
    $$$ Viragen 872225 $$$ 100%ter $$$ - 500 Beiträge pro Seite

    eröffnet am 16.05.03 14:32:27 von
    neuester Beitrag 12.12.03 16:18:38 von
    Beiträge: 39
    ID: 732.960
    Aufrufe heute: 0
    Gesamt: 2.671
    Aktive User: 0


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     Ja Nein
      schrieb am 16.05.03 14:32:27
      Beitrag Nr. 1 ()
      Viragen 872225 befindet sich auch wieder auf einer äusserst günstigen Ausgangslage für die nächsten 100% und mehr...

      Alleine ein Zock in Berlin würde das Orderbuch in Null komma Nix leerputzen!

      Umsätze der letzten Tage sind gewaltig im Gegensatz zu den letzten Wochen!!!
      schrieb am 16.05.03 14:37:25
      Beitrag Nr. 2 ()

      unbedingt ansehen !
      schrieb am 16.05.03 14:38:15
      Beitrag Nr. 3 ()
      Nur wer jetzt Einsteigt ist schneller wie die anderen die dann in Schaaren in diesen Wert drängen !
      schrieb am 16.05.03 15:24:01
      Beitrag Nr. 4 ()
      macht es spass allein im threat?
      schrieb am 16.05.03 17:22:40
      Beitrag Nr. 5 ()
      In den USA werden die Umsätze gemacht.
      Es lohnt sich nicht hier zu pushen.
      Wenn du an der Zukunft der Aktie glaubst, kaufe sie und laß Sie liegen.
      Es kann 2-3 Jahre dauern bis der Kurs richtig anspringt. Es kann aber auch sofort losgehen. Genausogut kann Viragen insolvenz anmelden.
      Viragen ist die reine Spekulation auf den Durchbruch eines Produktes, wie die Spekulation bei IQP und anderen Future-AG´s.
      Anleger die es vermeiden wollen sich diesen Risiken auszusetzen wenden sich z.b. einer Aareal zu.



      Trading Spotlight

      Nurexone Biologic
      0,3340EUR +0,60 %
      Mit ExoPTEN die Querschnittlähmung besiegen?mehr zur Aktie »
      schrieb am 17.05.03 11:03:04
      Beitrag Nr. 6 ()
      genau das ist es,
      wir können hier nur immer dem verlauf in usa hinterherlaufen.

      loblieder oder totenrequiems anzustimmen bringt effektiv gar nichts.
      es werden maximal einige unschlüssige nervös gemacht-
      aber grundsätzlich ändert sich rein gar nichts am verlauf.

      gute meldung-@save.

      schrieb am 19.05.03 16:08:05
      Beitrag Nr. 7 ()
      wo sind die scharen die in den wert drängen?

      nichts gegen dich persönlich,aber das grenzt schon stark an verarschung was du hier zu pushen versuchst.

      ich sehe eher die sache in die andere richtung laufen und
      würde eher ans verkaufen denken,da bei gutem kauftiming schon einiges in kurzer zeit an gewinn mitzunehmen ist.

      letztes hoch ist zwar leider schon vorbei aber wie gesagt, wer günstig rein ist, sollte eher momentan ans aussteigen denken.
      nur ne überlegung...
      schrieb am 20.05.03 16:55:29
      Beitrag Nr. 8 ()
      Warum ist die Aktie in Berlin teurer als in den USA?
      B: 0,14
      USA: 0,12
      schrieb am 20.05.03 16:58:32
      Beitrag Nr. 9 ()
      Jetzt nicht mehr!!!!!!!!!!!
      schrieb am 20.05.03 17:04:09
      Beitrag Nr. 10 ()
      Stimmt ;)
      schrieb am 20.05.03 17:05:23
      Beitrag Nr. 11 ()
      da haben sie ja nun ihr patent.
      schrieb am 20.05.03 17:07:39
      Beitrag Nr. 12 ()
      Ich freue mich das Viragen in den USA um 66% auf 20 USSCent
      zulegt. Aber warum?
      Nachdem Genentech gestern ein funktionierendes Medi gegen Krebs durch Phase III gebracht hat, hatte ich eher sinkende Kurse vermutet. So wars zumindest gestern....
      Aber egal, mir ist es recht....

      schrieb am 20.05.03 17:16:27
      Beitrag Nr. 13 ()

      Jetzt soll noch mal einer kommen und sagen ich wäre ein Pusher, da habt Ihr eure 100% !!!!!!
      schrieb am 20.05.03 17:17:47
      Beitrag Nr. 14 ()
      PLANTATION, Fla., May 20 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- Viragen, Inc. today announced that it has filed a patent application covering the use of natural human leukocyte-derived alpha interferon for the treatment and prevention of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS).

      "Previous reports have identified alpha interferon as a prime candidate for the treatment of SARS," stated Viragen``s Director of Research (Emeritus), Professor William H. Stimson. "Groundbreaking research has determined that the main causing agent of SARS belongs to the coronavirus family. Previous studies in experimental coronavirus infections have found that a relatively high dosage of alpha interferon (9 MIU/day), begun shortly before virus challenge, provided protection against both infection and illness.(1) We believe natural, leukocyte-derived interferon is worthy of consideration in the experimental treatment of SARS and we are supporting appropriate research in this important area by providing samples of our product to international research organizations for evaluation."


      The majority of alpha interferons that are marketed are single-subtype recombinant interferons. Therapy resistance is not unusual with recombinant interferons with a significant percentage of patients failing to respond to standard therapy. In some instances, recombinant interferon is rejected by the patient``s immune system, usually caused by the formation of neutralizing antibodies which may lead to a loss of clinical efficacy. Also, many patients cannot tolerate the adverse side effects sometimes associated with recombinant therapy. High doses of recombinant interferon may cause serious, even life- threatening side effects.

      The Natural Choice

      Viragen has observed that in many cases, especially when higher dosages are required, its natural interferon appears to offer many advantages to recombinant interferon regimens, particularly against viral diseases:

      * Natural interferon is very similar to interferon secreted by the human immune system during a normal virus infection, significantly lowering the risk of the drug being rejected. * Natural interferon contains the multiple subtype composition that is characteristic of interferon produced by the human body. It is believed that this may result in a broader spectrum of anti-viral activity with each subtype perhaps showing a specific biological activity. * Natural interferon does not appear to cause the formation of neutralizing antibodies. * Natural interferon is significantly less immunogenic than recombinant interferon. It should be far better tolerated by patients with fewer side effects and thus allow for higher doses to be administered to maximize the benefits of the therapy. About SARS:

      According to the World Health Organization, a cumulative total of 7864 probable SARS cases with 643 deaths have been reported from 32 countries with the highest concentrations reported in China, Hong Kong and Taiwan. Currently, there is no effective treatment for SARS and global health agencies are seeking to evaluate potential treatment strategies.

      About Viragen, Inc.

      Viragen is a biotechnology company specializing in the research, development and commercialization of natural and recombinant protein-based drugs designed to treat a broad range of viral and malignant diseases. These protein-based drugs include human natural alpha interferon, monoclonal antibodies, peptide drugs and therapeutic vaccines. Viragen``s strategy also includes the development of Avian Transgenic Technology for the large-scale, cost-effective manufacturing of its portfolio of protein-based drugs, as well as offering Contract Manufacturing for the entire biopharmaceutical industry.

      Viragen is publicly traded on the American Stock Exchange (VRA). Viragen``s majority owned subsidiary, Viragen International, Inc., is publicly traded on the Over-The-Counter Bulletin Board (VGNI). Viragen``s key partners and licensors include: Roslin Institute, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, National Institutes of Health, Cancer Research UK, University of Nottingham (U.K.), University of Miami, America``s Blood Centers and the German Red Cross.

      For more information, please visit our Web site at: Viragen, Inc. Corporate Contact: Douglas Calder, Director of Communications Phone: (954) 233-8746; Fax: (954) 233-1414 E-mail: References:

      (1) Hayden, F. Use of interferon for prevention and treatment of respiratory viral infections. In: Antiviral Therapy New Directions for clinical application and research. John Mills and Lawrence Carey Ed. 1986.

      The foregoing press release contains forward-looking statements that can be identified by such terminology such as "expects", "potential", "suggests", "may", "will", or similar expressions. Such forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause the actual results to be materially different from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by such statements. In particular, management``s expectations regarding future research, development and/or commercial results could be affected by, among other things, uncertainties relating to clinical trials and product development; availability of future financing; unexpected regulatory delays or government regulation generally; the Company``s ability to obtain or maintain patent and other proprietary intellectual property protection; and competition in general. Forward-looking statements speak only as to the date they are made. The Company does not undertake to update forward-looking statements to reflect circumstances or events that occur after the date the forward-looking statements are made.

      Photo: AP Archive: PRN Photo Desk, 888-776-6555 or 212-782-2840 Viragen, Inc.

      © PR Newswire

      Link(s) zu weiteren Unternehmensmeldungen:

      schrieb am 20.05.03 17:23:24
      Beitrag Nr. 15 ()

      Jetzt soll noch mal einer kommen und sagen ich wäre ein Pusher, da habt Ihr eure 100% !!!!!!
      schrieb am 20.05.03 17:24:55
      Beitrag Nr. 16 ()
      Multiferon hat eine Wirkung....
      Aber das mit dem Patent halte ich eigentlich nur für einen Werbegag.
      Das was ich bisher dazu gepostet habe gilt (für mich) weiter.


      schrieb am 20.05.03 18:34:51
      Beitrag Nr. 17 ()


      157% *prost*

      :D :D :D
      schrieb am 28.08.03 17:03:30
      Beitrag Nr. 18 ()
      an der Amex zieht der Kurs an, sind jetzt auf 0,26 Cent.
      Nach 4mio. gehandelten Stücken von gestern sind wir jetzt
      bei 1,6 mio. gehandelten Stücken, nur eine Stunde nach
      Eröffnung an der Amex. Und selbst wenn der Kurs noch
      Schwankungen ausgesetzt ist,wird dieser Wert mit aller
      Sicherheit noch einige überraschen. Es ist nur eine Frage
      der Zeit, bis Viragen von sich hören lässt, wie bei der
      Zulassung von angekündigten bedeutenden Medikamenten und
      wie von Viragen angekündigt, stehen die kurz vor Bekanntgabe.
      Es ist jedem selber überlassen, sich Gedanken
      zu machen, wie die Aktie darauhin reagieren wird. Eine
      einmalige Kursvervielfältigung steht uns kurz bevor, dass
      möge man als Tatsache annehmen.

      schrieb am 29.08.03 21:27:18
      Beitrag Nr. 19 ()
      ich verfolge schon seit längerer Zeit die Aktie VIRAGEN
      und finde einfach keine vernünftige Information dazu.
      Wer von euch "alten Hasen" kann mir denn vielleicht auf die Sprünge helfen?? Zum Beispiel:
      Wann kommen die Quartalszahlen??. Welche Medikamente sind in welcher Phase?? Zulassung?? Bei anderen Firmen findet man sowas, bei Viragen leider nichts. Ich hoffe auf eure vieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelen Antworten.
      schrieb am 01.09.03 14:00:59
      Beitrag Nr. 20 ()
      hey glwurm !
      das aktuellste sind mittelchen gegen die krebsbekämpfung (und weitere, siehe hompepage) Natürl. interferon/muliferon und "transgenic chicken" bei denen die eier alle proteine+abwehrstoffe für die bekämpf. einer krankheit in sich haben. guten appetit.
      ist wirklich revolotionär.
      sagt dir "dolly" das schaf was ? Viragen hatte die hier die Finger drin.
      schrieb am 01.09.03 15:07:15
      Beitrag Nr. 21 ()
      Hallo siebtesinn,
      danke für deine Antwort!!
      OK, über die Medikamente habe ich bei Viragen
      gelesen, aber wie weit sind sie mit der Entwicklung??
      Über die Zahlen weißt du auch nichts??
      Alles sehr, sehr spärlich. Schade, die anderen wissen
      wohl auch nichts?????????????????
      Bellabella (alias glhwrmchen, war mir zu verstümmelt)
      schrieb am 02.09.03 17:07:45
      Beitrag Nr. 22 ()
      Nah,da tut sich langsam was!Die Amis scheinen etwas zu wissen.Schaut euch mal das Handelsvolumen an.
      schrieb am 02.09.03 18:20:52
      Beitrag Nr. 23 ()
      Hallo zusammen,
      es gibt Neuikkeiten bei VIRAGEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!11
      schrieb am 02.09.03 18:37:59
      Beitrag Nr. 24 ()
      Was gibt es für Neuigkeiten?????bin schon ganz Neugierig!
      schrieb am 02.09.03 19:02:36
      Beitrag Nr. 25 ()
      Mein Englisch ist leider nicht so toll. Aber aus der Übersetzung ist zu erlesen, daß Viragen wieder einmal, irgendwo hin eingeladen worden wird. Ist vielleicht auch ein gutes Zeichen. Man wird aufmerksam.
      schrieb am 02.09.03 19:29:40
      Beitrag Nr. 26 ()
      Viragen To Present On Biotech Webcast

      PLANTATION, Fla., Sep 2, 2003 /PRNewswire-FirstCall via COMTEX/ -- Viragen, Inc. (Amex: VRA) today announced that the Company is scheduled to appear as a featured presenter as part of the Informed Investors Biotechnology/Healthcare Virtual Forum. The webcast presentation is scheduled for Tuesday, September 9 at 9:00 a.m. (Eastern Daylight Time). The live and archived broadcast can be accessed at the following Internet link:

      schrieb am 04.09.03 15:06:07
      Beitrag Nr. 27 ()
      :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

      Was ist bei Broker Island los?????
      Wer weiß bescheid??

      schrieb am 04.09.03 15:20:08
      Beitrag Nr. 28 ()
      Viragen Drug Proves Effective Against SARS In Research Study
      Thursday September 4, 8:59 am ET
      Data From Study Strengthens Patent Application

      PLANTATION, Fla., Sept. 4 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- Viragen, Inc. (Amex: VRA - News) and Viragen International, Inc. (OTC Bulletin Board: VGNI - News) today reported positive results from in vitro studies that evaluated the use of Multiferon(TM) for the treatment of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS). These preliminary studies, conducted by researchers at the Genome Institute of Singapore (GIS), appear to confirm that the natural, human leukocyte-derived alpha interferon is a prime candidate for the treatment of SARS.
      While the immediate threat of SARS has been largely contained, many international health officials are predicting that additional global outbreaks will recur, possibly at epidemic or pandemic scales, especially during the winter months when viruses can thrive in lower temperatures. Viragen has been supporting SARS research by providing samples of Multiferon to international research organizations including the GIS. Earlier this year, scientists at the GIS determined the complete genetic code of the SARS virus, a key milestone which accelerated efforts to identify and evaluate potential drugs for human clinical trials should another SARS outbreak occur.

      The preliminary Viragen/GIS studies demonstrated a clear anti-viral response when Multiferon was added to SARS-infected cells. The effect on the infected cells was tested using standard methodology to determine the change in the Cytopathic Effect (the destruction of cells infected by a virus) and in the reduction of viral plaques (areas of cells destroyed by a virus). The results showed a clear reduction in the viral effects as the Multiferon concentration was increased.

      "We hoped that Multiferon would elicit a powerful anti-viral response against SARS and the initial laboratory results reported by our collaborators at GIS suggest that it does indeed activate the cellular pathways that induce an anti-viral response in virally infected cells," stated Viragen`s Director of Research (Emeritus), Professor William H. Stimson. "The versatile qualities of Multiferon make it worthy of consideration in the treatment or prevention of virtually any emerging viral disease. Due to the rapid onset of SARS, its infectiousness and potentially fatal outcome, we are conducting the studies necessary to ensure that the drug can be made swiftly available for human use in the event of another emergency outbreak anywhere in the world."

      According to Dr. Lawrence Stanton, Deputy Director (Academic Affairs), at the GIS, Multiferon is among the most active drugs they have tested against SARS. "Our scientific team at the Genome Institute of Singapore is dedicated to discovering the very best technologies capable of detecting, treating and preventing SARS. As part of that mission, we are evaluating many compounds and Multiferon is among the most encouraging drug candidates."

      Dr. Karen Jervis, Viragen`s Director of Technology and Projects Coordinator, commented on the status of Viragen`s patent activities relating to SARS. "We filed a patent application in May which covers the use of natural human leukocyte-derived alpha interferon for the treatment and prevention of SARS. We have updated our application to include this most recent data which significantly strengthens our position. We are positioning our patent not only for the treatment of SARS, but also to include prophylactic properties which may prevent infection from occurring. We plan to use this data as a platform to achieve a broad proprietary position for SARS in many international jurisdictions and therefore to continue to enhance Viragen`s growing intellectual property portfolio."

      Viragen has also provided samples of Multiferon to other research organizations in the U.S. and Asia for evaluation against the SARS virus. One study appears to confirm the results obtained by GIS and the other did not result in positive activity. Viragen`s scientific research team will continue to offer assistance to these research organizations and advise in the planning of research protocols that may be most appropriate for testing a natural human leukocyte-derived alpha interferon.


      The majority of alpha interferons that are marketed are single-subtype recombinant interferons. Therapy resistance is not unusual with recombinant interferons with a significant percentage of patients failing to respond to standard therapy. In some instances, recombinant interferon is rejected by the patient`s immune system, usually caused by the formation of neutralizing antibodies which may lead to a loss of clinical efficacy. Also, many patients cannot tolerate the adverse side effects sometimes associated with recombinant therapy. High doses of recombinant interferon may cause serious, even life- threatening side effects.

      Multiferon(TM) ... the natural choice

      Viragen has observed that in many cases, especially when higher dosages are required, its natural interferon, Multiferon, appears to offer many advantages to therapy with recombinant interferons.

      Multiferon is very similar to interferon secreted by the human leukocytes during a normal virus infection, significantly lowering the risk of the drug being rejected.
      Multiferon contains the multiple subtype composition that is characteristic of interferon produced by the human body. It is believed that this results in a broader spectrum of specific anti-viral and immunoregulatory activity with the subtypes acting synergistically to give a wide-ranging response.
      Multiferon is significantly less immunogenic than recombinant interferon and does not cause the formation of neutralizing antibodies. It is far better tolerated by patients with fewer side effects and thus allows for higher doses to be administered to maximize the benefits of the therapy.
      About Multiferon(TM):

      Multiferon is a highly purified, multi-subtype, natural human alpha interferon derived from human white blood cells and is approved in Sweden and Mexico for the second-line treatment of any and all diseases in which patients show an initial response to recombinant (synthetic) alpha interferon followed by treatment failure, probably due to the formation of neutralizing antibodies.

      Viragen`s natural interferon is also approved for sale in the following countries as a second-line therapy for the treatment of Hairy Cell Leukemia (HCL) and Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia (CML): Czech Republic, Egypt, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Myanmar, South Africa and Thailand. Work is ongoing to expand the approved indications in these countries. Regulatory approval processes are also underway in a number of other South American, Middle East and Far East territories.

      About SARS:

      According to the World Health Organization, as of August 7, 2003, a cumulative total of 8,422 probable SARS cases with 916 deaths have been reported from 32 countries with the highest concentrations reported in China, Hong Kong and Taiwan. Currently, there is no effective treatment for SARS and global health agencies are seeking to evaluate potential treatment strategies.

      About Genome Institute of Singapore (GIS):

      The GIS is a national flagship initiative with a global vision that seeks to improve public health and prosperity through genomics-focused research work. As a center for genomic discovery, GIS pursues the integration of technology, genetics and biology towards the goal of individualized medicine. The scientific objectives are: to investigate post-sequence genomics; to understand the genetic architecture of pan-Asian populations with emphasis on cancer biology, pharmacogenomics, stem cell biology and infectious diseases. The genomics infrastructure at GIS is utilized to train new scientific talent, to serve as a bridge for academic and industrial research and to explore scientific questions of high impact. The GIS is a member of the Agency for Science Technology and Research which oversees public sector research in Singapore. The Agency aims to foster world-class scientific research and human capital to boost Singapore`s competitiveness. It comprises the Biomedical Research Council (BMRC), the Science and Engineering Research Council (SERC), the Corporate Planning and Administrative Division (CPAD) and, a commercialization arm, Exploit Technologies Pte Ltd (ETPL).

      About Viragen, Inc.

      Viragen is a biotechnology company specializing in the research, development and commercialization of natural and recombinant protein-based drugs designed to treat a broad range of viral and malignant diseases. These protein-based drugs include natural human alpha interferon, monoclonal antibodies, peptide drugs and therapeutic vaccines. Viragen`s strategy also includes the development of Avian Transgenic Technology for the large-scale, cost-effective manufacturing of its portfolio of protein-based drugs, as well as offering Contract Manufacturing for the biopharmaceutical industry.

      Viragen is publicly traded on the American Stock Exchange (VRA). Viragen`s majority owned subsidiary, Viragen International, Inc., is publicly traded on the Over-The-Counter Bulletin Board (VGNI). Viragen`s key partners and licensors include: Roslin Institute, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, National Institutes of Health, Cancer Research UK, University of Nottingham (U.K.), University of Miami, America`s Blood Centers and the German Red Cross.

      Viragen, Inc. Corporate Contact:
      Douglas Calder, Director of CommunicationsPhone: (954) 233-8746; Fax:
      (954) 233-1414 E-mail:

      The foregoing press announcement contains forward-looking statements that can be identified by such terminology such as "expect", "potential", "suggests", "may", "will", "should", "could" or similar expressions. Such forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause the actual results to be materially different from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by such statements. In particular, management`s expectations regarding future research, development and/or commercial results could be affected by, among other things, uncertainties relating to clinical trials and product development; availability of future financing; unexpected regulatory delays or government regulation generally; the Company`s ability to obtain or maintain patent and other proprietary intellectual property protection; and competition in general. Forward-looking statements speak only as to the date they are made. The Company does not undertake to update forward-looking statements to reflect circumstances or events that occur after the date the forward-looking statements are made.

      Source: Viragen, Inc.
      schrieb am 04.09.03 20:35:59
      Beitrag Nr. 29 ()
      Vermutlich wird das nur wieder für ein kurzes Strohfeuer langen. Spätestens ab morgen geht es wieder abwärts bis auf 0,24 US$ - eben wie immer nach solchen Meldungen.

      Die Kursreaktion zeigt nur, dass unheimliche viele Marktteilnehmer nervös mit Ihrem Finger am Kaufknopf sitzen, weil eine Hammermeldung von Viragen erwartet wird (z.B. Durchbruch beim `Golden Egg` oder Partnerschaft mit grossem Pharmakonzern). Wenn die tatsächlich kommt, werden es wohl schnell ein paar hundert Prozent Anstieg sein, und da will jeder dabei sein. Aber noch ist es nicht soweit. Wann die kommen wird ? Vielleicht morgen, vielleicht nächste Woche, vielleicht in den nächsten Monaten, vielleicht gar nicht ...

      schrieb am 08.09.03 19:41:29
      Beitrag Nr. 30 ()
      Freitag sah es noch so aus, als würde ich recht behalten mit der Aussage, dass wir zügig wieder auf die 0,24 US$ zurückfallen werden. Heute sieht es schon ganz anders aus: aktuell 0,34 US$ und damit +17%. Vielleicht hängt das mit dem `Webcast Alert` zusammen, der noch einmal auf den Vortrag von Viragen morgen auf einer Biotech Stock Forum Veranstaltung hinweist:

      Webcast Alert: Viragen Presentation at Informed Investors Biotechnology/Healthcare Stocks Forum to be Webcast on Tuesday, September 9, 2003, 9 am ET

      PLANTATION, Fla., Sep 8, 2003 /PRNewswire via COMTEX/ -- Viragen (Amex: VRA) will webcast the following presentation:

      What: Viragen will give a presentation at Informed Investors
      Biotechnology/Healthcare Stocks Forum
      Forum Keynote by Tom Jacobs, senior writer/analyst for The Motley

      When: September 9, 2003 @ 9:00 AM Eastern Time


      How: Live over the Internet -- Simply log on to the web at the address

      Contact: Douglas Calder, Director of Communications, 954-233-8746,

      If you are unable to participate during the live webcast, the call will be available for replay at….

      schrieb am 25.09.03 18:22:31
      Beitrag Nr. 31 ()
      ... etwas später als erwartet, aber meine alte Vermutung wird jetzt doch noch wahr: Viragen macht sich wieder zügig auf den Weg Richtung 0,24 US$. Aktuell 0,29 US$.
      Ohne richtige news ist es eben immer dasselbe Spiel.

      schrieb am 31.10.03 21:51:25
      Beitrag Nr. 32 ()
      Nachdem mein Kursziel von 0,24 US$ erreicht ist, gibt es heute mal wieder ein Meldung. Dem Kurs hilft es nur wenig, aber immerhin wurde zunächst ein weiteres Abrutschen verhindert. Aktuell 0,25 US$

      Viragen Moves Toward Independent Board

      PLANTATION, Fla., Oct 31, 2003 /PRNewswire-FirstCall via COMTEX/ -- Viragen, Inc. (Amex: VRA) today announced the addition of Mr. Per-Erik Persson to its Board of Directors. Mr. Persson, as an independent member of the Board, replaces Mr. Gerald Smith who has resigned all affiliations with Viragen to pursue outside business interests. Mr. Persson will continue to serve as a Director of Viragen`s majority-owned subsidiary, Viragen International, Inc. (OTC Bulletin Board: VGNI).

      "Per-Erik`s influence has been key in the development and positioning of Multiferon(TM) and we are looking forward to his continued contribution as a member of our Board," stated Viragen`s Chairman, Mr. Carl Singer. "Our stockholders can expect additional changes in the near future as we intend to continue to adjust and strengthen our Board in order to comply with pending rules requiring Amex-listed companies to have boards comprised of a majority of independent directors, as well as to adhere to standards provided in the Sarbanes-Oxley Act."

      Mr. Persson has formerly served in a number of Chief Executive and Managing Director roles and currently serves as Chairman of ViraNative AB, in Umea, Sweden. Mr. Persson oversaw the development of Interferon Alfanative(R) which has transitioned into Viragen`s present natural human alpha interferon, Multiferon. Viragen International, Inc. acquired 100% ownership of ViraNative AB in September of 2001 in a stock transaction.

      schrieb am 06.11.03 20:24:38
      Beitrag Nr. 33 ()
      Heute geht es in den USA mit dem Viragen Kurs mal wieder unter hohem Volumen deutlich aufwärts. Aktuell 0,26 US$ (+13%). News habe ich allerdings nicht gefunden.

      schrieb am 14.11.03 18:34:01
      Beitrag Nr. 34 ()

      Viragen Inc (AMEX:VRA) is rated BUY based on closing data from Thursday, November 13, 2003

      StockPickReport.Com research suggests VRA`s price will move higher than the "open price" the day this rating was initiated. This analysis is based on short-term stochastic and "relative strength" indicators. With StockPickReport.Com`s "Buy" rating, stochastic and "relative strength" numbers may agree, but not in all cases. Investors, traders, and other market participants may find this a good opportunity to buy VRA, "buy calls", or "sell puts". This may also be an opportunity to raise targets and stop/losses to allow for potential gains (although those gains may not be as signficant as gains experienced in conjunction with a "Strong Buy" rating). Trading volume seems to be falling and VRA`s closing price remained flat during the week before this rating was initiated.

      schrieb am 17.11.03 14:50:10
      Beitrag Nr. 35 ()
      Viragen Kurs heute vorbörslich bei 0,29 US$

      Viragen Signs Agreement with South American Subsidiary of Fresenius Medical Care

      Multiferon(TM) to Treat Dialysis Patients with Chronic Hepatitis C in Chile

      PLANTATION, Fla., Nov. 17 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- Viragen, Inc. (Amex: VRA) and Viragen International, Inc.(NASDAQ-OTCBB:VGNI) (OTC Bulletin Board: VGNI) today announced that they have entered into an agreement with Pentafarma S.A. to distribute Viragen`s natural human alpha interferon, Multiferon(TM), exclusively in Chile. Headquartered in Santiago, Pentafarma is a specialized leader for the distribution of healthcare products related to dialysis and nephrology and is a wholly owned subsidiary of Fresenius Medical Care, the world`s largest, integrated provider of products and services for chronic kidney failure. Pentafarma believes that Multiferon may offer benefits to a growing segment of its dialysis patients and intends to initially evaluate the use of the injectable anti-viral in dialysis patients diagnosed with chronic hepatitis C (HCV). Financial terms were not disclosed.

      Commenting on Multiferon`s potential impact in Chile, Pentafarma`s General Manager, Mr. Peter Endler stated, "We are finding that approximately 20% of our patients undergoing dialysis are infected with HCV. In many instances, the risks of treating HCV among dialysis patients with standard recombinant (synthetic) interferon treatments may be heightened based on the symptoms associated with end-stage renal disease, therefore, many of these cases go untreated or are treated ineffectively. Also, untreated HCV dialysis patients may not qualify for renal transplantation due to the increased risks of graft rejection in HCV infected recipients. We are committed to providing the very best HCV treatment options available for the dialysis patients under our care and we intend to commence with studies designed to evaluate Multiferon`s potential benefits. Additionally, we look forward to expanding Multiferon`s presence into the remaining market segments in Chile, focusing on those patients afflicted with viral and malignant diseases."

      The agreement provides that Pentafarma shall take all measures necessary to achieve regulatory approval for Multiferon in Chile and initial studies are expected to commence soon.

      Viragen`s Executive Vice President, Mel Rothberg added, "Hepatitis B is also a difficult viral disease to treat which is prevalent among dialysis patients, so we hope to expand our studies as we gather positive preliminary data. While the market opportunity for Multiferon extends beyond dialysis, this is a largely unmet clinical need and we are very enthusiastic about the potential benefits Multiferon can provide to dialysis patients in Chile and elsewhere."

      Viragen had previously assigned exclusive distribution rights for Multiferon in Chile to CJ Pharma, however, both parties have mutually agreed to remove all previous Latin American countries from their distribution agreement in order to strategically focus on markets in Asia. CJ Pharma retains exclusive rights to distribute Multiferon in Hong Kong.

      General Information on Dialysis:

      The functions of the human kidney are manifold. The kidney removes toxic waste products from the blood, removes excess water and regulates the blood pressure, the production of red blood cells as well as calcium uptake. For patients with end-stage renal disease (ESRD), all of the vital functions of the kidney have to be substituted. There are currently only two methods for treatment of ESRD: dialysis and kidney transplantation. Dialysis is a life- saving therapy that performs the functions of the kidneys when renal function is lost. Due the limited availability of donor organs and the body`s rejection mechanism, only a small percentage of dialysis patients receive kidney transplantation.

      Alpha Interferon:

      The majority of alpha interferons that are marketed are single-subtype recombinant interferons. Therapy resistance is not unusual with recombinant interferons with a significant percentage of patients failing to respond to standard therapy. In some instances, recombinant interferon is rejected by the patient`s immune system, usually caused by the formation of neutralizing antibodies which may lead to a loss of clinical efficacy. Also, many patients cannot tolerate the adverse side effects sometimes associated with recombinant therapy. High doses of recombinant interferon may cause serious, even life- threatening side effects.

      Multiferon(TM) ... the natural choice

      Viragen has observed that in many cases, especially when higher dosages are required, its natural interferon, Multiferon, appears to offer many advantages to therapy with recombinant interferons.

      * Multiferon is very similar to interferon secreted by the human leukocytes during a normal virus infection, significantly lowering the risk of the drug being rejected.

      * Multiferon contains the multiple subtype composition that is characteristic of interferon produced by the human body. It is believed that this results in a broader spectrum of specific anti-viral and immunoregulatory activity with the subtypes acting synergistically to give a wide-ranging response.

      * Multiferon is significantly less immunogenic than recombinant interferon and does not cause the formation of neutralizing antibodies. It is far better tolerated by patients with fewer side effects and thus allows for higher doses to be administered to maximize the benefits of the therapy.

      About Multiferon(TM):

      Multiferon is a highly purified, multi-subtype, natural human alpha interferon derived from human white blood cells and is approved in Sweden and Mexico for the second-line treatment of any and all diseases in which patients show an initial response to recombinant (synthetic) alpha interferon followed by treatment failure, probably due to the formation of neutralizing antibodies.

      Viragen`s natural interferon is also approved for sale in the following countries as a second-line therapy for the treatment of Hairy Cell Leukemia (HCL) and Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia (CML): Czech Republic, Egypt, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Myanmar, South Africa and Thailand. Work is ongoing to expand the approved indications in these countries. Regulatory approval processes are also underway in a number of other South American, Middle East and Far East territories.

      schrieb am 01.12.03 14:28:00
      Beitrag Nr. 36 ()
      Webcast Alert: Viragen, Inc. (VRA) Announces Presentation At The American Stock Exchange Online Conference

      PLANTATION, Fla., Dec. 1 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- Viragen, Inc. (Amex: VRA) announced the following Webcast:

      What: VRA Presentation at the American Stock Exchange Online Conference

      When: Wednesday, December 3, 2003 at 11:00 a.m. (EST)


      How: Live and archived over the Internet - Simply log into the Web
      site above

      For a complete agenda of the American Stock Exchange Online Conference please visit:

      Viragen To Present On Amex Webcast

      PLANTATION, Fla., Nov. 25 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- Viragen, Inc. (Amex: VRA) today announced that the Company is scheduled to provide a scientific update as part of the American Stock Exchange Online Conference on Wednesday, December 3rd at 11:00 a.m. The live and archived broadcast can be accessed at the following Internet link:

      Featured Speaker: Professor William H. Stimson, Director of Research (Emeritus).

      Dr. Stimson is an internationally recognized expert in the field of molecular recognition of antibodies, vaccines and diagnostic assays and holds the Chair of Immunology at the University of Strathclyde, Scotland. He has published over 200 scientific papers, been issued twelve patents and serves on 4 Editorial Boards of major scientific journals. Dr. Stimson collaborated on the creation of the first human monoclonal antibody and was instrumental in developing the present generation of diagnostic systems.

      schrieb am 03.12.03 18:20:08
      Beitrag Nr. 37 ()
      hör mir grad die präsent. via amex an. bla,bla,bla ! noch nichts von prod. die vor fda-zulassung stehen.

      siebtesinn alias bladetrader !
      schrieb am 05.12.03 22:12:04
      Beitrag Nr. 38 ()
      Heute legt Viragen mal gerade wieder einen Kursspurt hin. 0,28 US$ (+16%) sind es schließlich geworden. Grund ? Keine Ahnung. Es gab gestern noch eine Meldung zur Änderung im `Aufsichtsrat`. Bei den Amis gibt es ja immer noch eine starke Verknüpfung zwischen Vorstands- und Aufsichtsratsmitgliedern (Board of Directors). Meistens ist der Vorstandschef (CEO) auch gleich Aufsichtsratschef (Chairmen of the Board). Bei uns undenkbar und auch bei den Amis startet wohl ein Umdenkungsprozess. Viragen geht schon mal mit gutem Beispiel voran:

      Viragen Strengthens Board and Achieves Majority of Independent Directors

      PLANTATION, Fla., Dec. 4 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- Viragen, Inc. (Amex: VRA) today announced changes to the Company`s Board of Directors that result in it being comprised of a majority of independent members.

      Randolph A. Pohlman, PhD., has been elected as a new independent Director for Viragen. He currently serves as the Dean of the H. Wayne Huizenga School of Business and Entrepreneurship at Nova Southeastern University, the largest independent institution of higher education in the state of Florida and among the top 20 largest independent institutions nationally.

      "It has been my experience that truly visionary companies are the most resilient at finding ways to create value and organizational growth and I believe that Viragen possesses those kinds of qualities -- with its people, products and partners," stated Dr. Pohlman. "I look forward to working closely with the Board to help the Company accomplish its objectives."

      Prior to his arrival at Nova Southeastern University, Dr. Pohlman was a senior executive at Koch Industries, the second-largest privately held company in the United States. He was recruited to Koch via Kansas State University (KSU), where for more than ten years, he served KSU in a variety of administrative and faculty positions, including holding the L.L. McAninch Chair of Entrepreneurship and Dean of the College of Business. Dr. Pohlman also served as a Visiting Research Scholar at the University of California, Los Angeles, and was a member of the Executive Education Advisory Board of the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania.

      Viragen also reported the voluntary resignation of Viragen executive, Mr. Dennis W. Healey, from the Company`s Board of Directors, which assures that the Board is now comprised of an independent majority. Mr. Healey will continue to serve in his roles as Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer.

      Viragen`s Chairman, Mr. Carl Singer, commented on the changes, "We have taken the appropriate measures to adhere to expected corporate governance standards related to Board independence, committee structure and transparency, and we have proactively done so before the American Stock Exchange has declared these as being mandatory regulations. We will continue to strive to implement strategies that better serve the interests of our stockholders and seek to add valuable expertise like that of Dr. Pohlman."

      schrieb am 12.12.03 16:18:38
      Beitrag Nr. 39 ()
      ;) ;) ;) ;)
      Was ist denn hier los

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