
    Globe Metals & Mining - Uran, Niob, Tantal, Zirkon - Fakten (Seite 26)

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      schrieb am 20.03.21 15:41:06
      Beitrag Nr. 4.233 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 67.534.154 von Takk am 19.03.21 21:37:28Zum jetzigen Zeitpunkt gibt es dazu keine abgesicherten Informationen. Der Vorgang der Mehrheitsübernahme war sehr merkwürdig. Die einen sagen ist ein Fake und ein ECE-Unternehmen, wenige können sich wohl vorstellen das es so abgelaufen sein soll und es durch einen Abstimmungsfehler passiert sein soll.

      Was es auch wahr und wer es auch immer sein mag: Ich gehe ganz stark davon aus das wir es schon sehr bald erfahren werden!
      Globe Metals & Mining | 0,029 €
      schrieb am 20.03.21 15:28:20
      Beitrag Nr. 4.232 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 67.534.154 von Takk am 19.03.21 21:37:28Tipp: Filterfunktion "Durchsuchen" anklicken und in "Begriffe und/oder Benutzer" Apollo Metals eingeben und sofort werden sämtliche Beiträge dazu angezeigt.
      Globe Metals & Mining | 0,029 €
      schrieb am 19.03.21 21:37:28
      Beitrag Nr. 4.231 ()
      Hallo zusammen. Kann hier jemand etwas zum Hauptaktionär "Apollo Metals" sagen? Wer steckt dahinter und seit wann hält die Gesellschaft hier die Mehrheit? 52,8 %
      Globe Metals & Mining | 0,030 €
      2 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 22.02.21 08:20:00
      Beitrag Nr. 4.230 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 67.129.302 von Karlshof6a am 22.02.21 07:11:54Sehr informativ, vielen Dank!
      schrieb am 22.02.21 07:11:54
      Beitrag Nr. 4.229 ()
      Zeit und Geduld sind sicher weiterhin gefragt. Ich warte nun seit 12 Jahren, da kommt es auf ein paar Monate mehr auch nicht mehr an. Der anstehende Bullenmarkt für Rohstoffe und die wirtschaftlichen Zwänge von Malawi spielen für uns. Zudem macht die Regierung von Malawi einen sehr seriösen Eindruck auf mich, nachdem ich mir die aktuelle Regierungserklärung angehört habe.

      Ein bisschen ungeduldig war ich schon und habe Globe mal per Mail angeschrieben. Das ist die Antwort von Michael Fry auf meine Frage, wie es denn nun weiter geht:

      Good morning .....,
      You have actually summarised the position well. Our niobium project in Malawi is awaiting execution of a Development Agreement in order to proceed to production, which will require the Company to obtain financing and offtake, and construction of plant (which are the “next steps”). We have canvassed numerous parties in relation to financing and offtake but are unable to move forward in any meaningful way until the Development Agreement is executed.

      Per our recent reports to ASX we have advised that as far as the Company is concerned the Development Agreement is final and ready for execution – and that Globe is ready and willing to execute.

      It is wholly with the hands of Malawi Government at present.

      In terms of news and articles, may I direct you to the following sources of information:
      1. Company website:
      2. ASX website:

      3. Hot Copper website - social media platform popular here in Australia where people post and discuss stocks:
      4. Specifically you should refer the following documents:
      a. 2020 Annual Report:…
      b. AGM Presentation:…
      c. Quarterly Report lodged with ASX on 21 January 2021…
      I hope the above assists.

      Yours sincerely
      Globe Metals & Mining | 0,035 €
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.

      Trading Spotlight

      East Africa Metals
      0,1390EUR +11,20 %
      East Africa Metals: Geht jetzt der Kurs durch die Decke? mehr zur Aktie »
      schrieb am 20.02.21 05:42:29
      Beitrag Nr. 4.228 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 67.103.718 von Karlshof6a am 19.02.21 14:14:47Vielen Dank fuer all die Infos, Zeit und Geduld ist weiter gefragt...
      schrieb am 19.02.21 14:15:37
      Beitrag Nr. 4.227 ()
      However, es sind 100 Mio. verfügbar, davon allein 30 Mio. in Sammelverwahrung auf Platz 3 + 4.

      Verkaufen will zur Zeit jedenfalls kaum jemand. Der Kurs dümpelt in der Range 5-6c und wird mMn dort offensichtlich hin- und hergespielt. Wer weiß, vielleicht werden auch "bestimmte (Community-) Kreise in Malawi" mit kleineren Paketen versorgt, bis sich endlich etwas tut. Wer weiß?!?!

      Alles bleibt wie immer nur Spekulation, bis wahrscheinlich zum nächsten Quaterly.

      Wäre interessant zu erfahren, ob bereits ein Termin mit der Community stattgefunden hat und wie die Community, NGO's, CSO's und andere Aktivisten reagieren oder reagiert/agiert haben.

      Ich hoffe so wie im Fall von Lotus (s.u. Artikel aus Januar 2021 Mining & Trade Review), das man auch endlich in Kanyika zur Einsicht und mit Unterstützung der Regierung zu einvernehmlichen Abschlüssen des CDA und weiterer CSR's kommt.


      ASX listed uranium miner Lotus Resources is engaging members of the community in the area surrounding its Kayelekera Uranium Mine in Karonga to acquire a list of development projects which it will consider including in the Community Development Agreement (CDA).

      CDA is a requirement stipulated in the Mines and Minerals Act 2019 which applies to large scale mines, classified as those mines that employ over 1000 people and whose expenditure exceeds US$250-million in a 10 year period.

      A Mining & Trade Review team learnt in its tour of the area surrounding the Kayelekera Uranium that in its CDA plans, Lotus is targeting over 3000 members of the qualified community based within 20km radius from Kayelekera Mine as required by the new law.

      Lotus is holding meetings with the District Commissioner for Karonga and his Management Team, Paramount Chief Kyungu, Traditional Authority Karonga, all the other Traditional Authorities from Karonga, Extractive Industry Civil Society Organisations (CSOs), Area Development Committees (ADC), Village Development Committees (VDC) and community groups.

      Secretary of Kayelekera VDC Blessings Fweta told Mining and Trade Review that the Kayelekera community presented a list of development projects that they need Lotus to include in the CDA and they are expecting the company to come back to them with a printed CDA to sign so that implementation of projects commences. “We expect the company to finalise on the CDA before they resume mining as Kayelekera is currently on care and maintenance,” Fweta said.

      Among other projects, the Kayelekera community has proposed to the company to buy a transformer in order for the Electricity Supply Corporation of Malawi (Escom) to connect electricity to the area, construct at least two additional staff houses at Kayelekera Health Centre, additional school blocks and staff houses at Kayuni Community Day Secondary School (CDSS), Chiteka and Kayuni Primary Schools, a road to Chiteka Primary School and an Under five clinic at Juma Village, boreholes in all surrounding villages, a Technical College, and Guardian Shelter at Kayelekera Health Centre.

      Lotus is also targeting the nearby Wiliro community in its CDA. Chairman of Wiliro VDC Austin Mwanguka said members of the Wiliro community are thankful to Lotus, which took over management of Kayelekera from ASX-listed Paladin, for considering them in the CDA. “We are expecting Lotus to help us as Wiliro Community because for a long time we have been sideline on Kayelekera issues. We want the mine to employ people from Wiliro not just Kayelekera as it was the case in the past,” he said.

      Mwanguka said the Wiliro Community has submitted a number of projects to Lotus for the CDA including installation of a solar power system and roofing of teachers’ houses at Wiliro Primary School, roofing of teachers’ houses at Lufira Primary School, grading of the road from the Karonga-Chitipa road junction to Wiliro Health Centre and Primary School, and electrification of St. Monica CDSS.

      Despite that it is yet to start production at Kayelekera Mine which it took over from Paladin on care and maintenance, Lotus is already assisting members of the community in times of need. For instance, the company has assisted members of the local community whose houses’ roofs were destroyed by heavy rains. The refurbished structures include the Mbande ADC office. Committee member for Mbande ADC Gladson Ntchito said the ADC is thankful to Lotus for the kind gesture which it regards as a sign of a start of good relations between the people of Karonga and the new investor.

      “Their humanitarian works manifest that we will work well with them, and we hope they will continue,” he said
      He urged Lotus to build a sound working relationship with the ADC and not just a few traditional leaders. “We are hopeful that the new management of Kayelekera will establish a good working relationship with the ADC which has a mining committee,” he said.

      Another committee member for the ADC John Timothy Ndundu also said the future with Lotus is promising as the Company already engaged them in a meeting to update them on their takeover of the mine from Paladin. His comments were backed by fellow committee member Derick Mwiwa who urged the Company to prioritize members of the local community other than foreigners when recruiting employees, suppliers, contractors and consultants.

      “We want this mine in our vicinity to adequately benefit us locals through employment opportunities,” he said.
      Mwiwa also urged the government to establish a Mining Office at Karonga where it would be easy for members of
      the community to channel their grievances on mining issues in the District other than relying on the Regional Office in
      Mzuzu which is far away from the locality.

      The projects that Mbande ADC has submitted to Lotus to consider including in the CDA include construction of a maternity wing at Mpata Health Centre, a Dyke at Rukuru River confluence to deal with the annual problem of flooding, a road from Kambwe through Lupaso to Lusako and expansion of a mortuary at Karonga District Hospital.

      Lotus is expected to resume operations at the mine once the price of uranium on the world market rises to profitable
      levels, the CDA is signed and some overall site management reviews are completed.

      CSO’s welcome Lotus efforts on CDA. Meanwhile, CSOs working in the extractive industry have described Lotus’s move to sign a CDA as a good start but bemoaned government’s failure to introduce CDA regulations and a frame work for its implementation.

      “We have a law, fine but we need regulations which should state clearly the stakeholders to be consulted and a clear roadmap including stages in the consultation process,” said Board Chairperson for Natural Resources Justice Network (NRJN) Kossam Munthali.

      He urged the company to have a draft CDA in time and share it to members of the community and various stakeholders to give their input.“It is important to have a CDA that is very representative in order to create a win-win situation between the community and the company in so doing managing community expectations,” said Munthali.

      He also said since the Kayelekera Mine is located in the area close to Chitipa District, there is need for Lotus to sensitise the Chitipa District Council and CSOs in the district on the project. Munthali said going forward as CSOs, they will continue to lobby government to amend the law to provide for more benefits to communities from mining projects
      because the 0.45% stipulated for CDAs is on the lower side.


      It has all along been difficult for the community in Kayelekera Village and the surrounding areas to access health services as they had to travel a distance of about 12km to the nearest heath centre at Wiliro. But this is now history all thanks to the coming of Australian uranium mining company Lotus Resources which has ensured that the Kayelekera Health Centre whose construction was started by previous owner of the Kayelekera Mine Paladin Africa is completed.

      Medical Assistant for the clinic Micheal Binali said in an interview that the clinic is playing a vital role to the local
      community evidenced by the fact that it is already overwhelmed by the growing demand for health services
      in the area. “The clinic is facing capacity challenges due to high demand for health services. We have shortages of rooms for special treatment including short stay, dressing rooms and rooms for Anti-Retroviral Treatments (ARTs),” Binali said.

      He said with such inadequacies, the clinic sometimes uses the maternity wing for patients that require short time
      admission. He said: “The hospital lacks separate rooms for treating both male and female patients for short time, a situation that forces us to treat them at the maternity section which is very unfortunate when we have an expectant patient.”
      “The section that we are currently using as dressing room was initially designed as an office, we just improvised it. But we still do not feel comfortable understanding that a dressing room is supposed to have both an inlet and outlet.”
      Binali also said Government promised to bring ART services to the clinic but the hospital has no capacity for the
      service, which needs maximum privacy, due to space limitations.

      He also said though the government has increased the number of health workers at the clinic from five to seven, the facility still lacks more staff due to an increase in number of patients from 40 to 80 per day. Binali said the number of malaria cases has increased in the area which has drastically raised the number of patients being treated in a day.
      He said: Due to the rise in a number of patients, we have a heavy work load and does some extra work we are not entitled to. We courted health officials from the Ministry for a hand out and we were told that they have no problem
      but the throwback lies on the housing. The clinic does not have enough houses to accommodate more medical
      “The hospital has only two staff houses which were constructed by Lotus Resources Limited.” Binali also said the clinic is facing power problems and appealed to Lotus to consider maintaining and upgrading the solar system.
      He said currently the power system is not holding enough power for 24 hours, a situation which forces them to switch off power during the day reserving for the night. There is no ambulance for the clinic but Lotus offers a
      vehicle which is used as an ambulance when reached out for assistance.

      “The Kayelekera mine offers us transport to Wiliro Health Center a distance of 12 to 15 kilometer or toKaronga Town whenever we want to get any supplies for the clinic,” he said. Kayelekera clinic became fully operational on September 25, 2019 and serves a population of over 3-thousand.
      schrieb am 19.02.21 14:14:47
      Beitrag Nr. 4.226 ()
      Der vierteljährliche Bericht von Globe ist auf der Hompage. Malawi wird auch sehr gebeutelt von Covid-19. Der Druck, zukünftig Geld mit Minenaktivitäten zu verdienen wird somit immer größer. Die Nachfrage und der Preis von Niobium sind weiterhin stabil bis steigend bei zum Teil ausgeschöpften anderen Minenkapazitäten. Ansonsten sind noch 3,9 mio auf dem Konto. Damit ist zumindest schonmal der Finanzbedarf der nächsten 6-7 Jahre abgedeckt....So lange wird es aber m.E. sicher nicht mehr dauern. Ich hoffe auf die Lizens noch dieses Jahr, nach der mündlichen Erklärung im November 2020. Für genauere Informationen bitte selber lesen und übersetzen...
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 19.02.21 11:57:27
      Beitrag Nr. 4.225 ()
      Stand 25. September 2020 halten die Top 20 Investoren 90,5 % oder 421 mio Aktien. (Homepage Globe Metals and Mining) Da sind die Käufe von Alistair und anderen Anfang diesen Jahres noch nicht enthalten. Das heißt die frei verfügbare Menge von Aktien ist sehr wahrscheinlich sehr viel kleiner als 40 mio. Viele Kleinaktionäre wie ich halten auch seit Jahren und kaufen nur zu. Es könnte theoretisch somit bald knapp werden mit den frei verfügbaren Stücken mit entsprechenden Auswirkungen auf die Kurse....:-)
      schrieb am 07.02.21 13:30:24
      Beitrag Nr. 4.224 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 66.862.063 von ralli9999 am 06.02.21 22:33:40Diese Zuversicht zeigte Alistair mit seinem Kauf, so wie etliche andere, die in den letzten Monaten bei GBE eingestiegen sind und zum Kursanstieg bis auf 6.4c beigetragen haben.

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      Globe Metals & Mining | 0,032 €
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      Globe Metals & Mining - Uran, Niob, Tantal, Zirkon - Fakten