
    Was bringt uns Yahoo? - 500 Beiträge pro Seite

    eröffnet am 10.10.00 07:52:00 von
    neuester Beitrag 24.10.00 16:48:33 von
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     Ja Nein
      schrieb am 10.10.00 07:52:00
      Beitrag Nr. 1 ()
      Für heute:

      Günstige Einstiegskurse bei Softbank.

      Damit ist`s schon morgen vorbei.

      schrieb am 10.10.00 07:53:32
      Beitrag Nr. 2 ()
      Inhaltsstark wie immer! Ich sag`s ja, IQ 90!
      schrieb am 10.10.00 07:54:55
      Beitrag Nr. 3 ()
      Softlandung also?
      schrieb am 10.10.00 07:54:59
      Beitrag Nr. 4 ()

      ein gutes Zeichen für meinen IQ ist vor allem:

      Ich schreibe nicht soviel BlaBla wie Du.

      schrieb am 10.10.00 07:56:52
      Beitrag Nr. 5 ()

      Trading Spotlight

      Grounded People Apparel
      0,3720EUR +3,33 %
      Massive Ad-hoc mit „Extrempotenzial“ am Montag? Zeitvorteilmehr zur Aktie »
      schrieb am 10.10.00 08:03:22
      Beitrag Nr. 6 ()
      Ich glaub "fsch" kommt im Forum alles andere als gut an!
      schrieb am 10.10.00 08:10:08
      Beitrag Nr. 7 ()

      Was denkst Du über die Quartalszahlen von Yahoo heute Abend?
      schrieb am 10.10.00 08:11:36
      Beitrag Nr. 8 ()
      ich heisse zwar nicht fsch aber möchte meinen Senf trotzdem dazugeben.

      Gott behüte uns vor schlechten Zahlen!

      schrieb am 10.10.00 08:37:36
      Beitrag Nr. 9 ()
      Könnte in dieser Adhoc von heute Morgen eine Gewinnwarnung versteckt sein ?

      Das amerikanische Internetportal Yahoo Inc. meldete eine
      Kooperation mit dem Internet-Telefonieanbieter Net2Phone. Diese
      Voice-Services sollen eine neue Umsatzquelle erschließen und
      neue User gewinnen, gerade auch in Hinblick auf das
      abschwächende Umsatzwachstum.
      schrieb am 10.10.00 08:38:50
      Beitrag Nr. 10 ()
      Ich denke die Zahlen werden positiv überraschen und dann geht die Rallye an der Nasdaq ab (wie letztes Quartal).
      schrieb am 10.10.00 08:41:04
      Beitrag Nr. 11 ()
      Falscher Alarm.

      Umsatzwachstum bezieht sich ja auf Net2Phone.
      schrieb am 10.10.00 08:42:27
      Beitrag Nr. 12 ()
      Softbank musste aus Geldmangel seine Yahoo-Beteiligung schon vor geraumer Zeit massiv abbauen!


      Dein Klaus
      schrieb am 10.10.00 08:43:01
      Beitrag Nr. 13 ()
      schrieb am 10.10.00 09:27:16
      Beitrag Nr. 14 ()

      Die Zahlen werden spitze. Besonders gut auch für CMGI. Haben ja eine nicht gerade kleine Beteiligung an Yahoo.

      Grüße, fs
      schrieb am 10.10.00 09:35:24
      Beitrag Nr. 15 ()
      Kleine "Verschwörungstheorie" von mir;) :

      Diejenigen Unternehmen, die große Anteile an Yahoo halten, haben Yahoo im Verlauf des letzten Quartals ausreichend Aufträge zukommen lassen, damit das Ergebnis besonders positiv wurde...

      schrieb am 10.10.00 10:03:11
      Beitrag Nr. 16 ()

      Das baut mich richtig auf :) !
      schrieb am 10.10.00 10:18:34
      Beitrag Nr. 17 ()
      Ich spekuliere auf schlechte Zahlen bei Yahoo mit einem Put.
      Werde ich heute Nachmittag kaufen.
      Selbst wenn die Zahlen gut sind, können die nicht so weiterwachsen und werden es auch bekanntgeben.
      Sollte das passieren werden Yahoo, die Nasdaq und der Nemax zurück in die Steinzeit geschossen. Genau darauf spekuliere ich. Sollte das nicht passieren habe ich noch genug Aktien die an einem Aufschwung partizipieren werden.

      schrieb am 10.10.00 10:26:52
      Beitrag Nr. 18 ()
      A Vote for Yahoo!

      Yahoo!`s stock is languishing at its 52-week low despite a strong
      underlying business model. This quarter, the company has developed
      several new partnerships and vertical properties, including some promising new services for small
      businesses, all of which strengthens its position as the Rule Maker of the Internet media industry.
      Yahoo! looks ripe for some of the cash in our portfolio`s account.

      By Matt Richey (TMF Verve)
      October 9, 2000

      Yahoo! (Nasdaq: YHOO) reports its third-quarter operational results after the market closes tomorrow.
      Analysts are looking for EPS of 12 cents and revenue of $276.8 million. I expect little in the way of surprises
      because Yahoo! has good visibility into its future revenues (due to an average client contract length of around
      nine months). Barring some disastrous new information in tomorrow`s earnings report, at a market value of
      $49.6 billion, Yahoo! -- the Rule Maker of Internet media -- looks like a prime candidate for some of the cash
      sitting in our account.

      During the past quarter, almost exactly a quarter of Yahoo!`s market value has disappeared -- $18 billion
      vaporized. And year-to-date, over $80 billion of Yahoo!`s value has gone poof. (Where do those billions go,
      you ask? CNBC`s Joe Kernen says they go to "money heaven -- with the angels." Call it theo-economics, I
      guess.) For both the Rule Maker Portfolio and myself as a shareholder, the continuous fall in the share price
      has been somewhat surprising considering the strong underlying business.

      What I find most attractive about Yahoo! as an investment right now is the strong-business/weak-stock
      combination. You may exclaim, "It`s the high valuation that`s deflating the shares!" but I don`t think that`s
      necessarily the case. Our market is filled with companies whose stocks steadily move forward with their
      business success, even when valuations are already high. Have you punched up a quote on General
      Electric (NYSE: GE) lately? I`m a strong believer that ultimately the business and stock will move in the same
      direction. Our markets consistently reward companies that display operational excellence.

      Surely Yahoo!`s business performance qualifies as top-notch. In the past 12 months, Yahoo! has grown
      revenues by 119% and free cash flow by 415%. What does that mean? Well, a year ago, Yahoo! earned 18.2
      cents of free cash flow on each dollar of sales; now, that number has more than doubled to 44.2 cents -- that`s
      the amount of pure profit on each dollar of sales.

      All of that free cash flow rolls onto the balance sheet in the form of a constantly growing cash horde -- now up
      to $1.6 billion -- and no debt. You`ll also find lean working capital management with a Foolish Flow Ratio
      that`s down to an all-time low of 0.34. That compares to a Flow of over 1.00 back in 1997.

      Up and down the financials, you`ll find nothing but a stellar model. There is literally not a single poor metric on
      the page.

      That said, no business is entirely perfect. In Friday`s Yahoo! Earnings Opinion Roundup, our own Tom
      Gardner criticized Yahoo! for not associating itself with a "brand family" of leaders the way other Rule Makers
      have done. He offered the example of the partnerships between Microsoft (Nasdaq: MSFT), Intel (Nasdaq:
      INTC), Dell (Nasdaq: DELL), and Cisco (Nasdaq: CSCO) that have allowed each of those companies to
      dominate a slice of the computer industry.

      Yahoo! may not have those types of large-scale partners, but it has countless smaller partners from which
      Yahoo! aggregates content for its myriad Web services. One of the latest was Yahoo!`s deal with the NFL for
      rights to webcast live audio for 90% of this season`s games.

      All in all, Yahoo! continues to make headway in achieving its mission of being a one-stop shop on the Web.
      The key competitive advantage here is Yahoo!`s universal registration. Sign up once, and you get
      personalized access to everything that Yahoo! offers. Universal registration makes it simple for users to
      continuously try out Yahoo!`s ever-expanding array of personalized services. The more personalized services
      a user adopts, the more often they return to the site. It`s a powerful model.

      Two such services that are new for the quarter are designed to serve the small business market. First,
      Yahoo! Store users now have access to a conveniently integrated accounting solution from NetLedger.
      Second, small businesses in need of hosted server access can look to Yahoo! Servers.

      Yahoo!`s broad popularity and convenience should make these offerings very attractive to small business
      owners. This is a very good thing, as small business is a huge and fast-growing market opportunity.
      According to a recent Upside Today article, there are more than 25 million small businesses in the U.S., and
      only half of those have Internet access.

      During tomorrow`s earnings conference call, I`ll be interested to hear if the company says anything about early
      success with its various business services. To the extent that Yahoo! can expand its revenue streams beyond
      advertising, the company`s investment potential becomes all the more favorable.

      Next Monday, I`ll offer a full analysis of Yahoo!`s third-quarter results.

      In the meantime, I`m already prepared to recommend that the Rule Maker Port consider buying additional
      shares of Yahoo! For the remainder of this week, the other portfolio managers will chime in with their
      opinions. By the end of the week, we`ll announce how we intend to allocate our current $2,100 of cash. We
      may end up buying more than one company. Stay tuned.
      schrieb am 10.10.00 10:28:00
      Beitrag Nr. 19 ()
      Was ist mit den zahlen von Motorola ?
      Man hat ziemlich hohe erwartungen ?
      schrieb am 10.10.00 11:05:46
      Beitrag Nr. 20 ()
      | Analystenmeinungen | Pressemitteilungen Yahoo! Deutschland Finanzen

      Dienstag 10. Oktober 2000, 10:03 Uhr


      AUSBLICK: Yahoo weist in Q3 Gewinn pro Aktie von 12 Cent aus - Analysten
      SAN FRANCISCO (dpa-AFX) - Die Yahoo! (Frankfurt: 900103.F - Nachrichten) Inc wird am heutigen Dienstag einen Gewinn pro Aktie (Earning per Share - EPS) von 12 Cent im Vergleich zu 7 Cent im Vorjahr bekannt geben. Dies erwarten übereinstimmend 31 von First Call befragte Analysten. Als führendes Unternehmen der Branche werden Yahoo`s Zahlen den Investoren zeigen, wie sehr Internet-Firmen von dem jüngsten Abschwung beim Geschäft mit Online-Werbung beeinflusst werden können.
      Es sei jedoch noch unklar, wie sehr dieser Yahoo beeinflusst habe, sagte Jordan Rohan, Analyst bei Wit Soundview. Rohan erwartet, dass Yahoo bei einem Umsatz von 287 Mio. USD die angepeilte Gewinnmarke von 12 Cent pro Aktie erreicht. Er sei jedoch nicht davon überzeugt, dass Yahoo sein Wachstum der letzten Jahre wiederholen könne. Auch bei anderen Medienwerten sei er nicht so optimistisch.

      Frederick Moran von Jefferies & Co hält das Internetportal für stark genug, die Schwächeperiode in der Nachfrage nach Online-Werbung zu meistern. Yahoo gelinge es zunehmend, Kunden zu gewinnen, die für ihre Werbung traditionell andere Medien bevorzugten. Auch er erwartet ein EPS von 12 Cent./pk/js/sk/fl

      m f g
      z erwin
      schrieb am 11.10.00 20:53:13
      Beitrag Nr. 21 ()
      Man lese sich diesen thread mal einen tag später durch; aus Kursen von 100 wurden heute 80!!!!!, dabei sollte der Wert doch explodieren

      fsch, mein Bedauern gilt nur denjenigen, die dir dabei gefolgt sind, gepaart mit der Hoffnung, daß diese daraus lernen.

      Daß eine Vorhersage nicht zutrifft, ist an sich nicht das Problem. Aber deine Vorhersagen treffen systematisch nicht zu, das Schlimme, es verkehrt sich das reale Kursgeschehen ja zumeist ins genaue Gegenteil, weshalb hier erneut auf eine Anpassung des Schreibers - seine Threadanfälle betreffend - an seine Realität zu dringen ist.

      fsch sagt: kauft PCLN bei 40, 2 Tage später ist sie 30% gefallen
      2 Monate später steht sie bei 5

      fsch sagt: kauft Yahoo bei 100-103, sie wird, ja muß am nächsten Tag 15-20% fallen. Und: sie tat es! SK heute 79-80

      fsch sagt: Infor wird morgen Tagesgewinner, dabei wird sie real zweiter Tagesverlierer!
      Ich weiß nicht, warum das so ist, aber es ist halt so!!!!!!
      schrieb am 11.10.00 21:01:20
      Beitrag Nr. 22 ()
      Da lag ich mit meiner gestrigen Aussage (in einem anderen Board) noch sehr viel besser; wenn du deiner eigenen Theorie gefolgt wärest und dir die auslaufenden OSes von Yahoo angeschaut hättest, wärest du selbst zu dem Schluß gekommen, daß Yahoo bis Mitte November keine extraordinäre Wende nach oben hinlegen sollte.
      das hätte dir und anderen bis zu 20% Verlust erspart
      schrieb am 16.10.00 15:39:37
      Beitrag Nr. 23 ()

        15:28  Monday  |  October  16,  2000
      From Yahoo! to whimper

      16.10.2000  |  14:13

      Guy Rolnik  
      The vision of the New Middle East has fizzled out over the last couple of weeks. Broad swatches of the Israeli public previously convinced that sanity and normalization were slowly filtering through the Mideast sands feel they’ve been slapped awake into a new, harsher reality.

      Meanwhile, the hi-tech industry has become embroiled in a fight of its own. Is the hi-tech “bubble” susceptible to the surrounding storm? Optimists argue that most of the sector’s clients are not Israeli anyway, that R&D isn’t affected by events outside the lab and in any case, the staff can be flown off to the United States if necessary. The Cassandras point out that actually, hi-tech is particularly vulnerable because it is entirely dependent on contact with the world, and Israel is looking particularly bad right now when viewed from the U.S. or Europe.

      But the sobering up wasn’t only in the political arena of Israeli-Palestinian relations. Just as the New Middle East vision sputtered, Wall Street began to view Internet-IT-computers in a whole new light.

      Choking on cream
      The most extreme example of the sudden sobriety is evident in Yahoo! (Nasdaq:YHOO) stock, which crashed by about 30% last week, sucking out about $15 billion from the company`s market capitalization. The imploding valuation of one of the most profitable companies in the Internet industry sent shockwaves throughout the industry. Internet-related stocks, such as DoubleClick (Nasdaq:DCLK), caved in, losing half their value over five days.

      Yahoo!’s dive came after the company published its third quarter statement. It has beat analyst forecasts. Revenues had grown by 90% against the comparable quarter of 1999, and net profits had increased by 70% to $80 million.

      Why did investors choke on the cream? Analysts could think of plenty of reasons. Some said that being a good company isn’t enough today, a company has to be very good. Others said that the company`s management didn’t sound optimistic enough. Some mentioned the inevitable – that there are question marks hovering over companies based on revenues from Internet advertising.

      But we prefer to point a finger at an aside during the conference call the company`s executive held with analysts after publishing its Q3 report. Somewhere in the conversation, Yahoo!’s CFO mentioned that weak euro could hurt the company`s results in Europe.

      What – the euro? Did we hear that right? The CFO of Yahoo! is talking about currency rates?

      Now, we understand when Intel (Nasdaq:INTC) discourses about the euro, when Lucent Technologies (NYSE:LU) brings it up, when the Israeli textiles company Delta Galil Industries (Nasdaq:DELT) converses about currency exchange rates. But Yahoo! Isn’t Yahoo! that Webby wonder powered by the “Internet economy”, shooting through uncharted regions of cyberspace at viral, computerized rates of growth no man has ever seen before? Detached from earthly concerns such as – what was it again, exchange rates?

      Back down on earth
      Apparently not. It transpires that even the stars of the Internet sky, companies with a business model as solid as a planet, companies generating enormous earnings and expanding strong, companies that don’t need to spend a red cent on branding and marketing, whose clients are their best marketers – eventually turn out to be – companies. Regular humdrum companies.

      And regular companies need salespeople to sell advertising space. They need marketing staff to close e-commerce deals. Regular companies are affected by the currency paid to them by customers. And Yahoo!, cybercompany extraordinaire, is taking on the trappings of a regular company.

      And the moment that Yahoo! begins to emanate even the slightest whiff of being a regular company, investors turn their attention to its market capitalization ($100 billion half a year ago, $45 billion a week ago, $32 billion today) and say to themselves, hang on, just how much does that company have to earn to justify its valuation?

      And the ! turned into a ?
      Even after its swan dive, Yahoo! is still trading at an inconceivably enormous market cap, underscoring the company`s unique qualities, vast potential and the value it has created for investors during the last five years. Internet world denizens knows that Yahoo! does it better, faster and smarter than anybody else.

      But we believe the question mark floating over Yahoo!’s head represents a new wave, higher than its predecessor, about to inundate the Internet industry. Not only the dot.coms, most of which will go bankrupt over the coming year, but also the companies that develop software and even equipment manufacturers.

      Internet isn’t a dream any more. It’s reality. They aren’t the wunderkind of the corporate world, they’re companies taking on the veneer of familiar old regularity. And if the Internet isn’t magic any more, then neither are companies developing broadband communications gear for fast Internet, or data security companies and their ilk. Because at the end of the day somebody has to pay for that broadband, and for all those technological innovations. The more time goes by, the clearer it will become that while advanced technologies are being adopted, it isn’t happening anywhere close to the predicted pace.
      schrieb am 16.10.00 15:46:09
      Beitrag Nr. 24 ()


      ich finde es beruhigend, wieviele hoffnungsvolle Talente aus dem Geburtsjahrgang letzter Woche stammen.

      schrieb am 16.10.00 17:26:13
      Beitrag Nr. 25 ()
      will heißen: hast wohl noch 10 andere ID`s?
      nein Juttol, noch 23!

      schrieb am 24.10.00 16:48:33
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      Was bringt uns Yahoo?