
    Rohstoff-Explorer: Research oder Neuvorstellung (Seite 419)

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     Ja Nein
      schrieb am 08.12.17 12:36:54
      Beitrag Nr. 25.363 ()
      "Das Graphit ist allerhöchste Qualität/weltweit Spitzenklasse und gerade für die Batterieindustrie interessant. "

      Das ist falsch.

      Das WKT Grafit ist wegen dem hohen Super Jumbo und Jumbo Anteil für die Expandable graphite
      markets (z.B. Feuerschutz Gebäude usw.) sehr gut geeignet. Und das ist auch gut so, da weniger Konkurrenz, starke Wachstumsraten und schöne Preissteigerungen.

      Für den Battteriemarkt wäre BKT aufgrund der vielen fines und der hohen purity gut geeignet, aber die hinken halt zeitlich hinterher.

      Der Batteriemarkt für Grafite wächst zwar stark, aber eben noch von einer geringen Basis. 2020 bis 2022 könnte es spannender werden. Außerdem wird wohl Syrah erstmal den Markt fluten. Bei den Expandable graphite markets ist Syrah eher schwach aufgestellt, und genau das ist der Vorteil von WKT.

      Aber das schreibe ich auch nicht das erste Mal. Möchte in Zukunft nicht mehr so ein Blödsinn lesen wie, WKT und Batteriefantasie. Das kannst Du bei BKT schreiben, aber die sollen erstmal Ihre DFS machen.
      5 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 08.12.17 12:18:26
      Beitrag Nr. 25.362 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 56.396.590 von timesystem1100 am 07.12.17 20:58:21Schlechtes Timing, hätte besser sein können. Aber natürlich immer noch nur eine MK von jetzt ca. 40 Mio.AUD komplett verwässert incl. neuen Aktien plus allen zukünftigen Optionen u.a. für Patterson usw... Müssten dann 310 Mio.Aktien sein.

      Aber jetzt 10 Mio.Cash auf'n Konto plus bevorstehende Lizenzvergabe für das Lindi-Projekt(Nur ein Bruchteil der Fläche erkundet bzw. ausgewiesen) Das Graphit ist allerhöchste Qualität/weltweit Spitzenklasse und gerade für die Batterieindustrie interessant. Das bedeutend qualitativ schlechtere Graphit von Syrah kann man nehmen wenn der Schlüssel in der Tür klemmt (sorry Popeye :laugh: ) Aber Nix gegen Syrah. Top-Projekt wenn's läuft. Das Material von Syrah ist eben für die Batterieindustrie nicht optimal. Graphit ist eben nicht gleich Graphit.

      Dazu das Lithium-Projekt in Namibia. Das ist 27km lang und 2 km breit. Manche Lithium-Player haben bis jetzt nur in der Nase gebohrt und haben schon so ne MK wie Walkabout. Da kommen in der nächsten Zeit soviel (Hoffentlich) positive Meldungen.
      Man kann aber drauf spekulieren das es nochmal bis 11 Cent runtergeht. Eine kleine Order hab ich bei 11,5 Cent. Dazu kommen bei mir die Bezugsrechte-Aktien auch noch. Also ich hab dann genug
      schrieb am 08.12.17 08:15:03
      Beitrag Nr. 25.361 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 56.354.795 von donnerpower am 04.12.17 09:17:52
      Zitat von donnerpower: Belgravia Capital

      Neues Kürzel: C.BLGV

      Guten Morgen , ab WE mir nochmal Belgravia angeschaut....vielen bekannt unter IC Potash ;)

      Nach der Neulistung seit zwei Tagen ,wird nun kräftig hinter den Kulissen spekuliert

      am Freitag 28 MIo shares umgesetzt

      Außerdem bei den Blockchain News über den Weg gelaufen

      Belgravia Capital International Inc. (CSE:BLGV) is focused on the provision of clearly value-added services to the international Cannabis industry. This includes the production of specialized organic fertilizers for Cannabis Sativa plants, and the organization and development of blockchain technology software for seed to sale tracking and quality attestation of intermediate and consumer products. The wholly owned subsidiary of Belgravia, ICP Organics, is a research and development company incorporating agronomic and health perspectives in the Cannabis space. Blockchain technology, with its ability to provide robust and immutable histories of product tracking and also low cost integrated data bases for the Cannabis industry, is an ideal value-added approach to generating profitable Cannabis production and distribution activities. Belgravia is also developing a royalty-streaming subsidiary.…" target="_blank" rel="nofollow ugc noopener">…

      Ich werde heute mal versuchen mir paar ins Depot zu legen ,

      alleine durch den Verkauf Unternehmensanteile stehen hier zukünftig 15 Mio zu Verfügung , was quasi bei der aktuellen MK eine Risikolose Wette ist

      Hier mal die konkurenz die teilweise um einiges höher bewertet sind

      ...unterschied zu Belgravia , sie müssen alle erst noch cash besorgen

      ich rechne das bald mi einer starken Newsflow

      Hier mal paar Chart von Konkurrenz Unternehmen




      Erste Tranche soll bald folgen...

      ICP Organics will invest up to Cdn$1 million into a number of facilities and companies with the intent of generating revenues and profits by the first quarter of 2018.

      Canada’s IC Potash Corp. (TSX:ICP) is creating a new research and development subsidiary called ICP Organics to focus on enhancing yields for cannabis growers and increasing the health impact and effects for consumers.

      The freshly formed company will invest up to Cdn$1 million into a number of facilities and companies with the intent of generating revenues and profits by the first quarter of 2018, IC Potash said in the statement.]

      The Toronto-based company expects ICP Organics to become a new revenue source as the potash market continues to struggle, with prices for the fertilizer ingredient trading close to a ten-year low due to a glut of global supply.

      The potash market has also suffered from increased competition following the breakup in 2013 of a Russian-Belarusian marketing cartel that previously helped limit supply.

      And while they have slightly recovered in the past eight weeks, a potential move by the Indian government to cut potash subsidies by 17% in the next financial year would hit demand from one of the world's largest importers of the fertilizer, inevitably dragging prices down.

      Diversifying towards the cannabis sector and organic fertilizers then seems like a good idea for IC Potash’s chief executive, Mehdi Azodi, who believes that healthy consumption of marijuana starts with organic growing practices.

      “With the rise of medicinal and recreational Cannabis, there has been increased consumer awareness towards the presence of pesticides and other dangerous chemicals that have been found in Cannabis sold throughout Canada and around the world,” Azodi said.

      He noted that once finalized the research and development program, ICP Organics would patent its formulations and move towards offtake agreements with select growers.

      Investors reacted positively to the news. The stock was trading up 10.53% in Toronto at 9:30 am ET, changing hands at Cdn 0.105.

      Read more at…

      Langsam sieht es für mich so aus das bei IC Potash Corp jetzt Belgravia schon lange der Wechsel und der Verkauf der ehemaligen Beteiligungen geplant worden ist.

      Ich rechne bald mit einer sehr starken Newsflow...

      ...das hohe Handelsvolumen seit der nach einer Woche erst gelisteten neuen Belgravia immer noch ungewöhnlich hoch ( gestern SK 0,1154 bei 11,4 Mio Shares )

      Veröffentlichung nur eines JV bei dem aktuellen Marktumfeld und das Teil hat in Toronto kein halt mehr...Wahnsinn wie der Sektor bei noch so kleinen News gerade reagiert...eine dreistellige MK im Q1 / 2018 wäre für mich keine Überraschung auch wenn sie fundamental nicht mal berechtigt sein sollte .

      TORONTO, Dec. 05, 2017 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- BELGRAVIA CAPITAL INTERNATIONAL INC. (CSE:BLGV) (OTCQB:BLGVF) (“Belgravia Capital”, or the “Company”) is pleased to comment on share price and trading volumes. Belgravia has previously announced expansion of business development and partnerships in the international Cannabis industry. While the Company is aggressively investigating potential specific partnership and joint venture opportunities in the cannabis industry, it is also investigating related partnership and joint ventures in blockchain technology assets, any incremental investments that may be made are currently at the negotiation stages. Once the current events become definitive and material individual investments are finalized, substantial details will be disseminated by way of public press release.

      Mehdi Azodi, President and CEO of Belgravia Capital stated, “We have previously announced the strategy of developing cannabis related businesses incorporating services in the area of permissioned and private blockchains to ensure the integrity of intra-corporate and inter-corporate cannabis industry seed to sale data and related security and safety information. Further, as previously announced on October 17, 2017, the Company received USD $2.8 million composed of a cash receipt of USD $1.4 million and a promissory note which will be converted to cash on January 8, 2018, and further, it is expected that additional funds up to USD $12.2M will be received from Cartesian Capital Group controlled Intercontinental Potash Corp (USA) from New Mexico water sales. Those anticipated revenues are in connection with the Water Royalty, as more particularly described in the Company’s press release of October 17, 2017. Capital received will be invested in the Cannabis industry space and related technology concepts, including blockchain technologies as related to provenance, attestation, security, and trading concepts.”

      (Quelle: GLOBE NEWSWIRE)

      Nachtrag :

      Auch selten wie ein CEO reagiert und seine Person in richtigen Schatten stellen möchte

      Dear ....

      Thank you for your note and reaching out directly.

      To be perfectly blunt I don’t read the bullboards often, however I had a friend message me and say here Is a funny yet bizarre post about you. Every micro cap CEO at time reads these chats and the sad part is they have a fictional mind of their own. Very few know the facts and are either promoting a stock they bought or for some reason being negative.

      I have been working and investing with IC Potash since 2013 and became the CEO in May 2016. I’ll give you a very detailed summary as I feel given your genuine note, I should elaborate and in part I’m very comfortable with my reputation on Bay St.

      Here is a summary of how I took over ICP and converted it into BLGV. There are many large institutional investors who know me and have invested millions of dollars with me including YARA International a company with over 10B USD market cap, Resource Capital the largest mining fund in the world, Don Ross the single biggest equity investor in Canada, RDI which is a mining engineering firm and many retail investors of all income levels who have all have backed and endorsed me and strongly invested in IC Potash/BLGV.

      -The company was attempting to build a Potash deposit with a $1B USD Capex, however it was unable to get financed
      -A private equity firm from NYC got involved in 2014 to help finance the company and it lead to a proxy battle in 2015 which the CEO at the time Sid Himmel was asked to resign
      -A retired older board member became the CEO in summer of 2015 and until spring of 2016 the company was going in a direction which I was not happy with, since I had raised significant capital and had been the face of the company for years on Bay st
      -May 2016 I put in more capital and raised equity with several investors to help save the asset as it was going south fast, the stock was at $0.04 and the company had approx. $180,000
      - I moved in, asked a few directors to resign and battled the large Private Equity firm, along the way there were several consultants and contractors getting paid massive salaries, I put an end to that, in fact in 2016 I didn’t get paid for the first 6 months of the year!! The board did re compensate me back in the end after I raised capital from friends and family
      -March 2017, I launched a second subsidiary to focus on Cannabis and new age investments as I recognized Mining is tough and a bad cycle
      -May 2017, the PE firm was very aggressive in financing the mining asset which resulted in me suing them to save the asset and getting some money back for it and developing a new company

      The reality is 95% of junior mining assets go no where or bankrupt, the potash asset was headed there given there was debts, undiluted ownerships and preferred shares. Behind the scenes I fired and aggressively battled a lot of people I can provide you with references with bankers, brokers, investors, lawyers and analysts who will strongly endorse me and it’s evident in the market. Now there are people who don’t like me, due to the fact that I’m aggressive, tough and very litigious if someone BS’s or is nasty to me. I helped saved ICP from not going bankrupt and raised millions to save the company.

      Belgravia Capital is focused on JV and partnerships, we will deploy cash to good projects and the market is pricing us with all the other juniors in the space. The stock was dead at $0.02 and has bounced back given the new direction.

      Quest Rare Minerals: QRM I was a director of corporate affairs from mid 2011 to Feb 2013, the funny thing is I was FIRED from QRM because I was fighting the CEO and aggressively trying to change the direction of the company. The shares went from $0.02 to $9.29USD and I helped get it listed don NYSE MKT. I was not in charge of the direction and was fired for trying to save that company. The CEO got fired and the new team got the company bankrupted this year. I was gone for many years and openly will state I was FIRED for challenging their direction.

      I’m based out of Toronto and my reputation is well known on Bay st, some love me and some don’t. I don’t sugar coat and I’m beyond assertive in addressing my opinions. If you wish to chat further, im happy to do so. If you want references I’m happy to provide them.

      Just look at my board. Two major north American politicians, the head of BHP’s Potash division and the most powerful landman in US mining history. I think I have some good people supporting me.

      Everything I wrote is public and happy to pass on any names you wish for references. Best reference of a public ceo is the share price and liquidity.

      Thank you

      Mehdi Azodi
      President & CEO
      416 779 3268
      5 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 07.12.17 23:22:04
      Beitrag Nr. 25.360 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 56.397.250 von startvestor am 07.12.17 22:01:49Ich würde gern den CEO mimen und Optionen , 10 Mio zu 0,0000001 fände ich angemessen....:D
      schrieb am 07.12.17 22:01:49
      Beitrag Nr. 25.359 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 56.396.773 von donnerpower am 07.12.17 21:16:30Lasst uns doch die "Blockchain Cobalt Lithium Group" gründen, so schnell können wir gar nicht gucken, bis wir Millionäre sind. :D
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.

      Trading Spotlight

      East Africa Metals
      0,1390EUR +11,20 %
      East Africa Metals: Widerstand gebrochen und neues Jahreshoch! mehr zur Aktie »
      schrieb am 07.12.17 21:16:30
      Beitrag Nr. 25.358 ()
      Why Blockchain Stock Listings Are Set to Explode in Canada…
      2 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 07.12.17 20:58:21
      Beitrag Nr. 25.357 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 56.374.090 von Sockenbuegler am 06.12.17 11:03:39die Kapitalerhöhung bei WKT hatte es in sich. 33 Mio Shares zu 0,101 AUD.
      Wir waren dann - vor der Erhöht. - bei 0,19 AUD, erster Kurs nach CR 0,12 AUD, geschlossen 0,14 AUD. Immer noch ein Gap offen bei 0,11 AUD.
      Im HC spekulieren Sie darauf, das nachdem die Aktien "frei "werden diese sofort auf den Markt geschüttet werden...und der Kurs sich dann um 0,10-0,11 AUD bewegen wird. So richtig begeistert war keiner...
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 07.12.17 15:45:04
      Beitrag Nr. 25.356 ()
      Canamex Gold:

      Canamex Signs Terms of Agreement with Harmonychain AS for Blockchain Ethereum Platform Smart Contract Tokens - Symbol Reservation for Gold and Silver…

      Plus 62,5% erster Tageskurs.
      schrieb am 07.12.17 12:17:42
      Beitrag Nr. 25.355 ()
      schrieb am 07.12.17 03:18:22
      Beitrag Nr. 25.354 ()
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      Rohstoff-Explorer: Research oder Neuvorstellung