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     Ja Nein
      schrieb am 07.10.02 08:27:49
      Beitrag Nr. 1 ()
      The Sun Will Explode In Less Than Six Years!
      Wednesday September 18, 2002


      The Sun is overheating and will soon blow up . . . taking Earth and the rest of the solar system with it, scientists warn.

      The alert was issued after an international satellite photographed a massive explosion on the surface of the Sun that sent a plume of fire 30 times longer than the diameter of Earth blasting into space.

      "It`s a sign that the Sun is ready to blow . . . I don`t know if I can put it any more plainly than that," says Dutch astrophysicist Dr. Piers Van der Meer, a top expert affiliated with the European Space Agency.

      "It will be like a nuclear bomb trillions of times more powerful than the one dropped on Hiroshima going off at the center of our solar system.

      "When that happens Earth will be instantly incinerated along with all life on it. It`s like when a marshmallow falls into a fire, blackens and melts."

      Scientists say the problem is the Sun is literally getting too hot.

      The core temperature of the Sun is normally 27 million degrees Fahrenheit. But in recent years it`s climbed to an alarming 49 million degrees, says Dr. Van der Meer, leader of a team of Amsterdam-based space scientists who`ve been tracking the changes in the Sun.

      "It`s quite similar to when a star goes supernova at the end of its life," Dr. Van der Meer explains. "Over the past 11 years, we`ve seen our Sun go through changes frighteningly like those that took place in Kepler`s Star right before it was observed going supernova in 1604."

      Temperatures on the surface of the Sun have been steadily climbing over the past decade, the scientists say.

      "This, we believe, not man-made pollution, is responsible for global warming and the alarming effects that we`ve seen take place on Earth such as the melt-down of the Antarctic ice shelves," asserted Dr. Van der Meer.

      The July 1 images were taken by the space-based Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO), a satellite designed to study the internal structure of the Sun and operated jointly by NASA and the European Space Agency.

      "The explosion . . . known technically as an eruptive prominence . . . was colossal," said Dr. Van der Meer. "This is the final warning sign we`ve all been dreading."

      The Dutch scientists calculate that if temperatures keep climbing at the current rate the Sun will be unable to sustain itself.

      "It will blow apart like an out-of-control nuclear reactor within six years," predicts Dr. Van der Meer.

      NASA refuses to confirm the Euro-pean scientists` assertions and a White House source said, "We don`t need anyone spreading more panic now."
      schrieb am 07.10.02 08:31:59
      Beitrag Nr. 2 ()
      Alles klar, wir sprechen uns in 6 Jahren wieder....


      So ein Unsinn.....


      Da ist wohl einer MEGASHORT :laugh::laugh::laugh:
      schrieb am 07.10.02 08:35:14
      Beitrag Nr. 3 ()
      Na klar und der Komet holt uns vorher ab,

      aber nur wenn wir dir dein Geld ueberweisen !!!

      Also Kontonummer her !
      schrieb am 07.10.02 08:39:08
      Beitrag Nr. 4 ()
      I recently read an article that I found initially disturbing, but after reading the information on this site regarding the sun, I feel much more calm. However, I am curious as to whether the article I read carries any merit whatsoever.

      Is Dr. Piers Van der Meer an established astrophysicist? Is the European Space Agency a respectable organization? Do they have some sort of hidden agenda for promoting such an astonishing theory? Essentially, do these people know what they`re talking about?

      I hadn`t seen this article before, so thanks for bringing it to my attention. You`re right to be skeptical, for several reasons!

      First, the sun is too small to ever go supernova, so the basic premise of the article is incorrect. There just isn`t enough mass in our sun to cause it to explode and collapse to form a neutron star or black hole.

      Also, I haven`t been able to find out any information on this guy "Dr. Piers Van der Meer". There`s an online database, called the Astrophysics Data System, that keeps records of Journal articles published in astronomy/astrophysics/planetary science. Even beginning graduate students will show up in the records because they`ve usually been to at least one conference, and as soon as you have a couple papers about your reaserch it`s easy to find out what you`re doing and where you work. But this person doesn`t show up in the system at all! I looked him up using a search engine and he doesn`t seem to have a web page affiliated with any organization. So if he`s a serious astrophysicist, he hasn`t published papers or appeared at conferences before, and isn`t part of a major organization.

      Also, the article claims he`s associated with the European Space Agency (ESA) (which is a real, credible organization), but when you look at their website there`s no mention of this press release at all. So it`s not endorsed by them, apparently.

      The article was also written for "Weekly World News", which is one of those papers that tends to publish half-truths, or distort the truth to get a sensationalistic story. And there are some truths to the story. For example, SOHO is a satellite that is run jointly by ESA and NASA, and it does take images of giant flares and prominences, which are like giant explosions on the sun. Flares and prominences happen all the time, and although they may cause aurorae or interfere with communications, they`re really not a big deal. SOHO has lots of cool images, you can check them out at the SOHO website Notice they don`t say anything about the sun exploding either.

      It`s also true that the temperature at the center of the sun is about 27 million degrees Farenheit, but the sun is not increasing in temperature over the long term, it`s actually decreasing a bit as it ages. Also, the article claims that they measured trends "in recent years", which (besides being vague) is a very short time in the life of the sun. Temperature measurements over a few years really won`t tell you anything about the long term behavior of the sun.

      So, I think what happened is that Weekly World News pieced together some truths, and found some person willing to add a few extra things to make the story exciting. It`s certainly not credible astrophysics!
      schrieb am 07.10.02 08:44:00
      Beitrag Nr. 5 ()

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      schrieb am 07.10.02 08:56:48
      Beitrag Nr. 6 ()
      Alta Vista
      Die Sonne überhitzt und wird bald explodieren. . . Masse und den Rest des Solarsystems mit ihm nehmend, warnen Wissenschaftler.

      Der Alarm wurde nach einem internationalen Satelliten fotografierte eine massive Explosion auf der Oberfläche der Sonne, die einem plume des Feuers 30mal länger schickte, als der Durchmesser von Masse startend in Raum herausgegeben.

      "It`s ein Zeichen, daß die Sonne bereit ist durchzubrennen. . . Don`t I wissen, wenn ich es einfach setzen kann als das, "sagt holländischen Astrophysiker Dr. Piers Van Der Meer, ein oberes sachverständiges angeschlossenes mit der Europäischen Weltraumorganisation.

      "es ist wie eine Kernbombe Trillionen der Zeiten, die als die leistungsfähiger sind, die auf Hiroschima fallengelassen wird, das in der Mitte unseres Solarsystems ausgeht.

      "wenn das geschieht, wird Masse sofort zusammen mit allem Leben auf ihr eingeäschert. It`s mögen, wann ein Eibisch in ein Feuer fällt, schwärzt und schmilzt."

      Wissenschaftler sagen das Problem ist die Sonne erhält buchstäblich zu heiß.

      Die Kerntemperatur der Sonne beträgt normalerweise 27 Million Grad Fahrenheit. Aber in den letzten Jahren sagt die it`s, die zu alarmierenden 49 Million Grad geklettert werden, Dr. Van Der Meer, Führer einer Mannschaft des Amsterdam-gegründeten Raumwissenschaftler who`ve, welches die Änderungen in der Sonne aufspürt.

      "It`s, das ziemlich ähnlich ist, wenn ein Stern Supernova am Ende seines Lebens geht," Dr. Van Der Meer erklärt. "über den letzten 11 Jahren, das we`ve, das unserer Sonne gesehen wird, laufen Sie Änderungen frighteningly durch, wie die, die im Kepler`s Sternrecht stattfanden, bevor es war beobachteter gehender Supernova 1604."

      Temperaturen auf der Oberfläche der Sonne haben ständig Over die letzte Dekade geklettert, sagen die Wissenschaftler.

      "dieses, glauben wir, nicht synthetische Verunreinigung, sind für das globale Wärmen und die alarming Effekte, daß das gesehene we`ve auf Masse wie dem Melt-down der antarktischen Eisregale verantwortlich stattfinden," erklärter Dr. Van Der Meer.

      Die Juli 1 Bilder wurden durch die Raum-gegründete Solar- und Heliospheric Sternwarte (SOHO), einen Satelliten, der entworfen wurde, um die interne Struktur der Sonne zu studieren und gemeinsam durch NASA und die Europäische Weltraumorganisation bearbeitet war genommen.

      "die Explosion. . . technisch gewußt als eruptive Vorsprung. . . war colossal, "sagte Dr. Van Der Meer. "dieses ist das abschließende Warnzeichen we`ve fürchtendes alles."

      Die holländischen Wissenschaftler errechnen daß, wenn der Temperaturunterhalt, der mit dem Tageskurs die Sonne klettert, nicht imstande ist, sich zu unterstützen.

      "er brennt getrennt wie ein Heraus-vonsteuerung Kernreaktor innerhalb sechs Jahre," voraussagt Dr. Van Der Meer durch.

      Die NASA lehnt ab, die europäischen scientists` Behauptungen und eine weiße Hausquelle zu bestätigen, die, "wir don`t Notwendigkeit jedermann gesagt wird, die jetzt verbreitet mehr Panik."
      schrieb am 07.10.02 20:08:59
      Beitrag Nr. 7 ()
      Sieht so aus, als wenn wir wieder mal verarscht werden sollten:

      Will the sun go supernova in six years and destroy Earth (as seen on Yahoo)?

      I recently read an article that I found initially disturbing, but after reading the information on this site regarding the sun, I feel much more calm. However, I am curious as to whether the article I read carries any merit whatsoever.

      Is Dr. Piers Van der Meer an established astrophysicist? Is the European Space Agency a respectable organization? Do they have some sort of hidden agenda for promoting such an astonishing theory? Essentially, do these people know what they`re talking about?

      I hadn`t seen this article before, so thanks for bringing it to my attention. You`re right to be skeptical, for several reasons!

      First, the sun is too small to ever go supernova, so the basic premise of the article is incorrect. There just isn`t enough mass in our sun to cause it to explode and collapse to form a neutron star or black hole.

      Also, I haven`t been able to find out any information on this guy "Dr. Piers Van der Meer". There`s an online database, called the Astrophysics Data System, that keeps records of Journal articles published in astronomy/astrophysics/planetary science. Even beginning graduate students will show up in the records because they`ve usually been to at least one conference, and as soon as you have a couple papers about your reaserch it`s easy to find out what you`re doing and where you work. But this person doesn`t show up in the system at all! I looked him up using a search engine and he doesn`t seem to have a web page affiliated with any organization. So if he`s a serious astrophysicist, he hasn`t published papers or appeared at conferences before, and isn`t part of a major organization.

      Also, the article claims he`s associated with the European Space Agency (ESA) (which is a real, credible organization), but when you look at their website there`s no mention of this press release at all. So it`s not endorsed by them, apparently.

      The article was also written for "Weekly World News", which is one of those papers that tends to publish half-truths, or distort the truth to get a sensationalistic story. And there are some truths to the story. For example, SOHO is a satellite that is run jointly by ESA and NASA, and it does take images of giant flares and prominences, which are like giant explosions on the sun. Flares and prominences happen all the time, and although they may cause aurorae or interfere with communications, they`re really not a big deal. SOHO has lots of cool images, you can check them out at the SOHO website Notice they don`t say anything about the sun exploding either.

      It`s also true that the temperature at the center of the sun is about 27 million degrees Farenheit, but the sun is not increasing in temperature over the long term, it`s actually decreasing a bit as it ages. Also, the article claims that they measured trends "in recent years", which (besides being vague) is a very short time in the life of the sun. Temperature measurements over a few years really won`t tell you anything about the long term behavior of the sun.

      So, I think what happened is that Weekly World News pieced together some truths, and found some person willing to add a few extra things to make the story exciting. It`s certainly not credible astrophysics!

      October 2002, Lynn Carter (more by Lynn Carter)

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