
    ORACLE and SOFTBANKII - neue 8-Version für den CHINA-Markt - 500 Beiträge pro Seite

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     Ja Nein
      schrieb am 26.05.00 13:28:54
      Beitrag Nr. 1 ()

      aus verschiedenen Quellen habe ich gehört, daß SBII und Oracle eine gemeinsame ORACLE 8-CHINA-VERSION auf JAVA-EJB-Basis entwickeln:

      Habe schon Code-Snipsets gefunden:

      * @(#)SOFTBANKII ORACLE 1.31 98/07/01
      * Copyright 2000-2001 by SOFTBANKII and ORACLE, Inc.,
      * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, California, 94303, U.S.A.
      * All rights reserved.
      * This software is the confidential and proprietary information
      * of Sun Microsystems, Inc. ("Confidential Information"). You
      * shall not disclose such Confidential Information and shall use
      * it only in accordance with the terms of the license agreement
      * you entered into with Sun.

      package java.beans;

      import java.awt.*;
      import java.applet.*;
      import java.lang.reflect.Array;

      * This class provides some general purpose beans control methods.

      public class Beans {

      * Instantiate a bean.
      * <p>
      * The bean is created based on a name relative to a class-loader.
      * This name should be a dot-separated name such as "a.b.c".
      * <p>
      * In Beans 1.0 the given name can indicate either a serialized object
      * or a class. Other mechanisms may be added in the future. In
      * beans 1.0 we first try to treat the beanName as a serialized object
      * name then as a class name.
      * <p>
      * When using the beanName as a serialized object name we convert the
      * given beanName to a resource pathname and add a trailing ".ser" suffix.
      * We then try to load a serialized object from that resource.
      * <p>
      * For example, given a beanName of "x.y", Beans.instantiate would first
      * try to read a serialized object from the resource "x/y.ser" and if
      * that failed it would try to load the class "x.y" and create an
      * instance of that class.
      * <p>
      * If the bean is a subtype of java.applet.Applet, then it is given
      * some special initialization. First, it is supplied with a default
      * AppletStub and AppletContext. Second, if it was instantiated from
      * a classname the applet`s "init" method is called. (If the bean was
      * deserialized this step is skipped.)
      * <p>
      * Note that for beans which are applets, it is the caller`s responsiblity
      * to call "start" on the applet. For correct behaviour, this should be done
      * after the applet has been added into a visible AWT container.
      * <p>
      * Note that applets created via beans.instantiate run in a slightly
      * different environment than applets running inside browsers. In
      * particular, bean applets have no access to "parameters", so they may
      * wish to provide property get/set methods to set parameter values. We
      * advise bean-applet developers to test their bean-applets against both
      * the JDK appletviewer (for a reference browser environment) and the
      * BDK BeanBox (for a reference bean container).
      * @param classLoader the class-loader from which we should create
      * the bean. If this is null, then the system
      * class-loader is used.
      * @param beanName the name of the bean within the class-loader.
      * For example "sun.beanbox.foobah"
      * @exception java.lang.ClassNotFoundException if the class of a serialized
      * object could not be found.
      * @exception if an I/O error occurs.
      public static Object instantiate(ClassLoader cls, String beanName)
      throws, ClassNotFoundException { ins; oins = null;
      Object result = null;
      boolean serialized = false;

      // Try to find a serialized object with this name
      String serName = beanName.replace(`.`,`/`).concat(".ser");
      if (cls == null) {
      ins = ClassLoader.getSystemResourceAsStream(serName);
      } else {
      ins = cls.getResourceAsStream(serName);
      if (ins != null) {
      try {
      if (cls == null) {
      oins = new ObjectInputStream(ins);
      } else {
      oins = new ObjectInputStreamWithLoader(ins, cls);
      result = oins.readObject();
      serialized = true;
      } catch ( ex) {
      // For now, drop through and try opening the class.
      // throw ex;
      } catch (ClassNotFoundException ex) {
      throw ex;

      if (result == null) {
      // No serialized object, try just instantiating the class
      Class cl;
      if (cls == null) {
      cl = Class.forName(beanName);
      } else {
      cl = cls.loadClass(beanName);
      try {
      result = cl.newInstance();
      } catch (Exception ex) {
      throw new ClassNotFoundException();
      // Ok, if the result is an applet initialize it.
      if (result != null && result instanceof Applet) {
      Applet applet = (Applet) result;

      // Figure our the codebase and docbase URLs. We do this
      // by locating the URL for a known resource, and then
      // massaging the URL.

      // First find the "resource name" corresponding to the bean
      // itself. So a serialzied bean "a.b.c" would imply a resource
      // name of "a/b/c.ser" and a classname of "x.y" would imply
      // a resource name of "x/y.class".

      String resourceName;
      if (serialized) {
      // Serialized bean
      resourceName = beanName.replace(`.`,`/`).concat(".ser");
      } else {
      // Regular class
      resourceName = beanName.replace(`.`,`/`).concat(".class");
      URL objectUrl = null;
      URL codeBase = null;
      URL docBase = null;

      // Now get the URL correponding to the resource name.
      if (cls == null) {
      objectUrl = ClassLoader.getSystemResource(resourceName);
      } else {
      objectUrl = cls.getResource(resourceName);

      // If we found a URL, we try to locate the docbase by taking
      // of the final path name component, and the code base by taking
      // of the complete resourceName.
      // So if we had a resourceName of "a/b/c.class" and we got an
      // objectURL of "file://bert/classes/a/b/c.class" then we would
      // want to set the codebase to "file://bert/classes/" and the
      // docbase to "file://bert/classes/a/b/"

      if (objectUrl != null) {
      String s = objectUrl.toExternalForm();
      if (s.endsWith(resourceName)) {
      int ix = s.length() - resourceName.length();
      codeBase = new URL(s.substring(0,ix));
      docBase = codeBase;
      ix = s.lastIndexOf(`/`);
      if (ix >= 0) {
      docBase = new URL(s.substring(0,ix+1));

      // Setup a default context and stub.
      BeansAppletContext context = new BeansAppletContext(applet);
      BeansAppletStub stub = new BeansAppletStub(applet, context, codeBase, docBase);

      // If it was deserialized then it was already init-ed. Otherwise
      // we need to initialize it.
      if (!serialized) {
      // We need to set a reasonable initial size, as many
      // applets are unhappy if they are started without
      // having been explicitly sized.
      } = true;
      return result;

      * From a given bean, obtain an object representing a specified
      * type view of that source object.
      * <p>
      * The result may be the same object or a different object. If
      * the requested target view isn`t available then the given
      * bean is returned.
      * <p>
      * This method is provided in Beans 1.0 as a hook to allow the
      * addition of more flexible bean behaviour in the future.
      * @param obj Object from which we want to obtain a view.
      * @param targetType The type of view we`d like to get.
      public static Object getInstanceOf(Object bean, Class targetType) {
      return bean;

      * Check if a bean can be viewed as a given target type.
      * The result will be true if the Beans.getInstanceof method
      * can be used on the given bean to obtain an object that
      * represents the specified targetType type view.
      * @param bean Bean from which we want to obtain a view.
      * @param targetType The type of view we`d like to get.
      * @return "true" if the given bean supports the given targetType.
      public static boolean isInstanceOf(Object bean, Class targetType) {
      return Introspector.isSubclass(bean.getClass(), targetType);

      * Test if we are in design-mode.
      * @return True if we are running in an application construction
      * environment.
      public static boolean isDesignTime() {
      return designTime;

      * @return True if we are running in an environment where beans
      * can assume that an interactive GUI is available, so they
      * can pop up dialog boxes, etc. This will normally return
      * true in a windowing environment, and will normally return
      * false in a server environment or if an application is
      * running as part of a batch job.
      public static boolean isGuiAvailable() {
      return guiAvailable;

      * Used to indicate whether of not we are running in an application
      * builder environment. Note that this method is security checked
      * and is not available to (for example) untrusted applets.
      * @param isDesignTime True if we`re in an application builder tool.

      public static void setDesignTime(boolean isDesignTime)
      throws SecurityException {
      designTime = isDesignTime;

      * Used to indicate whether of not we are running in an environment
      * where GUI interaction is available. Note that this method is
      * security checked and is not available to (for example) untrusted
      * applets.
      * @param isGuiAvailable True if GUI interaction is available.

      public static void setGuiAvailable(boolean isGuiAvailable)
      throws SecurityException {
      guiAvailable = isGuiAvailable;

      private static boolean designTime;
      private static boolean guiAvailable = true;

      * This subclass of ObjectInputStream delegates loading of classes to
      * an existing ClassLoader.

      class ObjectInputStreamWithLoader extends ObjectInputStream
      private ClassLoader loader;

      * Loader must be non-null;

      public ObjectInputStreamWithLoader(InputStream in, ClassLoader loader)
      throws IOException, StreamCorruptedException {

      if (loader == null) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal null argument to ObjectInputStreamWithLoader");
      this.loader = loader;

      * Make a primitive array class

      private Class primitiveType(char type) {
      switch (type) {
      case `B`: return byte.class;
      case `C`: return char.class;
      case `D`: return double.class;
      case `F`: return float.class;
      case `I`: return int.class;
      case `J`: return long.class;
      case `S`: return short.class;
      case `Z`: return boolean.class;
      default: return null;

      * Use the given ClassLoader rather than using the system class
      protected Class resolveClass(ObjectStreamClass classDesc)
      throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {

      String cname = classDesc.getName();
      if (cname.startsWith("[")) {
      // An array
      Class component; // component class
      int dcount; // dimension
      for (dcount=1; cname.charAt(dcount)==`[`; dcount++) ;
      if (cname.charAt(dcount) == `L`) {
      component = loader.loadClass(cname.substring(dcount+1,
      } else {
      if (cname.length() != dcount+1) {
      throw new ClassNotFoundException(cname);// malformed
      component = primitiveType(cname.charAt(dcount));
      int dim[] = new int[dcount];
      for (int i=0; i<dcount; i++) {
      return Array.newInstance(component, dim).getClass();
      } else {
      return loader.loadClass(cname);

      * Package private support class. This provides a default AppletContext
      * for beans which are applets.

      class BeansAppletContext implements AppletContext {
      Applet target;
      java.util.Hashtable imageCache = new java.util.Hashtable();

      BeansAppletContext(Applet target) { = target;

      public AudioClip getAudioClip(URL url) {
      // We don`t currently support audio clips in the Beans.instantiate
      // applet context, unless by some luck there exists a URL content
      // class th
      schrieb am 26.05.00 13:33:45
      Beitrag Nr. 2 ()
      @ hassmich

      wurde aber schon der erste fehler entdeckt, siehe unter rumour mill
      schrieb am 26.05.00 13:41:50
      Beitrag Nr. 3 ()

      ...hast Du die etwa schon compiliert, oder was ?
      Darfst Du nicht; das ist ORACLE SBII-Eigentum !!!

      Was für ein Fehler denn ?
      schrieb am 26.05.00 17:07:16
      Beitrag Nr. 4 ()

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      ORACLE and SOFTBANKII - neue 8-Version für den CHINA-Markt