
    Pharmaperle Synova Healthcare??? - 500 Beiträge pro Seite

    eröffnet am 09.12.06 21:29:09 von
    neuester Beitrag 11.01.08 22:17:07 von
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     Ja Nein
      schrieb am 09.12.06 21:29:09
      Beitrag Nr. 1 ()
      Ein freundliches Hallo @alle Investierten,

      als "Pharmaperle" wurde diese Aktie "Synova Healthcare" (ISIN: US87163H1023 / WKN: A0HGSU) am 27.04.2006 angepriesen, was mich zum Kauf veranlaßt hat zu seinerzeit EUR 2,02. Von da an ging es kontinuierlich abwärts. Die letzten "größeren" Umsätze wurde an der Nasdaq am 27./30./31. Oktober gemacht.

      Es wurde geschrieben, dass Synova sich auf den Vertrieb von völlig unkompliziert zu handhabenden Selbsttests spezialisiert hat. Mit einer geschätzten jährlichen Wachstumsrate von 11 Prozent soll dabei der sogenannte OTC Point-of-Care-Diagnostikmarkt zu den am schnellsten wachsenden Bereichen in der kompletten Pharmabranche zählen - das weltweite Volumen soll von rund 3,95 Mrd. USD in 2003 auf mehr als 6,50 Mrd. USD in 2008 ansteigen. Hier soll nach Einschätzung der Analysten still und heimlich ein völlig neuer und riesengroßer Markt entstehen, in dem es erst sehr wenige Player gäbe und in dem sich diese Empfehlung geradezu perfekt positioniert haben soll. Bei dieser Aktie soll es sich um eine Chance handeln, wie man sie sicherlich nicht oft findet.

      Seine Feuertaufe hätte Synova bereits bestanden und in kürzester Zeit sehr erfolgreich den ersten Selbsttest zur Diagnose der weiblichen Menopause auf den Markt gebracht. Ausschlaggebend für diesen Erfolg sei dabei nicht zuletzt die Qualität des Managements, für das es nach Einschätzung der Analysten nur ein Attribut gäbe: Erstklassig! Diese Tatsache sei aber auch nicht verwunderlich, denn der CEO wäre bereits in Vertriebs- und Managementpositionen beim Pharmariesen GlaxoSmithKline tätig gewesen. Für den Launch weiterer Produkte schiene der Weg nach dem ersten großen Vertriebserfolg nun geebnet. Das Timing hätte somit auch für ein Aktieninvestment kaum besser sein können, so die Analysten seinerzeit, da bereits in diesem und im nächsten Jahr die große Produktoffensive einsetzen solle, die für einen erheblichen Umsatz- und Ertragsschub sorgen sollte.

      Es sollte sich angeblich denjenigen, die immer schon ganz von Beginn an in einem neuen Zukunftsmarkt dabei sein wollten, bei diesem Titel eine vielversprechende Chance bieten!

      Es soll sich um eine außergewöhnliche Investmentchance handeln, bei der die Analysten ein klares Strong Buy aussprechen.

      Wohlgemerkt, das war eine Veröffentlichung vom 27. April 2006, also vor fast 8 Monaten.

      STRONG BUY mit einem anfänglichen Kurspotenzial von rund 250%(!). Unser Kursziel von 6,00 Euro sehen wir dabei lediglich als Zwischenetappe zu langfristig noch höheren Notierungen. Spekulativ orientierte Anleger haben damit nach unserer Einschätzung gerade jetzt die einmalige Chance, an diesem Wachstumsmarkt der Point-of-Care Diagnostik von Anfang an zu partizipieren und auf absolutem Schnäppchen-Niveau erste Positionen aufzubauen, bevor die breite Öffentlichkeit auf diese Wachstumsperle aufmerksam wird und die bereits angekündigte große Produktoffensive einsetzt. Aktuell noch weitestgehend unentdeckt, ist der Titel neben der amerikanischen Heimatbörse auch an der Frankfurter Börse unter der Wertpapierkennnummer A0HGSU handelbar.

      Neben dem Wachstumspotenzial, das sich hinter Synova verbirgt, darf andererseits allerdings nicht vergessen werden, dass es sich hier dennoch um ein absolutes High-Risk-Investment handelt, bei dem auch der Totalverlust nicht ausgeschlossen werden kann. Für unerlässlich halten wir es in diesem Zusammenhang auch ein Stopp-Loss zu setzen. Sichern Sie Ihr Kapital deshalb knapp unter einem Euro ab. Berücksichtigen Sie zudem bei der Ordererteilung, Ihre Aufträge stets zu limitieren um keine marktfernen Ausführungen zu erhalten.
      Zitat Ende

      Soweit die Schilderung der Empfehlung.

      Nun, für mich hörte sich das tatsächlich alles sehr vielversprechend an, denn der Gesundheitsmarkt ist ohne Zweifel eine Wachstumsbranche. Doch wundert es mich, dass nach der Empfehlung der Kurs extrem in den Keller ging, wenn doch angeblich kaum Konkurrenz auf diesem Gebiet besteht.

      Und wenn die Produktoffensive, die ja bereits in diesem Jahr einsetzen sollte, und meines Wissens auch eingesetzt hat, für einen erheblichen Umsatz- und Ertragsschub sorgen sollte, warum steigt denn der Kurs nicht?

      Das Gegenteil ist der Fall. Ist hier jemand investiert und hat evtl. das Ohr am Geschehen?

      Ich bekomme regelmäßig per Email die news von Investor Relations der Synova Healthcare Inc. zugeschickt. Die letzte Nachricht ist vom 6.11.06.
      Ich gehe mal davon aus, dass alle, die investiert sind, sich ebenfalls für den Email-Dienst eingetragen haben. Sonst hier die Kontaktadresse:

      Meghan Rush
      Investor Relations Associate
      Synova Healthcare, Inc.
      1400 N. Providence Road
      Suite 6010
      Media, PA 19063

      (P) 610-565-7080 Ext. 142
      (F) 610-565-7081

      Würde mich über , einen Informations- und Meinungsaustausch freuen.

      schrieb am 12.12.06 11:38:57
      Beitrag Nr. 2 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 26.062.676 von Achilliona am 09.12.06 21:29:09Hallo Achilliona

      verlier die Geduld nur nicht!! Es ist doch oft so, dass viele nur sehr kurzfristig denken und auch das Wort Geduld nicht kennen, das heisst, sobald der Kurs nicht in die gewünschte Richtung geht (und zwar sofort), wird geschmissen. Und gerade das ist dem Kurs nicht sehr einträglich.
      Wenn Du von Synova überzeugt bist, wird Dir dies ja hoffentlich nicht schwer fallen! ;)
      Gruss Mosi
      schrieb am 12.12.06 15:24:43
      Beitrag Nr. 3 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 26.121.122 von Mosi07 am 12.12.06 11:38:57Hallo Mosi,

      ich bleibe auf jeden Fall investiert, denn ich denke schon, dass Synova eine seriöse Firma ist.

      Mit der Geduld ist das so eine Sache. Ich verliere sie nicht unbedingt, aber unruhig wird man doch. Vor allem, wenn sich seit Kauf der Wert mehr als halbiert hat. Du weißt ja, wenn eine Aktie 50% runtergeht, muß sie 100% aufholen, um wieder beim Einstand zu sein. Wie lang soll da der Geduldsfaden sein. Klar, dass der bei vielen reißt, was dem Kurs natürlich schadet. Und dann bist du dem ausgeliefert.

      Die Frage ist doch, soll man verbilligen? Und wenn ja, hat der Kurs schon seinen Boden gefunden und der Zeitpunkt ist jetzt richtig? Oder wartet man noch ab, ob noch tiefere Kurse getestet werden?

      Bist Du investiert?

      schrieb am 12.12.06 15:29:38
      Beitrag Nr. 4 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 26.126.253 von Achilliona am 12.12.06 15:24:43BM :)
      schrieb am 21.12.06 18:46:21
      Beitrag Nr. 5 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 26.062.676 von Achilliona am 09.12.06 21:29:09:yawn:
      Auch ich sah damals diesen Vielversprechenden Bericht über Synova!
      Ich glaub ich las Ihn auf der Seite von Böerseonline !
      Weckte bei mir sofort Kauf interesse da auch ich fand,dass dieser Markt ein super Wachstumsmarkt sein könnte!
      Als ich dann aber im Internet nach diesem Titel nachforschte fand ich den genau gleichen Bericht auf verschiedenen Internet Seiten..:keks:.!
      Im weiteren fand ich den Artikel viel zu optimistisch (250% Wachstumschancen usw.)
      Wenn so gut über eine Aktie,vor allem wenn es um eine unbekannte Aktie handelt (wie dies bei Synova der fall ist) geschrieben wird löst das bei mir Zweifel auf!
      Den mein Motto ist: Wenn jemand sicher ist das eine Aktie total unterbewertet ist wird er das nicht gross im Internet verbreiten.:lick:..!
      Darum sah ich damals von einem Kauf ab nahm die Aktie aber in meine Watchliste auf und beobachte Sie bis heute!
      Momentan ist mir aber die Börse schon zu überhitzt um in so einen Titel zu investiern!
      Werde weiter abwarten und zuschauen,den falls die Märkte einbrechen ist bei dieser Aktie der Boden sicher noch lange nicht erreicht...!
      In der Vergangenheit brachen die Märkte immer ein wenn man nur noch Gutes vom Markt hörte und die Kurse von einem Allzeithoch zum anderen jagten!
      Gruss Raphael

      Trading Spotlight

      3,0000EUR -2,60 %
      300% sicher oder 600% spekulativ?!mehr zur Aktie »
      schrieb am 22.12.06 00:49:34
      Beitrag Nr. 6 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 26.377.361 von riffeli am 21.12.06 18:46:21Recht hast Du, Raphael!

      Wenn man sieht, wo die jetzt steht, kriegt man das Heulen. Ich hätte sie lieber mit Verlust bei 0,88 verkaufen sollen, doch jetzt lohnt es schon fast nicht mehr, bin bei 2,02 eingestiegen. Ich warte noch bis kurz vor Ende der Spekufrist und schaue mir an, wie hoch der Verlust dann ist. Entweder schmeiß ich sie raus und kann den Verlust geltend machen oder sie erholt sich und man bleibt dran.
      Warten wir´s ab.

      Liebe Grüße
      schrieb am 22.12.06 09:49:07
      Beitrag Nr. 7 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 26.385.376 von Achilliona am 22.12.06 00:49:34Ich tippe auf das Letztere!
      Wenn Du die Aktie hinschmeisst, wirst Du Dich zweimal ärgern, das erste Mal über den Verlust und das zweite Mal über den entgangenen Gewinn :cry::(
      schrieb am 22.12.06 12:01:08
      Beitrag Nr. 8 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 26.393.235 von Mosi07 am 22.12.06 09:49:07Dein Wort in Gottes Ohr;)

      Aber so werde ich es auch halten.

      Wünsche allen ein frohes Weihnachtsfest und ein gesundes neues Jahr.

      schrieb am 24.12.06 15:29:57
      Beitrag Nr. 9 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 26.385.376 von Achilliona am 22.12.06 00:49:34:confused: Ja ich weiss nicht wie viel du schon investiert hast aber wenns nicht allzu viel ist würde ich abwarten und hoffen das der Kurs sich erholt! Wie sehen eigentlich die Quartalszahlen aus?
      Haben Sie einen Gewinn oder einen Verlust erarbeitet im 2006?
      Gruss Raphael!
      schrieb am 05.01.07 19:19:31
      Beitrag Nr. 10 ()
      schrieb am 08.01.07 19:03:04
      Beitrag Nr. 11 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 26.395.743 von Achilliona am 22.12.06 12:01:08schon gelesen?

      Dear SNVH Stockholder;

      “Getting the Right Diagnosis is Key”

      In the most recent edition of Women’s Health Today (attached), an article that quotes expert clinician Dr. Marie Savard reviews the signs, symptoms and treatment options for Vaginitis. Given that yeast and bacterial infections can present in a very similar manner, the article recommends that women use an OTC test (i.e. FEM-V) prior to guessing about treatment options. Therefore, it is easy to see the important role that Fem-V can and will play in the “at-home” diagnosing of female vaginal infections.

      Fem-V’s introduction into the national marketplace will continue in 2007. Upon your review of the attached article, I think you will agree that Fem-V will prove to be an important product advance in field of Women’s Healthcare. We wanted to share this article with you as a stockholder of Synova Healthcare Group, Inc. (SNVH).

      We are looking forward to a promising year of continued business development at Synova, and wish you all the very best for 2007.

      Very kind regards,

      Stephen King

      Chief Executive Officer

      Synova Healthcare Group, Inc.
      schrieb am 09.01.07 12:03:43
      Beitrag Nr. 12 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 26.774.407 von Mosi07 am 08.01.07 19:03:04Moin,

      vielen Dank - das habe ich noch nicht erhalten, obwohl ich auch auf der Emailliste stehe.

      Sind "good news" jetzt "bad news" oder wie siehst Du das angesichts des starken Kursverfalls gestern?
      Für mich unbegreiflich, was passiert da?

      Kannst Du mir den link für das attachment noch mitteilen?
      Auf den Internetseiten des Magazins finde ich den Artikel nicht, ist wohl nicht zugänglich.

      Eigentlich sollte man davon ausgehen, dass Anleger in Amiland auf Synova durch solche Artikel aufmerksam werden, trotzdem fällt der Kurs.

      schrieb am 09.01.07 14:33:03
      Beitrag Nr. 13 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 26.788.025 von Achilliona am 09.01.07 12:03:43Hallo
      ja das ist mir echt auch ein Rätsel.... aber wer versteht schon Börse. :rolleyes:

      Kriegst gleich ne BM wegen dem Artikel

      Gruss Mosi
      schrieb am 09.01.07 14:46:42
      Beitrag Nr. 14 ()
      Sehr seltsam, dass eben noch die postings 12 und 13 verschwunden waren, aber jetzt plötzlich wieder drin sind.
      Mod, was ist los bitte?
      schrieb am 09.01.07 16:19:59
      Beitrag Nr. 15 ()

      Danke vielmals.
      Trotz des gewaltigen Kurseinbruchs sehe ich Synova positiv, denn so ein Artikel in einer Frauenzeitschrift sollte auf die Aktie aufmerksam machen. Zumindest bin ich jetzt davon überzeugt, dass wir es mit einer seriösen Dornröschen-Firma zu tun haben, die irgendwann von Investoren wachgeküßt wird. Ich bleibe also investiert und betrachte die Sache langfristig.

      schrieb am 09.01.07 18:01:11
      Beitrag Nr. 16 ()
      dann lassen wir sie mal steigen ;)

      schrieb am 12.01.07 16:25:13
      Beitrag Nr. 17 ()

      null Umsatz in D seit Wochen! Kein Arsch interessiert sich dafür. Die Amis sind auch nicht sehr euphorisch.
      Trotzdem könnte der Boden gefunden sein, immerhin gut 30% seit Dienstag.

      Was meint Ihr?

      schrieb am 12.01.07 20:34:06
      Beitrag Nr. 18 ()
      schrieb am 12.01.07 20:56:24
      Beitrag Nr. 19 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 26.870.164 von Mosi07 am 12.01.07 20:34:06Jo, jetzt seh ich das auch, na das wird ja ne Party!

      Kann so weitergehen, nä?

      Up up and awayayay :cool:
      schrieb am 15.01.07 10:51:59
      Beitrag Nr. 20 ()

      im Ask schon wieder über 1 Euro. Nun bin ich gespannt, mit welchem Kurs die in NY eröffnen. Auf jeden Fall sind ein paar Leute aufgewacht. Hoffentlich erkennt man bald, dass hier wirklich eine Perle schlummert.

      Überlege mir, zu verbilligen. Wie seht Ihr das?

      schrieb am 15.01.07 11:16:08
      Beitrag Nr. 21 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 26.930.994 von Achilliona am 15.01.07 10:51:59Hallo

      leider sind heute in USA die Börsen geschlossen, so dass Du
      dies in Deutschland machen müsstest, wo Du jedoch kaum bedient wirst. (habs schon ausprobiert)

      Gruss Mosi :)
      schrieb am 16.01.07 13:59:22
      Beitrag Nr. 22 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 26.931.474 von Mosi07 am 15.01.07 11:16:08Moin Moin,

      hast es heute nochmal probiert? Ich drücke die Daumen, dass die 1-Euro-Marke hält. News gibt´s keine oder?

      schrieb am 16.01.07 14:26:07
      Beitrag Nr. 23 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 26.955.733 von Achilliona am 16.01.07 13:59:22BM :cool:
      schrieb am 16.01.07 16:31:29
      Beitrag Nr. 24 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 26.956.160 von Mosi07 am 16.01.07 14:26:07:eek::eek::eek:

      schrieb am 16.01.07 23:11:11
      Beitrag Nr. 25 ()

      Tue Jan 16, 2007
      Synova Healthcare Group, Inc. Acquires Allendale Pharmaceuticals, Inc. And Exclusive Worldwide Rights To Today Sponge


      Synova Healthcare Group, Inc. (OTCBB: SNVH.OB), today announced it has acquired Allendale Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (API), and the exclusive worldwide rights to the Today(r) brand contraceptive sponge. Under the terms of the transaction, API will operate as a wholly owned subsidiary of Synova Healthcare Group, Inc. Synova has acquired API in an all stock transaction for 16 million shares of Synova common stock. The acquisition was part of the company's ongoing strategy of developing a strong portfolio of products focused in women's health.

      The Today(r) Sponge contraceptive device uniquely combines barrier and spermicidal methods to prevent conception. The product became the most popular over-the-counter form of birth control among women between 1983 and 1995, when it was used by an estimated 6.5 million women during that period. The rights to the Today(r) Sponge were later acquired by API, who successfully gained FDA approval to commence redistribution of the product in the US. The Today Sponge, which retails for approximately $7.99 per 3-pack, can already be purchased at major retailers including CVS, Walgreens, Rite Aid, Target, Wal-Mart,,, Drug Mart, Drug Fair, Pathmark, and Publix.

      Stephen E. King, Chairman and CEO of Synova Healthcare Group, Inc., said, "This acquisition provides our company with a meaningful women's health care product that enjoys significant consumer brand awareness. The addition of the Today(r) Sponge to our portfolio complements our strategy of offering women innovative healthcare products that meet important yet often unmet medical needs. We believe this product enjoys a loyal customer base which, when combined with our broad retail distribution and our core competency of developing women's health brands, should provide our company with a positive opportunity for long-term business growth. We also believe that current market factors, including the ongoing controversy surrounding the potential side effects of long-term hormone use, favor the relaunch of this non-hormonal OTC contraceptive method."

      According to a report published in 2006 by The Allan Guttmacher Institute, there are some 43 million US women of reproductive age that are sexually active, yet who do not wish to become pregnant. The relaunch of the Today(r) Sponge will expand the choice that women have when considering contraception, in particular for those women who cannot or choose not to use hormonal methods. Synova is planning to relaunch this exciting brand with an aggressive multimedia advertising campaign in the coming weeks. The product is also expected to be cross-merchandised with Synova's Fem-V(tm) Test Kit (see, as both products are targeted toward the same consumer audience.

      About Synova Healthcare Group, Inc.
      Synova Healthcare Group, Inc., through its subsidiaries Synova Healthcare, Inc., Synova Pre-Natal Healthcare, Inc. and now Allendale Pharmaceuticals, Inc., is focused on the development, distribution, marketing and sale of non-invasive medical diagnostic tests and over-the-counter healthcare products that allow consumers and professionals to rapidly and accurately diagnose, monitor and/or treat certain woman's healthcare conditions. The Company's efforts are focused in the areas of contraception, vaginal health, menopause management, fertility planning, obstetrics and personal care. Its products are designed to deliver a meaningful difference in healthcare management for women. The company's goal is to provide healthcare solutions that address every stage of a woman's reproductive life. For more information, please visit the Company's website at

      Synova Healthcare's current product portfolio includes MenoCheck(r) and MenocheckPro(r) at-home and in-office diagnostic tests that detect levels of follicle stimulating hormone that become elevated with the onset of menopause; and Fem-V(tm), a vaginal acidity test included inside a pantiliner that assists women when seeking the most appropriate treatment for vaginal infections. The company also announced in the fourth quarter of 2006 encouraging results from development of its non-invasive fetal monitor; expected to be the first-ever portable disposable fetal activity detector and data recorder currently in development for at-home use by expectant mothers.

      About the Today(r) Sponge
      The Today(r) Sponge contraceptive device provides women with a reliable, non-hormonal alternative to birth control pills. It is ideal for women who want to avoid the side effects of birth control pills, cannot use hormonal contraceptives, or simply want the convenience of a method that can be used at a moment's notice. Measuring only 1.75 inches in diameter and .50 inches in thickness, the sponge is coated with sperm-killing nonoxynol-9 and fits comfortably over the cervix. The Today(r) Sponge has been widely tested and was used by over 6.5 million women from 1983 to 1995. The Today(r) Sponge is now widely available in Canada and the United States at major retailers such as CVS, Walgreens, Rite Aid, Target and Wal-Mart. For more information, please visit

      Synova Healthcare Group, Inc.
      Robert Edwards
      Chief Financial Officer
      Phone: 610-565-7080 The Investor Relations Group
      Investor Relations: Katrine Winther-Olesen
      Media Relations: Janet Vasquez/Susan Morgenbesser
      Phone: 212-825-3210

      This Press Release may contain certain forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. The Company has tried, whenever possible, to identify these forward-looking statements using words such as "anticipates", "believes", "estimates", "expects", "plans", "intends", "potential" and similar expressions. These statements reflect the Company's current beliefs and are based upon information currently available to it. Accordingly, such forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors which could cause the Company's actual results, performance or achievements to differ materially from those expressed in or implied by such statements. Such risk factors are discussed in the Company's Registration Statement on Form SB-2 (File No. 333-123498), as amended, as declared effective by the Securities and Exchange Commission on May 22, 2006, as well as in other periodic reports and filings with the Commission. There can be no assurance that such factors will not affect the accuracy of such forward-looking statements. The Company undertakes no obligation to update or advise in the event of any change, addition or alteration to the information set forth in this Press Release including such forward-looking statements. This press release does not constitute an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to buy; nor will there be any sale of securities of Synova Healthcare Group, Inc. in any state where such offer, solicitation or sale would be unlawful before registration or qualification under the securities laws of those states.

      You can view the Next News Releases item: Tue Jan 16, 2007, Synova Healthcare Group, Inc. Completes $15 Million Senior Convertible Promissory Note And Warrant Offering
      schrieb am 16.01.07 23:12:32
      Beitrag Nr. 26 ()
      :eek::eek: NEWS ZUM ZWEITEN!!:eek::eek:

      Tue Jan 16, 2007
      Synova Healthcare Group, Inc. Completes $15 Million Senior Convertible Promissory Note And Warrant Offering


      Synova Healthcare Group, Inc. (OTCBB: SNVH.OB), today announced, in connection with the previously announced strategic acquisition of Allendale Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (API), and the acquisition of the exclusive worldwide rights to the Today(r) contraceptive sponge, that it has completed a private placement of $15 million in aggregate principal amount of 6.5% senior convertible promissory notes and related common stock purchase warrants. The Notes were placed with certain institutional and accredited investors, as well as to certain of our existing investors and members of management.

      The notes mature on January 12, 2012, and are convertible into shares of Synova common stock at a conversion rate of one share for every $1.00 of principal converted, subject to anti-dilution adjustments. The Company's obligations under the notes are unsecured but have been guaranteed by each of the Company's subsidiaries.

      As part of this note offering, Synova issued to the holders of the notes five-year warrants to purchase, at an exercise price of $1.00 per share, subject to anti-dilution adjustments, up to an aggregate of 110% of the total number of shares of Synova common stock that may be acquired upon conversion in full of the notes. Synova will use the net proceeds received from this offering to re-launch the Today(r) Sponge, to further expand Synova's growing portfolio of women's health care products and also to pay certain obligations of API.

      The securities described in this press release were not registered under the Securities Act of 1933 and may not be offered or sold in the United States absent registration or an applicable exemption from such registration requirements. The Company has agreed to file one or more registration statements with the Securities and Exchange Commission to permit resale of the common stock that may be received upon conversion of the notes or exercise of the warrants.

      About Synova Healthcare Group, Inc.
      Synova Healthcare Group, Inc., through its subsidiaries Synova Healthcare, Inc., Synova Pre-Natal Healthcare, Inc. and now Allendale Pharmaceuticals, Inc., is focused on the development, distribution, marketing and sale of non-invasive medical diagnostic tests and over-the-counter healthcare products that allow consumers and professionals to rapidly and accurately diagnose, monitor and/or treat certain woman's healthcare conditions. The Company's efforts are focused in the areas of contraception, vaginal health, menopause management, fertility planning, obstetrics and personal care. Its products are designed to deliver a meaningful difference in healthcare management for women. The company's goal is to provide healthcare solutions that address every stage of a woman's reproductive life. For more information, please visit the Company's website at

      Synova Healthcare Group, Inc.
      Robert Edwards
      Chief Financial Officer
      Phone: 610-565-7080 The Investor Relations Group
      Investor Relations: Katrine Winther-Olesen
      Media Relations: Janet Vasquez/Susan Morgenbesser
      Phone: 212-825-3210

      This Press Release may contain certain forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. The Company has tried, whenever possible, to identify these forward-looking statements using words such as "anticipates", "believes", "estimates", "expects", "plans", "intends", "potential" and similar expressions. These statements reflect the Company's current beliefs and are based upon information currently available to it. Accordingly, such forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors which
      could cause the Company's actual results, performance or achievements to differ materially from those expressed in or implied by such statements. Such risk factors are discussed in the Company's Registration Statement on Form SB-2 (File No. 333-123498), as amended, as declared effective by the Securities and Exchange Commission on May 22, 2006, as well as in other periodic reports and filings with the Commission. There can be no assurance that such factors will not affect the accuracy of such forward-looking statements. The Company undertakes no obligation to update or advise in the event of any change, addition or alteration to the information set forth in this Press Release including such forward-looking statements.

      This press release does not constitute an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to buy; nor will there be any sale of securities of Synova Healthcare Group, Inc. in any state where such offer, solicitation or sale would be unlawful before registration or qualification under the securities laws of those states.
      schrieb am 17.01.07 17:19:27
      Beitrag Nr. 27 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 26.969.346 von Mosi07 am 16.01.07 23:12:32Hi Mosi,

      das hab´ ich auch erhalten. Trotzdem fiel der Kurs. Liegt es an der Ausgabe von Options- und Schuldscheinen?

      schrieb am 17.01.07 17:55:39
      Beitrag Nr. 28 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 26.986.180 von Achilliona am 17.01.07 17:19:27....das glaube ich nicht. Eine Verwässerung findet ja, wenn ich das richtig verstanden habe, momentan nicht statt.

      Kann es sein, dass die News gestern erst Nachbörslich gekommen sind? (Ich konnte es leider nicht mitverfolgen)
      Heute ist der Kurs ja wieder schön im Plus :cool:

      Gruss Mosi
      schrieb am 17.01.07 19:15:32
      Beitrag Nr. 29 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 26.987.085 von Mosi07 am 17.01.07 17:55:39SK gestern in Frankfurt 1,08
      schrieb am 18.01.07 19:30:05
      Beitrag Nr. 30 ()
      1,15 :cool:
      schrieb am 19.01.07 10:57:05
      Beitrag Nr. 31 ()
      Huch, was ist denn jetzt los? :cry:
      schrieb am 23.01.07 18:16:48
      Beitrag Nr. 32 ()
      bereits wieder NEWS:


      schrieb am 24.01.07 08:21:18
      Beitrag Nr. 33 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 27.134.876 von Mosi07 am 23.01.07 18:16:48Moin Moin,

      also, ich mach´ mir jetzt keinen Kopf mehr über diese Aktie. Ich stehe zu meinem Investment und sehe das als längerfristige Anlage.
      Die Firma erscheint mir gesund und die Produkte sind innovativ. Synova wird schon einen größeren Bekanntheitsgrad erreichen, um Anleger aufmerksam werden zu lassen. Dafür braucht´s eben Zeit und die habe ich.
      Mir gefällt auch deren Informationspolitik, sie bemühen sich um ihre Aktionäre, ganz im Gegensatz zu manch anderen OTC-Werten.

      schrieb am 09.02.07 19:40:33
      Beitrag Nr. 34 ()

      hier passiert ja echt nichts. Keine Reaktion auf all die news in der Vergangenheit. Da muß man aber wirklich viel Geduld habe.


      Habe gestern einen neuen thread eröffnet, vielleicht möchte jemand mit dabei sein:…

      Ein schönes WE
      schrieb am 10.02.07 11:21:08
      Beitrag Nr. 35 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 27.555.564 von Achilliona am 09.02.07 19:40:33BM
      schrieb am 19.03.07 10:37:26
      Beitrag Nr. 36 ()
      Am Freitag wäre der Kurs wohl gerne gestiegen...., wenn er
      nicht mit kleinen Stückzahlen unten gehalten worden wäre!

      20:16:44 0,90 100 12.024 :eek:
      19:34:33 1,20 425 11.924
      19:21:19 0,90 100 11.499 :eek:
      17:21:05 1,12 899 11.399
      17:20:35 1,00 3.500 10.500
      15:30:12 1,00 2.500 7.000
      15:20:49 1,00 1.000 4.500
      15:19:58 1,00 2.000 3.500
      schrieb am 28.03.07 09:12:51
      Beitrag Nr. 37 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 28.367.069 von Mosi07 am 19.03.07 10:37:26Moin Mosi,

      was soll man jetzt davon halten? Es kamen auch lange keine Email-updates von der Firma.
      Ich bin sehr irritiert.

      schrieb am 29.03.07 09:20:42
      Beitrag Nr. 38 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 28.534.985 von Achilliona am 28.03.07 09:12:51Hallo Achilliona

      ja, mich nervt der Kursverlauf auch ziemlich heftig, doch weiss ich, dass Synova auf gutem Weg ist.

      Wenn Du direkt Infos von der SEC haben willst, brauchst Du nur den folgenden Link zu wählen. Da siehst Du auch, dass in den letzten Tagen hinter den Kulissen viel gegangen ist.

      Tipp: Unterhalb von FORM jeweils die blau markierten Texte z.B. 2B-A.. anwählen, damit Du die Meldung öffnen kannst.

      Auf nunmehr wieder steigende Kurse! *hoff*

      Gruss Mosi
      schrieb am 29.03.07 22:13:05
      Beitrag Nr. 39 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 28.555.190 von Mosi07 am 29.03.07 09:20:42Hi Mosi,

      gestern per Email gekommen, war im Spamordner, daher erst jetzt gesehen:

      March 28, 2007 08:40 AM Eastern Daylight Time

      Synova Healthcare Sets Timeline for Re-Launch of Popular Today® Sponge Female Contraceptive

      MEDIA, Pa.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Synova Healthcare Group, Inc. (OTCBB:SNVH) announced today its plans to officially re-launch the Today® Sponge female contraceptive at the upcoming American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) 55th Annual Clinical Meeting, set to take place May 5 - 9 in San Diego, CA. This major medical conference expects to attract more than 5,000 healthcare professionals who will be among the first to see the new advertising campaign and product packaging for the Today® Sponge.

      The Today® Sponge was once the most well-known, and #1 selling over-the-counter (OTC) form of female birth control. It was also the first product to combine a spermicide and a barrier contraceptive in one easy to use product. The Today® Sponge is an effective, non-hormonal contraceptive that offers 24-hour protection without the potential side effects and long-term commitment associated with hormonal methods.

      “Synova is both proud and excited to make the iconic Today® Sponge readily available once again to ‘Sponge’ devotees and new consumers alike,” says Stephen E. King, Chairman and CEO of Synova Healthcare Group, Inc. “The Today® Sponge re-launch is the first in a series of planned launches by our company that we believe will bring new choices and innovations to women’s health. Re-launching the Today® Sponge female contraceptive is an important next step in achieving our mission of developing and distributing innovative products that provide meaningful healthcare solutions for women throughout every stage of their reproductive lives,” says King.

      The unveiling of the official “re-launch” of the Today® Sponge to physicians and other healthcare professionals attending the ACOG meeting will be immediately followed by an aggressive, multi-media consumer advertising campaign designed to educate women about the benefits of the Today® Sponge as a safe and effective non-hormonal birth control option. The new Today® Sponge packaging will incorporate contemporary, creative branding as a major component of the new product image. Aggressive retail distribution is intended to support product availability and consumer access to the Today® Sponge throughout the United States. This convenient, non-hormonal, female birth control option is currently available without a prescription to women (in its previous packaging) through retailers across the United States and Canada including: Walgreens, CVS, Rite-Aid, Wal-Mart, Target, Longs Drug, HEB,,, Publix and A&P stores.

      About the Today® Sponge

      The Today® Sponge contraceptive device provides women with a reliable, non-hormonal alternative to hormonal birth control methods, such as the birth control pill.

      The Today® Sponge prevents pregnancy for 24 hours by combining three separate modes of contraceptive action: a barrier method, spermicidal delivery and absorption. In clinical trials, the Today® Sponge has proven to be 89% to 91% effective in preventing pregnancy. It is an ideal birth control option for women seeking a convenient, OTC, non-hormonal contraceptive option. The Today® Sponge has particular appeal for those women going through specific lifestyle changes, such as women in-between pregnancies or who may be newly single, or for those who simply want to avoid the side effects of birth control pills and other hormonal methods.

      Measuring only 1.75 inches in diameter and .50 inches in thickness, the sponge is coated with sperm-killing nonoxynol-9 and fits comfortably over the cervix. The Today® Sponge has been widely tested and was used by over 6.5 million women from 1983 to 1995. The Today® Sponge is now widely available in Canada and the United States at major retailers including: Walgreens, CVS, Rite-Aid, Wal-Mart, Target, Longs Drug, HEB,,, Publix and A&P stores. For more information, please visit

      About Synova Healthcare Group, Inc.

      Synova Healthcare Group, Inc., is focused on the development, distribution, marketing and sale of women's healthcare products related to contraception, vaginal health, menopause management, fertility planning, obstetrics and personal care. Its products are designed to deliver a meaningful difference in healthcare management for women.

      Synova Healthcare's current product portfolio includes MenoCheck® and MenocheckPro® at-home and in-office diagnostic tests that detect levels of follicle stimulating hormone that become elevated with the onset of menopause; and Fem-V(TM), a vaginal acidity test that features a comfortable pantiliner design to assist women when seeking the most appropriate treatment for vaginal infections. The company also announced in the fourth quarter of 2006 encouraging results from the development of its non-invasive fetal monitor; expected to be the first-ever OTC fetal activity detector and data recorder. This device is currently in development for at-home use by expectant mothers.

      Synova’s mission is to provide healthcare solutions that empower women throughout every stage of their reproductive lives. For more information, please visit the Company's website at

      This Press Release may contain certain forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. The Company has tried, whenever possible, to identify these forward-looking statements using words such as "anticipates", "believes", "estimates", "expects", "plans", "intends", "potential" and similar expressions. These statements reflect the Company's current beliefs and are based upon information currently available to it. Accordingly, such forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors which could cause the Company's actual results, performance or achievements to differ materially from those expressed in or implied by such statements. Such risk factors are discussed in the Company's Form 10-KSB for the year ended December 31, 2006, as filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission on February 26, 2007, as well as in other periodic reports and filings with the Commission. There can be no assurance that such factors will not affect the accuracy of such forward-looking statements. The Company undertakes no obligation to update or advise in the event of any change, addition or alteration to the information set forth in this Press Release including such forward-looking statements. This press release does not constitute an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to buy; nor will there be any sale of securities of Synova Healthcare Group, Inc. in any state where such offer, solicitation or sale would be unlawful before registration or qualification under the securities laws of those states.

      Ja, nun bin ich erstmal wieder beruhigt. Es scheint sich doch allerhand zu tun.

      schrieb am 04.04.07 18:30:48
      Beitrag Nr. 40 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 28.574.257 von Achilliona am 29.03.07 22:13:05Hi Achilliona

      es wird langsam spannend....... :)

      Wieder ein Filling bei der SEC

      Jetzt kanns bald losgehen!

      Gruss Mosi
      schrieb am 04.04.07 19:27:45
      Beitrag Nr. 41 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 28.664.699 von Mosi07 am 04.04.07 18:30:48Hi Mosi,

      wird aber auch Zeit ;)

      Naja, mein Einstand von 2,02 Euro liegt wohl noch in weiter Ferne.
      Zum Glück hab ich einen langen Atem und freue mich ja schon über kleine Schritte Richtung Norden.

      schrieb am 04.04.07 20:51:00
      Beitrag Nr. 42 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 28.665.781 von Achilliona am 04.04.07 19:27:45Kauf nach, damit Du Deinen Schnitt reduzieren kannst!

      Ich glaube nicht, dass Du dies bereuen wirst. :)
      schrieb am 17.04.07 17:13:26
      Beitrag Nr. 43 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 28.667.166 von Mosi07 am 04.04.07 20:51:00Hi Mosi,

      wie kann man sich diesen Kursverfall erklären?

      schrieb am 03.05.07 21:48:48
      Beitrag Nr. 44 ()

      keine Umsätze in D und schwach in USA. Ein paar cent up, aber was heißt das? Die dümpelt nur so vor sich hin. Gibt's schon wieder news?

      schrieb am 08.06.07 16:37:51
      Beitrag Nr. 45 ()
      falls jemand verkaufen will bitte bei mir melden
      schrieb am 11.06.07 10:02:18
      Beitrag Nr. 46 ()
      schrieb am 11.06.07 19:03:41
      Beitrag Nr. 47 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 29.706.961 von mobay am 08.06.07 16:37:51Hi,

      es kommen immer wieder tolle news von Stephen King, zuletzt per Email am 7.6. - bekommt Ihr sicherlich auch. Dennoch tut sich nichts beim Kurs.
      Ich habe nicht die Absicht, zu verkaufen.

      schrieb am 13.06.07 16:19:25
      Beitrag Nr. 48 ()
      Synova Healthcare Continues Retail Expansion of Fem-V(TM)

      June 13, 2007: 09:07 AM EST

      MEDIA, Pa., June 13 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- Synova Healthcare, Inc., a subsidiary of Synova Healthcare Group, Inc. , has recently expanded the distribution of Fem-V(TM) through Longs Drugs. Longs Drugs is one of the most recognized retail drug store chains on the West Coast. Longs, a California based company operates more than 500 stores in California, Hawaii, Washington, Nevada, Colorado and Oregon.

      Millions of women buy over-the-counter (OTC) vaginal infection treatments, often without knowing the root cause of their vaginal infections. Although some infections can be treated with OTC products successfully, others cannot, and require a prescription from their health care provider. Fem-V, with its advanced polymer technology, can assist a woman in assessing whether she should seek professional care for her vaginal infection symptoms.

      Fem-V is a non-invasive, at-home test with a diagnostic strip embedded in a pantiliner. It is highly accurate with 91% sensitivity and provides results that are easy to interpret. Fem-V provides women with a private and comfortable way to assess their vaginal infection symptoms.

      Stephen E. King, Chairman and CEO of Synova Healthcare Group, Inc. said, "We are extremely pleased to announce Fem-V's distribution through Longs. Longs represents another very important point of retail distribution for Fem-V and increases access to this product for our customers. We believe Fem-V can play an important role for the millions of women who suffer from vaginal infections annually."

      The Company also believes that many of the consumers, who will use Fem-V, represent the same target audience for The Today(R) Sponge. Synova Healthcare acquired the exclusive worldwide rights to the Today Sponge earlier this year, and will soon re-launch this former #1 OTC female contraceptive to consumers nationwide. The Company intends to aggressively co-promote and cross merchandise these two strategically aligned healthcare products in the months ahead. Interested consumers can learn more about Fem-V by visiting .

      About Synova Healthcare Group, Inc.:

      Synova Healthcare Group, Inc. is committed to delivering innovative products that provide meaningful improvements in women's healthcare. Through its subsidiaries, it is focused on the development, distribution, marketing and sale of women's healthcare products related to contraception, vaginal health, menopause management, fertility planning, obstetrics and personal care. Its goal is to provide healthcare solutions that address every stage of a woman's reproductive life. Synova currently markets and sells products under the brand names Today(R), Fem-V(TM), MenoCheck(R) and MenocheckPro(R). The Today(R) Sponge is a non-hormonal contraceptive that combines barrier, spermicidal and absorptive methods to prevent conception. Fem-V(TM) is a non-invasive diagnostic test designed to assist women in detecting and diagnosing the presence of elevated vaginal acidity, often indicating a vaginal infection. MenoCheck(R) and MenocheckPro(R) are in-home and in-office non-invasive diagnostic tests used to detect and diagnose the onset of menopause. For more information, please visit the Company's website at .

      Forward Looking Statement

      This Press Release may contain certain forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. The Company has tried, whenever possible, to identify these forward-looking statements using words such as "anticipates", "believes", "estimates", "expects", "plans", "intends", "potential" and similar expressions. These statements reflect the Company's current beliefs and are based upon information currently available to it. Accordingly, such forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors which could cause the Company's actual results, performance or achievements to differ materially from those expressed in or implied by such statements. Such risk factors are discussed in the Company's Registration Statement on Form SB- 2 (File No. 333-123498), as amended, as declared effective by the Securities and Exchange Commission on May 22, 2006, as well as in other periodic reports and filings with the Commission. There can be no assurance that such factors will not affect the accuracy of such forward-looking statements. The Company undertakes no obligation to update or advise in the event of any change, addition or alteration to the information set forth in this Press Release including such forward-looking statements. This press release does not constitute an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to buy; nor will there be any sale of securities of Synova Healthcare Group, Inc. in any state where such offer, solicitation or sale would be unlawful before registration or qualification under the securities laws of those states.
      schrieb am 14.06.07 07:49:18
      Beitrag Nr. 49 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 29.706.961 von mobay am 08.06.07 16:37:51Hallo mobay

      bist Du schon lange dabei oder wie kommst Du auf Synova?
      Gruss Mosi
      schrieb am 14.06.07 08:28:36
      Beitrag Nr. 50 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 29.884.454 von Mosi07 am 14.06.07 07:49:18...und noch mehr News:

      Wed Jun 13, 2007
      Dudnyk Spearheads Major OTC Relaunch For Today(R) Sponge


      -- Agency Develops Positioning, Strategy, Packaging and Advertising Campaign for Top-Selling Female Contraceptive --

      HORSHAM, Pa., June 13 /PRNewswire/ -- Dudnyk -- a full-service, strategic healthcare marketing communications agency -- has developed an integrated campaign to relaunch Today(R) Sponge, a hormone-free, over-the-counter (OTC) female contraceptive device distributed by a wholly owned subsidiary of Synova Healthcare Group, Inc. .

      Shortly after being awarded the business, Dudnyk developed a new position, market strategy, and spearheaded a bold creative campaign-including national consumer advertising, professional promotion, collateral materials, and package design. The new campaign was introduced at the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) annual meeting this past month.

      "Dudnyk's strategic acumen, creativity and energy were exactly what we needed from an agency to relaunch the Today(R) Sponge," said Joann Armitage, Executive Vice President, Sales and Marketing at Synova Healthcare. "Strategic insight and the ability to execute the agreed upon strategies is essential in our business. Dudnyk delivered a comprehensive campaign that aligned perfectly with the desired positioning in the marketplace."

      Today(R) Sponge, which combines a spermicide and a barrier contraceptive in one product, was first introduced in the early 1980s. During the 11 years it was previously on the market, it was the top-selling OTC female contraceptive in the US.

      "It is estimated that there are 43 million women using a variety of contraceptive options," said Armitage, "The relaunch of Today(R) Sponge will offer these women an innovative birth control option, without the side effects that are commonly associated with hormone-based contraceptives." According to a recent survey, that's exactly what these women are looking for; thirty-five percent of women who use birth control are extremely or somewhat dissatisfied with their present method, and 50% of all women who use hormonal methods are concerned about side effects.

      "We are very excited to support such a recognized brand. The new campaign targets female consumers by life events that shape women's attitudes over time. We are giving Today(R) Sponge a new look -- one that women of all ages will be able to embrace," said Frank X. Powers, Executive Vice President.

      About Dudnyk

      Dudnyk is an award-winning, independently owned, full-service branding, advertising, and marketing group that serves the healthcare industry by delivering "bold brand solutions." For more information about Dudnyk, visit

      About Synova Healthcare Group, Inc.

      Synova Healthcare Group, Inc., is committed to delivering innovative products that provide meaningful improvements in women's healthcare. Through its subsidiaries, Synova Healthcare focuses on the development, distribution, marketing, and sale of women's healthcare products related to contraception, vaginal health, menopause management, fertility planning, obstetrics, and personal care. Its goal is to provide healthcare solutions that address every stage of a woman's reproductive life. Synova currently markets and sells products under the brand names Today(R), Fem-V(TM), MenoCheck(R) and MenocheckPro(R). Today(R) Sponge is a non-hormonal contraceptive that combines barrier, spermicidal and absorptive methods to prevent conception. Fem-V(TM) is a noninvasive diagnostic test designed to assist women in detecting and diagnosing the presence of elevated vaginal acidity, often indicating a vaginal infection. MenoCheck(R) and MenocheckPro(R) are in-home and in-office noninvasive diagnostic tests used to detect and diagnose the onset of menopause. For more information, please visit the company's website at

      You can view the Previous News Releases item: Wed Jun 13, 2007, Synova Healthcare Continues Retail Expansion of Fem-V(TM)
      schrieb am 27.06.07 23:52:07
      Beitrag Nr. 51 ()

      ein update:

      Von: \"Rush, Meghan\" <>
      Betreff: Synova Healthcare Announces First Production Release of ``New Look\'\' Today(R) Sponge
      Datum: Wed, 27. Jun 2007 10:30:38 -0400

      MEDIA, Pa.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Synova Healthcare Group, Inc. (OTC-BB: SNVH - News), announced today that the first production units of the Today® Sponge in its new \"contemporary\" packaging have been released. Shipment of the product to retail stores across the country will commence this week to coincide with a national multi-media marketing campaign planned by the Company.

      The successful manufacturing and production release of the Today® Sponge announced this morning marks another significant accomplishment for our company,\" stated Mr. David Harrison, President and Chief Operating Officer of Synova Healthcare Group, Inc. \"Our operations team and vendor partners have done a terrific job in getting us to this important milestone.\"

      The updated package design and marketing campaign are designed to re-introduce the Today® Sponge to a new generation of women. Consumers can expect to see the new packaging on store shelves early next month.

      About the Today® Sponge:

      The Today® Sponge was once the most well-known, and #1 selling over-the-counter (OTC) form of female birth control. It was also the first product to combine a spermicide and a barrier contraceptive in one easy to use product. The Today® Sponge is an effective, hormone-free contraceptive that offers 24-hour protection without the potential side effects and long-term commitment associated with hormonal methods. Measuring only 1.75 inches in diameter and .50 inches in thickness, the Today® Sponge contains sperm-killing nonoxynol-9 and fits comfortably over the cervix. The Today® Sponge has been widely tested and was used by over 6.5 million women >from 1983 to 1995. The Today® Sponge is now widely available in the United States and Canada at major retailers such as CVS, Walgreens, Rite Aid, Target and Wal-Mart. For more information, please visit

      Forward Looking Statements:

      This Press Release may contain certain forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. The Company has tried, whenever possible, to identify these forward-looking statements using words such as \"anticipates\", \"believes\", \"estimates\", \"expects\", \"plans\", \"intends\", \"potential\" and similar expressions. These statements reflect the Company\'s current beliefs and are based upon information currently available to it. Accordingly, such forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors which could cause the Company\'s actual results, performance or achievements to differ materially from those expressed in or implied by such statements. Such risks and uncertainties are discussed in the Company\'s Annual Report on Form 10-KSB for the year ended December 31, 2006, as filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission on February 26, 2007, and in the Company\'s Quarterly Report on Form 10-QSB for the quarter ended March 31, 2007, as filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission on May 18, 2007, as well as in other periodic reports and filings with the Commission. There can be no assurance that such factors will not affect the accuracy of such forward-looking statements. The Company undertakes no obligation to update or advise in the event of any change, addition or alteration to the information set forth in this Press Release including such forward-looking statements. This press release does not constitute an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to buy; nor will there be any sale of securities of Synova Healthcare Group, Inc. in any state where such offer, solicitation or sale would be unlawful before registration or qualification under the securities laws of those states.



      Corporate Affairs:

      Synova Healthcare Group, Inc.

      Robert Edwards, Chief Financial Officer



      Investor Relations:

      The Investor Relations Group

      Adam Holdsworth / Rachel Colgate, 212-825-3210

      Meghan Rush
      1400 N. Providence Road | Suite 6010 | Media, PA 19063
      Phone: 610.565.7080 x142 | Fax: 610.565.7081 | Email:
      schrieb am 03.07.07 14:47:57
      Beitrag Nr. 52 ()
      neuer Werbeauftritt! :eek:


      schrieb am 04.07.07 19:42:48
      Beitrag Nr. 53 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 30.469.810 von Mosi07 am 03.07.07 14:47:57Yap, finanziell zwar ziemlich heftig....rund 5 mio. aber dafür sollte die cross-prmotion mit dem neuen auftritt von today sponge und fem-v ein wenig mehr anreiz bieten für die sales ... es wurde sogar gedacht einen riesen sponge im central park als trampolin aufzustellen.....hätte sicherlich auch media attention bedeutet..

      Jemand eine Erklärung für den Kursabrutsch gestern??? waren ja doch ei paar sales die für den verantwortlich waren....waren die ersten tage des sponge nicht so gut??????
      schrieb am 04.07.07 20:27:38
      Beitrag Nr. 54 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 30.489.300 von mobay am 04.07.07 19:42:48sind wohl einige erschrocken, dass jetzt mit der grossen Kelle gerührt wird (5Mio sind nicht wenig) ;)
      schrieb am 05.07.07 15:00:35
      Beitrag Nr. 55 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 30.490.011 von Mosi07 am 04.07.07 20:27:38..das war aber doch schon seit wochen bekannt.....oder stand das nirgends offiziell ???
      schrieb am 17.07.07 16:44:10
      Beitrag Nr. 56 ()

      E-mail von heute:

      Von: "Rush, Meghan" <>
      Betreff: TodayR Sponge Unit Sales and Distribution Increasing
      Datum: Tue, 17. Jul 2007 10:15:07 -0400

      Dear SNVH Stockholders;

      As I am sure you recall, on January 12th of this year, Synova Healthcare Group, Inc. (SNVH) acquired Allendale Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (API), and along with it the worldwide rights to the Today® Sponge. We immediately began our work toward fully integrating API into the SNVH business, which included the factory startup at OSG Norwich (who is our outsourced manufacturer for the product). On June 27th, you may have observed our announcement citing the successful release of new product in the “new look” packaging.

      Since the acquisition of API in January, our marketing department began its efforts to define the promotional support for the product. These efforts included the development of a new creative platform and advertising campaign. Our plans, since the May 5th product re-introduction, called for purposefully directing promotional activities toward the professional healthcare community first, in an effort to make sure healthcare providers were aware that the Today® Sponge was indeed back as a viable contraceptive choice for their patients.

      To that end, I am pleased to share our latest news – as was released over the newswires early this morning. Please take a moment to review the attached press release. We hope you find today’s news positive, as we continue to implement our ongoing strategic plans for SNVH. As reported earlier, our national consumer campaign is expected to kick off on July 24th. I look forward to sharing developments resulting from this campaign in the coming weeks.

      I would like to thank you for your continued interest in Synova Healthcare Group, Inc. Should you have any questions or comments, please do hesitate to contact us.

      Very kind regards,

      Stephen King | Chief Executive Officer

      1400 N. Providence Road
      Suite 6010
      | Media, PA19063
      Phone: 610.565.7080 x137 | Fax: 610.565.7081 | Email:

      Today® Sponge Unit Sales and Distribution Increasing

      MEDIA, PA, July 17, 2007 - Synova Healthcare Group, Inc. (OTC-BB:SNVH) announced today that point of sale (POS) data gathered from some of its major retailers carrying the Today® Sponge indicate that recent unit sales have increased as much as 17% by account. A review of the POS data from three of the company’s major retailers showed an increase in unit sales to their retail customers ranging from 7% to 17% by account, when comparing the four-week unit sales average ending May 12, 2007, to the four-week unit sales average for the period ended June 17th, 2007. It was during the week ending May 12, 2007, that Synova Healthcare attended the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology (ACOG) meeting where the company “re-introduced” the Today® Sponge to healthcare professionals from across the US. The three retail accounts from where the data sample was derived represent the majority (54%) of the Today® Sponge units sold for Synova during the period analyzed.

      Ms. Joann Armitage, EVP, Sales and Marketing, stated, “Exhibiting at the ACOG meeting was our first major marketing endeavor for the Today® Sponge. Healthcare providers represent the primary source for advice regarding contraceptive options. It was important for Synova to inform healthcare providers about the availability of the product and the benefits the Today® Sponge can offer to their patients seeking a hormone-free contraceptive. We believe that these data reflects that our overall marketing efforts have led to the increase in unit sales. We are looking forward to our national consumer directed campaign set to kick off later this month.”

      Coupled with the news of increasing unit sales, the Company also announced that it expects to add approximately 1,800 new points of distribution during the next two months. Of these additions, the largest new point of distribution will occur in the 1,300 Brooks Eckerd Pharmacy locations recently acquired by Rite Aid Corporation. The Today® Sponge will also gain distribution through Duane Reade, a major drug store chain in the New York metropolitan area with more than 230 store locations. Further, the Company expects several regional retailers will similarly be adding the Today® Sponge as part of the contraceptive choices they provide their consumers.

      About the Today® Sponge:
      The Today® Sponge was once the most well-known, and #1 selling over-the-counter (OTC) form of female birth control. It was also the first product to combine a spermicide and a barrier contraceptive in one easy to use product. The Today® Sponge is an effective, hormone-free contraceptive that offers 24-hour protection without the potential side effects and long-term commitment associated with hormonal methods. Measuring only 1.75 inches in diameter and .50 inches in thickness, the Today® Sponge contains sperm-killing nonoxynol 9 and fits comfortably over the cervix. The Today® Sponge has been widely tested and was used by over 6.5 million women from 1983 to 1995. The Today® Sponge is now widely available in the United States and Canada at major retailers such as CVS, Walgreens, Rite Aid, Target and Wal-Mart. For more information, please visit

      About Synova Healthcare Group, Inc.:
      Synova Healthcare Group, Inc. is committed to delivering innovative products that provide meaningful improvements in women's healthcare. Through its subsidiaries, it is focused on the development, distribution, marketing and sale of women's healthcare products related to contraception, vaginal health, menopause management, fertility planning, obstetrics and personal care. Its goal is to provide healthcare solutions that address every stage of a woman's life. Synova currently markets and sells products under the brand names Today®, Fem-V™, MenoCheck® and MenocheckPro®. The Today® Sponge is a non-hormonal contraceptive that combines barrier, spermicidal and absorptive methods to prevent conception. Fem-V™ is a non-invasive diagnostic test designed to assist women in detecting and diagnosing the presence of elevated vaginal acidity, often indicating a vaginal infection. Our MenoCheck® and MenocheckPro® products are in-home and in-office non-invasive diagnostic tests used to detect and diagnose the onset of menopause. For more information, please visit the Company's website at

      This Press Release may contain certain forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. The Company has tried, whenever possible, to identify these forward-looking statements using words such as "anticipates", "believes", "estimates", "expects", "plans", "intends", "potential" and similar expressions. These statements reflect the Company's current beliefs and are based upon information currently available to it. Accordingly, such forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors which could cause the Company's actual results, performance or achievements to differ materially from those expressed in or implied by such statements. Such risk factors are discussed in the Company's Form 10-KSB for the year ended December 31, 2006, as filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission on February 26, 2007, and the Company’s Form 10-QSB for the three months ended March 31, 2007, as filed with the SEC on May 18, 2007, as well as in the Company’s other periodic reports and filings with the SEC. There can be no assurance that such factors will not affect the accuracy of such forward-looking statements. The Company undertakes no obligation to update or advise in the event of any change, addition or alteration to the information set forth in this Press Release including such forward-looking statements. This press release does not constitute an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to buy; nor will there be any sale of securities of Synova Healthcare Group, Inc. in any state where such offer, solicitation or sale would be unlawful before registration or qualification under the securities laws of those states.

      Meghan Rush
      1400 N. Providence Road | Suite 6010 | Media, PA 19063
      Phone: 610.565.7080 x142 | Fax: 610.565.7081 | Email:

      Ich frag mich, wann der Kurs in die Gänge kommt. Da braucht man wohl noch ganz viel Geduld.

      schrieb am 07.08.07 08:42:15
      Beitrag Nr. 57 ()

      was ist los?
      Ihr habt sicher auch die Emails vom 30. Juli erhalten. Ich verzichte dann mal auf die Veröffentlichung.

      @Mosi - hast Du noch andere news?

      schrieb am 07.08.07 13:37:18
      Beitrag Nr. 58 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 31.059.370 von Achilliona am 07.08.07 08:42:15kannst Du diese Info trotzdem mal reinstellen? Ich hab sie nicht bekommen oder infolge Ferienabwesenheit gleich gelöscht.

      Ansonsten versuch ich mal, was rauszufinden...

      Gruss Mosi
      schrieb am 07.08.07 16:49:41
      Beitrag Nr. 59 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 31.063.506 von Mosi07 am 07.08.07 13:37:18Hi Mosi,


      1. Mail

      Von: "Rush, Meghan" <>
      Betreff: Today(R) Sponge Unit Sales and Distribution Increasing
      Datum: 30.07.2007 16:37:49

      MEDIA, Pa., July 17 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- Synova Healthcare Group, Inc. (OTC Bulletin Board: SNVH - News) announced today that point of sale (POS) data gathered from some of its major retailers carrying the Today® Sponge indicate that recent unit sales have increased as much as 17% by account. A review of the POS data from three of the company's major retailers showed an increase in unit sales to their retail customers ranging from 7% to 17% by account, when comparing the four-week unit sales average ending May 12, 2007, to the four-week unit sales average for the period ended June 17th, 2007. It was during the week ending May 12, 2007, that Synova Healthcare attended the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology (ACOG) meeting where the company "re-introduced" the Today® Sponge to healthcare professionals from across the US. The three retail accounts from where the data sample was derived represent the majority (54%) of the Today® Sponge units sold for Synova during the period analyzed.

      Ms. Joann Armitage, EVP, Sales and Marketing, stated, "Exhibiting at the ACOG meeting was our first major marketing endeavor for the Today® Sponge. Healthcare providers represent the primary source for advice regarding contraceptive options. It was important for Synova to inform healthcare providers about the availability of the product and the benefits the Today® Sponge can offer to their patients seeking a hormone-free contraceptive. We believe that these data reflects that our overall marketing efforts have led to the increase in unit sales. We are looking forward to our national consumer directed campaign set to kick off later this month."

      Coupled with the news of increasing unit sales, the Company also announced that it expects to add approximately 1,800 new points of distribution during the next two months. Of these additions, the largest new point of distribution will occur in the 1,300 Brooks Eckerd Pharmacy locations recently acquired by Rite Aid Corporation. The Today® Sponge will also gain distribution through Duane Reade, a major drug store chain in the New York metropolitan area with more than 230 store locations. Further, the Company expects several regional retailers will similarly be adding the Today® Sponge as part of the contraceptive choices they provide their consumers.

      2. Mail :

      Von: "Rush, Meghan" <>
      Betreff: Today(R) Sponge Contraceptive - New Look for the 'Women of Today'
      Datum: 30.07.2007 18:07:46

      MEDIA, Pa., July 30 /PRNewswire/ -- Synova Healthcare Group, Inc. announced today that the Today® Sponge, the first and only female contraceptive to combine a spermicide with a barrier contraceptive, is unveiling its exciting new look this summer. This updated, bold design will appeal to a whole new generation of women who may not be aware of the benefits of the Today® Sponge. The Today® Sponge is an easy-to-use, hormone-free contraceptive that offers 24-hour protection against pregnancy.

      Women who use hormone-free contraceptives look first to their doctors and then to the internet for their contraceptive information. The Today® Sponge website is new, interactive and designed to appeal to "Today's Women." It will provide them with the information they need to make smart contraceptive decisions.

      The Today® Sponge is a unique and innovative birth control option for women of all ages. It is ideal for women in a variety of life situations such as health conscious women, women who are contraindicated to hormones, those who have an "on-the-go" lifestyle and those who are breastfeeding or in-between pregnancies.

      "It is important to offer women options when it comes to choosing a birth control method. For my patients who may not be aware that the Today® Sponge is back on the shelves, I'm excited to tell them about its benefits -- especially the hormone-free aspect," said Dr. Shari Brasner, Assistant Clinical Professor, Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Health, Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York.

      The Today® Sponge is safe, effective and has been used by millions of women. In clinical trials, the Today® Sponge has proven to be 89% - 91% effective in preventing pregnancy with no serious adverse events reported in over 1800 Today® Sponge users(1). The Today® Sponge prevents pregnancy in three ways: as a barrier method, blocking the entry of sperm into the cervix, by the continual release of the spermicide nonoxynol 9 which kills sperm and the absorption of sperm by the soft foam sponge.

      The official Today® Sponge branding re-launch will consist of a comprehensive, multi-media advertising campaign designed to educate women about the unique benefits of the product. The latest product information on the Today® Sponge, tips on how to choose your contraceptive and the benefits of hormone-free contraception can be found at the new Today® Sponge website

      In January 2007, Synova Healthcare Group, Inc. acquired Allendale Pharmaceuticals, Inc. and the rights to the Today® Sponge. Synova's goal is to bring the Today® Sponge back to its leadership position when it was used by millions of women.

      Stephen E. King, Chairman and CEO of Synova Healthcare Group, Inc. said, "Synova is thrilled to bring this important birth control option back to the many Today® Sponge devotees and to a whole new generation of women seeking innovation in over-the-counter, hormone-free contraception."

      This easy-to-use, hormone-free, female controlled contraceptive is widely available without a prescription in pharmacies, retailers and grocery stores nationwide including: CVS, Duane Reade, Longs Drugs, Walgreens, Target, Wal- Mart, A&P, HEB, and Publix. It is also available online at:, and

      3. Mail :

      Von: "Rush, Meghan" <>
      Betreff: Synova Healthcare/ Today(R) Sponge featured in New York Times & Philadelphia Inquirer
      Datum: 30.07.2007 18:33:29

      Dear SNVH Stockholders,

      As a result of the press release issued early this morning, Synova Healthcare and the Today(R) Sponge have been featured in articles today that appeared in both the New York Times & the Philadelphia Inquirer. For your reference, I have attached the links to the articles below. Thank you for your continued support of Synova Healthcare Group, Inc.……

      Meghan Rush

      4. Mail :

      Von: "Rush, Meghan" <>
      Betreff: A Message from the CEO: The Today Sponge Efficacy in Review
      Datum: 30.07.2007 22:05:41

      Dear SNVH Stockholders;

      Early today, we received some very exciting press coverage, which included stories that appeared in The Philadelphia Inquirer and The New York Times newspapers to name a couple. You may have already reviewed the links forwarded to you by us.

      The majority of the coverage was very, very positive, and even included the printing of our new packaging for the Today® Sponge as well as the printing of the landing page of our new Today® Sponge website (see I invite you to review the hard copy versions of these papers in order to appreciate the full effect that our Company and our product received today.

      Following publication, however, I received some telephone inquiries regarding the data and some opinions expressed specifically within the New York Times article. I wanted to immediately address these facts and any potential confusion that this article may have created, which I hope this email will certainly serve to accomplish.

      It should first be noted that we view the article (19 paragraphs long) on mass as strong media coverage for Synova and our product; the Today® Sponge. New York city has strong ties to Elaine (from Seinfeld) and the product. The story gave our brand excellent exposure.

      However, as is typical, the author creates tension in the article by stating that “health professionals agree that one of the Today Sponge’s biggest problems is its efficacy”. This opinion appears to be later supported in the article by Dr. Katharine O’Connell, an assistant clinical professor of obstetrics and gynecology and a family planning specialist at the Columbia University Medical Center in New York, who said, “For all the sponge’s cultural popularity, it isn’t as effective as many other methods.”

      In our view, these comments (when made) are routinely done so in reference to hormonal methods, like the birth control pill. Further, this is a fact that no one refutes. Even within the data that the NYT article cites, the Today® Sponge and condoms, when “used as a method for birth control and may have used them incorrectly or inconsistently” resulted in pregnancy rates of 16% and 15% respectively. [It should be noted that “pregnancy rate” is not defined, and that it appears that there is no statistical difference between the Today Sponge and condoms from this source – with both proving inferior to hormonal methods. This is not suprising.]

      The unfortunate part of the article is that the author chose to make reference to a single clinical data set suggesting a 32% failure rate in parous women (meaning women who have previously experienced childbirth) versus nulliparous women (women who have not experienced childbirth). We believe that conclusions should not be drawn from retrospective analysis, smaller trials, or estimates from population data bases that do not reflect good rigorous standards of a Phase III clinical trial.

      To that end, I am pleased to share with you that extensive Phase III studies were conducted at 20 different sites (13 of which were in the USA) over 2 years in order to establish the safety and efficacy of the Today® Sponge. In total, these controlled studies included 1,847 women covering 12,514 months of product use. The cumulative first year method effectiveness was approximately 90%, corresponding to a pregnancy rate of 10.1 per 100. It should also be noted that across all data derived from these clinical trials, that the difference between nulliparous women and parous women was not statistically different.

      Further, in the NYT article, Dr. Phil Darney, Chief of Obstetrics and Gynecology at San Francisco GeneralHospital, shared that it was a disadvantage that the Today Sponge does not protect against STD’s. He also “predicted that its [Today® Sponge] acceptance would be limited, because younger women have become accustomed to using condoms and other, more effective methods of contraception.”

      The Today® Sponge has never been promoted as providing protection against STD’s, and yet became the #1 over-the-counter (OTC) contraceptive of choice among women in the early 1990’s. We are not exclusively targeting younger women, and have confirmed through market research that many women use condoms for the protection against STD’s along with their primary form of contraceptive, including both hormonal and non-hormonal methods.

      We can assure our stockholders that the opinion of Dr. Darney expressed within the article was not consistent with the enthusiastic reception that our product received from the many healthcare professionals in attendance when showcased earlier this year at American College of Obs. & Gyn’s Annual General Meeting (May 5-9, 2007). Also, we invite you to once again review our press release of July 17, 2007 (

      The Today® Sponge is an excellent choice when women are seeking a non-hormonal method of contraception. It has been proven safe and effective, and offers women a hormone free alternative to hormonal methods. It provides 24 hours of contraceptive protection, is available OTC, and provides a discreet and affordable option that enables women to be in control of contraceptive choice.

      We at Synova Healthcare are very pleased to be a part of its reintroduction, and are excited about the prospects of this product in the USA and global markets.

      I hope this communication helps to clarify any confusion you may have regarding the efficacy and safety of the Today® Sponge.

      Should you ever have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.

      Kind regards,

      Stephen King | Chief Executive Officer

      1400 N. Providence Road
      Suite 6010
      | Media, PA19063
      Phone: 610.565.7080 x137 | Fax: 610.565.7081 | Email:

      Viel zu lesen, Mosi;)

      schrieb am 07.08.07 16:52:08
      Beitrag Nr. 60 ()
      Schon komisch, auch letzte Mail grün gepastet, aber nicht grün geworden. Egal ;)
      schrieb am 10.08.07 09:58:14
      Beitrag Nr. 61 ()
      Hallo zusammen!

      Ich bin mit 4500 Stück investiert - allerdings bei 1,99 EUR... :) Die Geschichte tendiert stark in Richtung Totalverlußt. Damit könnte ich leben, sonst hätte ich nicht investiert. Die Frage ist nur:

      Soll ich den bescheidenen Rest noch retten, oder ist hier jemand der Auffassung, dass es mit Synova nochmals aufwärts gehen könnte?


      schrieb am 10.08.07 16:09:25
      Beitrag Nr. 62 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 31.110.036 von huibu am 10.08.07 09:58:14Moin,

      wart´s einfach noch ab. Die story stimmt, die Aktie muß nur noch entdeckt werden.

      Hier die letzte Email von Megan Rush:

      Von: "Rush, Meghan" <>
      Betreff: Synova Healthcare Group, Inc. Announces Board of Directors Appointments
      Datum: 09.08.2007 16:00:19

      Dear SNVH Stockholders;

      I am pleased to announce that two very accomplished and well experienced professionals have been appointed to our Board of Directors effective immediately.

      Please see the press release we issued early this morning which provides a short summary of their biographical information. I hope you will concur with us that these gentlemen will be very welcomed additions to our Board of Directors.

      Thank you for your ongoing interest in Synova Healthcare Group, Inc.

      Very kind regards,

      Stephen King | Chief Executive Officer

      MEDIA, PA (AUGUST 9, 2007) - Synova Healthcare Group, Inc. (OTCBB: SNVH) today announced the appointment of two non-employee directors to its Board of Directors. Joining the Board of Directors, effective August 8th, 2007, are Alan B. Levin and J. Jeffrey Fox. Mr. Levin and Mr. Fox will serve as directors until the Company’s 2008 Annual Meeting of Stockholders, and until their successors are elected and qualified.

      Mr. Levin successfully led the Happy Harry’s drug store chain from 1987 until it was acquired by the Walgreen Company in July 2007. During his tenure, Happy Harry’s grew >from 19 to 76 stores, with locations in Delaware, Maryland, Pennsylvania and New Jersey. Mr. Levin is a graduate of TulaneUniversity and the Delaware Law School of Widener University. He previously served as the Executive Assistant and Counsel to United States Senator William V. Roth, Jr. In 2001, Mr. Levin served as Chairman of the National Association of Drug Stores. Mr. Levin is also a past member of the Board of Directors of the United States Chamber of Commerce. Currently, Mr. Levin serves as the Chairman of the Board of the Delaware State Chamber of Commerce and a member of its Executive Committee. He is also a board member of the American Red Cross of the Delmarva Peninsula and a member of the Advisory Board of the University of Delaware’s Lerner College of Business and Economics.

      Mr. Fox is President of Renard Capital, LLC. He serves as an advisor on acquisitions, divestitures, capital formation and strategies to maximize shareholder value. Mr. Fox has over 25 years of acquisition, divestiture, finance and accounting experience, including fifteen years as chief financial officer of several publicly-traded middle market companies. He is also a founding member of Emerald Asset Management. Mr. Fox served for over three years as Chairman of the Audit Committee on the Board of Directors of Cimnet, Inc. He currently serves on the Library of Congress James Madison Council, the William T. Walters Association of the WaltersArt Museum, as well as the board of directors of the Boys and Girls Clubs of Anne Arundel County. Mr. Fox earned his B.S. degree from King’s College and his MBA from the University of Pittsburgh Katz Graduate School of Business. He is a Certified Public Accountant and a Chartered Financial Analyst.

      “We welcome the appointment of these esteemed professionals to our Board,” said Stephen King, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Synova Healthcare Group, Inc. “We are pleased to have been able to attract such directors with the depth and breadth of experience they bring to our company. We look forward to the contributions of these two new directors as we continue to execute our business strategy”.

      For more information, please visit the Company's website at

      Also, für mich hört sich das sehr positiv an.
      Sicher ist das Deine Entscheidung, die ich Dir auch nicht abnehmen kann.

      schrieb am 10.08.07 16:15:24
      Beitrag Nr. 63 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 31.063.506 von Mosi07 am 07.08.07 13:37:18@Mosi -

      hast Du noch mal Kontakt gehabt? Wie siehst Du das appointment von Levin und Fox?

      schrieb am 18.09.07 11:27:49
      Beitrag Nr. 64 ()
      Damit der Thread nicht in der Versenkung verschwindet, will ich ihn mal wieder hochholen.

      Gibt´s was neues, Mosi?

      schrieb am 05.10.07 16:20:40
      Beitrag Nr. 65 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 31.641.511 von Achilliona am 18.09.07 11:27:49Hallo

      entschuldige, dass ich mich erst heute melden kann. War längere Zeit gesperrt :rolleyes:

      So wie's aussieht läuft das Geschäft sehr gut, so dass der Kurs bald anziehen wird. Näheres werde ich Mitte Oktober bei einem Treffen mit dem CEO erfahren.

      Gruss Mosi
      schrieb am 15.10.07 14:08:13
      Beitrag Nr. 66 ()
      moin moin hab am wochenende nochmal mit dem ceo nicht allzu weiter ferne kommen q3 zahlen...die umsätze sind hocherfreulich aufgrund der einführunf von spounge im august....mehr darf ich nich sagen :D
      schrieb am 15.10.07 14:11:57
      Beitrag Nr. 67 ()
      stephe boy wollte mir auch noch ne neue PP-präsentation zuschicken von einer der letzten conferences...wer interesse hat, kann sich ja mal per mail melden...
      schrieb am 15.10.07 17:59:49
      Beitrag Nr. 68 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 31.998.466 von mobay am 15.10.07 14:11:57dem kann ich nur beipflichten. Sieht gut aus! Ich war heute an eine Conference mit Stephe....
      schrieb am 31.10.07 18:41:56
      Beitrag Nr. 69 ()
      sooo hab gestern die Powerpoint vom stephen erhalten, wer interesse hat, einfach melden....gruß mobay
      schrieb am 08.11.07 13:50:36
      Beitrag Nr. 70 ()
      Dear Colleagues & Friends;

      We at Synova Healthcare Group, Inc. are pleased to announce the launch of new product branding for the Fem-V® Test Kit.

      Fem-V® is the first and only non-invasive, at home test to assess the symptoms of vaginal infections. With the introduction of the new product packaging also comes a brand new website for interested consumers who wish to learn more about this breakthrough product.

      If you would like to see the “new look” of Fem-V®, please click the link. More importantly, if someone you know could benefit from this information, please feel free to forward the accompanying link.

      Website Link:

      Thank you for your ongoing interest in Synova Healthcare.

      Very kind regards,

      Stephen King
      schrieb am 08.11.07 23:48:27
      Beitrag Nr. 71 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 32.340.349 von mobay am 08.11.07 13:50:36Dear Colleagues;

      We are very pleased to announce our first ex-USA distribution agreement has been executed, and the Today Sponge will very soon be headed to Hong Kong. It was an objective of our Company to effect ex-USA distribution of this product this year. I am pleased to be able to share news of the accomplishment of this milestone. We will continue to seek to identify strong distribution partners for this important non-hormonal contraceptive product beyond our domestic boundaries of the US. We are excited to be partnering with Hind Wing, Ltd. who will bring the Today Sponge to this region.

      Thank you for your ongoing interest in Synova Healthcare Group, Inc. (SNVH.OB).

      Kindest regards,

      Stephen King
      schrieb am 12.11.07 11:02:03
      Beitrag Nr. 72 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 32.352.235 von mobay am 08.11.07 23:48:27...klingt ja ausgezeichnet :)
      schrieb am 27.11.07 18:58:11
      Beitrag Nr. 73 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 32.390.163 von Mosi07 am 12.11.07 11:02:03Moin Moin,

      und warum dann wieder dieser Absturz? Hatte mich schon über die 0,40 gefreut.

      schrieb am 18.12.07 19:52:30
      Beitrag Nr. 74 ()

      na, will irgendwie nicht in die Puschen kommen, die Aktie :cry:

      Hoffentlich wird das nicht Totalverlust Nummer 3 in einem Jahr.

      Wünsche Euch aber erstmal schöne Festtage und mehr Glück im neuen Jahr.

      schrieb am 20.12.07 15:43:04
      Beitrag Nr. 75 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 32.807.519 von Achilliona am 18.12.07 19:52:30sieht wohl stark nach totalverlust aus...
      schrieb am 27.12.07 10:29:29
      Beitrag Nr. 76 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 32.827.323 von tobiaaas am 20.12.07 15:43:04Da hast Du leider recht.........bankrott ist bankrott.......:cry:


      Quelle: PR Newswire…

      19.12.2007 16:40
      Synova Healthcare Group, Inc. Files Voluntary Petition to Reorganize Under Chapter 11

      MEDIA, Pa., Dec. 19 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- Synova Healthcare Group, (News) Inc. (BULLETIN BOARD: SNVH), announced today that it and its four U.S. subsidiaries (collectively, "Synova") have filed voluntary petitions to reorganize under Chapter 11 of the Bankruptcy Code. Synova is seeking to operate its business as a debtor-in-possession pursuant to the Bankruptcy Code.

      Under the Bankruptcy Code, Synova is prohibited from paying pre-petition obligations until a plan of reorganization has been approved by creditors and the bankruptcy court. This prohibition applies to all of Synova's pre- petition obligations, including obligations to holders of its senior convertible promissory notes.

      The Company's decision to reorganize under Chapter 11 was made primarily to address Synova's liquidity and capital resources issues, which left Synova unable to continue to effectively operate its business of developing, distributing, marketing and selling innovative over-the-counter women's healthcare products. Synova has historically relied upon equity and debt capital to fund its ongoing operations, and its current inability to locate and obtain such capital severely depleted its cash and other capital resources.

      The Chapter 11 petitions were filed in the U.S. Bankruptcy Court in the District of Delaware.

      About Synova Healthcare Group, Inc.:

      Through its subsidiaries, Synova Healthcare Group, Inc. is focused on the development, distribution, marketing and sale of women's healthcare products related to contraception, vaginal health, menopause management, fertility planning, obstetrics and personal care. Synova's goal is to provide healthcare solutions that address every stage of a woman's reproductive life. Synova markets and sells products under the brand names Today(R) and Fem-V(R). The Today(R) Sponge is a non-hormonal contraceptive that combines barrier, spermicidal and absorptive methods to prevent conception. Fem-V(R) is a non- invasive diagnostic test with 91% sensitivity and is designed to detect the presence of elevated vaginal acidity, assisting women in identifying the most appropriate treatment for vaginal infections. For more information, please visit Synova's website at

      Forward-Looking Statements:

      Some of the information in this press release may contain "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the federal securities laws. These forward- looking statements can be identified by forward-looking words such as "may," "will," "expect," "intend," "anticipate," "believe," "estimate," "plan," "could," "should" and "continue" or similar words. These forward-looking statements may also use different phrases. These forward-looking statements are not historical in nature and include statements that reflect, when made, Synova's views with respect to current events and financial performance. All such forward-looking statements are and will be subject to numerous risks, uncertainties and factors relating to Synova's operations and business environment, many of which are beyond Synova's control, that could cause actual results to differ materially from any results expressed or implied by such statements.

      Factors that could cause actual results to differ materially include, without limitation:

      -- Synova's ability to continue to operate as a going concern;
      -- Synova's ability to obtain approval of the bankruptcy court with
      respect to motions filed by it from time to time in the proceedings
      described in this press release;
      -- Synova's ability to obtain debtor-in-possession, or DIP, financing,
      should it seek to obtain it;
      -- if Synova seeks DIP financing and is able to obtain it, whether the
      Bankruptcy Court will grant final approval of any such financing;
      -- alternatives to obtaining capital needed to continue operations in the
      event Synova does not seek or is unable to obtain DIP financing, or, if
      -- Synova is able to obtain DIP financing but the Bankruptcy Court fails
      to grant final approval of the DIP financing;
      -- Synova's ability to operate pursuant to the terms of any DIP financing
      that is ultimately obtained and finally approved by the Bankruptcy
      -- Synova's ability to develop, prosecute, confirm and consummate one or
      more plans of reorganization with respect to the Court Filing;
      -- risks associated with third parties seeking and obtaining Bankruptcy
      Court approval to terminate or shorten the exclusivity period for
      Synova to propose and confirm one or more plans of reorganization, for
      the appointment of a Chapter 11 trustee or to convert the Chapter 11
      proceeding to a Chapter 7 proceeding;
      -- potential adverse publicity surrounding the Court Filing and the
      related Chapter 11 proceeding;
      -- Synova's ability to obtain and maintain adequate relationships with
      Norwich Pharmaceuticals, Inc., Synova's sole manufacturer of the
      Today(R) Sponge, and Synova's other creditors, lenders, vendors and
      persons or entities with whom Synova does business;
      -- Synova's ability to fund its working capital needs throughout the
      pendency of the Court Filing, the Chapter 11 proceeding and thereafter;
      -- the potential adverse impact of the Court Filing and the Chapter 11
      proceeding on Synova's liquidity or results of operations;
      -- Synova's ability to adequately fund and execute its business plan;
      -- Synova's ability to attract, motivate and retain key employees;
      -- Synova's ability to successfully market, distribute and sell its line
      of women's healthcare products during the pendency of the Court Filing,
      the Chapter 11 proceeding, and thereafter.
      -- potential actions of regulatory authorities which govern Synova's
      operations, including the U.S. Food and Drug Administration;
      -- the outcome of legal proceedings to which Synova is or may become a
      party; and
      -- other risks described in Synova's reports filed with the Securities and
      Exchange Commission (the "SEC") pursuant to the Securities Exchange Act
      of 1934, as amended, including factors described in Synova's Annual
      Report on Form 10-KSB for the year ended December 31, 2006, as amended,
      and in its Quarterly Reports on Form 10-QSB for each of the quarters
      ended March 31, 2007, June 30, 2007 and September 30, 2007.

      These statements speak only as of the date of this press release, and Synova disclaims any intention or obligation to update or revise any forward- looking statements to reflect new information, future events or developments or otherwise, except as required by law. Synova provides additional information in its filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission, which readers are encouraged to review, concerning other factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those indicated in the forward- looking statements.

      Similarly, these and other factors, including the terms of any reorganization plan or other alternative transactions ultimately confirmed, can affect the value of Synova's existing common stock or other securities. There has been no determination, and no assurance can be given, as to what values, if any, will be ascribed in the Chapter 11 proceeding to Synova's existing common stock or other securities. Accordingly, Synova urges that the appropriate caution be exercised with respect to existing and future investments in Synova's common stock or other securities.
      schrieb am 28.12.07 19:49:45
      Beitrag Nr. 77 ()
      Hamburg, 27.12.2007

      Einleitung eines Vergleichsverfahrens

      ISIN US 87163H1023

      Sehr geehrte Kundin, sehr geehrter Kunde,

      die Synova Healthcare Group. Inc. stellte Antrag gemäß Chapter XI des Federal Bankruptcy Act. Dies ist der offizielle Weg, ein Vergleichsverfahren einzuleiten. Nähere Einzelheiten sind zurzeit nicht bekannt.

      Ihr Bestand: xxxxxx
      Lagerland: Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika

      Sofern uns weitere Informationen zugehen, werden wir Sie unterrichten.

      Mit freundlichen Grüßen
      Deutsche Bank AG

      Na großartig !!!! :mad::mad::mad:

      @Mosi - ich hätte von Dir gern mal eine Stellungnahme. Du warst doch in so engem Kontakt mit dem Management. Hättest Du mich nicht vorher mal kurz warnen können, als die Aktie noch um die 0,40 war? Dann hätte ich wenigstens Einfünftel meiner Einlage retten können.

      Schwach. Ganz schwach.

      schrieb am 03.01.08 10:44:10
      Beitrag Nr. 78 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 32.890.594 von Achilliona am 28.12.07 19:49:45Hallo A.

      ...ich habe genausoviel wie Du gewusst :mad:

      Die haben nichts aber auch gar nichts verlauten lassen, vorher.
      Ich bin genauso betroffen, wie Du/Ihr. Hatte kein Stück verkauft!

      Wenn ich was rausfinde, werde ichs Dir mitteilen. :confused:
      schrieb am 03.01.08 17:15:16
      Beitrag Nr. 79 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 32.923.154 von Mosi07 am 03.01.08 10:44:10Hi Mosi,

      na, wenigstens hab ich nicht verbilligt. Kam mir doch alles sehr suspekt vor, dass nach all den positiven news der Kurs trotzdem ständig nach unten ging.

      Kann man bei einem Konkurs eigentlich den Verlust steuerlich geltend machen, obwohl man die Aktie länger als 1 Jahr gehalten hat?

      schrieb am 10.01.08 10:40:41
      Beitrag Nr. 80 ()
      Still und leise hat sich der Kurs von synova (A0HGSU) in den letzten Tagen in New York vervierfacht. Letzter Kurs gestern 0,023! Heute in D noch günstig - gerade gingen 100.000 Stücke in Franfurt für 0,013 über den Tisch (fast 20% unter Schlußkurs New York). Letztes bid und ask in New York: 0.022 zu 0,03 (Bei 0,03 lagen nur drei Marketmaker - die nächsten erst bei 0,05).

      0,03 US $ bedeuten ca 0,02 €!

      Hier sollte heute noch etwas gehen!
      schrieb am 10.01.08 11:54:42
      Beitrag Nr. 81 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 33.003.427 von irkuts2 am 10.01.08 10:40:41Du will`s uns UPDIANER son Schrott andrehen , wo man vom Volumen nicht mal nen Frühstück von bezahlen kann:(:(:(:(:(:(:(
      schrieb am 10.01.08 12:45:52
      Beitrag Nr. 82 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 33.004.396 von rammmstein am 10.01.08 11:54:42... und warum ging der Kurs so steil nach oben? Weil es offenbar keinen gibt, der abgibt. Gestern mehr als 500.000 Stücke gehandelt. Vom Dollarvolumen sicher nicht viel. Aber wie bitte hätte mehr gehandelt werden können, wenn die nächsten asks bei 0,03 bzw. 0.05 liegen? Wäre hier in größerem Stil gekauft worden, wäre der Kurs völlig ausgebrochen!

      Schaun wir mal!
      schrieb am 11.01.08 22:17:07
      Beitrag Nr. 83 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 33.005.042 von irkuts2 am 10.01.08 12:45:52Der Kurs geht steil nach oben? Wo denn?

      Unter 1 cent! Und #77 muss ja wohl nicht wiederholt werden.
      Die haben Vergleichsverfahren eingeleiten, indem sie Insolvenz angemeldet haben. Kaputt ist kaputt. Da geht nix mehr.

      Wenn Du investiert bist, kannste schon mal abschreiben.


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      Pharmaperle Synova Healthcare???