
    Was gibt es neues zu Corel ? - 500 Beiträge pro Seite

    eröffnet am 10.01.01 13:12:36 von
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     Ja Nein
      schrieb am 10.01.01 13:12:36
      Beitrag Nr. 1 ()
      Weiß jemand, ob es neue Info`s zu Corel gibt, oder warum sind die um 22 % im Amiland gestiegen ??
      schrieb am 10.01.01 13:26:23
      Beitrag Nr. 2 ()
      Corel hat auf der MacWorld die Beta-Version von Corel KnockOut 1.5.1
      und Bryce 4.1 vorgestellt.

      schrieb am 10.01.01 20:44:50
      Beitrag Nr. 3 ()
      Neue Information bei

      Das Kürzel: COR-T
      schrieb am 10.01.01 22:25:06
      Beitrag Nr. 4 ()
      Financial Post - Wednesday January 10, 2001

      By Robert Thompson


      Corel Corp. highlighted several new products aimed at the Apple Computer market yesterday at Macworld in San Francisco, adding to rumours the company may be refocusing specifically on the graphics market.

      Corel launched versions of KnockOut 1.5.1, Bryce 4.1 for the Mac OS X and Painter 6.1. The software push is aimed at re-establishing the firm with Apple Macintosh computer users, according to Ian Legrow, Corel`s executive vice-president of creative products.

      "Corel has really tried to push ahead with our graphics line," said Mr. LeGrow. "And we need to have applications in this space. What we`re doing is showing support for the Mac OS X."

      Mac OS X, the latest version of the Apple operating system, goes on sale on March 24.

      A new version of Corel`s flagship CorelDRAW software did not show up at Macworld, despite the company developing a prototype and demonstrating it for journalists. Mr. LeGrow said the firm would be launching a new version in the coming months. A version of CorelDRAW for the Macintosh last appeared in the mid-1998.

      Corel said this week that its planned restructuring will be announced on Jan. 23.

      The Financial Post has learned Corel will sell its Linux products to a New York-based company, and sources close to Corel have said its WordPerfect word processing software may also be sold.

      That would leave Corel focused specifically on the graphics software field, the niche it initially worked in during the 1980s.
      schrieb am 11.01.01 08:40:11
      Beitrag Nr. 5 ()
      Wie erklären sich denn bitte die 40% Steigerung in Amiland ?

      Gibts da vielleicht einen Käufer für die Linux-Sparte ?

      Trading Spotlight

      East Africa Metals
      0,1350EUR +4,65 %
      East Africa Metals: Neues Jahreshoch und signifikanter Ausbruch!mehr zur Aktie »
      schrieb am 11.01.01 12:14:37
      Beitrag Nr. 6 ()
      Spekulation um den Verkauf des WordPerfekt-Teils für
      3 Dollar / share.
      Das heisst dann, dass der Cash, den Corel hat, einen Preis von ca. 10 Dollar / share ausmachen sollte. Nicht zu vernachlässigen ist das jetzt wahrscheinlich fokussierte Kerngeschäft von Corel bezüglich Grafik und Animation. Ich bin noch dabei und rechne mit einer deutlichen Erholung.
      schrieb am 11.01.01 19:14:57
      Beitrag Nr. 7 ()
      Gute alte Corel, hatte noch ein paar "Erinnerungsaktien" von April 99 zu denen ich letzte Woche ein paar zugekauft habe. 2000% wirds zwar nicht mehr geben, aber zwei/dreihundert % könnten bis Jahresende wohl wieder drin sein oder wie seht ihr das ?
      schrieb am 11.01.01 20:04:42
      Beitrag Nr. 8 ()
      Wollte eigentlich meine 1500 Stück, mit Mischkurs 9 Euro verkaufen. Als dann Microsoft in Corel zu 25 % eingestiegen ist, habe ich es mir doch anders überlegt. Denn warum sollte Billi in eine Firma investieren, die er nicht für aussichtsreich hält. Denke mir mal, er wird Corel wieder auf die Sprünge helfen.

      schrieb am 11.01.01 23:39:07
      Beitrag Nr. 9 ()
      Denke Billi hat sich ueber Corel in Linux eingekauft
      um dort nix zu verpassen.
      Fuer Ihn eh nur was fuer aus der Portokasse.
      Aber es zeigt mal wieder sein Gespuer dafuer wo
      know-how zu holen ist.
      Noch pruegelt er allerdings auf Linux rum,
      wuendern mich nicht wundern wenn Billi in 2- 3 Jahren
      mit einer z.B.Micnux Distribution um die Ecke kommt.
      schrieb am 30.03.01 08:50:36
      Beitrag Nr. 10 ()
      Corel Delivers the Modest Profit It Promised
      By Susan Taylor

      OTTAWA (Reuters) - As promised, struggling Canadian software developer Corel Corp. (COR.TO) delivered a modest first-quarter profit on Thursday, thanks to a boost from interest income and cost-cutting measures.

      Corel, best known for its WordPerfect and CorelDRAW programs, also said it is "reasonably confident" it can repeat a profitable performance in the second and third quarters.

      The company -- which is preparing to launch a wave of new products this spring and summer -- said there is some uncertainty over its revenue stream and said spending will increase in marketing and research and development.

      In January, Corel forecast a profit by its third quarter and said it expected to increase annual revenues by 20 percent over the next three years.

      On Thursday, Corel reported a first-quarter net income of $534,000, or 1 cent a share, versus a year-earlier net loss of $12.4 million, or 19 cents a share. The results are in line with a pre-announcement issued last week.

      Excluding $1.75 million in interest income, Corel posted an operating loss of $1 million for the quarter, an improvement over last year`s operating loss of $18.7 million. Cash at the end of the quarter stood at $124.4 million.

      Revenues for the period ended Feb. 28 were $32.5 million, below the company`s forecast of a slight decline from sales of $44.1 million in the same period last year.

      Graphics software sales rose only slightly to $20.8 million from $19.8 million in the same period last year, while word processing products slipped to $11.6 million from $22.1 million.

      "While our overall results are encouraging, it`s clear that we need to increase revenues," said chief executive Derek Burney in a conference call.

      Corel, which has been slumping amid weakening demand for its older lines of software, launched a plan last summer to cut $40 million in annual expenses, which included a 20 percent staff reduction.

      Operating costs in the quarter fell to $27 million from $47.8 million last year, as advertising and research and development costs were more than halved. Administrative expenses were also trimmed to $15 million from $22 million.

      The first-quarter performance marks an improvement over Corel`s dismal fourth quarter, in which is posted a deeper than forecast loss but said it expected sales to make gradual gains in coming quarters.

      Corel affirmed its 2001 target for 8 to 12 percent revenue growth over 2000 on Thursday.

      The company has said graphics sales will grow 15 to 20 percent over last year. Word processing product sales will be flat, it projected, as first- and second-quarter declines were balanced by gains from a new WordPerfect release.

      "Over the short term, we will work swiftly to capitalize on the revenue opportunities that we foresee with the release of WordPerfect Office 2002 in the spring," said Burney in a statement.

      "This will be followed in the summer with a full line of new creative (graphics) product releases for both the Windows and Macintosh platforms."

      Corel appointed senior executive Rene Schmidt as its chief technology officer on Thursday, filling a job that had been held by Burney, who was named chief executive after the resignation of company founder Michael Cowpland last summer.
      schrieb am 28.06.01 15:04:40
      Beitrag Nr. 11 ()
      Das zweite Quartal hintereinander mit Gewinn - Sieht richtig schön nach Turnaround aus :)
      schrieb am 16.07.01 15:29:20
      Beitrag Nr. 12 ()
      Corel kauft Micrografx.

      schrieb am 15.02.02 20:05:30
      Beitrag Nr. 13 ()
      Hier etwas neues zu Corel aufgelesen beim der Comdirect

      Corel macht Verlust und weniger Umsatz

      Der kanadische Softwarehersteller Corel, an dem auch der Softwarekonzern Microsoft beteiligt ist, meldete heute Zahlen für das vierte Quartal 2001. Wie das Unternehmen bekannt gab, lagen die Umsätze mit 31,6 Mio. Dollar deutlich unter dem Vorjahreswert von 40,4 Mio. Dollar.

      Gleichzeitig vergrößerte sich der Verlust von 8,6 Mio. Dollar auf 10,7 Mio. Dollar. Dies entspricht einem Minus von 14 Cents je Aktie. Analysten hatten im Vorfeld einen Gewinn von 2 Cents je Aktie erwartet.

      Für das Gesamtjahr hat das Management allerdings die Prognosen noch einmal bestätigt. Erwartet wird ein Verlust von 23-31 Mio. Dollar bei einem Umsatz von 170-180 Mio. Dollar.

      Anleger waren mit dem Ergebnis trotzdem nicht zufrieden.
      schrieb am 21.02.02 14:33:53
      Beitrag Nr. 14 ()
      weitere news unter
      tb 2
      schrieb am 01.03.02 09:20:03
      Beitrag Nr. 15 ()
      Der Link im vorhergehenden Posting findet gar keine Resonanz. Deshalb habe ich diesen Artikel nochmal hier reinkopiert. Ich finde die Entwicklung bei corel nicht uninteressant. Es gibt nicht wenige, die in offenen XML Standards, die nächste technologische Revolution im Internet sehen. Software lässt sich künftig wesentlich umfangreicher und einfacher in eine andere Software integrieren als alles was bisher bekannt ist. Unabhängig von Plattformen erlaubt XML auf einfache Weise den Austausch von Informationen.

      Der Kurs der Aktie liegt sehr tief und scheint noch in einem Abwärtstrend. Die Umsätze sind mehr als gering. Aber von Corel weiß man, dass sie ein "Stehaufmännchen" sind. ZZ positionieren sie sich für künftige Entwicklungen. Aber lest `mal selbst:


      Corel will mit neuer XML-Strategie Großkunden gewinnen

      Derek Burney, Präsident und CEO der Corel Corporation, hat gestern anlässlich seiner Ansprache auf den Seybold Seminars in New York Corels neue Unternehmensstrategie dargelegt, die sich dem Markt der Großkunden öffnen will. Als Teil dieser Strategie wurde das XML-Projekt Deepwhite eingeführt. Diese neue Marke steht für Software im Bereich der Content-Erstellung, des Prozessmanagements (Enterprise Process Management) und der technischen Illustration für Unternehmenskunden.

      Eine der ersten Komponenten: die Vermarktung von XML-aktivierten Content-Lösungen. Durch die Funktion Smart-Content behalten Inhalte ihre dynamischen und interaktiven Eigenschaften, unabhängig davon, ob die Ausgabe nun über Desktop-Computer, PDAs oder Mobiltelefone erfolgt.

      Weiter findet sich in dem Paket XML-basierte Hilfsmittel zur Erstellung von Content mit Text, Grafiken, Daten und Layout, Web-Dienstleistungen und -Komponenten. Die ersten Produkte von Deepwhite werden voraussichtlich im Verlauf dieses Jahres auf den Markt kommen.

      In diesen Tagen hatte das kanadische Unternehmen Corel angekündigt, seine Entwicklersite für Open-Source-Software nun endgültig zu schließen. Mit dem strategischen Projekt hatte man Millionen verloren. (as)

      [ Donnerstag, 21.02.2002, 12:57 ]
      schrieb am 28.03.02 18:56:59
      Beitrag Nr. 16 ()
      Somit ist die Zitterpartie vor den Zahlen vorbei und der entspannte Blick kann nach vorne gerichtet werden.
      schrieb am 13.06.02 21:11:08
      Beitrag Nr. 17 ()
      Jetzt antizyklisch einsteigen oder warten, bis Cash-Price erreicht ist? Fragen über Fragen...

      StreetSignal: Smallcap Research & Analysis

      NOTE: An extra email this week as Corel hit a dowside target today that we have been waiting several months for. Monday we will have a new pick in the resource sector which has moved very little this year and trades near $0.40 cdn (copper/silver).

      1. Corel Corp (COR:TSE $1.44) (CORL:NASD $0.95)

      Our Estimated (Net) Cash balance to the end of Dec/02 = $59 million ($0.51/share U.S.)

      A couple months ago we reported on Corel when the stock was almost twice this price and indicated that it appeared substantially over-valued so we would email again should the price hit $1 U.S. This range would represent a premium to our forecasted year-end cash value but with annual sales well in excess of $100 million and Microsoft as a major shareholder, this range represented a decent speculation in the software sector.

      In previous guidance the company has forecasted that they will need to spend at least $25 million extra in marketing, research & development. On several occasions the company has stated that they do not expect to turn a profit for at least 12mths.

      They are doing a good job of controlling costs but we need to assume they are still going to lose at least $1 million per month over and above the additional $25 million forecasted for 2002. This could be pure speculation but it`s a safe assumption I believe. For sake of calculating our downside risk, we assumed the company would burn through $32 million between March and year end. It is based on this that we estimate they will end 2002 with approx. $59 million U.S. in the bank, or approx. $0.51/share.

      By Q1/03 they may be profitable on revenue of almost $150 million U.S. and with approx. $50 million U.S. in the bank. Obviously this is worth a lot more than cash value of $0.51/share. It also doesn`t take into consideration that the company could always merge with another or be bought out entirely (keeping in mind that Microsoft essentially owns 25% of them).

      Technology stocks continue to look weak so a person needs to look at cash rich companies that have significant sales and the ability to survive this downturn without the need for further financing. Corel is a well known name and with Microsoft as a major shareholder, it may one day prove to have been an opportunistic bottom fish in the $1.40`s (Cdn).

      schrieb am 10.08.02 10:57:50
      Beitrag Nr. 18 ()
      Corel kann wirklich ein besseres Marketing gebrauchen.
      Aber was ist denn das für ein Manager, der Microsoft verläßt und zu
      Corel wechselt?…

      Wednesday August 7, 4:09 pm Eastern Time

      Corel Corporation Appoints Vice-President, Enterprise Solutions
      Former Microsoft Executive to Spearhead Corel`s Enterprise Sales Strategy

      OTTAWA, ONTARIO--Corel Corporation (NASDAQ: CORL,TSX:COR)
      today announced the appointment of David Roberts to the position of
      vice-president, enterprise solutions a key role in the company`s drive to
      expand and fortify its position in large enterprise accounts.

      Mr. Roberts joins Corel following 12 years at Microsoft Corporation, most
      recently as General Manager for Microsoft`s Global Accounts organization.
      In this capacity, he was responsible for driving Microsoft`s worldwide
      enterprise sales and services strategies, in addition to promoting policies
      and programs designed specifically for the company`s largest enterprise

      While at Microsoft, Mr. Roberts held a number of key strategy and sales
      positions. As Senior Director of Partners in the Worldwide Enterprise
      Group, he was responsible for the company`s worldwide enterprise sales
      and services strategy with global technology and outsourcing alliance

      Mr. Roberts will lead Corel`s enterprise sales division with a clear mandate
      to strengthen its relationships with top corporate accounts
      and increase sales of the company`s portfolio of enterprise-focused

      Mr. Roberts will be based out of Corel`s Dallas office. "We are very
      pleased to welcome David to Corel as a key member of the company`s
      sales leadership team," said Gary Klembara, executive vice-president
      of sales at Corel Corporation. "David has enjoyed a distinguished sales
      career and has built a solid reputation within the enterprise community
      through his expertise, knowledge and extensive contacts. He has a
      proven track record of exceeding sales targets and building strong
      relationships with Fortune 500 enterprise clients. We intend to fully
      capitalize on David`s considerable assets as we move aggressively
      to strengthen our presence in the enterprise market."

      "I am very excited to be joining Corel at a time when the company is taking
      decisive steps to grow its enterprise client base," said David Roberts,
      vice-president of enterprise solutions at Corel Corporation. "With
      established global brands and a full complement of enterprise solutions
      and services, the company is well positioned to offer a compelling
      business benefit to corporate clients."
      schrieb am 20.08.02 19:24:22
      Beitrag Nr. 19 ()
      Der neue, von Microsoft kommende Manager David Roberts scheint aktiv zu werden.…

      Aug. 16, 01:03 EDT Corel takes shot at Microsoft
      New ads attack `big cheese of software`
      Tyler Hamilton
      Technology Reporter

      »Corel Corp. has run full-page advertisements in the
      Wall Street Journal for the past two weeks hoping to
      lure away business customers who are fed up with
      Microsoft Corp.`s controversial new licensing program.

      Industry observers say it`s a bold move, particularly
      because the Redmond, Wash.-based software giant
      acquired a fifth of Corel nearly two years ago through
      a $135 million cash injection.

      One full-page ad that appeared in Wednesday`s Journal
      read "Trapped?" and showed a mousetrap clamped down on
      a computer mouse.

      "Feel like the big cheese of software is locking you
      in? Wondering if freedom to choose actually exists in
      the licensing world? Frustrating, isn`t it?" the ad
      asked. "Well fear not, the new Corel Licensing Program
      is here to unleash you."

      This wouldn`t be the first time Ottawa-based Corel
      tried to take on the mighty Microsoft.

      After Corel`s 1996 purchase of WordPerfect, the gutsy
      software firm pledged to go head-to-head with Microsoft
      in desktop applications.

      Its bark proved louder than its bite.

      Microsoft continued to flourish while Corel, under the
      direction of founder and former chief executive Michael
      Cowpland, struggled to stay competitive.

      After a series of missteps, Corel welcomed the
      investment from Microsoft as an opportunity to get back
      on its feet, despite the adversarial history that had
      developed between the two companies.

      David Roberts, a 12-year Microsoft veteran who was
      hired by Corel last month as vice-president of
      enterprise software, said the new ad campaign shouldn`t
      be interpreted as a rekindled war between Corel and

      "We`ve been through that drill before," said Roberts.
      "This is in no way a signal in strategy that we`re
      going to compete with Microsoft. Microsoft is a great
      partner and an important investor in our company."

      That said, Roberts said Corel wanted to take advantage
      of the controversy surrounding Microsoft`s new software
      licensing program, which began Aug. 1. Under
      Microsoft`s "Software Assurance" plan, businesses are
      required to sign up for multi-year contracts and must
      agree to annual payments and guaranteed upgrades if
      they want to receive volume discounts.

      The structure of the licensing program has annoyed many
      Microsoft customers, creating an opportunity for
      companies such as Corel that are looking to pick up new

      "These enterprise agreement customers are customers we
      don`t reach today at Corel. ... We felt it wouldn`t be
      prudent if we didn`t take a shot at creating some
      demand at our company," Roberts said.

      The Journal ad promotes a 90-day offer that allows
      Microsoft customers to test Corel WordPerfect for a
      year at no risk. The customer only pays after choosing
      to keep the software.

      Roberts said it`s a way to give exposure to WordPerfect
      and other Corel products.«

      Interessant ist der Widerspruch:
      Man tritt nicht in Wettbewerb mit dem übermächtigen
      Giganten Microsoft - aber man umwirbt dessen verärgerte

      Vielleicht ist das aber überhaupt kein Widerspruch:
      Liegen die Aktivitäten von David Roberts nicht auch im
      Interesse von Microsoft?

      Ist es die Zielrichtung der Aktion, ein Abwandern
      verärgerter MS-Office-Benutzer nach StarOffice /
      OpenOffice zu verhindern, wenn man schon den Absprung
      des einen oder anderen von Microsoft-Office nicht
      aufhalten kann? Mit StarOffice / OpenOffice eröffnet
      sich nicht nur eine Alternative im Office-Bereich,
      sondern auch die Option eines Wechsels des
      Betriebssystems. Benutzen hingegen verärgerte Kunden
      von MS-Office statt dessen Corel-Office, bleiben sie
      auf Betriebssystem-Ebene auf MS-Windows angewiesen.
      Denn schon bald, nachdem Michael Cowpland im Sommer
      2000 gehen mußte und Microsoft in Corel investierte,
      sind Corels Office-Programme nur noch für MS-Windows
      Betriebssysteme angeboten worden (wenn man von dem
      nicht beworbenen WP 8 Unix Server Edition zu 250 Dollar

      Das wäre ein erstes Zeichen, was der auf den ersten
      Blick so merkwürdige Wechsel von David Roberts zu Corel
      tatsächlich bedeutet.

      Wie auch immer, das Ganze verdient weitere Beobachtung.
      schrieb am 30.08.02 15:09:18
      Beitrag Nr. 20 ()
      außerordentliche Hauptversammlung Heute einberufen, wegen Beratung neuer Aktienstruktur.
      schrieb am 30.08.02 15:38:47
      Beitrag Nr. 21 ()
      Microsoft kauft sich bald den ganzen Laden. 24 % haben Sie schon.
      schrieb am 12.03.03 11:40:16
      Beitrag Nr. 22 ()

      Microsoft verkauft seine Anteile an Corel. Dabei soll dem Redmonder Konzern ein Verlust von rund 100 Millionen US-Dollar entstanden sein, berichten US-amerikanische Medien. Die Anteile werden zum 24. März von Vector CC Holdings für rund 13 Millionen US-Dollar übernommen.

      Der Software-Riese hatte im Oktober 2000 24 Millionen Vorzugsaktien ohne Stimmrecht zum Preis von je 5,625 US-Dollar gekauft. Das macht einen Anteil von 24,6 Prozent. Seinerzeit gab Microsoft seine Engagement als strategische Investition aus, um seine .Net-Initiative voranzubringen. Ein wesentliches Motiv dürfte aber auch die kartellrechtliche Auseinandersetzung mit der US-Regierung und 19 US-Bundesstaaten gewesen sein. Der Konkurs eines Wettbewerbers wie Corel hätte Microsofts Argumentation erheblich geschwächt. (anw/c`t)
      schrieb am 25.03.03 11:35:54
      Beitrag Nr. 23 ()
      Dow Jones Business News
      Shares of Software Firm Corel Up on Possible Takeover Bid
      Monday March 24, 12:14 pm ET
      By Stuart Weinberg

      TORONTO -- Corel Corp. shares are up Monday on news that Vector Capital is considering a US$1.10-a-share takeover bid for the Ottawa software maker.

      In late-morning trading on the Nasdaq Stock Market (News - Websites), Corel rose 18 cents, or 24%, to 92 cents.

      Corel, best known for its WordPerfect and CorelDRAW products, said early Monday that Vector, a San Francisco venture-capital firm, will be given an opportunity to begin a due-diligence review of Corel and to make a takeover proposal. CIBC World Markets will advise Corel and solicit alternative proposals.

      The news isn`t a surprise, coming just weeks after Vector purchased 22.9 million Series A preferred Corel shares from Microsoft Corp. (NasdaqNM:MSFT - News) for $12.9 million. The shares represent about a 20% stake in Corel. Microsoft bought the shares in October 2000 for $135 million

      Duncan Stewart, partner at Tera Capital Corp. and a long-time Corel watcher, said there could be competing bids for Corel. He said Corel has always had good products and an acquirer would cut costs at the company and turn it into a "cash cow."

      The list of potential suitors could include "almost anybody," Mr. Stewart said. "There is no obvious, logical slam-dunk (buyer)," he said.

      Corel`s board agreed to support a $1.10-a-share bid from Vector, but Mr. Stewart said it`s far from certain one will be forthcoming as Vector`s due- diligence review may determine that the company isn`t worth that much. "We don`t know yet what the price will be," he said. "(Vector) says quite clearly `we can`t come up with the US$1.10 number right now.` I think they`re trying to say it will probably be in this ballpark."

      The agreement with Vector allows Corel`s board to consider and support a superior proposal. Vector has agreed not to oppose a competing bid that provides for payment to Vector of at least $1.25 per Series A share and for payment to the holders of Corel`s common shares of at least 105% of Vector`s best offer.

      Mr. Stewart, who hasn`t owned any Corel shares since last June, said he isn`t planning on buying any shares on this latest news. "You just don`t have enough information to play the takeover here," he said.

      -Stuart Weinberg, Dow Jones Newswires; 416-306-2026;
      schrieb am 25.03.03 14:41:32
      Beitrag Nr. 24 ()
      Das hört sich doch ganz gut an!
      Frage mich warum alle so zurückhaltend sind!
      Die Produkte sind doch gut von Corel!
      Sehe durchaus die Change auf einen
      Kurs >1 Euro.
      schrieb am 25.03.03 14:51:55
      Beitrag Nr. 25 ()
      wird doch gekauft:)
      gerade 9800 zu 0,85
      schrieb am 25.03.03 15:13:36
      Beitrag Nr. 26 ()
      Das ist auch gut so!
      schrieb am 26.03.03 13:12:34
      Beitrag Nr. 27 ()
      Press Release Source: ACD Systems International Inc.

      ACD Systems Signs Licensing Agreement with Corel to Introduce Professional Digital Software Package
      Wednesday March 26, 4:01 am ET
      ACD Systems Signs Licensing Agreement with Corel to Introduce Professional Digital Software Package

      VICTORIA, British Columbia--(BUSINESS WIRE)--March 26, 2003-- ACD Systems International Inc. (TSX:ASA - News), the digital imaging company, today announced a licensing agreement with Corel Corporation (NASDAQ:CORL - News; TSX:COR - News), in which ACD Systems has chosen to bundle Corel PHOTO-PAINT® 11 with ACD mPower Tools and ACD FotoSlate. This licensing agreement will enable ACD Systems to offer a high quality software package for advanced photographers. The bundle will incorporate software for all aspects of a user`s workflow with digital photos - from acquiring, viewing and organizing to editing, enhancing and printing. This unique offer is expected to be available in English, German, French and Japanese.

      Corel PHOTO-PAINT 11 image editing software allows for the quick and easy manipulation of photographs. This version of the powerful program features a new Cutout tool and enhanced image stitching, as well as enhanced effects for lighting, bevels, and lens flares. Corel PHOTO-PAINT 11 gives users fast and powerful high-end tools that remain easy to use, for fixing photos and making web and print graphics. Corel PHOTO-PAINT 11 is used by graphics professionals and consumers around the world and supports both Windows® and Macintosh® platforms.

      ACD mPower Tools is a convenient set of tools that extends the photo and media functionality of Windows and other Windows programs. ACD mPower Tools gives users the ability to quickly view and manage over 50 types of media, making their work more efficient.

      ACD FotoSlate 2.0 allows users to create, save, and print professional-looking layouts of digital photos by either choosing from over 450 print templates included or by designing a custom-made template. By using FotoSlate 2.0 to create contact sheets, photo collections, and albums, users will save time and money printing only the photos they want - in the size, layout and style that they want. FotoSlate is employed by consumers and professionals for fast and easy printing.

      ACD Systems will officially introduce this bundle at Retail Vision Europe this April in Barcelona, Spain. Retail Vision is the only Pan-European event where the industry`s top retailers meet to do business with the leading vendors of the hottest products, technologies, and merchandising programs.

      Kevin Hawe, senior vice president of sales and marketing for ACD Systems, says, "This unparalleled offer combines Corel`s brand and technology in professional photo editing with the reach of ACD`s brand and technology in image management. The bundle will first be introduced to the European marketplace where ACD Systems and Corel products have already been widely embraced by professional users."

      "Developing partnerships with companies like ACD Systems allows Corel to increase our presence in the imaging market, while providing invaluable tools for photographers," said Steve Houck, executive vice-president of partner relations at Corel Corporation. "The exceptional capabilities of Corel PHOTO-PAINT 11, combined with ACD System`s efficient image management tools will create an ideal package for photographers to express their creativity and expand their toolset immediately."

      About Corel Corporation

      Founded in 1985, Corel Corporation ( is a leading technology company specializing in content creation tools, business process management and XML-enabled enterprise solutions. The company`s goal is to give consumers and enterprise customers the ability to create, exchange and instantly interact with visual content that is always relevant, accurate and available. With its headquarters in Ottawa, Canada, Corel`s common stock trades on the Nasdaq Stock Market under the symbol CORL and on the Toronto Stock Exchange under the symbol COR.

      About ACD Systems International Inc.

      Headquartered in British Columbia since 1993, ACD Systems International (TSX:ASA - News) is one of the world`s leading developers and marketers of digital imaging software. ACD has penetrated the global marketplace through advanced Internet distribution and strategic partnerships with manufacturers and developers. ACD has millions of consumer users and over 33,000 corporate customers including many Fortune 500 companies.

      This press release contains forward-looking statements. These statements reflect management`s current forecast of certain aspects of the company`s future business. These forward-looking statements are subject to certain risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results of operations to differ materially from historical results or current expectations. The factors underlying forecasts are dynamic and subject to change. As a result, forecasts speak only as of the date they are given and do not necessarily reflect the company`s outlook at any other point in time. The company does not undertake to update or review these forward-looking statements.

      * (C) 2003 Corel Corporation. All rights reserved. Corel and the Corel logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Corel Corporation and/or its subsidiaries. All other product, font and company names and logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies.
      * (C) 2003 ACD Systems Ltd. ACD mPower Tools, FotoSlate, ACD and the ACD Systems logo are trademarks of ACD Systems Ltd. in the U.S. and other countries.


      ACD Systems International Inc.
      Dianne Escude, 250/544-6700
      Mark Franklin, 250/544-6700
      Corel Corporation
      Meredith Dundas, 613/728-0826 ext. 1513
      schrieb am 26.03.03 14:02:48
      Beitrag Nr. 28 ()
      25 000 zu 0,85 Cent!
      Da ist doch was im Bush?!
      schrieb am 26.03.03 15:39:28
      Beitrag Nr. 29 ()
      noch kein handel in amiland
      was geht da ab :confused:
      schrieb am 26.03.03 15:43:08
      Beitrag Nr. 30 ()
      aha,jetzt aber
      0,92 +1,099%
      schrieb am 26.03.03 17:13:03
      Beitrag Nr. 31 ()
      Gibt wohl aber noch keine genauen Infos zum
      Schätze aber das es mehr als 1,10 $ pro Aktie werden!
      Wir werden sehen!
      Evtl. gibt es ja noch andere Interessenten.
      Wer weiß!?
      schrieb am 27.03.03 13:50:01
      Beitrag Nr. 32 ()
      und nu:confused:
      Press Release Source: Corel Corporation

      Corel Corporation Reports First Quarter 2003 Results
      Thursday March 27, 7:38 am ET

      OTTAWA--(BUSINESS WIRE)--March 27, 2003--Corel Corporation (NASDAQ:CORL - News; TSX:COR - News) today announced results for its first quarter of fiscal 2003, ended February 28, 2003. All figures are reported in US currency.

      For the first quarter of fiscal 2003, Corel reported total revenue of $28.3 million and a net loss of $574,000, or $(0.01) per share. This compares with revenue of $33.5 million and a net loss of $27.8 million, or $(0.30) per share, for the fourth quarter of fiscal 2002, which included a charge to net income of $5.9 million for severance and occupancy costs and $17.2 million for the write-down of non-tangible assets of technology and goodwill. Corel`s first quarter 2003 results also compare with revenue of $31.2 million and a net loss of $3.1 million, or $(0.04) per share, for the same period last year.

      Cash and cash equivalents, restricted cash and short-term investments at the end of the first quarter of fiscal 2003 stood at $73.0 million, compared with $77.3 million at the end of fiscal 2002. Factors contributing to the decrease include a negative EBITDA of $580,000 and a substantial acceleration of payments which will be offset by a corresponding reduction in cash requirements in the second quarter of fiscal 2003.

      Derek Burney, President and CEO of Corel Corporation, commented: "Our first quarter results show the remarkable progress we`ve made in reducing our cost structure and improving our internal operations. Today, our workforce is 20% leaner than it was a year ago, enabling us to deliver new solutions to market with increased speed and efficiency. Revenue from our solution categories are on track with management expectations both the core business, led by our flagship CorelDRAW and WordPerfect Office suites, and the new business in which we are investing for growth, which includes our XML solutions. Q1 was a relatively light quarter in terms of revenue, as the market was anticipating the upcoming release of the new version of our WordPerfect Office suite."

      Mr. Burney added: "We remain focused on executing our strategy by delivering innovative software solutions that enable customers to create, exchange and instantly interact with visual content that is always relevant, accurate and available. Our goal is to be profitable in 2003 as we continue to invest in new technologies and build partnerships to serve enterprise customers, laying the foundation for longer-term recurring revenue streams."

      Performance By Solution Category Graphics Solutions

      Corel`s graphics solutions revenue decreased 7% on a year-to-year basis, from $16.5 million in the first quarter of fiscal 2002 to $15.3 million in the first quarter of fiscal 2003, mainly due to a decline in sales from Corel`s niche graphics products for which marketing support had been significantly curtailed. These products include KnockOut and KPT. On a year-to-year basis, revenue from CorelDRAW - the Company`s flagship graphics solution - increased by 2%, from $11.2 million to $11.4 million. On a sequential basis, revenue from CorelDRAW declined by 16%, from $13.6 million in the fourth quarter of fiscal 2002. Corel introduced a new version of its CorelDRAW graphics suite in August of 2002.

      Office Productivity Solutions

      Revenue from Corel`s office productivity solutions declined 25% on a year-to-year basis, from $11.9 million in the first quarter of fiscal 2002 to $9.0 million in the first quarter of fiscal 2003. On a sequential basis, sales of Corel`s office productivity solutions decreased by 35%, from $13.8 million in the fourth quarter of fiscal 2002. This was consistent with management expectations as the current version of the Company`s WordPerfect Office suite advanced towards the end of its version life cycle and the market anticipates the release of WordPerfect Office 11 late next month.

      Process Management Solutions

      Corel`s process management solutions are targeted as an investment area and growth opportunity for the Company. Revenue from Corel`s process management solutions grew 4% on a year-to-year basis, increasing to $2.3 million in the first quarter of fiscal 2003 from $2.2 million in the first quarter of fiscal 2002. Sequentially, sales of the process management solutions increased from $1.6 million in the fourth quarter of fiscal 2002, growing by 38%. The Company released new versions of the complete iGrafx process management product line during the third and fourth quarters of fiscal 2002.

      XML Solutions(a)

      Revenue from Corel`s XML solutions, another area targeted for investment and growth, decreased sequentially, to $1.1 million in the first quarter of fiscal 2003 from $1.4 million in the fourth quarter of fiscal 2002. Corel released a new version of XMetaL, an XML authoring solution, during the first quarter of fiscal 2003. XMetaL was acquired by Corel from SoftQuad, Software Ltd. in March 2002.

      Performance by Region

      Revenue generated by Corel in the North American market in the first quarter of fiscal 2003 decreased by 31% to $12.8 million compared with the fourth quarter of fiscal 2002, in part due to lower sales of Corel`s WordPerfect Office solution as the market anticipates the new version. Total revenue in North America for the fourth quarter of 2002 was $18.6 million. On a year-to-year comparison, North American revenue decreased 18%, from $15.6 million in the first quarter of fiscal 2002.

      First quarter fiscal 2003 revenue for Corel`s Europe, Middle East and Africa (EMEA) operation decreased by 16% over the fourth quarter of fiscal 2002, to $9.6 million from $11.4 million. This is primarily the result of competitive pricing pressures and overall weak economic conditions in key European markets. On a year-to-year basis, EMEA revenue for the first quarter of fiscal 2003 declined 8% from $10.4 million in the first quarter of fiscal 2002.

      Revenue from Corel`s other international regions - Asia Pacific (APAC) and Latin America - remained relatively flat on a year-to-year basis. Revenue in these regions combined amounted to $3.4 million in the first quarter of fiscal 2003, up from $3.2 million in the first quarter of fiscal 2002 and $1.9 million in the fourth quarter of fiscal 2002.

      Revenue from Corel`s OEM arrangements during the first quarter of fiscal 2003 were $2.6 million, an increase of 59% over fourth quarter fiscal 2002 revenue and due in large part to an increase in royalty revenues received from Dell. Corel`s OEM revenue for this quarter are up by 27% over the first quarter of fiscal 2002, when the Company achieved total OEM revenue of $2.0 million.


      Sales, marketing, research and development (R&D), and general and administrative (G&A) expenses for the first quarter of fiscal 2003 were $26.2 million, down $16.1 million from the fourth quarter of fiscal 2002. Excluding the $5.9 million charge in the fourth quarter of 2002 for severance and occupancy costs related to streamlining activities, these expenses were down $10.2 million on a sequential basis. Compared with the first quarter of fiscal 2002, the Company`s first quarter 2003 expenses for sales and marketing, R&D and G&A were down by $1.2 million, despite an increase in current operating costs attributable to the acquisition of SoftQuad in March 2002.

      Gross margin, or gross profit as a percent of sales, increased to 87% in the first quarter of fiscal 2003 from 84.6% in the fourth quarter of fiscal 2002. Gross margin decreased from the first quarter of fiscal 2002, when it was 91%. Cost of sales for the first quarter of fiscal 2003 was $3.6 million compared with $2.9 million for the same period in 2002. The increase in cost of sales is attributable to provisioning of older material, destruction-related costs and low volume runs. Significant changes to material purchases and process have now been implemented to address these issues. Compared with the fourth quarter of fiscal 2003, cost of sales for the first quarter of 2003 decreased $1.5 million from $5.2 million.

      Income Tax Recovery

      During the first quarter of fiscal 2003, the Company received tax reassessments of prior years, settling a number of outstanding tax issues. The first quarter tax recovery includes approximately $4.8 million relating to refunds of taxes to the Company from those reassessments.


      Due to the continued uncertainty in the economy, Corel is not providing specific guidance for upcoming quarters in fiscal 2003. However, based on management expectations and consistent with previous guidance, the Company expects to achieve positive EBITDA in fiscal 2003.

      Conference Call Information

      Corel`s first quarter 2003 conference call and Webcast to discuss results, corporate strategy and outlook is scheduled for 10:30 a.m. EST on Thursday, March 27, 2003. To access the live or archived Webcast, please visit Please access the site at least 10-15 minutes prior to the call to download any necessary audio or plug-in software.
      # (a) XML Solutions is part of the "other" category in the segmented information provided by the Company in its Statement of Operations. "Other" also includes technical support revenues from all of Corel`s solution categories along with other miscellaneous revenue.

      About Corel Corporation

      Founded in 1985, Corel Corporation ( is a leading technology company specializing in content creation tools, business process management and XML-enabled enterprise solutions. The company`s goal is to give consumers and enterprise customers the ability to create, exchange and instantly interact with visual content that is always relevant, accurate and available. With its headquarters in Ottawa, Canada, Corel`s common stock trades on the Nasdaq Stock Market under the symbol CORL and on the Toronto Stock Exchange under the symbol COR.

      This press release contains forward-looking statements as defined by the United States Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, involving the company`s expectations about future financial results and other matters. These statements reflect management`s current forecast of certain aspects of the company`s future business. Specifically, this release contains forward-looking statements regarding the likely benefits from new product introductions and the need by the marketplace for the products under development; the programs being undertaken by the Company and expectations regarding the ability of the Company to increase sales and return to profitability and results in future quarter and for the next fiscal year. The words "plan", "expect", "believe", "intend", "anticipate", "forecast", "target", "estimate" and similar expressions identify forward looking statements. These forward-looking statements are subject to certain risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results of operations to differ materially from historical results or current expectations. In particular, there can be no assurance that the Company`s cost reductions will be adequate or that the Company will achieve a level of revenue that will allow the Company to return to profitability, that the company will be able to produce and launch new products or that the Company will be able to successfully implement or complete the short-term and long-term programs being undertaken by the Company. Risk factors include shifts in customer demand, product shipment schedules, product mix, competitive products and pricing, technological shifts, the Company`s effectiveness at executing its sales, marketing and development plan, the market acceptance of new products and other variables. Readers are referred to Corel`s most recent reports filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission for a more complete discussion of the other risks and uncertainties. The factors underlying forecasts are dynamic and subject to change. As a result, forecasts speak only as of the date they are given and do not necessarily reflect the company`s outlook at any other point in time. The company does not undertake to update or review these forward-looking statements.
      # (C) 2003 Corel Corporation. All rights reserved. Corel and the Corel logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Corel Corporation and/or its subsidiaries. All other product, font and company names and logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies.

      (in thousands of US$)

      February 28, November 30,
      2003 2002
      ASSETS (unaudited)
      Current Assets
      Cash and cash equivalents $53,536 $18,874
      Restricted cash 1,561 1,558
      Short-term investments 17,951 56,952
      Accounts receivable
      Trade 16,728 19,958
      Other 336 250
      Inventory 1,187 191
      Prepaid expenses 3,459 2,786
      Total Current Assets 94,758 100,569

      Investments 8,109 8,590
      Capital assets 18,416 21,768
      TOTAL ASSETS $121,283 $130,927

      Current Liabilities
      Accounts payable and accrued liabilities $16,484 $22,552
      Income taxes payable 2,909 5,685
      Deferred revenue 8,223 8,875
      Total Current Liabilities 27,616 37,112
      Deferred revenue 1,324 879
      Future income tax liability 760 806
      Total Liabilities 29,700 38,797

      Shareholders` Equity
      Share capital 405,151 405,124
      Contributed surplus 4,990 4,990
      Deficit (318,558) (317,984)
      Total Shareholders` Equity 91,583 92,130


      (in thousands of US$, except per share data)
      Three months ended
      February 28,
      2003 2002

      Sales $28,329 $31,214
      Cost of sales 3,647 2,909
      Gross profit 24,682 28,305
      Sales 9,452 7,846
      Marketing 4,727 4,873
      Research and development 5,024 7,139
      General and administrative 6,955 7,463
      Depreciation and amortization 3,767 4,304
      Loss (gain) on foreign exchange (576) 157
      29,349 31,782
      Loss from operations (4,667) (3,477)
      Loss on investment (36) (18)
      Interest income 239 488
      Loss before income taxes (4,464) (3,007)

      Income tax recovery 4,323 63
      Share of loss in equity investment (433) (204)
      Net loss ($574) ($3,148)

      Loss per share:
      Basic ($0.01) ($0.04)
      Diluted ($0.01) ($0.04)

      Weighted average number of
      Common Shares outstanding (000s)
      Basic 91,826 80,709
      Diluted 91,826 80,709


      (in thousands of US$)
      Three months ended
      February 28,
      2003 2002

      Cash flows from operating activities:
      Net loss ($574) ($3,148)
      Items which do not involve cash
      or cash equivalents:
      Depreciation 1,357 1,377
      Amortization 2,730 3,379
      Bad debt expense 63 52
      Gain on disposal of assets (10) -
      Future income taxes (46) (319)
      Loss on writedown of investments 48 18
      Share of loss in equity investments 433 204
      Changes in operating assets and liabilities:
      Restricted cash (3) 7
      Accounts receivable 3,081 (34)
      Inventory (996) 128
      Prepaid expenses (673) (987)
      Accounts payable and accrued liabilities (6,068) (5,232)
      Income taxes payable (2,776) (69)
      Deferred revenue (207) (15)
      Cash flows used in operating activities (3,641) (4,639)
      Cash flows from financing activities:
      Issuance of common stock 27 64
      Cash flows from financing activities 27 64
      Cash flows from investing activities:
      Purchase of investments and other
      non-current assets - (2,071)
      Purchase of capital assets (735) (1,031)
      Redemption of marketable securities 39,001 55,146
      Proceeds on disposal of assets 10 -
      Cash flows from investing activities 38,276 52,044
      Increase in cash and cash equivalents 34,662 47,469
      Cash and cash equivalents
      at beginning of the period 18,874 24,924
      Cash and cash equivalents
      at end of the period $53,536 $72,393

      Supplementary cash information:
      Cash paid (refund received) for
      income taxes $(1,684) $890

      Schedule A
      Segmented information

      The Company has only one global operating segment as detailed in the
      consolidated financial statements included herein.

      The company sells its products worldwide from four geographic
      regions. A summary of sales by product, region and major customer
      from consolidated operations is as follows:

      Three Months Ended
      February 28
      2003 2002
      By product
      Graphic Solutions $15,264 $16,455
      Office Productivity Solutions 8,988 11,938
      Process Management Solutions 2,258 2,161
      Other (including XML Solutions) 1,819 660
      Total sales $28,329 $31,214

      By region
      Canada $2,104 $1,765
      United States 10,717 13,785
      Europe, Middle East, Africa 9,577 10,404
      Other International 3,365 3,239
      OEM 2,566 2,021
      Total sales $28,329 $31,214

      By major customer
      Ingram Micro Inc. $7,328 $6,451
      Tech Data 3,092 3,781
      All Others 17,909 20,982
      Total sales $28,329 $31,214


      Corel Corporation
      Investor Contact:
      John Hladkowicz, 613/728-0826 ext. 1194
      Maverick PR
      Press Contact:
      Becky Porter, 416/640-5757
      schrieb am 27.03.03 15:39:56
      Beitrag Nr. 33 ()
      Company News and Press Releases From Other Sources:

      Software firm Corel Corp. reports small loss in latest quarter

      OTTAWA, Mar 27, 2003 (The Canadian Press via COMTEX) -- Software firm Corel Corp., which invited takeover offers earlier this week and has cut 20 per cent of its staff in the past year, reported Thursday a small first-quarter loss as sales declined from a year ago.
      Citing "continued uncertainty in the economy," the company said it isn`t providing earnings guidance for the rest of 2003 but expects positive results before subtracting interest charges, depreciation and amortization.

      For the quarter ended Feb. 28, Corel reported a loss of $574,000 US or one cent a share, compared with a loss of $3.15 million or four cents per share a year earlier.

      Sales fell to $28.33 million US, from $31.2 million a year ago. The company reports in U.S. dollars.

      "Our first-quarter results show the remarkable progress we`ve made in reducing our cost structure and improving our internal operations," chief executive Derek J. Burney said in a release.

      "Today, our workforce is 20 per cent leaner than it was a year ago, enabling us to deliver new solutions to market with increased speed and efficiency. Revenue from our solution categories are on track with management expectations - both the core business, led by our flagship CorelDraw and WordPerfect Office suites, and the new business in which we are investing for growth, which includes our XML solutions.

      He said first-quarter revenue was "relatively light" because the market was anticipating a new version of WordPerfect Office.

      Shares of Corel (TSX:COR; Nasdaq:CORL) soared Monday after its board of directors said the Ottawa-based software company had invited a takeover offer from Vector Capital, a U.S. venture capital firm that owns 20 per cent of its stock.

      On Wednesday, Corel shares fell three cents to $1.32 on the Toronto stock market, but remained up 13 cents since last Friday.

      The online source for news sports entertainment finance and business news in Canada

      Copyright (C) 2003 The Canadian Press (CP), All rights reserved
      schrieb am 27.03.03 15:42:28
      Beitrag Nr. 34 ()
      Corel meldet geringeren Verlust im ersten Quartal
      Der kanadische Software-Hersteller Corel Corp. meldete am Donnerstag einen gegenüber dem Vorjahr deutlich geringeren Verlust im ersten Quartal, obwohl der Umsatz leicht zurückgegangen ist.

      Der Nettoverlust belief sich demnach auf 574.000 Dollar bzw. 1 Cent pro nach einem Verlust von 3,1 Mio. Dollar bzw. 4 Cents pro Aktie im Vorjahr. Analysten hatten einen Verlust von 2 Cents pro Aktie erwartet. Der Umsatz sank von 31,2 Mio. Dollar auf 28,3 Mio. Dollar.

      Das Unternehmen, das Ende letzten Jahres 220 Stellen (22 Prozent der Belegschaft) abgebaut hat, geht nach wie vor davon aus, im Laufe des Jahres 2003 ein positives EBITDA zu erreichen.

      Die Aktie von Corel schloss gestern an der NASDAQ bei 0,92 Dollar.
      schrieb am 27.03.03 17:31:23
      Beitrag Nr. 35 ()
      +++ Stillstand bei Corel-Übernahme +++

      Der Corel-Vorstand hat am vergangenen Montag mit
      den potentiellen Investoren Vector CC Holdings
      Stillschweigen und einen vorläufigen Stop der Verhandlungen
      vereinbart. Dies teilt der Konzern auf seiner Homepage mit.

      Vector CC Holdings will die Anteile des Microsofts Konzerns
      an dem kanadischen Softwareunternehmen für einen Bruchteil
      des damaligen Kaufpreises übernehmen. Microsoft hatte dies
      während der CeBIT angekündigt und mit dem Kapitalunternehmen einen möglichen Investor präsentiert.
      Mit dem Stillstand der Verhandlungen will sich das
      Corel-Management die Option offen halten, einen besseren
      Investor zu suchen. Ziel: Einen höhern Kaufpreis zu
      erzielen. Das Corel-Management hat deswegen das Unternehmen
      CIBC World Markets beauftragt, einen für die Aktionäre
      besseren und lukrativeren Weg zu finden als den Verkauf der
      Microsoft-Anteile an Vector CC Holdings.
      Vector bietet pro Corel-Aktie 0,5625 US-Dollar, Corel möchte aber die Aktien nicht unter 1,10 US-Dollar pro Stück
      verkauft sehen. Mit der Einbindung der übrigen Aktionäre und der Suche nach anderen Investoren versucht Corel seine
      Position an der Börse zu stärken. Ein Verkauf unter Wert
      würde dem Aktienkurs des Unternehmens enorm schaden und den
      Konzern noch schlechter da stehen lassen. Corel hat seit
      mehreren Jahren finanzielle Probleme. Mit dem Einstieg von
      Microsoft erhoffte sich das Unternehmen einen Aufschwung,
      doch der weltgrößte Softwarehersteller hatte nur wenig
      Interesse an einer Unterstützung des kanadischen
      Mitbewerbers. Softwareprodukte wie CorelDraw oder
      WordPerfect sind zwar auf dem Markt bekannt, konnten sich
      aber nie wirklich auf breiter Ebene durchsetzen. Mit dem
      Rausverkauf der Aktien könnte der Konzern unter den
      aktuellen wirtschaftlichen Bedingungen in weitere Schieflage geraten.

      2002 PC Magazin
      WEKA Computerzeitschriften-Verlag GmbH
      schrieb am 28.03.03 16:40:37
      Beitrag Nr. 36 ()
      hmm,heute passiert nix :confused:
      schrieb am 30.03.03 22:15:25
      Beitrag Nr. 37 ()
      interesse ist ja gering:(
      ich will nicht pushen weil ich selbst drin bin,aber
      adobe kommt bestimmt auch noch ins spiel :rolleyes:
      schrieb am 02.04.03 12:34:53
      Beitrag Nr. 38 ()
      nach rot grün müsste corel heute im + schliessen :confused:
      schrieb am 02.04.03 13:03:44
      Beitrag Nr. 39 ()
      Ansatz gefällt mir!
      schrieb am 02.04.03 17:05:34
      Beitrag Nr. 40 ()
      nicht wild,aber immerhin mit 3,5% im + :)
      rot grün methode ist gut :)
      schrieb am 02.04.03 22:31:12
      Beitrag Nr. 41 ()
      schluss 0,90$ +0,05 +5,88%
      immerhin :)
      schrieb am 02.04.03 23:17:37
      Beitrag Nr. 42 ()
      hat nicht dran gedacht das die amis bis 23 uhr handeln :(
      schluss 0,87
      schrieb am 03.04.03 13:27:49
      Beitrag Nr. 43 ()
      in den yahooboards wird von ner übernahme von 2$ gesprochen :confused:
      schrieb am 03.04.03 14:08:52
      Beitrag Nr. 44 ()
      in den boards wird viel geschwätzt!
      meistens sogar zu viel!
      schrieb am 03.04.03 17:09:58
      Beitrag Nr. 45 ()
      der markt läuft seit 40 min und kein handel bei corl :confused:
      schrieb am 03.04.03 17:44:43
      Beitrag Nr. 46 ()
      Annual and Special Meeting of Shareholders
      April 9, 2003
      mal sehn was da kommt
      schrieb am 04.04.03 11:36:16
      Beitrag Nr. 47 ()
      was soll der scheiss?:mad:
      schrieb am 04.04.03 12:46:53
      Beitrag Nr. 48 ()
      haben keine geduld mehr!
      oder die angst vor den we-news!
      die aber durchaus auch positiv
      sein könnten!
      schrieb am 04.04.03 13:09:50
      Beitrag Nr. 49 ()
      ich bleib erstmal dabei,auch wenns mir zur zeit gar nicht gefällt :mad:
      schrieb am 07.04.03 13:26:31
      Beitrag Nr. 50 ()
      News from The Globe and Mail

      Takeover of Corel could be good news
      BENJ GALLANDER AND BEN STADELMANN 00:00 EDT Monday, April 07, 2003

      One statistic we are particularly proud of is our streak of at least one company in our portfolio of 25 stocks taken over in each of the past 10 years. Besides the hefty profit that these deals normally bring, we see it as an acknowledgment of our ability to sniff out good value.

      Though we don`t like to count our chickens before the deal is hatched, Corel is definitely in play.

      The ball got rolling on March 24 when San Francisco-based Vector Capital bought Microsoft`s 20-per-cent interest in Corel Corp. (COR-TSE) at 56 cents (U.S.) a share, for a total of $13-million.

      Microsoft paid $135-million for these shares less than three years ago -- a whopping 90-per-cent loss. But, heck, those guys probably count it as petty cash.

      Vector has indicated an interest in buying the whole company; Corel`s board is willing to sell. Vector says it might be willing to pay $1.10 a share -- but first it wants to take a look under the hood. If all checks out, it will make a formal offer within 30 days.

      The understanding between the parties is termed a "non-disclosure and standstill" agreement. Actually, it means Vector will keep confidential any information gleaned regarding Corel`s inner workings. Standstill provisions limit the conditions under which Vector can buy the company, and also may put some constraints on Corel from selling to someone else.

      So far, the market is taking a skeptical view that any kind of deal will be struck; Corel is trading at $1.26 (Canadian) on the Toronto Stock Exchange and 86 cents (U.S.) on the Nasdaq Stock Market.

      As made public so far, the preliminary agreement has some interesting wrinkles. Vector is not allowed to make a low-ball offer: $1 a share is the minimum bid. Corel is free to drum up other interest; Vector will hand over its shares to another suitor as long as it gets at least $1.25 a share. That would yield a lovely return on its buy at 56 cents.

      But $1.25 would still be a bargain for a larger firm that wanted to add Corel`s products to its mix. For our part, if Vector is successful at even $1, that converts to about $1.47 (Canadian), a 22-per-cent gain from our purchase price of $1.21 last December. That is a far cry from our initial sell target of $4.24, but given the swift time line, not too shabby.

      Benj Gallander and Ben Stadelmann are co-editors of the Contra the Heard investment letter.

      This column first appeared on
      schrieb am 09.04.03 23:11:57
      Beitrag Nr. 51 ()
      fette käufe zum boersenschluss

      was geht ab :confused:
      schrieb am 09.04.03 23:14:03
      Beitrag Nr. 52 ()
      Press Release Source: Retrieval Systems Corporation

      RSC Re-engineers Editorial, Content Management Processes for CQ Press
      Wednesday April 9, 9:59 am ET
      New XML-based System Improves Content, Workflow, Web Publishing Capabilities

      VIENNA, Va.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--April 9, 2003--Retrieval Systems Corporation (RSC), a leading provider of information systems engineering services in content management and electronic publishing, today announced that it has completed a successful, comprehensive overhaul of editorial and content management systems for CQ Press.

      A division of Congressional Quarterly, Inc., CQ Press is the leading publisher of books, directories, subscriptions and Web products on American government and politics, current events, and world affairs, including the Congressional Staff Directory, Federal Staff Directory and Judicial Staff Directory.

      CQ Press retained RSC to convert its three directory databases (containing hundreds of megabytes of data), as well the entire data collection and publishing processes, from an SGML- to an XML-based system. B. William Basheer, president of RSC, says that XML gave RSC and CQ Press the ability to "rationalize" the entire data system.

      "XML makes it easy to create entirely new classes of information, as well as to cross-check any place specific information appears, even across vast multiple databases," says Basheer. "This allowed us to eliminate redundancies and enhance the consistency and accuracy of the information."

      The new system uses Corel Corporation`s (Nasdaq:CORL - News), (TSX:COR - News) Corel® XMetaL® for XML content creation. Corel XMetaL offers a highly customizable interface, enabling users to create XML in an environment as easy to use as a word processor.

      "Simplifying XML creation, Corel XMetaL is a key component of CQ Press`s publishing system. Using the joint Corel/RSC solution, CQ Press is able to take full advantage of this flexible open standard by enabling any end user to easily create and edit XML content. XML delivers significant efficiencies and cost savings in our customers` publishing processes," says Bruce Sharpe, vice president of XML content solutions at Corel Corporation.

      Jennifer Ryan, director of Electronic Product Development at CQ Press, says, "The system`s new capabilities make it easier for us to maintain our exacting standards and deliver the most accurate, up-to-date government directories available. We`re confident that we chose the right technology partner in RSC and that our enhanced content management and publishing system will serve us well today and in the future."

      A comprehensive case study about this project is available. For more information about Retrieval Systems Corporation, visit, or call 703-749-0012.

      Longleaf Public Relations
      for Retrieval Systems Corporation
      Joy Scott, 303/639-6069

      Source: Retrieval Systems Corporation
      schrieb am 10.04.03 15:10:05
      Beitrag Nr. 53 ()
      Press Release Source: Corel Corporation

      Corel Painter 8 Inspires Creative Artists, New Version of Popular Digital Sketching and Painting Application Due This Spring
      Thursday April 10, 9:07 am ET

      OTTAWA--(BUSINESS WIRE)--April 10, 2003--Corel Corporation, (NASDAQ:CORL - News; TSX:COR - News) today announced the upcoming availability of Corel® Painter 8 (TM). In collaboration with some of the industry`s most talented artists, Corel has developed a powerful new version of Corel Painter that can digitally replicate natural media like no other product.

      Across the world thousands of creative professionals use Corel Painter to give expression to their ideas. These ideas take shape in films like Men in Black II and Spiderman. From story boarding and pre-visualization, to package design, advertising and photography, Corel Painter 8 amplifies artistic expression as ideas are transformed into art and industry.

      "Corel Painter 8 replicates the subtleties of an artists` hand with stunning accuracy," said Brett Denly, vice-president of global marketing at Corel Corporation. "This realism makes Corel Painter 8 an essential tool for digital artists and technical illustrators as well as story-boarding and production artists. These professionals require dependable tools that accelerate the creative process and deliver flawless results."

      To ensure Painter 8 replicates the experience and output of traditional media tools, Corel worked closely with professional artists during the development of the product. Corel Painter 8 gives artists freedom, power and flexibility, offering compatible tools that allow them to remain competitive in their industries.

      Unleash Your Creative Power with Painter 8

      * Mix your own colors - The new Mixer lets you mix colors interactively as you would using paint and a palette
      * Experiment with over 400 new brushes - Includes new brushes for more than 30 different mediums
      * Design your own brushes interactively - The new Brush Creator is created specifically to let you design your own custom brushes in a visual, interactive environment
      * Create sketches from photographs - The new Sketch Effect lets you convert photographs to pencil drawings easily while giving you control over the amount of paper grain, heaviness of the pencil line, and level of detail
      * Paint with digital water color - The new Digital Water Color is ideal for hand painting line drawings, touching up photographs, and creating simple water color washes

      Painter 8 Lets you Increase your Productivity

      * Redesigned Interface - The new streamlined interface provides easier access to tools, and makes it easier to choose brushes
      * Keep track of brushes - The new Tracker palette keeps track of your most recently used brushes so you can navigate between brushes quickly

      Corel Painter 8 Lets you Stay Compatible

      * Open and save Adobe® Photoshop® files - Enhanced support for opening and saving Adobe Photoshop files, including layer sets, layer masks, and channels
      * Hide and reveal areas of a layer - The redesigned Layer Masks let you hide and reveal areas of a layer without making permanent changes
      * Create and store masks - Use alpha channels to create and store masks to modify, separate, and preserve specific areas of an image
      * Upgrade easily - Painter Classic and Adobe Photoshop users can now purchase the upgrade package of Corel Painter 8 at the upgrade price

      The Artists` Take

      Illustrator Keith MacLelland, who has designed work for clients like the Washington Post, moved from traditional media to digital art when he was introduced to Corel Painter and a Wacom® tablet. "Corel Painter 8 gives me the freedom to mix and match mediums and the results are utterly amazing."

      The tools in Corel Painter 8 let Mary Vogt, a costume designer for major motion pictures, such as Men in Black II, transition her work to the digital medium easily. "The updated user interface allows me easier access to the tools and features. Corel Painter 8 allows me to focus on my art, not my software."

      Chet Phillips, who has been using Corel Painter for the last 11 years, has landed digital illustration contracts with clients such as American Airlines and Warner Brothers. "The best thing about Corel Painter 8 is that it allows me to be productive and creative at the same time," he says. "In the commercial art world where things are usually needed yesterday, I love the ability to open a new file and jump into creating an image immediately. Unhindered by the constraints of traditional art making tools, I am free to combine mediums, such as digital water color, pastels, and oils, with amazing results."

      Pricing and Availability

      Scheduled for availability across North America in early May, Corel Painter 8 will be offered in upgrade and full versions on both the Macintosh® and Windows® platforms. Corel Painter 8 full version has a suggested retail price (SRP) of $299 US. In keeping with Corel`s commitment to rewarding customer loyalty, existing users of Corel Painter(i), will be eligible to purchase Corel Painter 8 at the upgrade SRP of $149 US. A special edition to foster creativity in educational institutions will be available at an SRP of $99 US.

      More information about Corel Painter 8 can be found at .
      # (i) Registered users of Adobe Photoshop 5.5, Adobe Photoshop 6, Adobe Photoshop 7 (excluding Photoshop Elements, Photoshop LE and trial versions), Fractal Design Painter 4, FractalDesign Painter 5, MetaCreations Painter 5, MetaCreations Painter 5.5, MetaCreations Painter 6, Corel Painter 6, Painter 7, MetaCreations Painter Classic, Corel Painter Classic and procreate Painter Classic (all versions of Corel Painter and Corel Painter Classic) are eligible to upgrade to Corel Painter 8.(TM)

      About Corel Corporation

      Founded in 1985, Corel Corporation ( is a leading technology company specializing in content creation tools, business process management and XML-enabled enterprise solutions. The company`s goal is to give consumers and enterprise customers the ability to create, exchange and instantly interact with visual content that is always relevant, accurate and available. With its headquarters in Ottawa, Canada, Corel`s common stock trades on the Nasdaq Stock Market under the symbol CORL and on the Toronto Stock Exchange under the symbol COR.
      # (C) 2003 Corel Corporation. All rights reserved. Corel and the Corel logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Corel Corporation and/or its subsidiaries. All other product, font and company names and logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies.

      Maverick Public Relations
      Press Contact:
      Mary Pygiel, 416/640-5525 ext. 230
      Media materials can be found at:
      Corel Corporation
      Investor Contact:
      John Hladkowicz, 613/728-0826 ext. 1194

      Source: Corel Corporation
      schrieb am 15.04.03 09:08:26
      Beitrag Nr. 54 ()


      Washington, D.C. 20549


      FORM 10-Q


      (Mark One)


      for the quarterly period ended February 28, 2003



      For the transition period from ________to _________

      Commission file number 0-20562

      (Exact name of Registrant as specified in its Charter)

      Canada Not Applicable
      (State or Other Jurisdiction of Incorporation or Organization) (I.R.S. Employer Identification Number)

      1600 Carling Avenue
      Ottawa, Ontario, Canada KIZ 8R7
      (Address of Principal Executive Offices including Zip Code)

      (613) 728-8200
      (Registrant`s Telephone Number, Including Area Code)

      (Former name, former address and former fiscal year if changed since last report)

      Indicate by check mark whether the registrant (1) has filed all reports required to be filed by Section 13 or 15 (d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 during the preceding 12 months (or for such shorter period that the registrant was required to file reports), and (2) has been subject to such filing requirements for the past 90 days. YES [X] NO [ ]

      Indicate by check mark whether the registrant is an accelerated filer. YES [X] NO [ ]

      As of April 11, 2003 the registrant had 91,871,550 Common Shares. outstanding.



      Corel Corporation

      Form 10-Q for the Quarter Ended February 28, 2003

      Table of Contents

      Part I

      Item 1. Financial Statements
      Consolidated Balance Sheets as at February 28, 2003 and November 30, 2002 1
      Consolidated Statements of Operations for the three months ended February 28, 2003 and February 28, 2002 2
      Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows for the three months ended February 28, 2003 and February 28, 2002 3
      Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements 4
      Item 2. Management`s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations 9
      Item 3. Quantitative and Qualitative Disclosures About Market Risk 14
      Item 4. Controls and Procedures 15

      Part II

      Item 1. Legal Proceedings 15
      Item 4. Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders 16
      Item 6. Exhibits, Financial Statement Schedules and Reports on Form 8-K 16

      Signatures 17

      All financial information contained in this report is expressed in United States dollars, unless otherwise stated.

      The following information contains forward-looking statements as defined by the United States Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, involving Corel`s expectations about future financial results and other matters. These statements reflect management`s current forecast of certain aspects of Corel`s future business. Specifically, this release contains forward-looking statements regarding the likely benefits from new product introductions and the need by the marketplace for the products under development; the programs being undertaken by Corel and expectations regarding the ability of Corel to increase sales and return to profitability; and results in future quarters and for the next fiscal year. The words "plan", "expect", "believe", "will", "intend", "anticipate", "forecast", "target", "estimate" and similar expressions identify forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements are subject to certain risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results of operations to differ materially from historical results or current expectations. In particular, there can be no assurance that Corel`s cost reductions will be adequate or that Corel will achieve a level of revenue that will allow Corel to return to profitability, that Corel will be able to produce and launch new products or that Corel will be able to successfully implement or complete the short-term and long-term programs that Corel has undertaken. Risk factors include shifts in customer demand, product shipment schedules, product mix, competitive products and pricing, technological shifts, Corel`s effectiveness at executing its sales, marketing and development plans, the market acceptance of new products and other variables. Readers are referred to Corel`s most recent reports filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission for a more complete discussion of the other risks and uncertainties. The factors underlying forecasts are dynamic and subject to change. As a result, forecasts speak only as of the date they are given and do not necessarily reflect Corel`s outlook at any other point in time. Corel does not undertake to update or review these forward-looking statements.


      Consolidated Balance Sheets

      (in thousands of US$)


      February 28, November 30,
      2003 2002

      Current assets:
      Cash and cash equivalents $ 53,536 $ 18,874
      Restricted cash 1,561 1,558
      Short-term investments 17,951 56,952
      Accounts receivable
      Trade 16,728 19,958
      Other 336 250
      Inventory 1,187 191
      Prepaid expenses 3,459 2,786
      Total current assets 94,758 100,569
      Investments 8,109 8,590
      Fixed assets 6,724 8,762
      Intangible assets 11,692 13,006
      Total assets $ 121,283 $ 130,927
      Liabilities and shareholders` equity
      Current liabilities:
      Accounts payable and accrued liabilities $ 16,484 $ 22,552
      Income taxes payable 2,909 5,685
      Deferred revenue 8,223 8,875
      Total current liabilities 27,616 37,112
      Deferred revenue 1,324 879
      Future income tax liabilities 760 806
      Total liabilities 29,700 38,797

      Commitments and contingencies

      Shareholders` equity
      Share capital
      Issued and outstanding (000`s): 91,840 common shares (91,818 on November 30, 2002); $ 405,151 $ 405,124
      24,000 Series A preferred shares (24,000 on November 30, 2002)
      Contributed surplus 4,990 4,990
      Deficit (318,558) (317,984)
      Total shareholders` equity 91,583 92,130
      Total liabilities and shareholders` equity $ 121,283 $ 130,927

      (See accompanying Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements)


      Consolidated Statements of Operations

      (in thousands of US$, except share and per share data)


      Three months ended
      February 28,

      Sales $ 28,329 $ 31,214
      Cost of sales 3,647 2,909
      Gross profit 24,682 28,305
      Sales 9,452 7,846
      Marketing 4,727 4,874
      Research and development 5,024 7,137
      General and administration 6,955 7,463
      Depreciation and amortization 3,767 4,305
      Loss (gain) on foreign exchange (576) 157
      29,349 31,782
      Loss from operations (4,667) (3,477)
      Loss on investment (36) (18)
      Interest income 239 488
      Loss before the undernoted (4,464) (3,007)
      Income tax (recovery) expense (4,323) 63
      Share of loss in equity investment (433) (204)
      Net loss (574) (3,148)

      Deficit beginning of period (317,984) (221,560)
      Deficit end of period $ (318,558) $ (224,708)

      Loss per share:
      Basic $ (0.01) $ (0.04)
      Diluted $ (0.01) $ (0.04)
      Weighted average number of common shares outstanding (000s):
      Basic 91,826 80,709
      Diluted 91,826 80,709

      (See accompanying Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements)


      Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows

      (in thousands of US$)


      Three months ended
      February 28,
      2003 2002

      Operating activities:
      Net loss $ (574) $ (3,148)
      Items which do not involve cash or cash equivalents:
      Depreciation of fixed assets 1,357 1,377
      Amortization of intangible assets 2,730 3,379
      Bad debt expense 63 52
      Loss on write down of investments 48 18
      Future income tax (46) (319)
      Gain on disposal of assets (10)
      Share of loss in equity investments 433 204
      Changes in operating assets and liabilities
      Restricted cash (3) 7
      Accounts receivable 3,081 (34)
      Inventory (996) 128
      Prepaid expenses (673) (987)
      Accounts payable and accrued liabilities (6,068) (5,232)
      Income tax payable (2,776) (69)
      Deferred revenue (207) (15)
      Net cash used in operating activities (3,641) (4,639)
      Financing activities:
      Issuance of common shares 27 64
      Net cash provided by financing activities 27 64
      Investing activities:
      Purchase of investments (2,071)
      Redemption of short term investments 39,001 55,146
      Purchase of capital assets (735) (1,031)
      Proceeds on disposal of assets 10
      Net cash provided by investing activities 38,276 52,044
      Increase in cash and cash equivalents 34,662 47,469
      Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period 18,874 24,924
      Cash and cash equivalents at end of period $ 53,336 $ 72,393

      Supplementary cash information:
      Cash paid (refund received) for income taxes $ (1,684) $ 890

      (See accompanying Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements)

      Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements

      February 28, 2003


      1. Summary of Significant Accounting Policies

      All dollar amounts included herein are expressed in thousands of US$ unless otherwise noted. Certain per share information is expressed in units of US$ unless otherwise noted.

      The consolidated financial statements have been prepared in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in Canada ("Canadian GAAP"). These principles are also generally accepted in the United States ("US GAAP") in all material respects except as disclosed in Note 6. In management`s opinion, all adjustments necessary for fair presentation are reflected in the financial statements. All adjustments made are normal and recurring in nature. Corel Corporation ("Corel") has followed the same accounting policies and methods of application as in the most recent audited financial statements except as stated herein.

      Comparative Figures

      Historical comparative figures have been reclassified to reflect current presentation. In the third quarter of fiscal 2002, the amortization of technology, historically included as a component of costs of goods sold, was reclassified for financial statement presentation to depreciation and amortization expense.

      2. Loss per share

      The calculation of loss per share is based on the weighted average number of shares outstanding during the period. As the impacts of the exercise of options and warrants and conversion of preferred shares are anti-dilutive in the first three months of fiscal 2003, 8,717,000 outstanding options, 226,000 warrants and 24,000,000 preferred shares have been excluded from the calculation of diluted earnings per share.

      Three months ended

      February 28,
      2003 2002
      Basic and Diluted:
      Weighted average common shares outstanding 91,826 80,709
      Net loss $ (574) $ (3,148)
      Loss per share $ (0.01) $ (0.04)

      3. Subsequent Events

      On March 24, 2003, Corel Corporation and Vector Capital announced that Corel`s Board of Directors had entered into a non-disclosure and standstill agreement with Vector CC Holdings, L.L.C. ("Vector") a company affiliated with Vector Capital, a venture capital firm. The Board of Directors had engaged CIBC World Markets Inc. to assess and identify other strategic alternatives to maximize value for the company`s shareholders.

      On March 24, 2003, Vector announced that it had completed the purchase of 22,890,000 Series A participating convertible preferred shares of Corel (the "Series A Shares") representing 95.38% of outstanding Series A Shares at a price of US$0.5625 per share from Microsoft Licensing, Inc. in a private transaction as originally announced on March 10, 2003. Those shares are convertible on a one-for-one basis into common shares of Corel and represent approximately 19.95% of the issued and outstanding common shares of Corel at February 28, 2003, assuming conversion of those shares.

      Pursuant to the agreement signed with Corel, Vector commenced a detailed due diligence review of Corel`s business and will be given the opportunity to make a proposal to Corel and its shareholders for the acquisition of Corel. CIBC World Markets Inc. is assisting Corel in exploring its strategic alternatives, including soliciting proposals from other parties, who will also be permitted to undertake due diligence reviews of Corel`s business.

      Corel`s Board of Directors has agreed, subject to certain conditions, to recommend that shareholders support a proposal which may be made by Vector and for which Corel and Vector enter into a definitive agreement valued at US$1.10 or more per share. Any such recommendation with respect to a Vector transaction is subject to the fiduciary right of Corel`s Board of Directors to consider and support at any time a superior proposal and to Corel`s Board of Directors receiving an opinion that the consideration to be received from Vector is fair from a financial point of view to the holders of its common shares. Vector has agreed , for a period of six months, to not oppose a competing proposal that provides for payment to Vector of at least US$1.25 per Series A share and for payment to the holders of Corel`s common shares of at least 105% of Vector`s best offer. The agreement with Vector also prohibits Vector from making a formal takeover bid at a price below US$1.00 per share during the six month period.

      4. Segmented information

      Corel has one global operating segment. A summary of sales by product group, region and major customer from consolidated operations is as follows. Comparative amounts have been reclassified to be consistent with current presentation.

      Three months ended

      February 28,

      2003 2002
      By product
      Graphics Solutions $ 15,264 $ 16,455
      Office Productivity Solutions 8,988 11,938
      Process Management Solutions 2,258 2,161
      Other (including XML Solutions) 1,819 660
      $ 28,329 $ 31,214
      By region
      North America
      Canada $ 2,104 $ 1,765
      U.S.A. 10,717 13,785
      Europe, Middle East, Africa 9,577 10,404
      Rest of world 3,365 3,238
      OEM 2,566 2,022
      $ 28,329 $ 31,214
      By major customer
      Ingram Micro Inc. $ 7,328 $ 6,451
      Tech Data Corporation 3,092 3,781
      All others 17,909 20,982
      $ 28,329 $ 31,214

      5. Stock options plans

      Effective December 1, 2002, Corel adopted the new recommendations of the Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants relating to stock based compensation. Under the new recommendations, where the fair value-based method of accounting has not been used to account for employee stock options, companies are required to disclose pro-forma earnings per share, as if the fair value based method of accounting has been used to account for these stock based awards. The estimated share based compensation costs based on stock options granted to directors, officers, employees and consultants and the pro-forma net loss per share are as follows:

      Three months ended
      February 28,
      2003 2002

      Net loss $ (574) $ (3,148)
      Estimated stock-based compensation costs (470) (395)
      Pro forma net loss $ (1,044) $ (3,543)
      Pro forma loss per share basic and diluted $ (0.01) $ (0.04)

      The fair values of all options granted during the three months ended February 28, 2003 and 2002 were estimated as of the date of grant using the Black-Scholes option pricing model with the following weighted average assumptions:

      Three months ended
      February 28,

      Expected option life (years) 3 3
      Volatility 97 110
      Risk free interest rate 3.59% 3.72%
      Dividend yield nil nil

      The Black-Scholes model, used by Corel to calculate option values, as well as other currently accepted option valuation models, were developed to estimate the fair value of freely tradeable, fully transferable options without vesting restrictions, which significantly differ from Corel`s stock option awards. These models also require highly subjective assumptions, including future stock price volatility and expected time until exercise, which greatly affect the calculated values. Accordingly, management believes that these models do not necessarily provide a reliable single measure of the fair value of Corel`s stock option awards.

      6. Significant differences between Canadian and United States GAAP

      Corel`s financial statements are prepared on the basis of Canadian GAAP, which differs in some respects from US GAAP. There were no differences in reported cash flows for the periods presented. Significant differences between Canadian GAAP and US GAAP are reflected in the Balance Sheets and Statements of Operations set forth below:

      Balance Sheet in accordance with US GAAP As at
      February 28, November 30,
      Notes 2003 2002
      Current assets $ 94,758 $ 100,569
      Investments (B) 8,109 8,590
      Fixed assets 6,724 8,762
      Intangible assets (A) 10,639 11,881
      Total assets $ 120,230 $ 129,802

      Current liabilities $ 16,484 $ 31,427
      Income taxes payable 2,909 5,685
      Deferred revenue 9,547 879
      Future income tax liabilities 760 806
      Total liabilities 29,700 38,797
      Shareholders` equity (A) 90,530 91,005
      Total liabilities and shareholders` equity $ 120,230 $ 129,802

      Statement of Operations in accordance with US GAAP Three months ended
      February 28,
      Notes 2003
      Net loss in accordance with Canadian GAAP $ (574) $ (3,148)
      Amortization of acquired technology (A)
      $ 73
      Net loss in accordance with US GAAP $ (501) $ (3,148)

      Comprehensive income
      Net loss in accordance with US GAAP $ (501) $ (3,148)
      Unrealized holding losses on available for sale securities (B) (424)
      Related income tax (B)
      Comprehensive loss $ (501) $ (3,479)
      Loss per share
      Basic $ (0.01) $ (0.04)
      Diluted $ (0.01) $ (0.04)

      A. In-process research and development

      In accordance with Canadian GAAP, the allocation of the purchase price of the acquisition of Micrografx, Inc.("Micrografx") included $4.3 million for in-process research and development, which is being amortized over its expected useful life. For US GAAP purposes, this was expensed in fiscal 2001, the year of acquisition.

      B. Comprehensive income

      US GAAP requires available-for-sale securities to be marked to market with unrealized holding gains or losses being accounted for in other comprehensive income. Accordingly, the reported carrying value of investments would not have changed at February 28, 2003 and November 30, 2002.

      Stock options plans

      Effective December 1, 2002, Corel adopted SFAS No.148 - "Accounting for Stock-Based Compensation -- Transition and Disclosure an amendment of FASB Statement No.123". Under SFAS No.148, where the fair value-based method of accounting has not been used to account for employee stock options, companies are required to disclose pro-forma earnings per share, as if the fair value based method of accounting has been used to account for these stock based awards. The estimated share based compensation costs based on stock options granted to directors and employees and the pro-forma net loss per share are as follows:

      Three months ended
      February 28,
      2003 2002

      Net loss in accordance with US GAAP $ (647) $ (3,479)
      Estimated stock-based compensation costs (470) (395)
      Pro forma net loss $ (1,117) $ (3,874)
      Pro forma loss per share - basic and diluted $ (0.01) $ (0.05)

      Item 2. Management`s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations


      We develop, manufacture, license, sell and support software that is grouped into four main categories: Graphics Solutions, Office Productivity Solutions, XML Solutions and Process Management Solutions. As customers needs evolve, we are developing solutions that enable customers to create, deploy and interact with content across multiple delivery channels.

      Our business strategy is to leverage our expertise in content creation and open standards such as XML (Extensible Markup Language), to deliver solutions that allow customers to create, exchange and interact instantly with visually rich content. Using Corel`s solutions, customers have access to data which is relevant, accurate and up to date, saving them time, reducing costs and giving them a competitive advantage.


      Our first quarter 2003 revenue of $28.3 million compared to $31.2 million in the first quarter of fiscal 2002. This was a 9.2%, or $2.9 million, decrease in revenue due mainly to a 7.2% decrease in Graphics Solutions revenue and a 24.7% decrease in Office Productivity Solutions. This decline was partially offset by a 4.5% increase in Process Management Solutions revenue.

      Revenue by product group

      Graphics Solutions revenue decreased by 7.2% for the quarter ended February 28, 2003 from the quarter ended February 28, 2002, mainly due to a decline in sales from Corel`s niche graphics products for which marketing support has been significantly curtailed. These products include Knockout, KPT and Bryce.

      Office Productivity Solutions revenue decreased by 24.7% for the quarter ended February 28, 2003 from the quarter ended February 28, 2002, primarily due to the decrease in WordPerfect sales resulting from market anticipation of the new release of WordPerfect Office 11 in the second quarter of 2003. Office Productivity Solutions revenue is expected to increase in subsequent quarters due to this new release.

      Process Management Solutions revenue increased by 4.5% for the quarter ended February 28, 2003 from the quarter ended February 28, 2002, mainly due to revenues generated from the new release of Flowcharter 2003 and Process 2003 in the fourth quarter of 2002. Both were newly acquired products in the first quarter of 2002 which were not marketed as much as the 2003 versions.

      Other Products revenue increased by $1.2 million in the first quarter of 2003 compared to the first quarter of 2002, primarily as a result of revenue from our XML Solutions and Pro Services products. Our XML Solutions products consist of products acquired from SoftQuad Software, Ltd. ("SoftQuad") in March of 2002.

      Revenue by region

      Revenue in North America declined 17.5% in the first quarter of 2003 from the first quarter of 2002. This can be attributed to lower sales of WordPerfect Office 2002 due to the anticipated release of WordPerfect Office 11 in the second quarter of 2003.

      Revenue in Europe, Middle East and Africa decreased by 7.9% for the quarter ended February 28, 2003 from the quarter ended February 28, 2002. This decline in sales can be attributed to lower sales of Corel Graphics Suite 11 and competitive pricing pressures in key European markets.

      Rest of world revenue in the first quarter of 2003 remained relatively flat when compared to the first quarter of 2002.

      OEM revenue increased by 27.0% in the first quarter of 2003 over the first quarter of 2002 due in large part to an increase in royalty revenues from recently signed partnerships with leading hardware manufacturers including Sony, Dell and Gateway.

      Cost of sales and gross profit

      We have historically included the amortization of licenses and acquired technology as a component of cost of goods sold. To make analysis of our financial results more comparable with general industry practices, the acquired technology amortization costs have been reclassified for all periods presented to depreciation and amortization expense. After this change, gross margin for the first quarter of 2003 was 87.1%, down from 90.7% for the same period in the prior year. The increase in cost of sales is a result of provisioning for older material, destruction-related costs and low volume runs.

      Sales expenses

      Sales expenses increased by 20.5% or $1.6 million for the first quarter of 2003 from the first quarter of 2002. This can be partially attributed to $1.2 million in additional expenses associated with the increased investment in our European workforce and SoftQuad product lines acquired March of 2002.

      Marketing expenses

      Marketing expenses decreased by 3.0% for the first quarter of 2003 from the first quarter of 2002 in part as a result of cost cutting measures including reduction in the marketing efforts for niche graphics products such as Knockout, KPT and Bryce over the first quarter of 2002. There were also no significant product releases during the quarter, thereby decreasing promotional spending.

      General and administrative expenses

      General and administrative expenses decreased by 6.8% during the quarter ended February 28, 2003 compared to the quarter ended February 28, 2002. The decrease can be attributed in part to the reduced staff levels, and general cost-cutting measures implemented in the fourth quarter of 2002.

      Research and development expenses

      Corel`s first quarter 2003 research and development expenses decreased 29.6% or $2.1 million compared to the first quarter of fiscal 2002 partly as a result of the restructuring of the development process done in late fiscal 2002. The decrease in expenses is also in part a result of the decrease in staff in research and development in the first quarter of 2003 over the first quarter of 2002.

      Depreciation and amortization expenses

      Depreciation and amortization in the first quarter of 2003 decreased by 12.5% over the first quarter of 2002 as a result of the write off in late fiscal 2002 of technology acquired from Micrografx in October 2001 and SoftQuad in March 2002.

      Interest income

      Interest income declined 51.0% for the quarter ended February 28, 2003 from the quarter ended February 28, 2002. This decrease is primarily attributable to a $41.6 million decline in cash available for investment in the first three months of 2003 from the first three months of 2002, as a result of costs related to the acquisition of SoftQuad, and cash used in funding operations, compounded by decreases in the average effective interest rates in the respective periods.

      Income taxes

      Corel`s tax expense is impacted by the relative profitability of its operations in various geographic regions. In addition, during the first quarter of 2003, we received tax reassessments of prior years, settling a number of outstanding tax issues. The first quarter of 2003 tax recovery includes approximately $4.8 million relating to refunds of taxes from those reassessments.

      Liquidity and capital resources

      As of February 28, 2003, our principal sources of liquidity included cash and cash equivalents and short-term investments of approximately $73.0 million, and trade accounts receivable of $16.7 million. Cash used in operations was $3.6 million for the first three moths of fiscal 2003 compared to $4.6 million for the first three months of fiscal 2002. Favorable factors which increased cash included a reduction in other current assets of $1.4 million and a tax refund of $1.7 million which was offset by a reduction in accounts payables and accruals of $6.1 million. Included in the reduction in accounts payable was $1.3 million in non-recurring severance payments accrued to cover November of 2002 staff reductions and $2.1 million in substantial acceleration of payments which, together with an $1.0 million increase in prepaid insurance, will be offset by a corresponding reduction in comparable cash requirements in subsequent quarters of fiscal 2003.

      Corel received a further tax refund of $3.1 million shortly after the end of the first quarter of fiscal 2003.

      Financing activities provided $27,000 in the first three months of 2003 compared to $64,000 in the first quarter of 2002. The source of cash in both quarters was the issuance of shares under employee stock option plans.

      Cash provided from investing activities was $38.3 million in the first three months of 2003 compared to $52.0 million in the first quarter of 2002. The primary source of cash was the redemption of short-term investments, which provided $39.0 million for the first quarter of 2003. The primary use of cash from investing activities during the quarter was the acquisition of capital assets for $0.7 million, compared to $1.0 million in the first quarter of 2002.

      We currently have $53.5 million of cash and cash equivalents and $18.0 million of short-term investments which are highly liquid. We believe these funds, along with future cash flow from operations will provide sufficient liquidity for the near term. At February 28, 2003, our future commitments consisted primarily of lease arrangements for office space and certain sponsorship activities. No significant commitments exist for future capital expenditures. We believe available balances of cash and cash equivalents and short-term investments are sufficient to meet our working capital requirements for the foreseeable future.

      Future Payments Under Lease and Sponsorship Contracts

      Commitments under lease and sponsorship contract obligations as of February 28, 2003 were as follows:

      Fiscal year Operating leases Sponsorship contracts Total
      2003 (9 months) $ 2,995 $ 877 $ 3,872
      2004 3,333 903 4,236
      2005 1,852 930 2,782
      2006 987 958 1,945
      2007 392 987 1,379
      2008 and thereafter 6,101 11,656 17,757
      $ 15,660 $ 16,311 $ 31,971

      Potential Fluctuations in Quarterly Results

      We experience significant fluctuations in our quarterly operating results due to the following factors: market acceptance of new and enhanced products, timing and shipment of significant orders, mix of products sold, exchange rate fluctuations, length of revenue cycles and cycles in the markets we serve. In addition, our net revenue and operating results for a future quarter will depend on generating and shipping orders in the same quarter that the order is received. The failure to receive anticipated orders or delays in shipments near the end of a quarter, due to rescheduling, cancellations or unexpected manufacturing difficulties, may cause net revenue in a particular quarter to fall significantly below expectations. This could adversely affect our operating results for such quarter.

      Being first to market with new products is critical to revenue growth. As we and our competitors develop new products, demand for our current and future products will fluctuate. If demand for our products were to decline significantly, revenue would decline and cost of sales would increase as a result of obsolete inventory and accelerated amortization of capitalized licences.

      Critical Accounting Policies and Estimates

      Our discussion and analysis of financial condition and results of operations are based upon our consolidated financial statements, which have been prepared in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in Canada. The preparation of these financial statements requires us to make estimates and judgements that affect the reported amounts of assets, liabilities, revenue and expenses and related disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities. On an on-going basis, we evaluate our estimates including those related to product returns, bad debts, inventories, intangible assets, income taxes, contingencies and litigation. We base our estimates on historical experience and on various other assumptions that are believed to be reasonable under the circumstances, the results of which form the basis for making judgements about the carrying values of assets and liabilities that are not readily apparent from other sources. Actual results may differ from these estimates under different assumptions or conditions.

      We believe the following critical accounting policies affect our more significant judgements and estimates used in the preparation of our consolidated financial statements:

      Revenue recognition

      We recognize revenue in accordance with Statement of Position ("SOP") 97-2, "Software Revenue Recognition," issued by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants ("AICPA"), SOP 98-9, "Modification of 97-2, Software Recognition with Respect to Certain Transactions" and Staff Accounting Bulletin ("SAB") No. 101 "Revenue Recognition in Financial Statements", issued by the Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC").

      We record product revenue from packaged software and license fees when persuasive evidence of an arrangement exists, the software product has been shipped, there are no significant uncertainties surrounding product acceptance, the fees are fixed and determinable and collection is considered probable.

      Revenue is net of a provision for product returns. In computing this provision, we use estimates and professional judgement. These estimates are based on information on channel inventory and current return rates. Consequently, actual return rates could vary materially from our estimates. An increase in the return rate could result from changes in consumer demand. Should this variance occur, revenue could fluctuate significantly. Variances from estimated return rates and actual return rates are adjusted for monthly.

      At the time of contract signing, we assess whether the fee associated with the revenue transactions is fixed and determinable based on the payment terms associated with the transaction. We consider the fee to be fixed and determinable if it is due within our normal payment terms, which are generally 30 to 90 days from invoice date.

      We assess collection based on a number of factors, including past transaction history with the customer and the credit-worthiness of the customer and do not request collateral from our customers. If it is determined that collection of a fee is not reasonably assured, we defer the fee and recognize revenue at the time collection becomes reasonably assured, which is generally upon receipt of cash.

      We use binding purchase orders and signed license agreements as evidence of an arrangement. Our arrangements do not include acceptance clauses.

      We review our accounts receivable and evaluate the adequacy of our allowance for doubtful accounts. Specific items that are analyzed include historical bad debts, changes in customer payments, and current economic trends.

      Income taxes

      We have a net future tax asset the principal components of which are book and tax differences on assets and net operating loss carryforwards. We believe sufficient uncertainty exists regarding the realizability of these net future tax assets such that a valuation allowance has been taken on the entire amount. Assumptions regarding the realizability of these net future tax assets are revisited at each balance sheet date. Any changes in our overall operating environment and financial performance could result in adjustments to the valuation allowance.

      New Accounting Pronouncements

      In December 2001, the CICA issued AcG 13 - "Hedging Relationships" ("AcG 13"). The guideline presents the views of the Canadian Accounting Standards Board on the identification, designation, documentation and effectiveness of hedging relationships, for the purpose of applying hedge accounting. The guideline is effective for all fiscal years beginning on or after July 1 2003, which is the fiscal year beginning December 1, 2003 for Corel. Corel does not believe that the adoption of this guideline will have a material impact on its results of operations or financial position.

      In December 2002, the CICA issued CICA 3475 - "Disposal of long-lived assets and discontinued operations" ("CICA 3475"). This section establishes standards for the recognition, measurement, presentation and disclosure of the disposal of long-lived assets. It also establishes standards for the presentation and disclosure of discontinued operations, whether or not they include long-lived assets. The recommendations in this section should be applied to disposal activities initiated by an enterprise`s commitment to a plan on or after May 1, 2003, with early adoption encouraged. Corel does not believe that the adoption of this guideline will have a material impact on its results of operations or financial position.

      In December 2002, the CICA issued CICA 3063 - "Impairment of long-lived assets" ("CICA 3063"). This section establishes standards for the recognition, measurement and disclosure of the impairment of long-lived assets. The Recommendations in this Section should be applied prospectively for years beginning on or after April 1, 2003, which is the fiscal year beginning December 1, 2003 for Corel, with earlier application encouraged. Corel does not believe that the adoption of this guideline will have a material impact on its results of operations or financial position.


      Interest rate risk

      Our exposure to market risk for changes in interest rates relates primarily to our investment portfolio of cash equivalents and short-term investments. Our primary objective with respect to investments is security of principal. Investment criteria include selecting securities having an acceptable credit rating and diversifying both issuers and terms to maturity, which in no case exceed one year. Short-term investments include only those securities with active secondary or resale markets to ensure portfolio liquidity. Sustained low general interest rates, particularly in the United States, could significantly reduce our interest income. We do not use derivative financial instruments in our investment portfolio.

      At February 28, 2003, interest rates on our investments ranged from 1.21% to 2.86% per annum (average rate approximately 1.35% per annum) with all investments maturing by the end of July 2003. Our cash, cash equivalents and short-term investments are denominated predominantly in US dollars. As at February 28, 2003, maturity values approximate fair values.

      Foreign currency risk

      Corel conducts business worldwide. Revenue and expenses are generated primarily in US dollars, but we do operate in foreign currencies, primarily in Canada and Europe and, to a lesser extent, in Australia, Latin America, Japan and other Asian countries. As our business expands, our exposure to foreign currency risk increases. We continue to monitor our foreign currency exposure to minimize the impact on our business operations. We have mitigated, and expect to continue to mitigate, a portion of our currency exposure through decentralized sales, marketing and support operations in which most costs are local currency based. As at February 28, 2003 we had forward exchange contracts to purchase Canadian dollars with maturity dates ranging from March 7, 2003 to October 31, 2003 to purchase a total of CDN $8.0 million.


      (a) Evaluation of disclosure controls and procedures. Corel`s chief executive officer and chief financial officer have evaluated the effectiveness of Corel`s "disclosure controls and procedures" (as defined in the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 Rules 13a-14(c) and 15d-14(c)) as of April 8, 2003, (the "Evaluation Date"). Based on such review, they have concluded that, as of the Evaluation Date, Corel`s disclosure controls and procedures were effective to ensure that material information relating to Corel and its consolidated subsidiaries would be made known to them by others within those entities.

      (b) Changes in internal controls. There were no significant changes in Corel`s internal controls or to the knowledge of Corel`s chief executive officer and chief financial officer, in other factors that could significantly affect Corel`s internal controls subsequent to the Evaluation Date.

      (c) Limitations on the Effectiveness of Controls. Corel`s management including the chief executive officer and chief financial officer, does not expect that our disclosure controls will prevent all error and all fraud. A control system, no matter how well conceived and operated, can provide only reasonable, not absolute, assurance that the objectives of the control system are met.


      Item 1. Legal and Government Proceedings

      On March 13, 2000, Corel was served with a complaint filed against it and Dr. Michael C.J. Cowpland by Plaintiffs Anthony Basilio and Fred Spagnola in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. The Complaint was filed on behalf of all persons who purchased or otherwise acquired Corel common shares between December 7, 1999 and December 21, 1999 (the "Class Period"). The Complaint alleges that the defendants violated various provisions of U.S. federal securities laws, including Section 10(b), Section 20(a) and Rule 10b-5 of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, by misrepresenting or failing to disclose material information about Corel`s financial condition. The Complaint seeks an unspecified amount of money damages. Further complaints were filed thereafter, each making similar allegations and referencing the same Class Period as the initial claims. The Court has consolidated all pending cases in the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. An Amended Consolidated Complaint was served on or about August 14, 2000, which claims an expanded Class Period, from December 7, 1999 to March 20, 2000 (inclusive), and contains several new allegations. On or about July 6, 2001, Corel and co-defendant Cowpland filed their answers to the amended Complaint, denying all liability to Plaintiffs and asserting various affirmative defences. By order dated February 1, 2002, the Court granted Plaintiffs` motion for class certification and on May 3, 2002, approved the expanded Class Period as claimed in the Amended Consolidated Complaint. Corel strongly disagrees with the claims made against it in the Complaint and intends to continue its vigorous defence of this action. This case is currently in the discovery phase. The trial date for this action has not yet been set.

      In January 2002, Corel was notified of a claim filed December 28, 2001, which also names Micrografx (acquired by Corel in 2001) and 92 other defendants, by The Massachusetts Institute of Technology ("MIT") and Electronics for Imaging, Inc. ("EMI") in the U.S. District Court, Eastern District of Texas, for alleged patent infringement of U.S. Patent No. 4,500,919 relating to a system and method of color management. The subject patent expired in May 2002. Plaintiffs filed an amended complaint on April 25, 2002 (the "Complaint"), increasing the number of defendants to 214. The defendants include numerous large corporations, including Microsoft, IBM, Dell, and Nikon. The Complaint seeks injunctive relief and an unspecified amount of money damages. Both Corel and Micrografx have licensed from Eastman Kodak ("Kodak") a color management system included in the products identified in the Complaint, and as such, Corel has claimed indemnity from Kodak for losses arising from the Complaint, including for those claims of co-defendants who are claiming indemnity from Corel. This case is continuing in its discovery process. Corel strongly disagrees with the Plaintiffs` claims and intends to vigorously defend this matter.

      In February 2002, Corel was served with a claim filed November 2, 2001 by Heidelberger Druckmaschinen AG, in the U.S. District Court, Southern District of New York, for alleged infringement of U.S. Patent No. 4,393,399 relating to a process for electronic color retouching. The subject patent expired July 12, 2000. The Complaint sought an unspecified amount of money damages. Corel vigorously defended the litigation which proceeded to the discovery phase. Shortly after a court ordered mediation which took place on March 11, 2003 the case was settled. The terms of settlement were not material.

      Corel is a party to a number of additional claims arising in the ordinary course of business relating to employment, intellectual property and other matters. Based on its review of the individual matters, Corel believes that such claims, individually, will not have a material adverse effect on its business, financial position or results of operations but, in the aggregate, may have a material adverse effect on its business, financial position or results of operations. Such possible effect cannot be reasonably estimated at this time.

      Item 2. Changes in Securities and Use of Proceeds


      Item 3. Defaults Upon Senior Securities


      Item 4. Submission of matters to a vote of security holders


      Item 6. Exhibits and Reports on Form 8-K

      a) The following exhibits are included with the Company`s 10-Q as filed with the SEC on April 14, 2003.

      Exhibit 99. Certification Pursuant to 18 U.S.C. Section 1350, as adopted pursuant to Section 906 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002.

      b) Reports on Form 8-K



      Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the Registrant has caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned hereunto duly authorized.



      April 14, 2003 By: /s/ W. Martin Catto

      W. Martin Catto

      Executive Vice President, Finance

      and Interim Chief Financial Officer

      (Principal Financial and Accounting Officer)

      Form of Certification on Form 10-Q

      I, Derek Burney, certify that:

      1.I have reviewed this quarterly report on Form 10-Q of Corel Corporation ("the Registrant");

      2. Based on my knowledge, this quarterly report does not contain any untrue statement of a material fact or omit to state a material fact necessary to make the statements made, in light of the circumstances under which such statements were made, not misleading with respect to the period covered by this quarterly report;

      3. Based on my knowledge, the financial statements, and other financial information included in this quarterly report, fairly present in all material respects the financial condition, results of operations and cash flows of the Registrant as of, and for, the periods presented in this quarterly report;

      4. The Registrant`s other certifying officer and I are responsible for establishing and maintaining disclosure controls and procedures (as defined in Exchange Act Rules 13a-14 and 15d-14) for the Registrant and we have:

      a) designed such disclosure controls and procedures to ensure that material information relating to the Registrant, including its consolidated subsidiaries, is made known to us by others within those entities, particularly during the period in which this quarterly report is being prepared;

      b) evaluated the effectiveness of the Registrant`s disclosure controls and procedures as of a date within 90 days prior to the filing date of this quarterly report (the "Evaluation Date"); and

      c) presented in this quarterly report our conclusions about the effectiveness of the disclosure controls and procedures based on our evaluation as of the Evaluation Date;

      5. The Registrant`s other certifying officer and I have disclosed, based on our most recent evaluation, to the Registrant`s auditors and the audit committee of Registrant`s board of directors (or persons performing the equivalent functions):

      a) all significant deficiencies in the design or operation of internal controls which could adversely affect the Registrant`s ability to record, process, summarize and report financial data and have identified for the Registrant`s auditors any material weaknesses in internal controls; and

      b) any fraud, whether or not material, that involves management or other employees who have a significant role in the Registrant`s internal controls;

      6. The Registrant`s other certifying officer and I have indicated in this quarterly report whether or not there were significant changes in internal controls or in other factors that could significantly affect internal controls subsequent to the date of our most recent evaluation, including any corrective actions with regard to significant deficiencies and material weaknesses.

      April 14, 2003

      /s/ Derek Burney

      Derek Burney

      President and Chief Executive Officer

      Form of Certification on Form 10-Q

      I, W. Martin Catto, certify that:

      1.I have reviewed this quarterly report on Form 10-Q of Corel Corporation ("the Registrant");

      2. Based on my knowledge, this quarterly report does not contain any untrue statement of a material fact or omit to state a material fact necessary to make the statements made, in light of the circumstances under which such statements were made, not misleading with respect to the period covered by this quarterly report;

      3. Based on my knowledge, the financial statements, and other financial information included in this quarterly report, fairly present in all material respects the financial condition, results of operations and cash flows of the Registrant as of, and for, the periods presented in this quarterly report;

      4. The Registrant`s other certifying officer and I are responsible for establishing and maintaining disclosure controls and procedures (as defined in Exchange Act Rules 13a-14 and 15d-14) for the Registrant and we have:

      a) designed such disclosure controls and procedures to ensure that material information relating to the Registrant, including its consolidated subsidiaries, is made known to us by others within those entities, particularly during the period in which this quarterly report is being prepared;

      b) evaluated the effectiveness of the Registrant`s disclosure controls and procedures as of a date within 90 days prior to the filing date of this quarterly report (the "Evaluation Date"); and

      c) presented in this quarterly report our conclusions about the effectiveness of the disclosure controls and procedures based on our evaluation as of the Evaluation Date;

      5. The Registrant`s other certifying officer and I have disclosed, based on our most recent evaluation, to the Registrant`s auditors and the audit committee of Registrant`s board of directors (or persons performing the equivalent functions):

      a) all significant deficiencies in the design or operation of internal controls which could adversely affect the Registrant`s ability to record, process, summarize and report financial data and have identified for the Registrant`s auditors any material weaknesses in internal controls; and

      b) any fraud, whether or not material, that involves management or other employees who have a significant role in the Registrant`s internal controls;

      6. The Registrant`s other certifying officer and I have indicated in this quarterly report whether or not there were significant changes in internal controls or in other factors that could significantly affect internal controls subsequent to the date of our most recent evaluation, including any corrective actions with regard to significant deficiencies and material weaknesses.

      April 14, 2003

      /s/ W. Martin Catto

      W. Martin Catto

      Executive Vice President, Finance and Interim Chief Financial Officer


      Exhibit 99 EXHIBIT 99


      18 U.S.C. SECTION 1350,



      In connection with the Quarterly Report of Corel Corporation (the "Company") on Form 10-Q for the period ending February 28, 2003 as filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission on the date hereof (the "Report"):

      I, Derek Burney, President and Chief Executive Officer of the Company, certify, pursuant to 18 U.S.C. 1350, as adopted pursuant to 906 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, that the report fully complies with the requirements of section 13(a) or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and the information contained in the Report fairly presents, in all material respects, the financial condition and results of operations of the Company.

      April 14, 2003

      /s/ Derek Burney

      Derek Burney

      President and Chief Executive Officer

      I, W. Martin Catto, Executive Vice President, Finance and Interim Chief Financial Officer the Company, certify, pursuant to 18 U.S.C. 1350, as adopted pursuant to 906 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, that the report fully complies with the requirements of section 13(a) or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and the information contained in the Report fairly presents, in all material respects, the financial condition and results of operations of the Company.

      April 14, 2003

      /s/ W. Martin Catto

      W. Martin Catto

      Executive Vice President, Finance and Interim Chief Financial Officer

      End of Filing
      schrieb am 15.04.03 09:30:45
      Beitrag Nr. 55 ()
      ausserdem sollte jetzt bald das
      konkrete angebot von vector an corel kommen!
      das es wird langsam ernst!
      denn die 30 tage sind bald um!
      vielleicht tritt noch ein anderer
      übernahmekandidat auf den plan!
      davon gehe ich eigentlich aus!
      unter 1$ wird das angebot nicht liegen!
      das heißt man kann noch sicher einsteigen!
      und hat das volle potential nach oben!

      schrieb am 16.04.03 08:22:33
      Beitrag Nr. 56 ()
      CORL -- Corel Corp.
      Com (No Par)

      Company News and Press Releases From Other Sources:

      Corel Expands Distribution Channel: SYNNEX to Distribute Corel Software Solutions in US

      OTTAWA, Apr 15, 2003 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- Corel Corporation (NASDAQ:CORL) (TSX:COR) today announced that it has expanded its distribution channel in North America through a new agreement recently completed with SYNNEX Information Technologies, Inc. With this agreement, Corel has extended its North American agreement with SYNNEX to include US distribution.
      "Corel understands the value of leveraging industry partnerships to reach more customers," said Steve Houck, executive vice-president of partner relations at Corel Corporation. "By expanding our partnership with SYNNEX, we can better support the needs of the channel community and increase exposure to Corel`s software solutions among consumers, government, education and business customers. The strong partnerships we have built with our distributors play an important role in our success with both our existing offerings and new solutions we are introducing, including WordPerfect Office 11, the new version of our flagship office suite, and Corel Painter 8, our industry-leading sketching and painting tool. We look forward to working closely with our distributor partners as we increase our presence and awareness of the Corel brand at retail over the coming months."

      "We are pleased to align ourselves with Corel in the US," said Mimi Anderson, vice president of product marketing for software at SYNNEX. "Our Canadian operation has partnered successfully with Corel for many years and we are very excited to expand our relationship into the US market. Corel is recognized worldwide for developing exceptional software solutions and we look forward to working closely with Corel to deliver innovative programs that will expand Corel`s customer reach. The alignment with Corel will enhance the solutions we offer our resellers in the SMB and government markets and will also enhance the licensing opportunities available to our software influencers."

      SYNNEX US is distributing the full line of Corel`s comprehensive software solutions to their broad base of resellers, who will have access to Corel`s complete product offering of graphics, office productivity, XML, process management and educational solutions.

      Corel`s expanded relationship with SYNNEX complements the existing distribution relationships Corel has in place to service the North American market. The Company also partners with the following distributors: Ingram Micro, serving value-added resellers, retail outlets and solution providers for government and education; D&H, which specializes in distribution for retail and education; TechData, which supplies solution providers for SMB and retail; Douglas Stewart, serving the education market; Merisel, which focuses primarily on the SMB market; and Infogrames, which serves the retail market.

      About Corel Corporation

      Founded in 1985, Corel Corporation ( is a leading technology company specializing in content creation tools, business process management and XML-enabled enterprise solutions. The company`s goal is to give consumers and enterprise customers the ability to create, exchange and instantly interact with visual content that is always relevant, accurate and available. With its headquarters in Ottawa, Canada, Corel`s common stock trades on the Nasdaq Stock Market under the symbol CORL and on the Toronto Stock Exchange under the symbol COR.

      About SYNNEX

      Founded in 1980, SYNNEX Information Technologies, Inc. is a global IT supply chain services company providing a comprehensive range of outsourcing solutions to original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) and resellers worldwide. The company offers IT distribution, contract assembly and logistics services. SYNNEX works with leading industry suppliers of IT systems, peripherals, system components, software and networking equipment. Additional information about SYNNEX may be found online at

      This press release contains forward-looking statements as defined by the United States Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, involving the company`s expectations about future financial results and other matters. These statements reflect management`s current forecast of certain aspects of the company`s future business. These forward-looking statements are subject to certain risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results of operations to differ materially from historical results or current expectations. The words "plan", "expect", "believe", "intend", "anticipate", "forecast", "target", "estimate" and similar expressions identify forward-looking statements. Risk factors include shifts in customer demand, product shipment schedules, product mix, competitive products and pricing, technological shifts and other variables. Readers are referred to Corel`s most recent reports filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission for a more complete discussion of the other risks and uncertainties. The factors underlying forecasts are dynamic and subject to change. As a result, forecasts speak only as of the date they are given and do not necessarily reflect the company`s outlook at any other point in time. The company does not undertake to update or review these forward-looking statements.

      (C) 2003 Corel Corporation. All rights reserved. Corel and the Corel logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Corel Corporation and/or its subsidiaries. All other product, font and company names and logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies.

      CONTACT: Maverick PR
      Press Contact:
      Becky Porter, 416/640-5757
      Corel Corporation
      Investor Contact:
      John Hladkowicz, 613/728-0826 ext. 1194

      Today`s News On The Net - Business Wire`s full file on the Internet
      with Hyperlinks to your home page.

      Copyright (C) 2003 Business Wire. All rights reserved.
      schrieb am 16.04.03 08:24:02
      Beitrag Nr. 57 ()
      CORL -- Corel Corp.
      Com (No Par)

      Company News and Press Releases From Other Sources:

      SYNNEX and Corel Expand North American Distribution Agreement to Include United States

      FREMONT, Calif., Apr 15, 2003 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- SYNNEX Information Technologies, Inc., a global information technology (IT) supply chain services company, today announced that it has expanded its North American distribution agreement with Corel Corporation (NASDAQ: CORL, TSX: COR), to include the United States.
      SYNNEX US will distribute the full line of Corel`s comprehensive software solutions to their broad base of resellers, who will have access to Corel`s complete product offering of graphics, office productivity, XML, process management and educational solutions.

      "We are pleased to align ourselves with Corel in the US," said Mimi Anderson, Vice President of Product Marketing for Software at SYNNEX. "Our Canadian operation has partnered successfully with Corel for many years and we are very excited to expand our relationship into the US market. Corel is recognized worldwide for developing exceptional software solutions and we look forward to working closely with Corel to deliver innovative programs that will expand Corel`s customer reach. The alignment with Corel will enhance the solutions we offer our resellers in the SMB and government markets and will also enhance the licensing opportunities available to our software influencers."

      "Corel understands the value of leveraging industry partnerships to reach more customers," said Steve Houck, executive vice-president of partner relations at Corel Corporation. "By expanding our partnership with SYNNEX, we can better support the needs of the channel community and increase exposure to Corel`s software solutions among consumers, government, education and business customers. The strong partnerships we have built with our distributors play an important role in our success with both our existing offerings and new solutions we are introducing, including WordPerfect Office 11, the new version of our flagship office suite, and Corel Painter 8, our industry-leading sketching and painting tool. We look forward to working closely with our distributor partners as we increase our presence and awareness of the Corel brand at retail over the coming months."

      About SYNNEX

      Founded in 1980, SYNNEX Information Technologies, Inc. is a global IT supply chain services company providing a comprehensive range of outsourcing solutions to original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) and resellers worldwide. The company offers IT distribution, contract assembly and logistics services. SYNNEX works with leading industry suppliers of IT systems, peripherals, system components, software and networking equipment. Additional information about SYNNEX may be found online at

      About Corel Corporation

      Founded in 1985, Corel Corporation ( is a leading technology company specializing in content creation tools, business process management and XML-enabled enterprise solutions. The company`s goal is to give consumers and enterprise customers the ability to create, exchange and instantly interact with visual content that is always relevant, accurate and available. With its headquarters in Ottawa, Canada, Corel`s common stock trades on the Nasdaq Stock Market under the symbol CORL and on the Toronto Stock Exchange under the symbol COR.

      Statements in this release that are forward looking involve known and unknown risks and uncertainties, which may cause the Company`s actual results in future periods to be materially different from any future performance that may be suggested in this release. The Company assumes no obligation to update any forward-looking statements contained in this release.

      SYNNEX and the SYNNEX logo are trademarks of SYNNEX Information Technologies, Inc. or its subsidiaries and should be treated as such. All rights reserved. All other company names mentioned herein are trademarks of their respective owners.

      CONTACT: SYNNEX Information Technologies, Inc.
      Bobbie Wyatt, 864/289-4485

      Today`s News On The Net - Business Wire`s full file on the Internet
      with Hyperlinks to your home page.

      Copyright (C) 2003 Business Wire. All rights reserved.


      schrieb am 16.04.03 13:17:30
      Beitrag Nr. 58 ()
      Corel debuts new WordPerfect
      Is Microsoft scared? Unlikely...

      Corel will begin selling the new version of its WordPerfect office software Wednesday, but analysts don`t expect the package to make much headway against Microsoft Office.

      WordPerfect Office 11 will include a number of new features based on Extensible Markup Language (XML), allowing documents to share data with back-end systems. The package includes the WordPerfect word processing application, Quattro spreadsheet software and Presentations slide-show software.

      The new software includes specialised extensions, such as tools for creating legal documents that used to be sold separately, plus integrated support for publishing documents in Adobe Systems` widespread portable document format (PDF). The package also works with Microsoft`s Outlook email client to simplify the electronic exchange of documents for review and comment. It also sports a new navigation interface that makes it easier to find a specific spot in a large document.

      Corel is targeting the software at WordPerfect`s existing user base of mainly government and legal professionals, said company spokesman Greg Wood. But the software maker also expects to pick up more mainstream consumer and small business users, thanks to deals with major PC makers to include WordPerfect on new PCs.

      The software maker also is pushing to attract more corporate users by trying to tap into dissatisfaction over changes in Microsoft`s licensing procedures. WordPerfect uses a simplified licensing scheme that allows a single user to install the software on multiple machines such as a laptop and desktop PC.

      "It`ll be interesting to see how (WordPerfect) 11 is received in the enterprise environment," Wood said. "This will be the first time we`re coming out with a new product with a licensing strategy that`s really flexible and provides a clear alternative to Microsoft."

      Jonathan Eunice, an analyst for research firm Illuminata, doesn`t expect Corel to make much headway. He said companies frustrated with Microsoft licensing are mostly opting to stick with older versions of Office, and those looking at alternatives are focusing on wholly different approaches, most notably the free, open-source OpenOffice package.

      "You`ve got Microsoft on one end and free software on the other end and not much opportunity in the middle," Eunice said. "There are no large-scale customers switching from (Microsoft software) to WordPerfect."

      Corel`s recent corporate instability doesn`t help, Eunice added. "The health and well-being of everyone in the market except Microsoft is very suspect," he said.

      The standard version of WordPerfect will sell for $299, or $149 for those upgrading from a previous version. A Professional version, which adds the Paradox database application, will be sold on a license version to businesses or as a $100 boxed package for educators and students. A free 30-day trial version of WordPerfect is available for download from Corel.

      WordPerfect 11 will work only with Windows PCs, but Wood said Corel will evaluate other operating systems for future versions. "The Linux market is starting to look a lot more promising," he said.

      David Becker writes for
      David Becker
      schrieb am 16.04.03 14:09:32
      Beitrag Nr. 59 ()
      hab schon gedacht ich bin der einzige hier!
      schrieb am 16.04.03 14:11:46
      Beitrag Nr. 60 ()
      nene,ich bin bei dir ;)
      schrieb am 17.04.03 08:45:42
      Beitrag Nr. 61 ()
      was glaubst wann das konkrete angebot von vector kommt?
      bis ende nächste woche vermute ich wird das
      ganze über die bühne gehen, aber ob vector alleine bleibt?
      ich schätze das noch ein anderer bieter auftaucht!
      wie schätzt die gebotsspanne ein?
      ich denke es dürfte zwischen 1,2 - 2,0 $ liegen!

      die chancen hier ein schnäppchen zu machen stehen gut.
      0,8 euro unterschreiten wird die aktie wohl kaum noch mal!
      also kaum ein risiko bei dem kurs einzusteigen.

      schrieb am 17.04.03 08:48:24
      Beitrag Nr. 62 ()
      ich glaub eher an 1,25
      was taxt ffm heute für nen mist
      0,76 zu 0,81
      schrieb am 17.04.03 08:53:45
      Beitrag Nr. 63 ()
      ist der kurs 0,81!
      denke trotzdem das unter 0,85 keine
      mehr zu haben sein werden!
      gut bei 1,25 ergeben sich auch 25%!
      paßt doch!
      schrieb am 17.04.03 08:58:22
      Beitrag Nr. 64 ()
      taxe runter auf 0,75 zu 0,80 :confused:
      schrieb am 17.04.03 09:01:14
      Beitrag Nr. 65 ()
      10 k zu 0,77 :confused:
      schrieb am 17.04.03 09:17:29
      Beitrag Nr. 66 ()
      jetzt 0,81 zu 0,84
      schrieb am 17.04.03 09:40:22
      Beitrag Nr. 67 ()
      schrieb am 17.04.03 09:52:30
      Beitrag Nr. 68 ()
      erst tut sich gar nix nach dem aufkommen der
      übernahmegerüchte. und dann.. !
      naja aber es tut sich was.
      wird bestimmt interessant!
      schrieb am 21.04.03 22:05:22
      Beitrag Nr. 69 ()
      Corel Extends Long-Standing License Agreement with Bitstream Open this result in new window
      Business Wire - Apr 21 8:33 AM

      komm leider nicht an die ganze news :(
      geht irgendwie nicht :(
      schrieb am 22.04.03 09:17:31
      Beitrag Nr. 70 ()
      Hier ist die gesamte Nachricht!

      CORL -- Corel Corp.
      Com (No Par)

      Company News and Press Releases From Other Sources:

      Corel Extends Long-Standing License Agreement with Bitstream; Leading Developer of Design and Office Productivity Software Continues Its Use of Bitstream Font Technology

      CAMBRIDGE, Mass., Apr 21, 2003 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- Bitstream Inc. (Nasdaq:BITS) today announced it has renewed its licensing agreement for TrueDoc(R) with long-standing client Corel Corp.
      Corel has included Bitstream TrueDoc in CorelDRAW(R) GRAPHICS SUITE 11, Corel(R) DESIGNER(R) 10 and WordPerfect(R) Office, enabling customers to embed fonts in their native documents.

      "Our customers require speed, efficiency and reliability from our products," said Graham Brown, Vice-President of Software Development at Corel. "Bitstream continues to deliver robust technology that provides our customers with valuable time savings."

      "CorelDRAW GRAPHICS SUITE, Corel DESIGNER, and WordPerfect Office 11 offer a powerful and versatile suite of graphics applications and office productivity software. We are pleased to extend our successful partnership with Corel," said Anna Chagnon, President of Bitstream.

      "Users today need a wide variety of fonts, and Bitstream`s TrueDoc font technology fulfills this critical need. Bitstream and Corel are once again working together to bring a high-quality font solution to Corel`s extensive customer base."

      CorelDRAW(R) 6, released in 1995, was the first Corel product to benefit from Bitstream font embedding. The CorelDRAW(R) product line is carefully designed to make work easier and more intuitive for professionals in the graphics industry. CorelDRAW GRAPHICS SUITE 11 delivers powerful software for graphic design, page layout, photo editing, and vector animation. It also offers live feedback, extensive compatibility, and a full range of output options.

      WordPerfect Office 11 is a comprehensive office productivity suite known for its value, ease-of-use and flexible licensing options. WordPerfect Office 11 enhances the way users create, exchange and interact with content, providing intelligent methods of collaborating with clients and colleagues.

      Corel DESIGNER 10 is a powerful, comprehensive set of tools designed to streamline the production of technical graphics. Emphasizing precision, efficiency and compatibility, it delivers functionality specific to technical representation and ensures seamless file sharing within the technical drawing workflow.

      About TrueDoc

      Bitstream TrueDoc technology solves font fidelity problems for many digital communications markets, delivering a quick and compact font solution while maintaining the highest standards in typographic quality. TrueDoc is completely independent of platform, operating system, application, resolution, and device.

      The Bitstream portable font resource (PFR) was the product of TrueDoc development. Many independent international organizations have adopted the PFR font format as their font standard, including the following:

      -- ATSC (Advanced Television Systems Committee), which approved
      the DTV Application Software Environment (DASE) standard. The
      DASE standard calls out the ISO standard for fonts, which is
      the PFR

      -- DAVIC (Digital Audio Visual Council), which set multimedia
      standards for international broadcasting

      -- DTG (Digital TV Group), which coordinates standards for
      Digital TV broadcasting in the United Kingdom

      -- DVB (Digital Video Broadcasting), a Swiss-based industry
      organization representing one standard for digital TV, which
      has been adopted extensively in Europe

      -- MHP (Multimedia Home Platform), which many European set-top
      box and digital TV manufacturers are using as their standard
      development platform

      -- ISO/IEC 16500-6:1999 (International Organization for
      Standardization/International Electrotechnical Commission),
      which together form the specialized system for worldwide

      -- OCAP (OpenCable Application Platform), which supports the
      DVB-MHP standard, including support for PFRs

      About Bitstream

      Bitstream is the leading developer of font technology, digital fonts, and custom font designs. Bitstream licenses its award-winning TrueDoc(R) and Font Fusion(TM) technologies to Web and application developers, and to manufacturers of information appliances, wireless and handheld devices, set-top boxes, embedded systems, and printers. Setting the standard for excellence in font technology, Bitstream holds numerous key patents that cover the creation of portable fonts for the Internet. Building on this experience, Bitstream has released ThunderHawk(TM), a full-featured browser for the wireless Web.
      Founded in 1981, Bitstream is the first independent digital font foundry. In 1999, Bitstream created Inc. (, the Web site for finding, trying, and buying fonts online. Bitstream has headquarters in Cambridge.

      About Corel Corporation

      Founded in 1985, Corel Corp. ( is a leading technology company specializing in content creation tools, business process management, and XML-enabled enterprise solutions. The company`s goal is to give consumers and enterprise customers the ability to create, exchange, and instantly interact with visual content that is always relevant, accurate, and available. With its headquarters in Ottawa, Canada, Corel`s common stock trades on the Nasdaq Stock Market under the symbol CORL and on the Toronto Stock Exchange under the symbol COR.

      Note to Editors: Corel and the Corel logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Corel Corp. and/or its subsidiaries. All other product, font and company names and logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies.

      Bitstream and TrueDoc are registered trademarks, and the Bitstream logo, Font Fusion,, and ThunderHawk are trademarks of Bitstream Inc. Other technologies and brand names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners.

      CONTACT: Bitstream Inc.
      Anna Chagnon, 617/520-8619
      Corel Corporation
      Meredith Dundas, 613/728-0826, Ext. 1513

      Today`s News On The Net - Business Wire`s full file on the Internet
      with Hyperlinks to your home page.

      Copyright (C) 2003 Business Wire. All rights reserved.


      schrieb am 22.04.03 10:28:39
      Beitrag Nr. 71 ()
      :look: :look:
      Na so langsam sollte es was neues bzgl.
      Vector geben!
      Denn die 30 Tage sind bald vorbei!
      Es müßte eigentlich noch im Laufe dieser
      Woche Neuigkeiten bzgl. eine Angebots geben!
      :look: :look:
      schrieb am 22.04.03 16:08:59
      Beitrag Nr. 72 ()
      Company News and Press Releases From Other Sources:

      Corel Announces Siebel Validation, Joins Siebel Alliance Program

      Corel Becomes Partner; Successfully Integrates iGrafx FlowCharter 2003 with Siebel eBusiness Applications

      OTTAWA, Apr 22, 2003 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- Corel Corporation (Nasdaq:CORL) (TSX:COR), a leading technology company specializing in content creation tools, process management and XML-enabled enterprise solutions, today announced that it has joined the Siebel Alliance Program as a Software Partner and has successfully validated its integration of Corel iGrafx FlowCharter 2003 with Siebel 7.5. Siebel Systems, Inc. (Nasdaq:SEBL) is a leading provider of multichannel eBusiness applications software.
      Siebel Systems is using iGrafx software to create process diagrams that detail the business processes supported by Siebel eBusiness Applications. The integration enables users to link directly from specific process steps to the relevant screen in the Siebel application.

      iGrafx(R) is a range of software tools and services from Corel that enables users to visualize, document, analyze and improve business processes. Users of iGrafx tools create process maps and other business diagrams that, when modeled and analyzed, can lead to competitive advantage through shorter cycle times, optimized resources and reduced costs.

      Using iGrafx software, Siebel Systems has developed and is distributing to its customers more than 800 business process diagrams as a key component of its Business Process Solution Set. Siebel Systems provides organizations with a proven set of industry-specific business processes enabled in customer relationship management (CRM), partner relationship management (PRM) and employee relationship management (ERM) applications software, allowing corporations to sell to, market to, and serve customers across multiple channels and lines of business. With this validation, customers of Siebel Systems and Corel can now benefit from an integrated business process approach to deploying Siebel eBusiness Applications.

      The integration of iGrafx software with Siebel Systems` business process solutions allows users to improve the ROI of their CRM, PRM, and ERM implementations by utilizing business processes linked to and supported by Siebel applications. Siebel Systems` customers who use Corel`s iGrafx solutions will be able to review, modify, adapt and manage their business process diagrams on an ongoing basis to reflect their business needs. The Business Process Solution Set enables customers to deploy more Siebel application "out-of-the-box functionality," reducing implementation time and lowering total cost of ownership.

      The iGrafx process management software used by Siebel Systems` customers will be supplied by Corel or Corel-approved resellers. Siebel Systems will promote the Business Process Solution Set to its 3,500+ customers.

      "Siebel Systems has unrivaled expertise in CRM business processes and has worked to develop specific customer processes for 20 industries. Their process-oriented approach to CRM solidifies their commitment to customers` competitive advantage," said Brian McCarthy, Director of Business Development for iGrafx at Corel. "The combination of Siebel`s industry-leading eBusiness applications software and the powerful capabilities, flexibility and ease of deployment from the iGrafx product suite enables customers to rapidly implement best-practice business processes throughout their organization."

      "After reviewing the possible options to document our business processes for the purpose of sharing this information with our customers, the Corel iGrafx solution was a clear choice," said Ken Pulverman, Product Line Manager of Siebel Systems` Business Process Solutions Team. "The tool`s simple yet powerful interface allowed us to scale a virtual organization of more than 100 process developers and deploy our processes for use with customers throughout our 6,000-person organization. Most importantly, the Corel iGrafx format provides us with a simple solution to communicate the value proposition and process-based functionality of our applications to our customer base, while providing them with an enterprise solution (Process Central) to manage their own library of business processes."

      Siebel Systems forms alliances with proven technology leaders to deliver tangible business benefits throughout the enterprise. By choosing Siebel eBusiness Applications and validated partner solutions, Siebel Systems` customers can pursue a best-of-class software acquisition strategy. Additional documentation is available on the Siebel Partner Directory at

      For more information about iGrafx and how it is being deployed to Siebel Systems` customers, please visit

      About Corel Corporation

      Founded in 1985, Corel Corporation ( is a leading technology company specializing in content creation tools, business process management and XML-enabled enterprise solutions. The company`s goal is to give consumers and enterprise customers the ability to create, exchange and instantly interact with visual content that is always relevant, accurate and available. With its headquarters in Ottawa, Canada, Corel`s common stock trades on the Nasdaq Stock Market under the symbol CORL and on the Toronto Stock Exchange under the symbol COR.

      Among the powerful business solutions offered by Corel is the iGrafx(R) family of process management tools, including iGrafx(R) FlowCharter(TM), iGrafx(R) Process(TM), iGrafx(R) Process(TM) for Six Sigma, iGrafx(R) Process Central and iGrafx(R) IDEF0(R). The iGrafx family of Enterprise Process Management (EPM) tools provides solutions for organizations where performance management and process improvement are strategic initiatives.

      For more information about this relationship, please visit

      (C) 2003 Corel Corporation. All rights reserved. Corel, iGrafx, iGrafx FlowCharter, Process Central, iGrafx Process and the Corel logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Corel Corporation and/or its subsidiaries in Canada, the U.S. and/or other countries. Siebel, Siebel Systems, Inc. and all other product, font and company names and logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies.

      CONTACT: Corel Corporation
      Press Contact:
      Becky Porter, 416/640-5525 (fax)

      Today`s News On The Net - Business Wire`s full file on the Internet
      with Hyperlinks to your home page.

      Copyright (C) 2003 Business Wire. All rights reserved.


      schrieb am 23.04.03 09:14:40
      Beitrag Nr. 73 ()
      Heute ist der 30.Tag,
      wenn man den Tag der Meldung
      bzgl.des Angebots von Vector
      nicht mit einrechnet!
      Also ..... !
      Dann kann es nicht mehr lange
      dauern bis eine Meldung kommt!
      schrieb am 23.04.03 10:02:28
      Beitrag Nr. 74 ()
      Good Or Bad!
      I don`t know.

      News from The Globe and Mail

      Deadline passes without formal bid for Corel
      00:00 EDT Wednesday, April 23, 2003

      Corel Corp. says no formal takeover bid has emerged after the deadline passed yesterday for Vector CC Holdings of San Francisco to look over the software firm`s books. The Ottawa-based company signed an agreement with Vector, its biggest shareholder, on March 24 that would give it 30 days to look over the software firm before deciding whether to make a formal takeover bid. Last month, Corel`s board of directors agreed, subject to certain conditions, to recommend that shareholders support a Vector proposal of $1.10 (U.S.) or more a common share, which would be worth about $102.2-million. A Vector spokesman declined to comment.
      schrieb am 23.04.03 13:44:02
      Beitrag Nr. 75 ()
      Verschiebung der Deadline um 12 Tage!
      Aber damit Verbesserung der Chancen
      für die Aktionäre! Wie ich finde!

      CORL -- Corel Corp.
      Com (No Par)

      Company News and Press Releases From Other Sources:

      Corel Corporation Extends Vector Due Diligence Period

      OTTAWA, Canada, Apr 23, 2003 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- Corel Corporation (NASDAQ:CORL)(TSX:COR) today announced that it has agreed to a request from Vector CC Holdings, L.L.C. to extend for a further 12 days to May 5, 2003, the non-exclusive period of 30 days granted by Corel to Vector pursuant to the non-disclosure and standstill agreement entered into on March 24, 2003. The extension will permit Vector to complete its due diligence review of Corel`s business operations.
      "The Board of Directors is glad that sophisticated investors are recognizing the value inherent in Corel," said James Baillie, Chairman of Corel`s Board of Directors. "Vector`s request for additional time is understandable given the breadth of Corel`s product portfolio and asset mix. The Board of Directors, together with the Company`s management team, is excited by the prospects that lie ahead for Corel. While the Company and CIBC World Markets continue to have discussions with interested parties regarding a potential transaction, whether or not a satisfactory offer emerges from this process, we will continue to aggressively advance our strategy in order to maximize value for our shareholders."

      Corel also confirmed that, with the assistance of CIBC World Markets, it is continuing its exploration of strategic alternatives for the Company. This process is not subject to the May 5, 2003 deadline.

      About Corel Corporation

      Founded in 1985, Corel Corporation ( is a leading technology company specializing in content creation tools, business process management and XML-enabled enterprise solutions. The company`s goal is to give consumers and enterprise customers the ability to create, exchange and instantly interact with visual content that is always relevant, accurate and available. With its headquarters in Ottawa, Canada, Corel`s common stock trades on the Nasdaq Stock Market under the symbol CORL and on the Toronto Stock Exchange under the symbol COR.

      This press release contains forward-looking statements as defined by the United States Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, involving the company`s expectations about future financial results and other matters. These statements reflect management`s current forecast of certain aspects of the company`s future business. These forward-looking statements are subject to certain risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results of operations to differ materially from historical results or current expectations. The words "plan", "expect", "believe", "intend", "anticipate", "forecast", "target", "estimate" and similar expressions identify forward-looking statements. Risk factors include shifts in customer demand, product shipment schedules, product mix, competitive products and pricing, technological shifts and other variables. Readers are referred to Corel`s most recent reports filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission for a more complete discussion of the other risks and uncertainties. The factors underlying forecasts are dynamic and subject to change. As a result, forecasts speak only as of the date they are given and do not necessarily reflect the company`s outlook at any other point in time. The company does not undertake to update or review these forward-looking statements.

      (C) 2003 Corel Corporation. All rights reserved. Corel and the Corel logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Corel Corporation and/or its subsidiaries. All other product, font and company names and logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies.

      CONTACT: Corel Corporation
      Anne Vis, 613/728-0826 Ext. 5182
      John Hladkowicz, 613/728-0826 Ext. 1194

      Today`s News On The Net - Business Wire`s full file on the Internet
      with Hyperlinks to your home page.

      Copyright (C) 2003 Business Wire. All rights reserved.


      schrieb am 23.04.03 16:35:16
      Beitrag Nr. 76 ()
      so langsam nervt das ding :mad:
      schrieb am 23.04.03 16:41:30
      Beitrag Nr. 77 ()
      gut ding will weile haben!
      jetzt auszusteigen lohnt sich auch nicht
      mehr! einfach noch ein wenig abwarten!
      heißt ja nicht das die 12 tage voll ausgeschöpft
      schrieb am 24.04.03 08:46:36
      Beitrag Nr. 78 ()
      nochmal nachkaufen :confused:
      schrieb am 24.04.03 11:13:55
      Beitrag Nr. 79 ()
      würde ich fast sagen
      den 1,1 dollar im schlechtesten fall
      sind eben auch ein euro!
      also nic zu verlieren!
      schrieb am 25.04.03 08:41:35
      Beitrag Nr. 80 ()
      ffm taxt heute 0,70 zu 0,73 :rolleyes:
      eigendlich sollte man jetzt nix falsch machen:confused:
      schrieb am 25.04.03 13:18:49
      Beitrag Nr. 81 ()
      ganz meiner meinung!
      schrieb am 28.04.03 13:41:10
      Beitrag Nr. 82 ()
      weisst du schon was neues :confused:
      schrieb am 28.04.03 13:59:04
      Beitrag Nr. 83 ()
      Nein, schau schon die ganze Zeit mal in Canada und USA!
      Ist nix zu finden!
      Aber ich vermute das am Mittwoch die Meldung kommt wie der Deal über die Bühne geht! Und bis dahin gibts bestimmt noch ein wenig hoffnungsholes auf und ab!
      Wir werden sehen!
      Falls es News gibt dann wird sofort gepostet!

      Sehn uns bei 1,1 Euro!
      schrieb am 28.04.03 14:01:51
      Beitrag Nr. 84 ()
      ok,dann warten wir ebend noch;)
      schrieb am 28.04.03 14:24:26
      Beitrag Nr. 85 ()
      was mich zur zeit echt stört ist das €/$ verhältniss
      wenn wir pech haben bleibt für uns nix :confused:
      schrieb am 29.04.03 10:30:01
      Beitrag Nr. 86 ()
      Der Handel in D ist nicht gerade prickelnd!
      Aber das wird sich hoffentlich bald ändern!
      Ich glaube wie gesagt das spätestens am Mittwoch
      die Meldung kommt.
      Wenn ich was erfahre dann wird es sofort
      ins Netz gestellt.
      schrieb am 30.04.03 15:06:37
      Beitrag Nr. 87 ()
      nur noch wenige tage!
      bleiben also Do, Fr. und evtl. noch das WE.
      Glaube aber nach wie vor an heute.
      Wir werden sehen wie eröffnet wird und ob da
      einige schon mehr wissen.
      schrieb am 30.04.03 15:07:55
      Beitrag Nr. 88 ()
      wie kommst du denn auf heute:confused:
      schrieb am 30.04.03 15:16:07
      Beitrag Nr. 89 ()
      Nur weil es heißt bis spätestens 05.05.03
      bedeutet das nicht das es auch erst an
      diesem Tag die Meldung gibt!

      schrieb am 30.04.03 15:18:29
      Beitrag Nr. 90 ()
      ist auf der seite von vector vielleicht schon was?
      schrieb am 30.04.03 15:23:15
      Beitrag Nr. 91 ()
      nee bei denen ist noch nix zu finden!
      wahrscheinlich werden wir morgen informiert!
      genau dann wenn keiner in deutschland handeln
      kann! das wäre doch ein spaß.
      schrieb am 30.04.03 17:01:54
      Beitrag Nr. 92 ()
      CORL -- Corel Corp.
      Com (No Par)

      Company News and Press Releases From Other Sources:

      Corel Smart Graphics Studio Now Available

      OTTAWA, Apr 30, 2003 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- Corel Corporation (NASDAQ:CORL) (TSX:COR) today announced the availability of Corel(R) Smart Graphics Studio (TM), a development platform designed to speed and simplify the creation of SVG-based smart graphics. Smart graphics are a new form of enterprise-class, graphically-rich application built using open standard SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) to transform XML and legacy data into powerful and compelling intranet and extranet applications.
      "Enterprise and government organizations are incorporating XML as a key technology component in their IT development strategies. XML-based technologies that can be used to build dynamic applications that are data-driven and feature rich are drawing the attention of developers within these organizations," said Rikki Kirzner, Research Director at IDC. "SVG is an open standard, XML-based language that can be used to create graphics and images to represent information in a more effective and understandable manner. It also provides the ability to dynamically interact with intranet and extranet applications. SVG is a key XML technology being considered by many professional developers."

      SVG-based applications are ideal for enterprise and government customers for a variety of purposes including interactive electronic technical publishing, Geographic Information Systems (GIS), schematic diagramming, and building Human Machine Interfaces (HMI).

      "WIPRO has taken keen interest in the Corel Smart Graphics Studio because of its adherence to enterprise class open standards. We are excited to be testing the product with our enterprise IT consulting practice - enabling us to reduce the time and costs associated with delivering visual interfaces to our back-end development efforts," said Ajay Kumar, Marketing Manager, Corporate Vertical at WIPRO Technologies.

      Corel Smart Graphics Studio enables System Integrators and IT departments to reduce the cost and complexity of building and delivering SVG-based applications. Based on XML, SVG, and XSLT, applications built with Corel Smart Graphics Studio are not dependent on proprietary technology and are highly interoperable with existing tools and infrastructure. Corel Smart Graphics Studio enables application developers to easily produce extensible solutions by maintaining a separation between the graphical, functional and data components of an application, resulting in significantly increased application development ROI.

      "Many organizations are turning to XML and open standard Web services to ensure the easy exchange and longevity of their data and information. As a result, SVG application development is on the rise - enabling developers to deliver these services in a compelling way, while maintaining an end-to-end XML infrastructure," said Ian LeGrow, Vice President of New Ventures at Corel.

      He added: "Many enterprises have long recognized the power SVG offers for creating graphical solutions, but were challenged with the task of hand coding these applications - a very time consuming and expensive process. Corel Smart Graphics Studio enables developers to deliver these applications in a fraction of the time, and as a result, will further spur the adoption of the SVG standard."

      Corel Smart Graphics Studio is composed of four integrated applications:

      Corel(R) Developer SG(TM)

      Corel Developer SG includes three components:

      -- Design Window enables application developers to design client
      interfaces while working in a visual development environment;

      -- Template Builder lets application developers prepare SVG
      documents with dynamic objects for data mappings;

      -- Data Mapper allows application developers to define the
      connections between the inputs of an SVG template and the

      Corel(R) Process Builder

      Corel Process Builder lets application developers build processes for binding multiple data sources including XML, ODBC, Web Services, and legacy data. The data is then combined with graphics and application logic to create a run-time process. Process Builder allows the developer to visually create server-side processes using drag-and-drop modules. There is no need to learn complicated scripting languages.
      Corel(R) Server SG(TM)

      Corel Server SG is a high performance platform for the management and transformation of application data and images. Processes created in the Process Builder are executed on the Server. Corel Server SG is available in both developer and enterprise editions.

      Corel(R) SVG Viewer

      Corel SVG Viewer is a Web browser plug-in that lets application developers view and interact with the SVG graphics as they develop the application interface. It offers:

      -- unparalleled rendering capability;

      -- compliance with open standards;

      -- an ActiveX control for integration with enterprise

      Pricing and Availability

      Corel Smart Graphics Studio is available for download from now. It will be widely available through Corel`s reseller partners starting June 2003.
      Suggested retail pricing (US$) for Corel Smart Graphics Studio is $1,199 for a box or $1,049 for download. Corel Smart Graphics Studio includes Corel Developer SG, Corel Process Builder, Corel Server SG (Developer Edition) and the Corel SVG Viewer.

      Suggested retail pricing (US$) for Corel Server SG starts at $3,999. Specific server modules to support Web services, imaging, and run-time conversion will be available for additional costs ranging from $999 to $5,999. Server pricing is per CPU. Please contact Corel for more details.

      To protect their software investment, customers who purchase Corel Smart Graphics Studio by July 31st, 2003 are automatically provided with free maintenance (upgrade protection) for all versions up to and including 2.0.

      For more information about Corel Smart Graphics Studio or to download a free trial version, please visit The trial version includes a `Get Started` guide and tutorials to introduce system integrators and IT professionals to simplified SVG smart graphics application development.

      About Corel Corporation

      Founded in 1985, Corel Corporation ( is a leading technology company specializing in content creation tools, business process management and XML-enabled enterprise solutions. The company`s goal is to give consumers and enterprise customers the ability to create, exchange and instantly interact with visual content that is always relevant, accurate and available. With its headquarters in Ottawa, Canada, Corel`s common stock trades on the Nasdaq Stock Market under the symbol CORL and on the Toronto Stock Exchange under the symbol COR.

      This press release contains forward-looking statements as defined by the United States Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, involving the company`s expectations about future financial results and other matters. These statements reflect management`s current forecast of certain aspects of the company`s future business. These forward-looking statements are subject to certain risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results of operations to differ materially from historical results or current expectations. The words "plan", "expect", "believe", "intend", "anticipate", "forecast", "target", "estimate" and similar expressions identify forward-looking statements. Risk factors include shifts in customer demand, product shipment schedules, product mix, competitive products and pricing, technological shifts and other variables. Readers are referred to Corel`s most recent reports filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission for a more complete discussion of the other risks and uncertainties. The factors underlying forecasts are dynamic and subject to change. As a result, forecasts speak only as of the date they are given and do not necessarily reflect the company`s outlook at any other point in time. The company does not undertake to update or review these forward-looking statements.

      (C) 2003 Corel Corporation. All rights reserved. Corel, SG and the Corel logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Corel Corporation and/or its subsidiaries. All other product, font and company names and logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies.

      SOURCE: Corel Corporation

      CONTACT: Corel Corporation
      Press Contact:
      Christopher Wood, 416/640-5525 ext. 243
      Investor Contact:
      John Hladkowicz, 613/728-0826 ext. 1194

      Today`s News On The Net - Business Wire`s full file on the Internet
      with Hyperlinks to your home page.

      Copyright (C) 2003 Business Wire. All rights reserved.
      schrieb am 02.05.03 08:56:06
      Beitrag Nr. 93 ()
      Na wenigstens eine kleine Aufwärtsbewegung ist
      in USA und Kanada zu sehen!
      Heute sollte dann wohl eine Meldung kommen!
      schrieb am 02.05.03 23:15:06
      Beitrag Nr. 94 ()
      schrieb am 03.05.03 11:23:47
      Beitrag Nr. 95 ()
      CORL -- Corel Corp.
      Com (No Par)

      Company News and Press Releases From Other Sources:

      Corel Corporation Responds to Shareholder Suit

      OTTAWA, May 2, 2003 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- Corel Corporation (NASDAQ: CORL, TSX: COR) today announced that it has been served with a class action complaint brought by a purported Corel shareholder. The suit arises from the non-disclosure and standstill agreement entered into by Corel and Vector Capital and claims unspecified compensatory damages and injunctive relief. The complaint also names Corel`s directors and Vector Capital and alleges that the defendants breached their duties to take steps to ensure that the shareholders receive maximum value for their shares in a change of control transaction. Corel and its directors believe the case is without merit and will defend their position vigorously. The suit was filed with the Supreme Court of the State of New York, County of Nassau.
      As announced on March 24, 2003, Vector Capital and Corel Corporation have entered into a non-disclosure and standstill agreement whereby Vector was given 30 days to conduct a due diligence review of Corel`s business operations. This period was subsequently extended to May 5, 2003, at Vector`s request. As part of this process, Corel`s Board of Directors has engaged CIBC World Markets to identify and assess other strategic alternatives in order to maximize value for Corel`s shareholders.

      "The Board of Directors and management of Corel are committed to ensuring the best possible return on investment for Corel`s shareholders," said James Baillie, Chairman of Corel`s Board of Directors. "With the assistance of CIBC World Markets, we are conducting a thorough analysis to ensure that any recommendations advanced by the Board are appropriate and consistent with current market conditions and the Board`s fiduciary responsibilities."

      Added Mr. Baillie: "We have the mechanisms in place to ensure a fair and equitable process, including the identification of a minimum bid price and the exploration of all available strategic alternatives. In addition, any potential bid will be subject to a fairness opinion and the approval of Corel shareholders. We believe in Corel`s potential and the strength of its strategy and, as stated previously, we will continue with that strategy whether or not a sufficiently attractive offer emerges from this process."

      For further information about the terms of the non-disclosure and standstill agreement, please refer to documents filed with the Canadian Securities Regulators by Corel as an exhibit to Corel`s Material Change Report at

      About Corel Corporation

      Founded in 1985, Corel Corporation ( is a leading technology company specializing in content creation tools, business process management and XML-enabled enterprise solutions. The company`s goal is to give consumers and enterprise customers the ability to create, exchange and instantly interact with visual content that is always relevant, accurate and available. With its headquarters in Ottawa, Canada, Corel`s common stock trades on the Nasdaq Stock Market under the symbol CORL and on the Toronto Stock Exchange under the symbol COR.

      This press release contains forward-looking statements as defined by the United States Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, involving the company`s expectations about future financial results and other matters. These statements reflect management`s current forecast of certain aspects of the company`s future business. These forward-looking statements are subject to certain risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results of operations to differ materially from historical results or current expectations. The words "plan", "expect", "believe", "intend", "anticipate", "forecast", "target", "estimate" and similar expressions identify forward-looking statements. Risk factors include shifts in customer demand, product shipment schedules, product mix, competitive products and pricing, technological shifts and other variables. Readers are referred to Corel`s most recent reports filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission for a more complete discussion of the other risks and uncertainties. The factors underlying forecasts are dynamic and subject to change. As a result, forecasts speak only as of the date they are given and do not necessarily reflect the company`s outlook at any other point in time. The company does not undertake to update or review these forward-looking statements.

      (c) 2003 Corel Corporation. All rights reserved. Corel and the Corel logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Corel Corporation and/or its subsidiaries. All other product, font and company names and logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies.

      SOURCE: Corel Corporation

      CONTACT: Corel Corporation
      Investors: John Hladkowicz, 613/728-0826 Ext. 1194
      Press: Anne Vis, 613/728-0826 Ext. 5182

      Today`s News On The Net - Business Wire`s full file on the Internet
      with Hyperlinks to your home page.

      Copyright (C) 2003 Business Wire. All rights reserved.
      schrieb am 03.05.03 11:26:01
      Beitrag Nr. 96 ()
      CORL -- Corel Corp.
      Com (No Par)

      Company News and Press Releases From Other Sources:

      Corel Corporation Requests Hearing with NASDAQ Following Listing Notification

      OTTAWA, May 2, 2003 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- Corel Corporation (NASDAQ:CORL) (TSX:COR) today announced that it received a NASDAQ Staff Determination on May 1, 2003, indicating that the Company failed to comply with the US $1 minimum bid price requirement for continued listing set forth in Marketplace Rule 4450(a)(5), and that its securities are, therefore, subject to delisting from the NASDAQ National Market. The Company satisfies all other requirements for continued listing on the NASDAQ National Market.
      Corel has requested a hearing before the NASDAQ Listing Qualifications Panel to appeal the Staff Determination. The hearing is expected to occur within 45 days of the hearing request filing, and will stay the delisting of Corel`s securities pending the Panel`s decision, allowing the Company to continue trading on the NASDAQ National Market under the symbol CORL.

      "Corel is one of hundreds of companies who have seen their stock value impacted by the protracted weak economic conditions," said Derek Burney, President and CEO of Corel Corporation. "With the minimum bid price issue being the only area in which Corel does not currently satisfy NASDAQ compliance rules, we believe that an appeal is the best course of action for Corel."

      Corel`s stock continues to trade on the Toronto Stock Exchange (TSX) under the symbol COR.

      About Corel Corporation

      Founded in 1985, Corel Corporation ( is a leading technology company specializing in content creation tools, business process management and XML-enabled enterprise solutions. The company`s goal is to give consumers and enterprise customers the ability to create, exchange and instantly interact with visual content that is always relevant, accurate and available. With its headquarters in Ottawa, Canada, Corel`s common stock trades on the Nasdaq Stock Market under the symbol CORL and on the Toronto Stock Exchange under the symbol COR.

      This press release contains forward-looking statements as defined by the United States Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, involving the company`s expectations about future financial results and other matters. These statements reflect management`s current forecast of certain aspects of the company`s future business. Specifically, this release contains forward-looking statements regarding the likely benefits from new product introductions and the need by the marketplace for the products under development; the programs being undertaken by the Company and expectations regarding the ability of the Company to increase sales and return to profitability and results in future quarter and for the next fiscal year. The words "plan", "expect", "believe", "intend", "anticipate", "forecast", "target", "estimate" and similar expressions identify forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements are subject to certain risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results of operations to differ materially from historical results or current expectations. In particular, there can be no assurance that the Company`s cost reductions will be adequate or that the Company will achieve a level of revenue that will allow the Company to return to profitability, that the company will be able to produce and launch new products or that the Company will be able to successfully implement or complete the short-term and long-term programs being undertaken by the Company. Risk factors include shifts in customer demand, product shipment schedules, product mix, competitive products and pricing, technological shifts, the Company`s effectiveness at executing its sales, marketing and development plan, the market acceptance of new products and other variables. Readers are referred to Corel`s most recent reports filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission for a more complete discussion of the other risks and uncertainties. The factors underlying forecasts are dynamic and subject to change. As a result, forecasts speak only as of the date they are given and do not necessarily reflect the company`s outlook at any other point in time. The company does not undertake to update or review these forward-looking statements.

      (C) 2003 Corel Corporation. All rights reserved. Corel and the Corel logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Corel Corporation in Canada, the United States and/or other countries. All other product, font and company names and logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies.

      SOURCE: Corel Corporation

      CONTACT: Corel Corporation
      Investor Contact:
      John Hladkowicz, 613/728-0826 ext. 1194
      Press Contact:
      Anne Vis, 613/728-0826 ext. 5182

      Today`s News On The Net - Business Wire`s full file on the Internet
      with Hyperlinks to your home page.

      Copyright (C) 2003 Business Wire. All rights reserved.
      schrieb am 05.05.03 13:38:04
      Beitrag Nr. 97 ()
      Kann sih ja nur noch um wenige Stunden handeln
      bis es endlich die Neuigkeiten gibt!
      Wenn man sich die News vom 02.05.03, die eigetnlich
      gar nicht so schlecht für die Aktionäre sind, dann
      läßt das doch durchaus Hoffnung auf einen guten Preis

      schrieb am 05.05.03 15:32:26
      Beitrag Nr. 98 ()
      was ist das fürn scheiss?
      schrieb am 05.05.03 16:13:51
      Beitrag Nr. 99 ()
      keine ahnung was die da treiben!
      schrieb am 06.05.03 15:35:02
      Beitrag Nr. 100 ()
      Weiß einer irgendetwas über die weitere Vorgehensweise?
      Ich habe leider keinerlei Infos!
      Habe eine email an Vector geschrieben aber bisher keine
      Antwort bekommen.
      Alles sehr seltsam!
      schrieb am 06.05.03 17:00:39
      Beitrag Nr. 101 ()
      bald hab ich echt die schnautze voll:mad:
      schrieb am 06.05.03 17:24:29
      Beitrag Nr. 102 ()
      Und was kommt jetzt?

      Corel Corporation Announces Expiry of Vector Due Diligence Period
      11:14 EDT Tuesday, May 06, 2003

      OTTAWA, CANADA--Corel Corporation (NASDAQ: CORL, TSX: COR) today announced that the non-exclusive due diligence period granted by Corel to Vector CC Holdings, L.L.C. has expired in accordance with the provisions of the non-disclosure and standstill agreement entered into on March 24, 2003.

      Corel and Vector are continuing their discussions regarding a potential transaction. However, no assurance can be made that this will result in a definitive agreement. The Board of Directors of Corel, with the assistance of CIBC World Markets, is continuing its evaluation of strategic alternatives in order to maximize shareholder value. In the meantime, Corel and Vector continue to be bound by the terms of the non-disclosure and standstill agreement.

      For further information about the terms of the non-disclosure and standstill agreement, please refer to documents filed with the Canadian Securities Regulators by Corel as an exhibit to Corel`s Material Change Report at

      About Corel Corporation

      Founded in 1985, Corel Corporation ( is a leading technology company specializing in content creation tools, business process management and XML-enabled enterprise solutions. The company`s goal is to give consumers and enterprise customers the ability to create, exchange and instantly interact with visual content that is always relevant, accurate and available. With its headquarters in Ottawa, Canada, Corel`s common stock trades on the Nasdaq Stock Market under the symbol CORL and on the Toronto Stock Exchange under the symbol COR.

      This press release contains forward-looking statements as defined by the United States Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, involving the company`s expectations about future financial results and other matters. These statements reflect management`s current forecast of certain aspects of the company`s future business. These forward-looking statements are subject to certain risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results of operations to differ materially from historical results or current expectations. The words "plan", "expect", "believe", "intend", "anticipate", "forecast", "target", "estimate" and similar expressions identify forward-looking statements. Risk factors include shifts in customer demand, product shipment schedules, product mix, competitive products and pricing, technological shifts and other variables. Readers are referred to Corel`s most recent reports filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission for a more complete discussion of the other risks and uncertainties. The factors underlying forecasts are dynamic and subject to change. As a result, forecasts speak only as of the date they are given and do not necessarily reflect the company`s outlook at any other point in time. The company does not undertake to update or review these forward-looking statements.

      (C) 2003 Corel Corporation. All rights reserved. Corel and the Corel logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Corel Corporation and/or its subsidiaries. All other product, font and company names and logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies.

      FOR FURTHER INFORMATION PLEASE CONTACT: Corel Corporation, Anne Vis, Press Contact, (613) 728-0826 Ext. 5182,, or, Corel Corporation, John Hladkowicz, Investor Contact, (613) 728-0826 ext. 1194,
      schrieb am 06.05.03 17:29:56
      Beitrag Nr. 103 ()
      Stellt sich die Frage warum sich die nicht einigen können!?
      Will Corel wohl zu viel?
      Oder will Vector zu wenig zahlen?
      Könnte aber immer noch interessant werden!
      Oder ist jemand anderer Meinung?
      Bzw. hat eine andere Sicht auf das Geschehen(e)!
      schrieb am 06.05.03 17:30:42
      Beitrag Nr. 104 ()
      schrieb am 07.05.03 09:00:20
      Beitrag Nr. 105 ()
      CORL -- Corel Corp.
      Com (No Par)

      Company News and Press Releases From Other Sources:

      Corel shares dip as Vector Capital takeover intentions remain in limbo

      TORONTO, May 06, 2003 (The Canadian Press via COMTEX) -- Six weeks after Corel Corp. announced it was giving a potential U.S. buyer access to detailed information about its business, there`s still no offer for the Ottawa software company - raising a red flag for investors.
      Although Corel said Tuesday that discussions continue with San Francisco venture capital firm Vector Capital, shares of the company that makes the CorelDraw and WordPerfect personal computer software slipped further. Corel stock (TSX:COR, Nasdaq:CORL) fell six cents to close at $1.21 Cdn Tuesday on the Toronto Stock Exchange. The shares closed at 87 cents US on Nasdaq in the United States, down two cents from Monday and down from 92 cents US on March 24.

      That was the day Corel announced an agreement with Vector that allowed the venture capital company to have 30 days to take a close look at its books and its operations as a potential takeover suitor. The agreement was subsequently extended 12 days but expired on Monday without fanfare.

      While Vector has been doing its due diligence, no other suitors have come forward for Corel. In that time, though, a class-action complaint has been filed in New York against Corel over the Vector non-disclosure and standstill agreement and the Nasdaq stock market has threatened to delist Corel`s shares for languishing below $1 US.

      Requests to Vector for comment this week were unanswered and a Corel spokeswoman said Tuesday the company had no comment beyond what was contained in its press releases.

      Tera Capital`s Duncan Stewart, who manages several technology mutual funds, said Vector could be hoping to get a better price to buy the 80 per cent of Corel shares it doesn`t already own.

      But if Vector decides to walk away from Corel, it would send a strong signal to other investors, said Stewart, who has no investments in either company.

      "They are informed and intelligent investors. And for them to not step up and buy it, when they looked like they were about to, is a negative sign," Stewart said.

      According to Vector`s Web site, its current investments are being made with $150 million US raised from institutions and several "prominent technology family fortunes" including that of Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen.

      Vector acquired its current stake in Corel in March, paying 56.25 cents US per share, or just under $13 million US, for 22.89 million series A shares from Microsoft Corp.

      Microsoft paid $135 million US for 24 million of the non-voting Corel preferred shares in October 2000, providing the cash-strapped Ottawa company with a financial cushion while it revamped its business.

      At the time, critics suspected the investment was a way for Microsoft to rein in an erstwhile competitor - an allegation always denied by Corel chief executive Derek J. Burney.

      Since then, Burney has initiated cost-cutting initiatives and invested heavily- through acquisitions and product development - on products that allow companies to create, publish and manage their graphics and documents.

      According to one equity analyst that follows Corel, however, those new products still have a long way to go before they become a major source of growth.

      In the meantime, it would be in Corel`s interest to become a private company and avoid the quarter-to-quarter scrutiny of its finances that are required of a publicly traded firm, said the analyst, who asked not to be named.

      But the Corel board`s decision to publicly announce Vector`s interest in taking over the company may have backfired, since no other potential bidders have come forward, he said.

      "So that puts the power back in Vector`s hands," the analyst said. "There`s no rush to bid because, effectively, they are bidding against themselves."

      If there is no deal, Corel will be able to continue as a public company for some time with revenues from its older products and the remaining cash resources from Microsoft`s investment.

      However, both Stewart and the analyst said Corel`s shares have underperformed comparable software stocks in recent weeks.

      Since March 24, shares of Adobe Systems (Nasdaq:ADBE) have risen 22 per cent to $37.44 US while shares of Macromedia (Nasdaq:MACR) have zoomed 40 per cent to $17.35 US.


      The online source for news sports entertainment finance and business news in Canada

      Copyright (C) 2003 The Canadian Press (CP), All rights reserved


      SUBJECT CODE: business
      schrieb am 07.05.03 09:18:02
      Beitrag Nr. 106 ()
      schrieb am 07.05.03 12:13:46
      Beitrag Nr. 107 ()
      ok ;)
      schrieb am 07.05.03 12:31:14
      Beitrag Nr. 108 ()
      Deadline expires for Vector`s Corel bid
      SHOWWEI CHU 00:00 EDT Wednesday, May 07, 2003

      The extra time Corel Corp. granted to Vector CC Holdings LLC so its biggest shareholder could consider a takeover bid has expired, a development one analyst said is potentially negative for the money-losing software firm.

      Ottawa-based Corel said yesterday in a statement that the 12-day extension granted to San Francisco-based Vector to look over its operations has expired in accordance with the provisions of a non-disclosure and standstill agreement both firms signed March 24.

      Under the agreement, Vector had 30 days to look over Corel`s books and operations before deciding whether to make a formal takeover bid.

      At the time, Corel`s board of directors agreed, subject to certain conditions, to recommend that shareholders support a Vector proposal of $1.10 (U.S.) or more a common share, which would be worth about $102.2-million.

      Yesterday, Corel said the two companies are "continuing their discussions regarding a potential transaction," but there`s no guarantee that the talks will result in a definitive agreement.

      David Wright, a software and services analyst at BMO Nesbitt Burns inc., said in a note yesterday that the purpose of the due diligence was for Vector to determine a price it was willing to pay for the shares that it doesn`t currently own, roughly 80 per cent of the outstanding shares.

      Vector had acquired 22.89 million Corel convertible preferred shares from Microsoft Corp. for $12.9-million in March.

      "Without competing alternatives, the hoped for $1.10 takeover bid seems somewhat elusive at this time," Mr. Wright said.

      Vector officials did not return phone calls yesterday.

      Corel shares closed down 2 cents to 87 cents on the Nasdaq Stock Market yesterday.
      schrieb am 07.05.03 13:16:32
      Beitrag Nr. 109 ()

      verscheuerst du wohl deine aktien?
      ffm für 0,74!
      schrieb am 07.05.03 13:19:36
      Beitrag Nr. 110 ()
      nee,ich hab die noch
      schrieb am 08.05.03 08:26:50
      Beitrag Nr. 111 ()
      CORL -- Corel Corp.
      Com (No Par)

      Company News and Press Releases From Other Sources:

      Michael Cowpland insider-trading case adjourned indefinitely by OSC

      TORONTO, May 07, 2003 (The Canadian Press via COMTEX) -- The Ontario Securities Commission has indefinitely postponed the insider-trading case of Michael Cowpland, founder and former chief executive of Ottawa software company Corel Corp.
      The hearing, set to start May 20, "will be rescheduled as expeditiously as possible," the provincial stock-market regulator announced Wednesday. The hearing date had been set in March, 3? years after the colourful high-tech entrepreneur was accused of using inside information to profit unfairly on a 1997 sale of Corel shares.

      "It`s kind of one-sided, the way they can arbitrarily change things whenever they want," Cowpland commented from Ottawa. "This is going on ad infinitum."

      The delay is caused by scheduling problems due to insufficient number of panel members available to hear the case, OSC spokesman Eric Pelletier said.

      He could not predict when the matter might go forward, beyond saying "as quickly as possible."

      Cowpland said it looks unlikely to proceed before autumn.

      The planned hearing for Cowpland and his private company, M.C.J.C. Holdings Inc., follows an OSC panel`s rejection in February 2002 of a proposed settlement between Cowpland and commission staff.

      The OSC had initiated its case against Cowpland in October 1999, accusing him of selling 2.4 million shares, then worth $20.4 million, through his holding company in August 1997.

      At the time, the OSC said, Cowpland knew - but other investors did not - that sales of Corel`s word processing and graphics software were sagging.

      A month later, Corel surprised the market with a $32-million quarterly loss and its stock declined 40 per cent.

      Cowpland is also alleged to have made false or misleading statements to commission investigators in May 1998.

      He denies any illegal insider trading, and intends to represent himself before the commission

      "The more we`ve looked at all the facts, I`m surprised there`s any case at all," he said Wednesday.

      M.C.J.C. Holdings pleaded guilty to insider trading and was fined $1 million by a provincial court in Ottawa on Feb. 11, 2002.

      Under a proposed settlement, disallowed the following day by the OSC panel, Cowpland and M.C.J.C. Holdings were to pay an additional $575,000. Cowpland would also have been reprimanded and barred from being a director of a public company for two years.

      In rejecting this deal, the commission stated there was no evidence the penalties reflected Cowpland`s benefit from the stock transaction and that "there must be a real consequence to illegal conduct that sends a real message not only to the respondents but also to others."

      Cowpland co-founded communications equipment company Mitel Corp. in 1972 before selling his stake and moving on to start Corel (TSX:COR), best known for its CorelDraw graphics software and WordPerfect office package.

      But Cowpland`s flamboyant personal life - including a $1-million leather-and-gold outfit worn by his wife Marlen at a lavish Corel party - also made him one of Canada`s highest-profile businessmen.

      Cowpland left Corel in August 2000, replaced by Derek J. Burney, and now heads wireless applications company Zim Technologies International Inc.

      Corel, meanwhile, is in talks to be taken over by San Francisco venture capital firm Vector Capital, which bought a 20 per cent stake in the company from Microsoft in March.


      The online source for news sports entertainment finance and business news in Canada

      Copyright (C) 2003 The Canadian Press (CP), All rights reserved
      schrieb am 08.05.03 09:47:16
      Beitrag Nr. 112 ()
      Are we becoming software slaves?
      JACK KAPICA 00:00 EDT Thursday, May 08, 2003

      Microsoft Corp. and Corel Corp. either have little idea how most offices work, or are way ahead of the curve.

      Corel has just released WordPerfect Office 11, and Microsoft was due to follow soon after, but delayed its MS Office 11, now renamed Microsoft Office Systems (MOS), for extra tinkering. The software suites -- as well as Star Office and Lotus SmartSuite, which also have many of the same features -- are worth extended contemplation because they have gone so far beyond offering the tools most of us use in our current jobs that they are now dictating how we work.

      Forget for a moment that Microsoft owns more than 85 per cent of the office suite market. All competitors are similarly motivated: to offer tools using the most recent technology to make tasks easier and workers more productive.

      I don`t know who coined the "80-20 rule," which states that 80 per cent of people use only 20 per cent of an office suite`s features.

      I suspect it`s anonymous and unscientific, but popular because it accurately describes that feeling of inadequacy workers get when presented a box of fabulous tools they know little about and will likely never use.

      I also suspect that if one were to prove the 80-20 rule after MOS comes out, the proportion would be even more lopsided, toward 90-10.

      The software companies do extensive research of their markets, the "peasants under glass" who are used by television executives to gauge audience preferences, but none has given much away about the kind of people they poll. Microsoft has given test copies of MOS to a staggering 600,000 people, but does not say how many of them are geeks or secretaries or salesmen or human resources personnel or workers in small offices. I suspect most are geeks, because the others don`t normally have access to test computers.

      Yet the results of the research are remarkably uniform.

      The new suites assume workers are on corporate networks, that these networks have "back-end" data bases, and that all these networks hook into the Internet.

      And it`s interesting that all the research sees the same demands: teamwork, sharing, work flow, collaboration and immediacy of contact with clients and suppliers.

      As a result, Microsoft is offering Smart Tags, that controversial holdover from Office XP, which inserts a link from whatever company names you type to their corresponding Web sites; sharing systems, which allow employees to work on the same digital documents; an overhaul of Outlook, the e-mail and business contact package; and information-rights management, which gives different staff members varying levels of accessibility.

      The emphasis is on expanded use of the Extensible Markup Language (XML), a standard by which documents and Web pages can display live data stored in a company`s data base.

      Corel has also pumped more XML features into WordPerfect 11, and claims its approach is better suited for more casual users. But its major intent is to appeal to its core market -- lawyers and government workers -- who have an obvious need for live data at their fingertips. Corel has supplied varying levels of XML since WordPerfect Office 9.

      Features like these are either brilliant or good ideas that will never fly.

      The inclusion of XML, while arguably useless to individual users (remember them?) and small offices without data base servers, may be a wonderful tool, but corporations will likely have to rearrange their internal structure to make full use of it.

      Not all employees are salespeople, market analysts or financial officers. Many create reports or presentations, crunch numbers, or work as file clerks and secretaries or researchers. They have little need for specialized new features, even though they have an office suite loaded on their computers.

      Microsoft is quite comfortable knowing that not all employees will need or even want everything MOS will offer, which is why the suite will come in several configurations, such as the full-featured Enterprise Edition, the slimmer Office Information Pack and Works.

      Still, the emphasis on collaboration, teamwork and sharing will eventually influence office structure by directing the flow of work in specific ways. Think of the impact of PowerPoint presentations: Some businesses have specialists or even whole departments specifically hired to create these things, a structural feature that was either inconceivable a decade ago or relegated to the art department.

      One of the many hurdles the suites face is a managerial reluctance to restructure their offices to suit their new tools. The arrival of XML will not immediately prompt organizational reshaping just because it`s a swell new feature. Instead, managers may either leave the tools to languish or develop a reluctance to buy them in the first place.

      Of course adoption of new tools is an evolutionary process, sometimes a leisurely one. But it gets complicated when software makers feel the need to create a whole new set of tools every two to three years.

      A further problem arises from the reluctance to buy a new version of software every time it`s released -- businesses want a system to prove itself in the marketplace first, and then to iron out the wrinkles in an installation before they`re happy. By then, Microsoft has come up with a whole new product "evolution."

      That`s why buyers tend to leapfrog their purchases, buying every other release, or every third one. And that`s why companies see the purchase of an office suite as an increasingly expensive proposition that includes rethinking the company style.

      So are the software makers following a real demand, or are they simply installing new features as they are imagined and made possible by new technologies, whether workers ask for them or not?

      It often feels like the latter case.

      And whatever decision the market makes will determine whether the software makers are seen as visionaries or just plain wrong.

      Visit the e-insider page at for Report on Business Television video, exclusive case studies and more.
      schrieb am 08.05.03 10:21:41
      Beitrag Nr. 113 ()
      Cowpland hearing put off indefinitely
      00:00 EDT Thursday, May 08, 2003

      A hearing into insider trading charges against former Corel Corp. chief executive officer Michael Cowpland has been postponed indefinitely because the Ontario Securities Commission is having difficulties putting together a panel of commissioners to judge the case. The hearing was supposed to begin on May 20 and continue for a month. The OSC said illnesses and scheduling conflicts have forced the delay. Mr. Cowpland said yesterday he expects the hearing to take place some time this fall.
      schrieb am 08.05.03 10:29:24
      Beitrag Nr. 114 ()
      nochmal boardmail
      schrieb am 08.05.03 11:10:16
      Beitrag Nr. 115 ()
      got mail!
      schrieb am 08.05.03 13:12:13
      Beitrag Nr. 116 ()
      alles klar
      danke :)
      schrieb am 13.05.03 16:03:23
      Beitrag Nr. 117 ()
      News from CCNMatthews

      Corel and LightSpeed Software Deliver Integrated Content Management Solution for Technical Publishing
      09:46 EDT Tuesday, May 13, 2003


      Joint Offering Provides a Seamless Way to Easily Create, Manage and Reuse Structured Content for Multi-Channel Publishing

      Corel Corporation (NASDAQ: CORL, TSX: COR) and LightSpeed Software today announced a strategic partnership to deliver a comprehensive content management solution for authoring, managing and publishing technical documentation. The companies have built an integration between Corel(R) XMetaL(R), Corel`s enterprise-class XML editing tool, and LightSpeed Astoria, LightSpeed Software`s content management system, providing customers with a single solution to protect and extend the significant investment they have made in their content assets. This offering is available now and has been adopted by customers including Texas Instruments and Open Learning Agency.

      "A primary driver for organizations is to maximize use of their resources," said Michael Maziarka, Director of CAP Ventures` Dynamic Content Software Strategies. "Businesses are beginning to understand the value of their content, and that content effectively managed becomes even more valuable as it is leveraged by the organization`s many constituencies. The LightSpeed Software and Corel solution provides a way for organizations to achieve their goals using an XML-driven content strategy to maximize the return on their content."

      The Corel/LightSpeed Software solution offers content experts a flexible way to create reusable XML content at an element level - breaking documents into small and easily managed elements or `chunks` that can be easily shared, updated, located and delivered to multiple channels. By enabling anyone within an organization to create XML content, the costly and repetitive process of converting content from proprietary document formats into XML is eliminated. Combining the strengths of Corel XMetaL and LightSpeed Astoria, the offering provides a robust XML authoring environment integrated with a powerful content management repository that is easily accessible through a common user interface.

      The XMetaL interface enables knowledge workers to create XML content in an environment that is as easy to use as a word processor. LightSpeed Astoria manages this content and makes it available to be shared and reused throughout the organization for delivery to multiple channels - whether it is to be published online, in print or to wireless devices. The solution supports the newly-released Corel XMetaL 4, giving authors the power to create XML content within any ActiveX(R)-compliant application, including email and Web browsers. The ability to create XML content virtually anywhere enables improved collaboration in the authoring process across distributed workgroups.

      "Faced with the challenge of doing business on short deadlines in a dynamic marketplace, nothing is more important than saving time and reducing costs. XML is the ideal format for creating and managing reusable content - enabling our customers to find huge efficiencies in their document creation processes," said Bruce Sharpe, Vice President of XML Content Solutions for Corel. "This solution builds on the strengths of both XMetaL and LightSpeed Astoria, providing an environment ideally suited for technical documentation. We are delivering a comprehensive offering, saving our customers the time and effort required to build their own custom solutions."

      "Our partnership with Corel represents a remarkable opportunity for customers looking to drive down costs and realize new efficiencies associated with creating and managing their enterprise content assets," said Mark Leonard, Executive Vice President of Business Development at LightSpeed Software. "Our joint solution provides a way for organizations to optimize their content processes in critical areas of their business such as those closely tied to the product life cycle."

      About Corel Corporation

      Founded in 1985, Corel Corporation ( is a leading technology company specializing in content creation tools, business process management and XML-enabled enterprise solutions. The company`s goal is to give consumers and enterprise customers the ability to create, exchange and instantly interact with visual content that is always relevant, accurate and available. With its headquarters in Ottawa, Canada, Corel`s common stock trades on the Nasdaq Stock Market under the symbol CORL and on the Toronto Stock Exchange under the symbol COR.

      About LightSpeed Software, Inc.

      LightSpeed Software has helped more than 300 leading organizations - including manufacturing, financial services, healthcare and government entities - reduce costs and speed time-to-market by optimizing the value of their content assets. LightSpeed Software`s content management system enables organizations to capture, manage, collaborate and distribute enterprise content at a document, component and element level for easy reuse. For more information about LightSpeed Software, visit

      (C) 2003 Corel Corporation. All rights reserved. Corel, XMetaL and the Corel logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Corel Corporation and/or its subsidiaries. All other product, font and company names and logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies.

      FOR FURTHER INFORMATION PLEASE CONTACT: Maverick Public Relations, Christopher Wood, Corel Press Contact, (416) 640-5525 x 243,, or, Corel Corporation, John Hladkowicz, Corel Investor Contact, (613) 728-0826 ext. 1194,, or, LightSpeed Software, Inc., Nathan Butler, LightSpeed Software Press Contact, (415) 512-7470, x111,
      schrieb am 14.05.03 08:32:14
      Beitrag Nr. 118 ()
      Company News and Press Releases From Other Sources:

      Hemera(TM) Appoints New President and Chief Executive Officer

      Co-Founders and Board of Directors Appoint Kim Dixon as President and CEO of Hemera Technologies Inc.

      HULL, QC, May 13, 2003 /PRNewswire via COMTEX/ -- Hemera(TM), a world-leading provider of wholly owned, royalty-free digital image content, today announced the appointment of Kim Dixon as President and Chief Executive Officer of Hemera Technologies Inc.
      Ms. Dixon brings over 15 years experience in the technology and the graphic arts industries to the role, and has held senior executive positions with Corel Corp, Ubiquity Software Corp., AutoSkill International Inc. and Hill and Knowlton Canada Ltd. She has been part of the Hemera team since February 2002, most recently as Vice President Marketing. She holds a Bachelor of Arts in Sociology and Anthropology from Carleton University and a diploma in Graphic Arts from Algonquin College.

      Additionally, Arlen Bartsch, Executive Vice President Business Development will expand his responsibilities to include development of emerging markets in mobile content. Arlen has significant industry experience with Corel Corp., i/us and Getty Images.

      Francois Michaud has also joined the team as Chief Financial Officer, bringing over 15 years experience in public accounting, investment banking and in industry, working with KPMG, JP Morgan, Quebecor and DS Smith Plc. Before joining Hemera, Francois was CFO for Ekco Group Ltd., a private equity backed business based in the United Kingdom.

      "We`re very pleased to have Kim take on this leadership role, the addition of Francois to the management team and a focus on new opportunities in mobile telecommunications," said Marc-Antoine Benglia, Co-Founder and Chairman of the Board. "We have built a strong and talented team to take us forward with our existing product lines, and to further expand our offerings in the global digital content market."

      About Hemera

      Hemera Technologies Inc. (founded 1997) creates award-winning digital images and graphics applications for creative professionals, business users and consumers. The Company markets and distributes its products through sales channels including original equipment manufacturers and retailers in North America, Europe and Asia-Pacific. Hemera also markets and sells its products directly via the Company`s Web sites -, and Hemera possesses one of the world`s largest collections of wholly owned, royalty-free digital images. For more information, visit

      Hemera and the Hemera logo are trademarks of Hemera Technologies Inc. All other products, logos or company names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners.

      SOURCE Hemera Technologies Inc.

      CONTACT: Kim Dixon, Tel: (819) 772-8200 ext. 247, Email:

      Copyright (C) 2003 PR Newswire. All rights reserved.


      KEYWORD: Quebec
      schrieb am 19.05.03 15:04:19
      Beitrag Nr. 119 ()
      CORL -- Corel Corp.
      Com (No Par)

      Company News and Press Releases From Other Sources:

      JMP Partners with Corel to Integrate Statistical Analysis Tools with Six Sigma Process Management Software

      OTTAWA, May 19, 2003 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- Corel Corporation (NASDAQ:CORL)(TSX:COR) today announced a partnership with JMP, a business unit of SAS. The key focus of this partnership is the integration of JMP(R) statistical analysis software with Version 9.1 of iGrafx(R) Process(TM) 2003 for Six Sigma.
      Developed to meet the needs of Six Sigma professionals, iGrafx Process 2003 for Six Sigma provides improved business performance by granting greater insight into any organization`s processes. iGrafx Process 2003 for Six Sigma gives users the ability to conduct What-If Analysis and process experiments in a modeled environment, all in an efficient time frame.

      The integration of JMP statistical analysis software with iGrafx Process 2003 for Six Sigma (Version 9.1) means that users can employ exploratory modeling options to determine the root cause of a problem, even when there is no model identified, when there are multiple variables with non-linear relationships or when there are underlying factors not measured in the data.

      "Simply put, the integration of JMP software adds to the remarkable capabilities of iGrafx Process 2003 for Six Sigma, making iGrafx even more appealing to Six Sigma professionals," said Brian McCarthy, director of iGrafx business development for Corel. "Adding another strong statistical analysis partner like JMP contributes to Corel`s position as the leading vendor of Six Sigma process management software."

      "Integration with iGrafx Process 2003 for Six Sigma provides a strategic advantage for JMP," said John Sall, co-founder and executive vice president of SAS. "It gives us access to the customers of a recognized industry leader in Six Sigma process management." Sall continued, "We view the integration of JMP software with iGrafx as an effective way for users to meet all the requirements for a successful Six Sigma implementation. This relationship complements the power of the Six Sigma methodology and reinforces JMP as a leading statistical package for Six Sigma professionals."

      JMP adds a new level of functionality to the process diagramming, modeling and simulation capabilities of iGrafx Process 2003 for Six Sigma (Version 9.1). Version 9.1 adds JMP statistical analysis tools to a feature set that includes process mapping and diagramming, Cause-&-Effect diagramming, process simulation, What-if Analysis, Design of Experiments functionality, and extensive reporting capabilities.

      iGrafx Process 2003 for Six Sigma is the world`s leading Six Sigma process management tool, used by a wide variety of Six Sigma consultants including the American Society for Quality, Six Sigma Qualtec, Breakthrough Management Group, Smarter Solutions and IBM Global Services.

      JMP software and iGrafx Process 2003 for Six Sigma are being demonstrated today at the American Society for Quality`s 57th Annual Quality Congress at the Kansas City Convention and Entertainment Center. Hours are Monday May 19th and Tuesday May 20th from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Wednesday, May 21st from 9 a.m. to noon.

      For more information on iGrafx Process for Six Sigma, iGrafx 2003 (Version 9.1) and the rest of the iGrafx family of process management solutions, please visit iGrafx Process for Six Sigma (Version 9.1) is a free update for users of iGrafx Process 2003 for Six Sigma. This update is available on the Web at

      About JMP

      For 14 years, JMP has helped organizations make valuable discoveries by dynamically linking statistics with interactive graphics to explore, understand and visualize their data. In manufacturing and Six Sigma environments, JMP reduces time spent in product design and prototyping, accelerates the production process for higher yields with less waste, and improves quality control efforts. Available on Windows and Macintosh platforms, JMP easily integrates with other software packages. JMP is the premier statistical analysis software for uncovering new methods to boost the performance of an organization and increase overall profitability. For more information about JMP, visit us on the Web at: or call 1-877-59-GOJMP.

      Backed by SAS, the industry leader

      SAS is the market leader in providing a new generation of business intelligence software and services that create true enterprise intelligence. SAS solutions are used at more than 40,000 sites - including 90 percent of the Fortune 500 - to develop more profitable relationships with customers and suppliers; to enable better, more accurate and informed decisions; and to drive organizations forward. SAS is the only vendor that completely integrates leading data warehousing, analytics and traditional BI applications to create intelligence from massive amounts of data. For more than 25 years, SAS has been giving customers around the world The Power to Know(R). Visit us at

      About Corel Corporation

      Founded in 1985, Corel Corporation ( is a leading technology company specializing in content creation tools, business process management and XML-enabled enterprise solutions. The company`s goal is to give consumers and enterprise customers the ability to create, exchange and instantly interact with visual content that is always relevant, accurate and available. With its headquarters in Ottawa, Canada, Corel`s common stock trades on the Nasdaq Stock Market under the symbol CORL and on the Toronto Stock Exchange under the symbol COR.

      One of the key offerings among the powerful business solutions offered by Corel is the iGrafx(R) family of process management tools, including iGrafx(R) FlowCharter(TM), iGrafx(R) Process(TM), iGrafx(R) Process(TM) for Six Sigma, iGrafx(R) Process Central and iGrafx(R) IDEF0(R). The iGrafx family of process management tools provides solutions for organizations where performance management and process improvement are strategic initiatives.

      For more information about the Corel iGrafx product line, visit

      (C) 2003 Corel Corporation. All rights reserved. Corel, iGrafx, iGrafx FlowCharter, Process Central, iGrafx Process and the Corel logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Corel Corporation and/or its subsidiaries in Canada, the U.S. and/or other countries. All other product, font and company names and logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies.

      SAS and all other SAS Institute Inc. product or service names are registered trademarks or trademarks of SAS Institute Inc. in the USA and other countries. (R) indicates USA registration. Other brand and product names are trademarks of their respective companies. Copyright (C) 2003 SAS Institute Inc. Cary, NC, USA. All rights reserved.

      SOURCE: Corel Corporation
      schrieb am 25.05.03 19:43:44
      Beitrag Nr. 120 ()
      na war doch schon mal nicht schlecht und das ohne nachricht in den usa oder kanada. zumindest habe ich bisher keine gefunden.
      das heißt bei spekulationen wie es weitergeht bis zu einem euro morgen in deutschland!
      schrieb am 03.06.03 15:57:40
      Beitrag Nr. 121 ()
      hi clever:)
      ich war zur kur und hab nix mitbekommen
      bin aber noch dabei
      tb 2
      schrieb am 04.06.03 08:35:31
      Beitrag Nr. 122 ()
      CORL -- Corel Corp.
      Com (No Par)

      Company News and Press Releases From Other Sources:

      OEone Appoints New Chief Executive Officer - OEone Corporation Appoints Marc-Antoine Benglia as Chief Executive Officer

      HULL, Quebec, Jun 3, 2003 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- OEone Corporation, a leading provider of Operating Environment software, today announced that Marc-Antoine Benglia has joined the Company as Chief Executive Officer and has also been appointed Vice-Chairman of the Board.
      Mr. Benglia is co-founder of Hemera Technologies Inc., a royalty-free digital content company, and most recently served as President. He managed the growth of the organization from inception to world-class player status. Marc-Antoine led several investment initiatives including a $25.5 M round and the acquisition of Corel Corporation`s GraphicCorp Division (NASDAQ: CORL, TSE: COR).

      "Marc-Antoine has proven leadership and strategic skills, combined with great energy and drive," said Founder and President Eid Eid. "We are very excited by the prospects his addition to the team offers for the future development of OEone."

      "Since 1999, OEone has achieved technology leadership in the open source community and recognition in the highly competitive software Operating Environment industry," said Marc-Antoine Benglia. "I am looking forward to working with the team, and expanding our market position to meet the rapidly increasing demand for easy-to-use and fully-integrated devices attached to the broadband Internet."

      About OEone Corporation

      OEone is a leading provider of Operating Environment software (OE) that enables an easy-to-use, fully-integrated, and rich Internet experience. OEone`s Linux-based OE can power a host of Internet devices ranging from high-resolution handheld devices, Web tablets, screen phones and high-end All-In-One entertainment devices, to servers.

      OEone`s Operating Environment offers a leading edge and cost competitive alternative to other server and desktop operating environment such as Microsoft`s Windows (NASDAQ: MSFT), Apple`s Mac OS (NASDAQ: AAPL), Sun`s Solaris (NASDAQ: SUNW), Mandrake (US OTC Market: MDKFF, Euronext: Mandrakesoft) and Lindows` LindowsOS to name a few.

      OEone and the OEone logo are trademarks of OEone Corporation. All other products, logos or company names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners.

      SOURCE: OEone Corporation
      schrieb am 04.06.03 23:31:05
      Beitrag Nr. 123 ()
      hi clever :)
      heute 1,04 +0,09 +9,47% ist schon ok :)
      tb 2
      ab dienstag wieder aktiv im markt ;)
      schrieb am 05.06.03 08:51:52
      Beitrag Nr. 124 ()
      News from CCNMatthews

      Corel Announces Creative Summer Blockbuster! Company Releases Six Updated Graphics Offerings with New Look and Lower Price
      12:34 EDT Wednesday, June 04, 2003

      OTTAWA, CANADA--Just in time for summer, Corel (NASDAQ: CORL; TSX: COR) today announced the upcoming availability of a new lineup of powerful, fun and affordable software designed to put the creative power of Corel`s celebrated graphics products into the hands of more customers worldwide! With a new look and lower price, this lineup includes some familiar favorites as well as some brand new applications designed to help customers enhance their creativity.

      "We can`t wait for customers to see what we have in store with our newly updated line of graphics offerings, designed specifically to address their needs," said Steve Houck, executive vice-president, partner relations at Corel. "With award-winning graphics technology, an updated look and lower prices, there`s no better time for customers to unleash their creative energy and explore the possibilities provided by Corel`s software."

      Corel`s Creative Summer lineup will be available at retail, via mail-order catalogues and e-commerce sites across North America this month with international rollouts scheduled for later this summer. It will include the following titles:

      - NEW! Corel Print House(R) 6 - For weddings, graduations, birthdays
      and summer barbecues - Corel Print House 6 is the fastest, easiest
      software application for getting your special event organized or
      creating fun projects with your family! A brand new release, Corel
      Print House 6 helps capture your imagination to create unique
      scrapbooks, greeting cards, calendars and more. For only $39.99(i),
      Corel Print House 6 is the ideal creative partner for producing
      virtually any kind of graphics project quickly and easily.
      - NEW! Corel(R) Photobook(TM) - Forget the sunscreen, the essential
      vacation item this summer is Corel Photobook! Corel has re-energized
      Micrografx Picture Publisher(R) Digital Camera Edition by giving it
      a fresh new face as Corel Photobook. Fast, fun and easy to use, it
      lets you capture, enhance, organize and share your digital photos.
      Now you`ll have perfect digital photos for the friendly price of
      - Corel R.A.V.E.(TM) 2 - Web sites come alive with Corel R.A.V.E. 2!
      Available for the first time as a stand-alone application, Corel
      R.A.V.E. 2 enables users to easily add interactive Flash animations
      and inject excitement into their Web site. Available for $39.99(i),
      Corel R.A.V.E. will help to transform your personal Web site from
      static to spectacular!
      - Corel(R) Bryce(R) 5 - Known for its power and ease of use,
      professionals and enthusiasts love using this graphics tool to
      create stunningly realistic 3D landscapes and animations. Now
      available for just $79.99(i), this innovative software application
      is an ideal way to integrate 3D technology into the creative
      - NEW! Corel(R) KPT(R) Collection - For years, professionals and
      enthusiasts alike have delighted in combining Kai`s Power Tools
      plug-in filters and Adobe(R) Photoshop(R). Now, we`ve combined the
      effects in KPT 5, KPT 6 and KPT(R) effects(TM) to give you an
      unprecedented set of creative effects for just $99.99(i).
      - Corel(R) KnockOut 2 - Corel KnockOut 2 lets users preserve fine
      image details that were once impossible to mask precisely. It speeds
      up the entire design process by accurately defining complex objects
      more quickly than other masking techniques. An ideal plug-in for
      Adobe(R) Photoshop(R), Corel PHOTO-PAINT(R) or Corel(R) Painter(TM)
      8, this unparalleled design tool is available for $99.99(i).

      Corel`s Creative Summer product releases demonstrate the company`s strong commitment to its channel partners and to providing award-winning software that offers incredible power, versatility and exceptional value. In addition to North America, English versions of these products are now available in Asia Pacific. They will be introduced in Europe, the Middle East and Africa in August 2003, with French and German releases of Corel Print House 6 and Corel Photobook coming in September 2003.

      Other Corel applications available through retail, mail-order and e-commerce sites include CorelDRAW(R) Graphics Suite 11, CorelDRAW(R) ESSENTIALS, Corel(R) Painter(TM) 8, WordPerfect(R) Office 11 and WordPerfect(R) Family Pack.

      To learn more about Corel`s Creative Summer lineup, please visit

      (i) Amounts expressed in US dollars. Suggested retail price only.

      About Corel Corporation

      Founded in 1985, Corel Corporation ( is a leading technology company specializing in content creation tools, business process management and XML-enabled enterprise solutions. The company`s goal is to give consumers and enterprise customers the ability to create, exchange and instantly interact with visual content that is always relevant, accurate and available. With its headquarters in Ottawa, Canada, Corel`s common stock trades on the Nasdaq Stock Market under the symbol CORL and on the Toronto Stock Exchange under the symbol COR.

      (C) 2003 Corel Corporation. All rights reserved. Corel, the Corel logo, Corel Print House, Corel Photobook, Picture Publisher, Corel R.A.V.E., Bryce, KPT, Corel Painter, CorelDRAW and WordPerfect are trademarks or registered trademarks of Corel Corporation and/or its subsidiaries in Canada, the US and/or other countries. All other product, font and company names and logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies.

      FOR FURTHER INFORMATION PLEASE CONTACT: Press Contact:, Becky Porter, (416) 640-5525 ext. 229,, or, Investor Contact:, John Hladkowicz, (613) 728-0826 ext. 1194,

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