
    Wer kennt ECNC (Econnect)?? - 500 Beiträge pro Seite

    eröffnet am 30.01.00 16:59:52 von
    neuester Beitrag 22.06.01 21:42:18 von
    Beiträge: 22
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     Ja Nein
      schrieb am 30.01.00 16:59:52
      Beitrag Nr. 1 ()
      Im ragingbull wird extrem viel geschrieben über diese Aktie, sie glauben-daß sie einen ähnlichen Kursverlauf wie EDIG (Edigital) bald haben wird...die ist von unter 1$ auf jetzt 14$ in ein paar Wochen gegangen!
      schrieb am 30.01.00 17:01:19
      Beitrag Nr. 2 ()
      siehe auch im Nasdaq-board, dort ist auch ein Beitrag zu lesen..
      schrieb am 29.02.00 19:44:48
      Beitrag Nr. 3 ()
      Heut ein plus von fast 50%!!!!
      schrieb am 29.02.00 20:43:20
      Beitrag Nr. 4 ()
      Independent Financial Reports Announces Investment Opinion on eConnect

      CHICAGO, Feb 29, 2000 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- Independent Financial Reports, Inc.
      (IFR) is an independent research corporation dedicated to tracking the best
      values on the market. Most specifically stocks with the greatest potential for
      growth in the short and long term.

      eConnect (OTC BB: ECNC)(ECNC), a tech stock, has been selected this week to
      clearly be the company with the highest potential for growth. eConnect has taken
      the initiative to move forward with a comprehensive development of a superior
      banking technology. Over the past four years, ECNC has developed an entire line
      of money management tools to provide real-time, one-swipe processes for all
      forms of financial transactions.

      ECNC is currently trading at an extremely under valued $1.50 - $2.00 a share.
      This stock could easily be trading at between $12 - $25 or higher in the short
      term and then aggressively move forward on the NASDAQ with technologies that
      will establish a revolutionary approach to the concept of money management in
      all areas of the financial industry.

      ECNC`s potential for growth is based on its leading position in the future of
      banking technology. For more information on eConnect visit their web site at and

      IFR holds no stock in ECNC and has not and will not be compensated for its
      opinion in regard to ECNC. IFR`s opinion is based on publicly available
      information. Certain statements in this opinion contain forward-looking
      statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the US Securities Act of 1933
      and Section 21E of the Securities and Exchange Act of 1934, and as contemplated
      under the Private Securities Litigation Act of 1995, and are subject to the safe
      harbor created by those sections. All statements, other than statements of
      facts, included in this release, including, without limitation, statements
      regarding potential future plans and objectives of the company are
      forward-looking statements that involve risks and uncertainties. The above
      article contains the opinion and research of Independent Financial Reports, Inc.

      Distributed via COMTEX.

      Copyright (C) 2000 Business Wire. All rights reserved.
      schrieb am 01.03.00 12:46:57
      Beitrag Nr. 5 ()
      Genau, darum ist die AKtie auch um 79% gestern gestiegen!! Kursziele 12-25$ werden im Text dieses unabhängigen Analystenhauses genannt.

      Trading Spotlight

      Grounded People Apparel
      0,3720EUR +3,33 %
      Massive Ad-hoc mit „Extrempotenzial“ am Montag? Zeitvorteilmehr zur Aktie »
      schrieb am 19.05.00 15:15:35
      Beitrag Nr. 6 ()
      Weiß irgendjemand, wie es nun weitergeht mit Econnect??? Notieren derzeit so zwischen 0.5 und 1$...
      Wird hier auf einen Prozeß gewartet und kommt diese Aktie noch mal so an die 5$ Marke ran?? Eigentlich ist sie ja derzeit spottbillig, weiß aber nicht genau, was nach der Börsenaussetzung lief!!??
      Bitte um kurze Antwort, falls überhaupt wer was weiß von RB werd´ich auch nicht schlauer...
      schrieb am 29.05.00 12:40:38
      Beitrag Nr. 7 ()
      Weiß denn niemand etwas?????
      schrieb am 04.06.00 20:59:37
      Beitrag Nr. 8 ()
      Wo sind die ehemaligen Poster dieser Aktie?? Wer weiß, wie es weitergehen könnte??
      schrieb am 04.06.00 21:35:49
      Beitrag Nr. 9 ()
      Hab leider keine Ahnung von Econnect, aber vielleicht kann Dir folgender
      Link etwas für Deine eigene DD helfen(ndfc-news).

      Gruß, Kiro
      schrieb am 06.06.00 19:25:31
      Beitrag Nr. 10 ()
      Gute Aktie zum Traden, wankt zwischen 0 und 66% plus heute!!
      Wann wird die wieder an der OTC BB gehandlet?? Ist ja derzeit bei den Pinksheets, nachdem sie schon auf über 22$ war....???
      schrieb am 08.06.00 12:10:44
      Beitrag Nr. 11 ()
      hi roho,
      habe diese Aktie zufällig im RB gesehen und finde sie sehr interessant, leider habe ich kaum Material. Die Gründe für das E hängt mit dem SEC filing zusammen was da aber genau falsch lief weiß ich nicht genau, aus einer Pressemitteilung habe ich gelesen, daß die Firma Falsche Zahlen verbreitet hat.
      Wie tradet man mit einer Pink Sheet Aktie? Da kommt man doch wohl kaum oder nur schwer ran ??
      Wer weiß näheres zur Firma? Soweit ich es verstanden habe sind die im E Commerce Bereich tätig und haben ein Kreditkartenloses Abrechnungssystem für das Internet entwickelt....
      Gruß EE
      schrieb am 08.06.00 12:39:45
      Beitrag Nr. 12 ()
      Danke EE, diese Info´s hatte ich selbst auch schon alle, auch, daß es anscheinend noch 30-180 Tage dauern soll, bis man genaueres weiß über ECNC( aus dem RB board).
      Wie das bei den Pinkies ist mit dem ordern weiß ich auch nicht, habe ECNC noch vorher gekauft(bei 1,8 $ und ottseidank einen Teil mit 12$ verkauft). Aber ein E haben die ohnehin nicht hinten dran!
      schrieb am 08.06.00 13:22:32
      Beitrag Nr. 13 ()
      hi roho,
      wie ist Dein Englisch?
      OT: *********************NEWS*********************** ECONNECT (ECNC)-1/2 page ad in the june 7, 2000 edition of THE WALL STREET JOURNAL- "marketplace" section, page b15...."connect with confidence" (advertisement)......`pink sheet` gold mine! check for yourself.

      hast Du davon schon was gehört??
      Was meinjst Du???
      Gruß EE
      schrieb am 08.06.00 17:35:43
      Beitrag Nr. 14 ()
      Ich glaub es handelt sich um eine (Werbe??)einschaltung einer halben Seite im Wallstreet-Journal, wo steht, daß ECNC eventuell ein heißer Tipp sein könnte(goldmine) so verstehe ich das.
      Freilich, wenn sich alles zum positiven klärt, stehen 2stellige Kurse nichts mehr im Wege. 50/50 würde ich sagen, daß die heuer 2stellig sind oder auf 0...
      einen kleinen Betrag kannst Du ja mal riskieren, weiß aber nicht, ob es ein Problem ist, da sie bei den Pink sheets sind???
      cu roho
      schrieb am 04.07.00 19:50:38
      Beitrag Nr. 15 ()
      Weiß jemand, wies bei ECNC weitergeht??
      schrieb am 18.07.00 21:23:44
      Beitrag Nr. 16 ()
      By: moosata $$$$
      Reply To: None
      Tuesday, 18 Jul 2000 at 3:13 PM EDT
      Post # of 167933

      Q & A fom ECNC website:
      My comment with respect to this is that as long as the deciding party at NASD is unbiased, not influenced, neutral, with regard to
      ECNC, we`ll be re-listed soon. Otherwise, we`re in for a long snooze.
      Ms. Moosata

      Dear Shareholders: Today`s first QUESTION OF THE WEEK, our new
      website feature, is about a topic important to all of us.
      Q: How and when do we get relisted on the OTC:BULLETIN BOARD?
      A: The NASD (National Association of Security Dealers which
      oversees the OTC) must approve an application from a so-called
      "market-maker," who will assume a position in the stock and formally
      offer real time "bid" and "ask" prices to institutional and retail sellers
      and buyers. The applicant submits a form 211 to NASD, whose
      primary concern is to ensure that due diligence has been done - in
      other words, that the risks, prospects and financial reliability of the
      company whose stock is in question have been adequately assessed.
      To this end, NASD typically returns specific questions or comments to
      the applicant. I`m told by other people who have been through this
      procedure that 3 basic questions are usually asked of the Market

      1. Why was the company delisted?

      2. What has the company done to correct the situation?

      3. How can the market maker prove its due diligence?

      When the NASD is satisfied, it relists the company. Please note: there
      is no time span for this process, nor any guarantees. What eConnect
      can and is doing is to help potential market makers answer the above

      Sincerely, Manny
      schrieb am 18.07.00 21:30:52
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      schrieb am 18.07.00 21:31:34
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      schrieb am 18.07.00 21:51:31
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      schrieb am 25.07.00 13:23:15
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      schrieb am 12.02.01 22:01:20
      Beitrag Nr. 21 ()
      eConnect Reports First Bank Eyes Only(TM) Purchases Via eCashPad from Consumers` Homes

      SAN PEDRO, Calif., Feb 12, 2001 /PRNewswire via COMTEX/ -- eConnect (OTC Bulletin Board: ECNC) today announced that recipients of the first eCashPads have begun making Bank Eyes Only(TM) online purchases from their own homes.

      Ferdinand Bare, of Woodland Hills, Calif., is one of several eCashPad users who have purchased an eConnect t-shirt from the Company`s website at There, consumers are instructed how to install the software needed to make eCashPad purchases with a quick swipe of a MasterCard, American Express, or Discover card -- or Visa, as did Mr. Bare. Such from-home transactions began the evening of Thursday, Feb. 8.
      Thomas S. Hughes, Founder, Chairman and Chief Executive of eConnect, notes that although these purchases have all been made at the Company`s own website, "We think they validate the potential of the eCashPad, and more importantly, the
      Bank Eyes Only(TM) system of secure e-commerce, to become a part of our everyday lives."

      As previously stated, eConnect has begun a campaign with SBN.COM Inc., publisher of the world`s largest Online Yellow Pages, to market Bank Eyes Only(TM) as a payment alternative for listed web merchants. The Company also continues to negotiate with merchants separately.

      Mr. Hughes added, "Our next step is to develop eCashPad transactions via bank ATM card with PIN, enabling cash transactions over the Internet." It has been estimated that 25% or more of the consumer market has been effectively shut out of e-commerce because they do not use credit cards, and because bank ATM cards are not commonly accepted
      by online merchants.


      The eCashPad, now on sale for $59.95, is a common-sense solution to the problem of e-commerce fraud, consisting of a "plug-and-pay" PC peripheral approximately the size of a PC mouse. By swiping an ATM card with PIN, credit card, or smart card through the eCashPad, the consumer will rout financial information directly to the financial institution that settles the online purchase and pays the merchant. The consumer`s financial information is neither seen nor stored by the merchant, who is charged a flat fee per Bank Eyes Only(TM) transaction.

      In addition to retail sale, the eCashPad is being distributed promotionally via the retail, gaming, financial, brokerage and interactive entertainment industries.

      eConnect is currently deploying Bank Eyes Only(TM) in the US, the Caribbean, and Europe through host processing centers owned or under development by the Company, or its affiliates, in Milwaukee, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, and in the area of Atherton, Ireland, respectively. eConnect further plans to expand the system internationally, through company owned-and-operated host processing centers in Hong Kong and Australia.
      schrieb am 22.06.01 21:42:18
      Beitrag Nr. 22 ()
      eConnect OTC ECNC KURS 0.056 Receives 1,000 eCashPad Purchase Order From Kanakaris Wireless With Option for 4,000 More
      SAN PEDRO, Calif., June 22 /PRNewswire/ -- eConnect (OTC Bulletin Board: ECNC - news) today announced the receipt of a purchase order from Kanakaris Wireless (OTC Bulletin Board: KKRS - news) for 1,000 eCashPads at $50 each. Terms of the purchase order are as follows: 300 eCashPads are to be delivered in August 2001, 300 are to be delivered in September 2001 and 400 are to be delivered in October 2001. Kanakaris has the option to purchase an additional 4,000 eCashPads at the same price through December 31, 2001.

      Delivery dates and orders are subject to change or cancellation with 10 days notice by Kanakaris Wireless. Fifty percent of the cost of the first shipment is to be paid by July 21, 2001, with the balance to be paid in full on delivery. All other orders are to be paid COD. The eCashPads are to be individually packaged, operational and ready for consumer installation.

      ``We will be distributing the eCashPads to our customers on a bundled package basis where we will be offering viewers of AK.TV, the first world-wide multi-platform TV channel, an ability to make secure purchase transactions,`` stated Alex Kanakaris, CEO of Kanakaris Wireless.

      In the last week, eCashPad owners have been able to access the eConnect store site to purchase by swiping their credit card. eConnect is targeting late June to enable multiple merchants to install the eConnect Merchant Integration Kit, which will enable the eCashPad to make a payment at their site.

      ``Over the next eight weeks, we are hopeful that a steady flow of Web merchants will install our Merchant Integration Kit and offer their consumers the alternative of eCashPad-originated Internet payments,`` said Thomas S. Hughes, eConnect`s Founder, Chairman and CEO.

      eConnect will charge a flat fee of 50 cents per transaction to Web merchants who receive swiped credit card transactions. Higher fees will be charged to Web merchants for other applications.

      eConnect is targeting an ATM card with PIN entry usage for the third quarter and expects that an immediate eCashPad application will be home Off Track Betting by ATM card with PIN entry, which will enable consumers at home to effect instant cash opening or replenishing of their Off Track Betting account. Presently several states allow home Off Track Betting at licensed locations.

      eConnect Inc. is focused on delivering next-generation e-payment solutions. The Company develops proprietary hardware, software, and transaction processing services.

      This news release may contain forward-looking statements under the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. These statements are subject to known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause actual results to be materially different from those contemplated by the forward-looking statements.

      For further information please contact: for media, Roger Gillott of Sitrick And Company, 310-788-2850; or for investors, Manny Vavolizza of eConnect, 845-626-3732.

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      Wer kennt ECNC (Econnect)??