
    100% mit Gold. --> St Barbara Mines (Seite 250)

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     Ja Nein
      schrieb am 17.12.08 00:55:17
      Beitrag Nr. 4.154 ()
      BTW: Danke, Corniche, für die Info. Mir rätselhaft, woher du die so schnell bekommen hast...


      Damit wird es Zeit, mal unsere Babs zu würdigen:

      A Day to Honor
      Saint Barbara

      Jonathan Young

      Santa Barbara News-Press,
      November 30, 1997

      December fourth is the feast day of Saint Barbara. There is a vivid legend about this obscure saint. Apparently, Saint Barbara was a maiden of great beauty whose father locked her in a tower to remove her from many ardent suitors who were not to his liking. He also wanted keep her from indulging in a habit of constantly helping the poor.

      Barbara's father was devoted to the Greco-Roman religious system. As such, he especially wanted keep her from talking to any followers of a new religion that he saw as dangerous. He was worried that she might convert. The new religion, Christianity, was beginning to nibble at the margins of Roman society. At that time, it had been mainly taken up by the poor and downtrodden. Barbara's father was a rich merchant who had contempt for this scruffy movement. Beyond his personal prejudice was the political reality that any association with the outlawed religion would hurt his grain business.

      Barbara spent years in the tower. She got her food and laundry by way of a basket on a rope. Her father began bringing suitors of his choosing but by then Barbara had lost all interest in marriage. One day, a stranger put a book in the basket from which Barbara learned about the new religion. Barbara so longed to know more about Christianity that she grew ill. Her father sent for a doctor and when the healer arrived, the father in his agitation, did not ask what kind of doctor this was. He was, in fact, a priest -- a doctor of the soul. Barbara asked the priest many questions and received baptism.

      Shortly thereafter, the father had to go away from their home on a journey. Barbara asked the men who worked on the estate to make a third window in her tower. As she was their employer's daughter, they complied. When the father returned and asked the meaning of the third window, Barbara told him that she had converted to Christianity and wanted to have three windows to be reminded of the three names for God. This bit of remodeling earned Barbara the honor of becoming the patron saint of architects.

      Burns-Jones, St. Barbara The rest of the story is harrowing. The father told her she must renounce her new faith or die. When she refused, he betrayed her to the Roman authorities who tortured her but were unable to get her to give up her beliefs. They even tried to shame her by parading her through town naked. The angels sent a convenient fog that completely hid her. Eventually, they ordered her father to kill her. He tried to end her life by a variety of horrific means, but she slipped to safety again and again -- becoming more radiant and holy each time she affirmed her faith. Finally, he grabbed her beautiful long hair and beheaded her. At that moment, bright flames flew out of her body. A moment later, lightning struck the father and killed him.

      Because of her father's fate, her name is invoked in prayers of protection from lightning. As an extension of this, she has become the patron of gunners, miners, and others who work with explosives. An odd aspect of this role is that she has been taken as patron saint by others who use firearms, including bandits, thugs and other criminal types.

      Caribbean practitioners of the Yoruba traditions from Africa use Saint Barbara as a stand-in for Shango. This divinity transcends gender and represents the strong sacred energies of determination and commitment. Those seeking accomplishment in competitive arenas where strong will is required often invoke Shango in the form of Saint Barbara. The powers of nature are available to those who align themselves with this guiding principle. Images of Shango in Africa are shown with a thunderbolt over the head. Illumination is one of the promised rewards of steadfast devotion to such deities.

      The City of Santa Barbara got its name from the early Spanish navigator Juan Cabrillo. On December fourth, the great explorer stopped at a particularly lovely place on the California coast. He chose to name the spot after the patron of that day, Saint Barbara. The island and channel of the same name also got their designations on this occasion. It is fitting that a body of ocean bears her name, as Saint Barbara is also the patron saint of mariners.

      The mythic tale is a variation on the Rapunzel motif. On any holy card of Saint Barbara, the picture is a woman with a tower. The story can be read as an allegory for life's journey. There are times when we may feel as if we are locked away in a tower. This is when we are somehow removed from what would be most fulfilling. We may have hidden ourselves away out of a fear of getting caught up in a passionate cause.

      There are other ways that we might be like Saint Barbara. It can take considerable initiative simply to find our deepest beliefs. It takes additional commitment to develop effective ways to express those values. Both parts of such a project require enormous tenacity.

      Life serves up plenty of opposition to maintaining an inner life. Holding onto a vision calls for powerful resolve. Still, if we are dedicated, the vitality of the soul somehow manages to endure through many dangers. This survival sometimes involves seemingly miraculous assistance. At the end of this journey, like Saint Barbara, we will die. If, like her, we have been strong and loyal to what we find to be true and beautiful, it will have been a good life.
      schrieb am 17.12.08 00:36:28
      Beitrag Nr. 4.153 ()
      Ich schätze mal, die Aussies haben den Chefwechsel noch gar nicht mitbekommen. Die sind erst mal von der Goldhausse überrascht so früh am Morgen!!!

      schrieb am 17.12.08 00:34:08
      Beitrag Nr. 4.152 ()

      Schön, schon bei 0,29 $$$$$$$$$$:D:D:D
      schrieb am 17.12.08 00:31:20
      Beitrag Nr. 4.151 ()
      Der geht bzw. wird gegangen:

      Der kommt:

      Wem vertrauen wir unser Geld an? Wo kommt der her?

      Newcrest is a leading international gold company and one of the world's lowest cost gold producers. The company is Australia's largest gold producer and a global top 10 gold mining company.

      Kosten runter, Dividende rauf! Jawoll!

      Gleich wird es in Down under erst mal upgehen! Ernennung dieses hochkarätigen Typs könnte für erhebliche Kursralleye sorgen.

      Ich finde es gut. Neuer Wein in alten Schläuchen regt erst mal zum Saufen an!


      Eddie hat sich dieses Jahr furchtbar blamiert.

      Aber danken wir ihm für die hervorragende Arbeit, die er geleistet hat. Schließlich hat er während seiner Schaffenszeit die Marktkapitalisierung seiner Firma mehr als verdoppelt. Und ich Hochzeiten sogar verzehnfacht.


      schrieb am 16.12.08 23:56:21
      Beitrag Nr. 4.150 ()
      Farewell, Eddi. Nach der verpatzten HV hat es sich ja irgendwie abgezeichnet.
      2008 war definitiv nicht Dein Jahr.
      Ich bin nur froh, dass geologisch alles geklärt ist und wir and den high grades dran sind.
      Den Neuen schätze ich als harten organisatorischen Umsetzer mit starkem Fokus auf die Ertragsziele ein.
      Im Sinne des Shareholder Values wahrscheinlich eine gute Lösung.


      St Barbara Limited
      ABN 36 009 165 066

      TELEPHONE + 61 3 8660 1900 FACSIMILE + 61 3 8660 1999

      17 December 2008

      St Barbara Announces the Appointment of New CEO & Managing Director

      The Board of St Barbara today announces a transition of leadership that will take
      effect in early March next year.

      On 2 March 2009, Mr Eduard Eshuys will leave St Barbara, resigning from the Board
      and the position of Managing Director & CEO of the Company. He will be succeeded
      by Mr Tim Lehany.

      Previously the Executive General Manager Operations of Newcrest Mining, Mr
      Lehany is a mining engineer, graduating from the NSW University School of Mines
      with a First Class Honours degree. He holds an Executive MBA from the University of
      Melbourne’s Business School and has had extensive operating experience over the
      past 20 years with a number of mining companies. He joined Newcrest Mining in
      early 1999, initially based on site at the Ridgeway/Cadia operations, and
      subsequently in executive management positions at Newcrest’s head office in

      Mr Lehany led the successful establishment and operation of the Ridgeway Gold
      Mine in NSW, and the subsequent amalgamation of Ridgeway and the Cadia Hill
      Gold Mine into Newcrest’s Cadia Valley Operations. In Melbourne, he played a key
      leadership role in the implementation of a structured value-driven five year planning
      process that has greatly streamlined business processes and enhanced Newcrest‘s
      operational performance

      Appointed as Managing Director & CEO in mid 2004, Mr Eshuys’ leadership has
      seen St Barbara re-emerge as a leading Australian gold producer, developer and

      The purchase of the Sons of Gwalia gold assets and the course of St Barbara’s
      growth since then, are well known. Significant new deposits have been discovered
      and the Company’s published reserves and resources extended. Mr Eshuys has
      successfully guided the Company through the critical development and
      commissioning phase of the Gwalia mine, to place St Barbara in a strong position
      strategically as a gold-mining company, to continue to enhance shareholder value on
      a sustained basis.

      In these achievements, he has been assisted by the expertise, hard work and
      enthusiasm of a team of managers, employees and contractors.

      The Board has been mindful of the need for a longer term growth strategy for the
      Company to be developed. We are pleased to have been able to retain a high
      calibre successor to Mr Eshuys, to lead the Company into the next growth phase.

      The Board is also pleased that Mr Eshuys’ skills have not been lost to the Company.
      He will be retained through a consultancy arrangement, which will allow the
      Company to continue to access his proven exploration expertise and knowledge ofCompany assets and activities. He will be assisting Mr Lehany in the transition

      The Board acknowledges Mr Eshuys’ achievements with appreciation and welcomes
      Mr Lehany to St Barbara.

      Operations Progress Report

      We are pleased to confirm that activities at Southern Cross and Leonora Operations
      are proceeding according to plan –

      1. the first high grade stope in the Gwalia Deeps is currently being prepared to
      commence production this month, as previously advised.

      2. the Gwalia processing plant is operating at above design capacity

      3. development of the Hoover and Barden declines is on track

      4. production from Southern Cross Operations is in line with forecast

      5. The December 2008 quarterly report is due to be released around 22nd
      January 2009.

      Colin Wise

      Trading Spotlight

      East Africa Metals
      0,1250EUR +7,76 %
      East Africa Metals: Neues All-Time-High – die 276% Chance jetzt nutzen?!mehr zur Aktie »
      schrieb am 16.12.08 14:48:16
      Beitrag Nr. 4.149 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 36.212.906 von ErsterSeelord am 16.12.08 12:42:21ging mir ähnlich,

      als ich dann irgendwann sah, dass St. Barbara eine grössere Beteiligung eingegangen war und noch dazu der Kurs relativ ausgebombt schien, da konnt ich nicht widerstehen;)

      vielleicht krieg ich meine "alten Verluste" wieder rein:D
      schrieb am 16.12.08 12:42:21
      Beitrag Nr. 4.148 ()
      ...da sollte ich mir doch BENDIGO näher ansehen: ich war drin, als der Kurs so um die 22 bis 24 Eurocents stand...Irgendwann habe ich die Reissleine gezogen und den Laden nicht weiter verfolgt. Vamos a ver:)
      schrieb am 16.12.08 11:53:20
      Beitrag Nr. 4.147 ()
      Bei guten Projekten gibt es sicher Finanzierungsmöglichkeiten. Gerade bei Gold dürfte das Problem nicht ganz so groß sein wie z.B. bei Industriemetallen. Selbst da geht aber was. Ich halte Norsemont (Cu-Ag-Mo-Au), die haben am Wochenende ein PP bekanntgegeben und der Kurs hat sich wacker gehalten durch die Finanzkrise. NOM war mal mein Sorgenkind, mittlerweile sehe ich das Invest so wie SBM: aussichtsreich!

      lg :cool:
      schrieb am 16.12.08 11:33:06
      Beitrag Nr. 4.146 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 36.212.017 von ErsterSeelord am 16.12.08 11:11:52da steht Bendigo wohl gut da,

      ca. 48 Mio. Cash - ein Jahr zuvor ca. 70 Mio`s, nun verkaufen sie ja auch schon aus ihrer Testproduktion, was nicht von Nachteil sein muss;)

      Bendigo scheint für die nächsten zwei Jahre eigentlich durchfinanziert - da wird man sich bei unserer Barbara das auch schon angesehen haben bevor man sich mit 10% beteiligt.

      wie gesagt ich bin bei beiden Werten investiert und schaue mittlerweile ganz beruhigt in die Zukunft:look:;)
      schrieb am 16.12.08 11:11:52
      Beitrag Nr. 4.145 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 36.211.190 von nnah am 16.12.08 09:35:28NNAH, das ist aber das derzeit grösste Probleme der Explorer: Wie kommen sie an Kohle, um den hohen Finanzbedarf beim Übergang zur Produktion zu decken? Keine Sau gibt denen doch derzeit auch nur einen Cent...:cry:
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      100% mit Gold. --> St Barbara Mines