
    Petrohunter nach dem Turnaround! Restart eines Tenbaggers? - 500 Beiträge pro Seite (Seite 10)

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    neuester Beitrag 29.12.18 14:00:41 von
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     Ja Nein
      schrieb am 23.11.13 11:17:04
      Beitrag Nr. 4.501 ()
      Zitat von stcorona: dann stell sie alle rein und schick einen link an Lanman.ich schick dir inbox seine e-mail und gehe dann schlafen.
      schrieb am 23.11.13 11:18:33
      Beitrag Nr. 4.502 ()
      Aus aktuellem Anlass -- Bruner eventuell zurück auf dem Weg nach Magy I -- hier also noch einmal die beiden Magy I Serien von Coronas Reise

      VIII.I: MAGY I

      man wartet auf magy i auf tageslicht und frühstückt

      druckfühler, der gespeist über solar die werte funkt ( in die zentrale von txm ) ( druck über 5000 psi kritisch? ) ( h2s? )


      corona beschreibt geruch nach öl und das gespür von hohem druck

      MAGY 1 5000 PSI Druck und der Ölanschluß...

      da staubt es wenn das losgeht oder ginge..... das öl wird von Zeit zu Zeit abgelassen und in alte Container gelassen die die Aufschrift tragen vom verwendeten Potaschium brine frac fluid-da lag der Lan daneben als er die Bude vollschwafelte mit dem Caesium brine damals,praktisch diese Behälter.Ein 50 000 Liter Tank mit der Aufschrift METHANOL gibt es dort auch.

      das meiste spielt sich unterirdisch unter dem Tretblech ab im betonierten Kasten.So ner wellkopf ist ja höher als ein Elefant

      MAGY 1 deutliche Rest von Streicharbeiten und ins Wasser gefallene Standbretter....

      Die wells sind zum verlieben.

      Man muss das in natura gesehen haben,da geht dir einer ab.(Sicherlich keine Investmententscheidung a la SUSHI)( lach lach, eingefügt von a ) aber dennoch die Reise wert überhaupt mal sowas zu sehen unmd angreifen zu dürfen.
      Als ich die site verließ hatte ich den Eindruck mir würde schlecht und ich dachte an das H2S (geruchlos etc.)

      Doch nach einem AKTIVA Frühstück in der Pampa wars wieder weg,also nur der Hunger nach der langen Fahrerei

      zwischenfrage: du hast doch allen ernstes in aller ruhe den rost abgehoben? echt cool ( lach )

      Magy 1 wenn du wissen willst mit was Schlum fract

      die leeren Behälter dienen zum Öleinfüllen....dann kommt jemand und pumpt sie aus....

      schrieb am 27.11.13 13:01:07
      Beitrag Nr. 4.503 ()
      Blue Sky 101 - Why They Matter
      OTC Markets TV as of late.
      schrieb am 28.11.13 19:19:33
      Beitrag Nr. 4.504 ()
      Home >Wirtschaft >Wirtschaftspolitik

      Studie 1,1 Millionen Arbeitsplätze durch Fracking?

      28.11.2013 · So billig wie in Amerika wird Energie in Europa auch mit Schiefergas nicht. Aber Industrie und Verbraucher könnten laut einer Studie viel Geld sparen.
      Von Marcus Theurer, London

      Erfolg durch Fracking: Der Gaspreis in Nordamerika ist um fast 60 Prozent gefallen © dpa
      Die Erdgasförderung mit der umstrittenen Fracking-Methode kann in Europa in den kommenden Jahrzehnten bis zu 1,1 Millionen Arbeitsplätze schaffen. Es ist allerdings unwahrscheinlich, dass das sogenannte Schiefergas den Ländern der Europäischen Union ähnlich weitreichende wirtschaftliche Impulse geben kann wie den Vereinigten Staaten. So lautet die Prognose einer Studie im Auftrag des internationalen Branchenverbands Association of Oil and Gas Producers (OGP).

      Sie enthält die erste detaillierte Abschätzung der gesamtwirtschaftlichen Chancen, die das Fracking den Mitgliedsländern der Europäischen Union bieten könnte. Selbst wenn sich die optimistischen Annahmen über den Umfang der Reserven und die politische Unterstützung für das Fracking bewahrheiten, ist demnach nicht mit einem so starken Rückgang der Energiepreise zu rechnen wie auf der anderen Seite des Atlantiks. Anders als Nordamerika werde Europa weiterhin das Gros seines Erdgasbedarfs durch Importe decken müssen, erwarten die Energiefachleute.

      Deutschland könnte einer der Hauptprofiteure sein

      Es seien außerdem bis zu 67.000 Bohrungen nötig, um die Reserven zu heben. „Wir können es uns nicht leisten, auf eine solche Chance zu verzichten“, wirbt Roland Festor, der für die EU zuständige Direktor des Verbands OGP, für die Fracking-Methode. Deutschland könnte einer der wirtschaftlichen Hauptprofiteure sein: Hierzulande werden die zweitgrößten Schiefergasvorkommen in Europa vermutet. Für eine verlässliche Abschätzung sind aber zahlreiche Probebohrungen nötig.

      Europäische Industriemanager warnen immer wieder, dass die höheren Energiepreise zu einem Standortnachteil gegenüber Nordamerika führten und damit Arbeitsplätze bedrohten. Die Studie dämpft allerdings die Erwartungen, dass Europa dank Fracking gleichziehen könnte: Langfristig, heißt es darin, sei mit einem Rückgang der Gaspreise in der EU um 6 bis 14 Prozent zu rechnen – zu wenig, um das Preisgefälle zu den Vereinigten Staaten auszugleichen, wo Erdgas derzeit um etwa zwei Drittel billiger ist als in Europa.

      Die Stückkosten in energieintensiven Branchen könnten durch das Fracking in der EU bis zur Jahrhundertmitte sogar nur um höchstens 1,3 Prozent sinken, erwarten die Wissenschaftler. Erdgas und Erdöl aus sogenannten unkonventionellen Lagerstätten haben den globalen Energiemarkt auf den Kopf gestellt. Bisher profitieren davon allerdings fast ausschließlich die Vereinigten Staaten, wo die Öl- und Gasförderung in den vergangenen sechs Jahren um jeweils rund ein Drittel gestiegen ist.

      Der Gaspreis in Nordamerika ist um fast 60 Prozent gefallen. Fracking zapft früher unerreichbare Öl- und Gasvorkommen an, die in dichten Gesteinsschichten wie Schiefer eingeschlossen sind. Dafür wird unter hohem Druck und in großen Mengen ein Cocktail aus Wasser und Chemikalien in das Bohrloch gepresst, um das Gestein aufzusprengen.

      Der Widerstand in der Bevölkerung ist groß

      Der Widerstand in der Bevölkerung dagegen ist in vielen europäischen Ländern groß. Gegner befürchten unter anderem eine Vergiftung des Grundwassers. Die meisten Regierungen und auch die Landesregierungen in Deutschland zögern deshalb mit der Genehmigung.

      Die nun vorgelegte Studie hebt dagegen die möglichen Wohlstandsgewinne hervor. Vor allem in der Zulieferindustrie für die Bohrbranche könnten demnach viele Arbeitsplätze entstehen. Die Energiekosten der privaten Haushalte könnten 2050 um bis zu 11 Prozent niedriger sein als ohne Schiefergasförderung, die Wirtschaftsleistung der EU-Länder um 1 Prozent höher sein. Bis zur Mitte des Jahrhunderts könnte Europa Energiekosten von bis zu 1,7 Billionen Euro einsparen.…
      schrieb am 29.11.13 19:00:39
      Beitrag Nr. 4.505 ()
      Zitat von auriga: Falcon Oil & Gas Ltd. Interim Results for Nine Months Ended 30 September 2013

      DUBLIN, IRELAND--(Marketwired - Nov. 28, 2013) - Falcon Oil & Gas Ltd. (TSX VENTURE:FO) (AIM:FOG) (ESM:FAC) ("Falcon") announces its results for the nine months ended 30 September 2013.

      The following should be read in conjunction with the complete Interim Financial Statements and the accompanying Management's Discussion and Analysis for the nine months period ended 30 September 2013 filed with the TSXV. These filings are available at and on Falcon's website at


      ●Farm-out discussions advancing in Australia
      ●Consolidation of interest in Australian subsidiary completed
      ●Results of Seismic Program in Beetaloo Basin, Australia encouraging
      ●The Overriding Royalty, Beetaloo Basin, Australia reduced, thus increasing the asset value
      ●Drilling of first well in Hungary, fully carried by Naftna Industrija Srbije JSC ("NIS"), completed and awaiting start of extensive testing
      ●Focus on strict cost management and efficient operation of the portfolio
      ●Healthy financial position with cash and cash equivalents at US$10.8 million

      Philip O'Quigley, CEO of Falcon commented:

      "As expected, we have had an extremely busy start to the second half of 2013. Our attention is focused on securing a new farm-out of our acreage in Australia, preparing for the testing of the Kútvölgy-1 well in Hungary and working with Chevron under our Cooperation Agreement in South Africa. We are delighted to report that progress to date on all of these fronts is in line with our expectations."


      Farm out discussions advancing in Australia

      Further to the announcement on 1 July 2013, Falcon has been approached by several oil and gas companies interested in farming into its assets in the Beetaloo Basin. Falcon is well advanced in its discussions with a number of those companies and is confident of securing an attractive farm - out with a large oil and gas company. Falcon will provide an update to the market when appropriate.

      Consolidation of interest in Australian subsidiary

      Falcon completed the acquisition of a 25.4% minority interest in its subsidiary Falcon Oil & Gas Australia Ltd ("Falcon Australia"). Falcon Australia is the registered holder of four exploration permits in the Beetaloo Basin, Northern Territory, Australia. Following the completion of the above transaction, Falcon holds 202,462,686 shares in Falcon Australia, representing 98.1% of its issued share capital.

      Results of Seismic Program in Beetaloo Basin, Australia

      Under the terms of the joint venture with Hess, in 2011 and 2012, Hess acquired 3,490 kilometres of 2D seismic data and invested approximately US$80 million during that period, substantially more than initially expected and at no cost to Falcon. The seismic database has now been passed on to Falcon and along with existing well data, provides a very solid platform to extrapolate a detailed structural and stratigraphic model for the main parts of the Beetaloo Basin.

      All the necessary elements of a productive unconventional and conventional petroleum system have been identified in multiple shales and sand reservoirs, and it is now clear that the Beetaloo Basin is an active petroleum system.

      Three hydrocarbon plays have been identified:

      ●the shale gas potential in the basin centre;
      ●a shale oil play in the northern part of the permits; and
      ●conventional prospects throughout the acreage.

      Recent interpretation of the seismic database mapped out several conventional drilling targets that are promising areas of hydrocarbon accumulation in the form of structural closures and traps.

      Reducing the Overriding Royalty, Beetaloo Basin, Australia

      On 1 November 2013, Falcon announced that Falcon Australia, had entered into an agreement with CR Innovations AG ("CRIAG") to acquire its 4% Overriding Royalty Interest ("ORRI") relating to its exploration permits in the Beetaloo Basin ("the CRIAG Agreement"). The transaction details were:

      ●Falcon Australia made an initial payment to CRIAG of US$999,000 on signing the CRIAG Agreement;
      ●Falcon Australia to make a second payment to CRIAG of US$999,000 to acquire the first 3% of the ORRI;
      ●Second payment to be made upon completion of a farm - out deal in Australia;
      ●CRIAG has granted Falcon Australia a five year call option to acquire the remaining 1% for US$5 million; and
      ●All ORRI's acquired under the CRIAG Agreement have been immediately cancelled by Falcon Australia.

      Falcon believes that this transaction should help to further progress the farm - out negotiations, which are at an advanced stage. Together with the significant seismic programme completed last year, this transaction further increases the value of the Group's assets in the Northern Territory.

      Hungary Drilling

      Drilling operations on the first joint well between NIS and Falcon, Kútvölgy-1 well were completed in July 2013, the well having reached total depth ("TD") of 3,305 metres. As anticipated, the top of the Algyo Formation was encountered at 2,985 metres; the well then penetrating an alternating sequence of sandstones, siltstones and shales over a gross interval of 320 metres to TD, with gas shows throughout. Two conventional cores were taken and extensive wireline logs were run. As planned the well has been cased to TD and is now suspended. The operations were conducted to a high standard with no accidents occurring during drilling.

      Technical evaluation of the well results has been concluded and preparations are now well underway to complete and test this well. The process will involve conventional testing of up to 8 gas bearing intervals as a first phase. A decision on whether hydraulic fracturing of the penetrated tight sands is required will be made upon evaluating the results of conventional flow tests. We expect technical operations to commence in January 2014.

      Preparations for drilling the second well have commenced. Actual drilling operations on this well are expected to start in Quarter 1 of 2014.

      Results for operating activities

      Falcon incurred a loss of US$3.7 million in the nine months ended 30 September 2013, decreased from a loss of US$16.6 million in the nine months ended 30 September 2012.

      Falcon's cash and cash equivalent balance at 30 September 2013 was US$10.8 million (31 December 2012: US$2.9 million).

      Falcon Oil & Gas Ltd. Interim Condensed Consolidated Statements of Operations and Comprehensive Loss
      . . .

      About Falcon Oil & Gas Ltd.

      Falcon is an international oil & gas company engaged in the acquisition, exploration and development of conventional and unconventional oil and gas assets, with the current portfolio spread between Australia, South Africa and Hungary. Falcon is incorporated in British Columbia, Canada and headquartered in Dublin, Ireland with a technical team based in Budapest, Hungary.

      For further information on Falcon Oil & Gas Ltd. please visit

      Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

      Certain information in this press release may constitute forward-looking information, including comments made with respect to when payments due under the CRIAG agreement will be made, the ability to secure a new farm- out partner in Australia and the expected timeframe for drilling operations and testing in Hungary. This information is based on current expectations that are subject to significant risks and uncertainties that are difficult to predict. Actual results might differ materially from results suggested in any forward-looking statements. Falcon assumes no obligation to update the forward-looking statements, or to update the reasons why actual results could differ from those reflected in the forward looking-statements unless and until required by securities laws applicable to Falcon.

      Additional information identifying risks and uncertainties is contained in Falcon's filings with the Canadian securities regulators, which filings are available at

      Falcon Oil & Gas Ltd.
      +353 1 417 1900

      Falcon Oil & Gas Ltd.
      Philip O'Quigley
      +353 87 814 7042

      Falcon Oil & Gas Ltd.
      John Craven
      Non-Executive Chairman
      +353 1 417 1900

      FTI Consulting
      Edward Westropp
      +44 207 269 7230

      FTI Consulting
      Natalia Erikssen
      +44 207 269 9348

      Davy (NOMAD & Joint Broker)
      John Frain / Anthony Farrell
      +353 1 679 6363

      GMP Securities Europe LLP (Joint Broker)
      Rob Collins / Alexandra Carse
      +44 20 7647 2800

      Cantor Fitzgerald Europe (Joint Broker)
      David Porter / Richard Redmayne
      +44 207 894 7000…

      Trading Spotlight

      East Africa Metals
      0,1250EUR +7,76 %
      East Africa Metals: Neues All-Time-High – die 276% Chance jetzt nutzen?!mehr zur Aktie »
      schrieb am 06.12.13 14:14:29
      Beitrag Nr. 4.506 ()
      schrieb am 06.12.13 14:50:34
      Beitrag Nr. 4.507 ()
      3 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 06.12.13 15:03:04
      Beitrag Nr. 4.508 ()
      schrieb am 06.12.13 15:23:05
      Beitrag Nr. 4.509 ()

      Die shell, an der Bruner dran ist um mit Paltar(Petrohunter) indirekt einstweilen an die Börse zu kommen!;)
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 06.12.13 15:29:59
      Beitrag Nr. 4.510 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 45.995.694 von auriga am 06.12.13 14:50:34Leichenfledderei, kursmässig tot, kaum zu glauben dass sowas noch gehandelt werden darf, eben OTC
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 06.12.13 15:33:06
      Beitrag Nr. 4.511 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 45.996.216 von Charly_2 am 06.12.13 15:29:59Hey Charly! Mit ordentlichem reporting an der OTCQB! ;) Du verstehen? :cool: Das ist ja gerade der Witz an der shell, oder?? :)
      schrieb am 06.12.13 15:36:08
      Beitrag Nr. 4.512 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 45.995.694 von auriga am 06.12.13 14:50:34Und noch mal bezüglich Petrohunter! Völliger Blödsinn was du schreibst. Einfach eine Ruhephase. Es sind interessante assets vorhanden und Paltar Petroleum Limited ist JV-Partner. Also überlege bitte vorher bevor du Quatsch schreibst, OK? ;)
      schrieb am 06.12.13 16:06:38
      Beitrag Nr. 4.513 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 45.996.128 von auriga am 06.12.13 15:23:05Der Bruner-Deal steht an im Dezember 2013 basal! Bin echt gespannt ob er es schafft! :).
      schrieb am 07.12.13 11:33:57
      Beitrag Nr. 4.514 ()
      Zitat von auriga: Hey Charly! Mit ordentlichem reporting an der OTCQB! ;) Du verstehen? :cool: Das ist ja gerade der Witz an der shell, oder?? :)

      Hehe, der letzte ordentliche Report von dieser shell ist wohl datiert im letzten Jahrtausend...

      schrieb am 07.12.13 11:48:31
      Beitrag Nr. 4.515 ()
      Unfug, habe jetzt keine Zeit. Schreibe später was dazu.
      schrieb am 07.12.13 22:48:48
      Beitrag Nr. 4.516 ()
      Tja, wirklich unmöglich was du hier wieder anbietest. ;). Du kannst ja alleine an OTCQB erkennen, dass filings up to date vorliegen müssen. Mein Guter. HeHeHe! Warum? Weil die OTC MARKETS GROUP eine Säumnis gnadenlos bestraft mit einem Abgleiten ad 1 in die pinks! OK?—Das wärs an sich schon…oder darfs doch noch was sein?—Ja OK, wo wir nun schon mal dabei sind können wir ja einen kurzen Blick in Edgar werfen, jut?…
      Wir erkennen dann als filing of late den ordentlichen Quarterly Report vom 13 Nov 2013! Here it is!…
      Have a great weekend. A. :)
      schrieb am 08.12.13 16:45:54
      Beitrag Nr. 4.517 () und, die hätten die Reports besser gelassen ... eh nur heisse Luft .. soll wohl "Aktionäre" bei der Stange halten ... sind wohl eh nur Insider da investiert die Kohle hin und her schieben, pinks wäre angebracht!

      Sorry für die Zeilen, aber musste mal gesagt sein, bevor weitere in deine Falle tappen :D
      schrieb am 08.12.13 17:00:31
      Beitrag Nr. 4.518 ()
      OK Charly. ;). Aber leider wieder falsch verstanden. Die shell muss man einstweilen nicht handeln. Das wäre ne extra Idee, aber sachte. Diese shell ist einzig und alleine dazu da, dass jemand sie übernimmt und damit wollen sie Kohle machen, MM. Schafft Bruner sie zu übernehmen mit Paltar Petroleum Limited ist er automatisch in der immer anerkannteren OTCQB mit Paltar basal indirekt an der bÖrse. Nation ist dann ne sub von Paltar die man umbenennen kann. So ist das gedacht. ;) ;)
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 08.12.13 21:59:11
      Beitrag Nr. 4.519 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 46.005.966 von auriga am 08.12.13 17:00:31ok, wollte gerade zuschlagen, rein spekulativ, hehe

      Schaun wer mal ob das so kommt..
      schrieb am 11.12.13 14:53:08
      Beitrag Nr. 4.520 ()
      schrieb am 11.12.13 23:03:52
      Beitrag Nr. 4.521 ()
      schrieb am 11.12.13 23:13:04
      Beitrag Nr. 4.522 ()
      schrieb am 11.12.13 23:16:52
      Beitrag Nr. 4.523 ()

      12/11/2013 10:29 AM EST 0.0075 200 0
      12/10/2013 9:30 AM EST 0.0075 300 0
      12/09/2013 1:44 PM EST 0.0075 622 0
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 11.12.13 23:19:42
      Beitrag Nr. 4.524 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 46.032.713 von auriga am 11.12.13 23:16:52Quelle
      schrieb am 11.12.13 23:23:22
      Beitrag Nr. 4.525 ()
      schrieb am 11.12.13 23:33:08
      Beitrag Nr. 4.526 ()
      schrieb am 12.12.13 09:55:24
      Beitrag Nr. 4.527 ()
      Interesting comment from TenSleep
      posted on Dec 11, 13 10:15PM (Log in to use the IP Check tool) [?]

      I can and do feel the frustration. I thought this would be a December to Remember, but it's not. I too have been here since 2008 and a stock holder longer than a board member.It is always another year or two out, and if I didn't believe in the properties I would of jumped ship along time ago. Even though I sold about 80000 of the shares I once owned I still hold some in case anything material happens. And like I said before I would buy back a 100,000 if I wasn't afraid of a reverse stock split or some other bad news. I thought for sure with 5 majors wanting a piece of Oz we would of closed a deal by now. Which makes me think that the Oz property isn't as good as Falcon says ,Hess didn't have any trouble walking away,like Exxon did in Hungary. I just don't know ! Plus will they give the new partner 2 plus years to drill? Hungary is so taxing that making money there will be tough. South Africa is years away. So I just don't see a reason to purchase and if we get a 5 cent bump when they anounce a new partner it will just drift lower till something is proved up. The 5 cent bump wouldn't do me any good cause I paid more than that. So good luck to us all.

      December to Remember
      schrieb am 12.12.13 19:53:18
      Beitrag Nr. 4.528 ()
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 12.12.13 21:54:08
      Beitrag Nr. 4.529 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 46.040.100 von seapower69 am 12.12.13 19:53:18Don‘t pay the ferryman, OK....until he gets you to the other that.....but one has to consider anyway if under these circumstances here with Falcon this should be quite a corresponding situation!...OF course there could be trouble ahead on the way to the other side...but concerning Falcon, if you don‘t pay the price ahead of the journey in the days and weeks to come, if Falcon reaches the other side safely, reaching shore, then you have to pay how much more dollars or pounds or euros for the same journey?....but a nice input at this point in this here is only reflections, questioning an nothing else! has to consider also if there would be troubles ahead actually how the share price could drop and for what timescale!
      schrieb am 12.12.13 23:13:09
      Beitrag Nr. 4.530 ()
      Angenommen man geht jetzt mit 19,000 dollars(oder euros) in Falcon(aktueller Stand 19.5 cents!) und so in 3 – 6 Monaten oder schon früher mit 30,000 dollars wieder raus, wär das was? LOL. Man schaue sich dazu den chart an, nur obs klappt frackt sick. ;) Eh nur als eine Überlegung eingebracht.—Was müsste geschehen, dass der stock wieder auf 30 Can cents anzieht?—Es gilt never lose money rule no. one . Never forget rule no. one. Rule no. two. WB.;)
      schrieb am 12.12.13 23:33:04
      Beitrag Nr. 4.531 ()
      Ich habe an sich ähnlich wie TenSleep das Gefühl, dass hier noch etwas länger ausgehandelt wird und dass vor Weihnachten kein Ergebnis kommt bezüglich eines ersten oder zweiten farm-out! Aber wer weiß das? Eventuell die Verhandelnden selbst noch nicht einmal! Genauso kann es natürlich ganz „überraschend“ zügig kommen!—Entscheidende Fragen hierbei sind falls ein neuer major eintritt, wie hoch steigt dadurch der share price?...Fünf Punkte wie tensleep meint oder höher?...Bei 19 000 oder 20 000 dollars Einsatz jetzt oder so! zum aktuellen SP wäre jeder Punkt Plus 1000 dollars mehr und mit 30 000 dollars wieder rauszugehen würde mir schon gefallen! ;) Sei es mit 25 000 dollars.—Die zweite entscheidende Frage ist falls etwas dazwischenkommt, wieweit der SP überhaupt fallen würde und wie sich erholen....also auf diesem Stand jetzt sieht mir Falcon recht konsolidiert aus.....ein weiteres Abrutschen wäre wie tief und wie lange?—Alles Fragen!—Others comments? ;)
      schrieb am 12.12.13 23:53:51
      Beitrag Nr. 4.532 ()
      Here’s one on TenSleep on Agora. NervesofSteel required of course! ;).

      Re: December to Remember
      in response to December to Remember by TenSleep
      posted on Dec 12, 13 05:26AM (Log in to use the IP Check tool) [?]

      I share your frustration TenSleep as I'm sure does every single member of this board.

      Re the lack of news on closing a deal, I'm wondering if the reason is that instead of a straight farm-out like the Hess deal, they're negotiating a combination of farm-out of some areas and the sale of others?

      I'm hazy on the details but I clearly remember that someone here was at one of the meetings and Phillip said something about taking advice from lawyers about selling some of the acreage (I don't think it was made clear which property he was talking about).

      Maybe someone else can shed more light on this but it does make sense that such a deal would be far more complicated and take longer than a straightforward farm-out.

      I also take comfort in the thoughtthat John Craven and Phillip O'Quigley don't strike me as the kind of guys who lose. Ever. I could be wrong, of course, but I still feel that with them at the helm it'll all turn out right in the end.

      Also, isn't there some drilling license or other in Aus that needs renewing by the end of this year - at some considerable cost? Presumably if Falcon hasn't agreed a deal by then they'll have to fund it themselves. Can someone with a better memory than me come back on this please?

      I've been on this rollercoaster ride since Jan 2009 so less than some, longer than others but I'm darned if I'm giving up now. Even if the bird turns out to be a dead duck I think I could live with that easier than finding I'd given away a winning lottery ticket!…
      schrieb am 14.12.13 23:07:16
      Beitrag Nr. 4.533 ()
      Re: The Falcon play - Falcon's present value - Update
      in response to Re: The Falcon play - Falcon's present value - Update by solyomtwo
      posted on Dec 13, 13 01:37AM (Log in to use the IP Check tool) [?]

      I quesss when the last guy at the Alamo said charge and was as optismic as you: a paid spokesman for FO; Who has to lie to get paid and always has had some conspiricy theory about back room boys ect. Probablly doesn't even own a share but wants to keep the troops in line. Said that Philip didn't expanded on the time line now 2 years out or more. Doesn't think that me a share holder of 5 plus years should state his view or voice his opinion ; while you have dragged everyone deeper into the abyss. Please show me any post where you have had a concern! Your view "is still as rosy as your first post". Now we have 5 times the stock out, 10% of the stock price and we are still more than 2 years out before any results. Quess thats why you get to be a paid promoter and while I lose money. Never ever have you expressed a concern, so I know you don't own anything but free shares. People like you pushes it up and then sell. Please show me any of your posts where you weren't suck'n the man's di*k oh by the way the star is a C! When they do a reverse stock split ,do you think it will be a goood time to buy? Oh, I'm sorry, everything fine; please disregard this post cause soly says so! Just like every post from him in the last 6 years !

      Nice one from Mr. TenSleep once again I quess! We still do missing quite a substantial reply! from mr. soly! LOL. ;)
      schrieb am 14.12.13 23:18:02
      Beitrag Nr. 4.534 ()
      Thank you Tensleep!
      in response to Let's relax by Luxembourg
      posted on Dec 14, 13 02:17PM (Log in to use the IP Check tool) [?]

      Thank you for calling out Soly. I am new to Falcon but I picked up on his garbage from the get go. I am trying to be patient but his games make me wonder if this is just a big mirage of hope.

      schrieb am 16.12.13 02:14:31
      Beitrag Nr. 4.535 ()
      Thank you Tensleep!
      in response to Let's relax by Luxembourg
      schrieb am 16.12.13 17:24:26
      Beitrag Nr. 4.536 ()
      Und dies ist der Mann der Woche. Ein Langzeitidiot. Soly heißt er. in Agora bringt er im Seitenrand fast unbemerkt auf Dauer einen Minus-Artikel. Solange dieser bleibt werde ich von Zeit zu Zeit immer wieder das bild von soly einstellen....LOL.

      schrieb am 16.12.13 17:26:24
      Beitrag Nr. 4.537 ()
      Aber halten wir uns nicht lange mit unbegabten clowns wie soly auf auf. LOL. – Bei UG, Unconventional Oil and Gas, erscheint ein ganz guter kurzer Abriss über fracking. Dies ist das Thema bei uns in D, in SA, in Australia, Bruner kann wohl auch ein Lied davon singen........ ( ich vermute er brütet immer noch irgendwo vergraben weiß ich nicht wo was neues aus). Also das ist mm das centrale thema zur zeit in den anstehenden zusammenhängen hier.

      Hydraulic Fracturing and Safety
      Infograph by Hart Energy . . . .November 28, 2012

      Hydraulic fracturing is a process used in most oil and gas wells in the U.S. Water, sand and small amounts of chemicals are pumped underground to break apart the rock and release trapped gas and oil. The technology was developed in the 1940s, and has been used in many tens of thousands of wells in the U.S. and worldwide. In the 1990s, hydraulic fracturing began to be applied to wells that were drilled horizontally into reservoirs such as shales. The success of the technology has resulted in abundant new supplies of natural gas and oil in the U.S. It is a safe and effective method used to extract energy from the Earth, and while it is an industrial process it can be done in harmony with the environment.…
      schrieb am 16.12.13 17:28:55
      Beitrag Nr. 4.538 ()
      Kleines Intermezzo soll gleichwohl ab und an dann doch sein, oder?
      Hey whats up soly?


      is this soly? = yes this is soly =langzeitidiot =LOL!

      painter man?
      schrieb am 16.12.13 17:31:06
      Beitrag Nr. 4.539 ()
      Wie gesagt, so oft dieser Langzeit-Heini seine harmlosen Artikel über Backroom Boys zitiert, so oft zeige ich ihm seine Grenzen.

      >Soly stellt einen Artikel über so called Backroom Boys mit einem geschmacklosen Bild ein. Alleine dieses fickende Bild sagt über den harmlosen und tristen Autor hinreichend aus. >Völlig degoutant! Die Anonym-Funktion ist Gang und Gäbe in CAN als auch in USA (so MM Group) und legitim. Beim broker-dealer ist es möglich die Herkunft des deals offen zu lassen, so sind die Spielregeln. Aus welchen Gründen das geschieht ist vielfältig. Der Artikel von Soly ist Quatsch mit Soße. Der Markt pendelt sich aus so wie es sein muss auch wenn eine kleine Minderheit den Broker verschweigt.

      >Es ist auch überhaupt nicht so, dass so called Backroom Boys bevorzugt anonym handeln. Warum auch? Wir haben da unsere Erfahrung, die das belegt. Umgekehrt sind anonyme trader keinesfalls notwendig Backroom Boys und können ganz andere Intentionen damit verfolgen.

      Soly versucht erneut Scheiße zu zitieren über BACKROOM BOYS!!!!!!. Das wird beim zweiten Versuch nicht besser, nein es bleibt eine Lachnummer, was sonst?! LOL. Noch besser ausgedrückt, es bleibt übelriechender Unrat --------LOL!! ----Seine neuste zumindest versuchte „Einschätzung“ über FO scheint der Markt noch nicht ganz nachzuvollziehen?! Zu schade aber auch!!!!! LOL.---- Hier ist ein Langzeitidiot am Werk =peerless = soly. Nur Idioten verharren prinzipiell im Markt. Selbst meine Freunde und ich bei BAC vollziehen in unseren Champions = die besten Aktien der Welt = die Marktschwankungen mit in einem Wechselspiel von Investition und Liquidität. Was denn sonst? Wer blieb in der Krise in Champions? LOL. Der Mann ohne Kopf in solys degoutantem Bild ist niemand anders als er selbst.-------- Es gilt: rule no 1 never lose money rule no 2 never forget rule no 1…O…wie gut tut hier Warren, wenn man solys Unfug liest.
      schrieb am 16.12.13 17:36:15
      Beitrag Nr. 4.540 ()
      Was dieser kleine schmierfink solly sich anmaßt...völlig degoutant....LOOOL.
      This message has been removed due to a violation of Agoracom's Six Rules of Use LOOOOL.
      Thank you for calling out Soly. I am new to Falcon but I picked up on his garbage from the get go. I am trying to be patient but his games make me wonder if this is just a big mirage of hope.…
      People like you pushes it up and then sell. Please show me any of your posts where you weren't suck'n the man's di*k oh by the way the star is a C!…
      will earn the removal the offending posts.... That's it; that's all. <pOOR little solly
      schrieb am 16.12.13 18:25:45
      Beitrag Nr. 4.541 ()
      Re: The Falcon play - Falcon's present value - Update
      in response to Re: The Falcon play - Falcon's present value - Update by solyomtwo
      posted on Dec 16, 13 12:01PM (Log in to use the IP Check tool) [?]

      So you manipulate the board to only spew positive information and if there is any negative posts about Falcon you have them removed? This makes me question Falcon even more. Message boards are meant to be used as a discussion forum for the good and bad about a topic. When the bad/negative comments are removed how does this provide an open forum?…

      schrieb am 16.12.13 23:27:19
      Beitrag Nr. 4.542 ()
      Just came across this one on the trailer! Does it match? LOL. Yes I think so! LOL. It‘s fun. We shouldn’t take it too seriously I quess. Divergences of opinion always happen. So what! The LORDS Poor Boy!
      schrieb am 17.12.13 01:14:59
      Beitrag Nr. 4.543 ()
      schrieb am 17.12.13 01:17:15
      Beitrag Nr. 4.544 ()
      Item 1.01. Entry into a Material Definitive Agreement.

      On October 15, 2013, the Nation Energy Inc. (“Nation”) entered into a letter agreement (the “Letter Agreement”) with Paltar Petroleum Limited (“Paltar”) whereby Nation proposes to acquire from Paltar Petroleum Limited (“Paltar”), a privately held Australian company, approximately four (4) exploration and development permits and 29 applications for additional exploration and development permits (the “Assets”) in respect of land located in northern Australia. Among other things, the Letter Agreement provides that:


      prior to closing, Nation will increase its authorized capital from 100,000,000 common shares to 5,000,000,000 common shares;


      prior to closing, Nation will settle approximately $1,340,000 in currently outstanding debt for common shares at a price of $0.01 per share;


      at closing, Nation will issue 600,000,000 restricted common shares to Paltar, representing approximately 80% of the issued and outstanding common shares at closing (before adjusting for the issuance of any equity securities for any financing that may be arranged in order to fund operations) – these shares will be subject to resale restrictions imposed by applicable law and a three (3) year lockup agreement;


      at closing, Nation will assume AUS$2,265,109 of Paltar’s related party debt;


      on or before October 11, 2013, John Hislop (“Mr. Hislop”), Nation’s sole director and officer, will lend to Paltar $172,040 and, on or before October 31, 2013, Mr. Hislop will lend to Paltar an additional $127,960 (together, the “Bridge Loan”), pursuant to a Loan Agreement between Mr. Hislop and Paltar;


      if the asset purchase does not close by December 31, 2013, Mr. Hislop may advance, in his sole discretion, a line of credit (the “Line of Credit”) to Paltar for working capital, allowing Paltar to receive advances beginning December 31, 2013 and continuing through March 31, 2014, of up to an aggregate of $400,000;


      the asset purchase is subject to due diligence (by both parties), board and, if required, shareholder approval and other matters contemplated by the Letter Agreement; and


      after the closing of the asset purchase, Nation will register for resale approximately 145,000,000 common shares of Nation beneficially owned by Mr. Hislop.

      The Bridge Loan and the Line of Credit are secured by a pledge (the “Pledge”) of 10,000,000 common shares of Paltar owned by Wotan Group Limited, an Australian company. In the event the asset purchase transaction closes, the principal amounts due under the Bridge Loan and the Line of Credit will be replaced by a secured Debenture to be issued by Nation (the “Debenture”), and Mr. Hislop will forgive all interest that has accrued from the date of advance through the closing date. This Debenture will bear interest at the rate of 12% per annum, compounded quarterly, over a three (3) year term, and will be secured by a first priority security interest in all of Nation’s assets. If the Sale Transaction does not close, Paltar will repay the Bridge Loan and the Line of Credit on October 14, 2014 together with interest at 12% per annum calculated monthly from the date of advance. If the Bridge Loan and the Line of Credit are not repaid on October 14, 2014, Mr. Hislop may immediately realize on the security granted pursuant to the Pledge.…
      schrieb am 17.12.13 01:19:18
      Beitrag Nr. 4.545 ()
      Amendment to OUR Company’s Articles

      Our Articles authorize the issuance of 100,000,000 shares of common stock with no par value and state that the number and class of shares which are entitled to receive the net assets upon dissolution is 100,000,000 shares of common stock with no par value. On November 5, 2013, our board of directors ratified and approved the Amendment to increase our shares of common stock from 100,000,000 shares of common stock with no par value and to increase the number of shares which are entitled to receive the net assets upon dissolution to 5,000,000,000 shares of common stock with no par value. The approval of the Amendment to our articles of incorporation requires the consent of the holders of at least a majority of the outstanding shares of our common stock. Subsequent to the approval of our board of directors of the Amendment to our articles of incorporation, John R. Hislop, the holder of the majority of the outstanding shares of our common stock, gave us its written consent to the Amendment to our articles of incorporation on December 9, 2013.…
      schrieb am 17.12.13 01:21:40
      Beitrag Nr. 4.546 ()
      Reasons for the Increase in Authorized Share Capital

      The general purpose of the Amendment to our Articles is to increase our authorized capital which will enhance our ability to finance the development and operation of our business.

      Potential uses of the additional authorized shares of common stock may include public or private offerings, conversions of convertible securities, issuance of options pursuant to employee benefit plans, acquisition transactions and other general corporate purposes. Increasing the authorized number of shares of our common stock will give us greater flexibility and will allow us to issue such shares in most cases without the expense or delay of seeking stockholder approval. We are at all times investigating additional sources of financing which our board of directors believes will be in our best interests and in the best interests of our stockholders. Shares of our common stock carry no pre-emptive rights to purchase additional shares.…
      schrieb am 17.12.13 02:10:22
      Beitrag Nr. 4.547 ()
      Sehr schön die Auflistung der 4 explo permits und 29 apps ganz hinten im filing.…

      Also die message gefällt mir ausgesprochen gut.▲. OTCQB ist IMO der ASX (ventures) äquivalent, wobei z b FFM die ASX entsprechend schon includiert, OTCQB aber noch nicht. Ich denke mal das ist nur eine fRage der zeit bis FFM hier auch vernünftig wird! Dieses aber nur am Rande gesagt.
      schrieb am 17.12.13 10:44:10
      Beitrag Nr. 4.548 ()
      Falcon Oil & Gas Ltd.: Australia Beetaloo Basin Agreement to Reduce Overriding Royalty to 1%

      DUBLIN, IRELAND--(Marketwired - Dec. 17, 2013) - Falcon Oil & Gas Ltd. (TSX VENTURE:FO)(AIM:FOG)(ESM:FAC) ("Falcon" or the "Company") announces that its subsidiary, Falcon Oil & Gas Australia Ltd ("FOGA"), has entered into an Agreement ("the Agreement)" with Malcolm John Gerrard, Territory Oil & Gas LLC and Tom Dugan Family Partnership LLC ("TOG Group") to acquire up to 7% (seven eighths) of the remaining 8% private Overriding Royalty Interest ("ORRI") over FOGA's Exploration Permits in the Beetaloo Basin for the following consideration:

      ●FOGA will make a payment to TOG Group of US$5m to acquire 5% (five eighths) of their ORRI only on completion of a Beetaloo farm-out transaction acceptable to Falcon
      ●TOG Group will grant FOGA a five year call option to acquire a further 2% (one quarter) of their ORRI for a payment of US$15m
      ●All ORRIs acquired under the Agreement will be immediately cancelled by FOGA
      ●TOG Group will retain a 1% ORRI

      Philip O'Quigley, CEO of Falcon commented:

      "We are delighted to have concluded a further significant reduction in the private Overriding Royalty Interest over our Australian assets.

      This transaction, combined with the ORRI transaction announced on the 1st November 2013, will allow for the reduction of the privately held Overriding Royalty Interests from 12% to just 1% and will help to further progress our farm-out negotiations, which are at an advanced stage.

      We have now completed two agreements to acquire 8% of the privately held Overriding Royalty Interests at a total cost of just $7m, of which $6m is payable only upon completion of a farm-out acceptable to Falcon. In addition, we have secured agreement to acquire a further 3% based on two five year call options granted to Falcon at a future combined cost of $20m leaving only a 1% Royalty in private hands."

      About Falcon Oil & Gas Ltd.

      Falcon is an international oil & gas company engaged in the acquisition, exploration and development of conventional and unconventional oil and gas assets, with the current portfolio spread between Australia, South Africa and Hungary. Falcon is incorporated in British Columbia, Canada and headquartered in Dublin, Ireland with a technical team based in Budapest, Hungary. FOGA is a 98% subsidiary of Falcon and is the registered holder of four Exploration Permits covering seven million acres in the Beetaloo Basin, Northern Territory, Australia.

      About the Overriding Royalty Interests

      The total amount of the private ORRI's is 12%. The ORRI entitles its owners to earn 12% of the gross well head proceeds of any future production, subject only to transportation and marketing costs. The TOG Group, predominately based in the USA is the owner of 8% with the balance of 4% being held by CR Innovations. The privately held ORRI's were created during the years 2006 to 2008 when the Exploration Permits were sold by their original owners.

      For further information on Falcon Oil & Gas Ltd. please visit

      Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

      Certain information in this press release may constitute forward-looking information, including comments made with respect to when payments due under the agreement will be made. This information is based on current expectations that are subject to significant risks and uncertainties that are difficult to predict. Actual results might differ materially from results suggested in any forward-looking statements. Falcon assumes no obligation to update the forward-looking statements, or to update the reasons why actual results could differ from those reflected in the forward looking-statements unless and until required by securities laws applicable to Falcon. Additional information identifying risks and uncertainties is contained in Falcon's filings with the Canadian securities regulators, which filings are available at

      Falcon Oil and Gas Ltd.
      +353 1 417 1900

      Falcon Oil and Gas Ltd.
      Philip O'Quigley
      +353 87 814 7042

      Falcon Oil and Gas Ltd.
      John Craven
      Non-Executive Chairman
      +353 1 417 1900

      FTI Consulting
      Edward Westropp
      +44 207 269 7230

      FTI Consulting
      Natalia Erikssen
      +44 207 269 9348

      Davy (NOMAD & Joint Broker)
      John Frain
      +353 1 679 6363

      Davy (NOMAD & Joint Broker)
      Anthony Farrell
      +353 1 679 6363

      GMP Securities Europe LLP (Joint Broker)
      Rob Collins
      +44 20 7647 2800

      GMP Securities Europe LLP (Joint Broker)
      Liz Williamson
      +44 20 7647 2800

      Cantor Fitzgerald Europe (Joint Broker)
      David Porter
      +44 207 894 7000

      Cantor Fitzgerald Europe (Joint Broker)
      Richard Redmayne
      +44 207 894 7000…
      schrieb am 17.12.13 17:24:48
      Beitrag Nr. 4.549 ()
      Na das wird anscheinend alles vorbereitet für die hoffentlich bald bevorstehende news über den beetaloo deal.
      Für mich ein gutes Zeichen, dass bald was kommt!
      schrieb am 17.12.13 23:43:08
      Beitrag Nr. 4.550 ()
      Hi River! Ja, macht mir auch einen guten Eindruck. Wie gesagt, ich denke genauso wie TenSleep nicht mehr vor Weihnachten, vom Gefühl her, aber ist natürlich völlig offen. Der vielleicht beste Indikator scheint mir der GBP-Umsatz in London zu sein. Die einschlägigen Londoner Börsianer scheinen mir inzwischen am engsten an Falcon. Stelle den Umsatz-Chart aus London noch mal ein. Der ist IMO insbesondere im Auge zu behalten.—Wollte auch noch mal den Stockwatch-Chart von Falcon antesten, gefällt mir immer schon gut. Zuletzt gab es da Einstellungsprobleme, früher überhaupt nicht. Mal sehen. Bis die Tage. A. ;)
      schrieb am 18.12.13 02:01:14
      Beitrag Nr. 4.551 ()
      schrieb am 18.12.13 15:48:06
      Beitrag Nr. 4.552 ()
      schrieb am 18.12.13 15:54:57
      Beitrag Nr. 4.553 ()
      schrieb am 18.12.13 15:59:34
      Beitrag Nr. 4.554 ()
      schrieb am 18.12.13 16:09:54
      Beitrag Nr. 4.555 ()

      schrieb am 18.12.13 16:12:34
      Beitrag Nr. 4.556 ()
      Recent Share Trades for Falcon Oil (FOG)…
      schrieb am 18.12.13 17:01:16
      Beitrag Nr. 4.557 ()

      schrieb am 18.12.13 17:05:07
      Beitrag Nr. 4.558 ()

      schrieb am 18.12.13 17:07:23
      Beitrag Nr. 4.559 ()
      Zitat von auriga: Hi River! Ja, macht mir auch einen guten Eindruck. Wie gesagt, ich denke genauso wie TenSleep nicht mehr vor Weihnachten, vom Gefühl her, aber ist natürlich völlig offen. Der vielleicht beste Indikator scheint mir der GBP-Umsatz in London zu sein. Die einschlägigen Londoner Börsianer scheinen mir inzwischen am engsten an Falcon. Stelle den Umsatz-Chart aus London noch mal ein. Der ist IMO insbesondere im Auge zu behalten.—Wollte auch noch mal den Stockwatch-Chart von Falcon antesten, gefällt mir immer schon gut. Zuletzt gab es da Einstellungsprobleme, früher überhaupt nicht. Mal sehen. Bis die Tage. A. ;)
      schrieb am 18.12.13 17:25:06
      Beitrag Nr. 4.560 ()
      Könnte man auch mal ne chart Seite anlegen mit den einschlägigen charts in der Übersicht. Extrem wichtig auch in der Übersicht und vor allem fürs traden und für trading Zeitpunkte!—Besonders viel Spaß macht es dann, wenn irgend ein Intelligenzbolzen zwischen die charts postet....damit ist durchaus zu rechnen....Expertchen hat ja auch immer mal gerne ne chart Seite eingestellt, und macht er auch immer noch....lach...lach.
      Mach mal Expertchen:cool: nicht unnötig nervö verwechselt jetzt schon die threads……
      schrieb am 18.12.13 18:22:38
      Beitrag Nr. 4.561 ()
      BP findet neues Öl – Neuer Schwung für die Aktie?

      Thomas Kallwass in Traders Daily
      vom 18. Dezember 2013, 17:00 Uhr

      BPs Aktie dümpelt seit der Deepwater Horizon Katastrophe vor drei Jahren vor sich hin. Bis vor kurzem. Charttechnisch sieht alles nach einem Ausbruch nach oben aus. Ein neuer Ölfund im Golf von Mexiko könnte den Ausbruch jetzt auch fundamental untermauern.

      Bis BP das neue Feld ausbeuten kann, wird es noch eine Weile dauern. Attraktiv ist die Aktie aber schon heute! (Foto BP p.l.c.)

      Öl gefunden - Menge unklar
      Wie viel Öl sich im gefundenen Feld befindet, ist noch nicht klar. Bei den Probebohrungen wurde erst einmal nur herausgefunden, dass es überhaupt Öl gibt. Doch allein diese Meldung ist bereits positiv für BP. Denn um die enormen Schadensersatzzahlungen in Folge der Deepwater Horizon Katastrophe aufzubringen, musste sich BP von zahlreichen Quellen und Beteiligungen trennen. Neue Funde stärken die Basis des geschwächten Unternehmens.

      Der Fund neuen Öls ist ein erster Erfolg der Investitionsstrategie des Konzerns. Denn neben der Trennung von Vermögensteilen im Wert von annähernd 40 Milliarden Dollar, die schnell Geld in die Kassen spülte, wurden auch das Investitionsbudget erhöht - und zwar um gleich ein Viertel auf 24 bis 27 Milliarden Dollar pro Jahr.

      BP hat riesige Rückstellungen - eine versteckte Gewinnchance
      Für Investoren, die auch gegen mehrjähige Haltedauern nichts einzuwenden haben, ist BP eine attraktive Kaufchance. Die Briten stellten mehr als 42 Milliarden Dollar für Schadensersatzansprüche zurück. Es ist schwer vorstellbar, dass diese Summe wirklich vollständig fließen wird. Bei vorherigen Ölkatastrophen lagen die Schadensersatz- und Strafzahlungen bedeutend geringer. Als die Exxon Valdez in Alaska 2000 Kilometer Küstenlinie verseuchte, kostete das Exxon keine zwei Milliarden Dollar Schadensersatz und Strafzahlungen. Zusammen mit den Kosten der Küstensäuberung kam Exxon auf Gesamtzahlungen von etwa einem Zehntel der Summe, die nun BP zurückstellte.

      Kommt BP am Ende mit geringeren Strafen und Schadensersatzzahlungen davon, können die Rückstellungen aufgelöst werden und erhöhen unmittelbar den Unternehmensgewinn. Sollten nur 20 Milliarden Dollar zu zahlen sein, würden die aufgelösten Rückstellungen einer Unternehmenswerterhöhung um rund 10% entsprechen.

      Für Investoren wie Trader interessant
      Doch diese Möglichkeit ist einer das Sahnehäubchen auf dem Investment. Derzeit kämpft die Aktie mit dem siebenjährigen Abwärtstrend. Der Ausbruch gelang bereits für einige Wochen. In der folgenden Korrektur rutschten die Kurse jedoch wieder unter die Trendlinie. Kann die Erfolgsmeldung aus dem Golf von Mexiko der Aktie zum dauerhaften Ausbruch aus dem Abwärtstrend verhelfen, so könnte das die Initialzündung für eine mehrjährige BP-Hausse sein.

      Dank der mehrjährigen Seitwärtsphase ist die Volatilität bei BP auf einem Tiefstand. Daher lohnen sich für Trader selbst lang laufende Optionsscheine. Der Aufpreis ist derzeit noch gering. Für konservativere Trader kann eine Alpha-Strategie interessant sein, mit denen auf eine Outperformance von BP gegenüber einem Referenzwert gesetzt werden kann. Geld wird mit dieser Strategie verdient, solange sich die BP-Aktie besser entwickelt als die Referenz. Besser entwickelt kann auch bedeuten, dass die Aktie in einer Korrektur weniger stark fällt als die Referenz. Auch dann verdient der Anleger mit der Alpha-Position Geld.…
      schrieb am 18.12.13 18:35:37
      Beitrag Nr. 4.562 ()
      Zitat von riverstone: Na das wird anscheinend alles vorbereitet für die hoffentlich bald bevorstehende news über den beetaloo deal.
      Für mich ein gutes Zeichen, dass bald was kommt!

      Das wäre doch auch mal ne Meldung für falcon chevron paltar petrohunter und freunde etwa in beetleloo oder in karoo?..oder etwa nicht? ;).

      BP findet neues Öl – Neuer Schwung für die Aktie?

      Chevron and Falcon hit Oil in the Karoo Basin!
      schrieb am 18.12.13 20:31:11
      Beitrag Nr. 4.563 ()
      FALCON OIL & GAS LTD. COM SHS NPV (DI) Given “Outperform” Rating at Davy Research (FOG)

      Posted by Jim Brewer on Dec 17th, 2013 // No Comments

      FALCON OIL & GAS LTD. COM SHS NPV (DI) (LON:FOG)‘s stock had its “outperform” rating reiterated by equities researchers at Davy Research in a research report issued on Tuesday, AnalystRatings.NET reports.

      A number of other firms have also recently commented on FOG. Analysts at Seymour Pierce reiterated a “buy” rating on shares of FALCON OIL & GAS LTD. COM SHS NPV (DI) in a research note to investors on Tuesday. They now have a GBX 25 ($0.41) price target on the stock. Separately, analysts at Cantor Fitzgerald reiterated a “buy” rating on shares of FALCON OIL & GAS LTD. COM SHS NPV (DI) in a research note to investors on Tuesday. They now have a GBX 25 ($0.41) price target on the stock. Finally, analysts at Cantor Fitzgerald reiterated a “buy” rating on shares of FALCON OIL & GAS LTD. COM SHS NPV (DI) in a research note to investors on Friday, November 1st. They now have a GBX 25 ($0.41) price target on the stock.

      Shares of FALCON OIL & GAS LTD. COM SHS NPV (LON:FOG) opened at 11.275 on Tuesday. FALCON OIL & GAS LTD. COM SHS NPV has a 52-week low of GBX 9.75 and a 52-week high of GBX 16.50. The stock has a 50-day moving average of GBX 11.95 and a 200-day moving average of GBX 12.57.…
      schrieb am 19.12.13 16:38:52
      Beitrag Nr. 4.564 ()
      Zitat von riverstone: Na das wird anscheinend alles vorbereitet für die hoffentlich bald bevorstehende news über den beetaloo deal.
      Für mich ein gutes Zeichen, dass bald was kommt!

      Newtofo touched on that subject as well.

      Re: Latest Analysts Ratings - the ORRI's
      in response to Re: Latest Analysts Ratings by oilmaninvestor
      posted on Dec 18, 13 09:02PM (Log in to use the IP Check tool) [?]…

      I think a new JV, with either a single company or possibly more than one, will be announced within the next 30 days now that the ORRI's have been dealt with. This is seriously big monkey off the back of the Beetaloo property - as these royalties were the cream right off the top and represented a major stumbling block for a new JV.

      The Beetaloo property is remote and totally underdeveloped for the type of infrastructure that is present in the Bakken, Eagleford, Marcellus or Haynesville oil and gas areas. Therefore, the costs to build infrastructure of having drilling equipment, crews, crew quarters, powerful fracking pump trucks, fracking fluids, pipelines, water reservoirs, etc. etc. will be considerable and will reduce the overall potential profit from the Beetaloo quite significantly. All of this I think the big oil and gas companies were prepared to deal with, but giving away 12% of the gross revenues before everything else was almost equivalent to the profit that these oil and gas companies would be looking at for such a remote area as the Beetaloo.

      Now that the ORRI monkey is off Falcon's back, I think that Philip and John Craven are now in a position to start wrapping up a new JV. I also think that this is one of the main reason's that it has taken this long, as Philip would have had to play hard ball with the ORRI group to get as good of deal as he did.
      schrieb am 22.12.13 11:31:21
      Beitrag Nr. 4.565 ()
      Na bitte ;);)
      3 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 24.12.13 02:12:36
      Beitrag Nr. 4.566 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 46.098.515 von riverstone am 22.12.13 11:31:21Frohe Weihnachten Kolleginnen und Kolleg(inn)en! :) :)
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 24.12.13 02:21:41
      Beitrag Nr. 4.567 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 46.098.515 von riverstone am 22.12.13 11:31:21:) :) :)....;) ;) ;)!!
      schrieb am 24.12.13 03:10:53
      Beitrag Nr. 4.568 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 46.108.273 von auriga am 24.12.13 02:12:36:) :) :) :)!
      schrieb am 24.12.13 11:46:15
      Beitrag Nr. 4.569 ()
      Falcon Oil applies for share listing on AIM, ESM

      2013-12-24 02:47 ET - News Release

      Mr. Philip O'Quigley reports


      Application has been made for admission to trading on the Alternative Investment Market and the Irish Stock Exchange of Falcon Oil & Gas Ltd.'s recently issued common shares as follows:

      Further to the announcement on July 11, 2013, regarding, inter alia, the issuance of 97.86 million common shares to Sweetpea as consideration for Falcon's acquisition of Sweetpea's 24-per-cent minority interest in Falcon Australia, the company has made an application to the London Stock Exchange and the Irish Stock Exchange for 97.86 million common shares to be admitted to trading on AIM and ESM.

      Further to the announcement on Sept. 19, 2013, regarding, inter alia, the issuance of 5,541,044 common shares to shareholders in Falcon Australia as consideration for Falcon's acquisition of 2,462,686 shares in Falcon Australia, the company has made an application to the London Stock Exchange and the Irish Stock Exchange for 5,541,044 common shares to be admitted to trading on AIM and ESM.

      In addition, application has been made to the Irish Stock Exchange and to the London Stock Exchange for 800,000 new common shares in the capital of the company to be admitted to trading on the ESM market of the Irish Stock Exchange and to the AIM market of the London Stock Exchange. These common Shares were issued and allotted pursuant to the exercise of options.

      Admission of these shares to trading is expected to occur on or around Dec. 31, 2013.

      Following the admission of all these shares to trading on AIM and ESM, the issued and outstanding common shares of Falcon Oil & Gas will be 921,537,517.

      © 2013 Canjex Publishing Ltd. All rights reserved.…
      schrieb am 26.12.13 21:43:48
      Beitrag Nr. 4.570 ()
      This "Clean" Fracking Breakthrough Could Make You a Bundle
      by Dr. Kent Moors | published August 20th, 2013

      As the war on fracking rages on, a “clean” technical advance is emerging that could help ease this ongoing debate.

      In the process, fantastic new opportunities are developing for investors.

      Fracking involves moving a large amount of water laced with chemicals downhole under considerable pressure. The adverse impacts of this have always been its biggest sticking point.

      That has led to major advances in chemical-free fracking and the use of alternatives to water in the process. The move to use carbon dioxide, gels, and propane to frack wells are good examples of this.

      But the opposition has taken little solace from the claims these methods are safe.

      So for the past several years, my recommendation to producers has been simple: Identify the problems, lay them clearly out on the table, and then start finding ways to solve them.

      That is the way things normally operate in a market.

      Hiding behind state laws or hiring expensive New York City PR firms may sound like a good move in the board room but it never translates well with the general public.

      Which leads me to the fracking breakthrough that could make you a bundle…

      Hmmm…What’s That Smell?

      If you have ever been to a fracking site like I have, there is something you notice immediately. It’s the smell.

      Your initial reaction leads you to believe its gas. But it’s not. On its own, natural gas is odorless. The smelly stuff is added to it so that you know when there is a gas leak.

      On a fracking site, the odor comes from the fuel used by the heavy apparatus footprint on the surface.

      That array of machinery is needed to drill wells and run the extensive number of pressure trucks, compressors, and supporting equipment required for the fracking to take place.

      All of this equipment runs on diesel and that is what you smell.

      There are two problems with this set-up. First, as the price of diesel increases, so does the cost of running the well. The second is that diesel fuel leaks which is one of the primary environmental concerns at drilling sites.

      And unlike the discussion that surrounds fracking, these leaks are not occurring thousands of feet below the surface. In this case, the diesel spills onto the land itself with all the direct consequences to water, soil, and the ecology. In addition, diesel emissions are increasingly a problem on site as well.

      However, now there is a solution to this very visible concern that comes along with fracking.

      Companies are beginning to use the gas pumped out of the ground as the fuel source for the equipment drilling the well and doing the pumping. That eliminates the use of diesel altogether.

      This is not simply natural gas. Given the power required, operators have been using compressed natural gas (CNG).

      But now even that is giving way to a better, cheaper, and more efficient source. It’s liquefied natural gas (LNG).

      A Major Step Forward For Cleaner Fracking

      The use of LNG is becoming more important as deeper wells are drilled, especially in the Utica Shale basin that underlies the Marcellus in Pennsylvania and West Virginia.
      A Major Step Forward For Cleaner Fracking

      The latest wrinkle in the move towards using LNG on frack sites just happened yesterday.

      It involved two privately-held companies, but there will be a play emerging that involves publically traded stocks. In fact, two of them are already in the Energy Advantage and Energy Inner Circle portfolios.
      Prometheus Energy Group, privately held by Shell Technology Ventures Fund 1 B.V. and Black River Asset Management LLC (a wholly-owned owned but independently managed subsidiary of private Cargill) announced yesterday that it would supply LNG to Antero Resources to power drilling rigs in the Marcellus and Utica basins.

      Prometheus also said it would be providing logistics delivery and onsite LNG equipment for storage and regasification at various sites in northern West Virginia and eastern Ohio.

      According to Antero, it currently operates 18 rigs in West Virginia, Ohio, and Pennsylvania. The company says it will begin using the LNG for the fracking process as well. The LNG will first be introduced at Antero’s West Virginia operations

      Prometheus also added that using natural gas to power drilling operations will significantly reduce emissions of nitrogen oxides and particulates compared to the diesel fuel traditionally used.

      But there is another major advantage to gained: The CNG in use today and the LNG about to be used is much cheaper than diesel. That improves profit margins at the well site.

      As one veteran puts it, “after the first well is drilled at some of these sites, a lot of people can use compressed natural gas produced on site to drill the next well.”

      Now LNG is about to get the same treatment because it provides more horsepower and it is easier to store than CNG.

      So don’t look now but we may finally have changes in fracking that are beneficial to both the environment and the bottom line.…
      schrieb am 27.12.13 22:03:34
      Beitrag Nr. 4.571 ()
      Further to the announcement on July 11, 2013, regarding, inter alia, the issuance of 97.86 million common shares to Sweetpea as consideration for Falcon's acquisition of Sweetpea's 24-per-cent minority interest in Falcon Australia, the company has made an application to the London Stock Exchange and the Irish Stock Exchange for 97.86 million common shares to be admitted to trading on AIM and ESM.

      Admission of these shares to trading is expected to occur on or around Dec. 31, 2013.…
      schrieb am 27.12.13 22:13:11
      Beitrag Nr. 4.572 ()
      Ich denke das dürfte nichts an der etappenweise lockung und ent-lockung der FO shares ändern, LOGO.—Oring, der alte >investmentbanker tradet wohl auch gerne in London...hat ja seine Erfahrung im traden auch mit Falcon shares...LOL. ;)
      schrieb am 27.12.13 23:33:04
      Beitrag Nr. 4.573 ()
      Filings by Transaction Date

      Jul 19/13 Jul 17/13 Sweetpea Petroleum Pty Ltd Direct Ownership Common Shares
      00 - Opening Balance-Initial SEDI Report 97,860,000
      schrieb am 29.12.13 16:46:32
      Beitrag Nr. 4.574 ()
      Bei dem aktuellen Kursziel von Davy par example macht das schon 41 Mio USD plus für Phunny. Da hat Oring dann was zu filen in seiner balance sheet oder Maniscalco = pAul from Phun!—Bei Falcon 2 CAD macht das schlappe 200 000 000 USD plus für Phunny. Allfällige Schulden zahlte M B Oring dann quasi aus der Portokasse.—Soweit sind wir aber >noch nicht. Und ich und Shore hoffen dass Oring nicht die ganzen Falcon shares wieder verzockt!—Der Typ scheint den thrill einfach zu brauchen. Ziemlich cooler Junge MM! ;).
      schrieb am 30.12.13 14:00:03
      Beitrag Nr. 4.575 ()
      Einstweilen hat Petrohunter den 10K für 2012 rückwirkend bei der SEC gefiled.…
      schrieb am 31.12.13 18:01:05
      Beitrag Nr. 4.576 ()
      Zitat von auriga: More Transparency Comes to Stock Trading as “Odd Lot” Trades Get Reported To Consolidated Tape

      As of December 9, “odd lot” stock trades, small trades below 100 shares, are being reported to the consolidated tape that publicly disseminates trade data on all U.S. stocks. With this change, information on millions of odd lot trades is now widely visible, increasing transparency for all investors.

      These changes reflect the rapid growth of odd lot trading in recent years. According to a 2011 study, odd lots account for almost 5% of U.S. equity volume, an increase from less than 1% two decades ago. In some cases, up to 60% of a company’s stock are traded as odd lots and so are hidden from the public feed.

      The rise in the number of small and odd lot trades over the years has been attributed to a number of factors, including the high price of many stocks like Google Inc. and Apple Inc. that have made buying more than 100 shares a costly endeavor, the fact that more investor accounts are being managed by investment advisors to track optimum portfolios, as well as the rise of algorithmic trading that allows traders to slice and dice large trades into smaller orders to avoid “tipping off” the market about their interest in a particular security.

      While the rule change is not expected to result in a significant increase in reported share trading volumes, it does help level the playing field for investors. It will also help companies better understand the breadth of trading interest in their shares.

      To read more about the SEC rule change on odd lots, click here.…
      schrieb am 31.12.13 18:10:23
      Beitrag Nr. 4.577 ()
      Cromwell Coulson, CEO, OTC Markets Group speaks to BNN about the state of Canadian company cross-listings in the U.S. - BNN/Business News Network…
      schrieb am 31.12.13 18:36:24
      Beitrag Nr. 4.578 ()
      schrieb am 05.01.14 14:44:54
      Beitrag Nr. 4.579 ()
      According to the Australian Financial Review, Japan's Inpex is seeking shale gas acreage in the Northern Territory, particularly in the Beetaloo Basin, and is considering buying into an exploration venture. Reportedly, global energy company Falcon Oil & Gas could be a potential partner for Inpex after American-based oil company Hess Corporation abandoned a partnership with Falcon in June 2013. The report also noted that independent exploration and production company Pangaea Resources also holds permits in the Beetaloo Basin, while ASX-listed Santos, ASX-listed Armour Energy and Norwegian multinational oil and gas company Statoil all hold permits in the nearby McArthur and Georgina Basins.…

      Inpex(Japan) als eine weitere Möglichkeit von bisher genannten fünf Möglickeiten(aber da gibt es sicher noch mehr. Inpex mit einer MK von ca. 20 Mrd USD arbeitet zusammen mit Total(France) in Aus....LNG projects, onshore und offshore....Total MK ca. 120 Mrd....Total auch schon onshore im JV mit Central Petroleum.
      schrieb am 05.01.14 14:54:04
      Beitrag Nr. 4.580 ()
      Ichthys LNG – The biggest, ever
      . . .
      Widely regarded as the largest project financing ever arranged in the international finance markets, the completion of the Ichthys financing was a highly significant milestone not only for Australia but for the project finance market globally. Driven by a sponsor group led by Inpex Corporation of Japan and Total SA of France, the Ichthys project shrugged off the global financial malaise to secure US$20bn in limited-recourse financing, clearly demonstrating that, even in the current market, projects with sound financials and experienced sponsors will receive a warm reception from the world’s financial institutions.

      Project outline

      Located in the north of Australia, the Ichthys LNG project – with an expected capital cost of US$34bn – incorporates a number of exciting firsts for Australia and the LNG sector. The central processing facility measuring 150x110 metres will be the biggest semi-submersible platform ever built and the first such unit of its type in Australian waters. A floating production, storage and offtake (FPSO) vessel will process project liquids and will have the capacity to hold 1.2m barrels of condensate.

      The extracted natural gas will be transported to Darwin via a pipeline that will be the largest offshore pipeline in the southern hemisphere and one of the longest subsea pipelines ever built. The offshore component will stretch for approximately 890km. In total, construction of the pipeline will require approximately 700,000 tonnes of steel (enough to build 15 Sydney Harbour Bridges or 93 Eiffel Towers). The onshore LNG plant will comprise two trains with the capacity to produce 8.4 mtpa of LNG.

      . . .…
      schrieb am 05.01.14 15:10:17
      Beitrag Nr. 4.581 ()
      Dies ist die australische Seite von Inpex!

      INPEX is a worldwide oil and gas exploration and production company currently involved in more than 70 projects across 28 countries.

      INPEX is ranked in the top 50 global energy companies and is listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange.

      Part of the Australian business community since 1986, we are involved in a number of projects in Australia and the Timor Sea, including the large-scale Ichthys LNG Project, the Prelude FLNG Project, Van Gogh, Ravensworth and Kitan projects, the Bayu-Undan Development and Darwin LNG.
      schrieb am 05.01.14 15:36:27
      Beitrag Nr. 4.582 ()
      Projects / Ichthys Project / Project Overview

      In 1998, INPEX acquired the petroleum exploration permit WA-285-P, located in the Browse Basin, off the north-west coast of Western Australia and approximately 820 kilometres south-west of Darwin.

      During 2000 to 2001, three exploratory wells resulted in the discovery of an extremely promising gas and condensate field now known as the Ichthys Field.

      The field was named after the classical Greek word for “fish”. Most likely resource estimates are 12.8 trillion cubic feet of gas and 527 million barrels of condensate to be produced over an operational life of more than 40 years. The Ichthys LNG Project is a Joint Venture between INPEX group companies (the Operator), major partner TOTAL group companies and the Australian subsidiaries of Tokyo Gas, Osaka Gas, Chubu Electric Power and Toho Gas.

      Gas from the Ichthys Field will undergo preliminary processing at the offshore central processing facility (CPF) to remove water and raw liquids, including a large proportion of the condensate. This condensate will be pumped to a floating production, storage and offloading (FPSO) facility anchored nearby, from which it will be transferred to tankers for delivery to markets.

      The gas will be transported from the CPF through a subsea pipeline more than 885 kilometres to the onshore LNG processing plant proposed for Blaydin Point on Middle Arm Peninsula, Darwin, Northern Territory. It will be cooled to below minus 161 degrees Celsius, the point at which the gas becomes a liquid, known as liquefied natural gas.

      The Ichthys Project will have an initial capacity to produce 8.4 million tonnes of LNG per annum and 1.6 million tonnes of liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) per annum, as well as approximately 100,000 barrels of condensate per day at peak.

      The Project is now in the construction phase, following a Final Investment Decision (FID) in January 2012.

      The gas processing plant will be onshore at Blaydin Point within Darwin’s Middle Arm Peninsula industrial area, not far from the Darwin LNG plant operated by ConocoPhillips. INPEX is also part of Darwin LNG project.

      Offshore Facilities

      Key offshore facilities will include:

      ●Semi-submersible Central Processing Facility (CPF)
      ●Floating Production Storage and Offloading (FPSO) unit for condensate treatment and storage
      ●Umbilicals, risers and flowlines (URF)
      ●885km export pipeline to Darwin

      Offshore Facilities layout

      Onshore Facilities

      Onshore facilities will include:

      ●Two LNG trains with a capacity of 8.4 million tonnes per annum
      ●LPG and condensate processing plants
      ●Storage tanks for LNG, LPG and condensate
      ●Administration facilities
      ●Utilities and services
      ●Power generation infrastructure
      ●Product offloading jetty

      Darwin, Northern Territory, has been chosen as the site for the onshore processing facility.…
      schrieb am 05.01.14 16:26:55
      Beitrag Nr. 4.583 ()
      Erstarrt für Tenbagger ist aber jetzt fällig, sonst muss man den Thread-Titel ändern :D
      schrieb am 05.01.14 16:28:05
      Beitrag Nr. 4.584 ()
      Restart! ;)
      schrieb am 05.01.14 17:13:25
      Beitrag Nr. 4.585 ()
      Ja, es stehen 2014 auch definitiv zwei wells zu drillen an für PHUN, Sweetpea und PALtAR PetROLeum! Wie ich das übersehe ist Bruner in allen NT permits in time! Wells waren in 2013 in NT nicht wirklich zu bohren. Ich bringe dazu noch mal die work commitments Tabelle aus NT! ;)
      schrieb am 05.01.14 17:27:22
      Beitrag Nr. 4.586 ()
      Ich denke Inpex(Japan) und Total(France) suchen weiteren Zulauf online für ihre LNG plant in Darwin..dafür liegt das Beetaloo Basin in NT recht günstig, ca 600 km südlich von Darwin! Total ist wie gesagt schon mit Central Petroleum in einem JV Nachbar.....Beetaloo ist für Inpex alleine mit einer MK von $20b eher zu groß und aufwändig...explo und development im BBasin sind letztendlich so so teuer dass es hier >big guys braucht, wie kysky das ausgedrückt hat....ich persönlich habe auch eine starke Affinität zu Chevron, die schon in SA bei Falcon sind, schon in NT mit Beach, und auch was gas fracking anbelangt ziemlich weit vorne(siehe auch GASFRAC) und sind auch sonst sehr liquide...LOL....aber mal sehen was Philip und John hier dann echt anbieten!...Nice problems to have for Philip and John I would assume! ;)
      schrieb am 07.01.14 14:03:42
      Beitrag Nr. 4.587 ()
      Hallo auriga, River und Charly_2,
      ich wünsche Euch ein Erfolgreiches und Gesundes Neues Jahr.

      Meine Erwartungen bezügl. phun habe ich für mich persönlich zurück geschraubt und dabei festgestellt, das ich mich innerlich nicht mehr so sehr darüber aufrege, wenn das was angekündigt wird später oder auch gar nicht kommt.
      Unabhänig davon freue ich mich mit Euch aber über alle positiven Nachrichten die ja hin und wieder aufkommen.
      Aus meiner Sicht muss sich hier massiv etwas tun - und ich wünsche mir das nicht nur alle commitments eingehalten werden,sondern mehr, denn das ist aus meiner Sicht zu wenig. Jedes Unternehmen das nur das notwendigste unternimmt wird sich schwer tun aus diesem Kurs Tal herauszukommen.

      In dem Sinne, wünsche ich uns allen das phun und Falcon nicht nur herumbohrt oder bohren läßt, sondern das irgendwo produziert wird.
      cheers for 2014
      schrieb am 09.01.14 22:48:40
      Beitrag Nr. 4.588 ()
      Hey Shore!....Happy New Year for you as well!.....Chevron ist noch nicht ganz in >NT, aber not so far away with Beach....Beach hat gerade wieder einen neuen drilling report veröffentlicht, Australia ist central, aber Beach hat auch ein ganz nettes Gesamtportfolio!.....Chevron ist bis jetzt offshore in AUS zumindest mit Beach recht moderat, im JV(V) ist beach der operator......aber Beach ist doch auch recht liquide und fähig hier den operator anzubieten....aber Chev. ist selbstverständlich in Wartestellung, falls es wirklich darauf ankommt übernimmt Chev. I would guess!..........Ich stimme dir zu, wir brauchen operative action...Bruner wird es kaum erwarten können...ich wäre sehr überrascht wenn er in 2014 nicht im Beetleloo durchstarten wü wir das tun...JMO........bei Falcon bin ich guter Dinge....spätestens vor Ostern kommt hier zumindest ein erstes farm-out ist meine Prognose und ich denke mal ev. schon früher, vielleicht schon bald...aber man hat hier Geduld, denn die Weichenstellung ist entscheidend und will wohlüberlegt und wohlausgehandelt geht im Beatleloo auch nicht nur um ein farm-out in terms of falcon.....ich gebe für mich umumwunden zu, dass Chevron mein Traumpartner für Falcon auch in Australien ist...mal sehen ob ich mich hier mit SA begnügen muss....LOL.....looking forward to the future with we go...kind regards, A.…
      schrieb am 09.01.14 23:12:12
      Beitrag Nr. 4.589 ()
      Chevron ist bis jetzt >offshore in AUS zumindest mit Beach recht moderat, im JV(V) ist beach der operator.

      Chevron ist bis jetzt onshore in AUS zumindest mit Beach recht moderat, im JV(V) ist beach der operator.

      Interessante Fehlleistung, ein echter Freud würde ich sagen....hatte ich gestern auch bei einem Kollegen...führt aber etwas zu weit das jetzt hier zu gibt diese freudschen versprecher ja vielschichtig, so auch als echte fehlleistungen, dreher im schreiben und so....dann gibt es wiederum die freuds die richtig spaß machen...nur mal so nebenbei.
      schrieb am 17.01.14 21:43:53
      Beitrag Nr. 4.590 ()
      Die stillen Verbündeten des Hochfrequenzhandels
      17.01.2014 · Die Europäische Union will den schnellen Börsenhandel regulieren. Dafür gibt es Gründe, aber der Hochfrequenzhandel erfüllt auch wichtige Aufgaben.

      Der Hochfrequenzhandel ist reizvoll, aber keineswegs harmlos

      Hochfrequenzhändler sind der Schrecken mancher Börsenteilnehmer und vieler Beobachter. Hochfrequenzhändler sind Marktteilnehmer, die mit Hilfe von Computerprogrammen im Bruchteil von Sekunden Kauf- und Verkaufsaufträge an den Börsen stellen. Weil diese Programme viel schneller als Menschen agieren, machen sie Angst. Hochfrequenzhändler werden vor allem an den amerikanischen Finanzmärkten für allerlei schnelle Kurseinbrüche, die sogenannten „Flash Crashes“, verantwortlich gemacht.

      Diese Kurseinbrüche, die sich meist ohne Vorwarnung innerhalb weniger Sekunden oder Minuten einstellen, werden zwar oft von ebenso schnelle Kurserholungen abgelöst. Aber die Furcht existiert, dass solche Computerprogramme einmal eine schwere und womöglich dauerhafte Baisse am Aktienmarkt einleiten, unter der auch viele langfristig orientierte Anleger leiden. Eine Möglichkeit, sich gegen eine unter Umständen selbstverstärkende kurzfristige Baisse zu wehren, besteht in der vorübergehenden Aussetzung des Börsenhandels als Folge überdurchschnittlich großer Kursveränderungen innerhalb kurzer Zeit. Dies ist eine jener Maßnahmen, die von der Europäischen Union im Rahmen weiterer Finanzmarktregulierungen erwogen werden.

      Bedeutung von Privatanlegern geht zurück
      Es gibt gute Gründe, das Treiben der Hochfrequenzhändler, auf die an vielen großen Börsen heute deutlich mehr als 70 Prozent der Umsätze entfallen, genau zu beobachten. Es besteht nach heutigem Kenntnisstand aber auch kein Grund, den Hochfrequenzhandel grundsätzlich zu verdammen. Vielmehr ist der sehr schnelle Börsenhandel ein Kind seiner Zeit: Er profitiert einmal vom technischen Fortschritt, der heute einen sehr viel rascheren Börsenhandel erlaubt als früher. Der Hochfrequenzhandel profitiert aber auch von grundlegenderen Veränderungen im Aktiengeschäft, auf die vor einiger Zeit der große norwegische Pensionsfonds, einer der größten Aktienanleger der Welt, hingewiesen hat.

      Am Aktienmarkt hat sich die Struktur der langfristig ausgerichteten Anleger in den vergangenen Jahrzehnten geändert. Die Bedeutung der Privatanleger, die vor allem in Ländern wie den Vereinigten Staaten, Großbritannien und in der Schweiz nicht gering war, ist deutlich zurückgegangen. Im Gegenzug hat die Bedeutung von Großanlegern zugenommen. Hierzu zählen neben anderen Versicherungen, Banken, Investment-, Pensions- und Staatsfonds. Diese Großanleger handeln oft mit sehr großen Stückzahlen am Aktienmarkt.

      Strategien der Hochfrequenzhändler sind keineswegs neu
      Gleichzeitig ist aber auch als Folge eines Wettbewerbs von Handelssystemen eine Fragmentierung des Aktienhandels zu beobachten. Neben die traditionellen Börsen sind wenig regulierte inoffizielle Handelsplätze für Großanleger, die sogenannten „Dark Pools“, getreten. Der Wunsch von Anlegern, große Aktienpakete schnell handeln zu können, und die gleichzeitige Fragmentierung des Handels passen aber nicht recht zusammen. Ein Großanleger, der an einem Handelsplatz schnell eine bedeutende Menge Aktien kaufen oder verkaufen will, muss damit rechnen, nicht schnell genug Handelspartner zu finden. Hier nun schlägt die Stunde von Marktteilnehmern, die auf eigene Rechnung an solchen Märkten Geschäfte machen. Solche Eigenhändler hat es an den Börsen immer gegeben, und der norwegische Pensionsfonds weist auch darauf hin, dass die Strategien der Hochfrequenzhändler keineswegs neu sind.

      Ein wichtiges Betätigungsfeld solcher Händler ist die Rolle des Anbieters von Liquidität: Indem sie Kauf- und Verkaufspreise stellen, bieten sie sich als Handelspartner an. Die Spanne zwischen den Kauf- und Verkaufspreisen begründet den Gewinn des Eigenhändlers. Die zweite Funktion des Eigenhändlers ist die Arbitrage, das heißt die Ausnutzung von Preisunterschieden für eine Aktie an unterschiedlichen Handelsplätzen.

      Die Verlockung ist groß
      Hochfrequenzhändler sind keine homogene Gruppe. Sehr schneller Handel wird unter anderem von manchen Banken und anderen traditionellen Finanzhäusern wie Hedgefonds betrieben. Der amerikanische Fonds Magellan, zumindest in früheren Jahren mutmaßlich einer der erfolgreichsten Hedgefonds der Welt, suchte schon früh mit Hilfe von Computerexperten, Mathematikern und Astrophysikern nach Möglichkeiten, regelmäßige Kursmuster zu entdecken und mit schnellem Handel auszunutzen. Heutzutage wird Hochfrequenzhandel auch von vielen neuen, oft nicht sehr großen Unternehmen betrieben, die ihren Sitz nicht notwendig in einem großen Finanzzentrum haben. Wer in Europa bedeutende Hochfrequenzhändler sucht, wird sie unter anderem in den Niederlanden finden. Die Namen dieser Unternehmen sind der Öffentlichkeit so wenig vertraut wie ihre Eigentümer; Hochfrequenzhändler haben meist kein Interesse, in der Öffentlichkeit zu erscheinen, da Eigenhändler nicht darauf aus sind, öffentliche Kundenakquise zu betreiben.

      Gleichwohl ist der Hochfrequenzhandel nicht notwendigerweise harmlos, denn die Verlockung, zum Nachteil langsamer agierender Handelsteilnehmer Vorteile zu erlangen, ist für manche Teilnehmer reizvoll. Solche Praktiken sind unter den Anglizismen „Spoofing“ oder „Smoking“ an den Finanzmärkten bekannt, und es sind gerade solche Praktiken, die langfristig orientierte Marktteilnehmer zu kritischen Äußerungen über die Hochfrequenzhändler bewegen. In der Praxis läuft dies so, dass manche Hochfrequenzhändler versuchen, künftige große Kauf- oder Verkaufsaufträge anderer Marktteilnehmer zu erahnen, um daraus Informationen über künftige Preisbewegungen zu erzielen. Dies führt dazu, dass von solchen Marktteilnehmern große Mengen an Kauf- und Verkaufsaufträgen in den Markt gegeben werden, die Interesse anderer Teilnehmer vortäuschen sollen, aber blitzschnell zurückgezogen werden, wenn andere Marktteilnehmer aktiv werden. So kommt es, dass an vielen Börsen mehr als 90 Prozent aller registrierten Aufträge gar nicht ausgeführt werden.

      Das letzte Wort ist noch nicht gesprochen
      Ein Beispiel aus dem Jahre 2011: Ein amerikanischer Hochfrequenzhändler wollte eine kleine Menge Öl-Terminkontrakte verkaufen, fand zum gewünschten Preis aber keine Abnehmer. Daraufhin simulierte der Händler durch blitzschnell auftauchende und wieder verschwindene Kaufaufträge ein Interesse des Marktes an steigenden Preisen für den Terminkontrakt. Prompt gelang es ihm, seine vorher zum Verkauf gestellten Kontrakte zum gewünschten Preis zu verkaufen.

      Missbräuche einzelner Marktteilnehmer begründen noch keine generelle Verdammnis. Die Analyse des norwegischen Pensionsfonds kommt daher zu dem Schluss, dass ein letztes Wort über Kosten und Nutzen der Hochfrequenzhändler für die langfristig orientierten Anleger noch lange nicht gesprochen ist.…
      schrieb am 18.01.14 23:00:05
      Beitrag Nr. 4.591 ()
      Liquefied Natural Gas

      The world has enormous quantities of natural gas, but much of it is in areas far from where the gas is needed. To move this cleaner-burning fuel across oceans, natural gas must be converted into liquefied natural gas (LNG), a process called liquefaction. LNG is natural gas that has been cooled to –260° F (–162° C), changing it from a gas into a liquid that is 1/600th of its original volume. This dramatic reduction allows it to be shipped safely and efficiently aboard specially designed LNG vessels. After arriving at its destination, LNG is warmed to return it to its gaseous state and delivered to natural gas customers through local pipelines.

      The Northwest Swan LNG tanker is double-hulled and heavily insulated with a special membrane system. (Photo courtesy of Gaztransport & Technigaz)

      LNG is not new. It has been transported for more than 50 years and has a strong safety record. An LNG spill would not damage the ground or leave any residue as it evaporates. In water, LNG is insoluble and would simply evaporate, making water-spill cleanup unnecessary. LNG is not stored under high pressure and is not explosive. Although a large amount of energy is stored in LNG, it cannot be released rapidly enough into the open environment to cause the overpressures associated with an explosion. LNG vapors (methane) mixed with air are not explosive in an unconfined environment.

      While converting natural gas to and from LNG, stringent safety and security measures are employed.

      The process of cooling natural gas into a liquid is called liquefaction. Like at any industrial facility, security issues for liquefaction facilities are tailored to regional and local concerns. Security can include physical barriers, personnel and equipment access control, site surveillance and intruder alert systems.

      Shipping LNG Safely and Securely

      LNG ships are equipped with sophisticated leak detection technology, emergency shutdown systems, advanced radar and positioning systems, and numerous other technologies designed to ensure the safe and secure transport of LNG.

      LNG ships are double-hulled and heavily insulated, with an extensive cargo safety system. LNG is not stored under pressure. As in all modern oil tankers, sophisticated radar and positioning systems alert the crew to other traffic and hazards around the ship. Distress systems and beacons automatically send out signals if the ship experiences difficulty.

      Ships also employ antipiracy and boarding measures and must comply with the requirements of the International Ship and Port Security Code. The cargo control room is manned continuously when cargo is being transferred to and from the ship.

      LNG Import and Regasification Terminals

      LNG is returned to a gaseous state at LNG import and regasification terminals, which are designed and constructed according to stringent national codes and international standards.

      Designs of regasification plants include extensive systems to store and process LNG safely. Safety features include spill containment, methane detectors, fire detection and suppression equipment. Personnel receive regular training in safe practices and fire control. Extensive safety systems monitor equipment and restrict access to terminal property 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Perimeter fencing, motion detection, closed-circuit TV and lighting are also deployed.

      The LNG industry provides appropriate security, planning, prevention and mitigation in close coordination with local, state and federal authorities, including the U.S. Coast Guard. These measures significantly reduce risks.

      Worldwide, there are 91 import terminals designed to receive LNG shipments, 28 LNG liquefaction export terminals and more than 200 storage facilities where LNG is kept until needed. Japan, with more than 29 LNG import terminals, has gone without a major safety incident since it began receiving LNG shipments 35 years ago.

      Updated: April 2012…
      schrieb am 22.01.14 13:00:09
      Beitrag Nr. 4.592 ()
      schrieb am 24.01.14 22:16:27
      Beitrag Nr. 4.593 ()
      Hier eine Interessante BP Studie über den Welt Entergiebedarf und wie sich die Welt Energie Resourcen bis 2035 entwickeln werden.

      Auch die Entwicklung der Australischen LNG Exporte - ein Auszug daraus:

      The arrival of US LNG exports at
      scale has a profound impact on global
      LNG markets, contributing to a shake-up in the structure of LNG
      supplies. Australia is set to overtake Qatar as the largest LNG exporting
      country by 2019, followed by the US overtaking Qatar in 2030. And Africa
      as a region is likely to overtake the Middle East.

      Increasing diversification of LNG supply sources supports the
      globalization of the gas market. Australia is expected to be the largest
      LNG exporter in 2035 with a share of 21% of global LNG trade; that
      compares to a share of 32% held by the dominant supplier today, Qatar.

      Wem es interessiert kann dort mal genauer hinein sehen. Ist recht interessant welche Bedeutung LNG bekommt um unseren Energiebedarf decken zu können.…

      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 25.01.14 13:56:06
      Beitrag Nr. 4.594 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 46.302.711 von shore am 24.01.14 22:16:27Das joint venture mit Paltar war im Sep >2012.... im letzten filing von Oring(amendmend a zum annual report FY 2012) ist das wohl ein Vertipper.

      On August 28, 2012, PetroHunter Energy Corporation and its wholly-owned subsidiary, Sweetpea Petroleum Pty Ltd (collectively, the “Company”), received confirmation that Exploration Permits 136 and 143 (EPs 136 and 143) had been granted by and formally lodged with the Northern Territory of Australia. EPs 136 and 143 cover approximately 1.5 million acres in the Beetaloo Basin.

      The Company has entered into a joint venture and operating agreement with Paltar Petroleum Limited (“Paltar”), pursuant to which Paltar agreed to provide all of the necessary funding for the permits and the initial work program expenses required under EPs136 and 143 in exchange for a 50% ownership interest in the EPs. Paltar is controlled by Marc Bruner, a significant shareholder of the Company.

      EPs 136 and 143 are adjacent to EPs 76, 99, and 117, which are currently owned by Falcon Oil & Gas Australia Limited (“Falcon Australia”). . .…
      schrieb am 25.01.14 14:06:19
      Beitrag Nr. 4.595 ()
      Value der work commitments in 2014 für Sweetpea AUD 3 Mio....also, jetzt wirds Zeit für Bruner durchzustarten! ;).…
      schrieb am 25.01.14 14:26:07
      Beitrag Nr. 4.596 ()
      Also zwei wells für 2014 stehen nun definitiv an für Sweepea. ;)…
      schrieb am 28.01.14 21:33:13
      Beitrag Nr. 4.597 ()
      M B Oring hat noch nicht wirklich Anschluss gewonnen mit seinen filings....die OTC markets group ist kompromisslos mit late filern und verbannt sie Schritt für Schritt weiter nach unten wenn disclosure Pflichten nicht bedient werden...finde ich an sich auch gut so....mal sehen ob Oring wieder Anschluss gewinnt...nach diesem einwandfreien annual report aus 2012(mit einem sachten amendment und einem anhängen von exhibit 101) sollte das an sich kein Problem sein....wer A sagt muss auch B sagen...wieso sich solche Arbeit machen mit dem 12er report und jetzt den 13er schneiden?...Go Oring! ;)
      schrieb am 28.01.14 22:03:09
      Beitrag Nr. 4.598 ()
      Dafür ist Heineken jetzt in der OTCQX! Cheers!

      Heineken N.V. (OTCQX: HEINY) “Lights Up the Market”!

      We are delighted to welcome Heineken N.V. (OTCQX: HEINY; NYSE Euronext Amsterdam: HEIA NA/HEIN.AS) to our best marketplace, OTCQX®. Heineken N.V., the third largest brewer in the world by volume and a global leader in the premium beer segment with the Heineken® brand, began trading its American Depositary Receipt (ADR) today on OTCQX. By joining OTCQX, Heineken N.V., which is listed on NYSE Euronext Amsterdam with a market cap of $37 billion, builds visibility and ensures that its U.S. investors receive the same high-quality information as investors do in its home market.

      Heineken N.V. joins over 300 other world-class OTCQX companies, including adidas AG (OTCQX: ADDYY), Allianz SE (OTCQX: AZSEY), Danone (OTCQX: DANOY), Deutsche Telekom AG (OTCQX: DTEGY), and Publicis Groupe S.A. (OTCQX: PUBGY). OTCQX companies are all qualified by high financial standards, have investor-focused management teams and are current in their disclosure. Read the full press release here.…

      To celebrate bringing transparency to investors and joining OTCQX, Heineken N.V. “Lights Up the Market”!

      Follow us on TWITTER to receive Light Up the Market updates from OTC Markets Group.

      Contact us: +1.212.896.4420
      schrieb am 29.01.14 10:03:08
      Beitrag Nr. 4.599 ()
      Energierohstoffe: Erdöl

      Während die Aktienmärkte im Abgabemodus sind konnten sich die Erdölpreise dagegen in der vergangenen Woche sogar von der stärkeren Seite zeigen und haben im Wochenverlauf zugelegt. Umso erstaunlicher, wo doch der angebliche Grund, eine Schwäche der Schwellenländer, eigentlich eine deutliche Auswirkung auf die Ölnachfrage haben sollte. Immerhin sind es die Schwellenländer, welche für die steigende Ölnachfrage in den letzten Jahren und auch in Zukunft stehen.

      Natürlich bestehen auch andere Faktoren, welche den Ölpreisen aktuell grundsätzliche Unterstützung bieten, wie zum Beispiel die aktuell extreme Kälte in den USA. Oder auch der Abbau der US-Destillatsbestände um 3,2 Millionen Barrel in der vergangenen Woche.

      Doch die wohl stärkste Unterstützung ergibt sich wohl durch die inzwischen wieder deutlich knapperen Lager, insbesondere in Asien, aber auch in Europa und sogar in Amerika wurde der extreme Überschuss deutlich verringert. Die Internationale Energieagentur erwartet auch für 2014 einen weiterhin wachsenden Bedarf an Erdöl und prognostiziert einen Nachfrageanstieg um 1,3 Millionen Barrel.

      ●Aktuell notiert Brent zur Lieferung im März bei 107,15 USD pro Barrel an der ICE.
      ●WTI zur Lieferung im März notiert aktuell bei 96,37 USD pro Barrel an der NYMEX.


      Ob leere Lagerbestände oder steigende Verbrauchsprognosen, es bleibt dabei: es kommt massiv auf die Emerging Markets und ihre Nachfrage an, denn diese bestimmt die Dynamik der Zukunft.

      Miriam Kraus in Rohstoff Daily zum Thema Rohstoffe
      vom 27. Januar 2014, 20:45 Uhr…
      schrieb am 29.01.14 16:25:13
      Beitrag Nr. 4.600 ()
      Lustig wie gleich der Preis fällt, obwohl Martin in Wirklichkeit einen großen Schritt vorwärts gemacht hat mit seinem annual report...M B hängt nur zuweit zurück mit seinem >aktuellen annual report, das ist der Punkt....normaler Abfall im Preis...entscheidend das Phun nun endlich wieder sauber filed...kann man nur schwer verstehen was diese Nachlässigkeit soll.
      schrieb am 29.01.14 16:33:45
      Beitrag Nr. 4.601 ()
      “When they penetrated the shale, they actually took such a kick from gas that they had to activate the blowout preventers and then the gas flowed to surface. This is an incredibly exciting and encouraging prospect,” said Willes, a former GM of BP’s North West Shelf liquefied natural gas project, in Australia, who joined Challenger in April.

      Creamer mit einem sehr angenehmen Interview in terms of Karoo Basin. Muss gleich mal wieder die newsletter von Creamer erneuern.

      Australian junior applies for right to explore for shale gas in Karoo…
      schrieb am 29.01.14 16:51:21
      Beitrag Nr. 4.602 ()…
      schrieb am 04.02.14 23:18:31
      Beitrag Nr. 4.603 ()
      Maximizing the Value of Being Publicly Traded
      By: Maggie Chou
      January 20th, 2014 | 0 Comments

      More than 600 community and regional banks trade on OTCQB, a public marketplace operated by OTC Markets Group, a company that operates financial marketplaces for 10,000 U.S. and global securities. R. Cromwell Coulson, president and CEO of OTC Markets Group, answers questions about how community banks can maximize the value of public trading even when they are not listed on a stock exchange.

      Q: What is your experience with the community and regional bank market?

      I traded and invested in community banks when I worked as an institutional trader and portfolio manager at Carr Securities in the early 1990s. I specialized partly in value-oriented securities, so I was naturally drawn to small, publicly traded community banks, many of which traded on the off-exchange market.

      Years after I left Carr Securities, I led a group of investors to acquire the company that published the stock sheets where these and thousands of other off-exchange-traded securities were quoted. Our goal was to modernize what was inefficient and phone-based trading into modern, electronic trading and to create better informed and more efficient markets.

      Today, my company, OTC Markets Group, operates three separate and distinct marketplaces: OTCQX, OTCQB and OTC Pink. Community banks continue to make up an important sub-sector of our market: There are more than 600 banks and thrifts ranging in size from $25 million in assets to $16 billion trading primarily on our OTCQB marketplace.

      Q: What are the benefits to banks of being publicly traded?

      There are five main benefits of being publicly traded that apply to all companies, including community banks: visibility, liquidity, valuation, capital, and reputation or trust.

      Community banks, like many companies, think of going public primarily as a way to raise capital that can be used as currency for capital improvements, purchases or to make acquisitions. Banks with a publicly available stock price are also viewed more favorably as acquisition candidates than those with a more opaque valuation.

      But the most successful publicly traded community banks, like the most successful public companies, are those that actively engage their shareholders and ensure their information is widely available to investors, whether through SEC filings or by publishing their news and disclosure through our OTC Disclosure & News Service or on their own shareholder relations page.

      By making its information widely available, a community bank can increase its visibility with investors and other stakeholders in their community, which can, in turn, be reflected in its public share price.

      Q: Is trading on the NYSE or NASDAQ the only way for banks to improve their visibility, valuation and share liquidity?

      There is a perception among some in the banking community that the only way to go public is through a traditional initial public offering (IPO) on a U.S. stock exchange and that that is the only way to achieve public visibility with an attractive valuation and stock liquidity. They are mistaken.

      There are, in fact, several ways for banks to go public and provide liquidity to shareholders without registering with the SEC and going through the costly and onerous IPO process.

      And many of the banks that trade on our OTCQB marketplace trade as actively as those on a U.S. exchange. For example, Harleysville Savings Financial Corp., a Pennsylvania-based bank with $800 million in assets, deregistered and delisted from NASDAQ on December 27, 2012. Around that time, Harleysville was trading between $17 and $18 per share and had an average daily dollar volume of $32,901. Today, the bank is trading on OTCQB at $17.37 per share and has an average daily dollar volume of $40,134.

      Q: How can community/regional banks maximize the value of being publicly traded?

      Many community banks believe distributing their quarterly Call Reports to regulators is sufficient communication with investors. The truth is that Call Reports are too lengthy and hard to decipher for most investors, depositors and other stakeholders in the market community. Furthermore, the information in Call Reports and other financial data is not integrated or available through electronic brokers and financial portals.

      Banks would benefit more by distributing material investors can understand, such as annual reports, quarterly earnings and press releases that include their stock symbol as well as holding regular conference calls with investors, presenting at investment conferences and meeting more frequently with investors.

      This year, we plan to introduce some changes that will make it even easier for community banks to gain visibility and maximize the value of their public trading. We will be contacting banks on our marketplaces in the coming months to let them know about the changes and how to qualify.

      Tags: Community Banks, Public Markets, OTCQB

      Maggie Chou is an associate at OTC Markets Group. For more about OTC Markets Group, visit or contact Corporate Services at +1 (212) 896-4420 or…
      schrieb am 10.02.14 20:15:41
      Beitrag Nr. 4.604 ()
      Oil Column: South Africa to be reopened for shale exploration
      By Ian Lyall
      February 10 2014, 1:00pm

      While the licence awards will lift the embargo on exploration of this large, but environmentally sensitive area of South Africa, the ban on fracking remains in place.

      For Monday’s column we are casting the net a little wider than normal to look at developments in South Africa’s Karoo region, host to shale acreage that has world-class potential.

      There, a moratorium on exploration looks set to be lifted, although the devil is very much in the detail.

      According to reports from South Africa, the department of mineral resources gazetted a key notice, the first part of which extends a ban on fresh applications for shale gas acreage in the Karoo.

      However the second section is key as it paves the way for exploration rights to be awarded to Shell (LON:RDSA), AIM- and Toronto-listed junior Falcon Oil & Gas (LON:FOG, CVE:FO) and Bundu Oil, which is majority owned by ASX listed Challenger Energy (ASX:CEL).

      The indications in-country are the award of licences will actually occur before the South African elections on May 7.

      The gazette notice followed some highly encouraging comments by the country’s mineral resources minister, Susan Shabangu, at the Indaba mining conference in Cape Town last week.

      There she told delegates: “We will move ahead decisively, yet responsibly with the exploration of shale gas, to unleash its potential contribution to, amongst others, cost-competitive energy security, employment creation and a range of other latent benefits to the country.”

      It is interesting that while the licence awards will lift the embargo on exploration of this large, but environmentally sensitive area of South Africa, the ban on fracking remains in place.

      However draft technical regulations governing the use of this technique were closed for consultation in November ahead of their adoption, which is seen as imminent.

      Not that the fracking issue will bother companies, initially at least, as they take time to assess the full potential of their acreage.

      For Falcon, which we have followed for some time now, the licence award will end a three-year period of limbo.

      The decision it must make is whether to go it alone, or team up with its exclusive partner Chevron.

      Given Falcon’s model, the City’s money is on the latter option.

      Estimates suggest that deposits in the Karoo basin could be the fifth-largest in the world. It is estimated to contain 485 trillion cubic feet of technically recoverable shale gas.

      For South Africa, heavily dependent on coal-fired power stations for its electricity, an alternative home grown fuel source, will have a majo impact on the country’s energy security.…
      schrieb am 10.02.14 20:38:54
      Beitrag Nr. 4.605 ()
      However the second section is key as it paves the way for exploration rights to be awarded to Shell (LON:RDSA), AIM- and Toronto-listed junior Falcon Oil & Gas (LON:FOG, CVE:FO) and Bundu Oil, which is majority owned by ASX listed Challenger Energy (ASX:CEL).

      The indications in-country are the award of licences will actually occur before the South African elections on May 7.

      The gazette notice followed some highly encouraging comments by the country’s mineral resources minister, Susan Shabangu, at the Indaba mining conference in Cape Town last week.

      There she told delegates: “We will move ahead decisively, yet responsibly with the exploration of shale gas, to unleash its potential contribution to, amongst others, cost-competitive energy security, employment creation and a range of other latent benefits to the country.”

      For Falcon, which we have followed for some time now, the licence award will end a three-year period of limbo.

      The decision it must make is whether to go it alone, or team up with its exclusive partner Chevron.

      Given Falcon’s model, the City’s money is on the latter option.…
      schrieb am 10.02.14 20:49:09
      Beitrag Nr. 4.606 ()
      The decision it must make is whether to go it alone, or team up with its exclusive partner Chevron.

      Given Falcon’s model, the City’s money is on the latter option.

      To go it alone, auch als eine Erwägung im Kontext, ist wohl ein kleiner Scherz von Ian. ;)!
      schrieb am 10.02.14 20:56:07
      Beitrag Nr. 4.607 ()
      Ian moved to Proactive from the Daily Mail, where he was City News Editor and Investment Editor and brings with him a wealth of experience in business and finance. At the Mail Ian directed the coverage of some of the biggest stories ever to emerge from the City as the credit crunch and banking crisis felled some of the nation's biggest financial institutions. In his 15 years as a business reporter and editor Ian has worked for Dow Jones, writing stories for the international news wire and the Wall Street Journal. He also led the London company coverage for AFX News, now part of Reuters. Ian's career began on local newspapers in Kent, before moving to a national news agency. His specialist areas are pharmaceuticals, biotechnology and growth stocks.…
      schrieb am 12.02.14 13:51:43
      Beitrag Nr. 4.608 ()
      BIG PICTURE - Falcon Oil & Gas investors due a Beetaloo boost
      By Jamie Ashcroft February 11 2014, 3:36pm

      Investors in Falcon Oil & Gas (LON:FOG) will receive a boost when a deal is agreed to bring in a new partner for its Beetaloo shale acreage, in Australia.

      Talks with several blue-chip firms began in July, immediately after Falcon seized an opportunity to reclaim control of the Beetaloo acreage. The timescales involved with such negotiations suggest we might hear something soon.

      In the meantime a series of smaller transactions has seen the company enhance the proposition it is putting in front of potential investors in the project.

      In the third quarter it increased its stake in the Falcon Australia (FOGA) subsidiary to 98.1% from 72.78% through separate transactions totalling C$23.7mln, the majority of which was paid in shares.

      Separately, Falcon also made arrangements to remove most of a particularly cumbersome 12% royalty over future revenues.

      These new arrangements effectively see the revenue sharing cut to just 1% for a total cost of about US$27mln with FOGA’s buy-backs coming in stages, tied to project milestones.

      Committing the best part of US$50mln to this kind of corporate housekeeping, whilst still negotiating a new farm-out, not only indicates Falcon’s confidence in the strength of its hand, it also points to the kind of value it believes it can secure in a new deal.

      Indeed, right up to the eleventh hour hesitation that cost it a controlling stake in the project, American major Hess Corp had already invested heavily in the Beetaloo.

      It put in US$100mln - US$20mln paid in cash to Falcon, with US$80mln spent on 3D seismic.

      Hess effectively faced a choice to either drill-or-drop, but wanted more time. It had to commit to funding a five well drill programme, at a cost of another US$100mln, that would’ve given the American firm 62.5% the venture.
      Hess wanted to spread its risk and was holding partnering talks of its own. And with the deadline looming Hess asked Falcon for extension in which it could conclude these negotiations.

      Seeing an opportunity to renegotiate more favourable terms itself, Falcon declined.

      Shortly thereafter the deadline passed, the project equity was retained and Falcon began talks with a number of interested parties.

      According to Falcon, Hess’s decision not to commit to drilling within the deadline was seen as an opportunity to increase its exposure to what is believed to be a very prolific shale basin.

      Australia’s shale potential is vast, though much of the finer details still remain unknown and like any emerging shale play many wells will be have to be drilled before its potential is realised.

      Beetaloo, located in the Northern Territory, is one of six basins that the US Energy Information Administration estimated to contain combined recoverable resources of 437 trillion cubic feet of gas and 17.5bn barrels of oil.

      Through its majority owned subsidiary, Falcon has a commanding position, with around 7mln acres of exploration land in the Beetaloo.

      Having the right kind of partner for a venture as substantial as this is crucial, meaning the ongoing negotiations will be meticulous.

      In the meantime, although shareholders have effectively received the full benefit Hess’s US$100mln investment, and now have substantially more leverage to a new farm-out deal, Falcon’s shares have been on the slide.

      AIM market sceptics, deterred by a lack of visible progress, appear to have disregarded the progress made by Falcon during this phase of corporate housekeeping.

      And they appear to have overlooked what it could potentially signal for Falcon’s future prospects in the basin. However a farm-out could quickly turn the tide.…
      schrieb am 12.02.14 13:53:50
      Beitrag Nr. 4.609 ()
      schrieb am 12.02.14 13:57:05
      Beitrag Nr. 4.610 ()
      schrieb am 12.02.14 18:18:03
      Beitrag Nr. 4.611 ()
      schrieb am 12.02.14 18:33:09
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      schrieb am 14.02.14 13:13:03
      Beitrag Nr. 4.613 ()
      schrieb am 14.02.14 13:17:02
      Beitrag Nr. 4.614 ()
      Note 6. Subsequent Events

      Effective January 23, 2014, the Company is authorized to issue 5,000,000,000 shares of common stock with no par value and the number and class of shares which are entitled to receive the net assets upon dissolution is 5,000,000,000 shares of common stock with no par value. The amendment was approved by the shareholders in the manner required by the act and by the articles of incorporation. Management of the Company has evaluated all subsequent transactions through the date the financial statements were available to be issued and has determined that there are no other subsequent events that require disclosure.
      schrieb am 14.02.14 15:18:39
      Beitrag Nr. 4.615 ()
      M D and A
      The Company entered into a letter agreement dated October 11, 2013 whereby the Company proposes to acquire from Paltar Petroleum Limited (“Paltar”), a privately held Australian company, approximately four exploration and development permits and twenty-nine applications for additional exploration and development permits in respect of land located in northern Australia. Details of the transaction can be found in the Form 8K dated October 15, 2013 filed on EDGAR or in the news release dated October 18, 2013 filed on SEDAR. There is no change in status as of December 31, 2013.
      schrieb am 14.02.14 19:38:04
      Beitrag Nr. 4.616 ()
      Aus Note 6 folgt dass die Voraussetzungen für den Bruner deal nun erfüllt sind.
      schrieb am 03.03.14 11:40:13
      Beitrag Nr. 4.617 ()
      schrieb am 03.03.14 11:51:06
      Beitrag Nr. 4.618 ()
      Falcon Oil & Gas Ltd.: Hungary Well Test Begins

      DUBLIN, IRELAND--(Marketwired - March 3, 2014) - Falcon Oil & Gas Ltd. (TSX VENTURE:FO)(AIM:FOG)(ESM:FAC) ("Falcon" or the "Company") is pleased to announce that well testing operations on the Kútvölgy-1 well in Hungary have started.

      Kútvölgy-1 is the first of a three well drilling and testing programme fully funded by NAFTNA INDUSTRIJA SRBIJE JSC ("NIS"), to evaluate the gas potential of the Algyo Formation in Falcon's Mako trough permit.

      The testing objectives are to determine reservoir quality and gas productivity from the target Algyo formation encountered in Kutvolgy-1. Testing operations are anticipated to take 3 months.

      Philip O'Quigley, CEO of Falcon commented:

      "We are pleased to confirm that well testing operations on our Kútvölgy-1 well have commenced.
      Technical evaluation of the well results obtained so far indicate possible gas pay zones in the Algyo formation that will be tested in the coming weeks."…
      schrieb am 03.03.14 14:36:06
      Beitrag Nr. 4.619 ()
      Ganz gut verlinkt die Falcon news....habe auch noch ein paar links hinzugefügt, na ja....aber macht was aus um auch neue Investoren zu interessieren....falls Falcon in Schwung kommt ist Liquidität nicht gar so unwichtig zum traden....ich denke Oring schließt demnächst die filing Lücke bei PHUN...entscheidend ist dass Bruner mit Paltar das JV mit Petrohunter in Schwung bringt.……" target="_blank" rel="nofollow ugc noopener">…
      schrieb am 03.03.14 15:35:27
      Beitrag Nr. 4.620 ()

      Finde ich überraschend dass in den links von google erscheint, dass ich schon die beta version von dem neuen firefox >aurora(29) verwende...verwenden wohl noch nicht so viele...die 27er(= aktuelle Vollversion) und 28er version von MFF liefen bei mir nicht stabil bei download von chip online, wobei der 28er auch schon eine beta version ist...auch der 30er ist schon raus...aurora ist deutlich verbessert auch bezüglich bookmarking im neuen delicious mit sidebar jetzt rechts...nur mal so nebenbei..ganz interessant.
      schrieb am 03.03.14 15:38:44
      Beitrag Nr. 4.621 ()
      Im Übrigen muss man sagen dass posten deutlich erschwert ist, die Vorschau verschwindet, der editor kommt nur frequentiell, und inbox streikt auch...das ganze nun schon ziemlich lange. ;). Macht Spaß! ;).
      schrieb am 05.03.14 19:22:08
      Beitrag Nr. 4.622 ()
      FINALLY, I had a good phone call on Monday with Philip O’Quigley, Falcon’s CEO. The purpose was to discuss the news release from the company (that I emailed you earlier in the day) about the well test that is underway in Hungary. Nothing earth shattering to report…however he did mention that partner NIS is excited about the well test and going to great lengths and expense to FULLY test all formations. I also got the sense that O’Quigley expects news on a new farm-out partner in Australia much sooner than later. As he said, “the fact that we are close to 9 months into finding a replacement for Hess is just incredible to me…never would I have expected this to take anywhere near this long”. I continue to expect Falcon to announce a new partner (soon) and that the replacement for HESS will be received well by the markets. In the interest of full disclosure, I have NO idea who that might be. Continue to buy my “Stock of the Century”…this will be a generational game changer…and your patience will be rewarded. As you can see, he has Falcon as his stock of the century. Time will tell. T

      From VRA newsletter
      posted on Mar 04, 14 08:33PM (Log in to use the IP Check tool) [?]
      schrieb am 05.03.14 23:24:26
      Beitrag Nr. 4.623 ()
      Davy Research Reiterates “Outperform” Rating for Falcon Oil & Gas (FOG)
      Posted by Joseph Griffin on Mar 5th, 2014 // No Comments

      Davy Research reiterated their outperform rating on shares of Falcon Oil & Gas (LON:FOG) in a research report released on Monday morning, reports.

      Falcon Oil & Gas (LON:FOG) traded down 1.46% during mid-day trading on Monday, hitting GBX 10.10. The stock had a trading volume of 85,000 shares. Falcon Oil & Gas has a 52 week low of GBX 9.75 and a 52 week high of GBX 16.50. The stock has a 50-day moving average of GBX 10.30 and a 200-day moving average of GBX 11.25.

      Separately, analysts at Beaufort Securities initiated coverage on shares of Falcon Oil & Gas in a research note on Wednesday, December 18th. They set a speculative buy rating on the stock.…
      schrieb am 05.03.14 23:33:30
      Beitrag Nr. 4.624 ()
      Hungarian testing programme begins

      While attention is rightly focussed on its Australian and South African assets, Falcon also has a gas project in Hungary to which the market has attributed little value. Consequently, a positive test result should lead to an improved market valuation for the group.

      NIS-operated Kutvolgy-1 well testing programme has commenced
      The Kutvolgy-1 well will test the Algyo play in the Mako Trough, onshore Hungary. The operation is likely to take up to three months and will test a number of horizons that demonstrated high gas saturation levels in the original exploration well. The well was targeted at a relatively shallow Algyo sequence of tight sandstones (2,300 to 3,500 metres). This distinguishes the play from the deeper past of the basin into which Falcon drilled a six well between 2005 and 2007.

      Falcon has a net 50% interest in the project following a farm-out with NIS (56% held by Gazprom Group). The agreement stipulated that three exploration wells would be drilled by NIS by July 2014. The Kutvolgy-1 well was drilled and completed in mid-2013 and logged a sequence of 230 metres that returned gas shows. Up to eight zones will be tested using conventional methods initially and a fraccing programme may also be considered following the results of the conventional test.

      Important but not the main value source in group
      We value the Hungarian project in two parts: the shallow play at 3.7p per share and the deeper play at 1.2p per share. Our total group valuation is 17.4p per share and while this implies an important value contribution from the Hungarian business, we think the future value growth from the group is likely to come from the Australian and South African operations.…
      schrieb am 07.03.14 10:30:44
      Beitrag Nr. 4.625 ()
      Oilmaninvestor provided this notebook about Falcon from K.H.....>Phillip should just distance himself from Nostradamus. This guy is trouble. It's not a good sign, when you have the SEC snopping around your offices<...LOL...>>comment from periwinkle ;)!....and thanks Oilmanivestor...interesting anyway!
      schrieb am 07.03.14 10:37:29
      Beitrag Nr. 4.626 ()
      Who the F is Georg?....quite original remarks on agora...LOL....:laugh:.
      schrieb am 07.03.14 21:57:29
      Beitrag Nr. 4.627 ()
      Na wer sagts denn...geht ja voran!
      PHUN 10-Q 12-31-12
      schrieb am 07.03.14 21:59:55
      Beitrag Nr. 4.628 ()
      As of March 7, 2014, the registrant had 439,373,853 shares of common stock outstanding.…
      schrieb am 07.03.14 22:09:56
      Beitrag Nr. 4.629 ()
      Plan of Operation

      During fiscal 2014, with our Joint Venture Partner, we plan to focus on executing and implementing a strategy for our participation in exploration and development efforts in the Beetaloo Basin project area located in Australia where we with our Joint Venture Partner own two exploration permits related to 1.5 million acres. We will continue to pursue the grant of an additional pending permit application in the Beetaloo Basin. In Colorado we will continue to focus on a potential sale and explore alternative financing and/or working interest partners to further explore opportunities related to our eleven wellbores in the Buckskin Mesa.
      schrieb am 07.03.14 22:16:11
      Beitrag Nr. 4.630 ()
      Liquidity and Capital Resources

      During our most recent quarter ended December 31, 2012, our cash flows from operations were not sufficient for us to meet our operating commitments. On July 17, 2013, the Company through its wholly-owned subsidiary Sweetpea completed the sale of its 50,000,000 shares (24.22% interest) in Falcon Australia to Falcon >for $3 million in cash and 97.86 million Falcon shares. The capital received pursuant to this transaction will be utilized to sustain the operations of the Company as described elsewhere herein.

      Working Capital. As of December 31, 2012, we had a working capital deficit of $18,614,449 and unrestricted cash of $19,718, while at September 30, 2012 we had a working capital deficit of $17,768,504 and cash of $61,018. The decreases in working capital are primarily attributable to the fact that we have no revenues from operations and continue to incur expenses. Our working capital deficit has decreased subsequent to June 30, 2013 as the result of the completion of the sale of our shares in Falcon Australia as described elsewhere herein.
      schrieb am 07.03.14 22:25:48
      Beitrag Nr. 4.631 ()
      In July 2013, upon the closing of a significant transaction, we believe that adequate resources are available so as to properly staff the financial reporting process. We are further studying best practices in internal controls over financial reporting and designing other internal controls to implement that will help remediate our weaknesses.
      schrieb am 07.03.14 22:27:57
      Beitrag Nr. 4.632 ()

      /s/ Martin B. Oring
      Martin B. Oring
      Chief Executive Officer

      Date: March 7, 2014

      By: /s/ Paul D. Maniscalco
      Paul D. Maniscalco
      Principal Accounting Officer

      Date: March 7, 2014
      schrieb am 07.03.14 22:29:57
      Beitrag Nr. 4.633 ()
      PHUN 10-Q 3-31-13
      schrieb am 07.03.14 22:33:16
      Beitrag Nr. 4.634 ()
      schrieb am 07.03.14 22:39:02
      Beitrag Nr. 4.635 ()
      EXHIBIT 32.1

      18 U.S.C. SECTION 1350 AS ADOPTED BY

      In connection with the report on Form 10-Q of PetroHunter Energy Corporation (the “Company”) for the six months ended March 31, 2013 as filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission on the date hereof (the “Report”), the undersigned certifies, pursuant to 18 U.S.C. Section 1350, as adopted by Section 906 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, that:


      The Report fully complies with the requirements of Section 13(a) or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934; and


      The information contained in the Report fairly presents, in all material respects, the financial condition and results of operations of the Company.

      Date: March 07, 2014

      /s/ Martin B. Oring
      Martin B. Oring
      Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial Officer…
      schrieb am 07.03.14 22:40:49
      Beitrag Nr. 4.636 ()
      Quarterly report [Sections 13 or 15(d)]
      Acc-no: 0000949353-14-000053 (34 Act) Size: 435 KB

      FORM 10-Q PHUN 6-30-13
      schrieb am 07.03.14 22:42:34
      Beitrag Nr. 4.637 ()
      schrieb am 07.03.14 22:53:22
      Beitrag Nr. 4.638 ()
      PS Frage an River Who‘s Dr Greg from Falcon?
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 09.03.14 09:26:51
      Beitrag Nr. 4.639 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 46.588.639 von auriga am 07.03.14 22:53:22Guten Morgen Auriga!

      Sehr gut - wieder ein weiterer kleiner Puzzlestein im Weiterkommen von PHUN.
      Die timeline vo 9 Monaten für den deal von falcon mit einem neuen major geht auch in die Endphase - ich denke, dass in den nächsten kommenden Wochen der neue deal bekanntgegeben wird.
      Dr. Greg habe ich leider nicht mitbekommen, außer die postings auf agoracom, aber habe über ihn nichts finden können...
      Seine Meinung bzw. Einschätzung soll aber sehr von Bedeutung sein...

      Die Q-Berichte haben gleich auch etwas Volumen am Freitag in den Kurs gebracht und seit langem einen Schlusskurs von über $ 0,01.

      Bucksin Mesa ist auch noch nicht abgeschrieben.
      Ungarn ist am Testen.
      Afrika ist mit Chevron m.M. sehr gut bedient.
      Fehlt nur noch Australien.
      Mit ein bisschen Glück steht Falcon und damit natürlich auch phun eine goldene Zukunft bevor!
      schrieb am 10.03.14 20:33:34
      Beitrag Nr. 4.640 ()
      -36%, typisch OTC, ungeregelter Markt...
      schrieb am 10.03.14 21:16:26
      Beitrag Nr. 4.641 ()
      Neben dem geregelten Freiverkehr, bei dem vereinfachte Zulassungsbedingungen für das Unternehmen gelten, beschränkt sich der ungeregelte Freiverkehr auf den Telefonhandel. Hier gibt es weder Formvorschriften noch irgendeine Überwachung des Handels und der Kursnotierungen.
      schrieb am 10.03.14 21:17:36
      Beitrag Nr. 4.642 ()
      schrieb am 10.03.14 21:19:50
      Beitrag Nr. 4.643 ()
      Auch: Telefonverkehr
      Dies ist zum einen der vor- und nachbörsliche Handel zwischen Banken und Maklern via Telefon.
      Ferner ist dies der Wertpapierhandel per Telefon im sogenannten "ungeregelten Freiverkehr". Es handelt sich dann um Aktien, die in keinem offiziellem Börsensegment gehandelt werden.
      schrieb am 10.03.14 21:20:40
      Beitrag Nr. 4.644 ()
      schrieb am 10.03.14 21:22:33
      Beitrag Nr. 4.645 ()
      Bei Petrohunter an der OTC markets group handelt es sich keinesfalls mehr um Telefonhandel....schon lange nicht mehr.
      schrieb am 10.03.14 21:26:14
      Beitrag Nr. 4.646 ()
      Dieses mit dem >ungeregelten Markt ist per se auch mehr eine >deutsche Bezeichnung und ein deutscher Börsenzusammenhang, der nicht direkt auf die USA so zu übertragen ist.
      schrieb am 10.03.14 21:29:49
      Beitrag Nr. 4.647 ()
      Oring hat schon wieder leichte Fortschritte gemacht...LOL.

      Financial Reporting/Disclosure
      Reporting Status U.S. Reporting: SEC Filer
      Audited Financials Audited
      Latest Report Jun 30, 2013 10-Q
      CIK 0001298824
      Fiscal Year End 9/30
      OTC Marketplace OTC Pink No Information
      schrieb am 10.03.14 21:31:12
      Beitrag Nr. 4.648 ()
      schrieb am 10.03.14 21:35:12
      Beitrag Nr. 4.649 ()
      Unlock Real-Time Quotes For
      PetroHunter Energy Corp.

      Find Out More

      Real-Time Prices - Create a Transparent Marketplace for your Investors
      schrieb am 10.03.14 21:41:00
      Beitrag Nr. 4.650 ()
      Wollte ich eh auch bei anderen Werten demnächst mal bringen,,,,es kostet die companies nicht viel(geradezu lächerlich) dieses tool an der OTC markets group zu öffnen.

      schrieb am 10.03.14 21:41:12
      Beitrag Nr. 4.651 ()
      Zitat von auriga: Bei Petrohunter an der OTC markets group handelt es sich keinesfalls mehr um Telefonhandel....schon lange nicht mehr.

      Aber hallo, Telefonhandel bringst du da ins Spiel, davon habe ich nix verfasst ...:D
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 10.03.14 21:45:20
      Beitrag Nr. 4.652 ()
      Läppische 3000 dollars pro Jahr muss die Company hierfür zahlen....wäre z B auch sehr interessant für Panex, >falls!!! es dort einmal demnächst zu höherer Liquidität an der OTCQB käme!

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      Enhanced IR Website – Level 2 Quotes are displayed on and can also be easily customized and integrated into a company's corporate IR website for investors to easily access
      schrieb am 10.03.14 21:47:49
      Beitrag Nr. 4.653 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 46.601.593 von Charly_2 am 10.03.14 21:41:12Neben dem geregelten Freiverkehr, bei dem vereinfachte Zulassungsbedingungen für das Unternehmen gelten, beschränkt sich der >>>>>ungeregelte Freiverkehr auf den Telefonhandel. Hier gibt es weder Formvorschriften noch irgendeine Überwachung des Handels und der Kursnotierungen.

      :D :D :D :D :D
      schrieb am 10.03.14 21:56:12
      Beitrag Nr. 4.654 ()
      So ist nun mal die Bezeichnung.....entscheidender ist aber Folgendes Charly....auch zur Zeit(ohne OTCQB) bei Petrohunter ist es so, dass >jeder trade an OTC Markets Group vor der Veröffentlichung an die >FINRA läuft in Sekundenbruchteilen und erst dann in weiteren Sekundenbruchteilen hier und in unzähligen Portalen veröffentlicht wird...das ist der entscheidende Punkt!...;)!
      schrieb am 10.03.14 22:00:24
      Beitrag Nr. 4.655 ()
      Beispiel sieht das dann live aus! ;)!
      schrieb am 10.03.14 22:03:19
      Beitrag Nr. 4.656 ()
      Wobei leider jetzt gerade Handelsschluss ist..ich glaube vor einer Stunde..wir haben jetzt ne Zeitverschiebung zu USA glaube ich...Sommerzeit oder so...kann man aber morgen wieder sich anschauen.;).
      schrieb am 10.03.14 22:12:34
      Beitrag Nr. 4.657 ()
      Ich möchte jetzt nicht zu ausführlich werden, aber das Beispiel passt hier ganz gut, auf ADVFN musst du für level zwei löhnen...die IHubber bei DSCR zum Beispiel haben in großer Anzahl diesen level zwei...damit lässt es sich wesentlich besser traden...traden ist ja alles zur Zeit bei DSCR etwa und alles andere ist mit Vorsicht zu genießen....als Beispiel!…

      How Does Level 2 Stock Quotes Help Me Make Money?…
      schrieb am 10.03.14 22:17:27
      Beitrag Nr. 4.658 ()
      DSCR ist zur Zeit gerade in den pinks. ;).
      schrieb am 10.03.14 22:46:58
      Beitrag Nr. 4.659 ()
      Zitat von riverstone: Guten Morgen Auriga!

      Sehr gut - wieder ein weiterer kleiner Puzzlestein im Weiterkommen von PHUN.
      Die timeline vo 9 Monaten für den deal von falcon mit einem neuen major geht auch in die Endphase - ich denke, dass in den nächsten kommenden Wochen der neue deal bekanntgegeben wird.
      Dr. Greg habe ich leider nicht mitbekommen, außer die postings auf agoracom, aber habe über ihn nichts finden können...
      Seine Meinung bzw. Einschätzung soll aber sehr von Bedeutung sein...

      Die Q-Berichte haben gleich auch etwas Volumen am Freitag in den Kurs gebracht und seit langem einen Schlusskurs von über $ 0,01.

      Bucksin Mesa ist auch noch nicht abgeschrieben.
      Ungarn ist am Testen.
      Afrika ist mit Chevron m.M. sehr gut bedient.
      Fehlt nur noch Australien.
      Mit ein bisschen Glück steht Falcon und damit natürlich auch phun eine goldene Zukunft bevor!

      Hallo River! Hoffe Bruner kommt mit Nation zusätzlich aus der Hüfte...LOL....finde auch es sieht gut aus für Falcon wie du beschreibst....Dr Greg war im Zusammenhang mehr ne Scherzfrage...genauso wie du und Periwinkle fragte ich mich auch wen Oilmaninvestor meinte....hängt eventuell zusammen mit der Lektüre von Kip...aber Oilmaninvestor kennt ja auch Dr Greg wohl persönlich.....erinnere da frühere posts als Bruner mit Anhang nach London kam..wie auch immer...Dr Greg ist Dr. György Szabó, Director and Managing Director of TXM Exploration & Production...LOL....Grüße, A.
      schrieb am 10.03.14 22:49:10
      Beitrag Nr. 4.660 ()
      Dr. György Szabó, Director and Managing Director of TXM Exploration & Production
      schrieb am 10.03.14 22:54:09
      Beitrag Nr. 4.661 ()
      Re: From VRA newsletter
      in response to Re: From VRA newsletter by moneytrader
      posted on Mar 06, 14 10:29PM (Log in to use the IP Check tool) [?]

      Moneytrader - "By my recollection doesn't Kip's original 'Stock of the Century' thesis kind of hinge on Falcon not only developing their various prospects up to the pre-production stage.. but also going into actual production as well for however many years to come."

      Awful hard to speculate on what will be until we see the Joint Venture Agreement. IMHO it probably will be consistent with the management philosphy of the Overriding Royality Agreement. Payment will be spread out over time with increased delayed payment as prospectivity is increased. Future payments could possibly be spead out over the life of the field.

      Getting Rid of Marc while retaining Dr Greg is nothing but super! Marc was a promoter who was able to identify the brilliance of Dr Greg who was a step ahead of the world in identifying the best prospective shale plays in the world. If there is a Stock of the Century this is it and all credit is due to Dr Greg.

      Don't dismiss Hungry due to the Mismanagement by Marc of the Mako Project. He spent all of his large wad for a field goal that went wide. Oil history has proven over and over that prospective land is prospective land and eventually technology will produce the potential. We see most wells are capped with more energy left in the land than was extracted. New technology such as CO2, horizonal drilling, fracing, water flooding, etc will be used to get a greater per cent of the potential and more technology is constantly being rolled out. Look at the shallow wells drilled into Balken Field in the 1950's and now with horizonal drilling is the star of the energy world. Marc passed over the easy target of the Alygo which only required old technology and a good operator which current management is working with. The rest of the large potential of Mako is still available and eventually will be produced. The question is when and to who's benefit. Our current partner in Hungry has the need for the products of the Mako and they will catch up with technology.

      We are in good hands with our management, and have a good partner with Chevron in South Africa.

      We have an undervalued asset in Dr Greg! Once current management gets a cash flow, gets recommenations from Dr Greg we might be in business for a life time or two. 10 bagger no way, my first investments in Falcon were in the 30 cent range and held the stock @ $7 - a 20 something bagger - I want a real return - I am looking at Falcon as the stock of the century

      schrieb am 11.03.14 07:21:46
      Beitrag Nr. 4.662 ()
      Guten Morgen!

      Also doch, habs mir eh fast gedacht, dass es Szabó ist ;)
      Aber nachdem ich diesen Namen für ihn noch nciht gehört habe, dachte ich mir, es ist vielleicht ein aussenstehender Berater, oder......

      Danke für das Rätsel - auf jeden Fall kenne ich jetzt eine Menge Dr. Greg aus dem Internet :laugh:

      Ja, der Punkt ist natürlich auch extrem wichtig, dass Petro in seinem Gebiet weiterkommt......

      Ich wäre jetzt WIRKLICH schon langsam für eine gute Beetaloonews ;)

      Schönen Tag

      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 11.03.14 15:47:32
      Beitrag Nr. 4.663 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 46.602.557 von riverstone am 11.03.14 07:21:46LOL...OK!....einstweilen Oring mit drei amendments in den filings....normaler Vorgang....anhängen jeweils der interactive data an die letzten drei 10Qs, die nun 10 Q-A, A=amended heißen.
      schrieb am 11.03.14 15:49:26
      Beitrag Nr. 4.664 ()
      Die Erklärung für die Änderung wird jeweils vorne an das filing gesetzt und ist in den 10 Q-As je dieselbe.
      schrieb am 11.03.14 15:51:36
      Beitrag Nr. 4.665 ()

      The purpose of this Amendment No. 1 to the Company’s Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the quarter ended December 31, 2012, filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission on March 7, 2014 (the “Form 10-Q”), is solely to furnish Exhibit 101 to the Form 10-Q. Exhibit 101 provides the financial statements and related notes from the Form 10-Q formatted in XBRL (Extensible Business Reporting Language).

      No other changes have been made to the Form 10-Q. This Amendment No. 1 to the Form 10-Q continues to speak as of the original filing date of the Form 10-Q, does not reflect events that may have occurred subsequent to the original filing date, and does not modify or update in any way disclosures made in the original Form 10-Q.

      Pursuant to Rule 406T of Regulation S-T, the Interactive Data Files in Exhibit 101 hereto are deemed not filed or part of a registration statement or prospectus for purposes of Sections 11 or 12 of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, are deemed not filed for purposes of Section 18 of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, and otherwise are not subject to liability under those sections.



      See Exhibit List.
      . . .
      schrieb am 11.03.14 15:55:30
      Beitrag Nr. 4.666 ()
      Exhibit 101 provides the financial statements and related notes from the Form 10-Q formatted in XBRL (Extensible Business Reporting Language).

      ausziehbare Geschäftsberichts-Sprache....originelle Bezeichnung.
      schrieb am 11.03.14 15:58:41
      Beitrag Nr. 4.667 ()
      PetroHunter Energy Corp (Filer) CIK: 0001298824
      Dec 31 12…
      schrieb am 11.03.14 16:00:45
      Beitrag Nr. 4.668 ()
      oben links steht view excel document.

      Habe ich gerade mal in excel geöffnet..sieht auch ganz gut aus.
      schrieb am 15.03.14 18:20:04
      Beitrag Nr. 4.669 ()
      [Amend]Quarterly report [Sections 13 or 15(d)]
      Acc-no: 0000949353-14-000058 (34 Act) Size: 1 MB

      FORM 10-Q AMD 1 PHUN 3-31-13
      schrieb am 15.03.14 18:22:12
      Beitrag Nr. 4.670 ()
      schrieb am 15.03.14 23:15:07
      Beitrag Nr. 4.671 ()
      NOTE 11 - Subsequent Events
      schrieb am 15.03.14 23:18:17
      Beitrag Nr. 4.672 ()
      On various dates April through July 2013, the Company borrowed $23,500, $20,000 $74,000 and $4,000 respectively from Marc A. Bruner and Christian Russenberger, shareholders; Wealth Preservation LLC an entity controlled by Martin Oring our Chief Executive Officer; and Matthew R. Silverman, a member of our Board of Directors respectively. The short term advances bore interest of 15% per annum and were due three months from the date of the initial borrowing. The advances were collateralized by shares of Falcon Australia. In July 2013 all amounts owed in connection with these short term advances were repaid.
      schrieb am 15.03.14 23:20:25
      Beitrag Nr. 4.673 ()
      On July 17, 2013, the Company through Sweetpea completed the sale of its 50,000,000 shares (24.22% interest) in Falcon Australia to Falcon for $3 million in cash and 97.86 million Falcon shares. The Falcon Shares are subject to an escrow agreement whereby the Shares are locked up for three years, with Sweetpea being permitted to sell 15% each year during the lock-up period, subject to certain conditions. Related to the disposition of these Falcon Australia shares, a tax liability for the Company was generated as described further below.
      schrieb am 15.03.14 23:22:06
      Beitrag Nr. 4.674 ()
      On July 24, 2013, the Company issued an additional 23,000,000 options to purchase its common stock at $0.10 per share to officers, directors and outside consultants.
      schrieb am 15.03.14 23:24:12
      Beitrag Nr. 4.675 ()
      In July 2013, the Company made a partial payment of approximately $560,000 in accrued salaries, board of director fees and benefits that had been accrued on our unaudited condensed consolidated balance sheet as of December 31, 2012.
      schrieb am 15.03.14 23:30:03
      Beitrag Nr. 4.676 ()
      On September 27, 2013 the Board of Directors approved a proposal whereby PetroHunter would enter into a restructuring/settlement arrangement with significant secured creditors and noteholders including CCES, Global Project Finance AG, the Bruner Family Trust and the holders of convertible promissory notes. The restructuring/settlement arrangement would provide for the distribution of Falcon shares acquired by the Company in the July 17, 2013 sale transaction as discussed herein. The implementation of the restructuring/settlement arrangement is subject to the Company becoming current on its delinquent filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission and acceptance of the proposal by the creditors.
      schrieb am 15.03.14 23:33:20
      Beitrag Nr. 4.677 ()
      On November 18, 2013 the Company entered into an agreement with an independent third party to market our ownership interest in eleven well-bores in Western Colorado for sale.
      schrieb am 15.03.14 23:36:34
      Beitrag Nr. 4.678 ()
      In December 2013, the Company completed the compilation and filing of income tax returns for Sweetpea with the Australian tax authorities. Returns for the statutory reporting periods ended June 30, 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2013 were completed. As a result of the filing of these tax returns, a tax liability in the amount of approximately AUS $570,000 exists for the statutory year ended June 30, 2013. In January 2014, the Company remitted AUS $275,000 to the Australian Tax Office.
      schrieb am 15.03.14 23:42:05
      Beitrag Nr. 4.679 ()
      On December 16, 2013 the Company entered into an Administrative Order by Consent with the Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission (“COGCC”) whereby the Company agreed to; (1) pay fines of $70,000 (2) complete certain mechanical integrity tests, (3) complete surface remediation, and (4) submit to the COGCC various delinquent production reports and other notices. In January 2014, the $70,000 fine was paid and the submission of delinquent reports and surface remediation was complete subject to re-inspection by the COGCC.
      schrieb am 15.03.14 23:47:10
      Beitrag Nr. 4.680 ()
      On December 20, 2013 we received written notice from Global Project Finance AG, a related party, indicating that in accordance with a Credit and Security Agreement dated March 5, 2010 PetroHunter shall apply 25% of the net proceeds of any stock or asset sale by PetroHunter against the debt owed to Global. The Credit and Security Agreement also provided that in the event of an initial public offering of Sweetpea or the sale of Sweetpea’s Falcon Australia shares, Global would be entitled to request that 25% of the net proceeds therefrom be used to repay the indebtedness owed to Global. In this written notice, Global indicated that in connection with the July 17, 2013 sale transaction as discussed above 25% of the net consideration was due Global. The Company believes that its proposed restructuring/settlement arrangement complies with this provision. In January 2014 approximately $220,000 in advance fees due Global were paid.
      schrieb am 16.03.14 19:17:06
      Beitrag Nr. 4.681 ()
      The implementation of the >>restructuring/settlement arrangement<< is subject to the Company becoming current on its delinquent filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission and acceptance of the proposal by the creditors.

      Oring sollte alleine deshalb schon daran sein weiter zu filen..erstaunlich was hier an Beträgen schon abgecasht kann sagen es tut sich was bei Petro IMO!..;)!
      2 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 16.03.14 19:29:43
      Beitrag Nr. 4.682 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 46.640.007 von auriga am 16.03.14 19:17:06Soll man sich da positionieren - halbe Kanne ? ....oder ist das Wasser in den Rhein tragen ;)
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 16.03.14 19:38:10
      Beitrag Nr. 4.683 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 46.640.099 von Charly_2 am 16.03.14 19:29:43Das arrangement mit Russenberger und Kreditoren, insbesondere aber natürlich mit Russenberger(Global) halte für einen durchaus buchenswerten step, denn >so der für länger angesetzte Global waiver< läuft 2014 aus!! darf nicht vergessen für welche Zeitspanne alleine Russenberger die company überhaupt am Leben gehalten hat...JMO..;)!PS..einstweilen ist es nur ein agreement..Oring dadurch zum filen gezwungen..gefällt mir▲..;)!PS II @Charly...lasse ich etwas auf mich wirken..hatte gerade diese Anmerkungen angedacht..gute Frage!
      schrieb am 17.03.14 13:15:45
      Beitrag Nr. 4.684 ()
      schrieb am 17.03.14 13:20:13
      Beitrag Nr. 4.685 ()
      schrieb am 17.03.14 19:38:48
      Beitrag Nr. 4.686 ()
      schrieb am 17.03.14 19:45:05
      Beitrag Nr. 4.687 ()
      Ewig seitwärts, Ausbruch ist fällig!
      schrieb am 21.03.14 14:57:47
      Beitrag Nr. 4.688 ()
      Kleines Intermezzo soll gleichwohl ab und an dann doch sein, oder?
      Hey whats up soly?


      is this soly? = yes this is soly =langzeitidiot =LOL!
      schrieb am 21.03.14 15:15:45
      Beitrag Nr. 4.689 ()
      Zitat von auriga: Was dieser kleine schmierfink solly sich anmaßt...völlig degoutant....LOOOL.
      This message has been removed due to a violation of Agoracom's Six Rules of Use LOOOOL.
      Thank you for calling out Soly. I am new to Falcon but I picked up on his garbage from the get go. I am trying to be patient but his games make me wonder if this is just a big mirage of hope.…
      People like you pushes it up and then sell. Please show me any of your posts where you weren't suck'n the man's di*k oh by the way the star is a C!…
      will earn the removal the offending posts.... That's it; that's all. <pOOR little solly
      schrieb am 21.03.14 15:20:16
      Beitrag Nr. 4.690 ()
      Wie gesagt, so oft dieser Langzeit-Heini seine harmlosen Artikel über Backroom Boys zitiert, so oft zeige ich ihm seine Grenzen.

      >Soly stellt einen Artikel über so called Backroom Boys mit einem geschmacklosen Bild ein. Alleine dieses fickende Bild sagt über den harmlosen und tristen Autor hinreichend aus. >Völlig degoutant! Die Anonym-Funktion ist Gang und Gäbe in CAN als auch in USA (so MM Group) und legitim. Beim broker-dealer ist es möglich die Herkunft des deals offen zu lassen, so sind die Spielregeln. Aus welchen Gründen das geschieht ist vielfältig. Der Artikel von Soly ist Quatsch mit Soße. Der Markt pendelt sich aus so wie es sein muss auch wenn eine kleine Minderheit den Broker verschweigt.

      >Es ist auch überhaupt nicht so, dass so called Backroom Boys bevorzugt anonym handeln. Warum auch? Wir haben da unsere Erfahrung, die das belegt. Umgekehrt sind anonyme trader keinesfalls notwendig Backroom Boys und können ganz andere Intentionen damit verfolgen.

      Soly versucht erneut Scheiße zu zitieren über BACKROOM BOYS!!!!!!. Das wird beim zweiten Versuch nicht besser, nein es bleibt eine Lachnummer, was sonst?! LOL. Noch besser ausgedrückt, es bleibt übelriechender Unrat --------LOL!! ----Seine neuste zumindest versuchte „Einschätzung“ über FO scheint der Markt noch nicht ganz nachzuvollziehen?! Zu schade aber auch!!!!! LOL.---- Hier ist ein Langzeitidiot am Werk =peerless = soly. Nur Idioten verharren prinzipiell im Markt. Selbst meine Freunde und ich bei BAC vollziehen in unseren Champions = die besten Aktien der Welt = die Marktschwankungen mit in einem Wechselspiel von Investition und Liquidität. Was denn sonst? Wer blieb in der Krise in Champions? LOL. Der Mann ohne Kopf in solys degoutantem Bild ist niemand anders als er selbst.-------- Es gilt: rule no 1 never lose money rule no 2 never forget rule no 1…O…wie gut tut hier Warren, wenn man solys Unfug liest.
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 21.03.14 15:32:01
      Beitrag Nr. 4.691 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 46.674.929 von auriga am 21.03.14 15:20:16...du musst ja dessen Schmarren nicht lesen, oder macht's doch etwas Spass :D
      schrieb am 21.03.14 15:51:08
      Beitrag Nr. 4.692 ()
      Hey Charly...nun es ging an sich um einen interessanten basalen Einwurf von Newtofo worauf dieser misfit solly erneut anfing zu sucken!!....das ist nicht angängig!!!...LoooooL!..;);)!!
      schrieb am 21.03.14 15:52:31
      Beitrag Nr. 4.693 ()
      Canaccord hat paar Falcon shares verkauft, das ist what?..;);)!!
      schrieb am 21.03.14 15:54:27
      Beitrag Nr. 4.694 ()
      schrieb am 21.03.14 15:55:54
      Beitrag Nr. 4.695 ()
      All the houses were buyers on today's list - except one!!! We haven't seen Cannacrap working this hard to keep the price down since last fall. I wonder who they are borrowing a limitless supply of shares from to keep selling when every other house is buying??
      Newtofo as of yesterday!
      schrieb am 21.03.14 16:11:02
      Beitrag Nr. 4.696 ()
      Das post wollte ich an sich als nächstes bringen!—Der Verkauf von Falcon shares as of late(Cannaccord) muss damit aber keinesfalls in Zusammenhang stehen!
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 21.03.14 16:13:08
      Beitrag Nr. 4.697 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 46.675.341 von auriga am 21.03.14 16:11:02Die Beträge die PHUN bis jetzt schon abgecasht hat an anstehenden Zahlungen können an sich nur aus einem ersten Verkauf von Falcon shares stammen IMO...15% der Falcon shares können pro Jahr verkauft werden...da wir bis jetzt einstweilen nur die Quarterly Reports until June 2013 vorzuliegen haben ist ein Verkauf von Falcon shares bis jetzt noch nicht angezeigt....sollte aber nicht zu lange dauern IMO bis der nächste filing block erscheint IMO!..;)!
      schrieb am 27.03.14 11:38:09
      Beitrag Nr. 4.698 ()
      Für Petrohunters neuen Ansatz zwar nicht sooo wichtig, entscheidend ist current reporting, da ist Oring daran, aber das Ziel OTCQB sollten wir allemal vor Augen haben....30 Tage USD 0.01 bid!
      schrieb am 27.03.14 11:40:36
      Beitrag Nr. 4.699 ()
      Zitat von auriga: Top News
      US over-counter trading tightens reporting, other standards
      Wed, Mar 26 16:15 PM EDT

      NEW YORK, March 26 (Reuters) - OTC Markets, the operator of three U.S. over-the-counter equity markets, is rolling out tighter reporting standards and eligibility requirements for its venture-stage market to crack down on stock scams and bolster transparency, the company said on Wednesday.

      On May 1 for its OTCQB market, OTC Markets will introduce a new minimum one-cent bid price requirement and will require the company's chief executive or chief financial officer to certify that its reporting obligations are current and that disclosures about shareholdings, officers and corporate profile are correct.

      The bid requirement, in which stocks must have been quoted for at least 1 cent daily over a 30-day period or be dropped from the market, aims to ferret out companies that fall prey to dilutive stock fraud schemes and promotions, OTC Markets said.

      OTC Markets also will charge a one-time $2,500 fee for new applicants and an annual $10,000 fee for companies trading on its markets.

      Foreign companies that are listed on a qualified stock exchange and are current in their U.S. reporting obligations will be allowed to trade on OTCQB, OTC Markets' middle-tier marketplace. In the past, they traded on the lowest "pink" tier.

      On Tuesday, the two most actively traded stocks on OTC Markets on Tuesday were French dairy products maker Danone SA and Swiss pharmaceuticals Roche Holding AG .

      Trading volume on OTC Markets was 20.1 billion shares on Tuesday, about three times that of all U.S. stock exchanges and other trading venues. But the value traded, $1.4 billion, paled in comparison with the $263.4 billion executed on the other exchanges and venues, data from BATS Global Markets showed. (Reporting by Herbert Lash)…
      schrieb am 28.03.14 01:00:37
      Beitrag Nr. 4.700 ()
      schrieb am 03.04.14 20:12:00
      Beitrag Nr. 4.701 ()
      schrieb am 03.04.14 20:15:11
      Beitrag Nr. 4.702 ()
      schrieb am 03.04.14 20:22:06
      Beitrag Nr. 4.703 ()
      ...und wo ist der törnaround?
      schrieb am 03.04.14 20:22:21
      Beitrag Nr. 4.704 ()
      Das sind 11 bid trades und ein buy zu USD 0.06....das bid saugt einige PHun shares auf....who‘s loading PHUN?...LOL!
      schrieb am 03.04.14 20:33:26
      Beitrag Nr. 4.705 ()
      Die letzte message von Nation ist aus 02 2014...und Oring filed erst mal weiter ist anzunehmen...bei Nation müsste sich was tun....die Kohle die Bruner bei Nation leiht reicht IMO nicht für drillen in Aussieland mit Paltar...und Paltar und PHUN müssen in diesem Jahr in Beetaloo drillen...Paltar finanziert ruhig alles bei Falcon PHun und da was in Arbeit bei Petrohunter?..;).
      schrieb am 03.04.14 20:44:26
      Beitrag Nr. 4.706 ()
      Das sind 11 bid trades und ein buy zu USD 0.006....das bid saugt einige PHun shares auf....who‘s loading PHUN?...LOL!

      In diesen extrem tiefen Bereichen vertut man sich immer mal wieder mit einer Kommastelle....also da kommt Arbeit zu auf uns...von alleine kann das nichts werden.
      schrieb am 03.04.14 20:48:30
      Beitrag Nr. 4.707 ()
      USD 0.006 erscheint zweimal...einmal mit einem Kauf über 20.000 Stücke(ins ask) und einmal mit einem Verkauf von 10.000 Stücken(ins bid)...nur mal so.
      schrieb am 05.04.14 13:48:38
      Beitrag Nr. 4.708 ()
      schrieb am 05.04.14 14:01:12
      Beitrag Nr. 4.709 ()
      Q2 2014 farm-out deal Beetaloo erwartet

      Q3-Q4 2014 in terms of Karoo:
      ●Exploration Rights expected to be awarded for 7.5 million acres
      ●Farm-Out of Exploration Rights & exploration planning
      schrieb am 16.04.14 11:42:44
      Beitrag Nr. 4.710 ()
      8-K Documents

      Current report, items 1.01 and 9.01
      Acc-no: 0001085037-14-000040 (34 Act) Size: 35 KB

      filing date
      schrieb am 16.04.14 12:00:16
      Beitrag Nr. 4.711 ()
      Item 1.01. Entry into a Material Definitive Agreement.

      On March 31, 2014, Nation Energy Inc. (“Nation”) entered into a first amendment to the letter agreement dated October 11, 2013 (the “Letter Agreement”) with Paltar Petroleum Limited (“Paltar”), whereby the parties have agreed to amend certain terms of the Letter Agreement as follows:

      1. The period of time provided by Paragraph 5 of the Letter Agreement during which Paltar may receive advances under the Line of Credit, as defined in Paragraph 5, is amended so that it shall continue through July 30, 2014, rather than March 31, 2014.

      2. Paragraph 7 of the Letter Agreement is amended to provide that the parties will use their reasonable best efforts to ensure that closing occurs on or before July 30, 2014, or on such other date as the parties may agree, to be held at such place and time as the parties may agree.

      3. Paragraph 9 of the Letter Agreement is amended to provide that Paltar will provide, prior to closing, audited financial statements regarding the operations of Paltar assets for the two most recent ended fiscal years, prepared by a PCAOB approved auditor, and prior to closing, will provide quarterly financial statements as reviewed by its auditor for the fiscal period ended March 31, 2014, and such additional fiscal period financial statements as may be required under SEC regulations.

      In all other respects, the terms and conditions of the Letter Agreement remain in full force and effect.
      schrieb am 16.04.14 13:10:06
      Beitrag Nr. 4.712 ()
      Zur Erinnerung hier nocheinmal die Kurzform des letter agreements zwischen Nation und Paltar!

      Item 1.01. Entry into a Material Definitive Agreement.

      On October 15, 2013, the Nation Energy Inc. (“Nation”) entered into a letter agreement (the “Letter Agreement”) with Paltar Petroleum Limited (“Paltar”) whereby Nation proposes to acquire from Paltar Petroleum Limited (“Paltar”), a privately held Australian company, approximately four (4) exploration and development permits and 29 applications for additional exploration and development permits (the “Assets”) in respect of land located in northern Australia. Among other things, the Letter Agreement provides that:


      prior to closing, Nation will increase its authorized capital from 100,000,000 common shares to 5,000,000,000 common shares;


      prior to closing, Nation will settle approximately $1,340,000 in currently outstanding debt for common shares at a price of $0.01 per share;


      at closing, Nation will issue 600,000,000 restricted common shares to Paltar, representing approximately 80% of the issued and outstanding common shares at closing (before adjusting for the issuance of any equity securities for any financing that may be arranged in order to fund operations) – these shares will be subject to resale restrictions imposed by applicable law and a three (3) year lockup agreement;


      at closing, Nation will assume AUS$2,265,109 of Paltar’s related party debt;


      on or before October 11, 2013, John Hislop (“Mr. Hislop”), Nation’s sole director and officer, will lend to Paltar $172,040 and, on or before October 31, 2013, Mr. Hislop will lend to Paltar an additional $127,960 (together, the “Bridge Loan”), pursuant to a Loan Agreement between Mr. Hislop and Paltar;


      if the asset purchase does not close by December 31, 2013, Mr. Hislop may advance, in his sole discretion, a line of credit (the “Line of Credit”) to Paltar for working capital, allowing Paltar to receive advances beginning December 31, 2013 and continuing through March 31, 2014, of up to an aggregate of $400,000;


      the asset purchase is subject to due diligence (by both parties), board and, if required, shareholder approval and other matters contemplated by the Letter Agreement; and


      after the closing of the asset purchase, Nation will register for resale approximately 145,000,000 common shares of Nation beneficially owned by Mr. Hislop.

      The Bridge Loan and the Line of Credit are secured by a pledge (the “Pledge”) of 10,000,000 common shares of Paltar owned by Wotan Group Limited, an Australian company. In the event the asset purchase transaction closes, the principal amounts due under the Bridge Loan and the Line of Credit will be replaced by a secured Debenture to be issued by Nation (the “Debenture”), and Mr. Hislop will forgive all interest that has accrued from the date of advance through the closing date. This Debenture will bear interest at the rate of 12% per annum, compounded quarterly, over a three (3) year term, and will be secured by a first priority security interest in all of Nation’s assets. If the Sale Transaction does not close, Paltar will repay the Bridge Loan and the Line of Credit on October 14, 2014 together with interest at 12% per annum calculated monthly from the date of advance. If the Bridge Loan and the Line of Credit are not repaid on October 14, 2014, Mr. Hislop may immediately realize on the security granted pursuant to the Pledge.…
      schrieb am 16.04.14 13:56:02
      Beitrag Nr. 4.713 ()
      Kreditlinie von Nation an Paltar zeitlich verlängert bis Juli 2014, d h Bruner kann bis Ende Juli weiterhin Geld von Nation beziehen statt nur bis Ende März 2014. (Im Grunde ein Witz für einen Milliardär, aber das ist eben das Princip der Fremfinancierung!)..;)(Paragraph 5)!
      schrieb am 16.04.14 13:59:06
      Beitrag Nr. 4.714 ()
      Closing des agreements nun geplant für Ende Juli 2014 statt vorher Ende März 2014..Paragraph 7!
      schrieb am 16.04.14 14:04:45
      Beitrag Nr. 4.715 ()
      Es wird nun definitiv festgeschrieben(vorher nur fakultativ!), dass Bruner über zwei fiscal years back Wirtschaftsprüfung vorlegt über die Finanzen von Paltar....auch liefert Bruner ein audited statement über das Quartal bis Ende März 2014 >prior to closing! Pargraph 9!
      schrieb am 16.04.14 14:10:55
      Beitrag Nr. 4.716 ()
      Wenn das closing klappt Ende Juli – was zu hoffen ist! – wird Nation eine subsidiary von Paltar, die über die meisten NT assets von Paltar verfügt...Paltar als übergeordnete Firma behält die Beetaloo assets > in denen 2014 zu drillen ist!!....wie finanziert Bruner das?...spannend IMO!..;) ;)!!
      schrieb am 20.04.14 20:14:18
      Beitrag Nr. 4.717 ()
      schrieb am 25.04.14 19:14:55
      Beitrag Nr. 4.718 ()
      schrieb am 25.04.14 19:16:25
      Beitrag Nr. 4.719 ()
      schrieb am 25.04.14 19:21:08
      Beitrag Nr. 4.720 ()
      schrieb am 25.04.14 19:27:49
      Beitrag Nr. 4.721 ()
      schrieb am 25.04.14 19:30:02
      Beitrag Nr. 4.722 ()
      $ 0.155
      Apr 25, 2014, 1:13 PM EDT
      Change: -0.025 (-13.89%)
      Volume: 4,990,280
      schrieb am 25.04.14 22:02:33
      Beitrag Nr. 4.723 ()
      Ungefähr 3 MIO VOlumen-Bid bedient in einem trade(CAD 0.145 )!..;)!
      schrieb am 25.04.14 22:20:03
      Beitrag Nr. 4.724 ()
      $ 0.145
      Apr 25, 2014, 4:00 PM EDT
      Change: -0.035 (-19.44%)
      Volume: 10,344,920
      schrieb am 25.04.14 22:24:47
      Beitrag Nr. 4.725 ()
      buy vol 2,581,500

      sell vol 7,066,500

      unknown 692,500
      schrieb am 25.04.14 22:28:34
      Beitrag Nr. 4.726 ()
      355 trades!
      schrieb am 25.04.14 23:30:05
      Beitrag Nr. 4.727 ()
      Re: Serious selling going on - any rumours?
      in response to Re: Serious selling going on - any rumours? by Energygamer
      posted on Apr 25, 14 03:50PM (Log in to use the IP Check tool) [?]

      From Kip: Beginning about 2 hours ago, roughly $400,000 USD in selling pressure hit Falcon Oil and Gas. The selling took place “after” the European markets closed, which like most of you I’m sure, struck me as odd. On the Toronto Venture Exchange, the volume is more than 5 million shares (the average is just 300k/day), and with a last trade of .16 CDN, the loss is roughly 14% on the day. Here in the US (pink sheets), the volume is just 210,000 shs, with a last trade of .145 USD….a loss of close to 10%. Remember, for each seller there is a buyer, which is why we must divide the amount of selling (or buying) in half to find the true number. The stock price is actually higher than it was earlier, so whether the selling came from a forced liquidation (margin account, hurt by losses in other stocks), or from someone(s) that just wanted out, the selling “looks” to be complete. My thoughts? In my 30 years as an investor, I have yet to see this kind of selling pressure result in good news, so no…this selling is clearly not a positive….but nor is it an absolute harbinger of bad news to come. Just to be clear, my comments do not mean that we are certain to have bad news on the way from Falcon, only that I cannot remember seeing good news immediately following this kind of selling pressure in a small cap stock. Having said this, here is the comment that I just received back from Falcon’s CEO (Philip O’Quigley): "Falcon knows of no reason why the shares are trading lower today". O’Quigley’s quote actually supports my initial thought. My initial thought was that this selling resembled a forced liquidation. Typically this takes place when someone has a margin call (maybe they owned a tech stock that has been beaten up) and the operations dept. is forced to take action. Trust me…when the margins dept sells an account out, they do it pretty much exactly like what we saw with Falcon this morning….forced selling of anything and everything in the account, and it can be 100% indiscriminate of the current price or of the effect it might have on the price of a small cap company without the support of major market makers. In addition, O’Quigley has been nothing but a straight shooter with me, and if he tells me that they know of no reason why the shares would trade lower, then I absolutely believe him. Bottom line; this selling pressure likely has nothing to do with a material news event at Falcon that could be perceived as being negative news. Because, if it does, then the seller would be guilty of insider trading…something that we would hope the regulators would be all over. T

      schrieb am 25.04.14 23:42:49
      Beitrag Nr. 4.728 ()
      Total volume 24,670,920 laut stockwatch....also gemeint ist über die TSXV p pure!®ion…
      schrieb am 28.04.14 12:18:14
      Beitrag Nr. 4.729 ()
      Falcon Oil & Gas "very confident" of attractive Aussie shale farm-out
      By Jamie Ashcroft
      April 28 2014, 7:45am

      Falcon Oil & Gas (LON:FOG) has said it "very confident" it can secure an attractive farm-out of its Australian shale acreage.

      In a stock market statement Falcon acknowledged the recent rise in its share price in Toronto, but said it is unaware of any matter that would cause the share price movement.

      Nevertheless, the company also reminded investors that, as previously announced, it is in advanced talks with third parties interested in farming into the group's acreage in the Beetaloo basin, in Australia.

      Falcon said further announcements relating to the talks will be made in due course.

      Talks with several blue-chip firms began in July, immediately after Falcon seized an opportunity to reclaim control of the Beetaloo acreage. The company has also enhanced its bargaining positions in recent months with a series of smaller corporate transactions which have consolidated its majority interest in the assets.…
      schrieb am 28.04.14 12:41:04
      Beitrag Nr. 4.730 ()
      Kleine Freudsche Fehlleistung im statement von Jamie...LOL...tut nichts zur Sache....hatte ich vor Kurzem auch mehrmals in Aktienzusammenhängen BTW!..;).
      schrieb am 28.04.14 12:49:28
      Beitrag Nr. 4.731 ()
      Allenfalls ein trading Aufkommen IMO...eingeleitet durch eine kurze trading Folge mit geringem VOlumen runter bis auf .12 der Folge dann allerdings über 20 Mio Falcon shares traded und man kann schon sagen das ist in dieser aktuellen Situation schon wohl doch ein wenig Angespanntheit im Markt...sehr gut gefiel mir wie gesagt das relativ späte 3 Mio bid zu CAD 0.145 am FR welches in einem sammeltrade bedient wurde..;).
      schrieb am 28.04.14 21:12:09
      Beitrag Nr. 4.732 ()
      erneut 400 000 ins bid verkauft in einem summen trade von anonymus....20:45:48....viele bids bedient, alle CAD 0.145...ziemlich erstaunlich finde ich....wer verkauft so viele shares zu diesem Preis zum jetzigen Zeitpunkt? schwer verstä sei denn jemand der Geld braucht....Oring am Ende???
      schrieb am 28.04.14 21:15:03
      Beitrag Nr. 4.733 ()
      Allerdings darf Petrohunter in diesem Jahr maximal bis zu 15 million shares verkaufen(15%)(dann in den zwei Folgejahren erneut je 15%) und wir hatten am Freitag schon 24 million shares traded...hmmm.
      schrieb am 28.04.14 21:16:57
      Beitrag Nr. 4.734 ()
      schrieb am 28.04.14 21:28:24
      Beitrag Nr. 4.735 ()
      128	20:45:48	0.145	30,000				0.145	0.15		30,000		

      1,003,500 797,000 845,500
      127 20:45:48 0.145 20,000 0.145 0.15 20,000

      1,003,500 767,000 845,500
      126 20:45:48 0.145 1,000 0.145 0.15 1,000

      1,003,500 747,000 845,500
      125 20:45:48 0.145 10,000 0.145 0.15 10,000

      1,003,500 746,000 845,500
      124 20:45:48 0.145 12,000 0.145 0.15 12,000

      1,003,500 736,000 845,500
      123 20:45:48 0.145 500 0.145 0.15 500

      1,003,500 724,000 845,500
      122 20:45:48 0.145 1,500 0.145 0.15 1,500

      1,003,500 723,500 845,500
      121 20:45:48 0.145 1,000 0.145 0.15 1,000

      1,003,500 722,000 845,500
      120 20:45:48 0.145 6,000 0.145 0.15 6,000

      1,003,500 721,000 845,500
      119 20:45:48 0.145 45,000 0.145 0.15 45,000

      1,003,500 715,000 845,500
      118 20:45:48 0.145 40,000 0.145 0.15 40,000

      1,003,500 670,000 845,500
      117 20:45:48 0.145 1,500 0.145 0.15 1,500

      1,003,500 630,000 845,500
      116 20:45:48 0.145 20,000 0.145 0.15 20,000

      1,003,500 628,500 845,500
      115 20:45:48 0.145 81,500 0.145 0.15 81,500

      1,003,500 608,500 845,500
      114 20:45:48 0.145 40,000 0.145 0.15 40,000

      1,003,500 527,000 845,500
      113 20:45:48 0.145 50,000 0.145 0.15 50,000

      1,003,500 487,000 845,500
      112 20:45:48 0.145 50,000 0.145 0.15 50,000

      1,003,500 437,000 845,500
      111 20:45:48 0.145 14,000 0.145 0.15 14,000

      1,003,500 387,000 845,500
      110 20:45:48 0.145 6,500 0.145 0.15 6,500
      schrieb am 28.04.14 21:30:41
      Beitrag Nr. 4.736 ()
      buy vol 1,003,500	sell vol 797,000	unknown 845,500
      schrieb am 28.04.14 21:44:27
      Beitrag Nr. 4.737 ()
      schrieb am 28.04.14 23:58:47
      Beitrag Nr. 4.738 ()
      Last	Chg	%Ch	Vol	$Vol	#Tr

      0.15	+0.005	3.4	4,522.7	682	281
      schrieb am 29.04.14 00:02:04
      Beitrag Nr. 4.739 ()
      schrieb am 29.04.14 21:23:50
      Beitrag Nr. 4.740 ()
      schrieb am 29.04.14 22:20:24
      Beitrag Nr. 4.741 ()
      schrieb am 29.04.14 23:10:18
      Beitrag Nr. 4.742 ()
      schrieb am 29.04.14 23:30:56
      Beitrag Nr. 4.743 ()
      schrieb am 01.05.14 13:41:14
      Beitrag Nr. 4.744 ()
      Bakken field produces first billion barrels of oil
      April 29, 2014
      By PennEnergy Editorial Staff
      Source: Continental Resources, Inc.

      Continental Resources, Inc. (NYSE: CLR) ("Continental" or the "Company") announced today the Bakken field of North Dakota and Montana recently reached the milestone of 1 billion barrels of light, sweet crude oil produced.

      According to data from IHS, the Bakken's cumulative oil production reached the billion barrel mark in the First Quarter of 2014.

      "This milestone validates the immense potential of the Bakken field and development is just beginning," said Jack Stark, Senior Vice President of Exploration for Continental. "Two-thirds of this oil was produced in the last three years. This is something our country can celebrate as the oil and natural gas industry continues to create jobs, grow our economy and secure America's energy future."

      Horizontal drilling technology has spurred the discovery of vast new resources of oil in America. Much of this potential has yet to be accounted for in our nation's proved reserves of crude oil. The Bakken field alone appears to be the largest oil field discovered in the world in more than 40 years. Continental is the largest producer, driller and leaseholder in the Bakken field.…
      schrieb am 02.05.14 14:20:13
      Beitrag Nr. 4.745 ()
      Falcon Oil & Gas Ltd.: Transformational Farm-Out of Beetaloo Unconventional Acreage, Northern Teritory, Australia

      DUBLIN, IRELAND--(Marketwired - May 2, 2014) - Falcon Oil & Gas Ltd. (TSX VENTURE:FO)(AIM:FOG)(ESM:FAC) ("Falcon" or the "Company") is delighted to announce that its 98% subsidiary, Falcon Oil & Gas Australia Ltd ("Falcon Australia"), has executed Definitive Agreements including a Farm-Out Agreement and Joint Operating Agreements (collectively "the Agreements") with Origin Energy Resources Limited, a subsidiary of Origin Energy Limited ("Origin") and Sasol Petroleum Australia Limited, a subsidiary of Sasol Limited ("Sasol"), collectively referred to herein as "the Farminees", to each farm into 35% of Falcon's Exploration Permits in the Beetaloo Basin, Australia ("the Permits"). The Agreements are subject to conditions inter alia Government, statutory authority consents and relevant Stock Exchange approvals.
      . . .…
      schrieb am 02.05.14 15:12:38
      Beitrag Nr. 4.746 ()
      Transaction details

      ●Farminees to carry Falcon in a nine well exploration and appraisal program over five years, detailed as follows:

      ◊3 vertical exploration/stratigraphic wells and core studies
      ◊1 hydraulic fracture stimulated vertical exploration well and core study
      ◊1 hydraulic fracture stimulated horizontal exploration well, commercial study and 3C resource assessment
      ◊4 hydraulic fracture stimulated horizontal exploration/appraisal wells, micro-seismic and 90 day production tests

      ●Drilling to commence as soon as possible following completion of the Agreements - targeting 2014 subject to the normal regulatory requirements and rig availability.

      ●Drilling/testing specifically planned to take the project towards commerciality.

      ●Farminees to pay Falcon A$20 million cash on completion of the Agreements.

      ●Origin and Sasol to each earn 35% interest in the Permits.

      ●Falcon to retain a 30% interest in the Permits.

      ●Origin to be the Operator.

      ●Farminees will pay for the full cost of completing the first five wells estimated at A$64 million, and will fund any cost overruns. This work is expected to be completed within the first three years.

      ●Farminees to pay the full cost of the following two horizontally fracture stimulated wells, 90 day production tests and micro seismic with a capped expenditure of A$53 million, any cost overrun funded by each Party in proportion to their working interest. This work programme is expected to be undertaken in year 4.

      ●Farminees to pay the full cost of the final two horizontally fracture stimulated wells and 90 day production tests capped at A$48 million, any cost overrun funded by each Party in proportion to their working interest. This work programme is expected to be undertaken in year 5.

      ●As part of the agreements to reduce the overriding royalties from what was originally 12% to 1%, Farminees will pay their pro-rata share (US$14 million) of the two five year call options entered into by Falcon as part of agreements announced on 1 November 2013 with CR Innovations AG and 17 December 2013 with the TOG Group, should Farminees and Falcon decide to exercise the call options.

      ●Farminees may reduce or surrender their interests back to Falcon only after:

      ◊the drilling of the first five wells or
      ◊the drilling and testing of the next two horizontally fracture stimulated wells.…
      schrieb am 02.05.14 16:06:25
      Beitrag Nr. 4.747 ()
      schrieb am 02.05.14 16:40:09
      Beitrag Nr. 4.748 ()
      schrieb am 02.05.14 19:04:18
      Beitrag Nr. 4.749 ()
      schrieb am 02.05.14 19:09:21
      Beitrag Nr. 4.750 ()
      Renewal and Relinquishment:

      Three (EP-76, EP-98 and EP-117) of Falcon Australia's four Beetaloo Permits were due for renewal at 31 December 2013. As part of the renewal process, Falcon agreed to relinquish approximately 26% of the three Permits which was not considered to be core to the unconventional play in the Beetaloo Basin by Falcon, Origin and Sasol. The renewal of the three Permits was completed on 30 April 2014. Falcon Australia's fourth permit, EP-99, which was due for renewal at 31 December 2014 was surrendered as it too was not considered to be core to the unconventional play.…
      schrieb am 02.05.14 19:41:04
      Beitrag Nr. 4.751 ()
      Philip O'Quigley, CEO of Falcon commented:

      "We are delighted that we have brought two great fit for purpose partners, Origin and Sasol to work alongside us in the evaluation of our highly prospective acreage in the Beetaloo Basin as we move the project towards commercial reality.

      The Farm-Out announced today marks a significant milestone in the history of Falcon as it provides for a five year, nine well, technically comprehensive exploration work program in the Beetaloo. Together with A$20 million cash up front, the deal is worth up to approximately A$200 million to Falcon.

      This Farm-Out marks the end of a very busy period for Falcon. In July 2013 we consolidated our interest in Falcon Australia and increased our shareholding from 73% to 98%. In November and December 2013 we completed two agreements that will result in the reduction of the 12% privately held Overriding Royalty Interests on the Permits to just 1%.

      Origin brings with it an enormous wealth of expertise as an Unconventional Operator in Australia. Sasol, through its interest in the Montney unconventional shale play in North America brings with it enormous expertise of operating unconventional shale plays and is a world leader in gas to liquids. In addition, Origin and Sasol offer many potential options for the monetisation of any natural gas discovered on the Permits".…
      schrieb am 02.05.14 20:30:57
      Beitrag Nr. 4.752 ()
      Falcon Oil and Gas in bullish mood after farm-out deal
      By Charlotte Kan May 02 2014, 8:26am

      Having two partners is better than one, Philip O'Quigley tells Proactive Investors, after Falcon Oil & Gas agreed a farm-out deal for its Beetaloo shale permit in Australia with Origin Energy Resources and Sasol. Each brings something to the table, the Falcon chief executive explains, with Origin bringing operational credibility and Sasol providing plenty of experience of unconventional energy assets. All parties want to get out and start drilling as soon as possible, and if all the pieces fall into place the plan is to do so in 2014.…
      schrieb am 02.05.14 21:17:09
      Beitrag Nr. 4.753 ()
      UPDATE - Falcon Oil shares soar after $200mln farm-out deal
      By Ian Lyall May 02 2014, 4:05pm

      Falcon Oil & Gas (LON:FOG) shares surged by a quarter as it agreed a farm-out deal for its Beetaloo unconventional acreage in Australia with a headline value of $200mln.

      Local operator Origin Energy and South African gas-to-liquids specialist Sasol are taking a 70% stake in the licences, which have a prospective resource potential of 162 trillion cubic feet of gas and 21bn barrels of oil.

      In return Falcon will receive A$20mln in cash and will be carried on a comprehensive, five-year exploration programme. This includes:

      o Three vertical exploration wells

      o One fracked vertical exploration well

      o Five fracked horizontal wells

      The first five wells are estimated to cost A$64mln and are expected to be completed in the first three years, while Falcon will carried on the next four up to a cost of A$101mln.

      The partners will also pay an estimated US$14mln towards two five-year call options. The terms compare favourably with a previous, lapsed deal the group had with Hess.

      The American giant said it would sink five wells, only one of which was a horizontal.

      Chief executive Philip O’Quigley said: “We are delighted that we have brought two great fit for purpose partners, Origin and Sasol to work alongside us in the evaluation of our highly prospective acreage in the Beetaloo Basin as we move the project towards commercial reality.”

      The farm-out marks the end of a very busy period for Falcon.

      Last summer the group consolidated its interest in Falcon Australia, the local holding company, and increased its shareholding from 73% to 98%. Meanwhile in November and December it completed two agreements that will result in the reduction of the 12% privately held overriding royalty interests on the permits to just 1%.

      It means the partners will receive substantially all of the benefits from developing the assets.

      On its two new partners, O’Quigley said: “Origin brings with it an enormous wealth of expertise as an unconventional operator in Australia.
      “Sasol, through its interest in the Montney unconventional shale play in North America brings with it enormous expertise of operating unconventional shale plays and is a world leader in gas to liquids.

      “In addition, Origin and Sasol offer many potential options for the monetisation of any natural gas discovered on the permits.”

      Origin will be the operator of the project, which lies 600km south of Darwin and sits within a major gateway for the industrial and export markets for hydrocarbons.

      Valued at A$16bn, Origin runs the upstream APLNG Project, a coal seam and unconventional joint-venture with ConoccoPhillips. It has drilled more than 800 wells.

      Sasol, meanwhile, announced its arrival in unconventional hydrocarbons in 2011 when it paid $2bn for a 50% stake in Talisman Energy’s acreage in British Columbia.

      Shares rose 24% to 10.7p.…
      schrieb am 02.05.14 21:17:58
      Beitrag Nr. 4.754 ()
      schrieb am 02.05.14 21:47:06
      Beitrag Nr. 4.755 ()
      >>Valued at A$16bn, Origin runs the upstream APLNG Project, a coal seam and unconventional joint-venture with ConoccoPhillips. It has drilled more than 800 wells.<<…
      schrieb am 03.05.14 01:27:00
      Beitrag Nr. 4.756 ()
      Newtofo about the price per share...nice one.

      >If the JV had of been announced before the big downdraft started last Friday, we would have had a better chance of a run up to the 30 cent level. The volume of 30 million shares getting day traded over the past week put Falcon down so far that it will take more time for the story to get out and longer term buyers to realize they should have a position. There were allot of short term players, like Cannacrap, that bought 3 million shares at 14.5 cents and are happy to dump for a short term gain of 4 cents. I think we will see a slow gradual improvement in the share price as this deal and Falcon's prospects get more exposure. The clear indication in today's JV new - of a "5 year" time line certainlly didn't help in getting the runnup we were expecting either. This doesn't sound like a speedy move to capitalize on the assets, but that may have more to do with building infrastructure for any new found oil and gas than actually getting the drilling done!!

      The best news today are the 20 million in cash and the expertise of our new JV partners - with the added bonus of Sasol on board to bring some added influence in South Africa, where Sasol is the biggest player in the the country. With a similar JV deal coming for the Karoo and possibly some positive testing from Hungary just around the corner, the share price should keep moving higher, but the timeline and number of shares outstanding will keep it in check until we see some real indication that the vast resources will be recoverable.

      Re: And there you go - Tsoprano
      in response to Re: And there you go by Tsoprano1
      posted on May 02, 14 02:26PM (Log in to use the IP Check tool) [?]…
      schrieb am 03.05.14 18:33:27
      Beitrag Nr. 4.757 ()
      John Craven, Chairman of Falcon said:

      "This is a monumental deal for Falcon. Apart from the value of the carried, no cost drilling programme to Falcon, the real value is that with Origin/Sasol we now have the financial and technical fire-power to unlock the real hydrocarbon potential of the Beetaloo Basin. I am particularly pleased that the initial focus of evaluation will be on the Middle Velkerri formation which according to RPS* has prospective potentially recoverable oil and gas resources of over 12.7 billion BBLS of oil and 74.5 TCF of natural gas in the Beetaloo.

      I see this is as a win win for all stakeholders, particularly the people of Northern Territory where any success will have a major impact.

      I would like to thank shareholders for their patience. It is because of our belief in the potential of the Beetaloo Basin that management has in recent months focussed on maximising shareholders' upside to the Beetaloo play by increasing Falcon's stake in our Australian affiliate and significantly reducing legacy royalties, both of which were necessary to allow a successful farm out process to occur.

      Finally I would like to thank and congratulate all those who have worked on this project for their hard work and diligence in making this happen".…
      schrieb am 03.05.14 20:40:21
      Beitrag Nr. 4.758 ()
      Beetaloo Basin Australia

      ●4.6 million acres onshore Beetaloo Basin, Australia

      ●Three Exploration Permits granted in 2005 and 2006

      ●Approximately $80 million/3,490kms of seismic data acquired in 2011/2012 during a Joint Venture with Hess Corporation

      ●2 May 2014: Farm-Out with Origin and Sasol announced to each earn 35%

      schrieb am 03.05.14 21:43:32
      Beitrag Nr. 4.759 ()
      Und, finden die dort was oder ist alles nur ein billiger PR Gag?
      schrieb am 03.05.14 22:20:16
      Beitrag Nr. 4.760 ()
      Hey Charly, es geht als erstes um drei vertikale wells mit target Kyalla und Velkerri shale, Fokus auf Velkerri. Origin ist der operator. Haben schon so einige wells gebohrt im outback!—Start sofort nach Instandsetzung des definitiven agreements, also in 2014, soll das drillen starten, rig availability vorausgesetzt!.....Velkerri, resp. Mid Velkerri ist ziemlich tief, das erste vertikale neue drillen ist also anspruchsvoll....die Treffer-Quote bei oil and gas wells beträgt im Schnitt 10%, wie hoch ist also die Treffer-Wahrscheinlichkeit?—Schon diese ersten neuen Bohrungen sind natürlich total spannend und es gibt dazu step bei step einige Anmerkungen zu machen, die man aspektmäßig einstellen kann. Fortsetzung folgt..PS: ein 200 Mio USD deal ist auch für Origin und Sasol not only just for fun IMO..;)!
      schrieb am 04.05.14 17:44:53
      Beitrag Nr. 4.761 ()
      About Origin Energy

      Origin Energy (ASX: ORG) is the leading Australian integrated energy company focused on gas and oil exploration and production, power generation and energy retailing. A member of the S&P/ASX 20 Index, the company has more than 6,000 employees and is a leading producer of gas in eastern Australia.
      Origin is Australia’s largest energy retailer servicing 4.3 million electricity, natural gas and LPG customer accounts and has the country’s largest and one of the most flexible generation portfolios with approximately 6,010 MW of capacity, through either owned generation or contracted rights. Origin’s strategic positioning and portfolio of assets provide flexibility, stability and significant opportunities for growth across the energy industry. Through Australia Pacific LNG, its incorporated joint venture with ConocoPhillips and Sinopec, Origin is developing one of Australia’s largest CSG to LNG projects based on Australia’s largest 2P CSG reserves base.

      In New Zealand, Origin is the major shareholder in Contact Energy, a leading integrated energy company, operating geothermal, thermal and hydro generation facilities and servicing electricity, gas and LPG customers across both the North and South islands. Origin is also a major operator and
      participant in petroleum exploration acreage in New Zealand.

      Origin has a strong focus on ensuring the sustainability of its operations, is the largest green energy retailer in Australia and has significant investments in renewable energy technologies.

      For more information go to
      schrieb am 04.05.14 18:58:07
      Beitrag Nr. 4.762 ()
      ASX/Media Release
      2 May 2014

      Origin farms in to significant exploration acreage in Northern Territory’s Beetaloo Basin

      Origin Energy Limited (Origin), together with Sasol Limited (Sasol), today announced the signing of a conditional farm-in agreement with Falcon Oil & Gas Australia Limited (Falcon) for three onshore exploration permits in the Northern Territory’s Beetaloo Basin.

      Upon completion of the farm-in agreement, Origin and Sasol will each hold a 35 per cent interest in the three permits and Falcon will hold a 30 per cent interest. Located about 500 kilometres south-east of Darwin, the permits cover an area of more than 18,500 km2 within the Beetaloo Basin, which is highly prospective for shale gas and associated liquids.

      Upon completion of the farm-in agreement, Origin will pay Falcon approximately $11 million. Origin will then assume operatorship of the permits and progressively contribute $32 million during three years to fund its share of exploration (Stage 1).

      Origin and Sasol each hold an option to participate in two additional work programs, Stage 2 and Stage 3, which, if they proceed, are forecast for calendar years 2017 and 2018. Origin’s contributions to Stage 2 and Stage 3 are currently estimated to be $25 million and $24 million respectively.

      Origin Chief Executive Officer Upstream, Mr Paul Zealand said, “This farm-in provides Origin a significant unconventional exploration position in one of the Northern Territory’s most prospective onshore basins. Previous exploration activities within the Beetaloo Basin, including drilling activity on the permits, has highlighted its strong shale gas potential.

      “The signing of this farm-in agreement is consistent with our objective to find new sources of energy. Upon success, these resources could then be monetised by connecting them with domestic and international markets,” Mr Zealand said.

      The agreement is subject to certain conditions precedent including regulatory and other relevant consents and approvals. Origin will acquire and fund Sasol’s farm-in interest if the latter does not obtain a required regulatory approval.

      For further information please contact:

      Stephen Ellaway
      Senior External Affairs Manager
      Ph: +61 2 9375 5834
      Mobile: +61 417 851 287

      Peter Rice
      General Manager, Capital Markets
      Ph: +61 2 8345 5308
      Mobile: +61 417 230 306

      Origin Energy Limited ABN 30 000 051 696 • Level 45 Australia Square, 264-278 George Street, Sydney NSW 2000
      GPO Box 5376, Sydney NSW 2001 • Telephone (02) 8345 5000 • Facsimile (02) 9252 1566 •
      schrieb am 04.05.14 19:03:05
      Beitrag Nr. 4.763 ()
      schrieb am 04.05.14 19:07:28
      Beitrag Nr. 4.764 ()

      ORIGIN ENERGY LIMITED price history chart
      schrieb am 04.05.14 19:11:51
      Beitrag Nr. 4.765 ()
      schrieb am 04.05.14 19:28:06
      Beitrag Nr. 4.766 ()
      To Company Announcements Office Facsimile 1300 135 638

      Company ASX Limited Date 3 March 2014

      From Helen Hardy Pages 35

      Subject ORG US Roadshow…
      schrieb am 05.05.14 15:31:24
      Beitrag Nr. 4.767 ()
      schrieb am 05.05.14 15:32:12
      Beitrag Nr. 4.768 ()
      schrieb am 06.05.14 19:30:23
      Beitrag Nr. 4.769 ()
      Gap geschlossen...der Kurs hängt zur Zeit tiefer als in der langen Abwartephase vor der news...typisch Börse...unerwartet!..;)!
      schrieb am 06.05.14 19:33:26
      Beitrag Nr. 4.770 ()
      schrieb am 16.05.14 18:25:20
      Beitrag Nr. 4.771 ()
      Company Falcon Oil & Gas Ltd.
      TIDM FOG
      Falcon Oil & Gas Ltd-Spudding of Second Well in Hungary & Operational Update
      Released 07:00 16-May-2014
      Number 0946498001



      May 16, 2014

      Falcon Oil & Gas Ltd-Spudding of Second Well in Hungary & Operational Update

      DUBLIN, IRELAND--(Marketwired - May 16, 2014) - Falcon Oil & Gas Ltd. (TSX VENTURE:FO)(AIM:FOG)(ESM:FAC)
      ("Falcon" or the "Company") is pleased to announce that the second of three exploration wells "Besa-D-1", with
      our partner Naftna Industrija Srbije JSC ("NIS") to evaluate the gas potential of the Algyo Formation at a
      depth of approximately 3,000 meters in the Mako Trough, Hungary has been spudded. The well testing operations
      on the first well, Kutvolgy-1 are now completed. The testing indicated that the well experienced improved
      recovery from certain intervals however well production did not meet commercial rates. Falcon, with our partner
      NIS, has discontinued testing Kutvolgy-1, the well is to be plugged and abandoned. Falcon and NIS are now
      focused on Besa-D-1.

      In addition, to the spudding of Besa-D-1, our partner NIS continues to study the hydrocarbon potential of the
      entire Mako Trough including the Deep Mako play.

      In accordance with the agreement with NIS, announced on 14 January 2013, Falcon is fully carried as all costs
      associated with this three well drilling program are funded by NIS. Any hydrocarbon sales revenue resulting
      from this program will be shared equally between Falcon and NIS.

      Philip O'Quigley, CEO of Falcon commented:

      "Following from our press release on 2 May 2014 of the Transformational Farm-out of our Beetaloo permits, I am
      pleased to announce we have spudded the second well of our three well programme with NIS in Hungary. I look
      forward to sharing the results of the second well and building on the knowledge of what we have learned from
      the testing of Kutvolgy-1 with the market in due course."

      About Falcon Oil & Gas Ltd.

      Falcon is an international oil & gas company engaged in the acquisition, exploration and development of
      conventional and unconventional oil and gas assets, with the current portfolio spread between Australia, South
      Africa and Hungary. Falcon is incorporated in British Columbia, Canada and headquartered in Dublin, Ireland
      with a technical team based in Budapest, Hungary.

      For further information on Falcon Oil & Gas Ltd. please visit

      Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies
      of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

      Certain information in this press release may constitute forward-looking information. This information is based
      on current expectations that are subject to significant risks and uncertainties that are difficult to predict.
      Actual results might differ materially from results suggested in any forward-looking statements. Falcon assumes
      no obligation to update the forward-looking statements, or to update the reasons why actual results could
      differ from those reflected in the forward looking-statements unless and until required by securities laws
      applicable to Falcon. Additional information identifying risks and uncertainties is contained in Falcon's
      filings with the Canadian securities regulators, which filings are available at


      Falcon Oil & Gas Ltd.
      +353 1 417 1900
      Philip O'Quigley, CEO
      +353 87 814 7042
      John Craven, Non-Executive Chairman
      +353 1 417 1900


      Davy (NOMAD & Joint Broker)
      John Frain / Anthony Farrell
      +353 1 679 6363


      GMP Securities Europe LLP (Joint Broker)
      Rob Collins / Liz Williamson
      +44 20 7647 2800


      Cantor Fitzgerald Europe (Joint Broker)
      David Porter / Richard Redmayne
      +44 207 894 7000

      ©2013 London Stock Exchange plc. All rights reserved

      Falcon Oil & Gas Ltd-Spudding of Second Well in Hungary & Operational Update - RNS…
      schrieb am 16.05.14 18:46:12
      Beitrag Nr. 4.772 ()

      FOG on AIM London
      schrieb am 16.05.14 18:48:24
      Beitrag Nr. 4.773 ()
      schrieb am 16.05.14 18:51:13
      Beitrag Nr. 4.774 ()
      schrieb am 29.05.14 13:27:25
      Beitrag Nr. 4.775 ()
      Falcon Oil & Gas loses $333,000 in Q1 2014

      2014-05-29 06:02 ET - News Release

      Mr. John Craven reports


      Falcon Oil & Gas Ltd. has released its results for the three months ended March 31, 2014.

      The following should be read in conjunction with the complete Interim Financial Statements and the accompanying Management's Discussion and Analysis for the three months period ended 31 March 2014 filed with the TSXV. These filings are available at and on Falcon's website at


      - Transformational Farm-Out Agreement and Joint Operating Agreements ("the Agreements") of Beetaloo permits, Northern Territory, Australia to carry Falcon in a nine well exploration and appraisal program over five years with Origin Energy Resources Limited, a subsidiary of Origin Energy Limited ("Origin") and Sasol Petroleum Australia Limited, a subsidiary of Sasol Limited ("Sasol"), "the Farminees". -- Drilling to commence following completion of the Agreements. -- Origin and Sasol to pay Falcon A$20 million cash on completion of the Agreements. -- Origin and Sasol to each earn 35% interest in the Permits. -- Falcon to retain a 30% interest in the Permits. -- Origin to be the Operator. -- Farminees will pay for the full cost of completing the first five wells estimated at A$64, million, and will fund any cost overruns. This work is expected to be completed within the first three years. -- Farminees to pay the full cost of the following two horizontally fracture stimulated wells, 90 day production tests and micro seismic with a capped expenditure of A$53 million. -- Farminees to pay the full cost of the final two horizontally fracture stimulated wells and 90 day production tests capped at A$48 million. - Spudding of the second well in Hungary, fully carried by Naftna Industrija Srbije JSC ("NIS"), - Continued focus on strict cost management and efficient operation of the portfolio. - Strong financial position, debt free with cash and cash equivalents at US$6.9 million (31 December 2013: US$8.4 million).

      Philip O'Quigley, CEO of Falcon commented:

      "2014 has been a busy year for Falcon with the execution of the Agreements with Origin and Sasol of our Beetaloo permits in the Northern Territory Australia. Together with the A$20 million, the deal is worth up to approximately A$200 million to Falcon. I can confidently state that this carry and work programme is a great deal for our shareholders. In addition, we have spudded the second well in Hungary with our partner NIS. I look forward to updating the market and making further announcements on the Group's progress in due course."


      Farm-out of Beetaloo permits, Northern Territory, Australia

      As announced on 2 May 2014, Falcon Australia has executed definitive agreements including a 9 well Farm-Out Agreement and Joint Operating Agreements (collectively "the Agreements") with Origin and Sasol, to each farm into 35% of Falcon's Exploration Permits in the Beetaloo Basin, Australia. The Agreements are subject to conditions inter alia Government, statutory authority consents and relevant Stock Exchange approvals.

      Hungary Drilling

      Spudding of second well in Hungary

      As announced on 16 May 2014, the second of three exploration wells "Besa-D-1", with our partner NIS to evaluate the gas potential of the Algyo Formation at a depth of approximately 3,000 meters in the Mako Trough, Hungary has been spudded. The well testing operations on the first well, Kutvolgy-1 are now completed. The testing indicated that well production did not meet commercial rates. Falcon, with our partner NIS, has discontinued testing Kutvolgy-1, the well is to be plugged and abandoned. Falcon and NIS are now focused on Besa-D-1.

      Results for operating activities

      Falcon incurred a loss of US$0.3 million in the three months ended 31 March 2014, decreasing from a loss of US$4.7 million in the three months ended 31 March 2013.

      Falcon's cash and cash equivalent balance at 31 March 2014 was US$6.9 million (31 December 2013: US$8.4 million).

      Appointment of Communication Adviser

      Falcon has retained Camarco as its communication adviser to provide ongoing strategic and business advice with shareholders and investors. The initial fee is GBP 5,000 per month which will increase to GBP 6,000 after 3 months. Termination clauses are included in the contract, which are at both parties' discretion. Engagement with FTI Consulting, Falcon's previous communication adviser has now ended.

      The appointment of Camarco is subject to TSXV approval.

      Interim Condensed Consolidated Statement of Operations and Comprehensive

      . . .…
      schrieb am 03.06.14 21:33:02
      Beitrag Nr. 4.776 ()
      schrieb am 07.06.14 18:19:35
      Beitrag Nr. 4.777 ()

      OTCQX for banks, an expansion of the OTCQX marketplace, is designed to meet the unique needs of U.S. financial institutions that are established, well-managed, and strongly capitalized. Under a more streamlined process, banks on OTCQX:

      ●Leverage their existing regulatory reporting standards to qualify
      ●Are current in their reporting to a bank regulator
      ●Must meet high financial standards
      ●Appoint a “Corporate Broker,” a FINRA member broker-dealer specializing in trading in and advising banks, to provide guidance on the trading of their stock and access to institutional investors, trading expertise and wealth management services…
      schrieb am 10.06.14 18:49:04
      Beitrag Nr. 4.778 ()
      Welcome Founding Banks to OTCQX!

      This month, OTC Markets Group announced the first banks to trade on our OTCQX® marketplace under a new qualification process for U.S. community and regional banks. The announcement expands the OTCQX marketplace for U.S. and international companies and distinguishes publicly-traded community and regional banks that are strongly-capitalized, transparent in their news and disclosure and committed to enhancing value for their shareholders.

      To celebrate, we asked our Founding Banks to discuss how they uniquely serve the banking needs and growth of their own communities:…
      schrieb am 11.06.14 10:11:17
      Beitrag Nr. 4.779 ()
      Author: Sasha Planting|
      10 June 2014 00:02
      Sasol: Cooking with gas and oil

      Performance update reveals rating upgrade and shale gas intentions in Australia.

      CAPE TOWN: Standard and Poor’s, the credit ratings agency, has revised its outlook on energy and chemical company Sasol from negative to stable meaning that its foreign currency credit rating by S&P is now BBB/Stable/A-2.

      “The credit ratings reflect increased confidence in our local and international activities, diversified along the integrated value chain, as well as our continued strong financial risk profile and prudent financial policies,” Sasol’s acting chief financial officer Paul Victor wrote in an update to shareholders released on Monday.

      The update detailed operational, exploration and investment activity for the first nine months of the 2014 financial year.

      The company, he said, has delivered a strong operational performance over the period, in a mixed financial environment that saw oil prices remain flat, natural gas prices rise slightly, chemical commodity prices increase and the rand fall by 20%.
      . . .…
      schrieb am 11.06.14 19:54:09
      Beitrag Nr. 4.780 ()

      Sasol is a leading International integrated energy and chemicals company. We develop and commercialise technologies, building and operating a range of product streams including liquid fuels, chemicals and low carbon electricity. Our vision is to grow profitably, sustainably and inclusively while delivering value to stakeholders through technology and the talent of our people. We are committed to infrastructure development, mine renewal, skills development and empowerment in local communities. Learn more about our business.
      schrieb am 16.06.14 18:33:06
      Beitrag Nr. 4.781 ()
      2 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 16.06.14 22:34:19
      Beitrag Nr. 4.782 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 47.159.886 von ROlandEigen030803 am 16.06.14 18:33:06Energygamer

      Hi all,

      Does anyone have an update on the recent Falcon meetings organised through proactive investors?

      Meetings Update
      posted on Jun 16, 14 10:47AM
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 16.06.14 22:38:10
      Beitrag Nr. 4.783 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 47.160.812 von auriga am 16.06.14 22:34:19 Re: Meetings Update
      in response to Meetings Update by Energygamer
      posted on Jun 16, 14 03:15PM

      Philip covered a few new items in his presentation in Vancouver, and hopefully we will get more detail as the next couple of months unfold. However, Philip was very upbeat and it looks like things are progressing on all fronts.
      It looks like the deal with Origin and Sasol will be inked and the $20 million paid over to Falcon in late June or early July, with $7 million of those funds earmarked for Falcon's share of the payments to the reduction in the smaller royalty ownership that are being reduced to 1%. The Origin drilling team is not waiting for the final paperwork to be signed and is already working hard on their overall drill plan for the Beetaloo, with a focus on the best spots for production rather than just deliniating the scope of the entire basin. Origin probably won't be able get drilling equipment in place until after this winter's rainy season, as Origin will have to get all the appropriate drilling permits from the Northern Territory - after the deal is finalized, leaving very little time before the winter rains start. This seems like a long time to wait for the first drill to start, but Philip seems convinced that they are progressing on the right timeline and the right targets to focus the drilling on, and that they are just as anxious to get the process rolling as he is.
      I asked about Inpex and whether they were interested in the Beetaloo, and Philip mentioned that he had a brief conversation with the President of Inpex at one stage. Philip says that Falcon would be very interested in talking to Inpex - but the right time for a deal with Inpex would be when the Beetaloo has been proven up and when Inpex is scrambling to secure additional long term supplies of natural gas for their Darwin LNG plant.
      In my opinion - Inpex would be a perfect next stage buyer of Falcon's Beetaloo assets at 15 times today pricing or more - if the overall drilling program by Sasol and Origin is successful.
      The Hungarian properties may be heating up as NIS continues drilling the second well, but he was disappointed that the first well hadn't proved up to either of their expectations. I asked about the current 30% over ride royalty that the Hungarian government has in place and Philip was fairly confident that Dr. Szabo will help overcome that issue - especially if they can get a new deal on the deep Mako down the road with NIS/Gasprom.
      South Africa is finally starting to see some political progress. Philip is on the industry negotiating committee for fracking regulations, and he said the South African government is getting ready to publish about 38 new fracking regulations - that the industry players had some hand in helping to draft. These new regulations are ones that Philip says the drillers can live with and once passed into law, then the moratorium should be lifted for all "existing" applications. I didn't get a real clear picture of the timeline, but got the sense that something may come to pass by this fall, and then Philip will jump start the negotiations with Chevron. I asked Philip whether Sasol would be a part of the process and he was a little coy, but did say that Sasol wants to invested in the Karoo, but that all the good properties were already taken.
      With Sasol as a partner in the Beetaloo, it would certainly be a plus for all Falcon shareholders - if they were teamed up with Chevron on a Karoo JV, especially given Sasol's long term position as one of South Africa's biggest and most successful companies.

      schrieb am 16.06.14 22:39:04
      Beitrag Nr. 4.784 ()
      schrieb am 20.06.14 23:58:17
      Beitrag Nr. 4.785 ()
      Falcon Oil & Gas boosted amid reports South Africa’s new resource laws will be reviewed
      By Jamie Ashcroft June 19 2014, 11:59am

      Separate reports in recent months have claimed an existing moratorium on shale and fracking may soon be lifted as part of the legislative overhaul.

      There is increased hope that potentially stifling natural resource legislation in South Africa won’t make it into law.

      South Africa’s new mineral resources minister, Ngoako Ramatlhodi, has reportedly asked the president to put on hold legislative changes.

      The controversial proposals would transfer 20% of oil and gas assets to the government as well as set ‘buy-out’ clauses that could see the other 80% bought for a pre-determined price.

      The proposals had been heavily criticised by the oil industry and Ramatlhodi has now reportedly called for a review.

      The minister is quoted in the Financial Times: “They [the presidency] must hold, I must study it. I want to see what it looks like, and I’ve got legal opinion as well.”

      “I’m aware people [oil companies] are on the ground so it means there’s work happening now, so we do need to clarify the thing very quickly.”

      A decision on the proposed legislation would impact Total, Shell and ExxonMobil – all of which have offshore exploration projects – but it may also have significant implications for companies like AIM-quoted Falcon Oil & Gas (LON:FOG), which aims to build a business in the Karoo shale basin.

      The exploration and extraction of shale hydrocarbons in South Africa, like several other countries, is in itself controversial and the path remains unclear.

      Separate reports in recent months have claimed an existing moratorium on shale and fracking may soon be lifted as part of the legislative overhaul.

      Falcon is well positioned, if and when the nascent industry is opened, with 7.5mln acres in the southwest part of the Karoo basin – which spans about 148mln acres and is provisionally estimated to host just shy of 400tln cubic feet of shale gas.

      The AIM quoted company expects to be granted the right to explore its Karoo basin shale acreage this year.…
      schrieb am 20.06.14 23:59:45
      Beitrag Nr. 4.786 ()
      Falcon Oil & Gas boosted amid reports South Africa’s new resource laws will be reviewed
      By Jamie Ashcroft June 19 2014, 11:59am

      Separate reports in recent months have claimed an existing moratorium on shale and fracking may soon be lifted as part of the legislative overhaul.

      There is increased hope that potentially stifling natural resource legislation in South Africa won’t make it into law.

      South Africa’s new mineral resources minister, Ngoako Ramatlhodi, has reportedly asked the president to put on hold legislative changes.

      The controversial proposals would transfer 20% of oil and gas assets to the government as well as set ‘buy-out’ clauses that could see the other 80% bought for a pre-determined price.

      The proposals had been heavily criticised by the oil industry and Ramatlhodi has now reportedly called for a review.

      The minister is quoted in the Financial Times: “They [the presidency] must hold, I must study it. I want to see what it looks like, and I’ve got legal opinion as well.”

      “I’m aware people [oil companies] are on the ground so it means there’s work happening now, so we do need to clarify the thing very quickly.”

      A decision on the proposed legislation would impact Total, Shell and ExxonMobil – all of which have offshore exploration projects – but it may also have significant implications for companies like AIM-quoted Falcon Oil & Gas (LON:FOG), which aims to build a business in the Karoo shale basin.

      The exploration and extraction of shale hydrocarbons in South Africa, like several other countries, is in itself controversial and the path remains unclear.

      Separate reports in recent months have claimed an existing moratorium on shale and fracking may soon be lifted as part of the legislative overhaul.

      Falcon is well positioned, if and when the nascent industry is opened, with 7.5mln acres in the southwest part of the Karoo basin – which spans about 148mln acres and is provisionally estimated to host just shy of 400tln cubic feet of shale gas.

      The AIM quoted company expects to be granted the right to explore its Karoo basin shale acreage this year.…
      schrieb am 25.06.14 21:38:55
      Beitrag Nr. 4.787 ()
      SA can set global standard for safe shale gas
      by Dhesigen Naidoo, Juni 23 2014, 09:12

      IT IS speculated that the South African shale gas fields range anywhere between the eighth-to the fifth-largest reserves in the world. South Africa is an energy-scarce country, largely reliant on coal for energy, with oil and gas imports being important contributors to our negative trade balance. These two factors combined with the possibility of job creation and enterprise development possibilities, means that even if the real size of South Africa’s shale gas reserves were significantly lower than what is claimed, we have to explore the possibility.

      The present preferred extraction technology is hydraulic fracturing, or fracking. In the water-scarce and environmentally sensitive Karoo, this method of shale gas harvesting clearly represents a water risk. There is also a health risk associated with the combination of silica and toxic chemicals that are an integral part of the fracking cocktail. But South Africa is a resource-based economy and dealing with such risks has been a bread and butter issue to South Africans for at least 300 years, and we are no stranger to the challenge.

      It is important to remember the high prices paid for some difficult lessons associated with mining over that time, one of the starkest being the insufficient consideration of the effects at the time of operation, leaving a high bill for future generations to pay. A good example is acid mine water and groundwater pollution in the Gauteng basins. In addition, we have the lessons of others around the world, perhaps particularly the US, where there is a general view that the difficulties with the shale gas story was that the gas boom got ahead of the know-how and the science. This is a fundamental error that South Africa should not repeat.

      The discussions, when they are held, tend to be justifiably emotionally charged. However, they also tend to be dominated by either hard-line environmentalists on the one hand or capitalist fundamentalists on the other. And, as is often the case, the useful questions to be answered lie in between. Most of these questions at present revolve around the economics of the shale gas harvesting with full value chain perspective.

      One of the strong arguments in favour of mining the shale gas, over and above the energy security and balance of payments considerations, is its attractiveness in terms of carbon emissions. It is estimated that energy from shale gas will emit 2g of carbon emissions per million British thermal units (1.055-million kilojoules) of energy produced, as opposed to 23g using coal. This is, of course, very attractive. But this carbon gain can be realised only if the shale gas is indeed used locally as a substitute for coal.The equation is completely different if the shale gas is exported. This is a critical consideration in the shale gas decision-making process.

      The second set of economic questions is associated with the water risk. The two key factors are the source of millions of litres of water needed for the fracking activity and dealing with wastewater produced and the effects that all of this would have on the existing groundwater resources in the Karoo.

      There are two areas of significant investment required to engage this. The first is the upfront investment in the science to better understand the implications and to develop better technologies to mitigate the risks.

      The second is the investment in the risk mitigation itself for safe water extraction or other supply mechanisms for the fracking operation and prudent wastewater treatment postfracking. This is not something the industry has to do on its own as there are several public agencies, including the Water Research Commission and its sister science councils that are already investing in these areas.

      In the Water Research Commission projects, active partnership has been secured with players on both sides of the fracking debate. These include the World Wide Fund for Nature as well as major industry players.

      It is imperative to raise the knowledge bar to better empower Water and Sanitation Minister Nomvula Mokonyane, her Cabinet colleagues and other decision makers to decide on an innovative pathway for shale gas harvesting in South Africa. We have the real possibility of using the exploration phase to answer many of these questions.

      To enable this, we need a higher investment in the science. Doing this will ensure a South African shale gas narrative that has the opportunity to become the global best practice, first in the decision-making around shale gas harvesting and perhaps eventually in the operations itself.

      • Naidoo is the CEO of the South African Water Research Commission.…
      schrieb am 25.06.14 21:42:03
      Beitrag Nr. 4.788 ()
      schrieb am 25.06.14 22:54:14
      Beitrag Nr. 4.789 ()
      Falcon Oil Australia property agreement

      2014-06-24 18:39 ET - Property Agreement

      The TSX Venture Exchange has accepted for filing documentation pertaining to a farm-in agreement and joint operating agreement between Falcon Oil & Gas Australia Ltd., a 98-per-cent-held subsidiary of Falcon Oil & Gas Ltd., Origin Energy Resources Ltd., a subsidiary of Origin Energy Ltd., and Sasol Petroleum Australia Ltd., a subsidiary of Sasol Ltd., whereby each farm-inee will farm into 35 per cent of the company's exploration permits in the Beetaloo basin, Australia.

      As consideration for the permits, the company will receive $20-million (Australian) in cash from the farm-inees.

      For further details, please refer to the company's news release dated May 2, 2014.

      © 2014 Canjex Publishing Ltd. All rights reserved.…
      schrieb am 30.06.14 21:05:40
      Beitrag Nr. 4.790 ()
      One theme from the daily mails investopedia these days.

      A Logical Method Of Stop Placement
      By Jamie Saettele on February 26, 2009

      Trading is a game of probability. This means that every trader will be wrong sometimes. When a trade does go wrong, there are only two options: to accept the loss and liquidate your position, or go down with the ship.

      This is why using stop orders is so important. Many traders take profits quickly but also hold on to losing trades - it's simply human nature. We take profits because it feels good and we try to hide from the discomfort of defeat. A properly placed stop order takes care of this problem by acting as insurance against losing too much. In order to work properly, a stop must answer one question: At what price is your opinion wrong? In this article, we'll explore several approaches to determining stop placement that will help you to swallow your pride and keep your portfolio afloat. (For more insight, read Limiting Losses and Trailing-Stop Techniques.)

      Hard Stop
      One of the simplest stops is the hard stop, in which you simply place a stop a certain number of pips from your entry price. However, in many cases, having a hard stop in a dynamic market doesn't make much sense. Why would you place the same 20-pip stop in both a quiet market and one showing volatile market conditions? Similarly, why would you risk the same 80 pips in both quiet and volatile market conditions?

      To illustrate this point, let's compare placing a stop to buying insurance. The insurance that you pay is a result of the risk that you incur - whether it pertains to a car, home, life, etc. As a result, an overweight 60-year-old smoker with high cholesterol pays more for life insurance than a 30-year-old non-smoker with normal cholesterol levels because his risks (age, weight, smoking, cholesterol) make death a more likely possibility. If volatility (risk) is low, you do not need to pay as much for insurance. The same is true for stops - the amount of insurance you will need from your stop will vary with the overall risk in the market.

      . . .…
      schrieb am 01.07.14 19:41:21
      Beitrag Nr. 4.791 ()
      Multiple Day High/Low

      The multiple day high/low method is best suited for swing traders and position traders.It is simple and enforces patience but can also present the trader with too much risk. For a long position, a stop would be placed at a pre-determined day's low. A popular parameter is two days. In this instance, a stop would be placed at the two-day low (or just below it). If we assume that a trader was long during the uptrend shown in Figure 2, the individual would likely exit the position at the circled candle because this was the first bar to break below its two-day low. As this example suggests, this method works well for trend traders as a trailing stop.

      Figure 2
      Source: FXTrek Intellichart

      This method may cause a trader to incur too much risk when they make a trade after a day that exhibits a large range. This outcome is shown in Figure 3, below.

      Figure 3
      Source: FXTrek Intellichart

      A trader who enters a position near the top of the large candle may have chosen a bad entry but, more importantly, that trader may not want to use the two-day low as a stop-loss strategy because (as seen in Figure 3) the risk can be significant.

      The best risk management is a good entry. In any case, it is best to avoid the multiple day high/low stop when entering a position just after a day with a large range. Longer term traders may want to use weeks or even months as their parameters for stop placement. A two-month low stop is an enormous stop, but it makes sense for the position trader who makes just a few trades per year.…
      schrieb am 03.07.14 06:30:33
      Beitrag Nr. 4.792 ()
      Falcon Corporate Presentation July 2014…" target="_blank" rel="nofollow ugc noopener">…
      schrieb am 03.07.14 06:33:08
      Beitrag Nr. 4.793 ()
      Falcon Corporate Presentation July 2014…
      schrieb am 05.07.14 22:24:06
      Beitrag Nr. 4.794 ()
      machen wir uns nix vor auriga!!

      keiner kann dein Gequatsche hier mehr hören, wenigstens Susi hatte den Mut einen neuen thread zu eröffnen, auch wenn diese Aktie genauso wie Falcon von Anfang an auf Abzocke und niemals auf Gewinn der shareholder ausgelegt war, also ich bin raus und du kannst gern Deine sogenannten Analysen weiter von Dir geben, wen juckst..^^
      schrieb am 05.07.14 22:46:56
      Beitrag Nr. 4.795 ()
      Hey D-Info....sei gegrüßt.....du scheinst dich auszukennen.....Experten sind immer willkommen....alleine sind deine statements so zu allgemein...wir erwarten also von dir eine Begründung, warum Falcon and Petro, wie du schreibst auf Abzocke angelegt we go!....oder kneifst du etwa....;);)!!
      schrieb am 06.07.14 10:49:14
      Beitrag Nr. 4.796 ()
      Der nette Kollege hat nicht gekniffen, aber dafür ein artiges tExtchen verfasst. Durchaus im Nachbar thread. Leider etwas dünn, aber er hat sich bemüht. Das ist anzuerkennen. Doch, finde ich.... Man sieht allerdings auch was herauskommt, wenn jemand versucht ohne den nötigen Sach-Verstand und die nötige Kompetenz zu liefern....>Unrat....d-info eben....dies ist natürlich nicht sehr angenehm für Börsen Leser und auch eher unerwünscht, würde ich mal sagen...naja, so what!....;).
      schrieb am 06.07.14 10:54:12
      Beitrag Nr. 4.797 ()
      >ausschließlich Verluste, massenweise Vergabe von Optionen an Leute, kein interessantes Förderprojekt, wenn mal eins da war, wurde der working interest
      fast sofort verkauft, sogar vom "fracking-boom" in den USA hat diese Scheinfirma nicht profitiert, keine Wertsteigerung in den letzten 5 Jahren, die Aktie praktisch nicht mehr handelbar, keine Ahnung ,was bei dir als Erfolg durchgeht... da brauch ich nicht zu kneifen, eher solltest Du vllt Deine Positionen bei den genannten Firmen überdenken..:P

      >Ausschließlich Verluste

      Was verstehst du in diesem Zusammenhang unter Verlusten 1 --in den Aktienkursen haben wir sowohl Auf- als auch 2 D-Info, es handelt sich sowohl bei Petrohunter Corporation als auch bei Falcon Oil and Gas um sogenannte wie ich dich einschätze sollte dir bewusst sein, dass Explorer immer Minus machen bis sie zur Produktion durchstoßen oder ihre assets verkaufen können....Petrohunter verkaufte seinerzeit assets für hohe Millionenbeträge wie du weißt...dieses als >ein Beispiel....Falcon wiederum nimmt dieser Tage gerade USD 20 Mio von Origin Energy und Sasol South Africa ein...also nichts für ungut du bleibst auch hier zu wirlich in eine Diskussion zu kommen mit dir müsstes du dich bitte etwas weiter dezidieren...OK?...wenn das nicht zuviel verlangt sein sollte...OK!

      >massenweise Vergabe von Optionen an Leute

      No Sir! Nicht massenweise. Nachweisbar bis auf den cent >überschaubar....du weißt genau dass Optionen in allen Aktiengesellschaften ausgegeben werden als wichtiger Anreiz für das Personal und das ist auch gut so....viele Erfolge bei Petrohunter und Falcon wurden in der Tat auch mit Optionen belohnt, das ist richtig.

      >kein interessantes Förderprojekt, wenn mal eins da war, wurde der working interest
      fast sofort verkauft,

      Nicht ganz D-info....Beetaloo Basin als ein Beispiel ist sowohl bei Petrohunter als auch bei Falcon intakt....einige working interests wurden bei Petrohunter als auch bei Falcon allerdings auch abgegeben....bei Falcon an ExxonMobil, an Hess, an Sasol und an Origin Energy, demnächst in Karoo wohl auch an unseren Partner Chevron....OK!

      >sogar vom "fracking-boom" in den USA hat diese Scheinfirma nicht profitiert

      Scheinfirma will ich gerne überhören.....sowohl Falcon als auch Petrohunter haben allerdings in Australien erfolgreich gefrackt....das muss gesagt werden....auch in USA hat Petrohunter gefrackt, allerdings sind die Buckskin Mesa wells in der Warteschleife (Piceance Basin).

      >keine Wertsteigerung in den letzten 5 Jahren

      Doch: der Wert von Falcon als auch von Petrohunter wurde zuletzt gesteigert durch die Entwicklung von erworbenen explo licenses....als ein Beispiel mag hier wiederum das Beetaloo Basin in den Northern Territories von Australien genügen.

      >die Aktie praktisch nicht mehr handelbar

      Petrohunter ist in USA handelbar, in FFM Stuttgart et al zur Zeit ausgesetzt....Oring ist am filen und eine Rückkehr an die deutschen Börsen ist in der weiteren Entwicklung durchaus möglich....Falcon wird gehandelt an den meisten deutschen Bö in in in in NYC USA!

      >keine Ahnung ,was bei dir als Erfolg durchgeht... da brauch ich nicht zu kneifen

      Schön dass du die Diskussion aufgenommen hast!...Erfolg ist bei mir bei Petrohunter zum Beispiel die Verlängerung des waivers von Global finance as of late in 2014 und bei Falcon der 200 Mio USD deal as of late mit Origin und SAsol.

      >eher solltest Du vllt Deine Positionen bei den genannten Firmen überdenken..:P

      Wir überdenken unsere Positionen bei Petrohunter und Falcon stetig, deshalb auch unser blödes Gequatsche in den threads....OK?

      Schade dass du raus bist oder erst noch rauswillst?...Falcon und Petro trade ich hauptsächlich....beide Firmen sind sehr promising, so hält auch Petrohunuter 10% an Falcon genauso wie zum Beispiel Viktor Wechselberg(sogar noch etwas mehr).

      Nur Andeutungen einsweilen, OK?

      Grüße, Auriga..;);)!![/quote]
      schrieb am 06.07.14 12:29:19
      Beitrag Nr. 4.798 ()
      Dies ist IMO exact der richtige Zeitpunkt um an einen Aspekt zu erinnern, den River seinerzeit gebracht hat.
      schrieb am 06.07.14 12:33:07
      Beitrag Nr. 4.799 ()
      Quote River April 2014

      Neues Filing:

      Item 5.02 Departure of Directors or Certain Officers; Election of Directors; Appointment of Certain Officers; Compensatory Arrangements of Certain Officers.

      On April 4, 2014, the registrant increased the number of directors from three to six and elected Daniel Bloch, Nicolas Mathys and Christian Russenberger to fill the vacancies created by the increase. There are no arrangements or understandings between any of the new directors and any other persons, pursuant to which such directors were selected as directors.

      Mr. Russenberger is the director of Global Project Finance AG (“Global”), which entered into two Credit and Security Agreements with the registrant in 2007, pursuant to which $39,800,000 was advanced to the registrant. A portion of these loans is collateralized by shares of the registrant’s wholly-owned subsidiary, Sweetpea Petroleum Pty Ltd. (“Sweetpea”). The registrant agreed to pay Global advance fees in connection with these loans. In addition, the registrant borrowed $850,000 from Global in 2007.

      The registrant entered into an amendment agreement with Global with respect to the Credit and Security Agreements and the $850,000 loan, in which all defaults under the Agreements and the loan were waived through December 31, 2014. In addition, the terms of the amendment agreement allow for conversion of $6,500,000 of principal amount owed under the existing credit facilities into shares of the registrant’s common stock at $0.10 per share through December 31, 2014.

      As of September 30, 2013, approximately $55.4 million was owed to Global under the Credit and Security Agreements, the $850,000 loan and for unpaid advance fees.

      Mr. Russenberger has also served as a director of Sweetpea since July 2011.


      Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned hereunto duly authorized.[/quote]
      schrieb am 06.07.14 12:53:09
      Beitrag Nr. 4.800 ()
      schrieb am 06.07.14 12:58:03
      Beitrag Nr. 4.801 ()
      The World Cup by the Numbers: 3.2 Billion Viewers…
      schrieb am 06.07.14 13:03:32
      Beitrag Nr. 4.802 ()
      schrieb am 06.07.14 13:10:10
      Beitrag Nr. 4.803 ()
      Quote three River

      Aufschiebung der Kredite bis Jahresende.
      Weiters kann phun weitere 6,5 Mio unter Ausgabe von 65 Mio Aktien zu einem Wert von 0,10 USD erhalten, im Rahmen des bestehenden Kreditrahmens.
      Die 6,5 Mio verstehe ich doch richtig, dass diese zusätzlich sind, oder?

      Ist doch mal nicht schlecht.....
      schrieb am 06.07.14 17:23:55
      Beitrag Nr. 4.804 ()
      On April 4, 2014, the registrant increased the number of directors from three to six and elected Daniel Bloch, Nicolas Mathys and Christian Russenberger to fill the vacancies created by the increase. There are no arrangements or understandings between any of the new directors and any other persons, pursuant to which such directors were selected as directors.

      Anhebung des boards auf sechs Direktoren. Russenberger dabei. Also direkt als Gläubiger von PHUN in das board integriert. Darüber hinaus eine Kräfteverschiebung und eventuell die Anhebung auch in Vorausschau auf eine mögliche Integration von weiteren Direktoren von Fremdfirmen wie auch immer...muss man sich dann mal anschauen wo Daniel Bloch und Nicolas Mathys herkommen.…

      PS Russenberger war früher auch schon mal im board von Falcon.
      schrieb am 06.07.14 17:31:29
      Beitrag Nr. 4.805 ()
      Company Information

      PetroHunter Energy Corporation (PetroHunter) is an oil and gas exploration company. The Company holds oil and gas interests located in the Beetaloo Basin in the Northern Territory in Australia, as well as wellbores in the Piceance Basin of Western Colorado. On August 28, 2012, two of the three permits covering 1.5 million acres were granted, and it remain in negotiation related to the third permit. The Company's buckskin mesa project is located in the northern part of the Piceance Basin in Rio Blanco County, Colorado. On July 17, 2013, Sweetpea closed on the sale of its approximate 24% interest in Falcon Australia to Falcon, which immediately prior to the sale owned a 72.68% interest in Falcon Australia. Immediately after the purchase from Sweetpea, Falcon owned 96.90% of the issued share capital of Falcon Australia.
      PetroHunter Energy Corporation
      Suite 208, 910 16th Street DENVER CO 80202
      Phone: +1 (303) 572-8900
      Fax: +1 (720) 889-8371…
      schrieb am 06.07.14 17:35:40
      Beitrag Nr. 4.806 ()
      Executive Title
      Martin B. Oring Chmn. since 2009
      Paul D. Maniscalco CAO since 2008
      Daniel Bloch Dir.
      Carmen J. Lotito Dir. since 2006
      Nicolas Mathys Dir.…
      schrieb am 06.07.14 17:43:06
      Beitrag Nr. 4.807 ()
      Bloch taucht auch bei Falcon auf....bis hierhin erst einmal....Pause.

      Bloch, Daniel
      Brief Biography

      Mr. Daniel Bloch is Corporate Secretary of Falcon Oil & Gas Ltd. Mr. Bloch is a partner at Aird & Berlis LLP in Toronto, and member of the firm’s Corporate Finance group and the National Resources Team. Mr. Bloch’s practice focuses on all areas of corporate finance, mergers and acquisitions and securities law. Mr. Bloch regularly represents and provides general corporate and securities law advice to publicly and privately held corporations in a wide variety of industries. He has developed a particular in advising issuers and underwriters in connection with public and private financings. Mr. Bloch is 42 years old and will devote approximately 10% of his professional time to managing the Resulting Issuer.…
      schrieb am 06.07.14 17:44:52
      Beitrag Nr. 4.808 ()
      schrieb am 06.07.14 17:48:04
      Beitrag Nr. 4.809 ()
      Falcon on google finance....;).
      schrieb am 06.07.14 20:38:06
      Beitrag Nr. 4.810 ()
      machen wir uns nix vor auriga!!

      keiner kann dein Gequatsche hier mehr hören, wenigstens Susi hatte den Mut einen neuen thread zu eröffnen, auch wenn diese Aktie genauso wie Falcon von Anfang an auf Abzocke und niemals auf Gewinn der shareholder ausgelegt war, also ich bin raus und du kannst gern Deine sogenannten Analysen weiter von Dir geben, wen juckst..^^

      Hey du Dumpfbacke >du siehst....geht weiter!....OK?........;) ;) !!
      schrieb am 06.07.14 20:42:08
      Beitrag Nr. 4.811 ()
      Re: Meetings Update
      in response to Meetings Update by Energygamer
      posted on Jun 16, 14 03:15PM

      Philip covered a few new items in his presentation in Vancouver, and hopefully we will get more detail as the next couple of months unfold. However, Philip was very upbeat and it looks like things are progressing on all fronts.
      It looks like the deal with Origin and Sasol will be inked and the $20 million paid over to Falcon in late June or early July, with $7 million of those funds earmarked for Falcon's share of the payments to the reduction in the smaller royalty ownership that are being reduced to 1%. The Origin drilling team is not waiting for the final paperwork to be signed and is already working hard on their overall drill plan for the Beetaloo, with a focus on the best spots for production rather than just deliniating the scope of the entire basin. Origin probably won't be able get drilling equipment in place until after this winter's rainy season, as Origin will have to get all the appropriate drilling permits from the Northern Territory - after the deal is finalized, leaving very little time before the winter rains start. This seems like a long time to wait for the first drill to start, but Philip seems convinced that they are progressing on the right timeline and the right targets to focus the drilling on, and that they are just as anxious to get the process rolling as he is.
      I asked about Inpex and whether they were interested in the Beetaloo, and Philip mentioned that he had a brief conversation with the President of Inpex at one stage. Philip says that Falcon would be very interested in talking to Inpex - but the right time for a deal with Inpex would be when the Beetaloo has been proven up and when Inpex is scrambling to secure additional long term supplies of natural gas for their Darwin LNG plant.
      In my opinion - Inpex would be a perfect next stage buyer of Falcon's Beetaloo assets at 15 times today pricing or more - if the overall drilling program by Sasol and Origin is successful.
      The Hungarian properties may be heating up as NIS continues drilling the second well, but he was disappointed that the first well hadn't proved up to either of their expectations. I asked about the current 30% over ride royalty that the Hungarian government has in place and Philip was fairly confident that Dr. Szabo will help overcome that issue - especially if they can get a new deal on the deep Mako down the road with NIS/Gasprom.
      South Africa is finally starting to see some political progress. Philip is on the industry negotiating committee for fracking regulations, and he said the South African government is getting ready to publish about 38 new fracking regulations - that the industry players had some hand in helping to draft. These new regulations are ones that Philip says the drillers can live with and once passed into law, then the moratorium should be lifted for all "existing" applications. I didn't get a real clear picture of the timeline, but got the sense that something may come to pass by this fall, and then Philip will jump start the negotiations with Chevron. I asked Philip whether Sasol would be a part of the process and he was a little coy, but did say that Sasol wants to invested in the Karoo, but that all the good properties were already taken.
      With Sasol as a partner in the Beetaloo, it would certainly be a plus for all Falcon shareholders - if they were teamed up with Chevron on a Karoo JV, especially given Sasol's long term position as one of South Africa's biggest and most successful companies.

      newtofo [/quote]
      schrieb am 06.07.14 21:01:57
      Beitrag Nr. 4.812 ()
      The Origin drilling team is not waiting for the final paperwork to be signed and is already working hard on their overall drill plan for the Beetaloo, with a focus on the best spots for production rather than just deliniating the scope of the entire basin. Origin probably won't be able get drilling equipment in place until after this winter's rainy season, as Origin will have to get all the appropriate drilling permits from the Northern Territory - after the deal is finalized, leaving very little time before the winter rains start. This seems like a long time to wait for the first drill to start, but Philip seems convinced that they are progressing on the right timeline and the right targets to focus the drilling on, and that they are just as anxious to get the process rolling as he is.
      Quote Newtofo
      schrieb am 09.07.14 20:35:03
      Beitrag Nr. 4.813 ()
      The Pay Zone

      Malcolm Graham-Wood (Malcy) is the Oil and Gas advisor who started his City career as a trainee analyst at Wood Mackenzie and then cut a swathe through a number of broking houses, all the time building up his knowledge and love of the upstream oil and gas industry including the service sector. Although he is a big fan of the sector, Malcy is not one to hold back a negative opinion if he believes it is warranted. He makes for an interesting lunch companion and is a regular confidante of Chief Executives and institutional investors. Here you’ll find Malcy’s reaction to oil sector news as it arises. . .
      schrieb am 09.07.14 20:38:05
      Beitrag Nr. 4.814 ()
      The Pay Zone: Oil price, Falcon Oil & Gas, Petroceltic International, BP, Andes Energia, Exxon Mobil and Finally......
      By Malcolm Graham-Wood
      July 08 2014, 1:44pm

      WTI $103.53 -53c, Brent $110.24 -76c, Diff $6.71 -23c, NG $4.22 -18c

      Oil price

      In the absence of further serious military activity in Iraq, which continues to produce and export at full capacity, and with the likelihood that the increasing flow of oil from Libya is for real oil markets continue to retreat. Yesterday my trading contacts said that despite being a quiet day post the holiday weekend stateside spot prices broke down and Brent for example took out the support levels at $111 and $110.50 closing near the lows. As you know my main worry on the downside is actually not just technical but also that the market is heaving with punters who are long and wrong and for whom this market is not their normal habitat. When that happens the usual pattern of behaviour is more likely to be a cutting of losses rather than to double the bet, I look forward to seeing the stats about random betting on the oil price as it comes through, Brent is now over $5 off the recent peak you know…

      Watch out too for the Natural Gas price which has belatedly started to head towards $4, topping up inventories after the cold winter has held it firmer than many expected but the next month or two will be quite interesting.

      Falcon Oil & Gas (LON:FOG)

      I finally managed to get a one-to-one meeting with Falcon last week, spending some quality time with CEO Philip O’Quigley and CFO Michael Gallagher. Falcon is chaired by John Craven, amongst the most well known and respected oil men around town having had significant success at Cove Energy and the corporate strategy here is remarkably similar to that successful model. This is a simple and well known mantra, acquire large positions in geologically prospective oil and gas plays, focus on countries that support drilling, reduce exposure through farm-outs of seismic and work programmes and monetise by selling early enough in the cycle to avoid the bigger development costs.

      Falcon’s assets are primarily in Australia and South Africa with interests in Hungary as well and the portfolio size is substantial amounting to over 12 million gross acres. Falcon came to at lot of peoples attention, certainly mine, when they ‘lost’ their former partner in Hess and did an excellent farm-out deal on their acreage in the Northern Territory in Australia bringing in Origin and Sasol. Without over-egging the pudding this deal transformed life for Falcon, in Origin they found an enthusiastic and domestic operator, they received upfront, A$20m in cash and a valuable carry, increased their drilling programme and focussed on the unconventional play in the area. More importantly the private overriding royalties, previously thought to be a deal-breaker, were removed and either bought out or in one case switched to a five year call option that will only cost $20m and on success. With the farm-out completed the timeline can now be put in place and should permitting be forthcoming three wells may be drilled this year, if not next year will see a very active programme. The M&A scene in Australia has been very active in the last year or so and Falcon have done a very smart deal here, I would be most surprised if this asset didn’t turn into a company maker.

      Falcon also has assets in the Karoo Basin in South Africa, this is a shale gas play with a technical cooperation permit and is adjacent to the Shell permitted land. In the basin Falcon have a 5 year exclusive cooperation agreement with Chevron which was signed in 2012 and gave them $1m of past costs contribution. It should be warned that in April 2011 there was a moratorium placed by the oil ministry and whilst it was passed unsurprisingly by Parliament, recent changes in personnel have led to new technical regulations being proposed. The new Minister has removed the ‘hostile parts’ of the legislation and it is hoped that activity will continue as proposed. As a result of this Falcon expects to receive the award of an exploration permit in the second half of this year to be followed by a number of announcements regarding the permit. It would not come as a major surprise if Chevron as an ‘exclusive partner’ was not somehow involved in this wheeling and dealing and if Falcon could make around $200m from this then further value would be franked.

      I do not intend now to go into detail of the Hungarian assets although they may feature in future notes, they are a mix of high and low risk plays and I would expect to see a potential farm-out of the deep Trough at some stage although drilling continues in the shallow this year.

      With smart farm-out deals which I always reckon underpin equity valuation, Falcon should be carried for some time for nothing giving the potential to create significant value should the necessary scale of discoveries be made. If the company achieve success with the drill bit, and these do need to be of a certain size in Australia, then they will have created that value through early entry and successful monetisation, the model will have worked. Falcon have a solid base of supportive shareholders and due to the legacy of the TSXV listing a large retail following in North America, whilst this is not ideal and means that there is always the likelihood of a tap on the market the management spend a lot of time with them and they seem to appreciate the investment case. An acquisition in North America for producing assets with some upside might just be the answer to this particular problem…

      Watch out for the South African situation and of course permitting for drilling in Australia, either way with a sub £100m market cap and a potentially substantial value proposition, Falcon is most definitely one for the watch list.


      BP (LON:BP.) has sold a package of Texas natural gas assets to Pantera for $390m, also you might have seen in the weekend press that a group of European Asset Managers have received clearance to sue BP over the Macondo loss of value.

      Exxon (NYSE:XOM) has reportedly farmed into an oil and gas block in the Neuguen block in Argentina, this is where the famous Vaca Muerta is and this can only be good news for Andes Energia (LON:AEN). Whilst the political storms continue over the country’s debt I can understand why investors are standing back but mark my words some people are going to make a lot of money out of Andes at some stage.

      And Petroceltic (LON:PCI) has completed the Algerian farm-out, another good piece of work albeit slow as ever there but value creating all the same. More on Petroceltic in due course but I remain most worried about the governance here following the removal of independent directors by Worldview.

      And finally…

      A brief lull in the sporting summer as we prepare for the final stages of the World Cup, tonight Brazil face Germany who are in their 4th consecutive semi-final and Brazil may now not be favourites which may not be a bad thing.

      Alfredo Di Stefano is a name from the most famous of all players, even though just before my time he was a legend in that Real team who couldn’t lose.

      And ‘Cashley’ Cole has signed a lucrative contract with Roma having fallen out with Chelsea, not quite far enough away for my liking…

      And a great end to three days of the Tour de France as hundreds of thousands lined the route to London and gave better support than that exists in France I understand.…
      schrieb am 09.07.14 20:57:07
      Beitrag Nr. 4.815 ()
      Hey twit, here we go might as well take a look at this >for your postgraduate professional education...LOL.....>I finally managed to get a one-to-one meeting with Falcon last week, spending some quality time with CEO Philip O’Quigley and CFO Michael Gallagher. Falcon is chaired by John Craven, amongst the most well known and respected oil men around town having had significant success at Cove Energy and the corporate strategy here is remarkably similar to that successful model. This is a simple and well known mantra, acquire large positions in geologically prospective oil and gas plays, focus on countries that support drilling, reduce exposure through farm-outs of seismic and work programmes and monetise by selling early enough in the cycle to avoid the bigger development costs.....its from Malty’s’s hoping you’ll get it....kind regards....Auriga..;)!

      machen wir uns nix vor auriga!!

      keiner kann dein Gequatsche hier mehr hören, wenigstens Susi hatte den Mut einen neuen thread zu eröffnen, auch wenn diese Aktie genauso wie Falcon von Anfang an auf Abzocke und niemals auf Gewinn der shareholder ausgelegt war, also ich bin raus und du kannst gern Deine sogenannten Analysen weiter von Dir geben, wen juckst..^^
      schrieb am 09.07.14 21:03:01
      Beitrag Nr. 4.816 ()
      Im Übrigen merke dir eines du dumpfbacke....für solche Polemik fehlt dir das Niveau....also passe deine eingaben deinen Fähigkeiten an sonst setzts was...Capito???....;)!
      schrieb am 11.07.14 18:54:11
      Beitrag Nr. 4.817 ()
      South Africa shale exploration should start as soon as possible, minister says
      By Jamie Ashcroft July 09 2014, 12:25pm

      Mineral resources minister Ngoako Ramatlhodi, is quoted in South Africa’s domestic press, saying the government wanted oil and shale gas exploration to start.

      South Africa’s nascent shale industry received another apparent boost, according to local press reports, as a key policy maker said exploration should start as soon as possible.

      The country’s natural resource policies are something of a political football currently, with much consternation over certain proposals to change the rules regarding the state’s beneficial involvement in natural resource projects.

      At the same time, the exploration of oil and gas shales have been suspended under moratorium, since 2011, though political rhetoric in recent months suggests the hiatus may come to an end sooner rather than later.

      Indeed, mineral resources minister Ngoako Ramatlhodi, is quoted in South Africa’s domestic press, saying the government wanted oil and shale gas exploration to start.

      “We want to ensure that we unlock investment as soon as possible, we can’t wait to unlock that investment.”

      According to the report, Ramatlhodi intends to request that the Mineral and Petroleum Resources Development Bill is referred back to parliament for review.

      UK listed early mover Falcon Oil & Gas (LON:FOG) would be one of the beneficiaries should the moratorium be lifted.

      Indeed, if and when the nascent industry is opened, Falcon is well positioned with 7.5mln acres in the southwest part of the Karoo shale basin – which spans about 148mln acres and is provisionally estimated to host just shy of 400tln cubic feet of shale gas.

      The AIM quoted company expects to be granted the right to explore its Karoo basin shale acreage this year.…
      schrieb am 13.07.14 20:14:57
      Beitrag Nr. 4.818 ()
      Today’s article on MAKRO VIEW(13 07)

      What To Do When Stocks Are At New Highs
      Jul. 12, 2014 9:04 PM ET | 18 comments | Includes: DIA, QQQ, SPY

      Brett Eversole, Daily Wealth (8 clicks)
      Research analyst
      Profile| Send Message|
      Get real-time alerts (7 followers)

      [Originally published on 3/3/2014]

      If you're scared to buy stocks near all-time highs, I have good news for you...

      History tells us you have nothing to worry about. Seriously.

      Let me explain...

      The old saying goes that you need to "buy low and sell high" to make money investing.

      But if you take that idea at face value, you'd be a fool to buy stocks when the S&P 500 sits near record highs, right? I mean, how much higher can it really go?

      That's the attitude 99% of investors have... but it's completely wrong.

      Since 1900, the average 12-month gain on U.S. stocks was 5% (not including dividends). However, if you bought stocks when they hit all-time highs and held for 12 months, your average gain was 50% higher... 7.5%.

      Importantly, history shows consistent outperformance when you buy stocks at all-time highs. Take a look...

      As you can see, buying at all-time highs and holding for a year or less beats the market. On a one-month time frame, buying at all-time highs nearly doubles the average market performance...

      Even though this is true, most investors trade the opposite way...

      They think it's foolish to buy at new highs. They are wrong – based on history at least.

      Since 1950, the results aren't as amazing... But they still show buying at all-time highs beats the market over the next 12 months.

      It is worth noting that once you hit a two-year outlook, this outperformance begins to disappear. Traders would say that stock prices "return to the mean."

      However, if stocks continue to hit all-time highs as you hold, the outperformance should continue, based on history. In that case, the trade just keeps resetting in our favor.

      Of course, anything can happen today. And while I expect higher prices over the next few years, no one can know for sure where the market heads next.

      The important thing is that you don't trap yourself on the sidelines. Don't feel stuck. Don't feel like you can't buy just because the market is near all-time highs.

      If anything, you should be eager to buy when you see all-time highs.

      History is clear, when stocks hit new highs, more gains usually follow.

      Disclosure: None…
      schrieb am 16.07.14 00:07:04
      Beitrag Nr. 4.819 ()…

      Falcon Oil & Gas Expects to Get South Africa Shale Gas Permit Later This Year

      Dublin based Falcon Oil & Gas is most likely to get permit to explore for shale gas in Karoo basin in South Africa in the second half of the year after technical regulations are published, reports news agency Bloomberg.

      “Our focus will be South Africa over the next 12 months,” Chief Executive Officer Philip O’Quigley told Bloomberg in an interview.

      In December 2012, Falcon entered into an exclusive cooperation agreement with Chevron to jointly seek unconventional exploration opportunities in the Karoo Basin. The company may sell stake in the asset following the approval, says the news agency.

      South Africa published the technical regulations for the development of shale gas for public comments and the final regulations will be released shortly.

      Last year, South Africa’s cabinet on approved regulations on shale gas exploration and exploitation.

      “The proposed regulations prescribe good international petroleum industry practices and standards, which enhance safe exploration and production of all petroleum - including, but not limited to, shale gas, and will further ensure that petroleum exploration is conducted in a socially and environmentally balanced manner,” Mineral Resources Minister Susan Shabangu said at the time of announcement of the cabinet decision.
      schrieb am 17.07.14 20:36:12
      Beitrag Nr. 4.820 ()
      Davy Research
      Davy Morning Equity Briefing
      July 15 2014

      Falcon Oil and Gas (FOG LN)

      Hungarian drilling update

      The news that the second well in Hungary encountered gas shows is a positive first step but will require a detailed testing programme to fully evaluate its potential.

      Second well in Hungarian farm-out programme

      The Besa-D-1 well encountered gas shows while drilling through the Algyo Formation in the Mako trough in Hungary. The well completed at 3,000 metres. The well is suspended and will now be evaluated to design an appropriate testing programme.

      Falcon has a 50% interest in the well, which is the second in a three-well farm-out programme agreed with NIS. Under this agreement, Falcon is fully carried for three wells. The farm-out agreement, which initially required the three wells to be completed by mid- 2014, has been extended to the end of the current year. This will allow testing of the Besa well, reviewing of the Mako trough play and drilling of the third and final well.

      Main Falcon focus is on Australian and South African projects

      Although the three-well programme is fully carried, the unconventional potential of the tight gas play in its licence in the Mako trough has still to be established. In terms of scale and value accretion, we think its Australian and South African projects will be the main value drivers in the group.

      In May this year, Falcon concluded a deal worth up to AU$185m with Sasol and Origin covering its unconventional acreage in the Northern Territories in Australia. We carry a total group valuation of 17p per share.

      Falcon Oil and Gas OUTPERFORM Closing price:9.1p
      Job Langbroek / +353 1 6148914
      Resources Team
      Job Langbroek, Caren Crowley, Bart Jaworski…
      schrieb am 23.07.14 19:39:46
      Beitrag Nr. 4.821 ()
      Falcon Oil & Gas’s shale strategy is yielding results, says finnCap
      By Jamie Ashcroft July 23 2014, 1:53pm

      Falcon Oil & Gas’s (LON:FOG) strategy of monetising unconventional hydrocarbon assets is yielding results, according to broker finnCap, which today began covering the AIM stock with a ‘buy’ recommendation.

      Analyst Dougie Youngson says the group’s assets in Australia, Hungary and South Africa should see substantial increases in value upon completion of farm-outs and subsequent exploration activity.

      The analyst’s bullish view is reflected in his 27p price target which is some 200% higher than the current price of 9.1p.

      A recently agreed farm-out deal for the Australian project, in the sought after Beetaloo shale basin, is a transformational endorsement of Falcon’s strategy, according to Youngson.

      “This deal has proven that the strategy works.”

      “The company has now proven that it can attract major industry partners and extract value from its portfolio.

      “Falcon now has no future capital commitments and is carried through work programmes in both Australia and Hungary.”

      “On the assumption that this drilling programme is successful, we will see a substantial increase in the asset’s valuation, with Falcon selling its stake ahead of any potential field development.”

      The analyst also says he believes South Africa’s fracking ban will be lifted later this year, and this would trigger a farm-out there too.
      Register here to be notified of future Falcon Oil & Gas articles.
      RSS Meet Falcon Oil & Gas and Andes Energia at our event, London, 21 August 2014. Register here »…
      schrieb am 23.07.14 19:54:13
      Beitrag Nr. 4.822 ()
      Standing out from the crowd
      A proactive approach to maintaining market interest in our corporate clients
      schrieb am 23.07.14 20:03:20
      Beitrag Nr. 4.823 ()
      Proactive Investors Hydrocarbons Investor Forum - London

      The directors of Falcon Oil & Gas (TSX-V, ESM, AIM: FOG) and Andes Energia (AIM: AEN) will be presenting:
      Thursday the 21st August 2014,
      Chesterfield Mayfair Hotel, 35 Charles Street, Mayfair, W1J 5EB

      The presentations will start at 6:00pm and finish at approx 8:00pm. After the presentations are complete the directors will also be available to take questions during a free canapé and wine reception. Details on the presenting companies can be found below.

      This event is suitable for the following:
      Sophisticated & private investors, private client brokers, fund managers, financial institutions, hedge funds, buy & sell side analysts and journalists.

      The event is not suitable for people pursuing commercial opportunities.

      If you have any problems registering or queries please email…
      schrieb am 24.07.14 16:16:02
      Beitrag Nr. 4.824 ()
      Shale gas handbook
      A quick-reference guide for companies involved in the exploitation of unconventional gas resources…
      schrieb am 26.07.14 12:41:07
      Beitrag Nr. 4.825 ()
      Why You’ll Only Find OTCQX and OTCQB Securities On Our Home Page

      A Letter from OTC Markets Group President and CEO R. Cromwell Coulson

      You will soon notice changes to our homepage at Most importantly, you will see we feature only OTCQX and OTCQB securities in the Current Market Activity section and in the news releases, financial reports and videos feeds of our homepage. News releases, financial reports and videos for OTC Pink companies will still be available on the quote pages of individual OTC Pink securities and in the OTC Pink Market Activity and News sections of our sites.

      Our homepage is the front door to our website and we want to share it with companies that embody our values of being open, transparent and connected. OTCQX and OTCQB companies have made the important investment to be open by providing thorough transparency to their investors and being connected to their U.S. trading market. While every market has some speculation and risk, the most efficient financial markets require the commitment of companies to widely share their current information so investors can intelligently analyze, value and trade their securities.

      The OTC Pink marketplace serves an important function of allowing broker-dealers to get their customers the best price in all types of securities, yet investing in OTC Pink companies has always required more digging and due diligence on the part of investors. OTC Pink is an open marketplace, so OTC Pink companies can choose to provide less timely or consistent news and disclosure to investors than OTCQX and OTCQB companies. OTC Pink also includes foreign companies that choose not to release news under their U.S. traded symbol or to distribute disclosure outside their home markets. OTC Pink companies are more likely to have lower disclosure standards, fewer financial controls or to be in economic distress or bankruptcy – all reasons why broker-dealers place more restrictions around trading opaque and risky OTC Pink securities.

      Adventurous global investors and those with the patience and sophistication of a young Warren Buffett or Bill Ackman may profit from these information gaps and price inefficiencies, but other investors should proceed with care and only after extensive sleuthing and fundamental research of financially distressed, disconnected or “dark” OTC Pink companies. With OTC Pink, it is every investor’s individual responsibility to further research the companies to separate worthwhile investments from questionable speculations.

      OTCQX and OTCQB companies, in contrast, deserve the spotlight for being more transparent and better connected to their investors and brokers. OTCQX, our best marketplace, is where investors can find established U.S. and international corporations that have met our high financial standards and reporting requirements and have third-party sponsorship. This includes global blue-chip companies like Roche Holding AG, Heineken N.V. and Shiseido Company Ltd. , as well as several U.S. community banks and more established U.S. and global growth companies like Computer Services, Inc. and Starpharma Holdings, Ltd. These companies represent the “cream of the crop” of our market in terms of investor openness and transparency.

      Meanwhile, OTCQB is becoming a better venture stage marketplace where investors can discover early and developing companies that are current in their reporting and have met certain minimum standards and eligibility requirements. While verified OTCQB companies may not qualify for the high financial standards of OTCQX, they have met a minimum one penny bid price test and voluntarily disclose additional information about their management, advisors and share count to investors. Many verified OTCQB companies aspire to be an OTCQX or U.S.-exchange-listed company someday.

      The next time you visit our homepage at, take time to peruse the trading activity, news and videos of some of our open, transparent and connected OTCQX and OTCQB companies. And if you’re determined to dig deeper to research an OTC Pink security, it’s only a click or two away.…
      schrieb am 10.08.14 18:44:08
      Beitrag Nr. 4.826 ()
      Larry schnuppert Höhenluft

      Copyright Marisa Allegra Williams (@marisa) for Twitter, Inc.

      Lange Zeit galt der Kurznachrichtendienst Twitter als Nischenanbieter. Das könnte sich bald ändern. Die aktuell stark ansteigenden Nutzerzahlen lassen auf eine Entwicklung zum Massenphänomen hoffen. Auch die Umsatzzahlen begeistern. Twitters Vogel Larry, Wappentier dieses Sozialen Netzwerks, befindet sich derzeit auf einem ausgedehnten Höhenflug. Dennoch schreibt das Unternehmen weiter Verluste.

      124 Prozent! Das nennt man mal eine satte Umsatzsteigerung. Selbst die größten Optimisten unter den Analysten dürften nicht schlecht gestaunt haben, als Twitter vor wenigen Tagen diese Zahl im Rahmen seiner Quartalsentwicklung präsentierte. Damit erwirtschaftete der multilinguale Mikroblogging-Dienst Erlöse in Höhe von 312 Millionen Dollar - mehr als doppelt so viel wie im Vorjahreszeitraum. Sogar Twitter selbst hatte „nur“ mit bis zu 280 Millionen Dollar Umsatz gerechnet. Besonders das florierende Anzeigengeschäft sorgte für den unerwartet großen Erfolg. So kletterten die Einnahmen aus Werbung um 129 Prozent auf 277 Millionen US-Dollar. Den Großteil davon, 81 Prozent, hat das Unternehmen im zukunftsträchtigen Mobil-Geschäft gemacht. Damit liegt Twitter in dieser wichtigen Kategorie sogar vor Facebook. Zwar ist der große Konkurrent (noch) als viel profitabler einzuschätzen. Doch Twitters wichtigsten börsenrelevanten Kennzahlen liegen bereits heute auf Facebook-Niveau. Damit ist der Kurznachrichtendienst- ungeachtet der wirtschaftlichen Legitimierung- vom Bewertungsmaßstab wie Zuckerbergs Gelddruckmaschine zu sehen. Derzeit wird Twitter mit dem zwölffachen des zu erwartenden Umsatzes und mit dem 128-fachen des zu erwartenden Gewinns für das kommende Jahr bewertet.

      Einen weiteren Anlass zu Larrys beschwingt-fröhlichem Zwitschern dürften die rapide ansteigenden Nutzerzahlen geben. In den drei Monaten des zweiten Quartals kamen 16 Millionen neue Kunden hinzu, was den stärksten Anstieg in fünf Quartalen bedeutete. Insgesamt nutzen derzeit 271 Millionen den Kurznachrichtendienst aus den USA. Im Vergleich zum Vorjahresquartal kletterte die Zahl der monatlichen Twitterer um 24 Prozent. Das nachhaltige Wachstum steht auch künftig ganz oben auf der Agenda. Die Rechnung für den Kurznachrichtendienst klingt einfach: Je mehr Nutzer zu Twitter strömen, desto mehr Werbeeinnahmen werden auf Dauer fließen. Die Macher des Mikroblogging-Dienstes sind sich sicher, dass es neben Facebook Platz für ein weiteres großes soziales Medium gibt. „Wir sind überzeugt, dass wir Twitter einem noch breiteren Publikum nahebringen können“, erklärt Firmenchef Dick Costolo am Sitz in San Francisco. Bisher galt Twitter unter Experten eher als Nischenprodukt. Die aktuellen Zahlen jedoch deuten auf eine massentaugliche Zukunft hin. Zumindest für den Moment sieht es laut zahlreichen Analysten-Meinungen so aus, als könne Twitter sein Wachstumstempo beibehalten.

      Kritiker geben jedoch zu bedenken, dass die Fußball-WM großen Einfluss auf das Wachstum bei den Nutzerzahlen gehabt haben könnte. Die Analysten Arvind Bhatia und Brett Strauser von Sterne Agee hoben etwa hervor, dass sie genau auf die Drittquartalszahlen gucken würden, die ohne ein entsprechendes Großereignis mehr Aussagekraft über die grundlegenden Trends haben dürften. Costolo betonte hingegen, dass das Wachstum bei den Nutzerzahlen vor allem mit Produktänderungen und nicht mit der Fußball-WM zusammenhänge. Einen gewaltigen Schub in Richtung Massenrelevanz bekam der Kurznachrichtendienst durch den Word Cup aber zweifelsohne. Twitter begleitete die Weltmeisterschaft in Brasilien mit 672 Millionen getippten Meldungen intensiver als jeder andere Social-Media-Dienst. Für WM-Twitterer überlegten sich die Mitarbeiter allerlei Spielereien. Und das zahlte sich aus. Allein beim Kracher Deutschland - Brasilien gab es 4,4 Milliarden „Tweet-Impressions” bei Twitter. Außerdem sind die Kurznachrichten rund zwei Milliarden Mal auf anderen Plattformen, wie Nachrichtenportalen, Websites oder im Fernsehen angesehen worden. Dadurch hat der Dienst zwei bis dreimal so viele Menschen erreicht, wie er Nutzer hat.

      Wenig weltmeisterlich sieht hingegen der Blick auf die Gewinn-und Verlustrechnung aus. Wegen der aktienbasierten Vergütung der Mitarbeiter rutschte das Unternehmen sogar noch tiefer in die Verlustzone - und zwar von einem Minus von 42 Millionen vor einem Jahr auf 145 Millionen Dollar. Ohne diese Aufwendungen wäre die Firma profitabel gewesen, rechnete Twitter vor. Vom Geld verdienen ist der Kurznachrichtendienst also noch ein ganz schönes Stück entfernt. Allerdings könnte das nur eine Momentaufnahme sein. Nicht nur beim US-Brokerhaus Goldman Sachs ist man davon überzeugt, dass Twitter bei der Monetarisierung seiner Plattform erst noch am Anfang steht. Aktuell besser läuft es indes an der Börse. Nach einer rasanten Berg- und Talfahrt in den vergangenen Monaten sind die Aktien doppelt soviel wert wie beim Börsengang im November. Die angehobene Jahresprognose dürfte den Kurs weiter beflügeln: Die Umsatzerwartung wurde von 1,25 Milliarden Dollar auf einen Wert von bis zu 1,33 Milliarden Dollar heraufgesetzt.


      03.08.2014 | 13:56…
      schrieb am 10.08.14 22:27:31
      Beitrag Nr. 4.827 ()
      schrieb am 11.08.14 22:27:06
      Beitrag Nr. 4.828 ()
      Analyst Ratings Falcon Oil and Gas
      schrieb am 14.08.14 20:49:52
      Beitrag Nr. 4.829 ()
      Plan of Operation

      The following is a discussion and analysis of our plan of operation and the factors that could affect our future financial condition. This discussion and analysis should be read in conjunction with our unaudited financial statements and the notes thereto included elsewhere in this quarterly report.

      The Company entered into a letter agreement dated October 11, 2013 whereby the Company proposes to acquire from Paltar Petroleum Limited (“Paltar”), a privately held Australian company, approximately four exploration and development permits and twenty-nine applications for additional exploration and development permits in respect of land located in northern Australia. Details of the transaction can be found in the Form 8K dated October 15, 2013 filed on EDGAR or in the news release dated October 18, 2013 filed on SEDAR. On March 31, 2014, Nation Energy Inc. (“Nation”) entered into a first amendment to the letter agreement dated October 11, 2013 (the “Letter Agreement”) with Paltar Petroleum Limited (“Paltar”), whereby the parties have agreed to amend certain terms of the Letter Agreement as follows:


      The period of time provided by Paragraph 5 of the Letter Agreement during which Paltar may receive advances under the Line of Credit, as defined in Paragraph 5, is amended so that it shall continue through July 30, 2014, rather than March 31, 2014.The Letter Agreement has not closed or been extended to date. The Company and Paltar are currently in negotiations to extend the Letter Agreement.


      Paragraph 7 of the Letter Agreement is amended to provide that the parties will use their reasonable best efforts to ensure that closing occurs on or before July 30, 2014, or on such other date as the parties may agree, to be held at such place and time as the parties may agree. The Letter Agreement has not closed or been extended to date. The Company and Paltar are currently in negotiations to extend the Letter Agreement.


      Paragraph 9 of the Letter Agreement is amended to provide that Paltar will provide, prior to closing, audited financial statements regarding the operations of Paltar assets for the two most recent ended fiscal years, prepared by a PCAOB approved auditor, and prior to closing, will provide quarterly financial statements as reviewed by its auditor for the fiscal period ended March 31, 2014, and such additional fiscal period financial statements as may be required under SEC regulations.

      In all other respects, the terms and conditions of the Letter Agreement remain in effect.

      We currently have no business and operate as a shell company. We are in the process of evaluating the merits of joint venture opportunities in the resource sector.…
      schrieb am 14.08.14 21:03:21
      Beitrag Nr. 4.830 ()
      schrieb am 17.08.14 23:38:07
      Beitrag Nr. 4.831 ()
      Kolumne --Boerse.DE--17:57 --06.08.14

      Börsen im Korrekturmodus - die neue Aktien-Ära wird noch viel Spaß machen
      Thomas Müller
      . . .
      die Börsen haben jetzt die avisierte Sommerkorrektur eingeleitet, womit die Kurspfeile für die nächsten Wochen weiter nach unten zeigen. Dafür sprechen allein schon die saisonalen Faktoren, denn wir befinden uns nun aus zyklischer Sicht in der schwierigsten Phase des Jahres, die bis Ende September andauert. Konkret:

      Der Dax tritt im August per saldo typischerweise auf der Stelle (seit 1959 im Mittel -0,08%), wobei zur Monatsmitte häufig ein zyklischer Hochpunkt entsteht, von dem aus es in die Spätsommerkorrektur geht. Für den Dow Jones ist der August normalerweise noch positiv (+1,12% seit 1896), doch für beide Barometer bedeutet der September (-1,8% beim Dax bzw. -1,1% in den USA) den mit Abstand schlechtesten Monat des Jahres.

      Die großen Indizes haben im ersten Halbjahr die Gewinne des Vorjahres lediglich seitwärts konsolidiert und damit angesichts der geopolitischen Spannungen eine hohe innere Stärke gezeigt. Doch mit den jüngsten Rückgängen sind die ersten Anläufe an der Mega-Marke von 10.000 Punkten im Dax und 17.000 Punkten im Dow Jones nun endgültig gescheitert. Kurios:

      Im Juli hat der Dax zunächst sein All-Time-High um gerade 0,6 Punkte nach oben geschoben, mit -4,3% dann aber den dritthöchsten Monatsverlust der vergangenen drei Jahre verzeichnet. Dass es dabei nach dem Unterbieten der 200-Tage-Linie im Dax „schepperte“, ist völlig normal und m.E. sogar positiv. Denn der Markt kommt von lediglich 5072 Punkten im September 2011, was 98% Kursgewinn bedeutete, während es in diesem Zeitraum nur eine einzige Korrektur gab, die mehr als 10% umfasste (konkret -16,6% zwischen März und Juni 2012). Im Dow Jones ist die Konstellation nach 61% Anstieg seit 2011 ähnlich, aber weit weniger spektakulär. Deshalb:

      Der laufende Dax-Rücksetzer dürfte sich zunächst bis zu den März-Tiefs im Bereich von 9000 Punkten fortsetzen, womit mein Mindestziel einer 10%-Korrektur abgearbeitet wäre. Im Idealfall geht es von der Spitze sogar um 15%/18% nach unten, denn dann könnte der Dax ein lehrbuchmäßiges Pullback in Richtung der 8000er-Zone vollziehen, an der die Kurse 2000 wie auch 2007/2008 gescheitert waren. Endgültig erobert wurde dieser massive Bremsbereich erst 2013, und seitdem befinden wir uns in einer neuen Aktien-Ära.

      Die 10.000er-Dax-Grenze dürfte im vierten Quartal erobert werden, und dann kann sich die langfristige Hausse wieder beschleunigen. Bis zum Jahrzehnt-Ende sind massiv höhere Kurse wahrscheinlich, zumal es (außer Gold) keine Anlagealternativen gibt und jetzt anscheinend auch eine neue Börsianer-Generation heranwächst. Denn laut einer Umfrage des Statistischen Bundesamts ist die Zahl der Aktionäre zwar gleichbleibend niedrig, doch dafür sind jüngere Anleger verstärkt auf der Käuferseite. So haben laut Studie die bis zu 25-Jährigen ihren Aktienanteil seit 2008 um 50% erhöht, Anleger zwischen 25 und 35 Jahren sogar um 78%, wofür Kapitallebensversicherungen um 43% zurückgefahren wurden. Das ist eine tolle Entwicklung, die sich fortsetzen dürfte. Denn jüngere Anleger kennen das Desaster der New Economy nur noch aus Geschichtsbüchern, und der erste Börsengang der Volksaktie Deutsche Telekom ist jetzt auch schon 18 Jahre her ... Freuen wir uns also auf die vielen Kaufgelegenheiten, die sich in den nächsten Wochen eröffnen werden. Wenn die Kurse dann ab Herbst wieder steigen, wird die neue Aktien-Ära so richtig Spaß machen.…
      schrieb am 17.08.14 23:48:07
      Beitrag Nr. 4.832 ()
      schrieb am 18.08.14 22:22:33
      Beitrag Nr. 4.833 ()
      Falcon Oil & Gas significantly undervalued, Charles Stanley says
      By Jamie Ashcroft
      August 18 2014, 11:18am

      Falcon Oil & Gas (LON:FOG) could be set to double in value according to Charles Stanley, which began its coverage of the AIM-quoted shale junior with a ‘buy’ recommendation.

      The stockbroker sets a price target of 19.7p – some 120% above the current price of 8.8p – though this is based solely upon Falcon's interests in Australia, which is just one of its three shale assets.

      Analyst Brendan Long says Australia is one of the most attractive countries globally for the development of shale resources as he points to the country’s favourable features such as its geology, tax regime, political environment, oil services sector and low population density.

      In Australia, Falcon has a significant position (4.6mln acres) in the Beetaloo shale basin in the sparsely populated Northern Territory.

      This expanse in the potentially prolific shale is currently estimated to host prospective resource potential of 162 trillion cubic feet of gas and 21bn barrels of oil.

      Most of the exploration will be covered by a A$200mln farm-out deal, struck in May, with local operator Origin Energy and South African gas-to-liquids specialist Sasol.

      The new partners have committed to a five year programme which will include three vertical exploration wells, one fracked vertical well and five fracked horizontal wells.

      “Unlike most of its peers, we expect Falcon’s major forthcoming capital expenditures to be fully carried by major oil companies,” Long said in a note.

      The first five wells are slated for the first three years of the arrangement, at an estimated cost of A$64mln.

      And while Charles Stanley’s target already sees the Australian venture as a significant catalyst for the share, Charlie Long reckons successful drilling will push the price beyond his punchy price target.

      “We believe the first four wells in Australia, expected in 2015 and 2016, can reasonably be expected to increase our valuation and target price by 2.5 times in a success case,” Long added.

      “The subsequent drilling of five planned horizontal fracked wells would propel value beyond that in a success case.”

      Aside from the project in Australia Long describes Falcon’s assets in South Africa and Hungary as ‘free options’ pending possible political and commercial progress in the respective territories.…
      schrieb am 18.08.14 22:38:10
      Beitrag Nr. 4.834 ()
      “Unlike most of its peers, we expect Falcon’s major forthcoming capital expenditures to be fully carried by major oil companies,” Long said in a note.

      The first five wells are slated for the first three years of the arrangement, at an estimated cost of A$64mln.

      schrieb am 20.08.14 07:58:17
      Beitrag Nr. 4.835 ()
      Comeback an der Börse
      Apple auf Allzeithoch

      Der Elektronikkonzern war zwischenzeitlich an der Börse in Ungnade gefallen, hat aber das Comeback geschafft. Einen bekannten Investor freut das besonders.
      20.08.2014, von Roland Lindner, New York

      Rekordverdächtig: Apple macht seinem Investor Carl Icahn Freude.

      Vor fast genau einem Jahr stieg der Investor Carl Icahn beim amerikanischen Elektronikkonzern Apple ein. „Wir glauben, das Unternehmen ist extrem unterbewertet,“ sagte er damals. Tatsächlich schien Apple zu diesem Zeitpunkt an der Börse in Ungnade gefallen zu sein. Das Rekordhoch von mehr als 700 Dollar vom September 2012 war eine entfernte Erinnerung. Der Kurs ist nach diesem Spitzenwert rapide gefallen und rutschte im vergangenen Jahr zwischenzeitlich sogar unter 400 Dollar. Der Kursverfall spiegelte die Sorge an den Finanzmärkten wider, dass Apple unter seinem heutigen Vorstandsvorsitzenden Tim Cook keine bahnbrechenden Innovationen wie das iPhone-Handy oder der Tabletcomputer iPad mehr gelingen. Diese Geräte kamen unter Cooks Vorgänger, dem 2011 verstorbenen Mitgründer Steve Jobs, auf den Markt.

      Aber heute kann sich Icahn bestätigt sehen. Am Dienstag übersprang der Kurs zum ersten Mal seit einem im Juni vollzogenen Aktiensplit im Verhältnis sieben zu eins die Marke von 100 Dollar. Der Schlusskurs von 100,53 Dollar entspricht splitbereinigt einem neuen Rekordstand. Die Apple-Aktie hat nun in den vergangenen zwölf Monaten rund 40 Prozent an Wert gewonnen. Allein seit April, als Apple den Aktiensplit ankündigte und gleichzeitig deutlich besser als erwartete Quartalszahlen vorlegte, ist die Aktie um mehr als 30 Prozent teurer geworden. Der Konzern hat jetzt eine Marktkapitalisierung von 594 Milliarden Dollar.

      Offenbar mehrt sich an den Finanzmärkten die Zuversicht mit Blick auf die kommenden Produktneuheiten von Apple. Der Konzern wird wohl bald neue iPhones vorstellen, die deutlich größere Bildschirme haben sollen als die bisherigen Modelle. Medienberichten zufolge will Apple die Geräte am 9. September enthüllen. Daneben wird in der Branche erwartet, dass Apple noch in diesem Jahr eine Digitaluhr auf den Markt bringt. Damit würde Tim Cook sein Versprechen halten, mit Apple noch in diesem Jahr eine neue Produktkategorie zu erschließen.

      Carl Icahn war am Dienstag jedenfalls zum Feiern zumute. In einer Serie von Tweets gratulierte er sich selbst zu seiner Investition. Sein Einstieg bei Apple sei ein „No-brainer“ gewesen, also eine idiotensichere Wette. Das lässt sich natürlich im Nachhinein immer leicht sagen.…
      schrieb am 21.08.14 23:39:20
      Beitrag Nr. 4.836 ()
      Falcon Oil & Gas’s farm-out strategy vindicated as Beetaloo deal completes
      By Jamie Ashcroft
      August 21 2014, 11:59am

      “Falcon has successfully secured an impressive nine-well carry from Origin and Sasol for its unconventional acreage in the Beetaloo basin in Australia,” said GMP’s Tao Ly.

      With the completion of its Australian farm-out today Falcon Oil & Gas (LON:FOG) is vindicated for playing hardball over negotiations, says broker GMP Securities.

      For starters Falcon gets an immediate A$20mln cash boost.

      Falcon denied former partner Hess an extension when it stalled on an investment decision last September.

      As the American oil firm failed to pull the trigger on a proposed five well programme, Falcon took back full ownership and launched a fresh farm-out process.

      Just under a year later and Falcon has now completed the tie-ups with local operator Origin Energy and South African gas-to-liquids specialist Sasol.

      Analysts at GMP Securities say this new partnership deal is better.

      “Falcon has successfully secured an impressive nine-well carry from Origin and Sasol for its unconventional acreage in the Beetaloo basin in Australia,” said GMP’s Tao Ly.

      “This deal trumped the previous five-well deal brokered with Hess and is vindication of management’s previous decision to reject Hess’s request to extend an option deadline, and hold out for a better deal.

      “Falcon investors can now gain exposure to a visible, funded work programme with drilling expected to start by mid-2015.”

      Upfront Falcon receives A$20mln of cash, though more significantly the new partners have committed to funding a nine well work programme.

      They will spend A$64mln on the first phase of five wells, while the next phase of horizontal drilling will cost around A$100mln.

      The drilling will be designed and targeted to take the project towards commerciality, the company says.

      Falcon chief executive Phillip O’Quigley describes the transactions as transformational.

      “We look forward to the immediate commencement of the nine well exploration and appraisal programme," he said.

      Elsewhere, Cantor Fitzgerald analyst Sam Wahab, who rates Falcon as a ‘buy’ with a 30p target, said today’s completion was a “key step forward in de-risking its considerable acreage in Australia.”

      In a note, he said: “Origin brings significant expertise to the table as an unconventional operator in the country, whilst Sasol, through its interest in the Montney unconventional shale play in North America, brings significant expertise in operating unconventional shale plays and is a world leader in gas to liquids.

      “Therefore Origin and Sasol offer many potential options for the monetisation of any natural gas discovered on the permits.”…
      schrieb am 27.08.14 23:33:12
      Beitrag Nr. 4.837 ()
      Fracking: Ein Spiel mit wenigen Gewinnern und vielen Verlierern

      André Doerk in Rohstoff Daily zum Thema Rohöl | Erdöl
      vom 26. August 2014, 20:45 Uhr

      Es muss nicht immer Gold sein, was glänzt. Fracking Sand ist das beste Beispiel dafür. In den USA boomt die Nachfrage, wodurch die wenigen börsennotierten Anbieter allesamt deutliche Kursgewinne verzeichnen konnten. Doch auch aus Kanada ist eine steigende Nachfrage zu verzeichnen. Wenn man berücksichtigt, dass sich gerade die Shale-Gas-Industrie im Westen Kanadas immer noch in einer frühen Phase befindet, sollte der Boom - auch am Aktienmarkt - über kurz oder lang auch nach Kanada übergreifen.

      US-Fracking: Rund 95% der Fracking-Aktivitäten finden in den USA in den markierten Gebieten statt.

      Quelle: EIA

      Kaum ein anderes Verfahren in der Gewinnung von Rohstoffen ist so umstritten wie das Fracking. Hierbei wird unter hohem Druck ein Chemikalien-Cocktail gemeinsam mit Sand in die Bohrlöcher gepresst, um in den Löchern die umliegenden Strukturen aufzubrechen.

      Durch die Risse, die durch den sich absetzenden Sand offengehalten werden, können anschließend Öl und insbesondere Gas entweichen. Diese Kurzbeschreibung ist zugegebenermaßen stark vereinfacht, das Prinzip sollte aber klar sein.

      Die langjährigen Börsianer unter Ihnen werden sich noch erinnern: Die Fracking-Euphorie war nach der Jahrtausendwende grenzenlos. Endlich konnte im Gestein gebundenes Öl und Gas „befreit" und gefördert werden. In den USA wurde die baldige Energieunabhängigkeit ausgerufen und Fracking-Produzenten feierten wahre Kursfeuerwerke.

      Fracking: Ein Spiel mit wenigen Gewinnern und vielen Verlierern

      Wie so häufig folgte auf die Party aber die Ernüchterung. Denn nur ganz wenige Fracking-Produzenten konnten langfristig überhaupt überzeugen und Geld verdienen. Schuld daran waren die viel zu optimistischen Förderprognosen, die nur in den wenigsten Fällen eingehalten werden konnten. Denn wie sich herausstellte, sank die Produktivität vieler Fracking-Quellen erschreckend schnell ab. Mir sind Beispiele bekannt, wo die Förderrate nach einem Jahr nur noch bei 10% der anfänglichen Produktivität lag. Das Unternehmen hatte zuvor aber mit 85% kalkuliert.

      Um die Verluste aufzufangen, mussten fast die Einkünfte reinvestiert werden. Entweder gleich in neue Quellen oder vielfach auch in die ständige Optimierung produzierender Quellen. So konnten viele Fracking-Produzenten zwar jahrelange Umsatzsteigerungen vorweisen, ohne aber für die Aktionäre Gewinne erwirtschaften zu können.

      Gasproduzenten waren zusätzlich noch von einem stark fallenden Gaspreis betroffen. Da viele Produzenten „Dry Gas" als Abfallprodukt zu jedem, beliebigen Preis abgegeben haben wurde so das Angebot nicht an den sinkenden Preis angepasst. Im Gegenteil: Noch mehr Überangebot führte zu noch niedrigeren Preisen. Erst im Jahr 2012 kam die lange erhoffte Wende.

      Marktbereinigung: Die Anzahl der aktiven Bohrgeräte ist deutlich zurückgegangen. So konnte sich der Gaspreis von seinem Tief Anfang 2012 auch wieder deutlich erholen.

      Quelle: EIA

      Fracking: Kinderkrankheiten inzwischen ausgeräumt...ABER

      Inzwischen ist die Industrie erwachsen geworden und die unrealistischen Hoffnungen gehören der Vergangenheit an. Deshalb ist Fracking auch wirtschaftlich wieder interessant geworden: Der Gaspreis hat sich nach längerer Bodenbildung um 2,00 US$ inzwischen bei 3,90 US$ je mm BTU eingependelt.

      Neue Projekte werden in Angriff genommen und rechnen sich wieder dank realistischerer Akquisitionskosten. Aber auch viele, alte Projekte werden weiter betrieben, weil man einfach nicht aufhören KANN: Auch wenn der Wert der Investitionen niemals die geplanten Maßstäbe erreichen wird, muss durch ständige Optimierungen zumindest ein Mindestmaß erwirtschaftet werden.

      Fakt ist: Fracking ist für mich nach wie vor ein Spiel mit vielen Unwägbarkeiten. Dafür habe ich einfach zu viele Projekte gesehen, die in der Realität nicht das hergeben wollten, was man vorher in Excel ausgerechnet hatte. Trotzdem wird es die Industrie weiterhin geben und sie wächst sogar. Die Zutaten für das Fracking werden daher zukünftig wohl sogar noch stärker nachgefragt.

      Und an dieser Stelle wird Fracking auch für Sie interessant: Investieren Sie nach dem Hacke-Schaufel-Prinzip lieber in die Zulieferer der Fracking-Industrie, als sich dem Risiko einzelner Projekte auszusetzen! Wie, das erfahren Sie im Rohstoff Investor.
      . . .…
      schrieb am 29.08.14 19:44:03
      Beitrag Nr. 4.838 ()
      Falcon Oil & Gas Ltd-Interim Results for Six Months Ended 30 June 2014…
      schrieb am 29.08.14 21:23:51
      Beitrag Nr. 4.839 ()


      August 29, 2014

      Falcon Oil & Gas Ltd-Interim Results for Six Months Ended 30 June 2014

      DUBLIN, IRELAND--(Marketwired - Aug. 29, 2014) - Falcon Oil & Gas Ltd. (TSX VENTURE:FO)(AIM:FOG)(ESM:FAC) (the
      "Company" or the "Group") announces that it has filed its results for the three and six months ended 30 June

      The following should be read in conjunction with the complete Interim Financial Statements and the accompanying
      Management's Discussion and Analysis for the three and six months period ended 30 June 2014 filed with the
      TSXV. These filings are available at and


      -- Completion of the transformational Farm-Out Agreement and Joint
      Operating Agreements of the Beetaloo permits, Northern Territory,
      -- Positive developments toward the processing of shale gas exploration
      rights in South Africa - expected awarding of exploration right in 2014.
      -- Total depth of the second well in Hungary, fully carried by Naftna
      Industrija Srbije JSC ("NIS") reached and contract with NIS extended.
      -- Continued focus on strict cost management and efficient operation of the
      -- The Group incurred a loss of US$2.4 million in the six months ended 30
      June 2014, decreasing from a loss of US$6.6 million in the six months
      ended 30 June 2013.
      -- Strong financial position, debt free with cash and cash equivalents of
      US$5.5 million (31 December 2013: US$8.4 million). Subsequently, on
      closing of Beetaloo Farm-out, Falcon received A$20 million cash from the
      Farminees in August 2014.

      Philip O'Quigley, CEO of Falcon commented:

      "2014 has been a busy year thus far for the Group with the execution and completion of the Agreements with
      Origin and Sasol of our Beetaloo permits in the Northern Territory, Australia. Together with the A$20 million
      cash received, the deal is worth up to approximately A$200 million to Falcon. I look forward to updating the
      market and making further announcements on the Group's progress throughout the remainder of the year."


      Farm-out of Beetaloo permits, Northern Territory, Australia

      On 21 August 2014, Falcon completed its Farm-Out Agreement and Joint Operating Agreement with Origin and Sasol
      each farming into 35% of Falcon's exploration permits in the Beetaloo Basin, Australia.

      The main transaction details are:

      -- Falcon retains a 30% interest in the Permits.
      -- Falcon has received A$20 million cash from the Farminees.
      -- Origin is appointed as Operator.
      -- Farminees to carry Falcon in a nine well exploration and appraisal
      program over the next four years, detailed as follows:
      -- 3 vertical exploration/stratigraphic wells and core studies;
      -- 1 hydraulic fracture stimulated vertical exploration well and core
      -- 1 hydraulic fracture stimulated horizontal exploration well,
      commercial study and 3C resource assessment; and
      -- 4 hydraulic fracture stimulated horizontal exploration/appraisal
      wells, micro-seismic and 90 day production tests.
      -- Drilling/testing specifically targeted to take the project towards
      -- Farminees will pay for the full cost of completing the first five wells
      estimated at A$64 million, and will fund any cost overruns. This
      drilling programme will commence by mid 2015.
      -- Farminees to pay up to the full cost of the next four horizontally
      fracture stimulated wells, 90 day production tests and micro seismic
      with a capped expenditure up to A$101 million, any cost overrun funded
      by each Party in proportion to their working interest.
      -- Farminees may reduce or surrender their interests back to Falcon only
      -- the drilling of the first five wells or
      -- the drilling and testing of the next two horizontally fracture
      stimulated wells.

      Overriding Royalty Agreements

      In addition at completion of Falcon's Beetaloo Farm-out, Falcon paid Malcolm John Gerrard, Territory Oil & Gas
      LLC and Tom Dugan Family Partnership LLC ("TOG Group") US$5 million to acquire 5%; and CR Innovations AG
      ("CRIAG") US$999,000 to acquire 3% of their respective Overriding Royalties over Falcon's Exploration Permits
      in the Beetaloo Basin. The Overriding Royalty is now at 4%. Falcon and the Farminees have the option to reduce
      this Royalty further to 1% by the exercise of two 5 year call options. The call options will be funded by
      Falcon and each of the Farminees in proportion to their interest in the permits.

      South Africa

      In May 2014, President Zuma and the ANC was returned to government and continued to highlight the importance of
      exploration efforts progressing. In addition, a cabinet reshuffle occurred where Mr. Ngoako Ramatlhodi was
      appointed as the new Minister for Mineral Resources.

      The Mineral and Petroleum Resources Development Amendment ("MPRDA") Bill which was approved by the National
      Council of Provinces is now with the President for assent. Some of the proposed new terms had raised concern
      within the oil and gas industry. In Q2 2014, Mr. Ngoako Ramatlhodi requested the President delay the signature
      of the MPRDA Bill in order to give him time to investigate the matter. If the President has reservations
      regarding the constitutionality of the Bill he can refer it back to the National Assembly. In the event that
      this course of action is decided upon, the impugned provisions of the MPRDA Bill will be reconsidered by the
      National Assembly and the National Council of Provinces and may be modified.

      The Board expects that the exploration right over the acreage will be awarded in 2014. As a reminder to
      shareholders and as announced in press release of 12 December 2012, the Group entered into an exclusive
      cooperation agreement with Chevron to jointly seek unconventional exploration opportunities in the Karoo Basin.
      The agreement provides for the Group to work exclusively with Chevron for a period of five years to jointly
      seek to obtain exploration rights in the Karoo Basin.


      Hungary Drilling Update - contract with NIS extended

      As announced on 15 July 2014 initial drilling operations on the Besa-D-1 well have reached total depth ("TD")
      of 3,000 metres having encountered gas shows. Besa-D-1 is the second of a planned three well programme to
      evaluate the gas potential of the Algyo Formation in the Mako Trough License. The well has now been cased to TD
      and is suspended pending further technical evaluation in order to determine an appropriate testing programme
      later this year. No operational problems occurred during drilling.

      In January 2013, the Group agreed a three-well drilling programme with Naftna industrija Srbije jsc ("NIS") to
      target the Algyo Play, whereby NIS made a cash payment of US$1.5 million to the Group in February 2013, and
      agreed to drill three wells by July 2014 at their cost. The July 2014 date for completion of drilling and
      testing of the NIS three well programme has been extended to 31 December 2014. This extension has been granted
      to allow NIS to:

      -- Complete the testing of Besa-D-1;
      -- Evaluate the hydrocarbon potential of the entire Mako Trough including
      the Deep Mako play; and
      -- Fulfill the third well obligation of the NIS three-well drilling

      Results for operating activities

      The Group incurred a loss of US$2.4 million in the six months ended 30 June 2014, decreasing from a loss of
      US$6.6 million in the six months ended 30 June 2013.

      The Group's cash and cash equivalent balance at 30 June 2014 was US$5.5 million (31 December 2013: US$8.4
      million). Subsequently, on closing of Beetaloo Farm-out, Falcon has received A$20 million cash from the

      About Falcon Oil & Gas Ltd.

      Falcon is an international oil & gas company engaged in the acquisition, exploration and development of
      conventional and unconventional oil and gas assets, with the current portfolio spread between Australia, South
      Africa and Hungary. Falcon is incorporated in British Columbia, Canada and headquartered in Dublin, Ireland
      with a technical team based in Budapest, Hungary.

      For further information on Falcon Oil & Gas Ltd., please visit

      Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies
      of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

      Certain information in this press release may constitute forward-looking information. This information
      including comments made with respect to the type and number of wells and expected costs of the work program
      under the Farm-out, the project being brought towards commerciality and the award of an exploration license in
      South Africa is based on current expectations that are subject to significant risks and uncertainties that are
      difficult to predict. Actual results might differ materially from results suggested in any forward-looking
      statements. Falcon assumes no obligation to update the forward-looking statements, or to update the reasons why
      actual results could differ from those reflected in the forward looking-statements unless and until required by
      securities laws applicable to Falcon. Additional information identifying risks and uncertainties is contained
      in Falcon's filings with the Canadian securities regulators, which filings are available at…
      schrieb am 31.08.14 19:32:35
      Beitrag Nr. 4.840 ()
      Charles Stanley initiated coverage as of late @GBX 19.70....a bit lower than Cantor Fitzgerald Europe and FinnCap but anyway a new rating so far and a it...;)!
      schrieb am 31.08.14 21:49:25
      Beitrag Nr. 4.841 ()
      Thank you for calling out Soly. I am new to Falcon but I picked up on his garbage from the get go. I am trying to be patient but his games make me wonder if this is just a big mirage of hope.……
      schrieb am 31.08.14 21:52:34
      Beitrag Nr. 4.842 ()
      Kleines Intermezzo soll gleichwohl ab und an dann doch sein, oder?
      Hey whats up soly?


      sucking soly....LOL.
      schrieb am 31.08.14 21:57:25
      Beitrag Nr. 4.843 ()
      schrieb am 31.08.14 22:20:04
      Beitrag Nr. 4.844 ()
      Nice one Auriga!!...Lets have a little fun!....looking forward to timing getting started with some Falcon shares.....nice story here.....low bid required as well IMO...regards...SL...;)!
      schrieb am 31.08.14 23:03:02
      Beitrag Nr. 4.845 ()
      Backroom Boys getting started IMHO....OK!...Lets go!.....low bids required of course!....but the timing is the key point.....remembering CAD 7 in 2006....but when will the bird finally start to fly again?....exciting story hurry here IMO...regards....R.
      schrieb am 02.09.14 19:30:40
      Beitrag Nr. 4.846 ()
      schrieb am 02.09.14 20:23:40
      Beitrag Nr. 4.847 ()
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 02.09.14 21:44:47
      Beitrag Nr. 4.848 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 47.676.000 von auriga am 02.09.14 20:23:40Kursausbruch sieht anderst aus ;)
      schrieb am 03.09.14 00:16:36
      Beitrag Nr. 4.849 ()
      Hello Charly....are you involved in Falcon? my opinion for a break out we yet need some time...lets get in as low as possible successively ....;) has to ask anyway at what event Falcon will move up!...I would not be surprised if Chevron really gets into the Karoo with Falcon the PPS will, just of the anticipated next steps could be the lifting of the fracking ban in SA....GLTY...sending you best regards from London...SL...;)!
      schrieb am 03.09.14 14:41:18
      Beitrag Nr. 4.850 ()
      Agreed. The Origin Sasol deal we have been waiting for quite a while delivered the consolidation in the PPS of the Falcon. A solid base to rise in time. Best regards.
      schrieb am 03.09.14 18:46:42
      Beitrag Nr. 4.851 ()
      schrieb am 03.09.14 18:54:09
      Beitrag Nr. 4.852 ()

      Sasol is a leading International integrated energy and chemicals company. We develop and commercialise technologies, building and operating a range of product streams including liquid fuels, chemicals and low carbon electricity. Our vision is to grow profitably, sustainably and inclusively while delivering value to stakeholders through technology and the talent of our people. We are committed to infrastructure development, mine renewal, skills development and empowerment in local communities. Learn more about our business.
      schrieb am 04.09.14 18:33:08
      Beitrag Nr. 4.853 ()
      ●●off topic
      • iTunes Festival kicks off in London
      September 2, 2014
      iTunes Festival kicked off 30 nights of performances with a show on September 1 headlined by deadmau5. Other acts set to perform in London’s historic Roundhouse during the month include Tony Bennett, Pharrell Williams, Ed Sheeran, and Placido Domingo. You can experience the festival for free on iTunes or with Apple TV.Read more:
      schrieb am 06.09.14 14:10:44
      Beitrag Nr. 4.854 ()
      Mock-ups und Infos zum Apple iPhone 6
      iPhone 6: Alle Fakten, Fotos und Gerüchte

      Von Christian Blum, Udo Lewalter, Marco Engelien, Rainer Schuldt, Przemyslaw Szymanski und unserem Autor Markus Schmidt, 05.09.2014, 11:30 Uhr

      Zum 9. September kündigt Apple ein Event an: Kommt jetzt das iPhone 6? COMPUTER BILD fasst alle Gerüchte zu Preis, Design und Ausstattung zusammen.

      Jetzt ist es fast sicher: Das iPhone 6 kommt demnächst! Am nächsten Montag (9. September) präsentiert Apple wahrscheinlich endlich die neue iPhone-Generation. Aber wie sieht das Top-Smartphone aus und was ist an Bord? Seit Monaten gibt es beinahe täglich neue Gerüchte. Und so recht weiß niemand, was die inzwischen achte Version bietet. Im Gespräch sind übliche Auffrischungen wie ein neuer Prozessor (Apple A8), mehr Speicher, mehr RAM. Doch für den Nachfolger des iPhone 5S plant Apple wohl noch mehr: zwei Modelle, NFC, ein vollkommen neues Design, eine Bildschirmdiagonale von bis zu 5,5 Zoll. Alle weiteren Gerüchte zum iPhone 6 fasst COMPUTER BILD in der nachfolgenden Galerie zusammen. Was der Hersteller während der Keynote tatsächlich auffährt, erfahren Sie am 9. September – COMPUTER BILD berichtet live aus dem Flint Center for the Performing Arts in Cupertino.…
      schrieb am 06.09.14 14:34:08
      Beitrag Nr. 4.855 ()
      I-Phones sind ja auch mobil-börsenmäßig nicht ganz uninteressant...etwa um Falcon shares günstig zu erwerben unterwegs....Lach....OK....bin gespannt auf das neue design....besonders gefällt mir das durchgehende display bis zu den Rändern, diesesmal aber wohl noch nicht?.....Newtofo bringt eine wirklich sehr schöne pdf über fracking von Statoil....Drilling & hydraulic fracturing...How it’s done, responsibly....>>Click on the link below, sometime over the weekend, for a very good tutorial on responsible fracking.…
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 06.09.14 15:00:09
      Beitrag Nr. 4.856 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 47.711.940 von auriga am 06.09.14 14:34:08

      Englische Untertitel einblenden...;).
      schrieb am 07.09.14 13:00:07
      Beitrag Nr. 4.857 ()
      Boerse am Sonntag

      Der große, große Apfel

      Die Elektronikbranche boomt. Die Hersteller stellen immer neue Anwendungen vor. Doch so viele Produkte auch in den Entwicklungsabteilungen entwickelt werden und teils durchaus auch in die Läden kommen – nach wie vor scheint es eine einzige Firma zu sein, die den Takt angibt. Auch dann, wenn sie nichts tut. Die Branche paßt sich nach wie vor dem Herzschlag von Apple an. Doch nun soll die iWatch vorgestellt werden – wohl schon nächsten Dienstag.

      In der Branche gibt es Neuigkeiten über Neuigkeiten. LG bietet – früher als Apple mit seiner iWatch eine Uhr an, die nicht nur Schritte zählt, sondern auch den Puls misst. Sony integriert in sein neues Modell GPS, sodass es den Nutzer lotsen kann. Bei beiden ist im Hintergrund Android im Einsatz: Google hat sein Betriebssystem extra für die kleinen Bildschirme optimiert. Samsung experimentiert ebenfalls wie wild – innerhalb von zwölf Monaten hat der Konzern sechs Modelle vorgestellt. „Wir lernen mit jedem Produkt, das wir herausbringen“, sagt der Samsung-Manager Jean-Daniel Ayme, der das Europageschäft mit mobilen Geräten verantwortet. So habe man festgestellt, dass Verbraucher die Uhr unabhängig nutzen wollen, also nicht nur im Zusammenspiel mit dem Smartphone. Die jetzt vorgestellte Gear S kann daher über eine Mobilfunkverbindung auch autonom Daten funken. Doch die Frage bleibt: was ist all dies wert, wenn die iWatch erst da ist?

      Generell geht es bei den neuen smarten Uhren um ein interessantes Experiment. Die Versuchsanordnung: Wie kann man einen Computer auf die Größe einer Uhr schrumpfen? Und wie lassen sich trotz dieser schmalen Maße viele nützliche Funktionen einbauen – bei einem modischen Design? Und eben dieses Design ist es vielleicht, das den Unterschied macht. Falls es auch nur um ein Iota nders ist als bei der Leitmarke mit ihren „i“-Produkten, möchte niemand im Abseits stehen.
      Das Labor ist die Ifa: Auf der weltgrößten Elektronikmesse präsentieren zahlreiche Hersteller Smartwatches. Samsung und Sony, LG und Asus wollen einen neuen Markt schaffen, bevor Apple es tut – der „i“-Konzern, bei der Konkurrenz mit seinem Gespür für massentaugliche Produkte gefürchtet, wird wohl in der kommenden Woche ein ähnliches Gadget vorstellen. Ob die Verbraucher sich begeistern lassen, ist allerdings längst nicht ausgemacht. Bis vor wenigen Jahren waren Telefone und Computer in der Größe einer Armbanduhr nur Fiktion – „Knight Rider“ lässt grüßen. Doch die Chips werden immer kleiner, leistungsfähiger und billiger. Damit werden Geräte wie Smartwatches technisch möglich und erschwinglich.

      Die meisten Produkte, die es bislang zu kaufen gibt, haben noch eklatante Schwächen: hakelige Bedienung, kurze Akkulaufzeit, klobiges Design. „Wir sind noch in der Steinzeit der tragbaren Elektronik“, sagt Ben Wood, Analyst beim britischen Marktforscher CCS Insights. „Firmen wie Samsung und LG versuchen verzweifelt herauszufinden, wie das beste Design und die besten Nutzungsszenarien aussehen.“ Dass fast im Monatsrhythmus neue Modelle auf den Markt kommen, sieht der Experte als eine Strategie: Versuch und Irrtum.
      Mit den intelligenten Uhren ist es wie vor einigen Jahren mit den Tablets: Der große Nutzen wird nicht recht deutlich. Es ist vielleicht praktisch, bei neuen E-Mails oder Anrufen eine diskrete Mitteilung aufs Handgelenk geschickt zu bekommen – aber es geht auch ohne. Der Smartphone-Marktführer will auch bei Smartwatches die Nummer 1 werden – und nutzt dafür sein riesiges Budget für Forschung und Entwicklung. „Dieses Engagement ist bemerkenswert“, sagt CCS-Analyst Wood. Nur wenige andere Unternehmen hätten überhaupt die Ressourcen, in diesem Tempo neue Produkte zu entwickeln. Das Ziel: „Samsung will sich als Marktführer bei Wearable Technology etablieren und möglichst viel lernen, bevor Apple ein Gerät enthüllt.“

      Doch eine Uhr ist nicht nur ein Stück Technik, sie ist ebenso Schmuck. Das beherzigen die Smartwatch-Hersteller bisher indes kaum, die meisten Geräte haben klobige, viereckige Gehäuse und Plastikarmbänder. „Eines ist sicher: Die Geräte müssen schicker werden, damit sie normale Verbraucher ansprechen“, sagt Analyst Ben Wood.

      Die Unternehmen haben das Problem erkannt. Inzwischen gibt es erste Modelle mit rundem Gehäuse und gebogenem Display. Sony lässt die Modedesigner von Barbour, Roxy und Ted Baker eigenen Editionen gestalten. Die Zenwatch von Asus hat Stahlgehäuse und Lederriemen. Motorola nutzt bei seinem Moto 360 ein rundes Design, das tatsächlich an eine Uhr erinnert. Und Samsung will ein funkelndes Armband von Swarovski anbieten.

      Eines können auch die Modeexperten nicht ändern: Die Gehäuse sind nach wie vor dick und wuchtig, damit all die Elektronik hineinpasst. Eine Lösung hat noch keiner gefunden. „Vielleicht wollen die Leute in fünf Jahren größere Uhren – am Anfang fanden viele auch die großen Smartphones gewöhnungsbedürftig“, sagt Samsung-Manager Ayme dazu nur. Das Experimentieren geht also weiter. Alle Blick gehen dabei nach Cupertino: Ob Apple nächste Woche eine smarte iWatch auf den Markt bringt, ist nicht öffentlich bekannt. Beobachter rechnen aber in der kommenden Woche fest mit der Präsentation eines tragbaren Gerätes – als Termin wird der Dienstag gehandelt.

      Handelsblatt / Christof Kerkmann

      07.09.2014 | 09:40…
      schrieb am 07.09.14 21:35:57
      Beitrag Nr. 4.858 ()
      schrieb am 07.09.14 21:38:05
      Beitrag Nr. 4.859 ()
      Definition of 'Liquid Asset'

      An asset that can be converted into cash quickly and with minimal impact to the price received. Liquid assets are generally regarded in the same light as cash because their prices are relatively stable when they are sold on the open market.

      Investopedia explains 'Liquid Asset'

      For an asset to be liquid it needs an established market with enough participants to absorb the selling without materially impacting the price of the asset. There also needs to be a relative ease in the transfer of ownership and the movement of the asset. Liquid assets include most stocks, money market instruments and government bonds. The foreign exchange market is deemed to be the most liquid market in the world because trillions of dollars exchange hands each day, making it impossible for any one individual to influence the exchange rate.…
      schrieb am 09.09.14 20:45:55
      Beitrag Nr. 4.860 ()
      Sasol repositions itself for gas-based future

      South African energy and chemicals group Sasol has “strategically repositioned” itself over the past three years to focus on gas-based opportunities in Southern Africa and North America, having moved away from coal-to-liquids opportunities in China, Indonesia, India and South Africa.…
      schrieb am 10.09.14 08:47:52
      Beitrag Nr. 4.861 ()

      COMPUTER BILD-Einschätzung: Apple iPhone 6
      Redakteur Christian Blum ist live vor Ort in Cupertino und nahm das iPhone 6 bereits in Augenschein. Sein erstes Fazit:
      Volle Kraft voraus: Apple bezeichnet das iPhone 6 und das Schwestermodell iPhone 6 Plus als „größte Neuerung aller Zeiten“. Stimmt: Vieles ist neu. Apple hat sicher das Rad nicht neu erfunden, aber auf die Marktlage reagiert. Das Design wirkt edel, allerdings könnte die vorstehende Kamera stören. Die überarbeitete Linse schaut wenige Millimeter aus dem Gehäuse und sticht aus dem sonst so nahtlosen Gehäuse hervor. Wenn die Technik dafür im Test überzeugt, wäre es aber ein guter Kompromiss. Insgesamt liegt das iPhone 6 aber sehr gut in der Hand und sind angenehm leicht. Die neue Speicheroption (128 Gigabyte) wird vielen schon länger gefehlt haben – genau wie NFC. Schön, dass Apple sich nicht erneut verschließt und diesen Standard aufnimmt. Zwar kann man mit Apple Pay in Deutschland wenig anfangen, aber für Entwickler dürfte NFC ähnlich interessant sein wie die Öffnung der Touch-ID-Schnittstelle. Gut gemacht, Apple.

      Fazit: Apple wieder auf Augenhöhe
      Aus der Technik-Redaktion meldet sich Redakteur Christian Just zur Wort: Mit dem iPhone 6 zieht Apple mit der Konkurrenz gleich. Es hat einen deutlich größeren Bildschirm als der Vorgänger, dazu gibt es Updates auf zeitgemäße Technik (WLAN-ac, LTE Cat 4 mit 150 Mbps) und Detail-Verbesserungen bei der Kamera – sowie endlich auch NFC (offenbar vor allem fürs Bezahlen). Nutzer von Android-Topmodellen wie dem Sony Z3 und Samsung S5 (mini) dürfen sich über technische Überlegenheit etwa bei der Display-Schärfe, Nokia-Nutzer über den fehlenden optischen Bildstabilisator mockieren. Doch Apple-Fans wird das egal sein: Für sie ist auch das „kleine“ iPhone 6 eine Revolution, zumal Apple bei allen Verbesserungen der einfachen Bedienung gegenüber reiner Technik-Show den Vorzug gegeben hat. In zwei Punkten allerdings hat Apple definitiv den Trend der Zeit verpasst: So fehlt auch dem neuen iPhone 6 ein wasserdichtes Gehäuse. Und der Peis ist einfach zu hoch.
      » Apple iOS 8: Das brandneue Betriebssystem
      » Mac OS X 10.10 Yosemite: Das neue Apple-System
      » WWDC: Apple zeigt OS X Yosemite und iOS 8 – aber keine neue Hardware!…
      schrieb am 24.09.14 22:03:22
      Beitrag Nr. 4.862 ()
      New one from George...LOL...;)!

      Hello Mr. Solyomto

      Nice that you show us the Long-long-long-long-long-long term Investor Position.

      All of them made a lot lot lot lot lot of losses!

      All the best!

      And allways chatch a falling knife!

      Re: Long-term Investor Positions
      in response to Long-term Investor Positions by solyomtwo
      posted on Sep 22, 14 09:31AM (Log in to use the IP Check tool) [?]…
      schrieb am 24.09.14 22:33:03
      Beitrag Nr. 4.863 ()
      Looks like a first bottom in terms of charts IMO Auriga....could be the right time to buy another tranche of Falcon shares?...going to install some new bids anyway...keep it up...SL..;)!
      schrieb am 25.09.14 06:48:09
      Beitrag Nr. 4.864 ()
      schrieb am 30.09.14 18:50:13
      Beitrag Nr. 4.865 ()
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 30.09.14 19:19:58
      Beitrag Nr. 4.866 ()
      George back on agora.

      Remember Mr.Soloyomto was allways wrong in his prediction.…" target="_blank" rel="nofollow ugc noopener">…


      I am engaged in M&A, believe me if instituional investor want to increase there holdings in a stock, they will start investing and buying.

      They will not sell there share to get a lower price, because if they start to buy than they habe to buy back there shares , which they sold to arrange a lower level. This will increase the price to the old price level or higher.

      when you look at the volumen traded it is useless to talk about instis are increasing there position.

      Falcon is still a start up(and by far no small cap)

      Remember Mr.Soloyomto was allways wrong in his prediction.

      If the instis knows more about the situation in Falcon (i mean they know more than the long long long long term investors) they would start buying and not only the price will go up also the volume has to go up dramaticly.

      You are waiting for a mirical because you can not accept that you made the wrong decission.

      All the best and lets look at the company in the next year.



      Re: I think Soly is right
      in response to I think Soly is right by nervesofsteel
      posted on Sep 26, 14 03:01PM (Log in to use the IP Check tool) [?]
      schrieb am 05.10.14 14:35:13
      Beitrag Nr. 4.867 ()

      Don't let the heavy Bank Vault Door of our little play hit you on the way out!

      Re:Karoo - Fracking bad news from South Africa
      in response to Re:Karoo - Fracking bad news from South Africa by newtofo
      posted on Sep 30, 14 01:32PM (Log in to use the IP Check tool) [?]…
      schrieb am 20.10.14 07:46:33
      Beitrag Nr. 4.868 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 47.911.730 von auriga am 30.09.14 18:50:13Ganz schön abgetaucht. Chartmäßig interessant, wie auch das April-Tief zumindest einstweilen wirkt.

      schrieb am 24.10.14 16:27:35
      Beitrag Nr. 4.869 ()
      schrieb am 24.10.14 22:54:06
      Beitrag Nr. 4.870 ()
      Klare Abwärtstendenz konsolidiert einstweilen auf CAD 0.12.

      10/24/2014 0.12 0.125 0.12 0.12 281,700 0.00 0.00% 0.12 34.09k 36
      10/23/2014 0.12 0.125 0.12 0.12 206,200 0.00 0.00% 0.12 25.33k 32
      10/22/2014 0.12 0.125 0.12 0.12 186,408 0.00 0.00% 0.12 23.06k 32
      10/21/2014 0.13 0.13 0.12 0.12 491,903 0.00 0.00% 0.12 62.1k 55
      10/20/2014 0.13 0.13 0.12 0.12 1,003,975 0.00 0.00% 0.12 127.6k 58
      10/17/2014 0.125 0.125 0.12 0.12 367,400 0.00 0.00% 0.12 45.02k 51
      10/16/2014 0.12 0.13 0.12 0.12 192,070 0.00 0.00% 0.12 23.59k 51
      10/15/2014 0.13 0.1325 0.12 0.12 658,246 -0.01 -7.69% 0.12 82.66k 67
      10/14/2014 0.135 0.14 0.13 0.13 516,185 -0.005 -3.70% 0.13 69k 60
      10/10/2014 0.14 0.145 0.135 0.135 1,013,779 -0.005 -3.57% 0.135 142.18k 69
      10/09/2014 0.145 0.15 0.14 0.14 84,913 -0.005 -3.45% 0.14 12.12k 15
      10/08/2014 0.155 0.16 0.145 0.145 463,873 0.005 3.57% 0.145 72.27k 63
      10/07/2014 0.145 0.15 0.14 0.14 146,500 -0.005 -3.45% 0.14 21.33k 20
      10/06/2014 0.15 0.155 0.145 0.145 189,550 -0.005 -3.33% 0.145 28.26k 35
      10/03/2014 0.15 0.155 0.145 0.15 52,161 0.00 0.00% 0.15 7.92k 16
      10/02/2014 0.155 0.155 0.15 0.15 124,700 0.00 0.00% 0.15 19.03k 23
      10/01/2014 0.15 0.16 0.15 0.15 155,100 0.00 0.00% 0.15 23.75k 31
      09/30/2014 0.15 0.155 0.15 0.15 271,496 0.00 0.00% 0.15 41.26k 49
      09/29/2014 0.155 0.155 0.15 0.15 108,500 -0.005 -3.23% 0.15 16.43k 22
      09/26/2014 0.155 0.16 0.155 0.155 137,500 0.005 3.33% 0.155 21.31k 9
      09/25/2014 0.16 0.16 0.15 0.15 262,261 -0.005 -3.23% 0.15 40.66k 55
      09/24/2014 0.155 0.16 0.155 0.155 88,954 0.00 0.00% 0.155 13.79k 18

      Results are limited to 1 month of history.
      2 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 26.10.14 10:05:58
      Beitrag Nr. 4.871 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 48.128.639 von auriga am 24.10.14 22:54:06Was ist der Grund dass es so krass down ging?
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 30.10.14 17:16:06
      Beitrag Nr. 4.872 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 48.133.580 von Charly_2 am 26.10.14 10:05:58Einfach eine Wartezeit auf die nächste Positionen werden abgezogen.....und Backroom Boys drücken den Kurs so tief wie möglich für den Aufbau von neuen Positionen...bei Falcon soweit alles OK;).
      schrieb am 30.10.14 20:27:11
      Beitrag Nr. 4.873 ()
      Aus dem OTC Markets Group Monthly Newsletter October 2014
      Seeking Alpha Headlines Now on

      With 400,000 unique monthly visitors,, is a leading destination for investors seeking to make better informed investment decisions. That’s why we’re excited to announce we are expanding third-party content for investors by displaying Seeking Alpha headlines on our site. Read the press release about the announcement here.

      Seeking Alpha,, has long been where sophisticated professionals and smart DIY investors go to find investment ideas, research and real-time news on stocks and other asset classes. Seeking Alpha has also always done a good job providing coverage of OTCQX®, OTCQB® and OTC Pink® securities, ranging from global blue chips to the smallest emerging growth stocks, where other financial news sites fall short. (Last year, Seeking Alpha joined the growing list of financial websites displaying our OTCQX, OTCQB and OTC Pink marketplace designations, ensuring readers know where these securities are traded.)

      Seeking Alpha headlines will appear on our homepage and on the News section of individual stock pages, providing investors convenient access to valuable third-party research and insight on OTCQX, OTCQB and OTC Pink securities.

      Beginning in November, Seeking Alpha will also link to financial reports from our OTC Disclosure & News Service on its website, providing Seeking Alpha subscribers with timely financial information on OTCQX, OTCQB and OTC Pink securities, starting with OTCQX securities.

      We hope you enjoy the rich, new content on our site!
      schrieb am 04.11.14 23:57:26
      Beitrag Nr. 4.874 ()
      South African Exploration Licence Being Processed by Petroleum Agency SA

      DUBLIN, IRELAND--(Marketwired - Nov. 3, 2014) - Falcon Oil & Gas Ltd. (TSX VENTURE:FO)(AIM:FOG)(ESM:FAC) (the "Company" or "Falcon") is pleased to announce, that it has been notified by the Petroleum Agency of South Africa ("PASA") that a decision has been taken to proceed with processing of the Company's application for a shale gas Exploration Licence in South Africa's Karoo Basin.

      In addition, the South African Department of Mineral Resources ("DMR") last week informed members of South Africa's parliament that the government is soon expected to issue companies with licences to explore for shale gas. Director General Thibedi Ramontja commented that it is anticipated that technical regulations pertaining to hydraulic fracturing, would be gazetted by Government at the end of January 2015, after a final round of public consultation.

      The PASA has requested Falcon to review and update its already drafted Environmental Management Programme where necessary. In accordance with the South African Mineral and Petroleum Resources Development Act 2002, Falcon is required to notify and consult with communities and parties in respect of any such revisions. Falcon has been requested to complete this process by 27 February 2015.

      Falcon was granted a Technical Cooperation Permit ("TCP") in 2009 covering 7.5 million (30,327 km2) acres in the southern part of the Karoo Basin. The TCP gives Falcon an exclusive right to an Exploration Licence to find commercial hydrocarbon deposits over all or part of this area. The granting of the Exploration Licence was delayed to allow for appropriate regulation governing hydraulic fracturing to be put in place. The US Energy Information Administration ("EIA") has estimated that the Karoo Basin contains 390 TCF* of technically recoverable shale gas resources.

      In December 2012, the Company announced a cooperation agreement with Chevron Business Development South Africa Ltd. ("Chevron"). The agreement enables Falcon to work exclusively with Chevron for a period of five years in jointly obtaining Exploration Licences.

      Philip O'Quigley, CEO of Falcon commented:

      "We are encouraged by these developments and will work to meet all the requirements set by the PASA. The 7.5 million acres in the Karoo Basin, for which Falcon is seeking an exploration licence, are geologically prospective with the Whitehill shale believed to be thick, organically rich and thermally mature. We will update shareholders as and when appropriate."

      This announcement has been reviewed by Dr. Gábor Bada, Falcon's Head of Technical Operations. Dr. Bada obtained his geology degree at the Eötvös L. University in Budapest, Hungary and his PhD at the Vrije Aniversiteit Amsterdam, the Netherlands. He is a member of AAPG and EAGE.

      About Falcon Oil & Gas Ltd.

      Falcon is an international oil & gas company engaged in the acquisition, exploration and development of conventional and unconventional oil and gas assets, with the current portfolio spread between Australia, South Africa and Hungary. Falcon is incorporated in British Columbia, Canada and headquartered in Dublin, Ireland with a technical team based in Budapest, Hungary.

      For further information on Falcon Oil & Gas Ltd. please visit

      About Chevron Business Development South Africa Ltd.

      Chevron Business Development South Africa Limited is a subsidiary of Chevron Global Energy Inc. Chevron is one of the world's leading integrated energy companies, with subsidiaries that conduct business worldwide. The company is involved in virtually every facet of the energy industry. Chevron explores for, produces and transports crude oil and natural gas; refines, markets and distributes transportation fuels and lubricants; manufactures and sells petrochemical products; generates power and produces geothermal energy; provides energy efficiency solutions; and develops the energy resources of the future, including biofuels. Chevron is based in San Ramon, California. More information about Chevron is available at

      Glossary of terms

      TCF Trillion cubic feet

      *Source: US Energy Information Administration ("EIA"): World Shale Gas Resources: An initial assessment of 41 countries outside the USA (June 2013)

      Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

      Certain information in this press release may constitute forward-looking information. This information including comments made with respect the granting of an exploration right in South Africa and the prospective nature of the Whitehill shale is based on current expectations that are subject to significant risks and uncertainties that are difficult to predict. Actual results might differ materially from results suggested in any forward-looking statements. Falcon assumes no obligation to update the forward-looking statements, or to update the reasons why actual results could differ from those reflected in the forward looking-statements unless and until required by securities laws applicable to Falcon. Additional information identifying risks and uncertainties is contained in Falcon's filings with the Canadian securities regulators, which filings are available at

      Falcon Oil & Gas Ltd.
      +353 1 417 1900

      Philip O'Quigley
      +353 87 814 7042

      Michael Gallagher
      +353 1 417 0814

      John Craven
      Non-Executive Chairman
      +353 1 417 1900

      Billy Clegg
      +44 20 3757 4983

      Georgia Mann
      +44 20 3757 4980

      Davy (NOMAD & Joint Broker)
      John Frain / Anthony Farrell
      +353 1 679 6363

      GMP Securities Europe LLP (Joint Broker)
      Rob Collins / Liz Williamson / Emily Morris
      +44 20 7647 2800…
      schrieb am 14.11.14 16:00:07
      Beitrag Nr. 4.875 ()
      THE BIG PICTURE – Falcon poised as South African shale moves closer to green light
      By Jamie Ashcroft November 03 2014, 2:30pm

      South Africa’s oil and gas regulator has signalled that the country’s potentially vast shale gas resources could be unlocked.

      London quoted Falcon Oil (LON:FOG) is poised among the early movers as South Africa’s nascent shale industry edges ever nearer.

      The Petroleum Agency of South Africa (PASA), which will update its guidelines on fracking early next year, has asked Falcon to “review and update” an already-drafted environmental management programme.

      Falcon, which is partnered with American major Chevron, described PASA’s move as “encouraging”.

      The long-term market for gas in South Africa is likely to be strong, according to PASA, which sees the supply of energy as key to the country’s growth.

      It is a point that is underlined by the country’s relatively poor record on power outages and consequently higher cost of industrial operations, such as mining.

      The Karoo Basin shale could potentially contain between 30 trillion cubic feet (tcf) and 500tcf of technically recoverable gas, according to PASA.

      To put those estimates into context, South Africa’s limited conventional gas industry produced some 40bln cubic feet (bcf), according to figures from 2012, and during the same period about four times more gas was imported from Mozambique.

      PASA says, adding a caveat, that the amount of shale gas in South Africa is “highly uncertain”.

      A campaign of exploration drilling, fracking and testing is required to better define just how much gas exists within the Karoo shale.

      PASA also warns that significant infrastructure investments will be needed if South Africa is to become a major producer of shale gas.

      It is, therefore, plain to see why the authority is accommodating potential investors in the country’s embryonic shale industry.

      Falcon and Chevron together have an enormous 7.5mln acre footprint (via a technical cooperation permit) in the Karoo basin, which is seen as the primary source of South Africa’s shale-based hydrocarbons.

      The technical cooperation permit, issued in 2009, was designed to allow regulations governing fracking to be put into place.

      It is anticipated that an exploration licence would follow, once the regulatory framework has been defined and once the South African authorities have green-lighted fracking.

      Philip O’Quigley, Falcon’s chief executive, in a statement this morning said: “The 7.5mln acres in the Karoo Basin, for which Falcon is seeking an exploration licence, are geologically prospective with the Whitehill shale believed to be thick, organically rich and thermally mature.

      “We will update shareholders as and when appropriate."

      Other early movers in the Karoo basin include Shell, which intends to test up 24 wells in the exploration phase, and Aussie small cap Challenger Energy (which owns 90% of the South Africa-focused Bundu vehicle).

      Analysis from future exploration wells will also be crucial in determining the value and commercial merits of the potentially vast hydrocarbon resource.

      “Karoo shale gas is considered to be only a prospective resource at present, and will remain undiscovered until a hydraulically fractured test well produces enough gas to be of commercial interest,” PASA says.

      “The economic value of Karoo shale, in turn, will only be known once a statistically significant number of well flow rates have been measured.”

      For Falcon, which is currently valued at around £65mln, South Africa and the Karoo represent just one portion of the business – which, in valuation terms at least, has been focussed on an Australian shale play.

      Indeed, City broker Charles Stanley recently referred to the early foothold in South Africa as a “free option”, which suggests a regulatory breakthrough would have significant and potentially very positive implications for the AIM shares.

      Brendan Long, the Charles Stanley analyst, has a 19.7p price target (current price: 7p) for the stock based solely on Falcon’s Australian project - where it has a stake in a 4.6mln acre position in the Beetaloo basin, estimated to contain 162tcf of gas and 21bn barrels of oil.

      The still largely untapped value in Australia is further underlined by a US$200mln farm-out agreed in May with Origin Energy and Sasol, which sees five years’ worth of drilling and exploration paid for.

      In Australia, Falcon’s interests have gained considerable momentum in recent months as a result of the farm-out and other preceding enhancements to the venture.

      Investors will now also begin to look increasingly to South Africa for catalysts as the government moves closer to a decision on shale and fracking.…
      schrieb am 15.11.14 23:33:12
      Beitrag Nr. 4.876 ()
      Falcon Oil & Gas Ltd. announces its Annual General and Special Shareholder meeting to be held on 10 December 2014

      13 November 2014 - Falcon Oil & Gas Ltd. (TSXV: FO, AIM: FOG, ESM: FAC) (“Falcon”) announces that its Annual General and Special Shareholder Meeting will be held at The Conrad Hotel, Earlsfort Terrace, Dublin 2, Ireland on 10 December 2014 at 11:00 a.m. (Dublin time).

      A complete notice and related documents have been sent to the shareholders of record as at 4 November 2014 and are also available on the Canadian System for Electronic Document Analysis and Retrieval (“SEDAR”) at and Falcon’s website at

      For further information, please contact:
      Falcon Oil & Gas Ltd. +353 1 417 1900
      Philip O'Quigley, CEO +353 87 814 7042
      Michael Gallagher, CFO +353 1 417 0814
      John Craven Non-Executive Chairman +353 1 417 1900
      Billy Clegg +44 20 3757 4983
      Georgia Mann +44 20 3757 4980
      Davy (NOMAD & Joint Broker)
      John Frain / Anthony Farrell +353 1 679 6363
      GMP Securities Europe LLP (Joint Broker)
      Rob Collins / Liz Williamson / Emily Morris +44 20 7647 2800

      About Falcon Oil & Gas Ltd.
      Falcon is an international oil & gas company engaged in the acquisition, exploration and development of conventional and unconventional oil and gas assets, with the current portfolio spread between Australia, South Africa and Hungary. Falcon is incorporated in British Columbia, Canada and headquartered in Dublin, Ireland with a technical team based in Budapest, Hungary.
      For further information on Falcon Oil & Gas Ltd. please visit

      Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.…
      schrieb am 17.11.14 02:03:12
      Beitrag Nr. 4.877 ()
      Final Form of Instruction for Depository Holders…
      schrieb am 27.11.14 19:36:55
      Beitrag Nr. 4.878 ()


      November 27, 2014

      Interim Results for Nine Months Ended 30 September 2014 and Operational Update

      DUBLIN, IRELAND--(Marketwired - Nov. 27, 2014) - Falcon Oil & Gas Ltd. (TSX VENTURE:FO)(AIM:FOG)(ESM:FAC) (the
      "Group" or the "Company") announces that it has filed its results for the three and nine months ended 30
      September 2014 and provides the following operational update for its operations in Australia, South Africa and

      The following should be read in conjunction with the complete Interim Financial Statements and the accompanying
      Management's Discussion and Analysis for the three and nine months period ended 30 September 2014 filed with
      the TSXV. These filings are available at and

      Financial highlights

      -- Strong financial position, debt free with cash and cash deposits up 119%
      to US$18.4 million at 30 September 2014 (31 December 2013: US$8.4
      -- Continued focus on strict cost management and efficient operation of the
      -- The Group's operating expenses decreased from US$4.4 million in the nine
      months ended 30 September 2013 to US$3.9 million in the nine months
      ended 30 September 2014.

      Operational highlights

      -- Preparations for initial three wells in 2015 in the Beetaloo Basin,
      Australia, at an advanced stage.
      -- Drilling locations identified following technical evaluation undertaken
      by Origin, Sasol and Falcon.
      -- Well locations to penetrate oil mature through to dry gas mature
      sections of the Middle Velkerri shale.
      -- Civil construction works expected to start early 2015 - tendering and
      contracting for rig and key well services ongoing.
      -- Company's Exploration License application in South Africa's Karoo Basin
      being processed.
      -- South African Department of Mineral Resources ("DMR") expected to issue
      licences in 2015.
      -- The Group's Karoo Environmental Management Programme is being updated.
      -- Second Algyo Formation well in Hungary (the Company 100% carried) not
      commercial - working with partner on options to derive shareholder value
      for the remainder of three well programme.

      Philip O'Quigley, CEO of Falcon Oil & Gas commented:

      "I am delighted to provide this update on the Group's financial position and operations. During the period, net
      cash increased to US$18.4 million up from US$8.4 million at 31 December 2013 and our work programme remains
      fully carried. Ongoing expenses have been reduced during the period."

      "Operationally it has been a busy first three quarters of the year. In Australia, progress to date with our
      joint venture partners Origin and Sasol has been excellent. Our experience has shown that we made the optimal
      choice for our shareholders in partnering with Origin and Sasol. Origin's operatorship of the exploration
      program to date in working with all stakeholders has been very smart, professional and a pleasure to be
      involved with. We look forward to the forthcoming "Dry Season" in the Beetaloo Basin and the commencement of
      our drilling programme. We will update the market in due course as the 2015 three well drilling campaign

      "With activity levels in South Africa picking up and the regulatory environment developing, we look to the
      future with excitement that 2015 will provide our shareholders with a number of very high value adding events
      in our acreage in both Australia and South Africa."

      Interim results for the nine months ended 30 September 2014

      The Group incurred a loss of US$4 million in the nine months ended 30 September 2014, (US$3.7 million in the
      nine months ended 30 September 2013). Operating expenses decreased from US$4.4 million in the nine months ended
      30 September 2013 to US$3.9 million in the nine months ended 30 September 2014.

      The Group's cash and cash on deposit balance at 30 September 2014 was US$18.4 million (31 December 2013: US$8.4

      Australia - Drilling preparations underway in the Beetaloo Basin

      Preparations for the Group's 2015 Australian drilling programme, comprising the initial three wells in the
      Beetaloo Basin are at an advanced stage.

      2014 has seen significant progress of the agreed work programme with our joint operating partners Origin Energy
      Resources Limited ("Origin", acting as operator) and Sasol Petroleum Australia Limited ("Sasol") with the
      objective of moving the project towards commerciality. A comprehensive technical evaluation undertaken in 2014
      has enabled the selection of appropriate well locations to penetrate oil mature through to dry gas mature
      sections of the Middle Velkerri shale play. The principal objectives of the 2015 drilling programme are to:

      -- penetrate the Middle Velkerri formation to assess hydrocarbon saturation
      and reservoir quality;
      -- evaluate oil versus gas maturity and determine the most prospective
      areas and depth window;
      -- provide wide geographical cover of the target Middle Velkerri formation;
      -- collect data points for subsequent vertical/horizontal drilling,
      completion and production testing.

      Formation evaluation and reservoir characterisation will be carried out from these initial three wells through
      petrophysical interpretation, core analysis, geomechanical studies and stimulation design.

      Drilling permit applications are being prepared for regulatory approval. Civil construction works are expected
      to commence early in 2015. Tendering and contracting for the rig and key well services, and recruiting
      additional project resources are ongoing. Spudding of the first well is expected in mid-2015 subject to weather
      conditions as the wet season ends. Two further wells will be drilled back-to-back before the dry season ends in


      On 2 May 2014, the Group announced it had entered into a Farm-Out Agreement and Joint Operating Agreement with
      Origin and Sasol (collectively referred to herein as the "Farminees") with each farming into 35% of the Group's
      exploration permits in the Beetaloo Basin, Australia through its 98% subsidiary, Falcon Oil & Gas Australia Ltd
      ("Falcon"). At completion of the Farm-Out Agreement and Joint Operating Agreement on 21 August 2014, Falcon
      received A$20 million cash from the Farminees.

      The Farminees will carry Falcon in a nine well exploration and appraisal programme over the next four years.
      The exploration programme focuses on the Middle Velkerri shale play which according to RPS(i) has prospective
      potentially recoverable resources of 2.7 billion BBLS of oil and 74.5 TCF of natural gas in the Beetaloo basin.

      South Africa - Exploration Licence being processed by Petroleum Agency SA

      The Petroleum Agency of South Africa ("PASA") is proceeding with the processing of the Company's application
      for a shale gas Exploration Licence in South Africa's Karoo Basin and the Company expects that the South
      African Department of Mineral Resources ("DMR") will issue Falcon with a licence to explore for shale gas in
      2015. The Group is updating its Environmental Management Programme where necessary in accordance with the South
      African Mineral and Petroleum Resources Development Act 2002.

      As a reminder to shareholders, the Company was granted a Technical Cooperation Permit in 2009 covering 7.5
      million (30,327 km2) acres in the southern part of the Karoo Basin and the Company has a cooperation agreement
      (as announced on 12 December 2012) with Chevron Business Development South Africa Limited. ("Chevron"), which
      enables the Group to work exclusively with Chevron for a period of five years in jointly obtaining Exploration

      Hungary - Operational Update

      Further to the Group's press release of 15 July 2014, which detailed the extension of the Naftna Industrija
      Srbije jsc ("NIS") three well drilling contract to 31 December 2014, the Group announces that it and its
      partner, NIS have mutually agreed to plug and abandon the second well, Besa-D-1, in the planned work programme.
      As per the contract with NIS, the Company was fully carried on all costs associated with the wells.

      Well testing operations on Besa-D-1 are now completed. The testing of two sand intervals, both part of the
      tight turbiditic sequence in the lower Algyo Formation at depths of 2,976 meters to 2,986 meters and 2,960.5
      meters to 2,970 meters, indicated that well production did not meet commercial rates.

      In January 2013, the Group and NIS agreed to a three-well drilling programme targeting the relatively shallow
      Algyo play by July 2014, whereby NIS made a cash payment of US$1.5 million and agreed to carry the Group 100%
      over the programme. The July 2014 deadline for completion of drilling and testing of the three well programme
      was subsequently extended to 31 December 2014. In accordance with the agreement with NIS, the Group is fully
      carried on all costs associated with the three well drilling programme and is working with NIS in evaluating
      all options to derive shareholder value for the remainder of the programme.

      This announcement has been reviewed by Dr. Gabor Bada, Falcon Oil & Gas Ltd's Head of Technical Operations. Dr.
      Bada obtained his geology degree at the Eotvos L. University in Budapest, Hungary and his PhD at the Vrije
      Aniversiteit Amsterdam, the Netherlands. He is a member of AAPG and EAGE.

      All dollar amounts in this document are in United States dollars "$", except as otherwise indicated.

      About Falcon Oil & Gas Ltd.

      Falcon Oil & Gas Ltd is an international oil & gas company engaged in the acquisition, exploration and
      development of conventional and unconventional oil and gas assets, with the current portfolio focused in
      Australia, South Africa and Hungary. Falcon Oil & Gas Ltd is incorporated in British Columbia, Canada and
      headquartered in Dublin, Ireland with a technical team based in Budapest, Hungary.

      For further information on Falcon Oil & Gas Ltd. please visit

      About Origin Energy

      Origin Energy (ASX : ORG) is the leading Australian integrated energy company focused on gas and oil exploration
      and production, power generation and energy retailing. A member of the S&P/ASX 20 Index, the Company has
      approximately 6,700 employees and is a leading producer of gas in eastern Australia. Origin is Australia's
      largest energy retailer servicing 4.3 million electricity, natural gas and LPG customer accounts and has one of
      the country's largest and most flexible generation portfolios with approximately 6,010 MW of capacity, through
      either owned generation or contracted rights. Origin's strategic positioning and portfolio of assets provide
      flexibility, stability and significant opportunities for growth across the energy industry. Through Australia
      Pacific LNG, its incorporated joint venture with ConocoPhillips and Sinopec, Origin is developing one of
      Australia's largest CSG to LNG projects based on Australia's largest 2P CSG reserves base.

      In New Zealand, Origin is the major shareholder in Contact Energy, a leading integrated energy company,
      operating geothermal, thermal and hydro generation facilities totalling 2,359 MW and servicing approximately
      568,000 electricity, gas and LPG customers across both the North and South islands. Origin also operates
      several oil and gas projects in New Zealand and is one of the largest holders of petroleum exploration acreage
      in the country.

      Origin has a strong focus on ensuring the sustainability of its operations, is the largest green energy
      retailer in Australia and has significant investments in renewable energy technologies. For more information go

      About Sasol

      Sasol Limited, through its subsidiary Sasol Canada, owns a 50 per cent working interest in two natural gas
      fields in British Columbia and is pursuing the opportunity to build Canada's first gas-to-liquids (GTL)
      facility to convert natural gas into high-quality transportation fuels. Sasol entered Canada in early 2011
      through the $2 billion acquisition of a 50 per cent working interest in Talisman Energy's natural gas assets in
      one of the most prolific shale plays in North America: the Montney shale basin located in northeast British
      Columbia. The Sasol/Talisman partnership holds 108,000 total net acres of land in the Montney basin with
      approximately 20 TCF of contingent resource. 134 production wells have been drilled to date.

      Sasol Limited is an integrated energy and chemical company and is the world's largest producer of synthetic
      fuels. It is the World leader in gas-to-liquids (GTL) and coal-to-liquids (CTL) technology with over 60 years'
      experience. Sasol is present in 37 Countries and employs over 33,000 people Worldwide. Sasol is listed on the
      JSE and NYSE with a market capitalisation of US$31 billion.

      About Chevron Business Development South Africa Limited.

      Chevron Business Development South Africa Limited is a subsidiary of Chevron Global Energy Inc. Chevron is one
      of the world's leading integrated energy companies, with subsidiaries that conduct business worldwide. The
      company is involved in virtually every facet of the energy industry. Chevron explores for, produces and
      transports crude oil and natural gas; refines, markets and distributes transportation fuels and lubricants;
      manufactures and sells petrochemical products; generates power and produces geothermal energy; provides energy
      efficiency solutions; and develops the energy resources of the future, including biofuels. Chevron is based in
      San Ramon, California. More information about Chevron is available at

      About Naftna Industrija Srbije JSC (NIS)

      NIS is one of the largest, vertically integrated oil and gas companies in Southeast Europe, focusing on
      exploration and production of hydrocarbons, refining of crude oil and sales of a broad range of petroleum

      For further information on NIS please visit

      (i) Source: RPS Energy in its Competent Person Report ("CPR") titled "Evaluation of the Hydrocarbon Resource
      Potential Pertaining to Certain Acreage Interests in the Beetaloo Basin, Onshore Australia and Mako Trough,
      Onshore Hungary" (the "RPS 2013 Report") dated 1 January 2013 (filed on and on Falcon Oil & Gas
      Ltd's website at Prospective Resources are those quantities of petroleum estimated,
      as of a given date, to be potentially recoverable from undiscovered accumulations by application of future
      development projects. Prospective resources have both an associated chance of discovery and a chance of
      development. There is no certainty that any portion of the undiscovered resources will be discovered and that,
      if discovered, it may not be economically viable or technically feasible to produce any of the resources.

      Glossary of terms
      BBLS Barrels of oil
      BCF Billion cubic feet
      CSG Coal seam gas
      LNG Liquefied natural gas
      A$ Australian dollars
      MW Megawatt
      TCF Trillion cubic feet

      Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies
      of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

      Certain information in this press release may constitute forward-looking information. This information
      including comments made with respect to the type, number and objectives of the wells to be drilled in the
      Beetaloo basin Australia, the prospectively of the Velkerri shale play and the prospect of the exploration
      programme being brought to commerciality and comments made with respect to the granting of an exploration right
      in South Africa is based on current expectations that are subject to significant risks and uncertainties that
      are difficult to predict. Actual results might differ materially from results suggested in any forward-looking
      statements. The Company assumes no obligation to update the forward-looking statements, or to update the
      reasons why actual results could differ from those reflected in the forward looking-statements unless and until
      required by securities laws applicable to the Company. Additional information identifying risks and
      uncertainties is contained in the Company's filings with the Canadian securities regulators, which filings are
      available at

      Falcon Oil & Gas Ltd.
      Interim Condensed Consolidated Statement of Operations and Comprehensive
      Three months months Nine months Nine months
      ended 30 ended 30 ended 30 ended 30
      September September September September
      2014 2013 2014 2013
      $'000 $'000 $'000 $'000

      Oil and natural gas
      revenue 5 4 22 11
      5 4 22 11

      Exploration and
      evaluation expenses (191) (206) (595) (614)
      Production and
      operating expenses (7) (5) (22) (17)
      Depreciation (29) (54) (102) (261)
      General and
      expenses (868) (1,140) (3,118) (3,744)
      Share based
      compensation (65) (214) (272) (487)
      Foreign exchange
      (loss) / gain (127) 197 (182) 197
      Other income 73 152 372 491
      (1,214) (1,270) (3,919) (4,435)

      Results from operating
      activities (1,209) (1,266) (3,897) (4,424)

      Fair value gain -
      outstanding warrants 283 3,844 506 2,520

      Finance income 10 375 36 637
      Finance expense (651) (41) (619) (2,463)
      Net finance (expense)
      / income (641) 334 (583) (1,826)

      (Loss) / income and
      Comprehensive (loss)
      / income for the
      period (1,567) 2,912 (3,974) (3,730)

      Loss and comprehensive
      loss attributable to:

      Equity holders of the
      company (1,556) 2,929 (3,954) (3,577)
      interests (11) (17) (20) (153)

      (Loss) / income and
      comprehensive (loss)
      / income for the
      period (1,567) 2,912 (3,974) (3,730)

      (Loss) / income per share
      attributable to equity holders of
      the company:

      Basic and diluted (0.002 cent) 0.003 cent (0.004 cent) (0.004 cent)

      Falcon Oil & Gas Ltd.
      Interim Condensed Consolidated Statement of Financial Position
      At 30 September At 31 December
      2014 2013
      $'000 $'000

      Non-current assets
      Exploration and evaluation assets 61,431 74,517
      Property, plant and equipment 5,274 5,403
      Trade and other receivables 105 77
      Restricted cash 349 396
      67,159 80,393

      Current assets
      Cash and cash on deposit 18,383 8,431
      Restricted cash - 219
      Trade and other receivables 465 473
      18,848 9,123

      Total assets 86,007 89,516

      Equity and liabilities

      Equity attributable to owners of the
      Share capital 382,853 382,853
      Contributed surplus 42,735 42,463
      Retained deficit (354,559) (350,605)
      71,029 74,711
      Non-controlling interests 717 737
      Total equity 71,746 75,448

      Non-current liabilities
      Decommissioning provision 10,343 11,138
      10,343 11,138

      Current liabilities
      Accounts payable and accrued expenses 3,027 1,533
      Derivative financial liabilities 891 1,397
      3,918 2,930
      Total liabilities 14,261 14,068

      Total equity and liabilities 86,007 89,516

      Falcon Oil & Gas Ltd.
      Interim Condensed Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows
      Nine months ended 30 September
      2014 2013
      $'000 $'000

      Cash flows from operating activities
      Net loss for the period (3,974) (3,730)
      Adjustments for:
      Share based compensation 272 487
      Depreciation 102 261
      Fair value gain - outstanding warrants (506) (2,520)
      Net finance expense 583 1,826
      Other 182 (322)
      Contribution to past costs - Chevron - 1,000
      Change in non-cash working capital:
      Trade and other receivables 6 288
      Accounts payable and accrued expenses (764) (925)
      Interest paid - (573)
      Interest received 36 87
      Net cash used in operating activities (4,063) (4,121)

      Cash flows from investing activities
      Decrease in restricted cash 219 -
      Increase in cash on deposit - other
      receivables (6,000)
      Exploration and evaluation assets (6,577) (664)
      Proceeds from farm-out transaction - NIS - 1,500
      Proceeds from farm-out transaction -
      Origin and Sasol 20,471 -
      Property, plant and equipment (10) (29)
      Net cash generated by investing activities 8,103 807

      Cash flows from financing activities
      Proceeds from private placement - 25,672
      Transaction costs relating to private
      placement - (1,902)
      Repayment of 11% debenture - (10,197)
      Share acquisition in Falcon Oil & Gas
      Australia Ltd ("Falcon Australia") - (3,000)
      Transaction costs associated with share
      acquisition in Falcon Australia - (60)
      Proceeds from exercise of share options - 112
      Net cash from financing activities - 10,625

      Change in cash and cash equivalents 4,040 7,311
      Effect of exchange rates on cash & cash
      equivalents (88) 649

      Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of
      period 8,431 2,884

      Cash and cash equivalents at end of period 12,383 10,844

      Note: Cash and cash on deposit
      At 30

      Cash and cash equivalents 12,383
      Cash on deposit 6,000

      At 30 September 2014 18,383



      Falcon Oil & Gas Ltd.
      +353 1 417 1900


      Falcon Oil & Gas Ltd.
      Philip O'Quigley, CEO
      +353 87 814 7042


      Falcon Oil & Gas Ltd.
      Michael Gallagher, CFO
      +353 1 417 0814


      Falcon Oil & Gas Ltd.
      John Craven, Non-Executive Chairman
      +353 1 417 1900


      Davy (NOMAD & Joint Broker)
      John Frain / Anthony Farrell
      +353 1 679 6363


      GMP Securities Europe LLP (Joint Broker)
      Rob Collins / Liz Williamson / Emily Morris
      +44 20 7647 2800


      Billy Clegg
      +44 20 3757 4983


      Georgia Mann
      +44 20 3757 4980


      schrieb am 27.11.14 19:44:55
      Beitrag Nr. 4.879 ()
      schrieb am 09.12.14 12:14:50
      Beitrag Nr. 4.880 ()
      Hallo liebe User,
      ich habe eine Frage zu Petrohunter...
      da ich längere Zeit nicht mehr auf die Aktie Petrohunter geschaut habe, ist mir nun aufgefallen das sie in Deutschland nicht mehr gehandelt werden kann.Habe vor längerer Zeit in Euro eingekauft, und wollte nun verkaufen, doch ich bekam die Meldung "Das Wertpapier US71649T1043 ist derzeit nicht handelbar...."
      Bin bei der DAB Bank und kann bei dieser Aktie keinen anderen Börsenplatz zum Verkauf wählen.
      Kann mir jemand weiterhelfen ?
      schrieb am 09.12.14 12:25:15
      Beitrag Nr. 4.881 ()
      Hallo liebe User,
      ich habe eine Frage zu Petrohunter...
      da ich längere Zeit nicht mehr auf die Aktie Petrohunter geschaut habe, ist mir nun aufgefallen das sie in Deutschland nicht mehr gehandelt werden kann.Habe vor längerer Zeit in Euro eingekauft, und wollte nun verkaufen, doch ich bekam die Meldung "Das Wertpapier US71649T1043 ist derzeit nicht handelbar...."
      Bin bei der DAB Bank und hatte damals unter A0KE9M gekauft und kann bei dieser Aktie nun keinen anderen Börsenplatz zum Verkauf wählen.
      Kann mir jemand weiterhelfen ?
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 15.12.14 10:31:10
      Beitrag Nr. 4.882 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 48.523.844 von Meggerlimugg am 09.12.14 12:25:15Es scheint als wäre ich hier alleine an Bord.....
      schrieb am 01.01.15 23:33:48
      Beitrag Nr. 4.883 ()
      Zitat von auriga: Frohes Neues Jahr!
      Ich mach noch mal nen neuen link.
      Annual General & Special Meeting
      Operations & Technical Update
      10 December 2014…
      schrieb am 26.01.15 19:22:00
      Beitrag Nr. 4.884 ()
      Zitat von auriga: Falcon Oil & Gas Ltd.: NIS Drilling Programme- Expiry of Extension

      DUBLIN, IRELAND--(Marketwired - Jan. 26, 2015) - Falcon Oil & Gas Ltd. (TSX VENTURE:FO) (AIM:FOG) (ESM:FAC) (the "Company" or "Falcon") announces the expiry of the extension granted to its partner, Naftna Industrija Srbije jsc ("NIS"), regarding their obligatory three-well drilling programme in Falcon's Makó Trough Licence in Hungary.

      In January 2013, Falcon and NIS agreed to complete a three-well drilling programme (the "Agreement") targeting the relatively shallow Algyő Play, by July 2014. Under the terms of the Agreement, NIS made a cash payment of US$1.5 million and agreed to carry Falcon for 100% of all costs associated with the drilling and testing programme. The July 2014 deadline for completion of drilling and testing of the three-well programme was subsequently extended by Falcon to 31 December 2014 to enable NIS to fulfil its three well obligation. As of 31 December 2014, NIS has only drilled and tested two wells.

      Falcon is currently evaluating, and will pursue, all options available to the Company to derive shareholder value as NIS has not fulfilled its commitments under the Agreement.

      Falcon retains 100% interest in the Makó Trough Licence in Hungary including the deep play.

      Philip O'Quigley, CEO of Falcon Oil & Gas commented:

      "We would like to thank NIS for their partnership over the last two years. The first two wells in the three-well programme were drilled and tested professionally. However, we are very disappointed that NIS has not fulfilled its obligations in accordance with the terms of the Agreement and we will now pursue all options available to the Company."

      "Falcon remains focused on the potential farm-out of the Makó deep play and is currently working with industry to evaluate potential options."…
      3 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 19.02.15 21:32:53
      Beitrag Nr. 4.885 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 48.889.157 von auriga am 26.01.15 19:22:00Heute zum ersten Mal wieder ein halbwegs gscheiter Umsatz.
      Bis dato 577.000 Stücke und auf 0,0045 gestiegen...
      Sie lebt noch :-)
      2 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 01.03.15 15:24:57
      Beitrag Nr. 4.886 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 49.122.794 von riverstone am 19.02.15 21:32:53Hey River! How is it going?...Nation x16 dieTage....wenn es klappt wird Nation bis 15 April eine SUB von Paltar. Wird Zeit für Bruner in NT.—In Beetaloo müsste Paltar mit Petrohunter auch langsam aktiv werden. Wäre sonst schade um die assets.—Nichts Genaues weiß man nicht. Bruner muss auf alle Fälle finanzieren. Inpex jetzt auch im Beetaloo in den outskirts. LG A.
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 05.03.15 21:22:47
      Beitrag Nr. 4.887 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 49.209.068 von auriga am 01.03.15 15:24:57Hi Auriga!
      Danke - läuft alles so halbwegs. Hoff bei Dir auch?
      Ja ich hoffe auch, dass Bruner hier mal langsam in die Gänge kommt. Bin aber diesbezüglich sehr skeptisch...Finanzierung....
      Es wäre sehr schade um die assets, aber ich befürchte, dass wir auf fo und unsere Aktienanteile bauen müssen....
      Ich hoffe Bruner belehrt mich eines Besseren!
      schrieb am 30.04.15 18:30:09
      Beitrag Nr. 4.888 ()
      Hallo, das wird dann wohl so langsam das ende sein mit Petrohunter, oder ?
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 03.05.15 23:59:12
      Beitrag Nr. 4.889 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 49.685.328 von fixe-idee am 30.04.15 18:30:09HI F-I!..Nicht unbedingt. Die Paltar shareholders haben die Übernahme der NT permits durch Nation einstweilen bestätigt. Dieses ist aber per Abkommen nur dann möglich, wenn im Gegenzug Bruner die Mehrheit an Nation bekommt..Diese Vorgänge werden gerade vollzogen...Falcon(mit seinen operator(s) ) drillt demnächst in Beetaloo. Die Frage ist wie lange Bruner damit noch wartet. War ja an sich mit Halliburton schon auf dem Weg. Bruner ist natürlich auch ein eiserner Fremdfinanzierer, anders wird man auch nicht so leicht Milliardär...wo kommt also die Kohle her fürs Drillen? Müsste wohl am Ehesten ein JV sein. Taucht Bruner auf aus der Versenkung? Bin gespannt. LG Auriga.
      schrieb am 08.05.15 12:59:42
      Beitrag Nr. 4.890 ()
      Falcon Oil & Gas Ltd.: Full Year Results

      DUBLIN, IRELAND--(Marketwired - Apr 29, 2015) - Falcon Oil & Gas Ltd. (TSX VENTURE:FO)(FOG.L)(FAC) is pleased to announce its financial results for the twelve months 31 December 2014.

      The following should be read in conjunction with the complete audited Financial Statements and Management, Discussion & Analysis ("MD&A") for the year ended 31 December 2014.

      These filings are available for review at The audited financial statements, MD&A and AIF are also available on Falcon's website
      schrieb am 08.05.15 13:28:39
      Beitrag Nr. 4.891 ()
      Falcon Oil and Gas PROFILE

      Mailing Address: 5th Floor, Styne House
      Upper Hatch Street
      Dublin, n/a
      Head Office Address: 5th Floor, Styne House
      Upper Hatch Street
      Dublin, n/a
      Contact Name: Michael A. Gallagher Principal Regulator: British Columbia
      Business e-mail address: Short Form Prospectus Issuer: Yes
      Telephone Number: 353 14171900 Reporting Jurisdictions: British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, Newfoundland
      Fax Number: 303 5728927 Stock Exchange: TSX Venture
      Date of Formation: Jan 18 1980 Stock Symbol: FO
      Jurisdiction Where Formed: British Columbia Auditor: BDO LLP
      Industry Classification: junior natural resource - oil and gas General Partner:
      CUSIP Number: 30607 Transfer Agent: Computershare Investor Services Inc.
      Financial Year-End: Dec 31 Size of Issuer (Assets): $100,000,001 to $500,000,000…
      schrieb am 08.05.15 13:38:32
      Beitrag Nr. 4.892 ()
      Reporting Jurisdictions: British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, Newfoundland…
      schrieb am 10.05.15 15:57:08
      Beitrag Nr. 4.893 ()
      schrieb am 11.05.15 12:13:35
      Beitrag Nr. 4.894 ()
      Operational Highlights

      ●Transformational farm-out with Origin Resources Limited ("Origin") and Sasol Petroleum Australia Limited ("Sasol") completed.

      ●Preparations for initial three well drilling campaign to commence mid 2015 in the Beetaloo Basin, Australia, at an advanced stage.

      ●Drilling locations identified following technical evaluation undertaken by Origin, Sasol and Falcon.

      ●Well locations to penetrate oil mature through to dry gas mature sections of the Middle Velkerri shale.

      ●Company's Exploration License application in South Africa's Karoo Basin is currently being processed.

      ●South African Department of Mineral Resources ("DMR") expected to issue licences in 2015.

      ●The Company's updated Karoo Environmental Management Programme was submitted on 27 February 2015.

      ●The Group continues to review its operations and plans in Hungary following the expiry of the extension of the Naftna Industrija Srbije jsc ("NIS") three well drilling contract.

      Falcon Oil & Gas Ltd.: Full Year Results
      Marketwired Falcon Oil & Gas Ltd.
      April 29, 2015 2:00 AM
      schrieb am 11.05.15 14:09:55
      Beitrag Nr. 4.895 ()

      ●Strong financial position, debt free with cash and cash deposits up 75% to US$14.8 million (FY 2013: US$8.4 million).
      ●A$20 million payment from the farm-out with Sasol and Origin received.
      ●Continued focus on strict cost management and efficient operation of the portfolio.
      ●G&A expenses decreased 13% to US$4.0 million (FY 2013: US$4.7 million)
      ●Non-cash impairment of Group's Hungarian assets of US$26.6 million.
      schrieb am 12.05.15 14:28:10
      Beitrag Nr. 4.896 ()
      ●Transformational farm-out with Origin Resources Limited ("Origin") and Sasol Petroleum Australia Limited ("Sasol") completed.

      ●Preparations for initial three well drilling campaign to commence mid 2015 in the Beetaloo Basin, Australia, at an advanced stage.

      ●Drilling locations identified following technical evaluation undertaken by Origin, Sasol and Falcon.

      ●Well locations to penetrate oil mature through to dry gas mature sections of the Middle Velkerri shale.
      schrieb am 20.05.15 18:56:38
      Beitrag Nr. 4.897 ()
      Ja nun wird es ernst. Die Ergebnisse dieser drei wells treffen eine Vorentscheidung über Beetaloo. Das wird sehr spannend.
      schrieb am 21.05.15 12:56:38
      Beitrag Nr. 4.898 ()
      Philip O'Quigley, CEO of Falcon Oil & Gas commented:

      "Operationally it has been a busy twelve months for Falcon, following the execution of our transformational farm-out with Origin and Sasol of our Beetaloo permits in Australia, as we work with our partners to progress preparations for our 2015 three well drilling campaign in this highly attractive basin."

      "We continue to make solid progress in South Africa as we work hard to move forward our licence application and were encouraged to be notified that a decision had been taken to proceed with the processing of Falcon's application for a shale gas exploration licence in the Karoo basin."

      "Looking ahead, with our fully funded 2015 Australian drilling campaign on track to commence this summer and a decision expected from the South African DMR later this year, Falcon has a number of value driving events coming up in the months ahead."
      Falcon Oil & Gas Ltd.: Full Year Results
      Marketwired Falcon Oil & Gas Ltd.
      April 29, 2015 2:00 AM
      schrieb am 22.05.15 14:33:13
      Beitrag Nr. 4.899 ()
      Australia - drilling preparation underway in the Beetaloo Basin

      Preparations for the Group's 2015 Australian three well drilling programme in the Beetaloo Basin, Northern Territory with our partners Origin and Sasol are at an advanced stage with drilling expected to commence mid- year 2015.

      During 2014 significant progress was made with a comprehensive technical evaluation undertaken to identify a selection of appropriate well locations to penetrate oil mature through to dry gas mature sections of the Middle Velkerri shale. The principal objectives of the 2015 drilling programme are to:
      schrieb am 22.05.15 16:30:18
      Beitrag Nr. 4.900 ()
      ●penetrate the Middle Velkerri formation to assess hydrocarbon saturation and reservoir quality;

      ●evaluate oil versus gas maturity and determine the most prospective areas and depth window;

      ●provide wide geographical cover of the target Middle Velkerri formation; and

      ●collect data points for subsequent vertical/horizontal drilling, completion and production testing.
      schrieb am 23.05.15 12:22:15
      Beitrag Nr. 4.901 ()
      Formation evaluation and reservoir characterisation will be carried out from these initial three wells through petrophysical interpretation, core analysis, geomechanical studies and stimulation design.

      Tendering and contracting for the rig and key well services, and recruiting additional project resources are ongoing and the drilling campaign remains on track to begin in mid 2015.
      schrieb am 27.05.15 23:44:14
      Beitrag Nr. 4.902 ()
      South Africa - exploration licence being processed by Petroleum Agency of South Africa ("PASA")

      The PASA is proceeding with the processing of the Company's application for a shale gas Exploration Licence in South Africa's Karoo Basin and the Company expects that the South African DMR will issue Falcon with a licence to explore for shale gas in 2015.

      The Company has updated its Environmental Management Programme where necessary in accordance with the South African Mineral and Petroleum Resources Development Act 2002.

      As a reminder to shareholders, the Company was granted a Technical Cooperation Permit in 2009 covering 7.5 million (30,327 km2) acres in the southern part of the Karoo Basin and the Company has a cooperation agreement (as announced on 12 December 2012) with Chevron Business Development South Africa Limited. ("Chevron"), which enables the Group to work exclusively with Chevron for a period of five years in jointly obtaining Exploration Licences.
      schrieb am 29.05.15 11:58:30
      Beitrag Nr. 4.903 ()
      Falcon Oil & Gas’s (LON:FOG) hotly anticipated Australian shale exploration programme has now kicked off.

      The company, which has a 30% stake in 4.6mln acres within the Northern Territory, today revealed that operations have begun at the first well location.

      Kalala S-1 will be drilled to a depth of around 2,800 metres
      It is expected that the Kalala S-1 exploration well will now spud before the end of June, and the drilling will last between 35 and 50 days.

      Kalala S-1 will be drilled to a depth of around 2,800 metres and it will target the Middle Velkerri formation to assess hydrocarbon saturation and reservoir quality. This will be the first of three wells in the programme.

      “We are delighted to announce the commencement of drilling operations and the expected spudding of the first of our three well fully funded drilling campaign by the end of June 2015, in this highly attractive basin,” said chief executive Philip O’Quigley.

      “We look forward to exploring the potential of the Beetaloo Basin in Australia with our partners and updating the market with further details in due course.”

      The project is operated by Australian firm Origin Energy, which has a 35% stake, and Falcon is also partnered with South African energy major Sasol, which also has 35%.

      The partners, as a result of a deal last year, are carrying the full A$63mln cost of the first five wells, which are part of a larger nine-well campaign.

      Partnering with Origin and Sasol has effectively funded Falcon’s participation in the exciting exploration phase and, importantly, has underlined the attractiveness of the acreage the AIM firm secured as an early mover.

      The resource potential of the Beetaloo could be very significant if exploration work backs up assumptions made about the shale play modelled by current estimates.

      A 2013 report by industry consultants RPS estimated its gross recoverable resource potential to be 162 trillion cubic feet of gas and 21.3bn barrels of oil.

      Before investors get too carried away, however, the three initial wells planned for this year are unlikely to deliver the sort of information on which meaningful economic modelling can be based.

      They are designed to assess the carbon content of the Velkerri and to identify the thickest shale of sequence.

      This is part of the sweet spot hunting that will direct next year’s two big wells – one vertical, the other horizontal.

      Kalala S-1 aims to provide crucial information that will enable future horizontal drilling, stimulation, completion and production testing.

      Investor attentions are now expected to zero-in on Falcon in the coming weeks as the drill-bit begins to turn.…
      Falcon Oil & Gas kicks off hotly anticipated Aussie shale drilling programme
      By Jamie Ashcroft May 29 2015, 7:24am
      schrieb am 30.05.15 23:35:50
      Beitrag Nr. 4.904 ()
      Before investors get too carried away, however, the three initial wells planned for this year are unlikely to deliver the sort of information on which meaningful economic modelling can be based.

      They are designed to assess the carbon content of the Velkerri and to identify the thickest shale of sequence.

      This is part of the sweet spot hunting that will direct next year’s two big wells – one vertical, the other horizontal.

      Kalala S-1 aims to provide crucial information that will enable future horizontal drilling, stimulation, completion and production testing.

      Investor attentions are now expected to zero-in on Falcon in the coming weeks as the drill-bit begins to turn.…
      schrieb am 29.06.15 18:28:46
      Beitrag Nr. 4.905 ()

      Updated Interview with Falcon Oil & Gas
      schrieb am 30.06.15 22:59:48
      Beitrag Nr. 4.906 ()
      Russia's richest oligarch backs Irish fracking firm Falcon Oil in gamble
      Viktor Vekselberg's Renova is one of the biggest shareholders in ESM-listed Falcon, which will soon start drilling in Australia
      schrieb am 01.07.15 01:25:28
      Beitrag Nr. 4.907 ()
      Russia's richest man has emerged as a major backer of Dublin-based fracking company Falcon Oil & Gas. Viktor Vekselberg, who has a $14.7bn fortune, owns 12.24pc of the company through Soliter Holdings, part of his conglomerate the Renova group.
      schrieb am 01.07.15 01:28:01
      Beitrag Nr. 4.908 ()
      Ukrainian-born Vekselberg made his fortune when Boris Yeltsin began privatising Russia's aluminium industry in the early 90s. He founded Renova in 1990 and used his aluminium riches to buy into Tyumen Oil, one of Russia's biggest oil producers which eventually formed a joint venture with BP before being bought by Rosneft.

      A Wealth-X survey released in January put his fortune at $14.7bn - $2bn larger than that of Chelsea Football Club owner Roman Abramovich, and about $1bn ahead of Alisher Usmanov.

      In 2004 Vekselberg, described last year by the Financial Times as a "Kremlin-friendly tycoon" spent slightly more than $100m buying nine Faberge eggs. He told the BBC the eggs gave him a "warm glow". But his specialty is exploration.

      "Viktor's very managerial," says former junior minister Conor Lenihan, who worked with Vekselberg on the Skolkovo project - the continuing construction of a tech hub comparable to Silicon Valley outside Moscow.
      schrieb am 01.07.15 17:08:30
      Beitrag Nr. 4.909 ()
      "He's one of those entrepreneurs who has fantastic managerial skills and works well with his team. He drives his team extremely hard.

      "Like any other rational investor, he is just looking for a return on his investment. The investment managers he would appoint to an investment like this would be very highly incentivised in relation to getting a return."

      So what has him involved with Falcon? Renova's Moscow spokesman didn't comment on the specific reasons when contacted by the Sunday Independent, but Falcon's high-potential portfolio probably holds the key.

      The company's flagship asset is a 30pc interest in the 4.6m-acre Beetaloo basin in northern Australia. Shortly it will break ground on the first of three exploration wells due to be drilled as part of a $200m farm-out deal with Sasol and Origin, which included a $20m cash payment up front. The Beetaloo is seen in the industry as a major litmus test which will reveal much about the viability of fracking outside the USA.

      Falcon won't have to a pay a penny towards the cost of the first three wells, which are designed to see if the basin is commercially viable. Next year the plan is to start fracking - drilling into the ground and shooting rocks with a high-pressure mixture of water, sand and chemicals to release the resources inside.

      The Dublin-based fracker - probably the most interesting Irish-listed company of which you've never heard - is run by Philip O'Quigley, the former chief financial officer of Tony O'Reilly's Providence Resources. Chairman is John Craven, the former chief executive of Cove Energy which was sold for £1.2bn. Craven was the founder of Petroceltic and the man who floated it.
      schrieb am 01.07.15 17:14:22
      Beitrag Nr. 4.910 ()
      >>The Beetaloo is seen in the industry as a major litmus test which will reveal much about the viability of fracking outside the USA.
      schrieb am 03.07.15 08:46:20
      Beitrag Nr. 4.911 ()
      Maxim Mayorets, Vekselberg's head of mergers and acquisitions - or top dealmaker in plain English - is on Falcon's board. So is Gyorgy Szabo, a Hungarian who oversaw the extinguishing of some of the Kuwait oil fires in the early 1990s.

      O'Quigley looks to have left Providence at the right time. Dublin, London and Toronto-listed Falcon is valued at €138m, nearly four times as much as Providence, with O'Reilly's company dropping precipitously in value over the last year.

      Carlow native O'Quigley (52) trained as an accountant with Ernst & Young and later became financial director at Craven's Petroceltic. Then he was CFO of Providence from 2008 until he became Falcon boss in 2012. He remains on Providence's board as a non-executive director. He joined Falcon after an approach from Craven.

      "Falcon was not in a good place at that time with debt on the balance sheet and the prospect of running out of cash being just two of its many challenges. But given the quality and scale of Falcon's assets, this was an opportunity too good to miss. The dynamics of running a junior oil and gas company are vast - but my four years at Providence proved to have been a great training ground for my role as CEO of Falcon as I learnt so much from working with Tony O'Reilly.

      "It's an industry full of great characters and an industry that quickly grows on you like no other. The risks of failure are huge but so too are the rewards of success and it is the constant uncertainty of not knowing which is around the corner that is the thrill... the scale, the technical challenges and advances and the fact energy remains the cornerstone of economic prosperity makes it a very rewarding industry."

      It's also an industry that's very different from the norm. Falcon has a market capitalisation of €138m, even though it's not producing anything. The value is based entirely on the potential of its portfolio, which may never be realised.

      As O'Quigley puts it: "Falcon cannot be a small success. It will either not work at all, or be a success on a huge scale."
      schrieb am 07.07.15 18:44:10
      Beitrag Nr. 4.912 ()
      The Falcon boss drives a hard bargain. In 2013 he refused to give US oil giant Hess an extension on a drilling commitment in the Australian asset - effectively kicking them out the door.

      "They had an activist investor on the register which was putting great pressure on them to retrench their overseas investment so they tried to buy another time extension with the wrong man," O'Quigley said. "It was a very tough decision, but the terms of the deal we did with Origin and Sasol are far better."

      Fracking is controversial - opponents say there are risks of groundwater contamination. Daniel Schrag, a Harvard academic and advisor to US President Barack Obama, said there are environmental risks but that they aren't "that much worse than conventional gas."

      The UK Royal Society and Royal Academy of Engineering said "the health, safety and environmental risks associated with hydraulic fracturing as a means to extract shale gas can be managed effectively in the UK as long as operational best practices are implemented and enforced through regulation."

      O'Quigley says only that "debate is good and it is right to have a debate on this issue. But the debate needs to focus more on the facts and less on the myths."
      schrieb am 08.07.15 21:38:02
      Beitrag Nr. 4.913 ()
      Falcon's second most valuable asset is in the Karoo basin in South Africa. Its partner there is US giant Chevron. That country is suffering from a massive energy shortage and successful gas development there would be huge for Falcon. The Energy Information Administration ranks the Karoo in the top five unconventional basins in the world.
      schrieb am 09.07.15 13:33:17
      Beitrag Nr. 4.914 ()
      Despite the fall in oil Falcon's share price is about the same as a year ago. Davy analyst Job Langbroek has an 'outperform' rating on the stock.

      "Shale gas and light tight oil and all that has been a game-changer in the industry and has really survived initial scepticism by everybody really," Langbroek told the Sunday Independent.

      "Its genesis was in the US and in many ways the US is the perfect test tube. It's got the right rocks, it had the infrastructure, or most of it. It had a legislature that was friendly towards oil and gas, the local landowners get recompensed. The big question is, is it repeatable elsewhere?

      "I think the answer is probably out that it's very hard to repeat it in Europe. Let's leave the UK aside for a moment as the jury's out on that. Other places where you might get it, think China, think Argentina, think Australia and South Africa. Those places have the right rocks. They probably have the right attitude to them, in the sense that either they can get it done or there's not an awful lot of people around. There are questions about markets. Where does the gas go? Are there enough companies? Is there enough service infrastructure? But a lot of those boxes are ticked by Australia - the gas can go north to Asia, they've got plenty of water, and they seem to have a friendly enough legislature.
      schrieb am 09.07.15 14:33:25
      Beitrag Nr. 4.915 ()
      "The model that he follows is you use shareholder funds to set up the asset play at the start, and then you do it in such a way that you've used your local knowledge and skill to set yourself up so you develop an asset that the industry wants to get involved in. And he's done that in Australia.

      "It's a good deal in the sense that he's no capital upfront, it's a big uplift on the carried valuation prior to that, and when the wells get drilled and if they've discovered gas and if it becomes a viable project, then you get another value uplift.

      "There's no easy comparable Irish-listed company doing unconventionals. It really puts them in another category."
      schrieb am 26.11.15 16:21:30
      Beitrag Nr. 4.916 ()
      Hier scheint es still geworden zu sein.

      @ Auriga
      Deine Artikel betreffend phun und alles was dazugehört, habe ich immer mit grossem Interesse gelesen. Hast Du Neuigkeiten bzw. wann darf man wieder mit einem Beitrag von Dir rechnen?
      Besten Dank für Deine Bemühungen

      4 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 03.12.15 22:46:20
      Beitrag Nr. 4.917 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 51.183.855 von schuemli am 26.11.15 16:21:30Hi Schümli! JA langsam kann man sich die Entwicklungen mal wieder etwas genauer anschauen. PHUN hängt zum Einen an Paltar zum Anderen an Falcon. Wir hatten einfach etwas Zeit ohne dass sich viel tat. Bruner verschiebt die Nation-Übernahme mit Paltar ein ums andere mal, ist aber weiter am Ball. ER scheint in Australien einen weiteren Aufschub bezüglich den assets in Northern Territories erreicht zu haben. Bezüglich Aktivitäten meine ich. Bin gespannt ob die Übernahme am Jahresende oder früh im Neuen Jahr klappt. Mehr dazu demnächst. Ich denke wir können uns zum Neustart erst mal Falcon näher ankucken. Das letzte post von River hierzu auf Abzocke ist ja auch schon ne Weile her. Good one. Lach. Lach. Hey River whats up? Ja OK, ne Zusammenfassung von PA JA auf proactive investors. Ist zwar Werbung für Falcon, aber von guter Werbung kann man ja immer ne ganze Menge lernen meine ich. Nein, sind schon gute Infos auf PI. Die Jungs sind voll am Ball und eng an Falcon. LG A.
      schrieb am 03.12.15 23:05:04
      Beitrag Nr. 4.918 ()
      Davor vielleicht etwa noch mal das post von Malcolm as of late, bezieht sich auch etwas auf den ÖL-Preis, Gas-Preis hier und in Übersee auch wichtig, ich denke mal der Abfall im ÖL-Preis ließ BRuner auch etwas abwarten. ER braucht ein farm out in Beetaloo und Kohle wenn erst mal nicht über die ASX so über OTCQB, ohne solches listing ist es nur schwer an Geld zu kommen und auch PHUN wird an der OTC wieder anziehen falls sich was tut mit PAltar, ich meine PHUN Erst mal im reporting. Oring spart ja hier auch den letzten cent solange es sich nicht lohnt.
      4 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 03.12.15 23:40:48
      Beitrag Nr. 4.919 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 51.237.744 von auriga am 03.12.15 23:05:04Lass dir nur ZEIt. Video Break. Ist gerade NUMber ONe bei uns in Berlin.:laugh:..

      3 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 04.12.15 00:02:44
      Beitrag Nr. 4.920 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 51.237.918 von NOrdendFelix am 03.12.15 23:40:48OK.:laugh:..geil!!...gefällt mir.!!!’s MAlcolm

      Oil price, IGas, Bowleven, Falcon Oil & Gas, And finally...[/b]
      12:54 25 Nov 2015

      WTI $42.87 +$1.12, Brent $46.12 +$1.29, Diff $3.25 +17c, NG $2.20 -1c
      Oil price
      Volatility remains the watchword even before the events that I have been talking about although the jockeying for position ahead of the Opec meeting is always worth watching. Yesterdays chatter was all about a deal that might have been done between Saudi Arabia and Iran, not normally comfortable bedfellows. Apparently as part of the Saudi ‘market stability’ policy they have cut a deal to absorb the slack when sanctions are lifted next year, i’ll believe that when I see it…
      Of course the other part of the volatility is geopolitical and it doesnt get much more serious than a NATO member country shooting down a Russian jet then firing at the ejecting pilots. This is the watchword at the moment and despite the huge overhang of oil stocks the spikes may be worth watching, even trading. On trading of course we know that the hedgies have a huge overhanging short of crude oil, well they do know everything dont they…?
      Finally the API inventory stats were worse than expected but not a catastrophe, at +2.6m barrels they were higher than the whisper which was 1.1m barrels and we shall look at stocks again after tonight’s EIA numbers.
      IGas Energy
      Interims from IGas this morning and all seems to be continuing as planned despite the financials being obviously hit by the oil price. Government support is strong as shale is given national priority status and planning should be getting easier and quicker but one feels it will still be slower than hoped for. Having said that a number of projects are under way and in the period the company did a farm-out with INEOS worth £30m, received 6 new licences in the 14th onshore round with hopefully more to come in the 2nd tranche later this year. I will add more after I have spoken to Steve Bowler, but at the moment progress is, if a little slower than wished for, at least tangible.
      The company has announced that the Moambe well has achieved maximum stabilised flow rates of 7.3 mmscfd and is now in an extended test period. The plan is for it to produce at 4-5 mmscfd in the long haul. Now it’s time for the Zingana extended well test where plans are progressing and this will mean that the company can progress with gas sales discussions. I havent spoken to Kevin lately, I remember that last year it was after the Brindex dinner which is tomorrow night so I hope to have a catch up before long.
      Falcon Oil & Gas
      Results this morning from Falcon but financials are irrelevant at the moment as it is the operational situation which is so key to the company. The three wells drilled so far in the Beetaloo Basin in Australia have been significantly better than expectations coming in with high levels of gas saturation leading to an acceleration of the work programme and the first horizontal well this year. With high quality partners in Origin and Sasol, the future for the Beetaloo is most encouraging and as one of the better sector performers it may be wise to keep Falcon under serious scrutiny.
      And finally…
      Last night the Gooners did what they had to and can still qualify for the next stage of the Champions League if they wallop Olympiakos next time. Chelski won easily in Tel Aviv as expected and are through. Tonight the Red Devils host PSV where a win would make the Theatre of Dreams just that and the Noisy Neighbours go to Juve.
      And the pressure mounts on Lord Coe as it turns out that he ‘reached out’ to Celine Diack when Eugene USA won the 2021 World Championships without a bidding process. The BBC are suggesting that Eugene is ‘closely associated’ with Nike for whom Lord Coe works…
      And the Golden State Warriors go from strength to strength , beating the LA Lakers last night to extend their winning streak to 16 making it the best and perfect start to the basketball season ever.
      Malcolm Graham-Wood…
      schrieb am 04.12.15 00:24:33
      Beitrag Nr. 4.921 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 51.237.918 von NOrdendFelix am 03.12.15 23:40:48Und hier ist NUMber 1 2 3 4OK?..spannende charts zur Zeit in B..keine FRage.:laugh:!!

      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 04.12.15 00:42:43
      Beitrag Nr. 4.922 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 51.183.855 von schuemli am 26.11.15 16:21:30Falcon Oil “uniquely positioned” in challenging sector
      12:42 25 Nov 2015
      “Falcon is uniquely placed in this challenging oil price environment with its strong cash position, fully funded drilling programme and high quality assets,” says chief executive Philip O’Quigley.


      With “very encouraging” results in a new emerging shale play Falcon Oil & Gas (LON:FOG) is uniquely positioned in an otherwise challenging oil and gas sector, according to chief executive Philip O'Quigley.

      A fast-tracked exploration drilling programme, of three wells, completed in earlier this month.

      Positive results from the first two wells, both vertical, lead to the drilling of an additional horizontal well being brought forward by about 12 months.

      The horizontal well also delivered positive results.

      “During the period we have announced some very encouraging results from the drilling of our first three wells in the Beetaloo basin,” O’Quigley said in a statement.

      “Excellent gas shows have been encountered which demonstrate a high level of gas saturation and is a strong indication of the potential prospectively of our Beetaloo acreage.

      “The technical evaluation of the results to date remains ongoing and we look forward to announcing these results and our 2016 drilling and exploration programme in due course."

      Falcon, along with partners Origin Energy and Sasol, intend to carry out a fracking programme and a flow test during 2016.

      Also during 2016, the company anticipates licences to be issued for South Africa’s nascent shale sector where it is positioned with a significant acreage holding.

      The company highlighted, in this morning’s financial results statement, for the nine months to September 30, that it has a strong financial position with US$9.8mln of cash and no debt.

      Falcon’s share of exploration and appraisal costs in Australia are ‘carried’ by its partners, thanks to a 2014 farm-out agreement.

      Additionally, Falcon said it continued to exercise strict cost management with G&A expenses decreasing by 41% in the nine months, to September 30, at US$1.8mln.

      The pre-revenue company reported a US$2mln loss for the nine months.

      O’Quigley said: “Falcon is uniquely placed in this challenging oil price environment with its strong cash position, fully funded drilling programme and high quality assets.”

      Sam Wahab, analyst at broker Cantor Fitzgerald, highlighted that Falcon’s financials are in line with expectations and the company continues to benefit from its strong operational partnerships.

      “Falcon is carried on a nine well programme in total, with its partners paying for the full cost of completing the first five wells, estimated at A$64m, in addition to any cost overruns,” the analyst said in a note.

      “Origin brings considerable expertise to the table as an unconventional operator in Australia, and Sasol, through its interest in the Montney unconventional shale play in North America brings significant expertise in operating unconventional shale plays, in our view, and is a world leader in gas to liquids.”

      Wahab reckons Origin and Sasol offer many potential options in the longer term for the monetisation of natural gas discovered on the permits.

      Cantor repeated a ‘buy’ recommendation with a 21p price target, which currently includes 16p for the Australian venture.

      On AIM, Falcon shares were up nearly 2% changing hands at 6.75p each.…
      schrieb am 04.12.15 01:02:23
      Beitrag Nr. 4.923 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 51.238.074 von auriga am 04.12.15 00:24:33JUNgs, dont forget our friend Kevin, OK? NUmber three in the charts in B currently I would say. GO Kevin My Friend;).

      schrieb am 04.12.15 01:26:39
      Beitrag Nr. 4.924 ()
      HAs been some off topic of course but quite interesting at last and inspiring in my humble opinion we go back to Falcon for now. Another postive news arrived from Dublin today.

      DUBLIN, IRELAND--(Marketwired - Dec. 3, 2015) - Falcon Oil & Gas Ltd. (TSX VENTURE:FO)(AIM:FOG)(ESM:FAC) (The "Company" or "Falcon") announces that it has signed a termination agreement with Naftna Industrija Srbije jsc ("NIS") terminating the Oilfield Services Contract entered into between the parties in January 2013.

      NIS has agreed to pay US$3.7 million to Falcon in fulfilment of its contractual obligations.
      Falcon retains a 100% interest in the Makó Trough Licence in Hungary including the deep play.

      Oilfield Services Contract
      In January 2013, Falcon and NIS agreed to complete a three-well drilling programme (the "Agreement") targeting the relatively shallow Algyő Play, by July 2014. Under the terms of the Agreement, NIS made a cash payment of US$1.5 million and agreed to carry Falcon for 100% of all costs associated with the drilling and testing programme. The July 2014 deadline for completion of drilling and testing of the three-well programme was subsequently extended by Falcon to 31 December 2014 to enable NIS to fulfil its three-well obligation. As of 31 December 2014, NIS had only drilled and tested two wells.

      About Falcon Oil & Gas Ltd.
      Falcon Oil & Gas Ltd is an international oil & gas company engaged in the acquisition, exploration and development of conventional and unconventional oil and gas assets, with the current portfolio focused in Australia, South Africa and Hungary. Falcon Oil & Gas Ltd is incorporated in British Columbia, Canada and headquartered in Dublin, Ireland with a technical team based in Budapest, Hungary.
      For further information on Falcon Oil & Gas Ltd. please visit

      About Naftna Industrija Srbije JSC (NIS)
      NIS is one of the largest, vertically integrated oil and gas companies in Southeast Europe, focusing on exploration and production of hydrocarbons, refining of crude oil and sales of a broad range of petroleum products.
      For further information on NIS please visit
      Falcon Oil & Gas Ltd.: NIS to Pay US$3.7 Million Cash Settlement to Falcon…
      schrieb am 06.12.15 20:18:21
      Beitrag Nr. 4.925 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 51.183.855 von schuemli am 26.11.15 16:21:30
      Zitat von schuemli: Hier scheint es still geworden zu sein.

      @ Auriga
      Deine Artikel betreffend phun und alles was dazugehört, habe ich immer mit grossem Interesse gelesen. Hast Du Neuigkeiten bzw. wann darf man wieder mit einem Beitrag von Dir rechnen?
      Besten Dank für Deine Bemühungen


      ES sollte dazugesagt werden, dass hier ab und an, schon seit 2006 Störenfriede auftauchen die keine Ahnung von den Oil-and-Gas-Zusammenhängen und Börsen-Zusammenhängen und Finanzmarkt-Zusammenhängen haben und meinen sie wüssten die Entwicklung von Wertpapieren schon im Voraus, so die Ergebnisse von Operativen Tätigkeiten wie die Exploration von hydrocarbons mit Bohrungen. Sie wissen vorher schon was in der Erde lagert. Bei erfolgreichen Bohrungen und Financials verschwinden sie, fallen die Papiere ab tauchen sie auf und behaupten sie haben es immer schon gewusst. Dutzende von solchen tristen Kandidaten mussten hier(und in vielen anderen Diskussionen) im Laufe der Zeit durchgearbeitet werden, ja, das macht immer besonders viel Spaß.—

      Ich wollte anmerken, die Beschäftigung mit manchen Papieren über so lange Zeit erfolgt insbesondere auch aus Interesse an der Entwicklung von assets, was mit ihnen geschieht, wie das überhaupt weitergeht im ÖL-und Gas-Sektor. Neben dem aktuellen TRaden in anderen Papieren, der Anlage in weiteren Papieren bleiben bestimmte Entwicklungen für BWLLer und Börsianer einfach interessant, und oft genug entstehen auch neue Chancen.

      ES finden sich auf wo hier die angenehmsten Kollegen, auch mit viel Fachwissen, aber es tummeln sich eben auch krasse outsider, die Diskussionen belasten. Das liegt daran dass hier jeder idi schreiben kann, aber grundsätzlich ist das ja auch gerade gut so.

      Ich habe im Laufe der Jahre auch erlebt wie sich so einige Kollegen dann genervt abgemeldet haben. Das muss man respektieren aber wir werden hier letztendlich nicht vor Dummköpfen, vor lächerlichen Ignoranten davonlaufen denke ich mal. Ich meine das allgemein für wo, aber es gilt natürlich gerade auch für Petrohunter als ein klassisches Beispiel.

      Genta zum Beispiel wurde wirklich bis zu den letzten Tagen der Company geradezu ausgelutscht und selbst in den Monaten vor der finalen Liquidation konnte man noch Tausende dollars Gewinn traden wie dort nachzulesen ist und es war ein extrem interessanter thread.
      schrieb am 06.12.15 20:58:07
      Beitrag Nr. 4.926 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 51.183.855 von schuemli am 26.11.15 16:21:30Wir haben uns selbst in 2006(Digi thread) und 2007 seinerzeit noch mit FReespirit schon auf das zentrale asset Beetaloo Basin konzentriert(alles nachzulesen) wenn auch natürlich die damals aktuelleren Buckskin Mesa assets im Piceance Basin stark zu beachten waren, um die es relativ ruhig bei PHUN geworden ist( elf Bereiche zuletzt zum Verkauf angeboten). Man sieht dass dieses alte PHUN asset Beetaloo Basin im Lauf der Jahre richtig ins Rennen gekommen ist und nun von Falcon Origin und Sasol beackert wird mit einigen Chancen aber es braucht eben sweet spots die noch zu finden sind. Insofern ist auch Falcon längst nicht über den Berg wie zuletzt Texas geschrieben hat aber mit 10Mio dollars cash und einer antizipierten Exploration über 64Mio dollars durch Sasol und Origin in einer dufte Ausgangsposition. Erstes Fracking geplant in 2016.

      PS: Selbst im Apple(größte börennotierte Firma der Welt) thread gibt es öde trolls die das Rechnungswesen von AAPL schlicht ignorieren und dummes Zeug schreiben, wirklich unglaublich.
      schrieb am 06.12.15 21:07:40
      Beitrag Nr. 4.927 ()
      Ein Ausgangspunkt für Petrohunter ist die Sweetpea-Transaktion. Sie wurde im Juli 2013 vollzogen. Petrohunter erhielt USD 3 million in cash und 97.86 million Falcon shares. Diese 97.86 Millionen Falcon shares sind gelockt für drei Jahre bis Mitte 2016. Innerhalb dieser lock-up period kann PHUN 15% der falcon shares pro Jahr verkaufen >unter bestimmten Bedingungen. Parallel zu dieser Bereitstellung der Falcon shares für Petrohunter unterliegt Petrohunter seitdem zugehörigen Steuer-Verbindlichkeiten.
      schrieb am 06.12.15 21:27:36
      Beitrag Nr. 4.928 ()
      Ein zweiter Ausgangspunkt für Petrohunter ist Paltar Petroleum.(Am Verkauf von Falcon shares und weiteren Transaktionen ist inzwischen auch Russenberger beteiligt, bei dem PHUN noch circa 60 million USD Schulden auf der Uhr hat und der die ganze Beetaloo Entwicklung seinerzeit überhaupt erst ermöglichte.)(Russenberger ist inzwischen auch einer von sechs directors bei PHUN).
      In August 2011, we entered into a Joint Venture and Operating Agreement with Paltar Petroleum Ltd (“Paltar”), a related party, pursuant to our permit applications in the Beetaloo Basin in Australia. On August 28, 2012, the permits were granted. As of June 30, 2013 and September 30, 2012 included in Accounts Payable and Accrued Liabilities on our condensed consolidated balance sheets are $51,790 in advances from Paltar. Advances represent cash received related to our Joint Venture Agreement with Paltar. We have requested additional amounts from Paltar under the terms of the Joint Venture Agreement. Paltar has denied our request and asserted that it is entitled to a refund from the Company. We are currently in discussion with Paltar related to the advances, additional amounts billed to Paltar and amounts Paltar claims as receivable from the Company.
      ERstaunlich wie lange das schon her ist, glaubt man kaum wie die Zeit vergangen ist und BRuner hat seitdem die licences am Rande des basins bis jetzt wohl gestreckt. Man muss dann mal wieder die permits in den Northern Territories neu aufrufen.
      PAltar hat 50% working interest übernommen und ist der operator in den outskirts des Beetaloo Basins der auch die anstehenden operativen Kosten erst einmal trägt. Ben Law macht die Geologie in den outskirts des basins.
      schrieb am 06.12.15 21:52:38
      Beitrag Nr. 4.929 ()
      Bruner wiederum hat mit Paltar Nation praktisch schon übernommen. ER ist inzwischen CEO bei Nation. Die neu entstehende Firma soll sich erst einmal Paltar Nation nennen. Der nächste wichtige Stichtag ist der 17. Dezember 2015. ES geht dabei auch um einen amount von 20 Mio dollars für Paltar in terms of David Siegel trust.

      Item 5.02 Departure of Directors or Certain Officers; Election of Directors; Appointment of Certain Officers; Compensatory Arrangements of Certain Officers.

      On September 15, 2015, Mr. John R. Hislop notified the Board of Directors (the “Board”) of Nation Energy Inc. (the “Company”) of his decision to resign from his positions as Chairman of the Board and President and Chief Executive Officer of the Company, effective as of September 15, 2015. Mr. Hislop’s resignations are not the result of any disagreement with the Company on any matter relating to the Company’s operations, policies or practices.

      Also on September 15, 2015, the Board appointed Mr. David N. Siegel as Chairman of the Board and appointed Mr. Marc A. Bruner as President and Chief Executive Officer of the Company, each effective as of September 15, 2015.

      As previously disclosed, Mr. Bruner, born 1949, is the current Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of the Board of Directors of Paltar Petroleum Limited, an Australian oil and gas exploration company. Previously, Mr. Bruner was the founding Chairman of the Board of Directors of Ultra Petroleum, an NYSE listed natural gas company focused on tight sand development in the Green River Basin of Wyoming, and served in such capacity from January 1996 to January 1999. Mr. Bruner was self-employed as an oil and gas consultant through his company, Resource Venture Management AG, from February 1999 through October 2004. Mr. Bruner co-founded Pennaco Energy, Inc., a coal bed methane company, in 1997, and RIS Resources International, a natural gas company, in 1996. He served as a director of RIS Resources International until late 1997. Mr. Bruner has also served as Chairman of the Board of Gasco Energy, Inc., as well as a director and as a member of the Executive Committee of the Board of Gasco Energy, Inc. from February 2001 to 2010. Mr. Bruner served as Chairman, CEO and President of Falcon Oil & Gas Ltd. (“Falcon”) between November 2004 and September 2010. Mr. Bruner also previously served as Chairman, Chief Executive Officer and President of Mako Energy Corporation, a subsidiary of Falcon, between November 2004 and September 2010. He also served as Chairman of the Board of Directors of Falcon Oil & Gas Australia Limited, a subsidiary of Falcon, from April 2005 through September 2010.

      As previously disclosed, Mr. Siegel, born 1961, was CEO of Frontier Airlines from January 2012 to May of 2015. From June of 2010 until December of 2011, Mr. Siegel was managing partner of Hyannis Port Capital, Inc. Mr. Siegel served as chairman and chief executive officer of XOJET, Inc., a TPG Growth backed private aviation company, from October of 2008 to May of 2010. From June of 2004 to September of 2008, Mr. Siegel served as chairman and chief executive officer of Gategroup, A.G., a Zurich based global company, which Mr. Siegel transformed from its core airline catering business to become a complete above-the-wing solutions provider. At Gategroup, Mr. Siegel stepped down as Chairman in April 2009, and remained an ordinary board member until April 2014. Mr. Siegel recently served as a board member of URS Corporation (NYSE: URS) and for the past eight years has served on the Advisory Board of Trilantic Capital Partners, formerly Lehman Brothers Private Equity. Mr. Siegel earned a master’s degree in business administration from Harvard Business School, with first-year honors, and a Bachelor of Science degree, magna cum laude, in applied mathematics-economics from Brown University.

      Item 8.01 Other Events.

      On September 21, 2015, the Company issued a press release announcing the resignations of Mr. John R. Hislop as Chairman of the Board and as President and Chief Executive Officer of the Company and the appointment of Mr. David N. Siegel as Chairman of the Board and the appointment of Mr. Marc A. Bruner as President and Chief Executive Officer of the Company. The press release is filed herewith as Exhibit 99.1 and is incorporated by reference herein.
      Item 9.01 Financial Statements and Exhibits.



      Exhibit No.


      Press Release dated September 21, 2015.


      Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned hereunto duly authorized.


      /s/ Carmen J. Lotito

      By: Carmen J. Lotito

      Vice President

      Date: September 21, 2015…
      schrieb am 06.12.15 22:24:23
      Beitrag Nr. 4.930 ()
      Paltar Nation is a Delaware limited partnership with Nation GP, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company, as the general partner, and Nation SLP, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company, as a limited partner (which is currently a sole limited partner of Paltar Nation). Nation Energy Inc. owns 100% of the membership interests in Nation GP, LLC and Nation SLP, LLC.

      Nation Energy Inc. formed Paltar Nation for the purpose of funding exploration expenditures required to be provided by the wholly-owned subsidiary of Nation Energy Inc., Nation Energy (Australia) Pty Ltd., which is expected to become a wholly-owned subsidiary of Paltar Nation, to explore and develop all or a portion of 1,470,500 acres of certain Australian exploration permits.

      David N. Siegel Family Trust 2015 is a trust controlled by David N. Siegel, Chairman of the Board and a director of Nation Energy Inc. Wotan Group Limited is a company owned and controlled by Marc A. Bruner, President, Chief Executive Officer and a director of Nation Energy Inc.…
      schrieb am 06.12.15 23:58:14
      Beitrag Nr. 4.931 ()
      Also der Gesamtzusammenhang ist so kompliziert und verschachtelt, dass man ihn bei Interesse an sich nur nach und nach und in Ruhe lesen sollte. Also von vorne weg nach und nach. Ausschnitte einzustellen bringt nicht viel da an sich nur successive Schritt für Schritt überhaupt verständlich.—Ein wichtiger Punkt sind USD 20,460,000 insbesondere für die Exploration in Australien.

      Paltar Nation steckt Nation ganz ein und Paltar Nation wiederum wird eine subsidiary von Paltar. Bei der Transaktion der Platar permits an (Paltar)Nation sind noch Zwischenmöglichkeiten eingebaut die zum Tragen kommen können aber nicht müssen. Also extrem kompliziert.

      Nation basal wiederum ist an der OTCQB ganz sauber aufgebaut, mit 27,5 cents SP zur Zeit und real-time level two quotes.—Wer Mut hatte seit meiner Diskussion mit Charly seinerzeit konnte schon verzwanzigfachen. Charly war ja gegen den Test. Ich hab ihn leider auch nicht gemacht.

      Eine Bruner-Konstruktion die ein wenig an die Umfimierung seinerzeit der ursprünglichen assets in Petrohunter erinnert.…

      Um das zu lesen sollte man am besten gut gefrühstückt haben, entspannt sein und den Vormittag nichts vorhaben. LOL. Kann mich an keinen vergleichbaren Text erinnern in den ganzen Falcon- und Petro-Jahren, in denen wir doch im team alle anstehenden Fragen jeweils gemeistert haben in den neun Jahren. Waren ja auch eine UNmenge Kollegen in Übersee beteiligt im Lauf der Zeit. Man denke nur an Rustycat und Lanman als zwei Beispiele.
      schrieb am 06.12.15 23:59:28
      Beitrag Nr. 4.932 ()
      Zum Spaß doch ein Ausschnitt als Leseprobe. Have fun. Ist circa ein Drittel des in Frage stehenden Inhalts.

      The following is a discussion and analysis of our plan of operation and the factors that could affect our future financial condition. This discussion and analysis should be read in conjunction with our unaudited financial statements and the notes thereto included elsewhere in this quarterly report.
      Following the sale of all of our oil and gas operations effective June 1, 2008, we began to actively seek new oil and gas opportunities. On October 11, 2013, we entered into a letter agreement with Paltar Petroleum Limited, an Australian company, pursuant to which we agreed to acquire four exploration and development permits and twenty-nine applications for exploration and development permits in respect of prospective acreage located in northern Australia. On March 31, 2014, we amended this letter agreement and, on November 27, 2014, we amended and restated the letter agreement to add additional exploration properties and provide for new closing terms. On June 13, 2015, we entered into a second amended and restated agreement, replacing in its entirety the amended and restated agreement dated November 27, 2014. On August 28, 2015, we entered into a third amended and restated agreement, replacing in its entirety the second amended restated agreement dated June 13, 2015. Also on August 30, 2015, and pursuant to the terms of the third amended and restated letter agreement (the “Agreement”), Paltar or its wholly-owned subsidiary, Officer Petroleum Pty Ltd (“Officer”), and our wholly-owned subsidiary, Nation Energy (Australia) Pty Ltd., entered into seven separate earning agreements and an option agreement.
      On June 19, 2015, we registered a wholly-owned subsidiary in Australia, Nation Energy (Australia) PTY Ltd. (“Nation Australia”).
      On July 6, 2015, we registered a wholly-owned subsidiary in Delaware, USA, Nation GP, LLC (“Nation GP”), a Delaware limited liability company.
      On July 6, 2015, we registered a wholly-owned subsidiary in Delaware, USA, Nation SLP, LLC (“Nation SLP”), a Delaware limited liability company.
      On July 8, 2015, we formed Paltar Nation Limited Partnership (“Paltar Nation”), a Delaware limited partnership between Nation GP, as the general partner of the partnership and Nation SL as the limited partner.
      Paltar Nation is a Delaware limited partnership with Nation GP, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company, as the general partner, and Nation SLP, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company, as a limited partner (which is currently a sole limited partner of Paltar Nation). Nation Energy Inc. owns 100% of the membership interests in Nation GP, LLC and Nation SLP, LLC.
      Nation Energy Inc. formed Paltar Nation for the purpose of funding exploration expenditures required to be provided by the wholly-owned subsidiary of Nation Energy Inc., Nation Energy (Australia) Pty Ltd., which is expected to become a wholly-owned subsidiary of Paltar Nation, to explore and develop all or a portion of 1,470,500 acres of certain Australian exploration permits.
      Pursuant to the third amended and restated agreement, Paltar farmed out three specific graticular blocks in each of the six petroleum exploration permits identified in the Agreement and it caused Officer Petroleum Pty Ltd., a wholly-owned Australian subsidiary of Paltar, to farm out forty blocks in Exploration Permit 468 (“EP 468”). In addition, Paltar agreed to enter into additional earning agreements with Nation Australia on December 17, 2015 (or such other date as the parties mutually agree), in which it will farm out to Nation Australia six additional graticular blocks in EP136, three additional blocks in EP143 and 18 additional blocks in the Victoria Basin, with all of these additional blocks to be selected by Nation. These additional earning agreements are to be on terms substantially similar to the terms of the seven earning agreements entered into by the parties on August 30, 2015.
      Each of the seven initial earning agreements, all of which are dated August 30, 2015, grants certain rights and imposes certain obligations on Nation Australia in respect of the blocks of land described. In the aggregate, these blocks of land comprise 1,003,400 acres of the 8,936,800 acres covered by the seven Exploration Permits. Each of the seven earning agreements follows one of two negotiated templates (depending on whether the underlying interest in the Exploration Permit is 100% owned by Paltar), with variations in the applicable standard form driven by the specific circumstances affecting each Exploration Permit. Each earning agreement contains general terms and conditions, a description of the area covered a list of the encumbrances affecting the area, an amount of money to be paid by Nation Australia on or before December 31, 2015, and a commitment to pay 100% of the costs under applicable work programs and budgets. Paltar will act as the operator subject to overall supervision by an Operating Committee comprised of one representative from each of Paltar and Nation Australia. With respect to the earning agreements covering the Exploration Permits for which Paltar does not own a 100% interest, ownership of the Exploration Permits remains with Paltar during the term of the earning agreements, but if Paltar discovers a commercially exploitable accumulation of petroleum on any affected block it must transfer any production license granted in respect of that discovery to Nation Australia, insofar as it covers blocks subject to the earning agreement. In connection with such transfer, Paltar is permitted to retain for itself an overriding royalty equal to the difference between 25% and all existing royalty burdens applicable to the production license. With respect to the earning agreements covering the Exploration Permits for which Paltar owns a 100% interest, upon Nation Australia spending at least the Earning Amount specified therein in expenditure before the end of the Earning Period also specified therein, Nation Australia will acquire a beneficial interest of 25% in the underlying Exploration Permit and any production license granted in connection therewith. If a 25% interest in a production license is acquired by Nation Australia pursuant to these earning agreements, Nation Australia may, at its option for a period of ninety days thereafter, acquire the remaining 75% interest held by Paltar in exchange for the grant of an overriding royalty equal to the difference between 25% and all existing royalty burdens applicable to the production license.
      In addition to the seven initial earning agreements, the parties entered into an option agreement dated August 30, 2015, pursuant to which Paltar granted to Nation Australia an option to purchase all of the Exploration Permits, all related business, financial, technical, geophysical, geological, geochemical and environmental information and data that Paltar has the legal right to convey, the Applications and all of the issued and outstanding shares of Officer (collectively, the “Assets”) for an exercise price of AUD$10,000,000 (approximately $7,223,844 at current exchange rates) until August 30, 2016. In the event that Paltar and Nation Energy complete a share exchange transaction as contemplated in the Third Amended and Restated Letter Agreement, the option shall immediately terminate. The option agreement acknowledges that the Assets are subject to the earning agreements, the Third Amended and Restated Letter Agreement, certain other agreements listed on a schedule to the option agreement, and security interests granted in favor of certain directors of our company securing indebtedness of Paltar in the aggregate amount of AUD$428,000 (approximately $299,881 at current exchange rates).
      The third amended and restated agreement contemplates that, promptly following the date of the initial seven earning agreements; Nation and Paltar will endeavor to negotiate the terms of a share exchange transaction in which all of the equity interests in Paltar will be exchanged for an unspecified number of newly issued equity interests in Nation. If a share exchange transaction has not been completed before December 17, 2015, Nation has agreed to issue to Paltar, from the Company’s treasury 600,000,000 common shares at an agreed value of $0.03 and one-third cent per share as consideration for the other transactions described in the Third Amended and Restated Letter Agreement. All of Nation Energy’s common shares to be issued pursuant to the Agreement, whether the 600,000,000 common shares to be issued if the share exchange transaction is not completed or the common shares to be issued in the share exchange, are to be held in escrow for at least three years. The escrow agent is to be a newly-formed Delaware limited liability company with a board of four managers. David Siegel, Marc Bruner and John Hislop are currently directors of the Company; each will have the right to appoint one manager to the escrow agent’s board of managers. Each of Messrs. Siegel and Bruner currently own Paltar equity, while Mr. Hislop has the right to acquire Paltar equity. A fourth director of the Company, who has yet to be identified and appointed and who will not own any Paltar equity, is to serve as the fourth manager of the escrow agent’s board of managers. Each of the four managers will hold one vote and Mr. Bruner or his appointee will hold a tie-breaking vote in the event of deadlock.
      If a share exchange transaction is not completed before December 17, 2015, Nation has agreed to register for resale as many of the 600,000,000 common shares to be issued to Paltar, together with as many of the approximately 145,000,000 of Nation Energy’s common shares held by John Hislop, as the Securities and Exchange Commission will permit Nation Energy to register.
      The Agreement also provides that Paltar, which will be the operator under the earning agreements, will have the right of first offer to provide goods, services and work to the blocks subject to the earning agreements on terms that are competitive with and comparable to those customarily available in the open market from arms-length third parties.
      On September 15, 2015, Mr. Hislop resigned from the offices of President and Chief Executive Officer of our company, and he also resigned the position of Chairman of our Board of Directors. Mr. Hislop remains a member of our Board of Directors and our Chief Financial Officer. Also on September 15, 2015, our Board of Directors appointed David N. Siegel as its Chairman and it appointed Marc A. Bruner, one of our Directors, to the office of President and Chief Executive Officer of our company. Mr. Bruner continues to serve as the President and is a member of the Board of Directors of Paltar Petroleum Limited
      schrieb am 29.12.15 23:20:15
      Beitrag Nr. 4.933 ()
      Bin gespannt ob Bruner am 17 Dec 15 zu einem positiven Vertragsabschluss gekommen ist. Wie auch immer sieht das –selbst bei einer weiteren Verzögerung—ganz gut aus. Paltar liegt ruhig in der OTCQB und es kommt auf paar Wochen oder Monate nicht an. Denn: Marc hat die work commitments für Sweetpea in 16 hinein gestreckt. Sehr stark. Habe bei NT government nachgeschaut. Stell ich dann nochmal ein.

      Man wird sich dann noch genauer anschauen sollen was für 16 von Sweetpea-Paltar gefordert ist. Ich meine jetzt nicht die work commitments für Paltar(andere Baustelle!) aber auch diese hat Marc gestreckt. Falls in 16 schon gedrillt werden soll hat dieses Zeit bis Mai Juni 16. Rainy season will change to dry season in the Northern Territories from long experience.

      Bei Falcon(SWeetpea is shareholder) sieht ganz gut aus. ES ist nach wie vor alles offen aber es riecht so etwas nach sweet spots. Fracking ab Mai JUni 16. Muss man sicher abwarten. Falls Falcon geht in 16 17 18 hinein eine Riesenchance. OQ will verkaufen. iNteresse soll groß sein. Wie gesagt wenn das klappt is ne ganze Menge money drin,nicht nur für Sweetpea aber auch für uns als Falcon oder PHUN shareholders. Timing ist hier alles. Hat Zeit.

      Mal sehen, ich stelle noch ein pic aus der Falcon presentation vom 09 Dec ein. Ganz schön was los in Beetaloo. Schon mal Guten Rutsch into 2016.
      schrieb am 29.12.15 23:56:30
      Beitrag Nr. 4.934 ()
      Vom jetzigen Stand von Falcon—wenn es klappt—in 18 oder so: x20. JA OK Soly fällt jetzt vom Stuhl vor Lachen. Aber x20, wär doch auch schon was. Soly multipliziert wesentlich höher ist aber auch schon länger drin long term. DAS alles nur wenn es klappt, ich denke letztendlich auch noch höher, aber ob es klappt ist ebend offen.—Falcon ist eine dieser seltenen Aktienchancen IMO die man ganz ruhig und zurückhaltend spielen soll. Flop oder echer Renner.Gefällt mir.▲.But keep it cool!
      schrieb am 29.12.15 23:59:26
      Beitrag Nr. 4.935 ()
      schrieb am 30.12.15 00:13:17
      Beitrag Nr. 4.936 ()
      schrieb am 30.12.15 00:28:49
      Beitrag Nr. 4.937 ()
      Guten Rutsch Folks. Here we go. See you.
      schrieb am 06.01.16 17:25:26
      Beitrag Nr. 4.938 ()
      Gutes Neues Jahr @All! Was gibts Neues in der Trust-Finanzierung für Paltar und Sweetpea?
      schrieb am 06.01.16 23:40:27
      Beitrag Nr. 4.939 ()
      Ja LOL Wer hat schon nachgeschaut? Aber das Schöne ist an Falcon Petrohunter Paltar, wir haben Zeit. Bei Falcon ab Mai Juni horizonnal fracking bei Paltar stehen die commitments ebenfalls in 2016 zu leisten. Who’ll stop the rain?
      schrieb am 07.01.16 00:01:46
      Beitrag Nr. 4.940 ()
      Kann man sich doch kaum verkneifen..Lets go.
      schrieb am 07.01.16 19:59:23
      Beitrag Nr. 4.941 ()
      Falcon Zahlen vom 25 November zur Übersicht.

      Falcon Oil & Gas Ltd.: Interim Results for the Nine Months Ended 30 September 2015

      DUBLIN, IRELAND--(Marketwired - Nov. 25, 2015) - Falcon Oil & Gas Ltd. (TSX VENTURE:FO)(AIM:FOG)(ESM:FAC) is pleased to announce its financial results for the three and nine months ended 30 September 2015.…
      The following should be read in conjunction with the complete Interim Financial Statements and the accompanying Management's Discussion and Analysis for the three and nine months period ended 30 September 2015 filed with the TSX Venture Exchange. These filings are available at and on Falcon's website at
      schrieb am 15.04.16 00:41:19
      Beitrag Nr. 4.942 ()
      DUBIN, IRELAND--(Marketwired - April 12, 2016) - Falcon Oil & Gas Ltd. (TSX VENTURE:FO)(AIM:FOG)(ESM:FAC) ("Falcon") announces that its Annual General and Special Shareholder Meeting will be held at Calgary Petroleum Club, 319 5th Avenue S.W., Calgary, AB T2P 0L6, Canada on 21 June 2016 at 11:00 a.m. (Calgary time).

      A complete notice and related documents will be sent to the shareholders of record as at 10 May 2016 and will also be filed on the Canadian System for Electronic Document Analysis and Retrieval ("SEDAR") at and Falcon's website at

      The Notice of the Annual General and Special Shareholder meeting was filed on SEDAR on 1 April 2016.

      For the information of shareholders; Origin Energy, the operator of Falcon's joint venture Beetaloo Basin, Australia drilling program is presenting at the American Association of Petroleum Geologists ("AAPG") with SEPM ("Society for Sedimentary Geology") and Canadian Society of Petroleum Geologists ("CSPG") Annual Convention & Exhibition 2016 at the BMO Centre at Stampede Park, Calgary on Monday 20 June 2016 a paper titled "Unconventional Gas Potential in the Northern Territory, Australia: Exploring the Beetaloo Sub-Basin". The paper will be presented by Dr. David Close, Chief Geologist and Unconventional Exploration Manager, Origin Energy.

      About Falcon Oil & Gas Ltd.

      Falcon Oil & Gas Ltd is an international oil and gas company engaged in the acquisition, exploration and development of conventional and unconventional oil and gas assets, with the current portfolio focused in Australia, South Africa and Hungary. Falcon Oil & Gas Ltd is incorporated in British Columbia, Canada and headquartered in Dublin, Ireland with a technical team based in Budapest, Hungary.

      For further information on Falcon Oil & Gas Ltd. please visit

      About Origin Energy

      Origin Energy (ASX : ORG) is the leading Australian integrated energy company with market leading positions in energy retailing (approximately 4.2 million customers), power generation (approximately 6,000 MW of capacity owned and contracted) and natural gas production (1,093 PJ of 2P reserves and annual production of 82 PJe).

      Through Australia Pacific LNG, its incorporated joint venture with ConocoPhillips and Sinopec, Origin is developing Australia's biggest CSG to LNG project based on the country's largest 2P CSG reserves base.

      Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

      Falcon Oil & Gas Ltd.
      +353 1 417 1900

      Falcon Oil & Gas Ltd.
      Philip O'Quigley
      +353 87 814 7042

      Falcon Oil & Gas Ltd.
      Michael Gallagher
      +353 1 417 0814

      Davy (NOMAD & Broker)
      John Frain
      +353 1 679 6363

      Davy (NOMAD & Broker)
      Anthony Farrell
      +353 1 679 6363…
      Falcon Oil & Gas Ltd. Announces Its Annual General and Special Shareholder Meeting to Be Held on 21 June 2016
      schrieb am 07.06.16 18:17:46
      Beitrag Nr. 4.943 ()
      Sandrun29 attended the Falcon AGM in Australia. (Great info! Thank you for sharing.)

      Falcon AGM Sydney 2016
      posted on Jun 05, 16 08:13PM (Log in to use the IP Check tool) [?]

      G'day from Sydney, long-suffering Bird holders.

      I attended the AGM in Sydney last Tuesday. Just managed to squeeze in to the room, next to 4 others.

      Been attending these for 4 years and there has never been more than 6 shareholders in the room. Maybe the rest of them have jumped off the Harbour Bridge to end the pain.

      Anyway, Philip's presentation was short, but encouraging. Basically, he said that any box that they have been able to fill is, given the progress thus far, has a a tick in it. In fact, there was not one negative issue or concern raised - anywhere. It's all good. So that's a relief.

      Here's something else of interest:

      Origin Energy, the operator of Falcon's joint venture Beetaloo Basin, Australia drilling program is presenting at the American Association of Petroleum Geologists ("AAPG") with SEPM ("Society for Sedimentary Geology") and Canadian Society of Petroleum Geologists ("CSPG") Annual Convention & Exhibition 2016 at the BMO Centre at Stampede Park, Calgary on Monday 20 June 2016 a paper titled "Unconventional Gas Potential in the Northern Territory, Australia: Exploring the Beetaloo Sub-Basin". The paper will be presented by Dr. David Close, Chief Geologist and Unconventional Exploration Manager, Origin Energy.

      Hopefully this will spark a few of the journo's and market commentators who might be present too.

      Meanwhile, I sent Philip an email today suggesting that he get both company's websites up to scratch as they are both out of date - FalconAustralia's is woefully bad. He has responded that this will be done this week.

      So what's happening in the near future?

      1. They'll case Amungee this month and then frack early July.

      2. They'll drill a vertical well in the South of the claim, 85kms South of Amungee.

      3. They'll drill a vertical well in the Northern-most part of the claim, the purpose of which is to test for liquids. Presumably not water. Weak joke.

      4. Then a decision will be taken which well - the one in the South or in the North - to frack.

      This info should be available on the website in the coming days.

      Philip is also very confident that the EL will be awarded in SA in the coming months too, which is also likely to have an impact on the sp.

      So, long-suffering fellow shareholders, it does seem likely that something positive might happen to the share price between now and the end of the year.

      And I happen to believe in Sanata too.

      Go the Bird.
      schrieb am 08.10.16 00:24:05
      Beitrag Nr. 4.944 ()
      Was ist nur los mit Petrohunter?
      Am 15. Juni 2016 letzter Kurs 0,0003 USD
      Marktkapitalisierung damit bei ca. 130.000 USD

      Ist der Börsenhandel nur ausgesetzt oder gar schon eingestellt?
      schrieb am 08.10.16 00:47:16
      Beitrag Nr. 4.945 ()
      PHUN ist soweit ausgesetzt an OTC markets in terms of filing delay. Man kann auch sagen soweit delistet. Dies ist ein Eingriff von der SEC, und insofern unabhängig von pinks rules an der OTC markets group..der OIL PRICE is low, ich denke Bruner hat wenig Bock zur Zeit was zu machen in the NT, zudem es zur Zeit ein fracking moratorium gibt in the Nothern Territories, an dem auch Falcon festhängen wird, wie lange ist offen, 2 Jahre?, Origin ist eine Heimmannschaft, das ist positiv!—Gleichwohl ist Bruner mit Paltar am Ball und hält die permits in the NT. NEGY ist up to date und im Grunde längst eine Bruner muss an dieser Stelle sagen PHUN ist erst mal weg vom Fenster, hält aber Falcon Anteile, und ist mit Paltar verwoben in Aktivitätsforderungen in AUS..Grüße A.
      schrieb am 08.10.16 12:26:20
      Beitrag Nr. 4.946 ()
      Das moratorium in NT bezieht sich insbesondere auf fracking. Weitere Exploration in NT kann stattfinden im oil and gas business. Insofern kann Bruner natürlich aktiv werden in Australien. Die ersten Arbeitsanforderungen sind relativ gering und ein fracking ist für Paltar eher in weiter Ferne.

      Man kann anmerken, dass Bruner das delisting selbste verschuldet, denn es ist ja kein Problem weiter an der SEC zu filen..die Übernahme von NEGY zieht er umgekehrt sehr in die Länge, es ist aber alles vorbereitet.

      Es waren 20 million dollars im Gespräch von D Siegel für die Exploration in Australien von Paltar. Für die Petrohunter-Gebiete ist ebenfalls Paltar der operator. Eventuell wartet Bruner auch die flowrates von Origin ab, das fracken war ja noch vor dem moratorium und die tests laufen. Gute flowrates sind auch für die Weiterbehandlung des Moratoriums von Bedeutung, und natürlich für das gesamte Beetaloo Basin, was für Bruner dann weitere Finanzierungen erleichtern würde.

      Wie Bruner weiter mit PHUN verfährt ist auch sehr offen. Bezüglich Falcon und der AUS permits ist Petrohunter weiterhin werthaltig.
      schrieb am 08.10.16 12:27:51
      Beitrag Nr. 4.947 ()
      >>Nation Energy Inc. formed Paltar Nation for the purpose of funding exploration expenditures required to be provided by the wholly­owned subsidiary of Nation Energy Inc., Nation Energy (Australia) Pty Ltd., which is expected to become a wholly­owned subsidiary of Paltar Nation, to explore and develop all or a portion of 1,470,500 acres of certain Australian exploration permits.

      Pursuant to the third amended and restated agreement, Paltar farmed out three specific graticular blocks in each of the six petroleum exploration permits identified in the Agreement and it caused Officer Petroleum Pty Ltd., a wholly­owned Australian subsidiary of Paltar, to farm out forty blocks in Exploration Permit 468 (“EP 468”). In addition, Paltar agreed to enter into additional earning agreements with Nation Australia on December 17, 2015 (or such otherdate as the parties mutually agree), in which it will farm out to Nation Australia six additional graticular blocks in EP136, three additional blocks in EP143 and 18 additional blocks in the Victoria Basin, with all of these additional blocks to be selected by Nation. These additional earning agreements are to be on terms substantially similar to the terms of the seven earning agreements entered into by the parties on August 30, 2015.…
      schrieb am 08.10.16 12:59:15
      Beitrag Nr. 4.948 ()
      Effective May 31, 2016, all of the initial earning agreements were amended and revised to consolidate and clarify terms of consideration thereunder (the “May 31, 2016 Earning Agreements”). Upon execution, Nation Australia issued to Paltar a promissory note in the principal amount of AUD$24,322,501, with payment guaranteed by Nation. As additional consideration, seven days after delivery to Nation of Paltar’s audited financial statements for the three most recent fiscal years, together with such additional fiscal period financial statements as may be required for reporting by Nation under applicable SEC regulations, Nation will issue 900,000,000 of its common shares to Paltar, subject to the same restrictions on the transfer of such shares as set forth in the third restated letter agreement dated August 30, 2015, as subsequently amended. The May 31, 2016 Earning Agreements have the same terms as stated above in the initial earning agreements regarding work programs, overriding royalty, and the option to acquire more interest.

      In addition to the seven initial earning agreements, the parties entered into an option agreement dated August 30, 2015, pursuant to which Paltar granted to Nation an option to purchase, exercisable until August 30, 2016, interests in Exploration Permits EP136, EP143, EP231, EP232, EP 234 and EP237, all related business, financial, technical, geophysical, geological, geochemical and environmental information and data that Paltar has the legal right to convey, certain Applications for exploration permits, and all of the issued and outstanding shares of Officer (collectively, the “Assets”) for a purchase price of AUD$10,000,000 (approximately $7,223,844 at current exchange rates). The option agreement was amended effective February 12, 2016, to change the purchase price to 300,000,000 shares of common stock of the Company. Upon the execution of the May 31, 2016 Earning Agreements, the option agreement was terminated and released by Nation.

      The third amended and restated agreement contemplates that, as stated in the May 31, 2016 Earning Agreements, Nation has agreed to issue to Paltar, from the Company’s treasury 900,000,000 common shares at an agreed value of $0.03 and one-third cent per share as consideration for the other transactions described in the third amended and restated agreement. All of Nation Energy’s common shares to be issued pursuant to the third amended and restated agreement are to be held in escrow for at least three years. The escrow agent is to be a newly-formed Delaware limited liability company with a board of four managers. David Siegel, and John Hislop are each currently a director of the Company; each have certain rights to appoint managers to the escrow agent’s board of managers, as more specifically set forth in the third amended and restated agreement. Marc Bruner also has rights to appoint managers to the escrow agent’s board of managers, as more specifically set forth in the third amended and restated agreement. Each of Messrs. Siegel and Bruner currently own Paltar equity, while Mr. Hislop has the right to acquire Paltar equity. A fourth director of the Company, who has yet to be identified and appointed and who will not own any Paltar equity, is to serve as the fourth manager of the escrow agent’s board of managers. Each of the four managers will hold one vote and Mr. Bruner, or the manager elected by the board of managers in the event Mr. Bruner no longer serves on the board of managers, will hold a tie-breaking vote in the event of deadlock.

      The Agreement also provides that Paltar, which will be the operator under the earning agreements, will have the right of first offer to provide goods, services and work to the blocks subject to the earning agreements on terms that are competitive with and comparable to those customarily available in the open market from arms-length third parties.

      On September 15, 2015, Mr. Hislop resigned from the offices of President and Chief Executive Officer of our Company, and he also resigned the position of Chairman of our Board of Directors. Mr. Hislop remains a member of our Board of Directors and our Chief Financial Officer. Also on September 15, 2015, our Board of Directors appointed David N. Siegel as its Chairman and it appointed Marc A. Bruner, one of our Directors, to the office of President and Chief Executive Officer of our Company.

      On June 24, 2016, Mr. Bruner resigned as a member of the Company’s Board of Directors, President and Chief Executive Officer, effective as of March 15, 2016, Also on June 24, 2016, effective as of March 15, 2016, Mr. Hislop resumed the duties of President and Chief Executive Officer on an interim basis.

      We currently have no business and operate as a shell company. In addition to our efforts to complete the transactions contemplated in the third amended and restated agreement with Paltar Petroleum, we continue to evaluate the merits of other opportunities in the resource sector.…
      Over the next twelve months, we intend to use funds to evaluate new business acquisitions, as follows:
      Estimated Funding Required During the Next Twelve Months

      Planned Work Permit Expenditures $30,000,000
      General and Administrative 2,000,000
      Professional Fees 1,500,000
      Total $33,500,000
      schrieb am 08.10.16 13:40:07
      Beitrag Nr. 4.949 ()
      Nation verpflichtet sich also an Paltar AUD 24,322,501 zu zahlen(promissory note) und schüttet zusätzlich 900,000,000 Nation shares an Paltar zu USD 0.03 (das wird aber nochmal neu verhandelt, also die USD 0.03) aus. Damit sollte Nation fast gänzlich bei Paltar sein, wie ich das jetzt sehe. Zusätzlich sind 30,000,000 USD veranschlagt für Arbeiten an den permits in AUS. Man darf fragen wo diese 54 Mio USD bei Nation herkommen sollen.
      schrieb am 08.10.16 13:49:08
      Beitrag Nr. 4.950 ()
      Wenn Paltar der operator ist in AUS, und Paltar ist der operator, kann es sein das die 24 Mio AUD in die 30 Mio dollars Anforderungen für die permits includiert sind, und der operator trägt die operativen permit Kosten in AUS. Dann ginge es insgesamt um 30 Mio operative Kosten inclusive der 24 Mio AUD. Kann man aber so oder so interpretieren. Ist offen für mich.
      schrieb am 08.10.16 14:05:22
      Beitrag Nr. 4.951 ()
      Vielleicht sollte man von der includierten Variante ausgehen. Der operator trägt die Kosten in AUS. Also das dauert alles wie gesagt, Origin testet gerade, erst im nächsten Jahr wird es wohl teurer in AUS für Nation. Natürlich wollte man dann irgenwann auch mal action sehen, endlich eine operative Tätigkeit. Da Paltar ja über Nation(Name ändert sich vielleicht später?) einstweilen an der Börse ist, verlagert sich das traden dann von PHUN auf Nation erst mal.—UNd man wollte natürlich etwas mehr über PHUN erfahren. Völlig abgetaucht PHUN.
      11 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 30.10.16 12:54:07
      Beitrag Nr. 4.952 ()
      Moin auriga,

      habe PHUN zwar noch im Depot, doch seit kurzem wird kein Kurs mehr angezeigt. Ist delisting bereits erfolgt? Sollte man wohl ausbuchen lassen, das wird eh nix mehr.

      LG A. :kiss:
      schrieb am 22.02.17 08:57:44
      Beitrag Nr. 4.953 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 31.223.796 von chiangmai am 20.08.07 06:31:18
      Aufgrund des steigenden Kurse von Falcon und der Petrohunter Beteiligung stellt sich jetzt natürlich berechtigterweise die Frage: wird PHUN jemals wieder gehandelt?

      Ich habe leider auch noch ein paar Stück von PHUN im Depot liegen...

      Laut letzter offizieller Presentation von Falcon hat (hatte - wir wollen hier ja niemanden was unterstellen :-)) Petrohunter 9,68% der Aktien von Falcon - bei damals 921 Mio Aktien ergibt das 89.152.800 Stück Aktien - nicht schlecht. Bei dem derzeitgen Kurswert würde das ca. € 15 Millionen ergeben - bei den Schulden von PHUN nicht viel, aber immerhin. Vor allem könnte dieser Betrag auch noch einiges mehr wert werden... Ich habe leider keine neuen Infos von PHUN finden können und befürchte, dass wir hier nichts mehr hören werden. Ich weiss nicht, ob es ier noch genügend Aktionäre gibt um sich hier eventuell auf die Füsse zu stellen, oder ob dieses Invest von den meisten schon abgeschrieben wurde....

      Falls jemand mehr weiß, wäre ich über Infos dankbar.....
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 01.03.17 21:27:55
      Beitrag Nr. 4.954 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 54.379.585 von riverstone1980 am 22.02.17 08:57:44
      Noch da?

      schaue auch alle paar Monate einmal vorbei, habe aber leider keine Infos, dafür noch einige tausend Stück im Depot.

      LG Digi
      schrieb am 14.06.17 02:28:12
      Beitrag Nr. 4.955 ()
      Wahnsinn....ich wurde damals (mit anderem Namen) als "Basher" beschimpft, als ich vor Phun gewarnt hatte.
      schrieb am 22.12.17 22:13:03
      Beitrag Nr. 4.956 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 53.435.421 von auriga am 08.10.16 14:05:22Habe gedacht dass phun auf höhere Ölpriese wartet aber offenbar wurde chapter 7 gefiled.

      Da Phun eine Menge Falcon aktien besaß ist es nicht nachvollziehbar, dass die völlig pleite sind. Ich glaube da stecken sich einige Leute noch die Taschen voll habe hier ebenfalls noch eine menge Aktien.

      War heute sehr überracht und mich gewundert, dass da jetzt doch eine menge dazu im Nezt zu lesen ist.

      hier :…

      schrieb am 22.12.17 22:18:19
      Beitrag Nr. 4.957 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 53.435.421 von auriga am 08.10.16 14:05:22Hallo auriga,

      gibt es da noch eine chance etwas Geld zurück zu bekommen?
      Das ist für mich alles sehr merkwürdig.
      Was ist der aktuelle Kenntnisstand zu dem Thema

      9 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 11.01.18 16:46:59
      Beitrag Nr. 4.958 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 56.534.279 von shore am 22.12.17 22:18:19
      Zitat von shore: Hallo auriga,

      gibt es da noch eine chance etwas Geld zurück zu bekommen?
      Das ist für mich alles sehr merkwürdig.
      Was ist der aktuelle Kenntnisstand zu dem Thema


      Auriga: Der ist abgetaucht.
      War wohl zu optimistisch und schämt sich jetzt.
      Trotzdem herzlichen dank für die infos in der Vergangenheit.

      Hab auch noch genug von den Aktien.
      Wenns nicht so teuer wäre, hätte ich die mir zuschicken lassen und ein grausiges Mobilee von bebastelt, oder ne Pappmacheskulptur.
      Mehr wird wohl nicht mehr gehen.
      8 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 12.01.18 21:17:17
      Beitrag Nr. 4.959 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 56.687.903 von fixe-idee am 11.01.18 16:46:59Hallo
      Petrohunter hält noch ca. 90 millionen Falcon Aktien. Sollte Falcon mit Beetaloo erfolg haben könnte es richtig Geld in die phun Kasse schwemmen . Angenommen phun könnte damit die Schulden decken wären wir Aktionäre wieder im Rennen ?
      Weiss das jemand?

      Schönes Wochenende an alle

      7 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 12.01.18 23:23:36
      Beitrag Nr. 4.960 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 56.703.227 von Mare59 am 12.01.18 21:17:17
      Machenschaften bei Petro Hunter
      Es ist schon sehr merkwürdig was hier läuft,
      ich bin der Meinung, dass phun und die Jenigen die phun hier über Jahre in den Himmel gehoben haben, die vorallem immer bestens informiert waren und plötzlich verschwunden sind und nichts mehr dazu beitragen wollen, nicht vergessen werden.
      Die Aktien von Falcon sind vermutlich nicht wertlos und ich vermute jemand hat sie still und heimlich in einen Keller geschaffen bis es der letzte phun Aktionär endlich vergessen hat - das ist eine Annahme, die ich nicht belegen kann.
      Die Ölpreise steigen wieder und die Werte sind nicht weg.
      Ich stelle mir die Frage ob wir als Aktionäre irgendwo einen Anspruch geltend machen müssten?

      Können unsere Ansprüche verjähren, wenn sich keiner bei dem Insolvenzverwalter meldet?
      Auriga hätte vermutlich eine Antwort darauf, er wursste ja immer alles.
      Briliant die Analysen...
      Ich habe mich immer gefragt wo hat der "Mann" die Informationen her?
      Ein WP Händler mit einem Draht zu den Insidern?
      Und jetzt wo mal wieder Informationen durchsickern - einfach nur nichts.. Wo ist dieser briliante Marktbeoabter der die share holder unterstützen könnte. Oder aber war es alles eine große Marketing Blase die hier über das Management von phun organisiert wurde und geschickt alle Informationen hier geziehlt lanciert wurden?
      Das sind nur spekulationen die auriga beantworten könnte. Ich möchte hier keine schmutzige Wäsche waschen aber es ist für mir wie für alle die hier investiert sind schon alles sehr schwer nachvollziehbar.
      Ich bin hier nur ein Marktbeobachter, der wie die meißten hier frühzeitig spüren wollen ob es rauf oder runter geht.
      Wir sollten diesen Sarg noch nicht zu machen, denn es ist unser Geld.
      Welche und ob es chancen für uns gibt kann ich nicht beurteilen.
      Jetzt können sich die Insider noch mal nützlich machen oder fehlt es an der nötigen Motivation?
      Eure Beiträge sind sicher willkommen und sorry für meine gedanklichen Spekulationen.
      Wer ist weiß wass da gerade los ist?
      6 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 25.02.18 11:13:28
      Beitrag Nr. 4.961 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 56.704.262 von shore am 12.01.18 23:23:36Hallo shore!
      Mir geht es leider wie dir, kann hier nicht informatives beitragen.
      Schade, dass sich die Exploration im Beetaloo Basin ja jetzt eigentlich ganz gut entwickelt.
      Ich verstehe die Vorgehensweise auch nicht ganz, da man jetzt sicher mit dem Verkauf weiterer Aktien mehr verdienen hätte können, als sich die Falscon shares still und heimlich einzustecken.

      Die Mailadressen die ich ausfindig machen konnte (speziell bei Falcon) habe ich angeschrieben, was mit den FO-shares von PHUN passiert - aber nirgends eine Rückmeldung erhalten....

      Es schaut auf jeden Fall schlecht, aus....
      5 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 25.02.18 11:20:40
      Beitrag Nr. 4.962 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 57.112.730 von riverstone am 25.02.18 11:13:28Wer die Falcon shares jetzt hat, kann Dir wahrscheinlich ausser ein Insider auch niemand beantworten.
      Wie gesagt, ich finde es sehr schade, dass PHUN diesen Weg gegangen ist, aber die Beteiligten haben sicher eine Menge Geld durch uns verdient.
      Chapter 7 hast du je eh selbst reingestellt und das war schon 2016 - also ist eigentlich eh alles gesagt...
      Letztes Info, die ich im Netz gefunden habe:

      Energy firm to liquidate through Ch. 7

      Amy October 18, 2016 0

      An archived copy of the PetroHunter website from 2013.
      An archived copy of the PetroHunter website from 2013.

      An oil and gas exploration and production company with headquarters on the 16th Street Mall has filed for bankruptcy, owing at least $100 million.

      PetroHunter Energy Corporation filed to liquidate under Chapter 7 bankruptcy on Oct. 17 in Denver, days after its board voted to wind down the business.

      PetroHunter “has been unable to generate any revenues,” a board secretary observed in meeting minutes included in court filings. To avoid lawsuits from creditors, the board resolved to liquidate.

      On its initial bankruptcy filing, PetroHunter listed assets between $1 million and $10 million and liabilities between $100 million and $500 million.

      The company lists its headquarters as 910 16th St., Suite 208.

      The company is being represented by Alice A. White of Onsager Guyerson Fletcher Johnson in its bankruptcy proceeding.

      As of press time, PetroHunter had not filed disclosures of its creditors or other details about its operations.

      PetroHunter was founded in 2005 by Marc A. Bruner and has offices in Colorado and Australia, according to an archived copy of the company’s website from 2013.

      On Aug. 8, the SEC revoked PetroHunter’s registration to sell shares. The last time the company filed a quarterly statement with the SEC, more than three years ago, it reported owning 11 wellbores in western Colorado and being part of a joint venture in Australia.

      At the end of June 2013, the company reported that it had assets worth $96,000 and liabilities of over $80 million. It had a net loss of $2.3 million for the three months ended June 30.

      The company’s CEO is Martin Oring. According to the company’s website, he held positions at banking and financial services companies as well as Mobil prior to joining PetroHunter.

      The Chapter 7 trustee in the case is Jeffrey L. Hill.

      Creditors are scheduled to meet Nov. 15 at 9 a.m. in Room A of the Byron G. Rogers Federal Building.…
      schrieb am 26.02.18 13:52:23
      Beitrag Nr. 4.963 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 57.112.730 von riverstone am 25.02.18 11:13:28Hallo riverstone,
      danke für die Recherche.
      Das Geld der Aktionäre ist immer gut wenn es um die Beschaffung von Geld geht. Dann beginnt das Abschöpfen der Sahne durch hohe Gehälter und wenn das Geld nicht sofort sprudelt wird eine Kapitalerhöhung durchgeführt.
      In diesem Fall war es im Besonderen eine Falle für die Aktionäre durch ständig fließende tolle Informationen mit neuen Chancen die durch die Insider lanciert wurden. Darüber freut sich jeder Aktionär zunächst und solche Portale wie wallstreet-online bieten jedem die Möglichkeit selber etwas zu recherchieren.
      Man weiß aber nie wer eigentlich dahinter steckt.
      Es ist schade, dass Aktionäre so abgezockt werden können. Hier ist vieleicht ein besserer Schutz der Aktionäre durch Gesetze notwendig. Solche Machenschaften würden etwas reduzieren und mehr Transparenz geschaffen. Das Vertrauen in Aktien würde dann auch in der Breite der Bevölkerung sicher gestärkt werden.
      Vieleicht mache ich es wirklich und lasse mir meine Papiere ausliefern und lege die in irgendeine Schulblade und lasse meine Erben rätseln was das das denn war oder ist und wenn wallstreet online nicht wegen überladener Werbung endgültig keiner mehr benutzt dann kann man ja hier nachlesen was das ist. So jetzt habe ich meinen Frust rausgelassen. Wünsche allen noch ein erfolgreiches 2018.
      3 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 03.10.18 11:44:55
      Beitrag Nr. 4.964 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 57.120.834 von shore am 26.02.18 13:52:23Das Thema ist abgehakt.

      Im Depot steht null.
      Und es wird auch nie wieder was werden.

      Eigene Dummheit in diesen Wert investiert zu haben.

      Ich hake es als Lebenserfahrung ab und hab daraus gelernt. Hoffentlich.
      2 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 05.11.18 20:29:19
      Beitrag Nr. 4.965 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 58.860.003 von fixe-idee am 03.10.18 11:44:55Scheint rechtlich noch etwas zu laufen:

      10kj and dprussky, I am not sure of the specifics on this particular case - so if anyone signs up for Free Trial on the link that 10kj posted we might get more clarity on the $70 million in unpaid contributions??

      I am fairly sure that the subsidiary of Petrohunter is Sweetpea Petroleum = as Sweetpea is the company that drilled the first Shenandoah well before Falcon assumed 100% ownership of the Beetaloo properties. Falcon assumed 100% ownership when Petrohunter (under the usual crap management of Bruner) failed to repay around a $20 million dollar loan from Falcon to Petrohunter and then Bruner managed to negotiate a further 9.8% ownership in Falcon for Petrohunter as part of his amazing negotiating skills of negotiating with himself -- sheesh.

      I am not positive on this, but this lawsuit by Sweetpea Petroleum may help to explain why the remaining approximately 85 million shares that Petrohunter owns have not been sold either into the market or on a private sale basis. Petrohunter is being managed under receivership for over a year now and I have been expecting some of those shares to hit the market, but this court case could be holding that up.

      I do know that, except for those 85 million shares that are under receivership, this court case with SweetPea and Petrohunter does not have Falcon involved as it is a matter between other Bruner companies that Philip managed to extricate Falcon from a long long time ago.
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 28.12.18 19:17:32
      Beitrag Nr. 4.966 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 59.142.735 von texas2 am 05.11.18 20:29:19... heute plötzlich PHUN 10 $, Market cap 5 B $....
      finde null Hinweise.., irgendjemand irgendeine Idee???
      schrieb am 29.12.18 14:00:41
      Beitrag Nr. 4.967 ()
      Phunware, Nasdaq, hat sich also geklärt...
      • 1
      • 10

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      Petrohunter nach dem Turnaround! Restart eines Tenbaggers?