
    NPCT Nanopierce Technologies WKN 916132; Thread II - 500 Beiträge pro Seite

    eröffnet am 05.05.00 11:04:50 von
    neuester Beitrag 23.10.00 07:53:07 von
    Beiträge: 146
    ID: 130.400
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    Gesamt: 5.802
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     Ja Nein
      schrieb am 05.05.00 11:04:50
      Beitrag Nr. 1 ()
      Hi, auf vielfachen ;) Wunsch der zweite und bestimmt nicht letzte Teil der Nanopierce Saga ...

      Einen Moment noch:

      :eek: :O :kiss: :mad: :( :rolleyes: :) :laugh: :yawn: :D

      So, die Smileys sind auch an Board, es kann weitergehen!

      Hold NPCT long and prosper

      schrieb am 05.05.00 12:27:46
      Beitrag Nr. 2 ()
      Vielen Dank für Dein unermüdliches Engagement, auch in ruhigen und nicht so lustigen Zeiten! Hoffentlich sehen wir mit diesem thread zumindest die alten Höhen wieder und Ende des Jahres 2stellige Kurse mit ner 1 oder 2 davor...:)roho:)
      schrieb am 07.05.00 22:49:49
      Beitrag Nr. 3 ()

      Ich bin dabei! Unsere Freunde, die Makler haben mir am oberen Limit von 3,5 $ ihre Gunst erwiesen ... ;) !
      Die derzeitige Marktstimmung spricht eigentlich dafür, daß OTC Werte am Boden sind. Kann also wieder nach oben gehen. NPCT habe ich dabei mal auf ein Jahr Beobachtung ausgerichtet, dann sehe ich weiter!

      So long,


      P.S.: Jetsia, Du bist ein Schatz! :)
      schrieb am 08.05.00 16:50:17
      Beitrag Nr. 4 ()
      Hi roho und Brad,

      vielen Dank für das Lob, da werd ich ja ganz rot :) :laugh:

      Ich denke, der Aktienpreis lässt sich nur mit ein paar schönen News wieder aus dem Keller locken. Aber momentan tut sich da leider immer noch nichts ...
      Da ich immer fleissig nachgekauft habe, ist mein Durschnittspreis jetzt unter dem aktuellen Preis :eek: :( :rolleyes:

      Na ja, ich wollte ja eh keine Spekulationssteuer auf meine Nanopierce Aktien zahlen ;) ...

      Hold NPCT long and prosper

      schrieb am 08.05.00 17:52:09
      Beitrag Nr. 5 ()
      oops, was schreib ich denn da für einen Müll :confused: ?

      Liegt wohl am klingonischen Blutwein (Jahrgang 2346) ;) Tja, wär ja ganz nett, es muss aber natürlich heissen: "mein Durchschnittspreis ist jetzt über dem aktuellen Preis" :(

      Hold long and prosper


      Trading Spotlight

      InnoCan Pharma
      0,1845EUR -3,40 %
      CEO lässt auf “X” die Bombe platzen!mehr zur Aktie »
      schrieb am 12.05.00 19:35:49
      Beitrag Nr. 6 ()
      Hallo zusammen (das heisst, ich hoffe, dass noch jemand ausser mir investiert ist ;) )!

      Tja, nach dem OTC Crash verzichtet die Mehrzahl der Anleger erst mal auf Risiko-Werte ohne Gewinne :( . Aber ich denke, spätestens mit "richtigen" Nachrichten ( = Verträge!) wird es auch sehr schnell wieder aufwärts gehen. :D

      Viel neues gibt es nicht - wirkliche Nachrichten (wenn es die schon gibt :confused: , was ich hoffe) kann es erst geben, wenn der S-3 Antrag von der SEC genehmigt worden ist. Dies sollte bald (innerhalb der nächsten zwei Wochen?) der Fall sein. Solange heisst es warten, warten, warten ... :yawn:

      Nach Aussage von Kathy hat die Fondsgesellschaft Paul Metzinger einen dritten Flug zu sich spendiert :laugh: Paul sollte Informationspakete für alle von der Fondgesellschaft gemanageten Fonds erstellen. Angeblich ist die Gesellschaft sehr interessiert (wie gesagt, wenn dem wirklich so ist, werden wir das auch bald am Preis merken. Solche Fonds kleckern nämlich nicht, sondern klotzen :D :D :D )

      So, genug Durchhalteparolen für heute :)

      Hold NPCT and prosper

      schrieb am 12.05.00 23:28:14
      Beitrag Nr. 7 ()
      Hi Jetsia!

      Danke, daß Du immer neue Info´s Bringst. Ich bin auch noch drin, hab aber die hälfte schon verkauft. Wenn ich allerdings wieder Cash habe, wäre NPCT mit die erste Wahl.

      Gruß, Dirk.
      schrieb am 13.05.00 17:42:24
      Beitrag Nr. 8 ()
      Neue Nachrichten zu NPCT (Nanopierce) bei Yahoo:

      Wer des Englischen mächtig ist, der sollte dies unbedingt lesen:

      Es ist der Vierteljahres-Bericht der Firma, erschienen am Freitag, 12.5.2000.
      Während man den Bericht liest, braucht man verdammt starke Nerven, wenn man so viel Geld investiert hat wie ich (25% Depotwert).

      Die einzige gute Zeile in dem Bericht ist folgende:
      Liquidity and financial condition -
      The Company has working capital of $2,872,355 at March 31, 2000 compared to a working capital deficit of $474,554 at June 30, 1999.

      Ich musste den Artikel zweimal lesen, bis ich verstand, dass die Tatsache, dass NPCT zwar noch nie eine müde Mark Umsatz gemacht hat, aber genug Geld hat, um durchzuhalten, bis aus dem Know-How der Firma endlich Aufträge für das Unternehmen erwachsen, die dann endlich zum großen Aufschung führen werden: Kursziel weiterhin 10 EUR bis Jahresende, 20 EUR in 2 Jahren etc...

      Wem die Nachrichten hier im Board nicht genügen, der sollte öfter mal bei folgenden Boards reinschauen: (gut für Gelaber wie hier bei wallstreetonline), für NEWS und aktuelle Kurse in USA (stets ca 12% unter Euro-Kurs, währungsbedingt, es ist egal ob man in USA zu $ oder in Frankfurt zu EUR kauft), und Man sollte immer alle drei boards abchecken, weil manchmal aktuelle News nur auf einem Board erscheinen.
      So hat z.B. Siliconinvestor den geilen Bericht mit den Kurzielen bis 30 $, aber nur yahoo hat den aktuellen Quartalsbericht.

      Bei Nanopierce zählt, dass sie vor dem Turnaround von reiner Entwicklung zum Verkauf ihrer Produkte stehen. Wenn das gemeldet wird, wird die Aktie 100% hochschiessen. Und wenn dann ein Wechsel vom OTC an die Nasdaq erfolgt, dann gibt es noch mal einen Schub, vielleicht nochmal 100%. Generell halte ich Nanotechnologie für einen Bereich, der irgendwann hochrast und "in" sein wird wie Biotech oder Internet und dann sehen wir ver5-fachung und mehr.

      Wenn der Kurs am Montag wegen des Quartalsberichtes in den Keller rauscht, weil manche vielleicht die Nerven verlieren, dann kann man nochmal günstig zukaufen.
      schrieb am 13.05.00 17:57:45
      Beitrag Nr. 9 ()
      Hallo Stockmanager,

      25% des Depotwertes in eine OTC-Aktie??? Das ist doch ganz schön ...ähhh... riskant. Ich muss gestehen, das mich auch der Rest Deines Depots stark interessieren würde.

      Ich habe einen Anteil von 5% meines Depots in mehreren OTC-Werten angelegt (ADVC, UPGD und NPCT), um mir die Chance zu erhalten, einen Treffer zu landen. Diese Strategie würde ich auch jedem empfehlen, besonders in diesen Zeiten.


      schrieb am 13.05.00 19:32:51
      Beitrag Nr. 10 ()
      Ich habe 90% in OTC. Sonst warte ich lieber auf die Rente.
      schrieb am 14.05.00 10:42:35
      Beitrag Nr. 11 ()
      Hi Stockmanager,

      wo siehst du denn da die schlechten Nachrichten? :confused: Ich denke es müsste doch allen Aktionären vor einem Engagement in NPCT bewusst sein, dass NPCT noch keine Verträge (=Umsätze/Einkünfte) hat? Durch das damit verbundene Risiko kann man eben im Falle von Verträgen mit enormen Kurssteigerungen rechnen, und das tue ich. Jeder, der investiert hofft, das Nanopierce es bis zu diesem Punkt (dem schwierigsten) und darüber hinaus schafft. Die Anzeichen dafür sind nach wie vor gut. Das wichtigste ist die Technologie und das Management meiner Meinung nach stimmt hier beides. Risiken sind hier wie bei allen start-ups, dass eine grosse Firma ein besseres Produkt auf den Markt bringt (nichts dergleichen in Sicht), dass die Firma das Geld ausgeht evtl aufgrund von Patent-Klagen etc (dank der Thalman/Ladenburg Finanzierung momentan kein Problem, Patent-Klage liegt hinter NPCT. der Berufungsantrag wird wohl keinen Erfolg haben) oder dass die Firma von einem grossen Fisch gefressen wird und wir mit wenig Gewinn abgespeist werden (es ist nichts in der Richtung abzusehen).

      Das Potential nach oben ist enorm. Gemunkelt wird ja bereits von Aktivitäten in der Industrie die NCS Technologie nicht nur für smard cards und smart labels sondern für Wafer, Mobiltelefone etc einzusetzen (der business Plan von Paul hat sich aufgrund der Nachfragen schon geändert) wer weiss...
      Man stelle sich mal vor, dass dies tatsächlich die Verbindungstechnologie des 21. Jahrhunderts wird ... dann sind auch dreistellige Aktienpreise in ein paar Jahren gut vorstellbar... $$$

      Die Situation an der OTC und die Stillschweigepflicht wegen des S-3 Finanzierungsantrags belastet zwar den Aktienpreis, nicht aber die Fortschritte des Unternehmens.

      Haaky & kaeptn: Ich denke, das Risiko, dass jeder bereit ist einzugehen muss man ganz individuell für sich abschätzen. Wenn man in solche Risiko-Aktien investiert, muss man grössere Schwankungen (auch nach unten :mad: :rolleyes: ) emotional durchstehen können.
      Ich bin mit einem Grossteil meines Portfolios in OTC Aktien investiert!!! :eek: Jeder so, wie er mag :laugh:

      Zur Abwechslung von der Aktienmarkt Talfahrt mal eine Geschichte zum Lachen von den Smileys:

      So, denkt an eure Muttis. :kiss:

      Hold NPCT and prosper

      schrieb am 16.05.00 13:43:20
      Beitrag Nr. 12 ()
      Nano Nano,

      Hier noch was Interessantes zu der Investment Bank Ladenburg Thalmann, die ja bekanntlich für die 30 Millionen $ Finanzierung sorgen soll: Nach einer Zacks Studie war sie die Beste unter den 15 Top Brokerage Firmen des Landes im Hinblick auf ihre Aktienempfehlungen/Käufe 1999!!! :cool:…

      Die Muttergesellschaft NVAL verkauft 19.9 % ihrer Tochter Ladenburg Thalmann an die Berliner Effekten Gesellschaft…
      (Ich war zu faul, die Originalmeldungen aus dem Internet zu suchen, daher nur RB links ...)

      Klingt gut, dass diese Bank sich ausgerechnet Nanopierce ausgesucht hat ... :D Und für die Europastrategie von Ladenburg/Thalmann (und Nanopierce) scheint die Verbindung mit der BEAG auch nicht unpassend...

      So, und jetzt wieder brav weiterwarten ;) :yawn:

      Hold NPCT long and prosper

      schrieb am 16.05.00 23:27:17
      Beitrag Nr. 13 ()
      Salve Jetsia!

      Dein Wunsch sei mir Befehl. Ich warte brav und schweige ... . Ich habe mir vorgenommen, allen Werten, die ich kaufe, 12 Monate Zeit zu lassen, egal, welche Richtung sie einschlagen. Wie zitiert man doch so gerne: Hin und her macht Tasche leer ... ;)
      Wie dem auch sei, Jetsia, Du bist bestimmt ein Engel. Stets ein Vergnügen, Dich zu lesen! :)

      So long,

      schrieb am 18.05.00 17:35:25
      Beitrag Nr. 14 ()
      Thursday May 18, 9:01 am Eastern Time
      Company Press Release
      NanoPierce Expands Technical Team for Production Systems and Wafer Applications
      DENVER--(BUSINESS WIRE)--May 18, 2000--NanoPierce Technologies, Inc. (OTCBB:NPCT - news; Frankfurt Exchange:NPI), today announced two new additions to its technical team. The employment of these experts demonstrates the company`s commitment to an aggressive and decisive execution of its strategic business plan.

      Richard L. Cunningham has joined NanoPierce as Manager of Process Engineering. His principal responsibility is the development of an automated, high-volume, commercial manufacturing process for NanoPierce Connection System (NCS). A pair of prototype production systems is scheduled to be operational in August 2000 at the company`s Colorado Springs facility.

      Cunningham`s formal education includes a Bachelor`s degree in Business Administration from Regis University and extensive work toward a Bachelor`s degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering. His highly diverse work experience has embraced a variety of disciplines including structural, design, electrical, and industrial engineering. Cunningham`s latest position was Systems/Computer Engineer at Quantum in Colorado Springs, CO. Previously he worked at British Automation Engineering (BAE), Frito Lay, Montgomery, and Rapistan. He brings to NanoPierce a broad spectrum of world-class technical and engineering skills needed to effectively convert NCS to a demonstrated commercial process acceptable to the electronic industry worldwide.

      Cunningham said: ``NanoPierce is like turning over a stone and finding a diamond in the rough. I am extremely excited to be a part of not only the NanoPierce vision, but also the team that is providing innovative solutions to problems plaguing the electronics markets.``

      Michael J. Kenney, an industry recognized metallurgical engineer with broad experience in materials applications including spacecraft, aerospace, chemical processing, and electronics, has joined NanoPierce to spearhead a new program that will extend NCS to Wafer-level applications now demanded by the industry.

      Kenney earned a Bachelor of Metallurgical Engineering from the University of Minnesota in 1977. After a short time with Caterpillar, he was Staff Materials Engineer at Martin Marietta in Denver for 13 years and worked on programs including MX Peacekeeper, Manned Maneuvering Unit, Tethered Satellite and classified satellite programs. Most recently, Kenney has worked as a contract materials engineer expert for a wide variety of national and international companies, including Gulfstream, Honeywell, AlliedSignal, Textron and General Dynamics on projects including the Advanced Amphibious Assault Vehicle, the Minuteman III propulsion system, communications satellite control systems and classified work at NASA. Throughout his career, Kenney has specialized in new technologies and materials reliability.

      Kenney said, ``I am enthusiastic about the unique challenge of reinventing techniques used in the manufacture and connection of semiconductor devices. Our team will extend NCS to the Wafer-level.``

      Dr. Herbert J. Neuhaus, Executive Vice President of Technology and Marketing, said, ``These two experts round out our core technology development team, enabling us to fully staff the three thrusts that make up the mission of the NanoPierce Technology Group in Colorado Springs: Technology Enhancement, NCS Commercialization, and Wafer-level application of NCS. The addition of these vital resources to our team will accelerate the timely and successful introduction of our NCS technology to the entire electronics industry. Our team will rise to the challenge.``

      NanoPierce Technologies, Inc. owns 10 patents, 2 patent applications pending, 2 patent applications in preparation and various other intellectual properties related to the Company`s proprietary NCS. This advanced system is designed to provide significant improvement over conventional electrical and mechanical interconnection methods for high-density circuit boards, components, sockets, connectors, semiconductor packaging, electronic systems, smart cards and smart labels.

      NanoPierce is an affiliate of Intercell Corp. (OTCBB:INCE - news). For more information on NanoPierce Technologies, Inc. please visit this WebSite:

      Forward-Looking Statement Notice: This announcement contains forward-looking statements about Nanopierce Technologies, Inc. involving financial arrangements and company operations that may involve risks and uncertainties. Important factors relating to the company`s operations including the ability of Nanopierce`s technologies to apply its NCS to the marketplace, could cause actual results to differ materially from those in forward-looking statements and are further detailed in filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission available at the SEC website All forward-looking statements are based on information available to Nanopierce Technologies on the date hereof, and Nanopierce Technologies assumes no obligation to update such statements.


      NanoPierce Technologies Inc.
      Paul H. Metzinger, 303/592-1010
      Dr. Herbert J. Neuhaus, 719/638-5930
      Dr. Michael E. Wernle, +49-700-NANOPIERCE (Munich)
      Stock Enterprises
      James Stock, 702/614-0003 (investors)
      schrieb am 18.05.00 19:03:38
      Beitrag Nr. 15 ()
      Hallihallo, hier meine Übersetzung (wie immer, keine Garantie...)

      NanoPierce erweitert sein technisches Team für Herstellungssysteme und Wafer-Anwendungen

      DENVER--(BUSINESS WIRE)--May 18, 2000--NanoPierce Technologies, Inc. (OTCBB:NPCT - news; Frankfurt Exchange:NPI), gab heute zwei Neuzugänge zu ihrem technischen Team bekannt. Die Einstellung dieser Experten demonstriert das ausgesprochene Engagement der Firma bei der aggressiven, entschlossene Ausführung ihres strategischen Business Plans.

      Richard L. Cunningham ist als Prozessingeniuer zu NanoPierce gekommen (Manager of Process Engineering). Sein Hauptaufgabengebiet ist die Entwicklung eines automatisierten, hoch-volumigen, kommerzialisierten Herstellungsprozess für NanoPierce Connection System (NCS). Ein Paar von Prototyp-Herstellungssystemen soll planungsgemäss im August 2000 in der Colorado Springs Niederlassung der Firma fertiggestellt sein.
      Cunningham`s Universitäts-Ausbildung schliesst ein Bachelor`s degree Business Administration der Regis University (BWL ?) und umfangreiche Arbeiten zur Erlangung eines Bachelor´s degree in Elektronik und Computeringenieurswesen. Er verfügt über eine sehr vielfältige Berufserfahrung in mehreren Disziplinen u.a. im Struktur-, Design-, Elekrto- und Industireingenieursbereich. Zuletzt arbeitete Cunningham als System-/Computeringeniuer bei Quantum in Colorado Springs, Colorado. Davor arbeitete er bei British Automation Engineering (BAE), Frito Lay, Montgomery, und Rapistan. Er bringt Nanopierce das breite Spektrum an technischen und Ingenieurs- Fähigkeiten auf Weltklasse-Niveau, die notwendig sind, um NCS wirkungsvoll in ein geprüften kommerziell akzeptierten Prozess umzuwandeln, der in der weltweiten Elektronikindustrie akzeptiert wird.

      Cunningham sagte: ``NanoPierce ist, als ob man einen Stein umdreht und einen Rohdiamanten findet. Ich bin äusserst erfreut Teil der Nanopierce Vision und des Teams zu werden, das innovative Lösungen für die Probleme liefert, die die Elektronikindustrie plagen.``

      Michael J. Kenney, ein in der Industrie geschätzter Metallurgieingenieur mit grosser Erfahrung in der Materialanwendung in Raumfahrt, Luftfahrt, chemischer Industrie und Elektronik, ist zu Nanopierce gekommen um ein neues Project zu entwickeln bzw. zu leiten, das Nanopierce´s Verwendung im Wafer-Bereich ermöglicht, wie dies jetzt von der Industrie gefordert wird.

      Kenney erwarb seinen Bachelor im Metallurgie-Ingenieurswesen 1977 an der Universität von Minnesota. Nach kurzer Mitarbeit bei Caterpillar war er 13 Jahre lang Material-Ingenieur bei Martin Marietta in Denver und arbeitete an Programmen wie MX Peacekeeper, Manned Maneuvering Unit, Tethered Satellite und geheimen Satellitenprogrammen. Zuletzt hat Kenney als beratender Materialingenieur Experte für eine Anzahl nationaler und internationaler Firmen gearbeitet, darunter
      Gulfstream, Honeywell, AlliedSignal, Textron and General Dynamics bei Projekten wie dem Fortgeschrittenen Amphibischem Angriffs Fahrzeug, the Minuteman III Antriebssystem, Kontrollsystemen für Satelliten und geheimer Arbeit für die NASA. Während seiner gesamten Karriere spezialisierte sich Kenney auf neue Technologien und Materialprüfung.

      Kenney sagte, ``Ich bin enthusiastisch über die einzigartige Herausforderung Techniken die in der Herstellung und Verbindung von Halbleiterbereich verwendet werden neu zu entwickeln. Unser Team wird NCS zur Anwendung im Wafer Bereich bringen.``

      Dr. Herbert J. Neuhaus, Executive Vice President of Technology and Marketing, sagte, ``Diese beiden Experten runden unser Kern-Entwicklungsteam ab und ermöglichen es uns, die drei Zielbereiche von Nanopierce mit dem hierfür notwendigen Personal auszustatten. Diese Zeilbereiche der NanoPierce Technology Group in Colorado Springs sind: Technologische Weiterentwicklung, NCS Kommerzialisierung und Wafer-level Anwendung für NCS. Das Hinzufügen dieser wichtigen Ressourcen zu unserem Team wird die frühe und erfolgreiche Einführung der NCS Technologie in der gesamten Elektronikindustrie beschleunigen. Unser Team wird sich dieser Herausforderung stellen``

      NanoPierce Technologies, Inc. hat 10 patents, 2 Patent-Anmeldungen in Bearbeitung, 2 Patent Anmeldungen in Vorbereitung und verschiedenes anderes geistiges Eigentum im Bezug auf NCS. Dieses fortgeschrittene System wird entwickelt um signifikante Verbeserungen gegenüber konventionellen elektrischen und mechanischen Verbindungsmethoden für hochdichte Schalttafeln, Komponenten, Stecker, Verbindungen, Halbleiter packaging, Elektroniksysteme, Smartcards uns Smartlabels.

      NanoPierce is an affiliate of Intercell Corp. (OTCBB:INCE - news). For more information on NanoPierce Technologies, Inc. please visit this WebSite:

      Forward-Looking Statement Notice: This announcement contains forward-looking statements about Nanopierce Technologies, Inc. involving financial arrangements and company operations that may involve risks and uncertainties. Important factors relating to the company`s operations including the ability of Nanopierce`s technologies to apply its NCS to the marketplace, could cause actual results to differ materially from those in forward-looking statements and are further detailed in filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission available at the SEC website All forward-looking statements are based on information available to Nanopierce Technologies on the date hereof, and Nanopierce Technologies assumes no obligation to update such statements.


      Das Ende mit den üblichen Hinweisen hab ich nicht übersetzt (hat wieder keiner gemerkt, nicht :yawn: , es ist eh immer das selbe...

      Hold NPCT and prosper :)

      schrieb am 18.05.00 19:13:29
      Beitrag Nr. 16 ()
      Wer sich über Wafer Herstellung (die grossen Scheiben, aus denen die Chips gemacht werden, nein, nicht die aus Kartoffeln :laugh: ) interessiert, kann mal hier rein schauen:

      So, und wer sich seinen Reim darauf machen will, wie das mit Nanopierce weitergehen könnte, der soll mal hierhin schauen, Kathy hat was nettes ;) zusammengestellt:…

      Hold NPCT and prosper :D

      schrieb am 19.05.00 00:27:26
      Beitrag Nr. 17 ()
      Danke Jetsia für die Übersetzung,
      nun ist auch das letzte bislang noch unklare
      Wort geklärt :)

      Ich finde es außerordentlich spannend in einem solchen
      Unternehmen investiert zu sein. Man verspürt fast die
      Begeisterung der Mitarbeiter und den Einsatzwillen.

      Ich habe zwar nicht mehr die Masse an NPCT, aber 600
      sind noch übriggeblieben und wenn es wieder nach
      oben geht, dann werden es sicher wieder mehr!

      Im Moment sehe ich nicht nur bei NPCT eine Bodenbildung
      sondern bei sehr vielen technischen OTC mit Zukunftsplänen
      die eines Tages einen Traum wahr werden lassen. Es muß ja
      nur einer von 10 wirklich in Erfüllung gehen um echtes Geld
      zu verdienen. Aber viel wichtiger ist mir die Spannung dabei!
      Deshalb nehme ich nach Möglichkeit den Einsatz raus und
      schaue dann relativ entspannt zu, auch bei starken

      gruß brem
      schrieb am 20.05.00 15:30:28
      Beitrag Nr. 18 ()
      Zu nächst zu der Übersetzung, die einer gepostet hat: Gut, gratuliere, danke; aber Circuit boards sind besser übersetzt mit: Leiterplatten (Schalttafel ist etwas missverständlich) Packaging = Leiterplattenproduktion. Aha, merke: Genau das Business, das BOOMT. Und NPCT hat die mini Nano-Technologie hierzu und einige Patente... Tick Tick Tick Tick...

      Hallo Haaky, ja, ich habe 25% meines kleinen Vermögens in NPCT und bin überzeugt davon, in den nächsten 3-4 Jahren das Geld zu ver-5 oder-10-fachen. Gemäß Guru Andre Kostolany verfolge ich die GGGG Strategie: Geld, Gedanke, Geduld, Glück:
      Geld: Also 25% meines Geldes in NPCT.
      Gedanke: Vom OTC an die Nasdaq oder an den Neuen Markt
      Geduld: Die Firma hat das Zeug dazu, es ist nur eine Frage der Zeit.
      Glück: Es passiert schneller als mn denkt,
      Ich setze noch ein G dazu: GEIL!

      Was ich sonst noch habe? FBCE, weil:
      Das gleiche GGGG+Geil gilt für FBCE, eine Firma die Fibertechnische Lichtwellenleiter-Kabel herstellt FBCE ist also ein Art Mini-JPS Uniphase, die bisher nur am OTC gehandelt wird. Vo Kurzem gab es einen Sprung von 4 auf 6 $, als sie eine Fabrik in Brasilien gekauft haben, ich habe sie tradingmäßig in der Euphorie verkauft und das Geld gleich wieder bei 4,8 und gestern, am Freitag bei 3,8 reinvestiert! Die Firma hat eine Fabrik in JENA, Deutschland!! Für mich eine klassische Neue Markt-Aktie, vielleicht sehen wir sie dort, wenn sie nicht vorher von JDSU geschluckt wird... Die üblichen Recherchen könnt ihr ja selbst vornehmen, ich empfehle, immer auch bei nachzulesen, wegen der Seriösität des Boardes und einen Blick auf die Homepage der Unternehmen zu werfen:

      Ansonsten habe ich als Kostolany-Fan logischerweise nur sehr spekulative Werte gemäß der Regel: Wer kein Geld hat, der MUSS spekulieren, damit er mal zu Geld kommt. Wobei *kein Geld* heisst: Das Geld, das Du zwar hast, aber nicht ausreicht, um unabhängig zu sein. Wenn du dieses bisschen gesparte Geld riskierst und das riskierte Geld verloren ist, dann ändert sich auch nix für dich, denn du musst auch jetzt weiterhin jeden Tag mit dem Wecker aufstehen und für deinen Arbeitgeber malochen. Das ändert sich auch nicht, wenn NPCT oder FBCE pleite gehen würden. Wenn aber der Gedanke, die NPCT und FBCE Spekulation aufgeht, mit Geduld und Glück, dann setz ich mich in 3-4 Jahren mit dem Laptop unter Palmen in die Karibik und mach von dort aus nur noch ein bisschen Daytrading...

      Das Ticket in die Karibik besorgen NPCT und FBCE!

      Disclaimer, Haftungsausschluss: Wer´s nachmacht ist selbst dran schuld!
      schrieb am 20.05.00 17:34:37
      Beitrag Nr. 19 ()

      lob für deine sachlichen u. vorausblickenden aussagen.

      in vielem bezgl. deiner anlagestrategie u.börsenphilosophie kann ich mich wiederfinden.

      ich selbst bin seit längerer zeit in ince investiert.

      eine frage: hälst du die ceo`s, vor allem p. metzinger, für seriös =
      bist du vom management überzeugt ?

      für eine ehrliche antwort

      cu :D
      schrieb am 20.05.00 17:38:06
      Beitrag Nr. 20 ()
      Hi Stockmanager! Vielen Dank füt die Korrektur (da sieht man wieviel Ahnung ich von technischem Englisch habe ;) )
      Mein Südsee oder Weltraum-Ticket wird von NPCT, NSCT und evtl auch ADVC finanziert, mal sehen ... :D :laugh:

      Hold NPCT and prosper

      schrieb am 20.05.00 19:41:18
      Beitrag Nr. 21 ()
      Natürlich kenne ich die CEO´s und übrigen Angestellten nicht, aber ich denke, mein Gespür ist richtig wenn ich behaupte, dass das Management von NPCT ordentlich arbeitet:
      Patente anmelden, Finanzierung regeln, Top-Manager einstellen...
      Das heißt Ziele verbissen verfolgen, Projektpläne realisieren.
      Ich kann mir nicht vorstellen, daß die neu eingestellten Spezialisten zu NPCT gewechselt wären, wenn sie der Meinung wären, in einem Konkurs-Unternehmen anzuheuern. Ich glaube eher, daß sie Überstunden machen werden und mit NPCT groß und reich werden wollen. Ich hoffe, daß jeder Top-Manager Aktienoptionen zusätzlich zum Gehalt erhält.
      Ansonsten meine ich, daß NPCT als Unternehen der Elektrotechnik keine Dummschwätzer engagieren kann, hier werden ja keine Luftschlösser gebaut, sondern elektrotechnische Komponenten, ich würde sagen: Das selbe Spektrum, das Infineon fertigt, nur eben mini-winzig, nano-mäßig eben. Und ihr wißt ja: Es muss alles immer kleiner werden, damit es in Geräte reinpaßt die immer handlicher werden. Oder in medizinisch-technische, die man in Menschen einpflanzen kann. (FOCUS-Artikel oder das neue GEO am Kiosk gelesen??)
      Also ich weiß wie ein PC von innen aussieht, da sind so Karten drin, also Leiterplatten. Und da sind lauter kleine Chips und Eproms und so leittechnische Komponenten drauf. Und diese Leiterplatten sind alle ziemlich groß. Ich kann mir nicht helfen, aber wenn ich mir nur die Bilder auf der ansehe, dann weiß ich, daß man an die Entwicklung von solchen Komponenten, auf die man dann auch noch Patente erhält, keine Schmalspur-Lötkolben-Bastler dransetzen kann.
      Ich glaube, das einzige, das uns auf dem Weg zum Traum-Aktienkurs bremsen wird, wäre, wenn Infinion oder Intel oder Motorola uns schon jetzt ein Übernahmeangebot machen, und nur 9$ pro Aktie zahlen. Aber ich glaube, die lauern darauf, dass NPCT die (Verzeihung:) Drecksarbeit der Entwicklung ganz fertig hat, und wenn es dann gilt, die Früchte zu ernten, dann schlagen die zu. Vielleicht zahlen sie dann sogar 15$ aber das ist nix für die Großen der Branche. Schließlich erhalten sie dann Patente, Top-Ingenieure und fertige Produkte. Damit gehen sie kein Risiko ein, das dürfen wir jetzt tragen. Und da NPCT durch die Finanzierungen genug Geld hat, werden sie durchhalten, bis ihre Produkte ganz marktreif sind. Noch was: Diese Produkte sind keine medizinischen, sondern technische. Im Vergleich zu einer Cargolifter-Spekulation frage ich mich, wie die Leute 14 EUR in die Aktie zu einenm einzigen Projekt stecken, obwohl sie wissen, dass der erste Zeppelin erst in 2-3 Jahren steigen wird. Und im Vergleich zu einer Biotech-Spekulation hat NPCT auch den Vorteil, daß die Firma nicht die "Zulassung" zur Anwendung von einer Bundesgesundheitsbehörde genehmigen lassen muss. Wenn die Tests an den Bauteilen abgeschlossen sind, kann man die Kompnenten sofort in Serie produzieren und einbauen. Das könnte doch schon dieses Jahr geschehen?! Wenn die NPCT-Produkte erst mal in Serie gefertigt werden können und in Millionen von Smart Cards oder auf Minileiterplatten in Handys oder Armbanduhren oder was weiß ich wo eingebaut werden können, dann gibt es eine Kursrakete, wenn der erste Zuliefervertrag geschlossen ist: Ich träume von einem Vertragspartner wie Nokia oder IBM oder Siemens oder Tyco (Leiterplattenhersteller), die millionen von kleinen NPCT-Komponenten brauchen. Und ich träume natürlich von der Karibik...
      schrieb am 20.05.00 20:02:12
      Beitrag Nr. 22 ()
      Das habe ich von der Homepage gerade runtergeschnitten:
      The Company`s Technology is applicable to virtually any electronic product sensitive to cost, performance and/or size. Examples include consumer goods such as cell phones, camcorders, and SmartCards, automotive electronics, test equipment, and advanced military electronics.


      Ohne Wörterbuch, okay: Die Firmentechnologie ist anwendbar in annehmbarerweise jeglichem elektronischen Produkt, das durch Kosten, Einsatz und/oder Größe bestimmt ist. Als Beispiele kann man einschliessen: Konsumgüter wie Handys, Camcorder, SmartCards (Scheckkarten mit Chips drauf), Steuerungselektronik, Testausstattungen und zukunftsweisende militärische Elektronik.

      Ist das was? Ich glaube: JA JA JA JA.

      Trotzdem Leute: Bitte keine Kreite aufnehmen, um noch mehr NPCT Aktien zu den derzeitigen Spottpreisen zu kaufen!!
      Versteht ihr, warum ich mich zurückhalten muss, um nicht ALLES Geld in NPCT zu stecken?
      schrieb am 20.05.00 20:08:34
      Beitrag Nr. 23 ()
      @ stockmanager


      okay - mal sehen, ob`s ein gartenteich oder doch noch die karibik wird`? :D

      schrieb am 23.05.00 21:54:53
      Beitrag Nr. 24 ()
      Hier die neuesten Nachrichten: Nanopierce und Thalmann Ladenburg beenden ihr Finanzierungsabkommen. Nanopierce hat anscheinend bessere Angebote konnte diese aber bislang wegen dem exclusiv Vertrag mit Thalmann Ladengurb nicht annehmen und Thalmann wollte in diesem Marktumfeld auch nicht unbedingt so viel Werbung für NPCT aufbringen um für die 30 Millionen zu sorgen. Na, wenn es noch bessere Konditionen gibt, ist das sicher nicht schlecht für Nanopierce. Momentan ist eh genug Geld auf dem Konto (3 Millionen $).

      NanoPierce - Ladenburg Terminate Financing Arrangement

      DENVER, May 23, 2000 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- NanoPierce Technologies, Inc.
      (NPCT: OTCBB & NPI:Frankfurt Exchange), today announced that NanoPierce and
      Ladenburg Thalmann mutually agreed to terminate the financing agreement between
      them, due to market conditions.

      Paul H. Metzinger, President and Chief Executive Officer, said, "The Company
      continues to receive offers for financing on more favorable terms from many
      reputable financial institutions. We believe that the exclusivity of the
      arrangement with Ladenburg Thalmann was an impediment to continuing negotiations
      with these other institutions. We are now in a position to conclude other
      financing arrangements." Metzinger noted that the Company retains an excellent
      cash position and that the termination of the Ladenburg Thalmann financing would
      not impede the operations of the Company or prevent it from accomplishing its
      Strategic Business Plan.

      NanoPierce Technologies, Inc. owns 10 patents, 2 patent applications pending, 2
      patent applications in preparation, and various other intellectual properties
      related to the Company`s proprietary NCS. This advanced system is designed to
      provide significant improvement over conventional electrical and mechanical
      interconnection methods for high-density circuit boards, components, sockets,
      connectors, semiconductor packaging, electronic systems, smart cards and smart

      NanoPierce is an affiliate of Intercell Corp. (INCE: OTCBB). For more information
      on NanoPierce Technologies, Inc. please visit their Web site:

      Forward-Looking Statement Notice: This announcement contains forward-looking
      statements about NanoPierce Technologies, Inc. involving financial arrangements
      and company operations that may involve risks and uncertainties. Important
      factors relating to the company`s operations including the ability of
      NanoPierce`s technologies to apply its NCS to the marketplace, could cause
      actual results to differ materially from those in forward-looking statements and
      are further detailed in filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission
      available at the SEC Web site All forward-looking statements
      are based on information available to NanoPierce Technologies on the date
      hereof, and NanoPierce Technologies assumes no obligation to update such

      CONTACT: NanoPierce Technologies, Inc.
      Paul H. Metzinger, 303/592-1010
      Dr. Herbert J. Neuhaus, 719/638-5930
      Dr. Michael E. Wernle, +49-700-NANOPIERCE (Munich)
      Stock Enterprises
      James Stock, 702/614-0003 (investors)

      Today`s News On The Net - Business Wire`s full file on the Internet
      with Hyperlinks to your home page.

      Copyright (C) 2000 Business Wire. All rights reserved.

      Distributed via COMTEX.


      Hier Kathy´s Kommentar dazu :…

      Hold NPCT and prosper :)

      schrieb am 24.05.00 20:27:07
      Beitrag Nr. 25 ()
      WOW! Kurse um 1,55 US$, die habe ich leider verpasst, aber zu 1,875 habe ich noch welche aus meinem Trading-Budget nachgekauft.
      Von 3 auf 9 das wären 300%, von 2 auf 8 sind schon 400%. Wer da nicht zugreift... No risk no fun...
      schrieb am 24.05.00 20:48:19
      Beitrag Nr. 26 ()
      ich ärger mich immer noch mit INCE rum. Wäre rational gesehen eigentlich der größere Hebel. Passiert aber nix, da die Amis die
      Hosen gestrichen voll haben. ist halt derzeit abgezockt.

      schrieb am 31.05.00 10:38:24
      Dieser Beitrag wurde vom System automatisch gesperrt. Bei Fragen wenden Sie sich bitte an
      schrieb am 31.05.00 17:05:32
      Beitrag Nr. 28 ()
      ich hätt nur ne frage: wann ist dieser kursrutsch zu ende?bin bei 4,8 rein mit freude, bange jetzt ein bischen bei 1,.. irgendwas. bin aber kein ängstliches häschen, ich bleib drauf sitzen.aber etwas bedenklich is es schon, findet ihr nicht?
      schrieb am 01.06.00 10:37:57
      Beitrag Nr. 29 ()
      Wer daran zweifelt, dass NPCT eine neue Finanzierungsmöglichkeit findet, der ist ein Angsthase und hat mit Verlust verkauft.
      Ich glaube, dass nach dem gestrigen Kursansteig von 22% in USA der Kurs sich nun stabilisieren wird (Range 1,5$ - 1,9$, also bei knapp 2 EUR in Deutschland).
      Wenn ich recht habe, dann kaufe ich NOCHMAL nach, denn dann können ja nur noch gute News kommen, oder was soll denn noch passieren? Nicht mal Baan ist pleite gegangen, hat einen Investor gefunden.
      Strengt mal das Köpfchen an:
      Die Ladenburg-Finanzierung war irgendwie an den Aktienkurs geknüpft, soviel ich mich erinnere musste der Kredit in AKtien zurückgezahlt werden. So eine Konstellation ist wirklich nicht günstig und muss beendet werden, wenn man...
      Na, was wollen die wohl machen?
      Ich schätze, das läuft auf eine 2. Emission hinaus, bei der man eine Kapitalerhöhung durch Investoren an der Börse sucht. Bestimmt gibt es eine Regelung für einen zweiten Börsengang, der die bisherige Finanzierung mit Ladenburg im Weg stand.
      Oder eifach, dass neue Investoren einfach nicht wollten, dass da ein anderer Investor ständig Aktien bekommt, nur weil er einmal einen Kredit gegeben hat.
      Ich bin überzeugt, dass der Kurs von NPCT bald wieder steigt, wenn ein neuer Finanierunsdeal, gleich welcher Art, gefunden ist. Das ist jetzt nur noch eine Frage der Zeit und lange wird es wohl nicht mehr dauern, schätze maximal 1-2 Monate. Dann wird Kurs schnell wieder auf über 3$ hochschiessen. Wenn dann Meldungen über Produktentwicklung hinzukommen, dann sehen wir schon die 6-9 $.
      Nanopierce steht bei mir übrigens buchmässig total in den roten, so ein Minus hatte ich noch nie. Seltsamerweise bin ich überhaupt nicht beunruhigt, sondern bereit noch mehr Aktien zu kaufen. Allerdings warte ich nun auch auf die Bodenbildung. Ist sie bei 2 oder gar 1 ?
      schrieb am 01.06.00 11:07:27
      Beitrag Nr. 30 ()
      Ein weiterer Belge dafür, dass Nanotechnologie der nächste Mega-Trend wird:

      Aus: Die Welt Online,

      Für die Zukunft der Forschung hat Horx auch richtig erkannt, dass die heute dominierende Gentechnologie von der auf atomarer Ebene wirkende Nanotechnologie abgelöst werden wird. Allerdings verweist er dabei auf die nächsten Jahrhunderte. Schaut man jedoch weltweit in die Forschungslabors, erwachsen schon heute die ersten konkreten Anwendungen dieser Technologie der milliardstel Meter.
      Zitat Ende.
      schrieb am 01.06.00 11:09:59
      Beitrag Nr. 31 ()
      Hi Stockmanager,

      der Thalmann/Ladenburg deal sah vor, dass T/L nicht selbst das Geld bereitstellt, sondern Investoren vermittelt. Dafür hätten sie natürlich auch etwas bekommt (eine Provision in Form von einigen Prozent des Investitionsbetrages, etwas in der Art ...).
      Der Deal war für Nanopierce insoweit hervorragend, weil damit das Ansehen/die Seriosität bei potentiellen Kunden natürlich enorm stieg. Schlecht war, dass es sich hier um einen Exclusivvertrag handelte. Ausserdem hat T/L noch kein Geld aufgebracht (bei der Marktlage halten sich viele Grossinvestoren bei start-ups zurück ...). Nach Paul´s Aussage liegen bessere Angebote vor. Dann wäre es in der Tat sehr sinnvoll, den Deal zu beenden.

      Im Moment kursieren Gerüchte, dass die Finanzierung der ersten $ 4 Millionen Finanzierung auch etwas mit dem Kurssturz zu tun hatte (die Bank kann für ihren Kredit Aktien kaufen "convertibles", bei niedrigem Kurs bekommt sie natürlich mehr Aktien). Komisch ist ja, dass bei bekanntwerden des T/L deals der Kurs nur um 3/8 stieg (und das im $ 6 Bereich (allerdings war vorher ein langer Anstieg erfolgt), während die Auflösung des selben Deals den Kurs halbierte ...
      Na ja, an der OTC soll es ja auch leicht sein eine relativ unsichere Lage auszunutzen, in dem man durch ein paar kleine Verkäufe seitens der MMs und den entsprechenden Panikposts von Bashern eine Verkaufslawine in Gang setzt ... (andererseits ist der übliche Spruch bei Kurssteigerungen "someone knows something" und bei Preisstürzen "the MMs are screwing us"). Wer weiss, was da wieder wahr und was erfunden ist.

      Im Endeffekt kommt es nach wie vor darauf an, ob man der Technologie und dem Management traut. Viel Glück bei euren Entscheidungen.

      Hold NPCT and prosper :)

      schrieb am 08.06.00 21:29:32
      Beitrag Nr. 32 ()
      So, für alle, die noch investiert sind endlich mal wieder positive Neuigkeiten:

      NanoPierce Card Technologies GmbH Announces Cooperative Agreement with SimotecGmbH
      Thu Jun 08 13:39:00 EDT 2000

      NanoPierce Card Technologies GmbH, a subsidiary of NanoPierce Technologies Inc.
      (OTCBB:NPCT), and Simotec GmbH today announced the signing of a cooperative
      agreement between the two firms.

      This agreement paves the way for the interconnection processes developed by
      NanoPierce to be integrated into the highly advanced flip-chip bonder of Simotec
      GmbH. The primary target of this cooperative effort is the promising and
      extremely high-volume market for "smart labels," RFID components that will in
      the future replace bar code labels in applications such as baggage tracking at
      airports, express mail service and article surveillance.

      Dr. Michael Wernle, President & CEO of NanoPierce Card Technologies GmbH,
      commented: "This new cooperative agreement will offer NanoPierce many exciting
      opportunities in the up-and-coming smart label market. With its new ModulAS
      concept, Simotec shares our vision of modern, flexible and economical production
      equipment for the semiconductor backend assembly market. Plus, this alliance
      will give NanoPierce further access to potential users of NCS (NanoPierce
      Connection System) technology. For us, it is just the first in a whole series of
      additional cooperative and joint development agreements to come."

      According to Dr. J.P. Feraric, President & CEO of Simotec: "This cooperative
      agreement opens the door for us to a very interesting process that is geared
      specifically to high-volume products and offers definite benefits in the area of
      production costs. Moreover, by entering into this agreement we are taking a
      significant step toward achieving our goal of providing processes that are easy
      to manage, a concept that Simotec has been pursuing since its inception."

      NanoPierce Card Technologies GmbH is a 100% subsidiary of NanoPierce
      Technologies Inc. of Denver, which is traded on the Nasdaq stock market
      (OTCBB:NPCT), as well as in Frankfurt and Hamburg (OTC:NPI). In addition to the
      10 patents it owns, NanoPierce has two patent applications pending, two patent
      applications in preparation, and various other intellectual properties related
      to NanoPierce`s proprietary NCS. This advanced system is designed to provide
      significant improvement over conventional electrical and mechanical
      interconnection methods for high-density circuit boards, components, sockets,
      connectors, semiconductor packaging and electronic systems. To learn more about
      NanoPierce Technologies Inc., log on to its website at

      Simotec GmbH specializes in developing, manufacturing and marketing of fully
      automatic, flexible assembly machines for the semiconductor backend assembly
      field and the marketing of microsystem manufacturing. At the same time, the
      company also provides its international customers with associated project
      management and process support. The company was established in early 1999 by Dr.
      Feraric and J. Fischer. Financing is provided by the Munich, Germany-based
      Technologie-Holding BC, one of Europe`s most established institutional investors
      for startup technology companies. Simotec currently has over 25 employees. For
      more information on Simotec GmbH, please visit its website at

      This announcement contains forward-looking statements about NanoPierce
      Technologies Inc. that may involve risks and uncertainties. Important factors
      relating to the Company`s operations could cause actual results to differ
      materially from those in forward-looking statements and are further detailed in
      filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission available at the SEC website
      ( All forward-looking statements are based on information
      available to NanoPierce Technologies on the date hereof, and NanoPierce
      Technologies assumes no obligation to update such statements.

      CONTACT: NanoPierce Card Technologies GmbH, Hohenbrunn (Munich)
      Dr. Michael E. Wernle, President & CEO
      Phone: +49-8102-8961-0
      Fax: +49-8102-8961-11
      Simotec GmbH, Oberhaching (Munich)
      J.P. Feraric, President & CEO
      Phone: +49-89-62816-0
      Fax: +49-89-62816-599
      NanoPierce Technologies Inc., Denver
      Paul H. Metzinger, President & CEO
      Phone: 303/592-1010
      Fax: 303/592-1054
      Stock Enterprises, Las Vegas (Investor Relations)
      James Stock, 702/614-0003

      Today`s News On The Net - Business Wire`s full file on the Internet
      with Hyperlinks to your home page.

      Copyright (C) 2000 Business Wire. All rights reserved.

      Distributed via COMTEX.

      Hold NPCT and prosper :)

      schrieb am 08.06.00 22:06:34
      Beitrag Nr. 33 ()
      Das ist der Durchbruch für die NanoPierce Technologie.
      Seit lange wolte man die Technologie auf dem Gebiet der smart labels einsetzen:

      "The primary target of this cooperative effort is the promising and
      extremely high-volume market for "smart labels," RFID components that will in the future replace bar code labels in applications such as baggage tracking at airports, express mail service and article surveillance."

      Ich habe eine kleine technische Analyse gemacht:
      4 Oszilatoren (CCI, MACD, STO, RSI) haben diese Woche
      Kaufsignale abgegeben.
      Heute wurde sogar die 30-Tage Durchschnittslinie durchbrochen:
      ein neues Kaufsignal.
      Leider kann man Grafiken hier nicht einfügen.

      In USA hat NanoPierce heute über 17% geschaft.
      Was wird morgen in Deutschland ?!
      schrieb am 08.06.00 22:23:35
      Beitrag Nr. 34 ()
      Weiss irgendjemand mehr über Simotec? Angestelltenzahl, Kunden, Umsatz etc? Ich komme im Moment noch nicht an alle Infos auf deren homepage:

      Wäre nett, wenn jemand was dazu posten könnte

      Hold NPCT and prosper

      schrieb am 08.06.00 22:26:11
      Beitrag Nr. 35 ()
      Liebe Nanopiercler,

      wer von Euch kennt die ungefähre Marktkapitalisierung von Nanopierce?

      schrieb am 09.06.00 00:22:04
      Beitrag Nr. 36 ()
      Hi Chartwatcher !!

      Die Marktkapitalisierung von NPCT beträgt z.Zt. 93.93Mio. US $.
      Die Sache beginnt nach der heutigen Meldung richtig interessant zu werden. Man darf gespannt sein, wie es weitergeht ... auch kurstechnisch sehe ich noch einiges an Potential.


      schrieb am 09.06.00 09:05:02
      Beitrag Nr. 37 ()

      Beim gestern angegebenen Link bin ich irgendwie nie an weitere Seiten gekommen, bei diesem hier schon:

      NPCT Aktienanzahl:

      Oustanding: 34.5 million (rounded)
      Float: 16.8 million (rounded)

      Da Nanopierce´s Webseite im Moment erneuert wird, kann man Info´s bei Kathy oder Kloock finden. Kloock gibt eine gute Zusammenfassung von Nanopierce im RB Board:…

      Hold NPCT and prosper

      schrieb am 09.06.00 15:16:13
      Beitrag Nr. 38 ()
      moin leuts

      kann mir irgendwer mal bitte dieses englische
      gelaber(sorry) von jetsia sinngemäß auf deutsch bringen
      und dann auch noch erklären was das mit den heutigen gewinnen
      zu tun hat und was diese meldung weiterhin für nanopierce

      vielen dank im voraus

      schrieb am 09.06.00 16:48:06
      Beitrag Nr. 39 ()

      Nanopierce hat gestern einen Kooperationsvertrag mit Simotec bekanntgegeben. Simotec ist ein Engineering-, Produktions- und Dienstleistungsunternehmen im Bereich Mikro-Montage. Sie entwickeln, produzieren und vertreiben vollautomatische Montageanlagen zur flexiblen Produktion von hybriden Mikrosystemen. (RFID (Smart Labels), Optoelektronik, Telekommunikation, Halbleiter, Sensortechnik.
      Simotec stellt also u.a. Geräte für die Herstellung von Smartcards her. Hierbei wird jetzt die Verbindungs-Technologie von Nanopierce verwendet. Interessant ist, dass das junge Unternehmen Simotec ein "Ableger"(spin-off) von Siemens ist.

      Somit ist ein weiterer Schritt für die Vermarktung der Technologie von Nanopierce getan (aber hieraus folgen in naher Zukunft noch keine Einkünfte!). Dies bedeutet also vorerst "nur" einen Gewinn an Glaubwürdigkeit und die Vermarktungsfähigkeit des Produkts. Jetzt hoffen wir, dass weitere Pressemitteilungen kommen (u.a. soll das Management vervollständigt werden). Irgendwann kommen dann hoffentlich auch Meldungen über Verträge (=Einkünfte) und "Kabouuum" dann geht der Kurs durch die Decke...

      Die Aktienanzahl habe ich nur auf die Frage der Marktkapitalisierung gepostet, da diese sich ja mit dem Aktienpreis ändert.

      So, ich hoffe, dieses Gelaber ist etwas verständlicher formuliert ;)

      Hold NPCT and prosper :)

      schrieb am 09.06.00 17:18:30
      Beitrag Nr. 40 ()
      Erstklassige Threadplege Jetsia!
      Bin seit 2 dabei.

      Thanx Kasi
      schrieb am 09.06.00 17:40:42
      Beitrag Nr. 41 ()
      Danke Kasi :D ,

      Simotec stellt nicht nur Maschinen für die Smartcard Produktion her sondern auch zum "flip bonding" also für die Herstellung elektronische Verbindungen im Wafer Bereich. Um zu verstehen, worum es bei diesen Verfahren geht, hat Kathy auf ihrer Seite zwei Links angegeben (in Englisch, und diese beziehen sich nicht auf Simotec):


      Hold NPCT and prosper

      schrieb am 09.06.00 20:02:12
      Beitrag Nr. 42 ()

      weiss einer die realtimekurse von nanopierce/frankfurt.
      bin heute zu 2.90 rein.
      was ist euer kursziel zum jahresende?
      kompliement, super professioneller thread.

      bis dann.
      schrieb am 18.06.00 21:42:06
      Beitrag Nr. 43 ()

      Wenn diese Firma unsere Erwartungen erfüllt, dann sehen wir Kurse die sich keiner vorstellen kann!!! Dieser Markt (wenn man sich durchsetzt), verspricht dicke Gewinne, aber zuerst müssen die Megadeals her! Sind diese deals da wird es schnell teuer werden in diese Aktie zu investieren, an der Börse wird die Zukunft gehandelt!

      Gruß an alle NANOS vis
      schrieb am 20.06.00 09:22:34
      Beitrag Nr. 44 ()
      Hallo Leute :)

      Hier die Nachrichten von gestern:

      NANOPIERCE TECHNOLOGIES INC - Signs Technology Marketing Agreement for CellularPhone Industry
      Mon Jun 19 13:10:00 EDT 2000

      New York, New York, Jun. 19, 2000 (Market News Publishing via COMTEX) --
      NanoPierce Technologies, Inc. announced that it signed a Marketing Agreement
      with WaveCom, Ltd. of Mankato, Minnesota, to introduce and market NanoPierce`s
      proprietary NCS (NanoPierce Connection System) technology to the world`s leading
      cellular phone manufacturers.

      WaveCom, Ltd. is a marketing company, specializing in the telecommunications
      industry. Daniel S. Karvonen is the President and founder of WaveCom. Karvonen
      has been in the electronics- communications field for over 39 years.

      Karvonen was a co-founder of North American Telcomm Network, a predecessor of
      Nextel. He has established corporate business and personal relationships with
      past and present top executives at AT&T, US Sprint, Sprint PCS, US West, Nynex,
      IBM, Motorola, Nokia, Ericcson and other multinational companies.

      As part of the Agreement, WaveCom has identified eight cellular phone
      manufacturers to be the focus of its initial marketing efforts.

      NanoPierce and WaveCom believe that the NCS technology can provide significant
      advantages, such as increased miniaturization, higher component density, and
      cost savings in the manufacturing of cellular phones and other portable
      electronic products. The application of NCS eliminates lead based solder, which
      provides an important solution to environmental issues.

      Paul H. Metzinger, President & CEO of NanoPierce said, "We have always believed
      that our NCS technology would have a significant application in the cellular
      phone industry. This Agreement, with the formidable talent and invaluable
      contacts of Karvonen, provides NanoPierce with a unique opportunity to penetrate
      this enormous market."

      Karoven said, "I am pleased to announce that NanoPierce and WaveCom have signed
      a Marketing Agreement for the purpose of marketing the NCS technology to
      wireless and electronic device manufacturers. WaveCom is excited to be a partner
      involved in the worldwide introduction of NanoPierce`s revolutionary

      NanoPierce Technologies, Inc. owns 10 patents, 2 patent applications pending, 2
      patent applications in preparation and various other intellectual properties
      related to the Company`s proprietary NCS. This advanced system is designed to
      provide significant improvement over conventional electrical and mechanical
      interconnection methods for high-density circuit boards, components, sockets,
      connectors, semiconductor packaging and electronic systems.

      For more information on NanoPierce Technologies, Inc. please visit the company`s
      web site:

      Forward-Looking Statement Notice: This announcement contains forward-looking
      statements about NanoPierce Technologies, Inc. involving financial arrangements
      and company operations that may involve risks and uncertainties. Important
      factors relating to the company`s operations including the ability of
      NanoPierce`s technologies to apply its NCS to the marketplace, could cause
      actual results to differ materially from those in forward-looking statements and
      are further detailed in filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission
      available at the SEC website All forward-looking statements
      are based on information available to NanoPierce Technologies on the date
      hereof, and NanoPierce Technologies assumes no obligation to update such

      Nanopierce macht also weiter gute Fortschritte. Marketing ist ja bekanntlich unheimlich wichtig. Wenn dieser Mensch tatsächlich so gute Verbindungen im Mobiltelefon-Bereich hat, kann das nicht schaden, denke ich ;) :lick: ...

      Leider kann ich im Moment nicht so häufig ins Board schauen, also lässt die Aktualität meiner postings etwas nach ... :(

      Hold NPCT and prosper

      Jetsia :)
      schrieb am 23.06.00 09:20:21
      Beitrag Nr. 45 ()

      Andre "Techseeker" und Volker waren letze Woche bei Nanopierce zu Besuch, Volker hat Dr. Wernle getroffen, und mit ihm gesprochen. Hier der Bericht (in Englisch, da für das RB-Board verfasst):

      Nanopierce Visit:

      Visit of Nanopierce GmbH in Hohenbrunnn, Meeting with Dr. Wernle.

      Please excuse my english if you find the translation of Volkers notes diffucult to read ...

      Impression: .... for long and medium-term it looks positive (IOO ... in our opinion), not the stock for short term dreams of becoming a billionare (nothing new here). Improved and more intensive Shareholder feedback and actions and "maintenance" of sharholder value (further revenue potential due to new applications, which are not yet contained in the businessplan). New sales markets are foreseen and new applications will be added.

      Personal Impression of Dr. Wernle: .... sales professional with very much experience in the SmartCard and SmartLabel industry. Technically very deep and detailed knowledge in the SmartCard and SmartLabel area. As per Mr. Dr. Wernle, the co-operation with Paul Metzinger is oustanding. Mr. Metzinger is particularly in the financial area absolutely a top professional and very experienced.

      Funding: ... capital funds will last for 1 to 1.5 years. In the future, further 12 million shares are sold to few investors (not via stock market). The interest of potential large investors (instututions ?)is very large, however presumably only one large investor will be chosen. The coworkers of NPCT MUC operate 30-40% under their market value (30 - 40% under average sallary for such people in germany). They get stock options averaged below 6$. This options are closed for one year. Further annual option programs are planned. The empolyees seem to be very convinced of NCS.

      Technology implementation: ... as per Mr. Dr. Wernle, the integration of NCS into the production plants of the mass manufacturers a complex process. Sll materials and chemicals must pass through a complex "celan room" check before.

      The temporal sequence of the applications:
      1. SmartCards
      2. Printed circuit boards and connections (co-operation with Cirexx)
      3. SmartLabels

      SmartCard manufacturing: ... the first Prototypes will be available for big customers in 2-3 months.

      SmartLabel industry: ... first mass productions will be installed on the part of the potential NPCT customers only in 2001-2002. At present there is, as per Mr. Dr. Wernle, still no manufacturer in the world who is capable of conducting mass production for Smart Labels. Today`s calculation with theoretical mass production of 1 million Labels - > $0.60 per part, future calculation: $0.18, $0.03 are costs of contacting. from these 0,03$, NCS can save 0.01$ (and there are even the electrical advantages of NCS).

      Concrete customers/partners: ... unfortunately Dr. Wernle made no concrete statements about potential customers. He said that the potential customers require to not be mentioned until contratcs are signed. A co-operation with the Polish Telekom was also mentioned. The co-operation with Simotec in connection with a house fair at Simotec was very productive.

      Outlook: .... more intensive communication with the investors. In the next weeks/months further press the releases concerning concrete applications. New Markets (not in the Businessplan mentioned at Stockreporter)
      So far, heat conductivity of diamonds has not been considered (new applications) Epoxyresin 0.35 - > diamond 2000 W/m K as per Mr. Wernle, this is not only an additional use but a future large sales market (unfortunately he did not want to mention which market), further operation fields (publication follows this week) as per Mr. Wernle, conncections must be lead free in the EU starting from 2003-4. Patent of NPCT protects the type of the electrical connection not bound to the materials (hard particles in leading carrier mass). As per Mr. Wernle, further materials for special customer requirements are tested.

      We hope that this was objective enough, and I hope, that I translated Volkers notes the right way.



      Hold NPCT and prosper

      Jetsia :)
      schrieb am 23.06.00 21:05:28
      Beitrag Nr. 46 ()
      Hallo Nanos,

      kann mir jemand bei der Suche nach weiteren Aktien im Bereich der Nanotechnologie helfen?

      Folgende weitere Werte sind mir derzeit bekannt:

      - Nanogen
      - Nanophase
      - Affymetrix

      Bin bisher mit kleineren Positionen bei Affymetrix und Nanogen investiert (beide GeneChip). Nanopierce und Nanophase nehme ich seit ein paar Tagen unter die Lupe und bin auf den ersten Blick der Meinung, dass es sich lohnen könnte hier frühzeitg investiert zu sein! Da die Anwendungsbereiche der Nanotechnologie sehr weitreichend sind, wäre eine Kurzinfo zu den Werten nicht schlecht!

      Danke Bogo!
      schrieb am 24.06.00 21:40:18
      Beitrag Nr. 47 ()

      mehr Informationen zu Nanopierce findest du auf der Homepage leider wechseln sie gerade zu einem anderen Anbieter :( . Auch auf Kathy´s Investor to Investor Seite findet man Infos:….

      Und natürlich hier im Board in Thread I (einfach NPCT als Suchbegriff eingeben, dann erscheinen die einzelnen Threads). Lies diese einfach mal von Anfang an durch :yawn:

      Zu Nanotechnologie Firmen :eek: :confused: gibt es im Ragingbull Board ein eigenes Board:…

      So, hoffe das hilft Dir weiter. Hold NPCT and prosper

      Jetsia :)
      schrieb am 26.06.00 20:54:11
      Beitrag Nr. 48 ()
      Danke Jetsia,

      sieht heute ja nicht so gut aus für NPCT, aber bei einer längeren Anlage ja nicht entscheidend! Habe das Wochenende für Recherchen genutzt und werde in den nächsten Wochen bei einigen Nanowerten mit kleineren Beträgen einsteigen.

      Gruß Bogo!

      P.S. Wann meinst Du kommt der Börendurchbruch in der Nanotechnologie?
      schrieb am 26.06.00 23:02:21
      Beitrag Nr. 49 ()

      was war denn heute bei NPCT los???

      Habe alles Board`s durchsucht (deutsche + englische) und nicht gefunden.

      Hat jemand eine Ahnung???


      schrieb am 27.06.00 08:23:32
      Beitrag Nr. 50 ()
      Hey Leute,grundlegende Frage:
      Warum lauft Nanophase besser als Nanopierce,die Umsätze sind auch stärker?
      MFG Geko
      schrieb am 29.06.00 08:17:49
      Beitrag Nr. 51 ()

      Kathy hat auf ihrer Seite noch einmal eine e-mail Korrespondenz mit Simotec gepostet:…

      Nanopierce ist seit über einem Jahr in einem Kooperationsprojekt mit Orga Kartensysteme GmbH. Orga hat nun zusammen mit anderen Firmen (ich glaube u.a. OTI) eine Ausschreibung der US Regierung zur Entwicklung von Smartkarten/Standards etc gewonnen. Mehr zu Orga gibt es ebenfalls auf Kathy´s Seite.

      Was den Preisverfall betrifft so kann ich nur spekulieren, dass einige Trader (von denen es bei NPCT ja viele gibt) erst frühestens ab August mit Verträgen rechnen (wenn die Maschinen-Prototypen fertiggestellt sind)und ihr Geld zwischendurch woanders "arbeiten" lassen wollen. Bei Neuigkeiten werden sie natürlich sofort wieder "aufspringen" so dass die Volatilität gerade bei Nanopierce schon enorm ist. Aber wie gesagt, dass ist nur meine Spekulation. Einen wirklichen Grund gibt es wohl nicht.

      Als Investorin finde ich die Entwicklung der letzten Monate sehr positiv (abgesehen vom Aktienpreis :( ... ). Allerdings hätte ich mir natürlich schon Verträge gewünscht, da die Äusserungen bezüglich möglicher Verträge ja schon eine Weile ganz positiv klingen.

      Metzinger ist im Moment wieder in Deutschland.

      Hold NPCT and prosper

      schrieb am 05.07.00 20:43:30
      Beitrag Nr. 52 ()
      Ist die News noch keinem aufgefallen tzzz
      Nu haste den ersten Vertrag jetsia :D


      Wednesday July 5, 01:56 PM Eastern time
      Company Press Release

      NanoPierce Card Technologies GmbH Announces First Revenue-Generating Contract With Lipag Industrial-Consulting Establishment, Liechtenstein

      HOHENBRUNN/MUNICH, Germany--(BUSINESS WIRE)--July 5, 2000-- NANOPIERCE CARD TECHNOLOGIES GmbH, a subsidiary of NanoPierce Technologies Inc. (NPCT : OTCBB & NPI:Frankfurt Stock Exchange) and LIPAG in cooperation with 3S SILICON TECH, Inc. and 3S-Phoenix, Inc. announced the signing of a contract for software development and project management.

      This is the first revenue-generating business for NanoPierce Card Technologies, only four months after the company`s founding in January 2000. The contract covers the development of special machine control software for the new die bonder series from 3S Silicon Tech and the entire international project management.

      3S Silicon Tech, Inc. and 3S-Phoenix, based in Hsinchu, Taiwan and in Chandler, Arizona, USA, respectively, are internationally renowned suppliers of high-tech die bonders for backend assembly in the semiconductor industry, which is also a primary target market for the NCS (NanoPierce Connection System) interconnection processes developed by NanoPierce Technologies, Inc.

      Dr. Michael Wernle, President and CEO of NanoPierce Card Technologies GmbH, commented, "A contract with Lipag/3S is another big step for NanoPierce into the semiconductor backend assembly industry with many potential users. Klaus Utech, Corporate Director of 3S, is an internationally respected specialist in the field of die bonders, with excellent contacts to all major players in the industry. The alliance with 3S is for NanoPierce the next joint development agreement in the series to come."

      Mr. Klaus Utech, Corporate Director of 3S, is convinced that "this joint development combines high-tech die bonding equipment with the latest die bonder machine control software development from the specialists at NanoPierce. We found in NanoPierce a competent partner that has the capacity and capability to manage this international project. In addition, the NCS (NanoPierce Connection System) represents a very promising technology for future projects and developments in semiconductor assembly."

      NANOPIERCE CARD TECHNOLOGIES, GmbH, is a 100 subsidiary of NanoPierce Technologies, Inc. of Denver, Colorado, USA which is traded on the Nasdaq Electronic Bulletin Board stock market under ticker NPCT as well as in Frankfurt and Hamburg (NPI). In addition to the 10 patents it owns, NanoPierce has two patent applications pending, two patent applications in preparation and various other intellectual properties related to the Company`s proprietary NCS. This advanced system is designed to provide significant improvement over conventional electrical and mechanical interconnection methods for high-density circuit boards, components, sockets, connectors, semiconductor packaging and electronic systems.

      For more information on NanoPierce Technologies, Inc. please visit the company`s web site:

      3S-Phoenix is a maker of custom semiconductor manufacturing equipment and has provided custom automated assembly solutions to customers around the world. The firm specializes in high-speed die attach and pick & place equipment. Its experience and knowledge base are the product of a close relationship to the respected German manufacturer Foton since the late 1970s. For more information on 3S-Phoenix, Inc. please visit their website at

      Forward-Looking Statement Notice: This announcement contains forward-looking statements about Nanopierce Technologies, Inc. involving financial arrangements and company operations that may involve risks and uncertainties. Important factors relating to the company`s operations including the ability of NanoPierce`s technologies to apply its NCS to the marketplace, could cause actual results to differ materially from those in forward-looking statements and are further detailed in filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission available at the SEC website All forward-looking statements are based on information available to NanoPierce Technologies on the date hereof, and NanoPierce Technologies assumes no obligation to update such statements.
      schrieb am 05.07.00 22:07:45
      Beitrag Nr. 53 ()

      das sind mal gute Nachrichten.
      Und in Amerika wird Sie auch am Markt honoriert.
      Schlusskurs 2,50 $ +28,87 %

      Der erste Schritt in die grosse Zukunft wurde gemacht...
      Gut das man da schon mitdabei ist. ;)

      Gute Nacht
      schrieb am 05.07.00 22:25:17
      Beitrag Nr. 54 ()
      Na, wer sagt´s denn! Das sind doch Neuigkeiten! Der Anfang mit Verträgen, die Geld bringen ist gemacht. :D :D :D

      :laugh: :lick: :eek:

      Ich denke nicht, dass der heutige Gewinn halten wird, aber wer weiss. Das ist auf jeden Fall ein grosser Schritt voran. Und es werden hoffentlich noch mehrere Folgen :D :)

      Leider kann ich nicht mehr so oft in´s Board schauen, aber Nanopierce kommt auch ohne mich ganz gut zurecht (wer hätte das gedacht ;) )

      Hold NPCT and prosper

      schrieb am 07.07.00 12:10:04
      Beitrag Nr. 55 ()

      MACMAX ich hoffe du bist dabei?

      schrieb am 07.07.00 14:34:04
      Beitrag Nr. 56 ()
      Hi Vis !

      Noch nicht aber sobald es losgeht :D

      schrieb am 07.07.00 21:27:49
      Beitrag Nr. 57 ()
      Was war denn das für eine Performance vorgestern, gestern und heute? Endlich eine Super-Nachricht, + 35% und am nächsten Tagen wieder runter, tolle Einstiegsgelegenheit, heute seriöser, moderater Kursanstieg. Nur zur Erinnerung: 300% bis Jahresende sind drin!
      schrieb am 10.07.00 22:39:48
      Beitrag Nr. 58 ()
      Hi Leute!

      Ich glaube, Nanopierce arbeitet auch an einer deutschen Homepage. Zumindest ist die Adresse mittlerweile vergeben.

      Live long and prosper ;)

      schrieb am 11.07.00 19:41:42
      Beitrag Nr. 59 ()
      Hi Leute,

      hier ein Artikel der Zeitschrift Markt & Technik der letzten Monat erschienen ist. Kathy hat die Übersetzung im Raging-Bull Board gepostet:

      Translated from Markt&Technik, the German weekly newspaper for electronics and information technology, Munich, June 9, 2000

      New connection technology from NanoPierce Card Technologies cuts costs

      Need something pierced?

      “Diamonds are forever” -that’s what the recently founded company NanoPierce Card Technologies thought. Using industrial diamonds as connection elements in electronics production, this “David” now wants to compete against the “Goliaths” of the conventional soldering league.

      “With our new connection technology, called the NanoPierce Connection System (NCS), we kill two birds with one stone; the connections guarantee excellent electrical properties and at the same time are very economical to manufacture”, claims Dr. Michael E. Wernle, President and CEO of NanoPierce Card Technologies. This innovative technology is based on a simple concept. As an alternative to conventional soldered connections, the company is putting their money on a mixture of industrial diamond dust and nickel. The basis for this process is a chemical-nickel bath used to apply the particles. “The result is reminiscent of fine-grain sandpaper, except that the whole thing takes place in the nanometer range,” explains Wernle. The industrial diamond dust particles are from 5 to 75µm in size. Using low force, these contacts can be pressed onto the mostly conductive contact partner (strip conductor, coil, thick-layer substrate) and then mechanically affixed with an inexpensive adhesive. The hard diamond splinters penetrate the material, providing a durably stable, electrically conducting connection with excellent RF properties. Depending on their size, an average of approximately 50 to 200 of these diamond fragments can fit onto a square millimeter.

      Similar to graphite, the dust is available in various grain size levels, making the NCS process suitable for us in diverse applications. These include the miniaturization process currently being pushed by the telecommunications industry as well as more complex applications. The patented process does not require a clean room since the contact surfaces are roughened and, as a result, are not very sensitive. Plus, any layers of contamination on the surfaces to be contacted are simply “pierced” through. Neither special machines nor a special adhesive are necessary, which means that this connection technology could definitely be the way of the future. “The application of the coating containing these particles eliminates the need for the soldering process. That’s why our solution is also a viable alternative to the current lead-free discussion.” The materials used and the gluing process effectively reduce costs, promises Wernle. Besides industrial diamond dust, other materials can be used that are sufficiently pointed and hard.

      “The NCS process is designed to optimize costs and throughput,” Wernle accounts for the high yield. At present, the robust connection is primarily being used for smart cards. But NCS can also be applied in other areas, such as smart labels, flexible circuit boards, or wafer piercing. In the latter case, the NanoPierce contacts are directly applied onto the wafer as an alternative to gold bumps, enabling a low-cost flip-chip process. “The versatility of the process prevents us from having to depend on just one market. Nevertheless, we see smart cards as our chance for a breakthrough in the electronics production branch,” says Wernle. This is also verified by figures from Frost & Sullivan. The market research firm predicts an annual growth rate of 24%, to over 4 billion smart cards in 2004. NanoPierce Card Technologies is working closely in this sector with the smart card manufacturer Orga Card Systems, which is also using the new process.

      In addition, the company has been able to win over other partners. Taiko-Denki, a Japanese manufacturer of connectors, and Cirexx, a U.S. manufacturer that specializes in producing prototype circuit boards, in particular for the telecommunications market.

      With ten employees in three locations (Colorado Springs, Denver and Munich), NanoPierce Card Technologies, founded in January 1999, is gearing up. Thirty million dollars from the New York investment firm Ladenberg & Thalman, among others, are making it possible for this “piercing” specialist, listed on the New York Nasdaq [OTC Bulletin Board] and the Hamburg and Frankfurt stock markets, not only to search for additional partners, but also to continue developing this technology.

      Photos with the article:

      1. Dr. Michael E. Wernle, President and CEO of NanoPierce Card Technologies

      2. Close up of a pad. The particles of hard industrial diamond dust are easy to see.

      3. NanoPierce Connection System. The application of the coating containing these particles eliminates the need for the entire soldering process.

      4. The industrial diamond dust particles range from 5 to 75 µm in size. Depending on their size, an average of approximately 50 to 200 of these diamond fragments can fit onto a square millimeter.

      5. At present, the robust connection is primarily being used for smart cards.

      6. As an alternative to conventional soldered connections, the company is putting their money on a mixture of industrial diamond dust and nickel. The basis for this process is a chemical-nickel bath used to apply the particles. The result is reminiscent of fine-grain sandpaper, except that the whole thing takes place in the nanometer range.

      Weiterhin postet DiFranscesco (der Erfinder der Technologie) im Ragingbull Board merkwürdige Sachen :eek: , die mich doch etwas an seinem Geisteszustand zweifeln lassen, zumindest ist er ein äusserst emotionaler Mensch. Er möchte in Berufung gehen und sucht über das Board Geld und Unterstützung, damit er die Technologie vermarkten kann !??!
      Die Tatsache, dass er vor Gericht bereits unterlegen ist und der Richter ihm untersagt hat, auf Boards bzgl Nanopierce zu posten scheint ihn nicht zu stören ... Dinge gibt´s :confused:

      Paul Metzinger hat Kathy ein Fax zur momentanen finanziellen Situation geschickt. Nanopierce Inc. steht finanziell sehr gut da. Nanopierce Deutschland wird, wenn sich die Dinge so wie jetzt weiterentwickeln, bis zum Ende des Jahres finanziell auf eigenen Füssen stehen können, braucht dann also nicht mehr von Nanopierce Inc. unterstützt zu werden.

      Angebote für eine Finanzierung von seriösen Investmentbanken liegen im Umfang von 2 bis zu 20 Millionen $ vor. Der letzte Absatz klingt vielversprechend :lick:

      "If there is a perception by some shareholders or prospective investors that we do not have the financial resources and stability to accomplish our business objectives they could not be more wrong. We have never been stronger. The forthcoming weeks are going to be very exciting when we can announce all the achievements of our team. Performance is what it is all about. We are willing to be judged by our results.

      Signed: Paul Metzinger"


      Hold NPCT and prosper

      Jetsia :)
      schrieb am 12.07.00 17:15:27
      Beitrag Nr. 60 ()
      Hallo Leute :) !

      Nach Kathy´s Aussage im RB Board ist die Fertigung der zwei Prototypen (für die Hochgeschwindigkeitsapplikation von NCS auf Smartcardmodulen) die für August geplant war sogar etwas dem Zeitplan voraus. :D

      Diese Module werden dann an Orga für die Feldtests gesandt (d.h. die Kunden werden die Karten mit NCS Verbindungen beim täglichen Gebrauch prüfen).
      Wenn diese Tests zufriedenstellend verlaufen, wird Orga Aufträge erteilen. Aber zuerst muss natürlich die praktische Tauglichkeit im Feldversuch getestet werden.
      Bisher wurden die Karten mit NCS in Colorado Springs manuell gefertigt, dies war aber sehr aufwendig und konnte keine genügend grosse Anzahl für die Tests liefern. Für die Feldversuche sind anscheinend 50 000 Einheiten geordert worden.

      Diese Prototypmaschinen werden diese erste Order herstellen, wenn sie selbst fertiggestellt worden sind. Es gibt ja zwei dieser Prototypmaschinen. Die erste ist dazu da, NCS auf dem Smartcardmodul
      anzubringen, die zweite "säubert" die Module nachdem NCS angebracht wurde damit sich keine überflüssiges NCS auf der Karte befindet.

      Hold NPCT and prosper

      schrieb am 12.07.00 18:50:40
      Beitrag Nr. 61 ()
      ... I still will hold on (oder so)!

      schrieb am 29.07.00 10:37:18
      Beitrag Nr. 62 ()

      ist hier noch jemand oder habt ihr schon alle verkauft?

      schrieb am 29.07.00 16:30:43
      Beitrag Nr. 63 ()

      Hi maximierer...wieso fragst du? Bist du dir deiner Investments nicht selber sicher oder nicht mehr sicher?
      Das ist ein heisses Ding, und wenn es läuft dann läuft know..

      schrieb am 30.07.00 00:16:10
      Beitrag Nr. 64 ()
      Nö, ich bin z.B. noch drin, zumindest für die nächsten 2 Jahre (IMO, außer wir fallen auf .30, oder gearde dann deshalb ? LOL)

      $2 - 2.50 bis News rauskommen IMO. Da muss man halt warten, was demnächst kommt. Ohne fundamentale News werden wir da hängen bleiben und
      ansonsten nur klein Hüpfer machen, bis der Preis nach ein paar Wochen wieder runter geht.

      Der Prototyp soll irgendwann in August fertig sein, wann es dann dazu news gibt, wird man sehen.

      Nach dem Teleboerse Bericht sollte ja auch bald bekannt gegeben werden, wer der neue große Investor ist. Ich hoffe ja, dass ist die Technology Holding, na ja, viwllwicht auch nur ne blöde Bank.
      Oder ein großer aus der Industrie ? Who knows ...

      Ich lass mich überraschen wo die Reise hingeht, aber ich habe ein sehr gutes Gefühl, langfrisitg gesehen IMO ...

      Aufwärts gehts langfristig aber nur, wenn dicke Verträge und Revenue kommen. Bis Ende des Jahres sollte sich da was getan haben IMO.




      Tschökes, Techs
      schrieb am 30.07.00 20:18:17
      Beitrag Nr. 65 ()
      Hi Leute!

      Ich hab noch ´ne Order für 2 USD im Markt. Hoffe die wird Morgen ausgeführt. Ansonsten kann man eigentlich nur abwarten.
      schrieb am 01.08.00 15:44:09
      Beitrag Nr. 66 ()
      Ey Jetsia,

      hast du das letzte mal auf geschaut :
      Last modified:
      June 19, 2000

      Ist etwas antiquiert. Gefällt mir nicht.

      schrieb am 07.08.00 09:21:36
      Beitrag Nr. 67 ()
      Hi Eisi,

      na ja, neue Aktionäre wird so eine Webseite wohl kaum anlocken...Nanopierce hat zu einem andere provider gewechselt und ist im Begriff die ganze Website neu gestalten zu lassen. Wahrscheinlich werden die Arbeitskräfte momentan woanders gebraucht.

      Das scheint ja eine immer längere Geduldsprobe zu werden. Ich glaube aber weiterhin, das NPCT mit seiner Technologie, Management und den vorhandenen Experten/Kontakten langfristig sehr erfolgreich sein wird. Wir werden sehen.

      Hold NPCT and prosper

      schrieb am 07.08.00 19:09:39
      Beitrag Nr. 68 ()
      Hier ein netter (wenn auch etwas ausschweifender) Bericht über den Besuch von Kent Kloock´s Vater bei Nanopierce in Hohenbrunn:…

      Kent Kloock`s father took a trip to Germany recently and made a side trip to visit the Nanopierce Card Technologies GmbH facility. He wrote an email to Kent to describe the visit and has given me permission to share it with my readers. I did speak with him for a while in regard to the visit with the hope of coaxing out some further information. Some photographs were taken at the facility which I hope to get access to and post to my web site along with this letter from Mr. Kloock. The main thing I noticed in our conversation was that Mr. Kloock came back enthused about what he had seen and ready to invest more money in the company based upon his visit.

      From: Arnold Kloock
      To: Kent Kloock
      Sent: Wednesday, August 02, 2000 4:55 PM
      Subject: NanoPierce Card Technologies GmbH

      On Monday, 1 August 2000, I was picked up at my hotel in Munich by a taxi sent by NanoPierce Card Technologies GmbH. The ride in an Audi was the beginning of an exciting day. The driver didn`t spare the engine as he drove the 15 or so kilometers from downtown Munich to the suburb of Hohenbrunn, the location of NanoPierce Card Technologies GmbH

      I entered the building and went to the second floor and introduced myself to Mr. Bernhardt Maier, who is in charge of sales and marketing, and Bernhardt introduced me in turn to Michael Kober and Karl Heinz Kuhn. Thanks to the taxi driver`s speedy delivery I was a bit early for our meeting. Mr. Maier took me into a conference room which was well supplied with a pot of very good coffee as well as other refreshments. I indulged in a cup of coffee as Mr. Maier completed his activities and started a four hour session describing NanoPierce Technologies, along with some personal statements, and a dinner at a 400 year old hunting lodge having excellent fare.

      The second floor has several rooms serving as offices, reception, conference, laboratory, computer, storage and other. Some rooms appeared to be somewhat empty aside from use for equipment storage and because they are attempting to hire more personnel. I was told that they have advertised in local, national, and world publications with little success in hiring a receptionist and assistant with the proper qualifications and willingness to relocate to Hohenbrunn. I was told that there was to be another employee entering the company on 2 August 2000.

      The laboratory contains some bonding and test equipment to determine the integrity of the bonding process of chips into the cards. Both super glue and hot melt glues are used. Two sides of the laboratory were open tables waiting for more test equipment. I was told that the equipment was ordered and delivery was expected shortly.

      In the conference room Mr. Maier presented a very good picture of NanoPierce as a company that has a process that would greatly improve the reliability of contacts, as well as eliminate the use of lead in the solder for the now common bonding process. He is very forward in his attitude that the process has a great future because of its nature.

      Mr. Maier showed me several photographic transparencies made by Dr. Wernle dated January 2000. The transparencies were obviously designed to make a favorable impression of the NanoPierce contact process. They also showed a projection for the future five years of improved usage of the NanoPierce bond process.

      Although I did not meet Dr. Wernle, I believe I experienced his attitude for a well run company in which all employees get along well with each other and have great respect for each other. They believe in the process and have a definitely positive attitude towards the future of NanoPierce Technologies.

      The future shows definite plans for a production system by the end of next year. In the present they have visited several French companies and one company has visited them for a possible contract. This is not now set in concrete but very promising. They are also looking for other companies to share the process.

      Ironically, later in the afternoon, a local tour guide not connected with NanoPierce stated to me "that Munich is known as the chip center of the future and is approaching that status fast."


      Hold NPCT and prosper :)

      schrieb am 07.08.00 20:39:09
      Beitrag Nr. 69 ()
      Hallo Jetsia,

      nachdem Du aus dem Urlaub wieder zurück bist, wird die Beitragszahl ja wieder steigen (wie man heute in diversen Boards sehen kann ;)! In unserem Depot liegen zwischenzeitlich auch ein paar Nanopierce :). Mal schaun, wann es Neuigkeiten gibt! Speziel der Verlauf mit Orga wird interessant!

      Gruß Bogo!
      schrieb am 12.08.00 16:35:14
      Beitrag Nr. 70 ()
      Hallo Leute !

      Ich habe eine interessante deutsche Zusammenfassung zu NPCT gefunden :

      Nanopierce : Hightech in kleinsten Dimensionen

      Nanopierce hat ein Verfahren entwickelt, das die in der Chipproduktion bisher üblichen Löt- und Verbindungstechniken ersetzen kann. Wenn die derzeit im Bau befindlichen Muster den Praxistest bestehen, könnten Halbleiterhersteller wie Infineon, Motorola und Philips bald zu den Kunden gehören. Allerdings hat das Unternehmen bislang noch kein Produkt auf dem Markt.

      Die bisher in der Chip-Produktion verwandten Verfahren zur so genannten Verdrahtung - Chips und andere elektronische Komponenten werden durch kleine Drähte unter grosser Hitze und mit grossem Druck verbunden - haben sich als zu kostenaufwendig und kompliziert erwiesen. Deshalb kann die Nachfrage der Chip-Industrie nach der Lösung von Nanopierce (NCS) als sehr hoch eingeschätzt werden - sobald Nanopierce nachweisen kann, dass sich das Verfahren in der Massenproduktion bewährt.

      Definition: Nanotechnologie
      Der Begriff Nanotechnologie bezeichnet die Möglichkeit, Elemente in kleinsten (molekulare) Einheiten darzustellen, zu simulieren und zu produzieren. Ergebnis ist dann die Miniaturisierung von Elementen und Systemen. Gegenstand der Nanotechnologie als angewandte Wissenschaft ist der gezielte Aufbau von kleinsten Struktureinheiten und Teilchen aus dem Baukasten des Periodensystems der Elemente, um damit Werkstoffe mit neuen Eigenschaften, winzigste Maschinen und ganze Systeme herzustellen. Dies erfordert Arbeiten in kleinsten Dimensionen, denn 7 bis 10 Atome in Reihe entsprechen 1/ m, einem Nanometer. Zum Vergleich: Ein Nano-Strukturelement verhält sich in der Größe zu einem Fußball wie der Fußball zur Erde. Bisher war die Konstruktion in Nanodimensionen eine Domäne der Natur: Seit Jahrmillionen "baut" sie nach diesem bewährten Grundprinzip unsere Welt aus Pflanzen, Tieren und Menschen. Darauf greift jetzt auch die Nanotechnologie zurück. Wissenschaftler sehen in ihr eine der Schlüsseltechnologien des 21. Jahrhunderts.

      Paul H. Metzinger ist Gründer und Vorstandsvorsitzender der Nanopierce Technologies Inc. Er ist der Guru der jungen Firma. Neben ihm haben vor allem Technik-Experten bei Nanopierce angeheuert. Herbert J. Neuhaus ist Vize-Präsident für Technologie und Marketing. Michael J. Kenney ist ein erfahrener Ingenieur, der für Nanopierce Lösungen im Wafer-Bereich entwickeln soll. Wafer sind jene Scheiben, aus denen Chips geformt werden. Richard L. Cunningham soll als Prozessingenieur die automatisierte Massenproduktion des NCS erforschen und erproben. Kenney und Cunningham bilden das Kernentwickungsteam.

      Kooperationen und Konkurrenz
      Als wichtigste Kooperation erscheint derzeit eine Vereinbarung mit dem Mühlbauer-Spin-Off Simotec. Als Spezialist für die Mikro-Montage stellt Simotec Geräte für die Herstellung von Smartcards her. Von der Partnerschaft mit Simotec erhofft sich Nanopierce eine bessere Vermarktung des zukünftigen Produkts. Weitere Kooperationen sollen, so Dr. Michael E. Wernle von Nanopierce, in drei bis vier Monaten vorgestellt werden. Zwar hat auch die israelische OTI - auch am Neuen Markt notiert - eine Technologie entwickelt, die eine kontaktlose Verbindung von Antenne und Chip auf Smart Cards ermöglicht. Allerdings ist die OTI-Lösung, so eine erste Einschätzung von Experten, eher komplentär zu Nanopierce NCS. Da Nanopierce über insgesamt zehn Patente verfügt, ist das geistige Eigentum ohnehin ausreichend geschützt.

      Einer der Anteilseigner ist die amerikanische Intercell. Auch diese Gesellschaft wurde von Paul H. Metzinger gegründet und hält noch 30 Prozent an Nanopierce. Intercell betreibt derzeit keine operatives Geschäft und besteht nur noch als börsennotierte Mantelgesellschaft. Ansonsten hat sich Nanopierce über bisher zwei Risikokapitalrunden finanziert. Im Januar investierte die New Yorker Gesellschaft Equinox vier Millionen Dollar. Im Februar stieg dann die Investmentbank Ladenburg, Thalmann & Co mit einer Summe von 30 Millionen Dollar bei Nanopierce ein. Allerdings machte Nanopierce schlußendlich einen Rückzieher, da es "zu Diskussionen um die weiteren Konditionen" kam, wie Dr. Wernle (Vizepräsident für strategische Geschäftsentwicklung) erklärt. Noch in dieser Woche soll allerdings ein neuer Investor präsentiert werden. Wohl dem, der in einer so entscheidenden Phase noch wählerisch sein kann. Noch vor einem Jahr herrschte nämlich noch absolute Ebbe in den Kassen von Nanopierce. Derzeit verfügt Nanopierce über Barmittel in Höhe von 2,5 Millionen Dollar.

      Der Kurs von Nanopierce zeigt den typisch volatilen Verlauf eines Penny-Stock. Von 0,27 Euro im November vergangenen Jahres explodierte die Aktie auf 6,6 Euro im März. Doch genauso schnell, wie die Party begonen hatte, ging sie auch wieder zu Ende. Im Mai rutschte der Kurs sogar unter die 2 Euro-Marke und notiert aktuell bei 2,3 Euro. Bei Werten um die 2 Euro scheint sich jetzt ein Boden zu bilden. Ein Ausbruch über die 3-Euro-Marke könnte bei positiver Nachrichtenlage schnell gelingen. Eine neue Finanzierung soll ja bald unter Dach und Fach sein.

      WKN: 916 132
      Umsatz (1999): --
      KGV (99/00): -17,5
      Kürzel: NPCT
      Börsen: XETRA, NASDAQ OTC
      Kurs (20.7.2000): 2,44 $

      Fazit: Nanopierce ist ein Zukunftswert. Das Unternehmen macht noch keinen Umsatz, hat Patente angemeldet und steckt in der Entwicklung von Prototypen. Bis Jahresende sollte sich zeigen, ob Nanopierce in der Lage ist, ein Produkt am Markt zu plazieren.

      Gruß DD
      schrieb am 12.08.00 22:04:09
      Beitrag Nr. 71 ()
      Hallo DerDraufleger!

      Schöner Artikel! Vielen Dank, dass Du ihn reingestellt hast. Kannst Du noch die Quelle nennen? Wäre nett.

      Hold NPCT and prosper

      schrieb am 13.08.00 17:33:40
      Beitrag Nr. 72 ()

      High-Risk-Markt steht die Aktie gut beschrieben!!!!!
      schrieb am 13.08.00 18:44:46
      Beitrag Nr. 73 ()
      @ jetsia dax :
      Sorry hattte ich vergessen, Michael16 hat mich ``entlarvt``. Ich habe den Text kopiert und ensprechend hier zusammengefügt.

      Ich hätte es im nachhinein auch so lösen können ( aber warum einfach, wenn ..... ) :

      Gruß DD
      schrieb am 13.08.00 19:48:08
      Beitrag Nr. 74 ()
      Dir sei verziehen!!!!!!! :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
      schrieb am 13.08.00 19:54:52
      Beitrag Nr. 75 ()
      Vielen Dank Michael und DD!
      schrieb am 13.08.00 21:53:47
      Beitrag Nr. 76 ()
      Das sind ja gute Nachrichten. Vielleicht kaufe ich noch ein paar nach, die jetzigen Kurse laden ja geradezu dazu ein. ;)

      Vielen Dank und viele Grüße,


      P.S.: Hat schon mal jemand den Webmaster der Deutschen NPCT-Seite angeschrieben?
      schrieb am 14.08.00 19:03:55
      Beitrag Nr. 77 ()

      Dirk..wieso nicht!!!!

      schrieb am 14.08.00 22:12:05
      Beitrag Nr. 78 ()
      WARUM fählt der kurs um ca.17% :confused: :confused:
      schrieb am 14.08.00 23:28:56
      Beitrag Nr. 79 ()
      Hi Visitor!

      Ich denke, ich warte noch etwas. Vielleicht sehen wir noch bessere Kurse.
      Hat der Kursverlauf vielleicht etwas mit der (angeblichen?) Klage gegen NPCT zu tun?

      @Jetsia, kannst Du kurz etwas zu der Klage schreiben? Wäre Super Nett von Dir.

      Vielen Dank und viele Grüße,

      schrieb am 15.08.00 06:37:22
      Beitrag Nr. 80 ()
      Guten Morgen zusammen,

      tja, ist nicht schön, den Kurs so runtergehen zu sehen. Warum er fällt? Da kann man nur spekulieren. Die Prototypen für die Highspeed NCS Applikation sollen im August/September fertigwerden. Dies ist der entscheidende Schritt. Wenn sich Nanopierce hier bewährt, werden die grossen Firmen wohl "anbeissen". Aber der Durchschnitts OTC Spekulant denkt sich wohl, es wird wahrscheinlich noch etwas dauern, bis die Maschinen "serienreif" an grosse Kunden verkauft und bedeutende Verträge unterzeichnet werden können. Also verlieren einige die Geduld und "spielen" mit dem Geld lieber anderswo. (Um ggf. bei News nicht sofort wieder einzusteigen).

      NPCT lebt von Nachrichten. Jetzt sind eine Zeit lang keine Nachrichten gekommen, also wird der Abwärtstrend nicht gebrochen. Wahrscheinlich warten einige Investoren auch die Herstellung/Funktionsfähigkeit der Prototypen oder eine neue Finanzierung ab.

      Zum Gerichtsverfahren. In dem Prozess letztes Jahr (Louis DiFrancesco gegen Nanopierce um die Rechte an NCS) hat Nanopierce ganz klar alle Rechte zuerkannt bekommen. Louis hatte dagegen Berufung eingelegt, seine Aussichten scheinen jedoch sehr gering. Nach allem, was ich so im Board gelesen habe, hat sich folgendes abgespielt bzw. spielt sich noch ab: Obwohl ihm vom Richter ausdrücklich untersagt wurde auf Boards über NPCT zu posten, macht Louis dies trotzdem. Er versucht dort Leute zu werben, die bei ihm "investieren". Er könne schliesslich alles besser regeln als Metzinger. Mal abgesehen davon, dass DiFranscesco in den 4 Jahren in denen er versucht hat, etwas zustande zubringen wirklich nichts erreicht hat (bei der Demonstration einer selbstgebastelten Maschine, die NCS auftragen sollte hatte er sich angeblich blamiert) wirkt sein jetziger Versuch doch eher als Verzweiflungstat/Rache (wenn man seine postings verfolgt, kann man wirklich an seinem Geisteszustand zweifeln). Er hat die Rechte an NCS verkauft, bereut dies und scheint nicht darüber hinweg zu kommen.
      Durch seine Postings (und damit den Verstoß gegen richterliche Auflagen) werden seine Erfolgsaussichten vor Gericht - wenn sie denn überhaupt bestanden - noch geringer.

      Mittlererweile sammeln Aktionäre von Nanopierce im RB Board Geld für eine Klage gegen DiFrancesco. Weil seine Beleidigungen und Ausführungen den Kurs rutschen lassen.

      Das dieses wirre Geposte nicht gerade positiv wirkt, nehme ich an. Auf jeden Fall werden potentielle Investoren durch das Durcheinander erst mal abgeschreckt.
      Die täglichen Umsätze sind ja wirklich sehr gering. Es liegt also keine Verkaufspanik sondern ein langsamer "Geduldsverlust" vor. Dies wird sich nur durch positive Nachrichten ändern, die hoffentlich bald kommen werden.

      Kurzfristig sind diese Preise sehr unbefriedigend, um es mal milde auszudrücken :( . Langfristig kommt es darauf an, ob die richtige Technologie, die richtigen Experten und das richtige Management vorhanden sind. Ich bin nach wie vor fest davon überzeugt. Wir werden sehen...

      Hold NPCT and prosper

      schrieb am 15.08.00 12:39:17
      Beitrag Nr. 81 ()
      Hier die Darstellung der Situation von Kathy, die ja sehr gute Kontakte zu Nanopierce hat:

      I just sent this out in my newsletter:

      First I want to cover a little on the Louis DiFrancesco situation. Louis filed an Appeal to the Declaratory Judgement in March, which most of us are aware of at this point. Nanopierce filed a Motion to Dismiss the Appeal and Louis’ lawyers had until September 4, 2000 to file a brief to answer the Motion to Dismiss the Appeal. I understand he has responded and the company is now in process of answering that brief. Everyone at Nanopierce seems pretty positive that the outcome will be the judge denying the Appeal too.

      Nanopierce will not be responding to Louis on the boards or dignifying his remarks. Louis is in clear violation of court orders and they will not give him any satisfaction. They are dealing with the situation in the proper manner, through the courts and proper legal channels. Louis would love to get a debate going on the boards to try and drag Nanopierce down into the mud with him, but that will not happen.

      To get a better understanding of what is going on here, I spoke to the Colorado Appeals Court Clerk and the District Court Clerk. I was told that Louis had filed a Motion for a Retrial and was denied by the judge on April 4, 2000. I have also heard that a Motion was filed by Louis to have the Declaratory Judgement thrown out but that also was denied by the Judge. The Appeal is Louis’ last gasp, and he has little if no chance of winning that according to my information. I believe he is on a vengeance trip because he lost in previous court confrontations.

      I think a great deal of the reason the stock price is drifting down has to do with Louis and his ravings on the Nanopierce board, contrary to some other opinions that have been voiced. For one example, Louis posted on Friday that he called the Fire Marshall and then proclaimed that Nanopierce’s Colorado Springs facility did not even exist. He spoke first to someone who did not know that Fred Blum had been speaking with the Fire Inspector since before the facility was leased.

      I have spoken to both Fred Blum and Dr. Neuhaus in that regard and learned that Louis’ post about the Fire Marshall engendered more than 400 phone calls by concerned investors to the Fire Marshall’s office. When I spoke to Herb Neuhaus this afternoon he told me that the Fire Marshall had made a visit to the Nanopierce Colorado Springs facility today and gave Nanopierce a clean bill of health and the Hazardous Materials (HazMat) permit that was awaiting his inspection. Nanopierce already had an EPA low volume exemption, as it is a “0" discharge facility and still in the research stage.

      Paul Metzinger has returned from his combined vacation and business trip and was in his office today trying to catch up on developments while he was away. It will take a couple of days before he can get around to calling all of the concerned investors who have been leaving messages.

      I was told that Dr. Wernle will not be back in his office on Wednesday. It is my understanding that they will be having a conference call on Thursday to discuss how things will proceed from this point on many of the things that have been going on behind the scenes, so I doubt we will hear any news this week..

      When I spoke to Paul earlier today, he said that things are still on track and the company is still in the best position it has ever been in, both in regard to business and financial condition. He was very upbeat and said he is pleased with developments going on. He would not name a specific time frame for any news coming out except to say that they will be working on some “near term publicity.”

      I did find out that part of the hang up with press releases comes from the fact that some of the companies that Nanopierce is dealing with are run by government agencies in Europe and that Paul and Dr. Wernle need to be on hand when press releases go out in relation to those particular companies. This is why they decided not to release any news while they were both away.

      Today I received a CD containing the photographs that Kent Kloock’s father took while at the Nanopierce Card Technologies GmbH facility. I have forwarded them to Dr. Neuhaus and he has approved my posting them on my web site. As soon as I can get my webmaster to work on it I will have them posted.

      The prototypes are getting very close to being ready for showing and are running very smoothly, although still being tweeked here and there. When you see the smart card modules that will be posted on my web site, hopefully in the next few days, you will see just how small and exacting the deposition of NCS will need to be. Then you will understand why all of the tweeking is necessary down to exacting dimensions.

      It looks like the actual showing will be around September 15th at this stage for various reasons. There has been an overwhelming number of people requesting to be invited for the unveiling. Many more than the facility can accomodate. They will have to arrange it so everyone that comes will have a chance to get in and see it. I understand they will also need to arrange special security to keep certain parties out. The company doesn’t need any acts of sabotage there with all of those people. Also the Fire Marshall will have to come back for another inspection once the machines are ready for production and larger amounts of chemicals to be used there. That permit will need to be in place before the showing and for the safety of the people who will be allowed access.

      I am making plans to fly to Colorado Springs and cover the event and will report back as soon as possible for those who can’t make it. As Fred Blum said to me in an email yesterday, “I hope you can make it out here when we are ready for public viewing. It`s quite the impressive project.”

      I, personally, still have a great deal of faith in Nanopierce and its management and I believe they will overcome any obstacles. We have a short term decline (yes, my stock is down too), but I believe we will rise above it over the next several weeks.


      Falls jemand noch Fragen dazu hat, insbesondere zu irgendwelchen englischen Begriffen (zB. appeal = Berufung, motion for a retrial = Antrag auf Wiederaufnahme des Verfahrens, motion to dimiss the appeal = Antrag auf Ablehnung der Berufung) kann er die ja posten.
      Wie es aussieht versucht DiFrancesco alles, um Unruhe zu stiften (siehe Fire Marshall Episode). Die Prototypen-Vorführung findet weitaus mehr Anklang als erwartet und wird am 15.9 stattfinden.

      Hold NPCT and prosper :)

      schrieb am 15.08.00 16:22:07
      Beitrag Nr. 82 ()
      Hi Jetsia!

      Danke für die Darstellung des "Problems". In welcher Beziehung steht Kathy eigentlich zu NPCT? Ist sie so etwas wie eine PR/IR-Beauftragt von NPCT?

      Gruß, Dirk.
      schrieb am 15.08.00 17:35:50
      Beitrag Nr. 83 ()
      Hi Dirk,

      Kathy hat eine eigene Investment-Internet Seite. Sie hat keine offizielle Funktion für Nanopierce und wird auch nicht für ihre Recherche/Infos bezahlt.(Vor zwei Jahren hat sie allerdings einmal NPCT Schweizer Investoren vorgestellt und dafür auch Aktien als Entlohnung erhalten). Die Arbeit, die sie macht lohnt sich also nur insofern, als sie selbst stark in NPCT investiert ist und somit auch an steigenden Kursen interessiert ist (wer ist das nicht ;) ). Allerdings hat sie sehr gute Kontakte zu Nanopierce und Paul Metzinger und im Fall DiFrancesco gg. Nanopierce auch schon einmal vor Gericht für die Firma ausgesagt.

      Hold NPCT and prosper

      schrieb am 15.08.00 18:37:54
      Beitrag Nr. 84 ()
      Hab ich gesagt geringes Volumen? :( heute wird ganz schön verkauft, was ich mir damit erkläre, dass aufgrund von Kathy´s Informationen einige OTC Trader denken, dass man das Geld ruhig noch einen Monat woanders arbeiten lassen kann, wenn hier die News erst im September kommen...

      Ganz schöne Durststrecke im Moment. Na ja, traden ist eh nicht mein Ding. Schaun mer mal ...

      Hold NPCT and prosper

      schrieb am 15.08.00 19:26:57
      Beitrag Nr. 85 ()
      der kurs ... schade..schade...schade

      sollen die Amis nur ungeduldig werden, mir egal ... das management ist für eine OTC:BB Aktie
      traumhaft ...

      Das kommt schon noch ...

      und wehe, hier treibt einer durch sein kaufen den Kurs wieder hoch ... befor ich was bekommen habe
      zu den Preisen.

      Ja ja, es dauert noch (aber das war doch klar, das man erst großes im Herbst erwarten kann, von wegen protoyp
      oder so)

      ... wer weiss, wie weit die Aktie noch sinkt.

      Wie auch immer: Laut telebörse, hääte zumindest
      ein neuer Großinvestor bekannt gegeben werden müseen und etwas über ein neues Funding evtl.. das war ja wohl nichts bisher ...

      Tschökes, Techs
      schrieb am 15.08.00 22:22:48
      Beitrag Nr. 86 ()
      Hi Jetsia!

      Danke für die Info. Ich weiss nun mal gerne wer die Personen sind die solche guten Info´s in´s Board stellen. Man kann ja nun mal nicht jedem Trauen. ;)
      Schade, daß ich Deinen Thread zu NSCT erst Heute wargenommen habe. Ist ein sehr Interessantes Investment.

      Gruß, Dirk.

      Hält long and prosper. ;)
      schrieb am 16.08.00 12:15:50
      Beitrag Nr. 87 ()

      Wie bitte NPCT ist in der Telebörse bekanntgemacht worden???????

      Klärt mich da mal bitte einer auf!!!

      schrieb am 17.08.00 00:11:17
      Beitrag Nr. 88 ()
      Ich glaube daß der Kursverfall von Nanopierce in den letzten Tagen im Zusammenhang mit dem Kursanstieg der
      Altair-Aktie bei großen Umsätzen (heute bei Altair größer als bei Nanophase!) steht. Auch Nanophase leidet
      darunter, hier wurde heute allerdings das Material bei 10,875 $ aufgenommen.
      Ich habe die Hoffnung, daß wenn bei Altair Gewinnmitnahmen einsetzen, Nanopierce davon profitieren wird.
      Denn es gibt Trader, die einer Branche treu bleiben und dazwischen pendeln.
      Ich möchte die Gelegenheit nutzen, allen für die hervorragenden Beiträge zu danken.
      Bin bei 2,50 € drin und bleib dabei. :)
      schrieb am 17.08.00 17:11:25
      Beitrag Nr. 89 ()
      Bin relative neu hier, habe aber sowohl Nanopierce als auch Nanophase im Portfolio.
      88 Beiträge in einem Board sind zuviel des Guten.
      Wäre es nicht besser, Wochenboards zu posten?
      schrieb am 17.08.00 20:55:30
      Beitrag Nr. 90 ()
      @ algood :

      Klick auf das weiße Kästchen rechts neben der Threadüberschrift ===>
      Du erhältst die letzten 20 Beiträge ( allerdings steht der Neueste oben ). ;)

      Gruß DD
      schrieb am 18.08.00 00:43:24
      Dieser Beitrag wurde vom System automatisch gesperrt. Bei Fragen wenden Sie sich bitte an
      schrieb am 19.08.00 05:11:16
      Beitrag Nr. 92 ()
      @ DerDraufleger

      Vielen Dank für den Tipp. Wirkt Wunder.
      Man lernt eben nie aus!
      Alan Goodwin
      schrieb am 19.08.00 22:59:49
      Beitrag Nr. 93 ()

      bei INCE bin ich leider gar nicht mehr auf dem laufenden. Ich denke, da wird sich erst was tun, wenn NPCT läuft. Zumindest kann ich mir denken, dass Paul Metzinger seine Energien vorerst auf NPCT konzentriert. Aber ich hab mich wie gesagt nicht näher informiert, das ist also bloss eine Vermutung ...

      Hold NPCT and prosper

      schrieb am 19.08.00 23:48:00
      Beitrag Nr. 94 ()
      Danke Jetsia, ich habs mir überlegt. Letzten Herbst war ich schlau genug den Einsatz bei NPCT rauszunehmen und mit Ince gute Gewinne zu realisieren. Das bleibt der Rest einfach mal liegen. Vielleicht wird es wieder einen guten Herbst/Winter geben und Ince steigt wieder auf 0,60 von 0,05 oder sogar höher, da die Startrampe einige Stufen höher liegt. Das gilt natürlich auch für NPCT. Wäre doch mal ein tolles Gefühl 20.0000 Stück einer Aktien zu haben und der Kurs steigt von 0,10 auf 10,00 $. Na ja, träumen ist ja nicht verboten :)
      gruß, brem
      schrieb am 20.08.00 17:02:23
      Beitrag Nr. 95 ()
      Hallo Leute,

      Beobachte NPCT jetzt schon seit letzten Oktober - habe aber bisher nie welche gehabt!!
      Wollte eigentlich diesen Herbst rein! Allerdings macht es mir en bischen Kopfzerbrechen daß die
      Homepage nun sicher schon seit 3 Monaten down ist und ich auf eine E-mail anfrage keine Antwort
      bekommen habe!! Gibt es denn irgendwelche Gründe dafür!!
      Halte das Produkt für genial - habe aber Aufgrund der mangelnden Information seitens NPCT Angst
      das da was im argen liegt!

      Vielen Dank
      carcass of a sheep

      P.S.: Any thoughts on INVT????
      schrieb am 22.08.00 17:04:49
      Beitrag Nr. 96 ()
      Zum erstenmal hier drinnen.
      Habe NCPT seit über 1 Jahr und mache mir gar keine Sorgen. Wenn die Technik stimmt, dann wird sie sich früher oder später einmal durchsetzen. Ich rechne in den nächsten 10 Jahren mit einer Verhundertfachung. Das ist mein Investitionszeitraum. Alles Intraday mässige oder schnelle Gewinne interessieren mich nicht !!!
      Wie sagen alle hier immer: Hold long an prosper.
      schrieb am 22.08.00 18:51:49
      Beitrag Nr. 97 ()
      Das Personalkarussel ist in vollem Gange:

      HOHENBRUNN/MUNICH, Germany--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Aug. 22, 2000-- NANOPIERCE CARD TECHNOLOGIES GmbH, a subsidiary of NanoPierce Technologies, Inc. (OTCBB:NPCT & NPI:Frankfurt Stock Exchange & Hamburg Stock Exchange) announced today that Mr. Richard Berger joined the software development group at the company`s technology center in Hohenbrunn effective August 1, 2000.

      Richard Berger is a highly respected software specialist for developments in specialized machinery, die-bonders, smart card production systems and smart card / smart label personalization systems. His extensive expertise is based on a solid educational background and many years of professional experience in the fields of mechanics, electronics and software with leading companies.

      Important milestones in his career included companies such as Force Computers, where he played a decisive role in developing real-time operating systems for industrial computer systems. As a key member of the die-bonder development group at Muehlbauer AG, Mr. Berger was responsible for developing software and automation technology and for the project management of die-bonder product line, among others. At Meinen, Ziegel & Co., a leading manufacturer of smart card production systems and personalization systems, Mr. Berger held sole responsibility for managing the software development department. Before joining NanoPierce Card Technologies GmbH, a brief excursion took him to Varetis, a market leader for information solutions within the IT and telecommunications industries.

      Mr. Berger commented on his change to NanoPierce, "Despite the excellent prospects for software firms in the area of IT and the current Internet boom, I made the move to NanoPierce because I have absolute confidence in the company and its NCS technology. I foresee exciting opportunities for the future, not only for NanoPierce, but also for my own development. I look forward to contributing my knowledge and experience to the success of NanoPierce."

      According to Dr. Michael Wernle, the expansion of the software development division points the way toward the future of NanoPierce Card Technologies GmbH. "Due to our cooperation with Simotec, as well as the order from Lipag AG / 3S (press release June 30, 2000), our software capacities were nearly exhausted. We would have been forced to turn down further inquiries for developments that we had already been asked to make. The addition of Mr. Berger to our team not only gives us the freedom to take on new projects, but even more importantly, it provides NanoPierce with additional know-how which will no doubt prove to be invaluable to the future development of the company."

      NANOPIERCE CARD TECHNOLOGIES GmbH is a 100% subsidiary of NanoPierce Technologies, Inc. of Denver, Colorado, USA, which is traded on the Nasdaq stock market (OTC:BB:NPCT) as well as in Frankfurt and Hamburg (OTC:NPI). In addition to the patents it owns, NanoPierce has patent applications pending, patent applications in preparation, and various other intellectual properties related to NanoPierce`s proprietary NCS. This advanced system is designed to provide significant improvement over conventional electrical and mechanical interconnection methods for high-density circuit boards, components, sockets, connectors, semiconductor packaging and electronic systems. To learn more about NanoPierce Technologies, Inc., log on to the company`s website at

      This announcement contains forward-looking statements about NanoPierce Technologies, Inc. that may involve risks and uncertainties. Important factors relating to the Company`s operations could cause actual results to differ materially from those in forward-looking statements and are further detailed in filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission available at the SEC website ( All forward-looking statements are based on information available to NanoPierce Technologies on the date hereof, and NanoPierce Technologies assumes no obligation to update such statements.

      Gruß Bogo!
      schrieb am 23.08.00 00:01:52
      Beitrag Nr. 98 ()
      Hallo Ihr gepiercten;-))

      Beobachte NPCT nun auch schon einige Monate,hatte auch mal vor nach München zu fahren aber wenig Zeit!

      Werde wohl morgen.bzw heute mit einer Anfangspositionen einsteigen,

      1 Grund ,ist die gestrige Meldung und der Satz

      As a key member of the die-bonder development group at
      Muehlbauer AG, Mr. Berger was responsible for developing software and automation technology and for the project
      management of die-bonder product line, among others.

      Da Simotec bereits ein Ableger von Mühlbauer ist liegt die Vermutung nahe,das Mühlbauer selbst bald einsteigen wird(eine Vermutung von mir)

      Der Samen ist nun im Begriff ausgestreut zu werden,vielleicht sehen wir bald die ersten zarten Pfläntchen,bevor es dann große Bäume werden!!

      Gruß tom
      schrieb am 23.08.00 17:36:25
      Beitrag Nr. 99 ()
      Technologie wird durch Patente abgesichert:

      DENVER--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Aug. 23, 2000--NanoPierce Technologies Inc. (OTCBB:NPCT) announced today that it obtained a new patent on its NCS Technology.

      U.S. Patent No. 6,096,982 entitled "Method and Apparatus For Conductively Joining Components" was issued on August 1, 2000.

      NanoPierce has implemented an aggressive program to expand its intellectual property portfolio not only in the United States, but also on an international level. As a result of this program NanoPierce now owns 12 patents, has 3 patent applications pending, 2 patent applications in preparation and various other intellectual properties related to NanoPierce`s proprietary NanoPierce Connection System (NCS).

      As part of the program NanoPierce has retained the services of two patent experts to assist it in the preparation, prosecution and defense of its intellectual property portfolio. One of the experts residing in the San Diego area has highly specialized knowledge of patents relating to the semiconductor industry and is the inventor of numerous U.S. patents. The other resides in Austria and is internationally recognized as a leading authority on smart card/smart label technology and patents. These experts work closely with Drs. Herbert J. Neuhaus and Michael E. Wernle and the company`s patent counsel in the development of the company`s intellectual property.

      Paul H. Metzinger, President and CEO said, "Our core technology teams in Colorado Springs and Munich are developing numerous, revolutionary inventions relating to NCS and other technologies we believe to be patentable. This program is designed to assure that we enhance, extend, preserve and protect our intellectual properties. They represent extremely valuable assets of the company."

      NanoPierce`s proprietary NCS is an advanced system designed to provide significant improvement over conventional electrical and mechanical interconnection methods for high-density circuit boards, components, sockets, connectors, semiconductor packaging and electronic systems.

      For more information on NanoPierce Technologies, Inc. please visit this web site:

      This announcement contains forward-looking statements about NanoPierce Technologies, Inc. that may involve risks and uncertaintites. Important factors relating to the company`s operations could cause actual results to differ materially from those in forward-looking statements and are further detailed in filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission available at the SEC website ( All forward-looking statements are based on information available to NanoPierce Technologies, Inc. on the date hereof, and NanoPierce Technologies, Inc. assumes no obligation to update such statements.

      Was ist denn nun los? Informationsoffensive? Hoffe, das geht so weiter, scheint ja einiges in die Gänge zu kommen!

      Gruß Bogo!
      schrieb am 24.08.00 12:16:25
      Beitrag Nr. 100 ()

      Danke Leute für die Infos..habe nicht so viel Zeit für alles!

      Bin wie immer Optimist und halte es wie revocon!

      Hold long and prosper!


      P.S. Ich denke jetzt kommt bald was ins Rollen!
      schrieb am 24.08.00 12:31:08
      Beitrag Nr. 101 ()
      Jetsia 100 Postings wenn der Kurs schon keinen Grund zur Freude gibt !!

      schrieb am 24.08.00 21:20:20
      Beitrag Nr. 102 ()
      Max sieht ja echt niedlich aus :) du Spielkind ;)

      Tja, der Kurs könnte mal langsam in Schwung kommen. Aber wie gesagt, ich rechne erst bei erfolgreichen Prototyp-Tests mit einer wirklichen und nachhaltigen Aufwärtsbewegung, oder natürlich, wenn Einkünfte aus irgendeiner Quelle sprudeln. Im Ragingbull-Board giften sich die Leute wieder fleissig an (wie werden die Patente international gesichert? Hat Paul Aktien im freien Markt gekauft etc., ne richtige Seifenoper... :laugh: )
      Na, wird schon werden (hoff ich jedenfalls)

      Hold NPCT and prosper

      schrieb am 25.08.00 15:51:59
      Beitrag Nr. 103 ()
      Nano Nano,

      die Webseite von Nanopierce ist wieder da :D . Wohl noch nicht ganz vollständig, aber mit neuem Logo etc...

      Hold NPCT and prosper

      schrieb am 25.08.00 22:32:30
      Beitrag Nr. 104 ()
      Der heutige Anstieg hat wohl auch damit zu tun, dass Dr. Wernle und Dr. Neuhaus Artikel in IMAPS (Fachzeitschrift) veröffentlicht haben.

      Interessant ist in diesem Zusammenhang das posting von Kathy:…

      No, it is a members only publication for the industry as I posted previously, if you want to join you could probably get a copy:

      It does make the following information that I posted on August 1, 2000 more intriguing to me. Perhaps there will be a few more industry ears perked up and listening when Dr. Neuhaus and Dr. Wernle give their presentations at IMAPS 2000 in September.

      By: Kknightmcc $$$$
      Reply To: None Tuesday, 1 Aug 2000 at 4:21 PM EDT
      Post # of 19691

      Dr. Wernle and Dr. Neuhaus are presenting separate papers at IMAPS 2000, Boston, September 18 - 22, 2000 at Hynes Convention Center:


      Lead-Free Developments and New Inorganic Materials
      Session Chairs: Herb Neuhaus, Nano Pierce Technologies, Inc.; Luu Nguyen, National Semiconductor Corporation
      Lead-Free Soldering and Low Alpha Solders for Wafer Level Interconnects
      Ning-Cheng Lee, Indium Corporation of America

      Lead-Free Solder Alloys for the Assembly of Advanced Packages
      Joachim Kloeser, E. Jung, R. Aschenbrenner, H. Reichl, Fraunhofer IZM; Ch. Kallmayer, P. Coskina, Technical University of Berlin

      Lead-Free Soldering - An Overview and Comparison of the Viable Solutions
      David Suraski, Karl Seelig, AIM

      Microstructural Studies of SnAgCu Solder Surface Mount Assemblies
      E. Davitt, F. Stam, Y. Quadir, S. C. O’Mathuna, National Microelectronic Research Centre

      Manufacturing of Low Cost Smart Labels
      Michael E. Wernle, NanoPierce Card Technologies GmbH

      Na, mal sehen wie es weitergeht... :)

      Hold NPCt and prosper

      schrieb am 25.08.00 22:37:04
      Beitrag Nr. 105 ()
      Scheinbar geht es los. 22% ist nicht von schlechten Eltern. Wenn die Altaktionäre schlau sind, dann behalten sie ihre Stücke ;)
      gruß, brem

      PS. Und Ince war auch mit dabei beim Kursgewinn mit 36%. Noch aber ist die Freude nicht so groß in solchen Zeiten weiß man nie so genau, aber scheinbar ist Nanopiece mit Metzinger keine Firma die was verspricht und nicht hält, sondern eher Macher.
      schrieb am 26.08.00 09:00:47
      Beitrag Nr. 106 ()
      Nanopierce ist nicht nur in einem Artikel, sondern sogar auf dem Cover (was scheinbar recht ungewöhnlich ist)

      Hier kann man das Cover bewundern:

      und hier kann man sehen, wie das Gebäude in Colorado Springs aussieht:

      So, und jetzt kann Nanopierce endlich wieder auf meinen Durchschnittspreis steigen :)

      Hold NPCt and prosper

      schrieb am 26.08.00 18:26:59
      Beitrag Nr. 107 ()
      Der Artikel von Dr. Wernle (von Kathy´s :

      Der Artikel von Dr. Neuhaus ist ebenfalls dort Kathy´s Seite zu lesen:

      Hold NPCT and prosper :)

      schrieb am 28.08.00 14:05:06
      Beitrag Nr. 108 ()
      Na der Artikel in IMAPS hat gute Kursbewegungen ermöglich :laugh::laugh::laugh:

      +23% :eek::eek:
      schrieb am 28.08.00 14:07:17
      Beitrag Nr. 109 ()
      schrieb am 30.08.00 13:12:45
      Beitrag Nr. 110 ()
      Hi Leute!

      Nanopierce veranstaltet einen Tag der offenen Tür! Hier die Press Release dazu.

      Press Release
      NanoPierce Technologies, Inc. Announces Open House for Colorado Springs Facilities and NCS Prototype Deposition System
      DENVER--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Aug. 30, 2000--NANOPIERCE TECHNOLOGIES, INC. (OTCBB:NPCT - news) today announced that on October 6th it will hold an Open House for viewing the Colorado Springs facilities and the first high volume, reel to reel, continuous deposition system designed to apply the NanoPierce Connection System (NCS) technology.

      The Open House will begin at the Sheraton Hotel, 2886 S. Circle Drive, in Colorado Springs, Colorado. Persons interested in attending, or obtaining specific details about this event, should contact Sarah Ord at or contact her at 303-592-1010.

      Paul H. Metzinger, President and CEO of NanoPierce, said, ``Based on the interest level expressed and responses received to date from shareholders, investment bankers and institutional investors, we expect that this event will be very well attended. We intend to make it a memorable day, especially for our loyal stockholders. It represents another major milestone for NanoPierce, achieved only through the superlative efforts of Dr. Neuhaus and the technology team in Colorado Springs.``

      Metzinger further noted that future press releases would provide more information on the deposition system.

      NanoPierce Technologies, Inc. of Denver, Colorado, USA, is traded on the Nasdaq stock market (OTCBB:NPCT - news) as well as in Europe on the Frankfurt and Hamburg (OTC:NPI - news). In addition to the 12 patents it owns, NanoPierce has three patent applications pending, two patent applications in preparation, and various other intellectual properties related to NanoPierce`s proprietary NCS (NanoPierce Connection System). This advanced system is designed to provide significant improvement over conventional electrical and mechanical interconnection methods for high-density circuit boards, components, sockets, connectors, semiconductor packaging and electronic systems.

      For more information on NanoPierce Technologies, Inc. please visit this Web site:

      This announcement contains forward-looking statements about NanoPierce Technologies, Inc. that may involve risks and uncertainties. Important factors relating to the company`s operations could cause actual results to differ materially from those in forward- looking statements and are further detailed in filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission available at the SEC Web site ( All forward-looking statements are based on information available to NanoPierce Technologies, Inc. on the date hereof, and NanoPierce Technologies, Inc. assumes no obligation to update such statements.


      NanoPierce Technologies, Inc., Denver
      Paul. H. Metzinger, 303/592-1010 (President & CEO)
      303/592-1054 (Fax)
      NanoPierce Card Technologies GmbH, Hohenbrunn (Munich)
      Dr. Michael E. Wernle, + 49-8102-8961-0 (President & CEO)
      + 49-8102-8961-11 (Fax)
      Stock Enterprises, Inc.
      James Stock, 702/614-0003 (Investor Relations)
      schrieb am 09.09.00 17:05:41
      Beitrag Nr. 111 ()

      postet hier noch wer? :confused:
      Hier mal was zur Ernüchterung:…

      Die Stockreporter Berichte waren purer Hype :cry: :eek: !!! Die Beteiligten sind mittlererweile bestraft worden. Also kann man die gesamten Prognosen etc in den Mülleimer werfen (schluck)! So viel zur Seriosität von Internetempfehlungen ...

      Must read!! Was this a reputal PR firm??

      SEC v. Torsten Prochnow d/b/a/, Dennis C. Hass and World of AG
      (U.S. District Court, Northern District of California)
      (SEC Contact: Donald Hoerl, 303-844-1060)
      The SEC alleges that Torsten Prochnow and Dennis C. Hass, residents of Germany, touted the stocks of approximately 64 U.S. public companies under the name The touts have been disseminated through postings on`s Internet website and numerous press releases. As set forth in the complaint, Prochnow, Hass and AG (a German corporation owned by Prochnow and Hass) targeted U.S. investors and these investors purchased the touted stocks based on the recommendations. The website contained false statements concerning the purportedly "long-term" trading intentions of`s principals. The website also contained baseless financial and/or stock price projections concerning one of the touted issuers. The website also falsely stated that`s principals were not compensated for their touting, and both the website and press releases failed to disclose both the nature and source of the compensation. The touts caused the price and trading volume of the stock of certain issuers to increase significantly in the short term. Baseless recommendations resulted in price and volume for 28 stocks increasing an average of between 28 percent and 390 percent. On at least 15 occasions, the SEC alleges that Prochnow and Hass sold their holdings of the touted stocks into the resulting inflated market, realizing profits of $111,530. Without admitting or denying the SEC`s allegations, Prochnow and Hass have agreed to the entry of an order that enjoins them from future violations of Section 17(b) of the Securities Act of 1933, Section 10(b) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and Rule 10b-5 under the Exchange Act. The order also requires them, jointly and severally, to disgorge $111,520 plus prejudgment interest, and for each to pay a civil penalty of $50,000.

      :eek: :cry: :(

      Gott sei Dank ist Nanopierce selbst weiterhin real und die Technologie hat unheimliches Potential (wie spätestens seit den IMAPS Artikeln klar sein dürfte)! Hoffen wir, das dieses Potential auch in Verträge etc umgesetzt werden kann.
      Die Openhouse Vorführung in Colorado Springs/Denver scheint gut besucht zu werden. Vor diesem Termin liegt noch die Fachmesse(?) in Boston.

      Also heisst es für mich weiterhin:

      Hold NPCT and prosper

      Jetsia :)
      schrieb am 11.09.00 12:44:10
      Beitrag Nr. 112 ()
      gibt es keine weiteren Neuigkeiten

      Gruß Ankii
      schrieb am 11.09.00 13:57:45
      Beitrag Nr. 113 ()
      Keine neuigkeiten aber Nanopierce geht +14%
      schrieb am 11.09.00 22:59:05
      Beitrag Nr. 114 ()
      Tja und wieder weg die 22%. Jedenfalls ein Teil davon. Ich hab mir nochmal Gedanken zu Nanopierce gemacht und nachgekauft. Das Geld ist für die nächsten Jahre über und dann wird abgerechnet.
      Zocken kann ich nicht, daher wird das Geld angelegt. Ich such mir bis zum Jahrsesende 10 weitere Unternehmen die technisch was drauf haben und lasse die dann ein paar Jahre liegen. Nanopierce hat mich auf den Geschmack gebracht ;)
      Gruß, Brem
      schrieb am 13.09.00 16:04:42
      Beitrag Nr. 115 ()

      Wednesday September 13, 9:31 am Eastern Time
      Press Release

      NanoPierce Card Technologies GmbH Announces Cooperative Agreement With Elcos AG in the Emerging Market of LED`s
      HOHENBRUNN/MUNICH, Germany--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Sept. 13, 2000--

      NanoPierce Card Technologies GmbH, a subsidiary of NanoPierce Technologies, Inc. (OTCBB:NPCT and Frankfurt and Hamburg OTC:NPI), today announced it has signed a Cooperative Agreement with Elcos AG of Pfaffenhofen, Germany.

      Initial market research has identified, among others, the market for optoelectronic components as a viable, broad-based field for the application of the NCS (NanoPierce Connection System) technology developed by NanoPierce. Along with the market for RFID components such as smart labels or contactless smart cards, the LED market represents a key future market for the application of NCS technology. Following a requisite design-in phase, sales expectations could well compare in magnitude to those of the smart label market.

      The aim of this project with Elcos AG, set initially to last for at least two years, is to adapt and further develop applications of NCS technology for use in the LED field. In doing so, the primary focus is not on the individual components, but rather on area arrays comprising 3000 or more LED dies on one substrate. These area arrays are distinguished by their enormous luminous power coupled with substantially lower power consumption (as high as a factor of 10). Under the auspices of this cooperation, diverse components will be manufactured using the new technology and subsequently evaluated and tested under real conditions.

      The recently completed NCS system for applying NCS onto various substrates will be an invaluable, flexible tool in the manufacture of such LED area arrays and other components. Interested members of the public can view this system at an open house on October 6, 2000 at the NanoPierce facility in Colorado Springs. In addition, the new application laboratory at NanoPierce Card Technologies in Munich, equipped with state-of-the-art flip chip bonders, testing devices, and measurement equipment such as temperature cabinets and precision microscopes, will allow all of the necessary application developments to be conducted in-house.

      Over the next few years, the use of LED`s is expected to experience substantial growth rates averaging from 10 up to 50% per year (Power LED industrial lighting fixtures), depending on the application. The uses of LED`s range from niche applications, such as special miniaturized displays in cameras and airplanes, all the way to mass applications such as automobile lights, traffic lights, and the replacement of conventional means of lighting in business and residential establishments. In addition to their extremely low power requirements, LED`s require virtually no maintenance, generate very low heat and have operating service lives of twenty to fifty years, all of which are significant advantages for applications using this new lighting technology. Moreover, the market has gained considerable momentum due to developments that now allow, for the first time ever, white light to be produced by LED`s. Hence one of the most serious limitations for many applications has been eliminated once and for all and made possible the use of LED`s to replace conventional light bulbs and tubes.

      ``This step into a further mass application is a definite enrichment for NanoPierce. By targeting distinct markets, such as smart labels and LED`s, we are positioning the use of our technology onto a much broader base, thus significantly increasing the chances for sweeping and sustainable economic success,`` explained Dr. Michael E. Wernle, President & CEO of NanoPierce Card Technologies GmbH. ``In Elcos AG and especially in its Chairman, Mr. Joachim Sieg, we have found an experienced partner who is both internationally acknowledged and highly regarded in the LED field. As a technological leader, Elcos has demonstrated its ability to achieve ambitious solutions, technologically as well as economically, before anyone else in the business. That is why Elcos AG is the ideal partner for us in this initial phase as we enter uncharted territory for NanoPierce.``

      ``The NCS technology from NanoPierce brings exciting new perspectives to the production of LED components,`` commented Joachim Sieg, Chairman of the Board of Elcos AG. ``We fully expect to be able to put this connection technology to use in our production process once the technical evaluation has been completed.``

      With its headquarters in Pfaffenhofen, approximately 30 miles/50 kilometers north of Munich, Elcos AG ( is an internationally successful manufacturer of special components, particularly in the LED field. Elcos components are not only used in display systems for SLR cameras (Leica) and switch lighting in the cockpit of the European Airbus, but they are also used in Power LED industrial lighting fixtures inside the Agfa-Minilab. Throughout its over 20-year history, Elcos has repeatedly been able to prevail technologically over much larger competitors.

      Nanopierce Card Technologies GmbH is a 100% subsidiary of NanoPierce Technologies, Inc. of Denver, Colorado, USA, which is traded on the Nasdaq stock market (OTCBB:NPCT - news) as well as in Frankfurt and Hamburg (OTC:NPI - news). In addition to the 12 patents it owns, NanoPierce has three patent applications pending, two patent applications in preparation, and various other intellectual properties related to NanoPierce`s proprietary NCS (NanoPierce Connection System). This advanced system is designed to provide significant improvement over conventional electrical and mechanical interconnection methods for high-density circuit boards, components, sockets, connectors, semiconductor packaging and electronic systems. To learn more about NanoPierce Technologies, Inc., log on to the company`s website at

      This announcement contains forward-looking statements about NanoPierce Technologies, Inc. that may involve risks and uncertainties. Important factors relating to the Company`s operations could cause actual results to differ materially from those in forward-looking statements and are further detailed in filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission available at the SEC website ( All forward-looking statements are based on information available to NanoPierce Technologies on the date hereof, and NanoPierce Technologies assumes no obligation to update such statements.


      Nanopierce Card Technologies GmbH, Hohenbrunn
      Dr. Michael E. Wernle, +49-8102-8961-0
      +49-8102-8961-11 (fax)
      Elcos AG, Pfaffenhofen
      Joachim Sieg, +49-8441-8917-0
      +49-8441-71910 (fax)
      Nanopierce Technologies Inc., Denver
      Paul H. Metzinger, 303/592-1010
      303/592-1054 (fax)
      Stock Enterprises Inc., Las Vegas
      James R. Stock, 702/614-0003 (Investor Relations)
      schrieb am 13.09.00 20:04:08
      Beitrag Nr. 116 ()
      Kann mir mal jemand erklaeren, was Nanopierce GENAU
      macht und was das mit Nanotechnologie zu tun hat.

      Thanks ...
      schrieb am 13.09.00 20:57:08
      Beitrag Nr. 117 ()
      Hallo Onkel_Dittmayer,

      (das folgende hab ich früher schon mal in dem Vorgänger-Thread gepostet)

      Nanopierce hat mehrere Patente auf das sogenannte Nanopierce Connection System (NCS). Dies ist eine revolutionäre Technologie, welche die Verbindungs- und Löttechniken, die derzeit verwendet werden, ersetzen kann. NCS besteht aus mikroskopischen mit Metall umhüllten Diamantpartikeln, die auf einem leitenden Substrat aufgetragen werden. Dies stellt dann eine Art konduktives Sandpapier dar. Die Partikel dienen dazu, die Kraft zu konzentrieren um den Druck auf die Kontaktzone zu vervielfachen. Die Partikel durchdringen die Oxyde oder anderen Überzüge des Kontaktes.

      Die hieraus resultierende elektrische Verbindung hat folgende Vorteile/Eigenschaften sie:

      1) ist extrem kostengünstig herzustellen im Vergleich zu konkurrierenden Technologien
      2) hat excellente elektrische Eigenschaften
      3) hat keine sich bewegenden Teile, so dass die Miniaturisierung und Verwendung in komplexen Systemen erleichtert wird.
      4) hat einen sehr hohen Zuverlässigkeitsgrad
      5) wird bei Zimmertemperatur hergestellt, was den Gebrauch kostengünstiger Materialien ermöglicht.

      Die Technologie lässt sich praktisch in allen elektronischen Produkten verwenden zB. Mobiltelefone, Videokameras, Smartcards, Testausrüstungen etc.
      Aus der Vielzahl von Anwendungmöglichkeiten wollte sich Nanopierce Technologies zunächst auf drei Anwendungsgebiete konzentrieren: Smartcards, Smartlabels und Wafern (Mikroplättchen). Aber Überraschungen, wie Software Verträge und LED Anwendungen, sowie der handy/Mobiltelefon Bereich sind natürlich willkommen ;)

      Das grösste Problem, das derzeit bei Smartcards und Smartlabels existiert, ist dass die Verbindung zwischen Chip und Antenne nicht robust genug für den täglichen Gebrauch dieser Karten ist. Bei unabhängigen Tests, bei denen Flexibilität, Hitzebeständigkeit u. a. überprüft wurde, übertraf NCS den ISO 9000 Standard.

      Ein weiterer Aspekt von NCS ist, dass diese winzigen mit Metall umhüllten Diamantpartikel das konduktive Substrat durchbohren, um sicherzustellen, dass die Verbindung mit minimalstem Platzverbrauch hergestellt werden kann. Die derzeitige Grösse ist 3-4 Mikrons (millionstel Meter). Dies ist weniger als der Durchmesser eines feinen Haares. Diese Verbindungen können 18 Gigahertz aushalten. Derzeit wird die Geschwindigkeit von Computern durch die Kapazität ihrer Verbindungen begrenzt. 18 Gigahertz wäre eine enorme Steigerung in der Datenübertragungsgeschwindigkeit. Also bieten sich auch in diesem Bereich enorme Anwendungsmöglichkeiten.

      Im engeren oder eigentlichen Sinne ist dies aber keine wirkliche "Nanotechnologie".

      Der Technologie steht ein riesiger Markt offen, wenn es gelingt, dieses Produkt zu vermarkten. Hier bin ich optimistisch, weil das Produkt billiger, besser und umweltfreundlicher herzustellen ist, als bisherige Verbindungen und eben sehr vielfältige Anwendungsmöglichkeiten hat.

      Im Moment bestehen aber noch folgende Risiken:
      - Der Erfinder der Technologie hat Berufung gegen das Urteil eingelegt, das Nanopierce alle Rechte zusprach. Meiner Meinung nach sind seine Aussichten etwas zu erreichen sehr gering, aber man weiss ja nie (und diese Unsicherheit drückt meiner Meinung nach auch auf den Aktienpreis). Diese Unsicherheit sollte in naher Zukunft aber beseitigt werden (eine Entscheidung über das Verfahren steht an...)
      - noch bestehen keine grossen Einkünfte, dass heisst, wenn nicht bald grosse Verträge abgeschlossen werden, muss zumindest eine Finanzierung gesichert werden, um die Unkosten zu decken (Nanopierce Deutschland ist durch die Software Verträge finanziell schon umabhängig) ...
      - bis zur Massenproduktion von NCS in irgendwelchen Anwendungen dürfte es noch etwas dauern (das ist meine Spekulation) und somit auch die grossen Einkünfte, Nasdaq Listing etc. solange NPCT an der OTC ist, werden die enormen Schwankungen im Aktienpreis bleiben (schön, wenn man ein guter Trader ist, wenn nicht :eek: )

      Ausblick bis zum 6.10.00:
      In Boston findet eine IMAPS Konferenz statt (in dem IMAPS Artikel auf Kathy´s Seite kann man übrigens die technische Beschreibung einer NCS Applikation nachlesen, allerdings auf englisch)
      und in Colorado Springs ist ein Tag der offenen Tür 5.10.

      Hold NPCT and prosper

      Jetsia :)
      schrieb am 19.09.00 21:30:12
      Beitrag Nr. 118 ()
      Hallo ihr "Nanopiercler"!

      Toll das ich endlich mal einen Platz gefunden habe, an dem man Nanopierce kennt. Alle, mit denen ich bis jetzt darüber gesprochen habe, dachten, es wäre eine Firma die mikroskopisch kleine Metallplatten in Lippen, Zungen und Ohren implantiert! Vielen Dank für die vielen Info`s! Hoffentlich wird`s was mit den optimistischen Kursprognosen.
      schrieb am 03.10.00 11:03:37
      Beitrag Nr. 119 ()
      Hallo Leute !

      Mal etwas Allgemeines zur Nanotechnik ( war auf t-online Startseite ):

      Mikrotechnik steckt in vielen Produkten

      Kleine Wundermaschinen

      Die Mikrotechnik ist auf dem Vormarsch. Das machte der erste Weltkongress für Mikrotechnologien "Micro.tec 2000" in Hannover deutlich. In über 300 Vorträgen und Postern informierten sich rund 1.500 Teilnehmer über die neuesten Trends.

      Verwendung winziger Bauteile

      Mikrotechnik, die Kombination aus Mikroelektronik, Mikromechanik und Mikrooptik, findet sich schon heute in zahlreichen High-Tech-Produkten. Sie trägt ihren Namen, weil die verwendeten Bauteile Strukturen von der Größenordnung eines Tausendstelmillimeters besitzen.

      Zahlreiche Innovationen

      In Hannover konnten die Teilnehmer zahlreiche Neuheiten unter die Lupe nehmen. Ein winziger Wettersensor, eine implantierbare Kunstnetzhaut, die bereits im Tierversuch getestet wird, sowie ein vollimplantierbares Hörgerät waren einige der Highlights der Tagung.

      Branche hat Nachwuchssorgen

      Trotz rosiger Zukunftsaussichten für die Mikrotechnologie wurden in Hannover auch Probleme angesprochen. Besonders der Mangel an qualifizierten Nachwuchswissenschaftlern macht den Forschern Sorgen. Gut ausgebildete und sehr interdisziplinär denkende Naturwissenschaftler und Ingenieure, wie sie die Branche braucht, sind rar.

      Die unsichtbare Revolution

      Erster Weltkongress Mikrosystemtechnik: Experten sehen Wachstumsraten von 20 Prozent

      Von Norbert Lossau

      Hannover — US-Präsident Bill Clinton bezeichnete Anfang dieses Jahres die Nanotechnologie als eine der Schlüsseltechnologien des 21. Jahrhunderts. Genauso sehen dies auch jene rund 1500 Wissenschaftler, die sich in dieser Woche zum ersten Weltkongress für Mikrotechnologien „Micro.tec 2000“ auf dem Expo-Gelände in Hannover versammelt haben. In mehr als 300 Vorträgen und Postern präsentierten sie die jüngsten Fortschritte der Mikro- und Nanotechnologien.
      Mikrotechnische Bauteile sind schon heute in zahlreichen High-Tech-Produkten integriert, ohne dass dies in der Regel den Nutzern bewusst wäre. Bekannt sind natürlich die winzigen Siliziumchips der Mikroelektronik, die als Prozessoren oder Datenspeicher in ungezählten Geräten der Informationstechnik ihre Dienste leisten. „Doch Mikrotechnik“, so definiert Kongresspräsident Rolf Windmöller und Vorsitzender des Ingenieurverbandes VDE, „ist vor allem die Kombination aus Mikroelektronik, Mikromechanik und Mikrooptik.“
      Beispiele für mikrotechnische Systeme sind etwa jene winzigen Düsen in Tintenstrahldruckern, die elektrisch gesteuert kleine Farbtröpfchen gegen das Druckpapier schießen oder auch die filigranen Sensoren in Airbags, die präzise und schnell detektieren, ob es zu einem Aufprall gekommen ist. Aber auch das optische System in einem CD-Player, die Mechanik in einer ultraflachen Schweizer Uhr oder der winzige Magnetlesekopf in einer Computerfestplatte sind mikrotechnische Produkte.
      „Mikro“ bedeutet dabei, dass die betreffenden Bauteile mikrometerfeine Strukturen von der Größenordnung eines Tausendstelmillimeters besitzen. Diese sind mit dem menschlichen Auge nicht wahrnehmbar, so dass man mit Recht von einer unsichtbaren Technologie sprechen kann, deren Anwendungsmöglichkeiten gleichwohl revolutionäre Fortschritte in vielen Lebensbereichen versprechen — vom Verkehr bis zur Medizin.
      Der Trend zur Miniaturisierung, das zeigt der Kongress deutlich, geht indes auf breiter Front weiter. Vom Menschen geschaffene Objekte und Strukturen, die noch kleiner als ein Mikrometer sind, werden als Produkte der Nanotechnik bezeichnet. Die Vorsilbe Nano leitet sich dabei vom griechischen Wort für Zwerg ab und bedeutet in der Wissenschaft konkret „ein Milliardstel“.
      Die Übergänge von der Mikro- zur Nanotechnik sind fließend. Die Strukturen auf den Mikrochips haben schon heute den Submikrometer erreicht, und auch schillernde Farbpigmente für Autolacke oder die Oberflächenstrukturen auf den lichtverstärkenden High-Tech-Folien in Laptop-Monitoren kann man als Nanotechnik ansehen. Andererseits fallen aber auch noch millimetergroße Objekte, wie beispielsweise Motoren, Getriebe oder Sensoren, die aus Mikrobauteilen zusammengesetzt sind, in die Kategorie der Mikrosystemtechnik.
      Experten schätzen, dass der Umsatz für mikrotechnische Produkte in diesem Jahr weltweit rund 50 Milliarden Dollar erreichen wird. Der VDE erwartet hier ein jährliches Wachstum von rund 20 Prozent. Dabei werden allerdings auch die Flachdisplays zur Mikrotechnik gerechnet. Sowohl in Flüssigkristall- als auch in Plasmabildschirmen werden nämlich Mikrostrukturen für die Bilderzeugung benötigt.
      Das Spektrum der in Hannover präsentierten Arbeiten ist außerordentlich vielfältig. Es reicht von einem winzigen Wettersensor, der gleichzeitig Temperatur, Druck und Windgeschwindigkeit messen kann, über kleine Mikroreaktoren für die Chemie bis hin zu einer implantierbaren Kunstnetzhaut, die bereits im Tierversuch getestet wird.
      Auch eine künstliche Augenlinse mit integriertem Sensor zur Messung des Augeninnendrucks, ein „Schnarchsensor“ zur Diagnose von Apnoe-Leiden sowie ein vollimplantierbares Hörgerät zählen zu den zahlreichen medizinischen Innovationen, die auf Konferenz präsentiert wurden.
      Obwohl eine Studie des VDE den Europäern verheißt, dass ihre Innovationskraft bei der Mikrotechnik bis zum Jahre 2010 „zumindest gleichauf“ mit den USA sein könnte, wurden dennoch in Hannover auch zahlreiche Sorgen geäußert. Noch immer funktioniere hier zu Lande die Umsetzung aus der Grundlagenforschung in Produkte der Mikrosystemtechnik nicht optimal, meinen viele der mittelständischen Unternehmer, die winzige Düsen, Motoren oder Sensoren produzieren.
      Schlimmer noch, wenn die in Produkte umgesetzten Technologien dann nicht sofort Abnehmer finden. Frank Bartels von der Dortmunder Bartels Mikrotechnik GmbH sieht hier ein Marketingproblem. Der Nutzen der kleinen Bauteile sei nicht immer einfach zu kommunizieren.
      Karl-Heinz Lust von der Lust Antriebstechnik in Lahnau weist überdies auf das Problem fehlender Normen für mikrotechnische Systeme hin. Dies erschwere die Vermarktung, zumal in größeren Systemen häufig Bauteile verschiedener Anbieter miteinander kombiniert werden müssten.
      Diese Probleme scheinen in den USA von sehr viel geringerer Bedeutung zu sein. Dort sind es vorwiegend große Konzerne, die mikrotechnische Komponenten entwickeln und direkt in ihre Endprodukte integrieren. Mikrotechnik wird somit erfolgreich vermarktet, ohne dass man groß darüber reden müsste. In Deutschland setzt die Politik bislang bei der Mikrosystemtechnik mit besten Absichten aber eher auf die Förderung kleiner und mittlerer Firmen.
      Professor Stephanus Büttgenbach vom Institut für Mikromechanik der TU Braunschweig erkennt den drohenden Mangel an qualifizierten Nachwuchswissenschaftlern indes als das größte Problem. Gerade die Mikrosystemtechnik erfordere gut ausgebildete und sehr interdisziplinär denkende Naturwissenschaftler und Ingenieure. Dabei wird Deutschland nach den derzeitigen Prognosen schon 2002 nicht einmal mehr 50 Prozent seines Bedarfs decken können.
      Auch Rolf Windmöller mahnt: „Wir brauchen eine fundiertere mathematisch-wissenschaftliche Ausbildung schon in der Schule. Das derzeitige Mittelmaß können wir uns einfach nicht leisten.

      Gruß DD
      schrieb am 03.10.00 19:02:51
      Beitrag Nr. 120 ()
      Neues Interview mit dem CEO:…

      Schön einen CEo zu haben, der 25 Jahre für die SEC gearbeitet hat, 2 Jahre davon im "SEC enforcement".
      Die kriegen Ihre filings hin, denke ich mal ;)


      schrieb am 05.10.00 14:45:22
      Beitrag Nr. 121 ()
      Hier ist die schriftliche Version des Interviews

      "10/3/00 - NPCT - Transcript of Paul Metzinger Interview"

      Dear Investor to Investor readers:
      For those of you who were not able to listen to the Interview of Paul Metzinger today on the Wall Street Reporter web site, I have taken the time to transcribe it.


      Interviewer: Hello Paul and welcome.

      Paul: Hello and good morning and it`s a privilege to be interviewed by your excellent firm.

      Interviewer: Thank you very much. For our audience who is not familiar with Nanopierce, if you could give us a brief overview of what it is exactly that Nanopierce does.

      Paul: Yes, Nanopierce is a small public developmental company which is the sole owner of a patented connection technology which utilizes metalized hardened particles to permit the attachment of electronic componentry such as chips to rigid or flex circuitry substrates without wiring or solder and that is a major advance over the present state of the art.

      Interviewer: Sure, now what is so unique that really differentiates you and sets you apart from the competition?

      Paul: Probably the single most important distinguishing characteristic is that our technology which we call NCS, Nanopierce Connection System eliminates the need for wire bonding and all the complexities associated with that. It eliminates the use of solder, thereby eliminating the use of lead which is becoming a big governmental issue. It eliminates heat and produces a more reliable electrical connection for electronic componentry than what`s out there.

      Interviewer: Now can you tell us a little more in depth about your unique technology and the patents you have out there?

      Paul: Yes, we are very well protected on our patents. We have twelve patents actually issued. There are three pending. We have seven additional patents in preparation. We have one provisional patent and we are seeking protection at the Federal and State levels on all five of our trademarks. We undertake a very aggressive posture both to prosecute and defend our intellectual property. We feel very secure in our position and we believe that the industry realizes the value of that intellectual property because of the scope of our patent protection.

      Interviewer: Sure, now tell us a little bit about your global presence and your global philosophy?

      Paul: Well our global presence is as small as we are we have already opened a Munich, Germany office and it is called Nanopierce Card Technologies GmbH. It is under the leadership of Dr. Michael Wernle. We are currently dealing with some of the largest players in the smart card / smart label business, such as Gemplus, the big French company and Schlumberger, which are the two leaders in the contact and contactless smart card and smart labels. We believe that is a world market and is going to become enormous in scope. Those are the type of players we are dealing with: including Siemens, Infineon and Phillips and people of that stature. We are a little giant among big giants.

      Interviewer: Sure, tell us a little bit about the partnerships and alliances you have already created?

      Paul: We have an alliance right now with Multitape, it`s one of Germany`s leading smart card chip module substrate manufacturers. We have an agreement in place with Orga Kartensystems of Flintbek, Germany. They are the fifth largest smart card manufacturer in the world. We have confidentiality agreements signed with Gemplus, with Schlumberger. We have also been contacted by Boeing. They have specified the use of our technology in a couple of the most critical applications. In other words the scope of our technology is truly global. It can be used in almost an unlimited number of electronic applications.

      Interviewer: Now Paul, how large is the market that you are targeting? Maybe you can elaborate on the potential growth of the market?

      Paul: The markets are huge. For instance last year there were approximately 5 billion smart cards produced worldwide. They are estimating for instance, two to three years out that there will be 6 billion smart labels required for the airlines and the parcel shippers such as Federal Express, UPS, the Postal System, etc. The market is enormous.

      The application of our technology at what we call the wafer piercing level which is applying it at the wafer level where the chips are actually manufactured has the potential of literally effecting the entire electronics world.

      Interviewer: Now, can you tell us about your business model and how you generate your revenue streams?

      Paul: Our revenue streams are going to be generated by contracts for instance for software development related to the manufacture of smart cards. We are also deriving and will derive for certain applications revenue streams from licensing. We will go into direct manufacturing and that is our intent for production of smart labels. And in many instances we will enter into direct joint ventures with major players such as GemPlus, Schlumberger and entities of that bunch because the profit potential is much higher if we do it in strategic alliances, joint ventures and partnerships.

      Interviewer: Sure, now considering what you have out there, Paul, do you think that Wall Street and the investment community understand your business? Do you think you are fairly valued?

      Paul: My opinion is that we are grossly undervalued at the current market price. As far as I`m concerned it is a bargain. I do think that Wall Street will recognize the inherent investment quality of our small company`s stock. We do intend to apply in the near term to get on the Nasdaq Smallcap Market. With that I think we will get the support of many major listed firms which will then bring it to the attention it rightly deserves on Wall Street.

      Interviewer: Now Paul, as CEO you have a mandate to launch new revolutionary products and services and constantly exceed your customer`s expectations, but at the same time also keeping a close eye on the bottom line. Paul, what are we to see in the coming year and what is your goal and vision for Nanopierce?

      Paul: Well, we are going to become, obviously, more operational than we are. Our revenue stream will continue to increase as our technology penetrates more and more applications in the world markets. We will by the end of one year from now, in my opinion, achieve profitability. We are beyond R& D. My goal is to literally get into the large markets of the smart cards which is an immediate market. The intermediate market being smart labels which we intend to dominate. I intend to dominate that market with our technology. Our long range goal is to enter into, hopefully, a partnership or a working relationship with somebody like Infineon or Phillips because that is the ultimate application, that`s the Holy Grail of the industry, to apply our technology at the wafer level. Those are my goals and we`re going after them and we`re going to win them.

      Interviewer: Now can you tell me a little bit about some of the management and the key figures that support you in your quest for excellence, including yourself?

      Paul: Well, obviously besides my self. I have a heavy legal background as a former securities lawyer. I am a specialist in obtaining financing, but I am ably and very, very competently served by two of my key officers and that is Dr. Herbert J. Neuhaus, who`s the head of our Colorado Springs operation, he`s got a MIT degree, PhD in Physics and also Dr. Michael E. Wernle, who`s our PhD from the Vienna Technical Institute, the head of our German subsidiary. Those are my two key executive officers, supported by an unbelievably competent staff for our size. That`s the team.

      Interviewer: Now, Paul, how can our audience find out more about Nanopierce.

      Paul: Well they can find out more about Nanopierce by checking with the Securities and Exchange Commission. We are on their EDGAR filing system. People can feel free to call us at our telephone number which is 303-592-1010. They can reach us on our web site at:

      We are available. There is a lot of information on us. We follow up with an aggressive due diligence PR/IR campaign. So please have your subscribers not hesitate to contact us.


      The audio report is at:

      Meine Quelle:…

      alle warten gespannt auf diese Vorführung, im RB wird bestimmt was dazu gepostet...
      :) :laugh: :kiss:

      Hold NPCT and prosper

      schrieb am 06.10.00 16:27:10
      Beitrag Nr. 122 ()
      Die neue Webseite ist da (sind die Leute nicht süss ;) )

      Hold NPCT and prosper

      schrieb am 09.10.00 10:37:05
      Beitrag Nr. 123 ()
      Gibts erste Reaktionen auf die am Freitag stattgefunden Hausführung und den tag der offenen Tür bei NPCT, wohl einer Art Hausmesse ?
      schrieb am 09.10.00 11:12:14
      Beitrag Nr. 124 ()
      Die Eindrücke vom Open House sind sehr positiv, hier einige RB Poster:

      "Eildave and all... sorry I took so long but I drove to Vail for some r&r, weather was bad so just got here, must go down for a drink but briefly, I met Paul,he is aggressive, focused, smart, and just arrogant enough to be a perfect ceo.I met others but I will get to that later. We should all ask Kathy to come back she provides honest info, anyway my observation is these guys are the real deal buy more and the financing is DONE, we will probably hear soon , give this time they are on the right track, post questions for me and I will try to answer. "

      Dr. Swimski:
      "Comments on the Openhouse

      1. Obviously no big announcements were made.

      2. The Smartcard market appears to be the most likely revenue source in the short term (how soon?). A couple months of tweeking still to do on the machine before its working at its full potential.

      3.The LED angle was discussed at length and no specific indication of when revenue would come from this was mentioned. NPCT considers this to be a market with potential equal (or greater) to smartcards and smartlables. I don`t think the company can determine the progress Elcos is making exactly. Maybe next week or next year we will hear about contract or license. Paul mentioned that Elcos approached NPCT, NPCT did not approach Elcos with the technology because NPCT was unaware of the potential of this technology in that field. Who knows what other potential applications exist that NPCT is still unaware of (smartcards, smartlables, flipchip and LEDS are the only ones the company mentioned that they are currently pursuing). Anything that relies on a flexible curcuit board is a immediate potential user of NPCT technology as well.

      4. Skewrl wasted no time asking Paul about financing. Paul was emphatic that financing was in the bag without giving any details. My take is that Paul wants to have some more contracts in hand to get the stock price up before closing on a financing deal. I`m still not clear on why NPCT would need $30 mil in financing if their revenue is coming from licensing and not manufacturing something. Paul said they had several million on hand to cover day to day operations for the next year or so.

      5. The strength and longevity of the patents is one of my greatest concerns. Skewrl asked about this as well and Paul suggested that the patents have been written very broadly and would be difficult to circumvent. Unfortunately I was called away to tour the lab so I did`nt hear the full extent of Pauls answer. If Skewrl or someone else could elaborate on this I would be grateful. My take on patents held by small companies is that small companies must look for other small companies to license the technology to help validate the patent claims and build up some cash reserves to be able to fight the big boys if they infringe on it. Otherwise the big boys will ignore NPCT patent claims or squash this company in a long drawn out lawsuit.

      6. I meet a few people holding restricted shares (some are now unrestricted) and these people said they had been selling shares lately to recoup their basis. Its interesting to note that restricted shares can`t be publicly traded but they are still privately traded legally. Apparently restricted shares in OTC stocks go for about 30 to 50 cents on the dollar where NASDAQ and NYSE stocks may go for 70 to 80 cents on the dollar.

      7. In general the best reason to have gone to the open house was to meet the people in the company first hand and develop your own impressions. Nothing happened to make me want to sell. I don`t think I learned much new information other than meeting the players. Paul is the consummate salesman and is supremely optimistic. I think he makes a tremendous CEO. Everyone in the company made a huge effort to put on the openhouse and are extremely proud of their accomplishments this year. The openhouse had about 60 people in attendance but people came and went on different schedules so it was difficult to tell. "


      So, gleich mehr :)

      Hold NPCT and prosper

      schrieb am 09.10.00 11:23:45
      Beitrag Nr. 125 ()
      So, weiter gehts:

      "Open House Observations: I just returned home from COS and another brief trip. I see Skewrl has been posting. :) A diligent investor he is. First, let me say that it was a great pleasure and opportunity to meet Skwerl and his wife, Kathy, Kent and his father, and Astro & nephew. Each of these fine individuals, and I sincerly mean fine, in their own right, brought to the table different values, experiences, and backgrounds that generate a unique blend of investment perspectives. Add to that, the diverse group of investors at the Open House, and I found the meeting quite interesting.
      From my view I dont think the OH revealed any profound revelations that will cause the stock to reach triple digits next week. I do however believe that the REAL POTENTIAL of NCS could dominate (Paul`s description) at least one or two markets. (Smart Labels, Circuit connections). In sum, Iam adding to my position and will sit tight. Very tight.
      I was however impressed with the fact that in just a little bit more than a year ago this little company, with virtually zero money, no inhouse expertise, and no real strategic direction, somehow managed to bring together a team of brilliant technolgical minds (Dr`s Neuhaus & Wernle) and assemble a support team that has, in an extremely brief period, managed to put togther a facility, an impressive prototype, and a marketing plan that is most definatley targeted. Knowing what I know now; I am glad I took the time and expense to see for myself if this company does have potential. Here`s what I observed and walked away with from the visit;

      1. The company has a patents for IMPROVING A PROCESS in an EXISTING PRODUCTION process. Note: I said existing process. From my view this will be an easier SELL because current manufacturers already understand the process. From my understanding, it would be reasonably easy to implement.
      2. The CEO AND HIS TEAM are the REAL DEAL. These guys are committed to making this company work. While the CEO does embellish at bit (good CEO`s do that) he is very determined to bring NCS to the forefront.
      3. I found that certain individuals (stock-brokers there) beleived that the stock price would have been higher right now had it not been for the dilusion of the stock sold by the lender of the 4-mil bucks. I also understood that one option was to buy that portion back/out.
      4. The CEO is determined to take NPCT to the small cap NASDAQ as a first step in getting to the big league.
      5. The CEO was absolute about financing. He left no doubt that he had financing is available. He repeated that NCS is in great shape in regard funds. My read between the lines is that when he (Paul)says GO he will have the money backing him when "orders" need to be filled. Why borrow money when you have no orders on the take off pad?
      6. The company`s strategie for entering the market place is sound. Smart Labels, Cards, Wafer Pierce, and LEDS.
      Smart Labels appears to be the cheapest way to get into the market and make a bank-roll to support the other plans.
      I will add more thoughts in the next few days. Later, Dave "


      maddog 12 34 56:
      "Just back from the open house.

      Great time. Nice people.

      Your post was dead on , the one thing I would add to your post is the hospitality of the female “sponsors”.

      Particularly the wives.

      Paul could take a few class lessons from his; she also is adorable, kind, smart and very supportive.

      Dr. Neuhaus’s wife was very witty and also surprisingly normal (for someone married to a MIT doctorate).

      NPCT’s female partners were gracious intelligent, well dressed and good looking.

      This alone will not make the stock rise or create orders however…..

      Behind every good outspoken CEO …..


      P.S. Paul does not look like Dr. Smith as earlier stated…. however Dr. Neuhaus does look like Buffalo Bill…. And this being a new frontier, I can live with that.

      P.P.S. Paul has nothing to be ashamed about with the kids either. "


      "Skewrl: I enjoyed meeting you also. Thanks for the kind words. I will reply to you and try to give input that is just my impressions and opinions from attending the meetings and talking to attendees with whom I had no prior contact.

      First, Greywolf: My understanding is the company originally planned to hold the open house for a few local people (perhaps future investors) to attend and show that the prototype was verifiable. Others began to request permission to attend the Open House and thus, it expanded and a PR invited anyone to attend who made reservations.

      Points which may have previously been made but from my notes:

      We have a new member on the Board, who wrote the patent which was just submitted on Thursday (I believe).

      Dr. Wernle appears to be a very intelligent, factual individual. He stated in his presentation that if/when faced with the choice of continuing with a project with another company who basically said a PR could not be released or dropping the association, he has chosen and/or would choose to do what was/is best for NPCT.

      As an overview: In Spring of 1998, NPCT consisted of a piece of paper (patent) and a vision. What I saw at the Open House was a very professional office, a small lab where new applications are worked with and a room with a prototype machine which was producing as we viewed. I held the flexible PC in my hand on which NCS had been deposited. I cannot report on anything but the Colorado Springs office. I have not seen the office in Europe.

      From what I saw and the people I talked with, NCPT is a viable corporation with a technology that can be applied in many areas of connectivity; however, they are concentrating on flexible PC because it allows smaller tanks, a limited volume of chemicals, the reel to reel process simplifies the automation, and is less aggressive feature size than wafers.

      Paul is a surpurb salesman, totally believes in the product and is dedicated to the vision of NPCT which is to create value through commerical exploration of NCS into 4 markets at present: Smartcards, Smartlabels, Wafer and LED`s. I think he is the kind of CEO we need to head NPCT and carry it through the ups and downs of its growth period. I don`t believe he will give up no matter the hurdles which come up and there will always be others.

      Dr. Wernle is a great marketing CEO. His dedication and belief in the process can best be paraphrased by his story of meeting with Paul M. who asked him to join NPCT, but said, "we have no money to pay you." He joined. I gather he has many connections in Europe and will continue to make decisions based on what is best for the overall success of NPCT.

      Dr. Neuhaus and his staff were very professional, excited with the progress they have made and what they are working on for the future. Here I was very impressed with knowledge and presentation.

      Investors: Here I may be totally wrong but my impression from the people who attended was NPCT is held by a relative small number of investors who hold a large amount of stock each. Most I talked to felt it was a risk investment but felt it was worth the risk.....that the management was following and executing the business plan.
      Investors I spoke with were intelligent, seasoned investors, did expect the company to be profitable in the not so distant future if progress continues at the rate it is going now. These investors were not "overly" hyped, nor "disappointed" in where we are at the present....that we are moving in the right direction at the right pace.

      Financing: I support what Skewrl said. Paul M. stated twice that money was not a problem....financing packages are on his desk and he will make the best decision for the overall good of NPCT at the appropriate time.

      Overall, I think the company has accomplished a great deal in the relative short time in business. (We did lose time with the legal issues). I do believe it is a valid operation with seasoned, experienced professionals at the helm. And I think we have a better chance of being extremely successful than most small companies coming out of the starting gate.

      Just some of my impressions and opinions.


      Maddog: I agree with Astrotwo: You put up an excellent post, an excellent summary of your impressions, and, because they were so similar to mine, you`ve saved me a lot of time from having to compose my own; mine would certainly have been superfluous. Let me also say thanks to Skewrl, daveseas, astrotwo and others for also posting their impressions. I think that, with all things considered, we all got a very similar, VERY positive impression of npct from this open house.

      Some things I would like to add: I am really glad that I had a chance to meet the npct principals face-to-face. I was really VERY positively impressed by their comportment and personalities. They are not "pump-and-dumpers" and they are not techno-geeks with their heads burried in their motherboards; they are very intelligent real people who appear very natural interacting with the general public, and, appear to have a very good sense of the business enviroment of the industry.

      They were very professional in their presentations and in face-to-face discussions. They were direct and honest and consistent in their answers, even when they couldn’t divulge the details to any particular question. To me this is the sign of a company that has their "sh*t" together and that has nothing to hide; in fact, as maddog said, they seemed to have a certain respectful confidence (not arrogant) about them that made me feel confident as a stockholder.

      I live in Denver, but this open house was the first time that I met the npct principals face-to-face. In this way I became more than just a voice on the telephone or an email address. For me this open house helped break the ice and I will certainly spend more time communicating with them in addition to probably driving down to CO Springs to review the progress of the prototype development.

      Speaking of the prototype, this was one of the main reasons why I attended the open house. Before this working prototype was built, all ncs samples were literally "hand made"; there was NO proof that the ncs technlolgy, as elegant, simple and effective as it is, could be reliably produced in a cost-effective, high volume production mode. This open house answered the HUGE question of prototype operational effectiveness for me. In my opinion, acquisition of financing would be much more difficult if a successful prototype could not be demonstrated.

      It so happened that on my tour of the prototype a "non-company" engineer-type was on the same tour. Apparantly, he had a lot of experience in the microelectronics field and its applications, as he holds (several?) patents himself (with motherboard design, if I recall correctly). He really seemed to know what he was talking about and was convinced that the ncs technolgy, the prototype and the information that Dr. Neuhouse presented were all the "real deal". In summary, that this prototype, as presented by Dr. Neuhouse as very simple yet very efficient with very little waste (lost product), will provide npct with a substantial cost advantage over any competition because it is such an overall low cost operation!!

      All things considered, I left the open house VERY much impressed with the principals and their operation!!

      Yes, there was a lot of cheerleading, but, as far as I`m concerned, npct has a lot to cheerlead about!!

      In my portfolio I consider npct a high risk investment/gamble - as I would any $2.00 otc:bb stock with several serious questions still unanswered - but I feel a lot more comfortable with the potential of this company than I did last week!!

      I wish that I was able to show up at the open house earlier than I did so that I could have met more people, but, hopefully that will happen at an upcoming stockholders meeting. In the meantime, it was a pleasure meeting those that I did!!

      Thanks for reading. eom. c.

      PS: Put these in the "For whatever it’s worth to you" category: Paul mentioned that as a result of npct being evaluated by a world leading microelectronics company it was the opinion of one of the executives of this company that npct’s market capitalization in 2-3 years could be measured in the billion of dollars. In another evaluatioin, the opinion of an executive at Texas Instruments is that npct has found the "Holy Grail" of microelectrical connections technology. Hmmm??!! "


      So, könnte sein, das sind einige Eindrücke, alle positiv. Ich denke, das war eine Gelegenheit, das Vertrauen der Investoren für Nanopierce zu stärken, und dies ist gelungen
      Es wird sicher noch mehr Kommentare geben...

      Hold NPCT and prosper

      schrieb am 09.10.00 15:43:18
      Beitrag Nr. 126 ()
      Hier ist Kathy´s Bericht (von ihrer Investor to Investor Seite)
      ein bisschen kurz ;) aber sonst ... :)

      Dear Investor to Investor readers:
      Please forgive the delay in getting this out. While going to the open house was a great experience for me it was also a very trying one. I spent 20 out of 50 hours just traveling there and back with an a grand total of about 12 hours sleep during those three days. When I finally got home I was exhausted.

      The weather was horrible with fog and rain while leaving New York, my flight was late arriving in St. Louis and the plane I caught from there to Colorado Springs was delayed by close to two hours and I arrived too late to take a nap, which I needed badly since I had only three hours sleep the night before..

      I met with Kent and Arnie Kloock, Bobbye (Astrow), and James (Bobbye’s nephew for dinner. Then we sat in the lobby for awhile talking, met some other investors and talked more then went to the lounge about 8:15 pm, where we talked to various other investors, including DaveSeas. I ended up down there until almost 1 am, then got up at 7am to go to the Open House Conference.

      Some of the people expected did not show due to the snow and other bad weather, but there were still quite a few people there, somewhere around 110 by official count. The Open House was an all day affair, with first the sign in at 8:30 am, and it started a little bit later than scheduled due to waiting for people to come through the weather.

      Kristi Kampfman (CFO) opened the Conference and introduced Paul Metzinger (President and CEO) who then officially opened the conference with the statement “What you see today and learn is going to convince you that Nanopierce Technologies is going to become one of the 21st Century’s leading electronic companies and you will hear that not only from me but from other people that are in the audience that are even more expert than I am.”

      From there Paul went on to introduce what he termed as “several very important people that have helped this company from the very beginning of its foundation.”

      First was Dr. Herbert J. Neuhaus (Executive Vice President of Technology Development and Marketing), then Dr. Michael E. Wernle (President and CEO of NanoPierce Card Technologies GmbH). Paul went on to say that if he had obtained all of the money in the world that he could not have found two more qualified people to help guide and build the company.

      Next Paul introduced Kristi Kampfman (CFO) and said that her performance had been superlative in every way. He praised her for working so hard and diligently on both Nanopierce’s and Intercell’s financial filings among other things.

      Stan Richards was introduced as one of the key people to the success of the company and described him as one of his closest personal friends, business associates and Nanopierce’s chief financial advisor.

      Michael Kober was introduced as Dr. Wernle’s chief assistant and Fred Blum as Nanopierce’s expert chemist.

      To my great surprise, Paul then introduced me to the audience as an integral part of the Nanopierce team from day one, and the company’s most enlightened commentator.

      Bert Roosen, one of the people most instrumental in getting Nanopierce into the smart card/smart label industry and who accompanied Paul to Europe as interpreter (including our trip to Switzerland). When Bert was only 13 he was personal interpreter to General Eisenhower’s staff in Europe during the aftermath of the Second World War.

      Glen Bagwell was introduced as a close friend, plenipotentiary emissary and problem solver. Glen is an attorney.

      Dr. Charles Bauer was expected to be there but had not arrived due to the storm, but was still introduced as a Director of Intercell and the person who was instrumental to the introduction of Dr. Herbert J. Neuhaus to Nanopierce.

      Al Capote, one of the candidates for independent director and auditor, who had accepted the position was introduced. Mr. Capote has impressive credentials and is owner of 14 patents himself, with a variety of other patents pending in the electronic connector industry. (Mr. Capote has agreed to let me interview him on a later date.)

      Last but not least, Paul introduced his wife, Cherie Metzinger, who has helped him through all of the trials and who is also the company’s largest single shareholder.

      Paul then told us that when we went to view the prototype that there would be one part of it that would be covered from our view because it was the most “private, confidential, proprietary and patentable part of the prototype. We were also warned to be careful because there were hazardous chemicals on the site and electrical connections to beware of. We were kept back from the prototype in a roped off area for our protection.

      All Nanopierce employees were instructed not to answer any questions in regard to projected sales, revenues, earnings or stock price because it was not the right time for it and there was not enough historical data to give an accurate response just yet. Paul said it would be a fair question to ask next year but that it would be “fool hardy” to answer right now. Paul had been advised that it would be the worst thing to do to make projections and possibly fall short of those projections and the company would be criticized for not meeting those projections within the expected time frame. In that event it would be detrimental to the company, so no one was to answer any of those type of questions and we were asked not to ask them.

      Paul then reiterated his earlier statement that “Nanopierce is going to be a company that is truly going to change the electronic world of the 21st Century.” He said those were not his words, but those of major companies and also of Mr. Al Capote who is a renowned expert in the electronic interconnect industry.

      He said that, “Nanopierce has the potential of becoming one of the largest companies of the electronic industry if we have the right management and the right financing and we’ve got both!”

      Paul said that he and Stan Richards had attended a conference where they presented Nanopierce to one of the largest brokerage firms in this country. They had their top scientific advisor present, along with the brokerage firm’s CEO and four other people. The scientific advisor immediately assessed the significance of the waferpierce and the smart labels applications, turned to the CEO of the brokerage firm and said that “this could change the entire electronic industry. The CEO unsolicited stated while looking at his top technical advisors, not us, he said that in two to three years Nanopierce’s capitalization would be measured in the billions of dollars. Those are his words, not mine.”

      Paul then welcomed us to the open house and invited Dr. Neuhaus to give us his report.

      Herb started a slide show which started out showing where Nanopierce was about six months before. It was a picture of the workbench in his garage where he had originally been working with a small amount of equipment to hand apply NCS to samples. Herb said it was a classic story and that they were able to make samples there that got Nanopierce into the largest companies in the world. He said Nanopierce had a simple beginning but they have been very busy doing all the planning, doing a lot of building and construction and now they have advanced it from a bench top in his garage to an automated system for depositing the NCS material and it is really quite a bit of progress.

      He highlighted some of the big changes that have taken place.

      1) They have moved into the Colorado Springs facility.
      2) They have opened offices in Munich, Germany.
      3) They have gone from 4 people at the beginning of the year. He showed pictures of the two teams in both facilities which has expanded to more than 13 people (not including some outside consultants).
      4) There were a lot of photographs of the progress being made, photos of the laboratories, the prototype being built, starting from the framework and up.
      5) Photos of Richard Cunningham and Fred Blum working on the prototype.
      6) There have been quite a few new advances in the past six months in the development of the technology.
      7) There was a photo showed Bob Bond (?) hard at work in the lab on some of the new chemistries they are developing.
      8) The basis of a new patent application they had filed the day before the Open House.
      9) Other photos of both Fred Blum and Bob Bond in the laboratory working on chemical combinations.
      10) He showed a photo of the part of the prototype that deposits NCS on a flexible circuit.
      11) A photo of a chip embedding machine which is located in the Munich facility, which takes the product from the Colorado Springs facility and makes samples of the finished product.

      Dr. Neuhaus went on to say that in addition to all of the work and the patents, the company has been getting some very honorable industry recognition. He pointed out that Nanopierce made the cover of IMAPS publication of “Advancing Microelectronics” a special edition on Materials which the company is extremely proud of. He was asked to write an editorial for that edition and Dr. Michael E. Wernle received the Best Paper of Session award at the IMAPS International Conference. He said they have been very busy, not only at home but in the eyes of the industry.

      He took some time to talk about what Nanopierce is:

      The basic idea is that every electronic device whether it be a cell phone, his electronic pointing device, or a computer every device has got electrical connections. The industry today is really beginning to hit the wall where the existing technologies are not going to meet the needs of the products of tomorrow. Everything is getting much more performance in smaller packages while the prices are dropping. The older technologies have been around for a long time and will continue to exist but they will not meet the needs of these new products. NCS is not only revolutionary but also enabling. It is an enabling approach to making very high performance connections at a remarkably low cost. There is always a catch to new technologies it is always very expensive. At Nanopierce they have developed techniques for applying the material that is incredibly low cost. Dr. Neuhaus said that they firmly believe that Nanopierce will become the new standard for the industry.

      He said that Nanopierce is at the stage now where they are receiving telephone calls and e-mails unsolicited from industry leaders who say “I saw your paper, I saw your website, I heard about this from so and so, can I have a sample”. He said that is at least an indication that there is some interest in the technology.

      What is the technology? Based on a very simple idea, it is based on the co-deposition of microscopic particles together with the metal on the surface of an electrical contact. That’s the whole story, particles and metal on a contact. What we would see later that day was the system that does the deposition. The particles are a force concentrator. He compared the technology to a nail with a sharp end and a blunt end, where if you press on one end it will pierce (or concentrate the force) and if you press on the other end it will drive or force the pointed end through the surface. In the vernacular they call it “conductive sandpaper” because it feels like sandpaper when you touch it and it looks like sandpaper through the microscope, but it is electrically conductive. That’s the whole idea. So we get low resistance contacts, there are no moving parts, with a very low cost and it has a very excellent frequency performance. He showed a slide with a Nanopierce contact that had been sliced through so we could see the individual particles.

      Nanopierce is able to reduce costs considerably by reducing manufacturing steps. There is less material, less waste, less overhead, and it improves electrical performance relative to many other connection systems. It is enabling in its ability to miniaturize because there are no moving parts you can just have the most simple contact, and all of those points together give a highly reliable contact at a very low cost.

      He brought up the 12 issued patents, several pending which are relatively young patents and they have some new intellectual properties that has just been put in for patenting. He said the patents are very broad and that patents can be a double edged sword. First the patents have to teach the industry how to practice the technology, and then you have to be very specific, so that if you say A, B, C you can get around the patent by saying B, A, C and it is very simple to get around a patent by just switching the order around in principal. So their patents are very broad. They describe the use of hard particles, coated with metal to make a contact. It doesn’t say what type of particles, what type of metal or contact, how it is put down or what the product is. So it is very very broad. He showed a diagram which illustrated the Nanopiercing effect of the hard particles.

      One of the main thrusts of the company during the past six months has been to build a pilot production system. He addressed four questions:

      1) Why do we need a pilot production system?

      They need to make evaluation samples in order to commercialize the new technology because it is not good enough just to have the laboratory samples and say here it this works. They have to be able to make a lot of samples of a very high quality to where sample number one and sample number 100,000 are indistinguishable. So they need to make thousands and thousands of pieces of very high quality. In addition, they have to prove that it is a feasible idea, to do it in a laboratory is well and good but they have to be able to produce it in a commercial environment. They have a lot of ideas for new materials, new processes, and new applications and they need a tool that can not only build the first product that they are interested in, but the next dozen or so products as well that they have in mind. So they have a very flexible tool to help them accomplish that objective. He showed a slide of the old work bench and the tools that he had to work with and said it works just fine if you want to make three samples but if you want to make 30,000 it’s going to take you a while. He said there was nothing wrong with the old process but it’s not commercial.

      2) What does it make?

      In order to allay the confusion of what people think is going to be made with the new prototype system he explained that first of all in the electronics industry there really are only three types of substrates. First are the rigid printed circuit boards, PCB’s or PWB’s for printed wiring board which are almost interchangeable words. That is sort of the main stream of appliances. There are flexible printed circuit boards (called flex for short), he showed a flex circuit, which is just the same as a rigid printed circuit board, but it is flexible. Then there is another entire family of electronics in another and different category which is a rigid substrate that is a semi-conductor wafer which is used to make chips. Nanopierce is interested in all of those and have applied NCS to all of those substrates, but they made an explicit choice to work on flex. They did that because first of all they are still a small company, and the amount of chemicals involved requires a certain amount of permits, licensing and so forth which can really become an issue for a company of Nanopierce’s size. By going with flexible circuits they don’t need large tanks, they can use much smaller tanks and therefore smaller amounts of chemicals. The handling issues, waste issues, permitting issues become simpler. The real crux here is that flexible circuits are ideally suited to reel to reel automation. A robot is needed to handle rigid circuits. Technically all they have to do is just roll the tape with flexible circuits which makes it really simple. While they are very interested in semi-conductor wafer deposition, and they can handle it, it seemed more prudent to start off with something that was easier to handle and less aggressive for the first project. They do have laboratory work going on in the wafer area, but in the meantime they are building a commercial reel to reel system.

      Flex is very important because it has a lower cost structure than rigid printed circuit boards. It is very easy to do automated handling and it is ideal for very complicated by small products like cell phones. He said if you took a cell phone apart you would see that there is a lot of flex circuits inside of it. A camcorder is all flex circuit and has circuit board several feet long, but it is folded up like you would fold a sheet placing one piece over another until it fits into a very small area. The largest single electronics market in the world is smart cards and the entire infrastructure is based on flex circuits. So this is good niche for the company.

      He showed some photos of dual interface smart cards and explained that the dual interface smart card has two interfaces, one is just like a regular smart card that has to be inserted into a machine to make contact and the second interface doesn’t have a contact. It is contactless and has a radio frequency contact. He pointed out the coil of copper antenna that ran around just inside of the outer edge of the card. He also pointed out where the smart card modules were placed on the card. He said you build a smart card by taking a flex circuit, then build a module on it, then you embed the module into the card. The chip has a protective epoxy coating on it. And there are contacts that go from the chip to the antenna coil in the card, and the chip making contact. He said that the way this done today and works is to use conductive adhesive. The problem is the conductivity of those adhesives drifts during the cure. You can’t test the smart card if the conductivity is changing, so there is a demand for an assembly product that can be tested right away. They don’t want a better process, or a cheaper process, or a faster process, they want a process that can be tested right away.

      So they decided to use NCS on flex because it has low cost, radio frequency performance for that type of application and it was a good fit, it is inorganic and there is no curing time. The conductive adhesives must cure. NCS doesn’t have a cure time. So you get rid of the conductive adhesives and test immediately. They’ve been able to show that it is compatible with the existing equipment. It requires only a small software change, no hardware change.

      He went into an explanation of how the cards are put together and said that schematically it is the same story.

      To summarize, what does the NCS pilot production system make? In general it makes Nanopierce on flex. The first product will be contacts on a dual interface smart card module. That is just one of the potential products. The assembly of the smart cards does not happen in Colorado Springs. Sample quantities will be assembled in Munich at Dr. Wernle’s facility. The full commercial production of it will occur at the existing manufacturing facilities of the smart card makers. The business model allows for many different options, licensing, joint venturing, go into the module business, the answer is really based on which is the most profitable. There are many options, they are not making a presumption of which is the most profitable at this time. They know there is a need, they know they can meet the need and they have to do a little bit more of proving and then they will select from the many entry options. He said we would hear more about that later on. So it is not a smart card machine, it is a NCS flex machine, so there will be many other products down the road. Almost any flex circuit.

      3) How does it work?

      It is a high volume system that can handle hundreds of thousands of smart card modules per year. It is semi-automated. You turn it on and it runs. They can fully automate it by adding some computer systems, but that will be done in time. It is fully reel to reel. The put on a reel of modules on one end of the system and it goes through the system and ends up on a reel at the other end. So they don’t have to touch the substrate tape as it goes through the system. It deposits NCS on to the flex circuit. It is a very simple transport system that pulls the flex tape through ten chemical tanks. There is a rinse after each chemical tank and when it is all done the tape is dried and returned to the spool. He showed a photo of several of the tanks and the rinse tanks. Basically NCS really requires only 3 basic steps. The extra tanks are only to have the most flexible system to handle a lot of different projects. Nine out of ten tanks are identical which makes it a completely interchangeable system. Only one tank puts down the Nanopierce Connection System (NCS) and that tank is very different from the others. He showed a diagram of the process. A cleaning step of the tape as they receive it, a little etch to roughen up the surface for adhesion, deposit nickel to build up the bump bite specific to each product and application, then put down the NCS particles, then put down some more nickel to bond it. That is the entire NCS production. There are other steps that are needed by the smart card industry that have nothing to do with NCS. They have a separate machine that is set up to strip off the photo resist mat, runs it through the same clean and etch again, puts down what is called nickel gold which is a very standard contact surface for the industry. He showed the process on the film and showed the inside of one of the cells, with the tape going around the pulleys, where the electrical connection was made for the plating and coming out at the end. Most of this is what was demonstrated to us again on the actual machine using a dummy tape module. It was also explained later at the demonstration that although what we saw was a single 35 millimeter tape with two modules across that the machine could accommodate six modules across to step up the production and also that by stepping it up in size with larger tanks, etc. it was possible to do as many as 30 modules across at one time. That is already done in the industry and Nanopierce can build machines to accommodate reels of that size if they decide to go into full production on very large volumes. That is one of the reasons they would need to raise further capital, to build much larger machines. The modules themselves are fairly standard in the industry and it would only require the larger modules to be put together. The part that deposits the NCS would require more tweaking to deposit to more modules for commercial production. The way the system is set up now it is pretty much ready to go into test production.

      4) And now that they have a pilot production system what are they going to do with it?

      Right now they are going to complete the internal qualification of the process, looking at all of the various operating procedures and the performance data for the system. They need to build their own data base before they can start sharing the information with anybody else. Then they will prepare what they call marketing samples. This is what they take with them on a marketing call on customers to put on the table and draw attention to the advantages of the process. This is so that they will be in the position to provide samples in quantity for field trials. Different customers have different requirements but 50,000 pieces is a common requirement for that type of trial. After they transfer the technology out they will then turn to some other applications.

      Dr. Neuhaus went on to acknowledge his wife’s great patience and sacrifice for letting him set up shop in their house. He said just ask her about the time that the chemical truck pulled up and all of the neighbors were peeking out of their windows.

      He thank Paul Metzinger and Stan Richards for making the resources available for the building out of the system and the facility in which to do it. He also acknowledged Cheri Metzinger for her patience and support for the whole project as well.

      He also acknowledged the Colorado Springs team naming Bob Bond, Fred Blum and Richard Cunningham for having pulled out the stops to make everything ready for the Open House visit to the facility. He said they were up all night working on it, cleaning up and polishing, etc.

      Paul Metzinger went back to the podium then and announced that the tours would be beginning and reminded people of the company’s humble beginnings and how much they have accomplished in such a short space of time. He also said it was really important that they put a face to the company, because a lot of people don’t know or understand who is in the company and what they do. He wanted people to have a more accurate picture of the company and what it is trying to accomplish.

      The mission of the company or its vision is create value through the commercial exploitation of their patented NCS technology. He said that is a noble vision but difficult to implement because the words commercial exploitation means money, personnel, physical facilities, research and development, intellectual property, lawyers, auditors and a whole myriad of players that have to be involved to make that happen. He said they have made that happen because from March of 1998 to today they have taken what was totally an intangible intellectual property and reduced it to commercialization. They are revenue generating, admittedly at very low levels right now but he believed that everyone was going to leave there with the very profound perception that they are getting ready to catapult Nanopierce into a major player in certain select industries in the electronic industry.

      He said that Dr. Wernle is the company’s marketing man and that he would get further into how they were going to accomplish their vision. He also said that Dr. Wernle has already obtained a lot of the world’s biggest companies that are coming after the NCS technology. The primary focus in Colorado Springs is to develop the applications for Dr. Wernle to sell to clients and customers that he has brought into it. They have very focused teams in both Colorado Springs and in Munich. They play very different roles but they are integral and totally interdependent on each other.

      They are going to be concentrating on a four legged stool or approach. He said the smart cards are an immediate market and mentioned Orga Kartensystems and others that are looking at the technology in depth. Orga will probably be the first one to want to test the beta system of the modules, among other things. Smart labels is one of the world’s truly largest markets and the potential for Nanopierce is “staggering”. He said in smart cards we are talking billions of cards, but in labels we are talking billions and billions of labels and that is because they are used by everybody from airlines and they are expected to be mandated to use smart labels by IOTA the International Transport Authority. That includes transport shippers like FEDEX, UPS, Emory, and the postal authorities. He said the pressure is being put on for everybody to go to smart labels. It appears that Nanopierce has the only technology that will cost effectively and reliably solve the Achilles heel of the industry which is keeping that chip on that little thin ultra thin flexible substrate and connected to the antenna. It is a huge market for Nanopierce and they intend to dominate that market. It does not mean they are going to have 100% percent of it but they would be quite satisfied to have at least 30% of it and become a major player.

      LEDs is a completely new market. Paul said that Dr. Wernle was taken by surprise when the owner of Elcos AG of Germany showed up and said I think your technology will help us in the production of their LED arrays. They started looking at it and Dr. Wernle took Paul out to meet the man. They had instant empathy with him. They liked him, he liked them, he liked the technology and within weeks Dr. Wernle delivered a cooperation agreement with Elcos that has opened the door to that very large market. Paul said it was Dr. Wernle’s and Elcos language that was used in that press release, not his, that said that application could be greater or rival the smart labels. He also said that those two applications, if they are successful in penetrating those markets, and they would be because they have the money. He said he didn’t want anyone to believe that Nanopierce doesn’t have the money. Stan Richards and he know they have got the money and they have got the personnel and they are going to penetrate those markets.

      He said that another expert in the industry from Texas Instruments wrote an email to another investment banker saying that Nanopierce was worthy to be funded because it appeared that Nanopierce had found the Holy Grail of the entire electronic connection industry. Then he told us to draw our own conclusions of where the company is going.

      Dr. Wernle was then introduced:

      Dr. Wernle went through a little bit of history of how he got into the smart card industry in automated systems for ball grid arrays and things of that nature. Around seven years ago he joined Mikron which invented the microchip which is the most successful chip for use in smart cards. Based on the success they had with the chip they sold the company to a semiconductor company Mifare which is now Phillips. Then he left Phillips and went to Meinen-Ziegel which was at that time one of the largest manufacturers of machines for the smart card industry and Meinen-Ziegel became a subsidiary of Data Card one year later. Then he described his first meeting with Paul Metzinger in the beginning of 1999. From that meeting he kept thinking about Nanopierce because it appeared it could solve some problems he was experiencing with contactless cards. He joined the company after Paul informed him the company had no real money, but he said to himself that there was only one time in his life that he would be offered a chance like this, so he took the chance.

      He said they set up the Munich facility in a place where it had easy access to the Munich airport for their customers and partners and that it was important to have easy access in the industry. He described the facility as having 200 square meters of office space, around 80 square meters of laboratory and they have just added a second location not far from the company where they have leased a production floor where they can install heavy machines. His team consists of Michael Kober, Bernhardt Maier who is especially responsible for customer contacts in the smart label industry. In addition he has a background in die bonders, and rigid die bonders which will be necessary for the production of the smart labels. Karl Heinz Kuhn, both of them also write software for the different partners and customers to generate the first revenues for Nanopierce and to get a deeper knowledge of the whole production process, not only of the part which is related to the NCS process. And not the least is Barbara, who takes care of the administrative duties for the facility.

      Dr. Wernle said that they have ramped up the application laboratory at the Munich facilities to make the samples for the smart cards market, the smart label market and for the LED market as well. They have a flip chip die bonder which is the machine that places the die on the substrate, it is for samples equipped with NCS contacts. They have a sheet tester which is the machine that measures the bonding force between the die and the substrate. There is a position microscope that surface measures the distance, for example, the smart card manufacturing system that they can qualify for the smart card market, so they can produce smaller quantities for customers who want the technology. He then showed slides of the equipment (some of which is similar to the photos I have posted on my web site on the Nanopierce page).

      He spoke about applications for connectors, sockets, printed circuit boards which are all fine markets, but he wanted to concentrate on smart labels, smart card modules and LED arrays to give us an idea of what is going on in those markets and what an opportunity it is for Nanopierce.

      He said they had in principle two strategies to bring Nanopierce into the market, one is licensing for markets which are old and well developed and where high tech investments are necessary and there are only a few global players. It makes no sense for Nanopierce to try to lead them. The second is to join with some of those corporations to license the technology and to try to get a part of this business.

      There are some other markets that are fairly new and does not have established technology and which are wide open for new ideas and it is not necessary to fight against an established process or already running process, no established technology company likes to change its process, so in these markets there are very low entry barriers and typical markets are the smart label markets which will come in the next months or years, and smart card modules which still exist today but have very strong problems with their production costs. Their Nanopierce can offer a very low cost technology. For that market they want to focus on co-operations, joint ventures, and use this to ramp up occasional business which consists not only in applying NCS on contacts for substrates and on wafers but they are going to make a product out of this wafer or substrate to get more money out of the available chain.

      Smart labels. A simple definition is a very thin device which consists of a substrate, which contains an antenna and a chip mounted to this antenna. He showed a substrate with a thickness of a piece of paper and showed where the chips would be mounted on it.

      The idea behind smart labels is to replace the bar code label in some applications. He said it was not meant to place on a can of coke, but there are some places where it will be useful to write data to certain applications where it will be a benefit to have more data and the industry will pay to have that ability. Smart labels will generate some new applications where bar code labels are not used. Last year’s market was around 6.5 billion paper labels. He said this volume has to be replaced. The main applications are Express Mail Service, UPS, TNT and so on. The luggage tracking at the airports for a much safer identification of luggage. The bar code label has a failure rate of 25% to 27% in the airport’s regular system, which means that about one quarter of the luggage can not be identified. So a human being has to turn the label and read it hands on which is extremely cost sensitive. The error rate for smart labels is around 2% which reduces the number of late deliveries of luggage. Libraries and Universities have a great problem with the return of books and have great difficulty identifying their books. It is a highly unidentified problem. Also smart labels can be used as garment labels to track clothing and keep it from being removed illegally from stores.

      There are some new uses for smart labels such as identifying blood which can cut down on the risk of data being identified incorrectly on the package which would increase the security among other problems.

      He said that smart labels have a short life for use and would have to be replaced frequently which is why the market is growing so rapidly and the estimates are so high for volume usage. For instance when a smart label is used on luggage it is only used for a day or two, then a new label would have to be used for the return flight. For express mail service it is only needed for two or three days and that’s it. So the volume would have to be continually renewed year after year.

      To give an idea of the numbers on paper labels for express packages, it will be around 5 billion this year, for the luggage industry more than 2 billion. He said this is enough volume to make a lot of companies very happy with the product. Particularly, when the labels will only cost around 30 cents. The regular rate for the industry runs between 1 and 2 dollars per label. It is not even the highly sophisticated application, but the low cost that is most important. No other company has any idea how to make a smart label as cheaply as NCS.

      Within the production chain there are the semiconductor manufacturers and the substrate manufacturers and then the two products have to be combined with the die to mount the substrate, then utilize the programming and visualization and there is system integration. The good thing for Nanopierce the companies where they want to market their business the number of companies is very small and they are huge players in the semiconductor manufacturing, and Dr. Wernle knows all of them, Infineon, Phillips, Motorola, Texas Instruments and so on. The substrate manufacturers some of them are very large and there are some smaller ones, but the companies that make connections and testing utilizations are very small companies. So today the size of Nanopierce is not likely to be a problem for large customers to be very serious with them.

      He then showed a diagram and cross section of a smart label and substrate showing where the surface is covered with NCS contact. All that is needed is an adhesive to fix the die to the substrate.

      Today Nanopierce has huge advantages but those advantages will increase in the future with the introduction of new chips that will be coming out much smaller. He compared the size with a human hair. He said there is a strong movement to use punched aluminum because it is the cheapest to use, but there are problems associated with making a good contact with aluminum because it immediately starts to oxidize, but with NCS contact there is no problem because it pierces the oxidation layers easily. So not only does it make a better contact, but with NCS they can use much cheaper materials. You also can not bind some of the conductive adhesives to paper because they have to be heated to 200 degrees centigrade and to use it with paper is a tricky business. NCS can be applied at room temperature.

      There is another application where the industry wants to integrate smart labels with paper money so it will be impossible to copy. With conventional technologies it is virtually impossible to integrate the paper with the substrate, but with NCS they are pretty sure it will be possible.

      There is also no need to cure the adhesive. It will immediately contact the antenna, with lower resistance and can be immediately tested. So there is no waste.

      The new machine at Simotec has a top speed of around 9,000 units per hour, but with the old processes they can only achieve maybe 6,000 units per hour. Only with the changing of the process is it possible to make the machines cheaper and faster. Which is the strongest argument.

      The strongest market for smart cards is the phone card market in Europe and in Asia because they use the smart card for public phones. While local phone calls are cheap in the US they are much more expensive in Europe and require a lot of coins to make a call and the handling of the coins is very expensive for the phone companies. This was the main reason for the introduction of smart cards in Europe. There was some pressure from the government because most of the telephone companies are owned by the government. The phone cards are important and to make them up costs only about 20 or 21 cents. The costs of the GSM cards are 4 or 5 dollars and there it is not important to save one cent on the manufacture of the card, but on the prepaid phone cards a penny or two in the phone card market is a much larger savings.

      One of the advantages to that market is that there is only handful of major key players and for that market Nanopierce does not need a huge marketing organization.

      The leading semiconductor companies for phone card chips is Infineon, Siemens Semiconductor, STMicroelectronics which control 80% of the market there. There are a lot of smart card manufacturers, but only five of them cover 90% of the market. It is enough at this time for Nanopierce to talk to a few of those smart card players such as Orga, GemPlus, and Schlumberger.

      He went over the production line again.

      He then went over the LED market. Not the market for the single LEDs, but LED arrays with a high quantity of LEDs on a very small surface. The reason is to get very bright light in different colors for example a standard light bulb for the future. Today they are used in flashlights, or for speed control of the streets (such as stop lights, red, yellow and green). He said that all of these lights are made from LED arrays. He said that in Tokyo the power consumption of their traffic lights is around 800 megawatts, and he likened it to the amount that an average nuclear power plant produces. The heat of the traffic light with an LED array is less by a factor of 10, which is a very strong argument for using LED arrays in those lights.

      Thirty to forty million cars will be produced that will require LED arrays for the brake lights. There will be a new feature introduced that the brightness of the brake light will need to be adjustable according to the pressure applied to the brake to indicate how much pressure is being put on the brake to other drivers and it is expected to be introduced into new cars over the next two or three years. They will all be LED arrays. That alone will be 80 million LED arrays.

      LEDs tend to be very hot and they require a connection that does not generate extra heat and NCS has a great thermal advantage for LED arrays.

      The LED market this year runs somewhere between 100 and 150 billion LED arrays and there are only 5 suppliers. Elcos shares an outstanding position in the LED market as it is one of only 2 major suppliers in the world and it is the only supplier of 8 segment displays. Elcos is the sole supplier for Airbus and also supplies NASA. They have done electrical problem solving for just about every major corporation in the world. And Nanopierce can use the same equipment to make contact connections for LEDs as it uses for smart cards and smart labels.

      There was a short question and answer session and then it was my turn to go on the tour of the Colorado Springs facility. I am working on trying to get some photos from the day for my site, but it may take some time.

      While the tours were going on there was still some ongoing discussion at the Sheraton and I was told when I returned that I had missed the segment where Paul spoke about buying out the remaining shares that Equinox still owns and is about $2 million worth of stock.

      There was also a half hour devoted to discuss the Intercell situation. Basically it covered the steps being taken, and the reason why it was taking so long to implement. The main hold up was the SEC accounting department asking for changes to the accounting which took approximately 5 months, but that they had just finished up the question and answer segment. What had been the largest holdup had been that the company’s accountants had insisted on unconsolidating the Intercell and its subsidiary’s financials, but the SEC requested that they change it all back to the way it was done before. That has been done under their accountant’s protest. They haven’t yet set the date for the shareholder meeting, but will soon. It will probably be in November at this point. There will actually have to be two different shareholder meetings set up legally. One to vote on all of the changes being implemented and the other to vote on the reverse split. This will require two different proxy statements, so by the time it is all completed and approved by the SEC it could be more like January or February.

      Paul did say they had plenty of offers for funding and were looking at several different technologies. He said that they were interested in technologies that would be synergistic with Nanopierce and its business. One of the technologies they are looking at is a smart card reader company, and another is in the information appliance arena. That is all the information he gave us on them, but he assured us that he would get the job done, even if it would be a little bit longer than he originally thought it would be.

      Anyway that is the best I can do on the breakdown of the Open House.

      Kathy Knight-McConnell
      Investor to Investor

      Also, mein Eindruck: die Leute meinen es wird alles etwas länger dauern, als man so meint (das ist wohl immer der Fall :( )
      aber alle sind davon überzeugt, dass Nanopierce erfolgreich sein wird und das bedeutet für die Zukunft : $$$$$ :D :laugh: :kiss:

      Hold NPCT and prosper

      schrieb am 10.10.00 08:31:28
      Beitrag Nr. 127 ()
      Hier die Pressemitteilung zum Open House:

      Monday October 9, 7:06 pm Eastern Time
      Press Release
      NanoPierce Technologies, Inc. Demonstrates NCS Technology to Public
      DENVER, Colorado--(BUSINESS WIRE)--October 9, 2000--NANOPIERCE TECHNOLOGIES, INC. (OTCBB:NPCT - news) announced that last Friday it demonstrated before a group of approximately 100 invited guests the NCS Technology at the Company`s Colorado Springs facilities. This was the first time that persons outside the Company had an opportunity to visit the NCS pilot production system and to witness the proprietary process in action.

      In summary, the NCS pilot production system places NanoPierce on flex (flexible substrate or circuits). Last week`s demonstration was of a continuous reel-to-reel flex machine, consisting of ten tanks, one containing the patented NCS process. Because flex circuits are in extremely heavy use among hundreds of consumer products such as smart cards, VCRs, cell phones, camcorders and computer monitors, the applications are many and the market potential is huge. The first sample products will be contacts on dual interface smart card modules. The assembly of the sample smart cards will occur in Munich, Germany at NanoPierce`s facility where small quantities will be assembled. After beta testing, actual commercial production of smart cards using NCS modules could occur at the manufacturing facilities of smart card makers such as Orga, GemPlus, and Schlumberger.

      The highly flexible NCS production system allows for many different options on how to commercialize NCS. Almost any flex circuit can be made with the money-saving NanoPierce process. The largest single electronics market in the world is smart cards and the entire infrastructure is based on flex circuits; thus NanoPierce is targeting its business model accordingly.

      Paul H. Metzinger, President and CEO of NanoPierce, opened the one-day conference by stating, ``What you see and learn today is going to convince you that NanoPierce Technologies will become one of the 21st Century`s leading electronic companies.`` It was strongly suggested that the Company has identified adequate financial resources necessary for the foreseeable future, and that this was not a concern.

      Dr. Michael Wernle, President and CEO of NanoPierce Card Technologies GmbH, electrified the audience, along with a presentation by Dr. Herb Neuhaus, Executive Vice President of Technology & Marketing of NanoPierce, as they each discussed the current state of affairs for the Company, and the glowing future prospects for NanoPierce`s four major product areas: Smart Cards, Smart Labels, LED arrays and COB (Chip On Board) Technology.

      NanoPierce`s proprietary NCS is an advanced system designed to provide significant improvement over conventional electrical and mechanical interconnection methods for high-density circuit boards, components, sockets, connectors, semiconductor packaging and electronic systems.

      For more information on NanoPierce Technologies, Inc. please visit this Web site:

      This announcement contains forward-looking statements about NanoPierce Technologies, Inc. that may involve risks and uncertainties. Important factors relating to the company`s operations could cause actual results to differ materially from those in forward- looking statements and are further detailed in filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission available at the SEC Web site ( All forward-looking statements are based on information available to NanoPierce Technologies, Inc. on the date hereof, and NanoPierce Technologies, Inc. assumes no obligation to update such statements.


      Paul H. METZINGER
      President & CEO
      370 17th Street No. 3580
      Denver, CO 80202, USA
      Phone: + 1-303-592-1010
      Fax: + 1-303-592-1054
      Dr. Michael E. WERNLE
      President & CEO
      Lise - Meitner - Strasse 1
      D - 85662 Hohenbrunn (Munich) GERMANY
      Phone: + 49-8102-8961-0
      Fax: + 49-8102-8961-11
      James R. STOCK
      Phone: + 1-702-614-0003

      Die Reaktion des Marktes ist doch enttäuschend :( , andererseits bei dem Marktumfeld auch nicht verwunderlich ...
      Na ja, auf jeden Fall ist Nanopierce ist auf dem richtigen Weg!

      Hold NPCT and prosper :)

      schrieb am 13.10.00 09:22:43
      Beitrag Nr. 128 ()
      Neues Interview mit Paul Metzinger bei CEOcast....

      Hold NPCT and prosper

      schrieb am 13.10.00 15:21:03
      Beitrag Nr. 129 ()
      Pressemitteilung zum Interview (was es nicht alles gibt ;) )

      ( BW)(CO-NANOPIERCE-TECH)(NPCT) Nanopierce Technologies, Inc. Announces President/CEO Interviewed on

      Business Editors & High-Tech Writers

      DENVER--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Oct. 13, 2000--Nanopierce Technologies, Inc. (OTCBB:NPCT) today announced that its President and CEO, Paul H. Metzinger, was interviewed by Michael Wachs of, the premier source of original and syndicated streaming broadcast interviews of Chief Executive Officers of public and private news-making companies.
      Topics of the discussion included uses for Nanopierce Connection System (NCS), its simplicity of use and lower cost advantages for flex circuits, smart cards, smart labels, LED arrays and future uses for direct application of NCS to semiconductor wafers. NCS is an advanced, one step, connection technology utilizing inexpensive, commonly available materials, which is easily integrated into existing production systems. Applied at room temperature, it provides significant cost savings, immediate testability, improved thermal properties, excellent high frequency response, superior electrical performance (due to enhanced conductivity and lower electrical resistance), and outstanding reliability. Beta testing of NCS is planned with Orga Kartensystems for smart card modules.
      While Paul Metzinger gave a very impressive and informative interview, this statement summed up the whole interview in a nutshell: "It will impact the entire electronics market."
      Interest in NCS has been expressed by and agreements and technical exchanges have been made on varying levels with; Orga Kartensystems, Schlumberger and GemPlus for smart cards; Boeing for flexible and rigid circuits; Elcos AG for LED arrays; Philips and Infineon for smart labels and semiconductor applications; and Siemans for other applications.
      The interview can be heard at:`s interviews are organized by industry; its analysts average over 15 years` experience covering and evaluating Wall Street`s leading companies. CEOcast`s programming is distributed to millions of online investors at over 700 financial web sites as well as to more than 20,000 portfolio managers, buy-side analysts and traders at more than 3,300 North American institutions. Content is also disseminated to over 7,000 investment research professionals representing over 425 institutions. All content is copyrighted to protect our licensing partners.
      Nanopierce Technologies, Inc. of Denver, Colorado, USA, is traded on the Nasdaq stock market (OTCBB:NPCT) as well as on the Frankfurt and Hamburg (OTC:NPI). In addition to the 12 patents it owns, Nanopierce has four patent applications pending, two patent applications in preparation, and various other intellectual properties related to Nanopierce`s proprietary NCS (Nanopierce Connection System). This advanced system is designed to provide significant improvement over conventional electrical and mechanical interconnection methods for high-density circuit boards, components, sockets, connectors, semiconductor packaging and electronic systems.
      For more information on Nanopierce Technologies, Inc. please visit this web site:

      This announcement contains forward-looking statements about Nanopierce Technologies, Inc. that may involve risks and uncertainties. Important factors relating to the company`s operations could cause actual results to differ materially from those in forward- looking statements and are further detailed in filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission available at the SEC web site ( All forward-looking statements are based on information available to Nanopierce Technologies, Inc. on the date hereof, and Nanopierce Technologies, Inc. assumes no obligation to update such statements.


      CONTACT: Nanopierce Technologies, Inc., Denver
      Paul. H. Metzinger, 303/592-1010
      303/592-1054 (fax)
      Nanopierce Card Technologies GmbH, Hohenbrunn
      Dr. Michael E. Wernle, + 49-8102-8961-0
      + 49-8102-8961-11 (fax)
      Stock Enterprises Inc., Nevada
      James R. Stock, 702/614-0003 (investor relations)


      Man beachte die Namen von netten kleinen Firmen wie Siemens, Schlumberger etc :rolleyes: :eek: :)

      Hold NPCT and prosper

      schrieb am 15.10.00 09:21:48
      Beitrag Nr. 130 ()
      Hallo, ist hier noch jemand?

      robert_zohnson_2 hat die neuen Auszüge aus dem Interview schriftlich festgehalten:

      NPCT CEOcast interview, some transcript, from Oct 12, 2000

      CEOcast interviewer - standard Nanopierce background info provided - forefront of the electronic age, etc.
      Simplicity advantage, innovative and original tech, deposition system, conductive sandpaper, connect electronic componentry without wires or solder - smart cards, NPCT provides the only system to maintain antenna connection -

      (Edit of interview material, due to mostly repeat info, covered in other previous releases.)

      NPCT, CEO, Mr. Metzinger - We will be in beta testing shortly, with Orga Kartensystems, Germany, we have a working agreement with them, but we`re also in discussion with Schlumberger and GemPlus, the 2 largest producers of smartcards in the world, and they`re looking very hard at our technology now, with a view toward beta testing.

      (Edit of interview material, due to mostly repeat info, covered in other previous releases.)

      Interviewer - how much cheaper is NCS, than comparable methods?

      NPCT - We have the potential to reduce the cost of smart labels, from one to two dollars, to down under 30 cents. We have been approached by some of the world`s leading companies, in the electronics manufacturing industry.

      (Edit of interview material, due to mostly repeat info, covered in other previous releases.)

      Interviewer - Paul, in order to achieve success in these areas, does the company need to raise additional capital, or will you look to partner out this technology, rather than develop it yourself?

      NPCT - We will do both. We are in the process of obtaining substantial financing, in an amount, which in the near term, will permit us to completely accelerate our strategic business plan, which incorporates smartcards, smartlabels, LED arrays, which is a huge market that we have just been aware of, through Elcos, of Germany. Waferpiercing. We do intend to get capital infusions and joint venture money from industry partners. We have the luxury and the option of either or both of those. We are adequately financed, for our size. And given future funding from particularly industry partners, we will be able to catapault this company into a major technology and stock play.

      Interviewer - How do you pursue the LED array market?

      NPCT - We`re going to do that through a working relationship with Elcos, of Germany. (more discussion, background) That market of LED arrays will rival, if not surpass, the multi-billion dollar market of smartlables.

      Interviewer - Given the promise, inherent in your technology, how strong is your intellectual property protection?

      NPCT - Super strong. Our intellectual property has 12 patents, and I believe, 4 pending, and 5 or 6 in preparation. Trademarks - we have trademarks being prepared on 5 different trademarks. Our intellectual property is very broad, well protected, and extremely difficult to get around. We have adopted a policy to be very aggressive in prosecuting and defending our intellectual property.

      Edit of interview material, due to mostly repeat info, covered in other previous releases - included some of the folowing:
      Smartcards, smartlables, LED arrays, and waferpiercing…
      Great management, with the CEO`s own experience as an attorney in market securities, and with Drs. Neuhaus & Wernle, both distinguished materials physicists…
      Independent directors will be coming on board, in the very near term…
      Working agreement with Orga Kartensystems, Germany. Discussions with Schlumberger and GemPlus, with a view toward beta testing. Working relationship with Elcos, of Germany. Approached by Boeing, Phillips, Siemens, and more…

      Back to transcript; Interviewer - Given that you are a small developmental company, how long before it`s realistic to anticipate revenue growth?

      NPCT - Revenue growth will occur, beginning in the next 6 months. It will really kick in, about a year from now. I think that the first revenue growth is going to be generated from supplying our technology to people like Orga Kartensystems, for the manufacturing dual interface contactless smartcards. I think that LED arrays is going to become a very near term revenue generator. Two years from now, smartlabels are going to become very big, and I mean in the billions of dollars. If we penetrate even 30% of those, and become a dominant player, I think we are going to have huge revenues from those markets.

      (Edit of interview material, due to mostly repeat info, covered in other previous releases.)

      Interviewer - What milestones should investors focus in the coming months?

      NPCT - Announcements, relating to our application to get on to NASDAQ, which we intend to do, in the very near term. Announcements, relating to additional working relationships, with many of the companies, which I`ve identified. I believe they`re going to happen in the next 6 to 8 months. Each one, is very significant because, if we once get our technology applied in a mass commercial market, I believe it`s going to force all the other companies, out of sheer competition, to come to us, for our technology.

      (There was more, but that`s what I thought was most relevant, as news. I tried to get as close to a verbatim transcript, as I had the time to transcribe, however, I can`t guarantee it.)


      Hold NPCT and prosper :)

      schrieb am 15.10.00 18:23:41
      Beitrag Nr. 131 ()
      Bin noch da, Jetsia!


      schrieb am 15.10.00 18:37:38
      Beitrag Nr. 132 ()
      Hi Jetsia!

      Ich bin auch noch da und lese mit Interesse und sehr viel zuversicht.
      Vielen Dank für Deine Mühe, den Thread immer aktuell zu halten.

      schrieb am 15.10.00 22:31:04
      Beitrag Nr. 133 ()
      Wo so viel fundiert Sachliches steht, brauchts keine Massenkommentierungen. Lesen genügt.

      Danke für den Service, jetsia. Meine Position bei nanopierce ist zwar klein und, da auch ich auf die Puscherei
      von stockbroker reingefallen bin, dick im Minus. Aber der Gesamteindruck ist, nicht zuletzt aufgrund der Infos
      hier, so solide und aussichtsreich, daß ich gerne investiert bleibe.

      So long

      schrieb am 16.10.00 14:02:51
      Beitrag Nr. 134 ()
      Hi Leute,
      danke für das Lob ganz so war das gar nicht gemeint ich wollte nur mal über die Aussichten reden (ist trotzdem echt nett, und ich werd auch ganz rot :O ).
      Einen kleinen Teil meiner Aktien habe ich ziemlich günstig erstanden (noch unter einem Dollar) den Grossteil habe ich aber nachgelegt, da ja oft der Eindruck vermittelt wurde, dass Verträge unmittelbar bevor stehen. Also bin ich auch schön im Minus. Ich hab aber in der letzten Zeit noch nachgekauft, so dass mein Durchschnitt zwar immer noch bei 2,65 Dollar bzw. bei 2.90 Euro liegt, aber immerhin.
      Kurzfristig denke ich wird es weiter so um die 2 Dollar pendeln aber mittel und langfristig denke ich schon, dass die Aktie unheimlich Potential hat. Es ist irgendwie eine alles oder nichts Aktie entweder es ist wirklich so gut wie Metzinger und Co. behaupten, Nanopierce wird von der Industrie angenommen und es werden riesige Einnahmen kommen (wobei ich mir in ein paar Jahren auch einen Aktienpreis im hohen zweistelligen Bereich gut vorstellen kann, wenn man sich die riesigen potentiellen Märkte ansieht) oder das Produkt gelangt nicht auf den Markt und was dass bedeuten würde :( kann man sich denken...

      Wie seht ihr das? :confused: :laugh:
      Hold NPCT and prosper :)

      schrieb am 16.10.00 16:36:59
      Beitrag Nr. 135 ()

      Ich sehe die Sache folgendermaßen;
      NPCT hat ein Produkt entwickelt, daß eine kleine Revolution werden könnte. Vorrausetzung ist, daß NCS wirklich billig und absolut Praxistauglich ist. Sollte dies der Fall sein, wird NCS mit Sicherheit von den großen der Branche angenommen und könnte durchaus zum Technischen Standard werden. Ich denke auch, daß, sobald einer der "Big Player" einen Vertag mit NPCT abschließt und die Produktion mit NCS reibungslos verläuft, der Rest der Branche sehr bald nachziehen wird.
      Das NPCT eine alles oder nichts Aktie ist sehen ich genau so, welcher OTC-Wert ist das nicht? Allerdings hat NPCT ein sehr gutes Chance/Risiko Verhältnis.

      Viele Grüße,

      schrieb am 18.10.00 13:33:34
      Beitrag Nr. 136 ()
      Hier noch einmal in aller Kürze :eek: :rolleyes: das gesamte Interview (von Kathy`s Seite)

      This is the full transcript of the CEOcast interview of Paul Metzinger. . ."
      Paul H. Metzinger, Director, President & CEO of Nanopierce Technologies, Inc.
      Interviewed on October 12, 2000 by Michael Wachs, Analyst for CEOCast

      Company Profile:

      NanoPierce is a technology company committed to commercialize and market its patented, innovative electronics connection system. The NanoPierce Connection System (NCS) is a revolutionary manufacturing technology and process that makes reliable, high-performance electrical connections without soldering, spring-loading or pin-in-hole connectors. This advanced system is designed to provide significant improvement over conventional electrical and mechanical interconnection methods for high-density circuit boards, components, sockets, connectors, semiconductor packaging and electronic systems.

      Key Products:

      NCS is a low-cost electrical contact coating formed by depositing small, hard particles to a contact surface in a nickel electroplating process. In the plating process the particles and the contact surface are encapsulated in nickel. The nickel is then over plated with an environmentally stable finish such as gold. The resulting contact surface has a large number of asperities.

      Electrical Performance - The electrical advantages of NCS result from its exceptionally short circuit pathway. Because NanoPierce pierces any surface oxides, the electrical resistance of the contact is low, and because the circuit path is short, parasitics are small.

      Reliability - NCS material set (diamond, nickel, and gold) is inherently robust and stable, and preliminary test data indicates highly reliable contacts.

      Manufacturing and Cost - The manufacturing process used to produce NCS contacts is standard electroplating modified to control the particle deposition. The core process technology is well established and mature in the printed circuit board industry. Material costs for NCS are low; the diamond particles are commonly used as industrial abrasives and are inexpensive. Waste management costs are minimized by the avoidance of copper etching and electro less plating processes.

      Beginning of Interview:

      This is Michael Wachs with CEOCast. I’m here today with Paul H. Metzinger. Paul is the President and Chief Executive Officer of Nanopierce Technologies, Inc., a company that trades over the counter on the Bulletin Board, symbol NPCT and one who’s proprietary NCS is an advanced system designed to provide improvement over conventional electrical and mechanical methods for connecting high density circuit boards, components and other elements in the semiconductor sector. Thanks for joining us at CEOCast today Paul.

      Paul: Thank you very much, it’s a privilege to be here.

      Michael Wachs: Paul the technology has the potential to vault the company into the forefront of the electronic age. Perhaps you could begin with an overview of the company and then we can get into the technology in greater detail.

      Paul: Yes, Nanopierce Technologies is a small developmental public company that has very ambitious plans. We are approximately 2 ½ years old and we own a powerful technology that stands up to the potential of literally revolutionizing the interconnect, uh electronic industry in the future.

      Michael Wachs: What is it about this technology that makes it so effective?

      Paul: Well, it’s a number of things. Its simplicity is probably its biggest selling point but essentially what we have is a patented process which utilizes metalized hardened particles such as industrial diamond dust which when it’s applied to an electrical contact point provides electrical connections to be made between the chip and flex or rigid circuitry boards without wiring or solder. It’s truly a innovative and original technology.

      Michael Wachs: How would this be applied and what makes it unique?

      Paul: Well, what makes it so unique is its simplicity when it’s applied with our system, our deposition system in Colorado Springs it has the appearance of sandpaper. Imagine sandpaper under extreme magnification at micron levels. The wonderful thing about it is it’s conductive sandpaper and it permits us to attach, like I said, electronic componentry without resort to solder or wire bonding and all of the complexities and cost that go with it.

      Michael Wachs: Now because there is extremely heavy use of flex circuits in literally hundreds of products, how does your application enhance that? Perhaps we could start, Paul, with smart cards?

      Paul: Well, with smart cards we are without a doubt one of the leading technology companies in that huge industry primarily because we have demonstrated, I think, conclusively to the largest players in that market that we effectively have the only system that will allow, for instance: In contactless smart cards and smart labels for the chip to remain connected to the antenna which is the most critical, the Achilles heel, of the industry. We’ve made many big companies believers in our technology and that market, of course, is measured in the billions of dollars.

      Michael Wachs: Paul, with respect to that what is then the strategy to commercialize it, will you go into beta testing shortly?

      Paul: We are gonna be in beta testing very shortly with one of the world’s leading smart card manufacturers, Orga Kartensystems, in Flintbek, Germany. We have a working agreement with them, but we`re also in discussions with Schlumberger and GemPlus, the two largest producers of smart cards in the world, and they`re looking very hard at our technology right now, with a view to beta testing.

      Michael Wachs: When you look at this technology, why is it superior for the smart card application to what’s currently available?

      Paul: Well, if I could just talk in terms of what I call my pentagon. We offer the entire electronics industry a connection technology for virtually any application and it provides the pentagon of these benefits, five major benefits. It is simpler, it is smaller, it is faster, it’s better and it’s inexpensive. It is simpler because it allows everything to be attached, all connections, with one attachment, one step process. We use ordinary inexpensive materials. It’s smaller because it allows incredible miniaturization. It’s faster because it has higher electrical conductivity, lower electrical resistance and higher thermal performance. It’s better because it’s reliability has been demonstrated conclusively by repeated use of some of our licensees. And it’s inexpensive and that is the driver of the electronics industry.

      Michael Wachs: Paul, when you say inexpensive, how much cheaper is the Nanopierce process then perhaps comparable ways of producing the cards?

      Paul: Let me just put it this way it is cheaper or more inexpensive by factors of magnitudes. We have the potential, we believe, for instance to reduce the cost of a smart label from $1 to $2 down below 30 cents. That is dramatic and that is what is captivating the attention of some of the world’s biggest companies. We are dealing, we are discussing, we are negotiating, we are exchanging technical information with the likes of Siemens, Infineon, Boeing, Schlumberger, GemPlus. The major participants in the electronics industry have approached us and even outside of the smart card/ smart label industry we are being approached by some of the world’s leading companies for applications in the connector industry.

      Michael Wachs: What about the chip on board technology? How do you integrate your solution there?

      Paul: Well that’s a very good question Michael and I’m glad you asked it, because that’s the ultimate application of our technology. It’s what we call application of our technology, it’s what we call application wafer piercing. Where it is actually applied to an entire wafer, every chip on the wafer. There are wafers out there that have upwards of 30,000 chips on them. When we can apply it, and we are in discussions with some of the big chip manufacturers about that potential, it will impact the entire electronics market. That’s why the future for Nanopierce, I believe, is virtually unlimited.

      Michael Wachs: Paul, in order to achieve successes in these areas, does the company need to raise additional capital or will you look to partner out this technology rather than develop it yourself?

      Paul: We’ll do both. We are in the process of obtaining substantial financing in an amount in the near term that will permit us to completely accelerate our strategic business plan. Which incorporates smart cards, smart labels, LED arrays which is a huge market that we have just become aware of through Elcos of Germany, wafer piercing. We do intend to get capital infusions and joint venture money from industry partners. We have the luxury and the option of either or both of them. We are adequately financed for our size and given future funding from particularly industry partners, we will be able to catapult this company into a major technology and stock play.

      Michael Wachs: How do you pursue the LED array market?

      Paul: We`re going to do that through a working relationship with Elcos AG, of Germany, it’s in Pfaffenhofen, Germany. A small but cutting edge LED array manufacturer. They are the sole source supplier of LED arrays to Airbus, they have supplied their high prototype LEDs to NASA here in the United States. We are very excited about that connection. That market of LED arrays, in our opinion, will rival, if not surpass, the multi-billion dollar level of the smart labels. We are extremely excited about our association with Elcos.

      Michael Wachs: Given the promise, inherent in your technology, how strong is your intellectual property protection?

      Paul: That’s a great question. We are super strong. We have got 12 patents issued on our technology, I believe there are now 4 pending. We’ve got 5 or 6 in preparation. We have got trademarks being prepared on 5 different trademarks. Our intellectual property portfolio is very broad, it’s a method type of patents protection, it’s extremely difficult for people to get around. We have adopted a corporate policy that we are going to be not only very aggressive, but super aggressive in prosecuting and defending our intellectual property.

      Michael Wachs: Paul, as you look at a number of these applications given that the potential in these markets are so broad and the revenue opportunity so substantial, how does a small company like yours decide which to pursue first?

      Paul: Well, we have the benefit of a very, what I consider, enlightened management team, and I won’t take all the credit for that so-called enlightenment. I am surrounded by two very brilliant men that I am quite honored to serve with, Dr. Herbert J. Neuhaus, who is the head of our Colorado Springs facility. He is an MIT Phd. Dr. Michael E. Wernle, who is a Phd. from the Vienna Technical Institute heads up our German operations in Munich. Both of them are highly skilled in the electronics semiconductor industry. They are material physicists. We have also two independent directors who are coming on board Nanopierce, very near term. These men combined with my past experience have targeted the areas we want to go into. Smart cards, smart labels, LED arrays, and the WaferPierce.

      Michael Wachs: Paul as a development stage company, how long before it`s realistic to anticipate revenue growth?

      Paul: Revenue growth will occur, beginning in the next 6 months. It will really kick in, about a year from now and I think the first revenues are going to be generated from supplying our technology to people like Orga Kartensystems, for the manufacturing of dual interface smart cards, now that’s a fancy word for a smart card that is both contact and contactless. I think LED arrays is going to become a very near term revenue generator. Two years from now, smart labels are going to come on very big, and I’m talking measured markets in the billions of dollars. If we penetrate even 30% of that and become a dominant player, I think we are going to have huge revenues coming out of that market.

      Michael Wachs: Paul, when you look at the company today, what about strategic partners? You mentioned a couple of your manufacturing partners, what other types of companies might be strategic for you?

      Paul: Well, obviously we’ve got a great liking for all of the chip manufacturers because of the incredible potential of WaferPierce applications at the wafer fab facilities themselves. Obviously, Infineon is a prime, Phillips is one I neglected to mention before. We would like to, obviously, and we do expect it given enough money and exposure, we could potentially be invited into discussions with people like Intel, Motorola, IBM. We have had contact with one or more of those entities. They’re coming to us. It’s finally taking hold, the recognition of the inherent value of our technology and it’s ultimate implications to the electronic industry. They’re coming to us now.

      Michael Wachs: What milestones should investors focus in the coming months?

      Paul: Announcements relating to our application to get on to NASDAQ, which we intend to do in the very near term. Announcements, relating to additional working relationships with many of the companies I`ve identified. I believe they`re going to happen in the next 6 to 8 months. Each one of those are very significant because, if we once get our technology applied in a mass commercial manner, I think the sheer power of competition is going to force all of the other companies in the given industry to come to us to get the benefits of, what I consider, our incredible technology.

      End of Interview

      Hold NPCT and prosper

      schrieb am 19.10.00 21:43:44
      Beitrag Nr. 137 ()
      Das Geld kommt zurück!

      Gruß Bogo!

      P.S. Hallo Jetsia, teile Deine Ansicht! Bin allerdings trotzdem noch vorsichtig. Technologie scheint mir in Ordnung zu sein, die alles entscheidene Frage wird der Zeitpunkt der Serienreife sein. Da an der Börse alles vorweg genommen wird ...... .
      schrieb am 20.10.00 18:38:32
      Beitrag Nr. 138 ()
      Was da im Interview steht: Ich habe immer darauf vertraut! Und brav nachgekauft, als die Aktien in den letzten Wochen auf den Tiefstständen waren. Mit Nanopierce werde ich wohl ein paar Jahre durchhalten bis sie eine Steigerung hinlegen wie weiland Cisco (das waren glaub ích über 80 Tausend Prozent Gewinn in 10 Jahren...) Wenn irgende eine Firma die Chance hat, so eine Performance hinzulegen, dann eine mit Nanotechnologie, dann NPCT mit 12 Patenten! Man beachte die Liste der Kooperationspartner: Siemens-Töchter etc. und weltweite Verbindungen!
      Bis demnächst! (=private Homepage)
      schrieb am 20.10.00 19:46:56
      Beitrag Nr. 139 ()
      nanopierce, heute eine Rakete 27,8 %
      916132 nanotechnik das gibt der RENNER der Zukunft, jetzt gibts die Aktie noch günstig in 2 bis 3 Jahren sind gewinne möglich wie früher bei internetwerten oder eben bei biotec.

      jetzt einsteigen und liegen lassen oder kurzfristig 100-200% (4 monate)

      schrieb am 20.10.00 22:13:34
      Beitrag Nr. 140 ()
      15 Millionen Dollar Finanzierung steht :)

      News! NanoPierce Technologies, Inc. Closes $15 Million Equity Financing -- 3:43 PM EDT

      DENVER, Oct 20, 2000 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- NanoPierce Technologies, Inc.
      (OTCBB: NPCT) (Frankfurt Stock Exchange:NPI) (Hamburg Stock Exchange:NPI) today
      announced that it closed a $15,000,000 Equity Financing. The Financing includes
      common stock and incentive warrants.

      The Financing is divided into two installments, which allows the Company, at its
      option, in approximately 200 days, to sell additional common shares and warrants
      to access an additional $7.5 Million, based on the then market price, from the
      same financial institution.

      The first installment of $7.5 Million not only improves the financial strength
      of NanoPierce, but also provides sufficient capital to accelerate achievement of
      the Company`s Strategic Business Plan and enables the Company to plan for
      listing on the Nasdaq Small Cap Market.

      As a result of this financing, the outstanding Convertible Debentures held by
      Equinox Investors, LLC, were redeemed by the Company. The redemption has removed
      approximately $2 Million of the Company`s debt. Further, the redemption has
      eliminated the overhang on the market represented by the unconverted principal
      amount of the debentures. Assets have increased by $7,000,000. Except for
      current liabilities of less than an estimated $300,000, the Company has no debt.
      This significantly increases Shareholders` Equity.

      Paul H. Metzinger, President and CEO, stated, "The closing of this financing
      represents an unbelievable achievement for a small developmental Bulletin Board
      company. In my entire career I am not aware of any Bulletin Board company that
      has ever accomplished a $15 Million equity only financing. The impact of this
      financing cannot be understated. We will accelerate the implementation of our
      Strategic Business Plan, especially in the smart label and waferpierce
      applications. We will now be able to exhibit the financial credibility necessary
      for dealing with major industry partners in the electronics industry."

      Mr. Metzinger also indicated that this is only the first stage of a major
      financing campaign he has initiated. The Company is actively pursuing, with a
      major institutional advisor, a $35-$55 Million Financing Facility with
      recognized industry partners. "Preliminary response is encouraging," he said.

      Further information on the Equity Financing can be obtained by accessing the
      Company`s filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission at

      NanoPierce Technologies, Inc. of Denver, Colorado, USA, is traded on the Nasdaq
      stock market (OTCBB: NPCT) as well as on the Frankfurt and Hamburg stock
      exchanges (Frankfurt Stock Exchange:NPI) (Hamburg Stock Exchange:NPI). In
      addition to the 12 patents it owns, NanoPierce has four patent applications
      pending, two patent applications in preparation, and various other intellectual
      properties related to NanoPierce`s proprietary NCS (NanoPierce Connection
      System). This advanced system is designed to provide significant improvement
      over conventional electrical and mechanical interconnection methods for
      high-density circuit boards, components, sockets, connectors, semiconductor
      packaging and electronic systems.

      For more information on NanoPierce Technologies, Inc., please visit this web

      This announcement contains forward-looking statements about NanoPierce
      Technologies, Inc. that may involve risks and uncertainties. Important factors
      relating to the company`s operations could cause actual results to differ
      materially from those in forward- looking statements and are further detailed in
      filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission available at the SEC website
      ( All forward-looking statements are based on information
      available to NanoPierce Technologies, Inc. on the date hereof, and NanoPierce
      Technologies, Inc. assumes no obligation to update such statements.

      CONTACT: NanoPierce Technologies, Inc., Denver
      Paul. H. Metzinger, 303/592-1010
      Fax: 303/592-1054
      NanoPierce Card Technologies GmbH, Munich
      Dr. Michael E. Wernle, + 49-8102-8961-0
      Fax: + 49-8102-8961-11
      Stock Enterprises, Inc. (Investor Relations)
      James Stock, 702/614-0003

      Hold NPCT and prosper

      schrieb am 22.10.00 00:48:20
      Beitrag Nr. 141 ()

      Die allgemeine Meinung zur Finanzierung auf dem RB Board ist sehr positiv. Es gibt zwar Bedenken wegen der Erhöhung der Aktienzahl (outstanding bis zu ca. 53 Millionen, wenn ich das richtig verstanden habe) andererseits scheinen die jetzigen Konditionen recht vorteilhaft und der Nutzen für NPCT überwiegt deutlich die Nachteile. Zudem sind die "convertibles" (Aktien, die zu einem gewissen Niedrigpreis von dem letzten Finanzier erworben und wieder verkauft werden konnten), die bisher den Preis gedrückt haben, zurückgekauft worden.
      Auch hatte Metzinger immer betont, dass das Geld der Firma noch viele Monate reicht und erst eine Finanzierung bzw. Geld aufgenommen werden soll, wenn die Zeit Reif ist. Da fragt man sich natürlich, ob das nicht der Wink mit dem Zaunpfahl für anstehende Grossaufträge ist. Na ja, wer weiss...
      Für Montag wird mit einer kleinen Rallye gerechnet, aber danach wird es auch wieder runter gehen (hört sich an wie der Wetterbericht 50 % Chance ;) man kennt es ja am OTC )
      Wer neu einsteigen möchte: am besten nicht gleich zu gierig werden, sondern immer etwas überlassen für Nachkäufe ...

      Na mal sehen was kommt, so, Nachtschicht beendet :laugh:

      (So, noch ein bisschen spamming ;) für die, die es interessiert: in den nächsten Wochen (entweder nächstes Wochenende spätestens 17.11.) entscheidet sich NSCT´s Zukunft. Ein sehr interessanter Wert! Ich denke, es lohnt sich mal einen Blick drauf zu werfen. Homepage

      Hold NPCT and prosper

      schrieb am 22.10.00 01:17:02
      Beitrag Nr. 142 ()
      Dank an Jetsia für Dein unglaubliches Engagement in diese Aktie!! Bin noch immer drin (schon seit einem Jahr fast), habe aber zu wenig Zeit, um hier aktiv mitzumachen!!

      Grüße aus Österreich

      schrieb am 22.10.00 22:32:08
      Beitrag Nr. 143 ()
      hallo jetsia !

      bin nach wie vor in NPCT und auch immer noch in INCE drin. stimmt meine vermutung, daß wenn NPCT die aktienanzahl erhöht, INCE plötzlich weniger wert haben müßte ?? weil INCE ist ja eigentlich nur sowas wie ein großer shareholder von NPCT und hat deshalb einen gewissen wert, oder wie siehst du das ??

      warum hast du gesagt das sich nächste woche das schicksal von NSCT entscheidet ? mich interessiert der wert schon länger, bin aber noch nicht eingestiegen. kannst du mir ein paar infos geben ??

      danke für die infos, und good luck...

      schrieb am 22.10.00 23:01:40
      Beitrag Nr. 144 ()
      Wir werden sehen ob es am Montag noch raufgeht. In den USA hatte es keine Auswirkung mehr. Die meldung kam doch 20 Minuten vor Börsenschluss, wenn ich richtig gelesen habe (Yahoo). Allerdings zeigt Yahoo seit heute gar keine Meldungen zu npct an......
      gruß, brem
      schrieb am 22.10.00 23:09:03
      Beitrag Nr. 145 ()
      das Laden der über 140 Beiträge dauert schon ziemlich lange. Würde es Dir etwas ausmachen einen neuen Thread mit einer Zusammenfassung was npct so macht zu starten? Ich denke so ab 100 Beiträge wäre das OK.
      gruß, brem
      schrieb am 23.10.00 07:53:07
      Beitrag Nr. 146 ()
      @ roho, vielen Dank und Grüße vom Niederrhein nach Österreich

      @ Hackertom1, Hallo!
      Die Wertminderung durch die Ausschüttung von mehr Aktien betrifft Nanopierce in gleichem Maße. Mir ist INCE nach wie vor zu riskant im Vergleich zu NPCT. INCEs einziger Wert ist ja momentan der Anteil an NPCT (9 Mil wenn ich richtig informiert bin). Aber bisher war es immer so, dass INCE etwas später "gelaufen" ist, man kann nur spekulieren, ob dies auch jetzt so ist.
      Zu NSCT: am nächsten Wochenende ist das Aktionärstreffen in Phoenix. Vor Monaten hiess es, dies sollte nicht nur ein Treffen sondern eine celebration werden... Am 17. November wird NSCT sich nach eigenen Angaben für die Nasdaq bewerben, vorher wurde imer gesagt "ohne Verträge keine Nasdaq" also... wenn die Aussagen nicht zutreffen gibt es spätestens am 18. November einen Massenexodus aus dem Papier (Glaubwürdigkeitsverlust) wenn die Aussagen zutreffen geht der Wert rasant in die Höhe (riesiges Marktpotential, alte Höchststände um $ 20 sind dann wohl kein Problem...)
      Also sehr spannend...

      @ Brem Hi,
      die Spekulation im RB Board dazu lautet, dass einige vorab von guten Nachrichten am Freitag gewusst haben (daher der unerklärliche run von 2 auf 3 Dollar). Als die Nachricht aber eine halbe Stunde vor Börsenschluss noch nicht draussen war, haben einige kalte Füsse bekommen und eine Verkaufswelle startete bis auf 2 3/8. Als dann doch die Nachricht kam, ging es ziemlich schnell wieder hoch...
      Ich denke auch, dass es zumindest kurzfristig noch höher geht, mal sehen...

      So und jetzt der nächste Thread...

      Hold NPCT and prosper

      Jetsia :)

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      NPCT Nanopierce Technologies WKN 916132; Thread II