
    IBERDROLA (IBE) ++ der grüne spanische Versorger + Strom + Gas + Übernahme Phantasie ++ (Seite 48)

    eröffnet am 28.08.06 15:22:14 von
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    ISIN: ES0144580Y14 · WKN: A0M46B · Symbol: IBE1
    -0,94 %
    -0,115 EUR
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     Ja Nein
      schrieb am 25.04.16 22:24:33
      Beitrag Nr. 718 ()
      schrieb am 05.04.16 10:37:39
      Beitrag Nr. 717 ()
      ROUNDUP: Iberdrola startet Bau für Offshore-Windpark nahe Rügen

      SASSNITZ (dpa-AFX) - Das Baufeld in der Ostsee vor Rügen ist vorbereitet. Ein Bauschiff mit den ersten 32 Fundamenten nimmt vom spanischen Aviles Kurs dorthin. Das Installationsschiff "Giant 7" wird im Rostocker Hafen bestückt: Parallel zu den ersten Aktivitäten auf See gaben Iberdrola -Projektleiter Tanis Rey-Baltar und Verkehrsminister Christian Pegel (SPD) am Donnerstag an Land das Startsignal für den Bau des 1,4 Milliarden-Euro-Projektes "Wikinger" rund 30 Kilometer nordöstlich von Rügen.

      Mit "Wikinger" baut der spanische Energiekonzern Iberdrola seinen ersten Offshore-Windpark in Deutschland. "Mit diesem Projekt sind wir Teil der deutschen Energiewende", sagte Rey-Baltar im Fährhafen Sassnitz.

      Der Zeitplan der Spanier ist ambitioniert: Noch vor Ostern sollen die Rammarbeiten für die ersten Fundamente beginnen. Teilweise werden sie bis zu 40 Meter tief im Boden verankert. Die Rotoren der 5-Megawatt-Turbinen haben einen Durchmesser von 135 Metern - die doppelte Höhe der Berliner Siegessäule. Ende 2017 - so die Iberdrola-Pläne - soll das 350-Megawatt-Projekt mit insgesamt 70 Anlagen ans Netz gehen und rein rechnerisch Strom für rund 350 000 Haushalte liefern, wie Rey-Baltar sagte.

      "Wikinger" ist nach Baltic 1 und Baltic 2 der dritte Windpark in der deutschen Ostsee. Die Spanier - eigenen Angaben zufolge mit 14 200 Megawatt installierter Leistung Weltmarktführer in puncto Windkraft - planen bereits ein weiteres Projekt. Die Arbeiten für das Projekt "Windanker" in der Nähe von "Wikinger" könnten 2021 starten. "Es gibt eine Menge an Synergien. Dies kann ein sehr effizientes Projekt werden", sagte Rey-Baltar. Die Investition sei jedoch abhängig von der Neufassung des Erneuerbare-Energien-Gesetzes, nach der die Vergabe auf das Modell von Ausschreibungen umgestellt werden soll. Iberdrola sieht wie andere Investoren auch die vorgesehene Obergrenze zum Bau von Offshore-Windparks kritisch.

      Im Fährhafen Sassnitz sorgte der Baustart am Donnerstag für zufriedene Gesichter. Dies sei ein guter Tag für die Energiewende und für den Wirtschaftsstandort Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, sagte Pegel. Iberdrola will den Hafen für 25 Jahre als Service- und Wartungspunkt nutzen. Damit sollen 200 direkte und indirekte Arbeitsplätze in Sassnitz entstehen. Der Hafen, dessen Umschlag in den vergangenen Jahren auf zuletzt 1,8 Millionen Tonnen absackte, setzt zunehmend auf Industrie und Industriearbeitsplätze. "Die Transitverkehre haben sich mit der EU-Osterweiterung verschoben", begründete Hafenchef Harm Sievers den Tonnage-Rückgang. Gerade Lastwagen aus Polen und Tschechien steuerten den Hafen Swinemünde an.

      Vor dem Hintergrund von teils scharfer Kritik am Windkraftausbau betonte Pegel die Potenziale der erneuerbaren Energien für Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. Die Energiewende sei eine Riesenchance für das Land und könne für eine Reindustrialisierungswelle sorgen. Das Iberdrola-Projekt sei nicht nur wirtschaftspolitisch willkommen, sondern auch klimatechnisch "ein Knall" mit 600 000 Tonnen CO2-Einsparung pro Jahr.

      Nach Iberdrola-Angaben gehen mehr als 50 Prozent des Gesamtauftragsvolumen an deutsche Firmen oder Subunternehmen. Unterdessen treibt der Stromnetzbetreiber 50 Hertz die Vorarbeiten für die Verlegung der Stromtrasse voran. Von Mai an sollen die insgesamt 90 Kilometer langen Seekabel zwischen Windpark und Anlandestelle Lubmin verlegt werden./mrt/DP/stb

      ISIN ES0144580Y14

      AXC0289 2016-03-17/15:08

      © 2016 dpa-AFX
      schrieb am 05.04.16 10:13:45
      Beitrag Nr. 716 ()
      Iberdrola to invest €24 billion in 2016-2020 with projected average earnings growth of 6% per annum

      Having anticipated energy transition, the group maintains commitment to a sustainable model with the creation of jobs and value for society
      88% of investments will be allocated to Networks (46%), Renewables (33%) and Regulated Generation (9%) businesses which jointly will account for 81% of the group’s EBITDA by the end of the period
      Thus, the company enters a new stage, with 70% of planned investments – €17 billion – earmarked for growth, 90% of which already committed
      By currency, investments will be split in US dollars (43%), GB pounds (35%), euro (20%) and other currencies (2%) providing geographical balance to results
      Average annual increases of 6% in EBITDA and net profit will enable improved shareholder remuneration on a sustainable and incremental basis, in line with results
      Investments reach €3.2 billion (+13.2%) of which 62% was allocated to growth
      Iberdrola closes 2015 with 1,750 new employees and 550 new interns hired, having generated 360,000 jobs in the countries where it has operations
      The Group recorded a net profit of €2,422 million in 2015 (+4.1%) and an EBITDA of €7,306 million (+4.9%), having reached a year in advance the targets set in its 2014-2016 Outlook
      These results make it possible to propose to the General Shareholders’ Meeting, which has been called for 8th April, the approval of a 4% increase in annual shareholder remuneration to €0.28 gross per share
      Group emissions, which now stand 30% below the European industry average, will be reduced 50% by 2030. The company will be carbon-neutral by 2050
      In 2015, the company made purchases of goods and services worth €7.5 billion to over 17,600 suppliers
      Iberdrola’s contribution to tax and fiscal authorities amounts to €5.52 billion across the globe

      | Event connection through webcast |

      Iberdrola is to invest €24 billion in 2016-2020, according to the new Outlook presented today by the company. The group will continue building a business model based on the creation of long-term value that will enable it to maintain is strong financials and offer a sustainable return to its shareholders.

      Some €22 billion – over 90% of planned investments – will be allocated to projects to which it has already committed, out of which 60% are under construction. Also, €17 billion – 70% of total – will be on initiatives focusing on growth.

      As regards the business profile, Iberdrola will continue to focus on regulated areas that provide stable, predictable and long-term earnings. Thus, 88% of the €24 billion total investment will be allocated to regulated activities or long-term contracts: 46% to Networks, 33% to Renewables and 9% to Regulated Generation. The remaining 12% will be invested in Generation and Retail.

      By currency, the company will continue diversifying its business and boosting the process of internationalisation began more than a decade ago now. 43% of planned investments will be made in US dollars, 35% in GB pounds, 20% in euros and the remaining 2% in other currencies, providing geographical balance to results.

      The following are some of the main investments to which Iberdrola has already committed:

      United Kingdom: transmission and distribution infrastructure under regulatory frameworks that have already been approved - until 2021 and 2023, respectively - and an increase in renewable capacity with the commissioning of 1,070 new megawatts (MW) in offshore wind power and 450 new MW in onshore wind power.
      United States: following the completion in record time of the merger between Iberdrola USA and UIL Holdings Corporation, AVANGRID, the new US sub-holding, which operates within stable tariff regimes in the states of New York, Maine, Connecticut and Massachusetts, will be developing new networks infrastructure projects in the state of New York and installing over 750 MW of renewable capacity. AVANGRID, which is listed on the New York Stock Exchange with a market cap of over US$12 billion, distributes electricity via seven utilities in four states. It is the second wind power operator in the United States and its emissions level is almost zero.
      Iberia: in Spain, where there is a stable tariff framework for electricity distribution by 2019, Iberdrola will continue to deploy smart grids. In Portugal, the company will continue to develop the Alto Tâmega hydroelectric project, which will see its capacity increased by an additional 1,160 MW of storage capacity.
      Mexico: in keeping with its commitment to this country after the approval of the energy reform, Iberdrola plans to commission new combined cycle and cogeneration plants with long-term contracts for a total capacity in excess of 1,600 MW.
      Brazil: the company has approved tariff frameworks for networks up to 2017, 2018 and 2019 and it plans to go on contributing to the development of clean energies in the country, with 180 new MW under construction. It will also be increasing its hydroelectric capacity via its stake in Neoenergia.

      Once these investments are complete, Iberdrola expects that by 2020, 81% of its gross operating profit (EBITDA) will be from regulated businesses or long-term contracts (compared to the current rate of 75%) and over 60% will be generated in dollars and pounds.

      In terms of how profits will evolve, Iberdrola expects both EBITDA and net earnings to increase by an average of 6% per year until 2020. On the other hand, funds from operations (FFO) accumulated over the 2016-2020 period will amount to €34.5 billion, exceeding investments in all businesses.

      Also, the company will continue to strengthen its balance sheet whilst enhancing its financial ratios. Notably, by 2018, its net debt/ EBITDA and funds from operations (FFO)/ net debt ratios are expected to stand at a maximum of 3.6 times and a minimum of 22%, respectively. Moreover, by 2020, the former of these ratios will be reduced to 3.1 times.

      Improved shareholder remuneration

      Thanks to the favourable business performance, Iberdrola will be in a position to increase its shareholder remuneration in line with earnings growth.

      Pay-out – the percentage of profit allocated towards shareholder remuneration – will be within the 65% to 75% range and the Iberdrola Flexible Dividend scheme, enabling shareholders to choose between receiving their remuneration in cash or in the form of new shares in the group free of charge, will be maintained.

      Also, Iberdrola will be implementing share buyback schemes so that the number of shares in its corporate stock will remain at 6,240 million.

      As the first step in the upward trend for shareholder remuneration, it is expected that the annual return for 2015 will be at least €0.28 gross per share, 4% higher than the €0.27 paid in previous years.

      Remuneration will consist of the €0.127 gross per share already paid out last January (through the second capital increase implemented within the Iberdrola Flexible Dividend scheme approved by the AGM on 27 March 2015), plus a cash payment of €0.03 gross per share payable next July, and a payment of at least €0.123 gross per share to be approved by the General Shareholders’ Meeting on 8th April.

      Also, an attendance premium of €0.005 gross per share will be paid to shareholders who attend the meeting in person or delegate their representation.

      Furthermore, the company will be proposing a maximum 2.46% reduction in its share capital, so as to avoid the dilutive effect of the Iberdrola Flexible Dividend scheme, thereby helping to maintain earnings per share.

      Long-term sustainable model

      The Outlook for 2016-2020 will continue to strengthen the Iberdrola business model, which is based on sustainability and long-term visibility, while at the same time maintaining a strong commitment to society and fostering development in the regions where the group has operations.

      This model, which combines strategy, execution and values to deliver results, is the same one that has made it the first European utility by market capitalization, with a total shareholder return (TSR)Note (1) of 240% between 2001 and 2015.

      In this regard, having already generated some 360,000 jobs worldwidesNote (2), the company hired 1,750 new employees and provided training to 550 young interns in 2015. The company’s annual purchases from over 17,600 global suppliers amount to some €7.3 billion.

      This value creation is completed by the group’s fiscal contribution which amounts to some €5.52 billion per year on a global scale, including direct and collected taxes.

      This will all be accompanied by a strong commitment to society and the environment: Iberdrola plans to reduce the intensity of its emissions by 2030 by 50% compared to its specific emissions for 2007, to become carbon-neutral by 2050 and to go on creating stable, high quality employment through its investments and purchases from suppliers. Nowadays, the company’s emissions are already 30% lower than the average for the European sector.

      Iberdrola records profit of €2,422 million (+4%) in 2015

      Iberdrola recorded a net profit of €2,421.6 million in 2015, 4.1% more than the previous year. EBITDA rose to €7,305.9 million, i.e. a 4.9% increase on 2014. Of this amount, the regulated businesses contributed 75%.

      These good results are the consequence of the positive business performance, particularly in Renewables, where EBITDA increased by 18.6% to €1,572.3 million, driven by the recovery of prices in Spain and the good performance in Latin America and the United Kingdom, where the contribution of West of Duddon Sands offshore windfarm has been particularly noteworthy.

      In turn, EBITDA improved by 1.9% in the Networks business, rising to €3,601.6 million with a significant increase of regulated assets in Britain and the US. Regulated Generation in Mexico grew by 30.1% due to greater activity with private customers. Lastly, Generation and Retail business fell by 4% due to reduced production in Spain and non-recurrent costs in the UK.

      Revenues increased by 4.6% in 2015, amounting to €31,418.7 million and the gross margin climbed to €12,842.7 million, up 5.4% on the previous year. Iberdrola has also continued to make progress in enhancing its efficiency, with a 1.6% reduction in net operating expenses, not including the effect of exchange rates.

      Funds from operations (FFO) increased by 8.2% to €5,906.7 million, exceeding investments in all businesses, which stood at €3,223 million in the year, up 13.2% on the previous period. Of this amount, 91% was allocated to regulated areas and 62% to growth projects.

      Earnings for the year were affected by the value adjustment of Longannet power plant due to its upcoming closure, which generated a provision for impairment of €230 million, and by a €170 million rate reduction in the United Kingdom. The effects of consolidating AVANGRID in the last quarter should also be taken into account, as they represent a negative impact of €60 million on EBITDA and €45 million on the group’s net profit.

      As regards changes in the balance sheet, Iberdrola has continued to improve its gearing, which dropped to 40.7% at the end of the year, compared to 41.8% in 2014. This was possible due to the generation of positive cash flows and despite the UIL Holdings merger and the depreciation of the euro. The latter two factors had a negative impact on debt, which stood at €28.067 billion at the end of December.

      These results mean that IBERDROLA has reached the targets it had set itself for 2016 a year ahead of schedule, both in terms of net profit and net debt/ EBITDA and FFO/ EBITDA ratios, if the effect of the merger with UIL Holdings Corporation is excluded.

      Evolution by business: growth in all areas

      The Networks business recorded an EBITDA of €3,601.6 million (+1.9%), affected by the lower extraordinary results in Brazil compared to 2014.

      EBITDA for this area is €1,449.6 million in Spain, driven by the efficiency measures that have been implemented. In the United Kingdom, EBITDA rose to GBP826.4 million and in the United States, to US$859.9 million. In Brazil, the Networks area recorded an EBITDA of RS$884.4 million.

      Generation and Retail recorded an EBITDA of €2,320 million in 2015 (+1.2%), driven by the improved business in Mexico, where the higher output and contract renegotiation took EBITDA to US$ 505.8 million. In Spain, the year was marked by the lower output (-8.8%) and EBITDA stood at €1,502.3 million.

      In the United Kingdom, this business recorded an EBITDA of GBP305.5 million, affected by the costs associated to the closure of Longannet power plant, the increased carbon levy and the rise in non-energy costs.

      The Renewables area increased its EBITDA by 18.6% to €1,572.3 million by the end of 2015. In Spain, EBITDA for this business rose to €473.2 million, in a financial year in which the lower output was compensated by the recovery in prices.

      Performance in the United Kingdom was marked by the positive performance of operations, with a 19.3% increase in output, lifted by the positive contribution of West of Duddon Sands offshore As a result EBITDA rose to GBP317.7 million.

      Meanwhile, in the United States, Renewables EBITDA, US$554.7 million, was affected by the 4.1% drop in output. In Latin America, EBITDA rose to €69.9 million, thanks to the increase in capacity in Mexico (+60%) and Brazil’s output (+17.4%). Elsewhere in the world, the figure recorded for EBITDA was €92.1 million, boosted by a 7.4% increase in output.

      In 2016, Iberdrola anticipates EBITDA growth in Networks, Generation and Retail whereas Renewables earnings will remain stable. This positive performance will carry an increase in net profit.


      This release does not constitute an offer of purchase, sale or exchange, nor a request for an offer of purchase, sale or exchange of securities in the United States of America or in any other jurisdiction. The shares of Iberdrola,S.A. may not be offered or sold in the United States of America except pursuant to an effective registration statement under the Securities Act of 1933 or pursuant to a valid exemption from registration.


      This communication contains forward-looking information and statements about IBERDROLA, S.A., including financial projections and estimates and their underlying assumptions, statements regarding plans, objectives and expectations with respect to future operations, capital expenditures, synergies, products and services, and statements regarding future performance. Forward-looking statements are statements that are not historical facts and are generally identified by the words “expects”, “anticipates”, “believes”, “intends”, “estimates” and similar expressions.

      Although IBERDROLA, S.A. believes that the expectations reflected in such forward-looking statements are reasonable, investors and holders of IBERDROLA, S.A. shares are cautioned that forward-looking information and statements are subject to various risks and uncertainties, many of which are difficult to predict and generally beyond the control of IBERDROLA, S.A., that could cause actual results and developments to differ materially from those expressed in, or implied or projected by, the forward-looking information and statements. These risks and uncertainties include those discussed or identified in the public documents sent by IBERDROLA, S.A. to the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores, which are available to the public.

      Forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future performance. They have not been reviewed by the auditors of IBERDROLA, S.A. You are cautioned not to place undue reliance on the forward-looking statements, which speak only as of the date they were made. All oral or written forward-looking statements hereby made or otherwise attributable to IBERDROLA, S.A. or any of its members, directors, officers, employees or any persons acting on its behalf are expressly qualified in their entirety by the cautionary statement above. All the forward-looking statements included herein are based on information available on the date hereof. Except as required by applicable law, IBERDROLA, S.A. does not undertake any obligation to publicly update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.

      For more information look up Full Year 2015 Report Results [PDF] External link, opens in new window. and Full Year 2015 Results Presentation [PDF] External link, opens in new window..
      schrieb am 23.02.16 21:10:11
      Beitrag Nr. 715 ()
      TODAY'S HEADLINES FEB 23, 2016 11:55AM

      BRIEF-Spain's Iberdrola says to cancel some shares

      Feb 23 (Reuters) - Iberdrola SA IBE.MC
      * Says in statement will ask shareholder approval at annual
      general meeting to cancel shares worth up to 2.46 percent of its
      * Says also to buy back up to 8.35 million shares, or around
      0.131 percent of its capital.

      Further company coverage:

      (Reporting by
      ((+34 91 585 2151;))
      schrieb am 13.02.16 16:59:24
      Beitrag Nr. 714 ()
      sehr solides Unternehmen, bin begeistert…" target="_blank" rel="nofollow ugc noopener">…

      Trading Spotlight

      East Africa Metals
      0,1480EUR +0,68 %
      Kennen wir bei East Africa bislang nur die Spitze des Goldberges?!mehr zur Aktie »
      schrieb am 13.02.16 16:58:35
      Beitrag Nr. 713 ()
      sehr solides Unternehmen, bin begeistert :)…
      schrieb am 13.01.16 23:04:09
      Beitrag Nr. 712 ()
      Gamesa and Iberdrola Ingeniería to build wind farms in Costa Rica

      04 January 2016
      Gamesa and Iberdrola Ingeniería have signed an EPC contract with Globeleq Mesoamerica Energy (GME) to build four wind farms with a total capacity of 80 MW in Costa Rica.

      The two companies will handle all the construction and commissioning phases required for this project, named Alisios, which comprises four 20-MW wind farms: Vientos de la Perla and Vientos de Miramar, located in the Liberia region, and Altamira and Campos Azules, to be developed in the Tilarán region.

      Specifically, Gamesa will manufacture 19 of its G90-2.0 MW turbines and 21 of its G87-2.0 MW turbines for delivery during the second quarter of 2016, while Iberdrola will handle the engineering, procurement and construction (EPC) side of this renewable facility, which is due for commissioning towards the end of next year.

      Alisios is set to have a very significant impact on its surroundings as it will be able to cater to demand for electricity from some 60,000 Costa Rican households and create around 400 jobs during the construction process. In addition, Alisios will prevent the emission of around 172,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide each year.
      schrieb am 13.01.16 23:00:04
      Beitrag Nr. 711 ()
      Iberdrola-Aktie: Zusammenschluss von Iberdrola USA und UIL vollzogen - Aktienanalyse

      04.01.16 12:45
      Independent Research

      Frankfurt ( - Iberdrola-Aktienanalyse von Aktienanalyst Sven Diermeier von Independent Research:

      Sven Diermeier, Aktienanalyst von Independent Research, bestätigt in einer aktuellen Aktienanalyse sein Anlagevotum für die Aktie des spanischen Energieversorgers Iberdrola SA (ISIN: ES0144580Y14, WKN: A0M46B, Ticker-Symbol: IBE1, Nasdaq OTC-Symbol: IBDSF).

      Mitte Dezember 2015 sei der Ende Februar 2015 angekündigte Zusammenschluss von Iberdrola USA (100%-ige Tochtergesellschaft von Iberdrola) und dem US-Versorger UIL per Aktientausch und Barzahlung vollzogen worden. Iberdrola sei an der fusionierten Gesellschaft (firmierend unter Avangrid) mit 81,5% beteiligt. Damit würden die Spanier ihr Engagement in "AAA"-Ländern ausbauen und die Abhängigkeit vom Heimatmarkt weiter reduzieren. Durch den Kursanstieg im Jahr 2015 (+19%; zum Vergleich europäischer Versorgerindex: -4%) sei die Dividendenrendite (2015e: 4,3%; 2016e: 4,4%) der Iberdrola-Aktie im Branchenvergleich unterdurchschnittlich, aber nach Meinung von Diermeier ansprechend.

      Sven Diermeier, Aktienanalyst von Independent Research, bewertet die Iberdrola-Aktie weiterhin mit dem Rating "halten". Das Kursziel werde bei 7,00 Euro belassen. (Analyse vom 04.01.2016)

      Börsenplätze Iberdrola-Aktie:

      Tradegate-Aktienkurs Iberdrola-Aktie:
      6,405 EUR -2,39% (04.01.2016, 11:48)

      ISIN Iberdrola-Aktie:

      WKN Iberdrola-Aktie:

      Ticker-Symbol Iberdrola-Aktie:

      Nasdaq OTC Ticker-Symbol Iberdrola-Aktie:
      schrieb am 21.10.15 22:49:36
      Beitrag Nr. 710 ()
      Iberdrola earns a net €1,920 million (+7.8%) with cash flow standing at €4,309 million (+9.1%) in the first 9 months

      Positive business performance will enable the company to meet, a year early, its 2016 Outlook targets announced at the Investors' Day
      EBITDA rose 5.8% to €5,341 million in the first nine months of the year, driven by the 16.2% growth in international business, in contrast to the 2.1% drop in Spain
      Regulated activities already account for almost 75% of EBITDA, with a growth rate of 15.5%
      Investment rose 6.7% to €2,096 million, of which 61% is allocated to growth projects
      The company's financials continue to improve, with leverage at 41.1% down from 42.2% in the third quarter of the previous year
      These results reinforce Iberdrola’s commitment to offering shareholders a minimum annual remuneration of €0.27 gross per share
      The Board of Directors approved a free share capital increase for a new edition of the ‘Iberdrola Flexible Dividend’ scrip dividend plan, payable in January 2016, with a minimum guaranteed fixed price of €0.125 gross per free subscription right

      | Event connection through webcast External link, opens in new window. Open in new window. |

      Iberdrola recorded a net profit of €1,919.7 million in the first nine months of 2015, up 8.5% on the same period of last year. Recurrent net benefit, before non-recurring expenses, improved by 8.5% and stands at €1,672.8 million.

      EBITDA reached €5,430.7 million by September 2015 (+5.8%). Of that amount, 75% comes from the regulated businesses: Networks, Renewables and Generation Mexico. The good performance in these areas achieved overall EBITDA increases of 15.5%.

      Operating cash flow (FFO) increased by 9.1% to €4,308.9 million, exceeding net investments in all businesses, which stood at €2.095.7 million, up 6.7% compared to the first nine months of 2014. Of that amount, 61% went to projects geared towards company growth.

      87% of investments were allocated to the regulated businesses: €1,087.1 million to Networks, €514.1 million to Renewables and €211.7 million to Generation Mexico.

      Revenues over the period were €23,689.6 million, up by 6.7%, while gross margin grew by 7.3% to € 9,523.9 million. Also, Iberdrola continued to improve its efficiency with net operating expenses dropping by 0.2%, excluding the negative effect of the exchange rate.

      Results by businesses: the international area grows 16.2%

      The 5.8% increase in EBITDA in the first nine months of year, to €5,431 million, was driven by the positive performance in the international businesses where EBITDA grew by 16.2%. However, there was a 2.1% drop in operations in Spain.

      By business, Networks grew by 10.5%, reaching an EBITDA of €2,684.2 million. This result is mostly due to the improved performance of operations in all regions and to the increase in the value of the regulated assets.

      The Renewables business increased its EBITDA by 22.7%, rising to €1,126.5 million, driven by higher outputs in the UK and Latin America, the good performance in offshore wind power generation and higher overall prices, offsetting the lower wind power generated in the United States.

      These results also offset the worse performance in Generation and Retail, which recorded an EBITDA of €1,735.2 million, down 7.4% on the first nine months of 2014. This drop is mostly due to the lower output in Spain (-10.5%) as well as regulatory obligations and CO2 prices in the United Kingdom.

      The Generation business in Mexico improved its EBITDA by 38.5% to €340 million.

      Investments up by 6.7% to continue growth

      The investments made by IBERDROLA between January and September 2015 totalled €2,095.7 million, up 6.7% on the same period of 2014.

      Of that amount, 61% went to projects geared towards growth, including the following:

      Offshore wind power: Construction work is ongoing at the Wikinger wind farm in the Baltic Sea, which has a capacity of 350 megawatts (MW). The company plans to commence East Anglia I (714 MW) in 2016 and progress is ongoing at the Saint Brieuc offshore wind farm, with 496 MW capacity. These facilities will be commissioned in 2017, 2019 and 2022, respectively.
      Onshore wind power: Iberdrola is developing projects with a total capacity of 1,225 MW of which six new wind farms are already under construction in the United Kingdom, four in the United States - with 100% of the energy under long-term contracts - six in Brazil and two in Mexico.
      Regulated generation in Mexico: The company is currently working on the construction of two combined cycle power plants (CCGT), Monterrey V and Baja California III, with a combined installed capacity of 594 MW, to be commissioned during 2016, and it is also building three new cogeneration plants which will begin operations in 2016 and 2017. Additionally, it was awarded construction, operation and ownership of the 890-MW Escobedo combined cycle plant. Overall, more than 1,800 MW will be commissioned by 2018.
      Networks in the United Kingdom and United States: The new regulatory frameworks approved in the United Kingdom for transmission and distribution will allow for an increase in the asset value. Meanwhile, there are significant opportunities for growth in transmission infrastructure in Maine and New York State.
      New retail products in Spain: Iberdrola has launched new retail products, such as Smart Solar, designed to promote self-supply through solar photovoltaic energy or tailor made plans, A Tu Medida, that include an array of solutions to meet the different customer needs. It has also set up a protocol for protecting vulnerable customers which it is implementing with various Public Administrations.

      Financial strength and shareholder remuneration

      As well as making the investments listed above, the Group's management has enabled it to maintain financial strength.

      Thus, Iberdrola's debt at the end of September stood at €26,159 million, €94 million less than in the same period of the previous year. Financial leverage improves to 41.1% from 42.2% in the same period of the previous year. These figures include €146 million relating to financing the tariff deficit in Spain.

      Financial ratios have also continued to improve: net debt/ EBITDA is 3.6 times; the ratio of funds from operations (FFO) to net debt is 22.2% and the retained cash flow (RCF)/ net debt ratio is 19.7%.

      Iberdrola’s strong liquidity position at the end of the third quarter of 2015, exceeding €8,100 million, is equivalent to more than 27 months of the company’s financing needs.

      This solid balance sheet enables Iberdrola to reaffirm its commitment of offering its shareholders an annual remuneration of at least €0.27 gross per share.

      With the new capital increase approved yesterday by the Board of Directors for a new edition of the Iberdrola Flexible Dividend scrip dividend programme, Iberdrola will be offering shareholders opting for the rights purchase commitment undertaken by the company, the possibility of receiving at least €0.125 gross per free allocation right. The amount will be paid in January, as scheduled.

      The remaining amount - to complete the aforementioned €0.27 gross per share - will be paid throughout 2016 by means of a new edition of the Iberdrola Flexible Dividend plan and a complementary dividend in cash, if approved at the Annual Shareholders’ Meeting.

      Iberdrola also plans to launch a share repurchase programme to maintain stock capital at 6,240 million shares.

      2016 Outlook targets met a year early

      The good operational performance by the businesses and the Group's management mean that Iberdrola is in a position to reaffirm its goals for 2015: to end the year with higher EBITDA and net recurring profit than in 2014 and with better financial ratios than those of the previous year.

      Iberdrola is on track to meet, a year early, the targets set for its 2016 Outlook as presented in February 2014. In fact targets for FFO/net debt and RCF/net debt have already been met.

      In order to continue advancing its commitments, the Group will carry on developing a business model around three key pillars: growth, financial strength and sustainable shareholder remuneration.

      The last quarter of the year will also be particularly important as regards the merger between Iberdrola USA and UIL Holdings.

      The transaction is expected to be completed by the end of 2015, having already secured all necessary Federal approvals and made progress towards obtaining the relevent authorisations in the States of Connecticut and Massachusetts.


      This communication does not constitute an offer to purchase, sell or exchange or the solicitation of an offer to purchase, sell or exchange any securities. The shares of Iberdrola, S.A. may not be offered or sold in the United States of America except pursuant to an effective registration statement under the Securities Act or pursuant to a valid exemption from registration.


      This communication contains forward-looking information and statements about Iberdrola, S.A., including financial projections and estimates and their underlying assumptions, statements regarding plans, objectives and expectations with respect to future operations, capital expenditures, synergies, products and services, and statements regarding future performance. Forward-looking statements are statements that are not historical facts and are generally identified by the words “expects”, “anticipates”, “believes”, “intends”, “estimates” and similar expressions.

      Although Iberdrola, S.A. believes that the expectations reflected in such forward-looking statements are reasonable, investors and holders of Iberdrola, S.A. shares are cautioned that forward-looking information and statements are subject to various risks and uncertainties, many of which are difficult to predict and generally beyond the control of Iberdrola, S.A., that could cause actual results and developments to differ materially from those expressed in, or implied or projected by, the forward-looking information and statements. These risks and uncertainties include those discussed or identified in the public documents sent by Iberdrola, S.A. to the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores.

      Forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future performance. They have not been reviewed by the auditors of Iberdrola, S.A. You are cautioned not to place undue reliance on the forward-looking statements, which speak only as of the date they were made. All oral or written forward-looking statements hereby made or otherwise attributable to Iberdrola, S.A. or any of its members, directors, officers, employees or any persons acting on its behalf are expressly qualified on its entirety by the cautionary statement above. All the forward-looking statements included herein are based on information available to Iberdrola, S.A. on the date hereof. Except as required by applicable law, Iberdrola, S.A. does not undertake any obligation to publicly update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.


      Iberdrola USA, Inc. will file with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) a registration statement on Form S-4, in which a proxy statement will be included as a prospectus, and other documents in connection with the proposed merger. The UIL Holdings Corporation (“UIL”) proxy statement/prospectus will be sent to the stockholders of UIL. STOCKHOLDERS OF UIL ARE URGED TO READ THE PROXY STATEMENT/PROSPECTUS, AND ANY OTHER FILINGS THAT MAY BE MADE WITH THE SEC IN CONNECTION WITH THE MERGER WHEN THEY BECOME AVAILABLE, AS THEY WILL CONTAIN IMPORTANT INFORMATION ABOUT THE MERGER. The registration statement and proxy statement/prospectus and other documents which will be filed by Iberdrola USA, Inc. with the SEC, when filed, will be available free of charge at the SEC’s website at External link, opens in new window. Open in new window., on Iberdrola USA, Inc.’s website at External link, opens in new window. Open in new window. or by contacting Iberdrola’s Investor Relations Department. Such documents are not currently available. You may also read and copy any reports, statements and other information filed by Iberdrola USA, Inc. and UIL with the SEC at the SEC public reference room at 100 F Street N.E., Room 1580, Washington, D.C. 20549. Please call the SEC at (800) 732-0330 External link, opens in new window. Open in new window. or visit the SEC’s website for further information on its public reference room. Certain executive officers and directors of UIL have interests in the proposed transaction that may differ from interests of stockholders generally, including benefits conferred under retention, severance and change in control arrangements and continuation of director and officer insurance and indemnification. This communication shall not constitute an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to buy any securities, nor shall there be any sale of securities in any jurisdiction in which such offer, solicitation or sale would be unlawful prior to appropriate registration or qualification under the securities laws of such jurisdiction. No offering of securities shall be made except by means of a prospectus meeting the requirements of Section 10 of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended.
      schrieb am 02.09.15 19:43:34
      Beitrag Nr. 709 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 50.540.174 von Bumala am 02.09.15 11:13:55 Das wird wohl eher der Gesamtmarkt sein, der Iberdrola mitzieht. Ich kenne keine negative Unternehmensnachricht.
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