
    Peaksoft Multinet: B2B+Incubator M.K. nur 4 M.=1000% Ch.!!!!!! - 500 Beiträge pro Seite

    eröffnet am 15.03.00 23:37:29 von
    neuester Beitrag 17.08.00 14:14:35 von
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     Ja Nein
      schrieb am 15.03.00 23:37:29
      Beitrag Nr. 1 ()
      Der Wert scheint völlig unentdeckt zu sein, Handel nur in USA. Bei der geringen Bewertung sollte man zuschlagen, da die Chance(1000% und mehr) in keinem Verhältnis zu dem Risiko steht!
      Durch die Beteiligung an wird Peaksoft demnächst völlig neu bewertet werden müssen. Die jetzige Marktkapitalisierung von unter 5 Millionen$ ist einfach ein Witz und läßt sich nur durch den geringen Bekanntheitsgrad erklären.
      Mittelfristing sollte eine Bewertung von mindestens 50 Millionen gerechtfertigt sein!! Wäre doch ein netter Gewinn...

      P.S. Achtet mal auf die Namen der Partner - RealNetworks usw. und darauf, daß der Director, Peter Janssen vorher hohe Positionen bei Egghead und Acer!!! inne hatte.

      Hier ein paar Fakten - leider nur auf Englisch: PEAMF: B2B+Incubator M. Cap. only 4 M!!! DD...

      PEAMF: B2B+Incubator M. Cap. only 4 M!!! DD...

      This company seems to be extremely undervalued...

      PeakSoft Multinet Corp.
      Feb 2000 Update

      Listing Symbol (US): PEAMF Exchange:
      Listing Symbol (CDN): PKS Exchange: Canadian
      Venture Exchange
      Fiscal Year End: September 30 `00
      Current Price: CDN$1.30/US$.87
      Shares Outstanding: 3.850 million
      Restricted Stock: 2.5 million
      Fully Diluted: 4.650 million*
      Estimated Float: 1.0 million
      * assumes completion of IncuLab investment and
      related transactions, employees options and

      PeakSoft Multinet Corp. is an SEC, fully
      reporting issuer, and a market leading Internet
      communications company developing Internet
      solutions through 2 distinct business units.

      Technology: The Company owns proprietary
      software technology for the acceleration of
      browsing and knowledge management over the
      Internet. This technology is marketed through
      partnerships with industry leaders.

      Small Business Portal: designed by
      top marketing gurus, empowers small
      businesses to build B2B relationships,
      communities and e-commerce.

      Strong partnerships: The Company has marketing
      and technology partnerships with Novell, (NOVL)
      RealNetworks (RNWK), Software Builders and NBCI
      subsidiary,, Cybersource, and others.


      USD $4.5 MILLION (CDN $6.51 M) DEAL.

      Feb 9, 2000: PEAKSOFT TO INVEST USD $500,000 IN


      "PeakSoft`s plan to develop a leading web portal
      for small business will gain critical mass and
      expertise from our affiliation with this premier
      group. IncuLab has both the resources and the
      expertise to become a dominant player in the B2B
      market," said Doug Foster, PeakSoft CEO.
      "IncuLab is also committed to fast execution,
      high levels of capitalization and public market
      leverage for its shareholders. We are fortunate
      to become an early stage shareholder and to see
      the potential of our plans realized.
      Furthermore, the Company`s operating capital
      requirements are expected to be reduced
      dramatically under the deal."


      * Options: IncuLab will supply funds
      for the ramp up of PeakSoft retains an
      option interest on 10% of in the event
      it achieves its market leading objectives. Many
      of our staff will commence full time employment
      at is valued very highly
      within IncuLab

      * IncuLab Equity: PeakSoft will become a
      significant shareholder in IncuLab, an Internet
      incubator following a CMGI model, at exceptional

      * Minimum Dilution - High Valuation: Other than
      IncuLab investment in PeakSoft (US$100K) the
      deal is non-delusive to PeakSoft shareholders.
      Including the reduction of operating expense for
      the company. The agreement also completely
      eliminates $400K US in existing debt.

      * Increase PeakSoft Value: The
      acquisition by IncuLab will enable PeakSoft to
      aggressively expand licensing and distribution
      opportunities globally to further expand the

      * Reduced Downside: The downside risk to
      PeakSoft has been greatly reduced.

      * PeakSoft is a fully reporting company on the
      OTC:BB and maintains dual listings in Canada and
      the US.


      * Net Users Break 140 Million Barrier Jan 1,
      1999. 320 million people are projected to access
      the Internet in the year 2000 and 720 million
      are projected to use it by 2005 according to a
      recent report by Computer Industry Almanac.

      * IDC predicts 62% of the US population and 11%
      of the World population will be online by 2003.

      * IDC says that by 2003, more than $2 million
      per minute will change hands via the Internet
      growing to more than $5 million per minute by
      2005. They also predict that 80% of business
      will be done online by 2003.

      * GartnerGroup predicts global B2B revenues will
      climb to $7.29 trillion by 2004.

      * According to a recent study by the Boston
      Consulting Group e-commerce between US
      businesses is expected to grow at rate of 33%
      per year by 2003, accounting for $2.8 trillion
      or 1/4 of all corporate purchasing.

      * 10% of businesses currently deploy E-commerce
      strategies, expected to grow to 72% within 3

      * Forrester Research is estimating $2.7 trillion
      in US B2B e-commerce in 2004.

      * Business-to-business commerce is doubling
      every 90 days.

      ABOUT PEAK.COM is all about making the Internet work
      for small business! It is e-commerce. The
      reality is that small business is an important
      and under served market (7 million small
      businesses in North America and 85 million
      worldwide). is dedicated to helping
      small business get more from the Net. When the
      commercial potential of the Internet became
      obvious, the Net was viewed as a way to level
      the playing field for smaller companies. Now
      that perspective is beginning to shift.
      According to Thomas Gray, a former chief
      economist at the Small Business Administration,
      small businesses must invest in e-Commerce
      technology just to survive. For small business
      it is not only a matter of survival: it is an
      opportunity! has a simple mission ...
      to help small business persons to save money, to
      grow their businesses, to gain knowledge and to
      increase productivity.


      In order to reduce the overall costs of
      maintaining its presence in the retail sales
      channel, the Company has entered into agreements
      with Real Networks, Inc.; Software Builders,
      LLC; Peruzzo Informatica in Italy; Softline AG
      in Germany; Boomerang Software Inc.; Cyenta,
      NetSales, Inc. and Group Micro Serve in Belgium
      and Luxembourg as well as others. The Company
      plans to aggressively expand its licensing and
      distribution globally while reducing operational
      costs. It plans to accomplish this through the
      extensive use of partnerships.

      The most advanced "browser accelerator" provides
      the following benefits: faster web surfing,
      tracing pages during searches, updates a list of
      the top 20 websites visited, downloads pages for
      later review, off-line browsing, and easy
      customization. PeakJet was the first browser
      accelerator on the market and is maintaining its
      leadership position.


      Doug Foster - CEO and Director with over 16
      years sales and management experience in the
      computer industry.

      Tim Metz - COO with 30 years domestic and
      international experience in operations, business
      development and financing. Built and sold two
      multi-million dollar high-tech manufacturing

      Simon Arnison - CTO and Director with over 16
      years experience in the software development and
      computer technologies industry.

      Peter Janssen - Director - Previously VP
      merchandising and advertising for Egghead
      Software, VP of sales and marketing for Acer

      Colin Morse - Director - Mr. Morse has 10 years
      of experience in investment banking, finance and
      real estate development.


      The announced IncuLab agreement provides many
      new opportunities to PeakSoft shareholders and
      potential investors. Visit the company`s
      website(s) at

      This release may contain forward-looking
      statements as well as historical information.
      Forward-looking statements, which are included
      in accordance with the "safe harbour" provisions
      of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act
      of 1995, may involve known and unknown risks,
      uncertainties and other factors that may cause
      the company`s actual results and performance to
      be materially different from any results or
      performance suggested by the statements in this
      release. Such statements, and other matters
      addressed in this press release, may involve a
      number of risks and uncertainties including
      price competition, technological advances,
      decreased demand or diversion to other software

      The Canadian Venture Exchange has not reviewed,
      and does not accept responsibility for, the
      adequacy or accuracy of this release.

      For more information contact:

      PeakSoft Corporate Office:
      1801 Roeder Ave. Suite 144
      Bellingham, WA 98225

      PeakSoft Multinet Corp.

      Further information contact: Tim Metz

      For product and corporate information, visit our
      website at:
      schrieb am 16.03.00 00:02:03
      Beitrag Nr. 2 ()
      Hallo lieber stockzar,
      da ich neu im Gebiet Aktien bin, kannst Du mir verraten, wie man an diese Aktien herankommt. Ich habe zufällig ein paar Mark uebrig und würde diese gerne schnell vermehren. Kann ich diese Aktie auch ueber meine Hausbank ordern??? und welche WKN muss ich angeben.
      Danke schonmal im voraus.

      schrieb am 16.03.00 00:53:51
      Beitrag Nr. 3 ()
      Ich glaube die Aktie hat keine deutsche WKN. Deshalb glaube ich nicht, daß Du sie über Deine Hausbank kaufen kannst. Aber fragen kostet ja nichts. Wenn Du direkt über das amerikansische Kürzel PEAMF kaufen willst, mußt Du ein Konto in den USA haben. Am einfachsten wäre es, Du läßt Dir über Consors ein Konto bei deren Partner Webstreet einrichten.
      Ich würde aber auf jeden Fall mal bei Deiner Hausban nachfragen, vielleicht gibt es ja doch eine WKN. Ich brauchte sie nicht, da ich ein Konto bei Webstreet habe.

      schrieb am 16.03.00 01:00:16
      Beitrag Nr. 4 ()
      Hört sich verdammt heiss an. aber wo wollen die führender B2B anbieter werden, in kanada oder usa? und die werden dann erst mal fett miese auf dem konto haben..

      schrieb am 16.03.00 01:19:17
      Beitrag Nr. 5 ()
      Ich glaube nicht, daß sich Kanada und USA einander ausschließen. Bezüglich der Miesen auf dem Konto, kann ich nur sagen, daß bei solchen Werten die Phantasie zählt und keine schnellen positiven Ergebnisse. Ja, es werden wahrscheinlich "Miese" entstehen, aber wenn man Marktanteile erobern will und ein neues Produkt oder einen Markennamen etablieren will, ist das nicht zu vermeiden.

      Trading Spotlight

      East Africa Metals
      0,1590EUR +7,43 %
      Verdopplung der Ressource bei East Africa Metals?!mehr zur Aktie »
      schrieb am 16.03.00 10:06:21
      Beitrag Nr. 6 ()
      wkn 901710 meine sparkasse konnte sie in ny ordern
      schrieb am 16.03.00 12:56:59
      Beitrag Nr. 7 ()
      hi jungs, ich weiß ja nicht, aber das Papier hat sich in weniger als einem Monat vervierfacht, wenn da noch viel Luft nach oben ist...???

      schrieb am 16.03.00 16:31:43
      Beitrag Nr. 8 ()

      Thursday March 16, 9:30 am Eastern Time
      Company Press Release
      PeakSoft and HotOffice Sign Co-marketing, Service Integration and Revenue Sharing Agreement
      BELLINGHAM, Wash.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--March 16, 2000-- PeakSoft Multi(CDNX:PKS - news; OTCBB:PEAMF - news) Small Business Portal to offer top-ranked HotOffice Virtual Office Services, while HotOffice will add to its Business Center

      PeakSoft Multinet (CDNX:PKS - news; OTCBB:PEAMF - news), a pioneer of Internet communication solutions, announced it will distribute the HotOffice® Web-Based Intranet Service for small business through its Small Business, B2B portal at

      Under the agreement, PeakSoft Multinet Corp. and HotOffice Technologies Inc. will jointly promote their services and product offerings through the web sites and various outbound offerings. will immediately offer the HotOffice free and fee based ASP services to members at numerous locations within its site. HotOffice will add links and service descriptions to its business center at Additionally, both parties have agreed to promote their mutual services and special offerings through e-mail and other marketing means.

      ``HotOffice is by far the best resource for small business and work groups and mobile professionals to create a web-based intranet and virtual office on the Web. This affiliation will add value to our business clients and enhance the usefulness of to its members,`` said Doug Foster, president and CEO of PeakSoft. ``HotOffice is a natural fit for us, because it gives our users a convenient way, at no cost, to communicate with staff, clients and team members.``

      `` is developing a powerful business-to-business offering for small companies through its vertical market approach. We believe HotOffice will add indispensable tools to that effort,`` said Kim Nemunaitis, Director of Business Development for HotOffice. ``Additionally, will become an important value add to our small business clients.``

      About PeakSoft Multinet Corp.

      PeakSoft Multinet Corp. based in Bellingham, Washington, is organized around two divisions: The Internet Software Group and its Small Business, B2B Portal at The Company develops solutions that empower small businesses to build knowledge, e-commerce and customer relationships. The company has strategic marketing alliances with partners including Novell, Driveway Corporation, Software Builders,, Cyber-source, HotOffice, and others. Publicly traded on the Canadian Venture Exchange (PKS.V) and on the OTC Bulletin Board (PEAMF), PeakSoft is headquartered in Bellingham, WA. For more information, visit the PeakSoft corporate website at or send email to or visit the small business community at

      About HotOffice Technologies, Inc.

      HotOffice aims to maximize the productivity potential of the Internet for small businesses and teams through smart and secure collaboration and communication tools - teamware solutions. To help small businesses thrive in the digital economy, HotOffice has contracted with Staples and other innovative businesses to offer special packages of solutions and services specifically designed to meet the needs of small businesses and teams. HotOffice is led by experienced communications professionals from Sprint who have executed a unique distribution and pricing strategy by making the HotOffice service available to customers in both a subscription-based and a free (ad-supported) version. The privately held company is based in Boca Raton, Fla.

      HotOffice and the HotOffice logo are registered trademarks of HotOffice Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved.

      This release may contain forward-looking statements as well as historical information. Forward- looking statements, which are included in accordance with the ``safe harbor`` provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, may involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause the company`s actual results and performance to be materially different from any results or performance suggested by the statements in this release. Such statements, and other matters addressed in this press release, may involve a number of risks and uncertainties including price competition, technological advances, decreased demand or diversion to other software solutions. The Alberta Stock Exchange has neither approved nor disapproved of the information contained herein.


      PeakSoft Multinet Corporation
      Tim Metz, 360/752-1100


      He stocki, wenn Du Dir mal den Chart angeschaut hättest, wüßtest Du, daß gerade jetzt noch viel Luft nach oben ist!
      schrieb am 18.03.00 18:29:17
      Beitrag Nr. 9 ()
      Hier noch einmal die Meldung, die für eine Neubewertung von Peaksoft Multinet sorgen wird...

      PeakSoft to Invest $500,000 in, Inc.
      and Inculab to Invest $100,000 in PeakSoft
      by way of Private Placements

      Bellingham WA, February 9, 2000 - PeakSoft Multinet Corp. (CDNX: PKS.V; OTC-BB: PEAMF) reports today that it entered into an agreement in principle to transfer certain of its assets in a business unit to a subsidiary company, Inc., and to transfer its shares in that subsidiary to, Inc. Inc. was established to operate PeakSoft`s world wide web site,

      "PeakSoft’s plan to develop a leading web portal for small business will gain critical mass and expertise from our affiliation with this premier group. IncuLab has both the resources and the expertise to become a dominant player in the B2B market." Said Doug Foster, PeakSoft CEO, "IncuLab is also committed to fast execution, high levels of capitalization and public market leverage for its shareholders. We are fortunate to become an early stage shareholder and to see the potential of our plans realized. Furthermore, the company’s operating capital requirements are expected to be dramatically reduced under the deal."

      No change of control of PeakSoft Multinet Corp. is anticipated in consequence of these transactions. Inc., a private Washington state company, will acquire from PeakSoft Multinet Inc. and from Peak Media, Inc. and PeakSoft Corporation (USA), both of which are wholly-owned subsidiaries of PeakSoft Multinet Corp., the assets which are required for the development and the production of, these assets consisting of the trademark "", the rights to the computer software which operates this website, the computer hardware which is used to develop and to display this site, and the office furniture and the supplies utilized by those persons who are engaged for the purpose of producing the site. As consideration for these assets, Inc. will issue approximately 89.5 percent of its capital stock to PeakSoft Multinet Corp., and will assume liability for a debt in the approximate amount of USD $410,000 owed by PeakSoft Multinet Corp. to a creditor. Inc. is proposing to convert this indebtedness into approximately 10.5 percent of the shares in its own capital stock.

      Under the terms of the agreement in principle,, Inc. will acquire 100 percent of the shares in Inc. in exchange for shares in its own capital stock which are being valued by the parties at USD $3.9 million, (or approximately USD $1.00 per fully diluted share of PeakSoft, of which USD $3.45 million will be issued to PeakSoft Multinet Corp). As further consideration for the shares of Inc.,, Inc. will cause Inc. to grant a 5 year option to PeakSoft Multinet Corp. to re-acquire 10 percent of Inc.`s shares at a price of USD $400,000.

      PeakSoft Multinet Corp. is as well proposing to receive an advance in the amount of USD $500,000 from its major shareholders, The Liverpool Limited Partnership and Westgate International, L.P. for the purpose of investing this amount in a private placement of, Inc.`s shares. This advance, together with the existing indebtedness of PeakSoft Multinet Corp. to these shareholders in the approximate amount of USD $1.51 million, will be interest-free and may not be the subject of a demand for repayment for 13 months.

      No sponsor has been retained by PeakSoft Multinet Corp. to assist it with these transactions. These transactions will trigger a liability on the part of PeakSoft Multinet Corp. to pay a fee to Alexander Hutton, Inc. of Seattle.

      PeakSoft Multinet Corp. also announced today that it is making application to the Canadian Venture Exchange for the approval of the private placement of 288,106 units, each unit consisting of one share and a one year one-half share purchase warrant, with, Inc. It is proposed that each unit shall be sold at a price of $0.50, with the price of the shares to be acquired by the exercise of the warrants to be $0.76 apiece. This financing, which will close so soon as it has exchange approval, will raise approximately $144,053 (USD $100,000). There are no finder, agent or broker fees to be paid in consequence of this transaction. PeakSoft Multinet Corp. will use the proceeds of this private placement as operating capital.

      Completion of the transactions described above is subject to a number of conditions, including but not limited to, Exchange acceptance and disinterested shareholder approval. The transaction cannot close until the required shareholder approval is obtained. There can be no assurance that the transaction will be completed as proposed or at all.

      Investors are cautioned that, except as disclosed in the Management Information Circular to be prepared in connection with the transaction, any information released or received with respect to the Change Of Business may not be accurate or complete and should not be relied upon. Trading in the securities of PeakSoft Multinet Corp. should be considered highly speculative.

      About PeakSoft Multinet
      PeakSoft Multinet Corp. operates an Internet Utility Software Division which develops productivity tools and is a market leading Internet communications company developing solutions that empower businesses to build knowledge, e-commerce and customer relationships through its small business community at The company has strategic marketing alliances with partners including Novell, RealNetworks, Driveway Corporation, Software Builders and Publicly traded on the Canadian Venture Exchange (PKS.V) and on the OTC Bulletin Board (PEAMF), PeakSoft is headquartered in Bellingham, WA. For more information, visit the PeakSoft corporate website at or send email to or visit the small business community at

      About is an Internet and technology related Internet incubator based in New York. The Company assists start-ups develop and achieve their business objectives. IncuLab provides incubator companies with seed capital, business guidance, web strategy development and an array of operational services including office space, IT support, legal services, and administrative support. Partner companies also benefit from IncuLab’s collaborative network of portfolio companies and IncuLab’s relationships with investment banks, individuals, and technology companies. By providing a turnkey business development solution IncuLab allows entrepreneurs to concentrate on quickly and effectively building their businesses., Inc., a Delaware corporation, carries on business at 40 Wall Street, 59th Floor, New York City. The controlling interest in, Inc. is held by Globalink Corporation and the Molinari Trust of New York. Its directors are John Fung, Robert Jain, Michael Petryki and Kenneth Sirlin. PeakSoft Multinet Corp. and, Inc. are at arm`s length from one another;, Inc. is not currently a shareholder in PeakSoft Multinet Corp. More information concerning, Inc. may be found on its world wide web site

      This release may contain forward-looking statements as well as historical information. Forward- looking statements, which are included in accordance with the "safe harbor" provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, may involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause the company`s actual results and performance to be materially different from any results or performance suggested by the statements in this release. Such statements, and other matters addressed in this press release, may involve a number of risks and uncertainties including price competition, technological advances, decreased demand or diversion to other software solutions. The Alberta Stock Exchange has neither approved nor disapproved of the information contained herein.

      The Canadian Venture Exchange has not reviewed, and does not accept responsibility for, the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

      COPYRIGHT 2000 PeakSoft Multinet Corp. All rights reserved.
      schrieb am 22.03.00 05:42:31
      Beitrag Nr. 10 ()
      Peaksoft (PEAMF, otc-bb)
      die riesen-chance!
      Einstieg im embryo-stadium!!

      Marktkap 4mio, kaufte für 0,5mio, die große ziele im b2b mit kleinen unternehmen hat
      und dort ein pionier ist, hierfür private kap-erhöhung von 0,25mio durchgeführt,
      nur 20% frei gehandelte aktien, erfahrene manager

      Gestern +20% wegen der 5 tage alten news ganz unten:

      Bemerkungen aus raging bull zu PEAMF:…

      This is the best "put away and look at six months from now" stock that
      I have in my portfolio. Moving up - any news we`ll explode.

      If this stock can move this fast on virtually no volume. I can`t wait until
      we get some news that catches the public eye. With no float this thing
      will fly...........I`m holding my 3000 shares.

      This stock seems to be extremely


      Thursday March 16, 9:30 am Eastern Time
      Company Press Release
      PeakSoft and HotOffice Sign Co-marketing, Service Integration and
      Revenue Sharing Agreement
      BELLINGHAM, Wash.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--March 16, 2000--
      PeakSoft Multi(CDNX:PKS - news; OTCBB:PEAMF - news) Small Business Portal to offer top-ranked HotOffice Virtual
      Office Services, while HotOffice will add to its Business

      PeakSoft Multinet (CDNX:PKS - news; OTCBB:PEAMF - news), a
      pioneer of Internet communication solutions, announced it will
      distribute the HotOffice® Web-Based Intranet Service for small
      business through its Small Business, B2B portal at

      Under the agreement, PeakSoft Multinet Corp. and HotOffice
      Technologies Inc. will jointly promote their services and product
      offerings through the web sites and various outbound offerings. will immediately offer the HotOffice free and fee based ASP
      services to members at numerous locations within its site.
      HotOffice will add links and service descriptions to its
      business center at Additionally, both parties have
      agreed to promote their mutual services and special offerings through
      e-mail and other marketing means.

      ``HotOffice is by far the best resource for small business and work
      groups and mobile professionals to create a web-based intranet and
      virtual office on the Web. This affiliation will add value to our business
      clients and enhance the usefulness of to its members,``
      said Doug Foster, president and CEO of PeakSoft. ``HotOffice is a
      natural fit for us, because it gives our users a convenient way, at no
      cost, to communicate with staff, clients and team members.``

      `` is developing a powerful business-to-business offering for
      small companies through its vertical market approach. We believe
      HotOffice will add indispensable tools to that effort,`` said Kim
      Nemunaitis, Director of Business Development for HotOffice.
      ``Additionally, will become an important value add to our
      small business clients.``

      About PeakSoft Multinet Corp.

      PeakSoft Multinet Corp. based in Bellingham, Washington, is
      organized around two divisions: The Internet Software Group and its
      Small Business, B2B Portal at The Company
      develops solutions that empower small businesses to build
      knowledge, e-commerce and customer relationships. The company
      has strategic marketing alliances with partners including Novell,
      Driveway Corporation, Software Builders,, Cyber-source,
      HotOffice, and others. Publicly traded on the Canadian Venture
      Exchange (PKS.V) and on the OTC Bulletin Board (PEAMF),
      PeakSoft is headquartered in Bellingham, WA. For more information,
      visit the PeakSoft corporate website at or send
      email to or visit the small business community at

      About HotOffice Technologies, Inc.

      HotOffice aims to maximize the productivity potential of the Internet for
      small businesses and teams through smart and secure collaboration
      and communication tools - teamware solutions. To help small
      businesses thrive in the digital economy, HotOffice has contracted
      with Staples and other innovative businesses to offer special
      packages of solutions and services specifically designed to meet the
      needs of small businesses and teams. HotOffice is led by
      experienced communications professionals from Sprint who have
      executed a unique distribution and pricing strategy by making the
      HotOffice service available to customers in both a subscription-based
      and a free (ad-supported) version. The privately held company is
      based in Boca Raton, Fla.

      HotOffice and the HotOffice logo are registered trademarks of
      HotOffice Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved.

      This release may contain forward-looking statements as well as
      historical information. Forward- looking statements, which are
      included in accordance with the ``safe harbor`` provisions of the
      Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, may involve known
      and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause
      the company`s actual results and performance to be materially
      different from any results or performance suggested by the
      statements in this release. Such statements, and other matters
      addressed in this press release, may involve a number of risks and
      uncertainties including price competition, technological advances,
      decreased demand or diversion to other software solutions. The
      Alberta Stock Exchange has neither approved nor disapproved of the
      information contained herein.
      schrieb am 24.03.00 22:21:01
      Beitrag Nr. 11 ()
      Schon wieder News! Die Aktie wird explodieren, fragt sich nur wann...
      Die Weichen sind jedenfalls gestellt!!

      For Immediate Release

      March 24, 2000
      For more information, contact:
      PeakSoft Multinet Corp.
      Tim Metz, COO

      PeakSoft and Kodiak Chamber of Commerce Announce Launch of New Commercial
      Fisheries Site.

      B2B Community Going Live at Comfish 2000 March 24th.

      Bellingham, WA and Kodiak, AK; March 24, 2000 - PeakSoft Multinet (CDNX:
      PKS.V; OTC-BB: PEAMF), a pioneer of Internet communication solutions, and
      the Kodiak Chamber of Commerce announced today that the new commercial
      fisheries site located at," target="_blank" rel="nofollow ugc noopener">, is going live.

      The new commercial fisheries site will include business and research
      libraries, industry news, business tools and forums. Content from Kodiak`s
      popular will be incorporated into the new site as
      part of the overall agreement.

      "Commercial fishing has become a global business, even for our local
      fishermen," explains Wayne Stevens, executive director of the Kodiak Chamber
      of Commerce. " We all need to know what`s going on, every day. The internet
      has become an efficient medium for gathering information and communicating
      with business associates and customers, and will provide all of
      those features on a single site, designed specifically for our industry."

      "We are investing our time and effort to make an on-line
      business-to-business community and office with an original news center for
      the northwest fishing industry," says Tim Metz, Chief Operating Officer,
      PeakSoft Multinet Corp. "Our relationship with Kodiak is an important

      The announcement was made as the community of Kodiak once again throws open
      it`s doors for ComFish, Alaska`s largest commercial fisheries trade show.

      About PeakSoft Multinet Corp. PeakSoft Multinet Corp. based in Bellingham
      Washington, is organized around two divisions: The Internet Software Group
      and its Small Business, B2B Portal at The Company
      develops solutions that empower small businesses to build knowledge,
      e-commerce and customer relationships. The Company has strategic marketing
      alliances with partners including Novell, Driveway Corporation, Software
      Builders,, Cyber-source, HotOffice, and others. Publicly traded on
      the Canadian Venture Exchange (PKS.V) and on the OTC Bulletin Board (PEAMF),
      PeakSoft is headquartered in Bellingham, WA. For more information, visit
      the PeakSoft corporate website or send email to or visit the small business community at

      This release may contain forward-looking statements as well as historical
      information. Forward- looking statements, which are included in accordance
      with the "safe harbor" provisions of the Private Securities Litigation
      Reform Act of 1995, may involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and
      other factors that may cause the company`s actual results and performance to
      be materially different from any results or performance suggested by the
      statements in this release. Such statements, and other matters addressed in
      this press release, may involve a number of risks and uncertainties
      including price competition, technological advances, decreased demand or
      diversion to other software solutions. The Alberta Stock Exchange has
      neither approved nor disapproved of the information contained her
      schrieb am 27.03.00 21:37:28
      Beitrag Nr. 12 ()
      News!!! News!!! News!!!

      Monday March 27, 9:35 am Eastern Time

      Company Press Release

      PeakSoft Selects Google and to
      provide powerful business focused search capability at, small business portal

      BELLINGHAM, Wash.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--March 27, 2000--PeakSoft Multinet
      (CDNX:PKS. - news; OTCBB:PEAMF - news), a pioneer of Internet communication
      solutions, announced it has selected Google and to provide the search capabilities for its Small Business,
      B2B portal at Google will provide web search services, while will provide local site
      search for the Web site, providing complete end-to-end search for accessing critical information within
      the communities and our proprietary Business Libraries. Business Libraries provide important research and organization features that save users time and dramatically
      increases the relevance of search results. currently offers business libraries on topics including Legal, Realty, Travel,
      and Small Business. The company also conducts research and creates Business Libraries for selected vertical industries.
      Business Libraries are a free service to community members at and can be found at

      ``We are selecting the best tools and strongest partners in the industry to enhance our ability to get critical information in the
      hands of our members. Google`s advanced technology is by far the fastest, most efficient and accurate search capability we
      have evaluated,`` said Doug Foster, CEO of PeakSoft. ``And Searchbutton`s site search and reporting solution is the most
      powerful and scalable on the market today and will greatly improve our traditional search methodology.``

      `` is fulfilling an important need for small business owners. We are pleased to be selected to enhance their offering to
      the small business community,`` said Joan Braddi, Director Sales for Google.

      ``We are pleased that has selected Searchbutton solutions for their site and to be supporting the small
      business community`, said Carol Shellhorn, Director of Marketing, `` We share a common goal with to provide much needed solutions for small business``.

      About PeakSoft Multinet Corp.

      PeakSoft Multinet Corp. based in Bellingham Washington, is organized around two divisions: The Internet Software Group and
      its Small Business, B2B Portal at The Company develops solutions that empower small businesses to
      build knowledge, e-commerce and customer relationships. The company has strategic marketing alliances with partners
      including Novell, Driveway Corporation, Software Builders,, Cyber-source, SoftByNet, HotOffice, and others.
      Publicly traded on the Canadian Venture Exchange (PKS.V) and on the OTC Bulletin Board (PEAMF), PeakSoft is
      headquartered in Bellingham, WA. For more information, visit the PeakSoft corporate website at or
      send email to or visit the small business community at

      About Google Inc.

      Founded in September 1998, Google is a leading Internet search engine based on years of advanced research at Stanford
      University. Google is dedicated to providing the best search experience by delivering a powerful, yet simple-to-use format for
      finding the most relevant answers to Internet search queries. Google currently offers free search services through its own
      destination website The company also offers co-branded search solutions for information content and
      portal developers, including AOL/Netscape,, and Google`s patent-pending search
      technology has received numerous awards, including Time Magazine - Top Ten Best Cybertech of 1999; PC Magazine -
      Technical Excellence Award for Web Applications; The Net - Best Search Engine; and Yahoo! Internet Life - Best Search
      Engine on the Internet. Based in Mountain View, Calif., Google is a privately held company with venture funding from Kleiner
      Perkins Caufield & Byers and Sequoia Capital. For more information, visit

      About is the leading Application Service Provider (ASP) for site search and reporting and related site management
      services, offering a complete range of solutions to meet the needs of personal, small business and corporate web sites. The
      company`s flagship product, the Searchbutton site search service, incorporates a highly scaleable enterprise-class search
      engine, advanced reporting and site analysis, the self-service MySearchbutton( management console, and other features and
      capabilities. Together these features deliver a complete solution that allow Web site visitors to gain instant access to the
      information they want, and Web site owners to realize the benefits of improved customer interaction, higher retention and
      greater sales opportunities. A privately held company, is located in Mountain View, California and is funded
      by Asset Management, Intel Capital and Venture II Fund. Strategic partners include Hewlett Packard, SmartAge,
      NetMind, WebTrends, HTML Writer`s Guild, NaviSite,, and many others.`s services and
      information are available by visiting their web site at or by calling toll-free 1-877-813-3463.

      This release may contain forward-looking statements as well as historical information. Forward- looking statements, which are
      included in accordance with the ``safe harbor`` provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, may involve
      known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause the company`s actual results and performance to be
      materially different from any results or performance suggested by the statements in this release. Such statements, and other
      matters addressed in this press release, may involve a number of risks and uncertainties including price competition,
      technological advances, decreased demand or diversion to other software solutions.

      The Canadian Venture Exchange has neither approved nor disapproved of the information contained herein.


      PeakSoft Multinet Corporation
      Tim Metz, 360/ 752-1100

      More Quotes
      and News:
      PEAKSOFT MLTNET (Vancouver:PKS.V - news)
      Peaksoft Multinet Corp (OTC BB:PEAMF.OB - news)
      Related News Categories: computers
      schrieb am 03.04.00 17:25:54
      Beitrag Nr. 13 ()

      PEAMF) PeakSoft Doubles Its Proposed Investment in Inculab.Com, Inc. toUSD$1,000,000
      Mon Apr 03 09:45:00 EDT 2000

      BELLINGHAM, Wash., Apr 3, 2000 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- PeakSoft Multinet Corp.
      (CDNX: PKS.V)(OTCBB: PEAMF) reports today that it has modified the agreement,
      announced on February 9, 2000, increasing the amount of its proposed investment
      in, Inc. to US$1,000,000 from the previously announced proposed
      investment of US$500,000.

      On February 9th, 2000 PeakSoft announced its intention to seek shareholder
      approval for the sale of its business unit via the creation of a
      subsidiary named Inc. to, Inc. In addition, under the
      proposal PeakSoft will obtain a warrant to purchase shares in Inc.

      "As a part of the agreement to sell our unit to, Inc., we
      have been able to negotiate an attractive additional investment in,
      Inc." Said Tim Metz, PeakSoft COO, "The deal, if approved by shareholders and
      regulatory bodies, will result in a substantial equity stake in,
      Inc. for PeakSoft. At closing we will own approximately US$4.5 (CDN$6.6 Million)
      in, Inc. equity."

      ", Inc. represents an exciting investment for PeakSoft. Not only will
      they provide the needed capital to see achieve its objectives, but
      their strong stable of portfolio companies offer significant synergy to both and PeakSoft" said Doug Foster, CEO of PeakSoft, ", Inc. has
      an enviable depth of resources and is capable of becoming a major player in the
      e-business incubator arena. We hope to leverage our relationship as a
      shareholder and as a partner of this dynamic organization."

      No change of control of PeakSoft Multinet Corp. is anticipated in consequence of
      these transactions. No sponsor has been retained by PeakSoft Multinet Corp. to
      assist it with these transactions. These transactions will trigger a liability
      on the part of PeakSoft Multinet Corp. to pay a fee to Alexander Hutton, Inc. of
      Seattle. For more details regarding the original announcement dated February 9th
      2000. Please visit the company`s web site at

      Completion of the transactions described above is subject to a number of
      conditions, including but not limited to, Exchange acceptance and disinterested
      shareholder approval. The transaction cannot close until the required
      shareholder approval is obtained. There can be no assurance that the transaction
      will be completed as proposed or at all.

      Investors are cautioned that, except as disclosed in the Information Circular to
      be prepared in connection with the transaction, any information released or
      received with respect to a change of business may not be accurate or complete
      and should not be relied upon. Trading in the securities of PeakSoft Multinet
      Corp. should be considered highly speculative.

      About PeakSoft Multinet Corp.

      PeakSoft Multinet Corp. operates an Internet Utility Software Division which
      develops productivity tools and is a market leading Internet communications
      company developing solutions that empower businesses to build knowledge,
      e-commerce and customer relationships through its small business community at The company has strategic marketing alliances with partners
      including Novell, RealNetworks, Driveway Corporation, Software Builders,
      HotOffice Technologies, Inc. and Publicly traded on the Canadian
      Venture Exchange (PKS.V) and on the OTC Bulletin Board (PEAMF), PeakSoft is
      headquartered in Bellingham, WA. For more information, visit the PeakSoft
      corporate website at or send email to or visit
      the small business community at

      About, Inc., Inc. is an Internet and technology related Internet incubator based
      in New York. The Company assists start-ups develop and achieve their business
      objectives. IncuLab provides incubator companies with seed capital, business
      guidance, web strategy development and an array of operational services
      including office space, IT support, legal services, and administrative support.
      Partner companies also benefit from IncuLab`s collaborative network of portfolio
      companies and IncuLab`s relationships with investment banks, individuals, and
      technology companies. By providing a turnkey business development solution
      IncuLab allows entrepreneurs to concentrate on quickly and effectively building
      their businesses., Inc., a Delaware corporation, carries on business at 40 Wall
      Street, 59th Floor, New York City. PeakSoft Multinet Corp. and,
      Inc., are at arm`s length from one another;, Inc., is not currently
      a shareholder in PeakSoft Multinet Corp. More information concerning, Inc., may be found on its world wide web site, Inc.

      This release may contain forward-looking statements as well as historical
      information. Forward-looking statements, which are included in accordance with
      the "safe harbour" provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of
      1995, may involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that
      may cause the company`s actual results and performance to be materially
      different from any results or performance suggested by the statements in this
      release. Such statements, and other matters addressed in this press release, may
      involve a number of risks and uncertainties including price competition,
      technological advances, decreased demand or diversion to other software

      The Canadian Venture Exchange has not reviewed, and does not accept
      responsibility for, the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

      Distributed via COMTEX.

      Copyright (C) 2000 Business Wire. All rights reserved.
      schrieb am 05.04.00 21:17:05
      Beitrag Nr. 14 ()
      Und noch mal News!

      PeakJet 2000 to Enter New International Markets
      UK distributor to introduce French, Spanish and German-language versions of
      next-generation Web-browsing accelerator to Europe

      Bellingham, Wash., U.S.A, April 5, 2000 - PeakSoft Multinet Corporation
      (CDNX:PKS.V; OTC-BB:PEAMF), a pioneer in the development of Internet
      research and communication technology, today announced a new distribution
      agreement with Softvianet Limited of the United Kingdom to offer
      local-language versions of the PeakJet 2000 Web-browsing accelerator
      software in the United Kingdom, France and other countries via" target="_blank" rel="nofollow ugc noopener">

      "Language is a major obstacle for the many non-English-speaking Internet
      users. If you want to reach customers around the world, you have to do it in
      their language. This is why Softbynet will have a French-language version of
      its English language site - to appeal to the French language markets of
      France, Quebec, Switzerland and Belgium, among others. German, Italian,
      Spanish, and English versions of PeakJet 2000 will also be offered by
      Softbynet", said Tim Metz, COO of PeakSoft. "We are striving to maximize the
      global penetration of PeakJet 2000."

      English-language versions of PeakJet have already been widely distributed in
      Europe and Asia, where users facing costly online access charges find the
      speed and efficiency offered by the easy-to-use software a way to keep
      online charges to a minimum. PeakJet 2000 offers new and existing users
      even greater speed and efficiency.

      PeakJet 2000 is available to the Spanish-speaking, German-speaking,
      French-speaking, Italian- speaking, Japanese-speaking and English-speaking
      markets of the world.

      PeakSoft International Distributor Program
      PeakSoft is actively seeking additional international distribution partners.
      For more information please contact Michelle Stewart, PeakSoft Multinet
      Corp. at 360-752-1100 or

      About PeakSoft Multinet Corp. PeakSoft Multinet Corp. based in Bellingham
      Washington, is organized around two divisions: The Internet Software Group
      and its Small Business, B2B Portal at The Company
      develops solutions that empower small businesses to build knowledge,
      e-commerce and customer relationships. The company has strategic marketing
      alliances with partners including Novell, Driveway Corporation, Software
      Builders,, Cyber-source, SoftByNet, HotOffice, and others.
      Publicly traded on the Canadian Venture Exchange (PKS.V) and on the OTC
      Bulletin Board (PEAMF), PeakSoft is headquartered in Bellingham, WA. For
      more information, visit the PeakSoft corporate website at or send email to or visit the
      small business community at

      About Softbynet Limited: Softbynet ( is the first
      truly European website specializing in the sale of downloadable software.
      Available in both English and French, and soon in German and Spanish, offers Internet users a selection of high quality, directly
      downloadable software and features extensive editorial content to guide them
      in their purchasing decisions. To this end, Softbynet offers extensive
      editorial content designed to inform consumers, clarify uncertainties, and
      give new ideas for software usage. These editorials are organized
      thematically or take the form of "how to?" sections that give concrete
      solutions to customers` software problems. Upon request, customers may
      additionally receive a CD-Rom backup copy of the software they`ve purchased.
      Softbynet`s secure system accepts payment in 20 currencies.

      This release may contain forward-looking statements as well as historical
      information. Forward-looking statements, which are included in accordance
      with the "safe harbour" provisions of the Private Securities Litigation
      Reform Act of 1995, may involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and o
      ther factors that may cause the company`s actual results and performance to
      be materially different from any results or performance suggested by the
      statements in this release. Such statements, and other matters addressed in
      this press release, may involve a number of risks and uncertainties
      including price competition, technological advances, decreased demand or
      diversion to other software solutions.

      The Canadian Venture Exchange has not reviewed, and does not accept
      responsibility for, the adequacy or accuracy of this release.
      schrieb am 18.04.00 16:53:27
      Beitrag Nr. 15 ()
      Wieder super News!

      PeakSoft and Offer B2C Auction at
      Mon Apr 17 10:14:00 EDT 2000

      BELLINGHAM, WASHINGTON--(CCN Disclosure, April 17, 2000)--PeakSoft Multinet
      Corporation (CDNX:PKS.V; OTC-BB:PEAMF), a pioneer in the development of Internet
      research and communication technology, today announced that it has entered into
      an agreement with vate Label business-to-consumer auction to PeakSoft on its
      small business portal site located at offers real value to business. Their partners include quality
      technology manufacturers and industry partners such as HP, Sony, IBM and Canon.
      The format offers overstocked and product line upgrade values at
      exceptional prices to small business. plans to extend their
      offering to full consumer-to-consumer capability shortly. This will offer
      additional value to members, allowing them to sell business related and
      personal items through the auction format.

      "We see this as an important step in providing e-commerce opportunities to the
      members of our communities," said Tim Metz Chief Operating Officer. "Our plan is
      to develop transaction based support for the full range business needs." intends to add full business-to-business auctions, request for proposal
      and request for quotation capabilities to its business communities in the near
      future. Additionally, the company has implemented the B2B auction
      service within its North West Fisheries community and is commencing trials and
      market testing of full B2B auction formats.

      " represents small business, an important demographic in our target
      market. We look forward to adding new services within the communities"
      said Maureen Cunningham, Founder of

      About PeakSoft Multinet Corp.

      PeakSoft Multinet Corp. is organized around two divisions: The Internet Software
      Group and its Small Business, B2B Portal at The Company
      develops solutions that empower small businesses to build knowledge, e-commerce
      and customer relationships. The company has strategic marketing alliances with
      partners including Novell, Driveway Corporation, Software Builders,,
      Cyber-source, SoftByNet, HotOffice, and others. Publicly traded on the Canadian
      Venture Exchange (PKS.V) and on the OTC Bulletin Board (PEAMF), PeakSoft is
      headquartered in Bellingham, WA. For more information, visit the PeakSoft
      corporate website at or send email to or
      visit the small business community at

      Copyright (c) 2000, Canadian Corporate News, all rights reserved.
      schrieb am 20.04.00 03:32:30
      Beitrag Nr. 16 ()
      schrieb am 02.05.00 16:32:38
      Beitrag Nr. 17 ()
      For Immediate Release
      May 1, 2000

      For more information, contact:
      PeakSoft Multinet Corp.
      Tim Metz, President/CEO

      Tim Metz to assume position and join Peak`s Board

      Bellingham, Wash., U.S.A, May 1, 2000 - PeakSoft Multinet Corporation
      (CDNX:PKS.V; OTC-BB:PEAMF), a pioneer in the development of Internet
      research and communication technology and operator of the business portal
      website," target="_blank" rel="nofollow ugc noopener">, today announced that Tim Metz has been
      appointed President and Chief Executive Officer effective immediately. He
      will also join the Board of Directors. Mr. Metz has served as PeakSoft`s
      Chief Operating Officer since January 1998.

      The Company is continuing with all initiatives announced to date, including
      the proposed IncuLab agreement and licensing and international expansion
      efforts for its PeakJet 2000 product family. Doug Foster, the outgoing
      President/CEO and director, has elected to focus on e-business development
      activities that are complementary to PeakSoft and He will continue
      to consult with the Company.

      "I completely support the direction that PeakSoft and are taking
      and look forward to continuing to work with Peak`s team. Beyond just the
      intrinsic value of the agreements in place, it provides the opportunity for
      PeakSoft to chart a new course under the experienced leadership of Tim Metz
      and the Board", said Doug Foster.

      "It has been a pleasure working with Doug and I anticipate a continuing
      relationship with him. Doug is one of the best that I have worked with in my
      business career. This re-focusing by Doug, will enable him to commit himself
      to e-business development, which is his passion. I fully expect PeakSoft and to reap the benefits of Doug`s continued dedication", said Tim

      About PeakSoft Multinet Corp. PeakSoft Multinet Corp. is organized around
      two divisions: The Internet Software Group and its Small Business, B2B
      Portal at" target="_blank" rel="nofollow ugc noopener"> The Company develops solutions that empower
      small businesses to build knowledge, e-commerce and customer relationships.
      The company has strategic marketing alliances with partners including
      Novell, Driveway Corporation, Software Builders,, Cyber-source,
      SoftByNet, HotOffice, and others. Publicly traded on the Canadian Venture
      Exchange (PKS.V) and on the OTC Bulletin Board (PEAMF), PeakSoft is
      headquartered in Bellingham, WA. For more information, visit the PeakSoft
      corporate website at or send email to
      or visit the small business community at

      This release may contain forward-looking statements as well as historical
      information. Forward-looking statements, which are included in accordance
      with the "safe harbour" provisions of the Private Securities Litigation
      Reform Act of 1995, may involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and
      other factors that may cause the company`s actual results and performance to
      be materially different from any results or performance suggested by the
      statements in this release. Such statements, and other matters addressed in
      this press release, may involve a number of risks and uncertainties
      including price competition, technological advances, decreased demand or
      diversion to other software solutions.

      The Canadian Venture Exchange has not reviewed, and does not accept
      responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.
      schrieb am 15.06.00 16:21:59
      Beitrag Nr. 18 ()
      News!!!, Inc. and Application Park, Inc. Partner to Provide Customizable Business Tools and Integrated Applications to Users
      BELLINGHAM, Wash. & SAN FRANCISCO--(BUSINESS WIRE)--June 14, 2000--

      Private-Labeled Site Answers the Needs of the

      Small and Medium Sized Business

      PeakSoft Multinet Corp. (CDNX:PKS.V - news; OTCBB:PEAMF - news), a pioneer in the development of Internet research and communication technology, today announced that it has entered into an agreement with Application Park, Inc. to provide customizable browser-based business automation tools and integrated applications on PeakSoft`s small business portal site located at

      ``We see server-based applications, such as those made possible by Application Park`s underlying technology, as a great benefit to the small to medium sized business.`` said Tim Metz, Chief Executive Officer of PeakSoft Multinet Corp. and, Inc. ``It affords small and medium sized businesses access to solutions that are not always economically justifiable.``

      Targeted at small to medium-sized companies, Application Park`s set of pre-built, browser-based applications automates business functions such as contact management, project management or operational duties such as performance reviews. Unlike current browser-based business applications, small to medium-sized businesses can easily modify existing applications or build their own using a browser-based point and click interface.

      ``We spent a lot of time evaluating other web-based business applications and identified a need for more robust, interconnected services,`` said Application Park Chief Executive Officer and Co-Founder Aaron Sperling. ``By themselves, our out-of-the-box applications are already extremely useful, but our real value-add is the degree of customizability and ease with which partners or end-users may make changes or enhancements to what we`ve done.``

      All applications integrate with each other and share common information such as employee data or projects. Application Park`s underlying technology, the Application Park Framework Engine(TM), may also be used to create new applications that easily integrate into existing ones.

      About Application Park

      Application Park, based in San Francisco, Calif., is a provider of business application services for small to medium-sized businesses through partners over the Internet. With integrated suites of web-enabled applications that streamline sales, marketing, human resources and operational aspects of businesses, Application Park allows partners to help small and medium-sized companies leverage the Internet to increase productivity and profitability. Application Park hosts customer solutions on high performance, secured servers, eliminating the need for partners or end-customers to purchase and support costly systems. Privately held, Application Park distributes its software and services through a co-branded network of partners in North America, Europe, and Australia. For information about Application Park and its products and services, visit the company at

      About PeakSoft Multinet

      PeakSoft Multinet Corp. is organized around two divisions: The Internet Software Group and its Small Business, B2B Portal at The Company develops solutions that empower small businesses to build knowledge, e-commerce and customer relationships. The company has strategic marketing alliances with partners including Novell, Driveway Corporation, Software Builders,, Cyber-source, SoftByNet, HotOffice, and others. Publicly traded on the Canadian Venture Exchange (PKS.V) and on the OTC Bulletin Board (PEAMF), PeakSoft is headquartered in Bellingham, WA. For more information, visit the PeakSoft corporate website at send email to or visit the small business community at

      This release may contain forward-looking statements as well as historical information. Forward-looking statements, which are included in accordance with the ``safe harbour`` provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, may involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause the company`s actual results and performance to be materially different from any results or performance suggested by the statements in this release. Such statements, and other matters addressed in this press release, may involve a number of risks and uncertainties including price competition, technological advances, decreased demand or diversion to other software solutions.

      The Canadian Venture Exchange has not reviewed, and does not accept responsibility for, the adequacy or accuracy of this release.


      PeakSoft Multinet Corporation
      Tim Metz, 360/752-1100
      schrieb am 19.07.00 12:29:42
      Beitrag Nr. 19 ()
      Hier ein paar schon "etwas ältere" News:, Inc. and Application Park, Inc. Partner to Provide Customizable Business Tools and Integrated Applications to Users
      BELLINGHAM, Wash. & SAN FRANCISCO--(BUSINESS WIRE)--June 14, 2000--

      Private-Labeled Site Answers the Needs of the

      Small and Medium Sized Business

      PeakSoft Multinet Corp. (CDNX:PKS.V - news; OTCBB:PEAMF - news), a pioneer in the development of Internet research and communication technology, today announced that it has entered into an agreement with Application Park, Inc. to provide customizable browser-based business automation tools and integrated applications on PeakSoft`s small business portal site located at

      ``We see server-based applications, such as those made possible by Application Park`s underlying technology, as a great benefit to the small to medium sized business.`` said Tim Metz, Chief Executive Officer of PeakSoft Multinet Corp. and, Inc. ``It affords small and medium sized businesses access to solutions that are not always economically justifiable.``

      Targeted at small to medium-sized companies, Application Park`s set of pre-built, browser-based applications automates business functions such as contact management, project management or operational duties such as performance reviews. Unlike current browser-based business applications, small to medium-sized businesses can easily modify existing applications or build their own using a browser-based point and click interface.

      ``We spent a lot of time evaluating other web-based business applications and identified a need for more robust, interconnected services,`` said Application Park Chief Executive Officer and Co-Founder Aaron Sperling. ``By themselves, our out-of-the-box applications are already extremely useful, but our real value-add is the degree of customizability and ease with which partners or end-users may make changes or enhancements to what we`ve done.``

      All applications integrate with each other and share common information such as employee data or projects. Application Park`s underlying technology, the Application Park Framework Engine(TM), may also be used to create new applications that easily integrate into existing ones.

      About Application Park

      Application Park, based in San Francisco, Calif., is a provider of business application services for small to medium-sized businesses through partners over the Internet. With integrated suites of web-enabled applications that streamline sales, marketing, human resources and operational aspects of businesses, Application Park allows partners to help small and medium-sized companies leverage the Internet to increase productivity and profitability. Application Park hosts customer solutions on high performance, secured servers, eliminating the need for partners or end-customers to purchase and support costly systems. Privately held, Application Park distributes its software and services through a co-branded network of partners in North America, Europe, and Australia. For information about Application Park and its products and services, visit the company at

      About PeakSoft Multinet

      PeakSoft Multinet Corp. is organized around two divisions: The Internet Software Group and its Small Business, B2B Portal at The Company develops solutions that empower small businesses to build knowledge, e-commerce and customer relationships. The company has strategic marketing alliances with partners including Novell, Driveway Corporation, Software Builders,, Cyber-source, SoftByNet, HotOffice, and others. Publicly traded on the Canadian Venture Exchange (PKS.V) and on the OTC Bulletin Board (PEAMF), PeakSoft is headquartered in Bellingham, WA. For more information, visit the PeakSoft corporate website at send email to or visit the small business community at

      This release may contain forward-looking statements as well as historical information. Forward-looking statements, which are included in accordance with the ``safe harbour`` provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, may involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause the company`s actual results and performance to be materially different from any results or performance suggested by the statements in this release. Such statements, and other matters addressed in this press release, may involve a number of risks and uncertainties including price competition, technological advances, decreased demand or diversion to other software solutions.

      The Canadian Venture Exchange has not reviewed, and does not accept responsibility for, the adequacy or accuracy of this release.


      PeakSoft Multinet Corporation
      Tim Metz, 360/752-1100

      Noch jemand investiert? Meinungen?
      schrieb am 17.08.00 14:14:35
      Beitrag Nr. 20 ()
      Hallo Investor-Freunde,

      was war denn bei Peaksoft gestern los????? 89% Plus!!!! Jemand schon was rausgefunden? Lohnt sich jetzt wieder der Einstieg? Ich glaube, daß das womöglich die Initialzündung war.

      Grüße, Roggen

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      Bitte wenden Sie sich an und erfragen Sie die Reaktivierung der Diskussion oder starten Sie
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      Peaksoft Multinet: B2B+Incubator M.K. nur 4 M.=1000% Ch.!!!!!!