
    Klimawandel: Die Berichterstattung in kleineren US-Zeitungen, einige Beispiele - 500 Beiträge pro Seite

    eröffnet am 11.03.07 12:19:41 von
    neuester Beitrag 11.03.07 23:19:17 von
    Beiträge: 28
    ID: 1.117.757
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    Gesamt: 1.372
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     Ja Nein
      schrieb am 11.03.07 12:19:41
      Beitrag Nr. 1 ()
      US-Zeitungsleser scheinen den Klimawandel nicht zu glauben, sie verharmlosen ihn oder verspotten diejenigen, die sich für das Klima engagieren

      Mich hat interessiert, wie in zufällig von mir ausgewählten durchschnittlichen US-amerikanischen Zeitungen über den EU-Beschluss zur Begrenzung der CO2-Emissionen berichtet wird - und welche Einschätzungen und Meinungen das bewirkt.

      Hier als Beispiel eine durchaus häufig gefundene Meinung eines Zeitungslesers, der sich in dem Diskussionsboard der schon etwas größeren Zeitung Arizona Daily Star
      äußert, zu der Meldung EU leaders agree on audacious measures to combat global warming

      The sign says "Stop Climate Change"

      This is ridiculous to the max.

      The climate is always changing, always has and always will change.

      If somehow they were able to stop climate change the damage to the environment would be very bad for all. But don't worry it won't happen.

      Ignored is uncomfortable facts like how the sun is getting hotter, how the ice cap on Mars has been getting smaller and how global warming has stopped as of 1999.

      March 10,2007 @ 12:48PM
      Rating: 0 Thumbs Up

      Hey guys, this is a shell game, so keep yer eye on the pea. The French pulled off a coup by including Nuclear Power to be listed as a non-greenhouse alternative source.

      To date the EU by even the most specious maneuvers couldn't top a 6% claim of greenhouse reduction. Their goal is 20%. By simply adding France's 50% nuclear mix, the European Chicken Littles will be already on their way to Global Cooling Nirvana.

      You've got to chuckle over the way the European environmentalists protested France's move. They are not terribly smart.


      Hier die Zeitung aus der Bundeshauptstadt von North Carolina
      Der Artikel vom Mar 10, 2007 ist imo durchaus angemessen:
      Solche Zeitungen berichten zwar ganz primär lokal und regional, auch etwas national und "etwas" international.

      Hier eine echte Lokalzeitung, auch aus North Carolina, und zwar aus der Kleinstadt Chapel Hill - die aber eine große Universität beherbergt, insofern eine etwas untypische Mischung aus Kleinstadt und Universitätscampus bietet:
      Hier findet sich über die Suchfunktion überhaupt keine Meldungen über "climate change"! :eek: :eek:

      Greensboro ist eine langweilige, schon etwas größere Kleinstadt in North Carolina (ohne Universität, aber mit einem sehr kleinen Collage), insofern schon typischer. Dort gibt's die "News & Record"
      Die Suchfunktion dieser Internetseite findet einen einzigen einsamen Treffer für "climate", jedoch nicht auf wirklich nationalem oder gar internationalem Level. Dieser eine Treffer-Artikel…
      beginnt mit dem Satz: If you want the planet to stop getting warmer, you’ve got to pay for it. Kein Wort von den Chancen z. B. für Handwerksbetriebe, welche die Isolierung von Dächern und den üblicherweise viel zu dünnen Hauswänden (zumeist ohne Isolierung) verbessern oder später einmal Solarenergie-Anlagen zur Stromerzeugung einbauen könnten; und das angesichts der brennend heißen Sonne :sonne: aus dem zumeist wolkenlosen Himmel North Carolinas, der immer weiter anwachsende Stromrechnungen für Air Conditioning verursacht. Voraussetzung wäre allerdings etwas, was noch nicht in den USA flächig da ist: Ein Äquivalent zum deutschen Energieeinspeisegesetz. Das ganze Konzept ist vermutlich in den US-Medien noch nicht begriffen - leider.

      Berichtet wird in dem Artikel über das, was lokale wichtige Leute (Dozenten aus den umliegenden Colleges bzw. einer Universität (hier: Duke University, etwa 2 (?) Autostunden von Greensborough entfernt) zum Thema sagen und darüber, was das - nach Äußerung dieser Sekundär-Experten - für die regionale Umgebung bedeuten könnte.
      Z. B., dass die "Outer Banks" möglicherweise überflutet werden. Gemeint sind kleine (Halb-)Inselchen nur geringfügig höher als der Meeresspiegel, die der Küste North Carolinas vorgelagert sind, zumeist als Ferienregion zum Baden genutzt werden und natürlich einige private Ferienhäuser auf Stelzen aufweisen. Dort an der Küste ist natürlich vieles in Privatbesitz, also sind die dortigen Immobilienpreise in Gefahr..... In der Tat eine Gefahr, die ernst zu nehmen ist ..... ;)

      Es fällt auf, dass in denjenigen US-Zeitungen, die für die Meinungsbildung in der breiten US-Bevölkerung zentral wichtig sind, das Thema Klimawandel nur lückenhaft, eher negativ- bzw. Angstbesetzt und ohne internationalen Kontext angesprochen wird. Das Thema rangiert weit hinter allen möglichen anderen Themen in der Berichterstattung und ist niemals "Top-Story".

      Das wird wohl noch lange Zeit brauchen. Anders als z. B. in Deutschland ist Klimaschutz in den USA etwas, das keinesfalls "Mainstream" ist: Die US-Regierung strebt lediglich eine Verringerung des Wachstums beim CO2-Ausstoß an, an eine Verringerung wird in der Bush-Regierung überhaupt nicht gedacht.

      Ich vermute, die USA brauchen ein Meilensteinereignis, dass die Leute ernst nehmen und den Przess der Bewußtwerdung beschleunigt. Das könnten dann einflußreiche Intellektuelle und clevere Investoren hoffentlich nutzen, um dem Rest der dortigen Betonköpfe zu demonstrieren, dass nachhaltig gleichbedeutend ist mir Wohlergehen .

      Wer dieses Stöbern in USA-Durchschnittszeitungen aus Spaß einmal selber machen will, der braucht in der Such-Funktion der jeweiligen Zeitungshomepage nur das Wort climate eingeben.
      Hier einige USA-Zeitungslinks (größere Zeitungen):
      Hier die kleineren Regionalzeitungen im US-Bundesstaat North Carolina:
      schrieb am 11.03.07 12:28:17
      Beitrag Nr. 2 ()
      ich finde es positiv, daß es gegenden auf der welt gibt, in denen man sich eine skepsis bewahren darf, und nicht der umwelthysterie und der erziehungsdiktatur nachgeben muß, wie das zur zeit in unseren breiten läuft. wenn man sich daran erinnert, was uns der club of rome in den 70ern alles prophezeit hat, ist skepsis ohnehin angebracht, klima hin, klima her.
      umweltschutz ist ne vernünftige sache, wenn er aber zur identitätsstiftung benutzt wird, und als vehikel für machtzuwachs, dann bin ich auch lieber skeptisch, als mich den indoktrinationen zu ergeben.
      schrieb am 11.03.07 12:28:26
      Beitrag Nr. 3 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 28.228.991 von Benjamin_2 am 11.03.07 12:19:41US-Zeitungsleser scheinen den Klimawandel nicht zu glauben,...

      Wundert mich jetzt nicht.
      Frag mal nen Getreidebauer in Utah was "Klimawandel" bedeutet.
      Der ist schon froh, wenn er weiss wieviele Bundesstaaten sein Land hat und wer es regiert!!!:D
      schrieb am 11.03.07 15:18:07
      Beitrag Nr. 4 ()
      solange ein Herr Beck behauptet dass ein Braunkohlekraftwerk mehr CO2 ausstoesst als ein Atomkraftwerk ist mir ein nicht ideologisch eingefaerbter Erdnussbauer doch entschieden lieber.......!!!!!!!!:cool::cool::cool: Hier wird ja ein vernuenftiger Ansatz innerhalb Tagen zum Witz (Gluehlampe)!!!!
      schrieb am 11.03.07 17:40:28
      Beitrag Nr. 5 ()
      Stell dir vor die USA hätten die Milliarden statt in den Irakkrieg in die Umweltpolitik investiert, was wäre das für eine andere Welt..
      Mittlerweile ist das Land der unbegrenszten Möglichkeiten leider nur noch ein Beispiel dafür, wie man die Welt mit Dummheit und aus Dummheit zu Grunde richten kann, das ist vor allem in der Hinsicht traurig, dass Bush und Anhänger und die unbelehrbaren Amerikagenossen wie Heizkessel wohl auch noch mit dem Glauben ins Grab gehen werden, sie hätten was Gutes in der Welt hinterlassen..
      Traurig wie ein Land, das den Marshallplan finanziert hatte solche eine ignorante und selbstherrliche Entwicklung nehmen konnte..

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      2,6000EUR -23,53 %
      Jetzt Countdown zum “Milliarden-Deal” gestartet!mehr zur Aktie »
      schrieb am 11.03.07 17:47:52
      Beitrag Nr. 6 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 28.234.919 von Vincent77 am 11.03.07 17:40:28China ist zur Zeit in keinen Krieg verwickelt und ruiniert in aller Ruhe die Zivilisation. Regt sich aber niemand gross drueber auf....................!!!!!!!!! Dann doch lieber Gluehlampen verbieten und Solarzellen aufstellen.........!!!!!!:cool::cool::cool:
      schrieb am 11.03.07 17:57:40
      Beitrag Nr. 7 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 28.234.919 von Vincent77 am 11.03.07 17:40:28Stell dir vor, wenn König Mohammed von Marokko, Gaddafi, Mubarak, Assad und Saddam und die Arabische Liga + der OAE wären hingegangen und hätten vor 5 Jahren ein Manhatten Project für Solarenergie angeschoben, was wäre das für eine andere Welt.
      schrieb am 11.03.07 18:00:56
      Beitrag Nr. 8 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 28.235.737 von Heizkessel am 11.03.07 17:57:40Tja das ist es eben, einer muss den Anfang machen..
      schrieb am 11.03.07 18:07:33
      Beitrag Nr. 9 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 28.235.891 von Vincent77 am 11.03.07 18:00:56Die USA und Europa haben schon längst den Anfang gemacht, warum kommt in den genannten Ländern Umwelttechnologie fast nur in Form von Entwicklungshilfe an?
      schrieb am 11.03.07 18:12:37
      Beitrag Nr. 10 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 28.235.737 von Heizkessel am 11.03.07 17:57:40
      Vielleicht sind sie ein bischen verwirrt, wenn der Westen jahrzehntelang Atomkraft und Atomwaffen als das Non plus ultra eines modernen Industriestaates propagiert ?

      schrieb am 11.03.07 18:18:06
      Beitrag Nr. 11 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 28.228.991 von Benjamin_2 am 11.03.07 12:19:41Das ist überhaupt nicht verwunderlich. Schließlich glauben auch über die Hälfte der US-Bürger, dass es keine Evolution gab; unter den Bush-Anhänger glauben gar über 90%, dass entweder Gott den Menschen direkt geschaffen ("creationism") oder doch wenigstens die Evolution gesteuert ("intelligent design") habe. Quell:
      schrieb am 11.03.07 18:24:03
      Beitrag Nr. 12 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 28.236.659 von rv_2011 am 11.03.07 18:18:06diese leute glauben auch, daß gott dich erschaffen hat, kannst du das gegenteil beweisen? :laugh:
      schrieb am 11.03.07 18:30:59
      Beitrag Nr. 13 ()
      Gott wurde von einem Republikaner erschaffen............!!!!!!
      schrieb am 11.03.07 18:42:03
      Beitrag Nr. 14 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 28.236.907 von Heizkessel am 11.03.07 18:24:03Hab ich etwa angedeutet, ich könnte so etwas beweisen?

      Beweisen kann ich nicht einmal, dass es überhaupt Naturgesetze gibt. Ein allmächtiger Gott kann genauso leicht jedes Elementarteilchen einzeln bewegen und uns nur vorspielen, die Natur gehorchte bestimmten Gesetzen. Er kann uns sogar die Existenz der Natur vorspielen.

      Unter der Annahme allerdings, dass die Natur Gesetzen gehorcht, die längerfristig konstant sind, ist die Evolution bewiesen: Alle anderen Erklärungen für Fossilien etc. sind (soweit sie nicht direkt widerlegbar sind) weitaus komplizierter.
      schrieb am 11.03.07 18:54:06
      Beitrag Nr. 15 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 28.237.740 von rv_2011 am 11.03.07 18:42:03und was hast du für ein problem damit, wenn leute die schöpfungsgeschichte anders interpretieren, als der gemeine mitteleuropäer? jeder glaubt an was anderes, wenn ich so lese, was du alles so glaubst, dann sehe ich durchaus parallelen. was die usa angeht, bist du ebenfalls ein glaubender, allerdings ist dein glaube eine negative apokalypse. das ist in europa eine tradition die lange vor der aufklärung entstanden ist, wahrscheinlich geht sie auf die zeit luthers zurück, und verarbeitete später die erfahrungen des 30 jährigen krieges. nicht umsonst redest du ständig in katastrophischen kategorien, was die usa angeht.
      immer kurz vorm alarmismus, immer einen schritt vor dem weltuntergang. wir haben eben religionsfreiheit.

      die japaner glauben übrigens, daß gemahlenes elfenbein ein aphrodisiakum sei. ich vermisse hier deine wissenschaftliche empörung schon seit langem.
      schrieb am 11.03.07 18:54:56
      Beitrag Nr. 16 ()
      schrieb am 11.03.07 19:11:24
      Beitrag Nr. 17 ()
      ....ganz nebenbei, der Glaube, dass wenn die EU mit dem Schwanz wedelt der Hund (USA, China und wie sie alle heissen) sich bewegt ist eine Anmassung dieser Staatenmelange. Mit gutem Beispiel voran bedeutet abgesehen von der ethischen Korrektheit einen weiteren Wettbewerbsnachteil. Bezahlen muss der Arbeitnehmer..........................!!!!!!!:cool::cool::cool:
      schrieb am 11.03.07 19:26:30
      Beitrag Nr. 18 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 28.239.000 von raubritterloulou am 11.03.07 19:11:24Bezahlen muss der Arbeitnehmer.............

      Mehr als nur falsch.

      Wir alle die Steuern zahlen, ein positives Konto haben, Vermögen auf der Bank, ein Haus usw.

      Der Arbeitnehmer ist ausgelutscht, jetzt kommen wir alle dran.:mad:

      Wie lange ? Solange bis alles platt ist, mit anschliesender Währungsreform
      schrieb am 11.03.07 19:51:51
      Beitrag Nr. 19 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 28.239.637 von Sunray01 am 11.03.07 19:26:30falsch, bezahlen muss der Staat mit seinen Bediensteten, seinem Kaennchen fuer Wohltaten. Wer kann macht die Biege und sucht ein zweites Standbein oder ist einfach schon wech. Dass man sich dann sein Eigenheim um den Bauch binden kann und der Euro einen Lachkick hervorruft sind nur die Vorboten. Wie es ablaeuft wenn man sich den wirtschaftlichen Gegebenheiten nicht schnell genug anpassen kann haben wir in den "neuen Laendern" gesehen. Da wurden irre Zukunftsplaene (Haefen, Flugplaetze, Cargolifter etc.) entwickelt. Geblieben ist eine Truemmerlandschaft aus Illusionen und gutgemeinten Politikeranstrengungen. Heute scheint ganz Ex DDR aus Solarzellenbuden zu bestehen die von der Zwangsabnahme ihres nicht wettbewerbsfaehigen Produktes am Leben erhalten wird. .....uebrigens fliegen pro Jahr mehr Menschen mit ihren Biogasanlagen in die Luft als es offizielle Atomopfer in 10 Jahren gibt.......!!!!! Ich moechte nicht als Gegner einer zu ueberdenkenden Energieerzeugung gezaehlt werden, hier in Deutschland hat aber leider die Ideologie ueber die Vernunft gesiegt. Selbst stichhaltige Argumente pro Atom seitens der UN oder der Grund fuer den gestoppten weiteren Ausbau der Windkraft in Daenemark werden in diesem Land unter den Tisch gekehrt. Mit Kerzen kann man leider kein Bundesligaspiel ausleuchten, selbst wenn alle dafuer beten........!!!!!!!!!:cool::cool::cool:
      schrieb am 11.03.07 22:04:39
      Beitrag Nr. 20 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 28.238.301 von Heizkessel am 11.03.07 18:54:56Und nicht Japan, sondern China.

      Aber auch das ist wohl nur eine moderne Sage:

      [urlEsmond Bradley Martin hat 1980 im Auftrag des World Wildlife Fund und der IUCN weite Teile Asiens bereist, um den Nasenhorn-Produkte-Markt zu untersuchen.
      Seine Ergebnisse hat er veröffentlicht:

      die traditionelle chinesische Medizin hat Nashorn-Produkte niemals als Aphrodisiaka betrachtet oder eingesetzt!

      Der weit verbreitete, an Stammtischen gern kolportierte Irrglaube hat auch Eingang in seriöse Institutionen gefunden. ][/url]

      Dagegen ist der Fundamentalismus der evangelikalen Christen der USA durch seröse Untersuchungen verbürgt. Ich finde es mehr als erstaunlich, dass du so viel Verständnis für christlichen Fundamentalismus zeigst - wo du doch den Fundamentalismus anderer Religionen mit Feuer und Schwert bekämpfen möchtest. :confused:
      schrieb am 11.03.07 22:15:51
      Beitrag Nr. 21 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 28.244.204 von rv_2011 am 11.03.07 22:04:39Wer sagt, daß ich Verständnis für christlichen Fundamentalismus habe? Ich habe nur kein Verständnis für "Kritiker" des christlichen Fundamentalismus. Und ich habe kein Verständnis für Anti-US-Fundamentalismus, die sich mittlerweile wie eine eigene Religion geriert, mit Vorbetern, Hohepriestern und gläubigen Fußvolk. Lewis hat sie die "Genossenschaft der Neider" genannt, Presabel nennt dich einen "US-Junkie". Ich denke das trifft es, an jeden Mißstand in den USA gekettet wie Prometheus an den Felsen, und jeden Tag knabbert die Tatsache an der Leber, daß sich keiner drum schert, was das linke Biedermeier in Deutschland so erzählt.
      schrieb am 11.03.07 22:16:42
      Beitrag Nr. 22 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 28.240.649 von raubritterloulou am 11.03.07 19:51:51na dann lieber einen schnellen Tod durch Explosion, als dahinsiechen durch krebstod neben dem Atomkraftwerk
      schrieb am 11.03.07 22:22:34
      Beitrag Nr. 23 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 28.244.478 von Heizkessel am 11.03.07 22:15:51
      Der Glaube an eine "Achse des Bösen" hat schon vielen tausend Menschen das Leben gekostet.

      Und du meinst, moderne Sagen über Nashorn-Aphrodisiaka seien wichtiger als der Fundamentalismus im militärisch und wirtschaftlich wichtigsten Land der Erde?

      Das ist wirklich sehr, sehr seltsam.
      schrieb am 11.03.07 22:26:53
      Beitrag Nr. 24 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 28.244.670 von rv_2011 am 11.03.07 22:22:34das nashorn war nur ein spontanes beispiel, aber du kannst ja nicht mal erkennen, wie willkürlich deine prioritätenliste ist.
      der islamistische terror soll weltweit ca. 1,6 mio tote gefordert haben, aber du echauffierst dich über die christlichen fundamentalisten, über bush usw. aber immer schön auf der islamappeaserseite. wie soll man dich angesichts des mißverhältnisses, wenn man mit opferzahlen argumentiert, dich auch nur ansatzweise ernst nehmen?
      schrieb am 11.03.07 22:37:27
      Beitrag Nr. 25 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 28.244.791 von Heizkessel am 11.03.07 22:26:53woher kommen denn die 1,6 mio?
      schrieb am 11.03.07 22:49:00
      Beitrag Nr. 26 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 28.244.990 von WePeHA am 11.03.07 22:37:27@ wepeha,
      die kommen von heinsohn. beim youthbulge thread gab es einen link zum philosophischen quartett im zdf, da hat er die zahl genannt.
      übrigens hat er auch gesagt, daß von den 1,6 mio 1,599 mio moslems seien. und da sind die 9/11 und die israelis schon mitgezählt.
      schaut man sich nur mal die zahlen der letzten drei monate an, von denen die meisten alltäglicher mord sind, der in unseren nachrichten niemals auftaucht, scheint mir heinsohns zahl nicht aus der luft gegriffen zu sein.

      Date Country City Killed Injured Description
      3/11/07 Thailand Yala 2 0 Two Buddhists, a brother and sister, are murdered by radical Muslims as they are returning from their rubber plantation.
      3/11/07 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A 60-year-old rubber tapper is shot to death by Islamists.
      3/11/07 Afghanistan Khost 4 0 Four policemen are killed in a terrorist bombing.
      3/10/07 Afghanistan Arghastan 8 2 Religious extremists cross over from Pakistan and kill eight Afghan border guards.
      3/10/07 Pakistan North Waziristan 1 0 A Pakistani solider is shot to death by Islamic militants at a checkpoint.
      3/10/07 Somalia Mogadishu 1 1 A bomb kills one person at a pasta factory.
      3/10/07 Iraq Baghdad 27 37 Freedom fighters murder over two-dozen Iraqis in at least five separate attacks.
      3/10/07 Iraq Kirkuk 3 36 Jihadis rocket a bus station, killing at least three innocents.
      3/10/07 India Tral 2 0 Two civilians are killed when fleeing militants use them as human shields.
      3/10/07 India Srinagar 1 2 One member of a security patrol is killed when the Mujahideen hurl a grenade at them.
      3/10/07 Pakistan Dwatoi 1 0 A Pakistani soldier is killed by radical militants along the Afghan border.
      3/10/07 Thailand Yala 2 0 A Buddhist man and wife are brutally slain by Muslim gunmen as they are driving home from market.
      3/10/07 Pakistan Dera Ismail Khan 1 1 A government employee is killed by radical Sunnis while buying milk at a grocery.
      3/9/07 Pakistan North Waziristan 1 0 An Afghan refugee is executed by Taliban militants.
      3/9/07 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 Islamists enter a grocery store pretending to be customers, then shoot the owner to death.
      3/9/07 Iraq Baghdad 10 0 Ten victims of sectarian hatred within the Religion of Peace are found murdered..
      3/9/07 Afghanistan Arghandab 2 6 Two civilians are killed and six wounded by a roadside bomb attack.
      3/9/07 Pakistan Dera Ismail Khan 1 0 A Shia businessman is shot to death by Sunni radicals.
      3/8/07 Pakistan Tank 1 0 A Sunni activist is gunned down by radical Shias while sitting in a café.
      3/8/07 Iraq Hawija 3 0 Jihadis kill two civilians with a bomb, and another in a shooting attack.
      3/8/07 Afghanistan Mirwais Mena 1 5 Three children are among five civilians injured by a suicide bomber. Elsewhere, a German aid worker is killed.
      3/7/07 Thailand Yala 1 1 A 58-year-old Buddhist rubber tapper is beheaded by Muslim radicals, who then set his body on fire.
      3/7/07 Iraq Baghdad 22 49 Sunnis kill another twenty-two Shia pilgrims walking by the side of the road in four separate attacks.
      3/7/07 Somalia Mogadishu 12 19 Islamic militias ambush a Ugandan convoy, killing a dozen civilians along a city street.
      3/7/07 Pakistan Sui 1 12 Terrorists detonate a bomb, killing a pro-government tribal elder and wounding 12 others.
      3/7/07 Iraq Diwaniya 2 0 Freedom fighters kill a police officer and his 10-year-old son.
      3/7/07 Iraq Balad Ruz 30 25 A Fedayeen suicide bomber blows himself up in a café, taking the lives of thirty innocent people.
      3/7/07 Thailand Pattani 1 2 A Buddhist man is shot to death by Islamic terrorists, who also injure his wife and a 7-year-old girl.
      3/6/07 Aghanistan Nangarhar 8 35 A highway attack by the Taliban leaves eight civilians dead and over thirty-five injured.
      3/6/07 Iraq Hilla 93 150 Sunnis suicide bombers attack Shia pilgrims walking in a procession, killing about one-hundred in a brutal attack.
      3/6/07 Iraq Baghdad 18 36 Three car bombs set by radical Sunnis target Shia pilgrims, killing at least eighteen.
      3/6/07 Iraq Mosul 5 18 Terrorists set off a car bomb, killing five civilians.
      3/6/07 Iraq Tikrit 14 76 Sunni gunmen shoot fourteen Shia pilgrims to death in at least four shooting attacks around the country.
      3/6/07 Philippines Mindanao 1 2 Moro Islamic Front terrorists attack a government post, killing a solider.
      3/6/07 Pakistan Kandhkot 1 0 A woman is shot to death by her brother-in-law on suspicion of having an affair.
      3/6/07 Pakistan South Waziristan 7 1 Uzbeki Mujahideen attack a local chieftan's home, killing his brothers. Four others are killed in the ensuing gunfight.
      3/6/07 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A 35-year-old Buddhist is murdered by militant Muslims in a drive-by attack.
      3/5/07 Iraq Baghdad 13 27 Children are among those killed when Sunnis attack Shia pilgrims in at least three separate bombing and shooting attacks.
      3/5/07 Thailand Yala 2 0 Two men are gunned down by radical Muslims in a drive-by shooting.
      3/5/07 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A 70-year-old Buddhist man is shot to death by militant Muslims.
      3/5/07 Thailand Yala 1 3 Two married couples are targeted by Muslim gunmen, resulting in one death and three injuries.
      3/5/07 Iraq Baghdad 26 54 Over two dozen people are slaughtered by a Fedayeen suicide bomber along a city street.
      3/5/07 Thailand Yala 1 0 A 21-year-old Buddhist man is shot to death by Muslim insurgents while standing in a phone booth.
      3/5/07 Iraq Sulaiman Bek 4 0 Four people are tortured and shot to death by Islamic militants.
      3/5/07 Thailand Pattani 2 0 Two Buddhist rice paddy workers are murdered by Muslim gunmen as they are working.
      3/5/07 Iraq Baghdad 25 0 Twenty-five victims of sectarian hatred are found executed.
      3/5/07 Somalia Mogadishu 7 2 Islamic militias are suspected in three separate shooting attacks that leave seven people dead, including business leaders.
      3/4/07 Iraq Mosul 21 0 Four brothers are among twenty-one people murdered by Islamic terrorists in at least three attacks.
      3/4/07 Pakistan Nawabshah 2 0 A Muslim man hacks his sister and her lover to death with a hatchet in an honor killing.
      3/4/07 Algeria Beni Yeni 7 1 Islamic fundamentalists ambush a police convoy, killing seven people.
      3/4/07 Afghanistan Nangarhar 16 25 The Hezb-e-Islami terrorist groups takes responsibility for a suicide attack that kills sixteen Afghan civilians.
      3/4/07 Iraq Baghdad 34 7 Thirty-four people are killed by Islamic bombers and gunmen over a 24-hour period.
      3/4/07 India Dharmari 1 0 A civilian is shot dead by the Mujahideen.
      3/4/07 Afghanistan Khost 2 10 The Taliban attack a forest ranger station, killing two innocent people.
      3/3/07 Iraq Yusufiya 6 0 Six members of one family are shot to death inside their home by Sunnis angry that they were seeking peace with Shias.
      3/3/07 Afghanistan Herat 2 17 Two Afghan civilians are blown to bits by a bomb planted by religious extremists.
      3/3/07 Indonesia Ambon 0 13 At least a dozen people are injured in a nail bomb blast. Children are among the casualties.
      3/3/07 Thailand Narathiwat 2 0 Two teenage girls are murdered by Islamists as they are on their way to take a school exam.
      3/3/07 Afghanistan Sangin 2 0 Two British soliders are killed when Taliban militants fire rockets into their camp.
      3/3/07 Thailand Yala 1 0 A man is shot to death by Muslim radicals while on his way to work at a rubber plantation.
      3/3/07 Iraq Ramadi 12 22 A child is among a dozen people blown to bits by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
      3/3/07 Iraq Tikrit 3 3 Three Iraqis are killed in a terrorist bombing.
      3/3/07 Algeria Ain Defla 4 5 Four oil workers are murdered by Islamic fundamentalists while traveling in a bus.
      3/3/07 Thailand Pattani 1 0 A civilian is shot and killed by Muslim militants.
      3/3/07 Iraq Latifiya 3 0 Freedom fighters murder a mother and her two children with a roadside bomb.
      3/2/07 Iraq Baghdad 16 17 Sunnis car bomb a used car lot, killing at least Shia patrons. Six bodies are found elsewhere.
      3/2/07 Chechnya Lada 2 1 A policeman and his wife are slaughtered in an ambush by Jihad warriors on their vehicle.
      3/2/07 Pakistan Multan 3 8 A bicycle bomb targets an anti-terror judge, killing at least three people.
      3/2/07 Iraq Ramadi 2 0 Terrorists shoot to death two members of a soccer team.
      3/2/07 Iraq Diyala 18 0 Eighteen policemen are kidnapped by al-Qaeda and executed in captivity. A video shows the killers screaming, "Allah akbar," as they do their work.
      3/2/07 Afghanistan Kunar 1 2 Taliban terrorists attack a police station, killing an officer.
      3/2/07 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 Islamic terrorists shoot a man to death while he is sitting in his pickup truck.
      3/2/07 Iraq Iskandariya 4 10 Freedom fighters lob mortars into a residential neighborhood, killing four people.
      3/1/07 Iraq Baghdad 16 4 At least two separate terror attacks leave sixteen people dead.
      3/1/07 Jordan Amman 1 0 A 23-year-old man strangles his 43-year-old aunt to death on the (erroneous) suspicion that she was not a virgin.
      3/1/07 Pakistan Punjab 1 0 A Muslim murders a heretic after shouting, 'You are an infidel.'
      3/1/07 India Kishtwar 2 0 A man and his father are killed inside their home by Harkat-ul-Jehad Islami terrorists.
      3/1/07 Afghanistan Farah 3 48 Taliban terrorists detonate a bomb by remote control, killing at least three civilians. Ten children are among the injured.
      3/1/07 Afghanistan Garmser 1 0 An Afghan doctor is kidnapped and murdered by extremists.
      3/1/07 Iraq Fallujah 7 6 Seven people at a wedding party are murdered by a terrorist bombing.
      3/1/07 Somalia Mogadishu 1 0 Islamic insurgents kill the bodyguard of a government official.
      2/28/07 Iraq Baghdad 12 23 Two car bombs, one a suicide blast and the other at a vegetable market, leave at least a dozen people dead.
      2/28/07 Iraq Muqdadiya 2 0 Two brothers are shot to death by sectarian terrorists.
      2/28/07 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 Muslim militants shoot a middle-aged rubber worker to death by the side of the road.
      2/28/07 Iraq Baghdad 16 0 Ten victims of sectarian violence are found murdered in the captial; six in Mosul. Two were beheaded
      2/28/07 Iraq Habaniya 4 14 Jihadis lob mortars into a residential area, killing four people.
      2/28/07 Thailand Pattani 1 0 A 48-year-old Buddhist is brutally shot to death by Muslim militants.
      2/28/07 Thailand Pattani 1 0 A 59-year-old teacher is gunned down by Islamic terrorists.
      2/27/07 Afghanistan Bagram 23 11 A Fedayeen suicide bomber blows apart two-dozen innocent lives.
      2/27/07 Algeria Ain Rich 3 1 Three security officers are killed in separate attacks by Islamic fundamentalists.
      2/27/07 Iraq Mosul 7 42 Seven people are murdered when a suicide truck bomber detonates along a city street.
      2/27/07 Pal. Auth. Gaza 3 0 Three prostitutes are gunned down in suspected honor killings by religious fundamentalists.
      2/27/07 Iraq Baghdad 16 42 At least sixteen people are murdered in various attacks by Islamic terrorists.
      2/27/07 Iraq al-Baaj 4 6 A suicide bomber walks into the reception area of a cement company and kills four other people.
      2/27/07 Pakistan Jandola 1 0 A teacher is abducted and beheaded by militant Muslims, who then dump his body in a sack.
      2/27/07 India Wagoora 1 0 A man who was shot by the Mujahideen a week earlier succumbs to his injuries.
      2/26/07 Afghanistan Khost 1 7 A policeman is killed when he tries to stop a suicide bomber from entering a station.
      2/26/07 Afghanistan Kandahar 2 1 A suicide bomber kills two civilians.
      2/26/07 Iraq Baghdad 4 0 A Scottish man is among four killed by a roadside bomb.
      2/26/07 Iraq Baghdad 25 0 Twenty-five people are murdered in sectarian attacks within the Religion of Peace.
      2/26/07 Iraq Baghdad 6 31 Six people are killed when Islamic terrorists bomb a public works factory.
      2/26/07 Saudi Arabia Medina 4 0 A 17-year-old boy is among four French nationals brutally gunned down by Islamic purists.
      2/25/07 Iraq Baghdad 42 55 Suicide bombers strike a university, slaughtering at least forty innocents in the reception area.
      2/25/07 Pakistan Larkana Tehsil 0 3 Three Hindu woman are gang-raped in their home at gunpoint by a Muslim gang.
      2/25/07 Israel Hebron 1 0 An Isreali settler is stabbed to death by Palestinian militants.
      2/25/07 Pakistan Kahan 3 0 A woman and two children are killed when Taliban-backed militants fire a rocket into a home.
      2/25/07 Iraq Baghdad 19 4 Nineteen people are murdered by Islamic terrorists in various attacks.
      2/25/07 Iraq Mosul 24 0 Sectarian factions go on a killing spree, taking down at least two dozen Iraqis.
      2/24/07 Thailand Pattani 1 4 A 28-year-old civilian is gunned down by Muslim militants in front of his home.
      2/24/07 Iraq Baghdad 23 33 Multiple Jihad attacks leave about two dozen people dead.
      2/24/07 Iraq Habbaniyah 52 110 Over fifty innocent people are massacred by suicide bombers, who drive through the wall of a mosque on their way to paradise.
      2/24/07 India Habbaniyah 1 0 The Mujahideen gun down a cop.
      2/23/07 Philippines Lamitan 1 0 Abu Sayyaf suspected in the murder of a man riding his bicycle.
      2/23/07 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A 24-year-old man is murdered by Muslim radicals while sitting in a tea shop.
      2/23/07 Iraq Baghdad 6 8 A child is among six people killed by Islamic terrorists.
      2/23/07 Somalia Mogadishu 9 20 At least three separate attacks by Islamic militias leave nine civilians dead.
      2/23/07 Chechnya Gudermes 5 3 Five police officers are killed in a bombing by Jihad fighters.
      2/22/07 Iraq Kirkuk 5 0 Five people are kidnapped, tortured and shot to death by sectarian rivals.
      2/22/07 Thailand Narathiwat 1 1 A civilian is shot to death in a drive-by shooting by Muslim gunmen.
      2/22/07 Pakistan Allah Bux Brohi 2 0 Two girls are hacked to death by their families for premarital sex.
      2/22/07 India Wahipora 1 0 A man is abducted by the Mujahideen, who kill him in captivity.
      2/22/07 India Damhal Khushipora 1 0 Terrorists shoot a civilian to death.
      2/21/07 Pakistan Tank 1 0 A tribal elder is killed in his home by al-Qaeda backed militants.
      2/21/07 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A 55-year-old Buddhist woman is shot to death by Muslim radicals.
      2/21/07 Thailand Narathiwat 1 1 Islamic radicals fire on two brothers, killing one.
      2/21/07 Afghanistan Shindand 1 2 A female Spanish soldier is killed when Islamic radicals explode a mine under her truck.
      2/21/07 Somalia Mogadishu 2 0 Two men are gunned down by suspected Islamists in separate attacks.
      2/21/07 Iraq Najaf 11 38 Sunni terrorists murder eleven people with a suicide bomb blast.
      2/21/07 Sudan Umm Dhai 20 0 Arab militias backed by the Islamic Republic massacre another twenty villagers.
      2/21/07 Pakistan Badar 1 0 A civilian is gunned down in what appears to be a random terror attack.
      2/21/07 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 Militant Muslims shoot a teacher to death as he is riding to work.
      2/21/07 Iraq Baghdad 6 73 Six people are killed in a chlorine bomb attack by freedom fighters.
      2/21/07 Iraq Baghdad 20 0 Twenty victims of sectarian hatred are found around the capital.
      2/20/07 Iraq Baghdad 7 15 A suicidal Sunni attacks a Shia funeral procession, killing seven innocents.
      2/20/07 Iraq Taji 5 138 Islamic terrorists explode a truck near a restaurant, spreading chlorine gas over an area.
      2/20/07 Somalia Mogadishu 16 40 Islamic militias rain down mortars on areas of the city, killing at least sixteen residents.
      2/20/07 Pakistan Gujranwala 1 0 A woman is shot to death by an Islamic extremist for not wearing a head scarf.
      2/20/07 Iraq Baghad 10 31 Two Jihad bombings, one a gas station and the other at a vegetable market, kill ten innocent people.
      2/20/07 USA Nashville, TN 0 1 A Muslim cab driver runs over a Christian after arguing about religion. The young man's ankle and hip are broken by the vehicle.
      2/20/07 Thailand Songkhla 1 0 A village chief is gunned down by Islamic radicals.
      2/20/07 Iraq Baghdad 33 0 Thirty-three victims of sectarian hatred within the Religion of Peace are found in the capital and in Mosul.
      2/20/07 India Anantnag 2 0 Two guards are killed by the Al-Mansooran terrorist group.
      2/19/07 Thailand Yala 1 1 Another bombing kills another Thai. This time a soldier leaving his home.
      2/19/07 Pakistan North Waziristan 1 0 Islamists cut off a man's head, hands and feet. Dumping the body along with a note.
      2/19/07 Iraq Ramadi 11 4 Two Fedayeen suicide bombers kill eleven other people along a city street.
      2/19/07 Iraq Baghdad 30 40 Ten people are killed in twin roadside blasts and a minibus attack, and another twenty victims of sectarian violence are found elsewhere.
      2/19/07 Iraq Dhuluiya 5 10 A suicide bomber murders five other people.
      2/19/07 Iraq Mosul 8 0 Eight people are kidnapped and shot to death by sectarian rivals.
      2/19/07 India Moghal Maidan 1 2 A security patrol is brutally ambushed by the Mujahideen.
      2/19/07 Iraq Tal Afar 4 5 A 12-year-old boy is among four people killed when terrorists booby-trap a house.
      2/18/07 Thailand Yala 3 24 Three more people are killed in separate bombings.
      2/18/07 Thailand Narathiwat 1 22 Islamists stage a series of bombings against karaoke bars, killing at least one person.
      2/18/07 Iraq Baghdad 7 11 Seven people are murdered in at least two separate Jihad attacks.
      2/18/07 Thailand Pattani 3 0 Three Chinese Buddhists are gunned down in a brutal assault by Islamic radicals.
      2/18/07 Iraq Balad 6 0 The bodies of six victims of sectarian hatred are found around the country.
      2/18/07 Iraq Fallujah 13 0 al-Qaeda lines up a family of thirteen, including an elderly woman and two boys, and shoots them to death.
      2/18/07 Iraq Baghdad 60 131 Sixty Iraqis shopping at a market are blown to bits by Islamic Freedom Fighters. Over a hundred others are injured.
      2/18/07 Afghanistan Farah 4 2 Four policemen are killed in a suspected Taliban bomb attack.
      2/18/07 Pakistan Turab Gholato 2 0 Two children are killed by a landmine planted by Taliban-backed militants.
      2/18/07 Somalia Mogadishu 1 2 Islamic gunmen attack a car carrying Somalis, killing at least one.
      2/18/07 Somalia Mogadishu 4 0 A car explosion at a soccer stadium kills four people.
      2/17/07 Pakistan Quetta 16 30 Sixteen people are murdered when a suicide bomber blows himself up inside a packed courtroom.
      2/17/07 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A hunter and his dog are shot and hacked to death by Islamists, who then burn the bodies.
      2/17/07 Iraq Kirkuk 11 83 Sunnis murder at least eleven Kurdish shoppers with a double car-bombing along a crowded market area.
      2/17/07 Iraq Hilla 2 0 A woman and her young daughter are stabbed to death by Jihad militants.
      2/17/07 Iraq Karbala 2 0 Two people are kidnapped and beheaded by Islamic terrorists.
      2/17/07 India Koti Nullah 1 0 The Mujahideen abduct a civilian from his home and kill him in captivity.
      2/16/07 Pakistan Bajaur 1 3 Pro-Taliban militants kill a doctor with a roadside bomb
      2/16/07 Iraq Baghdad 15 0 Fifteen victims of sectarian hatred are found in the capital and in Mosul.
      2/16/07 Somalia Mogadishu 1 12 Islamic militias lob a mortar into a displaced persons camp, killing a refugee.
      2/15/07 Iraq Al Gasreen 8 14 Women and children are among eight civilians killed in a Jihad mortar attack on a civilian area.
      2/15/07 Iraq Baghdad 27 45 Two car bombings and a shooting attack on a bus full of women combine with twenty other bodies found victimized by Islamic terrorists.
      2/15/07 Iraq Kirkuk 3 5 Jihadis set up a fake checkpoint and gun down three Iraqis.
      2/15/07 Somalia Mogadishu 4 5 Children are among four killed by mortar fire from Islamic militias.
      2/14/07 Thailand Yala 2 0 A Buddhist father and son, selling herbal medicines by the roadside are brutally gunned down by Islamic gunmen.
      2/14/07 Iran Zahedan 18 0 A radical Sunni group takes credit for a bomb attack on a bus carrying Revolutionary Guards. Eighteen are killed.
      2/14/07 Thailand Yala 1 5 One person is killed in a bomb attack by radical Muslims.
      2/14/07 Iraq Baghdad 4 10 Four Christians are killed in an Islamic car bombing of their hospital.
      2/14/07 Thailand Narathiwat 1 1 A married couple is attacked by Muslim radicals. The wife dies from injuries.
      2/14/07 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A Buddhist man is shot to death by Muslims while riding his motorcycle.
      2/14/07 Thailand Yala 1 0 A 30-year-old rubber tapper is murdered by Islamic radicals.
      2/14/07 Pakistan Dera Ismail Khan 1 0 A Shiite cleric is gunned down in a sectarian attack.
      2/14/07 Yemen Saada 2 2 Two members of the military are killed in an ambush by radical Shiites.
      2/14/07 Iraq Ramadi 5 20 A Fedayeen suicide bomber sends five souls to Allah.
      2/14/07 Iraq Baghdad 6 30 Three Jihad car bombings leave six people dead.
      2/13/07 Iraq Baghdad 22 44 Separate car bombings, including a suicide bomber near a college, leaves nearly two-dozen people dead.
      2/13/07 Iraq Nahrawan 5 12 Jihadis lob mortars into a town, indiscriminately killing five people.
      2/13/07 Lebanon Bikfaya 3 19 Following threats by Islamic groups, two coordinated bomb blasts rip through a Christian town, killing at least three persons.
      2/13/07 Algeria Algiers 6 30 Six people are killed in at least four deadly bombings by Islamic fundamentalists across the country.
      2/13/07 USA Salt Lake City, UT 5 4 A Muslim immigrant enters a gift shop and mows down five people buying Valentines Day cards, in a brutal hate crime.
      2/13/07 Iraq Mahmudiya 3 0 Three people are kidnapped and brutally tortured to death by sectarian rivals.
      2/12/07 Thailand Pattani 1 0 A Buddhist man is killed in a public phone booth in front of his wife and son.
      2/12/07 Afghanistan Zabul 2 1 Two policemen are killed when Taliban militants ambush their vehicle.
      2/12/07 Somalia Mogadishu 2 4 Islamists lob mortars into a home, killing a father and his 6-year-old son.
      2/12/07 Iraq Baghdad 43 26 Sectarian violence within the Religion of Peace claims four dozen lives, including a market bombing.
      2/12/07 Somalia Mogadishu 1 3 A woman is killed when Somali Islamists lob a mortar into her home.
      2/12/07 Iraq Mosul 3 0 A student is among three people kidnapped, tortured and killed by Islamic extremists.
      2/12/07 Iraq Baghdad 79 165 Sunnis bomb a Shia market with three coordinated blasts, sending blood and body parts across several blocks.
      2/11/07 Iraq Tikrit 11 15 Eleven people are killed by a suicidal Sunni in an explosives-laden car.
      2/11/07 Thailand Yala 3 0 Three villagers are shot to death by Muslim militants. The victims included two women.
      2/11/07 Iraq Baghdad 35 0 Thirty-five people are found dead in various locations from sectarian violence.
      2/11/07 Somalia Kismayu 4 20 Islamic extremists toss a grenade into a parade, killing four people.
      2/11/07 India Kangan 1 0 A cop is gunned down by the Mujahideen.
      2/10/07 Iraq Mosul 8 0 Eight young border guard recruits are brutally gunned down in a machine-gun assault by Muslim gunmen.
      2/10/07 Somalia Mogadishu 3 3 Three people are killed when Islamists bomb a market.
      2/10/07 Somalia Mogadishu 5 10 Two girls are among five killed in two rocket attacks after Islamic groups vow to step up the violence.
      2/10/07 Iraq Baghdad 3 5 A Jihad car bombing kills at least three people at an intersection.
      2/10/07 Iraq Mussayab 3 2 Three members of a Shiite family are killed in their home by Islamic gunmen.
      2/10/07 Iraq Baghdad 5 10 Five people near a bakery are killed by a Sunni suicide bomber.
      2/10/07 Thailand Pattani 1 0 A 56-year-old truck driver is gunned down on the job by Islamic radicals.
      2/9/07 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 Islamists shoot a 20-year-old civilian to death at a tea shop.
      2/9/07 Afghanistan Kandahar 4 3 Four Afghan policemen are killed in a Taliban ambush.
      2/9/07 Iraq Baghdad 11 0 Eleven people are found dead hours after being kidnapped by Muslim terrorists.
      2/9/07 Iraq Hilla 2 8 Jihadis plant a bomb at a market, killing two people.
      2/8/07 Iraq Aziziya 17 27 Islamic terrorists bomb a vegetable market, netting seventeen dead Iraqis.
      2/8/07 India Baharabad 1 2 A man is gunned down in a Muslim shooting attack that leaves his wife and one other injured.
      2/8/07 Thailand Pattani 1 0 A 72-year-old Buddhist man is beheaded by Islamists.
      2/8/07 India Aragam 4 1 A brutal ambush by Islamic militants leaves four people dead, including a civilian.
      2/8/07 Iraq Iskandariya 7 10 Jihadis use mortars to kill seven residents.
      2/8/07 UAE Dubai 1 0 A man kills his 22-year-old sister on suspicion that she was having an affair, based on a mobile phone picture.
      2/8/07 Iraq Mosul 45 10 Forty-five people are killed in three locations in the country, as Islamists vow to keep killing.
      2/8/07 Iraq Haditha 7 3 A suicide bomber attacks a police station, killing seven people inside.
      2/8/07 India Hajin 1 2 A pro-India political figure is gunned down in an attack that also injures his wife.
      2/8/07 Iraq Balad 10 0 Ten men are gunned down by sectarian rivals.
      2/8/07 Iraq Rafiyaat 14 1 Gunmen storm a house and shoot fourteen men from the same family to death.
      2/7/07 Afghanistan Kandahar 2 6 Two Afghans are killed, and six wounded, by a Taliban bomb planted on a motorbike.
      2/7/07 Somalia Mogadishu 2 7 Two children are reported killed in a mortar attack by Islamic militias.
      2/7/07 Chechnya Vedeno 1 0 A local official bleeds to death after Jihadis blow off his foot with a bomb.
      2/7/07 Afghanistan Shindand 3 2 Three Afghan cops are killed by a remote-controlled device.
      2/7/07 Pakistan Darra Adam Khel 1 1 al-Qaeda militants gun down a Pakistani ISI agent in an attack on his vehicle.
      2/7/07 Iraq Mosul 2 0 A man and his wife are killed in their home by Islamic militants.
      2/7/07 Iraq Baghdad 39 0 Thirty-nine people are killed in at least four separate Jihad attacks.
      2/7/07 Pakistan Sindh 1 0 The remains of a Hindu man, kidnapped and murdered by Islamists, are found six months later.
      2/7/07 Iraq Suwayra 7 23 Three car bombs take the lives of seven innocent people.
      2/6/07 Thailand Pattani 1 2 A man is shot to death while riding a motorbike with his wife and 3-year-old daughter.
      2/6/07 Pakistan Islamabad 0 10 A suicide bomber blows himself up in a botched attack on the city's main airport.
      2/6/07 India Bandipora 1 0 A civilian is kidnapped and killed by the Mujahideen.
      2/6/07 Iraq Mosul 1 0 A woman is shot to death by Islamic gunmen.
      2/6/07 Iraq Baghdad 27 19 Sectarian hatred within the Religion of Peace leaves over two dozen dead.
      2/6/07 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 Muslims hack a 37-year-old laborer to death with machetes.
      2/6/07 India Pukharni 1 0 Terrorists kill a boy with a landmine.
      2/6/07 Pakistan Miran Shah 2 0 Islamic terrorists bind two men and then shoot them to death.
      2/5/07 Iraq Baghdad 24 108 Three car bombs, one at a children's hospital, rack up about twenty dead civilians for Sunni Jihadis.
      2/5/07 Pakistan Bajaur 2 1 Pro-government tribal leaders are killed by al-Qaeda supported militants.
      2/5/07 Iraq Baghdad 25 0 Twenty-five victims of sectarian hatred within the Religion of Peace are found tortured and executed.
      2/5/07 Iraq Haditha 6 0 Six people are found murdered by Jihadis.
      2/4/07 Thailand Pattani 1 0 A Buddhist school official is murdered by Muslim terrorists.
      2/4/07 India Srinagar 1 0 A man is shot dead by the Mujahideen.
      2/4/07 Iraq Baghdad 31 76 A series of bombings by Islamic terrorists leave thirty-one innocent people dead.
      2/4/07 Iraq Baghdad 3 0 A woman and her two children are killed when Jihadis mortar a house.
      2/4/07 Iraq Baghdad 33 0 Thirty-three bodies are found as sectarian violence within the Religion of Peace rages.
      2/4/07 Pal. Auth. Gaza 2 0 Two more Palestinians die from a Hamas sniper attack. One is 17-years-old.
      2/4/07 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A 68-year-old Buddhist man is shot off his motorbike by Islamic radicals.
      2/3/07 Iraq Falluja 5 0 Five people are kidnapped, executed and dumped by sectarian rivals.
      2/3/07 Pakistan Tank 2 6 Two Pakistani soldiers are killed when a suicide bomber rams into their convoy.
      2/3/07 Iraq Baghdad 135 359 A single Fedayeen suicide bomber racks up over one-hundred and thirty civilians at a market. Nearly four-hundred others suffer injury.
      2/3/07 India Pulwama 4 6 Mujahideen ambush a group of policemen, killing at least four.
      2/3/07 Iraq Baghdad 25 12 Over two-dozen people are killed in sectarian violence within the Religion of Peace.
      2/3/07 Dagestan Makhachkala 3 0 Militants kill three policemen in two coordinated attacks.
      2/3/07 Iraq Mahmudiya 8 12 At least eight people are killed in a Jihad car bombing on a market.
      2/2/07 Pal. Auth. Gaza 15 90 Hamas sniper set up around a Palestinian training camp and fire into it. Some fifteen people are killed and nearly a hundred others injured.
      2/2/07 Pal. Auth. Gaza 17 185 Seventeen people, including children, are killed in sectarian fighting between Muslim militias over a 24-hour period.
      2/2/07 Iraq Yusufiyah 3 11 Two children are among three Iraqi civilians killed by Islamic terrorists.
      2/1/07 Iraq Mosul 4 0 A college dean and two students are among four people murdered by Jihadis.
      2/1/07 Pakistan Miran Shah 3 2 Three people, including an engineer and a road inspector are killed by al-Qaeda backed militants.
      2/1/07 Pakistan North Waziristan 1 0 A man is beheaded by Islamic militants, who then pin a note to the body.
      2/1/07 Somalia Mogadishu 3 1 Two children are among three civilians killed in separate rocket attacks by the Islamic militia.
      2/1/07 Yemen Saada 10 20 Shiite radicals kill ten Yemeni soldiers in an attack on a roadblock.
      2/1/07 Iraq Hillah 73 150 Two Islamic suicide bombers take out dozens of innocent people in a coordinated attack on a packed market.
      2/1/07 Thailand Pattani 1 0 Another ice-cream vender is murdered by Islamists - this one while driving to work.
      2/1/07 Thailand Yala 1 1 Islamists gun down a civilian and seriously injure his wife in the attack.
      2/1/07 Thailand Pattani 1 0 Muslims shoot a Buddhist ice cream vendor to death, then chop off his head and leave the body sitting up in the vehicle.
      2/1/07 Pakistan Peshawar 2 4 A man and his wife are killed, and their four children injured in a bomb blast.
      2/1/07 Iraq Baghdad 46 71 Sectarian violence leaves about four dozen Iraqis dead.
      1/31/07 Pakistan Hangu 2 1 Two people inside a house are killed in a sectarian mortar attack.
      1/31/07 Bangladesh Dhaka 1 1 A policeman is killed in a bomb attack by suspected Islamic extremists.
      1/31/07 Thailand Pattani 1 3 Islamists kill a villager with a bomb.
      1/31/07 Iraq Baghdad 12 22 Sectarian violence around the city leaves at least a dozen dead, including a decapitation.
      1/31/07 Iraq Fallujah 7 0 Seven people, including a teenager, are gunned down by Jihadis.
      1/31/07 Iraq Baghdad 4 0 Three university professors and a student, kidnapped by Islamic militants three days earlier, are found dead.
      1/31/07 Thailand Yala 1 6 A 59-year-old rubber tapper is murdered in drive-by shooting by Islamists.
      1/30/07 Afghanistan Herat 0 12 A Fedayeen suicide bomber rams his truck into an Afghan convoy, injuring a dozen innocents.
      1/30/07 Pakistan Hangu 2 14 Two Afghan refugees are killed by Sunni extremists following a Shia religious festival.
      1/30/07 Iraq Adhamiya 17 72 Jihadis rain down mortars on a residential area, killing seventeen innocent Iraqis.
      1/30/07 Iraq Khanaqin 13 39 A Shiite religious ceremony is the target of a deadly roadside bomb, as Sunnis rack up more dead Shia.
      1/30/07 Iraq Balad Ruz 23 57 A suicidal Sunni blows two-dozen Shia worshippers to Allah at a mosque.
      1/30/07 Iraq Baghdad 25 9 Sectarian violence within the Religion of Peace leaves over two dozen dead in various attacks.
      1/30/07 Iraq Ramadi 16 0 A suicide truck bomber kills sixteen people.
      1/29/07 Chechnya Gudermes 4 0 Four Russians are killed in a shooting and suicide attack by Islamic militants.
      1/29/07 Israel Eilat 3 3 Three Israelis are murdered by an al-Aqsa suicide bomber at a bakery.
      1/29/07 Pakistan Dera Ismail Khan 2 7 A suicide bomber blows himself up at a park, killing two other people.
      1/29/07 Thailand Songkhla 3 1 Two Buddhist couples are brutally assaulted by Muslim radicals. Three people are killed.
      1/29/07 Thailand Pattani 1 0 Muslim militants gun down a man driving his wife to work.
      1/29/07 India Kishtwar 2 2 The Mujahideen attack Indian troops, killing two.
      1/29/07 Iraq Tuz Khurmato 5 0 Sunnis blast a Shiite mosque, killing five worshippers.
      1/29/07 Thailand Yala 1 0 Islamists shoot a civilian off his motorcycle.
      1/29/07 Iraq Zaafaraniya 16 28 Jihadis stage a mortar attack on a residential area, killing sixteen innocents.
      1/29/07 Iraq Baghdad 4 5 Sunnis plant a bomb on a minibus, killing four passengers.
      1/29/07 India Gorakhpur 1 0 A Hindu man is killed by a mob of angry Muslims.
      1/29/07 Thailand Yala 1 0 A teenager dies after his throat is slashed and he is stabbed by radical Muslims.
      1/29/07 Algeria Batna 5 0 Islamic fundamentalists open up on a checkpoint with automatic weapons, killing five Algerian security staff at point-blank range.
      1/28/07 Iraq Baghdad 29 0 Twenty-nine victims of sectarian hatred are found executed across the city.
      1/28/07 Philippines Rangaban 1 1 Moro Islamic Front terrorists attack a village, killing one defender and injuring another.
      1/28/07 Iraq Ramadi 5 10 Two children are among five killed by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
      1/28/07 Iraq Baghdad 5 20 Five school girls are killed when freedom fighters mortar a school.
      1/28/07 Pakistan Punjab 2 0 A couple in their 40's are tied to a tree and stoned to death for adultery.
      1/28/07 Thailand Pattani 1 0 A Buddhist man is killed in a Muslim drive-by attack.
      1/28/07 Iraq Kirkuk 16 34 Two separate suicide bombings, one at a market, leave sixteen innocents dead.
      1/28/07 Iraq Baghad 14 64 Four Jihad bombings leave fourteen people dead and over sixty injured.
      1/28/07 Thailand Yala 1 0 A 33-year-old woman is shot to death by Islamic terrorists.
      1/27/07 Iraq Baghdad 40 0 Two women are among forty bodies found around the city as Sunnis and Shias go at it.
      1/27/07 Iraq Baghdad 13 43 Two suicidal Sunnis murdered at least thirteen Shias in an attack at a market.
      1/27/07 Yemen Saada 6 20 Radical Shiites ambush and kill six Yemeni soldiers.
      1/27/07 Pakistan Peshawar 14 60 A suicide bomber targets a crowd leaving a mosque, killing at least fourteen.
      1/27/07 Pakistan Babar Kuch 2 3 A rocket attack by Taliban-backed militants on a civilian vehicle leaves two dead.
      1/27/07 Algeria Skikda 1 4 Islamic fundamentalists ambush a police station, killing one officer.
      1/27/07 Iraq Baghdad 5 3 Sunnis storm a Shia home, killing five members of the same family.
      1/27/07 Afghanistan Kunar 1 3 Taliban terrorists kill an Afghan contractor during an ambush on a security base.
      1/26/07 Iraq Baghdad 29 14 Twenty-seven people are kidnapped and murdered by Jihadis. Two others are killed by a suicide bomber.
      1/26/07 Pal. Auth. Gaza 2 0 A man and a 16-year-old are killed in separate Hamas attacks.
      1/26/07 Pal. Auth. Khan Yunis 1 0 A 2-year-old girl is killed when Islamic factions clash in Gaza.
      1/26/07 Pakistan Islamabad 1 6 A suicide bomber blows himself up outside the Marriott hotel, killing a guard.
      1/26/07 Iraq Baghdad 15 55 Sunnis target innocent Iraqis at a pet fair, killing over a dozen with a shrapnel bomb.
      1/26/07 Thailand Pattani 1 4 Islamists gun down a cop and injure four civilians with a bomb blast.
      1/26/07 Pakistan Khan Yunis 1 1 al-Qaeda militants ambush a police patrol, killing an officer.
      1/26/07 Sudan Magwe 1 2 An Indian peacekeeper is gunned down by suspected Jihadis.
      1/26/07 India Tanur 1 5 A Hindu activist is hacked to death by Muslim gangs.
      1/25/07 Iraq Fallujah 2 0 A boy and an elderly woman are murdered by Muslim bombers.
      1/25/07 Somalia Kismayo 1 1 An Ethiopian solider is shot to death by Muslim militants.
      1/25/07 Pakistan Hangu 2 4 Two passersby are killed in a car bombing.
      1/25/07 Philippines Midsayap 1 0 At least one person is killed when Moro terrorists attack a group of families.
      1/25/07 Iraq Baghdad 7 30 Seven people are killed in separate marketplace bombings by Islamic terrorists.
      1/25/07 Thailand Pattani 1 0 A 57-year-old Buddhist man is murdered by Islamic radicals on his way to work.
      1/25/07 Thailand Narathiwat 1 1 A young man is gunned down by Islamic terrorists.
      1/25/07 Iraq Baghdad 26 64 Over two-dozen people are blown to bits by Sunni bombers in a shopping district. Dozens more suffer injury.
      1/25/07 Iraq Baghdad 42 17 Forty-two victims of sectarian hatred within the Religion of Peace are found over a 24-hour period.
      1/24/07 Iraq Baghdad 33 0 Thirty-three victims of sectarian hatred are found murdered.
      1/24/07 Iraq Baghdad 4 3 A suicide bomber kills four Iraqis.
      1/24/07 Iraq Baghdad 2 0 A female bank employee and a professor are murdered by Jihadis in separate attacks.
      1/24/07 Somalia Mogadishu 2 1 Two civilians are killed when Islamic militias fire mortars into an airport.
      1/23/07 Afghanistan Khost 10 14 A Taliban suicide bomber blows ten Afghan civilians to Allah.
      1/23/07 India Bandina 3 2 The Mujahideen blow up a passing security vehicle, killing three occupants.
      1/23/07 Thailand Narathiwat 2 0 Two men are gunned down in a drive-by shooting by Islamists.
      1/23/07 Iraq Tal Afar 2 0 Two teachers are shot to death by radicals.
      1/23/07 Iraq Suwayra 6 9 Radical Sunnis wipe out five members of a Shia family and one other in a terror attack.
      1/23/07 Iraq Fallujah 3 0 Three butchers are killed by Islamic fundamentalists.
      1/23/07 Afghanistan Uruzgan 9 0 Nine Afghan policemen are murdered in a Taliban ambush in a remote area.
      1/23/07 Chechnya Kurchaloi 1 0 Jihadis shoot a police officer to death.
      1/23/07 Iraq Baghdad 17 0 Seventeen victims of sectarian hatred within the Religion of Peace are found executed.
      1/23/07 Jordan Amman 1 0 A 17-year-old girl is shot four times in the head by her father, who thought she had had sex. An autopsy showed she was a virgin.
      1/23/07 Thailand Yala 1 0 A Buddhist man is murdered by Islamists as he drove his 7-year-old son home from school.
      1/22/07 Syria Damascus 1 0 A 16-year-old girl is stabbed five times in the back and neck by her brother, angry that she had been raped.
      1/22/07 Iraq Baghdad 30 0 Thirty victims of sectarian violence are found bound and executed.
      1/22/07 Iraq Baghdad 88 190 Sunni extremists score big at a market, killing nearly ninety unsuspecting Shia shoppers with coordinated bombs.
      1/22/07 Iraq Baghdad 1 1 Fundamentalists murder a female teacher on her way to work at a girl's school.
      1/22/07 Pakistan Miran Shah 5 20 Four Pakistani soldiers and a female passerby are killed in a Fedayeen suicide attack on a checkpoint.
      1/22/07 Iraq Khalis 12 39 A dozen civilians are killed in an Islamic bombing attack.
      1/22/07 Iraq Rutba 4 0 Four people are kidnapped, tortured and executed by sectarian rivals.
      1/21/07 Iraq Karrada 6 15 A half-dozen people are incinerated in a suspected suicide blast on a minibus.
      1/21/07 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A middle-aged Buddhist man is gunned down by militants as he is standing in front of his home talking with friends.
      1/21/07 India Baramulla 1 12 A grenade attack by the Mujahideen eventually kills one of thirteen people injured.
      1/21/07 Algeria Jijel 1 8 The Salafist Group for Preaching and Combat, kills an Algerian soldier in a bomb attack.
      1/21/07 Iraq Mosul 9 4 A woman is among nine people killed by Jihadis in shooting and bombing attacks.
      1/20/07 Iraq Baghdad 40 10 Religious violence claims the lives of at least forty people in various attacks.
      1/20/07 Thailand Narathiwat 1 2 A noodle vendor is shot to death in front of his 12-year-old daughter by Muslim militants.
      1/20/07 Somalia Mogadishu 4 0 Four civilians are killed in an Islamic attack.
      1/20/07 Philippines Parang 1 7 Abu Sayyaf terrorists kill a Filipino soldier in an ambush.
      1/20/07 Iraq Mosul 7 2 Seven people are gunned down by sectarian rivals.
      1/20/07 Iraq Iskandariya 4 4 Four people are murdered by Islamic terrorists.
      1/19/07 Iraq Yusufiya 4 0 Two very young children, ages 1 and 5, are among four killed in a bombing by Sunni militants.
      1/19/07 Iraq Karbala 4 0 Four American soldiers are abducted and brutally killed in captivity by Islamic militants.
      1/19/07 Turkey Istanbul 1 0 An advocate for the victims of Armenian genocide is gunned down by a Muslim who says, 'I killed the infidel.'
      1/19/07 Iraq Hilla 1 0 Fundamentalists murder a butcher.
      1/18/07 Afghanistan Paktika 1 5 A suicide bomber kills an Afghan soldier.
      1/18/07 Thailand Narathiwat 1 1 Muslim gunmen kill a 68-year-old man and injure his son.
      1/18/07 Iraq Baghdad 26 0 Twenty-six people are found shot and tortured to death by sectarian rivals.
      1/18/07 Iraq Baghdad 12 34 A series of terrorist bombings leave at least eleven people dead.
      1/18/07 Iraq Mosul 13 21 Thirteen people are killed in shootings, including one on a wedding party, and a Fedayeen suicide blast.
      1/18/07 Iraq Baghdad 10 30 Sunnis bomb a vegetable market, killing ten patrons.
      1/18/07 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A Buddhist woman working as a health care volunteer is murdered by Islamic gunmen.
      1/18/07 India Nayidgam 1 0 A mechanic is abducted and beheaded by the Mujahideen.
      1/17/07 Iraq Baghdad 15 33 Sunnis car bomb a Shia market, killing fifteen patrons.
      1/17/07 India Wagoora 1 0 Local Mujahideen shoot an electrical employee to death.
      1/17/07 Iraq Baghdad 4 10 An American woman working for an NGO is among three civilians murdered in a bomb attack.
      1/17/07 Iraq Kirkuk 10 42 A suicide truck bomber drives into an Iraqi police station, killing ten people.
      1/17/07 Iraq Baghdad 30 0 Police find thirty victims of sectarian violence in and around the city. Most were tortured and shot.
      1/17/07 Thailand Yala 1 0 A 42-year-old Buddhist scrap dealer is shot dead by Muslim terrorists in front of his home.
      1/17/07 Thailand Songkhla 1 0 Muslim radicals murder a Buddhist rubber-tapper.
      1/17/07 Iraq Mosul 10 0 Ten victims of sectarian violence are delivered to the morgue.
      1/16/07 Iraq Baghdad 15 74 Sunnis target Shia civilians in a marketplace, killing at least fifteen with a suicide attack.
      1/16/07 Iraq Iskandariya 2 0 Freedom fighters kill an Iraqi woman and her son in a mortar attack.
      1/16/07 Israel Juarish 1 0 A 19-year-old woman is shot to death in her own bed by relatives for violating the family's honor.
      1/16/07 Iraq Baghdad 70 180 Islamic terrorists manage to slaughter at least seventy students, mostly female, at a university using a car bomb and then a suicide bomber on foot to catch the survivors!
      1/16/07 Iraq Baghdad 16 11 Jihadis kill ten civilians in a drive-by shooting and another six with a car bomb.
      1/16/07 Iraq Mosul 12 0 Twelve people, including at least one woman, are murdered by Muslim gunmen.
      1/16/07 Thailand Narathiwat 1 2 Islamic militants kill a village chief with a roadside bomb.
      1/15/07 Iraq Mosul 5 28 A Fedayeen suicide bomber sends five Kurds to Allah.
      1/15/07 Iraq Baqubah 11 0 Eleven people are kidnapped by sectarian rivals, bound, gagged and executed.
      1/15/07 Thailand Pattani 1 0 A man is shot to death by radical Muslims.
      1/15/07 India Sumbar 1 0 A civilian is abducted by the Mujahideen and shot to death in captivity.
      1/15/07 India Hajan 1 0 Islamic terrorists shoot dead a man shopping at a market.
      1/15/07 Iraq Baghdad 7 5 Two separate bombings leave seven Iraqis dead.
      1/15/07 Thailand Yala 1 1 A 58-year-old Buddhist man is murdered by Islamists in an attack that also leaves his wife injured.
      1/14/07 Thailand Pattani 1 5 Islamic militants bomb a Thai military vehicle, killing one soldier.
      1/14/07 Thailand Yala 1 0 Muslims gun down another Buddhist civilian.
      1/14/07 Thailand Pattani 2 0 A married couple is murdered by Islamic radicals at the entrance to their business. The man is decapitated. A note pinned to the body says, 'We kill all Buddhists.'
      1/14/07 Iraq Mosul 14 8 Fourteen people are murdered in separate attacks by Muslim radicals.
      1/14/07 Iraq Baghdad 41 0 Forty-one victims of sectarian violence are found in various locations.
      1/14/07 Thailand Pattani 1 0 A 31-year-old man is shot off the back of a motorcycle by Islamic terrorists.
      1/14/07 Pakistan Matta 3 0 Two girls and their mother are killed in a mine attack by local Taliban.
      1/14/07 Pakistan Butkhela 1 1 Pro-Taliban militants shoot an Uzbeki man to death.
      1/13/07 Dagestan Aimaumakhi 1 0 A policeman is gunned down by suspected Islamic rebels.
      1/13/07 Iraq Iskandariya 3 1 Terrorists attack a private factory, killing three workers.
      1/13/07 Iraq Kirkuk 2 3 Muslim terrorists shoot two engineers to death.
      1/13/07 Thailand Pattani 1 0 Islamists murder a Buddhist policeman on his way to work.
      1/13/07 Thailand Yala 1 0 A Buddhist firefighter is shot to death by radical Muslims in front of his office.
      1/12/07 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 Militant Muslims gun down a village guard outside his home.
      1/12/07 Thailand Yala 1 0 A 62-year-old civilian is gunned down by Islamic terrorists as he is carrying his 2-year-old grandson on a motorbike.
      1/12/07 Thailand Pattani 2 0 Two Buddhist men are murdered by Religion of Peace gunmen in separate attacks.
      1/12/07 Iraq Baghdad 11 0 Ten intact bodies and one severed head are discovered by police.
      1/12/07 Iraq Ishaqi 3 0 Three civilians are shot to death by Islamic terrorists.
      1/11/07 Indonesia Poso 1 0 A police officer at a funeral for a terrorist is beaten to death by an angry Muslim mob.
      1/11/07 Iraq Khadra 5 0 Five off-duty policemen are gunned down in cold blood by Sunni terrorists.
      1/10/07 Philippines General Santos 6 23 Six people, including two young children and two woman, are killed in a suspected Abu Sayyaf bomb attack on a lottery office and market.
      1/10/07 Somalia Mogadishu 1 0 Islamists fire a rocket into a home, killing a family member.
      1/10/07 Iraq Karbala 11 14 Sunni gunmen massacre Shia pilgrims returning home in a convoy of buses.
      1/10/07 Iraq Tal Afar 5 16 A child is among five people killed in separate suicide bombings.
      1/10/07 Iraq Mosul 8 0 Eight people are found dead from terror attacks.
      1/10/07 Iraq Baghdad 68 0 Sixty-eight victims of Sunni-Shia sectarian violence are found murdered in three cities over a 24-hour period.
      1/10/07 Thailand Pattani 1 1 A female teacher is shot to death by Islamic militants on her way to school.
      1/10/07 Philippines Cotabato 1 0 Muslim militants kill a garbage collector with a bomb.
      1/9/07 Pakistan Qamber 2 0 A man kills his sister and her lover in an 'honor' killing.
      1/9/07 Thailand Pattani 1 0 A janitor is murdered by Islamists shortly after dropping his daughter off at school.
      1/9/07 Pakistan Hangu 1 0 A newspaper journalist is beheaded by Islamic militants.
      1/9/07 Iraq Baghdad 46 0 Forty-six victims of sectarian hatred between Sunnis and Shia are found around the country.
      1/9/07 Pakistan Jacobabad 2 0 Two brothers are shot to death in a coordinated terror attack concerning an issue of sexual impropriety.
      1/8/07 Iraq Mosul 5 0 Five people are gunned down by sectarian rivals.
      1/8/07 India Indergam 1 0 A 9th grade student is shot to death by the Mujahideen.
      1/8/07 Iraq Baghdad 6 0 Sunnis gun down six members of a Shiite family as they are moving their furniture.
      1/8/07 Thailand Songkhla 1 0 A Buddhist teacher, brutally beaten into a coma by a Muslim mob seven months earlier, finally expires.
      1/8/07 Iraq Baghdad 15 15 Fifteen cleaning contractors are brutally murdered in a Sunni assault on their bus.
      1/8/07 Iraq Baghdad 32 16 At least four separate Jihad attacks leave nearly three dozen civilians dead.
      1/7/07 Somalia Mogadishu 1 1 Islamic militants kill a young girl with automatic weapons fire.
      1/7/07 Pakistan Mansehra 1 0 A young woman is murdered by her brother for pursuing an education. The brother claims she 'met Allah's destiny.'
      1/7/07 India Baramulla 2 0 Two civilians are murdered by the Mujahideen. One has his throat slit.
      1/7/07 Iraq Hilla 2 11 A Jihad car bombing kills two civilians.
      1/7/07 Iraq Suwayra 4 0 Four people are kidnapped and executed, one by decapitation.
      1/7/07 Iraq Baghdad 23 7 Two dozen people lose their lives to sectarian violence in three attacks.
      1/7/07 India Andergam 1 0 A 16-year-old student is gunned down in his home by Islamic radicals.
      1/7/07 Afghanistan Khost 4 2 Two women and two children are blown to bits by Islamic bombers.
      1/6/07 India Shopian 3 23 Three people are killed in a Mujahideen grenade attack on a market.
      1/6/07 Iraq Baghdad 27 0 Police find twenty-seven victims of sectarian violence killed in gruesome fashion by Religion of Peace rivals.
      1/6/07 Iraq Baghdad 44 0 Forty-four additional victims of sectarian violence within Islam are found executed.
      1/6/07 Iraq Mosul 6 0 Six people are gunned down by Muslim terrorists.
      1/6/07 India Dangiwacha 1 0 A civilian is gunned down on the job by the Mujahideen.
      1/6/07 Afghanistan Khost 1 0 A security official is shot to death by religious extremists.
      1/5/07 Somalia Mogadishu 1 0 An Islamic militant tosses a grenade into the street, killing a civilian.
      1/5/07 Pakistan Tando Adam 1 0 A young man guns down his aunt on suspicion that she was engaged in adultery.
      1/5/07 Iraq Baghdad 47 0 Another forty-seven victims of sectarian hatred within the Religion of Peace are found executed.
      1/5/07 Iraq Iskandariya 3 0 Three people are kidnapped and tortured to death by Islamic militants.
      1/5/07 Ethiopia Kofele 1 0 A Christian is beaten to death by Muslims with a metal bar.
      1/5/07 Pal. Auth. Mughazi 1 0 Hamas gunmen murder a critic at a refugee camp.
      1/5/07 Iraq Baghdad 4 11 Jihadis drop bombs on a market, killing four shoppers.
      1/4/07 Iraq Baghdad 13 22 Sunni terrorists detonate two car bombs, killing thirteen people in a residential district.
      1/4/07 Iraq Hilla 4 0 Four people are kidnapped and shot to death by Islamic terrorists.
      1/4/07 Thailand Narathiwat 1 1 Muslim gun down a Buddhist teenager.
      1/4/07 Pal. Auth. Jabalya 7 36 Hamas militants fire rockets into a Fatah leader's home, killing him and six others.
      1/4/07 Iraq Baghdad 47 0 Islamic militants take care of forty-seven Iraqis in various attacks. Four are beheaded.
      1/4/07 Pakistan Peshawar 1 0 Three Sunnis murder a Shia leader.
      1/3/07 India Kandi 1 2 Islamic rebels ambush a security patrol, killing one member.
      1/3/07 Thailand Yala 2 0 A 70-year-old man is gunned down, along with his son-in-law, by Islamic militants.
      1/3/07 Pal. Auth. Beit Lahiya 3 0 Hamas ambush a car carrying Fatah members, killing three of them.
      1/3/07 Pal. Auth. Beit Lahiya 2 17 A woman and Fatah official are shot dead by Hamas terrorists in separate incidents. Seventeen others are injured.
      1/3/07 Iraq Baghdad 45 0 Forty-five victims of sectarian violence between Sunnis and Shia are found dead.
      1/3/07 Somalia Jilib 2 2 An Islamist stages a Fedayeen attack, killing two unsuspecting Ethiopians.
      1/2/07 Pakistan Chak Saboo 2 0 A married couple is burnt alive in front of their children because the woman was kidnapped and raped.
      1/2/07 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 An anti-terror Muslim leader is gunned down by Islamists while leaving a cemetery.
      1/2/07 Iraq Baghdad 49 4 Forty-nine victims of sectarian strife between Sunnis and Shia are found dead. A mortar attack kills four other civilians.
      1/2/07 Iraq Nahrawan 5 0 Five civilians are kidnapped, tortured and executed by Jihadis.
      1/1/07 Iraq Baghdad 40 0 Forty victims of sectarian hatred within the Religion of Peace are found in several locations.
      1/1/07 Afghanistan Herat 2 1 Religious extremists murder two policemen with a bomb.
      1/1/07 Iraq Baqubah 4 0 Radical Sunnis gun down a moderate and three aides.
      1/1/07 Iraq Mosul 3 0 Three brothers are murdered by sectarian rivals.
      12/31/06 Thailand Bangkok 3 40 Jemaah Islamiyah bomb New Years Eve celebrations in the capital, leaving three people dead and forty injured.
      12/31/06 Iraq Baghdad 4 12 Two children are among four people murdered by Jihadis in three attacks.
      12/30/06 Thailand Yala 1 0 Islamists gun down a government official.
      12/30/06 India Pampore 2 3 Lashkar-e-Taiba militants fire into a market, killing a civilian and a security guard.
      12/30/06 Iraq Baghdad 36 77 Sunni bombers slaughter three dozen Shia civilians in a triple bombing of a residential neighborhood.
      12/30/06 Iraq Tal Afar 5 8 A suicide bomber straps explosives to his body and murders five people.
      12/30/06 Iraq Najaf 36 58 Another three dozen Shiites are blown up at a market by determined Sunni bombers.
      12/30/06 Iraq Mahmudiya 4 0 Four people are tortured and shot to death by Islamic terrorists.
      12/30/06 Iraq Baghdad 12 0 A dozen victims of sectarian hatred within the Religion of Peace are found dead across the capital.
      12/30/06 Sudan Kutum 5 0 The Islamic Republic of Sudan stages an air force bombing run over a village, killing at least five civilians.
      12/29/06 Dagestan Makhachkala 1 0 A religious leader is murdered by Islamists.
      12/29/06 Yemen Saada 5 0 Shiite radicals open fire on a military checkpoint, killing five Yemeni soldiers.
      12/29/06 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A village defense volunteer is ambushed and murdered by Islamists.
      12/29/06 Iraq Khalis 13 17 A suicide bomber attacks a Shia mosque, killing thirteen people.
      12/29/06 India Srinagar 1 0 Islamic militants trigger an IED blast in the heart of the capital.
      12/29/06 Thailand Yala 2 0 Two Buddhist teachers are shot, brutally dragged from their truck and set on fire by militant Muslims.
      12/29/06 Thailand Pattani 1 0 Muslim radicals gun down a 50-year-old storeowner in his shop.
      12/29/06 Pakistan Damadola 13 6 Thirteen people are killed when al-Qaeda backed militants stage a rocket attack on a village.
      12/28/06 Iraq Mosul 5 19 Two people are killed by a suicide bomber in a minibus, and three others are kidnapped and beheaded.
      12/28/06 Iraq Baghdad 41 0 Forty-one victims of sectarian hatred within the Religion of Peace are found over a 24 hour period.
      12/28/06 Iraq Baghdad 17 60 Separate bombings leave at least seventeen innocents dead at the hands of Islamic terrorists.
      12/28/06 India Nadihal 1 0 A civilian is shot to death by the Mujahideen.
      12/27/06 Iraq Ramadi 2 3 Muslim terrorists enter a policeman's home, kill him and a woman, and shoot three others.
      12/27/06 Iraq Baghdad 40 0 Forty victims of sectarian hatred within the Religion of Peace are found tortured and executed.
      12/27/06 Iraq Talbiya 8 10 Sunnis car bomb a Shia neighborhood, killing eight people.
      12/27/06 Afghanistan Takhtapul 1 3 A Pakistani truck driver is killed in a Taliban ambush.
      12/27/06 Thailand Yala 1 0 A Buddhist civilian is gunned down by radical Muslims.
      12/27/06 Thailand Yala 1 0 A 52-year-old farmer is shot to death by Islamic terrorists.
      12/27/06 Thailand Pattani 1 0 A man is brutally murdered by radical Muslims while having tea in a shop.
      12/26/06 Iraq Baghdad 54 50 Several terror attacks and victims of sectarian violence add up to over four dozen people killed by Islamic terrorists.
      12/26/06 Israel Ramle 1 0 A divorced mother is gunned down in front of her home in an 'honor killing'.
      12/26/06 Iraq Baghdad 25 55 More than two-dozen innocents are blown to bits by a Jihad car bomb in a retail district.
      12/26/06 Iraq Kirkuk 2 3 A child and an elderly man are killed when Sunni terrorists detonate a bomb.
      12/26/06 Pakistan Peshawar 1 3 Radicals bomb an airport, killing one other person.
      12/26/06 Thailand Narathiwat 3 0 Militant Muslims shoot three Buddhist civilians to death in separate attacks.
      12/26/06 Iraq Baghdad 17 35 Shiites bomb a Sunni mosque, killing over a dozen innocent people.
      12/26/06 India Pulwama 2 2 Two people, including a civilian, are killed in a Mujahideen ambush.
      12/25/06 India Chingam 1 0 A civilian is shot to death by the Mujahideen.
      12/25/06 Iraq Baqubah 6 0 Six people are kidnapped, bound and executed by Islamic rivals.
      12/25/06 Pakistan Dera Murad Jamali 3 0 Three people, including a woman, are shot to death by a Muslim concerned about illicit sexual relations.
      12/25/06 Iraq Baghdad 3 1 Jihadis kill three U.S. military police with a roadside bomb.
      12/25/06 Iraq Baghdad 3 20 A suicide bomber sends three others to Allah, and injures nearly two dozen people sitting on a crowded bus.
      12/25/06 Iraq Baghdad 10 15 Sunnis detonate a car bomb in a commercial center, killing ten innocents.
      12/25/06 Thailand Pattani 1 0 A 36-year-old civilian is murdered by Muslim terrorists.
      12/24/06 Thailand Pattani 1 0 A 34-year-old Buddhist villager is murdered by Islamic radicals after dropping his daughter off at school.
      12/24/06 Pakistan Dera Ismail Khan 4 8 Shiites open fire on a Sunni funeral, killing four mourners.
      12/24/06 Iraq Muqdadiya 7 30 A Fedayeen suicide bomber slaughters seven Iraqi policemen in their station and causes severe injury to thirty others.
      12/24/06 Pakistan Bajur 1 0 An off-duty police officer is sprayed with automatic weapons fire by Muslim militants.
      12/24/06 Iraq Hawija 2 0 Two Shiite brothers are ruthlessly gunned down by Sunni terrorists.
      12/24/06 Thailand Pattani 1 0 An off-duty Thai soldier is shot to death by Jihadis while riding a motorcycle.
      12/24/06 India Pattan 1 0 A civilian is gunned down by the Mujahideen.
      12/24/06 Iraq Baghdad 36 0 Thirty-six victims of sectarian hatred within the Religion of Peace are found here and in Mosul
      12/23/06 Pakistan Dera Ismail Khan 1 0 A Shiite professor is gunned down near his home by Sunni radicals.
      12/23/06 Iraq Baghdad 47 0 Police recover forty-seven victims of sectarian hatred within the Religion of Peace over a 24-hour period.
      12/23/06 Iraq Hawija 2 0 Jihadis bomb a passenger car, killing two occupants.
      12/23/06 Iraq Diwaniya 2 0 Two people are kidnapped by Islamic militants, blindfolded and executed.
      12/23/06 Sudan Tim 18 8 Eighteen civilians are killed by military forces of the Islamic Republic of Sudan.
      12/23/06 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 Muslim terrorists sneak into a home and kill a man as he is watching television.
      12/22/06 Afghanistan Tirin Kot 5 0 Five policemen are murdered in an attack by Taliban extremists.
      12/22/06 Pakistan North Waziristan 1 5 Pro-Taliban militants open fire on a van, killing one and injuring five.
      12/22/06 Afghanistan Kabul 1 7 An attempted suicide attack on a lawmaker kills a bystander.
      12/22/06 Iraq Samarrah 2 4 Freedom fighters detonate a car bomb in front of a family home, killing a man, his wife, and injuring their four young children.
      12/22/06 India Sopore 2 5 Two civilians are killed when the Mujahideen attack a convoy.
      12/22/06 India Ajas 1 0 Lashkar-e-Toiba terrorists gun down a civilian.
      12/22/06 Bangladesh Binnakuri 1 0 A man is murdered by the Jama'atul Mujahideen.
      12/22/06 Thailand Pattani 1 0 A 54-year-old Buddhist man is shot to death by Muslim militants, who then set his body on fire.
      12/21/06 Afghanistan Khost 3 2 Religious extremists kill three Afghan police officers with a bomb.
      12/21/06 Afghanistan Herat 4 6 Four civilians are killed when the Taliban bomb a bridge.
      12/21/06 Thailand Pattani 1 1 A female Buddhist teacher is gunned down by Muslim militants.
      12/21/06 Iraq Baghdad 15 15 At least fifteen Iraqis are killed when a Fedayeen suicide bomber attack an academy.
      12/21/06 Iraq Baghdad 2 2 A suicide bomber murders two civilians.
      12/21/06 Iraq Kirkuk 2 0 A man and his wife are brutally gunned down by Muslim militants.
      12/20/06 Iraq Baghdad 7 8 A university professor and his family are among seven people senselessly murdered by Muslim terrorists.
      12/20/06 Iraq Mosul 11 0 Eleven people are murdered by Islamic terrorists.
      12/20/06 Iraq Baghdad 11 31 A Fedayeen suicide bomber punches his ticket to paradise on the souls of eleven innocents.
      12/20/06 Iraq Baghdad 73 0 Seventy-three victims of sectarian hatred within the Religion of Peace are found over 24 hours.
      12/20/06 Thailand Yala 1 0 Islamists brutally murder a 69-year-old Buddhist man in his home.
      12/20/06 Thailand Yala 1 0 A 55-year-old Buddhist rubber-tapper is senselessly gunned down by Islamic gunmen.
      12/20/06 Pakistan Quetta 0 11 Eleven people are injured by a bicycle bomb.
      12/19/06 Iraq Baqubah 12 0 Two women are among a dozen people murdered by Islamic terrorists.
      12/19/06 Iraq Baghdad 53 0 Fifty-three victims of sectarian hatred within the Religion of Peace are found murdered over a 24 hour period.
      12/19/06 Thailand Pattani 1 0 A 33-year-old Buddhist man is shot and set on fire by Muslim radicals in front of his home.
      12/19/06 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 Islamists murder a 27-year-old civilian.
      12/18/06 Iraq Baghdad 1 2 Islamic militants murder a woman at an education ministry building.
      12/18/06 Afghanistan Bazar Talukan 26 0 The Taliban murder twenty-six young men and hang their headless bodies from trees.
      12/18/06 Iraq Saidiya 5 19 Jihadis bomb a vegetable market, killing five civilians.
      12/18/06 Iraq Diyala 4 0 Four tribal leaders are abducted and executed.
      12/18/06 Iraq Baghdad 44 0 Forty-four victims of sectarian violence within the Religion of Peace are found over 24 hours.
      12/17/06 Chad Aradib 15 0 Fifteen civilians are killed by Arab militias, including a man who was disemboweled and a woman set on fire.
      12/17/06 India Tenkasi 1 0 A Hindu leader is hacked to death by a Muslim gang.
      12/17/06 Iraq Rutba 5 0 Islamic militants torture and shoot five people to death.
      12/16/06 India Pateli Daraj 2 0 A young girl is among two people killed their home by the Mujahideen.
      12/16/06 Iraq Iskandiriyah 2 1 A 4-year-old girl is among two people killed by Religion of Peace terrorists.
      12/16/06 Iraq Baghdad 53 0 Muslim terrorists dump 53 bodies in at least two locations, victims of sectarian violence.
      12/15/06 Afghanistan Paktia 1 5 An Afghan soldier is killed when a suicide bomber rams his car into a convoy.
      12/15/06 India Chandiyal 1 0 Two al-Badr militants kidnap a young girl from her house and then execute her as a rescue attempt is made.
      12/15/06 Iraq Mosul 18 0 Eighteen people are killed over a 24 hour period by Muslim gunmen.
      12/14/06 Afghanistan Qalat 4 25 A suicide bomber kills four civilians on a crowded street and injures two dozen more.
      12/14/06 Iraq Baghdad 47 7 Forty-five victims of sectarian hatred within the Religion of Peace are found dead, in addition to a car bombing. Some were decapitated.
      12/14/06 Iraq Mahaweel 2 6 Two people are killed by a Jihad car bombing.
      12/14/06 Iraq al-Lij 2 0 Two people are tortured and shot to death by religious rivals.
      12/14/06 India Mamoosa 1 0 A convert to Christianity, and father of four, is gunned down in broad daylight by Islamic radicals.
      12/13/06 Thailand Yala 1 0 A 55-year-old Buddhist man is gunned down by Muslim radicals.
      12/13/06 Pal. Auth. Gaza 1 0 Palestinian gunmen force a judge to his knees on the sidewalk and shoot him in the head.
      12/13/06 Iraq Baghdad 11 27 Jihad bombers attack a crowded bus stop, packed with Shia laborers, women and children, killing at least eleven.
      12/13/06 Thailand Yala 1 0 A 69-year-old Buddhist man is killed in his home by Muslim radicals.
      12/13/06 Iraq Baghdad 5 10 Five people are killed in a residential district by Jihad car bombs.
      12/13/06 Iraq al-Hesna 9 0 Sunnis enter a family home and slaughter four men, two women and three children.
      12/13/06 Iraq Riyadh 17 15 A Jihad attack on a checkpoint leaves seven Iraqi soldiers dead. Ten other bodies are found elsewhere.
      12/13/06 Thailand Yala 2 1 Radical Muslims storm an office and shoot two Buddhist engineers to death.
      12/12/06 Afghanistan Lashkar Gah 8 8 A suicide bomber on foot sends eight innocents to Allah.
      12/12/06 Thailand Pattani 1 1 Islamists open fire on a teacher and a medical doctor.
      12/12/06 Iraq Mosul 4 0 An elderly woman is among four people murdered by Islamic gunmen.
      12/12/06 Iraq Riyadh 3 2 Jihadis murder a mother and her two children in an attack on their house.
      12/12/06 Iraq Kirkuk 5 15 A Fedayeen suicide bomber ends the lives of five other people.
      12/12/06 Iraq Baghdad 47 0 Forty-seven victims of sectarian violence within the Religion of Peace are found bound and executed.
      12/12/06 Iraq Baghdad 71 236 Freedom fighters slaughter dozens of day laborers looking for work by first luring them with promises of jobs, then setting off coordinated suicide car bombs.
      12/12/06 Afghanistan Khost 1 1 A 13-year-old girl is killed after Muslim militants open fire on security forces.
      12/11/06 Iraq Baghdad 46 0 Forty-six victims of sectarian violence within the Religion of Peace are found blindfolded and executed.
      12/11/06 Pal. Auth. Gaza 3 1 Three young children are killed by Hamas gunmen. (Hamas means 'Islamic Resistance').
      12/11/06 Turkey Bursa 1 0 A 23-year-old woman is stabbed 27 times by her father in an 'honor killing.'
      12/11/06 Iraq Baghdad 10 18 Four Jihad bombings leave at least ten people dead.
      12/11/06 Sudan Hashaaba 8 0 Eight civilians, including a mother and her five young children, are killed in a government air strike on the
      schrieb am 11.03.07 23:13:42
      Beitrag Nr. 27 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 28.245.173 von Heizkessel am 11.03.07 22:49:00und wenn man das in Relation zu den Religionskriegen in Europa stellt?
      Ich meine 1,6 Mio hört sich viel an, bei 6mrd Menschen die auf der Erde derzeit leben, naja.
      Oder zu denen die täglich verhungern?
      schrieb am 11.03.07 23:19:17
      Beitrag Nr. 28 ()
      das die amis nach den starken ny waren den winter ueber 4 meter schnee und das ist ja bekantlich kein skigebiet oder den apfelsinen bauern in kalifornien miliarden schaeden durch frost entstanden sind nun nicht gerade global warming als das haupthema sehen ist doch irgentwie verstendlich oder?

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      Klimawandel: Die Berichterstattung in kleineren US-Zeitungen, einige Beispiele