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      schrieb am 03.08.11 23:56:07
      Beitrag Nr. 3.169 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 41.888.099 von Reiners am 03.08.11 21:05:48ich war es nicht...:laugh:
      schrieb am 03.08.11 21:05:48
      Beitrag Nr. 3.168 ()
      Tradegate 80k
      Berlin 15k
      Frankfurt 11k

      Wo kommt denn auf einmal ein leichtes Interesse in Deutschland her ?
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      schrieb am 03.08.11 20:34:26
      Beitrag Nr. 3.167 ()
      Rare Earth Elements Monthly Recap: July

      Mon, Aug 1, 2011

      By Michael Montgomery—Exclusive to Rare Earth Investing News

      July was an important month for the rare earth market. In perhaps the most significant news of the year, China released the rare earth export quota for the second half of 2011, sending the market into a frenzy yet again. While the quota doubled exports for the Q2 year over year, the total exports for 2011 were actually reduced. Other top headlines included the continuing rise of rare earth prices, and the alleged Japanese discovery of rare earth deposits on the floor of the Pacific Ocean.

      Chinese export quotas

      Don’t be fooled by the headlines. Although the Q2 2011 quota is double that of the restrictive 7,000 tonne limit imposed in the Q2 of 2010, the quota for this year now totals 30,246 tonnes, down slightly from the 30,258 tonnes total quota set in 2010.

      More importantly, there is one major change to the quota that could restrict supply even further, and that is the inclusion of rare earth ferroalloys. This is potentially a major development because some of the most common rare earth products are ferroalloys, for example, neodymium-iron-boron magnets. However, analysts are split on the effect that the policy change will have on overall demand.

      The same supply chain conditions that made the relatively unknown group of metals one of the biggest commodities stories in 2010 are still present. The world is still in desperate need of rare earth production outside of China.

      Prices continue to rise

      The reduction of rare earth supply coming from China has understandably put upward pressure on prices for rare earths. The price of dysprosium has jumped in non-Chinese markets to $3,300-3,500 per kg.:eek: The rising price of lanthanum, from $50 per kg at the start of the year to over $150 per kg currently, has prompted Molycorp (NYSE:MCP) to renegotiate supply contacts.

      Seagate (NASDAQ:STK), a computer hard drive manufacturer, recently stated, “The cost of many upstream materials, especially rare earth elements, which have increased significantly, … are expected to adversely impact gross margins.”

      The ongoing supply chain tightness in the rare earth market will continue to push prices skyward. There is simply not enough supply in the global market to meet consumer demand.

      Japanese oceanic rare earth deposits

      In eye catching headlines, reports claim Japanese researchers have discovered massive underwater rare earth deposits. The deposits are reported by sources such as Reuters to be at depths ranging from 11,000 ft to 20,000 ft and contain upwards of 100 billion tonnes. However, the total size may be misquoted.

      “What the authors do NOT estimate, is a size of the total mineral resource, and wisely so . . . and thus state that “resource estimates for large regions cannot be made until more detailed data are available for areas lacking cores,” reported Gareth Hatch, for Technology Metals Research.

      It seems as if the reporters of this story took a loose estimation by the scientists and ran with it. Regardless of the size of the deposits, the monumental task of mining at a depth upwards of 20,000 feet below the surface is almost impossible, and certainly unrealistic economically with current technology.

      “It makes for some nice headlines, but I don’t think it would really be feasible to do this,” said Luisa Moreno, an analyst for Jacob Securities. “Obviously they are very frustrated and very desperate for alternatives.”

      The main motivation for putting this story out is to respond to the tight quotas and skyrocketing prices out of China. “They are trying to persuade the Chinese that they are not over a barrel. And they are not fooling anyone,” stated Christopher Ecclestone, mining strategist for Hallgarten & Company.
      schrieb am 01.08.11 22:31:55
      Beitrag Nr. 3.166 ()
      globe set exploration works at salambidwe…
      schrieb am 01.08.11 21:09:04
      Beitrag Nr. 3.165 ()
      Monday, August 01, 2011

      The “Lion” of Malawi.

      Last week I had the good fortune to meet up with the CEO and the President of Mkango Resources Limited in London, an early stage REE prospecting company operating in Malawi. If you’re ever visiting and hear the locals yelling Mkango, pay attention, they are not paying deference to the folks at Mkango Resources, Mkango means lion in one of the local languages, and there is a high possibility you are marked down for lunch. MRL hold a 100% prospecting licence in a carbonatite REE property called Songwe Hill, located about 40 miles from the main commercial city of Blantyre. The company I find interesting on several levels.

      The first is that the company is brand new, meaning few have heard of the stock therefore it isn’t carrying an outrageous premium or outrageous hyped expectations. The stock trades in Toronto for about 55 cents (TSX.V: MKA.) Next it’s located in Malawi, hardly the epicentre of REE global interest, yet Malawi has vast other resources which are just in the process of coming into play. Paladin Energy is developing Africa’s second largest uranium mine in Malawi, but the one that’s more important is Malawi’s coal reserves. Brazil mining giant Vale, among others, is developing Malawi’s vast coal deposits, with shipment largely intended for the Indian market. To that end Malawi, Vale and Mozambique in April signed a deal to improve railway access to new coal export ports being built at at Beira and at Nacala in Mozambique. Malawi is just coming into mainstream play. Better yet, Malawi is a rule of law country, with British style rule of law applying.

      Good for Malawi, now what about Mkango. Well below from Mkango in their own words:

      Significant exploration work was completed at Songwe between 1986 and 1988 by the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) and the Metal Mining Agency of Japan (MMAJ) under an agreement with the Government of Malawi. The work comprised geochemical sampling, trenching, thin section, polished section, XRF and EPMA analysis, and 19 drill holes to 50m. The logs of the drill holes indicate broad intersections of carbonatite in a number of holes, including 46m grading 1.3% REO, 50m grading 1.5% REO and 50m grading 3.1% REO. Assays were only completed for lanthanum, cerium, neodymium, samarium, europium, terbium, yttrium, strontium, niobium and phosphate. Praseodymium, dysprosium and other heavy rare earths were not analysed in the drill intersections.

      Back in the 1980s, Japan shallow drilled the prospect to 50 metres, and only performed limited assays. In September the results of new deeper drilling, some down to 260 metres will become available and complete assays are also being conducted. I think it quite likely that the modern results will greatly improve on the results obtained back in the mid 80s. Drilling will continue on until the rainy season arrives. I think that the stock is a reasonable punt ahead of the coming results. I think given the change coming to Malawi, and the prospect that some of Malawi’s coal will in future be used in local power projects, together with the rail improvements to Africa’s east coast, I think that long term Mkango has a very good chance of going on to become a mine. Disclosure: I have no position in Mkango Resources though I might very well go on to acquire one.

      As always, before making any investment it’s important to do your own due diligence on a company, and to reflect on whether it meets your own individual risk compatibility. No one has more at risk in any investment made than you do yourself, once you decide to invest. We don’t invest to provide a living for others.

      It was a confusion of ideas between him and one of the lions he was hunting in Kenya that had caused A. B. Spottsworth to make the obituary column. He thought the lion was dead, and the lion thought it wasn't.

      P. G. Wodehouse.

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      6.500% Wachstum! Morgen mehr als Verdopplung drin?mehr zur Aktie »
      schrieb am 01.08.11 11:01:50
      Beitrag Nr. 3.164 ()
      schrieb am 29.07.11 17:57:37
      Beitrag Nr. 3.163 ()
      Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren

      Voriges Jahr bin ich von der Version ‘Freundin 7.0′ auf ‘Gattin 1.0′ umgestiegen.

      Ich habe festgestellt, daß das Programm einen unerwarteten Kind-Prozeß gestartet hat und sehr viel Platz und wichtige Ressourcen belegt. In der Produktanweisung wird ein solches Phänomen nicht erwähnt.

      Außerdem installiert sich ‘Gattin 1.0′ in allen anderen Programmen von selbst und startet in allen Systemen automatisch, wodurch alle Aktivitäten der übrigen Systeme gestoppt werden. Die Anwendungen ‘Bordell 10.3′, ‘Umtrunk 2.5′ und ‘Fußballsonntag 5.0′ funktionieren nicht mehr, und das System stürzt bei jedem Start ab. Leider kann ich ‘Gattin 1.0′ auch nicht minimieren, während ich meine bevorzugten Anwendungen benutzen möchte.

      Ich überlege ernsthaft, zum Programm ‘Freundin 7.0′ zurückzugehen, aber bei Ausführen der UninstalI-Funktion von ‘Gattin 1.0′ erhalte ich stets die Aufforderung, zuerst das Programm ‘Scheidung 1.0′ auszuführen. Dieses Programm ist mir aber viel zu teuer. Können Sie mir helfen?

      Danke, ein User


      Lieber User,

      das ist ein sehr häufiger Beschwerdegrund bei den Usern. In den meisten Fällen liegt die Ursache aber bei einem grundlegenden Verständnisfehler: Viele User steigen von ‘Freundin 7.0 ‘ auf ‘Gattin 1.0′ um, weil sie Zweites zur Gruppe der “Spiele & Anwendungen” zählen. ‘Gattin 1.0′ ist aber ein BETRIEBSSYSTEM und wurde entwickelt, um alle anderen Funktionen zu kontrollieren. Es ist unmöglich, von ‘Gattin 1.0′ wieder auf ’Freundin 7.0′ zurückzugehen. Bei der Installation von ‘Gattin 1.0′ werden versteckte Dateien installiert, die ein Re-Load von ‘Freundin 7.0′ unmöglich machen. Es ist nicht möglich, diese versteckten Dateien zu deinstallieren, zu löschen, zu verschieben oder zu vernichten.

      Einige User probierten die Installation von ‘Freundin 8.0′ oder ‘Gattin 2.0′ gekoppelt mit ‘Scheidung 1.0′, aber am Ende hatten sie mehr Probleme als vorher. Lesen Sie dazu in Ihrer Gebrauchsanweisung die Kapitel ”Warnungen”, Alimente-Zahlungen – fortlaufende Wartungskosten von Kindern ab Version 1.0″.

      Ich empfehle Ihnen daher, bei ‘Gattin 1.0′ zu bleiben und das Beste daraus zu machen. Ich habe selber ‘Gattin 1.0′ vor Jahren installiert und halte mich strikt an die Gebrauchsanweisung, vor allem in Bezug auf das Kapitel “Gesellschaftsfehler”. Sie sollten die Verantwortung für alle Fehler und Probleme übernehmen, unabhängig davon, ob Sie schuld sind oder nicht.

      Die beste Lösung ist das häufige Ausführen des Befehls: C:UM-ENTSCHULDIGUNG-BITTEN.exe.

      Vermeiden Sie den Gebrauch der “ESC” Taste, da Sie öfter UM-ENTSCHULDIGUNG-BITTEN einschalten müssten, damit ‘Gattin 1.0′ wieder Normal funktioniert.

      Das System funktioniert solange einwandfrei, wie Sie für die “Gesellschaftsfehler” uneingeschränkt haften! Alles in allem ist ‘Gattin 1.0′ ein sehr interessantes Programm – trotz der unverhältnismäßig hohen Betriebskosten.

      Bedenken Sie auch die Möglichkeit, zusätzliche Software zu installieren, um die Leistungsfähigkeit von ‘Gattin 1.0′ zu steigern. Ich empfehle Ihnen: ‘Pralinen 2.1′ und ‘Blumen 5.0′ in Deutsch.

      Viel Glück!
      Ihr Technischer Dienst

      PS: Installieren Sie niemals ‘Sekretärin im Minirock 3.3′! Dieses Programm verträgt sich nicht mit ‘Gattin 1.0′ und könnte einen nicht wieder gutzumachenden Schaden im Betriebssystem verursachen.

      schrieb am 29.07.11 15:19:09
      Beitrag Nr. 3.162 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 41.865.168 von Reiners am 29.07.11 14:43:47habs überflogen

      ad metallurgie, folgendes ist für mich neu...
      The results will be used to prepare a program of work to be conducted by the Guangzhou Research Institute (GRZINN) to evaluate innovative niobium flotation strategies to improve recovery.

      ...un das diese EIA, die seit nov 2009 läuft erst q3 2012 mit einem ersten konzept aufwarten kann erstaunt mich auch

      South African environmental specialists Synergistics and Malawian consultants Mlambe have been engaged to assist in completion of the EIA, and are scheduled to submit the first draft document to the Government of Malawi in Q3 2012.
      schrieb am 29.07.11 14:43:47
      Beitrag Nr. 3.161 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 41.862.734 von Reiners am 29.07.11 08:31:34 Hat irgendjemand irgendwelche Anmerkungen / Hinweise zum June 2011 Quarterly Activities Report?
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 29.07.11 08:36:43
      Beitrag Nr. 3.160 ()
      1. Kanyika Niobium Project – Malawi

      1.1. Appointment of Project Manager

      During the quarter the Company appointed Mr. Les Middleditch as the new Project Manager for the Kanyika Niobium Project. Les is a chemical engineer with 30 years of experience in the mining and chemical industries.
      Les will be responsible for delivery of the Kanyika Definitive Feasibility Study (DFS), which will now proceed in a timely manner, post completion of the East China Mineral Exploration and Development Bureau (ECE) transaction.

      1.2. Metallurgy Update

      Pilot Program

      As part of the DFS that Globe is currently conducting on the Kanyika Niobium Project, a series of optimisation programs have commenced in South Africa, Australia and potentially China.
      A 20 tonne sample was collected from the Kanyika deposit and shipped to a purpose-built test facility in Johannesburg for a pilot-scale "proof-of-concept" program for final development of the Kanyika ore processing flow sheet.

      Additional Process Flow Sheet Work

      An additional program is being conducted by AMMTEC's Burnie labs in Tasmania, Australia, to evaluate potential improvements in recovery and economics using a gravity-based flow sheet. The results will be used to prepare a program of work to be conducted by the Guangzhou Research Institute (GRZINN) to evaluate innovative niobium flotation strategies to improve recovery.
      Based on the above programs, Globe is confident that an enhanced metallurgical flow sheet can be achieved with improved recovery and reduced costs, thus increasing the already favourable economics of the Project.

      1.3. Environmental Assessment

      Globe has submitted the Environmental Scoping Report and the Environmental Impact Assessment Terms of Reference to the Malawian Environmental Affairs Department. The submission of these documents completes all preliminary legal requirements under the Malawian environmental legislation, enabling commencement of the formal Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) for the Project.
      South African environmental specialists Synergistics and Malawian consultants Mlambe have been engaged to assist in completion of the EIA, and are scheduled to submit the first draft document to the Government of Malawi in Q3 2012.

      1.4. Community and Stakeholder Relations

      Globe has invested significant time and resources in maintaining and extending the Company’s relationship with the local community surrounding the Kanyika Niobium Project (Mzimba District) since its initial discovery in 2006. This has included periodic community meetings (always with the attendance of the Government of Malawi), as well as consultation with the Mabulabo Traditional Authority and the Paramount Chief.

      A formal Stakeholder Participation Program has now been initiated, which will facilitate community consultation and education in relation to the Project; this will incorporate a Social Management Plan to document and mitigate the social and cultural impacts associated with the Project
      To reflect the increasing importance of community and stakeholder relations to the Project, Malawian National geologist Mr Chris Ngwena has been appointed on a permanent basis as the in-country Manager for the DFS. Chris has previously worked with Globe for a number of years as an exploration geologist, including at Kanyika, and has formed many contacts within the local population.

      1.5. Infrastructure and Project Site Works

      A preliminary site arrangement plan and Project layout has been completed.
      South African company, Jones & Wagener (J&W), has been retained to provide geotechnical, hydrogeological and hydrological engineering input for the Project. Key investigative programs have commenced including the hydrogeological drilling and evaluation program and baseline hydrology studies. J&W have also commenced work on a study to ensure the optimum location and design for the tailings storage facility.

      Globe commenced survey work on the Chataloma–Kanyika access road, and will consider including the road upgrade in a Project early works program.

      Mota-Engil commenced an electrical power options study (further to the MOU between the two companies) and have initially reported favourable economics to provide a build-own-operate hydro power supply solution to the Kanyika project.

      1.6. Malawian Parliamentary Delegation to Perth

      A delegation of Malawian Parliamentarians visited Australia in early May for discussions with a number of Australian resource companies. Globe Directors and the Project team met with the delegates in Perth on May 6th to discuss a number of the issues around Globe’s exploration projects and the more developed Kanyika Niobium Project. Topics included the ongoing discussions in relation to the Kanyika Niobium Project Development Agreement to be concluded between the Government of Malawi and Globe, potential changes to the Malawian Mines Act and the general acceptance of mining in Malawi.

      1.7. Globe/ECE Delegation to Malawi

      A joint Globe and ECE delegation visited Malawi during June. The delegation was headed by Globe’s Managing Director, Mr. Mark Sumich and ECE’s Deputy Director-General, Mr. Jianrong Xu (also a non-executive Director of Globe).

      The purpose of the trip was to introduce ECE to key Malawian Ministries, being the Ministry of Natural Resources, Energy and Environment and the Ministry of Finance, and to update those Ministries on the renewed progress in relation to the Kanyika Niobium Project, and Globe’s other projects in Malawi.
      Discussions between Globe and the Government of Malawi primarily centered around advancing the all-encompassing Development Agreement between the two parties, which will be a comprehensive document containing the rights and obligations of the two parties vis-à-vis the Kanyika Niobium Project. The initial draft of this Agreement was submitted by Globe to the Government of Malawi in November 2010.
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      Globe Metals & Mining - Uran, Niob, Tantal, Zirkon - Fakten