wir werden heute ja richtig verprügelt!…

      LifeCell Corp. (LIFC US) fell $8.94, or 28 percent, to $22.90. The maker of products made from human tissue for use in reconstructive surgery said in a statement sent by PR Newswire that it cut its full-year 2006 profit forecast to 57 cents to 59 cents a share from an earlier range of 59 cents to 63 cents. Analysts expected 61 cents, the average estimate in a survey by Thomson.
      schrieb am 26.10.06 10:13:36
      Beitrag Nr. 202 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 24.848.936 von bagg am 25.10.06 17:47:34Wenn wirklich nur die vergleichsweise geringfügige Reduktion der "earnings per share" für 2006 die Ursache für den Kurseinbruch sein sollte, wäre die Reaktion aber mehr als übertrieben. :confused::confused::confused:
      schrieb am 08.01.07 15:58:19
      Beitrag Nr. 203 ()
      UPDATE 1-LifeCell affirms 2006 view, gives 2007 outlook
      Mon Jan 8, 2007 9:24am ET

      Jan 8 (Reuters) - LifeCell Corp. (LIFC.O: Quote, Profile , Research) reiterated its 2006 earnings outlook of 57 cents to 59 cents a share and expects 2007 earnings of 73 cents to 77 cents a share.

      Preliminary product revenue for the fourth quarter was $39.2 million, up 45 percent from the same period in 2005, the provider of human tissue for surgical procedures said in a statement.

      The increase in quarterly product revenue was primarily due to higher demand for its flagship reconstructive surgical product, AlloDerm Regenerative Tissue Matrix, the company said.
      Reuters Pictures

      Preliminary product revenue for 2006 was $140.5 million, up 51 percent from 2005, LifeCell said.

      For the latest fourth quarter, analysts on average expects the company to post revenue of $37.5 million, according to Reuters Estimates.

      For 2006, analysts on average expects the company to earn 58 cents a share, before exceptional items, on revenue of $139.6 million, according to Reuters Estimates.

      Looking ahead, the company said it sees 2007 operating income at $42.5 million to $45 million and product revenue of $175 million to $182 million.

      For 2007, analysts on average expects the company to earn 76 cents a share, before exceptional items, on revenue of $174.9 million, according to Reuters Estimates. (Reporting by Vivek Seal in Bangalore)

      © Reuters 2007. All Rights Reserved.…
      schrieb am 08.01.07 16:55:33
      Beitrag Nr. 204 ()
      aus dem yahoo thread ...

      Fair valuation of LIFC is 40PE or $30

      EPS forecast for 2007 is $.75. Considering that revenue growth rate actual for 2006 was plus 51%, and while management is now predicting 2007 sales growth of 25 to 30%, a more realistic forecast would be about 40% to 50% considering actual history.

      So let's apply a 40PE to the $.75 eps, and that's a share price of $30.00. Get optimistic and use 50PE and you have a $37.50 stock price. For an acquiring company, JNJ for example, I'd think you'd be looking at high PE valuation considering that company has no debt, and just outstanding long term growth future.

      2008 EPS will probably be about $1.10 so apply 40PE and you have $44 or use the 50PE and you have $55 a share. So today as we look at current share price of $24, I'd say that we have a table pounding buy.

      With this company's performance and future growth prospects, it's just amazing to me that this company is still standing and not a part of a giant health care company. I wish all my investments had this kind of future growth. :)
      schrieb am 15.03.07 20:43:35
      Beitrag Nr. 205 ()
      Ist ja still geworden um die lifecell.
      Ich Blödmann hatte damals bei 3 Euro verkauft...
      schrieb am 23.03.07 16:07:33
      Beitrag Nr. 206 ()
      Bull of the Day ;)
      "Zacks Bull and Bear of the Day Highlights: LifeCell, Hudson City Bancorp, Petroleum Development and Hyperion Solutions.
      6:00a ET March 23, 2007 (Business Wire)
      Zacks Equity Research highlights LifeCell Corporation (Nasdaq: LIFC) as the Bull of the Day and Hudson City Bancorp (Nasdaq: HCBK) as the Bear of the Day. In addition, Zacks Equity Research provides analysis on Petroleum Development (Nasdaq: PETD) and Hyperion Solutions (Nasdaq: HYSL). Full analysis of all four stocks is available at

      Here is a synopsis of all four stocks:

      Bull of the Day:

      Our Bull of the Day recommendation is for LifeCell Corporation (Nasdaq: LIFC). LifeCell Corporation is a leader in the development and commercialization of human-derived, tissue-based products for use in reconstructive, urogynecologic, and orthopedic surgical procedures. The company's leading product, AlloDerm, continues to gain acceptance in the surgical tissue replacement market. We are also excited about the prospects of XenoDerm, a xenograft product, which is scheduled to hit the market in the second half of 2007. We believe LifeCell will position XenoDerm as being suitable for all the procedures for which AlloDerm is currently being used. We see the company posting strong top-and bottom-line growth over the next few years. We are upgrading our rating on LifeCell to a BUY. We recommend the shares up to the $30 level."
      schrieb am 14.04.07 15:10:04
      Beitrag Nr. 207 ()
      LifeCell buy
      Donnerstag 5. April 2007, 16:52 Uhr

      Atlanta ( AG) - Die Analysten von SunTrust Robinson Humphrey stufen die Aktie von LifeCell (ISIN US5319271012/ WKN 888910) in einer Ersteinschätzung mit "buy" ein. Das Kursziel sehe man bei 30 USD.
      Analyse-Datum: 05.04.2007
      schrieb am 30.04.07 16:32:48
      Beitrag Nr. 208 ()
      .. aus dem yahoo thread

      :) LIFC Q1 CC, Part 1 (4 Ratings) 29-Apr-07 04:34 pm
      This is summary of LIFC Q1 2007 CC held on 4-25-07. This is mostly factual with my comments in parenthesis. Call handled mostly by CEO.

      Financials reviewed first. Revenue for Q. was 42.7m, up 40% from 30.5m. Up 9% sequentially from Q4 06. Due primarily to higher alloderm demand, and allo revenue was 38.6 m v. 25.3 m. Alloderm sold by 73 person direct sales force. Ortho revenue increased 36% to 3m from 2.2m. with growth driven by higher GJ revenue, repliform was flat. Product gross margin was 71%, unchanged. Operating income up 57% to 10.4m compared to 6.6m in Q1 06. Operating margin in Q was 24%, compared to 22%. NI was 6.4m or .19 per share, versus 4.1m or .12 per share. Cash is 84m, up from 78m at end of 2006 (great, they continue to grow cash). OCF was 6.4 m plus 700k from options being exercised. We spent 6.1m for capital expenditures to support our growth. For 2007, we project same numbers as we gave in January. Rev t be 175m to 182m, which is growth of 24 to 29%. OI estimated at 42.5m to 45m, with operating margin of 24.5%. EPS projected .74 to .78, up from .73 to .77 we gave in last call, but this is due to tax rate change. 510K was filed end of Feb, and we continue to believe on target for mid year clearance from FDA, and we start clinical evaluations right after that. We are very excited about future prospects for LIFC.

      Q&A Time:

      Raj Denhoy, Piper Jaffary: Q—on competitive front, seeing any changes? competitors doing better? A—competitive front is complex still, we competed with several competitors over the last year. Bard product, collamend, and Tutogen product have been out about a year, Bard launched Q2 last year. Also, MTF product out about 9 months, and there are a host of other biologics out there. We continue to believe alloderm is the premier product in this space for all reasons giving in prior calls. Also, we are very pleased with progress in direct sales force and its expansion. We are ever vigilant and compete against a variety of players, but results show we continue to gain in marketplace for complex hernia repair (CHR) and breast market (I thought this was positive in sense this is the first time I recall them touting gains in breast market like this, but I would need to go back and review prior calls b/c I do remember that breast market penetration was hitting percentages in market quicker than percentage penetrations in CHR after it was launched). Q—with more competition, is your price eroding? A—we compete against 3 things, synthetics, which are 1/3 price of alloderm, biologics-- xeno, which is 30% to 50% lower than alloderm, and human tissue such as allomax from Bard and product from another tissue bank, which are actually priced pretty close to alloderm and even a bit higher in some cases. We have not seen price competition. In short, the competitors are already below us in price but we believe alloderm gives more value and market recognizes this. Q—gross margins flat last year, but down in Q? A—nothing special. We added capacity second half of last year. We expect margins in Q4 are representative of full year. Q—nice qtr guys.
      Rate it:
      schrieb am 30.04.07 16:41:52
      Beitrag Nr. 209 ()
      :) LIFC Q1 CC, Part 2 (3 Ratings) 29-Apr-07 04:34 pm
      Matt Dolan, Roth Capital: Nice Qtr. Q—are the better than expected results in alloderm due to CHR or breast improvement or steady across the board? A—Across the board on both—CHR and breast. I will comment on trauma, we have talked about it for some time, launched in Jan. with sales force. The initial application/focus is repair over open abdomen. Surgeons have to deliberately open abdomen in severe traumas to relieve pressure on internal organs. Alloderm is used for “early closure” to reduce risk of “freezing of abdomen”, which refers to abdomen and organs fusing together due to scar tissue forming when left open. We believe the trauma market is a 100 million dollar market, and we have trained our reps and we believe this is a place to increase alloderm use and expand clinical outcomes. (Bam—thanks for web gem number one in the CC. This is a great number, and I have not heard anything about any competitor targeting this market—this would be a good question for next cc). This Q some growth was due to trauma. Q—on trauma and 100m market, is revenue per procedure about same as breast and hernia per procedure? A—NO. (get ready for web gem number two). Size needed for trauma is two to three times as much alloderm as breast and hernia, so revenue per procedure is 2 to 3x as much. Q—what about arbitration proceeding with Wright Medical we just read about? Comment? Resolution timeframe and expenses? A—Wright filed a demand for arbitration on issue of whether current contract extends to new animal based product. We feel “very strongly” that it does not, current agreement only covers human based products. Also, current relationship with Wright continues unaffected by this proceeding, they continue to distribute graft jacket. Further, we do not expect significant legal expenses because it is arbitration, and we don’t have timeframe for resolution yet.

      Greg Price, Sidoti and Co. Q—On xeno, will clinical data be out right after approved? Is it done already? A—let me clarify. While 510k pending, we are not doing clinical evaluations/trials. We are gearing up to do them—we are setting protocols, recruited and meeting with investigators, and submitting to IRBs for approval to start studies. So, when product cleared , we are ready to get started in a broad sense. We have 5 studies “Tee’d up and ready to go” , these are in both breast and CHR. Some are quite short timeframes, some are several years. We are planning quite a comprehensive investment in evaluation of xeno, and these are to complement work we have done in primates. Q—on the shorter term studies will you have results in 07? A—yes we will have some, but maybe not published in 07. Q—what are you doing on international front? Will you distribute directly or involve a partner in Europe? (get ready, here comes web gem number 3 in this extended answer) A—good question. In 1st half 07 we are currently conducting large market study of Europe market—look at competitors, size of market, reimbursement, propensity to use, etc. Study will be complete mid June. Then, in 2nd half 07, we will aggressively evaluate distribution options—from direct distributor to partnership to possibly something in between. On product development front in Europe, we have our pilot plan up and running already. It needs to be certified by appropriate bodies for foreign standards and then we will apply for CE mark. This will allow us as we enter 08 to expand to Europe. Q—so you think enter Europe market in 1st half 08? A—fair to say that is timeframe based on back of envelope calculation, more details to come as we get closer
      Rate it:
      schrieb am 30.04.07 16:46:27
      Beitrag Nr. 210 ()
      :) LIFC Q1 CC, Part 3 (3 Ratings) 29-Apr-07 04:35 pm
      Caroline Corner, Mont & Co. Congrats on Q. Q—on xeno, you have told us advantages are it is hydrated, sterile, larger size, easier to use (What? He did not tell us this with this much detail. It must have been discussed in one of the analysts days they sponsor each year). How much larger? Does this give you advantage in trauma market right off the bat? A—on size of xeno, we can do 25 x 30 cm, or maybe 30 x 30cm. This should cover any size defect, especially larger ones including trauma. We are “very excited” about xeno. The more we study it, the more convinced we are it clinically behaves like alloderm, and this was confirmed in primate studies (web gem number 4 in case you just missed it---lots of growing confidence in xeno). Advantages of xeno are larger size, comes ready to use, it is sterile device, and no refrigeration required, and other product features we think are important, we are actually “quite excited” about it (web gem no 6, this is about as excited as I have ever heard Paul). We have a large investment in this and we are aggressively going forward mid year. Q—pricing strategy and margins when xeno out? A—pricing strategy not finalized on xeno at this time. We do have a lower cost on xeno, and we have a range of prices with both in portfolio. Q—are you adding sales reps at end of year? Will it be more than normal this time due to xeno? A—As we stated in Jan, the 07 guidance does include adding reps in Q4 07. Have not finalized number to add, we do need reps to support our growth. Somewhere in 20 person range would not be unexpected.
      Rate it:
      schrieb am 30.04.07 16:48:55
      Beitrag Nr. 211 ()
      :) LIFC Q1 CC, Part 4 (3 Ratings) 29-Apr-07 04:36 pm
      Chris Ware, Suntrust Robinson Humphrey: Q—going forward, will you specialize based on call points? A—at this point there is no specialization in sales force between CHR, breast and trauma. With new applications going forward, we may have to look at this case by case. For 07, no change will be involved. At some point we may have some product so specialized with a complex, unique procedure, that we may have a specialized sales force (wonder what he is thinking about? They have mentioned gastric patch in the past and a cardiac patch—my guess would be the cardiac patch could require specialized sales force. Also, there was recent FDA approval for dural application—brain surgery could be another specialized area. Key thing I note is they are continuing to evaluate and explore new markets/applications). Q—Tutogen partnership with Mentor on breast product—does that concern you? A—We have been in breast for a while and we are tied in with key opinion leaders in field so we are comfortable with where we are. We are levering LIFC existing heritage in plastic surgery. Plus, wealth of performance data behind alloderm all puts us in good competitive position, notwithstanding fact Mentor and others in this position. Q—you beat the consensus number, any reason you did not go ahead and raise guidance? A—he laughs in response ( I loved the laugh—let me translate for you now what that laugh meant and what he wanted to say: “Are you friggin kidding me? Please step down the hall and lets go in this room here to history class. In history class today, we are focusing on 2006, particularly October 25, 2006, which was not a good day for our shareholders who trust us. On that day, LIFC missed by one penny the increased guidance we gave you last year—ONE PENNY and it was our guidance. The business did not change, there was not a new tissue scandal, there was no product recall, and no change in our growth or prospects. We just got a little ahead of ourselves last year based on a great quarter early in the year and the new sales reps. And in response, the stock price plunged over 8$, or over 25% immediately, crashing thorough 50 and 200 day ma like a hot knife through butter. IT closed down over $8 at $23.82, and went as low as $22.50 that day. Some 272 million dollars of shareholder value disappeared based on one penny. So NO, now that you were kind enough to ask, we are not raising guidance now. Even though we could, even though we maybe should, there is no way we are doing too much too soon again.) Then, what he did say, was it is just the first quarter. We feel good. We have a strong start to the year but we don’t want to get ahead of ourselves. We don’t want to raise based on just one Qtr of sales. We will reevaluate in Q2 and if appropriate adjust the guidance, don’t want to get ahead of ourselves based on one qtr of sales (translation: it will be a long time before we do too much too soon again, so whatever we do, you better believe we intend to meet it and beat it). Q—well done.
      Rate it:
      schrieb am 30.04.07 16:53:05
      Beitrag Nr. 212 ()
      :) LIFC Q1 CC, Part 5 (2 Ratings) 29-Apr-07 04:36 pm
      Ed Needham: Needham and Co. Q—Your inventories are up sequentially, expectations and reasons? A-when your business is growing 50% year over year as we are last couple of years, you have to get inventories right and you continue to play catch up. In unprocessed tissue, we have 6 to 8 mo supply. If consider finished and work in progress—two to 3 months finished available. We are comfortable where we are at these levels. Q—are you getting questions from FDA on xeno? What data submitted? A—We won’t comment on communications with FDA until we announce clearance. No comment on ongoing dialogue other than we will say we feel confident we will get mid year clearance. (Web gem number 5—seems they have been having ongoing dialogue with FDA in last almost 60 days since filing, and there must be no problems as they are confident of mid year approval). Q—so, how quickly can you supply market when you get approval on xeno? A—we have a pilot facility constructed, validated and in operation now. It would support a significant sales level going forward and maybe cover the first year’s demand. We can put 50 to 100m of product out of the pilot facility (so they think first year demand could be 50 to 100m of product). Plus, we are designing and constructing a commercial facility to support long term demand for xeno (man, they are confident in xeno product). Upon clearance, we can move quickly to evaluation, to limited launch, to full commercial launch next January 08 at national sales meeting.

      Spenser Nan, Summer Street Ptrs: Q—revenue guidance for 07, does it include xeno? A—we do not anticipate significant xeno rev in 07. Projected numbers are really alloderm numbers, some xeno maybe in Q4 and very limited, we don’t expect significant amount this year in xeno. Q—you mentioned a limited xeno launch at first, what does this look like? What do we expect on scale? Top customers, thought leaders? A—good question, our marketing group is working on this now. In part, it will be steered somewhat by success of evaluation process in Q3. It is a fluid target. Over the remainder of 07 hope to gain insight to decide what to do in 08. Q—It sounds like this is a major launch over 6-12 months with studies lined up, sales force expansion, etc, so based on info you have so far, what level of confidence do you have going into this about xeno product? A—I have a lot of confidence in profile of xeno product and that confidence grows as we move forward. I anticipate and hope it grows even more in evaluation and limited launch phases. We hope to commercialize “very aggressively” once approved and once we have confirmed with key opinion leaders the advantages. I am “very optimistic” about it and my confidence grows as I get more and more data on it. I feel “very, very good” about where this product will take us. (Wow, he has never been this strong on anything. I give this web gem number 6) Q—have you involved the thought leaders and consultants, have you been able to get feedback from them? A—we have shared quite a bit of data with some thought leaders and fair to say most folks are excited about prospects based on what they have seen so far and anxious to bring into clinical evaluation.
      Rate it:
      schrieb am 30.04.07 16:56:28
      Beitrag Nr. 213 ()
      :) LIFC Q1 CC, Part 6 (1 Rating) 29-Apr-07 04:37 pm
      Shawn Fitz, Stephens and Co. Q—options expense v last year qtr? A—2.3m v 1.8 m last year in qtr. Q—on the primate data, any difference between allo and xeno? Any tradeoff xeno v. allo—ease of use, incorporation, etc? A—with xeno, ease of use is very impressive and better. On product performance, we see no meaningful difference between alloderm and xeno (bam, web gem number 7). We are fairly confident in this because we believe we validated method we are using with alloderm and with competitor’s product. We have a very good feeling about the xeno product due to all this. We just want to get it in enough patients to confirm what we see in primates, and we have a high degree of confidence this will be the case. Q—as we talk to clinicians, we see cost of allo is why it is not used in less complex hernia cases, so does xeno let you grab market share in less complex hernia cases due to lower cost? A—we are targeting the less complex market, but not with xeno. We have other products in development (wow, more new news, web gem number 8. I don’t recall this mentioned previously—they are developing a new product to go into less complex cases). In less complex cases, xeno and allo will both be expensive given low incidence of complications. Q—assume I am a Dr. using allo, and performance is well documented, why would I switch to xeno? Are ease of use and handling characteristics strong enough to make them switch? A—it will vary by the surgeon. Some surgeons will see primate data and early clinical data, and ease of use, and switch. Others will want to see more data. There will quite a mix of perspectives on how to incorporate. The thought leaders we have talked to so far have a fair amount of enthusiasm for what the product offers. I am personally optimistic this is very attractive product for customers and good opportunity for LIFC.

      Brian Sutter, Scottfield. Q—comment on non human product being 20% cheaper (he is off on number, it was 30 to 50% cheaper) and cost of xeno being cheaper, what is tradeoff, how price xeno v. alloderm, how much cheaper to manufacture, larger sheet sizes? A—with alloderm, we are already doing larger sizes, including16 x 20cm, so not many cases where surgeons have to sew 2 alloderm sheets together. Xeno allows us unlimited supply of all sizes, up to very large trauma sizes, including 20 x 30 and 30 x 30cm. As to pricing, no decision yet on xeno or alloderm pricing. We do have lower cost base on xeno, which is great. To what extent we pass on to consumer and to what extent we don’t and reinvest in company—still being decided. Fair to say that xeno will be priced closer to alloderm than the 40% to 50% discount you see on other xeno products v. alloderm. We believe our xeno is superior (seems like they need some head to head tests to prove this). Q—do you foresee xeno cannibalizing and replacing alloderm? A—it will cannibalize some, but it will let us accelerate penetration of existing applications and other areas that we could not access with allo—like global applications open up with xeno. Similarly, the aesthetics field suddenly opens up to us with xeno and we believe sizeable opportunity here. Xeno simply accelerates penetration and opens up new areas for us. Q—will the cannibalization hurt your relationships with the tissue bank partners? A—this will play out over time. We think surgeons will still like alloderm will use it. We will continue to produce it going forward. Q—Tutogen and Bard launched larger sheets, are you seeing these more in competitive field? A—feedback we get related to Bard and Tutogen is not regarding size, it is clinical performance that counts. We have not seen an impact (man, sounds like I need to cut back on my TTG ownership, may not be as much promise there as I hoped).
      Rate it:
      schrieb am 30.04.07 16:58:49
      Beitrag Nr. 214 ()
      :) LIFC Q1 CC, Part 7 (2 Ratings) 29-Apr-07 04:37 pm
      Mark _________, Viseon Asset Management: Congrats on qtr. Q—On Europe launch, worked out numbers yet on capital requirements for this? A—if you are referring to manufacturing, it will be deminimis. We will source all product from NJ. Really no capital cost to enter Europe, especially if do marketing with a partner. It is not capital intensive for us to expand globally (there you go, web gem number 9. This is great news indeed. Also, don’t forget that in prior call someone asked about Asia expansion. This is not even mentioned today but in prior call Paul said would do Europe first and then look at Asia, so Asia is still to come—maybe 09? They just could not do Asia and Europe at same time)

      Andrew ________, Meg Securities. Great few years for the company. His question on FAS 123R and options, (not real important so I am not giving details).

      End of CC.

      (My thoughts. First, this was an extremely long call for LIFC, over 50 minutes, and they spent what seemed like less time than usual talking about financials. There were a lot of questions, all good, and some new callers on this call in addition to the regular guys. For the record, on day earnings reported stock gapped up $1.38 to close at $29.01, versus $27.63 close the day before. Volume was 1.95 million shares, about a 400% increase compared to average daily volume of 395k shares. Short interest was reported day before earnings, and it was up to 7.4m shares with days to cover now up to 18.7 days, or almost 4 full weeks of buyers just in the shorts. Also, if you follow charts, during week of 4-13-07, LIFC broke out of a double base with handle pattern on volume, and continued upward into earnings. The confidence of management in this call, especially as to xeno, hit an all time high. There were more web gems in this call than ever before—usually there is one thing in each call that I consider a golden nugget, here there were 8 or 9 including: trauma is a 100m market opportunity; trauma size and revenue per procedure is 2 to 3X breast and CHR; aggressively preparing to enter Europe in early 08 possibly and certainly enter by end of 08; growing confidence in xeno; ongoing dialoge with FDA on xeno and only comment is LIFC remains confident of mid year approval; no clinical diff between allo and xeno so far; LIFC is in early stages of a new product to enter non-complex hernia market; and as LIFC goes global, not capital intensive—all production here in NJ. When I first started investing in LIFC a couple of years ago when it was in $8 and $9 range, I thought this is one of those stocks that could go to $40 plus if company keeps going like they are going. I still think the same thing, and with global now really going to happen, it could be bigger than that down the road. Good luck to all, will be interesting to see where we are come end of 07 and end of 08)

      The Saltman
      Rate it:
      schrieb am 02.05.07 12:50:49
      Beitrag Nr. 215 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 29.074.713 von kevin.lomax am 30.04.07 16:58:49Im Tagesverlauf mal eben 10% runter, dann zum Glück wieder zum größten Teil rauf. Hat jemand eine Erklärung für diese außergewöhliche Volatilität?:confused::confused::confused:
      schrieb am 02.05.07 15:59:58
      Beitrag Nr. 216 ()
      :confused::confused::confused: im yahoo thread gibt es zu LIFC jede Menge Diskussionen, z.B.:

      What are we learning? (8 Ratings) 1-May-07 01:08 pm
      OK--we wake up this morning and find for the second time in six months that LIFC is dropping like a prom dress, this time on absolutely no news. We scramble for reasons, and come up with the Ethicon deal, Boston Scientific's stem cell research with mice, and Malordorman's cryptic wallowing in phraseology from the seventies. All of this, of course, on the first of May!

      Here's what I have learned from it:

      1. We can count the short shares (and we have), but we cannot measure them. We don't know how they are organized, if at all, or what their plans are.

      2. Can you spell HEDGE FUND? The very people who pushed us up through $25. in the period before earnings, after holding prices down during all those low volume days, may be the same outfit that dumped this morning.

      3. Create maximum fear by doing so on the first of May. "My God, Marge, that old saying is true!"

      4. The market sector was not affected, or responsible. While LIFC was down over three dollars, TTG was up! (They have since followed suit, as they usually do.)

      5. LIFC is particularly vulnerable to this sort of action, and we have seen it before. This is still a new and highly technical market sector, wrapped in the medical cloak of secrecy, and in spite of terrific earnings, etc., the really big news--FDA approval, Xeno, European and global expansion--is still in the future, still intangible.

      6. I think today's action will ease the way to $35. and beyond. We have had a rapid 20% gain, and now that pig is through the python, and we can continue to go higher.

      I am only sorry I am still tapped out by all the shares I bought in the $22. to $23. range! Still long and strong, and looking for good things from LifeCell and this board.

      Cheers, as usual,

      Rate it:
      schrieb am 12.06.07 01:21:46
      Beitrag Nr. 217 ()
      schrieb am 15.06.07 15:54:59
      Beitrag Nr. 218 ()
      Wieder die CC Zusammenfassung vom user saltman aus dem yahoo thread

      :) CC Summary Repost--Pt 1 (3 Ratings)
      14-Jun-07 04:16 pm
      I assume with the FDA approval, and the high volume price increase for the past two days, we have a lot of first timers looking into LIFC. Therefore, I think it is helpful to repost the CC summary I did after the last CC. The call was held on 4-25-07, and the next series of posts are simple a repost of my earlier posts right after the call.

      This is summary of LIFC Q1 2007 CC held on 4-25-07. This is mostly factual with my comments in parenthesis. Call handled mostly by CEO.

      Financials reviewed first. Revenue for Q. was 42.7m, up 40% from 30.5m. Up 9% sequentially from Q4 06. Due primarily to higher alloderm demand, and allo revenue was 38.6 m v. 25.3 m. Alloderm sold by 73 person direct sales force. Ortho revenue increased 36% to 3m from 2.2m. with growth driven by higher GJ revenue, repliform was flat. Product gross margin was 71%, unchanged. Operating income up 57% to 10.4m compared to 6.6m in Q1 06. Operating margin in Q was 24%, compared to 22%. NI was 6.4m or .19 per share, versus 4.1m or .12 per share. Cash is 84m, up from 78m at end of 2006 (great, they continue to grow cash). OCF was 6.4 m plus 700k from options being exercised. We spent 6.1m for capital expenditures to support our growth. For 2007, we project same numbers as we gave in January. Rev t be 175m to 182m, which is growth of 24 to 29%. OI estimated at 42.5m to 45m, with operating margin of 24.5%. EPS projected .74 to .78, up from .73 to .77 we gave in last call, but this is due to tax rate change. 510K was filed end of Feb, and we continue to believe on target for mid year clearance from FDA, and we start clinical evaluations right after that. We are very excited about future prospects for LIFC.

      Q&A Time:

      Raj Denhoy, Piper Jaffary: Q—on competitive front, seeing any changes? competitors doing better? A—competitive front is complex still, we competed with several competitors over the last year. Bard product, collamend, and Tutogen product have been out about a year, Bard launched Q2 last year. Also, MTF product out about 9 months, and there are a host of other biologics out there. We continue to believe alloderm is the premier product in this space for all reasons giving in prior calls. Also, we are very pleased with progress in direct sales force and its expansion. We are ever vigilant and compete against a variety of players, but results show we continue to gain in marketplace for complex hernia repair (CHR) and breast market (I thought this was positive in sense this is the first time I recall them touting gains in breast market like this, but I would need to go back and review prior calls b/c I do remember that breast market penetration was hitting percentages in market quicker than percentage penetrations in CHR after it was launched). Q—with more competition, is your price eroding? A—we compete against 3 things, synthetics, which are 1/3 price of alloderm, biologics-- xeno, which is 30% to 50% lower than alloderm, and human tissue such as allomax from Bard and product from another tissue bank, which are actually priced pretty close to alloderm and even a bit higher in some cases. We have not seen price competition. In short, the competitors are already below us in price but we believe alloderm gives more value and market recognizes this. Q—gross margins flat last year, but down in Q? A—nothing special. We added capacity second half of last year. We expect margins in Q4 are representative of full year. Q—nice qtr guys.
      schrieb am 15.06.07 15:57:40
      Beitrag Nr. 219 ()
      :) CC Summary Repost--Pt 2 (4 Ratings)
      14-Jun-07 04:17 pm
      Matt Dolan, Roth Capital: Nice Qtr. Q—are the better than expected results in alloderm due to CHR or breast improvement or steady across the board? A—Across the board on both—CHR and breast. I will comment on trauma, we have talked about it for some time, launched in Jan. with sales force. The initial application/focus is repair over open abdomen. Surgeons have to deliberately open abdomen in severe traumas to relieve pressure on internal organs. Alloderm is used for “early closure” to reduce risk of “freezing of abdomen”, which refers to abdomen and organs fusing together due to scar tissue forming when left open. We believe the trauma market is a 100 million dollar market, and we have trained our reps and we believe this is a place to increase alloderm use and expand clinical outcomes. (Bam—thanks for web gem number one in the CC. This is a great number, and I have not heard anything about any competitor targeting this market—this would be a good question for next cc). This Q some growth was due to trauma. Q—on trauma and 100m market, is revenue per procedure about same as breast and hernia per procedure? A—NO. (get ready for web gem number two). Size needed for trauma is two to three times as much alloderm as breast and hernia, so revenue per procedure is 2 to 3x as much. Q—what about arbitration proceeding with Wright Medical we just read about? Comment? Resolution timeframe and expenses? A—Wright filed a demand for arbitration on issue of whether current contract extends to new animal based product. We feel “very strongly” that it does not, current agreement only covers human based products. Also, current relationship with Wright continues unaffected by this proceeding, they continue to distribute graft jacket. Further, we do not expect significant legal expenses because it is arbitration, and we don’t have timeframe for resolution yet.

      Greg Price, Sidoti and Co. Q—On xeno, will clinical data be out right after approved? Is it done already? A—let me clarify. While 510k pending, we are not doing clinical evaluations/trials. We are gearing up to do them—we are setting protocols, recruited and meeting with investigators, and submitting to IRBs for approval to start studies. So, when product cleared , we are ready to get started in a broad sense. We have 5 studies “Tee’d up and ready to go” , these are in both breast and CHR. Some are quite short timeframes, some are several years. We are planning quite a comprehensive investment in evaluation of xeno, and these are to complement work we have done in primates. Q—on the shorter term studies will you have results in 07? A—yes we will have some, but maybe not published in 07. Q—what are you doing on international front? Will you distribute directly or involve a partner in Europe? (get ready, here comes web gem number 3 in this extended answer) A—good question. In 1st half 07 we are currently conducting large market study of Europe market—look at competitors, size of market, reimbursement, propensity to use, etc. Study will be complete mid June. Then, in 2nd half 07, we will aggressively evaluate distribution options—from direct distributor to partnership to possibly something in between. On product development front in Europe, we have our pilot plan up and running already. It needs to be certified by appropriate bodies for foreign standards and then we will apply for CE mark. This will allow us as we enter 08 to expand to Europe. Q—so you think enter Europe market in 1st half 08? A—fair to say that is timeframe based on back of envelope calculation, more details to come as we get closer
      schrieb am 15.06.07 16:01:15
      Beitrag Nr. 220 ()
      :) CC Summary Repost--Pt 3 (3 Ratings)
      14-Jun-07 04:18 pm
      Caroline Corner, Mont & Co. Congrats on Q. Q—on xeno, you have told us advantages are it is hydrated, sterile, larger size, easier to use (What? He did not tell us this with this much detail. It must have been discussed in one of the analysts days they sponsor each year). How much larger? Does this give you advantage in trauma market right off the bat? A—on size of xeno, we can do 25 x 30 cm, or maybe 30 x 30cm. This should cover any size defect, especially larger ones including trauma. We are “very excited” about xeno. The more we study it, the more convinced we are it clinically behaves like alloderm, and this was confirmed in primate studies (web gem number 4 in case you just missed it---lots of growing confidence in xeno). Advantages of xeno are larger size, comes ready to use, it is sterile device, and no refrigeration required, and other product features we think are important, we are actually “quite excited” about it (web gem no 6, this is about as excited as I have ever heard Paul). We have a large investment in this and we are aggressively going forward mid year. Q—pricing strategy and margins when xeno out? A—pricing strategy not finalized on xeno at this time. We do have a lower cost on xeno, and we have a range of prices with both in portfolio. Q—are you adding sales reps at end of year? Will it be more than normal this time due to xeno? A—As we stated in Jan, the 07 guidance does include adding reps in Q4 07. Have not finalized number to add, we do need reps to support our growth. Somewhere in 20 person range would not be unexpected.
      Rate it:
      schrieb am 15.06.07 16:02:54
      Beitrag Nr. 221 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 29.942.166 von kevin.lomax am 15.06.07 16:01:15:) CC Summary Repost--Pt 4 (4 Ratings)
      14-Jun-07 04:18 pm
      Chris Ware, Suntrust Robinson Humphrey: Q—going forward, will you specialize based on call points? A—at this point there is no specialization in sales force between CHR, breast and trauma. With new applications going forward, we may have to look at this case by case. For 07, no change will be involved. At some point we may have some product so specialized with a complex, unique procedure, that we may have a specialized sales force (wonder what he is thinking about? They have mentioned gastric patch in the past and a cardiac patch—my guess would be the cardiac patch could require specialized sales force. Also, there was recent FDA approval for dural application—brain surgery could be another specialized area. Key thing I note is they are continuing to evaluate and explore new markets/applications). Q—Tutogen partnership with Mentor on breast product—does that concern you? A—We have been in breast for a while and we are tied in with key opinion leaders in field so we are comfortable with where we are. We are levering LIFC existing heritage in plastic surgery. Plus, wealth of performance data behind alloderm all puts us in good competitive position, notwithstanding fact Mentor and others in this position. Q—you beat the consensus number, any reason you did not go ahead and raise guidance? A—he laughs in response ( I loved the laugh—let me translate for you now what that laugh meant and what he wanted to say: “Are you friggin kidding me? Please step down the hall and lets go in this room here to history class. In history class today, we are focusing on 2006, particularly October 25, 2006, which was not a good day for our shareholders who trust us. On that day, LIFC missed by one penny the increased guidance we gave you last year—ONE PENNY and it was our guidance. The business did not change, there was not a new tissue scandal, there was no product recall, and no change in our growth or prospects. We just got a little ahead of ourselves last year based on a great quarter early in the year and the new sales reps. And in response, the stock price plunged over 8$, or over 25% immediately, crashing thorough 50 and 200 day ma like a hot knife through butter. IT closed down over $8 at $23.82, and went as low as $22.50 that day. Some 272 million dollars of shareholder value disappeared based on one penny. So NO, now that you were kind enough to ask, we are not raising guidance now. Even though we could, even though we maybe should, there is no way we are doing too much too soon again.) Then, what he did say, was it is just the first quarter. We feel good. We have a strong start to the year but we don’t want to get ahead of ourselves. We don’t want to raise based on just one Qtr of sales. We will reevaluate in Q2 and if appropriate adjust the guidance, don’t want to get ahead of ourselves based on one qtr of sales (translation: it will be a long time before we do too much too soon again, so whatever we do, you better believe we intend to meet it and beat it). Q—well done.
      schrieb am 15.06.07 16:04:18
      Beitrag Nr. 222 ()
      :) CC Summary Repost--Pt 5 (4 Ratings)
      14-Jun-07 04:19 pm
      Ed Needham: Needham and Co. Q—Your inventories are up sequentially, expectations and reasons? A-when your business is growing 50% year over year as we are last couple of years, you have to get inventories right and you continue to play catch up. In unprocessed tissue, we have 6 to 8 mo supply. If consider finished and work in progress—two to 3 months finished available. We are comfortable where we are at these levels. Q—are you getting questions from FDA on xeno? What data submitted? A—We won’t comment on communications with FDA until we announce clearance. No comment on ongoing dialogue other than we will say we feel confident we will get mid year clearance. (Web gem number 5—seems they have been having ongoing dialogue with FDA in last almost 60 days since filing, and there must be no problems as they are confident of mid year approval). Q—so, how quickly can you supply market when you get approval on xeno? A—we have a pilot facility constructed, validated and in operation now. It would support a significant sales level going forward and maybe cover the first year’s demand. We can put 50 to 100m of product out of the pilot facility (so they think first year demand could be 50 to 100m of product). Plus, we are designing and constructing a commercial facility to support long term demand for xeno (man, they are confident in xeno product). Upon clearance, we can move quickly to evaluation, to limited launch, to full commercial launch next January 08 at national sales meeting.

      Spenser Nan, Summer Street Ptrs: Q—revenue guidance for 07, does it include xeno? A—we do not anticipate significant xeno rev in 07. Projected numbers are really alloderm numbers, some xeno maybe in Q4 and very limited, we don’t expect significant amount this year in xeno. Q—you mentioned a limited xeno launch at first, what does this look like? What do we expect on scale? Top customers, thought leaders? A—good question, our marketing group is working on this now. In part, it will be steered somewhat by success of evaluation process in Q3. It is a fluid target. Over the remainder of 07 hope to gain insight to decide what to do in 08. Q—It sounds like this is a major launch over 6-12 months with studies lined up, sales force expansion, etc, so based on info you have so far, what level of confidence do you have going into this about xeno product? A—I have a lot of confidence in profile of xeno product and that confidence grows as we move forward. I anticipate and hope it grows even more in evaluation and limited launch phases. We hope to commercialize “very aggressively” once approved and once we have confirmed with key opinion leaders the advantages. I am “very optimistic” about it and my confidence grows as I get more and more data on it. I feel “very, very good” about where this product will take us. (Wow, he has never been this strong on anything. I give this web gem number 6) Q—have you involved the thought leaders and consultants, have you been able to get feedback from them? A—we have shared quite a bit of data with some thought leaders and fair to say most folks are excited about prospects based on what they have seen so far and anxious to bring into clinical evaluation.
      schrieb am 15.06.07 16:05:53
      Beitrag Nr. 223 ()
      :) CC Summary Repost--Pt 6 (4 Ratings)
      14-Jun-07 04:19 pm
      Shawn Fitz, Stephens and Co. Q—options expense v last year qtr? A—2.3m v 1.8 m last year in qtr. Q—on the primate data, any difference between allo and xeno? Any tradeoff xeno v. allo—ease of use, incorporation, etc? A—with xeno, ease of use is very impressive and better. On product performance, we see no meaningful difference between alloderm and xeno (bam, web gem number 7). We are fairly confident in this because we believe we validated method we are using with alloderm and with competitor’s product. We have a very good feeling about the xeno product due to all this. We just want to get it in enough patients to confirm what we see in primates, and we have a high degree of confidence this will be the case. Q—as we talk to clinicians, we see cost of allo is why it is not used in less complex hernia cases, so does xeno let you grab market share in less complex hernia cases due to lower cost? A—we are targeting the less complex market, but not with xeno. We have other products in development (wow, more new news, web gem number 8. I don’t recall this mentioned previously—they are developing a new product to go into less complex cases). In less complex cases, xeno and allo will both be expensive given low incidence of complications. Q—assume I am a Dr. using allo, and performance is well documented, why would I switch to xeno? Are ease of use and handling characteristics strong enough to make them switch? A—it will vary by the surgeon. Some surgeons will see primate data and early clinical data, and ease of use, and switch. Others will want to see more data. There will quite a mix of perspectives on how to incorporate. The thought leaders we have talked to so far have a fair amount of enthusiasm for what the product offers. I am personally optimistic this is very attractive product for customers and good opportunity for LIFC.

      Brian Sutter, Scottfield. Q—comment on non human product being 20% cheaper (he is off on number, it was 30 to 50% cheaper) and cost of xeno being cheaper, what is tradeoff, how price xeno v. alloderm, how much cheaper to manufacture, larger sheet sizes? A—with alloderm, we are already doing larger sizes, including16 x 20cm, so not many cases where surgeons have to sew 2 alloderm sheets together. Xeno allows us unlimited supply of all sizes, up to very large trauma sizes, including 20 x 30 and 30 x 30cm. As to pricing, no decision yet on xeno or alloderm pricing. We do have lower cost base on xeno, which is great. To what extent we pass on to consumer and to what extent we don’t and reinvest in company—still being decided. Fair to say that xeno will be priced closer to alloderm than the 40% to 50% discount you see on other xeno products v. alloderm. We believe our xeno is superior (seems like they need some head to head tests to prove this). Q—do you foresee xeno cannibalizing and replacing alloderm? A—it will cannibalize some, but it will let us accelerate penetration of existing applications and other areas that we could not access with allo—like global applications open up with xeno. Similarly, the aesthetics field suddenly opens up to us with xeno and we believe sizeable opportunity here. Xeno simply accelerates penetration and opens up new areas for us. Q—will the cannibalization hurt your relationships with the tissue bank partners? A—this will play out over time. We think surgeons will still like alloderm will use it. We will continue to produce it going forward. Q—Tutogen and Bard launched larger sheets, are you seeing these more in competitive field? A—feedback we get related to Bard and Tutogen is not regarding size, it is clinical performance that counts. We have not seen an impact (man, sounds like I need to cut back on my TTG ownership, may not be as much promise there as I hoped).
      schrieb am 15.06.07 16:07:57
      Beitrag Nr. 224 ()
      :) CC Summary Repost--Pt 7 (4 Ratings)
      14-Jun-07 04:21 pm
      Mark _________, Viseon Asset Management: Congrats on qtr. Q—On Europe launch, worked out numbers yet on capital requirements for this? A—if you are referring to manufacturing, it will be deminimis. We will source all product from NJ. Really no capital cost to enter Europe, especially if do marketing with a partner. It is not capital intensive for us to expand globally (there you go, web gem number 9. This is great news indeed. Also, don’t forget that in prior call someone asked about Asia expansion. This is not even mentioned today but in prior call Paul said would do Europe first and then look at Asia, so Asia is still to come—maybe 09? They just could not do Asia and Europe at same time)

      Andrew ________, Meg Securities. Great few years for the company. His question on FAS 123R and options, (not real important so I am not giving details).

      End of CC.

      (My thoughts. First, this was an extremely long call for LIFC, over 50 minutes, and they spent what seemed like less time than usual talking about financials. There were a lot of questions, all good, and some new callers on this call in addition to the regular guys. For the record, on day earnings reported stock gapped up $1.38 to close at $29.01, versus $27.63 close the day before. Volume was 1.95 million shares, about a 400% increase compared to average daily volume of 395k shares. Short interest was reported day before earnings, and it was up to 7.4m shares with days to cover now up to 18.7 days, or almost 4 full weeks of buyers just in the shorts. Also, if you follow charts, during week of 4-13-07, LIFC broke out of a double base with handle pattern on volume, and continued upward into earnings. The confidence of management in this call, especially as to xeno, hit an all time high. There were more web gems in this call than ever before—usually there is one thing in each call that I consider a golden nugget, here there were 8 or 9 including: trauma is a 100m market opportunity; trauma size and revenue per procedure is 2 to 3X breast and CHR; aggressively preparing to enter Europe in early 08 possibly and certainly enter by end of 08; growing confidence in xeno; ongoing dialogue with FDA on xeno and only comment is LIFC remains confident of mid year approval; no clinical diff between allo and xeno so far; LIFC is in early stages of a new product to enter non-complex hernia market; and as LIFC goes global, not capital intensive—all production here in NJ. When I first started investing in LIFC a couple of years ago when it was in $8 and $9 range, I thought this is one of those stocks that could go to $40 plus if company keeps going like they are going. I still think the same thing, and with global now really going to happen, it could be bigger than that down the road. Good luck to all, will be interesting to see where we are come end of 07 and end of 08)

      The Saltman

      :) :) :)
      schrieb am 15.06.07 16:47:11
      Beitrag Nr. 225 ()
      Interesting Day (3 Ratings)
      53 minutes ago
      Saltman, thank you for re-posting your excellent notes on the last CC. I agree that lots of new investors will be looking at LIFC now that the big announcement has been made.

      I would add only two further observations for the benefit of new buyers:

      1. If AlloDerm is the "gold standard" in its sector, LIFC management is equally worthy of that label--they have delivered on all their promises, and they have met their projected time lines.

      2. The new "Strattice" (?) product--which sounds like something from an auto show, but is a distinct improvement over XenoDerm--will open up international markets, where for legal, religious, and cultural reasons AlloDerm is not appropriate. In short, this product could well become a second flagship entry for LifeCell, and could double the size and value of the company in relatively short order.

      It is nice to hear from all the old hands rallying together on the recent good news. Congratulations to all longs! Cheers,

      schrieb am 16.06.07 15:26:33
      Beitrag Nr. 226 ()
      schrieb am 05.07.07 20:56:39
      Beitrag Nr. 227 ()
      Aus dem yahoo thread ...

      Article Title: "Pigs Are Source Of LifeCell's New Tissue Repair Material "
      Author: MARILYN MUCH
      Section: IBD 100 Date: 6/27/2007

      ----------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------

      LifeCell has made its mark in the tissue repair market with a product derived from donated human skin.

      Soon the company will add another option to the mix. On June 13, LifeCell received marketing clearance from the Food and Drug Administration for a soft tissue repair product called Strattice, which is derived from a closed herd of pigs.

      Strattice complements the company's flagship offering, AlloDerm, which comes from skin harvested from human cadavers. Like AlloDerm, Strattice can be used in procedures such as breast reconstruction and hernia repair.

      Executives weren't available to comment. But once commercialized, Strattice will allow LifeCell to expand into global markets, which was "extremely difficult" with its human-derived products, said Chief Executive Paul Thomas in a statement.

      Strattice should be available to surgeons on a limited basis later this year with a commercial launch in early 2008, the company says.

      The FDA nod comes as LifeCell's business is booming with its current lineup. From 2005 to 2007, earnings climbed at a 123% average annual rate and sales rose 52%.

      "AlloDerm has been very successful," said analyst Ed Shenkan of Needham & Co.

      The product boasts some key benefits. When AlloDerm is prepared, LifeCell processes the donated tissue so that the outermost skin layer and the cells that can lead to tissue rejection and graft failure are removed.

      After the process, what remains is a framework of the natural biological components, ready to enable the body to mount its own tissue regeneration process. LifeCell preserves the processed tissue matrix by freeze-drying it.

      Sales Acceleration

      AlloDerm's sales started to take off in 2004 when LifeCell began to target the product's use for complex hernia procedures, says Shenkan. Since then, LifeCell's annual revenue has grown by 50% or more.

      Synthetic surgical mesh is the choice in routine hernia procedures, but AlloDerm is better suited for complex hernia procedures, analysts say.

      A big advantage in using AlloDerm in complex hernia procedures is that it "remodels" into the patient's own tissue, says analyst Christopher Warren of SunTrust Robinson Humphrey.

      Synthetic surgical mesh doesn't remodel into the patient's tissue.

      Also, when a synthetic patch becomes infected it often has to be surgically removed, says Shenkan. If a doctor is using AlloDerm and there's an infection, it can be treated with an antibiotic without the need for surgery.

      A graft is a patch of skin that is surgically removed from one area of the body and transplanted to another. An allograft is derived from human tissue. AlloDerm is the market leading allograft for complex hernias in the U.S., says Shenkan.

      Another growing area for AlloDerm is its use in breast reconstruction procedures done after a mastectomy. LifeCell began marketing AlloDerm to this market in 2005.

      Once Strattice comes to market, LifeCell will be able to expand its reach even more.

      Strattice has been processed using LifeCell's proprietary technology.

      "In animal studies sponsored by LifeCell, Strattice performed essentially equivalent to AlloDerm, demonstrating that it allows for tissue regeneration," said David McQuillan, LifeCell's vice president of research, in a statement.

      Shenkan says that, with time, Strattice will be as successful as AlloDerm.

      Strattice enables LifeCell to enter the European market, he says. He expects LifeCell to soon begin studies to obtain European approval to market Strattice there.

      A main obstacle to selling AlloDerm in Europe is the varying standards for handling human tissue that exist in every European country, Warren says. As a result, AlloDerm requires country-by-country approval.

      With Strattice, LifeCell can circumvent the regulations that vary by country because it's derived from pigskin, he says.

      Another hurdle: Europeans haven't been interested in allograft products due to risks of contamination and infection, Shenkan says, though a product derived from animal tissue could alleviate these concerns.

      Shenkan expects Strattice, like AlloDerm, to be used for complex hernia, breast reconstruction and trauma procedures.

      In Europe, there are an equal number of complex hernia procedures as in the U.S., says Warren.

      Strattice will also enable LifeCell to expand into new areas.

      "Strattice opens up cosmetic breast augmentation as a procedure class domestically and internationally," said Warren.

      In contrast, AlloDerm isn't marketed for breast augmentation. The reason? There's an ethical reason for not using AlloDerm for breast augmentation, Warren says. Some donor families wouldn't be happy the tissue was being used for a voluntary cosmetic procedure.

      Still, the jury is out on Strattice.

      Clinical Studies

      Prior to the Strattice launch, LifeCell will conduct several clinical studies.

      "As far as I know, there's been no human implantation of Strattice," said Warren. "The next six months we'll likely have some human data. There's the opportunity to double the revenue base in the next three to four years if the human clinical data shows it's equivalent to AlloDerm."

      "Conceptually," Strattice has some advantages over tissue derived from a cadaver, Warren says. For one, it's a more uniform product in terms of thickness and size.

      "With pigskin, you can be more selective about the size," he said.

      Also, the cost of producing the pigskin-derived product is a fraction of that for a cadaver-derived one.

      And, since AlloDerm is freeze- dried, it takes about 20 minutes to hydrate it for surgical application, says Shenkan. In contrast, Strattice is prehydrated. So it saves prep time.

      Another plus: Strattice is sterile, Shenkan says.

      Meanwhile, LifeCell is faring well on the financial front with its growing AlloDerm business. In the first quarter, earnings rose 58% to 19 cents a share. Revenue grew 40% to $43 million. Analysts polled by Thomson Financial see full-year earnings rising 30% to 78 cents a share, and then 31% in 2008.
      Rate it:

      i suspect that the IBD article is probably a huge reason for the sudden interest in the stock. great find. keep up the good work...letthedowrun

      Sentiment : Strong Buy

      schrieb am 09.07.07 13:55:27
      Beitrag Nr. 228 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 30.512.222 von kevin.lomax am 05.07.07 20:56:39die konkurrenz schläft nicht;)…
      schrieb am 17.09.07 22:21:34
      Beitrag Nr. 229 ()
      schrieb am 17.09.07 22:22:59
      Beitrag Nr. 230 ()
      Aus dem yahoo thread

      Perfect Storm for panic buying (1 Rating)
      17-Sep-07 02:09 pm 6 million shares short + institutional index and investment buying + acquisition target = PANIC BUYING

      Sentiment : Strong Buy
      schrieb am 26.09.07 22:46:58
      Beitrag Nr. 231 ()
      Aus dem yahoo thread

      After hours--51,000 block trade (Not rated) 7 minutes ago
      Nice trade of 51,000 shares in one trade after hours at close of $38.07. That is about 1.9m dollars. Looks like the big boys are getting interested in LIFC again--unless Golf had a really good day on the golf course today and came in and spent his winnings--LOL

      schrieb am 02.10.07 09:50:58
      Beitrag Nr. 232 ()
      Needham hebt Kursziel für Lifecell Corporation auf 45 Dollar

      NEW YORK (dpa-AFX Analyser) - Needham hat das Kursziel der Lifecell Corporation von 37 auf 45 US-Dollar angehoben und die Aktie mit "Buy" bestätigt.

      Das wären zum Tageskurs etwas über 31€.
      schrieb am 04.10.07 16:08:07
      Beitrag Nr. 233 ()

      Piper Jaffray Upgrades LifeCell (LIFC) to Outperform And Raising Price Target to $54

      10/04/2007 07:25EDT by

      Piper Jaffray upgraded LifeCell (NASDAQ: LIFC) from Market Perform to Outperform and raised its price target to $54. The firm upgraded Lifecell to Outperform based on positive feedback after conducting a recent survey hernia surgeons. The survey indicated AlloDerm is still the leading biologic hernia mesh and competition is making little headway. Surgeons place little unimportance on the source of the material, whether human or animal, in their selection of biologic meshes -- a positive for the potential of Lifecell's Strattice xenograft.

      The $54 price target represents 39x Piper Jaffray's 2009 EPS estimates of $1.39. A 39x multiple is in-line with where the peer group trades against 2008 estimates.
      schrieb am 09.10.07 22:44:11
      Beitrag Nr. 234 ()
      Press Release Source: LifeCell Corporation

      LifeCell Corporation Schedules Third Quarter 2007 Financial Results Conference Call; October 25, 2007 at 10:00 A.M. Eastern
      Monday October 8, 5:39 pm ET

      BRANCHBURG, N.J., Oct. 8 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- LifeCell Corporation (Nasdaq: LIFC - News), today announced plans to release third quarter 2007 operating results on Thursday, October 25, 2007 at 8:00 a.m. Eastern. Paul Thomas, President and Chief Executive Officer, will host a conference call at 10:00 a.m. Eastern, to discuss the Company's third quarter 2007 financial results.

      The dial-in number for the live call is (888) 802-2279 /domestic or (913) 312-1265/international. A simultaneous webcast of the call will be available via LifeCell's website at Corporate Information - Investor Relations. The call will be archived on the Company's website for at least 90 days.

      A recording of the live-call will be available through October 30, 2007. The dial-in number to listen to the recording is (888) 203-1112 or (719) 457-0820. The replay access code is 7761410.

      About LifeCell

      LifeCell develops and markets innovative tissue repair products for use in reconstructive, orthopedic and urogynecologic surgical procedures. LifeCell's current marketed products include: AlloDerm® for plastic reconstructive, general surgical, burn and periodontal procedures; Cymetra®, a particulate form of AlloDerm® suitable for injection; GraftJacket® for orthopedic applications and lower extremity wounds; AlloCraft(TM)DBM, for bone grafting procedures; and Repliform® for urogynecologic surgical procedures. The Company's research and development initiatives include programs focused on extending the use of its regenerative tissue matrix products into new surgical applications, as well as leveraging its core technology to other tissues, including non-human tissues, and expanding its product line in the rapidly growing biosurgery market. LifeCell maintains a website at

      Source: LifeCell Corporation
      schrieb am 25.10.07 16:25:51
      Beitrag Nr. 235 ()

      Press Release Source: LifeCell Corporation

      LifeCell Reports Record Financial Results: Third Quarter 2007 Product Revenues Up 35%

      Thursday October 25, 8:00 am ET

      BRANCHBURG, N.J., Oct. 25 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- LifeCell Corporation (Nasdaq: LIFC - News) today reported financial results for the third quarter ended September 30, 2007. Paul Thomas, President and Chief Executive Officer, will host a conference call today at 10:00 a.m. Eastern to discuss third quarter 2007 financial results and expected financial performance for full year 2007.

      Third Quarter 2007 Results

      Product revenues for the third quarter were $47.5 million, up 35%, compared to $35.1 million reported for the same period in 2006. The increase in product revenue was primarily due to an increase in demand for the Company's flagship reconstructive surgical product, AlloDerm® Regenerative Tissue Matrix, which increased 41% to $42.0 million in the current quarter compared to $29.9 million in the third quarter of 2006. Orthopedic product revenues, which include Graft Jacket® and AlloCraft®DBM, increased to $3.0 million in the quarter from $2.4 million in the third quarter of 2006. GraftJacket® revenues represented $2.5 million in the quarter compared to $2.0 million in the prior year quarter. Repliform® revenues were $1.7 million in the third quarter of 2007 compared to $2.0 million in 2006.

      Operating income for the third quarter of 2007 increased 30% to $11.3 million compared to operating income of $8.7 million in the third quarter of 2006.

      Net income for the third quarter of 2007 was $7.3 million, or $.21 per diluted share, compared to net income of $5.1 million, or $.15 per diluted share in the third quarter of 2006.

      Year-To-Date 2007 Results

      Product revenues for the first nine months were $137.9 million, up 36%, compared to $101.3 million reported for the same period in 2006. AlloDerm® product revenues increased 41% to $120.2 million in the first nine months compared to $85.5 million in the first nine months of 2006. Orthopedic product revenues increased to $9.2 million in the first nine months from $6.9 million in the first nine months of 2006. GraftJacket® revenues represented $7.6 million of orthopedic revenues in the first nine months of 2007 compared to $5.8 million in the prior year. Repliform® revenues were $6.0 million in the first nine months of 2007 and 2006.

      Operating income for the first nine months of 2007 increased 43% to $34.1 million compared to operating income of $23.9 million in the first nine months of 2006.

      Net income for the first nine months of 2007 was $21.4 million, or $.62 per diluted share, compared to net income of $14.2 million, or $.42 per diluted share in the first nine months of 2006.

      LifeCell's balance sheet remains strong with $91.7 million of cash and investments and no debt at September 30, 2007.

      Full Year 2007 Financial Outlook

      Based on the Company's third quarter 2007 operating results and expectations for the remainder of 2007, the Company now anticipates product revenues for full year 2007 in the range of $185.0 million to $189.0 million, compared to the previous range of $182.0 million to $188.0 million. The revised product revenue range represents anticipated annualized growth between 32% and 34% compared with 2006 product revenues of $140.6 million.

      The Company also revised its 2007 operating income target to a range of $45.5 million to $46.5 million, compared to the previous range of $45.0 million to $46.5 million. The Company's target range for operating income includes planned spending in the fourth quarter of 2007 associated with clinical trials and marketing pre-launch activities for Strattice(TM). As previously announced, in June 2007, the Company received 510(k) clearance from the United States Food and Drug Administration for Strattice(TM) tissue matrix, a novel soft tissue repair product.

      Diluted net income per share is expected to be in the range of $0.80 to $0.82 compared to the Company's previous range for diluted net income per share of $0.78 to $0.82.

      Conference Call Information

      As previously announced, the Company will host a live conference call today at 10:00 a.m. Eastern. The dial-in number for the live call is (888) 802-2279 /domestic or (913) 312-1265/international. A simultaneous webcast of the call will be available via LifeCell's website at
      Forward-looking Statements

      The 2007 financial results contained in this news release are subject to finalization in connection with the preparation of the Company's Form 10-Q report for the quarter ended September 30, 2007. This release also contains "forward-looking statements" made pursuant to the safe harbor provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, such as the Company's outlook for 2007 operating results. Forward-looking statements include statements with respect to the Company's beliefs, plans, objectives, goals, expectations, anticipations, assumptions, estimates, intentions, and future performance, and involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors, which may be beyond the Company's control, and which may cause actual results, performance or achievements to be materially different from future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by such forward- looking statements. All statements other than statements of historical fact are statements that could be forward-looking statements. These forward- looking statements may not be realized due to a variety of factors, including, without limitation: the failure to maintain or increase revenues from the sale of LifeCell's AlloDerm products; the failure to comply with government regulations, including the FDA; claims for damages by third-parties, including product liability claims; the Company's dependence on a limited number of sources for human cadaveric tissue; negative publicity about the use of donated human tissue in medical procedures; the Company's ability to increase market penetration of its current products and to develop and commercialize new products; changes in third party reimbursement practices; the failure of third party sales representatives and distributors to adequately promote, market and sell the Company's products; the Company's inability to protect its intellectual property; the effects of competition; and the other factors listed under "Risk Factors" in LifeCell's annual report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2006. LifeCell assumes no obligation to update the information contained in this news release." target="_blank" rel="nofollow ugc noopener">[\url].

      Forward-looking Statements

      The 2007 financial results contained in this news release are subject to finalization in connection with the preparation of the Company's Form 10-Q report for the quarter ended September 30, 2007. This release also contains "forward-looking statements" made pursuant to the safe harbor provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, such as the Company's outlook for 2007 operating results. Forward-looking statements include statements with respect to the Company's beliefs, plans, objectives, goals, expectations, anticipations, assumptions, estimates, intentions, and future performance, and involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors, which may be beyond the Company's control, and which may cause actual results, performance or achievements to be materially different from future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by such forward- looking statements. All statements other than statements of historical fact are statements that could be forward-looking statements. These forward- looking statements may not be realized due to a variety of factors, including, without limitation: the failure to maintain or increase revenues from the sale of LifeCell's AlloDerm products; the failure to comply with government regulations, including the FDA; claims for damages by third-parties, including product liability claims; the Company's dependence on a limited number of sources for human cadaveric tissue; negative publicity about the use of donated human tissue in medical procedures; the Company's ability to increase market penetration of its current products and to develop and commercialize new products; changes in third party reimbursement practices; the failure of third party sales representatives and distributors to adequately promote, market and sell the Company's products; the Company's inability to protect its intellectual property; the effects of competition; and the other factors listed under "Risk Factors" in LifeCell's annual report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2006. LifeCell assumes no obligation to update the information contained in this news release." target="_blank" rel="nofollow ugc noopener">[\url] Corporate Information - Investor Relations. The call will be archived on the Company's website for at least 90 days.

      A recording of the live-call will be available through October 30, 2007. The dial-in number to listen to the recording is (888) 203-1112 or (719) 457- 0820. The replay access code is 7761410.

      About LifeCell

      LifeCell develops and markets innovative biologically-based products in the emerging field of regenerative medicine for use in reconstructive, orthopedic and urogynecologic surgical procedures. LifeCell's current marketed products include: AlloDerm®, for plastic reconstructive, general surgical, burn and periodontal procedures; Cymetra®, a particulate form of AlloDerm® suitable for injection; GraftJacket®, for orthopedic applications and lower extremity wounds; AlloCraft®DBM, for bone grafting procedures; and Repliform, for urogynecologic surgical procedures. The Company's research and development initiatives include programs designed to extend the use of its current marketed regenerative tissue matrix products into new surgical applications as well as expanding its product line in the rapidly growing biosurgery market. LifeCell maintains a website at" target="_blank" rel="nofollow ugc noopener">[\url].

      Forward-looking Statements

      The 2007 financial results contained in this news release are subject to finalization in connection with the preparation of the Company's Form 10-Q report for the quarter ended September 30, 2007. This release also contains "forward-looking statements" made pursuant to the safe harbor provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, such as the Company's outlook for 2007 operating results. Forward-looking statements include statements with respect to the Company's beliefs, plans, objectives, goals, expectations, anticipations, assumptions, estimates, intentions, and future performance, and involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors, which may be beyond the Company's control, and which may cause actual results, performance or achievements to be materially different from future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by such forward- looking statements. All statements other than statements of historical fact are statements that could be forward-looking statements. These forward- looking statements may not be realized due to a variety of factors, including, without limitation: the failure to maintain or increase revenues from the sale of LifeCell's AlloDerm products; the failure to comply with government regulations, including the FDA; claims for damages by third-parties, including product liability claims; the Company's dependence on a limited number of sources for human cadaveric tissue; negative publicity about the use of donated human tissue in medical procedures; the Company's ability to increase market penetration of its current products and to develop and commercialize new products; changes in third party reimbursement practices; the failure of third party sales representatives and distributors to adequately promote, market and sell the Company's products; the Company's inability to protect its intellectual property; the effects of competition; and the other factors listed under "Risk Factors" in LifeCell's annual report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2006. LifeCell assumes no obligation to update the information contained in this news release.
      schrieb am 31.10.07 21:18:21
      Beitrag Nr. 236 ()

      Strong Buy on LifeCell Corporation
      Tuesday October 30, 9:14 am ET
      By Zacks Equity Research

      After an impressive run during the past few years, the shares of biomedical firm LifeCell Corporation (NasdaqGS: LIFC - News), seem to Zacks senior healthcare analyst Jason Napodano, CFA as a lucrative investment opportunity. The following excerpts explain his position:

      \'LifeCell Corporation is a leader in the development and commercialization of human-derived, tissue-based products for use in reconstructive, urogynecologic, and orthopedic surgical procedures. The company\'s leading product, AlloDerm, continues to gain acceptance in the surgical tissue replacement market. We are also excited about the prospects of Strattice, a xenograft product, which is scheduled to hit the market in the fourth quarter of 2007.

      \'AlloDerm grew an impressive 41% on a year-over-year basis in the third quarter to $42.00 million. We expect AlloDerm revenues to cross the $165-million mark in 2007. Total revenues should exceed $189 million in 2007. The fundamentals look very strong for LifeCell. We see the company posting strong top-and bottom-line growth over the next few years thanks to Strattice. Long-term, LifeCell is extremely well-positioned as a result of the launch of Strattice. LifeCell has the enviable position to choose its future path - a luxury most biotech firms do not have.

      \'LifeCell shares have been on an impressive run over the past few years. The company\'s financial guidance for 2007 was raised yet again after the most recent report. Based on our revised model, LifeCell is currently trading at 52x our 2007 EPS of $0.84. Although this is a significant premium to the biotechnology peer-group at only 26x 2007 EPS, LifeCell is growing substantially faster with a 5-year forward CAGR at 34%. We recommend purchase up to the $49 level. Our target price is based on 25x our 2011 EPS estimate of $1.94. We predict nearly 40% earnings growth right till 2011.\'
      schrieb am 07.01.08 16:54:20
      Beitrag Nr. 237 ()
      Press Release Source: LifeCell Corporation

      LifeCell Reports Preliminary Fourth Quarter 2007 Revenues and Provides 2008 Financial Guidance

      Monday January 7, 8:00 am ET

      BRANCHBURG, N.J., Jan. 7 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- LifeCell Corporation (Nasdaq: LIFC - News) today reported preliminary unaudited revenues for the fourth quarter and year ended December 31, 2007 and provided financial guidance for 2008. Paul Thomas, President and Chief Executive Officer, and Steven Sobieski, Chief Financial Officer, will host a conference call today at 10:00 a.m. Eastern time to discuss 2007 preliminary revenues and expected financial performance for 2008.

      2007 Preliminary Product Revenues

      Preliminary product revenues for the fourth quarter were $52.6 million, up 34% compared to $39.3 million reported for the same period in 2006. The increase in product revenue was primarily due to a significant increase in demand for the Company's flagship reconstructive surgical product, AlloDerm® Regenerative Tissue Matrix, which increased 38% to $46.9 million in the current quarter compared to $33.9 million in the fourth quarter of 2006. Orthopedic product revenues, which include GraftJacket® and AlloCraft®DBM, increased 15% to $3.2 million in the quarter from $2.8 million in the fourth quarter of 2006. GraftJacket® represented $2.7 million of orthopedic product revenues in the quarter compared to $2.3 million in the prior year quarter. Repliform® revenues were $1.9 million in the fourth quarter of 2007 compared to $2.1 million in the same quarter of 2006.

      Preliminary product revenues for full-year 2007 were $190.5 million, up 35% compared to $140.6 million in 2006. AlloDerm® product revenues increased 40% to $167.1 million compared to $119.4 million in 2006. Orthopedic product revenues increased 27% to $12.3 million in the year from $9.7 million in 2006. GraftJacket® represented $10.4 million of orthopedic product revenues in the year compared to $8.0 million in the prior year. Repliform® revenues were $7.8 million compared to $8.1 million in 2006.

      The Company anticipates full-year 2007 diluted net income per share to be in the previously announced range of $0.80 to $0.82. The Company has not completed the preparation of its financial statements for 2007 and additional details with respect to 2007 results of operations are not yet available. The Company plans to release fourth quarter and full year 2007 actual results after the completion of its annual audit.

      2008 Financial Outlook

      The Company is projecting product revenues for 2008 in the range of $233.0 million to $243.0 million, which represents expected annualized growth between 22% and 28% compared with preliminary 2007 product revenues of $190.5 million. The Company expects its product revenue mix in 2008 to be approximately 90% reconstructive, 7% orthopedic and 3% urogynecology. The Company is projecting 2008 operating income in the range of $57.0 million to $62.0 million, with diluted net income per share projected to be in the range of $0.98 to $1.06.

      Paul Thomas, President and CEO, commented, "Our top priorities continue to be driving revenue growth, making strategic investments in research and product development and delivering solid operating results."

      Conference Call

      As previously announced, the Company will host a conference call today at 10:00 a.m. Eastern time to provide financial analysts the opportunity to ask questions necessary to develop financial models. The call is open to the public via telephone and the internet. The dial-in number for the call is (888) 211-7292/domestic or (913) 981-4902/international. A simultaneous webcast of the call will be available via LifeCell's website at Corporate Information - Investor Relations. The call will be archived on the Company's website for at least 90 days.

      A recording of the call will be available through January 12, 2008. The dial-in number to listen to the recording is (888) 203-1112 or (719) 457-0820. The replay access code is 8968654.

      About LifeCell

      LifeCell develops and markets innovative biologically-based products in the emerging field of regenerative medicine for use in reconstructive, orthopedic and urogynecologic surgical procedures. LifeCell's current marketed products include: ALLODERM® regenerative tissue matrix, for plastic reconstructive, general surgical, burn and periodontal procedures; CYMETRA® (Micronized AlloDerm®), a particulate form of ALLODERM® suitable for injection; GRAFTJACKET® regenerative tissue matrix, for orthopedic applications and lower extremity wounds; ALLOCRAFT®DBM, for bone grafting procedures; and REPLIFORM® tissue regeneration matrix for urogynecologic surgical procedures. The Company's research and development initiatives include programs designed to extend the use of its current marketed regenerative tissue matrix products into new surgical applications as well as expanding its product line in the rapidly growing biosurgery market. LifeCell maintains a website at

      Forward-looking Statements

      The 2007 financial results contained in this news release are subject to finalization in connection with the preparation of our Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2007. This release also contains "forward-looking statements" made pursuant to the safe harbor provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, such as our preliminary 2007 product revenues and guidance for 2007 and 2008 financial operating results. Forward-looking statements include statements with respect to our beliefs, plans, objectives, goals, expectations, anticipations, assumptions, estimates, intentions, and future performance, and involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors, which may be beyond our control, and which may cause our actual results, performance or achievements to be materially different from future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. All statements other than statements of historical fact are statements that could be forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements may not be realized due to a variety of factors, including, without limitation: the failure to maintain or increase revenues from the sale of our AlloDerm products; the failure to comply with government regulations, including the FDA; claims for damages by third-parties, including product liability claims; our dependence on a limited number of sources for human cadaveric tissue; negative publicity about the use of donated human tissue in medical procedures; our ability to increase market penetration of our current products and to develop and commercialize new products; changes in third party reimbursement practices; the failure of third party sales representatives and distributors to adequately promote, market and sell our products; our inability to protect our intellectual property; the effects of competition; and the other factors listed under "Risk Factors" in our annual report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2006 and our other filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission. We assume no obligation to update the information contained in this news release.

      Source: LifeCell Corporation
      schrieb am 08.01.08 00:11:37
      Beitrag Nr. 238 ()

      LifeCell Corporation 2008 Guidance Call Transcript…

      schrieb am 20.03.08 10:08:36
      Beitrag Nr. 239 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 32.974.429 von kevin.lomax am 08.01.08 00:11:37Arlington ( AG) - Die Analysten von Friedman, Billings, Ramsey&Co stufen die Aktie von LifeCell (ISIN US5319271012 (News)/ WKN 888910) in einer Ersteinschätzung mit "outperform" ein. Das Kursziel werde bei 56 USD gesehen. (10.03.2008/ac/a/u)
      Analyse-Datum: 10.03.2008

      Ich denke doch, dass in 5-10 Jahren eine Verdreifachung des Aktienkurses drin ist. Vorausgesetzt Strattice wird ein Erfolg und der Markt wird signifikant auf Europa ausgedehnt ;)
      schrieb am 25.03.08 15:18:27
      Beitrag Nr. 240 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 33.693.982 von Knapfel am 20.03.08 10:08:36Und noch eine Analyse...

      New York ( AG) - Die Analysten von Needham&Co stufen die Aktie von LifeCell (ISIN US5319271012 (News)/ WKN 888910) unverändert mit "strong buy" ein. Das Kursziel werde bei 55 USD gesehen. (25.03.2008/ac/a/u)
      Analyse-Datum: 25.03.2008

      schrieb am 07.04.08 16:08:35
      Beitrag Nr. 241 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 33.720.033 von Knapfel am 25.03.08 15:18:27

      Kinetic to buy LifeCell for $1.7 billion
      Mon Apr 7, 2008 8:22am EDT

      NEW YORK (Reuters) - Kinetic Concepts Inc (KCI.N: Quote, Profile, Research) said on Monday it would buy tissue repair company LifeCell (LIFC.O: Quote, Profile, Research) for $1.7 billion to expand and diversify its product line.

      The $51 per share offer from KCI, which specializes in advanced wound care and therapeutic support systems, represents an 18 percent premium over LifeCell's closing price on Friday.

      The two companies said the combined entity would generate revenue of about $2 billion in 2008 and employ more than 7,000 people.

      LifeCell's flagship product AlloDerm, which is used to repair damaged tissue in hernias and breast reconstruction, had $167 million in revenue last year. The company won U.S. approval last June for its next-generation regenerative product, Strattice.

      "This combination allows us to accelerate our strategy to increase KCI's presence in the operating room and will leverage our broad global market reach to drive future growth of LifeCell's products," KCI Chief Executive Catherine Burzik said in a statement.

      KCI said the deal, excluding amortization, would initially hurt earnings per share but would boost earnings per share during 2009 and "significantly" help results in 2010 and beyond.

      Both companies' boards unanimously approved the transaction, the companies said.

      Kinetic plans to use cash on hand and proceeds from a fully underwritten debt financing from Bank of America and JPMorgan Chase Bank for the acquisition.

      LifeCell shares rose to $50.10 in pre-market trade from its Friday closing price of $43.15 on the Nasdaq.

      (Reporting by Lewis Krauskopf and Christopher Kaufman; Editing by Mark Porter and Derek Caney)
      schrieb am 07.04.08 16:18:51
      Beitrag Nr. 242 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 33.827.222 von kevin.lomax am 07.04.08 16:08:35
      aus dem yahoo thread.
      Dem kann ich mich nur anschließen.

      It Had To Happen But
      7-Apr-08 07:31 am Find it sad that LIFC will no longer be around in the present form. Glad that I was in when it happened. Congrats and good luck to all on this great board.

      schrieb am 07.04.08 16:26:54
      Beitrag Nr. 243 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 33.827.360 von kevin.lomax am 07.04.08 16:18:51stimmt !!!
      und was passiert jetzt? Werden die Aktien umgewndelt oder wird man als Aktionär ausbezahlt?
      schrieb am 07.04.08 21:45:52
      Beitrag Nr. 244 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 33.827.481 von Knapfel am 07.04.08 16:26:54
      Laut Meldung sollte in bar abgefunden werden was Kinetec teilweise per Kredit finanziert ...

      Kinetic plans to use cash on hand and proceeds from a fully underwritten debt financing from Bank of America and JPMorgan Chase Bank for the acquisition.
      schrieb am 07.04.08 22:02:04
      Beitrag Nr. 245 ()
      Und in was dann investieren? Es gab keine zuverlässigere Aktie als Lifecell.
      schrieb am 07.04.08 22:14:46
      Beitrag Nr. 246 ()
      Das ist eine gute Frage, ich hatte sehr hohe Erwartungen an lifecell, wenn man sich den Langfristchart anschaut dann wären wohl jetzt nach dem Ausbruch heuer noch die 80 Dollar drin gewesen.

      Wer weiß jetzt wie es weiter geht? Wann kommt die Barabfindung und wie lange wird die Aktie noch gehandelt, ober war heute der letzte Handelstag für lifecell?
      schrieb am 07.04.08 23:26:56
      Beitrag Nr. 247 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 33.830.987 von Exteme am 07.04.08 22:02:04Es gab keine zuverlässigere Aktie als Lifecell.

      Denke ich auch.

      Mittelfristig wären die 80 USD und darüber hinaus mit Sicherheit drin gewesen.
      Hatte mir schon Szenarien in diesem Bereich mit anschließendem Aktiensplit 3:2 oder ähnliches vorgestellt.

      Wäre echt die geniale Langfristanlage gewesen.

      Allerdings verfällt im Moment der USD rapide - somit hat die Ganze Aktion vielleicht auch etwas Positives.

      Im Übrigen ist der Bonus von 18% den Kinetec gewährt mir etwas zu mickrig - hätte im Falle einer Übernahme eher 25-30% erwartet.

      Und in was dann investieren?

      Vielleicht sollte man sich die Kinetec Concepts mal genauer anschauen - das Mgt. von LIFC wird dort wohl weiter mitmischen.

      Die Volumina von Kinetec in D sind allerdings etwas mager.
      schrieb am 08.04.08 01:43:16
      Beitrag Nr. 248 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 33.831.672 von kevin.lomax am 07.04.08 23:26:56
      weiteres aus dem yahoo thread ...

      Re: KCI stock actions
      7-Apr-08 11:00 am As a shareholder I think this is not even an "average" buyout...30% is average. LIFC is a special company and deserves a premium.



      Re: Competitive Bid
      7-Apr-08 05:00 pm A superior bid can, and in fact must, be accepted anytime up until the close of the tender offer.
      The merger agreement, most likely, only prohibits actively soliciting new bids.

      The other likely suitors have already done their due diligence in LIFC and are in a position to counter offer. During the conference call we learned that there were indeed other bidders. Now we just we wait to see if they are in a better position now to best the offer.


      let's wait and see
      schrieb am 09.04.08 10:15:36
      Beitrag Nr. 249 ()
      Also, ich bin richtig schockiert (normalerweise sollte man sich freuen). Neben soviel Mist, was ich im Portfolio hatte, war diese Aktie mit ihrem mehr oder weniger konstanten Zuwachs ein sicherer Leuchtturm. Weiß jemand, wann die Barabfindung erfolgt?:(:(:(
      schrieb am 09.04.08 20:14:39
      Beitrag Nr. 250 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 33.843.167 von Knapfel am 09.04.08 10:15:36

      Also die 55 USD von Needham&Co werdens dann wohl nicht mehr.
      Es sei denn es kommt noch ein Alternativgebot.

      Sowas wird jedenfalls im yahoo thread diskutiert.
      schrieb am 10.04.08 20:47:42
      Beitrag Nr. 251 ()
      Hoffentlich kommt ein solches Alternativangebot.

      Auch in meinem Depot ist Lifecell der "Leuchtturm". Solch einen darf man doch nicht einfach verschleudern!

      Zu diesem Preis nur ein guter Deal für den Käufer.
      schrieb am 06.05.08 01:57:50
      Beitrag Nr. 252 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 33.861.078 von Exteme am 10.04.08 20:47:42

      Geniessen wir nocheinmal den 5JChart.

      By the way: Hat jemand bzgl. des Umtausch bereits Nachricht vom Broker bekommen.

      Im yahoo-Thread wird der 16.Mai als Stichtag gehandelt. Wenn KCI bis dahin 51% übernehmen kann, gilt der Deal.


      The tender has to be made by him on end of day on May 15. If a majority of shares are tendered, then the deal goes through, and those who did not tender will receive the $51 per share (I did not ask how long it takes if you don't tender for the shares to be mandatorily sold to KCI for the $51). So, if you don't do anything, then the shares are not tendered as I understand it. If a majority of shares are not tendered, then the deal does not go through. It would then be up to KCI to decide if it wanted to make a higher tender offer or walk away, or pursue some other sort of plan--merger with share exchange, etc.


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      Lifecell, Produkte und Zukunftsaussichten eines Tissue Unternehmens