
    Novozymes - Enzym-Weltmarktführer(?) - 500 Beiträge pro Seite

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     Ja Nein
      schrieb am 23.04.10 00:57:48
      Beitrag Nr. 1 ()
      Wenn Sie aus Biomasse-Abfall Biogas machen können, wäre das schon interessant...:

      14.12.2009 16:10
      Cetrel and Novozymes to Make Biogas and Electricity from Bagasse

      Partnership to Turn Waste From Brazilian Sugar Factories into Power

      Cetrel, the largest provider of environmental solutions for the manufacturing industry in Latin America, and Novozymes, the world's leading producer of industrial enzymes, today announced a research partnership to turn sugarcane waste into green energy.

      Using Cetrel's know-how in waste-stream treatment and Novozymes' biotech expertise, the partners aim to enable sugar and ethanol production plants in Brazil to turn bagasse, the waste from sugarcane production, into biogas using enzymes. The biogas can be used to produce electricity for the production facilities, and surplus electricity can be sold to the market through the electric grid.

      "Cetrel has been upholding environmental equilibrium within the industrial process since its origin 30 years ago. For the past few years we have driven our experience in innovative projects toward alternative bioenergy sources and means to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. And we're very glad to share this knowledge with Novozymes to reinforce and strengthen our technologies," says Nei Silva, CEO of Cetrel.

      "Our agreement with Cetrel is perfectly aligned with our vision to develop a biobased society, where biorefineries convert agricultural residues and waste into energy, chemicals and other materials, thereby substituting fossil fuels. The project also offers strong technical and commercial synergy with our efforts on advanced biofuels," says Thomas Videbæk, Executive Vice President, Novozymes.

      Great potential of sugarcane waste

      Sugarcane bagasse is a potentially abundant source of energy for Brazil. According to estimates, bagasse could meet 20% of Brazil's energy consumption by 2020. Today, bagasse is often discarded or burned in power plants, but more energy and value could be derived by converting it into advanced biofuel and biogas.

      "In Brazil there's plenty of sugarcane and Cetrel chose it as a main subject for a thorough investigation. As a result, we have today a complete understanding of its characteristics and how it reacts, enabling us to extract the most value out of the sugarcane," says Nei Silva.

      The partnership is still in an early development stage but if successful, the technology might be commercially viable a few years from now.

      Cetrel is the largest and most complete company in environmental solutions for the manufacturing industry in Latin America. It is a Brazilian company controlled by Braskem, pioneer in industrial waste treatment, responsible for cleaning and disposing final effluents from the Industrial Complex in Camaçari (BA), as well as for the environmental monitoring of the complex as a whole. Read more at

      Novozymes is the world leader in bioinnovation. Together with customers across a broad array of industries Novozymes creates tomorrow's industrial biosolutions, improving its customers' business and the use of the planet's resources. Read more at


      CDI Comunicação Corporativa
      Assessoria de Imprensa da Cetrel
      Wagner Prado: (11) 3817-7965 -
      Mariangela Morenghi: (11) 3817-7946 -
      Novozymes media contacts:
      Annegrethe Jakobsen, Communication Manager
      Cell: +45 30 77 30 50
      Rene Tronborg, Communication Consultant
      Cell: +45 30 77 22 74
      schrieb am 15.05.10 13:27:30
      Beitrag Nr. 2 ()
      Habe den Wert seit ca. 1,5 Jahren in meiner Watchlist. Seitdem hat er 50% gemacht und befindet sich momentan fast auf ein Alltimehigh. wenn man sich den 10-Jahreschart anschaut, befindet sich Novozymes in einer bullischen Entwicklung. Werde jetzt nicht mehr alzu lange Warten um mir einige Aktien ins Depot zu legen.
      schrieb am 20.05.10 22:46:53
      Beitrag Nr. 3 ()
      20.05.2010 16:34
      Novozymes und Ceres gehen Partnerschaft über Biotreibstoffpflanzen ein

      Unternehmen schreiten in Richtung Kommerzialisierung von kohlenstoffarmen Biotreibstoffen aus Rutenhirse und anderen Energiepflanzen

      Ceres, Inc., ein Unternehmen, das Energiepflanzen anbaut, und Novozymes, der größte Enzymanbieter der Welt, sind eine Forschungszusammenarbeit eingegangen, um gemeinsam spezifische Pflanzensorten und Enzym-Cocktails für die Herstellung von Biotreibstoffen aus Zellulose zu entwickeln. Die beiden Unternehmen wollen in einem gemeinsamen Optimierungsprojekt, das zu größeren Treibstofferträgen mit geringeren Investitions- und Betriebskosten führen soll, das Verfahren bei der Konversion von Biomasse zu Treibstoff anhand wirksamerer Enzyme und qualitativ hochwertigerer Energiepflanzen verbessern.

      "Dies ist ein Beispiel dafür, wie sich Technologieanbieter aus verschiedenen Bereichen der Wertschöpfungskette zusammentun, um kommerziell genutzte Biotreibstoffe aus Zellulose in die Realität umzusetzen. Energiepflanzen spielen eine wichtige Rolle bei der Zusammensetzung nachhaltiger Energien für die Zukunft. Laut der Milliarden-Tonnen-Studie des US-Energieministeriums kann ein Drittel des gesamten nachhaltig gewonnenen Biomassenpotenzials aus landwirtschaftlichen Ressourcen von ausdauernden Pflanzen stammen", sagte Cynthia Bryant, Managerin globale Geschäftsentwicklung für Biomasse bei Novozymes.

      Energiepflanzen wie Rutenhirse, Chinaschilf und Sorghumhirse sind ertragreiche Sorten, die speziell wegen ihres Energiegehalts angepflanzt werden. Sie gedeihen mit geringeren Mengen an Wasser und Dünger als andere Pflanzen und wachsen sogar oft auf Grenzertragsböden, wo andere Pflanzen nicht mehr wachsen. Sie sind daher eine sehr vielversprechende Ergänzung zu herkömmlichen Biotreibstoffpflanzen. Energiepflanzen sind auch enorm vorteilhaft für die Umwelt. Die US-amerikanische Umweltschutzbehörde EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) schätzt, dass mit Biotreibstoff aus Rutenhirse statt Benzin der CO2-Ausstoß um 110 Prozent gesenkt wird.1

      Ceres und Novozymes arbeiten anfänglich an der Bestimmung der besten Enzym-Cocktails für die Bioraffinierung der kommerziellen Saatgutprodukte für Rutenhirse von Ceres. Die beiden Unternehmen werden zudem ähnliche Beurteilungen für Zuckerhirse angehen, und Forscher bei Ceres planen die Entwicklung spezifischer Pflanzensorten, die von den Enzymen von Novozymes leichter abgebaut werden können. Durch Enzyme wird die Biomasse von Energiepflanzen in Zucker umgewandelt, der darauf für die Produktion von Biotreibstoffen und anderen Bioprodukten verwendet werden kann.

      Spencer Swayze, Bereichsleiter für Geschäftsentwicklung bei Ceres, sagt, dass die Wissenschaftler von Ceres anhand fortschrittlicher Pflanzenzuchtmethoden und anderer Instrumente auf Genombasis an der Entwicklung von Energiepflanzen seien, in denen diejenigen Bestandteile der Biomasse minimiert werden, die für geringere Konversionsraten und Erträge verantwortlich sind. Einer der Vorteile von speziellen Energiepflanzen sei nämlich die Möglichkeit, deren Beschaffenheit besser kontrollieren zu können.

      "Ich male mir die Zukunft so aus, dass wir mit einem Gesamtpaket an speziell angefertigten Saatgutsorten und Enzymen sowie mit Empfehlungen zu Anbau und Ernte auf die Konversionsanlagen und ihre Rohstoffzulieferer zugehen können", sagte Swayze. "Veränderungen bei der Effizienz im Bereich von relativ wenigen Prozenten können zu erheblichen Einsparungen bei der Verarbeitung und zu geringeren Investitions- und Betriebskosten führen."

      Eine Studie der Sandia National Laboratories aus dem Jahr 2009, die von vorsichtigen Ertrags- und Konversionsannahmen ausging, kam zu dem Schluss, dass in den USA jährlich rund 284 Milliarden Liter Zellulose-Ethanol produziert werden könnten.2


      Ceres, Inc. ( ist führend bei der Entwicklung von ertragreichen Energiepflanzen, die als Rohstoffe für moderne Biotreibstoffe, Biostrom und weitere Produkte auf Basis von Biomasse angepflanzt werden können. Die Entwicklungsbemühungen des Unternehmens umfassen Rutenhirse, Sorghumhirsen mit hohem Biomassenanteil, Zuckerhirse, Chinaschilf und Zuckerrohr. Das Pflanzenzucht- und Biotechunternehmen vermarktet sein Rutenhirsen- und Sorghum-Saatgut unter dem Namen Blade Energy Crops. Ceres besitzt eine der weltweit größten Sammlungen an vollständig sequenzierten Pflanzengenen.


      Novozymes ist im Bereich Bioinnovation weltweit führend. Zusammen mit Kunden aus einer Vielzahl von Branchen erstellt Novozymes die industriellen Biolösungen von morgen und verbessert dabei die geschäftlichen Aspekte für seine Kunden sowie die Nutzung der natürlichen Ressourcen.

      Mit über 700 Produkten im Einsatz in 130 Ländern verbessern die Bioinnovationen von Novozymes die industriellen Leistungen und sichern die weltweiten Ressourcen durch ein Angebot an überlegenen und nachhaltigen Lösungen für die sich ständig verändernden Marktbedingungen der Zukunft. Mehr erfahren Sie unter

      1 Environmental Protection Agency: "Regulation of Fuels and Fuel Additives: Changes to Renewable Fuel Standard Program; Final Rule", S. 124, 26. März 2010 ("Regulierung von Treibstoffen und Treibstoffzusätzen: Änderungen am Standardprogramm für erneuerbare Treibstoffe; endgültige Regelung").…

      2 Sandia National Laboratories und General Motors' R&D Center: "90-Billion Gallon Biofuel Deployment Study" ("Studie zur Entwicklung von 284 Milliarden Liter Biotreibstoff"),…


      Die Ausgangssprache, in der der Originaltext veröffentlicht wird, ist die offizielle und autorisierte Version. Übersetzungen werden zur besseren Verständigung mitgeliefert. Nur die Sprachversion, die im Original veröffentlicht wurde, ist rechtsgültig. Gleichen Sie deshalb Übersetzungen mit der originalen Sprachversion der Veröffentlichung ab.
      schrieb am 28.05.10 15:26:14
      Beitrag Nr. 4 ()
      28.05.2010 11:33
      Novozymes sees China's commerical cellulosic ethanol in 2013

      BEIJING, May 28 (Reuters) - The world's top industrial enzymes producer, Novozymes A/S, said on Friday that it expects China to launch its first commercial cellulosic ethanol facility by 2013.

      The Denmark-based company signed an agreement to provide enzymes for a demonstration plant in China that will produce 3 million gallons of ethanol from corn stalks by the third quarter of 2011, the company said at a briefing in Beijing.

      Cellulosic ethanol is part of a worldwide move towards 'second generation' biofuel using agricultural and forest waste as feedstocks, but enzymes are required to break cellulose down into sugars, which are converted into ethanol.

      China banned all new facilities from using crops as a feedstock in 2007 amid food security concerns, and second-generation biofuels processed from waste or inedible crops like jatropha are now regarded as the best option.

      'We will look upon this (commercial facility) in two to three years,' said Michael Fredskov Christiansen, president of Novozymes' China operations.

      In February, Novozymes announced a new enzyme capable of breaking down plant waste. It said biofuel made using the new process would be competitive with ordinary gasoline and cost less than $2 per gallon.

      China, the third-largest ethanol producer after the United States and Brazil, aims to bring the share of renewable energy to 15 percent of total consumption by 2020, up from 8.3 percent in 2009.

      It also targets a reduction in carbon intensity, or the amount of carbon produced per unit of GDP, of between 40 and 45 percent by 2020 compared with 2005.

      'Cellulosic ethanol ... is definitely in the framework of the new target and we expect it to cover 1 or maybe 2 percent of the renewable part of China's energy mix,' said Christiansen.

      He cited a survey as saying that China produced between 600

      million and 800 million tonnes of agricultural waste every year, only a small amount of which was recycled and used to generate power.

      China plans to blend 10 million tonnes of ethanol into gasoline by 2020, but its current annual production rate is about 1.35 million tonnes, mostly using corn and wheat as feedstocks.

      Tianguan Group, a local ethanol producer, was building a 10,000-tonnne-per-year cellulosic ethanol facility, which could go into commercial production in three to five years, its president told Reuters in March. Tianguan uses its own enzyme to convert cellulose to sugar.
      schrieb am 08.06.10 11:40:51
      Beitrag Nr. 5 ()
      Die Performance dieses Wertes selbst in diesen turbulenten Börsentagen ist schon erstaunlich. Es scheint so zu sein, das Novozymes ein sehr konservativer Wert ist, der für viele Anleger einen sicheren Hafen darstellt.

      Solche Werte haben leider den Nachteil, dass der "sichere Hafen" von vielen auch wieder verlassen wird, wenns an den Börsen aufwärts geht.

      So ähnlich wie bei einen meiner Lieblingswerten "Stericycle"

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      East Africa Metals
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      schrieb am 15.07.10 16:42:35
      Beitrag Nr. 6 ()
      Thursday, July 15, 2010, 10:15am EDT
      Novozymes to open pilot plant in Pittsboro
      Triangle Business Journal - by Frank Vinluan

      Enzymes maker Novozymes and Piedmont Biofuels on Friday will unveil a new pilot plant aimed at using new enzyme technology to improve biodiesel production.

      The enzymatic biodiesel plant at Piedmont Biofuels’ Pittsboro facility will use technology developed by both Novozymes and Piedmont Biofuels. The companies say the new enzymatic process will increase biodiesel yields, decrease waste and allow biofuel producers to use lower cost feedstocks.

      The enyzmatic process also will produce higher grade byproducts. Current biodiesel production technology forms soaps and salts. The new enzymatic process produces glycerin, which can be used to make a variety of products ranging from bioplastics to solvents.

      North Carolina lawmakers have set a biofuels target date of 2017. By then, the goal is that 10 percent of the liquid fuels sold in the state come from locally produced biofuels.

      “With continued research, we believe this technology could contribute to North Carolina and U.S. biofuels targets within a couple years,” Hans Christian Holm, global marketing manager for Novozymes, said in a statement.

      The Biofuels Center of North Carolina and the Chatham County Economic Development Corp. also partnered on the project. Denmark-based Novozymes employs more than 465 in Franklinton, where the company maintains its North American headquarters.

      Read more: Novozymes to open pilot plant in Pittsboro - Triangle Business Journal
      schrieb am 16.12.10 23:50:15
      Beitrag Nr. 7 ()
      August 12, 2010
      Increased full-year 2010 expectations after strong first-half performance
      The strong sales and earnings growth in the first half of the year came from higher demand in the
      enzyme business and a continued good cost development across the organization. The strong growth
      was also the result of a challenged first half in 2009. Based on the first-half performance and
      currencies that have developed slightly favorably since previous guidance, sales are now expected to
      grow by 10–12% in DKK (7–9% organically). EBIT is expected to grow by 20–22%, and the EBIT margin
      is expected to be in the range of 21–22%. Net profit is expected to grow by 22–24%, investments are
      now expected to be in the range of DKK 1,150–1,250 million, and free cash flow before acquisitions is
      expected at DKK 800–900 million.
      For the first half of 2010:
      • Sales increased by 15% in DKK, 13% in local currency (LCY), 14% organically over 1H 2009
      • Gross margin reached 56.3% compared to 55.1% for 1H 2009
      • EBIT was DKK 1,109 million, an increase of 38% compared to 1H 2009
      • EBIT margin reached 23.1% compared to 19.3% for 1H 2009
      • Net profit was DKK 825 million, an increase of 43% compared to 1H 2009
      • Net investments were DKK 554 million compared to DKK 333 million in 1H 2009
      • Free cash flow before acquisitions was DKK 425 million, against DKK 387 million in 1H 2009
      • ROIC was 24.0% compared to 19.3% for 1H 2009
      “The strong sales and earnings growth in the first quarter continued in the second quarter. I’m very pleased with
      this development," says Steen Riisgaard, President & CEO. He continues: "Demand was high in the enzyme
      business, and all industries actually grew double digit if you look at the second quarter in isolation. Earnings
      continued to benefit from high productivity improvements, better capacity utilization, and tight cost
      management. However, it must be remembered that the first half of last year was the easier half from a
      comparison point of view, and there is still some uncertainty as to how markets will develop in the second half
      of 2010. Despite this uncertainty, with the strong first-half results in the enzyme business and a slightly more
      favorable currency outlook, we are increasing our expectations for the full year.”
      schrieb am 20.12.10 10:17:27
      Beitrag Nr. 8 ()
      Darmstädter Pharma- und Chemiekonzern Merck verkauft sein Pflanzenschutzgeschäft an den dänischen Konkurrenten Novozymes. Wie Merck am Montag mitteilte, zahlen die Dänen 275 Millionen US-Dollar (209 Mio Euro). Stimmen die Behörden zu, soll die Transaktion Anfang 2011 abgeschlossen sein.

      Angesiedelt ist das Geschäft in Nord- und Südamerika, wo es von drei Gesellschaften geführt wird. Im vergangenen Jahr erzielte Crop BioScience mit rund 165 Mitarbeitern einen Umsatz von rund 35 Millionen Euro.

      Mit der Akquisition des US-Biotechzulieferers Millipore habe sich der strategische Fokus des Unternehmensbereichs Chemie bei Merck in Richtung Life Science verschoben, begründete Chemie-Chef Bernd Reckmann den Verkauf. Das Crop BioScience Geschäft konzentriere sich auf ein spezielles Segment innerhalb der Agrarindustrie und habe jetzt nur wenige Anknüpfungspunkte zu anderen Teilen von Merck./she/dct/stk
      schrieb am 22.12.10 15:39:39
      Beitrag Nr. 9 ()
      COPENHAGEN, Dec 22 (Reuters) - Industrial enzymes producer Novozymes does not expect a major breakthrough for second-generation bioethanol in the United States for another four to five years, a senior executive said on Wednesday.

      Second-generation biofuels are made of plant waste, such as straw or corn cobs and husks rather than from food crops, and the industry is in its infancy.

      Novozymes' marketing director for biofuels, Poul Ruben Andersen, told Reuters he now sees no scope for second-generation ethanol to make a U.S. breakthrough until 2014 or 2015.

      Earlier this year, Andersen said he did not expect large volumes of second-generation ethanol to be produced until 2012.

      Andersen said he expected the first commercial-scale plants to be up and running in 2013.

      'The industry will then really start to develop in the years after that -- 2014, 2015,' Andersen, said in a telephone interview.

      'That's a delay compared to what has earlier been announced,' he said.
      schrieb am 21.01.11 23:13:46
      Beitrag Nr. 10 ()
      January 21, 2011
      Strong full-year 2010 performance and exciting outlook for 2011
      Sales and earnings grew strongly in 2010. Overall demand was high in the enzyme business, and costs
      were kept under control. For 2011, sales are expected to grow by 7–10% in DKK, local currency (LCY)
      and organically. We expect EBIT to grow by 8–11%, and we expect an EBIT margin of 21–22%,
      including an investment of DKK 150 million in additional initiatives in R&D and business-building
      activities. Net profit is expected to grow by 8–11%, with investments of around DKK 1,400 million and
      free cash flow before acquisitions of DKK 900–1,000 million. The outlook for 2011 excludes any
      potential impact from the EMD/Merck Crop BioScience acquisition.
      In 2010:
      • Sales grew by 15% in DKK, 10% in LCY, and 11% organically compared to 2009
      • The gross margin was 55.7%, compared to 55.6% in 2009
      • EBIT came to DKK 2,117 million, an increase of 25% compared to 2009
      • The EBIT margin was 21.8%, against 20.0% in 2009
      • Net profit came to DKK 1,614 million, an increase of 35% compared to 2009
      • Net investments excl. acquisitions totaled DKK 1,326 million, against DKK 978 million in 2009
      • Free cash flow before acquisitions was DKK 998 million, against DKK 839 million in 2009
      • ROIC was 22.2%, against 20.3% in 2009, incl. goodwill
      “It has been a very good year for Novozymes, and I can’t be anything but very pleased that already in 2010 we
      were able to live up to the long-term financial targets set at the beginning of 2009. We performed very well in
      terms of sales, earnings, cash flow, and sustainability," says Steen Riisgaard, President & CEO. "I'm also delighted
      that, in late December, we signed an agreement with the intention to acquire EMD/Merck Crop BioScience in
      the exciting and promising field of agricultural biologicals. We expect continued positive sales growth in 2011,
      and although we will be stepping up our activity levels, we still envisage a very healthy profit margin in 2011
      above our long-term target.”
      schrieb am 21.01.11 23:22:17
      Beitrag Nr. 11 ()
      Novozymes Sees U.S. Ethanol Market At 13.8 Billion Gallons In 2011
      1-21-11 5:02 AM EST | E-mail Article

      Danish biotech company Novozymes (NZYM-B.KO), the world's largest producer of industrial enzymes with about 47% of the global market, estimates that the U.S. biofuel industry will grow about 5% during 2011, to produce roughly 13.8 billion gallons of ethanol.

      "There's a lot of uncertainty linked to that number. The Renewable Fuels Standard talks about 12.6 billion gallons being produced in 2011, so that is the minimum," Novozymes Chief Financial Officer Benny Loft told Dow Jones Newswires Friday, adding the higher estimate stems from the fact that the U.S. has begun exporting part of their ethanol production as the high sugar price in Brazil in 2010 opened up that market to U.S. ethanol.
      Other elements of uncertainty going into 2011 are corn prices in the U.S. and oil prices. In addition there is the blend wall, the amount of ethanol permitted to be blended into ethanol-based fuels.

      Loft said Novozymes doesn't consider the blend wall a real constraint in 2011, expecting that the U.S. will shortly allow cars built from 2001 onwards to drive at a blend wall of 15%. Currently, only cars built from 2007 are allowed to drive at a 15% blend.

      "So that part of the uncertainty will disappear. The uncertainty is there today, but it won't impact 2011," he said.

      Enzyme sales to the ethanol industry, representing 19% of Novozymes' total sales, were up by 25% in Danish kronor and by 19% in local currencies compared to 2009.

      At the beginning of 2010, Novozymes introduced its Cellic CTec2 product to make bioethanol from cellulosic feedstock, so-called second-generation bioethanol. Looking ahead, Novozymes estimates that the cost of cellulosic ethanol can go as low as $2.00 or $2.25 per gallon, everything included.

      "But that's in the labs. People who are going to invest in plants producing second-generation biofuel, they need to see this work in real life," he said, which entails the need for a commercial-scale demo plant in the coming two years.

      "The production of these new plants will not happen in 2011 as was said a year ago. If we are lucky it will happen in late 2012 or perhaps even at the beginning of 2013," he said.

      Despite that hurdle to commercialization, Loft said the case for second- generation ethanol remains strong.

      "It helps when the oil price is close to a $100 per gallon. Studies have shown that the market can go as high as 60 billion gallons of ethanol at that price level ... So if you see an even higher oil price in 2011, it will certainly help the economy of producing second-generation biofuels," he said.

      Another element of the future of second-generation biofuels is DuPont's (DD) recent bid for Danish enzyme competitor Danisco (DCO.KO).

      "A big player like DuPont could perhaps promote the second generation biofuel even better than Danisco has. And since they are in the U.S. they can do things that we might not be able to do in developing that market. But I think we need to see how they will actually integrate the Genencor part of Danisco, and how they would like to focus that business to say how it will impact the competitive situation," he said.

      At 0915 GMT, Novozymes shares were down 1.2% at DKK767.50, while the broader Copenhagen benchmark index was down 0.8%. The shares fell after the company earlier Friday reported a fourth quarter net profit of DKK350 million, which failed to sooth investor worries about the more modest growth expectations for the bioethanol division and lower-than-anticipated margin going forward.
      schrieb am 21.01.12 13:38:38
      Beitrag Nr. 12 ()
      Sie sind immer schnell mit den Zahlen:…

      und gut sind sie auch noch! Leider sehr teure Aktie...
      schrieb am 06.02.12 21:26:50
      Beitrag Nr. 13 ()
      Weltmarktführer sind zumeist etwas teurer; nur Aktien mit einem KGV von 6 zu haben macht ja auch keinen Spaß
      schrieb am 09.02.12 22:36:43
      Beitrag Nr. 14 ()
      schrieb am 19.05.12 12:14:22
      Beitrag Nr. 15 ()
      Sales growth and profitability in Q1 2012 as expected. Full-year outlook maintained
      25. April 2012

      ​Overall sales growth of 2% in DKK for Q1 2012 is in line with expectations, on the back of a challenging comparison in the first quarter of 2011. The outlook for sales growth is maintained at 7–11% in DKK and 4–8% organically. EBIT grew by 7% compared to the first quarter of 2011, resulting in an EBIT margin of 24.9%. Full-year outlook for earnings, free cash flow and net investments unchanged.

      In Q1:

      Sales increased by 2% in DKK, while flat organically and down by 1% in LCY vs. Q1 2011
      Gross margin was 57.7%, an increase of 2.2 %-points compared to Q1 2011 (an increase of 0.7 %-points excluding Q1 2011 acquisition impact)
      EBIT was DKK 680 million, an increase of 7% over Q1 2011
      EBIT margin was 24.9%, up 1.3 %-points on Q1 2011
      Net profit was DKK 510 million, up 4% compared to Q1 2011
      Net investments excluding acquisitions totaled DKK 158 million, vs. DKK 206 million in Q1 2011
      Free cash flow before acquisitions was DKK 456 million, against DKK 477 million in Q1 2011
      ROIC was 20.9%, against 22.8% in Q1 2011, including goodwill

      “The first quarter developed as expected on the back of a challenging comparison in the first quarter of 2011," says Steen Riisgaard, President & CEO. “We are performing as planned and posting higher profitability, with enzymes sales for the Household Care and Feed industries being the strongest growth contributors as expected. Although the global economic situation remains uncertain, I’m pleased that we're on track to meet the outlook for the full year.
      schrieb am 21.01.14 10:52:53
      Beitrag Nr. 16 ()
      schrieb am 22.06.15 22:45:53
      Beitrag Nr. 17 ()
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      Novozymes - Enzym-Weltmarktführer(?)