
    938931 -- SCV.V --- Ein Wert mit Zukunft ?? - 500 Beiträge pro Seite

    eröffnet am 07.10.00 18:03:32 von
    neuester Beitrag 05.04.01 22:43:51 von
    Beiträge: 10
    ID: 263.293
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     Ja Nein
      schrieb am 07.10.00 18:03:32
      Beitrag Nr. 1 ()

      Hat jemand eine Meinung zu dem Wert ??

      schrieb am 07.10.00 18:13:31
      Beitrag Nr. 2 ()
      Verdammtes einfügen der Bilder


      Ich bekomme es einfach nicht hin



      So, ich versuche jetzt einfach einmal irgendetwas einzufügen

      ACHTUNG ---- ICH BIN NOCH BEIM ÜBEN !!!!!!!!
      schrieb am 07.10.00 18:17:09
      Beitrag Nr. 3 ()
      So, letzter Veruch für heute !!!!

      W.O -- Bitte nicht aufregen, ich möchte nur herausfinden wie ich Charts einfügen kann !!

      Bis jetzt leider ohne Erfolg


      So, das war für heute der letzte Versuch !!
      schrieb am 08.10.00 13:05:35
      Beitrag Nr. 4 ()
      Hallo Sharemann,

      wie bist Du denn auf die Aktie aufmerksam geworden ... habe auch bereits einen Thread dazu hier reingestellt ... leider nur mit Fragezeichen versehen ...

      Es grüßt

      schrieb am 08.10.00 15:23:48
      Beitrag Nr. 5 ()
      Hi Diva

      Duuuuuu frägst mich wie ich auf den Wert gekommen bin ????????


      Sage mir lieber wie ich die verdammten Charts hier ins Board kopiere !

      Viel Erfolg in den nächsetn Tagen und bis dann.



      Trading Spotlight

      East Africa Metals
      0,1480EUR +0,68 %
      Kennen wir bei East Africa bislang nur die Spitze des Goldberges?!mehr zur Aktie »
      schrieb am 08.10.00 20:54:06
      Beitrag Nr. 6 ()

      hier ist der chart.So geht das

      [IMG][/IM]----IMG eingeben und nicht IM

      schrieb am 08.10.00 22:00:20
      Beitrag Nr. 7 ()
      Hallo Sharemann,

      kapiert ... unser Stammtisch .... "g" ... leider habe ich nicht alle unsere ID`s so präsent ... sorry ...

      Hallo RSA, Danke für den Chart ... in Kanada wieder mal im Plus geschlossen ... bei dem aktuellen Umfeld und dem bereits zurückliegenden Anstieg schon faszinierend ...

      Infos und Links die weiterhelfen können weiterhin willkommen ... auch wenn ich gerade nicht so posten kann wie ich will, mein Compi ist im A...

      Es grüßt

      schrieb am 09.10.00 19:09:45
      Beitrag Nr. 8 ()

      So ????
      schrieb am 09.10.00 20:13:11
      Beitrag Nr. 9 ()
      Hi Sharemann.

      Macht mal folgendes.
      Einmal auf Antword Schreiben tippen.
      Hier kanst Du dein text eingeben.Oberhalb deiner Benutzername steht Boardhilfe.Einfach mal antippen und ein neuer Fenster offnet sich. Da stehet alles schön beschrieben.

      Viel glück
      RSA :D
      schrieb am 05.04.01 22:43:51
      Beitrag Nr. 10 ()
      Hallo an alle,

      es geht doch glatt wieder aufwärts, in Kanada andie 60%!!! ... leider habe ich meinen Einstieg noch nicht wieder :(

      Sovereign Chief Ventures Ltd. "Sovereign" is having an upward movement in its stock due to articles being published about the Brookshire Dome. The following article on the Brookshire Dome was written by Peggy Williams and published in the March issue of the Oil and Gas Investor circulated throughout the United States. Sovereign has purchased the copy right for reprint of the article titled WHEN OILMEN DREAM: THE BROOKSHIRE DOME

      A tremendous shallow oil play has developed in Waller County, Texas, about 35 miles west of Houston. Small independents have been drilling very prolific wells in Miocene reservoirs perched on the crest of a well-known salt dome.

      The Brookshire Dome wells are wonderful-they can make as much as 500 barrels of oil per day from depths of less than 3,000 feet. The wells are quite inexpensive, costing in the neighborhood of $125,000 and taking about a week to drill and complete. And, as many as eight productive zones are present.

      Gen-Nan Resources & Equipment Inc., a Midland-based equipment dealer, kicked off the shallow play. The firm bought several dated wells south of Brookshire, Texas, apparently with a mind for salvage. Gen-Nan decided to drill a well offsetting the old holes.

      The Brookshire Dome had never enjoyed a reputation of being particularly productive. Scattered wells had been drilled over the years, but because the shallow reservoirs contained fresh water, the oil-filled zones appeared deceptively wet on logs. Furthermore, companies poking around for deeper targets often didn`t even log the shallow section.

      Gen-Nan hit its first well in 1996, but didn`t ramp up an extensive drilling program until 1999. That`s when its production figures began to raise eyebrows: by November 2000, the firm had produced an amazing 1.6 million barrels of oil from its operated wells.

      Today, Gen-Nan has loads of company in the play. Operators Escondido Petroleum Co. Inc., Chief Operating Co., H-M Resource Management Inc., Peters Petroleum Corp. and RTC Resources all joined Gen-Nan in contributing to the 1.17 million barrels of oil that were produced from Brookshire Field between January and November 2000.

      And oil is not the sole attraction. A gas zone occurs at 1,200 feet in most of the wells, some of which can produce as much as a million cubic feet per day.

      John Thomas, vice president of Houston based Texas Australia, says that his firm has drilled three wells so far on some 260 acres of leased, and expects to soon drill five more. "We paid a very dear price for our leased because we were a late arrival," he says. Thomas estimates that more than 100 wells have already been drilled in an area of less than 1,800 acres-since the field is on a salt dome there is no state-mandated spacing.

      "A lot of drilling still remains to be done," he says. "There will be tremendous amount of oil recovered off this little dome. You can hardly drive up and down the roads for all the trucks hauling our oil."

      Another player is Nortex Corp. This Houston independent owns 130 net acres under the Brazos River on there west side of the play and 900 acres on the east and south edges of production, "We got in a little late, and had to lease around the activity," says president Al Dugan. "Nobody knows how big an area this play will eventually cover." Drilling has pushed to within 1,000 feet of Nortex`s leases, and the firm plans both shallow and deep tests this year.

      The deep play was what attracted Beta Oil & Gas to the area. The Tulsa Company was prospecting Brookshire Dome`s salt over-hang potential. "We rook a sizeable position-close to 3,000 acres-on top of the dome, and while we were taking that the shallow play developed on the south flank," says Tom Fetters, director and manager of exploration.

      The shallow drilling has now surged up to Beta`s acreage block, which it holds in partnership with Houston-based Prime Natural Resources Inc., the operator. Fetters credits Bob Potosky and David Willg, both now with Prime, with generating the deep exploration concept.

      To date, Beta has participated in five wells in the Brookshire area. "Our Crawford well looks like it will produce in excess of 500 barrels per day," says Fetters. "The reservoir has 2.5 darcies of permeability and porosities of 30% or better, giving it tremendous storage capacity. It also contains enough gas to provide reservoir energy, and there`s been very little degradation of the oil from the fresh water."

      Beta has upward of 25 locations in the shallow Miocene play, he notes, but it still believes that the deep zones could provide even more excitement. "At the 5,000-foot salt contour, the dome covers almost 6,000 acres, and its subsalt potential has not yet been adequately tested. It presents a fine opportunity."

      Additional information may be obtained by calling Sovereign`s office or visiting its web site at

      Es grüßt


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      938931 -- SCV.V --- Ein Wert mit Zukunft ??