
    Interview mit Dr. Pham von Hartcourt - 500 Beiträge pro Seite

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      schrieb am 03.09.99 09:39:13
      Beitrag Nr. 1 ()
      Interview mit CEO Dr. Phan der
      Hartcourt Inc.

      vom 02.09. 18:08


      Das folgende Interview wurde am 1. September 1999 durch allstreet:Online mit dem CEO der angehenden chinesischen Internetfirma Hartcourt Inc. geführt.

      Hier der Originalmitschnitt in englischer Sprache:

      1. How would you desribe the company Hartcourt? What is the strategy and vision of Hartcourt Inc. for the future? Where would you see the company in the year 2003?

      Answer: Hartcourts mission is to become a leading Internet company in China. Its strategy is to establish Hartcourt as the E-trade of China, and the AOL of China. By the year 2003, Hartcourt should be one of the top ten Internet companies in China.

      2. What kind of market growth do you foresee in the Internet sector in China?

      A. The growth of the Internet sector in China can be measured by the number of Internet subscribers. In 1997, there were 620,000. In 1998, the total jumped to over 2 Million. The first 6 months of 1999, the number is 4.5 Million, and expected to be about 7 Million by end of 1999. The projected figure for 2000 is 20
      schrieb am 03.09.99 09:40:35
      Beitrag Nr. 2 ()
      Interview mit CEO Dr. Phan der
      Hartcourt Inc.

      vom 02.09. 18:08


      Das folgende Interview wurde am 1. September 1999 durch wallstreet:Online mit
      dem CEO der angehenden chinesischen Internetfirma Hartcourt Inc. geführt.

      Hier der Originalmitschnitt in englischer Sprache:

      1. How would you desribe the company Hartcourt? What is the strategy and vision
      of Hartcourt Inc. for the future? Where would you see the company in the year

      Answer: Hartcourts mission is to become a leading Internet company in China. Its
      strategy is to establish Hartcourt as the E-trade of China, and the AOL of China.
      By the year 2003, Hartcourt should be one of the top ten Internet companies in

      2. What kind of market growth do you foresee in the Internet sector in China?

      A. The growth of the Internet sector in China can be measured by the number of
      Internet subscribers. In 1997, there were 620,000. In 1998, the total jumped to
      over 2 Million. The first 6 months of 1999, the number is 4.5 Million, and
      expected to be about 7 Million by end of 1999. The projected figure for 2000 is 20
      Million. By 2010, Chinese should be the Number 1 users of the Net, surpassing
      the US.

      3. What are the main competitiors? In how far is the recently listed
      competing with you? How do you value Hartcourt compared to the marketcap of

      A. At present, is trying to be a Yahoo of China. Their Chinese portal is
      not very sucessful. However, with the $100 Million war chest just raised from the
      IPO, they could acquire more successful Internet companies. As for Hartcourt, we
      do not actually have any competition against UAC, the online stock trading
      company. Their service is unique, and the license from China Telecom to use the
      Chinapac Intranet to link investors and brokerage offices is exclusive. As for the
      IPC joint venture to provide Internet connections, we should be the 5th licensee
      for a national ISP. Competitors are there, but for such a big market, to be on the
      top five is extremely lucrative.

      4. What are the legal restrictions of foreign entry into the internet sector in
      China? What percentage of a Chinese company may be taken over at the present
      time by a foreign investor? What changes of the legal framework is expected for
      the coming years? If there are strong restrictions would it make sense to
      establish the Hartcourt headquarters in Hong Kong?

      A. Right now, for value-added telecom sector, which includes most Internet
      services, foreign entities are permitted to own up to 35 percent of the Joint
      Venture. Once China is admitted to the World Trade Organization (WTO), the
      government could allow foreign participation up to 50%. Presently, there is no
      difference in legal treatment between a Hongkong company or a US company.
      Please note that Hartcourt will own 58% of Financial Telecom Ltd, a Hongkong
      corporation, making us already a Hongkong entity.

      5. How will Hartcourt operations be organized? Do you plan to establish a Holding
      structure or do you plan to combine all companies into one operation?

      A. As our holdings are different from each operation, these JV companies will
      remain separate entities. However, we have the option to merge all entities into
      one to create a much bigger company; or to spin them off separately into various

      6. In how far will all operations be independent or work together?

      A. As Hartcourt is the major shareholder of these companies, all possible way to
      create synergy will be explored and implemented.

      7. There are rumors od a merger to be closed in the middle of September. If this
      meger will take place, what technical and operational aspects will be put into the
      Chinese operation? What kind of technical expertise does the merger candidate
      possibly provide for Hartcourt?

      A. The supposed weakness of Hartcourt is the lack of Internet capabilities and
      experience. By merging with a big Internet company, we will become a much
      more attractive investment to the capital markets.

      8. Who are the candidates for the CEO post. Why are not you - Dr. Phan - taking
      the spot?

      A. We are looking for a dynamic individual with experience in managing a
      billion-dollar Internet company to be the CEO. I will remain the Chairman of the
      company, until a more qualified person is selected.

      9. How is the name change process going through? Will the name of the merger
      candidate be taken or a new name be taken? You wrote that the investors will
      take part in the selection process. Is there any preference in line?

      A. A new name to reflect a new focus of Hartcourt should be chosen. We shall
      wait until the merger is completed . We have received many proposals from
      shareholders. I like or However, the Board
      will decide.

      10. New listings: What advantages do you hope to obtain from the secondary
      listings in Singapur and Hong Kong? Are there any plans on a listing on the `Neuer
      Markt` in Germany?

      A. As HRCT is listed on more exchanges, we shall attract more investors globally.
      By spreading the shareholderbase, we will avoid the wide fluctuation of the daily
      stock prices, created by short-sellers or market-makers.

      11. What will happen to Enova Inc.? In how far would a new listing influence

      A. We are waiting for the SEC to approve our Form 10SB as registration
      statement. Once Enova is listed, many Hartcourt shareholders will be happy to
      see the real value of their dividends. As a separate company, Enova stock price
      should not have any effect on Hartcourt.

      12. Softbank is probably the best example of a successful Internet Zaibatsu.
      However, the amount of capital needed to do so is quite enormous. How do you
      intend to get the money ?

      A. came out of nowhere, and with only $1.2 Million in revenue, against
      a net loss of $3.6 Million, was able to raise about $100 Million. You would be
      surprised how much money we could raise if UAC-FTL ( our E-Trade and S & P of
      China) could show a net profit of over $1 Million next year. Afterwards, with a
      few more good deals under our belt, a few billion dollar offerings should be
      common place.

      13. Do you plan any IPOs in a foreseable future ? Do you intend to follow
      Softbanks track ? What makes you different or look like ?
      schrieb am 03.09.99 14:21:57
      Beitrag Nr. 3 ()
      warten wir also auf die fusion mitte des monats schätze ich
      schrieb am 05.09.99 12:43:51
      Beitrag Nr. 4 ()
      Ich war 2 Wochen in Urlaub, ist irgendetwas passiert?
      schrieb am 07.09.99 00:14:59
      Beitrag Nr. 5 ()
      Stimmt es, daß OTC BB Aktien in Berlin
      nur noch bis Ende September gehandelt werden? Beziehe mich auf Raging Bull
      Board (SNMM Nr.129059). Dies würde auch Hartcourt treffen! Wer weiss

      Weiterhin viel Glück !

      P.S.: Ich habe gerade dem Ami-Boaed entnommen, daß die Betreuung durch die große PR-Agentur offiziell ist.Vielleicht ein Vorbote der Fusion...:-))

      Trading Spotlight

      East Africa Metals
      0,1390EUR +11,20 %
      East Africa Metals: Widerstand gebrochen und neues Jahreshoch! mehr zur Aktie »
      schrieb am 07.09.99 11:25:28
      Beitrag Nr. 6 ()
      dass wird sein wegen der namensänderung! umlisting und fusion...
      schrieb am 08.09.99 12:56:28
      Beitrag Nr. 7 ()
      Wie seht Ihr die zukünftigen Handelsmöglichkeiten von Hartcourt? Ich habe gestern schweren Herzens meine Hartcourt-Bestände verkauft(1.38),die Unsicherheiten auch in den USA über eine eventuelles Listing in den pink sheets haben mich doch beuunruhigt. Angeblich wären dann die aktuellen Kurse nicht mehr im Internet zugänglich,man müßte einen Makler in den USA anrufen.Unabhängig davon, daß es so unmöglich ist,vernünftig mit Aktien zu handeln, wäre auch die Maklercourtage enorm hoch!
      Ich bin über dieses "Delisting" ziemlich enttäuscht,die Hartcourt-Story ist äußerst spannend und es stehen ja eventuell bahnbrechende Vertragsabschlüsse bzw. Fusionen unmittelbar bevor!

      Die Krönung wäre,wenn sich die Europäer wie Dumpfbacken nach dem NASDAQ-Listing(frühestens ab 5$) wieder zum vielfachen Preis in Berlin einkaufen dürfen! ZUM K...!!!

      Ein befreundeter Amerikaner hat mir,halb im Spaß-halb im Ernst vorgeschlagen,die Aktien einfach liegenzulassen und das (erhoffte) NASDAQ-Listing abzuwarten,wann immer es kommen mag...

      Was werdet Ihr tun?

      En etwas verunsicherter
      schrieb am 08.09.99 13:03:46
      Beitrag Nr. 8 ()
      Upps...Sorry für die kleinen Schrubfeiler...ich meinte natürlich,daß es unter diesen Umständen(!)unmöglich ist,vernünftig mit Aktien zu handeln!

      schrieb am 08.09.99 13:24:20
      Beitrag Nr. 9 ()
      mach dir nicht in die hose...
      hrct wird sicher weiterhin in berlin handelbar sein...
      es hat niemand gesagt das alle werte delisted werden und hrct ist sicher ein wert der sich an die vorschriften halten wird die ein weiteres listing in berlin möglich machen..
      schrieb am 08.09.99 14:33:25
      Beitrag Nr. 10 ()
      hier ein email vom Phan über die listingfragen

      also mal ruhig bleiben bis zum merger

      Received email from Dr. Phan. He said
      the following concerning FRB, OTCBB, OTCBB Berlin,
      and new stock exchanges.

      FRB-Financial Relations Board, Inc.
      FRB has been alerted about the errors and they are fixing it. We will start the PR campaign by 9/30 after the
      merger with the internet company.

      Please note that Hartcourt is a fully reporting company for the last 7 years ( never late with reports ) which
      means that we met all OTC/NASD requirements to the present.
      The only way we leave OTCBB is to move up to NASDAQ or AMEX.

      Berlin Stock Exchange
      As for the Berlin Stock Exchange, it is the same situation.
      They will remove only those companies that are not fully reporting. We will be there for many years.

      New Stock Exchanges
      We are moving on to the exchanges in Singapore and Hongkong.

      He also spoke about the short-sellers agents concerning the price movement after the merger is announced.

      Hopefully these comments will help you stay informed.
      Regards, Stan
      schrieb am 08.09.99 14:52:31
      Beitrag Nr. 11 ()
      Vielen Dank für die schnelle Klärung der Dinge.Das waren gute Nachrichten!Habe eben im Raging Bull Board gestöbert und die entsprechende Notiz gefunden...

      Tja,dann werde ich auf einen geeigneten Tag zum Wiedereinstieg abwarten!

      Happy trading
      schrieb am 09.09.99 13:33:14
      Beitrag Nr. 12 ()
      Es scheint sich inzwischen zu verdichten,daß Hartcourt tatsächlich vom Kurszettel in Berlin genommen wird.Das delisting betrifft leider ALLE OTCBB Stocks!

      Es ist sehr bedenklich das Dr.Phan als CEO so schlecht informiert ist...Wen es interessiert :Ragin Bull #5182,5183,5184

      Viel Glück

      P.S.: Nautilus, wenn man Aktien im Depot hat, die sehr bald kaum noch handelbar sind,muß man sich eine Investitionsentscheidung gut überlegen.Das hat nichts mit " die Hose machen" zu tun!

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      Interview mit Dr. Pham von Hartcourt