
    Nanogen Top oder Flop ??? - 500 Beiträge pro Seite

    eröffnet am 20.01.00 17:30:43 von
    neuester Beitrag 05.01.01 18:34:21 von
    Beiträge: 157
    ID: 53.082
    Aufrufe heute: 0
    Gesamt: 10.653
    Aktive User: 0

    ISIN: US6300751095 · WKN: 911841

    Werte aus der Branche Nanotechnologie

    WertpapierKursPerf. %
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     Ja Nein
      schrieb am 20.01.00 17:30:43
      Beitrag Nr. 1 ()

      Habe mir Nanogen vor kurzem gekauft.
      Leider konnte ich keinen aktuellen Thread dazu finden.
      Kennt eigentlich überhaupt jemand in Deutschland diese Aktie?

      Wenn ja dann schreibt mir mal was ihr davon haltet!

      schrieb am 20.01.00 21:27:42
      Beitrag Nr. 2 ()
      Hallo Amtax..

      Ich habe mir auch Nanogen gekauft..leider Gestern.
      Ärgerlich ist nur das ich mir bereits jetzt satte Verluste eingefahren
      habe.Konnte ja keiner ahnen das einer der Mitbegründer von Nanogen
      zum Ende diesen Monats in Ruhestand geht.Trotz allem bin ich von
      dem Unternehmen und deren Produkte überzeugt.Wenn du English
      beherrschst , dann findest du unter Kürzel NGEN den Kurs nebst Unternehmensmeldungen.Aufmerksam geworden bin ich durch einen Bericht
      Ich sehe dieses Investment aber langfristig und werde bei den oder noch niederigen Kursen nachkaufen.....

      PS. Der Bekanntheitsgrad von Nanogen hier in Deutschland scheint ziemlich gering zu sein.

      MfG Werner
      schrieb am 21.01.00 01:02:56
      Beitrag Nr. 3 ()

      Mit dem Bekanntheitsgrad liegst du wohl richtig.
      Aber steckt darin nicht auch noch das große Potential?
      Keine Angst wegen den häftigen verlusten. Bei mir siehts nicht anders aus. Jedoch sehe ich die Sache langfristig auch sehr positiv.
      ICh dachte zuerst schon der Gründer wäre zurückgetreten und habe mir deswegen schon ernst haft sorgen gemacht. Doch gott sei dank kann auf ihrer HOmepage das Management abrufen. Unter anderem kann man hier auch den lebenslauf dieser Frau lesen. Daraus hat sich ergeben dass sie es wohl nie länger als ein paar Jahre bei einem Biotech unternehmen ausgehalten hat.

      Auf bald wieder steigende Kurse!
      Cu Amtax
      schrieb am 21.01.00 08:45:10
      Beitrag Nr. 4 ()
      Der Kurs hat sich ja gegen Ende der Sitzung wieder deutlich gefangen.

      Zur Bewertung:
      Als ich Nanogen das erste Mal empfohlen hatte, standen sie bei 7 US$ -das war im Sommer letzten Jahres und hatten eine Marktkapitalisierung von unter 100 Mio. US$. Inzwischen stehen sie bei fast 30 US$ und sind mit einer halben Milliarde bewertet.

      In der Tat ist das ein riesiger Anstieg. Doch sollte man eines bedenken. Der Markt für Biochips soll riesig werden. Man geht davon aus, daß er in den nächsten Jahren (die Prognosen sind sich da ziemlich uneinig) Milliardenvolumen annehmen soll.

      Hier hat sich Nanogen mit den konfigurierbaren Biochips in einer sehr interessanten Nische positioniert. Denn das bisherige Manko der Chips ist es, daß man sie auf Bestellung anfertigen lassen muß. Die Möglichkeit zur Selbstkonbfiguration ist daher ein entscheidender Vorteil.

      Wichtig wird sein, wie sich die Produkte am Markt schlagen werden, das wird sich bald zeigen.

      Ich habe noch meine Analyse zu Nanogen in STiS-weekly hinzugefügt:Nanogen: build your own chip!

      Howard C. Birndorf pflegt eine große Leidenschaft: Er gründet Biotech-Firmen am laufenden Band. Er hat es mittlerweile schon auf über ein halbes Dutzend Unternehmen gebracht, die möglichst auch alle an der Börse eingeführt werden sollen. Darunter sind IDEC Pharmaceuticals und Ligand Pharmaceuticals, Gensia und Neurocrine Biosciences. Aktuell muß sich Nanogen (NGEN) im Umfeld der Börse bewähren, seit letztem Jahr ist die Aktie an der NASDAQ notiert. Bisher verkörperte jede von Birndorfs Firmem eine interessante Idee, einen aussichtsreichen Ansatz. So ist es auch bei Nanogen, die Biochips fertigt und damit in einem Sektor tätig ist, dem für die nächsten Jahre hohe Wachstumsraten vorausgesagt werden.

      Anwendungs- und Einsatzgebiete

      Breit gefächert sind die Gebiete, in denen mit den vollautomatisierten Systemen von Nanogen gearbeitet werden kann. Derzeit stehen vor allem biologische Anwendungen im Mittelpunkt des Interesses. Durch die Fortschritte in der Genomforschung auf der einen Seite, die eine Unmenge an Datenmaterial bereitstellt, und der medizinischen Wirkstofforschung auf der anderen Seite, die einer Vielzahl an Testmöglichkeiten bedarf, wächst die Nachfrage nach „Biochips". Neben dem Forschungsbereich wird zunehmend auch der Diagnostikbereich interessant, der durch den Einsatz von genetischen Untersuchungen eine Revolution erfahren dürfte. Hier ist wiederum die Genomforschung die ursächlich treibende Kraft, die durch ihre Erkenntnisse erst die Grundlagen schafft. In naher Zukunft wird auch der Einsatz im Umweltbereich interessant. Einen Boommarkt dürften gerichtsmedizinische Untersuchungen bilden. Da sich der „genetische Fingerabdruck" als Beweismittel immer mehr durchsetzt und zahlreiche andere Untersuchungen durchgeführt werden können, ergeben sich hier große Potentiale. Die bisherigen Testgrundlagen sind entweder zu teuer oder zu langsam um die anstehenden Arbeiten kostengünstig und schnell durchführen zu können. So sind die derzeit in den USA am Markt aktiven Labors ständig überlastet, Untersuchungsergebnisse können erst nach langen Wartezeiten abgerufen werden. Nanogen arbeitet in diesem Bereich mit den US-Regierungsinstitutionen zusammen, was sich vorteilhaft auswirken sollte. Derzeit noch Zukunftsmusik, aber durchaus absehbar ist der Einsatz in Bereichen außerhalb der Biologie. Angedacht sind Entwicklungen für Bereiche der Telekommunikation und in der Mikroelektronik.

      Die Technologie: für alles offen!

      Um ein derartiges Spektrum an Anwendungen abdecken zu können, bedarf es einer speziell dafür ausgerichteten Technologie. So verbindet der Nanogen-Chip die Vorzüge der Mikroelektronik mit denen der Molekularbiologie und erreicht damit eine hohe Geschwindigkeit und eine Flexibilität, die in die Richtung „build your own chip" geht. Gerade die hohe Flexibilität können andere Systeme nicht aufweisen, die oft nach Auftrag gefertigt werden müssen und dadurch lange Wartezeiten und hohe Kosten entstehen. Nanogen kann dies vermeiden, was durch den Einsatz eines Halbleitermikrochips ermöglicht wird, der die Basis des Tests bildet. Entsprechenden test-sites können Moleküle zugeordnet und Testanordnungen nach eigenen Wünschen konfiguriert werden. Das Verfahren funktioniert dergestalt: Der Mikrochip wird, ohne daß bereits Voreinstellungen vorgenommen worden sind, auf einer Cartridge angebracht. Mit Hilfe des Nanogen-Systems wird die genetische Information entworfen und durch ein Microtitersystem am Chip angebracht. Danach erfolgt die elektronische Adressierung des Chips gemäß den Nutzervorgaben. Daraufhin werden die Proben auf den Chip gegeben, das Lesegerät startet die Testvorgänge und nimmt danach eine Auswertung der Ergebnisse vor. Die Konfiguration der Testanordnung nach eigenen Wünschen und die Möglichkeit mehrere Tests über eine Testanordnung abzuarbeiten ermöglicht die großen Zeiteinsparungen.

      In der ersten Version wird das Testsystem als Benchtop ausgeliefert werden, das in Labors eingesetzt werden soll und zielt auf die eingangs genannten Märkte der medizinischen Forschung ab. Eine tragbare Version des Testsystems soll folgen und durch einen sehr viel geringeren Preis eine breitere Nutzergruppe erreichen. Der Massenmarkt soll mit Testsystemen im Hand-held-Format erschlossen werden, die dann z.B. für Tests im Lebensmittelsektor oder in der Agrarwirtschaft eingesetzt werden können. Die Vorteile der Nanogen-Technologie sind die hohe Geschwindigkeit, die Spezifität, Akkuratheit und die Vielseitigkeit.

      Auf dem Weg zur Kommerzialisierung...

      Die beste Technologie nützt dem Unternehmen natürlich nichts, wenn sie nicht irgendwann einmal am Markt eingeführt wird. Derzeit sind die Nanogen-Chips in mehreren Beta-Test-Sites im Einsatz, am Ende des Jahres soll die Markteinführung erfolgen. Zunächst sollen die Märkte für medizinische Anwendungen (Diagnostik), Medikamentenforschung und für gerichtsmedizinische Anwendungen erschlossen werden. Bisher stehen nur die Anwendungen im biologischen Bereich im Blickpunkt der Öffentlichkeit. Nicht vergessen werden dürfen aber auch die Möglichkeiten, die der Einsatz von DNA im mikroelektronischen Bereich bietet. Mit Nanotronics verfügt Nanogen hier über eine Tochterunternehmen, das auf diesem Gebiet (z.B. im Bereich der optischen Speicher) Fortschritte erzielen konnte.


      Als problematisch erscheint zu diesem Zeitpunkt eine Abschätzung des Unternehmenswerts auf der Basis von Gewinnzahlen. Zum einen läßt sich aufgrund fehlender historischer Daten keine Berechnungsgrundlage bilden, zum anderen ist eine Prognose äußerst diffizil. Da auf mittlere Sicht das Produktportfolio ausgebaut werden soll, ist mit hohen Marketingaufwendungen zu rechnen, die die Firma belasten werden. Bei einer groben Abschätzung kann man davon ausgehen, daß auch im Jahr 2001 noch Verluste geschrieben werden, doch kann ein Produkterfolg die Gewinnschwelle ebenso nach vorne verschieben, wie ein Mißerfolg das Unternehmen auf Jahre hinaus belasten würde. Man sollte sich als Investor darauf einstellen, daß der Wert dieses Unternehmens weniger in den zu erwartenden Gewinnen liegt, denn in der Bewertung der Technologie, die sich in der Marktkapitalisierung widerspiegelt. Um hier einen Eindruck zu gewinnen, soll ein Vergleich zu zwei anderen Unternehmen gezogen werden, die Nanogen am besten gleichen. Es sind der Branchenprimus Affymetrix (AFFX) und Hyseq (HYSQ) zu nennen. Affymetrix wird bei 70 Mio. US$ Umsatz mit knapp 1,6 Mrd. US$ bewertet. AFFX konnte mit seinen Produkten die Position des Marktführers besetzen. Hyseq gleicht hinsichtlich des Umsatzes Nanogen (etwa 8 Mio. US$), weist aber nur eine Marktkapitalisierung von 49 Mio. US$ auf. Dies spiegelt wider, daß sich Hyseq neben der Produktion der „Hardware" auch mit der Wirkstofforschung und der Entwicklung von Medikamenten beschäftigt und daher der Kapitalbedarf auf mittlere Sicht sehr viel größer sein dürfte. Zudem ist die Unternehmensentwicklung dadurch noch schwerer zu kalkulieren. Vom Kursumsatzverhältnis her gesehen, liegt Nanogen (15) ungefähr in der Mitte zwischen HYSQ (6) und AFFX (21) , hier werden keine Impulse kommen. Was den Kurs und damit den Marktwert beflügeln wird, ist eine erfolgreiche Einführung der eigenen Produktserien. Auf der Basis stark steigender Umsätze dürfte auch der Unternehmenswert deutlich nach oben korrigiert werden. Hier lohnt ein Blick auf das starke Wachstum des Gesamtmarktes. Hatte der Markt im letzten Jahr noch ein Volumen von etwa 80 Mio. US$, so soll er bis im Jahr 2002 auf über 500 Mio. US$ gewachsen sein. Kann NGEN einen Marktanteil von 10% erreichen, so würde dies bei einem KUV von 15 einen Firmenwert von 750 Mio. US$ betragen. Selbst bei konservativen Annahmen erreicht man einen Wert zwischen 400 und 500 Mio. US$ - wie gesagt, nur im Erfolgsfall. Sollte die für Ende diesen Jahres geplante Produkteinführung erfolgreich gelingen, so sollte die alten Höchstkurse wieder erreicht werden und sich der Firmenwert bei etwa 250 bis 300 Mio. US$ einpendeln. Damit wären die Potentiale des Unternehmens gewürdigt, ein ausreichender Abschlag zum Marktführer berücksichtigt. Mittelfristig dürften dann entsprechend der Unternehmensentwicklung höhere Kurse möglich sein.


      Ein Investment in Nanogen bietet sich für den nervenschwachen Investor nicht an und sollte den Charakter einer Depotbeimischung haben. Wer Geduld aufweisen kann, profitiert mit hoher Wahrscheinlichkeit vom hohen Wachstum des Biochipbereichs und der Ausrichtung des Unternehmens in diesem Sektor. Auch am Heimatmarkt - der NASDAQ - gehen bisweilen nur geringe Stückzahlen um, der Handel ist dementsprechend volatil. Ein Limit sollte daher unbedingt gesetzt werden.

      Nanogen auf einen Blick
      Wertpapierkennummer 911841 Stärken: gute Technologiebasis breite Anwenderbasis flexible Handhabung der Produkte Schwächen: kein Standardprodukt im herkömmlichen Sinn Erreichen der Profitabilität derzeit nicht absehbar
      liquidester Börsenplatz New York
      letzter Kurs 7 US$
      KGV 2000 Verlust
      unser Urteil spekulativ kaufen
      schrieb am 21.01.00 14:32:14
      Beitrag Nr. 5 ()

      Du sagst du hast diesen Artikel geschrieben? Was machst du beruflich um diese Detailkenntnis zu besitzen?
      WAs hast du sonst noch für Biotechs auf deiner Empfehlungsliste?

      CU Amtax!

      Trading Spotlight

      East Africa Metals
      0,1480EUR +0,68 %
      Kennen wir bei East Africa bislang nur die Spitze des Goldberges?!mehr zur Aktie »
      schrieb am 21.01.00 17:45:11
      Beitrag Nr. 6 ()

      Das ging ja schnell! NAchdem Kursrutsch von gestern liegt Nanogen jetzt mit satten 17% im Plus! Und es ist heute noch genug zeit für weiter steigende Kurse!

      Ich hoffe auf einen noch besseren Schlusskurs!
      CU Amtax!
      schrieb am 21.01.00 22:15:01
      Beitrag Nr. 7 ()

      Und ich ärgere mich ein wenig.Wollte eigentlich preiswert nachkaufen.
      naja..vielleicht bietet sich mir noch eine günstige Gelegenheit.Nichts desto trotz freue ich mich natürlich über den heutigen Kurssprung..:-)

      Und Tschüss....Maxxtro
      schrieb am 23.01.00 00:05:30
      Beitrag Nr. 8 ()

      Nachdem der Kurs zwischenzeitlich fast ungluabliche 40% im plus lag
      kam die Aktie bis Handelsschluss wieder auf +23% zurück und liegt nun bei 33$. Mit einem Tageshoch von über 37$ markierte die AKtie auch wieder ein neues Alltimehigh! Die Verluste vom Hoch sind meiner Meinung nach aber auf Gewinn mitnahmen zurückzuführen. SO hat z.B. jemand der am Donnerstag zu einem Tagestief von 23$ gekauft hat am Freitag bei 37$ einen Gewinn von ca. 65% gemacht! und das innerhalb von 2Tagen! Hier ist es dann schon verständlich, dass ersteinmal Gewinn mitgenommen werden!
      Dennoch bin ich für die nächsten Tage sehr positiv gestimmt und hoffe schon am Montag, Dienstag auf ein neues ATH zu Handelsschluss. Das sind dann 36+x $!

      schrieb am 23.01.00 15:08:34
      Beitrag Nr. 9 ()
      Hier noch einige Informationen über Nanogen:

      Nanogen ist im wachstumsstarken (explodierenden) Markt für Biochips tätig und hat sich hier wie oben von Sir Toby schon erklärt mit den konfigurierbaren Biochips in einer sehr interessanten Nische positioniert. Jedoch ist es für einen Laien auf diesem Sektor wie ich einer bin (und ich glaube ich bin hier nicht der Einzige :) ) sehr schwer sich mit den Produkten dieser Biotechs auseinander zusetzten. Deswegen habe ich hier einige Informationen und Bilder aus Nanogens reich gefüllten Produktpalette zusammengetragen. (Leider nur auf english vorhanden)
      schrieb am 23.01.00 15:13:00
      Beitrag Nr. 10 ()
      Disposable Cartridge:
      The disposable cartridge consists of a proprietary semiconductor microchip with electrical and fluidic connections to the instrument. Several prototypes of the disposable cartridges have been completed and manufacturing designs are being finalized. Nanogen expects that the disposable cartridge and microchip can be manufactured in high volumes at a low cost.

      schrieb am 23.01.00 15:17:21
      Beitrag Nr. 11 ()
      Semiconductor Microchip:

      Nanogen`s prototype proprietary microchip capitalize on advances in the semiconductor industry and are designed and constructed using state-of-the-art microlithography and fabrication techniques. Nanogen`s microchip is coated with a permeation layer to which capture probes are attached and is mounted on the disposable cartridge. The original microchip design measures one square centimeter with an active area of one square millimeter containing a five-by-five array of 25 electrodes, or independent test sites, per microchip. Nanogen is currently testing additional microchip designs containing 100 electrodes fabricated with wire bonding techniques. In addition, the Company has developed microchips containing 400 electrodes based on CMOS process integrated circuit designs and is developing larger arrays of 10,000 or more sites. The microchip can be designed and built by Nanogen for specific applications or can be individually customized by the end user.

      schrieb am 23.01.00 15:21:39
      Beitrag Nr. 12 ()
      Permeation Layer:

      The Company`s proprietary permeation layer, which is critical to the proper functioning of the Nanogen system, is the interface between the surface of the microchip and the biological test environment. The permeation layer isolates the biological materials from the harsh electrochemical environment near the electrode surface and provides the chemistry necessary for attachment of capture probes.

      Capture Probes:

      Capture probes or other capture molecules are electronically addressed to the desired microlocations and chemically attached to the permeation layer. Because independent control can be applied at any test site on Nanogen`s microchip, different capture probes can be addressed on the same microchip, allowing multiple tests to be processed simultaneously. Nanogen`s cartridges can be sold with preloaded sets of capture probes or can be customized by the end user in "build-your-own-chip" applications which will allow the customer to assemble specific probes onto a microchip to perform individualized analyses.

      schrieb am 23.01.00 15:26:38
      Beitrag Nr. 13 ()
      Nanogen Instrument:

      Nanogen`s fully integrated prototype instrument consists of three major subsystems: (i) a highly sensitive, laser-based fluorescence scanner that detects molecular binding, (ii) a fluid handling subsystem that controls test sample application and washing steps, and (iii) computer hardware and software that allow the operator to select assays from a simple, graphical user menu which controls all microchip operations, tabulates test results, and prints test reports.

      Fluorescent Array Scanner:

      The fluorescent scanner uses pattern recognition software and optoelectronic technology to reduce instrument cost and size and eliminate the need for complicated array positioning mechanics. In its present configuration, the scanner is able to perform high sensitivity scans of 100 test site arrays in less than two minutes. With this scanner, fluorescence is detectable at levels of fewer than 500 molecules at each test site.

      Fluidics Station:

      The instrument fully automates the movement of the reagents and test sample onto the disposable cartridge. The fluidic subassembly of the instrument includes a panel of precision syringe pumps, a cartridge-mounted sample assembly and appropriate fluidic connections between the instrument and the disposable cartridge.

      Computer Hardware and Software System:

      An advanced multi-tasking operating system and Pentium-based microprocessor control all aspects of machine operation, including bar-coded assay selection, assay operation, fluorescent signal detection and signal processing, calculation of assay results, and report generation. Each of the individual array locations is separately controlled by the microprocessor. Fluorescent signals emanating from positive test sites are scanned, monitored and quantitated.
      schrieb am 23.01.00 15:48:10
      Beitrag Nr. 14 ()
      Hallo Amtax..

      Hast dir ja richtig Mühe gegeben..finde ich echt prima.
      Und so langsam kommt dieser Thread ins Rollen.
      Mein Tip für Nanogen die nächsten Wochen..( wenn kein Crash kommt )
      62 EURO..Der Grund ist relativ einfach, viele Anleger decken sich wieder mit Biotech-Aktien ein.Der Beitrag unten hat zwar nichts mit NGEN zu aber vielleicht eine kleine Hilfe.

      Biotechs continue to cruise (BBH, AMGN, AFFX, CRA, HGSI)

      Biotech stocks are continuing their recent high-flying ways, with the Merrill Lynch Biotech Holdrs (BBH) rising 3.6 percent to 180 3/4. The basket is now up 26 percent this month. Amgen (AMGN), the most heavily weighted in the basket, is up 1 7/8 to 73 11/16. The hottest piece of the biotech pie has been the genomics companies. Of that group, Affymetrix (AFFX) is up 16 percent to 269 1/4, Celera (CRA) is 31 better at 257 1/2 and Human Genome Sciences (HGSI) is hiking 18 5/8 higher to 230 1/8. President Clinton jumped on the bandwagon Thursday, by declaring that January was National Biotechnology Month.

      Bis bald...Maxxtro.
      schrieb am 23.01.00 20:06:36
      Beitrag Nr. 15 ()
      Hi Maxxtro

      Was meinst du werden die Biotechs die Inets jetzt ablösen?
      Momentan ist mein Depot zu 35% in Biotechs investiert. Der rest sind
      Inets und noch ein paar Standard Titel. Ich bin gerade am überlegen ob ich noch weiter in den Biotech Sektor umschichten soll, jedoch bin ich mir nicht sicher ob dieser momentane Aufschwung nicht nur von kurzfristiger Dauer ist. Was meint ihr?

      In diesem Zusammenhang finde ich Aurora (US-Kürzel:ABSC) ganz interressant. Auf welche Werte sezt ihr neben Nanogen noch?
      schrieb am 23.01.00 21:29:16
      Beitrag Nr. 16 ()

      auf ljl biosystems (nasdaq LJLB)
      letzte woche von 7$ auf 20 $ und noch viel potential.
      schrieb am 23.01.00 23:08:30
      Beitrag Nr. 17 ()
      Hallo ..allesamt.

      Mittlerweile werden wir mehr..:-).
      Also ich kann mir nicht vorstellen das Die BIOS jetzt die INETS ablösen werden.Die Impulse hierzu gehen von den Amis aus.Vielleicht schwappt ja dann die Welle nach uns. BZW Europa.Wenn die Anleger merken das man mit Biotechnologietiteln ne schnelle Mark machen kann,dann könnte ich mir durchaus vorstellen das uns Goldige Zeiten bevorstehen.
      Das ist übrigens meine Persönliche Meinung dazu.
      Andere BIOS habe ich derzeit nicht in meinem Depot.Aber ich suche noch.Mein Manko ist ..English ist eine Fremdsprache für mich.Ein paar Wörter kann ich zwar aber für den Rest bin ich auf andere angewiesen.

      Bis denne..
      schrieb am 23.01.00 23:39:23
      Beitrag Nr. 18 ()

      Ich nochmal.
      Ich habe mir grade mal die Charts ( LJLB, ABSC, BBH, AMGN, AFFX, CRA, HGSI.) angesehen.Alles Biotechunternehmen.Da konnte man sehen das Anfang bis Mitte Dezember ein Run auf Biotechs begonnen hat.Ich kann mir nicht vorstellen das dieser Anstieg von kurzer Dauer ist.

      MfG Maxxtro
      schrieb am 24.01.00 05:45:42
      Beitrag Nr. 19 ()
      Guten Morgen! Ich stimme dir zu Maxxtro. Die Biotechwerte werden weiter steigen. Zur Zeit gibt es so viel Geld dadraussen, dass tatsächlich man könnte mit dem Geld dessen Hintern putzen. Solange die Federal Reserve die Zinsrate nicht anhebt, werden zinempfindliche Werte auf dem Weg nach unten bleiben und Geld in andere Sektoren eingepumpt. Und wo sonst könnte diese andere Sektoren liegen. Ich glaube auch, dass die Biotechnologie- und Internetwerte werden viele Leuten im 2000 stinkreich machen, wenn sie nicht schon sind. Biomüll all the way!

      schrieb am 24.01.00 11:12:53
      Beitrag Nr. 20 ()
      Hi Amtax,

      ich researche seit drei Jahren Werte aus dem Biotechsektor, die Analyse kann man in STiS-weekly ( nachlesen.

      Auf meiner Empfehlungsliste sind u.a.:
      Aurora Biosciences
      Trinity Biotech
      BB Biotech (weil ich das Management gut finde und ich auch MEDI sehr gern mag)

      und noch einige mehr...

      bis denn
      Sir Toby
      schrieb am 24.01.00 15:59:59
      Beitrag Nr. 21 ()

      Schaut euch mal Nanogen in Amiland an!
      Schon zu HAndelsbeginn +52%!
      Das ist unglaublich. Somit liegen wir schon über 40$
      und dass muss nicht einmal dass schon alles für heute sein!

      Frage: zeigt mir zwar an dass es mehr als 50% sin jedoch halte ich dass bei einem schluu am Freitag von 33$ rein rechnerisch für unmöglich! Warum zeigt es dies dann an? Fehler?
      schrieb am 24.01.00 16:21:04
      Beitrag Nr. 22 ()
      Hallo Amtax.

      Nanogen zeigt bei bigchart 41 $ , jetzt 40,5 also ein plus von
      21,80%.Das ist doch auch gut.

      schrieb am 24.01.00 16:28:34
      Beitrag Nr. 23 ()

      Bei gibt es bei manchen Werten wohl in den ersten Handelsminuten irgendwelche Probleme und so nehmen si zu ANfang den Schlusskurs des vorletzten Handelstags, der bei 27$ lag. So lassen sich diese 50% begründen :).
      Du hast recht 25% sind such nicht schlecht!
      schrieb am 27.01.00 19:36:57
      Beitrag Nr. 24 ()

      Was ist denn mit Nanogen los?
      ISt gerade mit 10% im Minus und scheint noch weiter zu gehen!
      Gibt es irgendwelche neuen Nachrichten?

      schrieb am 27.01.00 22:43:37
      Beitrag Nr. 25 ()

      Über das Minus mache ich mir keine Sorgen.Gewinnmitnahmen schätze ich mal.Die sind doch schon gut gelaufen und über News weiß ich nichts.Jetzt kann ich Preiswert nachkaufen.Übrigens..Ich habe mir heute mal den Aktionär geholt..und siehe da..Nanogen wurde bei einem Kurs von 19,5 E zum Kauf empfohlen und steht in deren Chart-Check.
      Kursziel 45 E..Stoppkurs 16 E. Das ist doch was oder?

      MfG Maxxtro.
      schrieb am 28.01.00 13:56:23
      Beitrag Nr. 26 ()

      Hoffen wir es sind nur Gewinnmitnahmen!
      Bei den Empfehlungskursen des Aktionärs ist Vorsicht geboten.Ich kenne Niemand der bei einer guten Aktie je zu dem Angegebenem Empfehlungskurs gekauft hat. :)
      Wenn die AKtie jedoch wieder ins laufen kommt denke ich, dass hier deutlich höhere Kurse als 45 in kürzester Zeit drinn sind!

      CU Amtax!
      schrieb am 28.01.00 22:39:25
      Beitrag Nr. 27 ()

      Ist doch verrückt!!!!!
      Der Nasdaq erleidet den zweit höchsten Punkteverlust der GEschicht !
      Und Nanogen legt mal kurz um 12% zu!
      WObei ich mich frage wie es zu diesem Anstieg kam.
      Denn 20 Minuten vor HAndelsschluss stand Nanogen noch im Minus!
      Ist hier irgendetwas im Busch?

      Wir werden sehen!
      schrieb am 29.01.00 23:58:34
      Beitrag Nr. 28 ()

      Ich habe zu Nanogen einen Bericht gefunden der zwar " alt " ist,
      aber auf Deutsch erklärt was die Firma macht.

      Zu dem Kursanstieg..Es könnte sein das sich ein Fond eindeckt,

      MfG Maxxtro
      schrieb am 30.01.00 00:27:24
      Beitrag Nr. 29 ()

      Das ist auch ein interessanter Bericht..

      bis denne...
      schrieb am 03.02.00 23:36:04
      Beitrag Nr. 30 ()
      Na also..läuft doch ..auch Charttechnisch siehts sehr gut aus.
      Ich kann leider keine neue News zu NGEN finden.

      Mfg Maxxtro..
      schrieb am 06.02.00 17:01:37
      Beitrag Nr. 31 ()
      Bei Kursen unter 40 einsteigen.
      schrieb am 06.02.00 23:51:44
      Beitrag Nr. 32 ()

      Ein bißchen hoffe ich doch das der Kurs aus welchen Gründen auch immer noch mal unter 40 € fällt.Wenn nicht stocke ich auch auf dem Level noch auf.Gibt es denn irgendwelche Neuigkeiten zu Nanogen?

      MfG Maxxtro.
      schrieb am 07.02.00 23:20:24
      Beitrag Nr. 33 ()
      Abstract aus Nature Biotech:…

      Anchored multiplex amplification on a microelectronic chip array

      Lorelei Westin1, Xiao Xu2, Carolyn Miller1, Ling Wang1, Carl F. Edman3 & Michael Nerenberg1

      1. Department of Molecular Biology, Nanogen, Inc. San Diego, CA.
      2. Department of Genomics, Nanogen, Inc. San Diego, CA.
      3. Department of Genomics, Nanotronics, Inc., San Diego, CA.
      Correspondence should be addressed to L Westin. e-mail:

      We have developed a method for anchored amplification on a microchip array that allows amplification and detection of multiple targets in an open format. Electronic anchoring of sets of amplification primers in distinct areas on the microchip permitted primer-primer interactions to be reduced and distinct zones of amplification created, thereby increasing the efficiency of the multiplex amplification reactions. We found strand displacement amplification (SDA) to be ideal for use in our microelectronic chip system because of the isothermal nature of the assay, which provides a rapid amplification system readily compatible with simple instrumentation. Anchored SDA supported multiplex DNA or RNA amplification without decreases in amplification efficiency. This microelectronic chip-based amplification system allows multiplexed amplification and detection to be performed on the same platform, streamlining development of any nucleic acid-based assay.

      Keywords: multiplex amplification, anchored amplification, SDA, microelectronic chip

      Das hört sich doch gut an

      schrieb am 08.02.00 15:59:07
      Beitrag Nr. 34 ()
      Besta Tests mit 100%

      Nanogen and the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas Release Beta Test Results

      Tuesday, February 8, 2000, 7:30 a.m. EST
      PR Newswire

      Nanochip(TM) Accuracy Exceeds DNA Sequencing Results

      SAN DIEGO, Feb. 8 /PRNewswire/ -- Nanogen, Inc. (Nasdaq: NGEN) and The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas yesterday released results of Nanogen`s NanoChip(TM) research system beta trial at UT Southwestern. Dr. Glen Evans, Professor of Internal Medicine at UT Southwestern performed the study. The NanoChip(TM) system provided 100% accuracy on all calls made in the systematic genotyping of more than 200 individuals for 12 clinically relevant single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). The results were presented at the G2K: Back to Science Conference in Marco Island, Florida, on February 7th. In addition, Dr. Evans will present results from the NanoChip(TM) system as part of his work on lung cancer genes in a lecture in the Oncology Seminar Series at the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute in Boston today.

      The most common type of human genetic variation is the single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP). A SNP is a single base substitution within the approximately 3 billion base pairs in the DNA sequence of the 23 chromosomes from one human. Genomic sequencing and bioinformatics have revealed thousands of functional SNPs and marker SNPs which provide important biological information for identifying individuals with disease susceptibility and for identifying individuals who could have toxic reactions to specific drugs. Pharmaceutical and diagnostic research and development with SNPs could lead to new drugs and clinical tests.

      The NanoChip(TM) system provided 100% accurate results from the 200 patient samples tested, totaling 2400 individual SNP calls and the identification of one rare mutation, exceeding the results with DNA sequencing. Eight percent (8%) of the SNP scores determined using current DNA sequencing technology were corrected by using the NanoChip(TM) system. Moreover, the results from the NanoChip(TM) system demonstrated its multiplexing capability and flexibility. Amplified genomic DNA from one patient was accurately scored for as many as 12 functional SNPs of pharmacogenomic significance on one microelectronic chip, demonstrating the use of the NanoChip(TM) for clinical diagnostic panels. In addition, a second experimental design was performed using the NanoChip(TM) system. In this format, 32 patient samples arrayed on a single microchip were scored for 1 SNP per sample with greater speed and accuracy than current sequencing technologies, demonstrating the use of the NanoChip(TM) for genotyping studies. Nanogen believes other leading commercial microarray systems do not offer this combination of accuracy and user selectable flexibility.

      Glen Evans, M.D., Ph.D., who holds the George L. MacGregor Distinguished Chair in Biomedical Sciences at UT Southwestern, stated, "The Nanogen NanoChip(TM) system provides an exceptionally rapid and accurate method for identifying polymorphisms and rare mutations in human DNA, and is easier and more accurate than our current gold standard, DNA sequencing. With the NanoChip(TM) system, one investigator genotyped 150 patients in 3 days, including all sample preparation and amplification, as opposed to weeks of work using DNA sequencing." Dr. Evans continued, "Genotyping by DNA sequencing is particularly difficult for heterozygotes, which is a mixture of two variants in the same sample. The NanoChip(TM) system is especially powerful for unambiguous detection and identification of heterozygotes, as shown in our loss-of-heterozygosity studies with lung cancer genes, and is useful as a standard for correcting DNA sequencing. Additionally, the system enabled us to identify a rare genetic variant."

      Howard Birndorf, Nanogen`s Chairman, President and CEO commented, "We are very pleased with the results of the beta trial at UT Southwestern which are consistent with previous beta trials demonstrating the benefits of the NanoChip(TM) system." Birndorf continued, "Previous beta trials demonstrated the Nanochip(TM) system`s utility in discriminating SNPs in clinical patients and in analyzing short tandem repeats -- a genetic technique currently used for identification of criminals and for biological research. The UT Southwestern data demonstrates the Nanochip(TM) system`s multiplex capability for panels of diagnostic tests and genotyping studies."

      In November, Nanogen announced that Dennis O`Kane, Ph.D., a lead investigator at the Mayo Clinic, had presented data on the company`s NanoChip(TM) system at IBC`s 6th Annual Biochip Technologies "Chips to Hits" conference in Berkeley, California. Dr. O`Kane presented results of the analysis of SNPs for two sets of clinical patients. In each study, the NanoChip(TM) System was 100% accurate versus an error rate of between 6-11% for an alternative technique currently considered an industry standard. Subsequently, in December, Nanogen announced the results of a blinded concordance study performed at the Bode Technology Group (BTG). Short tandem repeat (STR) analysis using the NanoChip(TM) system provided >99.5% concordant calls with other current state-of-the-art methodologies. The analysis of specific STRs is a method of DNA analysis selected by U.S. and foreign governments for identifying criminals.

      Nanogen, Inc. plans to begin selling its NanoChip(TM) system in the year 2000 to scientists and genomics laboratories seeking a new standard for SNP scoring. In beta testing, the NanoChip(TM) system has been shown to provide accuracy equal to or better than DNA sequencing and other methods for SNP confirmation. Unlike other systems, the NanoChip(TM) system uses electronically accelerated hybridization under very low salt conditions, avoiding most of the problems with DNA conformation and secondary structures, whereas most sequencing and primer extension technologies require high salt conditions. The NanoChip(TM) system allows the user to array and analyze DNA on its NanoChip(TM) cartridges in user selectable formats in a single day with walk-away automation. The NanoChip(TM) system integrates advanced microelectronics and molecular biology into a platform technology with broad commercial applications in the fields of biomedical research, genomics, medical diagnostics, genetic testing and drug discovery. The Company has established corporate alliances in certain areas as part of its strategy to expand the applications and accelerate the commercialization of products derived from its technology.

      This press release contains forward-looking statements that are subject to risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those set forth in the forward-looking statements, including whether the Company`s products under development can be successfully developed and commercialized, whether the Company`s collaborations will continue to be funded and other risks and uncertainties discussed under the caption "Factors That May Affect Results" and elsewhere in the Company`s Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 1998 and subsequent reports filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission. These forward-looking statements speak only as of the date hereof. The Company disclaims any intent or obligation to update these forward-looking statements.

      Contact: Kieran T. Gallahue, Senior Vice President/CFO of Nanogen, Inc., 858-410-4607; or media - Page Sargisson, Noonan/Russo Communications, 415-677-4455, ext. 229.

      Source: Nanogen, Inc.
      Contact: Kieran T. Gallahue, Senior Vice President/CFO of Nanogen, Inc., 858-410-4607; or media - Page Sargisson, Noonan/Russo Communications, 415-677-4455, ext. 229, for Nanogen, Inc

      unglaubliche Grüsse

      schrieb am 09.02.00 23:28:40
      Beitrag Nr. 35 ()
      nach der leichten korrektur spiele ich wieder mit dem gedanken, morgen einzusteigen (was ich bisher immer verpaßt habe). langfristig muß man diese aktie wohl haben. nur wie weit - denkt ihr - kann es noch runter gehen. ok, das weiß wohl keiner. mir gibt nur dieser anstieg seit november von 7 auf bis gestern über 60 zu denken. charttechnisch steht jedoch alles auf 100 % buy ( - geniales programm!).

      schrieb am 10.02.00 15:02:53
      Beitrag Nr. 36 ()
      weshalb wird nanogen heute mit abschlag gehandelt? ich hab auf jeden fall mal eine erste, kleinere position aufgebaut.

      schrieb am 10.02.00 16:29:39
      Beitrag Nr. 37 ()
      Hallo Pitu

      Ich hoffte eigentlich auf noch niedrigere Kurse bin aber trotzdem heute nochmal eingestiegen.Charttechnisch ist alles in Ordnung, und nach meinen Berechnungen ist noch Platz bis 45€.Mein Persönliches Kursziel für die nächsten 2 Jahre lautet 240 € .Das ist noch konservativ.
      Je nach dem wie die Testergebnisse ausfallen . Wenn alles Positiv verläuft sehen wir die 240 noch dieses Jahr. Und vor allen Dingen..
      Kaum ein Anleger kennt Nanogen.Der Kurs wird aber eh in USA gemacht.Man achte mal auf die Umsätze drüben und hier.

      MfG M.
      schrieb am 10.02.00 21:56:17
      Beitrag Nr. 38 ()
      gegen diese kursziele habe ich natürlich nichts einzuwenden, aber wie kommt es, daß nanogen auch in usa erst so spät entdeckt wurde?
      schrieb am 11.02.00 00:22:38
      Beitrag Nr. 39 ()

      1) Die Firma gibt es noch nicht so lange.

      2) Die müßen ja irgendwelche Forschungsergebnisse vorweisen.
      Das haben die ja wohl auch getan.Mitte Dezember.

      Wenn man sich den Marktführer Affymetrix anschaut hat der eine
      Ähnliche entwicklung hinter sich.

      Außerdem waren Bio-Werte nicht so interessant wie I-Net Werte.
      Wir können doch froh sein das sie erst jetzt entdeckt werden.

      MfG Maxxtro
      schrieb am 17.02.00 16:00:56
      Dieser Beitrag wurde vom System automatisch gesperrt. Bei Fragen wenden Sie sich bitte an
      schrieb am 17.02.00 16:13:43
      Beitrag Nr. 41 ()
      plus 33 % auf knapp 80 $ !!!
      mein (später) einstieg vor exakt einer woche war doch nicht zu spät!
      :D :D :D

      schrieb am 17.02.00 16:26:01
      Beitrag Nr. 42 ()
      Hi PITU !
      Stimmt, Du hattest den richtigen Riecher - ich auch, grins !
      Die letzte Flaute war nur "Luft holen". Die Technik der Jungs von Nanogen hat phänomenales Potential für alle möglichen Industriezweige.
      Schätze die Aktien sind sehr bald über die 100.

      P.S.: Kennen wir uns u.U. vom USW persönlich ?
      schrieb am 19.02.00 16:41:43
      Beitrag Nr. 43 ()
      Hi Kollegen,

      Friday February 18, 6:25 pm Eastern Time

      Nanogen files to sell 2.5 million shares

      WASHINGTON, Feb 18 (Reuters) - Nanogen Inc. (NasdaqNM:NGEN - news), a maker of systems which
      analyze test samples containing charged molecules, filed on Friday to sell 2.5 million shares of common stock.

      The company will likely net $161.2 million from the offering, to be used for development, manufacturing and commercialization of existing
      products and applications and research and development.

      There will be about 21.5 million shares outstanding in the company after the offer is completed, according to a prospectus filed with the
      Securities and Exchange Commission.

      The underwriters, led by Warburg Dillon Read LLC, have been granted the option to purchase an extra 375,000 shares in the event of
      heavy demand.

      Shares in the San Diego-based company fell 1-1/4 to 67-11/16 on Nasdaq.

      schrieb am 24.02.00 15:39:02
      Beitrag Nr. 44 ()
      Na, der Nanogen-Kurs sieht doch wieder klasse aus, nachdem sich die Nasdaq wieder beruhigt hat !
      schrieb am 24.02.00 16:50:30
      Beitrag Nr. 45 ()

      Ein Bißchen Korrektur tat Nanogen aber schon gut.Wenn man sich den
      den Chart so anschaut kann einem recht schwindlig werden.
      Auf das Nanogen weiter so steigt wie bisher.:)

      MfG M.
      schrieb am 28.02.00 02:32:57
      Beitrag Nr. 46 ()
      wahrlich nichts für schlechte nerven, aber der alte widerstand bei 60 $ stellt derzeit eine ordentliche unterstützung dar. eine positive meldung und der nächste kräftige kurssprung ist vorprogrammiert.
      schrieb am 29.02.00 11:18:56
      Beitrag Nr. 47 ()
      Das ist wahr - recht volatil das gute Stück. Aber an der Nasdaq nahmen die Käufe gegen Ende stark zu, vermutlich irgendwelche News, die sich nicht bis zu uns Kleinanlgern rumgesprochen haben. Oft ist es so, dass die Nasdaq in solchen Fällen am nächsten Tag (heute) bei Eröffnung noch ein paar Prozent zulegt. Der Nasdaq Future sieht nicht negativ aus.
      Aber Du weisst ja wie es ist: Eine interessante Meldung und der Kurs geht auch rasend schnell wieder hoch.
      schrieb am 29.02.00 18:04:05
      Beitrag Nr. 48 ()
      Hi Pitu!

      Hab im Thread über Evotec gelesen das du selbst in der naturwissenschaftlichen Forschung tätig bist und dich aufgrund der Reaktionen von Industrie Chemikeren auf "kombinatorische Chemie" für den Kauf von Evotec entschiden hast. Was hälst du in diesem Zusammenhang von Aurora Biosciences. Die sind von der MK her etwas günstiger bewerte und schreiben im gegensatzt zu Evotec schon Gewinne!
      Was ist eigentlich kombinatorisch Chemie?

      CU Amtax!
      schrieb am 29.02.00 21:43:30
      Beitrag Nr. 49 ()
      Hi Amtax!

      Hier eine vereinfachte Erklärung der kombinatorischen Chemie:
      Stell dir vor, drei Komponenten A, B, und C reagieren miteinander zu D. Nun ist zu erwarten, daß D eine relevante Wirkung besitzt, welche auch immer. A, B, und C können allerdings noch weiter variiert werden, beispielsweise zu A1 bis A3, B1 bis B3 sowie C1 bis C3, ohne dabei die Möglichkeit, sie zu D umzusetzen, einzuschränken. Damit sind theoretisch 81 verschiedene D`s möglich.

      Früher war die weitere Vorgehensweise: Ein schlauer Chemiker überlegt sich sinnvolle Variationen an A, B und D und läßt seine Laboranten alle 81 Versionen von D synthetisieren. Diese werden dann auf Wirksamkeit überprüft.

      In der kombinatorischen Chemie verfährt man anders: Man nimmt einen Reaktor und läßt alle A`s, B`s und C`s kreuz und quer miteinander reagieren und erhält so ein Gemisch aus 81 D`s, eine sogenannte Bibliothek oder englisch eingedeutscht Library. Diese Library wird dann auf Wirksamkeit überprüft. Das ist die erste Kunst an der Sache. Schwieriger ist aber, bei gegebener Wirksamkeit das aktive der 81 D`s zu identifizieren, welches dann einzeln dargestellt und weiter untersucht wird. Die Identifizierung erfolgt einerseits nach dem Ausschlußverfahren: Bleibt die Wirksamkeit erhalten, wenn ich beispielsweise A3 weglasse? In der Praxis ist das aber zu mühsam, da es sich um wesentlich mehr Ausgangsverbindungen handelt. Folglich ist die bessere Variante, die Ausgangsverbindungen zu "markieren", was etwa durch Einbringen eines radioaktiven Atoms oder durch fluoreszierende oder anderweitig spektroskopisch nachweisbare Gruppen im Molekül oder Reaktanden erfolgen kann.

      Ein eng damit verwandter Begriff und ein Verfahren, das oftmals fälschlich als Kombinatorik bezeichnet wird, ist das "High-Throughput-Screening". Hier hat man nach obigem Beispiel 81 Reaktorbehälter, in denen automatisiert alle 81 D`s einzeln dargestellt und anschließend einzeln getestet werden.

      Von Aurora habe ich ebenfalls eine sehr positive Meinung, auch wenn der Wert schon sehr gut gelaufen ist und sie meines Wissens auch noch rote Zahlen schreiben. Prinzipiell bin ich sogar der Meinung, daß die Amerikaner uns nicht nur in dieser Form der Wissenschaft (worüber es keinen Zweifel gibt), sondern auch in der Aktienkultur weit voraus sind. Deshalb bevorzuge ich im Zweifel normalerweise den amerikanischen Wert. Diesmal hat mich etwas die Gier gepackt und ich wollte den Neuer-Markt-Hype ausnutzen.

      schrieb am 29.02.00 22:09:11
      Beitrag Nr. 50 ()
      aber zurück zu nanogen: 77 $ oder plus 18 % oder :D $ :D $ :D $$$ :D $ :D $ :D
      schrieb am 29.02.00 22:24:39
      Beitrag Nr. 51 ()
      zu früh gefreut! 78,5 $ oder plus 20,08 % ;)
      schrieb am 29.02.00 22:47:28
      Beitrag Nr. 52 ()
      und weiter gehts: nachbörslich 80 15/16 $
      schrieb am 01.03.00 16:21:33
      Beitrag Nr. 53 ()
      höchstkurs in usa heute 97 $. vorgestern standen wir noch bei 65. das sind 50 % in 2 tagen ohne spektakuläre meldung. sind hier nur die charttechniker am werk (60 hat gehalten, dann wurde der widerstand bei 80 genommen) oder gibts nen besseren grund?
      schrieb am 02.03.00 00:44:10
      Beitrag Nr. 54 ()
      Gründe hierfür liegen meiner Ansicht nach darin, dass immer mehr Leute verstehen um was es geht - das soll nicht heissen, dass ich es in vollem Umfang verstehe, da es viel zu grossartig ist.

      siehe meine Postings vom 7. und 8. Februar:

      The NanoChip(TM) system provided 100% accurate results from the 200 patient samples tested, totaling 2400 individual SNP calls and the identification of one rare mutation, exceeding the results with DNA sequencing.

      Affimetrix bringt es gerademal auf eine Fehlerquote von minimal 7%.

      Ausserdem könnten die beiden Konferenzen:

      DOE Human Genome Conference
      Santa Fe, NM
      February 27 -March 1, 2000

      CHI TriGenome Conference
      San Francisco, CA
      February 26 -March 2, 2000

      für mehr Klarheit gesorgt haben.

      Hier noch ein Link zu einem SEC Filing…

      Ich konnte bisher noch nicht alles lesen, aber da stehen unglaubliche Dinge drin.

      Kann mir jemand erklären was ein SEC Filing ist ?

      Ein freudiger

      schrieb am 02.03.00 17:48:54
      Beitrag Nr. 55 ()

      Es ist unglaublich!
      Nanogen hat gerade zum ersten mal diee 100$ Marke in den USA übersprungen. SO konnten wir uns von den anfänglichen Verlusten erholen und diese sogar in hohe Gewinne verwandeln. +5% auf 101,5$!
      Bin mal gespannt wies am Ende ausschaut!?

      Cu AMtax
      schrieb am 03.03.00 08:39:05
      Beitrag Nr. 56 ()
      Aber warum ???
      Nirgendwo habe ich irgendeine Meldung gefunden - das geht doch nicht wegen Mundpropaganda auf 100 $ - oder ?
      schrieb am 08.03.00 23:44:39
      Beitrag Nr. 57 ()

      Diese Aktie ist wirklich unglaublich!!!!
      Nach anfänglichen verlusten von beinahe 10% ging es bis Handelsschluss noch 24% in den Positiven Bereich!
      Das kann man wohl ein Intradayreversal nennen!
      Ich denke die nervösen Leute sind jetzt erstmal abgesprungen und auch gelichzeitig dafür bestraft worden!

      Auf Baldige Kurse über 100$

      CU Amtax
      schrieb am 08.03.00 23:56:52
      Beitrag Nr. 58 ()
      Wer sich mit dieser Aktie beschäftigt, sieht eine ungeheure Volatilität. Analysten wissen diese Aktie auch nicht richtig einzuschätzen. Das Kursziel ist letzten Monat einfach mal von 48$ auf 97 $ erhöht worden. Diese Aktie ist bei Abschlägen immer ein echter Kauf. Interessant auch Aurora ABSC 907575. good luck
      schrieb am 09.03.00 00:25:52
      Beitrag Nr. 59 ()

      Da hast du wohl recht!
      Aurora bin ich auch schon ne weile drinn aber keiner scheint sich dafür zu interressieren!
      Dazu kann ich nur sagen diejenigen sind selber schuld!:)

      CU Amtax
      schrieb am 16.03.00 01:38:56
      Beitrag Nr. 60 ()
      Wie geht es weiter? Heute einsteigen?
      schrieb am 16.03.00 16:08:31
      Beitrag Nr. 61 ()

      Ich denke auch dass heute wohl der letzte Tag sein wird an dem man Nanogen noch so billig bekommen kann. Da ich aber Nanogen schon sehr stark in meinem Depot gewichtet habe und zu ähnlichen Kursen schon vor dem letzten großen Anstieg gekauft habe. Stocke ich liber Positionen in Ilex und Aurora auf. Jedoch sollte jeder der noch nicht in NAnogen drin ist odeer seine Position aufstocken will heute zuschlagen. Wie wir alle wissen kann es bei Nanogen unglaublich schnell mal nach oden gehen und beim nächsten Ausbruch wird es wohl über die 100$ Marke gehen.
      Aber das ist ja noch alles Zukunftsmusik. Momentan liegt Nanogen in Amiland noch im Minus. Also jetzt einsteigen!

      CU Amtax!
      schrieb am 16.03.00 21:26:26
      Beitrag Nr. 62 ()
      Nanogen, Inc. Announces Proposed Public Offering of Common Stock; Nanogen Commences Public
      Offering of Common Stock

      SAN DIEGO, March 16 /PRNewswire/ -- Nanogen, Inc. (Nasdaq: NGEN) announced today a public offering of 1,500,000
      shares of its common stock at a price of $55.00 per share. All of the shares are being sold by the company. The company plans
      to use the net proceeds of the offering for continued development, manufacturing and commercialization of existing products and
      applications, research and development of additional applications and general corporate purposes, principally working capital
      and capital expenditures. The offering is being underwritten by Warburg Dillon Read LLC, Lehman Brothers Inc., Dain
      Rauscher Wessels, Pacific Growth Equities, Inc. and First Union Securities, Inc.
      schrieb am 17.03.00 04:40:52
      Beitrag Nr. 63 ()
      Danke für eure Tips!
      Bin gestern in Medarex günstig kurz vor Börsenschluß rein!
      Lege heute evtl. Nanogen nach:

      Doch was soll der Aktienverkauf von Nanogen jetzt schon wieder bedeuten?

      Mehr Aktien auf dem Markt = Die Kurse fallen noch mehr????

      Ich warte wohl noch bis Mo...
      schrieb am 17.03.00 04:57:21
      Beitrag Nr. 64 ()
      Aus dem RB-Board:

      My take on why NGEN went down.
      by: CCGames99 (47/M/USA) 3/16/00 7:17 pm
      Msg: 3841 of 3866
      I believe NGEN went down because investors believed that if the company decided to sell 60% of the offering at about 60% of the price they could have gotten two weeks ago, it means that management feared that the stock could have gone lower and thus the FOO would have been jeopardized.

      Such reasoning is in my view valid in appearance but short on substance.

      The fact of the matter is that no body, not even insiders, knows what the price of the stock will do in the future. That is why insiders often sell shares at a small fraction of what they could have gotten if they waited a quarter or two.
      Likewise, in this case management probably feared that if the stock went much lower (a possibility, although not very probable), the raising of the most needed cash for production could have been in jeopardy.

      I am sure that upon the advise of their investment bankers, management decided to "commence" the offering at a price that would give them enough cash to guarantee survival. The rest of the offering (1,000,000 shares) would be put on hold until a better price can be obtained.

      Some, as I implied at the beginning, may think that management made a mistake, but I praise them for being conservative amid the negative circumstances surrounding biotech stocks. I believe that the smart money will understand what management has done and will come back to the stock once the dust settles.

      In summary, the offering was started in a conservative effort to guarantee that the company has enough funds to commence production. Bottom line: We will start playing hard ball at the end of summer or during fall, when production starts.
      schrieb am 20.03.00 17:44:58
      Beitrag Nr. 65 ()
      Nanogen: aktuell NAS -9.57% von 47$ auf 42.5$ runter!!!!!!!!!

      Was sagt ihr dazu?

      Ich meine- wo soll das noch hinführen.
      schrieb am 20.03.00 20:55:10
      Beitrag Nr. 66 ()

      Was geht denn jetzt ab?

      NANOGEN: -25% runter auf 35$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      Volle Deckung!
      schrieb am 20.03.00 21:02:29
      Beitrag Nr. 67 ()
      bisher habe ich mich mit solchen kommentaren zurückgehalten und meinen bekannten, auf nanogen angesprochen, abgeraten. aber nun könnten einstiegskurse erreicht sein. nur greenspan muß morgen mitspielen. aber noch weiter runter? wohin denn?
      schrieb am 21.03.00 18:07:55
      Beitrag Nr. 68 ()
      ein licht am ende des tunnels?

      RESEARCH ALERT - Nanogen and Neose started at buy

      NEW YORK, March 21 (Reuters) - Warburg Dillon Read said Tuesday it started Nanogen Inc. <NGEN.O> and Neose Technologies Inc. <NTEC.O> with buy ratings.

      Shares of Nanogen, which makes systems that analyze biological test samples, were up 3-11/32 at 37-1/4. Warburg gave the company a price target of $74. -- said Nanogen has a proprietary system for making DNA microarrays that offer tremendous flexibility, very short measurement turnaround and high accuracy. -- said Nanogen is first company to integrate microelectronics and molecular biology. -- said Nanogen has strategic relationships with Hitachi Ltd. <HIT.N>, Aventis <AVE.PA>, Becton Dickinson and Co. <BDX.N> and Elan Corp. Plc <ELA.L> <ELN.N>.

      Shares of Neose, which develops proprietary technologies to synthesize and manufacture complex carbohydrates, were down 3/16 at 32. Warburg gave the company a price target of $40. -- said Neose`s platform technology enables it to rapidly and cost effectively manufacture complex carbohydrates on a commercial scale by using recombinant methods to manufacture the linkages between sugar molecules. -- said Neose`s technology is targeted for use in biopharmaceutical applications and consumer nutraceutical products. -- said the company has a joint venture with Johnson & Johnson <JNJ.N> to produce nutraceutical products, a collaboration with Bristol-Myers Squibb Co. <BMY.N> to produce the active ingredients in two cancer vaccines, and an agreement to develop bioactive complex carbohydrates for use in infant formula. -- said Neose intends to leverage its Glycoprotein Remodeling Technology by forming additional partnerships with biopharmaceutical companies. ((Angela Moore, New York Healthdesk, (212) 859-1719))
      schrieb am 23.03.00 00:08:22
      Beitrag Nr. 69 ()
      Rich Freeman, manager of the Smith Barney Aggressive Growth Fund, said he has been buying some of the biotech stocks on recent weakness in the group. He cited as examples ImClone Systems Inc., <IMCL.O>, Nanogen Inc. <NGEN.O> and Alkermes Inc. <ALKS.O>. Referring to the freefall in biotechs last week after remarks about free access to gene-sequencing data from Washington and London, Freeman said, "President Clinton did what Greenspan couldn`t."

      nanogen nachbörslich bei 46 $ ...
      schrieb am 23.03.00 00:13:11
      Beitrag Nr. 70 ()
      Rich Freeman, manager of the Smith Barney Aggressive Growth Fund, said he has been buying some of the biotech stocks on recent weakness in the group. He cited as examples ImClone Systems Inc., Nanogen Inc. and Alkermes Inc. Referring to the freefall in biotechs last week after remarks about free access to gene-sequencing data from Washington and London, Freeman said, "President Clinton did what Greenspan couldn`t."
      schrieb am 23.03.00 17:54:21
      Beitrag Nr. 71 ()
      Nanogen Expands Technology Portfolio; Provides Business Update

      SAN DIEGO, March 23 /PRNewswire/ -- Nanogen, Inc. (Nasdaq: NGEN) announced today that it has expanded its technology portfolio through a non-exclusive license agreement with Saint Louis University. The license covers U.S. Patent No. 5,846,710 entitled "Method for the Detection of Genetic Diseases and Gene Sequence Variations by Single Nucleotide Primer Extension." Details of the agreement were not announced. Technology Expansion

      Primer extension assays have been shown to be useful for the validation of Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs) in a process known as SNP scoring. The combination of Nanogen`s proprietary electronic addressing system and user-definable arrays with proven methods of SNP scoring, such as the newly licensed primer extension technology, may simplify the methods used to pinpoint genetic differences that affect drug metabolism and may predispose some, but not all, people to disease.

      "The primer-extension technology licensed from Saint Louis University provides the potential for additional applications to be added to our system over time, increasing its utility and value to our customers," commented Howard C. Birndorf, Chairman, CEO and President of Nanogen. "By continually adding applications and functionality to our system, we believe our platform can become an industry standard for targeted genetic analysis. Potential future applications in addition to the primer extension assay may include gene expression, on-chip amplification, protein analysis and micro electrophoresis."

      In addition, Nanogen further expanded its intellectual property portfolio by recently completing a license agreement with Graviton, Inc. The licensed patent portfolio consists of 5 issued U.S. patents and 16 patent applications or invention disclosures in the fields of microcantilever sensors, ultra-sensitive magnetic bead assays and wireless communication. These technologies have potentially broad applicability to many healthcare applications, including temperature and pressure determination, fluid viscosity measurement and wireless communication of physiological parameters. The technology also offers the potential for use in developing systems for the direct detection of biological molecules. Nanogen is the exclusive licensee to these patents for all biomedical applications, ranging from clinical and non-clinical diagnostics to pharmaceutical research and drug discovery.

      "Our long-term vision of creating a miniaturized, sample-to-answer instrument system also progressed over the past three months with the addition of the technology portfolio licensed from Graviton," commented Birndorf. "This portfolio, while not intended for use on our initial commercial product, may help support the foundation we are developing to enable this long-term vision to become reality," he added. Business Update

      In addition to in-licensing these new technologies, Nanogen recently completed a secondary offering of common stock with gross proceeds exceeding $80 million. When combined with the company`s pre-existing cash reserves, the offering proceeds will be used to commercially launch the company`s first product and to support Nanogen`s continued efforts to develop innovative products.

      During the first months of the year, Nanogen`s technology has been validated by several third party sources. As previously reported, positive results were generated from Nanogen`s three NanoChip(TM) system beta sites, the Mayo Clinic, the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center and The Bode Technology Group. Moreover, in February of this year, a paper was published in Nature Biotechnology detailing Nanogen`s ability to integrate on-microchip DNA amplification and detection in a single cartridge, a significant advance toward the potential of simplifying sample processing for customers. "As reflected in these recent developments, the past three months have been critical for Nanogen, both in terms of validating our technology and accelerating our progress as a commercial company," Birndorf concluded.

      Finally, on the recent and widely publicized joint statement by President Clinton and British Prime Minister Tony Blair, Mr. Birndorf remarked, "Nanogen will be well positioned to sell our product to our target markets irrespective of whether genes and their functions are patentable. I am very pleased with our progress and look forward to entering our commercialization phase in the coming months."
      schrieb am 24.03.00 21:44:12
      Beitrag Nr. 72 ()
      Research Alert - Nanogen upgraded

      NEW YORK, March 24 (Reuters) - Lehman Brothers on Friday said it started investment coverage of Nanogen Inc.
      <NGEN.O> with an outperform. -- said set 12-month price target of $68 a share for the maker of systems which analyze test
      samples with charged molecules. -- said company`s NanoChip system transforms genetic data into useful information about the
      functions and characteristics of genes and delivers it to the end users, namely researchers and clinicians. -- said company`s
      system offers notable advantages including programmability, accuracy, speed, flexibility and other capabilities. -- said NanoChip
      technology uses active microelectronics to exploit the inherent electrical charge of most molecules. -- said company can
      capitalize on government and private efforts to map the human genome and create widespread access to genetic data. -- Shares
      of Nanogen closed Thursday at 44-3/4 on the Nasdaq, less than half its 52-week high of 101-15/16. ((David Brinkerhoff, New
      York Health Desk, 212-859-1870,
      schrieb am 18.04.00 18:10:30
      Beitrag Nr. 73 ()
      Nanogen Awarded Two U.S. Patents on Rapid Polymorphic Screening And Electronic Molecular Biological Analysis

      SAN DIEGO, April 18 /PRNewswire/ -- Nanogen, Inc. (Nasdaq: NGEN) announced today that it has been awarded two additional United States Patents relating to its electronic microarray technology. U.S. Patent No. 6,048,690, entitled "Methods For Electronic Fluorescent Perturbation For Analysis And Electronic Perturbation Catalysis For Synthesis" and U.S. Patent No. 6,051,380, entitled "Methods And Procedures For Molecular Biological Analysis And Diagnostics" are the thirteenth and fourteenth U.S. patents issued to the Company. Dr. Michael J. Heller, Nanogen`s Chief Technology Officer and a co-founder of Nanogen, is an inventor on both patents.

      "U.S. Patent No. 6,048,690 covers a number of inventions directed toward improving the speed and versatility of hybridization analysis and catalytic reactions," commented Dr. Heller. "By subjecting fluorescently labeled hybridization products to controlled electric fields and pulsing protocols, we noted that the fluorescence reacts instantaneously to signal a match or mismatch with the target probes. The analysis of this real-time phenomenon may allow for very rapid and efficient match/mismatch discriminations for Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs) using reduced probe sets."

      "In addition, we have also been awarded U.S. Patent No. 6,051,380 which claims advanced methods for active electronic transport and enhanced hybridization of DNA on electronic matrix devices," Dr. Heller continued. "These claims include methods for the detection of point mutations in double stranded amplicons under stringency conditions using specified buffers. The `690 and `380 patents represent two more significant additions to our expanding intellectual property portfolio and further demonstrate the flexibility and versatility of our electronic microarray technology over conventional methods of genetic testing and genomics research."

      Nanogen`s technology was also featured in the April 2000 edition of Nucleic Acids Research in an article entitled "Rapid, High Fidelity Analysis of Simple Sequence Repeats on an Electronically Active DNA Micochip." The article, which was co-authored by The Bode Technology Group, describes a novel method for the discrimination of Short Tandem Repeat (STR) alleles using Nanogen`s active electronic microarray technology.
      schrieb am 20.04.00 15:30:00
      Beitrag Nr. 74 ()
      Bom Dia Pitu,

      bist Du ein Caipirinha-Fan?

      Dank Dir auf jeden Fall für die guten Postings. Bin selbst fast seit Anfang bei Evotec dabei und seit kurzem eben auch bei Nanogen.

      Die Technik und das Management machen einen bestechenden Eindruck - weshalb ich letzlich bei diesen Ramschpreisen eingestiegen bin.

      nanogen`s Vorteil besteht ja in der Flexibilität. Soweit ich weiss, werden im Juni die ersten Produkte eingeführt. An der Mayo Klinik liefen die Tests wunderbar. Laß mich an Deinem Wissenschatz teilhaben - was kann noch passieren?

      Viele Ostergrüßen, ein ziemlich bull`ischer Gotti
      schrieb am 28.04.00 13:58:07
      Beitrag Nr. 75 ()
      Nanogen Reports 2000 First Quarter Results

      SAN DIEGO, April 28 /PRNewswire/ -- Nanogen, Inc. (Nasdaq: NGEN) today announced its financial results for the first quarter ended March 31, 2000.

      Total revenues for the quarter ended March 31, 2000 were $2.3 million compared to $1.9 million for the same period in 1999. Revenue recognized during the quarters ended March 31, 2000 and 1999 was earned in connection with sponsored research programs with the Company`s corporate alliances and from contracts or grants with government agencies.

      Total operating expenses for the first quarter of 2000 were $6.5 million, as compared to $8.7 million for the same period in 1999. This decrease can be attributed primarily to a reduction in spending both internally and with external engineering and prototype design vendors associated with both the completion of the prototype development phase and the transition to Hitachi of the further development and manufacture of the Company`s initial commercial product, the NanoChip(TM) Molecular Biology Workstation.

      For the quarter ended March 31, 2000, the Company reported a net loss of $3.7 million or $0.20 per diluted share, compared to a net loss of $6.9 million or $0.38 per diluted share for the same period in 1999.

      Howard C. Birndorf, Chairman, CEO and President of Nanogen commented, "Nanogen continued to make substantial progress on all critical fronts in the first quarter of 2000, including preparation for the launch of our first commercial product, acceleration of our technology development and licensing activities and the completion of our recent secondary offering."

      Mr. Birndorf continued, "Commercialization activities ramped up significantly during the first quarter, in preparation for the launch of the NanoChip(TM) Molecular Biology Workstation. Most critically, we began transferring technology in January to our partner, Hitachi Instruments Group, to support ramp up in manufacturing of the instrument systems. Our initial receipt of product from Hitachi is expected in the third quarter. We expect to continue working closely with Hitachi throughout the launch process and look forward to supporting their efforts in the coming years to continually improve the cost, quality and performance of the NanoChip(TM) system."

      Immediately following the end of the quarter, Nanogen hired and trained the first members of its sales force and applications specialist team. The Company is supporting the sales and applications teams with the recent opening of the Nanogen Customer Applications Laboratory where prospective customers can submit samples to experience the accuracy and flexibility of the NanoChip(TM) system.

      "In addition to the recently hired sales representatives and application specialists, we intend to continue building our commercial organization throughout the coming year. It is very important that Nanogen launch product to our targeted customers in a controlled manner which may allow us to demonstrate the power, flexibility and quality of the NanoChip(TM) system," commented Mr. Birndorf.

      Nanogen also demonstrated gains associated with both internal technology development and external technology licensing. Year to date, Nanogen has had four additional patents issued. These new patents relate to both the current NanoChip(TM) system and to additional technology areas also using active electronics, such as a novel form of micro-electrophoresis. In addition, the Company completed a non-exclusive license with Saint Louis University relating to US Patent No. 5,846,710 covering methods for the detection of genetic diseases and gene sequence variations by single nucleotide primer extension, allowing the potential of added applications on the NanoChip(TM) platform.

      "Nanogen continues to excel at identifying, incubating and developing high value technologies," Mr. Birndorf continued. "The genetic analysis market is dynamic. The NanoChip(TM) system is a flexible platform that may grow in its utility to customers over time, by potentially providing a cost efficient, long-term solution that is broadly applicable across their organizations. By continually adding applications and functionality to our system, we believe our platform can become an industry standard for targeted genetic analyses. Potential future applications may include gene expression, on-chip amplification, protein analysis and micro-electrophoresis. While we have been focusing quite significantly on our first product to market, we are committed to the continual extension of our technology portfolio, helping ensure the long term sustainability and competitiveness of the Company."

      Nanogen also completed a secondary offering of common stock with gross proceeds of over $80 million in the first quarter. When combined with the company`s pre-existing cash reserves, the offering proceeds enabled Nanogen to end the first quarter with greater than $110 million in cash and cash equivalents.

      Mr. Birndorf concluded, "We believe Nanogen is well positioned in terms of its products, organization and financial resources to initiate commercial activities while simultaneously enhancing our technology portfolio. I am very pleased with both the speed and magnitude of our progress."

      Nanogen recently began marketing its NanoChip(TM) system to scientists and genomic laboratories seeking a new standard for SNP scoring. In beta testing, the NanoChip(TM) system has been shown to provide accuracy equal to or better than DNA sequencing and other methods for SNP confirmation. Unlike other systems, the NanoChip(TM) system uses electronically accelerated hybridization under very low salt conditions, avoiding most of the problems with DNA conformation and secondary structures, whereas most sequencing and primer extension technologies require high salt conditions. The NanoChip(TM) system allows the user to array and analyze DNA on its NanoChip(TM) cartridges in user selectable formats in a single day with walk-away automation. The NanoChip(TM) system integrates advanced microelectronics and molecular biology into a platform technology with broad commercial applications in the fields of biomedical research, genomics, medical diagnostics, genetic testing and drug discovery. The Company has established corporate alliances in certain areas as part of its strategy to expand the applications and accelerate the commercialization of products derived from its technology.

      This press release contains forward-looking statements that are subject to risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those set forth in the forward-looking statements, including whether the Company`s products under development can be successfully developed and commercialized, whether the Company`s collaborations will continue to be funded and other risks and uncertainties discussed under the caption "Factors That May Affect Results" and elsewhere in the Company`s Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 1999 and subsequent reports filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission. These forward-looking statements speak only as of the date hereof. The Company disclaims any intent or obligation to update these forward-looking statements.

      (in thousands, except share data)

      March 31, December 31,
      2000 1999

      Current assets:
      Cash and cash equivalents $ 111,626 $ 41,021
      Receivables and other current assets 2,178 2,320
      Total current assets 113,804 43,341

      Property and equipment, net 5,977 6,154
      Acquired technology rights 955 1,005
      Restricted cash 219 219
      Other assets 69 66

      121,024 50,785


      Current liabilities:
      Accounts payable $ 1,138 $ 598
      Accrued liabilities 2,088 3,726
      Deferred revenue 1,511 3,373
      Current portion of capital
      lease obligations 2,137 2,136
      Total current liabilities 6,874 9,833

      Capital lease obligations,
      less current portion 2,526 2,831

      Stockholders` equity:
      Convertible preferred stock,
      $.001 par value, 5,000,000 shares
      authorized; no shares issued and
      outstanding at March 31, 2000
      and December 31, 1999 -- --

      Common stock, $.001 par value,
      50,000,000 shares authorized;
      20,610,342 and 18,990,799 shares
      issued and outstanding
      at March 31, 2000 and December 31,
      1999, respectively 21 19
      Additional paid-in capital 190,123 113,574
      Deferred compensation (1,021) (1,473)
      Notes receivable from officers (1,191) (1,369)
      Accumulated deficit (76,308) (72,630)
      Total stockholders` equity 111,624 38,121

      121,024 50,785

      (in thousands, except per share data)

      Three months ended March 31,
      2000 1999

      Sponsored research $ 1,862 $ 1,353
      Contract and grant revenue 450 577
      Total revenues 2,312 1,930

      Operating expenses:
      Research and development 4,243 6,860
      General and administrative 2,281 1,837
      Total operating expenses 6,524 8,697
      Loss from operations (4,212) (6,767)

      Interest income, net 534 568
      Equity in loss of joint venture -- (660)
      Net loss $ (3,678) $ (6,859)

      Net loss per share -
      basic and diluted $ (0.20) $ (0.38)

      Number of shares used in computing
      net loss per share - basic and diluted 18,818 17,846
      schrieb am 28.04.00 23:48:11
      Beitrag Nr. 76 ()
      sind ja ganz gut angekommen, die zahlen. plus 20 %. :D
      vielleicht erwacht nanogen nun endlich aus seiner lethargie nach dem absturz.
      wer von euch ist eigentlich noch dabei? hier im board ist es ja ziemlich still geworden um nanogen.

      schrieb am 29.04.00 21:10:17
      Beitrag Nr. 77 ()
      bin bei 22 euro eingestiegen, kenne leute die haben bis zu 150.000 euro angelegt in dem wert, ist für mich ein qualitätsindikator, denke nanogen sieht in jedem fall nochmal die 55 euro und freue mich auch über höhere kurse (desweiteren in microstrategy bei 30 und tsushin bei 150 eingestiegen) für mich alles klare gewinner.
      schrieb am 01.05.00 22:17:00
      Beitrag Nr. 78 ()
      Nanogen Files Declaratory Judgment Action Against Motorola and Beckman Coulter

      SAN DIEGO, Calif., May 1 /PRNewswire/ -- Nanogen, Inc. (Nasdaq: NGEN) announced today that it filed a Complaint for
      Declaratory Judgment against Motorola, Inc. (NYSE: MOT) ("Motorola") and Beckman Coulter, Inc. (NYSE: BEC) ("BCI")
      alleging invalidity and non-infringement of U.S. Patent No. 5,653,939 entitled "Optical and Electrical Methods and Apparatus
      for Molecular Detection" (the "`939 patent"). The Complaint was filed in the United States District Court for the Southern District
      of California.

      The `939 patent was originally licensed to BCI in 1993 and to Genometrix, Inc. in 1994 by the Massachusetts Institute of
      Technology, who was also named in the suit. Genometrix subsequently granted its sublicensing rights to Motorola in 1999. The
      inventions claimed in the `939 patent were made with United States government funding through a grant from the Department of
      the Air Force.

      Howard C. Birndorf, Chairman, Chief Executive Officer and President of Nanogen commented, "Although the `939 patent has
      serious validity issues, in an effort to avoid the expense, time and distraction of a possible lawsuit, Nanogen nevertheless engaged
      in discussions with both BCI and Genometrix/Motorola over a several year period with a view toward obtaining a sublicense to
      this government funded patent. Despite our good faith efforts, a license has not been made available on commercially acceptable
      terms. Moreover, we have been provided contradictory information and denied access to the necessary documentation to enable
      us to adequately determine which of the parties has the right to grant a sublicense in our field. As our complaint alleges,
      inventions made with government funding are required to be licensed to small business firms, except where it proves infeasible
      after reasonable inquiry. As between Nanogen, on the one hand, and BCI and Motorola, on the other, Nanogen is the only
      entity which qualifies as a small business entity and is, as such, entitled to a sublicense. Furthermore, the owner of such
      government funded inventions is required to take effective steps to achieve practical application of the inventions. In the case of
      the `939 patent, the government grant proposal which led to the `939 patent specifically stated that the owners were committed
      to commercializing new products and services thereby contributing to the economic revitalization of the United States economy.
      As we move toward the launch of our NanoChip(TM) Molecular Biology Workstation, Nanogen is the only entity with a
      product ready for commercial use. Despite these compelling factors which clearly fulfill the licensing mandate for federally funded
      inventions, Nanogen has been thwarted in its attempts to obtain a sublicense on acceptable commercial terms. As our
      discussions with BCI and Motorola dragged on, we believe their true motivations became clear."

      "Nanogen has spent tens of million of dollars developing our electronic microarray technology. This technology is protected by a
      substantial body of intellectual property developed at our Company," Birndorf continued. "As Nanogen proceeded toward the
      launch of our NanoChip(TM) system, it became clear that BCI and Motorola intended to use their licenses to the government
      funded `939 patent as a means to leverage access to Nanogen`s enabling technology and intellectual property. In light of these
      motivations, we have no alternative but to pursue our rights and ask the Court to intervene as we proceed with the launch of our
      NanoChip(TM) system. Either Nanogen is granted a sublicense to the government funded `939 patent on acceptable commercial
      terms or we will be forced to resort to the courts to invalidate the patent. In the meantime, we are continuing our launch plans for
      the introduction of the NanoChip(TM) system as planned."

      Nanogen recently began marketing its NanoChip(TM) system to scientists and genomics laboratories seeking a new standard for
      SNP scoring. In beta testing, the NanoChip(TM) system has been shown to provide accuracy equal to or better than DNA
      sequencing and other methods for SNP confirmation. Unlike other systems, the NanoChip(TM) system uses electronically
      accelerated hybridization under very low salt conditions, avoiding most of the problems with DNA conformation and secondary
      structures, whereas most sequencing and primer extension technologies require high salt conditions. The NanoChip(TM) system
      allows the user to array and analyze DNA on its NanoChip(TM) cartridges in user selected formats in a single day with
      walk-away automation. The NanoChip(TM) system integrates advanced microelectronics and molecular biology into a platform
      technology with broad commercial applications in the fields of biomedical research, genomics, medical diagnostics, genetic
      testing and drug discovery. The Company has established corporate alliance in certain areas as part of its strategy to expand the
      applications and accelerate the commercialization of products derived from its technology.
      schrieb am 01.05.00 22:38:52
      Beitrag Nr. 79 ()
      War das jetzt ne gute oder ne schlechte Nachricht?Mein Englisch ist nämlich nicht so berauschend.
      MFG Maxxtro
      schrieb am 02.05.00 12:47:13
      Beitrag Nr. 80 ()
      nanogen klagt gegen motorola und beckman coulter darauf, ein patent über eine lizenz nutzen zu dürfen, und zwar zu einem für nanogen akzeptablen preis. die forschungsarbeit, die zu diesem patent führte, wurde durch öffentliche mittel gefördert.
      schrieb am 02.05.00 20:35:02
      Beitrag Nr. 81 ()
      Danke...den Prozess werden die ja wohl hoffentlich gewinnen.
      schrieb am 23.05.00 14:07:40
      Beitrag Nr. 82 ()
      man hat sich im patentstreit geeinigt ...

      Nanogen Reaches Settlement with Beckman Coulter, Inc. Nanogen Awarded Fifteenth U.S. Patent

      SAN DIEGO, May 23 /PRNewswire/ -- Nanogen, Inc. (Nasdaq: NGEN) announced today that it has reached a settlement with Beckman Coulter, Inc. (NYSE: BEC) ("Beckman Coulter") in connection with Nanogen`s declaratory judgment action against Beckman Coulter, Motorola, Inc. ("Motorola") and Massachusetts Institute of Technology ("MIT"). In connection with the settlement, Nanogen secured a license to U.S. Patent No. 5,653,939 entitled "Optical and Electrical Methods and Apparatus for Molecular Detection" (the "`939 Patent"). The terms of the license were not disclosed.

      Nanogen filed its action on April 28, 2000 in the United States District Court for the Southern District of California. The complaint alleged, among other things, that Nanogen was entitled to a license under the `939 Patent because the patent was secured with government funding. The complaint also alleged invalidity and noninfringment of the `939 Patent. The action against Motorola and MIT continues.

      Howard C. Birndorf, Nanogen`s Chairman, Chief Executive Officer and President commented, "We are pleased to have reached a settlement with Beckman Coulter in the lawsuit. Having now secured a license to the `939 Patent, we continue to move forward with our launch plans for our NanoChip(TM) Molecular Biology Workstation."

      Nanogen also announced that it has been awarded an additional United States Patent relating to its DNA optical storage technology. U.S. Patent No. 6,067,246 entitled "Method For Writing Data To And Reading Multiple Bit Data Words From A DNA Optical Storage Device" is the fifteenth U.S. Patent issued to the Company.

      Dr. Michael J. Heller, Nanogen`s Chief Technology Officer and an inventor on the patent, commented, "U.S. Patent 6,067,246 covers methods for storing and reading multibit word data using DNA as a template. The use of DNA as a memory template offers exciting possibilities for novel photonic read/write mechanisms and optical storage devices."

      Nanogen recently began marketing its NanoChip(TM) molecular biology workstation to scientists and genomics laboratories setting new standards for SNP scoring. In beta testing, the NanoChip(TM) system has been shown to provide accuracy equal to or better than DNA sequencing and other methods for SNP confirmation. Unlike other systems, the NanoChip(TM) system uses electronically accelerated hybridization under very low salt conditions, avoiding most of the problems with DNA conformation and secondary structures, whereas most sequencing and primer extension technologies require high salt conditions. The NanoChip(TM) system allows the user to array and analyze DNA on its NanoChip(TM) cartridges in user selected formats in a single day with walk-away automation. The NanoChip(TM) system integrates advanced microelectronics and molecular biology into a platform technology with broad commercial applications in the fields of biomedical research, genomics, medical diagnostics, genetic testing and drug discovery. The Company has established corporate alliances in certain areas as part of its strategy to expand the applications and accelerate the commercialization of products derived from its technology.
      schrieb am 23.05.00 22:43:00
      Beitrag Nr. 83 ()
      Trotzdem ist der Kurs in USA gefallen..Ich gebe die Hoffnung aber nicht auf das die alten Höchststände Ende diesen Jahres wieder erreicht werden.
      schrieb am 24.05.00 15:23:56
      Beitrag Nr. 84 ()
      BioTalk Picks and Shovels Its Way Through Life Sciences Today With Qiagen, Nanogen and Luminex

      ROSEVILLE, Calif., May 24 /PRNewswire/ -- A century ago here in the Silicon Sierra outside Sacramento Calif., miners in search of the motherlode discovered that much of their gold turned up in merchants` pockets -- and the lesson may hold for biotech investors too.

      BioTalk visits life-sciences "tools & supplies" companies Qiagen (Nasdaq: QGENF), Nanogen (Nasdaq: NGEN) and Luminex (Nasdaq: LMNX) to see if these "merchants" to the biotech industry provide both good opportunities for biotech investors and a perspective on the health of the sector.

      Tune in to the show from 11 a.m. - noon EDT at or, or via analog dial at WMET 1150 AM in Gaithersburg, MD. Listeners can send questions in real-time via email during the show to cohost Tim Quast at

      Qiagen`s CFO, Peer Schatz, will describe how this Dutch company has achieved leadership in enabling technologies for working with nucleic acids. The company employees nearly 1,000 employees around the globe, boasts a market cap exceeding $4.5 billion -- and turns a profit.

      Nanogen CFO Kieran Gallahue will explain how molecular biology and this San Diego, Calif., company`s proprietary semiconductor chip create a platform for lightening-fast identification of charged molecules.

      And Mark Chandler, CEO of Austin-based Luminex, will discuss how his company employs "microspheres" to simplify biological testing. is the leading producer of online and offline industry-specific investment conferences for individual investors and offers a growing stable of resources for in-depth analysis of the internet, technology and biotechnology sectors, including BioTalk, a weekly radio show bringing investors deep insights on the biotech sector. For information on upcoming virtual and onsite events for individual investors, including the Genomics Conference on June 3rd in Washington, D.C., and the annual Boston Biotechnology Forum on June 5th, visit on the Web.
      schrieb am 30.05.00 22:57:35
      Beitrag Nr. 85 ()
      Na also..Da ist doch wieder Licht am Ende des Tunnels..NGEN heute an der Nasdaq über 30 % im Plus.Hoffentlich gehts so weiter.

      MfG Maxxtro
      schrieb am 30.05.00 23:27:41
      Dieser Beitrag wurde vom System automatisch gesperrt. Bei Fragen wenden Sie sich bitte an
      schrieb am 05.06.00 17:34:07
      Beitrag Nr. 87 ()
      endlich ist nanogen aus seiner lethargie erwacht. seit tagen kennt der kurs kein halten mehr!
      schließen wir heute über 30, könnte der ausbruch aus dem seitwärtstrend gelingen.
      und ich angsthase habe nach dem 32 %-sprung am mittwoch eine vor 2 wochen aufgebaute trading-position mit minimalem gewinn glattgestellt.
      naja, meinen grundbestand an nanogen habe ich ja noch im depot.
      schrieb am 06.06.00 15:22:17
      Beitrag Nr. 88 ()
      Nanogen Ships First Commercial Product Nanochip(TM) Molecular Biology Workstation Sold to Aventis

      SAN DIEGO, June 6 /PRNewswire/ -- Nanogen, Inc. (Nasdaq: NGEN) announced today the first commercial sale of its NanoChip(TM) Molecular Biology Workstation. The NanoChip(TM) system was sold to Aventis Research & Technologies, an affiliate of Aventis (NYSE: AVE).

      Mr. Birndorf, Nanogen`s Chairman, Chief Executive Officer and President, commented, "The shipment of our first commercial product is an exciting milestone for Nanogen. We are pleased to have launched what we hope is the next phase of Nanogen`s growth. It is encouraging that Aventis, a company with significant experience with Nanogen and our technologies, asked to be our first customer."

      Nanogen recently began marketing its NanoChip(TM) molecular biology workstation to scientists and genomics laboratories, setting new standards for SNP scoring or genotyping. In beta testing at third party sites and in demonstrations with customer samples at Nanogen, the NanoChip(TM) system has been shown to provide accuracy equal to or better than DNA sequencing and other methods for SNP confirmation. Whereas most hybridization, sequencing and primer extension technologies require high salt conditions and/or enzyme mediation, the NanoChip(TM) system uses electronically accelerated hybridization under very low salt conditions and no enzymes, avoiding many of the problems associated with DNA conformation and secondary structures. The NanoChip(TM) system allows the user to array and analyze DNA on its NanoChip(TM) cartridges in user selected formats in a single day with walk-away automation.

      Nanogen initiated pre-commercialization activities for the NanoChip(TM) Molecular Biology Workstation during the first half of 2000. The instruments shipped to Aventis were manufactured by Nanogen and its previous instrument vendors. Technology transfer with Nanogen`s instrument partner, Hitachi Instruments Group, was initiated in January, and initial receipt of product from Hitachi is expected during the third quarter. Hitachi manufactures a variety of instrumentation at their Naka works in Japan under Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) guidelines and ISO 9000 including many analyzers for use in clinical diagnostics. In addition, Nanogen hired and trained the first members of its sales force and applications specialist team in April. The Company is supporting the sales and applications teams with the recent opening of the Nanogen Customer Applications Laboratory where prospective customers can submit samples to experience the accuracy, ease-of-use and flexibility of the NanoChip(TM) system.

      Birndorf commented, "We had anticipated our first commercial sale would take place in the third quarter of 2000. We are pleased to have exceeded our expectation by completing our first sale in early June. We are very encouraged by the level of interest our sales force has encountered with prospective customers and by the positive feedback from customers who have used our Customer Applications Laboratory to compare our technology versus their current solutions. I continue to expect that our primary commercial activity ramp up will occur in the third quarter as Hitachi-manufactured instruments become available and customer reference sites are established."

      Nanogen, Inc. integrates advanced microelectronics and molecular biology into a platform technology with potentially broad commercial applications in the fields of biomedical research, genomics, medical diagnostics, genetic testing and drug discovery. Nanogen`s fully automated molecular biology workstation, which incorporates a proprietary semiconductor microchip, the NanoChip(TM), provides a flexible tool for the rapid identification and analysis of test samples containing charged molecules. Nanogen`s technology allows the simultaneous analysis of multiple test sites, or multiplexing, from a single sample. The Company has established corporate alliances in certain areas as part of its strategy to expand the applications and accelerate the commercialization of products derived from its technology.

      Aventis is a world leader in life sciences. Focused on two core business areas -- pharmaceuticals and agriculture -- Aventis is dedicated to improving life through the discovery and development of innovative products in the fields of prescription drugs, vaccines, therapeutic proteins, crop production and protection, animal health and nutrition. Aventis global corporate headquarters are in Strasbourg, France.
      schrieb am 08.06.00 00:01:07
      Beitrag Nr. 89 ()
      Bin jetzt auch drin, zu 36 E.........Werd ich das bereuen?????????
      schrieb am 08.06.00 12:34:06
      Beitrag Nr. 90 ()
      Bin rein als die Charttechnik einen Trend erkennen liess. NGEN ist immer sehr Nasdaq abhängig. Da der Wert aber extrem augebombt wurde, denke ich der Aufwärtstrend ist gerechtfertigt.

      Der Deal mit Aventis duerfte aber vor allem einen positiven naechsten Quartalsbericht erwarten lassen.

      Ich habe vorsichtshalber aber einen Stop bei 33 gesetzt.
      schrieb am 09.06.00 14:14:26
      Dieser Beitrag wurde vom System automatisch gesperrt. Bei Fragen wenden Sie sich bitte an
      schrieb am 12.06.00 15:33:44
      Beitrag Nr. 92 ()
      Nanogenhat bestimmt noch potential...das ding ist ja auch von fast 100 Euro abgestürzt, so daß zumindest die 50 Euro drin sein sollten.
      Übrigens gibt es ein neues board für biotechs :

      mit musterdepot, das auch nanogen hält, 15 % plus bislang....
      schrieb am 23.06.00 10:26:33
      Beitrag Nr. 93 ()
      Hallo Leute!
      Nanogen lebt von der Superphantasie,ist spekulativ aber was positiv ist das die US-Regierung die Firma fordert,also sind Gelder für Entwicklung gesichert!Die Korektur bei den Biotechs gestern hat Nanogen nicht betroffen.
      MFG Geko
      schrieb am 24.06.00 01:54:46
      Beitrag Nr. 94 ()
      Hey Leute!
      Nasdaq im minus,Nanogen im plus!Ist doch OK!
      MFG Geko
      schrieb am 24.06.00 01:56:36
      Beitrag Nr. 95 ()
      Geschlossen bei Höchstkursen!
      MFG Geko
      schrieb am 24.06.00 10:33:36
      Beitrag Nr. 96 ()
      Hallo Leute !
      Herr Dr. Förtsch hat NANOGEN in sein Trading-Depot aufgenommen.
      Was ist eure Meinung !!!
      schrieb am 24.06.00 13:07:36
      Beitrag Nr. 97 ()
      Habe auch die Nanogen aufgenommen, ist natürlich recht spekulativ, ansonnsten hat nanogen sich gestern gut gehalten. Man muß ein wenig Geduld mitbringen. Nach der Schlußrally, die letzte Stunde in NY bin ich aber zuversichtlich. Also, hoffen wir zusammen ..
      schrieb am 25.06.00 16:31:50
      Beitrag Nr. 98 ()
      Zeit muss man mitbringen , und wirklich kleine Position aufnehmen . Wenn sich aber das Produkt durchschlägt (US-Regieringsbehörden als Geldgeber im Nacken ;-) dann haben wie die zweite Affymetrix,und die Marktkapitalisierung von denen ist ja bekannt!
      MFG Geko
      schrieb am 25.06.00 16:51:22
      Beitrag Nr. 99 ()
      die AMIS warten ja nur auf die Aufnahme in ein Musterdepot in Deutschland. Besonders gefällt denen natürlich das Fö.. Nanogen in das Musterdepot aufnimmt. Dann kann es ja los gehen .......:D

      bei Nanogen müssen wir noch ein wenig auf die 60 $ warten.

      also: leave it.
      schrieb am 26.06.00 13:32:40
      Beitrag Nr. 100 ()

      Nanogen Ships Second Commercial Product
      - Nanochip(TM) Molecular Biology Workstation Sold to Egea BioSciences -
      SAN DIEGO, June 26 /PRNewswire/ -- Nanogen, Inc. (Nasdaq: NGEN - news) announced today its second commercial sale of a NanoChip(TM) Molecular Biology Workstation. The NanoChip(TM) system was sold to Egea BioSciences, Inc. of San Diego, a genomics company formed by Dr. Glen A. Evans, the principal investigator responsible for one of Nanogen`s three successful beta site tests reported earlier this year.

      Howard Birndorf, Nanogen`s Chairman, Chief Executive Officer and President, commented, ``We are particularly encouraged that Dr. Evans, a well respected scientist with extensive experience both in the genomics sector and with Nanogen`s technology, chose to purchase a NanoChip(TM) system. Although we had originally planned to initiate commercial sales in the third quarter of 2000, this is our second product shipment in June.``

      Glen A. Evans, M.D., Ph.D., founder of Egea BioSciences Inc. and formerly the George L. MacGregor Distinguished Chair in Biomedical Sciences at University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center commented, ``Egea was formed to develop and apply advanced genomic engineering technology to expedite drug discovery and pharmaceutical development. High throughput SNP typing provides an important contributing platform for drug target validation. After evaluating the NanoChip(TM) system in beta testing for over nine months, I chose it as the first major piece of laboratory equipment purchased for Egea.``

      ``I strongly believe that DNA chip technology and the highly accurate analysis of SNP panels and other markers will be essential in both pharmaceutical development and clinical practice. In the beta testing performed earlier this year at UT Southwestern, my team analyzed over 200 samples for 12 clinically relevant SNPs,`` Evans continued. ``The system was 100% accurate for all 2,400 calls. The NanoChip(TM) system exceeded my former gold standards for accuracy, while providing the flexibility to design arrays in my own lab. It was that blend of accuracy and flexibility which encouraged me to acquire a NanoChip(TM) system immediately upon its commercial release.``

      Nanogen recently began marketing its NanoChip(TM) system to scientists and genomics laboratories setting new standards for SNP scoring. In beta testing, the NanoChip(TM) system has been shown to provide accuracy equal to or better than DNA sequencing and other methods for SNP confirmation. Unlike other systems, the NanoChip(TM) system uses electronically accelerated hybridization under very low salt conditions, potentially avoiding problems with DNA conformation and secondary structures, whereas most sequencing and primer extension technologies require high salt conditions. The NanoChip(TM) system allows the user to array and analyze DNA on its NanoChip(TM) cartridges in user selected formats in a single day with walk-away automation. The NanoChip(TM) system integrates advanced microelectronics and molecular biology into a platform technology with broad commercial applications in the fields of biomedical research, genomics, medical diagnostics, genetic testing and drug discovery. The Company has established corporate alliances as part of its strategy to expand the applications and accelerate the commercialization of products derived from its technology.

      This press release contains forward-looking statements that are subject to risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those set forth in the forward-looking statements, including whether the Company`s NanoChip system can be or will be further successfully commercialized, products under development can be successfully developed and commercialized, whether the Company`s collaborations will continue to be funded and other risks and uncertainties discussed under the caption ``Factors That May Affect Results`` and elsewhere in the Company`s Form 10-K, as amended, for the year ended December 31, 1999 and subsequent reports filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission. These forward-looking statements speak only as of the date hereof. The Company disclaims any intent or obligation to update these forward-looking statements.

      Contact: Kieran T. Gallahue, Senior Vice President/Chief Financial Officer of Nanogen, Inc., 858-410-4600; or Media - Page Sargisson of Noonan/Russo Communications, 415-677-4455, ext. 229, for Nanogen, Inc.

      SOURCE: Nanogen, Inc.
      schrieb am 26.06.00 17:24:03
      Beitrag Nr. 101 ()
      Und Nanogen marschiert weiter Richtung Norden! :)
      MFG Geko
      schrieb am 26.06.00 21:11:26
      Beitrag Nr. 102 ()
      generell könnte sich ein Investment lohnen. Überlegung:
      Da eine faire Bewertung von NGEN aufgrund noch fehlender UMsätze mit ihren Produkten noch nicht ermittelt werden kann, öebt dieser Wert besonders von Fantasie und Momentaum, noch mehr als andere Werte.

      Genau diese wird durch solche News angefacht.Schaut euch doch mal den Newsflow der letzten Wochen an: ständig neue Patente und Abkommen, und jetzt kommen die Verkäufe des Nanochip-Systems.
      Somit stimmt die Ausgangslage bei NGEN. Durch weitere Produktverkäufe in nächster Zeit dürfte dies dem Kurs wohl deutlich auf die Sprünge helfen!
      schrieb am 27.06.00 08:20:28
      Beitrag Nr. 103 ()
      Hey IWA,deiner Meinung bin ich auch,übrigens will ich Dir sagen das Du echt eine Bereicherung für den Board bist , gerade im Biotech Bereich gibt es wenige die von der Materie auch was verstehen.Ich habe noch eine bitte an Dich , ich kann die Grafiken immer noch nicht einfügen , mit der Boardhilfe komme ich nicht weit weil die URL nicht mehr gültig ist.Kannste es mir bitte genau posten?Danke :)
      MFG Geko
      schrieb am 27.06.00 09:17:55
      Beitrag Nr. 104 ()

      Ich beobachte Nanogen auch seit einigen Tagen genauer und erwarte
      mir noch einiges. Das Management agiert geschickt, die Technik
      arbeitet offensichtlich sehr zuverlässig. Bei positivem Markt
      ist da kurzzeitig einiges drin, langfristig - falls sie sich
      etablieren, sicherlich auch.


      Die Meldung der FDA in Bezug auf Campath/ILXO hat sich so schlecht
      auch nicht angehört!!!!!
      schrieb am 27.06.00 11:15:27
      Beitrag Nr. 105 ()
      Smilies: Bei der Verfassung eines Boardbeitrages ist es möglich, die im Internet weit verbreiteten Smilies zu verwenden. Hierzu gibt es folgende Möglichkeiten:

      :) ;) :D :( :O

      hier das Bsp. für eine URL: sondern setzen, dann funktionierst.
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      Bei Bildern, Threadlinks und e-mail Links geht es genauso nur die Variablen sind
      für Bilder ersetzen (also je das Letzte) und so weitrer" target="_blank" rel="nofollow ugc noopener">

      die url-varibalen und die eckigen Klammern sind immer gleich, du musst jeweils die gesamte Internetadresse (die URL) austauschen.

      Beachte: Damit der Linkt richtig angezeigt wird, musst du am Ende der URL nicht wie oben von mir geschrieben sondern setzen, dann funktionierst.
      (habe dies nur so gemacht, damit ich es erklären kann)

      Bei Bildern, Threadlinks und e-mail Links geht es genauso nur die Variablen sind
      für Bilder ersetzen (also je das Letzte) und so weitrer" target="_blank" rel="nofollow ugc noopener"> sondern setzen, dann funktionierst.
      (habe dies nur so gemacht, damit ich es erklären kann)

      Bei Bildern, Threadlinks und e-mail Links geht es genauso nur die Variablen sind
      für Bilder ersetzen (also je das Letzte) und so weitrer" target="_blank" rel="nofollow ugc noopener">

      die url-varibalen und die eckigen Klammern sind immer gleich, du musst jeweils die gesamte Internetadresse (die URL) austauschen.

      Beachte: Damit der Linkt richtig angezeigt wird, musst du am Ende der URL nicht wie oben von mir geschrieben sondern setzen, dann funktionierst.
      (habe dies nur so gemacht, damit ich es erklären kann)

      Bei Bildern, Threadlinks und e-mail Links geht es genauso nur die Variablen sind
      für Bilder ersetzen (also je das Letzte) und so weitrer
      schrieb am 27.06.00 13:07:26
      Beitrag Nr. 106 ()
      C:TEMPcdcharttcl.gif [img]...[img]
      schrieb am 27.06.00 13:10:42
      Beitrag Nr. 107 ()
      Danke IWA , ich darf es nicht sagen das ich aus dem EDV Bereich komme aber es haut nicht hin,weis nicht was ich falsch mache?:(
      MFG Geko
      schrieb am 27.06.00 13:32:11
      Beitrag Nr. 108 ()
      Number of Brokers
      Recommending (06/26/00)
      Strong Buy 1
      Moderate Buy 3
      Hold 0
      Moderate Sell 0
      Strong Sell 0
      Current Average Recommendation
      (1.0=Str. Buy, 5.0=Str. Sell) 1.8
      Last Week`s Average Recommendation 1.8
      Change in Average Recommendation 0.0

      Company Industry Group:
      Rank Within Industry:
      55 of 119

      Earnings Estimates and Actuals
      Consensus Estimate for Current Fiscal
      Year (12/100) $ -1.14 per share
      Consensus Estimate for Next Fiscal Year (12/01) $ -0.80 per share
      Consensus Estimate for Current
      Quarter (6/00) $ -0.31 per share
      Actual Earnings Last Quarter (3/00) $ -0.20 per share
      EPS Surprise Last Quarter 43 %
      schrieb am 29.06.00 08:07:37
      Beitrag Nr. 109 ()
      Und wieder 10% im Plus!:)
      MFG Geko
      schrieb am 30.06.00 00:14:44
      Beitrag Nr. 110 ()
      .......und nochmal 4 % drauf.........

      schrieb am 01.07.00 00:00:00
      Beitrag Nr. 111 ()
      .......zum Wochenende nochmal 1,65 % drauf......

      schrieb am 01.07.00 22:59:07
      Beitrag Nr. 112 ()
      Es ist schön mit NANOGEN!:)
      MFG Geko
      schrieb am 02.07.00 12:08:03
      Beitrag Nr. 113 ()
      nanogen ist die einzige meiner aktien, bei der es mich freuen würde, wenn sie wieder einmal fällt!
      ich würde nämlich gerne noch einmal nachlegen.
      schrieb am 04.07.00 10:25:02
      Beitrag Nr. 114 ()
      Hallo Leute !

      Ich sehe die Nanogen als kurzfristiger Einstieg, aber ein sehr interessanter Wert.

      Kann vielleicht einer bitte die Nanogen mit der Guilford vergleichen!

      BEZOGEN auf alles!

      Ich habe die Guilford aber wenn ich mir die Nanogen anschaue sieht sehr schön aus fast genau wie die Guilford.
      schrieb am 05.07.00 18:52:35
      Beitrag Nr. 115 ()
      NANOGEN hält TOP!:)
      MFG Geko
      schrieb am 13.07.00 23:53:16
      Beitrag Nr. 116 ()
      Hallo Leute..
      Hier ein kleiner Beitrag über Nanogen.

      Dines’ other favorites include Nanogen (NGEN: news, msgs) under $40 a share. The San Diego company makes microelectronic components that are used in the creation of drugs and biomedical products. The shares sell for $38 on Nasdaq. Dines also recommends averaging down on shares of poorly performing Internet incubator CMG Information Services (CMGI: news, msgs), Web bookseller (AMZN: news, msgs) and America Online (AOL: news, msgs).

      Tool of the day

      MfG Maxxtro
      schrieb am 17.07.00 12:42:21
      Beitrag Nr. 117 ()
      ...und was passiert jetzt mit Nanogen? Sind Biotechs wieder out?
      schrieb am 17.07.00 12:58:52
      Beitrag Nr. 118 ()
      derzeit ist einfach internet wieder in.
      schrieb am 17.07.00 16:45:11
      Beitrag Nr. 119 ()
      gut wenn man beides hat:-)
      schrieb am 25.07.00 14:38:03
      Beitrag Nr. 120 ()
      Nanogen Receives Initial NanoChip(TM) Systems from Hitachi

      SAN DIEGO, July 25 /PRNewswire/ -- Nanogen, Inc. (Nasdaq: NGEN) today announced the receipt of the first full lot of
      NanoChip(TM) Molecular Biology Workstation instruments from Hitachi Ltd. of Japan. The instrument systems, the first received by
      Nanogen under the manufacturing and supply agreement with Hitachi announced earlier this year, will undergo quality control
      protocols and final systems verification prior to their availability for customer shipments beginning in late August.

      "We are extremely pleased with the speed and commitment Hitachi has demonstrated to the NanoChip(TM) program," commented
      Howard C. Birndorf, Chairman, CEO and President of Nanogen. "In the brief period since forming our relationship, we have
      transferred the instrument design and technology to Hitachi`s Naka Works facility in Japan and received instruments for both customer
      shipments and internal assay development. We remain on track to deliver the first Hitachi-manufactured instrument systems to
      customers within the third quarter."

      Nanogen recently began marketing its NanoChip(TM) system to scientists and genomics laboratories setting new standards for SNP
      scoring. In beta testing, the NanoChip(TM) system has been shown to provide accuracy equal to or better than DNA sequencing and
      other methods for SNP confirmation. Unlike other systems, the NanoChip(TM) system uses electronically accelerated hybridization
      under very low salt conditions, potentially avoiding problems with DNA conformation and secondary structures, whereas most
      sequencing and primer extension technologies require high salt conditions. The NanoChip(TM) system allows the user to array and
      analyze DNA on its NanoChip(TM) cartridges in user selected formats in a single day with walk-away automation. The
      NanoChip(TM) system integrates advanced microelectronics and molecular biology into a platform technology with broad commercial
      applications in the fields of biomedical research, genomics, medical diagnostics, genetic testing and drug discovery. The Company has
      established corporate alliances as part of its strategy to expand the applications and accelerate the commercialization of products
      derived from its technology. For more information concerning Nanogen, please visit Nanogen`s internet web site at: .

      Hitachi, Ltd., headquartered in Tokyo, Japan is one of the world`s leading global electronics companies which in fiscal 1998 (ended
      March 31, 1999) had consolidated sales of more than $65 billion. The company manufactures a wide range of products including:
      computers, semiconductors, consumer products and power and industrial equipment. Scientific instrumentation is developed and
      manufactured through its Instrument Group based in Tokyo, Japan with a principle factory in Hitachinaka City. Hitachi has long been a
      leading supplier of instrumentation for research applications and highly regulated markets such as clinical diagnostics and medical
      instrumentation. For more information concerning Hitachi, Ltd., please visit Hitachi`s internet web site at: .
      schrieb am 01.08.00 13:44:20
      Beitrag Nr. 121 ()
      Nanogen Awarded Contract from the Space and Naval Warfare System Center San Diego

      SAN DIEGO, Aug. 1 /PRNewswire/ -- Nanogen, Inc. (Nasdaq: NGEN) today announced that it has been awarded a contract by the Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center San Diego (SSC San Diego) in an amount totaling approximately $1.6 million over the next two years.

      The contract award was made by SSC San Diego under the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) sponsored BioFluidic Chips (BioFlips) and Simulation Tools for Chemical/Biological Microsystems Program. The objective of the DARPA contract is to develop and refine electronically driven sample preparation protocols on specifically designed microelectronic chips. The intended samples will simulate a panel of biowarfare related agents found in blood. Pursuant to the contract, extracted DNA from the microelectronic chips will be processed for detection using Nanogen`s electronic hybridization technique.

      "We are very pleased to have been accepted as a recipient of this contract award," commented Howard Birndorf, Chairman, Chief Executive Officer and President of Nanogen. "The electronically-driven sample preparation chip will enable Nanogen to expand upon our electronic hybridization technology and move closer towards an automated sample-to-answer system for DNA diagnostics. We believe Nanogen`s technology may lead to important advances in biological warfare defense, in addition to our core focus in the medical research, medical diagnostics and forensic areas."

      Nanogen recently began marketing its NanoChip(TM) system to scientists and genomics laboratories setting new standards for SNP scoring. The NanoChip(TM) system has been shown to provide accuracy equal to or better than DNA sequencing and other methods for SNP confirmation. Unlike other systems, the NanoChip(TM) system uses electronically accelerated hybridization under very low salt conditions, potentially avoiding problems with DNA conformation and secondary structures, whereas most sequencing and primer extension technologies require high salt conditions. The NanoChip(TM) system allows the user to array and analyze DNA on its NanoChip(TM) cartridges in user selected formats in a single day with walk-away automation. The NanoChip(TM) system integrates advanced microelectronics and molecular biology into a platform technology with broad commercial applications in the fields of biomedical research, genomics, medical diagnostics, genetic testing and drug discovery. The Company has established corporate alliances as part of its strategy to expand the applications and accelerate the commercialization of products derived from its technology.
      schrieb am 07.08.00 14:13:09
      Beitrag Nr. 122 ()
      Nanogen is Awarded U.S. Patent on Advanced Active Electronic Devices for Molecular Biological Analysis and Diagnostics

      SAN DIEGO, Aug. 7 /PRNewswire/ -- Nanogen, Inc. (Nasdaq: NGEN) announced today that on August 8, 2000, it will be
      awarded an additional United States Patent relating to its electronic microarray technology. U.S. Patent No. 6,099,803, entitled
      "Advanced Active Electronic Devices for Molecular Biological Analysis and Diagnostics and Methods for Manufacture of Same" is
      the eighteenth U.S. patent issued to the Company.

      "U.S. Patent No. 6,099,803 is an important addition to Nanogen`s expanding intellectual property portfolio because it combines
      electronic concentration, focusing, transport and subsequent analysis of a biological sample on an integrated device," commented Dr.
      James P. O`Connell, Ph.D., Vice President of Science & Technology at Nanogen. "The devices and methods described in the `803
      Patent permit analysis of a biological sample by first utilizing a collection electrode to concentrate charged biological materials. Once
      the biological materials are concentrated on the collection electrode, focusing electrodes may be employed to focus and transport the
      materials to an array of microlocations."

      Dr. O`Connell continued, "The unique chip designs disclosed in the `803 Patent allow us to take advantage of the electronic
      capabilities inherent in Nanogen`s technology. For example, large collector electrodes can be positioned in proximity to the array of
      test electrodes, permitting the user to concentrate the sample DNA before analysis on Nanogen`s NanoChip(TM) electronic
      microarrays. Focusing electrodes are then employed to move the concentrated DNA to selected locations on the chip."

      Elizabeth Mather, Ph.D., one of the inventors of the `803 Patent, added, "We believe that the ability to concentrate and move sample
      DNA may ultimately lead to far more sensitive tests. The ability to manipulate DNA sequences electronically may aid in the improved
      selection of target sequences from complex DNA samples."

      Nanogen recently began marketing its NanoChip(TM) molecular biology workstation to scientists and genomics laboratories setting
      new standards for SNP scoring. In beta testing, the NanoChip(TM) system has been shown to provide accuracy equal to or better
      than DNA sequencing and other methods for SNP confirmation. Unlike other systems, the NanoChip(TM) system uses electronically
      accelerated hybridization under very low salt conditions, avoiding most of the problems with DNA conformation and secondary
      structures, whereas most sequencing and primer extension technologies require high salt conditions. The NanoChip(TM) system
      allows the user to array and analyze DNA on its NanoChip(TM) cartridges in user selected formats in a single day with walk-away
      automation. The NanoChip(TM) system integrates advanced microelectronics and molecular biology into a platform technology with
      broad commercial applications in the fields of biomedical research, genomics, medical diagnostics, genetic testing and drug discovery.
      The Company has established corporate alliances in certain areas as part of its strategy to expand the applications and accelerate the
      commercialization of products derived from its technology.
      schrieb am 07.08.00 17:13:56
      Beitrag Nr. 123 ()
      Sollte man Nanogen bei aktuellem Stand nachkaufen? Was meint ihr?
      Hat diese Aktie wirklich das Potentzial sich durch zu setzen?
      Mit Dank Megagigant
      schrieb am 07.08.00 23:53:35
      Beitrag Nr. 124 ()
      würd mich auch brennend interessieren.
      Schwanke zwischen Nanogen und Affymetrix
      schrieb am 08.08.00 15:01:08
      Beitrag Nr. 125 ()
      Kauf lieber Nanogen, denn Albert Rauch von Fist Union Securities hat sein Kursziel 12M von 97 USD auf 52 USD gesenkt.
      Das reicht doch für eine Verdopplung. Der Förtsch kann da auch nicht mehr in die Suppe spucken, der hat die ja schon bei 30,50 EUR aus seinem
      Trading Depot geworfen.
      schrieb am 14.08.00 23:20:08
      Beitrag Nr. 126 ()

      Die Kurserholung von NGEN gefällt mir gar nicht.Für mich siehts wie ein Strohfeuerchen aus.Naja..dann kann ich vielleicht doch noch preiswerter nachkaufen.

      schrieb am 18.09.00 14:49:42
      Beitrag Nr. 127 ()
      SKW Nature Products Purchases Nanogen System

      SAN DIEGO, Sept. 18 /PRNewswire/ -- Nanogen, Inc. (Nasdaq: NGEN) today announced the purchase of a NanoChip(TM) Molecular Biology Workstation by SKW Nature Products, a German company.

      SKW Nature Products is one of the largest global players in the food additives market. Providing nature-based products with functionally important and physiologically valuable ingredients, SKW Nature Products enhances the structure, taste and quality of food in order to help its customers attain a more healthy and comfortable life. Their product portfolio comprises a wide range of texturizing carbohydrates, many different flavors, and numerous bioactive ingredients such as phospholipids, probiotics, herbals, nutritional oils, etc. SKW Nature Products utilizes biotechnological processes like fermentation or enzymatic catalysis to improve food additives.

      Dr. Ulli Hoppe, Vice President Research & Development at SKW Nature Products commented, "We`ve been looking for a technology that would enable us to create gene expression assays to measure the biomedical effect of food additives on consumers. The NanoChip(TM) System`s ability to adapt to our own proprietary gene expression technology and also finely control experimental conditions through electronics provides an ideal platform for our needs."

      Howard C. Birndorf, Nanogen`s Chairman and Chief Executive Officer commented, "We are very pleased with the interest shown by SKW Nature Products in our NanoChip(TM) System and with the initial results demonstrated in our Customer Applications Laboratory for assays assessing the biochemical effects of food additives. We look forward to providing the NanoChip(TM) System to companies who desire to expand the System`s range of applications to other fields."

      Nanogen recently began marketing its NanoChip(TM) Molecular Biology Workstation and its NanoChip(TM) Cartridge to scientists and genomics laboratories, setting new standards for SNP scoring. Nanogen is developing a series of electronics-based products to help researchers and clinical healthcare providers accelerate their practical understanding and use of genetic information. The products introduced and under development are intended to provide quick and accurate analysis of DNA, RNA and proteins, "bridging" the research and clinical diagnostic settings. For information on purchasing the NanoChip(TM) System in the U.S., please call 1-877-Nanogen or visit and in Europe, please call Peter Halkjaer-Knudsen, European Marketing Manager at 011-45-45-767202 or visit For additional product and company information, please visit Nanogen`s web site at

      SKW Nature Products is a division of SKW Trostberg AG, a German company which produces and manufactures specialized chemicals for a variety of industries. In 1999, SKW Trostberg had approximately 18,000 employees and net sales of approximately 6.8 billion Euro worldwide. In January, 2001, SKW will merge with Degussa-Huls AG to form the world`s leading producer of specialty chemicals. The new company, Degussa AG, will have approximately 60,000 employees and net sales of approximately 19 billion Euro worldwide.
      schrieb am 18.09.00 23:08:07
      Beitrag Nr. 128 ()
      Hallo alle

      Oje Oje Nanogen was machst du nur?? Trotz der guten Nachricht über SKW kann Ngen sich vom schlechten Marktumfeld nicht abkoppeln und fällt unter die 20$ Marke.Tja..wie tief gehts jetzt noch runter?
      Und ich habe kein Geld zum nachkaufen..Mist..da verpasse ich ne super-Gelegenheit.

      MfG Maxxtro.
      schrieb am 21.09.00 14:10:49
      Beitrag Nr. 129 ()
      das gleiche nochmal in grün:

      National Cancer Institute Purchases Nanogen System

      SAN DIEGO, Sept. 21 /PRNewswire/ -- Nanogen, Inc. (Nasdaq: NGEN - news) announces the purchase of a NanoChip(TM) Molecular Biology Workstation by the National Cancer Institute (NCI). The sale follows a diligence process by the NCI involving alternative technologies for the detection of SNPs, including SNPs adjacent to secondary DNA structures.

      Samples from a total of 48 patients, three SNPs per patient, were analyzed. NanoChip(TM) system results were reported as 100% accurate with zero ``no calls.`` No calls result when there is a failure to obtain conclusive data from a given test sample. In addition, the NanoChip(TM) system corrected one result generated by an alternative technology. The three SNPs were in the genes for Interleukin 4, Interleukin 6 and Interleukin 4 receptor and represent two cytokines and a receptor. Cytokines are important components of the human immune system, the human body`s first line of defense in fighting infection and disease.

      Dr. Stephen Chanock, M.D., of the NCI commented: ``The National Cancer Institute aggressively pursues advanced technologies that can improve the ability to diagnose and treat illness. The NanoChip(TM) system may accelerate this process, allowing us to potentially use this same tool in both the research process and in the patient care process.`` Dr. Chanock`s laboratory is in the Immunocompromised Host Section, Pediatric Oncology Branch, at the Advanced Technology Center of the National Cancer Institute.

      Howard C. Birndorf, Nanogen`s Chairman, President and CEO commented: ``We have been impressed and encouraged by Dr. Chanock`s focus on translating clinically relevant genetic markers into clinical use as quickly as possible. The NCI appears to have a very thorough and practical approach that fits well with the benefits of the NanoChip(TM) system.``

      Nanogen recently began marketing its NanoChip(TM) Molecular Biology Workstation system to scientists and genomics laboratories, setting new standards for SNP scoring. Nanogen is developing a series of electronics-based products to help researchers and clinical healthcare providers accelerate their practical understanding and use of genomic information. The products introduced and under development are intended to provide quick and accurate analysis of DNA, RNA and proteins, ``bridging`` both the research and clinical diagnostic settings. For additional information please visit Nanogen`s web site at

      This press release contains forward-looking statements that are subject to risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those set forth in the forward-looking statements, including whether the Company`s NanoChip system can be or will be further successfully commercialized, whether products under development can be successfully developed and commercialized, whether results reported by our customers or partners can be identically replicated, whether the Company`s collaborations will continue to be funded and other risks and uncertainties discussed under the caption ``Factors That May Affect Results`` and elsewhere in the Company`s Form 10-K, as amended, for the year ended December 31, 1999 and subsequent reports filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission. These forward-looking statements speak only as of the date hereof. The Company disclaims any intent or obligation to update these forward-looking statements. The Company may, at its discretion, issue additional announcements regarding orders or sales of it NanoChip system as it deems appropriate and as required by law.

      schrieb am 21.09.00 14:56:38
      Beitrag Nr. 130 ()
      Wenn ich das richtig sehe hat NGEN 3 Strong Buy-Ratings und 2 Buys.
      Die Marktkapitalisierung beträgt im Moment jedenfalls exakt 400 Mio Dollar. Dei Cashreserven allein machen schon einen Betrag von knapp 200 Mio aus. Es ist wohl in Ordnung die Firma als unterbewertet zu betrachten.

      Folgendes in diesem Zusammenhang habe ich im w:o noch nicht geshen, deshalb poste ichs hier mal...

      Nanogen spekulativ
      Global Biotech Investing

      Wertpapierexperten vom Börsenbrief Global Biotech Investing raten
      risikofreudigen Anlegern zu einer Investition in die Aktie der Nanogen
      Incorporation (WKN 911841).

      Das Unternehmen entwickle die Biochip-Produkte mit Unterstützung und in Zusammenarbeit
      mit der japanischen Hitachi. Im Juni habe Nanogen das erste Exemplar des Hauptprodukts an Aventis ausgeliefert.

      In diesem Jahr wolle das Unternehemn 16 NanoChip Molecular Biology
      Workstations verkaufen und den Absatz auf 86 Systeme in 2001 steigern.
      Diese sollen nicht nur verkauft sondern auch neuerdings geleast werden

      Die Gewinnschwelle werde erst im Jahre 2002 erreicht und mache die Aktie zu einem spekulativen Investment.
      Die Chancen auf eine Kursverdoppelung stünden jedoch gut, so das Researchteam.

      Copyright © 1998 - 2000 AG
      schrieb am 27.09.00 14:09:18
      Beitrag Nr. 131 ()
      Nanogen Expands International Marketing and Sales Efforts

      SAN DIEGO, Sept. 27 /PRNewswire/ -- Nanogen, Inc. (Nasdaq: NGEN) today announced that it has expanded its international marketing and sales efforts by opening its main European sales office and hiring a managing director and other sales staff to market and sell its products throughout Europe.

      Nanogen Europe B.V., a wholly owned subsidiary of Nanogen, will be the Company`s principal European sales office based in Helmond, The Netherlands, a suburb of Eindhoven. Roderik van den Bogaard has been named Managing Director of Nanogen Europe B.V. and will begin work in that capacity on October 1, 2000. Mr. Van den Bogaard is a Dutch national with approximately 18 years combined experience with European subsidiaries of two U.S. companies, Molecular Dynamics, Inc., and Spectra Physics, Inc. He will be responsible for coordinating the activities of Nanogen`s sales representatives in the United Kingdom, Denmark and Germany. Mr. Van den Bogaard will also have responsibility for Nanogen`s marketing, sales and support efforts in Europe. Nanogen intends to hire additional sales representatives and applications support personnel throughout Europe in the future. Nanogen has previously announced two sales in Europe, at Aventis Research and Technology and SKW Biosystems, both in Germany.

      "This is an exciting development for Nanogen as we continue to build our worldwide commercial infrastructure," commented Howard Birndorf, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Nanogen. "We are very pleased to have opened our European sales office in Helmond and we welcome Roderik and the European sales force to the Nanogen team. Our European team brings experience in marketing and selling biotech and high tech products in Europe. The opening of Nanogen Europe B.V. and the hiring of these experienced sales representatives will enable us to expand our marketing and sales efforts in Europe, a potentially important market for our NanoChip(TM) Molecular Biology Workstation and our NanoChip(TM) Cartridge."

      "The expansion of our European marketing and sales efforts, the recent increase in the marketing of our NanoChip(TM) system in the United States, growth of our sales force in the United States, availability of our Customer Applications Laboratory and development of flexible purchasing programs are intended to increase the visibility and profile of the NanoChip(TM) System to potential customers," commented Kieran Gallahue, President and CFO of Nanogen.

      Nanogen recently began marketing its NanoChip(TM) Molecular Biology Workstation and its NanoChip(TM) Cartridge to scientists and genomics laboratories, setting new standards for SNP scoring. Nanogen is developing a series of electronics-based products to help researchers and clinical healthcare providers accelerate their practical understanding and use of genetic information. The products introduced and under development are intended to provide quick and accurate analysis of DNA, RNA and proteins, "bridging" the research and clinical diagnostic settings. For information on purchasing the NanoChip(TM) System in the U.S., please call 1-877-Nanogen or e-mail and in Europe, please call Peter Halkjaer-Knudsen, European Marketing Manager at 011-45-45-767202 or e-mail For additional product and company information, please visit Nanogen`s web site at
      schrieb am 27.09.00 20:06:03
      Beitrag Nr. 132 ()
      die aktuellen Shortzahlen zu NGEN. Haben sich im Vergleich zum Monat davor glatt verdoppelt. Seit einem Jahr steigen die Zahlen schon von Monat zu Monat...…

      Für die, die Wwissen wollen, was shorten ist...

      Viel Spaß
      schrieb am 01.10.00 23:35:04
      Beitrag Nr. 133 ()
      Hallo allerseits..

      Nanogen steigt obwohl der Nasdaq fällt.Weiß da einer mehr als wir?
      Oder haben die Shorties zu viel nachkaufen müßen?

      schrieb am 03.10.00 15:18:45
      Beitrag Nr. 134 ()
      The Mayo Clinic Purchases Two Nanogen Systems

      Systems Intended to Bridge the Gap Between Research and Improved Patient Care

      SAN DIEGO, Oct. 3 /PRNewswire/ -- Nanogen, Inc. (Nasdaq: NGEN) announced the purchase of two NanoChip(TM) Molecular Biology Workstations by the Mayo Clinic.

      The Mayo Clinic intends to utilize the NanoChip(TM) systems in a variety of clinically relevant research programs. These studies may include pharmacogenomics, cancer and epidemiological studies. A previously released beta test study performed by the Mayo Clinic using the NanoChip(TM) system focused on SNPs believed to be involved with the metabolism of drugs used in treating childhood leukemia. In that study presented by Dr. Dennis O`Kane, Ph.D., Mayo reported the NanoChip(TM) system was 100% accurate compared to their standard RFLP technique which yielded six to eleven percent inaccuracies.

      The Mayo Clinic has a long history of improving the medical community`s understanding and use of genetic information in the patient care process. Two significant hurdles in that process have been the availability of highly accurate and flexible tools to perform genetic research, and the availability of tools which can bridge the gap between research and daily clinical use. Dr. Dennis O`Kane commented, "The NanoChip(TM). system may play an important role in bridging the gap between the discovery and characterization of clinically relevant genetic information and its use in improving patient care."

      Howard C. Birndorf, Nanogen`s Chairman and CEO commented, "The Mayo Clinic was an invaluable partner throughout the NanoChip(TM) system`s beta testing process. Their commitment to improving patient care is clearly evident in every interaction we have had. We are pleased to have been accepted as an important technology which may accelerate and improve attainment of their patient care goals."

      In addition to the Mayo Clinic, Nanogen has announced purchases by customers across different market segments, including Aventis, Egea Biosciences, SKW Biosystems, and The National Cancer Institute.

      Nanogen recently began marketing its NanoChip(TM) Molecular Biology Workstation to scientists and genomics laboratories, setting new standards for SNP scoring. Nanogen is developing a series of electronics-based products to help researchers and clinical healthcare providers accelerate their practical understanding and use of genomic information. The products introduced and under development are intended to provide quick and accurate analysis of DNA, RNA and proteins, "bridging" both the research and clinical diagnostic settings. For additional information please visit Nanogen`s web site at
      schrieb am 05.10.00 15:06:53
      Beitrag Nr. 135 ()
      Nanogen Enters Into Cooperative Agreement With U.S. Army

      SAN DIEGO, Oct. 5 /PRNewswire/ -- Nanogen, Inc. (Nasdaq: NGEN) today announced that it has entered into a cooperative agreement with the U.S. Army Medical Research Acquisition Activity (USAMRAA). The agreement totals approximately $1.1 million over the next two years.

      The objective of the USAMRRA agreement is to develop an arrayable electronic system for the identification of biological warfare or infectious disease agents. The research will be supervised by the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Disease at Fort Detrick, Maryland. Nanogen intends to complete and deliver devices and protocols for performing a nucleic acid amplification and hybridization approach for detection of four biological agents. One of the devices will be a miniaturized system.

      "We are very pleased to enter into this cooperative agreement," commented Howard Birndorf, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Nanogen. "A portable nucleic acid diagnostic system for the rapid screening of military disease agents will enable us to enhance the automated integrated system development already underway in our labs. We believe Nanogen`s technology may lead to important advances in biological warfare defense and public health. This could become an important addition to our primary markets in research, clinical diagnostics and forensics."
      schrieb am 25.10.00 10:49:48
      Beitrag Nr. 136 ()
      Oct 31 Earnings Announcement
      schrieb am 27.10.00 10:36:36
      Beitrag Nr. 137 ()
      Nanogen Is Awarded U.S. Patent on Apparatus and Methods For Active Biological Sample Preparation

      SAN DIEGO, Oct. 26 /PRNewswire/ -- Nanogen, Inc. (Nasdaq: NGEN - news) announced today that it was awarded an additional United States Patent relating to its active biological sample preparation technology. U.S. Patent No. 6,129,828, entitled ``Apparatus and Methods for Active Biological Sample Preparation`` (the ```828 Patent``) is the nineteenth U.S. patent issued to the Company.

      ``The `828 Patent describes devices and methods for performing active, multi-step electronic molecular biological sample preparation,`` commented Dr. Michael J. Heller, Chief Technical Officer at Nanogen. ``This patent represents an addition to Nanogen`s growing intellectual property portfolio of electronic sample preparation technology, including sample separation, purification, complexity reduction and diagnostic analysis. The `828 Patent is an important step toward the development of integrated devices that may increase the speed, sensitivity and accuracy of complex DNA sample analysis. The unique devices disclosed in the `828 Patent may aid in the future development of sample to answer instruments and point of care clinical diagnostic systems.``
      schrieb am 27.10.00 10:45:27
      Beitrag Nr. 138 ()
      Hab mir auch vor ein paar Monaten einige NGEN zugelegt und hab schon 50 % Verlust.
      Recht weit kanns aber meiner Meinung nicht mehr runtergehen (Ist auch Hoffnung
      dabei). Zaehne zusammenbeissen und durchhalten!
      schrieb am 30.10.00 18:37:03
      Beitrag Nr. 139 ()
      Hitachi Ships Nanogen System to Children`s Hospital of Tokyo

      SAN DIEGO, Oct. 30 /PRNewswire/ -- Nanogen, Inc. (Nasdaq: NGEN) announced today the shipment of a NanoChip(TM) instrument system to National Children`s Hospital of Tokyo by Nissei Sangyo Inc., a distribution company of Hitachi, Ltd.

      National Children`s Hospital represents the first customer to be served under Nanogen and Hitachi`s distribution agreement for Japan. The NanoChip system is intended for use in the development of clinically relevant single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) based tests for diagnosing and determining appropriate treatment for childhood asthma/allergy patients.

      Howard Birndorf, Nanogen`s Chairman and CEO, commented, "We are quite pleased to have begun serving the Japanese market with our partner Nissei Sangyo. National Children`s Hospital represents an important step by Nissei Sangyo in their process of methodically building a presence in the attractive Japanese clinical research market. The National Children`s Hospital shipment also demonstrates that the clinical research market is a worldwide opportunity, as researchers in various geographic regions seek to accelerate the introduction of clinically relevant tests into the patient care process."

      Hitachi, Ltd., headquartered in Tokyo, Japan, is one of the world`s leading global electronics companies, with fiscal 1999 (ended March 31, 2000) consolidated sales of 8,001 billion yen ($75.5 billion*). The company manufactures and markets a wide range of products, including computers, semiconductors, consumer products and power and industrial equipment. Scientific instrumentation is developed and manufactured through its Instrument Group based in Tokyo, Japan with a principle factory in Hitachinaka City. Hitachi has been a leading supplier of instrumentation for research applications in highly regulated markets such as clinical diagnostics and medical instrumentation. For more information on Hitachi, Ltd., please visit the Hitachi Web site at *(At an exchange rate of 106 yen to the dollar.)

      Nissei Sangyo Co. Ltd., headquartered in Tokyo, Japan was established in 1947 as a trading company within Hitachi Group. Nissei covers extensive business areas from Electronics and Informatics to Scientific Instruments. In fiscal 1999 (ended March 31, 2000), Nissei had consolidated sales of over 725 billion yen ($6.8 billion). Nissei is the exclusive sales representative for Hitachi scientific instruments worldwide. For more information concerning Nissei Sangyo Co., Ltd., please visit Hitachi`s Internet web site at:
      schrieb am 31.10.00 14:19:58
      Beitrag Nr. 140 ()
      Nanogen and The Children`s Hospital of Philadelphia Sign Collaboration Agreement

      SAN DIEGO, and PHILADELPHIA, Oct. 31 /PRNewswire/ -- Nanogen, Inc., (Nasdaq: NGEN) and The Children`s Hospital of Philadelphia announced today that they will collaborate to develop high-accuracy genetic tests on Nanogen`s platform.

      Paolo Fortina, M.D., Ph.D., an investigator at the Joseph Stokes, Jr. Research Institute of The Children`s Hospital of Philadelphia, recently presented successful preliminary results from difficult genetic samples run on Nanogen`s system at the International Forum of Biochip Technologies in Beijing. The samples included DNA insertions and deletions.

      The Children`s Hospital of Philadelphia is considered a world leader in caring for children with diseases caused by a deletion of DNA on chromosome 22. Chromosome 22q11.2 deletion syndrome is characterized by cardiac defects, cleft palate and feeding problems, among other things. Because physicians at Children`s Hospital care for hundreds of children with this and other genetic diseases, access to fast and accurate genetic tests is an important component of the Hospital`s clinical and research programs.

      The object of the Nanogen/Children`s Hospital collaboration is to accelerate development of clinical diagnostics assays on Nanogen`s unique DNA microchips, potentially leading toward higher quality, more timely diagnostic results. This is the first collaboration announced under Nanogen`s Development Site Program. Under the agreement, Children`s Hospital will provide laboratory resources, collaborative expertise and product revenue in exchange for non-exclusive access to Nanogen`s electronic DNA microarray technology. Nanogen and Children`s Hospital have also agreed to publish and present the validated study results. Children`s Hospital intends to develop genetic tests using Nanogen`s NanoChip(TM) platform for use in the hospital`s clinical laboratories.

      "I have been utilizing microarray technologies for several years," said Dr. Fortina, of the Hematology Division at Children`s Hospital and an associate professor of Pediatrics at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine. "When evaluating the NanoChip(TM) technology, Nanogen asked for us to submit our most difficult samples to run as a performance demonstration. We gave them several different types, including Factor VII exon 8 amino acid 353, a decanucleotide insertion/deletion at position *323 in the Factor VII promoter, MTHFR and Protein C SNP 1, 2 and 3. All samples were reported unambiguously and 100 percent correct." Dr. Fortina concluded, "We believe this technology will allow us to develop a variety of highly accurate genetic tests for the benefit of the healthcare community."

      Howard Birndorf, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Nanogen commented: "The Children`s Hospital of Pennsylvania has clearly demonstrated a desire to improve patient care through the use of genetically-based diagnostic assays. We are pleased that they view the NanoChip(TM) technology as a key enabling technology that may reduce the time-to-market and accuracy of a broad selection of reliable genetic tests. The objective of our relationship with the Children`s Hospital is to develop new diagnostic tests that will assist medical doctors in the treatment of childhood diseases. The agreement with Children`s Hospital broadens our development efforts by applying the NanoChip(TM) technology to the most challenging areas of genetic testing, clearly differentiating our product from other systems."

      Microarray Technologies: New Tools for the Genomics and Post-Genomics Revolution

      Human genomics, the study of the location and function of the tens of thousands of genes in every human cell, is increasingly the focus of medical and pharmaceutical research. Understanding and decoding genomes is expected to accelerate the development of diagnostic procedures and of new drugs to detect, prevent and cure disease.

      Genomics is not limited to the study of human genomes. Other genomes, such as bacterial, viral, animal and plant genomes, hold commercial implications. As the DNA sequencing of genomes are completed and more genes are functionally linked to biological processes or diseases, the tools used in laboratories must be replaced or adapted to the very different standards required for post-genomics work. For example, while the priority in discovery genomics is very high throughput, in post-genomics applications, such as certain DNA diagnostic assays, the priority is accuracy and versatility.

      Nanogen and its customers have found the NanoChip(TM) system produces industry-leading accuracy for scoring genetic variations in patients, including single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), insertions, deletions and repeats. The no call rate on NanoChip(TM) systems has also been very low. Other techniques permit high or very high throughput of either samples or SNPs, but most of these techniques do not work well with the other types of genetic variants. To date, the most difficult samples, such as microvariants (or mutations within DNA repeat sequences), mutations that are adjacent to secondary DNA structures, repeat regions, insertions, deletions, and scoring SNPs in genes found to have pseudogenes have been successfully analyzed on the NanoChip(TM) Molecular Biology Workstation and its multi-use consumable, the NanoChip(TM) cartridge.

      Under development at Nanogen are additional applications on the NanoChip(TM) platform, including high precision gene expression monitoring from multiple experiments on the same NanoChip(TM). Gene expression currently is used primarily in research and in the near future is expected to be used routinely in clinical diagnostics if a more reproducible system becomes available.

      Nanogen`s Development Site Program

      Nanogen has established the Development Site Program to actively collaborate with selected customers in strategically important market segments (including clinical research, reference diagnostic laboratories, genomics, pharmaceutical, biotechnology and agrochemical companies) in the development of assays on the Nanogen platform. Under these agreements, collaborating companies and institutions provide expertise and/or intellectual property in exchange for early access to Nanogen`s technology. After applications are validated, the collaborating institutions may purchase the NanoChip(TM) Workstation and NanoChip(TM) cartridges for use in their operations.

      The Children`s Hospital of Philadelphia

      Founded in 1855 as the nation`s first pediatric medical center, The Children`s Hospital of Philadelphia is a leader in patient care, education and research. The Hospital is second in the United States among all children`s hospitals in total research funding from the National Institutes of Health.

      Basic research in human genetics and clinical programs for children with genetic disease are major strengths at Children`s Hospital. Investigators from the Hospital, led by Beverly S. Emanuel, Ph.D., chief of the division of Human Genetics and Molecular Biology, played an important role in the milestone announced last year by the Human Genome Project, that chromosome 22 was the first human chromosome to be sequenced. Dr. Emanuel`s team also has analyzed areas of genetic instability occurring in chromosome 22q11 deletion syndrome. Understanding the molecular mechanisms behind low-copy repeats will be important in an emerging field of medicine called genomic disease-conditions that originate in the structure of the genome.

      Dr. Paolo Fortina is a pediatrician and Director of the clinical Molecular Pathology section at Children`s Hospital. Dr. Fortina has an interest in developing microdevice-based approaches for sample preparation, gene expression profiling and the detection of genetic mutations. In collaboration with the Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine at The Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania, his group is developing a fully-integrated microdevice which will begin with a drop of blood and end with a genetic profile of the individual. The device is intended to improve genetic testing while saving time and decreasing the costs of analysis.

      Dr. Fortina`s current work is aimed at implementing protocols employing microarrays in diagnostics for common inheritable genetic diseases. He also is collaborating in international studies aimed at discovering genes that regulate the switch from fetal to adult hemoglobin production as well as genes involved in inflammatory bowel disease. In another project, Dr. Fortina and Dr. Eleanor Pollak, a pathologist at the University of Pennsylvania, are studying the potential use of a microdevice to study genetic risk factors for pathological blood clotting associated with cardiovascular disease.
      schrieb am 01.11.00 11:55:50
      Beitrag Nr. 141 ()
      Nanogen Reports 2000 Third Quarter Results

      SAN DIEGO, Oct. 31 /PRNewswire/ -- Nanogen, Inc. (Nasdaq: NGEN) today announced its financial results for the third quarter ended September 30, 2000.

      Total revenues for the quarter ended September 30, 2000 were $3.5 million compared to $1.9 million for the same period in 1999. For the first nine months of 2000, total revenues were $8.2 million as compared to $6.1 million for the same period in 1999. Revenue recognized during the quarter and the nine months ended September 30, 2000 and September 30, 1999 was earned in connection with sponsored research programs derived from the Company`s corporate alliances and from contracts and grants with government agencies. In addition, $545,000 and $709,000 in revenue recognized during the quarter and the nine months ended September 30, 2000, respectively, resulted from sales of NanoChip(TM) Molecular Biology Workstations and sales of NanoChip(TM) cartridges.

      Total operating expenses for the third quarter of 2000 were $9.9 million, as compared to $7.6 million for the same period in 1999. For the first nine months of 2000, total operating expenses were $24.3 million compared to $25.2 million for the same period in 1999. The increase in operating expenses for the third quarter of 2000 as compared to the same period in 1999 is primarily due to an increase in legal expenses related to enhancing Nanogen`s intellectual property portfolio and fees related to patent litigation, as well as increased sales and marketing expenses as the Company expanded its sales and marketing organization. The Company anticipates a continuation of these increased expenditures as the patent portfolio continues to increase, litigation continues and the NanoChip(TM) system launch progresses. The decrease in operating expenses for the nine months ended September 30, 2000 as compared to the same period in 1999 is attributable primarily to a reduction in spending internally and externally with engineering and prototype design vendors. These reductions are a result of the completion of the prototype development phase and transition of the prototype to Hitachi, Ltd. for further development and manufacture of the Company`s initial commercial product, the NanoChip(TM) Molecular Biology Workstation.

      For the quarter ended September 30, 2000, the Company reported a net loss of $4.6 million or $0.22 per share, compared to a net loss of $5.2 million or $0.29 per share for the same period in 1999. For the first nine months of 2000, the Company reported a net loss of $12.4 million or $0.62 per share, compared to a net loss of $18.6 million or $1.03 per share for the same period in 1999.

      "Nanogen continued to execute extremely well in the third quarter, making progress in expanding our customer base and corporate partnerships," stated Howard Birndorf, Chairman and CEO of Nanogen. "As our intention is to establish the NanoChip(TM) system as the standard for performing genetic-based clinical research studies, our growth is encouraging. It has become increasingly clear to us that this market segment will be the gate-keeper to the long term use of genetic information in the clinical setting. It is our intention over the coming year to establish a leadership position in this growing and attractive market segment by targeting high value, high profile customers." Birndorf continued, "By the completion of the third quarter, we had sold seven NanoChip(TM) systems, six directly to end users and one through a funded research agreement. Our customer list in the US and Europe now includes the Mayo Clinic, the National Cancer Institute, Egea Biosciences, Aventis and SKW Biosciences. The additional sale recorded through funded research was also to Aventis as part of our collaboration to develop gene expression applications for the NanoChip(TM) system. Since the end of the third quarter we have continued our progress, placing research instruments at the Children`s Hospital of Pennsylvania and The Children`s Hospital of Tokyo. Customers will now be using the NanoChip(TM) system for diverse applications in clinical research, including cancer, infectious disease and pharmacogenomic applications."

      "We also made substantial progress on the corporate partnership front. A critical challenge in achieving Nanogen`s goal of becoming a key player in the clinical research and eventually the clinical diagnostics industries is the continued evolution of the NanoChip(TM) instrument platforms. To that end, we have expanded and extended our relationship with Hitachi, securing a ten-year relationship for the development and manufacture of instrument systems. Hitachi will bear the primary expense of developing future generations of instruments, while Nanogen will focus on our core competency of the NanoChip(TM) cartridge and applications development. Hitachi`s long history of serving both the research market and the government regulated clinical diagnostic market molds well with Nanogen`s capability of serving as a unique bridge between these two valuable markets, potentially accelerating the healthcare system`s ability to use genetic information in practical, patient care applications. Hitachi also invested two million dollars in Nanogen equity, purchasing 74,590 shares at $26.813 per share, the fair market value on the effective date of the collaboration agreement," Birndorf continued. "Nanogen also completed the realignment of the Becton Dickinson (BD) joint venture. We expanded our licensing rights to BD`s proprietary amplification technique, Strand Displacement Amplification (SDA). We have secured commercialization rights to the technologies developed by the partnership. We have established a mechanism for BD to review certain cancer-related genetic content which may be developed or acquired by BD for appropriateness of delivering that content via Nanogen`s platforms. And perhaps most importantly, Nanogen has now regained full rights to commercialize its products and technologies in the infectious disease diagnostics market, increasing our flexibility as we prepare to address the clinical diagnostics market."

      During the third quarter, the company received two grants and extended its patent portfolio. Both the grants and the patent issued may benefit the development of integrated, electronics-based sample to answer systems, an important element of Nanogen`s longer-term platform development strategy. The grants were awarded by the U.S. Army and the Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center San Diego and provide continued funding for the development of Nanogen`s core technologies.

      Nanogen made substantial progress during the third quarter building the commercial infrastructure required to serve the clinical research market. The Company announced the opening of its European sales office and the appointment of a European Managing Director. The sales, marketing and support team has expanded and is expected to continue to expand aggressively throughout the remainder of 2000. In addition, Nanogen plans to initiate an awareness building campaign during the fourth quarter of 2000, accelerating in early 2001.

      "We are aggressively expanding our commercial efforts. Our focus in the coming year will be on establishing relationships with customers representing a broad cross-section of clinical research that demonstrates the NanoChip`s(TM) core benefits -- flexibility, versatility, accuracy and cost effectiveness," commented Kieran Gallahue, Nanogen`s President and Chief Financial Officer. "We have already placed NanoChip(TM) systems with a range of customers, including customers in the hospital, university, government, and pharmaceutical and food additives sectors. Customers are utilizing our electronics-based technology for performing SNP and gene expression studies related to drug metabolism, childhood cancer, infectious diseases and others. Users have provided very positive assessments of our technology by speaking at conferences from China to Philadelphia. We will measure our success in the coming year by our ability to establish a foundation that can develop into market leadership in the clinical research market, a foundation evidenced by an expanding customer base and by a growing range of applications and assays used and developed by customers. Our success in this early phase of commercialization has been very encouraging."

      Nanogen continued to evolve its organizational structure, adding skill sets critical to the next phase of growth. Kieran T. Gallahue, Nanogen`s Chief Financial Officer and formerly Nanogen`s Vice President of Strategic Marketing, was appointed President in September. Dr. Regina Herzlinger, a recognized expert on the American healthcare system and on management control, was recently added to the board of directors. Nanogen has stated its intention to continue the organizational evolution process as the company fully transitions from a pre-product, early stage company to a successful commercial organization.

      Birndorf concluded, "I believe our results continue to speak for themselves. Our progress continues on track and I remain encouraged and confident that Nanogen can establish itself as a leading company serving the targeted-genetic clinical research market."

      Nanogen recently began marketing its NanoChip(TM) system to scientists and genomics laboratories setting new standards for SNP scoring. In beta testing, the NanoChip(TM) system has been shown to provide accuracy equal to or better than DNA sequencing and other methods for SNP confirmation. Unlike other systems, the NanoChip(TM) system uses electronically accelerated hybridization under very low salt conditions, potentially avoiding problems with DNA conformation and secondary structures, whereas most sequencing and primer extension technologies require high salt conditions. The NanoChip(TM) system allows the user to array and analyze DNA on its NanoChip(TM) cartridges in user selected formats in a single day with walk-away automation. The NanoChip(TM) system integrates advanced microelectronics and molecular biology into a platform technology with broad commercial applications in the fields of biomedical research, genomics, medical diagnostics, genetic testing and drug discovery. The Company has established corporate alliances as part of its strategy to expand the applications and accelerate the commercialization of products derived from its technology.

      The company will hold its earnings conference call today at 4:30 p.m. EDT. To listen, visit

      ergebnis: minus $0.22 per share (vorjahresquartal: - 0,29 $)
      avg. estimates: minus 0,34 $ p.s.
      schrieb am 15.11.00 22:50:15
      Beitrag Nr. 142 ()
      Nanogen CFO Kiernan Gallahue and Lehman Brothers` Analyst Rachel Leheny Discuss Nanotechnology on `Tech Check` Radio

      ROSEVILLE, Calif., Nov. 15 /PRNewswire/ -- Molecular nanotechnology are two words that strike fear into the hearts of the scientifically impaired. Today`s Tech Check radio show will quell those fears with a thorough overview of nanotechnology and how "small" may eventually mean "big" in the capital markets.

      Tech Check is aired on WALE 990 AM in southern New England, or on the Web at and at 1 p.m. Eastern time (10 a.m. Pacific).

      Kieran Gallahue, senior vice president and CFO, will talk about Nanogen (Nasdaq: NGEN) and its strategy to develop commercial applications for its proprietary platform technology. Nanogen`s goal is that its technology will be adopted as the standard for molecular identification and analysis.

      Formed in 1993, Nanogen`s technology integrates advanced microelectronics and molecular biology on proprietary semiconductor microchips. The technology has broad commercial applications in biomedical research, medical diagnostics, genomics research, genetic testing and drug discovery.

      Rachel Leheny Ph.D, analyst for Lehman Brothers discusses nanotechnology, particularly as it relates to biotechnology. She covers Nanogen for Lehman and will discuss the company`s prospects at length. Leheny will talk in particular about nanotechnology`s promising role in medical diagnostics.

      Leheny is one of biotech`s top analysts, having earned the Wall Street Journal`s "All Star" status twice in the past five years. Her coverage list includes some of biotech`s top companies, including Genentech, Amgen, Genzyme General, Incyte Genomics, MedImmune, Rosetta Inpharmatics and others. is the conduit for unfiltered communication between individual investors and the executives of technology and biotechnology companies. Live virtual and onsite Forums, special webcasts, original editorial pieces and weekly radio shows help put individual investors in the analyst`s chair.

      Informed Investors` next Forum is Saturday, Nov. 18 in Foster City, CA. The focus is drug delivery stocks and includes top companies such as Inhale Therapeutics, Aradigm, Skyepharma and others. Information can be obtained at Informed Investors` web site or by calling 800-992-4683.
      schrieb am 18.11.00 02:02:01
      Beitrag Nr. 143 ()

      Na das hört sich doch sehr gut an.Dann wollen wir mal hoffen das die Baisse bald vorbei ist und Nanogen sich zu alten Höhen aufschwingt.

      schrieb am 22.11.00 00:41:20
      Beitrag Nr. 144 ()
      Der Kursverlauf von Nanogen gefällt mir aber gar nicht so gut!!:(:(.
      Nicht das die wieder auf 7 $ zurückfallen?JaJa ich weiß..Die Biotechs crashen alle.Obwohl sich an den Fundamentalen Gesichtspunkten nichts geändert hat.
      Ich bin viel zu früh eingestiegen..und ärgern ärgern ärgern.

      schrieb am 05.12.00 14:14:47
      Beitrag Nr. 145 ()
      Nanogen and Sign Collaboration Agreement

      - Focus on Development of Versatile, Highly Multiplexed and Low Cost Genetic
      Tests -

      SAN DIEGO and LOS ANGELES, Dec. 5 /PRNewswire/ -- Nanogen, Inc. (Nasdaq: NGEN) and, Inc. announced today a research collaboration to develop versatile, highly multiplexed and low cost genetic tests using Nanogen`s NanoChip(TM) Molecular Biology Workstation. is an internet-based company providing genetics services to public and medical communities, including diagnostic testing for genetic diseases and genetic counseling. Through a comprehensive and interactive website that facilitates public education in the practical applications of genetics, seeks to make genetic testing a more accessible and affordable routine component of individual health care programs.

      "As genetic testing becomes an integral part of patient health care, diagnostic tools that can analyze pooled DNA samples from several patients for multiple genetic mutations -- all in one test run -- will be a necessity," said Phillip Kim, Ph.D., CEO and founder of "To this end, we chose the NanoChip(TM) system due to its potential to accommodate large volume, comprehensive screening demands while offering custom-tailored flexibility at faster turnaround times and substantially lower costs."

      Using the NanoChip(TM) platform, seeks to develop a method for genetic mutation carrier screening in which a panel of common mutations for multiple genetic diseases (e.g., cystic fibrosis) are simultaneously analyzed against a patient sample in one test site on the NanoChip(TM). Nanogen and will review the custom designed mutation screening panels to determine their appropriateness for eventual sales to other diagnostic testing facilities.

      "The number of mutations in conjunction with the number of patients we can theoretically analyze at once on the NanoChip(TM) system is extraordinary," Dr. Kim continued. "Above all, the accuracy and sensitivity of the system are outstanding and have been proven many times before, making the NanoChip(TM) platform ideal for the stringent requirements of molecular diagnostics. By creatively harnessing Nanogen`s versatile technology we believe we may revolutionize the cost, speed and flexibility of genetic testing for the benefit of the healthcare community and the public."

      Microarray Technologies: New Tools for the Genomics and Post-Genomics

      Human genomics, the study of the location and function of the tens of thousands of genes in every human cell, is increasingly the focus of medical and pharmaceutical research. Understanding and decoding genomes is expected to accelerate the development of diagnostic procedures and of new drugs to detect, prevent and cure disease.

      Genomics is not limited to the study of human genomes. Other genomes, such as bacterial, viral, animal and plant genomes, hold commercial implications. As the DNA sequencing of genomes is completed and more genes are functionally linked to biological processes or diseases, the tools used in laboratories must be replaced or adapted to the very different standards required for post-genomics work. For example, while the priority in discovery genomics is very high throughput, in post-genomics applications, such as certain DNA diagnostic assays, the priority is accuracy and versatility.

      It is our customer`s belief that the combination of high accuracy analyses with electronic microarray technology could lead to more cost effective and efficient research and medical diagnostics. Nanogen and its customers have found the NanoChip(TM) system produces industry-leading accuracy for scoring genetic variations in patient samples, including single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), insertions, deletions and repeats. The no call rate on NanoChip(TM) systems has also been very low. Other techniques permit high or very high throughput of either samples or SNPs, but most of these techniques do not work well with the other types of genetic variants. To date, the most difficult samples, such as microvariants (or mutations within DNA repeat sequences), mutations that are adjacent to secondary DNA structures, repeat regions, insertions, deletions, and scoring SNPs in genes found to have pseudogenes have been successfully analyzed on the NanoChip(TM) Molecular Biology Workstation and its multi-use consumable, the NanoChip(TM) cartridge.

      Under development at Nanogen are additional applications on the NanoChip(TM) platform, including high precision gene expression monitoring from multiple experiments on the same NanoChip(TM). Gene expression currently is used primarily in research and in the near future is expected to be used routinely in clinical diagnostics if a more reproducible system becomes available.

      Nanogen`s Development Site Program

      Nanogen has established the Development Site Program to actively collaborate with selected customers in strategically important market segments (including clinical research, reference diagnostic laboratories, genomics, pharmaceutical, biotechnology and agrochemical companies) in the development of assays on the Nanogen platform. Under these agreements, collaborating companies and institutions provide expertise and/or intellectual property in exchange for preferential access to Nanogen`s technology. After applications are validated, the collaborating institutions may purchase the NanoChip(TM) Workstation and NanoChip(TM) cartridges for use in their operations. is an interactive community dedicated to providing genetic services and information to consumers and health care professionals. Our goal is to provide you with the most reliable and prompt genetic testing and knowledgeable counseling, as well as to inform you on the rapidly advancing field of genetics to promote an appreciation of the ways in which genetics can improve our lives and health care. To backstop our testing efforts, KnowledGENE also offers extensive professional genetic counseling and interpretation of results to physicians and patients through the KnowledGENE Counseling Network, which spans the entire nation. The goals of KnowledGENE`s genetic services are to give the public an easily accessible and affordable opportunity to know their risks for certain diseases, and to provide physicians and patients with the knowledge and support they need to better understand and treat their conditions and risks.

      Nanogen and Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center Announce Development Agreement

      SAN DIEGO and BOSTON, Dec. 5 /PRNewswire/ -- Nanogen, Inc. (Nasdaq: NGEN) and Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center (BIDMC) announced today that BIDMC will participate in Nanogen`s Development Site Program. BIDMC intends to develop highly accurate, flexible, and rapid genetic tests using the NanoChip(TM) Molecular Biology Workstation. The genetic tests will be used to facilitate clinical research studies at BIDMC in autoimmune diseases, organ transplant rejection, diabetes, and cancer, which may lead to the translation of genetic information into practical patient-care applications.

      The Development Site Program will combine BIDMC`s world-renowned clinical research expertise in cardiology, diabetes, cancer, and solid organ transplantation with Nanogen`s enabling biochip (microarray) technology to study genetic polymorphisms that are associated with various diseases including different types of cancer, diabetes, multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, organ transplant rejection, kidney and heart disease.

      "Ultimately, we want to apply the genetic knowledge gathered through these studies to improve diagnosis and treatments for disease," says molecular biologist Towia A. Libermann, Ph.D., director of the BIDMC Genomics Center and associate professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School.

      Nanogen`s instrument expands the scope of research at the new BIDMC Genomics Center, where researchers can capitalize on the versatility of Nanogen`s platform technology to develop novel assays to ask very specific research questions. The integrated genomics and proteomics center will focus on both clinical and basic science and will include research collaborators from other Harvard-affiliated hospitals.

      Dr. Libermann has a strong interest in developing microarray technologies for transcriptional profiling, detection of genetic mutations, pharmacogenomics, and proteomics. "Our plans are to capitalize on the versatility of the instrument for developing novel applications to further investigate several of our previously cloned transcriptional factors and their role in prostate and breast cancer as well as in immunological diseases," Libermann says. "We also plan to develop assays together with other investigators at BIDMC and other Harvard associated hospitals to examine and control immune responses associated with organ transplants and autoimmune diseases."

      This is the second collaboration announced under Nanogen`s Development Site Program. BIDMC will use the NanoChip(TM) System initially to study the most common form of genetic variation called single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in research samples. By comparing SNPs in patient samples from healthy versus sick people, the researchers may discover SNPs that are accurate predictors of disease or drug responses.

      Microarray Technologies: New Tools for the Genomics and Post-Genomics

      Human genomics, the study of the location and function of the tens of thousands of genes in every human cell, is increasingly the focus of medical and pharmaceutical research. Understanding and decoding genomes is expected to accelerate the development of diagnostic procedures and of new drugs to detect, prevent and cure disease.

      Genomics is not limited to the study of human genomes. Other genomes, such as bacterial, viral, animal and plant genomes, hold commercial implications. As the DNA sequencing of genomes is completed and more genes are functionally linked to biological processes or diseases, the tools used in laboratories must be replaced or adapted to the very different standards required for post-genomics work. For example, while the priority in discovery genomics is very high throughput, in post-genomics applications, such as certain DNA diagnostic assays, the priority is accuracy and versatility.

      It is our customer`s belief that the combination of high accuracy analyses with electronic microarray technology could lead to more cost effective and efficient research and medical diagnostics. Nanogen and its customers have found the NanoChip(TM) system produces industry-leading accuracy for scoring genetic variations in patient samples, including single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), insertions, deletions and repeats. The no call rate on NanoChip(TM) systems has also been very low. Other techniques permit high or very high throughput of either samples or SNPs, but most of these techniques do not work well with the other types of genetic variants. To date, the most difficult samples, such as microvariants (or mutations within DNA repeat sequences), mutations that are adjacent to secondary DNA structures, repeat regions, insertions, deletions, and scoring SNPs in genes found to have pseudogenes have been successfully analyzed on the NanoChip(TM) Molecular Biology Workstation and its multi-use consumable, the NanoChip(TM) cartridge.

      Under development at Nanogen are additional applications on the NanoChip(TM) platform, including high precision gene expression monitoring from multiple experiments on the same NanoChip(TM). Gene expression currently is used primarily in research and in the near future is expected to be used routinely in clinical diagnostics if a more reproducible system becomes available.

      Nanogen`s Development Site Program

      Nanogen has established the Development Site Program to actively collaborate with selected customers in strategically important market segments (including clinical research, reference diagnostic laboratories, genomics, pharmaceutical, biotechnology and agrochemical companies) in the development of assays on the Nanogen platform. Under these agreements, collaborating companies and institutions provide expertise and/or intellectual property in exchange for preferential access to Nanogen`s technology. After applications are validated, the collaborating institutions may purchase the NanoChip(TM) Workstation and NanoChip(TM) cartridges for use in their operations.

      Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center

      Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center is a major patient care, research and teaching affiliate of Harvard Medical School and a founding member of CareGroup Healthcare System. Beth Israel Deaconess is the third largest recipient of National Institutions of Health Research funding among independent U.S. teaching hospitals.

      Dr. Towia Libermann is a molecular biologist and Director of the BIDMC Genomics Center at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center. Dr. Libermann`s current research efforts are focused on the dissection of the molecular and cellular mechanisms underlying epithelial cell differentiation and transformation with particular emphasis on the role of epithelial-specific transcription factors in prostate and breast cancer as well as inflammatory and autoimmune diseases. The ultimate goal of these studies is to develop novel diagnostic or prognostic tools and therapeutic strategies for cancer using microarray technologies. Dr. Libermann in collaboration with Dr. Terry Strom, a nephrologist at the Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Dr. Isaac Kohane, an endocrinologist and bioinformatician at Children`s Hospital, and Dr. David Hafler, an immunologist at Brigham and Women`s Hospital, is applying various cutting edge technologies for transcriptional profiling and SNP analysis in order to define and compare gene profiles in normal and pathological tissues or cells, to define genetic and pharmacogenetic risk factors for various diseases, and define disease mechanisms at a molecular level.

      Nanogen and Copenhagen University Hospitals Sign Collaboration Agreement; Focus on Development of Multiplex Genetic Screening Tests

      SAN DIEGO, Dec. 5 /PRNewswire/ -- Nanogen, Inc. (Nasdaq: NGEN) and Copenhagen University Hospitals (KAS Herlev and HS Rigshospitalet) announced today a research collaboration to develop multiplex genetic tests on Nanogen`s platform to screen for risk of ischemic heart disease.

      Copenhagen University Hospital, a leader in clinical research on genetic epidemiology of multifactorial diseases, will conduct the Copenhagen City Heart Study, which includes a prospective cardiovascular study of 10,000 individuals from the general population.

      "Many diseases, like ischemic heart disease, are multifactorial, meaning that they are caused by mutations in multiple genes. To study these heart disease mutations in the population-at-large, we chose Nanogen`s platform because of its high accuracy, speed and ability to multiplex," said Borge G. Nordestgaard, M.D., Ph.D., Consultant and Associate Professor at Copenhagen University Hospital and a lead investigator on the study. "Multiplexing with the NanoChip system is particularly important because it enables the analysis of pooled DNA samples for several genetic mutations," added Anne Tybjaerg-Hansen, M.D., Ph.D., Chief Physician and Associate Professor at Copenhagen University Hospital and also a lead investigator on the study.

      Ischemic heart disease is a disorder caused by lack of oxygen to the tissues of the heart; this is usually caused by blood flow to heart tissues through coronary arteries being reduced by atherosclerosis. Without adequate oxygen, the muscles of the heart cannot pump properly. Ischemic cardiomyopathy, a cause of heart failure, is a complication of ischemic heart disease and affects approximately 1 out of 100 people, most often middle-aged to elderly men, usually over 65 years old. The genetic component of the disease is at present largely unknown.

      This is the fifth collaboration announced under Nanogen`s Development Site Program. Under the agreement, Copenhagen University Hospitals will provide laboratory resources and collaborative expertise in exchange for preferential access to Nanogen`s electronic DNA microarray technology. Nanogen and Copenhagen University Hospitals have also agreed to publish and present the validated study results.

      Microarray Technologies: New Tools for the Genomics and Post-Genomics Revolution

      Human genomics, the study of the location and function of the tens of thousands of genes in every human cell, is increasingly the focus of medical and pharmaceutical research. Understanding and decoding genomes is expected to accelerate the development of diagnostic procedures and of new drugs to detect, prevent and cure disease.

      Genomics is not limited to the study of human genomes. Other genomes, such as bacterial, viral, animal and plant genomes, hold commercial implications. As the DNA sequencing of genomes is completed and more genes are functionally linked to biological processes or diseases, the tools used in laboratories must be replaced or adapted to the very different standards required for post-genomics work. For example, while the priority in discovery genomics is very high throughput, in post-genomics applications, such as certain DNA diagnostic assays, the priority is accuracy and versatility.

      It is our customer`s belief that the combination of high accuracy analyses with electronic microarray technology could lead to more cost effective and efficient research and medical diagnostics. Nanogen and its customers have found the NanoChip(TM) system produces industry-leading accuracy for scoring genetic variations in patient samples, including single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), insertions, deletions and repeats. The no call rate on NanoChip(TM) systems has also been very low. Other techniques permit high or very high throughput of either samples or SNPs, but most of these techniques do not work well with the other types of genetic variants. To date, the most difficult samples, such as microvariants (or mutations within DNA repeat sequences), mutations that are adjacent to secondary DNA structures, repeat regions, insertions, deletions, and scoring SNPs in genes found to have pseudogenes have been successfully analyzed on the NanoChip(TM) Molecular Biology Workstation and its multi-use consumable, the NanoChip(TM) cartridge.

      Under development at Nanogen are additional applications on the NanoChip(TM) platform, including high precision gene expression monitoring from multiple experiments on the same NanoChip(TM). Gene expression currently is used primarily in research and in the near future is expected to be used routinely in clinical diagnostics if a more reproducible system becomes available.

      Nanogen`s Development Site Program

      Nanogen has established the Development Site Program to actively collaborate with selected customers in strategically important market segments (including clinical research, reference diagnostic laboratories, genomics, pharmaceutical, biotechnology and agrochemical companies) in the development of assays on the Nanogen platform. Under these agreements, collaborating companies and institutions provide expertise and/or intellectual property in exchange for preferential access to Nanogen`s technology. After applications are validated, the collaborating institutions may purchase the NanoChip(TM) Workstation and NanoChip(TM) cartridges for use in their operations.

      Copenhagen University Hospitals (KAS Herlev and HS Rigshospitalet)

      Anne Tybjaerg-Hansen, M.D., Ph.D. and Borge G. Nordestgaard, M.D., Ph.D. at the Copenhagen University Hospitals are among the world leaders in genetic epidemiology of multifactorial disease. Together with the Copenhagen City Heart Study, a prospective cardiovascular population study of more than 10,000 (ten thousand) individuals from the general population, Dr. Tybjaerg-Hansen and Dr. Nordestgaard study genetics of cardiovascular disease and lung disease. Multifactorial diseases are caused by an interaction between many different mutations in candidate genes in an individual. Each single mutation often has a moderate effect on risk of disease in the individual, but the combined effect of many mutations has a significant effect on the risk of disease for the individual. To discover these groups of mutations, it is necessary to screen very large sets of samples. Thus, highly multiplexed and accurate screening for the detection of mutations is an imperative, and could be an important application of Nanogen`s unique DNA microchips.
      schrieb am 14.12.00 14:47:06
      Beitrag Nr. 146 ()
      Nanogen amends stockholder rights plan

      SAN DIEGO, Dec 13 (Reuters) - Health technology company Nanogen Inc. <NGEN.O> said on Wednesday it amended its stockholder rights agreement to allow Citigroup Inc. <C.N> and its affiliates and associates to buy 25 percent of its common stock without triggering the rights plan.

      On Dec. 11, Citigroup and affiliate, Salomon Smith Barney Inc. and other Citigroup affiliates, said that as of Nov. 30, they had collectively beneficially owned about 23.3 percent of Nanogen`s stock. Citigroup also acknowledged that it had no present intention of changing or influencing the control of Nanogen in a 13G filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

      Nanogen said Citigroup must maintain its status as a filer on Schedule 13G with respect to its beneficial ownership of Nanogen common stock to continue to take advantage of this exception.

      ((Los Angeles bureau, 213-380-2014))

      schrieb am 14.12.00 16:18:35
      Beitrag Nr. 147 ()
      Hallo alle miteinander.

      Kann mir das einer auf Deutsch erklären? Heißt das das die Citigroup mit 25% bei Nanogen eingestiegen ist?oder habe ich da nicht so richtig verstanden.


      Nanogen Announces Amendment To Stockholder Rights Agreement
      WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 13, 2000 4:46 PM
      - PRNewswire

      SAN DIEGO, Dec 13, 2000 /PRNewswire via COMTEX/ -- Nanogen, Inc. (Nasdaq: NGEN) announced that it filed a Form 8-K yesterday with the Securities and Exchange Commission stating that it amended its Stockholder Rights Agreement.

      In the Form 8-K, Nanogen announced that it had amended its Stockholder Rights Agreement to allow Citigroup Inc. and its affiliates and associates to acquire the beneficial ownership of up to 25% of the outstanding common stock of Nanogen without triggering the ability of Nanogen`s stockholders to exercise the rights governed by Nanogen`s Stockholder Rights Agreement. Nanogen also stated in the Form 8-K that Citigroup must maintain its status as a filer on Schedule 13G with respect to its beneficial ownership of Nanogen common stock to continue to take advantage of this exception.

      On December 11, 2000, Citigroup along with its affiliate, the brokerage and investment management firm of Salomon Smith Barney, Inc. and other Citigroup affiliates (collectively, "Citigroup") announced that as of November 30, 2000 they had collectively beneficially owned approximately 23.3% of Nanogen`s outstanding common stock. By filing a Schedule 13G amendment, Citigroup also acknowledged that it had no present intention of changing or influencing the control of Nanogen.

      This press release contains forward-looking statements that are subject to risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those set forth in the forward-looking statements, including whether the Company`s NanoChip(TM) system can be or will be further successfully commercialized, whether products under development can be successfully developed and commercialized, whether results reported by our customers or partners can be identically replicated, whether the Company`s collaborations will continue to be funded and other risks and uncertainties discussed under the caption "Factors That May Affect Results" and elsewhere in the Company`s Form 10-K, as amended, for the year ended December 31, 1999 and subsequent reports filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission. These forward-looking statements speak only as of the date hereof. The Company disclaims any intent or obligation to update these forward-looking statements.

      SOURCE Nanogen, Inc.
      schrieb am 17.12.00 23:15:43
      Beitrag Nr. 148 ()
      Was sollen diese seitenlangen Abhandlungen? Es kommt doch nur auf das eine heraus: soll man kaufen, oder soll man es lassen? oder soll man verkaufen?
      Das ist letztlich die einzige Frage, die zählt. Habt ihr wirklich eine Antwort darauf?
      schrieb am 18.12.00 02:28:10
      Beitrag Nr. 149 ()
      hier versuchen anleger eine aktie zu diskutieren. wenn du an´s händchen genommen werden willst, kauf dir doch einen aktionär oder ruf eine hotline an!
      schrieb am 18.12.00 14:14:36
      Beitrag Nr. 150 ()
      Nanogen befindet sich seit nunmehr 5 Monaten in einem Abwärtstrendkanal. Der Ausbruch blieb bislang erfolglos. (bisher 2 Versuche). Der gegenwärtige Kursverlauf befindet sich wieder an der Widerstandslinie bei ca. 15$. Die Indikatoren (MACD, RSI, Momentum) deuten wiederum nicht auf einen erfolgreichen Ausbruch aus dem Abwärtstrendkanal.

      Meine persönliche Schmerzgrenze bezüglich des bisherigen Kursverlaufes ist fast erreicht.

      Kurse zwichen 6 und 9$ sind wahrscheinlich.

      Mit einer Erholung kann derzeit nicht gerechnet werden. Obwohl ich persönlich von dem Wert überzeugt bin kann ich keine weiteren Verluste mehr in Kauf nehmen und werde die bestehenden Positionen voraussichtlich bei 13 EUR glattstellen.
      schrieb am 18.12.00 21:10:02
      Beitrag Nr. 151 ()
      Nanogen Files Lawsuit Against CombiMatrix

      SAN DIEGO, Calif., Dec. 18 /PRNewswire/ -- Nanogen, Inc. (Nasdaq: NGEN) announced today that it has filed a lawsuit against CombiMatrix and Dr. Donald D. Montgomery seeking correction of the inventorship of U.S. Patent No. 6,093,302. The Nanogen Complaint alleges that the naming of Dr. Montgomery as the sole inventor on the patent by CombiMatrix was incorrect and that the invention was made by Nanogen employees. The Complaint also alleges that inventions disclosed in the patent were Nanogen trade secrets and that CombiMatrix and Dr. Montgomery misappropriated these trade secrets by their actions, including publishing those trade secrets in patent applications.

      The Nanogen Complaint alleges that Dr. Montgomery misappropriated Nanogen technology after he left Nanogen by disclosing the trade secrets to CombiMatrix and by filing patent applications on those trade secrets in his name.

      Nanogen employed Dr. Montgomery in 1994 to work on its electronic microarray technology. Dr. Montgomery left Nanogen in 1995 and joined CombiMatrix.

      Nanogen`s Complaint seeks correction of inventorship, assignment of rights in the patent to Nanogen, an injunction preventing disclosure of trade secrets and damages for trade secret misappropriation.

      Nanogen plans to vigorously pursue this action and believes that it should prevail.

      Nanogen recently began marketing its NanoChip(TM) Molecular Biology Workstation system to scientists and genomics laboratories, setting new standards for SNP scoring. Nanogen is developing a series of electronics-based products to help researchers and clinical healthcare providers accelerate their practical understanding and use of genomic information. The products introduced and under development are intended to provide quick and accurate analysis of DNA, RNA and proteins, "bridging" both the research and clinical diagnostic settings. The Nanogen system is intended for research use only and not for use in diagnostic procedures. For additional information please visit Nanogen`s web site at
      schrieb am 22.12.00 23:43:22
      Beitrag Nr. 152 ()
      Nanogen is Awarded U.S. Patent on Novel Method for Detecting Nucleic Acid Hybridization by Means of Fluorescent Energy Transfer

      SAN DIEGO, Dec. 22 /PRNewswire/ -- Nanogen, Inc. (Nasdaq: NGEN) announced today that on December 19, 2000, it was awarded an additional United States Patent relating to its electronic microarray technology. U.S. Patent No. 6,162,603, entitled "Hybridization of Polynucleotides Conjugated with Chromophores and Fluorophores to Generate Donor-To-Donor Energy Transfer System" (the "`603 Patent"), is the twentieth U.S. patent issued to the Company.

      "The `603 Patent is a significant addition to Nanogen`s intellectual property portfolio because it teaches a novel method of transferring photonic energy within synthetic nucleic acid sequences," commented Michael J. Heller, Ph.D., Chief Technology Officer at Nanogen. "The invention consists of precisely designed nucleic acid sequences modified with a number of energy `absorbers` and energy `transmitters` that are capable of transferring light energy over distances greater than previously possible in synthetic systems. By the careful selection and design of unique nucleic acid sequences, linker arms, and `absorber/transmitter` chemical structures, a light `antenna` or photonic conductor can be constructed. This in turn permits the design of uniquely sensitive and specific nucleic acid hybridization tests. This novel technology in the future can be incorporated into the NanoChip(TM) Molecular Biology Workstation or can be used in a wide variety of nucleic acid hybridization assay formats."

      In separate news, Nanogen announced that Harry J. Leonhardt, Esq., Nanogen`s Senior Vice President, General Counsel and Secretary, recently resigned his position with the Company. Mr. Leonhardt will remain as a consultant to Nanogen on a variety of subjects. Vera P. Pardee, Esq. has been appointed Vice President, Assistant General Counsel and Secretary. Ms. Pardee, who has over 17 years of litigation experience, was a shareholder at the San Diego law firm of Seltzer Caplan Vitek McMahon from January 1994 to July 2000, an associate at that firm from 1988 through 1993, and an associate at the Los Angeles office of O`Melveny & Myers from 1983 through 1986.

      "Since August 2000, Vera has been leading our Legal Department`s efforts to assist in the Company`s commercial expansion, maintain the growth of our intellectual property portfolio and manage the Company`s litigation matters, including that against Motorola, Inc. and Combimatrix," said Howard C. Birndorf, Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer of Nanogen. "She has been a valuable asset to Nanogen during this period, and we have welcomed her experience, talents and contributions to the Nanogen team."

      Mr. Birndorf continued, "I would like to thank Harry for the leadership and other contributions he has made to our Legal Department and to Nanogen over the last five years. Harry played a key role in the development of Nanogen from a private research and development company to a publicly traded commercial company with the recent launch of our first product, the NanoChip(TM) Molecular Biology Workstation. He helped negotiate and close numerous licensing transactions and corporate collaborations, played an integral role in the Company`s successful financing efforts and oversaw the expansion of the Company`s intellectual property portfolio. We wish Harry well in his future endeavors and value his continuing contributions to Nanogen on a consulting basis."

      Mr. Leonhardt commented, "When I joined Nanogen in 1996, the Company was in its development phase. I have enjoyed being a part of the team that took the Company through its private financing rounds and initial and secondary public offerings. I also very much enjoyed my interactions with our employees and corporate partners over the years and want to thank them for their valuable contributions to the Company during this exciting period. Nanogen has made substantial progress over the last five years, and I am pleased to have played a role in its growth and development. I look forward to continuing my association with the Company as a consultant."

      Nanogen recently began marketing its NanoChip(TM) Molecular Biology Workstation system to scientists and genomics laboratories, setting new standards for SNP scoring. Nanogen is developing a series of electronics- based products to help researchers and clinical healthcare providers accelerate their practical understanding and use of genomic information. The products introduced and under development are intended to provide quick and accurate analysis of DNA, RNA and proteins, "bridging" both the research and clinical diagnostic settings. The Nanogen system is intended for research use only and not for use in diagnostic procedures. For additional information please visit Nanogen`s web site at
      schrieb am 24.12.00 13:38:31
      Beitrag Nr. 153 ()
      Nanogen zugesprochen US-Patent auf Romanmethode für das Ermitteln von Nukleinsäurehybridation mittels der Leuchtstoffenergieübertragung f

      San Diego, Dez. 22 / PRNewswire / -- Nanogen, Inc. (Nasdaq: NGEN - Nachrichten) heute verkündet, daß an Dezember 19, 2000, es ein zusätzliches Staatpatent in bezug auf seine elektronische microarray Technologie zugesprochen. US Das Patent Nr. 6.162.603, erlaubt ``Hybridization von Polynucleotides konjugiert mit Chromophoren und Fluorophores, um Donor-To-Donorenergie-Umfüllsystem festzulegen ` ` (das Patent ```603 ` `), ist das zwanzigste US-Patent, das zur Firma geherausgeben.

      Patent ``The `603 ist eine bedeutende Hinzufügung Nanogens zur Mappe des geistigen Eigentums, weil es eine Romanmethode des Übertragens von photonic Energie innerhalb der synthetischen Nukleinsäurereihenfolgen unterrichtet, ` ` kommentierter Michael J. Heller, Ph.D., Haupttechnologieoffizier bei Nanogen. ``The-Erfindung besteht aus den genau entworfenen Nukleinsäurereihenfolgen, die mit einer Anzahl von Übermittlern der Energie` Sauger und Energie` geändert, die zum Übertragen der hellen Energie über den Abständen grösser als vorher möglich in den synthetischen Systemen fähig sind. Durch die vorsichtige Auswahl und das Design der eindeutigen Nukleinsäurereihenfolgen, können Verknüpfungsprogrammarme und chemische Strukturen ` absorber/transmitter `, eine helle ` Antenne ` oder photonic Leiter konstruiert werden. Dieses ermöglicht der Reihe nach das Design der eindeutig empfindlichen und spezifischen Nukleinsäurehybridationtests. Diese Romantechnologie kann in den NanoChip(TM) molekularen Biologiearbeitsplatz zukünftig enthalten werden oder kann in einer breiten Vielzahl der Nukleinsäurehybridationprobe Formate verwendet werden.` `,

      In den unterschiedlichen Nachrichten verkündete Nanogen dieses Harry J. Leonhardt, Esq., Nanogens abfanden älterer Vizepräsident, General Counsel und Sekretärin, vor kurzem seine Position mit der Firma. Herr Leonhardt bleibt als Berater zu Nanogen auf einer Vielzahl der Themen. Vera P. Pardee, Esq. ernannt worden Vizepräsidenten, behilflichen General Counsel und Sekretärin. Ms Pardee, das über 17 Jahren Rechtsstreiterfahrung hat, war ein Aktionär an der San Diego Sozietät von Seltzer Caplan Vitek McMahon von einem Januar 1994 bis Juli 2000, ein Teilnehmer an dem Unternehmen von 1988 bis 1993 und ein Teilnehmer im Los Angelesbüro von O`Melveny u. von Myers von 1983 bis 1986.

      ``Since August 2000, Vera hat gewesen führend unser gesetzgebend Abteilung Bemühungen zu in unterstützen Firma kommerziell Expansion, beibehalten Wachstum von unser geistig Eigentum Mappe und handhaben Firma Rechtsstreit Stoffe, einschließlich dessen gegen Motorola, Inc. und Combimatrix, ` ` sagte Howard C. Birndorf, Vorstandsvorsitzend und dem Generaldirektor von Nanogen. ``She gewesen ein Wertgegenstand zu Nanogen während dieser Periode, und wir begrüßt ihre Erfahrung, Talente und Beiträge zum Team Nanogen.` `,

      Herr fortgesetztes Birndorf, ``i möchte Harry für die Führung und andere Beiträge danken, die er Nanogen über den letzten fünf Jahren zu unserer gesetzgebenden Abteilung und gebildet. Harry spielte eine Schlüsselrolle in der Entwicklung von Nanogen von einer privaten Forschung und Verwertungsgesellschaft zu einer öffentlich gehandelten Handelsgesellschaft mit der neuen Produkteinführung unseres ersten Produktes, der NanoChip(TM) molekulare Biologiearbeitsplatz. Er half zu vermitteln und schließt zahlreiche genehmigende Verhandlungen und korporative collaborations, spielte eine integrale Rolle in den erfolgreichen Bemühungen Finanzierung der Firma und beaufsichtigte die Expansion der Mappe des geistigen Eigentums der Firma. Wir wünschen Harry gut in seinen zukünftigen Bemühungen und bewerten seine fortfahrenden Beiträge zu Nanogen auf einer Beraten Grundlage.` `,

      Herr Leonhardt kommentierte, ``When, das ich Nanogen 1996 verband, die Firma war in seiner Entwicklung Phase. Ich genossen, ein Teil des Teams zu sein, das die Firma durch seine privaten Finanzierung Umläufe und Ausgangs- und allgemeinen zweitenszubringer nahm. Ich auch sehr viel genoß meine Abhängigkeiten mit unseren Angestellten und korporativen Partnern über den Jahren und möchte ihnen für ihre wertvollen Beiträge zur Firma während dieser aufregenden Periode danken. Nanogen gebildet erheblichen Fortschritt über den letzten fünf Jahren, und ich freue, eine Rolle in seinem Wachstum und in Entwicklung gespielt zu haben. Ich darauf freue, meine Verbindung mit der Firma fortzusetzen als Berater.` `,

      Nanogen anfing vor kurzem Marketing sein NanoChip(TM) molekulares Biologiearbeitsplatzsystem zu den Wissenschaftlern und zu den genomicslabors und einstellte neue Standards für das SNP-Zählen ue. Nanogen entwickelt eine Reihe Elektronik gegründete Produkte, um Forschern zu helfen und klinische healthcareversorger beschleunigen ihr praktisches Verständnis und Gebrauch von genomic Informationen. Die Produkte, die eingeführt und Entwicklung unter, sollen schnelle und genaue Analyse von DNA, von RNS und von Proteinen zur Verfügung stellen und ``bridging ` ` die Forschung und die klinischen Diagnoseeinstellungen. Das System Nanogen bestimmt für nur Forschung Gebrauch und nicht für Gebrauch in den Diagnoseverfahren. Zu zusätzlicher Information besuchen Sie bitte Web site Nanogens an

      **time-out** dies press Pressekommuniqué enthalten Vorwärts--forward-looking Anweisung das sein abhängig von Gefahr und Ungewißheit das können veranlassen tatsächlich Resultat zu unterscheiden materiell von festlegen in d Vorwärts--forward-looking Anweisung, umfassen ob d Firma NanoChip(TM) System können sein oder werden sein weit erfolgreich in den Handel bringen, ob d patentieren Erfindung können sein erfolgreich verbinden in commercial Handelsprodukt, ob Produkt unter Entwicklung können sein erfolgreich entwickeln und in den Handel bringen, ob Resultat berichten durch unser Kunde oder Partner können sein identisch wiederholen, ob d Firma collaborations werden fortsetzen zu sein finanzieren, ob Rechtsstreit werden sein erfolgreich und ander Gefahr und Ungewißheit behandeln unter d Untertitel ``Factors daß Mai beeinflussen Resultat ` und anderwohin in d Firma Formular 10-k, wie ändern und folgende Reports archivierten mit den Aktien und der Austauschkommission. Diese Vorwärts-forward-looking Anweisungen sprechen nur ab dem Datum hiervon. Die Firma dementiert jede mögliche Absicht oder Verpflichtung, diese Vorwärts-forward-looking Anweisungen zu aktualisieren.
      schrieb am 26.12.00 01:16:52
      Beitrag Nr. 154 ()
      Meine Wahl WO- User des Jahres 2000 fällt uneingeschränkt auf

      den 60 jährigen User mit den Namen AKTIENFILTER

      Liebe Wallstreet-Online Gemeinde,

      nachdem ich hier im WO schon recht lange interessante Beiträge lesen durfte(u.a. von Pop, Fredz, Gigaguru usw.), ist mir in den letzten Monaten ein User besonders positiv aufgefallen, der keinerlei eigene Interessen verfolgt und m.E. zum Wohle der normalen Aktienbesitzer schreibt.

      Mich hat dieser User von Anfang an begeistert durch seine klare und umfangreiche selbstgebastelte Strategie. Natürlich kann man mit dem User Aktienfilter auch über Einzelwerte debattieren, aber ihm geht es grundsätzlich um die Gesamtstrategie. Hierum lohnt es sich zu ringen wie er zurecht schtreibt.

      Er bastelte sich seine Gesamtstrategie selber und perfektionierte diese
      über die Jahrzehnte hinweg. Sein Erfolg gaben ihn Recht mit seiner ihm eigenen Strategie(u.a.“ Pyramidenbau“, Geschenkaktien usw.) in seinen ältesten Depots (er hat 25 Jahre Aktienerfahrung!) sind natürlich klassische Value- Werte. Aber auch er fing klein an und schildert uns viele Stationen seiner Erfahrungen.

      Er berichtet ausführlichst voller Leidenschaft und Hingabe über seine Erlebnisse und wie er sich speziell Informationen besorgt oder auch was viele Anleger immer wieder falsch machen( z.B. zuviel Geld auf zuviel riskante Aktien). Er schreibt, was man besser machen könnte und gibt konkrete Ratschläge nicht von oben herab, sondern freundschaftlich und so, dass wir normalen Aktienanleger damit etwas anfangen können..

      Aktienfilters Aussagen sind klar, logisch und nachvollziehbar. Es sind mir die eigenen Fehler in meiner Strategie bewusst geworden. Der Lerneffekt ist unglaublich.

      Hinzu kommt, dass der User Aktienfilter seine persönlichen Erfolge hinten anstellt und sich nicht als Guru verstanden sehen möchte. Um seine Strategie immer praktisch zu erläutern, ist es natürlich ab und an unumgänglich, die jeweiligen Performance zu erwähnen.

      Ich empfehle daher uneingeschränkt jedem WO-User sich die Beiträge des User´s Aktienfilter genau durchzulesen. Der Aha Effekt wird garantiert nicht ausbleiben.

      Ich für meinen Teil würde mir wünschen, wenn der User Aktienfilter mal über seine umfangreichen Erfahrungen ein Buch veröffentlichen würde. Vielleicht kann ihm dabei die WO-Readaktion behilflich sein. Ich wäre einer der ersten Käufer.

      Mein kritische Stimme zum User des Jahres 2000 bekommt daher


      Uneingeschränkt zugesprochen.

      Ich möchte mich ausdrücklich bei den User Aktienfilter für seine tollen Beiträge bedanken und ihn animieren so weiterzumachen.

      Wie ist Eure Meinung liebe Wo- User?

      Euch allen wünsche ich ein weiterhin frohes und gesegnetes Weihnachtsfest und ein glückliches neues Jahr.

      Ein neues Jahrtausend beginnt......


      Euer Myoky
      schrieb am 26.12.00 23:27:33
      Beitrag Nr. 155 ()
      So war`s nicht gemeint. Aber es nervt doch ein wenig, seitenlang Kopien von allseits bekannten Meldungen vorgesetzt zu bekommen.Wäre doch schön, zumindest einen Hauch eigener Meinung zu haben...
      Meine Meinung zu Nanogen ist z.B. diese: Alle diese augenblicklichen Meldungen sind ohne jede Bedeutung. Für diese Art von Investitionen braucht man einen langen Atem und wohl auch etwas Spielkapital. Wenn es klappt, dann kann das in ein, zwei, drei Jahren sein, dann aber richtig. Oder es klappt eben nicht. Ein kleinwenig Spiel ist halt schon dabei. Einen Aktionär brauche ich mir dazu wohl nicht zu kaufen...
      schrieb am 05.01.01 11:59:36
      Beitrag Nr. 156 ()

      es ist ja ziemlich ruhig geworden um Nanogen ...
      hat jemand von euch Neuigkeiten zu vermelden ?

      Jedenfalls habe ich die Nanogens jetzt auch in mein
      Recommend-Portfolio aufgenommen, nachdem sie schon
      lange in meinem echten Depot sind.

      Bringt mal etwas Leben in den Thread !
      (und am besten auch in den Kurs :-)

      schrieb am 05.01.01 18:34:21
      Beitrag Nr. 157 ()
      ich hab mal ne dumme frage :

      klappt es, daß man nanogen in deutschland zu € kauft
      und in den usa zu $ verkaufen kann ????

      danke im voraus !!!

      Beitrag zu dieser Diskussion schreiben

      Zu dieser Diskussion können keine Beiträge mehr verfasst werden, da der letzte Beitrag vor mehr als zwei Jahren verfasst wurde und die Diskussion daraufhin archiviert wurde.
      Bitte wenden Sie sich an und erfragen Sie die Reaktivierung der Diskussion oder starten Sie
      eine neue Diskussion.


      Nanogen Top oder Flop ???