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     Ja Nein
      schrieb am 05.01.06 12:30:20
      Beitrag Nr. 1 ()
      KazakhGold Group is one of the leading gold mining companies in Kazakhstan whose business dates back to 1929. The Group`s core assets are the Aksu, Bestobe and Zholymbet mines located in Northern Kazakhstan, in close proximity to the country`s capital city Astana. The company also has several newly acquired assets in Eastern Kazakhstan.

      The Group`s strategy is to increase gold production cost effectively to create one of Central Asia`s leading gold mining companies. KazakhGold intends to expand its production significantly over the medium term by adopting modern processing technologies to maximise the potential of the Group`s existing reserves.

      The Group also plans to seek growth opportunities elsewhere in Kazakhstan and Central Asia where its established exploration, mining and processing skills have the potential to add value to shareholders. The Group also intends to seek international joint ventures and other strategic arrangements.

      Kazakhaltyn is has its headquarters in Stepnogorsk and, at 30 June 2005, had approximately 2,800 employees.
      schrieb am 09.01.06 12:53:10
      Beitrag Nr. 2 ()
      Principal Assets
      The Aksu mine includes the Aksu and nearby Quartzite Hill deposits with proved and probable reserves of 5.4 million ounces and 15.0 million ounces respectively. The Aksu mine has four main operating underground mines, one dedicated ventillation shaft, one open pit, tailings in on-site tailings dams and on-site waste dumps that contain low grade ore. The Aksu mine is supported by a newly constructed heap leaching complex that is expected to reach approximately 0.5 million tonnes per annum and 1.0 million tonnes per annum at the CIP plant. It also serves as a geological exploration unit that handles all of the Group`s internal exploration work.

      The Bestobe mine, with proved and probable reserves of 3.1 million ounces and 10.2 million ounces, respectively. The Bestobe mine has four main operating underground mines, one dedicated ventillation shaft,one open pit, tailings in on-site tailings dams and on-site waste dumps that contain low grade ore. The Bestobe mine is supported by a newly constructed heap leaching complex that is expected to reach approximately 1 million tonnes per annum production capacity and an old concentration and extraction plant. A new concentration and extraction plant is expected to commence operations in the first quarter of 2007.

      The Zholymbet mine, with proved and probable reserves of 4.3 million ounces and 8.2 million ounces, respectively. The Zholymbet mine has four main operating underground, one dedicated ventillation shaft mines, tailings in on-site tailings dams and on-site waste dumps that contain low grade ore. The Zholymbet mine is supported by a recently modernised concentration and extraction plant that is expected to reach approximately 0.5 million tonnes per annum production capacity. A new heap leaching complex is expected to commence operations in the first quarter of 2006.

      The Group`s three principal mines are located within 100 kilometres of the city of Stepnogorsk in the Akmola region, where the Group`s operating subsidiary, Kazakhaltyn, has its headquarters and acts as the hub for the Group`s northern Kazakhstan operations. All three mines benefit from an excellent local network of roads and rail, and also have access to inexpensive electrical power from nearby plants.

      New acquisitions

      Acquisition of the Akzhal mine
      In July 2005, the Group acquired all of the partnership interests of Visart LLP for approximately KZT95 million. Visart LLP is a privately owned Kazakh partnership that has rights to the Akzhal mine in eastern Kazakhstan, which is an exploration property with no current gold production.

      Acquisition of the Vasilevskyi mine
      In July 2005, the Group also acquired all of the partnership interests of Rudnik Vasilevsky LLP for approximately KZT 53 million. Rudnik Vasilevsky LLP is a privately owned Kazakh partnership that has rights to the Vasilevsky deposit in eastern Kazakhstan, which is an exploration property with no current gold production.

      Acquisition of the Assets and Mineral Rights of JSC Altyn Tobe
      Pursuant to a tender process, in July 2005, the Group acquired certain assets from JSC Kazkommertsbank for approximately KZT 281 million, including assets located at the Boldykol and Zhanan mines and in the cities of Semipalatinsk and Ust-Kamenogorsk and mineral rights with respect to Boldykol and Zhanan deposits. These assets, previoiusly owned by JSC Altyn Tobe, had been pledged to JSC Kazkommertzbank as security for JSC Altyn Tobe`s indebtedness. Following a default by JSC Altyn Tobe on its obligations in respect of this indebtedness, JSC Kazkommertzbank enforced its security and conducted a tender to sell the assets. The Group is in the process of concluding subsurface contracts for the Boldykol and Zhanan mines with the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources. In the year ended
      31 December 2004, Altyn Tobe produced approximately 10,000 ounces.
      schrieb am 16.01.06 12:37:00
      Beitrag Nr. 3 ()
      In diesem Sinne - Meldung ist zwar schon vom November aber das macht ja nichts:


      28.11.2005 Über die Platzierung von Aktien
      Londoner Finanz-und Unternehmenskreisen setzen weiter fort, über die vor kurzem vorgenommene Anlegung von Aktien kasachischer Gesellschaft „Kasachmys“ an der Foundsbörse in London, die ein großes Aufsehen erregt und das Image Kasachstans positiv beeinflußt hatte, zu diskutieren. In diesem Sinne ist die Ankündigung des Unternehmens „Kazakhgold“ eine primäre öffentliche Anlegung der Aktien (IPO) auf dem Hauptlisting von Londoner Wertpapierbörse (LWB) anzulegen, wird von den Finanzexperten als eine logische Gesetzmäßigkeit betrachtet. Es ist bemerkenswert, daß die zweite Gesellschaft, die auf dem Hauptlisting von LWB platziert, auch das kasachische Unternehmen ist, was de-facto über die institutionelle Entsprechung von Finanzeinrichtungen Kasachstans internationalen Normen der Businessbetreibung spricht. Die Gesellschaft „KazakhGold“ (Hauptunternehmen der Bergbau-Hüttengruppe „KazakhAltyn AG“) beabsichtig 25% Aktien in Form von global depositar revers (GDR) bis November d.J. anzulegen und somit etwa 100 Mln. Pfunds zusätzlich zu beschaffen, indem das Kapital bis etwa 500 Mln. Pfunds erhöht wird. Die Anlagemittel werden durch die Reduzierung von Anleihen und durch die Kapatitätserhöhung der Förderung und Verarbeitung beschaffen. Der Vertrauenszunahme seitens industrieller Investoren an Kasachstan trägt die Bestellung von Lord Darebure zum Vorstand der „KazakhGold AG“ bei, der große Erfahrung in diesem Bereich hat und als keine exekutive Person bei dieser Gesellschaft eintritt. Bis jetzt war er Vorstandsvorsitzender des Unternehmens „Highland Gold Mining“ und heutzutage – Vorstandsvorsitzender von „De Vere Group Pls“, das im Hotelbusiness aktiv ist. Somit bedeutet der Aufstieg kasachischer Unternehmen an Finanzmarkt von London sity eine gute Aufzeichnung der Wirtschaftsstabilität und der Finanzsystemverläßlichkeit Kasachstans für internationale Investitionsgemeinschaft.

      Copyright © 2005 Botschaft der Republik Kasachstan in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland
      schrieb am 31.01.06 12:47:43
      Beitrag Nr. 4 ()
      International Joint Ventures
      KazakhGold has a highly experienced management team with extensive expertise in geology, metallurgy and mining and processing technologies that are currently being used in Kazakhstan. It intends to leverage off this knowledge to seek international joint ventures and other strategic arrangements. In the past months, the Group has further increased its knowledge base of underground mining by entering into a strategic arrangements with The China National Gold Corporation, China`s leading gold mining company, and a memorandum of understanding with Barrick Gold Corporation, one of the world`s leading gold mining companies, regarding potential future cooperation between the two parties.
      schrieb am 01.02.06 12:56:08
      Beitrag Nr. 5 ()

      Kasachstan verfügt über vielfältige Bodenschätze. Aus den 105 Elementen des Periodensystems wurden 99 in den Fundstätten Kasachstans erschlossen, die Vorkommen von 70 Elementen erkundet und über 60 Elemente in die Produktion einbezogen. Zurzeit sind 493 Fundstätten, die 1225 Mineralrohstoffarten enthalten, bekannt. Kasachstan belegt ersten Platz in der Welt bei den erkundeten Vorräten von Zink, Wolfram und Barium, zweiten – bei Silber, Blei und Chromiden, dritten – bei Kupfer und Fluoriden, vierten – beim Molybdän, sechsten – beim Gold . Nach der Größe der Bodenschätze unter den GUS-Ländern belegt Kasachstan den ersten Platz bei Chromerz und Blei, zweiten – bei Erdölvorkommen, Silber, Kupfer, Mangan, Zink, Nickel und Phosphor, dritten – bei Erdgas, Steinkohle, Gold und Zinn. Den ersten Platz belegt die Republik auch bei der Gewinnung von Silber, Chromiden, Blei und Zink, zweiten – bei Erdölförderung, Steinkohl-, Kupfer-, Nickel- und Phosphatgewinnung, dritten – bei Goldgewinnung. Kasachstan verfügt über beachtliche Erdölvorkommen, die in der westlichen Region des Landes konzentriert sind und es möglich machen, die Republik zu den größten Ölförderungsstaaten hinzuzuzählen. Die Erschließung eines neuen Erdölvorkommens in der Gegend der „Süd-Turgai“-Höhlung erweitert die Perspektiven der Weiterentwicklung von Erdölförderung der Republik. Laut den geologisch-ökonomischen Untersuchungen der vorhandenen Bodenschätze Kasachstans, haben die Steinkohle, Erdöl, Kupfer, Eisen, Blei, Zink, Chromiden, Gold und Mangan den größten wirtschaftlichen Wert.

      Trading Spotlight

      East Africa Metals
      0,1250EUR +7,76 %
      East Africa Metals: Neues All-Time-High – die 276% Chance jetzt nutzen?!mehr zur Aktie »
      schrieb am 15.02.06 12:31:00
      Beitrag Nr. 6 ()
      Executive Directors

      Kanat Shaikhanovich Asaubayev
      Dr. Assaubayev has served as the president of Kazakhaltyn from 1999 until May 2004 and from June 2004 to date. Dr. Assaubayev was also a member of the board of directors of Kazakhaltyn from 2001 until 2004 and was again elected as a director of Kazakhaltyn in February 2005.

      Between 1973 and 1994, Dr. Assaubayev worked at the Kazakh Polytechnic Institute first as an engineer and then as a senior lecturer, the head of sub-department of informatics, the dean of the department of automatics and operating systems and the first vice-president. While he was the first vice-president, Dr. Assaubayev supervised educational and research activities of the mining, iron and steel and oil and gas departments. Between 1991 and 1999, Dr. Assaubayev established and participated in the management of the operations of a number of companies in Kazakhstan that were involved in supplying services and goods to the Ministry of Energy, Oil and Gas, the Ministry of Transport and Telecommunications and national (state-owned) companies Kaztransoil and KazakhstanTemirZholyu; development of an oil field; sales and servicing of cars imported from Russia, Turkey, Uzbekistan and South Korea; import and sales of pharmaceutical products; production and distribution of alcoholic beverages and other activities.

      Dr. Assaubayev graduated from the Kazakhstani Polytechnic Institute in 1970, received a candidate of science degree (similar to a PhD) from the Institute of Systemic Analysis in Moscow in 1978 and a doctor of science degree from the Institute of Steel and Alloys in Moscow in 1985. Dr. Assaubayev is one of the leading scientists in the area of application of non-linear stochastic systems to the automation of technological processes in mining, iron and steel and oil and gas industries and is the author of four books and approximately a hundred other scientific publications.

      Marusya Maralovna Asaubayeva
      From 2000 until 2001, Mrs. Assaubayeva was the vice-president of Kazakhaltyn. Mrs. Assaubayeva was a director and the deputy chairperson of the board of directors of Kazakhaltyn between 2001 and 2004 and was again elected as a director and the deputy chairperson of the board of directors in February 2005.

      Between 1992 and 1999, Mrs. Assaubayeva established and managed the operations of one of the first private pharmacies in Kazakhstan. During the same period, Mrs. Assaubayeva was an aide to the president of the Bobek foundation in Kazakhstan. Since 1999, Mrs. Assaubayeva has served as the chairperson of the Stepnogorsk Association of Business Women and been a member of the editorial team of the "Mirror" magazine.

      Mrs. Assaubayeva graduated from the pharmaceutical department of the Almaty Medical Institute in 1972.

      Bayrzhan Kanatovich Asaubayev
      From 1999 until May 2004 and from June 2004 to date, Mr. Assaubayev has been the first vice-president of Kazakhaltyn responsible for gold mining and processing operations.

      Between 1996 and 1999, Mr. Assaubayev supervised the operations of several companies in Kazakhstan that were involved in supplying services and goods to the Ministry of Energy, Oil and Gas, the Ministry of Transport and Telecommunications and national (state-owned) companies Kaztransoil and KazakhstanTemirZholyu; distribution of alcoholic beverages, sales of food products and other activities.

      Mr. Assaubayev graduated from the Kazakh National Technical University in 1992, where he specialised in system software development. Mr. Assaubayev received a candidate of science degree (similar to a PhD) from the Kazakh National Technical University in 1996 in automation of technological processes and production cycles.

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      Aidar Kanatovich Asaubayev
      From 1999 until May 2004 and from June 2004 to date, Mr. Assaubayev has been the vice-president of Kazakhaltyn. Mr. Assaubayev`s responsibilities at Kazakhaltyn include supervision of the legal department, international aspects of Kazakhaltyn`s activities and introduction of new mining and processing technologies.

      Between 1996 and 1999, Mr. Assaubayev supervised the operations of several companies in Kazakhstan that were involved in sales and servicing of cars imported from Russia, Turkey, Uzbekistan and South Korea, production and distribution of alcoholic beverages and other activities.

      Mr. Assaubayev graduated with honours from the Kazakh National Technical University in 2000, where he specialised in engineering and economics.

      Non executive Directors

      Lord Daresbury
      Lord Daresbury has been a director of De Vere Group plc (formerly The Greenalls Group plc), a hotel and leisure company, since 2000 and a senior advisor to Fleming Family & Partners, a private investment house, since 2005. From 2002 to 2004, Lord Daresbury served as executive chairman of Highland Gold Mining Ltd., a Russian gold mining company. Since April 2005 Lord Daresbury has been a non-executive director of Evraz Group S.A., a steel production and coal and iron ore mining company with assets in Russia. Lord Daresbury previously served in various positions with The Greenalls Group plc, a pub, restaurant, hotel and leisure group, including serving as its Chief Executive from 1993 to 2000. Lord Daresbury received an M.A. in History from Magdalene College, Cambridge University, and also received a Sloan fellowship from London Business School.

      Toktarkhan Kozhagapanov
      Since July 2001, Mr. Toktarkhan Kozhagapanov has served as the chairman of the board of directors of Kazakhaltyn, the main operating subsidiary of KazakhGold.

      Between 1993 and 1997, Mr. Kozhagapanov served as the chairman of the management board and then as chairman of the supervisory board of JSC Turan Bank, leaving to become a vice-governor of the Almaty region between 1997 and 2001.

      Mr. Kozhagapanov is a graduate of the Kazakh Polytechnic Institute and the National Academy of Economics of the USSR Council of Ministers. He holds a candidate of science degree in economics (similar to a PhD) and is a member of the International Academy of Information. In 1989, he was awarded the title of the Honoured Economist of the Republic of Kazakhstan. In addition in 1995, Mr. Kozhagapanov was awarded with the Kurmet Order, one of the most prestigious national awards by a decree of the President of Kazakhstan.

      Back to top

      David G Netherway
      David Netherway has been a member of the Board since 19 October 2005.

      Mr. Netherway is an Australian mining engineer with nearly 30 years of experience in the mining industry. Since April 2002, Mr. Netherway has served as the president and chief executive officer of Toronto listed Afcan Mining Corporation, a China focused gold mining company. Mr. Netherway is to leave Afcan on completion of its takeover by Eldorado Gold Corporation. Mr. Netherway is a mine developer and operator who was involved in the construction and development of the Iduapriem, Siguiri and Kiniero gold mines in West Africa and has mining experience in Australia, India, Nepal, Oman and Malaysia. Prior to joining Afcan, Mr. Netherway held senior management positions in a number of mining companies,
      including Golden Shamrock Mines, Ashanti Goldfields and Semafo.

      Mr. Netherway has received a B.E in Mining Engineering from the University of Melbourne in 1975 and a Certified Diploma in Accounting and Finance from the Chartered Association of Certified Accountants in the United Kingdom in 1985.

      Stephen Douglas Oke
      Formerly the head of International Corporate Finance at Standard Bank in London, Stephen Oke left Standard Bank in July 2005. Mr. Oke was previously an executive director of NM Rothschild Corporate Finance Limited, a director of Merrill Lynch and head of international mining research and sales at Smith NewCourt. Mr Oke has nearly 30 years of experience in mining operational management and natural resources investment banking. Throughout his career as an investment banker, Mr. Oke has specialised in providing senior level corporate finance advice to metals and mining sector companies.

      Mr. Oke holds a degree in Geology from the University of Southampton and an MBA from the University of the Witwatersrand Graduate School of Business, Johannesburg. Mr. Oke has previously worked at the UK National Coal Board, AngloVaal Mining (Johannesburg) and BP Coal (Pty) Ltd (Johannesburg).
      schrieb am 16.02.06 12:51:25
      Beitrag Nr. 7 ()
      schrieb am 28.03.06 13:00:23
      Beitrag Nr. 8 ()
      In addition to the executive management on the Company's Board, the day-to-day management of the Group is conducted by the following senior managers, the following seniors managers are considered relevant to establishing that the Company has the appropriate expertise and experience for the management of its business;

      The following is a brief biography of the above senior managers:

      Altynbek Dzhailauovich Orynbasarov, Chief Technical Officer of JSC Kazakhaltyn
      Mr. Orynbasorov joined Kazakhaltyn in 2000 as chief geologist. Since then, he has held the positions of director in the innovations and new projects department and executive director before being appointed technical director in 2005. He has 32 years' professional experience in the mining industry. Between 1988 and 1995, he was the chief geologist of JSC Achpolymetal in Kentay. He was subsequently the president of JSC JV Kumysty Gold Field before returning to JSC Achpolymetal as head of the mine in 1996. Between 1997 and 1999, Mr. Orynbasarov was the chief manager of the mining department of the Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Before joining Kazakhaltyn, Mr. Orynbasarov was appointed chief manager of JSC Altynalmas Gold Mining.

      Mr. Orynbasarov graduated from the Kazakh Polytechnic Institute in Almaty in 1977 with a diploma in mining engineering and geology, specialising in the exploration of deposits of natural resources.

      Maksut Kainarovich Abduazhitov, Head of Open Field Mining Works
      Mr. Abduazhitov, a qualified mining engineer, joined Kazakhaltyn in February 2005 as managing director of the Kazakhaltyn open field mining works department. Between 1985 and 1990, Mr. Abduazhitov worked for the Northern Mining Administration of the Navoisk Mining and Metals Corporation of the Republic of Uzbekistan in a number of management and engineering roles. From 1999 until 2003, he worked for JSC Mining Corporation Altyn-Tobe, first as the head of the industrial and technical department before being appointed the chief engineer and then a vice-president. Between 2003 and 2005, Mr. Abduazhitov worked as a vice-president, the first vice-president and the president at the mining corporation Atlyn-Andas in Semipalatinsk before joining JSC Kazakhaltyn.

      Mr. Kainarovich graduated from Tashkent Polytechnic Institute in 1984, with a diploma in mining engineering, specialising in the complex mechanisation of open deposits of mineral resources.

      Adil Karimovich Bekzatov, Chief Financial Officer
      Mr. Bekzatov has been employed as the Managing Director of Kazakhaltyn's Economics and Finance department since 2004. From 1992 until its sale in 1995, Mr. Bekzatov was a director and co-owner of Stambull LLP, a company specialising in the sales of heavy trucks and production of construction materials. He joined JSC KazKommerzBank in 1997, working as a lead specialist in the department of development of investment projects before becoming the head of the bank's market analysis department. In 2002, Mr. Bekzatov moved to Kazkommers Securities where he was the head of the project analysis department. In 2004, he took up the position of deputy director of the investment projects department at Centras Securities.

      Mr. Bekzatov graduated from the Department of Metallurgy at the Kazakh Polytechnic Institute in1986, speacialising in economics and organisation of metallurgical production. He received a candidate of science degree (similar to a PhD) from the Moscow Institute of Iron and Alloys in 1991.

      Back to top

      Saken Rakhimzhanovich Usenov, Head of Production and Technical Department
      Mr. Usenov's association with the Bestobe mine dates back to 1974 when he started work at the mine after graduating from a local school. Between 1984 and 1989, Mr. Usenov worked as a mining foreman, head of underground mining at the Shaft No. 2 and chief engineer at the Zapadnaya shaft. Mr. Usenov served in the Bestobe municipal administration in a variety of positions between 1990 and 1994. In 1994, Mr. Usenov returned to the Bestobe mine as the head of the drilling and explosives division and later became the chief engineer and then the head of the Bestobe mine. From 2000 until 2004, Mr. Usenov served as a technical director of Kazakhaltyn and in February 2005 he was appointed as the head of production and technical department.

      Mr. Usenov graduated from the Moscow Institute of Mining in 1984, where he studied to become a mining engineer.

      Oleg Leonidovich Gorozhanin, Chief Geologist
      Mr. Gorozhanin has been the chief geologist of Kazakhaltyn since 1989. He has worked as a geologist for 44 years, 23 of which being based in Stepnogorsk. Mr. Gorozhanin was the head of the department of geological geodesy at the Stepnogorsk geological exploration expedition at the Tselinnyi mining and chemical group of enterprises between 1981 and 1989. In 1989, he became the chief geologist of the newly formed North Kazakhstan geological exploration expedition, which was a division of Kazzoloto, the
      predecessor of Kazakhaltyn.

      Mr. Gorozhanin graduated from Sverdlovsk Mining Institute in Russia in 1961.

      Kyamel Shagaipovich Akbayev, Head of Underground Mining
      Mr. Akbayev has worked in the mining industry for almost 40 years. Between 1979 and 1984 he was the chief engineer at the Baizhansai and Glubokiy mines. For the next 14 years, he worked in various senior management positions at three Kazakh mining and metals companies (Agpolirnetal, Balkhash and Avtometal) before joining Kazakhaltyn for the first time as an executive director in 1999. In 2000, Mr Akbayev became the head of mining at a gold mining company ABS-Balkhash in 2000 and later became the general director of this company. Mr. Akbayev re-joined Kazakhaltyn in 2004 and, since 2005, he serves as the managing director responsible for underground mining.

      Mr. Akbayev graduated from Northern Caucasus Mining and Metallurgical Institute in 1966.

      Napoleon Evstafyevich Mikhailov, Head of Aksu Mine
      Mr. Mikhailov is currently the head of the Aksu mine. During his 19-year career in the mining industry, he worked as an engineer-geologist at the Zapadnaya shaft of the Bestobe mine, the head of mining at Kazakhaltyn and the head of the Bestobe mine. He became the head of the Aksu mine in 2003.

      Mr. Mikhailov graduated from Krasnoyarsk Institute of Non-Ferrous Metals in Russia in 1986.

      Saiken Temerbaevich Alpysbayev, Head of Bestobe Mine
      Mr. Alpysbayev is currently the head of the Bestobe mine. Mr. Alpysbayev has worked in the mining industry for 18 years. During those years he was a mining foreman at the Shaft No. 2 of the Bestobe mine, the head of the underground operations of the Shaft No. 2 and the head of the Zapadnaya shaft of the Bestobe mine. He became the head of the Bestobe mine in November 2003.

      Mr. Alpysbayev is a graduate of Karaganda Mining Institute in Kazakhstan.

      Victor Aleksandrovich Shevchenko, Head of Zholymbet Mine
      Mr. Shevchenko is currently the head of the Zholymbet mine. Between 1983 and 1984 he was the chief engineer of the Capitalnaya shaft of the Aksu mine. For the next five years, Mr. Shevchenko worked as the head of the Central shaft of the Zholyrnbet mine. In 1990, he became the chief engineer of the Zholymbet mine before becoming the head of the Zholymbet mine in 1991.

      Mr. Shevchenko graduated from Krasnoyarsk Institute of Non-Ferrous Metals in Russia in 1980.
      schrieb am 12.04.06 12:29:49
      Beitrag Nr. 9 ()
      KazakhGold gets 5 new operating licenses

      ALMATY. - KazakhGold Group Ltd. has received five new licenses to develop fields in Kazakhstan, the company said in a press release.

      KazakhGold received licenses to the South Karaultyube (9.3 km2) and Kyzyl Sor (60 km2) fields in the Akmola region in North Kazakhstan; Pridorozhnoye (390 km2) and Kaskabulak (491 km2) in East Kazakhstan; and Zones #1 and #2 of the Akshatau field (56.6 km 2) in the Karaganda region, Central Kazakhstan.

      The licenses will be registered by the end of the quarter.

      KazakhGold said BarrickKazakhaltyn Exploration LLP., a 50:50 joint venture between KazakhGold and Canada's Barrick Gold, would explore and eventually mine the fields. "The joint venture has already started working on a detailed geological program. It is anticipated that exploration will begin in May 2006," the company said.

      "Since being admitted to the London Stock exchange on December 1, 2005, KazakhGold has continued to seek new exploration and production opportunities in Kazakhstan. KazakhGold has received five licenses from Kazakhstan's Energy and Mineral Resources Ministry in addition to the four fields declared when the company was listed," the company said.

      The release also said that the company produced 90,100 oz of gold in 2005. This included 23,900 oz in December, which was 35% more than in November.

      The release did not compare production with 2004.
      KazakhGold, which floated 25% of its shares on the London
      StockExchange on December 1, is the parent company of Kazakhaltyn Mining and Metals Concern (Kazakhaltyn MMC), which produced 1.91 tonnes of gold in heavy concentrate in 2005, double the 2004 volume, and 1.199 tonnes of Dore gold.

      Kazakhaltyn MMC was created in 2001 with the assets of the state- owned OJSC Kazakhaltyn, which went bankrupt in 1998. Its core assets at present are the Aksu, Bestobe and Zholybmet gold fields in the Akmola region.
      schrieb am 14.06.06 12:24:15
      Beitrag Nr. 10 ()
      The following replaces the 'Preliminary Results' announcement released on
      5 June at 07:00 under RNS No 0323E.

      Preliminary results for 14 weeks from September 26

      to December 31, 2005


      · Gold production during the period was 52,691oz from newly commissioned processing facilities at the company’s three operating mines: Aksu, Bestobe and Zholymbet; bringing total production for 2005 to 88,784oz (H1: 6,800oz; H2: 81,984oz)

      · Production of 33,624oz in first quarter of 2006 in line with budget

      · Successful IPO in November 2005 raised net proceeds of US$97.4 million for debt repayment and reinvestment in business

      · Substantial capital expenditure in 2005 to expand processing capacity and US$68.8 million budgeted for further capacity expansion in 2006

      · Exploration portfolio of three properties acquired in July 2005 by Kazakhaltyn, expanded through award of licences for five additional properties in gold-bearing regions of Kazakhstan

      · Actively looking at opportunities to accelerate growth strategy

      KazakhGold (KZG) is one of the first companies from Kazakhstan to list on the London Stock Exchange. It has three operating gold mines and a portfolio of highly-prospective exploration properties. The company has embarked on a development strategy to realise the full potential of its mines which are believed to have the largest known gold reserves and resources in Kazakhstan. It has already commissioned modern processing facilities with annual treatment capacity of 3m tonnes.

      KazakhGold is led by Chief Executive, Dr Kanat Assaubayev, a leading authority on automation of process technology in the mining, iron and steel and oil and gas industries.

      Commenting on KazakhGold’s first set of results, Dr Assaubayev said: “We are pleased with the progress we are making at our three operating mines where we have commissioned new processing facilities and substantially increased gold production. We have a strong management team that is committed to developing KazakhGold to its full potential as a leading low-cost Central Asian gold producer. We are actively looking at opportunities to accelerate our growth.”
      schrieb am 13.07.06 12:09:14
      Beitrag Nr. 11 ()

      KazakhGold Announces Unaudited Production Figures For Second Quarter 2006
      12 Jul 2006

      KazakhGold Group Limited (London: KZG), one of the leading gold producers in Kazakhstan, is pleased to announce a production update for the quarter ended June 30, 2006.

      Gold production from Aksu, Bestobe and Zholymbet, the Group's three operating mines in northern Kazakhstan, totalled 61,536 ounces during the second quarter of 2006. This equates to an increase of 83 per cent over the 33,624 ounces produced in the first quarter. The results bring total gold produced in the first-half of 2006 to 95,160 ounces.

      In the twelve months to June 2006, KazakhGold has produced 177,144 ounces of gold, reflecting delivery of the company's rapid ramp-up in production.
      schrieb am 26.07.06 12:38:55
      Beitrag Nr. 12 ()
      Da ich Zeit habe bei meinen Investments lassen mich die derzeitigen Kurse auch weiterhin ruhig schlafen. Anbei zwei Meldungen zum nachlesen:……
      schrieb am 29.09.06 12:29:43
      Beitrag Nr. 13 ()
      KazakhGold Group Limited

      Interim financial statements for the six month period to

      30 June 2006
      schrieb am 12.10.06 12:13:55
      Beitrag Nr. 14 ()
      For Third Quarter 2006

      Total Production Of 78,361 Ounces Is 27% Increase On Previous Quarter

      KazakhGold Group Limited (London: KZG), one of the leading gold producers in Kazakhstan, is pleased to announce a production update for the quarter ended September 30, 2006.

      Gold production from Aksu, Bestobe and Zholymbet, the Group’s three operating mines in northern Kazakhstan, totalled 78,361 ounces during the third quarter. This equates to an increase of 27% over the 61,530 ounces produced in the second quarter and brings total gold produced in the nine months to September 30, 2006 to 173,521 ounces.

      Gold sales in the third quarter of 2006 were 97,318 ounces at an average sales price of US$556/oz compared to US$507/oz achieved in the first half of the year. Gold sales for the nine months to end-September totalled 162,105 ounces.

      Inventory at September 30, 2006 has been reduced to 29,864 ounces from 48,821 ounces at June 30, 2006, and the company intends to reduce this further by year end.
      schrieb am 27.10.06 20:39:32
      Beitrag Nr. 15 ()

      · 7-Year Bond With Yield Of 9.375p.c. Issued At Par

      KazakhGold Group Limited (London: KZG) is pleased to announce that it has completed a $US200m Eurobond issue. The issue, oversubscribed by 3.75 times, was managed by ING Debt Capital Markets and is of a 7-year bond with a yield of 9.375p.c. to maturity and issued at par.

      KazakhGold, one of the leading gold producers in Kazakhstan, will be using the monies raised for its accelerated capital spending programme with a residual amount being for general corporate purposes.

      Aidar Assaubayev, KazakhGold’s Deputy Chief Executive, commented: “It has been an extremely successful fund raising and very well received by the debt markets. We are the fourth gold mining company in the world to issue a non-convertible Eurobond and the first company from Asia, Eastern Europe and Africa to issue such a bond. The fact that $US748m was forthcoming illustrates the interest investors have in the KazakhGold Group. The bond issue was accomplished all within six working days and the result is a triumph for our company, the dedicated team at ING, and all concerned.”

      Investors from more than 21 countries subscribed to the issue with 118 accounts being accommodated. Of the total, Asia accounted for 24p.c. of the take-up, U.S. Offshore 23p.c, UK 21p.c, Switzerland 18p.c., Germany 5p.c., and other regions 9p.c. Allocations went to: Fund Managers 41p.c, Private Bank/Retail 37p.c., Banks/Financial Institutions 21p.c., Others 1p.c.

      Mr. Rob Mason, vice-president of ING Debt Capital Markets said: “It has been an extremely smooth execution and we have been delighted with the reception to this debut Eurobond transaction for KazakhGold.”
      schrieb am 22.12.06 12:22:24
      Beitrag Nr. 16 ()
      Ob´s was bringt für den Kurs?:confused:


      Kurmet Order Reflects Government Support For Company And Its Objectives

      KazakhGold Group Limited (LSE: KZG) is pleased to announce that Dr Kanat Assaubayev, President and Chief Executive of the company, has been awarded the Kurmet Order by Nursultan Nazarbayev, President of Kazakhstan.

      The Kurmet Order, is one the most prestigious national honours and is awarded for achievements in development of the national economy and social and public activities.

      The award to Dr Assaubayev reflects the Government’s strong support for what KazakhGold has achieved to date and the progress it has made towards becoming a major gold producer.
      schrieb am 24.12.06 10:39:19
      Beitrag Nr. 17 ()
      KazakhGold-Oxus Joint Venture Successfully Bids For
      Transgold Plant And Deposits In Romania

      · Plant And Related Assets Acquired For US$6.99 Million

      · New 50:50 Romaltyn JV Set Up To Manage Project

      · Low Cost High Return Cash Generative Gold Venture

      KazakhGold Group Limited (London: KZG) announces that, together with AIM-listed Oxus Gold, it has successfully bid US$6.99 million (inclusive of US$1.12m VAT) in open auction for the assets of a gold project in Romania that were put into in liquidation in April, 2005. The newly formed 50:50 joint venture, Romaltyn, expects to recommission the project and bring it back into production in approximately six months time. The project offers the potential to generate rapid payback on investment and provides an opportunity for exploration and development of additional resources in the area.

      The assets include a 2.5mt/yr gold treatment plant, formerly operated by Transgold, a 50:50 joint venture company between Eurogold and Remin, the Romanian state mining company. The plant, located on the outskirts of the town of Baia Mare, ceased operation in 2005 when the tailings line froze and insufficient funds were available to rectify the problem.

      Other assets acquired by the Romaltyn JV are the 8.5m tonnes Central Tailings dump located 7.8km from the plant, together with stockpiled gold-bearing pyrite resources and two exploration tenements, Sophia and June 11, over which 12-month exploration licences will be re-instated.

      In a second auction, the two JV companies paid US$300,000 for Explorer SA, a company in voluntary liquidation which holds three further exploration tenements in the area, the largest of which, Rascau South East, has a three-year exploration licence.

      The Transgold plant was designed and built by Lycopodium for US$28m and has an estimated replacement cost of around US$40m. The JV estimates that it can be brought back into production after expenditure of approximately US$5.25m on clean-up, minor repairs and the replacement of some equipment. Thus the total financial commitment by the joint venture is estimated to be US$12.54m.
      schrieb am 04.01.07 22:17:42
      Beitrag Nr. 18 ()
      Eine kleine Landeskunde über Kazachstan - so wie es wirklich ist:

      Located in Central Asia, Kazakhstan is bordered by Russia to the north and west, China to the east and the Kyrgyz Republic, Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan to the south. Astana, the nation's capital city, is in central Kazakhstan, whilst the principal financial centre, Almaty, is in the south east.

      Kazakhstan became an independent sovereign state in 1991 as a result of the dissolution of the former Soviet Union. After Russia, it is the largest country of the former Soviet Republics and is similar in size to Western Europe. However, with a population of only around 15m people, Kakakhstan has one of the lowest population densities in the world.

      The country is politically stable, with President Nazarbayev re-elected in December 2005 for a further seven-year term with a substantial majority.

      The country is rich in natural resources, and mining, metallurgy and mineral processing have traditionally been the country's main industrial activities. More recently, however, major oil and gas discoveries have meant that this has become the most important sector of the economy. Overall, Kazakhstan is now the world's fifth-largest exporter of natural gas and has the world's eighth-largest proven oil reserves, including the huge Kashagan oil field beneath the Caspian Sea.

      Since achieving independence, Kazakhstan has progressively implemented market-based economic reforms, including a significant privatisation programme, the promotion of foreign direct investment and the introduction of an extensive legal framework. In September 2002, Kazakhstan became one of the first FSU countries to receive an investment grade rating from a major international credit rating agency. Between 1993 and 2005, the country attracted more than US$34bn in foreign direct investment, the highest per capita rate of all the CIS countries.

      In each of the past five years, the GDP of Kazakhstan has grown by over 9p.c.. This is also the highest rate achieved amongst the CIS nations. In absolute terms, GDP per capita has grown three-fold since the year 2000, reaching about US$3,763, driven by rising world demand for oil and higher prices. The same factors have boosted the country's current account and balance of payments and Kazakhstan now has a trade surplus of more than US$10bn.

      Kazakhstan benefits from a good transport network, low energy costs and royalty payments which are set at comparatively low level, all of which supports ongoing investment in the mining industry. Its proximity to China also benefits mining companies by providing ready access to low-cost Chinese technology and mining equipment.
      schrieb am 05.01.07 19:00:14
      Beitrag Nr. 19 ()
      KazakhGold Group is one Kazakhstan's leading gold mining companies, employing approximately 3,200 people. It is headquartered at Stepnogorsk, to the north of the capital Astana.

      In mid 2005, the Group resumed production following a period of reconfiguring and upgrading its mining operations and the progressive introduction of modern treatment processes. Since then, it has ramped up gold output as the new treatment facilities have come on line, producing 81,984oz in the second half of 2005 and 173,521oz in the first nine months of 2006. The Group's objective is to continue building up production to a level that is more aligned with its large reserve/resource base and thus create one of Central Asia's largest gold producers.

      Its three principal operating mines, Aksu, Bestobe and Zholymbet, are located in the Stepnogorsk region and have combined reserves and resources (Soviet classification) of almost 47m oz of gold, believed to be the country's largest. Independent consultants have been appointed to reclassify certain of these reserves and resources to JORC standard, and the first stage of this programme is scheduled for completion in the first quarter of 2007.

      This large reserves/resources base, which excludes the eight new properties acquired in 2005, gives the Group the opportunity and capability to raise production above that anticipated at the time of its IPO in November 2005. An accelerated investment plan has therefore been prepared that will significantly increase the long-term production target of the Group. It reduces the average life-of-mine estimated cash production cost per ounce from US$182/oz to US$143/oz, and should place the Group amongst the world's top twenty gold producers. This plan requires an increase in the investment anticipated at the time of the IPO and is being funded by the proceeds of a US$200m Eurobond issue, completed in October 2006. With a yield of 9.375p.c., the 7-year bond is the first of its kind to be issued by a company from Asia or Eastern Europe. It attracted investors from 21 countries and was 3.75 times oversubscribed.

      Under the accelerated plan, the focus changes to the use of CIP processing technology. Total annualised processing capacity for the Group will increase from 3.0 million tonnes in June 2006 to 19.5 million tonnes in 2008, which is 3.0 million tonnes ahead of the Group's original plan prepared in 2005.

      CIP processing technology has a number of distinct benefits for the Group. It offers the possibility of gold recovery rates of over 90 per cent, compared with some 60 per cent from heap leach processing. Under the accelerated investment plan, the Group will be able to raise average recovery rates from 73.0 per cent to 82.3 per cent. CIP processing also provides a more stable and predictable cash flow, as heap leach technology loses its effectiveness at the low winter temperatures experienced in Kazakhstan. CIP technology allows the processing of both oxide and sulphide ores, and is ideally suited to regions such as Northern Kazakhstan, where the Group's three main mines are located.

      While production will be increased significantly from 2009, the accelerated investment plan does mean that production growth will be less dramatic in 2007 and 2008, compared with the original 2005 plan. This arises principally from the delayed construction of Bestobe's CIP plant, originally scheduled to be operational from 2007.

      KazakhGold's principal mining operations benefit from a number of distinct cost advantages:

      Convenient location in well-established mining area with good infrastructure
      Large reserves amenable to low-cost modern mining and processing techniques Competitive labour and electricity costs
      Modest royalty payments
      Local currency stability – more than 60p.c. of costs are denominated in local currency

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