
    Imagis - hopp oder flop??? - 500 Beiträge pro Seite

    eröffnet am 02.06.03 00:02:17 von
    neuester Beitrag 14.07.03 20:10:15 von
    Beiträge: 17
    ID: 738.261
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     Ja Nein
      schrieb am 02.06.03 00:02:17
      Beitrag Nr. 1 ()
      Ich denke, wenn bei Imagis nur ein kleine positive Nachricht erscheint, dass dann ein starker Kursanstieg erfolgt...
      schrieb am 02.06.03 09:19:06
      Beitrag Nr. 2 ()
      Hallo Boxster,
      wie kommst du zu dieser Meinung?
      die gehen schon eine ganze Weile bergab,
      gibt es Nachrichten oder warum denkst du das was passiert?
      Egidi (investiert in Imagis)
      schrieb am 02.06.03 19:08:42
      Beitrag Nr. 3 ()
      So weit ich und IMAGIS weiss, halten die Barbestände nur noch bis Ende Juni 2003: "The Company does not have sufficient cash flow from operations to fund its operations beyond June 2003 and will be required to seek additional financing" Letzter Finanzbericht vom 15.Mai 2003. Insofern wäre jede Nachricht GOLD wert. Ich denke schon, dass ein Unternehmen, welches einen ehemaligen FBI-Chef als Chairman hat, etwas "passendes" für den Kurs im Laufe diese Monats drehen wird, oder ?!
      schrieb am 02.06.03 20:13:26
      Beitrag Nr. 4 ()
      Denke ich auch... Schaut Euch doch mal den Kurs in Amerika an - der liegt heute gut im Plus.
      schrieb am 18.06.03 00:13:35
      Beitrag Nr. 5 ()
      Was meint Ihr - wie geht es mit Imagis weiter. Seit Tagen ist der Wert rückläufig, aber die Umsätze in Deutschland steigen. Meiner Meinung nach müssen wir nur auf eine Finanzspritze warten und der Wert steigt massiv an...

      Trading Spotlight

      East Africa Metals
      0,1550EUR +4,73 %
      Verdopplung der Ressource bei East Africa Metals?!mehr zur Aktie »
      schrieb am 18.06.03 20:00:41
      Beitrag Nr. 6 ()
      Wenn es ein mittelfristig, verlässlichere Klarheit über die finanzielle Situation gibt, schießt das Ding wieder nach oben und zwar dahin wo´s vorher war, irgendwo um EINS.
      schrieb am 18.06.03 20:17:01
      Beitrag Nr. 7 ()
      Denke ich auch - nur kann es sich hierbei nicht um eine mittelfristige Maßnahme handeln, sondern es muss in Kürze geschehen. Die Zwischenfinanzierung mittels Schuldschein über 1 Mio.$ wird nicht lange reichen. Ich denke IMAGIS hat bereits einen Investor an der Angel...
      schrieb am 24.06.03 22:21:16
      Beitrag Nr. 8 ()
      Bin echt mal gespannt, wann IMAGIS einen potentiellen Investor bekannt gibt. Der Schuldschein reicht nicht ewig aus - wenn sich dann herausstellt, dass die Finanzierung weitergeht, erlebt IMAGIS wohl einen kleinen Turnaround...
      schrieb am 25.06.03 09:16:21
      Beitrag Nr. 9 ()

      Du bist aber sehr optimistisch. imagis steht vor dem Ausverkauf. Wichtige Resources sind bereits in anderer Hand. Es ist durchaus möglich, dass es nochmal einen kurzes Hype gibt, damit auch die letzten das sinkende Schiff noch verlassen können.

      Good luck

      schrieb am 01.07.03 08:00:09
      Beitrag Nr. 10 ()
      nachdem ich mit Glück bei 1,4 € noch raus bin, betrachte ich meinen erneuten Einstieg als lohnende Spielinvestition!
      Spekulativ, aber sehr reizvoll!
      Sollte Sanyo einfach nur so zuschaun, die würden den Laden doch aus der Portokasse bezahlen...
      Heut oder morgen kommt hoffentlich eine Meldung über den Einstieg eines Investors...
      Good Luck!
      Mr. Aktie
      schrieb am 01.07.03 09:51:36
      Beitrag Nr. 11 ()
      Da hoffen wir doch alle drauf, denn wenn der nicht kommt, ist es aus mit dem Spiel !
      schrieb am 03.07.03 06:56:46
      Beitrag Nr. 12 ()
      Hohe Umsätze in wenigen Trades in USA und Kanada, zwar im Minus, aber kein Ausverkauf...
      Was wissen die wieder mal mehr?
      Mr. Aktie
      schrieb am 03.07.03 19:40:46
      Beitrag Nr. 13 ()
      Vendors boost biometrics for homeland
      BY Sara Michael
      July 1, 2003

      A trusted traveler program to clear prescreened passengers would use a combination of biometric technologies, industry representatives said June 30.

      Multimodal biometrics, such as fingerprint scans and facial recognition, are the only way to positively identify an individual, said Mike DePasquale, chief executive officer for Bio-key International Inc., which develops and licenses fingerprint technologies. He was speaking during a panel discussion at the Excellence in Government conference in Washington, D.C.

      In a trusted traveler program, such as one proposed as part of the Transportation Security Administration`s Computer Assisted Passenger Prescreening System (CAPPS) II, a passenger could opt for a background check and receive an identification card. The card would include a fingerprint and a picture, which would be confirmed at the airport by fingerprint and facial scanners.

      Because fingerprint scanners are constantly advancing, Bio-Key has created hardware-independent fingerprint scanning technologies. "We`ve decided to concentrate on the middleware...with the ability to use whatever hardware is out there today," DePasquale said.

      Facial imagery is the most available and least invasive identity verification technology, said Oliver Revell, chairman and a director of Imagis Technologies Inc., which develops facial-recognition technology. Revell, also speaking at the conference, noted that people who have not been arrested, are not in the military or are not government workers likely do not have their fingerprints in the national database. However, many more people have had their pictures taken for passports or driver`s licenses, for example.

      Facial imagery "gives you the information not otherwise available," he said.

      Similar technologies can also track and identify cargo. For example, a package at an airport can be planted with a device to track its location, and biometric cards can verify that the right person is handling a package at the right time.

      Paradigm Advanced Technologies Inc. is developing a tracking device for packages that will alert officials if the package has crossed over set boundaries or if the wrong individuals handled it, said Charles Fey, vice president of strategic programs at Paradigm.

      This concept also can be expanded to track individuals. For example, law enforcement officials can manage prisoners or even track each other in the field.

      "Now we have a system that can be applied to a problem," Fey said at the conference. "I have another sensor input that allows me to see assets that wouldn`t otherwise be seen."…
      schrieb am 12.07.03 09:49:26
      Beitrag Nr. 14 ()
      Tick, tick, tick...
      Jetzt sollen die mal die Katze aus dem Sack lassen...
      Sex..sorry Sekt oder Selter!?
      Have a nice weekend.
      schrieb am 14.07.03 15:25:52
      Beitrag Nr. 15 ()
      Jetzt heißt es einsteigen bitte!
      Die reden kaum über eine Fusion wenn die kein Geld hätten!


      VANCOUVER, CANADA, JULY 14, 2003 -- Imagis Technologies Inc. ("Imagis") (OTCBB:IGSTF; TSX.V:NAB; Germany:IGY)and Briyante Software Corp. (“Briyante”) (TSX-VEN: BSC) announced today that the companies have entered into a Memorandum of Understanding to proceed with the acquisition of Briyante by Imagis under the following revised terms:

      (a) Imagis will acquire all outstanding shares of Briyante in exchange for shares of Imagis, such that former shareholders of Briyante will own 40% of the outstanding share capital of Imagis before the additional issuances to debt holders described below;
      (b) Imagis and Briyante intend to raise capital by way of a debt offering (the "Debt") to fund the operations of Imagis and Briyante, the target for such offering being an aggregate amount of $1.63 million. The previously announced line of credit and debentures will be included in the aggregate amount;
      (c) As part of the Acquisition, the holders of the Debt will be offered a limited-time opportunity to convert the Debt for common shares of Imagis (post-acquisition). The total number of shares issuable will be such that if the targeted maximum amount of $1.63 million in Debt is converted into equity, the holders of the Debt will be issued 21% of the equity of Imagis (post-acquisition), with the current shareholders of Imagis and Briyante being diluted on a pro rata basis. If the total amount of Debt converted is more or less than $1.63 million, the total number of shares issuable to holders of the Debt who convert will be adjusted pro rata; and
      (d) Following the Acquisition and the conversion of the Debt into shares of Imagis, the common shares of Imagis will be consolidated on a basis acceptable to Imagis and Briyante (currently proposed to be approximately ten for one).
      The Acquisition will be subject to entering into a definitive agreement, regulatory approval and shareholder approval of both companies.

      Imagis and Briyante are excited about moving forward with the combination of the two companies. In our opinion, it has become apparent while we have worked together over the past several months that there are significant synergies generated with the two companies combining efforts, both in terms of technology offerings and business opportunities. We look forward to the successful integration of our operations and building our business together. In conjunction with the announcement of the growth of Imagis with the addition of Briyante, Imagis is announcing an expansion and restructuring of its executive management team.

      Imagis is pleased to announce the appointment of Mr. Roy Trivett as the President and Chief Executive Officer of Imagis. Mr. Trivett is a professional engineer and holds a Masters Degree in systems engineering from Carleton University. He brings a wealth of experience in building and operating successful software companies, including co-founding and expanding Architel Systems Corporation into an international telecommunications software company that was eventually bought by Nortel Networks for in excess of $600 million. He has been a director of Imagis since March 2000 and will also continue in that capacity.

      Imagis is also pleased to announce that Mr. Iain Drummond, the past President and CEO of Imagis, will remain with the company as Vice President and Managing Director, International. Mr. Drummond’s valuable contribution to Imagis` development will continue and he will play a key role in Imagis business strategy going forward.

      Upon completion of the Acquisition of Briyante Mr. Al Kassam, the President and CEO of Briyante, will join Imagis in the role of Vice President, Technology and Development and Chief Technology Officer. Mr. Kassam will provide strong leadership in the crucial research and development and technology areas of the company and Imagis is very pleased to have Mr. Kassam`s expertise and experience added to its management team. He will continue to lead the integrated justice projects and will also be joining the Imagis Board of Directors as a Director.

      Mr. Wayne Smith, the current Chief Financial Officer of Imagis, will be taking on the expanded responsibilities of Chief Operating Officer and Vice President, Finance. Mr. Smith has been instrumental as part of the team that has reduced Imagis` costs dramatically while maintaining its core operations and Imagis is looking forward to his continued strong leadership in the areas of finance and operations.

      Mr. Tim Ruggles will continue in his role of Vice President, Business Development with a particular emphasis on business partner relationships and strategic marketing initiatives.

      Imagis is confident that the addition of Mr. Trivett and Mr. Kassam to its executive team and the restructuring of its existing management to provide the best integration of the individuals` skill sets with the key elements of Imagis` business strategy will provide the company with the structure and focus necessary to successfully grow the business.

      About Imagis Technologies Inc.
      Imagis Technologies Inc. (OTCBB: IGSTF; TSX.V: NAB; Germany: IGY) develops and markets breakthrough technology that allows for the rapid development and deployment of information sharing and biometric identification applications that are used in law enforcement, transportation security, immigration and customs, gaming, and other security and homeland defense initiatives.

      The Company, whose Chairman is Oliver ("Buck") Revell, the former associate deputy director of the FBI, has over 140 installations of its software located across the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, Latin America and Asia-Pacific. This includes one of the UK`s national police agencies; RCMP, police, and sheriff departments across the United States and Canada; New Zealand Customs; the Government of Singapore, and Toronto’s Pearson International Airport

      For more information about Imagis Technologies, please visit

      About Briyante Software Corp.
      Briyante Software Corp. (TSX-VEN:BSC) is the developer and marketer of the Justice Integration Server (JIS). The JIS allows all agencies within the Justice and Public Safety arena to share information with one another in a safe and controlled manner. Through the JIS’ patent-pending visual metaphors, agencies with disparate systems (RMS, CAD, JMS, CMS, etc.) can publish or access relevant data without the need for programming. Agencies are free to share as much or as little data with their partners in a highly-secure manner without having to give up ownership of the data. Built on Microsoft.NET, the JIS is a completely standards-based product utilizing WEB Services and UDDI to create complex Regional Information Sharing Systems (RISS) networks easily and quickly. The JIS client software can currently be used as both a standard desktop application and as a Web-based service. Mobile versions of the client software can be used on a number of systems, including any Microsoft Pocket PC-based computing software. Briyante is a Microsoft Certified Partner and is authorized for Microsoft’s Windows XP logo identification program.

      To learn more about Briyante, please visit

      - 30 -
      schrieb am 14.07.03 16:29:14
      Beitrag Nr. 16 ()
      ich überlege auch schon, ob ich nicht mal rein soll:rolleyes:
      schrieb am 14.07.03 20:10:15
      Beitrag Nr. 17 ()
      Guten Abend

      Mr. Aktie,

      das wird wohl eine Bauchlandung. Die wesentlichen Teile von Imagis sind wohl schon in ganz andere Hände übergegangen;)

      Good luck


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      Imagis - hopp oder flop???