
    Geld zu verschenken - 500 Beiträge pro Seite

    eröffnet am 11.09.00 23:50:25 von
    neuester Beitrag 07.06.01 09:14:36 von
    Beiträge: 26
    ID: 239.548
    Aufrufe heute: 0
    Gesamt: 457
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     Ja Nein
      schrieb am 11.09.00 23:50:25
      Beitrag Nr. 1 ()
      Ihr habt es Euch sicher schon gedacht - dies ist der neue Thread zu ISFB (WKN 928447 New York)

      Wenn ich mir anschaue wie wenig Umsatz (unter 30 k) dazu ausgereicht haben den Kurs fast zu verdoppeln , dannn sehe ich mich in meiner These bestätigt, was mit dem Kurs passiert, wenn das Relisting offiziell bekannt gegeben wird - dann sehen wir Kurse um 4 USD innerhalb weniger Stunden wieder ! (nicht vergessen die kommen von 8 USD)

      Nochmals klar und deutlich - außer dem nicht erfolgtem Filing gab es bis jetzt keinerlei negative Unternehmensnews!!

      Im Gegenteil - die bekanntgegebene Aquisition einer weiteren Softwarefirma hätte den Kurs unter normalen Umständen wahrscheinlich schon in den 2stelligen Dollarbereich gebracht.

      Während der harten Zeit in den Pinks wurden nur sehr wenige Aktien gehandelt!!!

      Ich habe hier schon oft beschrieben wie der Kurs mit niedrigsten Umsätzen heruntergetradet wurde- oder glaubt wirklich irgendjemand ernsthaft, daß da an manchen Tagen irgenwer für 30 USD Aktien gekauft hat ?

      Es waren einfach keine Käufer da - und deswegen konnte der Kurs so weit nach unten gehen.

      Aber - und das ist das eigentlich wichtige- es waren und sind auch keine Verkäufer da.

      Niemand , der sich auf derzeitigem Kursniveau von seinen Aktien trennen würde- das heißt ganz klar - wenn die erwarteten News kommen kann es nur strong nach Norden gehen.

      Wir habe selbst bei heutigem Kursniveau nur eine Marktcap. von 11,6 Mio. USD - sehr sehr wenig für eine Internetfirma die seit Jahren Gewinne macht!!!

      Geradezu unglaublich wenig.

      Ich habe mir Geld schenken lassen - und zwar von denjenigen die mir in den letzten Wochen so billig ihre Stücke überlassen haben - und auch heute wurde wieder in Massen Geld verschenkt- und zwar von jedem der verkauft hat.

      Vielleicht hole ich mir morgen noch ein paar Geschenke ab indem ich weiter nachkaufe :) :D ;)

      Gruß Amada
      schrieb am 12.09.00 00:04:44
      Beitrag Nr. 2 ()
      Hallo Amada ,

      na dann wollen wir mal hier weiter machen.

      War das ein schöner Tag heute .
      Schlußkurs 1 USD schon 300% innerhalb der letzten 4 Tage.

      Ich habe mal ein bisserl im Ragingbull nachgelesen, da sind die alle noch bullischer als hier . Da gehen die von Kurszielen um 20 Dollar aus.

      Das wäre ja so schön.

      GO ISFB

      schrieb am 12.09.00 00:10:24
      Beitrag Nr. 3 ()
      Hi Markus,

      na auch noch wach um die Zeit.

      War schön heute :) :) :)

      Aber das hatte ich ja die ganze Zeit gesagt.
      Das ist erst der Anfang.
      Was glaubst Du was uns nach der bekanntgabe des Relistings erst erwartet.

      Mit den Kurszielen von 20 USD bin ich übrigens voll einverstanden - ich habe meine ersten Stücke mit einem Kursziel von 25 USD vor ca 6 Monaten gekauft und habe damals um 7 Dollar bezahlt.

      Gruß Amada
      schrieb am 12.09.00 00:17:03
      Beitrag Nr. 4 ()
      So bin ich das von Dir gewöhnt Amada ,
      eine promte Antwort. lol

      Habe heute übrigens auch nochmal eine Order drinnengehabt Limit 75 Cent , wurde aber nicht bedient ; schade . Ich werds morgen nochmal versuchen .


      PS.: Hast Dir aber einen ganz schön reißerischen Titel für den Thread einfallen lassen. lol
      Obwohl , wenn nichts dazwischen kommt hast Du ja eigentlich recht , da verschenkt jeder Geld, der seine Stücke verkauft
      schrieb am 12.09.00 00:24:24
      Beitrag Nr. 5 ()
      Das hatte ich Dir aber vorausgesagt - ich habe auch schon öfter mal versucht mit Limit zu kaufen und wurde nicht bedient - egal ob der Kurs drunter oder drüber lag.

      Wenn du morgen nachkaufst - versuchs mal mit ner billigst-Order kleine Mengen max 5000 Stücke auf diesem Kursniveau - gib lieber mehrere hintereinander auf wenn Du mehr kaufen möchtest.

      Dann wirst Du sicher bedient.
      Ich habs jedenfalls so gemacht sogar bis 10000 Stücke billigst geordert und wie Du am heutigen Schlußkurs siehst habe ich keinen Grund zur Reue.

      Gruß Amada

      PS.: Das lol brauchst du hier im Board nicht zu verwenden , schau mal in der Boardhilfe nach, da siehst du wie die Smilies funktionieren

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      schrieb am 12.09.00 00:38:12
      Beitrag Nr. 6 ()

      wieder was gelernt danke amada.

      Was die Billigst Order betrifft hattest Du natürlich recht . Die stücke die ich billigst geordert habe habe ich auch alle bekommen.

      das heute mit dem Limit war ja auch einfach nur mal so ein Versuch ob es vielleicht nicht doch klappt.

      Ich hatte auch gar nicht damit gerechnet, daß es so schnell nach oben geht. Der Kurs vom freitag lag ja schließlich bei 53 Cent und da kam mir ein Limit bei 75 Cent wie kein Limit vor.
      Aber morgen mach ich es besser . Da schlag ich nochmal zu .

      Und dann gehts Ende des jahres in die Südsee mit ISFB Gewinnen :cool:

      schrieb am 12.09.00 00:49:05
      Beitrag Nr. 7 ()
      Wenn das stimmt , was sich da abzeichnet , kannst Du dann gleich ein paar Jahre da bleiben, weil Du so viel Geld gar nicht auf einmal ausgeben kannnst :)

      Gruß Amada
      schrieb am 12.09.00 09:22:49
      Beitrag Nr. 8 ()
      Nanu- gar keine Wortmeldungen hier?
      schrieb am 12.09.00 09:34:16
      Beitrag Nr. 9 ()
      Hi Amada,

      man muß sich selber Mut machen damit man aus der Scheiße kommt !!!
      Erst recht wenn man die Aktie bei 2$ empfohlen hat.
      Vielleicht kannst Dich noch an UVGI erinnern, es war doch deine Empfehlung oder der Griff ins Klo !!!

      Amada oder die Scheiße pur !!!

      schrieb am 12.09.00 10:03:45
      Beitrag Nr. 10 ()
      Hallo Klako,

      habe mir eben mal Deine Beiträge angeschaut - Du scheinst die Fäkalsprache zu lieben - jeder 3. Satz von Dir enthält die Passage "der Griff ins Klo" - stehst Du darauf???

      Sachliche Kritik zu ISFB kein Problem - aber dieses allgemeine Schlechtreden wofür Du aus vielen anderen Threads auch bekannt bist finde ich einfach daneben.

      Und was UVGI betrifft - die sind zwar heute im Keller - und das aus Gründen, die damals noch nicht abzusehen waren bei meiner Empfehlung-
      aber jeder der bei meiner 1 Empfehlung zu Uvgi damals gekauft hatte hatte sein Geld in den darauf folgenden 2 Wochen erstmal verdreifacht.
      Bei UVGI war ich in erster Linie aus Charttechnischen Gründen bullish
      und ich hatte bis zur Verdreifachung recht- für ISFB spricht einfach noch viel mehr - da scheinen die Fundamentals zu stimmen und es besteht eine realistische Chance durch das Relisting sehr schnell wieder sehr viel höhere Kurse zu sehen .

      Der Wert hat in den letzten Jahren vor dem delisting immer über 3 USD notiert!!!

      Und mindestens dahin sollten sie auch kurzfristig wieder gehen.
      Über die Risiken an der OTC habe ich oft genug hingewieden -
      darüber sollte sich jeder bewußt sein , der solche Werte kauft - das gilt für alle auch für ISFB.

      Aber grundsätzlich halte ich ISFB für grundsolide und sehr chancenreich.

      Schaut auch mal is RB-Board - da sind die mittlerweile auch wach geworden zum Thema ISFB - man findet nur positives.

      Gruß Amada
      schrieb am 12.09.00 10:25:49
      Beitrag Nr. 11 ()
      Ich habe mir nochmal die alten Threads duchgeschaut Klako , weil mir Dein Name in Erinnerung war - damals hast Du noch ganz anständig geschrieben- scheinbar hast Du mit vielen Werten Pech gehabt und schreibst deswgen so agressiv.
      Dazu folgendes: Bei UVGI hättest auch Du damals Geld verdient wenn Du gleich am Anfang (6.2.) als Du die Aktie kaufen wolltest richtig limitiert hättest. Da stand UVGI nämlich noch unter 50 Cent - dann hast Du ein paar Tage später wieder gepostet, weil Dein Limit nicht gelangt hatte und hast wohl über 72 Cent gekauft- und da war der Höchststand unglücklicherweise schon fast erreicht - die sind dann zwar noch bis 96 Cent weitergelaufen aber wir waren alle zu gierig (ich auch) und haben unsere Gewinne nicht realisiert.

      Heute bleibt uns nichts anderes übrig als aussitzen wobei ich davon überzeugt bin , daß auch UVGI wiederkommt. Les mal in den aktuuellen Threads nach was das Unternehmen so plant- wenn die das durchsetzten wirst auch Du mit Deinem Einstiegskurs noch Geld an dem Wert verdienen.

      Das gilt wahrscheinlich auch für deine anderen Werte- da bringt es nichts jetzt rumzuheulen und Müll zu posten - der Winter steht bevor und da werden die meisten Werte wieder aufleben und zu alten Höchstständen zurückkehren .
      Augen zu und durch - es ist fast geschafft.

      Bei ISFB sehe ich die erste massive Kurssteigerung kurzfristiger.
      Wenn es stimmt, daß die in Bälde regelistet werden scheinen Kurse um 4 USD logisch - und deswegen sage ich ISFB Strong buy

      Gruß Amada
      schrieb am 12.09.00 11:10:05
      Beitrag Nr. 12 ()
      Moin moin erstmal ,

      auf ein neues wollen mal sehen wo es heute hingeht , 1,50 ,2
      habe in jedem Fall nochmal ein paar geordert, hoffentlich komm ich noch gut rein.

      schrieb am 12.09.00 11:50:56
      Beitrag Nr. 13 ()
      Schaut Euch mal den Chart an - damit ihr seht wie billig die eigentlich im Moment sind

      Gruß Amada

      schrieb am 12.09.00 11:56:43
      Beitrag Nr. 14 ()
      Da sieht man genau wann die degelistet wurden - und genauso deutlich wird man die Kurve nach oben nach dem Relisting sehen

      Gruß amada
      schrieb am 12.09.00 12:40:33
      Beitrag Nr. 15 ()
      Wie hast Du denn das schon wieder gemacht Amada ? In der Boardhilfe steht was von IMG und so aber was geb ich da für eine Adresse ein?

      schrieb am 12.09.00 12:55:51
      Beitrag Nr. 16 ()
      Du mußt mit der rechten Maustaste auf die Grafik die du posten möchtest klicken , dann auf Eigenschaften - da siehst du dann die Adresse und kannst sie markieren und kopieren. Dann Gehst du in dein Antwortfenster und fügst die Adr. mit einfügen in den Beitrag ein .
      Dann noch die IMGs drumrum mit den Klammern und schon funktionierts.

      Gruß Amada
      schrieb am 12.09.00 13:09:06
      Beitrag Nr. 17 ()

      schrieb am 12.09.00 13:11:00
      Beitrag Nr. 18 ()
      Wow funktioniert ja

      Das ist übrigens der ISFB chart bei Freerealtime
      schrieb am 12.09.00 13:19:43
      Beitrag Nr. 19 ()
      Du lernst aber wirklich schnell

      :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)

      Gruß amada
      schrieb am 12.09.00 16:57:54
      Beitrag Nr. 20 ()
      Kurs aktuell bei 1 USD unverändert

      Handel 9900 Stücke
      schrieb am 12.09.00 22:11:33
      Beitrag Nr. 21 ()
      Das Filing ist wirklich da - eben habe ich es mit eigenen Augen gesehen!!!
      Relisting steht kurz bevor.

      Ich stells nachher hier rein.

      Gruß Amada
      schrieb am 12.09.00 23:35:19
      Beitrag Nr. 22 ()
      Hier der Beweis das Filing

      <SEC-DOCUMENT>0000891554-00-001435-index.html : 20000519
      <SEC-HEADER>0000891554-00-001435.hdr.sgml : 20000519
      ACCESSION NUMBER: 0000891554-00-001435
      FILED AS OF DATE: 20000517


      CENTRAL INDEX KEY: 0001114859
      IRS NUMBER: 860889110
      FISCAL YEAR END: 0331

      FORM TYPE: 8-K12G3
      SEC ACT:
      SEC FILE NUMBER: 000-30655
      FILM NUMBER: 639085




      WASHINGTON, D.C. 20549

      FORM 8-K


      Pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act

      May 11, 2000
      Date of Report

      (Date of Earliest Event Reported)

      International Solutions For Business, Inc.
      (Exact name of Registrant as Specified in its Charter)

      Internet House, Canal Basin, Coventry, England
      (Address of Principal Executive Offices)

      (Registrant`s Telephone Number)

      Not Applicable
      (Former name and former address)

      Nevada 000-27761 86-0889110
      ------ --------- ----------
      (State or other jurisdiction (Commission File Number) (IRS Employer
      of incorporation) Identification No.)



      (a) Merger Agreement. Pursuant to an Agreement and Plan of Merger (the
      "Merger Agreement") dated as of May 11, 2000 between Chauvin Enterprises, Inc.,
      a Delaware corporation ("Chauvin"), and Internet Solutions For Business, Inc., a
      Nevada corporation ("ISFB"), all the outstanding shares of common stock of
      Chauvin were exchanged for 100,000 shares of common stock of ISFB and other
      consideration consisting of cash and payment of certain fees and expenses in an
      aggregate amount equal to $144,970, in a transaction in which ISFB was the
      surviving corporation.

      The Merger Agreement was adopted by the unanimous consent of the Board of
      Directors of Chauvin and approved by the unanimous consent of the shareholders
      of Chauvin on May 4, 2000. The Merger Agreement was adopted by the unanimous
      consent of the Board of Directors of ISFB on May 4, 2000. A copy of the Merger
      Agreement is filed as an exhibit to this Form 8-K and is incorporated in its
      entirety herein. The foregoing description is modified by such reference.

      Prior to the merger, Chauvin had 1,627,000 shares of common stock
      outstanding which shares were exchanged for 100,000 shares of common stock of
      ISFB. By virtue of the merger, ISFB acquired 100% of the issued and outstanding
      common stock of Chauvin.

      The officers, directors, and by-laws of ISFB will continue without change
      as the officers, directors, and by-laws of the successor issuer. See "Item 2.
      Acquisition or Disposition of Assets - ISFB`s Directors, Executive Officers,
      Promoters and Control Persons and Key Employees" below.

      (b) Control of ISFB:

      On May 11, 2000, ISFB had 14,512,071 shares issued and outstanding. The
      following table sets forth certain information regarding the beneficial
      ownership of the Common Stock of ISFB as of May 11, 2000 of (1)each person who
      is known to ISFB to own beneficially more than 5% of ISFB`s outstanding Common
      Stock, (2) each of ISFB`s directors and officers, and (3) all directors and
      officers of ISFB as a group:



      Position with Amount of Stock
      Name and Address The Company Beneficially Owned Percentage
      ---------------- ----------- ------------------ ----------
      of Class

      <S> <C> <C> <C>
      Lawrence Shaw Chief Executive 4,498,452 31.2%
      180 Rugby Road Officer and
      Binley Woods Coventry UK Director

      Ronald Shaw Director 185,000 1.28%
      57 Nunts Lane
      Coventry CV6 4GZ, UK

      Edward Fitzpatrick (1) Director 234,286 1.625%
      Riddings Place, Hampton Lane
      Knowle B92 6PA, UK

      Heritage Equities Ltd. None 1,171,429 8.128%
      Boca Raton, Florida

      Officers and Directors as a Group 4,917,738 34.1%



      (a) Criteria for Merger. The consideration exchanged pursuant to the Merger
      Agreement was negotiated between Chauvin and ISFB.

      In evaluating ISFB as a candidate for the proposed merger, Chauvin used
      criteria such as the value of the assets of ISFB and its subsidiaries, the
      anticipated operations and acquisitions, material contracts, business name and
      reputation, quality of management, and current and anticipated operations.
      Chauvin determined that the consideration for the merger was reasonable.

      (b) Corporate History of ISFB. ISFB intends to continue to develop its
      business by focusing on project incubation and software development, security,
      web and interconnection and communications technologies including but not
      limited to WAP, ADSL and ASP for Web site development technologies, Internet and
      e-commerce activities.

      ISFB was incorporated in the State of Nevada on September 5, 1987, under
      the name of "Universal Funding Services Inc." The name was changed to "Universal
      Reduction Melting Technologies Inc." on June 30, 1998 and Internet Solutions for
      Business, Inc. on March 9, 1999.

      On February 28, 1999 ISFB acquired all the outstanding capital stock of
      Internet Solutions for Business Limited ("ISFB, Ltd."), a corporation formed
      under the laws of the United Kingdom ("UK"), in exchange for 7,000,000 shares of
      ISFB`s Common

      1 Edward Fitzpatrick is a principal of Noguchi Partnership (formerly known as
      the Heritage Equities Ltd.) owning 20% of the equity thereof. Accordingly,
      beneficial ownership of 20% of the shares owned directly by Noguchi Partnership
      are attributed to Mr. Fitzpatrick.


      Stock. ISFB, Ltd. was formed on March 17, 1997. It is a turnkey Internet
      solution provider, web-application developer and system integrator based in the
      UK. ISFB maintains its principal office at Internet House, Canal Basin,
      Coventry, England. It`s telephone number is 011 44 24 76 633177.

      (c) ISFB`s Business. ISFB, through ISFB, Ltd., provides
      business-to-business web-enabled solutions. Its clients are in the
      manufacturing, technology, media, publishing, commerce and government sectors.
      ISFB has adopted the philosophy of providing a web product for small to medium
      sized enterprises and corporations. To date, ISFB`s marketing efforts have been
      limited to the UK.

      ISFB`s strategy is to focus on market led product development to exploit
      the opportunities presented by the World-Wide-Web. ISFB offers products and
      services to aid clients to successfully migrate marketing, trading,
      communication and business initiatives to the World-Wide-Web. Value added
      services offered by ISFB include consultancy services on web design and
      functionality as part of an e-commerce solution and project management of
      external resources which integrate with ISFB product offerings, graphics partner
      used for corporate brochures, and house style.

      The Internet marketplace is diverse and clients require a cross-section of
      solutions. ISFB is continually attempting to develop new markets and software to
      help its clients disseminate information, procure products and make available
      investor information.


      ISFB Ltd. has approximately 16 employees most of whom specialize in
      technical development and design. In addition, from time to time, ISFB employs
      independent consultants.

      The Products, Services and Technology

      ISFB Ltd. has developed a range of products and services the details of
      which are set out below:

      o Standard core products with customized illustrative design based on its
      clients logo, selling message and house style;
      o Value added services ranging from consultancy through to preparation of web
      enabled business solution specifications;
      o Maintenance of Web sites including search engine management, market and
      client profiling and data analysis;
      o Web Hosting; and
      o Internet Service Provider (ISP).

      The product range also includes access statistics products, search engine
      optimizers, registration systems and a track and trace Anti-Spam product to
      filter out junk


      e-mails. Every product is completely compatible so that any product can simply
      be plugged into an existing ISFB site. This standardization is achieved while
      allowing the graphic design to be unique to every client. These products have
      significant market potential over a life expectancy of more than five years.

      The sales strategy is not only to sell products directly to the end users
      but also to use peer group partner companies who will embed such products into
      their own solutions for their customers.


      The changing needs of the market sector require the employees of ISFB to
      continuously review the market needs and trends, development products, services
      and the like. ISFB believes in the importance of staff development, offering
      cross training, allowing the working on both standard product and project
      developments ensuring the ongoing nurturing of skill sets.

      ISFB provides clients the facility for design, development, integration and
      support on Unix / Dos / Novell / Windows (NT, 95 and 3.x) / Mac / Acorn
      environments in addition to application development in VB 4/5, CGI, Perl, Active
      X, C, C++, Java / Java Script, SQL and ODBC operating systems and/or languages.
      The ISFB Technical Department is responsible for running the Unix and Windows NT

      ISFB has:

      o The ability to install and configure the operating systems listed above on
      many hardware set-ups;

      o Programming abilities including CGI, Shell, Perl, C, C++, and Lite;

      o Experience in SMTP, Sendmail, httpd (Apache, NCSA), IIS, Mailing lists
      (major-domo, listserv), IP routing (BGP4, Cisco IOS), Databases (Unix, NT),
      news (inn), ftp, dns, pop3, finger, and telnet;

      o A detailed knowledge of the major hardware architectures, specifically
      desktop and server PC configurations; and

      o All ongoing technical services to manage and support systems on a 24 hour
      daily basis.

      Intellectual Property

      Intellectual property is accumulated by ISFB, Ltd. and incorporated in the
      products it develops and services it offers. ISFB owns these rights and has the
      potential to assign these to specialist market/product focused groups which
      could then become subsidiary companies in their own right thus creating and
      enhancing shareholder value.


      ISFB sells to businesses only and does not deal directly with consumers.
      Estimating the current size of the addressable market is difficult. However, the


      market served by ISFB is the small and medium sized enterprise market in the UK
      where IT Services/e-commerce spending could vary between 0.5 % and 1.5% of such
      a company`s sales depending on processes. This would yield an approximate market
      size addressed by ISFB in the year 2001 of approximately 2 to 4 billion dollars
      in the geographic area in which it currently operates. ISFB believes that this
      represents approximately 10% of the total estimated UK IT services market for
      e-commerce products and services.

      It has been a strategic decision to limit customers to companies located
      within 80 miles of ISFB`s base in Coventry, England initially before addressing
      the wider geographic market. It is anticipated that future growth will be
      generated not only through internal expansion but through geographical expansion
      in the UK, the United States and other international centers, as well as through
      acquisitions and strategic alliances. ISFB`s business will be further developed
      along market led lines, capitalizing on the expertise of ISFB to supply selected
      market sectors with the solutions they need.

      Traditional industries, such as manufacturing, that have thought about IT
      investment in the past must now Web-enable their businesses on-line or face
      being uncompetitive. ISFB is poised to generate revenues by meeting the needs of
      the increasing number of companies and organizations who recognize the value of
      Internet solutions.

      It is anticipated that future growth will be generated not only through
      internal expansion but through acquisitions and partnerships as well.
      Partnerships are invaluable for both sales and development.


      In each of the identified sectors in which ISFB operates, the "Internet
      Solutions Business" is fragmented and highly competitive with relatively low
      barriers to entry. Competition and ISFB`s competitive position vary across the
      industries served. Competition is usually regional in nature with few companies
      specializing in full turnkey solutions.

      Management believes that ISFB`s competitiveness is based on its ability to
      understand a client`s specific needs, and to deliver solutions well matched to
      those needs as well as on the pricing of its value added services. The principal
      competitive factors in attracting projects are track record, pricing, benefits,
      availability and duration together with the specification proposed. Management
      believes that potential clients only have a small number of preferred suppliers
      for Internet Solutions. Increasing demand for online trading has left a gap in
      the market to serve clients who require intermediate solutions as a
      stepping-stone to full back-office integration. Therefore, ISFB`s reputation and
      its ability to offer appropriate products and services are important factors in
      ISFB`s ability to attract projects. The ability to secure such projects from
      blue-chip clients will determine competitive advantage and will help to attract
      other clients through referral.


      Although a very young company in conventional business terms, ISFB has the
      advantage of longevity in the marketplace, being operational in the first
      instant as a private and then public entity for more than five years.

      (d) Risk Factors Associated with ISFB and its Business

      The following risks should be considered carefully. ISFB`s business,
      financial condition and results of operations could be materially and adversely
      affected by any of the following risks.

      ISFB`s limited operating history makes the evaluation of ISFB`s current business
      and the forecasting of ISFB`s future results difficult.

      ISFB has only a limited operating history upon which an evaluation of
      ISFB`s current business and prospects can be based, each of which must be
      considered in light of the risks, expenses and problems frequently encountered
      by all companies in the early stages of development, and particularly by such
      companies entering new and rapidly developing markets like the Internet.

      Risks related to the Internet may affect ISFB`s success.

      There are many risks associated with operations on the Internet that may
      adversely affect ISFB`s success. Such risks include, without limitation, the

      o the possibility that the Internet will fail to achieve broad acceptance;

      o ISFB`s inability to attract or retain clients;

      o a new and relatively unproven business model;

      o ISFB`s ability to anticipate and adapt to a developing market;

      o the failure of ISFB`s network infrastructure (including its servers,
      hardware and software) to efficiently handle its Internet traffic;

      o changes in laws that may adversely affect ISFB`s business;

      o ISFB`S ability to manage effectively rapidly expanding operation, including
      the amount and timing of capital expenditures and other costs relating to
      the expansion of ISFB`s operations;

      o the introduction and development of different or more extensive solutions
      by ISFB`s direct and indirect competitors (including those with greater
      financial, technical and marketing resources) which may cause loss of
      market share;


      o ISFB`s inability to maintain and support increased levels of traffic on
      ISFB`s installed sites;

      o ISFB`s inability to attract, retain and motivate qualified personnel;

      Future growth predictions may be inaccurate.

      ISFB`s limited operating history makes the prediction of future results
      difficult or impossible. Furthermore, ISFB`s limited operating history leads
      ISFB to believe that period-to-period comparisons of ISFB`s operating results
      may not be meaningful and that the results for any particular period should not
      be relied upon as an indication of future performance. To the extent that
      revenues do not grow at anticipated rates, ISFB`s business, results of
      operations and financial condition would be materially and adversely affected.

      ISFB anticipates that losses may continue.

      ISFB anticipates incurring losses for the 12 month period ending March 31,
      2000 and that it may continue to incur net monthly losses on occasion. ISFB had
      a loss of $820,000 for the 9 month period ended December 31, 1999. The extent of
      future losses will depend, in part, on the amount of growth in revenues from
      products and Internet Solution services. As of March 31, 1999, ISFB had a small
      operating income of $435,841. ISFB expects that operating costs will increase
      during the next several years, especially in the areas of sales and marketing,
      product development and general and administrative expenses as it pursues its
      expansion strategy. Thus, ISFB will need to generate increased revenues faster
      than the rate of growth in costs to achieve profitability. To the extent that
      increases in its operating expenses precede or are not subsequently followed by
      corresponding increases in revenues, or if it is unable to adjust operating
      expense levels accordingly, ISFB`s business, results of operations and financial
      condition would be materially and adversely affected. There can be no assurance
      that ISFB will sustain profitability or that its operating losses will not
      increase in the future.

      ISFB`s future success is dependent on the continued growth in use of and the
      commercial viability of the internet.

      ISFB`s future success is substantially dependent upon the continued growth
      in the use of the Internet. To support product and solution sales revenues, the
      Internet`s recent and rapid growth must continue, and use of the Internet must
      become widespread. None of these can be assured. The Internet may prove not to
      be a viable information communications medium and information marketplace. If
      use of the Internet does not continue to grow, ISFB`s business, results of
      operations and financial condition would be materially and adversely affected.


      Additionally, there are several issues that could lead to resistance
      against the acceptance of the Internet as a viable commercial marketplace. To
      the extent that the Internet continues to experience significant growth in the
      number of users and the level of use, there can be no assurance that its
      technical infrastructure will continue to be able to support the demands placed
      upon it. The necessary technical infrastructure for significant increases in
      electronic news dissemination and e-commerce related to it, such as a reliable
      network backbone, may not be timely and adequately developed. In addition,
      performance improvements, such as high-speed modems, may not be introduced in a
      timely fashion. Furthermore, security and authentication concerns with respect
      to transmission over the Internet of confidential information, such as credit
      card numbers, may remain. Also, the Internet could lose its viability due to
      delays in the development or adoption of new standards and protocols required to
      handle increased levels of activity, or due to increased governmental
      regulation. Changes in or insufficient availability of telecommunications
      services could result in slower response times and adversely affect usage of the
      Internet. To the extent the Internet`s technical infrastructure does not
      effectively support the growth that may occur, ISFB`s business, results of
      operations and financial condition would be materially and adversely affected.

      ISFB`s business model and acceptance of ISFB`s products is unproven in the
      developing market in which ISFB operates.

      ISFB`s business model is new and relatively unproven. The model depends
      upon ISFB`s ability to generate multiple revenue streams by diversifying ISFB`s
      product offerings. To be successful, ISFB must, among other things, develop and
      market products and services that achieve broad market acceptance by its client
      companies. No assurance can be given that ISFB`s business model will be
      successful or that it can sustain revenue growth or be profitable. The market
      for ISFB`s products and services is new, rapidly developing and characterized by
      an increasing number of market entrants. As is typical of any new and rapidly
      evolving market, demand and market acceptance for recently introduced products
      and services are subject to a high level of uncertainty and risk. Moreover,
      because this market is new and rapidly evolving, it is difficult to predict its
      future growth rate, if any, and its ultimate size. If the market fails to
      develop, develops more slowly than expected or becomes saturated with
      competitors, or if ISFB`s products and services do not achieve or sustain market
      acceptance, ISFB`s business, results of operations and financial condition would
      be materially and adversely affected.

      Potential fluctuations in ISFB`s operating results and quarterly fluctuations
      may adversely affect ISFB`s trading price.

      Our operating results may fluctuate significantly in the future as a result
      of a variety of factors, many of which are outside of ISFB`s control. As a
      strategic response to changes in the competitive environment, ISFB may from time
      to time make certain pricing, service or marketing decisions or acquisitions
      that could have a material short-


      term or long-term adverse effect on ISFB`s business, results of operations and
      financial condition.

      ISFB is controlled by its officers, directors and entities affiliated with them.

      In the aggregate, ownership of ISFB shares by management represents a large
      proportion of ISFB issued and outstanding shares of common stock. These
      stockholders, if acting together, will be able to significantly influence all
      matters requiring approval by ISFB`s stockholders, including the election of
      directors and the approval of mergers or other business combination

      ISFB`s future performance is dependent on key personnel.

      ISFB`s performance is substantially dependent on the performance of ISFB`s
      senior management and key technical personnel. In particular, ISFB`s success
      depends on the continued efforts of ISFB senior management team, especially
      ISFB`s Chief Executive Officer, Lawrence Shaw. The loss of the services of any
      of ISFB executive officers or other key employees could have a material adverse
      effect on ISFB business, results of operations and financial condition.

      ISFB`s future success also depends on ISFB`s continuing ability to retain
      and attract highly qualified technical, editorial and managerial personnel. ISFB
      anticipates that the number of ISFB`s employees will increase significantly in
      the next 12 months. Wages for managerial and technical employees are increasing
      and are expected to continue to increase in the foreseeable future due to the
      competitive nature of this job market. There can be no assurance that ISFB will
      be able to retain ISFB`s key managerial and technical personnel or that it will
      be able to attract and retain additional highly qualified technical and
      managerial personnel in the future. The inability to attract and retain the
      technical and managerial personnel necessary to support the growth of ISFB`s
      business, due to, among other things, a large increase in the wages demanded by
      such personnel, could have a material adverse effect upon ISFB`s business,
      results of operations and financial condition.

      A majority of ISFB`s senior management is inexperienced in managing a public

      To manage its potential growth, ISFB must continue to implement and improve
      its operational and financial systems, and must expand, train and manage its
      employee base. Moreover the existing senior management has not had any previous
      experience managing a growing public company. There can be no assurance that
      ISFB will be able to effectively manage the expansion of its operations, that
      ISFB systems, procedures or controls will be adequate to support its operations
      or that its management will be able to achieve the rapid execution necessary to
      fully exploit the market opportunity for its products and services. Any
      inability to manage growth effectively could have a material adverse effect on
      ISFB`s business, results of operations and financial condition.


      The Internet industry is characterized by rapid technological change which may
      affect ISFB`s ability to respond to the evolving demands of ISFB`s market place.

      The market for Internet products and services is characterized by rapid
      technological developments, evolving industry standards and customer demands,
      and frequent new product introductions and enhancements. These market
      characteristics are exacerbated by the emerging nature of the market and the
      fact that many companies are expected to introduce new Internet products and
      services in the near future. ISFB`s future success will depend in significant
      part on its ability to continually improve the performance, features and
      reliability of the site in response to both evolving demands of the marketplace
      and competitive product and service offerings, and there can be no assurance
      that ISFB will be successful in doing so. In addition, the widespread adoption
      of developing multimedia enabling technologies could require fundamental and
      costly changes in ISFB`s technology and could fundamentally affect the nature,
      viability and measurability of Internet-based advertising, which could adversely
      affect ISFB`s business, results of operations and financial condition.

      ISFB may suffer system failures on its web server system which could result in
      negative publicity, and adversely affect ISFB`s market acceptance.

      There is a reliance on third parties for both services and equipment by
      ISFB and its suppliers, all of which are a vital element to the operation of the

      In the past, users have occasionally experienced difficulties with Internet
      and online services due to system failures, including failures unrelated to ISFB
      systems. Any disruption in Internet access provided by third parties could have
      a material adverse effect on ISFB`s business, results of operations and
      financial condition.

      Our operations are dependent in part upon ISFB ability to protect ISFB
      operating systems against damage from human error, fire, floods, power loss,
      telecommunications failures, break-ins and similar events. ISFB does not
      presently have redundant, multiple-site capacity in the event of any such
      occurrence. ISFB`s servers are also vulnerable to computer viruses, break-ins
      and similar disruptions from unauthorized tampering with ISFB`s computer
      systems. The occurrence of any of these events could result in the interruption,
      delay or cessation of service, which could have a material adverse effect on
      ISFB`s business, results of operations and financial condition. In addition,
      ISFB`s reputation and the brand could be materially and
      adversely affected.

      There are security risks to ISFB`s network.

      Experienced programmers ("hackers") have attempted on occasion to penetrate
      ISFB`s network security. ISFB expects that these attempts will continue to occur
      from time to time. Since a hacker who is able to penetrate ISFB`s network
      security could misappropriate proprietary information or cause interruptions in
      ISFB`s products and services or do other damage, ISFB may be required to expend


      capital and resources to protect against or to alleviate problems caused by such
      parties. Additionally, ISFB`s may not have a timely remedy against a hacker who
      is able to penetrate ISFB network security. Such purposeful security breaches
      could have a material adverse effect on ISFB`s business, results of operations
      and financial condition. In addition to purposeful security breaches, the
      inadvertent transmission of computer viruses could expose ISFB to a material
      risk of loss or litigation and possible liability.

      In offering certain payment services for some products and services, ISFB
      could become increasingly reliant on encryption and authentication technology
      licensed from third parties to provide the security and authentication necessary
      to effect secure transmission of confidential information, such as customer
      credit card numbers. Advances in computer capabilities, discoveries in the field
      of cryptography and other discoveries, events, or developments could lead to a
      compromise or breach of the algorithms that ISFB licensed encryption and
      authentication technology used to protect such confidential information. If such
      a compromise or breach of ISFB licensed encryption authentication technology
      occurs, it could have a material adverse effect on ISFB`s business, results of
      operations and financial condition. ISFB may be required to expend significant
      capital and resources to protect against the threat of such security, encryption
      and authentication technology breaches or to alleviate problems caused by such
      breaches. Concerns over the security of Internet transactions and the privacy of
      users may also inhibit the growth of the Internet generally, particularly as a
      means of conducting commercial transactions.

      ISFB`s ability to attract additional financing as needed may affect its future

      Additional financing will be required by ISFB as it expects negative
      operating cash flow for the coming months until the routine income from
      installed Web has grown to cover the cost of their support and development. Such
      financing, if obtained by ISFB, may result in the issuance of additional
      securities and may not be available on terms favorable to it.

      ISFB expects that it will continue to experience negative operating cash
      flow on occasion for the foreseeable future as a result of significant spending
      on product development and infrastructure. Accordingly, ISFB will need to raise
      additional funds in a timely manner in order to fund ISFB`s anticipated
      expansion and new enhanced services or products, respond to competitive
      pressures or acquire complementary products, businesses or technologies.
      Additional funds will have to be raised through the issuance of equity or
      convertible debt securities causing the percentage of ownership of ISFB`s
      current stockholders to be reduced, stockholders to experience additional
      dilution and such securities may have rights, preferences or privileges senior
      to those of the holders of the common stock.

      ISFB does not have any contractual restrictions on ISFB`s ability to incur
      debt and, accordingly, ISFB could incur significant amounts of indebtedness to
      finance its operations. Any such indebtedness could contain covenants, which
      would restrict ISFB`s operations. There can be no assurance that additional
      financing if and when


      needed will be available on terms favorable to ISFB, or at all. If adequate
      funds are not available or are not available on acceptable terms, it would have
      a material adverse effect on ISFB`s ability to fund its expansion, take
      advantage of acquisition opportunities, develop or enhance services or products
      or respond to competitive pressures.

      Future acquisitions of other business entities by ISFB would entail numerous
      risks and uncertainties which could have an adverse affect on its operations and
      financial condition.

      As part of ISFB`s business strategy, it expects to review acquisition
      prospects that would complement its existing business, augment the distribution
      of its products or enhance its technological capabilities. Future acquisitions
      by ISFB could result in potentially dilutive issuances of equity securities,
      large and immediate write-offs, the incurrence of debt and contingent
      liabilities or amortization expenses related to goodwill and other intangible
      assets, any of which could materially and adversely affect ISFB`s business,
      results of operations and financial condition.

      Furthermore, acquisitions entail numerous risks and uncertainties,
      including difficulties in the assimilation of operations, personnel,
      technologies, products and information systems of the acquired companies, the
      diversion of management`s attention from other business concerns, the risks of
      entering geographic and business markets in which ISFB has no or limited prior
      experience and the potential loss of key employees of acquired organizations.

      ISFB has only made two small acquisitions in the past. No assurance can be
      given as to ISFB`s ability to successfully integrate any businesses, products,
      technologies or personnel that might be acquired in the future, and ISFB`s
      failure to do so could have a material adverse effect on its business, results
      of operations and financial condition.

      ISFB may be unable to protect the intellectual property rights upon which its
      business relies, which could harm its competitiveness and cause customer

      ISFB regards substantial elements of its Web site designs and underlying
      technology as proprietary and will attempt to protect them by relying on
      intellectual property laws, including trademark, service mark, copyright and
      trade secret laws and restrictions on disclosure and transferring title and
      other methods. ISFB will also generally enter into confidentiality agreements
      with its employees and consultants and in connection with its license agreements
      with third parties. ISFB seeks to control access to and distribution of ISFB
      technology, documentation and other proprietary information. Despite these
      precautions, it may be possible for a third party to copy or otherwise obtain
      and use ISFB`s proprietary information without authorization or to develop
      similar technology independently. ISFB is pursuing the registration of ISFB
      trademarks in the United Kingdom and internationally. Effective trademark,
      service mark, copyright and trade secret protection may not be available in


      country in which ISFB services are distributed or made available through the
      Internet, and policing unauthorized use of ISFB proprietary information is

      Legal standards relating to the validity, enforceability and scope of
      protection of certain proprietary rights in Internet-related businesses are
      uncertain and still evolving, and no assurance can be given as to the future
      viability or value of any of ISFB`s proprietary rights. There can be no
      assurance that the steps taken by ISFB will prevent misappropriation or
      infringement of its proprietary information, which could have a material adverse
      effect on ISFB business, results of operations and financial condition.

      Litigation may be necessary in the future to enforce ISFB intellectual
      property rights, to protect ISFB trade secrets or to determine the validity and
      scope of the proprietary rights of others. Such litigation might result in
      substantial costs and diversion of resources and management attention.
      Furthermore, there can be no assurance that ISFB business activities will not
      infringe upon the proprietary rights of others, or that other parties will not
      assert infringement claims against ISFB including claims that by directly or
      indirectly providing hyperlink text links to Web sites operated by third
      parties, ISFB has infringed upon the proprietary rights of other third parties.
      Moreover, from time to time, ISFB may be subject to claims of alleged
      infringement by ISFB of the trademarks, service marks and other intellectual
      property rights of third parties. Such claims and any resultant litigation,
      should it occur, might subject ISFB to significant liability for damages, result
      in invalidation of ISFB`s proprietary rights and, even if not meritorious, could
      result in substantial costs and diversion of resources and management attention,
      any of which could have a material adverse effect on ISFB`s business, results of
      operations and financial condition.

      As ISFB continues to introduce new products and services that incorporate
      new technologies, it may be required to license additional technology from
      others. There can be no assurance that these third-party technology licenses
      will continue to be available to ISFB on commercially reasonable terms, if at
      all. As a result, any inability on ISFB`s part to obtain any of these technology
      licenses could result in delays or reductions in the introduction of new
      services or could adversely affect the performance of ISFB`s existing services
      until equivalent technology can be identified, licensed and integrated.

      It is unclear how any existing and future laws enacted will be applied to the
      Internet industry and what affect such laws will have on ISFB.

      A number of legislative and regulatory proposals under consideration in the
      US that may also be adopted by the UK and foreign governmental organizations may
      lead to laws or regulations concerning various aspects of the Internet,
      including, but not limited to, online content, user privacy, taxation, access
      charges, liability for third-party activities and jurisdiction. Additionally, it
      is uncertain how existing laws will be applied by the judiciary to the Internet.
      The adoption of new laws or the application of existing laws may decrease the
      growth in the use of the Internet, which could in turn decrease the


      demand for ISFB`s products and services, increase ISFB`s cost of doing business
      or otherwise have a material adverse effect on ISFB`s business, results of
      operations and financial condition.

      Internet user privacy has become an issue both in the UK and abroad. ISFB
      cannot predict the exact form of the regulations that the UK government may
      adopt to protect such privacy. Any such action could affect the way in which
      ISFB is are allowed to conduct its business, especially those aspects that
      involve clients being restricted in the collection or use of personal
      information, and could have a material adverse effect on ISFB business, results
      of operations and financial condition.

      The tax treatment of the Internet and e-commerce is currently unsettled. A
      number of proposals have been made by working groups and by UK government
      departments. Governments could impose taxes on the sale of goods and services
      and certain other Internet activities. Recently, the Internet Tax Freedom Act
      was signed into law in the US, placing a three-year moratorium on new state and
      local taxes on certain aspects of Internet commerce in the US. However, there
      can be no assurance that future laws imposing taxes or other regulations on
      commerce over the Internet would not substantially impair the growth of
      e-commerce and as a result have a material adverse effect on ISFB`s business,
      results of operations and financial condition.

      Although ISFB`s servers are located in the UK, the governments of other
      foreign countries might attempt to take action against ISFB for violations of
      their laws. There can be no assurance that violations of such laws will not be
      alleged or charged by provincial, state or foreign governments and that such
      laws will not be modified, or new laws enacted, in the future. Any of the
      foregoing could have a material adverse effect on ISFB`s business, results of
      operations and financial condition.

      ISFB`s strategy to move into international operations and other expansions
      exposes ISFB to several risks that could have an adverse affect on its business,
      results of operations and financial condition.

      A part of ISFB strategy is to expand its sales offices network throughout
      the UK and into the United States and other international markets. There can be
      no assurance that ISFB`s products or services will become widely accepted for
      corporate clients in any international markets. In addition, ISFB expects that
      the success of any additional foreign operations which it initiates in the
      future will also be dependent upon local service providers and/or partners. If
      revenues from international ventures are not adequate to cover the investments
      in such activities, ISFB`s business, results of operations and financial
      condition could be materially and adversely affected.

      ISFB may experience difficulty in managing international operations as a
      result of difficulty in locating effective foreign service providers and/or
      partners, competition, technical problems, local laws and regulations, distance
      and language and cultural differences. There can be no assurance that ISFB or
      its international partners will be able to successfully market and operate in
      foreign markets. ISFB also


      believes that, in light of substantial anticipated competition, it will be
      necessary to aggressively market ISFB`s products and services into the UK and
      international markets in order to effectively obtain market share, and there can
      be no assurance that ISFB will be able to do so. There are certain risks
      inherent in doing business on an international level, such as unexpected changes
      in regulatory requirements, trade barriers, difficulties in staffing and
      managing foreign operations, fluctuations in currency exchange rates, longer
      payment cycles in general, problems in collecting accounts receivable,
      difficulty in enforcing contracts, political and economic instability, seasonal
      reductions in business activity in certain other parts of the world and
      potentially adverse tax consequences. There can be no assurance that one or more
      of such factors will not have a material adverse effect on ISFB`s future
      international operations and, consequently, on ISFB`s business, results of
      operations and financial condition.

      Any significant deterioration in the general economic conditions would have an
      adverse effect on ISFB`s business, result of operations or financial condition.

      Time spent on the Internet by individuals, purchases of new computers and
      purchases of membership subscriptions to Internet sites are typically
      discretionary for consumers and may be particularly affected by adverse trends
      in the general economy. The success of ISFB`s operations depends to a
      significant extent upon a number of factors relating to discretionary consumer
      spending, including economic conditions (and perceptions of such conditions by
      consumers) affecting disposable consumer income such as employment, wages and
      salaries, business conditions, interest rates, availability of credit and
      taxation for the economy as a whole and in regional and local markets where ISFB
      operate. There can be no assurance that consumer spending will not be adversely
      affected by general economic conditions, which could negatively impact ISFB`s
      results of operations or financial condition. Any significant deterioration in
      general economic conditions or increases in interest rates may inhibit
      consumers` use of credit and cause a material adverse effect on ISFB`s revenues
      and profitability. In addition, ISFB`s business strategy relies on advertising
      by and agreements with other Internet companies. Any significant deterioration
      in general economic conditions that adversely affects these companies could also
      have a material adverse effect on ISFB`s business, results of operations and
      financial condition.

      If the trading price of ISFB`s common stock remains volatile, the long-term
      trading price may be adversely affected regardless of ISFB`s performance and a
      class action litigation may be instituted against ISFB which would have an
      adverse effect on ISFB`s business, results of operations and financial

      The trading price of ISFB`s common stock has been volatile and may continue
      to be subject to wide fluctuations in response to quarterly variations in
      operating results, announcements of technological innovations or new products
      and services by ISFB or its competitors, changes in financial estimates by
      securities analysts, the operating and stock price performance of other
      companies that investors may deem comparable to ISFB and other events or
      factors. In addition, the stock market in general, and the market prices


      for Internet-related companies in particular, have experienced extreme
      volatility that often has been unrelated to the operating performance of such
      companies. These broad market and industry fluctuations may adversely affect the
      trading price of ISFB`s common stock, regardless of ISFB`s operating
      performance. In the past, following periods of volatility in the market price of
      the Company`s securities, securities class action litigation has often been
      instituted against the Company. Such litigation, if instituted, whether or not
      successful, could result in substantial costs and a diversion of Management`s
      attention and resources, which would have a material adverse effect on the
      Company`s business, results of operations and financial condition.

      The value and transferability of ISFB shares may be adversely impacted by the
      limited trading market for ISFB common stock, the penny stock rules and futures
      share issuance. There is a limited market for ISFB`s common stock.

      No assurance can be given that a market for ISFB`s common stock will be
      sustained or that the common stock will be quoted on the NASD`s Over the Counter
      Bulletin Board.

      The sale or transfer of ISFB common stock by shareholders may be subject to
      the so-called "penny stock rules."

      Under Rule 15g-9 of the Exchange Act, a broker or dealer may not sell a
      "penny stock" (as defined in Rule 3a51-1) to or effect the purchase of a penny
      stock by any person unless:

      (a) such sale or purchase is exempt from Rule 15g-9;

      (b) prior to the transaction the broker or dealer has (1) approved the
      person`s account for transaction in penny stocks in accordance with
      Rule 15g-9, and (2) received from the person a written agreement to
      the transaction setting forth the identity and quantity of the penny
      stock to be purchased; and

      (c) the purchaser has been provided an appropriate disclosure statement as
      to penny stock investment.

      The Securities and Exchange Commission adopted regulations that generally
      define a penny stock to be any equity security other than a security excluded
      from such definition by Rule 3a51-1. Such exemptions include, but are not
      limited to (1) an equity security issued by an issuer that has (i) net tangible
      assets of at least $2,000,000, if such issuer has been in continuous operations
      for at least three years, (ii) net tangible assets of at least $5,000,000, if
      such issuer has been in continuous operation for less than three years, or (iii)
      average revenue of at least $6,000,000 for the preceding three years; (2) except
      for purposes of Section 7(b) of the Exchange Act and Rule 419, any security that
      has a price of $5.00 or more; and (3) a security that is authorized or approved
      for authorization upon notice of issuance for quotation on the NASDAQ Stock
      Market, Inc.`s Automated Quotation System.


      It is likely that shares of common stock, assuming a market were to develop
      therefore, will be subject to the regulations on penny stocks; consequently, the
      market liquidity for the common stock may be adversely affected by such
      regulations limiting the ability of broker/dealers to sell ISFB common stock and
      the ability of shareholders to sell their securities in the secondary market.

      Moreover, ISFB shares may only be sold or transferred by ISFB shareholders
      in those jurisdictions in which an exemption for such "secondary trading" exists
      or in which the shares may have been registered.

      ISFB has not declared any dividends since inception, and has no present
      intention of paying any cash dividends on its common stock in the foreseeable
      future. The payment by ISFB of dividends, if any, in the future, rests in the
      discretion of ISFB`s Board of Directors and will depend, among other things,
      upon ISFB`s earnings, its capital requirements and financial condition, as well
      as other relevant factors.

      Potential future 144 sales may impact the value of ISFB stock .

      As of May 11, 2000, of the shares of ISFB common stock authorized, there
      were issued and outstanding 14,512 071 shares of which 9,375,971 are "restricted
      shares" as that term is defined under the Securities Act, and in the future may
      be sold in compliance with Rule 144 of the Securities Act, or pursuant to a
      Registration Statement filed under the Securities Act. Rule 144 provides, in
      essence, that a person holding restricted securities for a period of 1 year may
      sell those securities in unsolicited brokerage transactions or in transactions
      with a market maker, in an amount equal to the greater of (i) 1% of ISFB
      outstanding common stock or (ii) the average weekly trading volume for the four
      week period prior to the proposed date of sale, every 3 months as reported on an
      automated quotation system (as to which the `pink sheets` would not qualify) .
      Additionally, Rule 144 requires that an issuer of securities make available
      adequate current public information with respect to the issuer. Such information
      is deemed available if the issuer satisfies the reporting requirements of
      Sections 13 or 15(d) of the Exchange Act and of Rule15c2-11 thereunder. Rule 144
      also permits, under certain circumstances, that sale of shares by a person who
      is not an affiliate (and has not been an affiliate for the 90 day period
      preceding the proposed sale) of ISFB and who has satisfied a 2 year holding
      period without any quantity limitation and whether or not there is adequate
      current public information available.

      The possible issuance of additional shares may impact the value of ISFB stock.

      ISFB is authorized to issue up to 50,000,000 shares of common stock. It is
      ISFB`s intention to issue more shares. Sales of substantial amounts of common
      stock (including shares issuable upon the exercise of stock options, the
      conversion of the notes and the exercise of the warrants), or the perception
      that such sales could occur, could materially adversely affect prevailing market
      prices for the common stock and the ability of ISFB to raise equity capital in
      the future.


      ISFB`s inability to supply demanded functionality may affect its success.

      ISFB maintains a close relationship with Warwick University - one of the
      UK`s top academic institutions in IT and e-commerce. This enables ISFB`s
      technology potential to be renewed and its technology team to be strengthened
      when needed through a pipeline for resource. This relationship may not continue
      to operate as we expect and changes in University policy may not allow graduates
      and research fellows to support ISFB.

      ISFB inability to provide on-line services may affect our success.

      ISFB and its suppliers rely on third parties for both services and
      equipment, which are a vital element to the operation of the business. ISFB uses
      an external company to provide networks in the Internet Service Provider (ISP)
      portion of its business. Intermittent or permanent loss of this service to ISFB
      clients may result in their Web Sites not functioning properly resulting in loss
      of business.

      ISFB`s ability to generate revenue from installed sites may affect its success.

      ISFB receives a portion of its income from on-going license fees as a
      source of internal funds. This is set to increase as more products are
      installed. If the products are not upgraded to meet new processes, there may be
      a tendency to replace ISFB products with alternatives as they become available
      from competitors.

      (e) Management`s Discussion And Analysis Or Plan Of Operation

      1. Operations To Date

      Following its formation in 1997, the Company built its reputation as being
      a small problem-solving company using the Internet as a `means to an end` rather
      than `an end in itself.` The solutions were being sold at that time on various
      platforms including PC, Mini and mainframe computers. During the next couple of
      years a tool set was developed to satisfy data flow and security requirements to
      enable common components to be integrated successfully and these formed the
      basis of the Internet and the Web products. The tools were then implemented in a
      number of UK corporations, including Volvo, IMI, London Taxis International and
      Courtaulds, allowing the building of a considerable `user base` of demonstrable
      sites. These formed the reference components for the products assembled during
      year ended March 31, 1999.

      Initial financing to launch the business was received from a combination of
      invested capital from the original business owners and use of self funded
      contracts. Investment was limited, however, allowing the Company to grow only
      slowly during its first and second years of business, while continuing to expand
      its client base. The nature of the business is such that the cost of sales
      arises largely from software and design labor. Payment terms on contracts are
      heavily front end loaded to fund the contract costs.


      Margins are such that the bulk of the software production overhead expense can
      be borne by the contracts. Finance is needed to fund Marketing, Sales, Research
      and Development in core products and the unfunded work-in-progress in delayed
      contracts. After about 9 months of focus development resource, the ISFB product
      components were available to the market.

      ISFB intends to raise up to $4,500,000 in a direct private placement
      offering pursuant to the terms of Regulation S. Such offering will be

      ISFB has developed a range of products that are beginning to sell well and
      as the Internet grows ISFB believes such markets will expand. The business will
      be further developed, capitalizing on the expertise of ISFB to supply selected
      market sectors with the solutions they need, thereby maximizing growth and

      Future growth will be generated through the expansion of ISFB`s sales
      network throughout the UK, Europe and into the United States and other
      international markets as well as through acquisitions and partnerships which
      provide strategic benefit both in generating products with high earning
      potential and also in creating a wider range of channels to market.

      Another area of growth is the use of Wireless Application Protocol devices.
      ISFB has already developed a demonstrator and will be seeking investment to
      expand its activities in this field

      2. Nine Month Period Ended December 31, 2000

      The Company has a core team of 16 full time staff backed by associate
      programmers, designers and system architects able to customize ISFB products
      into bespoke system solutions. The new team now has the ability to take on
      larger, more complex contracts in line with the new corporate strategic

      Technical and production headcount has been increased by 12 during the nine
      month period ended December 31, 1999 to extend and enhance the Company`s range.
      In addition to the technical headcount, new sales personnel were engaged in
      August/September to boost the falling sales volumes. The impact of the new
      personnel did not start to benefit ISFB until the last quarter of the fiscal
      year due to the learning curve associated with the Company`s products.

      3. Fiscal Year Ended March 31, 1999

      This was the first year that ISFB Ltd. commenced operations. Initial sales
      were secured and personnel resources were `bought in` resulting in the incursion
      of consultancy costs and related charges for technical work and marketing.

      No value was attributed to the developed products when ISFB Ltd. was formed
      resulting in a low value attributed to cost of sales and thus the subsequent
      high level of gross profit in relation to the sales.


      Work in Progress accounting was not applied in this year due to the limited
      information available to attribute costs accurately to specific orders and the
      resulting sales. All costs were therefore expensed.

      4. Changes in Accounting Policy

      During the year ended March 31, 2000, Management decided to change the
      Company`s accounting policy to take into account the increase in value of the
      intellectual property rights invested in products.

      The development of ISFB`s core products and the related technical personnel
      costs have now been charged to development.

      During the nine month period ended December 31, 1999 new products were
      developed, replacing some of the products in the portfolio that were sold in the
      prior year and introduced into the Company. This resulted in a poor trading
      performance which is attributable to not having engaged the sales personnel at
      the crucial time when sales volume began to fall, and new products were not
      sufficiently advanced in their development cycle to compensate for the decline.

      Work in Progress accounting was introduced in the last quarter of the 1999
      calendar year to reflect the increased number of orders and the time to
      customize those orders.

      Overhead costs included all personnel costs as in the prior year, but in
      2000/01 the costs of sales are budgeted on the basis of attributing the costs of
      the technical personnel more directly to specific orders and subsequent sales.
      With the introduction of the work in progress policy in the last quarter, it was
      not considered appropriate or feasible to allocate such costs retrospectively to
      the accounts and thus all technical and production costs are reflected in the
      overhead value.

      Improved controls on development work, and the effectiveness of the sales
      personnel that have been introduced will benefit the performance in the fiscal
      year ending March 31, 2001.

      The principal variances from the previous financial year are as follows:-
      Volume 272
      Technical personnel costs 32
      Recruitment 80
      Marketing costs 64
      Sales personnel 320


      Actual costs of technical personnel are greater than the above value but
      their costs are primarily charged to work in progress or development costs and
      thus have a limited impact on the variances.

      ISFB, Ltd., ISFB`s wholly owned subsidiary has been operating during
      1999/2000 with a very low operating capital of $16,000 and an overdraft facility
      of $104,000. This funding level has created operating issues during the year and
      has been totally inadequate for the day to day requirements of the Company.
      However, until ISFB can complete a financing, the activities of ISFB, Ltd. have
      been substantially contained. This will result in lower revenues being realized.

      5. Plan of Operation

      ISFB`s plan of operation for the year ending March 31, 2001 anticipates an
      increase in employees to 30 people. New premises have been identified which are
      more appropriate to a developing company and negotiations have commenced.

      Sales are budgeted to increase from the start of the year as new products
      come on stream. Recently secured orders from government and the media underpin
      this forecast.

      Overhead expenses have been reduced and the Company expects this to
      continue. General investment in product development is budgeted to continue at
      the low level of $128K per annum pending agreement on specific product
      investments which will be treated as projects external to the current budget.

      The budgeted increase in gross profit, arising from an increase in volume
      and increased control of costs, indicates that overall ISFB, Ltd. should be
      profitable on a month by month basis from the end of the fiscal year.

      The cash forecast based upon the budgeted trading performance would
      indicate a monthly positive cash flow occurring month on month from December and
      therefore there is a requirement for short term funding both to fund working
      capital and cover any product specific additional R&D investment.

      6. Forward Looking Statements

      This report includes `Forward Looking Statements` within the meaning of
      Section 27A of the Securities Act and Section 21E of the Exchange Act.

      Any statements that express or involve discussions with respect to
      predictions, expectations, beliefs, plans, projections, objectives, assumptions
      or future events or performance (often, but not always, using words or phrases
      such as "expects" or "does not expect", "is expected", "anticipates" or "does
      not anticipate", "plans", "estimates" or "intends", or stating that certain
      actions, events or results "may", "could", "would", "might" or "will" be taken,
      occur or be achieved) are not statements of historical fact and may be "forward
      looking statements". Such statements are included among other places


      in this Form 8K, in the sections entitles "Management`s Discussion and Analysis
      or Plan of Operation", "ISFB`s Business" and "Risk Factors Associated with ISFB
      and its Business". Forward-Looking Statements are based on expectations,
      estimates and projections at the time the statements are being made that involve
      a number of risks and uncertainties which could cause actual results or events
      to differ materially from those presently anticipated. See "Risk Factors
      Associated with ISFB and Its Business" herein. Although the Company believes
      that the expectations reflected in such forward-looking statements are
      reasonable, it can give no assurance that
      schrieb am 12.09.00 23:44:13
      Beitrag Nr. 23 ()
      Ich hoffe ihr erkennt was ihr hier in Händen habt - eine Vorabinfo mit Beweis über ein In nächster Zukunft erfolgendes Relisting eines Pinksheet-Wertes.

      Schaut Euch den Chart an - dann seht ihr wo der Wert her kommt.

      Schaut Euch die Marktkapitalisierung an bei heutigem Schlußkurs von 86 Cent nur ca 10Mio. USD.

      Zum Vergleich - Intershop macht etwa 10 mal mehr Umsatz in einer ähnlichen Sparte und die Marktkapitalisierung von Intershop liegt etwa 4000 !!! mal höher.

      Das bedeutet bei einem gleichen KUV von Intershop und ISFB müßte 1 Aktie von ISFB zur Zeit etwa 4000 USD kosten !!!

      Gruß Amada

      PS.: wundert Euch nicht über die vielen Risikohinweise im Filing, daß ist Pflicht bei der SEC und wird von allen an der OTC notierten Werten bei allen Filings immer so gemacht
      schrieb am 12.09.00 23:50:24
      Beitrag Nr. 24 ()
      Korrektur - 1 Aktie von ISFB müßte demnach 400 USD kosten
      schrieb am 14.02.01 18:16:38
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      schrieb am 07.06.01 09:14:36
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