
    Novavax - Vergessene Aktie feiert ein Comeback. Gute Chancen dank aktueller Nachrichtenlage (Seite 2237)

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     Ja Nein
      schrieb am 03.06.20 20:00:21
      Beitrag Nr. 1.364 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 63.888.746 von check2020 am 03.06.20 19:48:21na der muss es ja wissen...
      Novavax | 42,63 $
      schrieb am 03.06.20 19:48:21
      Beitrag Nr. 1.363 ()
      Trump hat die grade gestrichen.

      Die Trump-Administration hat fünf Corona-Impfstoffkandidaten ausgewählt, welche die größte Wahrscheinlichkeit haben zur Marktreife zu kommen. Bei den entsprechenden Unternehmen handelt es sich um Moderna, AstraZeneca (zusammen mit der Oxford-Universität), Johnson & Johnson, Merck und Pfizer. / Quelle: Guidants News
      Novavax | 41,57 $
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 03.06.20 14:36:50
      Beitrag Nr. 1.362 ()
      +++ Eilmeldung: Alles neu! Komplette Neubewertung nach Ad-hoc-Meldung am Dienstag erwartet… +++ Anzeige Startseite > Nachrichten > Pressemitteilungen > Nachricht Novavax wählt AGC Biologics zur Herstellung von Matrix-M Adjuvans für neuen COVID-19-Impfstoff Nachrichtenquelle: PR Newswire (dt.) | 03.06.2020, 13:00 | 121 | 0 | 0 AGC Biologics kooperiert mit Novavax bei der Herstellung der NVX-CoV2373-Komponente SEATTLE, 3. Juni 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- AGC Biologics, ein weltweit führender biopharmazeutischer Vertragshersteller und -entwickler (Contract Development and Manufacturing Organization, CDMO), hat eine Partnerschaft mit Novavax, Inc. (NASDAQ: (NASDAQ: NVAX) bekannt gegeben, einem Late-Stage-Biotechnologieunternehmen mit Schwerpunkt auf der Entwicklung von Impfstoffen der nächsten Generation gegen schwere Infektionskrankheiten, bei der groß angelegten GMP-Produktion einer kritischen Komponente des Coronavirus-Impfstoffkandidaten NVX-CoV2373 von Novavax. AGC Biologics wird Matrix-M, die Adjuvans-Komponente des Impfstoffs, herstellen, um die Immunantwort zu verstärken und ein hohes Niveau an neutralisierenden Antikörpern zu stimulieren. NVX-CoV2373 ist ein stabiles Präfusionsprotein, das mit der proprietären Nanopartikeltechnologie von Novavax hergestellt wird. AGC Biologics wird die Prozessentwicklung für die Scale-up-Produktion von Matrix-M optimieren, um die Kapazität von Novavax zur Bereitstellung von Dosen in den Jahren 2020 und 2021 deutlich zu erhöhen. AGC Biologics logo (PRNewsfoto/CMC Biologics) Anzeige Die ganze Welt. Kostet aber nicht die Welt. Xtrackers Core-ETFs sind eine Palette physisch replizierender ETFs mit niedrigen jährlichen Pauschalgebühren, die Ihnen Zugang zu wichtigsten Aktien- und Anleihenmärkten bieten. Sie können den Kern Ihres Portfolios bilden oder als kosteneffiziente Bausteine eines Multi-Asset-Portfolios dienen. Mehr erfahren powered by finative "Wir arbeiten zügig daran, diese wichtige Impfstoffkomponente zügig an Novavax zu liefern", sagt Patricio Massera, CEO von AGC Biologics. "Die Dringlichkeit, einen Impfstoff zur Bekämpfung von COVID-19 herzustellen, könnte nicht größer sein." "Die Mission von AGC Biologics besteht darin, Seite an Seite mit unseren Partnern zusammenzuarbeiten, um lebensrettende und lebensverlängernde Produkte herzustellen", sagt Mark Womack, CBO von AGC Biologics. "Die Partnerschaft mit Novavax bei der Herstellung dieser Impfstoffkomponente ist eine einzigartige Gelegenheit, einen entscheidenden Beitrag zu leisten." "Wir waren beeindruckt vom Niveau der Zusammenarbeit und dem Engagement von AGC Biologics", sagt Timothy J. Hahn, SVP, Process Technology bei Novavax. "Das Unternehmen ist ein wichtiger strategischer Partner bei der Erweiterung unserer Lieferkette von Adjuvans für NVX-CoV2373 und für andere Impfstoffe, die bei Novavax entwickelt werden, einschließlich unseres rekombinanten Impfstoffs gegen saisonale Grippe, NanoFlu." Informationen zu Novavax: Novavax, Inc. (Nasdaq:NVAX), ist ein Late-Stage-Biotechnologieunternehmen, das sich weltweit für eine verbesserte Gesundheit durch die Erforschung, Entwicklung und Vermarktung innovativer Impfstoffe zur Vorbeugung schwerer Infektionskrankheiten einsetzt. Novavax hat vor kurzem mit der Entwicklung von NVX-CoV2373 begonnen, seinem Impfstoffkandidaten gegen SARS-CoV-2, das Virus, das COVID-19 verursacht. Die Ergebnisse der klinischen Phase 1-Studie werden für Juli 2020 erwartet. NanoFlu, sein vierwertiger Influenza-Nanopartikel-Impfstoff, erfüllte alle primären Ziele in seiner entscheidenden klinischen Phase-3-Studie an älteren Erwachsenen. Beide Impfstoffkandidaten enthalten das firmeneigene, auf Saponin basierende Matrix-M-Adjuvans von Novavax, um die Immunantwort zu verstärken und hohe Konzentrationen neutralisierender Antikörper zu stimulieren. Novavax ist ein führender Innovator von rekombinanten Impfstoffen; seine firmeneigene rekombinante Technologieplattform kombiniert die Leistungsfähigkeit und das Tempo der Gentechnik zur effizienten Herstellung hoch immunogener Nanopartikel, um den dringenden globalen Gesundheitsbedürfnissen gerecht zu werden. Weitere Informationen finden Sie

      Novavax wählt AGC Biologics zur Herstellung von Matrix-M Adjuvans für neuen COVID-19-Impfstoff | - Vollständiger Artikel unter:…
      Novavax | 44,20 €
      schrieb am 31.05.20 16:39:18
      Beitrag Nr. 1.361 ()
      Mein Tenbagger dieses Jahr:D:eek:, könnte sich im Idealfall nochmals verzehnfachen, oder 70 % fallen, Gewinne mitgenommen mit 100 Stück bleib ich drin:

      Buy Alert: Novavax Stock Is Heading Higher
      Speculators are buying up shares of Novavax, based on a vast market opportunity for its COVID-19 vaccine. But there's even better news that largely mitigates any downside risk.
      Taylor Carmichael
      Taylor Carmichael
      May 31, 2020 at 7:10AM
      Author Bio

      Novavax (NASDAQ:NVAX) has had a phenomenal run since I bought shares in the fall. Overall my cost basis is $6 per share; right now the stock is trading hands at $48 per share.

      What's fascinating, and a little scary, is that the dramatic stock increase has almost nothing to do with my original investment thesis. The reason why I bought Novavax: influenza. Novavax had a strong vaccine candidate in phase 3 trials, and the flu vaccine is a $5 billion market opportunity.

      What I didn't know at the time was that COVID-19 would strike, putting much of the world into lockdown mode, and sending some small biotech stocks into the stratosphere. That's why shares have run up so high: Novavax has developed a potential vaccine for COVID-19, and it's starting clinical trials in humans.
      A person administers a vaccine

      Image Source: Getty Images
      Speculation or savvy investment?

      When a stock goes up 700% in seven months, you might imagine there are emotions involved. Novavax has jumped so high so fast because COVID-19 has caused a major, almost unthinkable shift in our world. Some experts even say we should stay in lockdown mode until a vaccine is produced and widely distributed.

      Well, historically it takes seven years -- or more -- for the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to approve a vaccine. Obviously, Americans can't spend seven years hiding away. Because this is an emergency situation, health authorities are rushing COVID-19 vaccines into human trials right now, and are trying to get these drugs to market as soon as possible.

      Novavax's vaccine candidate is starting its phase 1 trial in Australia with 130 participants. The company expects to announce trial results in July. That is shockingly fast. Of course, positive results could send the stock skyrocketing (again); bad news might send the stock crashing.

      For investors, what's interesting is how quickly this product might hit the market. Novavax is already planning a follow-up trial to begin in August. And the biotech is already getting manufacturing in place for emergency use. The company estimates it will be able to ship 100 million doses of a COVID-19 vaccine by the end of the year, and 1 billion doses by the end of 2021.

      Novavax can afford to spend all this money on an unproven vaccine because the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI) gave the company $388 million to continue to develop it. It's basically free money for Novavax. So that's why Novavax can start setting up a phase 2 trial, and manufacturing facilities, even before the data comes in from the first trial.
      Best-case and worst-case scenarios

      The best-case scenario is rather amazing. Consider how much economic damage COVID-19 has wrought in our world, which is likely to be in the trillions of dollars. So, yes, a working COVID-19 vaccine would be incredibly valuable. Governments would pay a lot of money to get a vaccine on the market, so economies can reopen and people can get back to work. The market opportunity is sky-high.

      In the best-case scenario for investors in Novavax, it brings the first vaccine to market or has the highest success rate in clinical trials -- or both. The company is prepping for 1 billion doses to be shipped during 2021. Obviously, prices would have to be negotiated. But the opportunity is clearly vast -- far bigger than the typical $1 billion blockbuster drug.

      Consider too that a COVID-19 vaccine is potentially a much larger market than a COVID-19 drug that treats people who have caught the virus. There are whole societies anxious about COVID-19, and many healthy people who want to be vaccinated. The worldwide market for flu vaccines is $5 billion. Most people are far more frightened by COVID-19 than by the flu. And that fear translates into a sizable market opportunity.

      So that's the best case: Novavax is early to market, and it has a superior COVID-19 vaccine. Suppose the company charges $100 for its vaccine and distributes 1 billion doses in 2021 as it said it could. That would bring in at least $100 billion. Right now, Novavax has a market cap of only $3 billion.:D:eek:

      As for the worst case, that's easy: The vaccine fails a clinical trial. That happens all the time, to the smartest biotech scientists. And there should be little doubt what could happen to Novavax's stock if its COVID-19 vaccine fails in clinical trials -- it could crash, big time. It might be one of those horrific 70% drops that happen all the time in the biotech universe.
      Don't forget the flu drug

      On the other hand, Novavax investors have a wonderful safety net. Suppose the worst-case scenario comes to pass, and the company's COVID-19 vaccine is a dismal failure. What that would mean is that CEPI wasted its $388 million -- but Novavax didn't burn any of its own cash pursuing the goal.

      Yes, that scenario could crash the stock price, and drive COVID-19 speculators out of the stock. But none of that possible bad news would affect Novavax's data for its flu vaccine, NanoFlu. Nor would it change the likelihood of FDA approval for NanoFlu.

      While there's plenty of COVID-19 speculation going on in this stock, what's not speculation is the good news about NanoFlu. This is the drug that beat the pants off multiple flu vaccines from market-leader Sanofi in phase 1, phase 2, and phase 3 clinical trials. NanoFlu is on Fast Track designation to be approved this year, and it's a billion-dollar molecule in its own right.

      So that's the argument for buying Novavax shares now, despite the fantastic run-up. If the company has any positive news in its COVID-19 trial, the stock will skyrocket in value (again). And if the COVID-19 vaccine trial fails? The short-term fall in the stock price will be significant. But over the long-term, the stock price will be higher than it is today, because the company's flu vaccine is so valuable.
      Novavax | 46,04 $
      schrieb am 29.05.20 12:35:04
      Beitrag Nr. 1.360 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 63.827.318 von Magnetfeldfredy am 28.05.20 08:52:11
      Lohnt der Einstieg?
      Hallo zusammen, lohnt sich der Einstieg noch?
      Novavax | 41,17 €

      Trading Spotlight

      East Africa Metals
      0,1480EUR +0,68 %
      Hat East Africa bisher nur an der Oberfläche gekratzt?! mehr zur Aktie »
      schrieb am 28.05.20 08:52:11
      Beitrag Nr. 1.359 ()
      Novavax Seeks To Make 1 Billion Covid-19 Vaccine Doses; Top Analyst Ramps Up PT To $61
      Sharon WrobelSharon Wrobel
      May 28, 2020, 8:18 AM

      Novavax (NVAX) on Wednesday announced the acquisition of Praha Vaccines to help the late-stage biotech company produce over 1 billion doses of its experimental Covid-19 vaccine candidate starting in 2021.

      The U.S. company will buy the manufacturing plant for about $167 million in an all cash transaction. Starting in 2021, the plant is expected to provide an annual capacity of over 1 billion doses of antigen for the company’s vaccine candidate, also known as NVX‑CoV2373. As part of the transaction, about 150 employees with experience in vaccine manufacturing and support will join Novavax.

      “Manufacturing capacity is a critical component of our strategy to deliver a vaccine for the COVID-19 pandemic,” said Stanley C. Erck, President and CEO of Novavax. “This acquisition provides the vital assets required to produce more than 1 billion doses per year. We will continue efforts to expand antigen capacity in the U.S. and Asia, and increase production of Matrix-M to match antigen capacity at multiple sites globally.”

      NVX‑CoV2373 consists of a stable, prefusion protein antigen made using Novavax’s proprietary nanoparticle technology and includes its proprietary Matrix‑M adjuvant. On Tuesday, Novavax announced that it is starting human testing in its Phase 1/2 clinical trial of the vaccine candidate and is expecting results in July.

      The Praha Vaccines acquisition is supported by a funding arrangement with the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI), which will help the company to expand its manufacturing capacity.

      As part of the deal, the biotech company will work in collaboration with the Serum Institute of India (SII) to boost production levels at the Bohumil facility by the end of 2020.

      Novavax’s stock has jumped 10 times in value since the start of the year and was down 5.6% trading at $45.47 as of Wednesday’s close.

      Following the announcement, five-star analyst Mayank Mamtani at B. Riley FBR raised the stock’s price target to $61 from $53, reflecting another 34% upside potential in the shares over the coming year.

      Mamtani said that he now expects earlier global market entry of the 2373 vaccine candidate as well as “model additional non-dilutive funding to further accelerate development and commercialization activities.” The analyst maintained a Buy rating on the stock.

      “We view this as another encouraging development providing validation to the de-risked nature of NVAX’s vaccine candidate, on the basis of the most extensive/differentiated preclinical data generated to date, and now reviewed closely by global scientific community residing with CEPI, WHO, and SII as well as U.S. agencies such as CDC, NIH-NIAID, and BARDA,” Mamtani wrote in a note to investors.

      The rest of Wall Street analysts covering the stock in the past three months join Mamtani in their recommendation to Buy the shares. The Strong Buy consensus is backed up by 5 unanimous Buy ratings. In view of the stock’s fast rally this year, the $49.20 average price target indicates a modest 8% upside potential in the coming 12 months. (See Novavax stock analysis on TipRanks).
      Novavax | 42,20 €
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 26.05.20 10:15:39
      Beitrag Nr. 1.358 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 63.803.540 von DeluxeCourse am 26.05.20 10:03:32…
      Novavax | 53,00 €
      schrieb am 26.05.20 10:03:32
      Beitrag Nr. 1.357 ()
      Was geht denn hier heut ab ohne News???
      Novavax | 55,00 €
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 22.05.20 18:45:10
      Beitrag Nr. 1.356 ()
      Bin nun auch schweren Herzens raus mit +285%. Dieser konstante downtrend machte mir etwas Angst... Gruss
      Novavax | 45,86 $
      schrieb am 20.05.20 08:11:49
      Beitrag Nr. 1.355 ()
      Novavax (NVAX) filed a prospectus to sell up to $250 million of shares of common stock as it prepares to scale up production of its coronavirus vaccine candidate.

      Shares in Novavax jumped 31% to close at $56.96 in U.S. trading on Monday after their value more than doubled over the past month.

      The late-stage biotech company, which is in the process of developing a coronavirus antigen vaccine candidate, said that the net proceeds from the sale of common stock will depend on the number of shares actually sold and the offering price for such shares. The company based its calculation on the event that all of the offered shares would be sold at $43.63, the closing price per share on May 15.

      “We intend to use the net proceeds from this offering for general corporate purposes, including but not limited to working capital, capital expenditures, research and development expenditures, clinical trial expenditures, as well as acquisitions and other strategic purposes,” Novavax said in the prospectus filing.

      The offering comes after Novavax announced last week that it will receive $384 million in funding from the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI) to develop and produce its coronavirus vaccine candidate. The biotech company has set itself the aim of producing up to 100 million vaccine doses by end of 2020. For 2021, it is planning to target large-scale manufacturing capacity in multiple countries with a goal of potentially producing over one billion doses during the year.

      Five-star analyst Mayank Mamtani at B. Riley FBR on Monday raised his price target on the biotech stock to $53 a share from $43 and kept his Buy rating, following a meeting with Novavax management to review progress on on its COVID-19 vaccine development.

      “We believe NVAX not only offers a clinically validated adjuvanted recombinant nanoparticle platform (recently reporting overwhelmingly positive data in the Ph. III NanoFlu) but, also, demonstrates the ability to illicit a potent immune response at extremely low doses, boding favorably for both safety and scalability, with management guiding to 100M doses by YE20 and >1B during 2021,” Mamtani wrote in a note to investors. “With a regulatory path becoming relatively clearer, likely on the basis of Ph. IIb results by leveraging Emergency Use Authorization (EUA), we increase the probability of success, from 25% to 40%, which drives our PT increase.”

      The rest of Wall Street analysts covering the stock in the past three months join Mamtani in their recommendation to Buy the shares adding up to a Strong Buy consensus. Following the stock’s rally, the $47.60 average price target indicates 16% downside potential in the coming 12 months.…
      Novavax | 47,50 €
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      Novavax - Vergessene Aktie feiert ein Comeback. Gute Chancen dank aktueller Nachrichtenlage