
    Diskussion zu Silver Elephant Mining Corp, ehemals Prophecy Development Corp. (Seite 2585)

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     Ja Nein
      schrieb am 22.01.13 22:39:23
      Beitrag Nr. 9.195 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 44.051.184 von bailey09 am 22.01.13 21:14:48Nichts Neues, wie erwartet.
      3 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 22.01.13 21:14:48
      Beitrag Nr. 9.194 ()
      Update von Lee ist da

      Review & Update Letter From Prophecy Coal CEO and Chairman
      download as a pdf file

      Dear all,

      I would like to first extend to you my best wishes for a happy and prosperous new year. Before sharing with you my outlook for 2013, I’d like to reflect on the development milestones of the proposed 600MW Chandgana Power Plant Project achieved in 2012:

      Signed Cooperation Covenant with the Mongolian Energy Authority to supply electricity by 2016
      Received final quotation from Equipment Procurement Construction (EPC) bidders
      Prepared and submitted Power Purchase Agreement (PPA)
      Submitted Electricity Generation Tariff Application (Tariff Application)
      Published Preliminary Economic Assessment (PEA) study for the Chandgana Tal deposit
      Signed Memorandum of Understanding with strategic partner to jointly develop the project
      Strengthened team with new director, advisors and management

      The project has experienced delays, understandably, as we are working towards a potentially very large power purchase contract (proposed annual revenue anticipated to be in excess of $100 million), entering
      into an EPC contract anticipated to exceed $500 million, securing project financing, and developing the project with a proposed joint venture partner. Discussions with the Mongolian government, interrupted briefly due to the Mongolian summer election, have been positive. I have been in Mongolia since November working towards achieving the above-noted milestones.
      Prophecy’s goals for 2013 include the following:

      Reach consensus on tariff and finalize PPA
      Award EPC Contract
      Finalize strategic joint venture partner agreement
      Commence construction of power plant
      Complete project financing

      Mongolia has not slowed down, as is clearly evidenced by the traffic and pollution. We are grateful that The Ministry of Energy has devoted resources to assist the Chandgana project to potentially start construction in 2013. With approved construction licenses for the power plant and the mine, we are working to become an advanced power development company. A great deal of professional man hours and capital resource has been invested. A very tangible and positive momentum has been building over the past months. I would like to thank our team, the Ministry and its various working group members, as well as our shareholders as Prophecy moves into this important new year.

      With Best Regards,
      John Lee, Chairman

      Disclaimer: The letter contains a number of forward looking statements. The project requires significant capital and resources to develop and there are no assurances that the project construction will begin in 2013. For a full description of “Risk factors” of the company, please refer to the company’s Annual information form dated March 30, 2012 and filed on SEDAR at
      4 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 22.01.13 19:26:14
      Beitrag Nr. 9.193 ()
      Bis Lee's Letter ankommt gibt es anderes wichtiges zu lesen, wie zum Beispiel von BP den Energie Outlook 2030.
      Empfehlenwert besonders wegen der Aussagen zu Kohle, aber auch zu den anderen unwichtigeren Energieträgern! Allein das Bevölkerungswachstum (ca 8,6 Mrd) wird den Energiebedarf steigern, ...poppen für Thermal-Kohle? :)…
      schrieb am 22.01.13 17:17:33
      Beitrag Nr. 9.192 ()
      Zitat von Alfa-Romeo: Bernie ist Dir langweilig ?

      Ja es war, aber der Schnee ist beseitigt und die kleinen Kurs-Türme bei beiden Aktien werden wieder im Chart gezeigt.
      Heute habe ich den guten Rat befolgt und einen strammen 14 km Spaziergang gemacht. Mein Puls war enorm gut;)
      Hoffen wir das der Kurs auch bald enorn steigt.
      Am Freitag möchte ich gern mal andere Türme sehen:laugh:
      schrieb am 22.01.13 13:29:41
      Beitrag Nr. 9.191 ()

      January 22, 2013

      Highlights of Events

      The Office of the President of Mongolia hosted a discussion on the draft Minerals Law on January 18th, 2013. A draft of the proposed Law has been available on its website since December 7th, 2012 and the event was the first formal consultation with key stakeholders.
      The President’s Chief of Staff, Head of draft Minerals Law Working Group Mr. P. Tsagaan chaired the discussion. Mr. Tsagaan provided the opening and closing addresses in front of an audience of an estimated 250 people, including a significant local media presence. Members of the Working Group responsible for the draft Law presented key items of the proposed 145 Articles. Attendees were then splits into four groups: Civil Society/NGO’s (30%); Mining Industry (30%); Academia (15%); and, State organizations representatives (15%), with the remaining 10% of attendees being the independent observes. Direct feedback and concerns from these groups was presented after which the floor was opened up to Q&A.

      Mr. Tsagaan and the Working Group went to repeated efforts to emphasize that business and politics are separate when it comes to the draft Law and that they are looking to engage in an active consultation process to refine and improve the draft. It was reiterated that the proposed Law is not connected in any way to the June 2013 Presidential election. It was highlighted by many that the new Minerals Laws will only be second to Mongolia’s constitution in terms of importance to the economy and its people.
      Timing of the implementation of the proposed Law would depend on the most appropriate and correct version of the Law (even if that takes years). It was widely acknowledged from many stakeholders that the current draft has significant areas of ‘uncertainty’ and key issues that would make it unworkable.

      Following the event the President’s Office is welcoming feedback from stakeholders, particularly those in the mining industry and investors (in both cases both local and foreign), seeking constructive criticism and suggested improvements/revisions to the current draft.

      Other notable developments during the previous week include:

      i. Uncertainty reflected in Chinggis Bonds (refer to exhibit A) – Ahead of the President’s Office meeting with stakeholders the recently issued US$1.5b Sovereign Bond issue fell from 100.21 on January 7, 2013 to 97.95 as of January 22, 2013. The price move again highlights the importance of the draft Law, the markets significant risk aversion to uncertainty and an increasing awareness of, and reaction to, Mongolian developments in the international markets. Recent comments from Government officials are that Mongolia will look to issue more international debt in six to 12 months.
      ii. Immediate future of TT in doubt – Erdenes Tavan Tolgoi (‘TT’) has halted exports to China after failing to pay a company that provides logistical support. Furthermore, TT is reportedly seeking a US$400-500m government loan to repay debt, fund working capital and build infrastructure. Current truck haulage operations are uneconomic with reported opex of $61/t relative to the current price of $53/t. It is believed TT is seeking to renegotiate the terms of its supply agreement with Chalco signed in July 2011, to increase the price and lower the volumes. TT’s financial position, the funding requirements and the current coal environment raises significant queries regarding the Mongolian Federal 2013 budget and any medium term potential for an Initial Public Offering. It is widely viewed that if TT was to be subject to the draft Minerals Law that its economic viability and ability to IPO would be further significantly negatively impacted.
      iii. More funding needed for OT - Rio Tinto is said to be hosting a site visit to Oyu Tolgoi (‘OT’) in the last week of January for the various bankers and investors in connection with the anticipated project financing for the development of the underground operation. Commercial production from initial open pit operations remains on track for 2Q’13. According to OT estimates 80% of wealth generated from the mine will come from the yet unfunded underground operations in 2020.

      Origo Partners View

      § While it was unrealistic that specific concerns regarding the proposed draft Minerals Law would be answered in such an initial public forum, the event was undoubtedly a first encouraging step forward in a much needed consultation, interaction and communication process.
      § The Office of the President went on public record stating its intent to actively seek consultation with the industry/stakeholders, that the draft Law is not motivated by the forthcoming election, and that there is no proposed timeline for finalization until concerns of all stakeholders are addressed.

      § However, we note a significant “disconnect” and misunderstanding between positions, beliefs and convictions of the taskforce and Mongolian authorities and that of the exploration/mining industry and investors. We stress that this “disconnect” not only pertains to draft Minerals law, but to a wider debate in Mongolia about what constitutes ‘fair business’ with foreign investors in general, be it Oyu Tolgoi Investment Agreement or Boroo Stability Agreement. Tax/audit and Law on Lawyers issues illustrate that “disconnect” is reaching epidemic proportions in key sectors fundamental to the growth of the free market and investment in Mongolia. Without understanding each other, it is of no surprise that investors and industry in Mongolia are feeling as if they are being attacked from many angles.
      § We are getting more convinced the draft Minerals law in the essence is the Investment Agreement between state of Mongolia and all mining and exploration investors ex-OT with all the ramifications thereof.
      § Both the taskforce and the industry now face a substantial challenge to connect this significant “disconnects” and bring closer the positions. In our view, the industry now faces an unknown, and most likely prolonged, period of uncertainty that the major weaknesses, and specific Articles of concern, of the draft Law can and will be addressed. This will continue to impact immediate exploration, development and investment activities.

      § We note that the proposed open consultative process will take great leadership from all stakeholders and there will be significant challenges facing both the process and ability to improve the current draft Law into workable framework for all stakeholders. However, we reiterate that the discussion is a first step in right direction in a long and uncertain journey.

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      schrieb am 21.01.13 22:28:43
      Beitrag Nr. 9.190 ()
      Tja, was soll man sagen, hatte schon ein bisschen gehofft, dass der letter heute raus kommt. Auch wenn er vermutlich nur Durchhalte-Parolen enthält. :)
      schrieb am 21.01.13 08:57:33
      Beitrag Nr. 9.189 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 44.043.404 von platinbaron am 21.01.13 08:32:14Moin,

      da Du auch guter Dinge bist und die ausstehenden Meldungen bald hier zusehen sind und der Knoten bald platzt:lick:
      sehen wir auch bessere Kurse.

      Du bestätigst mit deiner Meldung mein gutes Gefühl für die nächsten Wochen;)

      Gruß Berni
      schrieb am 21.01.13 08:32:14
      Beitrag Nr. 9.188 ()
      Guten Morgen. :)

      Laut der Twitter-Seite von Prophecy wird ja dann wohl heute der Update-Letter von John Lee veröffentlicht !
      Das wurde dazu am Freitag gewittert:

      Finalizing PCY update today and over the weekend. -30 in Mongolia

      Wenn man der erst vor kurzem erschienenen, also aktuellen Präsentation glaubt, müsste auch das lang ersehnte PPA in den nächsten 1 1/2 Wochen abgeschlossen werden.

      Chris Ackermann hat mir letzte Woche auf Nachfrage bestätigt, daß die in der Präsentation genannte Zeitschiene aktuell und realistisch ist und er die Daten so von John Lee bekommen hat.

      Hoffen wir mal, daß die mongolische Regierung als Vertragspartner da auch mitspielt und es nicht zu weiteten Verzögerungen kommen wird.

      Zeitlich passend zum PPA kommen dann wahrscheinlich auch noch Bohrergebnisse bei NKL, angekündigt für Ende Januar/Anfang Februar. Auch das sollte bei PCY aufgrund der Beteiligung von aktuell 37,5 % (siehe neu veröffentlichtes factsheed von NKL) kursunterstützend wirken.

      Ich für meinen Teil bin guter Dinge und denke, daß der Knoten nun bald platzt und wir die momentane Unterbewertung bald ad acta legen können. ;)
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 21.01.13 02:46:03
      Beitrag Nr. 9.187 ()
      wird eine zusammenfassung sein. mit ausblick. eventuell versehen mit einem aufruf zur nachsicht, bezüglich der timeline.

      hast ja recht sebaldo. aber wer verspricht sich was von dem lee text ?

      wird nicht die heilsversprechung sein, richtig ?
      schrieb am 20.01.13 22:12:08
      Beitrag Nr. 9.186 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 44.042.536 von likeshares am 20.01.13 17:21:13Es sollte eigentlich bekannt sein, dass wichtige Firmennachrichten nicht mit einem Jahresbrief bekannt gegeben werden dürfen, sondern nur mit einer Pflichtmitteilung (hier: TXS-News).

      Deshalb ist der Jahresbrief für mich - so er denn überhaupt kommt - nicht wirklich interessant.
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      Diskussion zu Silver Elephant Mining Corp, ehemals Prophecy Development Corp.