
    Arise-Invst.: Fakten, Fakten, Fakten nichts als Fakten... - 500 Beiträge pro Seite (Seite 2)

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     Ja Nein
      schrieb am 07.07.08 13:37:05
      Beitrag Nr. 501 ()
      Der Vollständigkeit halber: ;)

      ARISE Technologies Schedules Release of Second-Quarter Financial Results and Conference Call
      02:00 EDT Monday, July 07, 2008
      - Comments on revenue expectations for the quarter
      - Initiating practice of holding conference calls and webcast following
      release of quarterly financial results
      WATERLOO, ON, July 7 /CNW/ - ARISE Technologies Corporation (TSX: APV and Frankfurt: A3T), which is dedicated to becoming a leader in high-performance, cost-effective solar technology, today announced that it expects to issue its financial results for the second quarter and first-half ended June 30, 2008 on August 11, 2008.

      "With the issuance of our 2008 second-quarter financial results, ARISE will initiate holding quarterly conference calls that will be webcast for the investment community and our shareholders," said Dave Chornaby, Chief Financial Officer. "This is consistent with what investors expect of companies that wish to adhere to the best practices of investor relations, as is the case for ARISE."

      ARISE said that it will hold its conference call on August 12, 2008 at 8:30 a.m. EDT. The company will announce further details regarding the call on August 5, 2008.

      "While ARISE will still not report significant revenues from the sale of photovoltaic (PV) cells for the second quarter, we have reached the point in our growth and development where it is appropriate for us to begin having such calls," Mr. Chornaby continued.

      "Standard practices in our industry dictate that our customers will conduct several months of rigorous testing prior to approving volume shipments. This is the case with our first two major customers, aleo solar AG and SOLON AG. Both have taken initial shipments and are carrying out their testing. At this time we expect completion of their testing by some time in August," he continued.

      "We are in close communications with both customers and believe that the testing is proceeding well. We are using this time productively at our German plant to conduct Site Acceptance Tests for Line 1 towards achieving the necessary targeted levels of efficiency, yield, and throughput."

      "As to the second-quarter and first-half results," Mr. Chornaby said, "as in recent quarters, we expect that our revenues will be modest, consisting of those generated by our PV Systems Division as well as some initial shipments of PV cells. We should see more meaningful volume and revenue from PV cell shipments in the third quarter," he said.

      About ARISE Technologies

      ARISE Technologies Corporation, based in Waterloo, Ontario, is dedicated to becoming a leader in high-performance, cost-effective solar technology. The company operates through three divisions. The PV Cell Division manufactures PV (photovoltaic) cells at its first manufacturing plant opened in April 2008 in Bischofswerda, Germany. The division is developing proprietary technology with a target of achieving a step-by-step progression to a high-efficiency level of greater than 20 percent. The PV Silicon Division is using a proprietary method to produce silicon at 7N+ high-purity (99.99999 percent purity) for PV cell applications, based on a simplified chemical vapor deposition process. The division is focusing on scaling up its process to provide ARISE with control over its supply, costs, and quality. The PV Systems Division provides complete turnkey PV solutions for solar farms and rooftop installations under the Ontario standard offer program.

      The company's shares are listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange under the symbol APV and on the Frankfurt Open Market Exchange under the symbol A3T. Additional information is available at and

      Forward-Looking Statements

      For further information: ARISE Technologies Corporation, 65 Northland Road, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, N2V 1Y8; Dave Chornaby, Chief Financial Officer, (519) 772-5732,,
      schrieb am 07.07.08 20:15:47
      Beitrag Nr. 502 ()
      Tja, das kommt zurzeit nicht so gut, wenn man darauf aufmerksam
      macht, dass das mit dem Geldverdienen doch noch bissel länger hin ist...:D

      Obwohl es ja ansich klar war...:)

      Auch von den ganzen, ach so "unterbewerteten", aber hoch verschuldeten China-Buden lass ich jetzt
      lieber die Finger wech...! Das Finanzierungsdebakel wird sicher noch zunehmen.

      Im Worst-Case läuft Arise die Zeit davon: Die richtigen Umsätze fallen dann in die Zeit zunehmender Überkapazitäten/
      + zunehmenden Preisdrucks - und auf der anderen Seite werden sie evtl. technologisch von den "Folien-Fritzen", wie z.B. United Ovonic (Ener), Nanosolar, oder Ascent abgehängt.
      schrieb am 10.07.08 09:34:55
      Beitrag Nr. 503 ()
      schrieb am 12.07.08 07:19:56
      Beitrag Nr. 504 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 33.928.075 von frankinvestor am 20.04.08 14:54:23ausschnitt eines postings vom 20.04.08:
      "Vor diesem Hintergrund muss auch unser Arise-Kursziel von 15 CAD bis Ende 2008 als extrem konservativ
      angesehen werden."
      die betonung liegt auf konservativ:laugh:

      ohne worte
      schrieb am 13.07.08 22:08:43
      Beitrag Nr. 505 ()
      Das Wichtigste an der Börse: immer up-to-Date bleiben.

      Etliche Aktien sind über 50% inerhalb weniger Monate zurückgekommen.

      Einige Gründe: Cashburner sind extrem out...Finanzkrise läuft weiter..

      Zellenhersteller laufen (zunächst mal) in kräftige Überkapazitäten hinein.

      Die langfristigen Lieferverträge wurden allesamt mit angepaßten Preis-Klauseln versehen.

      Darin liegt die Gefahr.

      Da nützen irgendwelche alten "Parolen" überhaupt nix.

      Trading Spotlight

      East Africa Metals
      0,1480EUR +0,68 %
      Kennen wir bei East Africa bislang nur die Spitze des Goldberges?!mehr zur Aktie »
      schrieb am 14.07.08 08:55:37
      Beitrag Nr. 506 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.498.481 von sensolight am 13.07.08 22:08:43"Zellenhersteller laufen (zunächst mal) in kräftige Überkapazitäten hinein."

      So ein Unfug ! Informier dich erstmal besser ! :mad:
      schrieb am 14.07.08 12:32:12
      Beitrag Nr. 507 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.499.285 von Bloodi767 am 14.07.08 08:55:37Der Zorn wird Dir da auch nicht viel weiter helfen...

      Gut, in 2 Jahren wird man schlauer sein...und Amerika´s Solar-Politik
      nach der Wahl wird sicherlich mit entscheidend sein....:rolleyes:

      .....aber die meisten ernst zu nehmenden Prognosen gehen in diese Richtung.

      Ein Grund, für den Kursverlauf im gesamten Segment... falls Du es nicht mitbekommen hast.

      Selber informieren - statt pampig werden - dann klappt´s auch mit den Aktien .:kiss:
      schrieb am 14.07.08 14:32:33
      Beitrag Nr. 508 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.500.919 von sensolight am 14.07.08 12:32:12Das ist hier ein Faktenthread und kein,,So könnte es kommen Thread".
      schrieb am 14.07.08 17:58:38
      Beitrag Nr. 509 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.501.823 von Forfex am 14.07.08 14:32:33eben...also haltet euch dran! ;)

      hier nur mal ein Auszug, von diversen:


      "...HSBC erwartet Solar-Überkapazitäten
      Obwohl kein klarer Branchentrend am gestrigen Handelstag zu erkennen ist, gerieten einige Solaraktien zeitweise unter Druck. In Folge einer veröffentlichten Studie von HSBC, in der die Bankengruppe vor drohenden Überkapazitäten im Solarsektor warnt, hatten die HSBC-Anaylsten mehrere Solaraktien herabgestuft. Für das kommende Jahr prophezeien sie einen Preisverfall bei Solarmodulen von bis zu 20 Prozent...."

      schrieb am 14.07.08 18:06:42
      Beitrag Nr. 510 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.503.836 von sensolight am 14.07.08 17:58:38Ist das so schwer zu verstehen ? Der Thread ist einzig und Allein nur dafür gedacht, Arise betreffene Fakten hier einzustellen und keine Prophezeihungen von irgendwelchen Analysten. Halte Dich bitte daran !
      schrieb am 14.07.08 18:26:39
      Beitrag Nr. 511 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.503.912 von Forfex am 14.07.08 18:06:42Bitte sagen, ist selbstverständlich erlaubt.

      Ich entscheide aber gern selbst, was ich als relevante Fakten erachte.

      Wenns beliebt.

      Gestritten wird "drüben".:kiss:
      schrieb am 15.07.08 07:51:55
      Beitrag Nr. 512 ()
      Na da hoffen wir mal das da schon ARISE Zellen dabei sind!

      ots.CorporateNews: aleo solar AG liefert Solarmodule und Photovoltaik-Systeme für mehr als 35 Millionen Euro nach Europa

      Die aleo solar AG baut ihre Marktposition in Europa weiter aus: Kunden aus
      Deutschland, Italien und Tschechien haben für das laufende Jahr Solarmodule und
      Photovoltaik-Systeme im Gesamtwert von mehr als 35 Mio. Euro geordert. Mit den
      bereits gemeldeten Verträgen summiert sich der aktuelle Auftragseingang der aleo
      solar AG für 2008 auf über 185 Mio. Euro.

      Während deutsche und spanische Kunden bereits seit längerem für kräftiges
      Umsatzwachstum sorgen, gewinnt Italien als Absatzland immer mehr an Bedeutung.
      ´Mit der guten Entwicklung in Italien erhält unser Auslandsgeschäft einen
      nachhaltigen Schub, mit einer sehr guten Perspektive für die nächsten Jahre´,
      sagt Jakobus Smit, Vorstandsvorsitzender der aleo solar AG. Im Januar wurde mit
      der Gründung der aleo solar Italia S.r.l. die Präsenz in Italien ausgebaut, und
      im Mai wurde feierlich das Büro in Treviso eingeweiht. ´Die Kunden in Italien
      schätzen immer mehr unsere Expertise für einen Aufdachanlagenmarkt, die sich
      aleo solar in Deutschland erworben hat. Wir bemerken dies auch an einer
      anhaltend hohen Nachfrage nach Photovoltaik-Systemen, d.h., wir verkaufen nicht
      nur Solarmodule, sondern passend dazu auch Wechselrichter und Montagesysteme´,
      ergänzt Smit.

      Neben Italien entwickelt sich Griechenland nach wie vor gut. Dort wird derzeit
      mit aleo-Solarmodulen im Wert von mehr als 6 Mio. Euro eine
      Photovoltaik-Freiflächenanlage errichtet. Hinzu kommen erste Aufträge aus
      Ländern Osteuropas: Für ein Photovoltaik-Kraftwerk in Tschechien liefert die
      aleo solar AG Solarmodule im Wert von ebenfalls mehr als 6 Mio. Euro.

      Franz Nieper / Jasmin Michaelis

      Investor Relations, Legal & Compliance

      Tel.: +49 441 219 88 - 770


      Emittent: aleo solar AG
      Gewerbegebiet Nord
      D-17291 Prenzlau
      Telefon: +49(0)441 21988-0
      FAX: +49 (0)441 21988-69
      Branche: Alternativ-Energien
      ISIN: DE000A0JM634
      Sprache: Deutsch…
      schrieb am 15.07.08 10:11:39
      Beitrag Nr. 513 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.504.103 von sensolight am 14.07.08 18:26:39Analysten zu zitieren ist sehr blauäugig! Gerade diese Schreiberlinge sind von allen Medien die Unglaubwürdigsten. Auf den Zug springen wenn es lukrativ wird und zum Ausstieg blasen wenn die eigenen Interessen ins Spiel kommen. Das kann jeder, zumal bei den Banken Kapital sitzt. Die Fondsverwalter sind doch zum Erfolg verdammt und da ist doch jedes Mittel recht.
      schrieb am 15.07.08 11:20:28
      Beitrag Nr. 514 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.508.301 von schnirchel am 15.07.08 10:11:39Es geht um eine Studie der HSBC Bankengruppe, die Du für viel Geld
      kaufen könntest, nicht um irgendein "Schreiberling-Statement".;)

      Das Ergebniss dieser Studie deckt sich weitgehend mit ähnlichen. Ist auch nur ein Puzzle-Stein, aber ein wichtiger.
      Selbst wenn es Quatsch wäre, solche Dinge haben entscheidenden Einfluss auf die Kurse des ganzen Segments - wie man beobachten konnte und kann. Wen das nicht interessiert.....selber Schuld.:kiss:

      Aber es gibt sicher auch Aktionäre, die dieser Aspekt interessiert.

      und tschüss.
      schrieb am 15.07.08 15:40:20
      Beitrag Nr. 515 ()
      schrieb am 16.07.08 17:21:52
      Beitrag Nr. 516 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.511.709 von robusto75 am 15.07.08 15:40:20BNN

      arisetech17/15/2008 9:47:36 PM | | 399 reads | Post #23565601 Rate thisclarity
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      Bart confirmed ramp-up is happening

      full capacity this year so revenue base is now roughly $120,000,000 or $30,000,000 per quarter

      Bart stated significant revenue in q3...CC figured $25,000,000 in q3

      all product sold out for this year

      silicon pilot plant in production in q1 and it is fully funded

      q2 revenues will be smaller as early product pushed to q3 but we are in q3 now (July, Aug, Sep)

      news of production plant and location/incentives/partners anytime

      Bart confirmed several hundred million in contracts

      Bought deal at 2.20 looks good right now as 7N facility paid for and cost for a PV line is approx $25,000,000 to produce $125,000,000 in revenue

      Arise in great shape to ride out any storm until product cheques roll in...q3 will be a new chapter as we go to "10s of millions per quarter phase"

      q2 will also contain events of July and early aug though not part of the books
      schrieb am 22.07.08 09:55:54
      Beitrag Nr. 517 ()
      Arise Technologies first polysilicon contract won't be last
      Posted: June 13, 2008, 9:07 AM by David Pett
      Market Call

      Arise Technologies Corp.'s new agreement with Sino-American Silicon Inc. (SAS) to sell 120 tonnes of 7N+ polysilicon, is the Arise's first polysilicon sales contract to date, but according to Fraser Mackenzie analyst John Safrance, it won't be the last.

      Arise will supply SAS with 40 tonnes of silicon per year from 2011 to 2013. While not disclosed, Mr. Safrance believes prices will range between $55 to $65 per kilogram, resulting in revenues of $6.6-million on the low end, with gross margins of approximately $3.6-million over the length of the contract.

      Arise also completed a second three-year agreement to transfer 280 tonnes of 7N+ poly to SAS who will produce solar wafers for Arise, who in turn will use them to manufacture photovoltaic cells.

      "This is very positive news for ARISE," said the analyst in a note to clients. "While the agreement is financially immaterial, we believe it will be followed by additional, larger contracts in the months to come."

      Mr. Safrance told clients that Arise's share price should move in step with additional contracts as they are struck. He has a "strong buy" rating and $5 price target.

      Arise shares jumped 16% to $1.96 on Thursday, following the word of the SAS contract.

      David Pett
      schrieb am 22.07.08 14:48:10
      Beitrag Nr. 518 ()
      War klar und nur eine Frage der Zeit.

      ARISE Technologies' PV Cell Plant in Germany Starts 24/7 Manufacturing
      Tuesday July 22, 2:00 am ET

      WATERLOO, ON, July 22 /CNW/ - ARISE Technologies Corporation (TSX: APV and Frankfurt: A3T), which is dedicated to becoming a leader in high-performance, cost-effective solar technology, today announced that its new PV (photovoltaic) cell manufacturing plant in Bischofswerda, Germany has started full production by manufacturing 24 hours a day, 7 days per week.

      "With the successful completion of the Site Acceptance Tests for Line 1, we are ramping up our production levels to meet our customers' requirement for PV cells. This is another milestone for ARISE in our path towards becoming a leading supplier of PV cells for the solar energy industry," said Bart Tichelman, President and Chief Executive Officer.

      "We are achieving the targeted level of 15.0% average PV cell efficiency with a peak efficiency of 15.7%, as well as our targets for manufacturing yield and throughput. We were pleased to present our equipment supplier (OTB Solar B.V. of Eindhoven, the Netherlands) with the acceptance letter certifying that it has met our specifications. We appreciate the efforts that they and our management team and staff at the plant have made to enable us to meet our rigorous requirements. In only a few months, we have progressed from producing our first PV cell in mid-April to where we have been able to move to 24/7 production," Mr. Tichelman said.

      "As previously announced, our customers are continuing their testing of the PV cells that we shipped to them for that purpose," he continued. "We remain in close communication with them and we are pleased with the feedback."

      About ARISE Technologies


      schrieb am 22.07.08 16:32:06
      Beitrag Nr. 519 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.560.483 von alpendudler am 22.07.08 14:48:10@alpi!!
      Hatte ich das nicht schon am Wochenende geschrieben...:D
      schrieb am 22.07.08 18:15:41
      Beitrag Nr. 520 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.561.531 von WildeMathilde am 22.07.08 16:32:06Besser einer MEHR als einer zu WENIG schaut mal bei Arise in BIW vorbei, damit auch nichts schief geht...

      Damit mal viele Grüße an alle ORTSANSÄSSIGEN. :D

      ... und LONG.
      schrieb am 25.07.08 12:23:35
      Beitrag Nr. 521 ()
      Der Knaller !!!

      email from Arise's VP

      Thank you all, for your input & feedback. I greatly appreciate it!

      Knowing that the factory is working on 24/7 basis, the approval must be just formality now. Hopefully the PR would be sooner than August 12.

      For the_Donald - it's not just the money that your daughter could profit from investing in APV, more important is to teach her about the solar power.

      Again, here are the important message from Mr. Jekubik email:

      - We have not indicated or intended to imply a production problem. We are undergoing the usual process of starting up production, which includes Site Acceptance Tests. This is not related to the products testing that our customers are carrying out of the initial PV cells products shipped to them for that purpose.

      - On July 9, Fraser Mackenzie issued a report (with a Strong Buy recommendation on APV) that indicated that the analyst had spoken with our PV cell customers. He wrote, "With new cell suppliers, both companies make it normal practice to fully test and acquire regulatory approvals for their solar modules before procuring significant quantities."

      I will add that, as you may appreciate, we would not have chosen to initiate quarterly conference calls in August if we were not hopeful of having a positive story to tell. We could as easily have deferred this for another quarter. In the end, the essential thing is to have a fully satisfied customer, and if that means we book the same amount of revenues a month or two later that we had hoped to book in June, well, in the long term, it doesn't mean anything. We are working to build long-term, sustainable value for our shareholders and therefore are less concerned about day-to-day share price fluctuations or even a decline such as has occurred since we completed the bought deal issue. I believe that this of concern only to day traders and is of lesser concern, if any at all, to longer-term investors, which, as you know, includes our management team and Board. For the "real investors" to which you refer (and I assume that includes yourself), while it may be difficult to see the share price decline in the short term as it has, if you do not sell your holdings, there should be no real hurt if we are as successful as we are planning over the longer term.

      Thank you all!
      schrieb am 25.07.08 12:42:32
      Beitrag Nr. 522 ()
      Aus Stockhouse:

      "On July 9, Fraser Mackenzie issued a report (with a Strong Buy recommendation on APV) that indicated that the analyst had spoken with our PV cell customers. He wrote, "With new cell suppliers, both companies make it normal practice to fully test and acquire regulatory approvals for their solar modules before procuring significant quantities." "

      A post I made a ways back

      "I can still see it doubling though, and getting to that $5-$6.00 share price, in comparison to similar companies but not within the time frame of expectations. Customers still need to have outside certifications, for new suppliers of cells, to be able to use them in there panels. Similar to our Canadian CSA, and US UL. That could take a few more weeks. Good thing it will only be a one time thing for each cell type. First time customers will be the hardest to pass they are the trail blazers. But after that other customers will follow more easily seeing that the ground work has been done already."

      CSA = Canadian Standards Association, UL = Underwriters Laboratory, these are the guys over here that the regulatory bodies that give approval to electrical equipment and such there is a similar one in German and in the european union. this is required if you wish to sell an electrical device.
      This can take weeks if not a month or more. Think I was reprimanded by another poster for posting that. :-)!
      schrieb am 26.07.08 09:45:26
      Beitrag Nr. 523 ()
      Jul 24, 2008 11:57 ET
      *Revised* Analyst Reports for Agrium Inc., Methanex Corporation, Orezone Resources Inc., and ARISE Technologies Corporation

      NOTE TO EDITORS: The Following Is an Investment Opinion Being Issued by Maybach

      Free Analyst Review

      LONDON--(Marketwire - July 24, 2008) - is one of the fastest growing independent and unbiased research firms in the world. Through our numerous partnerships with many of the top investment minds in the world, we provide research on companies making a move in the markets. Investors seeking genuine analyst opinions on their investments for Agrium Inc. (TSX: AGU), Methanex Corporation (TSX: MX), Orezone Resources Inc. (TSX: OZN), and ARISE Technologies Corporation (TSX: APV) should take this opportunity to get free in-depth research by signing up for a free membership at Our coverage of any company will include research in the following areas:

      -- Margin changes, specifically operating, gross, and then net
      -- Pace and quality of top line growth
      -- Ability to generate cash
      -- Pace and quality of the bottom line growth
      -- Market share gains
      -- Innovation/pipeline
      -- Corporate governance
      -- Management's ability to operate in unfavorable environments
      -- Ability of management to control acquisitive growth and achieve
      accretive results

      Sign up to gain analyst insight for the above companies by following this link:

      Analyst reviews will be posted in the member's area of under "Analyst Reviews."

      Whether trading on the NYSE, Nasdaq, Amex, TSX or TSX-V, our experienced research team will investigate prime investment opportunities on behalf of the subscribers to offer a comprehensive look at what is happening and why. Sign up today at for a free subscription.

      Reports vary by sector and markets and look at various aspects of each company to provide an unbiased view and provide pertinent information so investors can make informed decisions regarding their portfolios.

      Maybach Financial (Maybach) is not a registered broker dealer or a registered investment advisor. However, we do use information from licensed analysts. No information accessed through the Maybach Web site or this release constitutes a recommendation to buy, sell or hold any security in any jurisdiction. Please consult a broker before purchasing or selling any securities viewed on or mentioned herein.

      Analyst reviews may or may not contain all the information listed above as each opinion and review varies with each company reviewed.

      Please view the full disclaimer:
      Click here to see all recent news from this company…
      schrieb am 26.07.08 10:13:18
      Beitrag Nr. 524 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.591.239 von frankinvestor am 26.07.08 09:45:26@fi!
      Folgender Artikel dürfte wohl eher zutreffend sein...

      Was haben Gärten und erfolgreiche Depots gemeinsam?

      Eine konsequente Verlustbegrenzung ist Pflicht.
      Und zwar nicht nur in der Theorie, sondern sie muss in der Praxis gelebt werden.
      Sonst besteht trotz schöner Erfolge zwischendurch die Gefahr, dass irgendwann die Börse die Gewinne zurückfordert – bis hin zur Zwangsliquidation des Depots.
      Das wünsche ich nicht mal meinen ärgsten Feinden.
      Leider halte ich mich selbst nicht immer daran, aber ich bin im hohen Alter hoffentlich noch lernfähig.

      Die Wochen um den Jahreswechsel 2007/08 (wie der Nebenwerte-Crash in Deutschland) dürften jedem Zweifler (oder mittlerweile Verzweifeltem) erneut die existenzielle Bedeutung des Risikomanagements vor Augen geführt haben.
      Ist eine Aktie erst einmal abgestürzt, helfen keine Begründungen, Beschwichtigungen des Bankers, Analysten, Tagesschausprechers oder Unternehmensvorstands mehr.
      Noch schlimmer: was tun, wenn das Kind in den Brunnen gefallen ist?
      Etwa liegen lassen wie den ehemaligen Börsenstar Deutsche Telekom und sich der trügerischen Hoffnung hingeben „es wird schon wieder“?
      In solchen Situationen nimmt der emotionale und finanzielle Druck dramatisch zu…

      Erst Top, dann Flop: Das Drama Deutsche Telekom steht stellvertretend für zahlreiche Werte.
      Wenn Aktien erst einmal fallen, kann es heftig werden – und eine Kurserholung „ewig“ dauern, wenn sie denn überhaupt kommt.
      Warum halten dennoch so viele Anleger an solchen „Depotleichen“ fest?
      So kommt kein Depot auf die Sprünge.

      Lassen Sie es niemals so weit kommen.
      Begrenzen Sie Verluste konsequent und trennen Sie sich von schlechten Werten.
      Das Geld kann besser in andere aussichtsreichere Titel investiert werden.

      Genau aus diesem Grund versuche ich, Verluste immer klein zu halten - sonst können sie (gegen jede Vorstellungskraft) ausarten und das Depot ruinieren.
      Stop-Loss-Limite (auch mentale) sollten konsequent eingehalten werden – bitte nicht erst bei Minus 50%.
      Natürlich wird man gelegentlich ausgestoppt und der Wert erholt sich anschließend oder startet gar richtig durch.
      Das gehört leider dazu.
      Betrachten Sie unglücklich ausgestoppte Werte als eine Art Versicherungsprämie, die man gerne zahlt, wenn dadurch das Risiko weiter zunehmender Verluste begrenzt wird.
      Das Geld wird frei für neue Chancen.

      Es ist viel wichtiger, auf seine Verluste aufzupassen als hinter potenziellen „Gewinnern“ herzulaufen.
      Das Kapital ist sonst irgendwann aufgezehrt, Chancen gibt es immer wieder – die können aber nur wahrgenommen werden, wenn ersteres nicht aufgezehrt wurde.
      Natürlich führt das in einem schwankungsintensiven Markt zu hektischen Umschichtungen, aber was wäre die Alternative?
      Es ist sehr belastend, einfach zuzuschauen wie Verluste immer größer werden…Tun Sie sich das nicht an.

      Falls ich Sie noch nicht überzeugt haben sollte hinsichtlich der Notwendigkeit klarer Regeln zur Verlustbegrenzung statt dem „Prinzip Hoffnung“ ausgeliefert zu sein, denken Sie bitte über folgenden Vergleich in Ruhe nach:
      Es ist wie bei der Pflege eines schönen Gartens:
      Das Unkraut wird gerupft (Stop-Loss), damit die schönen Pflanzen sich prächtig entfalten können (Gewinne laufen lassen).
      Leider rupft man gelegentlich junge Pflanzen aus, die man für Unkraut hält (unglücklich ausgestoppt, danach Kursrallye).
      Dennoch sollte die Hege und Pflege der guten Pflanzen den Garten erblühen lassen.
      Lässt man dagegen Unkraut seinen freien Lauf, verwildert der Garten sehr schnell.
      Den erwünschten Pflanzen fehlt der Freiraum zur Entfaltung.
      Möchte man das verhindern, ist konsequente Selektion oberste Pflicht.

      Leider sehen viele Depots eher wie ein Dschungel aus:
      An Verlustpositionen wird zu lange festgehalten und Gewinneraktien zu schnell verkauft.
      Warum nicht mit dem Depot ähnlich sorgsam verfahren wie mit einem gut gepflegten Garten?
      Unsere genetisch bedingten Verhaltensweisen, die uns im Alltag beschützen, verhindern leider oft sinnvolle Börsenentscheidungen.

      Jason Zweig hat dazu ein empfehlenswertes Buch verfasst
      (Jason Zweig; Gier. Neuroökonomie: Wie wir ticken, wenn es ums Geld geht).
      Er beschreibt sehr schön die emotionalen Fallen, in die wir Menschen immer wieder tappen.

      schrieb am 29.07.08 07:51:43
      Beitrag Nr. 525 ()
      Hot Stocks Investor - ARISE Technologies gute Einstiegschance

      15:07 28.07.08

      Endingen ( AG) - Die Experten von "Hot Stocks Investor" sehen bei der Aktie von ARISE Technologies (Profil) eine gute Einstiegschance.

      Der Solarzellenhersteller habe mittlerweile die volle Produktionskapazität seiner neuen Anlage in Bischofswerda erreicht. Die ersten Auslieferungen könnten schon in den nächsten beiden Monaten erfolgen.

      Die Analysten von Canaccord Adams würden bereits für das aktuelle Fiskaljahr mit einem Umsatzsprung auf 59 Mio. Kanadische Dollar (CAD) rechnen. Für 2009 würden sie dann einen Umsatz in Höhe von 237 Mio. CAD sowie das knappe Erreichen des Break-even prognostizieren. Für 2010 lägen ihre Schätzungen dann bei 458 Mio. CAD und einem kleinen Nettogewinn von 0,35 CAD je Aktie. Damit würde das KGV in den nächsten zwei Jahren auf 4 zurückgehen. Canaccord Adams bewerte den Titel mit "buy" und gebe ein Kursziel von 3,75 CAD an.

      Die Experten von "Hot Stocks Investor" sehen bei der Aktie von ARISE Technologies eine gute Einstiegschance. (Ausgabe 14 vom 28.07.2008)
      schrieb am 29.07.08 08:02:56
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      Beitrag Nr. 527 ()
      schrieb am 30.07.08 07:42:47
      Beitrag Nr. 528 ()
      schrieb am 31.07.08 08:44:10
      Beitrag Nr. 529 ()

      Date: 27-Jul-08
      Contributor: Wright Reports
      Title: A textual analysis of Arise Technologies Corporation's financial statements, including company description and recent stock performance, versus Beacon Power Corporation, Environmental Power Corporation and Zbb Energy Corporation.
      schrieb am 31.07.08 08:49:32
      Beitrag Nr. 530 ()

      Research Reports Get Research Reports for:
      Released Contributor Author Title Pages Price
      27-Jul-2008 Wright Reports N/A A textual analysis of Arise Technologies Corporation's financial statements, including company description and recent stock performance, versus Beacon Power Corporation, Environmental Power Corporation and Zbb Energy Corporation. 0 $25

      24-Jul-2008 Reuters Investment Profile N/A ARISE Technologies Corporation: Business description, financial summary, 3yr and interim financials, key statistics/ratios and historical ratio analysis. 12 $20

      29-Jun-2008 Raymond James (Canada) Ltd. Daryl Swetlishoff CFA Monthly Digest: July 2008 29 $90

      26-Jun-2008 Global Markets Direct Sundheep Balu ARISE Technologies Corporation Deals and Alliances Profile 48 $250

      24-Jun-2008 Global Markets Direct Sundheep Balu ARISE Technologies Corporation Energy - Alternative Energy SWOT Report 41 $300
      schrieb am 03.08.08 08:13:37
      Beitrag Nr. 531 ()
      Beitrag im Oberlausitzer Kurier vom 14. Juni 2008…
      schrieb am 10.08.08 11:21:16
      Beitrag Nr. 532 ()
      Canaccord Adams hosts 28th Annual Global Growth Conference: August 12-14, 2008: Boston

      - Conference features 240 small and mid-cap companies in six sectors -
      - Thirty next-generation companies will present at the Private Company
      Showcase -
      - Knowledge Sessions will feature key topics in targeted coverage areas -

      BOSTON, Aug. 6 /CNW/ - Canaccord Adams Inc. is pleased to announce the
      line-up for its 28th Annual Global Growth Conference - a premier forum for
      innovative small and mid-cap growth companies from the US, Canada, and the UK.
      This year's conference, taking place in Boston, continues the firm's focus on
      bringing institutional investors some of the most interesting and intriguing
      ideas from a growing global universe of small and mid-cap companies.
      "By bringing together institutional investors, venture capitalists and
      solid growth companies, this conference has become North America's premier
      small to mid-cap investor event, reflecting Canaccord Adams' global reach in
      this investment spectrum," said Paul Reynolds, President and CEO of Canaccord
      Capital Inc.
      "This year's meeting is of particular interest to investors, given
      today's challenging market environment," said Jamie Brown, President of
      Canaccord Adams Inc. and Head of US Investment Banking. "Investors of all
      types are now, more than ever, seeking the most timely and important trends in
      order to identify the best investment opportunities from among both public and
      private growth companies. The 28th Annual Global Growth Conference will
      present investors with insights and knowledge they need to make promising
      investment decisions in the months ahead."
      The key sectors represented at the conference this year reflect areas
      followed by Canaccord Adams' global research team: Technology, Life Sciences,
      Real Estate, Consumer, Sustainability and Industrial Growth. More than 240
      small and mid-cap growth companies will be presenting, along with a select
      list of thirty companies for the Private Company Showcase. A number of
      in-depth Knowledge Sessions are also scheduled, and will explore important
      industry themes, changes and trends. These panels will be comprised of
      industry experts, Canaccord research analysts, bankers and venture capital
      The Canaccord Adams Annual Global Growth Conference is one of the oldest
      and largest programs showcasing both publicly traded and privately held growth
      companies. Most of the presenting public companies are covered by Canaccord
      Adams' global team of equity analysts. To learn more about the conference,
      please contact Nadine Miller at 617.371.3842 or More information about the conference can be
      found at

      Some of the Knowledge Sessions at this year's conference are:

      Considering the Catalysts of Climate Change - With climate change
      increasingly becoming a hot-button issue in the US and elsewhere, this panel
      will explore the evolution of carbon emission markets and corporate strategies
      in this new area. Canaccord Adams analyst John Quealy and leading industry
      participants will discuss this topic and deliver viewpoints from various
      perspectives of the climate change lifecycle.

      Solid State Lighting, Transitioning from Myth To Reality - With oil
      reaching record levels and the price of electricity increasing, this panel
      will address the ever-present question of how to satisfy growing demand for
      energy and electricity. Next-generation lighting solutions are being adopted
      more frequently and are being viewed as an important trend in reducing energy
      demand. This panel, led by analyst Jed Dorsheimer, will address demand-side
      questions to help investors get a good view on the likely timing and adoption
      rates of solid state lighting.

      Rise and Fall: The Pending Fragmentation of Social Networks - Moving Past
      Web 2.0. With the rise and expansion of social networking sites, Canaccord
      Adams analyst Colin Gillis and additional panelists will explore the topic of
      aggregating fragmenting audiences and the various approaches being undertaken
      by companies such as Google, MySpace, Facebook, KickApps, Ning and LinkedIn.
      Questions such as whether users can take their social networks with them and
      whether common log-ins allow access to consistent communities across websites
      will be addressed. Gillis will be joined by KickApps founder Eric Alterman and
      others in exploring these topics.

      M&A in Difficult Markets and Economies: Is the Next Twelve Months the
      Time of Opportunity?
      The events of the last twelve months have created significant uncertainty
      in the M&A market. What does this environment mean for strategic buyers,
      private equity firms, venture capitalists and their portfolio companies, and
      other market players over the next twelve months? Join the Canaccord Adams M&A
      Group and a panel of industry leaders for a discussion of the current M&A
      market, exit strategies in a turbulent world, and whether now is the time of

      Private Company Showcase

      The 2008 Private Company Showcase will focus on 30 select early to
      mid-stage technology, consumer, life sciences and sustainability companies.
      Most of the companies have completed initial product development and are
      launching or expanding product commercialization.

      Presenting public companies include:


      ad pepper media International, 3D Systems, 3PAR, Adobe, Advanced Analogic
      Technologies, Alliance Data, Alloy,, Aspen Technologies,
      AuthenTec, Avid, Avocent, BankRate,, Blackboard, Bottomline
      Technologies, BTU International, Canadian Solar, Cascade Microtech, Cerner
      Corporation, Citrix, Concur Technologies, Constant Contact, Customer
      Acquisition Network, CyberSource, Data Domain, Datalink, DivX, Dolby,
      DoubleTake Software, Dragonwave,, Eagle Test Systems, Egenera,
      EMCORE, Epicor Software Group, Equinix, Evergreen Solar, Fairchild
      Semiconductor, FalconStor Software, FiberNet, Gerber Scientific,
      GlobalOptions, GuestLogix, Hemisphere GPS, Intermap, Internap, International
      Datacasting, Internet Capital Group, Intrinsyc Software, INX Inc., iWeb,
      JumpTV, Kaboose, Lighting Science Group, Lionbridge, LivePerson, Local
      Matters,, LSI Industries, Microvision, MIVA, MKS Instruments,
      Monotype Imaging, Navisite, Netezza, NetScout, NetSuite, Network Equipment
      Technologies, Omniture, Opel International, Orbitz Worldwide, Peer 1 Network,
      Perficient, PetHealth, Rackable Systems, RealNetworks, RedKnee, Rubicon,
      Safeguard Scientifics,, Sandvine, SAVVIS, SolarFun, Sonic
      Solutions, SRS Labs, SunPower Corporation, Super Micro Computer,
      TeleCommunication Systems, Terremark Worldwide, The Orchard Enterprises,, Think Partnership, Towerstream, Trimble Navigation,,
      u-blox AG, Ultimate Software, Universal Display, Universal Electronics,
      Vectura Group, VistaPrint, Vocus, Wizzard Software, ZipLocal

      Life Sciences

      Achillion Pharmaceuticals, Aeterna Zentaris, Allon Therapeutics, Alphatec
      Holdings, AMAG Pharmaceuticals, Ambrilia Biopharma, AngioDynamics, Antisoma,
      AspenBio Pharma, Athersys, AtriCure, ATS Medical, AVANT Immunotherapeutics,
      BioMimetic Therapeutics, BioNovo, Cadence Pharmaceuticals, Cell Genesys,
      CombinatoRx Inc., Cyberonics, Cyclacel Pharmaceuticals, Delcath Systems,
      DexCom, Endocare, EnteroMedics, Ev3, Exactech, Hana Biosciences, Heartware,
      Helicos Bioscience, Hologic, iCAD, Idera Pharmaceuticals, Insulet Corporation,
      Integra LifeSciences, InterMune, Introgen Therapeutics, Inverness Medical
      Innovations, IRIS International, Javelin Pharmaceuticals, La Jolla
      Pharmaceutical, Labopharm, Luminex Corporation, Marshall Edwards, MethylGene,
      NxStage Medical, Oculus Innovative Sciences, Ondine Biopharma, Optimer
      Pharmaceuticals, Orthovita, Pharmacopeia, Pharmasset, Plethora Solutions,
      Regeneron Pharmaceuticals, RTI Biologics, Sangamo BioSciences, SenoRx,
      SeraCare Life Sciences, Spectranetics, Targanta Therapeutics,
      Theratechnologies, Titan Pharmaceuticals, Transition Therapeutics, Vascular
      Solutions, Vertex Pharmaceuticals, Vivus, Volcano Corporation, WaferGen
      Bio-Systems, Wright Medical, YM BioSciences


      AAER, Advanced Environmental Recycling Technologies, AlterNRG, Apogee
      Enterprises, ARISE Technologies, Badger Meter, Basin Water, Bio Extraction
      Technologies, BioteQ Environmental, Casella Waste, Catalytic Solutions, Clean
      Air Power, Clean Energy Fuels, Darling International, Day 4 Energy, DayStar
      Technologies, EnerNoc, Environmental Power, Fuel Cell Energy, Fuel Systems
      Solutions, Fuel Tech, Glacier Media, Headwaters, Horsehead Holding Company,
      Itron, LSB Industries, Metalico, Perfectenergy, PowerSecure International,
      Protonex, Pure Technologies, Real Goods Solar, Schnitzer Steel, Sims Group,
      Stantec, Telvent, Verenium, WaterFurnace International, World Energy Solutions


      AeroGrow, Atrium Innovations, eDiets, Green Mountain Coffee, Herbalife,
      The Inventure Group, Martek Biosciences, Medifast, NBTY, Nu Skin, Organic To
      Go, Smart Balance, Summer Infant, SunOpta, USANA


      ADF Group, Altus Group, C.A. Bancorp, Canadian Hydro Developers, CanWel
      Building Materials, Cathay Forest, EuroControl Technics, Hanfeng Evergreen,
      Hanwei Energy Services, Neo Material Technologies, Zongshen

      Presenting private companies include:

      ARA Safety, Archemix, CoalTek, COPAN Systems, DataDirect Networks,
      eMusic, Enwave Energy Corporation, Great Point Energy, HydroPoint Data
      Systems, LeftHand Networks, Luminus Devices, Mzinga, Nexterra, PayChoice,
      Peregrine Semiconductors, Quadrem, ReliOn, Rowe Farms, Sepaton, Serious
      Materials, Silver Spring Networks, Skyhook Wireless, SolFocus, TyRx Pharma,
      uLocate Communications, Waterfront Media, WeatherBug


      Canaccord Adams is a leading independent financial services firm
      committed to fostering the entrepreneurial economy by bringing corporate and
      institutional clients a unique perspective on global investment opportunities.
      With operations in research, sales and trading, and investment banking, our
      225 professionals seek out emerging opportunities in our key sectors - Mining
      and Metals, Energy, Technology, Life Sciences, Consumer, Real Estate,
      Industrial Growth and Sustainability. Located in nine offices internationally,
      our experienced team generates focused, actionable ideas that identify
      opportunity and facilitate growth. Canaccord Adams, the international capital
      markets division of Canaccord Capital Inc., has operations in Toronto, London,
      Boston, Vancouver, New York, Calgary, San Francisco, and Houston.

      More information is available at

      Canaccord Adams Inc., Member FINRA/SIPC.

      Canaccord Adams Limited is regulated and authorized by the Financial
      Services Authority and is a member of the LSE.

      Canaccord Adams is a division of Canaccord Capital Corporation, Member


      Through its principal subsidiaries, Canaccord Capital Inc. (TSX & AIM:
      CCI) is a leading independent full service investment dealer in Canada, with
      capital markets operations in the United Kingdom and the United States.
      Canaccord is publicly traded on both the Toronto Stock Exchange and AIM, a
      market operated by the London Stock Exchange. Canaccord has operations in two
      of the principal segments of the securities industry: capital markets and
      private client services. Together these operations offer a wide range of
      complementary investment products, brokerage services and investment banking
      services to Canaccord's private, institutional and corporate clients.
      Canaccord has approximately 1,683 employees worldwide in 30 offices, including
      23 Private Client Services offices located across Canada. Canaccord Adams, the
      international capital markets division, has operations in Toronto, London,
      Boston, Vancouver, New York, Calgary, Montreal, San Francisco, and Houston.

      For further information: North America Media: Scott Davidson, Managing
      Director, Global Head of Marketing & Communications, Phone: (416) 869-3875,
      email:; For investor relations inquiries contact:
      Katherine Young, Vice President, Investor Relations, Phone: (604) 643-7013,
      email:; London Media: Bobby Morse or Ben Willey,
      Buchanan Communications (London), Phone: +44-0-207-466-5000, email:; Nominated Adviser and Broker: Tom Hulme or Simon
      Bridges, Landsbanki Securities (UK) Limited, Phone: +44-0-207-426-9000, email:
      schrieb am 10.08.08 11:46:30
      Beitrag Nr. 533 ()

      Candlestick Analysis
      schrieb am 11.08.08 23:57:11
      Beitrag Nr. 534 ()
      August 11, 2008
      ARISE Technologies Reports 2008 Second-Quarter Results 17:43 ET

      Attention Business/Financial Editors:
      ARISE Technologies Reports 2008 Second-Quarter Results

      - Second-quarter highlights include first shipments of PV cells to
      customers following start of production at plant in Germany
      - Expects 2008 second-half shipments of PV cells to total 14-16MW for
      revenues of $42-48 million, approximately a third of which will be in
      third quarter
      - Company in advanced discussions with additional customers for PV
      - Signs Offer to Lease agreement for a building in Kitchener-Waterloo
      region to house 7N+ solar-grade polysilicon pilot plant
      - Holding discussions with potential additional technology partners
      - Conference call and webcast to be held Tuesday, 8:30am (EDT)

      WATERLOO, ON, Aug. 11 /CNW/ - ARISE Technologies Corporation (TSX: APV
      and Frankfurt: A3T), which is dedicated to becoming a leader in
      high-performance, cost-effective solar technology, today reported its
      financial results for the 2008 second quarter and first half ended June 30,
      2008. Financial results conform to Canadian generally accepted accounting
      principles (GAAP) and all currency amounts are in Canadian dollars.
      "Among a great many highlights during the 2008 second quarter and in the
      weeks since, several particularly stand out," said Bart Tichelman, President
      and Chief Executive Officer.
      "Foremost among our accomplishments was the opening of our PV
      (photovoltaic) cell manufacturing plant in Bischofswerda, Germany, the
      start-up of manufacturing, and the shipment of the first cells to our
      customers. In mid-July, the plant achieved on Line 1 the target level of 15
      percent average efficiency for its PV cells (peak reached 15.7 percent), as
      well as our targets for manufacturing yield and throughput, and moved to 24/7
      production to meet the demand of our customers.
      "Our second-quarter results include our first sales of PV cells,
      amounting to $460,676. We expect this volume to increase dramatically in the
      second half of the year. Our current view is that second-half 2008 shipments
      of PV cells will total between 14 and 16 megawatts, amounting to $42-48
      million of revenues, approximately a third of which will be in the third
      quarter. In addition, we expect Systems Division revenue to amount to $500,000
      to $600,000 in the second half," Mr. Tichelman said.

      Second-Quarter Highlights

      - ARISE's new German plant began production on April 17, officially
      opened on June 6, and began shipping to customers in June. The first
      line is ramping up production on a 24/7 basis and is on track to
      reach its annual capacity of 35-40MW within the planned six-month
      period. As previously announced, the second line is planned for the
      plant in the 2009 first quarter to add another 40MW of capacity.

      - ARISE Germany signed its second major, long-term sales contract for
      its PV cells. Under a five-year agreement, ARISE will supply aleo
      solar AG with 90MW of PV cells.

      - On May 21, the company completed a bought-deal offering under which
      the underwriters purchased 20,500,000 common shares from ARISE for
      gross proceeds to the company of $45.1 million.

      - Also on May 21, the company announced that it had met the third major
      milestone at its Silicon Feedstock Mini Pilot Plant Project in
      Waterloo. This cleared the way for ARISE to proceed with its
      previously announced plans to build a Pilot Plant with a target
      capacity of 50 tonnes of silicon per year in 2009 and a target
      production capacity of 400 tonnes annually in 2010. Meeting the third
      milestone required achieving specific objectives at the Mini Pilot
      Plant with respect to economics, scalability, and quality of the
      process. The company met its first milestone of the project with the
      August 2007 commissioning of the Silicon Refining Furnace version 3.1
      (SiRF(TM) 3.1). ARISE met its second milestone when the Mini Pilot
      Plant became operational in December 2007, successfully producing

      - On June 11, the company announced that ARISE Germany had signed a
      six-year agreement with a wholly owned subsidiary of ReneSola Ltd to
      supply ARISE with 203.5MW of silicon wafers. ReneSola Ltd is a
      leading solar wafer manufacturer based in China. The agreement
      extends through June 30, 2014. ARISE now has supply contracts for
      100 percent of its solar wafers requirements in 2008 and
      approximately 60 percent of its needs for its 2009 PV cell production
      plans. ReneSola is the seventh, high-quality silicon wafer
      manufacturer with which ARISE has developed a supply relationship
      that the company believes will enable it to meet its longer-term

      - On June 12, ARISE announced that Sino-American Silicon Products Inc.
      (SAS) has contracted with ARISE to purchase 120 tonnes of 7N+ solar-
      grade polysilicon. SAS will purchase 40 tonnes in each of 2011, 2012,
      and 2013. ARISE plans to manufacture the 7N+ high-purity (99.99999
      percent purity) silicon at its new pilot plant in Kitchener-Waterloo.
      The contract with SAS is consistent with ARISE's plan to use the
      output from the planned silicon plant to meet the requirements of its
      growing PV cell production at its plant in Germany as well as for
      sale to other companies. Under a second three-year agreement signed
      between the companies, ARISE will consign 7N+ polysilicon to SAS. SAS
      will use the material to process silicon wafers for ARISE, which will
      use them for its PV cell manufacturing operations. Under this
      agreement, the processing will consist of 40 tonnes in 2010,
      80 tonnes in 2011, and 160 tonnes in 2012.

      Second-Quarter and First-Half Financial Highlights

      ARISE Technologies second-quarter financial results reflect the
      manufacturing start-up and the first revenues recorded for shipping of its PV
      cells to its customers.
      As the result of the first PV cell sales of $460,676, 2008 second-quarter
      sales more than doubled compared with the 2007 period, up 144.4 percent to
      $745,347. In the 2007 second quarter, sales were $305,014 and all revenues
      were generated by the company's Systems Division, which mainly is focused on
      building solar farms and rooftop installations in Ontario. For the first half
      of 2008, sales were $920,724, up 87.2 percent from $491,815 in the
      year-earlier period as the result of the start-up of PV cell sales in the
      second quarter.
      Gross profit for the 2008 second quarter and first half was a negative
      $1.30 million and a negative $1.28 million, respectively, reflecting
      significant scrap costs and under-used capacity resulting from the start-up of
      PV cell production on Line 1. Scrap includes breakage as well as all off-spec
      production, which was expected for a start-up production situation. The
      company expects to increase gross margin in the second half of 2008 due to
      stable PV cell production processes and increased sale volumes for PV cells as
      well as for the Systems Division. In the 2007 quarter and first half, gross
      profit was $30,360 and $46,809, respectively. The company also expects to
      recover a portion of its scrap expense in the second half by selling the
      material for secondary applications or for silicon recycling.
      Operating expenses were $5.71 million in the 2008 second quarter, up from
      $3.61 million in the 2007 period. The increase was mainly due to higher
      general and administrative (G&A) costs, including more than $1.01 million
      incurred by ARISE Germany for payroll, legal, and travel as it started up
      production, compared with less than $200,000 a year earlier. Other G&A
      increases included stock-based compensation expense (non-cash) of
      $1.44 million compared with $0.84 million in the 2007 quarter, and higher
      payroll and professional fees. Research and development expenses were down at
      $1.50 million, compared with $1.59 million in the 2007 quarter. Selling and
      marketing expenses increased to $0.49 million from $0.11 million a year
      earlier, and included feasibility costs for currently in-process solar farm
      projects. In the first half of 2008, operating expenses were $11.00 million,
      compared with $4.94 million in the first six months of 2007 with the increase
      mainly attributable to the same factors that affected the second quarter of
      Interest expense (net) for the second-quarter 2008 was $320,346, compared
      with interest income in the 2007 period of $120,876 as the company increased
      its borrowing from Commerzbank AG Germany. This increased expense was more
      than offset by a foreign exchange gain of $863,666, compared with a gain of
      $40,854 in the 2007 quarter. In the first half of 2008, the company had
      interest expense of $44,787, compared with interest income of $116,158 a year
      earlier. The first-half foreign exchange gain was $475,733 in 2008 and $40,854
      in 2007.
      The net loss for the 2008 second quarter was $6.51 million (a loss of
      $0.05 per basic and diluted share), compared with a net loss $3.42 million (a
      loss of $0.06 per basic and diluted share) in the 2007 period. For the first
      half of 2008, ARISE's net loss was $11.88 million ($0.10 per basic and diluted
      share), compared with a loss of $4.73 million ($0.10 per basic and diluted
      share) in the six-month 2007 period.
      As at the end of the 2008 second quarter, ARISE had positive working
      capital of $46.05 million. Cash and cash equivalents were $42.18 million at
      end of the second quarter, reflecting the completion of the equity bought-deal
      offering in May. Subsequently, in July, the company made two prepayments
      totaling $20.60 million for inventory purchases of silicon wafers for the
      German manufacturing plant. As at August 8, 2008, ARISE had cash and cash
      equivalents of approximately $21.75 million. The company expects to be able to
      offset some of the funds required for inventory prepayments with customer
      advance deposits, thereby limiting the impact of silicon wafer prepayments on
      its working capital.

      Outlook - Advanced Negotiations with Additional Customers

      "In addition to the significant increase in PV cell shipments and sales
      that we expect to record in the 2008 third and fourth quarters, we are working
      on a number of other major developments that will contribute to our growth and
      ability to create value for our shareholders," Mr. Tichelman said.
      "We are in advanced discussions with additional customers for our PV
      cells. We have supplied these customers with cells for their testing and are
      negotiating agreements with each. There can be no guarantee, of course, that
      we will sign any or all of these, but we are optimistic of doing so.
      "We have signed an Offer to Lease agreement for a building in the
      Kitchener-Waterloo area that will house our 7N+ solar-grade polysilicon pilot
      plant. Leasing this facility will result in a more flexible building with
      respect to adding capacity in stages and lower costs than we had previously
      "We will proceed in the third quarter with the new pilot plant, according
      to the previously announced schedule," Mr. Tichelman continued. "We expect the
      new-generation SiRF to be fabricated and running in September at our supplier
      and we expect delivery of the first SiRF 4 furnace in first-quarter 2009. The
      plant's target production capacity remains at 50 tonnes per year in 2009,
      increasing to a target capacity of 400 tonnes per year in 2010.
      "Based on our cost objectives for the plant and design concepts, and
      discussions with the University of Waterloo," Mr. Tichelman continued, "we
      determined that the University's campus is not the best place to locate the
      pilot plant. We appreciate that the University and the City of Waterloo have
      certain design, appearance, and size and use ratio requirements for the
      campus. Unfortunately, meeting these requirements would require ARISE to incur
      additional costs that are unnecessary to construct a plant suitable for its
      needs. ARISE greatly values our relationship with the University of Waterloo.
      We expect to continue working closely with it and also will continue to
      consider its campus for future corporate and research facilities that likely
      will be more compatible with the University's requirements."
      Regarding the company's technology progress, ARISE's Chief Technology
      Officer and Vice-Chairman, Ian MacLellan, reported that "we have made good
      progress on the quality of our silicon. We recently have been able to pull a
      mono-crystalline ingot with our material in a float-zone process. This is an
      important linkage with our high-efficiency PV cell program.
      "We have been very pleased with the partnership forged with Ebner
      Gesellschaft M.B.H. in the development of our high-purity silicon process. We
      believe that other similar partnerships for our technology can be productive,"
      Mr. MacLellan said.
      "In addition to technology partnerships," Mr. Tichelman added, "we also
      are considering collaborations for our Systems Division business. All such
      partnerships would alleviate some of the financing that we would otherwise
      require in the future."
      ARISE is initiating holding conference calls and webcasts following the
      issuance of each quarter's results and will hold a conference call for
      analysts and investors at 8:30 a.m. (Eastern) on Tuesday, August 12. The
      company will file its financial statements and Management Discussion and
      Analysis with SEDAR and these documents will be available on ARISE's website
      prior to the conference call.
      Bart Tichelman, President and Chief Executive Officer, and Dave Chornaby,
      Chief Financial Officer, will be available to answer questions during the
      To participate in the call, please dial 416-644-3420 or 1-800-732-1073
      (Canada and the U.S. only) at least five minutes prior to the start of the
      A live audio webcast of the conference call will be available at and
      An archived recording of the call will be available at 416-640-1917 or
      1-877-289-8525 (Canada and the U.S. only) (Passcode 2128734, followed by the
      number sign) from 10:50 a.m. on August 12 to 11:59 p.m. on August 20. An
      archived recording of the webcast will also be available at ARISE's website.

      About ARISE Technologies

      ARISE Technologies Corporation, based in Waterloo, Ontario, is dedicated
      to becoming a leader in high-performance, cost-effective solar technology. The
      company operates through three divisions. The PV Cell Division manufactures PV
      (photovoltaic) cells at its first manufacturing plant in Bischofswerda,
      Germany. The division is developing proprietary technology with a target of
      achieving a step-by-step progression to a high-efficiency level of greater
      than 20 percent. The PV Silicon Division is using a proprietary method to
      produce silicon at 7N+ high-purity (99.99999 percent purity) for PV cell
      applications, based on a simplified chemical vapor deposition process. The
      division is focusing on scaling up its process to provide ARISE with control
      over its supply, costs, and quality. The PV Systems Division provides complete
      turnkey PV solutions for solar farms and rooftop installations under the
      Ontario standard offer program.
      The company's shares are listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange under the
      symbol APV and on the Frankfurt Open Market Exchange under the symbol A3T.
      Additional information is available at and

      Forward-Looking Statements

      Certain statements in this news release may be considered to be
      forward-looking. Such statements are based on management's current
      expectations, estimations, and assumptions based on experience, trends, and
      other factors that are subject to the significant risks and uncertainties
      described in our regulatory filings. Please refer to these. Such risks and
      uncertainties may include, but are not limited to, the effects of general
      economic conditions, changing foreign exchange rates, actions by government
      authorities, uncertainties associated with legal proceedings and negotiations,
      industry supply levels, competitive pricing pressures and misjudgments in the
      course of preparing forward-looking statements. ARISE assumes no obligation to
      update any forward-looking statements or to update the reasons why actual
      results could differ from those reflected in the forward-looking statements.

      ARISE Technologies Corporation
      Consolidated Balance Sheets
      As at As at
      June 30, December 31,
      2008 2007
      ------------ ------------
      Current assets
      Cash and cash equivalents $42,184,419 $37,908,430
      Accounts receivable 717,172 254,025
      Inventory 27,206,056 855,588
      Government assistance receivable 9,996,562 6,096,333
      Other receivables 6,726,959 1,477,584
      Prepaid expenses 2,511,876 412,270
      89,343,044 47,004,230

      Capital assets, net 29,286,466 14,402,403
      Long term deposits 19,098,632 5,181,347
      Other assets, net 68,934 53,086
      $137,797,076 $66,641,067
      schrieb am 12.08.08 09:54:43
      Beitrag Nr. 535 ()
      Kurze Zusammenfassung:

      1. Der Umsatz konnte leicht gesteigert werden, die besagten
      6 Mio. CAD der Analysten waren völlig übertrieben !

      2. Der Verlust im 2.Quartal beläuft sich auf 6.51 Mio. CAD !

      3. Im 2.Halbjahr plant Arise zwischen 14- 16 MW auszuzliefern
      und 42-48 Mio. CAD Umsatz...(Ein Drittel im 3.Quartal) !

      4. Umsatz im 3.Quartal ca. 15 Mio. CAD !

      5. Cash-Bestand zum 8.August auf 21.75 Mio. CAD !

      6. Weitere "NEUE" Aufträge....folgen !
      schrieb am 13.08.08 21:39:57
      Beitrag Nr. 536 ()

      ARISE Technologies Corporation (APV)
      As of August 12th, 2008
      Filing Date Transaction Date Insider Name Ownership Type Securities Nature of transaction # or value acquired or disposed of Unit Price
      Aug 12/08 Aug 12/08 Harder, Vernon Peter Direct Ownership Options 50 - Grant of options 80,000 $2.190
      Aug 12/08 Aug 12/08 Johnston, David Lloyd Direct Ownership Options 50 - Grant of options 60,000 $2.190
      Aug 12/08 Aug 12/08 Merwald, Hal Direct Ownership Options 50 - Grant of options 71,667 $2.190
      Aug 12/08 Aug 12/08 Alexander, Harold Direct Ownership Options 50 - Grant of options 60,000 $2.190
      Aug 12/08 Aug 12/08 Heinrichs, Vern Direct Ownership Options 50 - Grant of options 146,667 $2.190…
      schrieb am 14.08.08 22:32:52
      Beitrag Nr. 537 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.722.205 von frankinvestor am 13.08.08 21:39:57Hallo frankinvestor,
      kannst du mir erklären ob es dabei um Erwerb oder Abstoßung von Aktien Handelt? ich habe wenig Ahnung von Optionen.Kaufen oder verkaufen die Insider jetzt? Danke
      schrieb am 14.08.08 22:43:30
      Beitrag Nr. 538 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.731.851 von tahnon am 14.08.08 22:32:52
      schrieb am 18.08.08 07:26:59
      Beitrag Nr. 539 ()
      Und "JETZT"- d. "NEUSTE ANALYSE" v. HAYWOOD !!!

      Target Price: 3.60 CAD...

      Haywood Research Report (v. 12.08.08):
      schrieb am 18.08.08 07:28:54
      Beitrag Nr. 540 ()

      Hier der Link:

      Und "JETZT"- d. "NEUSTE ANALYSE" v. HAYWOOD !!!

      Target Price: 3.60 CAD...

      Haywood Research Report (v. 12.08.08):
      schrieb am 19.08.08 08:01:04
      Beitrag Nr. 541 ()
      Un projet d’un demi-milliard pourrait ressusciter Magnola
      Claude Thibodeau par Claude Thibodeau
      Voir tous les articles de Claude Thibodeau
      Article mis en ligne le 13 août 2008 à 15:46

      Soyez le premier à commenter cet article

      La compagnie Arise décidera, d’ici quelques semaines, si elle implantera dans les installations de Magnola à Asbestos, une usine de purification de polysilicone, une matière destinée aux panneaux solaires que fabrique l’entreprise en Allemagne.
      «C’est majeur, il s’agit d’un projet d’un demi-milliard de dollars et de création de 300 emplois», a fait remarquer le maire d’Asbestos, Jean-Philippe Bachand.

      Mais tout n’est pas gagné. «Nous sommes en lice avec l’Ontario. L’entreprise doit prendre sa décision d’ici quelques semaines», a indiqué le maire d’Asbestos.

      Des représentants de la compagnie ont visité les installations de Magnola à deux reprises. «Une visite a eu lieu l’an dernier et une autre cet hiver, a signalé Jean-Philippe Bachand. Alain Lemaire de Cascades nous a même permis une visite aérienne des lieux en hélicoptère.»

      Le maire d’Asbestos précise que la compagnie Arise recherche un bâtiment existant pour implanter son usine. «Elle souhaite également s’impliquer dans la communauté et désire que son implantation puisse créer un impact important dans le milieu», a confié le maire Bachand.

      Un autre point, pouvant jouer en faveur des installations de Magnola, réside dans la proximité de la matière première. «Elle provient de Bécancour», a-t-il dit.

      De plus, le site de Magnola offre des possibilités d’expansion. «Le terrain et l’usine s’y prêtent et on se trouve loin des résidences», a fait valoir le maire d’Asbestos.

      S’ils ne peuvent prédire le dénouement final, les intervenants de la région d’Asbestos assurent cependant qu’ils ont tout fait pour que le projet aboutisse. «Un travail du CLD et de la SADC avec la Ville d’Asbestos, en plus d’une belle collaboration du ministère du Développement économique du Québec», a signalé le maire Bachand.

      Maintenant, a-t-il ajouté, la balle est dans le camp du gouvernement du Québec. «J’espère que le gouvernement sera sensible à l’importance d’un tel projet pour Asbestos et la région. C’est très important pour redynamiser le milieu.»

      Québec doit négocier notamment la tarification d’électricité et discuter des programmes d’aide à la main-d’œuvre.

      Au départ, quatre provinces, le Manitoba, les Territoires du Nord-Ouest-Labrador, l’Ontario et le Québec, étaient sur les rangs pour l’obtention de ce méga-projet.

      «Nous sommes confiants, oui, mais il n’y a rien de gagné. Peu importe ce qui arrive, on aura le sentiment d’avoir fait tout ce qu’on pouvait. On n’aura rien à se reprocher», a mentionné Jean-Philippe Bachand.…

      In German:

      Die Gesellschaft Arise wird von hier einige Wochen, wenn sie in den Einrichtungen von Magnola bis Asbestos einrichten wird eine Fabrik der polysiliconereinigung, ein Material beschließen, das für die Sonnenbretter bestimmt ist, die das Unternehmen in Deutschland herstellt. „Es ist Haupt-, es handelt sich um ein Projekt für eine halbe Milliarde von Dollar, und von Schaffung von 300 Arbeitsplätzen“ hob der Bürgermeister von Asbestos hervor, Jean-Philippe Bachand. Aber alles wird nicht gewonnen. „Wir sind in Barriere mit dem Ontario. Das Unternehmen muss seine Entscheidung von hier einige Wochen treffen“, hat den Bürgermeister von Asbestos genannt. Vertreter der Gesellschaft haben die Einrichtungen von Magnola zweimal besucht. „Ein Besuch hat das letzte Jahr stattgefunden, und ein anderer hat dieser Winter Jean-Philippe Bachand mitgeteilt. Alain Lemaire von Cascades uns fähig erlaubte ein Luftbesuch der Orte mit dem Helikopter.“ Der Bürgermeister von Asbestos erklärt, dass die Gesellschaft Arise ein bestehendes Gebäude sucht, um ihre Fabrik einzurichten. „Sie wünscht ebenfalls, sich in der Gemeinschaft zu implizieren und wünscht, dass ihre Errichtung eine wichtige Auswirkung in der Mitte schaffen kann“, anvertraut Bürgermeister Bachand. Ein anderer Punkt, der zugunsten der Einrichtungen von Magnola spielen kann, beruht auf der Nähe des Rohstoffs. „Sie stammt aus Bécancour“, hat er sagt. Außerdem bietet der Standort von Magnola Expansionsmöglichkeiten an. „Das Gelände und die Fabrik leihen sich dort, und man befindet sich weit weg von den Wohnsitzen“, machte den Bürgermeister von Asbestos geltend. Wenn sie die Endentwicklung nicht vorhersagen können, versichern die Redner der Region von Asbestos jedoch nur sie haben alles macht, damit das Projekt führt. „Eine Arbeit des CLD und des SADC mit der Stadt von Asbestos hat zusätzlich zu einer schönen Zusammenarbeit des Ministeriums für Wirtschaftsentwicklung von Quebec“ Bürgermeister Bachand mitgeteilt. Jetzt, hat er hinzugefügt, ist der Ball im Lager der Regierung von Quebec. „Ich hoffe, dass die Regierung empfänglich für die Bedeutung eines solchen Projekts für Asbestos sein wird und die Region. Es ist sehr wichtig, um die Mitte zu wiederbeleben.“ Quebec muss insbesondere die Elektrizitätspreisbildung aushandeln und über die Programme für Hilfe für die Arbeitskräfte diskutieren. Am Anfang waren vier Provinzen, Manitoba, die Territorien Nord-Ouest-Labrador, das Ontario und Quebec, auf den Reihen für die Erlangung dieses Megaprojekts. „Wir sind anvertrauend ja, aber er dort nichts gewonnen. Weniger importiert was ankommt, man haben das Gefühl, alles zu machen, was man konnte. Man wird nichts haben, sich vorzuwerfen“, hat Jean-Philippe Bachand erwähnt.
      schrieb am 19.08.08 08:54:08
      Beitrag Nr. 542 ()
      hmmm, ich verstehe die Strategie nicht ganz:
      Warum sucht Arise nach weiteren Produktionsstandorten?
      Wäre eine Erweiterung der bestehenden Fab's nicht sinnvoller/günstiger?

      Oder versuchen Sie durch Errichtung von Fabs den Symphatie-Faktor für "Produkte aus dem eigenen Land" zu erhöhen? Hat mit AMD aber schon nicht geklappt...

      Ich hoffe nur, dass wird kein Windei und die Jungs schauen nur wie Hr. Müller von der selbigen Molkerei um Subventionen einzustreichen...

      schrieb am 19.08.08 11:59:17
      Beitrag Nr. 543 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.758.330 von Soeri am 19.08.08 08:54:08Bist im falschen Thread !!!!
      schrieb am 19.08.08 12:27:46
      Beitrag Nr. 544 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.761.354 von Forfex am 19.08.08 11:59:17nach dem post auch gesehen, sry

      ich gelobe besserung
      schrieb am 20.08.08 11:14:46
      Beitrag Nr. 545 ()
      Arise Solar Farm

      Growing energy in fallow fields

      August 19, 2008
      Kevin Swayze


      Construction of Waterloo Region's first solar power farm starts in November.

      "All we need is a building permit," said Jan van der Woerd, sales manager at Arise Technologies in Waterloo.

      Yesterday, township council approved the rezoning needed for the installation of $14 million in solar panels in an asparagus field along Kings Road, near Highway 401.

      Farmer Tim Barrie will lease 6.3 hectares of his 49-hectare farm to Arise to install the equipment, fencing and transformers. The project will generate about three megawatts of electricity, enough to power about 1,500 homes.

      "This is something new and exciting for the township," Mayor Kim Denouden said after the vote.

      Arise has a deal with the Ontario Power Authority to sell the power at 42 cents a kilowatt hour for the next 20 years, van de Woerd said. This is four times the going rate, but the authority, which manages the supply of electricity in the province, is trying to encourage development of renewable energy such as solar and wind power.

      After 20 years of producing asparagus, Barrie says his field needs the same amount of time to recover before another asparagus crop can be planted. The solar panels are designed to be easily removed and the field put back onto crops. In the meantime, clover will be planted around the panels to help restore nitrogen to the soil.

      Financing is in place to install the first 20 per cent of the solar panels by the end of the year, followed by the rest next spring and summer.

      The pilot project is to showcase the solar equipment Arise makes and sells.

      The province has been closely watching the local approval process for the Barrie solar farm, said township planner Steve Jefferson.

      "It's been a learning experience all of us have been going through."

      The township has received inquiries about setting up solar farms in other locations, including mined-out gravel pits, but approval isn't automatic, Jefferson said. If top-grade farmland is proposed to be taken out of production, "we would need really good justification."

      The township didn't get any special payments in return for approval of the solar project, but it may get a tax windfall if the value of the land is reassessed upwards because of the expensive solar panels, said Rodger Mordue, township clerk treasurer.

      Taxes are based on the assessed value of property and buildings, but Mordue doesn't know if this means the value of the Barrie farm will automatically soar. The province is trying to sort out how to encourage renewable energy production without hammering landowners with fat tax bills, he said.

      A spokesperson for the provincial property assessment office wasn't available for comment yesterday.

      There's been a boom in interest in solar contracts since the government introduced the incentive program, said Tim Taylor, spokesperson for the Ontario Power Authority.

      Since the start of last year, 218 contracts for 491 megawatts of solar power have been signed. When wind, water and biomass generation projects are added in, there's 1,477 megawatts of power under contract.

      The original 10-year goal was 1,000 megawatts.

      "It's really exciting how the people of Ontario have embraced it," Taylor said.

      He's not sure if the Arise project is the first big solar farm project in Ontario, but he's certain it's one of the first that will go into service. There are dozens of small projects -- including a solar installation already in place on the Barrie barn roof -- generating electricity across Ontario.

      The power authority called a hiatus on new applications over the summer, to fine tune rules to ensure small projects aren't squeezed out by big projects gobbling up access to the provincial power grid, Taylor said. Projects of 40 or 50 megawatts have been sliced into parts to meet the 10 megawatt application threshold, but this blocks out smaller, individual projects. New rules are expected to be in place in the fall.

      "It's just like a highway," Taylor said of electrical transmission capacity. "You can only put so many cars on it at once."

      Hier der Link:
      schrieb am 22.08.08 08:02:57
      Beitrag Nr. 546 ()
      Top-Tipp im Aktionär !!!

      Hier ein kl. Auszug:

      Auf der Sonnenseite...

      Q-Cells und die gesamte Solarbranche überzeugen mit starkem Wachstum.
      Die Aktien dürften zu neuen Höhenflühen ansetzen- wenn die Börse stabil bleibt.

      Die Bilanzsaison nähert sich langsam dem Ende. Die Flut an Zahlen hat für viel Leid gesorgt. Dabei ist aufgefallen, dass oftmals die Unternehmen einer Branche ähnlich performten. So haben nahezu alle gr. Versicherungs- und Rückversicherungskonzerne mitGewinn-warnungen geschockt. Eine relativ junge Branche hingegen hat fast
      durchgehend mit hervorragenden zahlen geglänzt:
      die Solarbranche !!!

      Viele gute Nachrichten...

      Viele Solarunternehmen konnten im ersten Halbjahr ihre Gewinne deutlich steigern, zum Teil sogar vervielfachen. Die vor einer Übernahme stehende Erosol AG beispielsweise steigerte den Umsatz
      um 86 Prozent und den operativen Gewinn (EBIT) sogar um 133 Prozent. Phönix Solar setzte noch eins drauf:

      Der Umsatz kletterte um über 150 Prozent, d. EBIT explodierte förmlich von minus 0.52 Millionen auf über elf Millionen EURO.

      Auch in den USA notierten chinesischen Solarkonzerne wachsen in atemberaubendem Tempo. LDK Solar (Partner v. ARISE) hat ein Kunstück vollbracht, den Umsatz im Vergleich zum Vorjahrsquartal mehr als zu vervierfachen !!!

      Der Gewinn je Aktie fiel mit 1.29 Dollar mehr als dreimal so hoch aus wie die Analystenerwartungen (40 Cent).

      Die beeindruckenden Wachstumszahlen machen eins klar:

      Die Solarbranche boomt wie nie zuvor...

      Also vom Ende des Solarbooms zu sprechen entbehrt jeder Grundlage,
      Vernunft, Weitsicht !!!

      Wir sind gerade am Anfang...der:

      schrieb am 25.08.08 18:00:56
      Beitrag Nr. 547 ()
      Waterloo Region farmer about to make history !!!

      Updated Thu. Aug. 21 2008 8:51 PM ET
      Waterloo Region Farmer Tim Barrie is hoping for plenty of sunshine.

      His asparagus field is on track to become the province's first solar field.

      Barrie is leasing his land to Arise Technologies for 20 years.

      The Township of North Dumfries gave unanimous approval to the proposal. The final rubber stamp by the region is expected in the next couple of weeks.…
      schrieb am 27.08.08 07:44:06
      Beitrag Nr. 548 ()

      Die Arise Technologies Corporation hat in Bischofswerda ihre erste Solarzellenfabrik eröffnet: 35 Megawatt Kapazität, ein geplanter Ausbau auf 80 und später 125 Megawatt – nichts Besonderes für die heutige Solarbranche. Aber diese Fabrik ist dennoch nicht ganz alltäglich. Sie gehört zu den modernsten ihrer Art, und sie soll nur der Anfang sein. Wir haben uns vor Ort umgesehen.
      Redaktionsschluss 1.8.2008

      So...LACHEN wir bestimmt 3 Monaten... !!!

      Die Themen- Photon- September 2008:
      schrieb am 27.08.08 12:32:10
      Beitrag Nr. 549 ()
      MVS receives export orders for cluster tool systems for the deposition of
      Amorphous Silicon on flexible and rigid substrates.
      Golden, Colorado, USA: MVSystems, Inc. is pleased to announce the receipt of following contracts.
      1. MVS has received a cluster tool system order from Arise Technologies, Canada and will be installed
      at The University of Toronto, Canada. The system will be used by Dr. Nazir Kherani’s group for advanced
      thin film silicon solar cell development.
      2. MVS has received an order from The University of Stuttgart, Germany for a cluster tool system
      capable of handling rigid and flexible substrates (web width of 30cm) using reel to reel cassette approach.
      The system will be used by Dr. M. Schubert’s group for advanced thin film silicon solar cell development and
      thin film Si electronics.
      MVS is currently building a cluster tool (rigid and flexible substrates using reel to reel cassette approach)
      systems for The University of Toledo, Ohio and cluster tools using rigid substrates for California Institute
      of Technology and for National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Golden, Colorado.
      MVS has recently installed sophisticated systems at the London Nanotechnology Center, University
      College London (England), National Renewable Energy Laboratory (Colorado), Sirica Corporation,
      MVS is also conducting R & D in memory devices, solar cells and solar to hydrogen conversion using
      amorphous silicon, for various entities, including projects sponsored by the National Science Foundation,
      Department of Energy and industry.
      MVS manufactures advanced Cluster Tool systems which allow integration of different process modules
      such as PECVD, sputtering, Hot Wire CVD, rapid anneal etc. The process modules are stationed around
      a central evacuated isolation and transfer zone (ITZ): a computerized robotic arm, situated within the ITZ,
      inserts and extracts the substrates from the process chambers. This versatile configuration permits the
      deposition of multi-layers in any sequence, thus allowing the fabrication of advanced electronic device
      structures, such as solar cells, thin film transistors, sensor arrays, etc.
      MVS’s patented (US patent number:6,258,408 B1) Reel to Reel Cluster Tool involves the use of a
      cassette, which houses a flexible material and the design enables elimination of cross contamination in the
      fabrication of advanced devices (solar cells or thin film transistors) on flexible substrates. The system also
      allows the use of planar substrates.
      MVSystems, Inc., a US based company, was founded by the leading authorities in the thin film
      semiconductor area. They have pioneered the expanding and versatile Amorphous Silicon technology from
      1970 onwards. The principals involved have a long history of PECVD equipment development for research
      and production. MVS has delivered in excess of 70 systems and are located in 19 countries.
      MVSystems Inc. 500 Corporate Circle, Unit L, • Golden, Colorado 80401•USA
      Phone: (303) 271-9907 Fax: (303) 271-9771 E-mail: or;)
      schrieb am 27.08.08 14:57:48
      Beitrag Nr. 550 ()
      schrieb am 27.08.08 23:02:06
      Beitrag Nr. 551 ()
      Market Call : August 27, 2008 : Live on Location Top Picks [08-27-08 12:30 PM]

      * August 27, 2008
      * August 2008
      * Market Call

      Part 3/3: Peter Hodson shares his top picks.…
      schrieb am 29.08.08 18:56:59
      Beitrag Nr. 552 ()
      Öl ist nicht knapp!!!!

      Enhanced Oil Recovery: Neues Öl aus alten Quellen
      Leser des Artikels: 515

      Das hohe Preisniveau für Rohöl in den letzten Jahren hat den Einsatz von neuen Techniken vorangetrieben, die auch „den letzten Tropfen“ dieses schwarzen Goldes aus den Ölfeldern gewinnen: Bis zu 50 Prozent des noch verbleibenden Öls einer Quelle können so ans Tageslicht kommen - eine Verschnaufpause hin zu noch höheren Ölpreisen.

      Auch wenn der Ölpreis von seinen Rekordhochs mittlerweile wieder zurückgekommen ist, sind sich die meisten Experten doch einig, dass der Preis des Schwarzen Goldes langfristig gesehen nur den Weg nach oben kennen wird. Denn Erdöl bleibt eine endliche Ressource und auch wenn noch niemand den genauen Zeitpunkt exakt vorhersagen kann – in nicht allzu ferner Zukunft wird ein Grossteil der bisher wirtschaftlichen Quellen versiegen.

      Entsprechend sind die Öl-Majors weltweit geradezu verzweifelt auf der Suche nach neuen, großen Feldern, um den bereits einsetzenden Produktionsrückgang und die eigenen sinkenden Reserven auszugleichen. Doch während die Erfolgschancen hierfür kaum kalkulierbar sind, ist an anderer Stelle noch enormes, risikoarmes Förderpotenzial vorhanden. Denn allein in den USA lagern Schätzungen zufolge noch rund 200 Milliarden Barrel ungefördertes Öl – in alten, „reifen“ Feldern, die nach ersten Fördererfolgen als unrentabel aufgegeben wurden.

      Denn bereits in der primären Förderphase muss das Öl mit Hilfe von Pumpen an die Oberfläche gebracht werden. Und normalerweise werden so nur 10 Prozent des ursprünglich vorhandenen Öls (Original Oil In Place, OOIP) geborgen. In der sekundären Förderphase, in der Regel wird hier Wasser in das Feld gepumpt, um weiteres Öl zu den Pumpen zu drücken, können noch einmal 20 bis 40 Prozent des OOIP gewonnen werden. Doch dann wird es teuer und technisch anspruchsvoll – weshalb viele Ölkonzerne es vorzogen und vorziehen, neue Felder zu erschließen und auszubeuten.

      Doch auf dem aktuellen Ölpreisniveau sind immer mehr Unternehmen der Ansicht, dass es sich lohnt, zu versuchen, auch das restliche Öl aus dem Boden zu holen – und da kommt die tertiäre Förderung, die so genannte „Enhanced Oil Recovery“ ins Spiel. Hier gibt es aktuell drei hauptsächliche Vorgehensweisen: thermische Förderung, die Injektion von Chemikalien oder die Flutung mit Gas.

      Am weitesten verbreitet ist dabei die CO2-Injektion. Ein Ansatz, den beispielsweise die Encana Corp. (NYSE:ECA) verfolgt, die CO2 in ihr Weyburn-Feld in Kanada pumpt. Bei Encana geht man davon aus, so die Lebensdauer des Feldes um 25 Jahre zu verlängern – und 130 Millionen Barrel zu fördern, die man sonst hätte zurücklassen müssen.

      Ein weiterer Player auf diesem Gebiet ist Occidental Petroleum (NYSE:OXY). Das aus Texas stammende Unternehmen generiert 60 % seiner weltweiten Produktion in den USA. Und mehr als die Hälfte davon unter Einsatz von EOR-Techniken. Occidental gehört zu den Unternehmen, die sich darauf spezialisiert haben, Ölfelder zu übernehmen, die Branchengiganten wie ExxonMobil, BP und Shell abstoßen, wenn sie sich auf den Weg in Regionen mit größeren Vorkommen, wie beispielweise Westafrika, machen.

      Verschiedene Untersuchungen des US-Energieministeriums haben aufgezeigt, wie hoch das Potenzial der Ölförderung mit EOR-Techniken ist. Schätzungen der Behörden zufolge könnten von den geschätzt 200 Milliarden noch in den USA vorhandenen Barrel auf diese Weise immerhin noch 89 Milliarden Barrel gefördert werden. Und viele Experten gehen davon aus, dass sich dieser Wert durch Fortschritte in den Fördertechnologien noch erheblich wird steigern lassen.

      Gemeinhin gilt „Peak Oil“ als der Moment, ab dem die weltweite Fördermenge zu schrumpfen beginnt, als Ende des „billigen Öls“. Doch durch den verstärkten Einsatz tertiärer Fördermethoden werden wir zumindest in der Lage sein, das Ende des ökonomisch verwertbaren Öls hinauszuzögern.

      Autor: Sven Olsson
      schrieb am 30.08.08 07:54:40
      Beitrag Nr. 553 ()


      +0.0100 +0.77%
      Candlestick Analysis…
      schrieb am 30.08.08 09:41:40
      Beitrag Nr. 554 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.909.099 von WildeMathilde am 29.08.08 18:56:59Guten Morgen Arise-Fans


      Hurra, das Öl wird knapp
      Dass viele Erdölquellen zu versiegen drohen, hat für Geologiestudenten Vorteile. Neue Jobs sind in der Pipeline: Die Ölmultis setzen auf Forschung, um noch die letzten Tropfen aus dem Boden zu holen. Und dafür brauchen sie gewiefte Geologen.
      Das Erdöl geht uns langsam aus - und die Geologiestudenten jubeln. Das ist ein bisschen überspitzt, hat aber einen wahren Kern. Denn weil viele der großen Erdölquellen im Mittleren Osten nicht mehr sprudeln, suchen die Erdöl-Multis verstärkt nach Experten, die ihnen helfen, auch den letzten Tropfen Erdöl einer Quelle in die Pipeline zu bringen.,1518,369499,0…
      schrieb am 31.08.08 10:18:36
      Beitrag Nr. 555 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.915.218 von frankinvestor am 30.08.08 07:54:40@fi!!!
      Folgenden Artikel sollte sich jeder "Chartunwissende" mal durchlesen...:cool:

      Nachricht vom 30.08.2008 | 17:35

      Ölpreis zwischen CRASH und RALLYE!

      Die Vorzeichen stehen mittelfristig auf weitere Preisabgaben, was übrigens nicht bedeutet, dass der Bullenmarkt in Öl seit 2001 ausgehend 17 $ zur Disposition steht.
      Übergeordnet langfristig auf Sicht von Jahren dürfte der Ölpreis weiter steigen.
      Mittelfristig auf Sicht einiger Monate ist allerdings mit einer Abkühlung zu rechnen.

      Ich bin in dieser Woche mit der in Österreich im Rahmen einer Roadshow unterwegs. ist der größte österreichische Onlinebroker.
      In meinen Vorträgen bringe ich den geneigten Anlegern das Thema der charttechnischen Analyse näher.
      Was ist der wertvolle Nutzen dieser Analysemethode, auf was muß ich achten, wie gehe ich beim Analysieren vor ?

      Die Tour gefällt mir ausgezeichnet, das Publikum ist Feuer und Flamme, das Interesse enorm.
      Sehr schön.

      - Finden Sie die übergeordneten Trends in den jeweils beobachteten Zeitfenstern.
      In Öl ist es der Aufwärtstrend seit 2001 und der Aufwärtstrend seit 2007.
      Prüfen Sie im Kursverlauf, im Chart, an welchen Chartstrukturen sich die Kursnotierungen maßgeblich orientieren.
      Das kann von Basiswert zu Basiswert und von Marktphase zu Marktphase unterschiedlich sein.
      Öl orientiert sich gut an Trendlinien, gleitenden Durchschnittslinien, an Fibonacci Retracements und Patterns...:eek:

      - Analysieren Sie den Kerzenchart (Candlestickchart).:eek:
      Welcher Kerzentyp weist eine besonders hohe Trefferquote in Bezug auf seine Prognosekraft auf.
      Hammerkerzen in Öl werden aufgrund der starken nach oben gerichteten Trendrichtung sehr oft gekauft. :D

      - Kombinieren Sie verschiedene charttechnische Instrumente.
      In Öl derzeit beispielsweise Trendlinien und Gleitende Durchschnitte.
      So lassen sich Kummulationspunkte im Chart erkennen.
      Also sehr starke Unterstützungs- und Widerstandsniveaus.

      - Stichwort Intermarketanalyse.
      Öl weist seit einigen Monaten, sogar seit einigen Jahren eine relativ direkte gegenläufige Korrelation zum US-Dollar auf.
      Der US-Dollar kann unter anderem auch zyklisch bedingt in 2008 mittelfristig aufwerten.
      Das spricht also per se schon einmal für Abwärtsdruck im Öl.

      - Prüfen Sie, wie der Markt auf Nachrichten reagiert.
      In den vergangenen Wochen gab der Ölpreis nach, obwohl es geopolitische Unwägsamkeiten im Kaukasus gibt.
      Es hatte den Anschein, dass Georgien "ohne Stoploss" militärisch aktiv geworden war.
      Ohne Stoploss deswegen, weil eigentlich bei der uns bekannten Nachrichtenlage klar war, dass sich die Russen soetwas nicht gefallen lassen können.
      Wie dem auch sei.
      Der breiten Öffentlichkeit ist ohnehin in solchen Fällen die eigentliche tatsächliche Nachtrichtenlage nicht bekannt.
      Das ist Politik.
      Und die Nachrichten, die in den Geschichtsbüchern stehen, sind die, die die Sieger schreiben.
      Im Kaukasus geht es um Rohstoffe, es geht um Transitwege (Pipelines) für Rohstoffe, wie beispielsweise Öl.
      Und wo es um Öl geht, sind die Amerikaner nicht weit.
      Zugegeben, ich bin etwas abgeschweift.
      Fakt ist, dass bei dieser aufreibenden Nachrichtenlage vor wenigen Monaten die Ölpreise durch die Decke gegangen wären.
      Jetzt nicht mehr.
      Warum ?
      Weil wir einen mehrwöchigen Abwärtstrend mit einem zuvor initiierten Aufwärtstrendbruch 2008 vorliegen haben.
      Gleichzeitig wertet der US-Dollar wie berichtet deutlich auf.

      - Merken Sie sich:

      A) Fundamentale Trends bestimmen die langfristigen mehrjährigen Preistrends.
      Ein Investor kauft Aktien auf langfristige Sicht.
      Er macht sich zunutze, dass langfristige fundamentale Trends in der Regel nach oben weisen.
      Aktien steigen langfristig. :rolleyes:

      B) Kurz- und mittelfristige Trends werden sehr oft durch Marktstimmungen, das Sentiment und durch Marktmechanismen bestimmt.
      Marktmechanismen sind z.B. solche Phänomene wie ein Short Squeeze.
      Hierbei handelt es sich um Positionsschieflagen von Marktteilnehmern, die unter Zwang stehen, Positionen abzubauen.
      Sie müssen ihre zuvor leerverkauften Positionen zurückkaufen.
      Es kommt dann oft zu starken Kurszuwächsen im betreffenden Basiswert, obwohl sich an der fundamentalen lage nichts geändert hat.
      Trends in mittelfristigen Zeitfenster kommen oft durch kaufende oder verkaufende größere Marktteilnehmer wie beispielsweise Fonds zustande.:eek:
      Ein Fonds kann sich durchaus auch in "fundamental guten Zeiten" von Positionen trennen.:eek:
      Deswegen kann eine fundamental starke Aktie fallen.

      Herzliche Grüße,
      schrieb am 01.09.08 10:18:27
      Beitrag Nr. 556 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.924.803 von WildeMathilde am 31.08.08 10:18:36Jaaa, sauber;);) der Jörg aus Sachsen kann ja richtige Postings verfassen... :laugh:
      schrieb am 01.09.08 10:39:10
      Beitrag Nr. 557 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.931.553 von KLEEE am 01.09.08 10:18:27Echt?? Was dieser Trottel schreibt, ist mir so was von egal, denn IGNORE bleibt IGNORE!:laugh::laugh::laugh:
      schrieb am 01.09.08 18:40:59
      Beitrag Nr. 558 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.931.553 von KLEEE am 01.09.08 10:18:27@Kleee!!!!!!

      Und hier der Beweis...:cool:

      Öl-Spekulation doch höher als erwartet - ein Trader kontrollierte 11% des Marktes!

      Am 22. Juli hieß es noch: „ Fundamentaldaten sind die Ursache der hohen Ölpreise.“

      In ihrem Bericht hatte die US-Terminbörsenaufsicht damals nicht Spekulanten für die steigenden Preise verantwortlich gemacht, sondern Angebot und Nachfrage.

      Nun, einen Monat später, sehen die Untersuchungsergebnisse ganz anders aus.
      Die für die Untersuchung der Rolle der Spekulanten an den Energiebörsen in
      den USA einberufene “Interagency Task Force on Commodity Markets“ kam nun zu
      dem Ergebnis, dass ein einziger Marktteilnehmer, die schweizerische
      Ölhandelsgesellschaft VITOL, im Juni zeitweise 11% der Ölkontrakte an der
      New Yorker Ölbörse NYMEX hielt.

      Darüber hinaus fand die CFTC heraus, dass insgesamt 81% der Terminkontrakte
      auf Erdöl in der Hand von Finanzunternehmen liegen. Und das ist nur die
      NYMEX, die nicht oder weniger regulierten Ölbörsen ICE, Singapore Exchange,
      Dubai Merc und Tokio sind hier gar nicht aufgeführt.

      VITOL selbst hielt insgesamt 57,7 Millionen Barrels Erdöl und gab vor, diese
      gekauft zu haben, um seine Kunden versorgen zu können. Das ist die doppelte
      Menge des täglichen Ölverbrauchs der USA und fast 70% des weltweiten
      täglichen Verbrauchs. Die CFTC, die zuvor davon ausging, VITOL benötige
      diese Menge zur Versorgung seiner Kunden, ist misstrauisch geworden, und
      ermittelt gegen VITOL.

      Bereits im November 2007 war die Gesellschaft aufgefallen, als sie
      Bestechungsgelder an die Regierung von Saddam Hussein fließen ließ, um
      Öllieferungen durch das UNO-Hilfsprogramm «Öl für Nahrung» im Irak zu
      bekommen. Sie hatte Schmiergelder zwischen Juni 2001 und September 2002 an
      Hussein gezahlt. Gegenüber den Beamten der UNO wurden die Zahlungen damals
      verheimlicht, wie der New Yorker Bezirkstaatsanwalt Robert Morgenthau in
      einer Erklärung schrieb.

      VITOL mit Sitz in Genf wurde im Jahr 1966 gegründet und konzentriert sich
      als unabhängige Investmentgesellschaft auf den Handel von Öl und
      Mineralölprodukten. Wie die CFTC nun weiter verfahren wird, ist nicht
      schrieb am 01.09.08 19:02:48
      Beitrag Nr. 559 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.936.108 von WildeMathilde am 01.09.08 18:40:59Was nervst du hier überhaupt laufend mit deinen ÖL_News rum? :mad:

      Hast du dich im Thema verlaufen? :rolleyes:

      Man eh schieb bloss ab hier :rolleyes:

      Achja antworten zwecklos da du ab jetzt auf Ignore bist.
      Ist ja fürchterlich dein Geschreibsel :rolleyes:
      schrieb am 01.09.08 20:20:33
      Beitrag Nr. 560 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.936.108 von WildeMathilde am 01.09.08 18:40:59Nimm dir mal eine Minute Zeit.…

      Erfolgreiches Jahr für Branche

      Solarindustrie bringt Jobs für Ostdeutschland
      Die Solarindustrie hat sich nach Einschätzung des Bundesverbandes Solarwirtschaft als wichtiger Jobmotor in Deutschland entwickelt. Die meisten Firmen-Neuansiedlungen gibt es in den neuen Bundesländern. Sie haben viele Vorteile gegenüber den alten Ländern.

      Die Solarindustrie erlebte ein gutes Jahr. Foto: dpa
      HB BERLIN. Inzwischen zähle die Branche insgesamt deutlich über 50 000 Beschäftigte. „Deutschland ist ein Magnet für Investoren und Solarunternehmer aus der ganzen Welt. Nirgendwo sonst entstehen derzeit mehr Solarfabriken“, sagte der Geschäftsführer des Bundesverbandes, Carsten Körnig. Derzeit entstehen allein 15 Fertigungsstätten. Rund 1,6 Mrd. Euro wurden allein 2007 in Ausbau und Bau neuer Fabriken investiert. Von 2010 an prognostiziert der Bundesverband eine jährliche Investitionsrate von 2,6 Mrd. Euro. Langsam werden Fachkräfte knapp.

      „Die Modulfertigung und Waferfabriken stehen in den neuen Ländern, Maschinen- und Ablagenbau haben sich in den alten Ländern angesiedelt“, sagte Körnig. „Der Osten Deutschlands kann mit seinen besonderen Pfunden wuchern und ist deshalb attraktiv für Investoren“, betonte Körnig. Hier gebe es schon die höchste Dichte an Produktionsstätten und Zuliefererindustrie im weltweiten Vergleich.

      „Mehrere Faktoren geben bei Investoren den Ausschlag“, sagte Körnig. Gerade in den neuen Ländern sei dazu gelernt worden, vor allem wenn es um Genehmigungsverfahren gehe. „Ich höre von den Herstellern kaum noch Klagen über zu lange Baugenehmigungen. Das ist gut so, denn im globalen Standortwettbewerb zählt Geschwindigkeit.“

      Es gebe eine ausgezeichnete Forschungs- und Technologieentwicklung, zahlreiche hervorragende universitäre und nicht-universitäre Einrichtungen, auch die für den Zweig wichtige Zuliefererindustrie sei vorhanden, sagte der Geschäftsführer des Bundesverbandes. Die vorhandene Infrastruktur, aber auch die Möglichkeit über Mittel aus der Gemeinschaftsaufgabe Ost (GA) Förderung in Anspruch zu nehmen, „versüßten“ Ansiedlungen finanziell.

      „Ganz wichtig ist auch der Markt vor der eigenen Haustür“, betonte Körnig. Deutschland habe es 2004 geschafft, parteiübergreifend ein klares Bekenntnis zu erneuerbaren Energien und zur Solarindustrie zu formulieren. Das schaffe Vertrauen in verlässliche Rahmenbedingungen. „Wenn beispielsweise ein Unternehmen wie Q-Cells in Sachsen-Anhalt jährlich 400 Mill. Euro in den Standort Wolfen-Bitterfeld investiert, dann will es in einigen Jahren auch die Früchte des Investments ernten können“, betonte er.

      „Auch das Know-how der gut ausgebildeten Fachkräfte ist für Investoren ein Beweggrund, in den Osten zu gehen“, sagte Körnig. Noch finden die Unternehmen genügend Fachkräfte, aber langsam werden diese knapp. Die Firmen investierten vorsorglich Millionenbeträge nicht nur in Forschung und Entwicklung, sondern auch in Ausbildung, Weiterbildung und Qualifikationen ihrer Mitarbeiter.
      schrieb am 01.09.08 20:32:10
      Beitrag Nr. 561 ()
      Das ist ein Arise Fakten Thread !!!
      schrieb am 01.09.08 20:46:25
      Beitrag Nr. 562 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.937.036 von Forfex am 01.09.08 20:32:10@FF!!!!
      Ohne "teures" Öl ist auch die Solarfantasie ad Acta gelegt:p
      schrieb am 01.09.08 21:19:12
      Beitrag Nr. 563 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.937.036 von Forfex am 01.09.08 20:32:10Zumindest hat es mit SOLAR,wie Arise zu tun.

      schrieb am 01.09.08 23:48:56
      Beitrag Nr. 564 ()
      Ordnung muss sein

      Die neue Zellfabrik von Arise Technologies ist vielleicht nur das erste von zehn weiteren Werken

      Die Arise Technologies Corporation hat in Bischofswerda ihre erste Solarzellenfabrik eröffnet: 35 Megawatt Kapazität, ein geplanter Ausbau auf 80 und später 125 Megawatt – nichts Besonderes für die heutige Solarbranche. Aber diese Fabrik ist dennoch nicht ganz alltäglich. Sie gehört zu den modernsten ihrer Art, und sie soll nur der Anfang sein. Wenn Arise mit seinen Plänen Erfolg hat, wird in den nächsten vier Jahren eine sächsische Kleinstadt zum Solarstandort von Weltrang.

      Sjouke Zijlstra ist ein erwachsener Mann, der einen sehr anspruchsvollen Job zu erledigen hat. Und dennoch: Wenn er Besuchern seinen Arbeitsplatz zeigt, könnte man sich den ausgebufften Technikmanager mit seinen mehr als 30 Jahren Berufserfahrung auch als kleinen Jungen vorstellen, der lange Reihen von Spielzeugautos nach Größe, Farbe und Typ anordnet. Irgendwo muss er schließlich herkommen, dieser ausgeprägte Sinn für die Ästhetik der Ordnung.
      Einen solchen Sinn nämlich hat Zijlstra ohne jeden Zweifel. »Hier sollten Leitungen und Aggregate hin«, erzählt er beispielsweise beim Gang durch den im Erdgeschoss des 112 mal 42 Meter messenden Fabrikgebäudes untergebrachten Versorgungstrakt, »aber ich wollte über die gesamte Länge einen geraden Gang erhalten.« Das unterscheidet natürlich das Planen einer Fabrik vom Spiel mit Miniaturautos. Die Ordnung ist kein Selbstzweck, sondern soll dabei helfen, ein Ziel zu erreichen. Und das heißt: Effizienz.
      Danach streben Solarzellenhersteller überall, trotzdem ist die Produktionslinie der Arise Technologies Deutschland GmbH etwas Besonderes. Die 100-prozentige Tochter der Arise Technologies Corporation aus Waterloo in der kanadischen Provinz Ontario setzt so konsequent auf Automatisierung, wie es nur sehr wenige in dieser Branche tun. Sämtliche Fertigungsschritte laufen »inline« oder, so der noch bildhaftere Terminus, als »flow production«. Etwas profaner formuliert also: in einem Rutsch.
      Normal hingegen ist in der Zellproduktion bislang das Integrieren verschiedener »Batch«-Prozesse, bei denen die Produkte zu einer Station gebracht, dort bearbeitet und dann zur nächsten befördert werden. Dabei müssen sie zwangsläufig mehrmals aus Transportbehältern aus- und wieder eingepackt werden, was insbesondere bei so fragilen Gütern wie Silizium-Wafern – dem Vorprodukt der Solarzelle – ein Kardinalproblem ist: Hohe Bruchraten und Qualitätsmängel durch beschädigtes Material sind die Folge.
      Beides lässt sich bei Flow-Produktion deutlich reduzieren. Der Preis hierfür ist freilich ein erhöhtes Stillstandsrisiko. Eine havarierte Maschine blockiert die gesamte Fertigungslinie, während sie sich bei Batch-Produktion zumindest zeitweise umgehen lässt. Und außerdem müssen die einzelnen Schritte vom Tempo her sehr genau aufeinander abgestimmt sein. Wenn ein Batch-Prozess langsamer vonstatten geht als die übrigen, kauft man die entsprechende Maschine einfach noch einmal dazu und hat den Engpass beseitigt. Bei Flow-Linien ist das weit weniger trivial. In einer Industrie, die noch jung ist und mit verschiedenen Prozessen herumexperimentiert, trauen sich deshalb nur wenige Unternehmen zu, ihre Produktion auf diese Art zu organisieren.
      Sjouke Zijlstra hingegen kommt aus der Elektronikindustrie und hat das Prinzip Flow-Produktion verinnerlicht. Beim niederländischen Philips-Konzern hat er sich unter anderem mit optimierten Abläufen für die Produktion von Leiterplatten befasst. 1997 wechselte er dann zur Photovoltaik und baute für Shell Solar die Zellfabrik in Gelsenkirchen auf. Die war seinerzeit eine der wohl modernsten Zellproduktionen überhaupt. Als Erfolgsmodell gilt sie trotzdem nicht, weil sie unter der Ägide von Shell praktisch zu keinem Zeitpunkt die nominelle Kapazität von 25 Megawatt erreichte. Anfang 2006 wechselte sie dann den Besitzer, als der Solarworld-Konzern das Gros der Photovoltaikaktivitäten von Shell übernahm. Im September 2006 übertrug Solarworld seinerseits das Werk an die Scheuten Solar Cells GmbH.

      Alte Bekannte
      Ungefähr zu dieser Zeit besuchte auch Ian MacLellan das Gelsenkirchener Werk. Der Gründer und heutige Technikvorstand von Arise Technologies hielt Ausschau nach einem Vorbild, an dem sich die eigenen Pläne orientieren könnten. Ungefähr 20 Zellproduktionen hatte er bereits abgeklappert, berichtet Zijlstra, »bis er zu uns kam und sagte, so will er‘s haben«. Arise übernahm nicht nur das Konzept aus Gelsenkirchen, sondern auch den führenden Kopf. Anfang 2007 wechselte Zijlstra den Arbeitgeber und ist nun Geschäftsführer von Arise Technologies Deutschland. Mit MacLellan verstand er sich wohl auch deshalb so gut, weil dieser ebenfalls aus der Elektronikindustrie stammt. Vor der Gründung von Arise 1997 hatte er unter anderem bei Motorola, Hewlett Packard und Oracle seine Brötchen verdient.
      Die Person von Sjouke Zijlstra ist nicht die einzige Parallele zwischen den Zellfabriken in Bischofswerda und Gelsenkirchen. Die Planung von Gebäude und Infrastruktur übernahm hier wie dort die auf Industriebauten spezialisierte niederländische Firma DHV BV. Sie zeichnet insbesondere verantwortlich für das »2-Layer Facility Design«, also die Anlage auf zwei Etagen: Ver- und Entsorgung im Erdgeschoss, darüber die Produktionslinie. Das Gebäude als solches – errichtet vom Essener Baukonzern Hochtief AG – wird dadurch natürlich teurer, dafür spart man Grundstückkosten und gewinnt an Gestaltungsmöglichkeiten, weil im ersten Stock eine große Halle ohne Träger und vor allem ohne quer laufende Rohr- und Leitungsstränge entsteht. Die nämlich gehen direkt durch den Fußboden in die jeweiligen Produktionsmaschinen hinein.
      Deren Auswahl, Aufstellung und Optimierung übernahm mit OTB Solar BV ein weiterer Bekannter aus Gelsenkirchen, ebenfalls mit Sitz in den Niederlanden. OTB liefert Transport- und Handling-Maschinen sowie den Prozess für die Beschichtung der Wafer mit Siliziumnitrid im PECVD-Verfahren (Plasma Enhanced Chemical Vapour Deposition) und zeichnet für die schlüsselfertige Übergabe einschließlich Einarbeitung des Personals verantwortlich. Weitere Komponenten kommen von der Rena GmbH aus Gütenbach (Nasschemie), der italienischen Baccini SpA. (Siebdruck) und der US-amerikanischen Firma Despatch Industries (Diffusionsofen).
      Seit April ist die Linie in Betrieb, am 6. Juni wurde sie offiziell eingeweiht. Am 22. Juli meldete Arise »24/7«, also die Aufnahme der Produktion rund um die Uhr und sieben Tage pro Woche. Die von OTB zugesagten 15 Prozent Wirkungsgrad seien ebenso eingehalten worden wie die sonstigen vereinbarten Ziele. Die Kapazität ist mit 35 Megawatt jährlich veranschlagt.
      Dies wäre aber nur der erste Schritt für den Solarstandort Bischofswerda. Die zweite Linie ist schon bestellt und soll um die Jahreswende den Testbetrieb aufnehmen. Sie wird monokristalline Zellen produzieren. Eine dritte Linie, wiederum für multikristalline Zellen, findet in der riesigen Halle auf jeden Fall auch noch Platz und soll 2009 installiert werden. Auch eine vierte Linie ließe sich unterbringen, die Aufstellung ist für 2010 geplant. Und das im August 2007 erworbene Firmengrundstück misst rund 13 Hektar, so Zijlstra: »Da können wir wohl zehn solcher Hallen draufstellen.«

      Nicht nur Standardzellen
      Interessanter noch als die eines Tages erreichte Zahl der Hallen ist indes die Frage, was genau dort produziert wird. Denn ursprünglich war Arise nicht angetreten, um in Bischofswerda multi- und monokristalline Standardzellen herzustellen. Als im September 2006 der Plan für die Ansiedlung in Sachsen bekannt gegeben wurde, war zwar, wie heute, von einer Fabrik mit 80 Megawatt Jahreskapazität und 50 Millionen Euro Investitionssumme die Rede. Aber damals hieß es noch, für die Produktion werde »die patentierte ›DC Saddle-Field‹-Dünnschichttechnologie der Firma Arise angewandt«. Dieses Verfahren für eine sogenannte »Hetero junction«-Solarzelle aus einem monokristallinen Wafer und Dünnschichtsilizium ähnelt vom Prinzip her der »HIT«-Zelle der japanischen Sanyo Corp. Es wurde von Arise gemeinsam mit der Universität Toronto und der Komag Inc. aus San Jose, Kalifornien, einem Hersteller von Computerfestplatten, entwickelt. Im Juni letzten Jahres wurde Komag indes vom Branchenriesen Western Digital Corporation aufgekauft.
      Arise verfügt über ein Patent für den Produktionsprozess, doch dessen praktische Umsetzung geriet trotzdem offenkundig aus dem Terminplan. An der Zellfabrik in Bischofswerda hielt man dennoch fest – schließlich lagen seit Dezember 2006 die Zusagen für insgesamt 24,5 Millionen Euro Fördermittel vor. Die Sächsische Aufbaubank garantierte 12,4 Millionen Euro als Zuschuss, weitere 12,1 Millionen sind in Form von Steuervergünstigungen zugesagt. Drei Jahre – also bis Dezember 2009 – wurden als Zeitrahmen für das Projekt vereinbart.
      Obwohl nunmehr die ersten Produktionslinien für multi- und monokristalline Standardzellen ausgelegt wurden, hält Arise aber an dem Ziel von insgesamt 80 Megawatt Kapazität auf zwei Fertigungslinien fest. Dies versichert nicht nur Sjouke Ziljstra, sondern auch Firmenpräsident und Vorstandschef Bart Tichelman. Nachdem zwei Lieferverträge aus dem Jahr 2007 sowie vier weitere im März 2008 abgeschlossene Kontrakte die Verfügbarkeit der benötigten Mengen an Wafern sicherstellten, habe man eine verbindliche Order für die zweite Linie aufgegeben. Diese werde »Zellen mit bis zu 18 Prozent Wirkungsgrad produzieren und unsere Kapazität um weitere 45 Megawatt erhöhen«, schreibt Tichelman in dem Ende März veröffentlichten Jahresbericht 2007 seines Unternehmens. Dies wird auch mit monokristallinen Zellen konventioneller Machart möglich sein. Als Ziel für seine »DC Saddle-Field«-Zellen nennt Arise ohnehin nicht 18, sondern 20 Prozent Wirkungsgrad.
      Wann diese Marke erreicht sein und wie lange es wohl dauern wird, bis das Grundstück in Bischofswerda tatsächlich komplett mit Fabrikhallen vollgestellt ist, möchte derzeit niemand prognostizieren. Es geht jedenfalls gut voran. Tichelman bekannte sich bei der Vorlage der 2007er-Zahlen zu dem Ziel, bis Ende 2012 acht Linien mit zusammen 360 Megawatt Kapazität im Einsatz zu haben. Nur wenig später, am 10. April, korrigierte das Unternehmen deutlich nach oben, auf insgesamt zwölf Linien mit 560 Megawatt.

      Eigenes Silizium
      Von den Fortschritten bei der Saddle-Field-Technologie wird der weitere Ausbau der Produktion wohl nur in zweiter Linie abhängen. Wichtiger ist, ob die von Arise verfolgten Pläne für eine eigene Siliziumproduktion aufgehen. Auch hier hat das Unternehmen ein eigenes technisches Konzept, wiederum entwickelt in Kooperation mit der Universität Toronto sowie der Universität Waterloo, der Ebner Industrieofenbau GmbH aus dem österreichischen Leonding und der dänischen Firma Topsil Semiconductors Materials A/S. Eine Demonstrationsanlage läuft seit Dezember 2007, Ende dieses Jahres soll in Waterloo die Pilotfertigung beginnen. Für 2009 sind zunächst 50 Tonnen Jahresproduktion angepeilt, für 2010 stehen 400 Tonnen im Plan.
      Wie die Forscher und Ingenieure in Kanada mit ihrem Projekt vorankommen, dürfte direkte Auswirkungen auf die ökonomische Zukunft der 12.000-Einwohner-Stadt Bischofswerda haben. Denn wenn alles gut läuft, soll 2011 in Ontario die Massenproduktion anlaufen, das Ausbauziel lautet 10.000 Tonnen Silizium pro Jahr. Das würde bei den angestrebten hohen Zellwirkungsgraden für gut und gerne 1.500 Megawatt Jahresproduktion reichen, also mehr als genug für die jetzigen Pläne.
      Die scheinbar locker hingeworfene Bemerkung von den zehn Hallen, für die in Bischofswerda noch Platz ist, könnte damit schon recht bald konkrete Züge annehmen. Es spricht nicht viel dagegen, am jetzigen Standort zu expandieren. Die Personalkosten jedenfalls spielen keine allzu große Rolle, erläutert Sjouke Zijlstra: Sie liegen »in der Größenordnung von vier Prozent«, obwohl Arise bislang ausschließlich staatlich geprüfte Techniker einstellt, also Absolventen einer Technikerschule mit einem zwischen Meisterbrief und Ingenieursdiplom angesiedelten Abschluss. Und diese gut qualifizierten Leute, versichert der Chef, werden auch als solche bezahlt »und nicht als Facharbeiter, wie es hier in Sachsen doch häufiger passiert«. Noch wichtiger ist vielleicht, dass nur Festanstellungen vergeben werden; einzige Ausnahme ist der Bereich Verpackung, weil dort nur vorübergehend Leute gebraucht werden. Langfristig will man auch hier automatisieren.
      Doch obwohl alle Verträge auf nur 32 Wochenstunden laufen, was erstens die Belastungen durch Schichtarbeit verringern und zweitens insgesamt mehr Arbeitsplätze schaffen soll, kommt die erste Fertigungslinie mit 65 Kräften aus. Wenn die zweite Linie steht, sollen auch etwas geringer qualifizierte Mitarbeiter, namentlich Facharbeiter, eingestellt werden, die dann Teams mit den erfahreneren Kollegen bilden. Insgesamt rund 100 Leute werden dann voraussichtlich einen Job in der Produktion haben, bei Vollbetrieb der dritten Linie dürften es ungefähr 150 sein – bei einer dann angestrebten Jahresproduktion von rund 125 Megawatt und einem entsprechenden Umsatz, der selbst bei drastisch sinkenden Preisen für Solarzellen immer noch in der Region um 200 Millionen Euro liegen dürfte. Da spielen Personalkosten in der Tat nicht die erste Geige.
      Wichtiger sind da die Laufzeiten der Maschinen. Nur wenn die »Uptime«, in der das Gerät und die mit seiner Bedienung betrauten Menschen tatsächlich Produktion abliefern, auf einem konstant hohen Wert bleibt, geht auch die Rechnung mit dem geringen Personalkostenanteil auf. Die typische, leicht perfide Rationalisierungslogik also: Je weniger Arbeitsplätze in der Produktion entstehen, desto höher die Chancen, dass zumindest diese wenigen in Deutschland bleiben und nicht an Orte mit geringeren Lohnkosten verlegt werden. Geht es nach Zijlstras Planung, werden die Maschinen nach dem Einfahren 24 Stunden am Tag und 358 Tage im Jahr laufen. Sechs Stillstandstage sind eingeplant – nicht etwa für Weihnachten oder Ostern, sondern zur Jahresinspektion und Optimierung. Außerdem wird es eine Schicht pro Woche für regelmäßige Wartungsarbeiten geben. Daraus ergibt sich ein »geplanter« Stillstand von 6,7 Prozent.
      Auch solch ein niedriger Wert ist einem Rationalisierungsprofi natürlich noch zu hoch. Was wirklich wurmt, sind jedoch die »unerwarteten« Stillstandszeiten. Der größte Feind ist hier die Bruchrate. Jeder kaputte Wafer bedeutet nicht nur einen Verlust an teurem Material. Schwerer noch wiegt die Gefährdung des Produktionsablaufs. Aber Zijlstra ist optimistisch, »dass wir eine der niedrigsten Bruchraten haben werden«. Und dass sich die unerwarteten Ausfallzeiten auf unter drei Prozent drücken lassen, die »Uptime« also bei 91 Prozent oder mehr liegt. Damit die Ordnung in Bischofswerda so wenig wie möglich gestört wird. Jochen Siemer

      schrieb am 05.09.08 12:24:42
      Beitrag Nr. 565 ()
      naja dann will ich mal den mathebegeisterten einen teil des halbjahresabschlusses hinlegen

      einfachste kurvendiskusion führt zum nächsten ke termin

      wobei für die ausweiterung der produktion die nächste ke noch schneller kommen muss

      und ich habe keine ahnung was eine produktionsanlage für silikon kostet...

      The net loss for the 2008 second quarter was $6.51 million (a loss of $0.05 per basic and
      diluted share), compared with a net loss $3.42 million (a loss of $0.06 per basic and
      diluted share) in the 2007 period. For the first half of 2008, ARISE’s net loss was $11.88
      million ($0.10 per basic and diluted share), compared with a loss of $4.73 million ($0.10
      per basic and diluted share) in the six-month 2007 period.
      As at the end of the 2008 second quarter, ARISE had positive working capital of $46.05
      million. Cash and cash equivalents were $42.18 million at end of the second quarter,
      reflecting the completion of the equity bought-deal offering in May. Subsequently, in July,
      the company made two prepayments totaling $20.60 million for inventory purchases of
      silicon wafers for the German manufacturing plant. As at August 8, 2008, ARISE had
      cash and cash equivalents of approximately $21.75 million. The company expects to be
      able to offset some of the funds required for inventory prepayments with customer
      Page 4 of 9
      advance deposits, thereby limiting the impact of silicon wafer prepayments on its working
      Outlook – Advanced Negotiations with Additional Customers
      “In addition to the significant increase in PV cell shipments and sales that we expect to
      record in the 2008 third and fourth quarters, we are working on a number of other major
      developments that will contribute to our growth and ability to create value for our
      shareholders,” Mr. Tichelman said.
      “We are in advanced discussions with additional customers for our PV cells. We have
      supplied these customers with cells for their testing and are negotiating agreements with
      each. There can be no guarantee, of course, that we will sign any or all of these, but we
      are optimistic of doing so.
      “We have signed an Offer to Lease agreement for a building in the Kitchener-Waterloo
      area that will house our 7N+ solar-grade polysilicon pilot plant. Leasing this facility will
      result in a more flexible building with respect to adding capacity in stages and lower costs
      than we had previously expected.
      “We will proceed in the third quarter with the new pilot plant, according to the previously
      announced schedule,” Mr. Tichelman continued. “We expect the new-generation SiRF to
      be fabricated and running in September at our supplier and we expect delivery of the first
      SiRF 4 furnace in first-quarter 2009. The plant’s target production capacity remains at 50
      tonnes per year in 2009, increasing to a target capacity of 400 tonnes per year in 2010.
      schrieb am 05.09.08 16:02:30
      Beitrag Nr. 566 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.994.608 von konstand am 05.09.08 12:24:42teil des halbjahresabschlusses hinlegen

      Siehe auch Seite 54 post 533 (11. August!!!), da ist nicht nur ein Teil des Halbjahresabschlusses
      schrieb am 05.09.08 16:30:52
      Beitrag Nr. 567 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.994.608 von konstand am 05.09.08 12:24:42@konto!
      ...und ich habe keine ahnung was eine produktionsanlage für silikon kostet...

      Ab 500 Mio CAN$$$$:eek:
      schrieb am 07.09.08 22:04:54
      Dieser Beitrag wurde moderiert.
      schrieb am 07.09.08 22:32:57
      Beitrag Nr. 569 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 35.017.545 von ChinaAktionaer am 07.09.08 22:04:54@China!!!!
      Erstmal Spinner lassen wir mal so stehen...

      Und jetzt rechne Du Genie!

      Die Investitionen für die ersten 1.800 Tonnen werden sich nach PV Crystalox-Angaben auf zirka 80 Millionen Euro belaufen

      Macht sozusagen 120 Mio CAN$$$$$$ bei 1800 Tonnen!

      Arise will aber 10 Tausend Tonnen produzieren:D

      Und vielleicht sind ja die Baupreise in CAN doch etwas teurer:cool:
      schrieb am 09.09.08 20:40:05
      Beitrag Nr. 570 ()
      Analyst Reports for Rockwell Diamonds Inc., ARISE Technologies Corporation, Petro-Canada and Great Plains Exploration Inc.
      ARISE Technologies Corporation APV
      9/9/2008 11:40:13 AM
      NOTE TO EDITORS: The Following Is an Investment Opinion Being Issued by Maybach Free Analyst Review

      LONDON, Sep 09, 2008 (MARKET WIRE via COMTEX News Network) -- is one of the fastest growing independent and unbiased research firms in the world. Through our numerous partnerships with many of the top investment minds in the world, we provide research on companies making a move in the markets. Investors seeking genuine analyst opinions on their investments for Rockwell Diamonds Inc. (TSX: RDI), ARISE Technologies Corporation (TSX: APV), Petro-Canada (TSX: PCA) and Great Plains Exploration Inc. (TSX: GPX) should take this opportunity to get free in-depth research by signing up for a free membership at Our coverage of any company will include research in the following areas:
      schrieb am 11.09.08 08:10:34
      Beitrag Nr. 571 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 35.040.191 von frankinvestor am 09.09.08 20:40:05ich hoffe du hast dir am die analysen von den firmen angeschaut history....:laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:

      na dann G8 arise

      das ist echt ein hammer!!!!
      schrieb am 11.09.08 14:13:37
      Beitrag Nr. 572 ()
      was heisst das?
      schrieb am 11.09.08 21:42:54
      Beitrag Nr. 573 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 35.061.751 von Donlombardo am 11.09.08 14:13:37so richtige raketen waren nicht dabei....eher abstürze
      schrieb am 13.09.08 12:50:53
      Beitrag Nr. 574 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 35.066.794 von konstand am 11.09.08 21:42:54@kontostand!
      Und trifft folgender Artikel nur Ansatzweise zu,muss ein Investment in Solar dringend überdacht werden:eek:

      Platzt bei Öl die Blase wie im Nasdaq ? - Fällt Öl auf 30 $ pro Barrel ?

      In einem Artikel von Bespoke-Invest wurden die Rallyes in den Technologiewerten Anfang der 90iger, die Rallye am Immobilienmarkt ab 2000 und die aktuelle Rallye im Öl miteinander verglichen.
      Die Entwicklung dieser drei Assetklassen, dargestellt in einem Chart können Sie der folgenden Grafik entnehmen

      In ähnlichen Zeiträumen zeigten sich im Nasdaq, am Immoblienmarkt und nun auch im Öl deutliche Kursgewinne, die von 640 % in den Technologiewerten bis hin zu einem Plus von 839 % in der Immobilienmarktblase reichten.
      Aber nicht nur zeitlich, sondern auch verlaufstechnisch zeigen sich hier große Ähnlichkeiten, wobei vor allem die enorme Beschleunigung der Preisbewegungen gegen Ende der jeweiligen Bubble auffällt.

      Was, wenn die Zusammenbrüche im Technologiesektor und im Immobilienmarkt auf das Öl projeziert werden?

      Bis wohin könnte sich die aktuelle Korrektur im Öl hinziehen?

      Laut Bespoke stünde Öl nun am Anfang einer großen Abwertung, in der sich der Preis bis auf bis auf 32,06 $ bis 31,40 $ verbilligen könnte - wenn, ja wenn sich die Ölblase ähnlich entlädt, wie die Blasen in den Technologie- und Immobilienwerten.
      schrieb am 13.09.08 17:37:24
      Beitrag Nr. 575 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 35.089.448 von WildeMathilde am 13.09.08 12:50:53hier sollten normalerweise nur Fakten zu Arise rein aber diesen Beitrag muss man relativieren ;)

      Erneuerbare Energien sind bereits weltweit eine Wachstumsbranche. Beispiele:
      China hat bereits auf über 34 Millionen Häusern Sonnen-Kollektoren installiert. Das sind mehr als die gesamte übrige Welt zusammen.
      Japan hat die größten Solarkonzerne der Welt und damit bereits Hunderttausende Arbeitsplätze geschaffen.

      Österreich gewinnt heute schon 15 Prozent seiner Energie aus heimischen, nachwachsenden Rohstoffen- Schweden, Finnland, Dänemark und Brasilien über 20 Prozent.

      Kalifornien will unter seinem Gouverneur Arnold Schwarzenegger bis 2020 bereits ein Drittel seiner Energie aus erneuerbaren Energiequellen gewinnen und die Philippinen wollen bis dahin sogar bei 40 Prozent sein.

      In Deutschland produzieren wir bereits 11 Prozent des Stroms, 5 Prozent der Heizung sowie 3,5 Prozent des Kraftfahrzeug-Sprits aus erneuerbaren Energien. 2020 können es insgesamt schon 25 % sein. Der Reichstag in Berlin wird schon heute zu 95 Prozent mit erneuerbaren Energien versorgt. Da hat die Politik vorbildliche Zeichen gesetzt. Alle Ministerien haben Solaranlagen. Berlin ist die erste solare Hauptstadt der Welt.
      Statt Atomstrom zu kaufen, gewinnen wir künftig Strom vom eigenen Dach oder der Hauswand. Und wer kein eigenes Haus hat, kann sich an Gemeinschaftsanlagen beteiligen, die auf Dächern von Schulen und anderen öffentlichen Gebäuden oder im Gelände installiert werden. Dafür gibt es in allen Bundesländern Beispiele. Zehntausende Bauern erzeugen ihre Energie schon heute selbst – entweder durch Solarstromanlagen (Photovoltaik) auf ihren Scheunen und Solarwärme-Anlagen (Sonnenkollektoren) auf ihren Häusern und Biodiesel oder Windstrom auf ihren Äckern. Landwirte werden Energiewirte. Ihre Zukunft heißt: Grünes Gold statt schwarzes Öl.

      Die erneuerbaren Energien sind die Wachstumsbranche der Zukunft.
      Mit einem Bruchteil des Aufwandes, der betrieben wird, um einen Menschen auf den Mars zu schicken, wird Industrieländern wie Deutschland, den USA oder Japan auch der Durchbruch zur solaren Weltwirtschaft gelingen. Immerhin haben die Verbände der alternativen Energien angekündigt, dass bis 2020 etwa 200 Milliarden Euro in erneuerbare Energien investiert werden können, wenn die politischen Rahmenbedingungen günstig bleiben. Dieser Betrag übersteigt die Ankündigungen für Investitionen der alten Energiewirtschaft um etwa das Vierfache. Alternative Energien werden langfristig nicht mehr alternativ, sondern konkurrenzlos sein.
      Einer der Hauptgründe: Solar- und Windkraftanlagen sind in wenigen Tagen oder Wochen installiert. Für den Bau fossiler Kraftwerke braucht man mehrere Jahre. Und für den Bau eines Atomkraftwerkes ein Jahrzehnt und länger.

      Es gibt gar kein wirkliches Energieproblem, es gibt nur falsches Energieverhalten und weltweit eine falsche Energiepolitik.
      schrieb am 14.09.08 02:38:27
      Beitrag Nr. 576 ()
      insiders buying von Stockouse…
      9/13/2008 11:25:10 AM

      Sep 12/08 Sep 12/08 Alexander, Harold Direct Ownership Common Shares 10 - Acquisition in the public market 15,000 $1.050
      Sep 12/08 Sep 12/08 Chornaby, David Joseph Direct Ownership Common Shares 10 - Acquisition in the public market 20,000 $1.020

      Gruss Karl
      schrieb am 14.09.08 08:43:44
      Beitrag Nr. 577 ()
      schrieb am 17.09.08 12:18:00
      Beitrag Nr. 578 ()
      canadianinsider !!!

      ARISE Technologies Corporation (APV)
      As of September 15th, 2008
      Filing Date Transaction Date Insider Name Ownership Type Securities Nature of transaction # or value acquired or disposed of Unit Price
      Sep 15/08 Sep 09/08 Pendergast, James Herbert Direct Ownership Common Shares 10 - Acquisition in the public market 7,500 $1.240
      Sep 15/08 Sep 09/08 Pendergast, James Herbert Direct Ownership Common Shares 10 - Acquisition in the public market 1,500 $1.250

      Hier der Link:…
      schrieb am 18.09.08 15:09:52
      Beitrag Nr. 579 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 35.066.794 von konstand am 11.09.08 21:42:54ich glaube ich kaufe noch etwas dazu:lick:
      schrieb am 18.09.08 23:59:15
      Beitrag Nr. 580 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 35.169.109 von waterwal am 18.09.08 15:09:52Gute Entscheidung! ;)
      schrieb am 22.09.08 08:03:27
      Beitrag Nr. 581 ()
      ARISE Technologies Corporation (APV)
      As of September 20th, 2008
      Filing Date Transaction Date Insider Name Ownership Type Securities Nature of transaction # or value acquired or disposed of Unit Price
      Sep 17/08 Sep 15/08 Jekubik, Gordon Direct Ownership Common Shares [Amended Filing] 10 - Acquisition in the public market 10,000 $1.070
      Sep 16/08 Sep 15/08 Pendergast, James Herbert Direct Ownership Common Shares 10 - Acquisition in the public market 5,000 $1.070
      Sep 16/08 Sep 15/08 Pendergast, James Herbert Direct Ownership Common Shares 10 - Acquisition in the public market 5,000 $1.060
      Sep 16/08 Sep 15/08 Pendergast, James Herbert Direct Ownership Common Shares 10 - Acquisition in the public market 5,000 $1.040
      Sep 15/08 Sep 09/08 Pendergast, James Herbert Direct Ownership Common Shares 10 - Acquisition in the public market 7,500 $1.240
      Sep 15/08 Sep 09/08 Pendergast, James Herbert Direct Ownership Common Shares 10 - Acquisition in the public market 1,500 $1.250
      Sep 12/08 Sep 12/08 Alexander, Harold Direct Ownership Common Shares 10 - Acquisition in the public market 15,000 $1.050
      Sep 12/08 Sep 12/08 Chornaby, David Joseph Direct Ownership Common Shares 10 - Acquisition in the public market 20,000 $1.020
      Aug 13/08 May 29/98 Merwald, Hal Indirect Ownership Common Shares 00 - Opening Balance-Initial SEDI Report
      Aug 12/08 Aug 12/08 Harder, Vernon Peter Direct Ownership Options 50 - Grant of options 80,000 $2.190
      [Amended Filing] - Amended Filing
      schrieb am 22.09.08 08:15:10
      Beitrag Nr. 582 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 35.212.164 von frankinvestor am 22.09.08 08:03:27auch dieses phänomen ist immer wieder sehr deutlich bei allen canadischen explorern zu sehen :laugh:
      schrieb am 23.09.08 18:30:22
      Beitrag Nr. 583 ()
      ARISE Technologies Appoints Garry West to Board

      WATERLOO, ON, Sept. 23 /CNW/ - ARISE Technologies Corporation (TSX: APV
      and Frankfurt: A3T), which is dedicated to becoming a leader in
      high-performance, cost-effective solar technology, today announced the
      appointment of Garry J. West, FCA, to its Board of Directors.
      Mr. West was Managing Partner for Southwestern Ontario (2001-2006) for
      Ernst & Young LLP, responsible for the accounting firm's practice in Kitchener
      and London. From 1986 to 2000, Mr. West was a Managing Partner for Ernst &
      Young's Toronto North Office, following which he was appointed People Leader
      in the firm's Toronto Technology Communication and Entertainment Practice. He
      received his B.A. from the University of Toronto, became a Chartered
      Accountant in 1974 and a FCA in 2006.
      "Mr. West brings to our Board valuable additional audit, accounting, and
      related expertise as he has worked with clients in technology, communications,
      manufacturing, and services businesses," said Vern Heinrichs, Chairman of the
      Board. "He has worked extensively in developing strategic plans for
      entrepreneurial clients, assisted in negotiating acquisitions and
      divestitures, and worked with international organizations. His clients have
      included registrants with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission that
      have filed under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles as well as
      companies that use International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS)."
      In addition, Mr. West has served an Interim Chief Financial Officer for
      ATS Automation Tooling Systems Inc. (October 2007-February 2008), is a
      Director and Chair of the Audit Committee for a TSX-Venture-listed company,
      BSM Technologies Inc. Mr. West has been active with a number of not-for-profit
      organizations, including serving as Treasurer of Cambridge Memorial Hospital
      (2003-2007), as President of the Royal Canadian Golf Association (2007),
      President of The Ontario Golf Association (1999), former Chairman of the
      Canadian Open Golf Championship, and is Secretary of the Bayview Golf and
      Country Club.

      About ARISE Technologies

      ARISE Technologies Corporation, based in Waterloo, Ontario, is dedicated
      to becoming a leader in high-performance, cost-effective solar technology. The
      company operates through three divisions. The PV Cell Division manufactures PV
      (photovoltaic) cells at its first manufacturing plant in Bischofswerda,
      Germany. The division is developing proprietary technology with a target of
      achieving a step-by-step progression to a high-efficiency level of greater
      than 20 percent. The PV Silicon Division is using a proprietary method to
      produce silicon at 7N+ high-purity (99.99999 percent purity) for PV cell
      applications, based on a simplified chemical vapor deposition process. The
      division is focusing on scaling up its process to provide ARISE with control
      over its supply, costs, and quality. The PV Systems Division provides complete
      turnkey PV solutions for solar farms and rooftop installations under the
      Ontario standard offer program.
      The company's shares are listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange under the
      symbol APV and on the Frankfurt Open Market Exchange under the symbol A3T.
      Additional information is available at and

      Forward-Looking Statements

      Certain statements in this news release may be considered to be
      forward-looking. Such statements are based on management's current
      expectations, estimations, and assumptions based on experience, trends, and
      other factors that are subject to the significant risks and uncertainties
      described in our regulatory filings. Please refer to these. Such risks and
      uncertainties may include, but are not limited to, the effects of general
      economic conditions, changing foreign exchange rates, actions by government
      authorities, uncertainties associated with legal proceedings and negotiations,
      industry supply levels, competitive pricing pressures and misjudgments in the
      course of preparing forward-looking statements. ARISE assumes no obligation to
      update any forward-looking statements or to update the reasons why actual
      results could differ from those reflected in the forward-looking statements.

      For further information: ARISE Technologies Corporation, 65 Northland
      Road, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, N2V 1Y8, Dave Chornaby, Chief Financial
      Officer, (519) 772-5732,,
      schrieb am 25.09.08 23:27:52
      Beitrag Nr. 584 ()
      ARISE Technologies Named a Deloitte Technology Green 15 Company

      Waterloo, ON, September 25, 2008 – ARISE Technologies Corporation (TSX: APV and Frankfurt: A3T), which is dedicated to becoming a leader in high-performance, cost-effective solar technology, today announced that it has been named a winner of the prestigious Deloitte Technology Green 15 Award for 2008. This award was created last year to showcase 15 Canadian companies that are leading the way to create major breakthroughs in the field of green technology.
      “The Deloitte Technology Green 15 Award recognizes Canadian companies that offer solutions to global environmental challenges by creating intellectual property and technology that reduce society’s environmental impact,” said John Ruffolo, National Leader, Technology, Media & Telecommunications Industry Group, Deloitte.
      “Companies such as ARISE are creating technologies that have both a significant environmental impact and demonstrate a compelling return on investment. In doing so, they are helping position Canada as a global leader in the development of commercially-viable green technology,” explained Ruffolo.
      “We appreciate receiving this recognition by Deloitte as a further affirmation of the leadership position that we are striving to achieve in the development of cost-effective solar technology,” said Bart Tichelman, ARISE President and Chief Executive Officer.
      “This recognition is indicative of the increasing profile that ARISE is gaining in our industry in Canada and internationally,and is also directly attributable to the encouragement and support that we have received from Sustainable Development Technology Canada and Ontario Centres of Excellence. Based on the progress that ARISE is making in developing and commercializing our technology, our objective is to also be a future member of the Deloitte Technology Fast 50,” said Mr. Tichelman.

      About the Deloitte Technology Green 15
      The Technology Green 15 recognizes Canada’s leading GreenTech companies. GreenTech, the industry term for "green technologies", is taking on greater importance in the world in general, and the world of business in particular. It includes any technology that promotes a more efficient use and re-use of the earth's resources in industrial production and consumption. GreenTech products and services are designed to reduce or eliminate environmental impacts and improve operational performance, productivity, or efficiency while reducing costs, inputs, energy consumption, waste, or pollution. Although many companies within GreenTech industry sectors are very different, they share a common trait: all use new, innovative technology to create products and services that compete with existing products and services on price and performance while reducing impact on the environment.

      About the Deloitte Technology Fast 50
      The Deloitte Technology Fast 50 program is Canada’s pre-eminent technology awards program. Celebrating business growth, innovation and entrepreneurship, the program features four distinct categories including the Technology Fast 50 Ranking, Companies-to-Watch Awards (early-stage Canadian tech companies in business less than five years, with the potential to be a future Deloitte Technology Fast 50 candidate,) Leadership Awards (companies that demonstrate technological leadership in four industry subcategories: hardware/semiconductor, software, telecommunications and emerging technologies) and the Deloitte Technology Green 15 Awards (Canada’s leading GreenTech companies that promote a more efficient use and re-use of the earth's resources in industrial production and consumption.) Program sponsors include Deloitte, Gowlings, GrowthWorks, RBC Capital Markets, Wellington Financial, Stonewood Group, CATAAlliance and IGLOO. For further information, visit

      About ARISE Technologies
      ARISE Technologies Corporation, based in Waterloo, Ontario, is dedicated to becoming a leader in high-performance, cost-effective solar technology. The company operates through three divisions. The PV Cell Division manufactures PV (photovoltaic) cells at its first manufacturing plant in Bischofswerda, Germany. The division is developing proprietary technology with a target of achieving a step-by-step progression to a high-efficiency level of greater than 20 percent. The PV Silicon Division is using a proprietary method to produce silicon at 7N+ high-purity (99.99999 percent purity) for PV cell applications, based on a simplified chemical vapor deposition process. The division is focusing on scaling up its process to provide ARISE with control over its supply, costs, and quality. The PV Systems Division provides complete turnkey PV solutions for solar farms and rooftop installations under the Ontario standard offer program. The company’s shares are listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange under the symbol APV and on the Frankfurt Open Market Exchange under the symbol A3T. Additional information is available at and

      Forward-Looking Statements

      Certain statements in this news release may be considered to be forward-looking. Such statements are based on management’s current expectations, estimations, and assumptions based on experience, trends, and other factors that are subject to the significant risks and uncertainties described in our regulatory filings. Please refer to these. Such risks and uncertainties may include, but are not limited to, the effects of general economic conditions,
      changing foreign exchange rates, actions by government authorities, uncertainties associated with legal proceedings and negotiations, industry supply levels, competitive pricing pressures and misjudgments in the course of preparing forward-looking statements. ARISE assumes no obligation to update any forward-looking statements or to update the reasons why actual results could differ from those reflected in the forward-looking statements.

      ARISE Technologies Corporation
      65 Northland Road, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2V 1Y8
      Dave Chornaby, Chief Financial Officer, (519) 772-5732
      schrieb am 07.10.08 09:50:06
      Beitrag Nr. 585 ()
      ARISE Technologies Says Shipments of PV Cells
      and Third-Quarter Sales Met Expectations

      • Third-quarter 2008 sales of PV cells exceeded $15 million (up from $0.5 million in second quarter) and tracking to meet expected level of $42-48 million for the year
      • Company to announce third-quarter results late on November 11; conference call and webcast at 8:30 a.m. (Eastern), November 12

      Waterloo, ON, October 6, 2008 – ARISE Technologies Corporation (TSX: APV and Frankfurt: A3T), which is dedicated to becoming a leader in high-performance, costeffective solar technology, today announced that its shipments and sales of PV (photovoltaic) cells in the 2008 third quarter, ended September 30, 2008, met the guidance that it issued on August 11,2008.
      “In the third quarter, ARISE met our target for ramping up our volume shipments to customers of PV cells produced at our new manufacturing plant in Bischofswerda, Germany,” said Bart Tichelman, President and Chief Executive Officer.
      “With the release of our 2008 second-quarter results on August 11, we stated that we expected second-half 2008 shipments of PV cells will total between 14 and 16 megawatts, amounting to $42-48 million of revenues, approximately a third of which will be in the third quarter. For the third quarter, our actual PV cell sales to customers exceeded $15 million and we are tracking to meet our guidance for the year. The ramping up of our manufacturing and shipments follows the initial production and sales of PV cells in the second quarter, which amounted to $460,676,” Mr. Tichelman said.

      ARISE Technologies expects to announce its 2008 third-quarter and nine-month financial results after the close of trading on the Toronto Stock Exchange on November 11 and will hold a conference call with webcast for investors at 8:30 a.m. on November 12. The company will announce further details regarding the call and webcast approximately one week prior to it.
      About ARISE Technologies Corporation
      schrieb am 08.10.08 09:00:11
      Beitrag Nr. 586 ()
      ARISE Technologies Signs Lease for Pilot Plant to Produce 7N+ Polysilicon
      Tue Oct 7, 5:05 PM

      WATERLOO, ON, Oct. 7 /CNW/ - ARISE Technologies Corporation (TSX: APV and Frankfurt: A3T), which is dedicated to becoming a leader in high-performance, cost-effective solar technology, today announced that it has signed a lease for a facility in Kitchener, Ontario where it will locate its new pilot plant for the production of 7N+ solar-grade polysilicon.

      ;) The 10-year lease, with options for two additional five-year terms, is for a 68,000-square-foot building at 95 Washburn Drive, Kitchener. ARISE's PV Silicon Division plans to use the facility to establish production capacity of 50 tonnes per year of its 7N+ solar-grade polysilicon in 2009. The facility can support a further expansion of production capacity to 400 tonnes per year in 2010. ARISE expects to use the initial 7N+ polysilicon that it produces for the manufacture of PV (photovoltaic) cells at its manufacturing plant in Bischofswerda, Germany.

      The company completed the leasing agreement through the commercial real estate services company, CB Richard Ellis Limited, and also has concluded contracts with a number of suppliers who will assist in the pilot plant's development, including Rooflifters Inc., TMP The Mitchell Partnership Inc., Fortech Engineering Ltd., MTE Consultants and Melloul-Blamey Construction.

      "With signing this lease and various agreements with consulting engineers and contractors who will be our partners in establishing this exciting pilot plant, ARISE is on schedule to meet our planned start-up for the production of increasingly larger volumes of 7N+ polysilicon," said Bart Tichelman, President and Chief Executive Officer.

      "This property meets all of the requirements that we established for a building that could be cost-effectively repurposed with the flexibility to enable us to add capacity in stages. The plant will be using the proprietary production method being developed by our PV Silicon Division. The initial next-generation Silicon Refining Furnace (SiRF(TM) 4) has been fabricated and is running at our supplier's plant, and deliveries to us are set for the 2009 first quarter," Mr. Tichelman said.

      ARISE has been producing high-purity silicon at a Silicon Feedstock Mini Pilot Plant operating since 2007 at its head-office facilities in Waterloo, Ontario. The Mini Pilot Plant uses earlier generation, smaller scale SiRF furnaces to develop its production methods to achieve the 7N+ purity level needed for high-efficiency PV cells. The production process uses a simplified chemical vapour deposition process.

      About ARISE Technologies
      schrieb am 09.10.08 09:39:19
      Beitrag Nr. 587 ()
      Arise to boost solar-cell silicon production

      OTTAWA, Oct 8 (Reuters) - Canadian solar energy company Arise Technologies Corp (APV.TO: Quote, Profile, Research, Stock Buzz) is set to boost high-purity silicon production at a new pilot plant, an advance that analysts say should lift sales and profits in the long term. :cool:

      Arise, which also makes photovoltaic cells that convert sunlight into electricity, said it expects to produce 50 tonnes of the 99.99999 percent pure silicon annually in 2009, and up to 400 tonnes by 2010.

      Initial production is earmarked for the company's solar cell manufacturing plant in Germany.

      "As the company's polysilicon project matures, it could be in a position to become a merchant seller of the material -- significantly enhancing its future top and bottom line," Fraser Mackenzie analyst John Safrance said in a note.

      "This, coupled with improved margins due to lower input costs, is why we believe significant upside to the story remains for patient long-term investors."

      High silicon prices are squeezing the company's gross profit margin on its current solar cell production, said Safrance, who estimates the margin at 2.5 percent.

      By producing its own silicon, Arise can skirt the spot market for the material, which is used in the silicon wafers that are part of solar cells.

      The company has been producing small amounts of high-purity silicon at a "mini" pilot plant at its head office since 2007, using earlier-generation, smaller-scale furnaces.

      "High efficiency cells need high-purity polysilicon," Haywood Securities analyst Ralph Garcea said in a note on Wednesday. "Aligning the silicon-wafer-cell production should deliver margin leverage -- each 1 percent increase in cell efficiency improves gross margins by 5-6 percent." :D

      The precursor to a planned 10,000 tonne production facility, the new plant will also supply Taiwan's Sino-American Silicon Products Inc (5483.TWO: Quote, Profile, Research, Stock Buzz). with 40 tonnes of high-purity silicon annually in 2011, 2012 and 2013.

      Under a deal struck this summer, Sino-American will also take 280 tonnes of raw silicon between 2010 and 2012, which it will process into wafers that Arise will use in its manufacture of solar cells.

      Versant Partners analyst Massimo Fiore cut his 12-month stock target on Arise to C$2.25 from C$2.95 on Oct 2, citing poor short-term prospects, such as solar cell oversupply. He maintained a "speculative buy" rating, saying the company's high-efficiency cells have promise. :)

      "Arise is not a 'me-too' supplier," the analyst wrote in a note. "In an environment with falling prices due to flooding of product into the market, the differentiators are the most likely to survive."

      Waterloo, Ontario-based Arise, which decided to lease rather than build the new plant to save money, also has a systems sales unit for solar farms or rooftop installations.

      Arise stock was up 4 Canadian cents at 64 Canadian cents on Wednesday in a volatile day on the Toronto Stock Exchange. The shares have shed more than 60 percent of their value in the past 12 months. ($1=$1.12 Canadian) (Reporting by Susan Taylor)
      schrieb am 10.10.08 22:24:14
      Beitrag Nr. 588 ()
      ARISE Technologies CEO Appearing Tuesday on BNN
      Friday October 10, 4:00 pm ET

      WATERLOO, ON, Oct. 10 /CNW/ - ARISE Technologies Corporation (TSX: APV and Frankfurt: A3T), which is dedicated to becoming a leader in high-performance, cost-effective solar technology, today announced that its President and Chief Executive Officer, Bart Tichelman, is scheduled to be interviewed on Business News Network by Amanda Lang on Tuesday, October 14 at approximately 11:30 a.m.

      The interview is related to ARISE Technologies' participation in the kickoff to CleanTech week, which will include participation in the opening of the TSX market on October 14.

      na denn... :rolleyes:
      schrieb am 14.10.08 08:02:50
      Beitrag Nr. 589 ()…

      ARISE Technologies Appoints Peter Currie to Board

      WATERLOO, ON, Oct. 13 /CNW/ - ARISE Technologies Corporation (TSX: APV
      and Frankfurt: A3T), which is dedicated to becoming a leader in
      high-performance, cost-effective solar technology, today announced the
      appointment of Peter Currie to its Board of Directors.
      Mr. Currie's 35-year career in finance and accounting has included more
      than 15 years as a Chief Financial Officer, including at North American Life
      Assurance Company (1992-1994), Nortel Networks Corporation (1994-1997), Royal
      Bank of Canada, where he was Vice-Chairman and CFO (1997-2004), and Nortel
      Networks (2005-2007), where he was brought back to take a lead role in
      resolving the accounting and reporting issues confronting the corporation.
      "ARISE Technologies is very fortunate to have been able to attract an
      individual of Peter Currie's outstanding experience, accomplishments, and
      reputation in the Canadian and international finance and accounting
      profession," said Vern Heinrichs, Chairman of the Board.
      "Mr. Currie also brings to us a wealth of knowledge about growing,
      operating, and financing a global high-technology leader gained as a senior
      Nortel Networks executive, where he spent approximately 18 years in three
      stages of his career. In view of our expectations for rapid growth in ARISE's
      business in Canada and internationally, Mr. Currie's knowledge and guidance to
      our Board and management team should prove very valuable in the coming years,"
      Mr. Heinrichs said.
      Mr. Currie began his career at Procter & Gamble Inc., in Toronto, holding
      progressive financial management roles in the 1970s. He joined Nortel Networks
      Corporation (then known as Northern Telecom Limited) in 1979 as Assistant
      Controller. Taking on increasing responsibilities in audit and control
      functions, he was appointed Vice-President, Finance for Nortel's Canadian
      operations in 1987, and Vice-President and Controller for the corporation in
      In 1992, he left to become Executive Vice-President and CFO of North
      American Life Assurance Company. He rejoined Nortel in 1994 as Senior
      Vice-President and CFO, a position that he held for three years until becoming
      Vice-Chairman and CFO of Royal Bank of Canada in 1997. During his time at the
      Royal Bank, Mr. Currie, in 2003, was selected as the CFO of the Year by the
      annual awards program that recognizes excellence in that position.
      He rejoined Nortel again in 2005 where through 2007 he led the
      undertaking to resolve the corporation's substantial accounting, reporting,
      and regulatory issues, provided strategic counsel to the senior leadership
      team and Chief Executive Officer, and was responsible for all worldwide
      accounting, financial planning, treasury, investor relations, merger and
      acquisitions, and real estate operations.
      Mr. Currie holds a B.A. (Economics) and an M.B.A. (Marketing and General
      Management) from York University. He is a Director of Affinion Group Inc.,
      Atomic Energy of Canada Limited, Canadian Tire Corporation, and Intelius Inc.,
      and is a Member, Board of Governors, Executive Committee, and Chair, Finance &
      Audit Committee, at York University, for which he also is a Director of York
      University Development Corporation.
      schrieb am 16.10.08 11:32:32
      Beitrag Nr. 590 ()
      "Silizium bleibt teuer"
      Werden neue Herstellungsverfahren wie die direkte Reinigung von metallurgischem Silizium den Engpass bei Solarsilizium beseitigen? Anne Kreutzmann vom Fachmagazin Photon zu den Aussichten. Die Industrie feilt an neuen Herstellungsverfahren zur Herstellung von Solarsilizium. Eines der Verfahren ist die direkte Reinigung von metallurgischem Silizium. Wie aussichtsreich ist das Verfahren?

      Kreutzmann: Dieses Reinigungsverfahren hat gegenüber dem herkömmlichen Siemensverfahren eine Reihe von Vorteilen: Der Produktionsprozess ist weniger energieintensiv und daher preiswerter. Auch die Anfangsinvestitionen sind geringer: Eine solche Fabrik kostet bei gleicher Produktionskapazität nur rund ein Zehntel der herkömmlichen Anlagen. Noch dazu kann man die Produktionsstraßen wesentlich größer bauen – bis zu zehnmal so groß ist kein Problem.

      Dadurch können größere Mengen Rohsilizium gereinigt werden. Die Anlagen werden außerdem viel schneller aufgebaut: Beherrscht der Hersteller den Prozess erst einmal, ist eine Fabrik für die direkte Reinigung von Silizium in einem Jahr fertig, eine Fabrik mit Siemens-Reaktoren erst nach zwei Jahren. Das klingt recht vielversprechend. Und die Nachteile?

      Kreutzmann: Fabriken für direkt gereinigtes Silizium gibt es noch nicht von der Stange, jeder Hersteller feilt hier an seinem eigenen Prozess. Außerdem müssen noch Abstriche bei der Qualität des so genannten UMG-Siliziums gemacht werden, aber diese werden zunehmend geringer. Die Solarzellen, die aus dem Material hergestellt werden, erreichen inzwischen einen akzeptablen Wirkungsgrad, der nur noch unwesentlich geringer ist, als bei Solarzellen aus Siemens-Silizium. Durch die neuen Verfahren könnte der seit 3 Jahren bestehende Mangel an Solarsilizium beseitigt werden. Dann würden die Preise fallen. Schaufeln sich die Siliziumhersteller also selbst ein Grab?

      Kreutzmann: Nein. Das Angebot an Solarsilizium wird zwar sicherlich stark steigen. Nicht nur, weil etliche Hersteller dazu übergehen, Solarsilizium durch effizientere und preiswertere Verfahren zu gewinnen. Die Hersteller bauen auch ihre Kapazitäten massiv aus, neue Produzenten dringen in den Markt, die Herstellungsverfahren werden effizienter. Man ging bisher davon aus, dass der Engpass an Silizium daher 2009 oder spätestens 2010 beseitigt wird. Das erwarte ich aber nicht. Denn parallel zum steigenden Angebot steigt auch die Nachfrage, der Solarenergieboom geht weiter. Es ist also nicht mit einem Preisverfall bei Solarsilizium zu rechnen?

      Kreutzmann: Sicher kann es sein, dass die Preise etwas sinken werden – und damit auch die Preise von Solarmodulen. Aber selbst relativ geringe Preissenkungen haben zur Folge, dass neue Märkte erschlossen werden können, die einem weiteren Preisverfall entgegen wirken. Silizium wird deshalb auch in Zukunft mit Kusshand genommen werden. Es sieht also gut aus für die Siliziumhersteller, die weiter die Preise diktieren. Deren Gewinnmargen werden auch in den nächsten Jahren bei 50 Prozent liegen. Eine Herausforderung ist es allerdings für den Rest der Solarindustrie, die trotz hoher Siliziumpreise versuchen müssen, Solarstrom erschwinglicher zu machen

      Es scheint fast als hätten die hier etwas von Wissen vom Gespräch mit Arise preisgegeben, das allerdings so glaube ich noch keiner veröffentlich hat. Silicium wird normalerweise bei über 1400 Grad gereinigt. Diese Temperatur sagt aus, was für eine Energie und Materialien benötigt werden. Und das ist nur ein Schritt von vielen. Mich würde wirklich interessieren was Arise da getüftlet hat kommt es "als Patent" hat. Was alleine so ein Patent im Siliciummarkt bedeutet kann sich jeder vorstellen. Wenn eine Firma dieses Verfahren haben möchte um damit eine solche Preisreduktion zu erhalten...

      Auf jedenfall passt das Bild bei Arise gerade. Das man schon Verträge fürs Si abgeschlossen hat zeigt mir persönlich, das die Firmen sowohl von dem Si, aber vielleicht auch von den Preisen die Arise anbietet sehr angetan war. Und es würde ins Bild passen, das Arise nicht eine 10000 Tonnen Anlage plant, wenn es da nicht unschlagbare Vorteil gegenüber anderen Firmen gibt. Und das arise ihr billiges Si für ihre eigenen Wafer verwendet, dazu noch in "überqualifizierter" Form ist sowohl für die Kosten einer Zellen und auch für die Effizienz nicht unentscheident.

      Diese Si Sparte ist derzeit noch überhaupt nicht im Kurs...und ich glaube das die Sparte uns noch sehr viel Freude machen wird...

      Allen nur so meine Gedanken...
      schrieb am 16.10.08 13:24:20
      Beitrag Nr. 591 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 35.524.119 von alpendudler am 10.10.08 22:24:14Damit es nicht vergessen wird

      BNN Interview mit Bart Tichelman vom 14.10.2008
      nach dem INTRO das Video von ca. 9:17 bis 16:15 Minuten…
      schrieb am 22.10.08 20:16:52
      Beitrag Nr. 592 ()
      Die aktualiserte Webseite von Arise Technologies

      Welcome to ARISE Technologies
      schrieb am 07.11.08 19:31:13
      Beitrag Nr. 593 ()
      Aktualisierte Webseite von Arise Technologies

      Waterloo, ON, November 5, 2008 – ARISE Technologies Corporation (TSX: APV and Frankfurt: A3T), which is dedicated to becoming a leader in high-performance, cost-effective solar technology, today announced that it will release its 2008 third-quarter financial results after 4:00 p.m. (Eastern) on Tuesday, November 11, 2008. (22:00 Uhr MEZ)

      ARISE will hold a conference call for analysts and investors at 8:30 a.m. (Eastern) on November 12.(14:30 Uhr MEZ) The company will file its third-quarter news release, financial statements, and Management Discussion and Analysis with SEDAR and these documents will be available on ARISE’s website prior to the conference call.…
      schrieb am 12.11.08 00:45:12
      Beitrag Nr. 594 ()

      Attention Business/Financial Editors
      ARISE Technologies Reports 2008 Third-Quarter Results

      - Sales of PV cells exceed $15.6 million (compared with $0.5 million in
      second quarter) as German plant ramps up production volume, shipping
      - Expects 2008 fourth-quarter PV cell shipments of 7MW to 8MW for sales
      of $21-$24 million
      - List of possible sites for 10,000 tonnes 7N+ silicon full-scale
      production plant narrowed to two possible locations
      - Conference call and webcast to be held Wednesday, November 12, 8:30am

      WATERLOO, ON, Nov. 11 /CNW/ - ARISE Technologies Corporation (TSX: APV
      and Frankfurt: A3T), which is dedicated to becoming a leader in
      high-performance, cost-effective solar technology, today reported its
      financial results for the 2008 third quarter and the nine months ended
      September 30, 2008. Financial results conform to Canadian generally accepted
      accounting principles (GAAP) and all currency amounts are in Canadian dollars.
      "Our successful ramping up of volume shipments of PV cells from our
      manufacturing plant in Bischofswerda, Germany, opened this past April, clearly
      was the highlight of our third quarter," said Bart Tichelman, President and
      Chief Executive Officer. "Our third-quarter 2008 sales of PV cells amounted to
      5MW, generating $15.6 million of sales, up from $460,676 in the second
      quarter, when we made our first commercial shipments. In the fourth quarter,
      we expect to ship 7MW-8MW of PV cells, for sales of $21 to $24 million.
      "That will bring our PV shipments in the second half of this year to
      12MW-13MW for $36 to $39 million in sales. This is below the shipment level
      previously announced of 14-16MW for $42-$48 million in sales.
      While we will not ramp fourth quarter output as quickly as hoped,
      expected shipments will increase 40-60% over the third quarter. This somewhat
      slower increase is due to unexpected equipment downtime," Mr Tichelman said.
      "We also may incur as much as a four-to-eight week delay in the planned
      start-up of Line 2 at the Bischofswerda plant as the manufacturer of a key
      piece of equipment has informed us that it may take somewhat longer to
      complete delivery of it to us. We are pressing to accelerate this to eliminate
      or lessen the delay as much as possible," Mr. Tichelman said.

      Operating Highlights

      - The commencement in early July of 24/7 manufacturing of PV cells at
      the 15.0% targeted average efficiency level at the Bischofswerda
      plant following the successful completion of Site Acceptance Tests
      for its Line 1, making possible the high volume of shipments and
      sales in the third quarter.

      - The appointment of Garry West to the Board of Directors. Subsequent
      to the end of the quarter, in October, the company announced the
      appointment of Peter Currie to the Board. Both new directors bring a
      wealth of expertise to the company's Board.

      - ARISE was named a winner of the prestigious Deloitte Technology
      Green 15 Award for 2008, recognizing the company as being among those
      leading the way to creating major breakthroughs in the green

      - Following the end of the quarter, on October 7, ARISE announced that
      it signed a 10-year lease, with options for two additional five-year
      terms, for a 67,000-square-foot building in Kitchener to house its
      new pilot plant for the production of 7N+ solar-grade polysilicon. As
      previously announced, ARISE's PV Polysilicon Division plans to
      establish production capacity of 50 tonnes per year of its 7N+ solar-
      grade polysilicon in 2009 and intends to increase the production
      level to a target capacity of 400 tonnes per year in 2010. ARISE
      expects to use the initial 7N+ polysilicon that it produces for its
      manufacturing PV (photovoltaic) cells at its manufacturing plant in

      - The company has narrowed down a list of possible sites for the
      full-scale silicon production plant to a short list of two. Factors
      influencing the decision include electricity costs, availability of
      skilled labor, and overall operating costs, including incentives.

      Third-Quarter and Nine-Month Financial Highlights

      ARISE Technologies third-quarter and nine-month financial results reflect
      the manufacturing start-up and first revenues recorded for shipping of its PV
      cells to its customers.
      Sales for the 2008 third-quarter and nine-month periods were $15.9
      million and $16.8 million, compared with $0.4 million and $0.8 million in the
      respective 2007 periods. PV cells accounted for $15.6 million of 2008
      third-quarter sales, and for about $16.1 million of the nine-month results;
      there were no PV cell sales in 2007. The balance of sales in the 2008 and 2007
      period were generated by the company's PV Systems Division. The company
      expects its PV Silicon Division to be producing 7N+ solar-grade polysilicon
      for use in wafer production in the second half of 2009.
      Gross profit for the 2008 third quarter and nine-month periods was a
      negative $2.6 million and a negative $3.9 million. The negative gross profit
      is primarily attributable to significant scrap costs related to the start-up
      of manufacturing PV cells. Scrap includes breakage as well as all off-spec
      production (including cells with an efficiency of less that 14%), which was
      expected for a start-up production situation. Cost of sales for the third
      quarter is estimated to include $3.1 million in start-up expenses. The company
      estimates that gross profit, for PV cells, excluding start-up expenses, was
      about 3% of sales. The company expects to recover a portion of its scrap
      expense in the second half by selling the material for secondary applications
      or for silicon recycling.
      During the third quarter, the scrap rate trended downward while
      throughput increased as the company gained experience in PV cell production
      and made minor adjustments to Line 1. Nevertheless, the rate remains above the
      company's planned mature level and will need to be reduced for ARISE to meet
      its targeted future gross margins. The company expects to make further
      progress in the 2008 fourth quarter due to increasing cell efficiency and
      continued improvements in throughput and yield.
      In the 2007 quarter and first nine months, gross profit was $29,492 and
      $76,301, respectively.
      Operating expenses were $5.0 million in the 2008 third quarter (level
      with the second quarter), up from $2.8 million in the 2007 period. For the
      nine months, operating expenses were $16.0 million in 2008, compared with $7.6
      million in 2007. Research and development investment increased to $1.5 million
      in the 2008 third quarter (9.6% of sales), up 37.1% from the 2007 period as
      the company stepped up its work on PV cells and 7N+ silicon. For the nine
      months, R&D amounted to $4.5 million in 2008, compared with $3.1 million in
      2007, a 44.4% increase. The largest factor accounting for the increase in
      operating expenses was higher general and administrative (G&A) costs of $2.5
      million and $9.1 million in the 2008 third-quarter and nine-month periods,
      compared with $1.4 million and $4.2 million in the respective prior-year
      periods. Factors accounting for these increases included higher payroll,
      legal, travel, and other expenses related to the start-up of ARISE Germany's
      PV cell plant, increased stock-based compensation expense (non-cash),
      increased sales and marketing, and higher depreciation costs related to the
      new plant.
      Interest expense (net) for the third-quarter 2008 was $0.7 million,
      compared with interest income in the 2007 period of $0.1 million as the
      company increased its borrowing from Commerzbank AG Germany. The increased
      expense was partially offset by a foreign exchange gain of $0.2 million,
      compared with a loss of $0.1 million in the 2007 quarter. In the first nine
      months of 2008, the company had interest expense of $0.7 million, compared
      with interest income of $0.2 million a year earlier. The 2008 nine-month
      foreign exchange gain was $0.7 million and compared with a negligible loss in
      the 2007 period.
      As anticipated the company recorded a net loss for the 2008 third quarter
      amounting to $8.2 million (a loss of $0.06 per basic and diluted share),
      compared with a net loss $2.7 million (a loss of $0.04 per basic and diluted
      share) in the 2007 period. For the first nine months of 2008, ARISE's net loss
      was $20.1 million ($0.17 per basic and diluted share), compared with a loss of
      $7.5 million ($0.14 per basic and diluted share) in the nine-month 2007
      As at the end of the 2008 third quarter, ARISE had positive working
      capital of $23.7 million, which was down from $46.0 million at the end of the
      2008 second quarter. Cash and cash equivalents were $21.8 million, compared
      with $42.2 million at end of the second quarter. In the third quarter, the
      company generated positive cash from operating activities of $5.4 million. The
      decrease in cash in the period is almost entirely due to prepayments totaling
      $20.6 million for inventory purchases of silicon wafers for the German
      manufacturing plant. As at November 10, 2008, ARISE had cash and cash
      equivalents of approximately $17.7 million. The decrease in cash since the end
      of the 2008 third quarter is the result of milestone payments for PV cell
      production Line 2 and payments for the development of the silicon pilot plant.
      The company expects to be able to offset some of the funds required for
      inventory prepayments with customer advance deposits, thereby limiting the
      impact of silicon wafer prepayments on its working capital.

      Outlook - Company Will Continue to Execute Growth Strategies

      "We are continuing to execute our growth strategies," Mr. Tichelman said.
      "We will continue to increase our production and sales into 2009 as we focus
      on improving our gross margins. We are in advanced discussions with additional
      customers for our PV cells.
      "Based on these discussions, and the likely signing of contracts with new
      customers in addition to those we currently have, we will have commitments for
      all of our planned PV cell production in 2009. We also have had discussions
      with various suppliers of silicon wafers and are confident that we about being
      able to source our requirements at reasonable cost," Mr. Tichelman said.
      ARISE will hold a conference call for analysts and investors at 8:30 a.m.
      (Eastern) on November 12. The company will file its financial statements, and
      Management Discussion and Analysis with SEDAR and these documents will be
      available on ARISE's website prior to the conference call. Bart Tichelman,
      President and Chief Executive Officer, and Dave Chornaby, Chief Financial
      Officer, will be available to answer questions during the call.
      To participate in the call, please dial 416-644-3421 or 1-800-591-7539
      (Canada and the U.S. only) at least five minutes prior to the start of the
      call. A live audio webcast of the conference call will be available at and
      An archived recording of the call will be available at 416-640-1917 or
      1-877-289-8525 (Canada and the U.S. only) (Passcode 21286073 followed by the
      number sign) from 10:50 a.m. on November 12 to 11:59 p.m. on November 20.

      About ARISE Technologies

      ARISE Technologies Corporation, based in Waterloo, Ontario, is dedicated
      to becoming a leader in high-performance, cost-effective solar technology. The
      company operates through three divisions. The PV Cell Division manufactures PV
      (photovoltaic) cells at its first manufacturing plant opened in April 2008 in
      Bischofswerda, Germany. The division is developing proprietary technology with
      a target of achieving a step-by-step progression to a high-efficiency level of
      greater than 20 percent. The PV Silicon Division is using a proprietary method
      to produce silicon at 7N+ high-purity (99.99999 percent purity) for PV cell
      applications, based on a simplified chemical vapor deposition process. The
      division is focusing on scaling up its process to provide ARISE with control
      over its supply, costs, and quality. The PV Systems Division provides complete
      turnkey PV solutions for solar farms and rooftop installations under the
      Ontario standard offer program.
      The company's shares are listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange under the
      symbol APV and on the Frankfurt Open Market Exchange under the symbol A3T.
      Additional information is available at and

      Forward-Looking Statements

      Certain statements in this news release may be considered to be
      forward-looking. Such statements are based on management's current
      expectations, estimations, and assumptions based on experience, trends, and
      other factors that are subject to the significant risks and uncertainties
      described in our regulatory filings. Please refer to these. Such risks and
      uncertainties may include, but are not limited to, the effects of general
      economic conditions, changing foreign exchange rates, actions by government
      authorities, uncertainties associated with legal proceedings and negotiations,
      industry supply levels, competitive pricing pressures and misjudgments in the
      course of preparing forward-looking statements. ARISE assumes no obligation to
      update any forward-looking statements or to update the reasons why actual
      results could differ from those reflected in the forward-looking statements.

      ARISE Technologies Corporation
      Consolidated Balance Sheets

      As at As at
      September 30, December 31,
      2008 2007
      ------------- -------------
      Current assets
      Cash and cash equivalents $ 21,829,700 $ 37,908,430
      Accounts receivable 8,632,637 254,025
      Inventory 17,861,411 855,588
      Government assistance receivable 13,530,199 6,096,333
      Other receivables 266,578 1,477,584
      Prepaid expenses 7,395,982 412,270
      69,516,507 47,004,230

      Capital assets, net 34,317,671 14,402,403
      Long term deposits 32,625,216 5,181,347
      Intangible assets, net 74,237 53,086

      $136,533,631 $ 66,641,067

      Current liabilities
      Bank loans $ 23,327,124 $ 1,087,835
      Accounts payable and accrued liabilities 12,385,945 8,980,796
      Deferred revenue 7,270,546 47,263
      Unearned government assistance - 2,713,078
      Current portion of long term debt 2,809,255 -
      45,792,870 12,828,972
      Long term debt 7,717,427 -
      53,510,297 12,828,972

      Shareholders' Equity (Deficiency)

      Capital stock 118,946,740 72,857,557
      Contributed surplus 7,319,283 4,140,849
      Deficit (43,242,689) (23,186,311)
      83,023,334 53,812,095

      $136,533,631 $ 66,641,067

      Approved by the board

      (signed) Bart Tichelman ............. Director

      (signed) Harold Alexander .......... Director

      ARISE Technologies Corporation
      Consolidated Statements of Loss and Comprehensive Loss

      3 months ended 9 months ended
      September 30, September 30,
      2008 2007 2008 2007
      ------------- ------------- ------------- -------------

      Sales $ 15,871,758 $ 355,611 $ 16,792,483 $ 847,426
      Cost of goods sold 18,517,216 326,119 20,721,381 771,125
      Gross profit (2,645,458) 29,492 (3,928,898) 76,301

      Research and
      development 1,525,517 1,112,893 4,537,772 3,141,626
      General and
      administrative 2,500,272 1,447,614 9,085,849 4,175,075
      Selling and
      marketing 569,243 248,711 1,608,348 423,045
      Depreciation of
      capital assets 444,166 13,838 802,862 18,856
      5,039,198 2,823,056 16,034,831 7,758,602

      Operating loss (7,684,656) (2,793,564) (19,963,729) (7,682,301)

      Other expenses
      Interest expense
      (income), net 703,742 (125,243) 748,528 (241,401)
      Foreign exchange
      (gain) loss (237,693) 70,771 (713,426) 29,918
      Other expense 20,689 - 57,547 -
      486,738 (54,472) 92,649 (211,483)

      Net loss (8,171,394) (2,739,092) (20,056,378) (7,470,818)
      Comprehensive loss - - - -
      Total comprehensive
      loss (8,171,394) (2,739,092) (20,056,378) (7,470,818)

      Deficit, beginning
      of period (35,071,295) (16,311,000) (23,186,311) (11,579,274)

      Deficit, end of
      period $(43,242,689) $(19,050,092) $(43,242,689) $(19,050,092)

      Loss per share -
      basic and
      diluted $ (0.06) $ (0.04) $ (0.17) $ (0.14)

      ARISE Technologies Corporation
      Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows

      3 months ended 9 months ended
      September 30, September 30,
      2008 2007 2008 2007
      ------------- ------------- ------------- -------------
      Cash flows from
      Net loss for
      the period $ (8,171,394) $ (2,739,092) $(20,056,378) $ (7,470,818)
      Items which do
      not involve
      of capital
      assets 1,106,242 7,963 1,457,145 12,981
      Amortization of
      assets 4,864 2,318 12,657 5,866
      Issuance of
      capital stock
      for services - - - 214,488
      compensation 1,127,206 530,897 3,882,963 1,491,373
      compensation 3,806 19,103 179,642 67,514
      (5,929,276) (2,178,811) (14,523,971) (5,678,596)
      (increase) in:
      receivable (7,915,465) (118,369) (8,378,612) (115,537)
      Inventory 9,344,646 (413,045) (17,005,823) (677,579)
      receivables 6,460,382 - 1,211,006 -
      expenses (4,884,105) (635,708) (6,983,712) (5,986,716)
      Accounts payable
      and accrued
      liabilities 5,106,094 (1,162,469) 5,214,618 4,377,527
      revenue 3,210,209 5,035 7,223,283 (8,265)
      5,392,485 (4,503,367) (33,243,211) (8,089,166)

      Cash flows from
      Issuance of capital
      stock for cash,
      net (1,956) 956,493 42,579,392 25,496,652
      Exercise of
      warrants and
      options 90,146 11,287 2,625,622 2,014,834
      Share subscription
      receivable - - - 1,878,600
      Proceeds from
      bank loans - - 22,239,288 -
      Repayment of
      bank loans (3,852,796) - - -
      Issuance of long
      term debt 2,170,568 - 8,717,214 -
      (1,594,038) 967,780 76,161,516 29,390,086

      Cash flows from
      investing activities
      Purchase of
      capital assets (10,643,218) (5,348,586) (37,844,430) (12,449,979)
      Change in
      assets (15,446) 22,656 (39,086) -
      Change in long
      term deposits (13,526,584) - (27,443,869) -
      assistance 32,082 - 6,330,350 -
      (24,153,166) (5,325,930) (58,997,035) (12,449,979)
      Net cash flow (20,354,719) (8,861,517) (16,078,730) 8,850,941

      Cash and cash
      beginning of
      period 42,184,419 17,910,680 37,908,430 198,222

      Cash and cash
      equivalents, end
      of period $ 21,829,700 $ 9,049,163 $ 21,829,700 $ 9,049,163

      disclosures of
      cash flows:
      Interest and
      stand-by fees
      paid $ 796,512 $ - $ 1,328,378 $ 5,273
      Income taxes
      paid $ - $ - $ - $ -


      /For further information: ARISE Technologies Corporation, 65 Northland
      Road, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, N2V 1Y8, Dave Chornaby, Chief Financial
      Officer, (519) 772-5732,,
      schrieb am 13.11.08 09:09:44
      Beitrag Nr. 595 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 35.917.903 von Bloodi767 am 12.11.08 00:45:12Kann das jemand auf deutsch übersetzen oder kurz sagen was drin steht.
      schrieb am 13.11.08 16:46:53
      Beitrag Nr. 596 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 35.935.351 von Donlombardo am 13.11.08 09:09:44

      Attention Business/Financial Editors Achtung Business / Finanz-Editoren
      ARISE Technologies Reports 2008 Third-Quarter Results Technologien entstehen Berichte 2008 dritten Quartal

      - Sales of PV cells exceed $15.6 million (compared with $0.5 million in - Verkauf von PV-Zellen mehr als 15,6 Millionen Dollar (verglichen mit $ 0,5 Mio. in
      second quarter) as German plant ramps up production volume, shipping zweiten Quartal) als deutsche Anlage Rampen bis Produktion, Versand
      5MW 5 MW
      - Expects 2008 fourth-quarter PV cell shipments of 7MW to 8MW for sales - Erwartet 2008 viertes Quartal PV-Zelle Verbringung von 7MW zu 8MW für den Verkauf
      of $21-$24 million von $ 21 - $ 24 Millionen
      - List of possible sites for 10,000 tonnes 7N+ silicon full-scale - Liste der möglichen Standorte für 10000 Tonnen 7N + Silizium-Full-Scale
      production plant narrowed to two possible locations Produktion verringerte sich auf zwei mögliche Standorte
      - Conference call and webcast to be held Wednesday, November 12, 8:30am - Telefonkonferenz und Webcast teilzunehmen, um statt Mittwoch, 12. November, 8.30 Uhr
      (Eastern) (Ost-)

      WATERLOO, ON, Nov. 11 /CNW/ - ARISE Technologies Corporation (TSX: APV WATERLOO, ON, November 11 / CNW / - Arise Technologies Corporation (TSX: APV
      and Frankfurt: A3T), which is dedicated to becoming a leader in und Frankfurt: A3T), die es sich zu einem Marktführer im Bereich
      high-performance, cost-effective solar technology, today reported its High-Performance-, Kosten-effektive Solartechnik, berichtet heute über seine
      financial results for the 2008 third quarter and the nine months ended finanziellen Ergebnisse für das dritte Quartal 2008 und die neun Monate beendet
      September 30, 2008. September 30, 2008. Financial results conform to Canadian generally accepted Finanzielle Ergebnisse mit kanadischen allgemein anerkannten
      accounting principles (GAAP) and all currency amounts are in Canadian dollars. Accounting Principles (GAAP) und alle Beträge sind in kanadischen Dollar.
      "Our successful ramping up of volume shipments of PV cells from our "Unsere erfolgreiche Rampen bis der Band Sendungen von PV-Zellen aus unserer
      manufacturing plant in Bischofswerda, Germany, opened this past April, clearly Werk in Bischofswerda, Deutschland, eröffnet dieser Vergangenheit April, klar
      was the highlight of our third quarter," said Bart Tichelman, President and war der Höhepunkt unserer dritten Quartal ", sagte Bart Tichelman, Präsident und
      Chief Executive Officer. Chief Executive Officer. "Our third-quarter 2008 sales of PV cells amounted to "Unser drittes Quartal 2008 einen Umsatz von PV-Zellen belief sich auf
      5MW, generating $15.6 million of sales, up from $460,676 in the second 5 MW, Generierung von $ 15,6 Millionen des Umsatzes, gegenüber 460.676 Dollar in der zweiten
      quarter, when we made our first commercial shipments. Quartal, wenn wir unsere ersten kommerziellen Sendungen. In the fourth quarter, Im vierten Quartal,
      we expect to ship 7MW-8MW of PV cells, for sales of $21 to $24 million. Wir gehen davon aus, Schiff 7MW-8MW von PV-Zellen, für einen Umsatz von $ 21 bis $ 24 Millionen.
      "That will bring our PV shipments in the second half of this year to "Das bringt unsere PV Sendungen in der zweiten Hälfte dieses Jahres zu
      12MW-13MW for $36 to $39 million in sales. 12MW-13MW für $ 36 bis $ 39 Millionen Umsatz. This is below the shipment level Dies ist unter dem Versand des Artikels Ebene
      previously announced of 14-16MW for $42-$48 million in sales. zuvor angekündigt, der 14-16MW für $ 42 - $ 48 Millionen Umsatz.
      While we will not ramp fourth quarter output as quickly as hoped, Während wir nicht Rampe vierten Quartal Ausgabe so schnell wie erhofft,
      expected shipments will increase 40-60% over the third quarter. erwartet Sendungen wird 40-60% gegenüber dem dritten Quartal. This somewhat Diese etwas
      slower increase is due to unexpected equipment downtime," Mr Tichelman said. langsameren Anstieg ist auf unerwartete Ausfallzeiten Ausrüstung, "sagte Herr Tichelman.
      "We also may incur as much as a four-to-eight week delay in the planned "Wir Mai entstehen auch so viel wie ein vier-bis acht Wochen Verzögerung bei der geplanten
      start-up of Line 2 at the Bischofswerda plant as the manufacturer of a key Start-up der Linie 2 an der Bischofswerda Werk als Hersteller eines Schlüssels
      piece of equipment has informed us that it may take somewhat longer to Gerät hat uns mitgeteilt, dass dauert es möglicherweise etwas länger auf
      complete delivery of it to us. vollständige Lieferung der Sie es an uns. We are pressing to accelerate this to eliminate Wir sind Drücken, um diese zu beseitigen
      or lessen the delay as much as possible," Mr. Tichelman said. oder Verminderung der Verzögerung so weit wie möglich ", sagte Herr Tichelman.

      Operating Highlights Operating Highlights

      - The commencement in early July of 24/7 manufacturing of PV cells at - Mit dem Beginn Anfang Juli von 24 / 7 Herstellung von PV-Zellen bei
      the 15.0% targeted average efficiency level at the Bischofswerda die 15,0% gezielte durchschnittliche Wirkungsgrad bei der Bischofswerda
      plant following the successful completion of Site Acceptance Tests Anlage nach dem erfolgreichen Abschluss der Site Acceptance Tests
      for its Line 1, making possible the high volume of shipments and für seine Linie 1, die die hohe Volumen der Sendungen und
      sales in the third quarter. Umsatz im dritten Quartal.

      - The appointment of Garry West to the Board of Directors. - Die Ernennung von Garry West in den Verwaltungsrat. Subsequent Nachfolgende
      to the end of the quarter, in October, the company announced the bis zum Ende des Quartals, im Oktober, das Unternehmen angekündigt, die
      appointment of Peter Currie to the Board. Ernennung von Peter Currie in den Verwaltungsrat. Both new directors bring a Die beiden neuen Direktoren bringen ein
      wealth of expertise to the company's Board. Fülle von Know-how für das Unternehmen der Vorstand.

      - ARISE was named a winner of the prestigious Deloitte Technology - Arise wurde ein Gewinner des renommierten Deloitte Technology
      Green 15 Award for 2008, recognizing the company as being among those 15 Green Award für 2008, in der Erkenntnis, das Unternehmen als unter den
      leading the way to creating major breakthroughs in the green führenden dem Weg zur Schaffung von großen Durchbrüche in den grünen
      technologies. Technologien.

      - Following the end of the quarter, on October 7, ARISE announced that - Nach dem Ende des Quartals, am 7. Oktober, SICH angekündigt, dass
      it signed a 10-year lease, with options for two additional five-year unterzeichnete es ein 10-Jahres-Mietvertrag, mit Optionen für zwei weitere Fünf-Jahres -
      terms, for a 67,000-square-foot building in Kitchener to house its Begriffe, für eine 67.000-Quadrat-Fuß-Gebäude in Kitchener zu Haus seiner
      new pilot plant for the production of 7N+ solar-grade polysilicon. neue Pilotanlage für die Herstellung von 7N + solar-grade Polysilicium. As Wie
      previously announced, ARISE's PV Polysilicon Division plans to bereits angekündigt, entstehen die PV Polysilicium Division plant,
      establish production capacity of 50 tonnes per year of its 7N+ solar- schaffen Produktionskapazität von 50 Tonnen pro Jahr von seiner 7N + solar -
      grade polysilicon in 2009 and intends to increase the production Besoldungsgruppe Polysilicium in 2009 und beabsichtigt, um die Produktion
      level to a target capacity of 400 tonnes per year in 2010. Ebene, um ein Ziel Kapazität von 400 Tonnen pro Jahr in 2010. ARISE SICH
      expects to use the initial 7N+ polysilicon that it produces for its erwartet, die Verwendung der ursprünglichen 7N + Polysilicium, dass sie für ihre
      manufacturing PV (photovoltaic) cells at its manufacturing plant in Herstellung von PV (Photovoltaik-) Zellen in seiner Produktionsstätte in

      - The company has narrowed down a list of possible sites for the - Das Unternehmen hat sich eine Liste der möglichen Standorte für die
      full-scale silicon production plant to a short list of two. Full-Scale Silizium-Produktionsanlage auf eine kurze Liste von zwei. Factors Faktoren
      influencing the decision include electricity costs, availability of Einfluss auf die Entscheidung auch Strom Kosten, die Verfügbarkeit von
      skilled labor, and overall operating costs, including incentives. geschickte Arbeit, und der allgemeinen Betriebskosten, einschließlich der Anreize.

      Third-Quarter and Nine-Month Financial Highlights Dritten Quartal und Neun-Monatszahlen Financial Highlights

      ARISE Technologies third-quarter and nine-month financial results reflect SICH Technologies dritten Quartals und der neun-Monats-finanziellen Ergebnisse spiegeln
      the manufacturing start-up and first revenues recorded for shipping of its PV die Herstellung von Start-up-und ersten Einnahmen erfasst für den Versand seiner PV
      cells to its customers. Zellen zu seinen Kunden.
      Sales for the 2008 third-quarter and nine-month periods were $15.9 Verkäufe für die 2008 das dritte Quartal und die neun-Monats-Zeiträume wurden $ 15,9
      million and $16.8 million, compared with $0.4 million and $0.8 million in the Millionen und 16,8 Millionen Dollar, verglichen mit $ 0,4 Millionen und 0,8 Millionen Dollar in die
      respective 2007 periods. jeweiligen Perioden 2007. PV cells accounted for $15.6 million of 2008 PV Zellen entfielen 15,6 Millionen Dollar von 2008
      third-quarter sales, and for about $16.1 million of the nine-month results; dritten Quartal Umsatz und etwa 16,1 Millionen Dollar von den neun-Monats-Ergebnisse;
      there were no PV cell sales in 2007. gab es keine PV Zelle Umsatz in 2007. The balance of sales in the 2008 and 2007 Der Saldo der Umsatz in den 2008 und 2007
      period were generated by the company's PV Systems Division. Zeitraum wurden von der Firma PV Systems Division. The company Das Unternehmen
      expects its PV Silicon Division to be producing 7N+ solar-grade polysilicon erwartet, dass seine PV Silicon Division zu produzieren 7N + solar-grade Polysilicium
      for use in wafer production in the second half of 2009. für den Einsatz in Wafer-Produktion in der zweiten Jahreshälfte 2009.
      Gross profit for the 2008 third quarter and nine-month periods was a Bruttoergebnis vom Umsatz für das dritte Quartal 2008 und neun-Monats-Perioden wurde ein
      negative $2.6 million and a negative $3.9 million. negative 2,6 Mio. Dollar und ein negatives 3,9 Millionen Dollar. The negative gross profit Die negativen Brutto-Gewinn
      is primarily attributable to significant scrap costs related to the start-up ist vor allem auf erhebliche Schrott Kosten im Zusammenhang mit dem Start-up -
      of manufacturing PV cells. Herstellung von PV-Zellen. Scrap includes breakage as well as all off-spec Schrott umfasst Bruch sowie alle Off-spec -
      production (including cells with an efficiency of less that 14%), which was Produktion (einschließlich der Zellen mit einem Wirkungsgrad von weniger als 14%), die
      expected for a start-up production situation. erwarten für ein Start-up-Produktion Situation. Cost of sales for the third Umsatzkosten für das dritte
      quarter is estimated to include $3.1 million in start-up expenses. Quartal wird geschätzt auf 3,1 Mio. Dollar in Start-up-Kosten. The company Das Unternehmen
      estimates that gross profit, for PV cells, excluding start-up expenses, was schätzt, dass Bruttogewinn, für PV-Zellen, mit Ausnahme von Start-up-Aufwendungen, wurde
      about 3% of sales. etwa 3% des Umsatzes. The company expects to recover a portion of its scrap Das Unternehmen erwartet, einen Teil ihrer Schrott
      expense in the second half by selling the material for secondary applications Kosten in der zweiten Hälfte durch den Verkauf des Materials für sekundäre Anwendungen
      or for silicon recycling. oder für Silizium-Recycling.
      During the third quarter, the scrap rate trended downward while Im Verlauf des dritten Quartals, die Schrott Satz tendierten nach unten, während
      throughput increased as the company gained experience in PV cell production Durchsatz erhöht, da das Unternehmen Erfahrung im PV-Zellen Produktion
      and made minor adjustments to Line 1. und geringfügige Anpassungen an Linie 1. Nevertheless, the rate remains above the Dennoch ist die Quote nach wie vor über dem
      company's planned mature level and will need to be reduced for ARISE to meet Unternehmens geplant reifen Ebene und müssen reduziert werden für SICH, um
      its targeted future gross margins. seine gezielte Zukunft Brutto-Margen. The company expects to make further Das Unternehmen erwartet, weitere
      progress in the 2008 fourth quarter due to increasing cell efficiency and Fortschritte in der vierten Quartal 2008 aufgrund der Erhöhung der Effizienz und Zelle
      continued improvements in throughput and yield. weiterhin Verbesserungen in Durchsatz und Ausbeute.
      In the 2007 quarter and first nine months, gross profit was $29,492 and In der 2007 Quartal und die erste neun Monate, Bruttogewinn war $ 29.492 und
      $76,301, respectively. $ 76.301, respectively.
      Operating expenses were $5.0 million in the 2008 third quarter (level Die betrieblichen Aufwendungen wurden $ 5,0 Mio. im dritten Quartal 2008 (Ebene
      with the second quarter), up from $2.8 million in the 2007 period. mit dem zweiten Quartal), ab 2,8 Millionen Dollar in der Periode 2007. For the Für die
      nine months, operating expenses were $16.0 million in 2008, compared with $7.6 neun Monate, betriebliche Aufwendungen wurden $ 16,0 Mio. in 2008, verglichen mit $ 7,6
      million in 2007. Millionen in 2007. Research and development investment increased to $1.5 million Forschung und Entwicklung Investitionen erhöhte sich auf 1,5 Millionen Dollar
      in the 2008 third quarter (9.6% of sales), up 37.1% from the 2007 period as im dritten Quartal 2008 (9,6% vom Umsatz), bis 37,1% aus dem Zeitraum 2007 als
      the company stepped up its work on PV cells and 7N+ silicon. das Unternehmen verstärkt ihre Arbeit an PV-Zellen und 7N + Silizium. For the nine Für die neun
      months, R&D amounted to $4.5 million in 2008, compared with $3.1 million in Monate, F & E beliefen sich auf 4,5 Millionen Dollar in 2008, verglichen mit $ 3,1 Mio. in
      2007, a 44.4% increase. 2007, ein Anstieg 44,4%. The largest factor accounting for the increase in Der größte Faktor für den Anstieg der
      operating expenses was higher general and administrative (G&A) costs of $2.5 betriebliche Aufwendungen höher war Verwaltungs-und Gemeinkosten (G & A) Kosten von $ 2,5
      million and $9.1 million in the 2008 third-quarter and nine-month periods, Millionen und 9,1 Millionen Dollar in der 2008 das dritte Quartal und die neun-Monats-Zeiträume,
      compared with $1.4 million and $4.2 million in the respective prior-year verglichen mit $ 1,4 Millionen und 4,2 Millionen Dollar in den jeweiligen Vorjahres -
      periods. Zeiträume. Factors accounting for these increases included higher payroll, Faktoren Rechnungslegung für diese erhöht, die höheren Lohn-und Gehaltsliste,
      legal, travel, and other expenses related to the start-up of ARISE Germany's Rechts-, Reise-, und sonstige Aufwendungen im Zusammenhang mit der Start-up von SICH Deutschland's
      PV cell plant, increased stock-based compensation expense (non-cash), PV-Anlage Zelle, erhöhte Vergütung durch Aktien Kosten ( "non-cash),
      increased sales and marketing, and higher depreciation costs related to the verstärkte Vertriebs-und Marketing-, höheren Abschreibungen und Kosten im Zusammenhang mit der
      new plant. neue Anlage.
      Interest expense (net) for the third-quarter 2008 was $0.7 million, Zinsaufwand (netto) für das dritte Quartal 2008 war 0,7 Millionen Dollar,
      compared with interest income in the 2007 period of $0.1 million as the im Vergleich mit Interesse Einkommen in der Periode 2007 von 0,1 Millionen Dollar, wie die
      company increased its borrowing from Commerzbank AG Germany. Unternehmen steigerte den Anleihe von der Commerzbank AG Deutschland. The increased Die zunehmende
      expense was partially offset by a foreign exchange gain of $0.2 million, Kosten wurde teilweise kompensiert durch ein Devisen-Zugewinn von 0,2 Millionen Dollar,
      compared with a loss of $0.1 million in the 2007 quarter. verglichen mit einem Verlust von 0,1 Millionen Dollar im Quartal 2007. In the first nine In den ersten neun
      months of 2008, the company had interest expense of $0.7 million, compared Monaten 2008 hatte das Unternehmen Zinsaufwand von 0,7 Millionen Dollar, im Vergleich
      with interest income of $0.2 million a year earlier. mit Zinserträge von 0,2 Millionen Dollar ein Jahr zuvor. The 2008 nine-month Die 2008 neun-Monats -
      foreign exchange gain was $0.7 million and compared with a negligible loss in Devisen gewinnen war 0,7 Millionen Dollar und im Vergleich mit einem vernachlässigbaren Verlust in
      the 2007 period. den Zeitraum 2007.
      As anticipated the company recorded a net loss for the 2008 third quarter Wie erwartet das Unternehmen einen Netto-Verlust für das dritte Quartal 2008
      amounting to $8.2 million (a loss of $0.06 per basic and diluted share), in Höhe von 8,2 Millionen Dollar (ein Verlust von 0,06 Dollar pro unverwässerte und verwässerte Aktie),
      compared with a net loss $2.7 million (a loss of $0.04 per basic and diluted verglichen mit einem Nettoverlust 2,7 Millionen Dollar (ein Verlust von 0,04 US-Dollar je unverwässert und verwässert
      share) in the 2007 period. Aktie) im Zeitraum 2007. For the first nine months of 2008, ARISE's net loss Für die ersten neun Monate von 2008, treten die Netto-Verlust
      was $20.1 million ($0.17 per basic and diluted share), compared with a loss of wurde 20,1 Millionen Dollar (0,17 Dollar pro unverwässerte und verwässerte Aktie), verglichen mit einem Verlust von
      $7.5 million ($0.14 per basic and diluted share) in the nine-month 2007 7,5 Millionen Dollar (0,14 Dollar pro unverwässerte und verwässerte Aktie) in den neun Monaten 2007
      period. Zeitraum.
      As at the end of the 2008 third quarter, ARISE had positive working Wie am Ende des dritten Quartals 2008, SICH hatte positive arbeiten
      capital of $23.7 million, which was down from $46.0 million at the end of the Kapital von 23,7 Millionen Dollar, die von $ 46,0 Millionen am Ende des
      2008 second quarter. Zweiten Quartal 2008. Cash and cash equivalents were $21.8 million, compared Zahlungsmittel und Zahlungsmittel-Äquivalente wurden 21,8 Millionen Dollar, im Vergleich
      with $42.2 million at end of the second quarter. mit 42,2 Millionen Dollar am Ende des zweiten Quartals. In the third quarter, the Im dritten Quartal, die
      company generated positive cash from operating activities of $5.4 million. Unternehmen positive Mittelzufluss aus laufender Geschäftstätigkeit von 5,4 Mio. Dollar. The Der
      decrease in cash in the period is almost entirely due to prepayments totaling liquider Mittel in der Zeit ist fast ausschließlich auf Vorauszahlungen in Höhe von
      $20.6 million for inventory purchases of silicon wafers for the German 20,6 Millionen Dollar für Inventar Käufe von Silizium-Wafern für die deutsche
      manufacturing plant. Werk. As at November 10, 2008, ARISE had cash and cash Stand 10. November 2008, SICH hatte Zahlungsmittel und Zahlungsmitteläquivalente
      equivalents of approximately $17.7 million. -Äquivalent von etwa 17,7 Millionen Dollar. The decrease in cash since the end Der Rückgang in bar seit dem Ende
      of the 2008 third quarter is the result of milestone payments for PV cell der dritten Quartal 2008 ist das Ergebnis von Meilenstein-Zahlungen für PV-Zelle
      production Line 2 and payments for the development of the silicon pilot plant. Produktions-Linie 2 und die Zahlungen für die Entwicklung des Silizium-Pilotanlage.
      The company expects to be able to offset some of the funds required for Das Unternehmen erwartet, dass es zum Ausgleich der Lage einige der erforderlichen Mittel für
      inventory prepayments with customer advance deposits, thereby limiting the Inventar Vorauszahlungen mit dem Kunden vorab Einlagen, wodurch die
      impact of silicon wafer prepayments on its working capital. Auswirkungen der Silizium-Wafer-Vorauszahlungen auf seine Working Capital.

      Outlook - Company Will Continue to Execute Growth Strategies Outlook - Unternehmen wird weiterhin zur Ausführung von Wachstumsstrategien

      "We are continuing to execute our growth strategies," Mr. Tichelman said. "Wir sind weiter zu führen unsere Wachstums-Strategien", sagte Herr Tichelman.
      "We will continue to increase our production and sales into 2009 as we focus "Wir werden weiterhin unsere Produktions-und Vertriebsgesellschaften in 2009 konzentrieren wir uns als
      on improving our gross margins. auf die Verbesserung unserer Bruttomargen. We are in advanced discussions with additional Wir befinden uns in fortgeschrittenen Gesprächen mit zusätzlichen
      customers for our PV cells. Kunden für unsere PV-Zellen.
      "Based on these discussions, and the likely signing of contracts with new "Auf der Grundlage dieser Gespräche, und die voraussichtlichen Unterzeichnung von Verträgen mit neuen
      customers in addition to those we currently have, we will have commitments for Kunden zusätzlich zu denen, die wir derzeit haben, wir haben Verpflichtungen für
      all of our planned PV cell production in 2009. alle unsere geplanten PV-Zellen Produktion in 2009. We also have had discussions Wir haben auch Gespräche
      with various suppliers of silicon wafers and are confident that we about being mit verschiedenen Anbietern von Silizium-Wafern und sind zuversichtlich, dass wir über die
      able to source our requirements at reasonable cost," Mr. Tichelman said. Quelle der Lage, unsere Anforderungen zu vertretbaren Kosten ", sagte Herr Tichelman.
      ARISE will hold a conference call for analysts and investors at 8:30 am SICH wird eine Telefonkonferenz für Analysten und Investoren beim 8:30
      (Eastern) on November 12. (Ost) auf der 12. November. The company will file its financial statements, and Das Unternehmen wird Datei seinen Abschluss, und
      Management Discussion and Analysis with SEDAR and these documents will be Management Discussion and Analysis mit SEDAR und werden diese Unterlagen
      available on ARISE's website prior to the conference call. finden Sie auf der Website SICH vor der Telefonkonferenz. Bart Tichelman, Bart Tichelman,
      President and Chief Executive Officer, and Dave Chornaby, Chief Financial President und Chief Executive Officer, und Dave Chornaby, Chief Financial
      Officer, will be available to answer questions during the call. Officer, zur Verfügung stehen wird zur Beantwortung von Fragen während des Gesprächs.
      To participate in the call, please dial 416-644-3421 or 1-800-591-7539 Zur Teilnahme an der Aufforderung, wählen Sie bitte 416-644-3421 oder 1-800-591-7539
      (Canada and the US only) at least five minutes prior to the start of the (Kanada und die nur in den USA) mindestens fünf Minuten vor dem Beginn der
      call. rufen. A live audio webcast of the conference call will be available at Ein Live-Audio-Webcast der Telefonkonferenz finden Sie unter and und
      An archived recording of the call will be available at 416-640-1917 or Eine archivierte Aufzeichnung des Gesprächs finden Sie unter 416-640-1917 oder
      1-877-289-8525 (Canada and the US only) (Passcode 21286073 followed by the 1-877-289-8525 (Kanada und die nur in den USA) (Passcode 21286073, gefolgt von der
      number sign) from 10:50 am on November 12 to 11:59 pm on November 20. Anzahl Zeichen) ab 10.50 Uhr am 12. November, um 11.59 Uhr am 20. November.

      About ARISE Technologies Über entstehen Technologien

      ARISE Technologies Corporation, based in Waterloo, Ontario, is dedicated SICH Technologies Corporation mit Sitz in Waterloo, Ontario, widmet
      to becoming a leader in high-performance, cost-effective solar technology. ist, sich zu einem Marktführer im Bereich High-Performance-, Kosten-wirksame Solartechnologie. The Der
      company operates through three divisions. Unternehmen betreibt über drei Divisionen. The PV Cell Division manufactures PV Die PV Cell Division fertigt PV
      (photovoltaic) cells at its first manufacturing plant opened in April 2008 in (Photovoltaik-) Zellen auf seiner ersten Produktionsstätte eröffnet im April 2008 in
      Bischofswerda, Germany. Bischofswerda, Deutschland. The division is developing proprietary technology with Die Division entwickelt proprietäre Technologie mit
      a target of achieving a step-by-step progression to a high-efficiency level of ein Ziel erreichen, einen Schritt-für-Schritt-Progression zu einer hohen Effizienz-Niveau von
      greater than 20 percent. mehr als 20 Prozent. The PV Silicon Division is using a proprietary method Die PV Silicon Division ist mit einem proprietären Methode
      to produce silicon at 7N+ high-purity (99.99999 percent purity) for PV cell zur Herstellung von Silizium auf 7N + hochreinem (Reinheit 99,99999 Prozent) für PV-Zelle
      applications, based on a simplified chemical vapor deposition process. Anwendungen, basierend auf einem vereinfachten chemischen Gasphasenabscheidung Prozess. The Der
      division is focusing on scaling up its process to provide ARISE with control Division konzentriert sich auf die Aufstockung seiner Prozess, um sich mit Kontrolle
      over its supply, costs, and quality. über ihre Versorgung, Kosten und Qualität. The PV Systems Division provides complete Die PV Systems Division bietet komplette
      turnkey PV solutions for solar farms and rooftop installations under the schlüsselfertige PV-Lösungen für Solar-Betriebe und Anlagen unter dem Dach der
      Ontario standard offer program. Ontario-Standard-Programm bieten.
      The company's shares are listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange under the Die Aktien der Gesellschaft sind an der Toronto Stock Exchange unter dem
      symbol APV and on the Frankfurt Open Market Exchange under the symbol A3T. Symbol APV und an der Frankfurter Open Market Exchange unter dem Symbol A3T.
      Additional information is available at and Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter und

      Forward-Looking Statements Zukunftsgerichtete Aussagen

      Certain statements in this news release may be considered to be Bestimmte Aussagen in dieser Pressemitteilung Mai als
      forward-looking. die Zukunft gerichtete Aussagen. Such statements are based on management's current Solche Aussagen sind basierend auf der aktuellen
      expectations, estimations, and assumptions based on experience, trends, and Erwartungen, Schätzungen und Annahmen basieren auf Erfahrungen, Trends und
      other factors that are subject to the significant risks and uncertainties andere Faktoren, die unter die erhebliche Risiken und Unsicherheiten
      described in our regulatory filings. beschrieben in unserer Pflichtmitteilungen an die Aufsichtsbehörde. Please refer to these. Bitte wenden Sie sich an diese. Such risks and Solche Risiken und
      uncertainties may include, but are not limited to, the effects of general Mai Unsicherheiten beinhalten, sind aber nicht beschränkt auf, die Auswirkungen der allgemeinen
      economic conditions, changing foreign exchange rates, actions by government wirtschaftlichen Bedingungen, wechselnden Devisenkurse, Maßnahmen von der Regierung
      authorities, uncertainties associated with legal proceedings and negotiations, Behörden, Unsicherheiten im Zusammenhang mit Gerichtsverfahren und Verhandlungen,
      industry supply levels, competitive pricing pressures and misjudgments in the Industrie Versorgung Ebenen, wettbewerbsfähige Preise und misjudgments Druck in der
      course of preparing forward-looking statements. Zuge der Vorbereitung die Zukunft gerichtete Aussagen. ARISE assumes no obligation to SICH übernimmt keine Verpflichtung zur
      update any forward-looking statements or to update the reasons why actual Update irgendwelche zukunftsgerichteten Aussagen zu aktualisieren oder die Gründe, warum tatsächliche
      results could differ from those reflected in the forward-looking statements. Ergebnisse können von derjenigen, die in die Zukunft gerichtete Aussagen.

      ARISE Technologies Corporation Entstehen Technologies Corporation
      Consolidated Balance Sheets Konsolidierte Bilanz
      Unaudited Ungeprüft

      As at As at Zum Stand
      September 30, December 31, 30. September, 31. Dezember,
      2008 2007 2008 2007
      ------------- ------------- ------------- -------------
      Assets Aktiva
      Current assets Umlaufvermögen
      Cash and cash equivalents $ 21,829,700 $ 37,908,430 Zahlungsmittel und Zahlungsmitteläquivalente $ 21829700 $ 37908430
      Accounts receivable 8,632,637 254,025 Forderungen aus Lieferungen und 8632637 254025
      Inventory 17,861,411 855,588 Inventory 17861411 855588
      Government assistance receivable 13,530,199 6,096,333 Regierung Hilfe Forderungen 13530199 6096333
      Other receivables 266,578 1,477,584 Sonstige Forderungen 266578 1477584
      Prepaid expenses 7,395,982 412,270 Rechnungsabgrenzungsposten 7395982 412270
      ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -----------------------
      69,516,507 47,004,230 69.516.507 47.004.230

      Capital assets, net 34,317,671 14,402,403 Anlagevermögen, netto 34317671 14402403
      Long term deposits 32,625,216 5,181,347 Langfristige Einlagen 32625216 5181347
      Intangible assets, net 74,237 53,086 Immaterielle Vermögenswerte, netto 74237 53086
      ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -----------------------

      $136,533,631 $ 66,641,067 $ 136.533.631 $ 66.641.067
      ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -----------------------
      ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -----------------------

      Liabilities Verbindlichkeiten
      Current liabilities Kurzfristige Verbindlichkeiten
      Bank loans $ 23,327,124 $ 1,087,835 Bank Darlehen $ 23327124 $ 1087835
      Accounts payable and accrued liabilities 12,385,945 8,980,796 Verbindlichkeiten aus Lieferungen und Leistungen und Rückstellungen 12385945 8980796
      Deferred revenue 7,270,546 47,263 Rechnungsabgrenzungsposten 7270546 47263
      Unearned government assistance - 2,713,078 Nicht verdiente Regierung Hilfe - 2713078
      Current portion of long term debt 2,809,255 - Kurzfristiger Anteil der langfristigen Schulden 2809255 --
      ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -----------------------
      45,792,870 12,828,972 45.792.870 12.828.972
      Long term debt 7,717,427 - Langfristige Verbindlichkeiten 7717427 --
      ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -----------------------
      53,510,297 12,828,972 53.510.297 12.828.972
      ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -----------------------

      Shareholders' Equity (Deficiency) Eigenkapital (Mangel)

      Capital stock 118,946,740 72,857,557 Gezeichnetes Kapital 118946740 72857557
      Contributed surplus 7,319,283 4,140,849 Beitrag Überschuss 7319283 4140849
      Deficit (43,242,689) (23,186,311) Defizit (43242689) (23186311)
      ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -----------------------
      83,023,334 53,812,095 83.023.334 53.812.095
      ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -----------------------

      $136,533,631 $ 66,641,067 $ 136.533.631 $ 66.641.067
      ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -----------------------
      ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -----------------------

      Approved by the board Annahme durch den Vorstand

      (signed) Bart Tichelman ............. (unterzeichnet) Bart Tichelman ............. Director Direktor

      (signed) Harold Alexander .......... (unterzeichnet) Harold Alexander .......... Director Direktor

      ARISE Technologies Corporation Entstehen Technologies Corporation
      Consolidated Statements of Loss and Comprehensive Loss Konzern-Gewinn-und Verlustrechnung und umfassenden Verlust
      Unaudited Ungeprüft

      3 months ended 9 months ended 3 Monate 9 Monate
      September 30, September 30, 30. September, 30. September,
      2008 2007 2008 2007 2008 2007 2008 2007
      ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ----------- --

      Sales $ 15,871,758 $ 355,611 $ 16,792,483 $ 847,426 Verkäufe $ 15871758 $ 16792483 $ 355.611 $ 847.426
      Cost of goods sold 18,517,216 326,119 20,721,381 771,125 Kosten der verkauften Waren 18517216 326119 20721381 771125
      ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -----------------------
      Gross profit (2,645,458) 29,492 (3,928,898) 76,301 Bruttoergebnis vom Umsatz (2645458) 29492 (3928898) 76301
      ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -----------------------

      Expenses Aufwendungen
      Research and Forschung und
      development 1,525,517 1,112,893 4,537,772 3,141,626 Entwicklung 1525517 1112893 4537772 3141626
      General and Allgemeine und
      administrative 2,500,272 1,447,614 9,085,849 4,175,075 Verwaltungsvorschriften 2500272 1447614 9085849 4175075
      Selling and Vertriebs-und
      marketing 569,243 248,711 1,608,348 423,045 Marketing 569243 248711 1608348 423045
      Depreciation of Abschreibungen auf
      capital assets 444,166 13,838 802,862 18,856 Anlagevermögen 444166 13838 802862 18856
      ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -----------------------
      5,039,198 2,823,056 16,034,831 7,758,602 5039198 2823056 16034831 7758602
      ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -----------------------

      Operating loss (7,684,656) (2,793,564) (19,963,729) (7,682,301) Das Betriebsergebnis (7684656) (2793564) (19963729) (7682301)
      ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -----------------------

      Other expenses Sonstige Aufwendungen
      (income) (Erträge)
      Interest expense Zinsaufwand
      (income), net 703,742 (125,243) 748,528 (241,401) (Ertrag), netto 703.742 (125.243) 748.528 (241.401)
      Foreign exchange Devisen
      (gain) loss (237,693) 70,771 (713,426) 29,918 (Gewinn) Verlust (237693) 70771 (713426) 29918
      Other expense 20,689 - 57,547 - Übriger Aufwand von 20689 bis 57547 --
      ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -----------------------
      486,738 (54,472) 92,649 (211,483) 486738 (54472) 92649 (211483)
      ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -----------------------

      Net loss (8,171,394) (2,739,092) (20,056,378) (7,470,818) Netto-Verlust (8171394) (2739092) (20056378) (7470818)
      Comprehensive loss - - - - Gesamtergebnis - - - --
      ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -----------------------
      Total comprehensive Insgesamt umfassende
      loss (8,171,394) (2,739,092) (20,056,378) (7,470,818) Verlust (8171394) (2739092) (20056378) (7470818)
      ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -----------------------

      Deficit, beginning Defizit, Anfang
      of period (35,071,295) (16,311,000) (23,186,311) (11,579,274) der Periode (35071295) (16311000) (23186311) (11579274)
      ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -----------------------

      Deficit, end of Defizit, das Ende der
      period $(43,242,689) $(19,050,092) $(43,242,689) $(19,050,092) Zeitraum $ (43242689) $ (19050092) $ (43242689) $ (19050092)
      ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -----------------------
      ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -----------------------

      Loss per share - Verlust pro Aktie --
      basic and Grund-und
      diluted $ (0.06) $ (0.04) $ (0.17) $ (0.14) verwässert $ (0,06) $ (0.04) $ (0,17) $ (0,14)
      ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -----------------------
      ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -----------------------

      ARISE Technologies Corporation Entstehen Technologies Corporation
      Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows Konzern-Kapitalflussrechnung
      Unaudited Ungeprüft

      3 months ended 9 months ended 3 Monate 9 Monate
      September 30, September 30, 30. September, 30. September,
      2008 2007 2008 2007 2008 2007 2008 2007
      ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ----------- --
      Cash flows from Cash-Flow aus
      operating Betriebssystem
      activities Aktivitäten
      Net loss for Netto-Verlust für
      the period $ (8,171,394) $ (2,739,092) $(20,056,378) $ (7,470,818) den Zeitraum $ (8171394) $ (2739092) $ (20056378) $ (7470818)
      Items which do Elemente, die
      not involve keine
      cash: Cash:
      Depreciation Abschreibungen
      of capital von Kapital
      assets 1,106,242 7,963 1,457,145 12,981 Vermögenswerte 1106242 7963 1457145 12981
      Amortization of Abschreibungen auf Geschäfts-oder
      intangible immateriellen
      assets 4,864 2,318 12,657 5,866 Vermögenswerte 4864 2318 12657 5866
      Issuance of Ausgabe von
      capital stock Grundkapital
      for services - - - 214,488 für Dienstleistungen - - - 214488
      Employee Mitarbeiter
      stock-based Lager-basierte
      compensation 1,127,206 530,897 3,882,963 1,491,373 Entschädigung 1127206 530897 3882963 1491373
      Non-employee Nicht-Mitarbeiter
      stock-based Lager-basierte
      compensation 3,806 19,103 179,642 67,514 Entschädigung 3806 19103 179642 67514
      ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -----------------------
      (5,929,276) (2,178,811) (14,523,971) (5,678,596) (5929276) (2178811) (14523971) (5678596)
      Decrease Abnahme
      (increase) in: (Zunahme):
      Accounts Konten
      receivable (7,915,465) (118,369) (8,378,612) (115,537) Forderungen (7915465) (118.369) (8378612) (115.537)
      Inventory 9,344,646 (413,045) (17,005,823) (677,579) Inventory 9344646 (413.045) (17005823) (677.579)
      Other Andere
      receivables 6,460,382 - 1,211,006 - Forderungen von 6460382 bis 1211006 --
      expenses (4,884,105) (635,708) (6,983,712) (5,986,716) Aufwendungen (4884105) (635.708) (6983712) (5986716)
      Accounts payable Verbindlichkeiten aus Lieferungen und Leistungen
      and accrued Rechnungsabgrenzungsposten
      liabilities 5,106,094 (1,162,469) 5,214,618 4,377,527 Verbindlichkeiten 5106094 (1162469) 5214618 4377527
      Deferred Latente
      revenue 3,210,209 5,035 7,223,283 (8,265) Einnahmen 3210209 5035 7223283 (8265)
      ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -----------------------
      5,392,485 (4,503,367) (33,243,211) (8,089,166) 5392485 (4503367) (33243211) (8089166)
      ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -----------------------

      Cash flows from Cash-Flow aus
      financing Finanzierung
      activities Aktivitäten
      Issuance of capital Ausgabe von Kapital
      stock for cash, Lager für Bargeld,
      net (1,956) 956,493 42,579,392 25,496,652 net (1956) 956493 42579392 25496652
      Exercise of Ausübung der
      warrants and Optionsscheine und
      options 90,146 11,287 2,625,622 2,014,834 Optionen 90146 11287 2625622 2014834
      Share subscription Share-Abo
      receivable - - - 1,878,600 Forderungen - - - 1878600
      Proceeds from Einzahlungen aus der Aufnahme von
      bank loans - - 22,239,288 - Bankkredite - - 22239288 --
      Repayment of Rückzahlung von
      bank loans (3,852,796) - - - Bankkredite (3852796) - - --
      Issuance of long Ausgabe von langen
      term debt 2,170,568 - 8,717,214 - Begriff Schulden von 2170568 bis 8717214 --
      ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -----------------------
      (1,594,038) 967,780 76,161,516 29,390,086 (1594038) 967780 76161516 29390086
      ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -----------------------

      Cash flows from Cash-Flow aus
      investing activities Investitionstätigkeit
      ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -----------------------
      Purchase of Kauf von
      capital assets (10,643,218) (5,348,586) (37,844,430) (12,449,979) Anlagevermögen (10643218) (5348586) (37844430) (12449979)
      ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -----------------------
      Change in Veränderung in
      intangible immateriellen
      assets (15,446) 22,656 (39,086) - Vermögenswerte (15.446) 22.656 (39.086) --
      Change in long Veränderung in lange
      term deposits (13,526,584) - (27,443,869) - Termineinlagen (13526584) - (27443869) --
      Government Regierung
      assistance 32,082 - 6,330,350 - Unterstützung von 32082 bis 6330350 --
      (24,153,166) (5,325,930) (58,997,035) (12,449,979) (24153166) (5325930) (58997035) (12449979)
      Net cash flow (20,354,719) (8,861,517) (16,078,730) 8,850,941 Der Netto-Cash-Flow (20354719) (8861517) (16078730) 8850941

      Cash and cash Zahlungsmittel und Zahlungsmitteläquivalente
      equivalents, -Äquivalente,
      beginning of Anfang
      period 42,184,419 17,910,680 37,908,430 198,222 Zeitraum 42184419 17910680 37908430 198222
      ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -----------------------

      Cash and cash Zahlungsmittel und Zahlungsmitteläquivalente
      equivalents, end -Äquivalente, Ende
      of period $ 21,829,700 $ 9,049,163 $ 21,829,700 $ 9,049,163 der Periode $ 21829700 $ 21829700 $ 9049163 $ 9049163
      ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -----------------------
      ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -----------------------

      disclosures of Offenlegung von
      cash flows: Cash-Flows:
      Interest and Zins-und
      stand-by fees Stand-by-Gebühren
      paid $ 796,512 $ - $ 1,328,378 $ 5,273 gezahlt $ $ 796.512 - $ 1328378 $ 5273
      ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -----------------------
      Income taxes Steuern vom Einkommen und Ertrag
      paid $ - $ - $ - $ - gezahlt $ - $ - $ - $ --
      ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -----------------------
      ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -----------------------

      -30- -30 --

      /For further information: ARISE Technologies Corporation, 65 Northland / Für weitere Informationen: SICH Technologies Corporation, 65 Northland
      Road, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, N2V 1Y8, Dave Chornaby, Chief Financial Road, Waterloo, Ontario, Kanada, N2V 1Y8, Dave Chornaby, Chief Financial
      Officer, (519) 772-5732,, Officer, (519) 772-5732, Dave.Chornaby @,
      schrieb am 14.11.08 12:37:28
      Beitrag Nr. 597 ()
      kann mal einer übersetzten?
      schrieb am 14.11.08 14:41:33
      Dieser Beitrag wurde moderiert. Grund: themenfremder Inhalt
      schrieb am 15.11.08 12:02:43
      Dieser Beitrag wurde moderiert. Grund: themenfremder Inhalt
      schrieb am 16.11.08 14:01:43
      Beitrag Nr. 600 ()
      Zeit f. Fakten:

      Filing Date: Nov 14/08
      Transaction Date: Nov 14/08

      Insider Name: MacLellan, Ian
      Ownership Type: Direct Ownership
      Securities: Common Shares

      Nature of transaction: 10 - Acquisition in the public market
      # or value acquired
      or disposed of: 100.000 St.

      Unit Price: $0.405

      Hier der Link:…
      schrieb am 16.11.08 14:14:48
      Beitrag Nr. 601 ()
      Arise Technologies "market perform," target price reduced
      10:11a.m. - Raymond James
      NEW YORK, November 14 ( -Analysts at Raymond James reiterate their "market perform" rating onArise Technologies Corp (A3T), while reducing their estimates for the company. The target price has been reduced from $1.50 to $0.75.

      Ina research note published this morning, the analysts mention that thecompany has reported its 3Q08 results in-line with the expectations.The pace of Arise Technologies’ capacity expansion and ramp-up processis slower than expected, the analysts say. The EPS estimates for 2008and 2009 have been reduced from -$0.15 to -$0.22 and from $0.04 to-$0.01, respectively, to reflect reduced sales volumes.
      schrieb am 18.11.08 17:15:38
      Beitrag Nr. 602 ()

      ARISE Technologies Confirms 2009 PV Cell Shipments to SOLON AG

      Waterloo, ON, November 18, 2008 – ARISE Technologies Corporation (TSX: APV and Frankfurt: A3T), which is dedicated to becoming a leader in high-performance, cost-effective solar technology, today reported that it has confirmed with SOLON AG the volume and pricing of PV (photovoltaic) cells that it will ship to SOLON in 2009. “The volume of shipments and pricing arrangement for 2009 are consistent with our expectations and with the five-year agreement that we signed with SOLON in early 2008 to supply 212MW of PV cells over the life of the agreement,” said Chris Waters, Vice-President, Business Development and Marketing for ARISE. “During this past summer, ARISE began making volume shipments to SOLON of PV cells produced at our new German plant. We view the amicable negotiation of the shipment terms for 2009 as being confirmation both of the strong relationship that our companies are forging and of our mutual confidence for the outlook for our businesses over the coming year,” Mr. Waters added.

      About SOLON AG
      SOLON AG is one of the largest solar module manufacturers in Europe and a leading supplier of photovoltaic systems for large-scale solar power plants. The SOLON Group has subsidiaries in Germany, Austria, Italy, Switzerland, and the U.S. and employs more than 900 people worldwide. The SOLON Group’s core business is the manufacture of solar modules in various performance categories and of complete photovoltaic systems for the construction of solar power plants. Please see for more information.

      About ARISE Technologies
      ARISE Technologies Corporation, based in Waterloo, Ontario, is dedicated to becoming a leader in high-performance, cost-effective solar technology. The company operates through three divisions. The PV Cell Division manufactures PV (photovoltaic) cells at its first manufacturing plant opened in April 2008 in Bischofswerda, Germany. The division is developing proprietary technology with a target of achieving a step-by-step progression to a high-efficiency level of greater than 20 percent. The PV Silicon Division is using a proprietary method to produce silicon at 7N+ high-purity (99.99999 percent purity) for PV cell applications, based on a simplified chemical vapor deposition process. The division is focusing on scaling up its process to provide ARISE with control over its supply, costs, and quality. The PV Systems Division provides complete turnkey PV solutions for solar farms and rooftop installations under the Ontario Standard Offer Program.
      The company’s shares are listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange under the symbol APV and on the Frankfurt Open Market Exchange under the symbol A3T. Additional information is available at and

      Forward-Looking Statements
      Certain statements in this news release may be considered to be forward-looking. Such statements are based on management’s current expectations, estimations, and assumptions based on experience, trends, and other factors that are subject to the significant risks and uncertainties described in our regulatory filings. Please refer to these. Such risks and uncertainties may include, but are not limited to, the effects of general economic conditions, changing foreign exchange rates, actions by government authorities, uncertainties associated with legal proceedings and negotiations, industry supply levels, competitive pricing pressures and misjudgments in the course of preparing forward-looking statements. ARISE assumes no obligation to update any forward-looking statements or to update the reasons why actual results could differ from those reflected in the forward-looking statements.

      ARISE Technologies Corporation
      65 Northland Road, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2V 1Y8
      Dave Chornaby, Chief Financial Officer, (519) 772-5732
      schrieb am 18.11.08 20:44:37
      Dieser Beitrag wurde moderiert. Grund: themenfremder Inhalt
      schrieb am 18.11.08 22:04:26
      Dieser Beitrag wurde moderiert. Grund: themenfremder Inhalt
      schrieb am 18.11.08 22:17:50
      Dieser Beitrag wurde moderiert. Grund: themenfremder Inhalt
      schrieb am 19.11.08 12:40:13
      Dieser Beitrag wurde moderiert. Grund: themenfremder Inhalt
      schrieb am 20.11.08 07:13:55
      Beitrag Nr. 607 ()

      ARISE Technologies Appoints MacLellan President of PV Systems Division

      Waterloo, ON, November 19, 2008
      – ARISE Technologies Corporation (TSX: APV and Frankfurt: A3T), which is dedicated to becoming a leader in high-performance, cost-effective solar technology, today announced that Ian MacLellan has been appointed President of its PV Systems Division. Mr. MacLellan has relinquished his current position as Chief Technology Officer of ARISE while retaining his role as Vice-Chairman and Director. Bert Pendergast, Vice-President and General Manager, PV Systems Division, will continue in that role, reporting to Mr. MacLellan. “The PV Systems Division was the initial business of ARISE Technologies when Ian founded the company,” said Bart Tichelman, the company’s President and Chief Executive Officer. “We are pleased that Ian has agreed to take on the responsibility for the PV Systems business where he can continue to apply his entrepreneurial skills to growing its operations,” he said. “Now that we have our first PV cell production line established,” said Mr. MacLellan, “I am very excited about focusing my efforts on growing our Systems Business in 2009 and getting this business to profitability as quickly as possible.”

      About ARISE Technologies

      ARISE Technologies Corporation, based in Waterloo, Ontario, is dedicated to becoming a leader in high-performance, cost-effective solar technology. The company operates through three divisions. The PV Cell Division manufactures PV (photovoltaic) cells at its first manufacturing plant in Bischofswerda, Germany. The division is developing proprietary technology with a target of achieving a step-by-step progression to a high-efficiency level of greater than 20 percent. The PV Silicon Division is using a proprietary method to produce silicon at 7N+ high-purity (99.99999 percent purity) for PV cell applications, based on a simplified chemical vapor deposition process. The division is focusing on scaling up its process to provide ARISE with control over its supply, costs, and quality. The PV Systems Division provides complete turnkey PV solutions for solar farms and rooftop installations under the Ontario standard offer program.
      The company’s shares are listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange under the symbol APV and on the Frankfurt Open Market Exchange under the symbol A3T. Additional information is available at and

      Forward-Looking Statements

      Certain statements in this news release may be considered to be forward-looking. Such statements are based on management’s current expectations, estimations, and assumptions based on experience, trends, and other factors that are subject to the significant risks and uncertainties described in our regulatory filings. Please refer to these. Such risks and uncertainties may include, but are not limited to, the effects of general economic conditions, changing foreign exchange rates, actions by government authorities, uncertainties associated with legal proceedings and negotiations, industry supply levels, competitive pricing pressures and misjudgments in the course of preparing forward-looking statements. ARISE assumes no obligation to update any forward-looking statements or to update the reasons why actual results could differ from those reflected in the forward-looking statements.

      ARISE Technologies Corporation
      65 Northland Road, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2V 1Y8
      Dave Chornaby, Chief Financial Officer, (519) 772-5732
      schrieb am 21.11.08 13:38:04
      Beitrag Nr. 608 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 36.011.369 von Brisca am 20.11.08 07:13:55:eek:

      Magnola future in Ontarian hands

      The proposed demoltiion of the former Magnola magnesium smelter may be stopped if an Ontario company can get a special deal on electricity rates from the Quebec government, according to local Liberal provincial legislature member Yvon Vallieres.

      “The company wants a low rate from Hydro Quebec and it is up to our government to determine if this is possible,” he said in a recent interview during his re-election campaign. “What the government wants is a business plan from the company before it makes a decison.”
      The interested company is ARISE technologies based in Waterloo, Ontario. It produces silicon solar panels in Germany and wants to set up a Canadian factory.
      schrieb am 21.11.08 14:17:27
      Beitrag Nr. 609 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 36.032.473 von gigawatt am 21.11.08 13:38:04Link dazu:
      schrieb am 22.11.08 20:04:16
      Beitrag Nr. 610 ()
      schrieb am 24.11.08 08:07:36
      Beitrag Nr. 611 ()
      Optionen, Optionen, Optionen !!!

      Filing Date Transaction Date Insider Name Ownership Type Securities Nature of transaction # or value acquired or disposed of Unit Price
      Nov 21/08 Nov 20/08 MacLellan, Ian Direct Ownership Common Shares 10 - Acquisition in the public market 30,000 $0.300
      Nov 21/08 Nov 19/08 MacLellan, Ian Direct Ownership Common Shares 10 - Acquisition in the public market 16,000 $0.330
      Nov 21/08 Nov 14/08 MacLellan, Ian Direct Ownership Common Shares 10 - Acquisition in the public market 55,000 $0.390…
      schrieb am 25.11.08 08:25:17
      Beitrag Nr. 612 ()

      Filing Date Transaction Date Insider Name Ownership Type Securities Nature of transaction # or value acquired or disposed of Unit Price
      Nov 24/08 Nov 24/08 Chornaby, David Joseph Direct Ownership Common Shares 10 - Acquisition in the public market 48,000 $0.380
      Nov 24/08 Nov 24/08 Chornaby, David Joseph Direct Ownership Common Shares 10 - Acquisition in the public market 500 $0.375
      Nov 24/08 Nov 24/08 Chornaby, David Joseph Direct Ownership Common Shares 10 - Acquisition in the public market 1,500 $0.370
      Nov 24/08 Nov 21/08 Wolfe, Marilyn Direct Ownership Common Shares 10 - Acquisition in the public market 10,000 $0.330
      schrieb am 26.11.08 07:57:40
      Beitrag Nr. 613 ()
      Arise Technologies CFO buys shares – Insiders
      Posted: November 25, 2008, 10:25 AM by David Pett
      Market Call, SEDI

      Alter NRG, Arise Technologies, Canfor Corp., Exxon Mobil & Imperial Oil are included in this report

      Insider transactions filed on Nov 24, 2008
      Source: SEDI

      Alter NRG Corp. president and CEO Mark Montermurro bought 13,000 company common shares through Montermurro Investments Ltd. at 65¢ each on Nov. 21, 2008, bringing these holdings to 535,360 shares.

      Arise Technologies Corp. chief financial officer David Chornoby bought 50,000 company common shares at prices ranging from 37¢ to 38¢ on Nov. 24, 2008, bringing these total holdings to 85,000 shares.

      Canfor Corp. director James Pattison bought 111,100 company common shares through Great Pacific Capital Corp. at $6.91 each on Nov. 14, 2008, bringing these holdings to 16,633,150 shares.

      Exxon Mobil Corp. bought 950,130 Imperial Oil Ltd. shares through Royter & Co from Nov. 17 to Nov. 21, 2008. Exxon is Imperial's majority shareholder. Imperial Oil Ltd. bought back and canceled 415,000 company common shares over the same period.…
      schrieb am 28.11.08 09:27:42
      Beitrag Nr. 614 ()

      Penson Financial Services Canada Inc.

      Suite 1100
      360 St-Jacques Street West
      Montreal, QC
      H2Y 1P5
      (514) 841-9665

      Penson Finanzservices Canada, Inc.

      Penson Finanzservices Canada, Inc. (PFSC), eine Tochtergesellschaft von Penson Worldwide, Inc. (Nasdaq: PNSN), ist ein Technologie fokussierter Versorger der Sicherheitsdienstleistungen, die auslagern und global bietet die flexiblen, kundengebundenen Lösungen allen Arten Finanzinstitute an. PFSC ist Kanadas größter non-bank angeschlossener Versorger der entsprechenden Reinigungdienstleistungen in Zahl der Korrespondenten ausgedrückt. Dienstleistungen umfassen Geschäftsdurchführung, Reinigung, Regelung, Schutz, Buchhaltung und Verwaltung. Mit Zugang zu 30 Märkten, stellt PFSC den Handel und die Produktlösungen zu einer großen Auswahl der Finanzservice-Unternehmen, einschließlich Vermittler des vollen Services, Institutionsunternehmen, online/Discount-Broker, automatisierte Händler, ICPMs, marktbestimmende Effektenhändler, Rentenhändler und Versicherer zur Verfügung. Spezialisierung PFSCS im Outsourcing lässt Finanzunternehmen sich auf ihr Hauptgeschäft konzentrieren.
      schrieb am 28.11.08 09:32:06
      Beitrag Nr. 615 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 36.100.038 von frankinvestor am 28.11.08 09:27:42super, danke.....schafft immer mehr fantas.für die zukunft und was da noch so kommt, am spannenstens wird es aber wenn usa langsam versteht in grüne aktien wie auch die aus dem nachbarland zu investieren und woll auch für arise einige aufträge 2009 kommen werden !
      schrieb am 30.11.08 10:29:06
      Beitrag Nr. 616 ()
      Einfach mal LESEN:

      Don Ogden – Senior Vice President, Private Client Strategist for Raymond James Ltd.
      schrieb am 30.11.08 10:31:53
      Beitrag Nr. 617 ()
      schrieb am 30.11.08 10:41:21
      Beitrag Nr. 618 ()
      Für die NEUEN im Forum...zur Erinnerung !!!

      Arise Technologies "market perform," target price reduced
      11/14/08 - Raymond James

      NEW YORK, November 14 ( - Analysts at Raymond James reiterate their "market perform" rating on Arise Technologies Corp (A3T), while reducing their estimates for the company. The target price has been reduced from $1.50 to $0.75.

      In a research note published this morning, the analysts mention that the company has reported its 3Q08 results in-line with the expectations. The pace of Arise Technologies’ capacity expansion and ramp-up process is slower than expected, the analysts say. The EPS estimates for 2008 and 2009 have been reduced from -$0.15 to -$0.22 and from $0.04 to -$0.01, respectively, to reflect reduced sales volumes.…
      schrieb am 02.12.08 08:26:36
      Beitrag Nr. 619 ()
      Montag, 1. Dezember 2008
      Sächsische Zeitung

      Sachsens Sonnenkönige glauben nicht an die Krise

      Hersteller rechnen mit langfristig großem Absatz

      Dresden. Diese Branche wächst auch im allgemeinen Abschwung weiter: 800 neue Arbeitsplätze entstehen in diesem Jahr in Sachsen dank Sonnenenergie. Dann zählt die Fotovoltaik-Branche im Freistaat 3900 Beschäftigte, sagt Wirtschaftsminister Thomas Jurk (SPD).

      Dazu gehören die Fabriken für Solarzellen und -anlagen wie Solarworld, Solarwatt und Signet Solar (siehe Tabelle). Doch auch einige Maschinenbaubetriebe wachsen mit dieser Branche – darunter Von Ardenne Anlagentechnik und Leybold Optics in Dresden und Roth & Rau in Hohenstein-Ernstthal.

      Finanzkrise: Einige Firmen verschieben Investitionen

      Die Bankenkrise macht der wachsenden Branche wenig Angst, führt aber zu Verzögerungen. „Wir sind in mehr Prüfungszyklen bei den Banken geraten“, sagt Matthias Gerhardt, Vertriebsleiter der jungen, ersten Fabrik von Signet Solar in Mochau bei Döbeln. Um drei bis vier Monate schiebe sich der nächste Investitionsschritt hinaus.

      Minister Jurk weiß, dass Banken Kreditlinien gekündigt haben, dass Kreditversicherungen sich zurückziehen und dass Lieferanten Vorkasse verlangen. Doch bei der Solarbranche ist Jurk sicher, dass die Investitionen „in naher Zukunft fortgesetzt“ werden. Viele Staaten fördern Öko-Energie, auch die USA. Der größte Markt ist allerdings Deutschland, dank kräftiger Zuschläge für Solarstrom. Neue Fabriken hat der Staat mit bis zu 50 Prozent bezahlt – rund 25 Millionen Euro waren das für Arise Technologies in Bischofswerda, berichtet Geschäftsführer Sjouke Zijlstra.

      Der Holländer baut für eine kanadische Firma das Werk auf. Aus jetzt 61 Stellen sollen bis April 120 werden. Die Löhne seiner Techniker beginnen bei 1724 Euro brutto monatlich bei 32-Stunden-Wochen. Auch Arise muss allerdings mit dem vorhandenen Geld „länger wirtschaften“ als geplant, berichtet Zijlstra. Die Aktiengesellschaft habe im Mai noch Kapital eingeworben, doch jetzt seien die Kurse zu niedrig für neuen Geldnachschub.

      Der börsennotierte Bonner Solarworld-Konzern mit seiner größten Fabrik in Freiberg spürt laut Vorstandschef Frank Asbeck „keine Rezession“. Er wirbt um Kunden, die ihr Geld „zur Dachsparkasse“ bringen – also in Fotovoltaik-Module für ihr Haus investieren.

      Pläne: Zehntausende neue Stellen in den neuen Ländern

      Die Wirtschaftsförderer hoffen, dass die junge Branche Arbeitsplatzbeschaffer bleibt. Rund 10000 Menschen aus drei Ländern haben im „Solarvalley Mitteldeutschland“ Arbeit, schätzt Professor Alexander Michaelis. Er leitet eines der elf Fraunhofer-Institute in Dresden – der Name weist nicht auf Solartechnologie hin: Fraunhofer-Institut für Keramische Technologien und Systeme. Doch dort arbeiten Forscher an neuen Techniken zum Bedrucken der Siliziumscheiben mit Kontakten, an Ideen zur Beschleunigung der Produktion und an weniger giftigen Chemikalien. Laut Michaelis kann das „Solarvalley“ in einigen Jahren auf mehr als 60000 Arbeitsplätze wachsen.

      Dazu muss die Solartechnik allerdings billiger werden. In vier bis sechs Jahren soll die Technik in der Lage sein, Sonnenstrom auch ohne Subventionen zum gleichen Preis zu produzieren wie herkömmliche Kraftwerke etwa aus Kohle.

      Preisfrage: Wer macht den billigsten Sonnenstrom?

      Zwei rivalisierende Techniken gibt es in der Fotovoltaik-Branche. In Sachsen sind beide vertreten, und für beide gibt es auch Anlagenbauer und Forscher im Freistaat.

      Die weitaus meisten Solaranlagen bestehen aus Siliziumscheiben. Solarworld zum Beispiel sägt sie aufwendig aus großen Blöcken heraus. Doch immer mehr Fabriken für Dünnschicht-Technologie werden gebaut, zum Beispiel Signet Solar in Mochau oder Sunfilm in Großröhrsdorf, die zurzeit durch einen Patentstreit belastet ist.

      Bei der Dünnschicht-Technologie werden große Glasscheiben mit Chemikalien dünn beschichtet. Dafür kommt auch Silizium infrage, aber in geringeren Mengen als bei der herkömmlichen Technik.

      Die Dünnschicht-Solarzellen sind billiger und liefern Strom auch bei diffusem Licht. Doch noch schafft ein Produkt von Signet Solar nicht viel mehr als sechs Prozent Wirkungsgrad – das ist der Anteil des Tageslichts, der zu Strom wird. Von 15,5 Prozent Wirkungsgrad ihrer Silizium-Scheiben spricht dagegen Solarworld. Alle Hersteller suchen Verbesserungen. Ihr Ziel: Die Anlagen sollen höchstens einen Euro pro Watt Leistung kosten. Noch sind es bis zu vier Euro. Mehrere Schichten übereinander sollen die Wirkung verbessern – wahrscheinlich werden die beiden rivalisierenden Techniken bald kombiniert.

      schrieb am 02.12.08 10:32:19
      Beitrag Nr. 620 ()
      Handelsblatt 2.12.08

      Die Solarindustrie gibt Sachsen Hoffnung
      Neue Jobs für Mitarbeiter von Qimonda und Infineon

      In ihrer Freizeit sitzen in diesen Tagen
      viele Mitarbeiter von Qimonda am
      Schreibtisch und setzen Bewerbungen
      auf - die einen, weil ihnen gekündigt
      wurde, die anderen, weil sie Angst haben,
      dass das Unternehmen trotz der
      Sparmaßnahmen in den nächsten Wochen
      pleite geht.
      Die Beschäftigten am Entwicklungsund
      Fertigungsstandort Dresden dürfen
      sich allerdings berechtigte Hoffnungen
      machen, in der Region einen neuen Job
      in einem ähnlichen beruflichen Umfeld
      zu finden. Denn die Photovoltaik-Branche
      in den neuen Ländern sucht noch
      immer Mitarbeiter. Die Folgen der Finanzkrise
      seien zwar spürbar, aber allenfalls
      in Form verzögerter Aufträge
      und Ausbaupläne, geben sich die Hersteller
      von Solarzellen zuversichtlich.
      Gerade in Sachsen, Thüringen und
      Sachsen-Anhalt siedelten sich in den
      letzten Jahren viele Solartechnikunternehmen
      an. Der Vorteil: Investoren
      können in den neuen Ländern noch immer
      mit höheren Subventionen und geringeren
      Löhnen als im Westen rechnen.
      In ganz Ostdeutschland arbeiten inzwischen
      15 000 Leute in der Branche,
      bundesweit sind es 46 000 Beschäftigte.
      Der Umsatz soll 2008 vier Mrd. Euro
      erreichen und in zwei Jahren bereits bei
      sechs Mrd. Euro liegen.
      "Es brummt trotz Wirtschafts- und Finanzkrise",
      freut sich Sachsens Wirtschaftsminister
      Thomas Jurk (SPD).
      Dass der Steuerzahler dafür wie einst
      beim Aufbau des Halbleiter-Standorts
      Dresden in Tasche greift - daran soll es
      derzeit nicht scheitern.
      Für ehemalige Mitarbeiter in der Halbleiterbranche
      ergeben sich so gute
      Chancen. Bereits jetzt kämen viele Bewerbungen
      von dort, heißt es in der Solarbranche.
      Sie "absorbiere" in der Krise
      die Jobverluste bei den Chipherstellern,
      sagt Bernd Rau, Vize-Präsident von
      Roth & Rau, die im sächsischen Hohenstein-
      Ernstthal Anlagen zur Oberflächenbehandlung
      von Solarzellen herstellen.
      "Da geht einer aus der Tür raus
      und durch eine andere hinein", erklärt
      Der Manager kann sich die Leute derzeit
      aussuchen, denn nicht nur Qimonda
      baut ab. Auch deren Mutter Infineon
      streicht weltweit mehrere Tausend Stellen,
      um die Kosten zu senken. Zudem
      erwägt Infineon Kurzarbeit. Die Münchener
      betreiben ebenso wie Qimonda
      ein Werk in Dresden. Ohne finanzielle
      Probleme steht in der Chipindustrie an
      der Elbe derzeit nur AMD da, nachdem
      ein Investor aus Abu Dhabi eingestiegen
      Allerdings müssen die Mitarbeiter oft
      Einbußen hinnehmen. Der Wechsel sei
      ein "finanzieller Schritt zurück", moniert
      der Dresdener IG-Metall-
      Funktionär Willi Eisele. Daraus
      macht auch die Solarbranche kein Geheimnis:
      Zehn Prozent weniger Lohn
      könnten es schon sein, räumt Sjouke Zijlstra,
      Geschäftsführer des Solartechnikherstellers
      Arise Technologies Deutschland
      in Bischofswerda ein.
      Die Solarbranche arbeitet ebenso wie
      die Halbleiterindustrie hauptsächlich
      mit Silizium. Die Abläufe sind deshalb
      in den Unternehmen vergleichbar, so
      dass die Beschäftigten problemlos
      wechseln können. Allerdings sind die
      Solarfabriken wesentlich günstiger als
      Chipwerke. In Zeiten der Finanzkrise ist
      dies ein enormer Vorteil, da die Banken
      kaum noch Kredite für große Bauvorhaben
      vergeben, und auch private Investoren
      zurückhaltend sind.
      Qimonda selbst hat noch im Frühjahr
      angekündigt, zusammen mit einem Partner
      in die Solarzellen-Fertigung einzusteigen.
      Inzwischen müssen die Halbleiterspezialisten
      allerdings schon froh
      sein, wenn sie ihr Kerngeschäft vor dem
      Untergang retten können.
      schrieb am 03.12.08 08:51:38
      Beitrag Nr. 621 ()
      schrieb am 03.12.08 12:52:53
      Beitrag Nr. 622 ()
      Das kannst Dir im Faktenthread sparen. Sonst kannste auch gleich die Empfehlungen von N-TV Hotlines hier reinstellen.
      schrieb am 03.12.08 17:17:56
      Beitrag Nr. 623 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 36.135.799 von frankinvestor am 03.12.08 08:51:38americanbulls:absoluter schrott!!!!!!!!!!!!
      schrieb am 03.12.08 23:18:50
      Beitrag Nr. 624 ()
      ARISE Technologies Signs Four-Year Contract to Supply PV Cells to Asola

      WATERLOO, ON, Dec. 3 /CNW/ - ARISE Technologies Corporation (TSX: APV and
      Frankfurt: A3T), which is dedicated to becoming a leader in high-performance,
      cost-effective solar technology, today announced that its wholly owned
      subsidiary, ARISE Technologies Deutschland GmbH (ARISE Germany) has signed a
      four-year contract to supply PV cells to Asola Advanced and Automotive Solar
      Systems GmbH.
      Under the terms of the contract, which runs through December 31, 2012,
      ARISE will supply approximately 80MW of PV (photovoltaic) cells to Asola on a
      take-or-pay basis based on industry-standard pricing established for the life
      of the agreement. The value of the contract is approximately C$200 million.
      Asola will be making pre-payments to ARISE according to industry standards
      with these funds being applied to future invoices on PV cell shipments. ARISE
      will be supplying the PV cells from its manufacturing plant opened earlier
      this year in Bischofswerda, Germany.
      Asola Advanced and Automotive Solar Systems, founded in 2001, is based in
      Isseroda, Germany. The senior management team of the privately owned company
      has more than 20 years experience in developing, manufacturing, and marketing
      solar PV modules and systems for a wide range of applications, including as a
      pioneer of mass-produced solar technology for road vehicles.
      "Our new four-year PV cell supply agreement with Asola Advanced
      Automotive Solar Systems is significant for ARISE Technologies in several
      respects," said Chris Waters, ARISE's Vice-President, Business Development and
      Marketing. "The contract is significant because it is ARISE's third major,
      large-volume supply agreement and will account for much of our remaining
      production capacity in 2009. Second, Asola has partners in module production
      and systems integration in Germany, Italy, Spain, France, South Korea, India,
      Morocco, and the United States. This supply agreement gives ARISE a very
      flexible customer base able to deploy cells rapidly into the highest-demand
      regions around the world."
      "We are looking forward to working with ARISE as a partner with Asola,"
      said Reinhard Wecker, the founder, President, and Chief Executive Officer of
      Asola. "After considering various potential suppliers of PV cells, we selected
      ARISE for a number of reasons, including its commitment to working with us for
      our mutual success, its plant and team in Germany, and its technology and
      plans to produce increasingly efficient PV cells during the life of this

      About ARISE Technologies

      ARISE Technologies Corporation, based in Waterloo, Ontario, is dedicated
      to becoming a leader in high-performance, cost-effective solar technology. The
      company operates through three divisions. The PV Cell Division manufactures PV
      (photovoltaic) cells at its first manufacturing plant opened in April 2008 in
      Bischofswerda, Germany. The division is developing proprietary technology with
      a target of achieving a step-by-step progression to a high-efficiency level of
      greater than 20 percent. The PV Silicon Division is using a proprietary method
      to produce silicon at 7N+ high-purity (99.99999 percent) for PV applications,
      based on a simplified chemical vapour deposition process. The division is
      focusing on scaling up its process to provide ARISE with control over its
      supply, costs, and quality. The PV Systems Division provides complete turnkey
      PV solutions for solar farms and rooftop installations under the Ontario
      Renewable Energy Standard Offer Program.
      The company's shares are listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange under the
      symbol APV and on the Frankfurt Open Market Exchange under the symbol A3T.
      Additional information is available at and

      Forward-Looking Statements

      Certain statements in this news release may be considered to be
      forward-looking. Such statements are based on management's current
      expectations, estimations, and assumptions based on experience, trends, and
      other factors that are subject to the significant risks and uncertainties
      described in our regulatory filings. Please refer to these. Such risks and
      uncertainties may include, but are not limited to, the effects of general
      economic conditions, changing foreign exchange rates, actions by government
      authorities, uncertainties associated with legal proceedings and negotiations,
      industry supply levels, competitive pricing pressures and misjudgments in the
      course of preparing forward-looking statements. ARISE assumes no obligation to
      update any forward-looking statements or to update the reasons why actual
      results could differ from those reflected in the forward-looking statements.…
      schrieb am 04.12.08 00:52:17
      Beitrag Nr. 625 ()
      Für Neueinsteiger. ARISE hat nun 3 Großkunden:

      Aleo Solar 2008-2012 -90 MW
      Solon AG 2008-2012 - 212 MW
      Asola 2009-2012 80 MW

      + Erträge aus der eigenen Silizium Produktion 2010
      schrieb am 04.12.08 07:50:00
      Beitrag Nr. 626 ()
      Aktualisierung der Webseite Arise technologies

      ARISE Signs Four-Year Contract with Asola
      Wednesday, 03 December 2008

      ARISE has signed a four-year contract to supply PV cells to Asola Advanced and Automotive Solar Systems GmbH.…

      Media Releases
      ARISE letter to the Editor of the Financial Post
      Wednesday, 03 December 2008

      ARISE pens a letter to the FP editor in response to statements made by columnist Peter Foster.…
      schrieb am 05.12.08 08:51:29
      Beitrag Nr. 627 ()
      Analyst Research Report Snapshot
      title: Most of 2009 production pre-sold as ARISE locks
      a third customer
      provider: Versant Partners
      file info: Available for Immediate Download date:
      4. DEC 2008

      referenced: APV.TO

      ARISE Technologies has signed a contract to supply Asola Advanced and Automotive Solar Systems with 80 MW of PV Cells over the next four years. This is ARISE’s third take-or-pay supply contract running until 2012. We estimate that most if not all of the company’s 2009 PV Cell production shall be sold through these agreements. We are maintaining our BUY recommendation and one-year target price to $1.15 based on the average of 5.7× EV/EBITDA (2010E) and 6.9× P/E (2010E).…
      schrieb am 05.12.08 09:01:20
      Beitrag Nr. 628 ()
      Und weiter gehts...

      Insider Activity Review – latest 10 filings updated daily
      Arise Technologies Corporation (APV)

      Dec 04/08 Nov 20/08 Dawkins, Jeffrey Direct Ownership Common Shares 10 - Acquisition in the public market 30,000 $0.300
      Dec 04/08 Dec 03/08 Alexander, Harold Direct Ownership Common Shares 10 - Acquisition in the public market 1,500 $0.495
      Dec 04/08 Dec 03/08 Alexander, Harold Direct Ownership Common Shares 10 - Acquisition in the public market 7,500 $0.490
      Dec 04/08 Dec 03/08 Alexander, Harold Direct Ownership Common Shares 10 - Acquisition in the public market 11,000 $0.480…
      schrieb am 05.12.08 10:34:22
      Beitrag Nr. 629 ()
      auf deutsch aus Photon-Newsletter


      ARISE Technologies unterzeichnet Vier-Jahres-Vertrag mit Asola
      03.12.2008: Die kanadische Firma ARISE Technologies Corporation (TSX: APV and
      Frankfurt: A3T) gibt bekannt, dass ihre 100prozentige Tochterfirma ARISE
      Technologies Deutschland GmbH einen Vier-Jahres-Vertrag unterschrieben hat, um
      die Firma Asola Advanced And Automotive Solar Systems GmbH mit Solarzellen zu
      beliefern. Der Vertrag beinhaltet die Lieferung von etwa 80 Megawatt an
      Photovoltaikzellen für Asola und umfasst einen Wert von 200 Millionen kanadische
      Dollar. …
      Quelle: Arise Technologies Corporation, Übersetzung: PHOTON
      Die vollständige Pressemitteilung finden Sie auch im PHOTON-Archiv unter folgendem Link:
      schrieb am 05.12.08 20:30:02
      Beitrag Nr. 630 ()
      65 Northland Road

      Waterloo, Ontario

      N2V 1Y8

      December 3, 2008

      Financial Post Editor

      Dear Editor:

      Peter Foster’s column, "It’s jobless being green", (November 22, 2008) covers a lot of ground and we won’t try to respond to all of it. We at ARISE Technologies mainly are concerned with a number of inaccurate or arguable statements that he makes regarding our company and the rapidly growing global solar technology industry.

      First, he states that "the only reason that these technologies [including solar] have enjoyed a boom in recent years (which is now collapsing) is that they have been subsidized by governments, and stoutly supported by the chattering classes in the media." In his own "chattering", we see no evidence supporting his claim that the boom in these technologies "is now collapsing." On the contrary, corporations and governments at all levels around the world are embracing renewable and green energy technologies as being critical for the future, recognizing both the environmental issues and the fact that we are exhausting fossil fuel resources. Investing in renewable energy sources is beginning to yield additional returns as input costs continue to come down across the value chain. It is a pattern that has been seen many times in other high-tech sectors. In turn, as the costs for solar and other renewable energy sources continue to decline, it is widely expected that demand will accelerate and these technologies, particularly solar energy will prove viable and will continue growing rapidly.

      Second, he questions the approach that has made Germany a world leader in renewable energy technologies, particularly solar, citing ARISE "which had allegedly benefitted from hefty German subsidies." Let us make this clear. ARISE has absolutely and very positively benefitted from the favorable environment that Germany has created for our industry. Thanks to the encouragement of the German government, including incentives as well as a very strong partnership forged with Commerzbank AG, we were able to bring our state-of-the-art PV cell plant from concept into commercial production in less than eight months. We now are rapidly increasing production and employment in the plant, which is operating 24/7 to meet the demand from our customers.

      Germany’s renewable energy program has succeeded in attracting companies like ARISE Technologies and others, resulting in the creation of approximately 250,000 new high-technology jobs to date, of which about 42,000 are in the solar sector. Wouldn’t those numbers look good in Canada?

      Mr. Foster also took a shot at one of our major customers, SOLON AG, suggesting that it is floundering. That is utterly false. SOLON AG, a leading PV module manufacturer, did somewhat reduce its growth outlook, which hardly is unique for any company in any industry anywhere in the world right now. However, in its 2008 nine-month financial summary, released November 12, 2008, SOLON stated that for 2009, revenues are expected to rise to more than €1 billion (or 25%) with a target EBIT margin exceeding 6%. Shortly after issuing the summary, SOLON confirmed its 2009 purchases of PV cells from ARISE.

      In summary, targeted incentives and private-public partnerships attract companies who in turn help make solar energy an economically viable option. Countries that take this approach can expect to create great numbers of high-tech jobs, reduce their need for fossil fuels, and, as a notable benefit, create a cleaner environment for current and future generations.


      Bart Tichelman, President and Chief Executive Officer

      ARISE Technologies Corporation
      schrieb am 05.12.08 20:33:09
      Dieser Beitrag wurde moderiert.
      schrieb am 05.12.08 20:46:39
      Beitrag Nr. 632 ()
      schrieb am 05.12.08 21:32:19
      Beitrag Nr. 633 ()
      hallo ibeam,

      also, ich muss sagen du hast ahnung.
      heute mittag hast du gesagt, dass du den dj heute noch bei etwa 8500 punkten erwartest, mein kompliment, hätte ich nicht erwartet.:cool:

      gruss horue
      schrieb am 05.12.08 22:43:54
      Beitrag Nr. 634 ()
      entschuldigung, meine postings haben natürlich nichts im faktenthread zu suchen
      schrieb am 08.12.08 10:02:43
      Beitrag Nr. 635 ()
      schrieb am 08.12.08 16:44:59
      Beitrag Nr. 636 ()
      WATERLOO, ON, Dec. 8 /CNW/ - ARISE Technologies Corporation (TSX: APV and
      Frankfurt: A3T), which is dedicated to becoming a leader in high-performance,
      cost-effective solar technology, today announced that it has met the fourth
      major milestone for its Silicon Feedstock Pilot Plant Project.
      "Achieving this latest milestone is yet another example of the ARISE
      Silicon team's outstanding ability to execute on its plans. Our Silicon
      program continues to gain momentum," said Bart Tichelman, President and Chief
      Executive Officer.
      "We have completed all the engineering planning required for the new
      68,000-square-foot Pilot Plant in Kitchener, Ontario. The retrofitting of the
      existing building to suit our needs is underway and on schedule. As previously
      announced, we are planning that the Pilot Plant will have a production
      capacity of 50 tonnes per year in 2009 and a further expansion to 400 tonnes
      per year is expected by 2010," Mr. Tichelman stated.
      "It's important to recognize the tremendous contribution to our silicon
      program that EBNER Industrieofenbau G.m.b.H., the manufacturer of our Silicon
      Refining Furnace version 4 (SiRF(TM) 4) has made and continues to make. It is
      set for delivery to our plant in the 2009 first quarter. Our valued
      partnership with Ebner has enabled us to maintain a very rapid pace of
      development along the pathway to get our proprietary process to market.
      Ebner's design and manufacturing engineering expertise are among the best in
      class," Mr. Tichelman remarked.
      "The engineering design, procurement, and fabrication for the first
      SiRF(TM) 4 furnace are complete and we are very pleased with the results of
      the initial runs. We expect to use SiRF(TM) 4 equipment in our
      400-tonnes-per-year facility, planned for 2010," reported Jeff Dawkins,
      Vice-President and General Manager, PV Silicon Division.
      Meeting the fourth milestone included completing the initial construction
      phase of the Pilot Plant and the successful completion and operation of a
      Pilot Plant scale furnace. The company met its first milestone of the project
      with the August 2007 commissioning of the Silicon Refining Furnace version 3.1
      (SiRF(TM) 3.1). ARISE met its second milestone when the Mini Pilot Plant
      became operational in December 2007, successfully producing polysilicon. The
      company met its third milestone in May 2008 when ARISE achieved specific
      objectives at its Mini Pilot Plant with respect to process economics,
      scalability, and quality.
      ARISE's silicon feedstock development project is being partially funded
      by Sustainable Development Technology Canada (SDTC). The project is developing
      a new approach being used for refining high-purity silicon needed for
      high-efficiency PV (photovoltaic) cells. The proprietary process that ARISE is
      developing is intended to produce 7N+ high-purity (99.99999 percent) silicon
      for PV applications using a simplified chemical vapor deposition process.
      ARISE believes that its ability to produce 7N+ high-purity silicon will enable
      it to meet its target of more than 20 percent efficiency for PV cells.
      SDTC is funding about one-third of the eligible project costs up to $6.4
      million, payable in tranches as ARISE meets specified milestones. SDTC's
      funding of the project is leveraged by an additional $13.2 million committed
      by a consortium led by ARISE.

      About ARISE Technologies

      ARISE Technologies Corporation, based in Waterloo, Ontario, is dedicated
      to becoming a leader in high-performance, cost-effective solar technology.
      The company operates through three divisions. The PV Cell Division
      manufactures PV (photovoltaic) cells at its first manufacturing plant opened
      in April 2008 in Bischofswerda, Germany. The division is developing
      proprietary technology with a target of achieving a step-by-step progression
      to a high-efficiency level of greater than 20 percent. The PV Silicon Division
      is using a proprietary method to produce silicon at 7N+ high-purity (99.99999
      percent) for PV applications, based on a simplified chemical vapour deposition
      process. The division is focusing on scaling up its process to provide ARISE
      with control over its supply, costs, and quality. The PV Systems Division
      provides complete turnkey PV solutions for solar farms and rooftop
      installations under the Ontario Renewable Energy Standard Offer Program.
      The company's shares are listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange under the
      symbol APV and on the Frankfurt Open Market Exchange under the symbol A3T.
      Additional information is available at and

      About EBNER Industrieofenbau G.m.b.H.

      EBNER is one of the leading manufacturers worldwide of heat treatment
      facilities for the steel, copper, and aluminum semi-finished products
      industries. They manufacture continuous and batch-type furnaces featuring
      cutting-edge technology that deliver maximum performance and optimum anneal
      results. EBNER facilities are among the most reliable, economical, and
      environmentally superior. Further information is available at

      About Sustainable Development Technology Canada

      Sustainable Development Technology Canada (SDTC) is an arm's-length
      foundation, which has received $1.05 billion from the Government of Canada as
      part of its commitment to create a healthy environment and a high quality of
      life for all Canadians. SDTC operates two funds aimed at the development and
      demonstration of innovative technological solutions. The $550 million SD Tech
      Fund(TM) supports projects that address climate change, air quality, clean
      water, and clean soil. The $500 million NextGen Biofuels Fund(TM) supports the
      establishment of first-of-kind, large-demonstration-scale facilities for the
      production of next-generation renewable fuels. SDTC operates as a
      not-for-profit corporation and has been working with the public and private
      sector including industry, academia, non-governmental organizations (NGOs),
      the financial community, and all levels of government to achieve this mandate.

      Forward-Looking Statements

      Certain statements in this news release may be considered to be
      forward-looking. Such statements are based on management's current
      expectations, estimations, and assumptions based on experience, trends, and
      other factors that are subject to the significant risks and uncertainties
      described in our regulatory filings. Please refer to these. Such risks and
      uncertainties may include, but are not limited to, the effects of general
      economic conditions, changing foreign exchange rates, actions by government
      authorities, uncertainties associated with legal proceedings and negotiations,
      industry supply levels, competitive pricing pressures and misjudgments in the
      course of preparing forward-looking statements. ARISE assumes no obligation to
      update any forward-looking statements or to update the reasons why actual
      results could differ from those reflected in the forward-looking statements.
      %SEDAR: 00017494E…
      schrieb am 08.12.08 21:49:48
      Beitrag Nr. 637 ()

      Solarindustrie in Ostdeutschland
      Die Photovoltaik sonnt sich in der Chipkrise
      Von Christian Geinitz, Leipzig

      Im sächsischen Mochau werden Dünnschicht-Solarmodule hergestellt
      08. Dezember 2008 Mochau ist alterwürdig, aber winzig. Im Jahr 1090 wurde die Gemeinde 50 Kilometer westlich von Dresden erstmals urkundlich erwähnt, viel passiert ist hier seitdem nicht. Kaum 3000 Einwohner leben in Mochau. Die wichtigsten Sehenswürdigkeiten sind eine Heimatstube und die Ruine der Sommerkirche. Doch seit diesem Jahr gibt es eine neue Attraktion in Mochau, eine Fabrik für Solarmodule des kalifornischen Investors Signet Solar.

      Seit Oktober stellt das Werk nach eigenen Angaben die größten Dünnschicht-Solarmodule der Welt her. Mit Abmessungen von 2,20 mal 2,60 Metern erreichen sie fast Schaufensterformat. Die Zahl der Mitarbeiter soll von Ende dieses bis Ende kommenden Jahres von 160 auf 400 Beschäftigte steigen. Die Kapazität dürfte sich auf eine Gesamtleistung aller hergestellten Module von 20 auf 120 Megawatt erhöhen.

      60 Prozent der deutschen Solarbeschäftigten im Osten

      Zwar könnte die Expansion etwas langsamer vonstattengehen als zunächst geplant, heißt es bei Signet Solar und bei anderen Anbietern. Schuld daran sind die restriktiveren und teureren Bankkredite und mancher zurückgestellte Auftrag im In- und Ausland. Außerdem machen die eingebrochenen Aktienkurse vielen Anlegern keine Freude. Im Großen und Ganzen aber sonnt sich die deutsche Solarindustrie in ihrer Nischenkonjunktur. So erwartet der Geschäftsführer des Bundesverbands Solarwirtschaft, Carsten Körnig, auch für 2009 ein klares Branchenwachstum: „Die Zahlen bei Photovoltaik und Solarthermie zeigen, dass unsere Unternehmen bis jetzt vergleichsweise gut durch die Finanzkrise kommen.“

      Überraschend ist das nicht, denn die Solarindustrie wird auch in der Krise kräftig gepäppelt. Das Gesetz für den Vorrang Erneuerbarer Energien (EEG) sieht vor, dass Betreiber von Photovoltaikanlagen zwanzig Jahre lang eine feste Vergütung für ihren ins Netz eingespeisten Strom erhalten, der weit über den üblichen Stromkosten liegt. Dieser Anreiz, den alle Stromverbraucher über eine Zwangsumlage mitfinanzieren, schmilzt für künftig errichtete Anlagen zwar deutlich ab. Er garantiert aber eine weiterhin hohe Nachfrage nach Photovoltaik und sichert der Industrie hohe Umsätze.

      In Ostdeutschland kommen Ansiedlungshilfen hinzu, was die überdurchschnittliche Unternehmensdichte in den neuen Ländern erklärt: 15.000 der 46.000 Beschäftigten der Branche arbeiten hier, nirgendwo in Europa werden mehr Photovoltaikbetriebe gebaut oder erweitert. Berücksichtigt man nur die Hersteller der Zellen oder Module - rechnet also Zulieferer und Handwerker heraus -, dann arbeiten 60 Prozent der deutschen Solarbeschäftigten im Osten.

      Boombranche Halbleiterindustrie

      Die Ost-Förderung aus den Töpfen von Bund, Land und EU ist üppig. Signet Solar lässt sich bis zu 35 Prozent ihrer Gesamtinvestitionen von 50 Millionen Euro vom Steuerzahler finanzieren. Beim kanadischen Zellenhersteller Arise Technologies im sächsischen Bischofswerda sind es sogar 50 Prozent von 50 Millionen. „Nirgendwo sind die Förderbedingungen für Solar so gut wie in Ostdeutschland“, gibt der niederländischstämmige Geschäftsführer Sjouke Zijlstra zu. In Bischofswerda habe man 13 Hektar Land fast geschenkt bekommen, hinzu kämen die Arbeitskostenvorteile, die gegenüber Westdeutschland bei 15 bis 20 Prozent lägen; allerdings bei einer Lohnkostenquote von kaum 4 Prozent. Angesichts der guten Bedingungen will auch Arise weiter wachsen: Die Zahl der Beschäftigten soll sich bis April auf 120 verdoppeln, bis 2012 könnte man bis zu 500 Millionen Euro investieren.

      Auf den Ansiedlungen von Signet, Arise und anderen ruhen große Hoffnungen, nicht nur in ihren provinziellen Heimatgemeinden, sondern auch in der Landeshauptstadt Dresden. „Die Branche brummt trotz Wirtschafts- und Finanzkrise“, frohlockt Wirtschaftsminister Thomas Jurk (SPD), der 2009 für sein Bundesland einen Beschäftigtenanstieg von 3100 auf 4000 voraussieht. Die hohen Erwartungen gelten aber auch ganz konkret für manchen Dresdner, der sich um seinen Arbeitsplatz sorgt - vor allem aus der Halbleiterindustrie, die gestern noch als die große Boombranche Sachsens galt.

      Einkommensabstand zwischen Halbleiter- und Solarindustrie

      Im selbsternannten „Silicon Saxony“ rund um Dresden, dem größten Halbleiterstandort Europas, siedeln 270 Unternehmen mit 35.000 Beschäftigten und 4 Milliarden Euro Jahresumsatz. Doch nicht wenige dieser Unternehmen stecken in der Krise. Nach Zahlen der IG Metall haben in den vergangenen zwölf Monaten Chiphersteller und Zulieferer den Abbau von 3000 Stellen im Raum Dresden angekündigt. Schlagzeilen machen meist nur die Großen der Branche, allen voran der Intel-Konkurrent AMD, der seine Dresdner Werke im Oktober an Investoren aus Abu Dhabi verkaufen musste, um sie zu retten. Noch nicht gerettet ist die Infineon-Tochtergesellschaft Qimonda, die seit 2007 in Dresden schon 700 ihrer ehemals 3900 Stellen abgebaut hat und 950 weitere Arbeitsplätze streichen will. Selbst ein kompletter Zusammenbruch ist nicht ausgeschlossen, zumal das Land Sachsen den Standort nicht um jeden Preis erhalten will.

      Von dem Niedergang profitieren die 35 Solarunternehmen in Sachsen, die zusammen 1,6 Milliarden Euro umsetzen. Denn gute Leute in Hochtechnikberufen sind selbst in Ostdeutschland nicht immer einfach zu bekommen - oder sehr teuer. „In der Halbleiterkrise haben wir kaum Probleme, unsere Stellen zu besetzen“, sagt die Personalchefin von Signet Solar, Kathrin Kretschmar. Zehn ehemalige Qimonda-Mitarbeiter stehen in Mochau am Band, selbst der Manager für Qualität und Sicherheit kommt von dort. Auch bei Arise haben sich schon einige Interessenten von Infineon, Qimonda oder AMD gemeldet. Auf Stundenbasis beziffert Zijlstra den Einkommensabstand zwischen Halbleiter- und Solarindustrie auf gut 10 Prozent.
      schrieb am 10.12.08 07:43:52
      Beitrag Nr. 638 ()
      Seven New Alternative Energy Stocks Added, 21 Stocks Deleted from Ardour Global Alternative Energy Index(SM) in Quarterly Rebalancing --Two New Stocks in Ardour Global Index(SM) (Extra Liquid)
      The Ardour Global Alternative Energy Index(SM) (TICKER: GIGL) will add 7 new components, effective 9:00 AM (EST) Monday, December 22, 2008. 21 stocks will be deleted from the index, changing the number of index components to 109. The changes result from the index's quarterly rebalancing.

      Last update: 3:01 a.m. EST Dec. 9, 2008
      NEW YORK, Dec 09, 2008 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- The Ardour Global Alternative Energy IndexSM (TICKER: GIGL) will add 7 new components, effective 9:00 AM (EST) Monday, December 22, 2008. 21 stocks will be deleted from the index, changing the number of index components to 109. The changes result from the index's quarterly rebalancing.
      Additions to AGIGL are: 5N Plus (TICKER: VNP CN); Badger Meter Inc. (TICKER: BMI US); Energy Recovery Inc. (ERII US); Consolidated Water (TICKER: CWCO US); Covanta (TICKER: CVA US); Iberdrola Renovables (TICKER: IBR SM); Manz Automation AG (TICKER: M5Z GR).
      Deletions from AGIGL are: Arise Technologies Corp (TICKER: APV CN); Aventine Renewable Energy Holding (TICKER: AVR US); Bioteq Environmental Tech Inc (TICKER: BQE CN); C&D Technologies Inc. (TICKER: CHP US); Clean Diesel Technologies (TICKER: CDTI US); Day 4 Energy Inc (TICKER: DFE CN); DayStar Technologies Inc (TICKER: DSTI US); Evergreen Energy (TICKER: EEE US); Hydrogenics Corp. (TICKER: HYG CN); Kemet Corp. (TICKER: KEM US); Medis Technologies Ltd. (TICKER: MDTL US); Pecific Ethanol Inc. (TICKER: PEIX US); Spire Corp. (TICKER: SPIR US); Sunways AG (TICKER: SWW GR); Syntroleum Corp. (TICKER: SYNM US); US Geothermal Inc (TICKER: GHT CN); Brasil Ecodiesel (TICKER: ECOD3 BZ); Geodynamics Ltd. (TICKER: GDY AU); Powertech Industrial Co Ltd (TICKER: 3296 TT); Topco Scientific Co Ltd (TICKER: 5434 TT); Companhia Energetica de Minas Gerais (TICKER: CMIG4 BZ).
      A complete list of constituents and weights will be posted on the AGI family of alternative energy indexes web site, (
      The Ardour Global Alternative Energy Index(SM) is a capitalization-weighted, float-adjusted index of the most prominent alternative energy stocks in the world. To be included in the AGIGL index, companies must be pure-play and the stocks must pass multiple screens, including for capitalization, float, exchange listing, share price and turnover.
      The Ardour Global Index(SM) (Extra Liquid) (TICKER: AGIXL), which contains a fixed number of 30 stocks, had two additions against two deletions. Covanta (TICKER: CVA US) and Iberdrola Renovables (TICKER: IBR SM) replace FuelCell Energy Inc. (TICKER: FCEL US) and Solaria Energia Y Medio Ambi (TICKER: AOR GR)
      Detailed information, including constituent data, rules and price information, on the AGI family of alternative energy indexes is available at Data is also available through most vendors of financial data.
      Index: Ardour Global Alternative Energy Index(SM)
      Ticker: AGIGL
      Index: Ardour Global Index(SM) (Extra Liquid)
      Ticker: AGIXL
      SOURCE: The Ardour Global Alternative Energy Index…
      schrieb am 10.12.08 07:47:48
      Beitrag Nr. 639 ()
      ARISE ist aus d. INDEX herausgeflogen....

      Seven New Alternative Energy Stocks Added, 21 Stocks Deleted from Ardour Global Alternative Energy Index(SM) in Quarterly Rebalancing --Two New Stocks in Ardour Global Index(SM) (Extra Liquid)
      The Ardour Global Alternative Energy Index(SM) (TICKER: GIGL) will add 7 new components, effective 9:00 AM (EST) Monday, December 22, 2008. 21 stocks will be deleted from the index, changing the number of index components to 109. The changes result from the index's quarterly rebalancing.

      Last update: 3:01 a.m. EST Dec. 9, 2008

      NEW YORK, Dec 09, 2008 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- The Ardour Global Alternative Energy IndexSM (TICKER: GIGL) will add 7 new components, effective 9:00 AM (EST) Monday, December 22, 2008. 21 stocks will be deleted from the index, changing the number of index components to 109. The changes result from the index's quarterly rebalancing.
      Additions to AGIGL are: 5N Plus (TICKER: VNP CN); Badger Meter Inc. (TICKER: BMI US); Energy Recovery Inc. (ERII US); Consolidated Water (TICKER: CWCO US); Covanta (TICKER: CVA US); Iberdrola Renovables (TICKER: IBR SM); Manz Automation AG (TICKER: M5Z GR).
      Deletions from AGIGL are: Arise Technologies Corp (TICKER: APV CN); Aventine Renewable Energy Holding (TICKER: AVR US); Bioteq Environmental Tech Inc (TICKER: BQE CN); C&D Technologies Inc. (TICKER: CHP US); Clean Diesel Technologies (TICKER: CDTI US); Day 4 Energy Inc (TICKER: DFE CN); DayStar Technologies Inc (TICKER: DSTI US); Evergreen Energy (TICKER: EEE US); Hydrogenics Corp. (TICKER: HYG CN); Kemet Corp. (TICKER: KEM US); Medis Technologies Ltd. (TICKER: MDTL US); Pecific Ethanol Inc. (TICKER: PEIX US); Spire Corp. (TICKER: SPIR US); Sunways AG (TICKER: SWW GR); Syntroleum Corp. (TICKER: SYNM US); US Geothermal Inc (TICKER: GHT CN); Brasil Ecodiesel (TICKER: ECOD3 BZ); Geodynamics Ltd. (TICKER: GDY AU); Powertech Industrial Co Ltd (TICKER: 3296 TT); Topco Scientific Co Ltd (TICKER: 5434 TT); Companhia Energetica de Minas Gerais (TICKER: CMIG4 BZ).
      A complete list of constituents and weights will be posted on the AGI family of alternative energy indexes web site, (
      The Ardour Global Alternative Energy Index(SM) is a capitalization-weighted, float-adjusted index of the most prominent alternative energy stocks in the world. To be included in the AGIGL index, companies must be pure-play and the stocks must pass multiple screens, including for capitalization, float, exchange listing, share price and turnover.
      The Ardour Global Index(SM) (Extra Liquid) (TICKER: AGIXL), which contains a fixed number of 30 stocks, had two additions against two deletions. Covanta (TICKER: CVA US) and Iberdrola Renovables (TICKER: IBR SM) replace FuelCell Energy Inc. (TICKER: FCEL US) and Solaria Energia Y Medio Ambi (TICKER: AOR GR)
      Detailed information, including constituent data, rules and price information, on the AGI family of alternative energy indexes is available at Data is also available through most vendors of financial data.
      Index: Ardour Global Alternative Energy Index(SM)
      Ticker: AGIGL
      Index: Ardour Global Index(SM) (Extra Liquid)
      Ticker: AGIXL
      SOURCE: The Ardour Global Alternative Energy Index

      Ardour Capital Investments, LLC
      Walter Nasdeo, 212-375-2958
      Ardour Global Indexes, LLC
      Joseph LaCorte, 646-467-7927…
      schrieb am 16.12.08 08:23:16
      Beitrag Nr. 640 ()
      schrieb am 16.12.08 08:58:29
      Beitrag Nr. 641 ()
      Bericht über Arise Technologies in der ZDF-WISO Sendung vom 15.12.2008

      Arise wird erwähnt in der Zeitspanne von 10:00 Minuten bis 13:50 Minuten

      "Es gibt sie, die Firmen, die sich nicht über mangelndes Wachstum beklagen können"

      Mitarbeiter für die 2.te Linie gesucht > 40 bis 50 Personen

      Allen Unkenrufen zum Trotz (vorallem im Hauptthread) bestätigt Sjouke Zijlstra, daß auf dem 13 ha großen Gelände mit Sicherheit 10 Hallen Platz haben (in der Größenordnung wie die bereits vorhandene)

      Zitat Sjouke Zijlstra: "Sie sehen wie stark wir uns auf Wachstum gerichtet haben!"
      schrieb am 18.12.08 22:39:58
      Beitrag Nr. 642 ()
      Arise Technologies baut im Januar die Produktion aus

      Bischofswerda. In der Solarfabrik der Arise Technologies Deutschland GmbH in Bischofswerda laufen die Vorbereitungen zum Aufbau der zweiten Produktionslinie. Ab Mitte Januar werden die Anlagen aufgebaut, voraussichtlich im April startet hier die Fertigung, sagte Arise-Geschäftsführer Sjouke Zijlstra der SZ gestern auf Anfrage. Die Technologie auf der zweiten Anlage ermögliche eine Steigerung des Wirkungsgrades der hergestellten Solarzellen von mehr
      schrieb am 18.12.08 22:54:56
      Beitrag Nr. 643 ()
      ARISE Technologies Extends Maturity of Inventory Credit Facility

      Waterloo, ON, December 18, 2008 – ARISE Technologies Corporation (TSX: APV and Frankfurt: A3T), which is dedicated to becoming a leader in high-performance, cost-effective solar technology, today announced that it has agreed with Commerzbank AG to extend the maturity of a €9 million inventory credit facility to June 15, 2009.

      The secured bank credit facility, which the company entered into with Commerzbank on March 17, 2008, previously was set to mature on December 15, 2008. ARISE has used the credit facility for the purchase of silicon wafers for use in its PV (photovoltaic) cell manufacturing plant in Bischofswerda, Germany. Other terms of the credit facility remain unchanged with interest set at the Euro Inter-bank Offer Rate (EURIBOR) + 2.55% per annum.

      “The successful negotiation to extend this credit facility is confirmation of the excellent relationship that ARISE has maintained with Commerzbank. Our total credit facilities with Commerzbank remain at €56.05 million,” said Dave Chornaby, the company’s Chief Financial Officer.

      About ARISE Technologies ARISE Technologies Corporation, based in Waterloo, Ontario, is dedicated to becoming a leader in high-performance, cost-effective solar technology. The company operates through three divisions. The PV Cell Division manufactures PV (photovoltaic) cells at its first manufacturing plant opened in April 2008 in Bischofswerda, Germany. The division is developing proprietary technology with a target of achieving a step-by-step progression to a high-efficiency level of greater than 20 percent. The PV Silicon Division is using a proprietary method to produce silicon at 7N+ high-purity (99.99999 percent) for PV applications, based on a simplified chemical vapour deposition process. The division is focusing on scaling up its process to provide ARISE with control over its supply, costs, and quality. The PV Systems Division provides complete turnkey PV solutions for solar farms and rooftop installations under the Ontario Renewable Energy Standard Offer Program.
      The company’s shares are listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange under the symbol APV and on the Frankfurt Open Market Exchange under the symbol A3T. Additional information is available at and
      schrieb am 19.12.08 12:28:57
      Beitrag Nr. 644 ()
      Freitag, 19. Dezember 2008
      (Sächsische Zeitung)

      Arise Technologies baut im Januar die Produktion aus

      Bischofswerda. In der Solarfabrik der Arise Technologies Deutschland GmbH in Bischofswerda laufen die Vorbereitungen zum Aufbau der zweiten Produktionslinie. Ab Mitte Januar werden die Anlagen aufgebaut, voraussichtlich im April startet hier die Fertigung, sagte Arise-Geschäftsführer Sjouke Zijlstra der SZ gestern auf Anfrage. Die Technologie auf der zweiten Anlage ermögliche eine Steigerung des Wirkungsgrades der hergestellten Solarzellen von mehr als einem Prozent, so die Geschäftsleitung.

      Arise Technologies nahm im Frühjahr 2008 die Produktion auf. Jetzt sind in dem Betrieb 65 Mitarbeiter angestellt. Es wird im Dreischichtsystem rund um die Uhr gearbeitet. 2009 soll die Zahl der Mitarbeiter auf bis zu 150 wachsen. Für die zweite Fertigungslinie werden Fachleute ab Januar eingestellt, sagte Sjouke Zijlstra. Bis 2012 will das Unternehmen auf acht Produktionslinien hochleistungsfähige Solarzellen fertigen.
      schrieb am 20.12.08 08:29:53
      Beitrag Nr. 645 ()
      Ist schon ein PAAR TAGE ALT...aber...Ziel f. Mitte 2009 !!!

      Arise Technologies falls on growing loss, guidance miss
      Posted: November 12, 2008, 11:12 AM by David Pett
      Energy, Arise Technologies, solar

      Arise Technologies Corp. shares were down a bunch on Wednesday morning after the solar cell manufacturer announced third quarter results, including volume shipments that have fallen off pace expectations. The stock was down 27% to 53¢ at 11 a.m. ET.

      Arise said third-quarter 2008 sales of PV cells amounted to 5 megawatts, generating $15.6-million of sales. The company expects to ship 7 to 8 megawatts of PV cells in the fourth quarter for sales of $21 to $24-million.

      "That will bring our PV shipments in the second half of this year to 12MW-13MW for $36 to $39 million in sales," said Bart Tichelman, president and CEO. "This is below the shipment level previously announced of 14-16MW for $42-$48 million in sales."

      Mr Tichelman said the slower-than-expected ramp up was due to unforeseen equipment downtime. He added that Arise may incur a four-to-eight week delay in the planned start-up of Line 2 at the Bischofswerda plant due to a a manufacturing delay for a key piece of equipment.

      The company's Q3 net loss jumped to $8.2-million or 6¢ per share, compared with a net loss of $2.7-million or 4¢ per share this time last year as gross margins dipped from higher than expected scrap rates.

      Arise had positive working capital of $23.7-million at the end of the third quarter, down from $46-million at the end of the 2008 second quarter. Cash and cash equivalents totaled $21.8 million, versus $42.2 million at end of Q2.

      John Safrance, analyst with Fraser Mackenzie Ltd, revised his price target on Arise stock from $4.15 to $3.45, but maintained his "strong buy" recommendation.

      "Operationally, the company has struggled to ramp somewhat, and we believe it will continue to do so through the better part of 2009 before reaching profitability," he said in a note to clients.

      Ultimately, Mr. Safrance believes Arise's current initiatives including its PV silicon program will shore up margins and lead the company to positive cash flows in the back end of next year.

      He told clients that Arise has enough cash to see it through these initiatives, but warned that "cash burn must be minimized through improved gross margin/line optimization efforts to ensure working capital through 2009."

      David Pett…
      schrieb am 02.01.09 16:57:11
      Beitrag Nr. 646 ()
      schrieb am 04.01.09 11:59:55
      Dieser Beitrag wurde moderiert. Grund: Spammposting
      schrieb am 05.01.09 08:48:25
      Beitrag Nr. 648 ()
      Revue de presse - De l'énergie
      Manon Cornellier
      Édition du samedi 03 et du dimanche 04 janvier 2009

      The German example is instructive in this regard, as shown in an article published by Chris Turner in the latest edition of the magazine The Walrus. With a bold policy, this country has caused the emergence of an industry producing solar and wind power to dominate the world market.

      Adopted in 2000 and strengthened in 2004, the Law on Renewable Energy, or FIT, required suppliers of electricity they draw in part from renewable energy producers and energy that they pay at a price significantly above the market. Thus subsidized by all consumers, solar and wind power industry took off and today, equipment manufacturers, including Canadians Arise Technologies, have gable on the street.

      More than 400 000 owners have profited by installing solar panels on their roof. The surplus produce is bought by electricity suppliers. These incentives have been successful on several fronts: creating jobs, revitalizing some industrial centers of the former East Germany, reducing dependence on non-renewable energy sources and an absolute reduction of emissions greenhouse gases.

      In Canada, Ontario has adopted a watered down version of that policy, but it remains for the moment the most ambitious in this area, said

      Turner. At the national level, however, Canada has a serious delay with its pilots and its half-measures.

      U.S. pressure

      Canada can perhaps longer drag their feet too long since come to the White House a new president willing to print a green to the American economy. Barack Obama made this policy choice to respond simultaneously to two challenges facing the United States: increasing the country's energy independence and combat climate change.

      This convergence of interests in favor of a common policy for North America, says Velma McColl, in the latest edition of the journal Policy Options. Indeed, Canada is the first energy supplier to the United States and the two countries is integrated.

      "The north-south cooperation in energy and electricity is more important than anything we exchange east-west between provinces," she said. It notes that the determination of Obama to focus on relaunching "green" the economy has not diminished with the current crisis.

      The Harper government appeared to want to act, saying a North American market trading carbon credits, but it remains to know the details. Future policy should simultaneously address the problems of energy and climate change and a North American approach may not rhyme with inaction.

      Opportunities available in Canada, she believes, but it returned to profit, which it has not yet done so. And it will not do, she concluded, if it continues to have a fragmented and not to adopt a federal-provincial response.

      Dangers and opportunities

      In this context, the dream of a fully electric car is expected to generate enthusiasm. A Canadian firm, with a pied-à-terre in St. Jerome, Quebec, also attracts attention, "says Alex Hutchison, in the January issue of Toronto Life.

      It is none other than ZENN Motor, the maker of this small car recently permitted in Quebec and not traveling at 40 km / h. Despite this handicap, ZENN find financial support because the company is in the race to achieve the Holy Grail of the electric car: a reliable battery, easy to recharge, which allows speeds normal for a long period and not make the prohibitive price of the vehicle.

      ZENN does not work itself on the stack, we learn Hutchison, but holds the exclusive rights in perpetuity for the most promising battery currently under development, of the Texas company EEStor. It is for this reason that investors continue to support ZENN. But time is running out. The first delivery of the battery was expected in 2007 and again in 2008. It is now 2009. At this rate, the risk grows that a competitor cross the finish line before ZENN, especially that this thinking not to produce its own car, but to sell his model to a large manufacturer that has the necessary infrastructure .

      Environmentalists are pleased to see the fall of crude oil prices slow the heat of the oil sands in Alberta, but this is not the case of temporary workers who depend for their livelihood, "wrote the Globe and Mail this week.

      The slowdown in activity in Fort McMurray, the capital of the oil sands will hit these temporary workers, not permanent employees. The city would lose in exchange for these temporary workers will spend a jackpot for s'héberger, eat, have fun, but it could also breathe a little to upgrade its infrastructure.

      Many other communities, who see them come back regularly to their families, collected by a blow against, and, from Newfoundland to northern Ontario through Nova Scotia. Rural communities in Alberta, which account for about half of these workers, would suffer as well. It is estimated that some 24 000 temporary jobs sands may cause up to 600 million in impact elsewhere in Canada
      schrieb am 05.01.09 08:54:44
      Beitrag Nr. 649 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 36.302.816 von frankinvestor am 05.01.09 08:48:25alles in allem sehr gut für arise die lunte ist gelegt
      schrieb am 06.01.09 15:36:30
      Beitrag Nr. 650 ()
      Nur zur Info: RT-KURS-ARISE

      schrieb am 07.01.09 07:54:04
      Beitrag Nr. 651 ()
      Doughty dozen?
      Posted by Andrew Bell on January 6, 2009

      Hope springs eternal -- especially when it comes to small-cap stocks.

      Here are the 2009 Top Picks from Fraser Mackenzie Ltd.

      In case you’re wondering… this is the first year the broker has produced a top picks list.

      Says one Fraser analyst, with a sigh of relief, "2008 would have been a very humbling year in which to have started."

      5N Plus Inc. (VNP – TSX) Supplier of cadmium telluride to the solar industry

      Aeroquest International Ltd. (AQL – TSX) Provider of airborne surveys for mining

      Alamos Gold Inc. (AGI – TSX) Mexican gold producer

      ARISE Technologies Corp. (APV – TSX) Producer of photovoltaic cells for solar modules.

      Axia NetMedia Inc. (AXX – TSX) Provider of next generation broadband networks

      Bio-Extraction Inc. (BXI – Venture) Cold solvent technology for extracting proteins from oilseeds

      Canplats Resources Corp. (CPQ – Venture) Mexican gold and silver exploration company

      Eveready Inc. (EIS.UN – TSX) Industrial and oilfield services

      MacDonald, Dettwiler & Associates Inc. (MDA- TSX) Land, property and earth information

      Niko Resources Ltd. (NKO – TSX) Natural gas in India and Bangladesh.

      Petrobank Energy and Resources Ltd. (PBG – TSX) Oilsands developer in Canada, oil production in Colombia.

      Questerre Energy (QEC – TSX) Oil and gas in Quebec, British Columbia, Saskatchewan and Alberta.

      If you have a comment on this or any other blog, please write to us at We may print your comment and reserve the right to edit.
      schrieb am 07.01.09 20:32:05
      Beitrag Nr. 652 ()
      LINIE ZWEI ???

      schrieb am 08.01.09 09:40:47
      Beitrag Nr. 653 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 36.327.532 von frankinvestor am 07.01.09 20:32:05Nein, da wird nur der Weihnachtsbaum entfernt.
      schrieb am 09.01.09 10:29:19
      Beitrag Nr. 654 ()
      RT- Kurse f. NEUEINSTEIGER STÄNDIG verfügbar:

      Div. Charts zur Beurteilung der Entwicklung- v. ARISE !!!
      Ihr könnten diese Charts jeden Tag wieder aufrufen...

      Hier...die Fakten:




      DOW- Indikation


      Viel Glück...
      schrieb am 11.01.09 09:29:30
      Beitrag Nr. 655 ()
      Photovoltaik-Hersteller ARISE Technologies schließt Solarzellen-Liefervertrag mit Asola
      ARISE -Produktion in Bischofswerda (Sachsen).

      ARISE -Produktion in Bischofswerda (Sachsen).

      Die ARISE Technologies Corporation (Waterloo, Ontario, Kanada) berichtete am 3. 12 2008, dass ihr hundertprozentiges Tochterunternehmen ARISE Technologies Deutschland GmbH (Bischofswerda) einen Liefervertrag über Solarzellen unterzeichnet habe. Entsprechend der Vereinbarung, die bis zum 31. Dezember 2012 laufe, soll das Unternehmen Solarzellen an die Asola Advanced and Automtotive Solar Systems GmbH (Isseroda) liefern. ARISE werde insgesamt Solarzellen mit einer Kapazität von rund 80 Megawatt (MW) auf Grundlage einer so genannten "take-or-pay"-Vereinbarung bereitstellen. Das Gesamtvolumen des Vertrages beträgt laut Pressemitteilung zirka 123 Millionen Euro. ARISE will die Solarzellen aus seinem neuen Werk im deutschen Bischofswerda liefern.

      Dritter umfangreicher Liefervertrag wird Produktionskapazität weitgehend auslasten

      "Unser neuer Vier-Jahres-Liefervertrag mit Asola Advanced Automotive Solar Systems ist aus mehreren Gründen bedeutsam für ARISE Technologies", sagte Chris Waters, Vizepräsident für Geschäftsentwicklung und Marketing von ARISE. "Die Vereinbarung ist der dritte derart umfangreiche Liefervertrag für ARISE, dessen Erfüllung einen großen Anteil unsere Produktionskapazität für 2009 ausschöpfen wird. Außerdem bringt Asola Partner aus der Modulproduktion und Systemintegration mit, aus so verschiedenen Ländern wie Deutschland, Italien, Spanien, Frankreich, Srea, Indien, Marokko und den Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika. Mit diesem Liefervertrag erhält ARISE somit einen sehr flexiblen Kundenstamm und das ermöglicht es uns, die Solarzellen schnell in die nachfragestärksten Regionen der Welt zu senden", schloss Waters. "Wir freuen uns auf die Zusammenarbeit mit ARISE", sagte Reinhard Wecker, Gründer, Vorstand und Geschäftsführer von Asola. "Wir haben verschiedene potenzielle Zulieferer von PV-Zellen in Erwägung gezogen, und uns dann aus verschiedenen Gründen für ARISE entschieden. Das Unternehmen hat sich dazu verpflichtet, an unserem beiderseitigen Wachstum zu arbeiten, es hat eine Fabrik und ein Team vor Ort in Deutschland und es plant, während der Vertragslaufzeit den Wirkungsgrad der PV-Zellen zu erhöhen", betonte Wecker.

      10.12.2008 Quelle: ARISE Technologies Corp.

      Zur Erläuterung:

      Take or pay-Klausel
      Mindestmengen oder Mindestleistungen, die von Kunden auch dann zu bezahlen sind, wenn die Abnahme darunter liegt, sind "Take or pay"-Klauseln.
      schrieb am 12.01.09 07:40:08
      Beitrag Nr. 656 ()
      Report-Date 06.01.2009


      We have selected twelve companies from our firm’s coverage universe that we believe will be the

      strongest performers in 2009. Our selections span a range of market capitalizations and industry

      sectors, but in each case we view our choice as either an established leader or a rising star.

      STRONG BUY Target: $3.45

      • Along with our second 2009 top-pick (5N Plus Inc.) ARISE has been caught in a downdraft of a general equities selloff and an even more severe correction

      for solar stocks. In APV's case, given its exposure to the polycrystalline module manufacturing group, the 2008 selloff can be justified, especially as it only

      began around-the-clock manufacturing in Q3FY2008 and has been quite unprofitable doing so.

      • However, the single greatest issue plaguing the company - high silicon wafer costs equating to low gross margins - will begin to be addressed early in 2009

      with the construction of a pilot facility capable of manufacturing an annualized 50 tonnes of polysilicon per year. The facility will grow to 400 tonnes by 2010.

      Ultimately a full scale facility will be commissioned in 2011 likely capable of 2000+ tonnes per year.

      • Why is internal polysilicon production so important? First, it ensures a consistent supply. Second, the company believes it will be capable of producing highly

      purified material at 7N (99.99999%) of purity or better at a cost (sub $20/kg) below that of the industry. If it can do so and produce in volume, we expect gross

      margins to grow from single digits in early 2009 to the high teens by the end of 2010 as it replaces high cost poly with its own less expensive material.

      • We believe investors will therefore be best served focusing their attention on the pilot facility as it will determine the full scale facility's economics and the longterm

      success of the company. Should it prove to meet expectations, we believe the company's shares will begin to reflect the promise of improving

      fundamentals and could potentially put the company in play generating interest with existing polysilicon manufacturers if the share price remains at a depressed level.

      52 Wk High/Low $2.90 - 0.29

      Upside to Target Price 551%
      Average Daily Volume (3 months) 785,960
      Shares Outstanding Basic (M) 126.4
      Shares Outstanding F.D. (M) 129.6
      Market Capitalization ($M, F.D.) $68.7
      Net Debt ($M) $16.7
      Enterprise Value ($M) $85.4
      Insider Ownership 7.8%
      John Safrance - (416) 955-4777 x248
      John Mould - (416) 955-4777 x253
      schrieb am 12.01.09 08:38:08
      Beitrag Nr. 657 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 36.352.652 von frankinvestor am 12.01.09 07:40:08sieht ja nicht schlecht aus
      schrieb am 14.01.09 08:27:58
      Beitrag Nr. 658 ()
      Die Zukunft der deutschen Solarbranche
      12.01.2009 - Actemium, ein Unternehmen für Consulting, Automation und Elektrotechnik, hat zusammen mit DHV, einem niederländischen Engineering-Unternehmen, für die kanadische Firma Arise Technologies Deutschland eine hochmoderne Solarfabrik in Bischofswerda errichtet. Diese wurde vor Kurzem in Betrieb genommen, was Anlass gab, die zukunftsweisende Branche in Deutschland genauer unter die Lupe zu nehmen.

      Frank Westphal, Geschäftsführer Actemium Deutschland, und Gerald Taraba, Leiter des Actemium Competence Centers für die Solarindustrie, gaben einen kurzen Einblick in die internationalen Tätigkeitsfelder von Actemium sowie speziell einen Überblick über die deutsche Solarbranche. Dabei kristallisierte sich heraus, dass gerade Deutschland – dabei insbesondere Sachsen/Mitteldeutschland - für die Solarbranche erhebliche Standortvorteile bietet. Die Gründe dafür stellte Sjouke Zijlstra, Managing Director von Arise Technologies Deutschland GmbH, dar. Bei der Standortwahl für das neue, bis zu 4 Linien erweiterbare, Werk zur Produktion von Silizium-Zellen waren besonders wichtig die Nähe zu den potentiellen Märkten, die sehr gute Infrastruktur, die Verfügbarkeit gut ausgebildeter Fachkräfte und nicht zuletzt die unbürokratische Förderung von Investitionen in moderne Technologien. Das alles sind überzeugende Argumente für jedes Unternehmen, das auf lange Sicht mit der Produktion von Solarzellen wirtschaftlichen Erfolg haben will.

      Die Zukunft der deutschen Solarbranche sieht laut Unternehmen gut aus. Bis 2020 werden bis zu 200.000 neue Arbeitsplätze entstehen, so die Prognose des Bundesverbands Solarwirtschaft e.V. Seit 2005 sind bis dato in Ostdeutschland über 3000 Arbeitsplätze allein in der Photovoltaik-Industrie entstanden.

      Die Pressekonferenz wurde von Actemium gleichzeitig genutzt, um ein Kooperationsabkommen mit der Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Dresden abzuschließen. Damit wird Actemium und die HTW noch enger in Forschung und Lehre zusammenarbeiten und den Studenten werden noch bessere Möglichkeiten für eine praxisnahe Ausbildung gegeben.
      schrieb am 14.01.09 14:20:32
      Beitrag Nr. 659 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 36.368.528 von frankinvestor am 14.01.09 08:27:58Nur der Ordnung halber:

      Diese Pressekonferenz fand schon am 5.Dezember 2008 in Dresden statt.…
      schrieb am 26.01.09 19:33:40
      Beitrag Nr. 660 ()
      Regionalstudio Bautzen - Nachrichten

      26.01.2009 | 19:00 Uhr

      Solarfabrik Bischofswerda erweitert !!!!!!!!!!!!

      In Bischofswerda haben sich in der Solarfabrik etwa 600 Bewerber auf 50 Stellen gemeldet. Das sagte der Geschäftsführer der Arise Technologies Deutschland GmbH. Zurzeit werden Instandhalter und Facharbeiter für die zweite Produktionslinie der Solarfabrik eingestellt. Etwa 80 Prozent der neuen Anlage sind schon montiert, Mitte Februar könnte der Probebetrieb beginnen. In Bischofswerda werden seit April vergangenen Jahres siliziumbasierte Solarzellen hergestellt.

      Hier der Link:
      schrieb am 28.01.09 17:49:38
      Beitrag Nr. 661 ()
      Attention Business Editors:
      ARISE Technologies Appoints Heinrichs Interim CEO and President

      WATERLOO, ON, Jan. 28 /CNW/ - ARISE Technologies Corporation (TSX: APV
      and Frankfurt: A3T), which is dedicated to becoming a leader in
      high-performance, cost-effective solar technology, today announced that its
      Board of Directors has appointed Board Chairman Vern Heinrichs as interim
      Chief Executive Officer and President. Mr. Heinrichs will continue to serve as
      Chairman of the Board.
      The appointment of Mr. Heinrichs as CEO and President follows the
      resignation of Bart Tichelman from those positions and as a Director of the
      corporation. The Board has retained Korn/Ferry International to conduct the
      search for a new CEO and President for the corporation.
      "The Board wishes to acknowledge Bart's contributions to the development
      and growth of ARISE since he joined us as a Director in 2000 and agreed to
      step into the role of CEO and President in February 2008," said Mr. Heinrichs.
      "In assuming the roles of CEO and President on an interim basis, I feel
      fortunate in knowing that I will be supported by an excellent management team
      across ARISE's operations."
      Mr. Heinrichs has been a Director of ARISE Technologies since 2001. An
      engineer and businessman, he received a B.Sc. and MBA from the University of
      Toronto and worked in Shell Oil's economics department for five year,
      following which he joined a leading mortgage consulting and brokerage firm in
      Toronto, Ontario. After five years, he joined one of his clients, Orlando
      Realty Corporation, as Executive Vice-President. During the past 35 years, Mr.
      Heinrichs has pursued an international career that has included serving on the
      Boards of eight technology-based companies in Canada, the United States,
      England, Holland, and Switzerland.

      About ARISE Technologies

      ARISE Technologies Corporation, based in Waterloo, Ontario, is dedicated
      to becoming a leader in high-performance, cost-effective solar technology. The
      company operates through three divisions. The PV Cell Division manufactures PV
      (photovoltaic) cells at its first manufacturing plant opened in April 2008 in
      Bischofswerda, Germany. The division is developing proprietary technology with
      a target of achieving a step-by-step progression to a high-efficiency level of
      greater than 20 percent. The PV Silicon Division is using a proprietary method
      to produce silicon at 7N+ high-purity (99.99999 percent) for PV applications,
      based on a simplified chemical vapor deposition process. The division is
      focusing on scaling up its process to provide ARISE with control over its
      supply, costs, and quality. The PV Systems Division provides complete turnkey
      PV solutions for solar farms and rooftop installations under the Ontario
      Renewable Energy Standard Offer Program.
      The company's shares are listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange under the
      symbol APV and on the Frankfurt Open Market Exchange under the symbol A3T.
      Additional information is available at and

      Forward-Looking Statements

      Certain statements in this news release may be considered to be
      forward-looking. Such statements are based on management's current
      expectations, estimations, and assumptions based on experience, trends, and
      other factors that are subject to the significant risks and uncertainties
      described in our regulatory filings. Please refer to these. Such risks and
      uncertainties may include, but are not limited to, the effects of general
      economic conditions, changing foreign exchange rates, actions by government
      authorities, uncertainties associated with legal proceedings and negotiations,
      industry supply levels, competitive pricing pressures and misjudgments in the
      course of preparing forward-looking statements. ARISE assumes no obligation to
      update any forward-looking statements or to update the reasons why actual
      results could differ from those reflected in the forward-looking statements.

      %SEDAR: 00017494E…
      schrieb am 29.01.09 14:33:30
      Beitrag Nr. 662 ()
      Damit alles seine Ordnung hat
      Danke an biberdieber für den link

      Arise Technologies Corporation's chief executive officer has resigned less than a year into the job.

      Bart Tichelman filed his resignation to Arise's board of directors late Tuesday over divergent views about the future direction of the Waterloo-based solar technology company.

      David Chornaby, Arise's chief financial officer, stressed that the company had no problems with the job Tichelman did as chief executive.

      "It's a difference of opinion between the board and Bart on the direction," he said. "There's been some speculation that it must be a dismissal due to performance. It clearly was not. It was a resignation. It was not based on performance."

      The company did not specify what issues caused the split.

      Besides resigning as chief executive, Tichelman also vacated his seat on the company's board, a position he held for close to nine years. Tichelman, formerly chief executive officer of Serveron Corporation, had been offered Arise's top job twice before he finally accepted the role last February.

      Vern Heinrichs, chair of the company's board, will step in as the interim chief executive until a permanent replacement can be found. Chornaby said he expects that could take six months.

      Ralph Garcea, an analyst who follows the company for Haywood Securities, said he doesn't see the management change as having a large impact on Arise. "It was surprising, initially, but I don't think it changes the fundamentals of the story," he said. "The core management is still there and the (German) plant continues to run."
      Garcea said the company appears to have the German plant fully booked with orders for this year. He expects a second production line to become operational roughly on schedule.

      Arise lowered its solar cell sales targets late last year due to problems with suppliers and hiccups it experienced with its plant equipment.

      Garcea said the company appears to be ready to begin refining silicon at its pilot refinery in Kitchener in May or June. Silicon is a key ingredient that allows solar panels to harness sunlight and convert it to electricity.

      "From an operational standpoint, nothing has really changed," Garcea said.

      Arise shares (TSX:APV) fell seven cents yesterday to close at 40 cents.
      schrieb am 29.01.09 16:14:59
      Beitrag Nr. 663 ()
      Mhh gibt ja viele Firmen, die einen CEO suchen

      Hier dürfte in Kürze auch die Stellenausschreibung von Arise technologies für unseren neuen CEO erscheinen…
      schrieb am 30.01.09 13:10:32
      Beitrag Nr. 664 ()
      Arise CEO resigns over differences

      Bart Tichelman, who took the top job last February after previously refusing it twice, also vacates his seat on the board
      January 29, 2009
      Michael Hammond


      Arise Technologies Corporation's chief executive officer has resigned less than a year into the job.

      Bart Tichelman filed his resignation to Arise's board of directors late Tuesday over divergent views about the future direction of the Waterloo-based solar technology company.

      David Chornaby, Arise's chief financial officer, stressed that the company had no problems with the job Tichelman did as chief executive.

      "It's a difference of opinion between the board and Bart on the direction," he said. "There's been some speculation that it must be a dismissal due to performance. It clearly was not. It was a resignation. It was not based on performance."

      The company did not specify what issues caused the split.

      Besides resigning as chief executive, Tichelman also vacated his seat on the company's board, a position he held for close to nine years. Tichelman, formerly chief executive officer of Serveron Corporation, had been offered Arise's top job twice before he finally accepted the role last February.

      Vern Heinrichs, chair of the company's board, will step in as the interim chief executive until a permanent replacement can be found. Chornaby said he expects that could take six months.

      Ralph Garcea, an analyst who follows the company for Haywood Securities, said he doesn't see the management change as having a large impact on Arise. "It was surprising, initially, but I don't think it changes the fundamentals of the story," he said. "The core management is still there and the (German) plant continues to run."

      Garcea said the company appears to have the German plant fully booked with orders for this year. He expects a second production line to become operational roughly on schedule.

      Arise lowered its solar cell sales targets late last year due to problems with suppliers and hiccups it experienced with its plant equipment.

      Garcea said the company appears to be ready to begin refining silicon at its pilot refinery in Kitchener in May or June. Silicon is a key ingredient that allows solar panels to harness sunlight and convert it to electricity.

      "From an operational standpoint, nothing has really changed," Garcea said.

      Arise shares (TSX:APV) fell seven cents yesterday to close at 40 cents.
      schrieb am 03.02.09 20:21:54
      Beitrag Nr. 665 ()
      Lori Thompson
      Account Manager, Client Services
      Telephone: 416.361.0930 Ext. 243
      January 29, 2009
      Confirmation of Notice of Record and Meeting Dates
      We are pleased to confirm that Notice of Record and Meeting Dates was sent to The Canadian Depository for Securities.
      We advise the following with respect to the Annual & Special Meeting of Shareholders for ARISE TECHNOLOGIES
      1. ISIN: CA04040Q1063
      CUSIP: 04040Q106
      2. Date Fixed for the Meeting: May 12, 2009
      3. Record Date for Notice: March 31, 2009
      4. Record Date for Voting: March 31, 2009
      5. Beneficial Ownership Determination Date: March 31, 2009
      6. Classes or Series of Securities that entitle the
      holder to receive Notice of the Meeting: Common Shares
      7. Classes of Series of Securities that entitle the
      holder to vote at the meeting: Common Shares
      8. Business to be conducted at the meeting: Annual & Special
      Yours Truly,
      Sarah Mikos
      Administrator, Client Services…
      schrieb am 04.02.09 07:25:39
      Beitrag Nr. 666 ()
      ARISE Technologies Comments on 2008 Financial Results and Outlook

      - Plans to release 2008 year-end financial results late on Monday,
      March 9; conference call and webcast on morning of March 10
      - Shipments of PV cells from new German plant increased from third
      quarter, but lag expectations as customers defer purchasing in
      weakening business environment
      - Scrap rate improved 20% from third-quarter level and continues to
      improve in January
      - Company taking year-end write-down of approximately $2.8 million to
      cover lower inventory valuation
      - Planned start-up date of PV cell manufacturing Line 2 moving back on
      - Tightly managing costs and capital in view of global economic

      WATERLOO, ON, Feb. 3 /CNW/ - ARISE Technologies Corporation (TSX: APV and
      Frankfurt: A3T), which is dedicated to becoming a leader in high-performance,
      cost-effective solar technology, today commented on its 2008 financial results
      and the outlook for 2009. It also announced that it plans to release its
      year-end and fourth-quarter 2009 financial results after the close of the
      Toronto Stock Exchange on Monday, March 9. The company will hold its usual
      quarterly conference call and webcast the following morning at 8:30 a.m.
      (Eastern). ARISE will issue a release approximately one week earlier
      confirming details of the announcement and the call and webcast.
      "It has become increasingly apparent that the global economic downturn is
      now affecting the solar industry as well. The turn has been fairly sudden and
      significant. We began to experience the effects in December when our customers
      started to defer purchasing of PV (photovoltaic) cells in view of the drop in
      their requirements," said Vern Heinrichs, the company's recently appointed
      interim President and Chief Executive Officer.
      "Reflecting this, while we could have delivered more PV cells and met our
      projections, our actual fourth-quarter shipments were approximately 6.2MW, a
      24% increase from the 5MW shipped in the 2008 third quarter, following the
      start-up of our new plant in Germany. This brought our total shipments in the
      second half of 2008 to 11.2MW, compared with our most recent public projection
      of 12-13MW.
      "As a result, we currently expect to report 2008 fourth-quarter revenue
      of about $18.5-19.5 million, which is below the $21 million to $24 million
      range that we had projected in our 2008 third-quarter result news release of
      November 11, 2008," he said.
      "We were successful in the fourth quarter in reducing the scrap rate by
      about 20% from the amount in the third quarter and achieved a further
      reduction in January. This is good progress and we expect to make further
      improvement as our manufacturing operations mature and we gain more
      "ARISE expects to take an inventory valuation write-down in the 2008
      fourth quarter of approximately $2.8 million," said the company's Chief
      Financial Officer, Dave Chornaby. "This write-down is necessitated, in part,
      by the deferral of purchases by our customers and the global decline in
      pricing for PV cells and silicon that has taken place. To reflect this, we
      must write-down the value of both PV cells and silicon in our inventory."
      "When ARISE announced our third-quarter results," Mr. Heinrichs said, "we
      also stated that we might incur a four-to-eight week delay in the planned
      start-up of Line 2 for PV cell manufacturing because the manufacturer of a key
      piece of equipment was behind schedule. We are pleased to report that we have
      been successful in our efforts to get the start-up of Line 2 back on track for
      early in the second quarter of this year."
      "Given the unstable nature of the economies in which we are operating and
      the uncertainties with which we and our customers are dealing, it would be
      imprudent for us to offer any guidance as to our expectations for 2009. It is
      our intention to try to scale our manufacturing over the course of 2009 to our
      best estimates of the demand levels. We currently are in discussions with both
      our customers and suppliers to determine whether adjustments in our agreements
      with them may be needed to reflect the changed economic circumstances. It is
      possible that these discussions may result in changes to our sales and
      purchasing volumes in 2009 as well as in pricing," said Mr. Chornaby.
      "These are extraordinarily tumultuous times and they require
      extraordinary measures and swift action by companies to deal with the rapidly
      changing conditions," Mr. Heinrichs said. "Given that the solar industry,
      including our customers, now is being profoundly affected by the capital
      markets turmoil and recessionary environment, we are re-examining all of our
      spending plans and operating budgets. We are acting to tightly manage all of
      our costs and capital investments to deploy our funds where they will be most
      productive. This may mean delaying some projects at least until conditions
      improve and financing becomes more available at reasonable terms or even
      terminating them for now.
      "Our broad strategies remain the same. We are focusing on the silicon and
      PV cell businesses as the areas that should enable us to grow impressively and
      profitably in the future to create long-term, sustainable value for our
      shareholders," Mr. Heinrichs concluded.

      About ARISE Technologies

      ARISE Technologies Corporation, based in Waterloo, Ontario, is dedicated
      to becoming a leader in high-performance, cost-effective solar technology. The
      company operates through three divisions. The PV Cell Division manufactures PV
      (photovoltaic) cells at its first manufacturing plant opened in April 2008 in
      Bischofswerda, Germany. The division is developing proprietary technology with
      a target of achieving a step-by-step progression to a high-efficiency level of
      greater than 20 percent. The PV Silicon Division is using a proprietary method
      to produce silicon at 7N+ high-purity (99.99999 percent) for PV applications,
      based on a simplified chemical vapor deposition process. The division is
      focusing on scaling up its process to provide ARISE with control over its
      supply, costs, and quality. The PV Systems Division provides complete turnkey
      PV solutions for solar farms and rooftop installations under the Ontario
      Renewable Energy Standard Offer Program.
      The company's shares are listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange under the
      symbol APV and on the Frankfurt Open Market Exchange under the symbol A3T.
      Additional information is available at and

      Forward-Looking Statements

      Certain statements in this news release may be considered to be
      forward-looking. Such statements are based on management's current
      expectations, estimations, and assumptions based on experience, trends, and
      other factors that are subject to the significant risks and uncertainties
      described in our regulatory filings. Please refer to these. Such risks and
      uncertainties may include, but are not limited to, the effects of general
      economic conditions, changing foreign exchange rates, actions by government
      authorities, uncertainties associated with legal proceedings and negotiations,
      industry supply levels, competitive pricing pressures and misjudgments in the
      course of preparing forward-looking statements. ARISE assumes no obligation to
      update any forward-looking statements or to update the reasons why actual
      results could differ from those reflected in the forward-looking statements.

      %SEDAR: 00017494E

      For further information: ARISE Technologies Corporation, 65 Northland
      Road, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, N2V 1Y8, Dave Chornaby, Chief Financial
      Officer, (519) 772-5732,,…
      schrieb am 04.02.09 19:59:52
      Beitrag Nr. 667 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 36.506.958 von frankinvestor am 04.02.09 07:25:39Hier ist die Uebersetzung: (so gut ich konnte...)

      Zusammenfassung der wichtigsten Punkte:

      1.) Arise plant die Finanz-Jahresendergebnisse fuer 2008 am spaeten Nachmittag des Montag 9. Maerz zu veroeffentlichen, conference call und webcast finden am Morgen des 10. Maerz statt.
      2.) Die Lieferung von PV-Zellen nahm im Vergleich zum 3. Quartal zu, blieb jedoch hinter den Erwartungen zurueck da aufgrund des schwachen Geschaeftsumfeldes Kaufauftraege von einigen Kunden vorerst verschoben wurden.
      3.) Die Abfallrate der Zellen wurde um 20% verbessert und konnte im Laufe des Monats Januar weiter verbessert werden.
      4.) Das Unternehmen wird mit Jahresende ca. $ 2,8 Millionen wegen fallender Inventar-Bewertung abschreiben.
      5.) Der Start der Linie 2 wird doch wie geplant am Anfang des 2. Quartals beginnen.
      6.) Massnahmen in Bezug auf Kosten und Kapital im Zusammenhang mit der globalen Wirtschaftskrise.
      zu 1:
      Arise plant die Jahreszahlen (und die Zahlen des 4. Quartals) am Montag, 9. Maerz nach Boerseschluss in Toronto bekanntzugeben. Wie ueblich wird die Quartalskonferenz und Webcast am naechsten Morgen um 8:30 (Eastern Time) (also 15.30 in Deutschland glaube ich ??) stattfinden. Arise wird ca. 1 Woche davor endgueltige, mehr detaillierte Infos dieser Konferenz bekanntgeben.
      zu 2:
      Es hat sich nunmehr herausgestellt, dass die globale Wirtschaftskrise auch auf die Solarindustrie ueberraschend bedeutenden Einfluss genommen hat. Die ersten Auswirkungen bekam Arise im Dezember zu spueren, als unsere Kunden begannen, Kaeufe von Zellen aufgrund fallender Nachfrage zu verschieben. Arise konnte zwar die Lieferung von PV-Zellen im 4. Quartal (6,2 MW) im Vergleich zum 3. Quartal (5 MW) um 24% steigern, das geplante Gesamtvolumen fuer das 2. Halbjahr 2008 von 12-13 MW konnte aufgrund der erwaehnten Kunden-Kaufsverschiebungen nicht erreicht werden und ergab eine verrringerte Menge von insgesamt 11,2 MW fuer das 2. Halbjahr. Daraus werden sich fuer das 4. Quartal Gesamteinnahmen von ca. $ 18.5 - 19.5 Millionen ergeben, anstatt der geschaetzten $21 - 24 vom November 2008.
      zu 3:
      Die Abfallrate der PV-Zellen konnte Arise im 4. Quartal erfolgreich um 20% verbessern und im Januar konnte eine weitere Verbesserung erreicht werden. Arise erwartet aufgrund dieser erfolgreichen Verbesserungsmassnahmen und zunehmender Erfahrung eine weitere Verminderung der Abfallssrate.
      zu 4:
      Arise wird eine Inventar-Abschreibung von ca. $2.8 Millionen in der 2008 Bilanz ausweisen die aufgrund von Kunden-Kauf-Verschiebungen und fallender PV-Zellen- und Silikon-Preise notwendig wurden. Die Abschreibung wird sowohl die PV-Zellen als auch das Silikon betreffen.
      zu 5:
      Arise hatte im 3. Quartal wegen Lieferschwiergkeiten eines Zulieferes eine moegliche Verzoegerung des Starts der Linie 2 um ca. 4-8 Wochen angekuendigt. Arise konnte jedoch dieses Problem loesen und wird nun voraussichtlich - wie urspruenglich geplant - mit der Produktion auf Linie 2 am Anfang des 2. Quartals beginnen.
      zu 6:
      Zusammenfassender Kommentar des neuen CEO, Mr. Heinrichs (und Mr. Chornaby)
      Im Hinblick auf die instabile Wirtschaftslage und des fuer uns und unsere Kunden unsicheren Arbeitsumfeldes waere es derzeit unklug, definitive Aussagen bezueglich unserer Erwartungen fur das Jahr 2009 zu treffen. Wir beabsichtigen sicherlich, unseren Produktionsumfang im Laufe des Jahres 2009 so gut wie moeglich dem geschaetzten Bedarf anzupassen. Wir sind derzeit sowohl mit unseren Kunden als mit unseren Lieferfirmen aktiv in Besprechungen bezueglich etwaiger Anpassungen von Kauf/Lieververtraegen aufgrund des geaenderten Wirtschaftsumfeldes.
      Die Ergebnisse dieser Besprechungen koennten in Aenderungen von Verkaufs/ Kaufs-Volumen oder auch Neufestsetzung von Preisen resultieren.
      Die derzeit ungewoehnlich unruhige, stuermische Wirtschaftslage erfordert aussergewohnliche Massnahmen und Unternehmen haben schnellen Handlungsbedarf um auf rapide Veraenderungen richtig reagieren zu koennen.
      Die gesamte Solarindustrie incl. unsere Kunden sind stark von der Wirtschaftskrise und Rezession betroffen und wir sehen uns verpflichtet, unsere Ausgabenplaung und Budget zu ueberarbeiten und gegebenenfalls den neuen, geanderten Umstaenden anzupassen. Wir werden versuchen, Kosten zu sparen und unser Kapital dort investieren, wo wir meinen dass es am effizientesten udn produktivsten investiert ist. Dies koennte die eine oder andere Verschiebung von Projekten bedeuten, zumindest so lange bis sich die Bedingungen verbessert haben. Im Extremfall koennte auch ein Projekt vorerst auch auf unbestimmte Zeit auf Eis gelegt werden.
      Unsere Gesamtstrategie hat sich jedoch nicht veraendert. Wir konzentrieren uns auf das Silikon und PV-Zellen-Geschaeft mit dem Ziel eines beeindruckenden und profitablen Wachstum unseres Unternehmens und um fuer unsere Aktionaere eine Anlage auf Lanzeitwert und sichere Zukunft zu schaffen.
      schrieb am 04.02.09 21:34:00
      Beitrag Nr. 668 ()
      schrieb am 05.02.09 22:22:58
      Beitrag Nr. 669 ()
      schrieb am 06.02.09 18:28:21
      Beitrag Nr. 670 ()
      February 05, 2009
      Chuck Howitt


      Asudden downturn in the solar industry has prompted Arise Technologiesto place all projects under review, including its new silicon pilotplant scheduled to open this year in Kitchener.

      In a newsrelease, Vern Heinrichs, Arise's interim chief executive officer, saidthe Waterloo company is re-examining all its spending plans andoperating budgets in the wake of the global recession, which hasprompted some of Arise's major customers to defer purchases.

      "Thismay mean delaying some projects at least until conditions improve andfinancing becomes more available at reasonable terms, or eventerminating them for now," he said.

      The company's shares(TSX:APV) plunged in the wake of the news, falling 20.5 per centyesterday and losing eight cents to end the day at 31 cents.

      Ariseis currently retrofitting a 68,000-square-foot plant on Washburn Driveafter signing a 10-year lease for the building. The plant will refinehigh-purity silicon used to make photovoltaic or PV cells which convertsolar energy into electricity.

      It is a test facility to determine whether the company's technology is feasible on a larger scale.

      Inthe same news release, Arise said it is reducing its fourth-quarterrevenue projections to between $18.5 million and $19.5 million, fromthe $21 million to $24 million it originally forecast. Itsfourth-quarter financial results for 2008 will be released March 9.

      Thecompany is also taking a writedown of $2.8 million in the value ofphotovoltaic cells and silicon in its inventory due to the decline inprices for those products and the deferral of purchases by customers.

      Inan interview, chief financial officer Dave Chornaby wouldn't comment onthe future of the Kitchener plant except to say the project is "underreview."

      The sudden belt-tightening, announced one week after theresignation of former chief executive Bart Tichelman, was promptedafter three major customers, all based in Germany but who sellglobally, began to defer purchases in December, he said. Thosecustomers make solar modules used on rooftops and other locations usingphotovoltaic cells made by Arise at its German plant, which opened inApril to take advantage of Germany's bold incentives for green energy.Shipments of photovoltaic cells from the German plant for the secondhalf of 2008 were 11.2 megawatts, down from an expected 12 to 13megawatts. "We're not the first solar company to report a slowing indemand," Chornaby said.

      He said there are no plans for layoffs.The company employs 52 people in Canada and 65 in Germany and expectsto hire another 35 to 40 people when a second production line starts atthe German plant in the spring.

      On the positive side, Arise saidit reduced its scrap rate of photovoltaic cells by about 20 per cent inthe third quarter. As well, delays in the startup of the secondproduction line in Germany have been cleared up.
      schrieb am 17.02.09 10:20:58
      Beitrag Nr. 671 ()
      Vielleicht erhält Arise auch noch paar Euro von der EU. Großröhrsdorf ist nur 15 km weg von BIW:


      Mittwoch, 11. Februar 2009

      EU genehmigt 56 Millionen Euro Beihilfe für Solarfirma Sunfilm
      Brüssel/Großröhrsdorf - Die EU hat 56 Millionen Euro staatliche Beihilfen für die Solarfirma Sunfilm in Größröhrsdorf (Landkreis Kamenz) genehmigt. Das Geld unterstützt vor allem den Aufbau einer zweiten Fertigungslinie zur Herstellung von Dünnschicht- Solarmodulen. Großröhrsdorf komme wegen eines außergewöhnlich niedrigen Lebensstandards und hoher Arbeitslosigkeit für die Regionalbeihilfe in Betracht, erklärte Wettbewerbskommissarin Neelie Kroes in der Mitteilung vom Mittwoch.

      Das norwegisch-niederländischen Unternehmen Sunfilm stellt in Sachsen großformatige Solarmodule her. Im Dezember 2008 wurde Richtfest für das zweite Werk gefeiert, in dem einmal 200 Menschn beschäftigt werden sollen. Die Testproduktion soll Mitte dieses Jahres beginnen. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: ;) Die 5,7 Quadratmeter großen Module gehen vor allem an Solarparks und -anlagen.

      Laut EU werden insgesamt rund 393 Millionen Euro in den Sunfilm- Standort Großröhrsorf investiert, durch die mindestens 380 Arbeitsplätze in der Region geschaffen würden. (dpa)
      schrieb am 22.02.09 13:35:44
      Beitrag Nr. 672 ()
      Sonntag, 22. Februar 2009
      (Sächsische Zeitung)

      Einsturzgefahr wegen Schneemassen

      Zu Arise, dem BayWa-Markt und der Schiebocker Fleisch GmbH wurden die Helfer am Sonnabend gerufen. Sporthallen-Dächer sind laut Stadtverwaltung sicher.

      Jan Wendrich und rund 40 weitere Feuerwehrleute waren am Sonnabend im Einsatz, um Schnee von Dächern zu räumen. Auf dem Dach des Baywa-Baumarktes lag der Schnee stellenweise einen halben Meter hoch. Fotos: SZ/Reinsch

      Feuerwehrleute schippen Schnee von Dächern Bischofswerda - Bis zu 16 Stunden kämpften Feuerwehrleute aus Bischofswerda und Geißmannsdorf am Sonnabend mit dem Schnee, um Gefahren abzuwenden: Mehrere Flachdächer in der Stadt drohten unter der Last einzustürzen.

      Kurz nach Mitternacht war Bischofswerdas Ortsfeuerwehr zur Solarfirma Arise ins Industriegebiet an der Bautzener Straße gerufen worden. Bis gegen 6 Uhr beräumten Feuerwehrleute das Dach. Während dieser Zeit wurde die Produktion gestoppt. Ortswehrleiter Sixten Mütterlein: "Wir konnten kein Risiko eingehen. Zur Schneelast kam unser Eigengewicht. Auch eventuelle Vibrationen auf dem Dach mussten wir beachten."
      schrieb am 22.02.09 16:09:41
      Dieser Beitrag wurde moderiert. Grund: themenfremder Inhalt
      schrieb am 09.03.09 14:47:06
      Dieser Beitrag wurde moderiert. Grund: Spammposting
      schrieb am 10.03.09 10:02:51
      Beitrag Nr. 675 ()
      ARISE Technologies Reports 2008 Year-End Results…
      schrieb am 10.03.09 12:44:06
      Beitrag Nr. 676 ()…

      ARISE Technologies Produces First PV Cells on Line 2
      WATERLOO, ON, March 10 /CNW/ - ARISE Technologies Corporation (TSX: APV
      and Frankfurt: A3T), which is dedicated to becoming a leader in
      high-performance, cost-effective solar technology, today announced that its
      photovoltaic (PV) cell manufacturing plant in Bischofswerda, Germany has
      produced its first PV cells on line 2 on schedule.
      As planned, ARISE is using a production process on line 2 that produces
      mono-crystalline PV cells which is expected to result in efficiencies of up to
      18% when fully optimized. The PV cells initially produced on line 2 achieved
      an efficiency range of 15.14% to 15.95%. These cells are in the standard 156
      mm x 156 mm pseudo-square format. The process optimization-commissioning phase
      has just started and the company expects to increase the cell efficiency level
      leading up to completion of the Site-Acceptance-Test (SAT) in the
      second-quarter. The company plans to ramp up commercial production on line 2
      as orders from customers confirm volume requirements.
      "We are very pleased with these initial test runs of PV cells and
      attribute this success to our team and our suppliers having more experience
      with the technology and processes. This is a good indication that we will have
      a smoother line 2 commissioning and ramp-up compared with line 1 following its
      start up last April," said Vice-President and General Manager of ARISE
      Technologies Deutschland GmbH (ARISE Germany), Sjouke Zijlstra.
      "We congratulate all of our ARISE Germany team, and all our partners and
      suppliers" said the company's interim President and Chief Executive Officer
      Vern Heinrichs.
      "In the coming weeks, we will ship samples from line 2 to our customers
      for qualification and will plan commercial production based on orders. Our
      customers have indicated solid interest in our new higher-efficiency products.
      Over time, as we proceed with some proprietary enhancements and process
      optimizations, we expect these mono-crystalline PV cells to achieve an
      efficiency of up to 18%. The combination of line 1 and line 2 provides us with
      the ability to ship more than 80MW of PV cells per year with the flexibility
      to meet the requirements of our customers with both high-quality
      multi-crystalline and mono-crystalline products," said Mr. Heinrichs.
      Photographs of line 2 can be viewed on the ARISE website at

      About ARISE Technologies

      ARISE Technologies Corporation, based in Waterloo, Ontario, is dedicated
      to becoming a leader in high-performance, cost-effective solar technology. The
      company operates through three divisions. The PV Cell Division manufactures PV
      (photovoltaic) cells at its first manufacturing plant opened in April 2008 in
      Bischofswerda, Germany. The division is developing proprietary technology with
      a target of achieving a step-by-step progression to a high-efficiency level of
      greater than 20 percent. The PV Silicon Division is using a proprietary method
      to produce silicon at 7N+ high-purity (99.99999 percent) for PV applications,
      based on a simplified chemical vapour deposition process. The division is
      focusing on scaling up its process to provide ARISE with control over its
      supply, costs, and quality. The PV Systems Division provides complete turnkey
      PV solutions for solar farms and rooftop installations under the Ontario
      Renewable Energy Standard Offer Program.
      The company's shares are listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange under the
      symbol APV and on the Frankfurt Open Market Exchange under the symbol A3T.
      Additional information is available at and

      Forward-Looking Statements

      Certain statements in this news release may be considered to be
      forward-looking. Such statements are based on management's current
      expectations, estimations, and assumptions based on experience, trends, and
      other factors that are subject to the significant risks and uncertainties
      described in our regulatory filings. Please refer to these. Such risks and
      uncertainties may include, but are not limited to, the effects of general
      economic conditions, changing foreign exchange rates, actions by government
      authorities, uncertainties associated with legal proceedings and negotiations,
      industry supply levels, competitive pricing pressures and misjudgments in the
      course of preparing forward-looking statements. ARISE assumes no obligation to
      update any forward-looking statements or to update the reasons why actual
      results could differ from those reflected in the forward-looking statements.

      %SEDAR: 00017494E

      For further information: ARISE Technologies Corporation, 65 Northland
      Road, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, N2V 1Y8, Dave Chornaby, Chief Financial
      Officer, (519) 772-5732,,
      schrieb am 10.03.09 20:25:33
      Beitrag Nr. 677 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 36.736.160 von Brisca am 10.03.09 12:44:06Hier der CC!


      wichtigste Aussage ist, wie ich finde, dass man durch angepasste Ausgaben noch etwa 8-10 Monate durchhalten kann. Das hört sich sicherlich erst mal etwas beruhigend an, aber Durchhalten heißt nicht, dass man die Firma vorranbringt. Frisches Kapital ist also überlebenswichtig. Weitere Zusammenfassung:

      Die 50 Tonnen-Anlage-Erweiterung steht vorerst still. Ein neuer Investor wird gesucht. Man gibt sich sehr auskunftsarm bzgl einiger Anaylysten Fragen bzgl. neuer Zeitplan und Capex.

      -Die Ausschussrate in Linie 1 ist mittlerweile nahe dem Industriestandard von 5%. Management ist zufrieden mit den Ergebnissen. Keine Zeitangabe, wann 18% Wirkungsgrad in Linie 2 genau erreicht wird. Monokristalline Zellen in Linie 2.

      -alle 3 Kunden (Asola,Aleo, Solon) haben Abnahmevolumen gekürzt bzw verschoben

      -Volle Auslastung in 2009 ist bislang nicht gewährleistet. Diskussionen mit Kunden laufen an. Ein teilweises Abschalten der beiden Produktionslinien um Kosten zu sparen, ist nicht möglich, da Kunden beide Produkte (linie 1 und 2) bevorzugen. (Damit volle Fixkosten, selbst bei Unterauslastung...)

      -Zellenpreise sind Anfang 2009 um 20-25% gesunken, Siliziumpreise um 35-40%. Hohe Vorratsbestände-Abschreibungen belasten nicht die Liquidität.

      -man ist sehr bullish auf das neue Gesetzgebungsvorhaben in Ontario. Das System-Geschäft von Arise wird ein signifikantes Standbein in 2009 werden.
      schrieb am 17.03.09 10:20:17
      Beitrag Nr. 678 ()
      OTTAWA, March 15 (Reuters) - It will take more than government incentive plans and bargain prices for stocks in Canada's green energy sector to flourish, and investors will need patience if they are to hit pay dirt.

      While the long-term outlook for companies working with solar, wind and water power is promising, the business now is being buffeted by the recession, a credit crunch and tumbling fuel prices.

      What's more, critics say a federal stimulus plan is too stingy and fails to renew a wildly popular program to spark clean energy production.

      For a sector heavy with cash-hungry junior and mid-tier companies, crumbling stock valuations serve a further blow, cutting off a source of project funding.

      "All these beaten-up renewable, publicly traded companies are amazing value right now. That's not to say that they still can't go down further, because this market is now driven on psychology, not cash flow fundamentals," said Jacob & Co power equity analyst John McIlveen.

      "But I think power, especially renewables, will always skate back onside because, after all, you've got 20-year take-or-pay contracts."

      The companies range from producers of renewable energy to technology developers, whose tools help clean waste water or smokestack emissions. Some of the stocks have soared on hopes of a clean energy Holy Grail, only to tumble as the market melted down.

      Under long-term power supply pacts, buyers must pay whether or not goods are delivered, creating a long-term hedge against market declines and volatility.

      Annual returns on 20-year contracts typically range from 10 percent to 25 percent, often beating returns from major stock indexes, McIlveen said.

      But predicting the near term is far more challenging as an unforgiving market punishes missteps.

      Solar cell maker Arise Technologies (APV.TO) is an example. Its stock sank 14 percent this week after disappointing results reflecting slower demand.


      Another question centers on how much help the government can give and who will get the money. Canada set up two C$1 billion ($790 million) five-year funds in its recent budget, for clean technology development and green infrastructure.

      "The question mark around government-driven stimulus is how quickly is the spending going to happen," said Research Capital alternative energy analyst Matthew Gowing.#

      Federal funds must be matched by the private sector, so incentives favor big producers with deeper pockets, McIlveen said. That is little help to juniors facing a chilly reception from skittish capital markets.

      "Most of these plans are designed for a normal market... But we don't have a normal market and what we need is some temporary measures," he said, suggesting loan guarantees may be a way to help.

      Gowing said some Canadian companies will seek richer rewards in the United States, where President Barack Obama has pledged hefty incentives for renewable energy in his $787 billion stimulus package.
      That means geothermal energy producers with U.S. operations could cash in. That group includes US Geothermal (HTM.A), Sierra Geothermal (SRA.V) and Western GeoPower (WGP.V). Biomass energy producers such as Boralex Inc (BLX.TO), with several U.S. wood residue thermal power plants, may also benefit.

      Research Capital is bullish on Canadian wind power producers, a group including Canadian Hydro Developers (KHD.TO), and Catch the Wind (CTWs.V), whose technology helps optimize wind turbine performance.

      Ultimately, fear could be a stronger catalyst for the alternative energy sector than stimulus funds.

      "What I do believe the western world saw last summer, when you saw oil at $150 a barrel, was a glimpse into the future. And they didn't like it," said Ted Lattimore, chief executive of solar-powered light maker Carmanah Technologies (CMH.TO).

      He told a recent CIBC World Markets investor conference that people seem to be fearful that the recent sharp drop in oil prices won't hold.

      "They seem to be fearful that ... (oil is) going to go up. I would say for the entire alternative energy field, that's good news." :)

      ($1=$1.27 Canadian) (Reporting by Susan Taylor; editing by Janet Guttsman)

      Zur Diskussion.
      schrieb am 27.03.09 07:48:11
      Beitrag Nr. 679 ()
      F - 1
      CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS For the Years Ended December 31, 2008 and 2007;jsessionid=0000-8xMFIDL4LO…
      schrieb am 27.03.09 19:07:03
      Dieser Beitrag wurde moderiert. Grund: auf eigenen Wunsch des Users
      schrieb am 03.04.09 20:05:07
      Beitrag Nr. 681 ()
      03.04.2009 18:18
      Arise sees gain from Ontario plan, stock climbs

      OTTAWA, April 3 (Reuters) - Canadian solar power company Arise Technologies Corp said on Friday it expects to see benefits as early as this year if the province of Ontario can get its renewable energy tariff plan going by this summer.

      Shares in the company, which makes silicon, solar cells, and systems that convert sunlight into electricity, jumped as much as 16 percent in early trade on Friday.

      'Although it is premature to estimate the size of the opportunity, the Ontario Power Authority has stated it expects to be in a position to implement the feed-in tariff program this summer,' Arise Chief Executive Vern Heinrichs said in a release. 'Assuming this is the case, we would expect Arise to benefit in 2009.'

      The Ontario Power Authority, which oversees planning for the province's long-term electricity needs, will pay set prices for renewable power in long-term contracts under its tariff plan.

      The plan proposes to pay 80.2 Canadian cents for every kilowatt-hour of electricity produced from a residential rooftop solar power system, for example. The tariff declines as a solar system grows, dropping as low as 53.9 Canadian cents for systems above 500 kilowatts.

      Ontario hopes the plan, which could change after an eight-week consultation with industry, will attract investment, drive new green power developments and create jobs.

      'When adopted, the program should improve payback and make the economics far more attractive for solar systems in Ontario,' Heinrichs said.

      'This already has been demonstrated in several European countries and Ontario's proposed program is the first of its kind in North America.'

      At midday on Friday, Arise shares were up nearly 8.5 percent, or 3.5 Canadian cents, at 45 Canadian cents on the Toronto Stock Exchange.

      ($1=$1.24 Canadian)

      (Reporting by Susan Taylor; editing by Peter Galloway) Keywords: ARISE/

      (; +1 613 235 8385; Reuters Messaging:


      Copyright Thomson Reuters 2009. All rights reserved.

      The copying, republication or redistribution of Reuters News Content, including by framing or similar means, is expressly prohibited without the prior written consent of Thomson Reuters.
      schrieb am 05.04.09 20:12:00
      Beitrag Nr. 682 ()

      Ontario’s Minister of Energy and Infrastructure to visit ARISE Technologies

      Waterloo, ON, April 2, 2009 – ARISE Technologies Corporation (TSX: APV and Frankfurt: A3T), which is dedicated to becoming a leader in high-performance, cost-effective solar technology, will welcome the Honourable George Smitherman, Ontario’s Deputy Premier and Minister of Energy and Infrastructure, at its Waterloo headquarters at 4:00 p.m. where he will tour the company’s facility and meet with company officials.

      ARISE is among the clean technology companies expected to benefit from Ontario’s new Green Energy Act once it has been passed.

      “The Green Energy Act, including the feed-in tariff (FIT) proposal that the Government of Ontario has announced, is an important, long-awaited, and exciting development for ARISE in several important respects,” stated Vern Heinrichs, the company’s President and Chief Executive Officer.

      “When adopted, the program should improve payback and make the economics far more attractive for solar systems in Ontario. This already has been demonstrated in several European countries and Ontario’s proposed program is the first of its kind in North America. The provision of long-term price guarantees is expected to increase investor confidence and access to financing, which should smooth the way for numerous projects that have been on the drawing board for some time as well as many new ones.

      “Our customers, potential customers, and partners are telling us that the FIT rates are definitely in the ballpark and are what is needed to generate consistent, reasonable, and predictable returns over the long term. Once finalized, we expect the FIT program to stimulate demand levels for PV solar across all segments, ranging from community-based rooftops and commercial installations to large utility-scale solar farms.

      “In addition to enabling ARISE to grow our Systems business, we are particularly excited at the prospect that we could supply PV cells from our plant to meet the demand in Ontario. ARISE recently announced the start-up of a second high-efficiency production line at our PV cell manufacturing plant and we are in discussions with module manufacturers to determine how we can draw on this capability in pursuing opportunities in Ontario. We believe that the vertical integration that ARISE is developing from silicon production through PV cell manufacturing, and systems installation should provide us with a competitive advantage in terms of supply-chain economies,” Mr. Heinrichs continued.

      “Although it is premature to estimate the size of the opportunity, the Ontario Power Authority has stated it expects to be in a position to implement the FIT program this summer. Assuming this is the case, we would expect ARISE to benefit in 2009,” commented Mr. Heinrichs.…
      schrieb am 15.04.09 07:41:07
      Beitrag Nr. 683 ()
      Top Green Investments in 2009
      Identifying Great Green Equities for your Portfolio

      Read more: "Top Green Investments in 2009: Identifying Great Green Equities for your Portfolio" -…

      schrieb am 15.04.09 17:00:52
      Beitrag Nr. 684 ()
      Wichtige Infos aus Canada!!!

      13. April 2009

      Solar Incentives:

      Could Ontario Be the Next Germany?

      The introduction of Ontario's Green Energy Act, modeled after the successful German Feed-in Tariffs, is expected to fuel rapid growth in the clean energy market in Ontario.
      by Greg Boutin and Jon Worren, Riverdale Partners
      If Ontario's Bill 150 (the Green Energy and Green Economy Act) is passed as expected in May, Ontario will become the first North American jurisdiction with an incentive system modeled after the German feed-in tariffs (FITs), according to incentive expert Paul Gipe. With proposed tariffs of up to CAN $0.802 (~US $0.64, EUR €0.47) for every kilowatt-hour of solar-power generated, fixed and guaranteed for 20 years, the province would have the most favorable incentives currently available worldwide for systems below 100 kilowatts (kW). More lucrative, even, than current German incentives under the Renewable Energy Sources Act (EEG).

      Ontario’s proposed Green Energy Act passed a second reading on March 11 and was ordered to the Standing Committee on General Government for public comment, ending May 5. Changes to both the act and the feed-in tariffs may still occur, but as it is almost certain to pass (the Act is supported by the Ontario Liberal Party, which controls 71 of the 107 seats in the Legislative Assembly), the Ontario government started a parallel process on February 10 to work out the deployment details.

      In a separate initiative, the Ontario government will also launch a CAN $250M (~US $200M, EUR €150M) Emerging Technologies Fund, which should be operational on July 1st, 2009. This fund will match investments from private sources such as venture capital firms in Ontario-based technology companies, including cleantech firms. It might be leveraged by innovative solar companies seeking to establish a broader presence in Ontario by developing technologies locally.

      Based on our experience in helping renewable energy companies to model the economics of their technologies and scale their businesses across markets, we believe that the combination of the Green Energy Act and the Emerging Technologies Fund will dramatically improve the business conditions for cleantech endeavours in Ontario. Combined with the province’s integration into the NAFTA space, traditionally low manufacturing costs, and abundant skilled workforce, this Act may actually turn Ontario into the most attractive beachhead for European and Asian renewable energy technology companies seeking to expand in North America.

      So How Does Ontario Compare to Germany?

      Looking solely at installed capacity, the comparison between Ontario and Germany is laughing material. While Germany has over 5,000MW installed, the whole of Canada has less than 50 MW California, the largest PV market in North America, has 530 MW by comparison. Capacity-wise, Ontario therefore has lots of catching-up to do, being today where Germany was roughly 20 years ago.

      Comparing the inputs to the economics of energy is more flattering for Ontario. It might surprise even Canadians themselves to learn that Ontario receives more sunlight than Germany, which is located a little further north than the Canadian province. In fact, large parts of Ontario get 10-15% more sunlight per year than southern Germany.

      Since the incentives take the form of a feed-in tariff in both Ontario and in Germany, as opposed to California where they are added to the electricity savings (through net metering), local electricity rates are less important to the ROI of solar systems.

      On the other hand, Ontario electricity rates are much lower than in both Germany and California, meaning that public support to expand the energy supply side has not been as strong as in those two jurisdictions. Instead, the political “carrot” used to motivate the Ontario public and justify the Green Energy Act has been the promise of a province free of coal-fired plants.

      Comparison of Germany, Ontario and California:
      Key economic drivers for solar photovoltaic projects (Riverdale Partners analysis)

      Top Economic drivers for solar PV projects

      Feed-in-tariffs, in US $/kWh
      0.53 (declining 5-10% p.a.)

      Guaranteed for 20 years

      Sources: [1], [2]
      0.35 – 0.64 (proposed)

      Guaranteed for 20 years
      No FIT

      Incentive of 0.15 on top of electricity savings, for first 5 years (declining rate based on installed capacity step-scale) – Add to average electricity rates for a rough comparison with FITs

      Average electricity rates, in US$/kWh (estimates include “hidden” fees such as distribution fee, debt retirement and other regulatory charges)
      0.15- 0.25

      Source: (1)
      0.06 – 0.13

      Source: [1], (2), (3), electricity bills

      0.08 – 0.20

      TOU rates go up to 0.40

      Source: (1), (2), [3]

      Solar Insolation, annual average (kWh/m²/d)

      3.15 kWh/m²/d


      Source: NASA
      3.57 kWh/m²/d


      Source: Ground monitoring station, via Retscreen
      4.95 kWh/m²/d

      Los Angeles

      Source: NASA

      Note: all amounts converted to US$ at April 6, 2009 exchange rates

      Ontario FITs Favor Systems Below 100 kW

      For systems up to 100 kW in size, the Ontario FITs at the proposed rates would be superior to the German FIT. That is especially true for residential and smaller rooftop installations with rates of CAN $0.802 (~US $0.64, EU €0.47) for every kilowatt-hour of power generated by rooftop solar photovoltaic systems below 10kW. It’s worth noting that, in 2007, systems below 10 kW made up 40% of the German market; it appears that the Ontario FITs will stimulate a similar initial focus on smaller systems. Like in Germany, Ontario systems would benefit from a guaranteed 20-year fixed rate.

      Proposed Feed-In Tariffs for Solar PV in Ontario

      Tariff in CAN $ / kWh
      Tariff in
      US $/ kWh
      Tariff in EURO/kWh

      Up to 10 kW

      10-100 kW

      100-500 kW

      500 + kW

      Ground Mounted
      Up to 10 MW

      Note: all amounts converted using April 6, 2009 exchange rates

      Is It Time To Set Up Shop in Ontario?

      The main critic of the Act is that it does not establish long-term targets for renewable capacity. As the government suspended the the previous policy, which paid a fixed CAN $0.42 (~US $0.34, EU €0.25) per kWh to all solar project categories, two years after its introduction, some observers argue that regulatory policy stability is not guaranteed, and the Minister can still change policies if political priorities shift.

      While regulatory uncertainty remains indeed a source of risk, some cleantech companies have decided not to wait for more assurance from the government, and jumped in with announcements of new installations in Ontario. Everbrite Solar, a division of Toronto-based Everbrite Industries, has licensed a turnkey manufacturing technology from an unnamed supplier overseas, to invest CAN $500 million in a photovoltaic manufacturing facility in Kingston, Ontario. Arizona-based First Solar and solar project developer Recurrent Energy of San Francisco acquired and are planning to develop multi-megawatt solar projects in Ontario, and thin-film module manufacturer Nanosolar Inc. is seriously considering to set up a regional assembly plant in the province, according to a local newspaper.

      It has been made clear that the Act will favor businesses with Ontario operations and include requirements for a certain amount of domestic content (at a level yet to be decided). With the Ontario value chain in cleantech needing significant strengthening, early movers are likely to see significant advantages. Apart from a handful of local manufacturers, additional suppliers are needed to get new projects off the ground. Ontario-based companies like ARISE Technologies, 6N Silicon, Timminco and Menova Energy are technology leaders, but they all depend on outside partners to complement their offerings. This need is likely to create opportunities for best-in-class providers from Europe and Asia.
      Other incentives to setting up operations in Ontario include the Next Generation Job Fund (NGJF), which covers 15% of the cost of establishing operations in Ontario for direct foreign investment, and generous R&D tax credits covering a wide range of activities. Universal healthcare and a federal pension plan, Ontario’s proximity to a market with over 400M people through NAFTA, and a very cost competitive workforce compared to the U.S., with the third largest manufacturing base in North America (after Texas and California), complete the picture.

      So, while this is not a foregone conclusion by any measure, the stars seem to increasingly align to make the Ontario market more attractive. The key question is whether ambitious global players can afford to miss the train if Ontario emerges as a new solar locomotive?

      The Path To Success in Ontario

      As we alluded in our previous article in Renewable Energy World magazine, Roadmap for A Changed Landscape: Consolidation and Integration in the Solar PV Business, businesses with a winning formula must take advantage of international expansion opportunities like this, or risk being rapidly outflanked by their competitors. With average factory gate prices of crystalline modules already 24% down on 2008 levels due to overcapacity, and module prices decreasing, favorable business environments like the ones being created in Ontario should be explored pro-actively.

      While doing so, new market entrants will need to carefully consider a number of factors when planning their moves in Ontario, relying on smart networking and targeted partnership strategies to grow their business locally. We will detail some of those considerations in an extended version of this article, to appear in the upcoming print issue of the magazine
      schrieb am 16.04.09 16:31:32
      Beitrag Nr. 685 ()

      schrieb am 29.04.09 13:33:47
      Beitrag Nr. 686 ()
      Ottawa takes aim at coal power
      Wednesday, April 29, 2009

      OTTAWA —The federal government is planning sweeping new climate-changeregulations for Canada's electricity sector that will phase outtraditional coal-fired power.

      Any new coal plants will have to include highly expensive – andunproven – technology to capture greenhouse gas emissions and inject itunderground for permanent storage, Environment Minister Jim Prenticesaid in an interview yesterday.

      Ottawa also plans to impose absolute emission caps on utilities'existing coal-fired power plants and establish a market-based system toallow them to buy credits to meet those targets, Mr. Prentice said.

      Electricity users in Alberta, Saskatchewan and Nova Scotia would be hithard by the new rules, as their provinces rely on coal for more than 70per cent of their power, and alternatives will be costly.

      “The approach that we've been working towards involves a cap-and-tradesystem relating to thermal coal, and the requirement of phasing outthose facilities as they reach the end of their useful, fully-amortizedlife,” Mr. Prentice said.

      “The concept is that, as these facilities are fully amortized and theiruseful life fully expended, they would not be replaced with coal,” theminister said.

      He added that coal would be an option if it produced near-zerogreenhouse gas emissions. The minister was attending a meeting of majoremitting countries in Washington.

      He said the new regulations will be released later this year – wellbefore he travels to Copenhagen in November for negotiations on a new,global climate change treaty.

      The government has already adopted new emission standards for vehicles– following the lead of the United States – and will also releaseregulations aimed at major industrial emitters, including Alberta's oilsands producers.

      It has set a target of having a 90-per-cent emission-free electricitysector by 2025, a goal that will require increased use of nuclear, windpower, hydro and other renewables. Given Canada's long dependence onhydro in Quebec and British Columbia, and nuclear and hydro in Ontario,the country already has one of the least emitting electricity sectorsin the developed world.

      Still, coal-fired electricity represents roughly 18 per cent ofCanada's current emissions, and eight of the 10 largest greenhouse gasemitters in the country are coal-fired power plants. They includeOntario's giant Nanticoke station, which the Liberal government hasvowed to close by 2014 in its effort to be coal-free.

      Most of Canada's fleet of coal-fired power plants date back to the1970s, and would likely be decommissioned between 2020 and 2025.However, Alberta has one new operating plant at Genesee and anotherbeing built at Keephills that would operate for as much as 40 years.

      Both Alberta and Saskatchewan have forecast large increases inelectricity demands, especially in Alberta where expected growth in oilsand production and refining would drive up industrial electricitydemand. Both provinces have massive coal reserves and said they willcontinue to rely on it to power their grids.

      Jason Chance, a spokesman for the Alberta Ministry of Energy, said theprovince is committed to developing carbon-capture-and-storagetechnology, noting the government has allocated $2-billion for pilotprojects in the power sector and oil industry.

      Pierre Guimond, president of the Canadian Electrical Association,warned the new regulations would drive up electricity costs tocustomers in the provinces that are reliant on coal. “It's going to beawfully expensive,” he said.

      He noted that the carbon-capture technology remains unproven andprohibitively expensive. However, some utilities have built modern coalplants that allow for the capturing of carbon dioxide, and oilcompanies often use CO{-2} to inject into crude reservoirs to stimulateproduction. The industry faces major challenges, however, in adoptingan integrated capture-and-storage system within the next decade.

      Epcor Power LP, of Edmonton, has spent more than $30-million indeveloping new combustion technology, and is hoping to win provincialfunding to build a capture-and-storage project, along with its partnerCalgary-based Enbridge Inc.

      “We are absolutely supportive” of the federal proposal, said Epcor'sexecutive vice-president, Brian Vaasjo. “We know that as the existingfleet of coal plants reach the end of their economic lives it will beimportant for there to be technology available that can be utilized tocontinue the use of coal.”

      He said the new coal technology may even be cost competitive withnuclear and wind, though far more expensive than traditional coal-firedpower. He added, however, that Alberta must be able to exploit its coalreserves.

      “We're richer in coal than we are in oil sands, so it is critical that we be able to utilize that resource,” he said.

      Shawn McCarthy is The Globe and Mail's global energy reporter
      schrieb am 29.04.09 16:37:54
      Beitrag Nr. 687 ()
      schrieb am 05.05.09 00:48:48
      Beitrag Nr. 688 ()
      ARISE Technologies says its Line 2 in Bischofswerda, Germany has produced its first monocrystalline PV cells on schedule, with an efficiency range of ~15%-16%.…
      schrieb am 05.05.09 01:02:52
      Beitrag Nr. 689 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 37.095.132 von frankinvestor am 05.05.09 00:48:48Arise sunny about future
      by MIN Administrator - 4 days ago
      Arise Technologies Corp. remains optimistic about the year despite a first quarter that saw sales evaporate 61.9 per cent from the previous quarter.

      Business was battered in the first quarter by the recession, which led customers of Arise's solar cell factory in Germany to defer purchases, Vern Heinrichs, chair and interim chief executive officer, told analysts on a conference call yesterday.

      But things are looking up not only for the solar cell business, but also for the company's Waterloo-based solar-systems division and early-stage silicon refining operations.

      Efficiency is improving at the German plant, and its second production line is ready when business picks back up, Heinrichs said.

      "Although our customers have deferred purchases in the first quarter, they have assured us they will honour their long-term contracts," he said. "This is an indication that our shipments will ramp up in the future as their business improves."

      The systems business is due for a boost from Ontario's proposed Green Energy Act, which is likely to lead to the province paying top dollar for solar electricity. Only about five per cent of Arise's revenue comes from the systems division now, but that should change once the Green Energy Act becomes law, Heinrichs said.

      "The Green Energy Act will unlock a surge of solar projects in this province. We already have established a funnel of potential projects," he said. "We believe that Arise is very well-positioned to gain a significant share of this market."

      The company's proposed silicon refinery in Kitchener remains on hold to conserve funds.

      But Arise has "been carrying out serious discussions with several potential partners" to help bring the project to fruition, Heinrichs said.

      Arise lost $14.7 million, or 12 cents per share, in the three months that ended March 31.

      Most of that was due to asset writedowns on raw materials, finished goods inventory and prepayments made on silicon wafer purchases.

      The company, which is operating with a working capital deficit, had $6.3 million in cash as of April 28, down from $21.1 million at the beginning of the year, said chief financial officer Dave Chornaby.

      Arise will have sufficient funds to keep operating into the latter part of the year assuming its lender, Commerzbank AG, agrees to extend the maturity dates of credit facilities that will mature over the next two months. Chornaby said he does not think that will be a problem.

      With so much going on, Arise has put off its search for a new chief executive officer, Heinrichs said.

      Former boss Bart Tichelman resigned in January over unspecified differences of opinion with the board of directors.

      AUTHOR: Matt Walcoff

      May 1st, 2009

      SOURCE: The Record
      schrieb am 18.05.09 10:59:33
      Beitrag Nr. 690 ()
      Finde folgende Aussagen bedeutsam für den Faktenthread.

      Interview mit Uwe Bögershausen, Finanzvorstand der aleo solar AG
      Von a|m- Exklusiv • 14. Mai 2009 um 16:54 Uhr
      aleo ist Abnehmer von ARISE-CELLS ;)

      a|m: Herr Bögershausen, die Konjunktukrise hat auch aleo solar getroffen. Sie haben im ersten Quartal einen Umsatzeinbruch von 56% hinnehmen müssen. Das EBIT ist in die roten Zahlen gerutscht. Was stimmt Sie zuversichtlich, Ihr Ziel eines Jahresumsatzes von EUR 380 Mio. dennoch zu erreichen?

      Uwe Bögershausen: Die Auslieferungen im März und April sind deutlich angestiegen, der Auftragsbestand von 60 MW ist zum heutigen Zeitpunkt besser als in den Vorjahren. Der Preisrückgang bei PV-Anlagen macht ein Investment für Anlagenkäufer noch attraktiver, der Aufdachanlagenmarkt, in dem aleo solar vor allem unterwegs ist, wächst weiter.

      Zum negativen EBIT kann ich nur sagen, dass wir im ersten Quartal durch die Neubewertung der Lagerbestände aus 2008 einen einmaligen Einfluss auf das Ergebnis hatten. Damit sind die Grundlagen geschaffen, um in den kommenden Quartalen positive Ergebnisse zu erzielen. Zudem haben wir einen deutlichen Rückgang bei den Zellpreisen, so dass wir den Preisrückgang gut abbilden können und mit unseren Produkten weiter Geld verdienen können.

      a|m: Welche Auswirkungen hat die Finanzkrise auf die Realisierung von PV-Projekten? Haben sich die Kreditbedingungen mittlerweile verbessert und was erwarten Sie für das Gesamtjahr?

      Uwe Bögershausen: Großanlagen sind unter diesen Bedingungen schwerer zu finanzieren. aleo solar bewegt sich aber schwerpunktmäßig im Markt für kleinere und mittlere Anlagen, die nach wie vor gefördert werden und für die es KfW-Finanzierungen gibt. Die Geldanlage in eine Solaranlage bringt eine garantierte Rendite, die weit über der von Staatsanleihen liegt. Wir gehen davon aus, dass es bei den derzeitigen Preisen für Solarmodule wieder ein anziehendes Geschäft im Bereich Aufdachanlagen im Gesamtjahr gibt, nicht nur in Deutschland, sondern auch in Italien, Frankreich, Belgien und Tschechien, aber auch in China und Nordamerika.

      a|m: Derzeit kämpft die Solarindustrie mit einem drastischen Preisverfall. Einige Ihrer Mitbewerber sind in Finanzierungsproblem geraten und kämpfen ums überleben. Wie sehr macht Ihnen derzeit der Preisverfall zu schaffen? Sehen Sie bereits die Tendenz einer Stabilisierung?

      Uwe Bögershausen: Wir sehen rückläufige Preise durchaus positiv, weil diese uns näher Richtung Wettbewerbsfähigkeit mit herkömmlichen Energieformen bringen. Da Solarzellen als Vorstufe für die Solarmodule 15 bis 20 Prozent günstiger geworden sind, können wir weiterhin gut wirtschaften. Dennoch ist es existenziell wichtig, dass sowohl die Wafer- als auch die Zellhersteller mit marktgerechten Preisen hantieren, damit wir Solarmodule in den gewünschten Mengen verkaufen können. Einige Lieferanten haben diese Notwendigkeit noch nicht begriffen. Diese werden sich noch bewegen müssen, um ihre Produkte überhaupt verkaufen zu können.

      a|m: Derzeit gehen die Marktteilnehmer von einer Konsolidierung im Solarmarkt aus. In welchen Bereichen werden Ihrer Meinung nach die größten Veränderungen auf den PV-Markt zukommen?

      Uwe Bögershausen: Konsolidierung wird sicher ein Thema werden. Ich sehe hiervon zunächst die nicht börsennotierten Unternehmen betroffen, von denen viele sicherlich vom Markt verschwinden werden. Wir bleiben bei unserer Strategie des organischen Wachstums: Wir sind und bleiben fokussierter Modulhersteller mit exzellentem Marktzugang. Wir werden uns auch weiterhin nicht in Richtung Zelle integrieren.

      a|m: Herr Bögershausen, vielen Dank für das Interview!

      (Meinungen bitte nicht hier - sondern im Diskussions-Thread)
      schrieb am 18.05.09 11:08:35
      Beitrag Nr. 691 ()
      Sieht imo nach einem Rebound Richtung 0,40 cent aus.

      schrieb am 18.05.09 11:32:06
      Beitrag Nr. 692 ()

      falscher Thread !
      schrieb am 18.05.09 13:58:29
      Beitrag Nr. 693 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 37.197.784 von xefrot am 18.05.09 11:32:06Stimmt, sorry.
      schrieb am 20.05.09 15:18:04
      Beitrag Nr. 694 ()
      Schwierige Auftragslage in Bischofswerda

      Im Bischofswerdaer Unternehmen Arise Technologies verzögert sich die Fertigung von Solarzellen der zweiten Produktionslinie. Grund dafür ist laut Firma die geringe Nachfrage wegen der schwierigen Wirtschaftssituation. Deswegen werden auch neue Mitarbeiter erst später als ursprünglich geplant eingestellt. Von 120 Stellen sind derzeit 88 besetzt. Die Anlagen im Betrieb sind zur Zeit etwa 70 Prozent ausgelastet.

      mdr vom 20. Mai 2009

      Mit "Anlagen im Betrieb" ist "nur" Linie 1 gemeint.
      schrieb am 20.05.09 15:40:21
      Beitrag Nr. 695 ()
      Bei 10 MW Maximalleistung pro Quartal (40 MW pro Jahr) ergeben sich 7 MW Output im 2. Quartal 2009 (70 Prozent Auslastung) für Linie 1. Also knapp 15 - 16 Mio Can-Dollar Umsatz (20-25% Preisverfall eingerechnet)

      Die Fakten aus dem Quartalsbericht 1/2009 fehlen hier noch im Faktenthread und helfen beim Vergleich. . .

      Operating Highlights:

      - First-quarter 2009 shipments of PV cells from the new Bischofswerda,Germany plant amounted to 2.3MW or $6.8 million, compared with shipments of 6.1MW in the fourth quarter. The level of shipments in the 2009 quarter was well below the company\'s production capacity, reflecting the softening in demand that began late in 2008.


      Financial Highlights

      ARISE\'s financial results reflect the manufacturing start-up and commencement of commercial shipments of PV cells to its customers in June 2008.

      First-quarter 2009 sales amounted to $7.2 million, compared with $0.2 million in the 2008 period. PV cells accounted for 94.8% of the sales in 2009 ($6.8 million) with the balance generated by the company\'s PV systems division. In the 2008 first quarter, PV systems accounted for all sales. Sales in the 2009 first quarter were 61.9% lower than recorded in the 2008 fourth quarter ($18.9 million with PV cells accounting for approximately 99% of the total). As previously reported, in late 2008, demand for solar products and systems declined sharply as the result of the effects of the global economic recession impacting the industry. This caused customers to defer their purchases of PV cells. As well, the drop in demand resulted in a marked decline in the pricing of both PV cells and silicon wafers.

      Gross profit for the first quarter of 2009 was a negative $10.2 million, compared with $17,182 in the 2008 period. The negative gross profit for the 2009 quarter was caused mainly by a $2.9 million write-down of raw material and finished goods inventory, a $6.0 million write-down of prepayments made on silicon wafer purchases, and scrap costs related to the start-up of PV cell production. The company wrote-down certain inventory to its net realizable value in view of the deferral of purchases by customers and the continued global decline in pricing of PV cells and silicon during the 2009 first quarter. The unexpected further decline in silicon wafer prices required the write-down of the prepayments that had been made for silicon wafers. During the 2009 first quarter, the company achieved a further 16% reduction in its scrap rate, following a 20% improvement in the 2008 fourth quarter, bringing its operations closer to the average for the industry. The company continues to focus on achieving further improvements in its scrap level as its manufacturing operations mature.

      Operating expenses for the 2009 first quarter were $5.1 million, compared with $5.3 million in the 2008 period. Operating expenses comprise research and development, general and administrative, selling and marketing, and depreciation and amortization. R&D increased 15.3% to $1.7 million (net of government funding of $0.5 million) in the 2009 first quarter from $1.5 million in the 2008 period (net of $0.4 million of government funding). ARISE\'s R&D programs are aimed at advancing its PV silicon and PV cell capabilities. General and administrative (G&A) expenses declined 18.4% to $2.5 million, compared with $3.1 million in the 2008 first quarter mainly due to reduced stock-based compensation costs as fewer options were granted and many previous grants had fully vested. Selling and marketing expenses for the 2009 quarter were $0.3 million, compared with $0.5 million a year earlier. The 2009 first-quarter selling and marketing expenses were 19.5% lower than in the 2008 fourth quarter mainly as the result of the company\'s focus on containing costs.

      Depreciation of capital assets (exclusive of depreciation included in cost of goods sold) and amortization of intangible assets was $0.5 million in the 2009 first quarter, compared with $0.1 million in the prior-year period. The increase was largely attributable to newly acquired R&D equipment.

      Interest expense (net) for 2009 first quarter was $0.6 million, compared with interest income of $0.3 million in the 2008 period. The increase in interest expense is the result of higher borrowing from Commerzbank AG in Germany. At March 31, 2009, the company had bank loans and long-term debt totaling $53.5 million, compared with $17.5 million at the end of the 2008 first quarter ($36.7 million at the 2008 year-end). Interest expense in the 2009 first quarter was virtually unchanged from the 2008 fourth-quarter level as the effect of increased borrowing for the start-up operations in Germany was offset by lower interest rates. All third-party debt of ARISE is subject to floating interest rates and is denominated in Euros.

      Other income and expenses for the 2009 first quarter included a foreign exchange gain of $0.8 million, compared with a foreign exchange loss of $0.4 million in the 2008 period. The largest component of the foreign exchange gain and loss amounts has resulted from the translation into Canadian dollars of financial liabilities of ARISE Germany which are denominated in Euros.

      ARISE recorded a net loss for the first-quarter 2009 of $14.7 million (a loss of $0.12 per basic and diluted share), compared with a net loss $5.4 million (a loss of $0.05 per basic and diluted share) in the 2008 quarter.

      Liquidity and Capital Resources

      As at March 31, 2009, ARISE had negative working capital of $11.1 million consisting of current assets of $52.7 million less current liabilities of $63.8 million. This compares with positive working capital at the end of 2008 of $2.2 million (current assets of $59.3 million and current liabilities of $57.1 million). The decline in working capital reflects the write-downs taken in the 2009 first quarter, decreased cash, and increased liabilities.

      Cash and cash equivalents and restricted cash at the end of the 2009 first quarter totaled $7.2 million, a decrease of $15.4 million since the 2008 year-end. Restricted cash, which comprises funds held in escrow for the completion of leasehold improvements for the Kitchener silicon plant, amounted to $0.6 million at the end of the 2009 first quarter ($1.5 million at the 2008 year-end). Current liabilities include deferred revenue of $8.6 million, which primarily represents customer deposits ($8.2 million at December 31, 2008). As at April 28, 2009, the company had cash and cash equivalents of approximately $6.3 million ($556,790 of which was restricted).

      The decrease in cash and cash equivalents during the 2009 first quarter primarily is the result of funding the operating loss, increasing working capital items, and funding capital expenditures related to the Silicon plant and PV cell production Line 2, which were offset by increased bank loans and long-term debt.

      As announced following the 2008 year-end, with the continuation of the global economic recession and its adverse impact on demand for solar products and systems, as well as the instability of capital markets and difficulty in obtaining funding, ARISE has been reviewing all of its planned capital expenditures and expansion plans, as well as of all its manageable costs.

      \"We are in discussions on several options to obtain additional capital, including possible partnerships. Based on our current view of our markets, pricing, expenses, cost-reduction measures, and available financial resources, we believe that ARISE has sufficient funds to finance our operations into the latter part of 2009,\" said Dave Chornaby, Chief Financial Officer.

      On April 29, 2009, ARISE announced that, with the completion of its PV cell manufacturing plant in Germany, it has revised its credit facilities with Commerzbank AG. This revision will result in a reduction of standby fees during the balance of 2009 by approximately $170,000. In 2008, ARISE incurred $234,006 in standby and commitment fees. The total credit facilities with Commerzbank amounting to (euro)56.05 million have been reduced to (euro)39.05 million with no changes to maturity terms or interest rates.
      schrieb am 22.05.09 11:03:16
      Beitrag Nr. 696 ()
      Time to invest in green firms, conference told
      Wed May 20, 2009 5:28pm EDT

      OTTAWA, May 20 (Reuters) - A group of Canadian green energy and technology companies pitched for investment on Wednesday, saying they are poised to flourish from government stimulus spending and tougher environmental regulations.

      Governments around the world are plowing billions of dollars into renewable energy and energy-efficient products and services, said Vicky Sharpe, chief executive of Sustainable Development Technology Canada, which manages C$1.05 billion ($920 million) in Canadian federal government funding.

      "Why are they doing this? Because green creates jobs," she said via webcast at an investor forum organized by her nonprofit agency and the Toronto Stock Exchange.

      "There is a market, it's a massive market, it's moving quickly and ... you can really play in what is going to be an amazingly good opportunity to make money."

      The half-day event in Vancouver, British Columbia, featured a handful of private companies making pitches for funding along with established, publicly traded companies that laid out their growth plans.

      "This is a time when you should get into the market, look and support these companies," said Sharpe. "I believe that you will do very well and make a lot of money, but also help the world be a better place."

      An executive from MSR Innovations Inc told investors they could take a 25-percent stake in the solar energy roofing company in return for a C$750,000 investment.

      "The market we're in, the green building market, is a fairly robust market, it seems to be doing well in these lean times and we're offering a generous equity stake for C$750,000," said Bill Richardson, vice-president of marketing and business development.

      Other privately held companies presented technology ranging from advanced batteries for automobiles to sophisticated containers for fish farming.


      Several executives from publicly traded companies said they expected to get a business boost from tougher environmental legislation and stimulus spending.

      Solar energy company Arise Technologies Corp (APV.TO) is hoping it can profit from the Canadian province of Ontario's recently passed Green Energy Act, which hopes to encourage the installation of 100,000 residential solar panels on rooftops.

      "We think that this is going to be a very, very significant opportunity," said Ian MacLellan, president of Arise's systems division.

      "The Ontario government has stated publicly they want to create 50,000 jobs in Ontario. I think that that's doable. And if it all comes together, I told (Ontario Premier) Dalton McGuinty to put us down from a couple of thousand."
      schrieb am 26.05.09 15:45:45
      Beitrag Nr. 697 ()
      halbwegs deutsch;)

      SICH Technologies Reports First Quarter 2009 Results

      - First-quarter financial results affected by weaker market conditions that began in late 2008 causing significant decline in shipments of PV cells - Im ersten Quartal die finanziellen Ergebnisse, die von schwächeren Marktbedingungen, die seit Ende 2008 erhebliche Rückgang der Lieferungen von PV-Zellen

      WATERLOO - ARISE Technologies Corporation, which is dedicated to becoming a leader in high-performance, cost-effective solar technology, today reported its financial results for the first quarter ended March 31, 2009. WATERLOO - SICH Technologies Corporation, die sich zu einem Marktführer im Bereich High-Performance, kostengünstige Solartechnik, berichtet heute seine finanziellen Ergebnisse für das erste Quartal zum 31. März 2009. Financial results conform to Canadian generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) and all currency amounts are in Canadian dollars. Finanzielle Ergebnisse mit kanadischen Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) und alle Beträge sind in kanadischen Dollar.

      "Our first-quarter financial results reflect a continuation of the economic and solar energy market conditions that began to adversely affect our performance late in 2008," said Vern Heinrichs, President and Chief Executive Officer. "Unsere ersten Quartal die finanziellen Ergebnisse spiegeln eine Fortsetzung der Wirtschafts-und Solarenergie Marktbedingungen, begann sich negativ auf unsere Leistungsfähigkeit spät im Jahr 2008", sagte Vern Heinrichs, President und Chief Executive Officer. "While we are managing through a difficult period, we are encouraged by positive developments in each of our three operating areas - PV (photovoltaic) Cell manufacturing, Silicon, and Systems - including the progress that we are making toward enabling us to benefit from our ability to vertically integrate these capabilities. "Während wir die Verwaltung durch eine schwierige Zeit, sind wir ermutigt durch die positiven Entwicklungen in jedem der drei operativen Bereichen - PV (Photovoltaik) Cell Fertigung, Silicon, und-Systeme - einschließlich der Fortschritte, die wir auf und ermöglicht uns, profitieren von unserer Möglichkeit einer vertikalen Integration dieser Funktionen.

      "The PV Cell Division currently is generating most of our company's revenues. ARISE is being impacted by the weakening of industry pricing for PV cells, but we are likewise going to benefit from the even greater decline of costs for silicon wafers. We continue to discuss pricing and volume requirements with both our customers and suppliers," Mr. Heinrichs said. "Die PV Cell Division ist derzeit Großteil unseres Unternehmens darstellen. GEGENSTANDSLOS wird beeinflusst durch die Schwächung der Industrie die Preise für PV-Zellen, aber wir sind ebenso davon profitieren von der noch größeren Rückgang der Kosten für Silizium-Wafer. Wir diskutieren Preise und Volumen Anforderungen mit unseren Kunden und Lieferanten ", sagte Herr Heinrichs. "In the short term, the global decline in pricing has caused us in the 2008 fourth quarter and in the 2009 first quarter to take valuation write-downs related to our PV cells inventory and pre-payments made for silicon wafers last year when supplies were short and prices were significantly higher. "Auf kurze Sicht die globale Rückgang bei den Preisen hat uns in der vierten Quartal 2008 und im ersten Quartal 2009 um Bewertung Abschreibungen im Zusammenhang mit unserer PV-Zellen und Inventar Vorauszahlungen für Silizium-Wafer im vergangenen Jahr wurden bei der Versorgung Kurz-und die Preise deutlich höher.

      "Reflecting our customers' revised short-term needs, our results in the 2009 first quarter were affected by significantly lower shipments of PV cells, compared with the fourth quarter of 2008. As worldwide industry demand for solar systems and modules began slumping late last year, our customers deferred taking shipments of our PV cells. "Angesichts unserer Kunden überarbeitet kurzfristigen Bedarf, unsere Ergebnisse im ersten Quartal 2009 wurde durch deutlich niedrigere Sendungen von PV-Zellen, verglichen mit dem vierten Quartal 2008. Da die Industrie weltweit die Nachfrage nach Solaranlagen und Module slumping begann Ende letzten Jahres , unseren Kunden die latenten Sendungen unserer PV-Zellen.

      "Industry observers have indicated that they expect demand for PV cells will increase in the second quarter with further strengthening in the second half of the year. This is consistent with the feedback that we are getting from our customers. We also are seeing increased requests from potential new customers to discuss possible supply contracts, although there cannot be any certainty as to when or whether additional agreements will be signed," said Mr. "Die Industrie Beobachter haben darauf hingewiesen, dass sie erwarten, die Nachfrage nach PV-Zellen wird im zweiten Quartal mit weiteren Stärkung der in der zweiten Hälfte des Jahres. Dies steht im Einklang mit dem Feedback, das wir uns von unseren Kunden. Wir sind auch zu sehen erhöhte Anfragen von potenzielle neue Kunden zu diskutieren möglich, Aufträge, auch wenn es keine Gewissheit, wann oder ob zusätzliche Vereinbarungen unterzeichnet wird ", sagte Herr Heinrichs. Heinrichs.

      Operating Highlights Operating Highlights

      - First-quarter 2009 shipments of PV cells from the new Bischofswerda, Germany plant amounted to 2.3MW or $6.8 million, compared with shipments of 6.1MW in the fourth quarter. - Im ersten Quartal 2009 Sendungen von PV-Zellen aus den neuen Bischofswerda, Deutschland Anlage beliefen sich auf 2.3MW oder $ 6,8 Mio., verglichen mit Lieferungen von 6.1MW im vierten Quartal. The level of shipments in the 2009 quarter was well below the company's production capacity, reflecting the softening in demand that began late in 2008. Die Höhe der Lieferungen in den Quartal 2009 deutlich unter der Produktionskapazität des Unternehmens, was die Anpassung der Nachfrage, die seit Ende 2008.

      - On March 10, 2009, ARISE announced that it had produced on schedule its first PV cells on Line 2 at the Bischofswerda plant. - Am 10. März 2009, ergeben sich angekündigt, dass er auf seiner ersten Zeitplan PV Zellen auf Linie 2 an der Bischofswerda Anlage. Line 2 is producing mono-crystalline PV cells that are expected to achieve efficiencies of up to 18%, when the line is fully optimized. Linie 2 produziert mono-kristallinen PV-Zellen, die voraussichtlich zu erreichen Wirkungsgrade von bis zu 18%, wenn die Zeile voll optimiert. Initial production on Line 2 is currently at an average efficiency of approximately 16.2%. Erste Produktion auf Leitung 2 befindet sich derzeit in einem durchschnittlichen Wirkungsgrad von etwa 16,2%. ARISE expects to complete the Site Acceptance Test for Line 2 during the 2009 second quarter. SICH geht davon aus, dass die Site Acceptance Test für die Linie 2 im zweiten Quartal 2009. Commercial production will then commence and ramp up at a rate dependent on demand from the company's customers. Kommerziellen Produktion beginnen und dann Rampe bis zu einem Satz hängt von der Nachfrage aus den Unternehmen der Kunden.

      - On January 28, ARISE announced that its Board had appointed its Chairman, Vern Heinrichs, to serve as interim President and Chief Executive Officer following the resignation of Bart Tichelman from those positions and as a Director. - Am 28. Januar, treten bekannt gegeben, dass sein Board benannte der Vorsitzende, Vern Heinrichs, die als Zwischen-President und Chief Executive Officer nach dem Rücktritt von Bart Tichelman aus diesen Positionen und als Direktor. Subsequently, the Board has determined that the search for a new President and CEO should be deferred until at least later this year. Danach, hat der Vorstand festgestellt, dass die Suche nach einem neuen Präsidenten und CEO sollte bis mindestens Ende dieses Jahres.

      - ARISE signed an agreement with McMaster University that gives the company full ownership of a promising new technology to boost the efficiency levels of PV cells. - SICH unterzeichnete ein Abkommen mit der McMaster University, der die volle Verantwortung für die Unternehmen eine viel versprechende neue Technologie zur Steigerung der Wirkungsgrade von PV-Zellen. In February 2008, ARISE agreed to become McMaster's industry partner in a high-efficiency solar technology development project. Im Februar 2008, ergeben sich einig zu werden McMaster Industrie Partner in einem Hochleistungs-Solar-Technologie Projekt. The project is being jointly funded over three years by ARISE (a combination of cash and in-kind funding), and by the Ontario Centres of Excellence Inc. (OCE) and McMaster. Das Projekt wird gemeinsam finanziert über einen Zeitraum von drei Jahren entstehen (eine Kombination von Geld-und Sach-Mittel), und von der Ontario Centres of Excellence Inc. (OCE) und McMaster. The project is based on a discovery by McMaster engineering professors Rafael Kleiman and John Preston that silicon-based, multi- junction technology offers a method of applying single crystal layers of compound semiconductors on a silicon substrate. Das Projekt basiert auf einer Entdeckung von McMaster Engineering Professoren Rafael Kleiman und John Preston, dass Silizium-basierten Multi-Junction-Technologie bietet eine Methode zur Anwendung von einkristallinen Schichten mit Halbleitern auf einem Silizium-Substrat. The expectation is that this technology can convert sunlight into electricity at twice the efficiency as other PV cell methods commonly in use. Die Erwartung ist, dass diese Technologie kann wandeln Sonnenlicht in Strom zu doppelt so hoch wie die Effizienz als andere Methoden PV Zelle allgemein in Gebrauch ist. The technology uses existing solar cell manufacturing processes that are expected to result in competitive production costs for the more efficient PV cells. Die Technologie stützt sich auf bestehende Solarzelle Herstellungsverfahren, die voraussichtlich zu einer wettbewerbsfähigen Kosten für die Produktion effizienter PV-Zellen.

      The project is currently entering the proof-of-principle phase and is expected to then scale up during the next several years. Das Projekt befindet sich derzeit in den Proof-of-Prinzip Phase und wird voraussichtlich dann Scale-up in den nächsten Jahren. Multi- junction cell development is one of the key elements in ARISE's strategy and technology roadmap to develop, manufacture, and market advanced, high-efficiency PV cells at competitive cost and pricing. The company believes that this project has the potential to more than double traditional PV cell efficiencies. Multi-Kreuzung Zelle Entwicklung ist eines der wichtigsten Elemente in der Strategie SICH und Technologie-Roadmap für die Entwicklung, Herstellung und Vermarktung moderner, hoch-effiziente PV-Zellen zu wettbewerbsfähigen Kosten und Preise. Das Unternehmen ist der Auffassung, dass dieses Projekt das Potenzial hat, mehr als verdoppeln herkömmlichen PV Zelle Effizienz.

      - With respect to ARISE's silicon program, the company accomplished more than a 25% improvement in deposition rate and filed patents for the core technology. - In Bezug auf GEGENSTANDSLOS Silicon-Programm, das Unternehmen unter mehr als eine 25% ige Verbesserung der Ablagerung und die eingereichten Patente für die Kern-Technologie.

      Financial Highlights Financial Highlights

      ARISE's financial results reflect the manufacturing start-up and commencement of commercial shipments of PV cells to its customers in June 2008. GEGENSTANDSLOS der finanziellen Ergebnisse spiegeln die Herstellung von Start-up-und der kommerziellen Sendungen von PV-Zellen, die ihre Kunden im Juni 2008.

      First-quarter 2009 sales amounted to $7.2 million, compared with $0.2 million in the 2008 period. Ersten Quartal 2009 einen Umsatz von $ 7,2 Millionen, verglichen mit $ 0.2 Millionen im Zeitraum 2008. PV cells accounted for 94.8% of the sales in 2009 ($6.8 million) with the balance generated by the company's PV systems division. Die PV-Zellen entfielen 94,8% des Umsatzes in 2009 ($ 6,8 Mio.) mit dem Gleichgewicht, die durch die Firma PV Systems Division. In the 2008 first quarter, PV systems accounted for all sales. Im ersten Quartal 2008, PV-Systeme für alle Verkäufe entfielen. Sales in the 2009 first quarter were 61.9% lower than recorded in the 2008 fourth quarter ($18.9 million with PV cells accounting for approximately 99% of the total). Der Umsatz im ersten Quartal 2009 waren 61,9% niedriger als im vierten Quartal 2008 ($ 18,9 Mio. mit PV-Zellen, die für etwa 99% des Gesamtvolumens). As previously reported, in late 2008, demand for solar products and systems declined sharply as the result of the effects of the global economic recession impacting the industry. Wie bereits berichtet, Ende 2008, die Nachfrage nach solaren Produkten und Systemen zurückgegangen als Folge der Auswirkungen der globalen wirtschaftlichen Rezession Auswirkungen auf die Industrie. This caused customers to defer their purchases of PV cells. Dies führte zu Kunden haben, die ihre Einkäufe von PV-Zellen. As well, the drop in demand resulted in a marked decline in the pricing of both PV cells and silicon wafers. Auch der Rückgang der Nachfrage führte zu einem deutlichen Rückgang der Preise für die PV-Zellen und Silizium-Wafern.

      Gross profit for the first quarter of 2009 was a negative $10.2 million, compared with $17,182 in the 2008 period. Bruttoergebnis vom Umsatz für das erste Quartal 2009 wurde ein negatives $ 10,2 Millionen, verglichen mit $ 17.182 in der Periode 2008. The negative gross profit for the 2009 quarter was caused mainly by a $2.9 million write-down of raw material and finished goods inventory, a $6.0 million write-down of prepayments made on silicon wafer purchases, and scrap costs related to the start-up of PV cell production. Die negativen Bruttogewinn für das Quartal 2009 wurde hauptsächlich durch ein $ 2,9 Mio. Abschreibung von Rohstoff-und Fertigwaren Inventar, ein $ 6,0 Mio. Abschreibung von Vorauszahlungen, die auf Silizium-Wafer-Käufe, und Schrott, Kosten im Zusammenhang mit der Start-up der PV-Zellen-Produktion. The company wrote-down certain inventory to its net realizable value in view of the deferral of purchases by customers and the continued global decline in pricing of PV cells and silicon during the 2009 first quarter. Das Unternehmen schrieb nach bestimmten Verzeichnis auf seine Nettoveräußerungswert im Hinblick auf die Verschiebung der Einkäufe von Kunden und die anhaltende globale Rückgang der Preise für PV-Zellen und Silizium im ersten Quartal 2009. The unexpected further decline in silicon wafer prices required the write-down of the prepayments that had been made for silicon wafers. Der unerwartete weiteren Rückgang in der Silizium-Wafer-Preise hat die Abschreibung der Vorauszahlungen, dass war für Silizium-Wafer. During the 2009 first quarter, the company achieved a further 16% reduction in its scrap rate, following a 20% improvement in the 2008 fourth quarter, bringing its operations closer to the average for the industry. Während der ersten Quartal 2009 erzielte das Unternehmen einen weiteren 16% Ermäßigung in den Schrott Satz, nach einer 20% igen Verbesserung in der vierten Quartal 2008, die ihre Tätigkeit näher an den Durchschnitt der Industrie. The company continues to focus on achieving further improvements in its scrap level as its manufacturing operations mature. Das Unternehmen konzentriert sich weiterhin auf die Erreichung weiterer Verbesserungen in der Schrott-Ebene als Herstellungsvorgänge reifen.

      Operating expenses for the 2009 first quarter were $5.1 million, compared with $5.3 million in the 2008 period. Die betrieblichen Aufwendungen für das erste Quartal 2009 wurden $ 5,1 Millionen, verglichen mit $ 5,3 Mio. in der Periode 2008. Operating expenses comprise research and development, general and administrative, selling and marketing, and depreciation and amortization. Die betrieblichen Aufwendungen umfassen Forschung und Entwicklung, allgemeine und Verwaltungs-, Vertriebs-und Marketing-und Abschreibungen. R&D increased 15.3% to $1.7 million (net of government funding of $0.5 million) in the 2009 first quarter from $1.5 million in the 2008 period (net of $0.4 million of government funding). ARISE's R&D programs are aimed at advancing its PV silicon and PV cell capabilities. R & D erhöht 15,3% bis zu $ 1,7 Mio. (nach Abzug der staatlichen Finanzierung von $ 0,5 Mio.) im ersten Quartal 2009 von $ 1,5 Millionen im Zeitraum 2008 (nach Abzug von $ 0,4 Millionen der staatlichen Finanzierung). GEGENSTANDSLOS R & D-Programme richten sich auf die Weiterentwicklung von Silizium und seinen PV PV Zelle Fähigkeiten. General and administrative (G&A) expenses declined 18.4% to $2.5 million, compared with $3.1 million in the 2008 first quarter mainly due to reduced stock-based compensation costs as fewer options were granted and many previous grants had fully vested. Verwaltungs-und Gemeinkosten (G & A) Ausgaben sank 18,4% auf 2,5 Millionen US $, verglichen mit $ 3,1 Millionen im ersten Quartal 2008 vor allem wegen der reduzierten Lager-Based Compensation Kosten, da weniger Optionen gewährt wurden, und viele früheren Zuschüsse vollständig ausübbar. Selling and marketing expenses for the 2009 quarter were $0.3 million, compared with $0.5 million a year earlier. Vertriebs-und Marketingkosten für die Quartal 2009 wurden $ 0,3 Mio. verglichen mit $ 0.5 Mio. im Vorjahr. The 2009 first-quarter selling and marketing expenses were 19.5% lower than in the 2008 fourth quarter mainly as the result of the company's focus on containing costs. Die im ersten Quartal 2009 Vertriebs-und Marketingkosten wurden 19,5% niedriger als im vierten Quartal 2008 vor allem das Ergebnis des Unternehmens konzentrieren sich auf die Kosten.

      Depreciation of capital assets (exclusive of depreciation included in cost of goods sold) and amortization of intangible assets was $0.5 million in the 2009 first quarter, compared with $0.1 million in the prior-year period. The increase was largely attributable to newly acquired R&D equipment. Interest expense (net) for 2009 first quarter was $0.6 million, compared with interest income of $0.3 million in the 2008 period. Abschreibungen auf Anlagevermögen (ohne Abschreibungen, die Kosten der verkauften Produkte) und Abschreibungen auf immaterielle Vermögenswerte wurde $ 0.5 Millionen im ersten Quartal 2009, verglichen mit $ 0,1 Mio. in der Vorjahresperiode. Der Anstieg war im Wesentlichen auf neu erworbene F & E-Einrichtungen . Zinsaufwendungen (netto) für das erste Quartal 2009 wurden $ 0,6 Millionen, verglichen mit Zinseinnahmen in Höhe von $ 0.3 Millionen im Zeitraum 2008. The increase in interest expense is the result of higher borrowing from Commerzbank AG in Germany. Der Anstieg der Zinsaufwendungen ist das Ergebnis der höheren Kreditaufnahme von der Commerzbank AG in Deutschland. At March 31, 2009, the company had bank loans and long-term debt totaling $53.5 million, compared with $17.5 million at the end of the 2008 first quarter ($36.7 million at the 2008 year-end). Am 31. März 2009 hatte das Unternehmen Bankkredite-und langfristige Verbindlichkeiten in Höhe von $ 53,5 Millionen, verglichen mit $ 17,5 Millionen am Ende des ersten Quartals 2008 ($ 36,7 Mio. auf das Jahr 2008-Ende). Interest expense in the 2009 first quarter was virtually unchanged from the 2008 fourth-quarter level as the effect of increased borrowing for the start-up operations in Germany was offset by lower interest rates. Zinsaufwand im ersten Quartal 2009 wurde nahezu unverändert aus dem vierten Quartal 2008 auf die Auswirkungen des Anstiegs der Kreditaufnahme für die Start-up-Betrieb in Deutschland wurde durch niedrigere Zinsen. All third-party debt of ARISE is subject to floating interest rates and is denominated in Euros. Alle Dritter von Schulden entstehen, unterliegen zu einem variablen Zinssatz und wird in Euro.

      Other income and expenses for the 2009 first quarter included a foreign exchange gain of $0.8 million, compared with a foreign exchange loss of $0.4 million in the 2008 period. Sonstige Erträge und Aufwendungen für das erste Quartal 2009 einen Wechselkursgewinn von $ 0.8 Millionen, verglichen mit einem Wechselkursverlust von $ 0,4 Mio. in der Periode 2008. The largest component of the foreign exchange gain and loss amounts has resulted from the translation into Canadian dollars of financial liabilities of ARISE Germany which are denominated in Euros. Die größte Komponente der Wechselkursgewinn und Verlustbeträge hat dazu geführt, von der Übersetzung in kanadischen Dollar der finanziellen Verbindlichkeiten des SICH Deutschland, die auf Euro lauten.

      ARISE recorded a net loss for the first-quarter 2009 of $14.7 million (a loss of $0.12 per basic and diluted share), compared with a net loss $5.4 million (a loss of $0.05 per basic and diluted share) in the 2008 quarter. GEGENSTANDSLOS einen Netto-Verlust für das erste Quartal 2009 von $ 14,7 Mio. (ein Verlust von $ 0,12 je Aktie unverwässert und verwässert), verglichen mit einem Nettoverlust $ 5,4 Mio. (ein Verlust von $ 0,05 pro Aktie unverwässert und verwässert) im Quartal 2008.

      Gruß Forest:cool:
      schrieb am 26.05.09 15:48:15
      Beitrag Nr. 698 ()
      schrieb am 27.05.09 21:50:00
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      schrieb am 27.05.09 23:00:26
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      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 37.267.220 von freybel am 27.05.09 21:50:00:kiss:…
      schrieb am 30.05.09 13:42:09
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      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 37.267.973 von Tirolesi am 27.05.09 23:00:26;):kiss:
      schrieb am 30.05.09 17:35:53
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      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 37.288.898 von xefrot am 30.05.09 17:35:53:cool:…
      schrieb am 10.06.09 18:12:43
      Beitrag Nr. 704 ()…


      Attention Business Editors

      ARISE Technologies presents at Germany Trade and Invest Event

      WATERLOO, ON, June 10 /CNW/ - ARISE Technologies Corporation (TSX: APV and Frankfurt: A3T)
      PV Systems Division President and company founder, Ian MacLellan, addressed an audience of German and Canadian delegates at a trade and investment event organized by the Canadian German Chamber of Industry and Commerce Inc.
      The purpose of the event, held at the Gardiner Museum in Toronto on June 9, 2009, was to explore investment perspectives and opportunities in Germany. Mr. Matthias Hoepfner, Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany delivered welcoming remarks. This was followed by keynote speeches by Mr.
      MacLellan and Mr. Peter Alltschekow, Director Eastern Germany, Germany Trade and Invest (GTAI).

      "I am personally delighted and honoured to address this audience this year and to report on the progress ARISE has made in our new PV cell manufacturing plant located in Bischofswerda, Germany which opened in April 2008," said Ian MacLellan.

      "The GTAI was instrumental in bringing key partners together to assist ARISE in building and financing our state of the art plant, and they continue to be incredibly supportive of ARISE. We value these ties and look forward to developing new relationships as we continue to grow our business," added Vern Heinrichs, President and Chief Executive Officer.

      About ARISE Technologies

      ARISE Technologies Corporation, based in Waterloo, Ontario, is dedicated to becoming a leader in high-performance, cost-effective solar technology. The company operates through three divisions. The PV Cell Division manufactures PV (photovoltaic) cells at its first manufacturing plant opened in April 2008 in Bischofswerda, Germany. The division is developing proprietary technology with
      a target of achieving a step-by-step progression to a high-efficiency level of greater than 20%. The PV Silicon Division is using a proprietary method to produce silicon at 7N+ high-purity (99.99999% purity) for PV cell applications, based on a simplified chemical vapor deposition process. The division is focusing on scaling up its process to provide ARISE with control over its supply, costs, and quality. The PV Systems Division provides complete turnkey PV solutions for solar farms and rooftop installations under the Ontario standard offer program.

      The company's shares are listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange under the symbol APV and on the Frankfurt Open Market Exchange under the symbol A3T.
      Additional information is available at and
      schrieb am 10.06.09 21:13:04
      Beitrag Nr. 705 ()
      Ostdeutschland: Erfolgsstandort für kanadische Investoren


      Toronto - Ostdeutschland ist ein attraktiver Investitionsstandort für nordamerikanische Unternehmen. Denn gerade der industrielle Hochtechnologiebereich und das Wachstumspotenzial im Osten Deutschlands erweisen sich trotz der Wirtschaftskrise als robust, wie auch der heute veröffentlichte "Jahresbericht zum Stand der Deutschen Einheit" bestätigt.
      Vor allem kanadische Investoren haben in der letzten Zeit verstärktes Interesse am Standort gezeigt. Die Erfolge der Unternehmen Research in Motion und Arise Technologies Corporation waren Thema der Veranstaltung "How far East? Eastern Germany: The No. 1 Business Location for Canadian Investment Success", die Germany Trade & Invest am Dienstagabend in Toronto durchgeführt hat.

      In Deutschland haben sich gegenwärtig rund 300 kanadische Unternehmen angesiedelt. Insbesondere die Wachstumssektoren und Zukunftsfelder, die sich in Ostdeutschland herausgebildet haben, etwa die Informationstechnologie, die Gesundheitswirtschaft und der Bereich der erneuerbaren Energien, decken sich mit den derzeitigen Interessen kanadischer Investoren.

      Thorsten Heins, Senior Vice President der Handheld Business Unit bei Research in Motion, Hersteller des Marktführers Blackberry Smartphones, schilderte die unternehmerischen Erfolge in Deutschland. Heins hob den hohen Technologiegrad, die hochmoderne Infrastruktur, hervorragend ausgebildete Fachkräfte sowie eine großzügige Förderpolitik als Erfolgsfaktoren hervor. Hinzu komme der zentrale Standort innerhalb Europas. Aus diesen Faktoren ergäben sich entscheidende Vorteile für die Geschäftstätigkeit vor Ort.

      Der Erfolg der ostdeutschen Länder im Bereich der erneuerbaren Energien hat Deutschland in dieser Branche zum weltweiten Marktführer gemacht, insbesondere in der Photovoltaikindustrie, der Windenergie und beim Biokraftstoff. Die kanadische Wirtschaft hat sich in den vergangenen Jahren ebenfalls stark auf den Erneuerbare-Energien-Sektor ausgerichtet.
      Ian MacLellan, Präsident Systems Division und Gründer von Arise, schilderte den Erfolg seines Unternehmens und verwies dabei auf die Vorteile Ostdeutschlands. Mit seinem Tochterunternehmen im sächsischen Bischofswerda hat sich Arise zu einem der weltweit führenden Solarzellenhersteller entwickelt. Ausschlaggebend für den Erfolg, so MacLellan, war die wettbewerbsfreundliche Lage Ostdeutschlands im Zentrum Europas.

      "Germany Trade & Invest hat entscheidend dazu beigetragen, wichtige Partner zusammenzubringen, die Arise sowohl beim Aufbau als auch bei der Finanzierung dieser hochmodernen Anlage unterstützt haben. Und sie stehen uns weiterhin mit beeindruckendem Einsatz zur Seite. Wir schätzen diese Beziehungen sehr und hoffen, dass wir sie parallel zum Ausbau unseres Unternehmens erweitern werden."

      Die Veranstaltung, die im Zeichen eines wachsenden Interesses nordamerikanischer Investoren an Ostdeutschland stand, wurde von Germany Trade & Invest in Kooperation mit der Deutsch-Kanadischen Industrie- und Handelskammer (AHK) durchgeführt. In Toronto, der ersten Station im Rahmen der Nordamerika-Roadshow, sprachen neben den Investoren der deutsche Botschafter Matthias Höpfner sowie Thomas Beck, Geschäftsführer der AHK Kanada.
      Im Rahmen der Roadshow findet am 12. Juni eine weitere Veranstaltung in Chicago statt, auf der US-amerikanische Investoren über ihre Erfolge in Ostdeutschland berichten werden. Aufgrund des großen Interesses sind bereits weitere Veranstaltungen, u.a. in Montréal, für den kommenden Herbst geplant.…
      schrieb am 10.06.09 22:01:32
      Beitrag Nr. 706 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 37.367.424 von Brisca am 10.06.09 21:13:04:D
      schrieb am 10.06.09 22:08:57
      Beitrag Nr. 707 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 37.367.883 von mr.motte am 10.06.09 22:01:32Mit seinem Tochterunternehmen im sächsischen Bischofswerda hat sich Arise zu einem der weltweit führenden Solarzellenhersteller entwickelt.

      Jawohl, das will ich lesen. Nicht mehr Pennystock, Startup oder Pleitekanditat sondern Blue Chip der Solarbranche.
      schrieb am 11.06.09 16:37:08
      Beitrag Nr. 708 ()
      Kopiert von Tomasch1 ;)

      Donnerstag, 11. Juni 2009
      Sächsische Zeitung

      Arise-Chef: 30 neue Jobs bis Jahresende
      Von Gabriele Naß

      Dem Produktionsstart der Bischofswerdaer Solarfabrik Arise Technologies Deutschland GmbH vor einem Jahr folgte wenig später die Wirtschafts- und Finanzkrise. Nun schwächen ungeahnte Absatzprobleme das geplante und notwendige Wachstum. Die Auslastung der im Frühjahr 2008 in Betrieb gegangenen ersten Fertigungslinie lag im Mai bei unter 50 Prozent, zuvor mussten die Maschinen, die sonst sieben Tage die Woche laufen, kurzzeitig angehalten werden. In seiner Existenz sei das junge Unternehmen aber nie gefährdet gewesen. Mit der kanadischen Mutterfirma Arise Technologies Corporation und Banken, insbesondere der Commerzbank, stehe man die Krise durch, sagte Geschäftsführer Sjouke Zijlstra der SZ.

      Arise setzt darauf, dass die Nachfrage jetzt wieder steigt. Bevorzugter Markt für das Unternehmen istDeutschland, weil er der größte ist. Jedoch sei auch insbesondere Nord-Amerika verstärkt ein Thema, vor allem nachdem Präsident Obama einen Wandel in der Energiepolitik seines Landes angekündigt hat. Bisher allerdings lässt der Absatz die Auslastung der ersten Linie weiter stagnieren. Im Juli wird sie zwar voraussichtlich auf über 50 Prozent steigen. Aber noch Mitte Mai hoffte das Unternehmen auf einhundert Prozent Auslastung im Juli.

      Gemeinsam mit der kanadischen Mutterfirma arbeitet Arise in Bischofswerda an zukunftsträchtigen Technologien für die Herstellung von Solarzellen mit über 20 Prozent Wirkungsgrad. Sjouke Zijlstra bestätigte auf Nachfrage, dass die Produktion eigenen hochwertigen Siliziums ab kommendem Jahr in Kanada vorbereitet wird und dort auch ein erster Solarpark aufgebaut werden soll. Mit drei Säulen –Herstellung von Silizium, Herstellung von Solarzellen und Projektierung von Systemen – sei das Unternehmen unabhängiger. Eigenes Silizium beeinflusse zudem positiv die Kostenstruktur. Vor allem erreiche man damit jene Qualität beim Grundstoff, mit denen Solarzellen marktführend mit über 20 Prozent Wirkungsgrad herzustellen sind.

      Bei Arise Technologies in Bischofswerda findet jetzt die Abnahme der zweiten Produktionslinie statt. Der Anlauf verschiebt sich allerdings auf voraussichtlich Oktober dieses Jahres. Grund laut Geschäftsleitung: Der Hauptkunde lässt sich die Monozelle, die auf Linie 2 produziert wird, zuerst zertifizieren. Und Arise optimiert, um diesen Kunden erfolgreich bedienen zu können, die Technologie. „Wir passen das Vorderseitengrid an“, sagt Sjouke Zijlstra. Mit Grid sind metallische Leiterbahnen gemeint, die nötig sind, um die an der Oberfläche einer Solarzelle gesammelten Ladungsträger abzuleiten.

      Acht Fertigungslinien bis 2012

      Die Arise Technologies Deutschland GmbH Bischofswerda kündigte bei Gründung an, zwei Produktionslinien pro Jahr aufbauen zu wollen – zwölf bis 2012. Angesichts des vor allem krisenbedingt schleppenden Wachstums geht man jetzt noch von acht Linien bis 2012 aus. Entsprechend wächst der Personalbedarf. Zurzeit arbeiten im Werk 88 Frauen und Männer, größtenteils in der Produktion als höher qualifizierte Operator und Instandhalter. Bis Jahresende sollen 30 Facharbeiter dazu kommen.

      Arise stellt jeden fest ein, verzichtet auf Zeitverträge. „Wir brauchen motivierte Mitarbeiter, denn wir verlangen von ihnen hohes Denkniveau und ein hohes Maß an Flexibilität. Im Ergebnis ist der Einfluss unserer Mitarbeiter auf die Qualität sehr hoch“, sagte Sjouke Zijlstra.

      Geschäftsführer Sjouke Zijlstra mit Solarzellen, dem Produkt der Arise Technologies Deutschland GmbH. Produziert wird in der Firma in einem komplett automatisierten Arbeitsgang „flowline“, also ohne dass die Wafer (Vorprodukt der Solarzelle) zu einer Station gebracht, dort bearbeitet und dann zur nächsten Station befördert werden müssen. Nur wenige in der Branche trauen sich diese empfindliche, aber effiziente Art der Produktion zu, heißt es in Fachkreisen. Foto: Steffen Unger

      Der Kommentar: Auf ein Wort
      Arise hat in der Krise Rückhalt
      Gabriele Naß

      über die aktuelle Entwicklung der Solarfirma Arise
      Aktionäre der Arise Technologies Deutschland GmbH Bischofswerda, selbstredend auch Mitarbeiter und deren Familien, mögen unruhig geworden sein, als der Absatz an Solarzellen im Dezember einbrach. Und sie werden weiter unruhig sein, denn der Markt hat sich auch im Frühjahr nicht wesentlich erholt. Doch die gute Nachricht mitten in der Krise ist: Arise steht. Geld fließt, auch wenn die Einnahmen aus der Produktion mangels Absatz unter Plan liegen.

      Bei Arise agiert das Management zusammen mit der kanadischen Mutterfirma allem Augenschein nach besonders in den schwierigen Zeiten überzeugend. Überzeugend genug, so dass der wichtigste Geldgeber, die Commerzbank, zum Unternehmen steht. Das ist in diesen Tagen nicht selbstverständlich. Dass sich der Markt bald beleben muss, wissen alle Arise-Verantwortlichen aber auch – nur zu gut.
      schrieb am 12.06.09 05:36:59
      Beitrag Nr. 709 ()

      ARISE Technologies and Commerzbank Agree on Extension of Working Capital Line

      Waterloo, Ontario, June 11, 2009

      ARISE Technologies Corporation (TSX: APV and Frankfurt: A3T), which is dedicated to becoming a leader in high-performance, cost-effective solar technology, today announced that it has agreed with Commerzbank AG on an extension of its Euro 7.0 million secured bank-credit facility.

      The initial term of the facility expired on May 31, 2009. The agreement extends the facility to August 31, 2009 at an interest rate of EONIA + 3.25% per year (the previous rate was 2.5%). The credit facility was originally provided by Commerzbank to provide financing for the start-up of ARISE’s PV (photovoltaic) cell manufacturing on Line 1 at the company’s plant in Bischofswerda, Germany. ARISE will be able to continue using the Euro 7.0 million facility for working capital for its German manufacturing operations.

      About ARISE Technologies
      ARISE Technologies Corporation, based in Waterloo, Ontario, is dedicated to becoming a leader in high-performance, cost-effective solar technology. The company operates through three divisions. The PV Cell Division manufactures PV (photovoltaic) cells at its first manufacturing plant opened in April 2008 in Bischofswerda, Germany. The division is developing proprietary technology with a target of achieving a step-by-step progression to a high-efficiency level of greater than 20 percent. The PV Silicon Division is using a proprietary method to produce silicon at 7N+ high-purity (99.99999 percent) for PV applications, based on a simplified chemical vapour deposition process. The division is focusing on scaling up its process to provide ARISE with control over its supply, costs, and quality. The PV Systems Division provides complete turnkey PV solutions for solar farms and rooftop installations under the Ontario Renewable Energy Standard Offer Program.

      The company’s shares are listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange under the symbol APV and on the Frankfurt Open Market Exchange under the symbol A3T. Additional information is available at and

      Forward-Looking Statements
      Certain statements in this news release may be considered to be forward-looking. Such statements are based on management’s current expectations, estimations, and assumptions based on experience, trends, and other factors that are subject to the significant risks and uncertainties described in our regulatory filings. Please refer to these. Such risks and uncertainties may include, but are not limited to, the effects of general economic conditions, changing foreign exchange rates, actions by government authorities, uncertainties associated with legal proceedings and negotiations, industry supply levels, competitive pricing pressures and misjudgments in the course of preparing forward-looking statements. ARISE assumes no obligation to update any forward-looking statements or to update the reasons why actual results could differ from those reflected in the forward-looking statements.

      ARISE Technologies Corporation
      65 Northland Road, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2V 1Y8
      Dave Chornaby, Chief Financial Officer, (519) 772-5732…

      (EONIA > Euro Overnight Index Average)
      schrieb am 19.06.09 16:48:24
      Beitrag Nr. 710 ()

      Attention Business Editors

      Ontario's Minister of Research and Innovation visits ARISE Technologies

      WATERLOO, ON, June 19 /CNW/ -
      ARISE Technologies Corporation (TSX: APV and Frankfurt: A3T), which is dedicated to becoming a leader in high-performance, cost-effective solar technology, welcomed the Honourable John Wilkinson, Ontario's Minister of Research and Innovation, at its Waterloo headquarters yesterday. He met with company officials.

      We were delighted to host the Minister and share with him ARISE's innovation strategies and plans. ARISE has made notable progress in the areas of photovoltaic (PV) cell research and silicon refining and it gives us great pleasure to demonstrate some of our accomplishments.
      ARISE's R&D projects are focused on developing´cost-effective proprietary technologies to improve PV cell performance and costs. In achieving greater cost efficiencies, ARISE aims to help drive down the cost of solar.
      The Ministry of Research and Innovation's programs, in concert with renewable technologies are a very powerful combination. In the context of the newly passed Green Energy Act, we see Ontario's leadership and commitment to developing clean technologies as extremely encouraging and supportive of solar technologies," stated Vern Heinrichs, the company's President and Chief Executive Officer.

      "ARISE represents an example of how Ontario-based innovation can potentially yield multiple benefits, here and internationally. ARISE is involved in collaborative programs with key Ontario university researchers targeted at improving PV cell efficiencies. In addition, ARISE is developing a proprietary cost-effective process to produce solar-grade silicon for the use in the manufacture of PV cells. These new technologies, if proven to be commercially viable, would benefit ARISE and potentially the solar industry," commented Mr. Heinrichs.

      About ARISE Technologies
      ARISE Technologies Corporation, based in Waterloo, Ontario, is dedicated to becoming a leader in high-performance, cost-effective solar technology. The company operates through three divisions. The PV Cell Division manufactures PV (photovoltaic) cells at its first manufacturing plant opened in April 2008 in Bischofswerda, Germany. The division is developing proprietary technology with a target of achieving a step-by-step progression to a high efficiency level of greater than 20 percent. The PV Silicon Division is using a proprietary method to produce silicon at 7N+ high-purity (99.99999 percent) for PV applications, based on a simplified chemical vapour deposition process. The division is focusing on scaling up its process to provide ARISE with control over its supply, costs, and quality. The PV Systems Division provides complete turnkey PV solutions for solar farms and rooftop installations under the Ontario Renewable Energy Standard Offer Program.
      The company's shares are listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange under the symbol APV and on the Frankfurt Open Market Exchange under the symbol A3T.
      Additional information is available at and

      Forward-Looking Statements

      Certain statements in this news release may be considered to be forward-looking. Such statements are based on management's current expectations, estimations, and assumptions based on experience, trends, and other factors that are subject to the significant risks and uncertainties described in our regulatory filings. Please refer to these. Such risks and uncertainties may include, but are not limited to, the effects of general economic conditions, changing foreign exchange rates, actions by government authorities, uncertainties associated with legal proceedings and negotiations, industry supply levels, competitive pricing pressures and misjudgments in the course of preparing forward-looking statements.
      ARISE assumes no obligation to update any forward-looking statements or to update the reasons why actual results could differ from those reflected in the forward-looking statements.

      For further information:
      ARISE Technologies Corporation,
      65 Northland Road, Waterloo,
      Ontario, Canada, N2V 1Y8,
      Dave Chornaby, Chief Financial Officer, (519) 772-5732,,…
      schrieb am 19.06.09 17:19:14
      Beitrag Nr. 711 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 37.428.741 von Brisca am 19.06.09 16:48:24:cool: danke brisca!

      ich würde meinen, einen fuss haben wir da schon mal in der tür - oder vielleicht gar schon den kopf???:cool:

      schrieb am 19.06.09 17:48:33
      Beitrag Nr. 712 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 37.429.062 von freybel am 19.06.09 17:19:14:D
      ja, isa, so sehe ich das auch.
      Was glaubst du, was hier los sein wird, wenn so etwas "Formen" annimmt....
      Schöner Gedanke, der hoffentlich bald Wirklichkeit wird.
      Einer würde vmtl. ganz blöd aus der Wäsche schauen:laugh::laugh:
      Rate mal.....
      schrieb am 19.06.09 18:00:03
      Beitrag Nr. 713 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 37.429.378 von stulisolar am 19.06.09 17:48:33:yawn: ;) :laugh:
      schrieb am 08.07.09 08:26:02
      Beitrag Nr. 714 ()…

      Ernst & Young celebrates Ontario finalists for 2009 Entrepreneur Of The Year Firm says today's entrepreneurs are tomorrow's market leaders

      TORONTO, July 7 /CNW/ - Entrepreneurial-minded companies are growing with incredible speed and quickly entering into the ranks of the world's largest corporations, Ernst & Young said today when unveiling this year's finalists for the Ernst & Young Entrepreneur Of The Year Awards.

      "By embracing the entrepreneurial spirit, this year's finalists are growing businesses, creating jobs and building communities despite daunting economic challenges," says Colleen McMorrow, National and Ontario Director of the Ernst & Young Entrepreneur Of The Year Awards. "Entrepreneurs who seize the opportunities that arise in adversity can ignite a spark, and propel our economy forward."

      Historically, economists, academics and industry leaders have agreed that recessions foster the innovative thinking synonymous with entrepreneurship. As referenced in Ernst & Young's publication, Entrepreneurship and innovation, many of today's most recognizable brands were actually born during recessions. Many of these so-called "downturn babies" now have market capitalizations in the hundreds of millions, or even billions, of dollars.

      "Innovation stimulates economic growth, and that means there is no time like a downturn to take advantage of entrepreneurial thinking," says McMorrow. "Companies cannot afford to be paralyzed by fear. The global recession represents an unprecedented opportunity for growth."

      A recent Ernst & Young survey, Seizing opportunities, shows many entrepreneurs already have the right idea. Ninety-three percent of respondents said that, despite the economic downturn, they are broadening their customer base and entering new markets.

      "It's reassuring to see that many entrepreneurs are already taking bold steps forward," McMorrow notes. "No company is ever too big to have an entrepreneurial focus. By building the right corporate culture, even large corporations can think outside the box and drive new ways of doing business."

      The Entrepreneur Of The Year Awards recognize the spirit and contribution of entrepreneurs here and around the world.
      The Canadian program is in its 16th year of honouring the country's most impressive entrepreneurs from all
      areas of business.

      The Ontario winners will be announced at a banquet on October 21, and the overall winner will represent the region at the national banquet held in Vancouver on November 24.

      The 2009 Ontario finalists for Entrepreneur Of The Year are:

      Ian MacLellan
      ARISE Technologies Corporation | Waterloo
      Developer of proprietary technologies for the manufacture of high-
      efficiency photovoltaic (PV) cells and for the production of lower-cost 7N+ high-purity silicon for PV cells. Also provides turnkey PV solutions for solar farms and rooftop installations.
      schrieb am 09.07.09 10:36:48
      Beitrag Nr. 715 ()
      Hier nochmal alles:

      Ernst & Young celebrates Ontario finalists for 2009 Entrepreneur Of The Year(R)
      Firm says today's entrepreneurs are tomorrow's market leaders

      TORONTO, July 7 /CNW/ - Entrepreneurial-minded companies are growing with
      incredible speed and quickly entering into the ranks of the world's largest
      corporations, Ernst & Young said today when unveiling this year's finalists
      for the Ernst & Young Entrepreneur Of The Year Awards.
      "By embracing the entrepreneurial spirit, this year's finalists are
      growing businesses, creating jobs and building communities despite daunting
      economic challenges," says Colleen McMorrow, National and Ontario Director of
      the Ernst & Young Entrepreneur Of The Year Awards. "Entrepreneurs who seize
      the opportunities that arise in adversity can ignite a spark, and propel our
      economy forward."
      Historically, economists, academics and industry leaders have agreed that
      recessions foster the innovative thinking synonymous with entrepreneurship. As
      referenced in Ernst & Young's publication, Entrepreneurship and innovation,
      many of today's most recognizable brands were actually born during recessions.
      Many of these so-called "downturn babies" now have market capitalizations in
      the hundreds of millions, or even billions, of dollars.
      "Innovation stimulates economic growth, and that means there is no time
      like a downturn to take advantage of entrepreneurial thinking," says McMorrow.
      "Companies cannot afford to be paralyzed by fear. The global recession
      represents an unprecedented opportunity for growth."
      A recent Ernst & Young survey, Seizing opportunities, shows many
      entrepreneurs already have the right idea. Ninety-three percent of respondents
      said that, despite the economic downturn, they are broadening their customer
      base and entering new markets.
      "It's reassuring to see that many entrepreneurs are already taking bold
      steps forward," McMorrow notes. "No company is ever too big to have an
      entrepreneurial focus. By building the right corporate culture, even large
      corporations can think outside the box and drive new ways of doing business."
      The Entrepreneur Of The Year Awards recognize the spirit and contribution
      of entrepreneurs here and around the world. The Canadian program is in its
      16th year of honouring the country's most impressive entrepreneurs from all
      areas of business.
      The Ontario winners will be announced at a banquet on October 21, and the
      overall winner will represent the region at the national banquet held in
      Vancouver on November 24.

      The 2009 Ontario finalists for Entrepreneur Of The Year are:

      Business-to-business products and services

      Razor Suleman
      I Love Rewards | Toronto
      Provides web-based rewards and recognition programs, ranging from
      employee recognition to sales incentives, as well as tailored solutions.

      Liz Scott
      Organizational Solutions Inc. | Burlington
      Provides cost-reduction strategies pertaining to disability management.

      Kerry Shapansky
      Pareto Corporation | Toronto
      Marketing services company focused on retail and business-to-business.
      Primary services include direct marketing, retail promotions, retail
      merchandising and incentives.

      Oliver Bock, Gabrielle Chevalier, Mark Smith
      Solutions 2 GO Inc. | Mississauga
      Video game distributor.

      Business-to-consumer products and services

      Danièle Bertrand, Dufflet Rosenberg
      Dufflet Pastries | Toronto
      Manufacturer and distributor of premium fine pastries, desserts and
      confections across North America.

      Anthony Longo
      Longo Brothers Fruit Markets Inc. | Mississauga
      Family-owned grocery retailer that helps consumers create adventurous,
      genuine food experiences for their family at a fair price.

      Shaun Francis
      Medcan Health Management Inc. | Toronto
      Provides a combination of outpatient preventive, diagnostic and primary
      health-care services that are typically not reimbursed through Medicare
      or conventional insurance.

      Ronnen Harary, Anton Rabie, Ben Varadi
      Spin Master Ltd. | Toronto
      Designer, developer, manufacturer and marketer of consumer products, as
      well as the production of television and other media properties, for


      Ian MacLellan
      ARISE Technologies Corporation | Waterloo
      Developer of proprietary technologies for the manufacture of high-
      efficiency photovoltaic (PV) cells and for the production of lower-cost
      7N+ high-purity silicon for PV cells. Also provides turnkey PV solutions
      for solar farms and rooftop installations.

      Timothy Haig, Kevin Norton
      BIOX Corporation | Oakville
      Technology and manufacturing company that employs proprietary
      technologies in biodiesel production.

      Cameron Manners
      Nu Flow Inc. | Oshawa
      Manufactures and installs in-place epoxy pipe lining systems to
      rehabilitate deteriorated or failing mechanical piping systems.

      George Scott
      Scott Environmental Group | Kingston
      Provider of industrial and environmental services, an eco-technology
      business with an organic waste-processing plant and electronic waste-
      collection facility.

      Emerging entrepreneur

      Naman Budhdeo
      Flight Network | Oakville
      Provider of discount airfare through the internet.

      Robert Deluce
      Porter Airlines Inc. | Toronto
      Regional passenger carrier serving Toronto, Ottawa, Thunder Bay,
      Montréal, Québec City, Halifax, New York and Chicago, with seasonal
      flights to Mont Tremblant.

      Cameron Piron
      Sentinelle Medical Inc. | Toronto
      Diagnostic imaging company focused on breast cancer detection using
      magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).

      Jason Smith
      Solidifi Inc. | Thornhill
      Technology-based provider of property valuation, collateral risk
      management and data analytic services to the North American financial
      services industry.

      Financial services

      Alan Grujic, Sergei Tchetvertnykh
      Infinium Group Inc. | Toronto
      Independent electronic trading firm specializing in alternative
      quantitative and arbitrage strategies.

      Wesley Hall
      Kingsdale Shareholder Services Inc. | Toronto
      Provides strategic shareholder communication and consulting services.

      Vincent Beretta
      Walkaway Canada Incorporated | Toronto
      Develops, markets and administers innovative, web-enabled, credit-related
      products for the retail automotive and recreational vehicle industry. A
      pioneer in the "vehicle return program" insurance category.

      Information technology

      Mark Leonard
      Constellation Software Inc. | Toronto
      International provider of software and services to select industries in
      both the public and private sectors.

      Kevin North
      Dyadem International Ltd. | Richmond Hill
      Provider of risk management software solutions for products and
      processes, with a focus on the development of quality lifecycle
      management and risk lifecycle management solutions.

      Tom Jenkins
      Open Text Corporation | Waterloo
      Developer of enterprise content management software, used by corporations
      and government agencies in 114 countries.


      Felix Comeau
      Alcohol Countermeasure Systems Corp. | Toronto
      Manufacturer of alcohol interlocks and breath alcohol testers.

      Steve Mai
      Eclipse Automation Inc. | Cambridge
      Designer and manufacturer of custom turnkey automated systems for various

      Allan Carswell
      Optech Incorporated | Concord
      Develops, manufactures and markets support of advanced laser-based survey

      Media and entertainment

      Aldo Cundari
      Cundari Group Ltd. | Toronto
      Canada's second-largest independently owned and operated communications

      Darren Throop
      E1 Entertainment | Toronto
      Independent entertainment content owner that acquires film, television
      and music rights, and exploits these rights in all media in more than 190

      Christina Jennings
      Shaftesbury Films Inc. | Toronto
      Independent film and television production company.

      Martin Perelmuter, Farah Perelmuter
      Speakers' Spotlight (Ad-Mar Consulting Ltd.) | Toronto
      Speakers' bureau representing and booking extraordinary speakers, leading
      thinkers, expert trainers and inspiring individuals.

      Mining and metals

      Ronald Little
      Orezone Resources Inc. | Ottawa
      Junior mining industry, gold exploration and development company
      operating in west Africa.

      Peter Marrone
      Yamana Gold Inc. | Toronto
      Gold producer engaged in mining and related activities, including
      exploration, extraction, processing and reclamation. Yamana has
      significant properties in Brazil, Chile, Argentina, Mexico and Central

      Social entrepreneur

      Robert Drynan
      Camp Oochigeas | Toronto
      Privately funded, volunteer-based organization that provides kids with
      cancer and kids affected by childhood cancer with a unique opportunity
      for growth through challenging, fun, enriching and magical experiences.
      Camp Oochigeas provides year-round camp programming at their site in
      Muskoka, at the Hospital for Sick Children, as well as at various
      locations throughout the Greater Toronto Area.

      Kathryn Babcock, Beverley Wybrow
      Canadian Women's Foundation | Toronto
      Funds, researches and shares the best approaches to ending violence
      against women, moving low-income women out of poverty and building
      strong, resilient girls.

      Diane Dupuy
      Famous PEOPLE Players | Toronto
      Theatre group dedicated to the integration of people who have
      developmental disabilities.

      Julie Toskan-Casale
      Toskan Casale Foundation | Toronto
      Committed to supporting and strengthening community-based grassroots
      organizations that reach out to at-risk people and provide them with
      immediate relief and long-term stability.

      Technology and communications

      Osama Arafat
      Q9 Networks Inc. | Toronto
      Provider of outsourced data centre infrastructure services.

      Marzio Pozzuoli
      RuggedCom Inc. | Woodbridge
      Develops communications networking equipment for use in harsh

      Christopher Cawston
      SCI Ltd. | Markham
      Developer and provider of retail process solutions for the automotive
      retail channel, through a current offering of lead consolidation,
      processing and delivery systems, lead and lifecycle management and multi-
      channel marketing products.

      Young entrepreneur

      Sam Zaid
      Apption Software Corporation | Ottawa
      Provides artificial intelligence solutions for enterprise modernization
      and business automation.

      Tina Gokstorp, Stephanie McLarty
      CTAR Corp. | Ailsa Craig
      Provides asset recovery for cable/telecom companies (e.g., resale,
      donation, recycling of obsolete/excess equipment).

      Greg Overholt
      Students Offering Support | Waterloo
      Raises marks (through university peer review sessions) and raises money
      to raise roofs (funds sustainable development projects around Latin

      Ernst & Young Entrepreneur Of The Year is sponsored nationally by Global
      Television Network, National Post, La Presse and RDI.

      About Ernst & Young

      Ernst & Young is a global leader in assurance, tax, transaction and
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      schrieb am 09.07.09 10:38:27
      Beitrag Nr. 716 ()
      ARISE Technologies presents at Germany Trade and Invest Event
      ARISE Technologies Corporation APV
      6/10/2009 9:17:00 AM
      WATERLOO, ON, Jun 10, 2009 (Canada NewsWire via COMTEX News Network) --

      ARISE Technologies Corporation (TSX: APV and Frankfurt: A3T) PV Systems Division President and company founder, Ian MacLellan, addressed an audience of German and Canadian delegates at a trade and investment event organized by the Canadian German Chamber of Industry and Commerce Inc. The purpose of the event, held at the Gardiner Museum in Toronto on June 9, 2009, was to explore investment perspectives and opportunities in Germany. Mr. Matthias Hoepfner, Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany delivered welcoming remarks. This was followed by keynote speeches by Mr. MacLellan and Mr. Peter Alltschekow, Director Eastern Germany, Germany Trade and Invest (GTAI).

      "I am personally delighted and honoured to address this audience this year and to report on the progress ARISE has made in our new PV cell manufacturing plant located in Bischofswerda, Germany which opened in April 2008," said Ian MacLellan.

      "The GTAI was instrumental in bringing key partners together to assist ARISE in building and financing our state of the art plant, and they continue to be incredibly supportive of ARISE. We value these ties and look forward to developing new relationships as we continue to grow our business," added Vern Heinrichs, President and Chief Executive Officer.

      About ARISE Technologies

      ARISE Technologies Corporation, based in Waterloo, Ontario, is dedicated to becoming a leader in high-performance, cost-effective solar technology. The company operates through three divisions. The PV Cell Division manufactures PV (photovoltaic) cells at its first manufacturing plant opened in April 2008 in Bischofswerda, Germany. The division is developing proprietary technology with a target of achieving a step-by-step progression to a high-efficiency level of greater than 20%. The PV Silicon Division is using a proprietary method to produce silicon at 7N+ high-purity (99.99999% purity) for PV cell applications, based on a simplified chemical vapor deposition process. The division is focusing on scaling up its process to provide ARISE with control over its supply, costs, and quality. The PV Systems Division provides complete turnkey PV solutions for solar farms and rooftop installations under the Ontario standard offer program.

      The company's shares are listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange under the symbol APV and on the Frankfurt Open Market Exchange under the symbol A3T. Additional information is available at and

      SOURCE: ARISE Technologies Corporation

      ARISE Technologies Corporation: 65 Northland Road, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, N2V 1Y8, Dave Chornaby, Chief Financial Officer, (519) 772-5732,,
      Copyright (C) 2009 CNW Group. All rights reserved.
      go to top

      schrieb am 09.07.09 10:42:03
      Beitrag Nr. 717 ()
      So sieht das in Kanada aus. Leider habe ich kein Datum dazu gefunden.

      ARISE Technologies Company Description

      ARISE Technologies wants to wake up mainstream North America to the need for solar energy. ARISE (short for Appropriate, Renewable, Intelligent, Sustainable, Energy) Technologies produces and sells a variety of residential solar energy products. The company operates a network of more than 150 solar energy dealers across Canada. It distributes its products through its Prometheus Energy division. Among the solar energy components that the company is commercializing is a thin-film solar cell technology that it is developing with Komag and the University of Toronto. ARISE Technologies makes most of its sales in Canada.
      The Company Description provides a historical perspective of ARISE Technologies's organization from inception to current status.

      Produced by Hoover's in-house editorial team, the Company Description tracks ownership transitions, company progress via mergers and acquisitions, major growth milestones, and strategic initiatives, to provide a holistic view of ARISE Technologies's evolution in the marketplace.
      schrieb am 10.07.09 07:24:16
      Beitrag Nr. 718 ()

      ARISE Technologies PV Cell Plant Achieves Site Acceptance Test on Line 2

      Waterloo, ON, July 9, 2009
      ARISE Technologies Corporation (TSX: APV and Frankfurt: A3T), which is dedicated to becoming a leader in high-performance, high quality, cost-effective solar technology, today announced that its photovoltaic (PV) cell manufacturing plant in Bischofswerda, Germany has completed on schedule the Site Acceptance Tests (SAT) for Line 2.

      “We have produced more than 100,000 PV cells on Line 2 during the commissioning and SAT process,” said vice-president and general manager of ARISE Technologies Germany, Sjouke Zijlstra.
      “Line 2 is designed to produce 2 and 3 busbar mono crystalline PV cells. We expect that the PV cells produced on Line 2 will achieve efficiencies of up to 18% once the line is fully optimized. Current efficiencies of Line 2 are at our initial target of up to 17.0%.

      “We have started to ship cells to customers for evaluation. Once this is successfully completed, ARISE expects to begin ramping up commercial production at a rate that will satisfy the demand from our customers. The experience that we gained in optimizing Line 1 over the last year and the significant increase in our yield to above typical industry rates will no doubt be helpful to us as we increase our output on Line 2,” said Mr. Zijlstra.

      “Our inline process uses significantly fewer production people and faster cycle-time compared with the more typical batch process. The line was delivered on-time and on-budget by our turnkey equipment supplier, OTB Solar B.V. of Eindhoven, the Netherlands. We are very pleased with our progress on both our Line 1 and now Line 2 operations, and congratulate all who contributed to these achievements. It requires a high level of teamwork and dedication to meet targets such as these in a relatively short timeframe,” Mr. Zijlstra said.

      “The combination of Line 1 and Line 2 provides us with the ability to ship more than 80MW of PV cells per year,” said ARISE’s chairman and chief executive officer, Vern Heinrichs. “We now have the flexibility to meet the requirements of our customers with both high-quality multi-crystalline and mono-crystalline products. We congratulate all of our ARISE Germany team, and all our partners and suppliers.”

      About ARISE Technologies

      ARISE Technologies Corporation, based in Waterloo, Ontario, is dedicated to becoming a leader in high-performance, cost-effective solar technology. The company operates through three divisions. The PV Cell Division manufactures PV (photovoltaic) cells at its first manufacturing plant opened in April 2008 in Bischofswerda, Germany. The division is developing proprietary technology with a target of achieving a step-by-step progression to a high-efficiency level of greater than 20 percent. The PV Silicon Division is using a proprietary method to produce silicon at 7N+ high-purity (99.99999 percent) for PV applications, based on a simplified chemical vapour deposition process. The division is focusing on scaling up its process to provide ARISE with control over its supply, costs, and quality. The PV Systems Division provides complete turnkey PV solutions for solar farms and rooftop installations under the Ontario Renewable Energy Standard Offer Program.
      The company’s shares are listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange under the symbol APV and on the Frankfurt Open Market Exchange under the symbol A3T. Additional information is available at and

      About OTB

      OTB Solar B.V. is a high tech supplier of solar cell production technology. The Company's product portfolio currently consists of fully automated in-line turnkey production solutions, high throughput PECVD modules with a small footprint and a high accuracy screen printer. Besides this, OTB Solar is developing novel Ink Jet Printing solutions towards market introduction. OTB Solar builds on a 20 year long successful equipment development track record.

      Forward-Looking Statements

      Certain statements in this news release may be considered to be forward-looking. Such statements are based on management’s current expectations, estimations, and assumptions based on experience, trends, and other factors that are subject to the significant risks and uncertainties described in our regulatory filings. Please refer to these. Such risks and uncertainties may include, but are not limited to, the effects of general economic conditions, changing foreign exchange rates, actions by government authorities, uncertainties associated with legal proceedings and negotiations, industry supply levels, competitive pricing pressures and misjudgments in the course of preparing forward-looking statements. ARISE assumes no obligation to update any forward-looking statements or to update the reasons why actual results could differ from those reflected in the forward-looking statements.

      ARISE Technologies Corporation
      65 Northland Road, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2V 1Y8
      Dave Chornaby, Chief Financial Officer, (519) 772-5732…
      schrieb am 27.07.09 12:04:23
      Beitrag Nr. 719 ()
      Eines der wenigen Achtungszeichen der letzten Wochen...
      (sollte nicht im Diskussionsthread verschwinden)

      WallStreetJournal 23.07.2009

      Arise Tech Hoping For Surge In Demand For Solar Power

      TORONTO (Dow Jones)--Arise Technologies Corp. (APV.T), a Waterloo, Ont. solar-technology company, is hoping that new legislation designed to stimulate renewable power production in Ontario will result in increased demand.

      Ontario passed the new Green Energy Act in May. Officials are still working out the details and structure of the program, and specific policies aren't expected until the fall.

      Vern Heinrichs, president and chief executive of Arise Technologies, told Dow Jones that the company is using this time to prepare for what it hopes will follow the new clean-energy regulations: a surge in demand for solar products.

      Arise Technologies has three operating divisions. Its PV Cell division makes cells at a plant in Germany. Its PV Silicon division produces silicon products, and its PV Systems division provides solar systems for solar farms and rooftop projects.

      Heinrichs hopes the new rules will help increase consumer demand, and allow Arise to expand all three divisions.

      He added that the company is particularly focused on trying to expand the reach of its systems division by building up its presence in Ontario. "We're doing all the preparation we can now," Heinrichs said. To try and build its brand and extend its customer base, Arise employees have been visiting properties and evaluating the potential for solar-power generation on site.

      Arise gets C$500 to C$5,000 for each assessment, but Heinrichs thinks the biggest benefit comes from building relationships with potential clients.

      Haywood Securities analyst Ralph Garcea says, "Arise is devoting a lot of energy to building up its pipeline of projects, which should help them move quickly when the new regulations are finalized." Garcea doesn't own Arise shares but Haywood has had an investment-banking relationship with the company.

      Arise could use a boost. The company, which has never had a profitable quarter, had its worst-ever loss in the fourth quarter of 2008 - C$22 million or 18 Canadian cents a share. In the first quarter, it had a loss of C$14.7 million or 12 Canadian cents.

      In Toronto Thursday, Arise is trading at 36 Canadian cents, near its 52-week low of 19 Canadian cents and well below its 52-week high of C$1.65.

      Garcea said a meaningful turnaround is at least one or two quarters away, but he added that the new regulations could be the catalyst that Arise needs to swing to profitability for the first time. Garcea rates Arise at outperform with a C$1.25 target.

      A key component of the Green Energy Act is the proposed feed-in tariff. The FIT guarantees clean energy producers specific rates for the power they produce.

      The new rates haven't been finalized, but the provincial power authority has proposed a rate of 80.2 Canadian cents a kilowatt hour for rooftop solar projects or any project under 10 kilowatts, nearly double the rate promised under an old program.

      Heinrichs thinks the combination of higher purchase prices and lower costs for solar products should make solar energy more appealing for homeowners and small businesses.

      Under the new FIT, small systems and rooftop systems will get premium prices, ranging from a proposed price of 53.9 Canadian cents a kilowatt hour for large rooftop projects to a proposed price of 80.2 Canadian cents a kilowatt hour for small projects.

      "The new feed-in tariff means a lot to our company," Heinrichs said. "It shows that Ontario is emerging as a leader in renewable energy, and we think we'll be able to capitalize on that."
      schrieb am 06.08.09 22:32:54
      Beitrag Nr. 720 ()
      ARISE Technologies Issuing 2009 Second-Quarter Financial Results August 12; Conference Call at 8:30 a.m. (ET) August 13

      schrieb am 07.08.09 10:09:32
      Beitrag Nr. 721 ()
      sollte nicht untergehen. Deshalb auch zu den Fakten:

      Von der Ontario Power Authority:
      Am 16. Juni wurden bereits Feed-In-Tarife vorgeschlagen.…
      Launch program in summer 2009???

      Green Energy Week in Toronto --- 21.-25. September 2009

      Bis Ende September sind wir hoffentlich schlauer.
      schrieb am 07.08.09 15:42:23
      Beitrag Nr. 722 ()
      ARISE Technologies Agrees with Commerzbank on Extension of Credit Facility for Working Capital
      - Bank also agrees to defer required installment repayments of long-term debt to June 30, 2010

      WATERLOO, ON, Aug. 7 /CNW/ - ARISE Technologies Corporation (TSX: APV and Frankfurt: A3T), which is dedicated to becoming a leader in high-performance, cost-effective, high-quality solar technology, today announced that it has reached an agreement with Commerzbank AG to extend a (euro)10.0 million secured bank-credit facility to December 31, 2009. The facility is available to provide working capital to the company's manufacturing operations in Germany.
      This (euro)10.0 million credit facility combines two previously available banking agreements with Commerzbank. One agreement had provided the financing for the start-up of ARISE's PV (photovoltaic) cell manufacturing plant in Bischofswerda, Germany, which began making shipments to customers in June 2008. The second facility, used for the purchase of silicon wafers, matured on June 15, 2009.
      ARISE also said that the remaining (euro)2.0 million secured bank-credit facility with Commerzbank intended for the prefinancing of VAT refunds in Germany related to the construction of the German PV cell manufacturing plant matured on June 30, 2009. It was repaid as the VAT refunds were received.
      Commerzbank also agreed to defer by one year the quarterly repayments of the company's (euro) 12.55 million long-term debt facility. The debt was incurred for financing the construction of the PV cell manufacturing plant in Germany. The quarterly installment payments of (euro)627,500, which began March 31, 2009, now are deferred to June 30, 2010 for a total deferral of (euro)2.51 million for the year.
      "These agreements are a further indication of how fortunate ARISE is to have Commerzbank as our partner and the strength of the relationship that we have maintained with them," said Dave Chornaby, ARISE's Chief Financial Officer.

      About ARISE Technologies
      schrieb am 13.08.09 11:02:52
      Beitrag Nr. 723 ()
      ARISE Technologies Reports Second-Quarter 2009 Results

      - Market conditions continue to adversely affect financial results, but
      there are positive signs of an upturn as shipments of PV cells
      increase 26% from 2009 first quarter
      - Company signs term sheet for $10 million of equity financing to be
      available as required
      - Discussions continue with potential strategic partners for completion
      of Kitchener silicon plant
      - Systems Division awaiting release of final Feed-in-Tariff details in
      Ontario, which will enable pending projects to proceed, and exploring
      opportunities in Germany
      - Conference call and webcast to be held Thursday, August 13, 8:30am

      WATERLOO, ON, Aug. 12 /CNW/ - ARISE Technologies Corporation (TSX: APV
      and Frankfurt: A3T), which is dedicated to becoming a leader in
      high-performance, high-quality, cost-effective solar technology, today
      reported its financial results for the second quarter ended June 30, 2009.
      Financial results conform to Canadian generally accepted accounting principles
      (GAAP) and all currency amounts are in Canadian dollars.
      "As expected, the market conditions affecting the global solar industry
      since late last year persisted through the first half of 2009, resulting in a
      further decline in pricing for PV (photovoltaic) cells. At the same time, the
      pricing of our raw material, silicon wafers, continued to trend downward and
      helped offset some of the PV cell price reduction. These factors continued to
      affect ARISE's financial results," said Vern Heinrichs, President and Chief
      Executive Officer.
      "Our shipments of PV cells rose more than 26% in the second quarter
      compared with the level of the first quarter. This is an encouraging sign of
      progress, the second quarter is historically the weakest quarter of the year
      in the solar industry due to seasonality factors," he continued.
      "While this is a difficult period across the solar business, the industry
      still is expecting a further upturn in the second half of this year going into
      2010, and the long-term outlook for solar is unquestionably very exciting.
      ARISE continues to deal with the short-term consequences of the weak global
      economic environment, but we also continue to make progress in our operations,
      positioning us to benefit from improving demand in the future.
      "We have made progress in our PV cell manufacturing, PV R&D, our Silicon
      development, and our Systems Division, and toward taking advantage of our
      ability to benefit from the evolving vertical integration of these three core
      strengths of ARISE. We also are encouraged by the generally cooperative spirit
      being shown by our customers and our suppliers as we all work our way through
      this period. As a result, we have agreed with our customers to align our
      pricing of PV cells with current market levels, while we are achieving cost
      reductions from key silicon wafer suppliers that are consistent with the
      decline in PV cell prices being experienced," Mr. Heinrichs said.

      Operating Highlights

      - Second-quarter 2009 shipments of PV cells from the company's
      Bischofswerda, Germany plant amounted to 2.9MW or $6.6 million,
      bringing first-half 2009 shipments to 5.2MW or $13.4 million. While
      the shipments of PV cells increased by 26.1 percent in the 2009
      second quarter, compared with the first quarter. PV cell revenues
      decreased slightly from the 2009 first quarter ($6.8 million in the
      first quarter), reflecting the further softening in industry pricing.
      The company made its first customer shipments of PV cells in June
      2008 and sales for the 2008 second quarter amounted to less than one-
      half million dollars.

      - Following the initial production test runs in early March of PV cells
      on Line 2 at the Bischofswerda plant, ARISE produced more than
      100,000 cells during the commissioning process leading up to
      completion of the Site Acceptance Tests (SAT). On July 9, the company
      announced that it had completed the SAT on schedule. The initial
      target rate of 17% efficiency was achieved. When fully optimized,
      Line 2 is expected to achieve efficiencies of up to 18%. ARISE has
      shipped PV cells from Line 2 to customers for their evaluations.
      Commercial production and ramping up of output will take place as
      demand from ARISE's customers requires it.

      - The company also continued to make significant progress in its
      manufacturing operations at the Bischofswerda plant with a further
      reduction in the scrap rate to at or below industry levels. In the
      2009 second quarter the company reduced the scrap rate by a further
      37%, following 16% and 20% reductions achieved in the 2009 first
      quarter and 2008 fourth quarter, respectively. The company expects
      that its manufacturing experience gained on Line 1 will contribute to
      its performance in ramping up production on Line 2.

      - On June 19, ARISE welcomed Ontario's then Minister of Research and
      Innovation, John Wilkinson, to its Waterloo operations. The visit
      gave ARISE's executives an opportunity to discuss with the minister
      its progress and strategic plans in the development of PV cells and
      silicon refining, as well as the company's enthusiasm for the Ontario
      government's Green Energy and Green Economy Act, including the Feed-
      in-Tariff (FIT), which is expected to stimulate the adoption of solar
      systems in the province.

      Second-Quarter and First-Half Financial Highlights

      ARISE's financial results reflect the June 2008 manufacturing start-up
      and commencement of commercial shipments of PV cells to its customers.
      Second-quarter 2009 sales amounted to $6.6 million, compared with $0.7
      million in the 2008 period; first-half 2009 sales were $13.8 million, compared
      with $0.9 million in the first six months of 2008. PV cells accounted for
      99.5% of 2009 second-quarter sales and 97% for the first six months, with the
      balance in both periods being generated by the company's Systems Division.
      Installations of new PV systems in Ontario decreased pending the approval of
      the new FIT. Sales for the 2008 second quarter and first half of the year were
      mainly generated by systems as the company only began commercial shipment of
      PV cells in June 2008.
      Sales and gross profit in 2009 have been significantly affected by the
      industry-wide downward trend in the pricing of PV cells. On a per-watt basis,
      cell prices have declined an estimated 30% since the end of 2008. Prices are
      expected to decline further in the second half of 2009, resulting in a
      predicted year-over-year decline of about 40-45%. The impact of this pricing
      decline on profitability is expected to be offset by a similar drop in the
      cost of silicon wafers. Wafer pricing is forecast to decline by about 45-55%
      in 2009 compared with the prices charged in 2008.
      Gross profit for the second quarter of 2009 was a negative $8.1 million
      (an improvement from the negative gross profit of $10.2 million in the 2009
      first quarter), compared with a negative $1.3 million in the 2008 period. The
      negative gross profit for the 2009 quarter is due mainly to a $6.3 million
      write-down of raw material and finished goods inventory to net realizable
      value as the result of the declines in pricing for PV cells and silicon
      wafers. For the first six months of 2009, the negative gross profit was $18.3
      million, compared with a negative $1.3 million in the first half of 2008. The
      negative gross profit for the first half of 2009 reflects a $9.1 million
      write-down of raw material and finished goods inventory and a $6.0 million
      write-down of prepayments made for silicon wafer purchases and scrap costs.
      ARISE continues to focus on tightly managing its costs. Operating
      expenses for the 2009 second quarter were $5.7 million, compared with $5.7
      million in the 2008 period. For the first half of 2009, operating expenses
      were $10.8 million, down from $11.0 million in the 2008 period. Operating
      expenses comprise research and development, general and administrative,
      selling and marketing, and depreciation and amortization.
      R&D expenses increased to $2.6 million in the 2009 second quarter and
      $4.3 million for the first six months, compared with $1.5 million and $3.0
      million in the compared 2008 periods. In the 2009 second quarter, $0.9 million
      of government assistance that had been recognized during the fourth quarter of
      2008 and the first quarter of 2009 was reversed. The reversal was triggered by
      the deferral of the completion of the 50-tonnes per year Kitchener silicon
      plant, which represents the company's fifth milestone for Sustainable
      Development Technology Canada (SDTC). The SDTC funding will be recognized as
      progress is made toward meeting the fifth milestone. ARISE's R&D programs are
      aimed at advancing its PV silicon and PV cell capabilities.
      General and administrative (G&A) expenses declined to $2.3 million in the
      2009 second quarter ($4.8 million in the first six months), compared with $3.5
      million in the 2008 second quarter ($6.6 million in the first six months)
      mainly due to reduced stock-based compensation costs.
      Selling and marketing expenses for the 2009 second quarter and first six
      months were $0.4 million and $0.7 million, respectively, compared with $0.5
      million and $1.0 million in the comparative prior-year periods. The decreases
      were the result of the company's focus on containing costs and lower
      consulting and feasibility expenses.
      Net Interest expense for the second quarter was $0.6 million, compared
      with $0.3 million in the 2008 period. Interest expense remained virtually
      unchanged during the second quarter of 2009 compared with the first quarter of
      2009. The impact of lower EONIA and EURIBOR interest rates was offset by
      increased borrowing. All third-party debt of ARISE is denominated in Euros and
      subject to floating interest rates based on EONIA or EURIBOR. For the six
      months of 2009, interest expense was $1.2 million, compared with $44,787 in
      the first half of 2008. The increase in interest expense is the result of
      increased borrowing from Commerzbank AG. At June 30, 2009, the company had
      bank loans and long-term debt totaling $46.6 million ($33.7 million at June
      30, 2008).
      Other income and expenses in the 2009 second quarter, includes a foreign
      exchange gain of $0.6 million, compared with a foreign exchange gain of $0.9
      million in the same quarter of 2008. Other income and expenses in the first
      six months of 2009 includes a foreign exchange gain of $1.4 million, compared
      with a foreign exchange gain of $0.5 million in the 2008 period. The largest
      component of the foreign exchange gain resulted from the translation into
      Canadian dollars of financial liabilities of ARISE Germany, which are
      denominated in Euros. The foreign exchange gain realized in the 2009 second
      quarter was due to the strengthening Canadian dollar compared to the Euro;
      during the quarter, the Canadian dollar strengthened by 2.5% compared with the
      Euro; it increased by 4.4% in the first half of 2009.
      ARISE recorded a net loss for the second-quarter 2009 of $13.6 million (a
      loss of $0.11 per basic and diluted share), compared with a net loss $6.5
      million (a loss of $0.05 per basic and diluted share) in the 2008 quarter. For
      the first half of 2009, the net loss amounted to $28.3 million (a loss of
      $0.22 per basic and diluted share), compared with a net loss of $11.9 million
      (a loss of $0.10 per basic and diluted share) in the 2008 first six months.

      Liquidity and Capital Resources

      As at June 30, 2009, ARISE had negative working capital of $27.1 million
      consisting of current assets of $35.5 million less current liabilities of
      $62.6 million. This compares with negative working capital at the 2009 first
      quarter of $11.1 million (current assets of $52.7 million and current
      liabilities of $63.8 million). The decline in working capital reflects the
      write-downs taken in the 2009 second quarter, and decreased cash, accounts
      receivables, and inventories, partially offset by decreased liabilities.
      Cash and cash equivalents and restricted cash at the end of the 2009
      second quarter totaled $3.0 million, a decrease of $4.2 million since the end
      of the 2009 first quarter. Restricted cash, which comprises funds held in
      escrow for the completion of leasehold improvements for the Kitchener silicon
      plant, amounted to $0.3 million at the end of the 2009 second quarter ($0.6
      million at the end of the first quarter). Current liabilities include deferred
      revenue of $8.9 million, which primarily represents customer deposits ($8.6
      million at March 31, 2009).
      The decrease in cash and cash equivalents during the 2009 second quarter
      primarily is the result of funding the operating loss, reducing long-term debt
      and bank loans, increasing working capital items, and funding capital
      expenditures related to the Kitchener silicon plant and the Bischofswerda PV
      cell production Line 2.
      Subsequent to the end of the second quarter, on August 7, ARISE announced
      it has reached an agreement with Commerzbank AG to extend a (euro)10.0 million
      secured bank-credit facility to December 31, 2009. The facility is available
      to provide working capital to the company's manufacturing operations in
      ARISE also announced that the remaining (euro)2.0 million secured
      bank-credit facility with Commerzbank intended for the pre-financing of VAT
      refunds in Germany related to the construction of the German PV cell
      manufacturing plant, which matured on June 30, 2009, was repaid as the VAT
      refunds were received.
      Commerzbank also agreed to defer by one year quarterly repayments of the
      company's (euro)12.55 million long-term debt facility. The debt was incurred
      for financing the construction of the PV cell manufacturing plant in Germany.
      The quarterly installment payments of (euro)627,500, which began March 31,
      2009, now are deferred to begin June 30, 2010 for a total deferral of
      (euro)2.51 million for the period.
      As previously announced, in view of the current global economic recession
      and the impact it has had on the demand and pricing of solar products and
      systems as well as on the availability of capital, ARISE has been focusing on
      reducing its costs and restricting its planned capital investments where
      As previously disclosed, ARISE has been exploring options for obtaining
      additional financing. As a result, ARISE has signed a term sheet with an
      investment fund under which the fund would provide up to $10 million of equity
      financing advanced as required by ARISE. ARISE would have discretion as to the
      timing and amount of each advance. In exchange for the funds, as they are
      drawn, ARISE would issue common shares to the fund based on an average price
      less a discount to the market price and subject to a minimum price at which
      the company is willing to issue its shares. ARISE is preparing to file a
      preliminary shelf prospectus regarding the planned financing concurrent with
      the filing of the company's second quarter 2009 financial results.
      In addition, ARISE is exploring a number of possible small
      private-placement financings.


      In view of the uncertain economic climate in general and demand and
      pricing within the solar energy industry in particular, ARISE continues to
      believe that it cannot provide reliable guidance regarding its financial or
      operating expectations for the balance of 2009.
      "We are pleased that we have been successful in our discussions with
      Commerzbank regarding our working capital line and the one year deferral of
      payments on the long term debt provided by them. We are also pleased to have
      reached an agreement to obtain additional financing that will be available as
      we require it. These were important accomplishments with respect to our
      liquidity," said Mr. Heinrichs.
      "We are gaining confidence that the worst of the slump in the solar
      industry seems to be over and the positive trends that we began to see
      gradually emerge during the 2009 second quarter may continue," said Mr.
      "Our customers for PV cells are indicating that their orders will
      continue to strengthen, as they did in the second quarter following the
      sluggish start to the year. While pricing for PV cells likely will continue to
      decline, we expect that our materials costs will as well at a rate at least as
      great. We also should benefit from the further improvements being made in our
      manufacturing operations. " he said.
      "With respect to our planned 50-tonnes silicon plant in Kitchener,
      discussions with potential strategic partners and financial backers continue.
      While this process is taking somewhat longer than we had hoped, it is really
      not surprising given the economic environment. We are encouraged both by the
      level of interest expressed and the progress in our negotiations, Mr.
      Heinrichs said.
      "Our System Division is poised to move ahead quickly in Ontario once the
      provincial government has issued the final details of the Feed-in-Tariff (FIT)
      under its Green Energy and Green Economy Act. It seems clear that demand for
      solar systems in Ontario is building and projects will flow quickly once the
      FIT is finalized.
      "We also are now working to develop a systems business with partners in
      Germany, which would position ARISE as both a supplier and as a customer for
      module makers and for our own PV cells. The rules for systems installation in
      Germany are already in place and we currently are considering a number of
      potential partnerships and initial projects," Mr. Heinrichs said.

      Conference Call and Webcast

      ARISE will hold a conference call for analysts and investors at 8:30 a.m.
      (Eastern) on Thursday, August 13. The company will file its financial
      statements, and Management Discussion and Analysis with SEDAR and these
      documents will be available on ARISE's website prior to the conference call.
      Vern Heinrichs, Chairman, and President and Chief Executive Officer, and Dave
      Chornaby, Chief Financial Officer, will be available to answer questions
      during the call.
      To participate in the call, please dial (416) 644 3415 or 1-800 594 3790
      (Canada and the U.S. only) at least five minutes prior to the start of the
      A live audio webcast of the conference call will be available at and
      An archived recording of the call will be available at 416-640-1917 or
      1-877-289-8525 (Canada and the U.S. only) (Passcode 21295528 followed by the
      number sign) from 10:30 a.m. on August 13, to 11:59 p.m. on August 21, 2009.

      About ARISE Technologies


      schrieb am 24.08.09 17:27:01
      Dieser Beitrag wurde moderiert. Grund: themenfremder Inhalt
      schrieb am 24.08.09 22:22:18
      Beitrag Nr. 725 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 37.839.708 von Sekko am 24.08.09 17:27:01Das kann man wohl sagen! Es kommt ja auch nichts, was den Kurs beflügeln könnte - scheint's bastelt man im Augenblick nur noch daran, irgendwie die Finanzierung zu stämmen, hier ein Aufschub, dort eine drohende Verwässerung...
      Nun darf man echt gespannt sein, wie und ob es hier weitergeht?
      schrieb am 25.08.09 19:11:21
      Beitrag Nr. 726 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 37.842.021 von RivaOpera am 24.08.09 22:22:18Was bei Arise abläuft habe ich leider schon so oft bei diesen "Sch..."-Kanada Aktien erlebt: Es wird möglichst viel Geld eingesammelt, und dann gibts nur leere Versprechungen und Hinhaltetaktik!!!

      Mit der Geschwindigkeit, mit der Arise zur Zeit von Quartal zu Quartal die Kohle verbrennt, ist bald dicht!

      Die Commerzbank kann einem schon fast Leid tun, dass sie sich jetzt gezwungen sah, die Kredite schon wieder zu verlängern - sonst wäre jetzt schon Schluss gewesen, und die Commerzbank hätte einen Totalverlust erlitten.

      Überleben werden dies Krise nur die Großen, die jetzt schon mit Gewinn arbeiten, wie z.B. eine First Solar, die zur Zeit reihenweise Deals zum Kraftwerksbau von Energieversorgern in USA abräumt!
      schrieb am 07.09.09 17:15:02
      Beitrag Nr. 727 ()
      was ist los mit arise, zur zeit hängen alles Solarwerte etwas hinterher.
      Gehe schon davon aus sich erise durchsetzen wird udn auf long sicht steigt.
      Aktuell gefällt sie mir gar nicht
      schrieb am 09.09.09 13:25:15
      Beitrag Nr. 728 ()
      Jetzt wäre es an der Zeit das arise von den tiefs absetzen kann.
      Ein gut aufgestelltes Unternehmen das sich durchsetzen kann und wird. Trotzdem jeden Rückseter sollte zum kauf genutzt werden , denn wer weis wann der Zug losfährt:eek:
      schrieb am 09.09.09 14:48:05
      Beitrag Nr. 729 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 37.945.721 von MichiZocker am 09.09.09 13:25:15Bitte die Thread-Überschrift beachten: Fakten gehören hier rein - kein geschwafel!!!

      schrieb am 10.09.09 19:17:19
      Dieser Beitrag wurde moderiert. Grund: Spammposting
      schrieb am 11.09.09 13:11:26
      Dieser Beitrag wurde moderiert.
      schrieb am 11.09.09 18:33:58
      Beitrag Nr. 732 ()
      es hat heute sehr gut begonnen und später an fahrt gewonnen,

      wenn des trozdem soweiter geht bin ich sehr zufrieden:eek:
      schrieb am 14.09.09 13:11:33
      Beitrag Nr. 733 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 37.964.923 von MichiZocker am 11.09.09 18:33:58heute sieht es wieder richtig gut aus:eek:
      schrieb am 14.09.09 13:27:32
      Beitrag Nr. 734 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 37.849.170 von Sekko am 25.08.09 19:11:21na dann geh zu first solar
      und tschüss...
      schrieb am 14.09.09 13:28:26
      Beitrag Nr. 735 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 37.973.688 von MichiZocker am 14.09.09 13:11:33? Donnerstag noch Kurse um 25 Cent, heute Kurs 21 Cent und du sagst es sieht gut aus? :laugh::laugh::laugh:
      schrieb am 14.09.09 19:15:45
      Beitrag Nr. 736 ()
      immer gegen börsenschluss sieht es negativer aus naja abwarten auf morgen wenn es da nach norden geht:eek:
      schrieb am 14.09.09 19:47:03
      Beitrag Nr. 737 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 37.977.013 von MichiZocker am 14.09.09 19:15:45Aus welchem Grund sollte es plötzlich nach Norden gehen?
      schrieb am 15.09.09 10:03:58
      Beitrag Nr. 738 ()
      Hallo Board,

      bitte achten Sie darauf, dass dies ein FAKTEN-Thread zum Thema Arise-Investitionen ist! Informationen zu anderen Themen gehören auch in andere Threads, also bitte posten Sie dort rein.

      Danke und weiterhin viel Freude beim Posten!
      schrieb am 17.09.09 16:45:22
      Beitrag Nr. 739 ()
      @JMauersberger: Danke.


      ARISE Technologies Secures Access to $10 million Equity Facility

      WATERLOO, ON, Sept. 15 /CNW/ - ARISE Technologies Corporation (TSX: APV and Frankfurt: A3T), which is dedicated to becoming a leader in high-performance, high-quality, cost-effective solar technology, today announced that it has entered into a binding agreement to secure access to funds on an as-needed basis for up to $10 million through a Committed Equity Facility provided by Haverstock Master Fund. Haverstock is a Cayman Island company headquartered in Roslyn, New York. The issue and sale of shares under the facility is subject to regulatory approval.

      The 36-month agreement, which is consistent with the term sheet announced by ARISE on August 12, 2009, enables the company to receive up to a maximum amount of $500,000 per drawdown. Timing of any drawdown is at ARISE's sole discretion. Under the terms of the facility, ARISE will issue common shares to Haverstock at a price equal to the weighted average market price determined over a pricing period of five trading days, less a 6.5% discount.

      Under the terms of the agreement, ARISE's distribution of shares under the facility is to be qualified by prospectus. ARISE has filed a preliminary base shelf short-form prospectus with a view to being able to satisfy such obligation under the facility. Implementation of the facility will require ARISE to file a final base shelf short-form prospectus and a prospectus supplement describing the facility. In addition, in the case of each drawdown a separate pricing supplement also must be filed.

      Haverstock may resell the shares issued to it by ARISE at the fund's discretion, through registered dealers trading through the Toronto Stock Exchange. ARISE is under no obligation to draw from this facility and will remain at all times free to enter into other financing transactions with the exception of similar equity lines.

      ARISE has agreed to pay Haverstock an implementation fee and an activation fee, which together aggregate $275,000. As its discretion, ARISE is entitled to satisfy such fees by issuing common shares at a deemed price of $0.55 per share, subject to regulatory approvals.

      ARISE and Haverstock have jointly applied for exemptive relief from Canadian securities regulators in connection with certain aspects of the facility. The facility cannot be drawn down until ARISE and Haverstock have received such exemptive relief and ARISE has filed and had a receipt issued for its final shelf prospectus and has filed the related prospectus supplement in connection with the facility and the pricing supplement for each drawdown.

      The facility agreement, the base shelf prospectus, the prospectus supplement, and the pricing supplements will be made available on SEDAR at and on ARISE's website at

      This news release does not constitute an offer to sell ARISE securities or the solicitation of an offer to buy ARISE securities, nor is there to be any sale of securities in any jurisdiction in which such offer, solicitation or sale would be unlawful prior to registration or qualification under the securities laws of such jurisdiction.

      About Haverstock

      Haverstock is an institutional investor with an investment objective to seek capital appreciation through the general strategy of investing in public securities of U.S. and non-U.S. companies, through direct equity purchases from such companies. The portfolio manager of Haverstock, David Ratzker, has structured more than US$300 million worth of private equity investments in publicly traded corporations in a variety of sectors including energy, cleantech, telecommunications, consumer, and education.
      schrieb am 17.09.09 16:47:45
      Beitrag Nr. 740 ()
      16.09.2009 21:08
      Arise C$10 mln infusion likely not enough-analysts
      OTTAWA, Sept 16 (Reuters) - Cash-strapped Arise Technologies secured much-needed breathing room with a C$10 million ($9.4 million) equity financing, but analysts say the solar technology company needs more money and better market conditions for lasting relief.

      The deal provides sufficient capital to 2010, but the arrangement could dilute existing shares by up to 26 percent, estimated Dundee Capital Markets analyst Ian Tharp.

      Money-losing Arise is struggling in a sector squeezed by paltry project funding and falling prices due to oversupply. Arise produces high-purity silicon and it manufactures solar cells in Germany.

      Arise said it can get up to C$500,000 per draw, on an as-needed basis, through the 36-month facility with Haverstock Master Fund. Arise will pay a C$275,000 fee for the deal, in shares priced at 55 Canadian cents apiece.

      Haverstock is a New York subsidiary of the NIR Group hedge fund, an alternative investment firm focused on small- and mid-sized companies.

      In exchange for any cash that it draws, Arise will issue shares to Haverstock at a 6.5 percent discount to the previous five-day trading average.

      Shares in the Waterloo, Ontario-based company, worth C$3.30 in late 2007, were unchanged at 33 Canadian cents on the Toronto Stock Exchange on Wednesday.

      Arise, which issued details of the deal on Tuesday, first announced the financing in August. At that time, the company's second quarter working capital deficit rose to C$27.1 million from C$11.1 million at the end of the first quarter.

      'While we welcome the additional working capital; a general solar industry recovery, a strong 2010 Ontario project pipeline spurred by the Green Energy Act, and a permanent solution to its working capital woes are required before we are likely to improve our investment recommendation to something more positive than 'market perform',' Fraser Mackenzie analyst John Safrance said in a note on Wednesday.

      Canaccord Adams analyst Sara Elford said Arise, which cannot access the equity before it gets regulatory approval, must do more to bolster its balance sheet, which has a 'very high' risk.

      (Reporting by Susan Taylor; editing by Rob Wilson) Keywords: ARISE/
      schrieb am 22.09.09 10:02:49
      Beitrag Nr. 741 ()
      ARISE to Attend 24th European Solar Energy Conference in Hamburg

      Visit us at the ARISE exhibit in Hamburg, Germany from September 21-25

      ARISE ist auf der 24zigsten EUROPA PV Konferenz in Hamburg

      Besuchen Sie ARISE am Ausstellungsstand in Hamburg, Deutschland vom 21-25 September
      schrieb am 22.09.09 19:22:14
      Beitrag Nr. 742 ()
      Sehr gut..sie suchen nicht nur Mechaniker sondern Leute fürn Vertrieb :

      Company / Organisation
      ARISE Technologies Deutschland GmbH, Germany

      Job Title

      International Sales Manager (m/w)

      Position / Function

      Sales Manager

      Position starts as from



      Bischofswerda, Germany

      Job Type

      Full Time

      Job description
      Arise Technologies GmbH ist eine Tochtergesellschaft der ARISE Technologies Corporation, ein börsennotiertes Unternehmen mit Sitz in Kanada. ARISE hat drei Geschäftsbereiche, Photovoltaik, Silizium Rohstoff und Solarsysteme. ARISE Aktien werden an der Börse in Frankfurt gehandelt unter A3T und an der Toronto TSX unter APV. ARISE Technologies Deutschland GmbH betreibt seit April 2008 ein Produktionswerk zur Herstellung von kristallinen Solarzellen in Bischofswerda. Das Investitionsvolumen liegt bei 50 Mio. Euro. Seit Juli 2008 werden in- und ausländische Kunden erfolgreich mit hochqualitativen Solarzellen beliefert. Das Unternehmen setzt klar auf eine weitere kontinuierliche Verbesserung der Produktqualität und sucht zur Erreichung dieses Zieles qualifizierte und hochmotivierte Mitarbeiter (m/w).


      Akquisition neuer Kunden in den zugewiesenen Vertriebsgebieten
      Strukturierter Auf- und Ausbau des Vertriebsgebietes
      Umfassende Betreuung des Kundenstamms und Pflege der Kundebeziehungen
      Angebotserstellung sowie Verhandlung, Abschluss und Überwachung von Lieferverträgen
      Erstellung und Pflege der Vertriebsplanung für die zugewiesenen Gebiete
      Teilnahme an und Durchführung von Vertriebsaktionen (Tagungen, Messen, usw.)
      Erarbeitung von Vertriebskonzepten und -analysen
      Marktbearbeitung & Marktanalyse


      Erfolgreich abgeschlossenes technisches Studium oder kaufmännisches Studium mit technischer Affinität
      Mehrjährige Berufserfahrung im Vertrieb von Komponenten an internationale Großkunden
      Vertriebserfahrung in der Photovoltaik- oder Halbleiterbranche wünschenswert
      Belastbarkeit und Durchsetzungsvermögen
      Kommunikatives Geschick
      Bereitschaft zu umfangreicher internationaler Reisetätigkeit
      sehr gute Englischkenntnisse


      ARISE Technologies Deutschland GmbH
      Ulrike Wermescher, Manager HR
      Thormeyer Str. 1, Bischofswerda, Germany
      Phone: +49 3594-7179-128, Fax: -111

      Appointment availablitity during EU PVSEC

      Stand number: B1/U8
      Contact Person on-site: Ulrike Wermescher, Manager HR

      Company / Organisation
      ARISE Technologies Deutschland GmbH, Germany

      Job Title

      Prozessingenieur/ Technologe Photovoltaik (m/w)

      Position / Function

      Prozessingenieur/ Technologe

      Position starts as from



      Bischofswerda, Germany

      Job Type

      Full Time

      Job description
      Arise Technologies GmbH ist eine Tochtergesellschaft der ARISE Technologies Corporation, ein börsennotiertes Unternehmen mit Sitz in Kanada. ARISE hat drei Geschäftsbereiche, Photovoltaik, Silizium Rohstoff und Solarsysteme. ARISE Aktien werden an der Börse in Frankfurt gehandelt unter A3T und an der Toronto TSX unter APV. ARISE Technologies Deutschland GmbH betreibt seit April 2008 ein Produktionswerk zur Herstellung von kristallinen Solarzellen in Bischofswerda. Das Investitionsvolumen liegt bei 50 Mio. Euro. Seit Juli 2008 werden in- und ausländische Kunden erfolgreich mit hochqualitativen Solarzellen beliefert. Das Unternehmen setzt klar auf eine weitere kontinuierliche Verbesserung der Produktqualität und sucht zur Erreichung dieses Zieles qualifizierte und hochmotivierte Mitarbeiter (m/w).


      Verbesserung der Produktionslinien für kristalline Silizium-Solarzellen hinsichtlich der
      Produktions¬ausbeute sowie des Wirkungsgrades
      Einführung und Bewertung neuer Prozesse aufgrund eingehender Datenanalyse und Zell¬charakterisierung
      Planung, Durchführung und Auswertung von Experimenten
      Vorschläge bei Lieferanten zur Verbesserung der Waferqualität
      Projektbezogene Zusammenarbeit mit nationalen und internationalen Instituten

      Ihr Profil

      Erfolgreich abgeschlossenes Studium der Fachrichtungen Physik, Chemie, Materialwissenschaften, Verfahrens¬technik oder Umweltenergietechnik
      Fundierte Berufserfahrung in der Fertigung kristalliner Silizium-Solarzellen
      Kenntnisse in statistischer Prozessregelung, Versuchsplanung und Simulation
      Ausgeprägtes analytisches Denken, Team- und Kommunikationsfähigkeit
      Sehr gute Deutsch- und Englischkenntnisse
      Hohes Maß an Engagement und persönlicher Flexibilität


      ARISE Technologies Deutschland GmbH
      Ulrike Wermescher, Manager HR
      Thormeyer Str. 1, Bischofswerda, Germany
      Phone: +49 3594-7179-128, Fax: -111

      schrieb am 22.09.09 19:24:24
      Beitrag Nr. 743 ()
      reingestellt ohne richtig durchgelesen zu haben...

      sind 2 jobs aufgelistet
      schrieb am 23.09.09 19:33:52
      Beitrag Nr. 744 ()
      ARISE Technologies Signs Systems Installation Agreement With
      Published: 21-Sep-2009
      ARISE Technologies Corporation (ARISE Technologies ) has signed an agreement with to provide installation services for residential solar energy systems in Ontario. Under the terms of the agreement, will provide installation services to ARISE’s PV residential customers.
      “This partnership with is important to the ARISE Systems Division because it will allow us to scale up to meet the high levels of demand expected for solar energy systems when Ontario’s Feed-In-Tariff (FIT) program comes into effect, while continuing to offer the high level of customer service and product quality for which ARISE is known,” stated Vern Heinrichs, ARISE Technologies' president and chief executive officer.
      “By combining our key strengths in the PV engineering and design area with’s core strengths in the installation space, we are building on ARISE’s offering, and at the same time we are increasing our residential installation capacity. We are extremely impressed with QuickContractor’s extensive industry network and solid reputation, and there is a strong fit with ARISE,” remarked Ian MacLellan, ARISE Technologies PV systems division’s president.
      “ARISE will continue to offer PV solutions directly to all market segments, and will remain as the single point of contact. In the case of residential systems, will perform those installations on behalf of ARISE to our quality standards,” he stated.
      “We see this as an important move to enable our sales growth strategy as the Ontario solar market heats up. ARISE will continue to offer complete turnkey PV solutions directly. We will continue to focus on optimizing our system business in ways that will enable us to meet our longer-term requirements,” said MacLellan.
      schrieb am 25.09.09 06:19:07
      Beitrag Nr. 745 ()

      ARISE Technologies Produces First PV Cells Using Its Own 7N+ Silicon
      Waterloo, ON, September 24, 2009

      ARISE Technologies Corporation(TSX: APV and Frankfurt: A3T), which is dedicated to becoming a leader in high-performance, cost effective solar technology, today announced that it has produced its first PV (photovoltaic) cells at its manufacturing plant in Bischofswerda, Germany using the company’s own 7N+ polysilicon.

      “We have taken another significant and important step forward in our silicon feedstock development project,” said Jeff Dawkins, Vice-President and General Manager, PV Silicon Division.
      “This marks the first time that we have used our Silicon Refining Furnace (SiRF™ ) to produce 7N+ high-purity silicon in a quantity that could be used to manufacture PV cells with an efficiency level comparable to those being produced at our German plant. Our current cell manufacturing process uses silicon wafers that we have purchased from other suppliers.”

      ARISE’s silicon feedstock development project is being partially funded by Sustainable Development Technology Canada (SDTC). The project is developing a new approach for refining high-purity silicon needed for high-efficiency PV (photovoltaic) cells. The proprietary process that ARISE is developing is intended to produce 7N+ high-purity (99.99999 percent purity level) silicon for PV applications using a simplified chemical vapor deposition process.
      ARISE believes that its ability to produce 7N+ high-purity silicon will enable it to meet its target of more than 20 percent efficiency for PV cells.

      “ARISE’s technology has the potential to increase efficiency while also reducing the high cost of producing PV cells, a major issue currently facing the PV solar industry,” said Vicky J. Sharpe, President and CEO of SDTC.

      “The achievement of this significant milestone in the silicon feedstock development project represents an important step forward for the PV solar industry in Canada and around the world.”

      “Having achieved this milestone in our development program, ARISE is displaying at the 24th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition being held in Hamburg, Germany September 21-25 mono-crystal ingots that we produced from our polysilicon,” Mr. Dawkins reported.

      About ARISE Technologies

      ARISE Technologies Corporation, based in Waterloo, Ontario, is dedicated to becoming a leader in high-performance, cost-effective solar technology. The company operates through three divisions. The PV Cell Division manufactures PV (photovoltaic) cells at its first manufacturing plant opened in April 2008 in Bischofswerda, Germany. The division is developing proprietary technology with a target of achieving a step-by-step progression to a high-efficiency level of greater than 20 percent. The PV Silicon Division is using a proprietary method to produce silicon at 7N+ high-purity (99.99999 percent) for PV applications, based on a simplified chemical vapour deposition process. The division is focusing on scaling up its process to provide ARISE with control over its supply, costs, and quality. The PV Systems Division has been providing PV solutions for solar farms and rooftop installations since 1996 throughout North America. With the new Green Energy and Green Economy Act and the Ontario FIT (Feed-In-Tariff) program, ARISE is planning to expand its Systems business in Ontario.

      The company’s shares are listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange under the symbol APV and on the Frankfurt Open Market Exchange under the symbol A3T. Additional information is available at and

      About SDTC

      Sustainable Development Technology Canada (SDTC) is an arm’s-length foundation created by the Government of Canada which has received $1.05 billion as part of the Government’s commitment to create a healthy environment and a high quality of life for all Canadians. SDTC operates two funds aimed at the development and demonstration of innovative technological solutions. The $550 million SD Tech Fund™ supports projects that address climate change, air quality, clean water, and clean soil. The $500 million NextGen Biofuels Fund™ supports the establishment of first-of-kind large demonstration-scale facilities for the production of next-generation renewable fuels. SDTC operates as a not-for-profit corporation and has been working with the public and private sector including industry, academia, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), the financial community and all levels of government to achieve this mandate.

      Forward-Looking Statements

      Certain statements in this news release may be considered to be forward-looking. Such statements are based on management’s current expectations, estimations, and assumptions based on experience, trends, and other factors that are subject to the significant risks and uncertainties described in our regulatory filings. Please refer to these. Such risks and uncertainties may include, but are not limited to, the effects of general economic conditions, changing foreign exchange rates, actions by government authorities, uncertainties associated with legal proceedings and negotiations, industry supply levels, competitive pricing pressures and misjudgments in the course of preparing forward-looking statements. ARISE assumes no obligation to update any forward-looking statements or to update the reasons why actual results could differ from those reflected in the forward-looking statements.

      ARISE Technologies Corporation
      65 Northland Road, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2V 1Y8
      Dave Chornaby, Chief Financial Officer, (519) 772-5732…
      schrieb am 25.09.09 06:35:38
      Beitrag Nr. 746 ()

      ARISE Technologies Says Ontario’s FIT Program Will Launch Surge of Clean-Energy Projects
      Waterloo, ON, September 24, 2009

      Today’s announcement by the Government of Ontario that it is proceeding with the Feed-In-Tariff (FIT) program, a critical element of the government’s Green Energy and Green Economy Act, is the “green light that clean-technology companies and potential customers across Ontario have been awaiting. It will launch a surge of clean-energy projects ranging from small, residential installations to industrial and utility-scale generating systems,” said Ian MacLellan, President of ARISE Technologies Corporation’s Systems Division.

      ARISE Technologies Corporation (TSX: APV and Frankfurt: A3T), which is dedicated to becoming a leader in high-performance, high-quality, cost-effective solar technology, is among the clean-technology companies that expect to benefit from the new FIT program, which replaces the government’s previous Renewable Energy Standard Offer Program (RESOP). As outlined in the government’s announcement today the FIT should improve payback and make the economics very attractive for solar systems across all segments in Ontario.

      “As the first FIT program in North America, we expect that Ontario’s program will prove to be a model for other provinces, states, and municipalities to follow. We also expect the program to pave the way for an increase in development and innovation, leading to green job opportunities,” Mr. MacLellan said.

      “ARISE currently has numerous commercial and residential solar projects under consideration. We expect that the FIT program will stimulate demand for PV (photovoltaic) solar-power projects across all segments, from community-based rooftops and commercial installations to large utility-scale solar farms,” stated Vern Heinrichs, the company’s President and Chief Executive Officer.
      FIT rates should enable solar participants to generate consistent, reasonable, and predictable returns over the long term, and that should make such projects attractive for financing.”

      “Judging from the numbers of solar feasibility studies that ARISE has recently conducted for prospective customers,” Mr. MacLellan added, “interest is expected to be particularly strong in the small- to medium-sized residential and commercial segments. The provision of long-term price guarantees is expected to increase investor confidence and access to financing, which should smooth the way for numerous projects that have been on the drawing board for some time as well as many new ones.”

      “In growing our Systems Division’s business,” Mr. Heinrichs added, “we also expect to create demand for our PV cells for use in the solar panels in the systems that we install to meet the demand in Ontario. We currently are in discussions with module manufacturers toward proceeding with leveraging our vertical integration capability in pursuing opportunities in Ontario. We believe that the vertical integration that ARISE is developing from silicon production through PV cell manufacturing and systems installation should provide us with a competitive advantage in terms of supply-chain economies and quality assurance.”

      About ARISE Technologies

      ARISE Technologies Corporation, based in Waterloo, Ontario, is dedicated to becoming a leader in high-performance, cost-effective solar technology. The company operates through three divisions. The PV Cell Division manufactures PV (photovoltaic) cells at its first manufacturing plant opened in April 2008 in Bischofswerda, Germany. The division is developing proprietary technology with a target of achieving a step-by-step progression to a high-efficiency level of greater than 20%. The PV Silicon Division is using a proprietary method to produce silicon at 7N+ high-purity (99.99999% purity) for PV cell applications, based on a simplified chemical vapor deposition process. The division is focusing on scaling up its process to provide ARISE with control over its supply, costs, and quality. The PV Systems Division has been providing PV solutions for solar farms and rooftop installations since 1996 throughout North America. ARISE is planning to expand its Systems business in Ontario under the Ontario FIT (Feed-In-Tariff) program.

      The company’s shares are listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange under the symbol APV and on the Frankfurt Open Market Exchange under the symbol A3T. Additional information is available at and

      Forward-Looking Statements

      Certain statements in this news release may be considered to be forward-looking. Such statements are based on management’s current expectations, estimations, and assumptions based on experience, trends, and other factors that are subject to the significant risks and uncertainties described in our regulatory filings. Please refer to these. Such risks and uncertainties may include, but are not limited to, the effects of general economic conditions, changing foreign exchange rates, actions by government authorities, uncertainties associated with legal proceedings and negotiations, industry supply levels, competitive pricing pressures and misjudgments in the course of preparing forward-looking statements. ARISE assumes no obligation to update any forward-looking statements or to update the reasons why actual results could differ from those reflected in the forward-looking statements.

      ARISE Technologies Corporation
      65 Northland Road, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2V 1Y8
      Dave Chornaby, Chief Financial Officer, (519) 772-5732…
      schrieb am 25.09.09 13:58:43
      Beitrag Nr. 747 ()
      Government of Ontario gives green light for FiT plans
      25 September 2009 | By Emma Hughes

      The Government of Ontario, Canada, announced back in March plans for renewable energy, and in particular a feed-in tariff (FiT) for the region. These plans have now been finalized, as the government announces that it will proceed as planned.

      The FiT program is a critical element of the government's Green Energy and Green Economy Act. This is the "green light that clean-technology companies and potential customers across Ontario have been awaiting. It will launch a surge of clean-energy projects ranging from small, residential installations to industrial and utility-scale generating systems," said Ian MacLellan, President of ARISE Technologies Corporation's Systems Division.

      ARISE is among the clean-technology companies that expect to benefit from the new FiT program, which replaces the government's previous Renewable Energy Standard Offer Program (RESOP).

      This announcement brings in to action the first FiT program in North America. The Ontario program is expected to become a model for other provinces, states, and municipalities to follow. It should also make way for an increase in development and innovation, leading to green job opportunities in the region.

      "ARISE currently has numerous commercial and residential solar projects under consideration. We expect that the FiT program will stimulate demand for PV solar-power projects across all segments, from community-based rooftops and commercial installations to large utility-scale solar farms," stated Vern Heinrichs, the company's President and Chief Executive Officer.

      Heinrichs also expects that FiT rates should enable solar participants to generate consistent, reasonable, and predictable returns over the long term, and that should make such projects attractive for financing.

      "Judging from the numbers of solar feasibility studies that ARISE has recently conducted for prospective customers, interest is expected to be particularly strong in the small- to medium-sized residential and commercial segments. The provision of long-term price guarantees is expected to increase investor confidence and access to financing, which should smooth the way for numerous projects that have been on the drawing board for some time as well as many new ones," said MacLellan.

      "In growing our Systems Division's business, we also expect to create demand for our PV cells for use in the solar panels in the systems that we install to meet the demand in Ontario. We currently are in discussions with module manufacturers toward proceeding with leveraging our vertical integration capability in pursuing opportunities in Ontario. We believe that the vertical integration that ARISE is developing from silicon production through PV cell manufacturing and systems installation should provide us with a competitive advantage in terms of supply-chain economies and quality assurance," added Heinrichs.

      :cool: YES.
      schrieb am 25.09.09 19:45:27
      Beitrag Nr. 748 ()
      25.09.2009 18:35
      ARISE Technologies stellt erste Solarzellen mit firmeneigenem 7N+-Silizium her

      Waterloo, Kanada (ots/PRNewswire) - ARISE Technologies Corporation (TSX: APV und Frankfurt: A3T), die sich dafür engagiert, führender Anbieter kostengünstiger Hochleistungssolartechnik zu werden, gab heute bekannt, dass in seiner Produktionsstätte in Bischofswerda, Deutschland, die ersten PV- (Photovoltaik-) Zellen (Solarzellen) unter Verwendung des firmeneigenen 7N+-Polysiliziums hergestellt wurden.

      "Wir haben einen weiteren massgeblichen und wichtigen Schritt für unser Projekt zur Entwicklung von Siliziumrohstoffen unternommen", erklärte Jeff Dawkins, Vice-President und General Manager der PV Silicon Division.
      "Dies ist das erste Mal, dass wir unseren Siliziumraffinierungsofen (Silicon Refining Furnace) (SiRF(TM)) für die Herstellung von 7N+ hochreinem Silizium in einer Menge verwendet haben, die für die Herstellung von Solarzellen ausreicht. Hierbei konnten wir ein Effizienzniveau erzielen, das dem unseres Werks in Deutschland entspricht. Bei unserem bisherigen Herstellungsprozess für Solarzellen wurden Siliziumscheiben verwendet, die wir von anderen Lieferanten einkaufen."

      Das Projekt von ARISE zur Entwicklung von Siliziumrohmaterialien wird teilweise von Sustainable Development Technology Canada (SDTC) finanziert. Das Projekt entwickelt einen neuen Ansatz für die Raffination hochreinen Siliziums, das für hocheffiziente PV- (Photovoltaik-) Zellen benötigt wird. Anhand des firmeneigenen Prozesses, den ARISE derzeit entwickelt und der auf einem vereinfachten chemischen Gasphasenabscheidungsprozess basiert, wird 7N+ hochreines Silizium (Reinheit 99,99999 Prozent) für Solarzellanwendungen produziert. ARISE ist davon überzeugt, dass das Unternehmen mit der Fähigkeit zur Herstellung von 7N+ hochreinem Silizium in der Lage sein wird, sein Ziel von mehr als 20 Prozent Effizienz für Solarzellen zu erreichen.

      "Die Technologie von ARISE hat das Potenzial, die Effizienz zu erhöhen und gleichzeitig die hohen Kosten der Herstellung von Solarzellen zu senken. Dies ist eines der Hauptprobleme, vor denen die Solarbranche heute steht", so Vicky J. Sharpe, Präsidentin und CEO von SDTC.
      "Die Erreichung dieses bedeutenden Meilensteins für das Projekt zur Entwicklung von Siliziumrohmaterialien stellt für die Solarbranche in Kanada und der ganzen Welt einen bedeutenden Fortschritt dar."

      "Nachdem wir diesen Meilenstein für unser Entwicklungsprogramm erreicht haben, wird ARISE bei der 24th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition, die vom 21. bis 25. September in Hamburg (Deutschland) stattfindet, monokristalline Ingots präsentieren, die unter Verwendung unseres Polysiliziums erstellt wurden", fügte Dawkins hinzu.

      Informationen zu ARISE Technologies

      ARISE Technologies Corporation ist ein in Waterloo, Ontario, Kanada, ansässiges Unternehmen, das sich dafür engagiert, führender Anbieter kostengünstiger Hochleistungssolartechnik zu werden. Das Unternehmen gliedert sich in drei Bereiche. Der Bereich PV-Zellen (PV Cell Division) stellt PV- (Photovoltaik-) Zellen (Solarzellen) in seiner ersten, im April 2008 in Bischofswerda, Deutschland, eröffneten Produktionsstätte her. Dieser Unternehmensbereich entwickelt eine proprietäre Technologie und hat sich zum Ziel gesetzt, durch schrittweise Steigerung einen hohen Wirkungsgrad von über 20 Prozent zu erreichen. Der Bereich PV-Silizium (PV Silicon Division) verwendet eine firmeneigene Methode zur Herstellung von 7N+ hochreinem Silizium (Reinheit 99,99999 Prozent) für Solarzellanwendungen, die auf einem vereinfachten chemischen Gasphasenabscheidungsprozess basiert. Dieser Unternehmensbereich konzentriert sich auf die Übertragung seines Prozesses auf einen grösseren Massstab, sodass ARISE die Kontrolle über Beschaffung, Kosten und Qualität gewinnt. Der Bereich PV-Systeme (PV Systems Division) stellt seit 1996 PV-Lösungen für Solarpark- und Dachinstallationen in ganz Nordamerika zur Verfügung. Auf Grundlage des Green Energy and Green Economy Act und des Ontario FIT-Programms (Feed-In-Tariff) beabsichtigt ARISE, sein Systemgeschäft in Ontario zu erweitern.

      Informationen zu SDTC

      Sustainable Development Technology Canada (SDTC) ist eine von der Regierung Kanadas geschaffene aber unabhängig betriebene Stiftung, die im Rahmen des Engagements der Regierung, eine gesunde Umwelt und eine hohe Lebensqualität für alle Kanadier zu schaffen, 1,05 Mrd. $ empfangen hat.

      SDTC betreibt zwei Fonds, die sich die Entwicklung und Umsetzung innovativer technologischer Lösungen zum Ziel gesetzt haben. Der mit 550 Mio. $ aufgelegte SD Tech Fund(TM) unterstützt Projekte, die sich mit Klimawandel, Luftqualität sowie Wasser- und Bodenreinheit befassen. Der mit 500 Mio. $ ausgestattete NextGen Biofuels Fund(TM) unterstützt die Errichtung grosser origineller, neuer Demonstrationsanlagen für die Produktion erneuerbarer Kraftstoffe der nächsten Generation.

      SDTC wird als gemeinnützige Organisation betrieben und arbeitet zur Umsetzung dieses Mandats sowohl mit dem öffentlichen als auch dem privaten Sektor zusammen, unter anderem mit der Industrie, Hochschulen, Nichtregierungsorganisationen, der Finanzbranche und allen Ebenen der Regierung.

      Zukunftsgerichtete Aussagen

      Gewisse Aussagen in dieser Pressemitteilung können als zukunftsgerichtet angesehen werden. Solche Aussagen basieren auf den gegenwärtigen Erwartungen, Schätzungen und Annahmen der Unternehmensführung, die auf Erfahrungen, Trends und anderen Faktoren beruhen. Diese unterliegen wesentlichen Risiken und Unwägbarkeiten, die in den aufsichtsbehördlichen Einreichungen beschrieben sind. Bitte ziehen Sie diese Dokumente zurate. Zu den Risiken und Unwägbarkeiten gehören u.a. die Auswirkungen der allgemeinen Wirtschaftsbedingungen, Veränderungen der Wechselkurse, Massnahmen staatlicher Behörden, Unsicherheiten im Zusammenhang mit Gerichtsverfahren und Verhandlungen, Versorgungsniveaus in der Branche, wettbewerbsbedingter Preisdruck und Fehleinschätzungen im Rahmen der Erstellung von zukunftsgerichteten Aussagen. ARISE verpflichtet sich nicht zur Aktualisierung der vorausschauenden Aussagen oder der Gründe, warum die tatsächlichen Ergebnisse von den in den vorausschauenden Aussagen vorhergesagten Ergebnissen abweichen.

      Für weitere Informationen: ARISE Technologies Corporation, 65 Northland Road, Waterloo, Ontario, Kanada, N2V 1Y8, Dave Chornaby, Chief Financial Officer, +1-519-772-5732, Dave.Chornaby(at),

      Originaltext: ARISE Technologies Corporation Digitale Pressemappe: Pressemappe via RSS :

      Pressekontakt: Für weitere Informationen: ARISE Technologies Corporation, 65 Northland Road, Waterloo, Ontario, Kanada, N2V 1Y8, Dave Chornaby, Chief Financial Officer, +1-519-772-5732,,

      © 2009 news aktuell…
      schrieb am 26.09.09 09:35:41
      Beitrag Nr. 749 ()
      Dies gehört hier auch noch hin ;)

      Glück auf! :D

      25.09.2009 18:40
      FIT-Programm in Ontario wird laut ARISE Technologies einen Schub von Projekten für saubere Energie auslösen
      Waterloo, Kanada (ots/PRNewswire) - Die heutige Bekanntgabe der Regierung Ontarios, das FIT-Programm (Feed-In-Tariff) als zentrale Komponente ihres Green Energy and Green Economy Acts fortzusetzen, ist das "grüne Licht, auf das Anbieter von sauberen Technologien und potenzielle Kunden in ganz Ontario gewartet haben. Dies wird einen Schub von Projekten für saubere Energie auslösen, die von kleinen Anlagen für den Heimgebrauch bis hin zu Stromerzeugungsanlagen für Industrie- und Versorgungsunternehmen reichen werden", erklärte Ian MacLellan, Präsident der Systems Division von ARISE Technologies Corporation.

      Die ARISE Technologies Corporation (TSX: APV und Frankfurt: A3T) ist bestrebt, zum führenden Anbieter qualitativ hochwertiger und kostengünstiger Hochleistungssolartechnik zu avancieren. Das Unternehmen zählt zu jenen Anbietern "sauberer" Technologie, die sich Vorteile aus dem neuen FIT-Programm versprechen. Das Programm ist dabei als Ersatz für das vorherige Renewable Energy Standard Offer Program (RESOP) der Regierung gedacht. Wie in der heutigen Ankündigung der Regierung dargestellt, dürfte das FIT-Programm die Amortisierung verbessern und die Attraktivität der wirtschaftlichen Rahmendaten von Solarsystemen in Ontario über alle Segmente hinweg erhöhen.

      "Als erstes FIT-Programm in Nordamerika erwarten wir, dass sich das Programm Ontarios als ein Modell erweisen wird, dem auch andere Provinzen, Länder und Gemeinden folgen werden. Wir erwarten zudem, dass das Programm den Weg für zunehmende Entwicklung und Innovation ebnen und so neue Arbeitsplätze in umweltfreundlichen Sektoren schaffen wird", so MacLellan weiter.

      "Bei ARISE stehen derzeit zahlreiche gewerbliche und private Solarprojekte zur Diskussion. Wir erwarten, dass das FIT-Programm die Nachfrage für solargestützte PV-Projekte (Photovoltaik) in allen Segmenten, von gemeindebasierten Dachanlagen und gewerblichen Einrichtungen bis hin zu gross angelegten Solarfarmen bei Versorgungsunternehmen, anregen wird", erklärte Vern Heinrichs, Präsident und Chief Executive Officer des Unternehmens. "FIT-Tarife sollten es Nutzern von Solarenergie ermöglichen, langfristig beständige, vernünftige und vorhersehbare Renditen zu erzielen. Hierdurch dürfte sich die Attraktivität einer Finanzierung derartiger Projekte deutlich erhöhen."

      "Angesichts der Anzahl von Machbarkeitsstudien, die ARISE in jüngster Zeit für potenzielle Kunden im Solarbereich durchgeführt hat, gehen wir von einem besonders starken Interesse in den kleineren bis mittleren privaten und gewerblichen Segmenten aus", fügte MacLellan hinzu. "Es wird erwartet, dass die Absicherung langfristiger Preisgarantien das Vertrauen von Investoren erhöhen und somit den Zugang zu Finanzierungsmöglichkeiten verbessern wird. Dies dürfte den Weg für zahlreiche Projekte ebnen, die bereits seit Langem in der Planung sind, ebenso wie für zahlreiche neue Initiativen."

      "Durch die Verstärkung der Aktivitäten unserer Systems Division erwarten wir ausserdem, Nachfrage für unsere Solarzellen zu generieren, die in den Solaranlagen in den Systemen verwendet werden, die wir zur Deckung der Nachfrage in Ontario installieren", so Heinrichs weiter. "Wir führen derzeit Gespräche mit Modulherstellern hinsichtlich einer verstärkten Nutzung unserer vertikalen Integrationsfähigkeit, um neue Gelegenheiten in Ontario wahrzunehmen. Wir sind davon überzeugt, dass uns die vertikale Integration, die ARISE von der Siliziumherstellung über die Produktion von Solarzellen bis hin zur Installation von Systemen entwickelt, einen Wettbewerbsvorteil hinsichtlich der Wirtschaftlichkeit unserer Lieferkette und der Absicherung unserer Qualität bieten wird."

      Informationen zu ARISE Technologies

      ARISE Technologies Corporation ist ein in Waterloo, Ontario, Kanada, ansässiges Unternehmen, das sich dafür engagiert, führender Anbieter kostengünstiger Hochleistungssolartechnik zu werden. Das Unternehmen gliedert sich in drei Bereiche. Der Bereich PV-Zellen (PV Cell Division) stellt PV- (Photovoltaik-) Zellen (Solarzellen) in seiner ersten, im April 2008 in Bischofswerda, Deutschland, eröffneten Produktionsstätte her. Dieser Unternehmensbereich entwickelt eine proprietäre Technologie und hat sich zum Ziel gesetzt, durch schrittweise Steigerung einen hohen Wirkungsgrad von über 20 Prozent zu erreichen. Der Bereich PV-Silizium (PV Silicon Division) verwendet eine firmeneigene Methode zur Herstellung von 7N+ hochreinem Silizium (Reinheit 99,99999 Prozent) für Solarzellanwendungen, die auf einem vereinfachten chemischen Gasphasenabscheidungsprozess basiert. Dieser Unternehmensbereich konzentriert sich auf die Übertragung seines Prozesses auf einen grösseren Massstab, sodass ARISE die Kontrolle über Beschaffung, Kosten und Qualität gewinnt. Der Bereich PV-Systeme (PV Systems Division) stellt seit 1996 PV-Lösungen für Solarpark- und Dachinstallationen in ganz Nordamerika zur Verfügung. Auf Grundlage des Green Energy and Green Economy Act und des Ontario FIT-Programms (Feed-In-Tariff) beabsichtigt ARISE, sein Systemgeschäft in Ontario zu erweitern.

      Die Aktien des Unternehmens werden an der Börse in Toronto (Toronto Stock Exchange) unter dem Symbol APV und im Open Market der Frankfurter Börse unter dem Symbol A3T gehandelt. Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter und

      Zukunftsgerichtete Aussagen

      Gewisse Aussagen in dieser Pressemitteilung können als zukunftsgerichtet angesehen werden. Solche Aussagen basieren auf den gegenwärtigen Erwartungen, Schätzungen und Annahmen der Unternehmensführung, die auf Erfahrungen, Trends und anderen Faktoren beruhen. Diese unterliegen wesentlichen Risiken und Unwägbarkeiten, die in den aufsichtsbehördlichen Einreichungen beschrieben sind. Bitte ziehen Sie diese Dokumente zurate. Zu den Risiken und Unwägbarkeiten gehören u.a. die Auswirkungen der allgemeinen Wirtschaftsbedingungen, Veränderungen der Wechselkurse, Massnahmen staatlicher Behörden, Unsicherheiten im Zusammenhang mit Gerichtsverfahren und Verhandlungen, Versorgungsniveaus in der Branche, wettbewerbsbedingter Preisdruck und Fehleinschätzungen im Rahmen der Erstellung von zukunftsgerichteten Aussagen. ARISE verpflichtet sich nicht zur Aktualisierung der vorausschauenden Aussagen oder der Gründe, warum die tatsächlichen Ergebnisse von den in den vorausschauenden Aussagen vorhergesagten Ergebnissen abweichen.

      Für weitere Informationen: ARISE Technologies Corporation, 65 Northland Road, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, N2V 1Y8; Dave Chornaby, Chief Financial Officer, +1-519-772-5732,,

      Originaltext: ARISE Technologies Corporation Digitale Pressemappe: Pressemappe via RSS :

      Pressekontakt: Für weitere Informationen: ARISE Technologies Corporation, 65 Northland Road, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, N2V 1Y8; Dave Chornaby, Chief Financial Officer, +1-519-772-5732,,

      © 2009 news aktuell

      Klicken Sie hier, um weitere aktuelle Nachrichten zum Unternehmen zu finden:

      schrieb am 01.10.09 16:08:19
      Beitrag Nr. 750 ()
      schrieb am 01.10.09 17:28:12
      Beitrag Nr. 751 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 38.095.619 von Tirolesi am 01.10.09 16:08:19Ich finde die Überschrift muss man ersichtlich darstellen...

      "ARISE Technologies Ranked the 15th Fastest-Growing Technology Company in Canada in the Deloitte Technology Fast 50(TM)…

      Solche Schlagzeilen halt ich nicht für 'alltäglich':rolleyes:;)

      Steady hands mit Arise!:cool:
      schrieb am 01.10.09 19:09:19
      Beitrag Nr. 752 ()
      und jetzt kommts:
      October 1, 2009 - 9:10 AM EDT

      ARISE Technologies Ranked the 15th Fastest-Growing Technology Company in Canada in the Deloitte Technology Fast 50(TM)
      Oct. 1, 2009 (Canada NewsWire Group) --

      WATERLOO, ON, Oct. 1 /CNW/ -- ARISE Technologies Corporation (TSX: APV and Frankfurt: A3T), which is dedicated to becoming a leader in high-performance, high-quality, cost-effective solar technology, today announced that it is included on the Deloitte Technology Fast 50(TM), a ranking of the 50 fastest-growing technology companies in Canada, based on the percentage of revenue growth over five years. :eek:ARISE's revenues rose 1,750%:eek: from 2004 to 2008, which has resulted in a 15th place ranking.

      The Deloitte Technology Fast 50(TM) program has tracked the successful growth of Canadian-grown global leaders for more than a decade.

      "Canadian technology companies demonstrated some very impressive growth numbers in 2008 amid the challenges of the developing global recession," said John Ruffolo, National Leader, Technology, Media & Telecommunications Industry Group, Deloitte. "ARISE is an example of the determination, drive, and skill that will serve to position them for continued growth and success as the economic recovery takes hold."

      "Last year, when ARISE was named for the first time a recipient of the Deloitte Technology Green 15(TM) Awards, we said that we next hoped to also be named one of Canada's 50 fastest-growing technology companies on Deloitte's Fast 50(TM) list," said Vern Heinrichs, ARISE's President and Chief Executive Officer. "Now, thanks to the opening of our PV (photovoltaic) cell manufacturing plant in 2008 and the ramping up of sales that followed, we have made it on the Fast 50 list."

      "It is an honour to receive this recognition by Deloitte as a further affirmation of the leadership position that we are striving to achieve in the development of high-quality, cost-effective solar technology," he continued. "Our next objective is both to move up higher on this list of Canadian fast-growing technology companies and to achieve profitability. We plan to do both. Making this list for the first time comes on the heels of the Ontario government's official launch of the FIT (Feed-In-Tariff) program, which was released last week. We are excited about the prospects for solar power generation in Ontario and in many world markets which are moving toward adopting clean solar energy. As we continue to increase our sales of PV cells, pursue the development of our 7N+ silicon technology, and grow our Systems Division's business, our sales should continue increasing in the years ahead."

      About the Deloitte Technology Fast 50(TM)

      The Deloitte Technology Fast 50(TM) program is Canada's pre-eminent technology awards program. Celebrating business growth, innovation and entrepreneurship, the program features four distinct categories including the Deloitte Technology Fast 50(TM) Ranking, Companies-to-Watch Awards (early-stage Canadian tech companies in business less than five years, with the potential to be a future Deloitte Technology Fast 50(TM) candidate,) Leadership Awards (companies that demonstrate technological leadership in four industry subcategories: hardware/semiconductor, software, telecommunications and emerging technologies) and the Deloitte Technology Green 15(TM) Awards (Canada's leading GreenTech companies that promote a more efficient use and re-use of the earth's resources in industrial production and consumption.) Program sponsors include Deloitte, Gowlings, GrowthWorks, RBC Capital Markets, Wellington Financial, Stonewood Group, CATAAlliance, and IGLOO. For further information, visit

      About ARISE Technologies

      ARISE Technologies Corporation, based in Waterloo, Ontario, is dedicated to becoming a leader in high-performance, cost-effective solar technology. The company operates through three divisions. The PV Cell Division manufactures PV (photovoltaic) cells at its first manufacturing plant opened in April 2008 in Bischofswerda, Germany. The division is developing proprietary technology with a target of achieving a step-by-step progression to a high-efficiency level of greater than 20%. The PV Silicon Division is using a proprietary method to produce silicon at 7N+ high-purity (99.99999% purity) for PV cell applications, based on a simplified chemical vapor deposition process. The division is focusing on scaling up its process to provide ARISE with control over its supply, costs, and quality. The PV Systems Division has been providing PV solutions for solar farms and rooftop installations since 1996 throughout North America. ARISE is planning to expand its Systems business in Ontario under the Ontario FIT (Feed-In-Tariff) program.

      The company's shares are listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange under the symbol APV and on the Frankfurt Open Market Exchange under the symbol A3T. Additional information is available at and

      Forward-Looking Statements

      Certain statements in this news release may be considered to be forward-looking. Such statements are based on management's current expectations, estimations, and assumptions based on experience, trends, and other factors that are subject to the significant risks and uncertainties described in our regulatory filings. Please refer to these. Such risks and uncertainties may include, but are not limited to, the effects of general economic conditions, changing foreign exchange rates, actions by government authorities, uncertainties associated with legal proceedings and negotiations, industry supply levels, competitive pricing pressures and misjudgments in the course of preparing forward-looking statements. ARISE assumes no obligation to update any forward-looking statements or to update the reasons why actual results could differ from those reflected in the forward-looking statements.

      Source: CNW (October 1, 2009 - 9:10 AM EDT)

      News by QuoteMedia
      schrieb am 01.10.09 21:21:54
      Dieser Beitrag wurde moderiert. Grund: Spammposting
      schrieb am 05.10.09 13:07:25
      Beitrag Nr. 754 ()
      Key wording von Arise:

      "ARISE's technology has the potential to increase efficiency while also reducing the high cost of producing PV cells, a major issue currently facing the PV solar industry," said Vicky J. Sharpe, President and CEO of SDTC. "The achievement of this significant milestone in the silicon feedstock development project represents an important step forward for the PV solar industry in Canada and around the world."

      Es wird Langsam wieder "Dunkel & Kalt" vor die Haustür, Arises 'Saison' ist wieder da:rolleyes:;)
      schrieb am 06.10.09 14:55:52
      Beitrag Nr. 755 ()
      schrieb am 06.10.09 14:56:13
      Beitrag Nr. 756 ()
      29. Sepetmber 2009

      - Auszug -

      Summary Description of the Business of the Company
      ARISE is a Canadian-based solar technology company, which is dedicated to becoming a leader in high
      performance, cost-effective solar technology. ARISE currently has three divisions: (i) PV Cell Division; (ii) PV
      Silicon Division and (iii) PV Systems Division. The following summary remains subject to the more detailed
      description of ARISE’s business found in the Annual Information Form and other disclosure documents
      incorporated by reference in this Prospectus at any time and from time to time.
      PV Cell Division
      ARISE’s PV Cell Division is focused on developing new photovoltaic (“PV”) cell technologies and on the
      manufacturing of PV cells. ARISE’s PV Cell Division is currently in the process of developing a high-efficiency
      (20%+) thin-film on silicon wafer heterojunction PV solar cell based on proprietary patented process technology.
      PV Cell research is performed in collaboration with the University of Toronto, the University of Waterloo and
      McMaster University along with various research institutes in Europe.

      In August 2007, ARISE commenced construction of its first PV cell manufacturing plant located in Bischofswerda,
      Germany. Initial production of PV cells at the plant commenced in April 2008. The first production line of the plant
      is currently operating. Total sales of PV cells in fiscal 2008 were $34.8 million. Total sales for the six month period
      ended June 30, 2009 were $13.4 million. In March 2009, ARISE completed installation of the second production
      line of the plant (“Line 2”) which is designed to produce 2 and 3 busbar mono-crystalline PV cells. Site acceptance
      tests for Line 2 and initial shipments of Line 2 PV cells for customer evaluation were completed in July 2009.
      Commencement of commercial production utilizing Line 2 is expected to occur once overall market demand for
      solar cells increases.

      Given current worldwide economic conditions, orders for PV cells in fiscal 2009 have been lower than originally
      planned for by ARISE. Demand for PV cells is affected by a number of factors. While feed-in-tariff rates for
      German solar installations continue to decrease (ground mounted feed in tariffs declined by 10% between 2008 and
      2009 and are expected to decline by an aggregate of 26% between 2008 and 2011 - ARISE understands that these
      reductions have been implemented to reflect the ongoing reductions in costs to install solar power generating
      equipment), global economic conditions have had a greater influence on PV cell pricing and demand. ARISE
      believes that given its cell manufacturing improvements which have resulted in cost reductions together with the
      implementation as of September 24, 2009 of feed-in-tariffs for solar projects under the Ontario’s Green Energy Act,
      the impact of falling German subsidies will have a limited impact on the Company.

      In connection with the construction of the PV cell manufacturing plant, ARISE has been awarded a non-repayable
      incentive grant from the Sächsische AufbauBank GmbH (“SAB”) of €12.4 million payable over the term of the project, and will be eligible to receive refundable tax credits in connection with its funding of the project in the
      amount of approximately €12.15 million over the term of the project, resulting in total German government funding
      of approximately €24.55 million. As of June 30, 2009 ARISE has received $18.6 million (€11.4 million) of the SAB
      grant funds and $6.4 million (€3.9 million) of the refundable tax credits. Under the agreement with SAB, ARISE
      had up to three years to complete the project and completed it in the second quarter of 2009. ARISE is in the
      process of completing all filings required in order for it to receive the remaining SAB grant funds and refundable tax
      credits. Based on prior experience, the Company currently expects that all such funds will be received prior to the
      end of June 2010.
      schrieb am 06.10.09 14:57:18
      Beitrag Nr. 757 ()

      PV Systems Division
      ARISE’s PV Systems Division aims to provide complete turnkey PV solutions for solar electricity generators
      including ground mounted and rooftop installations. In addition, the PV Systems Division currently installs
      residential and commercial PV systems.
      The PV Systems Division is aiming to leverage the recently enacted Ontario Green Energy Act to establish solar
      electricity generators which will enter into long term electricity generating agreements under the Ontario Power
      Authority’s (“OPA”) feed-in tariff.
      ARISE is currently investigating a number of potential ground mounted solar generator opportunities. On
      September 24, 2009, the OPA announced its final feed-in tariff (“FIT”) rates including a rate of $0.443 per kilowatt
      hour generated from ground mounted solar electricity generation projects of less than 10 megawatts (“MW”). In
      order for solar projects to be eligible for the FIT rates such projects must meet certain Ontario content requirements.
      For projects with a proposed generating capacity of greater than 10 kilowatts and which have a milestone date for
      commercial operation prior to January 1, 2011, the minimum Ontario content required is 50%; projects with a
      milestone date for commercial operation on or after January 1, 2011 must have a minimum of 60% Ontario content.

      The OPA’s standard FIT contract documents set out specific methods for determining the Ontario content of a solar
      generation project.
      ARISE expects that its proposed solar generation projects will meet such content requirements notwithstanding that
      such projects are expected to utilize, in some instances, solar cells produced by ARISE Germany.
      In order to meet such Ontario content requirements, ARISE expects to implement a number of strategies including
      (i) complete all mounting and installation work using Ontario content and labour; (ii) utilizing modules
      manufactured in Ontario which in some instances will incorporate ARISE PV cells; and (iii) assuming completion of its PV Silicon Project, utilizing silicon refined by ARISE in Ontario to manufacture its PV Cells in Germany.

      ARISE expects to be able to meet both the initial and future Ontario content requirements for PV system
      installations in Ontario through sourcing Ontario produced components and utilizing Ontario based personnel for
      installations without the need to rely on silicon refined by ARISE in Ontario.
      In addition, the PV Systems Division is currently investigating additional opportunities for solar electricity
      generators utilizing rooftop PV systems.
      The OPA’s final FIT rates for rooftop and ground mounted PV systems are
      set out below:


      ARISE is currently in discussion with a limited number of prospective partners who would provide funding for the
      capital expenditures required for establishing solar electricity generators with over 100 MW of generating capacity.
      The Company’s funding and ownership structure for its proposed solar electricity generators has yet to be finalized
      and may involve ARISE acting solely as a supplier of turnkey generating systems to third party solar electricity
      generators and/or ARISE participating, in whole or in part, in the ownership and operation of solar electricity
      ARISE expects to utilize solar cells produced by ARISE Germany in the assembly of modules to be used by solar
      electricity generators constructed by the PV Systems Division.
      schrieb am 06.10.09 15:08:05
      Beitrag Nr. 758 ()
      Recent Developments
      On June 11, 2009 ARISE announced that the maturity of its €7.0 million secured working capital credit facility with
      Commerzbank AG had been extended until August 31, 2009. On August 7, 2009, ARISE announced that its
      working capital credit facility and credit facility intended for the purchase of silicon wafers had been combined. The
      combined €10.0 million secured credit facility with Commerzbank AG matures on December 31, 2009. As of June
      30, 2009 the amount of the facility drawdown by ARISE is $15.6 million (€9.6 million). As of April 29, 2009 the
      Company's secured credit facilities with Commerzbank AG were reduced from €56.05 million to €39.05 million as
      certain borrowing capacity was no longer required due to completion of construction of certain phases of the
      Company's German PV cell plant.
      On July 9, 2009 ARISE announced the completion of its site acceptance testing for its second production line at its
      Bischofswerda Germany PV cell manufacturing plant. Commercial scale production on line 2 is expected to
      commence as customer orders require such capacity to be utilized.
      On July 31, 2009, Commerzbank AG granted to ARISE a deferral of its obligation to make instalment payments on
      its $20.5 million (€12.55 million) investment loan. Pursuant to the deferral, ARISE will not be required to make
      scheduled quarterly payments of $1,022,637 (€627,500) for the quarters ending June 30, 2009, September 30, 2009,
      December 31, 2009 and March 31, 2009. In addition, Commerzbank AG has waived compliance with a covenant
      (the “EBITDA Covenant”) which was to apply for each month following June 30, 2009 that the earnings before
      interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization (“EBITDA”) of ARISE Technologies Deutschland GmbH must equal
      or exceed €500,000 per month.
      The waiver of compliance with the EBITDA Covenant is for an indefinite period but
      such waiver will terminate upon new covenants being agreed to between ARISE and Commerzbank AG. ARISE is
      in the process of negotiating new covenants with Commerzbank AG.

      On July 29, 2009, one of the Company’s suppliers of silicon wafers, LDK Solar Hitech Co., Ltd. (“LDK”) notified
      ARISE that it was commencing legal proceedings against the Company in respect of a shipment of wafers. ARISE
      has not, as of the date hereof, received a statement of claim in respect of legal proceedings with LDK. The
      Company believes that the LDK wafers do not meet the specifications set out for such wafers in the supply
      - 9 -
      agreement with LDK and are not of a quality to produce cells of high enough efficiency for our customers. Since all
      of ARISE’s other suppliers can provide silicon wafers with a quality that meets our needs, ARISE is seeking to
      return these wafers for wafers of higher quality or return the wafers and cancel the supply agreement with LDK.
      Consequently, ARISE has not paid for these wafers which represent about 1.6% of our most recent projected
      requirements for 2009. On September 24, 2009, following discussions between the parties LDK verbally agreed to
      (i) not proceed with the threatened legal proceeding providing that ARISE and LDK reach an agreement on
      amending their long term supply agreement; (ii) replace the wafers initially shipped to ARISE with wafers which
      meet ARISE’s quality requirement and (iii) work towards amending the long term supply agreement between LDK
      and ARISE to reflect changing market realities. ARISE agreed to place an order for 150,000 silicon wafers from
      LDK at current market prices for delivery in the fourth quarter of 2009 conditional on ARISE being satisfied that
      such wafers will meet ARISE'S quality requirements. Under terms of the LDK take-or-pay supply agreement,
      ARISE is required to fulfill the contract’s yearly purchase commitments; at June 30, 2009, the aggregate amount of
      this purchase commitment was USD$49.5 million net of the unused portion of the original USD$10,236,587
      prepayment which was paid to LDK.
      schrieb am 06.10.09 15:10:50
      Beitrag Nr. 759 ()

      On August 12, 2009 ARISE announced that it had signed a term sheet with respect to an equity financing of up to
      $10 million. On September 14, 2009 ARISE entered into a committed equity facility agreement (the “CEF”) with
      Haverstock Master Fund, Ltd. (“Haverstock”) with respect to the sale to Haverstock of up to $10,000,000 of
      Common Shares of ARISE (“Common Shares”). Any sale of Common Shares under the CEF is subject to certain
      exemptive relief being received from the securities regulators of the Canadian Offering Jurisdictions and the
      approval of the TSX.
      Subject to the more complete description of the CEF to be set out in the prospectus supplement to be filed in relation
      to the CEF, the following is a summary of the terms of the CEF:
      Under the CEF:
      • we may require Haverstock to purchase, in the aggregate, up to $10,000,000 (the “Commitment Amount”)
      of Common Shares over a 36-month period beginning on September 14, 2009 and ending on September 14,
      • we may specify the amount (the “Investment Amount”) and timing of each draw down (a “Draw Down”)
      under the Committed Equity Facility Agreement. There is no minimum or mandatory Investment Amount
      and no non-usage fees;
      • if and when we give a draw down notice (the “Draw Down Notice”), Haverstock must (subject to certain
      conditions described under “Plan of Distribution”) purchase Common Shares (the “Subscription Shares”) in
      the amount equal to the Investment Amount, which amount is not to exceed the lower of (i) $500,000 for
      each Draw Down, or (ii) the remaining portion of the Commitment Amount;
      • the purchase price in relation to each Draw Down and with respect to the Subscription Shares purchased
      will be set at the higher of (a) 93.5% of the daily volume weighted average price as reported by Bloomberg,
      L.P. for each trading day of the Draw Down Pricing Period (as defined below); and (b) a minimum price set
      by ARISE in each Draw Down Notice (as defined below); and
      • in certain circumstances Haverstock may, at its discretion, reduce the Investment Amount.
      On September 24, 2009 ARISE announced that it had produced its first PV Cells at its German manufacturing plant
      which utilized silicon wafers produced by ARISE PV Silicon Division.
      Except as otherwise set forth in a Prospectus Supplement or Pricing Supplement, the net proceeds to us from the sale
      of the Securities will be used for general corporate purposes. A Prospectus Supplement will contain specific
      - 10 -
      information about the use of proceeds from the sale of the Securities under that Prospectus Supplement. We may
      from time to time issue securities otherwise than through the issue of Securities pursuant to this Prospectus.
      Subject to further disclosure in the prospectus supplement to be filed in connection with the Committed Equity
      Facility (the “CEF”) and assuming the necessary exemptive relief and TSX approvals are obtained in connection
      with the CEF (see “Risk Factors”), the Company expects to utilize the proceeds from the CEF as follows:
      At present, the Company expects to draw down approximately $1.0 million per month under the CEF. These funds
      will be used to primarily fund ongoing corporate overhead, enable the Company to finalize and execute its financing
      plans for its planned solar power generation projects and to enable the Company to complete its plans to establish a
      long term partnership to fully develop the PV silicon technology. Assuming that the global economy continues to
      recover and customer orders for solar cells also recover, the Company currently expects to become cash flow
      positive on an operational basis with the proceeds of the CEF.
      Additional capital raised pursuant to this prospectus in excess of the proceeds from the CEF may be used to restart
      and complete the Company’s PV silicon pilot plant project or may be used to fund specific projects of the PV
      systems division. These projects will not proceed unless such funding is secured.

      :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

      Diskussion bitte im anderen Thread.
      schrieb am 07.10.09 15:29:54
      Beitrag Nr. 760 ()
      Schon bekannt?:look:

      Rich Ontario incentives woo green power investors...… :cool:
      schrieb am 08.10.09 19:49:03
      Beitrag Nr. 761 ()…

      ...Recent developments indicate that a significant improvement in cell effect can be attained by way of a single pass Selective Emitter Process. The process is simple, cost effective and can be easily integrated into existing cell production operations,” says Paul Breddels, CEO of OTB Solar....:)

      schrieb am 10.10.09 21:43:13
      Beitrag Nr. 762 ()
      DerWesten - 10.10.2009…

      Solarzellenfabrik verkauft

      Gelsenkirchen. Das Rotthauser Solarzellenwerk ist nach WAZ-Information an einen kanadischen Konzern verkauft worden. Die Verträge sollen am Freitag in Düsseldorf unterzeichnet worden sein. Das ist eine gute Nachricht, heißt es
      Die Mitarbeiter des Werkes wurden schon schriftlich informiert. Kommende Woche soll der Firmenwechsel offiziell mitgeteilt werden. Die rund 60 Beschäftigten sind in Kurzarbeit, das Werk steht zurzeit still.

      Sjouke Zijlstra ist wohl wieder öfter in Gelsenkirchen Durch den Verkauf kommt ein alter Bekannter zumindest wieder öfter zurück nach Gelsenkirchen: der einstige Rotthauser Solarworld-Manager Sjouke Zijlstra, der Gelsenkirchen 2006 verlassen hatte und Deutschlandchef des kanadischen Unternehmens wurde, als das Solarwerk von Scheuten-Solar übernommen worden war. Dem Vernehmen nach ist der Verkauf mit guten Nachrichten für die Solarzellenfabrik verbunden.

      "Vom Verkauf profitieren alle Beteiligten"
      Scheuten Solar, das am Schalker Markt mit 230 Mitarbeitern Solarmodule herstellt, hatte die Solarzellen-Fabrik erst 2006 übernommen, und sich damit quasi selbst mit Zellenmaterial und „Wafern” zur Modulherstellung versorgt.

      Doch auch die Solarwirtschaft hat unter der Finanzkrise Federn gelassen, u.a. durch einen rapiden Preisverlust, wie es aus der Branche heißt. Zur neuen Strategie Scheutens gehört eben der Ausstieg aus der Zellen-Produktion in Gelsenkirchen. „Von dem Verkauf jetzt profitieren alle Beteiligten”, so ein Insider.
      schrieb am 10.10.09 21:46:22
      Beitrag Nr. 763 ()
      schrieb am 12.10.09 07:38:30
      Beitrag Nr. 764 ()
      OTB Solar, ARISE Technologies Report Progress With Selective Emitter Approach

      Friday 09 October 2009

      OTB Solar and ARISE Technologies Corp. say they have made "significant progress" in the development and deployment of OTB Solar's Single Pass Selective Emitter Process, in combination with a conventional diffusion furnace, to produce high-efficiency silicon-based photovoltaic cells.

      The Single Pass Process enables the deposition of the area emitter and selective emitter dopants in a single pass process sequence, thus reducing and eliminating the need for additional costly emitter-forming equipment, processes and materials, according to the companies.

      The emitter forming process under development at OTB Solar's Eindhoven Technology Center and ARISE's Bischofswerda PV Cell Production Fab utilizes OTB Solar's ELEMENTS Ink Jet Printing Deposition Platform. This industrial-scale product can be adjusted for the different throughput requirements of cell makers.

      SOURCES: OTB Solar, ARISE Technologies
      schrieb am 13.10.09 15:59:17
      Beitrag Nr. 765 ()
      schrieb am 13.10.09 16:00:46
      Beitrag Nr. 766 ()
      schrieb am 13.10.09 18:04:00
      Beitrag Nr. 767 ()
      schrieb am 14.10.09 21:01:01
      Beitrag Nr. 768 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 38.168.938 von Aktientitan am 13.10.09 18:04:00Gelsenkirchen Story - Teil II: Enge Kooperation mit Fraunhofer.…" target="_blank" rel="nofollow ugc noopener">…
      schrieb am 14.10.09 21:17:02
      Beitrag Nr. 769 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 38.179.139 von gigawatt am 14.10.09 21:01:01:eek::eek:
      schrieb am 20.10.09 10:12:46
      Beitrag Nr. 770 ()
      Danke allen für die Recherche. Aber Fakten müssen hier rein. ;)

      ...vom 19.10.2009

      OTB Solar and ARISE Technologies announce significant progress in development and deployment of innovative selective emitter approach OTB Solar and ARISE Technologies Corporation (TSX: APV and Frankfurt: A3T), which is dedicated to becoming a leader in high performance, high quality, cost-effective solar technology, have recently announced that their cooperation has resulted in significant progress in the development and deployment of OTB Solar's Single Pass Selective Emitter Process, in combination with a conventional P-doper diffusion furnace, to produce high efficiency silicon based photovoltaic cells.

      The Single Pass Process enables the deposition of the area emitter and selective emitter dopants in a single pass process sequence, thus reducing and eliminating the need for additional costly emitter forming equipment, processes and materials.

      The emitter forming process under development at OTB Solar's Eindhoven Technology Center and ARISE's Bischofswerda PV Cell Production Fab utilizes OTB Solar's ELEMENTS Ink Jet Printing Deposition Platform. This industrial scale product can be easily adjusted towards the different throughput requirements of cell makers.

      "Recent developments indicate that a significant improvement in cell effect can be attained by way of a single pass Selective Emitter Process. The process is simple, cost effective and can be easily integrated into existing cell production operations," says Paul Breddels, CEO of OTB Solar.

      Ian MacLellan, Vice Chairman, President of Systems Division and CTO of ARISE Technologies stated, "We have been looking at various selective emitter approaches and like this one because it is simpler to implement in production while keeping existing throughput on our production lines. These low volume results also demonstrate that we can implement this technology on our existing production lines. We look forward to working with OTB to develop a high volume solution to complement our strategy of a step by step approach to delivering on our high efficiency program for our customers and shareholders."

      schrieb am 20.10.09 19:16:44
      Beitrag Nr. 771 ()

      ARISE Technologies Ranked 103 Fastest-Growing Company in NA on Deloitte’s 2009 Technology Fast 500
      Waterloo, ON, October 20, 2009 – ARISE Technologies Corporation(TSX: APV and Frankfurt: A3T), which is dedicated to becoming a leader in high-performance, high-quality, cost-effective solar technology, today announced that it ranked number 103 in North America on Deloitte’s 2009 Technology Fast 500™.

      Deloitte’s 2009 Technology Fast 500 is a ranking of the 500 fastest-growing technology, media, telecommunications, life sciences, and clean-technology companies in North America. Rankings are based on percentage of fiscal year revenue growth during the five-year period from 2004–2008. ARISE grew 1,750% during this period.

      “We are honored to be recognized by Deloitte twice in succession,” commented ARISE’s Chief Executive Officer and President, Vern Heinrichs. “Earlier this month, Deloitte’s Fast 50™ list for Canada ranked ARISE in 15th place.”

      “ARISE is very active in pursuing initiatives aimed at driving our growth in the future and we hope that will enable us to climb further up in Deloitte’s future rankings,” said Ian MacLellan, Chief Technology Officer and President of ARISE’s PV Systems Division. “For example, the timing of this recognition dovetails with our recent announcement of our plans to create a Technology Centre in Gelsenkirchen, Germany. The new Technology Centre represents a key element in our broader technology strategy. The Centre is expected to enable ARISE to perform rigorous pre-production testing of our high-efficiency technology prior to introducing the technology into our commercial PV cell manufacturing operations. We plan to roll out our proprietary technology in the next several years, and expect to make significant inroads toward our ultimate goal of producing high-efficiency ARISE cells."

      “Deloitte’s Technology Fast 500 recognizes innovative companies that have broken down barriers to success and defied the odds with their remarkable five-year revenue growth. We congratulate ARISE on this accomplishment,” said John Ruffolo, National Leader, Technology, Media & Telecommunications Industry Group, Deloitte. “With its impressive five-year growth, ARISE Technologies has earned its position among the fastest-growing technology, media, telecommunications, life sciences, and clean-technology companies in North America. Deloitte is proud to honor ARISE for its achievement.”

      Overall, companies that ranked on the 2009 Technology Fast 500 had growth rates ranging from 212% to 146,050% over five years, with an average growth rate of 2,486%.

      Technology Fast 500 Selection and Qualifying Criteria

      The Technology Fast 500 award program ranks the fastest growing technology, media, telecommunications, life sciences and clean technology companies in North America. It is compiled from nominations submitted directly to the Technology Fast 500 website, and public company database research conducted by Deloitte. Deloitte’s 2009 Technology Fast 500 award winners are selected based on percentage fiscal year revenue growth during the five year period from 2004 to 2008.
      In order to be eligible for Technology Fast 500 recognition, companies must own proprietary intellectual property or proprietary technology that contributes to a significant portion of the company's operating revenues. Using other companies' technology or intellectual property in a unique way does not qualify. Consulting companies, professional service firms, etc. are not eligible unless they have proprietary technology that contributes to a significant portion of their operating revenues. Technology Fast 500 award eligibility requirements include base-year operating revenues of at least $50,000 USD or CD, and current-year operating revenues of at least $5 million USD or CD. Additionally, these revenues must have more than doubled between 2004 and 2008. Also, companies must be in business for a minimum of five years, and be headquartered within North America.

      About Deloitte

      As used in this document, “Deloitte” means Deloitte LLP. Please see for a detailed description of the legal structure of Deloitte LLP and its subsidiaries.

      About ARISE Technologies

      ARISE Technologies Corporation, based in Waterloo, Ontario, is dedicated to becoming a leader in high-performance, cost-effective solar technology. The company operates through three divisions. The PV Cell Division manufactures PV (photovoltaic) cells at its first manufacturing plant opened in April 2008 in Bischofswerda, Germany. The division is developing proprietary technology with a target of achieving a step-by-step progression to a high-efficiency level of greater than 20%. The PV Silicon Division is using a proprietary method to produce silicon at 7N+ high-purity (99.99999% purity) for PV cell applications, based on a simplified chemical vapor deposition process. The division is focusing on scaling up its process to provide ARISE with control over its supply, costs, and quality. The PV Systems Division has been providing PV solutions for solar farms and rooftop installations since 1996 throughout North America. ARISE is planning to expand its Systems business in Ontario under the Ontario FIT (Feed-In-Tariff) program.
      The company’s shares are listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange under the symbol APV and on the Frankfurt Open Market Exchange under the symbol A3T. Additional information is available at and

      Forward-Looking Statements

      Certain statements in this news release may be considered to be forward-looking. Such statements are based on management’s current expectations, estimations, and assumptions based on experience, trends, and other factors that are subject to the significant risks and uncertainties described in our regulatory filings. Please refer to these. Such risks and uncertainties may include, but are not limited to, the effects of general economic conditions, changing foreign exchange rates, actions by government authorities, uncertainties associated with legal proceedings and negotiations, industry supply levels, competitive pricing pressures and misjudgments in the course of preparing forward-looking statements. ARISE assumes no obligation to update any forward-looking statements or to update the reasons why actual results could differ from those reflected in the forward-looking statements.
      ARISE Technologies Corporation
      65 Northland Road, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2V 1Y8
      Dave Chornaby, Chief Financial Officer, (519) 772-5732
      schrieb am 20.10.09 19:18:38
      Beitrag Nr. 772 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 38.216.302 von Brisca am 20.10.09 19:16:44;)…
      schrieb am 21.10.09 19:16:29
      Beitrag Nr. 773 ()
      Scheuten Solar verkauft Solarzellen-Produktion in Deutschland an ARISE Technologies
      Ehemalige Solarzellen-Fabrik von Shell Solar in Gelsenkirchen

      Ehemalige Solarzellen-Fabrik
      von Shell Solar in Gelsenkirchen

      Der Solarmodul-Hersteller Scheuten Solar, mit Hauptsitz im niederländischen Venlo, berichtet in einer Pressemitteilung, dass das Unternehmen einen vielschichtigen Vertrag mit dem Photovoltaik-Produzenten ARISE (Waterloo, Ontario, Kanada und Bischofswerda, Deutschland) geschlossen habe. Die ARISE Technologies sei im Begriff, einer der führenden Anbieter hochwertiger, kosteneffektiver Solartechnologie zu werden. Der Vertrag sei die Grundlage für die Verwirklichung eines Zentrums für Solarzellen-Technologie in Deutschland. Die Entscheidung dafür gehe auf strategische Pläne von Scheuten Solar zurück, die den Schwerpunkt auf andere Stufen der solaren Wertschöpfungskette setzen würden, so das Unternehmen in der Pressemitteilung. Scheuten Solar habe mit ARISE einen Mietvertrag für die Solarzellen-Fabrik in Gelsenkirchen unterschrieben. ARISE werde das Gebäude als Technologiezentrum mit einer Pilot-Produktionslinie nutzen, um die hoch effiziente Solarzellentechnologie des Unternehmens zu vermarkten. Scheuten ziehe in Erwägung, das Fabrikgebäude und das zugehörige Grundstück 2012 an ARISE zu verkaufen. Zudem habe Scheuten Solar bereits die Anlagen der Solarzellen-Fabrik inklusive des Inventars verkauft.

      Arbeitsplätze sollen erhalten bleiben

      ARISE werde alle Beschäftigten in Gelsenkirchen übernehmen, betont Scheuten Solar. Die 4.350 m² große Fabrik sei von Shell Solar gebaut und 2000 in Betrieb genommen worden. "Um unser auf Hocheffizienz ausgerichtetes Solarzellen-Programm beibehalten zu können, ist dies ein wichtiger Teil unserer Strategie, uns am Markt hervorzuheben", erklärt Vern Heinrichs, Vorsitzender und Geschäftsführer von ARISE. "Wir freuen uns, dass wir uns mit diesem wichtigen Schritt nach vorne bewegen können. Diese Vereinbarung ist der erste Schritt der nächsten Phase unseres Technologie-Vermarktungsprogramms. Wir erwarten, dass es einige Monate dauern wird, um Finanzierung, Partnerschaften und andere Aspekte, die notwendig sind, um unser Programm anlaufen zu lassen, zum Abschluss zu bringen."

      "Die weltweite Krise hat unsere Pläne beschleunigt. Der Verkauf der Solarzellenfabrik passt gut in unsere Geschäftsstrategie, war aber ursprünglich erst für 2010 vorgesehen. Wir freuen uns sehr, dass beide Parteien es geschafft haben, alle Arbeitsplätze zu sichern“, betont Frans van den Heuvel, Geschäftsführer von Scheuten Solar.

      20.10.2009 Quelle: Scheuten Solar © Heindl Server GmbH
      Bildquelle: Deutsche Shell AG, TOP 10 SOLAR-NEWS die wichtigsten Solarnachrichten auf einen Blick.
      schrieb am 02.11.09 17:28:46
      Beitrag Nr. 774 ()
      ARISE Comments on Preliminary Third Quarter 2009 Results
      Monday, 02 November 2009

      ARISE today provided preliminary comments regarding the company's 2009 third quarter results and also issued an outlook for 2009 fourth-quarter.…


      Waterloo, Ontario Canada, November 2, 2009

      ARISE Technologies Corporation (“ARISE” or “the Company”) (TSX: APV and Frankfurt: A3T), a leader in high-performance, high-quality, cost-effective solar technology, today announced that its shipments of photovoltaic (“PV”) cells in the third quarter ended September 30, 2009 were approximately 3.5MW, a 21% increase from the 2.9MW shipped in the second quarter, for a total of approximately 8.7MW shipped through the first nine months of the year.

      ARISE also reported that in the first month of the fourth quarter, it shipped 2.3MW of PV cells, bringing its year-to-date shipment total to 11MW. For 2009, ARISE expects its total PV cell shipments to external customers to exceed 15MW, compared to 11.2MW in 2008.

      “Our 2009 third-quarter shipments, production output, and PV cell manufacturing metrics were a solid improvement over the second quarter of 2009,” said Vern Heinrichs, President and Chief Executive Officer. “We expect fourth quarter shipments to be about 7MW and that our subsidiary, ARISE Technologies Deutschland GmbH, which operates our PV cell factory in Germany will have a positive EBITDA. Preliminary results for October show that the PV cell factory had a positive EBITDA for the month.”

      Management uses net income (loss) as presented in the consolidated statements of loss and comprehensive loss as well as EBITDA (“Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation and Amortization”) as measures to access performance of the Company. EBITDA is a non-GAAP financial measure.

      ARISE plans to release its 2009 third-quarter and nine-month financial results after the close of trading on the Toronto Stock Exchange on Wednesday, November 11, 2009. The Company will hold a conference call and webcast for investors on November 12, 2009 at 8:30 a.m. (Eastern).

      Third quarter 2009 revenues from PV cells are expected to total approximately $6.5 million, compared with $15.8 million in the third quarter of 2008, and $6.6 million in the second quarter of this year. Total PV cell sales for the first nine months of the year are expected to total approximately $19.9 million, compared to $16.0 million for the first nine months of 2008.

      The Company’s focus on tightly managing costs is expected to result in a further reduction in operating expenses during the third quarter of 2009, which should be down from the second quarter of the year.

      For the three-months ending September 30, 2009, ARISE expects to report total revenue of approximately $6.6 million (consisting of PV cells shipments and sales from its Systems Division) and a net loss of approximately $5.4 million or between $0.04 and $0.05 per basic and diluted common share. This compares to a net loss of $8.2 million or $0.06 per basic and diluted common share on sales of $15.9 million, in the third quarter of 2008. In the second quarter of 2009, the Company reported a net loss of $13.5 million or $0.11 per basic and diluted common share on sales of $6.6 million. For the nine-months ended September 30, 2009, ARISE expects to report total revenue of $20.4 million, compared to $16.8 million for the same period in 2008.

      ARISE expects the amount of inventory write-downs in the third quarter of 2009 to be far less significant than the write-downs in the second quarter of this year. Inventory write-downs in prior quarters were necessitated, in part, by the global decline in pricing for PV cells and silicon that has taken place since the end of 2008. In recent months, PV cell prices have stabilized as the German market showed a significant increase in demand. Until it starts to generate revenue from its Systems Division, which the Company expects to benefit from the recently announced Ontario Green Energy Act feed-in tariff (“FIT”) program, ARISE will derive virtually all of its sales from its PV cell operations.

      Early in the fourth quarter, some customers identified a yield issue in their module manufacturing process, which was attributable to some ARISE PV cells produced late in the third quarter. ARISE replaced the entire lot and has returned those cells into inventory. The ARISE PV cell process issue was identified and has been resolved. All customers confirmed that they are pleased with the quality of ARISE’s ongoing PV cell production. No shipments or sales of the affected cells are included in the Company’s third-quarter results. These cells are now included in inventory at a value of $2.9 million, net of a $0.9 million provision to allow for the possible decreased yield in the module manufacturing process. The Company intends to convert these cells into modules, which are expected to be deployed in ARISE systems in 2010. The provision is included in the cost of goods sold during the third quarter of 2009.

      The Company continues to restrict capital investments mainly to those required for its current operations and is carefully managing its available capital. As at September 30, 2009, ARISE had cash and cash equivalents of $460,000 of which $250,000 was restricted. Restricted cash consists of funds held in escrow for the completion of leasehold improvements for the Kitchener, Ontario silicon plant.

      On October 2, 2009, the Company received a receipt for its (final) base shelf prospectus in respect to the potential issuance of up to $50 million in ARISE securities. As previously announced, the Company has entered into a $10 million Committed Equity Facility Agreement with Haverstock Master Fund, Ltd. (“Haverstock”). The filing of the (final) base shelf prospectus was one prerequisite to the Company being able to drawdown on the Facility.
      Other requirements include Haverstock's completion of its due diligence process and the obtaining of necessary regulatory exemptive relief and approvals. The Company and Haverstock continue to work towards receiving the necessary regulatory exemptive relief and approvals to allow for the drawdown on the Facility.

      On Oct. 29, 2009, the Company received an unsecured bridge loan for $250,000 for its Canadian operations. The bridge loan bears interest of 20% per annum and matures in 60 days. ARISE also expects to file today (November 2, 2009) a preliminary prospectus supplement under its base shelf prospectus in respect of a proposed non-brokered offering of units consisting of one share and one share purchase warrant for gross proceeds of up to $1 million. Closing of such offering is subject to the approval of the Toronto Stock Exchange and the entering into of binding subscription agreements.

      The Company continues discussions with Commerzbank AG (“Commerzbank”), with respect to the CAPEX and Working Capital Facility Agreements for the German cell production entity ARISE Technologies Deutschland GmbH. The Company expects these discussions, which are aimed at restructuring the financing to reflect the current market environment, to be finalized by the end of December 2009. If ARISE cannot meet certain existing covenants, the bank would be in a position to demand the immediate repayment of its credit facility and enforce on its security. Further, the Company could be required to reclassify its long-term debt as current debt. ARISE is continuing to renegotiate covenants with Commerzbank.

      “We are working to address our working capital issues and expect them to be resolved this quarter,” stated Mr. Heinrichs. “With our focus on producing results in our three divisions, we believe that our various funding plans should result in having the capital to execute on our 2010 plan. Our systems division is also seeing strong interest stemming from the Ontario FIT program. We expect this division to be a source of significant revenue growth in the coming quarters and years.”

      About ARISE Technologies

      ARISE Technologies Corporation, based in Waterloo, Ontario, is dedicated to becoming a leader in high-performance, cost-effective solar technology. The company operates through three divisions. The PV Cell Division manufactures PV (photovoltaic) cells at its first manufacturing plant opened in April 2008 in Bischofswerda, Germany. The division is developing proprietary technology with a target of achieving a step-by-step progression to a high-efficiency level of greater than 20%. The PV Silicon Division is using a proprietary method to produce silicon at 7N+ high-purity (99.99999% purity) for PV cell applications, based on a simplified chemical vapor deposition process. The division is focusing on scaling up its process to provide ARISE with control over its supply, costs, and quality. The PV Systems Division has been providing PV solutions for solar farms and rooftop installations since 1996 throughout North America. ARISE is planning to expand its systems business in Ontario under the Ontario FIT (Feed-In-Tariff) program.

      The company’s shares are listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange under the symbol APV and on the Frankfurt Open Market Exchange under the symbol A3T. Additional information is available at and

      Forward-Looking Statements and Risk Factors

      Certain statements in this news release may be considered to be forward-looking. Such statements are based on management’s current expectations, estimations, and assumptions based on experience, trends, and other factors that are subject to the significant risks and uncertainties described in our regulatory filings. Please refer to these. Such risks and uncertainties may include, but are not limited to, the effects of general economic conditions, changing foreign exchange rates, actions by government authorities, the requirement for additional capital, risks associated with manufacturing, industry supply levels, competitive pricing pressures and misjudgements in the course of preparing forward-looking statements.

      Risk factors relating to ARISE are discussed in the Risk Factors section of ARISE’s Annual Information Form and under the headings Liquidity and Capital Resources and Risk and Uncertainties in ARISE’s year-end Management’s Discussion and Analysis which are or will be available at These factors should be considered carefully, and readers should not place undue reliance on ARISE’s forward-looking statements. ARISE assumes no obligation to update any forward-looking statements or to update the reasons why actual results could differ from those reflected in the forward-looking statements.

      ARISE Technologies Corporation
      65 Northland Road, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2V 1Y8
      Dave Chornaby, Chief Financial Officer, (519) 772-5732
      schrieb am 03.11.09 07:14:45
      Beitrag Nr. 775 ()
      schrieb am 05.11.09 21:01:00
      Beitrag Nr. 776 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 38.306.750 von Tirolesi am 03.11.09 07:14:45
      schrieb am 12.11.09 10:32:18
      Beitrag Nr. 777 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 38.330.630 von gigawatt am 05.11.09 21:01:00ARISE Technologies Reports Third-Quarter 2009 Results

      On November 2, 2009, ARISE issued a release commenting on preliminary
      third-quarter 2009 results and providing management's outlook for the
      fourth quarter. The release is available at or

      WATERLOO, ON, Nov. 11 /CNW/ - ARISE Technologies Corporation (TSX: APV and Frankfurt: A3T), which is dedicated to becoming a leader in high-performance, high-quality, cost-effective solar technology, today reported its financial results for the third quarter and nine months ended September 30, 2009. Financial results conform to Canadian generally accepted accounting principles and all currency amounts are in Canadian dollars unless otherwise noted. These results are substantially the same as the preliminary results released on November 2, 2009.

      Third Quarter Highlights:

      - Received Letter of Intent from Germany's NRW for up to
      (euro) 9.54 million
      - Announced creation of ARISE Technology Centre
      - Ranked 15th on the Deloitte Technology Fast 50(TM) list of Canadian
      - Welcomed the launch of Ontario's Feed-in Tariff ("FIT") program
      - Produced first PV cells using ARISE 7N+ silicon
      - Signed installation agreement with
      - Entered agreement in respect of $10 million equity facility
      - Conference call and webcast to be held Thursday, November 12,
      8:30 am (ET)

      "The third quarter of 2009 was an important period for ARISE. After working through the downturn in the solar industry, we began to see positive signs of increased demand in the marketplace. As we announced earlier this month in our preliminary results release, we are also beginning to see improvement across all of our businesses. Third-quarter shipments, production output, and PV cell manufacturing metrics all improved, compared with the second quarter of this year," said Vern Heinrichs, ARISE's President and Chief Executive Officer.

      "We expect fourth-quarter shipments to be about 7 MW, which should help us to exceed our target of 15 MW in shipments by the end of 2009."

      "We continue to face working capital issues but have undertaken a number of initiatives in an effort to resolve them," stated Mr. Heinrichs. "We remain focused on driving towards profitability in each of our Divisions and diversifying our revenue streams through the growth of our Systems Division. We believe the Ontario Green Energy Act's FIT program has the potential to be a catalyst for significant growth for our Systems business. We also expect to increase our PV cell production at our German plant early in 2010."

      "This has been a challenging time for ARISE but we remain committed to our vision and strategy for the company. We have emerged from a nearly unprecedented period of economic turmoil and believe that the future is bright for the solar industry. We are addressing our near-term challenges and expect to begin 2010 well-positioned to reach our long-term goals," added Mr. Heinrichs.

      Financial Overview

      Third quarter 2009 sales amounted to $6.6 million, compared with $15.9 million in the 2008 period. Sales for the first nine months of 2009 were $20.4 million, compared with $16.8 million in the first nine months of 2008. PV cells accounted for 98.3% of 2009 third-quarter sales and 97.5% for the first nine months of the year, with the balance in both periods being generated by the Company's Systems Division. Sales declines in the quarter were largely attributable to significant industry-wide PV cell price reductions, deferral of purchases by customers, and a manufacturing yield issue affecting ARISE PV cells produced late in the third quarter. The yield issue has since been resolved. ARISE believes the purchase reductions are a temporary result of the global recession.

      Gross loss for the third quarter of 2009 was $2.0 million, compared with a loss of $2.6 million in the 2008 period. The gross loss was largely realized by the PV Cell Division which reported a loss of $2.0 million for the period. Also included in the gross loss for the quarter is a $945,000 provision reported by the PV Cell Division against the inventory affected by the yield issue noted above. For the first nine months of 2009, gross loss was $20.3 million, compared with a loss of $3.9 million in the first nine months of 2008. The significant increase in gross loss is mainly due to a $14.9 million valuation write-down of inventory related assets.

      ARISE continues to focus on tightly managing its costs. Operating expenses for the 2009 third quarter were $4.5 million, compared with $5.0 million in the 2008 period. For the first nine months of 2009, operating expenses were $15.3 million, down from $16.0 million in the 2008 period. Operating expenses are comprised of research and development, general and administrative, selling and marketing, and depreciation and amortization.

      R&D expenses decreased marginally to $1.4 million in the 2009 third quarter from $1.5 million in the same period in 2008. For the nine months ended September 30, 2009, R&D expenses increased to $5.7 million from $4.5 million in the first nine months of 2008.

      General and administrative (G&A) expenses declined to $2.2 million in the 2009 third quarter compared with $2.5 million in the 2008 third quarter, mainly due to decreased stock-based compensation expense. For the nine months ended September 30, 2009, G&A expenses were $7.0 million, down from $9.1 million for the same period the prior year.

      Selling and marketing expenses for the 2009 third quarter were $426,000, compared with $569,000 in the third quarter of 2008. For the nine months ended September 30, 2009, selling and marketing expenses were $1.2 million, compared with $1.6 million in the same period in 2008. For both 2009 periods, the decrease was predominately due to reduced consulting and feasibility expenses.

      Net interest expense for the third quarter was $518,000, compared with $704,000 in the 2008 period. Despite increased borrowing from Commerzbank AG, interest expense decreased as a result of lower EONIA and EURIBOR interest rates. For the nine months ended September 30, 2009, net interest expense was $1.7 million, compared with $749,000 for the first nine months of 2008.

      Other income and expenses in the 2009 third quarter, includes a foreign exchange gain of $1.6 million, compared with a foreign exchange gain of $238,000 in the same quarter of 2008. Other income and expenses in the first nine months of 2009 includes a foreign exchange gain of $2.9 million, compared with a foreign exchange gain of $713,000 in the 2008 period. The largest component of the foreign exchange gain resulted from the translation into Canadian dollars of financial liabilities of the company's wholly owned subsidiary, ARISE Technologies Deutschland GmbH, ("ARISE Germany"), which are denominated in Euros.

      ARISE recorded a net loss for the third quarter 2009 of $5.4 million (a loss of $0.04 per basic and diluted share), compared with a net loss $8.2 million (a loss of $0.06 per basic and diluted share) in the 2008 quarter. The decreased net loss for the quarter is due to improved gross profit, decreased operating expenses, and a significant foreign exchange gain. For the first nine months of 2009, the net loss amounted to $33.8 million (a loss of $0.27 per basic and diluted share), compared with a net loss of $20.1 million (a loss of $0.17 per basic and diluted share) in the 2008 first nine months. On a year-to-date basis, net loss increased largely due to a $14.9 million valuation write-down of an inventory asset.

      Liquidity and Capital Resources

      As at September 30, 2009, ARISE had negative working capital of $38.9 million consisting of current assets of $25.3 million less current liabilities of $64.2 million. This compares with negative working capital at June 30, 2009 of $27.1 million consisting of current assets of $35.6 million less current liabilities of $62.6 million. The increase in negative working capital reflects the reclassification of long term debt as a current liability and increased prepaid expenses and decreased deferred revenue offset by decreased cash and cash equivalents. In order for debt to be classified as "long-term" debt covenants are required to be met at the balance sheet date and must be expected to be met over the upcoming twelve months. Given that ARISE may not meet its covenants with Commerzbank AG, long term debt has been reclassified as a current liability on the balance sheet at September 30, 2009.

      Cash and cash equivalents and restricted cash at September 30, 2009 totaled $461,000, a decrease of $2.6 million since June 30, 2009. Restricted cash, which comprises funds held in escrow for the completion of leasehold improvements for the Silicon pilot plant totaled $250,000 at September 30, 2009 and June 30, 2009. Current liabilities include deferred revenue of $5.7 million which represents customer deposits received by ARISE ($8.9 million at June 30, 2009).

      Subsequent Events

      As previously announced, on October 2, 2009, the Company received a receipt for its (final) base shelf prospectus with respect to the potential issuance of up to $50 million in ARISE securities. As previously announced, the Company has entered into a $10 million Committed Equity Facility Agreement with Haverstock Master Fund, Ltd. ("Haverstock"). The filing of the (final) base shelf prospectus was one prerequisite to the Company being able to draw down on the Facility. Other requirements include Haverstock's completion of its due diligence process and the obtaining of necessary regulatory exemptive relief and approvals. The Company and Haverstock continue to work towards receiving the necessary regulatory exemptive relief and approvals to allow for the drawdown on the Facility.

      On Oct. 29, 2009, the Company received an unsecured bridge loan for $250,000 for its Canadian operations. The bridge loan bears interest of 20% per annum and matures on December 29, 2009.

      On November 2, 2009, ARISE filed a preliminary prospectus supplement under its base shelf prospectus with respect to a proposed non-brokered offering of units consisting of one share and one share purchase warrant for gross proceeds of up to $1 million. Closing of such offering is subject to the approval of the Toronto Stock Exchange and the entering into of binding subscription agreements.

      On November 6, 2009, the Company entered into a loan arrangement in respect of $500,000 and issued a $500,000 unsecured promissory note to MacLellan Management Ltd., a corporation controlled by Ian MacLellan,a director and officer of the Company. The 60 day loan bears interest at 8% per annum in addition to a $5,000 arrangement fee.

      The Company continues discussions with Commerzbank AG, ("Commerzbank") with respect to the CAPEX and Working Capital Facility Agreements for the German cell production entity, ARISE Germany. The Company expects these discussions, which are aimed at restructuring the financing to reflect the current market environment, to be finalized by the end of December 2009. If ARISE cannot meet certain existing covenants, the bank would be in a position to demand the immediate repayment of its credit facility and enforce on its security. ARISE is continuing to renegotiate covenants with Commerzbank.

      In addition, ARISE continues to explore a number of possible small private-placement financings.

      Conference Call and Webcast

      ARISE will hold a conference call for analysts and investors at 8:30 a.m. (Eastern) on Thursday, November 12. The company will file its financial statements, and Management Discussion and Analysis with SEDAR and these documents will be available on ARISE's website prior to the conference call. Vern Heinrichs, Chairman, and President and Chief Executive Officer, and Dave Chornaby, Chief Financial Officer, will be available to answer questions during the call.

      To participate in the call, please dial (416) 644-3421 or 1-800-814-4861 (Canada and the U.S. only) at least five minutes prior to the start of the call.

      A live audio webcast of the conference call will be available at and

      An archived recording of the call will be available at 416-640-1917 or 1-877-289-8525 (Canada and the U.S. only) (Pass code 4171959 followed by the number sign) from 10:30 a.m. on November 12, to 11:59 p.m. on November 19, 2009.
      schrieb am 26.11.09 12:37:49
      Beitrag Nr. 778 ()

      ARISE Completes First Closing of Fully Subscribed $2.0 Million Non-Brokered Offering

      Waterloo, Ontario Canada, November 18, 2009

      ARISE Technologies Corporation (TSX: APV and Frankfurt: A3T), which is dedicated to becoming a leader in high-performance, high-quality, cost-effective solar technology, today announced the completion of the first closing in connection with its non-brokered offering of up to 6,666,666 Units at a price of $0.30 per Unit for gross proceeds of up to $2.0 million. ARISE has received subscriptions for the entire $2.0 million offering and the initial closing was in respect of $1.72 million. It is expected that a second closing will occur on or about November 24, 2009 for the remainder of the offering.

      Each Unit consists of one common share and one common share purchase warrant. Each share purchase warrant is exercisable into one common share at a price of $0.35 per common share if exercised before November 6, 2010 and at a price of $0.40 per common share if exercised between November 7, 2010 and November 6, 2011. The share purchase warrants expire on November 6, 2011 unless such date is accelerated in accordance with the terms of the share purchase warrants. The expiry date of the warrants may be accelerated if the closing trading price of the common shares exceeds $0.60 for twenty consecutive trading days.

      The common shares being issued in the offering, including the common shares to be issued on exercise of the warrants have been conditionally approved for listing on the Toronto Stock Exchange. Following the second closing and assuming exercise of the share purchase warrants issued in the offering there will be 140,109,428 ARISE common shares issued and outstanding.

      As previously announced, a total amount of $855,000 of debt owed by ARISE to MacLellan Management Limited and Hildon Trading Inc. has been exchanged in the Offering for 2,850,000 Units.

      About ARISE Technologies

      ARISE Technologies Corporation, based in Waterloo, Ontario, is dedicated to becoming a leader in high-performance, cost-effective solar technology. The company operates through three divisions. The PV Cell Division manufactures PV (photovoltaic) cells at its first manufacturing plant opened in April 2008 in Bischofswerda, Germany. The divisionis developing proprietary technology with a target of achieving a step-by-step progression to a high-efficiency level of greater than 20%. The PV Silicon Division is using a proprietary method to produce silicon at 7N+ high-purity (99.99999% purity) for PV cell applications, based on a simplified chemical vapor deposition process. The division is focusing on scaling up its process to provide ARISE with control over its supply, costs, and quality. The PV Systems Division has been providing PV solutions for solar farms and rooftop installations since 1996 throughout North America. ARISE is planning to expand its systems business in Ontario under the Ontario FIT (Feed-In Tariff) program.

      The company’s shares are listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange under the symbol APV and on the Frankfurt Open Market Exchange under the symbol A3T. Additional information is available at and

      Forward-Looking Statements and Risk Factors

      Certain statements in this news release may be considered to be forward-looking. Such statements are based on management’s current expectations, estimations, and assumptions based on experience, trends, and other factors that are subject to the significant risks and uncertainties described in our regulatory filings. Please refer to these. Such risks and uncertainties may include, but are not limited to, the effects of general economic conditions, changing foreign exchange rates, actions by government authorities, the requirement for additional capital, risks associated with manufacturing, , industry supply levels, competitive pricing pressures and misjudgements in the course of preparing forward-looking statements.

      Risk factors relating to ARISE are discussed in the Risk Factors section of ARISE’s Annual Information Form and under the headings Liquidity and Capital Resources and Risk and Uncertainties in ARISE’s year-end Management’s Discussion and Analysis which are or will be available at These factors should be considered carefully, and readers should not place undue reliance on ARISE’s forward-looking statements.

      ARISE assumes no obligation to update any forward-looking statements or to update the reasons why actual results could differ from those reflected in the forward-looking statements.

      ARISE Technologies Corporation
      65 Northland Road, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2V 1Y8
      Dave Chornaby, Chief Financial Officer, (519) 772-5732…
      schrieb am 26.11.09 12:44:03
      Beitrag Nr. 779 ()

      ARISE Completes Second Closing for remainder of $2.0 Million Non-Brokered Offering

      Waterloo, Ontario Canada, November 25, 2009

      ARISE Technologies Corporation (TSX: APV and Frankfurt: A3T), which is dedicated to becoming a leader in high-performance, high-quality, cost-effective solar technology, today announced the completion of the second closing in connection with its non-brokered offering of up to 6,666,666 Units at a price of $0.30 per Unit for gross proceeds of up to $2.0 million. This closing, in respect of approximately $280,000 of Units, completes the fully subscribed $2.0 million offering.

      Each Unit consists of one common share and one common share purchase warrant. Each share purchase warrant is exercisable into one common share at a price of $0.35 per common share if exercised before November 6, 2010 and at a price of $0.40 per common share if exercised between November 7, 2010 and November 6, 2011. The share purchase warrants expire on November 6, 2011 unless such date is accelerated in accordance with the terms of the share purchase warrants. The expiry date of the warrants may be accelerated if the closing trading price of the common shares exceeds $0.60 for twenty consecutive trading days.

      The common shares being issued in the offering, including the common shares to be issued on exercise of the warrants have been conditionally approved for listing on the Toronto Stock Exchange. Assuming exercise of the share purchase warrants issued in the offering there will be 140,109,428 ARISE common shares issued and outstanding.

      About ARISE Technologies

      ARISE Technologies Corporation, based in Waterloo, Ontario, is dedicated to becoming a leader in high-performance, cost-effective solar technology. The company operates through three divisions. The PV Cell Division manufactures PV (photovoltaic) cells at its first manufacturing plant opened in April 2008 in Bischofswerda, Germany. The division is developing proprietary technology with a target of achieving a step-by-step progression to a high-efficiency level of greater than 20%. The PV Silicon Division is using a proprietary method to produce silicon at 7N+ high-purity (99.99999% purity) for PV cell applications, based on a simplified chemical vapor deposition process. The division is focusing on scaling up its process to provide ARISE with control over itssupply, costs, and quality. The PV Systems Division has been providing PV solutions for solar farms and rooftop installations since 1996 throughout North America. ARISE is planning to expand its systems business in Ontario under the Ontario FIT (Feed-In Tariff) program.

      The company’s shares are listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange under the symbol APV and on the Frankfurt Open Market Exchange under the symbol A3T. Additional information is available at and

      Forward-Looking Statements and Risk Factors

      Certain statements in this news release may be considered to be forward-looking. Such statements are based on management’s current expectations, estimations, and assumptions based on experience, trends, and other factors that are subject to the significant risks and uncertainties described in our regulatory filings. Please refer to these. Such risks and uncertainties may include, but are not limited to, the effects of general economic conditions, changing foreign exchange rates, actions by government authorities, the requirement for additional capital, risks associated with manufacturing, , industry supply levels, competitive pricing pressures and misjudgements in the course of preparing forward-looking statements.

      Risk factors relating to ARISE are discussed in the Risk Factors section of ARISE’s Annual Information Form and under the headings Liquidity and Capital Resources and Risk and Uncertainties in ARISE’s year-end Management’s Discussion and Analysis which are or will be available at These factors should be considered carefully, and readers should not place undue reliance on ARISE’s forward-looking statements.

      ARISE assumes no obligation to update any forward-looking statements or to update the reasons why actual results could differ from those reflected in the forward-looking statements.

      ARISE Technologies Corporation
      65 Northland Road, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2V 1Y8
      Doug McCollam, Chief Financial Officer, (519) 775-1144…
      schrieb am 30.11.09 15:23:33
      Beitrag Nr. 780 ()
      ARISE Discussing Possible Transaction Involving Silicon Technology Assets

      WATERLOO, ON, Nov. 30 /CNW/

      ARISE Technologies Corporation ("ARISE" or "the Company") (TSX: APV and Frankfurt: A3T), a leader in high-performance, high-quality, cost-effective solar technology, today announced that it has signed a non-binding Expression of Interest with a Fortune 500 company regarding a possible transaction involving ARISE's 7N+ high-purity (99.99999% purity) silicon technology assets.

      ARISE has granted the other party a specific period of exclusivity within which to conduct detailed due diligence, develop a business plan with ARISE and establish terms for a potential definitive agreement. No specific terms or value has been determined or agreed to between the parties at this point.

      About ARISE Technologies

      ARISE Technologies Corporation, based in Waterloo, Ontario, is dedicated to becoming a leader in high-performance, cost-effective solar technology. The company operates through three divisions. The PV Cell Division manufactures PV (photovoltaic) cells at its first manufacturing plant opened in April 2008 in Bischofswerda, Germany. The division is developing proprietary technology with a target of achieving a step-by-step progression to a high-efficiency level of greater than 20%. The PV Silicon Division is using a proprietary method to produce silicon at 7N+ high-purity (99.99999% purity) for PV cell applications, based on a simplified chemical vapor deposition process. The division is focusing on scaling up its process to provide ARISE with control over its supply, costs, and quality. The PV Systems Division has been providing PV solutions for solar farms and rooftop installations since 1996 throughout North America. ARISE is planning to expand its systems business in Ontario under the Ontario FIT (Feed-In Tariff) program.

      The company's shares are listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange under the symbol APV and on the Frankfurt Open Market Exchange under the symbol A3T. Additional information is available at and

      Forward-Looking Statements and Risk Factors

      Certain statements in this news release may be considered to be forward-looking. Such statements are based on management's current expectations, estimations, and assumptions based on experience, trends, and other factors that are subject to the significant risks and uncertainties described in our regulatory filings. Please refer to these. Such risks and uncertainties may include, but are not limited to, the effects of general economic conditions, changing foreign exchange rates, actions by government authorities, the requirement for additional capital, risks associated with manufacturing, industry supply levels, competitive pricing pressures and misjudgements in the course of preparing forward-looking statements.

      Risk factors relating to ARISE are discussed in the Risk Factors section of ARISE's Annual Information Form and under the headings Liquidity and Capital Resources and Risk and Uncertainties in ARISE's year-end Management's Discussion and Analysis which are or will be available at These factors should be considered carefully, and readers should not place undue reliance on ARISE's forward-looking statements.

      ARISE assumes no obligation to update any forward-looking statements or to update the reasons why actual results could differ from those reflected in the forward-looking statements.

      %SEDAR: 00017494E

      For further information: ARISE Technologies Corporation, 65 Northland Road, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, N2V 1Y8, Doug McCollam, Chief Financial Officer, (519) 772-5706,,…
      schrieb am 16.12.09 15:35:42
      Beitrag Nr. 781 ()
      Dank an "biberdieber" ;)

      Investor Presentation

      December 2009

      ARISE is strategically positioned in the key areas of the PV value chain

      20 MW of PV Cells Shipped, 7 MW Target for Q4

      With German market expected stronger,
      ARISE has issued guidance of 7 MW for Q4

      Germany and Japan use solar energy extensively,
      yet both have inferior conditions to Ontario

      Q4 guidance of 7MW will significantly improve 2009 revenue

      Shipped more PV cells in October than all of Q3

      usw. usw.…
      schrieb am 23.12.09 18:07:21
      Beitrag Nr. 782 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 38.578.517 von Brisca am 16.12.09 15:35:42tja, evtl 2010:rolleyes: sie sind jedenfalls recht gut positioniert bevor es losgeht;)
      schrieb am 05.01.10 15:48:07
      Beitrag Nr. 783 ()

      ARISE Technologies Announces Settlement of Initial Drawdown from Committed Equity Facility and Issues Notice of Subsequent $200,000 Drawdown

      Waterloo, Ontario Canada, January 4, 2010

      ARISE Technologies Corporation (TSX: APV and Frankfurt: A3T), which is dedicated to becoming a leader in high-performance, high-quality, cost-effective solar technology, today announced that on December 31, 2009, the Company completed the initial $250,000 drawdown from its previously announced Committed Equity Facility Agreement with Haverstock Master Fund (“Haverstock”).

      Under the terms of the Agreement, to complete the $250,000 drawdown, ARISE issued 1,004,775 common shares to Haverstock at an average price of $0.249 per share.

      As of December 31, 2009, ARISE also issued a subsequent drawdown notice under the facility in respect of a drawdown of $200,000. Closing of the drawdown is scheduled to be completed on or about January 12 2010.

      The facility agreement, the base shelf prospectus, the prospectus supplement, and the pricing supplements are available on SEDAR at and on ARISE’s website at

      This news release does not constitute an offer to sell ARISE securities or the solicitation of an offer to buy ARISE securities, nor is there to be any sale of securities in any jurisdiction in which such offer, solicitation or sale would be unlawful prior to registration or qualification under the securities laws of such jurisdiction.

      About Haverstock

      Haverstock is an institutional investor with an investment objective to seek capital appreciation through the general strategy of investing in public securities of U.S. and non-U.S. companies, through direct equity purchases from such companies. The portfolio manager of Haverstock, David Ratzker, has structured more than US$300 million worth of private equity investments in publicly traded corporations in a variety of sectors including energy, cleantech, telecommunications, consumer, and education.

      About ARISE Technologies

      ARISE Technologies Corporation, based in Waterloo, Ontario, is dedicated to becoming a leader in high-performance, cost-effective solar technology. The company operates through three divisions. The PV Cell Division manufactures PV (photovoltaic) cells at its first manufacturing plant opened in April 2008 in Bischofswerda, Germany. The division is developing proprietary technology with a target of achieving a step-by-step progression to a high-efficiency level of greater than 20%. The PV Silicon Division is using a proprietary method to produce silicon at 7N+ high-purity (99.99999% purity) for PV cell applications, based on a simplified chemical vapor deposition process. The division is focusing on scaling up its process to provide ARISE with control over its supply, costs, and quality. The PV Systems Division has been providing PV solutions for solar farms and rooftop installations since 1996 throughout North America. ARISE is planning to expand its systems business in Ontario under the Ontario FIT (Feed-In Tariff) program.

      The company’s shares are listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange under the symbol APV and on the Frankfurt Open Market Exchange under the symbol A3T. Additional information is available at and

      Forward-Looking Statements and Risk Factors

      Certain statements in this news release may be considered to be forward-looking. Such statements are based on management’s current expectations, estimations, and assumptions based on experience, trends, and other factors that are subject to the significant risks and uncertainties described in our regulatory filings. Please refer to these. Such risks and uncertainties may include, but are not limited to, the effects of general economic conditions, changing foreign exchange rates, actions by government authorities, the requirement for additional capital, high debt levels, negative working capital levels, lack of profitability, risks associated with manufacturing, industry supply levels, competitive pricing pressures and misjudgements in the course of preparing forward-looking statements.

      Risk factors relating to ARISE are discussed in the Risk Factors section of ARISE’s Annual Information Form and under the headings Liquidity and Capital Resources and Risk and Uncertainties in ARISE’s year-end Management’s Discussion and Analysis which are or will be available at These factors should be considered carefully, and readers should not place undue reliance on ARISE’s forward-looking statements.

      ARISE assumes no obligation to update any forward-looking statements or to update the reasons why actual results could differ from those reflected in the forward-looking statements.

      ARISE Technologies Corporation
      65 Northland Road, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2V 1Y8
      Doug McCollam, Chief Financial Officer, (519) 772-5706

      Investor Relations
      Glen Williams
      The Equicom Group
      (416) 815-0700 ext. 272…
      schrieb am 13.01.10 14:28:24
      Beitrag Nr. 784 ()
      ARISE Technologies Comments on Preliminary Fourth Quarter Results
      Press Release Source: ARISE Technologies Corporation On Tuesday January 12, 2010, 9:05 am EST

      WATERLOO, ON, Jan. 12 /CNW/ - ARISE Technologies Corporation ("ARISE" or "the Company") (TSX: APV and Frankfurt: A3T), a leader in high-performance, high-quality, cost-effective solar technology, today announced that preliminary results indicate that its shipments of photovoltaic ("PV") cells in the fourth quarter ended December 31, 2009 are expected to be approximately 7.0MW. This is in keeping with the Company's expectations and represents a 100% increase from the 3.5MW shipped in the third quarter of 2009. Further, ARISE's total PV cell shipments for 2009 are expected to exceed 15.0MW as per the guidance issued by the Company in November 2009.

      ARISE also reported that preliminary results indicate that revenues for the fourth quarter of 2009 are expected to total approximately $11.3 million, compared to $18.9 million in the fourth quarter of 2008. Total revenue for the year ended December 31, 2009 is expected to be approximately $31.7 million, compared to $35.7 million for the year ended December 31, 2008. These results are based on unaudited preliminary company data and may be subject to final adjustment.

      "During the fourth quarter, we saw further improvements in key areas of our business. We are encouraged by these results as they mark a third consecutive quarter of increased shipments, and point to an ongoing increase in demand for PV solar cells," said Vern Heinrichs, President and Chief Executive Officer. "The German solar market continues to show encouraging signs of recovery and appears poised to achieve solid growth throughout the first half of 2010. In Canada, our Systems Division is currently working on a number of initiatives to capitalize on the Ontario FIT program and the acceleration of the Ontario solar market's development."

      In March, ARISE expects to release its 2009 fourth-quarter and year-end financial results and hold a conference call and webcast. Details on the timing will be provided closer to the release.

      About ARISE Technologies
      schrieb am 16.01.10 14:14:10
      Beitrag Nr. 785 ()
      ARISE Technologies Announces Settlement of the Second Drawdown from Committed Equity Facility of $200,000 and Issuance of Notice of Additional $300,000 Drawdown

      Waterloo, Ontario Canada, January 14, 2010

      ARISE Technologies Corporation (TSX: APV and Frankfurt: A3T), which is dedicated to becoming a leader in high-performance, high-quality, cost-effective solar technology, today announced that on January 13, 2010, the Company completed the second drawdown in the amount of $200,000 from its previously announced Committed Equity Facility Agreement with Haverstock Master Fund ("Haverstock").

      Under the terms of the Agreement, to complete the $200,000 drawdown, ARISE issued 839,447 common shares to Haverstock at an average price of $0.238 per share. As of January 12, 2010, ARISE also issued a subsequent drawdown notice under the facility in respect of a drawdown of $300,000. Closing of the drawdown is scheduled to be completed on or about January 21, 2010.

      The facility agreement, the base shelf prospectus, the prospectus supplement, and the pricing supplements are available on SEDAR at and on ARISE's website at

      This news release does not constitute an offer to sell ARISE securities or the solicitation of an offer to buy ARISE securities, nor is there to be any sale of securities in any jurisdiction in which such offer, solicitation or sale would be unlawful prior to registration or qualification under the securities laws of such jurisdiction.

      About Haverstock

      Haverstock is an institutional investor with an investment objective to seek capital appreciation through the general strategy of investing in public securities of U.S. and non-U.S. companies, through direct equity purchases from such companies. The portfolio manager of Haverstock, David Ratzker, has structured more than US$300 million worth of private equity investments in publicly traded corporations in a variety of sectors including energy, cleantech, telecommunications, consumer, and education.

      About ARISE Technologies

      ARISE Technologies Corporation, based in Waterloo, Ontario, is dedicated to becoming a leader in high-performance, cost-effective solar technology. The company operates through three divisions. The PV Cell Division manufactures PV (photovoltaic) cells at its first manufacturing plant opened in April 2008 in Bischofswerda, Germany. The division is developing proprietary technology with a target of achieving a step-by-step progression to a high-efficiency level of greater than 20%. The PV Silicon Division is using a proprietary method to produce silicon at 7N+ high-purity (99.99999% purity) for PV cell applications, based on a simplified chemical vapor deposition process. The division is focusing on scaling up its process to provide ARISE with control over its supply, costs, and quality. The PV Systems Division has been providing PV solutions for solar farms and rooftop installations since 1996 throughout North America. ARISE is planning to expand its systems business in Ontario under the Ontario FIT (Feed-In Tariff) program.

      The company’s shares are listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange under the symbol APV and on the Frankfurt Open Market Exchange under the symbol A3T. Additional information is available at and

      Forward-Looking Statements and Risk Factors

      Certain statements in this news release may be considered to be forward-looking. Such statements are based on management’s current expectations, estimations, and assumptions based on experience, trends, and other factors that are subject to the significant risks and uncertainties described in our regulatory filings. Please refer to these. Such risks and uncertainties may include, but are not limited to, the effects of general economic conditions, changing foreign exchange rates, actions by government authorities, the requirement for additional capital, high debt levels, negative working capital levels, lack of profitability, risks associated with manufacturing, industry supply levels, competitive pricing pressures and misjudgements in the course of preparing forward-looking statements.

      Risk factors relating to ARISE are discussed in the Risk Factors section of ARISE’s Annual Information Form and under the headings Liquidity and Capital Resources and Risk and Uncertainties in ARISE’s year-end Management’s Discussion and Analysis which are or will be available at These factors should be considered carefully, and readers should not place undue reliance on ARISE’s forward-looking statements.

      ARISE assumes no obligation to update any forward-looking statements or to update the reasons why actual results could differ from those reflected in the forward-looking statements.


      ARISE Technologies Corporation
      65 Northland Road, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2V 1Y8
      Doug McCollam, Chief Financial Officer, (519) 772-5706

      Investor Relations
      Glen Williams
      The Equicom Group
      (416) 815-0700 ext. 272…
      schrieb am 20.01.10 18:17:55
      Beitrag Nr. 786 ()
      ARISE Awarded 150kW PV System Contract by Region of Waterloo

      WATERLOO, ON, Jan. 19 /CNW/ - ARISE Technologies Corporation ("ARISE" or "the Company') (TSX: APV and Frankfurt: A3T), which is dedicated to becoming a leader in high-performance, high-quality, cost-effective solar technology, today announced that it has been awarded a contract to supply a 150KW photovoltaic ("PV") rooftop solar system to the Region of Waterloo in Ontario.

      "We are pleased to announce this significant agreement with the Region of Waterloo under the new Ontario Feed-In Tariff ("FIT") program. The system will be installed in our home region, close to our head offices in Waterloo, Ontario," said Vern Heinrichs, President and CEO of ARISE. "Since the launch of the Ontario FIT program, we have seen a surge in interest in the Ontario market, as our requests for feasibility studies have increased significantly, and the average size of systems being considered has also grown considerably. We are optimistic about the potential for this large and rapidly growing market."

      The system will be installed on the Regional Operations Centre in Cambridge Ontario. In choosing a supplier for the contract, the Region issued a public tender and selected ARISE's submission from the approximately 20 bids that it received. The ARISE system used in this project will meet all Ontario content requirements as outlined in the Ontario Green Energy Act and is expected to be installed and operational by mid-2010.

      About ARISE Technologies

      schrieb am 05.02.10 10:10:23
      Beitrag Nr. 787 ()
      ARISE Technologies Announces Closing of the Third Drawdown from Committed Equity Facility of $300,000 and Issuance of Notice of Additional $400,000 Drawdown
      WATERLOO, ON, Jan. 26, 2010 /CNW/ - ARISE Technologies Corporation (TSX: APV and Frankfurt: A3T), which is dedicated to becoming a leader in high-performance, high-quality, cost-effective solar technology, today announced that on January 25, 2010, the Company completed the third drawdown in the amount of $300,000 from its previously announced Committed Equity Facility Agreement with Haverstock Master Fund ("Haverstock").
      Under the terms of the Agreement, to complete the $300,000 drawdown, ARISE issued 1,301,171 common shares to Haverstock at an average price of $0.231 per share. As of January 22, 2010, ARISE also issued a subsequent drawdown notice under the facility in respect of a drawdown of $400,000. Closing of the drawdown is scheduled to be completed on or about February 1, 2010.
      The facility agreement, the base shelf prospectus, the prospectus supplement, and the pricing supplements are available on SEDAR at and on ARISE's website at
      This news release does not constitute an offer to sell ARISE securities or the solicitation of an offer to buy ARISE securities, nor is there to be any sale of securities in any jurisdiction in which such offer, solicitation or sale would be unlawful prior to registration or qualification under the securities laws of such jurisdiction.…
      schrieb am 05.02.10 10:12:36
      Beitrag Nr. 788 ()
      ARISE Technologies Announces Closing of Fourth Drawdown from Committed Equity Facility of $400,000

      WATERLOO, ON, Feb. 4 /CNW/ - ARISE Technologies Corporation (TSX: APV and Frankfurt: A3T), which is dedicated to becoming a leader in high-performance, high-quality, cost-effective solar technology, today announced that on February 2, 2010, the Company completed the fourth drawdown in the amount of $400,000 from its previously announced Committed Equity Facility Agreement with Haverstock Master Fund ("Haverstock").

      Under the terms of the Agreement, to complete the $400,000 drawdown, ARISE issued 1,780,916 common shares to Haverstock at an average price of $0.225 per share.

      The facility agreement, the base shelf prospectus, the prospectus supplement, and the pricing supplements are available on SEDAR at and on ARISE's website at

      This news release does not constitute an offer to sell ARISE securities or the solicitation of an offer to buy ARISE securities, nor is there to be any sale of securities in any jurisdiction in which such offer, solicitation or sale would be unlawful prior to registration or qualification under the securities laws of such jurisdiction.…
      schrieb am 12.02.10 14:17:38
      Beitrag Nr. 789 ()
      schrieb am 12.02.10 16:08:03
      Beitrag Nr. 790 ()
      ARISE Technologies Provides Business Update
      WATERLOO, ON, February 11, 2010 - ARISE Technologies Corporation (TSX: APV and Frankfurt: A3T), which is dedicated to becoming a leader in high-performance, high-quality, cost-effective solar technology, today provided an update on its progress to date in 2010.

      Shipped 4MW of PV cells from German plant to date in 2010

      Line One now running at full capacity

      Line Two expected to begin production during second quarter of 2010

      Improved manufacturing performance with increased cell efficiency and yield

      30 projects planned in Ontario for 2010, totaling approximately $5 million in revenue

      Discussions continue with potential strategic partners for silicon program
      “We are very pleased with the early results of our efforts so far in 2010,” said Vern Heinrichs, President and CEO of ARISE. “Demand for our products continues to rise in Germany, where we have already shipped 4MW of PV cells this year. In Canada, we are focused on the Ontario market and are pleased to report that the Ontario Feed-in-Tariff (FiT) program has created increased demand for ARISE solar energy systems. We have received orders for over 30 solar projects planned for 2010 installation. These projects will use over 500kW of PV cells and are expected to generate over $5 million in projected revenue. ”
      “Our previously announced discussions with potential partners for our Silicon Division are progressing well,” continued Mr. Heinrichs. “We are also working diligently to secure long-term financing that will help us address our increased working capital requirements.”
      ARISE reports that its PV cell plant in Bischofswerda, Germany continues to increase production with Line One now running at full capacity. In the first five weeks of 2010, the plant shipped 4MW of PV cells. Line Two is now fully commissioned and ARISE currently expects to begin volume production in the second quarter of 2010 in anticipation of additional customer demand. ARISE Germany now has ten PV cell customers plus internal ARISE demand up from three customers at the end of 2008.
      Progress continues to be made from a production operations standpoint. ARISE improved its average multi-crystalline cell efficiency in January to 15.6%, a significant increase from 14.7% at the end of 2008. The company has now reached efficiencies of up to 16.4% for multi-crystalline and 17.2% for mono-crystalline PV cells while achieving a yield of 96% for A grade product.
      About ARISE Technologies
      ARISE Technologies Corporation, based in Waterloo, Ontario, is dedicated to becoming a leader in high-performance, cost-effective solar technology. The company operates through three divisions. The PV Cell Division manufactures PV (photovoltaic) cells at its first
      manufacturing plant opened in April 2008 in Bischofswerda, Germany. The division is developing proprietary technology with a target of achieving a step-by-step progression to a high-efficiency level of greater than 20%. The PV Silicon Division is using a proprietary method to produce silicon at 7N+ high-purity (99.99999% purity) for PV cell applications, based on a simplified chemical vapor deposition process. The division is focusing on scaling up its process to provide ARISE with control over its supply, costs, and quality. The PV Systems Division has been providing PV solutions for solar farms and rooftop installations since 1996 throughout North America. ARISE is planning to expand its systems business in Ontario under the Ontario FIT (Feed-In Tariff) program.
      The company’s shares are listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange under the symbol APV and on the Frankfurt Open Market Exchange under the symbol A3T. Additional information is available at and
      Forward-Looking Statements and Risk Factors
      Certain statements in this news release may be considered to be forward-looking. Such statements are based on management’s current expectations, estimations, and assumptions based on experience, trends, and other factors that are subject to the significant risks and uncertainties described in our regulatory filings. Please refer to these. Such risks and uncertainties may include, but are not limited to, the effects of general economic conditions, changing foreign exchange rates, actions by government authorities, the requirement for additional capital, high debt levels, negative working capital levels, lack of profitability, risks associated with manufacturing, industry supply levels, competitive pricing pressures and misjudgements in the course of preparing forward-looking statements.
      Risk factors relating to ARISE are discussed in the Risk Factors section of ARISE’s Annual Information Form and under the headings Liquidity and Capital Resources and Risk and Uncertainties in ARISE’s year-end Management’s Discussion and Analysis which are or will be available at These factors should be considered carefully, and readers should not place undue reliance on ARISE’s forward-looking statements.
      ARISE assumes no obligation to update any forward-looking statements or to update the reasons why actual results could differ from those reflected in the forward-looking statements.
      ARISE Technologies Corporation
      65 Northland Road, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2V 1Y8
      Doug McCollam, Chief Financial Officer, (519) 772-5706
      schrieb am 18.03.10 10:21:22
      Beitrag Nr. 791 ()
      ARISE to release Q4 2009 financials on March 25

      2010-03-17 18:46 ET - News Release

      Mr. Doug McCollam reports


      ARISE Technologies Corp. will release its 2009 fourth-quarter financial results after 7 a.m. (Eastern) on Thursday, March 25, 2010.

      ARISE will hold a conference call for analysts and investors at 10 a.m. (Eastern) on March 25. The company will file its 2009 fourth-quarter financial statements and management discussion and analysis with SEDAR and these documents will be available on ARISE's website prior to the conference call.

      Vern Heinrichs, president and chief executive officer, and Doug McCollam, chief financial officer, will be available to answer questions during the call.

      To participate in the call, please dial 647-427-7450 or 1-888-231-8191 (Canada and the United States only) at least five minutes prior to the start of the call. A live audio webcast of the conference call will be available at ARISE's website.

      An archived recording of the call will be available at 416-849-0833 or 1-800-642-1687 (Canada and the U.S. only) (pass code: 59453933) from 1 p.m. on March 25, to 11:59 p.m. on March 31, 2010.

      Business update

      ARISE also today announced that, through the first 10 weeks of 2010, ARISE Germany has shipped over nine megawatts of cells compared with four MW shipped through the first five weeks of the year, as reported in the business update release issued in Stockwatch on Feb. 12, 2010. In addition, ARISE has added five new customers for its PV cells and is presently serving a total of 15 customers.
      schrieb am 09.04.10 13:30:41
      Beitrag Nr. 792 ()
      ARISE Technologies Agrees to Extension of Credit Facilities with Commerzbank

      WATERLOO, ON, Feb. 25 /CNW/ - ARISE Technologies Corporation (TSX: APV and Frankfurt: A3T), which is dedicated to becoming a leader in high-performance, cost-effective, high-quality solar technology, today announced that discussions continue with Commerzbank AG ("Commerzbank") regarding the extension of ARISE's credit facilities, which are currently scheduled to expire on February 28, 2010.

      Subject to final approval from the Commerzbank Credit Committee, which is expected by mid-March 2010, Commerzbank has agreed to extend ARISE's credit facilities until December 31, 2010. As is customary for financings of this nature, the availability of the credit facilities is subject to satisfactory documentation and satisfaction of the Conditions Precedent.

      "We are very pleased to have received indications from Commerzbank that they will extend our credit facilities until the end of 2010," said Vern Heinrichs, President and CEO of ARISE. "Commerzbank is well regarded for their expertise in the solar industry and has been a valuable partner of ARISE since 2007, when we began construction of our PV cell plant in Bischofswerda, Germany. With the extension of our credit facilities, we will now focus on securing long-term financing and continuing to ramp-up production from our German plant to meet the increased customer demand we have witnessed in the early part of 2010."
      schrieb am 09.04.10 13:58:05
      Beitrag Nr. 793 ()
      On January 12, 2010, ARISE issued a release commenting on preliminary fourth-quarter and 2009 year-end results. The release is available at or

      WATERLOO, ON, March 25 /CNW/ - ARISE Technologies Corporation (TSX: APV and Frankfurt: A3T), which is dedicated to becoming a leader in high-performance, high-quality, cost-effective solar technology, today reported its financial results for the fourth quarter and 12-months ended December 31, 2009. Financial results conform to Canadian generally accepted accounting principles ("GAAP") and all currency amounts are in Canadian dollars unless otherwise noted.

      2009 Highlights:

      - Total revenue of $31.7 million, compared with $35.7 million in 2008
      - Shipped 15.7MW of PV Cells, an increase of 40% from 11.2MW in 2008
      - Announced creation of ARISE Technology Centre
      - Ranked 15th on the Deloitte Technology Fast 50(TM) list of Canadian
      - Produced first PV cells using ARISE 7N+ silicon
      - Secured access to committed equity facility

      Q4 2009 Highlights:

      - Total revenue of $11.3 million, compared with $18.9 million in Q4
      - Net loss decreased to $7.5 million, compared with $22.3 million in Q4
      - Shipped 7.0MW of PV cells, an increase of 13% from 6.2MW in Q4 2008
      - Completed $2.0 million non-brokered offering

      Subsequent to Year End Highlights:

      - Shipped approximately 10MW to date in 2010
      - Signed Letter of Engagement with syndicate led by Sandfire Securities
      for $10 million financing
      - Subject to satisfaction of certain Conditions Precedent, agreed with
      Commerzbank AG to extend credit facilities

      "2009 was a challenging year for ARISE, as the impacts of the global
      financial crisis took a toll on both our company and the solar industry as a
      whole," said Vern Heinrichs, ARISE's President and Chief Executive Officer.
      "However, market conditions improved towards the end of year as we saw a
      significant increase in demand in the German marketplace. Our PV cell
      shipments during the fourth quarter of 2009 were 7.0MW, nearly equal to our
      total shipments for the first nine months of the year. By the end of 2009,
      Line 1 at our German PV cell plant was running at close to 100% capacity. We
      expect to activate Line 2 to meet customer demand during the first half of

      "In Ontario, we are very optimistic about the prospects offered by the Ontario Green Energy Act's Feed-in Tariff ("FIT") program and expect it to be the source of significant growth for our Systems Division," continued Mr. Heinrichs. "We are seeing strong interest from across Ontario and, to date in 2010, we have more than $5 million worth of projects planned."

      Financial Overview

      Sales for the year ended December 31, 2009 amounted to $31.7 million, compared with $35.7 million in 2008. PV cells accounted for 97.9% of 2009 sales with the balance being generated by the Company's Systems Division.

      Gross loss for the year ended December 31, 2009 was $25.0 million, compared with a loss of $15.8 million in 2008.

      Operating expenses for the year ended December 31, 2009 were $20.4 million, compared with $21.1 million the previous year.

      R&D expenses increased by 11% during the year ended December 31, 2009 to $7.1 million from $6.4 million (net of Government Funding) in 2008.

      General and administrative ("G&A") expenses declined to $10.0 million in 2009, from $11.6 million for the year ended December 31, 2008.

      Selling and marketing expenses for the year ended December 31, 2009 were $1.6 million, compared with $2.0 million in 2008.

      Net interest expense for the year ended December 31, 2009 was $2.4 million, compared with $1.3 million the prior year.

      Other income and expenses for the year ended December 31, 2009, included a foreign exchange gain of $5.6 million, compared with a foreign exchange loss of $3.9 million in 2008.

      Fourth Quarter of 2009

      Sales for the fourth quarter ended December 31, 2009 were $11.3 million, compared with $18.9 million in the fourth quarter of 2008. Gross loss for the three months ended December 31, 2009 was $4.7 million compared with $11.9 million in the fourth quarter of 2008. Operating expenses were $5.1 million in the fourth quarter of 2009, virtually unchanged from $5.1 million in the prior year period. ARISE recorded a net loss for the fourth quarter 2009 of $7.5 million (a loss of $0.05 per basic and diluted share), compared with a net loss $22.3 million (a loss of $0.19 per basic and diluted share) in the 2008 quarter.

      Liquidity and Capital Resources

      As at December 31, 2009, the Company had a working capital deficiency of $43.8 million consisting of current assets of $24.4 million less current liabilities of $68.2 million. This compares with negative working capital at September 30, 2009 of $38.9 million consisting of current assets of $25.3 million less current liabilities of $64.2 million.

      Cash and cash equivalents and restricted cash at December 31, 2009 totaled $651,985, an increase of $191,065 since September 30, 2009.

      Conference Call and Webcast

      ARISE will hold a conference call for analysts and investors at 10:00 a.m. (Eastern) on Thursday, March 25, 2010. The company will file its financial statements, and Management Discussion and Analysis with SEDAR and these documents will be available on ARISE's website prior to the conference call. Vern Heinrichs, President and Chief Executive Officer, and Doug McCollam, Chief Financial Officer, will be available to answer questions during the call.

      To participate in the call, please dial (647) 427-7450 or 1-888-231-8191 (Canada and the U.S. only) at least five minutes prior to the start of the call.

      A live audio webcast of the conference call will be available at and

      An archived recording of the call will be available at 416-849-0833 or 1-800-642-1687 (Canada and the U.S. only) (Pass code: 59453933) from 1:00 p.m. on March 25, to 11:59 p.m. on March 31, 2010.
      schrieb am 15.04.10 10:36:18
      Beitrag Nr. 794 ()
      ARISE Technologies Announces Preliminary First Quarter Results
      WATERLOO, ON, April 14 /CNW/ - ARISE Technologies Corporation ("ARISE" or "the Company") (TSX: APV and Frankfurt: A3T), a leader in high-performance, high-quality, cost-effective solar technology, today announced preliminary results for the three months ended March 31, 2010.

      The preliminary unaudited results indicate that the Company's shipments of photovoltaic ("PV") cells are expected to be approximately 13.9MW for the first quarter of 2010. This represents a 99% increase from the 7.0MW shipped in the fourth quarter of 2009. It also represents a significant increase from the 2.3MW shipped in the first quarter of 2009.

      Revenue for the first quarter of 2010 is expected to total approximately $15.8 million, which represents a 39.8% increase from $11.3 million in the fourth quarter of 2009 and a 119% increase from $7.2 million in the first quarter of 2008. ARISE cautions that these results are based on unaudited preliminary company data and may be subject to final adjustment.

      "During the first quarter, we saw further improvements in key areas of our business. We are encouraged by these preliminary results as they mark a fourth consecutive quarter of increased shipments, and point to an ongoing increase in demand for PV solar cells," said Vern Heinrichs, ARISE's President and Chief Executive Officer. "The European and Ontario solar markets are very active and we expect to continue to see strong demand throughout 2010 for PV cells, modules and systems. Subject to completing our financing, we currently expect Line Two at our German plant to be in full production before the end of the second quarter. We also continue to make progress in the silicon division and we are in discussions with several parties with respect to various options to move the technology into production."

      "As we approach the second anniversary of producing our first PV Cell in Germany on April 17th, ARISE has now shipped over 40MW of PV cells representing more than $80 million in total revenue," concluded Mr. Heinrichs.

      In early May, ARISE expects to release its 2010 first-quarter financial results and hold a conference call and webcast. Details on the timing will be provided closer to the release.
      schrieb am 16.04.10 14:44:35
      Beitrag Nr. 795 ()
      schrieb am 16.04.10 22:38:34
      Beitrag Nr. 796 ()

      Der Mini Pilotplant hatte ja schon mal das neue Silizium erzeugt, Ich dachte davon wurde nun erstmals eine eigene Zelle produziert.

      Dass der Pilotplant fertig ist... mit 400 Tonnen Output 2010??? Wovon bezahlt?

      Bild stammt aus einer Präsentation vom Oktober 2009.
      schrieb am 18.04.10 23:07:39
      Beitrag Nr. 797 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 39.354.595 von alpendudler am 16.04.10 22:38:34Eine Antwort dazu findet sich im Jahr 2006 (als es den Faktenthread noch gar nicht gab... vor der Börsennotierung bei uns)

      Apr 4, 2006)

      Shortly after securing $3.8 million in financing, Arise Technologies Corp. announced yesterday that it is hoping to set up a pilot plant for the manufacture of solar-grade silicon in the University of Waterloo Research and Technology Park.

      The Kitchener company still needs to raise money for the estimated $20-million three-year project to build the pilot plant.

      But now that it is on a more secure financial footing, chief executive Ian MacLellan said he's feeling confident the company can move forward with its silicon strategy and grow a solar cell business.

      The company and the university have until Sept. 30 to firm up the deal for a piece of land to build a pilot plant on the university's north campus.

      "It is still early in the process but because we are talking to investors, we are at the stage where we felt we needed to disclose this," MacLellan said in an interview from Munich, Germany, where he addressed the Photon Academy 3rd Solar Silicon Conference.

      There is a worldwide shortage of silicon for the fast-growing solar industry and traditional silicon production is also extremely energy intensive, using about seven times more energy than aluminum production, he said.

      But Arise has been working on an energy-efficient manufacturing process for silicon production.

      It wants to establish a pilot plant, approximately 40,000 square feet in size, at the University of Waterloo Research and Technology Park to work on that technology.

      Eventually, the company also hopes to develop a full-scale silicon feedstock facility somewhere in Canada where electricity is abundant and cheap, such as northern Ontario, Manitoba or in the eastern provinces.

      By securing a cheaper and more abundant supply of silicon, the company hopes to grow its photovoltaic division and also become more attractive to investors.

      Arise has been collaborating with University of Toronto researchers to develop new high-efficiency solar cells that it hopes to bring to market next year.

      But until now, the company has struggled with debt, so the $3.8 million in financing announced yesterday is a much-needed boost.

      The company has received subscriptions for $2-million worth of units in a brokered private placement arrangement by Dominick & Dominick Securities Inc. and $1.8 million of units in a non brokered private placement.

      Each unit, priced at 30 cents, consists of one common share and one half of a share purchase warrant. Each whole share purchase warrant entitles the holder to purchase one common share at a price of 35 cents, expiring two years from the date of closing.

      This is by far the largest single round of financing for the company, MacLellan said.

      "It is a significant shot in the arm," he said.

      "It allows us to really clean up our balance sheet, which is something that has been hindering our ability to move forward. But more importantly, it gives us cash to accelerate the technology that we are developing at the University of Toronto and eventually with what we are looking at doing at the University of Waterloo."

      The company was also recently informed that its common shares were being listed on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange Open Market under the symbol A3T.

      Arise didn't actively seek the listing "but the way it works in Germany is that if a brokerage firm wants to make it easy for a German citizen to purchase shares, then it can request that," MacLellan said.

      "The solar market has been so hot in Germany, there is a lot of interest by German citizens," he added.

      Arise's shares (TSX Venture Exchange: APV) closed virtually unchanged at 50 cents yesterday.
      schrieb am 18.04.10 23:12:49
      Beitrag Nr. 798 ()
      ARISE Technologies Meets Fourth Milestone for its Silicon Feedstock Pilot Plant Project
      Waterloo, Ontario, Canada December 8, 2008

      ARISE Technologies Corporation (TSX: APV and Frankfurt: A3T), which is dedicated to becoming a leader in high-performance, cost-effective solar technology, today announced that it has met the fourth major milestone for its Silicon Feedstock Pilot Plant Project.

      “Achieving this latest milestone is yet another example of the ARISE Silicon team’s outstanding ability to execute on its plans. Our Silicon program continues to gain momentum,” said Bart Tichelman, President and Chief Executive Officer.

      “We have completed all the engineering planning required for the new 68,000-square-foot Pilot Plant in Kitchener, Ontario. The retrofitting of the existing building to suit our needs is underway and on schedule. As previously announced, we are planning that the Pilot Plant will have a production capacity of 50 tonnes per year in 2009 and a further expansion to 400 tonnes per year is expected by 2010,” Mr. Tichelman stated.

      “It’s important to recognize the tremendous contribution to our silicon program that EBNER Industrieofenbau G.m.b.H., the manufacturer of our Silicon Refining Furnace version 4 (SiRF™ 4) has made and continues to make. It is set for delivery to our plant in the 2009 first quarter. Our valued partnership with Ebner has enabled us to maintain a very rapid pace of development along the pathway to get our proprietary process to market. Ebner’s design and manufacturing engineering expertise are among the best in class,” Mr. Tichelman remarked.

      “The engineering design, procurement, and fabrication for the first SiRF™ 4 furnace are complete and we are very pleased with the results of the initial runs. We expect to use SiRF™ 4 equipment in our 400-tonnes-per-year facility, planned for 2010,” reported Jeff Dawkins, Vice-President and General Manager, PV Silicon Division.

      Meeting the fourth milestone included completing the initial construction phase of the Pilot Plant and the successful completion and operation of a Pilot Plant scale furnace. The company met its first milestone of the project with the August 2007 commissioning of the Silicon Refining Furnace version 3.1 (SiRF™ 3.1). ARISE met its second milestone when the Mini Pilot Plant became operational in December 2007, successfully producing polysilicon. The company met its third milestone in May 2008 when ARISE achieved specific objectives at its Mini Pilot Plant with respect to process economics, scalability, and quality.

      ARISE’s silicon feedstock development project is being partially funded by Sustainable Development Technology Canada (SDTC). The project is developing a new approach being used for refining high-purity silicon needed for high-efficiency PV (photovoltaic) cells. The proprietary process that ARISE is developing is intended to produce 7N+ high-purity (99.99999 percent) silicon for PV applications using a simplified chemical vapor deposition process. ARISE believes that its ability to produce 7N+ high-purity silicon will enable it to meet its target of more than 20 percent efficiency for PV cells.

      SDTC is funding about one-third of the eligible project costs up to $6.4 million, payable in tranches as ARISE meets specified milestones. SDTC’s funding of the project is leveraged by an additional $13.2 million committed by a consortium led by ARISE.

      ARISE Technologies Corporation, based in Waterloo, Ontario, is dedicated to becoming a leader in high-performance, cost-effective solar technology. The company operates through three divisions. The PV Cell Division manufactures PV (photovoltaic) cells at its first manufacturing plant opened in April 2008 in Bischofswerda, Germany. The division is developing proprietary technology with a target of achieving a step-by-step progression to a high-efficiency level of greater than 20 percent. The PV Silicon Division is using a proprietary method to produce silicon at 7N+ high-purity (99.99999 percent) for PV applications, based on a simplified chemical vapour deposition process. The division is focusing on scaling up its process to provide ARISE with control over its supply, costs, and quality. The PV Systems Division provides complete turnkey PV solutions for solar farms and rooftop installations under the Ontario Renewable Energy Standard Offer Program.

      The company’s shares are listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange under the symbol APV and on the Frankfurt Open Market Exchange under the symbol A3T.

      EBNER is one of the leading manufacturers worldwide of heat treatment facilities for the steel, copper, and aluminum semi-finished products industries. They manufacture continuous and batch-type furnaces featuring cutting-edge technology that deliver maximum performance and optimum anneal results. EBNER facilities are among the most reliable, economical, and environmentally superior.

      Sustainable Development Technology Canada (SDTC) is an arm's-length foundation, which has received $1.05 billion from the Government of Canada as part of its commitment to create a healthy environment and a high quality of life for all Canadians. SDTC operates two funds aimed at the development and demonstration of innovative technological solutions. The $550 million SD Tech Fund™ supports projects that address climate change, air quality, clean water, and clean soil. The $500 million NextGen Biofuels Fund™ supports the establishment of first-of-kind, large- demonstration-scale facilities for the production of next-generation renewable fuels. SDTC operates as a not-for-profit corporation and has been working with the public and private sector including industry, academia, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), the financial community, and all levels of government to achieve this mandate.

      Forward-Looking Statements Certain statements in this news release may be considered to be forward-looking. Such statements are based on management’s current expectations, estimations, and assumptions based on experience, trends, and other factors that are subject to the significant risks and uncertainties described in our regulatory filings. Please refer to these. Such risks and uncertainties may include, but are not limited to, the effects of general economic conditions, changing foreign exchange rates, actions by government authorities, uncertainties associated with legal proceedings and negotiations, industry supply levels, competitive pricing pressures and misjudgments in the course of preparing forward-looking statements. ARISE assumes no obligation to update any forward-looking statements or to update the reasons why actual results could differ from those reflected in the forward-looking statements.

      Source: ARISE Technologies Corporation
      schrieb am 19.04.10 20:45:27
      Beitrag Nr. 799 ()
      ARISE Technologies Tests ARISE PV Modules Manufactured in Ontario

      1:07 PM ET, April 19, 2010

      WATERLOO, ON, Apr 19, 2010 (Canada NewsWire via COMTEX) -- ARISE Technologies Corporation ("ARISE" or "the Company") (TSX: APV and Frankfurt: A3T), a leader in high-performance, high-quality, cost-effective solar technology, today announced that it has the initial test results for ARISE PV modules manufactured in Ontario by a third party contract Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) using PV cells from its factory in Germany.

      The test results and initial inspection show that the performance of these modules for testing purposes have a quality that is similar to the ARISE PV modules manufactured in Germany for ARISE by an existing OEM module manufacturer. ARISE currently supplies more than 15 module manufacturers with PV cells from its plant in Bischofswerda, Germany. Many of these companies have indicated that they would be interested in producing modules for ARISE under the ARISE brand to the Company's specifications.

      With a "made in Ontario" PV module, ARISE expects, subject to having the necessary capital resources, to start delivering systems that meet the 60% domestic content requirements as laid out by the Ontario Power Authority ("OPA") in the third quarter of 2010.

      In Canada, the Company is currently shipping limited quantities of ARISE branded modules that are manufactured in Germany. In launching its line of Ontario-manufactured modules, ARISE intends to ensure that quality and supply levels meet its North American customers' expectations.

      "We are very pleased to announce the launch of our line of Ontario-made modules. With the implementation of the Ontario government's Feed-In Tariff, we felt the time was right to partner with Ontario-based OEMs to produce our own modules here," said Vern Heinrichs, ARISE's President and Chief Executive Officer. "This represents an excellent opportunity for us to increase our presence in the Ontario market while also contributing to job creation in our home province."

      "Certification is a time consuming process and we believe that having modules available for testing during the second quarter of 2010 will provide us with a short-term competitive advantage in the Ontario market. We expect to meet the Ontario domestic content requirements well ahead of the Jan. 1, 2011 deadline as set by the OPA," added Mr. Heinrichs.

      About ARISE Technologies

      schrieb am 17.05.10 11:28:05
      Beitrag Nr. 800 ()
      ARISE Technologies Reports First Quarter Results
      Revenues increase by 125% and EPS loss narrows to $0.02 from $0.12 compared to same period last year
      On April 14, 2010, ARISE issued a release commenting on preliminary first-quarter results. The release is available at or

      WATERLOO, ON, May 12 /CNW/ - ARISE Technologies Corporation (TSX: APV and Frankfurt: A3T), which is dedicated to becoming a leader in high-performance, high-quality, cost-effective solar technology, today reported its financial results for the first quarter ended March 31, 2010. Financial results conform to Canadian generally accepted accounting principles ("GAAP") and all currency amounts are in Canadian dollars unless otherwise noted.

      Q1 2010 Highlights:

      - Total revenue of $16.2 million, compared with $7.2 million in Q1 2009
      - Net loss of $2.7 million, compared with a net loss of $14.8 million
      in Q1 2009
      - Shipped 13.9 MW of PV cells, an increase of 500% from 2.3 MW in Q1
      - Good progress on PV cell customer and regional diversification
      - Tested first ARISE PV modules manufactured in Ontario

      "We are very pleased to report continued significant improvements across
      our operations during the first quarter of 2010. Our total revenue increased
      by 125%, compared to the first quarter of 2009. Revenue for the first quarter
      of 2010 was also up 43% over the fourth quarter of 2009," said Vern Heinrichs,
      President and CEO of ARISE.

      "Our PV cell shipments accelerated dramatically during the quarter due to increased production and the sale of most of our year end finished goods inventory. The strengthening solar marketplace also helped ARISE ship 13.9 MW of PV cells during the first three months of the year. During the first quarter, shipments were up 500% compared to a year ago and increased by 98% over the fourth quarter of 2009. During the quarter we were able to expand our shipments outside of Germany to other countries including France and Canada, as more customers are requesting a 'made in Germany' premium quality PV cells to support their marketing strategies," added Mr. Heinrichs.

      "Line Two at our PV manufacturing plant in Germany is expected to be in production by the first week of June, slightly ahead of our earlier projections, helping to meet continued strong demand for our products. We are very pleased with the increases we have been able to achieve in cell efficiency, high production yield and consistency of product. As part of the agreement with Commerzbank to extend our credit facility, we have committed to inject (euro)5 million into ARISE Technologies Deutschland GmbH (ARISE Germany) by the end of May, 2010 to support the capital expenditures and the working capital in that operation," commented Mr. Heinrichs.

      "In Ontario, our Systems Division has signed more than 35 contracts since the advent of the Ontario Feed-In Tariff program. Contracts range from private houses to schools and universities. Over half of these are either completed or under construction at this time. To support our future business, we have started testing the first ARISE PV modules manufactured in Ontario by a third party manufacturer. Having ARISE modules in made Ontario will allow us to meet the Ontario Power Authority's domestic content requirements that will take effect in 2011."

      "Finally, we continue to conduct discussions and negotiations with potential strategic partners for our silicon technology. We look forward to providing updates on our progress in this area over the coming months," concluded Mr. Heinrichs.

      Financial Overview

      Sales for the quarter ended March 31, 2010 amounted to $16.2 million, compared with $7.2 million in the first quarter of 2009. PV cells accounted for 96.3% of Q1 2010 sales with the balance being generated by the Company's Systems Division.

      Gross loss for the three months ended March 31, 2010 was $0.6 million, compared with a loss of $10.2 million for the same period in 2009.

      Operating expenses for the first quarter of 2010 were $4.2 million, a decrease of 17% from $5.1 million for the quarter ended March 31, 2009.

      R&D expenses decreased by 47% for the first quarter of 2010 to $0.9 million from $1.7 million in for the three months ended March 31, 2009.

      General and administrative ("G&A") expenses were essentially flat at $2.5 million, equivalent to the same period last year.

      Selling and marketing expenses for the quarter ended March 31, 2010 were $0.3 million, flat when compared with the first quarter of 2009.

      Net interest expense for the first quarter of 2010 was $0.6 million, virtually unchanged from $0.6 million for the three months ended March 31, 2009.

      Other income and expenses for the quarter ended March 31, 2010, included a foreign exchange gain of $3.7 million, compared with a foreign exchange gain of $0.8 million for the first quarter of 2009.

      Liquidity and Capital Resources

      As at March 31, 2010, the Company had a working capital deficiency of $42.9 million consisting of current assets of $22.5 million less current liabilities of $65.4 million. This compares with negative working capital at December 31, 2009 of $44.0 million consisting of current assets of $24.2 million less current liabilities of $68.2 million.

      Cash and cash equivalents and restricted cash at March 31, 2010 totaled $361,875, a decrease of $290,110 since December 31, 2009.

      In the near future, ARISE expects to file a Preliminary Prospectus Supplement to our existing Base Shelf Prospectus.

      Conference Call and Webcast

      ARISE will hold a conference call for analysts and investors at 9:00 a.m. (Eastern) on Wednesday, May 12, 2010. The company will file its financial statements, and Management Discussion and Analysis with SEDAR and these documents will be available on ARISE's website prior to the conference call. Vern Heinrichs, Chairman, and President and Chief Executive Officer, and Doug McCollam, Chief Financial Officer, will be available to answer questions during the call.

      Vern Heinrichs, President and Chief Executive Officer, and Doug McCollam, Chief Financial Officer, will be available to answer questions during the call.

      To participate in the call, please dial (647) 427 - 7450 or 1-888 - 231 - 8191 (Canada and the U.S. only) at least five minutes prior to the start of the call. A live audio webcast of the conference call will be available at and

      An archived recording of the call will be available at 416-849-0833 or 1-800-642-1687 (Pass code: 72090495, Canada and the U.S. only) from 1:00 p.m. on May 12, to 11:59 p.m. on May 19, 2010.

      About ARISE Technologies

      ARISE Technologies Corporation, based in Waterloo, Ontario, is dedicated to becoming a leader in high-performance, cost-effective solar technology. The company operates through three divisions. The PV Cell Division manufactures PV (photovoltaic) cells at its first manufacturing plant opened in April 2008 in Bischofswerda, Germany. The division is developing proprietary technology with a target of achieving a step-by-step progression to a high-efficiency level of greater than 20%. The PV Silicon Division is using a proprietary method to produce silicon at 7N+ high-purity (99.99999% purity) for PV cell applications, based on a simplified chemical vapor deposition process. The division is focusing on scaling up its process to provide ARISE with control over its supply, costs, and quality. The PV Systems Division has been providing PV solutions for solar farms and rooftop installations since 1996 throughout North America. ARISE is planning to expand its systems business in Ontario under the Ontario FIT (Feed-In Tariff) program.

      The company's shares are listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange under the symbol APV and on the Frankfurt Open Market Exchange under the symbol A3T. Additional information is available at and

      Forward-Looking Statements and Risk Factors
      schrieb am 21.05.10 22:14:35
      Beitrag Nr. 801 ()
      Damit man es mal einfacher wiederfindet, habe ich es zu den Fakten kopiert. Gibt es ein Erscheinungsdatum dazu?

      :D Success Stories

      Taking Solar Power Mainstream

      “The sun is by far the largest potential source of energy for the planet,“ says Dr. Nazir Kherani. “In fact, if we could capture all the energy reaching us from the sun in just one hour and turn it into electricity, we could power the earth for a year.”

      So, what’s holding us back?

      Cost is the major factor, says Dr. Kherani, an associate professor of electrical engineering and materials science at the University of Toronto. To collect one kilowatt per hour (kWh) of solar energy from rooftop solar panels costs about 35 cents, compared to approximately 10 cents for electricity. That’s a difference too many people aren’t willing to pay.

      Dr. Kherani’s goal is to help take solar power mainstream. He’s leading a team of researchers from the universities of Toronto and Waterloo in a project to develop low cost, high efficiency silicon photovoltaics. The five-year, $15 million project is funded in part by the Ministry of Research and Innovation’s Research Excellence program.

      “Photovoltaics is the direct conversion of solar energy into electricity,” explains Dr. Kherani, “Conversion is done through a photovoltaic device, or solar cell.”

      Silicon is most commonly used to make solar cells because it’s efficient, stable, environmentally friendly and readily available – but producing the cells is expensive and that’s been the stumbling block to widespread use.

      There are two ways to reduce the cost. You can increase energy conversion efficiency or you can decrease production and material costs. In partnership with ARISE Technologies, a Waterloo-based solar technology company, Dr. Kherani proposes to do both.

      “We’re developing a set of ‘thin film on silicon wafer’ technologies that will result in the development of a prototype of a high efficiency silicon photovoltaic solar cell,” says Dr. Kherani. “Solar cells that are currently on the market have an average efficiency of just 15%. We aim to increase that by 50 per cent using low-temperature processing.”

      And while Dr. Kherani’s team focuses on improving the efficiency of solar cells, scientists at ARISE will be developing, and piloting, a less costly production process for them. It’s a collaboration that holds the promise of getting high efficiency solar cells onto the market quickly – for a reasonable price.

      With countries worldwide grappling with the dual challenges of providing secure and environmentally friendly energy, the potential market for the technology is huge. By 2011 the global photovoltaics market is predicted to be $40-plus billion a year and growing by 30 per cent per year.

      While the Japanese, Germans and Americans have a leg-up on us, Dr. Kherani is convinced that the solar cells his team will produce will position Ontario as a major supplier to the world market.

      Ian MacLellan, president and CEO of ARISE Technologies, is equally optimistic.

      “The solar power industry is still in the early stages,” says Mr. MacLellan. “Leadership is up for grabs. We’re developing an exciting proprietary technology that we believe will enable us to capture a large portion of the high performance silicon photovoltaics market.”

      He adds, “If we’re successful, we’ll create a compelling opportunity for Ontario that will result in the establishment of a manufacturing base and high tech jobs.”
      schrieb am 21.05.10 22:27:54
      Beitrag Nr. 802 ()
      schrieb am 31.05.10 16:08:41
      Beitrag Nr. 803 ()
      ARISE Technologies Provides Business Update

      Technologies Corporation On Monday May 31, 2010, 9:02 am
      WATERLOO, ON, May 31 /CNW/ - ARISE Technologies Corporation (TSX: APV and Frankfurt: A3T), a leader in high-performance, high-quality, cost-effective solar technology, today provided an update on its progress to date in the second quarter of 2010.


      - Line Two of the PV Cell factory in Germany has now started in full volume production
      - Shipped 5.3 MW of PV cells from Line One in the first seven weeks of Q2
      - Year to Date shipments of 19.2 MW of PV cells and is greater than the 15.7MW in all of 2009
      - Line One running at full capacity and producing at 12% higher output compared to Q1
      - Systems Division installations completed, in progress or ordered for 2010 and 2011 total $7.5 million
      - Will launch new Systems Division website to support sales growth
      - Reduced German Bank Debt so far in Q2 by $5.6M to $28.0M
      - Bank extension to June 15, 2010 to allow ARISE to complete proposed financing

      "We are pleased with our results to date in the second quarter of 2010
      and are tracking well against our business plan for this quarter," said Vern
      Heinrichs, President and CEO of ARISE. "We are pleased to announce that we
      have started full volume production on Line Two which increases our production
      capacity to 7MW per month. Demand for our products continues to strengthen and
      so far this year we have shipped 19.2MW of PV cells as of week 20, more than
      the 15.7MW shipped in all of last year. We expect production from Line One at
      our German plant to be approximately 12% higher this quarter compared to the
      first quarter of 2010 as a result of improved manufacturing productivity.
      ARISE now has over 15 PV cell customers plus the Company's Systems Division.
      Having reduced our finished goods inventory by 5.0MW in Q1, we continued to
      reduce our finished goods inventory in Q2, which is now less than 1% of year
      to date annualized 2010 shipments, significantly down from 37% of 2009
      shipments at year end. This very low finished goods inventory level should
      eliminate any material inventory valuation risks in Q2. So far this year,
      strong demand and tight supply in Europe has led to increased average selling
      prices and rising wafer prices."

      Progress continues to be made from a production operations standpoint. ARISE has improved its average multi-crystalline production cell efficiency to 15.8% from 15.5% at the beginning of the year and has shipped product up to 16.6% efficiency. For mono-crystalline the Company has now reached average cell efficiencies of 17.4% and has produced up to 17.6% efficiency in full production. The Company has achieved this while maintaining its target yield and improving throughput.

      To date in 2010, ARISE has $7.5M of ARISE systems installations in Ontario that have been completed, or are in progress or have been ordered for completion in 2010 or 2011. To support the systems business, today ARISE will also launch its new sales website .

      The Company continues to make good progress on improving the quality of its working capital and is currently seeking to complete a Public Offering of Units of up to $10 million as defined in its Preliminary Prospectus Supplement dated May 17. Part of the proceeds from this offering will be used to increase working capital in Germany to support full production on Line Two. So far this quarter, the Company's debt to the Commerzbank in Germany has been reduced by $5.6M to $28.0M as of May 28th, compared to March 31st. This reduction was due to the receipt of a German government receivable, an injection of cash from ARISE Canada and changes in foreign exchange. Commerzbank has also extended the May 31, 2010 date to provide (euro)4.4M of working capital as defined in the ARISE business plan for Line Two to June 15, 2010.

      Discussions continue with several potential partners for the Company's Silicon Division and ARISE expects to select one of the options before the end of third quarter 2010.
      schrieb am 31.05.10 16:13:02
      Beitrag Nr. 804 ()
      Aus der überarbeiteten Arise-Präsentation.

      PV Cell Manufacturing Plant
      245MW potential capacity

      PV Cell Gelsenkirchen PV
      Cell Technology Centre
      Technology Centre
      70MW potential capacity

      Und immer wieder Phase 1 (fast) abgeschlossen, Phase 2 startet im 3. Quartal:
      Ready for Phase Two
      • Plan to expand beyond 300MW over the next two years (see next slide)
      • Tech Centre strategy in place to drive improvements of existing lines
      • Future lines moving to selective emitter, hetero-junction and multi-junction on silicon

      Intressant auch die Bank-Verbindlichkeiten:
      2010 / 2009
      Total $33.7M $37.6M

      Government grant loans $4.8M $5.2M June Repaid $3.7M

      10M € Working Capital Line $12.8M $14.4M $6.4M in June
      2010 but credit line remains the same
      Paid $0.8M in May

      Equipment Loan $16.1M $17.6M 2010 – 2013

      2010-Q3 to 2011-Q4: Funds for Phase 2 growth plan
      – Focus on results to drive growth
      – Combination of bank debt, sub-debt, equity and government grants
      – Continue discussions with various strategic partners for silicon
      – Starting to fund some growth out of cash flow
      schrieb am 03.06.10 10:26:44
      Beitrag Nr. 805 ()
      ARISE Prices Previously Announced Offering

      WATERLOO, ON, June 2 /CNW/ - ARISE Technologies Corporation (TSX: APV and Frankfurt: A3T), which is a leader in high-performance, high-quality, cost-effective solar technology, today announced the pricing of its previously announced brokered offering of up to $10,000,000 of Units plus a 15% over allotment option (the "Offering"). The Offering consists of up to 38,461,539 Units which will be sold at a per Unit price of $0.26 per Unit. Each Unit will consist of one common share and one common share purchase warrant. Each share purchase warrant will be exercisable into one common share at an exercise price of $0.33 and will expire on the second anniversary date of the closing date of the Offering unless such date is accelerated in accordance with the terms of the share purchase warrants. The expiry date of the share purchase warrants may be accelerated if the closing trading price of the common shares exceeds $0.60 for twenty consecutive trading days. ARISE expects to file a (final) prospectus supplement with respect to the Offering and enter into an agency agreement with NCP Northland Capital Partners Inc. (formerly Sandfire Securities Inc.) and Raymond James Ltd., to act as agents for the Offering shortly. The Offering will be conducted on a "best efforts" basis and may include additional syndicate members.

      Closing of the Offering is subject to certain conditions, including but not limited to, filing of the (final) prospectus supplement, execution of the Agency Agreement and receipt of all necessary securities regulatory approvals, including the approval of the Toronto Stock Exchange. Closing of the Offering is expected to occur on or about June 11, 2010.

      Assuming the Offering is fully subscribed for, the proceeds of the Offering will be used (i) to provide (euro)4,400,000 of working capital to ARISE's wholly owned German PV Cell subsidiary; (ii) to repay the outstanding bridge loan of US$1,785,000; and (iii) for general corporate purposes.

      About ARISE Technologies

      schrieb am 29.06.10 09:55:23
      Beitrag Nr. 806 ()
      Da in den Beiträgen aus Stockhouse auch einige unbekannte Fakten stecken, kopiere ich die Infos zu den Fakten. (so findet man die Aussagen auch eher wieder und kann sie auf Richtigkeit prüfen.

      The AGM didn't make quorum (10%) today, so the meeting has been rescheduled for July 20th at 11:00 am.

      Just goes to show how important it is to fill out those proxy cards and send them in... :-)

      Instead, Verne gave a presentation which was essentially a repeat of the Investor Presentation from May, which was followed by a Q & A session.

      There was very little new information. To sum it up:

      - all 2009 inventory is now cleared out, so from this point onwards they are shipping only what they are producing

      - the Ontario based OEM that is building their Arise branded panels are these guys: mal

      - they are still in advanced discussions with the F500 company regarding the Si Division/SiRF proprietary tech, as well as other companies

      - future expansion will be achieved with a combination of bank loans, mezzanine financing, and government grants/loans, though they did not say that there will be absolutely no additional equity raises...

      Verne confirmed that there will be preliminary Q2 results released, but he couldn't tell me what the date will be.

      That's all I can tell you. If I remember anything else from the meeting, I will post it.

      All the best,


      von JStockefeller:
      checked out the AGM meeting myself. I couldn't really stick around for long and I didn't feel like asking people if they are on Stockhouse. Not much revealed, but glad I went. It was interesting enough to see management in the flesh. I would have liked to meet you Greengenie, but again, didn't feel like asking a bunch of people. Did you ask a question during the Q&A. There was something like 75-100 people there.

      Surprised to find out Solgate is the OEM module maker. Then again, they are one of the few if only companies making modules in Ontario today. Nice to hear this F500 is still in the picture with regards to the silicon division. Ian mentioned there has been expressed interest from the solar sector with regards to the possible availability of Arise silicon in Ontario. Vern kept driving the point that there will be some decision/steps taken in Q3 with regards to the silicon division. There were a few sorta pointed question from a few restless shareholders. Maybe it's a good thing StockDetective wasn't there. Probably would have gave them an earful. One dose of reality came from Vern who stated it may take a couple of years for true profitability. Interesting to hear Ian mention they have had to turn down some orders/business opportunities because they are currently maxed out in terms of production. They still are open to the possibility of several buildings at the cell plant location and Ian said they have plans sketched out as far as 2020. Again they plan to have line 3 and 4 running by the end of 2011.

      Vern wouldn't get into details about the Sky Solar JV as the annoucement is only 2 days old. He did mention that they intend to pool projects together and split the profits. Sounds good.


      von GreenGenie

      I would have liked to meet you too JStock. I did notice someone leaving early. He went to pick up a blue and red bag by a table, and then he left. Was that you?

      I didn't ask anyone if they were on Stockhouse either, same reason.

      I did ask a few questions during the Q&A. I asked about how much inventory was left from 2009, about the OEM in Ontario that is producing the Arise branded panels, and after the meeting, I asked Verne if there would be preliminary Q2 results announced.

      I noticed the comment by Verne about profitability. I took that to mean that because of capital expenditures for lines 3 & 4 (somewhere in the neighbourhood of C$26-30 million) that overall profitability would take a bit longer than anticipated. Doug McCollam elaborated a bit more by saying that on an EBITDA basis (EBITDA: earnings before interest and taxes and depreciation and amortization havebeen subtracted; an indicator of a company's profitability that iswatched by investors) they would be profitable much sooner.

      One thing that I would be interested in knowing is how much do they have to pay OTB Solar up front when they order the equipment for lines 3 & 4? 50%? 100%? That's another thing I should ask on the 20th.

      The Sky Solar JV doesn't excite me much. I really don't think that it will add much to the business in terms of revenues and profits. It should reduce Arise's operating expenses because Sky will be paying the operating costs of the JV, but I just don't see it adding much to the bottom line. Maybe I'm missing something...
      schrieb am 29.06.10 16:16:11
      Beitrag Nr. 807 ()
      ARISE Technologies Corporation Announces Adjournment of its Annual and Special Meeting of Shareholders

      10% Quorum Requirement Not Met

      WATERLOO, ON, June 29 /CNW/ - ARISE Technologies Corporation (TSX: APV and Frankfurt: A3T), which is a leader in high-performance, high-quality, cost-effective solar technology, today announced that the 2010 annual and special meeting of ARISE shareholders scheduled for, and convened on June 28, 2010, was adjourned due to the lack of requisite quorum.

      The 2010 annual and special meeting of ARISE shareholders has been adjourned to 11:00 a.m. (EST) on July 20, 2010 and will be held at the University Club, University of Waterloo, 200 University Avenue West, Waterloo, ON N2L 3G1.

      ARISE's by-laws quorum requirement states that two or more shareholders or proxyholders holding at least 10% of the shares entitled to vote must be present at the meeting. At the adjourned meeting on July 20, 2010 those shareholders present at the meeting in person or by proxy shall constitute the requisite quorum.

      The Company's proxy materials, including its notice of meeting and management information circular previously filed on and mailed to the Company's shareholders on or about May 20, 2010 as well as the agenda for the meeting set out therein, remain unchanged.

      As numerous shareholders were present at the June 28, 2010 meeting, the Company continued on with the informal portion of the meeting, including the presentation by the CEO to shareholders. This presentation is available at Given this, the adjourned meeting will only cover the formal business required to be dealt with as set out in the proxy materials.

      Proxies previously submitted in respect of the original meeting shall be voted at the adjourned meeting unless revoked. Additional proxies for the adjourned meeting will be accepted until 48 hours prior to the time of the adjourned meeting.

      About ARISE Technologies
      schrieb am 15.07.10 15:14:52
      Beitrag Nr. 808 ()
      Attention Business/Financial Editors

      ARISE Technologies Announces Preliminary Second Quarter Results

      WATERLOO, ON, July 15 /CNW/ - ARISE Technologies Corporation ("ARISE" or "the Company") (TSX: APV and Frankfurt: A3T), a leader in high-performance, high-quality, cost-effective solar technology, today announced preliminary financial results for the three months ended June 30, 2010. ARISE cautions that these results are based on unaudited preliminary Company data and may be subject to final adjustment.

      The preliminary unaudited results indicate that revenue for Q2 2010 is expected to total approximately $15.3 million, which represents a 5% decrease from the $16.2 million in Q1 2010 and a 131% increase over the $6.6 million in Q2 2009.

      Shipments for the second quarter of 2010 where 11.8MW, down 15% from the 13.9MW in Q1 2010 but 312% higher than the 2.9MW shipped in Q2 2009. The preliminary results indicate that inventory levels remain at the low end of the Company's target range with a small increase in inventory levels at the end of Q2 2010 compared with the end of Q1 2010

      The reduction in revenue and shipments from Q1 2010 to Q2 2010 reflects the one-time shipment of 4.7MW of older inventory in Q1 2010, which represented 21% of PV cell revenue and 34% of shipments (in MW) in that quarter. In Q2 2010, the Company started a major "tolling" contract with a customer that is providing their own unique full square mono wafers. This reduces revenue on a per unit basis, as ARISE does not purchase or sell the wafers being "tolled", however, it does not impact the gross profit compared to the typical supply model where ARISE purchases the wafers for its PV cells.

      Revenue for the first half of 2010 is expected to be $31.4M, up 127% from the $13.8M in the first half of 2009. Shipments were 25.7MW for the first half of 2010, an increase of 396% over the 5.2MW shipped in the first half of 2009. The Company also reduced overall bank debt by (euro)5.9 million in Q2 2010.

      "During the second quarter, we saw further improvements in our business and the ongoing increase in demand for PV solar cells," said Vern Heinrichs, ARISE's President and Chief Executive Officer. "The European and Ontario solar markets are very active and we expect to continue to see strong demand throughout 2010 and into 2011 for PV cells, modules and systems. We currently have more demand than capacity for our PV cells and have our customers on allocation."

      "As we approach the second anniversary of volume production of PV Cells in Germany on July 16th, ARISE has now shipped over 52MW of PV cells representing more than $95 million in total revenue," concluded Mr. Heinrichs.

      In early August, ARISE expects to release its Q2 2010 financial results and hold a conference call. Details on the timing of the call will be provided closer to the release.

      About ARISE Technologies

      ARISE Technologies Corporation, based in Waterloo, Ontario, is dedicated to becoming a leader in high-performance, cost-effective solar technology. The company operates through three divisions. The PV Cell Division manufactures PV (photovoltaic) cells at its first manufacturing plant opened in April 2008 in Bischofswerda, Germany. The division is developing proprietary technology witha target of achieving a step-by-step progression to a high-efficiency level of greater than 20%. The PV Silicon Division is using a proprietary method to produce silicon at 7N+ high-purity (99.99999% purity) for PV cell applications, based on a simplified chemical vapor deposition process. The
      division is focusing on scaling up its process to provide ARISE with control over its supply, costs, and quality. The PV Systems Division has been providing PV solutions for solar farms and rooftop installations since 1996 throughout North America. ARISE is planning to expand its systems business in Ontario under the Ontario FIT (Feed-In Tariff) program.

      The company's shares are listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange under the
      symbol APV and on the Frankfurt Open Market Exchange under the symbol A3T.
      Additional information is available at and

      Forward-Looking Statements and Risk Factors

      Certain statements in this news release may be considered to be forward-looking. Such statements are based on management's current expectations, estimations, and assumptions based on experience, trends, and other factors that are subject to the significant risks and uncertainties described in our regulatory filings. Please refer to these. Such risks and uncertainties may include, but are not limited to, the effects of general economic conditions, changing foreign exchange rates, actions by government authorities, the requirement for additional capital, high debt levels, negative working capital levels, lack of profitability, risks associated with manufacturing, industry supply levels, competitive pricing pressures and misjudgements in the course of preparing forward-looking statements.

      Risk factors relating to ARISE are discussed in the Risk Factors section of ARISE's Annual Information Form and under the headings Liquidity and Capital Resources and Risk and Uncertainties in ARISE's year-end Management's Discussion and Analysis which are or will be available at These factors should be considered carefully, and readers should not place undue reliance on ARISE's forward-looking statements.

      ARISE assumes no obligation to update any forward-looking statements or to update the reasons why actual results could differ from those reflected in the forward-looking statements.…
      schrieb am 04.08.10 13:31:25
      Beitrag Nr. 809 ()
      ARISE Technologies Reports Second Quarter Results

      Revenues increase by 131% as shipments rise by more than 300%

      On July 15, 2010, ARISE issued a release commenting on preliminary first-quarter results. The release is available at or

      WATERLOO, ON, Aug. 4 /CNW/ - ARISE Technologies Corporation (TSX: APV and Frankfurt: A3T), which is a leader in high-performance, high-quality, cost-effective solar technology, today reported its financial results for the second quarter ended June 30, 2010. Financial results conform to Canadian generally accepted accounting principles ("GAAP") and all currency amounts are in Canadian dollars unless otherwise noted.

      Q2 2010 Highlights:

      - Total revenue of $15.3 million, compared with $6.6 million in Q2 2009

      - Net loss of $7.4 million, compared with a net loss of $13.6 million
      in Q2 2009

      - Shipped 11.8 MW of PV cells, an increase of 312% from 2.9 MW
      in Q2 2009

      - Completed $11.5 million brokered offering

      - Systems division signed joint venture agreement with Sky Solar

      "We continued to report improvements across key areas of our business during the second quarter with significant year-over-year increases in revenue and PV cell shipments," said Vern Heinrichs, President and CEO of ARISE. "Customer demand remains strong in both Europe and Ontario, and demand for our products is currently outpacing the available supply. Line two at our German plant is now running at full capacity, bringing our annual production capabilities to 85MW. We expect the strong demand to continue throughout the second half of 2010 and are in the early stages of planning lines three and four."

      "In Ontario, we continued to make strides in advancing the progress of our Systems division. This quarter, for the first time, the systems division generated more than $1 million in revenue from its operations in the Ontario market," added Mr. Heinrichs. "During the quarter, we signed a joint-venture agreement with Sky Solar whose European headquarters are in Neurnberg, Germany, to provide engineering, procurement and contracting services for ARISE and Sky Solar projects in Ontario. This agreement is significant because it provides ARISE with access to the project finance, engineering and construction expertise of Sky Solar, a multi-national enterprise with considerable experience in the PV solar market."

      Financial Overview

      Sales for the quarter ended June 30, 2010 amounted to $15.3 million, compared with $6.6 million in the second quarter of 2009. PV cells accounted for 93% of Q2 2010 sales with the balance being generated by the Company's Systems Division.

      Gross loss for the three months ended June 30, 2010 was $0.5 million, compared with a loss of $8.1 million for the same period in 2009.

      Operating expenses for the second quarter of 2010 were $7.1 million, an increase of 24.3% from $5.7 million for the quarter ended June 30, 2009.

      R&D expenses decreased by 40% for the second quarter of 2010 to $1.5 million from $2.6 million for the three months ended June 30, 2009.

      General and administrative ("G&A") expenses increased to $4.5 million, from $2.3 million in the second quarter of 2009. The 96% increase was predominately the result of increased stock-based compensation related to the issuance of stock options, deferred share units, and warrants on a bridge loan in the second quarter of 2010.

      Selling and marketing expenses for the quarter ended June 30, 2010 were $0.5 million, compared with $0.4 million in the second quarter of 2009.

      Net interest expense for the second quarter of 2010 was $0.8 million, up slightly from $0.6 million for the same period the prior year.

      Other income and expenses for the quarter ended June 30, 2010, included a foreign exchange gain of $1.9 million, compared with a foreign exchange gain of $0.6 million for the second quarter of 2009.

      Liquidity and Capital Resources

      As at June 30, 2010, the Company had a working capital deficiency of $34.8 million consisting of current assets of $24.0 million less current liabilities of $58.8 million. This compares with negative working capital at December 31, 2009 of $44.0 million consisting of current assets of $24.2 million less current liabilities of $68.2 million. The decrease in working capital deficiency reflects cash raised from the issuance of shares during the quarter.

      Cash and cash equivalents and restricted cash at June 30, 2010 totaled $1.8 million, an increase of $1.2 million from December 31, 2009.

      Conference Call and Webcast

      ARISE will hold a conference call for analysts and investors at 8:30 a.m. (Eastern) on Wednesday, August 4, 2010.

      schrieb am 05.08.10 10:38:49
      Beitrag Nr. 810 ()
      Sky Solar and Arise Technologies established cooperation to develop PV market in Canada
      Date: Jul. 08, 2010

      As one of key activities for celebrating the 40 anniversary of the foundation of diplomatic relations between China and Canada, the 4th China-Canada Economy and Trade Forum was held in Ottawa, Canada on June 24, 2010. The Chinese President Hu Jingtao attended this forum and made important speech in this forum during G20 summit. Many firms from both China and Canada conducted close communication on clean energy, eco-protection technology, development of resources etc, and a series of cooperation agreements were arrived.

      During this forum, Mr. Su weili, the Chairman and CEO of Sky Solar Holdings Co., Ltd, and Mr. Vern Heinrichs, President and CEO of Arise Technologies from Canada signed an cooperation agreement that a joint venture, Sky Solar (Canada) Engineering Inc will be established by and between both parties on the business development of PV market in Ontario under the governmental policies of FIT to provide EPC service, including the design, purchase and engineering of solar power plants for the clients.

      Foto: Mr. Su Weili (2nd in left) and Mr. Vern Heinrichs (middle)

      As for such cooperation, Mr. Su Weili mentioned that, as the first professional PV company with Chinese background stepping into Canada PV market, Sky Solar is fairly pleased that we could join hands with Arise Technologies, the sole public company in Canada. We believe we could meet the demands from the clients better to push the development of green energy industry through our close cooperation and making most of mutual advantages.

      Sky Solar will complete the biggest one-package on-grid solar power projects on roofs of business building in the history of Canada by the end of 2010, which marks Sky Solar has already made great progress in the exploitation in Canada PV market.
      schrieb am 25.08.10 16:46:57
      Beitrag Nr. 811 ()…

      Amtsgericht Dresden Aktenzeichen: HRB 25700 Bekannt gemacht am: 19.08.2010 12:00 Uhr

      Die in () gesetzten Angaben der Geschäftsanschrift und des Unternehmensgegenstandes erfolgen ohne Gewähr.



      ARISE Technologies Deutschland GmbH, Bischofswerda, Tormeyerstr. 1, 01877 Bischofswerda.

      Geschäftsführer: MacLellan, Ian, Waterloo, Ontario, *23.01.1957; Zijlstra, Sjouke, Gelsenkirchen, *21.04.1946.

      Geschäftsführer: Götsch, Klaus, Oldenburg, *18.05.1957, mit der Befugnis, im Namen der Gesellschaft mit sich im eigenen Namen oder als Vertreter eines Dritten Rechtsgeschäfte abzuschließen.

      Prokura erloschen:
      Chornaby, David Joseph, Waterloo, Ontario, *26.12.1956.

      Gesamtprokura gemeinsam mit einem Geschäftsführer mit der Befugnis, im Namen der Gesellschaft mit sich im eigenen Namen oder als Vertreter eines Dritten Rechtsgeschäfte abzuschließen: Angenendt, Rainer, Gelsenkirchen, *23.04.1966.


      Hier auf Bekanntmachungen suchen - oben links "Detailsuche" anklicken

      Dann jeweils auswählen:

      Bundesländer: Sachsen

      Gericht: Dresden

      Datum der Bekanntmachung: 01. 01.2000 - 25.08.2010

      Firma/Name: Arise Technologies

      Sitz/Niederlassung ------- frei lassen

      Aktenzeichen des Registergerichts: HRB -- 25700

      Gegenstand der Bekanntmachung: Alle Bekanntmachungen
      schrieb am 25.08.10 16:49:59
      Beitrag Nr. 812 ()
      Der Neue müßte/könnte der sein
      2 Antworten
      schrieb am 25.08.10 17:16:26
      Beitrag Nr. 813 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 40.043.972 von Brisca am 25.08.10 16:49:59gute arbeit Brisca !!!das passt zusammen!
      schrieb am 25.08.10 17:17:14
      Beitrag Nr. 814 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 40.043.972 von Brisca am 25.08.10 16:49:59womit herr zijlstra weiterhin in ge gf ist - beim arise technology centre. dazu gibbet auf der seite nix.
      schrieb am 26.08.10 18:26:50
      Beitrag Nr. 815 ()
      Nachtrag: Ich meine, gestern nur das bisherige Profil von Klaus Götsch gelesen zu haben?

      Heute steht auch im Profil


      bis heute Interim Manager

      2010 - heute Geschäftsführer Arise Technologies Deutschland GmbH

      Dürfte? sich also erübrigt haben mit "Interims"Geschäftsführer (laut dieser Seite)

      Interessant für einige von Euch?

      Seine vorletzte Tätigkeit als Geschäftsführer bei:

      PS: Diskussionen o.ä. bitte im Hauptthread
      schrieb am 26.08.10 23:05:35
      Beitrag Nr. 816 ()
      ARISE Technologies Provides Business Update
      WATERLOO, ON, Aug. 26 /CNW/ - ARISE Technologies Corporation ("ARISE" or "the Company") (TSX: APV and Frankfurt: A3T), a leader in high-performance, high-quality, cost-effective solar technology, today provided an update on its progress to date in the third quarter of 2010.

      - Line Two running at full production volume
      - Shipped over 10.8MW of PV cells in the first seven weeks of Q3, up
      100% over same period in Q2
      - PV cell shipments of 36.7MW year-to-date, a 403% increase over the
      same period in 2009
      - Systems business currently has 53 active projects
      "To this point in the third quarter, we have continued to see increased demand for our products and an ongoing improvement in the PV solar cell market," said Vern Heinrichs, ARISE's President and Chief Executive Officer. "The successful ramp up to full production on Line Two at our German plant marks the successful completion of Phase One of our PV cell manufacturing plan. We continue to add new customers and have begun preliminary planning for the eventual commission of Lines Three and Four."

      As ARISE moves into Phase Two of its PV cell manufacturing plan, management has identified three major objectives for the balance of this year:

      1) Complete financing for Lines Three and Line Four as soon as
      possible, with the objective of commissioning in 2011. ARISE is
      currently in discussions regarding a variety of financing options
      to expand capacity, including government loans and mezzanine debt.
      Provided that funding can be obtained and lines Three and Four
      successfully installed and commissioned, the company expects the
      added production capacity to lead to economies of scale and lower
      production costs.

      2) Finalize commercialization plans for proprietary silicon
      technology and high efficiency PV cells. The company continues to
      work on a strategic partnership for its silicon division and
      expects to announce its plans before the end of the third quarter.
      ARISE also expects to disclose more detailed plans on its high
      efficiency PV cell program before the end of this year.

      3) Continue to focus on improving operational performance and expense
      management. ARISE is also continuing the integration process with
      Sky Solar on its EPC (Engineering, Procurement and Construction)
      joint venture and will provide regular updates on its progress.
      Board and Management Changes

      Effective August 15, 2010, Professor David Johnston resigned from the ARISE Board of Directors to focus on his recently announced role as Canada's governor general-designate. ARISE management wishes to thank Professor Johnston for his significant contribution to ARISE over the four years that he served on the Board and wish him all the best in his prestigious new role.

      ARISE also announced today that Ian MacLellan, the company's founder, is returning to the role of Chief Technology Officer. Sjouke Zijlstra will become Senior Vice-President, Advanced Manufacturing and Klaus Goetsch has been appointed Managing Director of the PV cell factory in Bischofswerda.
      schrieb am 02.09.10 10:40:34
      Beitrag Nr. 817 ()…

      Arise sucht neuen CEO
      COMPANY Posted: Aug 31, 2010
      ARISE Technologies Corporation


      Waterloo, Ontario

      ARISE Technology Corporation entered the solar energy market in 1996 and has offices in Waterloo, Canada and Bischofswerda, Germany.The company operates through its wholly owned subsidiary, ARISE Technologies Deutschland GmbH.The shares of ARISE are listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange under the symbol APV and on the Frankfurt Open Market Exchange under the symbol A3T.

      ARISE operates as a solar technology company with three distinct business lines: (a) the development of proprietary technologies for the manufacture of high-efficiency photovoltaic (PV) cells; (b) the production of lower-cost 7N+ high-purity silicon for PV cells; and (c) the design, supply and installation of solar PV energy solutions for electrical grid connected applications.The company’s operations are primarily in Canada and Germany.

      ARISE PV Cell
      The company, through its German subsidiary, ARISE Germany, operates a PV Cell Division, which is engaged in the development and manufacture of high-efficiency PV solar cells.Its PV Cell Division is currently in the process of developing a high-efficiency thin-film on silicon wafer heterojunction PV solar cell based on current proprietary patented process technology.

      There are two manufacturing lines currently in operation with two additional lines scheduled to come online in 2011.This increased capacity will improve ARISE’S output from 45MW to 250MW, which would represent 250M Euros per year in revenues.

      ARISE Silicon
      The ARISE Silicon Division focus is commercializing high-purity (7N+) solar-grade silicon.The company is well-advanced in conducting research and development on a process to produce silicon which is of sufficient purity to be used in the production of PV cells (PV silicon).During September 2009, the company produced its first PV cells at its manufacturing plant in Bischofswerda, Germany, using its own 7N+ polysilicon ARISE plans to complete a “pre-production”, a 10,000 ton per annum silicon plant in the Waterloo Region of Ontario, Canada.Additionally, the company is in preliminary negotiations with several possible “partners” to fund the balance of the R & D, pre-production plant and full production plants in the coming years.

      ARISE Systems
      The ARISE Systems Division provides turnkey solar solutions for residential and other microfit projects with an installation partner.The company provides a complete range of solar energy solutions from small portable Plug and Play systems to turnkey solar energy solutions.It offers grid connected photovoltaic systems.The company recently entered into a joint-venture with a large global systems installer to strengthen the company’s capacity to scale operations quickly and take on large solar farms, industrial and commercial applications.

      ARISE Research
      ARISE has an extensive research and development program for its PV Cell and PV Silicon Divisions, with most of the R&D conducted in concert with universities. ARISE has been participating in PV Cell research, which is carried out in collaboration with the University of Toronto, the University of Waterloo and McMaster University, along with various research institutes in Europe.

      Highlights for the first half of 2010

      Revenue for the first half of 2010 is expected to be $31.4M, up 127% from the $13.8M in the first half of 2009.
      Shipments were 25.7MW for the first half of 2010, an increase of 396% over the 5.2MW shipped in the first half of 2009.
      Recently closed an $11.5M offering, while reducing overall bank debt by (Euro) 5.9M in Q2 2010.
      "During the second quarter, we saw further improvements in our business and the ongoing increase in demand for PV solar cells," said Vern Heinrichs, ARISE's President and Chief Executive Officer."The European and Ontario solar markets are very active and we expect to continue to see strong demand throughout 2010 and into 2011 for PV cells, modules and systems. We currently have more demand than capacity for our PV cells and have our customers on allocation.As we approach the second anniversary of volume production of PV Cells in Germany on July 16th, ARISE has now shipped over 52MW of PV cells representing more than $95M in total revenue."
      Highlights for 2008-2009

      Sign a four-year contract to supply PV cells to Asola Advanced and Automotive Solar Systems GmbH.
      Sign a six-year agreement with a wholly owned subsidiary of ReneSola Ltd. to supply 203.5MW of silicon wafers.
      Company opens its PV cell manufacturing plant in Germany.
      Enters into a five year contract to supply PV cells to Aleo Solar AG of Germany.
      Enters into a PV cell supply contract with Solon AG.
      Enter into an amended and restated Committed Equity Facility Agreement with Haverstock Master Fund.
      Company receives Deloitte 2008 Technology Green 15 Award.
      Becomes the industry partner with University of Toronto and McMasterUniversity to develop high-efficiency solar technologies.
      ARISE will bring on board a Chief Executive Officer (CEO) who will plan, orchestrate and execute the ramp up and globalization commercialization of ARISE’s proprietary solar technologies.The CEO will provide strategic leadership to move the business towards a several hundred million dollar global company while creating substantial value for its shareholders.

      The successful CEO candidate will be entrepreneurial by background and will be seen as nimble; yet disciplined.He/she will provide strategic leadership, corporate governance and the core strategic vision, and will set the corporate direction to ensure realization of an unprecedented global market opportunity for each of the company’s three business units.

      The successful candidate ideally will have proven experience as a CEO in a public global energy or technology company backstopped by functional expertise in marketing.This individual will have a technical background with more than 15 years of solid operational management experience and a track record delivering results.Building and scaling a successful technology or highly sophisticated manufacturing business through rapid growth is essential.

      The successful candidate will have to be able to effectively grasp the entire PV value chain from raw materials through to end product.Operating knowledge is essential to ensure the company successfully delivers the aggressive growth expectations for all three of its business units.

      The CEO will possess the external skills to deal with current and potential strategic partners and investors, as well as the internal operating skills required to establish and run a capital efficient and disciplined business; will ensure continuous measurable improvement through cost reductions, quality improvement and improved manufacturing efficiencies. The successful candidate will have not only a track record of successfully raising capital, but offer existing relationships within the capital markets.

      The successful candidate will build, develop and nurture a world class executive management team to foster a culture of professional excellence, and will be responsible for establishing organizational policies, the supporting infrastructure and operating systems to ensure sustainable operating efficiencies.

      The successful candidate will demonstrate a genuinely global perspective.

      Year one deliverables:

      - Develop and nurture important joint-venture relationships within the Silicon business unit.
      - Shepherd the forthcoming PV manufacturing lines; specifically having lines 3 and 4 up and running, while at the same time work to arranging financing for the technology centre.
      - Further develop and strengthen the EPC Joint Venture relationship within the systems division; solidify financing arrangements to achieve greater independence.

      An experienced leader with a solid track record (15+ years) delivering results with proven experience as a public company CEO.
      Track record in raising capital in its various forms; known in the investment community.
      Have the demonstrable track record, ability and confidence to successfully plan, orchestrate and execute the large-scale roll-out and rapid global commercialization of ARISE's proprietary intellectual property and technologies.
      Ability to work as a team player in a highly dynamic environment leading an exceptional and diverse core team in delivering on an unprecedented market opportunity.
      A global perspective with experience in management roles involving domestic and international business and market development activities; manufacturing and supply chain management is desirable.
      The vision and global experience to guide the enterprise, build infrastructure, allocate resources, and establish processes that ensure performance and results.
      Possesses the external skills to deal with existing potential strategic partners and investors, as well as the internal operating skills required to establish and run a capital efficient and disciplined business.
      A strong integrator with the ability to create synergies in complex strategic partnerships and global business alliances.
      A bachelor’s degree in engineering or relevant technical field is required.An MBA is highly desirable.A related advanced degree is preferred.
      The company will design an attractive, performance-based compensation and benefits package that will include a base salary, cash and equity bonuses commensurate with the successful candidate’s experience and ability to contribute to the growth and profitability of the company.
      schrieb am 16.09.10 10:53:14
      Dieser Beitrag wurde moderiert. Grund: Spammposting
      schrieb am 16.09.10 11:18:53
      Beitrag Nr. 819 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 40.160.377 von Brisca am 16.09.10 10:53:14;)…
      schrieb am 23.09.10 18:31:48
      Beitrag Nr. 820 ()

      ARISE Technologies Ranked the Eleventh Fastest Growing Technology Company in Canada in the Deloitte Technology Fast 50TM

      Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, September 23, 2010

      ARISE Technologies Corporation (“ARISE” or “the Company”) (TSX: APV and Frankfurt: A3T), a leader in high-performance, high-quality, cost-effective solar technology, today announced that it is ranked among the Deloitte Technology Fast 50TM, a ranking of the 50 fastest growing technology companies in Canada, based on the percentage of revenue growth over five years. ARISE's increase in revenues of 2,777 percent from 2005 to 2009 resulted in an eleventh place ranking.

      For over 13 years, the Deloitte Technology Fast 50TM program has tracked the successful growth of Canadian-grown global leaders. Now Canada’s pre-eminent technology award program, the Deloitte Technology Fast 50TM augments the broader Deloitte North American Technology Fast 500 initiative, with winners automatically eligible for this elite ranking.

      “Canadian technology companies have demonstrated some very impressive growth numbers over the past year, amid the challenges of an uncertain global economic recovery,” said John Ruffolo, National Leader, Technology, Media & Telecommunications Industry Group, Deloitte. “ARISE Technologies is an example of the determination, drive and skill that will serve to position them for further growth and success in the years to come.”

      ARISE CEO, Vern Heinrichs, credits its reputation for manufacturing quality, systems engineering and effective partnerships with its high growth from the years 2005 to 2009.

      “We are honoured to have been recognized for a second year by Deloitte. The Technology Fast 50TM award symbolizes the continued strong demand levels we are seeing for our high-quality ARISE PV cells throughout Europe and the world. In Ontario, we are particularly pleased with the rate of adoption to clean solar energy which has been inspired by the government’s implementation of the Feed-In-Tariff,” he said.

      To qualify for the Deloitte Technology Fast 50TM ranking, companies must have been in business for at least five years, have revenues of at least $5 million, be headquartered in Canada, own proprietary technology, and conduct research and development activities in Canada. A panel of industry experts evaluate and judge companies based on four key criteria: competitive advantage; size, growth, and market attractiveness; management effectiveness and organization; and financial performance.

      About the Deloitte Technology Fast 50TM
      The Deloitte Technology Fast 50TM program is Canada’s pre-eminent technology awards program. Celebrating business growth, innovation and entrepreneurship, the program features four distinct categories including the Technology Fast 50TM Ranking, Companies-to-Watch Awards (early-stage Canadian tech companies in business less than five years, with the potential to be a future Deloitte Technology Fast 50TM candidate,) Leadership Awards (companies that demonstrate technological leadership in four industry subcategories: hardware/semiconductor, software, telecommunications and emerging technologies) and the Deloitte Technology Green 15TM Awards (Canada’s leading GreenTech companies that promote a more efficient use and re-use of the earth's resources in industrial production and consumption.) Program sponsors include Deloitte, Gowlings, GrowthWorks, TMX Group, Wellington Financial, HKMB Hub International, National Angel Capital Organization, CVCA, MaRS and IGLOO Software. For further information, visit

      About ARISE Technologies
      ARISE Technologies Corporation, based in Waterloo, Ontario, is a leader in high-performance, cost-effective solar technology. The company operates through three divisions. The PV Cell Division manufactures PV (photovoltaic) cells at its first manufacturing plant opened in April 2008 in Bischofswerda, Germany. The division is developing proprietary technology with a target of achieving a step-by-step progression to a high-efficiency level of greater than 20%. The PV Silicon Division is using a proprietary method to produce silicon at 7N+ high-purity (99.99999% purity) for PV cell applications, based on a simplified chemical vapor deposition process. The division is focusing on scaling up its process to provide ARISE with control over its supply, costs, and quality. The PV Systems Division has been providing PV solutions for solar farms and rooftop installations since 1996 throughout North America. ARISE is planning to expand its systems business in Ontario under the Ontario FIT (Feed-In Tariff) program.

      The company’s shares are listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange under the symbol APV and on the Frankfurt Open Market Exchange under the symbol A3T. Additional information is available at and

      ARISE Technologies Corporation
      65 Northland Road, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2V 1Y8
      Doug McCollam, Chief Financial Officer, (519) 772-5706

      Investor Relations
      Glen Williams
      The Equicom Group
      (416) 815-0700 ext. 272…
      schrieb am 24.09.10 12:55:02
      Beitrag Nr. 821 ()
      Falls jemand mal etwas recherchieren will, bezüglich Patente

      Nur bei Anmelder/Inhaber/Erfinder >>> Arise Technologies <<<< eingeben

      und bei >>>>>> Trefferliste konfigurieren <<<<<<<< alle Häkchen setzen…

      (PS: man beachte auch bei den anklickbaren Ergebnissen, ganz unten >>> Entgegengehaltene Patentdokumente)
      schrieb am 05.10.10 16:33:29
      Beitrag Nr. 822 ()

      ARISE Technologies Announces Preliminary Third Quarter Results
      Tuesday, 05 October 2010

      ARISE today released unaudited preliminary financial results for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2010.

      ARISE Technologies Corporation (“ARISE” or “the Company”) (TSX: APV and Frankfurt: A3T), a leader in high-performance, high-quality, cost-effective solar technology, today announced preliminary financial results for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2010. ARISE cautions that these results are based on unaudited preliminary Company data and may be subject to final adjustment.

      The preliminary unaudited results indicate that revenue for Q3 2010 is expected to total approximately $23.0 million, of which $3.7 million was from wafer tolling. This result represents a 50% increase from the $15.3 million in Q2 2010 and a 249% increase over the $6.6 million in Q3 2009. With the successful ramp-up of Line Two in June 2010, the PV cell plant in Germany is also expected to achieve positive EBITDA (Earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortization) for the third quarter which would exceed the Company’s internal target for the quarter.

      Shipments for the third quarter of 2010 are expected to be 19.5MW, up 65% from the 11.8MW in Q2 2010 and 457% higher than the 3.5MW shipped in Q3 2009. The preliminary results indicate that inventory levels remain at the low end of the Company’s target range. The Company expects that quarter over quarter PV cell shipment growth will be lower in the remainder of 2010 and 2011 as results now include Line Two operating at full capacity for an entire quarter. Additional PV cell shipment growth will be generated if the Company installs additional production lines.

      Revenue for the first nine-months of 2010 is expected to be $54.4M, up 166% from the $20.4M in the first nine months of 2009. Shipments were 45.2MW for the first nine-months of 2010, which is an increase of 421% over the 8.7MW shipped in the first nine-months of 2009.

      “During the third quarter of 2009 our PV cell shipments continued their strong upward trend as demand for our products outpaced existing production capacities,” said Vern Heinrichs, ARISE’s President and Chief Executive Officer. “The increased demand we have experienced throughout 2010 continues to drive strong top-line revenue growth, and preliminary results indicate that our third quarter revenue will increase by approximately 250% over the same period last year.”

      “In Ontario, our systems business continues to gain traction in this early stage market, with preliminary third quarter results pointing to a more than doubling of systems revenue over the previous quarter,” continued Mr. Heinrichs.

      “In regards to our Silicon Division, we continue our negotiations with now three major companies to structure an agreement to commercialize our proprietary high-purity, low-cost silicon technology. This process is taking longer than we had originally anticipated. Due to recent results from our R & D activities and increasing prices for silicon world-wide, we remain optimistic that we will be able to finalize our strategic approach soon,” concluded Mr. Heinrichs.

      In early November, ARISE expects to release its Q3 2010 financial results and hold a conference call. Details for the third quarter conference call will be provided closer to the date of the release.

      About ARISE Technologies

      ARISE Technologies Corporation, based in Waterloo, Ontario, is dedicated to becoming a leader in high-performance, cost-effective solar technology. The company operates through three divisions. The PV Cell Division manufactures PV (photovoltaic) cells at its first manufacturing plant opened in April 2008 in Bischofswerda, Germany. The division is developing proprietary technology with a target of achieving a step-by-step progression to a high-efficiency level of greater than 20%. The PV Silicon Division is using a proprietary method to produce silicon at 7N+ high-purity (99.99999% purity) for PV cell applications, based on a simplified chemical vapor deposition process. The division is focusing on scaling up its process to provide ARISE with control over its supply, costs, and quality. The PV Systems Division has been providing PV solutions for solar farms and rooftop installations since 1996 throughout North America. ARISE is planning to expand its systems business in Ontario under the Ontario FIT (Feed-In Tariff) program.

      The company’s shares are listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange under the symbol APV and on the Frankfurt Open Market Exchange under the symbol A3T. Additional information is available at and

      Forward-Looking Statements and Risk Factors

      Certain statements in this news release may be considered to be forward-looking. Such statements are based on management’s current expectations, estimations, and assumptions based on experience, trends, and other factors that are subject to the significant risks and uncertainties described in our regulatory filings. Please refer to these. Such risks and uncertainties may include, but are not limited to, the effects of general economic conditions, changing foreign exchange rates, actions by government authorities, the requirement for additional capital, high debt levels, negative working capital levels, lack of profitability, risks associated with manufacturing, industry supply levels, competitive pricing pressures and misjudgements in the course of preparing forward-looking statements.
      Risk factors relating to ARISE are discussed in the Risk Factors section of ARISE’s Annual Information Form and under the headings Liquidity and Capital Resources and Risk and Uncertainties in ARISE’s year-end Management’s Discussion and Analysis which are or will be available at These factors should be considered carefully, and readers should not place undue reliance on ARISE’s forward-looking statements.
      ARISE assumes no obligation to update any forward-looking statements or to update the reasons why actual results could differ from those reflected in the forward-looking statements.


      ARISE Technologies Corporation

      65 Northland Road, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2V 1Y8
      Doug McCollam, Chief Financial Officer, (519) 772-5706

      Investor Relations
      Glen Williams
      The Equicom Group
      (416) 815-0700 ext. 272…
      schrieb am 26.10.10 20:00:20
      Beitrag Nr. 823 ()
      Arise Techn. rt Charts & Infos, A3T u. APV
      schrieb am 27.10.10 10:56:40
      Beitrag Nr. 824 ()
      ARISE Appoints New Chief Executive Officer

      WATERLOO, ON, Oct. 21 /CNW/ - ARISE Technologies Corporation ("ARISE" or "the Company") (TSX: APV and Frankfurt: A3T), a leader in high-performance, high-quality, cost-effective solar technology, today announced that the ARISE Board of Directors has named Daniel Shea as the Company's new Chief Executive Officer ("CEO"). Effective October 21, 2010, Mr. Shea will take over from current CEO, Vern Heinrichs' who is retiring from the position which he has held since 2009. Mr. Heinrichs will also step down as a director of ARISE and Mr. Shea will be nominated as his replacement. Mr. Heinrichs has agreed to continue to serve as a consultant to ARISE for a three-month period.

      "We are delighted to have Daniel Shea join us as the new CEO of ARISE," said Peter Harder, Chairman of ARISE. "Daniel is a seasoned technology industry executive who has held senior leadership positions at several leading technology firms. He has a clear vision of what is necessary to drive ARISE's ongoing growth and success and ensure that the Company continues its emergence as a market leader in the PV solar sector."

      "On behalf of the Board of Directors, I would like to thank Vern Heinrichs for his many contributions as CEO of ARISE during a very challenging period in the Company's history," added Mr. Harder. "Under his leadership, ARISE was able to withstand the impacts of the global economic downturn and emerge a stronger, more focused organization. Vern has also made valuable contributions at the Board level, both in his current role as a director and in his previous position as Chairman of ARISE. We look forward to continuing to work with Vern over the next three months and wish him all the best in his future endeavours."

      Mr. Shea has more than 30 years of broad experience in the technology industry and most recently was Senior Vice President at Research in Motion. Prior to that, Mr. Shea spent 27 years at Celestica/IBM in progressively senior management positions. His roles included: Chief Technology Officer, Senior Vice President/Account General Manager and President of the Power Systems Division.

      Mr. Shea is a professional engineer, holds a B.A.S.C. in Electrical Engineering from the University of Toronto and currently serves as an advisor to a number of organizations including the University of Toronto's Engineering Dean's Advisory Board.

      "I'm very pleased to be joining ARISE at such an exciting time," said Mr. Shea. "The Company and its products have developed a tremendous reputation for quality and efficiency. This is a testament to the hard work and dedication of the committed team at ARISE. I look forward to working closely with them to continue to provide premium products and service to customers in our core markets of Europe and Ontario, while seeking innovative opportunities to market and distribute our products on an international scale."

      About ARISE Technologies ARISE Technologies Corporation, based in Waterloo, Ontario, is dedicated to becoming a leader in high-performance, cost-effective solar technology. The Company operates through three divisions. The PV Cell Division manufactures PV (photovoltaic) cells at its first manufacturing plant opened in April 2008 in Bischofswerda, Germany. The division is developing proprietary technology with a target of achieving a step-by-step progression to a high-efficiency level of greater than 20%. The PV Silicon Division is using a proprietary method to produce silicon at 7N+ high-purity (99.99999% purity) for PV cell applications, based on a simplified chemical vapor deposition process. The division is focusing on scaling up its process to provide ARISE with control over its supply, costs, and quality. The PV Systems Division has been providing PV solutions for solar farms and rooftop installations since 1996 throughout North America. ARISE is planning to expand its systems business in Ontario under the Ontario FIT (Feed-In Tariff) program.

      The Company's shares are listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange under the symbol APV and on the Frankfurt Open Market Exchange under the symbol A3T. Additional information is available at and

      Forward-Looking Statements and Risk Factors

      Certain statements in this news release may be considered to be forward-looking. Such statements are based on management's current expectations, estimations, and assumptions based on experience, trends, and other factors that are subject to the significant risks and uncertainties described in our regulatory filings. Please refer to these. Such risks and uncertainties may include, but are not limited to, the effects of general economic conditions, changing foreign exchange rates, actions by government authorities, the requirement for additional capital, high debt levels, negative working capital levels, lack of profitability, risks associated with manufacturing, industry supply levels, competitive pricing pressures and misjudgements in the course of preparing forward-looking statements.

      Risk factors relating to ARISE are discussed in the Risk Factors section of ARISE's Annual Information Form and under the headings Liquidity and Capital Resources and Risk and Uncertainties in ARISE's year-end Management's Discussion and Analysis which are or will be available at These factors should be considered carefully, and readers should not place undue reliance on ARISE's forward-looking statements.

      ARISE assumes no obligation to update any forward-looking statements or to update the reasons why actual results could differ from those reflected in the forward-looking statements.

      For further information

      << ARISE Technologies Corporation 65 Northland Road, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2V 1Y8 Doug McCollam, Chief Financial Officer, (519) 772-5706 >> Investor Relations Glen Williams The Equicom Group (416) 815-0700 ext. 272
      schrieb am 29.10.10 21:46:31
      Beitrag Nr. 825 ()
      ARISE Technologies Announces Third Quarter Conference Call
      Waterloo, ON, October 28, 2010 – ARISE Technologies Corporation (TSX: APV and Frankfurt: A3T), which is a leader in high-performance, high quality, cost-effective solar technology, will release its 2010 third-quarter financial results after 7:00 a.m. (ET) on Thursday November 4, 2010.
      ARISE will hold a conference call for analysts and investors at 8:30 a.m. (Eastern) on November 4. The company will file its 2010 third-quarter financial statements and Management Discussion and Analysis with SEDAR and these documents will be available on ARISE’s website prior to the conference call.
      Dan Shea, President and Chief Executive Officer, and Doug McCollam, Chief Financial Officer, will be available to answer questions during the call.
      To participate in the call, please dial (647) 427 - 7450 or 1-888 - 231 - 8191 (Canada and the U.S. only) at least five minutes prior to the start of the call. A live audio webcast of the conference call will be available at and
      An archived recording of the call will be available at 416-849-0833 or 1-800-642-1687 (Canada and the U.S. only) (Pass code: 21314960) from 11:30 a.m. on November 4, to 11:59 p.m. on November 11, 2010. (ET)
      About ARISE Technologies
      ARISE Technologies Corporation, based in Waterloo, Ontario, is a leader in high-performance, cost-effective solar technology. The company operates through three divisions. The PV Cell Division manufactures PV (photovoltaic) cells at its first manufacturing plant opened in April 2008 in Bischofswerda, Germany. The division is developing proprietary technology with a target of achieving a step-by-step progression to a high-efficiency level of greater than 20%. The PV Silicon Division is using a proprietary method to produce silicon at 7N+ high-purity (99.99999% purity) for PV cell applications, based on a simplified chemical vapor deposition process. The division is focusing on scaling up its process to provide ARISE with control over its supply, costs, and quality. The PV Systems Division has been providing rooftop and ground-mounted PV solutions since 1996. ARISE is planning to expand its systems business in Ontario under the Ontario FIT (Feed-In Tariff) program.
      The company’s shares are listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange under the symbol APV and on the Frankfurt Open Market Exchange under the symbol A3T. Additional information is available at and
      ARISE Technologies Corporation
      65 Northland Road, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2V 1Y8
      Doug McCollam, Chief Financial Officer, (519) 772-5706
      Investor Relations
      Glen Williams
      The Equicom Group
      (416) 815-0700 ext. 272…
      schrieb am 04.11.10 15:23:22
      Beitrag Nr. 826 ()
      On October 5, 2010, ARISE issued a release commenting on preliminary third-quarter results. The release is available at or
      WATERLOO, ON, Nov. 4 /CNW/ - ARISE Technologies Corporation (TSX: APV and Frankfurt: A3T), which is a leader in high-performance, high-quality, cost-effective solar technology, today reported its financial results for the third quarter ended September 30, 2010. Financial results conform to Canadian generally accepted accounting principles ("GAAP") and all currency amounts are in Canadian dollars unless otherwise noted.

      Q3 2010 Highlights:

      - Total revenue of $23.0 million, compared with $6.6 million in Q3 2009
      - Net loss of $5.2 million, compared with a net loss of $5.5 million in
      Q3 2009
      - Recorded Adjusted EBITDA(x) of $0.4 million profit, compared with a
      loss of $4.5 million in Q3 2009
      - Shipped 19.5 MW of PV cells, an increase of 454% from 3.5 MW in Q3
      - Sales from Systems Division increased 145% to $2.5 million from $1.0
      million in Q2 2010

      (x) ARISE defines Adjusted EBITDA as Earnings Before Interest
      Depreciation and Amortization, excluding stock-based compensation,
      the impact of one time asset writeoffs and foreign exchange

      Subsequent to the end of Q3:

      - Appointed Dan Shea, President and Chief Executive Officer of ARISE
      - Closed a US$1.75 million working capital bridge loan ("Loan") from
      Haverstock Master Fund, Ltd. and Trenrasp LLC

      "Our momentum continued in the third quarter with significant increases
      in both revenue and PV cell shipments," said Dan Shea, President and CEO of
      ARISE. "As a result of the continued demand for our products, combined with
      improved operating efficiencies at our PV cell plant in Germany, we were able
      to record a positive gross profit for the quarter and year-to-date. This is a
      significant achievement as we transition from a development stage company to a
      profitable leader in the solar space."

      "I am very encouraged by the strides that ARISE has taken over the past four quarters, posting consecutive improvements in both shipments and revenue. As CEO, my top priority is to drive the company towards profitability while continuing to strengthen the balance sheet," added Mr. Shea. "With ongoing strong demand in Germany, we intend to increase the production capacity of our plant in 2011 with the commissioning of Lines three and four. Our discussions regarding a potential partner for the Silicon Division are ongoing and we are proceeding steadily and cautiously on this undertaking, with the goal of maximizing the value of this asset."

      Financial Overview

      Sales for the quarter ended September 30, 2010 amounted to $23.0 million, compared with $6.6 million in the third quarter of 2009. PV cells accounted for 89% of Q3 2010 sales with the $2.5 million balance being generated by the Company's Systems Division.

      Gross profit for the three months ended September 30, 2010 was $2.1 million, compared with a loss of $2.0 million for the same period in 2009.

      Operating expenses for the third quarter of 2010 were $3.7 million, the lowest quarter level in two years, decreasing 18% from $4.5 million for the quarter ended September 30, 2009.

      R&D expenses of $0.9 million for the three months ended September 30, 2010 decreased by 37% from $1.4 million in the second quarter of 2010.

      General and administrative ("G&A") expenses decreased by 10% to $2.0 million, from $2.2 million in the third quarter of 2009.

      Selling and marketing expenses for the quarter ended September 30, 2010 were $0.3 million, compared with $0.4 million in the third quarter of 2009.

      Net interest expense for the third quarter of 2010 of $0.5 million, down 34% from the second quarter of 2010.

      Other income and expenses for the quarter ended September 30, 2010, included a foreign exchange loss of $3.2 million, compared with a foreign exchange gain of $1.6 million for the third quarter of 2009. The largest component of the foreign exchange loss resulted from the translation into Canadian Dollars of financial liabilities of ARISE Germany which are denominated in Euros. During the quarter, the Euro strengthened by 7.4% compared to the Canadian dollar as at June 30, 2010.

      Liquidity and Capital Resources

      As at September 30, 2010, the Company had a working capital deficiency of $37.1 million consisting of current assets of $25.0 million less current liabilities of $62.1 million. This compares with negative working capital at December 31, 2009 of $44.0 million consisting of current assets of $24.2 million less current liabilities of $68.2 million. The decrease in working capital deficiency reflects cash raised from the issuance of shares during the period.

      Cash and cash equivalents and restricted cash at September 30, 2010 totaled $0.8 million, compared to $0.7 million at December 31, 2009.

      Conference Call and Webcast

      ARISE will hold a conference call for ...
      schrieb am 17.11.10 13:37:03
      Beitrag Nr. 827 ()
      WATERLOO, ON, Nov. 16 /CNW/ - ARISE Technologies Corporation ("ARISE" or "the Company") (TSX: APV and Frankfurt: A3T), a leader in high-performance solar technology, today announced that it has signed a non-binding Letter of Intent ("LOI") with a major turnkey supplier to purchase two 60 MW photovoltaic ("PV") cell production lines for its German plant.

      "We are pleased to be taking the next step to increase our production capacity and capitalize on the resurgent growth in the global solar market," said Dan Shea, ARISE's President and CEO. "We expect the additions of Lines 3 and 4 to help us meet strong demand from our existing customer base, while providing us with the capacity necessary to aggressively pursue new customers."

      Under the terms of the LOI, ARISE has four weeks to finalize the definitive purchase agreement and secure the required debt, equity and government funding for the purchase and installation of the production lines. The Company is currently in advanced discussions with various funding groups and will provide more details as these agreements are completed.

      Over the last six months, ARISE management reviewed several options before selecting a proven turnkey supplier with the ability to meet the Company's short timeframe for delivery of the production lines. Together, the two 60 MW lines will increase the annual production capacity of ARISE's Bischofswerda plant from 85 MW to 205 MW, an increase of over 140%. ARISE expects to begin customer shipments from Lines 3 and 4 in the second and fourth quarter of 2011, respectively.

      Silicon Division Discussions The Company also today announced that it has entered into advanced discussions with a privately held European-based alternative energy company regarding a proposed arrangement to commercialize ARISE's proprietary 7N+ silicon SiRF technology.

      After months of evaluation, the senior management teams of both companies met last week and agreed to move forward on both the final technology sign-off and the business terms of the proposed commercialization arrangement. It is anticipated that the proposed arrangement would have both cash and right to use components. Pending final technology evaluations, ARISE expects to finalize an agreement by year end.

      "We are encouraged by the strong progress made in advancing these discussions with this European partner and look forward to finalizing a framework to unlock the value of our disruptive proprietary silicon technology," said Mr. Shea. "While we are very pleased with the pace of these discussions, we also continue to receive strong interest from other potential strategic partners."

      About ARISE Technologies ARISE Technologies

      schrieb am 22.11.10 20:17:14
      Beitrag Nr. 828 ()
      Arise Technologies (APV) Infoseite

      schrieb am 23.11.10 09:56:31
      Beitrag Nr. 829 ()
      ARISE Files a Preliminary Prospectus Supplement to raise up to $15,000,000

      WATERLOO, ON, Nov. 22 /CNW/ - ARISE Technologies Corporation ("ARISE" or the "Company") (TSX: APV and Frankfurt: A3T), a leader in high-performance, high-quality, cost-effective solar technology, today announced the filing of a preliminary prospectus supplement to its September 29, 2009 base shelf prospectus in connection with a brokered offering of up to $15,000,000 of Units plus a 15% over allotment option (the "Offering"). Each Unit will consist of one common share and one common share purchase warrant. Pricing of the Units will be determined in the context of current market pricing. The share purchase warrants will expire on a date to be agreed between the Company and the co-lead agents, between June 11, 2012 and two years following their issuance unless such date is accelerated in accordance with the terms of the share purchase warrants. ARISE has entered into an engagement letter with NCP Northland Capital Partners Inc. and Raymond James Ltd. to act as co-lead agents for the Offering, which will be conducted on a "best efforts" basis.

      Closing of the Offering is subject to final pricing and TSX approval. The proceeds of the Offering will be used to substantially fund the purchase of equipment for a third PV Cell production line at the Company's German PV Cell production facility ("Line 3"), to repay the outstanding $1.75 million bridge loan from Haverstock Master Fund, Ltd. and Trenrasp, LLC and for general corporate purposes.

      In addition to other customary closing conditions to be set out in the agency agreement to be entered into in respect of the Offering, closing of the Offering will be subject to the Company and its wholly owned subsidiary, ARISE Technologies Deutschland GmbH, ("ARISE Germany") entering into an agreement with Commerzbank AG, in a form satisfactory to the co-lead agents acting reasonably, that confirms that upon receipt of the proceeds from the Offering, the conditions of the Trust Agreement (as described in the preliminary prospectus supplement) relating to the receipt of financing necessary to implement Line 3 will be satisfied.
      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 09.12.10 16:17:14
      Beitrag Nr. 830 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 40.571.860 von alpendudler am 23.11.10 09:56:31Canada NewsWire

      WATERLOO, ON, Dec. 9

      WATERLOO, ON, Dec. 9 /CNW/ - ARISE Technologies Corporation ("ARISE" orthe "Company") (TSX: APV and Frankfurt: A3T), a leader inhigh-performance, high-quality, cost-effective solar technology, todayannounced the repricing of its previously announced brokered offeringof up to $15,000,000 of Units plus a 15% over-allotment option (the"Offering"). The terms of the Offering have been amended such that theOffering will now consist of up to 78,947,368 Units (excluding theover-allotment option) which will be sold at a price of
      .19 per Unit(originally
      .20 per Unit). Each Unit will consist of one commonshare and one common share purchase warrant. Each share purchasewarrant will be exercisable into one common share at an exercise priceof
      .21 (originally
      .26) and will expire on the second anniversarydate of the closing date of the Offering unless such date isaccelerated in accordance with the terms of the share purchasewarrants. The expiry date of the share purchase warrants may beaccelerated if the closing trading price of the common shares exceeds
      .60 for twenty consecutive trading days. ARISE expects to file a(final) prospectus supplement with respect to the Offering and enterinto an agency agreement (the "Agency Agreement") with NCP NorthlandCapital Partners Inc. and Raymond James Ltd. to act as co-lead agentsfor the Offering on or about December 10, 2010. The Offering will beconducted on a "best efforts" basis.

      Closing of the Offering is subject to certain conditions, including butnot limited to, filing of the (final) prospectus supplement, executionof the Agency Agreement and receipt of all necessary securitiesregulatory approvals, including the approval of the Toronto StockExchange. Closing of the Offering is now expected to occur on or aboutDecember 17, 2010.

      Assuming the Offering is fully subscribed, the proceeds of the Offeringwill be used (i) to substantially fund the purchase of the equipmentfor a third production line at ARISE's PV Cell production facility inGermany; (ii) to repay the outstanding bridge loan of US$1,750,000; and(iii) for general corporate purposes.

      About ARISE Technologies
      schrieb am 01.02.11 14:27:30
      Beitrag Nr. 831 ()
      ARISE Announces Extension of Commerzbank AG Credit Facilities
      WATERLOO, ON, Feb. 1 /CNW/ - ARISE Technologies Corporation ("ARISE" or the "Company") (TSX: APV and Frankfurt: A3T), a leader in high-performance, high-quality, cost-effective solar technology, today announced that Commerzbank AG ("Commerzbank" or the "Bank") has, subject to the fulfillment by February 28, 2011 of certain conditions and the approval by the banking committee of the Free State of Saxony, extended the Company's loan facilities with the Bank until December 31, 2011. In addition, the Bank has proposed an extension of the Trust Agreement between the Bank and ARISE until April 30, 2011.

      ARISE currently has outstanding loans in the amount of approximately €20.0 million (as at December 31, 2010) with Commerzbank through a working capital line and an equipment loan facility. The extension of the credit facilities is subject to a number of conditions, including the completion by February 28, 2011 of the following: (i) the deposit of €10.8 million from the recently completed equity financing into an account in Germany to be used for financing the purchase and installation of a third production line at ARISE Germany's PV Cell manufacturing facility ("Line 3"); (ii) receipt of the binding commitment from a third party lender/investor in respect of €7.7 million of additional debt or equity capital for Line 3, of which €3.1 million has already been committed; and (iii) receipt of binding commitments or agreements in respect of bridge financing for expected government grants of at least €7.1 million (collectively, the "Extension Conditions"). In addition, the availability of the credit facilities will continue to be subject to fulfillment of certain financial covenants, including certain ARISE Technologies (Deutschland) GmbH ("ARISE Germany") earnings performance covenants based on cumulative net income.

      The Bank has also requested the amendment of the Trust Agreement to reflect that the Extension Conditions must be satisfied by February 28, 2011. The amended Trust Agreement is expected to terminate if the Extension Conditions are satisfied on or before February 28, 2011. Under the terms of the proposed amended Trust Agreement, failure to meet the Extension Conditions by February 28, 2011 would allow the Bank to transfer, prior to April 30, 2011, the shares in ARISE's wholly owned subsidiary, ARISE Germany into a trust and to proceed with the sale of ARISE Germany.

      The bridge financing required as part of the Extension Conditions is an amount sufficient to cover any lag time between the timing of payments made by ARISE in respect of implementing Line 3 and anticipated receipts from the Sächsische Aufbaubank - Förderbank ("SAB"), the development bank of the Free State of Saxony who ARISE is in discussions with respect to providing a portion of the funding required for Line 3. SAB has provided ARISE with a list of information required by SAB in connection with the proposed funding arrangement and the Company is currently working on providing the requested information to SAB.

      The funds raised by ARISE in its recently completed public financing, together with committed mezzanine debt financing which ARISE expects to be in place within the next several weeks will be sufficient to satisfy the conditions (i) and (ii) of the Extension Conditions. ARISE is in discussions with several parties, to provide the bridge financing required under condition (iii) of the Extension Conditions, with a goal of finalizing such bridge financing arrangements by February 28, 2011.

      "We are very pleased to have negotiated this extension to our credit facilities with Commerzbank," said Dan Shea, ARISE's President and Chief Executive Officer.

      "As I stated during the Q3 2010 conference call, strengthening our balance sheet and preparing to increase PV cell production capacity are top priorities. This extension is an important step in our efforts to address our liquidity and prepare to ramp up production to meet customer demand for ARISE PV cells. Further to this I believe that these agreements are a good indication of the solid relationship that we have developed with Commerzbank," he added.

      About ARISE Technologies
      ARISE Technologies Corporation, based in Waterloo, Ontario, is a leader in high-performance, cost-effective solar technology. The company operates through three divisions. The PV Cell Division manufactures PV (photovoltaic) cells at its first manufacturing plant opened in April 2008 in Bischofswerda, Germany. The division is developing proprietary technology with a target of achieving a step-by-step progression to a high-efficiency level of greater than 20%. The PV Silicon Division is using a proprietary method to produce silicon at 7N+ high-purity (99.99999% purity) for PV cell applications, based on a simplified chemical vapor deposition process. The division is focusing on scaling up its process to provide ARISE with control over its supply, costs, and quality. The PV Systems Division has been providing PV solutions for solar farms and rooftop installations since 1996 throughout North America. ARISE is planning to expand its systems business in Ontario under the Ontario FIT (Feed-In Tariff) program.

      The Company's shares are listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange under the symbol APV and on the Frankfurt Open Market Exchange under the symbol A3T. Additional information is available at and

      Forward-Looking Statements and Risk Factors
      Certain statements in this news release may be considered to be forward-looking. Such statements are based on management's current expectations, estimations, and assumptions based on experience, trends, and other factors that are subject to the significant risks and uncertainties described in our regulatory filings. Please refer to these. Such risks and uncertainties may include, but are not limited to, the effects of general economic conditions, changing foreign exchange rates, actions by government authorities, the requirement for additional capital, risks associated with manufacturing, industry supply levels, competitive pricing pressures and misjudgements in the course of preparing forward-looking statements.

      Risk factors relating to ARISE are discussed in the Risk Factors section of ARISE's Annual Information Form and under the headings Liquidity and Capital Resources and Risk and Uncertainties in ARISE's year-end Management's Discussion and Analysis which are available at These factors should be considered carefully, and readers should not place undue reliance on ARISE's forward-looking statements.

      ARISE assumes no obligation to update any forward-looking statements or to update the reasons why actual results could differ from those reflected in the forward-looking statements.
      schrieb am 07.02.11 20:27:33
      Beitrag Nr. 832 ()…
      Anlagentechniker PECVD (m/w)
      ARISE Technologies Deutschland GmbH - Bischofswerda bei Dresden, Sachsen, 01877 (10 Stunden online)
      Die ARISE Technologies Deutschland GmbH ist eine 100%ige Tochter des führenden kanadischen Photovoltaikunternehmens ARISE Technologies Corporation. Seit 2008 werden am Standort in Bischofswerda bei Dresden leistungsstarke Solarzellen aus mono- und multikristallinen Siliziumwafern hergestellt. Über 120 qualifizierte, erfahrene und motivierte Mitarbeiter tragen dazu bei, dass das jährliche Fertigung...
      Vollständige Job-Beschreibung…
      schrieb am 29.03.11 11:33:32
      Beitrag Nr. 833 ()
      ARISE Technologies Reports 2010 Fourth Quarter and Year-End Results
      Waterloo, Ontario, March 29, 2010 – ARISE Technologies Corporation (TSX: APV and Frankfurt: A3T), which is a leader in high-performance, high-quality, cost-effective solar technology, today reported its financial results for the three and twelve months ended December
      31, 2010. Financial results conform to Canadian generally accepted accounting principles (“GAAP”) and all currency amounts are in Canadian dollars unless otherwise noted.
      2010 Highlights:
      • Total revenue of $73.9 million, compared with $31.7 million in 2009
      • Net loss of $17.3 million, compared with a net loss of $41.3 million in 2009
      • Shipped 58.3 MW of PV cells, an increase of 271% from 15.7 MW in 2009
      • Sales from Systems Division increased 625% to $4.9 million
      • Raised $26.4 million in equity
      “In 2010, customer demand for our products remained strong, allowing us to dramatically
      increase our PV cell shipments over the prior year,” said Dan Shea, President and CEO of
      ARISE. “During the year, we ramped up production on Line Two at our German plant, which
      increased its annual operating capacity to 85MW.”
      “During the fourth quarter of 2010, we completed a $12.5 million equity financing, to help fund the purchase of equipment for a third production line (Line Three), which is expected to increase our
      capacity to 145MW per year,” continued Mr. Shea. “In order to move forward with this project, we need to meet certain financing requirements and secure an extension to our facilities with our
      German banker, Commerzbank AG. We are continuing to negotiate with all parties involved in this arrangement and hope to have an agreement soon.” “With respect to our silicon technology, we have concluded discussions previously announced on November 16, 2010, with the European based alternative energy company, and have mutually
      decided not to move forward together. We are however, continuing to hold active discussions with more than one party to advance the silicon project. In particular, we are pleased to announce that
      we have entered into a strategic partnership with Core Business Developers who will assist us in the commercialization of our proprietary silicon technology using their deep expertise in largescale polysilicon project management and production.”
      Tor Hartmann, CBD’s managing partner stated that “We are excited to be a part of this proprietary polysilicon investment and we are pleased to participate in the commercialization of this
      innovative technology.”
      2010 Financial Overview
      Sales for the year ended December 31, 2010 amounted to $73.9 million, compared with $31.7 in 2009. PV cells accounted for 93.3% of 2010 sales with the $4.9 million balance being generated by the Company’s Systems Division.
      Gross loss for the year ended December 31, 2010 was $0.03 million, compared with $25.0 million in 2009.

      Page 2 of 6
      Operating expenses for the year ended December 31 2010 decreased by 11% to $18.2 million, from $20.4 million in 2009.
      Other income and expenses for the year ended December 31, 2010 includes a foreign exchange gain of $5.4 million compared with a foreign exchange gain of $5.6 in the same period of 2009.
      The largest component of the foreign exchange gain resulted from the translation into Canadian Dollars of financial liabilities of ARISE Germany which are denominated in Euros. The foreign exchange gain realized in the year ended December 31, 2010 was due to the strengthening Canadian dollar compared to the Euro. During the year, the Canadian dollar strengthened by 11% compared to the Euro as at December 31, 2009.
      Fourth Quarter of 2010
      Sales for the fourth quarter ended December 31, 2010 were $19.4 million, compared with $11.3 million in the fourth quarter of 2009. Gross loss for the three months ended December 31, 2010 was $1.1 million compared with $4.7 million in the fourth quarter of 2009. Operating expenses were $3.2 million in the fourth quarter of 2010, down from $5.1 million in the prior year period.
      ARISE recorded a net loss for the fourth quarter 2010 of $2.0 million (a loss of $0.01 per basic and diluted share), compared with a net loss $7.5 million (a loss of $0.06 per basic and diluted
      share) in the 2009 quarter.
      Liquidity and Capital Resources
      As at December 31, 2010, the Company had a working capital liability of $27.5 million consisting of current assets of $29.7 million less current liabilities of $57.2. This compares with negative working capital at December 31, 2009 of $44.0 million consisting of current assets of $24.2 million less current liabilities of $68.2 million. The decrease in working capital deficiency is largely a result of the cash raised from the issuance of shares in the period.
      Cash and cash equivalents and restricted cash at December 31, 2010 totaled $7.1 million, an increase of $6.5 million.
      Subsequent Event On March 28, 2011, the Company completed the renegotiation of an amendment to an existing long-term wafer contract with a major silicon wafer supplier. The Company had previously
      recorded a US $9.1 million impairment charge against the prepayments to the vendor. As a result of this new contract amendment, the Company now believes it can utilize the prepayment.
      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 05.04.11 11:36:30
      Beitrag Nr. 834 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 41.281.459 von alpendudler am 29.03.11 11:33:32Positives aus dem
      Annual Information Form For The Fiscal Year Ended December 31, 2010

      ARISE was able to shift from having 94.0% of its revenue from Germany in 2009 with one customer providing 76.8% of total revenue. In 2010, 56.2% of total revenue came from Germany with the largest customer providing 23.1% of total revenue.
      The goal of the Silicon Feedstock Pilot Plant is to provide silicon to produce standard wafers in reasonable volumes for realistic production runs on the PV cell production lines at ARISE Germany where ARISE will gather production data to further improve the ARISE silicon process. A Generation Four Silicon Refining Furnace (“SiRFTM”) is expected to be shipped from Ebner Industries in Austria early in the Company’s second quarter of 2011 and when installed is expected to provide much greater output compared to the Generation Three SiRFTMs currently being used in the Company’s mini-pilot plant in Waterloo. This unit has been tested and has made a number of production runs in Austria.
      EBNER Industrieofenbau GmbH is a leading expert in the production of annealing furnaces with the characteristics that ARISE believes will be required for this project. In connection with the SDTC funding of ARISE’s PV Silicon Project, ARISE is a party to certain agreements with EBNER relating to ownership of intellectual property arising from such project.
      ARISE believes that it will eventually ;) have a competitive cost advantage with heterojunction PV cell technology. Part of the Company’s strategy is to implement a procedure using the DC saddle-field process to build heterojunction PV cells by placing a thin layer of amorphous silicon on a standard silicon wafer. This process uses less energy and silicon in the manufacturing process and produces higher efficiency cells compared to the standard approach. Downstream module manufacturers and system integrators have demonstrated that they are willing to pay a premium for high-efficiency cells. Management believes that this combination is a unique approach which is expected to generate superior margins once ARISE’s proprietary technology is implemented at its German plant.
      ARISE relies on a combination of patents, internally developed know-how and trade secrets with respect to its proprietary technology. ARISE's US Patent # 5039376 expired in 2008. This patent which covered methods for depositing materials on substrates by using a D.C. glow discharge was the original basis for the development of ARISE’s PV cell technology. Further developments in respect of this technology which are incorporated in the current ARISE PV cell prototypes are protected by trade secrets. In addition, ARISE has applied for a patent in respect of its next generation PV cell product which is based on its original thin-film technology. Further patent applications have been filed in connection with the technology under development with McMaster University.

      ... und bei aller Euphorie... hier stehn auch die ganzen Risiken drin.
      schrieb am 04.05.11 13:08:01
      Beitrag Nr. 835 ()
      Pressemitteilung vom 04.05.2011 | 09:51
      Universität Konstanz

      (idw) Weiteres Forschungsprojekt zu Solarenergie an der Universität Konstanz

      Ziel des Zusammenschlusses von SolarWinS ist es, den maximalen Wirkungsgrad von multikristallinem Silicium im Vergleich zu monokristallinem Material auszuloten. Während nach aktuellem Forschungsstand das monokristalline Silicium bei industriell hergestellten Solarzellen einen Wirkungsgrad von etwa 19 Prozent liefert, liegt das in der Produktion deutlich kostengünstigere multikristalline Silicium bei nur etwa 17 Prozent. Wenn es gelingen würde, diese Wirkungsgradlücke zu schließen, könnte die Solarenergie deutlich günstiger werden, da sich nur die Technologie mit dem besseren Preis-Leistungsverhältnis langfristig durchsetzen wird. „Diese zwei Prozent Differenz klingen nach wenig, sie sind aber nicht nur wissenschaftlich sondern auch wirtschaftlich höchst relevant. Bereits eine Steigerung des Wirkungsgrades um nur ein Prozent kann für eine Firma mit einer Produktion von etwa 100 Millionen Solarzellen im Jahr einen jährlichen Zusatzgewinn von mehr als 20 Millionen Euro bedeuten“ rechnet Prof. Giso Hahn vor, Leiter der Abteilung Photovoltaik der Universität Konstanz, der auch das Konstanzer Teilprojekt von SolarWinS leitet. Für die Zukunft der Solarindustrie und damit zusammenhängende Investitionen ist dies von hoher Wichtigkeit.

      Mit insgesamt 13 Instituts- und elf Industriepartnern wird das Projekt über die kommenden drei Jahre mit ca. 5,5 Millionen Euro vom BMU gefördert. SolarWinS ist in neun Teilprojekte unterteilt, die neben der Universität Konstanz von folgenden Forschungsinstituten geleitet werden: Dem Fraunhofer-Institut für Solare Energiesysteme (Freiburg), dem Institut für Solarenergieforschung Hameln, der Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, der Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, dem Max-Planck-Institut für Mikrostrukturphysik Halle, der Brandenburgischen Technischen Universität Cottbus, der Technischen Universität Bergakademie Freiberg und dem Fraunhofer-Institut für Integrierte Systeme und Bauelementetechnologie Erlangen. Als Industriepartner sind mit Arise Technologies GmbH (Bischofswerda), Bosch Solar Energy AG (Erfurt), Q-Cells SE (Bitterfeld-Wolfen), Conergy Solarmodule GmbH & Co. KG (Frankfurt/Oder), Schott Solar Wafer GmbH (Jena), Solland Solar Cells GmbH (Aachen), Sovello AG (Bitterfeld-Wolfen, sunways AG (Konstanz), H.C. Starck GmbH (Goslar), PVSilicon GmbH (Erfurt) sowie der Wacker Chemie AG (München) viele wichtige Akteure der deutschen Photovoltaik-Industrie vertreten.

      Um den Wirkungsgrad der multikristallinen Solarzellen zu steigern, sollen zunächst die Faktoren der Produktion bestimmt werden, die sich leistungslimitierend auf das Material auswirken. In Kooperation mit allen Projektpartnern wird analysiert werden, welche Veränderungen an Material und Herstellungsverfahren die Effizienz der fertigen Solarzelle wie beeinflussen. „Dabei ist gerade die durch SolarWinS mögliche Zusammenarbeit mit Industriepartnern aus der gesamten Produktionskette von großem Vorteil. Gemeinsam können wir beispielsweise verschiedene Herstellungsvariationen ausprobieren, um den Einfluss der Verunreinigung in der Produktion von multikristallinem Silicium zu analysieren. Die Stärke des Projekts liegt nicht zuletzt in der Vielseitigkeit seiner Partner aus Industrie und Wissenschaft mit unterschiedlicher Expertise“ betont Annika Zuschlag, Doktorandin in der Abteilung Photovoltaik an der Universität Konstanz, die den in Konstanz angesiedelten Teil der Gesamtkoordination von SolarWinS übernommen hat. Die Koordination des Gesamtprojekts ist von den Teilprojekten unabhängig und wird zwischen der Universität Konstanz und dem Freiburger Materialforschungszentrum (FMF) aufgeteilt.

      In den vergangenen zehn Jahren ist die Photovoltaik-Branche jedes Jahr um ca. 50 Prozent gewachsen. Ende 2010 waren in Deutschland Anlagen installiert, die es ermöglichen drei Prozent der gesamten Stromversorgung durch Photovoltaik herzustellen. „Der Markt für Solarenergie boomt, es gilt nicht nur zügig neue und verfeinerte Technologien zu entwickeln sondern auch ausreichend qualifizierte Fachkräfte für die Solarindustrie auszubilden.“ resümiert Giso Hahn die Herausforderungen für die Photovoltaik.…
      schrieb am 12.05.11 09:09:15
      Beitrag Nr. 836 ()
      ARISE Technologies Closes Bridge Loan and Provides Update on Commerzbank AG Discussions

      WATERLOO, ON, May 11 /CNW/ - ARISE Technologies Corporation (TSX: APV and Frankfurt: A3T), ("ARISE" or "the Company"), a leader in high-performance, high quality, cost-effective solar technology, today announced that on May 6, 2011, the Company closed a US$750,000 bridge loan ("Loan") from Haverstock Master Fund, Ltd. (the "Lender"). The purpose of the Loan is to provide working capital bridge financing to the Company. The Loan matures on September 30, 2011 and bears interest at a rate of 10% per annum which rate increases by 1% for each month the Loan is outstanding.

      The Company also issued to Haverstock 750,000 share purchase warrants. Each share purchase warrant is exercisable for a period of 2 years into one common share at an exercise price of $0.21 per share. The Loan is secured with a general security agreement on the assets of the Company. In the event that the Company does not repay the Loan by September 30, 2011, the Lender has the option to convert the Loan into ARISE common shares at up to a 20% discount to the preceding five day Volume Weighted Average Price of the common shares on the TSX.

      Update on Discussions with Commerzbank
      In addition, ARISE today provided an update regarding its discussions with Commerzbank AG ("Commerzbank" or the "Bank"). The Trust Agreement with the Bank expired on April 29, 2011. Commerzbank has agreed to extend the standstill agreement to June 30, 2011 as a result of the Company reducing its working capital credit line down to €8.6million. ARISE and Commerzbank continue discussions to reach a longer term agreement.

      "We are pleased to now have in place this extension to our credit facilities with Commerzbank," said Dan Shea, ARISE's President and Chief Executive Officer.

      About Haverstock
      schrieb am 12.05.11 15:44:48
      Beitrag Nr. 837 ()
      Von heute (Sächsische Zeitung)
      Kurzarbeit in Bischofswerdas Solarfabrik
      Bei Arise ist das Lager voll. Die Hoffnung liegt nun auf dem italienischen Markt.

      Die Absatzkrise auf dem Solarmarkt trifft das Werk in Bischofswerda. Klaus Götsch, Geschäftsführer der Arise Technologies Deutschland GmbH, sagte gestern auf SZ-Anfrage: „Wir haben die Produktion zurückgefahren und unterbrechen sie im Mai für zwei Wochen. Im Juni wollen wir die Fertigungslinien wieder anfahren.“

      Die Monate Januar und Februar seien in der Solarbranche generell schwierig für den Absatz...

      weiter sinngemäß:
      Ab Juni in Italien neues Gesetz zur Energieeinspeisung. Kurzarbeit wird über Zeitkonten ausgeglichen. Trotz Kurzarbeit wolle man an die 80 MW Jahreskapazität dicht herankommen. Es sollen 2 neue Fertigungslinien gebaut werden um die Leistung auf über 200 MW zu erhöhen. Klaus Götsch: "Wir brauchen mehr Kapazität."
      schrieb am 12.05.11 16:06:55
      Beitrag Nr. 838 ()
      Arise will ab Juni wieder produzieren

      Bei Arise in Bischofswerda ruht augenblicklich die Produktion. Grund dafür sind hohe Lagerbestände und eine geringe Nachfrage nach Solarmodulen.

      Der Oberlausitzer Erfinderclub wollte in dieser Woche denSolarzellen- und Solarmodulhersteller Arise in Bischofswerda besichtigen.Jedoch musste Klaus Petrasch den Termin kurzfristig absagen. Die Produktion stehe zurzeit still, teilt er zur Begründung mit. Leider konnte ihm von Arise kein neuer Termin für einen Besuch genannt werden.

      Nicht nur Petrasch stellt sich deshalb die bange Frage: Was ist passiert?Was wird noch passieren? Schon seit Wochen kann man in Mitteilungen der Arise Technologies Corporation lesen, dass die Firma auf der Suche nach Investoren, Fördermitteln und weiteren Kreditgebern ist. Manche munkeln gar von Zahlungsschwierigkeiten. Im Gespräch kann Geschäftsführer Klaus Götsch von Arise Bischofswerda die Gerüchte entkräften.

      Die Produktion wurde heruntergefahren, weil sich der Solarbereich im März nicht wie erhofft entwickelt hat. Normalerweise steige die Nachfrage im Frühjahr an, doch dies sei in diesem Jahr nicht passiert, erläutert Götsch. Deshalb müssen nun zuerst die hohen Lagerbestände bei Arise und seinen Kunden abgebaut werden, bevor man neue Solarzellen und Module produzieren kann. Ebenfalls hofft der Arise-Geschäftsführer, dass mit dem gerade verabschiedeten Gesetz zur Einspeisung von Strom aus Sonnenenergie, welches am 1. Juni in Italien in Kraft tritt, dort die Nachfrage steigt. Er rechnet deshalb damit ab Juni die Produktion im Schiebocker Werk wieder hochzufahren.

      Bei Arise in Bischofswerda ruht augenblicklich die Produktion. Grund dafür sind hohe Lagerbestände und eine geringe Nachfrage nach Solarmodulen.
      Bei Arise in Bischofswerda ruht augenblicklich die Produktion. Grund dafür sind hohe Lagerbestände und eine geringe Nachfrage nach Solarmodulen.

      Weiterhin gibt es Pläne die Kapazitäten in Bischofswerda zu erweitern und zum Jahresende eine dritte, möglicherweise sogar eine vierte Produktionslinie aufzubauen. "Wir müssen gegen die chinesische Konkurrenz ankommen", erklärt Klaus Götsch. Nach der Krise 2009, die nicht nur Arise sondern alle Firmen der Dünnschicht-Branche stark gebeutelt habe, müsse nun wieder investiert werden.

      Dafür ist zusätzliches Geld nötig. Es geht dabei um Bankkredite, neue Investoren und Fördermittel des Freistaates Sachsen. "Die Gespräche gestalten sich gut", so Götsch, "und wir hoffen, in der zweiten Jahreshälfte zu einem Abschluss zu kommen." Erste Gespräche mit Lieferanten wurden ebenfalls geführt. Innerhalb der nächsten zwei Monate muss die Entscheidung für die Erweiterung des Werkes fallen.

      Der Umbau soll sinnvollerweise in den Monaten Dezember bis Februar stattfinden, wenn wegen der saisonal zurückgehenden Nachfrage, die Produktion mit geringerer Kapazität läuft.
      schrieb am 20.05.11 20:12:52
      Beitrag Nr. 839 ()


      ARISE Announces 250kW PV System Order and Provides First
      Quarter and PV Cell Production Update

      Waterloo, Ontario Canada, May 16, 2011 – ARISE Technologies Corporation (“ARISE” or “the Company’) (TSX: APV and Frankfurt: A3T), a leader in high-performance, high-quality, cost-effective solar technology, today announced that its Systems Division has been awarded a contract to supply a 250KW photovoltaic (“PV”) rooftop solar system to a major condominium developer in Milton, Ontario.

      “Ontario’s Green Energy Act has made it possible to not only reduce operational costs of condominium living, but more importantly allowed Del Ridge to produce what we believe to be Canada’s first net-zero building,” commented Anthony Desylva, Energy Manager of Del Ridge Homes.

      “We are very pleased to be selected by Del Ridge Homes to assist them in delivering their unique green concept to new condominium buyers,” said Dan Shea, President of ARISE. “Since the launch of the Ontario Feed-in Tariff (“FIT”) program, we have seen steadily growing interest across all sectors of the Ontario solar market.”

      The ARISE rooftop system will meet domestic content requirements as laid out by the Ontario Power Authority and is expected to be installed and operational at the Del Ridge condominium by the fall of 2011.

      2011 First Quarter Results Timing
      Due to the transition to new accounting International Financial Reporting Standards (“IFRS”) the Ontario Securities Commission has extended to Tuesday, June 14, 2011 the date by which all TSX-listed companies must report their first quarter 2011 results. As a result, ARISE expects to release its 2011 first quarter results sometime during the week prior to the deadline. A media release will be issued when the date and time of the first quarter results conference call are finalized.

      PV Cell Production Update
      Production at ARISE’s German PV cell plant has been temporarily reduced until such time as inventory levels come down or there is an improvement in market conditions. The European solar market experienced weaker than anticipated customer demand during the first quarter of 2011 which has caused PV cell inventories to rise. The industry predicts stronger demand levels in the second half of 2011 based on an anticipated positive announcement regarding Germany’s feed-in tariff reductions. ARISE will continue to monitor the situation carefully and will adjust production volumes as required to maximize cost efficiencies and maintain targeted inventory levels.

      About Del Ridge Homes
      Del Ridge builds homes of distinction. Their vast reservoir of homebuilding knowledge and experience allow them to offer new homebuyers quality and new home value seldom found in today’s new home market. Del Ridge has amassed the know-how and people necessary to deliver top quality and satisfaction to its customers. Del Ridge is a proud Ontario-based company with its principals having over 35 years experience in building and development throughout the Greater Toronto Area.

      About ARISE Technologies
      ARISE Technologies Corporation, based in Waterloo, Ontario, is a leader in high-performance, cost-effective solar technology. The company operates through three divisions. The PV Cell Division manufactures PV (photovoltaic) cells at its first manufacturing plant opened in April 2008 in Bischofswerda, Germany. The division is developing proprietary technology with a target of achieving a step-by-step progression to a high-efficiency level of greater than 20%.
      The PV Silicon Division is using a proprietary method to produce silicon at 7N+ high-purity (99.99999% purity) for PV cell applications, based on a simplified chemical vapor deposition process. The division is focusing on scaling up its process to provide ARISE with control over its supply, costs, and quality. The PV Systems Division has been providing rooftop and ground-mounted PV solutions since 1996. ARISE is planning to expand its systems business in Ontario under the Ontario FIT (Feed-In Tariff) program.

      The company’s shares are listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange under the symbol APV and on the Frankfurt Open Market Exchange under the symbol A3T. Additional information is available at and

      Forward-Looking Statements and Risk Factors
      Certain statements in this news release may be considered to be forward-looking. Such
      statements are based on management’s current expectations, estimations, and assumptions
      based on experience, trends, and other factors that are subject to the significant risks and uncertainties described in our regulatory filings. Please refer to these. Such risks and uncertainties may include, but are not limited to, the effects of general economic conditions, changing foreign exchange rates, actions by government authorities, the requirement for additional capital, high debt levels, negative working capital levels, lack of profitability, risks associated with manufacturing, industry supply levels, competitive pricing pressures and misjudgements in the course of preparing forward-looking statements.

      Risk factors relating to ARISE are discussed in the Risk Factors section of ARISE’s Annual Information Form and under the headings Liquidity and Capital Resources and Risk and Uncertainties in ARISE’s year-end Management’s Discussion and Analysis which are or will be available at These factors should be considered carefully, and readers should not place undue reliance on ARISE’s forward-looking statements.

      ARISE assumes no obligation to update any forward-looking statements or to update the
      reasons why actual results could differ from those reflected in the forward-looking statements.


      ARISE Technologies Corporation

      65 Northland Road, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2V 1Y8
      Doug McCollam, Chief Financial Officer, (519) 772-5706

      Investor Relations
      Glen Williams
      The Equicom Group
      (416) 815-0700 ext. 272…
      schrieb am 08.06.11 09:17:35
      Beitrag Nr. 840 ()
      aus dem Bericht vom 29.03.2011:
      Subsequent Event On March 28, 2011, the Company completed the renegotiation of an amendment to an existing long-term wafer contract with a major silicon wafer supplier. The Company had previously recorded a US $9.1 million impairment charge against the prepayments to the vendor. As a result of this new contract amendment, the Company now believes it can utilize the prepayment.
      schrieb am 08.06.11 09:29:36
      Beitrag Nr. 841 ()
      vom 29.03.2011 aus Stockhouse
      (Quelle soll der CC vom selben Tag sein - kann sich also jeder anhören, obs stimmt.)

      CBD experienced in commercializing polysi technolgy...they are attracted to simplicity of Arise proprietary tech and 7n high purity

      40% lower capex and more importantly 40% lower operating exp

      modularity at 200 mt and after first 2 the future module can be paid out of cash flow !!!

      half of si staff in Austria as Ebner prepares to ship Sirf to Washburn

      q2 we have $2,000,000 in SDTC grant as last milestone will be hit

      with CBD we are clearly in commercialization mode

      CBD is THE PLAYER in polysi tech and they have already set up new technolgy...they have the "rolodex" on potential strategic partners

      I dont like the COBA mess but the news of SIRF coming to Washburn signals commercialization of the Arise "crown jewel" is finally about to happen and value is about to be unlocked for shareholders
      schrieb am 09.06.11 09:58:19
      Beitrag Nr. 842 ()
      so habe mir auch nocheinmal 20k ins depot dazugekauft. bin jetze mit 50k dabei...

      mal sehen was es nächste woche an news gibt. bin positiv gestimmt. mein tischtenniskollege arbeitet im BIW :-) und der meint das es wohl im juli wieder ordentlich los gehnen soll.

      also zocke ich jetze auch mal mit :-)

      schrieb am 09.06.11 10:07:54
      Beitrag Nr. 843 ()
      Aus dem AIF vom 31.3.2011

      Capital Stock
      The Company’s authorized capital stock consists of an unlimited number of common shares. The common shares are not redeemable or convertible. They convey the right to vote at shareholders’ meetings and to participate in the wind up of the company and the distribution of its assets. Common shareholders will receive dividends if, and when the Company declares them. As at December 31, 2010, the Company had 258,237,342 common shares outstanding.
      Share Purchase Warrants
      As at December 31, 2010, warrants to purchase 118,205,430 common shares were outstanding. More information regarding the Company’s warrants and options can be found in the Company’s fiscal 2010 annual financial consolidated statements, under Note 13(c) of the “Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements”.
      Stock Option Plan
      The Company has designed a stock option plan to provide eligible officers, directors, employees, and advisors the right to acquire shares of the company. As at December 31, 2010, there were 14,094,922 options outstanding, of which 8,896,745 were vested and exercisable. More information regarding the Company’s stock option plan can be found in the Company’s fiscal 2010 annual financial statements, under Note 13(d) of the “Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements”.
      Fully Diluted Capital
      As of March 22, 2011, 275,252,604 ARISE common shares were issued and outstanding. On a fully diluted basis, as of March 22, 2011 assuming exercise of all issued and outstanding share purchase warrants, stock options and deferred share units and broker’s warrants, the Company would have 430,571,859 common shares outstanding.

      6,7 Mio. Warrents mit Ausübung zu 0,40 bis Nov. 2011
      44,2 Mio Warrents mit Ausübung zu 0,33 bis ca. Juni 2012
      78,9 Mio. Warrents mit Ausübung zu 0,21bis etwa Dez. 2012

      Da die Gesamtzahl mit 118 Mio. Warrents angegeben ist, sind wohl einige Warrents bereits eingelöst worden.
      schrieb am 12.06.11 20:50:25
      Beitrag Nr. 844 ()
      ARISE 2011 Q1 Call to be held on June 14th at 8:30am (ET)


      ARISE AGM to be held on June 24, 2011 at 9:30am (ET)
      Tuesday, 07 June 2011

      Special Note re: Proxy Voting

      Due to the rolling postal strike, it is recommended that you vote electronically to ensure your vote is counted. Please refer to the online/telephone voting instructions in your shareholder package for details.

      If you have not yet received your materials please contact the Investor Services department at Equity Financial Trust at: to receive specific voting instructions.

      Equity Financial Trust Company
      Fax: 416.595.9593…
      schrieb am 13.06.11 13:32:54
      Beitrag Nr. 845 ()
      Zitat von Brisca: Als Industriepartner sind mit Arise Technologies GmbH (Bischofswerda), Bosch Solar Energy AG (Erfurt), Q-Cells SE (Bitterfeld-Wolfen), Conergy Solarmodule GmbH & Co. KG (Frankfurt/Oder), Schott Solar Wafer GmbH (Jena), Solland Solar Cells GmbH (Aachen), Sovello AG (Bitterfeld-Wolfen, sunways AG (Konstanz), H.C. Starck GmbH (Goslar), PVSilicon GmbH (Erfurt) sowie der Wacker Chemie AG (München) viele wichtige Akteure der deutschen Photovoltaik-Industrie vertreten.

      Ergänzend >

      Die an SolarWinS beteiligten Unternehmen decken alle Glieder entlang der Prozesskette von der Herstellung der Ausgangsmaterialien (Si-Feedstock, Tiegelbeschichtungen) über Wafer und Solarzelle bis hin zum Modul ab.

      Im Einzelnen nehmen folgende Firmen teil:…

      schrieb am 13.06.11 15:18:42
      Beitrag Nr. 846 ()
      Zitat von Brisca: Falls jemand mal etwas recherchieren will, bezüglich Patente

      Nur bei Anmelder/Inhaber/Erfinder >>> Arise Technologies <<<< eingeben

      und bei >>>>>> Trefferliste konfigurieren <<<<<<<< alle Häkchen setzen…

      (PS: man beachte auch bei den anklickbaren Ergebnissen, ganz unten >>> Entgegengehaltene Patentdokumente)


      Ergänzend: WIPO Patent Application WO/2011/047455…
      schrieb am 13.06.11 16:06:44
      Beitrag Nr. 847 ()

      Achieves key milestone in Silicon program

      WATERLOO, ON, June 13, 2011 /CNW/ - ARISE Technologies Corporation (TSX: APV) (Frankfurt: A3T), a leader in high-performance, high quality, cost-effective solar technology, and Sustainable Development Technology Canada (SDTC) announced today that its Silicon Division had reached an important milestone in the advancement of its silicon program.

      ARISE recently reached the fifth milestone of its SDTC-funded project. In achieving this important milestone, ARISE successfully produced more than 400 kilograms of 7N+ purity silicon using the Company's proprietary production methods. Other elements involved in attaining this milestone include factory testing of the facility's pilot plant reactor and support equipment, and the preparation of the facility for the installation of the reactor which is expected to occur in the third quarter of this year.

      In addition, the company recently took delivery of Silicon Refining Furnace version 4.1(SiRF™ 4.1) which is needed to scale up its silicon production.

      In June 2006, the Government of Canada through SDTC committed to contribute up to $6.4M to support the project led by ARISE. SDTC's contribution is tied to milestone schedule and delivery as determined in the contribution agreement between ARISE and SDTC.

      "We are extremely pleased to have reached this important milestone and have now begun commissioning our Kitchener silicon facility," said Dan Shea, CEO of ARISE. "Our Silicon Division's ability to produce high-purity silicon has the potential to be a key differentiator for our company in a competitive market place. If we are able to continue our progress and successfully commercialize this technology, it will allow us to control the supply, cost and purity of this key material which is used in the production of solar cells."

      "ARISE's technology has the potential to greatly impact the photovoltaic solar industry in Canada and around the world by increasing production efficiency while also reducing costs," said Vicky Sharpe, SDTC President and CEO. "SDTC would like to congratulate ARISE on reaching one more significant milestone and is looking forward to continuing to work with them to move this promising technology towards commercialization."

      About ARISE Technologies
      ARISE Technologies Corporation, based in Waterloo, Ontario, is a leader in high-performance, cost-effective solar technology. The company operates through three divisions. The PV Cell Division manufactures PV (photovoltaic) cells at its first manufacturing plant opened in April 2008 in Bischofswerda, Germany. The division is developing proprietary technology with a target of achieving a step-by-step progression to a high-efficiency level of greater than 20%. The PV Silicon Division is using a proprietary method to produce silicon at 7N+ high-purity (99.99999% purity) for PV cell applications, based on a simplified chemical vapor deposition process. The division is focusing on scaling up its process to provide ARISE with control over its supply, costs, and quality. The PV Systems Division has been providing rooftop and ground-mounted PV solutions since 1996. ARISE is planning to expand its systems business in Ontario under the Ontario FIT (Feed-In Tariff) program.

      The company's shares are listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange under the symbol APV and on the Frankfurt Open Market Exchange under the symbol A3T. Additional information is available at and

      About Sustainable Development Technology Canada
      Sustainable Development Technology Canada (SDTC) is an arm's-length foundation created by the Government of Canada which has received $1.05 billion as part of the Government's commitment to create a healthy environment and a high quality of life for all Canadians. SDTC operates two funds aimed at the development and demonstration of innovative technological solutions. The $550 million SD Tech Fund™ supports projects that address climate change, air quality, clean water, and clean soil. The $500 million NextGen Biofuels Fund™ supports the establishment of first-of-kind large demonstration-scale facilities for the production of next-generation renewable fuels. SDTC operates as a not-for-profit corporation and has been working with the public and private sector including industry, academia, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), the financial community and all levels of government to achieve this mandate.

      Forward-Looking Statements

      Certain statements in this news release may be considered to be forward-looking. Such statements are based on management's current expectations, estimations, and assumptions based on experience, trends, and other factors that are subject to the significant risks and uncertainties described in our regulatory filings. Please refer to these. Such risks and uncertainties may include, but are not limited to, the effects of general economic conditions, changing foreign exchange rates, actions by government authorities, uncertainties associated with legal proceedings and negotiations, industry supply levels, competitive pricing pressures and misjudgments in the course of preparing forward-looking statements. ARISE assumes no obligation to update any forward-looking statements or to update the reasons why actual results could differ from those reflected in the forward-looking statements.…
      schrieb am 13.06.11 16:34:31
      Beitrag Nr. 848 ()
      Zur Erinnerung Oktober 2007

      ARISE Technologies Corporation Announces Signing of Silicon Feedstock Pilot Plant Agreement

      WATERLOO, ON, Oct. 15 /CNW/ - ARISE Technologies Corporation (TSX-V: APV) is pleased to announce it has signed a contribution agreement with Sustainable Development Technology Canada (SDTC) for its Silicon Feedstock Pilot Plant project. SDTC is funding approximately 1/3 of eligible project costs up to a total of $6,439,037 payable upon successful completion of project milestones.
      ARISE has received an initial installment of $587,189.50 in accordance with the terms of the agreement.

      SDTC's contribution has been leveraged by a $13.2 million funding commitment from a consortium led by ARISE Technologies Corporation. The Company is working with Ebner Gesellschaft M.B.H., the University of Toronto, the University of Waterloo, and Topsil Semiconductor Materials A/S to develop a new approach for refining high purity solar grade silicon.

      "SDTC support for the project will allow ARISE to more rapidly scale up our proprietary Silicon Feedstock process to production," said Ian MacLellan, ARISE's President and CEO. "This high purity silicon is integral to our high efficiency photovoltaic (PV) cell plans, and high efficiency is what matters to our customers."

      "The high cost of producing PV cells has been one of the major issues facing the PV solar industry," said Vicky J. Sharpe, President and CEO of SDTC. "ARISE's new production technique aims to increase efficiency while also reducing costs. Should the ARISE project be successful, it will be an important step forward for the PV solar industry in Canada and around the world."

      The goal of the Silicon Feedstock Pilot Plant project is to develop and demonstrate a new approach to refining high purity solar grade silicon feedstock for photovoltaic (PV) applications. A major constraint in the PV value chain has been the supply of silicon. The ARISE approach will use a new technique to produce silicon feedstock that can be fed into the ingot-making process that produces crystalline silicon ingots for solar cells. The silicon produced is currently expected to meet the specifications of high-efficiency solar PV cell manufacturers.…
      schrieb am 13.06.11 17:49:23
      Beitrag Nr. 849 ()
      Green Energy Act is saving us money

      Extensive media coverage has been given to Ontario’s electrical energy systems not only locally, but globally, for the past several years now.

      And with all the excitement around green energy, it’s no surprise that our provincial party leaders have a lot to say about energy as they prepare for the fall election.

      Unfortunately not everything they say is true.

      Ontario’s Green Energy and Green Economy Act is the most recent step in nearly a decade’s worth of renewable energy policies, and is intended primarily to create green jobs and stimulate the economy, while serving also to benefit the energy sector and the environment.

      A 2010 report by ClearSky Advisors — Economic Impacts of Solar Energy in Ontario — noted that the solar energy market creates 12 times more jobs than the nuclear energy market does per unit of energy generated, and 15 times more jobs than coal or natural gas, at one-fourth to one-sixth the cost.

      Ontario’s electricity grid is managed by the Independent Electricity System Operator, which involves the delicate balancing of purchasing power from many sources to ensure we always have enough to keep the lights on. The Ontario Clean Air Alliances watches the system operator like a hawk, and has noted that the alternative to purchasing solar energy is the “business as usual” approach of importing coal-fired electricity from the U.S. at prices that typically exceed $1-per-kilowatt/hour and range up to as much as $2.

      Ontario’s green energy program doesn’t pay nearly that much, and yet it’s come under terrible fire recently. Small rooftop solar energy systems, which are paid 80.2 cents per kwh, are often blamed as the main culprit in our rising electric bills. Yet Gord Miller, the environmental commissioner of Ontario, reports that those payouts represent less than 0.1 per cent of the energy connected to Ontario’s grid.

      Even still, the Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario is adamant that it intends to cancel the feed-in-tariff program if elected this fall, and abolish the green energy incentive.

      The Kitchener business community has become one of Canada’s leading centres of excellence on solar energy, and is home to manufacturers ARISE Technologies, Photowatt, and Canadian Solar. Milfred Hammerbacher, chief executive officer of Canadian Solar, says that “Canadian Solar has built a world class solar panel factory in Ontario because of the FIT program. The FIT program is responsible for Canadian Solar building its first manufacturing operation outside of China.”

      John Hogg founded Green Grid as a reputable local contractor. “We’ve been working hard for 12 years to build a renewable energy business and create jobs to the region,” he says, “and this announcement is going to be ripping all our work out from under us”.

      The finance sector in Ontario has already started stepping back from Ontario’s renewable energy market, because the noise around the election has introduced a risk that the market may be deconstructed in the fall. “Every time an announcement like this is made, our business gets stalled,” says Hogg. “Try selling projects when the government is saying you might not have a job in six months. This is very frustrating, and (PC Leader Tim) Hudak has no idea how much damage he is doing.”

      Kitchener Mayor Carl Zehr says there are about 1,200 direct jobs in the solar energy industry in and around the Region of Waterloo. “I would be very concerned if the province took any action that could discourage private sector investment in the alternative energy marketplace, resulting in lost jobs,” he says.

      So back to the numbers — at 80.2 cents per kwh, solar is cheaper than imported electricity, and it creates more jobs. That money gets paid to Ontario homeowners, who spend the money on groceries and commodities and contribute to the local economy.

      The Ontario Sustainable Energy Association notes that this money tends to circulate a minimum of seven times in the local economy before disappearing in tax levies or imports, so the total cost to the government has an impact of one-seventh of the ticket price — so, in real economic terms, that 80.2 cents/kwh Ontario pays for solar energy is more like 11.5 cents/kwh, which is less than the 13 cents per kilowatt/hour paid by the average Ontario consumer.

      It would seem that solar is not only cheaper than imports, but that it’s also cheaper than business as usual.

      Ontario’s Green Energy and Green Economy Act is as much about economy as it is about the environment. John Hogg reminds us, “FIT is an economic stimulus program. Cancelling it is not economic leadership, it’s regression, in a terrible way.”

      Derek Satnik, a professional electrical engineer, is managing director of Mindscape Innovations of Kitchener, and volunteers with 10 different non-profit groups in the green building and green energy industries.
      schrieb am 13.06.11 22:45:41
      Beitrag Nr. 850 ()
      der Chart sieht allerdings nach wie vor grottenschlecht aus
      schrieb am 14.06.11 13:41:58
      Beitrag Nr. 851 ()

      ARISE Technologies Reports 2011 First Quarter Results

      Waterloo, Ontario, June 14, 2011

      ARISE Technologies Corporation (TSX: APV and Frankfurt: A3T), which is a leader in high-performance, high-quality, cost-effective solar technology, today reported its financial results for the three months ended March 31, 2011.

      Please note: Mandatory new accounting requirements came into effect on January 1, 2011, for all publically-listed Canadian companies. ARISE therefore implemented International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) in its 2011 first quarter financial statements and Management Discussion and Analysis. These documents are available on ARISE’s website and filed with SEDAR. IFRS standards will be adopted for subsequent financial results and filings.

      Q1 2011 Highlights:

      Total revenue of $10.9 million, compared with $16.2 million in Q1 2010
      Gross profit of $6.7 million, compared with a gross loss of $0.2 million in Q1 2010 Sales from Systems Division increased to $1.0 million from $0.6 million in Q1 2010

      “In the first quarter of 2011, uncertainty in the European markets negatively impacted the solar industry as key supporters such as Italy and Germany re-evaluated their incentive programs,” said Dan Shea, CEO of ARISE. “We believe some of this uncertainty has been removed by Italy’s recent re-instatement of their feed-in tariff program and the introduction of new European content requirements. We await Germany’s announcement regarding its support of the solar industry. Certain industry analysts are predicting demand to improve during the second half of 2011. We are monitoring demand levels closely so we can continue to respond quickly.”

      “During the quarter we continued to advance each of our three divisions. We were particularly pleased to have recently announced that we have begun commissioning our silicon facility in Kitchener, Ontario,” continued Mr. Shea. ”This development follows our attainment of the fifth milestone related to our agreement with Sustainable Development Technology Canada (SDTC) and moves us closer to the commercialization of our proprietary high-purity silicon technology. We believe our silicon technology has the potential to be a key differentiator for our business and we look forward to continuing to build the program while exploring partnership opportunities with numerous parties.”

      Q1 2011 Financial Overview

      Sales for the quarter ended March 31, 2011 amounted to $10.9 million, compared with $16.2 in the first quarter of 2010. PV cells accounted for 90.5% of sales during the quarter with the balance generated by the company’s Systems Division. The decrease in sales during the quarter reflects the impacts of a number of factors, including downward pressures on PV cell prices, unusually bad weather conditions in Europe, and market uncertainty relating to possible changes to European Feed In Tariff (“FIT”) programs.

      Gross profit for the first quarter of 2011 was $6.7 million, compared with a gross loss of $0.2 million in the first quarter of 2010. The improved gross profit is largely attributable to the renegotiation of an amendment to an existing long-term wafer contract with a major silicon wafer supplier. ARISE had previously recorded an US $9.1 million impairment charge against the prepayments to the vendor.

      Operating expenses for the quarter ended March 31, 2011 decreased by 14.2% to to $3.6
      million, from $4.2 million during the same period in 2010. The decrease was mainly the result of a reduction in Research and Development expenses, offset somewhat by a slight increase in General and Administrative expenses.

      Liquidity and Capital Resources

      As at March 31, 2011, the Company had a working capital liability of $29.7 million consisting of current assets of $22.5 million less current liabilities of $52.2 million. This compares with negative working capital at March 31, 2010 of $27.9 million, consisting of current assets of $28.2 million less current liabilities of $56.1 million. The decrease in working capital deficiency reflects the cash raised from the issuance of shares in the period.

      Cash and cash equivalents at March 31, 2011 totaled $0.2 million ($0.1 million at March 31,
      2010) an increase of $0.1 million.

      Conference Call and Webcast

      ARISE will hold a conference call for analysts and investors at 8:30 a.m. (Eastern) on June 14, 2011. Dan Shea, President and Chief Executive Officer, and Doug McCollam, Chief Financial Officer, will be available to answer questions during the call.

      To participate in the call, please dial (647) 427 - 7450 or 1-888 - 231 - 8191 (Canada and the U.S. only) at least five minutes prior to the start of the call. A live audio webcast of the conference call will be available at and

      An archived recording of the call will be available at 416-849-0833 or 1-800-642-1687 (Canada and the U.S. only) (Pass code: 71987188) from 11:30 a.m. on June 14, 2011, to 11:59 p.m. on June 21, 2011. (ET)

      About ARISE Technologies

      ARISE Technologies Corporation, based in Waterloo, Ontario, is a leader in high-performance, cost-effective solar technology. The company operates through three divisions. The PV Cell Division manufactures PV (photovoltaic) cells at its first manufacturing plant opened in April 2008 in Bischofswerda, Germany. The division is developing proprietary technology with a target of achieving a step-by-step progression to a high-efficiency level of greater than 20%.
      The PV Silicon Division is using a proprietary method to produce silicon at 7N+ high-purity (99.99999% purity) for PV cell applications, based on a simplified chemical vapor deposition process. The division is focusing on scaling up its process to provide ARISE with control over its supply, costs, and quality. The PV Systems Division has been providing rooftop and groundmounted PV solutions since 1996. ARISE is planning to expand its systems business in Ontario under the Ontario FIT (Feed-In Tariff) program.

      The company’s shares are listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange under the symbol APV and on the Frankfurt Open Market Exchange under the symbol A3T. Additional information is available at and

      Forward-Looking Statements and Risk Factors

      Certain statements in this news release may be considered to be forward-looking. Such statements are based on management’s current expectations, estimations, and assumptions based on experience, trends, and other factors that are subject to the significant risks and uncertainties described in our regulatory filings. Please refer to these. Such risks and uncertainties may include, but are not limited to, the effects of general economic conditions, changing foreign exchange rates, actions by government authorities, the requirement for additional capital, risks associated with manufacturing, industry supply levels, competitive pricing pressures and misjudgements in the course of preparing forward-looking statements.

      Risk factors relating to ARISE are discussed in the Risk Factors section of ARISE’s Annual Information Form and under the headings Liquidity and Capital Resources and Risk and Uncertainties in ARISE’s year-end Management’s Discussion and Analysis which are or will be available at These factors should be considered carefully, and readers should not place undue reliance on ARISE’s forward-looking statements.

      ARISE assumes no obligation to update any forward-looking statements or to update the reasons why actual results could differ from those reflected in the forward-looking statements.

      ARISE Technologies Corporation
      65 Northland Road, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2V 1Y8
      Doug McCollam, Chief Financial Officer, (519) 772-5706

      Investor Relations:
      Glen Williams
      The Equicom Group
      (416) 815-0700 x272

      ARISE Technologies Corporation
      Condensed Consolidated Statement of Financial Position
      schrieb am 14.06.11 16:09:49
      Beitrag Nr. 852 ()
      ARISE Technologies Corporation podcasts hosted and distributed by CNW Group
      Q1 Earnings AnnouncementDienstag, 14. Juni 2011 14:30
      schrieb am 14.06.11 23:01:11
      Beitrag Nr. 853 ()
      Vielen Dank an fairinvestor aus Stockhouse.:)
      Er hat das cc schriftlich zusammengefasst, viel Spass dabei :)

      I just spent the last couple of hours transcribing the call for those who missed it. To the German investors, you can translate the following using Google Translate and have some idea of what Ralph and Dan were discussing.


      Ralph: Good morning gentleman.

      Dan, Doug: Good morning, Ralph.

      Ralph: Just on the Silicon facility and that... the furnace that was shipped was a, I believe a 4.3 SiRF one, so that was a 50 ton capacity. The 400 kgs that you state as part of this milestone... that was all stuff that you produced at Waterloo?

      Dan: That was a combination of stuff produced in Waterloo and in Austria.

      Ralph: Now this 50 ton furnace... you've talked about in the past about expanding capacity over time once you get funding to anywhere between 700 and 1000 tons at that facility. Can you lay that out for us... how you are going to get from this first furnace that's 50 tons to a point of 800 tons.

      Dan: Yes, the plan was to reach somewhere between 600 and 1000 tons in Kitchener, and that plan also includes other things like ingoting and wafering, and the way to do that is 1: SiRF is a combination of SiRF 4.1 and 4.3. We combined the two in this latest stage, in terms of reaching the milestone. There will be two SiRF 5s and then a number of SiRF 6s, which is the final production furnace, depending on the space we have, Ralph, for the ingoting and the wafering sides. So, the variable comes here in to that we added wafering and ingoting to our plans.

      Ralph: What are the price points or capital required for each of those stages?

      Dan: Okay, this is an approximate number, as I've said, because the total, actual capacity has not been determined, but approximately $150 million Canadian.

      Ralph: Okay. Just wanted to clarify that on the capacity side. So, you think you will be up and running, initially on this pilot furnace by the middle of July or end of July?

      Dan: I think that by the end of July we will have the pilate furnace up and running. Correct.

      Ralph: You were recently at Intersolar (?) and it looks like with the Italian energy law passed, Italian demand has picked up. On the German side, what do you see now? They set the new tariff rate based on march-april deliveries. Do you see a pickup through the end of June in both of those markets?

      Dan: I do see a pickup... so, as a result of Intersolar (?) I see more of a pickup from what has gone on in Italy than what has gone on in Germany. There are a number of order that we've seen... not as strong as we've seen in 2010, but definitely a better order picture than what we saw in Q1 2011. But to be totally honest, the German situation is still "wait and see." There is cautious optimism from most of our German customers right now.

      Ralph: Okay, but the fact that you restarted line 2, I guess, you know, you've eaten through the inventory that built up through Q1... you've seen some pickup in demand, and you restarted line 2 cautiously. When do you think you will get to full capacity in line 2?

      Dan: I think that is totally dependent, Ralph, on our funding going forward. As you know, cash is still a big factor here as we move forward. Also wafer pricing is a big factor in what we've done. I can tell you that as demand starts to build, it looks like there will be enough demand there to ramp the factory back up to where it was in 2010, but the other factors, as I've mentioned will wafer pricing continue to come down to where the cell pricing is? And that we don't know quite yet. It's heading in the right direction, but it's definitely not there at this time. And the other piece is our cash situation as we move forward.

      Ralph: Going back to the Silicon facility and the cash situation. How do you look to fund that roll-out to get to whatever the end point is on the capacity side. Are you looking for a commercial partner? Government funding? How are you going to fund that $150 million?

      Dan: Yes, there are a number of discussions going on right now between private funding, government funding, and I won't get into the very specifics of it, a combination of debt and equity, so all active discussions rights now. None of them are far enough along to make them material enough to discuss there in terms of specifics, but I assure you that all of them are very active. As, I think many of our investors are aware, our discussions still continue between our equipment provider for lines 3 and lines 4, the SAB, which is the bank of saxony in germany, and of course, the Commerzbank. And key to that is to striking a final agreement with the Commerzbank for a banking facility. So essentially, eliminating the stand-still. And those, conversations and that dialogue is ongoing right now. So still the plan going forward.

      Ralph: So, let's say that you do come to some sort of agreement with Commerzbank by the end of June, for line 3 that will probably be up and running by the end of September or the end of Q3? How do see that rolling out?

      Dan: If assuming you know, we came to an agreement now, I believe that it is feasible to have line 3 up and running by the end of september, and of course, line 4 would be, probably 8 months out from whenever we struck the agreement with the Commerzbank. As I've told many of our investors, line 3 was a very short-term line, something that we negotiated with our equipment provider, where line 4 is a new order, so it has the lead times of a new ordered line.

      Ralph: Okay, with this termination of the sky solar deal, I assume you retain the full systems pipeline, and what does that look like in Ontario. Do you see a spike coming over the next 6 months before the elections in October?

      Dan: Well, that is a good question, Ralph, and if you asked me this question two months ago, I would say, definitely yes. We are starting to see a little bit of "wait and see" because as a result of some of what has been discussed at the provincial level in Ontario. The election is. There is lots to be done. Lots of installations in front of us. Growth still continues in the systems division. But to be honest, the political situation at the provincial level is something that we're all going to have to watch.

      Ralph: And, you retained the full pipeline of the projects you guys were going to work on?

      Dan: Yes, we always maintained our own pipeline, I mean, the JV just to, to make that a little more clear. The relationship with SKY solar is still very good, always has been. I think the initial leverage that we both thought were going to get out of this had to do with the construction and procurement side. I think there were some delays in taking some of these potential rooftops or properties and running them through the OPA in terms of allowing that leverage to be sooner versus later. And as a result of those of those delays, I think we both agreed that the JV didn't make sense anymore, and maintaining the management of the JV didn't make sense. So, yes, we maintained all of our pipeline, as did SKY Solar , maintaining their pipeline.

      Ralph: Going on forward, I mean if, if you close some of this pipeline, whatever the size is, a couple of megawatts, will you need to partner with someone else to fund that. How will you get those projects on the roof?

      Dan: Currently, no. If however we saw that the prospects existed to grow it even faster than it is growing and if we needed a funding partner, I would definitely reach out for one, especially if it related to leased roofs for larger projects. But currently to execute our business plan, we would do it from our own funding.

      Ralph: Okay. I missed the early part of the call, I don't know if you gave the cell efficiency averages of each line?

      Dan: We did not provide it. It is too difficult to do with the ups and downs, with the short work that we put into place.

      Ralph: Let's assume you get it back up to full capacity on the two lines in the second half. What are your long term goals, and what sort of road map do you have to get to 20% efficient?

      Dan: The long term goals are still as they've always been, so with a number of efforts in line. We've consulted the universities, as I think we've been very open about. The University of Toronto, McMaster, and Waterloo. In terms of roadmaps for heterojunction, monojunction and multijunction cells, that work continues and is progressing very very well, I might add. We have approached a number of institutions, I won't get into the details right now, it's too early to talk about in Bischofswerda, about a high-efficiency roadmap that would be tailored off the current multi and mono-crystallined processes that we have today, without anything dramatic as a heterojunction or multijunction switch. So, still the goal is to take those efficiencies north of 20%. I think that's going to be necessary to differentiate any cell manufacturing in this market.

      Ralph: And if you go with that latter solution where you can modify existing lines and make any necessary adjustments to line 3 to get those efficiency improvements?

      Dan: Correct.

      Ralph: Can you get a ballpark estimate on what sort of capital will be needed on the longer term for that?

      Dan: I can't right now. It's too early to tell, Ralph, but I will tell you it is much less than putting in a new line.

      Ralph: Then a last thing on ASPs, it looks like we've bottomed here in this market, 75-80-85 euro cents. Do you see ASPs picking up at all on the second half with the increase in demand, or do you think we will get under 75 euro cents per watt?

      Dan: So I've seen some modest increases in the ASP in some of the smaller customers that we've had, but no real change with our larger customers. What I have seen, however, is a decrease, not a significant, but a decrease in wafer pricing, which is encouraging.

      Ralph: And on those wafer contracts, are you going still month-to-month, or as needed, when negotiating these deals?

      Dan: Yes

      Ralph: So there is enough supplies?

      Dan: Yes, it is a spot market so it's necessary to talk about them, at least monthly, if not more than that.

      Ralph: That's it for me, and I'll get back in the queue if no one else is asking questions. Thank you.

      Dan: Thanks, Ralph.

      [break for operator]

      Ralph: Just one more question, I think. Let's say that the Conservatives do come into power in October, and the tarrifs get reduced to whatever, 40 cents a kilowatt hour. If you get the silicon facility up and running by the end of next year at some point. If you get a vertically integarted strategy, what sort of price points do you think you can get down to from a production statement, where you're making your own silicon?

      Dan: Rather than guessing that, we've talked about what the range looks like in our silicon business, and it is essentially half what the current pricing is right now. And as everyone is aware, the silicon wafer represents about half the COGS, half the cost of the price a cell going out the door. So that gives us a lot of flexibility. Without giving you a specific number, it gives you a feel for how much flexibility does exist there. I would also say that, keeping in mind, the Silicon industry, whether it be Italy, or whether going or Germany is an industry that has no transformed itself, well below, or at least the 40 cent mark. They are well below 40 euro cents in Europe. At least in Germany, and Italy is heading in the same direction, and that industry continues to operate there. So if we are talking about feed-in-tarrifs that are half of what we have in Ontario, I still think there is an industry in Ontario.

      Ralph: You guys have talked about costs on the silicon side. $25-30/kg range. Do you still think you can hit those targets. Can you take that any lower?

      Dan: Taking it lower... I don't know. We still need to verify those numbers, Ralph, in larger furnace configurations. But yes, we are still very optimistic that those numbers are reachable. Going below that, we won't know until we are up and running, but at least between 20 and 30 is our current target which we believe is achievable.

      Ralph: One last question on the silicon facility. So you are going to produce a first couple of kg coming out of the facility. You are going to test for its efficiency and than make our decision whether you are happy or not, see if you have to make any necessary tweaks to it. What can we look for, for announcements out of Kitchener?

      Dan: Right, so the announcements will be exactly the way you've described them. So, running silicon, converting those to ingots, crystallizing some of them, whether it is multi or mono we end up doing. Wafering them, and turning them into cells in our Bischofswerda facility so we can measure accurately, the efficiencies of those cells. And, of course, the analysis we will do, probably, using some of our contacts at the universities, including the Fraunhofer, are all announcements that we expect out of Kitchener before going forward. We will likely leave SiRF 5 where it is right now. We are somewhere between 70 and 80% complete right now, the design and early construction. We won't go further than that until we finish testing SiRF 4, and then of course, we will complete the work on SiRF 5 before we start work on SiRF 6, which will be the final design.

      Ralph: 5 will be north of 100 tons/year?

      Dan: Yes. Combined with both furnaces, yes.

      schrieb am 15.06.11 12:03:14
      Beitrag Nr. 854 ()
      For The Three Months Ended March 31, 2011


      For the Three Months Ended March 31, 2011

      schrieb am 16.06.11 13:04:02
      Beitrag Nr. 855 ()…

      Arise revives plans for Kitchener silicon plant

      WATERLOO — Arise Technologies has revived plans for pilot plant in Kitchener to produce high-quality silicon for the solar energy market in Ontario.

      The company said Tuesday it will begin installing the first pre-commercial silicon furnace at 95 Washburn Dr. over the summer.

      The furnace will be used to test and validate future commercial furnaces used in the refining of silicon, which is used to make photovoltaic cells to convert solar energy into electricity.

      Waterloo-based Arise announced plans to open a silicon feedstock pilot plant in 2008, but shelved those plans when the recession hit in 2009.

      The Kitchener plant will be “operational” in the fourth quarter of this year, but commercial production of silicon won’t begin until 2012, company spokesperson Elizabeth Vainionpaa said in an interview.

      To prepare the plant for production, Arise said it has successfully produced more than 400 kilograms of silicon in Waterloo and Europe using proprietary methods and tested its furnace reactor and support equipment.

      The company estimates the plant will cost $20 million, with $6.4 million coming from the federal government’s Sustainable Development Technology Canada program.

      Arise also released its first quarter results on Tuesday.

      Revenues for the quarter ending March 31 fell to $10.9 million from $16.2 million a year ago as the company was impacted by severe winter weather in Europe and continuing uncertainty over subsidy programs in Germany and Italy.

      Arise has operated a solar-cell manufacturing plant in Germany since 2008.

      The company was able to record a profit of $2.4 million for the quarter after saving $8.4 million by renegotiating a contract with a major silicon wafer supplier. In the first quarter a year ago, the company lost $5.9 million.

      Arise also announced that it has terminated a joint venture with Sky Solar to assist with solar-panel installations.

      Approval delays for rooftop installations in Ontario prompted the cancellation, chief executive Dan Shea said in a conference call. He noted that some customers are adopting a wait and see approach until after the Ontario election in the fall.

      With the Tories threatening to cut subsidies if elected, Shea said the solar industry would still be viable in Ontario with a top subsidy of 40 cents per kilowatt hour.
      schrieb am 29.06.11 09:58:13
      Beitrag Nr. 856 ()
      Thank you Yasch!
      Your Facts to our facts.

      From Yasch Stockhouse…


      Hi all. These are my observations on the AGM. Please note that, as we all do, I have a selective memory, so anyone else who was there should feel free to elaborate on or correct my information. I should add too that this was my first ever company AGM, so it was a real eye-opener. I'm amazed at how much information is given to actual attendees, and how much info came out during the Q&A period, including especially responses given to questions from GreenGenie and JStockefeller. We met Raydar44 as well, and if I haven't said it before I'll say it now: When Raydar sends information about what he has observed at Washburn, trust him!

      I've run this by a few of you already. Thanks for your feedback.

      Peter Harder, Chair of the Board of Directors, led off the meeting with aworkmanlike approach to the procedural business. We found out later thathe and Harold Alexexander were leaving the BOD. There waspolite applause for their service when Dan Shea called for it. The BODhas been reduced from 8 members to 6.

      Dan said that Arise's #1priority (as he's stated before) is to strengthen the balance sheet. Isuspect that even the reduction in the BOD is part of that movement. Danfeels that Arise is presently in a position to at least break even iffuture demand returns to the same level they saw in 2010. They can dothis just on the strength of Lines 1 & 2, together with increasing income from Systems Divsion. I understood Dan'scomments to mean that Arise should be able to survive in their presentconfiguration as long as demand returns to normal. They'll install Lines3 & 4 when the time is right and there is a reasonable expectationof making a profit from them. I should add that Arise seems prettyconfident that they'll be able to produce cells at 20%+ efficiencyratings in the not-too-distant future, and part of their survivability depends on these steadily increasing improvements in cell efficiencies.

      The first half of the yearhas not been kind to the solar industry, but Arise recognized theissues early and went to a reduced-hours work schedule, thereby cuttingcosts while retaining their highly skilled work force. Dan spoke withconviction of continued growth in Systems, and after the official partof the meeting was over, I heard him speak optimistically of a number ofprojects (larger than $150,000) in the pipeline. All in all I think Isuspect Arise recognized fairly early on that Vern Heinrichs' deal withSky Solar was a no-go, and are now happily building up Systems on theirown. Afterwards, a group of us speculated privately that players likeformer director David Johnston (now the Governor General) andpolitically connected guys like Peter Harder might have pushed for theSky Solar deal, as on paper it looked like a great example ofSino-Canadian cooperation, but Arise found out quickly enough that theChinese only like deals which they win handily (e.g., they'd gladly giveyou a 4th round draft pick in exchange for Zdeno Chara and ChrisPronger).

      On financing, Dan gave mixed messages. First off,Commerzbank apparently took a sh!t-kicking during the financial crisisof 2008 to 2009, and was forced to radically change the risk profile intheir loan book. I.e., renewable energy dropped from star-status todog-status, and Commerzbank has in fact pulled the plug on a lot ofsmaller companies. The manager responsible for the Arise file told Danthat he and the bank are actually pulling for Arise, and really do wantthem to succeed, but at the same time of course they have loans theywant repaid and lines of credit they want downsized. This manager toldDan that Arise was a much smaller problem compared to the problems thebank is having with a couple of much larger accounts -- Conergy andQCells -- with the implication that Coba is not really interested rightnow in the enormous amount of time, lost money, and hassle that theywould have to go through in taking over a company that is not justbreaking even but recently paid off a decent chunk of its debt.(Frankly, I was both shocked and impressed by Dan's frankness in all thespecific comments he made on this issue.)

      So, on the one handDan made the relationship with Coba appear to be a fairly friendly,mutually supportive one. But at another point he addressed the June 30deadline, and suggested that Arise would very likely be working with adifferent banker in the near future. So, it looks as if that"stand-still agreement" or "Mexican stand-off" as he once referred to itis not as friendly as we might hope, and will more likely than not end in adivorce.

      I had mixed feelings about some of the mixed messages.I'll give one more example. Arise is genuinely excited aboutdevelopments in the silicon division. Ian mentioned that he had beenworking on this himself almost exclusively for the past 6 months.However, their main goal with the new developments at Washburn is todemonstrate the quality and cost-effectiveness of their process topotential investors. Because they still wish to get to a point of full commercial production, wherethey can also do their own ingot formation and wafer-cutting, they will need$150 million in investment. We can only hope and pray that Arise has afew real fish nibbling on those silicon hooks, otherwise it's belly-up(short-term) for the dream of full integration.

      After themeeting, several of us went to the Washburn site to see what we couldsee. Several cars near the front entrance, and 2 vans at a back entrancebelonging to TIG Stainless Steel Welding. The welders were busy. We sawthem go in and out of the door several times. Dan mentioned that IFArise ever gets to full production of 1000 tonnes of silicon per yearthey'd need to hire approximately another 140 people. I'd love to seethat parking lot at Washburn jam-packed with cars, but will it ever cometo pass?

      schrieb am 01.07.11 12:48:03
      Beitrag Nr. 857 ()
      ARISE Provides Update on Commerzbank Discussions
      WATERLOO, ON, June 30, 2011


      Report of voting results


      ARISE Provides Update on Commerzbank Discussions
      WATERLOO, ON, June 30, 2011 /CNW/ - ARISE Technologies Corporation (TSX: APV and Frankfurt: A3T), which is a leader in high-performance, high-quality, cost-effective solar technology, today provided an update on its discussions with its German lender, Commerzbank AG ("Commerzbank"), regarding an extension of the Company's standstill agreement with the bank, which expired on June 30, 2011.
      "We continue to have productive discussions with Commerzbank regarding an extension of our standstill agreement with the bank," said Dan Shea, President and CEO of ARISE. "I am pleased with the tone and direction of these conversations and remain confident that we will be in a position to provide a further update to our shareholders within the next two weeks."
      schrieb am 07.07.11 20:13:18
      Beitrag Nr. 858 ()

      Attention Business Editors
      ARISE Awarded Contract to Install Rooftop Solar System on University of Waterloo's Faculty of Environment Building

      WATERLOO, ON, July 7, 2011 /CNW/
      ARISE Technologies Corporation ("ARISE" or "the Company') (TSX: APV and Frankfurt: A3T), a leader in high-performance, high-quality, cost-effective solar technology, today announced that its Systems Division has been awarded a contract to supply a 70 kilowatt ("kW") photovoltaic ("PV") rooftop solar system to the University of Waterloo's newly expanded Faculty of Environment building, named ENV3.

      "This flagship building is on track to achieve LEED Platinum certification, displaying the latest in sustainable design, material, process and technology," said Bill Cooper, CEO of Cooper Construction, the building's contractor. "ARISE's photovoltaic system is an integral part of realizing this goal as it allows us to optimize energy performance and aligns with best practices in creating sustainable, green buildings."

      "This project represents an opportunity for ARISE to showcase our best-in-class PV systems," said Dan Shea, President and CEO of ARISE. "Our solar energy solution will aid in the achievement of the LEED Platinum certification by improving energy efficiency."

      ARISE's solar power system will span a large section of ENV3's roof and will generate 60,000 kilowatt hours per year. The $20 million, 57,000-square foot ENV3 building is scheduled to open in fall, 2011.

      schrieb am 15.07.11 21:52:53
      Beitrag Nr. 859 ()
      ARISE Closes $2.75M Secured Debt and Warrants Financing and Provides Update on Commerzbank Agreement

      WATERLOO, ON, July 15, 2011 /CNW/ - ARISE Technologies Corporation (TSX: APV and Frankfurt: A3T) ("ARISE" or the "Company"), which is a leader in high-performance, high-quality, cost-effective solar technology, today announced the issuance to Radiant Offshore Fund Ltd and Radiant Performance Fund LP (collectively "Radiant") of secured debentures with an aggregate principal amount of $2.75 million. The debentures have a 2 year term and an interest rate of 9.0% per annum. In addition to the issuance of the secured debentures, ARISE issued a total of 66,666,667 share purchase warrants to acquire common shares in the capital of ARISE. Each share purchase warrant is exercisable to acquire 1 common share at an exercise price of $0.10 per share and will expire on the sixth anniversary of the issuance date. If ARISE repays $2,000,000 of the principal amount of the secured debentures prior to the exercise of the warrants by Radiant, 60,000,000 warrants will be cancelled. Any partial repayment of the principal amount of the secured debentures prior to the exercise of the warrants will result in a proportional cancellation of warrants, which results in this private placement being similar to a convertible debenture financing.

      The Company intends to use $2.5 million of the proceeds to augment its working capital position at ARISE Germany. The balance of the proceeds are to be used for general corporate purposes.

      Update on Commerzbank Agreement
      Upon receipt of the $ 2.5 million at ARISE Germany, noted above, Commerzbank will extend to September 15, 2011 the date when ARISE's standstill agreement is due. The Company will issue a public announcement when the agreement with Commerzbank is finalized.…
      schrieb am 15.07.11 22:17:21
      Beitrag Nr. 860 ()
      Zitat von alpendudler: Aus dem AIF vom 31.3.2011

      Capital Stock
      The Company’s authorized capital stock consists of an unlimited number of common shares. The common shares are not redeemable or convertible. They convey the right to vote at shareholders’ meetings and to participate in the wind up of the company and the distribution of its assets. Common shareholders will receive dividends if, and when the Company declares them. As at December 31, 2010, the Company had 258,237,342 common shares outstanding.
      Share Purchase Warrants
      As at December 31, 2010, warrants to purchase 118,205,430 common shares were outstanding. More information regarding the Company’s warrants and options can be found in the Company’s fiscal 2010 annual financial consolidated statements, under Note 13(c) of the “Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements”.
      Stock Option Plan
      The Company has designed a stock option plan to provide eligible officers, directors, employees, and advisors the right to acquire shares of the company. As at December 31, 2010, there were 14,094,922 options outstanding, of which 8,896,745 were vested and exercisable. More information regarding the Company’s stock option plan can be found in the Company’s fiscal 2010 annual financial statements, under Note 13(d) of the “Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements”.
      Fully Diluted Capital
      As of March 22, 2011, 275,252,604 ARISE common shares were issued and outstanding. On a fully diluted basis, as of March 22, 2011 assuming exercise of all issued and outstanding share purchase warrants, stock options and deferred share units and broker’s warrants, the Company would have 430,571,859 common shares outstanding.

      6,7 Mio. Warrents mit Ausübung zu 0,40 bis Nov. 2011
      44,2 Mio Warrents mit Ausübung zu 0,33 bis ca. Juni 2012
      78,9 Mio. Warrents mit Ausübung zu 0,21bis etwa Dez. 2012

      Da die Gesamtzahl mit 118 Mio. Warrents angegeben ist, sind wohl einige Warrents bereits eingelöst worden.

      6,7 Mio. Warrents mit Ausübung zu 0,40 bis Nov. 2011
      44,2 Mio Warrents mit Ausübung zu 0,33 bis ca. Juni 2012
      78,9 Mio. Warrents mit Ausübung zu 0,21bis etwa Dez. 2012
      66,7 Mio. Warrents mit Ausübung zu 0,10 bis Juli 2017
      Bei voller Ausübung der Warrents (fully diluted) nun 497 Mio. Aktien.
      Wobei die Ausübung von fast 130 Mio. Warrents in immer größere Ferne rückt! (Basispreis 0,21 und höher) Deshalb ist Aktienzahl von max. 367 Mio. realistischer und selbst bei Ausübung der 66,7 Mio. neuen Warrents würden 6,67 Mio. noch an Cash Arise zufließen.

      Ungewöhnlich die Passage zur möglichen Löschung der neuen Warrents: "If ARISE repays $2,000,000 of the principal amount of the secured debentures prior to the exercise of the warrants by Radiant, 60,000,000 warrants will be cancelled."

      Bitte hier keine Diskussion - nur Fakten.
      schrieb am 08.08.11 15:54:48
      Beitrag Nr. 861 ()
      ARISE Announces Review of Strategic Alternatives
      Monday, 08 August 2011

      ARISE Announces Review of Strategic Alternatives
      Hires Canaccord Genuity Corp. as Financial Advisor

      Waterloo, Ontario Canada, August 8, 2011 – ARISE Technologies Corporation ("ARISE" or "the Company') (TSX: APV and Frankfurt: A3T), a leader in high-performance, high-quality, cost-effective solar technology, today announced that its Board of Directors has commenced a review of strategic alternatives with the objective of enhancing stakeholder value. ARISE has hired Canaccord Genuity Corporation (“Canaccord Genuity”) to assist in the strategic review and act as a financial advisor to ARISE.

      “We are pleased to be working with Canaccord Genuity to help us in evaluating a full range of opportunities and options. While we are currently engaged in discussions with a number of parties regarding strategic options, Canaccord Genuity’s advice will assist us to rigorously review all possible options in order to determine the best way to maximize stakeholder value going forward. We selected Canaccord Genuity because of their deep experience and strong track record in the area of strategic evaluations,” said Dan Shea, President and CEO of ARISE.

      ARISE will continue with all of its planned business activities throughout the strategic alternatives review process. ARISE does not intend to disclose developments with respect to the strategic review process until its Board of Directors has approved any specific course of action. There can be no assurance that a review of strategic alternatives will result in any transaction or strategic initiative.

      About Canaccord Genuity Corporation
      Canaccord Genuity is the global capital markets division of Canaccord Financial Inc (CF: TSX | CF.: AIM), offering institutional and corporate clients idea-driven investment banking, merger and acquisition, research, sales and trading services from 16 offices worldwide. Our team of over 400 capital markets professionals have industry and transactional expertise in critical sectors of the global economy.…

      zu Canaccord "Genuity"…
      schrieb am 11.08.11 12:09:04
      Beitrag Nr. 862 ()

      1) The name and address of the eligible institutional investor:

      Radiant Investment Management Ltd. (“Radiant”)
      366 Adelaide Street West, Suite 601
      Toronto, Ontario M5V 1R9

      Radiant Offshore Fund Ltd (“Radiant Offshore Fund”)
      c/o Maples Corporate Services Limited
      PO Box 309, Ugland House
      Grand Cayman, KY1-1104
      Cayman Islands

      2) Name of reporting issuer with respect to which this report is filed:
      Arise Technologies Corporation (the “Reporting Issuer”)

      3) Month with respect to which this report is filed:

      July 2011

      4) Net increase or decrease in the number or principal amount of securities and,
      in the eligible institutional investor’s securityholding percentage in the class
      of securities, since the last report filed by the eligible institutional investor:

      This is the first report by Radiant and Radiant Offshore Fund under Part 4 of NI
      62-103 in respect of the Reporting Issuer.

      5) Designation and number or principal amount of securities and the eligible
      institutional investor’s securityholding percentage in the class of securities at
      the end of the month for which this report is made:

      As at July 31, 2011, Radiant acts as portfolio manager to certain investment funds
      including Radiant Offshore Fund (the “Funds”) that, in aggregate, own or
      exercise control over 66,666,667 warrants of the Reporting Issuer (“Warrants”).
      Of those 66,666,667 Warrants, 64,666,667 Warrants are held by Radiant Offshore
      Fund. Each Warrant entitles the holder to purchase one common share of the
      Reporting Issuer at $0.10 per share and expires on July 12, 2017.

      Based on the number of currently issued and outstanding common shares of the
      Reporting Issuer (as reported by the Reporting Issuer), assuming the exercise of
      all Warrants, Radiant exercises control or direction over approximately 19.49% of
      the issued and outstanding common shares of the Reporting Issuer and Radiant
      Offshore Fund holds approximately 18.90% of the issued and outstanding
      common shares of the Reporting Issuer.

      6) Designation and number or principal amount of securities and the
      percentage of the outstanding securities referred to in item 5 over which:

      a) The eligible institutional investor, either alone or together with any joint
      actors, has ownership and control:

      Radiant exercises, or is deemed to exercise, control or direction over the
      securities referred to in paragraph 5 above in its capacity as portfolio manager
      of the investment funds referred to below, including Radiant Offshore Fund.
      Radiant Offshore Fund, which may be considered to be a joint actor of
      Radiant, has beneficial ownership of the securities referred to in paragraph 5

      b) The eligible institutional investor, either alone or together with any joint
      actors, has ownership but control is held by other entities other than the
      eligible institutional investor or any joint actor:

      Not applicable.

      c) The eligible institutional investor, either alone or together with any joint
      actors, has exclusive or shared control but does not have ownership:

      Radiant exercises control or direction over all of the Warrants referred to
      above in its capacity as portfolio manager of the Funds.

      7) The purpose of the eligible institutional investor and any joint actors in
      acquiring or disposing of ownership of, or control over, the securities,
      including any future intention to acquire ownership of, or control over,
      additional securities of the reporting issuer:

      The securities of the Reporting Issuer referred to above were acquired by Radiant,
      on behalf of the Funds, for investment purposes. Radiant and the Funds expect to
      review from time to time the investments in the Reporting Issuer and may,
      depending on the market and other conditions: (i) acquire securities or related
      financial instruments of the Reporting Issuer in the open market, in privately
      negotiated transactions or otherwise, and/or (ii) dispose of all or a portion of the
      securities or related financial instruments of the Reporting Issuer over which
      either of them now or hereafter exercises, or may be deemed to exercise, control
      or direction, or owns.

      8) The general nature and the material terms of any agreement, other than
      lending arrangements, with respect to securities of the reporting issuer
      entered into by the eligible institutional investor, or any joint actor, and the
      issuer of the securities or any other entity in connection with any transaction
      or occurrence resulting in the change in ownership or control giving rise to
      the report, including agreements with respect to the acquisition, holding,
      disposition or voting of any of the securities:

      Concurrent with the issuance of the Warrants over which Radiant exercises
      control, the Reporting Issuer issued secured debentures (the “Debentures”) to the
      Funds. If the Reporting Issuer repays $2 million principal amount of the
      Debentures prior to the exercise of the Warrants, 60,000,000 Warrants will be
      cancelled. Any partial repayment of the principal amount of the Debentures prior
      to the exercise of the Warrants will result in a proportional cancellation of
      Dispositional and voting authority over the securities of the Reporting Issuer is
      held by Radiant pursuant to investment advisory agreements between Radiant and
      the Funds.

      9) The names of any joint actors in connection with the disclosure required by
      this report:

      The investment funds managed by Radiant that are holding securities of the
      Reporting Issuer include: Radiant Offshore Fund and Radiant Performance Fund
      LP. Radiant Fund Corp. has exposure to the securities of the Reporting Issuer
      held by Radiant Offshore Fund.

      10) If applicable, a description of any change in any material fact set out in a
      previous report by the eligible institutional investor in respect of the
      reporting issuer’s securities:

      Not applicable.

      11) Statement regarding eligibility to file reports under Part 4 of National
      Instrument 62-103 in respect of the reporting issuer:

      Radiant and Radiant Offshore Fund are eligible to file reports under Part 4 of NI
      62-103 in respect of the Issuer’s securities.

      12) The filing of this report is not an admission that an entity named in this
      report is a joint actor with another name entity.

      Dated: August 9, 2011

      By: “Namit Norman Kumar”
      Namit Norman Kumar
      Chief Investment Officer

      its investment adviser, RADIANT

      By: “Namit Norman Kumar”
      Namit Norman Kumar
      Chief Investment Officer

      TOR01: 4696785: v2;jsessionid=0000ACErFRs4aaHEq6C……
      schrieb am 11.08.11 13:16:11
      Beitrag Nr. 863 ()
      Wer selbst etwas nachschauen will bei SEDAR über Arise Technologies

      Suche nach "Document Type" "All" oder Auswahl "anderen Document Typ"
      geordnet nach "Date of Filing" - Zeitraum 1.1.97 - 31.12.2012…
      schrieb am 11.08.11 13:21:07
      Beitrag Nr. 864 ()
      ARISE Technologies Reports 2011 Second Quarter Results

      WATERLOO, ON, Aug. 11, 2011 /CNW/ - ARISE Technologies Corporation (TSX:
      APV) (Frankfurt: A3T), which is a leader in high-performance, high-quality,
      cost-effective solar technology, today reported its financial results for the
      three and six months ended June 30, 2011.……

      Dauert noch

      Webcast: Arise Technologies Corporation - Q2 Earnings Announcement
      August 11, 2011
      08:30 ET

      Q2 Earnings Announcement…
      schrieb am 11.08.11 17:38:14
      Beitrag Nr. 865 ()
      Q2 Earnings Announcement Donnerstag, 11. August 2011 14:30
      schrieb am 11.08.11 17:42:14
      Beitrag Nr. 866 ()
      Zitat von Brisca: Q2 Earnings Announcement Donnerstag, 11. August 2011 14:30

      Click to listen (oben links)…
      schrieb am 12.08.11 10:49:33
      Beitrag Nr. 867 ()
      schrieb am 12.08.11 13:54:50
      Beitrag Nr. 868 ()

      Attention Business/Financial Editors
      ARISE Technologies Reports 2011 Second Quarter Results

      WATERLOO, ON, Aug. 11, 2011 /CNW/ - ARISE Technologies Corporation (TSX:
      APV) (Frankfurt: A3T), which is a leader in high-performance, high-quality,
      cost-effective solar technology, today reported its financial results for the
      three and six months ended June 30, 2011.
      Q2 2011 Highlights:

      -- Commissioning of the Silicon facility has commenced
      -- Sales from Systems Division increased to $1.8 million from $1.0 million
      in Q2 2010
      -- Net loss of $4.6 million; an improvement of $9.2 million compared with
      Q2 2010
      -- Total revenue of $9.1 million, compared with $15.3 million in Q2 2010
      "Market conditions remained challenging during the second quarter,
      particularly in Europe, where there is uncertainty over the future of Feed-in
      Tariff programs," said Dan Shea, CEO of ARISE. "We also continued to
      experience sustained downward pressure on PV cell prices, which had a negative
      impact on our revenues and margins."
      "Earlier this week we announced that we have retained Canaccord Genuity
      to advise us as we conduct a review of strategic alternatives," continued Mr.
      Shea. "We are currently engaged in discussions with a number of parties, as we
      evaluate opportunities to realize the value we have built within our company."
      Commissioning of the ARISE Silicon Refining Furnace (SiRF 4.1(TM)) has
      Die Inbetriebnahme der ARISE Silicon Refining Furnace (SiRF 4,1 (TM)) hat

      The furnace is expected to be fully operational in the fourth quarter
      of 2011. This particular furnace will be used to test and validate the design
      and fabrication for future commercial furnaces.

      The Systems business continues to grow as solar gains momentum across all
      segments in Ontario. Notable wins in the quarter included Del Ridge Homes and
      the University of Waterloo. A number of other contracts and proposals are
      underway. Strategic contracts will be announced in due course.
      Q2 2011 Financial Overview
      Sales for the quarter ended June 30, 2011 amounted to $9.1 million,
      compared with $15.3 million in the second quarter of 2010. PV cells accounted
      for 79.7% of sales during the quarter with the balance generated by the
      company's Systems Division. The decrease in sales during the quarter reflects
      the impacts of a number of factors, including PV cell oversupply which caused
      continued downward pressure on cell prices, and market uncertainty relating to
      possible changes to European Feed In Tariff ("FIT") programs.
      Gross loss for the second quarter of 2011 was $2.3 million, compared with
      a gross loss of $0.1 million in the second quarter of 2010. This is mainly due
      to the lower volumes and pricing pressure on PV cells.
      Operating expenses for the quarter ended June 30, 2011 decreased by 74.3%
      to $1.8 million, from $7.0 million during the same period in 2010. The
      decrease was mainly the result of a reduction in research and development,
      sales and general and administrative expenses. As a result, the 2011 second
      quarter net loss decreased to $4.6 million from $13.8 million in 2010 second
      For the six months ended June 30, 2011, sales decreased to $20.0 million
      from $31.5 million in the first half of 2010. Gross profit increased to $4.4
      million from a loss of $0.4 million in the six month period ended June 30,
      2010. The increased gross profit was attributable to the $8.4 million
      revaluation of impairment charges realized in the first quarter of 2011.
      Operating expenses decreased by 51.8% to $5.4 million from $11.2 million in
      the first half of 2010.
      Liquidity and Capital Resources
      As at June 30, 2011, the Company had a working capital liability of $32.0
      million consisting of current assets of $16.3 million less current liabilities
      of $48.3 million. This compares with negative working capital at June 30, 2010
      of $34.8 million, consisting of current assets of $24.0 million less current
      liabilities of $58.8 million. The decrease in working capital deficiency
      reflects the cash raised from the issuance of shares in the period, as well as
      lower operating costs.
      Cash and cash equivalents at June 30, 2011 totaled $0.3 million ($1.6
      million at June 30, 2010) an increase of $1.3 million.
      Conference Call and Webcast
      ARISE will hold a conference call for analysts and investors at 8:30 a.m.
      (Eastern) on August 11, 2011. Dan Shea, President and Chief Executive
      Officer, and Doug McCollam, Chief Financial Officer, will be available to
      answer questions during the call.
      To participate in the call, please dial (647) 427 - 7450 or 1-888 - 231 -
      8191 (Canada and the U.S. only) at least five minutes prior to the start of
      the call. A live audio webcast of the conference call will be available at and
      An archived recording of the call will be available at 416-849-0833 or
      1.855.859.2056 (Canada and the U.S. only) (Pass code: 85283128) from 11:30
      a.m. on August 11, to 11:59 p.m. on August 21, 2011. (ET)
      About ARISE Technologies
      schrieb am 13.08.11 10:15:40
      Beitrag Nr. 869 ()
      ARISE Announces Closing of Drawdown from Committed Equity Facility of $200,000

      WATERLOO, ON, Aug. 12, 2011 /CNW/ - ARISE Technologies Corporation (TSX: APV and Frankfurt: A3T), a leader in highperformance, high-quality, cost-effective solar technology, today announced that the Company completed the drawdown announced on August 2, 2011, in the amount of $200,000 from its previously announced Committed Equity Facility Agreement with Haverstock Master Fund ("Haverstock").

      Under the terms of the Agreement, to complete the $200,000 drawdown, ARISE issued 3,089,975 common shares to Haverstock at an average price of $0.065 per share.

      The facility agreement, the base shelf prospectus, the prospectus supplement, and the pricing supplements are available on SEDAR at and on ARISE's website at This news release does not constitute an offer to sell ARISE securities or the solicitation of an offer to buy ARISE securities, nor is there to be any sale of securities in any jurisdiction in which such offer, solicitation or sale would be unlawful prior to registration or qualification under the securities laws of such

      About Haverstock
      Haverstock is an institutional investor with an investment objective to seek capital appreciation through the general strategy of investing in public securities of U.S. and non-U.S. companies, through direct equity purchases from such companies. The portfolio manager of Haverstock, David Ratzker, has structured more than US$300 million worth of private equity investments in publicly traded corporations in a variety of sectors including energy, cleantech, telecommunications, consumer, and education.

      About ARISE Technologies
      ARISE Technologies Corporation, based in Waterloo, Ontario, is a leader in high-performance, cost-effective solar technology.
      The company operates through three divisions. The PV Cell Division manufactures PV (photovoltaic) cells at its first manufacturing plant opened in April 2008 in Bischofswerda, Germany. The division is developing proprietary technology with atarget of achieving a step-by-step progression to a high-efficiency level of greater than 20%. The PV Silicon Division is using a proprietary method to produce silicon at 7N+ high-purity (99.99999% purity) for PV cell applications, based on a simplified
      chemical vapor deposition process. The division is focusing on scaling up its process to provide ARISE with control over its supply, costs, and quality. The PV Systems Division has been providing rooftop and ground-mounted PV solutions since 1996.

      ARISE is planning to expand its systems business in Ontario under the Ontario FIT (Feed-In Tariff) program. The Company's shares are listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange under the symbol APV and on the Frankfurt Open Market Exchange under the symbol A3T. Additional information is available at and

      Forward-Looking Statements and Risk Factors
      Certain statements in this news release may be considered to be forward-looking. Such statements are based on management's current expectations, estimations, and assumptions based on experience, trends, and other factors that are subject to the significant risks and uncertainties described in our regulatory filings. Please refer to these. Such risks and uncertainties may include, but are not limited to, the effects of general economic conditions, changing foreign exchange rates, actions by government authorities, the requirement for additional capital, risks associated with manufacturing, industry supply levels, competitive pricing pressures and misjudgements in the course of preparing forward-looking statements.

      Risk factors relating to ARISE are discussed in the Risk Factors section of ARISE's Annual Information Form and under the headings Liquidity and Capital Resources and Risk and Uncertainties in ARISE's year-end Management's Discussion and Analysis which are available at These factors should be considered carefully, and readers should not place undue reliance on ARISE's forward-looking statements.
      %SEDAR: 00017494E

      For further information:

      ARISE Technologies Corporation
      65 Northland Road, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2V 1Y8
      Doug McCollam, Chief Financial Officer, (519) 772-5706

      Investor Relations:
      Glen Williams
      The Equicom Group;jsessionid=00006HLcxm0jpzuTslP……
      schrieb am 15.08.11 15:40:05
      Beitrag Nr. 870 ()
      schrieb am 09.10.11 19:28:03
      Beitrag Nr. 871 ()
      Zitat von hintergruende: Hättest Du denn eine Antwort für mich (oder Andere), wer bzw. welcher Standort (Canada o. BIW) nach Deiner Meinung für die Geschäftsführung der "Aktiengesellschaft Arise (AG)" verantwortlich bzw. haftbar ist.

      Guten Abend allerseits

      @ hintergruende

      Müsste doch im Gesellschaftsvertrag nachlesbar sein.

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      Zitat von Brisca:…
      schrieb am 09.10.11 19:41:14
      Beitrag Nr. 872 ()
      Einigen dürfte der ganze Artikel sicherlich schon bekannt sein ... wegen Copyright ©, verzichte ich auf das vollständige einstellen.

      Bei Arise weiter Kurzarbeit

      In der Solarfabrik wird nicht produziert. Nur die Verwaltung arbeitet tageweise – und kämpft ums Überleben der Firma.

      Die Zukunft der Arise Technologies Deutschland GmbH hängt nach wie vor am seidenen Faden. Immerhin sprechen Management und potenzielle neue Geldgeber aber noch miteinander. Es werde weiter verhandelt und nun höchstwahrscheinlich in der kommenden Woche ein Ergebnis geben, hieß es gestern bei Arise auf Anfrage der SZ.

      Die 2008 eröffnete Solarfabrik braucht dringend Investoren, sonst droht die Insolvenz. Nach SZ-Informationen ist die Bonität ...…
      schrieb am 09.10.11 20:09:38
      Beitrag Nr. 873 ()
      Zitat von Brisca: Sorry ... hier der richtige link ohne s bei http…
      Handelsregister: Normale Suche
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      Firma oder Schlagwörter > Arise Technologies
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      schrieb am 12.10.11 10:17:40
      Beitrag Nr. 874 ()
      By Chuck Howitt, Record staff Tue Oct 11 2011Solvency issues force Arise to close German plant

      WATERLOO — Arise Technologies has shut down its solar cell manufacturing plant in Germany, putting 130 people out of work.

      The Waterloo-based company made the announcement Tuesday, saying it has voluntarily placed its German subsidiary and the plant into a structured insolvency.

      In a news release, Arise said it has been unable to secure the financing required to expand the facility and upgrade its technology “to produce the higher efficiency cells required by key solar customers in a very competitive market.”

      The plant is located in Bischofswerda, near Dresden.

      Continued production at the plant, even with the adoption of a shorter work week, is not feasible under current conditions, Arise said.

      The decision comes as a major blow for Arise. The $79-million plant was its first manufacturing facility and was opened in 2008 to take advantage of Germany’s feed-in-tariff program which guarantees a minimum price for solar power.

      The German government provided an $18 million grant and $18 million in tax credits to finance the plant.

      A German court is expected to assign an insolvency manager soon to oversee the transition of Arise’s German operation and maximize value for creditors and shareholders, the company said.

      A range of outcomes could result from this process, including the injection of new capital into the business, the sale of assets to a third party or the shutdown of the operation and disposal of assets, Arise said.

      Dan Shea, Arise’s president and chief executive officer, said that under German law the company was forced to go the insolvency route because it could not meet its short-term financial obligations.

      “While disappointing, this action was necessary,” he said in the release. “We continue to work on refinancing the company as a whole.”

      Arise said the actions taken in Germany will not affect its operations in Canada, where it operates its silicon and systems divisions and employs about 40 people at its headquarters at 65 Northland Rd. in Waterloo.

      The company is leasing a 68,000-square-foot plant at 95 Washburn Dr. in Kitchener where it plans to establish a pilot plant to manufacture high-quality silicon used to make solar cells for the Ontario market.

      Arise has no plans to abandon its silicon pilot plant, a company spokesperson said Tuesday. “We continue to make progress on preparing our furnace for first silicon this quarter,” Elizabeth Vainionpaa said in an email.

      Production lines at the German plant have been shut down, but Arise continues to maintain the manufacturing equipment, she said.

      Arise and its competitors have been battered by an oversupply in solar markets globally, Vainionpaa said.

      “Since early 2011, the industry has been dealing with a flood of low-priced Chinese manufactured inventory, which continues to place sustained downward pressure on PV (photovoltaic) cell prices.”

      Arise also faces significant debt issues and has lost money for the past three years. In 2010, it lost $17.3 million on sales of $73.9 million and faced a working capital deficiency of $32 million on June 30 of this year.

      Last month, Ian MacLellan, the company’s founder, abruptly left his job as chief technology officer. At the time, he said it was time to “pass the baton.” He declined to comment on Tuesday.

      Despite the company’s financial challenges, its systems division, which sources and installs rooftop and ground-mounted solar systems, has won a number of local contracts in recent years.

      They include rooftop solar systems at the Region of Waterloo operations centre on Maplegrove Road in Cambridge, the City of Kitchener operations centre on Goodrich Drive and the faculty of environment building at the University of Waterloo.

      Shares in Arise (TSX:APV) fell 1.5 cents Tuesday to 2.5 cents as more than 6.4 million shares changed hands.…
      schrieb am 12.10.11 13:47:56
      Beitrag Nr. 875 ()
      Also Schließung der deutschen Fabrik. Traurig für die Mitarbeiter :-( aber gut für die Aktie :-)
      schrieb am 07.11.11 20:24:18
      Beitrag Nr. 876 ()
      Im folgenden Link einfach auf "uneingeschränkte Suche" und bei "Firma bzw. Name des Schuldners" nur Arise Technologies" eingeben.

      Ergebnis müßte dann das sein (kann sein ,dass der Link nicht funktioniert da gesicherte Verbindung ... dann einfach über oberen Link probieren.…

      Amtsgericht Dresden, Aktenzeichen: 531 IN 2281/11

      In dem Insolvenzverfahren über das Vermögen

      der ARISE Technologies Deutschland GmbH, Thormeyerstraße 1, 01877
      Bischofswerda, (HRB 25700, Amtsgericht Dresden, Registergericht)

      vertreten durch die Geschäftsführer Klaus Götsch und Daniel Patrick Shea

      vorläufige Insolvenzverwalterin: Rechtsanwältin Dr. Bettina E. Breitenbücher,
      Nieritzstr. 14, 01097 Dresden

      hat das Amtsgericht Dresden am 26.10.2011 beschlossen:

      1. Die vorläufige Insolvenzverwalterin wird ermächtigt, im Zusammenhang mit
      der Fortführung des Geschäftsbetriebs der Schuldnerin Verbindlichkeiten mit
      dem Rang von Masseverbindlichkeiten gem. § 55 Abs. 2 InsO bezüglich der
      Weiterbelieferung mit Erdgas und Elektrizität gegenüber der ENSO Energie
      Sachsen Ost AG, Friedrich-List-Platz 2, 01069 Dresden in Höhe von bis zu
      24.000,00 EUR (Vierundzwanzigtausend) monatlich, längstens für 2 Monate, zu

      2. Die vorläufige Insolvenzverwalterin wird weiter ermächtigt, im Zusammenhang
      mit der Fortführung des Geschäftsbetriebs der Schuldnerin Verbindlichkeiten
      mit dem Rang von Masseverbindlichkeiten gem. § 55 Abs. 2 InsO bezüglich der
      Kesselwartung, Störungsanalyse, Sprinklerprüfung, Prüfung der Dieselpumpe
      sowie Signalisation/Alarmaufschaltung gegenüber der Cofely Deutschland GmbH,
      Zinnwalder Str. 27, 01277 Dresden in Höhe von bis zu 4.500,00 EUR
      (Viertausendfünfhundert) monatlich, längstens für 2 Monate, zu begründen.

      3. Die vorläufige Insolvenzverwalterin wird weiter ermächtigt, im Zusammenhang
      mit der Fortführung des Geschäftsbetriebs der Schuldnerin Verbindlichkeiten
      mit dem Rang von Masseverbindlichkeiten gem. § 55 Abs. 2 InsO bezüglich der
      bei der Vorfinanzierung entstehenden Kosten, Zinsen und Gebühren gegenüber dem
      vorfinanzierenden Bankinstitut, der Ostsächsischen Sparkasse Dresden,
      Sparkassenhaus, 01305 Dresden, zu begründen. Diese Ermächtigung ist begrenzt
      auf einen Gesamtbetrag von 20.000,00 EUR (Zwanzigtausend).

      4. Der Schuldnerin wird die Verfügungsbefugnis über die sich aus den in
      Ziffern 1, 2, 3 dieses Beschlusses bezeichneten
      Betriebsmittelkredite/Gegenansprüche entzogen und auf die vorläufige
      Insolvenzverwalterin übertragen.

      Der vollständige Beschluss kann in der Geschäftsstelle des Amtsgerichts
      Dresden, Zimmer C 201, Olbrichtplatz 1, 01099 Dresden eingesehen werden.

      531 IN 2281/11

      Amtsgericht Dresden, Insolvenzgericht, 27.10.2011
      schrieb am 22.02.12 11:22:44
      Beitrag Nr. 877 ()
      News vom 21.2.2012 habe sich von der Zellfabrik erfolgreich getrennt…

      Auch der SI-Bereich ist wohl weg. Damit sollte auch Ebner keine Forderungen mehr gegen Arise haben? Auf einigen oder allen Öfen hatte Ebner eh die Hand drauf - war kürzlich nachzulesen. (Report vom 13.2.2012, Seite 18 und 34)…

      Die von uns am meisten unterschätzte Systemdivision scheint zu bleiben in einer nahezu schuldenfreien Firma? Interessant dazu die Aussage von gestern: to concentrate on the integration services that ARISE has become known for in the PV Solar industry. ARISE has added a financing component to the Systems division to provide our clients with lease options as well. (News vom 21.2.2012)
      AHA.Kann ja nur über einen Partner erfolgen.

      Welche Rolle spielt Salamon. Warum übernehmen sie (gegen Sicherheiten, nicht gegen Geld!) die Arise-Schulden bei Radiant und Haverstock? News dazu am 16.2.2012.…

      Weiter unklar, warum wird das SI-Thema in der News vom 16.2.2012 weiter angeheizt? 8N+ high-purity silicon ... cost estimates of sub Fifteen Dollars ($15) a kilogram... ??? wo man sich doch von Forschung und Entwicklung (Silicon R & D segments, R&D=Research&Developement) trennt. (news vom 21.2.2012)
      schrieb am 27.02.12 08:48:12
      Beitrag Nr. 878 ()
      Der Vollständigkeit halber... (vom 18.1.2012)…
      schrieb am 27.02.12 10:12:34
      Beitrag Nr. 879 ()
      aus Stockhouse:
      PWC replies that they cannot comment on the status of APV shares/warrants while the company is in a court-supervised, protective filing process.

      They also say that any PWC news release bulletins will be posted on their site when appropriate;
      schrieb am 06.03.12 10:21:50
      Beitrag Nr. 880 ()… vom 29.2.2012

      Der Blick in den 2. Report ist schon lohnenswert.

      Seite 13 der Punkt (iii)
      Hier geht es um die "Möglickeit von Anteilstransaktionen" (Share transactions) bezüglich des Verkaufs des "tax losses".

      "To date, the Trustee has receives expressions of interest from multiple third parties interested in acquiring the share capital of the Company..."

      Seite 15 und auch an anderer Stelle wird immer wieder auf die Fortführung des Systemgeschäfts eingegangen. Punkt (ii)

      Hier noch Punkt (v):
      The Company and its advisors need additional time to evaluate the possibility of a share transaction in order to make use of the Company's unused tax losses, and assess the viability of the expressions of interest recieved with respect to these assets."
      schrieb am 08.03.12 10:59:01
      Beitrag Nr. 881 ()
      vom 7.3.2012…

      Arise has new owner, smaller workforce

      WATERLOO REGION — Arise Technologies has a new owner and a new, smaller office in Cambridge.

      After years of mounting losses, Arise’s board of directors and management resigned in December and the company sought court-protection from creditors in an effort to find buyers for the business.

      Salamon Group Inc., a California-based solar energy company, submitted the winning bid for Arise in a sale approved by the Ontario Superior Court of Justice on March 2. The price of the transaction was not disclosed.

      Arise also won court approval to vacate leases for its 1,440-sq. m head office at 65 Northland Rd. in Waterloo and a 6,030-sq. m factory at 95 Washburn Dr. in Kitchener.

      Its new home is a 450-sq. m, leased office in Cambridge at 150 Werlich Dr., near Franklin Boulevard and Bishop Street. The move to the smaller office saves the company $95,000 per month in rental payments.

      Founded in 1993, Arise once had more than 40 employees at its systems and silicon divisions in Waterloo and hundreds more at a solar cell-manufacturing plant in Germany that closed in October after becoming insolvent.

      Now it is down to just seven employees, according to a report by PricewaterhouseCoopers Inc., the trustee appointed by the court to help the company restructure and avoid bankruptcy.

      The trustee is optimistic Arise can survive by leveraging unused tax losses and continuing the work of its systems division, :eek:
      which installs rooftop and ground-mounted solar systems in Ontario.

      The sale to Salamon, one of Arise’s secured creditors, “allows for the continuity of the business :eek: and preserves a number of high-quality skilled jobs in the southwestern Ontario area,” the trustee said in its report filed with the court.

      But Arise and its new owner (!!!!!) still have to come up with a proposal to pay off creditors by a new March 30 deadline. When Arise filed its original restructuring proposal in December, it owed more than $9 million to a long list of creditors.

      In a news release issued Wednesday, Salamon Group’s chief executive officer expressed optimism for the future of Arise even though its Canadian division lost $3.1 million for the first nine months of 2011.

      “Arise’s solar system business generated over $4 million in revenue last year, and the first quarter revenues are expected to exceed all of last year’s total revenues, with expectation of $16 million in revenue for 2012,” said Michael Matvieshen.

      An accounting firm recently evaluated Arise’s assets at $16 million to $20 million, he said, and its technology has the potential to manufacture silicon at half the current cost.

      Salamon, which also has an office in Kelowna, B.C., said it acquired Arise through its subsidiary, Sunlogics Power Fund Management Inc., a solar energy project company.

      Matvieshen was not available for further comment.

      Arise had plans to manufacture high-quality silicon at its Washburn Drive plant. But prototypes of furnaces to make the silicon have been seized by Ebner Industrieofenbau. The Austrian manufacturer of heating treating equipment claims ownership of them, the court trustee says.
      schrieb am 22.03.12 16:31:11
      Beitrag Nr. 882 ()
      von JexiJason:
      Gesendet: Donnerstag, 22. März 2012 um 13:20 Uhr
      Betreff: Proposal for shareholders Arise Technologies

      Mr. xxx,

      As you are aware, on March 2, 2012, the Court issued an Order approving the sale of substantially all of Arise's assets to Salamon Group Inc. and also issued an Order approving the extension of the stay of proceedings to Friday March 30, 2012. Salamon bid a portion of its secured debt as consideration for the purchased assets. Upon closing of this transaction, the only assets remaining in Arise are its share capital and the accumulated tax losses.

      In general terms, a Company's proposal is directed towards its creditors. The Proposal is a formal agreement that the company presents to its creditors setting out how it intends to compromise and/or repay the debts owing at the time of the initial filing of the NOI. There are no restrictions on what the Proposal can include. It is not uncommon to see the company offer to pay a percentage of the debt owing prior to the filing, either as a lump sum payment or payments over a period of time.

      We ask that you refer to the trustee's website at" target="_blank" rel="nofollow ugc noopener"> for any further information on this matter.


      Pritesh Patel
      PwC | Manager, Consulting & Deals
      PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP
      PwC Tower, 18 York Street, Suite 2600, Toronto ON M5J 0B2
      schrieb am 03.04.12 10:08:48
      Beitrag Nr. 883 ()
      • 2

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      Arise-Invst.: Fakten, Fakten, Fakten nichts als Fakten...